To Bring One Back

by Hazel_Hester777

First published

Sorrow has been around since Fluttershy died. Will there be hope that everything will be made right again?

Sadness and sorrow has been going on with the Mane Five, Spike, and Bunny. Things haven't been the same since their shyest friend died. Out of them all, Twilight took it hardest. But when Bunny's stripes begin to glow a new color, will there be hope for happiness again?


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Things haven’t been quite the same since Fluttershy died. It’s been over a month now since the funeral, and everypony is still trying to adjust. Some were doing well, others had a rough time. Some wished they could bring her back. Some took the blame.

Rarity had been in prison since the incident. She didn’t even fight off all the torments the prisoners threw at her. She knew she was the one to blame. A small butterfly would appear to her cell every now and then, and she would be reminded of Fluttershy. She got to the part in which she began to believe the butterfly was Fluttershy’s spirit watching her. The unicorn could never go to sleep, and when she did, all she would see are the times she spent with the mare.

Fluttershy’s own family hadn’t been taking it well. Zephyr already got himself a job, and he’s working his flank off. He stuck to his promise to get better at being on his own. He worked very hard and his parents were proud of him. Every time he went to work, he always looked to a picture of Fluttershy he kept in his pocket, promising her he will not fail her.

Pinkie and Applejack have been trying their best to keep their sorrow hidden. Pinkie forced on her smile and kept her mane poofy to make everypony think she was fine. Applejack still sold her apples, though always starting to remember the incident involving Flutterbat. The orange one had other than to put up with through the day.

Rainbow took it harder on her that she lost her first sister. She went to work, doing her best. But when not on the job, she would remember the times she spent defending Fluttershy from bullies. She would always cry it out on a pillow. Nowadays, she stayed with Applejack since the earth pony had been comforting her.

Twilight took Fluttershy’s death the hardest. She would often visit the cottage, reminded that all animals that lived there had fled to the forest. She would go to Fluttershy’s bedroom to sob and vent her sadness out. When she was in public, she forced a smile to assure everypony she was okay. She stuck to her promise to Fluttershy that she watched over Bunny, even getting to the point of getting used to being called Mistress.

Spike and Bunny had been living their lives normally, with an exception of missing the yellow mare. Spike had been rearranging books to distract himself. Bunny would go to work her part-time job at the Police. The alien stuck to what she thought up on the grave, she never walked with a leash with anypony else, even Twilight. Spike allowed Bunny to sleep in his room, though he had gotten used to her sleeping on the ceiling. If he read her a story and she fell asleep again on his shoulder, he would put her on her own bed. Bunny herself had spent her freetime in the Library she made in Fluttershy’s cottage. She invited Twilight and Spike there every now and then to accompany her.

They had no idea what that little alien was really up to, until one day…

“I’m home!” Bunny called out, opening the door. She slowly took off her uniform collar to reveal her original one, the one with the closed flower bud.

“Welcome back, Bunny” Spike greeted as he approached the alien. “Grrrrr!” he faked a growl.

“Rawr!” Bunny faked a growl. Both of them gave a giggle at their signature greetings.

“We best keep it down” Bunny said to stop them.

“Yeah” Spike sighed. This used be so cheerful, now it was sad.

“How’s Twilight?”

“Not so great”

“Let me guess, she’s in the Throne Room looking at Fluttershy’s throne”

Spike nodded. “Yep”

They both headed to the Throne Room. Apparently, since Fluttershy died, Twilight would always stare at the throne of her marefriend.

Sometimes, she would even fantasize that Fluttershy was there with her.

“Hi Twilight” Bunny greeted upon entering the room.

At the sound of the alien’s voice, the Alicorn rose from her throne and hugged her. “Welcome back, Bunny. How was work? Did you get hurt?”

“I’m fine, Twilight. And for the last time, I heal if I get hurt anyway” Bunny replied as Twilight let her go.

When they had dinner that night, they would always notice that Twilight would sometimes reminiscence about her times with Fluttershy. After dinner, they would get ready for bed. Bunny was about to go up to the ceiling to sleep again, but something disturbed her and Spike. It sounded like crying. With a sigh, the dragon-alien duo headed to Twilight’s room. There, on a small bed, was Twilight, weeping her eyes out. They knew that at this rate, she will not stop crying at all. Bunny moved forward while Spike stayed put to watch.

