Phylactery of a Lich

by Mr. Haze

First published

Twilight rises to the top and falls into madness in this tale of necromancitic proportions.

Twilight Sparkle has recently been accepted into Fillydelphia's College of the Arcane Arts. After the declination of her Headmaster's health she finds a strange book that will delve her deep into the dark arts of necromancy. She will soon learn that a hefty price must be paid for those who master the power over death. Managing her new college after the 'mysterious' disappearance of her former Headmaster will be the least of her worries and she rises to the top and falls into bleak, unending madness losing all she has worked so hard for.

Twilight Sparkle's Diary

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Twilight Sparkle’s Diary

Day 1

Today was fantastic! The new life I started at Fillydelphia’s exclusive college for the Arcane Arts hasn’t proven to be the best decision of my life! Books! It’s incredible how many books can be fit into one library. My library back in Ponyville was made miniscule by the very sight of this library. Shelves towers at least 15hooves high in the air completely lined with books.

Granted, this new life does have its downside. Certain sections of the library are restricted to staff only and one particular part is heavily guarded. Not in the sense of actual armed guards. This was a magical institution after all. A powerful protecting aura prevented anypony from passing through. Only the Headmaster, Starlight the Old knew how to pass through. The old unicorn is a descendant of Starswirl the Bearded! Imagine that!

The students are just as kind as the staff, well, most of them. A few students are just as immature as little foals, but I’m sure they’ll be dealt with by their own poor academics. I kinda miss Ponyville. After Spike was hoof selected by Princess Luna to be her personal bodyguard I knew it was time to head out into the world.

It’s getting late now so I’m ending this day in my journal.

-Twilight Sparkle

Day 2

I just woke up thirty minutes ago. All classes are cancelled today for the Holiday. It’s a shame. I was hoping to learn more about pyrokensis. Manipulating a single ember of fire into a raging inferno towering 70hooves high gave me all the encouragement from Starlight the Old to master this spell. He did it so effortlessly too. I had trouble maintaining the spell as it reached 50hooves. As it reached its apex the giant orb of fire became unstable and exploded. Luckily the Headmaster casted a protection spell around my classmates and I and only the surrounding grass felt the intense flames. A few of the snobbish ponies chuckled and pointed at me as I held my head down fearing Starlight would expel me for nearly killing everypony.

Instead the exact opposite happened. Starlight the Old complimented me on my powerful magic! And I quote from him, “Ms. Sparkle! That was amazing! In 75years of teaching the Arcane Arts I’ve never met a pony so magically gifted. It would normally take decades of study and concentration to achieve what you just did.” Honestly I still felt bad for losing control of the spell, but I couldn’t help blushing a bit from his compliment. It’s not everyday the Headmaster of the most prestigious magic school tells you, “That was amazing!”

I’m off to have lunch with the Headmaster he invited me yesterday after class yesterday.

Lunch with the Headmaster was fantastic! The food was mediocre, but the company was the best. We talked for hours! I only got back to my dorm room ten minutes ago and it’s past seven o’clock. The magical theories we talked about would make most of the students here open their jaw in confusion. Haha, to see the looks on their faces would be priceless. Starlight taught my parents too. He told me I looked familiar. Dad was a bit of a class clown, but he only did it to get Mom’s attention from what Starlight told me.

Starlight the Old told me he would be taking me as his personal protege. I made such a scene in the cafe. I wrapped my hooves around his neck and hugged him as tightly as I could. That was the first time I saw him blush as red as he did.

I need to get some sleep now. I have tests tomorrow.
- Twilight Sparkle

Day 3

PASSED! All of my tests. Not a single incorrect answer. Starlight greeted me as I walked into class with a big smile. Unfortunately, as I turned around to greet my fellow classmates I was greeted with few smiles. They simply glared at me. A few of the snobs threw paper balls at me, which were incinerated several hooves in front of me. Starlight particularly loathed bullies and using a spell similar to Luna’s ‘Royal Canterlot Voice’ he made this statement clear, “ANYPONY WHO WISHES TO ARBITRARILY HARASS MS. SPARKLE WILL BE DISCIPLINED.” The loud bellowing echo of his voice rang through the classroom. It was nice to know I have somepony on my side.

However... much to my dismay the other ponies have taken to resent me for my accomplishments. I don’t know why. I haven’t done anything to make them hate me. Such is the price of intelligence I suppose. No pony will even sit next to me anymore, but I don’t care. I still have my books. They keep me company. Along with the occasional lunch or after class discussion with Starlight the Old.
-Twilight Sparkle

Day 4

Today was about the same as yesterday. My progress for making any friends has come to an abrupt halt. I managed to make one friend. She’s very timid. She reminds me of Fluttershy. Her soft white coat was a gracious comfort when we first met. I was in tears when her kind voice reached my ears. Her bright amber mane was the first thing I noticed about her when I raised my head from the table I had been bawling on. She wrapped her hooves around me and for that moment in time my crying subsided and all I could feel was her heart beat against my chest.

Oh I almost forgot. Her name is Amber Wood. Just thinking about that mare puts a smile on my face.

Once again, I’m off to bed. I can’t wait to see Amber Wood tomorrow.
-Twilight Sparkle

Day 5

Amber Wood makes me so happy! We sat in the cafe today just talking like we’d been friends for years. She’s such a sweet mare. Starlight was happy to see I made a friend. A few of the colts in class hit on Amber Wood, but the Headmaster took care of the nuisance quickly. A few of the ‘popular’ mares in class were jealous of Amber getting that attention from those colts. They gave us dirty looks and said some unkind words, but they know not to try anything further with Headmaster Starlight watching like a hawk.

Starlight joined Amber Wood and I for lunch today. We sat around discussing the latest lesson on intercontinental teleportation. Where most of the other class had struggled performing this spell I managed to cast it perfectly and I helped out Amber Wood too! I’m going to ask her to spend the night with me tonight. It’s been lonely since my roommate moved out to follow along with the crowd of jealous ponies.

She said yes! She’s coming to spend the night tonight! I can’t wait. We’re going to have so much fun. Oh, she just knocked on the door! I’m off!
-Twilight Sparkle

Day 6

It’s morning now. I had a great night with Amber. She kissed me. It was unlike anything I’ve experienced before. Her soft warm lips just made it to mine and I couldn’t pull away, I didn’t want to pull away. So, we’re dating now. She’s the nicest mare I’ve met since coming here. I don’t think I would have made it farther in the college if she didn’t come along. Starlight is a great help, but having her by my side is even better.

Class went by relatively quickly. Today’s lecture discussed limitations of a ward. A protective magical barrier that can withstand magical and non-magical attacks up to a certain degree. It was fascinating. I have managed to create a ward covering the size of my dorm. It’s wonderful sound proofing when the other students are partying and Amber and I just want to rest. The true challenge will be continually casting this spell, but while asleep. I’ll get to that point eventually. For now, I’m going to lie down with Amber.
-Twilight Sparkle

Day 7

It’s been a full week since I started Fillydelphia’s college of the Arcane Arts. And not a bad week at that. Amber and I spent most of our time together now and we ignore the others as best as we can. Their condescending words can’t hurt us.

Headmaster Starlight was gone from class today. He was feeling ill and decided to take a day off. The substitute teacher didn’t help as much as Starlight did. The snobs got away with a few acts of harassment, but they’ll back off once the Headmaster is back. Amber and I rushed back to my door after class to avoid the bullies.

I decided to put up my ward every time Amber and I got home just for safe measure. I didn’t want to believe they’d do anything to harm us, but you can never be too safe. I’ve already found broken bricks around my dorm.

Amber is calling me to bed so I better go.
-Twilight Sparkle

Day 8
I’ve been doing some studying lately. Amplifying one’s magic beyond what any normal pony could do no matter how magically skilled they are. It seems impossible and with Starlight still sick I’ve decided to take the day off just to find out if this is even theoretically possible.

Amber told me not to get lost in the search for power. I know I won’t. I can’t get lost if I’m always close to her.

I’ve been looking into this thing called a Phylactery. I believe it can amplify magic but I won’t know conclusively until I actually acquire one.
-Twilight Sparkle

Day 9
Headmaster Starlight was, once again, gone. I was hoping he’d be back, but when I got to class he was nowhere to be found. I’m starting to wonder if he’s alright. I’ll stop by after class to see him.

Those damn ponies kept throwing paper balls at Amber and I. It didn’t become a problem until one threw a pencil and hit Amber. That was when I put up my ward around us and walked out with her. I could tell it was starting to hurt her feelings that they were picking on her because of me, but it only drew her farther into my hooves. She hugged me tightly right outside of the classroom and started crying right away. My shoulder is still a bit wet from her tears. She told me, “I don’t know how you deal with them. They’re so mean to you Twilight.” I honestly didn’t know how I dealt with them. I simply brushed off their stupidity and focused on Amber.

We spent the rest of the day together. For now, all I wanted to do is be with her. I’ll have to visit Headmaster Starlight tomorrow.
-Twilight Sparkle

Day 10
Amber decided to stay at the dorm today. I couldn’t blame her. The other ponies grew meaner day by day. More broken bricks littered the ground around my dorm along with a few scorch marks from where it looks like they tried to breach my ward.

Ha! That would be nothing short of a feat if all of them combined could even scratch my ward. I spent so much time perfecting it I dare say a mega spell could hit it and my dorm would still stand. But I don’t want to test this theory.

Headmaster Starlight’s personal chambers were empty. He wasn’t anywhere. I must have searched the entire campus looking for him. It wasn’t until later from a staff member that I found out his health really did take a turn for the worse. He was in Fillydelphia hospital. Amber and I visited him later that day. She brought some lilies and I brought a bouquet of white roses.

Starlight looked worse that what I expected. Various tubes and machine surrounded the sickly pony. His raspy old voice called out to me, “Twilight? Amber? Oh dear, I’m so sorry you two have to see me like this.”

-Twilight Sparkle

Day 11

Seeing Starlight like that made me speechless. I couldn’t think of anything to say to him. I just cried and cried. My Headmaster is in the hospital and there’s nothing I can do to save him. The feeling of helplessness is not something I enjoy. Amber ran out of the room probably unable to see Starlight in such a pitiful condition. I couldn’t blame her.

Starlight gave strict instructions to his staff that Amber and I were to oversee his personal chambers while he was sick. Who else was going to feed his Pheonix? The poor thing might as well be starving right now.

Amber and I are in the Headmaster’s chambers. I’ve already fed Starlight’s Phoenix and Amber is taking a nap. I didn’t think he would mind if I looked around his stuff and that’s when a particular book caught my attention. I’ve never seen such an interesting tome in all my life.

Its spine was damaged and bound together by what seemed to be string and not the imitation glue that is typically used to bind books. I noticed an odd symbol on the front covering the booking all over. It was a five pointed star upside-down. In the middle a head of a goat looked to pop out, but as soon as I blinked it was gone. I’ve also noticed a strange hum or whisper of what sounds to be somepony casting a spell keeps happening every time I open the tome.

It’s probably just my imagination playing tricks on me. I’m still curious as to what this book entails so I’ll continue this diary entry after I read a chapter or two.

This book... I’m not sure if ponykind should know of it. Why does Headmaster even have it? Phylactery of a Lich. Who would even want to read this? Well, I do, I mean, I did read it. The Phylactery of a Lich is an object in which the Lich stores it soul into becoming an undead. A jewel is most commonly used and put into a ring or amulet for the Lich to hold on to. If the Phylactery is destroyed, so is the Lich. Certain limitation also bound the Lich from parting from said Phylactery for an undetermined amount of time as of now. There is a catch though, a jewel can already amplify one’s power greatly, imbuing one’s soul into it makes the person immortal.

