To Be a Real Toy

by Narrative Style

First published

When Rainbow Dash admits she likes to be dominated in bed, Twilight decides to plan a night to remember.

Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle have been together for months, but Rainbow Dash has only just realized what she really wants in the bedroom. When Twilight learns how Dash dreams of being helpless in her hooves, the mage decides to use her magic to take her mare's fantasy a little bit - or maybe a lot - further.

When Your Marefriend is a Magician

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It had been an exhausting night. The bed sheets had all found their way to the other side of the room, and at least one of the pillows seemed to be missing entirely. Rainbow Dash didn't notice the mess. She was too happy, and too tired, to notice anything beyond the pony beside her; the sweat-beaded purple coat, the jostled mane she was still running a hoof through, the sweet smell of mare with an ever-present undertone of book.

Twilight Sparkle opened an eye and presented an adorable sleepy smile to Dash's gaze. “So,” she said in the quietest of words, “Did you have fun?”

They shared a faint giggle before Dash gave the traditional question its traditional answer. “Oh yeah. Can we do that again?”

“Of course.” Their heads moved together for a long, slow kiss. When their lips finally parted, they pulled each other closer, pressed their chests together and closed their eyes, ready to drift off into Luna's realm.

Dash's mind played back through the last few hours, highlighting her favorite parts and willing herself to dream about them. It took her a while to realize that she kept coming back to one particular moment; tangled in a blanket, pinned beneath Twilight. The larger mare had whispered something then, a prod that she hadn't thought much of at the time. You're my favorite fucktoy. Out of all of the positions they had been in on that bed, this one alone dominated her memory. As she looked back, the Pegasus realized that at that moment, she really had felt like Twilight's toy. And she had loved it more than anything else they had done that night.

Now that she had gotten to thinking, sleep held at the edge of her mind. It wasn't the first time that Twilight had said something like that, but now that she was thinking about it, Dash realized that Twilight didn't assert herself all that much when they fucked. At least, it was never strong or lasting. And now Dash wanted it. Well, now she knew she wanted it; reflecting on the last few months, she supposed she'd liked it already. But it wasn't until she was utterly exhausted, riding off the remains of orgasmic bliss, and just at the edge of slumber that she could admit it to herself; she loved being dominated in bed.

Having come to a profound truth about herself, Dash smiled inwardly and settled in to sleep. Before she could pass the final veil, however, another thought danced across her mind. Her eyes shot open to look upon the sleeping Alicorn beside her. If she had so much trouble admitting it to herself, this moment of clarity might be her only chance to admit it to her partner. A brief struggle ensued in her head as pride, nervousness, and doubt teamed up against desire, hope, and trust. The latter alliance gained the upper hoof long enough to take control of her mouth, and before there could be a counterattack, she spoke.


It was a single word, barely whispered, but it left the room silent. No, her mind; it left her mind silent, the room was already quiet. The various emotions held their collective breaths as she waited for Twilight to stir.

A single chest rose and fell in a slow, steady rhythm. It was joined by its neighbor when Dash let out her own breath after realizing Twilight hadn't awoken. In the aftermath of the moment, it occurred to her that with Twilight asleep, she could test the words without fear. Take a small step.

With the compromise made, Dash addressed the sleeping form beside her once more. “Twilight… I love it when you take control. I…” words were getting difficult to form as exhaustion finally caught up with her, “…I want to be your fucktoy…” With that, Dash slipped into a very enjoyable dream.

Twilight waited in the peaceful silence. When no more words came, she smiled and hugged her Pegasus a little closer, as plans formed in her mind on exactly what to do with that wish.


Two nights later, Dash finally flew back to Twilight's castle window. Wonderbolts training was especially harsh this month; she hadn't even seen her marefriend since yesterday morning. The princess was in her usual evening position; laying on her bed with a book. She looked up at the flapping of wings, and stood to greet Dash with an affectionate nuzzle as the Pegasus landed in her bedroom. The nuzzle converted smoothly to a kiss, and the pair instinctively drifted back towards the bed.

Then Twilight pulled back. Dash was only confused for a moment before she saw the knowing look on her face. Twilight was planning something special tonight. Dash grinned back, prompting Twilight to spill it. The Alicorn stepped back, moving around the bed.

