Big-Hearted Princesses

by Scott Curl

First published

Princess Celestia finds a way to indulge in her desire to be gigantic.

Princess Celestia has long felt a perverse love for being bigger than her subjects, with a secret desire to be even bigger. But she's also a mare of love, compassion, and kindness, never willing to indulge if it means even the slightest chance that she might hurt one of her beloved subjects.

That is until she finds a certain spell one day that may let her have it the way she's always wanted it. And once she's tried it, it's definitely not going to stop with her...

All chapters contain: Macro, megamacro, growth, exhibitionism, public sex, and really horny goddesses.
Second chapter also contains: futa, incest, and frankly ridiculous levels of cum.

Inspired by the likes of Megapone and Unideal. Cover art by Cizu.

Celestia's Big Heart

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Princess Celestia let out a melancholy sigh as the moon peeked over the horizon at last. Every day for the last year, she’d had to raise the moon with the absence of her sister. And every day for the last year, it only reminded her of how she’d had to banish her sister there.

She’d found ways to pass the time, mostly by privately indulging in her kinks behind closed doors. Yes, she was a princess of Equestria, an immortal alicorn goddess, beloved by her subjects. Yes, she towered over them at ten feet in height. But she was a mare all the same, one with those same gnawing urges that ate away at the back of her mind.

Many of those urges came from the endless string of compliments she was always paid by her subjects. Many of those compliments about the delightfully large breasts that framed Celestia’s chest. Even considering her height, they were huge, as big as a normal pony’s head. At first, she’d simply dismissed the compliments as the normal flattery that her subjects might use to butter her up, but the years upon years of hearing it had finally convinced Celestia to give them some much-needed attention.

Being “large” had always been a fascination of the princesses, Celestia and Luna alike. Besides the simple fact that they were just plain bigger than their subjects, they were the gold standards of beauty in Equestria. And if they were big, then big was beautiful. Celestia had begun to secretly relish this feeling of size, of power, that she asserted naturally over her mortal subjects.

Turning back into her bedchambers, Celestia’s horn glowed with a golden aura as she brought a spell book close to her, one she’d scarcely read save for one page, opening to its bookmark. There, in the middle of the page, was the “Size Shift” spell that she’d memorized.

Since the moon was up, and her doors were locked with the guards standing watch, her obligations for the day were over. Most ponies expected Celestia to be asleep in short order. Now was her chance to finally let off some steam.

With a bright glow, Celestia’s magic flowed through her body, beginning to slowly expand in all directions. Her ample breasts pushed against the fabric of her white dress, which wasn’t putting up much of a fight. A grin crossed Celestia’s face as she felt the familiar rip of her clothing, the magic making her grow bigger and bigger in her chamber.

It was only moments before Celestia’s tits burst through the front of her dress with a mighty “rip,” her huge white breasts bouncing free. The golden bra and panties, her last barrier of decency, snapped off like rubber bands as she grew. For as many times as Celestia felt it happen, she never got tired of that feeling of her clothes succumbing to her growth.

Totally nude, the spell intensified every feeling in Celestia’s nerves, making her shiver with delight as her hands gave those big white tits a good squeeze. She slowly sat on the tile floor, the whole room starting to creak under her increasing weight. Celestia’s head approached the high ceiling, almost thirty feet in height, as she rubbed her smooth white ass against the cool tiles. Even a light bump against her bedframe made the whole thing almost crumble, the spell book flapping wildly as Celestia’s hand went lower.

With one hand still on her breast, Celestia’s fingertip slid down against her folds and began to slowly rub. Her eyes closed as her finger moved, building up speed gradually, whimpering as her thoughts turned far more perverted.

She saw herself. Towering over the entire country of Equestria. The trumpets were blaring and the crowds begging to worship at her hooves. Mare and colt alike sat in awe of her presence. They were overwhelmed by the mere sight of her beauty. Even the pegasi flew from their clouds just be close to her breasts. Hugging as much of those beautiful tits as they could.

With a playful grin, one of Celestia’s hands, big enough to hold the town of Ponyville all by itself, gave herself another squeeze. She trapped the hundreds of pegasi deep against her tit. Despite the power of the sun princess, not one of the pegasi was hurt. Not that any of them was about to complain, anyway.

As Celestia’s eyes flickered open and closed, the bed shook, the floor rumbled and the vase against the wall toppled onto the tile with an audible crack. It was enough to send Celestia out of her euphoria and back to reality. One where she was a little too big for even this royal-sized bedroom.

Celestia let out another sigh. Her horn glowed as she shrunk back down to normal size, not bothering to reform her clothing just yet. She stood up only to slump down on her bed a moment later, resting her chin in her hand. Her magic reformed the vase, but Celestia didn’t even bother to look at it.

That had always been the worst part of this growing need, this urge, this… kink! The inability to act on it!

Celestia had known for the longest time that how big she became in her bedroom wasn’t near as big as she could be. She really could apply her magic to become that goddess that towered over the landscape if she wanted to. It would be easy.

But she couldn’t do it if it meant becoming a threat to her subjects. She was already stronger than any earth pony. The cosmic strength she had was a danger to her entire kingdom should she exhibit even one-hundredth of her real strength. The thought of somepony hurt because of her need for this release? As bad as Celestia wanted it, she had the self-control to hold herself back for their sake.

With the vase returned to its table, Celestia’s head dropped, her eyes catching a glimpse of the spell book. During her bliss, the pages had fluttered open to one Celestia hadn’t taken the time to read before. One word on the current page caught Celestia’s eye:


True, Celestia had just skimmed the rest of the spells – there was only one spell in the book she ever cared about, after all – but her thoughts compelled her to take another look. She levitated the book into her hands and read the spell’s effects out loud:

“Harmless – Renders the target temporarily incapable of causing harm. Physical force is magically dispersed and blocked by the spell. Objects are also unaffected. Target still capable of… feeling…”

Celestia trailed off at the last few words. If this was what she’d been looking for all this time, then it needed casting. Immediately.

With a quick read of the incantation, Celestia’s horn glowed a bright gold, aiming the spell at herself. The magic flowed back down into her, sending a sharp tingle up her spine, her wings sharply flapping out to her sides and her back arched on instinct. A few flaps of her wings brought her back down, taking a few deep breaths to calm herself.

Taking a look at her hands, Celestia looked for any signs of an immediate change, something to show that this spell had worked. But, despite checking every inch of her tall frame, there was nothing obvious.

“I don’t feel any different, either…” she thought. But it needed a test.

Celestia stood from the bed and made her way to the vase she’d fixed moments before. Curling her hand around it, she pushed the vase into her mammoth tits, her nipples rubbing against the smooth ceramic surface. A smile curled across her face as she began to press it harder against her chest, the ample breasts almost as big as the vase itself. She’d already begun to quietly inspect the vase for any signs of cracking from rubbing against her immenseness, and found none. It was time for a little more pressure.

Celestia grabbed the vase with more of her alicorn strength, gripping it harder and harder with the kind of power that could move a mountain from the earth. Nothing.

She slammed the vase against her own impressive mountains, squishing and squeezing the vase between her tits until her softness has rubbed over every inch. Nothing.

Finally, she outright grit her teeth and grabbed at the vase with all the strength she could muster. She braced the smooth surface against her titanic mounds. The power to tear worlds asunder behind the arms of the goddess pulled on the vase. Divine might that could rewrite the stars in the sky and rip reality apart was being pulled into this one tiny pot. Her breath grew faster and sharper, her eyes darting across the vase.

Still nothing. Not even a scratch across the surface.

“UNH!” cried Celestia, beside herself with delight as she dropped the vase to the floor. It bounced away across the tile as she smiled from ear to ear, even grabbing her voluptuous tits in her hands.

“Yes, yes, yes! That’s it! This is it!” She felt an ecstasy even greater than when she’d run her fingers across her folds moments ago, her mind rapidly swirling with that same imagery. Those lovely sights of herself as a titan, basking in her sunlight, worshipped by all who looked upon her. Worshipping those enormous tits the way they deserved to be.

Her moment of bliss was interrupted by a sudden slam from her bedroom doors, kicked open by a guard with his sword at the ready.

“Your Highness! Are you alright? I thought I heard… I-I…”

He knew instantly that it was wrong to stare at the beautiful, naked frame of an alicorn goddess. But nothing was letting him look away. The blush washed over his face as he simply stood, lock still, facing his princess. His arm slowly fell to his side, the sword’s hilt slipping from his grasp and clattering on the tile floor. Celestia’s grin somehow went wider still as she lowered her arms, her massive tits jiggling into full view.

“Guard?” she whispered, closing the doors and magically reforming the lock behind him. “Come closer. I have special orders for you…”

Pledge Shield had hardly thought, on the day he joined the Royal Guard, that one of his assignments would be being smothered under the enormous white tits of Princess Celestia. More so now that she’d grown to over three times her already impressive height to thirty feet tall, pushing her tits against him like he was about to be crushed with the slightest slip. Celestia was almost bouncy the way she pushed him down against the floor, over and over, never letting up for even a moment of rest.

Not that Pledge Shield was about to complain.

He was humping his thick cock up into Celestia’s tits, more aroused than he’d even been in his life before, the haze of lust clouding his mind against everything but those godly breasts. Celestia had kicked her legs against her bed, the wall, the furniture, everything, and not a bit of it had moved out of place. And the more she kicked, the harder she pounded. For one fleeting moment, Pledge Shield wondered how he wasn’t being crushed by the power of the alicorn, and it just as quickly slipped away as he was floored again by the monstrous tits.

“Nngh… now, Pledge Shield, I need you to be honest… aah! Mmh! How do you feel?” said Celestia, trying and failing to stifle her obvious excitement, leaning over her huge chest to watch the guard lose himself to his lust.

“I-I feel… I f-feel... unh! UNNH!” he stammered, unable to form one coherent thought while he grabbed onto Celestia’s massive rack, humping with everything he had, sweat rolling down his face.

Celestia, meanwhile, couldn’t stop grinning. “Good! Because you’re going to get everything now!”

Her horn sparked as her body swelled, growing even further. Even as her plump, round ass pushed against the wooden bedframe, and her long smooth legs pushed her ever-increasing weight into the floor, nothing moved. Nothing cracked. Nothing broke. The sight was more than enough to give Celestia the confidence to further boost her already gigantic frame bigger. A few moments, and she’d be forty feet tall standing. Then fifty… then sixty! It was getting cramped for Celestia in her bedroom, keeping herself at that size when she felt her body touching all four walls, her horn scraping against the ceiling.

All the while, Pledge Shield was buried under her silky pair of gigantic breasts, disappearing beneath them entirely. Celestia couldn’t contain herself any longer. She raised and pushed her tits down against the guard with all the strength she could muster. She’d finally begun to feel like a real goddess at this size. Her massive form was limited only by the walls of her castle. Her mind raced again. Her pulse quickened as she felt her body tense.

Celestia felt the heat growing quickly between her legs. She pushed one of her hands into the floor near her titanic tits while the other clamped over her mouth. Her moans and grunts kept rising all the same. The brush of the cool tile against her hardened nipples. The guard’s cock pumping with soul-consuming need to fuck those beautiful tits. Her perverse urges from millennia of waiting and wanting this.

It was all finally too much.

Celestia screamed into the palm of her hand. She visibly shook in ecstasy as her nethers leaked a heavy stream of her cum over the canopy of her huge bed, drenching it in gallons of the stuff. Her hand pushed into the wall, the spell preventing the giantess from causing an earthquake from the seemingly endless pleasure that shot through her body.

Even with her hand stifling her bliss, Celestia’s grunting and moaning felt like it took eternity to finally end, over a full minute of a sensational orgasm making her spasm against the walls of the tiny bedroom. Celestia’s scent filled the air as she collapsed down onto the floor, panting for breath. Her bed was probably never to get that aroma out completely, and even gushing over her bed did little to stop Celestia from creating a puddle on the floor.

“Nnngh… My word, that was… That was incredible!”

She finally pulled herself up, her horn poking into the ceiling once again to remind Celestia how big she really was. It took her a moment to remember the guardsman she had buried beneath her tits, which were still jiggling and bouncing with even the smallest of movements.

“Pledge Shield?”

No answer. For a moment, Celestia wondered if the spell she’d found might have worn off, and she’d crushed the poor colt. She quickly shrunk herself down back to the height of thirty feet, only to feel the underside of her breasts coated with a sticky warmth.

Below Celestia, the guard had passed out, his cock still fully at attention for his princess, the massive load from his balls still gently dribbling out its dying drops. The intensity of the pushes from Celestia’s tits had been the closest to Heaven a mortal pony had ever come before.

Celestia’s eyes slowly moved from the passed out guard to the window frame, which overlooked a vast valley and long mountain ranges.

The smile on her face was almost as bright as the sun itself.

“Hurry up!” cried Paper Crane, frantically flapping his wings as he attached the long line of flags above the town’s lamp posts. “She’ll be here any minute!”

The entire town of Whinnydale was abuzz with the last preparations for the arrival of Princess Celestia. The unicorns put the finishing touches in the large banner that hung across the town square, hovering it into place while a few pegasi clamped it down nice and tight.

“How in the hoof do these things always come down to the last minute every year?” Paper Crane cursed under his breath, tying the end of the flag rope to the last lamp post, brushing his matted white mane away from his light blue eyes as he fiddled with the knot.