As evil as this book might be, I can’t get rid of it. It holds too much power to just be forgotten by time. I haven’t told Amber what I found. I’m sure she wouldn’t be interested in it anyway. I need to talk to the Headmaster about this.
-Twilight Sparkle

Day 12

Unfortunately Amber and I have been reprimanded for not showing up to class. No matter. The staff doesn’t bother me. They’re not the problem. The student however have yet to stop with their attacks. A hydropulse spell sprayed Amber and I like a firehose today in class. I foolishly forgot to put up a ward. Dammit. The substitute teacher only verbally attacked the immature foals. It wasn’t surprising. The snobbish ponies couldn’t really be dealt with, without Headmaster Starlight here. The lower staff was too fearful of the parents of the students. Most were closely tied to royalty and nobility, but not Starlight. Other than the Princesses, he was the most powerful pony in all of Equestria.

I visited the Headmaster after class. Amber stayed outside the room while I visited. My questions on the book Phylactery of a Lich weren’t truly answered. Starlight said long ago he tried to harness the power of the soul through a Phylactery and that is what is causing his downfall in health.

“Twilight, I urge you to stop where you are. Don’t go down the same path I have. Those who master the power over death are never happy.” It wasn’t until then when Starlight revealed a Phylactery to me. His dimly lit pale aura lifted a small chained pendant with a spherical gem firmly intact. The small gem shifted colors from blood red to blacker than the void of night and continued this cycle without wavering.

“I’ve long awaited death, Ms. Sparkle. I am a Lich. I’ve only managed to maintain my physical appearance through rigorous potion making. I fear my potions won’t work any longer. The decay will set in and my flesh will rot away only leaving a skeleton of my former self. I don’t want to live like that.” I truly couldn’t believe what I was hearing. My own Headmaster was a Lich! I should have reported him to Celestia, but I couldn’t handle the thought of betrayal towards somepony who truly cared about me.

“Ms. Sparkle, do me this one favor. Destroy my Phylactery. If it dies, so will I. My soul has been stored in there for decades.” It was all so much to take in. I knew I couldn’t disappoint my Headmaster, but at the same time he was asking me to kill him! My choices weren’t the greatest. Either let him live and let him suffer another day or mercifully end his existence by destroying a small gem.

I chose neither. I lied to my Headmaster. I told him I would destroy his Phylactery and here it is sitting next to me. Staring at me with contempt. Starlight is under a heavy sleeping spell so as far as he is aware his death has already come. I need to find away to regenerate his body and possibly even put his soul back into his body.
Amber has become increasingly depressed with the other ponies bullying her and with Starlight declination in health. I don’t know how I can comfort her. I’ve tried everything. I just can’t put a smile on her face anymore. She knows what I might try to do. I think that’s why she’s like this. I can’t stop though. I won’t let my Headmaster die in vain.
-Twilight Sparkle

Day 13

I need to find away into the Headmaster’s personal library. The one guarded by a powerful ward. No doubt Starlight the Old casted it himself so it would be pointless to even attempt to break it combat magic. Maybe there’s another way...

I have an idea. A ward can only be dispelled by the caster and only the caster may walk through it freely. If I were to take Starlight’s Phylactery with me and attempt to cross through it, it might just work. I won’t know until later tonight. I’ll have to sneak in when Amber is asleep along with the rest of the staff.

Ureka! I’ve done it! That sounds cliche. Nonetheless, I’ve crossed the ward effortlessly. The Phylactery worked perfectly. Now I just need to find the books I’m looking for.

I gathered all the books I found on Necromancy. I’m heading back to Starlight’s personal chambers to investigate the possible cure for Headmaster’s illness.

I was spotted. A guard saw me and took chase. The poor earth pony didn’t have a chance. I knew if I got caught I’d get kicked out of this college and all my work to save Starlight would be pointless. So, I did the only rational thing a mare in my situation could do. I turned him inside out. Nasty bit of magic I must say. The sight of the officer even made me vomit. His organs fell onto the ground as he gasped and gurgled for air sputterly blood all over the area. Disgusting if I must say myself. I never wanted to kill anypony, but I had to save Starlight. I couldn’t let him die.

I had to do something with the body. I knew if I left it here the whole campus would be put on lock down until the culprit was found. The hefty earth pony was a bit difficult to lift, but I managed to levitate him into a nearby dumbster and I sealed it with my ward. I had to come back and deal with the body before the stench was too foul.

My beeswax candle is almost gone so I’ll finish this entry as I lie next to Amber. Her mane smells so sweet. Goodnight journal.
-Twilight Sparkle

Day 14

Shit! Amber woke up this morning before I did and noticed the specks of red on my hooves and coat. I brushed it off as nothing more than a messy midnight snack, but I can tell her intuition isn’t fooled by my lie. I just hope she doesn’t find out what I did. She would never forgive me.

Class was the same, except this time I put a little twist on my ward spell. It got me probation, but it was worth it. Amber didn’t think so. She just shook her head. My ward spell was as usual, protecting us from the onslaught of debris from those wretched foals above us and then it hit me. Who’s to say I can’t have a little fun with this? With a small twist of manipulation in my magic I turned my ward spell into a reflect spell! Haha! You should have seen the looks on their faces when their hydropulse came right back and soaked them! Well, I may have calibrated it higher than expected. Two ponies suffered broken ribs and a third got a concussion. I won’t be expelled because they did antagonize it, but I was told that any further physical harm to any other student will result in my termination at Fillydelphia’s college for the Arcane Arts.

Amber just went back to our new home, the Headmaster’s chambers. She was mad at me, not for soaking them, but for smiling and laughing when I was told their bones had been broken. I didn’t make a cackling evil laugh, but she caught my snicker under my breath. She always is very perceptive around me.

Amber doesn’t want to talk to me right now. I guess it’s for the best I just leave her alone. I need to catch up on my studying again. I can’t save Starlight if I’m not studying.

This doesn’t make any sense! There’s nothing in these books that tells me how to reverse the effects! Dammit! Fucking dammit! I don’t know what I can do. I won’t give up though. Starlight needs me more than ever and I will deliver. There must be a way to save him I just haven’t found it yet.
-Twilight Sparkle

Day 15

I didn’t sleep last night. I stayed up all night searching and reading for some way to help the Headmaster. I haven’t found it yet, but I will. I may need to take another look through the Headmaster’s chambers and pass through his ward again tonight. I need to focus more on Amber or I’m going to lose her too. I think I’ll spend the day with her.

No! No! NO! I must have looked through all the books in this room five times and yet nothing about how to reverse the effects of Soul Split. That’s the new term I created to describe what happens when somepony puts their soul into a Phylactery. A difficult and nearly fatal spell to cast at that. If the soul is not split entirely from the host’s body the spell will not work and the host will die. Even though Starlight never told me how he placed his soul into this gem I believe I’m on the verge of discovering how to. I’ll head over to the library after this entry. Amber is fast asleep again.

Our relationship took a turn for the better. I spent all day with Amber and I believe I can still keep her by me. I wouldn’t know what to do without her. She’s by me everyday now.
-Twilight Sparkle
Day 16

It’s early in the morning. I’ve just returned from the library. I gathered a few more books. I hope that these books will give me the answer to saving my Headmaster.

Amber is awake. She’s making me breakfast now. I hid my books from her fearing she might get too involved in what I’m doing and I surely can’t have that. The books I recovered only told me how to reanimate corpses not resurrect or even reverse the process. It seems no pony yet has discovered how to resurrect a dead one. Reanimation only fit half of the answer. The body would still be active and moving, but only to my every whim. Not to mention that the natural decay of the body would still continue until only a skeleton remained. The college would never go for it. A reanimated corpse is not only a useless zombie, but is considered a heinous crime. Necromancy has always been frowned upon by Celestia and Luna, but they allowed tomes to be kept on its subject to prevent ignorance.

Starlight’s Phylactery is still on the table in front of me staring back with malice. I don’t know why, but every time I looked at that gem I felt almost possessed to take it and wear it. I know I shouldn’t. Two souls cannot share the same Phylactery. If one soul wishes to occupy where another already is, it could break the Phylactery or push the other soul out of it. And I wouldn’t dare risk putting my soul into a Phylactery. Starlight warned me against it.

I visited Starlight today, well at least his unconscious body. I just stared at him unable to move or say anything. I knew giving up was not an option.

Amber and I are going shopping. I haven’t seen Rarity in so long I’m sure she’d have some nice attire for Amber and I. And hopefully a few gems to spare for research.

The dresses look fantastic. Rarity was elated to see my new marefriend and II. She even gave us a special discount. New outfits and a saddlepack full of gems. This day isn’t going too bad after all.

I don’t understand! Why won’t these gems work?! I’ve taken the liberty of experimenting on these jewels. Just like the jewels found in the Elements of Harmony they amplify magic to an extraordinary level, but no matter how hard I try attempting to split a soul from a mouse I can’t get it to separate completely without destroying the Phylactery I attempt to put it in. It must take more practice. I’ll have to get more test subjects if I’m going to continue my experiments.
-Twilight Sparkle

Day 17

Another day, another fucking day. Probably one of the worst days I’ve had here since the Headmaster’s declination in health. Amber had to go back to home to Manehattan. A death in the family has excused her from all classes for a week.

Sometimes I wish I could just take off a week from school, but then I realize I couldn’t ever let Amber stay here without me. Nor could I forget my whole purpose for being here, saving Headmaster Starlight. At least, that was my goal and main objective.

Class was duller than usual. Without the Headmaster here we were left to rely on the ‘less than competent’ and ‘magically challenged’ staff. Honestly, who in their right mind would hire an earth pony as a magic teacher. Granted, the earth pony knew a great deal in the magical theory, but when it came to casting a spell, he was useless.

A few of the staff were gifted unicorns, even one pegasi. But as for their abilities, limited. Very limited. I would be amazed if any of them could even compete with the level of magic I’ve acquired.

Lunch... oh Celestia this is boring. I can’t even taste the food. Is this food? I’m going back to my chambers.

More tests... so many more tests to do. I better get started. Soon enough I’ll have a cure for Starlight.

Again, I have been left with only disappointment. The souls of the mice are just too weak and fragile to withstand being split from their bodies and put into Phylacteries. I’m running low on supplies. I’ll have to pick up some more gems before night and hopefully find some more test subjects. I may have to move to bigger patients.
-Twilight Sparkle

Day 18

No test subjects as of yet. I passed by the dumbster that I had sealed to contain the corpse. I smelled no hint of decay or rot so my containment spell is working wonderfully. Rarity was delighted that I stopped by again. We had a cup of tea and discussed some small talk. I persuaded her to sell me all her finest gems for twenty-five percent off. It was well worth it. The clarity through these magnificent jewels is astounding. These would surely be able to hold even a full pony soul.

Test subjects... what am I going to use for test subjects. Using any of the staff or students here would create too much suspicion. Though, I could gain far better results. I’ll have to think about this. It would be wiser to test on larger subjects. I still have Owlicious. He comes by every now and then. He could definitely be of use.

I’ll write down the results later I need to find my fowl friend first.

Owlicious was the closest I’ve come to successfully splitting a soul from its vessel and putting it into a gem. Unfortunately a small fissure I didn’t notice before in the jewel caused Owlicious’ soul to be lost. I’ll have to find other subjects then and a new area to put them.

Starlight’s Chambers did have a basement which could only be accessed via the Phylactery which made it great for disposing of the failed subject. I could continue my research without Amber possibly discovering what it was.
-Twilight Sparkle

Day 19
I don’t remember how long it’s been since I’ve slept. Four days maybe? Five? I’m not sure. I just hope Amber comes back soon. I miss her so much. It’s just not the same without her by my side. Day to day life has become monotonous. It’s the same shit. I’m off to class. I need to get more subjects tonight.

Those fucking snobs! Ugh! I can’t stand them. Sometimes I wish I could just make them shut-up and leave me alone. Without Starlight here the college is deteriorating morally. The staff won’t take action against the students so it seems we are left to fend for ourselves. If this is what they want, so be it.

Hehe! I’ve done it this time! After a delightful midnight stroll I managed to snag three ponies into my trap. These mares will soon pay the price for harassing me.