“So, Dashie. I may have heard you the other night.”

Dash wasn't sure what that meant, but let the reveal continue.

“How you wanted me to take control… treat you as my toy.”

Now Dash remembered. She was instantly filled with equal parts embarrassment at having been heard and a deep-seated thrill at what Twilight could be building toward.

“And I thought: Why not go all the way?” Twilight had stopped next to her nightstand, and was giving her best sultry gaze to Dash.

The Pegasus wasn't really sure what to make of that. “Go all the way to what?”

Twilight lit her horn, levitating a box off of the nightstand. She turned it so Dash could see: The plastic window on the front of the box revealed the contents to be a mass-produced sex-toy. A light blue dildo, shaped like a Pegasus. That didn't exactly make things clearer for Dash, though her cunt began to water at the thought of being fucked silly by a dildo-wielding Twilight. She raised an eyebrow at Twilight to convey her confusion.

Twilight stepped forward, holding both that gaze and the box to Rainbow's face. “Why not make you into a toy, just like this one.”

It finally clicked in her mind. Dash looked aghast between Twilight and the dildo. “You could… you could do that?”

Twilight grinned. “Sure. I have the spell all ready. It would just be for a little while; I'd use you for a bit, then turn you back. You'll be awake the whole time.”

Rainbow Dash couldn't believe what she was hearing. This went far beyond any of her fantasies, and Twilight was offering to actually do it. She only had to look into Twilight's eyes for a moment before deciding. She trusted Twilight with her life; if the worrywart thought it was safe, it was safe.

“Yes.” Dash took a step forward, shuffling her back legs to stimulate her itching sex. “Please.”

“Then step forward, my Dashie, to receive the great honor of being my plaything.” Twilight carefully opened the box, extracting the toy from within and placing it on the carpet between them. Dash guessed this had something to do with the spell, and moved to stand next to it.

“One. Two. Three.” At the last count, Twilight unleashed a massive flash of light and heat from her horn. It washed over everything in the room, but it seemed to stick to Dash. She wiggled a wing, and it felt heavy, as though coated in a thick, invisible substance. She tried lifting a hoof, only to fall over as her other legs gave out. She felt the impact with the ground, but there was no pain.

Dash turned to look over her shoulder in time to witness her wings grow stiff and rubbery, attaching themselves securely to her sides. Her tail curled into a tight spiral, solidifying and losing its rainbow pallet to match the color of her fur. Her cutie mark faded as said fur melded together, becoming a rubbery skin.

Her legs curled up under her in a standard lying position. The parts that touched her stomach melted in, removing the distinction between her legs and body. She could no longer watch when her neck straightened out, placing her head just in front of her hooves, which fused into her neck where she lay. Her ears lay down on her head and refused to move, and her eyes froze in place gazing off into the middle distance; she knew they were also rubber when her vision became tainted blue. Her muzzle opened slightly into an ‘O’ shape, parodying the open end of a dick, before changing into unmoving rubber as well.

She felt a tingling course through her rubber body as the final step commenced, and she shrunk down to a fraction of her normal size. The tingling lingered for a moment in a thin line over her head, across her back, and under her belly. That mystery was solved when she noticed the seam forming across the top of her nose.

As the spell ended, Dash took a moment to collect her bearings. She no longer had a vagina, but the sensation of arousal was as strong as ever. She was on the floor of Twilight's bedroom, completely unable to move. If some random pony walked in right now, they wouldn't even know she was alive. She was Twilight's toy, to do with as the mare wished. She really hoped Twilight wished something was between her legs right now.

There was a pressure on her back, and Dash was suddenly off the ground, the world before her falling away and shifting until she found herself resting in her marefriend's hoof as the magician examined her work.

Twilight leaned in and lay a light kiss on Rainbow's rubber muzzle. “You look fantastic! I could keep you like this forever!” The words sent a mental shiver of pleasure through Dash, even though she knew it was only sex talk. “But before we start, I want to check something.”

Dash was slowly turned around as Twilight walked back to the nightstand. She picked up the open box, and before Dash could put 2 and 2 together, the cardboard had lifted up around her. There was a purple glow of magic in the box, and the wires that had held the last toy in place moved to strap her in, tying tightly around Dash's neck, barrel, and the base of her tail. The box was given a shake, as though Twilight was testing that her toy was properly secured; she was, as Dash barely shifted in the binds that held her to the wall.

