Rise of Equestria

by Red Does Reviewing

First published

I grew tired of the Dark and Needless violence of the Fall of Equestria genre. This story is not about the Hopeless, the beaten, This is about the ones who stand to protect this colorful land we enjoy!

Listen up Deltas roughly three months back; relations became heated all along Equestria's border. That's roughly when the attacks started. The border towns on each side have suffered attacks the guard posts at each reported several of the bordering races were spotted well over there respective lines or directly involved in each attack. To make matters worse, an entire empire thought to be lost suddenly reappeared in the north. From there Princess Celestia Dispatched a team immediately to secure a foothold in the empire and hopefully gain an advantage.
The Team Consisted of the elements of Harmony
Dispatched under heavy guard accompanied by 01's brother captain of the royal guard and his wife Princess Cadence Princess of love Designation P3. All of these are priority One Gentlemen. But Celestia herself has ordered the recovery of 01 and P3 at any cost Delta's."

(All the X-Com Focused chapters were moved to a seperate story you can find here Rise of Equestria: Battle for Canterlot)

Element of Surprise

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Four figures stood in a dark hull there T-shaped visors offering a soft blue glow but offered no light for the gunship. Only bobbing slightly when the ship hit turbulence. A bright blue hologram flared to life in the center bathing the four commandos in its light.

"Listen up roughly three months back; relations became heated all along Equestria's border. That's roughly when the attacks started. The border towns on each side have suffered attacks the guard posts at each reported several of the bordering races were spotted well over there respective lines or directly involved in each attack. To make matters worse, an entire empire thought to be lost suddenly reappeared in the north. From there Princess Celestia Dispatched a team immediately to secure a foothold in the empire and hopefully gain an advantage.

The Team Consisted of the elements of Harmony
and 06-Kindness

Dispatched under heavy guard accompanied by 01's brother captain of the royal guard and his wife Princess Cadence Princess of love Designation P3. All of these are priority One Gentlemen. But Celestia herself has ordered the recovery of 01 and P3 at any cost Delta's."

"So what are we getting ourselves into?" a gravely synthetic voice came out of the red-stained armor.

"were flying blind both in the fact we have little intel and literally due to inclement weather playing havoc on our Nav systems."

"So that's why it's so dark in here huh." The tone was much lighter and laid back, but similar from the yellow and ash-grey one.

"Cut the chatter 62!" This voice came from the green one. His voice was serious and was just a pitch deeper than the second.

"Never thought I'd be asking for an ARC until now." the first gravelly voice joked.

"want me to call you a Null Sev?" The Orange and Forth Delta said with a touch of humor, his voice was unaltered and natural, unlike his brothers.

"Woah let's not get crazy Boss." in what little light there was Sev raised his hands in a Defensive gesture.

"We'll be making our approach on the capitol soon." The Clone advisor stated, and his hologram flicked out. Boss Moved towards the middle of the Gunships hull.
"Deltas we are new to this world and have little idea of our enemy strengths or numbers."

"Ya but this world is just as new to us." Sev said, "that just means we have the element of surprise Boss." He sounded eager as he put his fist in his other hand with a smack.
"now that's an element of Harmony I can get behind." Scorch said with a cheer.

"As can we all Scorch, If the Princesses fears are correct, we'll have plenty to surprise." Boss looked over his men in the dark gunship.
"Ready and raring boss."
The small gunship filled with light once again a stern but motherly voice came through the speaker. "I'm glad the possible harm to my beloved subjects pleases you Sev." the Deltas all snapped to attention. Sev in his red scarred armor stood the straightest "Sorry ma'am."
She let out a tired sigh and then returned to the position of power she represented.
"I only hope you are just as eager to protect as you are to kill Deltas." Her voice fell over all of them like a test. Each member of Delta squad responded as one single being, The voices differed, but the soul behind them didn't
"Yes Ma'am."
"Good" The image of the princess changed to show a crystal castle resembling a stronghold. "This is Sombra's castle if the tyrant king has returned the elements will be there.

"If there alive." Celestia's voice hitched, and Sev froze in place. But Boss stepped in.
"07 has a point, Princess. what's our worst case scenario?" Celestia mover of the sun went quiet. But when she did speak it was Pained,
"That can not, and will not happen."
On the outside, nothing changed, but inside each of there helmets, the Delta exchanged looks. Leaving 62 to make a bold move as always.
"Not to worry Princess we're the best at cracking strongholds and rescuing V.I.Ps." He stepped forward. "Plus we happen to have the seventh Element of Harmony right here, ma'am."
"Scorch that's enough." Boss barked, and 62 righted himself.

"No let him finish Delta lead." they couldn't tell if that was fury or humor building in the Princesse's voice, but Fixer broke attention to shake his head at his brother.

"We got 07 the element of surprise."
Sev slowly turned his head to Scorch.
"And when we find the elements if there's a hair out of place we'll blow the place to bits."
The Princess let out a chuckle, and the Delta's froze like statues.

"I'll hold you to that scorch. Your advisor tells me your target is coming up. May Faust be with you." The hologram faded.

"Alright Men you heard her final checks Boots on the ground in 20." Boss Barked and the Delta's split up to recheck their gear.

"Faust... ya know I've heard that said on this planet before." Scorch said as he checked the detpacks. "Is that like the force?" He asked, and Fixer looked up from his Comm's pack.
"I believe it's a religion."
"A god, for a god huh." Sev let out sounding impressed as he checked the sights of his sniper.

Two large stallions in black obsidian armor stood like statues. Not a twitch or any sign of life. Until a bird landed on the railing, both snapped to look at it with uncanny precision. One deeming it unimportant. They went back to staring off into the distance. Which they would have if two fully armored clones hadn't dropped down and slid a Vibroblade neatly into the back of their necks dropping both cleanly and silently, Boss and Fixer joined their brothers on the landing. Moving in perfect sync, they went two on each side sweeping each corner and hall each shouting clear in time as they passed empty hallways and room. Like the well-oiled machine they were, they rapidly made their way deeper into the structure. A rumble and Boss held up his fist in a hold command. Each Delta stayed still and quiet until the noise pasted and they heard talking from down the way.

As they got closer to it, they started seeing signs written in languages they couldn't read.

"40 send a scan to command this looks more important than directions to the freshers." Boss looked at Fixer who nodded and set to scan the sign. 62's attention caught on a large door.

"Permission to take a peak?" The clone pointed

"Granted keep it low the longer they don't know where here the better the odds," Boss advised and Scorch nodded. Making his way with Sev on his tail to the large crystal door.

"Whats the time on that translation?" Boss asked scanning his environment.
"Can't say the crystals in this place are wrecking my signal. But I say it's Elkish." Fixer tried to cross reference what he could guess.

Scorch pushed open the door slowly, Inside where lots of different creatures of varying sizes.
"What ya got?" Sev asked as curtly as he did everything.
"A whole room full of Uglies. Most of them are species that border Equestria. Got three griffons at least two minotaurs. Can't make out much more than that, Wait someone moved got a line of sight on a stage."
A Red and brown Griffon dragged a white unicorn with purple hair onto the stage, and the crowd cheered.
"Sev please tell me 05 isn't a white unicorn with purple hair..." He trailed off, and Sev stood over him to look as well.
"Feir'Fek!" Sev cursed.
"Boss it's a Slave trade!" Sev blaster over the Comms and Boss and Fixer ran over.
"The Elements are being sold off," Scorch added and Readied his blaster.
"Door breach maneuver now!" Boss pointed, and each Delta lined up two on each side as Scorch set the charge.
1,2 and the sequencer went off in a flash of righteous fury.

Broken Chains

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Fluttershy didn’t know why this was happening. But she knew she couldn’t do anything. She was blindfolded and chained. She was walking somewhere, and every time she stopped or didn’t keep pace the guard would push and yell. She was beyond terrified.

One by one she listened to her friends be taken. She tried to call out to figure out what was happening. But all she got was more yelling. She could hear a crowd, feel there gaze on her. She wanted to drop and cry clam up. But she didn’t want to get hit again. A booming voice made her flinch.

“The last of Celestia’s whores ripe for the taken. Small, petite, and soft in all the right places if you know what I mean.” She heard him laugh. She remembered this guard. She remembered his touch. She gently started to cry.

Pop! Like a loud firecracker went off only to be followed by a thunderous roar of a bang. The flash was bright enough to feel through her blindfold. She dropped to the floor. Her ears rung with horrible white noise, she opened her eyes to see the fold had fallen a little letting her know the carnage that was now all around her. She had been right there was a crowd. Keyword had been. What she saw was terrifying.
She saw a minotaur leap towards a cloud of white smoke. Only for flashes of blue and it fell on its back smoking from several areas. She watched a griffon run up with a sword just for a white and black hand to knock the lion bird down.

Then she saw it white and orange covered in plates of armor like a beetle. Something black was held firmly in its hands. A flash of blue and the griffon stopped moving with smoke rising from its face. Something cyan caught her eye she looked to find Rainbow on the end of a chain trying to break free of the griffon that held the other end. She had already broken the restraints on her wings but not the chain. She delivered a swift kick to the beak then tried to fly again. The chain held but a bolt of blue, and the chain broke. Now free Rainbow flew up and back down into a rocket of a kick. Faster then the Grif could react the kick connected, but it was to low. The griffon’s neck jerked and fell at an unnatural angle before falling to the ground. It didn’t get up, why didn’t it get up. Her brain was failing her as she tried to comprehend why. She tried to get up, but something smacked her back down. Sound returned all of a sudden like a crashing wave of pain. She heard a familiar scream and turned her head. But the act felt sluggish like her brain had to catch up to her actions. She saw Rarity being dragged off by a bunch of Tall ponies with tall antlers. Elk her mind filled in the blanks, More of those blue bolts. But the Elk didn’t fall the blue bounced. Then they Simply vanished taking Rarity with them.

“No” it took her a second to realize it was her voice and she was screaming now. A shadow hovered over her. She looked up to see the Griffon guard with a giant metal ball covered in spikes raised high. Her screaming stopped her throat tightened as she realized she was gonna fall down. She wasn’t going move again. She wanted to close her eyes but she couldn’t It was like time slowed as his arm started the swing that would end her. She watched the blue bolt go through the griffon’s arm. She watched as the limb went flying off. The place where the limb used to be was smoking and had an orange glow to it. The Griffon swung the stump Flacks of charred feathers and fur came off, and Fluttershy could feel the heat from it still. She watched the realization hit him. The Griffs eyes went wide his feathers puffed out he touched the glowing stump and fell back withing on the floor screaming. She was mesmerized by its spasms.

Somehow over the macabre dance, she heard a familiar southern accent curse. She swung her sluggish head. Her eye’s locked onto an orange pony struggling over the shoulder of a brown Minotaur. More of the monsters surrounded and blocked Applejack from her view. The bolts came, but their large shields caught them. Where the bolts hit burned a bright Orange. But they didn’t stop. They moved out of sight, and Applejack was gone. Her friends were gone.

She tried to move, to chase, to fly but her limbs were tangled in the chains and her wings still bound. She felt useless Everything was quiet and all that still stood in the room were those four beetles in the middle of a sea of corpses. The orange and white one pointed at her, and two of them started walking towards her. She couldn’t feel anything but the beat of her own panicked heart and the tears that flowed freely from her blue eyes. The other two ran to chase after the Minotaurs. As the two got closer, she drew in a ragged breath as a sob escaped her.

“I don’t want to die!”
The breach had gone off without a hitch. Fifty percent of hostile numbers fell in the first minute of combat. A flash of Cyan brought Boss’s attention to 05’s struggle. The Commando aimed and fired the Griffon moved causing the bolt to strike the chain instead freeing the Rainbow pegasus. A Minotaur jumped into his line of fire blocking the next trigger pull. Thankfully the giant target was a much of a challenge as to the amount of blaster bolt’s it took to bring it down, which was not much. The Min fell just in time for Delta to see 05’s killer kick.

“Nice.” 07 let out right before a Feminine scream pulled there attention to 03 being pulled away from the carnage by a herd of Elk. 40 put a bolt down range only to strike some red barrier and deflect off.

“Deflector shields! How in the blue blazes do these things have deflector shields!” Boss demanded. They advanced as a squad trying to keep track of the herd.
“Don’t know 38 maybe it’s a Barrier against magic and it just blocks energy, Sir.” 40 tried to explain using what little he’d learned on the topic. They continued advancing slowly gaining on them until they Vanished in a flash of red mist.

“Fir’fek!” Scorch cursed sweeping the area.

“Advisor get me whatever you can on those Elks.”

“Copy that 38.”

Through the flashes of his DC-17 Boss saw the griffon about to bring the crude weapon on to the yellow pegasus matching 06’s description. This Grif was also the one to announce the show. Head slaver perhaps could be useful.

“Disarm primary target Delta.” He marked him and quick as lightning Sev aimed the sniper attachment the rifle barked and the Grif’s arm went flying. Boss sighed internally

“Dammit, Sev you knew what I meant.”

“Sorry boss.” Both Commandos didn’t look away from there targets.

“Gaggle of Mins 5 o’clock” Scorch called out and the squad roaded to see the retreating bipeds.

“Looks like they got 04.” Boss spotted squeezing the trigger. Two Mins moved heavy iron shields that blocked the bolts as they moved backward.

“Dense alloys.” fixer cursed looking for any weak spots in the armor. The Minotaurs ducked into a hallway out of sight with there prize.

“Split up Delta’s 62, 07 the two here. 40 on me.” Boss barked, and the squad split up. Fixer and Boss stormed after the Minotaurs and Scorch, and Sev swept the room for any more targets before approaching the ponies.

Missed Apples

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Sev made a beeline for Rainbow who sat on the edge of the stage looking mortified at the dead griffon. Scorch climbed the stage for Fluttershy. Rainbow didn't respond to the armored commando as he approached. That was until he spoke.

"Solid strike 05." He meant it. She looked at the armored bi-ped slowly tearing her eyes from the dead griff.


"it was a good kill." She stared into that blue T in disbelief. "First kills are always special." He said those words with a hint of pride that floored her.

"What?" She repeated eye's searching his helmet for an explanation. He gave her a better one.

"Look at it like this 05. These things were auctioning you and your friends off as slaves." The words sunk in and she slowly looked back at the lump of feathers and fur with a new look of anger. "Seems like a good reason to kill something." She took a breath and looked at him

"Who the hell are."

"I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" Fluttershy screamed, and Rainbow turned to fly to her friend only for Sev to grab her by the tail.

"Hold," Sev growled, and Rainbow looked ready to kick him. But 62 pulled his hands away from the yellow pegasus.

"That good because we're your rescue team." The voice was cheerful compared to the gravel that came out of the red one. "Now hold still don't want to hurt ya when I cut these chains 06." Rainbow held her breath as the other beetle cut the iron off her friend. With a quick and steady hand, Sev grabbed the chain and cut it off her neck. She flinched. When his hand let go of her tail, she stared at him. Her eye's looked unsteady.

"Thanks, you know I didn't mean to right?" She looked at the Griffon again. The clone didn't miss a beat.

"Then make sure you do next time." It was every bit of cold and efficient as the clone who spoke them.

"Sev come on their ponies. They're not meant for this kind of stuff." Scorch urged as he looked over Fluttershy. But like a switch or a challenge maybe there was a spark in Rainbow's eye Scorch couldn't see it but Sev could.

"No. This one's a soldier." a smile spread under his helmet. He looked her at she looked thin. He reached into his ration pocket and pulled out a ration cube. Scorch had the same thought and was trying to pull Fluttershy with the tasteless cube. Rainbow eye'ed the thing in front of her.

"Probably won't taste like much but it's food... like." She raised an eyebrow

"What the hay is that suppose to mean?" she had some of her spunk back.

"It'll keep you alive, and fill your belly." Rainbow's stomach let out a growl, and she gripped the edge of the cube and took it in one quick bite. She started to grimace but realized it really didn't taste like anything. Besides a slightly chalky feel, it took the edge off her hunger. She bobbed her head slightly

"Not bad... not good, but not bad." Sev nodded in agreement. Dash noticed Fluttershy still trembling and jumped onto the stage and pulled her friend into a hug. The scared pegasus buried her face into Dash's chest and cried heavy and loud. Sev and Scorch shared a look.

"You know this reminds me of those Twileks half a year back." Scorch prompted. But before Sev could answer the Griff on the floor suddenly sprung up with a scream of pain Dash jumped away with shy as 07 and 62 put themselves between the two and the bird.

The disoriented griffon tried to walk forward but put the charred stump out and fell writhing in pain as it started to heave and convulse. There was an audible click, and a ring of blue hit the griffon. It laid still but alive. Dash stared wide-eyed as her brain tried to process what she'd just seen. Both commandos turned in sync

"Are you ok?" 62 asked and Fluttershy unburied her face to look at the now still griffon.

"Is he dead?" She asked Sev shook his head

"No the slaver scums still breathing." For a split, second disappointment flashed across the shy pegasus's face. There was a flash of movement from the far corner of the room, and both clones raised their rifles when a pony galloped out. A bolt of blue made the Commandos think the other had fired. Only to realize that flash was Rainbow she had tackled the runner to the ground and now had him pinned with a leg behind his back.

