Anon's Paranormal Experience

by Bendy

First published

You have a terrifying paranormal experience in the park. Fortunately, Rainbow Dash soon comes to help you.

You have a terrifying paranormal experience in the park. Fortunately, Rainbow Dash soon comes to help you.

Things Get Scary

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The sun was high in the near cloudless sky and birds were chirping merrily. You, a human was dressed in a fine black tuxedo, covered in patches of a white substance.

You ran along a paved path through a park, which was thankfully deserted. Trees, bushes, and the odd bench were along both sides of the path.

Despite the wonderful sunshine today, you were having a very stressful day. It was the very reason you were running. You didn’t know exactly why you were stressed out, but you felt something was in the back of your mind.

Once you believed you were deep enough in the park you decided to walk straight through a bush to sit down upon a conveniently placed log.

You relaxed, closing your eyes. Here, you believed you could get some peace and quiet. However, you soon got bored by just sitting there.

So with that, you pulled down your pants slightly, then pulled down your underpants, followed by taking hold of your flaccid member, and then you proceeded to jerk your hand up and down, beating your meat with gusto.

Your mind conjured up images of big booty women and big booby women whilst you masturbated, your cock quickly growing erect.

For quite some time, you continued to do this. Until eventually, you felt a slight tingling sensation course through your rod.

With a loud grunt you came, unleashing a thick strand of your seed into the air before you. However, at the exact moment a rainbow blur came speeding toward you… and the mouth of the creature caught your cum in her mouth. Your eyes narrowed angrily at the sight of an all too familiar light blue pegasus mare with a rainbow mane and tail.

“How did you find me?!” you exclaimed, quickly pulling your pants up.

Rainbow blushed profusely, rubbing the back of her neck with a hoof. “Oh, I heard you masturbating.”

You sighed deeply. “I can’t hide, can I?”

“Nope,” she said mockingly, before shifting her voice into a soft, pleading tone. “Can you cum inside me?”

“No!” you shouted.

Rainbow looked at you with pleading doggy eyes. “Please. Come on dude, I’ll give you a blowjob if you cum inside me.”

“Sorry, I don’t like you ponies that way.” you answered firmly.

“Oh, you will be cumming inside me soon enough, just you wait.” she said nastily, giving you a smug grin.

You stood up, crossing your arms to give her a harsh glare. “I will never cum inside you, Rainbow Dash!”

“Just keep telling that to yourself. Now, how about you give me a belly rub?”

“No! Not after what happened last time!” you roared.

“Come on dude, I promise it won’t happen again.” she spoke in a low and sad voice, her ears drooping.

You stood defiant, despite the most adorable puppy dog eyes she was giving you. However, your resolve soon began to wither away, and not because of Rainbow’s cuteness.

Horse pussy. the voice whispered.

“Uhhhh Rainbow, did you say something?” you asked, your voice low and nervous.

“What are you talking about? I didn’t say a word Anon.” she said, tilting her head to the side curiously.

Horse pussy. the voice whispered again.

You gasped in horror. “There it is again!”

“What does it say?”

“It uhhh… it says horse pussy.” you said in a quiet tone.

“Hah! That sounds awesome!” she shouted excitedly.

Horse pussy. the voice whispered once again.

You gave a low whimper in fear. “Rainbow, I’m scared.”

Rainbow lunged forward, wrapping her hooves around you to bring you into a tender embrace.

“Don’t worry Anon, I’ll protect you,” she said softly, nuzzling your neck gently.

A relaxed sigh left you, burying your face into her soft mane. However, you soon shuddered in fear when you heard the very voice again say the same words of Horse pussy.

“Rainbow, I heard it again!” you shouted in panic.

“Maybe… if you cum inside me the voice will go away?” she said softly.

“But I don’t like ponies that way!” you protested.

“Oh, don’t lie to yourself Anon. You love horse pussy!” Rainbow whispered with the very same voice.

“Ahahaahhahaha!” you screamed, while Rainbow gave you bedroom eyes.

“HORSE PUSSY!” She roared in a deep, demonic voice.

With that you pushed her off you, only for her body to vanish with a puff of pink mist when it hit the ground.

With that you proceeded to run back into town, screaming in terror. The voice was still whispering in your mind, saying the same words over and over again.

Horse pussy.

“Stop it!” you shouted.

Horse pussy.

“I don’t like horse pussy!” you roared.

Horse pussy.

“Stop it already!” you screamed.

When you came back into Ponyville, all the mares turned to you, pointing their hooves at you with their jaws dropped and their eyes glowing an evil bright red.

“HORSE PUSSY!” they shouted.

You ran away in terror, somehow managing to get away from the demon pastel horses. However, a massive, flaming pink horse cunt blocked your way to the park.

“You cannot hide! I see you! There is no human pussy in Equestria. Only horse pussy!" the demon horse vagina spoke in a demonic, deep voice.

With that you screamed like a little girl, before everything flashed white.

Your eyes opened to find yourself back in bed, which was in the shape of a red love heart. Your heart was beating rapidly in your chest and you were gasping for breath like you ran a marathon.

Your eyes widen in alarm when you noticed Rainbow Dash, lying right next to you, looking at you with concern. You soon relaxed when you realized she wasn’t a demon horse.

“Are you Okay, Anon? You look like you were having a nightmare.” she said softly, rubbing a hoof gently over your shoulder.

“Oh, Rainbow. I saw a demon horse pussy.” you said in a most woeful tone.

Rainbow frowned. “It must be Cadance. She must be trying to brainwash you into fucking us ponies.”

“Yeah… but I do think she has a point.”

Rainbow opened her mouth in reply, but you silenced her by placing your index finger over her lips.

“I shall cum inside you, Rainbow Dash,” you said sexfully.

She made a happy sound like a squeaking dog’s chew toy.

“Finally! I was worried you were never going to cum inside me.”

“Rainbow, I’ve only been in Equestria for about a week.”

“That’s too long. Now, shut up and cum inside me to end your lame platonic love and really love horse pussy!”

“Yes ma'am!” you said firmly, saluting her.

And so you came inside Rainbow Dash and your nightmares were over.

The End