In the Shower

by Fuzzyfurvert

First published

Adagio Dazzle and Sonata Dusk shower together to save water. Everyone involved gets nice and wet.

A short scene between Adagio and Sonata as they enjoy the morning early afternoon and a refreshing shower together.

Contains: Sirens doing each other, sleeping late, competitive fingering, non-fetishy happy sex.

Wrote this over the last few hours because I'm grumpy about unimportant things with the clop community at large and because of that awesome picture. Despite the cover art, no one in this story is wearing clothing. I wouldn't want to give you any false expectations.

Conserve Water; Shower Together

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In the Shower

by Fuzzyfurvert

As always in the morning, the heat and the water felt good against her skin. Well, it wasn't technically morning anymore, the clock on the bathroom wall proudly proclaiming 12:37.

She’d slept late. Again. At least she’d been up late with good reason. Adagio grinned, thinking back to the previous evening. Her girlfriend Sonata had pulled her out of the live performance rehearsal with Aria for a booty call. She was probably going to catch hell about it later, but eventually Aria would just laugh it off and ask for the gory details. Of course the only reason it even happened was because she wasn't giving Sonata the attention she deserved.

Adagio chuckled lightly to herself, turning her face into the stream of water. Memories of the previous night played behind her eyelids as she let the water cascade over her, soaking in the heat and moisture. Sonata put a lot of energy into reminding Adagio why they’d hooked up again after so long. They needed each other. They completed each other. Sonata kept her motivated, she kept Sonata grounded.

The sex was mind blowing and amazingly tender.

Her head snapped up when she heard the door to the bathroom open. Aria wasn't supposed to be home. The other siren had karate class today, and would likely be out until later in the evening. Adagio stood on tip-toe, looking up and over the shower curtain. It was Sonata. Oh yeah...she slept over, duh. Oh my…

Sonata was blushing up a storm already, having apparently reverted to unsure of herself, from last night's sex-starved bravado. It somehow made her even more gorgeous. Her blue hair was a sleep tousled mess, loose and hanging a little past her hips. She had on a towel, having wrapped it about her pale form. It was only loosely wrapped, but still, it clung so thanks in part to a few too many sweets and not enough laps in the pool. The greater swell of her breasts and hips put Adagio’s to shame, even covered, and the dark cloth made her skin look creamy and luminescent in contrast. Sonata’s hands and feet were dainty, though, feeling just right when she held Sonata’s hand, or rubbed the girl’s feet after a long jog.

Adagio was still impressed with how much more fit Sonata had gotten in the past few months. The siren was still curvy, still hippy and giggly, but at least Sonata was happier with her body now.

Sonata's glittery garnets blinked back at Adagio, her cheeks dimpled with a frown. "Damn! I was going to surprise you!"

Adagio chuckled. "These ears still work." She laughed harder, smiling. "Come to join me and save water?"

Sonata nodded, her blush climbing up her throat to her cheeks. She closed the bathroom door behind her and reached up to untwist the turn that held the towel around her. She let it go slowly, like unwrapping a present, rather than just letting it drop to the tiled floor. Drawing on a hint of the forwardness she used the other night, she cocked her hips to the side, her hair framing all the parts of her she knew Adagio liked.

Adagio narrowed her eyes, tracing the lines of the girl’s body again for the millionth time. She loved it all over again, the burst of lust in her loins just as strong as the first time. Sonata had hips—wide, child bearing hips, as her grandmother would have said. They topped legs that were curvy and thick, but getting more muscular. Sonata’s belly poked out some. To Adagio, it made her girlfriend cute (if furious at times), but it fit. That stomach was full, the skin smooth, and gave Sonata a very lovely belly button. From there, that blue body narrowed up to the bottom of the ribcage, then flared out again in classic hourglass shape. That gave the siren room for that famously ample bust. The breasts fell a bit as the support of the towel fell away, swaying with Sonata’s breathing. They were full on natural d-cups, teardrop shaped, and capped with dark colored nipples.

Adagio licked her lips, running a hand down her front into the valley between her legs. The water from the shower wasn’t the only warm liquid flowing over her fingertips. She frowned playfully when Sonata suddenly brought an arm up to shield her chest. "Awww...I was admiring the view, sweetheart."

