The Pillar Mare

by gunstarx

First published

An unstoppable monster is released from its prison. The Pillar Mare. Is there anything Equestria can do to stop it?

An small expedition team was led to investigate tomb discovered close to a Griffonian outpost hidden in Equestria. The team ended up releasing the mare trapped inside. With the Pillar Mare now loose, is there any hope for the world?

Fetishes: LOTS of FemDom, Absorption, Some Dismemberment, murder, a nigh unkillable Lyra Heartstrings, Lactation/Breast Feeding, Body Manipulation (muscle growth, breast growth, etc.), stetchy rubber(kinda) mare, other weird shit. Generally some freaky shenanigans going on here. Also, lots of unnecessary murder. If you've watched JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Parts 1 & 2, you'll have a somewhat general idea of what can and will happen.

dead dove do not eat

Cover Image originally by Skoon. Slightly edited to fit FimFiction's guidelines.


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“Let the commander know there are no more problems. She has been captured and detained and we will be entering the heart in just a moment.”

“Finish up, I can’t wait to see what these people have hidden away.” A stallion cut in impatiently, giving his slightly older colleague a light slap on his side.

The older stallion nodded once as he continued to focus on his walkie-talkie, “We’ll give you an update when we’re done with our preliminary investigation of the heart. Over and out.” The older stallion started to make his way down the hallway of the ancient tomb. The tomb itself was the discovery of the century. Not just the tomb itself, but more so the fact that a single mare managed to discover in a cave nearby a Griffonian outpost in Mexicolt without being detected for for weeks. At the very least, it was enough time for the mare to find and disarm the myriad of traps leading to the heart of the tomb. Whatever was in the center, someone long ago did not want it to be found.

The two stallions cautiously made their to a set of large double doors at the end of the hallway. The mare had made it this far but had not opened the door, so any traps that potentially laid ahead could still be active. The older stallion opted to open the doors, throwing caution to the wind. He pushed with all his might, grunting against the yellow door, the sound of the stone grinding on stone echoing through the tomb. He stopped once the door was open just enough that they could walk through. He peered cautiously into the other side as the younger stallion slowly approached, starting to get a little excited.

“What’s inside? Does it look like it’s booby trapped?” He asked.

The older stallion responded after a minute of staring into the room, “There’s a large coffin in the center of the room and four statues in corner. The statues look equine in stature, but they have eagle-like faces.” The younger stallion couldn’t contain his curiosity and approached his colleague from behind, nudging his back in an attempt to get him to move out of the way. The older stallion slowly started to step into the room while the younger followed from behind, taking in the interior for himself.

“Looks like an elaborate burial for a king or some kind of ruler.” His gaze stopped to a few spots in behind the coffin. There were a few piles of debris. Looking around, he saw a few spots in the ceiling and floor were damaged. It didn’t seem like the kind of damage a normal pony could do, at least not without some time and tools. Though, he was more concerned about why.

The older stallion took note of his colleagues gaze, “You’ve noticed that too, eh? Let’s go back and report what we found. We’ll get some reinforcements and machines to help carry this thing out of here safely.”

“I’ll be right with you. I wanna stay and get a better look at things.”

The older reluctantly nodded, “Alright then. Be careful.” He took one last look at the room before pulling out his walkie-talkie and leaving.

The younger stallion remained. He slowly approached the coffin, keeping a close eye on the statues in the corner of the room. They were making him feel uncomfortable. Now inches from the room, he was convinced that this room was not booby trapped. He knew he should wait for the other before unveiling the contents coffin and would mostly likely get some flak for doing so, but he could not contain his excitement anymore. He placed his hands side of the lid and started to push, carefully leaning the lid against the coffin. A thick cloud of dust was kicked up in the process. He fanned the air with one hand while coughing into the other. Once the dust had settled enough, he took a look at the prize. He reeled back in shock almost immediately.

Inside was a perfectly preserved green mare, wrapped in bandages in various places around her arms, legs and hips. Her face was bare, save for a few wraps across her head, crossing just under her eyes. The bandages were old and were crumbling to dust in a few areas. He continued to look the mare over as his brain raced to figure how her body could preserved like this for so long using nothing but bandages. He was certain there had to be some kind of special chemical or something in the wraps. He pulled out a camera from his backpack and started to take some pictures of her as well as a few pictures of the room.

As he photographed the statues, the mare began to stir. Her body rose and she looked down at her chest with a smirk, “Thanks for keeping me company for so long, but I think it’s time I move on. There’s plenty of new blood outside.” She quietly whispered to chest. She leaned back, gripping the sides of the coffin as she closed her eyes.

The stallion turned around yelped, nearly dropping his camera as he saw the mare no longer lying down. She sat back up and opened her eyes, looking at the strange stallion in the room. She grunted and stood up. She began to stretch out her limbs as she continued to stand within the coffin. The stallion shook off his bewilderment and called out to the mare while keeping some distance, “A-are… Are you okay? Are you... of this planet? Can you speak Equestrian?” The mare stared at him, cocking her head slightly. He continued, “Are you hungry or anything? We have food back at the camp. Either way, we’d like for you to come back with us so we can take a look at you.” He smiled and beckoned to her. He figured she had no idea what he was saying and at least tried to appear friendly.

“Equestrian? That’s what you call that language?”

“So, you understand me?”

The mare shrugged, “I picked it up from listening to you and that other guy you were with.” She stepped out of the coffin, taking a step towards the stallion, “It’s amazing what this body can do.”

“How much your body can do? Is your body artificial? Is that how your body was kept preserved for so long?” He asked, still eyeing her cautiously.

“Oh this body is all natural.” She said as she ran her hands along her melon sized breasts, down the sides of her hourglass figure and down to her wide, curvaceous hips. She suddenly gave him a seductive look as she rested her hands on her hips and slowly sashayed towards him, “I can show you just how natural it is.”

The stallion blushed, “W-woah, h-hold on. We should at least get you t-”

The mare stopped in front of him, placing a finger against his lips, “Sshhh.” She placed an arm around his neck and press her lips against his. The stallion barely put up a fight and quickly began to explore her mouth, their tongues dancing together. He brought his down to her butt and pulled her closer. After a minute, the mare broke the kiss. “Still a virgin, eh? What a shame it had to be like this.”

The stallion looked at her a bit confused, “What do you mean by that?”

The mare looked him dead in the eyes and gently shifted her right hand over the front of his neck, “Because I’m hungry. I’ve been feeding off that old fool for years. The same meal gets boring after you’ve eaten it so many times in a row, ya know? I need something new.” She finished in a husky tone.

“Wh-what does th-” The mare began to sink her fingers inside his neck. Somehow, her fingers easily pierced through the skin with little effort. The stallion’s hands shot up to meet her arm. He tried to pull her against her arm, but she didn’t budge even an inch. He could feel her fingers slowly digging further inside. The mare began to slowly raise her arm, lifting him up. He struggled against her, legs flailing, arms still trying to pry himself away from her grip but to no avail. He was starting feel something flowing throughout his body and into the fingers currently burrowed inside his neck. As he began to grow weak, he quickly realized that she was draining his blood. She began sauntering back to her coffin. He began trying to kick the mare with all his might, but nothing seemed to have any effect on her. She didn’t seem to acknowledge a single blow from the stallion.