"You! Backstabbing coward!" she yelled before a wet smack as she smashed his face into the crystal floor leaving a red mark on it and what looked like a broken snout. Sev and Scorch approached a bit confused. "This Rat is the one who decided to sell my friends and me." Scorch walked up rifle raised, and Rainbow smashed his face again.

"Hold up we need him to be able to talk 05" he held up a hand earning a glare from Rainbow.

"Maybe he can tell us where the hell he sold your friends too." Scorch reasoned, and she narrowed her eyes but nodded.

"Then I get to smash him?"

"Only if he doesn't play nice." Scorch threatened, and Rainbow smiled. "Start talking now!" Dash ordered, and the unicorn looked at Scorch's helmet who just shook his head.

"Don't look at me I have orders to bring you to Celestia alive." He pointed at Dash. "She doesn't," he warned Dash had a murderous glint in her eyes

"The griffon was an accident! you won't be." She snarled applying some pressure on his neck Sev gave a thumbs up, and Dash shook her head angrily.

"you don't know what it was like under Him! Under Sombra!" he spoke with a northern accent frantically "It wasn't anything personal I swear I just wanted on his good side I didn't do any of the selling I swear!" he pleaded.

62 stepped in "Did you see who bought 01, 02, and p3?"


"The elements of magic, laughter, and Princess Cadence. Who bought them Sleazeball!" Scorch demanded. The unicorn got half way through I don't know before 07 put a pistol bolt an inch from his horn. Scorch jumped and gave his brother a "really" look before kneeling back down. "Do I need to repeat my question?" He asked with more of an edge. The colt was shaking worse now.

"NO. No, I don't know which Element is which!" the pony watched Sev begin to draw his pistol again and cried out "I don't!" 62 sounded like he was going to say something but stopped. Dash stepped in.

"Purple unicorn, pink earth pony, and a fucking Alicorn!" She leaned a bit harder on his neck, and his eyes bulged.

"Ok...OK, the purple one she... Wait! Sombra no! I wasn't gonna tell them GAH!!" he started convulsing violently under Dash. He started bashing his skull on the floor. Dash tried to stop him, but he screamed throwing his head back. The unicorn's eyes rolled back in his skull turning into cloudy crystals with a sickening crack. Dash flew off with a startled yelp. The stallions body crystalized mid blood-curdling scream. Everyone stared at the once living pony statue. Scorch turned to Sev.

"0h Seven may I have a word in private?" he asked and turned on the private coms "What the fuck just happened!" Sev jumped at the sudden volume of his brother.

"Whatever the Solar whore paid you." A deep voice that echoed all around them entered the room. "it wasn't enough." The commandos readied their blasters and swept the room for any threats. The sound of cracking bones and breaking glass made the ponies jump and hide near the clones. Everyone jumped when the dead pony stood up with purple flames for eyes. Scorch shot a blaster bolt it struck the undead in the face and reflected off the crystal. Sev tried again in the chest only for the same. Except the bolt hit 62's shields causing them to flair. Dash let out a war cry and kicked it in the neck. The crystal cracked, and the neck slumped over. Exposing the spinal cord for everyone to see. Dash felt a wave of sickness wash over her. The dark crystals reformed moving the broken bone in place with a series of gut wretching clicks and cracks. Dash started to heave.

"Get some distance and cover your ears!" Scorch commanded before Launching a grenade out of his Anti-Armor attachment. Body parts and crystal shards flew and rained everywhere. The thud of the explosion rattle Dash to her core. The noise even through her hooves made Fluttershy drop quivering. Dash opened her eyes stomach already uneasy to see part of a front leg laying in front of her. The jagged white bone was sticking out of the crystalized flesh. She felt the cold sweat go through her first. Then the Ration cube came back to haunt her.

Sev gave her his version of a sympathetic look before the scattered fragments of the corse sunk into the floor and both Delta's prepared themselves for what was about to happen. Except they weren't ready for six more of the undead crystals to spring from the floor. Fragments of torn apart skeleton and flesh were shared and sprinkled throughout there clear forms. Then all the other corpses started to sink.

"That's not good." Scorch let out.

"Ya think Nirod!" Sev scolded scanning the enemy rich environment for something he could kill at the moment. The doors behind them burst open, and they all turned to see 38 and 40.

"We heard ordinance is everything al... what in blue blazes!!" 38 brought up his rifle to fire, but Scorch stopped him.

"Won't work sir the crystal reflects blaster bolts. You blow one, and the Frag makes more!"

"Evacs looking nice about now Boss." Sev let out unnerved constantly switching targets.

"Agreed Deltas. Grab the elements and our prisoner Extract is back this way." He hooked a thumb the way he and fixer came from they all agreed and split up. Scorch grabbed Rainbow and tossed her towards Boss. Her Flight instinct took over, and she hovered uneasily.

"This way." Fixer urged her, and she flew past him into the hall. Sev went for the griff and hoisted the smallish griffon onto his back awkwardly around his pack. After three steps the Grif started to come to and began trashing unbalancing the Delta pissing him off in the process. He smacked the Griff over the head and grabbed him by the throat to make sure he was focused.

"It's come with us or." he jerked the Griffs head towards the corpses moving towards them. "Them." He let out coldly. The Griffons eyes bounced back and forth for a second before staying on Sev's visor. "Good choice now MOVE!" he shouted the griff took flight and soared down the hall Sev on his heels.

Once all of them were through the door 38, and 40 covered the rear as they retreated. Fixer stopped for a second

"62 throw me a Det." Scorch ran in place for a second Fluttershy draped over his shoulder.

"Now?" He asked concerned.

"I want to try something." 40 reasoned. 62 tossed him the requested ordinance. Fixer depressed the timer. The metal orb began a timed whine. The crystal corpses drew near. Fixer timed the fuze praying it didn't det early. Tossing it into the room, it bounced once then hit the body with the fragments of skull in the face. It went off in a white flash vaporizing most of the head. The rest crumbled
"Interesting." Fixer turned and caught up with the other Deltas. He caught up to Delta the yellow horse softy bopping as the clone ran.

"What forget to pack your own Det's?" Fixer could hear the grin through his explosion-prone brother's helmet.

"No, I just knew you packed more than regulation." Scorch focused silently on the hall as he ran telling Fixer he'd won.

The light at the end of the tunnel grew and lucky for all of them there was an angel on red wings. An LA-AT gunship its hall open with a standard trooper beckoning them onboard. Dash and the griffon jumped in followed by Sev and Boss. Scorch jumped, but the extra pony weight made him miss judge. He started to fall back Sev and Rainbow grabbed him and pulled him and Shy onboard. The griffon let out a distressed shriek. Then fell clasping his burnt stump.

"You shot my arm off!" Another pained squeak. "Who the fuck are..." He was cut off by Sev pointing his blaster and stunning him again in the most casual way possible. The ship took off, and Scorch ran to the Cockpit still carrying the pegasus.

"Pilot do we have enough ordnance to level this place?" Scorch asked, and the pilot nodded

"Sir Yes, Sir." The pilot let out grinning under his helmet.

"Do it." Scorch urged But Boss stopped them.

"Delay Demolition order pilot. 40!" Boss looked at Fixer.

"On it Sir transferring tracking signal now."
"I'm guessing Fixer got a tracker on one of our targets GAH!" Scorch jumped when a cyan face popped right up in his visor scaring the Delta.

"Um hello? Your heads are bobbing like your talking, but I can't hear anything." Rainbow asked as Scorch recovered from the start. His jump rustled Fluttershy to stir. She bolted up screaming she looked around frantically. In her panic, she grabbed Scorch's arm and dropped low tossing the fully armored commando over her back. Once Scorch was on his face she twisted his wrist in a joint lock. The rest of Delta squad stared in awe. Sev put his Blaster on his belt and started slow clapping impressed.

"Morning Shy," Dash said nonchalantly. Boss stared at the pegasus as his brain tried to sort how to react to what he'd just seen. He settled on confusion.

"How the Hell did she do that." He asked and looked at Rainbow who was sitting in the cargo netting slightly above them.

"Hey Shy how much does Harry weigh?" she asked, and Fluttershy's mind seemed to go into a sort of Autopilot.

"4,075 lbs He's gotten so big!" She cooed, and Dash looked smug.

"As impressive as that sounds how does that relate to why I'm still on the floor in a hold that would have made Da Won proud," Scorch asked, and Fluttershy eeped and released the Delta.

"He's right Scorch on the ground in pain would have made Won happy." Sev let out with a chuckle.

"Shy can toss him." Dash let out, and each Delta looked at one another without turning their helmets moving.

"Two minutes to intercept Delta squad." the pilot called out, and like Machines, the Deltas turned away and began resupplying. Fluttershy was still in a bit of a daze. Dash whistled to her, and Every Delta froze and looked at her. It was eerie they didn't move just looked at her with those Blue visors.

"Shy... you can stay up here." Once the Deltas knew she didn't have anything for them, they refocused on their task.
Fluttershy began to shake again, and Dash wrapped her wing around her.

"I don't understand whats going on Dash... Are we safe?" Shy pleaded for an answer Dash wasn't sure she could answer. The orange and white one came up, and Fluttershy tried to shrink against the smaller Rainbow. He looked at the Quivering yellow pegasus. She looked scared and thin, but the memory of her Tossing a fully armored Commando contradicted what he saw before his eyes. He shook his head, and she squeaked, and Dash glared at him.

"Those slavers didn't feed you well did they?" He tried to sound non-threatening, but Fluttershy just stared into his visor and hid in her hair. Boss reached for his helmet and pulled it off with a slight hiss. Fluttershy looked at his scarred face, and he offered a smile his skin was a pale brown his eyes were a sharp blue. "We'll handle proper introductions after we pick up another of your friends. But for right now you both are in safe hands Celestia sent us personally." he laid out two wrapped ration cubs. He turned and replaced his helmet.

"Thank you." it came out tiny, but Boss's trained ears heard her just fine. The lights in the ship went red, and the deltas lined up two on each side of the assault craft.

"HEY! whoever you guys are....Give them hell," Dash shouted, and the Deltas nodded.

"You heard the lady lets go Deltas" Boss jumped over the side and the rest of his squad followed down onto the balcony. The second boots met floor they pelted down the hall sacrificing stealth for speed towards the beacon's location. Soon enough they found the group of Mins. One of the horned bastards did a double take before pointing the commandos out. Sev put a blaster bolt through his eye socket. The Min fell revealing a tired Applejack. She jumped as the body landed in front of her. She recognized the white creatures from the hall and tried to pull away only for the Leader to yank her chain, and two Mins filled the space with bodies and shields. The Delta's opened fire, and the Minotaurs showed enough sense to retreat down the narrow hall.

Boss noticed one of the shields was worn and scarred.
"Focus on primary target Deltas." He pointed and painted the shield on his H.U.D. The blue fury of the D,C's formed a tight grouping a full clip and a room later. The part was glowing red as it started to melt. Sev switched out his blaster for the sniper attachment. Judging the Min's position, his rifle barked the shot tore through the shield then made a beautiful home in the Min behind the shield's frontal lobe. It dropped, and the remaining three had to move to cover the spot weakening the defense altogether. Whatever tactical sense the Minotaurs possessed they used to change course suddenly. Delta rushed to keep up.

Once around the corner, two Mins stopped blocking off the narrow path with there shields. The remaining Taurs and 04 were on a platform that shimmered with lights. The squad stopped, but Fixer didn't

"We're gonna lose the V.I.P sir!"Fixer urged

He fired a grapple shot into the Left Min's face. When the hairy beast recoiled with a howl, it whipped 40 into the air. Using the momentum, he landed on the Min's face. Four pistol shots right to the skull dropped it. Rolling into a sprint one Taur slow to react and the clone put a pistol bolt into its cheek. It doubles over, and Fixer jumped into the circle grabbing 04 around the barrel. Before he could run the leader of the Taurs with a crested helm caught him the pad flared with purple magic, and they all disappeared in a flash.

"Fixer!" the 40 on Boss's visor blinked out showing he was out of range. "Advisor find me 40's signal now!" Boss ordered with a hint of panic.

"Copy Delta lead 40's signal is coming from a different continent, patching through now." With a click 40's breathing came through the speakers in his helmet.

"Whats your status Delta?"

"Green for the moment Sir. Being lead through a stronghold of some sort, I have visual on the V.I.P. If these things are smart, they'll take my gear setting silent beacon now."

"Hang in there Delta were on our way," Boss said with conviction.

"If there dumb I'll be waiting with 04 on a hill next to a burning castle Sir," Fixer promised and Boss chuckled Then stiffened at the sound of rough movement and the 40 grunting till the line died.

"Fir'Fek Deltas back to the dropship now!" Boss turned and pointed Scorch looked back at the pad where 40 had disappeared.

"Were going after Fixer right?" He asked, and Sev cuffed him.

"Of course we are nurod. Right Boss?"

"Affimitive let's move now Delta." Boss barked, and they all hightailed it back to the LA-AT. Once inside Dash raised her head,

"Your back! Did you get..." She counted them. "There's only three of you." She let out sounding grim.

"What happened to the green one? Did they..." Fluttershy couldn't finish the sentence. Boss didn't answer Sev threw out a little disk that stood on four legs. Bright blue light filled the Carrier with a white standard looking trooper.

"Delta squad reporting in," Boss spoke grimly only further worrying the ponies.

"Most of you what's the status of your mission 38?" The Advisor asked

"we've recovered 05, and 06. we have the last known location of both 04 and 40...." He stopped as a thought crossed his mind. Except Scorch had the same idea and a lot less mouth control.

"Wonder if he planned that?" Boss glared at him "Shutting up Sir." He let out and fell silent.

"I don't know how the Princess will react to this news." The Advisor shook his helmet grimly.

"I understand this sort of situation seems far too barbaric for this world," Boss spoke his uncertainty. The clone leaned away, nodded once and looked back.

"Sorry Delta lead. It looks like we get to find out now. The Princess want's a full report." The Advisor had something akin to sympathy in his voice. Boss's stance and armor didn't change, but the other Deltas could feel he was beyond unhappy.

"Affirmative patch her through." He let out gruffly. The clone flicked out replaced with a blue-tinted Celestia. Dash and Shy perked up at the Solar diarchy.

"Hello Delta's please tell me your mission was a success." She had a pleading undertone.

"We were too late Ma'am by the time my squad arrived most of the elements had been auctioned off to several unknown buyers." Boss relayed the information with practiced ease. It was when Celestia's eyes unfocused, and she mouthed the word auction did a pit open up in the clones stomach. She looked at Boss, not his armor, not his helmet but the commando underneath. He felt violated as if he wasn't wearing the anything at all exposed before the slowly smoldering eyes of a being who could control the sun like he moved a limb.

"My ponies or the jewelry?" Her voice had an edge he doubted his vibroblade could match. Boss sifted his feet.

"The ponies Ma'am..." She recoiled a look of shock the pain she felt was visible as any wound. She didn't respond so 38 continued as a good soldier. "01, 2, 3 and P3 were sold before."

"STOP!!" Celestia ordered, and Boss stiffened.

"These are not numbers or things these are ponies Delta lead!" She snapped, and the rest of Delta squad slowly moved to stand with 38, but he gave them a look to stop them. Even though the hologram her eyes burned and her hair flicked like flames, "These are not assets to be recovered because they have use!" She roared, and Fluttershy flinched, and Dash rubbed her back softly but the sight of Celestia this way unnerved her as well.

"I need to know you understand that Delta squa....Why is there only three of you?" Her anger melted as she counted the three deltas over and over hoping she was mistaken. "Where is Fixer?" She asked just as concerned that she asked about the Elements it was the most emotion any of the Deltas had ever heard about a missing clone.

"Delta 40 was captured trying to rescue oh... The Element of Honesty."
"Applejack," Celestia interjected eyes narrowing, but Sev stepped in.

"Names were not on the Briefing your Highness." The words were harsh, and Boss turned to reprimand the Commando.

"Lock it down 07!" Boss Barked and Sev took a step back. The Princess sighed

"My apologies Deltas I let my emotions rule me. But!" Boss turned back to the hologram. "Do not forget the same goes for yourselves Deltas whether or not this arrangement is temporary or not. All of you are more than numbers and weapons. To me, you are Boss, Sev, Scorch, and Fixer." This sincerity caught the clones off guard all of them lifted their helmets at the unexpected comment. "I will never ask you put my ponies before your brothers. But please find them and bring them home Deltas." Her face grew harsh, and her eyes had flames "Wipe away those who have done this to my subjects." She growled, and every commando nodded in time

"Yes Ma'am!" They replied a small smile graced the rulers face.

"Good. Now, gentlemen I must talk with my intelligence division about what counts as important information." She turned, but Scorch stopped her.

"Hold on Princess! Don't you want the good news?" He held up a gauntlet in an offering motion, and Celestia looked back.

"Yes, good news would be most welcome."