Then Twilight put the plastic packing back in; a translucent mold that held Dash in place as firmly as the wires, conforming to her every rubber curve. Another flash of magic signaled when Twilight sealed the plastic in place, as if it had never been opened. She quickly did the same with the box itself, and then placed it down so Dash could see the bed out of the side of her right eye; the one not facing the dark back of the box.

This whole sequence had been unexpected, but as Dash's rubber loins continued to burn with desire, she could not say it was unwanted.

Twilight's face came into view beyond the plastic window. “I'll be back to unpack and use my new toy in a minute. I need to visit the little filly's room, first.” She gave Dash a grin, then walked out of the room, turning the light off and closing the door behind her. It was almost completely dark, and it was really starting to feel like she was just a helpless toy, waiting to be used. Dash loved it.

That isn't to say she didn't become impatient as the minutes ticked by, and Twilight didn't come back. She must have had Mexicolt food for lunch, Dash thought.

A creak from the door and a light from the hallway caught the former Pegasus's attention. She strained to see with her limited vision, but couldn't quite make out Twilight as steps sounded on the floor. Then a face appeared that she really, really didn't want to see while she was like this. Spike's scaly nose filled her vision, followed by one of his reptilian eyes as the little dragon appeared to stare back.

“Well, here it is. Twilight won't mind if I return it a little bit ahead of schedule, right?” Rainbow shifted gears from embarrassment to panic. She tried in vain to move her rubber mouth, shout at Spike, wave him off with a hoof. As Spike lifted the box and put it under his arm, leaving Dash a lovely view of his dragon armpit, her arousal defiantly continued to grow. Spike really didn't know. She was just a toy to him; an object to be treated with no dignity at all.

The trip went by in a whirlwind of emotion, with Dash bouncing between abject horror at her situation, desire to see Twilight, hope that Twilight would show up to rescue her, and simply relishing in the pleasure of being a small, packaged toy. finally, the motion stopped, and Dash found herself on a counter. She assumed it was the local adult toy store, but she couldn't see anything since Spike had put her box down with the window on the bottom.

There was a muffled exchange between Spike and some stallion behind the counter, then the motion began again. It ended in short order, and as the stallion walked away, Dash observed her surroundings. There was a rack of large vibrators across from her. That was about all she could see, but it was all she needed. She was on a shelf, probably next to a dozen boxes holding toys just like her.

Just like her. She was a toy. In a store. Nopony knew she was there. She knew Twilight would figure it out soon, of course, and track her down, but the faint possibility that she wouldn't was both scaring her shitless and making her feel like she was about to orgasm.

For the next few hours, Rainbow Dash was jolted to attention with every clop of passing hooves. Stranger's heads, and heads of ponies she half-recognized, passed in front of her prison, never looking at her. Until one did.

A cream-colored Unicorn had stopped to look at the vibrators. After a few moments, she turned to the other side of the aisle, looking at whatever was below Dash, then whatever was to her left. Then the mare's eyes looked straight at her. Not the warm greeting of a friend, but the cold appraisal of a shopper. Dash was just an item to be bought and used. Dash fought through the thrill of the thought and held her mental breath as a hoof reached out… and picked up the box next to her. She briefly saw what was in it; it was a molded Pegasus dildo, identical to her in every way except color. But the mare wasn't done. She put the other toy back, having apparently decided she didn't want the one that matched her golden mane. She wanted the one that matched her cyan eyes. The hoof reached out again, plucking Dash off the shelf.

She was carried back to the front counter in a state of panicked pleasure. A mare at the counter took the Unicorn's bits and dropped Dash's box into a paper bag. She was sold.

The walk to her new owner's home was dark and silent. Dash was counting the minutes until Twilight came to find her, between bursts of arousal as it dawned all over again just what was happening to her. Then she heard a curious sound, almost like the toot of a train's horn. There was a shift; they weren't walking anymore. Instead, she was placed on a solid surface. That surface began to move. A whole new level of fear bubbled up inside her rubber form as she heard the clacking of wheels over track. Her buyer was leaving Ponyville. Dash felt the prospect of rescue drop from guaranteed to zero in a matter of seconds. She was never going back. She was a toy. Forever. If she still had organs, she would have cum right there.