Especially this year. Five hundred years since their beloved princess had sealed away Nightmare Moon and saved not just Equestria, but all of Equus from the dark tyrant. They wanted to get everything just perfect for Celestia; this was going to be her first stop on her trip across Equestria, and Paper Crane had been tearing his mane out trying to make it her best stop, too. It was only figurative mane-tearing, but he was edging closer to literal as the minutes counted down closer.

Anticipating Celestia’s imminent arrival, the crowds had gathered, and the only one still roaming the streets was the frantic Paper Crane. His meticulous detail of exactly how tight the knots should be tied was interrupted by a brief but very clear rumble in the earth. The pegasi hovered above the town, watching as their buildings slightly shook. Gradually, the low rumbles in the earth below their hooves got louder and louder.

Paper Crane felt his heart sink in his chest. For all of his nerves, he could now hardly even keep himself airborne.

“That’s her!” he shouted to the assembled crowd. “She’s here!”

As she came around the bend in the mountain, the first sight of Celestia began to come into view.

And there was a lot of her to view.

With the combination of the “Harmless” spell and her beloved growing magic, Celestia had become a magnificently tall titan. Even the mountains she’d passed around couldn’t completely contain Celestia as her hooves drove themselves, step by gigantic step, over the landscape. Without a stitch of clothing or a stud of jewelry to cover her godly form, the massive body of Celestia was on full display to everypony in Whinnydale. And for miles more in all directions.

What they were all staring at were those beautiful tits, mountains in and of themselves, bouncing freely across her chest. At this size, even the tiniest movement of those tits was like hours of vibration hitting her all at once. It was all Celestia could do to keep herself composed, even if her marehood below was already dripping in small bursts down her inner thigh. Even on her approach, the tempting, tantalizing aroma was impossible to ignore.

A smirk across her face betrayed Celestia’s mood as her long strides bent the trees, shook the rocks and pushed the clouds away from her smooth coat. She glanced town at the small town below to the tiny citizens who were cheering her in welcome, her hooves gliding over the tree trunks, bending to and fro back into place like they were made of rubber.

Paper Crane’s cock was already threatening to rip right through his pants as he stared longingly up at his princess, and he was far from the only one. Several ponies had already stuffed their hands down their pants, fixated on Celestia, who was at least a few miles in height. With a determined shiver, Paper Crane managed to compose his thoughts long enough. Just for a minute, that’s all he needed…

“Welcome, Your Highness!” shouted Paper Crane up to the towering alicorn. “It’s always a pleasure to… nnnnnnngh…!” He felt his cock throb with another inch against the straining fabric, just begging to be released. “Pleasure to see you!”

“It’s a pleasure to see you, Paper Crane,” said Celestia, her voice booming down across the tiny village. “Now… I know this is the five hundredth celebration, and you must have worked so hard to impress me, the way you always do. Whinnydale has always been one of my favorite stops on my tours of Equestria.”

“Thank you, Your… Highness…” Despite his obvious arousal, Paper Crane was prepared to go through with their rituals. Praising of Celestia, her beauty, her love, her compassion, her protection for all of ponykind. Even the griffons and the dragons that despised her couldn’t think of competing against her, with the “visits” Celestia made to them more than enough to change a few minds.

Paper Crane slowly raised his hands and inhaled to start his praises, but cut himself off as he saw Celestia’s massive hand signal for him to stop.

“I know you’ve done so much. And you truly are all wonderful for putting in such hard work. But, I think we’ll just skip the ceremony this time…”

There wasn’t a chance for a rebuttal. Celestia began to kneel.

Her head tilted back and the smile across her face spread, those beautiful breasts descending from on high towards the town. Most of the townsfolk quickly ripped their clothes off as they saw them getting closer, and the few that didn’t still weren’t moving, awaiting the smothering of Celestia’s titanic breasts in a few moments. The more impulsive and impatient pegasi didn’t even wait that long, flying high above the clouds to reach Celestia before anypony else could. Paper Crane remained firm on the ground, finally unzipping his pants to let his strained cock spring free, grabbing his dick and rubbing while he watched a nipple wider than a few city blocks slowly move right towards him.

Celestia’s hands spread to the roads outside of town as she reached her knees, the low rumble from the earth the only resistance thanks to her magic. Ever the tease, her tits came down slowly, even for somepony her size, edging closer and closer by a few feet with each passing moment. Those impatient pegasi were rewarded by being pushed back down through the air by the sheer might of Celestia’s boobs, though many had simply grabbed onto her coat and started thrusting against her.

And she felt it. She felt every little push, thrust and hump by her subjects, shivering as her folds began to drip feed a steady fountain. She couldn’t help but lower herself down faster, the ponies on the ground getting eyes full of white and pink flesh as she drew ever closer. The anticipation was too much for Paper Crane, who was furiously jerking himself in the middle of the street, unable to take his eyes away. Even with all the times she’d smothered him before, each one was better than the last, and his lust for the goddess simply wouldn’t let him wait.

Paper Crane and the others on the ground managed to get even faster as they saw the first tops of the cabins and cottages be touched by Celestia, her magnificence pushing past each of them without breaking a single splinter out of place. She was already moaning and shuddering above, the pegasi’s humping giving her all the incentive to just push down and slam her tits into the streets and horny ponies below. Her enormous white hands curled into fists as she finally had those breasts touch ground, smothering all of Whinnydale beneath them.

Despite being buried under literal tons of flesh, Paper Crane grabbed onto Celestia’s nipple and began to slam his cock upward in earnest. A few of his fellow townsfolk were already cumming, gushing their loads into Celestia’s tits as she covered the city. Her mountainous tits jiggled and bounced with incredible force, their warm releases still sending more shivers up Celestia’s back, her wings uncurled high into the air and her bulbous ass jiggling skyward.

“Ooh, you’ve-mmh!-been practicing, haven’t you?” Celestia said, stifling her moaning for just a moment, biting her lower lip. With the slightest bit of her might, she pushed her tits down harder against the town, covering them more and letting them feel the incredible weight of the tits she’d trapped them all under.

“Unh! Yes, Princess! Yes, yes, YEEEEES!” shouted Paper Crane, his cries of lust muffled by the nipple that covered him. His hands grabbed at the nipple while his cock gushed his load, keeping on a tight grip while his tongue licked across the huge areola. The last bit of decency faded from his mind as he lost himself completely to his passions, madly slamming his cock up into Celestia’s warm boob, feeling his emptying balls already starting to refill.

Celestia felt every load that splattered against her tits, the tips of the cottages and cabins below providing even more pressure on her fat breasts, her nethers gushing a steady stream like a waterfall onto the forest. Her eyes closed, her hands gripped tight against the earth, raising and lowering her breasts down onto the city, never moving them entirely off the ground. Her quick, rapid breaths and her guttural moans could he heard across half of Equestria.

The townsponies were in a blissful nirvana, most on their second orgasm and many approaching their third, mare and colt alike. The heat of her tits was blissful, the pressure felt incredible, and the aroma of this beautiful alicorn permeating every breath. Sweat rolled down their bodies as they refused to stop humping their way against Celestia, many of them content to keep going until they’d passed out.

Paper Crane could feel his cock growing even bigger as he slammed it into Celestia’s gigantic tit, the thick black dick of the horny stallion swelling in size and length the longer he rammed it into the soft whiteness. His second orgasm lasted even longer than his first, gushing a load of cum unlike anything he’d ever released before, already feeling a third starting to swell up in the base of his growing cock even before his second had completely stopped. The magic of his goddess wasn’t about to let him off so easily, making his tired balls swell again as he still wouldn’t stop. Paper Crane screamed in ecstasy, one of hundreds that were buried down below the tits of their beloved princess doing the same.

Celestia herself wasn’t faring any better. Her grunting and moaning echoed throughout the region as her tits played with the town. The heat of her sun high above brought Celestia that much closer, the earth beneath her rumbling once again as she squirmed in delight. Her folds were still leaking gallons upon gallons as she was brought closer with each passing second.

“UNH! That’s it, my ponies! Don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop don’t stooOOOOOP!”

Her entire body tensed as she felt the inevitable approach. She leaned up one last time to slam her breasts down upon the town as hard as her godly strength would allow her. The force of Celestia’s muscles could have allowed her to rend the planet asunder with nothing but her tits. Yet all her beloved subjects felt was the overwhelming sensual pressure that smothered them harder than ever. Even the mountains behind her appeared to sway slightly despite her spell.

Paper Crane’s grip waivered. His entire body shook. Everything told him to ram those tits. Ram them forever if he had to. Like he was never going to stop. Because he never wanted to stop.

Celestia felt it.

She felt every last thrust. Every last hump. Every last lick and nibble and perverted slam. She felt every cock that swelled beyond its limits in an effort to pleasure her. She felt every horny mare and colt ram into her tits with all their strength.

At last, for the gigantic goddess, her bliss came to a head.

And she let go.

Celestia’s lustful screams of passion sounded across the skies as her folds drenched the land below. Thousands upon thousands of gallons of her cum flowed from the alicorn like a river. The clouds flew away from the power of her voice, the flow beneath her washing over the forest floor in a massive wave.

As if on cue, Paper Crane’s third orgasm rocked him, sapping what little energy his body had left with his engorged cock blasting a load bigger than his first two combined against the tit he was pushed beneath. He screamed out a praise to the goddess on high as his balls finally emptied, their growth having brought his massive orbs down to his knees.

Only after what felt like an eternity of bliss did Celestia finally allow herself to rest. She collapsed her tits on top of the town, gasping and panting. The aroma of sex permeated the air for miles, and would stay there for weeks. The ponies below in Whinnydale were finally coming down from the incredible sexual release, some of them having fainted from orgasms the likes of which they’d never felt.

Collecting her senses, Celestia slowly began to lift herself free of the town, pulling her gigantic tits upward. Her eyes opened once again, glancing down below to see Paper Crane and his newly engorged cock, the tip poking past his chin as he licked it gently.

“P-Praise Celestia…” he whispered in between the kisses and licks to his own flared tip. “All hail the… nnnngh… the goddess of the sun…”

Celestia chuckled, despite herself, her massive tits covered in the juices of several ponies. “I’m happy to hear you enjoyed yourself. That was your town’s best showing ever, by far.” She got to her hooves as she slowly stood up to her full magnificent height, her folds still dripping wet.

“But, I’m afraid that our time together is over, my little ponies. I have to get myself cleaned up before my trip to Baltimare. They do expect so much of me down there…”

Luna's Big Heart

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The moon had risen high into the cloudless starry sky as Princess Celestia walked back into Canterlot Castle. It had taken only the slightest bit of her magic to restore her crown and simple white dress, tied only at the waist with a large pink sash hanging off her hip. For as much fun as she had smothering Las Pegasus underneath her famously impressive breasts, she had a certain air of dignity that simply had to be maintained within the castle walls. Even if she was only walking to her bedroom.

A dark gray unicorn stood at attention as Celestia approached her bedroom’s doors. “Good evening, Your Majesty,” said the guard.

“Good evening, Astral Star,” replied Celestia. “I take it there’s something I need to know before I get to bed?”

“Yes ma’am. Her Majesty, Princess Luna, is waiting inside her chambers for you. She wanted to see you as soon as you returned to the castle.”

Celestia’s eyes rolled towards the ceiling, though a smirk betrayed her amusement. “And whatever it is she needs to see me about can’t wait until I’ve gotten some sleep?”

“I’m very sorry, Your Highness. She insisted.”

Celestia sighed, shrugging her shoulders. “Very well. I can only hope Luna is going to keep this mercifully brief,” she said as she turned back down the hallway.

Celestia opened the double doors to Luna’s chamber with her magic, casually strolling in. “You called, sister?”

Luna was already facing the door, arms folded over her chest, tapping a finger to her arm with an impatient scowl across her face. The soft light of the torches reflected off Luna’s dark blue dress that sparkled like her flowing, starry mane.

“We most certainly did, Celestia. We simply must discuss these episodes of yours where you feel the urge to become gigantic.”

Celestia’s smirk went wider as her horn glowed, magically closing the doors behind her. “So I take it you’ve figured out where I was this afternoon?”

“All of Equestria knew where you were! And this is far from the first time we’ve had to watch you get so big since our return!” said Luna as she paced around Celestia.

“Story after story of you growing to the size of an enormous titan, smothering entire cities beneath thy bosom! Patrolling over the landscape, completely nude! Setting schedules to all this smothering, where our citizens have come to expect it! Even now, you return from one of these perverted gigantic outings! What has spurred you to turn all of Equestria’s landscape into your plaything? To have caused you to sell yourself out as a common concubine for the amusement of the citizens?”

“Lulu, relax,” said Celestia once she was finally able to get a word in. “It’s a combination of the spells ‘Size Shift’ and ‘Harmless.’ I’ve never hurt a soul for as long as you’ve been away.”

“That is hardly the point!” said Luna, stomping her hoof as she raised her voice. “We would know you were above such atrocities! But this is hardly much better! We are to be the pillars of strength and power, not objects to be lusted over!”

“We were lusted over ever since we became royalty. Remember the ‘Ancient Delights’ stories of two thousand years ago?”

“Tia!” Luna shouted with a soft blush coming to her cheeks.

With Luna still fuming, Celestia’s hand came to Luna’s shoulder, calming her a bit. She was still sneering up at Celestia, but at least Luna didn’t look like she was about to explode.

