Being Diffrent is not so bad

by Chris Abbey

First published

Christopher talks to Derpy hooves about what it is like to be Diffrent then other ponies and then talks to Discord about what it is also like to be diffrent then many other things

One day a human boy lands in Equestria and meets Derpy and Discord then they all look at each there and notice that they are all different and not like other ponies so Discord makes a picnic appear and they all sit down and each tells the other why they are different and how they come over the trials of life with the differences they have from other ponies and humans.

The Picnic

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My name is Christopher Abbey, I am telling the story of how I ended up in Equestria and how I met Derpy and Discord. They are different from most being in Equestria. Derpy was crossed eyed and Discord was made of Chaos himself and was made of different body parts and myself I wore glasses and was not to bright but we all lived with the problems we had and found a way how to work with them.

I had gone to bed earlier that day and fell asleep quite fast due to the ruff day I had and the problem with people making fun of me. It had been dark out when I went to sleep but next thing I know I wake up in a grass field while still in my pajamas and looked over to see Discord a very bizarre sight indeed and next to him was my favorite pony Derpy Hooves. I thought it was a dream until I noticed that I had a couple of cuts on my hand and they hurt so Discord used his magic to put band aids on my cuts and after that they told me to follow them.

I was not scared of what would happen in fact I was calm and had a smile on my face. I followed them up a hill. As we got to the top I noticed that there was a picnic spread out underneath a tree and next to the tree was a small puddle and the told me they had been watching me and they knew how it felt to be different. They told me to sit down and as I did Discord handed me a plate with a tuna fish sandwich and many other of my favorite foods then he handed Derpy a plate of different kind of muffin and he had a plate full of veggies and fruit.

As we got done eating Discord told me why he bought me here. He told me that both him and Derpy where watching people bully me for the way I looked and that they knew I was upset. So he told me how ponies had treated him. They had called him a freak and a weirdo and even a monster but he had made a friend who had helped him out in his time of need. He told me that they still bullied him but he learned to ignore them and was happy to have a friend he could count on and hang out with her every time and day.

Derpy took over from there and said that people also call me a freak and tell me to quit what I do and just give up. But just like Discord I ignore them and push through what they had to say and went to work. They both gave me advice and with that they wrote down something on a letter and looked at me and said"Time to wake up and put what you learned from us into action. And with that I woke up in my bed thinking a that had been a dream until I found the letter. I knew today would be better and would be better from then on.

The OutCome

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Later that day I opened the letter and out fell a necklace with Derpy and Discord on it and then came the letter. So I picked up the necklace and put on my clothes for the day and read the letter after that here is what it said.

Dear Christopher Abbey

Hope you enjoy the gift we left you from both us and Derpy so that you never forget us and that you remember what you learned from us. I know we did not get to hang out for long just remember these three things. One Ignore the people, Two make a friend and hang out with them when you can, and three keep being strong and never give up and push through the problem that people cause you. As I went outside a kid from next door that had moved in the day before noticed me in my Derpy hooves t-shirt.

He walked over to the fence and asked if I wanted to come over and hang out. I was nervous about what and who he was but he told me his name was Matthew and that he had loved My Little Pony too and I knew in that moment I had made a friend and one that would be by my side for life and would always be there.

Later that day we went to walk to school together and things felt different people would look at me and try to call me names and I would ignore them. Matthew was in all my classes which was cool. During lunch a bully tried to know me over and make me drop my tray. but I pushed through and ignored him and the bully just looked dumbfounded when I did not react until he went after my friend and in that moment I had changed from a victim to the defender.

I looked at the bully and told him to put my friend down and then the bully looked into my eyes and noticed that there was something new about me that I had courage and would fight anyone and protect my friend. After the bully had put my friend and walked away a girl who was short walked over she was in my classes. She was shy but was smiling when she walked up towards me she asked if she could sit with me and told me her name was Samantha but we could call her Sam.

After that years had gone past and we all graduated high school together and one night as I was sleeping I had woken up back in Equestria and seen Derpy and Discord still underneath the same tree. I had to thank them because for all they did I was happy now and thank them for the gift too. They looked at me and told me they had to go for no and I had said thank you and goodbye my friends and thank you for all your help and with that they each flew off and I woke up with a smile. I knew that being different was not so bad but I would miss those to but knew I could not stay with them but had to make myself happy all thanks to them I was and will be different but in a good way. The End.