"While we have no intel on the Elements of magic and Laughter and the other Princess. We have a trace on a white unicorn that matches oh,"

"The Element of Generosity." Boss stepped in,

"Thanks, Boss. Fixer got captured by Honesty's captors, and we have a trace on them we're in route now. We did rescue a Rainbow colored and a yellow colored Pegasus." Celestia's eye brightened

"The Elements of Loyalty and Kindness. Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. Are they injured?"

"Physically a little roughed up, Mentally they'll live." Sev let out with the hint of a grin. Celestia nodded

"I must go you all will be getting an updated information briefing once I am done having my talk with 25." The line went dead. Boss looked at the now sleeping pegasi cuddled close in the netting.

Four Oh and Oh Four

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Unfortunately, the Minotaurs were smart enough to remove most of 40's armor. His helmet and DCs pistol and rifle were sitting on the far side of the room well out of reach. The orange mare was collared and chained to the wall in the cell next to him. She sat staring at the chain. Fixer looked at his iron cuffs then at the bars all around the both of them.

"Keep calm Ma'am rescues coming." He tried to reassure her, but she didn't respond. "Poor thing must be in shock," he mumbled and walked as far as his chains would let him. "I know this is probably hard for a pony, but help is on the way." He tried again, and she looked at him like he just offended her.

"What in tarnation are you spouting?" Her thick southern accent was thick and blunt, as she raised an eyebrow under her golden hair.

"I'm telling you helps on the way."

"Ah got that mister!" she shook her head and turned towards him.

Ok, either shock or stupid the clone thought.

"Let's start over. Names Applejack whats yours?" She asked with a friendly smile.

"Four-Oh." He let out, and she shook her head with a smirk.

"That's not a name that's a number." She chuckled and looked at him like he was funny.

"Fixer." the clone let out with a bit of irritation.

"Well, Fixer seeing how you fought like hell to get captured alongside me. There's got be a reason and a story behind it, Start telling." She trotted to where the chain connected to the wall and turned her back to it. Fixer put his back to the bars with a disgusted sneer thinking she was going to relieve herself.

"All I can say is we were sent to rescue you and the other Elements of Harmony. You are 0h-four the Element of Honesty correct?"

"Whats with the number?" She asked before grunting and the sound iron being struck made Fixer look over. He watched her rear back and kick the iron ring attached to the wall again with a clang.

"Numbers were assigned to make communication easier." He watched her as she kicked. Wondering again if it was shock or stupidity at work here.

"Makes sense I guess. Well, Four-Oh, I believe you but I ain't one to sit on my flank." She kicked it again "And do nothing."

"You're never gonna break that with your hooves it's solid iron Oh four." Fixer reasoned when large footsteps came rushing in. A brown shaggy Minotaur with a silver nose ring threw open the door. The Min wasn't wearing any armor just a simple belt that carried what Fixer could guess was the cell keys.

"What is going on? What is noise?" He did not sound bright in the slightest. Applejack reared back for another kick and Chuckled looking at Fixer.

"You've never met an Apple before have you." then kicked the iron ring right off the wall. The bull snorted and dug for the keys.

"Stupid pony gonna get it now." He mumbled unintelligently. He opened the cell stepping in bent on punishing the pony. With a curse, Fixer popped out his Vibroblade and cut the chain that tethered him to the wall. His wrist was still bound by the solid iron binders. Each cuff had a separate lock with a simple short chain between the two. "Now what the hell are you doing?"

Applejack's chain flew out and wrapped around the silver nose ring giving it a tug that snapped the Min's attention back to her.

"I think you have bigger issues partner." She wrapped more of the chain around her front hooves standing on her back hooves to pull him further. He bellowed out and threw a fist almost as big as the orange mare. But she dropped the chain and hopped over the fist and galloped to his back legs. She reared back those powerful back legs. Legs Fixer now knew could actually break iron, Right as the Min twisted to grab her, she kicked him in the knee. The Min's knee caved in with a solid crack. The whole leg bent the wrong way, and the shaggy beast fell forward letting out pained snorts. Fixer didn't need a Med tech to tell him it was shattered.

The Minotaur's hands cradled the shattered leg, and Applejack walked towards its head. Rearing back once more, you could practically hear a gun cock as she readied herself for another kick. The bull's eyes widened his mouth opened like he was going to say something but Applejack wasn't in the mood. She kicked his snout hard enough the whole Min slide against the bars. The bulls snout crinkled as it broke sending cartilage and blood in a quick puff. The silver nose ring fell out in two pieces as the bull fell unconscious.

"Solid strike." Was about the extent of the words the clone could let out at the display he'd just witnessed.

"Thank ya kindly mister Fixer." She swiped the keys from the open door on her way out. She swung them on her tail as she strolled up to Fixers cell door.

"You ok in there idiot?" they both froze at the sound of another Minotaur coming down the hall. She hurried to open the Cell the footsteps got louder.

"Frag! leave the keys, See my pack step on the left pedal and press the red button on the cylinder that drops out and toss it quick Go!" Fixer ordered, and Aj hopped off. 40 focused on angling his hands through the bars to turn the key. With a metal clank, the door opened But when a chirping whine that was not an electro-stun grenade started his head popped up.
"Oh-four?" he asked in disbelief then the chirping doubled and he watched in horror as she chucked both Thermal Dets down the hall.
"Oh-Four what shape were those?" He asked her, and she turned to him with a scrunched up face.

"Apples." She let out knowing she messed up.

"What the fuck? why are these Apples chirp..." They heard the Minotaur start before the wall connecting the wall to the room they were in blew out with a fireball that knocked both Clone and Pony to the floor. The explosion shook the entire castle. 40 sat up looking at the black exploded wall that now offered a clear view to a grassy hill outside.

"I said cylinder!" He shouted as Aj rolled to her Hooves with a groan.

"Ya well I hit your left, and the round ones rolled out!" she shouted back shaking her head.

"Why'd you throw two?"

"Ah panicked and went for broke 40!" She shouted back. Before 40 could say any more, a wet squelch came from the ceiling as half a Minotaur torso fell from where the blast had placed it. Both Pony and Clone watched it fall. "Oh, my...Celestia have mercy I didn't mean to." The mare looked a little green as she looked away. Fixer undid his cuffs and walked towards her.

"You going to be ok?" She coughed like she swallowed something bitter.

"I think I need a moment." She swallowed bobbing her head as she took a breath. Then shook her head before angrily setting her jaw. "Nah nope, these things bought me like a sack of pars." She spat the last word. "They got what was coming to them. Whats the next step Four-Oh?" she acted like she was fine but Fixer could see that this was gonna weigh on the mare.

"Gather my gear and contact the rest of my squad. They shouldn't be that far away. Then we camp out on that hill and wait." He pointed, and Applejack followed his hand and nodded briskly.

"Those other white things that were with you?" she asked, and he nodded. "What are you anyway? Never seen anything like you before," she asked mostly to distract herself from what she'd done with her own hooves.

"Were formally clone commandos of the Grand Army of The Republic."

"Wait clones? Like your copies of something?" She asked raising an eyebrow. 40 pulled the helmet on and grabbed the pack.

"We were all cloned from the same man Jango Fett." Now fully armored again Fixer ran checks on all his systems.

"How many are you?" She asked walking around him to check out the armor.


"Wait, what?" The farm mares head shot up at the number. Then did a hop back when the suit of armor flashed white, and a blue outline covered the whole commando. She whistled nodding her head.

"Now those are some fancy duds partner." Fixer smiled under his helmet.

"Not much can stop a fully armored commando." He said with a hint of pride. A short burst of static told him command just got his signal back.

"RC-1140 come in." The Advisor called out, and Fixer put a hand the side of his helmet

"Read you loud and clear Advisor." Applejack tilted her head not hearing anything but watching his Helmet bob like he was talking. The clone watched her walk around to look at his face, and he held out a hand that said "hold on" she nodded.

"Whats your status Delta?"

"Hostiles have been eliminated, and I have zero four in tow and a clear line for extract."

"Good to hear Four-Oh. The rest of your squad is in route."

"Oh-Four handled most of it, Sir."

"The pony Delta?" the Advisor asked with apparent disbelief.

"Slight ordnance mix up. I'll file a full report later 25." Fixer shrugged.

"I'll look forward to it Delta. Patching you into the rest of Delta now."

"Good to see you still breathing Delta." the gruff but familiar voice of Boss was welcoming.

"After what I just witnessed I'm not sure I am Sir," Fixer admitted.

"What happened Fixer?" Boss sounded tense.

"I just watched a pony take down a Minotaur in CQC Sir." the line was silent for a second.

"Commando I can't afford you to lose your head," Boss warned.

"We're free, and I didn't fire a single shot, Sir. There's something the Princess isn't telling us about these ponies Sir." Fixer stole a glance at Applejack.

"Noted Commando. Anything else you want to report?" Boss asked

"Request to help Zero-Four learn her ordnance, Sir." Fixer said completely serious.

"Explain later Delta ETA 2 hours." Boss cut the line, and Fixer chuckled.

Three Out of Six

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"Come on can't this flying box go any faster?" Dash whined to the clones in the cockpit. The pilot looked at her.

"Ma'am this is a troop carrier, not a starfighter were still going slightly over Mach two..."

"Only two! Celestia, I could outfly this thing in my sleep!" Dash groaned slapping a hoof to her face. The second clone looked irritated.

"I don't think you understand what that means light bright." The second pilot was less formal and blunt. Dash puffed up

"Mach two is twice the speed it takes to break the sound barrier. I've clocked myself at Mach 10 on my worst day pal!" The clones laughed

"That doesn't seem physically possible small fry." The first pilot jabbed, and Rainbow groaned.

"That's it! let me off I can't be in this box anymore." She stormed to the bay doors. The door opened slightly with a rush of wind.

"Fine by me but it's a long way down."

"75 what are you..."

"Relax I'm just having a bit of fun with her it's not like she'll actually jump out of this thing." 75 waved his brother off.

"Pilot! why did Oh Five just leap out of an open door!" Boss yelled running to the cockpit.

"OH FRAG!" the pilot pushed the yoke to angle the noise to try and catch the pony only for tapping on the glass to startle them all. 75 looked up.

"I don't believe it..."

"What you see her!" his brother asked in a panic.

"Ya, I see her alright... I'm just having trouble believing it." 75 sounded like he was ready to eat his helmet.

"Where is she? The Princess will have our heads if she splats!"

"76, look up," Boss said putting a hand on the pilot's shoulder.

"What do you mean look up did we pass..." there flying above the canopy was Rainbow keeping perfect speed with the carrier. She had a shit eating grin the size of the moon as she waved at the pilots. Boss laughed in disbelief.

"Looks like Oh Five wanted to stretch her wings a bit. Open the bay a bit pilots." He walked back to the doors and motioned Dash closer. She angled herself over still grinning. He held out an earpiece and mimed to his helmet. Dash nodded and put it in her ear.

"You scared the blazes out of us." Boss's voice came through the piece, and he got cackling from the cyan pegasus.

"Sorry, your boys were going a bit to slow for my tastes, Sir," Rainbow spoke with her usual bravado a far hill from where they'd first met her scared in chains.

"Get your stretch and come in, We just rescued you I'm not hunting you down all over again Oh-Five." Rainbow raised an eyebrow

"Names Rainbow Dash and I'm the fasted thing in the sky." She crossed her hooves smugly still keeping pace.

"Delta lead Three-Eight." He pointed at himself "We all have numbers on the comms makes radio traffic easier." Dash brightened in understanding

"Ok, I got you Three-Eight, Sir." She saluted, and Boss raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, Light bright! so I'll admit your pretty fast." 76 called out, and a Daredevil grin spread across Dash's face.

"You want fast I'll show you fast!" She angled herself and speed ahead of the carrier with a Rainbow trail. Past the cockpit and up higher in the sky. She circled around the ship both pilots craned there necks trying to follow her. She flew a straight line down the bow of the ship picking up even more speed. 75 pushed the carrier back to top speed trying to catch up. They heard a thunderous crack like the sound barrier being broke, but instead of a white cloud of pressurized air, the sky split open a rainbow ring pushed all the clouds in the area away leaving just a trail of rainbows telling Dash was on her way back.

"DID THAT PONY! just go light speed?" 75 asked putting his hands on his head.

"It's not... I don't believe it!" 76 tried to comprehend what just happened.

"What did you just see." 75 pointed to the evidence right in front of them.

"But!" He tried to argue, but his brother pointed more forcefully at the sonic rainbow.

"What did you just see!" 75 urged 76 just shook his head.

"This world is fucking crazy." 76 admitted and 75 laughed.

"I love it." 75 cheered as the rainbow trial came careening back towards them. The pilot grabbed the control to try and move out of the way but too late. Only for Rainbow to make a ninety-degree turn mere seconds before the collision and stop near the bay doors to casually land and re-enter the aircraft.

"That felt good." she slicked back her hair to reset it to her usual messy look.

"Woo hoo! you rock." The quiet voice of Fluttershy cheered in her barely audible way, and Rainbow laughed at the inside joke they shared.

"Boss if she can do that and the yellow one can flip bears. how the hell did these ponies get captured?" Scorch asked over the comms as he looked over his gear. Boss-eyed the ponies wondering the same thing. Four-Oh's statement ran through his head something didn't add up.

"The bastard drugged our cider." Rainbow's voice filled the coms and Boss, and the rest of Delta looked at her.

"Ah forgot you were on the Com Oh-Five." Scorch trailed off.

"So this is how you talk without talking pretty neat." She changed the subject. "So He's Three-Eight, I'm Oh-Five whats your numbers?" She asked

"Six-Two, Scorch."

"Oh-Seven, Sev."

"Seventy-Six, Dece." The first pilot called

"Seventy-Five, Pycho." The Second pilot exclaimed with more energy.

"Pycho's a pretty hardcore name," Rainbow commented, and the clone laughed.

"Earned it when I flew one of these ninety degrees up the side of a Separatist ship." He chuckled, and his brother groaned.

"Don't remind me you had every clone on there ready to hurl from that stunt." She could hear the shutter in Dece's voice.

"Not sure I fully understand but sounds awesome." Dash complemented but a word caught in her mind.

"Wait, Clone?" She asked looked at them, and Boss removed his helmet and Scorch, and Sev followed, and Dash studied each of them

"Are you all suppose to look like each other?" she asked nervously seeing the same face on different people unnerved her.

"Dash! don't be rude." Fluttershy lightly scolded not fully understand what she missed only hearing what Rainbow had spoken out loud.

"Were clones Ma'am. Each and every one of us. Some just slightly more handsome than others." Scorch shrugged with a smile, and Sev rolled his eyes with a sneer.

"Our friend cloned herself once." Fluttershy offered, and every clone looked at her with the same raised eyebrow.

"How in Blue blazes did a pony manage that?" Boss asked, and Fluttershy idly rubbed her front hooves together.

"Well, she found this magic pool called the mirror pool. It lets you make copies of yourself."

"Ya, but she went WAY overboard. Making hundreds of herself, they totally destroyed the town. The creepiest part was they just kept shouting FUN over and over mindlessly." Rainbow interjected with a shutter. A smile spread across Scorch's face seeing her discomfort.

"I don't know Oh-Five I do like fun." Rainbow cringed, and Sev met his pod brother's eyes with his own grin.

"Fun? Fun is good." He let out, and Rainbow went into a full on war flashback of the incident. She could hear it all around her. A squirming hopping sea of pink and noise.

"Oh-Five?" Scorch asked watching the ponies eyes glaze over. "Um, Oh-Five?" He crouched to look at her.

"I think you broke Oh-Five nir'rod." Sev said crossing his arms waiting for her to snap out of it. Scorch snapped his fingers a couple times, and she snapped out of it shaking her head.

"You ok Rainbow?" He checked her over as she nodded

"I'm cool, I'm cool." She brushed her hair back with a hoof. "So how far till we reach Applejack?" She asked to once again change topics.

"Thirty-Mins Oh-Five." 75 said "Then we can see how much FUN Oh-Four and Four-Oh are having" Rainbow groaned, and the pilot laughed.

On the grassy hill outside of the castle, they were kept. The green commando and the Orange mare were talking around a small Campfire sitting on logs they'd found. As the sun set off in the distance.

"So you're telling me you and all your kin were made to fight some war for a place you've never seen or had anything to do with until they needed grunts." Applejack waved a hoof in disbelief. Fixer nodded, and she shook her head. "It ain't right, but I think I can relate."

"Oh?" the clone asked intrigued,

"Ya see I belong to one of the biggest families in Equestria. The Apple family span all four corners of most of this earth. But somedays when things are tough on the farm I wonder if I was born just to work on the farm. Same as you I just never knew any other way to live. Well until this whole element of harmony business then my simple life became one mission after another." Applejack put a hoof under her chin. Fixer grew hyper-focused on this pony again.

"What kind of..." He was cut off by Boss's voice over his Coms

"Were coming in. The L.Z clear delta?"

"Crystal Sir no enemy contacts since the escape." A sudden yell made him jump up with his rifle.

"Applejack!" With a flash of Rainbow and blue Something collided with Applejack hard enough to bowl the mare over. Fixer almost shot Rainbow Dash until he recognized her holding the farm mare in a hug. He lowered it and let out a breath shaking his head.