Being so magically gifted has its perks. I’m proud of myself for this one. After careful study and examination of pony anatomy I’ve discovered which part of the brain that controls their central nervous system. This part is exceptionally susceptible to magical manipulation. However, the dangers of manipulating the insides of somepony is you cannot see what you’re doing. Only concentration and skill can prevent death. But that wasn’t a problem for me. I shut off most of their movements. No doubt the ponies who were tailing me had ill intentions so I’ll find out what those were once we’re back to my chambers.

Even I was still surprised I pulled off paralysis. My guests are in the basement I’ll continue my entry when we’ve concluded our experiments.
-Twilight Sparkle

Day 20
I’ve done it! Well, partially. The three patients I gathered are now nothing more than lifeless corpses on the ground. Their souls are trapped within three emeralds. I’m quite proud of myself. I’ve managed to successfully split a soul from its body and put it into a Phylactery. What I do not understand is why their corpses are lifeless? Starlight the Old was still fully aware of his surroundings. I attempted fitting each soul-filled gem to its proper former body, but nothing happened. The glossy green gems just sat there. The same inky blackness flowed through the jewels as well. I’ve trapped their souls, but there must be something more to make them retain their former memories. As of now their just husks.

I must consult Phylactery of a Lich further. There must be something in there that will tell me how to bind their memories to their bodies.
I was naive... oh so naive. To think I could actually bind memories to a lifeless corpse. Reanimating the bodies was no problem at all. Effortlessly at that. But getting them to speak is impossible. I even commanded them to speak and all I heard was groaning. Their zombie-like state isn’t a good sign. There must be a way though. I will not give up.

It seems my new slaves will only be slaves forever. The book has made it clear to me only the caster of the spell may retain his/her memories. As of the thralls he/she acquires they will be nothing more than mindless drones endlessly doing the caster’s bidding. I wasn’t very happy finding this out. I threw the book against the wall and out of pure anger I accidentally vaporized one my thralls. I haven’t given up though. The book said that any thrall I acquire will be mindless. I have yet to find out if putting a soul back into its former body along with its original memories still in tact will work, but there’s only one way to find out. I’m going to bring Headmaster Starlight back to life, tonight.

I’m writing this entry currently as I stand above Starlight the Old. I have placed his Phylactery around his neck and I can only hope that he will come back to life after I put his soul back inside of him.

I don’t believe it! He’s alive! He’s really alive! I’ve done it! Oh no... this... this isn’t what was suppose to happen!

I can’t look at him anymore. My Headmaster. He’s... my thrall. I couldn’t believe it. After all my careful studying and research I am left with a thrall. I successfully split his soul from the Phylactery and placed it inside Starlight the Old. His eyes lit up and he rose from his bed, but... there was no one inside. His voice was nothing more than a moan like my other thralls. Where did I go wrong? What am I supposed to do with him now?
-Twilight Sparkle

Day 21
It seems like it’s been an eternity without Amber here. Maybe that’s because I cannot sleep. Lying in my bed staring at the ceiling was the only rest I got. No matter how hard I shut my eyes I could not put my mind at ease.

Now that Starlight is... my thrall. I need to find someplace to keep him. I’ve arranged for my thralls to stand guard in the basement incase of any nosey intruders I gave them strict orders to capture anypony that is nor I or Amber.

How am I going to explain this to Amber anyway if she finds out? I don’t think I can let her find out. Normal ponies would shriek at the sight of my ghouls. Not to mention if anyone else found out Celestia might get wind! And I cannot hope to defend myself against a god. It would be insanity.

The more and more I think about it the more and more I want to try it. Starlight is my thrall. He was also once a great and powerful wizard. I put his soul back into his body, but something must have been missing. Granted, Phylactery of a Lich said that only the caster would maintain his/her own memories, but seeing how Starlight was an original caster making himself a Lich it might be possible yet to bring his memories back. I’m not sure how I’ll achieve this, but theoretically there is a way and that’s all the motivation I need.

This may be the fourth or fifth time I’ve read this book. And another discovery has been made. Unnerving and unsettling as it is a Lich’s power is created and fueled by the various thralls he/she acquires. Along with precious gems that amplify any caster’s magic. That being said, in theory if I could acquire enough power I could ‘resurrect’ Starlight instead of just ‘reanimating’ him. It’s a long shot, but it’s worth it.

Resurrection isn’t an easy thing to master. In fact, no pony in the recorded history of Equestria has managed to resurrect another. To put the soul and memories of a once dead pony back into its body is nothing short of miraculous. The possibly scientific and medical applications this would have are astronomical! I’ve got the first part down, the soul is firmly inside of Starlight. Now for the more difficult part, memories.

Memories - chemical information that can be stored, processed, and retrieved inside the mind. Even the definition is hard to comprehend. How am I going to get Starlight’s memories back? It’s not as easy as a jewel heist or political scandals. Those would be much simpler than creating memories that have long been since forgotten. The chemical makeup of one’s mind is completely unique and like none other in Equestria.

The decay and rot will eventually strip Starlight as well as the rest of my thralls down to bone. Regeneration is a spell well-known in the medical field, but its effects take some time to fully take effect. I’d have to supercharge the spell to even make ground on bringing back Starlight. Normal effects would take at least ten days before making progress.

I have no idea who he’s met through his life or the adventures he’s had to accurately manipulate his memories. This will indeed be a challenge. I must tend to my thralls. I heard moaning again, maybe they’ve captured somepony.

-Twilight Sparkle

Day 22

My love! Amber! She’s back. I haven’t felt so giddy and happy since I was first accepted by Celestia to be her student. That warm feeling is back and the hair stands straight up on my neck when I see her. I’ve never hugged somepony so much in my life until now. I love you Amber.

I could tell right away my comforting hug was what she really needed right now. The soft patter of tears on my shoulder made it apparent it was rough on her to lose someone. I know the same feeling...

We stood in the hallway for nearly ten minutes simply holding each other. The more tears that fell down her face the tighter I wrapped my hooves around her. I couldn’t stand to see her like this. She was in so much pain and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I was just another powerless fool unable to quell the sadness and hurt of the one I love. Dammit...
-Twilight Sparkle

Day 23

Neither of us left our room today. There was no way I would leave Amber again. Not after yesterday. Just staring over at her as she slept gave me comfort and peace. I managed to make her crack a smile with a good morning kiss, but that was the only time I saw her smile today. She just lied next to me staring into my eyes. A shift in my stomach gave me an uneasy feeling like she was just staring right through me.

“Twilight... where’s the Headmaster? I stopped by the hospital and he wasn’t there and none of the staff know where he went.” Those words made my heart drop to my hooves. I could either tell her the truth or lie to protect her. I chose the latter.

“I don’t know babe.” Those words sealed it. I could never tell her what has become of him, the missing mares, or even myself. I felt no guilt though. No ill feeling I was deceiving the only girl I’ve ever loved. I did not expect this, however I am not complaining.

I’ll spend this day with her, but tomorrow I must get back to work on my research. Resurrection has never been performed successfully before so I plan to be the first.

-Twilight Sparkle

Day 24

Still no sleep. I’m amazed at myself. I haven’t slept in what? A week? Hell, I don’t care I’m not even tired I still have plenty of energy. Day and night I never stop. I wish everypony could do this. Constant research during the night and spending the day learning mundane magical theories in class, but with Amber it makes it completely worthwhile.

Starlight has been ‘missing’ for quite some time now which has caused the college to search for a new Headmaster. Someone whose skill set matches that of the master wizard. Me, of course. Well, I did put in my resume. I might be a student at Fillydelphia’s college for the Arcane Arts, but my comprehension of magic was extraordinary to say the least. And as Starlight’s personal protege I was technically next in line to succeed him. Granted, he was just a thrall in his own chambers in his basement, but I was taking charge now.

The decision of who should be the new Headmaster would be decided by tomorrow due to the urgency of filling in for his position. I’ve taken the liberty of ensuring my position as new Headmaster. The staff as well as other higher ‘so-called’ authorities on magic came to interview me along with the two Princesses.

“Twilight Sparkle! How good to see you again.” That soft motherly voice... Celestia. She was the first to interview me following by Luna and the rest of the entourage. My academics have surely paid off now. Any and all questions about my magical abilities were not in question. My thorough demonstration of my magical abilities set my place firmly as new Headmaster I had no question about it at all.

All the personal interviews are done and with my charm spell I ‘persuaded’ the rest of the critics to my favor. Now all I have to do is wait for the results and claim my place. This would be the first time in Fillydelphia’s college for the Arcane Arts that a student would become new Headmaster without even finishing the program.

Amber is nodding off to sleep giving me a few hours to research or performs some experiments before morning. I will continue with my results in a new daily entry.

-Twilight Sparkle

Day 25

It technically isn’t day twenty-five yet, but in seven more minutes it will be. I’ve spent the last hour ordering around my minions trying to find their limitations in strength and endurance. For strength, the ponies were as physically strong as they were before death. Their only limitations were the breaking point of their bones. Endurance... astounding. I told the light blue mare with the yellow mane to run around the campus until dawn and she hasn’t stopped yet. She just keeps running endlessly without tiring. I’ll check back with my subjects when I’m done searching the library. I need to find more texts on resurrection. It’s the only way Starlight will come back.

Jackpot! Wow, that sounded stupid. I did find what I was looking for. More than expected. Much more. I had to get Starlight down here to help me levitate all these books back to my chambers. I put a mild deafening spell on Amber to prevent her from hearing us make noise. Putting a sleeping spell on an already sleeping pony could cause comatose.

It’s three in the morning and I haven’t even began to cover the vast amount of information in front of me. The library had over fifty different texts on pony anatomy, magical mending of torn or damaged tissue, and cellular regeneration. I must continue reading there’s something within these books that will be the key to bringing him back. I just know it.

The sound of hooves clopping on the ground broke me from my concentration. Oh shit... Amber is up. OH FUCK! THAT MARE IS STILL RUNNING! I couldn’t let that mare be seen. A decaying corpse running around the college endlessly would be a sight that would be hard to explain and ultimately cause even more problems than I currently have. Thankfully, with reanimating those corpses it created sort of a ‘hive mind’ concept. Every thrall I raised would be linked to me and I could telepathically tell them whatever I needed them to do. If I am correct the mare should have hid in the bordering Everfree forest. No pony is brave enough to go inside there.

I better get upstairs I can hear Amber calling out my name and I answered. I don’t want her coming down here, but luckily for me she’s as scared of the dark as Fluttershy which made keeping her out of the basement a simple task.

Amber made pancakes for breakfast. The best damn pancakes I’ve had since my time in Ponyville when Pinkie Pie made me a surprise breakfast party. Just thinking about that fuschia colored spazz gave me a smile and a laugh. Only fitting for the Element of Laughter.

While Amber attended class I was to report to the Headmaster’s office on the third floor. The inauguration of my new title would come soon. The spiral staircase leading to the top floor was the road to my destiny and I was walking up it with pride. A large wooden door stood in front of me and innately I opened the door not even realizing I was using my magic until the door shut closed behind me.

The two alicorns that ruled Equestria stood in front of me. I lowered my head as the usual respects of the immortals was done.

“Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia started off, “for as long as I’ve known you as a filly to a full grown mare you have been the most talented student I’ve had in the Arcane Arts.” I began to get butterflies in my stomach and I tried not to smile knowing I had my title before deliberations could even begin to finding someone more fitting than I.

“It is with great pleasure we award you with the title of Headmaster Twilight Sparkle.” I faked my astonishment and cheered thanking both Princesses. “Thou is most welcome, Ms. Sparkle.” said Luna. “Here is thou Archmage amulet and robes.” Looking up a dark blue aura surrounded and carried a purple robe and wizard hat to me with the same hilights as my mane. The hat was covered in my cutie mark just as all the previous Headmasters have had their robes custom tailored to their bodies. The amulet was similar to the one of Starlight’s. Though, instead of a blood red gem mine was purple but shared the same spherical characteristics as Starlight’s.

“I know you and Starlight were close. I’m sorry he’s missing.” Celestia’s tone changed lowering to a more monotone expression.

