When I Say Goodbye...

by Duke Moon II

First published

Spike is determined to make his final year in high school a memorable one...with a little help, of course.

Spike is a reclusive senior high school student whose grades are falling due to spending most of his time devoting himself to the culinary arts exclusively and nothing else. Thanks to some friendly advice, Spike is determined to better himself and make his final year at Canterlot High School a memorable one...in more ways than he had initially hoped.

All characters are aged 18 years and over.

Thanks to Wildcard25, F14m3rz and AlphaSteel for pre-reading and editing duties.

Resolutions and Forgiveness

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When I Say Good-Bye…
A Humanized Fic by Duke Moon II
Based on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Chapter 1: Resolutions and Forgiveness

Spike peddled his bicycle at a frantic pace. Just about an hour ago, he had woken up and found out that he had forgotten to put the alarm on his clock. Spike had immediately gotten up from bed, took a quick shower, got dressed, and was nearly out the door until his stepmother, bless her heart, stopped him and insisted that he eat breakfast before he left. She had even chided him about wolfing down his food, telling him to chew slowly or risk choking. After that, Spike said his goodbyes and ran out the door, got on his bike, and peddled as fast as he could.

Spike, an eighteen-year-old fourth year student of Canterlot High School, was going to be late for class once again.

“I knew I shouldn’t have binged-watched that last season of ‘Great Chow’.” Spike muttered to himself.

Canterlot High School wasn’t very far away from where he lived, but Spike knew he didn’t want to waste time getting to his first class. He was nearing the campus and had glanced at his watch: 5 minutes to spare. Spike picked up the pace and he finally made it on campus. He secured his bike just outside the main building with the rest of the students’ bikes, made his way inside the building, found his locker and basically piled his books and his bag in, save one book and his binder, and made his towards his homeroom class.

Unfortunately, the bell had rung as soon as Spike reached the classroom doorknob. He couldn’t help but cringe as he turned the knob. When he opened the door, Spike found that the students inside were already seated, their books opened and ready to take notes. Standing in front of the whiteboard with a black marker was Ms. Twilight Sparkle, Spike’s homeroom teacher, looking flatly at him through her glasses. The silence was deafening as Spike could only smile nervously, sweating buckets.

Twilight took a look at her watch and shook her head and said, “You’re late, Mr. Drake.”

Spike groaned. The look of sheer disappointment on Twilight’s face was enough to make him cry.

“And you have the wrong book,” Twilight pointed out as she glanced the book Spike had in his hand.

Spike was afraid to look, but did anyway. The textbook he had in his hand was not his science book, but a social studies book. He had groaned once again was about to leave the classroom until Twilight cleared her throat.

“Take a seat, Mr. Drake,” Twilight ordered Spike, disappointment in her voice. “You’ll have to get by on taking notes for today. See me after class.”

Spike, head down, made his way towards his desk. As he sat down and opened his binder to take notes, Spike realized that he had nothing to write. He had the urge to bang his head on the desk but thought better of it. Spike was in enough trouble as it is, and he did not want detention for causing a disturbance in class.

‘Nice going, Mr. Drake,’ thought Spike miserably. ‘You made you teacher/friend mad at you.’

Spike couldn’t bring himself to look at Twilight as he sat in front of her desk. She had been checking his file and was silent the whole time. After class had ended, Spike knew he was going to get an earful about his grades, which had slipped considerably these past few months. It wasn’t just being late to class; it was also being inattentive in class, being unprepared, and falling test scores. Though the test scores weren’t so low to the point of failing, Spike knew he had better grades before. Spike had been disappointing Twilight and the more he thought about it, the more shame he felt.

“Spike,” said Twilight, getting Spike’s attention.

“I’m really sorry, Ms. Sparkle,” apologized Spike.

“Twilight.” Twilight corrected Spike. “When we’re alone, it’s Twilight.”

“Yeah… Twilight,” said Spike glumly.

“I really don’t know what to do with you,” sighed Twilight in disappointment. “At the beginning of the year, you had high marks in my class. You were studious, hard working… Spike, what happened to you? You were one of my best students. I used to brag about you to the other teachers, but now…”

“I’m sorry, Twilight,” responded Spike. “I just… I have a lot of things on my mind.”

“Yes, your culinary studies, I know,” Twilight said. “Spike, I’m glad you found something you’re really good it. Heck, I remember when you basically saved lunchtime and helped the cafeteria staff with their menu. But you’re sacrificing everything else for your art, Spike. I know you want to excel at your field, but at what cost?”

Spike knew Twilight had a point. Lately he had been watching cooking shows and burying himself in cookbooks and forsaking his other studies. In fact, he devoted more time in creating his own recipes to the point that he avoided the outside world. He hung out less with his friends and spent more time on the internet looking up the latest recipes and studying cooking videos. It’s like nothing else mattered except being the best chef Ponyville has ever produced.

'It’s not the only reason why and you know it,' thought Spike remorsefully.

“Spike, listen,” Twilight spoke, getting Spike’s attention once again. “I know what it feels like, losing yourself to the point where you cut yourself off from the rest of the world. I alienated my family and I almost lost my friends because of my own ambitions. When I realized what had happened, I hated myself and I practically begged my friends and family for forgiveness. It took some time, but they did forgive me.

“The point is, Spike… I just don’t want you to sacrifice yourself. Everyone… me, your stepmother, your friends, my friends… they worry about you. It’s your final year here, so make the best of it.”

Spike couldn’t help but feel like a heel. He wasn’t just hurting himself; he was hurting everyone else that cared about him. Spike really did want to cry, but steeled himself, not wanting to lose it front of Twilight.

Seeing Spike’s discomfort, Twilight stood up and made her way to Spike, motioning him to stand up. As she looked at Spike’s pitiful face, Twilight placed her right hand on her student’s cheek, which made him tear up. Twilight couldn’t help but notice how much of a Spike had grown over the years. She had met him when was just a seven-year-old, green-haired boy who was running from school bullies and she had saved him from getting beaten up. Now Spike had become a man before her eyes… a well-toned, fair-faced man… which made her blush as she started to caress Spike’s cheek.

For his part, Spike began to feel at ease. He loved it when Twilight tried to make him feel better. It took him back to his more innocent days when Twilight acted like a big sister to him. She always doted on him and made him feel special. As he grew, though, Spike began to see her not as a sister but a very beautiful woman. That long purple hair tied in a bun and wearing those sexy glasses... Spike knew he shouldn’t think that way about his teacher and friend, but he couldn’t help it. He knew she dressed conservatively in her white blouse, black vest, and slacks, but he couldn’t help but look at her. Spike blushed as he closed his eyes and felt Twilight caress his cheek even more.

Twilight, realizing what she was doing, let go of Spike’s face, looking away and blushing furiously.

“You didn’t have to stop.” Spike spoke in a yearning manner.

“Spike, I…,” Twilight trailed off before shaking her head. Still looking away, she spoke in a forced, stern tone, “Spike, I’m your teacher, first and foremost. You are my sweet, innocent and incorruptible Spike Drake, ace student. I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong idea.”

'Innocent,' Spike thought silently to himself. 'If only she knew…'

Getting herself under control, Twilight turned around and faced Spike and said, “Spike, I meant what I said… you really need to get those grades up or else you won’t graduate. Also, you need to reconnect with your friends and family. Got it?”

With a smile, Spike said, “Alright, Ms. Sparkle. I’ll do my best!”

“Good to know, Mr. Drake.” Twilight said, smiling back at Spike. She gasped as she heard the late bell. “You better get going. Don’t want you to be late for your next class.”

“Don’t worry,” assured Spike. “I got the right book this time.”

With that, Spike got his binder and his book and with a final wave, left Twilight’s classroom.

Twilight’s heart, however, was beating like a jackhammer. She nervously looked at her hand, the very hand that was lovingly caressing Spike’s face. Her face became even redder as she instinctively sniffed her hand, wanting to smell Spike’s scent. Twilight fell to her knees, shivering as she hugged herself.

“What… what’s happening to me!?” Twilight whispered to herself.

It had already been over two hours and Spike couldn’t get what had happened out of his mind. It had actually distracted him during his classes and got him in trouble with teachers. As he rummaged through his locker and making sure he got the right books for his next class, his thoughts went back to what had happened between him and Twilight. He couldn’t deny that he and Twilight, his teacher, were having a moment. The look on Twilight’s face, Spike recalled, was undeniable, too. Spike heart swelled. Still, he asked himself if he should do anything about it. He really liked Twilight, and if Twilight’s look on her face was anything to go by, she liked him.

Spike groaned in frustration. Yes, he really liked Twilight, but Twilight was his friend and he really didn’t want to drag her down with his base desires.

‘Besides,’ thought Spike sadly. ‘She would really hate me if she knew what I’ve done…’

“Howdy, Spike,” called out a voice.

Spike turned and found that Bloomingdale Apple was in front him, smiling sweetly. Bloomingdale, or as her friends called her, Applebloom, was a fourth year student, just like Spike. She was a brunette, long-haired, and wore a pink bow on her head. She was well-toned, like she worked, but looked lean. She wore an orange blouse and blue work pants that nearly hugged her body. Spike noted that she looked adorable and couldn’t help but smile.

“Howdy, Applebloom.” Spike said with a smile. “You look very chipper today.”

“Well, Ah should,” nodded Applebloom. Her face then took on a more concerned look and said, “Ah I haven’t seen you around a lot lately. You don’ even join me for lunch like you used to. Is anything wrong?”

“Been busy concentrating on other things except school work,” Spike explained ruefully.

“Well, maybe if you didn’ have your head buried in so many cookbooks and fawnin’ over older women, you might be doin’ a lot better in your studies.” Applebloom pointed out.

“Not this again,” groaned Spike as he closed his locker, slinging his book bag on his back.

“Look, as your childhood friend and life coach, it’s my job to guide you on the right path.” Applebloom said. “Besides, if you really want a girlfriend, I think you should look to someone who’s your own age. Less heartbreak that way.”

“Who, like you?” teased Spike.

“You only wish you could have someone like me,” smirked Applebloom as she narrowed her eyes at Spike. “But, if you’re real nice to me, I’ll even let you have a dance this Saturday at the Apple Carnival.”

Spike slapped his forehead and said, “I almost forgot about that event. I’m supposed to help with food that day.”

“Yeah, well Ah hope you keep your head on straight, because the family is counting on you,” warned Applebloom. She then took a dig at Spike and teased, “If you stopped starin’ at mah sister, maybe the event will go off without a hitch.”

Spike groaned and said, “Fine, I’ll be on my best behavior. Who knows? Maybe I will take you up on that dance.”

“Well, you better decide soon, because mah dance card is almost full,” said Applebloom with a grin as she walked away.

Spike sighed at Applebloom’s antics and thought, ‘Applebloom is adorable, but she’s got a real attitude on her.’

Though Spike had used lunchtime for culinary research in recent months, he decided to heed Twilight’s advice and use this hour to study and hopefully get his grades up. After getting a few books from his locker, Spike headed towards study hall, intent on making Twilight proud. He smiled to himself and hummed, happy in the knowledge that this was the first step in having the best final year in high school.

Spike’s happy thoughts were cut off as he felt someone unexpectedly pull at his shirt and drag him inside the nearest room. Before he could get a word edgewise, Spike was pushed by the person against the closed door and said person began to kiss him furiously on the lips. Spike’s face turned red as his muffled protests were unheeded. When the kiss ended, he was suddenly slapped in the face, the force of the hit sending him to the floor. Spike couldn’t help but feel angry, feeling the pain on his cheek and gritting his teeth.

When Spike looked up, his heart stopped. Standing over him was a beautiful woman with purple-blue hair with purple streaks. She was dressed in a light purple blouse and had a white choker around her neck with the symbol of a dark blue crescent moon. She was wearing a tight dark blue skirt that reached her knees. Currently, the woman was looking down on Spike with a glare and a frown, her left eye twitching and her hands on her hips. Spike blushed at the obviously angered woman, but quickly looked away, a guilty expression on his face.

The woman, which Spike recognized as Vice Principal Luna Heavenstone, tried to maintain her composure, but lost as tears began to run freely from her eyes. She immediately got on her knees and put her arms around Spike, torso, sobbing on his shoulder. Spike instinctively hugged Luna’s waist, his guilt slowly melting. Luna kissed Spike again, but this time more tenderly.

Spike’s eyes widened for a second before they closed, feeling the sensation of Luna’s lips on his. He moaned as he kissed Luna back, which also made the older woman moan.

After a few moments, Spike and Luna unlocked their lips and gasped for air. They breathed heavily as they stared at each other, both sporting deep red blushes on their cheeks.

“Spike…” Luna said between breaths with a questioning look, tearing up again. “Why… why did you run away from me? Why are you avoiding me?”

“I figured… I figured you would hate me after what I did to you, Vice Principal Heavenstone,” responded Spike, who began to tear up, looking away in shame. “I… I hurt you, and-

“Spike, look at me.” Luna spoke sternly. When Spike still didn’t want to look, Luna forced him by grabbing his face. “Look at me. What happened between us was consensual, got it? I wanted it, you wanted it. Yes, you were rough and it hurt me. But don’t think for a second that you did something unspeakable. Do you understand me?”

Spike remained silent as Luna held his face. Even though Luna had tried to reassure him, Spike felt scared, his heart beating at fast rate. He saw that Luna’s face had softened into a sympathetic smile and before he could respond, the older woman kissed him again. Spike responded to the kiss more eagerly, with Luna wrapping her arms around the young man. After they finished, Spike and Luna stood up together. They faced each other until Spike hugged Luna as gently as he could, with Luna hugging him back.

“I made you cry, Vice Principal Heavenstone,” sobbed Spike.

“I’m the one that made you cry first, my dear Spike,” smiled Luna, kissing Spike’s cheek. “I guess I just wanted our little adventure to be more intense, so I decided to egg you on. I didn’t know you were going to behave like that.”

“I’m sorry,” said Spike glumly.

“I forgive you.” Luna responded softly. She then let out a chuckle and said, “Though I can still feel your teeth on my nipple sometimes.”

Luna let go of Spike and locked the door, closing the curtain to cover the window. As Luna made her way towards the desk, Spike took his time to get his bearings. He was in a dimly lit room with the only light coming through the window behind the desk, which wasn’t much due to the horizontal blinds. Spike noted how eerie it felt being here, but remembering that this was Luna’s office, he recalled once being here at Luna’s request. He had asked once why the room was so dim and Luna answered that she loved the dark and jokingly teased Spike about being scared, to which the young man denied.

Spike heard Luna clear her throat and saw that she was sitting on the front of her desk, her legs crossed. Luna smiled and patted on an empty space beside her. Spike took it as an invitation and immediately went to Luna and sat beside her.

Both Spike and Luna were silent for a few seconds until Spike asked, “How long has it been?”

“Two months, fifteen days,” responded Luna. “It was big sister Celestia’s birthday party at the school gym, remember? We invited the faculty and a few friends, plus the mayor arrived to give Celly an award for all her hard work. I did have to convince her to let you be the chef at the event, saying it would be good publicity for the school. What can I say? Ever since you became a cafeteria hero, I became a huge fan of your cooking.”

“I know.” Spike recalled. “You even invited me to your apartment one time for your birthday just so I could bake you a cake… then Principal Heavenstone arrived just as I took it out of the oven.”

“I swear my sister has a cake sense,” groaned Luna.

Spike sighed and asked, “Vice Principal… what made you… make a move on me that night after Principal’s Heavenstone’s party?”

“A bunch of things, to be honest.” Luna answered bashfully. “First off, when I first saw you as the one who handled the cafeteria duties that day, I thought ‘wow, what a cutie!’ I know it’s not proper for a school official to think that of her students in that way, but there I was, one of the heads of CHS, crushing on a student. And the stories Ms. Sparkle used to tell the staff about you during our meetings, and how she gushed every time she spoke your name meant to me that you were a boy I wanted to keep on eye on.”

“You didn’t build a shrine of me, did you?” asked Spike worriedly.

“No, but I did take a few pictures while you weren’t looking.” Luna responded casually, which caused Spike to gulp. Luna laughed and said, “I’m kidding!”

“Not funny, Vice Principal.” Spike frowned.

“Seriously, though, I did go to every function you were cooking for,” said Luna with a smile. “We became friends and we even spoke of other things besides cooking after your duties were done. I even had the honor of meeting your stepmother at one of these functions (beautiful woman, by the way). I even found that you were quite the dancer and I just had to be on your card.”

“I think you were the dance card at one of those functions.” Spike pointed out.

“I know, and I made every woman in the room jealous, especially your dear friend Twilight.” Luna smirked.

Spike was a bit surprised at that bit of information. He began to remember an event that happened on a Friday before Thanksgiving break and Luna had asked him for a dance. Spike also remembered how close he and Luna were while dancing, so much that he could feel the Vice Principal’s breasts on his chest. This obviously got Twilight’s attention as she came out with a small ruler and with an annoyed expression, indicating that there should’ve been a small gap between Spike and Luna while dancing. When Twilight left, Spike had an awkward expression on his face but also noted that Luna was so annoyed that she actually stuck her tongue out at Twilight’s back before sneering at her.

“You know what really did it for me, Mr. Drake?” purred Luna as she ran her hand Spike’s leg, making the young man jump and blush. “It was when you started giving me lessons in the Home Economics room during lunch time. You were very attentive in teaching me your ways around the kitchen, and you even let me have a try at one of your custom recipes. What I loved even more was when you got behind me and used your hands to guide mine. I could feel your breath on my neck every time you spoke.”

Spike’s face was now scarlet as Luna then ran her finger at Spike’s length, which had hardened at Luna’s touch. He breathed heavily, but tried to remain calm.

“I also felt this when you were close enough to guide me,” Luna spoke huskily. “All I could think was, ‘Such a bad teacher. He wants to take advantage of his student and do unspeakable things to her.’ I kind of wished you did because I was ready to burst on the spot.”

Spike felt on edge as he was losing his self control. The way Luna spoke to him was making him sweat and swore he could feel his length getting harder and longer.

“That night after Celly’s party, I knew I wanted to have you,” Luna said passionately. “I was leading you here to my office so I could thank you for your services, but I couldn’t wait. I kissed you on impulse, the only fear I had was that you would reject me. When I saw your eyes, all I could see was passion, desire and hunger. And that’s when I dragged you the nurse’s office so we could have a time to remember… at least, that was the plan.”

Spike started to remember that night. He remembered how Luna had kissed him and somehow something switched on, like his whole body was on fire. He also remembered how Luna smiled, like she wanted to have that reaction in him. Spike had let himself be dragged by Luna to the nurse’s office and in an instant the older woman was dominating him, impaling herself on top of him and claiming his virginity. As he lay on his back on the cot, Spike was going crazy at what Luna was doing to him and was equally amazed at how tight she was. Spike had begun to cry at the intensity, tears flowing from his eyes. What made him start sobbing was when Luna started to taunt him, egging him on for more as she grabbed his chin fiercely and pinching his nipples, forcing Spike to face her and enjoying the fact he was at her mercy.

Things took a turn when Luna had slapped Spike’s face. This ignited something within him as he angrily forced himself on top of Luna. Not only did Spike increase the tempo of his thrusts, but he also started to squeeze Luna’s breasts firmly in his hands, causing the woman pain. Spike even started to bite on Luna’s nipples with ferocity, which caused the woman to cry. Spike had felt Luna orgasm but he didn’t stop, turning her body around with strength he didn’t know he had. After Spike forced Luna’s wrists behind her back, he began to thrust again, making her cry in pleasure and pain. In an effort to deepen his thrusts, Spike lay directly on top of Luna, pressing her into the cot. After a few moments, Spike climaxed inside Luna, causing her to scream and cry.

Spike, after a euphoric high, had cleared his head and saw that Luna was crying and sobbing, shivering as she hugged herself. What made Spike truly feel like a monster was when Luna turned to face him, her face full of tears, gritting her teeth in pain. Fear in his heart, Spike ran away from her, tears streaking down his face. In his mind, Spike couldn’t fathom what he had done. He told himself that he was not that kind of person, but couldn’t deny what had happened between him and Luna. Spike ran until he had reached Golden Oaks Park, crying himself to sleep below the big oak tree.

Since then, Spike had felt like a world class heel. He couldn’t face Luna, let alone talk to her, so he avoided her. Eventually, he had immersed himself in his culinary research and forsaking everything else. He had acted like nothing was wrong, but his grades began to falter and everyone, including his friends and stepmom, took notice. He wanted to forget everything, but knew that he couldn’t.

Now, after Luna had confronted him and assured him that he did nothing wrong, Spike felt a bit better but not by much. He glanced at Luna and saw that she had taken her hand away from his leg and was currently looking at it. Spike remembered it as the hand that Luna slapped his face with. He saw her tear up, a guilty look adorning her face. Spike couldn’t stand it and stood up and hugged Luna. Luna herself hugged him back, sobbing. They separated a bit, their foreheads touching.

“I’m sorry, Spike Drake,” said Luna, letting loose a torrent of tears.

“I’m the one who’s sorry, Vice Principal.” Spike responded tearfully.

“Lulu,” corrected Luna. “It’s Lulu, and I promise I’ll be gentle next time.”

Spike was surprised by this and faced Luna directly. He saw that Luna was giving him a radiant smile, which made him grin, despite how he was feeling.

“Lulu…” Spike trailed off.

“I didn’t just drag you here to talk,” Luna admitted, her smile turning lustful, drawing a circle on Spike’s chest with her finger. She then stood up and kissed Spike passionately, jabbing her tongue inside his mouth.

Spike was enjoying himself as Luna was showing him some love. He responded by kissing her deeply, his tongue now intertwining with hers. Spike then felt Luna’s hand travel down his pants and gripped his manhood through the fabric. This made Spike self-conscious and pushed Luna away gently.

“Lulu…we might get caught…,” said Spike worriedly. “Principal Heavenstone-”

“I locked the door, remember? It’s just us,” Luna reminded Spike. She then gave off a wicked smile and said seductively, “Besides, would it be so bad if my big sister caught us? Maybe she’d like to join in. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind having two sisters giving a stud like you a great time. Maybe we can give you a forbidden show beforehand. I’m sure you’d like that.”

Spike pictured what Luna had described and turned red. He shook his head and stared at Luna and said, “Lulu, I’m serious!”

“So am I, lover,” responded Luna unashamed. “But we’ll leave that adventure for another time. For now, it’s just you and I.”

Luna proceeded to kiss Spike lovingly, her arms wrapped around his neck. Spike allowed himself to enjoy the kiss and let Luna take the lead. He could feel that Luna was becoming more eager, deepening the kiss. Spike responded in kind, wrapping his arms around Luna and sticking his tongue inside her mouth, making her moan. He felt Luna press up to him even more, feeling her breasts mash into his chest. Spike’s face took on a strained expression as he felt his manhood stiffen again. It took all his self control not to push Luna on top of the desk and ravish her to no end. Spike resorted to running his hands across Luna’s back, eliciting more pleasurable moans the Vice Principal.

‘If Luna promised to be gentle, then so will I,’ thought Spike as he continued to kiss Luna thoroughly.

Spike and Luna came up for air again, disengaging themselves and breathing rapidly with flushed faces. Luna noticed that Spike’s face looked pained and wondered if she did anything wrong. She glanced downward and saw a bulge in Spike’s pants and couldn’t help but smile, flattered that she elicited that type of reaction from the young man. Luna looked up at Spike’s face and then took on an innocent, concerned expression and asked, “Spike…what’s wrong?”

“So… intense,” Spike answered between breaths.

“You look like you’re about ready to burst, little one,” Luna purred, unzipping her skirt and letting it fall to the floor, revealing purple v-string panties with a white crescent moon in the center. She kicked the skirt to the side and pulled up her blouse over her head, throwing it to the side, revealing a lacy purple bra, also with white crescent moons. Luna let Spike drink in the site of her form. She saw how tense Spike looked, as if he was trying to hold back his emotions. She backed off of Spike and sat at the front edge of her desk, giving Spike an inviting smile, spreading her legs and beckoning to him.

Spike didn’t waste any time and kissed Luna hungrily. He then unhooked her bra from the front, her breasts no longer restrained. Spike let go of Luna’s lips and began to stare at her breasts, marveling at how big they were. Spike began to caress and squeeze them gently, noting that Luna’s nipples had hardened. Spike stuck his tongue out, squeezed Luna’s right breast and started to lick and nibble at her nipple, which caused Luna to bite her lip, preventing her from screaming out loud. Spike then gave the same attention to Luna’s other breast, this time causing Luna to moan out loud.

Luna couldn’t stand it. As Spike continued alternating between each of her breasts, Luna was getting more excited. She felt her panties getting damp and as each second passed, Luna craved more. When Spike stopped giving attention to her breasts, Luna whined and was about to question Spike until he kissed her again, fondling her breasts in the process. Spike let go of the kiss and began to trail his tongue downwards from Luna’s chest, making her feel tingly. She looked down at Spike and saw that he was already kneeling down in front of her, taking her panties off. She felt embarrassed as the young man started to stare at her dripping wet sex. Still, Luna couldn’t help but smile at Spike.

“Spike,” spoke Luna throatily, which gained Spike’s attention.

“Lulu?” asked Spike as looked up at Luna’s pleasure filled face.

“I want… I want to pleasure you,” pleaded Luna. “It’s not fair that you do all the work. Let me make you happy, please…”

Spike melted at Luna’s insistence. As intoxicating as Luna’s scent coming from her womanhood was, Spike couldn’t deny such a simple request. He stood up and once again captured Luna’s lips with his. After the kiss, Luna turned Spike around, making him face away. Before Spike could ask, Luna snaked her arms around Spike’s chest, moving her hands around his body as she kissed and nibbled at his neck. Spike closed his eyes and enjoyed Luna’s attention, moaning at her touch. He then felt her hands move inside his shirt, her bare hands now making direct contact with his. Spike almost fell from the sensation, but kept himself steady, his face becoming more flush when Luna began pinching his nipples.

“Lulu,” gasped Spike.

“Your body is so lean,” Luna whispered in Spike ear. “Not too much muscle, but I love it all the same. Do you love it when I do this, holding you captive and helpless against my touch?”

“Yes…” gulped Spike.

“I love an honest answer, Mr. Drake,” whispered Luna again, licking Spike’s ear. She then looked down and saw that a tent has formed up in Spike’s pants. “Speaking of honest…”

Luna’s right hand traveled to Spike waist. She unbuckled Spike’s belt and unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, letting it fall to the floor and revealing Spike’s blue boxer shorts with a dragon design. Luna gave Spike an amused glance, which earned her an awkward look from the young Drake. She then proceeded to dig inside Spike’s shorts and fished out his member that had grown in size and stiffness since she and Spike began their private, adventurous escapade. Luna quickly got a hold of Spike’s length, making him wince. Luna noticed this and in keeping with her promise, she loosened her on Spike’s member and began stroking it slowly.

“Good… Lulu, that is so good,” moaned Spike in pleasure.

“I can make it even better, lover,” said Luna with a smirk. “But you have to be honest with me. If we are going to be in this type of relationship, then we both have to honest with each other. No exceptions. I’ll ask something then you have to be truthful with me. If you answer truthfully, I’ll bring you closer to heaven. If not… well, let’s just say I’ll leave you begging. Is that clear?”

Spike could only nod affirmatively, letting Luna know that he agrees, which made Luna beam in excitement.

“Good little boy,” purred Luna, stroking Spike’s manhood a little faster. “Now, Mr. Drake…was I really the first woman you had done it with?”

“Yes,” Spike responded simply.

“I’m glad,” said Luna, sighing as she stroked Spike with more vigor. “I just wish our first time together was a little more pleasant.”

“I wish it was, too,” said Spike, panting.

“Very well, then,” Luna said lightly. “I was your first woman, but was it your first time seeing a woman in all her glory?”

“No,” answered Spike.

“Aw, and here I thought you had innocent eyes,” pouted Luna. She then got curious and asked, “Who was it, or did one of your friends show you a dirty magazine?”

“It was… it was an accident…” answered Spike, his voice straining from Luna tugging at his manhood.

“Really?... You naughty boy.” Luna said sensually. “Was it an accident, or did your curiosity get the better of you?”

“Honest, it was an accident,” Spike insisted.

“Who was it, then?” Luna asked again.

“It was… Ms. Dash,” answered Spike, letting out a breath.

“Ooh, our Ms. Iris Dash, the soccer coach,” said Luna, stroking Spike’s member even faster. “When was this?”

“It was on her eighteenth birthday and… oh, so good… she invited me and the girl’s soccer team,” explained Spike, his face becoming red at not only the memory, but also Luna’s attention to his member. “I was only eight at the time. The other girls were… were waiting for her to make a grand entrance, and they sent me to go get her. So, like an idiot, I opened the door to her… room and I saw her… all of her. I… I froze… next thing I knew, one of her trophies was planted in my face. She didn’t talk to me for a week.”

“Well, you did barge in without knocking.” Luna pointed out, chiding Spike. “But she did forgive you, right?”

“Yeah…” said Spike with a smile. He then laughed at said, “She reasoned that at least I saw an awesome sight… she never really let me forget about it, though. In fact…”

Luna noticed that Spike had trailed off, so she slowed her strokes on Spike, letting him know that she wanted him to continue.

“She…she gave me an envelope…” started Spike, breathing faster. “Rainbow… I mean Ms. Dash gave me an envelope and told me not to open it until I was eighteen. I kept my word… believe me, I did… and when I opened it… it was a picture of Ms. Dash… posing nude… on her bed… legs wide open… dipping her fingers inside her… inside her…”

“It seems like our Ms. Dash loves to show off in more ways than on.,” Luna chuckled, shaking her head as she began to slightly intensify her strokes on Spike’s length. “Though giving a young boy a picture of herself in the buff… Ms. Dash is quite the pervert.”

Spike didn’t refute Luna’s claim as he was too busy enjoying himself, letting Luna stroke his length for all its worth. He felt himself getting close to climax and wished that Luna would just finish him off instead of torturing him like this. Spike then felt Luna’s tongue on his lips before she shoved it inside his mouth. When Luna let go of the kiss, Spike gasped and breathed for air.

“I love the taste of your lips,” moaned Luna. She then started to whisper in Spike’s ear and asked, “Which brings me to a very important question: that night when I kissed you… was it your first kiss? Was I at least the first woman to claim your lips?”

“No,” answered Spike, this time a bit apprehensive, his heartbeat quickening.

“Drat!” exclaimed Luna, pouting. She then took on a more playful tone and said, “So your lips have already been claimed by another. And here I was hoping that your lips were innocent at least. Now… who was she? Who stole my little Spike’s lips?”

Spike began to tremble in fear. For as much pleasure he was getting from Luna with every right answer he was giving her, Spike was hesitant to give the woman a response. He clammed his mouth shut, fighting the urge to open his mouth and answer. Spike began to feel more conflicted as Luna slowed her strokes down, almost to the point of stopping, making Spike whine.

Luna frowned as she noted that Spike was being a bit more resistant than before. She stopped stroking Spike’s length and was about to grip it more firmly, but thought better of it. She remembered her promise to Spike about being gentle and she was not going to force the answer out of him. Luna’s face softened as she kissed Spike on the cheek.

“Spike, none of this, what we are doing, will leave this room.” Luna said sincerely. “But like I said before, we have to honest with each other. No secrets. Or is the memory of your first kiss a painful one?”

Spike glanced at Luna and noted that the sincerity on her face matched the sincerity of her voice. He sighed and shook his head at Luna’s question.

“No,” admitted Spike. “I’ll always remember it, because…”

“Who was it, then?” prodded Luna.

“My… my stepmother,” answered Spike.

‘His stepmother!?’ Luna gasped at the thought. ‘Well…no wonder he wanted to keep that to himself. And here I am, prodding him about it.’

Luna felt ashamed at her actions. Her little game was going well, but she just had to ask something real personal about Spike, and now she felt like she was ruining everything. She could also see the fear in Spike’s face, like he’s waiting to be scolded for engaging in something disgusting and unnatural. Luna assured Spike by stroking his length again. Spike began to moan in pleasure.

“So… someone from within the family, and your own stepmother at that,” began Luna curiously. “You said that it wasn’t a painful memory for you. Did you like it when she kissed you?”

“Y...yes,” admitted Spike.

“Why did she kiss you?” asked Luna.

“We were going through a few family albums,” Spike explained. “We were looking at few pictures of my dad and my birth mom, bless their souls. Mom, that is, my stepmom, Mina Laurel Drake, used to be my real mom’s rival when it came to my dad back in high school. Even though my real mother won out, she and my stepmom became friends. When we were looking at the pictures, mom began to cry, lamenting that she should have been friends with my real mother from the beginning, saying that she was a wonderful woman and felt like a monster for trying to steal dad away. She also said that my real mother really didn’t mind when she flirted with dad sometimes.

“It got to the point when mom was inconsolable, so I hugged her. When she calmed down, mom smiled at me and said that I reminded her of dad, just with green hair. That’s when she caressed my face and said that how much she loved me. She then got a funny look on her eyes and kissed me on the lips. At first, I wanted to push her off, but I didn’t, so I went with it. We made out for a few minutes before we came up for air. She looked at me like she wanted to continue, but she ran upstairs to her room crying. We haven’t talked about that moment since then.”

“Was she repulsed by what she did?” asked Luna.

“Now that I remember it… no,” responded Spike. “She looked more guilty than disgusted at what we did.”

“Maybe she still remembers that moment,” Luna said, stroking Spike’s member vigorously. “Maybe she wanted more from you than she cares to admit. You’ll never know if you don’t ask her.”

Spike remained silent, doubtful that he could muster enough courage to ask his own stepmother about their little make-out session.

Luna let go of Spike’s member and got on her knees in front of him. She smiled as she licked her lips, grabbing hold Spike’s length. She looked up at Spike, who in turn was looking at her with expectant eyes.

“I never had this in my mouth the first time around.” Luna said, her voice filled with lust as she gave Spike member a few licks at the tip. “But I want brutal honesty now, Spike, and it involves your friend and teacher, Twilight Sparkle.”

Spike, in the midst of ecstasy, remembered how Twilight had caressed his face, how he yearned to be touched lovingly by her, telling her not to stop. He also saw that Twilight had wanted it too, even if she denied it.

“I know she wants you, Spike,” said Luna bluntly. “Her goody two-shoes attitude is so fragile that she’ll drop to her knees if you ask her to. I bet she gets all hot and bothered at the sight of you and she gets herself off on it in her private moments, thinking about you putting this delicious thing in her mouth, bringing you climax while bringing herself to ecstasy.”

Spike breathed heavily, panting at Luna’s words. It wasn’t difficult to imagine Twilight in such a state. As he felt Luna lick his length, Spike began to imagine Twilight doing the exact same thing, trying to feverishly bring him off.

When Luna saw that Spike member was slick with her saliva, she sandwiched his length between her breasts, giving Spike more stimulation.

“You want Twilight badly, don’t you?” asked Luna rhetorically. “You want to love her body, please every entrance she has until she’s covered in a pool of your love. You want her in her classroom, her territory. You want to teach her a love lesson, something she probably only knows from a book. Maybe you’ll let her dominate you from time to time, coating her love over your manhood, screaming your name and wanting more, which you will give her by dominating her, your dear, sweet bookworm of a teacher, Twilight Sparkle.

“But most importantly, you want to thank Twilight. She’s been a friend to you for so long that you want to thank her for everything she’s done for you. For being a good teacher and being a good friend, you want to reward her. You want to reward her with your manhood and she’ll gladly accept it. Do you want to do that, Spike? Do you want to reward Twilight with your manhood and your love?”

“YES!” exclaimed Spike pleasurably.

“Very well, Spike.” Luna said, satisfied with Spike’s answer. She then engulfed Spike’s manhood in her mouth, bobbing up and down furiously.

‘Her mouth feels so good,’ thought Spike, already on the brink of climax. He instinctively put his hands on Luna’s head, stroking her hair and humping his manhood inside her mouth. Luna’s dirty talk, her moans, along with her questions had put Spike into frenzy, running on instinct, wanting to burst so badly it hurt. Spike couldn’t take it anymore as he let out a moan, climaxing inside of Luna’s mouth, holding her head in place so she can take every lost drop of his juices. Once he was satisfied that he deposited every last drop inside Luna’s mouth, he loosened his grip on the older woman’s head and let her go. Spike almost collapsed as he steadied himself to Luna’s desk, breathing heavily as he tried to recover.

Luna, still on her knees, swallowed Spike’s juices in one gulp. She licked her teeth and her lips of any remaining juices, giving off a satisfied moan of approval. She got up from the floor and saw that Spike looked spent, panting and trying to remain standing, his hands on her desk. Luna cleared her throat, getting Spike’s attention. She motioned Spike to move aside, which he did. Luna then placed her hands on the edge of the desk and stuck her posterior out, her juices dripping from her sex.

“Spike… you’ve made me so moist,” Luna said lustfully, glancing back at Spike, wiggling her butt. “Please, take responsibility for what you’ve done…”

Regaining his wits, Spike approached Luna. He went to her side and began to fondle Luna’s breasts, pinching her nipples lightly. Spike smiled as he heard Luna moan. He then went to Luna’s neck and kissed and nibbled it, getting another positive reaction from her. Spike heard Luna whine, and looked at Luna’s posterior as she shook it in anticipation.

‘She really wants me to go down there,’ Spike though with lecherous smirk. He stuck out his tongue and traced it along Luna’s spine, making whine even more. When he got to the end, Spike spread Luna’s legs apart even more and dipped his fingers inside Luna’s sex with his right hand, while with his other hand used his thumb and forefinger to stimulate the older woman’s clit. Spike then stuck his tongue out again and licked Luna’s buttocks while also nibbling it.

‘He really knows what to do,’ Luna though blissfully as Spike played with her, letting out a hiss and moan. ‘That’s it, Spike… right there… show how much you love your school official…oh, God… no… don’t make me burst before you put it in me.’

Spike, feeling that Luna was wet enough and felt that his manhood was at full mast again, got directly behind Luna and moved closer to her posterior. He rubbed his hands over her buttocks until he got a firm grip. He then rubbed the tip of his dick outside Luna’s love canal, teasing it. Spike enjoyed Luna’s pleading moans as he teased her, wanting her to beg. Feeling that Luna’s suffered enough, Spike shoved his manhood inside Luna’s sex, wincing at the fact it was gripping his mast so tightly.

When Luna felt Spike’s length enter her, she gasped as her eyes went wide. She let out a satisfied moan, smiling as she shut her eyes, feeling her lover’s manhood inside her. She could feel that Spike was rocking her slow and steady, which was fine by her. Luna wanted this feeling to last, and while she was about ready to climax, she wanted to wait until Spike was ready to burst inside her. She loved how gentle Spike was being with her and felt blissfully happy. Luna then felt Spike’s hands leave her buttocks and his chest on her back and started to feel the young man’s ragged breaths next to her ear. She felt Spike hands fondle and squeeze her breasts as his thrusts began to increase in speed.

‘He’s so close…,’ Luna thought euphorically as she whimpered. ‘I’m at limit, too. Please, Spike…finish me…I can’t take it anymore.’

“Lulu…” grunted Spike. “I’m close… I want to come inside you…”

“Do it, lover!” cried Luna as she her motions matched Spike’s thrusts. “Fill me with your love! Make me feel it! Make me yours! I want it!”

Spike got off Luna’s back and started to thrust harder into her, gripping her buttocks again as he grunted. Spike sped up his thrusts, banging into Luna with intensity, making her cry out in ecstasy. Then Spike made one final thrust and climaxed inside of Luna’s sex, moaning as he drained his juices inside her. As for Luna, she climaxed as soon as she felt Spike fill her up with his juice, stifling a scream. They both collapsed to floor, their energy spent.

Luna panted, still feeling an orgasmic high, Spike’s juices oozing out of her sex. She struggled to sit up, and when she did, Luna saw that she was face to face with Spike. He was looking at her expectantly and she gave him an approving smile. Spike couldn’t help but hug Luna lovingly, careful not to do it tightly. Luna hugged him back and kissed Spike on his forehead before kissing him on the lips.

Time had passed in Luna’s office, and it was five minutes before the next bell would signal the students to attend their next class. As for Spike and Luna, they were fully dressed in their clothes again, relaxing without a care in the world. Spike was actually sitting at Luna’s chair, facing the window that didn’t let in much light due to blinds. Luna was actually sitting in Spike’s lap with her arm draped on his shoulder as he held her in place. Luna then kissed Spike on the lips, the young man responding in kind. After a few seconds, they let go of the kiss and continued to enjoy each other’s company.

“I’m really going to miss you, Mr. Drake,” said Luna with a sigh.

“Really, Vice Principal Heavenstone?” asked Spike, looking at Luna.

“You’ll be off to college, devoting yourself to the culinary arts while I’m stuck here dealing with boring school politics and bad cafeteria food.” Luna lamented. “I’ll miss our talks, you teaching me how to handle myself around kitchen… and our little extracurricular activities.”

Spike blushed at that last part Luna mentioned. He had to admit that what he and Luna shared moments earlier was a better experience than the first time around. That first time was just pure animalistic rutting, while this time around it was more loving and tender. It made Spike smile, and it made him feel better about himself. The fact that Luna enjoyed it made him feel like he could do no wrong.

“Not that I regret what we did here, but I did promise Ms. Sparkle that I should get my grades up,” commented Spike.

“And you certainly wouldn’t want to disappoint her,” said Luna, smiling.

“She also told me that I should make the most of my time here before I graduate,” said Spike seriously. “I really need to spend some time with those important to me before I set off into a brave new world.”

“Well, you already started with me, young man,” Luna purred as she touched Spike’s with her finger. She then smiled a wicked smile and asked, “What if I told you I could make your last months the best you ever had? I could help you with Ms. Sparkle, Ms. Dash, resolving your situation with your stepmother, or any of the other women in your life.”

“You’re kidding, right?” asked Spike, an eyebrow raised.

“I do know for a fact that Twilight has her own circle of friends who have known you just as long as you’ve known her,” Luna pointed out. “I’m sure none of them would mind having you.”

“I don’t know,” said Spike doubtfully.

“Like I said, I’ll help you when you need it,” Luna said. She the heard the bell and immediately got off Spike’s lap and said, “You should go. You don’t want to be late for your next class.”

Spike got up, collected his books and was about to leave until he gave Luna one more kiss. He felt Luna return it earnestly before letting go.

“I’ll see you around, Mr. Drake,” said Luna, smiling broadly.

“Likewise, Vice Principal,” said Spike confidently before unlocking the door and heading out of the office with an extra skip in his step.

Luna couldn’t help but smile fondly. She knew that Spike was well on his way to becoming a true man and facing world. Luna also felt giddy at the prospect of helping Spike achieve his goals in the coming months, just like a real teacher should.

Private Sessions

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When I Say Good-Bye…
A Humanized Fic by Duke Moon II
Based on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Chapter 2: Private Sessions

Spike panted as he jogged around Faust Field’s track, sweating with each step he took. Physical Education was his last class of the day, and Spike really wanted it to end. Spike was trying to keep up, but he lagged behind the rest of the students and the strain was already getting to him. Though he did recover his energies from his little tryst with Vice Principal Heavenstone, it wasn’t enough to even keep pace. Spike fell to his knees, breathing heavily.

“Hey, Drake!” shouted a voice. “You gonna keep up or do I have to pull up the groundskeeper’s cart and drag your corpse to the locker room!? You got one more lap to go! Get your ass in gear and go! Move it!”

Spike gritted his teeth and got up, immediately recognizing the voice that shouted at him. It was Iris Dash, his Physical Education teacher who was in the distance, her arms folded as she tapped her foot on the ground impatiently. Gathering his strength, he began to jog again at a steady pace. By the time he made his final lap, Spike fell to his knees again.

“Get up,” a voice said bluntly.

Spike rose to his feet and saw that his P.E. teacher, Iris Dash, was standing in front of him, her hands to her hips and a look of disappointment on her face. The woman with shoulder length rainbow hair was tall, athletically built with a few muscles on her, including her legs. She was wearing a light blue jogging suit with white trim that hugged her figure.

“What am I gonna do with you, Mr. Drake?” sighed Iris, shaking her head.

“Guess I must be losing my edge, Ms. Dash,” laughed Spike humorlessly, breathing heavily.

“Spike, you could barely keep up on your best day, and now you just lag behind my other students.” Iris pointed out. “As far as I’m concerned, you’re the only one failing my class.”

“I’m really sorry.” Spike apologized.

“Save it,” said Iris sternly. “Hit the showers and report to my office. We have a lot to talk about.”

“Yes, Ms. Dash,” said Spike glumly, heading towards the nearby locker room.

Iris looked on at Spike as he headed to the locker room with sympathy. Then a smile formed on her face which turned into a wicked grin.

‘I know what that boy needs,’ thought Iris with a chuckle. ‘I just hope he has the strength to give me what I need, too.’

Not much later, Spike sat across Iris’ desk in her office. Spike was nervously twiddling his thumbs as he saw Iris write on some forms and notes. He could tell that Iris had a very bored expression on her face, like she wanted to do something else other than sit around in an office. Spike couldn’t help but smile at the thought, knowing that Iris was a very active woman who kept in shape. He also couldn’t help but take notice of the cleavage the instructor was showing off because she took off her jogging suit top a moment ago and was now in her spandex top.

‘Those are nice,’ thought Spike with a smile. ‘Though Rainbow’s aren’t as big as Luna’s, they’re definitely bigger from years ago.’

“Like what you see, Mr. Drake?” asked Iris teasingly with a smirk, not even bothering to look up.

“Um, sorry, Ms. Dash.” Spike stammered Spike, looking away embarrassed.

“Spike, you can call me Rainbow if you like,” laughed Iris. “We’re alone and we can be friends.”

“Sorry, Rainbow, I… just got distracted,” said Spike sheepishly.

“I’ll bet.” Iris smiled a naughty smile. “Though I think I recall you seeing me in less, right?”

Spike chose not to answer, though his face became flush. Iris couldn’t help but chuckle, knowing that she had her student’s number.

“You’re never going to let me forget that,” said Spike.

“Not in a million years, Mr. Drake,” laughed Iris wickedly. “But then again, you have something to remind you of that, don’t you?”

Again, Spike remained silent, blushing. This made Iris grin wider at her poor student. She shook her head and became serious, folding her arms and looking at Spike intently.

“But seriously, you really need to get that grade up,” Iris said bluntly. “No student of mine is flunking my class.”

“Yeah, Twilight already reminded me of that after her class, and believe me, I’m listening.” Spike said with a smile.

“Good thing Ms. Egghead’s looking out for you,” said Iris with a grin. “Still, I want to make sure you’re taking my class seriously from here on out. Tell you what, I’ll come by your house later on so we can get some tutoring done.”

“You really don’t have to.” Spike said nervously, waving both hands.

“I insist.” Iris said with an eyebrow raised. “Besides, I’ve missed your cooking, and I can’t wait to see what you got lined up for me.”

“Cooking is what got my grades down in the first place,” commented Spike.

“So make something small,” shrugged Iris. “I’ll be there at five. Just be ready, okay?”

“Alright, I’ll tell mom you’re coming over,” said Spike, sighing and relenting to Iris’ request.

Hours later, after finishing his homework and rechecking his work, Spike was in the Drake household family kitchen, making some snack-sized pizzas. As promised, Spike wasn’t making anything too complicated, though he made sure to make every snack-sized pizza with different toppings. Though he felt internally nervous at the fact that one of his teachers was coming over to personally tutor him, Spike felt he could at least be a gracious host once Iris, or as she preferred to be called, Rainbow, arrived. While he took his culinary studies very seriously, Spike really loved putting his skills to work in the kitchen.

Unknown to Spike, his stepmother, Mina Drake, was watching him from the kitchen doorway, leaning on the side. Mina, a blonde-haired woman wearing blue slacks and a purple blouse couldn’t help but smile as she watched her stepson work. She always admired him when he worked on his passion in life, and she noticed that her stepson was working with a spring in his step, meaning that, at least to her, Spike was happy, which made her happy all the same.

‘He’s really something,’ thought Mina, looking at Spike with genuine admiration. ‘Mike and Annie would be so proud of him. Though I do hope his teachers can help him with his grades.’

Mina eyes then went to Spike’s butt, which made her lick her lips. She then shook her head and turned around, biting her finger on her right hand while tugging her blouse with her left hand. Her face was flushed with embarrassment as she sweated.

‘No… what happened between us was a mistake,’ Mina thought frantically. ‘It shouldn’t have happened… poor Spike. What he must really think of me…’

“Mom?” Spike spoke up, startling Mina and making her gasp as she turned to him with a forced smile.

“Spike, I see you’re preparing something for our guest,” said Mina, chuckling nervously.

“It’s just some snack pizzas, mom,” Spike pointed out as he shoved the pizzas into the oven before closing it. “Ms. Dash wanted something quick before she got to work on helping me raise my grade.”

“It has been a while since Ms. Dash has been to our home.” Mina pointed out. “I’m just glad she’s making time to help you.”

“I’m glad, too,” said Spike with a smile. The doorbell rang and Spike said, “That must be her.”

“I’ll get it,” said Mina as she went to the front door and opened, revealing that it was Iris Dash, dressed in a cut-off blue shirt and sweatpants with a duffel bag slung over her shoulder. Mina then greeted her, “Hello, Ms. Dash. I’m glad you could make it.”

“Hey, Mrs. Drake,” greeted Iris. “Your son is expecting me.”

“Please, come in,” said Mina, leading Iris in. “I hope this isn’t an inconvenience, Ms. Dash. I know you’re busy with other things.”

“Hey, don’t sweat it, Mrs. Drake,” assured Iris with confidence. “Once I’m done, your son will be a shooting star.”

“Glad to hear it,” smiled Mina. She then looked at her watch and exclaimed, “Oh, I’m meeting a few friends at a book club! I’m going to be so late!”

“Get going, I got this,” said Iris, waving. “Just watch out for paper cuts, ok?”

“See you later, Ms. Dash,” waved Mina as she grabbed her purse and car keys. She then called out Spike, “Be good, Spike! Listen to everything Ms. Dash says!”

“I will, mom!” Spike called out from the kitchen.

Iris watched as Mina made her way to her car. As soon as Mina got in and drove away, Iris made one last wave before turning her head and looked at Spike with a predatory smirk. The boy had his back turned and was washing the dishes in the kitchen. Iris closed the door quietly and tiptoed to the kitchen. As she got close, Iris glomped on Spike, surprising him as she pressed her breasts to his back.

“Have I ever told you how much of a MILF your mom is?” Iris asked next to Spike’s ear.

“Rainbow!” Spike exclaimed as he dropped the plate and the sponge in the sink.

“C’mon, let’s go over a few things while the pizzas cook,” said Iris as she dragged Spike away from the kitchen.

It had been more than an hour since Iris arrived, and she and Spike were sitting at the dinner table. Spike had eaten his share of the snacks and was currently looking over Iris’ notes for his exercise regimen, while Iris herself kept on scarfing the remainder of the snacks. Spike looked over at Iris and chuckled as she pigged out. It was satisfying that his work was being appreciated, especially by such a close friend. He shook his head and started going over his exercise regimen again. Spike’s thoughts were immediately interrupted when Iris let out a big belch, which made the young man laugh.

“Excuse you, Ms. Dash,” said Spike in amusement.

“Sorry Spike, I couldn’t help myself,” said Iris, blushing. “I just missed eating something you made so much that I had to have it in my mouth.”

“I’m just glad you liked it,” said Spike genuinely.

“Yeah, well we better get down to business,” said Iris, swallowing the last of the snacks. “How about we continue this in your room?”

“I’ll lead the way,” he said as he got up and went for the stairs, Iris following.

As Spike went up the stairs, Iris couldn’t help but admire Spike’s behind, blowing it a kiss as she licked her lips.

Spike led Iris to his room and, acting like a gentleman, let her in first before going in himself. The room was actually pretty small, but not so cramped that there was little room to move. There was single bed, a bookshelf with a few trade comics and novels, and a few posters featuring various superheroines. There were also a few action figures on the a couple of shelves on the wall. It’s what one would call a modest room with some comfort.

Iris whistled as she put down her duffel bag and said, “Guess there are some things that don’t change with you, Mr. Drake. Even after all these years, you’re still into girls in tights.”

“Yeah, well I guess I’m still a kid in some aspects,” said Spike, rubbing the back of his head.

Spike was then caught off guard when Iris pulled off her shirt and pulled down her sweatpants, revealing her in a tight exercise ensemble, which consisted of a tight blue-strapped top and tight spandex shorts that really showed off her figure. Spike couldn’t help but stare and drool at his teacher, taking in the sight.

Iris, noticing Spike’s reaction, smirked as she bent down in front of him, showing off her cleavage.

‘I really got him now,’ thought Iris, looking down at Spike’s crotch and noticing that his manhood had hardened considerably. ‘Yeah, he’s into me. No more fapping to an old photo of teenage me for him.’

“We should get started with a few stretches, Spike,” pointed out Iris.

“Oh, right,” said Spike shaking his head. “Um, I’ll just get my gym gear and-

“No need, you can do it in your boxers,” said Iris bluntly, cutting him off.

“Rainbow-” Spike protested embarrassingly.

“No arguments, Mr. Drake,” said Iris sternly. “Take them off or…say Spike, how about if I take them off for you?”

“That’s not really necessary,” stammered Spike.

Iris made a shushing sound as she placed her finger on Spike’s lips, silencing him. She then went to her knees and untied his shoes, then tossed them over her shoulders. Spike went stiff as Iris pulled his pants down. She got an eyeful at the bulge that was only covered by Spike’s boxers. Iris gave the bulge a nuzzle as she discarded Spike’s pants. She then got up and faced the young man, giving him a smirk before kissing him, wrapping her arms around Spike’s neck.

‘Oh, man,’ thought Spike as he moaned into Iris’ kiss. ‘I guess this is what Rainbow wanted to do all this time. I knew she loved to tease me, but this…oh, her tongue’s in my mouth…’

‘You’re all mine, kid,’ thought Iris as she deepened the kiss. Her hand then made its way towards his manhood. ‘Be grateful that I’m going to be your first.’

Spike felt like he was losing control. As he responded to Iris’ kiss, Spike also felt his teacher’s breasts press up to him. What Spike also felt was Iris grinding her womanhood to his already-swollen length. He felt like he was going to burst unless he took control of the situation.

‘Control,’ thought Spike in a haze of pleasure.

Spike thought back to hours earlier, before his last class of the day.

Spike, closing his locker with his gym gear in his bag, was making his way to Faust Field, his last class of the day being Physical Education. He was about to head out of the building when he saw Vice Principal Luna, leaning on the side of the entrance with her arms folded, a pleased expression on her face. Spike immediately recalled what the two had shared hours earlier, which made him blush and smile. He was just glad their second time making love was a better experience than the first. Spike approached Luna and waved, to which Luna waved back with a smile.

“Hello there, my student.” Luna greeted.

“Hey there, Vice Principal Heavenstone.” Spike greeted. “Lovely afternoon, isn’t it?”

“Indeed it is.” Luna nodded. “So I take it that P.E. is your last class of the day.”

“Yeah, with Ms. Dash,” sighed Spike. “I can’t believe I’m flunking her class, too. She’s really getting on me to pass her class.”

“Ms. Dash does seem to be a take-charge type of woman,” commented Luna. “Always wanting to be on top of things and never letting up. Always wanting to be in control and wanting everyone to know who is top dog. I wonder…”

“Vice Principal?” asked Spike in wonder.

Luna leaned close to Spike’s ear and whispered, “I think that when the opportunity arises, you should take control. Let her know what it feels like to have no control and make her feel like she came in second.”

Spike gasped at Luna’s suggestion and whispered, “Luna… I’m not going to hurt her, not like I did you.”

“You’re not going to hurt Ms. Dash, Spike.” Luna assured. “You’re just going to take the lead… and not let up.”

Back in the present situation, Spike took Luna’s words to action as he closed his bedroom door and managed to turn Iris around, backed her against the closed door, and thoroughly kissed her back, surprising the gym teacher. Spike further deepened the kiss as he grabbed Iris by the back of her head. He became even bolder as his other hand traveled down Iris’ body and started stroking her womanhood furiously through the tight fabric.

‘Wha… what’s going on…’ thought Iris frantically, losing herself to pleasure. ‘I’m supposed to be the… oh, no… I’m going to come… oh my God, I’m going to come…’

Iris lost herself and in a few seconds orgasmed, moistening her sex and dampening her shorts. She moaned into Spike’s mouth and her body stiffened until she fell to floor. Iris was panting heavily as her body felt sensitive. She looked at Spike, who had his arms folded with a playfully disappointed look on his face.

“I guess this is what you had in mind all along.” Spike chided. “You really didn’t care about my grade at all.”

“No… I do care, it’s just… I wanted to have some fun, that’s all,” said Iris shaking her head.

“Really,” said Spike doubtfully. He then went to Iris’ duffel bag and began to rummage through it. “I wonder what else you had in mind for me…oh.”

Spike took out pair of handcuffs from Iris’ duffel bag and looked them in wonder. He then looked at Iris and smirked, making his teacher sweat and chuckle nervously. Spike then approached Iris, knelt down in front of her, put her hands behind her back and put the handcuffs on each of her wrist. He then stood up, towering over Iris, feeling dominant.

Iris struggled with the handcuffs but knew it was no use. She was very surprised by how Spike was acting towards her, which made her feel a bit apprehensive of what her student might do next. Iris also felt her sex moisten her tights again at the prospect, making Iris really wanting to know what Spike had in store for her. She then felt Spike’s boxer-covered manhood rubbing her face, making her moan.

“You really want this, don’t you Ms. Dash?” asked Spike with a smile. He saw that Iris looked up at him and nodded. “Well then…why not pull my boxers down and get it?”

Iris frowned at Spike and looked back her handcuffed hands for emphasis. Spike chuckled, running his hand over Iris’ hair and said, “Use you mouth to pull them down.”

Iris pouted as she bit into Spike’s boxers, pulling on the waist band with her teeth. She struggled as she tugged Spike’s boxers until she was able pull them down, unleashing Spike’s manhood, which was at full mast. She drooled at the sight and eagerly started to lick the tip. She then ran her tongue along the sides of Spike’s shaft, enjoying the taste. Iris then opened her mouth widely and took one of Spike’s balls into her mouth, moaning as she suckled on it.

‘Wow…Rainbow’s really good at this,’ Spike thought, moaning at Iris’ actions. ‘She truly is an experienced woman. Though I think she’s usually the aggressor at this sort of thing… oh man, I gotta keep it together. Don’t want to burst too soon…’

Iris, after suckling on both of Spike’s testicles, shoved Spike’s length down her throat. She moaned as she bobbed her head on Spike’s manhood, sucking and tasting it inside her mouth. She then felt Spike’s hands grab the back of her head so she could keep her in place and her mouth wouldn’t let go of his shaft. Iris heard Spike grunt with each passing thrust, knowing her student was close to orgasm. She could feel that her nipples had hardened under the fabric of her top and her shorts were more drenched than before. With her hands bound by the handcuffs, Iris couldn’t play with herself, which frustrated her. Still, she enjoyed the taste of Spike’s manhood and continued to shove it inside her mouth.

‘Spike, please come in my mouth,’ Iris mentally begged. ‘I want every last drop of your cum.’

Iris got what she wanted as Spike made one final thrust and climaxed inside her mouth. She made every effort to swallow every last drop of his semen. Iris did it in one gulp, enjoying the taste. In a loud pop, Iris let of Spike’s manhood, breathing heavily trying to catch her breath. She instinctively licked any remaining semen from her lips and savored the taste. Iris looked up at Spike and saw that he was also trying to catch his breath. She also saw pleased look on his face, which made her smile.

Spike, regaining his senses, went to his knees and picked up Iris in his arms. He carried her to his bed and gently laid her down on her side, her back to him. Spike smiled as he ran his hand all over her well toned body, making Iris shiver. He then pulled Iris’ top upward, revealing her breasts. Spike then pulled Iris’ damp shorts down, her womanhood now exposed.

“How about we do some stretches, huh?” Spike asked into Iris’ ear.

Iris nodded and stuck her left leg straight up. She then felt Spike run his hands all over her leg, as if being massaged by an experienced masseur. Iris felt Spike’s tongue licking her calf, running it up and down. She sighed at the sensation and giggled as she felt Spike slide his tongue to her thigh. Unfortunately for Iris, Spike stopped short of her slit, choosing to tease her as he continued to run his tongue on her inner thigh.

‘Bastard,’ Iris thought, gritting her teeth in frustration. ‘I’m aching down there! Just give it to me!’

“Other leg, Rainbow,” ordered Spike.

Iris complied, turning to her other side and sticking her right leg up. Spike treated this leg like the other, though he took a bit more time licking and kissing her entire right leg. Though Iris moaned in pleasure at the treatment Spike was giving her, she still wanted the young man to lick her womanhood. It almost made her cry whenever her student denied her such a pleasant reward.

“Alright, Ms. Dash,” spoke Spike again. “Let’s see how much you can spread those awesome legs of yours.”

Iris moved to sit up on the bed. She did as Spike told and spread her legs wide open, her wet womanhood dripping juices. Iris then saw Spike move his head towards her slit and waited in anticipation. She frowned as Spike denied her again, choosing to lick very close to her slit. Though it felt very nice, Iris wanted more.

Spike stopped his licking and got off the bed. He went towards the doorway and he picked his boxers from the floor. Spike made way towards the bed again and stuck his boxers inside her mouth, gagging her.

Iris made sounds of protest, but they went unheeded. She then felt Spike lick inside her slit while playing with her clit, effectively cutting off any further protest, moaning and giving in to the pleasure. Iris felt helpless and excited as she arched her back as Spike had his way with her. She loved how much Spike was pleasuring her, and she was getting close to release.

‘He’s so good at this,’ Iris thought, her face flushed as she moaned. ‘It’s almost as if…’

Iris’ eyes went wide in shock. The way that Spike was being so forceful and the fact that he was being so dominant. She was cuffed and gagged, helpless as Spike had his way with her. The fact that Spike knew what to do with her. Iris, for as far as she knew Spike, was only exposed to one naked body, and the only naked picture she knew Spike to have was that of her eighteen-year-old self. She had never known of Spike owning pornographic material, not even a magazine. Yet here she was, being owned by her student like a beast in heat.

There was only one conclusion she thought of, and it made her whimper and cry. Spike wasn’t a virgin. Some other girl had got him before her.

‘No… this isn’t fair,’ Iris thought as she sobbed, tears streaming from her eyes. ‘I was supposed to break him in, not some teenage floozy or…’

Iris’ mind filled with dread as she conjured up an image of her friend and fellow teacher, Twilight Sparkle, naked and having her way with Spike. She sobbed in disbelief at the very thought of her friend breaking Spike in. She shut her eyes, more tears streaming down her cheeks.

‘I’m going to kill you, Twilight,’ thought Iris, half raging, half despairing. ‘God damn it, I’m going to kill you!’

“Rainbow,” Spike spoke lightly, which startled Iris. He looked at her tear stricken face with concern and asked, “Are you okay?”

Iris nodded firmly, making Spike sigh in relief. He then asked lovingly, “I bet you want to be on top now, don’t you?”

Iris nodded again to answer. Spike smiled and motioned Iris to get up from the bed, which she did. He then lay on his back and waited for Iris to get on top, which she did in a heartbeat, lowering herself on Spike’s shaft. Iris slowly took Spike’s length inside her womanhood, feeling every inch of it.

‘Wow, she’s tight!’ thought Spike as he cringed. ‘She’s got a lot of muscle there. No surprise there, her being a gym teacher.’

Spike proceeded to grab Iris by the hips and thrusted into her, making the woman squirm and moan. He watched her lovingly as she made sounds of pleasure, her moans and screams muffled by his boxers in her mouth. Spike couldn’t help but observe Iris’s mounds go up and down with each thrust he made. His thrusts became more aggressive at the sight of Iris, his gym teacher, in the heat of passion, bound by handcuffs and forced to experience being possessed and coveted. Spike sat up and took Iris’ right breast in his mouth, making the woman squeal. He started to thrust faster into her, feeling very close to climax as he basically masticated on Iris’ breast.

‘No…it’s too much,’ thought Iris blissfully, arching her back at the sensation of being plowed and having her breast being chewed on. ‘Please, Spike…come inside me. Make me yours. I’m begging you, make me feel it.’

Iris climaxed, screaming a muffled scream. She also felt Spike make one final thrust and felt him orgasm inside her. She felt Spike’s juices flow inside her, feeling very happy at the sensation. Iris spat Spike’s boxers from her mouth and panted heavily, finally coming down from her high. She then looked at Spike, who was also panting, knowing that he was spent. She instantly felt Spike’s lips on hers, quickly surrendering to his kiss. She wanted to wrap her arms around the young man, but with her wrists cuffed, she couldn’t. Not that she minded as long as Spike was the one to possess her. The two lovers let go of the lip lock and stared at each other with affection.

“Spike… the way you had me like that,” started Iris as she breathed heavily. “The way you just took me and had me all helpless and at your mercy… it was… awesome!”

“You mean it?” asked Spike hopefully.

“Yeah,” smiled Iris genuinely. “Though my wrists are getting a little itchy from the cuffs, so...”

“Oh, sorry,” apologized Spike as he disengaged from Iris. He went to her duffle bag and searched for the keys. He found them, went to Iris, and freed her from her bonds. He then found himself in Iris’ arms, knocking him down on his back to the bed, snuggling up to him happily, her sweaty body mashing up to his.

“You’re the best, Mr. Drake,” Iris sighed.

“So are you, Ms. Dash,” Spike responded.

A little later in the evening, Spike and Iris were downstairs on the couch, watching sports highlights on the television, having taken a shower together and dressed up earlier. Spike was watching the highlights though, Iris only watched them with little interest. Her mind was still on the lovemaking session she and Spike had and how much she loved being Spike’s toy. Still, in the back of her mind, it saddened her that she didn’t get Spike first. Iris felt cheated, frowning at the thought of the woman she suspected of getting to Spike first.

‘Damn you, Twilight,’ thought Iris angrily.

“Rainbow,” spoke Spike, looking at Iris curiously. “Is something wrong?”

“It’s nothing, Spike,” answered Iris with a sigh. “Just… just a bit pissed that someone took you before I got to you first.”

“Oh, that I…” Spike trailed off as he blushed.

“No, Spike, it’s okay,” assured Iris as he looked at Spike with a smile. “It’s kinda silly of me to think you were going to be a shy little virgin.”

Both Spike and Iris remained in awkward silence, not knowing what else to say.

Finally, Iris spoke, “Look, you don’t have to tell me who it was. All I can say is that she was lucky to have you.”

Spike could only smile awkwardly at that. He really wouldn’t exactly call his first time with Luna lucky, but at least he and the vice principal made up for it with a great second time.

“Just… promise me that this won’t be a one time deal,” said Iris hopefully.

“You mean…really, Rainbow?” asked Spike.

“Yeah, like I’m passing up riding on this again,” Iris said naughtily as she grabbed hold of Spike’s member, making the young man blush.

The couple then heard the front door open and quickly separated from each other. Mina had come home from her book club and greeted them.

“Hey, you two,” said Mina cheerfully. “Taking a break from school work?”

“Yeah, Mrs. Drake,” answered Iris while ruffling Spike’s hair. “Your son’s grade is a sure thing, so I wouldn’t worry about him.”

“Oh, good,” Mina said in relief. “I really do worry about my son, but I’m glad he has a dutiful teacher looking out for him.”

“That she is, mom,” Spike agreed.

“Well, I gotta go,” said Iris, getting grabbing her duffle bag. “I’ll see you at class tomorrow, Spike.”

“Will do, Ms. Dash,” said Spike, waving Iris goodbye.

“Take care, Ms. Dash,” said Mina.

“You too, Mrs. Drake,” said Iris as she went out the door, closing the door behind her.

“She really is something, that Ms. Dash,” said Mina with a smile.

“Yeah, that she is,” said Spike fondly. He yawned and said, “Well, I’m sleepy. Better get some sleep. Big day tomorrow.”

“Good night, Spike,” said Mina, giving Spike a kiss on the cheek.

“Night, mom,” Spike said as he bounded up the stairs.

As Spike entered his room, he couldn’t help but smile. Laying down on the bed, pleased with himself, Spike was looking forward to more fun with the girls in his life. Maybe he would take Iris on another romp and maybe even get another shot at Luna. Or maybe, just maybe, Twilight would be next. Spike was really looking forward to the next coming months with eager anticipation.

‘Guess I’m going to have me some fun,’ thought Spike with a smirk.

A Mother's Needs

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When I Say Good-Bye…
A Humanized Fic by Duke Moon II
Based on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Chapter 3: A Mother’s Needs

‘Brand new day, brand new me,’ thought Spike as he sat up from his bed, stretching arms and let letting out a yawn.

Spike took a moment to look at his clock on the wall and saw that it was early, 6:30am. He couldn’t help but smile, proud that he was able to get up early for once, which gave him time to get ready for the school day. Spike shook his head and grinned as he looked back on yesterday. Not only did he promise himself and Twilight to do better in school, but he also reconnected with Vice Principal Luna in a very intimate way, not to mention showing a dominant side to his gym teacher Iris, getting physical with her and loving every moment of it. Spike couldn’t help but smile a lecherous smile, knowing that he made two women, a gym teacher and a vice principal, very happy.

Not wasting any time, Spike got up from his bed, gathered his clothes from the drawers and closet, and made his way towards the bathroom.

‘Maybe I can actually make breakfast today,’ thought Spike happily as hummed.

Spike’s thoughts were interrupted when he heard a moan coming from Mina’s room. Curious, he approached the door, the moans getting louder.

“Spike…” Mina called out as she moaned.

“Mom!” exclaimed Spike as he dropped his things and barged into his stepmother’s room. “Are you oka-”

Spike’s word’s died in his mouth at the sight before him. His stepmother, only clad in her bra and panties, was looking at him with a very horrified expression on her face. She was lying on the bed, one hand dipping inside her panties, which were soaking wet. Her other hand had a handful of one of Spike’s boxers up to her nose. Both Spike and Mina looked at each other, unmoving and shocked. Mina was the first to regain her senses as she got up, her face flush with embarrassment. She pushed Spike from the entrance to her room and slammed the door in his face, locking it.

Spike, shaking his head and regaining his own senses, was about to speak up and apologize when he heard his stepmother sob. His face took on a sad expression as he picked up his things and made way to the bathroom, feeling guilty at his actions.

‘New day, stupid old me,’ thought Spike as he lamented.

“You could have knocked,” Luna deadpanned, looking at Spike with disappointment.

“I thought she was sick,” Spike defended, his face red.

“Well, your stepmother does have a fever, alright.” Luna purred, smiling slyly at Spike.

“Luna, this is serious!” Spike exclaimed as he stood from the chair, looking at Luna with worry. “Mom locked herself in her room and didn’t come down for breakfast! I want to do something and I don’t know what!”

Luna could only sigh and look at Spike with a mix of sympathy and pity. Spike had come to her office as soon as the lunch bell rang with a look of embarrassment on his face. She knew instantly that the young man needed to talk to someone desperately and from the look she saw on Spike; it certainly wasn’t about the conquest of his gym teacher. Spike was able to talk about the incident that happened that morning with his stepmother, and how she never came down for breakfast after that. Luna could see that Spike felt awful about what he did, and could tell that it was weighing on his mind all morning. She also knew that the young man couldn’t tell anyone about it, which made her glad that Spike came to her, seeking counsel.

Luna was glad that Spike could share these secrets with her, considering she and him shared a lot more the other day.

Luna got up from her chair, moved around her desk, and took Spike’s hand in hers in an effort to calm the young man down.

“Spike…I don’t have to tell you that there is tension between you and your stepmother,” Luna pointed out. “It all stems from that moment you shared… that kiss you shared not too long ago.”

“I know,” agreed Spike, sighing. “It’s not something I could easily forget… mom hasn’t forgotten it, that’s for sure.”

“Lover, this needs to be resolved,” said Luna. “If anything, this situation is just another obstacle that’s getting in the way of you living your life to the fullest. I’m sure your stepmother doesn’t want to hide from this forever, either.”

“I’m all ears, Vice Principal.” Spike said softly. “What should I do? I’ll follow your lead all the way.”

“I know you will,” smirked Luna. “Listen, I may have a plan, but I need you out of the way for bit after school.”

“What do you want me to do?” asked Spike curiously.

Luna was deep in thought for a few seconds until she brightened up and said, “You could spend a bit more time with your dear sweet Twilight.”

“Um, she, I mean, Twilight might be busy.” Spike said nervously.

“She won’t deny herself a bit of quality time with her favorite student,” said Luna lustfully, wrapping her arms around Spike’s neck, making him nervous. “Besides, I think you should work on warming her up to the idea of… you know. She just needs a bit of a nudge.”

Before Spike knew it, Luna began massaging his growing manhood through his pants, making him moan. He then felt her lips on his, beginning a make out session between them. They used their tongues, tasting each other and pressing themselves against each other, causing all kinds of sensations. After a few moments they stopped, though Luna still had one hand on Spike’s manhood.

“I would hold off using this on Ms. Sparkle for now.” Luna said breathlessly, squeezing Spike’s stiff manhood, causing Spike to moan. “I suspect that you’ll need your energy later on.”

Spike could only nod in agreement, and was almost going to whine when Luna let him go. Luna stopped him when she placed a single finger on his lips.

“You should really go, lover.” Luna said reluctantly. “Be a good student for Twilight, and maybe she’ll be good to you.”

Spike nodded in agreement, which made Luna beam.

‘I think I might prefer dodgeball right about now,’ thought Spike, sweating fearfully.

Once again, Spike was at Faust Field for his last class of the day, P.E. This time, however, he was guarding a soccer goal at the end of the field. Just minutes ago, Iris Dash called her class together to draw straws for who was going to be the ‘lucky’ man to guard the goal while everyone else played dodgeball. In any case, Spike drew the short stick, so he was elected for goalie duty.

Unfortunately for Spike, the ones who were going to try getting the ball past him was the Wonder Fillies soccer club, which was the girl’s varsity team. Spike once saw them in homecoming game as they decimated the Griffon City Eagles in a lopsided victory. The Wonder Fillies were basically an all star squad, trained by Iris Dash herself, and if Spike knew Iris well, she probably trained them to take no prisoners.

Spike knew that he was basically at the wrong of firing squad, awaiting a fate worse than death.

“Alright everyone, listen up!” bellowed Iris as she stood with her soccer team. “We’re facing the Shadow Fillies in a few days, a good defensive team that hasn’t let a single goal in this season! We’re going practice penalty shots today, and I want you to be on target, just in case we don’t score in full time, which I find very unlikely! One of my boys from my class is here as our goalie! Don’t take him lightly!”

‘Are you trying to kill me, Ms. Dash!?’ Spike thought, now panicking. ‘This is not how you build student morale or character!’

“Welker, you’re up!” Iris bellowed again as a grayish-haired girl with blue streaks came up.

As the first girl got ready, Spike tried to get into a goalie stance, trying to show that he was ready. Before he knew it, the girl revved up and kicked the ball. The ball came to him too fast for him to react and then it struck his head, sending to the ground. Spike clutched his head pain, groaning.

“Welker, the goalie wasn’t even fooled by that shot!” shouted Iris at Welker. “You need to have a lot variety than that! Latta! Show this goalie a bit of deception!”

Shaking his head as he got up, Spike got into a goalie stance once again, this time facing off against a girl with red hair and silver streaks. The girl wasted no time taking her shot, seeming to go in the right direction, but kicking the ball in the left direction. This time, Spike managed to read where the ball was going and dived to the left. Unfortunately, the ball struck his head, causing more pain as he fell to the ground.

“Nice try, but you’re going to need more technique to fool the Shadow Fillies’ goalie.” Iris pointed out to her player, Latta. She then called out to her next player, “Libman! You’re up!”

Spike once again got ready, slapping his own face so he could focus on the next shooter. This shot that came was more obvious, so he dived to the right. The ball struck his head, the pain even more pronounced.

After a few more minutes of this, Spike was already dazed from too many blows to the head. He was having trouble staying upright, and he was feeling frustrated by what was happening to him. Spike could feel the bruises on his face, and he swore that some of his past memories were being erased.

‘They keep aiming for my head,’ thought Spike as he gritted his teeth, his head in pain and agony. ‘Why…why do they keep aiming for my head!?’

“I can’t believe any of you!” shouted Iris at her team. “None of you scored! Do I have to replace the whole lot of you!? Is this the team that’s taking on the Shadow Fillies!?”

‘Cold comfort… at least none of those girls has scored a goal on me,’ thought Spike miserably. ‘That’s got to count for something, right?’

“Okay, last chance!” shouted Iris again. “Nelson! Think you got the touch!? Well, it’s all on you! Make this goal, and the team doesn’t have to do double the laps!”

Spike, trying to focus on the last penalty shooter, faced off against a red-haired girl with a very determined look on her face. Shaking his head once again, Spike positioned himself to defend. The red haired girl, Nelson, made her kick. The kick was fast and direct, and the ball hit Spike’s stomach, making the young man stagger back into the goal and falling flat on his back, all the while the ball rolling inside the goal. Spike could only hear the team cheering for the red haired girl’s success as he clutched his stomach with one hand and his head with the other.

‘So this is how death is celebrated… with cheering and whooping.’ Spike thought as he lamented.

“You okay, Spike?” a voice asked.

Spike opened his eyes and saw that Iris was above him, looking at him concern as she offered her hand. Spike grunted as he took Iris’ hand. He felt him being lifted off the ground, and with some luck managed to stand on his feet, still feeling dizzy.

“You know, you could have used your hands, Spike.” Iris commented. “You didn’t have to use your head all the time to block.”

“Real funny, Ms. Dash.” Spike frowned at his teacher, trying to get his bearings as he tried to get the world to stop spinning.

“Look, I’ll make it up to you,” said Iris with a genuine smile. “I’m taking the team for a round of pizza at Cheesy Sandwich later on. You want to come?”

Spike really couldn’t stay mad at Iris because of the offer, and he almost melted when he saw her smile. He smiled back, despite the pain he was feeling, but then his expression turned sad, which made Iris curious at Spike’s change in demeanor.

“I’d really love to, Ms. Dash,” said Spike apologetically. “But I want to see Ms. Sparkle after class. I want to see if she can tutor me.”

‘Of course you do.’ Iris thought knowingly as she frowned. She shook her head and sighed. She then said, “Come on, Mr. Drake. I’m trying to be nice here.”

“We can see each other this Saturday at the Apple Fall Carnival.” Spike said. “Maybe I’ll save you a dance.”

“Well, aren’t you sweet?” smirked Iris as she fished a pack of pills from her pocket, handing them to Spike. “Just find a water fountain and swallow these. Then get dressed and see the nurse before you see Twilight, okay?”

“Got it,” nodded Spike as he made his toward the nearest water fountain.

‘Oh, Spike.’ Iris thought forlornly as he looked at Spike. ‘You’re going to see Twilight after what we had last night?’

Though school had let out a few minutes prior, Twilight was busy in her classroom, reviewing student essays, looking over grade sheets, and planning lessons for the next school day. She sighed, feeling weary as she decided to take a break and leaned back on her chair. Though she found being a teacher to be a joy, it was nice to have some peace and solitude once in awhile.

Twilight’s thoughts turned to Spike. Her favorite student and friend was trying to make an effort to be a better, and it showed in today’s class as he tried to answer a few questions from her lecture. Of course, Twilight could tell that Spike was trying a little too hard as he answered a few questions wrong. Either way, she was glad that her student was at least making an effort, and hopefully he would raise his grade. Twilight just wanted Spike to succeed and get out of the funk he was in.

Thinking of Spike got Twilight to think about what she did the previous day, which made her blush as she recalled her actions. She really wanted to comfort Spike in his time of need, and she overdid it. Twilight couldn’t deny it, no matter how much she wanted to. She always saw Spike as her friend, and now as so much more. She shook her head and frowned, groaning at her illicit thoughts.

‘He’s your student, Twilight Sparkle.’ Twilight insisted as she thought to herself. ‘Yes, he’s grown into a man, but he’s still young, and I won’t be the one to corrupt him. Even if-

Twilight’s thoughts were interrupted by a knock on her classroom door. She sighed in relief, thinking that whoever it was, she had to thank her stars that she wouldn’t have to think naughty thoughts about her favorite student. When Twilight opened the door, however, she wanted to curse whatever fates conspired against her as she beheld Spike before her. Of course, her face turned into a concerned one as she saw Spike face, gasping as she saw the bruises.

“Spike, what happened to you?” asked Twilight, frantically checking and fussing over Spike. “What happened? Who did this to you? It was bullies, wasn’t it? How dare they do this to my poor, innocent little-

“Ms. Sparkle, I’m fine,” said Spike, a little embarrassed at Twilight’s fussing. “Things got a little rough in P.E., that’s all.”

“Then tell me what…” Twilight trailed off but then looked at Spike sternly. “Did Ms. Dash have another one of her dodgeball matches!? I’m going to have a few words with that woman!”

“Actually, I took a few soccer balls to the face.” Spike pointed out sheepishly. “Can I come in?”

Twilight finally did let Spike into the classroom. She locked the door and began to pace around the room in frustration, muttering curses about irresponsible physical instructors and the safety of her students. Twilight stopped pacing and stood stiffly as she folded her arms, facing Spike.

“Soccer balls?” asked Twilight, seething.

“Yeah, Rainbow invited her soccer squad for a few penalty shots,” explained Spike. “I was the goalie and…well, you see the result of that.”

“Of all the…she’s insane!” Twilight shouted angrily.

“Twilight, calm down,” said Spike, making soothing gestures with hands. “I’m going to be fine, okay? I’m not dead, I’m still walking, and I’m not speaking through a voice device. I’m generally fine!”

Twilight muttered as she counted to ten in an effort to calm down. She the tried breathing exercises, which seemed to do the trick. After a moment, Twilight managed to let her anger die down and looked at Spike with a calm expression. She smiled at him, putting her student at ease. Still, Twilight looked at him curiously.

“So, what brings you here?” asked Twilight.

“Well, I wanted to ask if you wanted to tutor me,” responded Spike hopefully. “I mean, if it’s not too much trouble.”

“Oh, Spike, I would love to!” Twilight said smiling, though she started to sweat, feeling a bit nervous. “I can set up a schedule, devise a study plan, divide our time on what subject you’re having most trouble with, and other things. We can even take some mock tests!”

“Can we start now?” asked Spike, smiling.

“Um, now?… I mean… now, now?… Wow, I… um.” Twilight nervously babbled. “Spike, I’m really busy. I mean, I’m glad that you want to raise your grade, but…”

“Twilight, I really need your help,” pleaded Spike. “You’re the best teacher I know, and I really need the kick-start, please!”

Twilight saw that Spike was being genuine about the situation, which to her was a relief since she could actually concentrate on helping and Spike and nothing else. Twilight smiled at Spike’s pleading face and melted.

‘He really is adorable when he pleads to me,’ thought Twilight. She then spoke, “Oh, alright, Spike. We can begin today if you want.”

“Thank’s, Twilight.” Spike said happily.

“Wait, won’t your mom be worried?” asked Twilight curiously.

“Don’t worry, I called her earlier, she’s okay with it,” explained Spike truthfully. His mind went back to his stepmother and thought, ‘Though I think with what happened in the morning, mom would want me out of the house for a bit. Whatever you’re planning, Luna, it had better work.’

Meanwhile, Mina was sitting on her couch, staring at a picture frame while trying to hold her emotions back. The picture inside the frame was that of a ten-year-old Spike, her step-son, with his real parents Michael and Annabel looking happy at the local fair. Mina traced her finger over the glass of the frame as tears began to form in her eyes. She started to cry as she held the frame close to her chest, looking up at the ceiling as she silently mouthed an apology to the heavens.

Because of what happened that morning, Mina decided to stay home from work, citing health problems. She had slept all day, trying to put what happened out of her mind, but failing to do so as her dreams were filled with fantasies about her step-son. It didn’t help that she had played with herself as the dreams became more intense, imagining Spike having her way with her with no resistance, and enjoying it with no shame. She also recalled not feeling any shame when she played with herself to those same fantasies that morning before Spike barged in on her. Mina knew what she wanted... or rather who she wanted.

Mina recalled the day she gave Spike’s first kiss and enjoying it. Since then, she had tried forget that moment and trying to be a good mother to Spike. But like this morning’s incident, the memory wouldn’t go away, becoming more vivid as time went by.

“Mike… Annie, I’m so sorry,” sobbed Mina.

Mina gasped as she heard a knock at the front door. She wiped the tears off her face, placed the picture on the table, and straightened herself up as she stood from the couch and went to the door. Mina paused, however, as she wasn’t expecting anyone. Her son was at school, and he had called her earlier and said he was going on a tutoring session with Ms. Sparkle. She calmed herself down and mustered enough courage to sound normal, like nothing was wrong.

“Who is it?” asked Mina.

“Vice Principal Heavenstone, Mrs. Drake,” answered Luna.

Surprised, Mina opened the door and it was indeed Vice Principal Heavenstone. She found that Luna was smiling pleasantly at her, waving lightly with her right hand.

“Hello, Mrs. Drake,” said Luna amicably. “Do you have time for a talk? It’s about your son.”

Growing concerned, Mina asked worriedly, “It’s not something bad, is it?”

“Nothing bad at school, I assure you,” said Luna. “Can I come in?”

Mina nodded as she let Luna inside the house. This was actually the first time someone from the school faculty had come to her household, and she felt unprepared and at a loss of what to do. Spike had spoken of the Vice Principal before, and her son considered her a friend and a fan of his cooking. Though her son had not spoken of her for some time and assumed that things had soured since he catered Principal Heavenstone’s party. Mina had asked her son about it, but he had always changed the subject. Still, from what she saw of Luna, things must have gotten better if she was visiting the Drake household, beaming as she took in the surroundings of her home.

“I have to say, Vice Principal, that this is a surprise.” Mina said with a smile.

“Call me Luna, Mrs. Drake.” Luna said as she faced Mina.

“Okay… Luna,” said Mina pleasantly. “I’m sorry I don’t have anything prepared. I’ve been… a little preoccupied.”

“Oh, it’s no trouble at all.” Luna assured as she sat on the couch. “Could I trouble you for some tea, though?”

“Coming right up.” Mina said as she made her way to kitchen.

Mina grabbed the tea kettle from the cupboard, filled it up with water, turned on the stove to high and placed the tea kettle over the flame. She then looked through the rest of the cupboards for tea bags, sighing in relief when she found a few lemon-flavored tea bags. Mina then found an old tea pot and placed the tea bags inside the pot. Mina smiled, glad that she could play hostess to an unexpected visitor.

As Mina waited for the water, she took the time to look over her guest. Though Luna’s arrival was a surprise, Mina was glad for the distraction as she concentrated on being good company to a very important school official. Luna did say she wanted to talk about Spike, so maybe it had to do something about his drop in grades. Her face took on a confused look, however, noting that a high-ranking school official was taking her time to be concerned with just one student, even if said student was a friend of her son’s. Mina’s eyes narrowed when she saw Luna place two fingers on her lips and place them on the picture she had on the table.

Before she could wonder more about Luna’s actions, Mina heard the tea kettle give off a loud whistle, prompting her to grab it from the stove. She turned the heat off and poured the hot water inside the tea pot, mixing with the teabags inside. Grabbing the teapot handle with hand and a pair of cups with the other, Mina made her way to the living room, sitting next to Luna who was still admiring the picture in the picture frame she was holding.

“It’s amazing that the little boy in this picture is the handsome man he is today.” Luna spoke as she looked at the picture fondly, placing it back on the table. “You’ve raised a fine man, Mrs. Drake.”

“Well…I have tried to do well by Mike and Annie.” Mina said softly as she poured tea for Luna and herself.

“Well, he’s a fine young man and an excellent friend,” Luna said as she blew into her cup before taking a sip of her tea.

“I’m just glad a high-ranking school official is taking the time to look out for my son,” Mina complemented Luna before taking a sip of her tea.