“Twilight, what’s wrong?” Bunny asked, concern in her tone.

The Alicorn just sobbed in response. “I…miss…her” she spoke through the sobs.

Bunny nodded and began to pat Twilight, doing her best to hold back her own tears. Bunny had to be strong for Twilight, if only she could keep herself from breaking down too. As she was about to give up, she suddenly remembered a way to calm both down.

Bunny remembered Lullaby would be able to do the job. It would make Twilight sleep peacefully for the next few hours, and keep Bunny herself from breaking down. But she had to make sure the song went along with the cause. After a second of thinking through, she finally picked one.
Taking a deep breath, Bunny began in a soft voice,

Hush, Friendship Princess
We know you miss her presence
Though you must know
That you're not alone

Honesty is in denial
Laughter, everyday, forces a smile
Loyalty's tears cause the rains
Generosity goes on to take the blame
Hope must wear a mask
Love does work to distract
And Magic goes on to weep for her love
For Kindness has left for above

So hush, Friendship Princess
She knows about your sadness
She truly didn't wish to leave
She hated that it left you to grieve

Honesty is in denial
Laughter, everyday, forces a smile
Loyalty's tears cause the rains
Generosity goes on to take the blame
Hope must wear a mask
Love does work to distract
And Magic goes on to weep for her love
For Kindness has left for above

She may return again
So you may be together like then

Honesty is in denial
Laughter, everyday, forces a smile
Loyalty's tears cause the rains
Generosity goes on to take the blame
Hope must wear a mask
Love does work to distract
And Magic goes on to weep for her love
For Kindness has left for above

Her work done, she moved to see that Twilight had fallen asleep. Bunny then walked over to meet with Spike.

“Nice work” he commented.

“You’re welcome” she said.

“Hey, Bunny, you’re glowing sunset on the stripes”

The alien then looked down to notice she really was. She smiled as this was what she had waited for. “Spike, we gotta go to the Library at Fluttershy’s”


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It didn’t take long for Spike and Bunny to reach the secret Library Bunny made in the cottage of Fluttershy. Spike just assumed they were here for some regular nighttime reading, so he grabbed the book he read the last time and took a seat at the desk. He was trying his best to read, but there was something up with Bunny at that moment that made things weird. She wasn’t looking for the one she read the last time; she was looking around for something else. He quickly stopped reading and decided to pay attention to see what was going on.

“’Difference Between Life and Death’…’How to Distinguish a Soul’s Journey’…’Transitions of a Servant’…” Bunny read the titles of the books she scanned aloud. She kept looking around; until she finally found the one she was looking for. “Aha! I found it, Spike!” she called as she grabbed the book and floated to the desk.

Spike had no time to react when Bunny dropped the book to the desk with a loud thud. He couldn’t read the title due to it being in Bunny’s own Servant language. Apparently, every book’s text was like that so the alien had to cast a temporary spell that would translate them. Bunny flipped through the pages, eventually coming to a stop.

“There we are! Spike, I hope you took coffee tonight because you’re gonna need it!” Bunny said.


“You’re gonna help me with a spell”

“Can’t Twilight do it?”

“Twilight can’t see this. It’s a surprise”

“A surprise? Am I talking to Bunny Katsuma or Pinkie Pie?”

“Bunny Katsuma, of course. It’s a way to make Twilight finally stop crying”

“Bunny, she can’t stop. And second, what spell is that anyway?”

Bunny then used the Translate spell on the book’s text to change it from her language to their Equestrian She then lifted it to show Spike. He read through what was needed and the chant itself, but what he found really made him wake up. It was the effect.

“It’s one that brings back the dead” Bunny said.

“You mean…?”

“Yes, we’re getting Fluttershy back. Since it wasn’t her time, we are allowed to bring her back. I couldn’t use it on Poltrust because I had to be atleast six and a half, and I was only five back then. So when I finally came to that age it was too late. Now, despite it being a massive spell, we can get Fluttershy back”

“How massive? How much power do you need?”

“If I’m being honest, practically all of it”

Spike was shocked. “But…that might…”

“Kill me? Probably, or I’ll just remain weak for the next few days and be unable to move. But, don’t worry, I found a way to make sure none of that happens. Ever wondered what I did the entire time of waiting for Fluttershy’s funeral?”

“Uh, yeah. Why?”