The mare held her left arm out to her side and flexed it a few times, “Oooohh, YES! I finally get to cut loose after all these years! It’s a pity though. I was really looking forward to making everyone back at my old village suffer.” She lowered her left arm and shrugged, “Oh well. No point dwelling on the past. It’s time to look toward the future. Am I right?” She looked up at the helpless stallion she held above her. At this point, he was weakly resting his hands on her arms. He no longer had the strength to do anything. She laughed and began to push his head back. The stallion didn’t have the strength to voice the immense pain he was currently in.

“Sorry we couldn’t spend more time together. But your friend will be back soon. Can’t really do much on such a short time limit. I can wait just a little bit longer to really stretch my body.” Still holding him by the neck, fingers embedded in his skin, she abruptly and violently rotated her hand to the side, breaking his neck instantly. She finished draining his body and tossed his limp body against the coffin. “Hope you don’t mind sleeping outside. I call dibs on the bed.” She giggled and hopped inside the coffin. She grabbed the lid placed back atop the coffin, sealing herself inside once more. From outside, she could hear voices.

“You said he was still in here right? The hell is he doing? Granite?”

“Careful, he hasn’t radioed back since I left, something might ha-”



“He’s been…”

“Nobody come in here! We’ll get this thing hooked up from a safe distance and haul it out.”

“Nobody touch the corpse! Leave him here!”

“Come on people move, move! We have a dead body in an empty room and no culprit, let’s not wait around to find it!”

“Alright, let’s push the other door so we can get to get the coffin from here. No one’s stepping in here unless absolutely necessary.”

“Bring ‘er in, nice and slow!”

The voices continued for some time, as well as a variety of loud, boisterous sounds the mare couldn’t discern. That was none of her concern for now. She could find out later. She had all the time in the world now.


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“Sir! The coffin has been successfully transported. As you requested, experiments won’t begin until you are present to supervise.”

A gruff griffon turned around to acknowledge the younger griffon soldier behind him, saluting as he delivered his report. “And what of the Equestrian that was snooping about in the first place?”

The soldier quickly lowered his hand to his side, “Sir, she was captured and guarded carefully with the expedition team. Her name is Daring Do, a well known figure in the field of archaeology. She was brought back along with the coffin. The mare is currently being questioned. She seems adamant that we return the coffin to the tomb and refuses to speak beyond that. What do want us to do with her, Commander Cloudnail?”

Cloudnail turned back to his prior business, a large cage containing four Equestrians dressed in rags, three earth pony males and one unicorn female. Two males were sitting down calmly. The other male looked angry and was staring daggers at Cloudnail and his subordinate. The female was huddled up in the corner, staring blankly at the floor beneath her. “Daring Do, eh? Today keeps getting interesting. Bring her with us. I’d want her to observe the experiment with us.

“S-sir, are you sure? She’s known to be quite dangerous a-”

Cloudnail turned his slightly, looking over his shoulder, “Then make sure her guards do their job and keep her in line.”

The soldier saluted, “Y-yes sir!” He quickly jogged away, leaving the commander alone with his captive audience.

Cloudnail grinned as he glanced back at his prisoners, bending over to meet them at eye level, “Only four of you left. I hope you’ve enjoyed the festivities as much as I have. I’ll be sure to make your last little game a most memorable one.”

The furious stallion slammed a fist on the floor, standing up and rushing towards Cloudnail and grabbed the bars that separated them, “You sick fuck!” He braced himself against the bars, reached an arm through and frantically tried to grab hold of Cloudnail, “I’ll kill you dammit! I swear I’ll fucking kill you!” The others didn’t bother getting involved.

Cloudnail chuckled to himself. “A lively one you are. You should consider yourself lucky. I had other plans for you, but you’re about to help make history in a few moments. Don’t want to tucker yourself out before then.” He turned and left as the stallion continued to scream out death threats.

Cloudnail walked the length of the sandy outpost to a large building. The two guards outside saluted him as he entered. The heavy door opened revealing a staircase heading down. The interior was well lit and mostly barren save for a few machines against the east wall. Six griffon soldiers idly stood by and two stallions in lab coats turned to acknowledge the newcomer to the room. Two of the soldiers stood vigil behind a mare bound by a straitjacket. The mare started struggling against the jacket and tried to charge at Cloudnail but was held still by her captors. “You don’t know what you’re doing! We shouldn’t be messing with whatever is in there! Didn’t you read the writing in the tomb!?” Her eyes shifted back in forth between the commander and the large glass wall that separated their room from a brightly lit pure white chamber where the coffin lay dead center.

Commander Cloudnail strode confidently towards the captive mare, “Ah, a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Daring Do. I’ve heard so much about you.”

“And I heard Griffonia was planning a war against Equestria. I didn’t think you bastards would actually be dumb enough to try it, and on our soil no less.”

The Commander chuckled, “Equestria, as big an empire as it is, has barely scratched its own surface. You weak, gutless equines are so content to lay about waste your potential. Survival of the fittest, Daring, survival of the fittest.” He turned towards the glass wall and slowly approached, eyeing the coffin with great curiosity. “As my team has relayed all necessary information to me. This coffin supposedly contains a being of immeasurable power.”

Daring tried again to fight against her bonds, “Then why unleash it!? We don’t know anything about it! That thing could kill us all!”

“Utter nonsense, Daring. This creature may have been considered all-powerful to a group of old neanderthals, but against the technology of today...” Cloudnail reached for the pistol in his holster and pulled it out, aiming it at Daring, “I doubt that claim will hold up.”

Daring stared down the barrel of his gun without fear, “You’re making a mistake.”

Cloudnail thrust his arms out to the side, “And what is life without a few mistakes? Fear not. That chamber is a veritable death trap. The floor is littered with chutes that can bellow fire at the press of a button. The vents on the ceiling are primed to release a potent nerve gas as well as mustard gas. The glass you see before you is twenty layers of bulletproof glass, enchanted by magic from the unicorns in our employ to double their durability and the remaining walls surrounding the chamber are fifty centimeters thick. We have absolute control!” He lowered his arms and gestured to the stallions in the lab coat, “Bring them in and let’s begin.”

The pair saluted. “Yes sir.” One of the lab coats pulled a walkie-talkie from his pocket and began relaying orders while the other moved to a console on the east wall and pressed a few buttons. Knowing she was powerless for the time being, Daring watched the chamber intently. A wall began to open up, revealing a long hallway. A padlocked cage containing four Equestrians and a long metal crate with a padlock was wheeled in through the hallway and into the chamber. The griffon soldier pushing the cage pulled out a small key , tossed it into the cage and ran off the way he came as the wall closed behind him.

“Proceed to the coffin and remove the lid.” One of the scientists ordered into a microphone on the console.

