Twilight Sparkle Takes Three Weiners

by Decanus_Alexus

First published

After Twilight Sparkle has fun frolicking through Ponyville with her friends, she finds three weiners that she likes and takes them.

The Princess of Friendship loves hanging out with her friends. You know what she also likes? Hot dogs. Sausages. Meat-sticks. Whatever you want to call them, she just loves sticking them between her buns and letting them bring pleasure to her soft and supple lips. Today, she gets to have not one, not two, but THREE hot dogs. That is, once she's finished dealing with her friends.

Twilight Sparkle Takes Three Weiners

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Princess Twilight Sparkle unleashed a mighty cackle as she watched her groinsaw rend Starlight Glimmer's recently brainwashed head in a mass of congealed gore and bone fragments. The tiny bits of viscera flew off the teeth of the roaring groinsaw, onto her spiked black-and-red power-armor which reflected the morning sun's rays in the middle of a Ponyville engulfed in flames and angry riots. She looked with a blood-spattered grin of sadistic glee down to Starlight, who was now a corpse with virtually nothing recognizable above her neck.


A cyan blur zoomed just above Twilight. She flinched, then snapped her gaze to her right and tossed the dead Glimmer aside. Up in the sky was Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, who did barrel rolls as they whipped back around to make another charge at Twilight.

Bubbling with mocking mirth, the Princess stood up on her hind legs and aimed her groinsaw at Rainbow Dash. With a boom, the groinsaw launched off Twilight's power-armor, trailing the air with black smoke from its flaming backside as it soared in the air to eviscerate the blue pegasus.

Rainbow Dash jolted back in horror, then shifted herself behind Fluttershy and held her between herself and the groinsaw. Fluttershy struggled, flailing around to free herself from Rainbow Dash's vice-like grip, but it was for naught. The groinsaw made contact with Fluttershy's exposed gullet, cutting its way through and letting her innards spill onto the ground below with no regard for her pain. After buzzing through her spine, it made contact with Rainbow Dash, who screamed when the groinsaw cut through her as easily as it cut through her friend.

Once both pegasi were left plummeting to the ground with their guts spilling through the holes in their bellies, the groinsaw exploded, and out of the explosion came several dozen rockets that descended down onto Ponyville, demolishing entire town blocks in clouds of dust and debris, and obliterating thousands of terrified ponies in bits of flying rived flesh.

After catching herself lost in a manic trance of laughter and bliss, Twilight looked around for more interesting targets, blasting at the cowering masses with magical bolts to pacify her boredom as she scanned the area for something exciting to kill.

At a nearby lamp post, the Cutie Mark Crusaders stood around screaming at Pinkie Pie, whose entire lower body had been blown away by a rocket, leaving her entrails to drag along the ground as she desperately crawled away from the power-armored psychopath.

Twilight lit her horn, ripping the lamp post out of the ground, hearing the earth quake and the wires snap before bludgeoning Pinkie with it until her every bone, muscle, and organ burst out from gashes in her hide. Then, she aimed its bottom end at Sweetie Belle, raising it high above her before slamming it down hard on her head, making her brain splatter around her and her body flail for three seconds before it realized that it was dead. The lamp post fell, collapsing on Scootaloo, who cried out with the cracking of her ribs when it slammed against her chest.

Apple Bloom bolted away from Twilight, but found herself bound and frozen by Twilight's magical aura in short order.

Twilight chuckled. “Oh, no, no, no, my little pony. You're not getting away from me.” She turned Apple Bloom around, so that she could look deep into her fear-stricken eyes. “You're going to play treasure hunter.”