“Well, I am a big fan of your son’s cooking,” giggled Luna. “I once took an entire tray of his special garlic-toasted grilled cheese sandwiches for myself.”

Mina couldn’t help but laugh at what Luna had said. She knew her step-son was a great cook, and she herself has been known for taking a second helping of his cooking if she could manage it. Mina knew Spike was very passionate about his craft, and encouraged him to pursue it. Still, with Spike’s grades declining, Mina had tried to get her stepson to get his grades up. She was just glad that Spike was getting help from not only Ms. Dash, but from Ms. Sparkle as well, if her step-son asking his homeroom teacher for tutoring sessions was any indication.

‘I just wish I had a hand in helping Spike...’ thought Mina sadly.

“Mrs. Drake, I’m here because I’m your son’s friend,” Luna started, her expression becoming serious as she faced Mina. “I’m glad that he’s starting to get his academic life together, but I’m concerned about his home life.”

Mina’s heart started to beat rapidly, becoming nervous as her face became flustered. She gulped as she turned to Luna, stiffening at her expectant gaze. Mina was at a loss for words as she did not expect to have this conversation with the Vice Principal. She gulped as she started to sweat.

Luna sighed and continued, “Mrs. Drake… Mina… your son and I had a bit of a rough patch, and until yesterday, we hadn’t spoken in months. All I can say is that I’m glad Spike and I worked things out and we became friends again. Still… as Vice Principal, I want what is best for my students… Spike in particular. I’m sure that, as a mother, you want what is best for your son, right?”

Mina nodded and allowed Luna to continue.

“Since yesterday, I’ve been counseling Spike and trying my best to guide him to living his life to fullest. He really does want to take advantage of the next few months and graduate without any regrets or loose ends.

“Spike reconnected with me, and I’m sure he will reconnect with his studies. What I’m concerned about is his reconnecting with his family. Mrs. Drake…Spike loves you, but there is tension between you two. He won’t be able to move on if there is a dark cloud hanging over this home. I’m sure Spike’s parents would love nothing more than to see you two be a family again.”

Mina lips quivered, her body shaking as tears flowed from her eyes once again. Not wanting to look at Luna, she turned away. She tried to hold back the sobs but failed, her conscious wracked with guilt. Mina hugged herself in an effort to hold whatever emotions back.

Finally, Mina asked as she choked, “How…much did my son tell you?”

“Enough,” said Luna bluntly.

“Then you must know how much of a disgusting woman I am!” Mina blurted out, her voice breaking.

“Mina…what is so disgusting about love?” asked Luna.

“I’m supposed to be Spike’s mother!!” cried Mina, sobbing. “Before Annie died, I promised her I would do my damndest to love Mike and be the perfect mother for her son just like she was! When Mike was killed in that car crash, I promised Spike I would protect him like his real mom and dad did! Spike trusted me, and like a bitch in heat, I took advantage of that trust! I can’t even look at him without thinking about him… that way! I’m a failure as a mother and a horrible person!”

Luna’s heart broke as she saw Mina cover face in shame, crying into her hands. Luna immediately scooted closer to the distraught stepmother and hugged her. Mina cried even harder as she hugged Luna back, crying on Luna’s shoulder. Luna did her best to comfort Mina, making soothing noises. When Mina calmed down, Luna put her hands on the stepmother’s shoulders and faced her.

“Mina Drake… you’re not a failure.” Luna said soothingly. “You raised a wonderful boy and you love him. He doesn’t hate you for what you did. Spike even told me that he enjoyed it. You gave him something he will remember for a long time: his first kiss. Just remember that Spike loves you, and that’s all that matters. Do you understand that?”

Mina wiped her tears and nodded, making Luna smile.

“Mina.” Luna began as she looked at Mina lovingly. “I hope I’m not being too forward, but… can you show me how you kissed Spike?”

“Show you?” asked a confused Mina.

“Please… your son was so honest with me and… now that you’ve opened up…” Luna trailed off while giving Mina a coy look.

Mina didn’t know what to do. Luna had made an unusual request, and she was hesitant to show this woman how her make out session with Spike went down. Mina then saw a reassuring smile from the Vice Principal, making her feel at ease.

“Think of it as a first step in the healing process,” suggested Luna softly.

Mina nodded as she was about to grab a pillow before Luna grabbed her wrist.

Luna shook her head and said, “No, Mina. Show…me.”

Mina gasped in shock. Now she knew what Luna meant by showing her how she gave Spike his first kiss. Mina blushed as her heart began to race again. To her, this day had been an emotional ride as it began with a rather embarrassing moment to the Vice Principal wanting to be kissed. Mina shook her head. She wanted her and Spike to be a family again, and if this was the first step, then she was going to take it. Mina then grabbed Luna by the face and kissed her on the lips.

‘Wow… she really wants to patch things up with Spike,’ Luna thought as she let Mina take the lead on the kiss. ‘If this is how things started between Spike and Mina, then I don’t blame my lover for enjoying it.’

Luna then felt Mina’s arms wrap around her waist, pulling her closer into the kiss, their breasts mashing together. Luna moaned, feeling the tingling sensation in her nipples. She then felt getting pinned on the couch by the amorous Mina, never letting go of the kiss. Luna then felt Mina’s tongue explore the inside of her mouth, tasting her. She couldn’t help but respond to her, sticking her own tongue out to wrestle with hers. Luna could tell that Mina was hungry and passionate, and she did not want to stop her.

Luna and Mina ended the kiss, panting for air as the two stared at each other. For Mina, she couldn’t believe what was happening. For Luna, she looked like she was pleased with herself.

“No wonder Spike remembers his first kiss so well.” Luna complemented Mina. “You have a very skilled mouth, Mrs. Drake.”

Mina looked away bashfully, which made Luna grin.

“I’m also glad that you have no problem kissing a woman,” said Luna with a wicked smile.

“It’s… you’re the first woman I kissed in a long time.” Mina admitted, facing Luna.

“Ooh, naughty girl,” teased Luna. “Did Mr. Drake know about it?”

“Yes, he knew,” nodded Mina. “Boy, did he know.”

Luna raised her eyebrow at that. Maybe Mina, Annie and Mike were closer than she assumed. She smiled knowingly at Mina, making the woman on top of her blush.

“Do you think we can move this to someplace more comfortable?” asked Luna.

Mina nodded as she got off the couch and offered her hand to Luna, which the Vice Principal gladly accepted.

“Your son should be home in a bit, and I want you to be ready for him,” said Luna.

Mina’s eyes widened as she blushed once more, knowing what Luna meant.

Back at Canterlot High, Twilight was busy tutoring Spike like she promised him. Earlier, she had grabbed a chair so she could sit next to her student who was currently sitting at his desk. At the beginning, Twilight had made Spike take a mock test to see where her student’s deficiencies lay in order to properly tutor him. As Twilight expected, much to her disappointment, Spike had only gotten twenty percent of the answers correctly, and she suspected that he was only guessing his answers.

Afterwards, Twilight helped Spike go over the last few chapters from the textbook. One thing Twilight had admired before Spike’s decline in grades was that he was an excellent note taker, often writing things down word for word, even anticipating what was going to be on the next test. Now, however, he was having trouble keeping up with whatever Twilight was saying, often asking if she could repeat it. Still, Twilight was glad that Spike was trying to take his studies seriously and hoped that her student could apply that same seriousness to the rest of his classes.

You really should learn to pay more attention, Spike,” sighed Twilight, shaking her head.

“I’m trying to, Twilight.” Spike groaned in frustration. “I used to be so good at this and…aw, man, I lost it!”

“Spike, calm down,” said Twilight. “You’ll get to A-plus status again, I know it.”

“I shouldn’t have lost it in the first place!” said Spike loudly as he suddenly stood up, slamming his hands on the desk, startling Twilight. “I don’t know if I can do this, Twilight. Maybe it is too late for me.”

“Don’t say that, Spike,” Twilight said as she stood up and gently as she placed a hand on Spike’s shoulder. “Look, nobody makes a complete turnaround in a day. These things take time, and I’m sure you’ll be your old self again.”

“I don’t know,” said Spike doubtfully, looking away.

Twilight sighed, not liking the fact that Spike doubted himself. She was reminded of a time long since passed, when Spike had insisted on being her study assistant when she was swamped with homework. At the time, Twilight had needed help organizing her workload and welcomed any help she could get. She also remembered binge very hard on Spike and had snapped at him for not keeping up with her, an action she later regretted when she almost made him cry. Not wanting to a lose friend over her studies, Twilight had tried to calm Spike done. She had decided to give him a slight peck on cheek, which had calmed Spike down considerably. Twilight had apologized to Spike for making him cry, which he vehemently denied, saying that men didn’t cry.

‘Maybe Spike needs a little pick-me-up.’ Twilight thought to herself as she inched closer to Spike, closing her eyes with the intent of kissing his cheek.

Since Twilight had her eyes closed, she failed to see that Spike had turned to face her. She ended up giving her student a kiss on the lips. This made Twilight’s eyes go wide, shocked at what had happened. She also saw that Spike also wore a shocked expression, his eyes wide in surprise. Both stood frozen, unmoving and unsure what to do.

‘Oh, no,’ thought Twilight, horrified. ‘I… no, this is a mistake! I just wanted to cheer poor Spike up, not…this!’

Twilight’s mind was going blank, and her cheeks heated up, blushing at the sensation of her lips on Spike’s. Whatever reason she had was slowly melting away as she wrapped her arms around Spike’s neck, deepening the kiss even further and closing her eyes once again. Twilight moaned as she felt Spike respond to her kiss, feeling her student’s hands on her waist.

‘Spike…I’m sorry.’ Twilight thought, tears streaming from her eyes. ‘What you must think of me…you trusted me and I’m doing something like this to you and… no… I’m feeling something… I’m feeling moist down there… I have to stop this.’

Twilight moved one of her arms from Spike’s neck, moving it so her hand was gripping on one Spike’s wrists. She managed to dislodge Spike’s arm from her waist. She then led Spike’s hand downward, leading it under her skirt, giving her student access to her most private area.

‘WHAT AM I DOING!?’ Twilight screamed internally. ‘I’M LETTING HI-

Twilight’s thoughts were cut off as she felt Spike’s hand on her panty-covered womanhood. She felt Spike stroke it slowly before he boldly slid his hand inside her panties, touching Twilight’s womanhood directly. Twilight then felt Spike boldly fingering her sex, which made her moan a bit more loudly as she kissed Spike more intensely, forcing her tongue inside Spike’s mouth. She felt her student’s tongue intertwine with hers, tasting her.

‘No… I can’t control myself.’ Twilight thought tearfully as she kissed Spike’s neck. ‘I’m so close…make me come, Spike… make your sorry excuse of a friend come…’

Feeling that she couldn’t hold back any longer, Twilight climaxed, letting her juices coat Spike’s hand as she bit into her student’s neck, making him wince in pain. She collapsed to the floor, panting heavily as she came down from her high. Twilight looked up and noticed a bulge in Spikes pants, making her drool. Her gaze went to Spike’s face and noticed that he was gritting his teeth in pain as his hand was covering his neck. Twilight shook her head and stood up, instantly grabbing Spike’s wrist, uncovering his neck. She gasped as she saw a bite mark as well as a small wound on her student’s neck. Twilight went to her desk and grabbed a tissue and almost immediately began dabbing at Spike’s neck.

“Spike, I’m so sorry.” Twilight apologized tearfully as she fussed over Spike. “I didn’t mean for that to happen. Not just the bite mark, but… oh, Spike, I lost control! I don’t know what came over me and-”

“Twilight, it’s okay,” Spike said with a smile, trying to assure Twilight.

“No, it’s not okay!” Twilight exclaimed as she shook her head. “This was supposed to be a study session and I took advantage of you!”

“Twilight, I-

“Go home, Spike. I… I wasn’t thinking, I…”

Twilight, unable to look at Spike in the eye, turned her back on Spike. Twilight shivered at the sensations she was currently feeling, unable to deny how good it felt. She felt her womanhood still dripping from her orgasm and felt that her nipples had hardened under her bra. Twilight tried to fight the sensations, but the heat she was experiencing was making it difficult, wanting to experience more.

Before she could react, Twilight felt Spike’s arms wrap around her waist. Before she could protest, Twilight felt Spike’s lips on hers; silencing anything she wanted to say. She moaned as she surrendered to Spike’s touch, letting him have his way. She could feel Spike’s manhood dry humping her butt as one of her student’s hands fondled one her breasts. Twilight couldn’t deny that what she was experiencing felt wonderful, her sense of reason slowly dying. When she felt Spike separate from her, Twilight let out a tearful whine as she turned around and embraced Spike’s neck once again.

“Spike… what have I done to you?” asked Twilight lustfully.

Spike smiled as he kissed Twilight on the lips. Twilight returned the kiss in kind, never wanting to let go of her favorite student.

When Spike and Twilight separated, Spike was the first to speak and said, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Ms. Sparkle.”

“Oh… I… okay,” said Twilight, looking disappointed.

“Believe me, I want to stay, but there’s something I need to fix at home.” Spike explained.

Twilight could only nod as she saw Spike grab his bag. She really wanted to continue her session with Spike, but noted she was already on dangerous ground and didn’t want to risk anything that could get her or Spike into trouble.

“I hope it’s nothing too serious, Spike,” said Twilight with concern.

“Nothing a little love can’t fix,” assured Spike, giving Twilight a peck on the lips. “Tomorrow as usual?”

“Like always,” smiled Twilight.

Spike waved Twilight goodbye as he headed out the door, leaving Twilight alone as she fell to her knees, hugging herself nervously.

Spike couldn’t help but smile as he rode his bike home, humming a happy tune as he peddled faster. His thoughts were replaying the moments he shared with Twilight, remembering how she kissed him with vigor, and how she guided his hand to her most private area. Spike still couldn’t believe Twilight let herself go like that, and he still couldn’t believe he just went along with it. Not that Spike was complaining, since Luna did suggest he ‘warm’ his teacher up, though he didn’t expect Twilight to initiate things. Still, Spike could still feel the excitement in his loins as he couldn’t get the lustful memory out of his mind.

‘I don’t really mind that she bit me,’ thought Spike with a blush. ‘Who knew Twilight could be such a tigress? Still, mom’s going to ask where I got this bite mark, though.’

When he arrived home, Spike noticed a dark purple car outside. He recognized it as Luna’s car, and assumed that she must have been inside. Parking his bike near the garage, Spike made his way towards the front door, taking out his home key and instantly opening the door. He noticed that no one was in living room and that two cups of tea and the kettle were left on the table.

“Mom, I’m home!” called out Spike as he closed the door and left his bag on the floor. “I saw Ms. Heavenstone’s car outside, is she with you?”

“We’re upstairs in your mom’s room, Mr. Drake.” Luna’s voice responded. “We’ve been waiting for you. Come on up.”

Curious, Spike went upstairs and headed towards his stepmother’s room. He took his time as he remembered what had happened in the morning, feeling apprehensive. Spike recalled that Luna had a plan and felt nervous, suspecting that his Vice Principal might do something drastic. He gulped as remembered Luna telling him NOT to use his member until later, furthering his suspicions. When Spike reached finally reached the closed door leading to her stepmother’s room, he took a deep breath and exhaled in an effort to calm down, turning the knob.

What Spike found upon opening the door shocked him and almost made his heart stop. His stepmother was standing in front of her bed, naked and bashfully looking away with a blush on her cheeks as she covered her breasts with one arm and covering her womanhood with her other hand.

“Mo-…mom!?” stuttered Spike, his eyes wide. “What is…why are you…”

Mina turned her head to face Spike and said, “Spike, I think we need to…”

Whatever Mina was about say was forgotten as she noticed bruises on Spike’s face. She went to Spike’s side and grabbed the sides of his face, worriedly inspecting every bruise on his stepson’s face. Mina gasped as she noticed a bite mark on Spike’s neck, tracing her fingers on the wound.

“Spike… you poor baby, what happened to you?” asked Mina, worried concern in her voice.

Shaking his head, Spike countered and said, “Never mind that, mom! What is-

“And this bite mark,” Mina said sternly as she eyed the wound on Spike’s neck. “What trouble have you been getting into, young man? What are you hiding from me?”

“Mom, I just a rough day at P.E. and…” Spike started, but trailed off and shook his head once again. “Mom, you’re naked and-

“Oh, honey, I’m just glad you’re alright,” Mina said as she sighed in relief, hugging Spike tightly.

Spike became speechless and rigid, not knowing what to do as his very naked stepmother embraced him. He gulped as he felt every inch of Mina’s body, breathing heavily as he was made very much aware of situation. The fact that Spike could feel Mina’s breasts on his chest made him blush, and the feeling of the woman’s hardened nipples made his manhood harden.

“It would seem that you are at a loss for words, lover,” a voice spoke from behind Spike.

Spike recognized the voice as Luna’s and turned to see that it was his Vice Principal, only she was dressed in a purple bra and panties set with a black garter belt attached to black, thigh-high pantyhose. Before Spike could speak, Luna embraced his neck from behind and silenced him with a kiss. Spike returned the kiss, moaning as he felt Luna’s tongue taste the inside of his mouth. Whatever questions he had died a quick death as he didn’t want Luna’s kiss to end.

Luna eventually let go of Spike lips, and in lustful voice, said, “Welcome home, Mr. Drake. I believe your stepmother has something to say to you.”

“Spike…” Mina spoke tearfully, gaining Spike’s attention. “I… ever since we’ve kissed, I avoided the subject because I just wanted to be a good mother to you, just like your real mother was. But I couldn’t get that day out of my head, and as a result I fantasized about you… played with myself just like this morning as I imagined you doing things to me… things that haven’t been done to me in a long time. I wanted to deny these feelings, but I couldn’t.

“Spike… I don’t want anything to come between us. No more secrets, and no more denial. I want us to be a happy family. Please…”

Looking at Mina’s pleading face, Spike smiled and hugged her stepmother warmly. Ever since he and Mina had shared that kiss, Spike had wanted to talk about it, but his stepmother would always change the subject. Respecting Mina’s wishes, Spike never brought the moment up, but there was always a tension between him and his stepmother. He never even gave the moment a thought until Luna had asked him about his first kiss. The fact that earlier in morning, Spike had caught Mina playing with herself while sniffing his boxers brought the memories of his first kiss back like a smack in the face. Spike, with a determined look on his face, lightly kissed Mina on lips. He then felt his stepmother return the kiss with intensity, feeling that Mina was very glad that there would no tension between them.

Mina released Spike from the kiss and led him to the bed and said, “You’ve had a rough day, Spike. Lie down and let your mother comfort you.”

Spike obliged as he sat down on the edge his stepmother’s bed. Before long, Mina began to take off Spike’s shirt and lightly pushed him, making her stepson lay down. Spike tensed up as Mina began to unbuckle his belt. His heart began to beat even faster as Mina unbuttoned his pants, pulled down the zipper and yanked his pants down, taking them off. Spike felt Mina breath on his boxers, making his erection twitch. He moaned as his stepmother kissed his boxer-covered erection. Spike lifted his head and saw that Mina had both hands on his boxers.

Mina then pulled down Spike’s boxers and gasped at how big Spike’s manhood was. She couldn’t help but smile, knowing she could have this effect on the young man. She drooled at the sight and started to grip it, making her stepson moan loudly. Mina giggled as she stared at Spike as she tugged at his manhood. She watched as Spike moaned and breathed in excitement, and relished the fact that she had this much power over him. Mina licked her lips as she felt him getting close to climax. She slowed down, frustrating Spike as his stepmother let go of his member. Mina then crawled up to Spike and kissed him once again on the lips. Once she felt him kiss her back, her heart soared before she and Spike held the kiss for a moment longer before letting go. Mina then stuck her tongue out and started kissing and nibbling at Spike’s neck, even giving light kisses to his wound.

“Mom… I’m so close…” moaned Spike.

“Hold on for a little longer, Spike,” said Mina lustfully. “You can do that for your sweet mother, right?”

Spike could only nod in response as Mina let go of his member, denying him pleasure again. He then saw her crawl down towards his shaft, sticking her butt towards his face. Spike couldn’t help but admire her stepmother’s womanhood as its juices slowly dripped on his face. Spike felt Mina’s tongue lick up and down and groaned as the sensations of his stepmother’s attention flowed through his body. He then felt her breath on his member, and before Spike knew it, he felt Mina engulf his shaft with her mouth. Spike moaned loudly in pleasure as his stepmother bobbed up and down on his twitching member.

‘Mom… you’re so good,’ thought Spike as he moaned in pleasure.

“Enjoying yourself, lover?” asked Luna, chuckling as she knelt on the bed besides both Spike and Mina.

“Yeah… oh, God, it’s so good,” Spike panted.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying your mommy’s mouth,” smirked Luna. She placed a hand on Mina’s right butt cheek and said. “Though I think she would enjoy your mouth on that dripping honeypot of hers. I can only imagine that it’s been a long time since anyone has touched her there. Your mommy wants your tongue so bad, Spike. Her flower yearns for you.”

Not wasting any time, Spike began to massage Mina’s butt cheeks, causing his stepmother to moan. He then raised his head and kissed her slit and began to lick her clit thoroughly, tasting her dripping juices as he practically devoured her.

“Ah… Spike… your mouth…” Mina groaned, causing her mouth to let go of Spike’s member. “Your tongue… please… deeper… it’s been so long…”

“Mina, you’re supposed to attend to Spike’s needs, too,” chided Luna as she got between Spike’s legs, admiring the young man’s shaft. “Such a beautiful thing should never be left unattended. Here… I’ll help you bring your son to fulfillment.”

Mina nodded as she and Luna began to lick Spike’s stiff length. Both women savored the taste, moaning as they made Spike’s member twitch even more. Feeling that Spike was close to climax, Mina engulfed her son’s member into her mouth once again as Luna suckled on one of Spike’s balls, enjoying the taste. Mina intensified her efforts when she started to taste Spike semen as it began to leak out. She even started wiggling her butt in an effort to cover Spike’s face with her juices.

“Mom… Luna…” Spike gasped as his face looked strained. “I’m so close…I can’t take it…”

“Don’t hold back, Spike.” Luna said as her mouth let go of his testicle. “Show how much you love your dear, sweet mother. Unload all that love into her mouth!”

With a thrust that shoved his entire length inside Mina’s mouth, Spike climaxed, his seed spurting inside his stepmother’s mouth. Mina felt her stepson’s cum stream in her mouth to the point that she almost couldn’t contain it all. She moaned loudly as she propped herself up as she felt her own climax, her juices now spraying Spike’s face. Not wanting to let a single drop of Spike’s semen out her mouth, Mina forced herself to swallow it in a satisfying gulp. She panted, a satisfied and lustful look adorning her face.

As for Luna, she started to lick Spike’s still stiff member clean of any remaining semen left, especially the tip. Luna pouted as she saw that there was not much to lick and looked up see Mina, who was straddling Spike’s face. She smirked as she got up from her position and took hold of Mina’s face, placing her hands on her cheeks, Seeing that Mina wasn’t protesting, Luna started to kiss her, shoving her tongue inside her mouth, licking every inch so that she could get a taste of whatever was left of Spike’s seed that didn’t go down Mina’s throat.

When Luna released Mina from the kiss, she smirked at her and said, “Such a selfish woman you are, Mina. You swallowed so much and you hardly left anything for me. Is this how you treat your guest, Mrs. Drake?”

“My son… so delicious.” Mina panted.

“I know he is, but we are just getting started,” Luna said. She then looked down at Spike and commanded, “Spike, I want you to show your mother what we’ve been up to. Get behind me.”

Mina got up from her position so she could let Spike up. She remained silent and was curious as to what her stepson and his vice principal were going to do. Mina didn’t have to wait long as Luna grabbed her wrists and forcefully pushed her down on the bed. Mina couldn’t help but stare at Luna’s face with eyes, the vice principal’s smile of anticipation was only reaffirming what was going to happen next.

Luna, knowing that Spike was well behind her, wiggled her butt to him. She then felt him grab each of her butt cheeks and felt his tongue slither inside her slit. Luna let out a loud moan to let Spike know that she was enjoying his attention, as well as to let Mina see how much of an affect her stepson was having on her. The sight of Mina’s yearning face excited Luna, knowing what this woman wanted, and couldn’t help but give her a teasing smile.

For his part, Spike saw how wet Luna was getting and knew she was ready to receive him. He stopped licking her slit and started teasing it with the tip of his member. This caused Luna to look over her shoulder at Spike with a pouty expression, letting out a whine. Spike, knowing what Luna wanted, shoved his length inside Luna, grunting as every inch entered her.

‘Can’t get over how tight she is,’ Spike thought, groaning as he began thrusting in and out of Luna’s womanhood.

“Oh, yes!” Luna shouted. “I can never get enough of you! Please… shove harder into me! Thrust it deeper! Remind me that I’m your woman! Remind me why I want you forever!”

Spike couldn’t help but oblige as he sped up his thrusts, trying to bury his length deeper into Luna’s slit. To the young man, it felt very tight, and he couldn’t help but think that the woman had unnatural strength in the way she gripped him. Hearing Luna’s moans and grunts made Spike desire Luna even more, wanting to make her peak once he injects his load inside her. Still, the young man didn’t want it to end as Spike loved every second of this moment.

Tears started to run down Mina’s eyes. Her stepson was having his way with his very beautiful and willing vice principal. She could tell that Luna was enjoying it, seeing her face filled with lust, desire and tears of joy. Mina could also tell that this woman, Luna Heavenstone, very much loved her Spike, and couldn’t help but feel jealous. She felt like a fool, and just the fact that her stepson kept rutting inside Luna made her feel lonely, both emotionally and sexually. The fact her womanhood was left alone in favor of Luna’s made Mina want Spike’s manhood even more.

As if sensing Mina’s desire, Luna opened here eyes and saw Mina’s tear-struck face and couldn’t help but chuckle. She could tell that this woman wanted her stepson badly.

“How long has it been, Mrs. Drake?” asked Luna. “How long has it been since someone made you feel desired and loved? Has it been so long since a man put his mast into you? How long has it been since someone has made you feel like a woman in heat, a woman who needs to feel satisfied?”

Mina began to weep and responded affirmatively, “Too…long.”

“Then tell Spike what you want,” commanded Luna. “Tell him what you’ve been wanting for so long. Tell him what you have been denying yourself for so long.”

Mina shut her eyes, apprehensive to speak. The feeling between her legs, arousal combined with loneliness, was too much to bear.

“Spike…” Mina sobbed as she spoke. “I’m…sorry. I love you and I should have let you in that day. I want it, Spike. Let me have it, please…I beg you…”

“Mom…,” panted Spike, still ravishing Luna thoroughly.

“Spike…” begged Mina. “Please… your mother can’t wait… fuck me… please drill me and let every bit of cum inside me…”

Spike nodded, smiling in relief as he took out his manhood out of Luna’s dripping sex, causing her to whine in frustration. Spike didn’t want to force himself in as he didn’t want to hurt his stepmother, so he opted to tease her entrance with the tip of his member. He could hear his stepmother moan in frustration, practically begging him to get it over with. Spike, feeling that Mina had waited enough, slowly inserted his manhood inside her, causing the woman to moan loudly. The first feeling he felt was disbelief at the fact that he had just entered his mother in the most intimate way possible, hitting him emotionally, causing him to tear up. The other feeling he felt was how tight Mina was, her entrance gripping him like a vice. Though not as tight as Luna, Spike couldn’t help but make a strained face. Still, not wanting to deny his stepmother pleasure, Spike began to move, thrusting his manhood in and out of Mina.

‘It’s finally happening,’ thought Mina as she felt Spike thrust his manhood inside of her. ‘Mike… Annie… I’m sorry… I’m so sorry… but your baby… your baby… oh, baby…’

“Ooh, look at you, Mina,” cooed Luna as she looked down on Mina. “You took it all in. You finally let yourself be loved like you should have been all this time.”

“Yes… I love it!” shouted Mina in ecstasy. “So young… so strong… Spike, you’re so good at this!”

“Mom… you feel so great…” Spike grunted as he began to speed up his thrusts, the excitement getting to him. “I might… cum soon… oh God, your pussy is fantastic!”

“No… it’s too soon.” Mina said, enjoying every inch of Spike’s length going in and out of her. “Please, Spike… hold on for your dear, sweet mother. I want this to last… I want to enjoy this. Can you do that for me, Spike? Will you honor your mother by loving her for as long as you can take?”

“I already love you, mom,” said Spike, continuing to grind his manhood inside his stepmother. “I’m just glad you let me love you like this. I don’t want to hide this anymore. I want to love you anyway I can!”

“Then make it last, baby,” urged Mina. “Mommy wants you to be strong for her. Show me how much you learned from Luna.”

Spike nodded as he continued to pound into Mina. As much as he wanted to let loose and be done it with, Spike was trying really hard not to climax too soon inside his stepmother. He didn’t want to disappoint her, so he slowed his thrusts, savoring the tightness that gripped his member. With one hand, Spike grabbed hold of one of his stepmother’s thighs while with the other he reached to touch her clit, twitching it with his thumb and forefinger. So much was Spike enjoying teasing and pounding away his stepmother’s private area that he almost didn’t notice Luna sticking her butt in his face, showing her dripping wet entrance to him. Taking this as an invitation, Spike stuck his tongue in and began to lick Luna, causing the vice principal to moan.

“Lover… your tongue… amazing… so good.” Luna loudly moaned. “Please… I want more… please… stick that weapon of yours in me… make me feel it…make me cum…”

“No… Spike, don’t leave me,” begged Mina. “Keep it inside me… I’m so close… keep pounding me… blow it all inside of me…”

“Spike… lover… my pussy wants it,” whined Luna, wiggling her butt toward Spike face.

“Don’t you dare, Spike!” shouted Mina. “I want you fill me up! I want every last drop of your love!”

“So greedy,” scoffed Luna. She then moved so she could straddle Mina’s face, coating her with her leaking juices. “You want love so bad, Mrs. Drake? Then drink mine! Have at it while your son pounds into you! Show me how much you remember how to pleasure a woman!”

Not needed to be told twice, Mina attacked Luna’s clit with her tongue, lapping the leaking juices coming out of her clit while also shoving two fingers inside of it. Luna, not wanting to just be the recipient of pleasure, bent down and started licking at Mina’s clit as well, also making sure to taste Spike’s thrusting length. As for Spike, the sight of Luna and his stepmother doing the sixty-nine made him thrust faster and harder, grunting and moaning as he felt very close to orgasm.

‘So close… I can feel it…” Spike thought. ‘Mom… I love you so much. Feel every bit of it. Feel every last drop!’

‘Spike… mommy’s coming,’ thought Mina as she continued to lick Luna, her excitement reaching its peak as she felt her son thrusting faster into her, knowing he was about to climax.

‘Spike… let me taste it,’ thought Luna as she licked both Spike’s manhood and Mina’s womanhood, she herself feeling close to orgasm.

With one final grunt, Spike climaxed, shooting his load inside Mina in one heavy stream. Mina climaxed also, letting out a loud scream of delight as she felt her son fill her up to her womb while Luna came on her face. This made Luna howl as she propped herself up and arched her back. After a few seconds of that blissful high, all three lovers collapsed, panting in pleasure while also trying to catch their breath. Spike had fallen to Mina’s right side while Luna had fallen to her left.

After a few moments of silence, Spike kissed Mina on the lips, to which she responded with her own. Letting the kiss go, Spike began to lick his stepmother’s face of Luna’s juice juices, enjoying the taste.

“Spike… you’re so good to me.” Mina said genuinely with a smile.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” asked Spike rhetorically. “You’re my mom, and I never want to disappoint you. I guess I really wanted to show you what a man I’ve grown to be.”

“Spike…” Mina said, tearing up, but then felt something between her legs and saw that Luna had gotten there and was quickly lapping her womanhood feverishly. “Luna… what are you… ah!”

“Spike came so much in you,” said Luna between licks and slurps. “I want so much of it. It tastes so good.”

“No… you can’t have it.” Mina protested in a feeble tone. “My son gave that to me… you… oh… you can’t… ah…”

“Don’t worry, mom.” Spike assured Mina as he hugged her. “You can have more. Anytime you want, I can give you more. All you have to do is ask.”

“Oh, Spike…” cried Mina as she hugged Spike back.

And so, the three lovers proceeded to have more fun for the rest of the afternoon.

By the time evening came, Mina and Luna were having a conversation at the dinner table. While they did talk about what a great experience they just had a few hours ago with Spike, they also talked about the young man’s future and wanting him to be happy in life, agreeing that he should live his life to the fullest. They then heard the kitchen door open and Spike came out with a blue and purple frosted cake in one hand while holding three small plates, forks, and a knife with the other. Setting down the cake and knife in the center of the table, Spike handed each woman a plate and fork. After setting down his own plate and fork, Spike cut up the first slice and gave it to Luna.

“First slice goes to you, Ms. Heavenstone,” said Spike with a smile. “Just my way of saying thanks for helping mom and I.”

“Considering that you neglected me most of the time, it’s the least you could do.” Luna deadpanned as she narrowed her eyes at Spike.

“Don’t be like that, Luna,” pouted Spike as he handed a cake slice to his stepmother. “I gave you plenty of attention.”

“I’ll admit it was great, but it wasn’t enough,” stated Luna bluntly. “You left me wanting more.”

“Luna’s right, you know,” agreed Mina with a nod. “In a threesome, a man should give his equal attention to his two women and not leave one begging for it. It’s not that I didn’t appreciate the attention you gave me, Spike, but I believe Luna deserved just as much love as you gave me.”

“Give me a break,” Spike sighed as he sat down with his slice of cake. “This was my first time in a threesome.”

“I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it, lover.” Luna said as she lovingly rubbed Spike’s cheek with her hand.

“Though I hope none of this fun will interfere with your studies,” said Mina seriously.

“Mom, I already promised Ms. Sparkle, as well as all of my teachers, that I would apply myself better.” Spike said in a determined tone. “I really want to go to culinary school to improve my craft, and I can’t do that if I don’t graduate. Plus I don’t want anyone who believes in me down.’

“I’m really going to miss you, lover,” sighed Luna as she sat on Spike’s lap, surprising him. “Have I mentioned how much I will miss your food and your company?”

“When I open my own restaurant here, you can eat free for life.” Spike promised Luna.

“I hope that promise extends to family.” Mina said as she hugged Spike, pressing her bosom to his face.

“You too, mom,” laughed Spike joyfully.

“Well, now that promises for the future are settled,” started Luna as she looked at Mina, smiling knowingly. “How about we give our man of the house some attention?”

“I’m all about giving it to him, Ms. Heavenstone,” nodded Mina.

With that, Luna and Mina grabbed their forks and started feeding Spike his slice of cake while they both gave him a kiss on each of his cheeks.

‘I’m really going to miss this,’ thought Spike, a tear rolling down his cheek. ‘I love them so much… as well as Twilight, and Rainbow… but I can’t disappoint them. I’ll be the man they want me to be, and nothing is going to stop me… nothing.’

Confessions and Helping Hands

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When I Say Good-Bye…
A Humanized Fic by Duke Moon II
Based on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Chapter 4: Confessions and Helping Hands

Spike could barely keep up as he tried to catch up to Applebloom. He sweated profusely, panting as he jogged after her. He cursed himself for not being in better shape, and wished he had the endurance to at least keep up with his self-appointed life coach.Spike was already lagging so far behind that Applebloom was already a block away from him. Seeing that he wasn’t going to reach his friend anytime soon, Spike decided to stop and catch his breath, wiping the sweat from his brow. Jogging around the neighborhood was taking its toll on the young man, and he needed a break.

‘Can’t believe Applebloom woke me up at six a.m. for this,’ Spike thought as he gasped for air. ‘Bad enough I have to endure this in Ms. Dash’s class, now I have to do this early in morning, too...’


Letting out a heavy sigh, Spike began to jog again. The young man wasn’t used to exercising in the morning, as he was usually cooking breakfast for himself and his stepmother at this time. In fact, before Applebloom came to the Drake residence with a surprise regime, Spike was ready to make chocolate chip pancakes with a side of sausage. Though Spike tried to say no, Applebloom insisted that a good jog would be good for him and, with some reluctance, he agreed. What he didn’t know was that Applebloom’s idea of a jog wasn’t just jogging a few blocks, but the entire town. It wasn’t even a set path either, as Applebloom just led him to random spots without a break. Spike was actually relieved when Applebloom led him back to the neighborhood as he thought there was an end in sight, but there was no such luck.

Feeling that his body couldn’t take much more, Spike fell to his knees, and a second later, fell face first into the concrete. Breathing heavily, Spike tried to get up, but fell again. He decided that it would be best to just lay there for a moment, and hoped Applebloom wouldn’t notice, not wanting hear any of her criticisms about his health.

“Spike, is that you?” a concerned, female voice asked.

Spike blinked and began to move his head upwards to see who had spoken to him. Before he could move his head any higher however, Spike stopped as he got a good look at the woman’s cleavage, noting how round and big her breasts were, wrapped inside a white, silky robe. He blushed and shook his tired head and decided to look at woman who had called to him. Spike saw it was a long, purple-haired woman that was looking at him with an elegant and beautiful face. To Spike, the woman was a sight to behold, and while he did admit that looking at her bosom was nice, he found himself looking more at her face and couldn’t help smile, regarding this woman as an angel who saved him from his morning exercise.

Spike recognized this woman as Rarity Wayne, a fashion designer, owner of the Carousel Boutique, and all around beauty. Like Twilight, Spike had known Rarity ever since he was younger, and looking at her reminded him why this woman was his first crush in the first place. Rarity always took care in looking her best, even in the mornings, and had always made a good impression. Spike never actually admitted to Rarity about his feelings back in the day, but he suspected that she already knew, and felt that he would embarrass himself he actually said anything. He couldn’t deny that Rarity only got more beautiful as the years went by, and would find himself unable to speak in her presence.

“Spike, you’re staring,” Rarity said awkwardly.

“Oh, um, sorry, Ms. Wayne,” Spike apologized, his face red in embarrassment.

“Spike, it’s Rarity,” Rarity reminded him with a giggle. “There may be an age gap between us, but I don’t think it’s that great that you have to call me Miss anything. I’m certainly neither too old, nor am I one of your school teachers. I’m one of your friends, and no age difference is going to change that.”

“Okay… Rarity,” sighed Spike with a smile.

“May I ask what you are doing so early this morning… lying in a heap in front of my home and smelling like old gym clothes?” asked Rarity as she squeezed her nose with her thumb and forefinger.

“Trying to stay healthy, if you can believe that,” said Spike as he wiped off sweat from his hair. “Applebloom’s got me jogging for miles, and I haven’t had any rest until now.”

“And here I thought Iris was a slave driver when it came to fitness,” Rarity commented, earning a knowing smile from Spike.

“Spike, yer stallin’,” Applebloom said as she ran up to him, a stern expression on her face. “We still have a few miles to go, and yer not going to get it done if yer just lyin’ there like a sack of potatoes.”

“Good morning, Bloomingdale,” Rarity greeted.

“Hey, Rarity,” Applebloom responded quickly and offhandedly before turning her attention back to Spike, hands on her hips. “Spike, get up. We gotta continue with your regimen, and I’m not letting you get distracted by anything… or anyone.”

Rarity was a bit put off by Applebloom’s comment, though she remained civil, only raising an eyebrow at her. Then a thought occurred to her as she folded her arms, and she asked Applebloom curiously, “Bloomingdale… does your sister Jacqueline know that you’re out here early in the morning on this crusade of importance?”

Applebloom stiffened and looked awkwardly at both Spike and Rarity. She tugged at her collar as she began to sweat nervously.

“You know, that’s the first time today I’ve seen her break a sweat,” Spike said as he got up from the ground, narrowing her eyes at Applebloom.

“Um… mah sister understands this is what I want to do in life,” Applebloom laughed nervously. She then shook her head and put on a brave face and said, “Besides, I’m a big girl, and Ah can make my own decisions.”

“Yes, and I’m sure you can explain this to your big sister once I call her to pick you up,” said Rarity bluntly.

Applebloom stiffened once again, and with a loud squeak escaping her mouth, she dashed off into the distance as fast as her feet could take her. Spike could only watch Applebloom as he sighed in relief, his regimen and suffering being put to rest, at least for the moment.

Spike then turned to look at Rarity and saw that she was smiling in satisfaction. He smiled gratefully and said, “Thanks for that, Rarity.”

“I swear that girl is too impulsive for her own good,” Rarity sighed as she shook her head. She then looked at Spike and said, “Would you like to come in? I was just about to get breakfast started.”

“Really?” Spike stammered nervously. “I mean, I wouldn’t want to inconvenience you and all.”

“Not at all, Mr. Drake,” Rarity assured. “Besides, I haven’t seen you in a while, and I want to see what Ponyville’s resident chef and caterer has been up to.”

Half an hour had passed, and Spike was sitting at the table, awaiting his breakfast. With his clothes in the washing machine, Spike was dressed in a fluffy white robe that covered his body from his neck to below his knees. He fidgeted awkwardly as he was suddenly aware that, while he was in a robe, he was wearing nothing underneath. Being inside another woman’s house did nothing to calm Spike down as he continued to adjust the robe. The young man could only hope he didn’t make a fool of himself in front of Rarity.

Spike didn’t have to wait long, as Rarity came from the kitchen with two plates of waffles. Spike gleefully rubbed his hands together in anticipation as Rarity placed the plate in front of him. The waffle had strawberry chunks baked in, topped with whipped cream and blueberries, and smelled of vanilla. Spike immediately went for his fork and knife and began to dig in.

“I hope my waffles are to your liking,” Rarity said as she sat down across Spike, placing her plate in front of her. “I may not be a master chef extraordinaire, but I do know my way around a waffle iron.”

“Well, waffles are my second favorite breakfast dish next to pancakes,” commented Spike as he ate a piece of waffle. With a huge smile and a few bites, Spike swallowed his piece and said approvingly, “Though I might place waffles at the top of my list after this.”

“You’re too kind,” smiled Rarity. “I was on the phone with your mother while you were in the bath, and she said she’ll have some clothes ready for you in a moment. She sounded quite disappointed that you were having breakfast here, though. Did you two have something planned?”

“She wanted to make breakfast for once, and I promised I was going to be there after my run,” responded Spike. “She was also going to make it extra special, so I guess I’ll have to make it up to her later.”

“Well, she is a dear, sweet woman, your mother,” complimented Rarity. “I’m sure she will do anything for you.”

‘You don’t know the half of it,’ thought Spike with a light blush..

As Spike continued to eat his waffle, his thoughts went back to his gracious host. Rarity was right when she reminded him that he hadn’t seen her in while, not even remembering the last time they had even talked. Spike sighed, blaming himself and his obsession with studying every book on the culinary arts to the point that he neglected everything else, including communicating with his friends. What had happened between him and Luna had played a huge part in him turning into a recluse. Rarity did have her own life to lead as her job as a fashion designer took her places beyond Ponyville, but Spike felt it was no excuse not to at least talk to her on occasion. She was a friend to him, after all.

Chuckling mirthlessly to himself, Spike thought back to a time where his crush for Rarity was at a high. Though he was only a kid then and Rarity was in high school, Spike got the nerve one day to tell her how much he felt about her. He even wrote a note down so he could remember what to say to her. It didn’t even deter him when Iris had poked fun at him for thinking of doing something so foolish. When he did go to Rarity’s house to confess his feelings, Spike had found Rarity kissing a boy her age and didn’t even notice he was there. Spike cut his losses and walked away, throwing away the note he wrote and feeling defeated and stupid for even thinking that he had a chance with someone like Rarity.

Spike remembered being in such a sad state that when he ran into Iris that same day, he basically went off on her and dared her to tell him how much of an idiot he was for having a crush on Rarity, that he talked big but chickened out. What he didn’t expect was Iris comforting him, hugging him as he fought the urge to cry, not wanting to look like a huge baby.

Engrossed in his own memories, Spike almost didn’t notice that Rarity was standing next to him, looking at him curiously. When he looked at Rarity, Spike couldn’t help but look at her in marvel as he felt his feelings for the woman resurface. He had thought to have long since buried those feelings in favor of friendship, but he couldn’t deny that he still had feelings for her. Spike saw Rarity’s eyes move away from him and followed them, noticing that there was still a piece of waffle left on his plate. Chuckling nervously, Spike was about to get his fork and get that final piece until Rarity grabbed it for him. Sticking the fork into the piece of waffle, Rarity smiled at Spike as the young man instinctively opened his mouth, allowing Rarity to feed him the piece. Spike chewed slowly, savoring the taste. When he swallowed, Spike was about to speak when Rarity traced a finger on his lips, getting a stray bit of whipped cream and stuck it in her mouth. Spike was too stunned to move, and was even more surprised when Rarity sat on his lap, straddling him. Rarity continued to smile and looked at the young man in adoration.

“Rarity, what are you doing?” asked Spike, his cheeks burning.

“Spike…there’s something I need to confess,” responded Rarity intently as she placed her hands on Spike’s shoulders.

Gulping nervously, Spike nodded and urged Rarity to continue.

“I didn’t want to embarrass you back then, but I read that note you discarded… a note that was about your feelings for me.”

“Rarity, that wasn-” Spike stammered.

“I know your handwriting, so don’t try to deny it,” Rarity firmly cut off Spike as she silenced him by placing a finger upon his lips. “I know it has been years since then, but I wanted to say that I was flattered that you thought so highly of me. No man I ever dated before or since that note has ever thought of me like you did.”

Shaking his head in disbelief, Spike could only say, “No man? But…Rarity, you’re gorgeous! You’re really generous and-

“Spike… I don’t know why you thought of me that way back then. Whenever you came to me to help me on my latest fashion project I treated you as nothing more than a servant. When I read that note and all those kind things you wrote about me, it made me see how self-absorbed I was about my projects and my quest for the perfect man. I resolved to treat you with more respect and… I guess I started to want someone who loved me for me and not just my beauty. Someone who showed me the same admiration like you did.

“Sadly… no one seemed to fit the bill, Spike. It was louse after louse, self-absorbed pain after self-absorbed pain and most of the time they just wanted to bed me for no other reason than to be another conquest… that or they just wanted something from me. It came to a point where I just gave up and concentrated on my work.

“When I finally came back to Ponyville and settled down and opened Carousel Boutique, I was glad that I was able to reunite with old friends. But I also wanted to see how you were doing. When I asked about you, the girls said that they hardly ever see you anymore. Twilight and Iris even said that you were struggling in your studies, and outside of school, they never saw you. I even called your mom to see what was the matter, but she said that you were too busy. I even went to an event you were cooking for, but you never noticed me.”

Spike was shocked hear this, which instantly made him feel guilty about his behavior. He looked down in shame and felt very angry at himself. He had known that Rarity came back some time ago, but at the time he felt that his culinary pursuits were more important. Spike also felt that he didn’t deserve any adoration after hurting Luna, a woman who not only adored him, but was willing to give herself to him, school rules be damned.

With a sigh, Spike looked up at Rarity and gave her an apologetic look. A few days ago, he had promised Twilight and Luna that he would become a better person, and that meant making amends with those he had ignored because of guilt and selfishness. Seeing that he had hurt Rarity made him feel like garbage.

“I feared the worst, Spike,” Rarity said tearfully. “I feared that my friend had changed so drastically that I couldn’t recognize him as my dear Spikey-Wikey from back in the day. But when I saw you look at me the way you did so long ago, I knew there was still a bit of my Spike there.”

Spike smiled at Rarity, relieved that she, like Luna, had forgiven him. Tears began to form as he tried to get say something, anything.

“When I saw that you had grown into a rather handsome young man, I began to realize something else…” Rarity said, her voice trembling. “I realized that I don’t want someone LIKE you…”

At that, Spike became confused. Rarity noticed this and placed her right hand on Spike’s cheek, giving him a reassuring smile.

“Spike… what I want…,” Rarity hesitated, but gathered up her courage and finally said, “Is you.”

Hearing Rarity’s admission made Spike’s heart beat fast. In fact, it felt so fast and strong that it threatened to burst out of his chest at any second. Spike couldn’t believe what he was hearing, and thought that Applebloom’s training had really done a number on him, thinking his exhaustion was making him dream the situation he was in. It was a lot to take for the young man as he tried to process everything Rarity had said to him.

Calming down and placing his hands on Rarity’s hips, Spike gave her a sincere smile and said, “I’m really sorry, Rarity Wayne.”

“It’s okay, my dear Spikey-Wikey,” assured Rarity.

“No, it’s not,” Spike responded, shaking his head. “I’ve been a jerk to you and everyone else I know because I’ve been keeping to myself, burying myself in cookbooks and just leaving out what’s truly important.”

“I’ve been there Spike. When I was your age, I was so consumed by being the best in fashion that I sometimes lost sight of my friends and family. Since I came back here, I’ve tried being a better person.”

“Yeah… I’ve been trying to better myself too, as a student and friend.”

The two remained quiet until they both blurted out, “Can you forgive me!?”

Both Spike and Rarity realized what they had done and laughed. It felt like huge weight was off their shoulders, and they felt more comfortable with each other as a result. Spike’s initial nervousness at having Rarity straddling him had melted away. Rarity’s doubts about Spike not liking her disappeared, tears running more freely from her eyes.

Wiping away her tears, Rarity said, “Of course I do, Mr. Drake. But only if you forgive me.”

“If it makes you feel better, then… alright,” Spike nodded firmly.

“Thank you, my darling Spike,” Rarity sighed in relief. Her face then took on a sultry look and in a husky voice spoke, “Spike… I really want to know how much you have changed. Aesthetically, you look very handsome and very easy on the eyes. I bet that you could have any woman you want and they would gladly give themselves to you. Tell me, Spike…how much have you changed as a man?”

Spike thought back to what had happened over the past few days. He remembered that he had made up with Luna, which led to them to having sex in the office. That very night, Spike had acted pretty dominant towards Iris Dash, showing her that he could take charge when it came towards being a lover. He also found that he could be very teasing towards Twilight, though he hadn’t gone all the way with her. Finally, with Luna’s help, Spike showed how loving he could be towards his stepmother. Spike felt that he really had changed as a man, and he really wanted to show Rarity just how much.

Without further hesitation, Spike kissed Rarity firmly on the lips. Rarity gasped, but found herself moaning in pleasure, giving in to the kiss and responded to it by sticking her tongue between Spike’s lips. The young man responded by also sticking his tongue out and meeting with the woman’s tongue. Both Spike and Rarity feverishly kissed and used their tongues, but it was Spike who began dominating Rarity in this battle of pleasure, using his hands to press Rarity’s chest towards his and feeling her breasts mashed against him. Spike felt that Rarity was willingly letting him take the lead. He also felt that woman was getting excited as he felt her getting wet, her womanhood already staining her panties. Spike felt very excited as he felt his manhood becoming erect, rubbing up against Rarity’s covered womanhood.

Spike and Rarity finally came for air, panting and sweating at what they were doing. Spike looked on at Rarity with fondness and adoration as he still couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. Rarity could only look at Spike with surprise, her eyes wide at his actions. The fashion designer quickly got over her surprise and gave the young chef a very pleased smile. This sent shivers down Spike’s back, anticipating what could come next.

“It seems that the young one knows his way around a woman’s body,” Rarity said sensually, cupping Spike’s chin.

“Does that bother you?” asked Spike.

“No, it most certainly does not,” Rarity responded, licking her lips. “I do love a man who knows what he’s doing. Show me what else you know… my darling little Spike.”

Spike opened Rarity’s robe, revealing her bare breasts. He cupped both the woman’s mounds in each of his hands, squeezing them gently, eliciting a pleasurable moan from Rarity. Spike saw that Rarity’s nipples had become erect, exciting him as he took one of them into his mouth and started suckling on it. Hearing Rarity moan only encouraged Spike as he squeezed her breasts more firmly, making her scream loudly.

“Spike… oh, good… your tongue… so amazing,” Rarity panted, drool escaping her mouth. “Please… keep doing that… make it come out…please, make my mi-

“Rarity, what are you doing!?” shouted a voice, startling Spike and Rarity.

Spike and Rarity slowly turned their heads and found a young girl looking at them in both surprise and confusion. The girl, who was Spike’s age, was wearing light purple pajamas. Her long, curly hair was a combination of purple and pink. Her figure was slender, though not what one would call flat as she did have noticeable curves on her chest and hips. Her face was round, youthfully adorable, and innocent looking.

Spike recognized her Belle Wayne, Rarity’s little sister, a fellow student senior at Canterlot High and one of Applebloom’s best friends. Seeing her surprised expression and the position he was in with Rarity, Spike could only respond by looking at Belle with an awkward look, unable to say anything.

Rarity, however, looked at her little sister and casually greeted, “Oh, good morning, Belle.”

“‘Good morning?’” Belle asked incredulously, shaking her head. “‘’Good morning, you say?! Did you forget I was staying here for the week!? I don’t know what goes on in this house while no one’s around, but after seeing this, I don’t think I want to know!”

“Belle, it’s just Spike,” Rarity said, chuckling as she tried to assure Belle.

“Well, I suppose THAT just makes everything better!” Belle said in a snarky tone, hands on her hips.

“He was in desperate need of my help,” Rarity reasoned as she ran a hand through Spike’s hair. “The poor thing was at the end of his rope, and I just had to rescue him.”

With a groan, Belle left towards the kitchen and said, “Just be decent when I get back, you two. I’d rather have breakfast without the porn show.”

Rarity sighed as she watched Belle go. She shook head and said, “She should really loosen up. I love her to death, but she can be such a stiff, sometimes.”

“We were just making out, Rarity,” Spike pointed out.

“That we were, Spikey-Wikey,” purred Rarity. “Still, I wish my little Sweetie Belle wouldn’t act so wound up. It’s been causing her problems.”

“Sweetie Belle?” asked Spike curiously.

“Her stage name,” explained Rarity. “I’ve been trying to help her with her song and dance number for the festival this weekend. She even volunteered for it, but I don’t think she’s going to be ready. The thought of the singing in front of a crowd is really getting to her. It’s really a shame because Belle really can sing.”

Spike didn’t know what to say to that. Though he did want to jump at the chance to help Rarity, he had to remember that he had his own problems to deal with, namely his grades and trying not to disappoint his teacher, Twilight. Still, part of his mind wanted to show Rarity what a man he had become, and having her sit on his lap was messing with his judgment.

Any other thoughts Spike had were interrupted when the doorbell rang. He saw that Rarity sighed and got off him, adjusting her robe to cover her front as she went to answer the door, making the young man yearn for his gracious host. When, Rarity opened the door, Spike saw that his stepmother arrived, and he quickly covered himself up as he didn’t want to cause himself or Mina any embarrassment.

Mina, who had Spike’s book bag and clothes in hand, walked inside the home, went up to Spike, and gave him kiss on the cheek, which the young man accepted.

“I hope my son hasn’t been too much trouble, Miss Wayne,” said Mina as placed Spike’s things on the table.

“No trouble at all, Mrs. Drake,” said Rarity. “Mr. Drake here has been the perfect gentleman.”

“I should hope so,” said Mina, pulling on Spike’s cheek. “I didn’t raise my son to be an unwelcome guest.”

“Mom... Spike whined.

“Just be quick about it,” Mina reminded Spike. “I’m sure Ms. Wayne is a very busy lady, and you have your own responsibilities.”

“Yes, mom,” Spike agreed, though he did steal a glance at Rarity as he left towards the bathroom, clothes in hand.

The lunch bell had rung at Canterlot High, and Twilight Sparkle, after dismissing her eleven a.m. class, closed the door to the classroom and was on her way to the teacher’s lounge, deep in thought. Ever since her student Spike had promised her that he would do better in class, things had become very interesting for Twilight. She was glad that Spike was in the process of getting his act together, and thought that it was sweet that he would ask for her to tutor him yesterday. What had Twilight worried was that her relationship with him was turning into an intimate one, which started with a kiss. Then, just yesterday, it moved into touching and groping, with her guiding Spike’s hands into her most private area, and then getting kissed and groped by him the next. Because of this, Spike had been in Twilight’s thoughts. In fact, after what happened in her classroom yesterday, she immediately made her way home, locked herself in her room, and started playing with herself until she climaxed multiple times. The memory had so much effect on her that she almost botched her lesson of the day. The fact that Spike had asked her if she was okay almost made her forget that this same boy was the one causing her inner turmoil.

Twilight shook her head and decided to forego her journey to the teacher’s lounge, turning around with a determined look on her face. She felt that something needed to be done about her growing feelings with Spike.

‘I’m sorry, Spike,’ thought Twilight, gathering her courage. ‘But I’m your teacher, and you are my student and whatever is happening between us needs to stop.'

Twilight was about to head towards study hall since she assumed Spike would be there to catch up on his studies when he saw him talking to Vice Principal Luna Heavenstone just a few feet away. Though she couldn’t make out what they were saying, Twilight could see that Spike and Luna were getting along and was relieved that her student wasn’t in any trouble. Twilight was about to leave well enough alone when she saw Luna take Spike by the hand and saw that the young man was looking away, a bashful smile adorning his face. What caused Twilight even more concern was that Luna was giggling, and could make out the words ‘How cute’ coming from the vice principal’s lips before she led him inside her office.

‘No, it can’t be,’ thought Twilight frantically. She shook her head and walked on with an unsure look on her face. ‘You’re imagining things, Twilight. There’s no way that Spike and Vice Principal Heavenstone are in THAT type of relationship.’

Spike wanted to cry. Most importantly, he wanted to ask Luna why… why did she do this, and what did these spaghetti noodles and eggplants do to her to warrant this?

When Spike had arrived to Luna’s office for advice on how to handle his latest situation, Luna herself was waiting for him outside. She had held his hand and started to tease him about being very needy for a personal consultation, which caused the young man to look away as he smiled bashfully. Spike didn’t resist as Luna led him into the office.

What Spike didn’t expect was that Luna had cooked lunch for them, even having a small round table set up, covered by a white table cloth. There were even porcelain plates on top of dark blue placemats, and silverware along with blue napkins. At the center of the table was a plate covered by metal cloche. Spike had eagerly sat down and waited with anticipation at what Luna had cooked up for them. The young man knew Luna had gone all out in making this lunchtime special.

Another thing Spike didn’t expect was that the dish Luna had prepared looked awful. From what Spike could see, Luna had made mushy spaghetti in Alfredo sauce, topped with parmesan cheese. Mixed in were overcooked pieces of eggplant that were drenched in too much oil. Spike fought not to make a face at the dish, as doing so would really offend Luna. He also couldn’t say no to Luna’s smiling face as she served him the spaghetti. Unfortunately, when the noodles had disgustingly plopped onto his plate, Spike feared for his life, his stomach doing flips.

“Spike, aren’t you going to try it?” asked Luna in a singsong voice.

Spike grinned widely and gulped nervously as he took his fork, stabbed at the pasta, and shoved a generous amount of it to his mouth. His eyes went wide, and as he suspected, the food tasted horrible. He fought the urge to spit it out and swallowed the noodles, forcing it down his throat. After feeling green for a few seconds, Spike instantly gave Luna a thumbs up with a very forced smile on his face.

Not fooled one bit, Luna’s expression became downhearted and shamefully looked away. She then said in a sad tone, “I know that face, lover. It’s the same one you gave me when you took me on as a cooking student and wanted to see how far I had to go. I guess I haven’t reached that far enough, if at all.”

Seeing Luna sad was enough to make Spike get off his chair and walk towards Luna with a look of sympathy on his face. Spike rubbed his hands together and instantly put them on Luna’s shoulder. He felt her tense up at first, but as Spike began to rub Luna’s shoulders, he heard her moan in pleasure, a sign that she gave herself in. Spike felt encouraged at Luna’s moans and groans and took pride that he had this effect on Luna, knowing that she was forgetting her sadness.

“Spike… no… I… I don’t deserve…,” Luna moaned out, panting.

“You shouldn’t be hard on yourself, Ms. Heavenstone,” Spike said as his hands soothed Luna’s shoulders.

“I should stick to instant noodles and grilled cheese sandwiches,” Luna lamented.

“Now don’t be like that,” Spike said as he continued to massage Luna’s shoulders. “I can help you like I used to in the past.”

“You have other things to worry about, lover,” Luna sighed as she started to feel more at ease with Spike’s attention. “Believe me when I say that I would relish the opportunity of being your culinary pupil again, but I’m still Vice Principal of this school, and the needs of my students must come first… even if I have to sacrifice my needs from time to time.”

“Poor, poor Lulu,” whispered Spike.

“I guess I really wanted to show off my other talents,” Luna said as she placed her hand on top of Spike’s. “I bet your dear, sweet Rarity showed you what other talents she has besides creating clothes for the elite.”

Spike stopped massaging Luna’s shoulders, startled that Luna had known about him spending the morning with Rarity.

Before Spike could respond, Luna beat him to it and said, “I called your mom this morning and she told me you got dragged out by a friend of yours and you stopped by Rarity Wayne’s home. Your mom sounded sad when we talked… like she had something planned for you and you skipped out on her.”

Spike felt really guilty. Obviously, his stepmother wanted to continue their fun from the previous night, and he left her in favor getting almost exercised to death by Applebloom.

“You really shouldn’t leave your mom high and dry like that,” chided Luna. “She needs to be fulfilled every morning… emphasis on ‘Full Filled’, if you catch my drift."

Spike blushed, getting what Luna was saying, and mentally decided to making his stepmom experience a good morning from that point forward.

“Still, Ms. Rarity must have been some awfully good company to spend breakfast with,” Luna said, her tone shifting to a sensual one as she stood up, turned around, and embraced a surprised Spike by the neck, looking at his surprised expression with a smile and half-lidded eyes. “Tell me more about the famous Rarity Wayne. Tell me what the fashion world does not know.”

Getting over his initial surprise, Spike smiled fondly at Luna and held her close, feeling her breasts press his chest. His heart pounded as the Vice Principal kept looking at him with adoring, yet hypnotizing eyes, like he could tell her anything. All Luna had to do was say the right words, and Spike would be compelled to do anything she asked without question. Spike couldn’t help but be under Luna’s spell, and he loved it.

“When I was younger, I had this huge crush on Rarity,” Spike began to explain. “Out of Twilight’s entire circle of friends, I always found Rarity to be the most beautiful of them all. There were times where I didn’t know what to say. Maybe it was the way she carried herself, like she was this royal princess, or the way she would always go through great lengths to remind herself how gorgeous she was. Maybe it was because of the way she was so radiant in everything she wore. Her smile, her eyes and her voice… it’s like her entire body said ‘Come here, big boy.’ I could never stop thinking about her.”

Spike took a moment to pause, noticing an amused smile Luna had on her face. Spike chuckled and continued with his story.

“Still, I was just a kid with a crush, and Rarity was a teenager who dated frequently, usually some rich heirs with more money than they had class. I had accepted that she wasn’t going to date someone like me and settled with just being friends. I always thought that she would land the man of her dreams in that fashion world of hers. She could have anyone she wanted and I would be happy for her…”

Though Luna had looked at Spike with amusement and some adoration as he told his story, her expression took on a more curious look as her lover went silent. She noticed that Spike was trying think of what else to say.

“I thought I buried those feelings long ago,” chuckled Spike humorlessly as he shook his head.

“Spike… what happened?” asked Luna.

Though Spike hesitated for a few seconds, he answered, “She confessed to me, Luna… Rarity confessed that she didn’t want someone like me… because she only wanted me and… I couldn’t believe it. It’s like those feelings just came back like a rush and…”

“You wanted to seize the moment,” Luna said, finishing for Spike.

“I guess I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t dreaming,” said Spike with a sigh.

“So… did you fulfill your dream?”

“I was going to… then Rarity’s sister came in and that was that. She wasn’t amused at what she saw.”

Luna couldn’t help but smile sympathetically at Spike as she shook her head. In a way, she knew what Spike was going through. Though she had crushed on a few boys during her high school days, it wasn’t until years later that when she noticed Spike that she began crushing like a madwoman. Luna thought back to all the times she would play with herself, imagining that Spike was satisfying her every need, though she always felt unfulfilled because she only imagined doing dirty things with him. Luna could only imagine how frustrated Spike felt at having his moment denied.

Thinking back on the days when Luna was crushing on Spike also brought up painful memories. For her part, it was the sense of dominance and sexual frustration that played a part in Luna’s first experience with Spike to end in a bad way. Though Spike had hurt her and dominated her to the point where she felt helpless, Luna felt that she had to share the blame with her lover, remembering that she goaded the young man to behave like a beast. Luna started to feel sad as her head went downcast, tears forming in her eyes.

Spike noticed Luna’s change of expression and immediately placed his hand on her cheek. The Vice Principal smiled at this and looked up at him. Luna then placed her hand on top of Spike’s, trying to assure the young man that nothing was wrong.

“Spike…” Luna said, trailing off. Her tears began to flow a bit more from her eyes as she continued, “I hope that it goes well with Rarity. I hope it goes better than…”

Immediately knowing that Luna was becoming distraught at past memories, Spike took her into his arms, embracing her as he rubbed his hands all over her back in an effort to soothe her. He knew what Luna was about to say, and it reminded him that he needed to be a better person. Spike owed it to Luna, to Twilight, his stepmother and everybody he shunned and hurt.

Taking the initiative, Spike leaned to kiss Luna, planting his lips on hers. The Vice Principal accepted the young man’s kiss and answered in kind. They made out until the next class period bell rang.

A few hours later, the final bell had rung and Spike was deep in thought. As he collected his things from his locker, he couldn’t help but think about what Luna said to him that afternoon. While Luna had approved his sexual behavior and encouraged him to sleep around with other women, she really wanted things to go well with Rarity, which got him to think about fashionista the rest of the afternoon. Not even Ms. Dash’s grueling dodge-ball session later on in the day could get him to think of anything else. With his things inside his school bag, Spike closed his locker and made his way outside the building with a smile on his face, determined to do right by Luna...and Rarity.

“Spike?” a voice said, gaining Spike’s attention.

Spike turned around and saw that Belle Wayne was standing in front of him. He could see that Belle looked really nervous and noticed a slight tint of red on her cheeks. Seeing Belle reminded Spike of what had happened between him and Rarity, and could imagine what was running through Rarity’s little sister’s mind at the moment.

“Um, can I talk to you?” Belle shyly asked, whispering. “It’s private, so…”

‘Oh, boy…’ Spike thought knowingly. With a sigh, he said, “Just let me get my bike.”

Though not much time had passed since she and Spike left Canterlot High, Belle Wayne felt like she had been walking beside him for an eternity. It didn’t help that she and the young man beside her said nothing as they walked. Belle took a glance at Spike and saw that he was at just as much of a loss as she was. She had wanted to confront him about what had happened between him and her big sister, Rarity. Belle had so many questions she wanted to ask Spike, but didn’t know where to begin. All she did know was that she couldn’t confront him about it during school hours because she was afraid that it might cause a scandal. Belle wanted answers, but she also didn’t want to cause any trouble.

As Belle watched the boy beside her as he walked with his hands on the handles of his bicycle, she still couldn’t get the image of Spike and Rarity in a passionate embrace. When she woke up to smell of breakfast, Belle was about to greet her sister when she had found her kissing Spike. Belle was speechless, her mouth wide open in surprise and her eyes as wide as saucers. She couldn’t believe that Rarity was making out with someone the same age as her. Belle also remembered how daring Rarity behaved with Spike as she encouraged him to do more. She had blushed at the thought of Spike and Rarity going further had she not stopped them.

The intimate image of Spike and Rarity had dominated Belle’s mind since morning, and it proved quite distracting as the day progressed. She couldn’t concentrate on her schoolwork and she nearly got detention for answering a math question in an English class. Mistakenly going into the boys’ locker room still made Belle shiver, as she could still remember the boys leering at her and giving her catcalls. She couldn’t even talk to her friends when one of them asked why she was nervous. She told them that she was still jittery about the festival, which was true since she was still shy about performing in front of people. Belle wasn’t having a good day, and having half the cause of it all walking beside her wasn’t helping.

“Um… Belle,” Spike started nervously, getting Belle’s attention. “Look… about what happened this morning…”

Gathering her courage, Belle bluntly spoke, “Spike… just shut up, alright? I know you’re not sorry about what you were doing with my sister, and I’m sure she’s not sorry, either. But thanks to you and Rarity, I had a hard day at school, my friends think I’m a weirdo now, and I had locker room full of boys whistling at me when I went in there by mistake! Yeah, thank you very much for your concern!”

“Well, what do want me to say!?” asked Spike in an exasperated tone.

“I just want a little consideration from you and my big sister next time!” exclaimed Belle. “I don’t know what you two do when you have the house all to yourselves, and quite frankly, I don’t think I want to know!”

“Well, to tell you the truth-

“I said I don’t want to know! Stop it!”

Once again, Belle and Spike were in complete silence. Belle groaned as she covered her face in hands. She knew this confrontation wasn’t going to go smoothly, and now she was regretting even thinking about talking to Spike about it. Belle felt foolish as she let her hands drop, shaking her head. She took one look at Spike and saw that he looked sheepish. Belle gave the young man an apologetic smile, which put Spike at ease for the moment.

Sighing, Belle said, “Look, I’m sorry, Spike. It’s just… I guess nothing should surprise me when my sister is concerned.”

“How so?” asked Spike with curiosity.

“Well… It’s just that with Rarity, I almost forget how daring she can be. Sometimes in her fashion shows, she would show off a design so risqué that I’m surprised her models could even walk that runway without feeling self-conscious. Rarity even models the riskier dresses herself and shamelessly flirts with the audience, blowing kisses to the cameras. Nothing seems to faze her! And the way she has the men she’s with in the palm of her hand, I…”

Belle sighed when she trailed off. Shaking her head, Belle chastised herself for sounding envious.

“I can’t even work the courage to talk to a boy I like,” muttered Belle. “Rarity’s probably has this really pretty and most likely revealing dress ready for me for the festival this weekend. I want to sing my song, but I have nightmares about it, and whenever I think about singing, I burst into hiccups.”

“I’m sure you’ll do fine,” said Spike in an assuring tone.

“No, I won’t,” responded Belle miserably. “I’m not my sister, and I never will be. I really want to sing my heart out at the festival, but I can’t. Why did even volunteer? I’ll just make a fool of myself in front of all those people, and that boy I like will think I’m…”

Belle felt like she was going to cry. She had only wanted to confront Spike about his relationship with Rarity, and then she started to talk about her own problems. Just comparing herself with Rarity made her think herself as inadequate. A single tear left her eye as she felt like she was going to scream.

Belle then a felt a hand land on her shoulder. She saw that Spike gave her a comforting smile and couldn’t help but smile back. She blushed a little at seeing Spike’s face, and could see why her sister would go for someone like him. Belle felt very timid and gave Spike a bashful smile.

“Maybe I can help,” said Spike, surprising Belle.

“I don’t see how you can,” Belle said doubtfully. “Rarity and I have tried everything, and nothing works.”

“Maybe you just need a special touch,” said Spike confidently.

Spike was sitting at Rarity’s desk inside the Carousel Boutique studio room, working on his homework. Some time ago, he and Belle had arrived at Rarity’s place of business and had found Rarity setting up a few chairs in front of small stage. Rarity had enquired what Spike was doing there, and Spike answered that he wanted to help Sweetie Belle with her stage fright. Rarity had perked up and sent Belle to the changing room to try out a few dresses she had designed for the festival. Spike had wanted to help Rarity set up, but immediately sent him to the studio room so he could do his homework. He then called his stepmother and said that he might get home late, but promised to finish his homework and not be too much of a bother to Rarity. As he was finishing his math assignment, Spike leaned back on the chair and let out a breath, shaking his head in the process.

‘I know I said I would help Belle, but figuring out how is going to be a problem,’ Spike thought as he wrote an answer to his final math problem. ‘I may have experience with being at social events and catering at said events, but what do I know about overcoming stage fright? Well, I can’t back out now. A promise is a promise.’

“Spike, have you finished your homework?” Rarity called out from the main hall.

“Yes, Rarity,” answered Spike, closing his math book and getting up from the desk.

“Then come and help finish out here.”

After putting away his books and notebooks inside his bag, Spike headed out of the studio room and into the main hall. What he saw was the hall now looking like a small theatre with chairs set up in rows, an aisle in the middle, and a rectangular table in front of the stage. Spike also saw that Rarity was setting up some articulate mannequins on each of the chairs and decided to help Rarity with that. After a few minutes, Spike and Rarity finished setting the mannequins, giving the scene an illusion of a crowded theatre. As a finishing touch, Spike and Rarity set up a curtain for the stage. Finished with the set up, Spike and Rarity wiped sweat from their brows, exhausted.

“Well, we did it,” Spike said, looking over theatre setup. “Complete with a crowd, stage and judge’s table.”

“A rather crude setup, but it will suit our needs,” said Rarity, also observing the setup. “Now all we need is our star. Sweetie Belle! We’re ready for you!”

As she soon as she was called, Belle emerged from the changing room, dressed in a white strapless white top with a country-style skirt, complete with pink belt. On her feet, she was wearing white boots with tassels. On Belle’s head was a white Stetson hat with a pink belt. For Rarity’s part, she couldn’t help but smile at how adorable Belle looked in her outfit. Spike couldn’t help but stare at Belle, marveling at how beautiful she looked in the simple ensemble. He also noted that the strapless top accentuated the girl’s bust, making it very noticeable.

Rarity, noticing that Spike was staring down Belle’s cleavage, frowned at the young man and elbowed him in the ribs.

“Hey, that hurt,” Spike complained as he rubbed his side.

“We are here to help my sister, not ogle at her like a pervert,” Rarity pointed out. She turned her attention towards Belle and said, “Now then, Sweetie Belle, if you’ll please make your way behind the curtain, we can get started.”

“Alright,” responded Belle, though her tone sounded nervous as she made her way behind the curtain.

“Spike, you’ll play the part of the host and introduce Sweetie Belle to her adoring public,” said Rarity as she handed some cards to Spike.

Spike took the cards and looked them over. Raising his eyebrow, he looked to Rarity and asked, “Isn’t this a little much, Rarity?”

“I want what’s best for my sister, Spike.”

“If you say so, Rarity”

As Rarity sat in the middle of the judge’s table, Spike made his way to the stage. The young man stood at the middle of stage with the cards in hand and cleared his throat.

After giving a quick glance at the cards, Spike began to address the mannequin crowd, “Alright, Ponyville. Are we having a good time tonight?”

“A little louder, Spikey,” Rarity said.

“Alright, Ponyville!” shouted Spike. “Are we having a good time tonight!?”

It was then that Rarity took out her smart phone, pressed i,t and a loud, thunderous cheer could be heard from the device. Needless to say, Spike was surprised that Rarity would add crowd cheers to this practice run.

“We have real treat you for you all,” Spike spoke, getting into his role. “In fact, we have a little lady here who’s a real songbird, a genuine diva who just can’t wait to show you all what she’s made of! You could say that she’s a future Grammy winner, a Broadway star ready to shine! I dare add that every last one of you will be having wet dreams about-

“SPIKE!!” shouted a mortified Belle from behind the curtain.

“Hey, don’t blame me, I didn’t write this,” defended Spike.

“Do go on, Spike,” Rarity reminded Spike. “The audience is waiting for their songbird.”

“Alright, without further ado, Canterlot High’s very own…Sweetie…Belle…Wayne!!”

As Spike moved away from the stage, Belle emerged from behind the curtain. Taking in a deep breath and placing her hand on top of her chest, Belle approached the front of the stage with a stride. She then waved at the mannequin audience with a smile.

‘Well, so far so good,’ thought Spike, folding his arms.

“Now Sweetie, blow a few kisses to your adoring public,” instructed Rarity. “Don’t forget that winning, confident smile.”

Belle did as instructed and blew a few kisses to the mannequin crowd as she smiled her most confident smile. She could feel her heart beating quickly every second she was on stage. A single drop of sweat ran down from the side of her head, but Belle pressed on and continued to blow kisses and smile.

“Very good, Sweetie,” complimented Rarity. “The crowd is ready to hear your beautiful voice. Which reminds me…”

Rarity quickly exited the hall and into her studio. After a few seconds, she emerged with a toy microphone and handed it to Belle. Rarity then took her place at the judges’ table once again and said expectantly, “Now the audience is ready. As the old saying goes, Sweetie…knock‘em dead!”

“Here goes,” said Belle after taking a deep breath and exhaling. Facing the mannequin crowd, Belle began to speak, “Ponyville…I know that…um…I know what it’s like to like someone but…but…”

‘Oh no,’ thought Spike as he looked on at Belle trailing off. What he saw was Belle’s body shaking in fear as her eyes looked on the fake crowd Spike also noticed that Belle was grabbing to the toy microphone very tightly. He then saw that Belle was backing away, tears flowing freely from her eyes.

‘Oh, dear, not again,’ Rarity thought as she shook her head.

“NO, GET AWAY!!” screamed Belle as she turned to run, only to trip over her own foot that caused her to fall on hands and knees.

Spike was immediately by Belle’s side, helping the girl get up. He was about to ask if she was alright, but kept his mouth shut as he looked at the angry and frustrated expression on her face. Spike was then caught off guard when Belle threw the microphone at a random mannequin, causing it to topple over.

“Belle, I know that this is very trying for you, but there’s no need to take it out on the mannequin!” scolded Rarity.

“I CAN’T DO IT, RARITY!” bawled Belle, falling to her knees once again, covering her face. “The crowd at the festival is going to eat me alive! God, I was so stupid to sign up for this!”

Spike looked on at Belle with sympathy as he knelt down beside her, placing his hand on her shoulder and giving it a slight rub. The girl had had told him earlier that she was suffering from stage fright, but seeing Belle have a meltdown like this showed that her case was especially bad.

After a few seconds, Spike asked, “Belle, what did you see?”

“Nothing, it’s stupid…” Belle responded miserably, weeping into her hands.

“Belle, I want to help,” Spike sighed. “You looked really spooked on stage. You already told me what’s been going on before we came here, but I…Rarity and I need to know what you saw.”

“You really need to open up, little sister,” Rarity said sympathetically as she went over to Belle and sat right next to her. “You never tell me about these nightmares you’ve having, and we can’t help you perform until you tell us.”

After taking a few breaths and getting herself under control, Belle began to wipe her tears from her eyes. She took a look at Rarity and saw a reassuring smile and couldn’t help but smile back. Despite her big sister’s behavior earlier in the day, Belle knew that she could count on her sister to listen to her. She then turned to Spike and gave him a thankful smile. The boy smiled back and it made Belle blush, a slight red tint adorning her cheeks.

‘I can see why you like him so much, Applebloom,’ thought Belle in wonder before shaking that thought out of her head. ‘Still, Spike offered to help and Rarity has been trying to help for my performance, so…’

With a sigh, Belle began, “I want to sing so badly…to show my stuff at the festival. I even invited Button just so he can see me perform…if he can tear his eyes away from a game.”

“Button?” asked Spike, eyebrow raised.

“A boy she has a crush on, though his real name is Burton Mash,” Rarity pointed out with a blush, a hand on her face. “I met him when he and Belle were here for a study session. He’s such an adorable, innocent looking boy. With just the right word…”

“Rarity…,” Belle growled warningly.

“You really should make a move, Belle,” Rarity suggested.

“Can we get back on point!?” Belle blurted out irritably. After calming down, Belle continued, “What I saw…all I saw was heckling…all those people just shouting obscenities as they just approached me…like they wanted to attack me or something. I just wanted to run away…”

Belle sighed once again as Spike and Rarity remained silent, waiting for her to continue.

“You know what the worst thing I saw?” said in a low tone. “I saw Button…he didn’t do anything but play his little video game and wouldn’t pay attention to what was happening to me.”

Rarity could only feel sorry for Belle and realize how different her little sister was from her. While she saw herself as extravagant, daring, vain and unafraid to show off her beauty, Belle was the voice of reason but had a habit of doubting herself, always second guessing her abilities if her interactions with her friends were any indication,. Rarity wanted to help her little sister and seeing her open up like this was a huge step in the right direction.

Spike, his eyes brightening up on an idea, spoke, “Can you tell me about Button?”

“Well, he’s about your height, though I think his hands are bigger than yours,” Belle responded.

“Ooh, I like him more than before,” purred Rarity. “A man with big hands can go a long way in an intimate relationship.”

“I got big hands,” Spike pointed out as he showed off his hands to Rarity.

“You’re also big where it counts, Spikey-Wikey,” Rarity said lustfully with her half lidded eyes staring at Spike’s crotch.

Not wanting to let the conversation take a turn, Belle cleared her throat, catching the attention of Rarity and Spike. She continued where she left off, “Anyway, like Rarity said, Button is innocent and adorable-looking. He can be such a child, though, always thinking about his video games and going on and on about his online scores and gloating like he’s some kind of jock. I just wish I could get his attention, but I’m afraid that if I make a move, he’ll just move me aside in favor of some game he’s playing.”

Rubbing her chin with a wicked smile, Rarity was forming an idea in her head. Spike caught onto this and seeing Rarity’s smile, it made him nervous.

“Sweetie Belle…could you and Spike sit at the edge of the stage?” asked Rarity, her wicked smile still in place.

“Um, Rarity, what are you up to?” Spike asked nervously in response.

“Trust me that it’s for Sweetie Belle’s own good,” responded Rarity.

Spike and Belle did as they were told and walked to the front end of the stage. Once there, they sat together and looked at each other, wondering what Rarity’s idea was. Spike and Belle got even more nervous as they saw Rarity closing all the curtains inside the boutique and making sure that no one could peak in. She even made sure that the doors were locked. Spike and Belle then saw Rarity make her way towards them which Spike gulp at the sight of Rarity swinging her hips enticingly.

“Sweetie Belle…truthfully, how much do like young Mash?” asked Rarity.

“With all my heart,” responded Belle affirmatively.

“And if he were here right now, what would you say to him?”

“Um…I don’t know.”

“Wrong answer, Sweetie Belle. Try again.”

“Well…I…,” Sweetie Belle hesitated, but then she frowned as she balled her hands into fists and shouted, “Button, get your eyes off that game and look at me! You’re going to leave your game at home and we are going out and…and we’re going to make out under a bridge somewhere and you’re going to like it!!”

‘I’ll say this for Belle: she’s very demanding,’ Spike thought, taken aback by Belle’s tone of voice.

“Not exactly the words I would use, but at least you know what you want, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity said as she observed Belle’s demeanor. “I want you to say that to Spike here. Just picture him as your darling Button and say what you just said. No hesitation and just be daring! Let that boy know exactly what you want and never let him forget it!”

With a look of determination, Belle turned to Spike and was glad that the boy had her attention (though Spike still continued to look awkwardly at Belle). Belle then closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and opened her eyes and began to look at Spike as if he were Button. She remembered that Button had a youthful face and big reddish brown eyes that just screamed cluelessness and innocence. Belle also remembered that Button had messy orange hair in two tones that was a bit of a mess. She smiled and blushed, her heart fluttering as she wanted nothing more than to let Button know how much she felt about him.

Unfortunately, Belle’s heart began to pound at her chest as she felt her nervousness come to the forefront once more. She found herself unable to say what she had said only a moment earlier. She forcefully opened her mouth, but nothing came out. Belle cursed herself for being unable to act. Tears formed from her eyes as she gritted her teeth, trying to will herself to say something…or to act.

“Um, Belle,” Spike spoke awkwardly. “Maybe we shouMMMFF!?”

Spike eyes widened even further as he was silenced by Belle’s lips on his, feeling the girl’s hands on his cheeks. Spike couldn’t move, shocked at Belle’s impulsive action as he let her continue to kiss him. The boy felt that the girl’s kiss was a bit awkward, meaning that for Belle, it was her first real kiss, inexperienced, but full of potential.

“Oh, dear,” Rarity finally said, surprised at what was transpiring before her.

Rarity’s voice was enough to get Spike out of his initial shock and was about to push Belle away. He then heard Rarity clear her throat and he saw her shaking her head, spread arms and made enveloping motion. Spike nodded and proceeded to hug Belle, responding to the girl’s kiss. Spike could feel that Belle was shivering as he deepened the kiss and feeling her press up to him, her hands leaving his cheeks as she wrapped her arms around his torso.

‘She’s really into this,’ Spike thought as he Belle a bit more tightly. ‘Come to to think of it, this is the first time I ever kissed a girl my age.'

What happened next took Spike by surprise. He felt that the button on his pants being undone and his zipper was being pulled down. He felt a hand fishing out his stiff manhood, which was being tugged at gently. Spike couldn’t help but moan, enjoying the attention his stiffness was getting. He looked down and saw that Rarity was the one responsible for freeing his manhood from his pants. The fashionista was on her knees as continued to tug at Spike and occasionally rub her cheek on the boy’s stiffness.

“Ooh, Mr. Drake…you feel so hot down here,” Rarity said, her voice filled with lust. She then caught Belle’s attention by squeezing her thigh. She smiled wickedly as her sister let go of the kiss and almost laughed when Belle gasped at the sight of Spike’s erect manhood. “You should be proud of yourself, little sister. You’ve taken your first step in pleasing a man.”

Belle blushed as she stared at Spike’s erection. She felt a bit of pride that she could elicit such a reaction from a boy with just a kiss. He lips quivered as she continued to look at Spike manhood while also feeling her panties becoming moist.

“We still have the issue of your stage fright to deal with,” Rarity pointed out as she let go of Spike’s length, eliciting a slight protest. She stepped to the stage and beckoned Belle to stand with her and said, “How about we give your loving audience something cheer about?”

Before Belle could even question Rarity about her intentions, her sister positioned her to face the faux audience and immediately started to disrobe her from her outfit. Belle gasped and tried to fight it, but almost in an instant she was in her bra, panties and boots. She covered her breasts with one arm and her panty-covered womanhood with her other hand. Belle inadvertently looked at the faux audience and froze up, seeing the same audience that was heckling and jeering her, this time with words ‘slut’ and ‘show-off’ and other more obscene words laced in. Belle was breathing heavily, her heart pounding even harder in her chest as she began to feel faint. Belle then felt a pair arms envelop her waist, startling her. She turned her head and saw Rarity seductively smiling at her, making her eyes go even wider.

“Trust your sister on this, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity whispered, trying to assure her now trembling sister. “Face your audience, my dear. I’ll comfort you.”

With a reluctant nod, Belle tried to relax as she faced the mannequins in front of her. She started to moan as Rarity began to fondle her bra-covered breasts, squeezing them lightly. Belle then felt Rarity’s lips kiss her neck, causing her gasp once again. She shut her eyes when Rarity started to run her tongue on her neck while continuing to squeeze her breasts a bit more firmly, causing her nipples to become erect. Belle let out a whine when one of Rarity’s hands left her right breast, but immediately let out a loud moan when she felt her sister’s hand caress her panty-covered womanhood, becoming even more wet. She let out a scream when Rarity pushed through the fabric with her middle finger. The feeling was brief as Belle felt Rarity’s hand go inside her panties and started playing with her womanhood more directly, her sister’s thumb and forefinger giving the clitoris a squeeze. Belle was fighting hard not faint or climax on the spot, but she was reaching her limit. The fact that it was her big sister doing this to her wasn’t helping her situation.

Spike was mesmerized at what Rarity was doing to Belle. He couldn’t look away as his cheeks started to burn at the forbidden sight, which managed to turn him on even more. Spike had never seen Belle, one Applebloom’s friends, in a sexual way before, and he found himself comparing her to her big sister, Rarity. While not as ravishing and alluring as Rarity, Spike found that Belle’s slender body to be alluring as well, especially the way she reacted to Rarity’s touch. He could see Belle’s erect nipples through her bra. What almost brought Spike over the edge was when he saw Belle’s wetness leaking through her panties. Hearing her moan made the young boy start to drool.

“It’s better than doing it yourself, right?” asked Rarity, causing Belle’s eyes to go wide. “You really should close your door fully before indulging yourself with your fantasies, Sweetie Belle. What would mother and father say if they were the ones who caught you instead of your understanding sister?”

Rarity took the time to see Spike’s reaction and smiled as she saw the boy’s erection. She stopped what she was doing, got on her knees, and removed Belle’s soaked panties. When she got up, Rarity lifted Belle from her thighs, causing the girl to instinctively expose her wet womanhood, her juices dripping on the stage.