The hot-headed stallion snatched the key resting in the cage, “And why the hell should we, you heartless scumbags!?”

“Follow our directions to the letter and we will grant you your freedom. This room you are in is armed with flame throwers. If you do not, you will be burned alive.” The scientist calmly replied, “Now, proceed to the coffin and remove the lid.”

The stallion growled in frustration, staring down the observers behind the glass. The caged Equestrians were all focused on their captors as well.

“Proceed to the coffin and remove the lid. If you do not cooperate within the next minute, you will be incinerated.”

The hot-headed stallion begrudgingly obeyed. He gestured to one of his caged comrades and approached the coffin. The two of them lifted the lid up and tossed it to the side.

“What do you see inside?”

The hot-headed stallion looked inside, confused. “It’s a mare wrapped up like a mummy. Her face ain’t wrapped though and she’s got an amazing rack.” He looked back at the griffon scientist, “Is this some kind of joke?”

“Please remove the subject from the coffin.”

The pair looked at each other and shrugged. They grabbed the wrapped mare and lifted her out of the coffin, placing her gently on the ground. The hot-headed stallion squatted down beside her and grabbed her right breast, giving it a few squeezes. “Hot damn this mare’s got it going on.” The other two ponies in the cage slowly started to exit the cage.

The mare in the wraps opened her eyes. The [pair of stallions noticed and backed away as the mare slowly started to get to her feet. She looked around, taking in her surroundings. She didn’t seem concerned with anyone’s presence.

“Can you speak? Do you understand what I am saying?”

The mare looked through the glass wall at the strange assortment of creatures staring at her.

“Prisoners. The key you have will also unlock the crate in your cage. There will be loaf of bread inside. Please offer it to the subject.” The hot-headed stallion stayed put while his comrade took the key from him and went to unlock the crate. The stallion opened the crate and looked back at the others, “Why there heck are their weapons in here too!? We got a machine gun, two swords and a spear in here!”

“Do not worry about the weapons. Please take the bread and offer it to the subject.”

The stallion shook his head and took the bread. He slowly approached the mare from the front and held out the bread. “You want it?” The mare looked at the bread in his hand. The stallion pantomimed the act of eating to get his point across. “Food. Eat it.” The mare reached out and took the bread. After a minute of examining the bread, she took a bite. Everyone in the room observed the mare in silence, enthralled by her almost child-like behavior.

Commander Cloudnail started laughing wildly, “AHAHAAA! Behold, Daring Do! The almighty apex predator! This is creature you were so terrified of! She’s but a mare with the IQ of a five year old!”

Daring continued to watch the mare like a hawk as the strange mare leisurely enjoyed the loaf of bread. The hot-headed stallion quickly lost interest in her lunch and went back to admiring her body.

“Did you enjoy the bread? Are you capable of speech? Can you give us any sign that you can hear us?” The scientist on the intercom asked. The mare in the bandages finished her bread and rubbed her belly. Commander Cloudnail continued to laugh hysterically. The soldiers were completely unimpressed. The mare glanced down at the coffin she had been resting in for so long. The scientist pressed the intercom button, prepared to speak again.

“Thanks for the food.” The mare said before the scientist could ask another question or issue another order. She grabbed the wraps under her eyes and tore them off, dropping them to the ground. “But I’m more interested in eating these ponies here.” She looked in the direction of the Equestrian prisoners who were now staring at her with some concern.

“Do you mean you want us to give you more food?” Asked the stallion who had just given her the loaf of bread.

“I meant exactly what I said.” She thrust her arms up, stretching them out and letting them fall back to her sides, “I’m going to eat you.”

The hot-headed stallion turned and ran for cage, “We got weapons! I’m not waiting to her to move first!” He grabbed the crate, dropped it on the floor outside the crate and grabbed a sword. The other stallions followed him and pulled weapons from the crate. The timid looking mare was offered the machine gun, but opted to leave it in the crate and not get involved.

The ancient mare started tearing off section of bandage on her right arm while the three prisoners surrounded her.

“Get them out of there!” Daring yelled, “What don’t know what she’s capable of! She’s going to kill them!”

Commander Cloudnail, having finally calmed down from his earlier fits of laughter, folded his arms across his chest as he continued observing the chamber. “It’s time for this thing to prove itself. Let’s see what it’s capable of.”

“This will at least be entertaining.” The mare finished remove that last bit of bandage around her right arm. She looked at one of the ponies surrounding her, looking quite amused, “Which one of you should I kill first?”

The stallion holding the spear charged forward. He charged and rammed his spear into her chest, just between her breasts. The mare appeared to be shocked as the weapon pierced her flesh and pushed her off her feet. The stallion leapt up and used his downward momentum to aid and slamming both the spear and the mare into the floor. The hot-headed stallion stomped his foot into her wrist, thrust his sword down with all his might into her left arm, severing the limb. The two backed away, breathing heavily as the initial rush of adrenaline started to leave their system. The spear was left embedded in her chest and poking out slightly through her back as well as leaving her severed arm on the ground next to her.

Commander Cloudnail scoffed and turned to face Daring. He gestured towards the fallen mare, “And there ends the story of our little bringer of destruction. Honestly Daring, what a wild imagination you have…”

“You idiot… That was too easy… She let that happen… Get them out of there now…” Daring begged, never removing her the mare from her sight.

“She let herself die? Why would I be af-” Cloudnail was cut off by a scream coming from the chamber. He quickly turned to see the mare laughing softly on the floor. She reached her hand up to grab the length of the spear. She pulled herself up, moving her body up along the weapon. Once she had pulled herself up halfway along the spear, she planted her feet on the ground and pulled her torso upright, leaving the spear still stuck inside her. The group of prisoners backed away, terrified of the mare who should have been dead from the impalation alone. She knelt down and picked up her bleeding, severed arm, holding it above her head.

“Really? My arm?” She asked, genuinely confused, “I’m surprised you didn’t go for my head. You’d think that would be more effective. The hot-headed stallion charged forward, taking her advice and stabbed his sword into her neck. The mare once again appeared shocked by the sudden feeling of being stabbed. He began to wrench the sword to the side once the blade had made it all the way through. With a surge of adrenaline, he managed to cut off through the left half of her neck. Her head flopped over to the right, dangling against her right shoulder.

“Let’s see you complain about that you unholy bitch!” He growled, backing away again in fear.

The mare moved her arm to her right side. The severed arm in her grip began to move, grabbing on to her head which still wore an expression of shock. She moved her arm up while the severed arm held firm and pushed her head back into it’s normal position. Everyone stared in disbelief as the skin and muscle in her neck and head began to stretch out towards each other. The various bits of flesh attached and melded to their rightful places and quickly healed itself within seconds. Once finished, three fleshy tubes emerged from the base of where her left arm used to be and snaked their way through the air towards the severed arm in her grip. The fleshy tubes attached themselves inside the severed arm and reeled it back, repairing itself much in the same way as her head. She looked over at her left arm and noticed her palm was facing backwards. She giggled to herself.