“I know... I’m sorry too.” I faked the sincerity in my voice hoping to conclude our conversation as I am now the Headmaster of Fillydelphia’s college of the Arcane Arts.

“We’ll let you introduce yourself to your new staff and students, Ms. Sparkle.” with that being said the two immortals teleported out of my new office leaving me to my campus.

I am now in charge of the most prestigious magical arts school in all of Equestria. It’s time to make some changes.

I made it to the auditorium where all the class was held and motioned the current staff member down off the stage as I walked up on the platform standing in front of hundreds of gifted and talented unicorns.

As I stood in front of the mass of equines I thought of my ‘speech’ and decided to keep it short and not bore them.

“I am Twilight Sparkle, as many of you may remember I was once a student here.” talking in the crowd and murmurs rumbled across doubting my story of ‘once’ as they knew me I was still a student there. “I am now your new Headmaster!” My voice bellowed across the auditorium and silence fell. Dead silence. There was not a single whisper that could be heard.

With that being said I stepped down from the stage and let my staff member continue her lecture. A smug smile crossed my face where no pony could see. I caught movement in my peripheral vision of a white mass in the distance moving quickly towards an exit and as soon as I exited the classroom I was hit and fell to the ground. I opened my eyes to identify the assailant if lethal force was necessary and before a speck of anger could overtake my judgement those beautiful golden amber eyes stared into mine making my heart melt inside me. Amber was hugging me. How could I mistake those warm hooves of hers?

“Twilight you’re amazing! You’re the Headmaster now!” she said ecstatically.

I couldn’t help but blushing. She was so cute. I played along with the excitement and enthusiasm she had. We ran back to my chambers together giggling and laughing like fillies. She makes me so happy. I’m taking the rest of the night off to be with her. Even if I can’t sleep I want to be by her side.
-Twilight Sparkle

Day 26
It’s early morning and looking into her eyes as she wakes up is pure ecstasy. It hard to be much happier than this with Amber by my side and my new position as Headmaster, but work still had to be done. Starlight is still decaying and in my basement with one of the thralls. The other I told to just run into the Everfree forest. That’s all. Just run endlessly through it. I didn’t need it anyway. I’ll gain new thralls soon.

Amber is in the shower so I’ve decided to check up on Starlight and the other one. The putrid stench of rotting flesh filled my nostrils. More and more of his necrotized flesh was on the ground. At this rate his body would be fully gone in two more months. The other mare was fairing quite well. Other than her balding coat and mane with a single eye missing it wasn’t too awful.

I heard the water turn off so I’m going back upstairs. Amber will be going to class soon and I’ll be going to my office to conduct some ‘disciplinary action’.

Ah, my own office. My chair is comfortable and the students in front of me are trembling. They know exactly why I’ve called them to my office. These heathens have been a problem for Amber and I since the beginning and I now had my chance to exact my revenge. It took me some time to think about what I was going to do to them.

“You know... you ponies really made my life miserable and Amber’s,” I started off, “so I’m going to make it very clear to you what’s going to happen,” seeing the sweat drip down their faces gave me a rush. I could almost smell the fear on them.

Looking deep into their eyes I focused my magic with intensity and formed a ward inside their skulls just around their brains and with a blink of my eye I crushed their brains down into their spinal columns. The ponies in front of me fell to the ground instantaneously dead. I smiled more than usual. The sight of all my foes dead before me was a pleasing vision. To avoid suspicion I reanimated all their bodies and told them to stay in my office and stay hidden. The staff is only aware that I expelled them for their piss poor academics. With a total of twelves thralls now, I’m making progress to higher power and ultimately resurrecting Starlight the Old.

I decided to take my class outside for a demonstration. Their goal was to show me their best combat spell and their best ward. My observations proved to be useful. Seventy percent of the class could form a ward that could withstand a megaspell. Though, only sixty-five percent created a combat spell capable of sterilizing a one hundred hoof radius. Impressive for their standards, not for mine. If I’m going to resurrect Starlight I’m going to need these students in pique magical condition.

The classroom was silent during my entire lecture. A delightful change from the hydropulse constantly hitting my ward. I’ve gained a good number of followers with my new transition to Headmaster. These students will be my prized possession in the coming time.

My lecture on cellular regeneration and resurrection gained a lot of praise from my students. I’m liking this. We are finally making progress in the pursuit of knowledge. This college will not only be renowned for its best and brightest State Warlocks (Celestia’s army of powerful magicians) but its superior knowledge of medical based magic.

I’m ending this entry for the day. It’s getting dark out and Amber has been waiting patiently outside my office for me.
-Twilight Sparkle

Day 27
Another glorious day as Headmaster! My beautiful Amber Wood next to me in the morning and a class full of eager ponies wanting to learn. I better get started. Breakfast was amazing, as usual, and with a kiss we headed out to class.

Raised head and smiles filled the room as I entered. I think everyone was happier now that the problem students had been taken care of. It was for the best. I couldn’t allow a few foals to ruin my entire group. My lecture discussed the fundamentals of mending broken bones and lacerations. Easy enough in theory, but some of the students wanted to test their magic. I have to find a way to help them. I won’t oppress the pursuit of science. Surely not if the students wish to pursue it on their own accord.

As much as I’d like for them to test their abilities on one of my thralls I know it would only lead to me being stripped of my title and banished. There must be a way I can help them though. I’m sure Fluttershy could use some help.

I’ve sent a letter to Fluttershy asking her if she needs any assistance with any injured animals. Knowing her, she’ll need all the help she can get.

All in all, a fantastic day. My students continue to practice their combative magic and defensive wards; constantly improving.

Amber is waiting for me so I better get going.
-Twilight Sparkle

Day 28
I’ve received a letter early in the morning from a pegasi courier. The ditzy mare could barely fly straight, but I had to tip her she was nice enough to bring me breakfast. A blueberry muffin. How sweet. Unfortunately, her breaking through my window woke both of us up. This was the first time some sort of structural damage was done to our room since I took office as Headmaster. I no longer needed a constant ward to protect her and I. At least this time it was purely accidental and not intentional.

Fluttershy agreed to have some of my student over to tend with the injured animals. A recent unscheduled thunderstorm has left many birds injured or dead. She said she needed as much help as I was willing to send. Convenient timing... I must say. I’ll send a letter notifying her that I’ll be sending help immediately.

Standing in front of a coliseum of eager unicorns everyday makes my job as Headmaster the best job in Equestria. Asking for a show of hooves to who wanted to go help with Fluttershy didn’t make it any easier deciding who would and wouldn’t go. So I decided to make rotations. I’m sure Fluttershy wouldn’t mind the constant help free of charge and my students absolutely love practicing their magic.

I’ve sent Amber with the first group to visit Fluttershy and tend to the animals. I’ve also sent several of my staff to help where necessary. I can get back to some of my research now with less distractions.

The remainder of my class I’ve tasked with creating a mega spell. Of course, I’ll need to have Princess Celestia and Luna informed and present during the test to help prevent any major disasters. All is going according to plan. Even my own telepathy is increasing. It’s become easier to task my thralls with mundane chores in my office; keeping it tidy and free from intruders of course. Now that I keep my diary in my office I have to have some form of protection against any peeking eyes. My personal creation, a ward spell that reflects the damage back to the caster keeps my mind easy at rest knowing this book is safe.

I have began to wonder if my telepathy can be used for more than just controlling my thralls. I’ve yet to try it on another pony which leads me to questioning if I can actually control another pony just by thinking it or even just reading their mind. A discovery like that would be extremely beneficial to my cause. I will have to test this theory later. For now I must continue my research. I have many more books to go through involving magical reconstruction of the pony anatomy.

It’s about midnight so I’ll be starting a new entry soon. A grandeur future awaits Equestria as long as I’m here.
-Twilight Sparkle

Day 29
It’s midnight now. After reading through several more of my books I’ve gained new insight on how to bring back Starlight the Old. It’s not possible, at all. There is just simply no way to make memories out of nothingness. At first, I was enraged and distraught about being defeated, yet again, but then I began to think about it. The only way to truly make memories is to be there when it happens. If I could record these memories throughout his lifetime I could bring him back to life. The question now is, how do I record memories? What do I store them in? I’ll have to go back to the library and see if there are any texts available on this subject, but now that I’m Headmaster I won’t need to sneak around anymore.

It’s three in the morning and I’m still in my office. These books won’t read themselves, ha! I heard some noise outside my door so I’ve instructed two of my thralls to stand by at the ready in case I get an unwanted guest. I probably shouldn’t let my suspicions get the best of me. It’s most likely just some mares and colts out there getting frisky. That’s fine I don’t need to interrupt them. They’re not bothering me.

Five o’clock. Wow it’s early. I haven’t slept in... how long has it been? I’m not sure? I don’t remember eating anything for a while either, huh. Oh well, I have more books to read. The library will be open at seven so I won’t be waiting too much longer. I’ll have to make it quick since my class starts at seven thirty. Today we will test their skills at creating a mega spell.

The princesses arrived with me to enter my class and take my students outside for their demonstration. The sky was completely clear of any pegasi or birds that may get in injured or killed from the mega spell.
I stood in front of my class and in unison we raised our horns creating a massive sphere of energy growing ever massive by the second. As the orb grew larger we lifted it higher into the air. The mega spell was the size of an Ursa Major before I instructed my class to release it into the air. The sky lit up brighter than the sun. The ball of energy exploded creating a shockwave that broke all the windows in Fillydelphia. The blinding white light could be seen as far as Canterlot. The shell shock caused me to go deaf for a few hours as the persistent ringing in my ears wouldn’t stop. The sky changed from blue to a pastel of colors. The vibrant auras caused ooh’s and aww’s in crowd of my students and nearby citizens who came to see what was happening.

“Well done class! That was excellent.” I praised my class seeing a wave of smiles.

Princess Luna and Celestia were equally impressed by the abilities of my students. Our discussions in my office have lead to higher funding for my college specifically. Especially now that the college must pay for all the damages done to Fillydelphia. It was well worth it though.

The princesses have left now leaving me to my office. I still have Starlight’s Phylactery. I can’t get rid of it. It holds too much sentimental value to just toss away. Plus, it’s still a valuable gem. It no longer has the inky blackness that once slipped through inner gem like a snake. The pure red orb was just another Phylactery. Staring at it only brought back painful memories of his time in the hospital and his... reanimation by my hooves.

It’s once again, midnight. The whole day went by so fast. The group I sent to Ponyville to help out Fluttershy will return tomorrow to switch out with the rest of the students. As for now I’m going back to my Chambers to conduct some more experiments and research.
-Twilight Sparkle

Day 30
I found something call a Hexelcrux. A device created and used for the purpose of storing vast amounts of information magically. It was created back before Luna’s banishment by a powerful wizard named Hexell. I haven’t found much other than that, but it’s a good lead. I need to find out more about this ‘Hexell’. No doubt he’s long since been dead, but the Hexelcrux is somewhere out there. I don’t know where to start my search though. An artifact this old must exist somewhere. I’ll have to ask Celestia and Luna if they know anything about the Hexelcrux and Hexell himself.

It’s almost seven. I need to get ready for class. Amber will be coming back today. After a quick a shower I’ll be ready to go.

I... I don’t know what’s happening. My fur... it’s balding and bits of rotting flesh fell onto the ground from my chest and and legs. I need to fix this now. A quick cellular regeneration spell brought me back to my youthful appearance, but what caused that? What’s wrong with me? I didn’t even bleed. No blood at all. I’ll have to worry about this later. I’m going to be late for my class. I need to see Amber right away.

Seeing all my students brought a smile to my face. After collecting all the reports from my staff I skimmed over a few lines and my students have done quite a bit of philanthropy. Fluttershy even added her own personal report of the students.

“I’m pleased to see you all returned safely,” I started, “I can tell from the reports you’ve all grown exponentially in your abilities of cellular regeneration and broken bone mending.” A small cheer passed through the class and I joined in with them. I was so proud of their achievements. “For everypony who didn’t go to Ponyville you may exit the class with my staff and make your way there.” The loud clopping of hooves went out the doors and into the hallways away from the remainder of my class.