“I think it’s time we move on,” Rarity whispered once again to a trembling Belle. She directed her gaze to Spike and said, “Spike, Belle is still a bit nervous. Can you help me comfort her?”

Spike got up and walked up to Belle. He saw the girl gaze downward at his erect manhood and then towards his face, looking frightened. Spike smiled comfortingly at Belle as he continued to walk toward her.

“Can I?” asked Spike.

Belle gulped, though she did feel flattered that Spike asked if she wanted go through with it. Feeling that it was too late to stop, Belle nodded with a smile, imagining Button’s face once again.

“All right then,” sighed Spike, cupping Belle’s face, holding her gaze. “Let’s put you at ease.”

Spike proceeded to kiss Belle on the lips. The girl responded eagerly and kissed Spike back. When Spike slipped his tongue through Belle’s lips, he heard the girl moan in delight. He then felt Belle’s tongue intertwine with his, causing him to intensify the kiss. After a few moments of kissing, Spike let go of Belle’s lips and traced his tongue down towards her breasts. He began to squeeze the girl’s left breast while licking the other, biting down on her nipple. Spike heard Belle squeal in delight as he pulled at her nipple with his teeth. He proceeded to do the same with the other breast and caused more delightful sensations for Belle. Feeling that Belle’s breasts had enough attention, Spike traced his tongue downwards toward her womanhood. He saw how wet it really was and found it excruciatingly enticing. He rubbed his hand on it and teased the clitoris. Spike wasted no more time; he started licking Belle’s most private treasure, causing Belle to cry out in pleasure.

“Button…your tongue…I’m…gonna…” Belle said breathlessly, her womanhood twitching.

“Not just yet, Sweetie Belle,” said Rarity as she kissed Belle’s neck. “You don’t want this to be over too soon. Do try to hold on, little sister. You may have your needs, but your love has needs, too.”

At the mention of ‘Button’s’ needs, Belle tensed up, knowing what would come next. It didn’t help that ‘Button’ was intensifying his licking of her slit. Belle continued moan, looking down with smile as she saw ‘Button’ enjoying himself. She let out a loud cry when ‘Button’ inserted his index finger inside her slit. When ‘Button’ started to finger her slit with more intensity, Belle grit her teeth in an effort to keep herself from climaxing on the spot. She felt pleasure all through her body and she didn’t want it to stop.

“Such a generous boy, isn’t he?” purred Rarity, earning a nod from Belle. Rarity then gazed at Spike and cleared her throat, gaining the teenager’s attention and a whine from Belle. “I think it is time for Belle to give you some attention. Lay on your back, Spike.”

Spike did as he was told and lay on his back, his manhood still hard and pointing upward. Rarity then set Belle was gently down on the stage and backed away. Belle slowly opened her eyes and saw that she was sitting only an inch away from Spike, her womanhood practically touching his face. Her gaze went toward Spike’s manhood and once again became mesmerized by how long and stiff it was. Belle crawled over Spike, an eager smile on her face as she finally got closer to the teenage boy’s stiffness, noticing a thick, white liquid at the tip. She ran a finger upwards and downwards on the length, and giggled when she heard Spike moan in pleasure.

“Belle… I want your posterior to be facing the audience while you pleasure Spike,” Rarity instructed. “I want them to get a good look at that dripping entrance of yours before you give it your all. Go slow since it is your first time.”

Belle nodded as she crawled again, positioning herself so that her backside was facing the mannequins, but never taking her eyes off Spike’s length. She ran her finger on it as before, this time getting her finger on the white substance at the tip. Belle stared at the liquid on her finger and without a second thought, licked the cum off her finger, moaning as she swallowed it. She then grabbed Spike’s manhood, made sure her grip wasn’t too tight. Belle smiled when she heard Spike moan, and began to slowly jerk him off, earning more pleasurable sounds from the boy. She licked the tip of Spike’s manhood, gathering all the pre-cum into her mouth and proceeded to lick the length, coating it with her saliva. Belle’s actions almost made her forget that her wet womanhood was facing the audience, though the thought of showing it off made her even wetter.

‘This is so embarrassing,’ thought Belle as she glanced back towards the mannequin audience, blushing. ‘It’s like those things are staring deep into my insides…’

“Belle… that’s so good,” Spike moaned. “Keep doing that. Oh, God, your tongue… amazing…”

“Such talent for a virgin,” Rarity complimented Belle. “Now then, Sweetie Belle… I want to see if you can take that length into your mouth. Go slow.”

With a bit of reluctance, Belle stopped licking at Spike’s manhood, though she kept her grip on it, giving it one last jerk. She still couldn’t believe that she was doing this, but Belle eagerly kissed the tip of Spike’s erection and slowly engulfed it into her mouth, causing Spike to moan loudly, causing the boy to sit up. Emboldened by Spike’s reaction, Belle bobbed her head up and down on the boy’s length, her motions becoming even faster. She became even bolder as she massaged Spike’s balls with one hand while pleasuring her own entrance with the other. Before she could let go of Spike’s member, though, she felt a pair of hands on the back of her head. Belle didn’t have time to react as those hands gently pushed her head even deeper on Spike’s length. She continued to bob her head, this time letting those hands guide her. Belle let out a muffled moan, feeling that she was close to an orgasm while also feeling that Spike’s length was also tensing up.

“Belle… so close…” Spike spoke softly, stroking Belle’s hair.

“That’s enough of that, Belle,” Rarity said, a blush adorning her cheeks and feeling wet between her legs. “You are just about ready for your big finale. Spike, please be gentle with my sister. Try to make her experience a joyful one.”

Rarity’s words made Spike remember Luna’s words from earlier. Though Luna had meant that his first experience with Rarity should be a joyful, Spike knew that Belle’s first time should be one to remember fondly. He looked down to where Belle’s head was and saw that the girl was looking at him with apprehension and uncertainty about what was going to happen. Spike smiled a soft smile, trying to assure Belle that everything was going to be alright.

Belle closed her eyes and stood up, opening her eyes again as she faced, the ‘crowd’. Her heart started to beat fast once again, becoming stiff. She gasped as she then felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist. Belle turned her head and saw Spike, who still had the same, reassuring smile. She couldn’t help but smile back, once again imagining Spike as Button.

Spike got down on his knees and kissed Belle’s butt-cheeks, eliciting a moan from the girl. He then patted them slightly, making the girl turn and look down on him. Spike lay down on the stage nodded to Belle, indicating that it’s now or never. He saw Belle take a deep breath, face the mannequins and squatted down slowly. Spike then felt Belle’s womanhood and the tip of his member, causing him to sigh in pleasure.

“Now, Belle,” began Rarity. “I want you to-

Unfortunately for Belle, she pushed herself on Spike’s manhood hard and fast, causing her to scream in pain, her eyes going wide. Seconds later, she started to sob, tears flowing from her eyes. Belle gritted her teeth while also shutting her eyes.

‘It’s gone…,’ thought Belle as wept. ‘Oh my God, it hurts…it hurts so much!’

“Belle, why did you do that!?” asked Rarity frantically as she went to her little sister’s side. “You were supposed to go slow!”

“I just… wanted to get it over with,” Belle continued to weep. “I knew it was going to hurt, but…”

“Maybe… I should stop,” Spike said, his voice strained at how tight Belle’s womanhood held on to his member.

“No you don’t!” Belled blurted out. “I can do this… I can do…”

“Belle… you shouldn’t push yourself like this,” Rarity practically begged. “You’re in pain and-

“I have to finish this, Rarity,” Belle insisted as she wept. “I’ve come too far too stop… I can`t be afraid anymore…”

With great reluctance, Rarity nodded towards Belle. She then turned her head towards Spike and said, “Keep her steady, Spike. Be gentle.”

With a nod, Spike grabbed onto Belle’s butt and pushed into her, causing the girl to moan louder. Spike had to admit that as even though Belle’s womanhood was grabbing onto his manhood very tight, it felt very good and wanted to intensify his thrusts, wanting to hear more pleasurable sounds coming from Belle’s mouth. He could tell that Rarity’s younger sister was really getting into it, but remembered that he had to take it slow. Spike didn’t want to come off as being aggressive, and certainly didn’t want to anger Rarity. He then sat up, never letting go of Belle as he pinched her clit with one hand and grabbed her breast with the other while continuing to thrust into the girl’s opening,

“Belle… you feel so good,” Spike said breathlessly as he licked Belle’s neck, causing the girl to shiver.

Belle felt that her entire body was on fire. Though the initial pain of losing her virginity had gone away, the pleasure she was feeling as Spike kept thrusting into her was driving her crazy. Though she wanted to pretend that it was Button that was doing this to her, Belle knew for a fact that it wasn’t, and felt a little guilty that her first time wasn’t with him. She didn’t know what to think of all this, but all she could concentrate was in the now. Belle reveled in the pleasure that Spike was giving her and hopefully, maybe Button could give her this much pleasure when the time comes.

Belle opened her eyes and looked at the fake crowd once again. She looked away in shame, imagining what the crowd would think of her if they saw her like this. Belle shook that feeling away immediately and concentrated on what she was doing with Spike. She knew that she couldn’t overthink this. Belle wanted to give the crowd a performance they could remember. She wanted to sing her heart out, and she wanted Button to give her a hug afterwards… maybe even reward him for his gratitude. Belle then imagined the crowd getting into the performance she was currently in and couldn’t help but feel like an exhibitionist, showing off her body while Spike was rutting her. Belle smiled at the crowd and looked at them with a rather pleased look on her face.

“Do… do you like what you see?” asked Belle of the crowd with the sultriest voice she could muster. “Do you like seeing you little diva like this? Rutted in public so shamelessly? Do you want to be inside me? Do you want me come for all of you? Do you all want to come all over me?”

‘Belle… you’re so naughty… saying such filthy things like that,’ Rarity thought, blushing at the site of Spike and Belle going at it as she began to fondle her breast with one hand and rubbing her covered, wet womanhood with the other. Rarity panted and wanted to be in her sister’s position so badly and experience what she was denied earlier in the morning.

Spike was at the edge of orgasm, thrusting harder into Belle as he heard Belle’s words and moans of approval. He could also feel that Belle was close and felt encouraged to finish it, squeezing her right breast and rubbing her womanhood with more intensity. When Spike noticed Rarity looking at what was happening and playing with herself, Spike decided to smile a playfully cruel smile at her, as if mentally asking her how much he wanted to be where her sister was at the moment. When he saw that Rarity began to undress and expose herself to him in her bra and wet panties, Spike thrust into Belle even harder, making her scream in ecstasy.

Spike couldn’t take it anymore and released his seed inside of Belle, causing the girl to howl and orgasm, releasing her juices before the mannequin crowd. He continued to hold onto Belle, not wanting her to collapse on the stage after experiencing such a high. Feeling that he had released so much of his seed, Spike set Belle down on the stage as gently as he could, giving the tired and sweaty girl a peck on her cheek.

‘Man, oh man,’ thought Spike as he shook his head and smiling at Belle. ‘Button is really going to love you.’

Spike got up and wiped the sweat from his brow and turned to face Rarity, who was still playing with herself. Seeing that she was giving him a hungry look, Spike smirked and stalked over to Rarity, causing the older woman to take a step a step back in apprehension.

“Spike… remember now, I’m a lady,” Rarity spoke with a nervous smile. “Ladies need to be treated with-

“I know how to treat a lady, Ms. Wayne,” Spike said with a hungry look. “Besides… I think we should finish what we started, right?”

Feeling that Spike got her dead to rights, Rarity nodded, puckering her lips in anticipation. She felt Spike’s lips on hers and moaned in appreciation, kissing him back hungrily as she stuck her tongue inside his mouth, tasting him. Rarity made more appreciative noises as Spike embraced her tightly, his hands rubbing her back. Her nipples were already erect from watching Belle and Spike having sex and her panties were already wet from masturbation. She felt uncomfortable having these undergarments on and wanted to take them off… if only Spike would let her go.

Ever since Spike had left for school, Rarity ached for Spike’s touch. She wanted Spike to touch her whole body, pull at her nipples and ravish her two holes and unload his semen in each of them. Maybe even let him use that the third hole for his pleasure. Thinking about it almost made Rarity close the store that day and close herself off to the world while she played with herself. Maybe even buy some adult toys to get her off, or just use one of Belle’s boots she designed for her. Rarity had to fight to keep herself composed. She was a professional, after all, and behaving like a dog in heat would be selfish and unladylike.

But Rarity wanted Spike to satisfy her however he wanted. As pleasurable as Spike’s kiss felt, Rarity wanted more from him.

Spike let Rarity’s lips go and proceeded to yank off Rarity’s bra, causing the women to gasp. Seeing that Rarity’s nipples were erect, Spike opened his mouth and proceeded to suck on her breasts, licking around the nipples. Hearing Rarity moan and pant caused Spike’s manhood to go erect again, and instinctively bit onto her nipple, causing the woman to gasp as she felt Spike’s teeth tug at it.

“No… Spike… not… oh, God it feels so good,” Rarity said, almost losing herself to ecstasy. When she felt Spike’s mouth attack her other breast, Rarity begged, “Spike… please… I know you love them… but you had them this morning and… Oh, Spike… please…”

Letting go of Rarity’s breast, Spike looked up to face her, and while tugging once more at her nipples, said, “But your breasts taste so good, Ms. Wayne. They even smell good… just like the rest of your body.”

“But Spike…I want to taste you, too,” Rarity said, still in her begging tone. “Especially…”

“What, Ms. Wayne?” asked Spike teasingly. “What did you want to taste?”

“Spike, please…you know what I want,” Rarity said as she looked down to Spike’s erection, tears in her eyes.

“You have to be more clear than that,” Spike smirked.

“Spike, don’t do this to me!”

“What do you want… and where do you want it?”

Rarity wanted to be mad at Spike for teasing her and making her beg. She felt Spike’s hand on her cheek, making her look at him. What she saw was not a teasing smirk but a loving smile. Rarity almost melted, but managed to smile back, a line of drool escaping her lips.

Gathering all her courage she could muster, Rarity answered, “Your manhood… I want it… oh, Heavens I want it so badly…,”

“Where, Ms. Wayne?” asked Spike. “Where do you want it?”

“My mouth,” Rarity answered huskily. “I want you to shove it in mouth.”

“Good girl,” Spike said, letting go of Rarity.

Rarity got on her knees and stared at Spike’s erect manhood. She could smell Spike’s semen as well as Belle’s juices on the shaft, making Rarity feel even more hot. She didn’t waste anymore time as she stuck her tongue out and licked the tip of Spike’s manhood, savoring the taste of male ejaculation as well as female juices. Rarity licked it clean, and let out a pleased moan as she took one of Spike’s balls into her mouth. Hearing Spike let out a moan of his own pleased Rarity, and she proceeded to tug at the ball with her mouth, causing the young man a bit of pain.

‘That’s for tugging at my girls and making me beg, buster,’ thought Rarity, pleased with herself that she gained a bit of revenge.

Spike was loving the attention Rarity was giving his manhood. He felt that her hands grabbed onto his butt. Before Spike knew it, Rarity had engulfed his entire length into her mouth. The young man panted and moaned as the woman bobbed her head up and down, feeling her mouth and tongue pleasure him. Spike grabbed Rarity’s head so he could shove his shaft even deeper into her mouth, hearing a surprised moan. He thrust even quicker inside her mouth, never letting go of her head. Spike then felt one of her hands leave his butt cheek and saw that she shoved it inside her panties. Seeing Rarity do this as well as what she was doing to his manhood almost caused Spike to go over the edge, wanting to come inside her mouth.

Sensing that Spike was getting close, Rarity let go of his manhood. Before she could hear the young man complain, however, Rarity used her breasts to massage Spike’s shaft, causing him to moan again. She squeezed her breasts with her hands to feel Spike’s entire length. She then licked the tip of the young man’s shaft, tasting his pre-cum. Rarity then started to lick all around the tip at a fast speed, stimulating it until he heard Spike give a loud moan and ejaculated on her face and breasts. Rarity looked up at Spike and saw that he was trying to keep himself steady, panting. Feeling pleased with herself, Rarity chuckled as she stood up, looking at Spike. Knowing that the young man could barely stand, Rarity pushed him to the floor with one finger.

Before Spike could protest, he saw that Rarity had quickly taken off her panties, leaving her in all her naked glory. He saw her approaching him slowly, walking over him and stopping as she stood over him, her wet entrance hovering over his face. Spike saw it getting closer when Rarity proceeded to sit on his face. With his mouth firmly connected to Rarity’s entrance, Spike kissed it and licked inside it. Not wanting to let go of the of the sweet taste, Spike grabbed firmly onto Rarity’s butt and continued to lick suck off Rarity’s wet entrance, lapping all the juices that were leaking from her.

“Oh, Spike,” moaned Rarity as she rubbed her entrance on Spike’s mouth. “You like this, don’t you? Licking your dream woman, feasting on her most private part… such a dirty little boy, making a lady like myself wet… not satisfied with taking my sister’s purity, you went ahead and ravished my mouth… making me taste your young seed… dirtying my face and breasts… that’s it, Spike, taste every bit of my juices… I know you love it… let me reward you for what you did for my sweet, little sister…”

Feeling emboldened, Spike grabbed hold of Rarity’s thighs tightly and managed to flip her over onto her back. He then crawled over and instantly kissed her mouth, shutting off any protest from her, feeling her kiss him back. Releasing the kiss, Spike hovered over her for a second and then split Rarity’s legs open, giving him another view of her entrance. Without a second thought, Spike entered Rarity’s womanhood with his reinvigorated shaft in one swift motion, making the woman scream.

‘He’s in me,’ Rarity thought happily as she panted and whimpered, feeling Spike vigorously thrust his shaft inside her. She felt the young man’s hands on her hips so his manhood could never leave her entrance. ‘It’s been so long… he’s better than any lover I’ve had… such a big, strong dick… Spike, please… finish me… fill me up with your seed, mark me as your woman… just like you always wanted…’

‘Rarity…I can’t believe you’re letting me do this,’ grunted Spike, feeling close to orgasm as he thrust every inch of his member inside of Rarity. ‘It feels so hot… the way you grab ahold of me… I don’t want it to end… I want to keep doing this to you… filling you up and satisfying you… oh, man… I’m close again…’

What the two lovers failed to notice was that Belle had recovered from her high, standing as she watched Rarity and Spike rut like wild animals. She walked over to the two, her loins still dripping, both from her own juices and Spike’s semen. Belle then sat on her big sister’s face and proceeded to rub her womanhood all over her mouth, letting her drink her juices and whatever was left of Spike’s seed. She gasped and moaned as she felt Rarity’s tongue lapping her up. Belle responded by groping her big sister’s breasts, kneading them and pinching her nipples in envy at the size discrepancy to her own breasts. When she saw that Spike was looking at her in surprise, Belle smiled and beckoned to him. Both Belle and Spike leaned over and kissed, moaning as they used their tongues.

‘Thank you, Spike…’ Belle thought appreciatively as she moaned into the kiss. ‘I hope Button is as good as you are…’

Spike, letting go of Belle’s lips, quickened his thrusts, feeling his climax. Hearing both Wayne sisters moan was giving him more incentive to come.

“Spike, I’m going come… please… come with me…,” Rarity whimpered.

“Rarity… I’m coming, too… don’t stop licking me…” Belle moaned, squeezing Rarity’s breasts harder and urging to her lick her more.

“Here it comes, ladies,” Spike said, grunting.

Finally, Spike released his seed inside Rarity, moaning loudly as he filled her insides. This caused Rarity to scream into Belle’s womanhood, letting out an orgasm and coating Spike’s shaft with her juices. She then got sprayed with her little sister’s juices, getting whatever juices not landing on her face into her mouth. Getting off of Rarity, Belle laid at her big sister’s side and embraced her, kissing her with her tongue and showing her gratitude as she tasted her own juices. Spike joined them as he and both Wayne sisters shared a three-way kiss.

Two hours had passed and Spike was on his way home, rolling his bike beside him. Though Rarity had let him shower before leaving and did him the favor of washing his clothes, Spike still felt tired and could barely walk. The threesome with both Rarity and Belle took a lot out of him and felt spent. All he wanted to do was get home, throw himself on his bed, and look forward to tomorrow. He still had his own problems to sort out, his studies to concentrate on, and an event to prepare for. Spike sighed, looking back at what happened and couldn’t help but smile a pleased smile.

‘I really hope Belle got the confidence boost she needed,’ thought Spike, arriving home and leaving his bike nearby. ‘And Rarity… riding her like that was like a dream. I wouldn’t mind doing that again. Still… I’m just glad to be home.'

As Spike opened the door, he noticed a pleasant smell coming from the kitchen. Closing the door, Spike went over to the kitchen and was surprised to find Mina, his stepmother, with her back turned to him, washing the dishes while wearing only a frilly apron and nothing else. He felt his member standing at attention, which he quickly covered up with his hands.

‘Down, boy,’ thought Spike, feeling awkward.

“Welcome home, my sweet little boy,” Mina said with a sultry tone, looking over at Spike with a half-lidded stare. “I’m baking a cake… or would you like to have some of my pie instead?”

Spike shivered nervously as he thought frantically. He was really looking forward to resting for tomorrow, but he didn’t want deny his stepmother anything. Spike only hoped that he had enough energy to satisfy Mina for the night.

‘I should have bought myself an energy drink on the way home,’ Spike thought as he mustered enough energy to approach his stepmother, groped her breasts from behind and claimed her lips, making the woman moan as he stuck his tongue inside her mouth.

Extra Curricular Activities

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When I Say Good-Bye…
A Humanized Fic by Duke Moon II
Based on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Chapter 5: Extra-Curricular Activities

Twilight stood a few feet from the Drake Residence, looking tired as she went over a sheet of paper, yawning. Said paper was a tutoring schedule she wrote up the night before, specific to what classes her student, Spike Drake, needed to improve his grades on,and hopefully graduate in a few months. She was glad that Spike was taking his studies seriously again, and she was even gladder that Spike had suggested it in the first place. The fact that Spike was so eager to get started without so much as a plan made her heart skip, and she was actually looking forward to spending more time with her favorite student.

Of course, Twilight’s first tutoring session with Spike ended up with them making out and fondling each other, so academically, not much was accomplished. She had wanted to confront him about it the day before, but Vice Principal Heavenstone had beat her to it, so she resolved to confront Spike later. Later never came as she had other things to take care of, like going over her other student’s homework and making up pop quizzes for the week. It did keep Twilight’s mind occupied, and even though she did feel the itch to finger herself, she never did.

Going over her other students’ work did give Twilight the idea to make up a tutoring schedule for Spike, though. After finishing her regular work, she went over what Spike needed to improve on and make up the lesson plan, plus some personal quizzes for her student. Twilight spent the entire night hammering out the details, but felt satisfied that the perfect tutoring schedule was made.

‘If anything, my personal lessons will finally get Mr. Drake the help he really needs,” thought Twilight proudly. Her expression then turned into a frown one and sighed, ‘That and I can break things off with him gently…if I don’t chicken out, that is.’

“Hey there, egghead,” a voice whispered into Twilight’s ear, causing her to let out a startled gasp.

Twilight turned around and saw that Iris Dash, the school’s physical education teacher, was there with an amused smile. The rainbow-haired teacher was wearing a blue tank-top, shorts that were well above her knees, and carried a duffle bag on her shoulder. Twilight clutched at her heart and gave Iris an annoyed glare, which caused the P.E. teacher to laugh.

“Oh, man, Ms. Sparkle, you’re way too easy,” said Iris as she continued to laugh. “You should really watch your six, girl. What if it was some perv wanting to cop a feel?”

“That’s not funny, Ms. Dash,” Twilight said as she tried to get herself under control.

“You really need to chill, Twilight,” Iris said, shaking her head. “You should be thanking me, though. You looked really wound up and stiff when I saw you. So what brings you here?”

Twilight sighed and responded, “I was about to talk to Spike and his mom about a tutoring schedule. I figured that I go over it with them before school started.”

“What a coincidence, so was I,” Iris said with a smile. “I figure a few morning runs and some stretching exercises can get his energy up so he can keep up with rest of the class. No way Spike’s flunking out of my class if I have anything to say about it.”

Twilight became a bit unnerved at Iris’ determined expression. She remembered how beaten Spike was when she came to him for his first tutoring session, and to say Twilight didn’t approve of Iris’ teaching methods was an understatement. She frowned at Iris’ direction, causing her colleague to raise an eyebrow.

“I think Spike could do without your lessons, Ms. Dash,” Twilight said bluntly.

“And I think you’re just jealous that another woman is spending her quality time with your favorite student,” Iris said slyly as she leered at Twilight.

“Excuse me!?” Twilight glared at Iris. “I want what’s best for Spike! I’m just looking out for him!”

“Yeah, well so am I, egghead!” Iris shouted.

“Yeah, I saw the result of your teaching methods the other day, Iris!” Twilight pointed out accusingly at Iris.

“It builds character!” Iris defended.

“It builds concussions!” Twilight shot back.

“Oh, so now you want to monopolize him like you always do?!”

“What’s that supposed to mean!?”

“Ladies! What is all this commotion!?” a voice exclaimed.

Both Twilight and Iris froze for a moment and turned at the voice and quickly stiffened at the sight of Spike’s stepmother, Mina Drake, holding a cup of coffee in her right hand. The concerned blonde woman was wearing a long-sleeved buttoned white blouse along with khaki pants. Twilight and Iris couldn’t help but feel awkward in Mina’s presence and were left speechless.

Feeling that she got the two teachers’ attention, Mina asked, “Now… what seems to be the problem, ladies?”

“Nothing, Mrs. Drake,” groaned Twilight. “Ms. Dash and I were having a difference of opinion on teaching methods.”

“More like Ms. Goody Two-Shoes here worrying over nothing...” grumbled Iris.

“The only thing I see is two ladies that my son looks up to making a scene and acting like children,” Mina reminded both her teachers. “What would my son say if he saw you two like this?”

Twilight and Iris realized what Mina had said, and their expressions turned sheepish. Both gave the blonde woman an apologetic look, said woman taking that cooler heads had prevailed on that day.

“Now… how about you upstanding teachers of CHS join me for some coffee?” offered Mina with a smile as she led both Twilight and Iris inside the house.

Twilight and Iris went inside the Drake home, though they both gave each other angry frowns. Twilight was doing her best not to scream at Iris while Iris herself gritted her teeth and growled.

‘Who does Iris think she is!?’ Twilight thought furiously. ‘The only thing on my mind is Spike’s grade, nothing more, nothing less.’

‘Whatever you have planned, Ms. Sparkle, I’m not going to let you hog him,’ Iris fumingly thought as she glared at Twilight.

‘Two grown women fighting over Spike,’ mused Mina with a smile. ‘Personally, I’d rather my boy teach them a thing or two about thrusts, grinding, and proper bedding positions. I know he taught me a few things last night~ Such a good boy...’

Some time later, Spike, Mina, Twilight and Iris were sitting at the dinner table, breakfast already finished. Spike was looking over two tutoring schedules in each hand, which consisted of physical education exercises with Iris Dash in the mornings, and another one that consisted of studying during lunchtime with Twilight Sparkle. Not much earlier, both teachers were talking to Spike and Mina about both personally helping their student with his grades. Personally, Spike couldn’t help but smile, and felt flattered that these two women would make time for him to help better his grade.

When Spike looked up from his schedules, he started to feel uneasy as he looked at Twilight and Iris glaring at each other. He had suspected that ever since he told Twilight about how Iris basically used him as target practice during P.E. not long ago, that she wanted to give the P.E. teacher a piece of her mind. When Spike looked at Iris, however, it was as if he was looking at someone trying to contain her rage. The young man gulped nervously, almost sensing that there could be trouble if he didn’t do something.

“So… I guess you two have these schedules figured out,” Spike chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head and gaining the attention of Twilight and Iris.

“Well, Ms. Sparkle hammered out the details,” said Iris, folding her arms. “Hope you don’t mind the morning workouts.”

“As long as it isn’t a citywide marathon every morning.” Spike pointed out.

“Well, now that you mentioned it...” Iris said, giving Spike a contemplating look. When she saw him cringe, Iris laughed. “Oh, come on, Spike. A little run won’t kill ya!”

“Just don’t try to break him, Ms. Dash,” Twilight reminded Iris, making the P.E. teacher glare at her. “I’d like to have Spike in one piece come first period.”

“Gee, thanks for having such confidence in me, Twilight,” Iris said sarcastically.

“I’m just glad you two are making time for my son,” Mina said appreciatively at the two teachers. “It gives him something else to do in the morning, besides cooking, at least. I love him very much, but he can be very overbearing with me, and this lady needs her alone time.”

‘Weren’t you begging for me not leave you when I was plowing you on the table last night?’ thought Spike as he looked at Mina strangely.

“I’m just glad you’re letting us do this, Mrs. Drake,” said Twilight with a soft smile.

“And since I’m all ready to get the lesson started…,” smirked Iris as she took out a whistle from her pants pocket, blowing on it, which caused Spike, Mina and Twilight to cover their ears to muffle the noise. Iris then bellowed, “TIME TO GET YOUR ASS OFF THAT LOAFER, MR. DRAKE!! WORK OUT STARTS NOW, AND I GOT PLENTY IN STORE FOR YOUR SCRAWNY LITTLE ASS, SO GET MOVING!!”

Gritting his teeth while still covering his ears, Spike was shocked at Iris’ sudden, intense tone. “Ms. Dash, don’t you think-

“THE ONLY THING I’M THINKING IS THAT YOU DON’T WANT YOUR GRADE TO GO UP!!” countered Iris with more intensity, which caused Spike to stand up instantly, his eyes wide in fear. “SLACKERS DO NOT EXIST IN MY CLASS, DO THEY, MR. DRAKE?!”

“No, Ms. Dash!!” responded Spike, his voice shaking.


“No, Ms. Dash!!”


Feeling insulted, Spike frowned at Iris and bellowed, “HELL NO, MS. DASH!!”


Spike complied and ran upstairs to his room, Iris following him. As the gym teacher continued to bellow at Spike, Twilight and Mina could only sit in shock, dumbfounded. They just couldn’t believe how gung-ho Iris was acting, and felt sorry for Spike. Moments later, Spike, in his gym shorts and gym shirt with his book bag slung on his shoulder, ran down the stairs with Iris close behind.

“MY PET TURTLE HAS MORE HUSTLE THAN YOU, DRAKE!!” yelled Iris, opening the door for Spike so he could run out. She then grabbed Spike’s bike that was just outside the house, got on, and began pedaling after Spike. “WE’RE GOING TO GOLDEN OAKS PARK AND RUNNING A FEW LAPS AROUND THE BLOCK!! AFTER THAT, A FEW EXERCISES THAT I’M SURE YOU’LL APPRECIATE!! HUSTLE, RUNT! HUSTLE!”

Twilight and Mina could only stare at the open door, Spike and Iris long gone as the latter’s bellowing faded out into the distance. For Twilight’s part, all she could do was frown as she face palmed. Mina sighed as she got up and said a small prayer to the heavens, hoping that her son would at least get through the morning unscathed.


Spike struggled as he pulled up his chin up bar. Sweating profusely with his hands dangerously losing their grip on the bar, the boy had thought about what he got into earlier. As soon as he and Iris had arrived at Golden Oaks Park, Spike was made to run a few laps around the block, and after a few stretches, he did forty push-ups with the last ten with one arm and Iris sitting on his back. Then, after climbing the rock climbing wall a few times, Spike was doing chin ups and felt his strength starting to fail him. Every time he completed a chin up, he felt like he was going to die. He couldn’t see straight as the sweat covered his eyes. Spike had lost count on how many chin ups he was supposed to do, and there were times where he just hung onto the bar until Iris barked at him some more.

As he was about to do another chin up, Spike’s grip on the bar slipped and he fell on his back. He shut his eyes and let out a groan of pain. He panted, trying to catch his breath, feeling exhausted from the morning non-stop workout. When his eyes fluttered open, Spike saw Iris kneeling beside him with what he would call a cute smile on her face. He felt her hand run across his sweaty, hair-matted face, and couldn’t help but blush at this.

“Congrats, Spike,” said Iris fondly. “You did one more chin up than you were supposed to.”

“Yeah… go me,” Spike gasped as he tried to lift his head up, but didn’t have the strength.

“Hi, Rainbow Dash!” a cheerful voice shouted, footsteps coming closer.

Iris Dash looked and saw a woman coming towards her at a dash, stopping instantly when she got close enough. This woman had an attractive, voluptuous figure that was noticeable with her big breasts and hips. She also had poofy pink hair adorning her head and was wearing a cheerful smile on her lips. She was wearing a light pink blouse with a blue skirt, and her feet were encompassed within running shoes. The woman gave a cheerful wave, which Iris responded with a wave of her own.

“Hey there, Pinkie Pie,” said Iris with a smile.

“What brings you here on this fine morn’?” asked Pinkie, though she began to notice the sweating heap of human on the floor when she looked down. It quickly registered in her head of who this was, and let out a gasp before smiling broadly. Lifting up Spike with both her arms, Pinkie squealed in delight as she hugged him tight.

“Spike Drake, it’s been so long and…” Pinkie shouted before she trailed off. Her nose picked up the scent of Spike’s excessive sweat, and instantly dropped him on the ground, pinching her nose. “Eww, stinky-winky! This little boy needs a bath!”

“What I need… is my head examined,” said Spike dizzily. “Why did I agree to this?”

“Because you became a slacker on my time, chef,” Iris pointed out bluntly, looking down on Spike, arms folded. She turned her attention to Pinkie and asked, “You mind if we crashed for bit at your place and get a shower?”

“Absotively!” responded Pinkie eagerly.

Sugar Cube Corner Café was, aside from being Ponyville’s premier local pastry and coffee bar, Pinkamena Diane Pie’s place of residence. The first floor was the storefront and dining room where various pastries and coffee flavors where on display, which also served as the party hall because of how big the floor was. The first floor was also where the kitchen was located, which is also where Pinkie was as she busily decorated a cake while humming a happy tune.

The second floor of the café was the loft, which was also where the bathroom was located and where Iris was located, leaning next to the bathroom door, a bored look on her face. It also served as Pinkie’s studio where she came up with ideas for cakes, coffee combinations, and party planning. These ideas were certainly present, as every idea was either written on a chalkboard, or on paper that was either on the floor or discarded in the wastebasket. There was also an unmade bed with blankets having all shades of pink on them.

Iris was about to knock on the bathroom door when she heard the doorknob twist. She resumed her position of leaning on the wall, though her expression turned into a frown.

Spike emerged from the bathroom, already dressed in his regular clothes. He let out a sigh and was relieved that most of the pain he experienced during his exercises was mostly gone and felt rejuvenated. Shaking his head of any excess water, Spike was about head downstairs until he saw Iris Dash leaning on the wall next to the bathroom, frowning at him with her arms folded. Spike gave his P.E. teacher a peculiar look until he backed up slightly when Iris stepped towards him, her face dangerously close to his.

“You left the door closed,” Iris whispered.

“Seriously, Ms. Dash, I was in no mood for anything else,” Spike responded with an exasperated look.

“You can be such a baby sometimes, Mr. Drake.”

“And you can be such a tyrant… when you’re not being submissive and needy, Ms. Dash.”

Iris blushed as she looked away, maintaining her frown. Trying to remain stoic, she had to admit that she liked the way Spike had her under his power the other night. Just thinking about it turned Iris on, and she could feel her nipples hardening underneath her bra. She gave Spike a wicked smile, placing her hands on the young man’s cheeks. When she saw that Spike was smiling gently at her, Iris moved her head close to his and opened her mouth, getting ready to claim her student’s lips.

“Is everything okay up there!?” Pinkie called out from downstairs.

Iris gave out a frustrated growl and answered, “We’re fine, Pinkie! Just waiting for this slowpoke to get a move on!”

“Oh, ok! Let Spike know that I have snickerdoodles!”

Iris let Spike’s face go and headed into the bathroom. She then looked back at Spike and smiled wickedly again, winking as she closed the door slowly.

Spike sighed as he headed downstairs, shaking his head as he smiled.

“Here you go Spike,” Pinkie cheerfully said as she placed a plate of a dozen snickerdoodles cookies on the table as well as two cups of coffee. “A batch of my special snickerdoodle cookies, heavy on the snickers with a pinch of doodles, and your special blend of latte, spiced to your liking with nothing held back.”

Spike couldn’t help but smile as he and Pinkie sat down at one of the booths, facing each other. After raising their cups in a toasting motion, Spike and Pinkie took a sip from their drink, with Spike relishing the taste of chocolate and cayenne pepper mixed with cinnamon and sugar. Setting his cup down, Spike sighed and flipped a cookie into his mouth and proceeded to munch away. He heard Pinkie giggle and saw her take two cookies before flipping them both into her mouth. Spike smirked and grabbed four more cookies and started juggling them. He then threw the cookies up, opened his mouth and let the cookies fall into his mouth. After a few chews, he swallowed and drank the rest of his coffee.

Before Spike could celebrate, however, Pinkie grabbed the remaining cookies and started to juggle them herself. She tossed each of them into the air, kept her arm extended, and when each of the cookies came down, each cookie started to roll down her said arm, her shoulders and her other arm, and back to the plate. Then Pinkie slammed the plate with her hand, sending the cookies up again. Amazingly, she managed to get one of cookies to land at the tip of her nose. Then the second cookie landed on top of the first cookie, and so it went for the other cookies. Pinkie was easily balancing the cookies with her nose and was able to see that Spike was amazed at her display. Finally, Pinkie tipped the cookies up, and as soon as they came down, she munched them down as soon as they entered her mouth. The final cookie she bit in half, leaving it out before she grabbed it with her hand. She then took a big gulp of her coffee and gave a satisfied, half lidded look towards Spike, as if declaring her victory.

“How was that, Mr. Drake?” asked Pinkie, her arms folded.

Shaking his head, Spike gave Pinkie a smirk and responded, “I think you didn’t get the entirety of that last cookie, Ms. Pie.”

“Oh, I ate my fill, Mr. Drake. This last piece is…”

Pinkie got up and slid herself next Spike, surprising the young man. She then took the cookie piece to his mouth, causing Spike to instinctively open his mouth to let it in, before he finally consumed it.

Giggling, Pinkie wrapped her arms lovingly around Spike’s waist, rubbing her cheek with his and sighing contently as she felt Spike’s arms wrap around her body.

“I really missed you, Spike,” Pinkie said, looking directly into Spike eyes.

“I’m sorry that I haven’t made time for you, Pinkamena,” responded Spike, smiling back at Pinkie.

“It’s Pinkie, Spikey-Wikey,” Pinkie reminded Spike. “We’ve been friends for so long that you deserve that much.”

“What I deserve is you telling me off for ignoring my friends because I had my head up my own ass and feeling sorry for myself,” lamented Spike.

“Now don’t talk like that, Spike. Circumstance aside, I’m glad that you and I are talking again. I missed having you around the café after school. You used to come here every Tuesday and Friday for Cinnamon Roll Sandwiches and 10-¢ Store-Made Strawberry Cream Soda Day. I even went by your house one day and your mom said you were working on something new. She told me that everyday for more than two months, and I got to thinking that you didn’t want to see me anymore and that I did something to make you mad at me and I tried to remember what that was so I could make it up you.”

“I’m really sorry, Pinkie,” responded Spike, shaking his head as he sighed.

“Yeah… I really wanted to know what was happening to you,” said Pinkie, sighing sadly. “I didn’t want to lose my long time special little helper, so I waited and waited until you were ready to tell me. But you’re here now and everything is hunky-dory, right?”

Hearing Pinkie’s words made Spike feel more like a heel than ever. Looking at the head of Sugarcube Corner with sadness, he hugged Pinkie even tighter. Spike mentally counted how many other women in his life he hurt because of how he closed himself off from everyone. What he did to Luna, even though she had forgiven him, was the start of it. Not confronting his stepmother about the kiss sooner and neglecting his studies in favor of his own pursuits. Letting Twilight down for too long. He didn’t want to think of how many other women he had hurt, but Spike had to admit it himself that he had to do something, and these past few days were just the first steps in reconciling his friendships.

Spike smiled at the memories of how he reconciled with Luna, Mina, Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow. With Rarity, having her cute little sister involved was a bonus and he did enjoy having fun with someone his age for once...

“Spike…whatcha doing?” asked Pinkie slyly, looking at the young man with a smile.

Spike was about to respond when he noticed that his hand was on Pinkie’s thigh. He took his hand off quickly and started to laugh nervously as Pinkie smirked at him.

“Sorry, my hand has a mind of its own,” apologized Spike.

“Guess you got pretty lonely these past two months,” Pinkie teased.

“No, I… Pinkie, I want to make it up to you. How about during the festival this weekend we have a recipe exchange? We can try out each others’ pastries and judge the pros and cons about it just like we used to.”

“Oh, I loved our little recipe exchanges!” Pinkie squealed happily. “I remember when you brought in that hot and spicy chocolate éclair once and I started screaming like a madwoman because I wasn’t used to having something so hot in my mouth.”

“Yeah, and then you gave me those chocolate-covered honeycomb balls that were so sweet that I became a honey fiend for a week,” laughed Spike.

“It’s amazing that through our recipe exchanges that I became a better pastry chef, Spike. I mean, I owe you so much with how much you pushed me to my limits, and I started to make things I never even dreamed of doing. I even thanked you when I first became in charge of this café when Mr. and Mrs. Cake left to start another bakery in Canterlot City.”

“I’m glad things worked out, Pinkie. I owe my skills at dessert baking to you when I started helping you out here.”

“Memories...” Pinkie sighed. “Still, as much as I want to have a showdown with you, I got my own project to complete for the festival. It’s so big that I even called in my sisters from the rock farm to help me out.”

“Sounds like a big project.”

“Yeah, well, only two of my sisters are coming. Maud is somewhere with her boyfriend at a nature expo and can’t make it. I still can’t believe my fun older sister is going out with someone so annoyingly boring that corrects you for every little thing because of… technicalities.”

Spike raised his eyebrow at that and said, “Um, Pinkie…no offense, but from what I remember, your big sister is a bit on the dry side, and talks like one of my old math teachers who bored everyone to tears.”

“My sister is a fun-loving, ecstatic party girl that equals my caliber and her boyfriend is just brainwashing her,” Pinkie insisted.

“Okay, I agree with you,” Spike said with a nervous smile. “But you have enough help to go around, right?”

“Oh, absolutely!” replied Pinkie. “I did call Fluttershy for an extra set of hands, but she said no.”

“Fluttershy… man, I haven’t seen her in a long while.”

“Being a single mom is already stressing on her. Fluttershy also has her vet job and volunteering for the animal shelter. Hey, why don’t you drop by later today?”

“Love to, but I need to keep my grades up. Don’t want Ms. Sparkle OR Ms. Dash on my case for slacking off.”

“Oh, alright,” Pinkie sighed in disappointment. “I’m just glad that you’re okay and out and about.”

“Me too,” replied Spike.

“HEY, SPIKE!” shouted Iris from downstairs. “YOU USED ALL THE SHAMPOO HERE!”

“Oh, boy,” groaned Spike.

“I better get Rainbow a spare,” Pinkie said as she was about to get up.

“I better do it,” Spike insisted. “Maybe doing this will stop her from trying to kill me.”

“There’s a bottle in my closet in the loft. I hope she doesn’t mind the bubble gum scent.”

“I won’t be long. See you in a bit.”

After seeing him go upstairs, Pinkie continued to smile as she went about her business, which involved making the café presentable before opening its doors. With lightning speed, Pinkie cleaned the displays, vacuumed the floor, and wiped the chairs and tables before finally lighting up the coffee makers and placing all the baked goods in the display cases, all while humming a happy tune. When she was done, Pinkie pirouetted, flipped and cheered. She wiped her brow and checked her watch. She cheered again, raising two fists up in the air.

“Record time and maybe a little more for an extra snack!” Pinkie exclaimed happily. Her face then took on a look of concern. “I wonder what’s taking Spike so long. It shouldn’t take that long to fetch shampoo. Maybe he needs some help finding it.”

Pinkie skipped up the stairs and into the loft and to her surprise, she didn’t find any sign of Spike or Iris anywhere. She did notice that her closet was left open, and she heard the water running.

‘Well, that’s funny,’ Pinkie thought contemplatively. ‘I don’t see them anywhere, and I would have noticed them if they were heading out. So why-’

Pinkie’s train of thought was interrupted when she heard faint grunting coming from the bathroom. With an eyebrow raised, she tiptoed towards the bathroom door and noticed it was ajar. As Pinkie got close, the grunts were getting louder and louder. She recognized the grunts were Spike’s and she also heard muffled grunts. Taking a deep breath, Pinkie peeked through the doorway and gasped, eyes wide. What she saw was Spike holding onto Iris’ hips and plowing through her with his shaft, a smirk on his face. What was even more surprising was that both of Iris’ wrists were tied to her ankles, her legs spread for easy access for Spike to do with her as he pleased. Pinkie also noted that Iris’ mouth was gagged and she could only hear her muffled screams, her cheek scraping the tile of the bathroom floor.

“Tight as ever, Ms. Dash,” Spike grunted, feeling that Iris’ grip on his dick. “You really must enjoy it when I do this to you. You even brought the ropes for this…such a dirty teacher… probably fantasizing about this all the time…”

Pinkie was shocked that Spike was saying such things about Iris. She was about to intervene when Spike leaned on Iris’ back and yanked the gag off of Rainbow. What Pinkie heard next really shocked her.

“Admit it, Ms. Dash,” Spike growled into Iris’ ear. “You did all those things to me just so I could get you back like this. You wanted me to tie you up just so I could rut you like this… it turns you on… feeling like a helpless little girl, crying for it to end… well, it won’t end until I give you everything that I have and you’re begging for more… my sweet star athlete....”

When Iris felt Spike’s hands squeeze her breasts and his fingers pinch her nipples, she screamed in ecstasy. “Yes, fuck me! Oh, Spike, fuck me! Do what you want to me, teach me a lesson; I’m such a bad girl! I’m sorry for treating you so badly, I just wanted… wanted… Oh, God, I’m coming… I’m so close...”

“You wanted what’s best for me, huh?” asked Spike rhetorically as he leaned off Iris’ back, still plowing into her love canal. “Teachers like you should be punished for treating their students like dirt.”

“I’m sorry,” Iris wept. She felt a quick slap on her butt which made her yelp. “Please… more… punish me more…”

“Well, it’s not punishment if you’re enjoying yourself. Maybe I should stop this and leave you unsatisfied.”

“No…please… I’ll be good… I promise I’ll be good…”

“You’re such a liar, Ms. Dash. You get yourself off just whipping your students into shape that you want them to whip you back. You want them to shower you with all their spunk. You want your soccer team to molest you… maybe force you to eat every one of their sweet little pussies until they fill your mouth with their honey. You want that, right? Say it!”

“Yes! Those cute boys, those sweet girls of mine… I want them! Oh, God I want them to punish my mouth… my pussy… my body… I want them to punish me! I want them to pinch and suck on my clit! I want them to bite on my tits!”

“Dirty teacher. Here’s your reward.”

Seeing this carnal and aggressive display in front of her made Pinkie fall to her knees, her eyes still wide at what was transpiring in front of her. Her face was pure scarlet, and her body temperature was rising as she looked at Spike intensifying his thrusts, making Iris scream and beg for Spike to do it harder and faster. Looking directly at Spike’s thrusting dick, Pinkie began to drool at the sight of it. She then saw Iris’ face of ecstasy, knowing that she was enjoying being manhandled by Spike in such an intimate matter.

‘Oh, Spikey-Wikey… Rainbow,’ thought Pinkie, the sexual display getting to her. ‘So naughty… so wrong… you’re teacher and student… you two are in so much trouble…’

Pinkie, sweating at the sight of her best friend being dominated by her other best friend, pulled up her blouse and bra, sat on her rear, and began fondling her bare breasts, moaning, but not loud enough for Spike and Iris to hear. She panted as she began to pinch her erect nipples, licking her lips. Pinkie lifted one of her breasts and began to suck and bite into her nipple, savoring the taste. She used her other hand to dig her fingers into her womanhood while occasionally pinching her clit. Her eyes were still focused on her friends going at it, Spike still driving his shaft relentlessly into Iris’ wet slit. The fact that Spike was spanking Iris on the butt made Pinkie even wetter as she intensified her fingering her own slit while suckling her erect nipple.

‘Oh, Spike… punish me too, I’ve been such a bad little girl…’ thought Pinkie, lost in ecstasy.

Pinkie then saw Spike flip Iris onto her back and went to back to driving his shaft into her. Hearing Iris scream for more made her finger her slit faster. She kept nibbling her nipple and felt her panties get even wetter. Tears flowed her eyes as Pinkie began to fantasize about Spike driving his penis into her opening while biting into her breast.

“Ms. Dash… I’m coming…,” Spike grunted, feeling close to orgasm.

“Come inside me… come inside me,” begged Iris, feeling her own orgasm.

When Spike and Iris climaxed, Pinkie reached her own orgasmic high, wetting her panties and fingers, squeezing her breast firmly and muffling her own screams into her breast. The intensity of her orgasm made her fall on her back. Pinkie felt out of breath, sweating profusely at what had happened before her. She shook her head and peaked inside the bathroom again and saw that Spike had already untied Iris, lifting her into a loving hug. Iris returned the hug and held Spike tightly, weeping and whispering her thanks to Spike for what he did. Pinkie smiled at this and made a zipping motion on her lips, the proceeded to draw a cross gesture over her heart, then made a flapping gesture with her wrists and finally placing a palm over her eye. Pinkie got up, gathered herself and left the loft as quietly as she could.

‘I’ll keep their secret,’ Pinkie though as he went down the stairs with a smile on her face. ‘Still, I should do something for Spike. Who knew he could be so intense when it came to doing the deed? Hmm… a celebration of Spike becoming a man…’

Hours passed and Spike had exited his 11 o’clock class, relieved that lunch time had arrived. Dashing over to his locker and opening it, Spike unloaded any books he wasn’t going to use for the rest of the day and packed what he was going to need, including some books Ms. Sparkle had suggested to him after his morning class with her. He was extra careful not to damage the paper bag inside his book bag as that was the lunch that Pinkie prepared him before he left Sugar Cube Corner. After packing what was necessary inside his book bag and taking out his lunch, Spike closed his locker and headed for Twilight’s office.

Looking at the lunch bag, Spike gave it a curious look. Though Spike was appreciative of Pinkie making him lunch for the day, it’s what Pinkie had whispered to him before he and Iris had left that made him feel a bit uneasy.

I also added a surprise for you, Spikey-Wikey, Pinkie had whispered to him in his ear. Just don’t let anyone else see it.

Spike felt a bit of dread, worrying about what Pinkie was up to. Spike began to remember what a prankster Pinkie was back in the day, recalling how as a kid, he’d usually fall for one of her pranks, no matter how much he looked out for it. He had so wanted to tell her off all those times he got pranked by her, but every time he did, she would act all innocent, even hugging him close to her chest and sweet talk him in her cutesy I-have-no-idea-what-you’re-talking-about voice. The fact that Pinkie was a very attractive teenager who could cutely bat her eyes made Spike forget what he wanted to say at the time. The years never hampered Pinkie’s pranking nature, as even as her assistant at the café, she would always pull pranks on him, though her excuse was to lighten the mood on a hard day. He could never stay mad at her, no matter how hard he tried.

Spike sighed and decided to worry about it later.

“Going my way?” a voice said, shaking Spike from his thoughts.

Spike smiled and saw that Luna was leaning next to her office door, her arms folded while the vice principal gave him a seductive smile. Spike smiled nervously at Luna’s behavior, and it didn’t help that the woman was hefting her breasts up with her arms, giving the high school student a good look. Spike shook his head at Luna’s antics and tried to remain calm, not wanting to seem too eager to his lover.

“Vice Principal Heavenstone,” Spike greeted Luna. “I’m just heading to Ms. Sparkle’s office.”

“I’ll join you, Mr. Drake,” Luna offered. “I’ve been doing office work all day and I need the break.”

With that, Spike and Luna walked side by side through the school halls. They didn’t say anything to each other as they walked, though Spike opted glance at Luna occasionally, taking in her beauty. Even though the vice principal had decided to dress conservatively in her blue blouse and purple slacks, Spike knew that there was nothing Luna could do to hide how beautiful she was underneath… especially without the clothes. He almost slapped himself for thinking about Luna in such a lecherous way, but he remembered that ever since they made up, Spike and Luna had made an effort to love each other whenever they could.

“You shouldn’t look at me like that, Mr. Drake,” Luna said, smiling slyly while not looking at Spike’s direction. “People may think you have a crush on me.”

“Well, you are a very lovely lady,” Spike complimented. “Any man would be lucky to have you.”

“I bet you use that line on all the ladies, young man,” Luna teased. “Speaking of ladies, were you able to help Miss Rarity with her sister?”

“Yeah, I did,” Spike said, lightly blushing at his actions from last night. “Belle just had some confidence issues she needed to get over. I think she’s fine now.”

“I think you and Rarity may have over-inspired Belle. Just before class, Ms. Harshwhinny caught her and Mr. Mash in the middle of something… naughty behind the school gym. From what I hear, Belle had just pulled down the poor boy’s pants before things got way out of hand.”

Spike winced at that bit of news, thinking that Belle may have pushed things a bit too far as far as confidence went. ‘At least Belle’s no longer hesitating when it comes to boys,’ Spike thought.

“Did you make things up with your mother when you got home last night?” Luna asked, her smile turning mischievous.

Spike vividly recalled rutting with Mina as soon as he got home, so turned on when he saw her only clad in her apron. He blushed a deeper shade of red and responded, “Yeah, I did.”

“I’m glad you and your mom are getting along so well,” Luna said knowingly. “By the way, I saw Ms. Dash this morning with a pleased look on her face. When I asked her about it, she just said you were proving yourself to be a resilient athlete and that your morning workout was paying off. I guess you really want to please that teacher of yours, right?”

Amazingly, Spike blushed even deeper. He could manage a nod, which made Luna chuckle at his embarrassment.

“I’m glad you’re taking your studies seriously, Mr. Drake,” Luna said, her smile turning into a normal one. She stopped walking and said, “We’re here.”

Spike stopped walking and noticed that he and Luna had arrived at Twilight’s office, which was right across the library’s entrance.

“I’d best be on my way, little one,” Luna said as she continued to walk. She then looked back at Spike and said, “Try to be attentive to Twilight’s lessons. She’ll reward you for it.”

Spike smiled and nodded, watching longingly at Luna as she walked away from him. He then turned to the office door and knocked on it. He waited for a response and was about to knock again when the door opened and saw Twilight, an even expression on her face.

“I’m ready to go to study hall, Ms. Sparkle,” Spike said cheerfully.

“I’m glad you arrived on time, Mr. Drake,” said Twilight, her face still even. “Though I think we can find some other place where we won’t be disturbed.”

The Jockey Trots School Auditorium was a theatre-styled venue with plenty of seats, two aisles, and an orchestra pit in front of the stage. When Twilight had led Spike to the auditorium, she made sure that all the doors, including the emergency doors and any alternate exits, were closed to make sure that she and her student were not disturbed. Twilight had asked Spike to help her set up a table and two chairs for study purposes, and her student found two prop chairs and a rectangular folding table. She had instructed him to set up the orchestra pit while she looked through her lesson plan. A moment later, Spike and Twilight had taken their seats and were both eating lunch, with Spike eating his sandwich with a cola drink on the side and Twilight eating a granola bar and drinking coffee. She then noted that Spike was looking at her as he ate and then at what she was eating. She raised an eyebrow, as if mentally asking a question to him.

“Is that all you’re eating, Ms. Sparkle?” Spike asked, concerned.

“It may not be much, but it’s healthy,” Twilight pointed out. “Unlike that monstrosity you’re eating.”

“Hey, Pinkamena Diane Pie can make a mean sandwich, Ms. Sparkle. A cheese and pastrami between two toasted cinnamon roll buns. A match made in heaven. You can have half of it if you want.”

“’I’ll pass, Spike, and please call me Twilight. We’re alone.”

“Alright, Twilight, but I think I can cook something for you that’s more satisfying than that bar for next time.”

“And I think that you should be concentrating more on your schoolwork, Mr. Drake. Now finish that sandwich and then we can get to work on your algebra problem. Understand?”

“Gotcha, Twilight!”

After finishing his lunch and drinking his soft drink, Spike was about to make scrunch up the paper bag when he remembered that Pinkie had something special for him aside from the sandwich. Looking inside the bag, he spotted a pink envelope that was addressed to him, with the words ‘For Your Eyes Only’ under his name. Though he was curious about what Pinkie was up to, Spike heard Twilight clearing her throat. Looking up, Spike saw that Twilight had a stern look on her face and gave her a sheepish chuckle, putting away the envelope inside his book bag.

“Oh, it’s just something between Pinkie and I,” said Spike as he took out his algebra book and his notebook. “Probably her joke of the day.”

“You can look at that later,” said Twilight in a no nonsense tone. She then stood up from her chair and looked straight into Spike’s eyes and began to address him, “There’s something that I need to get out of the way, Spike.”

“Oh?” wondered Spike curiously.

Twilight folded her arms and closed her eyes, thinking about what she had to say to Spike. Thinking about what was happening between them, Twilight was vividly remembering their tutoring session two days ago when Twilight had accidently kissed him on the lips, which led to her shamelessly guiding her student’s hand to her slit so he could bring her off. Before that, Twilight was caressing Spike’s face in order to calm him down while also having illicit thoughts about him. What made it worse is that Spike didn’t want her stop. Just thinking about those moments was causing the woman to dampen her panties, her expression turning from a stern one to one of lust. Her heart started to beat a little faster as she thought about her masturbation sessions, both from the night after Spike played with her slit hours before, yesterday when she played with herself in front of a picture of Spike and her from when Spike had turned eighteen. Twilight remembered how that session ended with her climaxing on the picture, soiling it with her juices and wishing Spike was there to punish her for being such a bad teacher and friend.

‘You can’t let this continue, Twilight,’ the teacher thought, trying to gain more resolve. ‘You know it, he knows it. There are consequences and there is too much to risk. Careers, friendships…oh, why is this so hard!?”

Thinking back a little further, Twilight recalled Spike being chased by bullies and her sweeping to his rescue and chasing the bullies away and threatening them with telling on their parents. Since then, she and Spike became friends and even introduced him to her other friends. Twilight even invited him to her house so she could show off her private library to him. What she remembered next was Spike pointing out that some of the books were a bit out of order and offered to help in organizing them. Since that time, Twilight made Spike her assistant in everything she did, from studying to just hanging out. It got to the point where her other friends, especially Iris, had accused her of hogging Spike to herself. She had remembered how smug she was about it, telling them that Spike liked her best.

When she had to leave for college, Twilight had stopped by Spike’s home and gushed about going to a prestigious school in New York City. Her happiness turned to concern, however, when she saw Spike’s sad little face. When she saw him tear up and run up the stairs, it broke Twilight’s heart. She had run to catch him and saw him in his room, his back turned to her and shaking. Twilight remembered hearing Spike sobbing and had urged him to look at her. When he didn’t, Twilight had threatened him to end their friendship if he didn’t turn around and face her. When Spike turned around, Twilight saw the tears on the boy’s face. What shocked her even more was that Spike was screaming at her about being so happy that she and her friends get to go to college and forget about him while he stays behind without any friends. Twilight tried to reassure him that he would have more friends, but Spike continued to sob, saying that it wouldn’t be the same, begging her not to go. At this, Twilight hugged Spike, making the boy hug her back tightly. After a few moments, Twilight, after managing to get Spike to calm down, promised that they would always be friends and that one day, maybe they would find one another. If not her, then maybe one of her friends, Twilight had assured Spike.

Twilight had then remembered years later when she was entering CHS for the first time as a teacher, that she had immediately spotted Spike at his locker. She remembered smiling at how much he had grown and couldn’t believe how handsome he looked. Twilight greeted him and remembered the big smile that adorned Spike’s face. They had spent a little while talking about what they have been doing all these years and Twilight, upon hearing that her friend wanted to be a professional chef one day, couldn’t help but be very proud him. Spike even promised to bake her something to celebrate her coming back to Ponyville. On instinct, Twilight had hugged Spike, earning her some strange looks from the students and the staff.

As the years went by, Twilight, much to her embarrassment, began to see Spike as not the boy she rescued years ago, but a handsome young man that any girl… or any woman, would go for. He certainly had his admirers, which was not limited to just giggly school girls. Twilight had once heard one female teacher wanting him stay at her home and cook her dinner before she ‘gave him a show.’ Such behavior made Twilight want to protect Spike from such predators, and kept an eye on any teacher who wanted to try something with her dear, little Spike.

‘But then… who is going to protect him from me,’ Twilight thought as she sighed.

Twilight remembered when, at Spike’s eighteenth birthday party at Sugar Cube Corner, she had asked the young man to dance. Twilight recalled it being a private party with her, her friends and Spike’s stepmother. She remembered dancing close to him, slow music playing in the background. She remembered her eyes staring at his eyes and how her breasts pressed up against his chest. Twilight saw how Spike had begun to stammer, but paid no heed as she held him even closer. This caused Spike to hold her tightly, causing Twilight’s nipples to harden underneath her bra. Then, Twilight looked at Spike with a loving expression that was far from platonic. She knew at that moment that she very much liked Spike and felt that the young man liked her in return.

Twilight also remembered Iris ruining the moment by making a lewd comment, which caused her and Spike to separate in embarrassment.

The seed had been planted, though. Twilight’s feelings for Spike changed that day, and in the months that came, she looked at her student with affection that a teacher should not have for student. She even dreamed of having him all to herself, much like she had him at the present moment. Twilight had even started to favor Spike out of all her students, and when her student didn’t know the answer, she would tease him about having his attention on ‘other things’. She was wise to not let things get out of hand, however. She still had a career to think about.

Twilight became very envious about the girls who would throw themselves at Spike or show him any kind of affection. Mostly, her target of envy was Vice Principal Luna Heavenstone, sister to her friend and mentor Principal Celestia Heavenstone. The woman had become a fan of Spike’s cooking and she was always there whenever there was an event that involved the young man’s cooking. She even bragged about it to the faculty and had mentioned that Spike had become her friend. During a staff meeting, Iris had teased Twilight about losing Spike to Luna, which she didn’t take very well and almost caused a ruckus, which drew the attention of her fellow colleagues. Her feelings for Spike became territorial when she saw him and Luna dancing closely and had to separate them, which caused those watching the little incident to chuckle at her. Twilight had become quite the jealous woman and wished she could behave like Luna did in public.

It didn’t help matters that, although she was glad that Spike had made up with Luna, those feelings of envy returned when the Vice Principal practically dragged the boy into her office. She kept telling herself it was nothing and reasoned that Luna was just glad to have her friend back, just like she was glad to have Spike trying to be his old self again.

Though Twilight was sad and disappointed with Spike’s behavior and failing grades these past two months, her feelings for Spike never wavered and desperately wanted to help him. Now that Spike was willing to give learning a chance again, she was more than happy to help in any way she could.

Having sorted out her feelings, Twilight smiled fondly at Spike, giving him a half-lidded stare. She could admit to herself that she liked Spike very much, and if these past few days were any indication, she very much liked the direction she and Spike were going, dangerous as it may be.

“Um…Twilight?” enquired a curious Spike.

Then, Twilight’s smile grew wide and exclaimed, “Pop quiz!”

“Huh?” Spike responded dumbly.

“Time for a pop quiz, Spike,” said Twilight as she handed a sheet of paper with a set of problems to Spike. “We’ll see what your strengths and weaknesses lie.”

“Aw, man,” Spike moaned miserably.

“Now, don’t be like that, Spike,” Twilight admonished. She the smiled and said, “I’ll even make it worth your while.”

“Really?” asked Spike hopefully.

“Really,” Twilight answered cheerfully. “You’ll have to do great, though. Now hop to it! Time’s a-wasting!”

The lunch rush at Sugar Cube Corner Café was just that: a rush. With the combination of college students, businessmen, and other regular customers, the place was filled and the employees were dashing to meet the customer demands. Amazingly, the employees were keeping up with the demand with efficiency and there weren’t any problems. There was a long line outside the café, but there was an employee handing free samples of mini cinnamon rolls and water to keep them happy. At the center of it all, Pinkie Pie was serving some of the patrons herself and was more than willing to give her customers a smile. She skipped with glee and enjoyed the work, happy that her place was filled equally happy people.
Exhausted, Pinkie made her way to the counter, satisfied that she and her employees were doing a good job.

‘Never a dull moment at this time a day,’ thought Pinkie as she wiped her brow. ‘I wonder if Spike enjoyed what I made him today? I wonder if he took a gander of that little something extra? Ooh, I hope he’s alone when he sees it!’

“Hey sis,” a calm but grumpy voice said.

Pinkie smiled and saw that two women were at the counter. One was a tall woman with short, smooth grey hair, mustard-colored eyes, and wore a white long-sleeved vest with a black vest and black trousers that accentuated her attractive figure. Pinkie noted that the woman was frowning, pulling a steel cart with crates labeled “Rock Toys” with one hand and suitcase with the other. The other woman had violet eyes and had long, dark grey hair that covered her right eye and had a shy, demure air to her as she looked uncomfortable being amongst so many people in the café. She wore a simple grey dress that fit a bit tight around her figure. The woman also had a suitcase, though she carried it with both hands. She did manage a small smile when her eyes met Pinkie’s.

“Limestone! Marble!” exclaimed Pinkie as she reached out to the two women and hugged them tightly across the counter.

“Okay, we’re glad to see you too,” Limestone said gruffly.

“Mhmm,” nodded Marble.

“I’m just so glad my sisters could make it,” cheered Pinkie. Then she noted, “Well… most of my sisters.”

“Maud and her boyfriend Mud Briar send their regards, by the way,” said Limestone, who then folded her arms and looked away with a deep frown. “Not like I’m jealous that my younger sister has a boyfriend before me.”

“Ooh, I have so much I want to tell you,” Pinkie gleefully said. Then she spotted one her employees and asked, “Can you take over? Family togetherness time.”

“Will do, boss!” saluted the employee.

Pinkie led her sisters up the stairs and to the loft, her skipping all the way while Limestone (who left her cart downstairs) and Marble calmly followed. When the reached the loft, Limestone and Marble were putting away their clothes as Pinkie bounced up and down her bed, doing somersaults and cheering.

“We’re going to have so much fun!” Pinkie said, continuing her cheerful display.

“Seriously, I don’t see why you invite us to this festival every year, Pinkamena,” said Limestone. “I get that we don’t see each other all year with you busy with the café and Marble and I with the rock farm, and you want to make the most of it, but you got your employees to help you out with festival and our rock toys aren’t exactly a hit with the festival attendees.”

“Well, I do remember Marble selling a lot more rock toys last year,” Pinkie pointed out as she landed on the floor, feet first.
“Maybe you need to work on your sales pitch and not be such a sourpuss to the customers.”

“Whatever,” frowned Limestone. “I’m still not comfortable leaving the quarry. Someone needs to look after Holder’s Boulder after all.”

“Don’t you have farmers taking care of the quarry while you’re away?” asked Pinkie.

“Yeah, I do,” responded Limestone, still feeling unsure about the situation. “I got Tuff Tony in charge, but I still want to be there and make sure no one is slacking off.”

“I’m sure things will be fine, big sis,” Pinkie assured. “Besides, I want to tell you that Spike came by this morning.”

“You mean that kid that looks good enough to eat?” Limestone brightened, though she frowned once again and gruffly said, “I mean, if I were into younger guys, that is. I’m not THAT desperate.”

“Hmm?” Marble brightened, her expression turning eager.

“Well, he dropped by, we had a few laughs, and I made him a sandwich for lunch,” Pinkie explained. She then whispered to her sisters, “He did get kinda grabby, though he didn’t really mean it.”

Marble gasped at this, a blush adorning her face.

“Okay, the kid’s a pervert,” Limestone said as she rolled her eyes. She smirked and said, “Still, I’m glad you’re happy he’s back. Though I’d watch those hands of his. Young boys’ hormones and all.”

“I think I’ll be okay,” smiled Pinkie. “Spike’s a sweet boy, and like you said, good enough to eat.”

“I guess,” said Limestone offhandedly. She did give Marble a suspicious sideway glance. “You send pictures of you and him in your letters, yet for some reason they keep disappearing. I never get a good look at those pictures.”

Marble could only grin awkwardly at Limestone.

“Anyway, aside from helping me with the festival, there is something else you can help me with,” said Pinkie, drawing new attention from her sisters.

“And what might that be?” asked Limestone, an eyebrow raised. This also got Marble curious.

“Oh, just a celebration for a certain young man and his journey into manhood,” Pinkie said, smiling.

Not much time had passed as Spike sat at the table, writing his answers for Twilight’s Algebra test, a timer ticking the minutes away. Minutes before, Spike had completed an Algebra pop quiz and, while he did get some of the answers, Twilight gave him a failing grade because he didn’t show his work, aside from getting some of the answers wrong. It also didn’t help that Spike was guessing the answers, which resulted in Twilight lecturing about rushing through a test and not thinking things through. Of course, Twilight was more than happy to help with Spike’s Algebra weaknesses and tutored him for the next few minutes. Though Spike was glad that Twilight was helping him, he did feel a little bit uncomfortable as Twilight had stood close to him, leaning in behind him and whispered her lectures in his ear. Spike had gulped and tried to concentrate and amazingly, got used to Twilight lecturing him like that and was able to get what was he was having trouble with. This led to Spike taking a full test, and unlike before, he didn’t rush or guess any of the answers and tried to put some effort into his work.

Twilight smiled as she sat across Spike and observed how her student was really trying his best. When she heard the timer ring, Twilight spoke. “Times up, Spike. Hands off the test.”

Spike wrote the last of the answers on the test and handed his paper to Twilight, “Done, Twilight… barely.”

“Let’s just see how well you did,” Twilight said, taking the paper and adjusting her glasses, concentrating on the answers on the paper. “I sincerely hope that the results of your test are better than your quiz results, Spike. Otherwise, I’ll be very disappointed.”

Spike leaned back in his seat and sighed. He was relieved that he had gotten through with the test, but felt anxious as he observed Twilight going over his test, red marker in hand. He started sweating as he saw her frown as she looked closer at the answers. The moment Spike dreaded came when Twilight began scribbling on his test with the marker. He groaned, his head bobbing down in disgrace. Spike had worked hard on passing this test, and as he heard more scribbling, he knew he had let Twilight down once again. Sighing, Spike looked up and saw that Twilight had a pleased expression on her face, which surprised him.

“Well Spike, I’m glad you did a whole lot better on this test. Compared to your quiz,” Twilight said happily, handing the test back to Spike.

Taking the paper, Spike breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his score was an 87% result, a B+. Though Spike saw that he did get a few answers wrong, he was at least glad that he got through with a passing grade.

“Alright, I passed!” cheered Spike.

“Yes, you passed, Spike,” said Twilight, her tone turning serious. “Still, I expect a lot from my students than just passing a test. We have a long way to go, and I hope you take my notes I wrote for you in mind when it comes to homework and testing. Got it?”

“Yes, ma’am!” exclaimed Spike, still on a high from passing the test.

“I’m still proud you did well, my student,” Twilight said, smiling.

“I’m just glad I’m doing better,” Spike smiled. His expression turned into a hopeful one and hesitantly said, “Um, Twilight… you said something about-

“Spike, I’m glad that you’re doing well, but doing well in my class is a reward enough, and that’s all that should matter,” Twilight said, cutting him off with a more serious tone. She saw that her student had a disappointed look on his face, which caused her expression to soften. She stood up and said, “But a promise is a promise, Spike. Could you stand up and walk towards me, please?”

Spike did as he was told and stood up and walked towards Twilight. When he got close, Spike was surprised when Twilight took hold of his hands. What also caught him of guard was Twilight’s face slowly approaching his. Spike noticed that Twilight’s smile turned into a yearning one, and before he knew it, his teacher’s lips made contact with his own. Spike’s eyes widened for a second before he closed them, letting Twilight take the lead. He felt Twilight’s hands leave his as she pulled at his collar in an effort to deepen the kiss. Spike moaned as he felt Twilight drag him to the edge of the table, making him sit down as his hands gripped the edge. He spreads his legs in order to allow Twilight to get even closer. Twilight then wrapped her arms around his torso, never letting Spike’s lips go.

‘No point of denying it now,’ Twilight thought as she continued to kiss Spike, her body temperature rising. ‘Having Spike like this… oh, my…I love it!’

‘Wow…Twilight’s really into this,’ Spike thought in a lust-filled haze.

Twilight let go of Spike’s lips and pulled off Spike’s shirt, revealing his chest. Though she blushed, Twilight didn’t hesitate as she began to kiss Spike again, her clothed chest mashing against Spike’s naked torso. She let go of his lips and began licking Spike neck, causing her student to moan out loud. Twilight spotted the area of Spike’s neck where she had bitten him two days before and started to nibble it lovingly, taking care not to penetrate the skin with her teeth. Letting go of Spike’s neck, Twilight traced her tongue at the center of his student’s chest but instead of going fully down, she spotted Spike’s nipples and eagerly starts to nibble on each of them. Hearing Spike gasp caused Twilight’s nipples to harden under her bra as she felt her panties getting wet. She stopped attacking Spike’s nipples and kissed him once again, inserting her tongue into his eager mouth.

Spike, not wanting to be idle for long, stuck his tongue out and intertwined it with Twilight’s tongue. He felt a hardening sensation in his pants, and that emboldened him to hold Twilight close, his hand making a trek towards Twilight’s butt and giving it a light squeeze while his other hand held her back. Spike felt Twilight lean in, and before he knew it, his back was on the table. When Twilight let go of his lips and leaned out, Spike ripped his teacher’s blouse, revealing her bra-covered breasts to him. Wasting no time, Spike gave Twilight’s breasts a firm squeeze, causing the woman to gasp and moan loudly. He then began to pinch her covered nipples, which caused Twilight to squeak. Seeing that Twilight was defenseless against his touch, Spike leaned up and captured her lips, yanking her bra and exposing her breasts. They made out for a few minutes before coming up for air, catching their breath. Spike, opening his eyes, looked upon Twilight’s lust-filled face and could only think of how hot Twilight looked as she panted. The fact that her hair was a bit of a mess made her look even more attractive to the student.

Twilight had opened her eyes as well, looking at Spike with adoration as she rubbed his face with her hand. Tears started to fall from her eyes as she laughed. Not trusting herself to speak, Twilight grabbed Spike’s face with both hands and gave him one more kiss. She felt Spike return it with equal passion. She let go of the kiss and started giving Spike multiple pecks on the face.

“Twilight… wow…,” Spike said breathlessly.

“Spike… I tried to hide it, but I can’t,” Twilight said, stopping her kisses as she tearfully looked at Spike. “I kept telling myself that you’re my student… my friend. And I didn’t want to ruin our relationship because I had trouble controlling myself. It’s your fault… why did you have to be so loving and caring? Why does your touch do things to me? I can’t even sleep without dreaming of you doing things you shouldn’t be doing to me. I’m… I’m a poor excuse for a teacher and a friend.”

“Twilight, no,” Spike assured Twilight as wiped her tears away with his hand. “If anything, I’ve been a jerk these past few months. I pushed you away and I kept my problems to myself, and… I’m glad that you wanted to rescue me, just like you rescued me all those years ago. Thanks for being there for me, Twilight Sparkle… my friend… my teacher… my hero.”

Twilight felt flattered at Spike’s words, smiling through the tears. She held him close, embracing him as she sighed at the feeling of his chest against her bosom She blushed as she felt a bulge coming from Spike’s pants. She lowered herself to her knees and started undoing Spike’s belt and lowering his pants, revealing Spike’s boxers.

“I think something else is need of rescue,” said Twilight with lust, pulling down Spike’s boxers and revealing his erect shaft. Twilight gasped and took a firm hold of it and thought, ‘Wow…an erect penis… I’ve never seen one so close… and so young…”

“Twilight… not too hard,” Spike winced.

“Sorry,” Twilight said awkwardly. “I’ll… try to be gentle.”

Spike nodded, looking down as Twilight played with his manhood. He sighed as he felt Twilight give it a few tugs, enjoying the sensation. He then felt Twilight’s mouth engulfing his manhood, with the feeling quickly fading Twilight’s mouth let go and started coughing. She got herself under control and looked up at Spike, who had a curious look on his face. Twilight looked away shamefully.

‘So Twilight’s a virgin, huh?’ Spike realized, a smile forming. “Maybe I can teach you a few things, Ms. Sparkle. I think you should taste it before shoving it all in. Lick it all you want. You can even play with my balls, too.”

Twilight nodded as she started to lick Spike’s manhood, starting with the tip. She tasted the young man’s pre-cum, savoring it. She twirled her tongue at the tip and then proceeded to run her tongue all over his shaft, making it slick with saliva. She also did as Spike requested and massaged his balls with her hand, making the boy gasp and moan. Hearing Spike voice his pleasure made Twilight even hotter as she started to jack him off. After a few moments, Twilight opened her mouth and shoved Spike’s dick into her mouth, though she was careful not to overdo it. Twilight moaned as she bobbed her head on Spike’s shaft, getting into a rhythm. She felt Spike’s hands on her head, keeping her in place. Twilight moaned and screamed, muffled by Spike’s dick as he humped her face, shoving it even faster into Twilight’s mouth.

“Twilight… I’m coming…” Spike grunted.

Twilight eyes widened as she gave out another muffled screamed as Spike ejaculated inside her mouth, forcing her to swallow every bit of Spike’s seed. Her cheeks were even filled with cum as she let go of Spike’s shaft. She swallowed what remained of Spike’s seed and started to cough. Clearing her throat and wiping her mouth, Twilight looked up at Spike, who was busy catching his breath after his orgasmic high. She couldn’t help but look pleased that she could do this to Spike. She then looked at Spike’s now spent dick and licked it clean, moaning as she swallowed more of his remaining ejaculation.

“Twilight… your mouth… is so good,” Spike uttered.

“I’m glad you liked it,” Twilight smiled as she got up and hugged Spike.

Feeling bold, Spike held onto Twilight and placed her butt on the table. Before he could let Twilight wonder what was going on, Spike started to suck on Twilight breast, eliciting a gasp as he yanked her nipple with his mouth. Twilight moaned even louder as Spike started to tweak Twilight’s other nipple with his finger. Twilight wanted to scream but she didn’t want it to carry over the theater, so she covered her mouth with her hand. After moments of playing with Twilight’s breasts, Spike got down on his knees, pulled Twilight’s trousers down along with her panties, spread her legs wide and started to stimulate Twilight’s private area, tweaking her clit and shoving a finger inside her wet slit. Hearing Twilight’s muffled screams turned him on even more as he began licking all over her love canal, tasting her juices. Spike was rewarded with Twilight spraying her love juices all over his face, the woman continuing to muffle her own screams.

Twilight gasped, her tongue sticking out. She was immediately met by Spike as felt his lips on hers, kissing her fiercely, tasting her own juices. When Spike let her lips go, Twilight felt him flip her over. The top half of her body was now laying on the table as her butt was now sticking out invitingly, her juices dripping on the floor. Twilight felt a pair of hands on the side of her buttocks and her heart started raising, eyes widened as she looked back at Spike as he was about to shove his manhood inside her.

“Spike…” Twilight whispered as she shut her eyes tightly.

“Twilight… I can’t take it anymore,” Spike growled.

That’s when the first bell rang all over the school, signaling the end of lunchtime at CHS. For Spike’s part, he grunted in frustration, feeling denied that he didn’t go all the way with Twilight. As for Twilight, she sighed, half in relief and half in frustration. They both started to get dressed and made an effort to look presentable. They gathered their things and cleaned up their mess and put the tables and chairs back in their place. Before exiting the theater, Spike gave Twilight a long kiss, which Twilight accepted.

Letting go of the kiss, Twilight smiled and said, “Spike, I… I’m glad that you’re very serious about your grade.”

“I promise I’ll do better tomorrow,” Spike said earnestly.

Both Spike and Twilight exited the theater and went their separate ways, waving each other farewell.

Relieved that the school day had ended, Spike was at his locker, collecting his things and putting them in his bag, humming happily. The young boy was deep in thought as he went through the events of the day, from Iris working him over in the morning, getting reacquainted with Pinkie Pie, having Iris at his mercy in Pinkie’s bathroom, and almost going all the way with Twilight. That last one, while feeling frustrated at being cock-blocked by the bell, made Spike smile as he felt that Twilight wasn’t trying to push him away anymore. He blushed at the memory of Twilight getting down on her knees and play with his shaft and coming inside her mouth. Tasting Twilight’s wet womanhood was very much a plus, too. It also made him want to ride her even more. He felt so much like a new man that he was keeping up with Ms. Dash’s other students later on, making his gym teacher proud. Spike felt that he could take on anything from here on out.

‘Not a dull day, that’s for sure,’ thought Spike as he put the last of his things inside his bag. He then took out the envelope and observed it. ‘What are you up to, Pinkie?”

Curiosity getting the better of him, Spike looked around the hall and saw that not many students were left and decide to open the envelope. He took out the contents and gasped, his eyes wide. What he was holding was a picture of Pinkie Pie, on her knees, clad in only purple panties and holding a vanilla ice cream cone between her bare breasts. Her face had a playful looked on her face as she licked the ice cream, bits of it staining her breasts. Spike blushed and felt himself get a hard-on as he couldn’t look away from the picture.

“Hey, Spike,” a voiced called, causing Spike to shove the envelope and the picture into his bag and slamming his locker shut. He immediately turned around and saw Iris coming up to him. He waived and gave her a awkward smile, chuckling nervously.

“What’s up with you?” asked Iris, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh, nothing…just getting my stuff ready,” Spike said, sweating as he grinned awkwardly. “You really caught me by surprise there.”

“Well, I did want to go over tomorrow’s exercises with you before you left,” Iris said, though she gave Spike a wicked smile and said, “Although I am curious about what you were looking at just now. Can I see?”

“Um, no, that’s kinda private,” Spike said as felt even more nervous, holding on to his bag tightly.

“Aw, c’mon, Mr. Drake,” Iris pouted as she attempted to grab Spike’s bag, only for the boy to dodge her advances. “It can’t be all that bad, can it?”

“It’s for my eyes only, Ms. Dash!” Spike said, growing frustrated.

“Ooh, now I’m really curious,” Iris smirked. “Is it from a secret admirer? Naughty pictures?”

“I said it’s private!” exclaimed Spike.

“What’s going on here?” a new voice called out.

Spike and Iris turned and saw that Twilight had come by, though her expression was stern as she stood with her arms folded. In any case, Spike was relieved that Twilight had come by.

“Hey, Twilight,” Iris greeted. He then turned to look at Spike with a leer. “It seems that Mr. Drake here is looking at something he shouldn’t be looking at.”

“And I’m trying to tell Ms. Dash that it’s private and she won’t lay off!” Spike explained, still feeling nervous.

Recalling that Spike had an envelope addressed to him by Pinkie Pie, Twilight turned to face Iris with a glare. “Ms. Dash, if Spike says it’s private, then you shouldn’t pry him about it. Your behavior is completely out of line.”

“Hey, I just want to make sure Spike wasn’t doing anything that could get him in trouble,” Iris reasoned. “Any other teacher would be giving him a hard time about it, so I’m only looking out for him.”

“Oh, I’m surprised that Spike’s well being is at the top of your list, Ms. Dash!” Twilight scoffed. “I’m actually surprised you didn’t have him dodge baseballs from a pitching machine this morning!”

“He’s not a baby anymore, Twilight!” yelled Iris.

“He’s not your punching bag either, Iris!” Twilight countered.

“Stop it, the both of you!!” Spike yelled, trying to get both women’s attention.

“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?” a new voice yelled out.

Spike, Twilight and Iris turned to yelled and found that it was Luna, who was looking none too pleased at what was happening in front of her. She glared at both Twilight and Iris which caused the two teachers to look very ashamed, realizing what they were doing.

Luna, who had noticed that this little argument had gained an audience, gave everyone who was looking a stern glare and said, “Alright, everyone, go home! Class is dismissed and I will not tolerate any student staying behind unless you want detention! Go on and get out of here!”

The students complied, leaving only Luna, Spike, Twilight and Iris alone in the hall.

Shaking her head, Luna addressed the two teachers with a disappointed tone, “Two of the best teachers in this school behaving like a pair of children... If it wasn’t for the fact that Mr. Drake thinks so highly of you, I would recommend termination for the both of you.”

Both Twilight and Iris bowed their heads in shame, knowing what they did was unprofessional. As for Spike, he was glad that both teachers stopped arguing over him.

“Spike, if you would like, I will gladly take you home,” said Luna, giving the young boy a smile.

“Um… yeah, if it isn’t too much trouble,” Spike responded.

“Not at all, Mr. Drake,” Luna assured as he led Spike out of the hall. She looked back at Twilight and Iris and sternly said, “Remember, ladies: This is not a trashy daytime talk show. Have some class.”

Twilight and Iris winced as they saw Luna lead Spike out. Spike gave them an awkward wave, hoping that that two won’t kill each other as soon as he and Luna left.

Spike's Belated Cherry Popper Party

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When I Say Good-Bye…
A Humanized Fic by Duke Moon II
Based on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Chapter 6: Spike’s Belated Cherry Popper Party

A couple of hours had passed, and while Spike was going over his homework in his room, he couldn’t get over what he had received from Pinkie Pie this morning. Putting his notes down on the desk and leaning back in his chair, Spike sighed, wondering what brought Pinkie to do that. Looking back earlier on in the day, Spike recalled having his hand on Pinkie’s leg and the woman not minding at all. The young man shook his head. The picture nearly got him in trouble and had to thank Twilight and Luna for intervening. He did not want to explain why he had a provocative picture of one of his best friends in his bag all day. He was especially glad Luna didn’t pry into it as the Vice Principal drove him home, though he would have to explain it to her if she asked since he had been sharing his happenings to her.

Feeling satisfied that his work was in order, Spike took out Pinkie’s envelope once again and took out the picture. He had to admit that Pinkie, for all her clownish antics and mischievous childlike behavior, was still an attractive woman who, if she wanted, could have anyone she wanted. Just seeing her practically naked made Spike blush, and it didn’t help that seeing that ice cream cone between her breasts made his shaft stiff. He even started imagining taking his cock between Pinkie’s breasts and tweaking her nipples, making her giggle and cry as he sprayed his spunk all over her breasts and face. Spike’s face took on an amused expression, thinking back on the women he had been with and wondering if he truly was turning into a pervert.

“Spike, are you done with your homework?” Mina called out, her footsteps coming closer to Spike’s bedroom.

“Um… yeah, mom,” Spike said as he quickly hid the picture and envelope inside his bag. “Just triple-checked my answers.”

A few seconds later, Mina had entered his room, holding a basket with clean laundry. As she was putting Spike’s clothes away in the closet and drawers, Mina spoke, “Good to hear that you’re taking your studies seriously.”

“Well, Ms. Sparkle and Ms. Dash would be on my case if I didn’t,” Spike said.

“And I’m sure you don’t want to let your close friends down,” Mina pointed out. “By the way, I got a call from Pinkamena this afternoon. She said that you were over at Sugar Cube Corner this morning.”

Blushing at the mention of Pinkie, Spike stammered, but covered it up and said, “Y-yeah, I had to take a shower there since Ms. Dash really worked me over. She even let me have some free cookies and made me a sandwich for lunch.”

“Well, I’m glad to you’re reconnecting with her, Spike,” Mina chuckled. After a moment, Mina continued. “She also said she needed your help with something at the café after closing time. Maybe she has something important planned for the festival and needed some more hands. I told her I’d speak to you about it since you have your own plans for the festival.”

‘I really need to speak to her about that picture,’ Spike thought. “Well, if I can be of some help, I’ll go. Sure you won’t mind staying alone for couple of hours again?”

“If it means reconnecting with your friends, I don’t mind it in the least,” Mina responded happily. She then looked back Spike and said. “Besides… it’s nice that you be on good terms with your friends before you leave Ponyville this summer. I know I’ll miss having you around.”