“I was in Limbo, just normal Limbo. I was in the Garden’s Pool of Jordan’s Water. If a Servant dips in it and remains in Limbo underwater for week, we get a massive amount of power. It gives me twice as much as I normally have”

“That’s cool. But, why didn’t you use it earlier? You know, at the funeral?”

“I didn’t want to make a scene and it takes a month before the water settles down in me. Now that it is, as indicated by my sunset glowing stripes, we can use it now to get Fluttershy back”

“What happens after you bring her back?”

“The extra power goes away and I am left with my normal amount. If lucky, there may be enough for one more spell. But then again, this is already painful”

“Why painful?”

“Because a Servant’s own body could only hold so much. Go beyond it for a large amount of time, things get ugly and it hurts like hay”

“Okay. So, what do we need?”


“Okay, I found the necklace of her and Poison Rose, which will be perfect for bloodline” Bunny called out.

“I found some of her hair in the pillow, will it do for DNA?” Spike replied.

“Perfectly. Did you snatch a feather from Twilight for emotions?”

“Wasn’t easy, but I found a loose one. Did you find the group photo for friendship and life?”

Bunny nodded, holding up the picture. It was the one they took on the day Bunny saved Spike from the Gecko. “It’s very precious”

“So, we got everything we need?”

“Let me check” Bunny then took the book to scan and make sure. “Yep, we got them all. Come on, we have to put them in my bag”

Spike nodded and headed to Bunny’s bag, dropping all the items inside it as she did too. After that, the alien placed the bag on her.


Bunny nodded. “Let’s go to the cemetery”

Come Back, Fluttershy

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It was a dark and starry night. It was gloomy to those who needed comfort. The moon was full. The fireflies danced. The bats fluttered in the air. Crickets were chirping. Yep, everything was quiet. The moonlight beamed down on Ponyville Cemetery. It was just filled with the remains of the dead. They all just stayed there. Though all this peace was about to be disturbed in a moment.

The gates were tall and closed, but two creatures were able to get inside. Due to the fact that one of them could float, they were able to get through the tall gates. Though they were light, they were very cautious to make sure that they didn’t attract any unwanted attention. They slipped through the graves as quiet as they can. They looked at the names one by one, until they finally found the one they were looking for.


Bunny and Spike felt sadness again, but they had to shake it off to get ready. Bunny reached into her bag, and got the objects ready. She placed them all infront of the grave. Then, she lit and candle and her stripes glowed.

“You sure this works?” Spike asked.

Bunny nodded. “Spike, this will be a very painful process. When I do this, I’ll go to the Halloween Town of my Uncle Jack and reclaim Fluttershy’s soul. And I need you to do something for me, okay? If I start to scream in pain, don’t come near until the spell is done”

Spike nodded. “What does it feel like?”

“Like getting hit in the back with a sledgehammer ten times, and set on fire”

Spike shuddered at the thought.

Bunny then took a deep breath. She then began to chant as the candle danced.

Elementum repraesentat , non ad captum in tempore non tuo
De morte , vocavit vos etiam vivere

Bunny kept chanting the same phrase, her eyes turning completely white. The stripes’ color then transferred to the objects and grave, before engulfing them all in a light beam. Spike could only watch on as the alien went through her own process.


Bunny opened her eyes to see that she was in a dark room. She looked down to see she was wearing the black dress and spider ribbon rested on her ear. She looked up again to see who she was looking for.

“Uncle Jack!”

Jack turned around to see his little niece. “Ah, Bunny, my horror niece! What brings you by?”

“Uncle Jack, I’m here to reclaim a soul. One that was taken when it was not her time”

“Oh, you mean your friend Fluttershy. Of course you can take her back”

“Thanks, uncle. Where is she?”

“This way, she’s waiting for you”


Spike watched as Bunny began to cry in pain in between the chants. He then couldn’t help but notice that she was beginning to bleed in the nose and eyes.

C’mon, Bunny


Skeleton Jack and Bunny kept walking on until they came across a mare. This one was yellow, pink maned, and was sobbing uncontrollably. Bunny recognized the soul anywhere.


Fluttershy turned around. What she found made her smile. “Bunny!” she said as she ran up and hugged the alien.

Bunny looked up at the soul of her Mistress, crying tears of joy. “Oh Fluttershy, I’ve missed you”

“I’ve missed you too, even though I’m dead”

“Well, now you can come back. I can bring you back”

Fluttershy beamed. “I can come back?”

