Justice: A Reclaiming Equestria Story Featuring DCAU Batman and Wonder Woman

by Ron Jeremy Pony

First published

Harmony is broken, Equestrians, mares, are enslaved, and the Caribou Overlords have declared themselves masters over all. Yet, two new beings bring hope once more to those who need it. And perhaps, they bring Justice.

Harmony is broken, Equestrians, mares, are enslaved, and the Caribou Overlords have declared themselves masters over all. Yet, two new beings bring hope once more to those who need it. And perhaps, they bring Justice.

Diana and Bruce have been through so much already. Diana's kidnapping by the injustice gang, her brainwashing that led to her believing she was a prostitute, and then her weekly visits by Luthor. If it hadn't been for Bruce believing she was alive, believing that she was still there somewhere, she would still be at that shady brothel. Instead, now, now she is with Bruce, and together they have faced life head on.

She helped when Tim was kidnapped by the Joker, tortured for days on end, and then driven insane. She stood by her morals, and Bruce, when it came to deciding how things should be handled with the League, and now she finds herself in a world filled with vile creatures that exploit and violate the females. The Caribou have angered an Amazon, and they've made an enemy of the Batman.

This is a crossover between the DCAU and the Reclaiming Equestria Concept. There are several elements being used from the most fantastic BM/WW story called Memories to a Stranger. Please, if you get time, read it. I can honestly say without a doubt that it is one of the better stories out there.

Huge thanks to L0rd0f7hund3r for co-authoring and being a fantastic sounding board.


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A Reclaiming Equestria Story Featuring DCAU Batman and Wonder Woman

Chapter One: Interference

Diana smiled, gracefully walking through the large room, heading toward the speaking floor. Recently, opening the Themyscaria Embassy, helping with Audery’s growing unrest in Kasnia, and then finally openly dating was certainly taking most of her time. The fact that she could call tonight a date was a bit of a stretch, but Bruce was doing his best to act his part.

It was certainly a black tie affair, most of anything Wayne Enterprises was connected to tended to be formal, and being here as Bruce’s fiancee certainly allowed her some freedom. There were still a few lewd stares in her direction, from men and woman, but she had learned to hold her temper. Coming into the “world of men” meant she ofttimes had to deal with the rather unsavory idea of women as objects. It was as foreign a concept as the concentration of wealth was to all Themyscarians.

The ways of the Amazons didn’t include a stratified society or accumulated wealth. Every Amazon was given more than enough to live on with the collected bounty of the island. Poverty there was next to nonexistent and even as a Princess, Diana was expected to live a life of frugality and practicality. If she had to hear another corpulent penguin blather on about his homes, his yachts, or his personal airplanes, she might just renege on her promise to be polite tonight and start busting heads.

She looked about the room. Bruce undoubtedly was speaking to Lucius Fox. The times she’d met him Diana came to conclusion that Lucius was gifted if overlooked within Wayne Enterprises. Another aspect of the world of men that she despised, racism. Lucius was likely the most brilliant man, besides Bruce, she had ever met. She had it in her mind that if Athena and Lucius were to ever meet, if would a match made in the Heavens. She knew several of her Amazon sisters who not be treated well here, not only because they were women but also because their skin color was as dark as Mr. Fox’s.

As she sifted through the crowd, she invariably heard Bruce’s voice carrying from one corner of the ball room. As she marched to that section, she also picked up the sound a woman’s voice, a woman with a sultry, deep alto that was plying compliment and innuendo in Bruce’s direction. While not a jealous woman, Diana couldn’t help but feel a thrill of jealousy pass through her stomach. As she parted a pair of gluttonous bankers making light of her physique (and ultimately paying the price as she shoved them away rather forcefully) she finally saw her beau- and a striking woman with short ringlets of fawn colored hair.

There was no denying that the woman was, without doubt, beautiful. She was also someone that Diana knew fairly well. There was some respect, some understanding between the two of them. Diana had assumed that part of that understanding would include Selina not attempting to seduce Bruce. It wasn’t that she was worried. Bruce wasn’t one to fall for seduction, but the fact that Selina was even attempting was causing a bite of anger to take hold in her stomach. Or maybe it was all this processed food was imbibing tonight. Grains, fruits, vegetables, that was the diet of an Amazon. These “hor d’oeuvres” she was nibbling on were doing nothing for her palate or her digestion.

“Excuse, me,” Diana said, interrupting a contentious debate between the two, “but I was hoping to steal away my fiancee for a few moments?”

Selina turned her head, as did Bruce, and glowered at the Amazon for a moment. The glower lasted but a moment, far longer than Diana would have prefered, before an ingratiating grin spread on the Kyle woman’s face.

“Diana,” she beamed, “how nice of you to drop in and say hi! Bruce and I were just discussing some politics. Would you care to join?”

“No,” Diana retorted, “I would rather not. Politics are- not polite dinner conversation.”

Bruce, sticking to his foppish playboy persona, laughed and uttered, “I’ve been trying to convince of her of that for the last ten minutes! I’m glad to see I have someone on my side.”

“Why would I not be on your side?” Diana cooed.

“I know, I can always count on you,” he gave a slight grin to Selina.

Diana had seen that grin a thousand times, and she’d seen it directed toward others in the know. It wasn’t a completely nice and polite gesture. It basically was a statement that there would be talk, later, with the real Bruce Wayne. Selina seemed to have taken the hint, and she looked at Diana.

“Well, dearie, it looks like you’ve taken my suggestion of staking your claim exceptionally well. I believe this is the point of the evening where I should go ahead and mingle. After all, I do so want my charity work to be funded, and there are more than a few individuals that would be capable of doing just that.”

Selina turned to leave to get a face full of chest. That chest, Diana was surprised to see, belonged to Gotham’s newest billionaire. It was strange to see him here, as he often employed what Bruce referred to as the Howard Hughes defense, sticking close to his home on the outskirts of Gotham and not making many public appearances. Unlike the rest of the Gotham Socialites, Moexatl Ana’Ra was a newcomer and didn’t imbibe a thing at these gatherings. Indeed, he was holding onto a used water bottle filled with tap water. His eyes swept over Ms. Kyle and a glimmer formed in his dark eyes.

“Ah, Ms. Kyle, a pleasure bumping into you, literally,” Ana’Ra said.

“Well, if it isn’t the elusive Mr. Moexatl,” Selina retorted, “whatever brought out a man such as yourself to this hive of scum and villainy?”

“Besides boredom?” Ana”ra answered, “the cats.”

“The cats?” Diana asked, “What does he mean?”

“What I mean, Miss, is that I am conservationist, not to be confused with a communist or a conservative,” Ana’Ra replied, “I adore wild things, like the mountain lions that bastard is trying to kill off for his overpriced condos.”

“I didn’t know you cared about wildlife,” Selina commented, “I would thought an industrialist like yourself would prefer a place like Dagget’s for the- amenities.”

“As if,” Ana’Ra replied venomously, “a wise man once said, ‘In wildness is the preservation of the world.’ The more ‘civilized’ our planet becomes the less natural it becomes. I would not want to tell my future children that there used to condors and pumas and whales but humanity killed them off in the name of progress and profit.”

“Well, finally, a man with a spine,” Selina cooed, “why don’t you and I discuss the kitties somewhere cozy?”

“For you Miss Kyle,” Ana’Ra said, “anywhere is fine as long as it isn’t here.”

“I like the sound of that,” Selina said, then to Diana and Bruce, “well, it looks I wasn’t long for this soiree. See you two lovebirds later.”

With a swish of her ball gown, Selina and the taller Ana’Ra made their way to the exit.

“She works quickly,” Diana mused, still uncomfortable with the idea of her fellow sisters as competition for male attention and everything else, “Bruce, if I may, how do you stand these things? I’ve heard more discussion on such banal trivialities than even the worst gossip on Themyscaria.”

“I don’t,” Bruce answers in a low whisper, “I do my best to screen it all out, until something important comes along. Which in this crowd, rarely happens.”

She looked around, seeing the practically endless amount of Gotham’s wealthy Elite. She then saw someone else enter. She had been naive before, and part of that naivety had been that Clark simply didn’t have the same kind of enemies she and Bruce had. Faust had been after power, ultimate power, Cheeta was looking for a way to transform back, and slowly losing herself to the more animalistic side she’d adopted.

One of her own sisters had attempted to kill all men on Earth, and then there was her… She didn’t want to call Hades her father. Perhaps he had helped her mother form her from clay. Perhaps that had been true, but he was not her father. Regardless, Hades tended to be a thorn in the League’s side, and he did tend to like to specifically mess with her. But it had been Luthor that had made her realize that everyone had darkness in them, and he had let his own perversions take hold.

Time had flown since that time, there had been questions asked, various talk shows, newspaper interviews, and through it all she had been held a hero not for her normal actions, but because she had come forward and reported what Luthor had done. Regardless, Lex Luthor was gone, dead, and as a twisted gift Hades was personally seeing to his torment in Tartarus.

She’d been allowed to see it, once, on her birthday. Morpheus apparently had done a favor for Hades by filling her dreams with the sounds of Lex screaming. She could smell the brimstone, the heat, and see Luthor’s phantom body healing once more before Hades personally had his enchanted suits of armor begin slicing his skin from his muscle, his muscle from his bones, and then crushing the bones into dust.

“Happy Birthday Daughter, know that this… soul, will never find rest. That is my gift to you.”

She had awoken from the dream, and a small part of her felt guilty that she did not feel some sympathy for Luthor. Now, she looked at another business man that was far more open with his evil than Luthor had been. Roland Dagget walked into the party. He looked confident, powerful, and most of all pleased with himself.

“Wayne,” he said.

“Dagget, I didn’t know you had an invitation.”

The older man produced a silver envelope with gold lettering, “Everyone that donated to the Wayne Enterprises Orphanage fund received one.”

She could see the way Bruce was trying to control himself, “You know, it was smart of what you did, buying up all of Luthor’s business. You managed to get his contracts, his holdings, and hell, somehow you managed to hold onto them, or you did.”

She watched as Dagget pulled another envelope from his pocket, “I’m sure you remember Federal Judge Watson. A friend of mine, a club owner in our fair city, introduced me to her. Well, it seems that your acquisition of Luthor Tech, and holding onto it, can be considered a monopoly. The Government is going to demand that you sell sections of it off. I wanted to give you the news before the official paperwork is delivered. Be seeing you.”

She watched him walk away, and she felt sick. Luthor acted the same way. He was just as arrogant as Dagget. She hadn’t even realized she was beginning to hyperventilate until she was lead outside.

“It’s okay Princess, breathe.”

She took a few breaths, trying to desperately to calm down. Since recovering herself, since remembering who she was, more memories had surfaced. She still remember being that other woman Luthor had Grodd create. Most of the false memories had faded, but not what had happened, not letting Luthor do those things to her.

“Sorry,” she says.

“Don’t be. Besides, this is good enough excuse to leave.”

“You would use a panic attack to leave?”

He looks at her, his expression telling her that he’s most likely done that before. Bruce walks toward Lucius, explaining that they need to leave, and to please extend every courtesy to their guests. She watched as he congratulated Lucius on his new venture, and together they walked out of the party. Waiting, almost as if he had known they would be leaving early, was Alfred.

“Master Bruce, Your Highness, I assume that you’ve endured the social as long as possible.”

She nodded, and Alfred gave a slight smile, “Very well.”

Without another word the Rolls Royce Phantom II begins to drive down the icy street. It feels nice, to be alone, to be heading home. She moved against Bruce, enjoying the closeness they have. She realized that once we get there Bruce will be checking in with his sons, no their sons, and they will both ensure they are fine.

Checking in on them holds another reason. Tim, after what happened, the abduction, then what happened with the Joker… she closed her eyes. It took a year for him to gain some kind of peace, and finding that microchip the Joker left on him. She was thankful that her lasso had the ability to help, although it had been horrifying hearing the Joker’s voice come from their son.

Arriving home Diana relaxed once they were inside of the manor. Wayne Manor was huge, most of it cleaned by cleaning crews that Alfred personally oversaw, although Alfred did handle most of the more delicate work. Together the two of them walked to the cave. Once there they were greeted by the sound of Tim hitting the heavy bag.

“Master Timothy, am I to assume that you’ve studied for your college entrance exams?”

He looked at the older man, and instead of fighting or trying to say he had, he shook his head.

“Then I suggest that you go and prepare.”

“Dick thinks I’m ready.”


Tim was expecting Bruce to say it. He was expecting to hear Bruce’s voice. He wasn’t expecting Diana.


She nears him, pulling him into a hug. One that he isn’t able to break, and soon he returns it.

“I can do this. I was careless before, too over confident.”

“Tim, it’s not up for discussion.”

“Actually, it is.”

Both of them looked up to see Nightwing, Dick Grayson, their oldest son, walking toward him. Behind him Powergirl, Karen Starr, who had formerly been the clone of Kara Galatea, neared them.

“The Titans are reforming. They need some new recruits, and they need some sponsors. I’ve agreed, so has ‘Tea. We’ll be there to help oversee it. He’s going to start again even if you don’t like it Bruce. You taught us too well.”

Bruce looked at them, his eyes hard, his mind set, and before the word could leave his mouth the alarm went off. He went over to the computer and opened the communication between the cave and the Watchtower.

“Batman, Wonder Woman, there has been a disturbance in Metropolis. One of Star Labs’ old facilities has been accessed.”

“If you’re contacting us then this is beyond local law enforcement abilities.”

“It is,” Mr. Terrific said as he switched the sight over the lab, “It’s the lab that had access to part of CADMUS’ stockpile of tech. We can’t be sure what they’re after, but the intruders are not the typical hired muscle we’ve seen with the local organized crime syndicates. Their methods are far superior. I wouldn’t have known about the breakin if it hadn’t been for one of your hidden motion detectors. They went through some serious level five security.”

“We’re on it. Give us three minutes and then activate the teleportation platform to direct teleport the both of us there.”

“Tim, we will discuss this when we return.”

With that Bruce and Diana quickly changed, stepped up to the platform, and a few moments later they were gone.

Star Labs #0010, CADMUS Access Point

Walking up to the door the first thing Bruce noticed was how it didn’t quite close right. The thieves had obviously been cauious enough to ensure that the building didn’t seal back once the door was open. Below this building was a collection of weapons that was locked away for good reason. There was a collection of weapons from Luthor Tech, Apokolips, alternate realities, and even in some cases, the far future. CADMUS had went through a ton of trouble to ensure that it would take more than normal master thieves to get to their vault, and then beyond it would take something else. They both moved into the building, listening for the sounds of footsteps, for anything that would alert them, and then they saw the shadows.

“Honestly, I really didn’t expect anyone to know what was going to happen for a few weeks.”

Looking at them Bruce instantly recognized the faces from the report Stewart and Queen had brought back. Tharok, Persuader, and Emerald Empress of the Fatal Five.

“I thought you said that the news archives of this era indicated there would be no one here.”

Tharok turned toward the green haired woman, his eyes hard, “I said the news archives indicated that official discovery of the break in, and the theft, wasn’t known until well over a week after today. That’s different, and it just means that we defeat these two.”

Before any of them could say a word a green shower of sparks flew and they turned to see Persuader cut through a sealed door. When he did a light began to cover the five of them. Knowing they had seconds, at best, to leave Tharok grabbed his two allies and pressed a small device on his wrist. The three of them disappeared, and the light spread out toward both Bruce and Diana.


“Diana get clear, now!”

“I’ll,” he shook his head as he ran behind her.

“No, you’d need to fly far faster than I could withstand to escape that, that’s why you need to get clear now!”

“I will not leave you!”

The light covered them, and a moment later there was a loud blast. Behind the sealed door an experimental dimensional travel portal device, designed by Luthor Tech, powered down.

Everfree Forest - Near the Ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters

She’d gotten loose, and she wasn’t sure how it was that she had. All she knew was that there was three Caribou guards chasing her, and if they caught her… Oh sweet Celestia death would be better. It would be so much better.

“Get back here cunt!”

She wanted to scream, to cry out, but she didn’t dare. She needed to flee deeper into the Everfree. Deeper into the safety of these woods. How had it come to this? How had things gotten so bad? Her dark midnight blue coat was covered with sweat. She was thankful, so thankful, that Dainn had been foolish enough to transport her to Ponyville, to show off his prized black collar.

If she had her magic, her horn, she would deal with these three, destroying them where they stood, but she didn’t have her magic, and the enchanted binding on her wings were digging painfully into them. It was hard to run, to stay focused, but she had so little choice.

“When we catch you, we’re going to take turns teaching you your place, and then King Dainn is going to be far less merciful than we are!”

That was not an incentive for her to stop. If she crossed the bridge she would be in her old home again, and there was traps, hidden passages, all of which would give her an edge until she free herself of these bindings, and perhaps find a way of regrowing her horn. She felt the sway of the old wooden bridge, this was it, just a few yards and she’d be in front of her old home. Her pace quickened, her hands grasped the ropes,and she practically started sprinting across. She saw the salvation of her old home.

She would heal, she would regrow her feathers on her wings, bring back her horn, and she would rise up with her subjects. Together they’d stop Dainn, together they would bring back peace, true peace, to Equestria. She sprinted toward the old thick doors and then she felt herself knocked to the ground. Salvation a mere fifteen hoofsteps away from her.

“Cunt, you dare to defy us?” she felt her tail roughly moved, her hands held down in front of her, her legs pried open, and then she felt the head of a cock touch her tailhole.

She felt tears threatening to flow down her cheeks. These monsters had stolen her hope. She felt him roughly enter her. There was no chance to get away, and she let out a primal scream of pain.

“Shut up Cunt!”

He hit the back of her head driving it into the dirt.

“Please, please help us! If somepony can hear me help us!”

“The stupid cow thinks there will be help coming. Don’t you realize the power of male superiority? We’ve won, we are everything, we are your masters, and it is your duty to be our cocksleeves and breed for us.”

She cried, and yet something did hear her. The very Everfree forest itself heard her cries. Like the Tree of Harmony the Everfree was made of old magic, but it was chaotic, random, and it understood the need for harmony. It witnessed what happened inside of it, and it began to feel outside of itself, sensing the disorder and chaos that was happening across all of Equestria, throughout most of Equus.

It sensed the great turmoil, the horrific things so many were being subjected to, and within the span of mere moments a sort of council was held of some of the oldest living pieces of magic. It was decided that a champion, or champions, were needed. Sapient beings that stood for harmony, for justice, and would undo what had been done. First the council looked across its own world, but there was none that had the qualities it needed, or if they did, they had been corrupted and could possibly become corrupted again.

At that point it stretched out, feeling further, and it found two. Both stood for justice, both stood against those who would cause disharmony, and both would fight to the death to protect innocence. One was even considered a knight. Deciding both of these beings would be perfect the Everfree with the other living magic felt the connection of where they were trapped, opened it, and dumped them onto the world waiting for them.

Dropping out, the two of them hit the ground. Diana slowly rose, hearing the screams of pain, of fear, and saw what was going on. Her eyes blazed with the fury of the sun, her anger thick and hot, and she rushed forward grasping one of the would be attackers. It didn’t matter that they stood like humans and looked like animals. It didn’t matter that there was three of them. All that mattered was that one of them was being violated. She knocked the attack she was holding away, causing him to slam hard into a tree breaking it in half, and sending him tumbling on.

Her eyes fell on the other two attackers. Before she could do anything else a powerful green glow covered her, lifting her into the air. She felt her arms and legs stretched out, and then she was slammed against the side of the castle.

Cunt, I don’t know what you are, but I do know what is going to happen. You will be taught your place.

They didn’t hear, nor see the being that had moved into the shadow. They didn’t hear the sound of two bat shaped boom-a-rangs heading toward them. But they felt the incredible amount of electricity stored in each one. Both of them fell to the ground, and Diana followed suit.

She watched as he came out of the shadows, as he neared the trembling creature. He knelt down, slowly, “Are you okay?”

The creature looked at him, her face showing confusing.

Do you understand me?