“Sorry about that, give me just a second.” She grabbed her left arm, squeezed firmly and ripped it right off her body. Blood splattered all over the floor, adding to the pools of blood left from the initial severing of her arm and other wounds. She turned the left arm around in her grip and thrust it back into her shoulder, the skin muscle once again seamlessly attaching and mending itself in seconds. She raised her left arm and flexed her fingers few times. “There we go, good as new.”

The audience behind the glass stared, slack jawed at the super equestrian feats happening before their eyes.

The hot-headed stallion raised his sword one more time, “Ngah! Let’s see you do that with your body hacked into a million pieces!” The mare defended herself this time. She pulled her arm back before the sword could cleave it off again. Once his sword was at shoulder height, she thrust her hand straight through the blade, hilting in inside her arm. He held firm and tried to remove it. He slammed his foot into her side and tried to pull harder against the hilt. The mare smiled and raised her arm up, taking the male with it. Once above her, the hilt finally came free from her hand. The hot-headed stallion fell to the floor, landing on his rump. He looked at the hilt in his hand. His pupils shrank as he found that the blade was no longer attached.

The mare brought her hands to chest and stomach. She gripped the bandages that clothed her and tore them off, revealing her bare, minty green torso. She removed two more remaining lengths of wrap and tossed them to the side. The stallion stared up at her firm, melon sized breasts. Her boobs jut straight out from her chest, completely unaffected by gravity. She knelt down before the terrified stallion. The spear’s handle clanked against the ground. She looked down at it, slightly annoyed. She appeared to concentrate on the offending piece of metal sticking out of her chest for a moment. The spear handle and spear head in her back dropped the floor, the wound in her chest now completely healed as if she had never been stabbed. She looked thoroughly satisfied as she rubbed the once affected area.

“You liked my breasts, did you not?” She asked as she looked at stallion beneath her who had broken into a cold sweat. “I had it, going on, did I not?” She moved her left hand to her left breast and started massaging and squeezing it. The stallion was too scared to do anything but lay still and hold the sword’s hilt as he watched her put on a show for him.

“What a shame. A pretty mare presents herself to you and you don’t even have the balls to take action.” She released her breast and firmly seized the back of his head. “Then allow me.” The stallion suddenly sprung to life and desperately tried to wrench himself free of her grasp. She lifted him to eye level and grinned, “If you think my rack is so amazing, then feel free to take a closer look!” She pulled him back, slowly lowering his head down to her chest level and shoved his head between her gravity-defying orbs.

The mare released his her grip on the stallion and moved her arms behind her head. She smiled triumphantly as she gazed down on him, struggling to remove his head from between her bust. The stallion gripped her waist and tried pushing against her, to no avail. He tried to switch tactics, grabbing her breasts and attempting to pry them apart. Despite the pressure they were placing on his skull, his hands sunk into the soft flesh as he would normally expect to. Still having no luck, he tried pinching and twisting her nipples are hard as he could.

The mare moaned, “Mmmm, that’s right big boy, rough up my tits just like that.” The stallion, still holding the sword hilt, tried slamming it repeatedly into her breasts. She giggled again at his attempts, “Aww, I liked it when you played with my nipples. How about we get a little more intimate, hmm?”

The stallion’s head started to sink further into her chest. His efforts to push himself out renewed. He grabbed on to her boobs and tried once more to push himself out. His shoulders started to sink into the flesh of her tits as he was pulled further inside. The mare was moaning in delight, enjoying the stallion’s pointless struggles to resist. More of his upper body was pulled in. He was no longer able to exert any real pressure with his hands. They were now merely pressing into her tits.

“Sorry, but you had your chance to touch. We need to keep things moving.” She mocked. His hands began sinking inside her breasts. His body was being pulled in at a steady rate. With his just about devoured, all that remained were his legs which were flailing about wildly. The mare closed her eyes and took a deep breath as his legs sunk into her chest. His feet wiggled pitifully as they were pulled into forbidden valley of her cleavage and the stallion completely vanished.

The mare grabbed her breasts and slapped them up a few times, evidently getting some satisfaction watching them jiggle and bounced as they slowly settled down out in front of her. “You have no idea how good that felt. I haven’t eaten like that in years.” She moaned. She smirked as she looked at the remaining prisoners still trapped with her. The stallions looked terrified out of their minds while the female prisoner huddled back in the corner of the cage in shock.

The bandaged mare pointed at her stomach, “Ya know, he’s still alive. Inside me.” As she said this, a few small indents could seen jutting out barely from her stomach. “I can feel him. He’s struggling to find a way out. He thinks there might be a way to stop me from inside...” An indent started to form just above her belly button vaguely in the shape of a hand. She giggled and folded her arms underneath her bust, “...but unfortunately…” She let out a satisfactory grin as the indent forced back. She pushed out her waist slightly and looked down at her stomach along with everyone else watching in abject horror. Her stomach started flexing. Her lithe form quickly gave way to sculpted eight pack abs. Amidst the discovery of yet another feat new feat from the immortal mare, the sound of loud crunching could be her emanating from her stomach.

“...there is no escape.”

“What exactly are you? Why do you eat ponies?” The scientist asked through the intercom.

The mare relaxed, her abs rounding out to reform her previously slender body. “My name is Lyra. I eat because I can. And I am pretty hungry. Being forced into a deep sleep for years can do that to you.”

“How did you come into being?”

Lyra stared off at the ceiling. “Hmmm, I guess it can’t hurt...”

Cloudnail stared slack jawed at the power displayed by the ancient mare. What seemed like a braindead pony was nothing more than a ruse to bring her prey to her, all just for her amusement. If Lyra were to be set free, there would no hope for neither Equestria nor Griffonia. For the first time since her release, he took a good long look into the mare’s eyes, as if to seek out just a small glimpse into her mind...

Develop (Part 1)

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Thousands of years ago, before the emergence of alicorns, lived a tribe of Aztec ponies a remote jungle in Mexicolt in what would later be the nation of Equestria. They believed in the idea of gods that governed various aspects of life and the idea of sacrifices to appease these gods. They built temples and shrines to honor and worship their deities, which were still being discovered in present day Equestria. Within this tribe lived a unicorn mare, born into poverty and forced to live day by day as a whore just to put food in her plate.

Whenever the chance presented itself she studied and learned as much as she could, hoping for a chance to one day show that she was capable of more. It wasn’t until one fateful encounter that her life would forever change…

Lyra had just finished washing herself off in the lake just outside the city. After finishing with her third and final client for the day, she wanted nothing more than to clean herself and go home. Home, for her, was nothing more than a meager wooden hut with a straw bed. She wished to one day own a feather bed, but with the money she made, she could only afford food. Even as a whore, one's status and worth were determined by the size of one’s breasts and she was nearly flat-chested. She had learned a few basic spells with her horn, but none in the city would give her the time of day much less the chance to prove her worth.