“As for the rest of us, take the rest of the day off. I’m sure you’re all very tired. We’ll start tomorrow on our new lesson.” I stated. They were elated with the news and it gave me a chance to spent some time with Amber and think about what’s happening to my body.

Amber and I retreated back to my chambers for a bit of ‘alone’ time. That mare really knows what she’s doing down there. She drives me crazy.

My lovely marefriend is asleep, and so begins another night of experimentation and research. Realizing my body is decaying I’ve decided to put a hold on researching Hexell and his Hexelcrux. I can’t bring back Starlight the Old if my body won’t even last this long. This is obviously some sort of necrotizing disease, but what could have caused it? Starlight had the same condition which led to his demise. Am I becoming a Lich? I need to find out, and soon.

There was no explanation in any of the medical texts in the library. Every necrotizing disease either required an open wound for the bacteria to enter or consuming the necrotized flesh. I have no open wounds and cannibalism isn’t the answer. What could it be...

I have no choice but to go back and read Phylactery of a Lich again. Maybe it will have the answer to what is happening to me. I must find a cure.

This can’t be. I... am becoming what Starlight was. No, I am what Starlight was. I am a Lich. It’s the only explanation. The book made it clear as crystal despite my unwillingness to accept it. My thralls are the evidence. I brought back the dead. Not only that, but I captured their souls. Their life forces are directing tied to mine. My telepathy is part of the hive mind I’ve created. I’m beginning to wonder if this is all worth it, but can I really stop now? I’m already a Lich. Turning back now would be pointless. The cause of my necrotizing state is a condition of being a Lich. I no longer require food, water, or sleep. I simply exist through my magic.

Even my Phylactery has gained the same inky black swirl that Starlight’s had. I didn’t even noticed until I looked at it. When the princesses gave it to me it wasn’t like this. I suppose my soul bound itself to the Phylactery around my neck when I first put it on. I just never paid that much attention to it. But how could it have? I never casted Soul Split on myself. Could my soul have rejected my body due to its condition? It’s the only theory I have.

There’s nothing I can do about this now. I can only move forward. The Hexelcrux is my next objective. I’ll send word to the Princesses to come over again so we may discuss this matter as well as scheduling mega spell practices. I should get back to bed with Amber. I don’t want her wondering where I ran off to.

-Twilight Sparkle

Day 31

The princesses will be arriving soon and I’ve tasked one of my thralls to dictate everything that is said between us in her hiding spot. I don’t like ‘eavesdropping’ per say, but I don’t know what they might say. Whether they will tell me about him and his creation I don’t know so I must record everything. This entry will continue when voices are heard.

Celestia - “Hello, Headmaster Sparkle I received your letter. You wanted to schedule mega spell practices?”

Twilight - “Hi Celestia, yes I would like to schedule practices every other day for the next two weeks. Do you think you could spare Luna for that time? I can provide room and board without a problem.”

Celestia - “Yes, I’ll ask her tonight to make her way to the college in the morning. She couldn’t make it today. Spike was introducing her to the new recruits that made it through training for her security team. Is there anything else you needed?”

Twilight - “Yes... yes there is. Across some of my research I’ve discovered something called a Hexelcrux. A once powerful wizard name Hexell created it. It was said to be able to store vast amounts of information magically. Now, I haven’t come across much other than that. History failed to record where it might be.”

Celestia - “Ahh... Hexell. I remember him. He was once Headmaster of this college. Before Starswirl the Bearded, even. A brilliant unicorn. A personal friend of mine too. The Hexelcrux is a tool lost through the ages I’m afraid. The last I heard from him was before Luna’s exile. He had a small fortress off in the Everfree forest just east of here. May I ask you why you’re interested in the Hexelcrux?”

Twilight - “Honestly, I want to know how he made it. It astounds me how advanced magic was so long ago and it saddens me it’s been lost through the ages. Ponykind could really benefit from these lost relics. That’s why I want to recover it and donate it to the college.”

Celestia - “I knew you would say something like that Ms. Sparkle. I had no doubts you would be the perfect candidate for Headmaster here. You’re going to make Equestria a better place for everypony.”

Twilight - “That’s what I want more than anything Celestia. Oh no, I’m late. Sorry Princess, but Amber is waiting on me. Thank you so much for coming over.”

Celestia - “You’re welcome, Headmaster Sparkle.”

That was remarkably easy. A fortress in the east... I’ll have to check it out sometime.

Class went about the same. There’s not much else to put into this entry so I’ll go and retire to my chambers with Amber.

- Twilight Sparkle

Day 32

Another day, another routine of switching out students and gathering reports. Marvelous, I must say. The students are making a real impact in Ponyville. News spread fast that some of my pupils were helping out Fluttershy and in no time they’re getting requests to heal patients at Ponyville Hospital. This is fantastic!

The mega spell practices are coming along nicely. Luna is a great addition to help out the students. We’re making real progress. I can’t wait till Starlight is back to see this.

My thralls are really starting to decay so I’ve casted wards around their hiding areas to cover up the stench. I don’t want anyone asking what that smell is.

I’ve decided to take an expedition over the next two days while Amber is off in Ponyville again. I will be going to the fortress Hexell resided in to investigate and see if the Hexelcrux is there. I can only hope it is. I’ve informed my staff of my departure to research a magical relic in the Everfree Forest. A few of them gasped at the idea of it and warned me otherwise, but I told them it was important so I’ve given the students and staff the next two days off.

I’ll continue this entry when I’ve reached the fortress.

It’s still standing. That’s good to see. Structurally, it’s sound, but if Rarity were to see this place she would faint. The outside is crumbled and heavy foliage covered up the door. I had to torch most of the vegetation just to clear a pathway. The door was locked too, but that was only a minor inconvenience. The inside is dreary. The cobblestone floor makes it impossible for stealth. My hooves clop on the ground echoing through the whole place. The only light coming in the place is from the open door so I casted illumination and this place is trashed. Books are lying on the ground, paper scattered around and inkwells tossed and broken against the wall. Whatever went down before Hexell’s demise couldn’t have been good.

I’ve made my way down a long corridor to what looks to be the living quarters of Hexell. Still no sign of the dead pony or the Hexelcrux. I found an odd book though. It doesn’t look like any sort of magical text.

Awesome! I’ve stumbled across his journal. I’ll definitely be taking this back with me. I’ll read through it to see if there’s any clues to where this Hexelcrux is. I will continue this entry afterwards.

Interesting... the Hexelcrux is a four dimentional cube. I see now why he called it a crux. It really is perplexing to the point of torment. It’s hard to understand how he created something so powerful. It’s a mystery to me. His journal describes his daily life, but not how he made it. His last entry tells where he hid his treasure, but in coded tongue.

My craft, my art, my creation. Deep it lies within wood and metal.

That’s the only clue I have to go on. What could he mean... I’ll look around the place to try and figure out what he meant. I’ll continue this entry when I discover something.

I’ve done it! Well, he was clever, but just enough to put it in the most obvious place no pony would think to look. After careful analysis of his personal quarters I caught something that was a bit off. Behind a bookshelf a found a small strongbox. A metal strongbox. And inside a black cube rested. No doubt. I have found the Hexelcrux. I’ll reside here for the night and make it back to the college in the morning. I’m going to end this entry and try to sleep for once.

-Twilight Sparkle

Day 33

It appears to be dawn now. I’ll make my way back to the college with both prize possession in my saddlepack. The journal of Hexell and his Hexelcrux. This truly is incredible. Everything is going according to plan oh so perfectly.

I got a lot of praise and attention as I made my way back through town. A lot of the ponies knew my name now and knew the progress I was making with the college as well as my philanthropistic decision to have my students aid Ponyville. I’m glad to see everypony likes me so much. I may be a Lich, but I won’t let that prevent me from helping my fellow pony.

The college faired just fine without me there. Everything was just the same. Classes went on and my office was just as empty as I left it. I’ll need to read over Hexell’s journal again to find out if he coded it with the instruction manual too.

Nothing... nothing in there makes any sort of coded message. No algorithm or anagram gives me a single clue on how to use this. I’ll have to inspect the Hexelcrux to see if it’s activated some other way.

It’s inscribed with various characters that are completely foreign to me. It seems to be some sort of dead language. I have no idea what it could say. It could be the phrase needed to activate it.

This must be luck. I may have found a way yet. After looking over Hexell’s journal I noticed a raised indention in the back cover. A layer of paper covered the cardboard back, or so I thought. Between the layer of paper and cardboard was a small folded up note. Inside was exactly what I was looking for. The key to activate the Hexelcrux. Not literally a key persay, but a translator for the language written on the Hexelcrux.

Hexell was a very clever pony. I wonder if he has anymore surprises for me. As for now I can’t used the Hexelcrux. Preparations haven’t been made yet. Starlight’s body is far beyond decomposition now. He is just a skeleton with a few bits of flesh left here and there. Bringing him back to his former state is going to more than just tedious. I’ll need my whole class to help me on this one. Resurrection has never been attempted yet.

-Twilight Sparkle

Day 34

Another day in class. Ahh... to see my students grow so exponentially just over such a short period of time. I’ve begun to outsource my more advanced students to Canterlot, Manehattan, and right here in Fillydelphia to help out with any medical needs the hospitals require. I’ve sent them all with letters of recommendation to give to the respective Chiefs of Medicine at the hospitals.

For my top and most skillful students I’ve given them all a special task so I may gain insight on their views on necromancy. They are to give me a reason as to why or why not they feel necromancy should be practiced. To assure I get the most truthful answer I’ve told them there is no right nor wrong answer. Purely their views on the subject at hand.

I can imagine right now the ten of them are wondering why I even brought up such a topic. Soon they will find out. I contemplated asking the entire class, but I feel the smaller the amount of ponies that know of my intentions the better. I don’t want any word of this catching wind to Celestia.

If I can gain the support of my top students I won’t need to involve the whole college in my endeavor. The less thralls I have the better. I can’t have a whole college of zombies now. I will continue this entry later.

I was approached by a rather offsetting pony after class. The unicorn caught me by complete surprise and I nearly jumped out of my robes. She’s... how do I put it? Unnerving, to be around. I got a sense of dread and uncertainty when she called out my name, “Headmaster Sparkle,” just thinking about it makes me cringe. Her words felt as cold as ice as she spoke to me, “You’ve made quite a name for yourself, Lich.” I froze in place as she spoke that last word.
The unicron in the black robe that was talking to me was not one of my students. Nor my staff. In fact, I’ve never seen her before on campus. I had to play it off though to avoid suspicion even if she knew all about me, “What did you just call me?” I retorted with a look of hate and disgust.

Seeing that smile on her face made me sick, “Oh you know what I called you, Twilight. And I know all about you. Dear Starlight is still alive isn’t he? A thrall of yours, hmm?” guilt and fear were growing in me and I quickly made a decision to keep this conversation between us and I teleported the two of us inside my office. Her expression change immediately from coy and sly to angry and scared.

Her horn gained an aura of magic as she braced herself staring down at me, “if you think I’m going down like those foals you’ve got another thing coming!”

I knew she couldn’t take me. I could easily turn her into a pile of ash, but killing her off would reveal nothing on how she knew so much about me. I had to take this slow and not cause a fight.

“You’ve got a lot of nerve threatening the Headmaster of the most prestigious college in Equestria.” I said without a single effort of emotion.

“Yeah? Does the college know you’re a Lich? Or is that your little secret?” said the unicorn.

“So... you think I’m a Lich. I assume you have some proof to back up some bullshit story like that.” My tone lowered as I stared into the eyes of my possible assailant.

The unicorn levitated my copy of Phylactery of a Lich in front of me and lowered it staring back at me with a smug grin. Nothing substantial I should concern myself over. Texts on necromancy aren’t illegal, but I could tell there was something more she was going to get at. This circumstantial evidence would be a laughing stock if she tried to have me arrested.