Luna watched as he looked on at her in confusion. Didn’t he understand simple Enquish? She had spoken plain enough, even used the more common half nicker instead of the older more pronounced older tongue.

“Bruce, I don’t think that she understands us, but Hera, she’s intelligent. She’s directly attempting to speak to you.”

He offered her his hand. Slowly, she took it, realizing that neither he, nor the other female, seemed interested in hurting her. She then watched as he tied up the two knocked out Caribou. She wanted to explained that it would be best to throw them into the ravine. To let them fall to their deaths, but she couldn’t. Instead all she could do was to point to them, then to the ravine.

He shook his head, and she shook her head, pointing back at them, then again to the ravine. Again he shook his head, indicating that he wouldn’t do it. She closed her eyes and swore softly. After a moment she pointed to the stub where her horn had been, then at their antlers. He watched her motions, and then she showed him again. Realizing what she meant he looked at the female and together they looked at the two of them.

She watched as he pulled something from his belt. It looked small unimportant, and then a mere moment later a green light came out of it. The light moved across the antlers of one of them and she watched as they fell off. What was left was a charred place where the light had moved. Before he could do the same to the other one the female had grabbed the antlers, moved her hand slightly and broke them with little effort.

She was was stronger, much stronger, than any of her Earth Pony subjects. At least now they would be unable to cast magic. With that she pointed to them again, pointed to the castle, to them, and then the female lifted them with all ease. They followed her into the old castle and she had to stop and consider everything. It had been ages since she had lived here, and while she remembered where everything was at, she was having a hard time remember how to access the dungeons.

She remembered the castle being built, each stone selected and cut, and then she remembered the access to the stairs. She walked toward a bust of her father. She pressed into his right eye, and when she did part of the wall moved. The two of them followed her until they were deep into the bowels of the castle itself.

She pointed toward one of the cells, and watched as they put them into it. She walked forward and pulled the gate shut. The sound of the ancient lock clicking into place echoed, and she was thankful that the stone and ironworkers were so well versed in their crafts. She looked at them, desperately trying to think of how to communicate with them. Even speaking as if to a foal would be of benefit.

They climbed the stairs again, and she felt uneasy. Over the last several months clothing had been a luxury she was not granted. She had never been overly proud of her body. Celestia was certainly the more beautiful of the two of them, but now she felt shameful to be nude. She knew any clothes here would be rotted to nothingness. She covered herself, and it was the male, the stallion, for lack of a better word, that acted.

She watched as he dug into his belt, pulling out two small pouches. He placed them on the ground, stepped on them, and she watched as they grew. After a moment they popped open and he handed her what looked like a shirt made for an Earth Pony, and pants that would likely fit anypony, or would except for the tail.

She quickly pulled the pants on, ignoring the fact that they hung below her tail, and then she pulled the shirt on. She felt the restrainers still holding her, digging into her, the enchantment still strong. She felt a twinge of pain as the internal barbs dug into her flesh. She felt the female feel them, look at the male, and a moment later she heard the sound of the metal crunching, ripping, and then it came off. There was a jolt of energy, one that knocked the female to the ground.

The male said a single word, it was odd, but he’d said it a few times. It was always directed toward her, always toward the female, and that must have been her name. She cleared her throat, at least she could try to say the name of one of her rescuers.


Bruce looked at the creature. The word was strained, and it sounded as if said by a member of the royal family, but it was certainly Diana’s name.

She could understand. She seemed to get that they were speaking another language. If she could learn a name she could learn other words. He could as well. Being able to speak would be of a benefit in this place.

“Hera, did she just say my name?”

Bruce nodded, “Diana,” he pointed to Diana, and then he pointed to the creature.

The creature looked at him, opened its mouth, and he heard some nickering, then what sounded like a word mixed in there. He wasn’t sure, but it sounded like Lunar. Like her he cleared his throat.


She shook her head, saying the word itself a bit more clearly. It sounded almost strained the way she was doing it, and he realized that she must be trying to pronounce it in a way he’d understand.


She nodded.

He looked at Diana who was looking at him. No one here knew his identity. There was no one to protect, and if they were building a relationship between the inhabitants. He looked at her again, pulled his cowl back, He could see her studying his face, seeing what he truly looked like for a moment.


Language (Part 1)

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A Reclaiming Equestria Story Featuring DCAU Batman and Woman Woman

Chapter Two: Language (Part 1)

Bruce looked at the wounded creature that Diana had handled yesterday. Even without the diagnostic equipment he could tell the creature was suffering from various broken bones, a possible broken spine, and he could tell that without medical care the creature was going to die.


He was surprised that the comms was still working. He pressed the side of the cowl and studied the creature a little more.

“Out here Princess. I’m looking at the other creature.”

“Is he dangerous?”

Bruce activated the scanners in the lenses of his cowl. Like he had thought there was multiple broken bones. One arm was broken in seven places, a leg was broken in three, and then there was his spine. It was obviously broken.

“No. He’s not going to be a danger to anyone. In truth without medical help I have doubts that he will last through the day.”

The silence told Bruce more than anything Diana could have said. He loved her for several reasons, and one of them was certainly because of her compassion and merciful nature. Luthor had corrupted a part of that. She was far less compassionate and less merciful when it dealt with rapists. There was absolutely no doubt in his mind that this creature, along with the other two, were rapists.

The Batman didn’t kill, and right now Diana hadn’t killed, but the moral question was he going to save this creature? He heard something behind him, and he saw Luna. She was still wearing the emergency suit of clothes he had brought along with him. Years of patrolling Gotham, dealing with various victims that had been mugged, raped, or worse had thought him to bring along spare clothes.

She walked toward the creature, and he could see the same kind of anger and hate in her eyes that had been in Diana’s. She didn’t touch him, but instead she spat on him, and a string of sounds left her mouth. He couldn’t begin to tell what she was saying, but if he had to assume he was certain she was cursing him. Once more she pointed to the creature, then to the ravine.

“No, I will not kill him.”

She shook her head, then pointed to the castle. He knew what she was trying to get at, but he wasn’t sure how to explain it. He looked at his gauntlet and flipped open a slightly more bulged out part. When he did a screen appeared. He pointed it to her, then to it, and then he activated the scanners in his lenses again. With a few taps he connected the lenses to the micro computer.

She watched as he scanned the being, and her eyes widened. She could see its bones, its organs, and she looked again at the Caribou. He wouldn’t be walking, or fighting, or raping anyone ever again. Right now he was dying, and it would take several hours of surgery to save him. The strange stallion, Bruce, she was sure that was what he called himself, wouldn’t kill. He was willing to deal with the Caribou, to stop them from using magic, and to hurt them, but he wasn’t killing them.

The other female, Diana, seemed a little more willing to go the extra step.


He looked at her. She tried to focus on what he’d said, how his words worked, and at most there was little she could really come up with. She looked at him, hoping that at least he could read her body language, that he’d understand that the Caribou was dangerous, to leave it alive would be foolish. He held up his hand in a gesture she’d seen her sister use a few times. Meaning just a moment.

“Diana, I have an idea of what to do with this being.”

“Leaving him there to rot seems fine to me.”

He knew she was going to be upset, “We need to send a message. We drop him off at the edge of this forest. His own kind will discover him. With any luck they’re going to decide that it would be too dangerous to come into the forest, or at least this deep into it.”

“I’ll be out in a moment.”

The thought of letting that thing live bothered her, and Diana felt terrible that it bothered her. Her mission was to spread the Amazon way, to prove that truth, honesty, loyalty, love, and peace were the foundations in which all nations could prosper and even become one. Now, she still wanted to present these values, prove that they truly were the cornerstones needed, but she wanted to deal with those who violated others so much more harshly.

She spotted Bruce, saw the creature, and she lifted it far less carefully than she was certain he needed. She was glad that Bruce didn’t say a word about it. Instead she flew toward the edge of the forest, seeing a cottage in the distance, and she dropped the creature there. She flew back toward where Bruce was, not noticing the statue of a creature that looked to be a hodge podge collection of parts.

Getting back she entered into the ruins of the castle and saw Bruce and the creature they saved, Luna, sitting across from each other. She neared them, and then she watched as Bruce lifted a small rubber ball. A black bat adorned the face of it, and she knew that it was something he must have had stored in his belt. He held the ball, pointed at it, “Ball.”

She looked at it and then back at him. “B.all, Ball.”

He nodded, then he pointed at it, then at her. Taking the hint she looked at it again, “Ball.”

He looked at it again, then at her once more, “Ball.”

She nodded. Diana sat down, listening, watching, and she observed as Bruce and Luna began to learn more and more of each other’s language. Hours passed, and finally, Luna was able to speak to them. It was choppy, at best, but it was a beginning.

“Those creatures, the Caribou, they harmed you?”

Luna nodded, “They come, harm many of… me, ones like me. They do bad,” she closed her eyes, “they hurt in bad ways, change some of ones like me to be like them.”


“Apparently this isn’t a localized situation,” he looked at Diana, and then back at Luna, “I know my words hard for you, I am still learning yours, I need to know more.”

She looked at him, “I need this,” pointed to where her horn was, “and I can show you.”


She thought for a moment, “One like me, live here, in forest. She can help.”

You know where?”

She nodded.

Lead the way.”

The three of them waited until it was dark, and Bruce grabbed what looked like a torch from a holster. It was a simple construct. Rope, wound tightly over what looked like a wooden club. It had been dipped into a thick fuel, something like a very raw crude oil. With any luck it would burn for hours. He lit it with a lighter, watched as it caught, and the three of them headed into the forest.

Walking out the three of them walked over a bridge that looked ancient. They moved deeper into the forest, and as they walked Bruce could make out the sounds of wolves in the distance. Still, they walked until Bruce could see a small hut in the distance. As they neared it something soared over them and then it exploded.

Beware those who foolishly roam! Beware for I do defend my home!”

Gentle Zecora, it is Princess Luna. I have come to ask for thy help.”

The figure stepped forward, and Diana could see it was similar to Luna, obviously female, and it looked like a Zebra.

Princess, truly it is you? What is it you need, what can I do?”

Luna motioned for them to follow, and together they stepped into the hut. Bruce watched as the Zebra nodded, to something Luna was saying and after a few minutes she brought over a cup of greenish glowing liquid. She handed it to Luna, and Bruce recognized the word drink. He watched as she drank it down, and then she groaned as she fell to her knees. Slowly, something began to form, almost as if made out of a pale blue light, and it grew darker.

Several moments passed before Luna stood, a horn now in place on her head. She looked at Bruce, “Sleep, I show.

He looked at her, not sure what she meant. He took a seat, cleared his mind, and began to relax. For several minutes nothing happened, but then he felt something inside of his head, something moving, and then he saw a large throne room.

“Can you understand me now?”

Bruce nodded as he saw Luna appear.

“Good, it means that I can access your dreams. I am a co-ruler of this land,” she gave a slight smile and then pointed toward what looked like a mist that appeared in the same room, “We were a peaceful nation. Our armies had slowly converted over to Royal Guards, leaving a very small fighting force. For all purposes our world, almost all of our world, was willing to coexist in peace.”


Bruce looked to see Diana as she looked on at the images in the mist.

“It’s what we wanted. This is the image of what the Amazons wanted the world to be.”

“Yes, and then a pass opened in the frozen north. A path that had not been open for several generations. The first ponies to reach it was my niece and her husband. Rumors of the Caribou, of their wishing to trade with us, and my niece wanted to be the first princess to greet them,” her muzzle scrunched up in anger, “The Caribou have a way of altering a pony, of changing them, making them want and wish to do things they would never do. They did this to my niece, her husband, and then through them they began to move into the rest of Equestria.”

“What did they do?”

Bruce watched as Diana neared her.

“They enthralled my niece, her husband, and then they began moving inward. When word finally reached us of what was happening it was too late. They didn’t directly come for us, instead they began taking over colonies, towns that resided just outside of our lands, and they made their way inward.”

“They used a pincer maneuver, from the sounds of it a long and quiet one,” Bruce said as he looked at her, “when they moved in they did it quietly as well didn’t they?”

She nodded, “They infiltrated our guard, starting those stationed outside of our country.”

“They used the corrupted guard to move in, operating covertly, and then they launched the attack. From the looks of things the attack was mostly successful, but seeing that you, and I’m going to assume others, weren’t affected by them they aren’t overly thorough. That means they are complacent, arrogant, sloppy.”

Diana smiled, “We can use that against them.”

Bruce nodded, “Yes, we can. First we need to gain a firmer grasp on the language. I’m assuming that for the most part we’ve been speaking would would basically be like a child to each other.”

Luna nodded, “Verily, we have. Our communication to one another had been limited to simple objects. Given time I could perhaps craft a spell that would allow us to understand one another.”

“Time spent that we could simply learn each other’s language the old fashioned way. From now on speak in your own language. We will listen, and we will pick up on it.”

“Very well.”

Bruce felt the world around him beginning to fade, and slowly he awoke inside of the small hut. Once awake he looked at Luna who seemed more at ease with him.

“Bruce, how long will it take us to learn their language?”

He looked at Diana and grinned, “Not too long. Total submersion in a language is the fastest way possible of learning it. It allows the listener the chance to pick up on vocal cues, learn the connections, and adapt.”

“You’ve done this before?”

He nodded, “Yes, when I was training, I went to Japan not knowing the language there. I could have taken classes, perhaps made it easier on myself, but I chose not to. The one advantage I did give myself was a formal education in linguistics. I was able to listen to those around me, and in a week’s time I’d learned enough to find the grandmaster I was looking for.”

“Well then, let us begin.”

The next few days were a series of trial and error, but Diana did begin to pick up on what Luna was saying. She knew that Bruce was doing the same, and finally, on the fifth day of their being there she listened as Luna was was silently talking to herself, drawing a map.

“It is possible, if they can understand me, we could free Twilight Sparkle. If we can break the Caribou’s hold on her, and on Spike, it would give us an advantage we so desperately need. Twilight would have the magical knowledge to help break others of the hold the Caribou have on them.”

“Where is this Twilight Sparkle?”

Luna turned toward her, “You, you understand me?”

Diana nodded, “Yes, there is a few words I still not not quite understand, but most of what you have said I do.”

“Huzzah! We shall start the resistance!”

Diana grinned at her enthusiasm, but she didn’t fault her. To be honest she was certain that she could relate all too well. She’d heard stories from her mother, about how she and her sisters had been pitted against by Heracles and his men. She heard the terrible stories of what he had done, how he had tricked them, and then enslaved them.

She also heard that when she had the chance her mother had led her sister Amazons against Heracles, defeating him, and once his defeat was complete he was transformed into a living pillar used to support Themyscira. It was the same for these ponies. Luna turned her head, obviously hearing something, and she follows suit. They watched and saw Bruce entering into the room.

He had something, or rather someone. Diana watched as he carried the blindfolded Caribou. His hands were tied, as were his hooves, and Bruce didn’t say a word. Instead he climbed the stairs going to the top of the ruins. Once there he stepped out onto a ledge. Diana and Luna moved to watch him.

“Brother, let me leave. I do not know what your issue is with me, but if it is over that unworthy female you can have her. She’s an Earth Pony, worthless as a trophy, only suited for breeding.”

“You are going to tell me everything about your occupation of the nearby town, the guard schedules, the slave areas, and who is in charge.”

“Brother, I will, of course I will, and in return you will release me, right?”

Bruce uncovered his eyes, letting him see the drop that would end up letting him fall onto the jagged stones below. The scream he gave was satisfying.

“Whaaa… Why?!”

“You are going to tell me everything I want to know, or we are going to see if you have the ability to fly.”

Luna watched, amazed, as the Caribou began telling everything. He gave the names of the generals Dainn had left in command, were the black, red, purple, and white collar slaves where, what each type of collar meant, and even which stallions were under watch as potential mare sympathizers. He then went on to discuss when the guards did their rounds, when there would be the fewest, and finally he went on to give the location of his own slaves.

“Please, don’t kill me! Please!”

He tossed the Caribou bull against the wall, watching him wince in pain. He walked toward him, watching as the Caribou whimpered in fear.

“W… What are you?”

“I’m Batman.”

With that he kicked the Caribou hard in the head, making it bounce off of the side of the ruins and causing the Bull to go silent.

“Is he dead?”

“No, out cold. There’s a girl, young, down near the entrance. I’ve only been tempted to take justice into my own hands like this once before.”

Diana knew what he meant.

She lifted the stag easily enough, carried him down to the dungeons, and threw him into a cell near the others. They had food, something Bruce had been certain to leave there. By his reckoning, Bruce concluded that their treatment here in the ruins dungeon was a million times better than the treatment their enemies. Were he any other man, maybe Oliver or even Hal, these men, or bulls, would very much be pounded to within an inch of their miserable little lives. Bruce briefly considered making the bulls suffer; Diana’s rape and torture by Alexander Luthor had drawn in a wave of vicious thoughts in The Dark Knight, vengeance fantasies he had long since rid himself of resurfacing after decades of suppression.

What kept him from doing so, and it was the same horn he touted to Diana when she threatened to rampage on her foes, was a quote from Clark, of all people. “Only the weak succumb to brutality,” the Kryptonian said, “it’s much harder to meet cruelty with kindness.” As contradictory as such a sentiment was given his and Bruce’s chosen professions, it was a lesson he was repeating to himself now, more than ever. There may be some satisfaction in brutalizing these wretches but to what end would that accomplish. The Dark Knight had prided himself for never crossing the lines his more sociopathic and homicidal rogues often did.

It was when he returned to the area the young female, mare, was that he stopped. She was shaking, her large blue eyes frightened, her tail was crusty near the base, and she looked away from him.

“I… I’m a good slave, I am, anything you ask, please, don’t hurt me. This slave will do what you ask.”

He could see a red collar beside her, the black collar just barely being held on. He neared her and she cowered completely in fear, “Please, this slave knows her place!”

“Are you hurt?”

She looked at him, “This…”

He stopped her, a hand held up. She looked away, ready to be slapped, ready to feel the vicious sting of an attack one of her masters would rightly give her.

“You are okay, he’s gone, locked away, and nothing else will happen to you.”

Diana neared him, and he backed away. The young mare looked at her, confused. She was a mare, like herself, she was standing proud, with clothing, how was she not on her knees and hands? Why did she break the rules? She’d be punished for breaking them, for believing she was of the same value as a stallion. She looked down, unwilling to show anypony that she was anything other than a good slave.

“You are safe now.”

She knelt down next to her, “You are in a safe place, and we are here to help you.”

Her calming voice caught the young mare’s attention. She finally looked up at her.

“They’ll see you.. They always see. Please, don’t, I don’t want to be beaten again, please.”

“Thou shalt not be touched.”

The young mare looked up, her eyes widening.

“P..Princess Luna?”

Tears began running down her muzzle. She stood and ran toward the Princess who caught her in a hug. She held the young mare, the barely teenage filly who was on the cusp of marehood.

“Are… are we?”

Luna nodded, “Thou art safe. These ones here have vowed to help us, and we shall free the others. We begin our resistance.”

“Daddy… They… He’s gone, they.”

Luna hugged her tighter, “I know, I know how he cared for you, and I know he died to protect you, and your mother,” Luna led her further into the castle, “Come, let us clean you, let us help to heal you.”

Diana watched the young mare as Luna, or Princess Luna rather, lead her into the ruins. She then turned to see Bruce. He was checking his belt, his suit, and he was preparing to leave.

“Bruce, what are you doing?”

“Striking a blow. They’re cowards Diana. They are no different than the criminals back home. I’m going to give them a reason to be afraid.”

She smiled, “Yes, let’s give them a reason to be afraid.”

Both of them moved through the forest, moving through the path until they neared the edge of the Everfree. Diana looked at the cottage sitting there. She looked to see two Bulls walking out, both of them laughing.

“We start here.”

Before she could say a word Bruce melted into the shadows. It was almost as if he didn’t even exist. She watched for a moment until one of the Caribou fell. Before the other could say a word she flew toward him, hitting him hard enough to knock him out, and possibly break his jaw. She watched as he crumbled to the ground. Bruce removed the small device he had before and removed their horns.