She sighed and donned her thong, a skirt that reached her ankles and a length of cloth to cover her chest and began her trek through the city. It was night time. Activity could still be found around the city if one searched hard enough, but none that would welcome her. She walked along the dirt path to her hut at the other end of the city, a journey that took her an hour. She relished the sight of her hut at the end of a long day. Ready to collapse on her bed, she couldn’t help but overhear the sounds of voices. In particular one voice that piqued her interest…

“Keep that stuff from banging together. Gotta stay quiet. We don’t want to wake anypony up. If anyone finds out what we’re up to, we’ll be killed.”

Lyra took a deep breath, steeling her nerves. Tossing her skirt insider her hut first, she started to head quietly in the direction of the voice. Something shady was amidst and if she could find out what and report it, this could mean good things for her. She found two stallions walking towards the recent temple built on the edge of the city. One of them was carrying a leather bag, doing his best to keep it’s contents from moving around too much. As they got closer to the temple, she noticed two more of them waiting at the entrance. She recognized them as the stallions in charge of its construction. Fortunately there was still plenty of tall grass around the temple she was able to use to stay close and remain hidden.

“Hurry up. Get everything inside. We’re nearly done.”

“Are you sure this will work? If this doesn’t and they find out…”

“Silence. Of course it will work. We have gone over everything. There is no way this will fail. You must have faith.”

“You are right. I am sorry.”

“Don’t worry. Tomorrow night, we will be free of this city. Under our new god, we shall be born anew, as kings of this world! Now hurry. Deliver the items to our brother inside so we can finish preparations.”

She watched the two stallions disappeared into the temple. She waited a moment before leaving her hiding spot and carefully approaching the temple entrance. Her heart was beating fast as she stared at the steps leading deep into the earth. She began her slow descent. She could hear the sounds of activity down below and a stallion giving orders. As she approached the bottom, she had the quick realization that she was walking into a sacred monument in nothing but a thong and a piece of cloth tied around her chest. This was not going to win her any favors with the divine, she thought before shrugging the thought away. She had to keep her eyes on the possible prize. As she made it down the steps she could hear more voices. She snuck through the temple halls, following the sounds of voices and eventually came across a room where the workers had gathered. The door to the room looked like it was part of the wall around it. She assumed it must have been built by them in secret. She took a peek inside. There were four of them standing beside what she recognized as a sacrificial altar. One of the workers Lyra assumed to be the leader of the group was carrying an ornate dagger.

“My brothers!” He announced, “Tonight is a night of celebration! Tomorrow we shed our lives as simple ponies and by the might of our one true god, we will be reborn as kings! We will hold powers greater than any mortal being! We will be immortal! And by our hands, this city will bow to us!” The other cheered and raised goblets of wine in celebration.

Lyra had heard enough. She carefully tiptoed away from the door and jogged back towards the temple entrance. Just as she cleared turned the first corner, she heard a scream coming from the room.

“Someone is here! Get him!”

Lyra broke into a sprint. As far she knew, they hadn’t actually seen her. The stallions chased the intruder the temple, only ever getting glimpses of the intruder’s shadow as they hightailed it to safety. Making it safely to the stairway, she bolted up and once outside the temple she dashed straight into the city, disappearing into the streets. She thought it would be wise not to return home tonight. She hid inside a large mound of hay left out in the market. The passage of time was lost on her until eventually, once she figured it had been long enough and she was safe, she exited the haystack and fell asleep against it.

Lyra awoke to the sounds of roosters crowing. She rose to her feet, shaking off the fatigue of last nights events and her poor sleeping conditions and calmly set a course for her hut. She unfortunately had no formal wear, but her skirt would be better than approaching the city’s ruler in a thong. Once she had her skirt, she headed straight for the emperor’s palace. As luck would have it, she found him just outside, returning from some form of business. She called out to him, not daring to get too close to him and set off his guards. The emperor didn’t seem too pleased by Lyra’s presence.

“Your highness, I’m sorry to bother you like this but I have urgent news. Last night I discovered four of our own conspiring against the city. They were worshipping some false god and planning to perform some kind of rit-”

“Planning to perform a ritual for their heathen god to gain his favor and untold power, yes?” The emperor interrupted. Lyra noticed his guards were now flanking her.

“Y-yes, your highness. They were i-”

The emperor raised his hand. “Enough. Tie her up. Tonight, we will sacrifice this lowly, lying whore. Until then, I don’t want to to see her face.”

Lyra panicked as the guards seized her by the arms. “W-wait! I’m telling the truth!”

The emperor averted his gaze. “I have already been informed of your treachery last night. He told me you would be coming. You intended to slander the good name of four of our most loyal citizens. You dared to have these men falsely punished for your own personal gain. A disgusting wench like you does not deserve to live. Strip her of her clothing and lock her up somewhere until tonight.”

“Wait! No! He’s lying to you!” She screamed at the emperor as he walked away. One of guards slapped her, sending her to the floor. They silently ripped off the little clothing she had and dragged her into an empty building used to hold court. They bound her arms and tied her to a stone column. Lyra tried again to reason with the guards. Their response was unforgiving punch to the stomach. She was left alone in the courthouse sobbing as she awaited her death sentence.

Hours passed. She could see the sun setting from one of the windows. Her heart stopped as she saw the door open. A stallion in a cloak entered, approached her and threw a large burlap sack on the floor.

“Hurry, if you want to live, get inside the sack.”

Lyra wanted to wipe her eyes, but her current position did not allow her the privilege, “Wh-who are you?”

The stallion in the cloak pulled out a knife, causing Lyra to shake, and began to cut the rope binding her. “I know you are innocent and I know how we can prove it. We must hurry. If you get in the sack I can carry you without raising any suspicions.” He said in a gruff voice.

Lyra wasted no time clambering inside the sack. It was a little strange but she was already as good as dead. She had nothing left to lose.

“Do not move.” The stallion said to her.

Lyra remained as still as she could as the stallion placed the bag over his shoulder and began to haul her out of the courthouse. With no way to tell what was going on, she allowed herself to daydream. After what felt like hours, she was finally brought back to the waking world firm slap on her ass. Lyra couldn’t help but yelp from the sudden assault.

“We’re here” The stallion’s voice called to her, “You can come out now.” As he said this, she felt the stallion lower her gently to the floor and opened it. She was greeted by torch light as she crawled out of the sack, forcing her to squint until her eyes adjusted.

“Found you.”

Lyra opened her eyes. Standing in front of her were the four stallions all wearing tan ceremonial robes. She screamed and scrambled away only to immediately hit a wall. Her heart started racing even more as she realized she was in the temple, trapped in the room with them.

“You saved us the effort finding a sacrifice. You gave us quite a scare last night you little bitch.” The leader said as his cohorts picked her up by the arms. Lyra tried to escape but an underfed woman was no match for them. “You should rejoice. You will help us ascend tonight. Tonight! We too, shall become gods!” She continued her feeble struggles as her naked body was hoisted and placed on to the altar. The fourth stallion pulled some rope from a bag in the corner of the room and began tying her legs to the altar. The two stallions kept their grip on her arms, holding them out to the sides. Lyra screamed and begged as loud as she could. Their leader grabbed her muzzle and held it shut.