Bunny nodded. “You just have to hold my paw tight, and we’ll go back to Equestria, and you can go back to your body”

“Will it hurt?”

“Only for me, but you won’t feel any pain”

“You’d do that for me?”

Bunny nodded. “Now take my paw” Fluttershy looked at Bunny’s outstretched paw. She bit her lip at first, but she took it. Bunny and Fluttershy bid Skeleton Jack farewell before a white light engulfed them.


Spike was getting very worried now at what was happening to his friend. Bunny had already been bleeding too much now. And just when he thought things were about to get worse, Bunny inhaled deeply and fell to the ground. The glow from the objects and stripes flowed into the soil. A small butterfly landed on the grave, before becoming a symbol on the soil.

“It’s done” Bunny whispered, smiling.

Spike didn’t wait anymore; he ran over to the alien. “Oh! Are you okay? Bunny, speak to me! Say something! Are you a vegetable?”

Bunny opened her eyes to reveal they went back to normal. “I’M NOT A VEGETABLE!” she yelled out loud.

“Oh, thank goodness. Did it work?”

Rather than an answer, they heard muffled whimpers coming from the grave. Bunny got out of Spike’s arms and began to dig very fast and hard. She didn’t stop until she got to the coffin. There, she and Spike heard what sounded like somepony punching on the door. Bunny opened the coffin, and a yellow mare came out.

Fluttershy took a long deep breath before panting. “Oh my. That was one thing I’ll never get out of my head”

“Fluttershy, you’re alive!” Spike exclaimed as he jumped down to hug the Pegasus. “Oh, Twilight will be so happy”

“Mistress!” Bunny exclaimed as she hugged her too.

Fluttershy was in shock for one moment, before she hugged the duo. She then noticed something new: her thighs were healed and she looked as though she was never rotting at all.

“Bunny, how am I suddenly all healed?”

“The spell heals the cause of death and makes sure your rotting is taken away”

“Well, that’s good”

“Uh, shouldn’t we go find Twilight now? She’s practically crying” Spike chimed in.

“Oh my goodness!” Fluttershy exclaimed at the thought. “Twilight!”


Twilight sobbed into her pillow. She had a dream about Fluttershy that caused her to wake up. Now, she was just upset that those things could never happen again. She just knew it. Fluttershy is dead and she couldn’t do anything about it. She loved her, now she’s gone. She’s gone and she’s never coming back.

She didn’t notice that three beings just entered her room.

“Twilight?” Bunny called out.

“Leave me be, Bunny!” Twilight sobbed.

“Dream about Fluttershy again?” Spike asked.

Twilight then sobbed hysterically. “FLUTTERSHY!”

Bunny and Spike then looked over to the yellow mare. She was just standing there, staring at the sight. Twilight really missed her, and she missed Twilight. She longed to see Twilight again after she died, and now she can. Fluttershy didn’t hesitate to step forward.

When she was right beside Twilight, she could hear what the Alicorn was trying to say.

“Flutters…I’m…sorry…I’m so sorry”

Fluttershy couldn’t take it anymore. She gently placed a hoof on Twilight’s back. “There now, Twilight. Don’t cry”

Twilight perked up at that sound. It can’t be. She turned around to see a familiar face. One she hadn’t seen in a whole month. “Fluttershy?”

“I’ve missed you, Twilight” Fluttershy smiled.

Twilight felt the mare’s face. No, this isn’t a dream. This was real. She then wrapped her hooves around the Pegasus, crying tears of joy.

“Fluttershy, you’re alive! But how?”

“Bunny found a spell” the mare pointed to the alien.

“Painful, but worth it” Bunny rubbed her head.

“Thank you, Bunny” Twilight then turned back to her marefriend. “I missed you so much, Fluttershy”

“I missed you too” Fluttershy said before she pulled Twilight in for a kiss, which the mare accepted.

Bunny covered her eyes again as Spike led her out to give the couple some privacy.

Spike told Bunny to take her paws off now. “You did well”

“Thank you” Bunny yawned. “But now, I’m tired”

“Would you like me to read you a story?”

“If I fall asleep on your shoulder again, please put me on my own bed”

“Like you had to ask”


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Twilight woke up that morning to ensure that what she saw last night was no dream. She opened her lavender eyes to be greeted by a pair of cerulean ones. She smiled, “Good morning”

“Good morning, Twilight” Fluttershy greeted back.