She watched as he tied them up, leaving them on the path. Silently he moved again, heading toward the cottage. She followed, and watched as he snuck into the back window of it.

Fluttershy shook in terror. She did everything they wanted, she always did, and now one of the bulls was still here. She was kneeling before him, her hands still tied to the bottom of her couch.

“I love to hear a mare scream. And you… You are important, hearing you scream will be a pleasure.”

“Please…” she quietly begged.

“What was that?! You dare talk back when not asked for an answer?!”

“Sorry! I’m sorry!”

She felt the slap, hard, against the back of her head. Tears came hard and fast. Then she heard the sound of a grunt and a thud. She looked behind her to see a strange looking stallion that had tackled the bull. He was dressed similar to how she and her friends dressed up like Mare Do Well before. The Bull was trying to get up, but the stallion wrapped himself around the bulls arms.

“I’ll break you!”

Bruce pulled hard causing the Bull to groan in pain.

Fluttershy’s eyes widened as the bull’s arm cracked and broke. She saw bone come through it, and she felt bile and vomit rise up through her throat. She turned away, but it was too late. She vomited all over the side of her couch.

She felt her arms move, and looked to see a very strange mare tear through the chains she was wearing. She slowly stood up, her purple collar feeling too tight on her. She felt a pulling sensation and the collar came off the same way her chains were. She saw the dark stallion, striking the bull, over and over again, a vicious, feral look on his face. She watched as the mare moved toward him.


He stopped, looked toward the mare, and stood. The bull would live, if he didn’t choke to death on his own teeth and blood. The mare’s pink hair, left without proper care, was a tangled and knotted mess, her coat was sticky with bull seed that was spilled on her so often and her body was malnourished from an improper diet. The strange mare and stallion that thwarted the bull were much healthier looking than she was. The mare, in fact, was wearing silver vambraces that she couldn’t define. Her flowing ebony locks cascading down her back and framed her olive colored face. Her sinuous body was a single cord of dense muscle, something the little mare could never be.

Now realizing she was totally free, she felt the weight of all that had been to done to her and her compliance in it all. These realizations caused a wall to break in her mind and the winged mare breakdown then and there. The strange mare walked towards her, issuing reassurances but the golden mare was not having it. She pleaded with the foreigners, trying in vain to excuse her behavior, to be forgiven of her sins. In the end, though, she crashed into the muscled woman’s chest; as armored as her bosom was, it was a comfortably warm and Fluttershy wept openly onto the metal. When the strange stallion neared, she tried to wrap one of her forlorn wings around his waist only to find that evidence of her slavery still existed. The enchanted bindings the Caribou used for her wings were still there. She’d never gave them reason to use the enchantments, to cause the pain she knew the binders could cause. Instead she looked at him pitifully, an arm snaked out from around the strange mare, and caught him. With that arm she brought him into the embrace. And they stayed there for several moments while the mare bawled.

Fluttershy wasn’t overly thrilled about walking in the Everfree after dark. The strange stallion and mare seemed to know how to get the bindings off of her wings, and for the first time in nearly two years she stretched them out. She still felt so sad for simply rolling over for the Caribou. She knew that Rainbow had suffered the same fate as her. Rainbow wasn’t like her, she lived for flying, for soaring through the air, and being on the ground was a true torment for her.

She hadn’t seen her friend in over a year, but the bulls talked about her. The white collar that wouldn’t break. They had to strap her down, and Celestia… She knew things about Rainbow, things that most other ponies didn’t know. She knew that Rainbow had still been a… She’d been a virgin before all of this.

Her father, Rainbow Blaze, wanted her to wait, to find a good stallion, but not settle. He and Rainbow Shine wanted their daughter to completely achieve her goals in life. That was the first and most important thing. With this happening… She shivered. They neared the old castle and inside Fluttershy saw somepony she never expected to see free. Princess Luna was there, comforting a weeping filly. She stepped forward.

“P..Princess Luna?”

“Fair Fluttershy, t’is a relief to see one of the former bearers of the elements free. We have much to do,” she said as both she and the filly neared Fluttershy.

Without a second thought Fluttershy caught them both into a tight hug.

“Those strange ponies..”

Luna nodded, “I know not where they hail from, but they are here to help.”

Deciding it was best to leave the ponies to meeting with one another Bruce and Diana walked into the library. Bruce had seen it before, and now he was taking a moment. He pulled the cowl off of his head, his hair starting to mat to his scalp.

“We need the league for this,” Diana said.

He looked at her, at first he wanted to point out that Clark would be next to useless against magic, but she had a point. J’onn could blend in with the locals easily enough. Shayera would be an asset when it came to hand to hand combat, but being that her strength wasn’t much different than his own she would be at a disadvantage. He’d been able to take down those bulls earlier because they weren’t paying attention, and because they all shared the same traits of being idiots.

Diana could over power them, but she had trouble escaping the telekinetic hold they had at their disposal. One of their best assets would be Stewart. Having a Green Lantern here would make this more than easy. With a full charge his ring could possibly overcome any of the ‘magic’ these bulls chose to throw at him.

“A step then would be to look for a similar portal like we came through.”

Diana nodded, “It’s unlikely isn’t it?”

Bruce nodded as he stood, “From what I’ve seen this world’s technology is woefully underdeveloped. That interdimensional gate seemed to be what brought us here. Most likely it was a million to one chance that it would work the way it did. I have no doubt that the league has found it, and are examining it, but I don’t know if they’re actually going to be able to pinpoint our locations.”

Diana took a seat.

“We could be stuck here. But, I feel my gods, even here. Actually, Hades seems closer than ever, almost as if the very gates to Tartarus were just a short trip away.”

He knew that Diana’s gods had power, the same kind of power as Darkseid at the very least. That in and of itself spoke volumes, and it could be possible that her gods could open a way to their world again. But one thing he’d learned was that all magic had a price. Getting a favor from a god level being was not something he wanted to do.

“Do you really see them aiding us?”

“Most would. Bruce, most of my gods would aid me as their champion.”

He didn’t want to say something he’d regret, like where were they when she was kidnapped, brainwashed, and raped repeatedly for six months. Where were they when he finally found her, brought her back to herself, and helped her hold on to her sanity, and where were they when she’d wake in the middle of the night screaming? If Hades proclaimed to be her father he was a poor excuse for one.

Language Part 2

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A Reclaiming Equestria Story Featuring DCAU Batman and Woman Woman
Chapter Three: Language (Part 2)

Bruce watched as Diana spoke to Luna. Like himself she had picked up on their language, and she was getting as good, if not better, as he was. Most men might feel a little threatened, but he just felt pride in that she was able to adapt so well. It was part of who she was. She was a natural born leader, a warrior, and soon to be life long partner. Years of training kept him listening to them, via the comms, while he researched the data he had gained from their guests in the basement. Most of them talked about how he'd be changed into a mare of his species, but a shock from his surplus of weapons soon ended the bravado. After that they confirmed what he had learned from the Caribou he had threatened to throw off of the ledge. It seemed that Ponyville was something of an important place because of a mystical connection between six different females, or mares rather, of their species. Apparently the Caribou had been informed of the massive power these six had. Their plan was to attack, divide them, and render any resistance useless.

It had worked, so far, but he had quickly learned that they were complacent, lazy, arrogant, and cowards. When presented a threat that actually stood a chance against them they ran. And it was part of the reason why they seemed to avoid this forest. He glanced at Luna. She had been chased into the forest because she was important. She was a co-ruler of this realm, and to keep the morale low she needed to be shown as a slave, even if it wasn't as a submissive one. The fact she was free was more than enough to cause small seeds of rebellion to begin bubbling up. They'd need to stop it, and that meant finding her. But with him and Diana capturing, and sending one back broken well beyond the technology of this place to completely heal him, several of them they seemed to be more reluctant to come into the forest itself.

"Are..Are we going to free Twilight?"

He looked at the one that asked. She looked healthy, a diet of the fruits and vegetables that they had gathered from the forest had done her wonders, but she was still exceptionally submissive, and painfully shy.

"Eventually," he replied.

"Umm, if you don't mind, would you please tell me why we're not going to free her now?"

He pointed toward Diana and Luna.

She looked toward them, her ears pointing more straight, and she listened as they spoke to one another.

"It is unwise to ask the Lord of Tartarus for a favor. Even if thou, you, are his daughter," Luna closed her teal colored eyes, "Hades, is not one who lends himself out for favors easily. Our interactions with the Lord of Tartarus hast been only as gatekeepers. Our, my, mother spoke to me to never trust his words, to never listen to his promises."

Diana couldn't help but to agree with the wisdom of that statement, but it changed little. If Tartarus was closer, then speaking to Hades was the their chance of getting a portal opened. She had no intention of leaving these beings without help, but she knew that there was magic users, and other members, in the league that would be more than willing to help stop what was going on. She also knew that Bruce needed to get more supplies. He'd never admit it, but even the Batman had a finite number of weapons on him at any one time. He would need, desperately so, to resupply. Another thought occurred to her. They would most certainly need to let everyone know that they were okay. There was little doubt in her mind that the league was attempting to find some way to reach them, but as Bruce stated earlier, the chances of them being able to find them were slim, at best.

"I understand, but this may be our best chance at getting others to help us."

Luna looked at her, and then at Bruce, "More like you?"

Diana nodded. Luna closed her eyes, and Diana heard the word 'horseapples' fall from her lips.

"Very well. The trip to Tartarus isn't far. The portal that those we trust the most, including Twilight Sparkle, resides in Canterlot. We cannot go there, not yet. Our resistance is still a fledgling at this moment, but there is another here, inside of our old home. Follow me," she said as she headed toward the dungeons.

Diana followed her, hearing the sounds of someone nearly silently moving behind them. She knew that Bruce would want to stay close by, to ensure that nothing happened to her. She could hear the sounds of the captured Caribou. They practically growled as Luna passed them. She stopped, turned toward them, and her eyes were not the caring eyes Diana had seen when dealing with the two others upstairs. Instead they were hard, cold, and calculating. It was almost like seeing her mother once more.

It made sense. In several ways it made perfect sense. Luna had been at the mercy of the Caribou for quite sometime, and now, now she had some that were her prisoners. For some reason Luna had shown incredible restraint in not coming down to end them where they were. Perhaps it because of Bruce, and his moral objections to not kill anyone. She knew that her mother had suffered at the hands of Heracles, and several of the Dorian soldiers that followed him.

The difference was that not all of her Amazonian sisters were in agreement of imprisoning them. No, from what she had learned several had killed their attackers, leaving only Heracles alive, who was then punished by Hera herself, and left trapped near the gateway of Tartarus. She’d seen him down there, a statue supporting the bulk of the weight of Themyscira, attacked by vicious creatures, deep scars cut into the marble statue that healed overnight, but she could practically see the pain in his face.

She doubted that Luna wanted them alive to just punish them. From what she had seen she wasn’t overly evil, or tyrannical. The only thing she could think of was the fact that she was respecting Bruce’s wishes. Still her horn lit up for a brief second causing one of them to lift into the air. He clawed at the unseen hand that gripped his throat, and he thrashed in a vain attempt to escape.

“Listen well wretches. Thou lives only because it suits me to allow thou to live. Growl, glare, or look at us in anyway that is not in fear and thou shalt feel thy own entrails pulled from thy rectum and left to rot.”

With her words said she tossed the Caribou she was holding toward the others. He landed in a heap, but none of the others made an attempt to help him. Instead they retreated more into the shadows, pretending to simply not exist while she passed by. Diana watched, knowing full well that Luna was fighting against the urge to snap his neck and be done with it. Once past the cells there was a stone wall. Diana looked at it, trying to see if perhaps there was a hidden passageway, but if there was the stonework used here was too perfect, and it betrayed no secrets that it might hold.

Still, Luna’s horn lit up, and she watched as a door revealed itself. The door looked simple. It was wooden, a small rope handle, but Luna did not touch it.

“If you are his child, it should open for you.”

Breathing out, she reached out for the door, and felt it nudge before opening inward. When that happened a blinding light covered her, Luna, most of the dungeon, and when the light faded the two of them stood before a temple that was surrounded by pillars made of burning skeletal remains of thousands of various beings. Just looking at them Diana realized that not all of them were like Luna.

Nearby the sounds of muffled screaming caught their attention, and the both of them looked to see several misshapen creatures gathering around the Caribou prisoners that had been brought with them. A massive bell run and the creatures pulled the Caribou toward the doors of the temple, great doors that depicted male and females of Luna’s kind screaming and burning in a fire. The tarnished bronze doors swung heavily open and within the temple, holding a single book, was a being that was both similar to Luna, and different. It was certainly male, its upper body had equine features like Luna, but lower, it appeared to be a centaur.

This couldn’t be right. She’d seen Hades’ true form before, below Themyscira, after the magical attack on him forced him to reveal what he truly looked like. It was nothing at all what he appeared to look like now. Some part of her seemed to understand that this could be just another illusion he used, but something deeper told her that here, in this realm, things were simply truer, purer than they were back in their universe.

He turned toward them, two blackened horns seemed to rise from just behind his ears. His fur was gold, which surprised her, and his mane was flowing red. Much like Luna’s mane it seemed to be ethereal, and after a moment his eyes, both the same color blue as her own, focused on her.

“Daughter, well, this is truly a surprise.”

He placed the book down, and once he had a cloud of black smoke covered him for a moment. After a few moments it was gone leaving the illusion he used back on Themyscira. Luna stepped back, uncertain of what it was she was looking at.

“Fear not Princess of the Equestrians, as long as you do not overstep your bounds you are welcomed here in my domain, but it does not explain what my daughter is doing here.”

Something was off. Hades was often cordial, but seldom was it because he truly felt that way. Most often it was to gain an upperhand, or to cause a potential enemy to become relaxed. He sighed, walked toward her, and held out his hand. She watched as another book formed, and she could see how this one looked closer to what he would normally have in his library. The backing was made of human skin, the eyes seemed to be alive, and it practically screamed as he opened it.

“Daughter, Diana, even we gods are subject to the faith put into us. I have never harbored any real ill will toward my brother, sister, or any of the other Olympus. I certainly don’t condemn man, but I am more than willing to let him arrive at his own destination. Did I do somethings in your world, your universe that were unbecoming? Absolutely, but I did them because it was expected of me.”

She looked confused.

“What do you mean?”

He led her and Luna deeper into the temple. They stopped at the massive library, and there surrounding all of it was multiple mirrors. She could see different versions of Tartarus in each one. There was the one she knew, the one locked below Themyscira, another that looked like the inner workings of a massive office, and dozens more.

In each mirror there was something strange, something off. She looked at Hades, and then looked at the mirror to see his reflection different in each one.


He smiled, “These are the passages in which I can travel to my realm in various universes. As my daughter you are capable of the same, but the gatekeeper, and your mortal consort that has followed us, cannot.

At hearing himself called out Bruce stepped out from the shadows. Hades looked him over, seeing the Batman standing before him in his own domain. His smile stretched to be impossibly large. With a flick of his wrist Bruce watched as the shadows all melted away leaving nothing but light in every single place, every area, and the fact of it was blinding. Even closing his eyes gave no relief, and then it returned to normal.

“You are brave, for a mortal, and I can see my daughter’s interest in you. Perhaps if you were a demigod, it would be a happier love story. Although you are right on one subject, mortal, after what happened, after what she went through, and after all others mourned for her while you searched, she will never go to him after your death.”

Bruce could see Diana looking between them, her mind realizing what Hades was saying. She looked at Bruce, and what he saw wasn’t hurt, but understanding. She understood what he had to have went through before. She denied that it would happen, so many times she denied it, but the one thing that it always came back to was that she knew eventually Bruce would grow old, his body would grow frail, and either nature would claim him, or one of his multitude of enemies would eventually succeed where so many had failed.

Oh there would be no rest for the one that took him. She would ensure that. She would hunt them down with all of the skill that Artemis would give her, and she would ensure that vengeance was cast up the one who would dare to take Bruce. She stopped that train of thought, looking to see Bruce, Luna, and even Hades there near her. She relaxed, and looked at the god that claimed to be her father.

“I have come to ask a favor of you, father.”

He motioned for them to follow him once more, and this time what they were presented with was another room, more suited to what she had seen in the Tartarus of her universe. He motioned toward a place for them to sit, and once they were seated he took a sip from a cup obviously crafted to resemble the top of a skull. Bruce watched as Hades enjoyed his wine. He could smell it from where he stood.

Alfred had introduced him to the art of wine tasting, because he was going to play the part of the billionaire playboy, and explained that the richer the bouquet the better the wine was. Just from where he sitting he could tell the wine in Hades’ cup would undoubtedly match, if not beat, the finest wineries throughout the world.

“A lovely mare makes this. Well, above, in your.” he pointed to Luna, “Domain she makes this. Berry Punch I believe, but her grandfather and great grandfather are here. They helped to teach her the method, and currently they make it for me. Two better servants one couldn’t ask for.”

He finished his cup, and then seemed to summon a quill, inkwell, and a piece of parchment.

“This is a formality,” he said as he pushed the parchment toward Diana, “All that enter into a deal, or favor, with me must know the obligations behind it.”

Diana shook her head, pushed it back, and looked at him.

“No, I have helped you…”

He held a hand up, opened his palm and before them formed Lex Luthor. Luthor’s eyes widened, his glare of unbridled hate rested on Diana, and he practically snarled at her.

“You… You fucking bitch! I’ll find a way back to you, and I’ll ensure that what I did…”

With that Luthor was gone once more. Diana looked shocked and Hades simply leaned back, “Daughter, what I did, and continue to do, to that soul is more than payback for what you did for me. Yes, returning me to power helped, greatly, but I am not so blinded to the mortal realm to know that you did it to save those who were connected to magic.”

He then looked at those at the table, “If you do not sign this, I cannot help you. It is that simple. All who ask favors are bound to me for a period of my choosing,” he looked toward the doors of the temple, “However, there is a being that resides outside. I’ve seen his actions, before the Caribou invaded, and I know the kind of power he has. In his own right, he is a god, but there was action taken to ensure that he was trapped in stone. Perhaps if you found a way to release him he would open the portal to your world.”

The doors to the temple opened, “This is where I must ask you to leave. I am incredibly busy, and the souls you transported here are in need my tender mercies. Mercies that I shall have my subjects pay them… Perhaps starting with phalluses made of sandpaper.”

With that the bright light surrounded them once more, and they found themselves back in the dungeon of the castle. Bruce looked over to see that all of the Caribou were gone. Hades’ words hung in his ears, and he realized what was in store for them. He didn’t feel bad about it. On some small scale he had expected himself to, but he simply didn’t. What they had done, the things they had done, the torment given to Luna, to the two upstairs, it was more than enough to allow them to be punished.

He had no doubt that they would certainly receive some kind of punishment if they were to remain here, but at least in Hades’ tender mercies they wouldn’t be allowed to die. Instead they would be forced to live through whatever depraved torture he could think of. It didn’t bother him. Having seen what happened at Blackgate and Arkham, well Tartarus might have the look down, but he knew that those places were filled with just as much torment and torture. He’d seen what happened to anyone who wasn’t already a dangerous sociopath when they were taken into Arkham.

He watched Diana and Luna as the two talked. Luna’s clothes, the sweat suit he had given her, was dingy, but she wore it with the kind of poise he’d seen in other royalty. Hippolyta, Diana, and even as Bruce Wayne when he visited Diana’s friend Audrey in her home country. Moving up he listened to the discussion, trying to pick up cues, wanting to know what Hades had been talking about. It was when Luna stopped and looked toward the openness of the castle before her.

“I had wondered if he wasn’t here because it was planned, if he simply handed us over to Caribou. There were so many nights I cursed his name, but Hades, your father, if what he says is true then Discord did not betray us. With his help, we could undo what’s been done.”

“Who is he?”

She looked toward Bruce, the small grin that crossed her muzzle was one of fond remembrance and not anguish or anger.