"Fir'Fek Oh-five." 40 cursed but neither mare heard him as they hugged. After a moment Rainbow stood up over the farm mare then seemed to consider something.

"Dash?" AJ asked raising an eyebrow over misty eyes

"Nope not done yet." She collapsed back onto her resuming the hug. AJ chuckled warmly.

"I'm glad to see you two Rbd."

Fixer watched the LA-AT descend the belly doors were open and Boss stoop holding the hand strap.

"You enjoy your vacation Delta?" Boss asked, but the other two wanted to take it a step further.

"See any cool sights?" 62 asked

"Kill any Mins?" 07 added. And 40 chuckled.

"Watched Oh-Four take down a Full sized Minotaur in two kicks." He could feel there stares through the visors and the distance.

"Boss are you sure there wasn't a leak in his tube?" Scorch asked but Boss ignored him. He extended his arm to 40 who grabbed it by the wrist

"Good to have you back."

X-Com Joins The Fight

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Back in Canterlot 75 and 76 chat idly waiting for debriefing. Beside them standing off to the side is Delta advisor.

"So I say hey at least we're keeping the scrap merchants busy." 75 tells the joke like he hasn't said it millions of time and 76 chuckles and shakes his head. The metal doors open and out steps a middle-aged man in a green long sleeve shirt. He looks rough with his unshaven five o' clock shadow and a grim face as he approaches. Behind him, Celestia trots into view, and the clones snapped to attention.

"Welcome aboard the Avenger Princess." Central Officer Bradford nodded respectfully.

"Thank you, Central." She shifted to the clones lined up in front of her.

"At ease gentlemen. Take your helmets off." The clones looked at each other. Then followed the order. Celestia stared into the same eyes the same face. "Name then numbers please I'd like to formally meet each of you. I am Princess Celestia alicorn of the sun and Co-ruler of Equestria."

"Dece, CT-7576 Ma'am." He stepped forward saluted then stepped back.

"Pycho Ma'am best clone flyer we got. Designation CT-7575." He had a proud smile. Celestia liked him already. Finally, Delta squad's advisor stepped forward.

"CC-01125 Ma'am" Celestia took note he wore armor similar to the Deltas, yet his helmet matched the other troopers.

"Do you not share a name like, your brothers?" She asked sounding confused.

"Advisor or 25 Ma'am." He let out sternly, and Celestia narrowed her eyes.

"I'd like to apologize on behalf of my intelligence department. It would seem, only half the info meant for your briefing made it through. From this point forward till all the Elements of Harmony have been gathered I will personally be overseeing Delta squad."
25 looked shocked

"With all due respect!"

"The lack of insight and knowledge has lead to mistakes. While the lack of such things is not your fault. I will see; personally, they are not repeated." She looked him in the eyes the clone balled his fist, but Celestia's gaze did not waver. "Understand this is not a reprimand or a demotion, your hands will not be Idle Twenty-Five. I'm transferring you to our intelligence department. With you in charge, I'm sure such mistakes between our magic and your technology will not be repeated a better understanding of both will benefit us all." The clone stiffened. His face remaining neutral, but the other two could tell he was not happy in the slightest. Celestia turned and walked back down the line stopping in front of 75 and 76.

"Though I do have one question your numbers so close together are you older then Pycho Dece?" She asked with genuine curiosity. The biggest shit eating grin formed on Pycho's face he slung an arm over his brother's shoulders who looked ready to sink into the floor at the other clones actions.

"Yep, this is my one number older brother. He's a bit of a stick in the mud." He joked

"And you're reckless!" Dece called back then looked at Celestia apologetically. " Er...Sorry Ma'am, We're the same age we were cloned in batches. Seventy-Five and I are from the same batch." He tried to regain his composure as Pycho kept his grin.

"Fascinating I'm happy to have all of you enjoy some rest Dismissed." Celestia nodded, and the Clones snapped to attention and saluted her. She turned and trotted out of the room. Leaving Central Officer Bradford and the clones.

The clones replaced their helmets. 25 looked calm, but the other two knew he was upset. He went to leave, but Dece put a hand on his shoulder.

"You good advisor?" 25 grunted and shrugged his hand off to walk away.

"Leave him 76. If Mr. Superiour genetics wants to mope cause he got in trouble let him." 75 crossed his arms Dece took a last look at 25 as he walked away.

"Just hope he doesn't take it out on a local. We all owe the princesses." He said it loud enough for 25 to hear but he kept walking. The clone advisor passed Bradford who was leaning on a steel beam. 25 stopped and looked him over visible,

"You're not Republic or pony. whats your story?"

"Central Officer Bradford. You and I have the same job, more or less. I'm in charge of advising all X-Com operatives in the field."

"She demote you to?" 25 asked dryly, and Bradford shook his head.

"Don't take it personally if I've learned anything the past month. The Princess takes any loss personally. your Commando's salvaged a botched mission from the start expertly." Bradford assured the clone. But 25 didn't look moved by his words.

"What's so special about these six anyway?" He asked letting some of his frustration seep into his words. Bradford put a hand on his chin.

"To the Princess, their her subjects she put in danger. To the war, probably the only sure fire way to end all of this." Bradford let out solemnly. Before 25 could ask anything else, Bradford cut him off.

"But that's enough giving out privy information let me show you, your new department advisor." The man walked, and 25 followed. They walked in comfortable silence as they approached a room like an airlock past that the Ivory castle pillars and marble floor. It was a jarring contrast.

"So this is the Princesse's castle... It's shiny." The clone commented looking around. It reminded him of pictures he'd seen of the Naboo Palace.

"Thanks we do our best." A warm voice off to his right commented, and he looked to find a brown mare in a maid's uniform. She had a broom and a dustpan in her leaf-green magic. "This old castle is so full of life since the conflict started."there was a happy tone to her words that had 25 raising an eyebrow and cocking his helmet slightly.

"You sound glad?" He asked confused his words slow.

"Oh, of course, I'm glad usually this castle is dull, lifeless but with all the Bi-peds and their equipment it's giving us quite the workout." She beamed swaying as she swept.

"I hope my people aren't giving you too many problems Ma'am," Bradford asked sternly clearly expecting some and was already planning out display.

"No your soldiers have been well behaved Princess Luna has seen to that." The older mare said with a glint of Mischief. Bradford smirked shaking his head. But 25 couldn't shake his questions out of his head.

"You're excited about war thou you're a pony?" He asked pointing a finger. The mare's face hardened, but she turned with a smirk.

"The griffons have their crude firearms, the Elk their cruel tribes and Sadistic magic, And the mighty Minotaur have the most durable armor and metals. But each foe, time and time again forget what we ponies have." As she spoke a hint of a Scottish accent crept into her words giving them more weight.

"Harmony and the very Sun and Moon themselves are on our side." The Conviction this cleaning pony spoke reminded him of Yoda before the Empire.

"You looked at me and saw an old pony just cleaning the floor." She smiled and tossed him a rag 25 caught it on reflex.

"Save it for the Rookies Dusty. We got a schedule to keep." Bradford stepped in right as the Unicorns horn lit up again.

"Aw Ah saw a spot the Pegasus missed." She chuckled, but 25 jumped back, hand reaching for his blaster.

"Easy Trooper!" Bradford shouted the Clone looked at him

"What was you about to do?" He demanded, and Dusty looked offended.

"Probably gonna lift you in her magic to a spot on the wall that doesn't exist as a way to show off," Bradford explained, and 25 pulled his hand away from his blaster.

"Maybe some time with the locals would do you some good." Bradford could feel the glare through the T-shaped visor. "See you around Dusty Barrel." He walked away, and the clone offered the unicorn one last look before following.

It was a short trip just two halls over. Bradford pushed open the large wooden door, and 25 looked over his shoulder. Ponies and Humans all wearing similar padded armor matching the kind Bradford wore, were running around rewiring and moving paper, Parchment, and Data pads all over the room. In the middle stood the Princess of the Night with a headset on looking at a human girl in X-com Gear on a screen.

"Guard post seventeen is up and running Den Mother." She reported happily, and Bradford scooped up a headset

"I thought I told all operatives to reframe from calling the Princess that! She'll take it literally, and I'll never have order, in this place ever again." 25 could tell he was only half joking. "Besides Princess Lu-"

"Ehem Central." The Princess urged with a devious smile Bradford sighed

"Den Mother..." Bradford sighed, and the op on the screen let out a woo pumping her arms in the air.

"Operation Den Mother is a GO!!" She cheered, and several others cheered around the room cementing this as a running joke. The screen next to the operative flared to life showing a Koren looking black haired girl with a smug smile.

"I heard operation Den Mother is a go."

"Dammit Shen not you too." He groaned the girl only smiling harder.

"Sorry Central Luna's been a huge help so far." She admitted sheepishly.

"I'd have to agree. Thanks to the pony and there Princesses we have made considerable discovers to not only our limited Psionic knowledge. But of the benefits of this worlds magic as well." An African man in a lab coat came in through a side door handing Luna a Datapad. "The Information you requested Den Mother." He had a smirk and a quick glance at Central.

"You all seem pretty relaxed." 25 stated, and Shen looked at him.

"Ya, why don't you take off the helmet." She narrowed her eyes hostility.

"Lily," Bradford warned

"I'm a clone there's not much to look-" 25 started

"Ya! a clone of what?" Shen interrupted

"Shen back off he's not Advent," Bradford spoke sternly, and the Shen's screen went dark.

Bradford shook his head

"I'll talk to her Princess, Tygan fill, 25 in." Bradford walked off, and Tygan approached the clone with an outstretched hand.

"I apologize for my colleague. I'd like to say her fears are irrational, but our planet before X-com's victory was conquered and ruled by an alien force that used cloned soldiers to enforce their rule." Tygan explained and 25 was left speechless but understanding the girl's hostility a little more.

"Though if I may ask you to remove your helmet, i assure you it is purely out of curiosity," Tygan asked, and 25 Removed the helmet to reveal the standard issue buzz cut and brown skin. He felt uncomfortable and exposed, but for the sake of putting others at ease, he did so.

"I can safely assume you are far better than anything the Elders ever created Twenty-Five. I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable." Tygan offered a smile, and 25 nodded replacing the helmet.

"A little discomfort to put everyone at ease... seems fair to me but I don't know what you expected under the helmet." 25 let out feeling better under the helmet. Tygan lit up

"Well you see the standard Advent trooper have large-" Luna raised a hoof.

"Compare enemies of the past later for now let us focus. Welcome, Twenty-Five I am Princess Luna ruler of the night and Welcome to my Part of this war."

History Lesson

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Elsewhere Celestia walked in front of a repurposed lecture hall where the four unarmored Commando's of Delta squad sat front and center.

"Why do I feel like I'm back on Kameno in basic." Scorch joked leaning back Sev didn't miss a beat

"Maybe you'll actually pay attention this time." They both shared a laugh. When Celestia was ready, she addressed them all by name looking at each as she did to reaffirm she saw them as more than numbers. They sat up, and she had their full attention.

"It is my pleasure to meet each of you in person, and I must thank you for rescuing what Elements you could. My best scryers are locating Zero-Three, Rarity the Element of Generosity as we speak. In the meantime, I have gathered you here to fill some rather large holes in the intel you were provided."

"Hole?" Fixer asked.

Celestia nodded "Yes unfortunately only the base description of the ponies and what element they represented were given. A communication spell was interrupted just delivering little more than half the information. Information on what species to expect, Their Tactics, Ability and how best to deal with each. The only enemy not given a full detail was Sombra himself for we were unsure if he had indeed risen again. Now there is no doubt he has."

Fixer eyes widened "That kind of Intel would have made the mission a breeze."

Celestia nodded "Yes as I told your former Advisor." Each Delta leaned forward the air grew tense if Celestia noticed her acting was impeccable.

Celestia continued "Due to this lack of intel mistakes were made, Mistakes I take personal responsibility for. So to ensure similar errors are not repeated, I have taken over as Delta advisor." Scorch and Sev looked ready to leave their seats, but Boss put out a hand.

"What of 25?" Boss asked leary.

"He has been reassigned to head of Intel and communication to ensure future mistakes are not permitted and left unchecked." She put her unwavering gaze over each of them as if seeing who would speak out. But softened "I assure you I have done nothing but put Twenty-Five in a bad mood."

"With all due respect Ma'am-" Boss started, but Celestia stopped him.

"I'd pay attention Delta Lead their may or may not be a test." She turned to the board, and four data pads were floated to each of their desks in her golden magic. Boss closed his mouth and leaned forward knitting his hands together in front of his face. After a moment she stepped aside to reveal a simple drawing of a Minotaur.

"Tell me Deltas what have you learned fighting these creatures?"

"Heavily armored" Boss let out simply.

"Dense Alloy, Like to group up," Sev added.

"Surprisingly climbable." Scorch let out with a pointed finger, Fixer rolled his eyes.

"Seem to prefer bladed heavy weapons." Fixer finished. Celestia spoke up on this one.

"Particularly axes. This gives us an Idea of which clan of Minotaur and general location they hail from." Her magic drew out a symbol the Deltas recognized the style. "The weapon choice and high-plain design put these Minotaurs in the northern forest area of their kingdom. Their main craft being lumber but the Iron Shields bear the mark of their more Mid-Plain brothers who specialize in Ironwork."

A Freeze Image of the shields showing a bullhead snorting flames

Celestia continued "Clan relations are a constantly shifting battle, so it's tough to say if these shields were bought during a truce or the two clans have banded together."

"Which makes intel gathering a nightmare by the time you get something solid it may have already changed." Fixer studied the design.

"Precisely Fixer. But we can confirm most if not all the Timber Bulls have acted against us by where 40 and Applejack were taken if it was a planned jump and not just a random location. This Brings us to Tactics. Your Blasters are very adept tools, and I will not Insult you by explaining the takedown of armored targets." She cracked a smile. Scorch and Sev chuckled.

"Most Minotaurs have a subpar range of vision and tend to be nearsighted or more motion oriented. One of your flash grenades up close will prove effective. This would have stalled or even prevented the capture of Four-Oh and Oh-Four..." She stopped and turned to Fixer who was already groaning internally. "I must ask Fixer did you actually plan that?"

"Not exactly Ma'am" Fixer admitted, and Celestia nodded in understanding.

"Fair enough none the less I found it clever." She offered, and Sev looked up from his pad

"Any weak spots we should aim for?" Celestia thought for a moment.

"Same with most creatures the head. if you want to avoid a prolonged fistfight."

"And if we have to get into a prolonged fistfight?" Scorch asked with only a hint of humor.

"The obvious answer would be to lead it into an area where your squad has a clear shot but if one had to fight hand to hand. Find a way to it's back and put your blade into its spine. Most blades would only stun or paralyze, but your Vibroblades should have enough power to outright kill." She explained and Sev looked satisfied.

"Has Equestria had a conflict with the Mins before?" Boss asked, and the memories flowed into Celestia's mind.

"Mostly before Equestria was properly founded. The three tribes of ponies had run-ins on the border. It wasn't until Luna's banishment did I have my first combat with the clans." She tried to stop the rush of memories, but they came in a rush that made her wings rustle.

"A young and brash Mid-Plainer had gathered a siege force and tried to take my kingdom from me."

"Did you use your impeccable diplomatic charm?" Scorch asked

With a smile clearly expecting such simple answers. Celestia fell into a simple mask of a smile one used for diplomats. One that felt cold to the clones. She remembered at the time she had been anything but calm and collected. The memory of the young would-be conquerer laid before at her hooves Her blade in its neck as the rest burned before her. The smell of burning fur and meat brushed her nose as ash rained throughout the courtyard in her memory. Then she remembered when the element of kindness ripped it'self from her for her actions. Like her soul had been torn asunder. She sighed, and the screen in her mind faded, and the classroom returned to her.

"No, But I sent what remained back to their clan." She lamented, and Scorch's eyebrows went raised and Sev let out an impressed whistle.

"So the royal guard took care of several Minotaurs?" Fixer asked equally impressed. Celestia considered letting them believe that. But it had been hundreds of years since that day no living pony remembered it. The Deltas were highly efficient killers, and for the moment they were her killers.

"No they had threatened my rule, and my ponies directly I faced them equally so. I was still a young and not the most emotionally stable after Luna's banishment." All the Delta's perked up as they began to understand what she meant.

"So by yourself, you took on a band of Minotaurs?" Boss asked setting the field in his mind.

"I had meant to show Mercy. They were bullies nothing more thinking because they were big they had power over the small."

"What happened?" Scorch asked trying to fit this into the image he had of the Pony Princess.

"They were children. Relatively young as I was I had still spent nearly a Thousand years honing my skill with a blade. But in my rush to be done with them I made a mistake. As you may guess Minotaurs are incredibly prideful. Once I shattered the leader's weapon. In hopes to demoralize them but in fact I had merely made it personal. So he made a personal attack in kind..." Celestia closed her eyes and shook her head some of her composure was lost. "They should have been words, Harmless insults thrown by a weak enemy with nothing left. He told me I had not simply banished my sister but killed her to keep the limelight on myself. My sister was a cord I held close to my heart. One that had slowly unraveled. His comment had broken that cord, and I snapped." Celestia's face grew stone cold, and the classroom felt colder. Each commando felt it.