It was morning by the time the train came to a stop. A little bit of sunlight filtered through the bag to grace the living toy's eye as she was carried through chattering crowds into whatever city she would now be calling home. Part of Dash was trying to despair, but for the moment it was being held at bay by the burning between her rubber legs. It hadn't gone away all night, and at this point she had half a mind to forgive the mare carrying her if she would only shove Rainbow up her cunt right that second.

It was a half hour of sitting in the bag on a table somewhere before she was finally brought out to see her new residence. Or rather, a hotel room. Dash's last hope faded away. If this pony was going to leave for somewhere else soon, Twilight would never track them down. Maybe she didn't even have a home, and Dash would be her traveling sex-toy companion. As long as she uses me soon! Part of her screamed.

That was when she was lifted from the bag. The mare examined her again through the plastic window. “Now, or later?” She mumbled to herself. Now Now Now Now! “Definitely now.” She ripped open the box, then spent the next few seconds jiggling it around as she wrestled with the plastic molding. She finally tore it off, then pulled savagely on Dash's rubber body until the wires holding her in place tore out of the cardboard.

It was finally time. Dash was just a toy, meant to be used for someone else's pleasure. This was her purpose now, and she needed to accept that and enjoy it.

She was lifted by the Unicorn's magic and held aloft as the creamy mare spread herself on the hotel bed, legs wide and inviting, crotch dripping with natural lubricant. Then the plunge. Dash's rubber head was enveloped by the soft, warm walls, her unblinking eyes rubbing against the insides of another mare. She was drawn back so only her muzzle was inside, then pushed in again. The velvety organ clenched around her head and chest, wings and forelegs.

Then it happened again, and she was completely enveloped by her owner's vagina, head to tail. A full body massage that repeated over and over again, sometimes slow, sometimes fast, as the cries of ecstasy reverberated around her. She was just a tool doing her job, and she never wanted to stop.

It went on for minutes. She was sure her master was purposefully prolonging the session, slowing down to pull back from the edge. But it finally happened. That glorious moment when the dildo fulfilled its purpose, pushed all the way in, squeezed from all sides so hard it couldn't be extracted if someone tried, drowned on all sides by mare-cum.

When it finally ended, Dash felt like she, too, had just had the greatest orgasm of her life. In the fog of bliss, she thought that, maybe, this was worth it.

The Unicorn started to pull her out, but she must have been too tired, because Dash was left with all but her tail surrounded by velvety warmth, and soon she heard - and felt - her new owner begin to snore. Dash thought back to that wonderful release, and drifted off into a blissful half-sleep herself.


Movement brought her back to awareness. There was a moment of panic before Dash remembered that she was inside somepony's cunt. Then there was a bit more panic after that as she contemplated being stuck inside somepony's cunt. The mare shifted around her, and then she felt a pull on her tail as she was dragged out. She hung facing the ground, dripping sexual fluid, as the cream-colored Unicorn looked over the toy.

Then she was placed on a hoof and held facing her master. “So, how was that?” the mare inquired of her toy.

Dash didn't know what to make of that. Who was the mare talking to?

A knowing smile, somehow familiar, came upon the stranger. A spark of purple magic danced from her horn. Her coat deepened to purple, her mane retaking its usual style as wings appeared at her sides. Twilight Sparkle leaned in and kissed Dash on the nose. Then she placed Dash on the floor of the hotel room, and the reversal began.

Dash's ears sprang up from her skull, her eyes itching as movement returned. She stretched her jaw and flapped her wings as they came apart from her back. Then her neck unfroze, followed by her tail, and finally her legs separated from her torso. She stood up, still somewhat wet from her organic sleeping bag. Her favorite pony smiled softly down at her, and she couldn't help but smile back.

“That… was… awesome!” Dash did a back-flip, slipping a little as she came in for a landing on her rubber hooves. “But… uh, I'm still tiny. And made of rubber.”

Twilight grinned. “Who said we were done?”

A shiver of renewed arousal shot up Dash's spine.