“The lord of Chaos is who Discord is. He controls Chaos, rips the very fabric of reality apart for fun, and I have no doubts that he would be upset to find out what had happened to those he considers friends.”

Diana touched her shoulder, “How do we release him?”

She shook her head, “He was originally bond into stone with the elements of Harmony, but since that time the elements have been returned to the tree from whence they came. I do not know how the Caribou trapped him, not without the elements.”

“Is there no other way he could have been transformed?”

“A cockatrise, umm, if you don’t mind me answering, but a cockatrise could turn somepony into stone… Who are you talking about though?”

The group looked to see Fluttershy standing there. In her hands she had a small collection of fruits that had started growing wild inside of the castle walls. Bruce could see how her muzzle was stained from the strawberries she was eating. The younger one, she was silently, sitting with what looked like an old broken plate that had several of the same berries on it.

He’d seen this before. When someone was released from the clutches of a depraved lunatic they often became lost. He’d seen it time and time again with Dr. Harleen Quinzell. She desperately craved the Joker’s attention, and when she would become free from him something would draw her back like a moth to a flame. She couldn’t help herself, she couldn’t stop, and as he sat watching that young mare he realized that she could be suffering from something similar. It was certainly Stockholm Syndrome, or at least that was the problem with Dr. Quinzel. This… this was exceptionally similar. The young mare or perhaps older filly was undoubtedly going to have to deal with this. Instantly he began to think of home. Arkham was out of the question, but there was psychologists that he knew could help her.

Opening the portal was no longer just to get the help they needed to ensure that they could free the Equestrians. No, it was more than that now. Opening that portal meant getting them the help they’d need after they were freed. They’d need all of the help they could get in rebuilding, in therapy, and in what Bruce could imagine was every other facet of their lives. They needed that portal, they needed the help, if it was there, and he looked at the butter gold mare.

“Does it have to be the same Cockatrice?”

She shook her head, “No, ummm, but could somepony tell me who was turned to stone?”

Luna looked at her, and rested a hand upon her shoulder, “Fair Fluttershy, it would appear that the Caribou managed to trick Discord.”

Fluttershy’s eyes blinked, then they watered, and shortly after the tears began to fall.

“I… I thought it was like Tirek… I thought he didn’t really care for any of us and j… Oh Fluttershy you’re such a meanie…”

“Fair Fluttershy, we need to find and free him.”

Diana moved toward them, “What does he look like?”

They described the god of chaos, in detail, and shortly after Diana described a statue she had seen in the forest that resembled the creature they described. It was decided at that moment that they would go to the statue, release Discord, and then bring back the reinforcements they needed. Luna stayed behind, to keep an eye on the young pink filly who shook with fear at the very mentioning of going outside of the castle walls.

They traveled until they heard voices.

“Why are we moving this thing?”

One of the Caribou turned toward the smaller of their number. He didn’t give the smaller one a chance to defend himself, instead he slammed his fist hard into his stomach making him sink to the ground.

“The Warden of Ponyville wants this eyesore brought back to town square. With several of our own missing, King Dainn’s nephew wounded to the point of no longer being able to bed a female, I happen to agree. So stop acting like a cunt, or I swear I will report you, have you turned to a cow, and then I will personally fuck you into submission!”

Bruce looked at Diana, seeing her back arched, she was ready for a fight, but he held her off, keeping her from going on and straight out attacking.

“Princess, we’re outnumbered, their magic is able to affect you, and an attack right now would be put us in more danger than taking us out of it.”

She settled and she watched as they began moving what she believed could have easily been the last possible chance for them to find the help they needed.

“Where is town square?”

Fluttershy shook softly, mumbling to herself, “No… No…”

“If we’re going to help him, and if we’re going to get the help we need, I need to know, where is town square.”


The Caribou stopped, their ears trying to pinpoint the sound. They were big, strong, and faster than her, but Fluttershy had been into the Everfree several times, and she knew secrets about it, secrets that only a few ponies knew. One of which was that if anypony lingered too long in a single place Timber Wolves would began to gather. She was sure the Caribou had been there a while already, and with the them stupidly standing there trying to find her they were inviting what began to happen to come and fully happen.

Bruce heard the snarl, and watched as the very woods began to take shape. It was long and lean, a wolf’s body, no a complete wolf made from the very trees around it. He considered the idea that if Pamela Isley ever saw this she would certainly incorporate it into her normal attacks. The large Caribou turned just in time to get his arm bitten into by a wolf that was easily as tall as Bruce if it was standing on its hind legs. The wooden wolf pulled back, ripping hide and muscle from the surprised Caribou.

It let out a scream as it clutched the wounded arm.

More howls, more snarls sounded around them, and they began to back together. Bruce watched and while he knew that he wouldn’t take a life, he wasn’t going to save them either. The Caribou that didn’t freak out began using their telepathy, for what good it did, but it looked as if their version of it was clumsy, unfocused. After seeing the kind of control that Luna had they looked practically amateurish in their attempts. None of them came close to the kind of fine control the Princess of this kingdom had. When they did manage to catch one of the wolves in their telekinetic grip the result was almost always the same. They’d slam it against a nearby tree. It’d break apart into an unassuming pile of branches and logs, and then within moments it had reformed and was stalking them.

One by one their number fell until finally it was just the smallest of their number left. He did the one smart thing and crawled to the top of the statue of Discord, trying to stay out of the reach of the timber wolves. Seeing that all of the others were dealt with Diana lifted into the air, flew toward the statue, flicked the smaller Caribou on the forehead knocking him out, and then grabbed the statue with one hand, held their prisoner, which had soiled himself, in the other and flew toward Bruce and the others. Taking this as hint to leave they began to depart.

The Timber Wolves howled, and then it was silent.

“What was that?” he asked as they headed back toward the castle.

Fluttershy looked at him, the sly smile on her face showed that she was rather proud of herself for what had happened.

“Those were Timber Wolves. They just sort of appear wherever there are ponies gathered around together for too long.”

Bruce put that piece of knowledge away for another time.

-------Castle of Friendship------

Spike rolled over, his stomach growled and grumbled, and he felt the need for something more than a handful of gems. He looked at the bed, Twilight had fallen asleep after the night they had. He grinned, she was a fine slave, faithful, subservient, willing to help train others. Beside her was Rarity. His beautiful purple collar. She was the jewel in his collection. She wasn’t as submissive as Twilight, but that was part of the fun.

He delighted in hearing her grunt and sound so rather unlady like. Last night he had granted Twilight the privilege of using a fake cock to fuck his purple collared slave with. She had no problems in doing so, and to her merit Spike believed that if Twilight would have been born a stallion, she would make a wonderful warden like he was.

He walked toward the one door that would not open for him. Nor would it open for Twilight, not anymore. He tried it, growled in protest, and walked on. Little did he knew that behind that door laid a possible answer to the issue the newly formed rebellion was having.

-------Metropolis - Star Labs #0010, CADMUS Access Point-------

It was over three weeks, and no word from Bruce or Diana. This wasn’t like them, and Clark knew it. He’d been the first one here to check on what happened. He discovered that transdimensional gate had been activated, and it was a very short set of steps that lead him down the path to figure out what happened next.

Right now Mr. Terrific, Ray Palmer, and even Wally was going through the data, piece by piece trying to find the exact frequency that gateway used when it obviously teleported their compatriots, and two of his best friends. He stood, holding a double mocha espresso, something that Diana swore by since Wally introduced them to her, and sipped at the drink.

It was more for show than actually keeping himself from being burned. He could swallow the entire thing, in a single gulp, and it wouldn’t hurt him. That was the joy of being Superman. It was also the curse of it. There was a few things that he envied Bruce and Lois for. Like them he could feel things, with ease, but unless it was a massive beating from some powerful warlock, an interdimensional being, or ancient gods he didn’t get to experience pain often.

Oh, he got to when he was kid growing up, but after his body absorbed enough sunlight, well, nothing hurt him anymore.

“Sups, we’re on the last set of entries.”

He looked a Wally who looked exhausted, “Thanks for doing this, all of you.”

Wally nodded, “You know… it’s gotta be in here. I’m sure of it, just ain’t sure where it is.”


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A Reclaiming Equestria Story Featuring DCAU Batman and Woman Woman

Chapter Four: Sunset

*****Metrotower - Gateway Room - Next to the Generator*****

The gateway was finally activated, working, and surprisingly there was a need to bring Zatanna and Doctor Fate both in on getting the gateway just perfect. While the gateway was able to locate a general grouping of the frequencies associated with Diana and Bruce’s disappearance it just couldn’t get the exact location down. Zatanna and Doctor Fate used their connection to the ether to narrow it down further. Once it was completed a small group looked toward it, and most of them noticed right away that the gateway looked almost like a pool of water standing upright. Wally was the first to say something about it.

“So, anyone else feeling all Stargatey about this?”

Shayera groaned, “Really? You’re going to joke right now?”

Wally shrugged his shoulders, “Not much else I can do until we decide to try it out. Honestly, I’m a little worried about crossing over into this thing. We don’t know much about it, not really, and we don’t have Kurt Russell here to lead us through it.”

John rolled his eyes, “Wally, I can promise you that whatever is over there Batman has it under control. We don’t need SG-1.”

Shayera groaned at his answer, “That’s it, no more sci-fi weekends for the two of you.”

Clark ignored them as he looked at it, studied it, and knew that there was no telling what would happen the moment they stepped through. He was somewhat relieved that both Power Girl and Nightwing had agreed to take over some of the duties for the league in Diana and Bruce’s absence. Having the two of them there to help tighten the slack made the choice of going through the portal even easier. Once more he looked at it, considered what could happen, and knew that regardless his friends needed help. He believed that stepping through this portal wouldn’t be a one way trip, but he had no idea of what could exist on the other end. He looked at those coming with him. John, Shreya, and Wally stood ready. The four of them walked toward the portal, and then they stepped through it.

He felt sick, exceptionally so, and it rippled through his entire body. It felt like he was being stretched beyond what should have been impossible. Everything grew bright for a moment before the group stepped out. The first sounds he heard was someone gasping, and then retching. He tried to pin it down, and then he realized that the one who was doing it was him. He was on his knees, silently begging God to let this pass quickly. Normally teleportation didn’t bother him, so the only thing he could think of was Magic. He stood, and looked at the others. All of them looked okay, but they all looked younger. He looked at his own hands and realized that he looked younger as well.

“Woah, anyone else notice this?” Wally asked.

There was a sound, and the four of them noticed a group three girls walking toward them, “My, I believe that something interesting has just fallen into our world.”

Clark looked at them, especially the one speaking, and noticed that their skin tones were different. One was a robin's eggshell blue, Another was a light purple, and the one speaking was close to flesh tone, but off, almost like it was flesh tone mixed with gold. All of them had hair styles that ranged from the eighties right up to the last decade. And he hated to admit it, but every last one of them oozed sexuality.

“Dagi, he’s cute, can we keep him?”

“Ugh, Sonata, stop being the worst.”

Sonata, the robin’s eggshell blue one, looked toward the light purple one, “I’m not the worst Aria! ‘Sides I saw you checking him out too!”

Aria rolled her eyes, her hand going through one of her oversized dark and light purple pig tails, “Checking him doesn’t mean taking him home.”

Finally, ‘Dagi, growled, “Enough!” she looked at Clark, and the others, “You’ll have to forgive them, they’re idiots.”

She circled them something like a predator circling prey, “Funny, I don’t sense magic on any of you. Oh, great power to be sure, but no magic. That’s a shame.”

“Adagio, it’s not like we could do anything about it. We don’t even have our pendants anymore.”

“Shut up,” Adagio growled as she grabbed Aria by her tube top, “They don’t need to know everything.”

Having heard quite enough from the peanut gallery Shayera stepped forward. She walked toward the obvious leader, and did the one thing she knew would be sure to get attention. She grabbed her shoulder, and shoved her into the wall, “We’re looking for someone, we want to know if anyone appeared, like us, and where they are.”

The girl glared at Shayera, and without any hesitation at all she opened her mouth. The sound that came out was soft, soothing, calming, and Shayera felt herself swaying. She felt the girl touch her shoulder and she fell to the floor.

“That’ll teach her to shove a siren!” Aria shouted.

“Idiot! They don’t need to know everything!”

This time a green bubble formed around both Adagio and Aria. Adagio opened her mouth, but the sound didn’t get past the bubble. John looked toward the blue one standing off to the side.

“So, want to answer our simple questions?”

She rubbed her foot, “Umm, We didn’t see anyone, but you really need to check with Sunset Shimmer. Her, and her friends, are the ones that’s really going to know. Could you let my sisters down now? We were just playing, honest.”

He looked at Shayera, relieved that she seemed to be coming out of it, and nodded. He released them and they looked at Sonata.

“Okay, officially we both owe you,” Adagio said, “Like my little sister said check with Sunset and her friends. If anyone is going to know, it’s going to be them.”

The three of them headed into the building, and John heard the sound of a throat clearing. He looked at a dark blue woman, who had a lighter shade hair, tapping her foot.

“While I see no problem with dressing up in costumes, this is a school, and I am going to suppose that the lot of you are new students. Please, come inside, and we will get you registered.”

*****Castle of the Two Sisters*****

Diana awoke to find Bruce missing. That wasn’t an uncommon occurrence. All too often he would disappear from their bed, and she would find him down in the cave, or there would be a notification on her comms from him. She sat on the bed itself, amazed at the softness of something that was supposed to be well over a thousand years old, and slowly she got off of it. She drew the top sheet around her, unwilling to present her nude body to the world.

Before Luthor, before the brainwashing Grodd put her through, she had never been ashamed of her own skin. After suffering at Luthor’s hands her modesty had become far greater. She was only nude in bed, in the shower, and occasionally when she prayed to one of her goddesses. Knowing that Hades was nearby made her wonder if the other gods and goddesses were as well. She decided that at some point she would have to construct a small shrine toward Hera and ask her to help watch over those they were freeing.

She found her armor, slipped it on, and walked out of the room she shared with Bruce. She looked Luna who seemed to be lost deep in thought.

“Luna, is everything okay?”

Luna turned toward her, a faint smile on her lips, “I believe so. Fair Fluttershy has convinced one of the cockatrices to free Discord from his stone imprisonment,” she then looked around her, “This castle holds many secrets, and unfortunately it also holds the remnants of our last war. I do not blame Celestia for seeking out peace, but I do believe she did so at a terrible cost. If our subjects had been taught to fight, to resist, I believe Equestria would never have fallen.”

She laughed, it was a mirthless sounding one, and she looked toward where the library was, “Instead she allowed Twilight Sparkle to take on the duties of protecting Equestria. Do not misunderstand me, Twilight is indeed powerful, but and her friends, are only six ponies. Even counting her former student and there is merely seven. None of them were prepared for the Caribou.”

She walked toward the library, leading Diana into it, “I heard my captors talking, how they were trying to overthrow the Shetland Isles, but those ponies weren’t making it easy. The hard life there has made them strong.”

Diana sighed, “My sisters have known nothing but peace for well over a millenia. But my mother has them constantly prepare. She prepares in case Man’s world attempts to invade, or should the Titans rise once more. She has them prepare because she wishes for them to be ready when something should happen.”

Luna nodded. She looked at the walls of books before her. Walking toward one she pulled it down, causing the bookshelf to move, and there she pulled something from behind it. Diana could see a painting of Luna, and another like her, but she was white. The both of them were dressed in heavy armor, and they looked pleased with themselves.

“This was after we managed to stop King Sombra from attempting to spread his influence out to the rest of the world,” she touched the picture, “He was not always a terrible tyrant, and at one time he was a true friend, but unfortunately his queen took ill.”

She looked at Diana, “I cannot say that I blame him for what he did. He risked everything to save her. He even dove into the most tainted of black magic. It warped him, drove him insane, and he decided the only way to save his beloved queen was to take all that she was and trap her in a ruby pendant.”

Luna pointed toward the small golden pendant that Celestia held in the painting, “We could not bare to destroy her, so instead we hid her away.”

Diana moved toward her, “I mean no disrespect, but what does this have to do with what’s happening?”

Luna looked at the ground, “To defeat Sombra I had to use dark magic, and that placed a stain on me. It festered imagined slights toward mine sister. We became a dark harbinger of death and destruction. If not for the elements we would have succeeded,” Luna looked at Diana, “Yet, if Celestia would have kept our armies, trained them, kept them ready, then many of the enemies we had faced would have been slowed down, if not stopped completely, before Twilight could respond. She placed too much onto the shoulders of Twilight Sparkle, and when she fell it meant the fall of all of Equestria.”

Diana touched her shoulder, “You blame yourself, don’t you?”

Luna looked away, but nodded, “Yes. It is our fault. We...I was the one in charge of our armies. I trained them, kept them ready, and Celestia handled the image of our rule. While she would never admit it, I know she considered my role to be more paultry than her own. Yet, all the while I ensured that our great land was free.

*****Froggy Bottom Bog - Near the Hydra’s Nest*****

It wasn’t supposed to be like this. He had managed to get one of the former protectors of Equestria away from her owner, took her out here, and had planned on enjoying every hole she had. It was meant to be perfect. He’d have her, enjoy her, and then let the others find her. She wouldn’t be believed, and he would have gotten away with what he wanted.

Instead he was looking up in fear at the thing standing before him. The attacks had come hard and fast. He hadn’t been prepared, and then his antlers. That thing cut off his antlers like he was some whorish female! Whatever he used to tie him to the tree was more than strong enough to keep him there. He watched as that creature neared his desired prize. She shrank away from his touch.

“Please, this mare will let you do what you want, but please don’t beat her.”

“No one is going to beat anyone. I am however going to take you somewhere safe.”


He nodded, “Yes, safe. I plan on taking you somewhere that is safe,” he looked toward the captured Caribou, “Is there anything here that could harm him?”

She looked at him, and then her ears began to flop forward and backward, followed by a twitch in her tail, and finally her hooves began to tap rapidly.

“Oh, there’s a Hydra that should pop up in a few moments and it will eat him.”

Bruce looked at the Caribou, walked toward him, and slipped something onto his hand. The Caribou looked down and away from him. Whatever this thing was, it obviously was on the side of the mares. Still, he was a male, he was a Caribou, and it was his duty to inform this strange creature that it would face the entire might of the Caribou army if it continued to help mares.

“My brothers will come for you. They will find you, and they will turn you into a mare then they will rape you into submission.”

Bruce’s response was to him using the electric knuckles he had slipped onto his hand. Seeing that the Caribou was out cold he untied him from the stump, re-tied his hands behind his back, and then lifted him up over his shoulder.

“You’re saving him?”

He grinned, “I wouldn’t call it an act of mercy. We need more information, and besides I’m certain that he’s going to be questioned fairly harshly.”

She followed him, and like the other mares she could tell that he was stallion, granted a strange one, but a stallion all the same. In truth he kind of was dressed like the characters in Spike’s old comic books. She still remembered going into the Power Ponies Universe, and when they had the costumes they wore weren’t that different. Still, the fact that he wasn’t trying to have his way with her made her curious.

Even good stallions were kinda affected by the Caribou’s magic. Seeing a stallion that wasn’t affected wasn’t just different, it was hopeful. As she walked her straight mane began to fluff and curl slightly. Bruce took notice of this, seeing how it seemed to be completely random. The three of them cut through the forest, heading past Sweet Apples Acres, and finally toward the Everfree Forest.

She stopped as they began to enter. It made some sense now. Something in the Everfree had caused this. She wasn’t sure how she knew, then again she didn’t understand how she knew about the things she did, but she knew that the Everfree itself had a hand in getting them help. She half followed, half led them to the aging castle, and when the gates opened she saw somepony she never expected to see free.

Bruce watched as her hair went from getting a little curly to becoming completely curly and full of life. She ran directly toward Fluttershy, wrapped her into a hug, and just continued to hold her. He then looked at the cockatrice that was glaring at the statue. At first it looked like nothing at all was happening, and then slowly color began to return to the statue. He watched as it began to move, and finally there was a groan.

“Well, that was boring.”