“Lulu. You and I both know how much we influence these ponies as the matriarchs of Equestria. We’re big, and thus, big is beautiful. I’ve just found a way to do it that makes all of our subjects happy.”

Though Luna was still angry, she made no attempt to move Celestia’s hand. “You call becoming a giant and mushing cities under your breasts being a matriarch?”

“Of course.” Celestia’s hand began to slowly stroke up and down Luna’s arm. “It is not enough for them to know that their princess will always be there for them. They have to know that we love them. I’ve chosen to show the love more physically than in the past millennia now, you see?”

Luna subconsciously leaned into Celestia’s hand. “And what in Equestria made you want to become a titan? The things I’ve seen about how big you become, Tia… You dwarf mountains! Even Dragon Lord Torch would be but an ant compared to you!”

Celestia chuckled. “There’s a rush to it, I’ll admit. And the bigger I get, the better it feels. I’ve tried to find a delicate balance without going overboard.”

The blush returned to Luna’s face, her eyes drifting towards Celestia’s hand as it rubbed across Luna’s arm. “So you could be even bigger?” Luna asked, only catching herself after she’d already said it.

Too late; Celestia’s grin had gone from ear to ear. “Why Luna, I had no idea you still felt the same kind of urge after all this time.”

Luna quickly turned away, sticking her nose up in a sneer and pacing towards the wall. The blush on her cheeks had only grown hotter. “I-I do not! To even think that I would commit such debauchery is laughable! I am a mare of beauty and grace, not a… a giant!”

Celestia couldn’t help but notice that Luna’s ass was giving a soft jiggle as Luna paced away in embarrassment. Celestia had always taken little cues from the eons they’d ruled together of how Luna was really feeling at any given moment. That little booty shake was one such cue. The common excuse was that one of the servants had sewn her dresses a little too small, or that Luna just liked them tight. But Celestia knew better. And it was fun watching Luna get so flustered.

Celestia stepped up behind Luna, suddenly grabbing Luna’s butt with one hand. It made the blush on Luna’s face light up brighter than the hallway’s torches. She whipped around to admonish Celestia, but was cut off by a sudden kiss.

With a gentle push, Celestia slid Luna’s shoulders into the bookshelf built into the wall, lips locked with her little sister. Luna’s hands grabbed Celestia’s arms with a tight grip, her dark blue bust pushed on by the far more impressive white pair. It wasn’t long before Luna’s grip softened, even trembled on her sister’s arms, melting in Celestia’s embrace.

“Tia…” A soft whisper gave way to Luna’s hands sliding to Celestia’s shoulders, whimpering with a sudden submission. Luna’s eyes closed, leaning back against the books and passionately kissing Celestia. She was putty in her sister’s hands as Celestia’s palms cupped the dark blue asscheeks, a slight push enough to make Luna whimper again.

And then Luna felt the distinct throb of her cock betray her lust for Celestia once and for all.

Besides how the tight dresses looked on her divine curves, Luna also liked them tight as they snugly hugged her impressively large cock and balls. On her favorite dress, the fabric curved just perfectly around her hugeness, outlining it and rubbing it constantly. It always was a delight to watch the male night guards feel “inadequate” next to their princess. Their faces always turned a hundred different shades of red out of embarrassment, jealousy, maybe even a touch of envy that this mare, goddess though she may be, dwarfed all of them in size.

This is what lead to the long-standing rumor that the royal sisters were secretly screwing each other’s brains out behind closed doors. There was no mare who could safely handle Luna’s dick but Celestia herself, they said. Even the strongest of earth ponies might be split in half by that tool. Thankfully, the sisters let the rumors run as idle gossip, letting it fade into the wet dreams of stallions everywhere. Even if the princesses had secretly soundproofed their bedrooms.

Celestia slid her lips away from Luna’s, a content sigh escaping. “I think I have a way of convincing you,” she whispered. With Luna’s eyes still closed, Celestia’s horn began to glow.

The first thing Luna heard as her eyes started to flutter open was a soft ripping, one that kept getting louder. She looked down to see that huge pair of white breasts erupting from the powerfully ripped dress, the fabric giving way to Celestia’s smooth soft skin in growing waves. There were those massive breasts, drawing ever closer to her, and her sister’s face going ever towards the ceiling…

Only too late did Luna realize that Celestia was going to demonstrate on her.

Luna opened her mouth to protest, but was stopped short by a nipple that pushed against her lips. The warm titflesh kept pushing Luna against the wall, her hands gripping the pillowy whiteness as she helplessly watched Celestia grow bigger. She was suddenly pushed harder against the bookshelf as Celestia shivered, a sudden tingling going straight up her back.

It was fortunate for Celestia that the rooms for the princesses had been expanded since Luna’s return. Sliding onto her hands and knees while she still had time, Celestia stifled a moan while Luna’s lips brushed against her nipple. The dark blue hands of the night princess gripped into the huge alicorn’s breast as it rolled Luna against her bedroom wall.

Celestia found the room becoming a little cramped at eight times her normal size, and stopped growing there. It was enough to completely encompass Luna’s vision in white. Her other senses were massaged by Celestia’s warm scent, soothing moans, and of course the perverse softness that smothered her against the wall.

Luna had given up all pretense of wanting to get away. It felt sinfully good beneath her sister’s massive tits. Her hands tried to just hold on against the masses of breast, feeling an all-too-familiar throb beneath her starry dress. “Nnngh… T-Tia, you…” she started before cutting herself off, just sliding her wet tongue across the massive nipple closest to her.

What those stallions wouldn’t give to see the sight of Luna’s dick throbbing, bigger and bigger, against the sparkling fabric of her dress. Her balls swelled as the huge black cock was massaged by Celestia’s titanic tits, their softness and warmth only spurning Luna to slam her tent forward.

“S-Sister!” Luna cried as she felt her own dress start to tear. Her breaths were sharp and short as Celestia slowly leaned her head up, letting her breasts jiggle against her sister. The starry fabric of Luna’s dressed strained against her hefty package thrusting against it from below, ready to rip at a moment’s notice. With her teeth grit, Luna’s horn glowed with a soft blue aura, using her magic to impatiently rip her dress away.

Celestia chuckled to herself, leaning forward again to gently push Luna’s nude frame backwards in a show of dominance. “I knew you still wanted me after a thousand years.”

Luna responded by pushing her swollen cock between Celestia’s huge tits, staring up at the large face of her big sister. Her hands gripped into Celestia’s nipples, grunting as she felt every inch of her huge cock massaged by the pleasant warmth of the large cleavage.

It was enough to cause Celestia to start moaning, pushing her tits together around Luna’s shaft. Her numerous giant smotherings had made her cleavage nice and sensitive. And it had been quite a while since anypony was bold enough to try and titfuck the world’s most famous pair of breasts. While Celestia was too big even for the likes of Luna, it was also one of the few times Luna herself had felt all of her massive meat being tended to all at once.

Luna could hardly deny how incredible it felt. She had always loved Celestia’s breasts, and the hundreds of times she’d stuffed her cock between them were never like this. The pleasant slap of her balls against her sister’s softness was delightful. The warmth of her cavernous cleavage was delicious. With another audible grunt of lust, Luna’s cock squirted a substantial load of precum all across Celestia’s rack. Enough to stain the massive tits that it was so heavenly sandwiched between in a few gallons of the stuff.

Being a god meant god-sized releases. And that was when Luna was at normal size. Yet another reason Luna had kept that cock away from her mortal subjects. Even if somepony could manage to hold in Luna’s massive marehood, they’d still be flooded when Luna inevitably came. Luna simply couldn’t have a population of ponies bloated into immobility with her cum, appealing as the thought was.

Celestia was a different story. Luna pumped her cock knowing that her sister could stand it, knowing that she was capable of handling the most violent and messy of her orgasms. Seeing Celestia that big, though, was giving Luna all kinds of filthy ideas. Celestia had already said how much better it felt when she was bigger. Luna just had to try it.

“Sister, please… indulge us with – aanh! – with the spells used for this growth! This is… UNH!” Luna’s horn began to spark with its cerulean magic, bringing her eyes up towards the giant alicorn in front of her. She could already feel her balls churning with the load she was going to release, and needed to get bigger quickly if she was going to have any hope of getting it off in time.

With a coy smirk, Celestia’s large fingertip reached forward and pushed on Luna’s horn, stopping the sparks. Luna’s thrusting even began to stutter to a stop, the expression on Celestia’s face already telling Luna that she wasn’t going to like what was coming.

“Oh, so now you want to know? Then I’ll be happy to oblige you,” said Celestia, giving Luna’s horn one last teasing flick. Agonizing as it was to deny herself the pleasure of Luna’s throbbing meat, Celestia began to pull herself backwards, the massive tits slowly parting and releasing the slick alicorn cock from between them, still stained heavily with Luna’s sticky pre-cum.

Luna could hardly believe what she was seeing as Celestia pulled her tits away from the large dick. But more than that, she could still feel the base of it throbbing and aching to be indulged, the inevitable still bubbling just below the surface. Her hands grabbed onto her shaft in a helpless attempt to hold it back, twitching and pulsing with her heartbeat.

“Tia! NNNGH! Y-You can’t do this to us! If we release now, we’ll-!”

Celestia cut her off by bringing her favorite spell book into view with a pop of her magic, nonchalantly making it float neatly onto the bookshelf behind Luna. “You’ll want to take a look at the bookmarked pages. ‘Harmless’ and ‘Size Shift,’ remember. They’re the spells that keep me going.”

“You wouldn’t! You- AANH!” Luna cried out, clutching her cock and thrusting forward into her own hands. She knew it was coming now. As much as she was gritting her teeth, sweating, and desperately trying to fight it, it was coming. She could see her huge swollen balls pumping the first bits of her load, a single long stream blasting forth onto Celestia’s tits.

Celestia slid a finger down across her boobs, getting part of that load from her cleavage. She dragged her tongue across her fingertip in a long, slow pull. The divine taste of Luna’s seed flooded into her mouth in an instant. Celestia almost purred with delight from the flavor as her horn glowed once again. Her lips curled into a smirk as she watched Luna helplessly try to hold on.

“Have a good night, Lulu.” And then she was gone with a teleport burst.


The release was instant and intense.

A tidal wave of Luna’s hot, creamy cum exploded from her tip, gushing her back against the bookshelf with the force of a cannon. Wave after wave of a massive stream of her seed flew everywhere across the room, staining the entire bedroom in a flood of pearly white. Luna’s lust spiked, the need inside of her built up into a soul-consuming desire. What little of Luna’s mind wasn’t clouded in a fog of lust was torn between cursing Celestia or praising her for the rush. She was screaming in the throes of orgasmic pleasure either way.

Her cock had a mind of its own, still cumming like a fire hose, sparing nothing from its touch. The soundproofing on her bedroom and the magic locks on her door were all that kept anypony else from being awash in the seemingly endless river of alicorn spunk. All Luna could do was hold on as her titanic balls finished their cosmic release and mercifully emptied. That is, if they would ever be empty.

Mercifully, the divine orgasm finally did come to a stop after what felt like centuries of being trapped in intense bliss. Luna slid down against the bookshelf and panted hard, covered from mane to hoof in her own massive load, along with everything else.

“Blast you, Celestia...” Luna spat as her eyes opened to survey the scene. Her cock drooled out the final few droplets of cum into the thick lake beneath her as she saw just how powerful her release had been. Except for the bookshelf behind her, Luna’s room had been completely covered in white. Her bed, the paintings on the walls, the furniture, the dresses… Nothing was not covered in a thick layer of white alicorn paint. Even the floor she slumped onto was a foot deep in the stuff.

Luna slowly tilted her head up to that spell book Celestia had mentioned moments before leaving her to her sticky fate. The pages glowed a dark blue as she brought it before her, starting to study it. So this was what all the fuss was about. This was how her sister had compelled herself to become a titan unlike anything before her. She could only read so much before the overwhelming scent of her flooded bedroom drew her attention away.

She was going to have a long night ahead of her.

Luna’s heart beat against her chest as she walked through the woods at the base of Mt Canterlot. The sight should have been a calming one for her; the moon shining its pale light, the stars twinkling down onto the ponies who tucked themselves in. But this was going to be far from an ordinary night.

She’d spent the entire night a week prior cleaning up her bedroom. It was a minor miracle that she was able to get the cum stains off of it all before anypony would notice, thanks to a copious amount of magic. It had deprived Luna of an entire night’s worth of other work, and Celestia’s crude smirks and jokes about the mess for the rest of the week were no help at all.

Still, the rest of the nights this past week were good ones. Luna had taken time to try those spells in private, and found they were everything Celestia claimed they were. Perhaps even more, since Luna almost risked staining her bedroom a second time after managing to reach fifty feet tall in private.

Just thinking about this night was enough to send a different kind of shiver up Luna’s spine. If what Celestia had said was true, then what Luna was about to do wouldn’t cause anypony harm. And it was already very common for these citizens to expect their princesses to be big, she told herself. Celestia had taken the last millennium to get the entire sentient population of Equus used to the idea. Besides, the city of Canterlot was built on a slope, perfect for her whims.

Luna’s assurances were doing little to calm her nerves. What she was about to do would forever change the perceptions ponies had about her. She took in a few deep breaths, wondering if this is how Celestia felt the first time she did anything like this.