"After I ran my blade through their leader. The rest lost the will to fight. They begged, and they pleaded, it would haunt my dreams for some time, but their cries died with them that day." Celestia's cold emotionless mask gave the story a grim air.

"Must have been a hell of a sight, Ma'am," Boss commented, and Celestia flinched.

"Maybe 38 but at the moment I was cruel and bloodthirsty and the opposite of everything up till that moment I stood for. It cost me so much more than my morals that day." She turned her back to the Deltas and went back to the board erasing the drawing of the Minotaur before continuing.

"Now Griffons this would not be the first time we have had conflict. Some escalating to near wars. But those were much stabler times and yes this time it was my impeccable diplomatic charm that saved us Six-Two." She cast a smile over her shoulder at the clone.

"Wonder how our war would have gone if you had been chancellor." Sev let out, and Celestia paused.

"From the little, I know about your war from the prosecutor's records, You all might not be here." She let out bluntly "But different worlds and different politics to say thing would have gone differently is grossly egotistical." Celestia spoke sternly.

Sev merely raised an eyebrow. "Unless you secretly an evil space wizard who set the whole war up to benefit yourself..." Sev stared Celestia dead in the eyes. She met those cold eyes unwavering, and he smiled. "Then I can safely say things would have gone drastically different."

Celestia looked down considering his words and nodded her head in agreement "That is a fair point, Like the Minotaurs, I want to believe only a small portion of the griffon kingdom is taking part of this conflict but the prisoner you brought does little to quell those fears. I recognize him as one of the kings royal guard."

"I'm assuming you want more intel before sending us in to deal with this. Or did this become a mission briefing Ma'am?" Boss Leaned forward-looking intrigued. Celestia merely cast him an amused look.

"I appriecate the ethuzasim but political assassaination has no place in Equestrian politics Delta."

"Aww just when things were looking interesting." Sev let out dryly folding his arms.

That's when a guard opened the door and approached Celestia with a bow.

"yes, Captain?" She regarded him kindly.

"The griffon is awake, and his wounds have been tended." He reported curtly, and a smile spread across Celestia's face. She put down the chalk and turned back to the Deltas.

"My apologize gentlemen, but I must cut this lesson short. Study the datapads the rest of the information is there Dismissed." She then followed the guard out.

Scorch let out a "Huh I wonder what pony interrogation looks like."

"Probably cute the info right out of em." Sev chuckled Boss was leaned forward on his elbows.

"Deltas I think everything the Princess has revealed to us, And what we've encountered with the Elements of Harmony so far should show us the Princess is not to be underestimated." The rest of Delta nodded as the carefully constructed image of the kind Princess was shifted ever so slightly.

Hostile Negotiations (part 1)

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Back in the X-Com barracks, each Delta set to study the data pads. Fixer idly studied while toying with the radio scanner in his pack. He moved through each frequency looking for foreign radio traffic. He was reading over the Elk section and what he was finding disturbed him. Up until this point he'd only seen or heard about Unicorn magic which was relatively tame and safe. But these Elk were cruel needlessly so. Their magic was gained through blood and suffering. No honor or glory from what he could tell just killing for fuel to kill more. These Elk reminded him of what little the commando knew about the sith and dark side. His pack started to emit a low garbled rumble, and he felt his heart jump. Fearing he'd stumbled upon an Imperial line. He checked the code and Frequency, but this new signal didn't match any he was familiar with. He started to Fidel and adjust the signal and strength to see if he could coax out just a bit more.

When a tap on the wall made him look up to see Applejack standing in the doorway.

"Sorry to interrupt partner but I managed to snap a bit of a thank you present." She turned to the side to show her saddlebag was filled with bottles with amber colored liquid. 40 raised his hand to decline about to say something about still being on stand-by needing to be ready in case the next element was located. But she was way ahead of him.

"Ain't nothing hard don't worry just something to wet the whistle is all. Seeing how you came to rescue me and everything." Fixer couldn't keep the smirk off his face as she looked back at the pack.

"If I remember you did all the work I just supplied the ordinance Oh-Four."

"Ya and that's why I bought a couple for myself as well Four-Oh." She stepped into the room and gently set the bags down and sat next to the clone. Digging out a set of bottles they popped the tops pouring her's into a hoof friendly mug, and they cheered. Taking a drink Fixer was blown away by how good such a simple drink tasted.

"That is an Impressive drink Oh-Four." He commented, and she nodded pridefully.

"Yep though speaking of impressive your looking pretty hard at your backpack," She pointed with her free hoof as she took another drink.

"My pack has a Radio receiver and transmitter, It's habit of mine to scan for enemy radio signals. So imagine my surprise when I find a stray signal that's neither Equestrian or X-com. Doesn't match any galactic frequency I know either I'm hoping to refind it." He adjusted the scanner half a degree and the static burst back through his speakers. Applejack cringed

"Found it again."

In the static Aj started to hear voices. Something the Clone clearly couldn't "Ah Fixer." She asked spooked, and he looked at her noticing the discomfort.

"You hear something?" He asked she nodded looking unnerved.

"It's like there are voices in the static, but I can't understand a lick of it. It's mighty creepy partner mind switching the channel."

"Your hearing must be better than mine."

"Ya well, what I am hearing is damn unsettling!" She urged, and Fixer copied a sample and cut the feed.

"Sending a copy to command maybe they can make heads or tales of it. What did you hear?"

"Tons of static but like between the static I hear voices they spoke something I couldn't fully understand. It kinda hurt to focus on them somehow." She took a long swig from her mug.

"Could be background radiation but I'll send Command a warning."

"Ya, you do that... So any luck finding the rest of the girls?" She asked ready to not think about this anymore.

"Not yet due to how the trade was made we don't have any clue unless we find the Element that was sold before Oh-Five." Applejack nodded grimly. "But Celestia has her best team on the job." this was reassuring.

The screen on the wall flared to life with Celestia's stern face.

"Delta load up! Met me in the throne room in ten." the screen died, and immediately Fixers wrist comm lit up. "Fixer is Applejack still with you?"

"Affirmative Ma'am" Fixer nodded once.

"Good I need her in the communication room a guard will escort her. The line died, and Fixer looked at the farm mare.

"Looks like they're playing your song Fixer. Better get dancing I'll be seeing you, partner." She tipped her hat and Fixer replaced his helmet and nodded back.

All four Deltas came out at the same time. 62 was moving something around his blaster, and it caught 40's eye.

"Six-Two is that your blaster's amplification cone?"

"I was caught scrubbing it. It always gives me just a bit of trouble." With a grunt, the piece fell into place and his rifle powered up. "Gotcha you little sucker. Powered and ready." Boss looked at him.

"Might want to have engineering take a look don't want any misfires." 38 warned and Scorch nodded.

As they got closer, they could hear both Princesses arguing.

"Sister, what are you planning?" Luna sounded concerned

"I plan to deal with this personally," Celestia responded but her voice a sword with a fine edge that cut through the hall the Delta's worried who she would turn in on.

"Sister please what of your vow?"

"I am simply following your advice Luna!"

"This is not what I meant by direct action, Tia!" Luna sounded more distressed as the conversation went on. Unfortunately, Delta squad ran out of the hall before they came to the double doors. Taking a collective breath, they advanced...

Both sisters turned to Delta squad as they pushed through the doors.

"I need to know where the battle lines are to be drawn, Sister. The return of Sombra is too much to be a mere chance. I need a clear answer and now!" She approached Delta who stood neatly at attention. Luna looked at her sister and shook her head before stalking off.

"Good evening Deltas. you are going to be accompanying me to the Griffon Kingdom." As if on cue two guards walked the one-armed Grif into the room. When he saw Delta again, he started to panic

"I knew it! I fuckin knew it your gonna kill me. Have your gank squad do it to keep your squeaky white and gold shoes clean!"

Sev looked at Boss then to Celestia as if asking permission.

"Guards leave us." The Princess ordered, and they left giving the Grif a shove. His eyes nearly bulged out of his sockets being left alone with all five of them.

He began to stammer in his panic "You, you can't do this! I'm part of the royal guard. If the King learns of this he'll-" Whatever statement he was trying to get out was interrupted by a gold shine around his neck and windpipe. Then he was flying towards Celestia at high speed against his will. The griffon small for his kind but still bigger then most ponies was dwarfed by the solar Princess. Who wore the same face as if she was having tea.

"I'm much more interested to see King Sky's reaction when I present him your rather long list of crimes against Equestria." She narrowed her eyes. Then tapped a hoof to her chin like she was considering a choice in cake. "Now that I think about it that sounds like a good show. Delta on me!" The squad split two on each side of the Princess and prisoner. "Be ready but do not shoot unless order." Celestia let out curtly then her horn flared.

Scorch uttered a "What" Before they disappeared in a golden flash.

Hostile Negotiations (part 2)

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Scorch's "What?" Carried over to where they reappeared. Delta squad felt the rapid shift in location in their very beings. All four look around to find themselves entirely surrounded by griffons armed with crossbows pointed directly at them. Their weapons snapped up, and Celestia's wings flew open.

"Hold!" She ordered causing a Grif to jump and fire a bolt straight at her. The Arrow stopped a foot from Celestia's muzzle she looked mildly inconvenienced as she held the projectile in her magic.

"Hello, King Sky." She greeted and with much rustling a fat owl like griffon in a crown with red feathers pushed his way through his guards. His beady little eyes nearly popped when he saw the arrow that had almost hit the white alicorn. The bolt burst into flames and fell to ash. The King looked ready to have a heart-attack as he shrieked for his guards to lower their weapons. Then waved his claws frantically when all of them didn't.

"Lower your damn weapons!" the last of them did as they were told. King Sky ran a claw down his feathers to smooth them. Scorch hazard a glance at Celestia and found her looking slightly amused at the whole situation. Whether that was true or a facade worried the Commando.

"Where are we?" He asked

Boss answered, "Don't know Deltas but stay focused I have a feeling the Princess has a plan here."

"Nice of her to tell us," Sev growled when a solid paragraph of text scrolled on their visors with an apology from Luna about the delay. Boss blinked away the brief and readjusted his grip on his rifle.

"Celestia has made a bold move..." He let out angerly.

"So we're here to protect her?" Fixer asked

Scorched looked back at the Princesse's calm grin. "I don't think she's in any danger. And she knows it..."

"Whatever it is. She's dragged us into the thick of it Delta." Fixer said

A warm southern accent filled the comms quietly "The Princess wouldn't drag you in if she didn't think you could handle yourselves Delta. It just ain't like her."

"Oh-Four?" Sev asked

"Must be using honesty as some sort of lie detector." Fixer stated, and Sev nodded. They grew quiet as the King had finally composed himself to speak.

"This is most unorthodox!" His Feathers puffed out as he spoke.

"I'm aware King Sky. Just as I am aware, your guard is a few short. Might I return one to you?" Celestia's grin fell hard almost as hard as the King's face fell into dread as she pulled the One-armed Grif into sight. "And would also like me to read off his Oh so many crimes against Equestria?" She raised an eyebrow and presented a smile that made the room temperature drop a degree.

"Crimes?" The King's voice came in a whisper.

"Yes, crimes. Like taking part in slave trade consisting of not only citizens of Equestria, but of the Elements of Harmony, The Unlawful treatment of prisoners, RAPE." Her gaze went from cold to soul burning. "And attempted murder of an Element of Harmony!"

The Griffon aged before their eyes "I trust you have proof of such dire accusations." It wasn't a question just a sad acceptance. One of the guards stepped forward looking at his one-armed brother.

"How'd he lose his arm?" Before Celestia could answer his question, King Sky let out furious screech his feathers stood on end, and the guard lowered himself. "All due respect! they accuse him of unlawful treatment yet the same appears to have been done."

The king backhanded the guard sending him sliding on his side blood running through his feathers. The two Commandos in front looked at Celestia trying to gauge her reaction. The icy glare was back but not on the sprawled guard, but the king.

"Speak out of turn again, and I'll have you stripped and tried for treason!"

"NO his question is a valid one. He lost his arm in battle when it was taken off as he tried to murder the Element of kindness with a mace." Celestia stepped forward, and Sky looked angry.

"Somethings up." Applejack warned over the comms and Celestia narrowed her eyes at the griffon again.

"What are you hiding Sky?" She demanded, and the King turned on her.

"You have accused enough today Princess."

"You're so eager to condemn one of your royal guards on the word of a foreign leader! I Believe I haven't accused enough Sky! What are trying to sweep under the rug King Sky?"

The King rose up to his full proud size. "Nothing merely wish to wash this stain on our kingdoms away."

"Lie." Applejack said Coldly Sev readjusted himself.

"Just give me a minute with this feathered freak I'll have him spilling his gu-" Sev hazarded a glance at Boss only to be met with Celestia's gaze that managed to burn through his helmet and straight into the clone's brain. "Shutting up Ma'am." He finished, and Celestia closed her eyes to compose herself.

"What... about the package" The one-armed Grif choked out, and Celestia looked at him then to the Kings eyes who were full of fear. She loosened her magic he drew a full breath then smiled a wicked smile. "You get the package I sent you my king." there was a snarl in his voice.

"Oh-Four?" Celestia checked.

"Truth." The Solar Princess whirled on the king her hair flicked like flames.

"What package Sky?" She asked again slowly losing her patience. The King walked to his throne slumping into it.

"It was not supposed to go like this..." He started, and Celestia set her jaw to one side.


"Three weeks ago we received an invitation to an auction. One where one or more of the Elements of harmony were being-" Celestia's eyes snapped wide, and her mane and tail burst into violent orange flames bathing the entire room in angry light. Everyone jumped back from the sudden display of unbridled rage.

The king spoke faster. "It was only supposed to be the artifacts! We were gonna use them to barter for trade!" Celestia's eye turned to burning white pits. The room temperature was rising into the triple digits fast. The Deltas backed away.

"Jeez it's like we're standing next to a mini Su-" Scorch stopped seeing one flaming pupil was actually burning a hole through his helmet. "Shutting up Boss." He stood at attention as his helmet repaired itself.

The griffon reached under his throne and pulled a brown package with shaky claws. The package burst into flames causing him to cry out and pull his claw back. The brown paper burned away to reveal a purple star. Celestia twitched, and there were several sounds in quick succession. There was half a pained squeak, The sound of twisting bones, And Fixer cursing then jumping back.

Scorch looked over to see the one-armed Grif. His eyes were bugged out of his skull, and his tongue hung out from his slack beak. But that's not what made Scorch yell about. His body had been twisted three-hundred-sixty degrees and was now facing the wrong way from his head as he dangled in Celestia's magic.

"Aah Fir'Fek!" Scorch shouted, but Celestia was deaf to it in her grief. She pulled the star close only for it to crumble in her magical grasp.

"No..." She lamented, but purple gave way to sapphire. The flames died and her magic faded. The corpse hit the floor with a wet smack startling Celestia. She turned to each Delta in panic before her eyes found the dead Grif. She closed her eyes and worked to regain her composure.

"I'm deeply sorry King sky... I lost myself." She offered her genuine apology.

Sky swallowed "I truly did not know the Bearers or your ponies were the ones being sold. I would have never-" She raised a wing silencing him.

"Sombra's trick worked. We are both lucky you were not in my magic." The red Griffon rubbed his neck looking at the former royal guard laying in a heap. Celestia turned her back to him and began to trot away.

"Has the Black Litch really returned?"

His question made her stop. "Yes. And you just funded a major part of his war effort against us all." She let out coldly before exiting the hall Delta squad in tow.

Generious Directions

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Celestia exited the hall with Delta close behind. Boss jogged to get beside her.

"Permission to speak freely Ma'am?" He asked with a bit of unease coming through his helmet.

"Granted Delta lead." She sounded tired but regained a bit of herself.

"Princess, I have to ask was that part of the plan?" Celestia shook her head

"No Delta, Sombra has planned his moves expertly. But..." She levitated the blue gem. "He's given us what we need to make our next move."

Boss looked at the blue diamond "This Delta squad is an Element of Harmony Generosity to be exact."

"Oh-Five's?" Sev asked, and Celestia nodded.

"And with it, It'll lead us, right to Rarity; it's bearers location." They walked out onto a balcony where the familiar roar of an LA-AT came from above to meet them.

"Good timing." Fixer stated.

"I had Applejack send our coordinates before I lost my head..." Celestia trailed off

Sev stepped in "Slaver scum had it coming one way or another." He reassured in his way. But Celestia lowered her head.

"Perhaps Sev but not in that way, let us move on we have our next target Deltas." She hopped into the transport. After the Deltas were in, she used her magic to float the Element to Dece.

"Follow the trail pilot." She ordered, and the pilot scratched his helmet looking at the gem before a blue laser line shot out to the horizon.

"Um Pycho you seeing this?"

"You mean the blue magic light that's leading us into the great unknown?"


"Nope." Pycho let out before taking off in the pointed direction.

