A letter to the Princess of the Moon

by yonlionz

First published

After Luna's banishment ended, she didn't expect ponies to think highly of her. So imagine her surprise when a (very positive) letter arrived for her!

After Luna's banishment ended, she didn't expect ponies to think highly of her. So imagine her surprise when a (very positive) letter arrived for her!

Luna's Reaction to the Letter

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"What vexes thee, sister?" Luna asked Celestia, who was sitting at a scribe's desk, staring confusedly at a sealed letter.

"This letter does. It is addressed to you, using titles that, as far as I knew, were forgotten to history, and it is sealed to your magical signature, so the Guards could not check it for harmful content." Celestia replied.

Luna frowned, and said "Then it wouldst be wise for me to open it here, where I have thine protection, and any harmful content can be dealt with accordingly."

"Let me notify the guards first, so they know we'll most likely be busy for a while, and they don't panic if we miss an appointment." Celestia said with a wry smile.

"Of course, dearest sister."

A few minutes later, Celestia returned with a smattering of guards, who took positions around the small room.

"Well then," Luna sighed, "Let us not put this off any longer." And with that, she unsealed the letter and started to read it.
Her jaw fell to the floor partway through the second sentence, and stayed there for most of the letter.

Celestia worriedly asked her if she was alright, to which she distractedly replied "Fine".

Luna's mouth worked over the oaths in the letter, as if not believing they were really written there.

Finally, she rolled up the scroll, and dazedly took a seat on a nearby chair. Celestia was instantly upon her, asking her if she was really alright, but instead of answering, she handed the scroll to her sister, and rested her head on her hooves.

"Wow..." was all Celestia could say after reading it.

"Verily" was Luna's reply.

"What do you think? " Celestia asked somewhat nervously. "Do you think they are truthful? Or do you think that it is a hoax?"

"Truly," Luna hesitantly replied, "I cannot imagine someone swearing those oaths in jest, for I could feel their magic from the parchment. And they were sworn of free will and sound mind, without any coercion or mind-altering substances."

"Well... This might be the second or third strangest thing happening to us in known history."

"The first is obviously Discord." Luna replied with surety. "Whether this ranks second or third depends on if you place the Bearers freeing me above or below this." She added more thoughtfully.

A guard burst through the door while they were still contemplating the ranking of the letter, startling them and the guards stationed in the room. He reminded the sisters of an important meeting with ambassadors form the Griffin Kingdom, which they were almost late for, because of the letter. They both agreed to shelve the letter until such a time when an appropriate reply could be formulated and written.
And as such, their lives went on.

The Letter in question

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Addressed to: Princess Luna Eveningstar, Goddess of the Night, Mistress of the Moon, Lady of Moonlight, and Patron and Guardian of all those who find shelter in Your Domain.

Greetings, Princess,

I write to You as a mouthpiece for a large group of Your followers, for whom You are still the beloved Princess of the Sacred Night (unlike that interloper Nightmare Moon, who stole your mind and your powers). As such, we want to reassure You that, even though the masses decry You as an evil creature, there are still those that love and adore You, even after a millennium of absence and slanted history.

We are the followers of the Way of the Moon, the path of life that the outcasts choose, not because we have no other choice, but because we understand Your suffering, and You understand ours. Know that, when the masses decry You as a poisoned chalice,in opposition to Celestia's "holy" reign, we are more than willing to drink that poison, for we know that the only thing it harms is corruption of the mind, body, and soul. (Which is likely also why those in high positions are afraid of Your power.)

If You are our Goddess, blessing us with your Nights, we are Your mouthpiece, spreading Your truths to those willing to listen.
If You are our Sanctuary, bringing us peace and prosperity, we are Your knights, protecting that peace and prosperity with all we are.
If You are our Poison, cleansing our bodies, minds, and souls from corruption, we are Your blades, carving away rot and corruption from society.
If You are our Patron, protecting our weary minds and souls from the terrors of life, we are Your followers, protecting those that haven't found You yet.

May Your nights be ever beautiful
Your faithful followers.

The Reply

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Addressed to: The followers of the Way of the Moon, which have written to Us before.

Greetings, Our loyal followers,

To say that We were surprised at thine letter, wouldst be an understatement. We were, to use a more modern word, flabbergasted.
It warms Our heart that there are still those that follow the Way of the Moon, even after so many years.
About Nightmare Moon, thine information is only slightly incorrect. 'Tis true that she was an interloper that stole my mind and powers, but We had, however unwittingly it may have been, given her access to Our mind and Powers, and not removed her, when We began doubting her sincerity. True, she was undermining Our mind even then, but one should think that a Goddess of the Mind would have more control over her own.

We accept thine oaths, and swear in return to uphold Our side of them.
We would ask of thee, however, the approximate size of thine group, for both bureaucratic, and personal reason.
We would also ask of thee where thine base of operations is, and if thine group wouldst consent to traveling to Canterlot to meet with Us.

Mine only worry, and accompanying warning, is that thou doth not become a cult that forces people to follow Our beliefs, for if thou doth, We will annihilate thee, and thine entire cult.

Blessings of the Night upon thee all,
Your Princess,
Luna Eveningstar.