Making sure that the area was clear first, Luna took off her dress and laid it on the ground. She was already nervous enough; the last thing she needed was somepony interrupting her. Her magic levitated two small pieces of parchment in front of her, each with an incantation of the two spells. Softly, Luna read the words for the “Harmless” spell and sent her magic through her like a shot.

A large tingle went up Luna’s back like a sudden chill as the spell took its hold. Her wings momentarily fanned out, the tingling sending a sudden jolt through her impressive crotch. She even felt a nice little bounce in her ass. Even through all of her tests in the last week, she still hadn’t quite gotten used to that. Just to make sure, Luna reached her hand out to a nearby tree and gave it a good shove. Her strength was such that it should have uprooted the entire tree from the earth, but it didn’t move an inch.

Luna had to steel her nerves as the moment approached. She flipped to the second scrap of parchment. This was what it had all led to. There would be no going back once she cast this spell. One last deep breath. Her hands slowly curled and uncurled. She softly recited the incantation.

“Size Shift.”

And Luna began to grow.

It was tentative at first, slowly building to double her height, growing to twenty feet. She poured more of her power into the spell, growing faster. Luna hit thirty feet, and was stretching past fifty feet moments later as she felt the changes wash over her. She watched the tops of the mighty trees around her get ever closer until she began to brush past them. The branches bounced and swayed across her body as the spells kept her from breaking them, dragging across her breasts, soft jiggling ass, and her groin, which had already begun to throb as her nervousness turned to anticipation.

A particularly big branch slid its way between Luna’s asscheeks as she grew past it, prompting a sudden grunt from the huge alicorn. She knew that her nerves would be more sensitive at this size, but nothing like that. And she was still so far from big enough! Luna looked down, seeing the tops of the trees slide past her huge tits, then up at the mountain that held the city of Canterlot.

Luna’s doubts began to further wash away thanks to that lovely little branch. She poured her power into her spell and grew faster still, her horn’s magic lighting up the night sky. The tree trunks bent around her hooves, her cock pulsing with the sensations of every little gust of wind or brush of her mane shooting delight through her body. Her thick black marehood had been erecting ever since her spell began, and now it was getting closer to being its true size. The size that nopony except Celestia had truly had the honor of seeing. Her moans echoed into the night, the city and the castle getting closer and closer.

The citizens of Canterlot had felt the rumbles in the earth, that distinctive magic in the air. The more affluent sections of the city, especially, felt a jolt once they knew the earth was shaking. But a quick glance at their town didn’t show any signs of damage.

Coin Purse, with an annoyed scowl, sat back down in her plush chair, her coifed brown mane not moving an inch out of place. “Celestia having some of her fun in the evening with the town?” she said with a snooty up-turn, brushing the frills of her expensive red dress until they were straight again. “Tut-tut. She may be the princess, but she has no manners for the schedules of the common citizen.”

The nervous clearing of somepony’s throat nearby turned Coin Purse’s head. She saw her old servant staring through the silk curtains at something on the horizon.

“Er, Madame Purse, beg pardon, but that’s… N-Not Princess Celestia.”

“What?” Coin Purse quickly rose from her chair again, marching to her mansion’s balcony and throwing open the door. “Now what could it be if not…”

Coin Purse’s words fell out of her throat as her jaw hung open, staring into the starry sky.

There was the magnificent form of Princess Luna, bigger than the entire mountain. A spark of magic flicked from her horn as she towered over the entire city, staring down at the buildings below. Coin Purse could have sworn she saw a faint blush fading from her cheeks, but it was outdone in an instant by her much more impressive alicorn cock. That throbbing monster could swallow the whole castle down its tip! And the scent of her musk was already starting to flow across the town.

Many a pony had come out to see the commotion as the rumbling momentarily stopped, only to be greeted with the same towering image. Their gorgeous princess of the night, standing tall over their city, with a cock that could put even the most studly of earth ponies to shame with its size. Nopony quite knew what to make of it, all standing in the streets and staring with a mixture of surprise, fascination, and the odd tingle of lust.

Luna, for her part, could feel her heart about to beat out of her chest again. She hadn’t even really moved yet, and she could already feel her nerves firing with little bits of pleasure all across her body. She looked towards the castle, scanning for her sister’s balcony, wondering if she was watching. She was about to show every one of her subjects what she’d only shown Celestia for millennia. She could only hope it was worth the wait for them.

Without a word, Luna began to lean forward. The mountain groaned as Luna’s hands braced themselves on the rocky slopes. The massive black cock descended from on high towards the town with a rumble of its own. The waterfalls that poured from the bottom of the city drenched Luna’s titanic balls in a cool rush, causing her to lean lower in a sudden jerk, slapping her shaft down against the city.

“UNNNH!” Already, Luna’s dick felt incredible as it rubbed against the tops of buildings, into the streets and on top of the ponies who found themselves unable to do anything but gawk at their princess. Any worries they may have had were quelled as they saw Luna’s monstrous cock push forward and pull backward over the cityscape. Despite its fantastic weight, the huge black tool wasn’t laying a scratch on anypony; it was only filling them with the same urges that Celestia’s tits had always done.

If the musk of Luna was powerful before, now it was overwhelming. Wealthy socialite and back alley pony alike felt their lust spike as the musk filled the air. Coin Purse’s mansion was one of many buried beneath Luna’s shaft, and the normally self-composed pony was pinned to her balcony, the enormous shaft rubbing across her entire frame all at once as it slapped against the mansion. She had already taken to kissing and licking the tool as it pinned her, unable to think of anything else.

Luna’s heavy nuts slapped against the bottom of the city as she kept thrusting, the waterfalls pouring down more of that delightful water across them. The tip of her cock pushed against the castle itself, the night guards pinned to the stones as she wouldn’t give them a moment’s peace from her passions, grabbing and holding onto the flare for dear life and licking just as hard. Her vast, expansive cock was fucking the entire city into submission.

In all of the millennia, Luna had never felt anything like it. She suddenly got it. Why Celestia would go out and be a giant. Even if that business about being a “matriarch” was true, this rush was more than enough to justify this magnificent size. Luna’s cock likely weighed more than the city itself, and the mountain it hung on was a plaything for a real goddess like her. She kept pounding her dick across the city, faster and faster, making the town quiver with the need to be dominated. It was a rush of power, of dominance, of pure unaltered perversion, and Luna was loving every moment of it.

Her hands grabbed onto the top of the mountain with a loud clasp, drawing out a long guttural moan as her powerful, immense dick slammed against the castle. Even with the “Harmless” spell, Luna’s thrusts were still enough to shake the whole mountain to its core. The castle and the city beneath her vastness rumbled and shook from her delight, the endless streams of water below spilling onto Luna’s monstrous balls.

Coin Purse had lost herself completely. What was moments ago a socialite that examined every facet of her appearance under a microscope was now a sweaty, grunting, horny beast that was grabbing onto whatever she could reach of Luna’s mighty cock. Coin Purse’s nethers quivered as she pushed her tits against the black pillar, having ripped off her own clothes in a furious primal heat. The warmth of the cock above her flooded through every fiber of her tiny body, unwilling or perhaps unable to contain herself. And Coin Purse was far from alone. Everypony in her mansion, even those that couldn’t reach Luna’s titanic meat, were ripping their clothes apart and fucking in earnest. The pegasi watching on the clouds around the city were openly masturbating, one particularly horny couple even fucking in mid-air. The pheromones of the goddess were just too powerful for any ordinary mortal mind to resist.

Suddenly, there was another rumble. One from directly below the city. One that made Luna suddenly shiver with delight.

For a moment, Luna’s voice caught in her throat. Being so enormous meant that even the first spurts of her pre-cum took seconds to climb all the way through the titanic cock. She felt the intense pleasure rocket through her, finally gushing free onto the castle itself. The immensely sticky load covered the structure, top to bottom, more of it leaking onto the town below. Luna couldn’t stop staring. It was beautiful. The most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

Luna’s hands held onto the mountain with as much power as her restrained might would allow, drawing her cock back and pounding it across Canterlot. Thousands felt the cock thrust over their bodies, even more feeling the rumble from below as Luna’s balls smacked into the bottom of the city and the base of the mountain like enormous wrecking balls. The world had witnessed her wrath before. Now, it would witness her joy.

Luna couldn’t stop it now. She felt it practically boiling inside of her. This load would be beyond imagination. Beyond mortal comprehension. And every thrust brought Luna closer. He guttural grunts became louder, the quiet night pierced by the low moans of the horny goddess. She could hear the lustful cries of her people. They were begging for her. Begging to be loved by her forever.

The castle was already coated. The scents of her musk and her pre-cum were intense. The heat kept rising.

Luna didn’t fight it. Not this time. This time would be her ultimate release. Her screams grew in pitch and volume by the second. She felt it flowing up her titanic black cock. She buried her vast tip against the castle. Her pulsating shaft still smothered the town below. And her balls crashed into the mountainside with the fury of a thunderstorm.

At long last, Luna finally began to cum.

The impossible flow of Luna’s seed burst from her tip against the castle. Cum loads the size of the deepest lakes in Equestria burst forth every moment, coating the castle in mere moments. The loads just kept coming, flooding down into the streets below on Canterlot’s slopes. The streets crowded by horny mobs were suddenly washed over by a tidal wave of white alicorn cum, an amount too big to measure flowing across the whole city.

Luna was far from finished. In fact, her cumming grew stronger as her balls began pumping out more of her load at once, pulses of immense pleasure making her scream loud enough to be heard as far away as Griffonstone. The citizens across all of Canterlot were showered in the sea of seed, floating higher and higher in the growing tide as Luna’s cock just would not stop cumming. Not even the mountain itself could contain it, flowing down the sides like an erupting volcano, starting to pool around Luna’s hooves deep in the forest below.

Load after load, lake after lake of cum flowed from Luna’s titanic cock for what must have felt like eons. Only after she felt mere thousand-gallon bursts pump from her balls did she look at Canterlot from her perch.

It was even thicker than her bedroom. A dribble of her cum the size of a river flowed from the bottom of Canterlot in place of the waterfalls. What few buildings weren’t completely submerged in her immense release were covered in horny ponies that had been washed onto their roofs. Many were savoring the taste, drinking it from the vast pools and licking it from each other’s bodies. There was plenty to go around, after all. As thick as the sea of cum was on Canterlot, still more was flowing down the mountainside, the trees in the forest at its base having their trunks coated.

Luna panted and gasped for breath. She still felt like she was in orgasm, even as her cock’s loads dribbled down to only a few gallons before finally stopping. She looked and looked across the cum-covered city, watching her people call her name, worshiping her and her incredible cock.

In spite of herself, Luna could not help but grin, leaning in once more to join them in licking up part of that flood. It was going to be another long night of clean-up.

Celestia grunted in her bedroom. What little she could see out of her bedroom window was the most awe-inspiring scene that she’d ever witnessed. It was just as much of a rush as making her titanic tits smother a town, and Luna had done it all by herself. Celestia had the good sense to keep her doors and windows closed, but the temptation was there to let Luna’s flood in.

After three sensational releases, Celestia had finally begun to calm down, sitting up on her stained sheets with a content sigh. She rubbed one of her sheets over her crotch while her horn glowed, magically bringing over a blank scroll and an ink quill, beginning to write with a perverse smile on her face.

“My dearest niece, Cadance…”

Cadance's Big Heart

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The morning sun shimmered high in the sky over the Crystal Empire. The snow on the outer rim of the empire had long since melted, giving way to a balmy heat that hung heavy in the summer’s air. The huge spire in the center of town was sending waves of light through the windows of the palace at the north end, letting a trace of color shine on the floor of the royal couple’s bedroom.

Princess Cadance turned slowly under the thin silk sheets with a delighted purr as she stirred awake. The fabric slid down her smooth pink skin as her eyes fluttered open, staring across the bed at her husband.

Shining Armor was still sound asleep. The stallion prince did look a bit uncomfortable in the heat beneath the blankets, but he’d manage. It had been another lovely night next to his wife, one only stopped by Shining’s gradually draining stamina. As much as Shining trained his body to be in prime physical shape, even he could only last so long with an alicorn.

Cadance threw her long legs over the side of the bed, stretching her arms over her head as she stood up, puffing out her large pink breasts. Heading for the bathroom, she thought a cool shower might do her some good before she headed out into public. One of the perks of summertime was the mornings were slow to start.

Cadance caught a quick glance of herself in the mirror. She smirked and waved to her reflection, puffing her chest up slightly.

“Morning, sexy,” she said to her reflection.

Cadance’s ascension into an alicorn had gifted her with a lot of things. Among them was a magically perfect body. Much like her aunts, Cadance had hardly needed to try to keep her form looking big and beautiful. Though right now, with a sweaty coat and matted-down mane, she looked, fittingly enough, like she’d just rolled out of bed.

Unlike her aunts, Cadance had a rather unique problem. As the goddess of love, an alicorn who was made instead of born, she hadn’t had time to adapt to her unique skill set. A problem she had time to reflect on as she stepped into the large shower, cool water spraying over her bare skin.

She’d turned the dial to just the right temperature, letting the water gradually heat up to lukewarm. Cadance’s smile went wider as she slid her hands up over her pert pink chest, her fingers instinctively rubbing around in circles over her nipples. She even giving her tits a nice squeeze once she felt that her nipples were still hard. She wondered if they’d stayed that way all night after her private time with Shining Armor. It was a kinky enough thought to give her tits an even better squeeze.

And therein was the problem: Cadance was always horny.