“You are a Lich. I can prove it, but I know it. I’ve been watching you.” she said slyly. I was still waiting for her smoking gun to arise and she would finally bring forth some evidence that I could destroy.

“Do you know where you are? Fillydephia’s college for the Arcane Arts. The best in Equestria. Only the most skillful unicorns pass the entrance exams. I was one of them and now look where I am, Headmaster.” I was stalling for time to bring up the right question(s)

“What are you getting at?” She asked.

“Let’s say you strike me down and kill me right now. What will happen? I’ll tell you. My best and brightest unicorns will kill you. You say you’ve been watching me. If you have you know my students have extraordinary power. They create mega spells with ease. Cellular regeneration spells used to take days. They take mere minutes now. Even if you were to injure one of them, the rest would vaporize you into ash in the wind.” I had her now. Her choices were limited to fighting me and dying, or answering my questions.

Her horn had lost its aura, but she still stood her ground firmly without taking her eyes off me for a second. I paced around the room to buy some time as I formed my next question peering over at her to observe her body language. She wasn’t scared. Not a single muscle in her body trembled.

“Now that I have your attention I want to ask you a few question. Your survival is contingent on your answers.”

She didn’t move a single bit.

“Who sent you?” I said.

“How do I know you won’t kill me after I tell you?”

“You don’t, so if you want to live you’ll answer me.”

“No pony.” she said.

I could tell she wasn’t lying. Nothing in her voice indicated it and she wouldn’t have come alone if this was a larger operation. She was just a one pony who someone knew what I was. I had to find out how.

“Really? Ok, why do you think I’m a Lich?”

“I know you’re a Lich.”

I was becoming a little aggravated now.

“What proof do you have? And don’t bother with Phylactery of a Lich. That proves nothing. Texts of necromancy have never been illegal.”

I was getting somewhere now. I could see the grin cracking of her face. She knew something I didn’t and she was about to tell me.

“Take off your robes.” said the mare.

“Is this a joke? Are you really trying to seduce me?”
“You said you wanted proof, take off your robes, I’ll prove it.” she said with a hint of premature victory in her voice.

Whatever proof she had that would require me taking off my robes piqued my curiosities. And so, I took off my robes still staring at her.

“Where you’re proof?”

The mare pointed over the large mirror facing to her left. What I saw in that mirror was a horrifying discovery I wish I never saw. My body... it was decaying. My flesh had fallen off exposing my bones. My rib cage was clearly visible and most of my internal organs were missing. I had become so caught up with my college and other experiments I completely forgot to take care of myself to avoid a disaster like this.

I stood there stunned. Unable to believe somepony really knew what I was. I could see her smile even wider out the corner of my eye as my jaw dropped from the horrors within me.

“Satisfied?” said the mare with arrogance in her voice.

“How did you find out?” I said angrily.

“Lucky guess.”

“Bullshit! Answer the question.” I levitated the unicron slamming her against the wall and creating a ward around me to protect from any attack she would commence.

Unable to move any limbs she looked at me still smiling for reasons unknown. “Like I said, I’ve been watching you for some time now. Your condition made itself apparent to me after you tried to bring back Starlight the Old. I commend you for your efforts. You even retrieved the Hexelcrux. Celestia must be so proud of her little Lich.”

“Shut your fucking mouth!” I was tempted to kill the little bitch for her patronizing demeanor. Who the fuck was she to judge me? No pony. She was no pony to pass judgement on me.

“Come now Twilight, you and I aren’t so different after all.” she said looking right into my eyes.

The mare can read minds. How interesting...

“You... you read my mind. Impressive. Were not so ‘different’ you say? What do you mean?”

I have no doubt she knew that I had thought she was a Lich just like me when she said that. Her next words didn’t shock me as much as they would have if I didn’t have that intuitive sense.

“I too am a Lich just like you. I’ve come to the college to talk to you.” the mare revealed a blue phylactery swirling with the exact same black inkiness.

“You’ve made quite a name for yourself,” she said grinning widely, “I’d like to propose a deal to you. It’ll work perfectly.”

“What sort of deal?” I said raising an eyebrow. I wouldn’t risk my college. This is my territory after all. I won’t be challenged as Headmaster.

“Celestia despises the undead, but you’ve proven that the undead aren’t as bad as she thinks. You’re deeds of philanthropy have spread across Equestria. I say we ‘persuade’ her to see our side.” I couldn’t tell if the mare was being deceptive, but taking a risk wasn’t worth it. I had to play this carefully.

“Thralls,” my minions gathered, “I killed these ponies and I reanimated their bodies to do my bidding.” Do you really think Celestia will forgive me? Do you think I’ll live if she finds out. At best, she will send me into exile. That’s if my crimes are not heinous enough to be condemned to death. Do you know what you’re saying? It’s suicide.” I chose my words carefully to see her next play.

“You have quite a few students, they could always help-”

“No fucking way!” I yelled, “not my students, they are innocent. I will not drag them into this and watch your step. If you hurt even one of them-”

“You’ll turn me inside out and strangle me with my own intestines until my eyes burst out of my skull? Yes, Twilight, I know what you’ll do to me. Mind reading is helpful wouldn’t you say?”

“Don’t act so fuckin’ cocky because I may just kill you if I feel like it.” I let go of the mare letting her on the ground.

“So, how do you plan to ‘persuade Celestia anyway?” I had to find out more of this plan. It was too big to pass up. If there’s another Lich like me who’s to say there aren’t more?

“Well, if we had your students, by force. Now I’m forced to come up with a more cunning way. Perhaps a charm spell to dilute her judgement?” Said the mare.

“Don’t be stupid. Celestia is a deity. She won’t be so easily swayed by the attempts of a Lich.” My pessimsm was just a ploy to make her reveal her plans further. There had to be an ulterior motive.

“You’re so pessimistic. Why don’t you put in some help?”

“This isn’t my plan. You came to me.”

“What if I told you Celestia knew how to bring back the dead?”

“I’m bring back the dead already. What do I need of Celestia? She’s just a monarch that will do her job and listen to me only when I address her. She but a pawn to me. You have nothing I want. Leave if you’re just going to waste my time or present me with something better.” I was again becoming irate with the fool in front of me. Lich or not she had nothing to off me yet she wanted to pursue such a vain quest that will only lead to failure.

“I really didn’t want to tell you this. Amber, is my thrall. I took her as insurance and I can let her go, but only if you agree to help me.”

The son of a bitch had my girl. I obviously wasn’t going to let him control her so I did the only logical thing. Lie.

“Go ahead kill her, keep her, I’ll kill you and just bring her back as a thrall.”

“You’re bluffing.”

My horn grew a blinding light, my purple aura exceeding the limits of my body. The spell I had casted was not a spell of death or destruction, but a teleportation spell to bring Amber in front of us. It was the dumbest decision I ever made. My opponent had beat me, by all wits. I forgot to put my robes back on.

“Twi- Twilight, oh my. Twilight you’re hurt. How are you stan- you’re not bleeding. Twilight why aren’t you aren’t bleeding!?” Amber backed away terrified of my form.

“Amber! You’re alive!” my attempts to walk towards her ended in vain. She casted a ward around herself to keep me from her.

“Wh- why are you doing this to me? Amber, please, I can explain!”

“Hmm... at this rate she’s going to tell the whole school and then Celestia will find out. Look like your choices are either make her your thrall or risk execution. Hehe!” chortled the mare.

I quickly dispelled her ward and put her under the same spell I put Starlight under at the hospital.

The other Lich vanished as soon as I turned around. Not a single trace of her. She left me a catastrophe. The love of my life scared and terrified of me and an uneasy feeling of further deception.

For now I have to create another lie to cover up this mess. I can’t have Amber as a thrall. Or can I... I mean, a slave to have my will with- no, it is Amber after all, but then again what am i to do with her. Tell the staff an intruder put her under a sleeping spell. Ha! They’ll tell me to just wake her up with an adrenaline spell. A magical boost to the adrenal glands. I mean, I did read so much on pony anatomy and physiology my students even know it. I’ve went on rants and lectures about it as soon as somepony didn’t want to do homework. The pony body was amazing to me. The ability to manipulate it and either bolster or destroy the limbs and organs.

Oh listen to me now rambling on again. I need to finish this entry up. It’s been a long day. The Hexelcrux has come in handy after recording that entire ordeal in my office. Remarkable what it can do. Good night.

-Twilight Sparkle

Day 35

I decided the latter and Amber is now but a thrall of mine, but at least she serves a purpose. To satisfy me of course. I can’t have her in the classroom anymore, but I can inform the staff she is need elsewhere.

I started to think about what the mare said. Her plan didn't seem so bad on paper, but convincing the monarch that the undead should be tolerated was idiocy. Based solely on what I’ve done, execution would fit my crimes. It does not matter what I’m doing right now or what I’ve done in the past to help ponyfolk. It will only matter about the lives I’ve taken and retribution.

Keeping my whole identity was a secret and now it’s been comprimised by another Lich. Luckily though, I have instilled the belief within the other Lich that I am not a foe to be trifled with. A tough and still heartbreaking decision I made to have Amber as my thrall proved to the walking corpse that manipulating me won’t be as easy as she thinks. I really do hope never to see that unicorn again. I don’t want to start such a scene here at the college, but if necessary I will eliminate the threat.

Class was... peculiar. There was an atmosphere of darkness looming over. I spent most of the class time peering into the balcony above looking for the Lich among my students. If she was going to try any further attempts she knew my students were her best bet. As a mind reader it was unnerving to think about it. I knew she was enjoying this squandry. To see me frantically checking for any sign of her existence.

Playing along with the paranoid state was all I could do for the time being until she reered her head again in my direction.

Nothing. Not a single sight of her all day. The encounter replayed endlessly in my head as I lounged in my office waiting for my students to return to give me their opinions on necromancy.

I was relieved when my door opened letting out a sigh as I hoped my students would enter. I was sadly mistaken.

“Hello Headmaster,” said a familar voice. A white unicorn entered. Her mane the same color as Amber’s. Even her cutie mark was the same. I immediately suspected a fraud. To know who it truly was would be a mystery soon revealed.

“Hello Amber,” I said superficially, “is there something you needed?”

“I just wanted to see you, Twi.” she said.

The imposter smiled devilshly as she walked up to my desk. Before she could utter another word I spoke up, looking directly into her eyes, “you know it’s been quite some time since Queen Chrysalis and her changelings tried to attack Equestria,” my ward formed a wall in front of me just centimeters away from my face protecting me from the imposter pretending to be Amber, “the remnants of her army were never wiped out. Her people still thrive and I imagine so does the Queen. My friends and I only thwarted her plans momentarily.”

Amber’s eyes narrowed as she stared back into mine, “what are you saying Twilight?”

Two of my thralls had moved in front of the door as silently as possible. Any normal pony wouldn’t have noticed. They couldn’t be seen through direct or peripheral vision which only stregthened my theory of who was in front of me. Her eyes shifted just slightly to right noticing I the entrapment I’ve placed her in.

“Maybe Chrysalis is back. Maybe after all this time she was just plotting her revenge. Her ploy to brainwash my brother didn’t work out so well. So I must be the next target.”

“What makes you say that Twilight? The changelings haven’t been spotted since you and your friends used the Elements of Harmony to blast them out of Canterlot years ago. Revenge should be the last thing on her list. ” said the imposter.

“A hunch,” I said, “why do you say revenge isn’t on her mind? I did foil her plans. What else would she be planning?”

“I’m not sure, maybe you could ask her someday.” said the faux-pony in front of me. The fake Amber stood up readying herself to leave, but before should could prepare I popped the question.

“What are you planning Chrysalis? You didn’t bring your changeling army to take over Equestria again. So... what exactly are you up to?” I said peering through the disguise she poised in front of me.

The changeling shifted into another form. Her true form. The queen of the changeling army stood in front of me for the second time. Yet, under different circumstances.

“Twilight, I didn’t come here to fight you.” said the tall looking insect-like alicorn. Her wings glistened gently in the accenting sunlight coming through the windows behind me.