Spike smiled as he got up from his chair and lovingly hugged Mina from behind. He sighed as he pressed his body up to hers, making the woman sigh in contentment. Though his relationship with his stepmother had changed dramatically these past few days, Spike was appreciative of Mina being his mom all these years, and would miss her as soon as he moved away to college. He would definitely miss being intimate with her, as he remembered his first time making love to her and especially the night before. Thinking about his actions with Mina made his shaft go stiff again. Spike blushed when he felt his covered rod rub Mina’s butt.

“Spike… is that for me?” Mina asked, whispering in passion, her face flushed as she felt Spike’s member pressed to her butt. She began to tear up and said, “I really can’t get enough of your young cock. I’ll really miss it. I don’t know what I’ll do without it. I want your cum so badly. Am I a bad mommy, Spike? Do you want to punish me for being so slutty and wanting your cock so bad?”

Without hesitation, Spike began to fondle Mina’s breasts, which caused the woman to gasp and moan as she dropped the laundry basket. Not satisfied with just fondling Mina’s breasts through her blouse, Spike lifted it and pulled down her bra, squeezing her breasts directly, tweaking her now erect nipples. He then proceeded to take long licks of Mina’s neck, making her shiver and almost lose her footing. As soon as Mina moved her head to face Spike, the young man wasted no time in claiming her lips, kissing her thoroughly and inserting his tongue inside her mouth. Hearing Mina moan through the kiss and feeling her tongue intertwine with his own made Spike making humping motions with his hips, rubbing his covered manhood with Mina’s denim-clad behind. This continued until Mina turned around, wrapped her arms around Spike’s neck and kissed him, with the young man wrapping his arms around Mina’s waist, pressing the woman’s breasts up against his chest. After a moment of making out, Spike and Mina let go of their kiss, panting for air as they stared at each other lovingly.

“Well… someone’s a bit eager today,” stated Mina with a smirk.

“I could say the same thing about you, mom,” said Spike, giving Mina a smirk of his own. “Did you really miss me that much today?”

“You know I did, young man,” responded Mina. “I’m always glad to see my boy home.”

“Like last night?”

Mina blushed as she remembered Spike grabbing her from behind last night and later being laid upon the kitchen table, the young man’s rod ramming into her womanhood as she screamed never to stop and begging him not to leave.

“Let see how much you missed me,” Spike said as he lowered himself. He noticed that her stepmother’s pants had a damp spot in the crotch area and he unbuttoned and unzipped her pants. When Spike lowered Mina’s pants, he was surprised that she wasn’t wearing any panties. Spike looked up at Mina and saw a look of shame as she looked away, her cheeks reddening. He began to rub a finger on her clit, feeling her dampness on his finger. Hearing Mina moan loudly, Spike increased the stimulation of Mina’s clit, the woman leaking her juices even faster.

“Mom…did you go around without underwear all day?” asked Spike teasingly.

“Spike… don… don’t ask me…” Mina moaned, tearing up again.

“I’ll stop if you don’t tell me,” teased Spike, slowing his finger down.

“Yes… I… wore no panties today… thought I’d be… I’d be….”

“What did you want to be, mom?”

“AI… little bit… adventurous… Spike… please… put it in me…”

“Not just yet, mom. I want to hear more. Get on the bed, all fours.”

Mina shed her tears and did as she was told. She walked to the bed and got on top of it, placing her hands and knees on top of the mattress while spreading her legs so her son could see her dripping womanhood better. Mina smiled as shook her butt and stuck it out, enticing Spike. Seconds later, Spike got on the bed, positioning himself beside Mina and started to insert two fingers inside her slit and fondled her breast with the other hand, eliciting a load moan from his stepmother. Mina began to weep, feeling Spike insert his fingers in and out of her slit, but wanting more. She looked at Spike and gave him a begging look, her face full of lust and drool coming out her mouth.

“Did anyone notice you didn’t wear any panties?” asked Spike, smirking as he began to tweak at Mina’s clit and nipple.

“Ooh… no… no one noticed… ooh, Spike… your hands…” Mina moaned her response.

“No one?” asked Spike, this time with a doubtful tone.

“Well… maybe one of my coworkers… she was… ooh, God… Spike, I want it…”

“Was she the only one?”

“My boss… he was… ooh, right there, Spike… Ah… he was… looking at me… funny…”

Spike frowned at Mina’s admission. He didn’t want to think that someone at her mother’s workplace may want to take advantage of her step-mother, even if she just wanted to feel adventurous. Spike gave Mina’s breast a firm squeeze, causing the woman to howl.

“You really shouldn’t do that sort of thing, mom,” Spike said firmly. “You could have been fired… or worse.”

“I’m sorry,” Mina wept, feeling that her son was now beginning to aggressively play at her breasts and slit.

“I really don’t want to think what that boss of yours would do to you,” Spike said, sounding concerned as he let go of Mina’s breast and clit. He spread Mina’s butt to see her slit more clearly. He began to lick her womanhood, tasting her love juices.

“It’s… it’s okay, Spike,” Mina panted, looking back at Spike. “Mommy can… ooh… mommy can take… ooh, God, yes… take… of herself… besides…”

“Besides what, mom?” asked Spike as he licked Mina’s womanhood.

“My pussy… my body… belongs to you,” Mina declared.

“Oh, mom.”


Spike stopped licking Mina’s slit and proceeded to undo his pants before dropping his boxers, letting out his erect tool. However, he lay next to his stepmother, on his back and his hands on behind his head. Spike’s eyes met Mina’s and was amused at the woman’s curiosity as he pointed a finger at his erection. Mina smiled and nodded, crawling towards Spike’s erection and wasted no time taking long licks on his shaft, savoring the taste. As for Spike, he went at Mina’s womanhood again, giving finger and tongue action. After some time had passed, Mina twirled her tongue at Spike’s tip before engulfing his entire manhood inside her mouth, causing the young man to howl. She started to slowly bob her head up and down, and she could tell that Spike was starting to tense up, feeling that the young man was furiously eating her out. She let out a muffled scream, bathing Spike’s face with her juices. Spike was hungrily lapping it up.

Letting Spike’s manhood free of her mouth, Mina started to tug at it, breathlessly saying, “Spike… I want this… please… ram my slutty pussy with it…”

Spike propped himself up, positioning himself behind Mina’s butt. With Mina on all fours once again, she wiggled her butt once more. Spike placed his hands on Mina’s behind and positioned his cock straight at Mina’s slit, the tip touching her entrance.

‘No bell to stop me now,’ thought Spike as he pushed himself into Mina, causing his stepmother to scream in delight.

‘Yes… pound it, Spike,’ Mina thought as she smiled, panting as she felt every inch of Spike’s rod go in and out of her slit. ‘Make me feel everything… ooh, I want to come again so badly!’

“Mom… you feel so good… it’s like…,” grunted Spike, feeling his shaft being gripped tightly like a vice. “It’s like… you never… want to let go.”

“No…I don’t want it to end!” screamed Mina as her arms gave way. “I want this thing in me all the time! I miss it every time you’re away! I think about it at much at work that I have to fight to keep myself from diddling myself! Why do you have to leave!? Don’t you want to do it with mommy all the time!? I’ll do anything for you, just don’t leave me!!”

‘Just like last night,’ Spike thought, shaking his head as he continued to pound Mina’s opening.

Spike was nearing his limit and felt that he was close to climax. Sweating, Spike leaned on Mina’s back, groping Mina’s breasts as his hips continued to move, almost automatically. After a few more moments in that position, Spike flipped Mina on her back and continued to ram his manhood faster than before. Seeing that his stepmother’s screams were getting too loud, Spike silenced her with a kiss. For Mina, it was too much to bear as she climaxed, screaming into her stepson’s mouth as she came on Spike’s manhood. She cried as Spike continued to pound her until he himself climaxed, pouring all his semen inside her womanhood. Spike felt that he was pouring more into Mina than he had with Iris that morning as he growled. Satisfied that he poured every inch of cum inside Mina, Spike panted as he lay on top of her, his sweaty body meeting with hers.

“Spike… I love you so much,” Mina wept, shedding tears of joy. She the embraced him tightly. “You’re so good to me.”

“I try,” Spike responded, kissing Mina once again.

The street lights had illuminated the almost lonely streets of downtown Ponyville. The local businesses had started to close for the day, and what little people that were left had started to get into their cars and drive away. The police had begun their nightly patrols, there was a slight breeze as the temperature dropped and stars illuminated the sky. Ponyville looked almost lonely, the night lights its only company.

Three friends, three teenage girls, were the last ones out of the local coffee shop. Applebloom was the first one to exit, followed by her two friends, Belle Wayne and Nora Louise, though she preferred to be called Scootaloo. Applebloom sighed as she waved the manager goodbye while Belle Wayne had a rather embarrassed look on her face, keeping herself quiet. Scootaloo, a slim girl with an athletic build and pink-purple hair, walked beside Belle with a smirk on her face while looking at her. All the while, Applebloom looked at her watch to check for the time.

“So… you never did say how big Button’s joystick was,” Scootaloo said slyly.

“Would you just drop it!?” Belle yelled, a blush adorning her face.

“Did you at least feel it before Ms. Harshwhinny busted you two?”

“Well… I did feel through his boxer shorts…”

“Atta girl!”

“I still can’t believe you tried to get frisky with Button, Belle,” chided Applebloom as she looked back at Belle with disappointment. "You should count your lucky stars that you only got detention and that Ms. Wayne didn’t punish you or anything.”

“At least our girl’s got the guts to try something with the boy she likes, Applebloom,” Scootaloo pointed out. “I mean, when are you going to make your move on Spike?”

“For the last time, Spike and I are just friends,” Applebloom said, her nose sticking up.

“You know you’re not fooling anyone, Applebloom,” Scootaloo said, shaking her head. “You and Spike have been friends ever since you two met in the fourth grade. You help each other out whenever he goes to Sweet Apple Acres and you make time for him while leaving us in the lurch sometimes. So I ask again: When are you going to make a move?”

“Probably when he stops hanging around older women,” Applebloom grumbled.

“So show him that a young girl can be more fun than some old lady any day.”

“My sister is NOT an old lady, Scoots,” Applebloom said, sounding offended. She sighed once more and continued. “Though I wish Spike would see me as more than just a friend. He does tease me sometimes, but not much else.”

“Maybe you should say something to him before it’s too late, Applebloom,” Belle pointed out. “He’s going away soon to some cooking college and he might find someone there.”

“Aw, he’ll probably tease me about it,” Applebloom said, shaking her head.

“He won’t,” Belle assured with a smile, blushing at the memory of what Spike did to her the night before. “Spike is very thoughtful and attentive, and while he does tease, he’s very playful about it. Besides, he was willing to help me with my self-confidence issues and now I’m ready for my singing debut.”

“As well as blowing on Button’s mike, if you know what I mean,” teased Scootaloo, earning her a glare from Belle. Then, from the corner of her eye, she spotted someone across the street speeding towards Sugar Cube Corner Cafe on a bike. “Hey, isn’t that Spike?”

“What?!” both Applebloom and Belle exclaimed.

The three girls saw Spike heading towards the back of Sugar Cube Corner. Applebloom stood still, not knowing what to do and wondering why Spike could be doing there at such a late hour.

“Here’s your chance, Applebloom,” urged Scootaloo.

“I don’t know,” hesitated Applebloom nervously. “He might be-

“JUST DO IT!!” yelled Scootaloo.

Determined, Applebloom followed Spike to the back of Sugar Cube Corner, dashing as she mentally rehearsed what she wanted to say to Spike. When she reached it, she stopped in her tracks, shocked at what she was witnessing. Spike was being held in an intimate embrace by Pinkie Pie, the pink-haired woman kissing him as she moaned. Applebloom just stood there, speechless as her heart was beginning to break into pieces, tears running down her cheeks. When she noticed that the woman was wearing a very revealing pink-and-white waitress outfit, Applebloom could very well imagine type of relationship Spike and Pinkie had. She got angry when she saw Spike respond to Pinkie’s actions, shaking her head before running off. In her sadness, Applebloom almost ran into her friends as she began to sob at how unfair the situation was.

“Applebloom, what the hell?!” shouted Scootaloo, running after her friend.

“Applebloom, come back!” called out Belle as she also ran after Applebloom.

Spike held Pinkie in his arms, responding to the woman’s kiss eagerly as he felt Pinkie’s huge breasts on his chest. He had arrived to Sugar Cube Corner with the purpose of getting to bottom of why Pinkie did what she did. Spike had remembered when he used to help Pinkie after closing time that she always left the backdoor open so he could enter without issue. After discarding his bike near the door, Spike was about to open it before Pinkie did it for him from the other side. What he saw made him speechless, seeing the owner of Sugar Cube Corner wearing a revealing pink-and-white waitress outfit, the blouse showing off her generous cleavage and the short, tight skirt that showed off her rear. After getting a good look at Pinkie in her sexy outfit, Spike was about to say something until the woman pounced on him and caught his lips, her arms snaking around his neck. Moments later, Spike felt his will fade as he wrapped his arms around Pinkie’s waist, responding to her kiss and using his tongue to intertwine with hers. Spike and Pinkie made out for a few more moments before coming up for air, panting.

Coming down from his lust-filled stupor, Spike asked, “Pinkie, what… I mean, why are you… you have some explaining to do, lady!”

“And it will be explained, my little Spikey-Wikey,” Pinkie responded gleefully as she dragged Spike inside the kitchen, closing the backdoor. “I have something big planned for you right now, and it’s a cause for a celebration.”

“Celebration?” asked Spike confused. “I almost got in trouble because of that picture you slipped me! I could have been suspended!”

“Well, it was for YOUR eyes only, silly-willy,” Pinkie said amusingly, placing her hands on her hips. “Besides… after what you tried to do to me this morning, I figured you would have liked a little eye candy to relieve the school stress.”

“Well… you did look hot in that picture,” Spike admitted. He looked on Pinkie once again and blushed. “That waitress outfit you have on is pretty hot and lewd, too.”

“Thank you!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Still… what brought this on?” Spike inquired.

“Well… I have two reasons why I’m doing this,” Pinkie said slyly as she got closer to Spike. She went to his ear and whispered, “Naughty boy, doing your gym teacher like that… you were so rough with her…”

Spike’s eyes went wide as he backed away from Pinkie. His little bathroom bondage break with Iris had an audience of one. Spike panicked as his heart was racing a million miles an hour, all the while mentally slapping his forehead for taking a risk and doing Iris in Pinkie”s bathroom. He enjoyed himself too much, having Iris at his mercy while talking dirty to her, making the gym teacher cry in ecstasy. Spike didn’t know how to respond as he saw Pinkie squeezing her breast through her blouse, rubbing her covered womanhood.

“Ooh, you and Dashie looked like you were having sooo much fun,” Pinkie moaned in pleasure. “I almost wanted to join you so you could punish me, too.”

“Pinkie… about what you saw this morning…” Spike said nervously.

“Oh, I won’t tell anyone that won’t keep a secret,” Pinkie assured with a smile. “Besides, the second reason I called you here was so we could have a private party.”

“What, an ‘I Caught My Friends Doing the Nasty’ party?” asked Spike, raising an eyebrow.

“No silly,” Pinkie giggled. “Just follow me and you’ll see!”

With a heavy sigh, Spike followed Pinkie out of the kitchen. Through the darkened cafe, the young man was anxious for what Pinkie had in store for him. It was enough of a shock to know that Pinkie had caught him and Iris doing it in her bathroom, but now the pink-haired woman wanted to throw him a party. Spike followed Pinkie up the stairs to her loft, each step feeling heavier as he walked.

Finally reaching the top, Spike followed Pinkie and noticed that the room was dimly lit, though he could still see the furniture. He gasped when he saw that two other women were there, standing in front of a small round table and stools. What also caught Spike’s notice was that the women were dressed rather revealingly. One woman, the tall one with short grey hair, was wearing a tight, grey corset that accentuated the curves of her body, even lifting up her breasts to make them look bigger. She also wore white stockings that were attached to the corset, high heels, and grey gloves that almost reached her elbows. Spike noted that the woman had a frown on her face, her eyes closed in embarrassment. The young man then took note of the other woman, who had long, dark grey hair, and looked though she was shivering, wearing a baby doll negligee that was almost see-through. Spike did notice that he could make out the woman’s erect nipples and started to drool. The woman gave Spike a shy smile and waved, making the boy wave back rather awkwardly.

“Spike, I believe you know my big sister Limestone and my little sister Marble,” Pinkie indicated to each respectively. “I invite them every year so they can help me with the festival.”

“I still can’t believe you talked us into this, Pinkie,” said Limestone gruffly.

“Aw, it’ll be fun, big sis,” assured Pinkie. “It’s just us four getting ready for a very special occasion. Even Marble is pretty hyped up. Right, Marble?”

“Mmhmm,” responded Marble happily.

Shaking his head, Spike asked awkwardly, “So… what are we celebrating?”

“It’s your celebration on becoming a true man, Spike,” Pinkie cheered. “We are here to honor your very first time, and the loss of one's innocence, is something that every man or woman should cherish because everyone remembers who their first time was, no matter how awkwardly their first time went down. Anyway, my sisters and I invited you to play what I call Spin-the-bottle-truth-or-dare. It’s where we spin the bottle and whomever it lands on, has to either tell the truth of do a dare. It’s just that simple. Ooh, we are going to have so much fun, Spike! How about we get started, huh?”

What Pinkie didn’t expect was Spike looking downcast and hurt. She noticed that the teenager's eyes were closed shut, as if trying to suppress something. With what she was seeing, Pinkie began to realize that she may have done something bad and was immediately regretting throwing this type of party for Spike. A lot of thoughts were running through her mind, though one thing was certain; Spike’s first time was something he didn’t want to remember, or celebrate.

‘Oh, no,’ Pinkie thought sadly. ‘What have I done?’

Spike being reminded of his first time only made him remember how it all went downhill for him. He remembered Luna abusing him, trying to egg him on into doing more, including the slap to his face that awakened the beast inside him. He recalled how aggressively he responded to Luna, ramming his manhood with little regard for her feelings. Spike also remembered running away like a coward, leaving a crying Luna behind. Though Luna had forgiven him for what happened, it still filled his heart with shame and anger. He looked up at Pinkie and gave her an angry look, which made her back off a bit. Spike shook his head, chiding himself for even looking at Pinkie that way.

‘Calm the hell down, Spike,’ thought the young man furiously. ‘It’s not her fault. How could she know things got so out of hand? How could she know that I made a woman cry because I couldn’t control myself?’

“Spike…” Pinkie finally spoke up rather fearfully.

“Can we talk in private?” Spike choked.

Pinkie nodded and walked towards the bathroom, Spike following her. As she quickly closed the door behind her, Pinkie saw Spike grip the edges of the sink in an effort to control himself. Pinkie could tell that the young man was about ready to become a leaking sack of tears, and all she wanted to was comfort him. She dashed to his side and hugged his back, making soothing noises in an effort to calm Spike down. After a few minutes, Spike calmed down, grabbed a nearby towel and blew his nose in it

“Oh, Spike...I’m so sorry,” Pinkie said, her voice beginning to break. “I didn’t think…”

“No… it’s not your fault,” Spike sighed. “It’s just something I truly want to forget… but I can’t.”

“Was it really that bad?” asked Pinkie rather morbidly.

“It was, Pinkie… for the both us.”

Pinkie was confused at what Spike had admitted to her. From what she could tell, Spike truly had a bad experience when he lost his virginity, but she also noted that there was not just sorrow, but regret in his voice.

“I had no excuse for treating her the way I did, even if she did treat me like garbage as we were doing it,” Spike began to explain. “She got so aggressive that she started to say a bunch of mean things about me that I truly started to believe that I wasn’t man enough for her. Then she slapped me across the face and I got aggressive. At first she liked it, but as time went on, I wouldn’t let up… even though she begged me to stop. It got way out of hand. She hurt me and I retaliated. When I heard her cry, I ran away instead of comforting her, telling her I was sorry for hurting her.”

Pinkie was shocked at Spike’s admission. She could never imagine Spike trying to hurt anyone, much less a lover. What truly made her not jump to conclusions was that by his own admission, Spike truly regretted his actions. The Spike Pinkie knew was someone who knew right from wrong.

“She forgave me, Pinkie,” Spike said, sniffling. “After all that, she forgave me… as long as I forgave her. She said she did wrong because she didn’t respect my feelings. I did wrong because I lost control. In the end, we’ve made up and we’re talking again. I’m just glad we’re friends again.”

“Well… I’m glad you and this girl made up,” Pinkie said, heaving a sigh of relief as she let go of Spike. “I’d hate to think that you were the kind of person that would treat this situation as some sort of conquest to brag about.”

“She’s still very special to me,” Spike admitted, turning around to face Pinkie with a smile. “We even had a better second time… and she wants me to live my life to the fullest and make right not just by her, but to all the friends I neglected.”

“I guess that includes making whoopie in my bathroom, huh?” Pinkie pointed out, making Spike embarrassed. “Spike… if you want, I can cancel the party and you can go home. I’ll understand.”

Spike smiled and approached Pinkie, claiming her lips and held her tightly. Pinkie responded with a gentle kiss of her own.

When Spike and Pinkie parted lips, the young man spoke, “Listen, you put a lot thought of thought into this party, and I don’t want to ruin it. You made this party for me, and I really want to show my appreciation for it.”

Pinkie smiled with enthusiasm and happily dragged Spike out of the bathroom after opening the door. This caught the other Pie sisters by surprise, making them stand up from their stools.

“Alright everybody!” cheered Pinkie. “The party is back on!”

“So we’re good, right?” asked Limestone with concern.

“You bet,” Pinkie said as she took her seat the the table and span the bottle. “So how about we have some real fun with this bottle and see where this game takes us?”

Spike and the other Pie sisters smiled at Pinkie’s eagerness and took their seats. For Spike’s part, he was just glad that everyone was happy, and was eager to where this night could take him.

Applebloom had run all the way to the entrance of Pony Oaks Elementary School and curled into a ball, sobbing her eyes out. She wanted to deny what she saw a few minutes ago, but the sight of Spike making out with an older woman made her sad and furious at the same time. To her it was one thing that Spike preferred to look at older, much better-looking women, but it was another thing altogether seeing him actively kissing them. Applebloom was feeling inadequate, comparing herself to women like her big sister Applejack, or fancy women like Rarity, or even teachers like Iris Dash or Twilight Sparkle. Just thinking about how she compared to those busty, beautiful women made Applebloom angry, thinking that she couldn’t win against them.

“It just isn’t fair,” sobbed Applebloom.

“There you are!” called out a voice.

Applebloom lifted her head up and saw that Scootaloo and Belle were running towards her. She turned around, not wanting to face them.

“Applebloom, what happened?” asked Belle.

“Nothin',” Applebloom lied miserably.

“No way, Applebloom,” persisted Scootaloo. “You running away like that and crying your eyes out was not nothing! Something happened and-

“Spike was kissing Ms. Pie, okay!” shouted Applebloom making her friends gasp. “I saw them swapping spit and they’re probably rutting around right now. Face it, girls… Spike doesn’t want a little girl like me...”

“That’s not true, Applebloom,” argued Belle. “Spike likes girls his age just fine.”

“How would you know!?” countered Applebloom bitterly.

“I just do!” shouted Belle with a blush.

“Yeah.. .well… well who needs him!? He can bang all the lonely wives in town for all I care!”

Belle and Scootaloo remained quiet, letting Applebloom have her cry. It was tough for them seeing Applebloom brought low and all because of a boy she had a liking to. All Scootaloo could do was shake her head and feel sorry for her friend. Belle, on the other hand, looked very guilty, and knew that Applebloom would tear her a new one if she knew that Spike had helped her in more ways than one. She also thought that Spike really got around if him doing her and Rarity, and now making out with Pinkie, was any indication.

Scootaloo began to have a thought in her head and said, “You should still go for it, Applebloom.”

“Why?” asked Applebloom miserably.

“Because I know how much you like him,” Scootaloo pointed out. “You should go up to him and express how you feel and show him that you mean business. Do something daring, like… um… I don’t know… kiss him the first chance you get.”

“What if he rejects me?” asked Applebloom.

“Then nothing happens. You move on, get yourself another boy you like and maybe even make Spike jealous for missing out you.”

Applebloom managed to calm herself down. She breathed in and out, and looked at her friends. She was glad these two old friends were there to cheer her up and were encouraging her to go for who she wanted. Applebloom wiped the tears from her face and embraced her two friends who hugged her back. As much as she liked Spike, Applebloom knew that she loved her friends just as much.

“Oh, Marble, you didn’t!” gasped Pinkie, her hands on her cheeks, eyes wide.

“I knew something was up with you that day,” grumbled Limestone, her arms crossed. “And here I thought it was rats!”

“I can’t believe you ate all the chocolate I sent you years ago,” Pinkie pouted, making Marble look away in shame. “That was for the whole family and I worked hard making all that chocolate.”

Spike chuckled to himself as he watched the Pie sisters’ antics. It had already been an hour since the game had started and the young man had been enjoying himself in the company of three sexy women. After getting his act together and Pinkie assuring him that no one would ask him about his first time as part of the game, Spike was able to soldier on and play the spin-the-bottle-truth-or-dare-game.

To his surprise, Spike found the truths and dares part of the game to be pretty tame. In fact, Spike was the one who set the bar by daring Limestone to smile and found that it was actually difficult for the older Pie sister because she was used to frowning all the time. The whole thing actually made Marble giggle, which in turn made Limestone take ta urn at the bottle, which coincidentally landed on Marble. Limestone then dared Marble to kiss Spike on the cheek, which the younger sister did with a little trepidation since she was pretty shy about doing so. Spike accepted the kiss with a smile, which made Marble blush. When it was Marble’s turn, she spun the bottle in hopes of landing on Limestone to get her back, though to her disappointment, it landed on Pinkie. Marble, with barely a whisper, asked Pinkie if there was a song she hated, to which Pinkie answered with a frown, When Kittens Roar because, while the song had a catchy tune, the lyrics made no sense because kittens never roared and the band was over dramatizing for nothing. When it came to Pinkie’s turn, the bottle landed on Limestone and asked if she had a thing for one of her employees. Limestone, at first, denied liking any of her subordinates but with a little prodding from Pinkie, the older woman answered that she did, but didn’t name any names since the question was only if she did have a thing for one of her employees. The game went on with the more innocent questions and dares and surprisingly, the bottle never pointed at Spike whenever it was spun, much to his relief. Spike was able to enjoy the game and was able to have fun, despite how the night had begun earlier.

“Alright, Marble, your turn,” Pinkie said to her little sister.

“Hmm!” Marble made a determined sound as she span the bottle. She gasped and blushed when the bottle pointed itself at Spike.

‘Well, it had to land on me at some point,’ Spike sighed as he looked at how fidgety Marble was getting. Spike became nervous and thought, ‘Oh, boy…’

“Truth…” whispered Marble as she shyly looked away.

“Um, okay…” gulped Spike, starting to sweat.

“Hmmm,” Marble said awkwardly as she felt increasingly nervous. When she looked at Spike, she immediately looked away with shame, a squeaking noise escaping her lips.

“Well, we’re waiting,” Limestone frowned, folding her arms impatiently.

“It’s only Spike, Marble,” Pinkie said soothingly as she patted Marble on the head. “He won’t bite. Ask away.”

Marble took a look at Spike and noticed that the young man was looking at her nervously, almost dreading what she going to ask. While she had second thoughts and was thinking of going for a dare, Marble decided to stick to picking truth, her curiosity about young man getting the better of her. Looking longingly at Spike had made her recall all the pictures she had confiscated whenever Pinkie had sent pictures of him and Pinkie’s other friends back home. She remembered fantasizing about him doing it with her and those memories were making her feel wet in her underwear. Marble’s heart was beating rapidly as she tried to calm herself down.

After a few tense moments, Marble sighed and whisperingly asked, “Um, Spike… umm… have… I mean… how many… girls… have you… umm…”

“Have I dated?” Spike supplied.

Marble shook her head and asked, “How many girls… have you… done it… with?”

Spike was stunned before a light blush adorned his cheeks. He looked down on the table as he was mentally trying to decide if he should tell the three women before him how many women he had bedded. Lifting his head, Spike looked at Pinkie and was a bit unsettled on how eager she looked, considering the pink-haired woman already knew of two women he bedded (though Pinkie only knew the name of one of those women). Spike then looked at Limestone, and judging from her curious glare, she was either asking ‘Well…how many, you pig?’ or ‘That many, huh?’ Not wanting to look at Limestone anymore, Spike turned to look at Marble. Spike could see that the rather bashful woman was waiting in anticipation; she looked rather tense, like she was afraid of the answer. Spike let out a breath and looked up the ceiling, still holding off on answering Marble’s question.

Spike couldn’t help but smile as he remembered his sexual encounters from the past few days. Though he did his best not to remember how he lost his virginity, he very much cherished his second time with Vice Principal Luna. She forgave him and gave herself to him right there in her office. Remembering Luna’s moans and cries of lust and pleasure urging him on made Spike feel very special, and considered his second time the first time he felt like man, because that’s how a man should make love to a woman.

Iris Dash was the next woman that came into Spike’s mind. He had taken Luna’s words to heart and proceeded to dominate his gym teacher, even handcuffing her wrists and gagging her mouth. Spike also remembered not to lose himself so as to not hurt Iris as he made love to her, though hearing her muffled cries and moans had been intoxicating and made it enjoyable to talk dirty to her. He especially enjoyed having his way with her in Pinkie’s bathroom, although as he remembered it, Iris initiated things when she suddenly grabbed him by his shirt and kissed him fiercely. Iris had begged Spike to punish her and instantly had her at his mercy. Like the last time, Spike had to be careful to not become a beast, though he was pretty firm and dominant.

Mina then popped into Spike’s mind. Having her and Luna at the same time had been a new experience for him on many levels. Firstly, it was his first threesome and had to learn how to give equal attention at pleasuring two women, though he ended up giving most of the pleasure to Mina. Secondly, Luna had helped break the ice between Spike and Mina because, as much as they got along, the tension concerning them sharing a sinful stepmother-son kiss was something they had to get over. Hearing Mina moan in pleasure as Spike rutted her had caused the young man to see the woman not only as someone who raised him since his real mother died, but also as a lover who waited for him so they could go at it anytime.

Finally, Rarity and her little sister Belle came into the picture. Making love to Belle was the first time he had made love to someone his own age as well as the first time he took another girl’s virginity. He could still remember how tight Belle felt around his manhood and had to be extra careful in making the girl’s first time a good one. Hearing Belle cries of pleasure and becoming confident in lovemaking had helped the girl in her confidence issues.

Making love to Rarity had felt like a fantasy come true for Spike. She was his first crush and just the thought of having sex with Rarity had almost made him lose control. Having his manhood inside her slit had felt like he had achieved a lifelong goal. Suckling her breasts and hearing her cry out for more emboldened Spike to make Rarity feel everything, and cumming inside her felt very satisfying.

Spike had a rather goofy smile as drool started to come out of his mouth. His member had also become stiff with all the sordid memories playing in his head.

“Um, Spike?” Pinkie asked.

Spike shook his head, clearing his thoughts. He noted that Pinkie and Marble were looking at him oddly while Limestone had raised an eyebrow at him. Spike smiled chuckled nervously and chided himself for becoming lost in his thoughts.

“So how many, Romeo?” asked Limestone gruffly.

“Oh, right,” Spike said as he faced Marble, who had become anxious. “You sure you want to know?”

Marble nodded, indicating that she really wanted to know.

“Five women,” answered Spike, causing Marble to cover her mouth and gasp, her face now crimson.

“Spike, you dog you,” Pinkie said with a sly smile.

“Typical teenage hormones,” Limestone scoffed as she rolled her eyes up.

“Aw, don’t be like that, Limestone,” said Pinkie with a giggle. “Spike’s a healthy young man. He’s not only about the food and the kitchen. Why I bet he’s taken at least one of those women to the kitchen and really stirred them up!”

‘Got it in one, Pinkie,’ Spike thought, blushing at Pinkie guessing one of his escapades right.

“Oh yeah, the boy has done it with five different women,” snarked Limestone. “What an accomplishment! It just shows you that teenagers have only one thing on their minds.”

“Oh, don’t mind Limestone, Spikey,” assured Pinkie as she noticed that Spike had begun to glare at Limestone. “She was never really popular back in high school and spent most of her time working at the rock farm and lashing out at boys for not noticing her.”

“Work comes before pleasure, sister,” grumbled Limestone.

Marble then meekly spoke, “Um… didn’t you make a homemade stone di-

“DON’T YOU DARE, MARBLE!” Limestone shouted with eyes bugged out and her cheeks read, causing Spike, Pinkie and Marble to back off.

“Well, uh… it’s time to spin that bottle again,” Pinkie said, nervously changing the subject and spinning the bottle. The bottle slowed its spin until the tip landed on Marble. Pinkie immediately grinned and turned towards Marble, making the timid woman gasp. “Ooh, I got the perfect dare for you, Marble. I dare you to… sit on Spike’s lap!”

Spike eyes grew wide as he looked at Pinkie, he couldn’t believe that Pinkie had dared Marble to sit on his lap. As his eyes turned toward Marble, he saw that the woman had begun trembling nervously. Spike also saw that Marble had started wringing her hands and looking down, not wanting to look at him. It had become apparent to Spike that Marble, though nicer and a bit more sociable in comparison to Limestone, was actually very nervous when it came to men. He truly felt sorry for Marble and he didn’t want to force her to do anything she didn’t want to do.

Pinkie sighed at Marble and said, “You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. You’ll have to take a penalty, though. I’m sure Spike will be happy to enforce-

Marble immediately got up from her chair made her way Spike, sitting on his lap.

Though surprised that Marble sat on his lap, Spike glared at Pinkie and said, “I wasn’t going to enforce anything on her, you know.”

“I know, but Marble didn’t know that,” Pinkie teased, causing Spike to frown. “Now don’t be like that, Spikey. You have a very beautiful woman on your lap, so I think you should make the best of it. Besides, Marble really likes you.”

Spike and Marble looked at each other, though Marble turned away bashfully with a nervous smile. Spike gulped and tried not to get too excited.

“You… can put your arm around me if you want,” Spike said to Marble, causing the woman to gasp. “You know…just to keep yourself steady.”

Marble nodded with a smile and put her arm around Spike’s neck. She then shifted her bottom to adjust herself, causing Spike to gulp.

“Put… put you arm… around me…” Marble whispered.

Spike complied as he put his arm around Marble’s waist. He gulped again as he couldn’t help but stare at Marble’s breasts, amazed at the size of them. He even glanced briefly at Pinkie’s breasts just to compare the two. Because of this, Spike’s erection grew and he swore that Marble could feel it, too.

‘Calm down, idiot,’ Spike nervously thought, trying to keep his erection in check.

“Alright, it’s your turn, Spike,” Pinkie cheered.

Spike sighed as he spun the bottle. After it stopped spinning, the tip pointed at Limestone. Spike looked at Limestone and saw that she had a very un-amused look on her face. He knew that the woman was going to be mad no matter if he chose truth or dare. Limestone came off as someone stiff and not used to having fun. Of course, Spike kept in mind that Limestone hadn’t been very nice to him ,so he gave his choice some thought. He smiled at finally settling on his choice, which made Limestone raise an eyebrow.

“Limestone… I dare you to dance,” Spike said with a smirk.

‘Pervert,’ thought Limestone, glaring at Spike. “Any dance you have in mind?”

“Oh, any dance will do,” Spike shrugged.

Limestone stood up from her chair and after heaving a great big sigh, started to dance. She started to remember the way Pinkie danced whenever there was a party at the quarry and started to imitate the movements. Unfortunately, her movements came off as too stiff and she nearly fell on the floor. She even started to twirl like a ballerina, but almost lost her balance again. Finally, she tried to the moonwalk, but ended up tripping herself and fell on her butt, causing her to yelp in pain.

As Limestone rubbed her bottom, she heard some stifled laughter coming from Pinkie and some giggling from Marble. What made her blood boil was looking at Spike snickering. Having enough, Marble went back to her chair, arms folded with a frown on her face as she sat.

“Let’s have a round of applause for Limestone Pie!” cheered Pinkie as she clapped, joined by Spike and Marble.

“Shut… up” Limestone said, gritting her teeth.

“Oh, come on,” Spike said with a laugh. “It wasn’t that bad. I mean, granted I could do the moonwalk when I was ten, but still, not bad.”

Limestone growled as she spun the bottle. After a few seconds, the bottle stopped and it pointed at Spike. For Spike’s part, he gulped and immediately regretted making fun of Limestone’s dancing. He turned his eyes to Limestone and saw that she was looking intently at him, no readable expression on the woman. Spike started to worry about what she could have in store for him, sweating as his mind raced. Wanting to remain calm, Spike folded his arms and looked at Limestone, trying to match her unreadable expression and also trying to bury any worries he had.

Limestone continued to look a Spike, looking at him thoughtfully and trying to decide her course of action. Though she didn’t like what Spike had dared her to do earlier, Limestone was fighting hard not to leer at the young man She couldn’t help thinking that, as she commented to her sisters earlier in the day, that he did look good enough to eat. Looking at Spike’s young and adorable face right in front of her had almost made Limestone melt on the spot and she imagined what he could for her She wanted to smirk, but didn’t want to give away anything to Spike.

‘Oh, I have you now, little boy,’ thought Limestone as an idea formed in her head.

What surprised Spike was that Limestone got up from her chair, placed the bottle to one side and sat at the middle of the table. She calmly removed her high heel shoes and tossed them aside. Limestone then detached her stockings from her corset and removed them from her legs, her feet now bare. Spike could only stare at Limestone’s actions and wondered if she was going to remove anything else. He briefly looked at her covered breasts and then her white panties anxiously. Spike heard Limestone clear her throat and looked up, seeing the woman frown as she placed her hands on the table to keep herself steady.

“My feet are sore from the dancing you made me do,” said Limestone as she stuck her right leg towards Spike. “I dare you to massage them until I’m satisfied.”

“Ooh, Limestone,” Pinkie purred. “I didn’t know you were into that sort of thing.”

“I just want to see if Mr. Drake is the ladies’ man he says he is,” Limestone said as she looked expectantly at Spike. “It can’t all be battering a girl’s front door with you, right?”

Spike frowned once again as Limestone’s attitude towards him was getting to him. He breathed in and out and cleared himself from any negative thoughts, removing his hand from Marble’s waist, causing the timid girl to mouth her disappointment. Spike cracked his knuckles and placed both his hands on Limestone’s right foot. He hesitated for a moment but decided to rub it. Spike frowned again, cursing that he felt he didn’t know what he was doing. He really didn’t want to prove Limestone right and was determined to get this foot massage down.

Deep in thought, Spike remembered that on his eighteenth birthday, his stepmother took him to the Ponyville Day Spa where she had booked a full spa treatment for herself and him. One thing Spike remembered vividly was the massage treatment he got from one of the women there. He recalled that her name was Aloe, a light-pink haired woman that wore a blue strapless top with matching blue spandex pants. Spike also remembered how tight those clothes hugged her shapely but lean body, causing his shaft to harden. It helped his situation that the woman had started with his feet and had stuck with that for a while until she decided to massage his legs next. Spike had remembered how Aloe had started with some twists, which actually helped him relax. Then he remembered what else she did to his feet, like the rubbing and stroking. Spike remembered how hard he had become and he really didn’t want Aloe to see his erect manhood. Worse yet, Aloe did notice and rather than the woman being repulsed or even chiding him for not keeping himself calm, she approached him and was about to place her hand on his shaft. The moment was over when there was knock on the door. Spike had sighed in relief, not wanting to explain the moment to anyone, not even his stepmother.

With only his memory to serve him, Spike began Limestone’s foot massage, starting with the twists.

Limestone almost let out a gasp as she looked down at Spike massaging her foot, the sensation flustering her. She tried to hide her embarrassment by glaring at him, wanting to convey a feeling of disgust. Limestone then decided to breath in and out in order to calm herself down, not wanting Spike to know that his massage was having any effect on her. As time went on, Limestone had managed to relax and let herself enjoy Spike’s attention, even letting out a moan. She still managed to maintain a glare on Spike, not wanting to let the young man have the satisfaction of his massage having any effect on her.

‘How dare this.. .this kid… make me feel so good…,’ thought Limestone, wondering how Spike had gotten so good with his hands. ‘I should just hire him to work on the rock farm… make him do the hardest jobs… make him pay for what he’s doing to me… that way… I can make him… appreciate his luck as I do whatever I want with him… make him feel grateful…’

‘I don’t like the way she’s looking at me,’ Spike thought worryingly as he moved on to Limestone’s other foot. ‘I’m really hoping I’m doing this right.’

Limestone had definitely let out a gasp as Spike started massaging her other foot. She immediately covered her mouth with her right hand while holding herself steady on the table with the other. Limestone’s face became more flushed as she started to moan. The more Spike had made her feel good, the more the woman was having a tough time keeping herself calm and steady. Limestone’s eyes went wide as she felt her panties getting damp and her embarrassment turned into mortification. All the woman could do was breath heavily as she felt her nipples harden under her corset.

All the while, Marble had been glaring enviously at Limestone, her eye twitching as she saw her older sister continue to enjoy Spike’s attentions. She let out a low growl, expressing her frustration at being ignored.

On the other hand, Pinkie had a big grin on her face. She actually enjoyed watching Spike’s actions causing Limestone to melt at the attention. Pinkie also took a glance at Marble’s jealous face, wondering what her little sister wanted to do once it was her turn.

Letting out a breath, Spike took his hands off Limestone’s foot, brushing a bit of sweat from his brow. He was about to say something to Limestone, but once he saw the angry and frustrated look on the woman’s face, he wisely kept silent. From what Spike could see, Limestone was absolutely livid. Her face was red and she was baring her teeth, growling and frowning.

“Ooh, I think she liked it,” Pinkie said cheerily.

Limestone got off the table and went back to her seat, folding her arms and looking away from her sisters and Spike, a petulant look adorning her face.

“Um… it wasn’t that bad, was it?” asked Spike nervously.

“Shut… the hell… up,” Limestone seethed.

After an awkward moment, Pinkie spoke up, “Okay, Marble. It’s your turn.”

Marble reached for the bottle and spun it. After a few seconds, the bottle stopped and the tip pointed at herself and Spike. Both Spike and Marble looked at each other oddly, but shrugged a the woman reached for the bottle again until Pinkie cleared her throat.

“Ah, ah, ah~” Pinkie said as she wagged her finger. “Only one spin per turn. And since the bottle is pointing towards you and Spike, that means you get to dare him or get something out of him. Now truth or dare, little sis!”

Marble gulped and looked down on Spike. She started to sweat and smile awkwardly, once again aware of her position. Marble’s mind raced and thought of many things she could ask Spike. She really wanted know more about this young man and if there was a particular lover he liked best or what type of moves he knew. Marble just couldn’t believe such an innocent-looking young man could be with many girls. The thought of Spike being such a stud was making her nibbles stiffen, imagining being loved by him like that.

It was then that Marble got an idea, but then blushed and looked away.

Spike wondered what Marble was thinking about, though he started to sweat a bit when he saw Marble look away. He gulped as Marble looked his way again. What surprised Spike was Marble was trying to give him a seductive look, which included batting her eyes and puckering her lips. Spike, however, could see that Marble was a bit nervous and felt the woman’s body shake. Finally, Spike heard a nervous chuckle coming from the woman, which was followed by a resigned sigh.

“Marble, are you-” Spike began to ask before he was cut off.

“Spike...” Marble spoke. “I… dare you… I dare… you to…”

“Marble...you don’t have-”

“Make out with me, Spike,” Marble blurted out. “I dare you… to make out… me… for...10 minutes… please.”

“Ooh, we’re getting a bit daring here,” Pinkie leered at Spike. “So what are you waiting for, Spike? Little sis asked nicely~”

Spike couldn’t help but shake his head and let out a breath. He couldn’t believe the day he was having. Tutoring sessions, sex sessions, a lewd picture one of his friends put in his lunch, and now a party with three scantily-clad sisters with one of them sitting on her lap, waiting for a make out session. Ever since Spike had resolved to change his life for the better, he was getting a lot of action. He never dreamed he would start having sex with different women every day. Chances were that this night would be no different and the prospect excited him. Spike knew there would be hell to pay if his actions got out.

So deep in thought was Spike that he almost didn’t notice Marble placing her hand on his cheek. His eyes met hers, seeing in them a look of anticipation. The young man grew feverish as his breath quickened. After getting himself to calm down, Spike grabbed hold of Marble, putting his left hand under her thighs and his right to grab hold of her waist. Making sure he had a firm grip, Spike lifted himself up and placed Marble on the table. He looked at Marble with a bit of hesitation, but as soon as he saw the woman’s coquettish expression, Spike slowly approached, parting his lips before placing them upon Marble’s craving lips.

“Woo-hoo!!” cheered Pinkie, her arms raised in a touchdown pose. “Lay it on her, Spikey-wikey!! Give it some gumption!!”

“Just keep those hands where I can see them, perv,” Limestone warned, her eye twitching.

Spike was already lost to the world as he continued to kiss Marble thoroughly. Spike became more emboldened as he heard Marble moan into the kiss, feeling her tongue snake its way through his lips. The young man then quickly pressed himself closer to the woman, using his arms to ensnare her. Spike could feel Marble’s large bust pressing into his chest while the eager woman placed both of her hands on his face. They continued kissing each other, their tongues intertwining. Spike was beginning to dominate the session as leaned into Marble, kissing her deeper.

Marble moaned even louder as she began sucking on Spike’s tongue, drinking in his saliva with a loud slurping sound. She placed her hands on the table as soon as Spike leaned to keep herself steady. Her eyes remained closed, taking in the sensations of what she was feeling. As time went on, Marble began to tear up as she put her arms around Spike’s neck, never wanting to let the lip lock go. Marble slightly opened her eyes when she felt Spike’s pants-covered erection press against her her panty-clad, moist womanhood. She smiled inwardly as she began to slide her slit along Spike’s erection, coating it with her juices. Marble moaned loudly, and the fact that Spike began to grunt and hump her covered slit made her want to cry in pleasure as she was coming close to an orgasm.

‘Wowee Zowee, look at them go,’ thought Pinkie in wonder, a trail of drool coming down from her lip.

Limestone remained silent as she glared at the sight of Marble and Spike really getting into their session. Her eye twitched as her younger sister thrusted her hips faster, hearing her moan even louder. She closed her eyes, not wanting see the display. Limestone, to her dismay, could still hear what was going on, and she instinctively started to rub her thighs together. She then spread her legs slightly and with her right hand started to slide her fingers up and down on her covered slit. Limestone then used her other hand to massage her right breast. She gritted her teeth, and opened her eyes, glaring once again at Marble and Spike.

‘Oh, man,’ Spike thought, moaning through Marble’s kiss. ‘She’s really into this.. .at this rate, I might just…’

Whatever else Spike was thinking died as Marble intensified her efforts, sliding her womanhood faster and faster until he felt her orgasm, screaming into his mouth as her panties became so wet that the juice also stained Spike’s covered groin.

Marble let go of Spike’s lips and panted, never taking her eyes off a surprised-looking Spike. She couldn’t help but smile as she started to nibble on his neck, eliciting a moan from the young man.

“Annnd, time!” Pinkie announced, managing to pry off Marble from Spike, making the younger sister whine. “You two are just unreal! So intense! Now I really want some of that attention!”

“You can have it, Pinkie,” Limestone deadpanned as she tried to calm herself down. ‘Like I’d ever let this kid and his… thing anywhere near me.’

“That… was… something,” Spike said, trying to catch his breath while looking at a rather embarrassed Marble. “You okay there, Miss Pie?”

“Mhmm,” Marble replied, smiling shyly.

“Guess I’m next,” Pinkie announced as she spun the bottle. After a few seconds, the bottle stopped and the tip pointed at Spike, causing the young man to look at it incredulously.

‘When did this bottle become a me magnet?’ wondered Spike to himself. ‘The way things are going, I wonder if Pinkie has any more surprises for me.’

“My turn with Spikey!!” exclaimed Pinkie as she zipped towards Spike. “We are going to have so much fun!!”

“Ookayyy,” Spike said as calmly as he could.

Before Spike could say anything else, he was grabbed by Pinkie by the the front of his shirt and dragged to baker’s bed, with him on the bottom looking up at her. Pinkie didn’t waste any time as she thoroughly kissed Spike on the lips, rubbing her chest on his. The kiss only lasted for a few seconds before the girl let go, giggling at the young man’s stupefied face.

“Pinkie… at least dare me before you do something,” Spike said, dazed.

“Oh, that wasn’t the dare, silly,” Pinkie laughed as she straddled the confused Spike’s chest. Pinkie then unbuttons her blouse, revealing her large bust to the surprised teenager.

“Pinkamena!” shouted Limestone, her face becoming red once more. “Don’t give him any ideas!”

All Marble could do was gasp and cover her mouth in amazement of Pinkie’s daring move on Spike.

Spike face grew a deeper shade a red, staring at Pinkie’s large bosom. He couldn’t help but get lost in them, drooling at the sight. ‘So beautiful… delicious,’ was all Spike could think of, and swore that his shaft was getting thicker at the thought of what he could do to those breasts. He almost didn’t notice Pinkie lean in, mesmerized as he was by her orbs. They were so close, just dangling in front of his face, a lingering sweet fragrance emanating from them like cotton candy. Just the thought made Spike hunger for what Pinkie was showing him and all he wanted to do was pin Pinkie to bed. Spike shook his head, gulped, and waited. It was Pinkie’s call at what she wanted to do.

“Spike… I… dare… you...” Pinkie purred softly, emphasizing every word. She hefted up her breasts as an offering and said, “To do what you want with my girls! Don’t they look good enough to eat? Like pastries glazed in sugar with strawberries on top. Pretty milky, too. Go on, Spikey. Have a taste~”

With another gulp, Spike reached up with both hands and grabbed hold of Pinkie’s breasts, causing the woman to gasp. He started to massage them and gave them a squeeze, using his thumbs to flick the the erect nipples. Spike smiled as he was content with just teasing Pinkie’s breasts and hearing her giggle. He then heard her moan a bit loudly as he kneaded them, and that emboldened him to tweak and twist her nipples, causing the aroused woman to bite her lip. Though Pinkie was the one on top, Spike felt that he was in complete control as he saw his bubbly friend lose herself in his touch.

Pinkie couldn’t help but smile at Spike’s efforts. She started to breathe heavily as the young man kept teasing her, her face growing feverish with every second that went by. Pinkie’s eyes went wide as she felt Spike’s tongue licking away at her erect nipple. She couldn’t help but giggle at Spike’s action and closed her eyes, sighing in content. Pinkie moaned as she felt Spike take her nipple into his mouth, sucking on it loudly. This action, along with Spike’s continued massaging of her other breast caused her to become moist in her panties and she desperately fought the urge to finger herself. Pinkie was about to mouth a complaint when Spike’s mouth left her breast, but moaned again as Spike began to give the same treatment to her other breast. Her breathing quickened, the sensations becoming a bit too much to take as she started to sweat.

‘Spike.. .you’re so good at this,’ Pinkie thought as she felt Spike tug at her breast with his teeth. ‘No wonder… Rainbow was enjoying you so much… you truly know what you’re doing. Ooh, Spike… more… you’re making me feel… funny… down there…’

The sight of Spike giving Pinkie’s breasts so much undivided attention caused Marble to drool, discarding any inhibitions she had as she took her top down and started to massage her own breasts, squeezing them and tweaking her nipples. The sight continued to arouse her so much that she hefted one her breasts to her mouth and started licking and sucking on her nipple. She then used her other hand and started playing with her womanhood, using her index finger and thumb to stimulate her clit. Marble moaned and groaned, imagining herself in her older sister’s place. She became more envious as she saw Spike grab hold of both of Pinkie’s nipples inside of mouth, sucking on them both. Seeing Pinkie enjoy herself made Marble frown as she continued to stimulate herself.

Limestone wasn’t faring any better as she watched Spike go to town on her younger sister’s breasts. As much as she tried to deny it, Spike’s actions were getting to her as her own body temperature was getting higher. She still gave Spike a scowl, cursing him mentally as he continued to stimulate Pinkie. Trembling, Limestone quickly took off her panties and started to finger herself with her right hand, pinching her nipple through her corset with the other. She became self conscious about the size of her breasts, noting that while generous, they were nowhere near the size of her younger sisters. Her jealousy and arousal continued to grow as her orgasm grew near.

Spike grabbed onto Pinkie’s waist and managed to pin her down to the mattress. He was breathing heavily and lustfully staring at Pinkie. Spike saw the surprise on Pinkie’s face, which instantly turned into smile. He smiled back, giving Pinkie a kiss on the lips.

“Pinkie, I…” Spike spoke huskily, feeling his erection inside his pants. "Oh, I can’t take it…”

“You can use it on my girls, Spike,” Pinkie said as she used her knee to trace Spike’s stiffened shaft. “They can use a bit more cream, the kind only you can provide~”

Taking Pinkie at her word, Spike lowered his pants and underwear, revealing his erection to her. He quickly got on top of Pinkie again, straddling her as he started to drive his shaft between her large mounds. Spike grunted, using Pinkie’s breasts to stimulate his manhood, humping faster and faster with the thought of cuming on her, driving him closer to climax. On occasion, Spike pinched at Pinkie’s nipples, driving the woman crazy as she called his name. Spike could even feel the woman’s tongue, which made him hump her breasts even faster.

“Spike… I want it… cum on me… glaze my face with your frosting,” Pinkie urged Spike, losing herself to lust.

Spike grunted and finally released his seed, spraying and staining Pinkie’s face and breasts. He began to catch his breath, his heart racing from the experience. Spike looked at Pinkie and the mess he made of her. He couldn’t help but feel satisfied that he was able to make Pinkie feel good, and her smile only boosted his confidence.

“Been wanting that since this morning,” Pinkie sighed as she traced a finger on her seed stained cheek and sticking it inside her mouth. After a second, she got up and placed her hand on Spike’s cheek and said. “It’s not over yet, Spikey-Wikey. There’s still one more game to play.”

Wondering what else Pinkie might be up to, Spike got up and sat back in his seat. He saw that the other Pie sisters were curious as well, as Pinkie handed him the bottle.

“You have one final spin, Spike,” said Pinkie sweetly. “Whoever it lands on, you get to take on first.”

“Hmm?” Marble perked up.

“Hey!” Limestone protested. “That’s taking it too far, Pinkamena!”

“Oh, it will be fine,” Pinkie assured. “Spike’s very considerate as you just saw. Besides, you two want some of him after all this, right?”

“Mhmm,” Marble agreed with a big grin.

“Oh, fine,” grumbled Limestone as she faced Spike. “Consider yourself lucky that I’m letting you do this, kid.”

Spike didn’t respond to Limestone and just spun the bottle. He did have to agree with with her that Pinkie was taking things a bit too far. Spike shook his head at the fact that the Pie sisters were at least willing to partake in more sexual activities, and had to admit he was willing himself. He had already used his manhood to breast-fuck, Pinkie so he might as well cross the line with one of the women in front of him.

The bottle stopped spinning and the tip pointed at Limestone. Spike looked up at Limestone and could see the dread on her face. The woman, for the most part, had been behaving like a grouch and took every chance to be mean to him. From what Spike had gathered, Limestone did not like to be embarrassed in front of company, and it didn’t help matters that she had to smile in front of her sisters or when she gave an... interesting reaction when getting her feet massaged. The fact that Spike made out with Marble and breastfucked Pinkie may have caused Limestone to feel even more mortified. He didn’t fail to notice that after it was over with Pinkie that the older Pie’s sister’s panties were no longer covering her womanhood.

As for Limestone, all she could think of was what Spike was going to do to her. Just seconds earlier, she gave this teenage boy her permission to have his way with her should the bottle point to her, and now any bravado she had finally left her. Ever since Spike had come in with Pinkie, she wanted to put on a brave face and basically tried not to care about the young man. She tried being mean-spirited and unlikable to him so he could leave her alone. But Limestone had to admit that Spike was nice enough to her sisters and was very civil towards her. She began to question herself as to why she was being so mean. She guessed it was the fact that Pinkie had said that Spike accidentally felt Pinkie’s thigh up earlier in the day. Aside from that, Spike never did anything mean and he did get her to smile briefly. Limestone also had to admit that the young man had great hands and had the ability to make any woman feel good.

That last thought brought a scowl right back to Limestone’s face. She began to tremble and gritted her teeth, her hands balled up into fists. What Spike had done with both Marble and Pinkie admittedly made her feel jealous, and it shocked her that her sisters were so daring with him. Tears began to form on her eyes as she began to sob.

Spike, seeing that Limestone was distressed, spoke, “Ms. Pie.. .you don’t have to go-

“Get it over with!!” shouted Limestone, cutting Spike off. “Do whatever you want to me! I already dropped my panties, so you might as well do it, right!?”

“Whoa, Limestone!” Pinkie said, surprise evident on her voice. “What’s gotten into you!?”

“Nothing, Pinkamena!” Limestone sobbed as she made her way to the bed. After getting on all fours and sticking her butt up, Limestone turned to look at a stunned Spike and shouted “Well, what are you waiting for, perv!? Don’t you want it!? You won’t get another chance so… take it!!”

Spike mouth hung open as he stood still, watching an emotionally fragile Limestone offer herself up to him. Spike let out a breath and face palmed. He was careful not say anything, lest he enrage Limestone more. Spike walked to the bed and sat next to Limestone, looking at her tear-filled face, thinking of what to say to her. He looked away and sighed as he twiddled his thumbs.

“Well?” Limestone said, her voice sounding broken.

“Listen, Ms. Pie,” Spike began tentatively. “We just met today, so I’ll understand if you don’t want to do this. It’s already been a weird night, and I don’t want to cause you anything you might find unpleasant. I don’t know what I did to cause you to hate me, but I want to say that I’m not the kind of guy who… takes. I don’t know what kind of men you deal with, but I’m not them, alright?”

Limestone face tensed up and turned into a scowl once again. She started to cry once more, her body slumped on the mattress. She covered her eyes, her sobs becoming muffled as she felt worse about the situation. Limestone could tell that Spike was being a nice guy and made her feel like a heel for treating someone so nice like a piece of garbage. She even cried louder when he felt Spike’s hand on her shoulder. This lasted for a few moments until Limestone stopped crying and sat next Spike, wiping her tears off.

“That’s just it, Mr. Drake,” Limestone said miserably. “When I was your age, no guy wanted to be around me. Whenever I went to town selling rock sculptures, all everyone was asking ‘When is your sister Marble coming again?’ or ‘When is Pinkie coming with those cupcakes?’ Hell, guys wanted to hear my other sister Maud explain the facts about what kind of rocks they were buying rather than deal with me! So I’m not as busty or pretty like my sisters! It got to the point where I didn’t care anymore! As if being with someone is all that!”

Spike remained silent, not really knowing how to respond to that. He looked for Pinkie and Marble for support, but all they could do was feel sorry for her their older sister, and they didn’t want to say or do anything that might get her mad again. Spike then began to look at Limestone and concluded that the woman had some issues about her appearance. ‘She isn’t ugly,’ Spike thought to himself. In fact, to the young man, Limestone was very pretty, if a bit aggressive. He even thought so when he got her to smile.

‘I’m just glad she’s not mad because some guy mistreated her… or worse,’ Spike thought, sighing.

“What?” Limestone asked, wondering what Spike had on his mind.

“You’re not ugly, Ms. Pie,” Spike said, smiling softly.

“But not pretty enough to have sex with, right?” Limestone responded gruffly.

Spike closed his eyes and responded, “You don’t like me, so what would be the point?”

Limestone sighed and looked at Spike, shamefaced. The teenager just complimented her and she was still being mean to him. Limestone then placed her hand on Spike’s cheek and stroked it. She smiled as she felt Spike’s face, causing him to blush. Limestone smirked at Spike’s reaction, pleased with herself that she did have an effect on the young man, just like her sisters did.

“I don’t hate you, Mr. Drake,” Limestone affirmed. “In fact… Pinkie always spoke highly of you in her letters. When she started sending pictures of you and her at a bake sale, I had to admit that you were easy on the eyes, and wondered how many girlfriends you got. Marble always stole the pictures and she never let anyone set eyes on them.”

Pinkie giggled at this while Marble felt mortified at Limestone’s revelation.

“The point is that I… I guess could grow to like you like my sisters do,” Limestone continued. “Look, I’m sorry I was nasty to you. It’s just… being all work and no play makes Limestone a dull girl, huh?”

“Well, you take a lot of responsibility back home, big sister,” Pinkie pointed out as she smiled. “I’m sure mom and dad are very grateful that you’re taking the rock business seriously, but they also want you to have fun and relax, maybe hold rock contests occasionally with the employees. Plus, Holder’s Boulder isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, and I’m sure it doesn’t need twenty-hour supervision.”

“Mhm,” nodded Marble.

“I guess I could make a new schedule,” Limestone said, smiling once again.

“That’s the spirit!” Pinkie cheered.

Limestone did indeed feel better and appreciated the support that her younger sisters were giving her. She looked back at Spike and blushed at the reassuring smile he was giving her. Deep in thought, Limestone began to form an idea. She placed a hand on Spike’s chest and lightly pushed him on the mattress, surprising him. Limestone crawled on top of him and made sure her breasts were in Spike’s line of sight. She licked her lips as she proceeded to straddle his waist as she began to untie the straps of her corset.

‘Just keep the advantage, Limestone,’ Limestone thought, finally discarding her corset, baring her chest. ‘You’re the older woman, and Spike is the young buck. Only natural that I should be on top and he being the good little boy.’

“Ms. Pie,” Spike breathlessly said, admiring the view.

“Limestone, little boy,” Limestone smirked. “You know, you have one of those faces that make the girls go ‘I want to screw him so bad!’ Marble may have had your lips, and you did cum on Pinkie, but I get to lay you first.”

Before anything else was said, Limestone placed her lips on Spike’s, silencing anything he wanted to say. She instinctively shoved her tongue inside his mouth, tasting everything inside as she moaned in pleasure. Limestone found herself giggling as she felt Spike responding to her advances, feeling the young man’s tongue wrestle with hers. She pressed herself closer to him, her breasts pushed to his chest. This action caused Limestone to feel Spike’s erect length close to her entrance. Smirking through her kiss, Limestone adjusted herself to lie next to Spike, never letting go of Spike’s lips. She reached down and grabbed hold of Spike’s shaft with a strong grip, causing the teenager to groan in pain. Limestone finally let go of Spike’s lips and started to kiss his neck, all the while her smirk growing at hearing Spike moan as she tugged at at the shaft.

‘How adorable,’ thought Limestone as she heard Spike’s moans grow louder. ‘The look on his face as I have him at my mercy. The way he moans just with a tug of his manhood. Oh lord, do I want it inside me, but this is so much fun. Having my way with such a nice boy… torturing him until begs me to make him cum…’

Spike felt helpless at Limestone’s touch. All he could think about was this woman’s hand gripping at his shaft, moving it up down the length. At times, Spike could feel Limestone tugging at it faster and faster but then slow her movements down, denying him release. He actually shed a tear at the woman’s cruelty, but had to admit that it did feel good. Spike once again felt Limestone’s lips on his, the kiss being more intense than the last. Finding a bit of strength, Spike moved his arms and started fondling Limestone’s breasts. He gave them a squeeze, causing the eldest Pie sister to squeal in delight. Spike squeezed them again, pinching her erect nipples. He gave them a slight tug, which earned a moan from Limestone.

Seeing that Spike was getting bolder, Limestone let go of Spike’s shaft, earning a whine from him. She then started planting kisses on his chest and swirling her tongue around his nipples. Slowly, Limestone traced her tongue down Spike’s body as she crawled over to where his shaft was. She noticed a bit of pre-cum at the tip and gave a lick, savoring the taste of his flavor. Finally, making sure that her butt was facing Spike, Limestone opened her mouth and engulfed the young man’s length, using her tongue to taste it. She moaned as she moved her head up and down and massaging his balls,getting a loud groan from Spike in the process. So distracted from pleasuring Spike, Limestone almost didn’t notice Spike insert his finger into her womanhood, causing her to groan and let go of the teenager’s length. Limestone then lowered her butt to Spike’s face and wiggled it invitingly. She was rewarded with the young man licking her slit and clit. Limestone couldn’t help but be very happy, shedding a single tear at how lucky she was feeling.

Pinkie couldn’t help but smile enviously at Spike and Limestone. She stared at the two pleasure each other, hearing them love each other, remembering the sensation of the young man playing with her breasts and cumming on her earlier. Pinkie grabbed on her own breasts, giving them a squeeze before she began pinching at her nipples. The sight of her older sister and her best friend going at it was really getting to her, and seeing them stimulate each other was making her sweat. She abandoned one of her breasts so she could stimulate her clit and hefted her other breast to her mouth, licking at her nipple. Pinkie could feel an orgasm coming, but longed for Spike’s manhood.

The pink-haired woman gasped and was caught off guard when she felt a pair of arms hugging her waist. She looked back and saw that it was Marble, looking at her face with lust, breathing heavily. Before Pinkie could protest, Marble started licking her face. She blushed at this and was amazed at how strong a hold her little sister had on her. Pinkie’s eyes grew even wider when Marble kissed her on the lips.

After struggling to get free from Marble, Pinkie asked in a low tone, “Marble, what’s with you!?”

“Cum… you have Spike’s cum… on your face… and on your breasts,” answered Marble shyly, now fully aware of what she was doing with Pinkie.

“Ooh, that,” Pinkie realized as she traced bits of Spike’s spunk on her face and breasts. She gave Marble a sly smile and pointed to a stain on her cheek and with half-lidded eyes, said, “I think you missed a spot, Marble. Can you clean it for me?”

Marble obliged as she continued to lick Pinkie’s cummed-on face, savoring the taste as she held her sister close, her breasts mashing up against hers. As she was thoroughly lapping whatever cum was on her sister’s face, Marble rubbed her nipples against Pinkie’s, causing her to moan. Marble then traced her tongue slowly down on Pinkie’s chest before settling on her breasts, licking off more cum stains and engulfing a nipple in her mouth. Much like Spike did earlier, Marble pulled at Pinkie’s nipple with her mouth.

“Ooh, Marble,” groaned Pinkie. “There’s… oooh… that’s so good… your tongue… Marble… I think… you got all…”

“Pinkie.. .you and Spike… taste so good,” spoke Marble between licks. When she was done, Marble looked down at her own breasts and noticed that she had Spike’s cum rubbed on her, realizing she got them from rubbing on Pinkie’s breasts. “I got some on me.”

Pinkie smirked as she went down to Marble’s breasts, licking at the stains. She went at them with hunger, giving them a squeeze, and even she cleaned the stains off, Pinkie continued to pleasure Marble’s breasts. She could hear her little sister’s angelic cries, which emboldened her to continue, giving each mammary equal attention. When she was done, Pinkie stared at Marble’s pleasure-filled face before kissing her, exploring her mouth with her tongue and tasting more of Spike’s cum while her sister did the same to her. A moment later, Pinkie and Marble let go of their kiss, breathing heavily as they stared lovingly at each other.

“I want more,” Marble spoke hungrily.

Pinkie smiled as she turned to look on what was going with Spike and Limestone. What she saw was her big sister sitting on Spike’s face, practically screaming as she was being licked and fingered. More importantly, Spike’s erect shaft was unoccupied. Seeing an opening, Pinkie led Marble towards Limestone and Spike, kneeling down on each side where the young man was lying.

Limestone noticed her sisters and their intent with Spike’s shaft. With a scowl, Limestone said “Hey… that’s mine! You can’t have it yet!”

“Good sisters should always share,” Pinkie cooed, which also earned a nod from Marble. “Besides… you still get to have him inside you first.”

Spike almost lost his concentration as he felt a pair of tongues lick up his stiff member. He let out a loud moan, enjoying the sensation as he continued to finger and stimulate Limestone’s slit, licking up her juices. Hearing Pinkie and Marble pleasure him almost pushed Spike over the edge, and it didn’t help that one of them began blowing him while the other massaged and licked his balls. The young man groaned as he felt the two sisters take turns with his member, making loud, slurping sounds, smiling as he almost lost his concentration in fingering the older Pie sister. He desperately wanted to hold on as he didn’t want to cum quickly and deny Limestone her reward. Spike then heard a very loud scream from the woman on top of him as his face became drenched womanly juices. He almost came himself when he felt a pair of breasts massaging his dick. Spike gritted his teeth, his will faltering as he was nearing climax.

“So hard… so yummy,” Pinkie moaned as she and Marble used their breasts to pleasures Spike’s member. “Limestone’s going to get it first… so lucky…”

“Mhmm,” affirmed Marble, giving Spike’s head a little lick.

“So what are you waiting for, Limestone?” asked Pinkie as she looked up at Limestone’s thirsty and eager face. “He’s about ready to burst, and I bet you want his cream inside you, right?”

Without another word, Limestone crawled over to Spike’s erect shaft. Turning herself around to look down at the young man, Limestone positioned her womanhood above the erect member, giving Spike a smirk before swiftly lowering herself down. Limestone gave a loud, satisfied moan as she felt every inch of Spike’s erection inside her slit, closing her eyes as she savored the penetrating feeling. She looked down at Spike and immediately grew concerned as she saw a pained look on his face. Limestone could tell that he was struggling not scream out as the young man was gritting his teeth, a lone tear escaping from one eye. Thinking that she may have pushed things too quickly, Limestone was about to get off of Spike until he grabbed on to her waist and started humping her slowly, causing her gasp. Limestone’s shock wore off as she started to get into the rhythm of Spike’s thrusts, feeling pleasure all over her body.

“Spike… oh, that’s.... Ooh… don’t.. .force yourself… ooh, so good,” Limestone grunted as she massaged a breast with one hand and stimulating her clit with the other.

“So… tight… grabbing me…” Spike uttered as she continued to drive his shaft inside of Limestone.

“Don’t tell me you’re a virgin, big sis!” Pinkie gasped. “If you are, or were in this case, I’m going have to make a Limestone Cherry-Popper Party at some point!”

“Shut up… I’m not… I wasn’t…” Limestone denied as she began to sob.

“Aw, it’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Pinkie consoled as she held her sister. “A lot of people wait until the right person come along.”

“Mhmm!” agreed Marble.

“I’m...oh, lord, I’m cumming… I’m not-”

Limestone was cut off as she felt Spike’s lips on hers. The shock was short-lived as she let herself melt into the kiss. Limestone then felt Spike’s arms wrap around her, her bare breasts pushed up to his chest. The sensation of Spike’s tongue working its way into hers and his continued thrusting of her womanhood was driving Limestone crazy. Tears flowed freely from Limestone’s eyes once again as she grunted with each thrust Spike was giving her, feeling close to another climax.

Spike and Limestone let go of the lip lock, gasping for air. Seconds later, the lovers stared at each other, not knowing what to say. Limestone turned away, a look of shame once again adorning her face.

“Go ahead and say it,” Limestone choked. “I’m pathetic, right?”

“I think you’re awesome, Limestone,” complimented Spike lustfully as he continued to hump Limestone. “You feel so great… so tight… sexy… I love what you do to me… I want to cum in you… so bad…”

Before Limestone could say anything else, Spike laid her on the bed and continued thrusting into her more vigorously. With every thrust the young man was giving her, the older Pie sister felt like her body was on fire, feeling the heat from Spike’s stiff member inside her. Limestone screamed at the top of her lungs as she urged Spike to continue as she really didn’t want this to end, but she felt that Spike was getting close to climax. She wanted Spike to pour everything into her womanhood, not caring if his spunk overflowed her entrance. Limestone couldn’t help but smile as she just let herself go, enjoying herself being penetrated by the young man.

Spike, thoroughly enjoying being inside Limestone, almost didn’t notice that Pinkie and Marble had joined him. With Pinkie embracing him from behind, pressing her breasts on his back and Marble straddling Limestone’s waist, facing him with a lustful smile, Spike thrust into Limestone even harder, feeling a bit more drive with the other Pie sisters joining him. Spike felt Pinkie nibbling on his ear while Marble proceeded to make out with him, placing her hands on his cheeks as she greedily forced her tongue inside his mouth. Spike kissed Marble back with equal vigor, making the woman groan with pleasure. He then let out a giggle as he felt Pinkie nibble and lick at his neck. Spike couldn’t feel more alive at the attention he was getting from these women.

Spike, letting go of Marble’s lips, gasped for air and said, “Girls… you’re killing me here.”

“I want next, Spikey-wikey,” Pinkie whispered in Spike’s ear getting his attention. “You know how much I love your creamy filling.”

“No… I want it more,” Marble pleaded tearfully, getting Spike to look right back at her. “You...fed Pinkie… I want you… to feed me… I want you… please…”

“Oh, Spike… cum inside me,” Limestone begged, already on the verge of climax. “Give it to me… soil me… you adorable little boy… oh, fuck, I can’t stand it… I want your cum!”

With one final thrust, Spike climaxed, pouring in his love inside of Limestone, making the woman groan. He also felt tightness around his his shaft and knew that the woman had climaxed with him. Letting out a sigh of relief, Spike felt relieved that it was over. He was about to collapse until he felt Pinkie and Marble hold him up. This reminded him that the night wasn’t over yet and gave the two sisters a smile.

What Spike didn’t count on was Marble’s next course of action. While he was ready to receive any affection the youngest Pie sister might give him, Spike was surprised that Marble went down on Limestone, greedily licking and sucking on the eldest Pie sister’s pussy hungrily. From what he was seeing, Marble was lapping up any remaining seed that was oozing out of Limestone’s womanhood. Spike could see Limestone’s look of surprise, but also saw her look of pleasurable enjoyment.He couldn’t help but enjoy the view as he felt his manhood come to life again.

“Marble… what… oh, no… stop… what… ooh, that’s so good,” Limestone said, though enjoying herself despite her protests.

“Seems my naughty little sister is also very greedy,” Pinkie pointed out as she pulled Marble out from Limestone’s slit. She gave her sister a kiss on the lips and slipped her tongue inside, tasting Spike’s seed. She then spoke to Marble, “Marble… you should try getting it from the source. I’m sure Spike will definitely appreciate you for it.”

Marble wasted no time as she went over to Spike and went down on him, hungrily engulfing his erect manhood inside her mouth. She eagerly bobbed her head up and down on Spike’s shaft as she desperately wanted to drink more of the teenager’s cum. After some time, Marble let go of Spike’s manhood and proceeded to lick at the length. She then gave the tip a small kiss before engulfing the entire shaft into her mouth again. Marble mentally smiled as she heard Spike moan out loud, happy to get this reaction out of him as she quickened the pace.

Spike was in a desperate battle to hold out, wanting the feeling of Marble blowing him to last a bit more. He really wanted to unload on her, relieve himself of his white load and pour it into her mouth until it overflowed. All Spike could think about was how good Marble’s mouth felt on his member as he placed one hand on the back the woman’s head, trying to get to her even deeper. It was then that Spike got a wicked thought and smirked as he looked down on Marble.

“You’re so good, Marble, deep-throating me like that,” Spike spoke huskily as he watched Marble continue to blow his shaft. “Such a dirty girl… wanting my spunk so badly… even going down on your own sister just to get it. So selfish… greedy… so desperate for it. You want it so badly? Does the timid little girl love my dick that much?”

“Mhmm,” Marble muffled a reply, a few tears coming out of her eyes, realizing her behavior towards Spike.

“She’s such a bad girl, isn’t she?” Pinkie commented as she came over to Spike, kneeling beside him. She then felt Spike’s arm snake his way around her waist as the boy bit on her nipple and started suckling at it. “Ouch! Spike… no… don’t… aaah!”

“You’re a bad girl, too,” Spike said, letting go of Pinkie’s nipple. He leaned his head towards her ear and whispered, “Spying on me and my gym teacher like that. Bet you wanted to join, didn’t you?”

“Oh, yeah… I wanted you so much,” Pinkie admitted as Spike licked and bit her nipples. “Spikey-Wikey… my girls… bite them… punish me…”

Spike silenced Pinkie with a kiss, squeezing her breasts with his hands. He quickly let go of her lips and quickly began sucking on her breasts, pulling at her nipples with his teeth. Hearing Pinkie howl in pleasure gave Spike the incentive to give her more pleasure, using one of his hands to play with her clit while he used the other to pet Marble’s head, encouraging her to suck faster. Spike couldn’t help but feel lighter than air, experiencing an erotic high as the two women gave him loving attention. He then felt a tongue licking the inside of his ear. Spike shifted his eyes and saw that Limestone had recovered. He gritted his teeth as the older Pie sister bit into his ear before licking again. Spike moved away from Pinkie’s breasts and kissed Limestone thoroughly as he was getting close to climaxing.

“You girls… are really… oh, man… I’m cumming,” Spike grunted as he came inside Marble’s mouth, his seed overflowing the youngest Pie sister’s mouth.

Marble savored the taste of Spike’s seed in her mouth, swallowing as much of it inside her throat. She licked her lips for any remaining cum and then got up, seeing that her sisters had kept Spike busy while she was pleasuring him. Marble got the young man’s attention when she hefted her breasts, as if offering them to him. When Spike beckoned to her, Marble approached him, pushed her sisters out of the way and hugged his head, burying it in her breasts. She began to moan loudly as Spike started to lick and suck on her breasts, hearing him moan in approval. Marble used her momentum to push Spike onto the bed, though she kept hugging Spike’s head so he could continue to play with her breasts. She stayed like that, cherishing the young man’s touch as she felt her loins getting wetter.

Feeling his strength coming back to him, Spike managed to turn things around and pinned Marble to the bed. Feeling that he did enough with the woman’s breasts, Spike quickly went down on Marble, splitting her legs apart and licking away at her wet slit. Hearing the youngest Pie sister moaning her pleasure made him quicken his licking, even managing to bite her clit. Spike was really savoring Marble’s taste as the juices kept pouring into his mouth. He heard Marble’s breathing quicken and knew that the woman was ready for something else.

Spike let go of Marble’s womanhood and lay on the bed, his manhood erect once again. He smiled at the curious Marble and motioned her to get on top. The woman did so as she positioned her slit towards Spike’s shaft. Marble lowered herself slowly and let out a groan as she felt Spike’s erection enter her. The teenager felt the tightness around his member, gritting his teeth as he willed himself not to cum too soon. Spike soon began to hump Marble, starting slow as he wanted to get used to Marble’s entrance before moving faster. Seeing the woman with a pleased look on her face, playing with her breasts and clit made the teenager go at it with more vigor, wanting so badly to cum inside her.

“Spikey… play with me… make me cum, too,” Pinkie begged as she straddle Spike face, making him see her wet slit. She cried out as she felt his tongue licking away at it. “Ooh… Spikey… taste me… I love your tongue…”

Limestone then proceeded to straddled Spike’s waist and grabbed Marble’s. She kissed her little sister hard on the lips, slipping her tongue inside her mouth, tasting whatever leftover cum was inside her mouth. When she was done, Limestone let go of Marble’s mouth, grabbed her face and glared her.

“That’s for taking some of Spike’s sperm away from me,” growled Limestone.

“I’m sorry...” Marble said ashamedly.

“I bet you are,” scoffed Limestone as she forcefully planted her lips on Marble again.

Spike continued to hump Marble while licking at Pinkie’s leaking slit. He felt Marble getting wetter around his member as he himself was getting close. After a few more thrusts, Spike finally unloaded into Marble, shooting his seed inside her. He also felt her insides squeeze his shaft tightly, feeling that she came with him. Spike could also feel his face being drenched by Pinkie’s juices. He licked his lips in order to taste the energetic Pie sister’s present to him. Spike then gave Pinkie’s butt a light slap, signalling to get off him. He sat up and saw Marble and Limestone in an embrace. He smiled and kissed Limestone lovingly. The eldest Pie sister moved away and allowed the teenager to kiss Marble, embracing her tired body. The kiss only lasted for a moment before Spike let go of Marble’s lips and smiled at her.

“You did good,” Spike complimented.

“I… love… you,” Marble said breathlessly, embracing Spike.

It was then that Spike felt a pair of arms embrace him from behind, feeling a pair of breasts on his back. He moved his head until he saw Pinkie’s face. He didn’t get a chance to say anything as the woman’s lips were on his. Spike melted into the kiss, letting the mischievous Pie sister take the lead. He moaned as he felt Pinkie feel his chest playfully brush against her nipples. Spike was enjoying Pinkie’s attentions so much that he almost didn’t notice one of her hands going down. He knew what the woman was up to and made no motion to stop her, preferring to lean back on Pinkie’s chest and feel her breasts. The young man grunted when Pinkie reached her goal, grabbing a hold of his spent dick and jacking it up. After a few seconds, Spike felt a surge as his dick suddenly sprung, hardening under Pinkie’s touch. All he could think about was how wet it felt, his shaft coated in Marble’s juices as well as his own spunk. Pinkie continued to tug at it and Spike wanted to cum again. He was denied release as Pinkie let go, lifting her hand and offering it to Marble and Limestone. Spike then saw Pinkie’s sisters take her hand and began to lick and suck on her fingers, tasting the juices with loud moans. The sight had somehow made the young man’s shaft go even stiffer, and when two women were done, he almost went wild as Marble and Limestone began to make out, using their tongues to taste the inside of their lips as they fondled each others’ breasts.

Pinkie let go of Spike’s lips and whispered, “They’ll be busy for a bit. You can play with me in the meantime.”

Spike didn’t waste any time as he got Pinkie to get on all fours. As much as he wanted to mount the woman, he couldn’t refuse her request to play with her. He began with inserting two fingers inside her wet entrance and feeling her folds. When Spike heard Pinkie groan in approval, the young man continued his fingering motion, making her even more wet. He then used his other hand to fondle Pinkie’s breasts, giving the nipples a pinch. Spike could see that Pinkie was getting warmed up as time went on, culminating in the woman climaxing on his hand. Wanting more, the teenager got behind Pinkie and started to lick at her wet pussy, squeezing and pinching her buttocks. Hearing the woman groan in pleasure made Spike lick even faster, prompting him to use one of his hands to pinch Pinkie’s clitoris. After a few moments, Pinkie climaxed once again, but Spike felt that he wasn’t done. He positioned himself to grip Pinkie’s butt and began to tease her entrance with his shaft, making her moan and whine in anticipation, but not giving her the satisfaction yet. Spike smirked as he saw Pinkie wiggle her bottom as if to say ‘get it over with’.

“Spike… don’t be a meanie,” Pinkie begged as she looked back at Spike with tears streaming from her eyes. “I want it so bad… please… I’ll be a good girl, I promise…”

“Such a pervie girl,” Spike teased, giving Pinkie’s butt a slight slap. “What is it that you want, exactly?”

“You know what I want.”

“I want you to say it.”

“Spikey-wikey, please….”

“C’mon, Pinkie. What did you want since this morning?”

“I… want… Spike… oh, my… I want it…”

“I’m waiting, Ms. Pie.”

“Your dick! I want your big, yummy dick in me! Fill me up, please!”

Spike obliged as he stuck his shaft inside Pinkie’s entrance. Once again, the young man felt a tightness surrounding his stiff member that threatened to make him cum prematurely. He resisted as he began to thrust inside the woman’s pussy, making her groan in pleasure. Spike made his thrusts slow, wanting to enjoy Pinkie’s grip a bit longer. He then began to alternate between going fast and slow, practically wanting the woman to beg him to come inside her. Spike was surprised when Pinkie looked back at him with a pouty look, her lip quivering.

“Spike… don’t you like me?” asked Pinkie with a bit of innocence.

“I love you lots, Pinkie,” Spike assured as he continued to thrust inside of Pinkie.

“I promised to be a girl… why won’t you cum for me… I… promised… ah… ooh….”

“Good things come… to good girls who wait.”

“But… I want your creamy… your dreamy creamy…”

Marble and Limestone, who were still in an embrace after their make out session, saw what was happening between Spike and Pinkie and decided to join them. They both got into position under their sister’s jiggling breasts and each woman grabbed a hold of one. Marble and Limestone began to lick at Pinkie’s erect nipples, making her moan even louder. They then began to suck on the breasts, as if wanting to extract any milk inside them. Marble and Limestone could tell that Pinkie was at her limit and they decided to play with their clits while still giving their sister some mouth play on her breasts.

“No… I can’t take it… I’m going crazy!” Pinkie screamed, the pleasurable sensations getting to her.

“I’m gonna cum… Pinkie, your pussy is so good,” Spike grunted as he thrust even faster inside Pinkie.

Finally, Spike climaxed inside of Pinkie’s womanhood, filling her up until it overflowed. A few seconds passed before the spent teenager collapsed on top of Pinkie, trying to catch his breath. He instinctively spooned the tired woman, holding her in his arms. Spike heard Pinkie giggle and kissed her on the neck while he fondled her breasts, causing her to gasp. The young man felt someone embrace him from behind and looked back to see that it was Limestone, who nibbled on his neck. Then he saw that Marble had also joined in, embracing Pinkie from the front. The younger Pie sister kissed her lovingly, making her groan. They continued to bask in the glow of what they experienced, embracing each other.

Marble let go of Pinkie’s lips and shyly said, “Thank you… you’re the best.”

“Well… I do try to throw a great party,” Pinkie said with a smile.

“You girls were great,” sighed Spike, giving Pinkie’s breasts a squeeze..

“I… guess you do know how to make a woman happy,” admitted Limestone.

Spike smiled, relieved that everyone involved were happy with the outcome of this little private party.

An hour later, Spike and Pinkie were standing in the alley that led to the back entrance of Sugar Cube Corner. He was deep in thought at what happened throughout the day. Iris Dash, his stepmother, and now the Pie sisters. He blushed as he chided himself for taking on so many women in a single day. Spike sighed as he looked up at the darkened sky, noting how late it was. He knew that his stepmom would have words for him for coming home at such an hour. Still, in his mind, he had a great night and spent it with loved ones.

“Thanks for the party,” Spike said, hugging Pinkie.

“Glad you enjoyed it,” Pinkie sighed appreciatively, hugging Spike back. “Great games… and loving company. Just what a party is supposed to be.”

“I’ll see you soon, Ms. Pie.”

“And you too, Mr. Drake.”

Spike and Pinkie kissed each other before letting go. Pinkie then walked with a sway in her hips before looking back at Spike, giving the young man a wink before walking inside the bakery and closing the door. Spike sighed again before grabbing his bike and exiting the alley. Before he could get on his bike, he spotted Vice Principal Luna, a knowing smile on her face as she leaned on the front door of Sugar Cube Corner. Spike could also see Luna’s car parked nearby and noted he was still a bit tired from the experience and gave the woman a goofy smile before rubbing the back of his head.

“I wouldn’t mind a ride, Vice Principal,” Spike spoke softly.

“I think you’ve been on enough rides, Mr. Drake,” smirked Luna before going to her car and opened the passenger door for Spike. “But I guess one more wouldn’t hurt.”

Spike blushed as he went to the car, tied his bike to the back of the car and got inside, closing the door behind him. He leaned back and closed his eyes after Luna started the car engine, starting to fall asleep.

‘Finally… what a day,’ Spike thought before he gave in to his slumber.

Luna gave Spike one final smile before driving into the night.

Apple Helpings

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When I Say Good-Bye…
A Humanized Fic by Duke Moon II
Based on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Chapter 7: Apple Helpings

Applebloom sat up on her bed, letting out a big yawn as she stretched her arms. Blinking her eyes, the young woman took in the morning light that passed through the lone window of her room. Applebloom grunted as she looked at the clock on her wall and saw that it was early morning, 6:17am. She lay on her bed again and reasoned that she had a few more minutes of rest in her. Applebloom shut her eyes and remembered that she didn’t get much sleep last night as she got home late after an evening with her friends.