At first, she’d been a bit unused to the idea of a bottomless libido. Cadance was always something of a flirt since high school, but the desire to screw everypony she laid eyes on was a thought that took some getting used to.

Cadance had the common courtesy to ask Shining Armor a few things first. Even so, it was hard to keep her eyes from wandering. Or her hands, for that matter. Cadance’s took one of her boobs in her left hand while her right slipped down to her crotch. An errant slip, and Cadance found her fingertip sliding across her folds. She stopped, but only for a moment. The smile on her face almost went from ear to ear.

Now was as good a time as any for it. Shining wouldn’t be awake THAT soon.

Cadance gently pumped two fingertips between her folds, leaning her head against the wall and stifling a couple moans, low enough to be drowned out by shower’s rushing water. Her free hand teased her dark pink nipple, her eyes sliding shut.

Her mind, as it was one to do during these times, began to wander, never staying in any one spot for too long. First, to Shining Armor and last night. The way he’d been eating her pussy out was the best he’d done in months. He’d even made her drool all over her pillow as she squirted all over his face. Such a gentleman.

That reminded Cadance of their honeymoon, where she’d ripped off his clothes in the back of their carriage and ridden his cock before they even got to the hotel. The benefits of a private carriage had convinced Cadance to indulge in them less as a luxury and more as a necessity after that.

Then came a particularly nice encounter with a new guard. Cadance had kept teasing him for days, a tiny bit of magic preventing him from cumming without Cadance’s say-so. By the end of the third day, he was openly beating off in the halls, desperate for relief. She could still remember the looks on everypony’s faces as he was on his hands and knees, begging her to let him release in the middle of a packed royal court.

Thinking of “royal courts” meant it wasn’t long before Cadance thought of her aunts Celestia and Luna. Cadance loved Luna’s dresses that were “sewn a little too small,” and the way her impressive package was always outlined. Cadance had always been completely shameless about trying to get her hands around Luna’s crotch, rubbing and squeezing it even out in public. The way Luna’s face had always turned a hundred different shades as she’d blush only made it even hotter.

And then, Cadance thought of the first time she’d ever gotten a taste of Celestia’s famous breasts.

The diplomacy trip to Griffonstone was going well at the time, with Cadance sucking the diplomat’s cock deep into her mouth and his escort ramming her tight ass from behind. A blowjob always seemed to get negotiations to swing in her favor. And the diplomat always loved the way she’d swirl her tongue around the tip of his dick while playing with his balls.

Being bigger than the average pony made Cadance the perfect size for the average griffon. And having an endless sex drive along with the body of a goddess to go with it made Cadance able to make anyone of any species weak at the knees. She remembered the smile that crossed her face as the escort pounded her plump pink ass. And the submissive stare that she’d given the diplomat to get him really going. Having their undivided attention and admiration was going to make this easy.

That is, until they and the rest of Griffonstone felt a low rumble from the base of the mountain. Cadance remembered looking up just in time to see the titanic Celestia ascending into the heavens, those titanic tits threatening to swallow the whole city between them.

The look in Celestia’s eyes when she spotted Cadance was one she’d never forget. It was a look that said everything one needed to know about Celestia all at once. The look of a hungry predator over her prey, combined with the beauty and power of the real ruler of Equus was one that still paralyzed Cadance.

As Celestia lowered those mounds over Griffonstone, smothering her niece and the rest of the entire city under her tits, Cadance had never felt anything quite like the warmth that smothered her. The scent and warmth of Celestia invading every sharp breath. The soft skin smoothly sliding across her own nude frame. Even the griffon diplomats were reduced to little more than savage beasts beneath the legendary tits.

Thoughts like those kept Cadance’s fingers moving, faster and faster. She curled her hand against her crotch and tilted her head up against the wet tiles. An unrestrained grunt echoed through the bathroom, her fingertips clenched by the warm lips.

Cadance’s honey leaked onto her palm, her mind fixated on the sight of that fierce gaze from her aunt Celestia once again. As delightful as it was to remember having massive tits pushed against her body, the show of dominance was just as fascinating. The fact that anypony – even her aunt – could paralyze Cadance with just a look was still getting her wet.

After a few moments of pure bliss, Cadance opened her eyes, adjusting her vision to the light as she came down.

“Mmmm… love you, Auntie Tia.”

The rest of Cadance’s shower was mundane enough. A few exotic shampoos and sacred oils to give her mane and coat that perfect shine and softness. After the water creaked to a stop, Cadance wrapped a fresh towel around herself and walked towards her bedroom to rouse Shining Armor. The love goddess was already feeling her insatiable lust climb back up.

“A nice set of soft boobs bouncing in his face will get him good and alert,” Cadance thought. “Maybe I’ll tease him until he follows me onto the balcony. We can do it right where everypony can watch.”

It seemed too kinky a thought not to entertain. Cadance took a quick right turn to the balcony, throwing the double doors open as she stepped outside. The summer heat instantly washed over her, beaming over the crystal ponies that walked the streets far below. With the Crystal Heart down below the castle, and the huge spire that loomed over the whole empire, there would be no way that somepony wouldn’t see them right on the balcony.

Cadance idly wondered what Celestia might think if she could see her niece being plowed like a common whore on display, glancing up at the spire. But then, if Celestia was going to visit the Empire, it would be from an even higher perch than this one. It had been a thousand years since she’d made an impression on the crystal ponies, and she’d insist on giving them something to remember her by.

Then, the perfect storm of thoughts in Cadance’s mind started to come together. She thought of her aunts, those gigantic playtimes across all of Equestria, the desire to be seen by everypony, and now, her own power. Cadance was an alicorn, too. A literal god among ponies.

Then she remembered the scroll that had curiously arrived a few nights ago. The one with a few spells written out in detail across it. The one after she’d received a report of a “flood” in Canterlot…

A truly wicked grin spread across Cadance’s face.

“Oh, this is going to be fun.”

It was hard enough for the crystal ponies to focus on what they were doing when Princess Cadance walked down the street. She was beautiful, sweet, and had a curvy figure to match, worthy of an alicorn princess. It was harder when Cadance always seemed to be in a good mood, blowing kisses and making bedroom eyes at almost everypony that she passed, the goddess of love always one to make her people smile.

And it was impossible to not stare when Cadance was doing all of it stark naked.

Her hands idly behind her head, the princess walked with her bare breasts puffed out, the soft pink tits jiggling with the slightest movement. Her slow steps gave her time to sway her ass from side to side, the shower she’d taken giving her coat a light sheen that glistened in the bright sunlight.

Forget the summer heat. She was the hottest thing in the Empire.

All the crystal ponies stopped, staring at their lewd princess as she casually strolled down the middle of the road. Cadance’s usual playful flirting carried far more of an impact, her bedroom eyes and kiss-blowing making any mare or colt swoon for her.

As she turned her head towards the center of the road, one colt had found himself frozen in place, right in Cadance’s path. She stood just in front of him, leaning herself down slowly so that her breasts were close to his face, a fingertip trailing from his chest to his chin. Already, he was putty in her hands. The poor stallion never stood a chance.

“Hey, cutie. What’s your name?” said Cadance in a low whisper.

“I-It’s, uh… It’s Bronze Bolt, Y-Your Highness,” the crystal colt finally said, his tongue tripping over his words.

Cadance flicked her fingertip off of his chin, running it down her cleavage. Bronze couldn’t help but look at Cadance’s boobs. Those big, perfectly pink boobs.

“And do you like what you see, Bronze Bolt?” she asked, inching ever closer.

The world around Bronze Bolt faded as Cadance’s cleavage filled his vision. She saw his arms move towards her chest, but stop before he could touch her. It got a little chuckle out of Cadance.

“I guess you do, then! Okay, cutie, here’s the really big question…” Cadance had leaned in to where her lips were brushing up against Bronze’s ear. “Do you want to see more?”

Her breasts slid up against his chest, making Bronze give in and grab Cadance’s tits. She purred as his hands pushed into the soft pinkness, bouncing gently in his grip. He couldn’t even get the words out this time, stammering helplessly.

Cadance licked her lips, her horn starting to glow with a sky blue aura. “Good boy.” She slowly pushed more of her weight against Bronze, making him lay down in the middle of the road, never letting her huge breasts out of his hands.

By now, a crowd had started to gather around, watching Bronze melt before Cadance. His pants had tented hard, with Cadance rubbing her thigh against his crotch just to egg him on.

As she pushed Bronze down into the road, Cadance’s magic began washing over her body. The spell took its effect quickly, sending a tingle up her back, making her feathery wings flutter. Cadance looked down at the rather distracted Bronze Bolt, lifting her tits out of his reach. That got his attention just long enough to see her pushing them back down into his face.

Cadance started softly, just letting her tits jiggle, but gradually pushed down, harder and harder. Her hands pushed on the road to the side of Bronze’s head, her hard nipples and soft titflesh smothering the colt’s face. The more pressure she applied, the more confident she became.

Soon, she slammed her hands down hard around Bronze’s head. It should have been enough power for her natural alicorn strength to crack the road. Even the crowd took a step back, but not a pebble was moved out of place. Her weight and strength also should have knocked out the crystal colt as her tits kept getting pushed harder into his face. He was helpless, certainly, but he was still moaning beneath the pink boobs, letting his tongue slide over one of Cadance’s hard nipples.

Her heart was almost beating out of her chest with excitement. Cadance arched her back and grunted, a sharp moan very unbecoming of a princess echoing down the street.

“Unh! Oh, you want more, big boy? I’ll give you more!” she said as her horn glowed again, even brighter than before. “Lots, LOTS more!”

The crowd gasped as they watched their princess grow.

It started off slow, but her excitement drove her to pump more and more of her magic into the spell, growing bigger and bigger, faster and faster. Bronze Bolt felt the warm, soft tits growing down his body, trapping him beneath the huge pink breasts.

Not that he was complaining. Her tits were big enough to cover him completely in mere moments, and the colt bucked his hips in a fever pitch against the softness. As Cadance grew, he wasn’t the only one, a few of the crystal ponies pushed into the buildings at the side of the street by the huge pink tits.

Cadance’s moaning grew louder as she kept getting bigger. Her hands were soon touching the buildings on the side of the road, then pushing down on top of them just seconds later. She kept her tits pushed down against the street for as long as she could, determined to bring the colt to rapture before she did.

It was proving a daunting task. Cadance was starting to realize why her aunt Celestia always got so big. This felt good. Almost too good. Her nerves were on fire with pleasure, her fingertips curling around anything she could get her hands on. Her smooth legs slid across her empire, biting her lip in-between very unprincesslike guttural grunts.

“Ah… oh, yes yes YES YEEEEEES!” Cadance shouted, echoing beneath the shield that surrounded the city. Her legs parted, coming closer and closer to the castle the bigger she got, kicking her hooves harmlessly against the town. Her pussy was soaking wet, dribbling large drops across the rooftops as she fought the urge to never stop growing.

The entire empire now knew of her getting bigger, the citizens all watching her expand ever upwards. More ponies became trapped as Cadance’s tits rolled over the streets, smothering them in warmth, the scent of the beautiful princess all around them as her wet pussy kept the smell of sex in the air.

All in all, nopony seemed to mind.

Cadance finally tore herself away from her wonderful growth, eyeing the tip of her castle now only slightly above. Her horn’s magic snuffed out, leaving the princess panting for breath at a massive size. The pleasure took more time to fade, making Cadance’s moans echo across the Crystal Empire for much longer. It felt like the slightest jiggle of her gigantic breasts or her titanic butt would make her cum right there.

“Oh, fuuuuuuck… mmh. Oh, Auntie, the things I’m going to do to you, nnngh…” said Cadance, not caring that the whole empire could hear her booming voice. She was already picturing being plowed against Canterlot by her aunt, with her husband and her sister-in-law watching it all.

It took minutes for Cadance to calm down, slowly uncurling her hands and releasing a few crystal ponies she’d squeezed into the softness of her palms. Several more were still stuck underneath the mountains of pink tits that she’d pushed into the road, grasping and grunting in unabated lust for her. Bronze Bolt had long since passed out, lying prone against the road where it all started, a massive stain on the front of his pants. At least he’d fainted with a smile on his face.

Finally, Cadance began to push herself up. A low rumble filled the air as her titanic tits were lifted from the street, a few of the ponies trying in vain to hang on as she stood up to her new, full height.

Cadance had grown truly huge. The magic she poured into that spell had made her big enough to be seen from any spot in the entire city. Even the top of the crystal castle only just reached her flat belly. Her horn was coming close to touching the magical aura that hung over the Empire as she stood. And she knew that all her subjects would be staring. It had been a thousand years; they’d never seen anything quite like this.

Cadance’s signature smile spread across her face again as she got back to her senses, looking down at the awestruck crystal ponies. Many of them had their jaws hanging open. A few of them, particularly those who’d been caught under her tits, were openly playing with themselves. Several of them looked scared out of their minds, like they’d just seen the third coming of King Sombra.

“Oh don’t you worry, my little ponies,” said Cadance, her voice booming through the air like a loudspeaker. “This is a little tiny something my aunt Celestia taught me.” To prove her point, Cadance slowly raised her long leg, taking a step towards her castle. There was a long and low rumble from the hoof as she rolled her step on top of a shop on the side of the road, but there was no damage.

To prove her point again, Cadance took another step towards the castle, but this time while pressing her hoof down against the road, and the tops of the buildings on either side. Still nothing.