The LA-AT sped through the air at incredible speed as Delta double checked their gear. Celestia calmed herself watching a map that showed what they were flying over. Fixer leaned over fascinated.

"That's pretty impressive. Magic?" He asked, and she nodded with a nostalgic smile.

"It's a pegasus map, Starswirl the Bearded invented them to help him in his travels many centuries ago. But there only as good as the map they copy. If there's an error in the original, then it'll be stuck." Celestia explained.

"How up to date is this one?" Fixer asked.

Celestia looked wistfully for a moment before answering "It's not this is Starswirls original. More than a thousand years old little more than a nostalgia piece. A way for me to see how the land has changed over the millennia." Fixer watched the map according to it they were back near the crystal empire.

"How recently has this become Elk territory?" He asked, and Celestia scrunched her face up.

"No on most modern maps this is still part of the crystal empire. Elks have always been more cult than anything. Widely organized nomads that travel the northern territory." She had an edge of caution to her words. Scorch picked up on it,

"Something tells me not the type you'd like to run into by accident." Scorch joked, and Celestia nodded in agreement. Fixer remembered what he'd read.

"Honestly Deltas the Elk remind me of those bog witches." Fixer let out concerned. Sev growled his disapproval.

"There cruelty and blood magic earned them a mythical status until they attacked the Crystal Empire. All of this was before Sombra's first rule of the kingdom. That was when I had my first encounter with them. Elks were hunting and killing crystal ponies we later got reports they were torturing and eating those they dragged off." Celestia had a disgusted face, and she shook her head. "Equestria alongside the Empire did our best to disband these death cults. Unlike unicorns, Elk needs outside material to power their magic such as crystals and totems destroying such items should reduce the threat they pose."

"So smash anything that's glowing or spooky got it." Scorch nodded Sev banged his fist into the hull.

"If its blood they want, I'll make sure they drown in it!" He cracked his knuckles. Celestia stood and faced the Commando,

"As always I appreciate your enthusiasm. But I feel you might be taking this personally Sev." Celestia arched an eyebrow at the sniper.

"Slavers were bad enough. But cannibalistic sadists? for such a cute world you have some fucked up enemies Princess." He pointed an armored finger, and Celestia cracked a smile

"I don't know what to say Oh-Seven..." She called him by number, and he dropped the hand "Should I take the compliment or apologize that our cute world is so trying for you Sev." Sev stood down shaking his head.

Dece came over the comms "Either I'm holding this wrong, or we've reached our destination." The LA-AT descended and one side of the transport opened showing a crystal castle.

"Pilot give us a fly around keep us high. I want to see what these things have to offer." Boss ordered pulling out a viewer. Halfway through Boss noticed something. "You said these things were tribal Ma'am?"

"Normally yes why?" Celestia asked concerned, and Boss passed the Viewer.

"Someones organized them." Celestia could make out the two separate patrols, and a guards next full of Elk.

"They have definitely dug in harder then I've ever seen. This tells me that we're in the right place. But this suggests more Elk then I've ever seen gathered in one place." Celestia lowered the Viewer thinking of what this could mean for the mission.

Scorch put a hand on his helmets chin. "We're in a gunship we could blast our way in." He offered. "Naw to risky..." He corrected shaking the idea away. Sev, however, leaned closer using his sniper scope and good eyes.

"Boss there's a waterway running underneath the castle. I can make out a metal gate blocking it off. But a cutter would probably make quick work of it." Boss patted his shoulder

"Good eye Delta. Princess know enough architect to say whether or not there's an opening?" Boss asked.

"Yes, a wall or door for water access," Celestia affirmed, and Boss smiled under his helmet.

"Looks like we have our entry point men." All of Delta squad nodded.


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They had dropped Delta squad several clicks away from the castle allowing the squad to move in stealth. Celestia monitored the video feed from their helmets as they trekked through the thick woodland. Scorchs question kept coming back to her.

"You joining the fun princess? and the not entirely truthful answer she had given to explain it.

"No this mission needs stealth something I personally was never good at." But in fact, she was genuinely itching to join the fray to lead from the front lines, Not from behind. Like the posh general, she'd doomed herself to be due to title and position. She had wished them luck and sent a prayer for their success. She watched as they drew near the waterway that was their entrance.

Their armor kept out the northern bite as they trudged towards the objection. Each Delta keeping perfect speed and time with each other. Moving as one they made it to the Iron gate right on time. Fixer looked over the entrance. The moisture and cold had rusted it to a dull orange pulling out the cutting laser he set to work.

"ETA Delta?" Boss asked keeping watch with the other three.

"Two minutes, Sir" Fixer replied already halfway through the old metal. The grate started to groan as the weight threatened to do the rest of the job. Sev grabbed an end before it could make any more noise and Fixer finished. Moving it to one side, they filed under the castle. The water came up to their thighs. Scorch called out a simple wooden door off to the side. Fixer was ready to take out his lockpick and get to work, but Sev knocked on the door causing the green commando to look at him like he'd lost his flipping mind. Until the door opened and Sev staked an unexpecting Elk in the Neck. They all looked at him.

"What! it worked didn't it." He defended, and Boss shook his head before signaling them to advance. After an empty hall and no hostiles yet Scorch couldn't help it.

"How'd you know one was on the other side?"

"There was recent waste meaning they tossed their garbage into the stream. And Tracks leading to the door."

"Keep the coms clear you two." Fixer reprimanded they returned to silence.

The trek through the castle was smooth and thorough. Dodging enemy patrols was second nature to all of them. A couple translated signs later, and they were in a long corridor with doors every couple feet, with one large door at the end. Boss pulled the Element of Harmony our of his pack to check they were going in the right direction. The blue diamond light up and pointed a laser light right down the hall towards the giant door.

"Well, that's pretty cut and dry, Sir." Scorch let out amused sweeping his side with his rifle.

"Think it could be a trap, Sir?" Fixer asked Celestia chimed in

"Biggest room for the biggest catch."

"Copy Advisor. Delta's move up." Boss gave the signal, and they moved through the Hall slowly. The halls carried noise they could hear Elk chatter from a level up. What sounded like a pained gasp caught Oh-Sevens attentions. He looked to his right to see a slightly opened door with small light coming through the crack in the door.

"Oh-Seven breaking off to investigate. Hate to get flanked here, boss."

"Copy." Boss let out, and Sev approached the ajar door. The noise got louder more distinguished. He heard a male and a Female voice. It didn't sound friendly. He crouched and pushed the door open slightly to get a visual. It was an Elk standing over a light brown pony. Blood fell from the cut on her side. The cause of the wound floated in the Elks red magic. A curved knife it floated and pointed as he threatened her again. She tried to curl in on herself.

"Boss I don't like what I see here..." The translation scrolled along his screen, and he gripped the rifle a bit tighter. He liked what he was reading less. Time slowed as Sev weighted his options. Save the civie and risk the primary objective or walk away and leave no one the wiser. He was dragged back to reality as the mare let out a cry as the elk tried to drag her towards him.

"Orders?" He asked calmly, but 38's voice didn't come. Like a goddess passing judgment, Celestia's voice rang out with sweet music to Sev's ears.

"Eliminate Primary Target." Sev could almost feel a tear come to his eye.

The mare kicked out at the Elk. But he dodged it, and there was a cruel smile as he enjoyed her struggles. With one last pull, she was under the cruel Elk. She started to cry again knowing she was powerless she prayed it would be fast. When a loud knock on the wall caught both their attention.

The Elk cursed and turned his head to the left. A white gauntlet came out on his right introducing a glowing blue blade into his throat. Turning his annoyed What to a gargling sputter. Another white hand grabbed his muzzle, and with a practiced twist and sharp snap, the guard transformed from a cruel beast to a loose pile of fur and bones as it fell revealing the white and blood red Commando. The mare watched him. Mouth hanging out stunned. He turned to her, and she scrambled back till her back hit the wall jarring her wound. She covered her mouth as she shook. Her body trying to recover from almost being raped, to whatever this creature wanted with her.

The blue T-Shape on its head watched her unblinking it moved a hand, and she flinched. It put the hand on its head and bobbed like it was saying "ok" She nodded her head when the head moved slightly if it wasn't already looking at her it was now. Was it gonna hurt her?

Then it spoke in plain Equestrian.

"Can you understand me?" He sounded scary she nodded quickly "Can you walk?" She tried to stand but fell her legs shook too much. She felt him watching her she tried again afraid of what would happen if she couldn't. His hand went back to his head and nodded, and she nodded to trying to show she was trying. Her knees gave out, and she started to cry again. Sending a silent prayer to Celestia that she could at least see the sun one last time. It crouched, and she shut her eyes tight. The white hand touched her side where she was cut, but no further pain came. She heard the gravelly voice again.

"Are their other prisoners?" She snapped her eyes open and looked into the blue T. She nodded trying to swallow the dryness in her throat.

"What are you gonna do to us?" She asked shakily. She got the feeling the strange white and Red creature was smiling, and she was terrified. The hand patted her on the head like she was a foal. Right now she felt like one small and helpless. He perked up acting like he was listening to something and nodding his head

"You have a name?" He asked

"Almond..." She managed to croak out.

"It's your lucky day Almond I'm part of a squad sent by Princess Celestia do you know where the rest of the prisoners are being kept?" She brightened up hope splashing over her like a cold wave.

"Yes, I can take you there."

"Good we're gonna make every one of these blasted Elks pay. You interested?" He offered, and she looked at the dead Elk and nodded slowly.

Hard Gem to Crack

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Celestia smiled then got back on the com.

"Oh-Seven most of the prisoners will be from local villages. Deltas finding Oh-Five is still our top priority. Oh-Seven find those prisoners once we have a number and Oh-Five is rescued. Regroup and save as many survivors as you can."

"Copy that Advisor," Boss and Sev confirmed

"Oh and Sev, Happy hunting." The Princess's voice had a cool edge to it that brought a smile to the Commando hunter.

"With pleasure Ma'am." He sounded pleased, and Celestia refocused on the rest of Delta as they positioned themselves outside a large double door. Fixer and Boss were stacked up on the right side and Scorch was on the left like they were prepared to breach. Fixer put a hand on the door and gave it a push. It opened with a small groan, but it was enough for each Delta to freeze. Fixer leaned in checking both sides staying low.

"All Clear."
Boss gave the signal to move, and they filed in. They stepped into a corridor lined with empty armor racks and shelves.

"Don't know much about pony standards but this is one empty armory..." Scorch commented sweeping the left side Fixer swept the right finding more of the same. Boss covered the rear. "Wonder what happened to the guards in this post?" Scorch continued to think out loud.

Fixer replied without looking at him. "This post stopped reporting only a couple weeks ago maybe we'll find survivors." Coming to the end of the hall they prepped to enter the next room. Once inside they found a large banquet hall. In the middle stood something that made each Delta pause.

A large shrine stood dead center of the hall. It was taller than a clone by a couple inchs. Made entirely of bones and multi-Colored pelts. Most concerning was the ring of pony skulls that stared in each direction. Some were cleaned bleach white, others were still fleshy there eyes staring endlessly. Most wore Equestrian guard helmets.

Scorch swallowed "I'm going to stop asking questions now..." He looked at the base to see a blood stained alter made of bowled stone. It seemed to be about average pony size.

"Must be where they recharge their magic." Fixer guessed, and Scorch crouched in front of it. He pulled two things out of his pack.

"Let's leave them an offering of our own Delta." He held up a proximity mine and a Det pack. "What do you think fearless leader we have enough time to watch the fireworks?" Boss smiled and pointed to the Det pack.

"Use the Det bigger charge to take out as many as we can. Worse case scenario we detonate when we Evac." Boss reasoned

"What if some poor sobs already on the stone?" Fixer asked, and Boss shook his helmet.

"It'll be a quicker death then the Elk are offering. Whatever the case I want this Particular piece of architect gone. Being able to hit the button personally is just perks of the rank." Boss let out coldly,

"Yes, sir." Scorch sang as he prepped the charge. Boss pulled out the Element out of the pack on his hip to recheck. It pulsed powerfully. The magic urging him to hurry. It painted a blue line to the doors on the other side of the hall. Scorch gave a thumbs up, and they prepared door breach maneuvers. Muffled sounds could be heard behind the door. The Element burned cold enough Boss could feel it through it's case. Rarity had to be on the other side. Boss nodded, and Scorch pushed on the door. Locked he moved aside for his more technical brother who punched his Vibroblade through the lock and pushed the door open.

The hinges groaned but a loud pained female shout drowned it out, and Delta double-timed it into a well-lit room. The Commandos dropped to firing position but held their fire seeing an Elk standing in front of Rarity who hung from the ceiling with her hooves over her head. She was taking exaggerated breaths glaring at the Elk who held a knife with fresh blood to match the cut on her side just above her cutie-mark.

"Careful you ruffian that'll scar, and I'll be cross." The Elk got angry and put the knife to her throat. Delta held their breath, But Rarity smirked of all things her eyes flicked from the Deltas to the Elk.

"Oh please kill me. and your boss will tear your shriveled heart beating from your dirty chest." She taunted, But all bravado drained from her face as he whipped around angrily seeing the Deltas. The Elk barely got his shield up in time before Boss pulled the trigger. They watched the shield extend all around the Elk and Rarity cutting them off from flanking shots. The Deltas opened fire hoping to drain his energy.

"Ok! Plan B!." Rarity shouted over the blaster fire. "Yellow Darling knock over that crystal for me." Scorch looked to his left and found an orb in a holder. Shrugging he pushed it over like a cat watching it shatter. The Elk cursed but couldn't take his focus off the shield. The shards glowed in a blue aura and floated into the smoke and dust kicked up by the Blaster fire. Boss heard a gargled cry of pain that sounded male, and he gave the cease-fire. Once the smoke cleared a grizzly scene awaited them, but it was also a pretty clear scene of what had happened.

The Elk laid dead on the floor where a razor shower of crystal shards had shotgunned half his face to bits of antler, Bone, and Brains. The red puddle grew steadily as it twitched. With a chink, Rarity fell from her chains stretching and working her tired joints

Several pops and a satisfied groan later she spoke. "I know it's rude to keep my rescuers waiting, but I am simply parched." She trotted over to the pool of water then plunged her face into the slightly glowing water. After several unladylike gulps, she withdrew smacking her lips pleased. The Delta watched her wounds heal.

"I don't want to know what those barbarians did to enchant water in such a way, but I appreciate it's effect none the less." She looked at her flank and nodded with approval "I'd rather not slow you down with an injury."

She looked into their unmoving helmets. She counted three vaguely remembering a forth. When the Yellow one put the black thing on his hip and began miming several exaggerated gestures between the unicorn and the corpse then the others in his team. Unfortunately for Delta squad the string of one-word question and multi-language cursing wasn't much more coherent than the clones body languages.

"My your friend's rather animated aren't they?" Rarity smiled uneasily, but this got an audible response at least.

"You have no idea..." Fixer sounded tired. Rarity perked up.

"You can speak!" She let out. Happily, the green one looked back at the yellow one

"Some of us too much..."

The orange one raised a fist and the other Two straightened up.

"That's enough Deltas Priority target Oh-Fives been found Begin secondary objective." He said this all open air so Rarity could hear him. Boss looked at her, and she stood a little straighter under his authority. "Stay close, Keep your head down, and stay quiet. Questions can be asked later for right now all you need to know that the princess sent us. I'm Delta lead Three-Eight."

"Four-Oh" Fixer responded.

"Six-Two and we're your rescue for the night." Scorch said, and Rarity smirked.

"Your most certainly my knight in armor where would I be without your tipping skills Six-Two." Scorch chuckled not sure what to make of this mare.

"Three-Eight sir? Do you think we'll encounter more of these brutes on the way out?" She asked stepping over her kill like it was a mere puddle and she simply couldn't be bothered to get her hooves dirty. Boss's eyes drifted between her and the corpse.

"Probably more than a few, Ma'am."

"Hmm," Her horn lit up and the crystal shards, The Elks severed antler, and the little sling pack the Elk carried floated to her. She unceremoniously dumped it, but her magic piled it nice and neat in a corner. Boss's eye was brought back to the unicorn when she snapped the Elks antler in half and curled her hair into a functional bun and used the antler as a pin to hold it all together. She put the shards into the bag and put it on her back.

"Then I may need more ammunition darling." She walked into the next room

Scorch looked at Boss "Boss I'm confused and a little worried at the moment..." Three-Eight didn't answer, this world continued to find ways to baffle them all.

"Four-Oh I'm starting to see what you meant about more to these six." He let out plainly, and Fixer shrugged. Rarity poked her head back through the door.

"Not to be rude, but it's not much of a rescue if we never leave the room you found me in darlings."

Herd Warfare

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The Deltas didn't speak merely fell in on either side of the white unicorn.

Boss radioed Celestia "Primary target found, moving to the secondary objective."

"Wonderful Delta lead, Just make sure no matter what Rarity's current mental state and feeling she stays out of the line of fire," Celestia ordered. Boss stole a glance at the unicorn.