“Thank goodness this is real”

Fluttershy nodded.

“You wanna go tell the others you’re back?”

Fluttershy was surprised. “I don’t know. How do we explain this to the public? I was declared dead”

Twilight thought for a bit.

“Let’s just say you were in a coma” Spike’s voice rang out. The couple turned around to notice the dragon standing in the doorway, a try with two bowls of salad in his claws. “And when I and Bunny came to visit you last night, you came out of it and we dug you up”

“I guess that works” Twilight answered.

“Bunny made you both breakfast” Spike said as he laid the tray on their bed.

“How long were you both awake?” Fluttershy asked.

“A while, but I was woken by Bunny mostly”

“How do we tell the gang?” Twilight asked.

Bunny poked her head out of the doorway. “I’m way ahead of you”


Applejack kept on bucking the apple trees. She wiped her sweat after she bucked the last one. The sound of the apples falling down into the buckets below always was something for her to be proud of. She just now did this to keep herself from thinking about how Rainbow was doing without her sister.

“Hi Applejack!” Bunny’s voice rang out.

“Hi Bunny, what bring you by?”

“Decided to take a walk; it’s my day off today”

“Okay” she then noticed something about the young alien. “Why are ya’ll so happy today?”

“Can I help you with your apple trees?”

“Sure, Ah could use the help”

Bunny then went over to one of the apple trees. But, rather than climbing up to start picking them, she sniffed the air around it. Applejack noticed this, so she went near.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

Bunny pointed to the tree. “The scent on this tree is familiar, there’s something other than apples up there”

Applejack looked up to the tree. “That’s odd, there’s nothing up there except leaves, apples, and…”

“HIIIIIIII!” Fluttershy cut Applejack short by dropping her head down and greeted her in a cheery tone.

Applejack screamed at the top of her lungs from both fear and surprise.

Bunny fell on the ground laughing. “Nice one, Mistress!”

Applejack got a hold of herself as she noticed what she was seeing. “Fluttershy? Is that you?”

The Pegasus then got out of the tree and flew down right infront of the startled earth pony. “Sorry about that, Applejack”

“Oh mah goodness! It is you! But how?” Applejack asked in amazement. She couldn’t help but notice that the wounds in her thighs were now gone.

“Bunny found a spell; difficult, but it works” Fluttershy held the alien close.

“Where’s Rainbow?” Twilight’s voice rang out as she appeared with Spike.

“She’s still at Cloudsdale, keeping up with the weather, and practically crying her eyes out”

“Then she better get ready for a sister’s return” Bunny chimed in.


“Oh, Fluttershy” Rainbow sobbed as she cried into the cloud again. She always kept crying whenever she was done with her work of the day, remembering her sister Fluttershy.

“You remember when you were scared about falling down from the sky?” Rainbow whispered in the air. “If you didn’t fall that day of the Sonic Rainboom, you’d never got your cutie mark. Atleast Rarity won’t be able to get out of prison anyway for what she did to you. I bet you’re in a better place anyway” Rainbow couldn’t help but break down again from the memories. “I saved you when we first met as teenage fillies, why couldn’t I save you then?”

Rainbow only flinched when she felt somepony’s hoof on her shoulder.

“Whoever it is, leave me alone” Rainbow mumbled in the cloud. “I just want some time for my sister”

“Rainbow, I didn’t know that my death would actually make you this sad”

The cyan Pegasus stopped crying at that voice. She knew it anywhere. Sweet, soft, shy. She turned around to see who it was.


“It’s been so long, big sister” the yellow mare smiled.

Rainbow couldn’t take it anymore as she hugged her sister tightly, but not too tight so as to choke her. The yellow one just hugged back. Rainbow was so happy to have her sister back. Though she didn’t know how yet, she didn’t want this to go away. They were finally reunited. After a while, the cyan Pegasus pulled away from her hug.

“How did you come back?”

“Bunny found a spell that brings back those who died when it wasn’t their time. But, let’s just tell everypony I came out of a coma”

Rainbow nodded. “Where’s your apprentice anyway?”

“I’m here!” the alien’s voice rang out as she, Twilight, Spike, and Applejack appeared in a hot air balloon.

“Thanks, Bunny. I was about to flood Ponyville” Rainbow said, wiping tears off her eyes.