Sonata stuck out her tongue, stepping forward from the dropped towel. "Dagi, you can admire them when I get in there, sheesh!" She took the last step over and pulled the curtain back, slipping into the wet warmth with Adagio.She shuddered and then put her arms around the taller siren, standing on tiptoe to kiss Adagio’s nose.

She grinned, leaning back against the wall and letting the water hit her. It made her blue skin glisten as droplets raced over her generous curves. Dagi reached out and around Sonata’s waist, drawing them back together fully and Sonata leaned in a bit to kiss her love good morning. She pressed her lips to Adagio’s, probing with her tongue as girlfriend opened up for her. One of Dagi’s hands came up behind her, running fingers through her rapidly soaking hair, and gently massaged up her neck to the back of her scalp. The other stayed splayed against her lower back, holding them both steady.

Dagi slanted her mouth to the left, opening up more to invite Sonata’s tongue to play lazily with her own. Catching it between her teeth, she gently sucked on it until Sonata moaned into her mouth. Using her hand to hold Sonata in position, she ducked head to nibble the fatter lower lip, then the curve of her girlfriend’s chin. Taking a moment to breathe as she licked down the other siren’s jawline, Adagio murmured a soft, "good morning,” before she bit at Sonata's neck.

"Oohhh..." Sonata gasped at the bite, a wide smile blossoming on her face. "Mmm! G-Good morning to you too!"

Adagio kissed where she’d bitten, licking it with just the tip of her tongue. She’d left a mark, a hickey to show the world. Assuming they even left the house at some point. At the moment, she couldn’t think of a reason too. Rehearsal could wait a little longer. The world could have her later. Right now she belonged to Sonata and the other girl belonged to her. Adagio straightened to her full height, looking down into Sonata's eyes and smiling lopsidedly before she stepped back, so more of the shower can hit them.

Sonata giggled and stayed close, moving only a little to get herself fully wet before leaning her head on Adagio’s slight chest. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did. Last night...was excellent." Adagio chuckled, stroking Sonata’s hair. "You sleep okay? We went a little hard on the toys. I think I still have some sore spots where the strap rubbed against me."

"I slept good, little sore myself on the inside. You went kinda deep. But it was good...really good. Especially since we got over that dry spell..." Sonata could feel her blush started to creep back up her cheeks, her insides twisting in the best kind of way. Soreness aside, her body wanted more attention. She wanted more Adagio and she wanted it now.

"I know...I'm sorry. Probably shouldn’t have started off with the large one. I don't want to neglect you for anything, Sona...but I don’t want to hurt you either. That’s why we broke up the last time." Adagio mock frowned. "I'mma be a good girlfriend this time, I swear."

Sonata smirked up at Adagio. "I suppose you might be..." She held the look for all of a few seconds and then burst out laughing. The sound was musical, and it made Dagi start to shake with laughter too.

"Hey...hey now...I am!"

"Pfftt." Sonata blew a puff of air at Adagio, giggling again. "Am I a good girlfriend?"

"Well, you aren’t the worst." Adagio shook her head, trying to give Sonata a serious stare.

The shorter girl laughed again and seemed about to say something, but Dagi leaned in and kissed her again, the hand on her back falling to her full ass and squeezing. Again tongues jousted and lips met, teasing each other. Sonata's hands left Adagio’s neck, groping those palm-sized boobs and thumbing Dagi’s nipples hard. One reached lower, trailing her fingertips down Adagio’s trim abdomen until she reached the groin. She tickled at her girlfriend’s mons, slipping further down to fondle all of the girl’s sex. Sonata held her palm against the lips there, moving her hand easily over the labia and Adagio’s already swollen clit. She squeezed gently, working her thumb and the pad of her hand to pull at it hard enough to get Adagio to stumble a little.

Dagi pulled back from the kiss with a gasp, looking down. With a grin, she reached down and slid her own hand between Sonata's legs and a finger between her lips. "Two can play at this game!"