"You warned us about underestimating..." Boss implied his feelings

"The only situation these six haven't been through is war it'self. Regrettably, this is Rarity's second time being ponynapped." Celestia said wistfully.

Boss let some of his frustration at being kept in the dark out. "Then why act like we're rescuing civilians, Ma'am? From what my squad and I have seen it's starting to feel like we're recovering another Commando squad." He could hear the beginning of a sigh escape the Princess.

"In many ways, you are not wrong Deltas. Perhaps on the way back, I'll explain further, but for now, Four-Oh's probably going to explode from all this idle chatter." Boss could practically hear her smirk as the line ended. But did glance in Fixers direction for a second. Everything was quiet for a couple steps. Until Scorch couldn't help it anymore.

"It was totally bothering you wasn't it?" Fixer's steps didn't change, but his helmet tilted back a little.

"Sounded like viable intel."

Scorch nodded in agreement then motioned his blaster at Rarity. "Well, we have the source in front of us." Scorch clicked on his external speaker. "So Command tells us this isn't your first time being ponynapped."

Rarity cast a glance at him still walking "Unfortunately Six-Two darling." She scrunched her face a bit. "Though I can't say which was worse. The Diamond Dogs or these barbaric Elk. Both times I was just an object of value. For the Dogs, they wanted my gem finding skills, And for the Elk, Their leader wanted to break me into some sort of trophy mare!" She spat out the word sounding offended and disgusted at the concept. "So neither could risk killing me."

"You weren't even scared? Heck, even Applejack cried a little" Fixer started, but Applejack hissed over the coms.

"Don't go telling her that!" Then his words clicked in Rarity's mind she whipped around to face Four-Oh throwing her hooves up and leaning on his armor. Causing him to let out an undignified yelp.

"By the Princesses is my precious farm mare ok?" She asked manically. If it weren't for what was slowly leaking out on the floor one room back, he'd have thought her meek, cute even. Now his instincts labeled her as threatening and cute. He stood stiff as a board.

"Got a mission update Delta's" Applejack called out, and Scorch reached behind him and pulled out the holodisk. A little blue Applejack popped up "Is it on? Oh, I can see em. Thanks, partner."

"No problem." Twenty-Five could be heard off-screen. Rarity blushed crossing her legs.

"Oh hi um AJ... I didn't realize you were uh." She tried yet failed at being nonchalant. Applejack chuckled.

"Ee'yup. The Delta boys are the best squad you could have. We'll be talking about that "precious" comment once your back in Canterlot. But for now got a mission update we've managed to translate some of the Elkish the prisoners were saying. Looks like most of the big bosses are gathering at that messed up shrine. Took a pregnant mare with em. Judging from what we've seen it ain't gonna be pretty. Oh-Sevens clearing out the lower levels now. Your gonna meet him near the front gate." Applejacks hologram was replaced with Celestia's Rarity bowed.

"Thank you Oh-Four, Main priority is escorting Rarity Oh-Five And the other prisoners safely through the castle. Eliminate anything that gets in your way. The amount of Prejudice is at your discretion Delta's." Celestia looked at Rarity "Expect you. Do not endanger Delta squad or their mission in any form of vengeance." Rarity dipped her head, and Applejack's voice came back.

"Thou I gotta say, your handling this better then I would have Rars." She praised

Rarity chuckled darkly. " Oh AJ you know a lady doesn't scream or cry for real. She merely gets Even." The look on the white mare's face would have made a droideka roll up and run away. Applejack gulped.

"I like her," Sev said open mic Celestia came back.

"Good luck." The disk shut down, and Scorch stashed it. They reached the door leading to the ritual hall and went into Breach formation. Rarity noticing a pattern filled in Sev's spot. Chanting and tribal drums could be heard.

"Fixer use that clear line of sight find the mare. Scorch I want one Flash, one droid. If the Civies clear I'm gonna rearrange some architect." Boss planned, and the other two nodded with a duet of


"On my mark." Boss positioned himself to kick the door in. Fixer took a knee changing his rifle to sniper mode. Scorch holstered his blaster and readied the requested ordinance.

"In position," Fixer reported

"Elks go boom, Sir." Scorch readied. Boss nodded and kicked the door in. To several disgruntled shouts and gasps in Elkish. Scorch made a judgment call and tossed the Flash Det first.

"Flash out!" he shouted and Fixer lowered his scope waited for the flash to settle then rescoped finding the mare.

"Targets out of Det range." Boss smiled and pressed the red button.

The Elk priest was trying to figure out what heathens had interrupted the birthing ritual and what manner of spell was on his eyes and ears. As the white began to clear, he noticed something white and black on his altar. Something he had not put there, It angered and appalled him. Then a little red light came on. Another boom and he didn't have to worry about his shrine anymore. Cause whatever parts of his face wasn't atomized were forcefully ejected out the back of his head to shower his herd in charred fleshy bits.

Unable to focus on their shields the first sniper bolt ripped a beautiful path through the guard on the right's face. Whipping it back hard enough to fling the corpse. The guard on the left of the mare was lucky enough to see well enough to watch the bolt that killed him. Delta squad lept from the smoke of the shrine, Blue bolts dropping cultist after cultist. The two remaining guards around the mare recovered enough to pull up their shields. Fixer laid covering fire as Scorch and Boss rushed them. Boss took, right and Scorch took, left Firing at the guards to keep their attention on each Delta. Scorch turned his rifle to shot at Boss's guard. Catching him in the knee. Boss used the stumble to jump on it's back to fire at Scorch's Elk. The guard changed his focus moving the shield only to catch a bolt to the face. Boss whipped out his pistol and double tapped his Elk and rushed the pregnant mare. Scorch added his cover fire as Boss crouched over the whimpering pony who curled protectively over her stomach.

He tried to wrap his arms around her, but she kicked out screaming "No!" as she tried to crawl away. She looked into the blue visor terrified. Scorch barely ducked under a jumping Elk that cleared him to rush Boss. Boss throw himself between her and the Elk. Rolling to avoid a spear he redrew his pistol and put two in the chest and one in the head. As she scrambled away from the smoking Elk corpse, she made an urgent judgment call and crawled closer to Boss.

Holstering the pistol, he put his arms under her. Taking care not to press her full belly. He lifted the full-grown mare with a grunt and tried to hurry back to cover. Using his back and Shields to protect her he looked at Scorch.

"Droid Popper now!" The Yellow commando pulled the cylinder and tossed it. The blue electro smoke surged through the Elk lines disrupting magic and stunning the Warriors. Boss and Scorch retreated. Scorch ran his blaster dry popping as many of the stunned as he could. Once back to the doors Scorch flipped a table and Boss laid the mare behind the door with Rarity telling her to stay there. Rejoining his pod in holding back the herd. A couple overzealous charges which fell quickly to the blue fire the Deltas pumped down range before the tactics changed. They watched as a solid row of red shields formed. Then crystal tipped arrows began to rain down on their position. They ducked hearing the arrows pelt the table relentlessly. A lucky shot hit Boss in the bicep sticking into his armor rocking the whole Commando with a curse. His shields took the brunt of the force, but he could already feel a bruise.

"Blast it to hell that hurt. For primitives, these things are well armed!" Boss cursed.

"Our shields are meant to withstand energy bolts, Sir. These crystals look like the ones from the empire pretty nasty stuff, Sir." Fixer explained dodging one meant for his head.

"Sir their shields are too thick, I might as well be throwing stones here!" Scorch complained.

"Then throw something else Delta," Boss ordered, and Scorch nodded dropping down to dig out another droid popper. Giving his Second to last popper a small toss before catching it. Boss changed his rifle to anti-armor mode. Leaning back he chucked the grenade only for an arrow to meet it mid-arch. It exploded with a fizzle.

"Blast it to bits! readying another charge." As he pulled back, an arrow hit his arm sending him to the ground and the popper rolling away. He groaned in annoyance as he removed it.

Rarity watched the cylinder roll towards her. Her eyes flicked from the battle to the grenade. Picking it up in her magic she galloped towards the barricade dodging arrows left and right only avoiding a few by luck and a few inches. She remembered what the blue ones did. Charging the levitation spell into a fever pitch, she beamed the grenade right into an Elk's face rocking it back. The popper went off the Shields flickered out, and Boss's launcher went off with a thump. The explosion shook the walls, and Elk rained over the area in gory charred bits. Scorch looked at the mess than to the unicorn.

"Nice arm, Er horn." He praised but before Rarity could comment the sound of hooves pierced the air. They thundered fast and heavy as Four Elk came galloping full speed out of the blast smoke. Each commando aimed and fire but their bolts bounced off the crystal armor adorning their hides. Small animal skulls hung and clanked on their mighty crystal tipped horns. The thud of hooves and the clink of bones made a deathly tone as they got closer.

The Dark purple crystals the encased their heads deflected every attack. Boss squinted and aimed for the small black pits that were the eye holes and fired. The bolt in a stroke of luck hit. They watched the bolt ricochet inside the Elks Skull until it dropped. Seeing their brother fall spurred the Others into a frenzy. The three Elks jumped the table easily each singling out a Delta. Scorch brought up his rifle only for the Elk's staff to smack it out of his hands. Drawing his Vibroblade, he squared up. The Elk towered over the Delta looking down at him.

"Let's go you Shabuir Demagolka!" Scorch shouted He managed to block the first swing with his right forearm but the other end caught him in the Helmet hard enough to crack the visor. With a gunt, he was sent to the floor. Rarity kicked his blaster to him, but before he could wrap his hands around the weapon, a red swarming glow picked it up and floated to the Elk. He watched the Magic form around the trigger. The Elite grinned as he pointed it at the Delta. That's when Scorch noticed the amplification cone sticking partially out the side.

"Oh, no.." Scorch let out plainly before throwing himself over the exposed Rarity. The Elk pulled the trigger the energy hit the cone and fed back into the rifle. It glowed and whined before exploding with enough force to throw the now dead Elk. The clones shields took most of the explosion but knocked him out with a groan trapping the white unicorn under him. She struggled to lift him to no avail. She looked all around seeing the other two occupied with their own Elk.

Boss held the beasts antlers in an attempt to not get impaled. Fixer danced around his opponent cut off from the other two. Rarity moved the Clone slightly to see another black shape in a case on his hip. She reached out with her magic and pulled it out. It had the same general form of the blaster just smaller. She shaped her magic to grip it like she'd seen Boss due and pointed it away from anything and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened she let out a groan of frustration looking at it for something she was surely missing she saw a small switch on the side. Flipping it, the thing roared to life with lights and a pleasant hum. She aimed it at the Elk harassing Boss. But the kickback took her by surprise, and the bolt went wide. Hitting Boss's shields He let out a grunt and Rarity's ears flattened.

"sorry! First time Darling." She shouted and aimed. Carefully making sure she was ready for the kick. The blaster went off and shot the Elk in the thick exposed neck fur. It winced giving Boss enough time to pull his own pistol and press it to the exposed chin of the Elk. Three quick shots and the Elk was dead. An unearthly howl of pain and Fixer's Elk dropped to the floor with the clones vibroblade sunk to the knuckles in the back of its neck. He gave Boss a thumbs up, and Boss nodded. After seeing the two signal Rarity relaxed letting the blaster set next to her. As she calmed her breathing.

"Good, we're all alive. Mind waking your friend up darlings he's rather heavy." Rarity called out trying to suppress the giggles from the adrenaline slowly leaving her system.

Coping Methods

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Rarity watched Boss pull out a small paddle-like device. It chirped three times, and a jolt of something ran through the fallen Commando and into her. If she wasn't already awake from the battle, she felt positively wired now. Scorch got up rubbing his head.

"What I miss?" he asked casually.

Boss chuckled "Besides Rarity's crash course in pistol marksmanship. Not much."

Scorch made a show of wiping a fake tear from his helmet. "they grow up so fast. Next, she'll get her anti-armor certification then she'll be asking for the keys to the AT-TE."

Rarity scoffed and kicked a leg at the praise. The door creaked behind Delta, and the pregnant mare peeked out slowly.

"Is it safe?" She let out her accent thick, but her voice still trembled. Boss put a hand to his helmet to contact Sev.

"Oh-Seven status?"

"Chasing stragglers- Hey get back here!" Trained ears could hear the sound of a sniper bolt in the distance.

"Oh-Seven, Please tell me that was an Elk." Boss sighed.

"Don't worry it is... Was." Sev corrected with a dark chuckle. "Just cleared the last block heaving to RV," Boss confirmed and looked back to the Clones and ponies. Rarity was trying to comfort the mare.

"we're ready to move," Boss stated, and the mare took a shaky step towards him.

"Where are you taking me?" She started shaking using all of her mustered courage to ask a simple question. Scorch crouched to her level, and she flinched.

"You live in the area, ma'am?" He asked She looked at Rarity who nodded encouragingly. She swallowed to wet her dry mouth. Then nodded not able to get the words out.

"Then we're here to deliver you home safe and sound you and everyone else." She didn't look like she trusted them, but she bowed her head.

"Thank you."

Boss was almost in a good mood "Let's move on Oh-Sevens waiting with the other prisoners. Can you walk?" She nodded

"Just not fast..." She took a breath and began walking Delta and Rarity walked on all sides of her. Whenever one of them got to close she would wince until they moved back. They passed the battle-torn room through fields of arrows. Rarity would pluck the more intact arrows she came across inspecting them she'd gingerly put them in her bag. Fixer spotted a bow and picked it up offering it to her.

"Here you go Oh-Five" She looked at him and the bow with a polite smile.

"I appreciate it Four-Oh, but I simply don't know how to use a bow at least not in any useful manner. It just happens you um what they are called darling?"

"Blasters." Fixer informed and she nodded.

"Yes, blasters an apt name indeed. They are fairly point and click if you would." She lifted the arrows with her magic and broke the head from the shaft. Examining the sharpened crystal, Fixer looked at her confused and concerned.

"Then whats the arrows for?"

"Four-Oh everypony handles stressful events differently" Her voice changed slightly "Some wail, and scream, and wonder, why them. Others hide inside themselves, so they don't have to deal with what's happening. Some even get angry and lash out in any way they can." She spoke with a forced calmness like every sentence threatened to break her practiced composure. She snapped another arrow, but it left a little to much of the shaft causing her to focus a scrutinizing glare at the imperfect break. "Others simply do that... break."

Fixer and Scorch were watching the white unicorn hands on their blaster calmly switching them to stun.

"What about you?" Scorch asked with a general nonchalant-ness. His helmet was facing forwards, but his eyes were watching her intently.

"Me?" She asked all the regal and calmness back as if nothing had happened. "I simply focus on my craft. These crystals would make a stunning necklace." She smiled and trotted a little faster to catch up with the other mare. Fixer and Scorch exchanged looks.

"Whats your name darling?" She asked softly, and the Mare looked at her then down at her walking hooves.

"Frost jumper..." She spoke quietly.

"Well Frost I wish we could have met in much better conditions, My name is Rarity." She nodded but froze staring wide-eyed at one of the Elk corpses. She started to shake and chant in Elkish Tears falling freely from her as Rarity draped her arm over her and kept her moving forward.

"Do you know what she's saying?" Rarity asked. Four-Oh was the to answer grimly.

"There's Evil inside me..." Rarity looked at the Elk and the Mare's stomach. She clenched her jaw at the sour taste all of a sudden. Scorch shook his head angrily.

"Boss we got time for Demolition?" Boss stopped and turned to him

"Six-two I understand your feelings but STOW IT. Focus on the objective the survivors are what matters now." He spoke sternly, and Scorch fell back in line nodding.

"Yes, Sir sorry Sir."

They filled the main hallway where they could see the main entrance. The door opened, and Delta snapped their weapons up. The door opened, and four small Elk stood there stunned at the carnage. They looked young and scared nothing hung from their antlers, no crystals only a spear strapped to the one in the front's back. Their eyes flicked all over the place from the dead Elks to the Deltas. The one in the front stuttered something out and taking a step forward on wobbly knee's.

Scorch raised an eyebrow "I think he told us to halt?" Fixer remembered something on Elk culture.

"I think these are unblooded."

"What's that?" Scorch asked

"Fresh, young trainees."

"Oh! So their shines." Scorch sang out the nickname.

"Fixer Tell them to drop their weapons," Boss ordered, and Fixer stepped up and shouted the command the young Elk jumped confused, and Fixer repeated the order motioning with his rifle. The young Elk trembled frozen as his brothers moved closer to hide behind him. At that moment Delta squad couldn't help but see four young dark-skinned younglings bred and created for one thing. Separated from there more common brothers and taught be perfect or die.

"Sev hold your fire there young," Boss ordered seeing Oh-Seven creeping up on the side.

"I see that what are we doing with the Elk slime." Sev's voice was harsh and low. Boss took a look at the four hiding behind their brother. Taking prisoners wasn't unheard of but was very rare for the Commandos. Clankers weren't smart enough to surrender. When Delta was sent in there usually wasn't a happy ending for those they were after.

Before Boss could decide a massive burst of static went through the coms,

"Long-range coms just went down Deltas!" Fixer informed

"Pycho do you read me?" Boss asked it was a moment before the pilots static filled response came.