“Don’t mention it”

“Who do we individually tell next?” Spike asked the alien.

“Well, since we already showed the adopted elder sister, why not the rest of her family?”


“I’m home!” Zephyr Breeze called out as he opened the door home. He just came back from work, and he just wanted to be alone now. Since the day his last sibling died, he always had the same routine: Wake up, have breakfast, brush, go to work, come home, go to sleep, repeat. Nonetheless, he stuck to his promise that he would always work hard for his sister.

“Zephyr, come inside the kitchen! We have a surprise for you!” Mrs. Shy called out from the kitchen.

“Coming, mom!” he called out as he went to see what was up. He noticed his mother was suddenly so happy; it had been a long time since he last saw her like that. When he entered the kitchen, he was greeted by his mom and dad. Both were smiling like no tomorrow.

“What is it, mom and dad?” the green colt asked.

“Zephyr Breeze!” a familiar voice rang out.

Zephyr was shocked to hear that sound. He knew that tone anywhere. But, that had to be impossible. He turned around to see somepony running towards him.


“Zephyr!” the yellow mare called out as she ran.

“Fluttershy’s alive!” Rainbow showed herself from behind.

“Rainbow?” Zephyr now knew he wasn’t hallucinating. He quickly ran to his sister. “Fluttershy!”

Zephyr began to cry as he held his elder sister close. He couldn’t believe that she was back. The only time he would ever see her was in dreams, memories, or hallucinations.

“Oh, Zephyr” Fluttershy said as she pulled away from the hug.

“I can’t believe it! You’re alive! How is this possible anyway? I saw you die before my own eyes!”

Fluttershy wiped her brother’s tears off. “I was in a coma; I just woke up last night”

“It’s a miracle!”

“Have you been working hard like you promised?”

“There’s my sister. And yes, I have been keeping my promise. I’ve been working hard and not goofing off. And I’ll keep at it”

“That’s good”

“What are you gonna do now, dear?” Mrs. Shy asked Fluttershy.

“I have some friends to visit”


“For the last time, Gummi, I’m fine!” Pinkie said to her pet alligator as he nibbled on her arm. Gummi refused to listen; he knew his owner was not doing well. Although the alligator showed no emotion in his eyes, he really was upset that Pinkie was that sad. With Gummi still on her arm, Pinkie dragged herself downstairs.

“Hi Pinkie!” Twilight greeted when the earth pony reached downstairs.

“Hi Twilight” Pinkie replied, forcing a smile on her face. She promised Fluttershy she wouldn’t stop smiling, even though they were mostly forced. She then noticed Twilight’s smile. She never saw Twilight smile this much since Fluttershy died. “Why are you so happy today?”

Twilight only giggled. The next thing Pinkie knew, her eyes were covered.

“Hey! Who’s there?”

When Pinkie turned around and she could see again, she was surprised to see a yellow mare, alive and well.

“Fluttershy?! Oh my gosh is that you?! Are you really here? Is this a dream? Are you a ghost? A zombie? How are your wounds healed?!” Pinkie kept rambling as she stared at the Pegasus.

“Pinkie, don’t forget to breathe” Fluttershy reprimanded.

The party pony then took a big gulp of air and her mane inflated before she finally got an answer.

“Bunny found a spell, but just let everypony else know that I was in a coma”

Pinkie squealed in delight, before giving Fluttershy a death-hug. “Oh my gosh! We have to celebrate this! How about an ‘I Finally Came Out of a Month-Long Coma Party’! This will be so much more fun than your Recovery Party and…”

“Pinkie, give her some room to breathe now that she can!” Bunny called out.

The pink pony then noticed her yellow friend was turning blue. “Oopsie! Sorry!” she said as she released the mare from the hug.

Fluttershy took a while to finally recover herself. “Yup, that’s Pinkie”

“Do the others know?” Pinkie asked.

“Yes, we already went to Applejack, Rainbow, Zephyr, and Mr. and Mrs. Shy” Bunny said.

“But we still have one more to go to” Fluttershy said.

Spike thought for a bit, before his eyes widened. “No, you don’t mean…”

Fluttershy nodded. “I wanna go see Rarity”


Rarity rocked herself in the corner of her prison cell as she held the book close. She was blaming herself for Fluttershy’s death. What made things even more difficult for her was the fact that the butterfly she saw everyday didn’t come today. She began to think that Fluttershy was mad at her, and stopped seeing her in anger.