I stood my ground and lowered my ward carefully analyzing the queen. I knew I couldn’t trust her, but she didn’t attempt to fight me yesterday so there was some truth in her words. The fangs from her mouth stuck out presenting a slight challenge as she spoke, but fluent enough to understand. The partial displacement of her voice made her sound like two ponies were talking just slightly out of sync.

“Really? After all I did to you, you don’t want to kill me?”

“Well, a little, but that isn’t why I’ve come to you.”

I knew she wanted to kill me, but there was an overlining reason for her return.

“The unicorn yesterday-”

“Oh come on Chrysalis, I know it was you. You really caused me a lot of pain. A lot. I bet that makes you happy doesn’t it? Maybe that’s why you’ve come back. To torture me? To make me suffer? To make me beg for your forgiveness?”

Chrysalis snickered to herself, “oh you know just what I like!” her eyes narrowed as her tone lowered “I would love to torture you, to make you suffer, but most of all, I would have enjoyed eating all that love between you and-”

The air hummed around us as the tip of my horn reached the Queen’s throat. The purple aura around my horn covered my body entirely.

“Speak her name and I’ll end your fucking life Chrysalis.” My words dripped with venom even the Queen of the Changelings feared.

She backed away slowly lifting her head from my horn. A wise choice for somepony who didn’t want to die. “Looks like somepony can’t handle her own mistakes. I’ll be back tomorrow. Maybe we can talk about this then when you’re a little more sane.”

I should have killed her. I had the chance. She turned her back on me and I blew another chance away to end her wretched life. At least she had the intelligence to not shift back into Amber’s form to escape or I really would have took chase to annihilate that bitch.

The ten students I selected entered shortly after Chrysalis’ dispersal. It seemed mere seconds. I wondered if they heard the commotion going on inside my office.

“I’m pleased to see you all made it. Now, tell me, how do you ponies feel about necromancy.” I leaned back in my chair to give off a laxing signal to ease some of the tension I could sense in the air. Fear and uncertainty came from these students. I was unaware of what could have caused such fright. Surely I didn’t cause this.

A single student came forwards nodding to the others, “Headmaster Sparkle,” she started off, “we have unanimously agreed that necromancy shouldn’t be outcasted like a social pariah. Despite the problems in the past necromancy could be used for the betterment of all Equestrians.”

Spoken like a true politician. Though, that wasn’t much of surprise with her father being a noble in Canterlot. The way she spoke and stood there proved she was like her father. Not in all aspects however. She retained a level of humility in front of me and her fellow classmates, as well as in clandestine activities such as helping Fluttershy or the local hospitals.

I tried to hold back a grin of hidden glee, but I failed revealing a full smile in front of my students.

“Headmaster Sparkle?” one started off, “are you okay?”

“Yes! Yes of course I’m okay. Thank you for asking. I appreciate all of you coming forwards as a group. Teamwork is a key to success and you colts and mares are doing a fantastic job at it.” I exclaimed.

The mare speaking for them approached my desk, “may I ask why you’re interested in our views on necromancy?”

“I have an upcoming event that I will need your help with. All of you. This is only to be shared between us. I can’t reveal the contents of this event until it unfolds. It is the utmost importance you ten speak nothing of this to anypony outside of this room.” I said looking stern, “understood?”

All ten ponies nodded simultaneously acknowledging my warning. “You may go then.”

“Headmaster...” a pony trailed off. She was a dark unicorn. Her coat as black as the void of night.


“I don’t mean to intrude, but I-” the unicorn stammered with her words barely coming out of her mouth, “we heard a lot of noise outside your office just before your door opened.” said the leader.

“Oh?” my eyebrow peeked upwards in curiousity. So they did hear the commotion, but no pony has asked about the mare leaving my office. Intriguing...

“Who did you see leave my office?”

“That’s just it, Headmaster Sparkle, we didn’t see anypony. We only heard you yelling and we were about to rush in, but you opened the door before we could even make a move” said the mare to the right.

My heart sank. Deeper than the depths of the Diamond Dogs caverns. They didn’t see anypony. Either Queen Chrysalis has mastered invisibility or... I chose not to think of the other possibility.

“Hmm... interesting. Thank you, now please be off. I have work to do.” I said shooing them off.

I must have sat in my office for hours. Staring off into the distance thinking how this could have happened. What possibly could the Queen of the Changelings know about magic that I didn’t? Invisibility was a spell I knew and was versed in, but even then the shimmer from the distortion of light hitting the caster would give away their position. It was a spell only to be used by Canterlot’s Special Equine Division for night raids in Griffon territory.

Chrysalis will come back though. She’s made it clear to me she will return and I will find out just how she slipped past undetected.

I’m off to bed for now... well, at least I will try to sleep or think some more. As a Lich I no longer require food, water, or sleep.

-Twilight Sparkle

Day 36

Another restless night. Sleeping was not an option. I could only think of how Chrysalis slipped past my students without them even realizing. Not only that, they only heard me yelling. They didn’t hear her voice at all.

Whatever she did it was quite amazing. I think I’ll go make some tea and read some more on Hexell’s journal.

I’ll have the Hexelcrux operating to continue its function and record everything that happens around me. I will later write down my findings after reviewing the information. I figure it is best I record everything I do for future generations to learn from my mistakes and accomplishments. Maybe the next Headmaster that succeeds me will make even farther progress than I.

At least, that’s what I hope it will do. I must admit I’ve caught myself reading over my journal just remembering the days before I changed so drastically. Innocence... that’s what it must have been. Or ignorance. The two aren’t easily defined differently. To be innocent is to be ignorant of all consequences. And ignorance is far from what I truly desire. Ignorance may be bliss for many, but it is torture for me.

I thought about what it would be like to have never come here. If I stayed by Princess Celestia and not go to Fillydelphia. Would it be worth it? Would I change anything? The answer dawned on me every time the thoughts passed through my mind, no. I couldn’t honestly want to change anything that has happened. Through all the good and bad I have caused I am making progress. To a brighter Equestria.

“Really Twilight, is that what you desire?” the cold voice of Chrysalis nipped at my ear as if she were right behind me reading my journal. “That altruism isn’t the only thing you want is it? No, no, you want more, so much more.” Her voice trailed on as I whipped my head around to find her, yet the space behind me was no more empty than it has been all night.

I could hear the echoing call of that insectuous voice all around me, “Twilight, dear, you want power. In fact, you have power, but that power won’t be enough to beat Celestia. She won’t be happy to find out you’re a Lich after.” Her echoing laugh become a quick nuisance as I tried to find the source of her voice. Nowhere. I could not find a single trace of anypony in my room.

It was starting to dawn on me. The unfortunate possibility I may be going insane. I’ve read my fair share of Pony Psychology to know hallucinations are generally caused by mind altering substances or an imbalance of hormones. Others can be caused by a traumatic incident causing the mind to form apparitions that are only visible to the person having the hallucination as a way to cope with the ‘shock and awe’ of the traumatic event. Auditory hallucinations being the most common. Visual disturbances were possible, but didn’t happen nearly as often as auditory one’s.

Which was most interesting seeing how I first experienced a possible visual hallucination before an auditory hallucination. To stop these unpleasant disturbances the only remedy would be pharmaceuticals or psychotherapy and neither sounded like something the Headmaster of the most prestigious college in Equestria should be involved in. The nature of my job is to be a strong minded unicorn capable of almost anything magic-based. To be subjected to drugging or socio-manipulation by the hands of a ‘psychologist’ (what a fucking load of shit) would tarnish my title in the eyes of the public.

The public’s eye is what’s on stake here. I may not be a politician or a noble, but I still hold a firm grasp on the royal courts. The ponies of Equestria revere me as Celestia’s gift to the land and I would surely not disappoint them. Without the favor of the Equestrian populace I wouldn’t gain nearly as many students nor the political power to sway decisions in my favor which would in turn benefit all of Equestria as it benefited my school. Increased funding to me just means more outsourcing of my students to all regions of Equestria. The more favor I gain the better. The nobles may have their lavish and extravagant lifestyles, but when the people of Equestria see what I’ve done for them and what the nobles have not, my actions will have spoken for themselves.

The cackling laughter of Chrysalis roamed through my chambers, “Twilight, don’t be so naive. You and I both know no matter how much you help Equestria your exposure as a Lich would surely diminish your reputation and cause you to be a social pariah. They don’t care about what you did or what your going to do for them. They only care about themselves. If they were to be caught siding with you they too would be outcasted from the general populace.” She kept going on and no matter how hard I tried to ignore her words they pierced through my skull like a lobotomy.

“If you’re so sure they will still stay with you despite your crimes why not come forward and tell them? Tell Celestia what you’ve become. Tell all of your friends how you killed your only love and enslaved her as your own thrall.” Chrysalis’ voice had become more and more irritating by the moment.

“Shut your fucking mouth Chrysalis!” I slammed my hooves onto the wall causing a crack up the wall to the ceiling.

The echoing laughter from the insectoid-like pony passed after a few moments. I really must get to the bottom of the problem. Chrysalis should have been banished from Equestria after my brother’s wedding, but it seems I must consult Princess Celestia on this dilemma.

It’s been awhile since I took a personal day to see the princess in Canterlot so it’s a good thing I suppose that I’m going to see her. I’ve left everything up to my staff giving out lesson plans and outsourcing schedules for the day. I have no doubt they can handle this simple task they always managed to in the past.

Celestia made arrangements for my arrival and I’ll be staying in a suite similar to Rarity’s when she visited Canterlot. It never ceases to amaze me on the grand scale of this castle. Even as a full grown mare this place looks even bigger than when I was just a filly attending Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns.

The typical nobles hold their heads up high in their own vanity. Disgusting honestly. I can’t stand these ponyfolk. None of them have worked hard for their positions. It’s all by bloodline. But, there’s not much I can do about it. I could kill them all and make them my thralls, but the public wouldn’t be happy with that, well, some may, others would not. At least with my name I get much more than prestige, I get thanks, appreciation, gratitude, all from the working class ponyfolk that inhabit Canterlot. The true ponies that matter. I don’t think there was more than a minute I could walk through town without hearing my name and having several ponies come up and thank me for my college’s assistance. Now, even a pony like myself won’t turn down an ego boost. Everypony loves to know somepony out there cares about them. Ah, I believe I’ve started ranting again. I have my meeting with Celestia in a half hour so I’m going to freshen up a bit before we meet. I’ve brought the Hexelcrux with me to record our conversation for later dictation into my journal.

“Princess Celestia, it’s nice to see you again.” I said smiling as I walked up to my mentor. The royal court room was empty. Completely empty. It was unlike anything I’ve seen before. Usually this place is packed with ponies.

“My most faithful student, Twilight. It’s good to see you too. How are things at the college?” Celestia said walking down from her throne.

“Things are going great Princess. Why is the courtroom empty? I’ve never seen it like this before.” I asked.

“Haven’t you heard Twilight? My sister’s personal guards are orchestrating a parade later today in her honor of the Lunar Eclipse tonight. All royal court affairs have been canceled for today. I was just about to head out to see how they were doing then you came in.” Replied the alicorn.

“Oh, I had no idea, before you leave Princess, I have a question.” I said trying to catch her attention for a little longer. Her eyebrow popped up only enough for me to catch a glimpse.

“Yes, Twilight what is it?” said Celestia.

“Chrysalis... she’s banished, right? And her army of changelings?” I quizzed, looking straight into the alicorn’s eyes for the slightest hint of deception.

“Twilight, that’s an odd question. You should know first hand they are gone. You and your friends used the Elements of Harmony to cast Chrysalis and her army far out of Equestria. She will never return. Twilight... is there something you on your mind?” Even the ancient alicorn knew I was hiding something, but I had to play it off as general curiosity. I don’t need Celestia as an obstacle.