As Cadance stood up to her full massive height, she popped her hips, making her ass give a nice shake to the ponies behind her. Her hips kept swaying side to side, the massive pink butt swaying in the heat as she began to circle the castle. The princess kept pacing around her home with heavy but slow steps, occasionally giving the smooth crystal tower a push, her eyes tracing over the crowds of ponies.

The newly-appointed wizard Sunburst was among the many staring at the perfectly pink booty as Cadance passed by. His mind suddenly wouldn’t tell his mouth what to do, jaw hanging open as he couldn’t take his eyes away from that ass. The way it just kept jiggling made even his brain foggy.

“P-Princess, those spells… t-they could be…” Sunburst stammered out. Cadance didn’t hear him. Sunburst was half-sure even he didn’t hear him. It was hard to think, his cloak heavily tented with an erection and his vision filled with the butt of a goddess.

Cadance stopped circling around the castle, her hand having moved to the tallest spire in the center, gently pressing her finger into the tip. She leaned forward, pushing her ass out behind her, giving an eyeful to Sunburst and the thousands of citizens behind her.

“I would never do anything to hurt you. You all know that, don’t you?” she cooed to her subjects, puffing out her chest to make her titanic tits bounce. The fear that hung over a few of the citizens began to wash away. “I love each and every one of you. That’s what I’ve only ever wanted the Empire to be filled with…”

A flick to the spire was followed by Cadance’s hand sliding across the tower, her bedroom eyes falling onto the castle.


The last of the ponies’ fears were gone, but as Cadance leaned down, many couldn’t believe what she was about to do. But none of them dared look away now.

The huge pink tits of Cadance wrapped around the smooth crystal spire, pushing them together in a lewd display. Her mouth came up to the tip of the tower, licking across it in long, slow strokes of her tongue. The licks soaked the tower as the ponies watched Cadance from below, most of them abandoning all sense of decency. Their clothes were stripped off, playing with themselves and praising their princess. The warm scent of Cadance kept growing stronger the more she licked over her castle, making it impossible to resist the urge.

Cadance parted her lips, leaning directly over the castle, slowly closing her mouth around the spire. Her hands curled in around the base, gathering a few dozen crystal ponies in her palms, pushing them into the arches beneath the spire, surrounded by soft pink skin on all sides. Her tits, more sensitive than ever at her huge size, jiggled around the tower, moving down closer to the ground as her lips sunk lower.

As Cadance clenched her lips down, she gently sucked on the smooth crystal, bobbing her head down, lowering herself until her breasts gently touched the ground. Beneath the enormous tits were dozens more ponies, still more rushing to grab and rub the massive breasts. Cadance moaned from deep within her throat, her tongue swirling around the spire, feeling her people grab and grope her huge boobs. Her fingers curled in lust, grabbing the castle’s base and squeezing, not a single crack in the crystal.

“Praise Princess Cadance! All hail the crystal princess!” came cries from around the empire, the horny mob below her shouting the loudest. The fever pitch around her was making Cadance very wet, clenching her mouth down harder. She could feel every one of the dozens of hands, tongues, and cocks pushing into her tits, pressing them into the ground on and around her people. She could even feel the first few spurts of cum soaking into her tits from the most aroused of the crystal ponies.

The intoxicating scent of sex was everywhere, and Cadance was lapping it up. But as good as it was, as close as she was coming to letting the ponies drive her over the edge, she had to do it herself. With some reluctance, her lips released the castle from her mouth, pulling upwards.

“Unh! Oh gods! Mmh!” she moaned out, pulling her massive breasts from the ground, panting and grabbing the castle as she pulled herself up. The ponies hanging on to her tits were jarred loose by the natural jiggle as she went up, all eyes in the Empire fixated on her.

There was a distinct look in Cadance’s eyes. As she panted, the arousal intense even for her, she stared down over her subjects.

Sunburst saw it in her eyes. The look of a hungry predator. The one that said “you’re mine, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” A thin smile curled across her lips. She drew in a sharp breath, letting out a single word.


With the spire still slick with Cadance’s spit, it was becoming clear what she meant. The powerful pony pulled herself upwards, brushing her chest across the spire. She leaned her pink pussy over the tower, and began to descend.

Given how huge she was, Cadance knew that the tower wouldn’t make her pussy stretch out the way she wanted. But the intoxication of this shameless lewd display, with the entire Empire looking on, meant it would more than make up for it. Just the tip so much as touching her folds made Cadance suddenly twitch and squeal with delight.

“Gh! Mmh! Oh f-fuuuuuck yeeeees…!” she moaned as she could barely stand the anticipation. Lowering herself down further, Cadance was soon sprawling herself over the Empire again as her castle turned into a marital aid. A crowd that had gathered blocks away soon found themselves looking up at a mountainous pair of pink tits that descended onto them from the heavens. The sweat of Cadance’s body from the heat even made the crystal ponies trapped beneath her stomach surrounded by the scent of the love goddess. Beneath the tower, the scent was even stronger, the heat from Cadance’s pussy and the juices flowing into the streets sending the crystal ponies in the archway into maddened lust.

It was even greater than Cadance hoped it would be.

Her hands gripping into multiple buildings each, Cadance quickly rose her hips up and slammed them back down against the spire with a wet thud against the ground. All the while, Cadance was moaning and grunting, drooling down across her subjects. As she rammed her pussy down against the tower, she clenched her folds down tight against the castle, building herself up as much as she could.

“More!” she cried again, her horn sparking into a bright glow. “More! MORE!”

Even with her hips bucking down against the spire, Cadance began to grow again. The castle’s tower rubbed less against her wet folds the bigger she got, but her nerves were so sensitive that the mere act of humping herself into the ground was enough to get Cadance sweating. And the feeling of the tower slicking out of her pussy from growing was still delightful.

Below, Sunburst was one of the many ponies grabbing his crotch, rubbing his dick with fervent passion as Cadance grew. He couldn’t help himself. Nopony could. Through his fogged vision, he saw Cadance’s horn approaching the barrier around the Empire, still glowing bright. He tried to open his mouth to cry something up to the princess, but all that came out was a moan and a long string of grunts as he collapsed onto the street. One of Cadance’s tits slowly passed overhead as she approached the barrier, causing Sunburst to grab onto his cock even harder, humping the air. All thoughts quickly faded from his mind, including whatever had been so important a moment ago. He thrust with all his might into his hands, his brain too fogged for any more rational thought.

Cadance was too lost in her own growing pleasure to notice until her horn had touched the barrier. The Size Shift spell combined with the barrier caused an odd, but not unpleasant reaction. The spell needed magic to make its target big. And it had found a lot.

The barrier’s power suddenly flowed into Cadance, slamming her body with pure magical energy. The barrier dropped as Cadance’s eyes shot open.

Her growth exploded.

With a unkempt shout, Cadance grew, faster and faster, her whole body bigger than the Empire and still increasing. She pulled her hips up to slam them back down, her pussy able to swallow her entire castle. The dripping wetness was falling across buildings large and small. She didn’t stop. She couldn’t stop.

Cadance kept increasing in size until, at last, the entire town was caught against the folds of the massive princess. Her horn sparked to a stop. Cadance didn’t notice. She only faintly heard her subjects screaming in pleasure.

The Crystal Empire was lost in a maddened fuckfest. Orgies took place in every street. Random strangers were slamming each other without mercy. Many were locked in helpless orgasms that wouldn’t end. Seed and sweat filled the air in every building and household.

Sunburst had taken to ramming his fat cock down a crystal mare’s throat. She swallowed his meat down hungrily, clutching his shaft and rubbing with fervent need for his seed. His cock pulsed and throbbed as it filled her mouth. Her huge sparkling tits bounced across her cum-soaked chest. He didn’t know her. She didn’t know him. They didn’t care.

Cadance felt the ponies rubbing against her pussy beneath her. She could hear the sound of the orgy she’d started. She felt the mountains of flesh on her body ripple, jiggle and bounce with the movements of her hips. Every movement caused her nerves to fire with pleasure. She saw her pussy lips coat the Empire in her warm wetness.

It was all, finally, too much.

Arching herself down onto the city one last time, Cadance screamed to the heavens as her honey flowed from her pussy lips. Her cum flooded the streets in a torrent, soaking up to the knees of the crystal ponies closest to the castle almost instantly. The honey flowed through every street, coating every building in the alicorn’s release.

Even as the tidal waves washed over them, many of the crystal ponies were still too lost in their maddened fucking to slow down. Sunburst gushed down the gullet of his new “friend” even as the honey flooded over their hooves, still ramming his dick down her moist throat even as he came.

Cadance wobbled, then collapsed onto the city streets, panting and covered head to hoof in sweat. It had, quite literally, been the biggest orgasm of her life. As insatiable as her lust was, even she felt oddly satisfied by the public display. It had made everypony go mad with intense uncontrollable horniness, after all. It once again took minutes for her nerves to finally stop firing, the giant princess leaving her pounded pink pussy shoved deep down against her Empire.

Cadance licked her lips, slowly opening her eyes. A few crystal ponies at the edge of the town who had recovered first were staring up at her. Keeping herself laying prone on the street, Cadance still managed a smile at her subjects, even if she couldn’t quite see them. She was still way too big.

“Nngh… I hope you l-liked that. Because there’s… mmph… no way I’m not doing this again. This was too... mmph, far too much fun!”

While the initial reaction was rather subdued, the tiny subjects showed their approval with more soft rubs to Cadance’s sensitive folds, gigantic thighs, and her tender skin. Short massages and gropes left Cadance feel her lust climb, though she didn’t want to top that orgasm just yet. Instead, Cadance let her cheek gently fall against the ground, closing her eyes with her trademark smile flashing. For now, their gropes would be just enough to satisfy.

Shining Armor murmured in his sleep, laying in the sweaty bed, his stallion cock finally going limp as massive loads of his cum covered his chest. The summer heat always got to him.

Twilight's Big Heart

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The afternoon sun hung over Ponyville, parting through the sparse clouds. The end of summer always meant a few mercifully cooler days as the Running of the Leaves approached. The ponies used the day to get those last few summer highlights in before the weather would cool, and their minds would turn to the autumn and winter ahead.

The mind of Princess Twilight Sparkle, though, was elsewhere. Sitting at the large writing desk in her room, she poured over letters, news articles, and research papers next to a small mountain of books. Yet another hour gone by of looking into the past history of her fellow princesses, and the ways that they’d used the ability to change size to their advantage.

Twilight couldn’t help but wiggle down deeper into her chair as she kept reading. Despite the window being open to let in some air, Twilight felt a little hot. All these articles, including papers from hundreds of years ago, about Celestia smothering cities under her breasts? It was hard to not get a little flustered.

All of the evidence was leading Twilight towards a more concrete theory. Alicorns were thought of as attractive beings not just for their looks or curves, but for the pheromones they gave off. At godly levels of power, there was no mortal species that could resist forever. And if growing made those pheromones stronger, mixed with the rapid increase in thaumetic power in the alicorn’s body…

It was no wonder that becoming a giant made everypony so helplessly horny.

“Mmmph. Focus…” Twilight repeated for the hundredth time, doing nothing to help. Twilight was focusing on her teacher, but little else. Imagery, descriptions, detailed accounts, even poetry about the gracious tits of the princess. City after city smothered under the white mounds of the sun goddess, pictures from every angle of every curve.

Then, the reports just within the last few days of Luna and Cadance. Every paper in Equus that Twilight knew of had reported on “massive flooding” in Canterlot one night caused by Princess Luna. A flood of equine cum unlike anything the world had seen before, all released in just a few minutes. They still weren’t completely done with the clean-up.

And every paper got to report a city-wide orgy in the Crystal Empire just the next day. Hundreds of photos of ponies slamming on every street corner, all while Cadance’s pussy rammed down on the castle. Many an article wondered when it was going to happen next. Just as many were looking forward to it.

It was practically becoming commonplace to see the princesses as giants!

“Oh, what am I saying?” Twilight said, standing up from her desk and starting to pace in a circle. “The princesses? Giants? Come on! That’s just silly! Sure, everypony knows about Princess Celestia smothering cities, of course! That’s normal! But then this thing with Luna, and that thing with Cadance, I mean, those had to be one-time things, right?”

Twilight’s pace circle quickened a bit.

“I mean, okay, I might be getting funny looks now, but when haven’t I? Ever since Princess Celestia made ME an alicorn, I’ve hardly been left alone out in public! Every day, somepony asking for my autograph, or wanting a picture, or giving me a couple dirty looks…

“Not that that’s really anything new, anyways!”

With a nervous laugh, Twilight’s hand slid across the fabric of her purple skirt, her ass getting a gentle tease. Then a not-so-gentle one a moment later. She blushed, even biting her lip. The thought of Celestia’s breasts descending towards her compelled her to make another squeeze.

Twilight did need something to ease all this tension. By the time she’d taken to reading softcore porn for her “research,” even she would admit that she was a little tense.

Part of that was where she was grabbing. Her ass. Her big purple ass.

Twilight’s booty had always been relatively big for a mare of her height. It was the one thing that made anypony make a pass at her when she was still just an ordinary unicorn. And while Twilight might have made the occasional objection, she still kept a variety of short skirts neatly stacked away in her closet.