Applebloom remembered that she needed to be consoled after witnessing Spike making out with Pinkie Pie. She remembered running all the way to Pony Oaks Elementary before crying her eyes out. Applebloom appreciated her friends being there for her, but the memory of Spike kissing Pinkie, an older, attractive and most of all, big-breasted woman made her feel insignificant. It wasn’t fair that Spike had eyes for older women, and she suspected he may have eyes for her older sister, Jaqueline “Applejack” Apple, as well. Applebloom frowned and cursed her luck. A year ago, she admitted to herself that she did have a crush on Spike and thought she would have an advantage, seeing as she was the only girl who hung around Spike more than those older women the young man fawned over.

Letting out a big sigh, Applebloom remembered when she first met Spike. She was halfway into her fourth year in grade school when she spotted him looking lost. Seeing herself as the honest and dutiful member of the Apple family she was, Applebloom decided to give Spike a tour of the school. She even found out that Spike and her were in the same class, which suited her just fine as she could keep an eye on him. Applebloom also saw herself as a hero of sorts as she defended Spike against some bullies a few days after they met. Though Spike insisted that he could take the bullies on, Applebloom slightly teased him for trying to be macho. Still, Applebloom and Spike became the best of friends. She even introduced her other friends, Belle and Scootaloo, to him not long after. Through the years, be it physical competitions, cooking competitions, or just studying, Applebloom never regretted meeting Spike all those years ago.

Though she couldn’t help but smile at the memories, Applebloom frowned again as she remembered introducing Spike to her big sister, Applejack. She remembered how the young boy couldn’t stop staring at her sister, and had to slap him upside the head and pointing how rude it was to stare. The only thing Spike said to that was that Applejack was pretty. It really didn’t help that through Applejack, Spike also met her other friends, which included the Twilight Sparkle, Iris Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. She didn’t want to admit it at first, but Applebloom really began to feel jealous as Spike would go on and on about these beauties. As the years went by, Applebloom had made it her personal mission to keep Spike in line and keep him from getting in trouble. She would often tease him about his fascination with older women, however.

Though it was hard to admit, and her friends had often teased her about it, Applebloom had to face the fact that she did love Spike.

When she had found out that the teenager was in a funk for many months, Applebloom saw her chance to finally make a breakthrough with Spike. She had seen that Spike’s grades were taking a dive and he had taken to keeping to himself, concentrating more on his cooking and keeping dates on local culinary competitions, reunions and festivals. As a friend, Applebloom wanted to help Spike out of whatever predicament he was in, which involved some friendly talks at lunch as well taking him on morning exercises. Sadly, she never found out why Spike was in such a funk, and nothing she did got him to open up. Applebloom even resorted to asking Spike’s teachers, and she still couldn’t get an answer. She even started to assume that an older woman had broken Spike’s heart, which just reinforced her notion that Spike should just give up on older women. In essence, despite cherishing her moments she was with Spike, Applebloom felt like she hadn’t accomplished anything.

It didn’t get much better as far as Applebloom was concerned. Her efforts to get Spike on a regular exercise regime were thwarted by Rarity, and she did not want to get in trouble with Applejack for sneaking out so early in the morning. When she tried again yesterday to get Spike to exercise with her, she found that Ms. Dash had taken over that duty and saw that she was doing a far better job in doing so. Later on, Applebloom wanted to talk to Spike during lunch, but saw him walking with Ms. Sparkle, obviously for a tutoring session. Then came later in the evening when she wanted to have her another opportunity with Spike, and then came the sight of her friend making out with Pinkie Pie, the local baker. Applebloom balled her fists as tears threatened to break through the dams as she gritted her teeth. The memory still stung at her heart, and it made Applebloom feel insignificant.

Letting out a growl, Applebloom got up from her bed and went to the full length mirror that hung from the wall. Looking at herself, she saw a young lady wearing yellow pajamas and bed head. Not liking what she was seeing, Applebloom went to her desk and grabbed her brush and combed her hair until it was straight. She then went back to the mirror and struck a few poses, even wiggling her butt at the mirror until she felt silly about it. Giving out a sigh, she threw her brush over her shoulder, unbuttoned her pajama top, and lowered her pants. She was now clad in a simple red brassier and red cotton panties, prompting her to striking more poses. Applebloom still felt silly, but not as much as before.

After a few moments, Applebloom truly examined her body and was trying to figure out why Spike didn’t notice her as an attractive young lady. She admitted that she wasn’t as voluptuous as the women Spike was attracted to, but she reasoned that her body was a least as developed as any of the popular girls at school. Applebloom blushed as she remembered Scootaloo once mentioned that her hips and butt attracted a lot of boys at school. She then examined her breasts as she hefted them up. They were by no account small, but paled in comparison to the likes of her big sister or Rarity, maybe a cup size smaller. Again, she blushed at a memory of a slumber party her friend Belle threw a while back when Scootaloo teased her breasts and said how envious she was at their size. She even remembered how Scootaloo wanted to get her to admit that she wanted Spike to do stuff to her breasts and despite the stimulation, she didn’t reveal anything then. Applebloom concluded there was nothing wrong with her body and smiled confidently, which only faltered her memory of Spike making out with Pinkie.

‘Spike… do you even notice me as a lady?’ Applebloom thought miserably.

Applebloom went to her desk again grabbed a picture frame that contained a photo of her and Spike at a cooking competition from a few months back. She remembered helping out Spike as an assistant in an Apple Bake-Off and winning the competitions trophy. Applebloom actually got permission in sharing Applejack’s fritter recipe with Spike, and while the young man did make a few adjustments, the spirit of the recipe still shined. She even remembered getting hugged by Spike tightly and had a tough time sleeping that night. It was the first time her breasts were hugged so close to a guy and the first time she felt aroused. Something had turned on for Applebloom, and she liked what she felt.

Applebloom then remembered that one time Scootaloo held a slumber party, she showed off her porn collection that ranged from live action to japanese animation. She couldn’t believe her friend had this collection but was curious in seeing it. She remembered Belle being embarrassed by it, hiding under the bed covers while covering her ears. Applebloom was mesmerized by it, however, and found herself wondering if Spike would like to do what she was seeing in those naughty videos. She even remembered some of these videos had female masturbation scenes and hearing a woman moan in pleasure at just playing herself made Applebloom wanting to try it herself.

Lying down on her bed again, Applebloom placed the frame a few inches from her and began shed her bra and panties. She examined her panties and noticed a small wet spot and instinctively gave it a sniff. She felt her womanhood get even wetter and she couldn’t deny that she needed gratification. Applebloom, not wanting any sounds arousing suspicion, stuffed her panties inside her mouth, tasting her own juices through the fabric. She split her legs open to expose her womanhood, shivering as she felt a coldness. Applebloom then started to massage her breasts and gave her erect nipples a tug, causing her to moan. Her face became flushed with embarrassment at how aroused she felt, though she didn’t want the feeling to go away. Applebloom then reached down to her womanhood and began massaging it, her hand soiled in her juices. After a few seconds, she began stimulating her clit, using her thumb and index finger and causing her to give out a loud but muffled groan. Applebloom then inserted two fingers inside her slit and began the fingering motion. She started off slow but picked up the pace, her body temperature rising as she was coming close to orgasm.

Applebloom changed position, laying her head on her side and sticking her butt up. She inserted her fingers inside her folds and began stimulating herself again and simulating a humping motion. She imagined that Spike was ramming himself inside her, showing her his stamina by never letting up and speaking dirty to her. Applebloom even imagined Spike being aggressive, like slapping her butt and cumming inside her while still having the energy to thrust some more. She couldn’t stand it anymore as she climaxed, letting out another muffled moan. After a few seconds, Applebloom took out her panties from her mouth and panted, trying to calm her body down. She lay on her bed as she saw her cum-stained hand and couldn’t help but give it a lick, imagining it being Spike’s cum she was tasting.

Coming down from her high, Applebloom shook her head and put on her pajamas, not even bothering to put on her undergarments. She went to her window and squinted her eyes at the morning light, which reminded her that it was a school day and had to get ready. Before she could do anything else, she spotted two people on the trail leading up to the house, one jogging and the other riding a bicycle behind the person. She gasped and saw that it was Spike that was jogging and Ms. Dash on the bike, barking orders at him.

‘What are they doing here?’ Applebloom asked herself as she dashed outside her room, heading for the shower.



Spike groaned as he continued to jog, the Apple home coming closer to view. An hour ago, Iris had woken him up from his bed, splashing cold water on his face. What greeted Spike was Iris ordering him to get into his gym clothes and basically drag him out of the house to do some warm up exercises before the jog. Later on, Iris gave him a small, but potent energy drink in order to help him. While the training regime seemed the same as yesterday, Iris made a change in plans and told Spike to head for the Apple farm. What Iris had planned, Spike could only wonder as he continued to jog towards the Apple home at a faster pace. He only hoped that the head of the household will offer a healthy helping of ice water.

“Oh, yeah, move that ass, Mr. Drake,” spoke Iris with a leer on her face. “Just keep doing that...keep it up. Mommy likes.”

Rolling his eyes, Spike couldn’t help but smile at Iris’ perverted tone. Much like yesterday, the rainbow haired gym teacher went a little bit hard on him, which meant that she was expecting for him to pay her back. Seeing his normally demanding teacher turn into a submissive woman was something the young man wanted to experience again. Of course, he had to be careful about it since he was caught by Pinkie yesterday. It resulted in Spike having a foursome later that night, but he still cursed himself for getting caught. Spike had to think where else he could take Iris for her submissive fantasies. He smiled a goofy smile as he thought of many places, like the women’s shower or an empty classroom or maybe at home again while his stepmother slept. Spike shook his head and chided himself, knowing any of those places were surefire places to get caught.


Speeding up, Spike finally made it to the front of the Apple home, falling to his knees as he sweated from the workout. After a few seconds of breathing hard, the young man wiped the sweat off his brow and was about to get up until he felt a pair of hands on his cheeks. He tilted his head up and saw Iris’ face close his. Spike blushed as he saw the woman smile at him before she placed her lips on his. It lasted for only a few seconds before Iris let go, letting Spike get up.

“Doesn’t take much to get you up, huh,” Iris smiled impishly before playfully punching Spike’s shoulder.

“Ms. Dash,” whispered Spike, looking around nervously for any onlookers.

Before any other words were spoken, Spike and Iris heard the front door open. Out stepped onto the porch a statuesque woman with long, blonde hair dressed in a red robe. Spike couldn’t help but smile at the site and looked at the woman over, noting how beautiful she is as the rob just hugged her figure, also noticing a bit of cleavage. The freckles on her face only added to her natural beauty. When the woman smiled at him, Spike waved to greet her while Iris elbowed his side.

“Spike Drake, as I live and breath,” the woman greeted as she walked down from the porch and towards Spike and Iris.

“Good morning, Ms. Apple,” Spike greeted back before Ms. Apple hugged him fiercely and picked him up, making him feel her body as felt the air coming out of his lungs.

“Aw, come on, sugar cube,” Ms. Apple said as she nuzzled Spike’s face. “It’s Applejack. All my friends call me that, or have you forgotten?”

“He was too busy being an ass to remember,” smirked Iris. “All cook and no play makes Spike a shut in.”

“Thanks for the support, Ms. Dash,” groaned Spike before being let go.

“Well, I’m glad you came here, other than cookin’ business, Spike,” Applejack said as he patted Spike on the back. “I got some breakfast cooking and I aim to share it with good company. Maybe we can share recipes while we’re at it.”


Spike’s grin slowly grew at the sight before him. On the table were pancakes, a few bottles of maple syrup, slices of thick bacon, jugs of apple juice, scrambled eggs, sausage, muffins and butter. The teenager couldn’t help but tear up and drool. This looked like a very hearty breakfast: buttery, fattening and very satisfying. Spike tilted his head up and mouthed a silent thank you before turning his attention toward the food, rubbing his hands with a gleeful smirk.

“Don’t get too happy, Mr. Drake,” Iris smiled knowingly at Spike. “We’re working off this breakfast once we finish.”

“Don’t ruin this for me, Ms. Dash,” frowned Spike.

“Well, don’t just stand there and gawk,” Applejack as she walked from the kitchen, now wearing red button shirt tied in a knot and blue cutoff denim shorts, with plateful of pastries. “It’s a feast, so let’s get to feastin’.”

Spike and Iris immediately sat down and helped themselves to the food. Spike served himself to three pancakes, making it into a stack. He then served himself some sausage, bacon, eggs and a single biscuit, which he lathered with butter. Spike then organized the food on the plate to give it a good presentation and once he was satisfied, grabbed a fork and knife and proceeded to dig in. He let out a satisfied moan as he tasted the food inside his mouth. The pancakes had little pieces of apple inside and the syrup just added to the taste. Both the bacon and sausage were apple smoked and tasted fresh off the grill. Even the muffins had a bit of apple in them. Spike couldn’t help but feel like he was heaven, savoring the taste of every mouthful of food he ate.

“Somebody sure missed my home cooking,” Applejack smirked as she watched Spike wash down his food with apple juice as she gobbled up her own helping of sausage..

“Well, it’s been a while since I’ve had a good, old fashioned Sweet Apple Acres breakfast,” Spike complimented. “Of course, I could give you a few tips on giving that sausage a bit more kick.”

“You give that sausage any more kick, and you might just burn tongue upon tastin’,” Applejack laughed. “Still, I’m glad my breakfast is always a hit with a fancy chef like you. Makes a country girl like me feel all tingly.”

For Iris’ part, all she could muffle a compliment with her mouth full of food. After a few bites, she gulped it down and let out a belch, satisfied as she patted down her stomach.

“You know, I worked hard making and plating this breakfast, Ms. Dash,” Applejack frowned in disgust at Iris. “The least you could bring to the table are some manners.”

“Who are you, Rarity now?” scoffed Iris as she chugged down a glass of apple juice. “I’m not one to pass on good meal when it’s offered to me. All I have at my place is instant noodles, microwave meals and energy drinks.”

“I’m surprised you can maintain that figure of yours with such a diet,” Applejack deadpanned.

“Aw, I’m always good at burning up any extra calories,” Iris pointed out. Shen then turned his attention to Spike and joyfully gave him a hard smack on the back. “Besides, with me going over to Spike’s place every morning, I can get a good helping of whatever Spike’s cooking whenever I want!”

Spike almost choked on his food and nearly coughed it out. After averting that disaster and gulping down his food, Spike glared at Iris and said, “ Is that before or after you kill me with your training regimen?”

“Mornin’,” a voice called out. Everyone turned their heads and saw that Applebloom was ready and dressed with her bookbag in hand. She could help but notice that Spike was there, giving her a friendly wave. She was about to smile back before she remembered what had happened last night with him and Pinkie Pie. It didn’t help that Spike was sitting next to Ms. Dash and couldn’t help but give the gym teacher a glare before she took her seat and began to serve herself breakfast.

“Well, you’re just in time, Applebloom,” Applejack smiled. “We still have enough breakfast to go around. Better hurry before Rainbow here takes it all.”

“Good morning, Applebloom,” Spike greeted.

“Guess it is,” Applebloom sighed a she said down and ate.

Spike could only look at Applebloom confusingly. In all the time he knew her, Applebloom would usually greet him with a joke or something along the lines of teasing him about staring at older women and such. This is the first time he had ever seen her glum.

“So, what’s up with you?” Iris asked Applebloom with a raised eyebrow. “You look you had to cram for one of Ms. Harshwhinny’s tests or something. I keep telling her to ease off and not take her frustrations out on the students.”

“She had a bit of a rough night,” Applejack explained. “Her friends brought her home last night and she was looking sadder than a dog without an extra treat. Hasn’t told me what it was about, though. But I trust that she can tell his big sister when she’s ready. Right Applebloom?”

Applebloom nodded awkwardly as she continued to eat.

“So...what you got planned for the festival, Spike?” Applejack asked.

“That’s a surprise and you’ll have to wait,” Spike smirked with his arms folded. “Can’t have you know what I’m up to since you’ll try to one up me like you tried to do last year.”

“Oh, I got my own plans, Mr. OD on the Spice,” Applejack said with a smirk of her own. “And I’ll have you know that it was MY apples you used to make your Spicy Candied Apples, so you got a bit of an edge because of me last year.”

“Your apples, MY dessert,” Spike pointed out smuggly.

“Alright, how about we make this a game, then? I’ll make my three course meal and you can make whatever grub you want to go up against me. A meal exchange. Whoever loses has to take cooking lessons from the winner.”

“Hey, I’m all for teaching you how to spice it up, Applejack. You may never want to leave my house even after the lesson is over.”

“Confident, are you? Maybe I can teach you how to sweeten things up, sugarcube.”

“Oh, I can be sweet.”

“And I can be Spicy.”

“We are still talking about food, right?” Iris asked with an amused look.

Having heard enough, Applebloom swallowed what was left of her food, wiped her lips, grabbed her book bag and stood up. Her actions caught the attention of Spike and the two women but she looked at Spike intently and said, “Spike, I...look, I need to talk to you later about something. Think you can make time for me at lunch?”

“Well, I do have a study session with Ms. Sparkle, but I think I can make time,” Spike said assuringly.

“I’ll hold you to that,” Applebloom responded seriously before running out the door.

“Well, someone has the hots for you,” Iris said teasingly she nudged Spike, causing the young man embarrassment.

“Aw, stop teasing him, Rainbow,” Applejack said.

“He likes it when I tease him,” Rainbow smiled as she pinched Spike’s cheeks, making him blush. “Listen, I wanted to see if you could help me with Spike’s exercise regime. Maybe set up a gym at one of your old barns.”

“I think I can swing that,” Applejack said with a nod. “I still have some of Big Macintosh’s old equipment. We can even pick it out now, if you want.”

“You guys go ahead. I still have some of this breakfast to finish.”

“Sure thing. Come on, Spike. We can have a chat while we pick stuff out.”

Spike nodded in agreement as he followed Applejack out the door as Iris continued to eat what was left of Applejack’s breakfast.


Not much later, Spike and Applejack were looking over an old barn that was located not far from the house. While not exactly falling apart and in surprisingly good condition buildingwise, the barn looked like it hadn’t touched by human hands in years, if the cobwebs and faded paint was any indication. Inside were several pieces of hay, birds nests and old exercise equipment, including barbells and dumbells among other things. Applejack looked over the building and gave it a satisfied smile, indicating that the barn will serve a purpose.

“Well, it ain’t much, but I think I can get the workers to turn this into gym,” Applejack said, placing her hands on her hips. “I’ll make sure to give them a bonus when payday comes around.”

“Hope I’m not putting you through too much trouble, Applejack,” Spike said gratefully. “I can get by with just Ms. Dash putting me through my paces.”

“If it means I can help you with your grade, than there is no trouble, sugarcube,” Applejack smiled. “Besides, it’d be great seeing you around Sweet Apple Acres and not just on business.”

Spike sheepishly rubbed the back of his head and said, “Yeah, I’m sorry about not coming over as a friend. I really miss helping out on the weekends.”

“Then why did you become a stranger, Spike?” asked Applejack, looking at Spike intently. “I thought you loved coming over and helping out. You even helped with some of the heavy lifting. All you asked for in return is some of the best apples from the orchard. Now you just come over so I can just sell you a box of apples that you didn’t even pick out. What gives, Spike? Your future career takes priority over friends?”

Spike sighed and responded, “Like Ms. Dash said, I had my head my own ass.”

Applejack continued to look at Spike intently. She really missed having him around more often. It was true that the young man’s dream in becoming a chef meant a lot to him, but to lose himself in his work and not even drop by socially? Applejack hadn’t really talked to him about what was going on and even Applebloom couldn't get much out of him. Something must have happened to Spike to cause behave and she really wanted to know why. Still, she didn’t have much time to talk since he had school to get to.

“I remember having a young man around the farm who helped me with every little thing I asked him to,” Applejack recalled fondly as she got closer to Spike. She held his hand tenderly and continued, “He didn’t just help with picking the right apples or keeping count on the produce, though. He helped through some tough times. When Granny Smith died, I was a wreck and shut myself out and concentrated on keeping the family business running. But still, that young man came around when I wouldn’t talk to my old friends. He got me out of my funk and started to enjoy life again.”

Spike smiled but mentally hit himself. He did remember when Applejack became the head of the Apple Farm a few years ago. She basically concentrated on the family business but never got out socially. Twilight and the rest of her friends wanted to give her space, even Spike had wanted to stay out of it. It wasn’t until Applebloom had informed him that Applejack was becoming a bit emotional in her new role that Spike felt he had to intervene. After some time, Applejack opened up and started smiling again. In fact, Spike saw more of her socially and came over to the farm, even when there wasn’t any work. The young man was just glad Applejack was herself again.

Thinking back on the past few days, Spike was glad that he had friends he could count on to get him out of his own funk. Said friends were also very attractive women whom he had very good relations with, so it was a plus.

“Know what I also remember what that young man did a few years back?” asked Applejack with a smile and half lidded eyes.

“What’s that?” wondered Spike.

In a sudden movement, Applejack pulled Spike’s arm and dragged him to the ground. The teenager was now on top of the head of the Apple family with a surprised look on his face. Applejack giggled as she put her arms around Spike’s neck and looked at him with the best alluring look she could pull off. She even batted her eyes at him.

“He fell off a tree and I he ended up on top of me,” Applejack recounted to Spike. “He was so speechless that he couldn’t even say he was sorry. All he did was look at me and I could tell he was getting redder than one of my apples. Truth be told, I was getting a bit warm myself. It was actually the first time a boy looked at like I was the prettiest gal on earth. You were growing up.”

Spike gulped, blushing at the memory Applejack described. He was only fourteen at the time and it was the first time he had a girl in that position. He remembered his friends always talking about his “girlfriends” and how they envied him being around such beauty. He also remembered not knowing what to do. Spike did remember her smiling at him with that same alluring smile she was giving him now.

“You remembered what I said then?” asked Applejack as she lifted her head closer to his. “I said...I’ll give you a free one if you like.”

Spike did remember that. He also remembered running away in embarrassment. Moments later, Spike cursed himself for not taking a chance, but was very glad that Applejack didn’t bring it up again...until now.

“I wasn’t just teasing then, sugarcube,” Applejack whispered. “I wouldn’t have minded if you kissed me. I’ll admit that you were becoming quite the man then and you are quite the man now. Now, though...I wouldn’t mind if you took me to heaven...if you have the time, that is.”

Spike didn’t waste anytime as he seized Applejack’s lips. Hearing her moan into the kiss emboldened the teenager and wrapped his arms around the farm woman, relishing the feeling of her breasts to his chest. Spike then inserted his tongue through Applejack’s lips and began to intertwine it with her tongue. He moaned as he felt her arms make their way towards his hips. Spike responded by roaming his hands all over her back, feeling how well toned it was, thanks to all the hard work she puts into her farm.

Applejack pulled Spike’s waist toward her and felt the young man’s bulge. Feeling a bit bold herself, Applejack began to move her covered womanhood up and down Spike’s covered shaft. She then felt Spike push her down and saw that his hands were unfastening her shirt. Applejack started to breath faster and half feared, half anticipated what Spike was going to do. In seconds, her breasts were exposed to him, nipples erect. Applejack saw that Spike was breathing heavily and the look he was giving her made the intention clear. He wanted her now and she didn’t care how he wanted it.

Spike then started to squeeze one of Applejack’s breasts with one hand and slip his other hand inside her shorts. He then inserted his finger inside her slit and began stimulating. Hearing Applejack moan at his touch made Spike increase the stimulation and he felt the woman getting drenched. He then bit into Applejack’s nipple, pulling at her breast and sucking it. This got the farm woman screaming for him to do more and continued to use hands to stimulate the breast and womanhood.

Applejack couldn’t take it anymore as she screamed in ecstasy, coming on Spike’s hand as she arched her back. She then fall back on the ground, breathing heavily as she tried to calm down after her orgasm. Applejack then looked at Spike, who was still on top of her with an eager expression on his face. Looking down at his pants, Applejack noted that the young man’s erection was ready. Still, she noted that Spike still had other things to attend to and she did not want him to get in trouble.

“You better go, sugarcube,” Applejack said fondly as she stroked Spike’s cheek. “Wouldn’t want to keep that teacher waiting for you.”

Disappointed that he couldn’t take things further, Spike got up from the ground, understanding that he was still a high school student and he needed to keep his grades up. He helped Applejack up and gave her one final kiss. It didn’t last long but he made sure put some extra feeling into it.

“I’ll have the gym finished up by this afternoon,” Applejack assured with a smile. “Maybe I’ll teach you how to use some of it properly.”

Spike couldn’t help but smile as he waved to Applejack as he ran off, looking forward to meeting her later on.


‘Five minutes to lunchtime,’ Luna thought as she glanced at her watch. She sighed sadly as she looked around her office. ‘Not that I have anyone to share it with now...save for my sister, but she’s a bit busy at the moment.’

Leaning back in her chair, Luna mindlessly counted the seconds, waiting for the bell to ring. Though she was used to being alone with her work as Vice Principal of CHS and didn’t really socialize with the other members of the faculty, she admitted to herself that it did get pretty lonely. In the past, she would lock her office door, eat whatever instant lunch she had brought and get back to work. It’s not like anyone was asking for her advice on anything.

As much as she didn’t mind the solitude, Luna did miss having Spike at lunchtime. It had been only a few days since she and the young man reconnected and made up. Just the thought of having Spike back in her life made her smile and the fact that Spike made time for her made her giddy, especially getting intimate with him. Luna smiled even wider, noting that she had a reputation of being very serious minded and having a cold attitude towards the faculty and the students alike. And yet, she and Spike became friends that shared a love for food. Her big sister and CHS Principal Celestia even teased her about it, joking that she should start a fan club. Yes, Luna was a solitary person, but she will always open her door for Spike.

Maybe it was the selfishness or jealousy talking, but just the thought of Ms.Twilight Sparkle having Spike all to herself at lunch time irked Luna. True she did encourage Spike to make the most of his time with the ladies in his life, but lunchtime was her time with the young man. Food, make out sessions and possibly being rammed by the young and able student was being denied to her. Just a stroll with Spike like yesterday wasn’t enough.

So deep in her thoughts was Luna that she almost didn’t hear the bell ring. With a determined look on her face, Luna got up from her chair, grabbed her bagged lunch and exited the office.

Not wanting to draw any attention from the students, Luna walked casually through the halls and made sure she did with a dignified air. She also made sure her expression was stern and serious so no one would bother her. Luna knew what classroom Spike would exit from but would have to pick up the pace if she was going to catch him. When she arrived, Luna not only spotted Spike exiting the classroom, but also Applebloom, a close friend to the young man, was waiting for him outside.

“Can we talk somewhere private?” Applebloom asked Spike.

Luna raised an eyebrow as she saw Spike nod. She saw the concern on his face as she saw the two students leave. Though Luna didn’t want to be nosy, she was curious as to what this Applebloom wanted from Spike.


The tension Spike was feeling was dreadful as he looked at a visibly awkward Applebloom standing before him. The redhead had lead him to one of the unoccupied classrooms and locked the door. Since then, Applebloom had been quiet, the only sound coming from her breathing and nervously wringing the bottom edge of her shirt. One thing was for sure is that the girl wanted to say something to him. Applebloom had acted really weird this morning and wanted to know why.

Feeling that Applebloom was going to start, Spike awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and spoke, “Applebloom...I have a tutoring session with Miss Sparkle and I don’t want to make her wait. She’s really strict about this sort of thing.”

“Yeah, wouldn’t want to make one of your favorite women wait, huh,” muttered Applebloom as she scoffed.

“Okay, what’s with you?” Spike said, put off by Applebloom’s attitude. “You’ve been acting strange since this morning and-

“What’s with me?” asked Applebloom, her anger rising. “What’s with me!? How about what’s with you!? I thought you were trying to get your life back on track, not boffing one of my sister’s friends!!”

Spike fell silent at Applebloom’s accusation. He could only stare at Applebloom’s angry face as her eyes bore into him. Spike was trying to frantically come up with a denial, but he knew he couldn’t lie to her. Applebloom had been there for him when he had hit his funk after the whole Luna incident, even if she did go a bit overboard sometimes (though he had to admit, Applebloom being there for morning exercises was nothing compared to how Iris was riding him). Still, Spike mentally kicked himself because he has been caught. He shook his head as he tried to remain calm.

Trying to maintain an even expression, Spike spoke, "You followed me."

"Yeah, I followed ya!" Applebloom seethed, not wanting to back down. "My friends and I spotted ya at Sugar Cube Corner and I saw ya swapping spit with Ms. Pie! Guess ya were doing more than exchangin' recipes with her, huh!?"

Again, Spike mentally kicked himself. He and Pinkie had kissed out in the open with no regard to who may be watching. Spike had wanted to keep things under wraps with only Luna being the wiser to his more private activities, but now Applebloom had a piece of the puzzle. He panicked, his heart beating fast at the prospect of telling her what else he was up to. Spike's eyes grew wide, remembering that he also did with Applebloom's friend, Belle. There was so much to tell and the green haired teen was not looking forward to spill the beans.

Spike then remembered what Belle had said about Applebloom liking him right after his threesome with her and Rarity. If catching him just kissing Pinkie Pie was breaking her heart, he could only dread what would happen if he told her what he did afterwards with her and her sisters as well his other escapades.

"Well? Ya gonna deny it and say what a silly little girl I'm bein'!?" Applebloom yelled.

"No point of me doing it if you caught me," Spike said, shaking his head.

"It's just...I can't believe you, Spike! Ya always have yer eye my older sister and her friends ever since I brought ya home and introduced ya to them! I tried being a good friend to ya, saying that yer asking for trouble if ya looked at 'em funny! But you liked hanging out with them more instead of me! Them and those big jugs they carry, you horn dog!!"

Spike remained speechless. Applebloom was really unloading on him and was ready to break. He could notice tears forming in her eyes and now feeling a like heel. It was true that he had been crushing on Twilight and her friends for years and those feelings exploded once he started having more intimate interactions with them. He had only seen Applebloom as friend, but now that he knew about her feelings, he was at a loss at what to do.

With the silence between he and Applebloom growing even more uncomfortable, Spike sighed and said, "They've been too good to me lately, Applebloom. I really don't deserve it."

"Yeah, I bet they have," scoffed Applebloom. "Guess I was never good...what do ya mean lately?"

Spike eyes grew again in panic and before he could say another word, Applebloom grabbed him by his collar, her face inches away from him with furious eyes.

"What do you mean lately!?" Applebloom screamed.

Spike remained quiet in a futile attempt to quell Applebloom's wrath. He already said too much and he could only imagine what thoughts Applebloom was conjuring up.

Applebloom then threw Spike down on the floor and made her way to the door, running away in sorrow as she cried into the halls.

As for Spike, he sat on the floor, feeling that maybe Applebloom should have let him have it.


Running through the halls, Applebloom paid no heed to those she either almost barreled through or to those who may have had concern about her plight. She was sobbing, mentally cursing Spike and those feelings were very obvious on her face. Applebloom continued to run until she reached the gymnasium and thanked whatever god above her that it was empty. She headed straight for the stage, ran behind the curtain and let out her feelings, bawling as she banged the wall with her fists. She continued like this until she fell to her knees, continuing to sob.

Applebloom felt her break into pieces, not wanting to accept that Spike only saw her as just a friend and the possibility that he may have other, all women older than he was. Images of her sister, the Physical Education Teacher Iris Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity and Pinkie came into her mind. Applebloom's face tightened as an angry expression formed on her face. She really wanted to hate her sister and her friends for being well developed women who would give Spike no reason to protest if they were behaving enticingly towards him.

'It's not fair,' Applebloom thought miserably. She then heard footsteps coming towards her, which made her face frown as she yelled, "Leave me alone, Spike!! Go boff your women!! I don't care anymore!!"

"I'm not going to leave any student alone without counsel, Bloomingdale," a female voice said.

Applebloom looked up with a tear stained face. She faced a very concerned Vice Principal Luna, a bagged lunch in hand. She quickly wiped her face of her tears and stood up. Realizing that she just yelled at a high ranking school authority figure, Applebloom looked away in shame.

Luna smiled warmly and said, "Mr. Drake has a lot of explaining to do, Ms. Apple. But I believe you need my help the most. We can even share lunch at my office."


Spike had met Twilight at the school auditorium right after Applebloom ran out of the classroom. He tried to keep a positive face, though he could see that Twilight knew something was up. Spike wanted to get to tutoring session done, though what happened to him and Applebloom was still at the forefront of his mind. In fact, when he got done with his algebra problems, he didn't bother rechecking his answers and assured Twilight that every one of the problems he solved were correct. Currently, he busy answering questions on his history homeworking, though he was only guessing the answers at this point.

Twilight could only frown as she checked Spike's answers on his math homework. With a red pen, she marked the paper with notes and advice on how to solve the problems right. With every mark, her disappointment in Spike grew and she feared that the young man maybe going through a funk again. After finishing with the paper, Twilight cleared her throat and tapped on the table to get Spike's attention.

"Okay, Spike, what the hell's going?" Twilight asked as she tried to maintain an even expression. Unfortunately, Spike keeping silent only made her frown as she said, "You know what this homework of yours tells me? It tells me that you don't care about your work and you want to be somewhere else!"

"Twilight, I-" Spike tried to defend himself before he was cut off.

"That's Ms. Sparkle to you! Now tell me, what is going on with you!? Why is it affecting your work all sudden and don't say it's nothing because I've known you for a long time to sense that something is up! Spill it!"

Spike put his pencil done and sighed. He really didn't want to talk about what had happened earlier, but Twilight wasn't going to let things go.

"A friend of mine got mad at me," Spike admitted as he looked down on his paper. "A long time friend, actually."

"A long time friend...," Twilight wondered before she realized who Spike was talking about. "Applebloom?"

"Yeah, her. Just realized that she likes me more than friends and..."

Twilight remained silent. She knew that for a long time that Applejack's little sister had a thing for Spike and was surprised that her students didn't go for her as the young Apple matured into a young woman. She started to feel guilty, knowing full well what was happening with herself and her students. She was having an affair with Spike and it was proving to be dangerous if anyone found out. But she had to honest that she doesn't regret admitting her feelings for Spike. Still, Twilight didn't want this rift between Spike and Applebloom affecting his work or his feelings.

"You know, I really thought you and Applebloom would date at some point," Twilight started. "I remember when she brought you home after school and met me, her sister and all my other friends. Iris fussed on you, Pinkie held you close to her chest, Applejack gave you a bear hug and Rarity didn't want to leave you alone. I even had to pry you off of Fluttershy so that you and Applebloom could get your studies done.

"I remember how Applebloom didn't like how much attention we were giving you. Anytime we were around, she had to drag you away so we wouldn't distract you from anything. I remember one time when she practically told us that we couldn't attend anymore of your little league baseball games."

"To be fair, I still sucked at pitching even without you girls around," Spike chuckled as he shook his head. "My God, Applebloom bailed me out every time any of my pitches were almost hit for a home run."

"You know, when Applejack told me you stuck up for her so she can be a part of the team, I was really proud of you then," Twilight continued to recall. "You even called out the manager on his nepotism when he tried to insert his son into the team."

"Yeah, I remember that," Spike said as he felt the right side of his cheek. "I tried to punch him out, but he struck me down. Applebloom got him off me and then she showed him a thing or two. Didn't really hear the end of it from the other guys for weeks."

"The point is, Spike, is that Applebloom really likes you, even if she denied it for years. Maybe...you know-

"No, Twilight. Applebloom is just a friend. My best friend, in fact. I don't want to lose her friendship because of this and I owe her a lot from saving me from those bullies years ago. I promise I'll make it up to her."

Twilight smiled proudly at Spike. She knew that her student meant every word he wasn't going to let this distract him from his studies...or anything else. She got up from her chair and went to Spike, cupping his face in her friends. Twilight gave him a kiss, to which Spike responded to. They had their lips locked for a few seconds before they let go. Twilight and Spike smiled before they chuckled. The moment was ruined when the bell rang, signaling the end of the lunch hour.

"You should go," Twilight purred.

"You could make me stay," Spike responded as he traced a finger of Twilight's covered breast.

"Leave, you perverted delinquent," Twilight said as she playfully pushed Spike off.

"Whatever you say, naughty professor," Spike backed off as he waved at Twilight.


As he walked through the school's exit, Spike sighed, glad the school day was finally over. Though the rest of the day proceeded without any further incidents, Spike still had Applebloom on the mind and he really dreaded meeting up with her again. Since he was heading to Sweet Apple Acres to test out Applejack's gym equipment anyway, Spike really didn't have a choice. He could delay having another talk, but the sooner he settled things the better.

As he made his way towards his bike, Spike noticed that Vice Principal Luna was already there, waiting for him. He was about to greet her, but Spike saw that Luna had her arms folded with a serious look on her face. As much as he dreaded confronting Applebloom, Spike didn't want Luna staring coldly at him. He remained silent and waited for Luna to say her piece.

"You really screwed up, Mr. Drake," Luna stated, a frown developing on her face.

"Applebloom," Spike spoke shamefully, his head tilted down.

"Look at me when I'm speaking to you," Luna said, raising her voice. "She told me everything and I really couldn't stand seeing Ms. Apple like that. It nearly took me the whole lunch hour to get her to calm down. That girl really likes you and you just had to blab your little secret to her. Nice job ripping her heart out."

"She already knows about me and Pinkie."

"And she suspects that there are more women involved. Ms. Apple isn't stupid, Mr. Drake. She's going to find out everything...and I do mean everything. I'm even thinking of coming clean to your mother."

"I'll make it right, Vice Principal."

"You better, Mr. Drake. Because believe or not, I sympathize with her. I know what it's like living in the shadow of an older sister. She just has it worse than I ever could imagine."

Spike nodded as he grabbed his bike and took off, determined to make things right.

All the while, as Luna saw as Spike pedal off, a smirk developed on her face.

'Oh, you'll make things right, lover,' Luna thought as she chuckled. 'Hopefully, Ms. Apple won't lose her nerve.'


It wasn't long until Spike had arrived at Sweet Apple Acres. He had peddled on his bike as fast as he could because he didn't want to waste any time. He had already promised Luna that he would make things right with Applebloom...somehow. As he looked up to the top floor, Spike remembered that Applebloom's room was located on the second floor. As he hopped off his bike, Spike hesitated, not knowing what he wanted to say. He hoped that the girl had calmed down since lunch and maybe hear him out. As much as he wanted to smooth things over with his best friend,

'She may not want to see me,’ Spike sighed but he shook his head. ‘But I can't leave things the way they are. She doesn't deserve it.'

"Hey, Spike!" greeted a voice.

Spike was shaken out of his thoughts and saw that Applejack was slowly approaching him from the porch. She was wearing blue jeans and red and white checkered button shirt, which did nothing to hide her figure. Spike remembered the moment they had in the morning and couldn't help but smile stupidly at Applejack, which the farm girl noticed and let out a chuckle as she batted her eyes.

"Been waiting for ya," said Applejack as she affectionately punched Spike on the shoulder.

"Yeah, got here as fast I could," Spike said, still taken by Applejack. He shook his head and asked, "Is Applebloom around?"

"She's upstairs doing her homework," Applejack responded, looking up the window leading to Applebloom's room. "Gotta say, she's doing much better than this morning. Just glad she's not bummed out like last night."

"Glad to hear," Spike sighed in relief.

"Come on, sugar cube," said Applejack as she took Spike's hand and led him toward the barn. "I got the place fixed up for ya. I'll even join ya for a workout."


When she heard Spike and Applejack talking outside, Applebloom perked up and put down her homework and went to the window. She made sure to stay out of sight as she leaned her back to the wall. As she heard her sister and Spike speak, Applebloom's heart began to race, remembering what had happened between her and Spike and also the talk she and Vice Principal Luna had at her office. After she had basically told her about her history with Spike and her jealousy towards her sister and her friends. She remembered that she basically sobbing her story towards the Vice Principal and cursing Spike through the whole thing.

What she found surprising was that Vice Principal Luna was very understanding about the whole thing, even telling her own experiences with her sister, Principal Celestia. Luna had advised her to not be bitter about the whole thing, saying that its not worth the pain. She had also told her that she was very beautiful young lady that could rival any girl in school, maybe even rival her sister and her friends. Applebloom had scoffed at that, believing that she couldn't compete with the likes of Applejack, saying that she had a well developed body and big breasts.

I wouldn't worry about things like that, Bloomingdale. I'm sure if you let yourself go, Spike will clearly see you as the young woman that you are.

Applebloom was puzzled by what Luna had said to her at first, but gasped when she saw her smirk. She had started babbling, denying that she couldn't possibly bring herself to do that. Luna then reminded her that others have, which had made her eyes go wide. What shocked her to the core is when the Vice Principal admitted that she had a hand in Spike's more forward behavior towards the women in his life and his goal towards bettering himself. What totally floored the young Apple girl was that Luna was blushing when she said that, confirming her suspicions about Spike having other women besides Pinkie. She frowned at Luna rather bitterly when she realized that the Vice Principal herself was involved.

Applebloom had asked herself if it was worth going after Spike, now that she knows what he does with the women in his life.

Just remember to be sure about what you want. Spike may have laid these women, but he loves them deeply. I believe they also love him just as much. I know I do. I'd be disappointed in you if you just wanted a romp and be done with it. You have the tools, Bloomingdale. What about your feelings?

Applebloom closed her eyes and took a breath. Letting it out, she peeked outside her window and saw that Applejack was already leading Spike to the barn. She then looked at the clock and noted that it was 3:15pm.

'I'll give them thirty minutes,' thought Applebloom as she sat at her desk, getting back to her homework.


When Spike and Applejack arrived at the barn, the young man whistled as he looked at the set up. As Applejack promised, the barn was now a small gym, filled with the basics for a basic workout. There were two training benches, one flat with a bench press rack and assorted weights and another that could be adjusted for other exercises. There was also a rack near the wall with several dumbbells. Spike also noted that there was a stationary bicycle and a treadmill connected to a battery. On the floor were several fitness balls and some thick mats. Hanging on of the wooden beams was a punching bag and nearby was a pull up frame and bar. Though Spike noticed that the equipment was old and worn, he also thought that he couldn't complain because Applejack and her crew set this up for him.

What Spike also noticed that there were three lockers on the wall near a divider, each with a name tag. One for him, one for Applejack and one for Iris.

"How come there's one for Ms. Dash?" asked Spike curiously as he pointed a finger at the locker.

"I kinda figured that since all this was that hothead's idea, she may want to come over for a workout one of these days," Applejack said, impressed with the setup. "So does all this meet with your standards?"

"Oh, absolutely. Though I don't have any exercise clothes to test these out."

"Not a problem. I bought a shirt and some gym shorts for ya. You can change behind the divider over there."

Not wasting any time, Spike went to his locker, opened it and found a purple shirt and black shorts. He immediately went behind the divider, took off his shoes, pants and button shirt, hung up his clothes on the divider, and put on the shirt and shorts. After tying on his shoes, Spike was ready for his exercise when he walked from the divider when he was stopped cold by the sight of Applejack, who was also ready for a workout. The country girl was dressed in a matching orange sports bra and yoga pants that hugged her body tightly and accented her figure well, showing off all her curves. Spike was speechless as he continued to stare at Applejack, his eyes moving down to her cleavage.

Applejack noticed Spike staring and smirked. The boy obviously liked what he was and she decided to approach him while swinging her hips alluringly.

"Like what ya see, young man?" asked Applejack as she placed her hand under Spike's shin, making him look up from her cleavage.

"Y-yeah," Spike stuttered.

"How about we get started? Bet you want to work up a sweat after all that studyin'.

Spike nodded as he headed for the treadmill while Applejack went to the bench with the bench press rack. After turning the machine on, Spike adjusted the speed of the treadmill and once it got up to speed he wanted, he started to jog. Every few minutes, the young man would adjust the speed so he could work up a sweat. After a little while, the jog became a run as he kept pace, not wanting the machine to slingshot him off. Though he started to sweat, Spike couldn't help but feel relaxed as he was thankful that a certain rainbow haired teacher was barking at him. He chuckled as he continued to run.

As he ran, Spike couldn't help but hear the grunts coming from Applejack, no doubt getting a lot done lifting her weights. When he turned his head to see her, Spike admired how well toned Applejack was and how her sports bra and yoga pants just molded into her body like a second skin. It didn't leave much to the imagination as Spike saw Applejack's breasts rise up every time she took a breath in. Up until what happened with Applebloom, Spike couldn't help but think about going further with Applejack, even imagining himself ramming his rigid rod inside her wet sex while suckling on the farm woman's nipples. So lost in his fantasy, Spike almost went off the treadmill and he immediately quickened his steps until he was sure that he wasn't going to be thrown off.

When she heard Spike's quickened steps, Applejack turned her head towards the young man on the treadmill. Her concern was short lived as she saw the young man keep pace with the speed of the machine, though she smirked when she saw Spike's flustered face. Applejack knew Spike was checking her out as she continued to lift her weights. She started to imagine how turned on the boy was, imagining his rigid shaft saluting only her. Even as she got work done at the farm, Applejack kept going back to the morning and wanting Spike to fill her up with his seed, both inside her mouth and her entrance, maybe even her backdoor. She couldn't help but blush at the thought and grew more flustered as she felt her nipples harden and getting wet inside her yoga pants.

Getting an idea, Applejack whistled towards Spike and called out, "Hey, Sugarcube! You want to spot me?!"

As Applejack expected, Spike turned off the machine and immediately went to her, going behind her as he stood above her head. She gritted her teeth as she strained her arms lifting her weights. What kept her going was the look at Spike's crotch and drooling over the hard shaft the young was hiding under the shorts. Applejack admired the view while feeling touched as Spike urged her on to continue her lifting.

"One...hundred!" Applejack grunted, giving Spike his cue to help her place the bar on the rack.

"Man, you don't quit, do you?" Spike wondered as he saw Applejack sit up and grab a nearby towel.

"You should try it sometime," Applejack let out several breaths as she wiped the sweat from her brow.

"I don't do well with weights," Spike pointed out nervously.

"Aw, it'll be fun, Sugarcube," Applejack assured. "I'll even spot ya!"

"I don't know..."

"Ya want me to get Rainbow here to help out?"

"No, I'll be fine with just you!"

"Smart boy. I'll even take a few of the weights off."

Spike lay down on the bench as he put his hands of the bar, getting a good grip. After seeing that Applejack take of few weights off, Spike felt more or less relieved and felt that he wasn't going to get his chest crushed by the bar and weights. With a little help from Applejack, Spike got the bar of the rack and began lowering the bar and straining to lift it.

"We'll go for ten to start," Applejack spoke.

Spike nodded as he slowly lowered the bar and strained to lift it again. As he said, he was wasn't much in lifting weights and started to envy Applejack's strength and endurance. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of her, but he also knew that he didn't want to hurt himself either. He closed his eyes and decided to take it slow and was hoping that his arms wouldn't fall off.

When he opened his eyes again, Spike got a good look at Applejack's covered private area and the obvious stain on her yoga pants. At first, he assumed it was just sweat, but he couldn't mistake the smell of a woman's wetness. He felt his shaft go rigid again as he smelled Applejack's scent. This invigorated him as he continued to lift the bar with more ease, no longer straining as much, though he did grit his teeth.

'Love the view, Spikey?' Applejack thought, smiling knowingly. "C'mon, sugarcube! You got this! Just one more!"

Spike let out a roar as he gave the bar one final lift before Applejack helped him place it on the rack. Spike lifted himself off as he grabbed a towel and wiped himself clean of his sweat. He breathed heavily as he was relieved it was over. He then felt a hard pat on the back as he saw Applejack sit by him, smiling proudly at him.

"So...how did I do?" inquired Spike.

"Ya did nine," Applejack chuckled, which made Spike deflate. "Not bad, Spike. But we still got the whole afternoon ahead of us."

Spike nodded as he headed toward the pull up frame while applejack headed to the punching bag. He noted that while the bar was pretty high, it was nothing a hop couldn't fix. When he jumped, Spike immediately grabbed the bar with both hands, making sure he had a good underhand grip. Taking a deep breath, Spike slowly pulled himself up until his chin reached the bar before lowering himself down. He started slow before getting into rhythm, his movements steady so he doesn't tire himself out. Again, Spike was glad that Iris wasn't around to bark at him to go faster and go at his own pace. Feeling confident, he decided to pull his knees up and picked up the pace. Spike started to sweat again as grunted with each pull up. After the final pull up, Spike breathed heavily as he let himself dangle on the bar. He thanked his luck that he didn't end up on the floor in a heap.

Before he could let go of the bar, Spike felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist, making him gasp. Before he could say anything, the young man heard a definite moan from Applejack as he felt her hands roaming around his chest. Spike breathed quickened as he gripped the bar tighter, not wanting to fall. What almost made him slip was when he heard the farm woman take a deep sniff off his back and breathed out. Spike trembled and once again, his shaft was erect and swore it would burst out of his shorts.

"I missed you terribly, sugarcube," Applejack whispered as she kept a hold on Spike. "I know ya had school, but ya left a girl wantin' here."

"Applejack," Spike said breathlessly.

"I'll be honest, though. Makes me pretty jealous you had to leave with that hothead of a gym teacher."

"Why...why is that?"

"Because she always had a thing for ya...and the fact that she got to have ya before me."

Spike's eyes went wide and his throat went dry. He was speechless as his mind raced. He had assumed that Iris would keep their little adventures secret but now Applejack knew. With what he let out with Applebloom, he wondered if anyone else knew about it.

"Rainbow didn't mention you by name, though," Applejack began to explain as her hand slip to Spike's tent. "We were hanging out the other day and teased her that no man could keep with her and then she blurted out that she was seein' someone. I called her out on it and then she some pretty interestin' things...like how this guy brought out her kinky side. Never knew such a hard-ass like Rainbow would let herself be treated like that. Musta been a fantasy of hers."

'It was a turn on for me, that's for sure,' Spike thought as he looked back on his first time with Iris.

"You know how I got it out of her though?" Applejack spoke in a hushed but dramatic tone. "Its when I joked it musta been a new experience for you do something like, knowing how much of nice guy you are. Rainbow wasn't thinkin' when she agreed with me and was about to say how much you talked dirty to her before she clamped up."

Spike frowned and shook his head. He could only think how Rainbow didn't know when to quit went it came to bragging.

"That girl really likes playing with fire," Applejack continued as her hand went inside Spike's shorts. "Risking her career like that for a lay with her student. But you know what? She always did want to lay with ya. She said that if there was a student she wanted to have it was you."

Spike heart felt touched but then he felt Applejack's hand tugging at his manhood, making him moan.

"You want to know what else, Spike?" asked Applejack, her voice became sultry as she stroked Spike's shaft. "I remember two years ago we had your birthday here. I dragged ya out of your chair and onto the dance floor. It was a slow song and I held you close. I kinda figured that it was your first time dancin' with a lady because you went stiff on me. Didn't help that my girls were poking your chest.

"I couldn’t help but really look at ya then. Really, just really looked at ya. Didn't care about the age difference because you made my heart flutter. Then when you got comfortable, you flashed me that smile and I just wanted to take ya away to my room. I figured that I could wait until your old enough to make a move on..."

Spike gulped, sweating as he felt close to orgasm. His release was denied when Applejack let go of him. Spike then saw that Applejack was in front of him, looking up at with half lidded eyes.

"If you couldn't tell from this morning, I'm tired of waitin’," Applejack purred as she stroked Spike's face with her hand.

Applejack didn't waste another second as she grabbed hold of Spike's shorts and pulled them down, revealing his stiff member. She couldn't help but marvel at its size as she licked her lips.

"Don't let go of the bar just yet," Applejack instructed Spike. "I want to see how long ya can hold on before you can fill my mouth with your creamy goodness."

"You can't be serious," Spike trembled.

"Just make sure ya don't fall on me before ya come, sugarcube," Applejack reminded.

Spike didn't have time to object any further as he felt Applejack tug at his manhood, her movements purposely slow. He let out a load moan as he gripped the bar tightly. Applejack's hand movements slowly increased and it was taking all of Spike's will power not to come, let alone slip from the bar. The young man gritted his teeth, grunting as he struggled. He wanted to relax and enjoy it Applejack's hands, but he found it pretty difficult to concentrate since own hands started to sweat. What almost made him slip was when he felt Applejack's breath on his manhood. Spike looked down and saw that the country started licking the tip of his shaft of it's pre-cum. After a few seconds, Spike felt Applejack's mouth around his manhood. He let out a loud groan as he felt her mouth going up and down.

'Oh, man...so good,' Spike thought as he saw Applejack's pleased face.

'So tasty...I can't get enough,' Applejack thought, her blush deepening as she put Spike's legs on her shoulders.

Applejack continued to use her mouth to deep throat Spike as she gripped his buttocks. She heard the young man let out a pained hiss, most likely because her nails were almost penetrating the buttocks. Applejack then patted them and rubbed them before she got working on Spike's shaft again. She bobbed her head in fast motions before she slow down again, savoring the taste. Applejack could hear Spike struggling as he let out a whine. She almost felt like he was torturing him by denying him release, which pleased her. What caught her by surprise was when the young man crossed his legs and started humping her mouth. Applejack grunted with each thrust Spike gave her and her body started to tingle in anticipation. Tears were rolling from her eyes as her yoga pants were feeling even more damp.

'Give it to me,` Applejack thought as she vigorously sucked on Spike's. 'Fill me up with your hot seed!'

"Coming!" Spike bellowed.

Spike finally released inside Applejack's mouth, filling her with his cream. He heard her moan appreciatively, feeling her drink every last drop. Spike loosened his legs, letting go of Applejack and let himself drop to the ground, losing his grip on the bar. On his knees, Spike breathed heavily, sweating as he tried to get his bearings. After shaking his head, Spike opened his eyes and saw that Applejack was also on the ground, breathing hard as she sat with her legs exposing her wetness. He also noticed that her nipples were hardened and could almost see them through the sweated fabric. Spike slowly crawled toward Applejack until he was on top of her. He started to pinch her nipples, causing her to moan loudly.

"Spike...please," Applejack begged.

"That was hell, country girl," Spike smirked. "But I'm taking the high road and sending you to heaven."

With a rush of adrenaline, Spike was able pick up Applejack in his arms. He made his way towards the mats and gently placed the woman on them. Spike didn't waste any anytime as he placed his lips on Applejack's, kissing her thoroughly as the woman accepted him. As he inserted his tongue into Applejack's mouth, Spike pulled up the woman's bra and started her breasts while using his other hand to caress her face. Hearing Applejack moan into his mouth and feeling her tongue entwine with his emboldened Spike as he made his way toward the country woman's breasts. He used his mouth and tongue to suckle on one breast while fondling the other. When Spike was done with one breast, he switched towards the other and bit into, causing the woman to scream. The young man then felt a pair of hands behind his head. They were holding him firmly in place as he suckled on Applejack's eager breast as he embraced her. Feeling his manhood come alive again, Spike rubbed it over Applejack's covered entrance, as if to tease her about what's to come.

What followed was a battle for dominance. Applejack managed to move her arms around Spike back and pinned him to the mat. Seconds later, Spike managed to overpower her and had her pinned. They continued like this while their lips were still locked until Spike had Applejack on her back again. The young man grabbed the woman's hips and lifted her butt off the mat. Spike pulled down Applejack's yoga pants, exposing her sex to him. He was mesmerized at how it was just dripping juices until wrapped his arms around Applejack's waist and started licking her clit, savoring the taste as he moaned.

Applejack felt helpless as she felt Spike's tongue licking her slit. As much as she liked how the young man was making her go crazy, she didn't want to lose this fight. Applejack struggled as she panted, feeling close to orgasm as the blood started rushing to her head. At that moment, she was heavily considering just giving in to lust and let Spike have his way as she enjoys Spike's dominant side. Applejack thought back to what Iris had told her about Spike's more aggressive side and it made her blush, imagining being bound by him. Applejack shook her head. As close as she was losing it, she desperately wanted to come out on top.

An idea came to Applejack as she used her arms to lift herself up from the mat. With her hands keeping her steady, Applejack used her thighs to lock onto Spike's head. She then twisted her body to the side and in no time, had Spike pinned to the mat, straddling his head. She smirked at her own accomplishment until she Spike's tongue inside her again, making her moan loudly. She didn't care as she moved her hips so she can better smear the young man's mouth. Wanting to feel more, Applejack lifted her breasts and started suckling her nipples. She groaned, shutting her eyes as she enjoyed the taste as the sensations around her body were becoming too much.

Muffling a scream, Applejack bit into her nipples as she climaxed, drenching Spike's face and mouth with her juices. Seconds passed before she let go of her breasts, breathing heavily as drool came out of her mouth. Applejack still felt Spike lick at her slit and gave appreciative moans, caressing the young man's head.

When she opened her eyes, however, Applejack gasped when she saw Applebloom standing at the entrance of the barn. Her eyes went wide but continued to moan as Spike continued to use his tongue. Applejack could see that her little sister was trying to contain herself but saw that there were tears rolling down her eyes. She could see that Applebloom was trembling, her hands balled into fists.

Shaking her head, Applejack asked, "How long have you been there?"

Wiping her tears, Applebloom responded, "Long enough."

Before anything else was said, Applebloom started to take off her clothes she nothing else to discard. Steeling herself, Applebloom approached Applejack and Spike until she got her knees in front of her older sister. She looked at her enviously as her lips trembled as saw her sister clearly enjoying Spike attention to her entrance.

What caught Applejack by surprise was that Applebloom started to fondle her big breasts. She wanted to protest but Spike's continued assault on her womanhood just made her gasp pleasurably. Applejack hissed as she felt her nipples get pinched.

"Applebloom...what are ya...ooh," Applejack moaned.

"Just wanted to see what makes these so special," Applebloom said as she leered at Applejack's breasts.

Applejack felt a light slap on her behind and muffle below her and realized that Spike was still between her legs. She was relieved of the sensations she was feeling from Applebloom's fondling and quickly got off of Spike, letting the young man rise to his knees.

Spike was about to compliment Applejack until he saw Applebloom kneeling down beside her. He was at a loss as he saw the two Apple sisters together, naked. Spike looked at Applejack and saw that she had become aware of her predicament as she covered her breasts with one arm and her private area with her other hand, blushing away from Applebloom. When Spike looked at Applebloom, he saw that she was looking at him intently with a glare, noting the stains of dry tears on her face. Spike was no stranger to having two or more sisters in the same area and in the nude, but he could feel the tension in the air.

When he saw that the younger Apple sister had turned her head and looked at Applejack's body with envy, Spike remembered how she blew up at him earlier and felt sorry for her. He didn't realize how deep Applebloom's jealousy for Applejack and her friends ran through her and didn't think about how much it really affected her self esteem. He mentally hit himself for his ignorance and generally being a bad friend to her. She had been one of the first to try to get him out of his funk but brushed her off when he could and only came around when Luna forgave him.

'Maybe she is right about me and my preference of women,' Spike thought as he looked downcast.

Still, as he looked over at Applebloom's body appreciatively, Spike could tell that she knockout in her own right. Much like Applejack, her body was toned and built, possibly from some work she put in the farm. Her breast size, while smaller in comparison to her older sister's, wasn't what one could call flat chested in anyway. He even remembered how one guy had made some rather lewd comments to her face about her breasts and got nailed for it. Spike could imagine how many guys could be attracted to Applebloom and she has turned a few heads if he recalled. Just not his.

Applebloom noticed Spike's staring and blushed as she covered her private area with a smile smile.

Applejack also noticed Spike's staring and growled, earning Spike attention and said, "And just what do think yer lookin' at, buster?"

"I think Spike's finally appreciating me for the young WOMAN I am," Applebloom said smugly.

"Kinda easy to do when you're showing yourself off like that," muttered Applejack.

"Yer the one fooling around with Spike here out in the open like some dog in heat! Workout, my foot! You just wanted to get him alone and seduce him with your body!"

"Hey, ya coulda had him this whole time if you weren't so damn stubborn!"

"Ya knew I wanted him, but you didn't lay off! Every time I brought him home to study with me, ya dressed up all naughty country girl and he couldn't concentrate!"

"At least I knew what I wanted! It's not my fault ya had to be such a mule about it!"

"It was yer fault! All of yer fault! You didn't have to have yer roll in the hay with him!"

"What I do with Spike is my business and no one else's! He's a big boy and he can have me whenever he wants!"

"Oh, so he's just some lay for ya, huh!?"

"I would never consider Spike just a lay! I love him too much for that!

"Well I do, too!!"

Spike looked back and forth at the two Apple sisters as they argued and screamed at each other. It broke his heart to see the two verbally tear each other apart. He knew them, as well as the rest of the family for so long that as strong family bond was everything them. To see it just deteriorate into a shouting match over him made him feel like a world class loser.

Having enough, Spike shouted, "Stop it! Both of you just stop it!!"

Spike's shout got the attention of the Apple sisters and they immediately stopped screaming at each other, briefly looking at Spike's pleading face. They then glared at each other, both with challenging eyes. Then they looked at Spike again with determination. It was, however, Applebloom who approached Spike first, crawling to him. The younger Apple sister wrapped her arms around Spike, her cheek planted on his chest. Applebloom could smell the sweat from Spike as well as distinct aroma of a womanly orgasm. It was beginning to intoxicate her as she took in the scent.

"Applebloom...," Spike wondered as he felt Applebloom's breasts on his body.

"Just give me a chance, Spike," pleaded Applebloom. "I know I can be just the woman my sister is, if not better."

"Applebloom...think about this. You can have any guy out there. Why do you want someone that just brushed you off?"

"Because I know what I want now. And I want to show ya that I'm not a little girl anymore."

Without hesitation, Applebloom wrapped arms around Spike's neck and planted her lips on his. At first, she could tell Spike hesitated at first, but once she let him know how serious she was, the young man responded in kind. Applebloom mentally cheered as she deepened the kiss, inserting her tongue to taste the inside of Spike's mouth. She feel her nipples harden as she rubbed her breasts on Spike chest, earning a moan for her trouble. Applebloom could also taste Applejack's orgasm inside Spike mouth and the taste made excited her. She let go of Spike's lips and licked his face to taste more of her sister's cum. After she was finished, Applebloom once again locked her lips with Spike, continuing the make out session.

Letting go of Spike's lips, Applebloom used her tongue to trace down on his chest, briefly stopping to lick and bite on the young man's nipples. The younger Apple sister giggled when she heard Spike let out a pained grunt, but continued lick away. Applebloom gave Spike's one final lick before tracing tongue downwards before finally reaching her goal. She got Spike into a sitting position and spread his legs to reveal his erect manhood. She felt very proud to have such an effect on Spike, but wasted no time as she used her hand to grab hold of the shaft. She made sure she wasn't squeezing to tightly before she started jacking him off. Hearing Spike let out moans of contentment made Applebloom's heart swell with pride.

Spike was amazed at how good Applebloom was doing. He could tell that the girl knew how to make him feel good, feeling her hand gently stroke him. Spike smiled as she used his hand to rub Applebloom's hair, silently complementing the girl for doing a good job. What happened next surprised Spike further as Applebloom pillowed his manhood with her breasts. He moaned loudly as he felt the girl move her breasts up and down his shaft while licking the tip. He wanted to ejaculate, but Spike held on as he wanted Applebloom to savor him further, appreciating her efforts to please him.

For her part, Applejack stared at Applebloom in amazement, if not a bit suspiciously. She could tell that her little sister was showing talent in pleasing Spike and the young man was certainly not complaining. But she also wondered where Applebloom was getting all this. She knew that Applebloom never dated and before this, she never made a move on Spike. Just seeing Applebloom behave like someone who was experienced made her wonder.

"Ya got a lot a talent for a virgin there, little sis," Applejack commented with her arms folded, her eyes narrowing.

"Maybe I'm just a natural," Applebloom responded smugly, briefly stopping her attention to Spike.

"Or maybe I should go looking in yer room for naughty material."

"Go ahead. You'll find me innocent on that charge."

"Then I'll have a talk with yer friends and see if they been bringing anything beside school material."

Spike rolled his eyes and spoke, "Girls, behave. I don't like it when you start arguing like that."

"Aw, don't worry about it none, sugar cube," Applejack assured Spike as she got closer to Spike's crotch. "It's only natural for siblings to argue."

"Yeah, but we love each other deep down," Applebloom agreed as she continued to use her breasts to stroke Spike's shaft.

"Just lie down there, Spike," Applejack instructed. "Let us Apple sisters give ya some country style hospitality."

Spike did as he was told as lied down on the mat, relaxing as he put his hands on his back. Before he knew it, Applejack had joined Applebloom in using her breasts to please him. He moaned pleasurably, feeling both sisters breasts stroke his rub his shaft. Spike was especially pleased when Applejack and Applebloom started licking up and down his erect shaft, both taking turns in engulfing it with their mouths. He had wanted come in one of their mouths, but felt that both Apple sisters deserved his reward so he held on.

As both Applejack and Applebloom continued to please Spike, they could feel that they were also pleasing each other. Applejack blushed as she could feel her little sister's nipples rub against her own. She had to admit that it was lighting her up and making her wet again. For Applebloom's part, she was feeling the same way as she purposely mashed her breasts against Applejack's, making her big sister moan. The sisters could tell that Spike was close and decided to lick the shaft faster, licking any pre-cum that was slowing coming out.

"Girls...I'm so close," groaned Spike.

The Apple sisters were rewarded as Spike shaft erupted, letting out a geyser of gooey seed that splashed on their faces. Applejack caught whatever seed she could into her mouth and so do Applebloom. They then proceeded to lick Spike's rod clean of any remaining ejaculation and savored it, letting out an appreciative moan. After swallowing it, Applejack and Applebloom looked at each other as saw what a hot mess they were, their faces and breasts stained with Spike's seed. Applebloom took the initiative and started licking Applejack face, getting all the cum into her mouth. Applejack responded in kind as she licked her little sister's face clean before she kissed her. The Apple sister made out, using their tongues to taste inside their mouths for more seed. They held each other close, mashing their breasts again. Applebloom, though, pushed Applejack down and pinned her to the met, holding her wrists in place so she couldn't escape.

"Applebloom," Applejack spoke softly as she panted.

"I still want to see what Spike likes about ya, sis," Applebloom smirked, locking her lips with her big sister again.

Applejack couldn't help but moan into Applebloom's kiss. The big sister was helpless to resist but felt like she didn't want to, making her blush even deeper as any reservations of doing this with her sister just melted away. When she felt Applebloom's tongue invade and explore the inside of her mouth, Applejack responded, entwining her own tongue with hers. She started to feel relaxed as she continued to make out with her sister. She opened her eyes and glanced to the side as she saw Spike just stare at them with fascination and lust. Applejack's attention was drawn to Applebloom as her sister let go of her lips and licked her face again. She couldn't help but chuckle, figuring that Applebloom was "making sure" she got all of Spike's spunk completely off her face.

"Applebloom...ya...ya already...," Applejack protested playfully.

"Oh, did I?" Applebloom responded innocently. "Then I guess your cans need a thorough cleaning.

Applebloom let go of Applejack's wrists and used her hands to fondle her breasts. She was still feeling very envious of their size and compared them to her own, giving them a hard squeeze and pinching her nipples that elicited a moan from her big sister. Applebloom could only imagine Spike playing with Applejack's breasts and enjoying them size. She frowned as she thought back to when Spike kissed Pinkie Pie the other day and imagined how Spike with play with her breasts as well. She even imagined what else Spike and Pinkie doing some even more naughty things, which made her frown even deeper. Hearing her big sister cry out in pleasure pulled Applebloom out of her thoughts and concentrated on just pleasing her sister, making her cry out even louder when she pulled the nipples.

"Sooo gooooood!!" howled Applejack in pleasure.

"Guess ya do like it rough," Applebloom commented, smiling wickedly as she lowered her head and started motorboat Applejack.

Spike couldn't help but stare at the display before him. He could see that Applebloom was really going at Applejacks's breasts and the big sister was really enjoying the attention. Spike drooled, enjoying how his best friend was handling the blond bombshell with ease. He gulped as he saw Applebloom take one breast into her mouth, suckling and biting it with a hunger he never thought he would see in the young Apple sister. Hearing the erotic sounds both Apple sisters were making made Spike's shaft harden and ready. When he saw Applebloom's other hand make her way towards Applejack's entrance, Spike couldn't help but take a hold of his manhood and started moving his hand up and down. Hearing Applejack's loud cry and seeing Applebloom stimulate each of her breasts and also stimulating her entrance made Spike's hand movements increase.

`God, I love it when sisters play nice,' Spike thought ruefully, thinking back at his times with the Wayne and Pie sisters.

After having enough of her big sister's breasts, Applebloom used her tongue to trace downward until she reached Applejack's entrance. She saw how wet she was and gave it a sniff, becoming intoxicated with the smell. Applebloom inserted two fingers and licked at Applejack's clit, earning another moan. She hated to admit it, but she could see Spike enjoying tasting her sister as she found her womanhood tasty, lapping up her juices as more leaked out. Applebloom used her tongue to lick even deeper as she couldn't get enough of the taste. She even started to get wet herself as she used her other hand to play with her own womanhood.

'This isn't fair,' Applebloom lamented as she licked away at Applejack's slit. 'Everything about my sister taste good. Her cans, her pussy, her lips...even when she howls like crazy is making me feel hot and bothered. No wonder Spike likes her!'

"I'm gonna cum....yer tongue...I can't take it!" Applejack begged her little sister as she hefted her own breasts to her mouth and suckled them.

Before she could react, Applebloom was greeted with Applejack's juices splashing on her face as she heard her sister scream. She immediately planted her mouth to her sister's entrance, making sure she could drink every last drop of her juices. She found herself enjoying the taste, but her jealousy towards her sister didn't decrease. Applejack had rewarded Spike the same way earlier and she felt like she couldn't measure up. Applebloom looked from Applejack's slit and found that her big sister had already sat up and became worried, seeing that she had a wicked smile on her face.

"Ya done?" Applejack spoke while leering at Applebloom.

Before Applebloom could answer, she was immediately pushed down to the mat by Applejack. She was about to protest until the big sister started fondling her breasts, giving them a tight squeeze. Applebloom moaned loudly which then turned into cries. Her body was reacting to the stimulation and she felt like was about to explode, the sensations causing her to leak more from her womanhood. Applebloom gritted her teeth, shaking her head as more tears escaped her eyes. Then she felt Applejack's mouth on her breasts, suckling and biting them intensely. Applebloom hissed as she tried to bear it as she getting close to orgasm. She was almost sent to edge as she felt one of Applejack's hands playing with her womanhood. Her scream was silenced by a kiss from her big sister, reducing it to a muffled moan. She and her sister made out for a few moments before Applejack let go of Applebloom's lips and started to lick her face, cleaning her own juices. Applebloom sobbed as her body felt like it was on fire.

"Ya sell yourself short, darlin'," Applejack purred as she raised her juiced covered hand and licked it, enjoying the taste. "Quite frankly, I think ya have a great flavor. I especially like the guns ya carry on yer chest."

"But...they're not as big as yours," Applebloom pouted.

"Don't matter if someone likes them enough to play with," Applejack assured as she pinched Applebloom's nipples. She then turned her attention towards Spike who was still jacking off and said, "How about ya help a girl out here, sugar cube."

Spike nodded, letting go of his manhood and crawled toward the Apple sisters. Applejack immediately got behind Applebloom and grabbed hold of her breasts and held up, offering them to the young man. Applebloom had stiffened and her breath had quickened, awaiting what Spike was going to do.

"We could stop here," Applejack whispered.

"No, I want this!" Applebloom shouted. "I...want Spike to love me...like he does you!"

"Be gentle with her, Spike," Applejack spoke towards Spike. "Go slow because she looks like she's about ready to burst."

Spike nodded once more as he fondled Applebloom's breasts, rubbing his thumbs on her nipples. He then gave her a light kiss on the lips which lasted only a few seconds until he let go. Spike wasted no time when he went for Appleblooms breasts, licking each of them lightly before swirling his tongue over the right one. Hearing Applebloom cry out in pleasure almost made him intensify his efforts, but he promised to make this last. While his mouth and one of his hands were busy eating out one of Applebloom's breasts, his other hand lowered towards her womanhood and began to massage it lightly, feeling the wetness coming from her entrance.

Applebloom cried out even louder until Applejack silenced her with a kiss once again. It didn't take too long before she relaxed and gave herself into the kiss and let Spike do whatever he wanted. When she felt her friend trace his tongue downward, he shut her eyes tightly. Applebloom then felt Applejack's hands fondle her breasts again, this time more gently. She instinctively opened her thighs to reveal her excited womanhood to Spike. Applebloom didn't have to wait long as she felt Spike's lick her slit and felt a finger penetrate inside. The younger Apple sobbed happily as Spike tasted her most private treasure as her big sister continued to play with her.

'She does have a great flavor,' Spike thought approvingly as he lapped Applebloom's wet sex. 'But think she's ready.'

Spike stood up and placed a hand on Applebloom's cheek, making the younger sister open her eyes. He smiled as he showed of his stiff erection to her face. When Applebloom nodded and opened her mouth, Spike inserted his shaft into it, moaning as he felt it getting slick. The young man pulled out and Applejack let her sister go, making her lie on on the mat. He got on top and could tell that Applebloom was scared. He hesitated until Applebloom nodded, giving Spike permission. Spike smiled and used the tip of his shaft to tease Applebloom's sex. Seeing his friend whine pleadingly made her look adorable in his eyes.

"What are ya waiting fo-" Applebloom said before she was cut off, letting out a silent cry as she felt Spike's shaft entering her slowly. Her eyes were wide as she felt the pain, her virginity now gone. Her tears flowed freely as she smiled blissfully. Spike had finally entered her. Her body trembled at the sensation but the pain soon left her. She looked up at Spike and saw the concern on his face. She then gave him her most alluring smile as she beckoned him to get closer. When he got close enough, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him fiercely, letting him know that she was okay and ready. When she let go, Applebloom didn't have to wait any longer before Spike started humping her slowly, feeling every inch of his shaft pushing in and pulling out of her.

'Finally!' Applebloom cheered mentally as she continued to cry. 'I'm not little girl anymore! Spike's inside me! He's loving me like he does his other women!'

Pouting at the attention that her little sister was receiving, Applejack looked on as Applebloom was being thoroughly loved by Spike. The look of delight and joy that her little sister had on her face made her even more envious and wished that the young man was doing this to her. Applejack's eyes moved towards Applebloom's entrance and saw Spike's blood smeared manhood just pound away faster and faster. Hearing Applebloom's cries and calling out to Spike to give her more just made Applejack feel even more heated. She was about to use her hands to play with her womanhood until she felt a hand grab her wrists. She looked up and saw that Spike was wagging a finger on her and then used that same finger and inserted it inside her entrance, making her moan loudly as she felt two more fingers to explore it.

"It...it ain't fair," Applejack breathed heavily while trying to glare at Spike. "I know...she's...yer friend....but..."

"I'm not forgetting you, Jackie," Spike said with a smile while still pounding away at Applebloom. "Just wait a bit. I do love it when you suck on those tits of yours."

"Spike," Applejack spoke breathlessly as she began sucking on her own breasts.

"Hey...you're....you're supposed to give me attention!" shouted Applebloom.

Spike shook his head and continued to plow into Applebloom. Much like with Iris and Belle, he loved how tightly Applebloom's womanhood wrapped around shaft. It excited him and he really wanted to just cum inside her like she wants. But he wanted the pleasure to last and held on. Spike felt Applebloom needed to be treated fairly after not being fair to her since he was in a funk. He then looked at Applejack and just seeing her tear stained pleasured face made him want her even more. Hearing both Apple sisters pleasurable cries and moans just made move even faster and he was very close.

"Aren't ya...aren't ya close yet?" Applejack begged as she fondled her breasts.

"Don't be needy, big sis!" Applebloom said, almost close to climax. "He'll come when he's good and ready!"

"I think...I think I'm ready now!" warned Spike, grunting as he felt his manhood about ready to burst.

"Cum...just cum!" The Apple sisters screamed at the same time.

Spike let out a howl as he ejaculated inside Applebloom, feeling his entire seed just fill her entrance until it felt like it was over flowing. He stayed inside her for a few seconds before letting out a breath, relieved to have finished off his session with Applebloom. He looked down at Applebloom and he could see how tired she was but could tell that the girl was experiencing bliss, judging how happy she looked as she trying to catch her breath. Spike couldn't help but smile himself and felt that his best friend deserved to be happy after everything that happened this afternoon.

Unexpectedly, Spike was tackled to the mat and found that Applejack was now on top of him, grinning at him wantonly. He knew Applejack had waited long enough and his manhood was still raring to go. Spike gave the big sister Apple a wicked smile, grabbed her body and pinned her to the mat. Before Applejack could protest, Spike locked his lips with hers, making her sigh in contentment. Before long, the young man let go of her lips and pleasured the woman's breasts and suckled them. He could hear her begging for more and once again inserted his fingers inside her entrance and teased her insides.

"No...stop teasin'...let me have it," Applejack begged as she was bursting at Spike's finger stimulation.

"Have what?" teased Spike, seeing Applejack's lustful face.

"Ya know what," sobbed Applejack as she frowned.

"Do you want another finger?" Spike asked innocently.

"No...I want...I want..."

"My tongue? I do love your taste, Jackie."

"No...ya know what I...please, don't be mean!"

"Well, I don't know what you want, Apple-


Spike continued to tease Applejack's inside, smiling at how driven by lust the woman has become. She wanted him and in turn, wanted her. Spike then inched closer until his lips were close to Applejack's ear.

"I'd rather love you, Applejack," whispered Spike. "You're not just a lay to me."

"Then love me, Spike," Applejack responded. "Love me as hard as ya want. Spread your love inside me with that lovely rod of yours."

Spike nodded as he spread Applejack's legs. He felt his manhood was hardened enough as he teased the big sister's entrance with it. He chuckled when he saw Applejack's frowning face and heard a growl escape her lips.

"Don't make me mad, sugarcube," Applejack warned.

"I think you already are," smirked Spike.

In an instant, Applejack felt Spike's manhood enter her insides. She let out a groan as he savored the feeling of Spike's rod just go in and out of her womanhood. The heat of it just made her body feel like it was on fire. Applejack could feel another orgasm coming and gave Spike a hungry look, daring him to do more. She felt Spike quicken the pace and hefted her breasts towards him. She smirked when he was getting close and she immediately took advantage and rolled him over, pinning him to the mat. Applejack was now straddling Spike as she went up and down Spike shaft, hefting her breasts to her mouth again.

No satisfied with being at the bottom, Spike sat up and pushed Applejack to the mat. He turned her body around, lifted her hips and was once again inside her. Spike drove his manhood hard and fast and could hear Applejack screaming, driven by lust as she had a cheek on the mat. The young man then grabbed her forearms and held them in place. He grunted as he smirked, feeling victorious, feeling that the big sister couldn't overtake him. He increased his thrusts and felt that he was getting close to climax.

All the while, Applebloom had been witnessing what she could describe as sex match between her big sister and Spike. She had regained her bearings earlier and was about to thank Spike for her first time when Applejack just tackled Spike and proceeded to act like a crazed addict wanting nothing but good humping. The dirty talk started and the young Apple sister blushed when Applejack had screamed for Spike to fuck her and stop teasing her. Applebloom could only stare as the lovers battled for dominance and continued to do so until Spike had Applejack at his mercy. The look of pure love and lust told the whole story at how much her big sister waited for this moment, her screams growing louder and louder. Envy returned to Applebloom as she wanted Spike to do that to her, wanting to be loved like that.

Love. Even though Applebloom was seeing an aggressive display of love making, she remembered what Spike had said to Applejack. He wanted to love her. Not lay her. Not fuck her. Love her.

Tears formed in Applebloom's eyes as she looked away. She wanted to deny it, but she couldn't. As considerate as Spike was about her first time and how wonderful it felt to become a woman, she had to face facts. Spike was just a friend and her friend loved her sister and her friends more than her. Applebloom covered her face with her hands and wept.

"Spike...finish me," Applejack slurred, feeling close to orgasm.

"How long have you wanted it?" asked Spike, trying to hold back.

"Since...since...oh, God."

"Since when?"


"Dirty little farm girl!"

"Tit lovin' pervert!"

Spike let out a loud moan as he ejaculated inside Applejack, shooting every last bit of his seed until it couldn't hold anymore. Hearing Applejack scream in ecstasy let him know how much she enjoyed it. Spike let go of Applejack's arms and collapsed on top of Applejack, breathing hard, exhausted. He could hear that Applejack was exhausted as well and wrapped her arms around her waist lovingly.

"Are you okay?" Spike asked in concern.

Applejack smiled, her body tingling again at Spike's concern. She looked back and responded, "That's so sweet, sugarcube. I'm okay."

"It's just...it was rough going there and...,"

"I like it rough, Spike. Don't ever hold back, ya hear?"

"I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't."

Before they could speak, Spike and Applejack heard a quiet weeping and saw that Applebloom was on her knees, covering her face with her hands. While Applejack felt sorry for her for being left out at the end, Spike was a different story as panic adorned his face. He rushed toward Applebloom and held her close, surprising the girl.

"Spike," Applebloom spoke.

"Applebloom, I'm so sorry!" Spike said fearfully as he rubbed Applebloom's head and kissed it. "I didn't mean to hurt you! I shouldn't have been so...oh my God. I shouldn't have been so rough with you! I'm so sorry! I'll never do it again like that!"

Applejack could only stare in shock. Spike was literally begging Applebloom's forgiveness like he had committed a terrible sin. She could see that her little sister's loss of virginity could hurt, but it would go away in seconds. In her mind, it didn't merit Spike apologizing and Applebloom enjoyed Spike's attentions. She went to her sister and placed her hands on her shoulders, rubbing them in hopes that it would make her feel better.

Getting over her initial surprise, Applebloom gently pushed Spike away and looked at him with a small smile, rubbing her tears away.

"It only hurt a little when ya took it," Applebloom said, trying not to break down. "Seein' you and big sis roughhousin' like that...it hurt the most."

"But why, sugarcube?" asked Applejack worryingly.

"Because I know now where I stand with Spike," Applebloom responded as she stood, walked over to her discarded clothes, picked them up and started dressed up. Once she was fully clothed, she turned her attention to her sister and Spike, who both had matching expressions of concern. Applebloom forced a smile, but her tears betrayed her emotions as she said. "I love you, Spike Drake. I will always love you. But I see that you love my sister more than me. That will never change. I just hope...even after what I said to you and after all this...that we can still be friends."

Spike could only shut his eyes as he tilted his head down. He knew Applebloom was right but she gave him her first time, something that should only be given to someone you love dearly. She loved him that much and she wanted to experience the love he was giving the other women in his life. Shame filled his very being, his lips quivering.

Applejack stood up and went to her sister and grabbed her by the shoulders and pleaded, "Sugarcube...little sister, I...you can have Spike anytime if you want. He won't mind it. He can learn to you, just like he loves me. I'll even arrange it so you can dates with him if it'll make you happy."

Applebloom smiled as she placed her hands on Applejack's, indicating that she should let go.

"What'll make me happy is that Spike continues to make you happy," said Applebloom, turning around as she felt Applejack's grasp loosen. "He's happy with women like you that have been there for him more times that I could ever wish to be. I just hope I find someone who...who will love me with that same intensity that I just saw here."

Applebloom began to walk away, leaving a concerned Applejack to watch on and a saddened Spike. She stopped and looked back at Spike and spoke, "Spike?"

Spike looked up and regarded Applebloom and was relieved that she was smiling.

"I hope that you and your women will be happy together," Applebloom said sincerely as she exited the barn.

Spike stood up and could only stare at where Applebloom had left. While it comforted him that the girl had no ill will towards him, he still felt like a loser for hurting her as well as taking something that should have been given to someone special.

"Other women, huh?" spoke Applejack firmly as she turned around with her hands on her hips, eyes narrow. "So other than me, Rainbow and Applebloom, who else have you been feeding that thing to?"

Spike could only rub the back of his head as he gave out a nervous laugh.

Coming Clean

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When I Say Goodbye

A Humanized Fic by Duke Moon II

Based on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Chapter 8: Coming Clean

The Drake residence was only a few feet away, yet Spike couldn't bring himself to walk up to the door. He knew what waited for him and dreaded what would happen once he entered the home. He expected anger, disappointment, loss of trust and loss of friendship. Spike closed his eyes as he tilted his head down, guilt filling every part of his being. He chuckled humorlessly, opening his eyes as he stared at the door again. It wasn't very far and he could just simply walk over and open it. Spike's feet however, felt glued to the concrete and he cursed himself for not having the fortitude to face the women he slept with over the past few days.

At Spike's side was Luna, who in contrast to Spike, stood stoically, a sense of calm seemingly surrounding her. The young man could only look at the woman in amazement. Here he was, dreading a fate worse than death and his Vice Principal was like ice. There was no apparent emotion on Luna's face, her arms folded. Spike felt like running away from everything and here was Luna, seemingly looking like she wanted to challenge the world.

Yesterday Spike had told Applejack that, aside from her, her little sister and Iris Dash, that he did indeed lay other women before her. When he started telling her who else, Applejack told Spike to stop giving her names when he mentioned his stepmother. Spike could tell that she was disappointed in him but couldn't tell if she was angry. He had wanted to explain himself but Applejack told him to go home. The young man, not wanting to further aggravate the situation, left Sweet Apple Acres without a word.

To Spike it seemed like a long ride home and when he arrived, he was greeted by Mina who had decided to cook dinner for once. In that instant, Spike broke down and hugged his stepmother and tearfully apologized for being a terrible person and ran to his room and locked it. It took him several hours to calm down, though he never left the room for the rest of the day. He had later texted Luna about what had happened and she later texted him back, telling him to meet her office for lunch the next day.

Since the morning arrived, Spike dreaded what would inevitably happen. He got up early, took a shower and only served himself a bowl of cereal before leaving home.

When he arrived at CHS, Spike was met at the entrance by Twilight who had a very worried look on her face. She fired a lot of questions, including one that had to do with Iris Dash, saying that she and the other girls were going to have a meeting at the Drake residence. Twilight wanted to know what this was all about and all Iris could tell her is that she already knows why. Spike could only answer that he couldn't tell her, not at school anyway. He had also requested that they'd skip their tutoring as he had things to work out.

Spike did meet with Luna for lunch, though they talked mostly about him spilling the beans to Applejack and Luna telling Mina about her part in encouraging him. He had ranted about this being all his fault but Luna assured him that everything will be alright because he will not be alone in this, agreeing to be with him at his house to support him. Spike insisted that she didn't have to, But Luna wanted to because she felt that she was just responsible for everything that happened. She hugged Spike before sending him on his way.

At P.E. class, Spike felt that felt that feeling of dread again when Iris Dash just leered at him throughout the whole class. It felt very uncomfortable to him and he almost couldn't concentrate on his exercises. It didn't get any better as Iris personally helped him with his stretches. She kept touching him and purposelessly using her breasts to feel up his back. Spike did not want his erect shaft to be noticed and try to bear it. When class was over, Spike couldn't help but feel that Iris just wanted to torture him.

To top it all off, Spike had received a text from Pinkie that just read 'Naughty Naughty'.

When the school day finished, Spike was about to get on his bicycle when Luna met him outside the school. She directed him to her car and off they went. When they arrived, Spike noticed that there were several cars, one truck and one motor scooter parked near the Drake residence and assumed that the women had already arrived. He knew he had to face them and there was no turning back.

Spike couldn't help but feel a bit of relief that he had survived up to this point. Standing side by side with Luna did make him feel a bit better, but it was now or never. He had to answer to many women for his behavior.

"We could always run away, love," Luna spoke, placing her hand on Spike's shoulder. "We could elope, stay in my sister's summer home for the rest of our lives and live as sinfully as we want. I could even bear you a few children, one boy, one girl, they'll be named Constantine and Serena, respectfully."

"They're expecting us, Luna," said Spike with a resigned voice. "I have to face them."

"So do I, Spike," Luna nodded. "I had a hand in this and I won't let you face it alone."

"This is all my fault."

"I encouraged you."

"But I went through with it."

"Can we just share in the blame like we did before?"

Spike went silent, feeling no point in arguing with Luna. He then felt a hand on his and looked up to Luna. He smiled a sad smile as his Vice Principal led him to the entrance of his house.