“I found this altar while we built this temple. I deciphered the message upon it and discovered it’s true power.” He gestured to the walls around them, “I even copied the writings and drawings on the altar on the walls of this secret chamber. You see, our gods are false! There is but one god. He must have created this altar for the one who would discover it. This ritual demands that the blood of a pony be sacrificed. Once sated, we will be granted powers one could only dream of!” He removed a stone mask from his robe and lowered it to her face. Her screams and sobbing continued, now muffled by the mask being held firm to her face. The leader gestured for the fourth to hold it still.

He moved to the side of the altar, removed an ornate dagger and gripped it with both hands.“Now! We sacrifice this whore in your name, o god! Accept this blood and bestow upon us your blessing!” The leader raised the dagger up, let out a loud shout and plunged the blade into her stomach. Lyra’s eyes shot open, her mouth opening as wide as it could to scream, but no noise escaped her lips. She barely clung to life, her breathing becoming shaky. She could feel the blood pouring out of her wound. She could feel it pooling all over the altar. The leader released his grip on the dagger, leaving it in her stomach and placed a hand on the blood pooling up around the dagger.

Lyra suddenly felt a multitude sharp spikes erupt from the altar beneath her, piercing her body all over. She couldn’t scream. She wanted to voice her pain so badly, but the sound never came and yet, at the same time, she started to feel something else as the spikes penetrated her from the altar. She was starting to feel… fine… The pain was… fading… She felt an indescribable euphoria filling every inch of her being. It was like the feeling of adrenaline coursing through one’s veins during a hunt, but a thousand times stronger. She was suddenly feeling more amazing than she had ever felt in her entire life. The spikes in the altar slowly retracted.

“And with this, we cast away our humanity!” He slapped his hand upon the mask, sliding his hand down it, smearing it in blood. Sharp bone-like spikes suddenly erupted out from inside the mask, wrapping around Lyra’s head and piercing into her flesh. The stallions were ecstatic as the mare violently spasmed for a moment and then ceased to move. They watched in anticipation as the stone mask’s spikes retracted back into the mask as quickly as they erupted. They released their grip on the motionless mare and allowed the stone mask to fall to the floor. The room went silent as the group looked proudly upon the bloody mare, the look of absolute fear and pain etched upon her face.

The silence started to get a little awkward after a few minutes passed and the adrenaline left their system. “D-did it work” Asked one of the ponies.

The room went silent again. One of the stallion picked up the stone mask, examining it for a moment before dropping the device as his eye picked up on something. He stared at the mare’s body for a minute, the others ponies slowly noticing his concern. “Di…did her finger just move?”

Their leader shook his head. “It is impossible, she is dead.”


The leader growled in frustration. “If the whore were alive, then she would react if I were to slap her!” He slapped her across the face. Her head limply obeyed his hand. “See? The whore is dead!”

He walked towards the door muttering to himself. “Was I wrong? Was I to use the stone mask first?”

A female voice faintly spoke out to him. “…”

The leader’s eyes shot wide open.

“ were right about that at least…”

The ponies around the altar all faced the mare.

“...I think you misread the writing on the altar don’t get untold power by sacrificing another…”

The ponies back up against the walls of the small room as the mare suddenly started to move. Her face no longer wore the gruesome expression of death. She raised her head, looking at the leader with a mix of shock and elation.

“You get the power by being pierced by the altar.”

“P-Pierced...b-by the altar!?” The leader stuttered out. It would seem he was unaware of the altar’s ability to pierce its victims like the mask. “H-HOLD HER DOWN!” He ordered as he quickly tried to figure out their situation and rectify it. The two stallions grabbed her arms and held them firmly to her sides again. The leader move forward, ripped the dagger from her stomach and pierced her throat. The mare did not flinch or show any signs of pain. Her eyes slowly drifted down to the blade’s handle sticking out of her adam’s apple.

She looked over to her right at the terrified stallion holding her arm. She began to lift it up. It was as if he had the physical prowess of a piece of paper. The stallion’s grip seemed to have no effect on her as she effortlessly brought her right hand to the dagger. Gripping it firmly, she wrenched the dagger from her throat. She sat up, casually bringing her left arm to to the side of the altar, unhindered by the other stallion attempting to hold her down. She looked at herself in shock. She was just as amazed as the others at her super equine feats. She curiously eyed the dagger in her hand. She looked back at the stallion to her right, causing him to quake with fear. She gripped the edge of the dagger and gave her wrist a quick flick, launching the dagger into his right wrist and pinning deep in the stone behind him.

The pony’s pained screams filled the room. Lyra started to smile. Having suffered a lifetime as a worthless nobody with nothing to their name, she was suddenly turned into a veritable goddess by the literary screw up of four ponies who were much more well off than her. She was about to hop off the altar, but remembered her bound feet. She smiled and simply spread her legs. The newfound power in her body allowed her to break through them like a knife through butter.

The leader screamed and bolted out the door. Once outside, he removed two torches above the door. The door moved by itself, suddenly closing shut once more.

“N-NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING! SCAR! ZEAL SCAR, OPEN THE DOOR! LET US OUT!” The fourth stallion screamed.

Lyra daintily hopped off the altar and turned back to face it. “Now, let’s just keep this between me and me.” She happily remarked. She raised her fists and slammed down on the altar, shattering it into pieces, “Sorry, I don’t really feel like sharing.”

The ponies not pinned to the wall ran to the door, trying as hard as they could to push the door open. Lyra was feeling way too good to worry about the locked door. All she could think of was testing her newfound abilities...testing...and eating… She felt oddly empty inside and her body already knew how to sate this hunger. She walked over and grabbed one of the stallions by the door and lifted him up into the air. She started repeatedly lifting and lowering the stallion as though he were a barbell.

“Oh my gods! You weigh practically nothing!” She placed her right hand square on his back and released her grip on his legs, lifting again with one hand. “What am I saying… You’re not light… I’m just too strong!” She lifted a few more times then tossed him up slightly and caught him by the leg and shoulder. She began slowly pulling on them both. The stallion squirmed with his free limbs, trying to shake free. He could feel his insides being pulled to their limits. He cried out, spraying out a little bit of blood from his mouth as he did so. She suddenly stopped her pulling and lowered him down a little. “Wait, I have a better idea. Let’s try it like this!” She wrapped her hands around his legs and shoulders and started pressing his stomach against her chest, using it as leverage to snap him in half.

The pony cried out in agony. Lyra’s iron grip and unyielding chest were quickly making progress. His screaming became more and more strained until he was longer able to draw the breath to scream anymore. Lyra decided to finish him off, giving just the little bit of extra pressure needed to break his body in half. But she did not stop. She kept going and going until she completely ripped the flesh and tore his body in two, blood bursting out of his open halves. She raised the two halves over her head and bathed in the blood and organs that rained down. Her body absorbed the blood and entrails covering her coat, changing her red dyed fur back to it’s normal minty green color.