When she had become an alicorn all that time ago, though, that’s when the eyes really went low. Her ascension from a mortal into a goddess had come with all sorts of changes. She’d gotten almost a foot taller. Her horn had gotten longer too, making her look like she’d gained even more height. The wings on her back were an obvious addition. Her modest breasts had gone from dull to at least decent, though nothing like the kind of perfection that were Celestia’s.

But that ass? Her hips had gotten wider just to accommodate it. The way it softly jiggled with every step she took, bouncing hypnotically underneath her skirts was impossible to ignore; Twilight just had learned to live with it. Thank goodness Rarity had been on hand to help adjusts her whole wardrobe after the ascension, too. Even if she had taken Twilight’s measurements a few too many times… “just to be sure.”

No doubt about it, Twilight’s little squeezes of her round rump and her sharp breaths were giving herself away. She had to relieve this so she could keep getting on with her work. With a soft glow of her horn, she closed the window and the door.

The only trouble was that there was nothing in the room that jumped out at her as a way to help relieve her stress. Twilight didn’t keep much in the way of the perverse in her bedroom. If any of her friends found it, she’d probably die from embarrassment. And if Pinkie Pie or Rainbow Dash found it, the whole town might get word of it. Better safe than sorry.

“Maybe it would be best to just get back to my notes,” Twilight thought as she slowly trotted back to her desk. As much as she tried to put the thought out of her mind, the wiggle of her hips down into her chair brought it right back.

That’s when Twilight noticed one of the pieces of parchment she’d left on her desk, one curled up in the corner. It was a letter that had arrived a few nights ago from Princess Celestia. The one containing two very notable spells. The spells she used to become the giant that everyone in Equestria loved.

Twilight took the scroll in her hands, looking over it a few times. She grasped the spells very quickly, student of magic that she was. Why else had Celestia sent her this, unless… She wanted Twilight to use it. She wanted Twilight to become a giant, like she’d been so many thousands of times before.

Twilight wiggled her hips down in her chair.

Now seemed like the perfect time for a quick test run.

Starlight Glimmer tugged at the collar of her jacket as she walked up the stairs towards Twilight’s bedroom. The things she had read from her sweet Sunburst’s letter had made her face turn a hundred different shades of red. Public sex, giant princesses, lewd displays of magic power… And that was just in the first half of the letter! That, and the things she read in the newspaper made Starlight have whole range of what she preferred to call “conflicting emotions.”

Even with the blush spreading across her face, Starlight still trudged towards the bedroom doors. Twilight was a princess, and had to know something about how it all worked. Starlight was particularly curious about it. If only for a brief flash of herself laying over her former sanctuary village, hundreds of citizens trapped as they helplessly tried to fight off her advancing spells… Making every last one of those traitors remember the name of…

Starlight quickly shook her head as she reached the double crystal doors.

Her hand tentatively grabbed the door handle until she heard a guttural moan from inside Twilight’s bedroom. Starlight paused, taking a moment before she leaned in, putting her ear to the door. There was silence, until another groan just a few seconds later.
Starlight knew she shouldn’t, but curiosity got the better of her. Very slowly, she opened the door just a crack and looked inside.

Her eyes instantly shot to the size of dinner plates.

Inside her room, Twilight was stark naked, reaching up to the thirty-foot ceiling, the curtains drawn and the lights out. What little light there was streamed through an open crack in the curtains, reflecting onto Twilight’s bare chest. Her hand was between her legs, the other rubbing one of her tits with a feverish passion.

Her eyes were closed. Her head was rolled back. Her voice was getting gradually louder, briefly echoing down the hallways. Twilight’s hooves were pushing down against the floor. Thin beads of sweat formed on her forehead.

Through it all, Starlight stood in the thinly-opened doorway, transfixed in a mixture of shock and fascination. The letter from Sunburst had already sent her mind racing; now, it was playing out in front of her. Starlight’s pulse quickened, and she felt herself breathe in sharply. It was only a quick but hard grab of the door handle that brought her back to reality. Spying on her teacher, masturbating as a giantess? Perhaps it was just better to retreat to her room with a little time for herself… with maybe a little time for a stop in the library for a few spell books.

Just as Starlight tried backing out, a loud screech pierced the air. Starlight jumped, darting her eyes towards the source of the scream, and found Twilight staring straight at her. In all of her eyes wandering, Starlight had forgotten to check if Twilight had actually noticed her. The two of them stayed perfectly still in awkward silence for what felt like hours.

Starlight was the first to speak up, brushing her hands over her clothes and trying to straighten herself up.

“T-Twilight! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to interrupt! I just got this letter from Sunburst, and I wanted to… I-I mean uh…” said Starlight, uselessly trying to untie the knots in her tongue as Twilight could only stare in embarrassment.

After a long clearing of her throat, Starlight began again, this time trying to keep her eyes off of Twilight. “There was this… letter from Sunburst, telling me what happened in the Crystal Empire… About Princess Cadance becoming a… a giantess…”

This time, Starlight couldn’t help but look at Twilight. She hadn’t noticed that her breathing was still getting heavier, and that she was standing with her legs gently crossed. The smell of sex hung over the air in Twilight’s bedroom. And even at only twenty-five feet, Starlight was entranced. Twilight could see Starlight fidgeting with her clothes in the doorway.

“A-And how the whole kingdom had turned into a massive fuckfest!” said Starlight, blushing as she suddenly heard herself use such coarse language around Twilight. “I-I mean… nngh, sorry, all of a sudden, it’s getting so hard to think…”

Twilight’s embarrassment had begun to fade once she saw Starlight’s rapid change in mood and behavior. The princesses had always inspired passion in their subjects, even before Celestia’s smotherings began. Twilight’s own theory about alicorns appeared to be playing out right before her eyes. But could it really be this strong?

Twilight simply had to know.

“Starlight?” Twilight said quietly, or as quietly as she could for being over three times her normal size. Starlight, for her part, kept blushing, grabbing the door handle and starting to pull it closed. She just had to go before this got any more awkward.

“Starlight!” Twilight said again, much more forcefully this time. Starlight stopped, the door now open just a crack, momentarily frozen in place.

“Starlight. I want you to come into my room.”

There was hesitation as Starlight opened the door again, slowly looking up to meet Twilight’s eyes. To emphasize her point, the torches slowly lit up, spreading light through the room. It was easy to see Twilight’s nude alicorn form on display now, and Starlight winced. She almost wanted to back out again, but she couldn’t, transfixed on her teacher’s body.

“Starlight…” Twilight said, their eyes meeting this time. “Take a deep breath, come into this room, and close the door behind you.”

Twilight’s horn wasn’t glowing. There was no magical manipulation. Even so, Starlight felt compelled to do as she was told, slowly stepping into the room with a deep breath, closing the door with telekinesis. She never took her eyes away from Twilight’s. Her breathing was growing into deep draws of air, the smell of sex stronger than ever.

Twilight pulled her hand away from her chest, rubbing a small section of the floor between her legs. “Come here, Starlight.”

There was still the odd hesitation or moment of doubt, but nothing that told Twilight that Starlight wouldn’t listen. Starlight stopped between Twilight’s legs, biting her lip and quivering. Her arousal was gradually becoming even more obvious, tugging at the collar of her jacket, her eyes on Twilight’s pussy. Her breaths were taken in sharp bursts, drawing in the smell of the heated air around her.

“Twilight… please…” said Starlight. The way her eyes were fluttering made it hard to tell if she was trying to fight it, or wanting more.

Twilight felt her face flush ever so slightly. She had to say a few silent praises to Celestia and Luna. It must be so tempting to use this kind of power on somepony else, one they’d have felt for far longer. They must have even more remarkable restraint than Twilight thought.

“Starlight.” Twilight sat up as straight as the ceiling would allow, her long horn tapping against the crystals. “Take off your panties.”

Starlight’s eyes snapped up to Twilight’s. Even so, her horn was already glowing, her legs bunched together.

“With your hands,” Twilight said with authority.

“B-But… I…” Starlight muttered, trailing off into a whisper while her fingertips slid beneath her skirt, slowly pulling down a set of white panties past her hooves and onto the floor. Her panties were followed closely by her skirt, then her jacket, her shirt, her bra, and everything else she had on, one piece of clothing at a time, until she was stripped naked.

Starlight didn’t even feel embarrassed anymore. By the time she’s stripped herself down, her hand was rubbing between her legs, walking ever closer between Twilight’s.

“Starlight?” Twilight said in a low voice. Starlight didn’t answer. Instead, she could only reach up and start rubbing over Twilight’s folds, twirling her tongue around the large clit before her. The taste of Twilight instantly flooded into her mouth from the damp folds before her, only prompting Starlight to start swirling her tongue quickly.

“S-Star…! NNGH! Starlight!” said Twilight with a gasp as her wet pussy instantly began to leak its juice across Starlight’s smaller body. The smell that had made Starlight so helplessly horny stuck to her coat as Twilight drenched her, her grip tightening and her breathing growing heavy.

“T-This, this is… oh goddess, I need you so bad!” Starlight shouted from below as she was slicked up by the juice. Her mane matted down, her coat sticking to her skin, all she could do was lick and rub, savoring the taste of Twilight’s sweetness. As she lost herself to her maddened lust, suddenly Sunburst’s letter began to make sense. She wanted to lick, and never stop licking.

Twilight pushed her hands against the wall. She hadn’t counted on how sensitive she would be at this size. The Harmless spell was all that was keeping her from breaking the walls apart with her earth pony strength. Starlight’s tongue felt divine. Every lick sent a shot of pleasure through every nerve in Twilight’s huge body. Even the tiny rubs of Starlight’s hands felt good enough to make Twilight want to scream to the heavens. Her legs began to close in around Starlight, a mountain of soft purple skin surrounding Starlight on all sides.

As the heat from Twilight’s pussy grew hotter, Starlight’s horn glowed, sending a small beam of pleasure directly into Twilight’s drenched folds. Instantly, Twilight shouted her approval, rocking her fat ass back against the wall with a rumble. The beam came again, to another sinful shout of incredible lust.

Starlight panted. What she was about to do might have been crazy. But that didn’t matter. All that mattered now was pleasing Twilight. Her horn gave off a bright teal glow before unleashing her magic in a constant beam, blasting Twilight’s pussy with its blissful power.

Twilight screamed.

Her honey flooded from her pussy in large waves over Starlight. Twilight’s fists slammed into the walls, lost in divine release. Starlight was soaked in the tide, the taste and the smell of sex permeating the room. She never stopped licking, never stopped rubbing, never stopped her magical bliss for Twilight.

The room was quickly flooded. Twilight’s flow covered the tile floor in honey, leaking under the door and spilling down the stairs. The flow in her room gradually rose as the orgasm continued endlessly, everything it touch growing damp with Twilight’s scent. The power of the alicorn’s musk overwhelmed Starlight, driven into maddened passion by it all, helplessly humping herself against the drenching folds. Starlight’s own pussy was convulsing in orgasm, every cry of lust filling her mouth met with more honey for her to swallow.

Twilight’s horn began to glow. This was bliss. But it could be better. She wanted more. Pumping her magic into her body, Twilight hunched over as she filled the room, the pleasure from Starlight’s beam keeping her release constant.

As she became cramped inside of the room, Twilight managed to open one of her eyes to see her student faithfully licking, rubbing and zapping between her legs, the alicorn lust overtaking her. Twilight wasn’t done, but there was nowhere else to go.



“S-Starlight!” Twilight said through sharp breaths. “I-I can’t…! UNNNH! I have t-to get outside!”

As Twilight’s horn glowed, one last powerful wave of juice knocked Starlight off of her hooves onto the floor with a splash. And in an instant, Twilight vanished. A faint flash from the teleport burst was all that was left to accompany Starlight.

“N-No! Don’t… aaaah… d-don’t go…!”

Starlight’s hand dove between her legs, rubbing hard. Even with Twilight gone, the smell of the divine orgasm was everywhere. Starlight could only rub for dear life. Her other hand clasped a huge tit, playing with her nipple. Her tongue hung from her mouth as she panted. Every inhale drove the lust on.

Starlight’s pussy quivered again as her own tiny squirts of juice were added to the flood. Her hand didn’t relent. Her fingers pounded deep inside of her folds. She laid half-submerged in the lake of Twilight’s honey. She didn’t stop. She couldn’t stop.

She never wanted to stop.

Ponyville Public Park always had its fair share of visitors in the afternoon. Especially now, as ponies gathered to watch the leaves turn brown, and felt the warm summer heat give way to cool, gentle breezes.

For Rainbow Dash, this was the perfect weather for napping. Her hands rested lazily behind her head as she floated high above the park on a fluffy white cloud. Her eyelids felt heavy as she drifted in and out of consciousness, a smile curled across her face. Rainbow never needed much of an excuse to take it easy, but a clear schedule meant that all those lost hours of napping could finally be made up for.

Just as Rainbow’s eyes closed again, there was a sudden loud burst that rang across the town, followed by a few startled creams. Rainbow’s eyes shot open, frantically darting to her hooves on the cloud.

“What in Tartarus was that!?” She checked the skies for any signs of things fired from a party cannon. No fireworks, confetti streams or poppers in sight; this wasn’t the work of Pinkie Pie.

And then Rainbow looked down.

Twilight gasped, still clutching between her legs as she appeared outside in the open space. With Starlight’s licking finally gone, she began to slowly catch her breath, even as the ponies all around her gasped. The sight of Twilight lewdly clutching herself drew the eyes of everypony in the park to her. It hadn’t occurred to Twilight in her desperation that she’d be spreading these alicorn pheromones across anyone who got close. The little bit of juice she’d already leaked onto her palms was enough to catch everypony in quite a ways from her.