The living room was unbearably quiet as Spike sat on the couch with Luna sitting beside him. While the young man appreciated that someone was on his side for this, it was still two against six with the six being Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Mina and Rainbow just staring at him. He couldn't tell if they were angry, disappointed or a mixture of the two. The only one who looked worried was Twilight and looked like she wanted to know what was going on. Spike gave Twilight a shame faced look, earning a scoffing noise from Iris. Having all these women just looking at him, awaiting a word or something from him made Spike very self conscious about what he did with these women. He felt very guilty as he tilted his head down in a futile attempt to hide his shame.

Spike felt a comforting hand on top of his and looked to Luna's side. He saw the small but reassuring smile coming from his Vice Principal and couldn't help but smile back. He couldn't help but feel undeserving in Luna's presence.

Twilight noticed Spike and Luna's interaction and reacted, "Alright, what's going on!?"

"Like you don't know, egghead," Rainbow scoffed again.

"Spike...I know you’re young, but you're playing a dangerous game," Mina pointed out in a disappointed tone. "I would have thought that you would reign in your urges, but..."

"I'm really sorry," Spike said sadly.

"I bet you were," Applejack said sarcastically. "Having your way with me and my sister like you did. Yeah, you looked really sorry."

"Not to mention having me and my sister as well," Rarity said sternly.

"Wow, you really love having sisters, don't you!?" Pinkie said in wonder. "Let's see, you're into orgies, sisters and bondage time with Dashie-

"Pinkie!!" Rainbow hissed, her face crimson. "How did you know that!?"

"Not to mention desperate, lonely mothers," muttered Mina.

Hearing everything the women had to say made Twilight eyes wide. She slowly turned her head towards Spike and noted the guilt on his face. Twilight stared at him in disbelief. She wasn't the only Spike has been fooling around with. Her best friends and even Spike's stepmother. Twilight was trying to hold on to the image of her dear, sweet innocent little Spike but all she could see is that the little boy she thought she knew had really changed into someone who was treading on dangerous ground. She wasn't exactly innocent in this as she is Spike's teacher that willingly took part in some carnal pleasures with him, though unlike some of the women present, didn't go all the way. A mix of jealousy, disappointment and self realization of what she had been doing with Spike was clearly showing on her face.

Twilight approached Spike and sat beside him, opposite of Luna. She placed her hands on Spike's cheeks and looked at him sternly. Her expression started to falter as she noticed how remorseful he looked and could swear that the young man was on the verge of tears. Twilight could tell Spike was ready for a verbal assault, but anything she was going to say died in her lips. She took this time to calm down, closing her eyes and breathing in and out.

Opening her eyes, Twilight began, "Spike...of all the irresponsible things...how could you!?"

"Because I'm an idiot that doesn't deserve to be happy," Spike muttered as he closed his eyes.

"Yes, you're an idiot, Spike," Twilight agreed. "I want to be mad at you. Really I do. I was taking a huge risk for you. I didn't care if you were my student. I wanted you. I've wanted you for a long time and I wanted you for myself."

"Well at least she admits she's hog," Iris said with disdain.

Twilight snapped as she got up and confronted Iris, grabbing her collar with both hands as she glared at her.

"I've had it up to here, Iris!" shouted Twilight, outraged. "Call me a hog if you want, but I always had Spike's welfare in mind while you always wanted to get him into trouble! And correct me if I'm wrong, but as a one of Spike's teachers, weren't you taking a huge risk by sleeping with Spike!?"

"Hey, at least I knew what I wanted and got a great ride out of it," Iris smirked as she took in Twilight's twitchy expression. Iris' expression turned into a frown and said, "Besides, why are you so mad? You got to have him first."

"Spike and I have never had sex!"

"Bullshit, egghead!! The way he rode me meant he was very experienced and trust me, he knew how to please me!! You have no idea how much it drove me up the wall that you broke Spike's cherry before I did! I wanted to be his first!!"

"I'm telling you, it wasn't me!"

"You're a fucking liar, you man meat hog!"

"Stop it, the both of you!!" Pinkie shouted, bringing the argument to a halt and bringing everyone's attention to her. "You're friends and friends shouldn't behave like this. Besides, I know for a fact that Twilight wouldn't have taken Spike's virginity, no way!"

"How would you know that, Pinkie!?" Iris snapped at Pinkie. "You heard Twilight! Teacher or not, she wanted Spike for herself and she didn't want to share!! She always has!!"

"Would she have slapped him, Dashie!?" Pinkie blurted out, silencing Iris. She then turned to every shocked woman in the room and asked, "Would any of you slap our dear little Spikey-Wikey just so he could get him going!? Would any of you hurt..."

Pinkie trailed off as her eyes landed on Luna. She noticed how the vice principal's eyes were filled with sadness. Luna then closed her eyes tightly and Pinkie gasped, her eyes growing wide in realization. The rest of the women followed Pinkie's gaze and looked at Luna in disbelief.

"It was you, wasn't it?" Pinkie questioned, her voice breaking. "Spike didn't mention you by name when he told me about what happened. My friends would never hurt Spike. You took his virginity...you slapped him and-

The first one to react was Iris as she approached Luna, picked her up by her collar and slammed her to the wall. Iris' face filled with rage, her eyes watering. Luna's face was filled with fear as her body froze up.

"You fucking bitch!!" Iris screamed as she kept one hand on Luna's collar while balling her other hand into a fist. "So that's why he was so sad all this time!! You had your way with him and you demeaned him!! You're going to fucking pay, you-

"Iris, stop it!" Spike pleaded, separating Iris and Luna. "Leave her alone!!"

"But she-"

"I'm not innocent in all this either, Iris!"

"Spike...what are you saying?" Twilight asked fearfully.

With his heart beating even faster, Spike looked around to the other women in the room. With the exception of Pinkie and Luna, they all had fear adorned on their faces. Spike breathed in and out to calm himself down as she sat next to Luna on the couch. Closing his eyes, he gathered his thoughts. After a few seconds, Spike opened his eyes. The women before him, whom he fooled around with, wanted the truth from him. Spike knew he couldn't keep it a secret anymore. A lone tear escaped his eye and he felt a hand touch his own. He looked to his side and saw Luna giving him a reassuring look. He looked down and closed his eyes again.

"I'm really good at hurting the people I love, don't I?" Spike spoke hoarsely, trying to keep his emotions in, but failing. "Luna...I know you've forgiven me...but I still had no right for acting the way I did...,"

"And I had no right to treat you, a friend, like a piece of garbage," Luna spoke, her voice breaking.

Spike sighed, knowing that he really couldn't argue about this with Luna. He looked towards the other women and steeled himself.

"It was after Principal's Celestia's birthday at CHS," Spike began, still trying to keep his emotions in. "Everyone had gone home, though a few people had stayed to clean up the auditorium. When I was about to leave myself, I got a text from Luna, saying that she wanted to meet me at the nurses office. She was already there when I arrived. I asked her what she wanted, but she started kissing me. At first, I was shocked at what she was doing, but I let instinct take over and kissed her back. She dragged me inside the nurses office and pinned me to the cot. I initially resisted, trying to tell her that we might get caught. She assured me that we wouldn't and we had the office to ourselves. Luna confessed to me, saying that she had me wanted for a while.

"I had to admit, I was surprised by this confession. Before this, I could only fantasize about a woman like Luna...or a woman like you ladies. But I always felt that a woman older than me was out of my reach. But having a woman like Luna, the Vice Principal, show me this kind of affection was a dream come true. I even had to admit to myself that even though we shared a good friendship, I did find Luna very attractive.

"I was a virgin before this and I didn't know what to do. I never dated, never kissed a girl or anything. I was a geek who never really turned any heads or given a second thought. The only women in my life were you ladies and I'm not ashamed to admit that I sometimes fantasize about you. Even if any girl at school was attracted to me, none of them would compare to any of you. I guess...having Luna give that kind of attention to me was a dream come true for me. Luna had me at her mercy and I went along with it.

"Having Luna's hands and mouth all over me...kissing me...tasting me...it was better than any fantasy. Hearing her moan for me, telling me how good I tasted...and all I did was just lay there, taking it all in. I never wanted it to end and loved how Luna was so attentive and knowledgeable about this sort of thing. I couldn't get enough.

"It excited me...maybe a little too much. I couldn't help but burst every time Luna got a bit more passionate. I felt ashamed...I couldn't hold it in and it made me feel less of a man. Luna...was relentless and she teased, not wanting to let up. I was so hard, but I kept bursting at her touch. My fear of us getting caught was replaced with a fear of never satisfying a woman like Luna. I was afraid I could never measure up, that I was just a little boy trying to be a man."

"It didn't help that I gave Spike no room to breath," Luna joined in, sighing as she shook her head. "I wanted to give him the best night of his life and I let my emotions run wild. Lust can be a very powerful emotion and every time Spike burst at my touch, I felt powerful. It drove me crazy and I was hungry, wanting to taste every last drop of him. He came so much, yet still remained firm. So much energy. It brought a smile to my face that I had such an effect on him.

"When it came time to go to the next level, I rode Spike very hard and very fast. When I looked down on him, he was trying to hold back the tears. He looked so adorable and it just made me love him even more. He kept bursting inside me, but he remained so hard. I didn't want to let up because I wanted it to last...I wanted Spike to last. He was finally mine...his virginity was mine. His body and soul...all mine.

“Looking down at Spike, I swore I saw someone who wanted to beg me to stop...to take a break. He didn't say anything, but I could tell from his exhausted face and tears in his eyes. It was at that moment that I felt very selfish. I wanted to feel more of him. I felt that, unlike any of you ladies, I was giving Spike what he wanted. To feel that I didn't measure to his ladies...lust and jealousy clouded me in that very moment. I grabbed Spike by the collar and I tried to urge him to continue, that the night was still young. I even teased him about him not wanting to satisfy me anymore. When Spike didn't respond...my hand flew and struck his face hard."

There was a mix of reactions from the other women in the room. Mina had gasped as she trembled as she covered her mouth, tears forming in her eyes. Rarity also did the same as she looked between Spike's pitiful expression and Luna's shame faced expression. Pinkie stared at both Spike and Luna sadly. Twilight balled her hands into fists and stared hatefully at Luna, as did Applejack and Iris, though she was clenching her teeth with and deepening frown.

"I'm going to kill you," Iris said bluntly as she approached Luna.

"Iris, no," Spike said, shaking his head sadly.

"Why are you protecting her!?" Iris asked furiously.

"Because if you're going to judge her...you're going to have to judge me, too," Spike responded, his voice breaking.

With the exception of Pinkie and Luna, the other women could look at Spike with dread. They could only imagine that what Spike had to say was eating him up from the inside and that it was taking every ounce of will to tell what had happened.

"I just...I just...God forgive me, something just...," Spike gritted his teeth, grabbing his hair in frustration. "I felt so angry. All that was running through my mind was...I...I rose up and I pinned her to the cot and stared at her. I wanted to prove to her that I wasn't a crybaby, that I could measure up and I wasn't a wimp. She gave me a smirk and a nod, urging me to go ahead.

"I kissed her as fiercely as could and she returned it in full while I increased my thrusts. Hearing her moan in pleasure just drove me nuts and I wanted to do more...to prove myself to her. I held her tightly as I had her breasts in my mouth. I..bit on them, squeezed them firmly and I just felt so intoxicated by them.

"I turned her over and grabbed her wrists and I just kept thrusting. I wanted Luna to feel every inch of me as I held her wrists tight to her back. I was on automatic and I felt Luna gushing, but I didn't want to stop. I wanted to give her my all and I just pressed on top of her. I wanted to show Luna that I was a man...her man."

"As much as I wanted to feel pleasure from Spike ramming into me...," Luna said, remembering the night vividly. "Having him press into me like that and having my wrists to my back...Spike was starting to hurt me and I felt like I was going to break. Hearing him breathe on me and grunting...he sounded more like a beast in heat than the man I came to love. His thrusts just intensified and I felt very afraid. I started to cry and before I could get him to stop...he climaxed inside of me. All I could do was scream and cry while Spike pressed me deeply into the cot.

"When it was over, I sobbed, hugging myself. I turned to see Spike and I could see the guilt in his eyes as well as his tears. He knew that he had hurt me and I could tell that had affected him. Before I could say anything, he ran away."

Hearing Luna tell her side of the story cut deep inside Spike. As much as it hurt him to keep this sordid tale a secret and beat himself for hurting Luna, it must have been a whole lot worse for the Vice Principal. Spike had hurt Luna and even though they had made up, his lover would never forget what happened.

Spike looked at the reactions of the other ladies. To say they were shocked would be an understatement. He dreaded of what else they thought of him, assuming the worst. Before this, even before Spike had his little adventures with them, these ladies always saw him as the good kid that wasn't capable of hurting anyone. Now that they know that he did...

"I screwed up," Spike admitted, breaking down as he faced Luna. "I thought I was giving you what you wanted and I ended up hurting you. I don't care if you slapped me, you didn't deserve it. I...after what I did...I would have understood if-

"If what, love?" Luna cut Spike off. "That I hated you forever? Run you over in revenge and bury you deep inside the Everfree Forest? Spike...for those two and a half months, I thought you hated me for what I did to you. I couldn't face you for all that time. I hurt you and...Spike I forgave you!! You forgave me for hurting you!! Isn't that enough!?"

As much as Spike wanted to believe Luna, he couldn't bring himself to believe that there was a silver lining in this whole ordeal. Their secret was out and what he felt that there was no going back. Spike stood up, his emotions already evident as he looked towards every woman in the room. He shut his eyes and made his way towards the door.

"Spike, no!" Luna said as she went towards Spike. "Don't go, please!"

"You can forgive me all you want, Luna," Spike sobbed as he twisted the doorknob. "I just can't forgive myself."

Without another word, Spike opened the door and left, slamming the door.

Falling to her knees with a hand on the door, Luna shut her eyes, gritting her teeth. As much as it hurt to see Spike leave, it hurt a lot more see him so resigned. Days ago, she had forgiven him for what happened, but Spike had not forgiven himself. As Luna thought about it, she assumed that Spike truly believed himself to be a monster who only hurts the ones he loves.

Rising up and turning around, Luna was met by Iris and was pushed to the door. Looking at the rainbow haired woman's tear stricken face with her other hand balled into a fist, she became scared like before. Luna's face then changed to one of resigned fate and closed her eyes. Spike forgave her, but she understood if his lady friends and stepmother didn't.

"Rainbow, don't!" Applejack said as she held back Iris' fist.

"Let me clue you in on something, Vice Principal," Iris said, trying to contain her fury. "I believe Spike when he says that he's sorry for what he did to you. What about you, huh? You sorry about what you did to my Spike? Truly sorry?"

"Yes, Ms. Dash," Luna responded, tears forming. "I wish I could undo everything that happened that night, but I can't. I'm truly sorry for hurting your friend."

"Ease off, Rainbow," Applejack spoke softly as she placed a hand on Iris' shoulder. "I believe her. I can tell when someone is truly sorry for what he or she did. As for Spike...I believe him, too."

Iris hesitated for a second before releasing her grip. She didn't take her eyes off of Luna, though her expression softened.

"I really don't know what he sees in you," Iris said in a warning tone. "Even after what you did, Spike forgives you. He loves you that much. Just...If you hurt him again..."

"I wouldn't expect any less, Ms. Dash," Luna said.

"I believe you, Ms. Heavenstone," Pinkie said, sniffling. "I also believe that you want to do right by him...just like my Spike wants to do right by you."

"Luna...Spike is my son, first and foremost," Mina reminded, her voice breaking. "I want to help him get through this. I also believe that you want to help him as a way to make up for what you did."

"You can count on me, too," Rarity said in a sad tone. "I believe that Luna wants to do everything to make Spike smile again...and so do I."

As the rest of the women had made up their minds about helping Spike, Twilight remained quiet, taking in what had happened. She now knew the truth of why Spike was so down for what seemed to be a long time and was in the process of letting the revelation sink in. Spike and Luna didn't just cross the line between student and educator, they did it in a way that left changed and not for the better. They kept it secret, hiding their own personal guilt and sharing the blame. They made up and Spike was encouraged by Luna to reconnect with her and her friends in more ways than one. It was a lot to take in.

Twilight wanted to be mad. She wanted to be mad at Luna for crossing the line as a teacher as well hurting Spike. She also wanted to be mad at Spike for being irresponsible. They were both insistent on taking the blame for what happened that night, though she felt that Spike needed her help the most. She knew that she didn't want to leave things the way they were. As much as she hated to admit it, Luna was trying to make things better and she truly wanted to make Spike happy again.

"Luna Heavenstone," Twilight began, catching Luna's attention as well as the other women in the room. "There's...a lot of things I want to say and do to you. There's a part of me that just wants to rip into you for what you did to Spike. Just hearing you admit that you slapped him...I don't care if it was some misguided attempt to get him to love you harder, it breaks my heart that you would even think of such a thing. Spike behaved badly...but so did you and one day we are going to have words about it.

"But right now, Spike is the one that needs our help. He's out there blaming himself for what happened and he needs our love and a reminder that we will always be there for him. So yes, I believe that you are trying to make things right, Luna. But you won't have to do it alone."

"Thank you, Twilight," Luna sighed. "I don't care if none of you forgive me. All I care is about is Spike's happiness."

"Speaking of Spike, maybe we should go after him," Iris suggested.

"I think we should leave him alone for now," Luna said. "He has it in his mind that we hate him and may not want to see us. Hopefully...he'll come back to us."

Peddling on his bike hard and fast with his hands firmly on the handles, Spike rode aimlessly with an anguished look on his face. It hadn't been long since he left home and didn't bother looking back. He didn't really care where he was going. He didn't have a destination. Spike just wanted to be far away from home, from Ponyville, from anything. Just thinking of the saddened and disappointed faces of the women he loves just broke his heart.

'They hate me,' thought Spike, gritting his teeth as his heart raced. 'Of course they hate you, idiot. I hurt them. All of them. Luna, Twilight, Rainbow, my stepmother, Applejack, Applebloom, Pinkie, Rarity...they were my friends...I don't deserve their forgiveness. I don't deserve their love...I don't deserve happiness. I don't deserve a home or anything. I'm just an animal, a monster. I just...'

Spike made an off-road turn and began peddling on a dirt path. Up ahead was an entrance to a large forest. He squinted his eyes and saw a sign that said "Everfree Forest". He continued peddling, speeding into the forest entrance. Once he entered, he was immediately greeted with sounds of cawing birds. Spike continued on his path. He was determined to lose himself in the forest where no one would find him. Minutes passed as he peddled on his bike even harder.

Unfortunately, Spike failed to see a small hole in the ground and the front wheel of his bike was caught in it. Spike lost control and fell off his bike, skinning his elbow. Hissing at the pain, Spike went to his bike and noticed that the front wheel was broken. Angrily, Spike lifted his bike and tossed it off the path, screaming a curse. He fell to his knees and shut his eyes, crying.

'Fucking coward,' Spike thought miserably, looking at his bike. 'That's all I am. I hurt the ones I love and run away. Fucking hell, I can't even run away right.'

It was then that Spike heard a motor coming his way. He looked to the path as the sound got closer. Seconds later, Spike saw what looked like someone driving a light yellow moped. He turned away, paying it no mind as his head tilted down. He then heard the motor stop and looked up to see who it was. It was a woman with a light pink short sleeved jacket that covered a yellow shirt. She also wore matching pink pants and wore a pink helmet and goggles. Spike turned away as soon as the woman got off her vehicle.

"Go away," Spike said bitterly.

"I thought that was you, Spike," the woman spoke softly.

Spike's eyes widened as he looked towards the woman. The woman removed her helmet and goggles, letting her flowing pink hair down. The sight of the woman's face almost took Spike's breath away, recognizing who she was.. The young man could only see concern in her eyes as she approached. Spike got up and backed off, surprising her.

"Flu...I mean, Mrs. Discordance," Spike said, correcting himself.

"Spike, you're hurt!" Mrs. Discordance exclaimed as she noticed the bruise on Spike's arm. "Let me check that for you!"

"Get away from me!" Spike screamed. "Get away before you get hurt!"

"Spike..," Mrs. Discordance said, taken aback at Spike's tone. "Why? Why would you want to hurt me? I'm your friend."

"I don't have any friends!!" Spike screamed again. "I've ruined everything! All I ever do is hurt everybody I love! I hurt Luna, my mom, Twilight...I'm no good to anyone..."

"Spike..," Mrs. Discordance spoke sadly as she approached Spike.

"I said get away-

Spike was cut off as Mrs. Discordance hugged him tightly. He instinctively hugged her back and sobbed on her shoulder. Spike felt the woman rub his back in order to soothe him. Just moments before, Spike just wanted to get away and be left alone in his misery, but this woman wasn't going to let go anytime soon. In what seemed like minutes, Spike stopped crying, but continued to hug Mrs. Discordance.

"There, there," Mrs. Discordance soothed. "Why don't you tell me what happened."

"You'll hate me," Spike said sadly.

"I won't," Mrs. Discordance promised. "And Spike...it's Fluttershy. All my friends call me that."

The Calming Comfort of Marilyn Discordance

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When I Say Goodbye
A Humanized Fic by Duke Moon II
Based on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Chapter 9: The Calming Comfort of Marilyn Discordance

It had been an hour since Spike had stormed out of Drake residence and Mina had been sitting alone in the living room on the couch. After the rest of the ladies had agreed to help Spike but give him his space for the time being, they had left with the exception of Luna, opting to keep Mina company until when and if Spike returned before the night was done.

When the ladies left, however, Mina and Luna were unable to speak to each other. So much had been revealed and so much emotion was shown that they both felt exhausted. Luna had then asked permission to use the shower and Mina let her, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Time had gone by since then and she didn't know how she had been sitting there on the couch and she didn't care. Mina had taken a few glances at the front door and was hoping against hope her Spike would come back safe and sound.

'Even though we broke a taboo, I still consider him my son...my baby,' Mina thought, the ache in her heart becoming too much to bear. 'He's been through so much over the years...being picked on by bullies as a child and having virtually no friends to back him up. His only solace has been me and his lady friends. Now he's all alone out there, fearing that he has no one in the world that loves him. Spike...please come home...'

Mina was startled by the phone ringing and on instinct, went to do it. She picked it up and checked to see who it was. The phone ID read "Q. Discordance" and it only took a second to remember who it was.

Pressing the button to take the call, Mina answered calmly, "Drake Residence."

"Mrs. Drake, it's Marylin," answered the soft voice on the other end. "I don't know if you remember me but-

"I remember you, Fluttershy," sighed Mina. "You're one of Twilight's friends."

"Yes, that's me," confirmed Fluttershy. "I just wanted to let you know that Spike's with me. I found him in the Everfree Forest, but he's safe now."

"Oh thank goodness," Mina said as tears of joy escaped her eyes. She began to talk more frantically, "How is he? Why on earth was he in the Everfree Forest? Have you talked with him!? Why aren't you answering!?"

"He's fine, Mrs. Drake," Fluttershy assured. "He's taking a shower right now and I'm washing his clothes. He was in such a sad state when I found him. What happened?"

"He...oh, gracious, he ran away," Mina said as she began to cry. "So much was said here and he thinks that we all hate him."

"I...kind of gathered that when I found him," Fluttershy said. "Mina...is it okay if I watch him for the night? I promise to have him home by morning."

"Thank you, Fluttershy," Mina said in relief. "I'm just glad my little Spike is alright."

"My pleasure," Fluttershy said pleasantly.

After saying goodbye, Mina hung up the phone, heaving a huge sigh of relief. Even though she wouldn't see Spike tonight, she was glad that he was somewhere safe. As much as she was tempted to tell the other ladies of her step-son's whereabouts, Mina remembered that they agreed to give Spike his space and maybe Fluttershy could offer some help. The stepmother smiled a small smile as she headed up the stairs. Luna had been done with her shower, but hadn't come done since then.

When Mina got up the stairs, she had found that Spike's door had been opened. She went to see what was up and found that Luna, in one of her bathrobes, was lying on her son's bed, hugging a pillow close to her chest. Mina wondered how long she had been here, but put that question aside as she sat beside Luna. At first, nothing was said, and being in Spike's room just reminded Mina how much she wanted her stepson to come home. She knew he was safe at Fluttershy's home, but she wanted him back home.

Wanting to break the silence, Mina said, "Mrs. Discordance called. Spike's with her and promised he'll be home tomorrow."

Luna smiled faintly, but remained quiet as she dared not speak.

"Ms. Heavenstone...Luna...," Mina began, trying to form her thoughts into words. "The day you came over and...we made love to Spike...you said that the reason why you and Spike weren't on speaking terms was that you had a disagreement. What happened between you two those months ago...Luna, why weren't you and Spike straight with me?"

"I'm so sorry, Mina," Luna said, tears escaping her eyes.

"I know you are," Mina said as she rubbed a hand on Luna's hip. "I'm sure Spike is sorry, too."

Luna continued to hold the pillow close to her as she lay on the bed. Just knowing that Spike was alright was a huge relief and it took a load off her mind. Still, more than anything, Luna wanted Spike in her arms and tell him that everything was going to be fine and that she doesn't hate him. She would also tell him that none of the women in his life hate him either and that they love him now more than ever because they want to help him through this. Ultimately, Luna just wanted Spike to be happy and frankly, she didn't care if her lover had tied her up and made her watch him have sex with his other women. If it made him Spike, then all was right with the world.

Luna was startled when she felt a pair of arms hug her waist. She looked back and saw that Mina's face was close to hers, smiling serenely at her. Luna couldn't help but smile back at the woman as her memories took her back to when Spike had both her and Mina on the same bed. She was envious that whole night as her lover only entered Mina, even though she begged him and all she got was his finger. Luna knew that Mina needed it more that night and before Spike came back from school, she comforted her before the main event. The memories of their threesome only made Luna wish that Spike was there with them, but she was glad that Mina was there at least.

Looking away from Mina and continuing to hold the pillow close, Luna sighed and said, "I can still feel him, Mina. Spike isn't here and I can still feel him...smell him..."

"It is his room, after all," Mina pointed out, nuzzling Luna's neck. "He made love to me here...touched me all over. He really loves his mommy so much...just like he loves you and every woman he's touched. I'm jealous of them, Luna. He probably had Ms. Dash here when she came over that other night."

"He did because I encouraged it," Luna sighed as she could feel Mina's breath on her neck. "I told him to take the lead and be a bit aggressive with her. Of course...I didn't know our little Ms. Dash had a thing for being tied up. Must have been a real eye opener for her. Spike also told me that she held her when it was over and wanted to make sure she was okay. He didn't want what happened between us to happen again."

"Luna...what happened between you and my son...," Mina trailed off as her hands began to wander upward. "Spike forgave you and you forgave him. That's good enough for me. He still loves you, Luna."

"Mrs. Drake...Mina...you're too kin-

Luna was cut off as Mina's lips met with hers. She didn't fight it and let herself be taken by the stepmother's touch as she felt her hands wander to her breasts. Luna moaned as she enjoyed the sensations as Mina massaged her breasts and tweaked her nipples through the thin fabric of the robe she was wearing. She then felt her tongue inside her mouth, tasting her own tongue as she was getting into the session. Luna whined as she felt Mina's hands leave her breasts but moaned again as her robe was being taken off, leaving her completely naked.

Mina let go of Luna's lips as she got on top of her, straddling the vice principal's waist. She then removed her blouse and bra, freeing her own breasts from their restraint. She could tell that Luna was mesmerized by her breast and smirked. Luna looked delicious just laying there beneath her. Mina then proceeded to use her hands and massaged and played with Luna's breasts, causing the woman to cry out loud. She heard Luna hiss when she pulled at her nipples and chuckled at the pleasurable face she was making. Mina lowered herself and kissed Luna on the lips again, though the kiss was brief as she held the woman close, her arms around her neck.

"It's just us, Vice Principal," Mina whispered in Luna's ear. "Just us and my son's scent. It's all over this room...we can smell it and feel it all over our bodies. Even through our holes...like Spike is drilling us every which way. I bet you'd like that, you naughty little thing. Having your mouth filled with my son's cock, your dirty little pussy filled with Spike's cum...even that tight little ass just aching to be plowed. I know I would."

Just the thought of Spike filling her every gap made Luna's body burn in lust. She could only Imagine her lover using his manhood fulfilling her every sexual need. Spike would please her mouth first until she drank his seed and beg him to ram her womanhood until it would overflow with cum. In her lust filled state, Luna wondered what it would be like to her anus filled with Spike's manhood. She had never asked that of her lover and it did sound rather dirty to her, but she would ask him if it was something he would like to do...once he returned. As much as Mina was making her happy, she still wanted Spike there with her.

Lifting herself up and smiling wickedly at Luna's lustful state, Mina began to massage the vice principal's breast again while using her fingers to pinch her nipples. She licked her lips when she heard her moan loudly and couldn't help but pull at her nipples, making her scream. Mina continued like this until she bent down and took a breast in her mouth, biting at her nipples. She enjoyed the flavor, moaning in pleasure at the taste as she massaged the other breast. Mina then switched to doing the same to the other breast while using her hand to stimulate Luna's aching womanhood. She drove her fingers inside her, making Luna scream again. Mina could swear that Luna was calling out to Spike to come inside her.

'She sounds so sweet when she's being like this,' thought Mina as she removed her finger from Luna's entrance.

Before Luna could complain, she felt Mina lift her butt up and pinning her shoulders to the bed. She then felt Mina's mouth on her womanhood and licked her insides. Luna was feeling absolute pleasure and didn't take long for her to orgasm, coating Mina's mouth with her juices. The stepmother didn't stop as she continued lick it. Luna cried as her tears flowed more freely. Every time she came she could only think of Spike doing this to her as he would taste her own orgasm in his mouth. She couldn't help but love the attention she was getting from Mina as her tongue continued to work its magic.

After one more climax, Mina finally let go of Luna, drinking whatever juices she let out. Seeing the vice principal's exhausted face and body made her feel satisfied in her actions. She got off the bed and removed her pants and panties. Mina discarded her pants, but held to her wet underwear and looked at it. A wicked smile adorned her face again as she cot on top of Luna and was about to shove her panties into her mouth.

What Mina didn't expect was Luna recovering quickly as she pinned her to the bed, startling her. There was a feeling of the dread when Luna chuckled, her eyes looking at the panties in Mina's hand.

"Just what did you have in mind, mommy?" Luna asked, whispering. "If I wanted to taste you cum, then I'd get straight from the source."

Wasting no time, Luna kissed Mina rather rapaciously, using her tongue to taste the inside of her mouth as well as her own juices. She felt the woman surrender to her kiss and held on to her lips as her hand traveled slowly down her chest. When her hand reached her breast, Luna massaged and squeezed it, eliciting a muffled groan from Mina. After that, Luna's hand left Mina's breasts and slowly went down, tracing a finger until it reached her opening. Feeling that the stepmother's entrance felt very moist, Luna inserted two fingers inside and rapidly pushed them in and out. She let go of Mina's lips and traced her tongue towards her breasts and bit on one of the nipples, making her cry in pleasure.

After a few moments of being vigorously teased, Mina let out a scream, climaxing on Luna's hand. She didn't have to rest as she immediately felt Luna's mouth and tongue on her womanhood. Hearing the woman moan as she licked her insides as well as her cum made her moan and groan louder. While Mina thoroughly enjoyed Luna's attention, she wished Spike was the one doing this. Just thinking about it made her climax inside Luna's mouth. Luna didn't stop as Mina felt her keep at it as a loud groan escaped her lips. By now, the stepmother could smell her son's scent as well as her own mixed with Luna's. It was everywhere and Mina was enjoying it very much.

After another climax from Mina coated her face, Luna licked her lips, got up straddled her leg and seconds later, her wet womanhood met hers in a scissoring position. She started to grind slowly, feeling the pleasure of Mina's clit mashing with hers. Looking down on Mina, Luna chuckled at her pleasure filled face. Just seeing the woman in ecstasy, smelling her scent as well as Spike's all over the room made her grind even faster. Mina moans were getting even louder and Luna was getting close to climax again.

"Oh, baby...fuck mommy....don't stop," Mina cried as she felt herself getting close to climax.

"I wish Spike was here too, mommy," Luna sobbed as she continued to grind Mina. "I wish he was here where he belongs...with me...with you...with those other women he touched. I love him so much, mommy. I want him to come back...so he can love us...so we can show him that after everything...we don't hate him. I want him inside me all the time...don't you want him to love you, too?"

"Yes...yes...Spike, I love you!!" Mina screamed.

Both Luna and Mina climaxed at the same time, their juices coating each other's entrances, letting out a scream as they fell on the bed. Luna and Mina felt physically and emotionally exhausted as they panted, trying to catch their breath as they came down from their high. Calming themselves down, Luna and Mina got up and faced each other. They smiled softly at each other, tears adorning their faces as they held each other and kissing each other softly on the lips.

'Come back to us, Spike,' Luna thought as she held and kissed Mina.

'We'll show you how much we truly love you, Spike,' Mina thought as she returned Luna's kiss.

Laying on a bed in the guest bedroom with a garish looking robe, Spike stared up at the ceiling as he tried to straighten out his thoughts. It had been some time since Fluttershy had found him an emotional wreck inside the Everfree Forest and brought him to her home. With his bike broken and no desire to go home, Spike really didn't have much of a choice but to accept Fluttershy's offer for room and board. After arriving at her house just outside the Everfree Forest, Spike, at Fluttershy's suggestion, took a shower while she prepared the guest guestroom. After that, Spike dried off and went to the room where he found an old and ugly robe waiting for him. Robe aside, he couldn't help but feel grateful for Fluttershy's hospitality but resolved that he wouldn't stay long.

'I should just sneak out,' Spike thought as he closed his eyes. 'Wouldn't want to impose Fluttershy with my baggage.'

There was a knock on the door and Spike rose up from the bed. He was tempted to just stay silent and pretend to be asleep, but didn't want to be rude. Spike adjusted his robe in an effort to appear decent.

"Can I come in?" asked Fluttershy from behind the door.

"Yeah, go ahead," Spike sighed.

Fluttershy opened the door and came in with a plate of cream cookies in one hand and a glass of milk on the other. Seeing her smiling and caring face made Spike smile in return and looking at what Fluttershy brought reminded that he hadn't had any dinner. What he didn't expect was a white blur dashing into the room and climbing up on his shoulder. He noticed that it was a little white rabbit that started to nuzzle his cheek. Spike was surprised at the actions of the little bunny, but couldn't help but chuckle. The bunny was very affectionate and he started to pet it.

"So, who are you supposed to be?" asked Spike with a smile. "Judging from what I can see, I'd say your Angel's...third daughter. Or maybe fourth."

"Actually, she's Angel's second daughter from his third mate," Fluttershy corrected as she sat next to Spike. "Her name is Serafina, daughter of Michelle. She's being curious about who you were since you got here."

"I guess Angel really got around," Spike smiled knowingly.

"You have no idea," Fluttershy laughed. "Angel had seven mates and they all bore him many little bunnies, all very cute like he was."

"He must have been very proud himself," Spike said, though his expression started to falter.

"He was very special to me and his mates," Fluttershy said nostalgically. "When Angel passed, I buried him not far from here. His mates and children followed me and joined in to say goodbye. He was a loving father and very loyal to his mates. He made sure no harm ever came to them."

His expression becoming more downcast, Spike became silent. He couldn't help but look back at the past few days and the women he slept with and loved. It had started with making love with Luna after she forgave him for what happened. Spike truly wanted to put the past behind him like some sort of bad episode and really make it up to women he had neglected, losing himself in his cooking. Admittedly, he did enjoy losing himself in making love to the women in his life, like some sort of promiscuous fantasy stud. Unfortunately, there were consequences that he didn't really think about at the time and not only did he have an answer to them, but he also had to reveal why he was the way he was for months. In his mind, he hurt the women he loved and he had to be as far away from them as possible. Glancing at Fluttershy, Spike couldn't bear the thought of hurting her, too.

Seeing Spike's contemplating and depressed face, Fluttershy asked, "Spike...what's wrong? You know you can tell me anything."

'No, I can't,' thought Spike as he ate a cookie. After taking a sip of milk and placing it back on the plate, Spike asked, "How long has it been, Fluttershy? I hardly ever see you these days. None of the girls have either."

"Oh...a year, now," Fluttershy responded, becoming a bit sad. "Since losing Quentin, I've kept to myself mostly. I hardly go out except when I have work to do at the veterinary clinic and the animal shelter. Other than that, it's just me...and my son. You'd like him, Spike."

"I bet he's the perfect little angel," Spike said, looking away.

"He is, though I hope he learns to have fun, like his papa did," Fluttershy said, smiling.

"Heaven forbid," Spike said knowingly, rolling his eyes up. "I don't think the world is ready for another Quentin Discordance."

"Oh, he wasn't that bad," Fluttershy laughed, though she became sheepish when Spike gave her a doubtful look. "Okay, maybe he was. Quentin had a...chaotic sense of humor and when he came to town, it was like a whirlwind of pranks and antics. He always wanted to top himself and he really didn't care who the mark was, whether he'd play pranks on the police or just go out on solo panty raids, Quentin felt invincible...until he wasn't."

"Well, you did get him arrested in the Everfree Forest," Spike pointed out.

"Yes, I did. My friends thought I was foolish, but I took it upon myself to find Quentin and get him to stop. I was with him for several days and I got to know him a bit better. At first, he really didn't really care for my company and all he did was tell me of his plan for city hall and ruining the mayor's birthday celebration. He said it was going to be his masterpiece and he will be remembered for it. It took a lot of convincing to get him to not go through with it, but in the end, Quentin changed his mind and turned himself in."

"Yeah, I remembered when that happened. He kept laughing his head off, going on about the forest queen conquering the prankster prince. It wasn't the cops, he said. It was beauty who caught the beast."

"I saw the good in him, then. I visited him while he was in jail and he was, for the most part, a sweet heart. When he got out, I properly introduced him to my friends. None of them took to him so easily, but as I remember it, you were the first one to shake his hand in friendship."

"Which I immediately regretted, because of a simple joy buzzer. He usually saved his more crass jokes for me, now that I think about it. I didn't get the threesome joke until years later."

"Oh, Quentin liked you most of all, Spike. He said that out of all the friends he made since getting out, you were his favorite person. He usually referred to you as my sugar baby. He would have loved how you turned out."

Once again, Spike became silent. From what he could remember, Quentin Discordance, for all his faults, made it an effort to be a good person when he got out of prison. He and Fluttershy were the first ones to meet him on his first day out. Spike had remembered how she and Quentin kissed and how much the kiss lasted for a while. He also remembered that he offered him his hand in friendship, only to be rewarded by a joy buzzer. Over time, Spike and Quentin got to know each other better and became good friends, even going on conventions together, whether they'd be fantasy conventions or food conventions. He had to admit, he was glad to be one of the few friends the prankster ever had, even if a lot of people thought he should have stayed gone.

One memory that did stand out in Spike's mind when it came to Quentin was when he asked him for his blessing to marry Fluttershy. Spike had only been sixteen at the time, but he was also one of Fluttershy's closest friends. Quentin knew that Fluttershy's other friends only tolerated him and her parents were very wary of him, so it came down to Spike's blessing. It made Spike feel a little uneasy about the whole thing, being put on the spot like that. But Spike gave Quentin his blessing and they both shared a hug. It was a pretty big moment and Spike couldn't be happier for Fluttershy and Quentin.

The funeral service for Quentin was strange to say the least, as Spike recalled. Quentin had prepared a roast before he died and it was read by a pastor. Said pastor had ended up very flustered after reading it as it was filled with crass jokes and well wishes for Fluttershy and her friends. Spike had remembered feeling awkward because Quentin had written in a few raunchy notes about him ogling Fluttershy's breasts and how he wouldn't have minded if he joined him in making Fluttershy happy...provided that his eyes were not be glued to his other lady friends for the time being.

'Even remembering Quentin makes me think of the ladies,' thought Spike sadly grabbing a few cookies and downing them with what was left of the milk.

"Spike...," Fluttershy spoke as she placed the placed plate on the bed. "Don't you think it's time you told me your side of the story?"

Spike almost spat out the milk in reaction, but forced himself to swallow it. After that, Spike stared at Fluttershy with a frightened expression. He wanted to run away without a word, but he knew he couldn't. He could only ask himself how Fluttershy knew and for how long. Other questions formed in Spike's panicked mind as he sat very still on the bed.

Fluttershy picked up Serafina, got up from the bed and walked outside the room where she placed the little rabbit on the floor. She then closed the door and faced Spike.

"About a month ago, I was at Golden Oaks Park taking my son for a stroll, where I found Vice Principal Heavenstone crying," Fluttershy began to explain. "She had taken to reading to the children every weekend whenever Principal Heavenstone couldn't make it. I've never seen her so distraught that she would cry in front of children. What got me really curious is that the children that were comforting her were mentioning you. I phoned the children's parents and I took her back here so she could explain everything."

Spike remained quiet, though his expression became more dreaded.

"Vice Principal Heavenstone...Luna...she confessed to me," Fluttershy continued. "I...I just couldn't believe it. An educator like her and my Spike...just her mentioning that she was having sex with you. The only thought that was going through my head was what were you two thinking? Then as Luna went on, she went on how she made you cry during the whole thing and that she slapped you. I couldn't tell you how furious I was at her, but when she told me how you reacted...I didn't want to believe her. I didn't want to believe that my Spike was capable of being so beastly. When she told me about what happened afterwards...that horrified look she said you gave her before you ran away...,"

"Fluttershy...there's no excuse for what I did," Spike said as he shut his eyes, voice breaking. "I...I let her take the lead and I was bursting so fast that I felt ashamed of myself. I felt like a wimp, like I was never going to satisfy a woman like Luna. I felt like a failure. When she slapped me, something just...switched on and I wanted to show her how much of a man I could be for her. She let me...and I went in hard and fast. When it was over, Luna was crying. I knew I did something terrible and ran away like a coward. For two months, I felt like a piece of shit that deserved to die! I hurt her, Fluttershy! I hurt her and she forgave me when she should have killed me!"

Seeing Spike spill his emotions with tears in his face made Fluttershy's heart ache. This was her friend, a long time friend, admitting that he did wrong with every ounce of remorse coming out of his body. She began to recall how Luna was in the same state as Spike, though the Vice Principal was apologizing profusely for hurting her friend, begging for forgiveness. Both Luna and Spike had carried their own guilt from the whole thing for so long that it ate away at their very being. They both did something wrong, and Fluttershy could tell from Luna's confession and Spike's emotional outburst that they both deeply regret it.

"I still can't believe she forgave me," Spike said miserably, shaking his head. "We...made love a few days ago and after that...she encouraged me to reconnect with the ladies that have been special to me for all these years. In more ways than one, I did. Every moment felt like a dream come true...then it all went to hell when Luna and I had to tell them everything, including what happened between us. I know they hate me, Fluttershy. Mom, Twilight, Iris, Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity..."

Seeing that Spike was trying very hard no to cry, Fluttershy sat next to him and held him close, wrapping one arm around his waist and using the other to hold his head against her shoulder. What came next was the sound of sobbing and crying coming from the young man. Moments later, Fluttershy felt Spike's arms wrap around her waist, tightly. She couldn't help but cry along with him. Spike felt very alone at this moment and she needed to remind him that she was there for him.

Wiping away her tears, Fluttershy spoke softly, "Spike...from the way you and Luna tell this story...it seems you two went overboard in trying to please each other. Luna wanted to show you that she stood above all the women in your life while you wanted to show her that you weren't a little boy anymore. In the process, you hurt each other more than you loved each other. What matters Spike...is that you two are trying to make things right. You two have forgiven each other and I know nothing like that will ever happen again, right?"

Spike continued to hold Fluttershy as he listened to her words. He knew she was right as he had tried to do right by Luna these past few days. He also knew that he could never forget what happened but he also promised Luna...promised himself that he would be a better person and live his life to the fullest. He owed it to himself, to Luna and to the other women in life that he would at least try to be a better person. Spike knew that he was going to make it up to the ladies in his life and he wasn't going to do it by running away.

Letting go of Fluttershy and wiping away his tears, Spike smiled appreciatively. Much like the other ladies, the woman in front of him had looked out for him for years and even as he reached adulthood, she continued to do so. Maybe the other ladies didn't hate him as much as he thought, but he was glad to know that Fluttershy didn't want to shun him away.

After a few moments of silence, Fluttershy spoke in a softly stern voice, "There is the matter of the other women in your life and what you have been doing with them. To put it bluntly, that was very irresponsible of you, not to mention risky."

"I know," Spike said, embarrassed. "Things just got out of control with them. I'll make it up to them...somehow."

"You better because they are my friends, too," Fluttershy reminded Spike. "But I can tell you didn't just have sex with them just for the sake of having sex."

"I love them, Fluttershy," Spike said with conviction. "All of them. I have for many years and...I think they loved me for some time now."

"They've always loved you, Spike. They're just expressing it differently now that you've become an adult. I'll admit, ladies like Luna, Twilight, Iris and...goodness gracious, you're stepmother...are taking quite a risk just to be with you. But then there is Applejack, Pinkie and Rarity. That's quite a harem you have there."

"Yeah, well...it's all been quite an experience. Each lady has their own thing that makes them unique."

"Oh, how so?"

At that, Spike hesitated to answer. While he was glad that the conversation had taken a pleasant turn, he didn't know if he should divulge his sexual experiences to Fluttershy. It only took a moment to think about and reasoned that it would be silly to keep something like that from a friend. Spike only hoped that she wouldn't be weirded out too much.

"Well, there's Luna," Spike began, sighing. "She's very eager to please and tries very hard to make it good for me. She loves to tease me and keep my attention on her always."

"And what of the other ladies?" asked Fluttershy curiously. "What about...Iris Dash?"

"She...was very surprising," Spike admitted. "Iris...loves to be restrained and loves it when I talk dirty to her."

"Goodness!" Fluttershy gasped. "The last time Iris talked about sex with men, she said they were boring. I guess you woke up something in her."

"Yeah, I did," Spike gulped.

"And your stepmother...why her?"

"Mom feels very lonely and she doesn't like the idea that I'm leaving for college soon. She wants to feel that I'm with her always. I try to remind her that I will always love and appreciate her for raising me."

"I see. What about Twilight?"

"Twilight's very attentive and she wants to do things right. I...didn't go all the way with her. Plus, if Iris was right, Twilight has always wanted me for herself."

"Twilight did have your best interests at heart...which is why she always wanted to have your attention so you wouldn't get into trouble."

"I guess."

"And your old crush, Rarity."

"Rarity just wants to be appreciated for her and not just because of the position she holds in high society. She also loves helping those in need when they need a confidence boost. I mean, when me, Rarity and Belle-

"Wait, Rarity and Belle!? Spike, no!"

"That time was my...second threesome. My first was with mom and Luna."

Fluttershy couldn't help but be astonished by what she was hearing. She had to admit that Spike really got around and his actions weren't just limited to her best friends.

"What of Pinkie Pie?" Fluttershy pressed on.

"She loves to play games and dress up," responded Spike, blushing. "She even got her sisters in on it, too."

'I'm sensing a pattern here,' Fluttershy thought, blushing as well.

"And Applejack likes it rough...real rough," Spike said, rubbing the back of his head. "With her, she always wants to have the advantage...like if it was wrestling or something. It was different from what I did with Applebloom."

"Gracious me," Fluttershy said, shaking her head. "Spike...if you're going to have many women, you should really limit yourself when it comes to lovemaking. You won't have anything left to give."

Coming to a realization, Spike had to agree that Fluttershy was right. So many women in just a few days...he was amazed that he still had the energy to stand, much less making love to different women every day. Then again, thinking back on the women he has loved, he'd be lucky if any of those women would want to agree to be in a harem lifestyle after all this was over and settled.

Fluttershy, against her better judgement, felt impressed by Spike's way with the ladies. She had known her friend since he was a shy little boy and to see him turned into this man that was...quite the man...it just made her curious. She, like her friends, had a bit of a sway when it came to Spike. Fluttershy always knew that the ladies could talk him into anything and she had been guilty of doing the same thing. She assumed that is how things happened with Spike as the young man was pretty shy...though Spike could be very direct and controlling when it came down to it.

Still, Fluttershy had to make sure if this something Spike needs right now. If she came on too strong, it may make him run away or do something he may regret. Ultimately, Spike's welfare was of great concern to her and felt that the young needed more assurance and love right now.

"Spike...I would love to help you," Fluttershy said with a smile.

"You're already are," Spike smiled gratefully. "I couldn't be more thankful."

"I'd like to do more," Fluttershy spoke softly as she placed one hand over Spike's hand and the other on his cheek. "Milk and cookies aren't enough, are they?"

Spike eyes widened at Fluttershy's offer. Here was one of the sweetest women in all of Ponyville coming on to him. Spike couldn't find the words or even open his mouth. So much had happened to him over the past few hours and so much was said. Now Fluttershy wanted to...help him. Spike admitted to himself that the widow was a very attractive woman and anyone would be a fool to reject such an offer from her. He could only imagine himself having her...loving her and fulfilling her. Spike frowned, belittling himself for thinking such things as he scooted away from Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy...I can't," Spike spoke, fear dominating his thoughts. "That's how this whole mess started in the first place. I couldn't keep it in my pants when I was around your friends and I'm not going to drag you down with me. I'll only be hurting you and I sure as hell know that Quentin wouldn't like that."

"Spike...you're the one that's hurting right now," Fluttershy spoke, almost pleadingly. "In their own way, Luna, Twilight and the rest have been helping you through this difficult time. I'm sorry if I haven't been there for you, but let me be here with you, now. Trust me when I say that you need this right now. From the way you speak about your escapades, it sounds like you've never been happier. Please, Spike...allow me to help you...just like the other ladies have been doing for you.

Looking into Fluttershy's pleading eyes, Spike could see that Fluttershy did indeed want to help him. He simply nodded, which got the women to smile again. He wasn't prepared when Fluttershy moved in to kiss him on the lips. Spike was stunned for a second before he returned the kiss readily, placing his hands on Fluttershy's shoulders. Judging from the appreciative moans he was hearing from the widow, Spike got a bit bolder and slowly put Fluttershy on her back, his lips never leaving hers. He could feel that his manhood had hardened as his hands moved to Fluttershy's blouse. What surprised him was that the woman's hand firmly clasped on to his, stopping him. Spike let go of Fluttershy's, looking at her curiously. What he saw was a mischievous smile as she shook her slowly.

"Not here, Spike," Fluttershy spoke sweetly. "I know a place that would be perfect. for us."

Spike looked at Fluttershy curiously as he allowed her to get up. Realizing something, Spike asked, "What about your son?"

"He's with a babysitter, right now," Fluttershy responded, straightening herself out as she opened the door, looking back at Spike. "I was going to pick him up before I spotted you. Before calling your mom, I called the babysitter if she minded looking after him for the night. She didn't and it's just us for now."

"Oh...then I really can't deny your help," Spike said with a big sigh.

"I'll go see if your clothes are ready," Fluttershy said as she left the room, closing the door.

Spike groaned as he let himself plop on the bed with his hands on his face, contemplating how deep he was digging himself for giving in like that.

Pinkie had closed Sugar Cube Corner some time before leaving for the Drake residence. She had regretted turning away customers and sending the employees home, but she felt that what was going to happen at Spike's home was something she needed to be a part of. She had known, in part, what happened to Spike those two months ago, but hearing it in full from both Spike and Luna...it was very unnerving and sad to see her friend and the Vice Principal admit to hurting each other. She could only imagine carrying that sort of guilt could do to a person.

After she and the other ladies left the house, Pinkie invited them to Sugar Cube Corner for a private meeting with sweets and coffee. They had reluctantly agreed as they really were at a loss on what to do next. Since arriving, nothing was said between the ladies as they took their places. Rarity and Applejack had sat at a small round table with their coffee and sweet bread while Iris and Twilight sat at a booth across each other, with Twilight having coffee and sweet bread while Iris was drinking a bottle of hard apple cider, one of six she brought over. Pinkie had decided to sit alone at one of the tables as she didn't want to say anything yet, eating her sweet bread and drinking a Neapolitan shake.

After finishing her first bottle of cider, Iris was about to open another when she looked at Twilight looking worried. She noticed that she hadn't taken a bite of her bread and had drunk a bit of her coffee. Iris could only assume that, like her and the rest of ladies present, were worried about Spike and where he had gone off to. She could only scoff at this as Twilight was, when it came to Spike, the biggest worrywart as he always wanted to keep him safe. It has been that way for years and it always bugged Iris that Twilight treated him like a baby while she always wanted him to have fun and take a few risks.

As antagonistic as she had become towards Twilight these past few years and even more so because she had assumed that the lady in front of her had taken Spike's virginity, Iris had to remember that her student's well being was the biggest concern right now.

"Yo, egghead," Iris said, trying to get Twilight's attention. "Twilight...sorry for what I said earlier..."

When Twilight didn't respond, Iris got annoyed and frowned. She was about to raise her voice, but thought better of it and decided to down another bottle of cider. She let out a breath as she practically slammed the bottle on the table, finally getting Twilight's attention.

"Listen, I know you want to go after Spike as much as I do," Iris said as she grabbed another bottle. "But the kid needs his alone time to figure what he wants and who he wants...or how many of us he wants. Don't really care as I want to be a part of it."

"I don't like that he's all alone out there!" Twilight blurted out. "You saw what happened and he's run off to who knows where! What if he hurts himself?! What if somebody-

"Oh, will you just stop it!?" Iris snapped at Twilight as she slammed her hands on the table. "Spike's going to be okay and you know why!? Because he's not a baby anymore, he's stronger than you give him credit for and he's got seven women waiting for him! He has a lot of reasons to come home! We just have to show him that we love him, got it!?"

"I just...I just want him here where it's safe," Twilight's said, her voice breaking. "I know he's not a little boy anymore, but I will never stop worrying about him. I love him, Iris. I love him more than I should, but I love him."

"We all do, darling," Rarity said sympathetically. "More than anything, we all want Spike to return to us. Truth be told, I don't like the idea of him out there all alone, but he will come back. Besides...we have to get things straightened out between us."

"Yeah, like the matter of him sleeping around on us," Applejack said as she sipped her coffee.

"I'm willing to share," Iris shrugged. "As far as I'm concerned, he can bang all of you all he wants as long as I'm a part of it."

"Iris Dash, you're not suggesting that Spike take up the harem lifestyle," Rarity said, shocked as her eyes widened.

"Ooh, that does sound like fun," Pinkie gushed. "We can take turns and everything. He can have one or two of us at a time or even three! I already know he can have three since he had me and my sisters not too long ago. He's very energetic!"

"And I wouldn't mind having him with any one of you," Applejack said a nod. "Wonder if Mrs. Drake and Luna wouldn't mind if Spike had a few more girlfriends around?"

"Really, A.J.?" Iris frowned, raising an eyebrow. "You want to bring her into this?"

"Iris, Spike loves Luna," Rarity reminded Iris. "In spite of everything that happened between them, they still love each other. Besides, Luna wants to do right by him, just like our Spike wants to do right by her...by all of us. It wouldn't be right to leave her out."

"Besides, if it weren't for her, Spike wouldn't have reconnected with any of us," Pinkie pointed out. "Things...just got out of hand, but hey, we can make it all better."

Iris grunted as she folded her arms before she looked at a still worrying Twilight and asked, "So what do you think about all this, egghead? Think Spike would mind having all seven of us?"

Twilight stayed quiet as she looked upon her friends as they looked at her expectantly. Even after all these years, her friends valued her opinion. The whole thing sounded so ideal and Spike wouldn't have to choose any of them. He could have her or any of her friends anytime he wanted without guilt or remorse. Still, what her friends were suggesting carried many risks and many problems would arise from it. There was also Spike to consider because of how fragile his state of being before he ran away.

"Girls...it all sounds too good to be true," Twilight spoke as she addressed her friends. "Nothing would make me happier than to see Spike happy and in our company again. As far as having any one of us...I want to make sure he's okay and safe before we start suggesting this fantasy lifestyle. I don't want to make any decisions for him. He has to want it, too."

The rest of the ladies took what Twilight said and looked at each other. After a moment, they all nodded in agreement.

The ladies were startled as they heard all their phones buzz or ping. They took them out and they noticed that it was a text from Mrs. Drake. It just read "Spike is okay. With Fluttershy." The ladies all sighed in relief, glad to know that one of their friends has Spike and everything will be alright.

"Hmm, wouldn't Fluttershy make eight?" Pinkie wondered out loud.

The rest of the ladies eyes widened in realization and began debating if they should leave well enough alone or not.

Holding on to Fluttershy's waist as she drove her scooter deep into the Everfree Forest, Spike was deep in thought as to what she was up to. Just moments ago, he and Fluttershy had shared a kiss and were about to go even further before she stopped him, saying that she had something else in mind. Moments later, after getting dressed and having Serefina sit on his head, Spike and Fluttershy were off, though not before the lady packed her camp bag. It was obvious to Spike that he and Fluttershy were about to share even more, but was rather curious as to why she was driving into the Everfree Forest. It was already the evening and it was getting to the point where one could hardly see a thing and only hear the sounds of the local wildlife.

'Wonder what she has planned,' Spike thought to himself. 'Maybe she wants a bit more privacy, but the Everfree Forest? Not too many people would want to go in here on purpose. Not for years anyway.'

"We're almost there, Spike," Fluttershy announced.

"Yeah, um...where are we going exactly?" asked Spike. He then rolled his eyes up to see Serefina on his head. "And why is Serafina coming with us?"

"Oh, she loves the forest," Fluttershy smiled knowingly. "Plus, I have a job for her that needs to be done."

"Alright," Spike responded before keeping silent for the duration of the trip.

Spike and Fluttershy finally arrived at their destination. It was an old, abandoned campground that Spike knew of as Camp Everfree. He could tell that no one has set foot here for years as saw the unkempt fields, broken flagstaffs, empty cottages that had holes on the roofs, gazebos with either toppled or no roofs and the river coast littered with boats that have fallen into disrepair. Truth be told, Spike felt a bit unsettled at his surroundings as she also noticed a few animals that inhabited the camp grounds.

'Ready to start filming, Mr. Cunningham,' Spike thought as he looked at his surroundings fearfully.

"Here we are," Fluttershy said as she got off the scooter, turning it off and breathing in the air before letting out a breath. "Aw, just feel the nature. It's perfect for us!"

"Yeah, well...all I feel is the creeps," Spike said as he looked around for anything suspicious. He then noticed that Serafina had gotten out of his head and was now chatting with the nearby animals. "She's getting acquainted, I see."

"Serafina is pretty friendly," Fluttershy said as she got close to Spike and kissed him briefly. "I'll set things for us. You gather up some firewood."

After some time had passed, Spike and Fluttershy sat together on a log near the fire pit. They were both eating s'mores sandwiches and drinking water, enjoying the warmth of the fire and enjoying each other's company. To Spike, the silence was a bit eerie and even the light of the fire didn't ease his tension. It also didn't help that he knew Fluttershy had something planned and she was trying to ease him in. Spike thought back to his sexual escapades from the past few days and while the places did have some element of danger of getting caught (the Drake home and Rarity's house being exceptions), none of them had a scary atmosphere of Camp Everfree. It also made Spike curious about where he and Fluttershy would do it because none of the abandoned buildings seemed ideal.

Spike's thoughts were interrupted as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He tensed up as his eyes drifted to Fluttershy's face that was adorned with an assuring smile. Spike looked curiously at her and Fluttershy just giggled.

"Everything will be fine, Spike," Fluttershy assured.

"I know, it's just...you sure picked a spot here," Spike said nervously as he looked around. "No one's been around here for years and it's very private...scary, but private."

"Privacy has nothing to do with picking this place, Spike," Fluttershy said as she was roasting a marshmallow. "My friends and I share some memories here. Camp Everfree was in its final days and we decided to make the most of it. Iris and Applejack made their mark in sports, Pinkie was a star in the camp kitchen, Rarity tried her hardest to be the "Belle of the Forest" and Twilight read stories to the younger camp goers. As for me, I hung around the local wildlife and made friends with animals here."

'Never change, Fluttershy,' Spike thought with a fond smile.

"It was also here where...I lost my virginity," Fluttershy said as a blush formed on her cheeks.

"Seriously?" asked Spike, stunned.

"Yes, and it started out with something silly," Fluttershy chuckle. "At this very fire pit, Iris gave us these playing cards that all had a picture of a cherry. She called them "Virgin Cards" and we had to hand ours over when one of us lost our virginity. The others had a laugh about it and I didn't know what to say."

Spike could only guess what Fluttershy was going to say next, but remained quiet.

"I...turned my card over two day later," Fluttershy, her blush growing a deeper shade of red.

'Two days!' Spike thought as his eyes widened with interest.

"It...wasn't something I was planning or anything, I mean it wasn't a contest," Fluttershy laughed nervously as she started to explain. "It was a boy named David Sandbar, who at the time was fifteen. I, myself had turned eighteen a few months prior to going to camp. David...didn't have the highest esteem of any boy I knew. He was very shy, didn't know how to talk to girls and was often the target of bullies at the camp. I rescued him from an attack, but he wasn't exactly thankful as he just cried and told me to leave him alone. I guess getting beat up in front of a girl had wounded his pride."

'Sort of sounds like me when Twilight rescued me from bullies all those years ago,' Spike thought as he remembered the time he first met Twilight.

"It didn't take me that long to find him after that," Fluttershy continued. "He was by the lake throwing rocks, alone. I sat by him as we talked, first about me and then about him. It saddened me to hear that where Sandbar was from, he was always the target of bullies, whether it be boys or girls. His father had sent him to camp to toughen up, but wasn't succeeding. I then had the idea of taking him to a private hike deep into the forest so he could learn a few things, like foraging, building a fire and other stuff.

"We ended up getting lost, so we set up a tent for the night. While I tried to keep our spirits up, David was blaming himself for getting us lost. I tried telling him that it wasn't his fault, but he wasn't having it. He kept calling himself a failure that nobody likes and that no girl would want to be with him because he wasn't manly and ugly. I certainly didn't think he was ugly and I told him that such things didn't matter. David still wouldn't listen and I decided to play one final card: I placed my hands on his cheeks and kissed him. It was my first kiss and I made the most of it. I could tell David couldn't believe what was happening, but he responded to me. One thing led to another, and...we lost our virginity right there and there."

'Wow,' Spike thought, amazed at Fluttershy's boldness.

"After that, David and I were in each other's company for the duration of our stay," Fluttershy continued. "We didn't do any more consummation, but we did become friends. David did improve somewhat at camp activities while I continued to encourage him. I turned my virgin card over to Iris, but I told her not to make a fuss about it. When camp was over, however, David and I shared a kiss in front of the camp goers. We said our goodbyes and we didn't see each other for many years. I was just glad that David had left happy and in good spirits."

"Lucky guy," Spike said, whistling. "So when did you meet up with David again?"

"He invited me to his wedding some years later," Fluttershy responded. "He was getting married to a fashion employee named Yona. I'll have to say about her that I wouldn't want to get on her bad side. David did assure me that she was a sweet girl with a big heart to match her big frame."

"Sounds like the guy lucked out in the end," Spike chuckled.

"He did indeed," Fluttershy sighed.

Fluttershy felt a tug on her blouse and saw that it was Serafina, waving her paws around. She nodded and got up from the log, grabbing a blanket from her bag. After placing it a few feet from the fire, she looked up and smiled at Spike's curious expression.

"There is one thing I learned about myself when I lost virginity," Fluttershy spoke softly as she began to undress. "As I was being pounded into pleasure...I saw that animals were looking at me with those curious eyes of theirs. I was embarrassed at first as I didn't want them to look at me like that. But as time went on...I began to like being watched. I felt so dirty because they were watching me being loved. It was my first time and there was no privacy. I...l loved it."

Spike's eyes widened as he sat up and looked around his surroundings. Everywhere he looked, from the trees to the earth, he saw little woodland creatures, squirrels, rabbits, birds and even the insects and arachnids were watching in anticipation. Spike was speechless but his heart raced, fear and anxiety gripping his entire being. For a brief moment, he had forgotten what had led him to this moment as the situation had become very surreal. These animals had become an audience to witness human on human procreation. Spike couldn't help but tremble and felt and gulped.

Before he could protest, Spike remained speechless as he beheld Fluttershy's naked form. He was mesmerized by every curve in her body, including inviting breasts so full and big. He could also a tinge of wetness escaping her loins. What took Spike's breath away was that Fluttershy's arms spread invitingly while she had a calming smile on her face. Spike walked slowly, not believing the craziness that was happening around him. As he got close to Fluttershy, Spike was still unsure that he should go along with this and just run. But Fluttershy's warm and reassuring smile made him continue to push forward. When he was close, Spike hugged Fluttershy as she gave him a warm hug in return. After a few seconds, they looked at each other's eyes, closed them and kissed each other softly. The kiss was brief and Spike sighed, the taste of Fluttershy's lips still tingled his own. Spike's attention was drawn to the other animals witnessing this but was diverted as Fluttershy's hand guided him back to her.

"They haven't witnessed their mommy like this in a long time," Fluttershy spoke, her voice becoming more alluring. "I know this seems kind of strange, but this is something I would like to share with you. Besides...it's just us and them. They won't tell a soul of what will happen here."

"I would have to tell your friends...I would have to tell Luna...mom," Spike said with conviction.

"That's alright, my dear little Spike," Fluttershy said, tracing her finger on Spike's chest. "I have nothing to hide from them. They just have to understand that another woman loves you just as much as they do. Besides...even if they come here, I wouldn't stop on their account. Hopefully, after all that has happened...they won't be too jealous."

Though he still felt unsure, Spike tentatively leaned in and kissed Fluttershy again. He felt her respond to the kiss eagerly, deepening it as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Spike wrapped his arms around Fluttershy's waist, making sure his body was close enough for the woman to feel his hard on. He then inserted his tongue inside her lips, tasting the inside of her mouth as he felt her tongue respond to him. Not wanting for Fluttershy to have the upper hand, Spike lowered his hand and gave one of her buttocks as firm squeeze, earning him an appreciative moan. He then moved his hips and made humping motions, his covered erection rubbing on her wet sex. Spike was running on instinct and he was letting Fluttershy know that he wanted her badly, casting any reluctance he felt aside.

Feeling that Spike was getting into it, Fluttershy let go of the kiss and took off his shirt, tossing it aside. She began kissing his neck and gave it a playful nibble, earning a hiss from the young man. Fluttershy went for the lips but the kiss was brief as she traced the tip of her tongue downward where she decided to nibble on Spike's nipples while also giving them playful licks and kisses. She giggled as she heard the young man's moans and groans getting louder and she could swear that she heard the animals encouraging her to get bolder. Not wanting to disappoint, Fluttershy abandoned Spike's chest and lowered herself, still using the tip of her tongue to taste him.

As soon as she was on her knees, Fluttershy unbuckled Spike's belt and lowered his pants and boxers. Through half lidded eyes, she marveled at the size of Spike's manhood and she could see how hard it stood at attention, erect and eager. Fluttershy gave the tip small, tentative licks before she used her tongue to lick around the head. She then proceeded to lick the length, coating it in her saliva. After seeing that Spike's manhood was sufficiently slick, Fluttershy began to tug at it slowly while using her other hand to massage his balls, not wanting her lover to climax instantly. Her movements were becoming faster in pace as Spike was about ready to climax. Feeling that Spike was close, Fluttershy let go of Spike's manhood and opened her mouth wide, engulfing the erect treasure inside her mouth.

'So warm,' Spike thought, his eyes shut while his face was filled with pleasure. 'Her breath feels so hot around me...I feel like I want to come...'

Gripping the back of Fluttershy's head, Spike moved his hips to hump Fluttershy's mouth, though his motions began slowly, not wanting the warm feeling around his shaft to end quickly. Looking around his surroundings, Spike was reminded that he and Fluttershy were putting on a peepshow for the animals that were looking on curiously. It honestly made him feel a little nervous at being watched, but he tried not to think about it. Spike moved his hips a little faster and he felt close to climax as his manhood slid in and out of Fluttershy's eager mouth.

Spike looked around at the curious animals that had become captivated at what they were witnessing. It still felt strange to him that he was doing this with an audience, even if that audience was a bunch of woodland creatures that wouldn't tell anyone else what is transpiring in front of them. Spike, however, knew that Fluttershy was really getting off on this as he felt her matching his humping movements, hearing her moan pleasurably as she continued to suck on him. Spike shut his eyes, grunting as he moved faster until he couldn't hold back any longer and shot his seed inside Fluttershy's mouth, letting out a loud groan as he held her head in place.

Fluttershy could feel Spike's seed streamed inside her mouth as she felt his hands grip tightly to the back of her head. She moaned in pleasure, savoring the taste of the young man's load as it continued to pour inside her throat. Even as Spike let go of his grip to her head, Fluttershy's mouth continued to hold on to his manhood until she came up for breath before swallowing the rest of his cum. After that, she looked up at her lover and noticed how heavy his breathing got as he looked at her with lust. Fluttershy knew that Spike was getting more confident in this setting and she couldn't help but smile lustfully at him as the fire from the pit behind him made him look even more alluring, like a conquering warrior ready to take his prize. She moved back to he blanket and stared at him invitingly, opening her thighs and revealing her dripping sex him. Fluttershy's was feeling the heat and she wanted Spike to add more fuel to it.

Spike moved down to Fluttershy's level and got on top of her, placing himself between her thighs. Though he still felt an erection, he didn't want to use it just yet as he elected to give Fluttershy a brief kiss before moving his lips to her neck. Spike heard a loud squeak as he nibbled on Fluttershy's neck, loving the taste. He then moved a hand up to her breast and began to massage it, using his fingers to tweak her nipples. This got a reaction from Fluttershy as Spike heard her breathing getting more intense. Leaving her neck and placing his face close to one of her breasts, Spike sensed a smell coming from Fluttershy's nipple and saw a bit of a white substance beginning to drip from it. Emboldened, he placed his lips on her nipple and began suckling on it, tasting the milk. Spike licked and bit on Fluttershy's nipple and he heard her breathing intensify as she was letting out more milk from her breast. He continued to feed on her, enjoying the taste as he wrapped his arms around her. Spike moved his lips to the other breast and fed on it as well, sucking off more of Fluttershy's milk, not getting enough of the taste as he continued to drink it.

"Spike...no...that's not for...," Fluttershy moaned as she felt Spike suck her breasts dry, tears of embarrassment streaming down her eyes. "Spike...if you keep doing that, I'll...Spike, please...,"

Spike left Fluttershy's breast as he licked his lips. He smirked at Fluttershy's lust filled expression and kissed her more intensely, making her taste her own milk. Leaving Fluttershy's lips, Spike hefted one breast to Fluttershy's lips, urging her to have more of her own milk. She seemed reluctant at first, but she opened her mouth and began to nibble on her nipple, tasting and drinking out of her own breast. Spike then moved back to Fluttershy's other breast, once again drinking and sucking off her nipples of her milk. He moaned, feeling very aroused as he drank more and more from Fluttershy as she groaned in pleasure. Spike, felt that he had his fill, moved down to Fluttershy's exposed womanhood and saw that it was dripping more and more. He moved his face closer and began licking at it, tasting her honey. Spike inserted two fingers inside her and moved them with such intensity that Fluttershy ejaculated on his face. It didn't deter him as he licked and tasted her, savoring her as he now felt ready to do more with her. Lifting his head from Fluttershy's womanhood, Spike moved his hips closer to Fluttershy's sex and ran his erection on her entrance, though not entering yet.

"Fluttershy...you're the best," Spike spoke huskily as he began to tease Fluttershy's sex.

Letting go of her breast, Fluttershy urged Spike, "Spike...please....,"

"Please what?" asked Spike with a smirk.

"Your man stick...I want it inside me."

"Inside where?"

"My pussy...please...it's been a long time for me. I want to feel it all, Spike. Give it to me...please..."

"As you wish...my little forest belle."

Fluttershy remained still as she awaited for Spike's erection to enter her, closing her eyes. She whimpered as she felt the head just tease her entrance and she just wanted him to get it over with. Before she could protest, Fluttershy moaned loudly as she felt Spike's manhood enter her completely. She could feel every inch of him light her up as she felt her entire body tingle in delight. Fluttershy cried a happy cry at finally being fulfilled after so much time. Fluttershy then started to feel Spike move his erection in and out her, though he was going slow. She didn't mind as she wanted this to last, sighing as she let him go at his own pace.

Fluttershy opened her eyes and she saw the animals continue to watch her getting plowed. It amazed her how much being watched aroused her. Many years ago, when Sandbar did her and the animals watched her, it embarrassed her as she didn't want the animals in the forest witnessing her doing something that was supposed to be intimate and private. But she realized that something clicked inside her and she started to enjoy it, just like she was enjoying it with Spike at this moment. All those little yes observing her getting plowed by a young man she had seen as a friend for so long. Someone who needed the comfort after feeling so alone and guilty. She just wanted Spike to be happy with her...with all the women he has loved for all this time.

'Spike...you're making me come,' Fluttershy thought as she sobbed, feeling Spike moving his hips faster. 'Come inside me...come inside this slutty forest mommy...'

Feeling very close to bursting, Spike grunted as he thrust into Fluttershy at a faster pace. He wanted to come inside her so badly now and he couldn't wait for her to cry out in pleasure. He then used his hand to grip her breasts, making her howl in ecstasy as more milk streamed from her nipples. He lowered his face, smearing it with the substance before sucking her nipples and drinking more of her milk. Hearing Fluttershy's moans turn into screams, Spike raised his head and kissed her, silencing the screams. He let go of the kiss and used his hands to pin her wrists to ground, thrusting deeper inside her as he started deeply into her eyes. Spike could now feel his climax growing and he could see that Fluttershy wanted to experience it very badly.

"Never thought...you'd be an exhibitionist, Mrs. Discordance," Spike grunted as he continued his thrusts.

"Are you ashamed of me, Spike?" asked Fluttershy lustfully. "Do you think that I'm such a dirty little forest nymph for enjoying myself being watched? Do you hate this mommy for being so hungry for you?"

"I could never hate you, Marylin," Spike spoke with emotion, a few tears escaping his eyes. "I could never hate any of you. I just want to love you again and again. I want to be with you...with them forever. I don't want them to hate me."

"I don't hate you, my puppy," Fluttershy said as she began to feel another climax. "None of them hate you. They just want you to come back. They just want you to love them like you're loving me. You are their one and only man...you've always been."

Feeling Fluttershy's words of encouragement, Spike finally let himself go as he climaxed inside of her, his seed streaming and coating her entrance. He heard her scream in pleasure for a few seconds before it died down. After feeling that he poured every inch of himself into Fluttershy, Spike felt exhausted, sweating as his grip on Fluttershy's wrest loosened. He then fell on top of Fluttershy's chest and rested there, feeling the woman trying to catch her breath. After a few moments, he lifted the woman and held her, his head remaining on her chest. Spike then felt a pair of arms wrap around his head and held him close. Spike couldn't help but smile as he snuggled close to Fluttershy, not wanting this warm feeling to end.

"It feels so safe here," Spike sighed.

"I'm glad I could be of little help," Fluttershy spoke warmly as she ran a hand through Spike's hair. "And you called me Marylin just now. You know you can call me Fluttershy, little one. Not Mrs. Discordance or Marylin...just Fluttershy."

"Fluttershy...can we stay like this for a bit?"

"As much as you want...my precious little lost puppy."

Spike and Fluttershy continued to hold to each other as the flames from the fire pit continued to warm them.

"Hey, Fluttershy!" Iris shouted as she banged on Fluttershy's cottage door. "I know you're in there! Open up! We just want to see if Spike 's okay!"

After what seemed like a long debate at Sugar Cube Corner, the ladies voted in favor of paying their long time friend Fluttershy a visit to her cottage and see if Spike was well enough to settle things. There were some misgivings, but their concern for the well being of their friend won out. It did take some time to convince Mina, though, as she was confident that Fluttershy would bring Spike home by morning. Luna also had her misgivings and wanted to give Spike his space, but she also wanted to see Spike again and tell him how much she means to him. All the ladies got in their vehicles and gathered at Fluttershy's cottage and Iris was the first one to the door, banging the door so her friend could open it.

"I mean it, Marilyn D.!" Iris continued to shout. "I'll bust the door down! And I don't care if you're banging him in front of your animals! Open the door, damn it!"

"Ain't no use, Ms. Dash," Applejack said as she dragged Iris from the door. "For one thing, I don't see her scooter anywhere."

"Do you think they went into town?" Twilight wondered.

"In the state Spike was in when he ran off, I don't think so," Rarity doubted.

"Where could they be?" Mina also wondered as she looked around worryingly. "Mrs. Discordance told me that she had Spike with him."

"They went into the Everfree Forest," Pinkie piped up as she looked at the scooter tracks leading into the forest.

The ladies walked to the scooter tracks and looked up the forest entrance. Luna, who had been silent ever since leaving with Mina, could only look on at the path leading into the forest. She more or less knew what was happening between her lover and Fluttershy and smiled a soft smile. She chuckled at the fact that the town's animal caretaker would take Spike into the forest at night for her little fun. Luna sighed as she placed her hand over her heart, knowing that Spike was truly safe.

"I'm going in there," Iris said as she started walking towards the forest.

"Now hold on there, Iris," Applejack said as she restrained Iris. "If Fluttershy's with him, then all we have to do is wait. She'll bring him back to us, no problem."

"Here they come!" Pinkie gasped as she saw a light coming from the dark pathway.

Indeed the ladies did see a light getting closer. Moments later, Fluttershy, with a little white rabbit Serafina on her shoulder, had emerged from the forest on her motor scooter with Spike holding on to her waist. Fluttershy turned her motor scooter off and smiled towards the relieved ladies before her, especially Luna. Luna was the first one to run towards the pair, tears in her eyes as she had arms opened. Spike got off the scooter and ran towards Luna with his own arms open. When they finally reached each other, Spike and Luna hugged tightly with the Vice Principal crying on her lover's shoulder and Spike doing the same. After calming down, they kissed tenderly for a few seconds before leaning on each other's foreheads, breathing rather heavily.

"You stink of sex," Luna said huskily as she took a whiff of Spike.

"So do you," Spike said, also smelling Luna.

"Don't ever leave me again, little lamb."

"Never, Lulu. I won't leave ever."

Luna looked up to a rather sheepish looking Fluttershy and gave her a playful frown before she smiled genuinely at her before crying.

"Thank you, Mrs. Discordance," Luna spoke softly.

"Call me Fluttershy...Luna," Fluttershy responded before approaching the pair and hugging them.

After a few seconds, the rest of the ladies ran towards the pair and joined in for a group hug, crying tears of happiness and relief.

What is Best for Me?

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When I Say Goodbye
A Humanized Fic by Duke Moon II
Based on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Chapter 10 - What is Best For Me?

Contrary to popular belief, the annual Apple Carnival was not named in honor of the Apple Family, though it might as well be. The family has been around since the founding of Ponyville and in that span of time, had become the biggest producers of apples as well as producing their own apple products to sell within or outside of town. They also donate a heavy amount of their produce to the Carnival so that the vendors could use them to make something using apples. Of course, the vendors could bring their own apples if they wish, just so long as they used them as per stipulation for the contract they signed before setting up their stall at the carnival. The annual carnival was named after the fruit that has helped the local economy of Ponyville, but it was the Apple Family that provided most of the fruit for the people to use at the carnival.

It had been a few hours since Spike had arrived at his stall at the Canterlot County Fairgrounds, the site of the carnival. When he arrived, the stage for the amateur concert had already been set up. The roller coaster and other rides were being tested for functionality and the petting zoo was already being set up by members of the animal shelter. Spike had found that the stalls were already being filled by either cooks, toy sellers and gamers. While he was curious at what the others had in mind, Spike had to remind himself that he was there to cook and sell and frankly, get as many customers he could to make a profit. He had his supplies and a menu ready as well as a small oven, a small refrigerator and grill to use..

By the time Spike was ready to sell his wares, the carnival was already in full swing. People from all over Canterlot County had arrived to enjoy the games, food and festivities that the locals of Ponyville had to offer. As for what Spike was offering to the masses was Apple marinated steaks and chicken he had prepared in the morning and had already started grilling before things at the carnival had officially gone underway. He had also baked spicy apple muffins while offering apple jam on the side. With apples that the Apple family had provided, Spike used some of them to make apple chips to accompany either the steaks or chicken, whichever the customer had wanted. As time went by, he found that his biggest seller were the chips themselves with the steaks and chicken being a close second. Probably the biggest critique that people gave Spike were about the muffins as they said they were too spicy and not as moist as the ones the Apple family was offering. This was kind of a blow to the young man as he did want to outdo the Apple family in the baking goods department, but shrugged it off as he had to admit the people did have good taste.

"Howdy, Spike," a familiar voice greeted Spike, which made him feel guilty and sad.

Turning his head, he found that Applebloom and Scootaloo were right in front of him with the stall the only thing dividing them. What was unusual is that both girls were dragging a timid and mortified looking boy who was about his age and height. The boy had short, two toned orange hair and was wearing a brown shirt and blue pants. Spike also noted that Applebloom and Scootaloo had firm grip on the boy’s wrists, preventing any escape.

As curious as he was about what was up with the girls dragging around a boy, Spike's thoughts were on Applebloom. Looking at her unsure face, Spike recalled what had happened in the barn not long ago, especially the aftermath when Applebloom had decided to just be friends, saying that she couldn't compete with her big sister...or the other women in his life. It had started a big domino effect where things just went south for him, but couldn't blame Applebloom for any of it. Spike was just glad that things had worked out between him and the other women, but he still felt like a jerk when it came to Applebloom. She had been his friend since childhood and he really hurt her for not being completely honest.

"Hey, Applebloom," greeted Spike. "So what's with the kid you're dragging around?"

"Help me," whispered the boy fearfully.

"Hush, you!" Applebloom ordered the boy before turning her attention back to Spike. "This here is Burton Mash, the boy Belle has her sights set on."

"Oh, so you're the one," He laughed awkwardly, recalling his time with not just Belle, but also with Rarity.

"Yeah, we had to pry him away from a beat up arcade machine just so he could watch Belle's performance," Scootaloo explained, keeping a good grip on Burton's wrist.

"Well, aren't you the lucky man," Spike said pleasantly.

"You gotta help me, man!" Burton spoke frantically. "Belle...I mean, she's sweet and all, but...,"

"Oh, man up, Burtie!" Applebloom shouted.

"Geez, Belle touches his thingy and all the sudden he thinks she's got cooties," Scootaloo muttered.

"Scootaloo!" Burton hisses.

"Girls, let me handle this," Spike said as he faced Burton. "Listen, kid. That girl, the one who's going to sing out there? She really likes you a whole bunch. As for what happened between you two...that was kinda my fault. She came to me for some advice and all I wanted to do was give her some courage."

"I'll bet you did," Scootaloo scoffed and muttered.

"Anyway, you should really go for it," Spike continued, encouraging Burton. "You can always put down your game when it comes to a girl that has the hots for you."

"Well...," said Burton doubtfully.

"Burton, let's go!" shouted Applebloom as he pulled Burton's arm. "We won't get a good seat if you just dawdle and I hear Belle has a great outfit for her performance!"

"Say, Applebloom, I'm going to hang back," Scootaloo said as he turned her attention to Spike. "Those muffins are looking great and I want to get some eats before we catch Belle's performance."

Applebloom looked back and forth between Spike and Scootaloo. She had a worried look on her face and gave her friend a shake of her head. Scootaloo gave her a reassuring look and Applebloom just nodded and dragged Burton to the concert. Scootaloo waved, but instantly turned her attention towards Spike with a glare, arms folded, making Spike look worried and uncomfortable.

"Courage?" Scootaloo questioned. "Is that what you call your dick these days or just the creamy stuff that comes out of it?"

Spike remained silent, taking in Scootaloo's words to heart. He could only assume that Applebloom had told her and Belle had spilled the beans about what had happened between him, her and Rarity. Judging from Scootaloo's expression, Spike could tell that she was understandably angry at him and she was holding back any scathing words she had for him. In Spike's mind, he felt that he really didn't deserve it and was gladly waiting for any harsh words that may come his way. Applebloom was his friend and she did wrong by her and he could only imagine what happened when Belle told her that she lost her virginity to him.

"Listen, casanova," Scootaloo began, trying to reign in her anger. "I could go all day and night about what you did to my friends. You basically turned Belle into a slut and she went to detention because she wanted to get freaky with Burton at school. You break Applebloom's heart because she caught you with Ms. Pie and to top it all off, she caught you banging Ms. Apple. If that weren't enough, you banged her, too. She loved you, Spike, but you made her feel inferior to all the women you banged. By all rights, I should be kicking your ass right now!"

As harsh as Scootaloo's words were, Spike didn't do anything to refute them. What seemed like a journey to reconnect with those he cared about spiraled out of control. Truths were revealed and people were hurt. He had run away with the intention of never coming back. The only person that stopped him was Fluttershy and convinced him to return home (after a lovemaking session, course). He still can't believe the ladies took him back and he couldn't thank Fluttershy enough for giving him the courage to return home. Still, that only left Belle and Applebloom. Spike knew Applebloom was still hurting after walking out on their little threesome with Applejack. He still felt guilty for what he did to her.

"You're lucky you're not worth my time, Drake," Scootaloo said, anger still in her voice. "That and neither Applebloom or Belle have a grudge against you. I thought Applebloom was going to go ballistic when Belle confessed about her time with you. The only thing she did was ask about it. That's how cool Applebloom is about this. She even said it really didn't matter because all she ever wants now is for you to be happy. You did her wrong and she wants you to be happy! I haven't seen her this forgiving since she and Diamond Tiara buried the hatchet two years ago!"

Spike gave out a relieved sigh, which Scootaloo noticed as she got up in his face.

"Just so you know that I'm watching you," Scootaloo warned. "And don't get any ideas about banging the last original crusader, got it?"

"Wouldn't dream of it," Spike assured.

With that, Scootaloo ran off to the concert area to join Applebloom and just in time, too. The announcer had just introduced Belle and she came up looking confident in her outfit that Rarity had made for her. Belle had wasted no time dragging Burton to the stage. The poor boy could only stand still as Belle began to sing with the band playing behind her. Worse for him still, the song Belle was singing, which Spike wasn't too familiar with, had a very wild and seductive tone that made her intentions towards him very clear. The crowd cheered for Belle and encouraged her to do more while others in the crowd tried to get Burton to do something other than stand there in fear. When the song ended, Belle thoroughly kissed Burton and the boy resisted at first, but started to get into it. Spike smiled at Belle's forwardness, but his eyes widened when she started to take off Burton's shirt and immediately, Rarity got on stage to pry her little sister off Burton and another lady, presumably Burton's mom, pried Burton from Belle. The crowd jeered at this as the two women argued while Belle and Burton had flushed expressions on their faces.

'I think I created a monster,' Spike thought as he groaned.

"Evening, Spike!" a voice greeted.

Spike's smile returned as he turned around and saw Applejack heading to his stall. She was carrying a plate of muffins while swinging her hips enticingly. Applejack also had a bit of a smug look on her face, which made Spike think she was only coming here to rub in how much her muffins were better than the ones he made. Spike didn't want to give her the satisfaction as he just smirked at her, as if to challenge her. He had to admit that the muffins Applejack brought were delicious looking, but he began plating his own muffins and offering them to her.

"Evening, Ms. Apple," Spike greeted.

"So...I heard you've been trying to poison these fine people with those bombs you call muffins," Applejack inquired rather smugly.

"I'm just trying to give people something different," Spike said with a bit of confidence. "All you do is give people the same thing each year."

"I have a tried and true secret recipe, Mr. Drake. No need to fix what isn't broken."

"But my muffins are for those who need a bit of an adventure in their mouths, Ms. Apple. Just try one and you'll see."

Applejack could only scoff as she took one of Spike's muffins and began to eat it. As she chewed, she did notice some pieces of apple mixed in as well as some pepper that was sprinkled on top of the muffin, but the real kicker was the spicy apple jam at the center. It almost took her off guard, but Applejack continued to eat it. She moaned at the taste and admitted that she did love the muffin, but she didn't want to let Spike have the satisfaction that his muffins were good. Still, maybe the people around the fair didn't quite have the taste for this kind of muffin.