*****Canterlot High - Gym*****

Sunset stood there, astounded at what she heard, and then the proof added on top of it nearly blew her mind. She knew that the possibility of alternate dimensions certainly existed, but most of them were simply variations of Equus. Even here, on ‘Earth’ it was just a variation of her home world, but from what these four were telling her they came from a world that was full of humans, but magic was real, super heroes existed, and it basically sounded like something straight from Cell Shade’s comics.

She honestly almost expected to see Mistress Marevelous with them. Instead she took a breath, closed her eyes, slowly counted to ten, and then sighed.

“I’m not sure where your friends ended up. Starswirl the Bearded theorized that there was alternate universes, and if your magic users helped narrow it down to here then it’s got to be a world connected to this one, or like it. If it is connected then there’s a gateway to it, but if it isn’t then we might have to go through that gateway anyway.”

Clark held his hand up for a moment. It was obvious that he had a question and she nodded.

“Why would we have to go through the gateway?”

She shrugged, “Well because the magic here isn’t like it is back home, and the person to really ask would be Twilight, well the Twilight from that world. I would write and ask her, but she hasn’t wrote back to me in a long time. The last thing she wrote was that she was sorry, and she was hiding the book.”

John groaned and shook his head, “Okay, ignoring the fact that it’s obviously a very bad sign that your friend sent that message, how do we access the gateway?”

She walked with them, toward the front of the school, and once there she looked at the remains of what was once the Wonder Colt’s Statue. The Bronco that had represented their school mascot had been destroyed nearly two years ago by their Twilight, but the base of the statue still held the portal itself.

“It’s here, It should be open right now. I’m not sure why, but it kind of went back to the way it used to be.”

“What does that mean?” Shayera asked as she crossed her arms.

“Well, Twilight had fixed it so that the portal could be accessed all of the time, but now it only works every thirty days. I haven’t went through, mainly because I’m a little worried about what might have happened.”

Clark looked at it, then at the others, “Okay, it’s okay, We’ll go through, and we’ll do what we can to help, and hopefully find our friends.”

Sunset swallowed back her nervousness, “I’ll come with you. I… I feel like maybe I should.”

She walked through with them, and once they were through the portal a few things became incredibly apparent. One, they were inside some closed off room, and two none of them looked like they had looked.

“Woah… Okay guys, I know that this is going to make me seem like a total dork here, but does anyone else think that we look kind of like the beast folk from Dungeons and Dragons?”

Clark looked at Wally who was still in his costume, but his face had been stretched out to look like a muzzle. He wasn’t sure, but it looked like anywhere his skin had been was now covered with a layer of a light orange fur. He turned toward Shayera and noticed the same for her, John was in the same boat, but his fur seemed to match his skin tone a bit more. In truth Clark was worried about what his own skin tone would look like. He was worried until he noticed the swell of Shayera’s breasts. The fullness of her hips. He shook his head, trying to clear the thoughts.


He turned to look at Sunset who looked older, but was bent forward, her hand resting on her stomach. Suddenly a bright and blinding light covered them and how he had been feeling a moment ago simply disappeared.

“Oh… Oh Celestia… If that’s what was happening to Twilight…”

Clark looked at the walls, and then through them. He might not be Bruce, but he certainly knew enough to know the after effects of an invasion when he saw one. He looked back at Sunset.

“The women here, they normally wear clothes right?”

She nodded.

“Yeah, why?”

Clark sighed, “I think that this isn’t the place you remember anymore.”


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A Reclaiming Equestria Story Featuring DCAU Batman and Woman Woman

Chapter Five: Rebels

*****Castle of Friendship - Sealed Room*****

Everyone quieted down as Clark listened through the crystal of the castle to the conversations outside. Most of what he heard was the sounds of women, or mares rather, being beaten, raped, and beaten again. But then after a few minutes he head the excited voice crying out for the Warden. He listened as hooves, which that still freaked him out, pounded against the crystal floor and made it to the main floor itself.

“Sir Spike! The guards you sent to retrieve the Discord Statue, they’re dead! All of them!”

The sounds of wet slapping stopped, and next there was the sound of heavy footfalls. Those sounds neared the voice of the one calling out.

“What do you mean they’re all dead?”

The silence was deafening, but it lasted for less than a second before the entire wall in front of them shook.


Everyone backed up as they heard that.


The voice was roaring, actually roaring. The entire wall shook again, for a brief moment, before there was a solid thump against it. It became quiet again, but Clark could still hear what was going on. He didn’t dare stop listening to the voice that had been roaring a few moments ago.

“You were supposed to lead that group, weren’t you?”

“I… Sir Spike please…”

There was another thump against the wall.

“You were supposed to lead it, and I had given you some Timber Wolf Bane. Did you even consider giving that to them before sending them out?”

There was whimpering and another thump.

“Guards, change this worthless hump of flesh into a Doe. Strap her down, and put a belt on protecting her vagina,” the voice became harsh, raspy, “Because she’s going to pay with her ass. She’s going to pay long and hard with her ass right to the point of it breaking. And then I’m going have it healed only to have her pay again, and again, and again.”


The footfalls began to sound as if they were heading away, and Clark could hear the sound of kicking, scraping, and then a male voice rising in octive until it sounded like a female’s voice.

“Come on Cunt! Your new master wants your ass!”

There was a wicked laugh, “He didn’t say we couldn’t enjoy that ass before hand. Hold her down.”

*****Castle of the Two Sisters*****

Diana had seen the kind of anger, no unadulterated rage, the create known as Discord was showing. She’d seen it on Bruce’s face after he discovered what Luthor had done. She’d seen it when he went to Luthor Towers and nearly beaten him to death. She also watched as Fluttershy gently talked to him, trying to reign in his rage at those who had hurt her. She gathered that the Pegasus wasn’t telling him to not be angry, but to not attack everypony, to keep from hurting ponies that are only acting the way they are because of the Caribou Magic.

She watched and she realized how closely it mirrored what had happened between her and Bruce. How she had managed to keep Bruce from stepping over that last line. It had been an important moment for the both of them. Bruce had already brought her back, restored her memory, helped her realize who and what she was, but at that moment the both of them truly understood each other.

She hoped that the same would happen for the two she was watching. That the self proclaimed master of chaos and this kind pegasus would have the same moment together. She looked at Bruce who was working with something. She walked toward him and realized that he was putting together what looked like a small metal foundry. She watched as he checked everything, and then watched him get a small fire going. Once that was done placed what looked like a very old looking ceramic cup onto a holder. He then slowly moved the holder into the small furnace. The old stone seemed to be holding it well enough, and he seemed to have it ventilated outside through a series of circular stone tubes that seemed to lead directly outside. He opened the furnace once more, pulled the ceramic cup’s holder out, and then he began dropping in small pieces of metal that looked like it had come from the broken material of the Caribou’s weapons.


He looked toward her, “I’m getting low on weapons.”

She grinned as she walked toward him, “I didn’t know you knew how to work a forge.”

He grinned, “While I was training I found an old iron worker that took me on as an apprentice. He basically took ruined weapons left over from World War II, melted them down, and turned them into tools and useful things for the people that lived around him. He taught me how to build a furnace from basic materials,” he looked at her, “And you haven’t been with me when I’ve had to Austrilia in order to stop a shipment of snakes specifically bred to attack only humans.”

“One of your enemies?”

He nodded, “Pamela Isley. She was using nature to fight her battles.”

The smell of the furnace drifted slightly, and Diana could smell the metal inside. It reminded her of Themyscira, how her sisters would often do metalworking when needing a new tool, hinges, or something else that required fresh metal to craft it. The difference was that this had a heavy smell. She’d been around some of the forges before, and she had smelled when they were melting and mixing metals. This smelled like it was just pure iron. She watched as Bruce sniffed the air as well. He opened his belt and took out what looked like a small collection of little tiny metal marbles. He opened the furnace, pulled the cup back out, and dropped in about three of the marbles. He pushed it back inside, waited for a few moments, and then pulled it out again only to stir it with a broken blade that was sitting near him.

He pushed it back inside and shook his head, “No wonder their weapons broke. It looks like they made them from unrefined iron.”

*****Castle of Friendship - Hall outside of the sealed room*****

Shayera grinned as she finished ripping through the magical veil that was sealing the room from the rest of the castle. She wasn’t one to say much, but the design of the castle seemed almost as if the crystal had naturally grown into place. She glanced toward Superman and noticed how he seemed to be in awe of the building itself. He walked toward one of the walls and touched it. Before she could make a joke about how perhaps he should consider taking the wall and getting a room with it someone shouted. She looked toward the one shouting and saw what looked like reindeer wearing a loin cloth. He stormed toward them.

“What are these two cunts doing dressed and uncollared?!”

He reached forward and grabbed Shayera’s blouse, ripping it down the front, and tearing her blouse and sports bra completely off. John was about to do something, but she beat him to it. Her mace connected with the reindeer’s head, causing it to go flying into the wall. The sound echoed through the castle. The sound of running hooves filled it, and group looked at each other. Without question, or thought, John created a bubble around them with his ring, and then flew toward the end of the hall.

There was much about this world he didn’t know, understand, or most likely could really come to grips with, but there was one thing he was certain had to exist here. And that was that if an object was moving at a fast enough speed, and was hard enough, it could punch through anything. He ignored the various brightly colored bolts of energy flying toward them, and instead the bubble burst through the side of the castle leaving a huge hole in its wake. He had absolutely no idea where to fly, or he didn’t until someone poked his side. He looked toward the girl, the unicorn, that had came with them from her world.

“That down there is the Everfree forest. I don’t know what’s going on, but I know that most ponies don’t go in there. They think it’s too dangerous.”

With that endorsement he flew down toward the forest and the moment they were on the ground he destroyed the bubble they were in. Unknown to them eyes had seen their landing. Shayera took the remains of her blouse, wrapped it around herself, and created a mock tube top. It was certainly better than letting the girls just hang out. She looked at their guest.

“Do you have any idea of what’s going on?”

The unicorn shook her head, “No, this isn’t the home I know. I’m not sure what happened, but I can only guess those reindeer looking guys caused it.”

“Not to be that guy, but we really need to find someplace to get to. I’ve got a feeling that our new friends are going to searching for us pretty soon.”

Shayera nodded. Wally had a point.

“Any suggestions?”

She started to step when something exploded nearby. She looked around, uncertain of what it was that blew up. Off in the distance was a hooded figure. She growled, but Clark held his hand out.

“We’re not here to fight. We just escaped a group of beings back in that village. We’re searching for a couple of friends of ours.”

“Yeah, one of them dresses like a bat, doesn’t really smile….”

“I know of the two of whom you speak, but to me your story does reek.”

Shayera stepped forward, “Look, they don’t look like us. We don’t normally look like us. We came through some portal, it changed us, now, have you seen them or not?”

The figure moved slightly closer, “Wait here, and do not move, I shall bring one back and then your story we will prove.”

With that she took off.

*****Castle of the Two Sisters*****

Zecora neared the castle. Normally she didn’t wander too far from her home, but if what those strangers said was true then it was important to find the ones with Princess Luna, and if what they said wasn’t true then it was still important for obvious other reasons. She moved into the castle, seeing Discord sitting down, holding Fluttershy, his face buried somewhere in her shoulder. She didn’t know, nor was she here to ask. Instead she spotted Princess Luna who seemed to be discussing something with her two guests. She moved toward them only to have a pink blur jump out and tackle her to the ground.

“Hiya Zecora!”

“Pinkie Pie, it is you. While it is good to see you, and that is true, I have news I must tell, please let me up, or I fear the news I must yell.”

“Okie Dokie Loki!”

Zecora smiled at her, moved toward the Princess, and gave a slight bow. She then began to fill them in on the ponies she saw, describing their clothing, and Diana’s eyes widened.

“Are they still there?”

Zecora nodded.

Bruce looked at furnace, pulled out the cup, and poured its contents into what looked like little bat shaped holes in a small collection of stones.

“Let's go get them, and hopefully make sure that Clark doesn’t fall under whatever magic the Caribou are using.”

Zecora lead them toward where the group was, and Bruce looked at what stood there. Instead of most of the founding members in their normal forms he saw them in the forms of the ponies here. When Clark began to talk he noticed right away that it wasn’t in English, but rather Equestrian like everyone else talked. He closed his eyes, pinched his nose, and said the one thing that came to his mind.

“I hate magic.”

The group moved, heading back toward the new base, and along the way they began to fill each other in on what had been happening. Clark explained how they went to looking for both Bruce and Diana. He went on to describe how they tried every possible frequency for the universes, and finally with the help of Dr. Fate and Zatanna they were able to get to a parallel world where they found Sunset Shimmer who led them over.

As he filled Bruce in on what happened Sunset talked animatedly to Princess Luna. Luna was more than happy to converse with her, and she learned that part of Sunset’s familiarity with her was due to her double on the world Sunset had went to.

“I am an educator there?”

Sunset shrugged her shoulders, “Eh, more like an administrator,” she said as she tried to scratch her back, “Wow, something is bothering me.”

Luna stopped, looked at her, and then smiled softly, “Tell me, before coming here, did you do something you never believed possible. Channel magic in a way that shouldn’t have worked. Perhaps fixed or created a new spell that went beyond your understanding?”

She nodded, “Yeah, the Friendship games, I took the girls’ power and…”

She reached back, and then looked at Luna.

“What… What’s going on?”

Luna removed the necklace with the geode she had gotten from Camp Everfree. Once she did Sunset let out a scream as she fell forward. A blinding orange light covered her. It became nearly as bright as the sun itself, and it all but blinded those around it. Finally a shaky breathed Sunset stood. She groaned and stretched out her wings. Her eyes widened as she looked over her shoulder to see her wings.


Luna smiled at her, “You’ve achieved something no other pony could do. You saved those close to you, and you mastered a magic never before seen by pony kind. Sunset Shimmer, you have ascended.”

She flapped her wings, which was admittedly awkward, and gained about a foot of lift before falling. She looked back at Luna, her eyes wide with uncertainty.

“I don’t deserve this. Seriously, I really don’t deserve it!”

Luna touched her shoulder, “The fact that you have ascended speaks different. Were things different I am certain that there would be a celebration, a grand ball or gala perhaps, and then the official coronation would take place. Unfortunately that cannot take place until we’ve removed the Caribou from our lands.”

Sunset swallowed what she was feeling and looked at Luna, “What about Twilight, and Princess Celestia?”

Luna shook her head, “Princess Twilight has fallen to the control of the Caribou. We intend on freeing her, and the rest of the heroes of Equestria, and mine sister has fallen as well. I pray that she is able to be saved. I will not say that she gave in too easily, but she made compromises with Dainn, trying to please him, and she did it for the safety of her subjects. Each compromise came with a new humiliation,” Luna looked at the ground, “The last we, I, saw of my sister she was strapped to our breakfast table, crying out like a foal while Dainn allowed two minotaurs to ravish her. It was not her fault, and I would never believe it to be so, but I feel that her need to see the best in everypony is part of what allowed this.”

Sunset looked toward darkened canopy of the trees. She knew that Princess Celestia tried to see the good in everypony, in fact that was one of her core lessons, but she couldn’t believe her old mentor had fallen so far. She had studied every writing about how Celestia had worked to protect her ponies. She even read the myths and legends about how a knight from another world, a different realm, had been called to this world by Celestia. It had seemed far fetched before, but looking at the two humans in the group perhaps it wasn’t as far fetched as she believed.

The old myth claimed that the knight helped fight a tyrant with Celestia, but so much of the text had nearly been ruined by age. She knew only that he went by Grayspear, he was married to Celestia, and that he died after the thirtieth Summer Sun Celebration. She wasn’t sure what brought the two humans into this world, but she could tell that whatever it had been worked exceptionally hard to make them compatible for this world.

Once the group began to move again, and a few questions were answered as to what happened, it didn’t take long to reach the castle. Sunset stood outside and looked at it. She’d read about it, heard about it, but she never imagined that she would actually see Celestia’s old home. She walked into the castle, and there she saw Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, her brother… She looked toward the others that looked surprised. Before anyone could say a thing Bruce ran forward his teeth bared. He studied the large red male. He was obviously strong, perhaps more so than Bane, and there wasn’t any obvious weaknesses. He was about to attack when the god of Chaos they’d rescued moved between them.

“Now, now, per Fluttershy’s suggestion I reached out and felt for somepony that wasn’t affected by the magic the Caribou use. Low and behold I found the pairs, er.. Apples seemingly unaffected.”

“Princess, not that Ah ain’t glad ta see ya got yer magic back, but what in tarnation is going on here?!”

Princess Luna smiled, Fair Applejack, there is much I will tell you, and much we must discuss, but before we do I believe we need to discuss a plan.”

The group gathered near Bruce’s foundry. He picked up one of the new bat-a-rangs and tested it.

“Our guests down in the dungeon explained the strengths and weaknesses of the patrols they use. He also went ahead and explained where the most prized prisoners are,” Bruce said as he pointed at a few blocks he’d sat up to symbolize the local village, “Here at their castle is where one of the Princesses, and a hero to Equestria are at. From what I understand both are heavily guarded by the Caribou,” he then pointed toward another building, “This is Sugarcube Corner. Apparently its owner is under suspicion of being a sympathizer. He currently only has three females in his home, but they were planning on running a check to see if his prisoners were acting accordingly.”

“Mr. Cake isn’t one of them, not completely, I mean he likes to do things to Mrs Cake, but that’s ‘cause they really like each other. But he tried to convince them to leave me there, but they wouldn’t. I know that he got Flitter though.”

Sunset looked at her friend, or at least her friend’s double, and she felt better. She was relieved that her friends were here. At least that ponies that were like her friends were here. She decided to stop thinking about it as Bruce explained the plan of action. She followed along, listening as he said the first step would be in finding those who were unaffected, and then bringing them back here. The next step would be to see if the Lasso of truth could be used to break the magical hold the Caribou’s magic had on the citizens there. If it could, then they would start freeing them as soon as possible.

“You know, I could make it far easier and get all of the ponies here, and then make it rain boiling hot chocolate down on the Caribou. Boiling hot chocolate that will never cool no matter what they do with it. Oh, I could so use Pinkie Pie’s bubble gum hot chocolate recipe, that way it will stick to them!”

“Is he serious?”

Discord turned to the dark chocolate colored Earth Pony. He leaned toward him, “Of course I’m serious. They hurt Fluttershy, and it’s only fair that I hurt them in return.”

John shook his head, “No, that’s not the way we need to do things.”

Shayera shook her head, “John, we don’t have the moral high ground here.”

He looked like he was going to argue, but she raised her hand, “We might not have went as far as the Justice Lords, but we’ve done things, some questionable things, that I know none of us are proud of.”

Discord looked at Luna who shook her head, “It is amusing, but would you want their suffering to equate to just this? We have a chance to undo their entire society. Not to mention, I am quite certain that Celestia and I would be more than happy to turn their home over to you.”

Discord grinned as he rubbed his claw and lion’s paw together.

“Then what is the plan?”

Bruce looked at him, “We begin getting those out that are unaffected, then we move on to freeing others,” he looked at Clark, “Is the portal connection to our universe still open?”

Clark nodded, “It should be.”

Bruce nodded, “Good, I doubt it, but if needed we’ll contact more of the league. We’ll leave after sunset.”

Having a time set, and knowing there was time to kill, Sunset began wandering the halls of the castle. She found herself in a place that she was certain Twilight would have had a massive joygasm, as Pinkie called them, the moment saw it. The walls were lined with books, and not just any books, but ancient tomes that had been collected together for Celestia and Luna when they lived here. She walked through it and slowly she saw something in the corner of her eye. She neared it and picked it up.

It had been years since she held an actual Power Ponies comic. Back when she was Celestia’s personal student she would occasionally get one and breeze through it. The Power Ponies were a nearly unstoppable force, and she enjoyed their adventures. It was strange to see on in here, but she flipped it open. The moment she did she noticed that it looked like there was some foals that reminded her of some of the younger classmen back at Canterlot High.