“This feels so amazing!” She dropped both halves of the stallion to the floor, knelt down to the ground and started pulling out more of his organs. She pulled out his heart and forcibly shoved it into her mouth, swallowing it whole. She pulled out his lungs and rubbed them in circles over her nipples, revelling in the feeling and the taste of the blood dripping off them. Grinning maniacally, she shoved them against her small A-cup breasts, and watched them steadily sink into the flesh and digest. She took a moment to calm herself down. She still had two more ponies left to experiment with and an entire city to play with once she done.

She left the remains of her first victim on the ground and rose to her feet. She approached the other stallion huddled against the door. He had watched the whole thing. He was quaking in fear, knowing there was nowhere to run. Knowing he was as good as dead.

“What should we try out next? Hm?”

The terrified pony only whimpered in response.

“Oh, good idea! Let’s see find out just how flexible my body is now.” She turned her head to the right slightly as she raised her right arm up for both to see. She bent her hand back. The sounds of bones cracking and breaking could be heard as her hand continued to bend beyond normal limits and folded up against her arm. She kept going, straightening her arm out and bending back from the elbow up. Bones broke and Lyra once again showed no signs of pain as the lower half of her arm continued to fold back against the rest of her arm. She reached up with her hand and rested it on the back of her shoulder. Impressed and amused by this display, she giggled to herself. “That’s fun, but let’s try something a bit more creative.”

Lyra fixed her right arm and held it up in front of the both of them again. Her hand started to spin slowly to the right, while her arm followed suit and started to violently jut out at random points, breaking the bones within. The sounds of bones breaking was making the stallion cringe and curl his fingers and toes up. Her arm had spun to the point where it was now as thick as a roll of toilet paper. She grinned sadistically, “Now, open wide.”

The stallion gasped for a brief second, wondering what she meant. This was quickly answered for him as Lyra shoved her arm into the pony’s mouth up to her shoulder. She raised her other arm, repeating the process of winding it up but much quicker this time and shoved it in his mouth. “Your body belongs to me now!” Her head started caving in and violently twisting left and right as she started breaking her skull. Her body was also in the process of breaking itself. She finished preparing in a few seconds and shoved her head into this open mouth. She pushed him against the door, leapt up and dove down his throat. With the stallion propped against the door, she was able to easily force his head up and let her body and gravity do their job. Her torso spun and contorted to fit the size of his stretched throat and push through. Her legs started the process of breaking and contorting once they were up to bat.

The stallion tried to grab and pull the mare out but she was forcing herself in too fast. He wasn’t able to establish any grip on her. Lyra’s right leg was the last to go. The stallion collapsed to his knees, gasping for air. He frantically placed his hands all over his body as he finally came to grips with the fact that the mare was now inside him. Against his will the stallion suddenly jumped to his feet. He started walking to the other side of the room. He tried to fight against the mare, but he only succeeded in slowing her progress. The stallion awkwardly lumbered across the room while his friend watched, still pinned to the wall at the wrist. He turned and lumbered back towards the debris of the altar. Kneeling down shakily, he was forced to pick up a piece of the stone and throw it at the other stallion’s hand, causing him immense pain and renewing his screams.

“I-I’m sorryyy! I c-can’t c-control it!” He yelled as he removed his cloak and and ripped off his vest, revealing his admirable body that reflecting his daily work in stone masonry and construction. He slammed his hands together underneath his pecs, gripping tight, and started flexing. “I-I don’t know wh-why! B-but I s-suddenly feel great! I-I d-don’t understand!” His muscles flexed and bulged, his abs stretched taut. “I-I c-can’t st-stooooop!” He struggled to say. His flexing was quickly becoming more and more intense. His muscles bulging more and more than they were used to. His body started to balloon slightly. “C-c-caaaaaan’t-”

His body was stretched way beyond their limits and finally exploded. Blood, viscera, bone, muscle and brain matter burst out, splattering everywhere. Lyra was standing where he once stood, arms out behind her, her head and body arched back and her left knee lifted up against her hip as she balanced this herself in this pose on just her toes. She gently lowered her left leg and straightened herself up, looking down at her arms and chest.

“I wonder. If I can stretch and break my body, then maybe…” She took a deep breath. As if on command, her breasts began growing larger. Her A-cups grew to B-cups, C-cups, D-dups. Lyra started fondling her breasts as they grew larger. She finally had the cup size she had envied in other mares for so long. Her fingers dug into the soft, supple flesh of her tits as they finally settled on their new size. “Perfect.”

She looked up at the last remaining pony in the room. She gave him a sultry look. She continued with her bodily alterations, slimming down her waist and enlarging her hips to give herself the hourglass figure that males seemed to love so much. She pushed her waist in with her hands and tugged at her hips to give the stallion the illusion that she was shaping her body with her bare hands like clay. With her new body shape, she slowly sauntered towards him, resting her hands on her hips and swaying them from side to side with each step. With the distance closed, she cupped his chin and gave him a short kiss on the lips. “Like what you see?”

His head gave a shaky nod. Lyra tossed his cloak to the floor, pressed up against him and kissed him again, savoring the moment this time. The stallion didn’t seem to get as much satisfaction from the kiss. His attention was still focused on his impaled wrist and the intense fear he was in after having witnessed her murder his fellow ponies. She raised her free right hand and grabbed the dagger’s handle. Breaking the kiss, she grabbed his shoulder and leaned into his ear and whispered, “Brace yourself…”

In one smooth motion, she yanked the dagger out of the wall and out of his wrist. The pony screamed again. He clutched his bloody wrist and looked the murderous mare in the eye. “P-puh-please! Please don’t k-kill me! The mare smirked and gestured towards the closed door.

“You are free to go. I was just on my way out anyway. Feel free to follow.”

“Th-thank you! Th-thank you!” He nodded furiously. With the mare practically sandwiching him against the wall, he sidled to the side. He dared not risk trying to push or touch her in any way. Unfortunately, he didn’t get far at all. He felt something tug at his chest. He tried to pull away, but whatever was holding him was firmly affixed to him. He slowly lowered his eyes, afraid to see she had done to him. He didn’t when it happened or how he didn’t feel anything, but her nipples had embedded themselves inside his chest. He yanked himself away hoping to break free. Her tits stretched out a little and quickly pulled back towards her body, tugging his body back with them.

“What’s wrong. Can’t get enough of me, huh?” She grinned as he tried a few more times to pull away only to be met with the same response. She laughed and turned towards the door, forcing the stallion move with her. She placed her hands on her hips, “Well then, the door is always there if you want to leave. But since you’re here…”

Her tits expanded out slowly and quickly flattened up against her chest, jostling the stallion’s body back and forth. Her tits continued this motion in a slow rhythm. As this happened, the stallion began to feel strange. He was feeling weaker as the pumping of her boobs continued. It was like his energy was fading. He eventually realized what she was doing. Her nipples were sucking the blood out of his body! Her breasts were pumping it into her through her nipples!