As for Spike, eating one of Applejack's was a sweet experience. Just tasting the brown sugar crust on top made Spike moan in pleasure. It also made him nostalgic as he remembered eating this type of muffin every time he used to come over to the Apple farm, back when he used to go more frequently. It amazed him that Applejack could capture the same way her grandmother Gertrude Smith Apple did. He admitted that he wouldn't change a thing about the muffins as they were good just the way they are. He still didn't want to give Applejack the satisfaction by letting her know, though.

"Gotta say, Spike...I thought these things were going to have a little bit more kick," Applejack said, her smug expression returning.

"And your muffins are just what I expected...more of the same," Spike scoffed.

"So you like them."

"A bit. I could tell you like my muffins, too."

"A bit. But not the adventure you promised, spicy boy."

"Oh, just make out already!" a frustrated voice groaned, calling Applejack and Spike to attention.

Spike and Applejack turned their heads and saw that Iris was there, arms folded with an expression that wasn't really all that amused with the scene before her. What was amusing to the young man was that his P.E. teacher was holding a large bag of treats and toys from many of the vendors at the carnival in her arms. Spike admitted to himself that he was rather envious of Iris because he was at the fair on business and she was there to have fun.

"Just like a kid, Ms. Dash," Applejack said, shaking her head in amusement. "Nice to know your salary is spent on the important stuff."

"Aw, stuff it, A.J.," Iris said sharply. "I worked very hard to get these and I am not missing out on the food here. Oh, and I had to wait in line for a while at your stall because your big brother was making out with his girlfriend."

"Really have to have a talk with him," Applejack groaned.

"Speaking of stuff, how about a free muffin?" Iris asked as she turned her head towards Spike.

"Muffins aren't free, Ms. Dash," Spike responded with a smirk.

"But you gave Jackie one!" Iris complained, pointing to Applejack.

"We exchanged muffins," Spike pointed out. "So unless you got some money or have something in that bag that I might like, no muffins for you."

"Well, I ain't giving up my treats, that's for sure," muttered Iris as she rummaged through her bag. Reaching deeper inside, she pulled a box that contained an action containing a long haired redheaded woman in a blue leotard, red shoulder cape, red boots and red gloves. There was also a yellow lightning symbol on her chest. Spike was immediately mesmerized by the figure and took the box, inspecting it with eyes widened. The figure was of the AM Comics Heroic Legends line, Lady Lightning in particular. Spike then held the box to his chest, not wanting to let it go.

"Man, I never thought I would hold this edition of Lady Lightning," Spike gushed happily, inspecting the box. "I used to watch every episode of Super Gals of Action just to see her whenever she appeared. The way she said KaBLAM!....such power..."

"Yeah, now you got one to motorboat," Iris chuckled as she took six muffins. "Since that figure looks on the high end side, I think half a dozen sounds about right for the exchange."

"I'll even include a bag of apple chips," Spike said as he handed a small bag to Iris, which she took.

"Just so you know that I won that for you," Iris reminded as she took a bite of one of the muffins. She moaned as the flavor of the spicy jam coated her tongue. "Man, these taste so good. Are you thinking of selling these when you become a world famous chef?"

"See, Applejack?" Spike said, indicating to Iris' enjoyment of his muffins. "She doesn't mind my muffins."

"She doesn't mind being tied up, either," Applejack pointed out with a chuckle. "Though with her, I can't tell which is more unhealthy."

"A.J.!" Iris hissed, though she almost choked on a muffin.

"Listen, I gotta get back to my booth," Applejack said with a laugh. "No tellin' if my big brother's giving discounts to his girlfriend or whatever pretty pretty face comes along."

"Yeah, and I got prizes to win," Iris said with a shrug. "That and Pinkie has been dipping some of her pastries in the fryer and I want some of that action.

"Take care, ladies," Spike said, smiling as he waved them goodbye.

With Applejack and Iris gone, Spike was free to continue supplying his food and treats to the customers. As he did, the young man had started to look back on his life, in particular on when he wanted to become a chef. Spike's stepmother had praised him for his cooking skills over the years, though at the time, he could only cook pancakes, hamburgers and heat up biscuits. It wasn't until last year that he opened an old cook book that was on one of the bookshelves at home that he started to take cooking seriously. It had taken a bit of practice, but he managed to get the hang of cooking and started spending his allowance on cookbooks and kitchenware if he could afford it. As time went by, his cookbook collection had surpassed his comic book collection and he would refer to them if he wanted to prepare something special. Spike had also taken over the cooking duties of the Drake household, though he prepared simpler dishes because he still had other responsibilities, like school and homework.

Things really came to a head one day when the chef of CHS cafeteria had fallen ill. Principal Heavenstone, Luna's big sister, had announced over the loudspeaker that the cafeteria would be closed for the day. While some of the students in the class Spike was in were relieved that they weren't going to eat the same old slop, Spike jumped at the opportunity and went to the Principal's office to convince Principal Heavenstone to let him run the kitchen. At first, she dismissed him, but when Spike showed how much he knew his way around the kitchen, at least academically, the principal figured that she didn't have much to lose. After touring the kitchen and getting to know the staff, Spike prepared the lunch menu and decided to keep in simple as he and the staff were pressed for time. What Spike and the staff ended up preparing was grilled BBQ chicken, corn muffins, sweet beans and fried apple pockets. The principal then announced that the cafeteria would be open for lunch and added that Spike was the guest chef for the day. It was a huge boost for his confidence and right there and there, he decided to study the art of cooking as a full time career.

Thinking about his chosen profession had also got Spike to think about the women in his life. He had found often cooking for them or catered at parties where they attended. Luna, in particular, had become a fan of his cooking and wanted to learn how to cook for herself and not rely on sandwiches and instant food. Applejack had often provided some of the best of her orchards so his apple based recipes could have a little bit more pop. Spike would often volunteer at Sugar Cube Corner so he could get a better understanding of desserts. Iris would sometimes come over his house and Spike would make sure her food was extra spicy, both because his teacher wanted it and because the young man wanted to get back at her for riding him in P.E. He even once cooked for Rarity and a bunch of her high society clientele. In the case of Twilight, Spike cooked dinner for the two of them after a bit of tutoring. He even ventured into vegan territory when it came to Fluttershy and her own circle of friends. And of course, Mina considered him the king of cooking as he often cooked breakfast and dinner at home. Spike had felt right when it came to food and he wouldn't have chosen any other field. It was his calling.

"Hello, Spike," a voice called to Spike, who smiled as he knew who it was.

At the front of the line, Luna was there, dressed in a simple blue blouse and purple trousers. It had been the most casual he had ever seen the Vice Principal in considering she had always worn professional clothing at school. Just seeing her right there in front of him made him look back on what they've been through together. He was just glad that things with her had worked out between them and could finally move forward with their lives.

"I think you may need some help there, Mr. Drake," Luna said knowingly as she observed the line of demanding customers.

"I could use an assistant," Spike admitted.

"I'll do it with a few conditions: free dinner and a moment of your time."

"Deal, Vice Principal!"

As the fair was dying down and there were only a few people left, Spike was already packing his stuff up in a truck with the help of the fair staff. He had already exhausted his supplies of food and drink, making a good profit. He had even offered to pay Luna for her help, but declined since she only did as a service to a friend. Spike did, however, make her dinner with what was left with a side muffin and a cream soda. With everything packed up and strapped down, Spike jumped down from the cargo hold and made his way to the driver's seat.

"I didn't know you owned a truck," Luna said, admiring the vehicle.

"It used to belong to my dad," Spike said as he ran his hand over the side. "He used it for construction projects. It's pretty old and I hardly use it, but it still works. I still prefer my bike over this, though."

"You know, you could have easily picked up a few girls with this thing."

"Did fine without it."

"I know. You still owe me a moment of your time."

"There's not much to see here."

"I think I can show one interesting site. Walk with me."

With his supplies secure on the truck, Spike walked alongside Luna with the Vice Principal leading the way. He had noticed that some of the vendors were packing their stuff, too. Spike did notice that Pinkie had joined her sisters in trying to sell their rock figures as it seems that she already sold everything she had brought to the fair. He had also seen the Apple family packing their stuff in their own truck. In truth, there was not much left the sell or win at this point and the rides were closing. It made Spike wonder what Luna had in mind as she kept leading him around the fair. Not that it mattered since he was spending more time with one of his favorite ladies in the world.

Spike's raised his eyebrow curiously as Luna led him to the fun house that had already been closed up. He was about to ask her what was up until she led him to the back of the building. When Luna arrived at the door, she reached her hand into her pocket and pulled out an old plastic card. Using the card and the doorknob, she managed to unlock the door. Spike opened his mouth but Luna shushed him and beckoned him to follow her inside. Once in, Spike closed and locked the door and followed Luna. As he walked through the halls, Spike could only imagine what Luna had in mind. His eyes widened for a second until they narrowed, a lewd smiled forming on his lips. Spike inched closer to Luna as he felt his manhood harden in anticipation.

"I think this is far enough," Luna whispered as she stopped near a corner, turning around to face Spike.

"Think no one will hear us having fun?" asked Spike, still smiling lewdly.

"Spike...as much as I would like to, that's not why I brought you here," Luna chided as she wagged her finger.

"Oh...um...," Spike said, deflated and disappointed.

Luna shushed Spike again and pointed to a path leading to another hall. Spike silently walked and could definitely a muffled moan...a woman's moan. The moans kept getting louder as Spike inched closer to the source. It didn't take him long to realize that whoever the woman was, she was enjoying herself. But it still made him curious as to why Luna would bring him here.

"Oh, yes...fuck me...Arthur...fuck me harder!" the woman moaned as she begged.

Spike's eyes widened and picked up the pace. A few seconds later he rounded the corner and he couldn't believe what he was seeing. The woman looked to be older than Luna, but just as youthful. Her hair was a mix of pink, green and blue, though with quite a bit of luster. It was Principal Celestia Heavenstone, on her back as she held a blond young man tightly as said young man humped her pussy vigorously. Like a voyeur, Spike couldn't take his eyes off them as they went at it, with Arthur drilling Celestia's entrance while he sucked on her breasts. The principal kept urging and begging for the young man to do more. When Arthur took his mouth off Celestia's breasts and started whispering something into her ear. Celestia's cheeks turned a darker shade of red as tears formed in her eyes.

"No...that's not...you're being mean...," Celestia sobbed.

Arthur whispered into Celestia's ear again.

"Yes...oh, yes I do!" Celestia screamed. "I love your cock, Arthur! Fuck me! Fill me up with it!"

So mesmerized by the site of Principal being drilled by a young man, Spike almost didn't hear Luna chuckle. He turned to face her and was about to ask something, but Luna shushed him and silently ordered him to keep out of site. He did so, but took another peak at Principal Heavenstone getting rutted. He almost envied this Arthur for landing this woman as a lover and Principal Heavenstone didn't look like she was complaining.

"Quite a view, isn't it?" Luna asked with an amused tone. "My sister is such a symbol of virtue and wisdom around Canterlot County and she's having a secret affair with the school's star soccer player. I spotted both them entering here while I was busy having a fried eclair. Who knows how long they've been using the fun house as their own personal rut room."

"Luna...why did you bring me here?" asked Spike.

Luna kept silent as she led Spike to a nearby room. Though he could still hear Celestia and Arthur going at it, Spike's concern was for Luna as she put her back against the wall, sliding to the floor to sit down. Spike did the same, joining Luna as he waited for what she had to say. The young man could tell that the Vice Principal was trying to find the words on how to begin and it made him curious. He then puts his arm around her and Luna instinctively leans on his shoulder and sighs. Spike was glad that Luna began to relax as he put his on top of hers.

"Part of the reason I went after you was because of my sister," Luna began as she wrapped her arm around Spike's waist.

"Does she know about...us?" asked Spike, a little afraid.

"No...but I do plan on telling her since I know about her affair," Luna responded. She closed her eyes and continued, "Anyway, before I was the Vice Principal of CHS, I was actually moving up the academic ladder at Canterlot University. I had been teaching there for years and the students and faculty alike took notice of how strict I was. The university felt that it needed a firm hand and the board of directors had been considering me to run the university. I was one of three candidates considered, but I felt that I was most qualified for the job. I felt that the university had lacked a few educational programs that were needed to attract new students and I already had a plan in mind for those programs.”

“Unfortunately, the board of directors didn’t agree with some of the plans I had in mind and thought that it would be a waste of time money to implement what I wanted. I kept on insisting that the plan would be worth the time, but they didn’t listen. I got angry at them and accused them for not seeing the big picture and for not having the best interest for the students. For them, it was the last straw through me out of the office, though I was…fortunate enough to keep my teaching job. I kept at it, but I felt I could have done more in a higher position.”

Spike held Luna tightly. Hearing Luna’s bitter voice, it did seem like she wanted to do more and believed that she could have. Spike kept silent as Luna continued her story.

"Even though I was doing well in my teaching job, I couldn’t stand being at Canterlot University, so I quit. I was still angry and frustrated and I just wanted to be left alone so I could vent. One day, however, I was at a café I ran into my sister. She saw my mood and wanted to know what had happened. I did not want to tell her, but she insisted. I told how mad I was at the university and how I quit. Celestia then offered me a job as Vice Principal of CHS so I can prove myself that I can handle a high position at the school. I wasn't on the best of terms with Celestia, but I felt like I didn't have a choice. I needed a fresh start.

"Even in my new surroundings, things weren't easy for me. The school faculty felt that I was undeserving of my new role, citing such things as my sister being charitable or just plain nepotism. Then there were the constant comparisons...my sister was a pillar of the community who was often involved in charity drives, school fundraisers, often having a say when a major event was going to happen in Ponyville. She was always involved in something. Me, in comparison...nothing. I tried not to care as I kept myself out of the spotlight and focused on my duties...which weren't much. I wanted to hate her, but I couldn't. It was because of Celestia that I had a job at all.

"One day, however, my sister was gushing about a student taking over the cafeteria and cooking the lunches for the students. You should have seen her praising you, Spike. It was like she had just eaten her favorite ice cream with a side buttercream cake. I initially didn't think too much of it at first, but when I heard some of the students talking about how great the lunch hour was, I was curious. In my experience, school lunches were, to put it politely, adequate, and I usually had fast food lunches or instant macaroni and cheese. To hear students wanting to go eat cafeteria food...well I had to see for myself. When I asked Celestia if you were going to handle lunch duties again, she said that you would come the next Friday."

"Yeah, I remember when the servers said you just came in that Friday," Spike recalled fondly. "Not too many teachers mingled with the students and to hear that the VP was there...I had to see for myself. You had a reputation, Luna. Cold, distant, always locking yourself in your office. I think you gave a glare to a student one time when he bumped into you. Some of the students were terrified of you. I'll admit, I was hoping that you would at least like the food I prepared. My fears were laid to rest when you just wolfed it down."

"I did not wolf my food down," Luna insisted, blushing. "I was...curious and eager to try your food."

"You were a little piggy," Spike chuckled.

"I will never have sex with you again," Luna threatened flatly with narrowed eyes.

"Kidding," Spike quickly said, waving his hands apologetically.

"But yes, I loved your food," Luna admitted with a smile. "I loved it so much that I requested that you show yourself. I remember how you approached me with such confidence. I had to admit that I was captivated by you when I first saw your face. I was at a loss at what to say and I felt like a teenager trying to speak to her crush. But I had a reputation to maintain and would have been unseemly for me to...geek out in front of the students. I gave you my compliments and left."

"You know, I could have sworn that I made you smile that day," Spike suspected.

"You did, love," Luna said bashfully. "Since that day, I became a fan of your food and whenever you were in the cafeteria, I was there, first in line. Whenever I couldn't make it, I requested you to deliver me lunch in my office. I even gave you the honor of sharing it with me a few times."

"I think you were trying to be authoritative every time I joined you," Spike recalled.

"I had to be," Luna pointed out. "I was the adult with authority and you were my student. You just had the audacity to act all sweet adorable and I really couldn't find anything to punish you for."

"I think you tried to make me late for class one time," Spike smirked.

"I didn't want you to leave," Luna sighed. "As time went by, I had come accustomed to your company. I told you bits and pieces of my life and shared a few embarrassing stories about Celestia. You told me about the women in your life and how no girl at school could compare to any of them. I...imagined myself as being a woman you would admire...just like you did to Twilight and the rest."

There was a silence between the two. Luna held on to Spike even tighter as a frown began to develop on her face. Spike could see that the Vice Principal wanted to continue her story, but decided not press her. He just held her in comfort in order to ease her.

After a few moments, Luna spoke, "I knew I wanted you since I first met you. I didn't want to admit it because you were my student and teachers were not supposed to behave that way. I was just so frustrated and I went home every afternoon thinking of what it would be like if I had you every night...maybe even be a bit rough so you can show me how much of a dirty woman I was. It was never enough...but I was satisfied with my fantasies as I felt that's the only way I could have you."

"You said it was because of Celestia that you finally decided," Spike inquired.

"Yes...my virtuous, can do no wrong sister," Luna said with a growl. "It was the homecoming soccer game between the Wondercolts and the Griffons. I had no interest in sports, but I was on campus late finishing up some paperwork. Celestia's car had broken down a few days ago I was driving her around until it was fixed. The game had been over for an hour and I had just finished up and I went to go pick her up. The building was empty...or at least I thought it was.

"I had been walking through the halls, on my way to the parking lot when I found one of the classroom doors had been slightly opened. I went to close it when I heard some noises. I didn't want to make my presence known, so I peeked through the window. What I found surprised me...my sister was sitting on the edge of the desk, moaning and begging as he fondled her breasts, her legs spread as someone was down there eating her out. I just couldn't believe it. I had never seen Celestia like this, not even growing up. To see her like this at school, using a classroom for something like that. I didn't know what to think. At that point, I was about ready to leave her and whoever she was with alone and maybe I could speak with her about it some other day.

"What I saw next shocked me. The man Celestia was with raised himself to her level and started kissing and humping her vigorously. She was urging him to go faster and harder. The man I saw...was the young man you just saw banging her just now, Spike. The school's soccer star...he was just pleasuring Celestia and she was just enjoying herself without a care in the world. I ran out of the school and drove back to my apartment. I felt so angry...Celestia...squeaky clean, pillar of the community Celestia...was having sex with a student. Here I was, trying not to ruffle any feathers or do anything to give any of those CHS board members an excuse to kick me out of the school and there was Celestia, breaking the rules and enjoying the time of her life with the high school superstar...

"I may not have gotten along with my sister, but I had always admired her ethics and honesty. Growing up, I wanted to be like her. Seeing her like that...I just reminded me how human she was and that she wasn't above it all. Seeing her have that student and how much she loved it....that's when I thought of you, Spike. I had made my decision. There were no taboos as far as I was concerned. If Celestia was going to have an affair...then so would I."

As soon as Luna had said those words, she turned around and took in Spike's reaction. She could tell that his mind was going back to that night if his glum reaction was anything to go by. As much as she wanted to forget that night, Luna knew it was going to stay with her for the rest of her life and the same would go for Spike. They had made progress in moving past it, but so much had go on since then. Still, if last night was anything to go by, Luna knew that she and Spike were moving in the direction.

"Believe when I say that I love you, Spike Drake," Luna said as she kissed Spike on the cheek. "The only thing I wanted was for us to work. I didn't just want a lay, I wanted to give you my heart and my body. I wanted to be your number one woman. In the end, I just wanted you to be happy."

Spike and Luna remained quiet, paying no mind to what was transpiring between Celestia and Arthur close by. For Spike it was a lot to take in. Luna had been through a lot before he met her and she just wanted to play by the rules. They had met over food and looking back, Spike didn't regret meeting Luna. He chuckled to himself, looking back on his life and realizing that he didn't have many friends growing up and those that were his friends are now his lovers. He also realized how foolish and irresponsible he was with each of them, how he almost lost them. Spike closed his eyes for a few seconds before opening them. Spike turned his head and stared at Luna as he inched his face closer to hers.

When they heard footsteps, Spike and Luna separated nervously. They remained quiet as they heard Celestia giggle and Arthur whispering words. The footsteps faded and Spike and Luna heard the door open and close. Both sighed in relief as they got and adjusted their clothes.

"I need to get home," Spike reminded Luna.

"I'll follow you," Luna said as she wrapped her arm around Spike. "I wanted to see what you had in mind for dessert tonight."

"Is that all you want?" asked Spike cheekily.

"You know me better than that," Luna responded wickedly.

As soon as he neared the Drake home, Spike noticed several vehicles parked near the house. He recognized the vehicles as belonging to his lady friends and it got him curious as he pushed the button on the garage opener and after waiting a few seconds, parked the truck inside. Spike didn't bother taking his cooking supplies down as he got out of the garage, closing the door on his way out. Seconds later, he was joined by Luna, who had been following him in her car after they had the left carnival. When they arrived at the front door, they looked at each other with an unsure expression, not really knowing what to expect once they went in. Taking his keys out, Spike let out a heavy breath out as he used them to unlock the door.

What Spike and Luna found was a friendly atmosphere. Mina and Fluttershy were busy setting up the dinner table, Pinkie was busy in the kitchen gathering ingredients, Applejack and Iris were sitting on the couch drinking apple cider, Rarity was drinking tea as she stood near the stairs and Twilight was reading a book at the dinner table. To Spike, the whole scene looked rather normal and welcoming, which was leagues better than what he and Luna came home to the day before. There was no tension or feelings of awkwardness. Quite simply, it was a gathering of friends and a smile grew slowly on Spike's face. Luna smiled as well as she took Spike's hand and led him inside the house while closing the door behind her.

"Hey, look who’s here," Iris said, turning her head towards Spike.

"Welcome home, Spike," Mina greeted as she looked up to him. "Busy night?"

"Like you wouldn't believe, mom," Spike responded. "Thankfully, I made a lot of money, more than I expected in fact."

"Is that a fact," Iris commented. She then smirked and added, "Maybe you can use that money to finally get yourself a car. I hear the ladies go for that sort of thing."

"I think I did well without one, Ms. Dash," Spike pointed out, which earned a laugh from Iris.

Spike was about to say more until Twilight approached him and gave him a kiss on the lips. It surprised him at first, but he started to return it in full. Spike held Twilight close as he felt her arms wrap around his neck. As he and Twilight continued to kiss, Spike could hear some cheers and whistles coming from the ladies, some urging for Twilight to do more. Spike could even hear Luna giggle at his plight. He felt a bit on the spot, but Spike felt that he wasn't in a position to complain. Spike got a bit boulder as he deepened the kiss and held Twilight close to his chest, feeling her breasts. Moments later, Twilight let go of Spike's lips and had a rather embarrassed look on her face.

"Wow," Spike spoke breathlessly.

"Spike...you should really watch those hands of yours," Twilight said rather shyly.

"My hands, I...," Spike stammered. "Wait, my hands were on your waist, Twilight."

"Spike, I felt hands on my rear," Twilight insisted. "Time and place, young man."

"But Twilight, I-"

Before he could say anything else, Spike heard snickering coming from behind Twilight. He looked over Twilight's shoulder and saw that Pinkie was there and she was making a grabbing gesture. He frowned at her as Pinkie had a huge, mischievous smile on her face.

"Pinkie!" Twilight shouted.

"Naughty Twilight, having her beefcake before dessert," Pinkie said teasingly as she grabbed Spike's wrist. "Spike's got other things to attend to and he'll have plenty of time for all of us. For now, he and I have some baking to do."

Without another word, Pinkie dragged Spike into the kitchen, leaving Twilight with an empty feeling as she saw him go. Of course, her feeling of loneliness was short-lived as she heard more snickering coming from Iris and Applejack. This was followed by giggling coming from Fluttershy and Mina while Rarity had a mix of envy and disapproval on her face. Luna had a bit of smirk, which caused Twilight to realize what she did and was now sporting a deeper blush than before.

"Way to score first, egghead," laughed Iris.

"I...I don't know what came over me," stammered Twilight. "I was so glad he was home and I just-

"I understand darling," Rarity interrupted. "But really, you shouldn't jump at him like that. Give him a chance to say hello before going for it."

"Oh, leave her alone, you two," chuckled Mina. "After what happened, Spike needs a bit of reassurance that he's loved by each and everyone of you. A welcome home kiss definitely counts, Ms. Sparkle."

"Thanks, Mrs. Drake," Twilight sighed, smiling softly. "I'm just glad that he came back to us."

"And we owe it all to Fluttershy here," Applejack said appreciatively. She then smirked at Fluttershy and said, "Of course, you didn't have to ride him to convince him, but good job there."

"Oh, my," Fluttershy spoke, embarrassed as she blushed. "Maybe I did go above and beyond what I was supposed to do."

"We're all glad you did, Mrs. Discordance," Luna spoke as she approached Fluttershy. Taking her hands in hers, Luna said, "If it wasn't for you, I don't know what Spike would have done...I daresay I was afraid if he did something rash or heaven forbid-

"All that matters is that Spike's home where he belongs, Vice Principal," Fluttershy said with a warm smile. "I can't say that I'm not envious of you, however. Out of every woman here, I think you are Spike's number one woman. He thinks the world of you."

"I have to admit that I am envious as well," Rarity said as she pouted. "For as long as I've known him, Spike has had a crush on me and would do anything to gain my attention. When I finally gave it to him, I couldn't imagine anyone else giving my dear little Spike what he desired. Knowing now how special he is to you, Luna....I'm jealous of you."

"That goes for me, too," spoke Twilight, as she placed her hand on Luna's shoulder. "Like the rest of my friends, I saw how Spike grew into a fine young man. I had a tough time admitting it to myself that he was a man before my eyes and he wasn't a little boy anymore. I fell in love with him and seeing how much you acted towards him, my little Spike...I wanted to be the one, his one and only and my heart ached so much at the thought of not having him to myself..."

"If it makes you feel any better, Ms. Sparkle...," Luna spoke, looking back at Twilight. "Spike thinks the world of you, too. I'm just glad that he has you as well as you're friends to rely on. He may think I'm his number one, but...Spike has known you and your friends the longest and I think that counts for a lot. I know how special he is to you...to all of you."

The room became quiet, though there was a bit of noise coming from the kitchen. Still, Luna could sense that there was little tension as the women before her agreed with her sentiment. When she looked over to Iris, however, Luna could see that she had a bit of a frown on her face as she stared at her half empty bottle of cider. As much as she would like to believe that all was good, Luna felt that there were things still to be settled. She walked towards Iris and stood before her, though the rainbow haired woman seemed to pay no mind. Luna gathered her thoughts and breathed in and out.

"Ms. Dash...Iris...," Luna began. "Believe me when I say I wish I could turn back time so that things with Spike and I would have turned out differently. But Spike wouldn't want us to be at each other's throats because he loves us. He would want us to get along and we can all work together to ensure that he will always be happy. Spike is our common bond, Ms. Dash, and-

Luna didn't get to finish as Iris immediately shot up, grabbed the back of her head and pressed her lips with hers. Luna's eyes went wide with surprise she heard gasps from the other ladies. Her muffled protests turned into moans as she surrendered to Iris' kiss, relaxing as she let herself be taken by it. The kiss felt very fierce and Luna could taste the apple cider emanating from Iris' breath and tongue as she felt the gym instructor's breasts press against hers. She remained steady as she wrapped her arms around Iris and enjoyed the kiss, moaning as she inserted her tongue inside Iris' mouth. After a few minutes of making out, Luna and Iris let go of each other's lips. Luna could only stare with half lidded eyes while Iris tried to maintain a glare, but failed as her expression softened, a lone tear escaping her eye.

"You're right, Vice Principal," Iris said in a low tone. "It wouldn't do us any good to kill each other over Spike since he loves us so much...not like we have much time with him anyway and we got to make every moment count..."

The ladies looked at each other until they saw Iris sit back down, still holding her bottle of cider, but her expression was downcast as she started to sniffle. She tried to hold her emotions in until and she started to sob quietly. Iris then felt a pair of arms envelop her and she instinctively looked to her side and saw that it was Applejack. Her friend had a concerned look on her face and Iris felt a bit silly for letting herself get emotional. Iris looked around at the other women in the room and they were looking at her with sympathy. She frowned at this and looked down, not wanting to face them.

"He's going to leave us," muttered Iris. "Spike's going to some fancy culinary school far away from here and in a few years he's going to be a big time chef in a big city. He's not going to have time for us or to have fun with us. Even if he did, he'll probably be married to some young little thing he can grow old with and have kids with. What would he want with us old gals, anyway?"

Twilight couldn't help but contemplate what Iris just said. As much as it would fill her with pride that Spike will one day make a life for himself as well as have a profession, it filled her with worry that her student won't have time for her or any of the women before her as he would be too busy. Looking at each of the women, Twilight could tell that they had the same worry on their minds. Of course they want Spike to succeed in life, but they also wanted to be a part of it, too. Twilight felt that there was still much she could teach Spike as well as share some personal time with him. Spike had touched her in many ways as he did with all the other women in his life and she didn't want that to stop.

"That stinking thinking, Rainbow," Applejack reacted first. "Spike would never forget us. We've been there for him. We've been his friends, his teachers, his defenders and his lovers. We'll do what we can for him so he can be happy these next few months. More importantly, Rainbow...we'll keep being there for him...even if he is far away from here. Besides...we can give him plenty of reasons to come back to Ponyville."

Iris chuckled at this knowingly as she saw everyone else in a smile agreement. She wiped her tears and took one last chug of her cider and let out a big satisfied breath. Iris then grabbed another bottle from the nearby case and twisted the cap off.

"So...when can we get this party started?" Iris asked before everyone shared a laugh.

Standing close to the kitchen door, Pinkie smiled softly as she held a bowl in one hand and a portable mixer in another, making the batter. Hearing her friends, Mina and Luna work things out made Pinkie look forward to more time spent with Spike and while Iris made a good point that Spike may not have time for her and her friends after graduation, she didn't worry about it too much. She was confident that Spike would find a way and she and the other ladies will find time in their busy schedules. Like the other ladies in the house, Pinkie thought of the world of Spike.

As she continued to work on the batter for the cake, Pinkie couldn't help but look at Spike fondly as he worked on a cake batter of his own. Her heart swelled with pride as her friend and lover worked effortlessly on the batter with no problem. She began to recall that many years ago, Spike came into Sugar Cube begging her to teach him how to bake because he wanted to make something special for his stepmother's birthday. Pinkie compared the boy that had struggled back then to the young man before her, who looked very serious as he worked with the batter. One thing she found in common was that both the boy from back then and the young man were obsessed with getting the recipe just right without any slip ups. Spike took his cooking very seriously and Pinkie wondered of a much kitchen leader he would become.

'Imagine my little Spikey-Wikey bossing the other chefs around,' Pinkie thought with a giggle.

"Pinkie, how's that batter coming along?" Spike asked rather authoritatively.

"Almost ready, chef," Pinkie saluted suddenly with the mixer in her hand. She laughed nervously as she realized that she was letting drops of cake batter hit the floor.

"I want this double layer cake to be perfect," Spike said, not taking his eyes off the batter. "Any ideas on that frosting?"

"I'm trying to figure that one out," Pinkie responded as she walked towards the small table and deposited the batter into a cake pan. "Something that shows thanks for being super awesome friends and marking peace between friends and new friends."

"I'm sure we can work with that," Spike said as he poured his batter into another baking pan. He then opened the oven and deposited the two pans inside the already heated oven before closing it. "We have time before the cakes are done."

"I'm just glad we can bake together, just like we used to!" Pinkie gleefully cheered.

"You were a great teacher, Ms. Pie," Spike complemented as he embraced Pinkie. "I'd probably be microwaving batter if it wasn't for you."

"You're too much sometimes," Pinkie sighed as she returned the hug. "Still, I'm glad I could teach you all I could. You'll be fine out there...wherever you go to refine your skills of yours."

Spike beamed as Pinkie held even tighter. While he was mostly self taught when it came to cooking and relying mostly on books, he was glad that Pinkie had taught him to better prepare cakes and other pastries. Spike felt that he couldn't thank her enough for taking the time to be his teacher. Having Pinkie praise his skills was a definite boost to his confidence.

Letting go of the hug, Spike inquired, "You were standing close to the door, Pinkie. Hear anything interesting?"

"Oh, just the ladies speaking highly of you," Pinkie responded as she sat on the table. "How much you mean to them, how you'll make it big, that sort of thing."

"They really think the world of me don't they," Spike sighed, smiling softly as he looked down.

"We always have Mr. Drake," Pinkie pointed out. "With the exception of Luna, we've known you since you were a little boy who needed rescuing from being lonely. There was the age gap to be sure, but it didn't stop us from being your friend. We love making time for you and we made sure we were there when you needed us. It was just a joy watching you grow up...though when you did, I loved teasing you...I think Rainbow did, too and we loved how much you started to notice us as not just friends, you naughty boy."

Spike blushed at this, admitting that as he grew older, he did notice the ladies as not just his friends. There were times that he felt absolutely guilty for thinking of his friends that way and it didn't help that both Pinkie and Iris would tease him sometimes. He had wanted to deny it at first, but it got to the point that he wasn't just crushing on Rarity and started to notice the other ladies in his life. There were times when he started fantasizing about each lady, imagining how good it would feel to be with one of them. These past few days saw him fulfill his fantasies and then some. He still felt like a heel for sleeping around on them, but he was glad that they had forgiven him for that and also welcomed him the other night.

Noticing Spike was deep in thought, Pinkie smiled mischievously as a thought came to her. She cleared her throat, getting Spike's attention. She beckoned him to come closer to her and when he did, she placed her hands on his cheeks. Pinkie could tell that from Spike's expression that he was curious as to what she was up to, so she inched closer to his face and kissed him on the lips. She held his lips firmly in place, moaning as she tasted him. Pinkie began to recall her first time with Spike and was glad that she had this time alone. It was fun that she shared her time with her sisters a few days ago, but she wanted to enjoy it on a one on one basis. Pinkie let go of Spike's lips and began nibbling on his neck, causing the young man to groan. She then licked his neck as her hands left his cheeks started to make their way downward. She giggled as one of her hands managed to get inside Spike's pants.

Noticing what Pinkie was doing, Spike backed off, blushing furiously as he hissed, "Pinkie!"

"Oh, Spike...give me some good loving," Pinkie spoke breathlessly.

"Here and now!?" Spike said in a hushed tone. "But the others-

"Please, Spike...we have time. You can even punish me, if you like. I'm feeling pretty naughty and you can teach me a lesson."

Spike sweated as he looked over to the door that led to the living room. As tempting as Pinkie's offer was, the other ladies were only a few feet away and they would hear them fool around. Looking back at Pinkie, he could see that she had that she was smiling at him invitingly with half lidded eyes, hefting her breasts with her hands. Spike gulped, his instinct slowly taking over he looked to the door one last time before looking over at Pinkie again. The woman's grin had somehow become more mischievous as she parted her legs, lifting up her blue skirt and revealing her pink panties to Spike. The young man's expression became more serious as he closed his eyes before reopening them again. Spike noted that Pinkie was only wearing a blue jacket over a white top that had a small pink heart along with her blue skirt. She was also wearing a simple pink apron that was tied around her waist and the top part hanging on the back of her neck. Spike blushed at the thought of what was underneath those clothes as there wasn't much to take off.

A thought came to Spike as he smiled wickedly at Pinkie, who smiled eagerly back at him. He approached her and claimed her lips. Spike immediately felt Pinkie's tongue work its way inside his mouth and responded with his tongue intertwining with hers. His hands held her waist as he continued to taste the insides of her mouth. Spike felt his manhood stiffen as he moved closer to Pinkie, rubbing his covered shaft on her covered slit. He heard her moan in pleasure as he lifted his hands and removed her jacket, discarding to the floor. Spike then lifted Pinkie's top from the bottom, revealing a pink brassiere. He lifted the bra as well, relieving Pinkie's breasts from their restraint. Spike had decided not to remove the apron as he continued to deepen the kiss. His hands made their way towards her breasts and started fondling and squeezing them, pinching hardened nipples that made Pinkie let out muffled moan. Like before, Spike felt Pinkie's hands make their wait inside pants and slip inside. Feeling a bit cruel, grabbed Pinkie's wrists and held them behind Pinkie's back. This made Pinkie let go of the kiss and Spike smirked as he saw the surprised look on her face.

"Naughty, naughty, Ms. Pie," Spike said with a husky tone. "You have to do something for me first."

Pinkie nodded, curious as to what Spike had in mind. The young man lifted her off the table and guided her to one of the corners. He lifted her skirt and directed her to move her womanhood to the corner. Pinkie gasped, knowing what Spike had in mind. Looking back at the young man, Pinkie nodded. With her wrists firmly held to her back, Pinkie began moving her hips, stimulating her pussy with the edge of the table. She shut her eyes as she began to moan, feeling pleasure all over her body as she masturbated. She let out of a moan that was quickly muffled by Spike's hand,, which freed one of her wrist. Pinkie then felt Spike's other hand fondling her breast as well as his breath near her cheek. With her free hand, she gripped the table to keep herself steady. She felt herself getting wet as she moved her hips faster and faster.

'Spike...I want it...your creamy dreamy cum,' Pinkie mentally begged.

"Such a bad girl, Ms. Pie," Spike growled hungrily in Pinkie's ear. "Always wanting something creamy....so greedy and hungry...."

Pinkie sobbed as she felt close to orgasm. As much as she loved using the table's corner to stimulate herself, she knew she wanted more in order to be fulfilled. She was already at her limit as she sweated. Pinkie felt Spike's tongue licking up and down her neck, making her moan even louder. She felt panties get even wetter and seconds later, she climaxed, letting out a muffled scream. She stiffened as she let herself gently drop on the table. She lay on her side as she panted, trying to catch her breath. Her eyes widened as she heard a noise of a zipper. Pinkie remained still and saw that Spike had moved and his hardened manhood was close to her face. She couldn't help but marvel at it and thought about how many women have experienced this wonderful manhood. As Spike's manhood inched closer, Pinkie opened her mouth and let it inside.

"Pinkie...your mouth is so warm," groaned Spike as he moved his manhood in and out of Pinkie's mouth. "So good...love that feeling...bet you love it, naught girl...bet you love having this in your mouth...bet you're thirsty for a creamy shake..."

Moaning in appreciation, Pinkie savored the taste of Spike's manhood. She still felt the high from the orgasm she felt as she started to massage her breast with one hand while playing with her womanhood with the other. Seconds later, Pinkie felt Spike's dick going in faster and harder. She then felt a pair of hands grip the back of her head so the young man's dick wouldn't slip out. As she kept massaging and pinching her nipple, Pinkie moved and used her other hand to increase the speed of her stimulation. It didn't take long for her to experience another orgasm, but she didn't stop. The feeling was so good to her and she didn't want her body to stop tingling. She could also tell that Spike was getting close and she couldn't wait to drink his seed.

Pinkie was denied, however, as Spike removed his shaft from her mouth. Before she could complain, Spike positioned her rear so it could stick out. She felt her panties being removed and felt a chill coming from her wet entrance. She looked back to see what Spike was about to do before she a pair of hands massage her buttocks. She let out a groan before biting her lip, relishing the feeling of Spike's hands. Seconds later, Pinkie shivered as she felt Spike's breath on her entrance. She didn't have to wait long when she felt the young man's tongue lick wetness and she almost cried in joy. Pinkie shut her eyes as she enjoyed Spike's tongue lapping her up and tasting her wetness. Hearing her lover go down on her and making slurping sounds made her feel pleasure as her body practically glowed. She still felt that it wasn't enough as she desired Spike's manhood enter her. As much she was enjoying herself, Pinkie was growing impatient. When Spike's tongue left her entrance, Pinkie then felt the tip of Spike's manhood tease her, making her whine and urging him to go through with it.

'Please, Spike...fuck me...,' Pinkie mentally begged.

As Spike gripped her rear tightly, Pinkie felt him enter her quickly. She gasped at this and closed her eyes, feeling the young man’s cock going in and out of her in entrance. Pinkie bit her lip as she didn’t want her friends and Spike’s stepmother to walk in on them. As time went by, it was getting difficult for Pinkie to suppress her moans of pleasure. She had wanted to scream and truly enjoy Spike ramming into her, but couldn’t. Pinkie felt herself climaxing again, but Spike’s manhood was still hard and the young man was increasing the speed of his thrusts. She wanted Spike to fill her up and knew he was getting close. Pinkie heard him grunt as he tightened his grip on her rear.

Suddenly, Spike turned Pinkie’s body around in order for him to face her. Pinkie didn’t have time to react as Spike was on her again, ramming his manhood quickly inside her entrance. Before she could let out a moan, Pinkie felt Spike lift her body up and her lips were claimed. She felt his tongue go into her mouth and began to make appreciative noises as she savored the taste. Pinkie warped her arms around Spike, feeling the thrusts increase. She felt herself losing herself to lust as she felt another orgasm. Spike let go of Pinkie’s lips, but kept ramming into her as he licked her ear, which made the woman shiver.

“Ms. Pie…,” Spike spoke hoarsely into Pinkie’s ear. “Your pussy is so good...so tight around me...so warm…”

“Spike...come...I want it,” Pinkie whispered, begging.

“So naughty...you want it that much?”


“Tell me how much you want it or I’ll stop.”

“You’re so mean…”

“Tell me, Pinkie. I promise you I’ll come as much as you want...wherever and wherever you want.”

“Spike....I want it...I...I want it so bad. Please...I promise I’ll invite my sisters again for another party with you. Please...just come inside me.”

After a few final thrusts, Spike finally climaxed inside of Pinkie’s entrance. Not wanting to get the attention of the other ladies, Spike quickly kissed Pinkie on the lips, suppressing her pleasured filled scream. He held her in his arms tightly as his seed overflowed into her pussy, causing a few drops to fall to the floor. Coming down from his high, Spike let go of Pinkie’s lips, gasping for air. He panted as he leaned his head on Pinkie’s, staring at her with lust filled eyes. Pinkie herself stared back at Spike as she breathed heavily. They kissed again, this time a bit more tenderly, but still felt the hunger for more.

The moment was interrupted by a dinging sound coming from the oven. Realizing what they had been doing before this, Spike and Pinkie straightened themselves out and cleaned their hands. After that, Spike opened the oven and took out both caker layers. Spike inspected them and gave Pinkie a satisfied smile, which earned him a thumbs up from her.

“Hey, is that cake finished?” Iris had yelled out from behind the kitchen.

“Practically!” both Pinkie and Spike responded.

“For goodness sake, hurry up!” Iris yelled out again.

After a half an hour, Spike, followed by a very cheerful Pinkie, came out of the kitchen carrying the finished cake. It was a double layered buttercream cake that was decorated with different colored buttercream flowers on the edges with the words Thank You written in chocolate. As the ladies sat down at the dinner table, they couldn't help but marvel on how good the cake looked as they gave Spike compliments for his work. He laughed bashfully as he placed the cake on the table. With a knife in hand, Spike cut the first slice, plated it and handed it over to Pinkie. She was about to dig in when Spike cleared his throat and wagged his finger at her, which made her pout as she handed the first slice to Luna. The process continued with every woman at the table getting their slice and finally, Spike plating his own slice.

With his job done, Spike sat at the head of the table with Luna sitting next to him on one side with Mina sitting close on the other side. Twilight had decided to sit next to Luna with Fluttershy sitting next to her. Iris had decided to sit next to Mina with Applejack sitting next to her. Rarity then took her place next to Fluttershy and Pinkie had decided to sit Spike's lap, surprising the young man as well as the other ladies. Spike was about to protest but blushed when Pinkie rubbed her butt close to his crotch, which made his manhood start to harden. Spike could only chuckle nervously while the ladies looked at Pinkie rather enviously.

"Really, Pinkie!" Rarity chided. "There's a empty seat right next to Fluttershy!"

"But it's the best seat in the house!" Pinkie reasoned cheerfully.

"You bet it is," Iris agreed with a smirk. "Lucky you to have the thickest of us sitting on your lap there, chef."

"Too bad you don't have an extra seat for your dear old mother," Mina pouted.

"Pinkie, get off him," Twilight said, frowning. "He won't be able to eat with you in the way."

"Oh, yes he will," Pinkie responded with a sing-song voice. She grabbed a fork and took a small piece of her cake and offered to Spike. "The fruits of our labor, Spike. Open wide!"

Spike sighed and opened his mouth to receive Pinkie's offering. As soon as the small piece entered his mouth, he started to savor the taste and loved how the cake turned out. Buttercream with vanilla flavored cake felt like a dream in Spike's mouth. He felt this was the best cake he had ever done and had appreciated Pinkie for the help she provided.

"So how is it?" asked Pinkie.

With a smile, Spike took a piece of his cake and offered it to Pinkie and said, "You tell me."

Without hesitation, Pinkie took Spike's offer and ate the cake piece. She moaned pleasurably as she felt a sugary explosion in her mouth as she savored the buttercream and vanilla taste. She had to admit that this was a great tasting cake and couldn't help but beam with pride. Even though she had a hand in helping Spike make this cake, Pinkie felt that Spike has come a long way in the world of baking.

"Spike...I'd like to have a taste too," Luna said with purr.

Spike smiled as he took a piece from Luna's slice and fed it to her. Seeing her eat it with appreciation gave his pride a boost. Spike had felt that as a chef, it really mattered how much people liked what he made as it was a sign that he was doing a good job. He took his chosen path very seriously and had always made sure that everything turned out the way it should as far as being a chef was concerned. He still felt like he needed more to learn, but seeing those he loved appreciate his work just meant that he was doing fine.

As time went by, everyone had their fill of cake as they left nothing on the plate. Pinkie, of course, had seconds as he really wanted to show Spike how much she appreciated his hard work. Fluttershy and Rarity were satisfied with one slice, but also gave Spike a glowing complement for the dessert. Luna had remarked about her sister being a cake fiend that would have devoured the entire and left nothing for anyone, to which Twilight couldn't help but agree with. Mina had congratulated Spike on a job well done and had kissed him when she noticed a few cake crumbs on his lips. Iris, like Pinkie, also had seconds though she made Spike blush when she started making lewd noise every time she chewed. By the end of the meal, everyone had let out a satisfied sigh with some of the ladies patting their stomachs.

"Gotta hand it to you, Spike," Applejack said with a smirk. "When you put your mind to it, you can cook up something sweet. It's not all about spice with you."

"Well, I do what I can," Spike responded, trying to sound humble.

"You really shouldn't sell yourself short, darling," Rarity genuinely. "You have great talent for this sort of thing and I have a feeling that many restaurants around the world will be begging for your services. Maybe even you'll be the head chef of one the top restaurants in the country or, dare I say, the top establishments in Europe."

"Rarity is right, Spike," Twilight agreed. "All you have to do is keep your grades and I'm sure any cooking college will accept you. I'll guarantee you'll go far."

"So what college are you applying to?" asked Fluttershy curiously.

"I've been thinking of applying to the Culinary Institute of Manhattan," Spike answered. "They have the top chefs from around the world as teachers there and I want to perfect my skills by learning from the best. I can learn the business side of things there, too. That way, if I want to start my own restaurant, I'll have an idea of what to do."

"I also suggested that he could apply to Balboa College," Mina said. "I heard they have a great chef program."

"Mom, we've been over this," Spike groaned.

"Spike, Manhattan is so far away and so expensive," Mina said worryingly. "I'm afraid that you won't have the time to visit because you'll be so busy with your studies, having a job...and don't hand me that "I can always use video chat" because it doesn't compare to having you home, even if it is for a short time."

"Mom...I want to learn from the best and I need to perfect my craft," Spike reasoned. "I'll figure out how I'll get by living in the big city, but I know it will be worth it. I have to do this, mom."

"I'm one hundred percent behind you on this, Spike," Twilight nodded proudly. "When I graduated from high school, it was my dream to become the best teacher I can be. I also had to learn that it wasn't just knowledge I had to impart to my knowledge to my students, but also give them an experience they wouldn't forget. I also had to learn how to have fun and not be like some of the most boring teachers I used to have back in the day."

"Yeah, I'm still here you have the more boring lessons in school, Twilight," Iris jokes, which earned a frown form Twilight.

"I don't know, Spike," Fluttershy said with concern. "I've been to Manhattan and it is a very scary place. So much to do and so much to watch out for. Plus, you won't know anyone there."

"Fluttershy, Spike is the friendliest person we know and a fine boy," Rarity assured. "I'm sure he's grown up enough to navigate a big city and he won't have any trouble making friends. Plus...I do know some people there that owe me a favor. I'm sure they can accommodate Spike with whatever he needs."

"I also got a family up there you can bunk with," Applejack suggested. "They're a bit snobby, though. They got rules about etiquette and such..."

"I also have a friend who works at an Italian restaurant," Pinkie also suggested. "Though I hear her daughter is a bit...friendly."

"Wow, ladies," Spike said, touched. "I...you really are looking out for me. I don't know what to say."

"Even with what you girls say, I still have my reservations," Mina sighed sadly. "My little boy is moving far away from here..."

"Mom, I'll be fine," Spike softly promised.

"And I wholeheartedly support your decision, love," Luna said with confidence. "Manhattan can be a wonderful place and you'll meet new friends. I also have it on good authority that this institute has produced some of the finest chefs in the world. I'm sure you'll do great there. Just be sure to be ready for when my sister comes to visit. She does it every year so she can sample the food made by the first years."

"So that's it, then," Iris muttered, looking down at her empty plate sadly. "You're going away for who knows how long...all work and no play...leaving behind you're friends...the women you loved..."

Looking on Iris with sadness, Spike signaled for Pinkie to get off his lap, which she did. Getting up from his chair, Spike made his way to where Iris was sitting. He bent down to her level and kissed on the lips. He held on to kiss for what seemed like a long time and Iris responded to it hungrily, moaning as she placed her hands on Spike's cheeks. They let go of the kiss and caught their breath. Spike gave Iris a caring smile while she in turn gave him a smirk with half lidded eyes. Iris then looked away sadly, which made Spike look concerned .

"You're still going away and leaving us," Iris muttered.

Spike sighed and turned to the rest of the ladies before him. They all had a look of concern on their faces and waited for what he had to say. While most of the ladies supported his decision, he could see Iris' point of being lost in their work and not making any time for friends and loved ones. It also made him think about a few days back before Luna had suggested making amends with the ladies that had become lovers. He had become a stranger to them because he blamed himself for what happened between him and Luna. Spike lost himself in his work so he could forget, but also pushed his friends and mother away so he could hide the pain he was experiencing. He could never forget what had happened, but at least he promised himself to be a better person, to heal himself. Not only for his sake, but for the sake of the women that worried for him.

"Everyone," Spike began to address. "You've done a lot for me these past few days and I don't deserve it...scratch that. You've been awesome since the day I met you all. I didn't have many friends and despite the age gap, all of you have been there for me and helped get through the tough times...I can't even begin to list the many things I learned from all of you.

"Mom...you were there for dad and I when my birth mother died and you put everything on your shoulders when dad passed away. You took a job, made sure I was okay and did most of the house chores. You did everything in your power to be the perfect mom for me and I will always be thankful for that. Mom and Dad would be proud of you for making sure I was a good boy.

"Twilight...You've always made sure I kept my grades up. You tutored me when I was in grade school and because of that, I became more studious so I wouldn't fall behind. When you became my teacher, I couldn't be happier because I wanted to show you how much of a good student I can be.

"Iris...Rainbow...you were hard on me and teased me to no end, but I knew you never meant anything bad by it. Hell, you were only hard on me because you wanted me to succeed so I can be more dynamic and not be afraid to show everyone what I could accomplish. You rode me until I couldn't take it and I will never forget you for that.

"Applejack...you were always honest with me and never minced words when I screwed up. You said what I needed to hear and love whenever we had our little food exchanges. Mostly, I loved your company and how down to earth you are. You always made me feel welcome at your home...in fact, Sweet Apple Acres was something of a second home when you were around.

"Rarity...I had an enormous crush on you and to me, you were the most beautiful girl I ever met. There wasn't anything I wouldn't do for you and I always looked forward to helping you with your latest outfits. You were always so generous and rewarding, never an ulterior motive with you.

"Fluttershy...there were times when I thought a woman like you didn't exist. You were always so kind to everyone, like an angel from heaven. You saw the good in everyone and...I really can't thank you enough. You convinced me that everyone still loved me even after everything that happened.

"Pinkie...you've always been like the big kid who always looked for a way to have fun. I can't even begin to count how many times we got into trouble over pranks or sneaking a few baked goods when you were still just an employee at Sugar Cube Corner. You are always fun to be with and you taught me to never be afraid to have fun...even if it got me into trouble."

Spike approached Luna and placed his hand on top of hers. The vice principal took it as her cue to sit up and look on Spike, who was almost on the verge of tears from saying all those heartfelt things that he was saying to the ladies before him.

"Ms. Heavenstone...Luna...after what had happened between us, I pushed everyone away. I was afraid of facing you and facing my friends, but you convinced me that I needed to reconnect with those I loved. You knew that I needed to heal and move on with my life. You wanted me to be happy and for that...I will always love you. In return, I will try to make you happy...you deserve it so much more than I ever could, Luna."

"Spike...love...," Luna began, her eyes shimmering. "You have your whole life in front of you and I...all of us didn't want you to be in despair. We just wanted you to be happy."

"And because of all of you...I am," Spike said, voice breaking.

The ladies were on the verge of tears after Spike had gotten everything off his chest. The past few days were very fun and they were glad that Spike was able to reconnect with each of them. They were also glad that everything was out in the open between them and everything was mostly straightened out. They also knew that they had secrets to keep from the public eye, but there were no secrets between them. The ladies loved Spike and Spike loved them with every fiber of his being.

Luna leaned in and claimed Spike's lips. There were no gasps or protests coming from the other ladies watching them. She chuckled as she noticed that her lover had the scent of a woman inside his mouth. Luna wasn't feeling any jealousy, but was surprised at how bold Spike and Pinkie were, making love in the kitchen without being noticed. After a few moments, Luna let go of Spike lips and gave him a yearning look. She turned her head towards the other ladies and gave them a smirk. The ladies got up from their chair and each of them gave Spike a full kiss on the lips. Spike gave each of them an appreciative moan. After that, they joined in with a group hug.

"I think I know how to end this party, girls," Luna purred. "Mina...can we use your room? Yours has the bigger bed."

"Like you needed to ask?" Mina smiled knowingly.

The erotic sounds of moans and groans were heard throughout Mina’s bedroom. It had not that long since Spike and Luna had led the rest of the ladies there, leaving a trail of clothes that started at the foot of stairs and ending just outside the bedroom. Spike himself was enjoying Twilight’s attention to his manhood on one side of the bed, his eyes closed as Rarity's face sat on him as she was enjoying having her entrance licked, staining the young man’s face with her dripping juices. On the other side of the bed was Iris, her wrists handcuffed to her back as she tearfully looked on Twilight and Rarity in jealousy, her mouth gagged. She wasn’t without attention, however, as Iris’ entrance was being fingered and licked by Applejack while her breasts were being bit and pulled by Pinkie.On the floor was Fluttershy, who was sitting near the bed as her breasts were being milked and licked by Mina and Luna while using their hands to rub her thighs. No one was left unattended as Spike and the ladies were enjoying themselves.

‘I can’t believe this is happening,’ Spike thought as he felt Twilight’s mouth suck on his manhood while he inserted his finger inside of Rarity’s pussy and licked it. ‘God, I want them all so much.’

‘Spike...finally, I can have you,’ Twilight thought as she started to use her breasts to massage Spike’s manhood. ‘We were so close the last time. I want you inside of me so bad...I want you to be my first.’

‘It’s not fair,’ Iris thought as she sobbed at the sight of Rarity and Twilight giving Spike attention. ‘Look at them having the time of their lives while I’m tied up, watching. It’s like they’re torturing me, making me watch them. I just want Spike to rough me up like he did....'

“Oh, cheer up, sugarcube,” Applejack said as she looked up to Iris’ face while still fingering her pussy. “Your pussy will be filled soon. Just let good old Applejack satisfy your needs for now. I can see it loves my fingers....you always love my fingers. You’re pussy tastes so good, my little Rainbow.”

“Her funbags taste great, too,” Pinkie said as he continued to lick at Iris’s breasts. “I got a great surprise for you later, Dashie. I know you want Spike's big one, but I got the next great thing.”

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was letting out cries of joy. She could feel both Luna and Mina nibbling and biting both her nipples while sucking the milk out of them. Fluttershy could also feel both women’s hands coming dangerously close to her wet entrance. She whimpered as she practically begged the two women to stimulate her slit. Instead, Mina was content in sucking out Fluttershy’s milk as Luna let go of the breast she was feeding on and claimed the animal lover’s lips. Fluttershy just went with the flow and felt Luna’s tongue invade her mouth, tasting her own milk. She moaned into the kiss and held Luna close as she responded to the kiss.

Letting go of Fluttershy’s lips, Luna held on to her face and whispered, “Having fun, Mrs. Discordance?”

“Oh, I...I never did this sort of thing before,” Fluttershy responded bashfully. “I don’t hate it...in fact...I like this…,”

Letting go of her attention to Fluttershy's breast, Mina said,“It’s our reward for bringing my little boy home. You’re my hero.”

“I...didn’t do much, I…,” Fluttershy said humbly.

“Oh, I wouldn’t say that,” Luna purred wickedly as she traced a finger downwards. “He got to have you...you loved him with this body...you let him feed on those tits of yours...what else did you do, mommy?”

Fluttershy was about to say something when she felt Luna’s finger invade her entrance. She moaned happily as she felt happy that at least the Vice Principal was stimulating her down there. Fluttershy began to feel even wetter, her juices staining the floor as Luna furiously stimulated her while she nibbled on her neck. Mina was on Fluttershy’s breasts once again as she tried to squeeze more milk out of them.

“No...It’s too much,” moaned Fluttershy as she was getting close to climax. “I’m going too…,”

“Not yet, mommy,” Luna said, taking out her finger from Fluttershy's sex, standing up above her. “I think it’s time you fed on something sweet. Don’t you worry, though. Mommy Mina will feed on that pussy of yours.”

With Luna’s entrance getting closer to her face, Fluttershy opened her mouth as she stuck her tongue out. She didn’t have to wait long, smelling the sweet aroma of the Vice Principal’s juices invading her nostrils. Fluttershy began licking Luna’s entrance, tasting her juices that had started to leak out. Hearing Luna moan invigorated her as she grabbed her rear and licked at her womanhood faster and faster. Her eyes widened when she felt a tongue lash at her own entrance and closed them a second later. She moaned constantly as she felt Mina stimulate her and couldn’t help but orgasm, coating Spike’s stepmother with her own juices. Despite this, Mina didn’t stop her stimulation. Fluttershy herself didn’t stop either as she continued licking at Luna’s pussy as her face was getting coated by her cum.

As Luna was getting her slit stimulated, she began to watch Spike having the time of his life as he pleased two women on the bed. Rarity was content with being eaten out, but she looked like she wanted more as she used one finger to stimulate her entrance while squeezing her breast and pinching her nipple.Twilight herself was easing herself slowly as she felt the tip of Spike’s manhood enter her. She shut her eyes, as if she was going to experience pain once the young finally entered her. Luna couldn’t help but giggle at this, seeing both fear and anticipation on Twilight’s face.

“What are you waiting for, Ms. Sparkle?” Luna egged on Twilight. “You have him where you want him. Isn’t this what you wanted? Don’t you want him to enter you? Don’t you want to give your virginity to the man you love?”

With one quick motion,Twilight managed to get Spike’s manhood inside her entrance. Her eyes widened as she let out a scream. Seconds later, she shut her eyes, tears flowing from her eyes as she felt the thickness of Spike’s shaft invade her. It didn’t take long for Twilight to move her hips up and down, making sure Spike didn’t leave her entrance. She moaned happily as she fondled her breasts for more stimulation. Twilight’s face then wore the mask of ecstasy as she felt herself climaxing, coating Spike’s rod with her juices. She didn’t want this to end and she wanted to ride him for until he climaxed inside her.

“Ooh, darling,” Rarity moaned as she watched Twilight hump Spike. “I’m so jealous. I want Spike’s manhood so bad and you get to have him. Such a dream ride! Such a man! Yes, oh yes! I want it, too!”

“Spike...I love you!” cried Twilight as her motions picked up speed. “I finally get to have you! Please...cum...please...I want your...I want your…,”

“Ms. Sparkle, how naughty,” Luna moaned as she felt herself coming from being eaten out by Fluttershy. “Riding Spike like that...I bet you always wanted him like that. Admit it...you were always jealous of me getting close to your little student. Ooh, how it must have been hard...very hard to fight the urge to jump him and make him yours....”

“Ooh….Spike,” Twilight panted as she felt Spike move in sync with her. “Yes....oh, yes...so hard...I wanted you for myself...I wanted...yes...oh, yes...Spike...fuck me...fuck me…”

“Looks like someone getting into it,” Applejack smirked as she positioned herself to scissor Iris. As soon as her womanhood met the other, Applejack growled as she moved, “Ooh, my little Rainbow...it’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’ll admit...Spike had the right idea with you being tied like that...look at you...you’re enjoying this!”

“She’s going to enjoy this, too,” Pinkie said, positioning herself above Iris. Looking down and opening her slit, Pinkie said, “I wasn’t just helping Spike bake a cake in the kitchen. He let me have some of his creamy dreamy stuff. There’s some left in here if you want, Rainbow...it should hold you over.”

“You little sneak!” Applejack shouted as she slapped Pinkie playfully hard on her rear. “Greedy girl...just had to have him so bad like that!”

“Ooh, Jackie!” cried Pinkie as she felt another slap on her rear. “I...I couldn’t help it!”

‘Pinkie...you little…,’ Iris thought tearfully as she raised her head and began to lick Pinkie’s wet womanhood greedily. ‘I can actually taste bits of Spike in there...it isn’t enough...I want more...from the source…,”

Iris felt overwhelmed as she felt Applejack continue her scissoring motions on her womahood while she licked at Pinkie’s entrance. It excited her as she felt herself climaxing, her wetness matching that of Applejack’s. Iris moaned as she practically devoured Pinkie’s pussy, tasting her juices as well as trying to lick every last drop of Spike’s cum. It wasn’t long until Pinkie climaxed inside her mouth. She gulped every last drop of her juices until she started breath hard, her head plopping the pillow.

‘So close...I’m going too...,’ Spike grunted as he felt closer to climaxing as he continued to lick Rarity.

“Spike...I’m going to...going to…,” Rarity panted, moving her hips faster.

“Cum inside me...cum inside...I want….,” Twilight moaned.

Spike finally released his load inside Twilight as his face was drenched with Rarity’s juices. He let out a loud moan as he felt himself shooting his all into Twilight’s entrance. He stiffened and seconds later he relaxed, letting out short breaths as she came down from his climax. When he saw that Rarity had gotten off of him, Spike rose up and captured Twilight’s lips. He felt her surrender herself to him as she kissed him back. Spike and Twilight held each other close, their sweaty bodies meshing well. After a bit, Spike and Twilight let go of each other’s lips but continued to hold each other as they leaned on each other’s heads.

“Spike…,” Twilight spoke breathlessly.

“Ms. Sparkle...so tight…,” Spike said, almost out of breath.

“Wonderful...I never thought I would feel like that,” Twilight said as she kissed Spike’s cheek. “I want more…”

“You’ll have your time again, Ms. Sparkle,” Luna said as she looked down at Twilight’s pussy that was oozing Spike’s seed. “But the others will have their turn tonight. But I want a taste of what’s to come.”

Separating herself from Fluttershy, Luna approached Twilight and cupped her face. She gave the teacher a warm smile before she kissed her full on the lips. Luna felt a bit of hesitation on Twilight’s part but that hesitation melted as she felt Twilight respond to the kiss. Luna then led Twilight off the bed, though her lips didn’t leave her. She held her close, feeling her bare breasts mash against hers. Luna felt a bit of a thrill in having Twilight in her arms as she inserted her tongue inside her mouth, tasting her. After a while, she let go her lips and traced her tongue downward, placing her hands firmly on Twilight’s hips Luna could tell that she was shivering at her touch as her breathing quickened. Finally on her knees, Luna reached her goal and marveled at Twilight’s wet pussy as it still oozed with Spike’s seed. The smell of her lover’s seed mixed with Twilight’s juices intoxicated her and wasted no time licking and sucking at it. Luna moaned appreciatively, loving the taste as she massaged and kneaded Twilight’s buttocks. Hearing her top rival for Spike’s heart moan drove Luna to speed her efforts to make Twilight climax, loving the fact that she had her at her mercy.

It was taking a lot of effort for Twilight to stand as Luna continued to lick her entrance. She still couldn’t believe this was happening as she continued to moan at Luna’s touch. It hadn’t been too long since Spike had climaxed inside of her and had to admit that she enjoyed the feeling. But she began to admit that having Luna eat her out was beginning to be close second when it came to feeling ecstasy. She began to wonder if any of her friends...Spike's own stepmother...would do this to her. She looked around, flushed as she saw the women please each other. To her, they looked like they were having fun, unrestrained in their carnal efforts. It was a real eye opener seeing her friends like this.

Twilight then set her eyes on Spike, who was busy being pleased by Rarity as she watched them kiss, their tongues intertwining. She felt the familiar pangue of jealousy as she saw her friend stroking Spike’s slick manhood, seeing that it hardened again. Twilight gave Spike a longing look, wanting to be close to him again. But she knew it wouldn’t be fair as she wanted Spike to be happy. Twilight also had it in her mind that she would have another go at Spike. She just hoped that Spike would have the energy left to do so.

“Spike...you know I...love you the most, right?” Rarity asked lustfully between kisses.

“Rarity....your hand feels great…,” moaned Spike. “You’re making me so hard…”

“I’m glad I have that effect on you, darling,” Rarity spoke into Spike’s ear. “That means you love me the most. I was your crush, Spikey. The one you put on a pedestal for many years. I’m not worthy of you, my love. I’ve treated you like a little boy but you can have me like a man should. No man can compare to you, Spike. You’re the only one who can satisfy me.”

“Rarity, please…,” Spike begged, feeling close to the edge.

“Not yet, Spike,” Rarity said as she let go of Spike’s hard on. “Hold on just a bit longer. Then you can fill me up as much as you like.”

Rarity motioned for Spike to sit on the side of the bed. She then got on her knees and moved Spike's legs apart and licked her lips as she looked at his hardened member. Rarity hefted her breasts and used them to pillow Spike's dick between them. She began to massage the member, feeling every inch of it with her breasts. Rarity then used her tongue to lick the tip, tasting the leftover seed from Spike's previous ejaculation as well Twilight's juices. The flavor began to drive Rarity wild as she couldn't get enough. It had been only a few days since she had tasted the juices of another woman, her own sister. Hearing Spike moan and say her name emboldened her to speed her motions, but only a little. Rarity didn't want this to end as she continued to feel Spike's length. She knew Spike was getting close again and alternated between moving fast and slow. Rarity continued to lick the tip of the shaft and tasted a bit of pre-cum that was coming out. She giggled and found that Spike couldn't help himself. She knew Spike wanted to cum badly on her and she was practically tormenting the young man.

Spike was having a tough time holding back. As much as he wanted to climax on Rarity's face, Spike didn't want to deny her the pleasure of being filled up. As he breathed in and out while gritting his teeth, Spike went back to a few days ago when he, Rarity and Belle had their threesome. While Spike did enjoy driving his manhood into Belle's tight virgin womanhood, Rarity's felt like something of a dream. It wasn't as tight and didn't hold his manhood like a vice, but it still felt good. Having his dick inside Rarity was something he had only fantasized about and hearing her moan while tasted the rest of her body was an experience he could never forget. Spike had never really gotten over Rarity and the thought of just entering her excited him. He had been very happy to fulfill his fantasy that day and wanted to experience it again. Still, as he noted earlier, it was taking all his willpower not to ejaculate on Rarity's face.

Seeing that Spike was about ready to burst again, Rarity stopped her movements and rose up, meeting the young man's gaze. She then kissed him lovingly as she sat on lap and positioned Spike's stiff member towards her entrance. She teased the tip a bit before moving slowly, feeling every bit of its length enter her. Rarity moaned loudly as she felt herself climax at the touch. She panted as she held Spike in her arms until the sensation subsided. She couldn't help but pout and looked away from Spike. Rarity then felt a hand on her cheek and instinctively looked at Spike's smiling face. She smiled back and kissed him lightly on the lips. Rarity felt a pair of arms embrace her and in seconds, began to move up and down on Spike's shaft.

"Spike...go slow...I want this to last," Rarity begged.

"I can't help it, Rarity," grunted Spike as he moved faster. "You feel so good...I want to come lots inside of you."

"I know you do," Rarity moaned. "Please...be gentle with me...I'm a lady and I...ooh, Spike...,"

Spike then proceeded to nibble on Rarity's nipple, making the woman cry out in pleasure. He alternated between the two breasts as he wanted to give each equal attention. Hearing Rarity cries grow even louder, Spike managed to pull and suck on both of Rarity's nipples. He moaned at the taste and heard Rarity scream.

"Spike...not so rough," Rarity said, tears forming.

Letting go of Rarity's nipples, Spike smirked and said,"I thought you liked it a bit rough, Rarity. I didn't hear you complain the last time."

"No...I'm a lady," Rarity said, looking away as she blushed.

"I could stop, you know," Spike teased.

"No...don't be like that," Rarity begged. "I want you, Spike...,"

"I'll treat you right, Rarity," Spike whispered. "You know I'll treat you like you deserved to be treated."

"Alright, Spike," Rarity said with a sigh. "Punish me...for denying you release."

Spike took that as his cue to move faster with Rarity's motions. He held Rarity even tighter as he felt close to release. Spike went back to paying attention to Rarity's breasts, sucking on the nipples and occasionally pulling at them with his teeth. He would also motorboat them, which caused Rarity to giggle. After a few minutes of this, Spike managed to lay Rarity down on the bed and continued to ram his cock while massaging her breasts. He increased his moments and felt himself getting close. He shut his eyes and grunted as he heard Rarity cry out his name and begging him to move faster. Spike obliged as he drove his stiff member in and out while gritting his teeth.

"Spike...I'm cumming!" Rarity screamed. "Please...I can't take it!"

"Rarity, I can't hold it!" Spike grunted as he gripped Rarity's breasts.

With a loud moan, Spike ejaculated inside of Rarity, coating her insides with his seed. To Spike, it felt like he was releasing a geyser that was overflowing the woman's entrance. After finishing his release, Spike felt exhausted and lay down on top of Rarity, letting out ragged breaths as he felt her arms hold him in place. After a few seconds, Spike placed his lips on Rarity's and began thoroughly kissing her and the lady under him couldn't help but respond to it.

'Spike...you're the only man for me,' thought Rarity as she savored Spike lips.

"Hope you're not spent, sugarcube," spoke Applejack as she lightly slapped Spike's rear. "There's a girl here who's very hungry for you. She just can't wait for you to toy with her."

Spike looked over and saw that Pinkie had gotten behind Iris and was busy kissing and tonguing the restrained woman's lips while she fondled one of her breasts and using her other hand to tease her wet entrance. Iris herself was enjoying the experience and she moaned loudly at Pinkie's touch as she was losing herself to ecstasy. Spike couldn't help but enjoy the sight of Iris, his physical education teacher who was known for riding her students to perform their best, writhing in pleasure while her wrists were restrained. He smirked as he got off of Rarity and crawled closer to the two women. Spike lowered himself so that he could see Iris' twitching womanhood being fingered by Pinkie. He licked his lips and looked upward at Iris, who had her eyes closed as her moans were getting louder and louder. Spike then rose to meet Iris' face and cupped it with his hands. This caused Iris to open her eyes and Spike could see the expression of anticipation written on her face. Spike inched closer to Iris face, as if to kiss her but at the last moment, Spike made a detour and directed himself towards Pinkie's face and kissed her fully on the lips. The kiss was deep and the pink haired girl couldn't help but enjoy it, moaning softly. Spike then heard a sob coming from Iris and let go of Pinkie's lips. What he saw was that Iris' tears streamed freely from her eyes as she pouted. Spike smiled softly as he captured Iris' lips and kissed her softly on the lips. He felt her accept it eagerly as she shoved his tongue inside her month, tasting her. After a moment, Spike let go of Iris' lips and leaned his head on hers.

"You're so mean....," Iris sniffled as she frowned at Spike.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Dash," Spike spoke softly. "I'll treat you right...like I know you want to be treated. I'll need a bit of room for that though."

On hearing that, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie took the hint and got off the bed to make room for Spike and Iris. This also got the attention of Luna, Twilight, Mina and Fluttershy as they joined the other women in surrounding the bed, giving Spike and Iris an audience. They all looked on with curiosity as Spike positioned Iris to the middle of the bed, each wanting to know what Spike had in mind.

"Ms. Dash...spread your legs," Spike instructed. "Then...I want you to lift that sweet entrance of yours to my face. I know you have the strength to endure it for a bit. I have faith that you can hold it until you come. But...if you let yourself fall...then I'll have to punish you...by leaving you for last."

Iris did as she was told as she spread her legs as wide as she could. She then used her feet to lift her womanhood up so that it could meet with Spike's face. It was a bit of struggle at first as her face was scrunched up as she strained. Eventually, Iris managed to steady herself on her toes. She almost did it as she felt Spike's breath on her pussy. She didn't have time to think as she felt the young man's tongue and finger tease her insides, letting out a moan. At first, Iris found it difficult not to lose herself to pleasure while also trying to not let herself fall. She knew Spike was just being playful, but she really didn't want to risk going last and watch the other woman in the room have their chance with Spike. Iris' body tingled with the sensations she was feeling as she started to orgasm inside of Spike's mouth. She then let out screams of pleasure as Spike didn't relent on his attack as she felt his finger go in and out of her faster and faster.

"Just look at her, Pinkie," Applejack said, her arms folded and a smirk on her face. "Can't believe how much she's enjoying herself like that."

"Wow," Pinkie spoke as she saw Iris' body sweat. "I mean...I saw them doing it in the bathroom with Dashie tied up, but...maybe I can give this tied up thing a try."

"Maybe I can try that, too," Mina commented.

"I wonder how long Ms. Dash can hold that pose," Rarity said in wonder as she saw Iris moan.

"When Spike told me how much Iris loves this kind of thing...," Fluttershy said, watching in awe as she saw Iris begging Spike for more.

"You think she always fantasized about this?" Mina asked.

"Well, she is living it," Twilight said.

Luna smirked as she crawled toward the bound Iris. Without warning, she gave the gym teacher a kiss, which she held for a moment as she began fondling Iris' breasts. There was a bit of resistance, but Luna felt it melt away as Iris returned the kiss. She couldn't help but admire Iris' endurance as she tried to hold her pose while Spike stimulated her entrance, all while she pulled and tweaked at her nipples. Luna let go of Iris' lips, but remained at her side as she got closer to her ear.

"What must be going through your mind, Ms. Dash?" Luna whispered huskily into Iris' ear. "Spike told me how much you love being tied up...to be toyed around with. But I can tell you want Spike to do more. Maybe he'll want you tied to a tree in the park where anyone can see you get your game on. Or maybe have him tie you to one of the benches inside the locker room. Better yet, maybe he'll have you tied to the goal post and have his way with you. Would you like that, Ms. Dash? Does the dirty little secret submissive gym teacher like to be punished like that?"

As much as she didn't want to give Luna the satisfaction, Iris couldn't help but agree with her as she was getting close to another orgasm. All she could think about how far Spike could be dominant with her. The ideas the Vice Principal placed in her head were really getting to heart as her body was getting more and more heated up. Idea after idea filled her head and the thought of Spike doing what she was thinking to her as she kept screaming for Spike to make her come. She saw her friends look on in fascination and felt a bit on the spot for showing a side of herself she didn't normally show. It finally became too much as she climaxed, squirting her juices inside of Spike mouth. She held her pose for a few seconds more until she collapsed, breathing heavily as she came down from her orgasm.

'Spike...please...,' Iris thought as she felt Spike move her body into a different position.

With Iris' butt sticking out invitingly while her face was the pillow, Spike smirked as he used his hand to feel every inch of her behind. To him, it felt really firm, though not as firm as Applejack's. He then used both his hands to massage Iris' butt, which made the woman moan louder. Without much thought, Spike proceeded to give Iris' butt a light slap. Then he gave it another slap, which was a bit harder. Then another and another and each slap was getting harder and harder. Spike continued to this as the slaps echoed throughout the room. He could hear Iris scream in pain a pleasure and he also noticed her cheeks become redder with each slap.

"You like that, don't you Ms. Dash," Spike spoke as she continued to slap Iris' behind.

Iris didn't respond, which earned her another hard slap that made her yelp.

"I can't hear you, Ms. Dash," Spike said in a sing-song voice.

"Yeah...I like that...don't stop," Iris sobbed, crying tears of joy.

"Such a glutton for punishment," Spike sneered as he slapped Iris' rear some more. "I bet you like this better than me entering you."

"No...I want it...," Iris begged as she looked behind to give Spike a pleading look.

"What is it that you want?" teased Spike.

"You know what I-" Iris was cut off as she felt another hard slap. With a pained expression, Iris said, "Spike...give it to me...I waited long enough..."

"I'll give it to you when you tell me what you want," Spike responded as he began to tease Iris' entrance with his manhood. "Now tell me...or do you want to watch me give it to someone else?"

"No...please, Spike," Iris' pleaded. "I want...I want your cock...your big...big..."

"Very well," Spike said as he shoved his manhood quickly into Iris' entrance, making her moan loudly. "Just remember...your pussy is all mine...your tight...wet...easily pleased pussy...is all mine..."

"Yes...do what you want...it's all yours," Iris' spoke pleasurably as she felt Spike's cock going in and out of her.

With a firm grip on her rear, Spike aggressively drove his erection in and out of Iris. As much as he enjoyed having his gym teacher at his mercy with little means of escape, Spike enjoyed how firmly Iris' pussy held onto his erection like a vice. Spike grunted and moaned at the sensation, but didn't want to ejaculate too soon. He even slowed his thrusts on occasion just to hear Iris whine so he can suddenly increase the speed again. Hearing her completely lose it made Spike feel in control as he once again slapped each side of Iris' rear, making the woman cry out ecstasy. Spike loved how much Iris was enjoying this, feeling that his manhood was getting coated in her juices. Still, Iris' grip on Spike's erection was getting tighter.

Spike took a look around at the women surrounding the bed and noticed how fascinating this looked to them. With a wicked smile forming, Spike lifted Iris up by her wrists, managing to keep his manhood inside of her. He then adjusted to a sitting position and wrapped his arm around Iris' waist and then used his hand to fondle her breast. Spike breathed heavily on Iris' cheek and gave it a lick before he started humping her again.

"Spike...please...I...," Iris panted as she felt Spike's thrust increase.

"Such a dirty girl, Dashie," Spike whispered. "Admit it. This is your best performance ever. The grinding, the motions and how much your body loves my cock. None of your athletic accomplishments compares to this. This is where you truly excel, my little Dashie. You love this more than anything...being dominated by the student that you ride on all the time. Well, I'm riding you and you're loving it! Say it!"

"I...love...," Iris spoke as drool came out of her mouth.

"I'm waiting, Ms. Dash," Spike playfully warned.

"I love this...," Iris' admitted with a lustful smile. "I love what this does to me...I love it when you do this to me...I want you to this to me...all the time...in front of my friends....wherever you want....,"

"Here's your reward....my little Rainbow," Spike growled as he increased his thrusts.

Holding onto Iris' body as tightly as he could, Spike let out a loud grunt as he ejaculated inside of Iris. He could feel Iris' body tense when she let out a scream that echoed throughout the room. As soon as he let out every last drop of his seed, Spike loosened his grip on Iris' body and let her down gently in the bed. He joined her, placing both his hands on her cheeks kissed her gently on the lips. After that, Spike noticed tears coming from Iris' eyes and wiped them off. He kissed her again before rising up and giving Iris' rear a light slap, which earned him a smile from the gym teacher.

'So intense...,' thought Iris as he looked up to Spike, who had a satisfied smile on his face.

"I think that's enough for Ms. Dash for the night," Luna said with a smirk as she dragged Iris off the bed, so she could rest on the floor.

"Looks like I'm next, sugarcube," Applejack said as she jumped on the bed and took one of Spike's arms in hers.

"No, pick me!" Pinkie objected as she grabbed Spike's other arm.

"You already had him in the kitchen, Ms. Pie!" Applejack argued.

"Well, I want another ride!" Pinkie countered.

Seeing that both Applejack and Pinkie may come to blows, Spike wrapped his arms around them, gave their breasts a hard squeeze, making them moan and stopping their argument in their tracks. He then gave both of them a kiss on the lips, which brought a smile to their faces.

"Now girls, be nice," Spike admonished playfully. "I think I have the strength to take you both on. In fact..."

Spike scanned the women and ended up giving Fluttershy a suggestive look. Fluttershy gave Spike a soft smile and saw Spike's gaze aim towards the empty space on the bed. She got the hint and lay down on her back, spreading her legs.

"Spike...you wouldn't leave your mother out of this?" asked Mina hopefully as she got on the bed.

"Never, mom," Spike responded.

Putting herself in front of Spike and straddling Fluttershy's waist, Mina wrapped one of her arms around Spike's neck. She looked at her stepson with half lidded eyes and a warm smile. With her breasts firmly planted on Spike's chest, Mina inches slowly towards his face and kisses him. It didn't take long for Spike to respond to the kiss as he moaned while Mina deepened the kiss, her lips firmly locked onto his. As she held onto Spike's neck, Mina lowered her other hand until she reached her stepson's member. Grabbing a firm hold of it, Mina started to slowly stroke Spike's manhood. It didn't take long for Spike to get firm, but Mina didn't let go as she continued to stroke him, increasing her motions. This caused Spike to let go of her lips and started to moan louder and louder. Mina smiled at this and started to nibble at Spike's neck. She had him at her mercy and could tell that he was close to exploding.

Letting go of Spike's neck but not his member, Mina whispered into Spike's ear, "Spike...let me have it...Mrs. Discordance can wait...I want it...please..."

"Mom...Fluttershy comes first," Spike responded.

"Please...I want it inside me," Mina begged.

"Mrs. Drake...that's not fair," Fluttershy said, frowning at Mina with disappointment.

"She's right, Mama Drake," Applejack said with a smirk while laying next to Fluttershy. "Spike already said he wanted to get with Fluttershy first."

"Plus, Spike needs to be a good host and attend to the guests," Pinkie said with a wagging finger. "You'll get your chance, Mrs. Drake. Besides, you'll have more chances with your boy whenever you want."

While Mina did agree with Spike's girlfriends, she couldn't help but pout. She then felt a hand on her cheek which got her turn around to face Spike. She didn't get a chance to say anything as Spike planted his lips on hers. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the kiss. Letting go of Spike's erection, Mina wrapped her other arm around his neck and deepened the kiss, inserting her tongue inside his mouth.

With his erection free from Mina's grasp, Spike proceeded to tease Fluttershy's entrance with it. This didn't last very long as he proceeded to slowly insert his cock inside Fluttershy. His motions were slow at first as she wanted to feel the warmth of Fluttershy's folds taking a hold of him. He used his hands to take hold of Fluttershy's thighs and increased his motions. Spike could hear her moans getting louder and in no time, those moans turned to cries of pleasure, which made him increase his thrusts. Spike grunted with each thrust, but there were times that he had to come up for air, making let go of Mina's lips. Mina wasn't having any of it as she was kissed firmly and held onto him more tightly. Spike could even feel fingernails on his back, which made him wince in pain. Nevertheless, he continued thrusting into Fluttershy, who sounded like she was getting lost pleasure.

Fluttershy cries became even louder as she felt Spike driving his erection into her entrance. She lay helpless on the bed as her entire body felt like it was on fire. It didn't help that both Pinkie and Applejack were busy sucking and nibbling on her nipples. Her body stiffened as she grabbed the blankets tightly. It was becoming too much for her as she felt an orgasm, but Spike didn't stop. Fluttershy cried even louder as Pinkie and Applejack sucked off her breast milk. She had so many sensations that Fluttershy was feeling that she was going to drown in a sea of pleasure, which made her smile in contentment.

"Mmm, tasty," moaned Pinkie as she continued to drink more of Fluttershy's milk.

"Darn tootin'," Applejack said as she squeezed Fluttershy's other breast, causing it to squirt on her face.

"Ooh, such a mess," Pinkie said as she grabbed Applejack's face. "Let me clean that up, Jackie."

Pinkie proceeded to lovingly lick at Applejack's face, getting all the milk off. She didn't stop there as she kissed her on the lips. Pinkie then lifted one of her arms and started caressing one of Applejack's breasts. She then felt Applejack do the same, though she felt that her friend was squeezing too tight. This made her squeak as she shut her eyes. Pinkie let go of the lip lock she had on Applejack as she felt both of her hands pull at her nipples, making her clench her teeth.

"Jackie...not so...not so rough," Pinkie whined.

"I'm still punishing you for getting ahead of us, sugarcube," Applejack said with a smirk. "Maybe I should hogtie you while I slap your bum silly. Rainbow seems to like it just fine."

"But...but...I...," Pinkie moaned.

As Applejack continued to play with Pinkie, Fluttershy was getting close to another orgasm. Seeing that her breasts were left alone, she hefted them up towards her face and started to suck them of their milk herself. She savored the taste, moaning as she felt Spike thrust into her faster and faster. Fluttershy felt Spike's fingers squeeze her thighs as her mouth let go of her breasts. Her cries turned to screams, her hands fingers pinching at her nipples as she came, making her tear up.

"Are you getting close?" Mina asked, egging Spike on. "Do you want to cum inside that mommy? Do you want to fill her up...make a baby with her? Do you want to drink more of her milk?"

"I'm cumming...," Spike grunted. "I'm...close...I'm...,"

Spike felt himself explode as his seed poured into Fluttershy's entrance. He let out a loud moan as he heard Fluttershy scream in pleasure. It was so much that it overflowed, but Spike continued to ejaculate until he felt that he couldn't pour out any more. He let out a sigh, but he still felt hard. Spike took out his stiff member, which was later engulfed by a hungry Mina. He sighed as he felt her lick it clean as he looked down. Spike smiled as he saw her finish up, but wasted no time as he moved away from her. Seeing that his stepmother had gotten herself into a sixty-nine position with Fluttershy, Spike made his way towards Mina's rear and positioned his face to meet her entrance. He saw that she was leaking juices and started to caress her entrance, which made Mina gasp.

"Spike...don't make me wait," Mina begged.

"You feel so wet, mom," Spike said as he continued to tease Mina. "I guess you really want a young thing inside you, don't you? Such a dirty mother you are...wanting her son like that..."

"Spike...please," Mina sobbed.

"Mom...there's some more of my seed inside Fluttershy," Spike pointed out. "You can have it if you want."

Mina sighed as she lowered her head. As her face inched closer to Fluttershy's entrance, the odor of her son's seed oozing from Fluttershy as well as her juices were getting to Mina, making her lick her lips. Not wanting to wait any longer, Mina stuck out her tongue and started to lick Fluttershy's pussy, making appreciative noises. She moaned as she lapped every bit of Spike's seed that oozed from Fluttershy's entrance, making sure she didn't leave anything. Hearing Fluttershy moan made Mina continue to lick her even faster. She even decided to stick two fingers inside her, taking them in and out of her at a furious pace as she licked her clitoris. What made Mina stop was when she started feeling two tongues attack her entrance. She looked back and saw her stepson grabbing her butt cheeks, massaging them as she licked away at her. She could only assume that Fluttershy was doing the same and she was also feeling a finger going in and out of her.

'Oh, no,' Mina thought as she moaned, shutting her eyes. 'I can't stand it...they're going to make me cum...Spike...Mrs. Discordance...but I want Spike's...oh, forgive me...'

'Looks like she's ready,' Spike thought as he moved away from Mina's pussy. With his hands still on Mina's buttocks, Spike went for it and inserted himself inside Mina, sighing at the sensation. 'So warm...like Fluttershy's.'

"Spike...so fast," Mina moaned as she felt every inch of Spike's erection as well as an orgasm. "Please...give me more...show mommy you love her very much."