She looked at the pages, really trying to figure it out, and then she felt it. It was an enchantment, something similar to Haycart’s theory, but done to give a longer lasting effect. That’s when she remembered Cell Shade. He was the creator of the Power Ponies, and it was rumored that he created an advanced enchantment on some of his comics that took Haycart’s theory and pushed it to the very limits.

If that was the case, then those girls inside of the comic might actually be there. She’d have to wait to talk about it, but she gently put it back down, figuring that someone, possibly Spike, had put it there for safekeeping. And if that was the case then she wanted it remain safe. She wasn’t sure of the time, but she began walking back toward the main hall, and as she did she listened to the sound of the castle around her.

It was certainly ancient, and she could hear some of the stones shifting. She wasn’t sure, but if this was to become the Rebel Alliance then they would need to fix it up a bit. She wanted to laugh as she realized the Star Wars’ pun she’d used. Rainbow would have already pointed out that she was a dork, Pinkie would have offhandedly mentioned that she thought that Episode VI was the best one, so why couldn’t she do an Ewok pun.

She was certain that Fluttershy would have agreed with her, but mainly because she adored the Ewoks. She had a feeling that Fluttershy would adopt Wicket and his entire village if they were actually real. She shook her head as she walked. Who was to say that they weren’t. The multiverse theory seemed to be true, at least as far as she could see, and if that was the case then who was to say that the Star Wars Universe wasn’t real? She did wonder if it existed in other Universes. She decided that she would ask the ponies, well people, she came through with later.

She neared the main hall and everyone getting ready.

“Shayera, I’m assuming that your mace still works against magic?”

She nodded, “It does. Do I need to take Point?”

Bruce nodded, “It would be a good idea. Lantern, provide backup. Diana and I will run interference. Clark, you and Wally do what you can to get as many of the unaffected out as possible.”

“What about us?”

He looked at Sunset.

“This isn’t a walk in the park.”

She glared at him, “I’ve done dangerous stuff before, and besides, I want to try to help and save my friend.”

He stopped what he was doing, “And we are going to try and do that. But we can’t afford to be emotional about this. It needs to be clean, quick, and efficient. If any of us are too emotional we run the risk of the mission failing, someone getting hurt, or causing unnecessary harm to those we’re trying to save.”

“You can’t just leave me here!”

Sunset didn’t see his hand move, but she heard something. She looked down to see a small round ball. It stopped near her, and a faint yellow gas shot out of it. She coughed for a moment before she fell back. Before she hit Wally caught her.

“Bats, I don’t mean anything, but she might have been some help.”

Bruce glared at him.

“Okay, shutting up.”

Welcome to the Resistance

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A Reclaiming Equestria Story Featuring DCAU Batman and Woman Woman

Chapter Six: Welcome to the Resistance

The sound of the night echoed throughout the Everfree Forest. Most ponies would never venture into, or out of, the forest at night. Those unfortunate enough to be stuck in the forest would have to do their best to find shelter, lock themselves in, and hope for morning to come quickly so they could escape. So to see a group of five ponies and two strange beings that were addressed as humans moving through the forest was certainly not the norm.

Luna stood in a different set of clothes. The sweat suit that Bruce had given her was back at the castle, washed, dried, and currently being worn by the young mare Bruce had saved. That same young mare, a Diamond Tiara, was almost lost. Luna had seen her dreams, something she had taken upon herself once again, and she found that all of the dreams, including those of the affected, were plagued with nightmares.

In a way the fact that they all suffered these horrific nightmares gave her hope. To her it meant that her subjects were still there, buried deep under what the Caribou had done. It would take time, perhaps even a generation or two, but slowly things could get better. However, she would never allow this to happen again. The Caribou would be dealt with. She would happy allow Discord to rain down as much chaos as he wanted on their lands once they were driven out of Equestria. She looked up to see the outskirts of Ponyville ahead of them.

“For the moment we do this as quietly as possible. Shayera, if they attempt to attack I want you to use your mace. It should disrupt their magic. Lantern, you and Superman will gather the civilians that are not affected by whatever corruption the Caribou are using. Luna, can you identify the houses free of corruption?”

She nodded, feeling the slight difference in the dreams between the affected and unaffected.

“Good, point them out to us. We need to make this as quick as possible. Flash… Flash?”

Bruce looked to see that Wally wasn’t there. Instantly he activated his cowl’s enhanced sensors and began scanning the area. He found Wally, heading back toward them.

“I was careful, but it looks like they’ve got a skeleton crew patrolling the area. Most of them are pretty dumb as well.”

Shayera grinned, “Good, that should make dealing with them that much easier.”

“Remember our plan. Luna, where’s the first house of the unaffected?”

Luna pointed toward a small home just outside of the town itself. Bruce moved toward it with Shayera and Diana. The three of them ensured that it looked like there was no patrols nearby. The window seemed to be unlocked, and Bruce silently slid up up before slipping into the home. He looked at the sight before him. It was a light tan mare sleeping on what looked like a pet bed. Her darker colored mane seemed to be tied back in a ponytail, and her tail was done the same way. He noticed that her rump sported a mark, but like the other ponies he’d seen so far it was different.

He checked to make sure that she was breathing, and then he looked at her mark. The heart with a bottle seemed to indicate that her ability was possibly being a caretaker. He heard a groan and looked toward the sound. It was a young colt, dark brown, orange mane and tail, and a strange green beanie on his head that was spinning without any wind in the house. The colt seemed half asleep, slowly moving toward the living room, and then falling onto the couch.

Bruce watched as he seemed to ignore him, and then a moment later he was asleep. He moved out, informed the others of what he saw, and Luna confirmed that it was just the two of them in that house. Since it was just the two of them in the house, and since Luna stated that they were both unaffected by the magic that seemed to cause all of this the answer was clear. Both of them needed to be taken back to the castle. He didn’t want to wake them, not yet, but he did want to make sure that they would be relocated. There was no doubt in his mind that the horrors both of them had witnessed would be something that would haunt the two of them for the rest of their lives. The simplest answer came in the form of John using his ring to engulf the two of them in a light aura.

They lifted easily, and slowly John moved them out. Bruce watched as the two were moved, studying the surrounding area, checking to ensure that none were watching them, that no one would be able to get a jump on them. Years of patrols, helping with League Missions, and of course dealing with Wayne Enterprises had taught Bruce that even the best laid plan could be victim to an unknown variable. Once the two ponies were out of the home, he watched as John moved toward the safety of the forest. At least for the moment this plan was staying together and working.

“This slut better be worth it. If the Warden of Ponyville finds out that we snuck away just to fuck some slut he’ll have us turned.”

Bruce melted into the shadows, this would be the unknown variable that would end up being the kink in their plans. The two shapes moved toward the house, both Caribou, both roughly as tall as he was, and both paying little attention to the world around them. The first opened the door the home forcefully.

“Inspection! Present all Females so that they can be inspected, failure to do so will…”

The words never finished leaving his mouth. The Caribou was lifted into the air by Diana. She threw him, easily, through the wall and into a kitchen table that collapsed. The other Caribou began working his clumsy magic on her only to find a mace that cut through it hitting him. He fell back, dazed until the female that hit him stood over him. There was an angry sneer on her lips. Nothing about her stance promised obedience, and with her strange weapon she was not at the mercy of his magic.

He glanced toward the other female, obviously a different species, and he gathered that she was far more powerful than himself. In truth she could easily be as powerful as the Warden of Ponyville, Sir Spike. Still, he was a proud male in the army of King Dainn. It was his place to look down on the weak females, to use them for birthing new soldiers, to use their bodies for pleasure, and to ensure that they knew their place.

“How dare you strike your better!”

His statement was answered with the blackness gifted by the strange weapon striking him again. Shayera looked at the would be attacker and then she heard more movement. She prepared herself, but the only one to enter was Bruce. He moved toward her, his mouth in its usual grimace, but he almost looked actually angry instead of displeased.

“This is a covert mission. We are meant to remain as quiet as possible. That doesn’t mean letting two enemy agents have enough time to raise an alarm.”


He glanced toward Diana. Both of them were proud, neither of them would willingly admit that they were wrong, but in this moment Diana realized that she had been wrong as well. Her actions had quieted one of the Caribou, but it was at the risk of announcing their presence. In truth the both of them knew it was likely there would be a patrol sent out soon to investigate the sounds from this house.

“West, get the information from Luna about the houses with those who are unaffected. Once you have the information I want you and Kent to work on getting them out. Be as quiet as possible but move quickly. We don’t have much time.”

He glanced toward Diana and Shayera, “As of now we’re going to cover for Flash and Superman. If there’s an attack we’re the first and last line of defence they have.”

The three of them exited the home, and they could hear the sounds of movement in the distance. Bruce connected the lenses in his cowl to his microcomputer, keeping tabs on where West and Kent were heading. From what he could tell Wally was already at the castle again, and his comm was indicating that it was his third trip so far. Kent was on his second, and with any luck at all they would have those unaffected by the Caribou’s magic moved within the next few seconds. The sounds they heard became more pronounced, and he saw what was moving toward them. It wasn’t a Caribou, but instead it seemed reptilian by nature. It stood six and a half feet tall, or at least the first look seemed to indicate so. He could see razor sharp talons on both of its claws, and teeth similar to small daggers lined its mouth.

It let out a thundering roar, the kind of sound that would make any prey animal instantly do all in its power to escape. The creature moved toward them, and he reached into his belt. Having faced Killer Croc so many times had helped him devise ways of dealing with enemies that had thick skin. He threw what looked like plain steel bearings until they landed near the creature. The moment it stepped over the first one streams of pink gas escaped them.

The creature staggered slightly, trying to right itself, and then it fell. He moved cautiously toward it, certain that the gas had done the trick, and he looked at it.


He turned to the sound and saw Luna.

“You know him?”

She nodded, “Verily, he is the assistant to Twilight Sparkle. He was given control over Ponyville, but I sense his true self. I believe he can be released, much how we planned to release Twilight.”

Hours had passed and slowly Spike opened his eyes. A nauseating feeling filled him to the brim, but he couldn’t figure out what it was. He slowly sat up, looking around at the small room he was in. It wasn’t Twilight’s castle, it wasn’t his bed, and it was confusing to him. He glanced at his claws and nearly yelled. They were huge. He stood and the room looked different. Looking around he finally noticed a mirror. Looking into it he didn’t see the scrawny teenage drake that had been there the last time he looked at himself.

He was far more filled out, his chest broad, his chin more defined, and lean muscle covered him. Looking like he he wondered if he’d have a chance of getting Rarity’s attention, and no sooner had he thought of that then he felt a fresh wave of nausea cover him. Memories of what he’d done, of raping Rarity, Twilight, Celestia… of doing so many terrible things to the ponies he considered friends. He stumbled back, a fresh wave a panic filled his mind. Someone had captured him, and he knew why. Would he stay like this? Would he be able to keep realizing what he had done was wrong? The door opened and he saw Princess Luna standing there.

He turned from her, his face full of shame.

“Spike, thou art free from the Caribou control,” she moved toward him, “Tell us, me, have thou… you, desire to set things right again?”

He nodded. Glancing up he saw a smile on her face, “Very good. Then we welcome you to the resistance.”


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A Reclaiming Equestria Story Featuring DCAU Batman and Woman Woman

Chapter Seven: Ponyville

The darkness of the alley seemed so far away. Sounds of people leaving the theater echoed from behind the family crossing the alley toward the waiting car. Bruce felt the hand of his father touch his shoulder as he held the rolled up advertisement in his hand. He waved it in the air, acting like sword fighter he’d watched on the silver screen. It was at that moment he felt the air changing. The lone individual stepped out, and he watched as the handgun came out.

“Let’s start with the Lady’s pretty pearls.”

Bruce watched his father move, somehow he knew it was to protect them, and in that instant the gun went off. His father clutched his chest, gasping for a breath that would never come, and in an instant later his mother joined his father. The gunman moved closer, impossibly large, the revolver he held seemingly far more imposing than anything his young mind had ever seen.

“Sorry Kid, can’t have a witness.”

“Begone foul dream!”

The voice echoed and Bruce watched as the gunman vanished in a puff of smoke. There below him his parents disappeared, leaving a confused and hurt child in their absence. He looked up the one that had spoken, and she took form. She neared him, and he felt himself change. No longer was he the seven year old boy that had lost his parents thanks to a punk with a gun, but instead he was the vengeance that had taken the boy’s place.

“Princess Luna,” Bruce acknowledged her presence.

She touched his arm, “This dream speaks of memories, it seems less of a fearful dream, but instead more of events that had happened.”

He looked at the alley, and even though he knew it wasn’t real he had every detail memorized. The sound of the echo of footsteps, the smell of rot and refuse that had made its way up the storm drains, and finally the death that hung thick like the mists rolled down the alley itself. He heard the sound of footsteps, and he saw her. His Princess moved toward them. Her eyes wide with wonder, or they were until she saw him. Instantly she understood what had happened, and she moved toward him.

She hadn’t actually seen the alley like this. Oh, that wasn’t to say that she hadn’t visited the alley back in Gotham. She had visited it with Bruce on the anniversary of his parents death. Two roses left for the people who had ended up helping him to become the man he had become. There had been moments she considered asking Hades for the chance to meet her mother and father in law. The one reason she hadn’t done so is because of what Hades had admitted the last time she talked with him. Any favor, no matter the reason, had to be signed off on a contract.

Slowly the alley around them began to turn into smoke, and after a few moments it was gone completely. Diana felt the dream world disappear, and her eyes fluttered open to see Bruce lying beside her. His own piercing blue eyes seemed to study her closely. It was a comfort to wake beside him. There was no weakness in admitting Bruce had become her other half. If she could have moved closer to him she would, but as it was she was pressed as closely as their bodies would allow.

Even without the cowl most would be hard pressed to see Bruce’s emotions, or at least to see what his real emotions were. There was of course the emotions he presented as his disguise, but that was nothing more than years of practice and acting. However Diana was blessed in that she knew him, and she could see the pain residing inside of him. That dream was one that still haunted him. The memories of what happened to his parents refused to leave him, and for all rights and purposes it was his curse.

Before he could say a word she kissed him. Her lips found the purchase she desired, and then she moved her hands to his back. They had been here for some time, but neither had taken solace in each other. But at this moment she wanted to give him the solace she could afford. She broke the kiss, her lips tracing down his neck, and she inwardly grinned as she felt the first shiver of pleasure ripple through him. Their time together had taught her so much, and one of those lessons was learning the roadmap that was Bruce’s body. Every scar, every sensitive spot, every single one was mapped out in her mind. And of course he had done the same. There was places on her that she knew if he touched just right would cause her to nearly blackout from pleasure.

This wasn’t about her, or at least it wasn’t yet. This was about him, and she made her way down to her waiting prize. There was an agonizing moment of nothing, and then Bruce felt the heavens open as Diana’s lips touched what she was after. She was a warrior, an Amazon, and a powerful woman in every sense of the word. Their marriage had proven how headstrong she could be, and she was every bit as headstrong as he had been. This was more than either of them scratching an itch. This was finding peace, of dealing with what happened, and while he was fine with her pleasing him he planned to give as good as he was given.

Over the course of the next couple of hours the married couple explored and loved each other almost as if they hadn’t seen each other for days. Diana lay in the bed, looking at the ceiling, a smile pasted on her lips, and for a few moments they were simply Bruce and Diana. It was a moment that wasn’t destined to last. There was a slight knock the door opened, and both of them heard Wally’s voice.

“Hey Bats, I just wanted to let you know that… Wow, you’re nude! Okay, so like ten minutes?”


Wally had been fairly lucky to mostly not have to deal with the dreaded Batglare, but at this point he was seeing the Batglare, and one from Diana that rivaled the intensity of the Batglare in every way possible. He swallowed back the words that had been forming, stepped back, closed the door, and decided that the best idea was to go back to a very public place. After all it stood to reason that he’d be safe in a more crowded area. But then again he did just walk in on the Batman, and Wonder Woman, after the two of them had bumped uglies.

There was little use in attempting to enjoy the bliss of the moment. Diana loved Wally as a brother, but at the moment he had interrupted what had been a wonderful moment for both her and Bruce. She knew that without a doubt she was going to need a bath, and luckily Princess Luna had shown her the bathing pool. She looked at Bruce who was starting to get up.

“Αγάπη, I’m going to bathe in the pool. Would you want to join me?”

He shook his head, “I’ll take care of that later. There’s too much I have to do.”

Nodding she stood, took a sheet, and wrapped it around herself. She walked from their room and strolled down the hallway until she came to the room Luna had shown them. She walked inside to see said person, or Pony rather, already bathing. Luna’s ears pointed forward as she stood slightly. The Lunar Diarch gave a soft smile and motioned for her to join her in the warm water. Diana let the sheet fall, and she stepped into the pool.

It was just like the bath houses on Themyscira. Slowly the Princess of the Amazons joined one of the Princess of Equestria in the warm water. As she neared Luna she could slight places where she had scars. Places where Luna’s tormentors had carved marks into her flesh, most likely as a way to mark as her property. She watched as a bar of soap, and a soft looking brush floated over to her waiting hands.

“Thank you,” she said.

Luna nodded, “You are most welcome.”

Diana studied her for a moment, “Something you wanted to ask?”

Luna seemed to study her for a bit before nodding again,”Varily, I have seen your dreams, and I know what had happened to you. If this is too personal, I shall not push it, but it would appear that your, husband, has done much to aid you in returning to yourself. How long did it take you to not want to scrub until you are bleeding because of what happened?”

Diana neared her, “I still want to.”

Luna sighed, “I feared that might be the answer. I do not believe that I have time to give into the luxury of self doubt and self loathing. Mine subjects need their leaders, and I must step to bat, as it has been said.”

A smile crossed Diana’s lips as she thought about the phrase. Granted, it had nothing to do with Bruce, but at the same time it could certainly be pressed to be considered as such. She looked toward Luna and she touched her shoulder.

“I cannot tell you that it will become easier. Having Bruce in my life has certainly helped, but at the same time there are nights when I sit up in a cold sweat. The kind of violation that was done to us…” she sighed, “It happened to my mother, my amazon sisters, all of them suffered a similar violation at the hands of a demigod and the soldiers that followed him.”

Diana looked toward the ceiling of the bathing pool and let the words and memories of the stories come to her, “They were able to turn the tides, eventually, but not before suffering at the hands of Herakles. My mother didn’t speak of it often, but I had witnessed her waking from a fitful sleep, her eyes wide in fear, and she is one of the bravest women I know.”

Diana looked at Luna, “But she does not let those memories define her. She does not give Herakles the satisfaction of defeating her,” Dian smiled, “She instead continues to lead my Amazon sisters, and she attempts to strengthen the relationship between the Amazons and Man’s world. I believe that she faced those memories with a warrior’s intent, and that she battles them to ensure that they will not unjustly alter her decisions.”

Luna nodded, and she looked past the Amazon Princess, “I do not want to give Dainn the satisfaction as well. I do wish to see him cast into Tartarus for what he has done. Perhaps it is wrong of me to feel as such, but I wish him to know the torment that he has caused.”

Diana shook her head, “There is nothing wrong with that, but we have to keep a level head,” she looked at Luna, “Bruce has taught me that emotions cannot be allowed to interfere with the mission. We need to free your people, and then we will ensure that Dainn finds the tender mercies of Hades as his reward.”

Throne Room

Castle of the Two Sisters

Bruce looked at the supplies he had replaced. The weapons the Caribou had were certainly inferior, but at the very least they supplied the raw materials needed to craft something far better. Their trip into Ponyville had proven to be somewhat successful. They had managed to free more of the population, but from what he could tell they still had others they needed to free. He watched those they brought back with them, and he could see the trauma that was present. It wasn’t something he wanted to focus on, but it stood to reason that at some point he would have to help train some of them in combat.

It wouldn’t be the first time that mostly untrained masses would learn guerilla warfare, and he was more than certain it was the best way they had of standing a chance. His mind began to unlock memories of the lessons he had learned from some of the special forces members that Alfred had known. A few of them had been soldiers that had served in Vietnam, and those soldiers explained that teaching the South Vietnamese basic guerilla warfare. Most of the people that were taught had been farmers, merchants, normal people who had never been trained to fight before.