"YAY!" Sonata laughed, smiling, and increased her pressure with her palm. She smirked for a moment and then dived in to snag a free nipple in her mouth, sucking in as much flesh as she could.

Adagio gasped again, throwing her head back while Sonata savaged her tit. "S-Silly snake...mmm...bite harder!"

Sonata giggled again and made a pleased hissing noise, wiggling her hips back and forth. She ran her teeth over the areola in her mouth, grazing the hard little nub with them.

Adagio watched her girlfriend move. Watched the water run over Sonata’s back, down between those firm butt cheeks, around the sides to drip onto her body before making it to the bathtub floor. The rivulets flowing down that back crevice caught her attention, drawing her eye to the curves and dips there. Sonata's body did beautiful things to her mind and filled her senses, her imagination running wild with more and more erotic scenarios to try out later. She bit her lips and reached under Sonata with her free hand to take the left breast. She wasted no time and went straight for the button there. It was getting harder to think though, working two hands while Sonata likewise assaulted her. Adagio pinched and rolled, circling around towards the center of the breast and then down to heft the full underside.

"AAHH! Mmm…yes!" Sonata sucked in air through her teeth, closing her eyes. Her hand flexed on Dagi's stiff clit, the two middle fingers parting the way and plunging into the hot furnace of Adagio’s pussy. The muscles inside her favorite siren clinched tightly against her, but she pushed both all the way to the third knuckle.

“ hell am I gonna...gonna cum first!” Adagio groaned, moving her hand back up and around Sonata, maintaining skin contact across the girl’s back, and down to that heavenly backside. She bit her lip again, grinding the fingers of the hand at Sonata’s sex against the slick flesh there. She rubbed her way up, pausing to give the labia particular attention. Adagio lavished the area with the flat of her fingertips, exploring the folds and hidden valleys. Then she flicked up to Sonata’s pleasure center, pushing it side to side, and tapped it like a morse code operator dictating in real time. She growled, low in her throat and worked her way slowly back around to her girlfriend’s second hole, caressing it gently before descending a finger into it.

Adagio's hand upfront kept busy as well. She rubbed along the slit, long ways between the labia there with her middle finger. She pushed it inside, curling around to Sonata’s g-spot with quick, fevered stokes.

Sonata let go of the nipple in her mouth and moaned loudly, looking up into Dagi’s face, her eyes fluttered back open. She felt flushed, breathing hard to the point of panting panting. There was a lot more than water slicking up the hands going to town on all her favorite places. She could tell Adagio wasn't far behind her either. She kept pumping her own hand steadily as they raced for the finish line. Adagio’s technique was amazing, but she wasn’t going to let the other siren gloat about getting her off first if she could help it.

Adagio growled again, low and animalistic, her eyes locked on Sonata’s. She slipped the middle and ring inside Sonata’s ass, up to the second knuckle. She worked the fingers on both hands in tandem. She rolled her hips, relaxing enough for her girlfriend to add a third finger. She spread her stance for balance and pumped her fingers faster, chasing Sonata to the end. She could feel it building in her, like some huge wave that was about to crash and wipe away all her cares in the world.

They reached the finish line neck and neck. Adagio released, squirting in Sonata’s hand, and all over one thigh. She spasmed, jerking while every muscle in her core seemed to clinch and flex at the same time. It felt like she was trying to crush Sonata’s hand between her legs while her own hands felt like they were in an iron vise. Sonata let out another deep moan and slumped in Dagi’s arms, and she had to change her grip to stand and support the other siren.

" little snake like that?" She was damn near breathless. That had been just as exerting as full sex. If they weren’t already in a hot shower, Adagio just knew her wrists and forearms would be complaining at the effort.

Sonata nodded slowly, her head leaning against Dagi’s chest, shielded from the shower head's spray. "Hhsssss..."

From outside the shower, the clock on the ticked and tocked, the long arm crawling past the top of the hour. Adagio laughed loud, stroking Sonata’s back lovingly. "You want to stop distracting me with love and sex long enough I can get us some lunch? It’s getting late."

Sonata murmured grumpily into Adagio’s cleavage, but all she could catch was something about needing more cardio than carbs.