"I'll show you," Spike groaned as he thrust inside of Mina. "You feel so good...to think I can have you...every day...every night...wherever you want..."

"Oh, yes...," Mina moaned. "You can sleep with me...I'll wake you up like I should...we can bathe together...all I want is to be with you...I'm yours...mommy is yours to do with-

Mina was cut off as she felt herself being pulled by her arms. Before she knew it, her back was to Spike's chest and when she looked around, her arms were pulled by Applejack and Pinkie. Mina was about to say something when both women used their mouths to stimulate each of her breasts. She practically howled as she felt her nipples being pulled at. Mina tried to hold it together, but she cried out for more, feeling both Pinkie and Applejack's hands stimulate her opening and still being tongued by a hungry Fluttershy. She also felt Spike's thrust into her at a faster rate and felt her herself climax at all the sensations she was feeling.

"Look at her, Pinkie," Applejack sneered as she fondled Mina's breasts. "She gets Spike whenever she wants...so greedy and needy."

"She sure is, Jackie," Pinkie agreed as she got closer to Mina's ear. She then whispered, "I bet all that love about your son is his big one, isn't it? It's been so long since you had one inside you that any young stud would do."

"No...you got...oh, no," Mina sobbed as she got close to another orgasm.

"We don't blame you, Mrs. Drake," Applejack said as she licked Mina's face. "Spike's big one is the best. I know you can't live without it. Drove me wild when he put it in me."

"And me," whispered Pinkie. "I loved it so much. He came in me lots and I can't get enough. I'm so hungry for it...just like you are. Such a young and strong thing invading you..."

"Girls...it's too much...," Mina moaned, getting close.

"Mom, is that all I am to you?" Spike asked teasingly as he came close. "You can tell me. Is that why you want me to stay home? So that you can have my cock anytime you want?"

"Yes...no...Spike, please," Mina pleaded. "I love all of you. You're so good to me...I...want...I...need..."

"What, mom?" asked Spike. "What is it that you want?"

"Spike...I want...," Mina moaned. Then with a scream, she said, "Your cock! Mommy wants cock! Mommy wants you to cum inside her! Please, Spike...be kind to mommy! Cum inside me!"

With that, Spike increased thrusts and gripped Mina's sides so he wouldn't slide out. He grunted as he was getting close to bursting inside of her. Seconds later, Spike gripped tightly and stiffened as he reached climax, bursting inside of Mina and letting out a loud moan. He stayed inside her, letting out as much of himself inside of his stepmother's womb. Hearing Mina's pleasurable screams made him want to come even more. Spike let out a breath of exhaustion, falling back to the bed board as he took a breather. When he looked down, he saw that his seed was pouring out of Mina's pussy and grinned in satisfaction. He then let out a laugh as she saw Fluttershy drink his seed from Mina's pussy.

"You ain't done yet, sugarcube," Applejack smirked as she pulled Spike away.

"You gotta satisfy me next," Pinkie said cheerfully.

"I'm just getting started, ladies," Spike said confidently.

"Is that a fact, little one," Applejack said as she restrained Spike's arms to his back. "Pinkie, raise his spirits. I'll make sure he doesn't get away."

"Like he wants to," laughed Pinkie as she got between Spike's legs.

With his arms held tightly from behind by Applejack, Spike looked down at Pinkie as she started to tug at his manhood before it stiffened again. He relished the feeling of her tongue going up his length as he began to wonder how much energy he left or if the rest of the ladies would let up on him. Spike's expression turned blissful, sighing at the feeling of Pinkie's tongue tasting him while hearing her the taste. He then let out a moan when he felt Pinkie's mouth engulf his shaft, shutting his eyes as he tried to reign in his ejaculation. Spike didn't want this to be a quick romp as what he and Pinkie had shared in the kitchen. He still couldn't believe that this woman had the daring to do that while the other women were waiting for the cake. Spike let out another sigh as he felt Pinkie starting to use her breasts to pleasure his erection while licking the tip.

Wanting to get more into the action, Applejack loosened her hold on Spike's arms and held his torso. She moved her hands and used them to caress his chest. Applejack then gave Spike a lick on his neck before she started to nibble on it constantly. Hearing the young man let out a pained moan made her smirk as she used her fingers to pinch at Spike's nipples. Applejack couldn't help but feel the sense of power she had over Spike. It was the same feeling she had whenever she had him pinned down when she and Spike wrestled in the barn and wanted to make him hers. She also had to admit that she also loved it that Spike could also give as good as she did. She knew the boy could be rough with her while also being playful. Applejack blushed, knowing that Spike would probably go for her next and wondered if Mina's bed could take a little roughhousing.

So lost in her thoughts was Applejack that she almost didn't notice that one of Spike's hands made its way toward her entrance. When she felt Spike's fingers massage her pussy, Applejack let out a moan as her pussy started to leak. Applejack held Spike even tighter, mashing her breasts to Spike's back. When the young man's head turned to face her, Applejack seized the opportunity to claim his lips with hers. She couldn't help but insert her tongue deep inside Spike's mouth and taste him while he played with her pussy. At this point, Applejack wanted nothing more but for Spike to skip Pinkie and go after her and ram his erection into her as roughly as he wanted. She knew it was selfish to think such things, but she couldn't help but feel that Spike's fingers weren't enough to satisfy her in the long run.

As Pinkie kept pleasuring Spike, she managed to look up at him and saw that Applejack had found a way to have fun, seeing that she wasn't content with just holding the young man captive. Seeing them kiss made Pinkie hunger for a kiss and she reluctantly let go of Spike's erection and moved up to meet him face to face. She used her hands to hold Spike's face, which got his attention and let go of Applejack's lips. Pinkie wasted no time as she planted her lips firmly on Spike's. It didn't take long for Spike to insert his tongue into Pinkie's mouth and the woman couldn't help but moan. She wanted another go at Spike and she wanted him to enter her. Pinkie then heard an annoyed grunt coming from Applejack and saw that her friend wasn't pleased with her taking away Spike's attention. Pinkie couldn't help but glare at her, as if it were a challenge.

"Be nice, ladies," Spike said soothingly.

"She already had her fill," Applejack growled. "Pinkie will have to wait it out."

"I can never have enough, Spike," Pinkie whispered into Spike's ear as she grabbed hold of Spike shaft. "Please...one more time...play with me...you know how yummy I am..."

"I know, Pinkamena," Spike said reassuringly. "Such a tasty treat your body is."

"And I'm not?" Applejack questioned Spike with a glare.

Spike answered Applejack with a kiss, silencing anymore protest. He could feel her lips respond to his and let it linger before letting go. Seeing Applejack pout made Spike kiss her again, though this time it was brief. He then turned his attention towards Pinkie and lightly pushed her down to the bed. Seeing the party woman's inviting body, Spike went down to her level and kissed on the lips. He then felt Pinkie's arms at his neck and felt the need to deepen the kiss. Spike could also feel Pinkie's hardened nipples on his and it emboldened him to adjust his body so his erection was rubbing the woman's entrance. He could hear moan and knew what she wanted, but was content with just rubbing at his erection at her entrance but not entering. He heard her whine, but didn't want to enter her just yet. Spike wanted to have a bit more and maybe pay her back for their trust in the kitchen.

"Spike...don't be mean," Pinkie whined, a desperate look on her face.

"I want to taste all of you, Pinkie," Spike smirked. "I can't help it. You just look so good...I want to eat you all up."

Giggling, Pinkie didn't have to wait as Spike briefly kissed on the lips. She felt his hands massage and squeezed her breasts, which made her squeal in delight. As much as she loved Spike's hands on her mounds and the fact that the young man very much liked them, she knew what she ultimately wanted. It almost frustrated her that Spike was teasing her this way, making her wait for his erection to invade her folds. Her blush took on a deeper shade of red as she vividly remembered Spike having her in the kitchen as well as sharing her with her sisters. She especially remembered the whole truth or dare part of the private party she threw for him. Pinkie let out a loud moan when she felt Spike pinch and lick her nipples. She wrapped her hands around his head so he wouldn't leave her mounds. Pinkie then felt one of Spike's hands rubbing her thigh and seconds later, felt it rubbing her entrance. She felt him rub her and felt how fast he was going. Pinkie let out a cry when she felt herself coming, her juices spreading on the bed and onto Spike's hand. The young man didn't stop as Pinkie felt more stimulation from his fingers and her nipples being bit, even being pulled by his teeth. The sensations were a bit much as Pinkie came again, her breathing became heavy.

Seeing that Spike removed his lips from her breasts, Pinkie anticipated him finally entering her and giving full satisfaction. What ended up happening was Spike lifting her bottom up, her legs dangling. She then felt Spike's mouth on her wet entrance and invaded it with his tongue. Despite feeling pleasure at the sensations her pussy was experiencing, Pinkie sobbed at once again being denied Spike's manhood. She looked up at him and tried to beg him, but Spike continued to lick away, giving off sounds of contentment.

"Spike...please," Pinkie urged Spike, tears flowing from her eyes. "I want it...put it in me..."

"I think you tortured her long enough," Applejack smiled wickedly over Spike's shoulder.

"Help me bring her off," Spike instructed.

Spike moved away and flipped Pinkie's body. He then grabbed her arms and lifted her up and managed to hold her waist tightly. Spike kissed Pinkie fully on the lips before driving his shaft inside Pinkie's entrance, slowly rocking it back and forth before increasing his thrusts. It still amazed him at how tightly Pinkie's pussy was grabbing at his erection tightly and it took every amount of strength he had left not to ejaculate soon. Spike moved his hands upwards so he could grab at Pinkie's breasts again and made sure he didn't miss a beat as he continued his thrusts. He heard her loud cries and begged him for more as he felt her coat his erection with more juices.

"Yeah...this is what I wanted...I can't get..." Pinkie thought as she felt losing herself to pleasure.

Applejack, meanwhile, had moved herself so she could get a good look at what Spike was doing to Pinkie. Seeing the young man's shaft going in and out of Pinkie made her feel envious of the woman as she licked her lips, knowing that she was next to experience Spike hard cock inside of her. Still, just the smell of Pinkie's wetness as well Spike cock was becoming very intoxicating for her. Applejack then stuck out her tongue and started licking at Pinkie's clit, making the woman gasp in surprise. She continued like this, licking around while also tasting Spike's erection. Applejack let out an appreciative moan as her licking increased. She knew Pinkie was close to coming again but she was also waiting for Spike to come so she can get some of that seed.

"Jackie...no...wait...wait your turn...," Pinkie cried as she was driven to bliss. "Spike's mine...his seed is...his seed is..."

"You gotta share the load, Miss Pie," Applejack spoke as she rose to meet Pinkie's face while placing her thumb and forefinger on her clit. "Think of it as...comeuppance for cutting in front of us."

"That was terrible," Pinkie said as flatly as she could.

Nevertheless, Pinkie's body was experiencing even more sensations as Spike drove his erection even faster into her pussy. She knew he was close and the young man's grunting was confirming it. Her lips were then captured by Applejack's and moaned as her tongue clashed with hers. She could even feel her hardened nipples rub against her friend’s breasts. Pretty soon, it all became too much as she experienced orgasm. Her moan was muffled by Applejack's kiss and then she felt Spike cumming inside her. She felt Spike grab at her more tightly than before so he can release himself into her. After a few seconds, Pinkie felt herself going limp as her body dropped to the bed. She panted heavily as a smile adorned her face. Pinkie managed to recover as she slowly crawled off the bed in order to give Spike and Applejack their space.

Spike felt spent as he breathed heavily, his hands on his knees. He knew that he had to keep going, but he admittedly felt like he could die at any moment or best case scenario, faint from exhaustion. He lifted his head up and faced Applejack. He smiled a sweet smile at her, which she returned. Spike then saw Applejack's smile turn into a smirk and he took it as a challenge. He lunged at her, but Applejack dodged. He was then at her mercy as she grabbed him in a headlock with one arm and immediately grabbed his erection with the other hand.

"Won't be that easy, Sugarcube," Applejack growled.

"Never...expected...to be," Spike said he struggled to break free.

Spike managed to slip out of Applejack's hold and turned around to capture her lips. He made sure to make it deep enough and not let them go as he pinned Applejack to the bed. When the kiss ended, Spike smirked at Applejack as she could see the anticipation on her face. She was practically daring him to have his way with her, but he knew she was going to make this a challenge. With his hands firmly gripping Applejack's wrists, Spike went down to her neck and began giving it light pecks before licking it. He could taste the sweat and didn't mind in the least as he heard the farm woman sigh appreciatively. Spike hungrily gave Applejack’s neck a nibble, which caused her to moan delightfully. This emboldened him to take a risk when he raised Applejack’s wrists above her head and managed to keep them there with one hand while he used the other to fondle one of her breasts. Spike even gave it a firmer squeeze, which elicited a groan from her.

“That all you got, youngin?” Applejack said with a daring smile.

“Oh, I’ll give it to you, Ms. Apple,” Spike growled.

In another risky move, Spike let go of Applejack’s wrists. Before the woman could react, however, Spike straddled her and began to squeeze both her breasts and pinching her nipples. Hearing Applejack howl just made him squeeze even harder and also pull at her nipples. Spike couldn’t get enough of this as he had Applejack where he wanted her and she was enjoying herself too much to do anything. He then placed his erection between Applejack’s breasts and thrusted. The sensations in his erection felt very good to the young man that he wanted to come all over the blonde’s face. He was tempted, but wanted to save his ejaculation until he could enter her.

Seeing Spike’s hardened cock so close made Applejack yearn for its taste. She felt like it was teasing her every time Spike thrust it so close to her mouth. Applejack licked her lips, the smell of Spike’s length, which combined with his leftover ejaculation as well her friends’ juices, made her lift her head so she attempted to lick it, but to no avail. She stared upward at Spike, who was thoroughly enjoying himself, gritting her teeth as she tried to frown. Unfortunately, the way Spike was massaging and kneading her breasts was causing her to lose herself and it was taking all her will not to succumb to pleasure. When she saw that the young man was done playing with her breasts and thrusting his manhood between them, Applejack whined at the loss of pleasure but regained it when Spike proceeded to lick and taste them, making the blonde moan louder. She grabbed the bed sheets tightly as Spike bit and pulled at her nipples. Her eyes widened when she felt his hand travel downward and knew where they were headed. Applejack instinctively closed her legs to deny Spike access as she didn’t want him to have that satisfaction just yet.

“Ooh, you’re so shy, Ms. Apple,” Spike teased with a grin. “I really want a taste of it. C’mon...open them up...I’ll give you a huge reward if you do.”

“You want my honeypot so much…,” Applejack growled as she felt her strength come back.

In an instant, Applejack pushed Spike to his back and was on top of him. She straddled his face and made sure her dripping entrance was close. Applejack closed her thighs around Spike’s head so he didn’t get a chance to protest.

“Drink up, Sugarcube,” Applejack said with a smirk.

Taking the invitation, Spike used his tongue to lap up Applejack’s wet pussy greedily. He let out noises of contentment as he licked away as he heard Applejack urge him on to stick his tongue deeper. Just hearing her moan in appreciation made Spike redouble his efforts and attack her entrance with even more. He began using his fingers on his left hand to stimulate Applejack’s inner folds, causing the woman to moan even louder. He then used his thumb and forefinger on his right to stimulate her clitoris. As soon as he heard Applejack scream in pleasure, Spike became more relentless and sped up his stimulation on her.

With her breathing becoming more labored, Applejack massaged her breasts while pinching her nipples. The way Spike was just eating her pussy was making her feel on the verge of collapse. Applejack held the dominating position and loved having Spike at the bottom, but as she turned her look back at the young man’s throbbing shaft, she was reminded of what her goal was. As much as she wanted it inside her folds, Applejack wanted it in her mouth just as much. Still, even in her pleasured filled state, she wanted to maintain the upper hand, even though she began to come on Spike’s face.

‘Spike...I can’t let you win...but I want it so much, I…’ thought Applejack as she looked back at Spike’s erection longingly. ‘If...If I could just...move fast enough I...I could still have him down and have him in my mouth…’

As soon as Applejack moved towards his erection, Spike made his move. He managed to get a grip on the woman’s behind and twisted his body so he could be on top. Spike rose up and drove his shaft inside Applejack’s mouth, thrusting it in and out. He then used his hands to fiercely massage her breasts. He could hear Applejack’s muffled moans as he let out a groan, feeling her tongue on his thickened member, relishing the sensation. Moving his hips faster, Spike resisted the urge to ejaculate as he wanted to save it for Applejack’s most private area.

“Ooh, Jackie....you love that, don’t you,” Spike groaned as he thrusted his erection inside Applejack’s mouth. “Makes me want to come...bet you would love that...my stuff inside your mouth…lots of it, too”

‘I let myself wide open,’ Applejack thought as she groaned, berating herself as she tasted Spike’s length as well as his pre-ejaculation. ‘He tastes so good...no...I can’t...I can’t...let him…’

As much as she tried to think of a way to to turn things in her favor, Applejack continued to moan appreciatively as Spike’s erection moved in and out of her mouth. She became lost to the sensations and it got even worse when she felt Spike move and felt his tongue on her entrance again, his fingers on her clitoris. Applejack could feel that Spike was practically devouring and all she could do was scream. She writhed in pleasure as she came again, but the young man wouldn’t stop licking and stimulating her. Applejack couldn’t help but feel like she lost a fight as she let Spike do what he wanted. A lone tear escaped Applejack’s eye as she awaited what was coming.

Applejack didn’t have to wait long as Spike moved off her face. She saw him position himself so he could maintain his dominant position above her. Applejack didn’t have time to react as Spike shoved his manhood with one big thrust into her entrance. Her eyes went wide as she let out a pained gasp. She could feel every inch of Spike’s manhood invading her as she came again. Applejack mentally kicked herself for giving in, but she couldn’t help but love the sensation of Spike’s length filling her up. Closing her eyes, she felt there was nothing left to do but to enjoy Spike riding her until he was satisfied. More tears were shed as she opened her eyes and saw the concerned look on Spike’s face. Applejack was confused at first, but she realised that the young man had that expression that maybe he had gone a bit far when went inside her hard and fast. She smiled at this, thinking it was sweet of Spike to think of her welfare. As rough as it was when they first mated and how rough they were going at it now, Applejack knew the young man would never intentionally hurt her.

Applejack was about to raise a hand to put Spike at ease, but then a thought came to her. Spike had stopped. He was still hard inside her, but he had stopped. Applejack’s expression changed, a wicked smile developing. She quickly rose up and pushed Spike down to the bed, pinning him while still having him inside her. Applejack was now staring down at Spike, victorious as she placed her hands on his cheeks. She leaned down at the surprised young man and kissed him as she shoved her tongue inside his mouth. Seconds later, Applejack let go of Spike’s lips, but remained close.

Placing her lips close to Spike’s ear, Applejack whispered, “You shouldn’t have stopped on my account. Now I get to ride my young buck.”

Letting out gasp as he felt his manhood being gripped tightly like a vice, Spike’s body tightened as Applejack began to ride him. He looked up the satisfied look on the woman’s face as she moved up and down his manhood, occasionally moving her hips to get more out what she was doing to him. Gritting his teeth, Spike was desperately trying to reign his ejaculation back, but Applejacks’ movements were hard and fast, the stimulation his manhood was experiencing was getting to him. He managed to get a grip on Applejack’s hips and started moving his hips to match her movements. He grunted with each thrust, but he knew he didn’t have much resistance left. Applejack had him at her mercy and he didn't know how much he could hold back.

The rough spectacle had managed to get the attention of other women in the room, most especially Luna. Like the other women, she couldn’t look away at what was happening. To her, it looked like a sexual submission fight with neither Spike or Applejack wanting to give an inch. Spike had left himself open and Applejack was on the verge of victorious satisfaction. Luna could tell her lover was about to burst as she saw a lone tear escape his eye. She looked at Spike with admiration and gave Applejack an envious look. This blonde woman loved a rough ride and she was driving Spike to lust.

Luna looked around to see what she could gauge from the other woman looking at Spike and Applejack. Rarity also had a very envious look on her face and could tell that she wanted to have at Spike again, presumably getting a rougher ride. Mina had a concerned, but fascinated look, meaning she wanted Spike to be well. Fluttershy also looked fascinated, no doubt because of how animalistic the whole affair looked. Pinkie herself had begun masturbating, inserting her fingers and fondling her breasts. Iris, still handcuffed, had a mixture of envy, lust and sadness on her face. Finally, Twilight had a look of worry, like Spike was going to suffer or explode. Luna smirked at this and thought that the teacher shouldn't be worried. In her mind, Spike had come a long way and in her eyes, he was a man.

“Applejack...I’m cumming...I'm going to…,” Spike grunted.

“Give it to me, Spike!” Applejack screamed. “Fill me up with your hot...your hot...,”

Spike and Applejack let out a scream, climaxing at the same time. Spike shut his eyes as he ejaculated inside of Applejack, filling her insides with his semen. He let out so much that it overflowed. Seconds passed as Spike let out a heavy breath as the last of his spunk filled Applejack’s womb. He felt spent and relieved that, for a moment, it was over. Just like the last time with Applejack, it was a rough go, but he enjoyed himself. He looked to the side of the bed and saw that the woman had collapsed beside, also looking spent. Spike felt satisfaction that he gave as good as he got and felt that next time, he would have a better go.

Feeling a hand touch his face Spike looked up and saw Luna smiling down at him. He closed his eyes and smiled at the touch. He then placed his hand over Luna’s and rose up to meet her. He wrapped arms around her waist and kissed her deeply, pulling her down. Spike could feel her breasts on his chest as well as her hardened nipples. He knew Luna wanted him, but he felt spent. Still, he didn’t want to disappoint her and wanted to muster one last drive before he had a break.

Letting go of his lips, Luna spoke softly, “Love...you don’t have to push yourself. You’re only human.”

“Luna...I love you so much,” Spike declared. “I know I have one more...I want to give it to you…”

Luna smiled at Spike’s bravery. He had wanted to show her much energy he had and he didn’t want to leave her out. She looked around to the other women in the room again. They were waiting in anticipation for what was going to happen. Luna closed her eyes and opened them seconds later. If Spike felt he had some energy left, then who was she to deny him? That and she wanted to show these women that she could be trusted when it came to making love to Spike.

“Don’t worry, little one,” Luna said soothingly as she gently pushed Spike down on the bed, as she lay down next to him. “I’ll treat you right. Then you can have me anyway you want.”

Closing his eyes, Spike let out a sigh before feeling Luna’s lips press into his. The kiss deepened when he felt Luna's hand grab onto the back of his head. He moaned as he let out his tongue to meet hers. Despite feeling spent only a few seconds ago, Spike couldn’t help but feel reenergized as Luna kissed and explored his mouth with her tongue. He felt content with Luna taking the lead as he was enjoying her touch as well as her bosom brushing up to him. Spike’s face tightened as he felt Luna’s other hand made its way downward. He smiled, knowing what the woman was up to as he felt his manhood harden again. Internally, he was amazed that he had any energy left. Spike let out a loud groan as Luna stimulated his erect and slick member. At the moment, he wanted nothing more than to enter Luna, but exercised restraint. As his lips parted with Luna’s, Spike groaned again as he yearned for more.

“Ooh, you’re so lively...so young,” Luna whispered in Spike’s ear. “So much energy for so many women....”

Luna let go of Spike’s erection and licked the slickness from her hand, no doubt tasting his seed as well as the juices from the other girls that had coated him. As much as she savored the taste, Luna felt jealous that Spike wasn’t just limited to making love with her. As much as she preferred having Spike all to herself, Luna knew that her lover loved these other women in the room. They have been his best friends for years and wouldn’t be fair to him to just be with one woman. Spike loved her...but he also loved these other women in so many ways and they loved him and this night proves how much they belong with him. As she finished licking her hand, Luna cast aside her jealousy and moved toward Spike’s erection, giggling as she admired its hardness. Placing herself between Spike’s legs, Luna used her breasts to sandwich his erection, moving up and down to stimulate it.

“Luna...so good,” Spike moaned. “You’re breasts…”

“I’m happy you like them, little one,” Luna purred.

“They’re the best,” Spike uttered. “I feel like I could come soon…”

“Considering how many bosoms you sampled tonight, I’m flattered you think so highly of mine,” Luna said as she increased her motions. “They’re not as big as my sister’s...or Ms. Pie’s or...Ms. Wayne’s...they probably don’t taste like Mrs. Discordance’s or Ms. Apple’s or-

“Lulu…” Spike interrupted as he sat up. Looking down at Luna’s curious face, Spike caressed it and gave her a soothing smile. “I love all of you. But if you want proof…”

Spike lifted Luna to his level and gave her a deep kiss. He held her for a moment before guiding her back down to the bed. Spike didn’t give Luna a chance to recover from the kiss as he was immediately nibbling her neck, giving it a bite and making her gasp. He alternated between nibbling and licking up and down her neck for a few moments before going down on her breasts. He took a few moments to admire the size of them before giving them a firm squeeze. Another gasp escaped Luna’s lips before it turned into a moan. After giving Luna’s nipples a pinch, Spike proceeded to lick them and bite them, pulling at them with his teeth feverishly. He moaned appreciatively as he savored the taste as he was practically devouring Luna’s breasts. Hearing her moans turning into pleasurable screams for more was driving Spike absolutely crazy as he moved his hips between her thighs. He was instinctively running his length over Luna’s entrance and he was coming dangerously close to inserting it. It was taking all his will not to as he knew he wouldn’t stop driving his length in and out once he had broken through.

Lifting his head and meeting Luna’s gaze, Spike spoke, “Such lovely and big tits, Luna. I can’t get enough of them. I could get lost in them and not want to leave.”

“Spike...your cock...it’s…” Luna panted as she felt Spike’s tip at her entrance.

“Not yet, Lulu,” Spike growled playfully. “I have a hunger for what’s below. In the meantime...,”

Spike turned his attention to the other ladies in the room. He motioned them towards Luna’s breasts and the women nodding their heads. Luna looked at them with trepidation and before she could protest, each lady started taking turns with each breast, making her gasp and moan at the sensation. It was as if a swarm had come for her and they were eating her breasts without hesitation. They even kissed her deeply, the longest kisses belonging to Twilight and Mina. The sensations Luna was feeling became unbearable and she reached a breaking point when Spike started to lick her entrance and stimulate her clitoris. She let out a howl as she came, coating Spike’s face with her juices. The attack didn’t stop but was enjoying the attention Spike and the other ladies were giving her. She was already getting to the point where she was going to pass out.

Moving his juice smeared face from Luna’s entrance, Spike moved his hip between her thighs and motioned the women to move away. They did and Spike was about to move before he saw Luna shook her head, stopping him. He grew concerned and thought that this was becoming too much for her until Luna got up and kissed fiercely on the lips before pushing him down to the bed. With great anticipation, she lowered her entrance on top of the young man’s shaft, slowly. Luna groaned as every inch of Spike’s length entered her. Once it was fully inside her, she waited a few seconds as she gripped it. After that, she started moving up and down, her breasts bouncing as she humped Spike. She looked down on him and could see that he was trying very hard not to come too soon. She knew that he was on his last load for the night and he wanted to last for as long as he could.

“Spike...not until...not until I…,” Luna moaned blissfully as she rode Spike.

“I want to come lots in you, Lulu,” Spike grunted. “Every last of it is for you...I love you!”

“I know you do, lover,” Luna said as she urged Spike on. “Hold on....I want us to come together...so we can be one...I want your...Oh God, I want it so badly. Give it to me, Spike! Plant your seed in me! Make me have your...your...oh no, it’s…”

Without warning, Spike gained enough strength to get on top of Luna and continued to thrust his member inside of her. It felt like his hips were moving fast and completely on automatic. He was getting close and could see that Luna was also on the verge of coming. He grabbed onto Luna’s breasts tightly, causing the woman to scream.

With one final thrust, Spike ejaculated into Luna and let out a loud groan as his seed jetted inside of her. He could also feel his erect manhood being coated with Luna’s juices as the woman let out a scream. Letting out a sigh, Spike collapsed onto top of Luna, his breaths becoming shallow and hoarse. He closed his eyes as his head rested between Luna’s breasts. He wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled the twin orbs as Luna petted his head and ran her hand across his hair.

“There, there little one,” Luna soothed. “I got you...I’ll never let you go. Just rest...I’m here for you...as are all us...your women…”

The rest of the women in the room joined for a hug as Spike blissfully let out a sigh before sleep took him.

Journal Entry #001-21-09-20XX

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When I Say Goodbye
A Humanized Fic by Duke Moon II
Based on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Epilogue: Journal Entry #001-21-09-20XX

I have to admit that I’m pretty nervous about tomorrow. It’s going to be my first day at college and it’s my first step in becoming what I always wanted to be: a chef. I’ve been preparing my whole life for this, reading old cook books, trying recipes from various websites and even catering whenever I don’t have anything else to do. Hell, I would even watch a few old cooking shows just see how the pros do it. At home, I felt like the kitchen was my domain and I always wanted to make something new or outrageous. More than anything, though, I just love to see the satisfaction of the people who taste my food and enjoy what I have to offer. It humbles me, but it also means that I come a long way. Still, going to college and learning more about my craft will be a gigantic help. Plus, a diploma will look great on my office wall whenever I own my own restaurant...along with other things. I just don’t want to screw this up and all I can do is my best.

Mentally, I wasn’t in a good place not too long ago. I hurt a friend, I shut myself out and I buried myself in my work because...well I didn't know how to deal with it. My grades weren’t up to snuff and I didn’t care. Worst of all, I shut out the most important people in life. There were times that I...oh, man. I can’t even say it. I just wanted the world to go away.

Thankfully, eight women...eight wonderful, beautiful and supportive to a fault women wouldn’t let me just drop into the abyss of my own self loathing. They knew I was suffering and torturing myself. They just wanted to help and because I couldn’t say no, I accepted it. I’ve known them since forever and they are the best friends anyone could ever ask for. Teachers, parental figures and hard asses that wouldn’t let me fall into the darkness. They cared about me and as far as I know, will continue to care and help me if I ever fell.

I guess I should start at the beginning.

My stepmom, Mina Drake is the first woman I wake up to every morning. When my real mom married my dad, she made sure that the void that was left would always be filled. The fact that my dad loved her very much was always a plus. I grew to love her, too. When dad died, mom took on a lot of responsibility, even taking a few jobs to keep us steady. There were times where I didn’t see much of her and I always felt guilty for how much she was taking on for our sake. As I got older, I wanted to help out as much as could around the house, homework permitting. I even offered to cook a few years ago and I haven’t looked back since then. I just wanted to be thankful to her for how much she has done for me and how much she means to me. To the best of my abilities, I always let her know how much I love her…

After getting dressed, Spike exited his room and made his way downstairs. Though he didn’t have any scholarly responsibilities this day, Spike had made it a habit to get up and shower early so he could make breakfast for him and his stepmother. He already had in mind to make some gourmet waffles with a side of assorted berries. Plus, he already made a syrup of his own design so the waffles would be extra delicious. With all that in mind, Spike was already at the foot of the stairs with the intent of heading towards the kitchen.

Before he could run towards the kitchen, Spike stopped when he heard a hum and was surprised to see Mina wiping and cleaning the dinner table, blissfully unaware of his presence as she had her back toward him. This surprised Spike as he was usually the riser of the house. Normally, by the time he had breakfast ready, his stepmother would come down, yet still be in her gown.

Today, however, she was dressed in a blouse and trousers, cleaning the table and ready for the day. Spike began to wonder why Mina would be up early as he looked around the living room, seeing how clean it was. Then his eyes rested on the coffee table and noticed a book on top. Spike smiled and remembered that his stepmom was having the bookclub over and seeing the clock would arrive in an hour or so. This also meant that he didn’t have to prepare anything for them, though he knew his stepmom may have something else planned. Which meant that he had just gained some free time for the day, maybe hang out with his friends while Mina and her book club talked about their books and their meanings and such.

Seeing his stepmother still unaware of his presence, a lecherous smile crept up on Spike’s face. He couldn’t help but notice the trousers Mina had on today and how tightly it hugged her. Spike also noticed how Mina wiggled her butt a bit as she hummed. It was enough to entice Spike as he slowly walked over to her as quietly as he could. He hadn’t anticipated playing around with Mina until after breakfast, but he didn’t want to pass on this opportunity.

Mina continued to hum her tune as she used a rag to clean the table. She had woken up early because she had to get ready for her book club’s arrival and wanted the living room clean for her guests. She had already had some seats set up and the living room was spotless. There were still some other things that needed to be done, like plating snacks and having drinks ready, but Mina felt that she could be done in time before the guests arrived.

Suddenly letting out a gasp as her eyes widened, Mina felt a pair of arms take hold of her. She was about protest when she felt hands grope her breasts through her blouse. She let out a moan, feeling those hands squeeze and knead her breasts. Mina shut her eyes as she felt a tongue lick her neck, sending a shiver through her body. She opened her eyes and turned her head around to see Spike’s face close to hers. Mina’s expression softened as Spike closed in on her lips. She moaned as she kissed him, feeling his tongue invade her lips and explore. Mina’s face turned redder when she felt an erection press into her butt. The sensation caused her to get wet and felt her trousers get damp. There was then a sudden jolt when she felt Spike pull her blouse and bra, letting her breasts free. The slight breeze sent a chill through her body again as Mina felt her nipples stiffen. Mina groaned as Spike pinched her nipples while his lips moved to nibble at her neck. Her eyes took on a glazed look as she surrendered to lust. Mina let out a scream as she collapsed on the table. She let out a few breaths, still experiencing the sensations coursing through her body. Though she knew it wasn’t over, she was glad Spike had let her go in order to put herself together.

Feeling bolder, Spike went down to his knees and slowly pulled down Mina’s trousers, already smelling the juices coming from her opening. He saw that she was definitely drenched as he saw a trail of her juices that lead from her opening to a wet spot on her trousers, which also made him notice that Mina didn’t have panties on. With a chuckle, Spike began to rub Mina’s opening, which earned a loud moan from the stepmother. Spike then began using his tongue to lick at Mina’s sweet spot and gave an appreciative moan as he tasted her stepmother.

“Spike...we can’t...I have guests coming,” Mina pleaded, despite feeling pleasure from Spike’s attention.

“But you taste so good, mom,” Spike said as he continued to lick Mina’s pussy. “Besides...I love our morning sessions. I just never thought we would have one before breakfast.”

“Oh, Spike...I want to come...but...my guests...they can’t see us like this....”

“And here I thought you were feeling adventurous again. Why else would you be parading without panties again? What would your friends think of you if they knew about this?

“Spike...make me come...I want...my pussy wants you...give it to me...if you truly love me…”

“I truly love you, mom. I could never deny you your morning climax...or your nightly bliss.”

Spike rose up and unzipped his pants, letting out his already hard member. He used the tip to stimulate Mina’s soaking wet entrance, making his stepmother whine for more. Using his hands to grip each of Mina’s buttocks, Spike slowly guided his member inside of her. With a sigh, Spike began to move his hips and got into the rhythm. He could hear his stepmother cry out in pleasure each time he thrust his member inside her. Spike then began to increase the speed of thrusts as he also massaged Mina’s buttocks. He could feel that he was about ready to burst and though he wanted this to last, Spike didn’t want any embarrassment to befall her stepmother, so his moments became a lot faster, grunting loudly.

“Spike...make mommy come!” Mina screamed “You can come inside me...my pussy wants you...I love your...I love your…”

With one final thrust, Spike climaxed inside Mina, letting out a jetstream of his seed inside her. He could feel Mina’s juices coat his still stiff member. After he poured the last bit of his semen, Spike dislodged himself from Mina. He almost fell to the floor, but managed to steady himself. Clearing his head, Spike could see that Mina’s entrance was overflowing with his seed as well as her juice. He also stared at his still erect cock and could tell that he was still good for another round.

In what seemed like a few seconds, Spike felt another warmth on his member. He looked down and saw that Mina was sucking him off. Feeling energy returning to him, Spike instinctively thrusted his member in and out of Mina’s mouth. After a while, Mina licked up and down Spike’s shaft and started to suck on his balls.

“Mom...so good,” Spike complimented. Then he took on a worried expression and said, “Mom, you guests...they’ll be here any minute.”

“Then we’ll make every second count,” Mina said, mesmerized as she pumped Spike’s member.

Both Spike and Mina continued to pleasure each other until they heard the ringing of the doorbell.

Ms. Apple and Ms.Dash...if there were any women who were really hard on me, it’s those two. Growing up, I wasn’t the most physical person and being an athlete was the furthest thing from my mind. I never joined any sports clubs and when it came to keeping with the other students in P.E., I was always in last place. In high school, Ms. Dash was always on my ass and practically threatened me with physical harm if I didn’t pick up the slack. There were times where I just wanted her to kill me so she wouldn’t put me through a wringer. As for Ms. Apple...I’d like to think she could very well put students to the grave if she wasn’t in charge of Sweet Apple Acres full time. She puts a lot of emphasis on strength and endurance while Ms. Dash concentrates on speed and dexterity. Training with them so I could achieve a passing grade would be considered overkill...but it was something I did anyway. I did it because I didn’t want them to be disappointed in me and I prove to them that I wasn’t the wimpy kid they first met. In time I was able to keep up with the other kids in class and Ms. Dash and Ms. Apple was very proud of the progress I made. Even so, I still wanted to exercise with them so I wouldn’t slack off and show how strong I’ve become…

On the ground and unable to move, Spike struggled to free himself from Applejack’s grasp. His eyes were shut as he felt one of her arms around his neck and her other hand stroking his stiff manhood. Though he wanted to break free, Spike couldn’t deny how good it felt that Applejack was stroking his member. He moaned as the blonde woman licked his neck while occasionally nibbling it. Spikes' will was starting to fade when Applejack stroked him even faster. He knew he was close to release as he started to grunt. Unfortunately, Spike was denied that release when Applejack slowed her strokes down. He could hear her playfully cruel chuckle coming from her lips as a tear rolled down from his eye.

Earlier on, Spike had arrived at Sweet Apple Acres for his afternoon exercise with Applejack and Iris. When he arrived at the gym barn, however, he found that Iris’ wrists were tied to a wooden beam, her tank top raised so that her breasts were revealed and she wasn’t wearing her shorts. Spike couldn’t utter a single word at this, but when Iris noticed him, her expression turned hungry and there was dampness between her legs. Spike member hardened at this and when opened her thighs, he smirked as began to approach the bound lady with intent to please her.

Unfortunately, Spike was ambushed by Applejack and she had been in the dominant position since then. The blonde woman didn’t want to let go as she kept pleasuring Spike while denying him release. She felt that she had right where she wanted him as the teenage boy felt weakened by the strokes she was giving. With a playful smile, Applejack increased her strokes and after a few seconds, she could feel that Spike was about to burst into orgasm.

It is here that Spike’s eyes shot wide open. As if feeling a burst of power, he broke free of Applejack’s grasp and proceeded to push her down to her back, holding her wrists over her head. Spike could see that Applejack was taken aback by the move and his expression turned to lust. Without further hesitation, Spike, still keeping his grip on Applejack’s wrist, straddled her face and inserted his member into her mouth.He moved his hips slowly so he could feel the heat of her mouth stimulate his hard on as he moaned. He could also feel Applejack didn’t bother to struggle as she let out a muffled moan. Still, Spike didn’t want to leave his guard down as he kept humping Applejack’s face, his thrusts slowly increasing.

As she watched Spike dominate Applejack, Iris teared up at the scene. She felt jealous that her friend was being pleasured and would most likely experience a creamy reward in her mouth and entrance, which he saw was glistening. Iris wanted to join them as she struggled to free herself, but it was no use. She didn’t have a choice but to watch Spike and Applejack get it on. She began to sob at the injustice of it all.

Spike was getting close to bursting, but an idea formed his head. He dislodged his stiff member from Applejack’s mouth and quickly lifted her in a bearhug, lifting her top up to reveal her breasts and buried his face between them, motorboating her. He could hear Applejack moan louder as she used her hands to grip his shoulders. Spike then used his mouth suckle on Applejack’s nipples while occasionally biting and pulling on them. As much as he was he enjoying and hearing Applejack’s moans of pleasure, Spike craved more. He then noticed that Applejack’s arms were trying to dig in between him and he immediately let go of the hug, pushed Applejack back to the ground and grabbed her breasts, causing her to scream.

In a swift movement, Spike tore off Applejack’s shorts and quickly inserted his stiff member inside her, causing the woman’s body to jolt. His hands were on her breasts again kneading and pinching her nipples.Spikes thrust were fast and hard and he had no intention to stop until release. He had Applejack at his mercy and was clearly dominating her, hearing her screams of pleasure as she urged to do more.

“Ooh, Spike,” Applejack breathed raggedly. “You’re so strong today...I couldn’t...you wouldn’t let me...ooh, I’m so close...make me come...I want yours, too…”

“I like you like this, Ms. Apple,” Spike grunted as his thrusts picked up the pace. “Strong woman...strong pussy...It’s all mine…”

“Spike...please...come inside me...I want to come with you.”

“Oh, you’ll bet I’ll come, Ms. Apple. I’m going to give it all to you.”

After a few more thrusts, Spike finally burst inside Applejack, coating her insides with his seed. Applejack screamed in pleasure as she came, her back arching. Spike held onto her until he could feel that he poured all he could. He breathed a sigh of relief, sweating as he stood up. He looked down at Applejack and as he could tell from her face, she looked very satisfied, if a bit tired. He also looked down and noticed that he still had an erection. Spike smirked as he turned around and faced Iris. He noticed the tears on her face as he walked over to her and held her face.

‘Finally…,’ Iris thought as she anticipated what was coming next.

Iris closed her eyes as she felt Spike’s lips on hers. The kiss began tenderly until she felt his tongue invade her mouth. Iris then stuck her own tongue to taste his so they could intertwine. She moaned at the sensation her body was giving off, her nipples stiffening. Spike’s lips departed hers and before she could complain, she felt a pair of hands squeeze her breasts, causing her gasp and moan. As minutes went by, Iris could feel that Spike was getting a bit more aggressive as he loudly sucked on her nipples and pulled at with her lover’s teeth. She let out a whine when Spike stopped playing with her breasts but let out another gasp she felt his mouth and tongue on her entrance. As Spike licked her fiercely, Iris began to scream in pleasure and felt something was about to burst. After a few minutes of trying to hold it in, Iris moaned as she came, bursting in Spike’s face as she let out a torrent of her juices.

After coming down from her high, Iris opened her eyes, only to see Spike’s face close in on her hers. His lips were on hers as she tasted his tongue and her juices. She then felt her thighs open and in less the second, Spike was inside her, thrusting his erect member. As hard and fast as Spike’s thrusts were, Iris was in bliss and called out Spike’s name repeatedly.

What happened next was something Iris didn’t expect. She felt that somebody was behind her and she felt hands on her waist. Before she could look back, Iris something invading her anus. It felt smooth but cold, but no less pleasurable. She could only assume it was a dildo and it was a new experience for her and she moaned in pleasure. With half lidded eyes, Iris turned around and saw that Applejack was behind with a smirk on her face. They kissed briefly before Iris let herself be anally invaded.

“This is actually her first time she’s taking something from behind,” Applejack mentioned to Spike as she humped Iris. “I bet she has always wanted to be lit up on both ends. Look at her face.”

“Yeah, I hear you,” Spike agreed as he increased his thrusts. “Let’s take turns lighting her up.”

Applejack nodded as she and Spike increased their thrusts, bringing Iris off. For the next few hours, they took turns invading both of Iris’ ends.

One of my biggest weaknesses when it came to cooking was baking desserts. It was something that I was never really into and the fact that I had a habit of turning out hard giant hockey pucks instead of cakes didn’t inspire confidence in me. When Ms. Pie heard that I had gotten into cooking, she assumed that I could do pastries, so she wanted the customers at Sugar Cube Corner to see how skilled I was. I tried to tell her that pastries weren’t my thing, but she insisted I was very good at it. I felt lost as I was trying to make cupcakes from scratch, but Ms. Pie guided me through the process...with a song and dance number. In the end, I turned out an okay batch of strawberry cupcakes and the customers really dug into them. I...actually felt relieved at this and Ms. Pie was really proud of my skills, even though I tried to tell her I was lucky. Still, I asked her if she could teach more and Ms. Pie accepted me. As time went by, my pastry skills took off and started to form my own recipes, including the invention of my Super Spicy Cupcake Bombs with apple slices. You could say that working with Ms. Pie was my first real job experience and I will forever be thankful to her.

Ms. Pie always wanted to see me happy, and in return...I wanted to make her happy as well…

Spike sighed as he relaxed his back on the chair with one arm resting on a small round table and his other hand petting Pinkie’s hair as she sucked on his member. His face was an expression of content as he enjoyed the attention that was being given to him. Spike kept whispering to Pinkie about the good service she was giving him. Pinkie gave a muffled thanks as she continued to suck him off. Spike then patted Pinkie’s cheeks, motioning her to stop. She raised her head in curiosity as Spike grabbed a syrup bottle that was next to an empty plate and poured it on his erection. The expression Pinkie to this was one of hunger as she went to suck on Spike’s erection, this time with a sweet flavor.

Sugar Cube Corner had closed hours and, save for the pantry room and kitchen, all the lights have been turned off for the day. This was because Pinkie had invited Spike for what she called “Midnight Breakfast Party” and had prepared something special for him. She had dressed in a waitress outfit that was a little small for her, it had the desired effect on Spike. Pinkie even set up a chair and a table inside the kitchen/pantry. What she ended serving were two berry mix waffles with milk. Not only that, Pinkie sat on Spike’s lap, feeding the waffles. The young man in turn fed her waffles as well. After they were done, Pinkie grabbed the milk, took a small drink and transferred it to Spike’s mouth, initiating a make out session. They stayed like that for a few minutes, exploring and tasting their mouths. When Pinkie came up for air, she proceeded to down on her knees, unzip Spike’s pants and dug out his erection before putting it in her mouth.

‘Best service I ever had,’ Spike thought as he could feel something building in his erection.

Pinkie, letting go of Spike’s stiff erection, lifted her head to see Spike’s reaction and giggled at his pleased face. Pinkie then lifted herself up and sat on his lap once again. Pushing down her apron and taking off her blouse, Pinkie revealed that she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath, showing off her breasts with her nipples already erect. She licked her lips as she grabbed the bottle of whipped cream that was next to the syrup. She poured a bit of it into her mouth and leaned in to kiss Spike deeply, moaning as she felt his tongue tasting the cream inside. Pinkie let go of the kiss and poured whip cream on her breasts and she immediately felt Spike’s mouth on them, causing her to gasp and drop the bottle on the floor. Her moans began to get louders as she felt Spike just ravage her breasts, feeling his tongue lick away and occasionally biting her nipples. Because Spike was holding onto her tightly and she was feeling Spike’s erection on her covered entrance, the stimulation was really getting to Pinkie as she moved her hips, her entrance starting to leak fluids. She breathed heavily, as she held onto Spike’s shoulders as he continued to suck away at her breasts.

Feeling that he gave Pinkie enough attention to her breasts, Spike lifted her and placed her on her back on top of the table. He then placed his head between her legs and could see that her panties were soaked. Spike took them off and could see that Pinkie’s pussy was glistening in her juice. With a smirk, Spike grabbed the discarded whip cream bottle, shook it and poured inside Pinkie’s entrance causing her to shake and scream. He finally poured more around her entrance, placed the bottle on the floor and started licking her.

“So much...you poured too much inside me,” Pinkie cried as she felt Spike ravenously lick her insides. “Ooh, Spike...I want it...give me your cream....give me your…”

Hearing Pinkie’s pleas, Spike got up and placed himself between her legs. He teased her by stimulating her entrance with the tip of his erection. This got an annoyed reaction from the woman as she gave Spike a frown which to him, actually very cute. Not wanting to make her wait, Spike gave Pinkie’s entrance a hard thrust, which made her gasp as she shut her eyes. Feeling the warmth surround his erection, Spike began with slow thrusts, making Pinkie moan in pleasure. As his thrusts became faster, Spike grunted, knowing he was close. He then leaned down on Pinkie and kissed her lips, though he let go of them after a few seconds. Spike proceeded to lick her neck, which caused her to giggle. After that, Spike grabbed Pinkie’s breasts and gave them quick licks while making sure to keep up his thrusts.

“You taste so good, Pinkie,” moaned Spike.

“I...I...ooh...Spike....do you love your tasty treat?” Pinkie asked as she was feeling an orgasm.

“Yeah...so delicious. Pinkie...I want to fill you up...I want to taste you all night.”

“Go...go ahead...pour all you want...please...shoot it all inside me!”

Spike went for Pinkie’s lips and kissed them as he continued to drive his cock inside Pinkie’s pussy. When he reached his limit, Spike gave Pinkie one final thrust and he came, ejaculating his seed and giving off a muffled grunt while the woman under gave a muffled scream. Even though he felt like he poured every last drop of himself inside Pinkie, Spike remained on top of her, kissing her as his tongue intertwined with hers.

A sound of someone clearing their throat got Spike and Pinkie’s attention, causing them to stop kissing. They turned their heads and found that a shy Marble and a smirking Limestone had entered the kitchen/pantry, dressed as waitresses and carrying trays of treats. On her tray, Marble had a strawberry milkshake while Limestone was carrying a fudge cake on hers. Spike turned his head towards Pinkie and he could see her smiling at him. He smiled back as she got up and faced the two pie sisters with a smirk.

“I hope you made room for more, Mr. Drake,” Limestone said as she saw that Spike’s erection was still hard.

“You bet I have room for more,” Spike replied.

Without hesitation, Marble approached Spike first and offered him the milkshake. Spike took it and after having a drink, he urged the shy woman to open her mouth and when she did, the young man poured the shake from his mouth to hers. After swallowing it, Marble pushed Spike onto the chair, sat on his lap and started to kiss, which was returned in kind.

“Boy, she sure doesn’t waste time,” Limestone commented. She then noticed that Pinkie had grabbed a piece of the fudge cake with a fork and she barked, “Hey sis! That’s for Spike! You already had-”

Limestone was silenced when Pinkie placed the cake piece inside her mouth. She didn’t have time to react when her sister placed her lips on hers while interesting her tongue inside, tasting the cake as well as Limestone’s tongue. Limestone protested at first, but then relaxed as she gave in to kiss, holding onto Pinkie’s shoulders as he held on to her waist. As they kissed, Limestone was pushed to the table and amazingly, she didn’t let the cake fall. After a bit, Pinkie and Limestone let go of the kiss and looked into each other's eyes, filled with lust and anticipation.

“Marble and Spike will be having fun...while we have our own fun, sis,” Pinkie said lovingly as she licked Limestone’s face.

Spike and the Pie sisters continued their fun all through the night and didn’t stop until one hour before opening time.

Ms. Wayne was someone I thought I’d never see again. She was my first crush and I had always admired her for her beauty and grace. Since I’ve known her, Wayne was the popular girl everyone wanted to date and I wanted to be her guy someday. There was that age gap thing and I was just a kid so there was no way it could ever workout between us. When I met her again, I was still in the middle of my funk, but I could tell Ms. Wayne beauty never diminished and those feelings came back. When she invited me to her home, she told me about her experiences about how unkind it the world could be to her, how every man she knew only wanted to use her for their own and only saw her as a trophy and not for everything else. In a way, it made me feel guilty because there were times where I saw her as this beauty that I would fantasize about. Thing is, Ms. Wayne was more than that to me. She was...is my friend that I would help out from time to time on her projects back in the day. Her generosity knew no bounds as she always to do was give and give. When I got a bit better, I would, once in a while, help her on her latest project and even go to one of her fashion shows. I did what I could and even got to cater one of the events. Like years before, I wanted to do my best for Ms. Wayne…

The Canterlot Civic Center was the location of one of Rarity’s unique fashion shows named “Behind Closed Doors”. This show was all about sexy lingerie and sexy costumes that left very little to the imagination, all designed by Rarity herself. The models on the runway had worn things like a matching set of brassieres, panties and garters, corsets that elevated a woman’s breasts, see through nightgowns, negligees and themed costumes that took inspiration from the Victorian Era or different types of fantasy settings, like police girls or captive princesses. The people who were invited got their money’s worth and had wanted to invest in what Rarity had to sell. After the show, the guests and models mingled and were having a fun time, either talking business or possible pleasure after the show. The show had become a success and the guests wanted to give their thanks to Rarity for all her hard work and generosity.

What the event was missing, however, was Rarity herself. That also went with her escort, Spike.

In a dressing room somewhere in the civic center, Rarity had Spike’s back to the door, kissing him hungrily as she held his face. She moaned as the young man responded to her kiss, inserting tongue and licking the inside. Her hands moved quickly from Spike’s face to his coat, removing it and then proceeding to unbutton his shirt. After removing the shirt and taking off Spike’s under shirt, Rarity used her gloved hands to feel his bare chest, noting that breathing had quickened. She gave the chest a few quick kisses before licking the nipples, moaning appreciatively at the taste. Rarity then went down on her knees, unbuckled Spike’s belt and pulled down Spike’s pants along with his boxers and was greeted with a young man’s erection. She marveled at its size, licking her lips as she used her hand to jerk off Spike, causing him to gasp that soon turned into a moan. Looking at Spike, Rarity smiled at the effect of the attention she was giving him and proceeded to lick the tip of the erection before licking the entire length.

Earlier on, Spike and Rarity had arrived together for the show. Spike wore a black suit and tie while Rarity wore a sparkling, strapless blue dress that showed a lot of cleavage and a high slit that showed some leg. She also wore long black gloves. Spike was given a front row seat along with the other VIP’s so he can get a better view of the models on the runway. As the main event began, Rarity announced each of the models and what they were wearing. While the VIP’s maintained their behavior and looked at the lingeries and costumes with interest, Spike blushed and was speechless, feeling his throat dry up as each model walked on the runway. There were some models that noticed Spike’s behavior and proceeded to tease him with blown kisses, a bit more shake to their hips and one even flashed him by lowering her bra for a second. Spike could barely hold his emotions in check and he felt his manhood stiffen. He had instinctively tried to cover the bulge with his lap and tried to settle down. After the event was over, Spike was dragged away by Rarity and led to one of the dressing rooms. As soon as Rarity locked the door, she wasted no time getting it on with Spike.

‘My poor Spikey-Wikey,’ thought Rarity as she took Spike’s erection inside her mouth. ‘He must have been in so much pain.’

“Rarity...more...please,” Spike said, feeling close to release.

Rarity took Spike’s erection out of her mouth, though she maintained control by tugging and pulling at it. When she gave the tip a little lick, Rarity looked up at Spike and said with a wicked edge, “Poor thing. You had your hand on your lap all night just to hide this beautiful, stiff and pleasurable manhood. It looked like you just wanted to burst out there.”

“Yeah...I wanted to come so bad,” Spike admitted, eyes closed as he felt Rarity increasing the speed of her hand movements. “All those ladies out there...those corsets, panties and bras that could barely restrain their busts...so beautiful…”

Rarity growled and frowned at what Spike was saying as she tightened her grip on his erection.

“I think they have something special,” Spike continued. “Especially...wow, especially that Fleur de Lis and that corset she had on. It was tight and really showed off those curves. I think she even shook that butt when she was near me and-

Spike was cut off, his face taking on a pained expression. Eyes wide, he looked down and saw that Rarity had a none too pleased expression on her face. Worse yet, her grip on his erection tightened, almost making Spike fall to his knees. He shut his eyes as he gritted his teeth, feeling pain as the grip around his erection kept getting tighter. Spike opened his eyes and saw that Rarity was in his face, still wearing that displeased expression.

“A true man would not talk about other women in such a way in front of another woman,” Rarity said bluntly while still gripping Spike’s shaft. “Especially if that woman is trying her damnedest to please said man while she should be attending to her guests.”

“Sorry,” Spike responded, still feeling the pain.

Though she loosened her grip, Rarity developed a wicked grin and kissed Spike on the cheek. She then grabbed him by the shoulders and removed him from the door, Rarity then placed her back on the door and lifted her dress to reveal a white lace g-string thong. Spike licked his lips in anticipation as he got down on his knees. Seeing this, Rarity placed a foot on his head, making him stop.

“You will have to work your way up, little man,” Rarity said with authority. “I sure hope that your hands and tongue are up to the challenge.

Spike had a look of defiance as he stared at Rarity’s face that just screamed dominance. He had really hated it when anyone called him little man. It just reminded him that he was smaller in stature in comparison to everyone and it had been a sore point since he was in junior high. With determination, Spike used his hands to massage Rarity’s foot. He took his time rubbing every inch of it until he elicited a response from her. Spike looked up and saw the pleased look on her face. Spike continued to work on Rarity’s foot and started to use his tongue to lick every inch of it. He heard her moan and he used his hands to massage the rest of her leg while also giving it a few licks. Finally, he reached his goal and his head was between Rarity’s thighs. He could see that her entrance was quivering and saw a stain on her panties, meaning he was able to work her up. With a smirk, Spike decided to lick around her covered entrance, making her whimper and cry. He chuckled as he could see Rarity using her hips to get him to give more attention to her wet spot.

‘Spike...you’re so cruel,’ Rarity thought, tears streaming down her eyes. ‘Please...give me pleasure...like I know you can...show me that you like me…’

Seeing that he tortured Rarity long enough, Spike removed her panties with a quick move and started to lick her entrance. He started with eager licks which made Rarity moan loudly for him to do more. He obliged by inserting two fingers inside her while still licking at it. Later on, he placed his mouth at her entrance and inserted his tongue deeper inside her so he could taste more of her. He heard her scream in pleasure and while she wanted to hold on, Rarity came and squirted on Spike’s face, covering him with juices. Once he saw that Rarity had come down from her blissful high, Spike rose up to meet Rarity face to face. He noted that she had lowered the top of her dress, revealing her breasts. Spike kisses Rarity deeply, inserting her tongue so she could taste her own juices. He lowered his head to give her breasts more attention, sucking on them while pulling on her nipples with his teeth. He could tell that Rarity was ready for more since she was practically begging for him to do it if her moans were any indication. Spike began to tease her entrance with the tip of his erection, teasing her. He was about to enter with one hard thrust when his face became thoughtful.

“Rarity...place your hands on the door...stick your ass up,” Spike instructed Rarity.

Rarity did as she was told, placing her hands on the dressing room door while sticking her buttocks up in an enticing position. Spike once again used the tip of his erection to tease her entrance, making her whine. Before she could complain, Rarity felt Spike’s hands grip at her buttocks. Then she felt his erection invade her folds, which caused her eyes to wide at the sudden movement. Rarity steadied herself at the door as Spike moved his hips, his erection going in and out of Rarity at a steady pace. Rarity moaned at each thrust that the young man was giving her and it almost caused her to burst, but was managing to keep herself in check. She wanted to enjoy this for as long as possible and didn’t want to stain the floor too much than it already had been.

“Spike...keep...keep doing that,” Rarity urged Spike. “Faster...harder...it’s yours to do what you want.”

“Oh, really?” Spike asked as he raised his right hand. “Even this?”

Rarity felt a hard smack on her rear, which caused her gasp. Then another smack came and it caused her to scream in pleasure, her tongue wagging as she started to drool. Rarity could feel that the smacks her becoming more intense and so were Spike’s thrusts. She then felt Spike’s hands grip her but again, this time even tighter. Feeling Spike’s cock going in and out of her at a faster and hearing him grunt, Rarity knew he was close to coming. She urged him to do so, practically begging him to burst inside her as she tried to keep her steady, not wanting to fall on the floor.

“Come inside me, Spikey-Wikey!!” Rarity screamed. “Soil me! Drop every last drop inside me pussy...all over me...just...oh please...fuck me!!”

With one last thrust, Spike ejaculated inside of Rarity, a stream of his seed coating her insides that overflowed. He let out a breath as the last of his seed filled Rarity’s insides and felt a bit exhausted. He noticed that Rarity, looking tired herself, was collapsing to the floor, her hands sliding on the door. Spike grabbed her waist and lifted her up. Seeing that he had a secure hold, Spike held Rarity close. He kissed her cheek, which got a reaction from her. Rarity turned her head around and was met with Spike’s smiling face. She smiled in return as she kissed Spike full on the lips.

‘Spike...never let go of me,’ Rarity thought as she continued to kiss Spike.

‘Rarity...you can have me whenever you want,’ Spike thought, feeling bliss as he kissed Rarity back.

Aside from my stepmom, Mrs. Discordance, even from when I first met her, has always been what one would call motherly. She has this soothing voice that just screams kindness and I swear that every place she went it was like peace can be achieved with a kind word and a smile. Children loved how she read stories and the animals...whether they were from the shelter or in the Everfree Forest, they just gravitated towards her because they could sense how motherly she was. It was like Snow White came to life. She was...is that nice.

Truth is, Mrs. Discordance was there when I needed her the most. I was in despair and I just wanted to run away and not hurt anyone again. She took me in and assured me that everything was going to be okay. With what was happening to me, I wanted to doubt her, but I also wanted to believe that everything was going to be okay. Just hearing her say that in her sweet, little voice made feel like I could overcome anything. She reminded me of my friendship to her and the other people I knew and I knew that despite everything, they would never abandon me. They would always be there.

I could never be thankful enough to Mrs. Discordance...but I try…

Near Canterlot City Hall, across the street to be in fact, was the Canterlot Sculpture Garden and Hedge Maze. For the locals and the tourists, it was a popular attraction for many reasons. Some come for the statues that have become mainstays in the garden that represent famous figures of the city to just plain weird minds of the artist. Others come to play in the hedge maze, whether they be mischievous children or adults looking for...adventure. It was also a place where people would relax, have lunch or just watch the stars shine. There was always a reason why people visit this site, making it highlight for any visitor.

Of course, very few people know what happens at the garden after hours when it closes.

Deep inside the hedge maze, Fluttershy was laying down on a picnic cloth, nude and Spike was on top of her in a similar state of undress. Fluttershy sighed in contentment, eyes closed, as she felt Spike suck on her breasts. She giggled at the young man’s eagerness as he squeezed them. Fluttershy began to moan as Spike bit on those breasts, pulling at them. She placed her hands on the back of his head so he could enjoy her breasts even more. Moments later, she felt a tingle at the tip of her nipples and she began squirting milk from. Spike managed to catch some of it in his mouth as well as his face. Fluttershy enjoyed this sensation, letting Spike drink as much of her milk as he wanted.

‘Doing out here in the open...such a thrill,’ Fluttershy thought as she moaned in pleasure. ‘I love it...years ago I never would have thought...and now....’

“So good...you taste so good,” Spike spoke passionately as he swallowed more of Fluttershy’s breast milk.

“You are so greedy, Mr Drake,” Fluttershy giggled.

“I can’t help it, Mrs. Discordance,” Spike responded as he lifted Fluttershy’s breasts to her face. “You should try it for yourself. Real tasty.”

Fluttershy obliged as she took her breasts and hefted them in front of her face. Seeing that her milk was still oozing out of her nipples, Fluttershy took them into her mouth and started to suck on. She moaned happily as she drank her own milk and felt like she could drink it all night. Fluttershy’s eyes widened as she felt fingers go into her entrance, but her expression quickly changed to that of half lidded eyes when those fingers quickly went in and out of her. She continued to suck on her breasts while feeling her folds being invaded. Fluttershy felt like her body was heating up a fast pace, feeling she was to come at second. She was loving it so much that she began to moan even louder when she finally came on Spike’s fingers.

Spike’s expression was that of wonder as he saw Fluttershy come so much. He could tell that this was exciting for her as there were still some juices coming out her as she squeezed more milk from her breasts. As enticing as drinking more of her milk was, Spike had another goal in mind. He crawled towards Fluttershy and placed himself on top of her, his erection above her face and his own facing her wet entrance. Spike wasted no time in using his tongue to stimulate Fluttershy as the added falor of her juices made him more hungry. He licked furiously, placing his face directly to her entrance so he could lick deeper inside of her. Spike then let out a moan as he felt Fluttershy engulf his erection deep into her mouth as she grabbed his buttocks. He instinctively began to move his hips, humping her mouth as he continued to stimulate her entrance with his tongue. Spike and Fluttershy continued like this until the young man couldn’t take it anymore and unleashed a load inside her mouth.

‘So much...his stuff is as tasty as my milk,’ thought Fluttershy blissfully as she swallowed Spike’s seed.

‘So warm…,’ Spike thought as he was coming down from the sensation.

“Spike,” Flutteshy spoke with a smile. “I want to be on top...if that’s okay with you.”

Spike chuckled at Fluttershy’s request as he got on his back while Fluttershy got on top. He felt a bit proud of himself as his member was still erect, meaning he still had energy for another go. He also saw that Fluttershy wasn’t wasting anytime as she guided his manhood into her entrance. Spike placed his hands on Fluttershy’s hips while she placed her hands on her breasts. They both started to move, with Spike using his hips to match Fluttershy’s up and down movements. Fluttershy became a bit more eager as her movements became a lot faster, feeling the length stimulate her inner folds. Spike could feel about ready to come, but wanted to hold a bit longer, his eyes shut tightly as he gritted his teeth. He tried to match her movements, but Fluttershy was beginning to dominate him. She even lowered herself and used her hands to grab on to Spike’s wrists and placed them to the side, trapping him. Spike could feel Fluttershy move her hips faster and he was in danger coming inside. His will was starting to fade and soon he had given in, letting Fluttershy take the lead.

“Don’t you want to come, Spike?” asked Fluttershy teasingly.

“Yeah...but I...I want to…,” Spike grunted.

“It’s okay, puppy. You can come inside me anytime you want. I want to feel all of you.”

“Fluttershy...I want to...want to…”

“Alright. We can come together.”

Spike and Fluttershy continued their coupling and increased their movements. Moments later, they both climaxed at the same time, with Spike filling her up and Fluttershy coating Spike’s erection with her juices. Fluttershy groaned loudly as she squeezed her breasts, letting out more milk. After coming down from her high, Fluttershy collapsed on top of Spike’s chest. Spike embraced her as they both breathed heavily.

After a few moments of silence, Fluttershy spoke, “You know what was missing?”

“What’s that?” Spike asked.

“An audience,” Fluttershy responded.

Spike could only roll his eyes at this. Who knew that the most motherly figure in all of Ponyville could be so lewd.

Ms. Sparkle...Twilight. My life changed when I first met her. She saved me from a bunch of bullies and I met her friends because of it. While the other women had this doting attitude towards me (though with Ms. Dash, it was more like she wanted to unscrew my head), Twilight was more like the big sister I never had, always wanting to guide me through everything in life, especially my education. It got to the point that when I was doing great at school, she always wanted to find something else to educate me on. It’s like she wanted me to be some great scholar or something. Ms. Dash would always get into arguments with Twilight about monopolizing my time and that I would rather have fun at the movies than a library. I would try to play peacemaker, though it was always at my own peril. Still, I owe Twilight for expanding my brain some and it did get through my tougher courses.

I was at a low point of my life in my senior year and my faltering grades reflected that. As much as Twilight wanted to help, I told her that my grades would be fine. I hated lying to her and I felt like such an ingrate after all she had done for me years before. Twilight was my teacher and I rejected her help because not only was I getting lost in my cooking world, but also felt that it wasn’t worth it because I felt like she would be wasting her time on me. I felt like trash, but Twilight insisted that I needed help. I finally got my head out of my ass and started to get my grades up. It felt like old times again and my brain felt overloaded. There were times where my senior year felt like a breeze and I owe that to Twilight...my teacher...my big sister.

Like old times, though, Twilight had always wanted to educate me in something, even if I was doing really well…

Night time had come to Canterlot High as the graduation ceremony came to a close. With all the students named announced at the playing field and Principal Celestia formally declaring her high school seniors as that year's graduating class, all the students had thrown their caps up into the with a loud cheer. The students reunited with their families in attendance while also getting together with their friends about what they were going to do to celebrate. After a while, the students, their families and the faculty had cleared the field. Some of the students had decided to stick around campus while the majority just wanted to party with friends somewhere far from campus. It was a night of celebration and the students wanted to make most of it.

On the roof of Canterlot High, however, a different sort of celebration was taking place.

Before the graduation ceremony, Spike had met with Twilight earlier. The meeting was brief as he was handed a note, which said that they should meet on the roof after the ceremony. Spike had gotten the hint and tore the note to pieces so he wouldn’t arouse any suspicion. After the ceremony, Spike had to tell his stepmother that Twilight wanted to meet him. Mina gave him a suspicious look before telling him not to take too long because she had something special planned for later. After giving his thanks to Mina and the rest of his ladies, he made his way towards the roof of CHS and found that the door leading there was unlocked. After opening the there, He found Twilight, standing just a few feet from him, smiling with tears in her eyes. Locking the door, Spike made his way towards Twilight, grabbed her shoulders and leaned in to kiss her. He could feel her responding to the kiss as she made sounds of appreciation. After a few minutes, Spike let go of Twilight’s lips and gazed into her eyes. He smiled as she wiped the tears from his teacher's eyes.

“My favorite student...now college bound,” Twilight said with a smile, still crying.

“You’re one of the reasons I kept going, Ms. Sparkle,” Spike said, returning the smile. “I can’t thank you enough for all you've done…”

“I’m surprised you could make time for me tonight,” Twilight laughed. “Considering that I wasn’t the only woman in your life in attendance.”

“Well, they all have prior commitments,” Spike explained. “Mom said she has a surprise for me later on, Applejack already has a party tonight for Applebloom, Iris setup a party for the soccer team, Pinkie is having a graduation night at Sugar Cube Corner, Rarity is taking Belle for a night out in Canterlot City, Fluttershy is taking care of her baby, and Luna is joining Principal Heavenstone and the rest of the faculty for drinks at the local bar. So for now, it’s just us, the roof and stars.”

“Yeah...just us,” Twilight spoke softly, wiping her tears. Her expression changed to a seductive one when she placed her hands on Spike’s crotch and felt his erection through his graduation robe. She then whispered into Spike’s ear, “And this. I want to give you a reward for being such a good student. I know you want more than just an A from me.”

“I could think of a few letters you could give me,” Spike said slyly as he kissed Twilight briefly on the lips while lifting her skirt up.

“Spike, behave yourself or-,” Twilight warned playfully before she was cut off, feeling Spike’s hand inside her panties. She gasped when his fingers dug inside her entrance, causing her to shut her eyes and moan in pleasure. “Spike...you better...oh...you better behave or I’ll...I’ll discipline you…”

Spike couldn’t help but smile as Twilight playfully resisted. With one hand still in Twilight’s entrance, Spike unbuttoned her blouse with the other and lifted her bra, freeing her breasts. In an instant, Spike used both hands to fondle them, making Twilight excited as her nipples hardened. He then went down on them, sucking and biting on her nipples. After that, Spike used the tip of his tongue to trace how way down Twilight. He then pulled down Twilight’s skirt and saw how wet her panties had gotten, so he pulled those down as well. He licked his lips and saw her entrance. Spike looked up and saw the look of anticipation Twilight had on her face. As much he wanted to give her what she wanted, Spike got an idea as he touched Twilight’s entrance with his finger.

“Why this place, Twilight?” asked Spike.

“It...it was my private place,” Twilight answered, her eyes shut as she felt tingly at the Spike touch. “When I...when I wanted some time alone...I came here...to study...to have lunch...look at the sky…”

“Did you ever play with yourself?” Spike asked with a smirk.

“No, I didn’t!” Twilight responded, feeling offended. “I never...did that.”

“Would you like to?”


“We’re alone up here, Ms. Sparkle. No one will hear you and you can have all the fun you want. I’ll even help you.”

With an embarrassed, Twilight turned around, her back toward Spike. It didn’t take too long for her to feel Spike’s hands on her breasts again. She moaned, her body tingling at the sensations she was feeling. Twilight then felt Spike’s tongue licking her face and neck. Taking this a sign of encouragement, Twilight slid her hand down to her bare pussy and started to rub it slowly. Slowly but surely, her embarrassment died down as she moaned as she pleasured her wet spot. As she did this, Twilight thought back to her more private moments, thinking back on how she did this sort of thing in the privacy of her own home. She would think of only Spike and fantasized about what he would do to her while feeling guilty afterwards. Now though, there was no guilt or shame because she had been able to naugthty things with Spike for a while and in situations where they could have been caught. Thinking of this, Twilight stimulated herself more intensely until she came. She let out a loud moan as she slumped on Spike’s chest.

‘Wow,’ Spike thought at the intensity of Twilight’s show.

What happened caught Spike by surprise. Twilight had turned around with a look of determination and pushed him down on the floor. Before he could a word out, Spike felt Twilight on him, her lips on his. He then felt her hand on the back of his head and felt Twilight deepening the kiss. Spike then heard a zipper unfastening beneath his robe and before he knew it, his manhood was free from restraint. What happened next made Spike’s eyes nearly pop out as he felt Twilight’s other hand grip at his manhood tightly. He turned to look at Twilight and saw that she was wearing a rather wicked smile on her face, which unnerved him.

“Twilight...you’re...ow, you’re...that’s too tight,” Spike said, wincing in pain.

“That’s Ms. Sparkle to you, Mr. Drake,” Twilight laughed. “It seems even a graduate like yourself is prone to misbehavior. I gave you prior warning, but it looks like I have to discipline you. A teacher’s work is never done, I suppose.”

Letting go of Spike’s manhood, Twilight didn’t waste time as she guided it inside her entrance, hard and fast. She let out a gasp that turned into a moan while Spike let out a howl. Twilight could feel every inch of Spike inside, her wicked smile becoming more pronounced. Looking down on Spike, she could see the pained expression on his face as he bit his lip. From his expression and the fact that she could feel something ready to burst inside her, Twilight could only assume that Spike was trying to hold back and not come too soon. Twilight giggled as she thought Spike looked quite adorable as she moved her hips up and down while placing her hands on his chest. She panted as she felt her lover’s manhood go in and out of her, enjoying her dominant position. As time went on, Twilight could feel Spike getting close and she moved her hips even faster.

Going down to Spike’s ear, Twilight whispered, “And here I’m trying to discipline you. Are you actually enjoying this?”

“Y...yes...Ms. Sparkle,” Spike admitted, looking away.

“So shameful of you,” Twilight frowned. She then placed her hands on Spike’s cheeks so he could look at her. In a pleasant voice and with a sympathetic expression, Twilight said, “I know you can be a good boy, Mr. Drake. Can you be a good boy for me? Will you promise not to misbehave again?”

Spike nodded as he could feel himself coming closer to climax. He placed his hands on Twilight’s hips and started to move, wanting to drive his manhood inside of her. Spike then felt Twilight’s lips on his own again, which drove him to move his hips as fast as he could. He could feel the teacher’s juices coat his erect member as he held on to her hips. Finally, Spike let out a muffled moan as he ejaculated inside of Twilight. He kept her in place so that every last drop of him could fill her insides with his seed. After a few seconds, Spike and Twilight let go of the kiss, feeling a bit exhausted.

“I...knew...you could be...a good boy,” Twilight said between breaths. “You let out so much...I knew you wouldn’t disappoint me....my favorite student.”

Without warning, Spike moved and was suddenly on top of Twilight. He felt his strength return as his manhood got hard again inside the teacher. Twilight let out a groan and gasped as he felt Spike’s hands on her breasts, fondling and squeezing them.

“Yeah...I’ll be a good boy to you,” Spike groaned as he moved his hips. “I’ll be good to you for as long as you want.”

Twilight smiled with tears in her eyes as she enjoyed the pleasure Spike was giving her.

Luna Heavenstone...Vice Principal.

Before I met her, I only knew of Luna through reputation. There was a mystery about her, like no one knew much about her. There were some words from the students, though not very kind ones, like whenever a student runs into her, Luna would give them this glare that would make them run away in fear. The teachers were far less kind, which surprised me considering Luna was the Principal’s little sister. They would say stuff like she was undeserving of her position and she only got there because of the Principal’s charity. I didn’t want to judge because one, I rarely ever saw her at that point and two, I kinda feared what everyone was saying about her.

I was surprised when I heard that she was in the cafeteria one day. I was the chef that day and hearing that the Vice Principal was there, I told everyone that they needed to up there game because a person of authority was expecting the best food CHS had to offer. I’ll admit that my heart skipped a beat when I met Luna face to face. It felt a little uncomfortable when she couldn’t stop staring at me. You wouldn’t believe the relief I felt when she gave me a small smile as she complimented the food I served that day. Since that time, she would always be there whenever it was my turn to be chef at the cafeteria. There were also times when I delivered food personally to her office whenever she had too much work.

As time went by, I spent most of my lunchtime with Luna, even though I didn’t have responsibilities at the cafeteria. I would bring something for the both us and we would converse about things. I found that Luna was very pleasant to talk to and aside from the women I knew, she can be very friendly and open. I would talk about the women I knew and she had remained quiet as I gushed about them. All she could say was that I was very lucky to have such attentive big sisters because, as she put it, all young men get into trouble and she wouldn’t want me in her office for any other reason besides food and conversation. I took her words to heart and vowed never to get in trouble. I didn’t want to lose her trust in me and the growing friendship we were developing.


Luna and I had a falling out and...needless to say, I thought I could never recover from it. What I did...what she did...I thought it was beyond repair and I wouldn’t have been surprised if...It was a dark time for me...for us and we didn’t speak to each other for a while. When we met again, Luna hugged me and I hugged her back. I didn’t want to let go and I wanted us to be friends again. She even encouraged me to reconnect with my other friends that I had basically ignored during that time. I...wanted everything to be the way it was and it almost didn’t happen. I just wanted Luna back...I wanted everyone else back. I didn’t want to be alone.

Luna’s friendship...I never thought I would have it again but we found each other. I didn’t want to let her go and I vowed to do right by her and she promised that she would do the same for me…

Of all the places Spike was expecting to be in his lifetime, Principal Heavenstone’s master bedroom was not on his list. Luna had dragged him to the room only moments ago and for a minute, had surveyed the room. The room didn’t have much as there were only a few pictures of the Principal with some of her colleagues and some tapestries that were most likely from trips abroad. There was also a door that led to the bathroom. One thing that did catch Spike’s eye was the electric fireplace on the wall and the fact that the bed was in the middle of the room. It was, in his opinion, a very simple room.

Of course, none of that was at the forefront of Spike’s mind as he sat on the edge of Principal Heavenstone’s bed, his pants discarded on the floor and his legs apart. On her knees, her blouse and brassiere on the floor and between Spike’s thighs, Luna was licking the tip of his manhood while using her breasts to give it extra stimulation. Earlier, he had wanted to protest, but those protests died when Luna kissed him firmly on the lips. They had made out before moving on to bed where Luna, amazingly, swiftly pulled down Spike’s pants and boxers and went down on him. Spike reservations were slowly fading as he was close to ejaculating inside Luna’s mouth.

Stopping her licks but still using her breasts to massage Spike’s manhood, Luna looked up at his straining face, giggled and asked, “Spike...why are you holding back? Don’t you want to come? Don’t you want to stain my face with your sweet, hot goodness?”

“Luna...we can’t...not on Principal Heavenstone’s bed,” Spike said as his breath quickened. “Can’t we...use your…”

“My bead is too small, little one,” Luna responded as she stood up. She then unzipped her skirt, letting it fall to the floor, revealing that she wasn’t wearing any panties. Luna sat on Spike’s lap and with a pout, asked, “Don’t you want to do it with me, Spike? Have you grown tired of me?”

“No, I would never....,” Spike responded as he shook his head. “It’s just that...won’t your sister be mad about all this? Using her bedroom…”

“Celestia won’t be back for a while,” Luna purred as she placed her hands on Spike’s cheeks. “She’s a little busy right now talking to the members of the school board. She’ll be having drinks with them afterwards and I bet she’ll be getting pounded by her boy toy soccer star a little later on. So I wouldn’t worry about us having our fun interrupted.”

“Still,” Spike said doubtfully.

“Nothing bad will happen, love,” Luna assured. “Please believe me when I say that. I won’t let you be hurt...never again.”

Seeing Luna’s expression of sincerity and hearing her soothing voice, Spike nodded with a smile. He placed his hand on her thigh and began rubbing it slowly, which earned a giggle from Luna. He then proceeded to move his hand toward Luna’s entrance. When he got close, however, Spike moved his hand back, which earned a whine from Luna. He felt her grab his wrist so she could guide it to her entrance. Spike shook it off and gave Luna a playful smile while wagging a finger at her. Luna gave him a frown and looked away, her nose sticking up. Spike chuckled at this as he continued to rub her thigh. He then gazed at Luna’s breasts and noticed that her nipples were already hardened. He inched his head closer to them and opened his mouth, his tongue sticking out. Spike began giving one of Luna’s nipples a few tentative licks before he started to suck on it fully with his mouth. Hearing Luna groan in pleasure made Spike a bit bolder as she inched his hand closer to her opening. He stopped when he got closer and started to rub again as he switched to Luna’s other breast, giving it the same treatment.

“Spike...why!?” Luna sobbed, tears running down her face. “Please...your hand….it’s so close, I...don’t be cruel to me, love! I want it....I want your....,”

“Why are you in such a hurry?” asked Spike with a teasing tone, taking his attention off Luna’s breast. “You said Principal Heavenstone won’t be in for a while. We can take our time.”

“You are so mean, Mr. Drake!” Luna cried, scowling at Spike. “You know I love you and yet...you tease me and concentrate only on my breasts! A young man like you should know how to treat a lady better!”

“And you, Vice Principal, should have a bit of self control,” Spike smirked as she pinched Luna’s nipples. “Or are you just looking for a lay with me? Am I just a conquest for someone with authority?”

“You know you’re not, love,” Luna said, cupping Spike’s cheeks as her body heated up.

“Because I have to let you know, Luna Heavenstone, that I love you,” Spike said, his expression softening as he cupped Luna’s face with his hands. “We’ve been through so much that after everything, I don’t want to let you go.”

“I don’t want to let go either, love. I want to be connected with you...always.”

“So do I....Lulu.”

Spike and Luna stared at each other lovingly, though it was brief as their lips met once again. Spike’s arms went around Luna’s waist while Luna placed her hands on Spike’s shoulders. They remained that way until both collapsed onto the bed. Spike and Luna kept kissing, holding each other close, their moans growing louder. Spike was the first one to make a move as he rolled on top of Luna. Letting go of Luna’s lips, Spike went to her neck, licking and nibbling at it fervently. Luna’s moans urged him on as was on her breasts again, this time going at them more hungrily, first nibbling on her nipples and pulling them with his mouth, causing the woman to cry out in pleasure. After some time, Spike lowered himself and found that Luna had spread her thighs apart, showing off her already wet entrance before him. Wanting to have a little fun, Spike licks around it, which caused Luna to sob again.

“Spike...stop it...don’t torture me like this, please,” Luna begged. “I promise I’ll be good to you. I’ll do anything you want, just-

Luna was cut off when she felt two fingers enter her. Her eyes widened for a second before she closed them. She sighed as she felt Spike’s fingers go in and out of her, relishing the sensations her body was going through. Luna smiled, though now her tears ran more freely as she cried in happiness. Moments later, she felt Spike’s tongue lick her entrance while his fingers stimulated her clitoris. Luna’s moans and groans grew louder as she urged Spike to lick her deeper, feeling close to climax. After a few moments, Luna let out a big moan as she climaxed, her juices coating Spike’s face. After calming down, Luna opened her eyes and found that Spike was on top of her, staring down. She put her hands on the back of Spike’s neck and used them to guide him down to her lips. They kissed for only a moment before Spike raised his head and wrapped his arms around Luna’s torso. Luna then felt Spike’s manhood enter her and let out a groan as she wrapped her arms around him. She felt him move his hips, feeling every inch of his manhood go in and out her slowly. Luna held on to Spike tightly, not wanting to let him go and making sure he didn't slip out as he humped her. Moments later, she could feel Spike quicken the pace as he thrusted into her harder. She could feel that he was close, hearing him grunt as he held her as tight as ever.

“Lulu...I’m going to cum,” Spike grunted as he thrusted into Luna.

“Do it, Spike!” Luna screamed. “Fuck me! Fill me up! Give it to me, you young, hot and-

Luna didn’t get to finish as she climaxed again, letting out a scream that filled the room. At the same time, she felt Spike seed fill her insides as she practically felt it go into her womb. Her body tingled once again and continued to Spike tightly as she wanted to make sure that every drop entered her. Luna breathed heavily, coming down from her orgasm. She could still feel Spike’s manhood inside her, still filled with energy. Letting go of Spike, Luna tried to muster a smirk as she looked onto Spike’s sweaty face.

“I think...you can drop another...inside me…,” Luna said, trying to sound confident.

“Get on all fours,” Spike instructed.

There was a sound of a throat clearing that stopped Spike and Luna cold. They rose up and looked toward the door and saw that Celestia was standing there, her arms folded and her eye twitching with a furious expression. Spike looked frightened as he still held onto Luna, who had at this point had a horrified look on her face. No one said a word as they stared at one another, each waiting for someone to say the first word.

Finally, Celestia sighed and with a flat tone, addressed Luna, “Did you at least give Mr. Drake a tour around the house before you two decided to use my room as a love hotel?”

“Yes, big sister,” Luna frowned, her eyes narrowing. “I thought you had prior engagements.”

“I did, but the meeting was canceled,” Celestia responded calmly. “I didn’t want the evening to be a waste, so Invited Arthur to have dinner with me and lo and behold, I found your car parked outside, Luna. And the door was unlocked, so you and Mr. Drake should consider yourselves lucky it was me who found you like this.”

“Um, Principal Heavenstone,” Spike began awkwardly. “Listen, I...oh shit...I’m sorry about-

“Save it, Mr. Drake,” Celestia cut Spike off. “And you can call me Celestia, if you want. You’re no longer a student of mine and my sister clearly loves you. You two can see each other and make love wherever you wish. But if I find you two doing this again in my room, so help me....”

“Understood, Princ...I mean, Celestia,” Spike responded quickly.

“Understood, Tia,” Luna said rather guiltily.

“Good,” Celestia said as she made her way towards. She then looked back at Luna and said, “You can keep those sheets and blankets, Luna. I’ve been thinking of getting new ones anyway.”

“Um, Celestia,” Spike began nervously. “Listen, I’m sorry about all this and let me make it up to you. I’ll fix dinner for you Arthur tonight. I’ve got to say, you got an awesome kitchen and I would be honored to-

“You have my permission, Spike,” Celestia said. “I’ll have some food out by the time you and Luna take a shower...and don’t use mine. Got it?”

Both Spike and Luna simply nodded as Celestia left the room. They looked at each other awkwardly before sighing as they held each other.

“Well...that plan fell apart,” Luna said, frowning.

“At least your big sister isn’t all that mad,” Spike said in a relieved tone.

“Thank the stars for that, little one,” Luna sighed in relief. “So...should I enter the bathroom first or should you?”

“How about we go in together?” Spike suggested with a devilish smile. “We can pick up where we left off.”

Luna couldn’t help but smirk at Spike’s rather daring suggestion. The night started off with him being hesitant about doing it in Celestia’s bedroom and now he wants to boff her in the bathroom. Luna took Spike’s hand and led him out the room.

“Mr. Drake, I think I may have corrupted you,” Luna said with a giggle.

Splendid women...all of them.

It hasn’t been too long since I left, but I miss them.

I know that there are services and apps out there that I could use to keep in contact with them, but it’s not the same. I miss being close to them. I miss their guidance, words of encouragement and just being their wonderful selves. I wish I could stay with them forever and just hang out and me providing the food. I love them all so much.

Still, I wouldn’t be the man I am today had it not been for those women in my life. They would want what is best for me and I don’t want to disappoint them. They put a lot of their time and work on me and I’ll be damned if I let them down. I’m going to be a success and when I have my own restaurant, I’m going to invite them for a personal feast just to show them how far I’ve come and how grateful I am to them for everything.

Something great to look forward to and I can’t wait for that day.

Until then, all I can do is work hard, get my diploma and be the best chef I can be.

That and I will always have time for my friends. I can’t wait to see them again this weekend, work permitting. Just because I said goodbye, doesn’t mean it’s forever. It just means I’ll see them again later.