In essence it would make sense to do the same here. Creating weapons for them to use, bows and arrows for example, would be simple enough. In truth he knew that Diana would be far more suited to teaching them how to fight with archery. Perhaps Oliver would be the best candidate, but Arrow wasn’t here. He did know that Diana had been trained in archery back on Themyscira. He was skilled, but he knew that what was needed now was someone who was both skilled and would be able to relate that skill in a way that would help those learning. Granted he had trained Dick, Tim, helped train Barbara, but each of them had given into his methods. Endless hours of practice, and a single minded focus that blocked everything, including pain, out until each movement was fluid and perfect.

It would take far too long to relay that kind of study to the individuals they had saved. He was certain that Diana’s methods would be similar, but he also believed that she would be able to inspire them to become better. It was her nature, her personality, and perhaps in some way it would be therapeutic for her as well. With that decision made he began working toward creating the first of the bows they would need. Luckily there was plenty of wood to choose from. The problem was the string needed for each of the bows. There were dozens of potential materials to choose from, but one stood out to him.

Horse hair had been the go to for archery bows during the nineteenth century. It would mean several of the ponies cutting their hair short, but he wondered if it would be something they would be fine with once they realized what it would be used for.

Castle of the Two Sisters - Library

Twilight’s eyes opened to take in the familiar sight of the books around her. Her head pounded like noponies’ business, but at least she was in a place she felt at ease. Slowly she began to stand when she noticed a familiar face. She looked at Rarity who was sitting on the ground, holding a comic books of all things to her chest, and she was softly crying. She began to move toward her friend when the memories of what had happened, of what she had done, and had allowed to be done to herself and to Rarity, came to the front of her mind.

Her eyes shrank to pinpricks as everything became so clear. Nervously she moved toward Rarity. Part of her was wanting comfort, but more of he wanted to try to get forgiveness. She needed to let Rarity know how sorry she was for what had happened. As she neared her the normally posh white unicorn looked toward her.

“Finally back to your senses?”

There was a coldness to Rarity’s voice. Something she had never heard before. She nodded, hoping that it would be forgiven and forgotten. Instead Rarity looked back at the comic.

“I should forgive you. You fell to their magic. You lost yourself to their corruption, but I can’t. I can’t just forget about what happened to me, to Spike, Starlight, and everypony else,” Rarity said as she looked at the comic, “The one saving grace is that Spike had brilliant idea of sending Sweetie, Applebloom, and Scootaloo into another of his comics when this started happening.”

She placed the comic on the table beside her, “Perhaps one day I will be able to get past the fact that one of my best friends held me down while I was rutted like an animal, or that she had even taken turns rutting me into the ground. I hope that day comes, because while I can’t forgive you I understand, and Celestia help me I want to remain your friend.”

Rarity got up, “If you will forgive me, I must go speak with Princess Luna and see if there is perhaps a way of freeing my sister, and her two friends, from the comic Spike sent them into.”

Twilight sat there, the guilt of what had happened while under the magic of the Caribou's magic ripped at her. She felt the guilt and the grief climbing higher, until finally they began to spill out as tears. She felt herself shake as the sobs and the reality truly hit her. A few moments later she felt a gentle touch. She looked up to see someone she hadn’t expected. There was Sunset. She looked at her friend, surprised at seeing her here, and then she felt Sunset hugged her.

“Twilight, it’s okay,” Sunset said.

She shook her head as she let Sunset console her.

“No it’s not, and I don’t know how I can ever make it right after what’s happened.”

Sunset slowly sat down with her, and the two began to discuss what had happened. To her credit Sunset took it all in, and then afterward she looked at Twilight.

“Do you still want to do any of that?” she asked.

Twilight shook her head, “No! I don’t, but how do I make it okay?”

Sunset looked at the ground, “I don’t know. I mean things will get better, they really will, but Twilight you’ve got to understand that you can’t ask someone to just get over what happened. The fact that it really wasn’t you is what will help, and I’ll do what I can, but you’re going to have to give Rarity time to deal with this.”

Guerrilla Warfare

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A Reclaiming Equestria Story Featuring DCAU Batman and Woman Woman

Chapter Eight: Guerrilla warfare

Castle of the Two sisters: Courtyard

Spike stood uncertain. Shame and disgust filled his senses, and he felt a driving need to simply leave. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to help, but instead he felt as if there was simply no way to redeem himself over what had happened. The only thing he had done that could be considered redeemable was to get Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo into an enchanted Power Ponies comic. It had been a giant two hundred page issue, something that only came out once a year, and when he saw what was going on with the Caribou he had tracked the crusaders down and told them to read it. The moment they did he had gotten out reach from them and let them get sucked into the Power Ponies world.

In there they would be safe from the Caribou. He took the comic straight to the Castle of the Two sisters, to its library, and by the time he got back to Ponyville it was too late. Twilight had fallen, they had captured both Luna and Celestia, and he was no match for the magic they were using. It had twisted him, converted him, and turned him into something he really wasn’t. He’d always imagined what it would have been like to be with Rarity, but what had happened between Twilight, her, and him had destroyed what could have been. There was no doubt in his mind that he still cared for the beautiful unicorn, but he didn’t attempt to fool himself any longer.

He didn’t deserve her. He didn’t deserve her forgiveness, her friendship, and especially not a romantic relationship. He heard someone speak, looked up, and saw one of the heroes that had come to save them. He stood there, before them, and cleared his throat. The group began to quiet down, and Spike listened, intent on learning how he could start to make up for everything he had done.

Bruce stood at the front of the collection of individuals. Farmers, bakers, library assistants, merchants, and carpenters seemed to be the ones gathered. He looked at them all, male and female, both looking concerned, wary, but determined to be here. He held up a bow, and indicated to the bows that were laid out in front of him.

“This battle isn’t going to be a front line assault. Your former capturers would expect a swift and direct assault. We will take our time, attack from cover, weaken them, and drive them out that way.”

“If we attacked them all at once we could win!” a violet colored mare with a green mane said.

He looked at her, “Possibly, but even if you won here, in your small town, what about the rest of the country?”

They quieted down as he studied him, “I am not proposing a simple driving them out here and now. I’m proposing a complete and total removal from your country.”

Diana neared him, “What Batman is proposing is winning a war, not a single battle.”

She looked at the gathered individuals. All of them had suffered under the tyrannical rule of the Caribou. The mares had been forced into a life of little more than sex slaves, the stallions forced to reduce themselves to their lowest, and most base, desires. Those that did not fall under the compulsion of the Caribou’s magic either fell into line, or they were killed. She had spent time with Diamond Tiara, and she heard as Diamond Tiara spoke of what happened to her father.

He had been killed for attempting to protect her, to protect her mother, and in that regard she held the memory of this fallen stallion in higher regard. She didn’t fault any of the stallions here. The ones they had rescued had been under the magical compulsion, and from what she had learned they felt sick about what had happened. The simple fact that so many felt terrible about what had happened, and about the actions that had taken place meant that healing could happen.

The ponies began to move forward. Each of them selecting a bow, a quiver, and a selection of arrows. Bruce had already spoken to her, and Shayera, about training them. She understood that in truth she was better at archery than he was. Granted, Oliver was as skilled, if not more so, than she, but he was not here. As they took up their bows she led them toward a large open area of the courtyard, and in the distance was several dummies that Bruce, Clark, and Wally had constructed. They appeared to be similar to the Caribou in shape, and she could see the fear they were inspiring already.

Shayera moved toward the front, and Diana could already see her militaristic attitude making its presence known. She stood near Diana, selected a bow, took an arrow, notched it, and turned toward the dummies. Without more than a second of hesitation she let her arrow fly and it struck one the dummies in the chest. Diana realized that where it stuck was somewhere that would incapacitate the Caribou, but not kill.

“What you’re holding a tool. It’s no different than any baking, gardening, or carpentry tool that you’ve ever used. Like any of those tools it has to be given the respect it’s due. Because unlike those tools it has one true purpose. It is designed to mame, injure, or kill. Mostly it is designed to kill. It is a hunter’s tool, and I am going to teach each of you how to be hunters.”

A pink mark with a dark purple mane stepped forward, “I thought that you were going to teach us to fight!”

She looked at the mare, an Earth Pony, as the mare studied them. She motioned toward the others there.

“I’m not sure about all of them, but I want to learn to fight, not hunt.”

Shayera neared her, “I’m sure you do, but in order to be effective we’re going to have to learn how to hide, how to go unnoticed, and how to use a hunter’s tactics when engaging the enemy. A straightforward attack is a good way of getting yourself, and everyone else, killed,” she looked at everyone, “That’s why I’m going to teach you to hunt. You’re going to learn how to track, how to fire a bow, and how to hit what you’re firing at. Batman is going to teach you to hide in the shadows, how to strike quickly, quietly, and effectively. Diana is going to teach you more advanced uses for the bows, how to use swords and battle axes, and then from my understanding your Princess Luna is going to teach you battle tactics with unicorn magic.”

She looked at them, “It is going to take time, and we are not going to be done in a few days. This is going to take weeks, and that’s rushing it.”

The mare stepped back, and she looked at them again. The being Discord had created them clothes, although for the most part no one would say that his fashion designs were something to be admired. In truth, most of what he had created seemed to clash not only with the top, or bottom, but with the pony wearing them. Princess Luna had distributed the old armor that was inside of this castle to some of the more able bodied ponies in attendance. Those that were wearing the armor stuck out from the group. One, a large red stallion, seemed to have the armor segmented in the chest in order for it to fit. Shayera looked at the armor for a moment. Under it was obviously a chainmail shirt, so the segmented chest wasn’t too bad. Although a good arrow from a distance could pierce the chainmail.

There was a reason why solid plate armor became the norm instead of segmented armor. Of course what they really needed was ballistic weave. Something similar to what Batman’s armor was made from would be the best, but it was doubtful that the technology to create it existed here. Fighting like how Bruce suggested didn’t exactly call for armor, but she knew that there was always going to be a chance that even guerrilla warfare tactics could go sideways quickly. It was simply easier to be well prepared than it was to be in a situation with no protection at all.

Still she tabled these thoughts for the moment. Instead she began going to each one of the ponies gathered, walking toward them, and showing them the correct way to hold their bow. Then she had the first six come forward, and she told them to pick a place on each of the dummies, focus on it, aim toward it, and then release the arrow they had notched on the bow string.

The first wave came short of the dummies. She noticed that almost all of them seemed to be about two foot short of their targets. It wasn’t an issue with the bows, but instead it was with the ponies. They weren’t weak enough, but they didn’t know how much strength to put into the bow strings in order to fire their arrows correctly. She looked at them.

“Okay, that was a piss poor attempt.”

There were several sour faces, but she held up her hand, “But it was an attempt. You will get better at this. Take a moment to notice how short your arrow came from your target,” she saw them looking ahead, most of them looked irritated, but that didn’t matter, “Now, I want you to go to the back of the lines, the next six step up.”

The next six stepped forward and they did the same as the previous six, this time the distances between the dummies and the arrows were far more varied. There was a couple that overshot, one that was short, and two that had barely managed to clip an arm and a leg respectively. She had them swap out, and for the next four hours every single one of them practiced with their bows until they could hit center mass on the dummies. Even then it wasn’t perfect, but it was certainly better than they expected.

As they continued practicing Shayera traded out with Diana. The groups of them looked at Diana as she motioned toward someone in the back. Wally nodded, and he began pulling ropes that were connected to the dummies making them move forward and back. The group that had been practicing stood looking stunned. Diana took the bow, looked down it, and released an arrow hitting one of the dummies in the head. She did the same two more times. The ponies stood looking stunned. She then looked at the group standing there. She called six of them forward again, and they stood in front of the others.

“This is going to be harder, but you have to think about where the target is going to be, not where it is, and then you fire at that point.”

The large red stallion looked down at the dummies, notched an arrow, and released it. She was amazed to see that he had hit on his first time, and that he had hit somewhere that would be non lethal. She had him fire again, and he did, hitting the same dummy in the left knee. Had it been a real Caribou it would be unable to walk, let alone run. He would have hobbled it. It would be something that Bruce would do, and she was surprised to see someone that would be willing to do the same.

“Did you imagine it to be where you fired?”

“Eeeeyup,” he said.

“Was it difficult?”

“Eeeenope,” he replied, before looking at the dummies, “Course, I gotta figure that the real ones are gonna be tougher.”

She nodded, there was truth in his statement, and he was correct. Actual living targets would be far harder to hit. As the day progressed all of the ponies had practiced, and while there were varied ranges of abilities all could handle a bow with some skill. There were obviously some that had far better skill than others. Those individuals seemed to be almost gifted toward it. As it became closer to dark all were lead inside and there was food waiting for them.

Berries, Apples, potatoes, wild onions, and other types of foods had been gathered. There was a movement to begin growing food near the castle, and Luna had approved of it. The ponies ate as if they had been starved for ages. Bruce watched them, eating a cooked fish, some sauteed wild onions, an apple, and a small selection of berries. He noticed that Diana was eating a similar meal. As they sat together he looked over the group.

“There’s some of them that might do well setting up traps, or helping to make weapons,” he said.

She looked toward him and nodded, “I noticed. There are a few who grasp how to use the bow, but do not possess any skill at it.”

He looked at the food on his plate, “I don’t want to cut them to early, perhaps they’ll shine at stealth, but I have my doubts.”

He saw Clark coming up beside him. It was odd seeing their friends as ponies. The four of them took a seat, and he noticed that Clark’s entire collection of food was almost strictly vegetarian. The only two without a strictly vegetarian meal was Wally and Shayera. The four of them began to eat, and after a moment Shayera looked at both Bruce and Diana.

“So are we going to talk about the train wreck out there?”

Diana grinned, “They’re eager, but there were several of them that showed promise.”

Shayera shook her head, “Sure, there were, but even the ones that showed the most promise wouldn’t be anywhere near what I’d call ready in a few weeks time. I wasn’t kidding earlier when I said a few weeks was pushing it.”

Bruce looked at her, “The South Vietnamese learned guerilla warfare tactics from American Soldiers in less than a month’s time. Granted, they mainly learned how to avoid detection, and how to set up traps, but it was quickly learned.”

Shayera nodded, “Sure, and like the South Vietnamese they’re motivated, but we’ve got to deal with about a third of our force not being able to hit anywhere close to where they’re aiming. They can hit the target, which is a step forward, but it’s a long ways away from being good enough to allow on a battlefield.”

Bruce gave a nod, “I won’t argue, but we need to make due.”

They ate in silence, and slowly everyone began to head off toward their sleeping areas. Sleeping was something that wasn’t the easiest thing in the world for many inside of the castle. Luna had begun to take it upon herself to revisit the dreams of her subjects, and she had begun to help to heal their wounded psyches. Still Spoiled Rich found herself unable to sleep. She laid away, her mind going to the point in time where Filthy died.

She had always considered herself to be above other ponies. Her husband’s resources certainly gave her more protection than most ponies could believe, but being wealthy did nothing when the Caribou arrived. Greed, as powerful of an ally as it was, was nothing compared to uncontrolled lust. When Filthy refused to rape her, and their daughter, in front of their captures, and refused to allow them to do the same, he had been beaten to death.

She had watched as they beat him to the ground, then as he stopped moving, and long after he stopped breathing. Right after she was ripped away from Diamond Tiara, and her clothes were ripped away. She would never forget the vicious way they handled her, what they did to her daughter, and what she felt inside wasn’t a need for justice. She wanted vengeance. She wanted every one of them to die.

The bow that laid beside her was a key to this. The wealth she once had was a key to a protected life, or it was in a perfect world. But this bow was the key to vengeance. The stupid bird pony did have a point. Going out and challenging the Caribou directly would be foolish. Instead it would be best to strike silently. She planned on learning, and she planned on killing the ones that took her Filthy from her, and the same ones that used her and her daughter. She would bring them to their knees, and only after they had suffered for hours would she grant them the release they would beg for.

Finally sleep found her, and as it did she found her mind finding some peace. Luna observed the dreams of her ponies. Many wanted blood for what the Caribou had done, and that was something she was fine with as well. She knew that Bruce didn’t want needless death, but she didn’t believe there was truly anything left to save of the Caribou. Still, there were other dreams. Big Macintosh himself was dreaming of a mare he had been dating before this happened. A Sugar Belle, and from what she could tell the dream wasn’t erotic in the slightest. Instead the two of them were simply sitting together.

She had hope that he would eventually be able to do so with her. Still, through the night she observed and attempted to heal the minds of her subjects, taking their pain, and slowly baring it on her own. The night finally ended, the morning began, and training began for many that was there. As the days drew on the ponies began to learn how to blend into the shadows, how to make little to no noise as they moved, they learned how to fight with axes, hammers, fists and hooves. And as was believed more than a few were told that they excelled at some parts, but would be a hindrance at others.

Many learned how to make traps, dead falls, pits, snares, and as they did they began setting those traps closer to the entrance of the Everfree. After five weeks there was at least thirty that Bruce believed was good enough to go on an offensive mission with him. Among them was Spike. Spike looked to his side to see Sunset Shimmer. The orange and red alicorn was wearing a quiver and bow, both of which she proved she was decent with.

Their first offensive move was toward some of the farming communities outside of Ponyville. The place they began at was called Oneigh, a community that was more of a mining community than a farming one. It bordered on the Diamond Dog lands, but the dogs had kept the Caribou out by staying in their tunnels. As they moved forward Sunset let loose an arrow which caught a Caribou in the knee. He fell, his mouth open, but no sound coming out. She moved forward, her horn glowing, and behind her was Spike. He quickly broke the antlers off of the Caribou, and then they tied him up.

Once he was back with the others he began to open up about how many there were, what they were doing in Oneigh, and then he found himself knocked senseless. Six Caribou was all that was inside of Oneigh. And in less than fifteen minutes all but one of them had been removed from action. Bruce looked at the final Caribou, a grizzled older buck, who was standing at the foot of a bed. In the bed was a young female. She couldn’t be more than thirteen years old. Bruce’s reaction didn’t take long. He slammed his knuckles into the buck, knocking him out, and then he looked at the black collared filly.

She looked up at him, “Please, do not hurt this slave, this slave will please you! This… This slave knows to take things in any hole her master desires, please….”

He knelt down, cutting her free, and watched as she lay spread out, her eyes wide in fear.

“You’re free,” he said.

She looked away from him, “No… I’m not,” she whispered.

Her light blue mane was matted, but partly looked as though it had been done in a Shirley Temple style, her soft pink, almost peach, coat looked matted, and from what he could see she was a Pegasus, but her wings were trapped like the others.

“What’s your name?” he asked.

“This slave d… Please, don’t make me say it… he’ll beat me again if I do.”

Diana came in, and she saw what was going on, “Hera.”

The young filly looked at her, “Why aren’t you stripped? Don’t you understand that they’ll beat and rape you?!”

Bruce looked at her, “No, they won’t. We have captured all of them, and like I said, you are free.”

She began to cry, and Diana pulled her close to her, “Come with us,” she said.

The girl wept as she lifted her, “M...My name is Cozy Glow,” she whimpered.

Unknown Dangers

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A Reclaiming Equestria Story Featuring DCAU Batman and Woman Woman

Chapter 9: Unknown Dangers

The entire city of Oneigh had officially been liberated. Diana listened as she learned about the area itself. It was near something called Splendid Valley, which was home to a race of beings called Diamond Dogs. The Diamond Dogs themselves went into hiding when the Caribou came through. Because there had been tensions between the ponies and the Diamond Dogs there had been no help from the Diamond Dogs. Unfortunately she could understand the reasoning. While there were a great many things she respected and admired her amazonian sisters for their decision to remain separated from man’s world was one she felt was the wrong one.