And that included above her. As Rainbow stared down from her perch in the clouds, her embarrassment turned to curiosity, flying down in front of Twilight’s chest.

“Er, Twilight? You, uh, wanna tell me what’s going on?” said Rainbow, gently beating her wings, sending a breeze that slightly cooled Twilight off. She opened her eyes to see Rainbow, taking in deep breaths and exhaling slowly. The ponies beneath her had begun a slow approach, a crowd starting to form.

Twilight looked down at them all. From where she was sitting, they all looked so tiny. But she knew, thanks to the Harmless spell, that she couldn’t hurt them. She’d pushed against the walls of her castle in unrestrained lust. They’d be alright if she…

“Ummm… Twilight? You there? What’s going on?” Rainbow said, louder than before.

Finally, Twilight looked down at Rainbow. Twilight’s eyes were half-lidded, pushing her big purple ass against the cool grass underneath her.

“I need more.”

Rainbow’s brow shot up. “More what?”

“More!” Twilight shouted, her horn suddenly pulsing with magic. “I need more! More! MORE!”

Twilight grew as the Size Shift spell shot through her body. Before Rainbow could even shout her objections, Twilight’s chest had already pushed against her, sending Rainbow clutching onto Twilight’s chest as she kept increasing in size. Down below, her booty grew across the grass, her legs spreading out further. The trees swayed and bent from the power of the Harmless spell as Twilight poured more power into her horn.

“Nnnngh! T-Twi… light!” Rainbow said while trying to break free of Twilight’s body, drawing in heavy breaths as she pushed and struggled. She was far from the only one, as several ponies were smothered beneath the growing ass of Twilight, stuck underneath huge, growing mounds of softness. In just those mere moments, Twilight had outgrown Town Hall, and was still getting bigger.

The sight of Twilight growing larger, along with her moaning and grunting, was impossible to ignore. Most of the initial reaction wasn’t panic, but confusion. They had known Princess Celestia to smother their town, but Twilight? Nopony was quite sure what to make of this literally growing problem… Until they saw Twilight’s fingertips push between her legs. The scent washed over them in an instant as the beautiful alicorn drew closer and closer to town.

Twilight could have theorized about how she was driving everypony mad with lust, but her mind was more clouded than anypony’s. Her huge soft ass had grown over the row of homes and shops around the town. At this size, her pussy was leaking continuously, the flow increasing as she kept getting bigger. Even a moment of her orgasms would be enough to flood a single house down below. Her screams of lust could be heard as far away as Cloudsdale. The ponies trapped underneath her had taken to grabbing onto Twilight’s softness, licking and trying to pleasure her as much as their bodies would allow.

Somewhere in the back of Twilight’s mind, she knew how indecent this was. Writhing, moaning and growing, rubbing herself off in public for everyone to see with her ass sliding across their homes? And just as quickly as those concerns popped up, her volcanic lust shot them down and buried them deep inside her mind.

The town of Ponyville wasn’t far behind her. In their home, Bon Bon had grabbed Lyra’s top and literally ripped it off of her, while Lyra had blasted away Bon Bon’s dress. The two lovers grasped and sloppily kissed on their bed, all pretense of lovemaking dropped. They wanted each other with maddened passions, and nothing was going to stop them.

Twilight still wanted more.

“Everypony… hold oooonnnnnNNNNNGH!!”

Twilight’s horn glowed bright enough to light up the afternoon sky as she rocketed up in height. The maroon light blanketed the town for a few moments before Twilight’s booty did, her explosive growth rendering her close to the size of Celestia the last time she’d smothered Ponyville.

Twilight was in Heaven.

Celestia stood on her balcony, an amused smirk curled across her face.

“We are glad you find this so amusing!” said Luna, pouting at Celestia as she buttoned her pajamas. “Tis the middle of the afternoon, Tia, and you wake us up to see Twilight Sparkle growing out of control?!”

“Oh, Lulu, must you always be such a stick in the mud? It’s only my faithful student trying to follow in my hoofsteps.”

“That is hardly what we would call this debauchery, Tia! The way she’s growing, she might not stop until… Well… She might just get TOO big!”

“First of all, my dear sister, there is no such thing as ‘too big’ for a princess,” said Celestia, the purple dot on the horizon gradually getting larger. “Second, Twilight is responsible. Look; see how Ponyville’s intact? She’s already cast Harmless on herself, just like she was supposed to.”

Celestia smirked. “Besides… If you’re so concerned about damage, what was that flood all about?”

Luna’s cheeks turned a burning shade of red, unable to counter that.

“Still…” said Celestia, who had turned her eyes up to the clouds, “I think I have an idea of how to get her back on track. Try not to stain the walls in your room while I’m gone!”

Luna opened her mouth to scold her sister, but Celestia was already gone with a golden burst of teleportation. Luna scoffed, looking down from the balcony again, trying to ignore the throbbing beneath her dress that was getting stronger.

Twilight had collapsed onto her back, jolts of pleasure shooting through her nerves constantly. Her pussy alone was enough to swallow the entire town of Ponyville twice over, covering it in a torrent of her honey. Her right hand feverishly worked between her folds, her left hand squeezing a breast that was bigger than ten of her castles. All the while, her horn pulsed with incredible magic, making her grow in constant bursts, each one adding more size than the last one.

“Nnnnngh! G-Gonna… UNNNH!” Twilight grunted, feeling her town gradually rubbing across her ass. A few more pulses of size, and she couldn’t even notice it anymore.

The rest of Equus had begun to notice Twilight’s ascension as well. Some of the planet could see her coming towards them on the horizon, and more of it could hear her moans echoing through the air.

Twilight’s eyes were shut tight. She didn’t need to see how big she was anymore. She could feel it. Every moment she grew bigger, she could hear someone else moaning and grunting, calling out her name. Her lips curled into a perverse smile.

A single word echoed across the planet.


Twilight’s hands slammed down onto the surface of the continent below her, starting to sit up. Her horn was glowing as bright as Celestia’s sun, pumping more and more magic through her body. She cast and recast the Size Shift and Harmless spells constantly, sending a delightful tingle down her back that kept her wings uncurled. Even without orgasm, her pussy was leaking a flood of her juice, covering the measly continent below her. The vast empire that was her purple booty spread across the land, covering anything it touched in a thick, soft pillow of divine flesh.


Twilight felt her hooves splash into the ocean on the western side of Equestria, her hands behind her entering the eastern ocean. She was as big as the entire continent.

Much of it had already been overtaken by the insane lust that currently gripped Ponyville. In Manehattan, as Twilight’s butt filled the horizon, Suri Polomare was bent over the table of a coffee shop, her skirt yanked down to her hooves, scratching across the table and grunting. The pony ramming her tight ass, Java Bean, panted as she stared out the window at the growing show that was Princess Twilight, Java Bean’s hard cock twitching and swelling inside of Suri’s ass.

In Griffonstone, Gilda dug her talons deep into the earth as she was rammed into the ground from behind, her ass squeezed by a particularly cute male griffon. Her wings flapped as another griffon landed in front of her, desperate to find a hole on someone that wasn’t taken. He stuffed his cock into Gilda’s beak without a word, who happily obliged him, grabbing his legs and sucking down his shaft.

Dragon Lord Ember’s hands gripped two draconic dicks, jerking them furiously as her pussy and her ass were both slammed by two more. Her mouth was stuffed with a dragon cock almost as big as her arm, yet she still fervently gulped and licked across the tip. Several of her bigger subjects had taken to rutting each other, the former lord Torch threatening to cover all of them with a volcanic eruption of cum at any moment. He had already leaked enough lakes of seed while holding back his loads to cover the mountains in it. The other dragons all licking his balls with their tongues and the flames was only making them bigger. They had to hurry; that massive wall of purple was growing ever closer, and would be here any moment…

Twilight loved it. Everything about it. Driving everyone into this massive fuckfest. The burning heat in her pussy. The lakes of her glorious juice that flowed into the oceans of Equus. The smothering of her home continent beneath her titanic ass. Now they knew. They all knew how perfect her booty was. Not even Celestia came close.


Twilight’s hands raised into the sky, a blinding flash of maroon light covering the planet. An instant later, her booty had spread across the oceans to the Dragonlands. Even the craggy mountains and the hundreds of huge dragons could do nothing to stop the advance of her ass, covering all of them. The mighty dragon Torch couldn’t make so much as an itch in her softness, grabbing on with his claws and humping is way into bliss.

Soon, Twilight saw the clouds parting and the sky growing darker. The starry expanse of space drew close as she felt herself beginning to drift off the planet, her tremendous weight now greater than that of her home. Slowly, Twilight felt herself pull away from Equus, leaving the ground with a low rumble in the planet’s core. Her magnificent moon of a booty slid away from its prize as she drifted away, her nethers still leaking thousands upon thousands of gallons of her cum. At her size, she barely felt it.

What she could feel was her fingers pounding into her tight pussy. Over and over, she worked herself faster and harder than she thought possible at this size. She opened her eyes for just a moment. There it was. Space. She was bigger than a planet. And she still wasn’t stopping.
She was growing so fast that her ass moved back towards Equus. Her smooth rump curled its silky soft cheeks against the planet as she grew. The ocean’s waves rocked against her ass. A gentle squeeze sent vibrations through every land mass.

The towns of the world had devolved into massive orgies. Every mare and colt that wasn’t slamming one another was grabbing the immense purple ass as it rolled back over their planet. Even Luna had taken to mindlessly humping. Her cock was gushing a load even greater than the night Celestia had grown. Cadance was desperately slamming herself down onto her husband’s throbbing cock. They didn’t speak beyond grunts and moans, staring into each other’s eyes.

It was the first time since her ascension that Twilight really understood what it meant to be a goddess. She had never felt more powerful. She had never felt more sexy. She wasn’t even embarrassed anymore. No, she wanted everypony to look at her. Not just look at her, but worship her. For everypony wanted to know just how good this felt. She wanted everyone down on their knees and begging her for the pleasure, the honor, the privilege of seeing that enormous mound of an ass.

Twilight’s last release finally came. Oceans of her honey flowed into the depths of space, her head tilted back, screaming. She grabbed a tit as large as Equestria itself, her entire body on fire with orgasmic bliss. As her juices spilled back across the heavens, the planet was smothered in softness from Twilight's rippling ass.

Twilight couldn't even remember when she'd started cumming, or for how long, as her nerves finally relented and allowed her to rest. All she knew was that she'd gone from the size of her castle to outgrowing Equus itself. She opened her eyes again, adjusting to the darkness, still panting and catching her breath. A sharp few inhales made Twilight’s sharp mind finally turn back on, suddenly confused.

“Wait a moment,” said Twilight to the void. “I’m in space. Ponies can’t breathe in space! How could I be catching my breath, let alone breathing at all?”

“An astute observation as always, Twilight,” said a sultry voice from behind her.

Twilight recognized the voice instantly. A lump formed in her throat as she slowly turned her head to see. And when she saw her, Twilight’s eyes went wider than Luna’s moon.

Celestia’s continental smirk betrayed her as her hands rested on her waist. As huge as Twilight had grown, Celestia was far bigger, with Twilight floating between her hips and the bottom of her enormous breasts. Celestia’s sun shining far in the distance almost made her glow as the star’s light hit her pure white coat.

“Ah! P-Princess!” Twilight stammered, her face turning a bright red as she tried to cover her chest and her crotch with her hands. “I was… uh, I was only…”

Celestia’s arms crossed over her titanic tits. “Smothering a planet?”

Twilight’s face turned a brighter red, only now realizing that the planet was still resting against her ass. She quickly pulled herself away, letting it get back onto its orbit and releasing the lustful grip on the world.

“Sorry!” said Twilight. “I don’t know what came over me! I just started casting those spells, and this… urge came over me unlike anything I’d ever felt before! I wanted to grow, and grow, and never stop! I’m sorry, Princess!”

Celestia chuckled to herself, her right hand gently clasping Twilight and bringing her close to chest level. “Oh, you have nothing to apologize for. Believe me, Twilight, I understand. That’s what it felt like to me the first time I grew. I must admit, I’ve always wanted to see what kind of limit there was on these spells. Now I know there’s no such thing, thanks to you. Well done… Princess.”

Celestia’s thumb started kneading itself into the softness of Twilight’s booty, making the student stifle a moan, biting her lips. The blush across Twilight’s face stayed just as hot.

“As for breathing in space? That was me applying a little safety net while you were distracted. I didn’t want to interrupt your fun, so I had to cast the spell without you noticing,” said Celestia, bringing Twilight in close to her chest.

“P-Princess Celestia… I…” said Twilight quietly as her hands reached out to the huge white breasts before her, kneading her palms against the jiggling beauty.

“Shhh… Just relax, my dear. You’ve had quite a day.”

Twilight slowly nodded her head against the canyon-like cleavage in Celestia’s boobs, still gently kneading the beautiful tits in her hands. Twilight’s eyes drifted closed, only the occasional soft moan escaping. Celestia’s smile went wider, looking from Twilight to their small home planet, then out to the stars that surrounded them.

An infinite plane, full of an infinite number of planets and stars, with infinite room to grow.

The smile on her face was almost as bright as the sun itself.