“No, not at all Princess, just curious. With all that’s happened since I first arrived back in Ponyville it’s a sense of paranoia I can’t shake. Nightmare moon, Discord, Chrysalis, it’s only a matter of time before we’re under siege again from another malicious source.” I wasn’t lying, but this wasn’t the true reason I was asking about Chrysalis. It was true that since my arrival all those years ago Equestria has faced foes greater than anything previously fought. It might have something to do with the Elements of Harmony being reunited, but it is still unclear whether or not this is the exact reason as to why. My mind still isn’t at rest. Chrysalis must be back, otherwise I’m going insane. The Elements of Harmony did cast her out of Equestria, but whether or not she has come back for round two in still a mystery.

-Twilight Sparkle

Day 37

I’ve taken my first sick day today. I’m not actually sick, but I need time to myself to sort things out. Figuratively and literally. My office has become kind of a mess and with Chrysalis’ possible return to Equestria I have an even bigger obstacle in front of me. No doubt, my students would soon come in need if she and her army decide for a second invasion.

I don’t feel like getting up and out of bed, but I know I have to. Despite the soft caressing nature of my one hundred percent silk blanket and sheets I have work to do. Amber... she’s so cold to the touch. Her coat is starting to look a little mangy so I’ll have to tend to her today as well. I don’t want my marefriend looking like such a travesty. I bet if Rarity were here she’d know how to make her look perfect.

Thirty-seven days... seems like almost yesterday Starlight and I were just having tea together. So much has changed in such a small amount of time and so much more is going to change very soon. To beat Chrysalis again without my friend’s assistance this time would be an interesting challenge, but I will make sure to confirm her corpse is beyond any possible reconstruction. I may not be the only necromancer out there willing to put her soul in a gem to resurrect a dead loved one.

I guess it’s about that time. The early dawn light is peering through the windows so I better get up. I’ll have my thralls tidy up the place. I have bigger issues to deal with and the extra help is nice even if the decomposing ponies looked hideous no one else had to see them but me. A dry, raspy, moan came from each of my thralls as I instructed them on their chores. At least it wasn’t a complaint. Ha! The thought of my thralls even making a complaint gave me the giggles. It was an amusing macabre thought.

Stepping out of the shower only brought back the same frightful sight Chrysalis exposed on me. My flesh was decomposing and the chunks of black, necrotized flesh falling to the ground caused me to vomit from the sight of it. My ribs were fully exposed and holes in my internal organs were forming. The remnants of my heart and lungs pulsed with my purple magic aura around them. My Phylactery was the only thing keeping me alive now, well correction; it has been the only thing keeping me alive since my rise to power. I doubt I would have lasted much longer if I did not become Headmaster. The magical energy it takes to keep several thralls alive is far beyond what any normal pony could do without the assistance of a magic amplifying device.

Another regeneration spell later and my wound was closed up and I once again looked like a normal pony. I’ll have my thralls clean up the mess in my bathroom. Amber looks a lot better too after a nice long shower with me. Granted, it’s saddening she can’t speak for herself anymore. She’s nothing more than a pawn now. And here comes the tears. Gah, and that sharp pain in my chest! It happens every time I think about her. I… it’s hard to forgive myself for what I did, but I knew it was what I HAD to do. I really didn’t have a choice, but I guess rationalizing with myself is the best I’ll ever get to closure for my actions. I can’t tell anypony about the things I’ve done.

I’ll continue this entry later when I arrive at the library. I need to find out how Chrysalis managed to fool my top students. There’s no way they wouldn’t have noticed her if she was using an invisibility spell. Despite the irony of it, a shimmer from the light bending around the body would give anypony away if they were using invisibility.

Hmm… how interesting. I found a book that may help. The Lunarium Lohknorium. Every stealth-based spell known to equine-kind has been cataloged in this rare tome. Princess Luna herself created most of these spells along with several previous Headmasters that taught here at the college. I’ll take this back to my chambers and see just what I can find. Maybe there’s something in here that will tell me how Chrysalis evaded my students without detection.

Invisibility! Found it! Well, it’s not technically called ‘invisibility’ it’s actually called Chameleon. A spell that alters the pigmentation of the caster to mimic that of his/her surroundings. Impressive, I’ll give her that, but now that I know her secret I bet she learned so many more from this book.

Mute, a spell that dissipates the caster’s voice beyond a five hoof radius. Well, at least this confirms how my students weren’t able to hear her and I in my office.

I’ll just have to have a little ‘discussion’ with her when she decides to visit me again. Exposing all her tricks and deceptions might sway her to depart so I won’t have to dirty my hooves again with even more blood. It’s already taken quite a mental toll on me. My constant paranoia of exposure as a lich isn’t something I want on my mind twenty-four, seven.

So much to do and so little time. Somepony just knocked on my door.

Huh, a ‘get well soon’ card. Cliché, but the sentiment is nice. A staff member of mine delivered it to me. She’s… how do I put it? I can’t quite put my hoof on it, but there’s something off about her. Kind of like Chrysalis when she used that disguise to get close to me and called me a ‘lich’. Could she be a changeling? Could my college have been infiltrated by them? I mean, it’s not impossible. Changelings can imitate anypony down to the last hair on their body, but could they also use magic as well as the pony they imitate? I’m not quite sure. In theory, it sounds like they could. Which has made me think… does Chrysalis actually have a copy of the Lunarium Lohknorium? She can morph into any pony she chooses, but that doesn’t explain the possibility of her knowing the spell Mute. Dammit! What a mind game this is becoming. I need to go for a walk. I start another entry tomorrow with any new details that arise.

-Twilight Sparkle

Day 38

I’m really starting to wonder if my deduction was correct. I don’t want it to be, but if it is I have a major problem and I’m the only pony who can fix it. Chrysalis’ army of changelings may have infiltrated my college. Every student, every staff member is a possible Sleeper Cell. It came to me after my walk in the park, or actually, during my walk.

It felt like I was being watched every second. It was the Campus park, so unlike natural predators that lurk in the Everfree forest, this one was void of any ‘danger’ or so I thought. It wasn’t the typical ‘rustling in the bushes’ or hearing a twig snap that lead me to believe this, no, no, it was the ponies that walked the same park. My staff and students. I could feel their eyes latching onto me watching my every move. My peripheral vision only caught glimpses of what I suspected were changeling spies following me, but every time I turned around to confront them, they were gone. Even when I scurried back to my chambers to avoid conflict I could sense that they were there, watching, waiting. The changelings are going to attack Fillydelphia I think. This is a prime target. The Queen certainly took her time selecting an appropriate region for a covert invasion. Taking down the most prestigious magic school in Equestria would be a feat I will not let her achieve, no matter the cost, even if I must die protecting this place.

I fear too much that if I step outside the ensuing battle will begin. There’s little to stop the Queen now from a full scale war with Equestria. I need to come up with a plan. I’ve beaten her once, with the other elements, but that has proven to not be enough. She must die.

Five hours, five hours I’ve spent trying and failing to come up with a plan that wouldn’t involve massive bloodshed. I can either give in to the Queen’s demands to help her take over Equestria and risk being killed by the Princesses for treason, or I can fight her and risk death as a martyr. I guess everypony has to die someday. Let’s just hope this is not my day and only hers.

After rethinking it repeatedly my plan is the equivalent to what Rainbow Dash would do in this situation, fight the good fight. It made me laugh a little thinking about the old days when I was just a filly still living in Ponyville. I really miss them. Especially Spike. He was the cutest little baby dragon when I first got him and now he’s as tall as Celestia and as strong ever. I bet he’s probably giving the initiates hell right now. Or standing tall and handsomely in the Lunar Armor custom made by Rarity herself for him. I wish I could hug him one last time.

Two days, in two days I will execute my plans. I will call a mandatory meeting involving all staff members and students into the main auditorium and when I am there, I will purge the college. It’s a risk, a huge risk. I could kill an innocent student if there any in fact still left. They could be all just changelings in disguise. I’m shaking just thinking about this.

-Twilight Sparkle

Day 39

One day until C-Day. That’s what I’ve decided to call this insurrection. It’s short for Changeling Day. If I don’t survive I want the ponies of Equestria to know that I fought for them. Not for redemption for my mistakes, but for a future they may have. A tomorrow. I will continue this entry later. I need to gather my supplies.

Twelve hours remain until the purging. I’ve notified my staff of the meeting and everything is coming together perfectly. Tomorrow will be a new day a day free of changelings and their parasitic, love-eating Queen Chrysalis. Her name always makes my teeth grit in anger. The only I regret I live with is not killing her earlier. I’ll get her now.

Tick-tock, the clock goes by again. I believe what this is what they call madness. Waiting… just waiting. Seconds just seem to go by like hours and I sit here writing what may be my last words.

Amber keeps me company though. Just a thrall, but my thrall, my beautiful thrall. Sure, she’s as cold and rigid as a corpse, but at least she keeps me company. I’ll have her write down my last words and thoughts telepathically when the final battle begins.

Six hours now. I’ve occupied my time by making the most of our relationship with Amber. I don’t think it’s necrophilia if both ponies are dead is it? Huh, I guess I may never know, but at least we had fun, or I did. I can’t tell if her moans were of pleasure or… just because she’s a living dead minion of mine.

Just one hour until it begins. I’m going to head out now I want to be early for the big event.

-Twilight Sparkle

Day 40

C-Day. As I look upon my students and staff all gathered in this grand auditorium I know what I am doing is right. This threat must be eliminated and I am the only pony who can do it.

“Good morning everypony.” Their pleasant smiles may as well be sheep’s skin on Timberwolves.

“I have gathered you all today to talk to you about something very important. Something that you all need to hear. It is with great disdain I address you all. You filthy scum!” Faces of shock and horror look back at me. They’re faking it I know it. What a pathetic ruse.

“Your Queen cannot help you now. Chrysalis, wherever she is, will die soon by my hooves, as will all of you CHANGELINGS!” Silence… not a single sound now. They’re all dead. My plan worked A giant wards formed around the entire auditorium completely unnoticeable until I collapsed it on them crushing everypony… Oh no…

“OH CELESTIA! WHAT HAVE I DONE?!” They’re dead… all of them. There… they weren’t changelings. None of them. They would have turned back into their normal insectoid-like figures at death, but they all look like the students and staff! WHY?!

I must have had an anxiety attack. I just woke up on the floor. There’s… so much blood. It’s everywhere. Hundreds of ponies… dead by my hooves.

No matter how much I shower or scrub I still feel their blood covering me. All those faces are just racing through my mind! DAMMIT! Chrysalis you bitch! You fucking bitch! You took them from me! You took everything from me! I can here you laughing you whore! Get out of my head!

I must kill her. I MUST! I have to kill her! I know she’s in the college. I’ll drive her out! I’ll burn this place down! But first, I have many, many new thralls to give me power. They’ll give me what I need to defeat Chrysalis once and for all.

The courtyard, how delightful. My army of thralls, check! My Phylactery, check! And one College to destroy…

Yes! It’s gone! It’s not more but a vapor! Ha! I’m actually sweating too. I haven’t done that in a while.

“Chrysalis! Show yourself you bitch!” Luna’s not the only one who knows the Royal Canterlot Voice spell.

“Twilight Sparkle!” I know that voice… oh Chrysalis, you went to for this time. Too far.

“Chrysalis!” I knew you would come. You couldn’t’ resist the urge to take me on.

“Twil- what… oh no.” What the fuck is she talking about?

“What have you done!” Isn’t it obvious? I mean really, she’s the one who came out to me… about being a Lich of course.

“This ends today!” I nicked her on the neck with my horn.

“Stop!” My body.Why did it stop. Why am I standing here!”

“What’s happened to you?” no… it can’t be. This isn’t real.

“What was it that made you this way?”

“I infused my soul unconsciously to the gem.” Her head lowered… she knows something. I… that bitch. Thralls attack!

Gone all gone. She just wiped them out like a fly. What a fool I was. I’m ready for death bright it to me Celestia.

“For your crimes against ponykind I I must take your life too!” Oh please, that’s so hypocritical.

Wha- I’m still alive? It seems she just destroyed my body, but not my amulet. Hmph, just holding me like that putting me into a saddlebag.

I’ll just let Amber die. There’s not need to try and combat Celestia. Last words… I love Amb-