I’m sorry, Fluttershy.

“Miss Rarity” one of the guards called out.


She expected them to say something like “Chow Time” or “Service Time” but instead, they opened the door. She took a while to get used to the bright light ahead. It had been a long time since she last saw this much light. The next thing she knew, one of them was leading her outside.

“What’s going on?” she asked as she noticed they weren’t heading to the Therapy Room.

“You’re being released today, miss” he said as they passed by the Chief’s office.

Rarity was shocked to hear those words. “What?”

“Your friends are outside waiting for you” he said as he guided her to the exit.

Friends? She thought she lost them the moment they found out that she killed Fluttershy. She had been glared at when it was the funeral. She was bit by Bunny. Twilight even said she never wanted to see her again because she hated her. And after a month after all this, they want to let her go? The gesture was nice. She didn’t deserve forgiveness, but they’re letting her go anyway. Something was just off, but she couldn’t put her hoof on it.
Whens the exit door was opened, she saw her group of friends. They were all smiling. But one friend caught her attention the most: the one who she thought she would never see again.

“Fluttershy?” she said in disbelief.

Fluttershy stood infront of Rarity, she looked well and alive. What surprised the Unicorn the most was that the wounds on her thighs were gone, the flesh was healed and the cutie mark was back. The yellow mare stepped forward, a small smile across her face. “I’ve missed you, Rarity” she said before pulling the mare into a hug.

Rarity just stood there in shock. Fluttershy was alive and hugging her. She missed her? She felt tears swim into her eyes as she began to cry. “How are you…?”

“Alive?” Fluttershy finished for her as she pulled away. “Bunny found a way, but tell everypony else I was in a coma”

Rarity stared at the yellow mare before her. This was her Fluttershy. Her best friend, possibly former best friend, was here. Rarity began to cry for the regret she had since she realized her mistake.

“Fluttershy…” Rarity sniffled. “I’m so sorry that I…I let my own jealousy consume me…I tried to kill you! I lead those Spa Ponies into this…I was gonna turn you into a coat…I even hated you! I hated you for being inlove, Fluttershy! I don’t deserve your forgiveness…But I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” Rarity sobbed as she spoke. She had held it all back for a month and a week, now she had it let it out. She braced herself for any bad inflictions the Pegasus had in mind for revenge.

She didn’t expect her to put a comforting hoof on her shoulder. She looked up to see the yellow mare gave her a warm smile. “You want to know why I came here, Rarity?”

The marshmallow pony bit her lip. “You want revenge for what I did”

Fluttershy shook her head. “Rarity, you’re my best friend and I’m here to forgive you”

Rarity couldn’t believe what she was hearing. The one she killed, despite everything, still didn’t consider her as a friend, but as her best friend. Rarity couldn’t contain herself as she hugged Fluttershy. The yellow mare gladly accepted.

“I thought I’d never see you again” Rarity said.

“I was always here, Rarity. You know that little butterfly that kept visiting you?”

“Yes, why?”

“That was me. I wanted to see how my friends were doing so I was allowed to view everypony as a butterfly. I would check on Applejack at the farm, watch Rainbow and my family cry, Pinkie forcing smiles on her face, Bunny working, and you at prison before going to Twilight’s for night”

“I thought that was you”


The party was a blast. Pinkie had never been so happy since the funeral. Everypony in Ponyville attended. It was a joyful celebration for them all. Even the Princesses attended. They danced the night away until midnight when they all got tired. Twilight walked Fluttershy home as they carried Spike and Bunny on their backs; those two were pretty worn out. Applejack had to carry Rainbow from the amount of cider the Pegasus took. Pinkie went to sleep with a smile on her face. Rarity went home, knowing she could sleep peacefully from a long time, her book in hold. The animals of Fluttershy returned to the cottage to celebrate the return of their owner. Even Angel was kinder.

“Well, I have another day off tomorrow so I could spend it all with you and the others again, Mistress” Bunny said as she crawled into her bed.

“Yeah” Fluttershy looked down.

Bunny, despite being tired, knew that look anywhere. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing, Bunny”

“Fluttershy, you could tell me”

“It’s just that, while I was dead, I saw Poison Rose. Now that I’m back, I think she’s lonely again”

“What are you saying?”

Fluttershy paused for a moment, before nodding. “I want my sister back”