There were hundreds of times that her sisters could have been a huge help, instances where they would have helped turn the tide quicker, and possibly reduced the risks taken, but they distanced themselves from the larger world. In doing so they had left the world without the help it could most certainly use. In the same instance the ponies here could have used the help of the Diamond Dogs. It was something she understood, but not something she agreed with. She watched as Luna, together with Sunset, crafted a spell that Luna had used to free some of the others from the thrall the Caribou had put on them. The result was much the same. Males that had tried to fight against them, who shouted lewd and disgusting things, and who had viciously attempted to grab and abuse them were getting sick. One, a young stallion stood there, the knowledge of what he had done obvious on his face, and Diana acted quickly as he ran toward the edge of the building they were sitting on.

She caught him before he could fling himself off, and he broke down. Shame and self loathing had taken the place of the arrogant assurance in male superiority. He was broken, and she felt it as his entire body shook. She felt it in every attempt he made to pull away and throw himself off of the building. She held him, attempting to calm him, and the entire time she knew that he would never be at peace. Since coming here she had realized that there was more than one victim. The males, the stallions, that had done the terrible things they had done. There were several of them that had done so only because the magic the Caribou had cast changed them. It changed who they were fundamentally.

It had been a violation that was deep inside of their true self. It had been a change to their very souls, and it was done with such malicious intent. She could not hold them completely responsible for what had occurred. It was true that there were stallions that had resisted the thrall cast by the Caribou. She respected them for what they had done, but a good number of them had either been killed or turned into females. She had learned that Diamond Tiara’s father had been one who resisted, and then he had been mercilessly killed by the Caribou when he refused to rape his daughter, hand over his wife, and then formly join the Caribou’s cause.

Sunset had said the magic was still very present, and it had even affected Clark to an extent. But Bruce, her Bruce, had no signs of being affected. She understood the reason for it. She and Clark might have superhuman strength. Either of them could easily do feats that Bruce couldn’t do without the help from various tools and gadgets that he had in his arsenal, but Bruce had a will that far surpassed Clark’s. She truly believed there was nothing that the Batman couldn’t do.

After a few moments the stallion had calmed down, and she led him back with the others. Sunset shook as she dealt with the effects of removing the magics that had enthralled the stallions. She had felt every vile thought, every dark compulsion, and every single drive to enslave every female within range of her magic. She looked at Luna who seemed to be dealing with the myriad of dark thoughts and feelings far better than she was. She remained calm, looked toward Diana, and she noticed that the Amazonian Princess seemed to be lost in thought.

“What do we do now?” a stallion asked.

She looked at him.

“How do we go forward from here?” he asked, “Because I did terrible things, horrible things.”

He looked at the ground, “There are things that I did… I should be banished, or put in a dungeon, or put into a dungeon where I’m banished to,” he said as he looked at both her and Luna.

Luna shook her head, “That which has happened has happened. We are unable to go back and remove it, but I suggest that you work this moment forward in attempting to make up for it.”

Diana walked forward, looked at the stallion, and knelt down, “From this moment forward you do all you can to make up for your actions. You live and breathe every moment knowing that there isn’t anything that will make up for, but you do everything you can in order to make it better. You do that, and at the end you hope that by some miracle you have done enough to earn the forgiveness you so desperately desire.”

The stallion looked at her and then at the roof they were sitting on, “I promise I will.”

With the freed stallions, and mares, the rebellion had grown. Bruce looked at it, and he could see the first hints of things changing, but he wasn’t a fool. With everything that was changing was the simple fact that they were going to be noticed. The Caribou were cowards, arrogant, and foolish. They shared much of this with common criminals, but one thing he did notice that they weren’t was individuals that ignored growing signs. The entirety of Ponyville going silent, and now another town joining it didn’t scream complacent civilians.

Even to a complete moron this was a sign that there was something happening in the background. The Caribou were superstitious enough to not venture into the Everfree Forest, and that had been the reason why it was the perfect place to set camp. But with this happening eventually they would venture into it. As much as he wanted to take time, build, and prepare an effective fighting force there was no doubt that he most likely wasn’t going to have the time table he needed.

Having the inner council, minus J’onn did help matters, and in truth if they were just going after Dainn then they were ready. But they weren’t just going after Dainn. They needed to free as many Equestrians as they could, teach them all how to fight, and then remove Dainn. They needed several more members of the expanded league. If the portal that the others came through was still open then there was the possibility that they could get extra help.

It could potentially be an idea, but it would have to be something to explore later. Leaving the roof he stopped by a closed off room. The building itself seemed to be a hospital, and the room was some kind of observation area, or it had the signs of it. He opened the door, after messing with the lock, and inside he saw a strange looking mare. She was tied up, a black color resting on her neck. There was a blindfold over her eyes, but it appeared that she wasn’t like the others.

She seemed to have insect-like wings, a place where a single horn had been, and a set of fangs that looked as if they were pressed out in the open for any and all to see. He neared her and those wings attempted to buzz.

“I won’t betray the hive!” she cried.

“I’m not asking you to,” he said as he knelt down and began to loosen the straps that tied her down.

The moment an arm was free she wrenched it away from him. Her eyes never left him, her hand moving quickly to unbind her other hand. She was loose, but it was obvious that she was unable to do something she was attempting to do. He watched as she covered her chest, backing toward a corner, and a small series of clicks came from her before she studied him.

“Let me go.”

He motioned that she could go past him, and she moved, trying to observe what he would do, and the moment she was past she was out of the door. He heard a gasp, and turned to see a mare.

“Oh Celestia… I had no idea,” she said.

“She didn’t look like a pony,” he replied.

Another voice sounded behind the both of them and he turned to see Princess Luna, “Indeed she was not. She was a Changeling, but not one of Thorx’s tribe. I suppose it gives some credit to those that believed that Chrysalis’ hive was not the only hive of Changelings.”

He studied her for a moment, “What are changelings?”

She neared him, “Pony like insectoid creatures that are able to take the form of any being. They can easily blend into the society, and they feed on love. To see one that is not redeemed means that they were obviously checking in on the Caribou. I am uncertain as to why, but I believe it was likely they were checking for weaknesses.”

Hidden Cavern outside of Oneigh

She landed near the opening of the cave, and her hand touched the place where the Caribou had cut off her horn. She couldn’t change anymore, and it was likely she would be cast outside of the hive, but she had to warn them. She neared the edge of the pool that frightened the Diamond Dogs away. The pool itself hid the entrance to the hive, and she dove into it. As the pool got darker she continued forward. Without her magic to transform she had to hurry. She would run out of air at some point. She headed almost to the bottom of the pool, moved to the right, and headed into an underwater cavern. Her lungs were burning from the lack of air, but finally exited the cavern, swam up, and found the opening to the entrance of the hive.

Two others moved toward her, and she saw that it was Antenna. The other Changeling studied her for a moment and slowed.

“Force Wing, what happened to you?”

Force Wing bowed, “I… The Caribou took my horn, they realized that I was not a male, nor was I a pony.”

Antenna touched her, “You cannot enter the hive,” she backed away, “You have to leave.”

Force Wing nodded, feeling completely alone. Without her horn she couldn’t hear the voice of her queen, and now she couldn’t even be with her fellow drones.

“Before I go, there are strange beings freeing the ponies. They are the enemies of the Caribou, and perhaps our… perhaps Queen Sodalite can use them to ensure that the Hive is never discovered.”

Antenna nodded, “Very well, Do not ever attempt to return.”

Force Wing moved away from the other drone, and she walked toward the pool. It would be easy to simply allow the pool to claim her, and she considered it, but the darkness that came would be just as lonely. She considered the strange beings, perhaps she could observe them. Being alone while watching would be better than nothing else.

Test of Courage

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A Reclaiming Equestria Story Featuring DCAU Batman and Woman Woman

Chapter 10: Test of Courage

Canterlot - Canterlot Palace

Those that worked in the palace knew of King Dainn’s vicious and often arrogant behavior. They had become more than use to his lashing out, they understood that his actions were for the good of male superiority, but more than that it was to establish his divine right to rule. He was a god made flesh, his power was second to none, and the fact that the former princess of the Equestrians Celestia, now renamed Sun Slut as a cruel joke, was his personal cock sleeve was simply further proof.

But cracks had begun to form in his absolute rule. Questions had begun to be asked, and those that had moved in the shadows now moved with more confidence. There were suggestions that Dainn’s rule was not the absolute rule he made it out to be. That he was not a god made flesh, but rather he was simply a caribou. A power hungry despot that happened to prey on the peaceful ponies to achieve his goals. There was talk that the moment a real rebellion had begun he backed off. That he feared those who had come to stop him. Dainn was much of what they claimed, but one thing he had never been was stupid. Yes, he was complacent, and he was arrogant, but he had the good sense to listen to the news that came in. The Elements of Harmony were no longer controlled.

They had been released by those that formed the rebellion, a rebellion that was confirmed to be headed by the sister of his favorite cock sleeve. Princess Luna had regained some of her lost power. She had raised up an army, and she was slowly retaking sections of Equestria. Her headquarters seemed to be centered in that damned forest, and that truly bothered him. The Everfree was dangerous, chaotic, and unruly. The monsters that lived within it were legendary, and just being inside of it was an invitation of death.

On top of that his warden for Ponyville had been changed, altered, and was now working with the rebels. He hated that. Spike was more of a son then his own blood children. He accepted the truth of male superiority with such minimal prompting. He embraced the new rule, and he personally raped the mare that raised him, the one that considered herself his mother. He was a caribou in every way that mattered. With him gone there was no denying that it would be nearly impossible to hold the morale of the location.

Ponyville was lost to him. There was no regaining it, and unfortunately that meant that the entire township needed to be cleansed. Of course there were other areas that had fallen as well. Oneigh, Fillydelphia, and Trottingham were no longer strictly under the control of the Caribou. The seeds of rebellion had been sewn, and now it was up to him to harvest the fruits and destroy them. It was more than the Lunar diarch that had started the rebellion. Reports came in of two strange creatures, pony like in their appearance, but they had mostly flat faces. The reports also stated that ponies that seemed to be brought straight out of comic books were helping them.

That was indeed a possibility. After all, Cell Shade had more or less created a gateway into the various universes where super heroes lived. Anyone that entered those gateways were taken into a small section of their lives, allowed to live out the fantasy within the construct of that small gateway. It would be possible that someone modified one of his gateways and opened the door for those heroes to step through.

Of course it changed nothing. The heroes in those stories were mares, and they were inferior because of their sex. They would fall before him, and he would claim every orifice that they had. When he was finished with them he would then allow his soldiers to enjoy them. He’d finish by staking them out for all of Equestria to see. They would be presented bare, their minds broken, their spirits destroyed, and the only thing they knew was to willingly give their body for enjoyment. That was their place, and it would be his utmost pleasure in making them realize it.

Still, he was not an idiot, and before he could do anything he needed information. He called his elite guard forward, watching as they neared him. They bowed, ready to accept his word as law. He gave them a nod and then stood.

“This rebellion has gone on long enough. I want four trusted ponies selected, and they are to be sent out. Have them infiltrate this rebellion, allow them to gain their trust, and find out where it is weak. When we have this information we will strike, and destroy them.”

There was a resounding cheer, and King Dainn listened to his elite guards as they each made claims that their spy would be the one to return with the knowledge that their liege wanted. When they had left he walked out of the throne room. He moved toward former living quarters of the diarch of the sun, and he pushed the door open. She was muffled, sobbing, her hands cuffed behind her back, her wings in the bindings designed to never give her peace, and her hooves spread apart by a bar that cuffed them both.

She whimpered as he neared her, and he touched the flat piece of glass that was pressed snuggly against her rectum. She cried as he pulled it out, leaving a nice gaping hole behind for him. He grabbed a bit of oil which he kept by the bed and smeared it onto his cock. He then stepped forward, and pressed hard into her anus. She whimpered like a broken filly as he claimed her again.

“We’ve won,” he whispered to her, “There is nothing you can ever do about it. You are my cock sleeve, my fuckdoll, and my toy to use and break as I desire.”

He pulled from her, causing her to cry, “Don’t clench up next time, and I won’t have to use a large plug.”

She cried as he left, her tears staining her old bed. Hope had long since died for her. There was nothing left, nothing at all for her to even hope for. She couldn’t hope for Death. She was immortal, and as such if they did kill her she would be reborn. Her body would be that of a teenage filly, and she would be raped anew. Dainn had already discovered this, and she had been reborn three times. Each time her humiliation and violation had been worse than the last. She lost count of the times she wished that Tierk or Sombra would return.

Granted they were dangerous, but either would deal with the Caribou completely before setting their sights on Equestria. For them there was no desire to share the land with Dainn and his Caribou. Tirek would be preferred simply because he would suck the very magic from each and every one of them. He would leave them as weak and vulnerable as they had left all of her subjects. But there was no releasing Tirek. There was no resurrecting of Sombra, and there was nothing to save her. She was lost, Equestria was lost, and her entire life was now in Dainn’s terrible clutches.

Castle of the Two Sisters

Throne Room

The ponies that had been freed had done much to rebuild their homes, and they had went through extra lengths to repair and restore the castle. So much so that Luna realized the importance of having the castle here. Originally it was to protect the elements, but more than that it was added protection from invading armies. The location provided the much needed cover, and without a firm knowledge of the area those entering the Everfree were as good as doomed.

The Everfree itself acted as a natural buffer against invaders. Canterlot was designed for peace. It was designed to showcase the impressive might of all three tribes together in a tribute to peace that had reigned for a thousand years. She couldn’t deny the perfection that was Canterlot, nor could she deny the perfection that was the palace. But the palace was not designed for war. Canterlot was defensible in the aspect that one had to make their way up the mountain. Any other defense would have to be done by ponies themselves.

Captain Shining Armor had the defense capabilities to keep a massive shield around the entire city, but his power wasn’t infinite. He was just a pony, and as such his shield would fail when he was no longer with energy. The changelings had proven this. They could do the same when their forces grew, but as Bruce had said this wasn’t what they wanted. They wanted to force the Caribou from their lands forever. They wanted them to retreat to their homelands and never look back.

There was a more base part of her that wanted to separate every last one of them from their lives. To send them to Tartarus to be tortured and humiliated for the rest of eternity. She understood that this part of her would never simply go away, but her life after Nightmare Moon had taught her how to accept things. It also taught her that getting what she wanted often was not the best option for her ponies.

In the short term destroying the Caribou would help them, but it wouldn’t in the long term. Especially if there were any of them that were attempting to rebel as well. There had been mention of some of them that wanted nothing to do with enslaving others. It was even mentioned that some worked tirelessly to release those brought under the thraw of Dainn. If this was true then destroying all of them would be only of benefit for herself.

If the rumors of Caribou fighting against Dainn were true then she would assist them. Dainn would have to be more than dethroned. He would be taken straight to Tartarus. There he would be imprisoned with Tirek. With any luck Hades would visit his tender mercies upon Dainn for the rest of eternity. She didn’t know much about this Luthor, but what she did know is that he had done the same as Dainn. Granted, he had done so to Hades’ daughter, and as such he had Hades’ personal attention.

She hoped that Dainn’s actions would warrant him the same attention. That Hades’ would personally oversee his time in Tartarus. She stood and walked out into the gardens. Once again they had restored to their former glory. She could see the Apples working alongside a few of the Pear family that were freed from Vanhoover. Among them was a Grand Pear that had reconnected with the Apples themselves. Finding out that they had a grandfather had done much to help them. She walked past them, looking at the pear and apple trees that were growing, and made her way toward a small area that was cleaned, tended to, but otherwise untouched. She knelt down and touched the ancient stone that rested there.

“Someone important?” Diana asked as she neared the Diarch, “If you don’t want to talk about it I will leave you alone.”

Luna shook her head, “Nay,” she said, “This is the grave of my husband.”

Diana stepped forward, and she looked at the simple grave before her. Compared to what she had seen of royal graves before this was far simpler, but then if one were to consider the length of time the grave had most likely been here it made sense. She saw Luna’s hand still touching the marker.

“As much as I wish that he were alive, I am exceptionally glad that he had passed long ago,” she said as she looked at Diana, “It is not because I do not wish him here. I do, but my Star Struck was a very willful stallion.”

She smiled, “His will was so powerful that an enchantress was unable to enthrall him,” she said proudly, “I have no doubts that he wouldn’t have fell under Dainn’s influence, and that is why I am glad he is not here. Star would have either been beaten to death, for attempting to protect myself and Celestia, or they would have transformed him into a mare and did everything to break his spirit.”

She smiled, “They would have failed, but I would not want him to suffer this.”

Diana touched her arm, “He sounds like he was a true warrior.”

She nodded, “He was,” she said, “He helped lead multiple battles, stood with me against odds that were well past his own ability.”

She looked toward Bruce, “Your husband reminds me of him greatly,” she said, “Both of them stood among gods and goddesses, and through a force of will they made those gods and goddesses take notice of them.”

Diana smiled, “That does sound like Bruce.”

The two talked for a while, discussing what had happened, listening to one another, and eventually the talk turned toward what was going to happen. There was no getting around the fact that they would need to secure their victory against the Caribou. That was when Luna talked about Grogar’s bell. She explained that Grogar had been one of the most powerful dark sorcerers their world had ever known, and that his bell held his powers.

She explained that one of them had managed to trick Grogar, and they secured his bell away in a cave, deep in a mountain. Diana listened, and then Luna looked at her.

“Grogar’s bell is often thought to be nothing more than fantasy,” she said, “Gusty the Great is often considered to be a fictional hero, but she was real, and Grogar was very real.”

Diana nodded, “Okay, why do we need his bell?”

Luna looked at her, “Because eventually Dainn will quest for it. By now he has determined that there is a rebellion, and is only gaining in power. He will need Grogar’s bell to give him Grogar’s power. If he has that then there will be no stopping him. We have to quest for it first.”

She nodded, “Very well,” Diana said, “Where is it located?”

Luna drew a map of Equestria, and Diana noticed that near the borders of it was a mountain peak. She then drew a cave in one of the mountains, “According to what my mother told me, it is here. This mountain range separated Equestria from the old lands. It was in this cave that Gusty placed the bell,” she said, “But be warned, only the bravest of souls can enter. Gusty crafted a spell over it that would show all that attempted to enter their worst fears.”

Diana nodded, and then she walked over to Bruce. She explained what Luna had told her, and he listened. He didn’t attempt to change her mind, but instead he suggested that he accompany her. To that she shook her head.

“They need you here,” she said, “But if I do not return within two days time have Clark, or John, bring you to me.”

He nodded, and watched as she lifted into the air. He watched as she took off, and he silently hoped that she would be fine on her own. As Diana flew she could see the change in the area. The ground became snow covered, and in the distance there was an unnatural cry. Still, she neared the cave that Luna had talked of, and when she landed, she could sense something off. Diana looked at the cave ahead of her. Luna had said that Grogar’s Bell which was an ancient, and powerful, artifact was safely contained inside of it.

She explained that one of the greatest spell crafters of all time, Gusty the Great, had placed a special spell on the cave itself. All that entered would face their greatest fear. Only the bravest would be able to withstand the onslaught.

As she walked she felt her clothes change. No longer was she in her armor, but instead she was dressed as she had been when Grodd had altered her mind. She could hear the faint sound of the bell, and suddenly she heard the low muttering of voices.

Her eyes widened as she stood in the brothel, and she heard the laugh. Turning she saw him, Luthor.

"Good," he said, "I see that you're in. I've got fifteen minutes, and I can think of no better way of enjoying it."

She backed up, "No, you're dead," she said, "Hades is tormenting you for all eternity."

He studied her, "And yet I'm here."

She closed her eyes and she understood. The fear wasn't Luthor. It never had been. The fear was always, and would always, be that on some level she knew what was happening. She knew, and she had accepted it as her place.

She shook her head, "This isn't who I am," she said ripping away the clothes and revealing her armor, "I am Diana of Themyscira, Princess of the Amazons. I am loved, and I accept that even I need help. As it so happens I have the greatest help available."

The scene disappeared. She moved further, uncertain of what would be revealed, but certain that her courage, and love, would guide her through.