The Farewell Party

by Bell

First published

Pinkie Pie throws a final party as their favorite dragon prepares to leave Ponyville.

Spike has a comfortable, good life in Ponyville. Unfortunately for him, dragons can't stay in a village made for ponies throughout their adult life. This is the story of Spike's last night with his friends.

Chapter 1

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Bass-heavy dance music echoed around Sugarcube Corner. Smells of various baked goods drifted in from the kitchen. A banner hung on one wall that read: GOODBYE SPIKE! Six mares, all of different colors, surrounded a large, purple-and-green dragon.

The dragon, though entertaining light conversations with the ponies, lost himself in thought. He recalled how his whole life had led up to this: being hatched at the unicorn school, being adopted by the most talented filly there, coming to this small village and growing up, and now, attending a farewell party because he was too big to stay among his friends in Ponyville.

He was brought out of his reverie by the bright pink face of the mare who had organized this party. “Hi, Spike!” she said.

“Hey, Pinkie Pie,” he answered.

Pinkie Pie probed his face with her sky blue eyes. “You’re not smiling,” she observed. “Everypony has to smile at a Pinkie Pie party!”

Spike flashed a fake grin. “I’m doing the best I can, considering the circumstances.”

Pinkie pouted. “Don’t be sad, silly-willy. Just ‘cause you’re moving away doesn’t mean we still can’t be friends.”

“I really hope that’s true, Pinkie. I don’t want you guys to forget about me.”

“Forget about you?!” she gasped, incredulous. “How could we ever forget our favorite little dragon?” Despite her comparatively small size, Pinkie Pie then made her best attempt to give Spike a hug.

Spike chuckled. “Little?”

“Okay, our favorite not-so-little-anymore dragon,” Pinkie corrected herself.

Spike looked down at the pink pony currently embracing him and smiled. “You really think everypony will remember me?” he asked.

She nodded furiously. “I know so.” She let go of the hug and grinned. “I’m gonna go get them all and show you!”

Pinkie Pie then dashed around the room, gathering her five friends from what they were doing, be it dancing, eating, or playing games, and sat them down in front of Spike. “Girls,” she announced when finished, “Spike wants to know if we’ll remember him and miss him once he’s gone.”

All five ponies voiced their affirmation together.

Twilight then spoke up. “Spike,” she said. “I’ve known you since you were hatched. To say that I’d miss you, it’s just not enough. ‘Miss’ is too small a word for how much you mean to me, Spike.” She paused to dab a few tears away. “My life will never be the same without you. You’ve been a good assistant, and an incomparable friend. I love you.”

Spike felt his eyes starting to moisten. “I love you, too, Twilight.”

Applejack then began, her drawling voice breaking slightly from emotion. “Spike, Ah can honestly say that Ah’ll always miss ya. Like Twilight said, even if ya ain’t a pony, there’s a powerful good heart inside o’ ya, and yer a great friend.”

A single tear now rolled down his scaly cheek. “Thanks, AJ.”

“Um, Spike,” Fluttershy then commenced nervously, “I think I’ll always remember when I first saw you. You were so little and adorable, and now you’re all grown up. I’ve always been afraid of full-grown dragons, but not you. I know you wouldn’t hurt anypony, and I’m gonna miss you a lot.”

“I’ll miss you, too, Fluttershy.”

Rainbow Dash started speaking hesitantly. “Well, Spike, you know I’m no good at all this sappy stuff. I’ll just say you were a pretty awesome guy to hang around, and I’m gonna miss having someone that awesome around Ponyville.”

Spike gave a half-hearted laugh. “Thanks, Rainbow.”

After these four goodbyes, that only left the pony whose opinion Spike valued the most, the pony that he was itching to hear from. Gathering herself in preparation to make a sophisticated speech, the alabaster unicorn gazed up at the dragon and spoke. “Oh, my little Spikey-Wikey,” she smiled, “I can’t begin to tell you how much I’m going to miss having you around. I know you always had a bit of romantic inclination towards me, and I must say, it was quite flattering. I’m sorry if I ever hurt your feelings by not sharing these feelings, but you must understand, darling, that I loved you in a different way. You were almost like the little brother I never had, and I found it quite delightful to help care for you when I was needed. So Spike, when you go, I am losing a member of my family, and know that you will never, ever be forgotten. I love you, Spike.”

Spike bowed his head in attempt to hide tears that were now freely flowing. “I love you, too, Rarity.”

Pinkie Pie then commanded, “Group hug!”

All six ponies and the dragon embraced one another. The ponies weren’t sure if they would ever see Spike again, or where he would even go after leaving their village, but what they were absolutely sure of was the growing sense of loss in their hearts. Sure, they may have taken their scaled friend for granted from time to time, but in the end they were just as close to him as they were to each other.

Twilight, especially, had known this day was coming, but had put it into the far reaches of her mind to stop it from bothering her. Now that it was upon them, it felt despicably unfair. Her oldest friend was being snatched from her simply because of his species.

Spike felt the six warm pony bodies wrapped around him and thought of the love he was leaving behind. He was leaving a small amount of unrequited romantic love for Rarity, and that caused him some pain, but the majority was because of all the friendship that was being abandoned. He felt utterly helpless in the face of species differences, and couldn’t help but questioning why he couldn’t just stay. As soon as he did though, the answer rang out painfully in his mind: this town couldn’t fit him. He was simply too big.

The seven friends clung desperately together, each hoping that if they hugged tight enough, perhaps they could prevent the inevitable. Perhaps they could remain like this forever, never having to relinquish their friendship.