With a grin on her face, Twilight turned Apple Bloom around to face Scootaloo's rear end, then dipped her muzzle down to Scootaloo's piss-soaked cunt and rubbed it in. Twilight herself indulged in a fit of sadistic laughter as she watched Apple Bloom wince at the odor within. Then, she forced the muzzle inside, Scootaloo's pained screams a song to her ears as she forced the head inside. Blood gushed through Scootaloo's snatch as her inner walls and muscles were torn asunder, and her pelvic bones cracked from the pressure. Applebloom's head ripped Scootaloo's entire lower body in half, making it gush with blood from severed arteries. Twilight chuckled again, then smothered Apple Bloom's face into one half of Scootaloo's body, watching with serene joy as the filly suffocated to death on rended organs. Apple Bloom struggled in vain to escape Twilight's magical grip; her movements gradually lost their vigor, until they ceased entirely. Twilight tossed Apple Bloom's body carelessly to the side. It fell limp and lifeless. Twilight was pleased.

The enthused alicorn swiveled about, her power-armor's servomotors whirring as she happily slaughtered any living being that she could find – mares and stallions, children and elders, and animals of every type – in pretty messes of gore. Twilight took special joy in that there was nothing stopping her from quenching her thirst for blood and pain. She'd been fantasizing about this since she was a little filly, and now that she was an alicorn, she could finally act it out.

She caught a glimpse of the Carousel Boutique in the distance, past a long stretch of ground where only leveled buildings and ruined corpses laid between them. Rarity stood on the roof with Applejack, who bucked a gigantic bell to make it ring as Rarity shined a flashlight into the air.

Twilight flung her head back, charging her horn for a grand attack, then unleashed a beam onto the side and middle of the first floor of the Carousel Boutique, so that the building shook at its foundations, then collapsed underneath the two hapless mares. Rarity hugged one of the pillars that held up the giant bell. Applejack leaped off the roof; her head splattered on the ground once it made contact. Twilight laughed at Rarity as she was caught underneath several tons of rubble underneath a cloud of debris. Her struggles were useless. She suffocated under the weight. After Twilight blew a raspberry at the dead Rarity, she heard a shouting from behind her.

“Cull thy bloodlust, Twilight Sparkle!”

Twilight looked over her shoulder. There, she saw the three Princesses – Luna, Celestia, and Cadence – make touchdown onto the blood-spattered floor. She turned around and laughed.

“Oh? And what if I don't, huh?”

Luna puffed out her chest. “Then we will have no choice but to put you down.”

Twilight stubbed up her nose. “You forgot one thing, your Royal Bitchness.”

Celestia sneered. “And what would that be, my student?”

Twilight boomed with laughter. “FRIENDSHIP, BIIIIIIIIIITCH!”

Without warning, the three sisters wailed in agony, their bodies trembling as bleeding skinless horsecocks grew out from their frontal pelvic areas, tearing through the skin and pelvic muscles at an erect length and girth just over half the size of their torsos. The cocks opened their urethras, brandishing their razor-sharp teeth before digging in just below their respective owners' ribcages to consume their gizzards. Twilight laughed as the flesh-eating dicks ate the Princesses from inside out. The scrotum-less testicles beneath them grew with every gulp; they were ever-growing pink orbs the size of beach balls, with popping blue veins that throbbed at the rhythm of their own beat.

Once there were no more internal organs to consume, they turned to the muscles, ripping and tearing at their fibers and savoring every bite. Twilight watched with delight, her nethers getting warm and wet at the sight, until only skeletons were left of the three princesses, and the giant skinless cocks stood triumphantly on testicles that were as big as stallion farmhands.

Twilight grinned, then turned her back to the cocks and lifted up her tail. The crotch-plates of her armor flipped open, exposing her moistened sex to the eager phalluses. With their urethras contorting to ecstatic grins, the cocks ran to Twilight with their testicles bouncing with every step. One leaped into her snatch; another leaped into her anus; the last leaped into her mouth. Twilight giggled with the taste of warm blood and throbbing muscle on her tongue, and the pressure of the immense girths that'd invaded her private holes. In tandem, the three cocks fucked Twilight, who took a great deal of pleasure from every thrust. 'Wow, she thought, I didn't think I could take three wieners at once!’