"Barely Sir. We're being jammed." Pycho reported, and Boss cursed.
This meant something on the planet with a significant energy source and a signal jammer on all frequency.

"Is it the Empire?" Scorch asked worried, and Fixer shook his head.

"Negative this doesn't match any known signal, but it's similar to a signal I picked up before the griffin kingdom."

"So not Empire good." Scorch said optimistically.

"Knowing our luck is something just as bad." Sev let out pessimistically.

"Delta Squad we have an unknown contact in out airspace!" Celestia came over the Coms frantically.

"What the Devil is that?" they heard Dece before something exploded shaking the castle and the line went Dead.

"Delta move now!" Boss ordered and rushed the door the Elk scattered towards the woods, and Delta squad watched as the LA-AT Fell burning from the sky.

"Delta Advisor!, Princess!" Boss shouted over the mic But didn't get a response. They watched it crash into a hill several miles away. Sev's rifle snapped up seeing the Elk run away and Boss pushed the Rifle down.

"Leave em they just got knocked several hundred pegs down our priority list Deltas."

Ash Like Snow

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"Troopers come in? Advisor?" Boss's tenth attempt to reach the downed craft was met with static just like every other he had made in the last 5 minutes. Boss shot a look at Four-Oh and his more powerful comms relay he only shook their head.

"I've got a visual on the crash Boss." Both commando's looked up at the tree Sev had climbed to get a better view. "Southwest 2 clicks. It looks like we also have a storm rolling our way from the north looks nasty."

"Got any good news for us Sev?" Scorchs sarcastic voice cut in.

The line went silent for a moment. "There's no sign of our mystery invader."

On Scorchs location he looked back at the caravan of freed prisoners. "I guess that qualifies." He saw Rarity talking to one of the survivors. She was going around doing her best to help those who needed it.

Boss's voice filled all their comms again. "Judgement time Delta's as of right now we are cut off from command. All those aboard gunship 3 are MIA. Including the Advisor, our comms might be monitored, but regardless we must get to the crash site. If we want to finish this mission we need supplies."

Four-Oh looked at Boss than to the caravan over by Scorch. "What about the locals Sir?"

Sev butted in. "None of them will step foot back in that fort. I don't blame them, but their gonna slow us down."

"Plus we can't leave Oh-Five. She's capable, but if we lose her again, it kinda nulls the mission, Sir." Scorch added.

"Storms coming fast Sir." Sev finished as he climbed down from his perch.

"Agree'd gather everyone defensive formation no one left behind Deltas."

A chorus of "Copy" and each Delta set to round everypony up as Rarity trotted up to Boss.

"I'm guessing you gentlemen have a plan?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Your correct Oh-Five," Boss confirmed, but Rarity wagged a hoof at him.

"Please, Miss Zero-Five clearly I outrank you in some form of the hierarchy, or else you wouldn't be rescuing me with such haste." Rarity meant it in a joking manner trying to inject some light into the gloom. Boss didn't respond, and she felt like he was staring at her. Three-Eight thought about it and found out she wasn't wrong the Elements were starting to feel more and more like Jedi as time went on. She began to backtrack.

"I'm merely joking Three-Eight Sir." She chuckled, but Boss broke her train of thought with a head nod.

"It's alright Miss; we are moving out. We need to get supplies from the gunship that went down." Boss informed and Rarity's ears dropped looking remorseful.

"I hope there are survivors."

Three-Eight thought about the Princess and hoped the same. Once everypony was gathered and told the situation, they moved out. Each Delta stationed themselves on each side of the group and kept close guard. One of the Elders migrated over to Fixer and told him about the town not far from where they were heading. Fixer passed the information on to Boss. Boss plotted the next step which largely hinged on contacting or returning to Canterlot. The ever-present static of the jammer told them their new foe was not far off.

They reached the scorched hill where the ship lay amoung still burning fires and broken trees. But several boxes could be seen in tack from where they had landed.

"Well there's some good new-" Scorch let out right a solid green line of plasma winged his shoulder knocking him to the ground.
"Fier-fek!" He cursed as he scrambled to get up.

"You had to open your big mouth or'dinii!" Sev ran up and grabbed him by the collar firing at where the green fire had come from as he dragged Scorch behind a tree. More plasma fire came from several locations further ahead as the snow started falling thicker and thicker. The caravan ran down the hill away from the battle as Delta took cover behind the lush evergreen trees.

"We need to keep their fire on us and away from the caravan Deltas!" Fixer shouted over the static.

"I don't think that's going to be a problem Fixer!" Scorch yelled as most the plasma fire focused on his tree. Sev crouched and returned fire. Some of the plasma split off to focus on him. Boss moved up sprinting from tree to tree. The plasma split off again just barely missing him as he ducked behind cover. The rest of Delta squad fired moving their attention off Boss. He hazards a peek at their enemies.

Six contacts they wore green thin looking armor. Hunched purple reptilian creatures with angry yellow eyes. They wore some breathing apparatus that covered the mouth. Boss took note that their weapons could only fire a couple of times before having to cycle. One stopped to reload, and Boss popped out and shot him. Two blaster bolts to the face and the creature only roared in rage at him before returning fire. "Tough hided scumbags! Delta move to flanking positions" with a series of copies Boss took off in a sprint weaving between plasma and tree's till they lost track of him in the snow.

"Six-Two, in position man these things are uglier then Trandos."

"Oh-Seven, in position these things are just lining up to die!"

"Four-Oh, in position we'll annihilate them for what they did to the princess."

Boss crouched blaster ready. About to give the fire signal when a flurry of blue bolts came from behind the green invaders.

"That's not us Boss. One of the pilots must have survived ya!" Scorch cheered before Fixer cut him off.

"Cut the chatter Six-Two, Boss there's a massive heat source heading this way."

"Boss three o'clock look!" Sev called out, and Boss looked to his right to see something as tall as a commando. Blazing orange floated its way through the storm. With the flap of powerful white wings, that sent a mighty gale wind that had Boss covering his visor from the rush of snow. Moving his arm, he saw Princess Celestia standing in the open. The storm was blown away by her might.

The green hunchbacks now fully exposed turned to look at the Princess. One fired on instinct and time slowed for Delta Squad. They watched the plasma slam into the Princesse's chest.

"Princess NO!....No?" Scorch's cry turned to a question as the green fireball fizzled on her chest melting the golden neck piece. She looked down at the ruined piece of jewelry than to the invaders. Celestia began trotting towards the stunned invaders. Her mane caught fire with a rageful glow that bathed the area in orange light. Her hoofsteps sizzled leaving smoking holes as she advanced. Her greatsword blazed bright with heat that could be felt by the Deltas.

Her wings snapped open in the hold fire command. "You have invaded our world. You Attack the diarchy of the sun. But that is not why you die on this hill this day!" Her voice produced a physical gust of wind as she grew angry and angrier with each passing word.
"You killed Seventy-Five." She raised the flaming sword high. Her target tried to block with his rifle raised. It did little to stop the glowing blade. The plasma rifle exploded from the heat and her sword cut through till it hit the floor between the creature's legs.

Two halves fell to the wet earth, but the swords dance was nowhere near complete. The aliens were smart enough to know fear as they turned to run, scattering before the wrath of the Sun. She hopped into the air using her wings to angle into a quick dive cutting another down. She flapped her wings moving to avoid another blast. When her hooves touched the ground, she leaped backward. Stepping in front of another one who skitted to a stop. Turning to her side, she angled the blade under alien's head. With a majestic roll that lifted the Princess off the ground for a second. Her sword followed her motion cleaving the purple pimple of a head from its hump.

She turned her attention to one fleeing out of range. Narrowing her eyes she captured its legs in her golden magic and dragged it towards her. It dropped the ugly rifle trying to claw and grip the ground underneath. She drove the sword through its back twisting it till the creature went still. Boss watched eyes glued to the carnage before him. He counted two left unaccounted for when the panicked steps of one stopped near his tree. Boss looked around to see it looking back at the carnage of its kind. "Probably rethinking what an easy planet this is." Boss thought with a smile. He pointed his rifle and fired till it was dead. The sound of a sniper rifle told him the other was just taken care of by Sev.

"Not an easy planet at all..." Boss thought as ash fell from the sky in a diffrent kind of snow. A snow he was all to familiar with.

Tribe Rules

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The flames of Celestia wrath faded, She left her Blade in the purple hunchback turning to Delta squad as they approached. She counted them and sighed with great relief and used her magic to pull all four of them into a hug wrapping her wings around them.

"Thank the stars I'm relieved to see all of you in one Piece Delta." She put the uncomfortable commandos back on their own feet.

"We could say the same when the transport sent down Ma'am." Fixer returned, and Celestia looked at the smoking wreck and nodded.

"Did anyone else survive?" Sev asked Celestia turned back the way she came before answering.

"Seventy-Six is injured but alive. Let me Fetch him I assume the prisoners and the Elements are near?" Celestia raised an eyebrow and Boss nodded

"That's affirmative Ma'am."

"Excellent less backtracking. Boss, Fixer see what we can salvage from the wreckage. All of you can pay your respect to Seventy-Five there." She tapped a hoof to her chin in thought. "If memory serves there's a town nearby.

Fixer nodded "Locals confirm the town on of the elders offered to lead us there Ma'am."

Celestia smiled "Excellent." She took a step before a weird, unearthly chattering makes them all tense up. The sound of plasma charging is the only warning before Boss barely sidesteps a solid beam of plasma. Celestia hops to the side, and her blade flys to her side, Whatever was shooting at them was only taking pot shots at the group. Before Delta could return fire, a loud cry echoed through the woods, and the shooting stopped.

"Move up Delta!" Celestia ordered pointing her sword. Delta spread out two on each side of the princess as they stormed their ambusher's location. The first sign they saw was a puddle of orange blood slowly draining into the mud behind a tree. When they rounded the tree, they say a pink bipedal creature utterly naked beside a silver and green wrist bracer on its right arm. The Elk spear through its skull that pinned it to the tree was a pretty good hint at what killed it.

"Seventy-Six?" Celestia asked concerned, and a familiar voice from up high had Delta looking up to see the clone propped up on a tree branch.

"I'm Here Princess, Ma'am." The Princess's magic reached out and floated him down leaning the injured clone on her side for support. A fact he looked uneasy about but rightfully knew he didn't have much choice. His right leg had a first aid wrap around a nasty burn.

"What happened?" She asked, and He looked at the pink creature.

"Pinky Here caught me while I was reloading. Right as I'm sighting in a spear comes flying in handling our friend rather nicely."

Fixer crouched to examine the spear. "Looks Elkish."

"Fixer since when are you the expert on all things Elk?" Scorch asked mockingly Before Sev dropped low rifle pointed at a ridge above them.

"Boogies Twelve o'clock!" Everyone jumped at the ready to see three out of four of the Elk younglings. When a young Elkish voice spoke from the bush in front of them, Fixer looked at Scorch who cursed under his breath already.

"Oh look Six-Two Elks." Four-Oh let out dryly before lowering his weapon. Six-Two did a double take at his usually high strung brother.

"Psst, what are you doing." He whispered over the comms like it made a difference.

"Communicating. Hold your fire Deltas." Fixer held out his hand and Boss looked at him while Sev growled. Boss nodded and let Four-Oh step forward. The Green commando said something back to the bush, and they began conversing. Six-Two edged closer to Celestia,

"Do you know whats going on?" He asked, and the Princess looked at Fixer with a proud smile.

"Yes and this is going to be interesting." She let out cryptically, and Scorch felt a little uneasy at those words. Fixer scratched the back of his helmet and turned back to his squad.

"Ok Delta's I've got good news and strange news." Fixer put plainly, and Boss put his hand on his face.

"Let's start with the good news Fixer." He said sounding tired,

"They want to claim their kill," Fixer said simply enough.

"Oh, kay..." Scorch let out confused still on edge.

"Whats the strange news?" Sev dared to ask, and Fixer held up his arms in a helpless manner not sure where to start.

"Due to Elk tradition, we may have just adopted a squad of Elk younglings." Fixer had to brace himself for the wave of confusion and in Sev's case outright denial. But the only bit of audio that came from the red commando was

"No." But it was growled into a threat.

"Is this like a Wookie life debt thing oh master of Elk?" Scorch asked with his hand out, and Fixer glared at him.

"No Nirod this is a bit more complicated... See if one tribe goes to war with another and one tribe wins. All warriors are then killed, and all young are brought and indoctrinated into the new tribe for better or worse." Fixer explained. Sev groaned suddenly regretting being so thorough in his job,

"And we're the enemy tribe huh?" Sev let out coldly. Boss had his hand on his helmets chin.

"There's more Deltas." Fixer started

"Dear god..." Sev grumbled.

"Turns out a tribe to the north popped up and took over all the other tribes in the territory."

"No Doubt with Sombra's help," Celestia commented.

"These four are the last of their respective tribes." Fixer finished, and Celestia took a step towards the Elk. Sev eyed her,

"This isn't going to be another of your morality test is it?" He asked boldly.

Celestia bringer of the sun, Princess of Equestria because Queen was too impersonal. Who carried a flaming sword bigger than most Jedi. With Soot and ash darkening her normal pristine white coat. When she smiled at the Commando under her service like a D.I who just found a recruit after curfew, A chill went through Sev's very core.

"Your right Oh-Seven, This is not a choice." She looked at Seventy-Six who stood ramrod straight under her gaze. "Come along Dece let us greet the new additions." She trotted forward at a comfortable pace for the wounded clone towards the Elk. Boss signaled for them to group up.

"Delta's let's go gather the caravan and start scavenging," Boss ordered, and they fell in line. Scorch switched to Sev's private comm.

"Your gonna be stuck on fresher duty if you keep sassing the Princess." Sev just turned his head slowly to his brother but kept quite.

Southern Comfort

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The caravan hide huddled together under a tight cluster of trees. Rarity had placed herself as guard watching for any sign of Delta. When she saw those familiar T-shaped visors, she breathed a sigh of relief and started rallying everypony to move. She trotted over to them giving them a once over.

"You all don't seem to worse for ware. Is it safe?" She asked

"Crash sites secure for now, but we could use help searching for supplies." Boss relayed.

"I'll ask for volunteers." Rarity said and went back to gathering everypony up. Once gathered and several survivors offered their help they made the short hike back to the wreck. Boss and Fixer pointed out what they needed, and they all split off into groups to work. Once Celestia joined them the Villagers stopped to marvel and bow, some wept at her appearance. After telling them to rise she begun to check each of them using her magic to heal and bring relief to those who needed it.

Delta squad gathered around the mount with Psychos now grey from ash helmet laying on it. It sat next to the LA-AT's canopy which rested smashed and mangled off to the side.

"It's a marvel Dece survived an open crash." Scorch admitted, but Fixer looked at the canopy then to the ship.

"The canopy didn't get destroyed in the crash. Looks almost like a Jedi tore it off." Four-Oh commented

"The Princess?" Scorched asked. Boss spoke up.

"Celestia has proven to be stronger than anything we've encountered." As if to prove his point the sun began to set, and the Moon slowly took its place.

"I don't know how I feel about something with that much power Boss," Sev admitted glaring at the sky. Boss put a hand on his shoulder.

"The way I see it Deltas, She's not sent us to kill something I didn't agree needed it yet. If she does, then we can reassess our loyalty." All of Delta nodded in agreement.

Rarity made her way over to the group. "Good evening Deltas I do hope I'm not interrupting, but the supplies are all gathered and on the sleighs."

"Good to hear Miss" Boss praised, Rarity beamed and turned to Six-Two.

"Oh and Six-Two darling I found this for you." She levitated a new DC-17 out of her bag and held it out as the clone held in an excited noise.

"Man, someone at command, love's me!" He exclaimed as he looked at the gun. "I never got to put in the engineering request before getting swept to the Griffs thou."

"Wonder who packed the ship?" Four-Oh wondered.

Rarity smirked, "Judging by the box full of apples, I have a pretty good guess."

Fixer nodded as the pieces fell into place. "Oh-Four must have heard your blaster troubles and stocked another one." He marveled at the for thought.

"Hope shes got good hoofwriting I've heard the request forms are murder." Six-Two joked then something turned red in the sky and everyone jumped to look. It was the moon! The moon had become scarlet red. "Um is it suppose to do that?" Scorch's joking tune turned to concern real fast.

Celestia stared at the moon with the briefest look of horror before a small smile graced her face. "It seems we both have broken our vows this day dear sister."

"Ma'am Whats going on?" Boss asked, and she looked at him with a far-off gaze.

"Canterlot is being attacked. But the Blood Moon has risen which means Luna has joined the fray." She looked back to the moon.

Fixer put a hand to his helmet looking confused. "We got a signal Deltas... It's music. It's being broadcast across the board. Clone, X-Com, Even civilian channels."

Scorch started bobbing his head to the tune. "Gotta say it's not bad actually." He started playing it out loud.

"Don't go around tonight, Well, its bound to take your life, There's a bad moon on the rise."
Celestia threw her head back laughing "Happy hunting dear sister." She almost felt bad for these invaders, almost.