“N-no! P-please!” He begged. Her sadistic smile only grew larger as she sped up the pumping of her breasts. His blood was draining at a frightening pace, but there was something more now. He cried out in fear of what was going to happen to him now. Her breasts suddenly stopped as he heaved and struggled for breath. Something beside the violent jostling of his chest and blood loss was making it difficult. He stared at the mammaries holding him hostage, babbling incoherently as they started to balloon slightly in size.

“Oh… Looks like I accidentally pulled in a bit more than I intended... “ She giggled a little, “Looks like your heart and liver managed to get stuck in my boobs. Give me a minute to fix that. The powerless stallion could only look down in abject horror. He could see her breasts and feel the nipples lodged in his chest expanding to accommodate the organs. He could feel his heart and liver pressing up against his chest as nightmarish vacuum of her nipples fought to consume them. Her mammaries very slowly pressed against her chest one more time. He knew this was where it ended. He could feel the organs slowly leaving him. He didn’t know how he was even alive for this. He felt torso lift every so slightly off the ground as her heaving bosom slowly swallowed his heart and liver, savoring every inch as they slid through. He could not scream. As much as he tried, this had quickly become impossible for him. His mouth simply hung open. Her breasts had completely flattened against her chest, his now pressing firmly against hers. He could no longer feel his own heart.

“What a gentlecolt. So kind of you to stay here with me and feed me. You shouldn’t have. But if you insist, I’m certainly not one to waste such a delicious meal.” Lyra smiled as the stallion went limp on her. He breasts pushed back out, shoving the stallion forward and releasing her nipples from his chest. He fell to the floor like a ragdoll. Small trickles of blood pooled up in the thumbsized holes where her nipples had pierced. Lyra once against groped at her breasts, admiring their even larger size. She had already grown to like them and decided to keep her new G-cup breasts. Going even further, she moved them up. As far as she was concerned, she was a goddess now. Her breasts no longer sagged down to her chest but pushed straight out of her chest, seemingly exempt from the laws of gravity.

She looked over at the door that supposedly sealed inside. She laughed at the idea that a measly door could contain her now. She kicked the door down with little to no effort. Looking back at the destruction she had wrought, she thought it would at least be courteous to clean up. She took a minute go back and finish devouring the leftovers of her snack. She grabbed the corpses one by one and pushed them inside her stomach where they were quickly digested, bone and all. She grabbed the stone mask that had pierced her head and examined it closely, smearing some blood on it and observing the stone spikes burst out and curl around the outside where there wearer’s head would be. She could tell deep down inside that it hadn’t fully done what it set out to do. It had not pierced her skull. She needed to improve the mask. She looked around the room, finally taking in the scenery and the writing the leader had copied from the altar.

Drawings and text revealed to her that the mask was not complete. Not for somepony like her at least. It needed more. She needed to combine it with a special stone. A special kind of flawless red stone, known as an Aja, that would be able to amplify the sun’s ray and give the mask the power necessary to complete it’s task, transforming her into the ultimate being. She also learned of a critical aspect of her new body. Sunlight was the only thing that could do her in. The writings warned her of a special technique known to few could harness the energy of the sun and potentially destroy her. She kept all of this in mind and proceeded to destroy the writings and murals. No one needed to know of her weaknesses. With the stone mask and new information in mind, she set out for the city. She had plenty of ponies she needed to see. Ponies who had once wronged her. She would bring them to their knees and bask in their terror as they begged her for mercy.

Develop (Part 2)

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“Your Highness!”

“Not now! The whore has escaped and we can’t find her.”

“That’s the problem! We tried to stop her your Highness but by the time we found her she…”

“She what?”

“Th-the ritual. It worked! The stallions with me were massacred. She’s bound to come to the city next.”

“Then we must assemble as many stallions as we can. We’ll overw-”

“Your Highness, we need to seal her away. I have a plan. We will need as many warriors as we can to distract her.”

“And if your plan doesn’t work?”

“We’re already as good as dead as we stand now.”


Lyra stood at the temple entrance, admiring the view night sky above the city. Her hunger was sated for now but as far as she was concerned, there always room for dessert. The sounds of ponies rallying together could be heard within the city. It would seem they were expecting her. She began her first steps into the city as a new mare.

A couple emerged from a house just ahead she walked down the empty streets. A stallion stepped out with his arm around a mare, his hand fondling her large D-cup breast. Lyra recognized the mare as one of the most well known prostitutes in the city, Yellow Star. The stallion peeked over his shoulder at Lyra, sensing someone nearby.

“What do we have here? A worthless urchin still scraping the streets for coin? Gotten so desperate that you’re walking around naked now?” Mocked the stallion.

Yellow Star turned around, taking in Lyra’s new body shape, “I have to say, that looks pretty convincing. Let me guess, you found some hollowed out melons and painted them to looks like a pair of tits? Cute, but nothing compared to the real thing. And just what did you slap on your butt and paint to look like a pair of actual hips?” She covered her mouth as she laughed.

The stallion smirked and let go of the mare, “Let’s find out!” He approached Lyra and grabbed her hips, pulling and groping at the supple flesh. His spiteful demeanor slowly turned to confusion. “What the? Th-there’s no way this is real…” Lyra didn’t even spare the stallion a glance as he felt her up and kept her eyes fixed on Yellow Star. The stallion moved up and started curiously squeezing and pulling on her breasts.

“Get your disgusting hands off me.” Lyra raised her hands and brought them down on the stallion’s wrists, effortlessly severing his hands. They held firm for a second then fell to the floor. He raised his arms to his face, his mouth started opening to scream as the realization started to hit him. She grabbed his face and covered his mouth before any noise could escape his lips and with one hand, threw him with great force at his house. Bones could be heard shattering and the wall was painted in his blood. As his dead body dropped to the floor, severe damage could be seen on the section of wall he impacted.

Yellow Star covered her mouth and screamed. Lyra sashayed towards her, prompting the terrified mare to back away. “G-get away from me! You monster!”

“What happened to that attitude from before, hm? Didn’t you want to see if my breasts were fake?”

Yellow Star turned to run but was quickly stopped by Lyra’s hand on her wrist. Yellow Star let out another loud scream and tried to wrench herself free. Lyra yanked her in and held her soft rump firmly while her other hand rest gently on her back.

“Go ahead and feel for yourself” Lyra suggested as Yellow Star tried to shake and pull away. Lyra held still, allowing the frightened mare to struggle and fight to her heart’s content, savoring every moment. After some time she stopped resisting, her hands slowly and shakily reaching up to feel up Lyra’s breasts. She slowly massaged and dug into the flesh surprised to find that it was real.

“Looks like I finally surpassed you, Yellow Star. I’d love to celebrate and reminisce about the good old days, but you know how it is. Now that I’m at the top, I have to make sure keep you at the bottom. You understand, right? After all, you taught me that.”

Lyra’s hand move up from Yellow Star’s back to the back of her head and forcefully shoved her between her tits. Yellow Star yelped and tried to pull up but Lyra’s cleavage would not yield an inch. Lyra held her for a moment, savoring the feeling of sandwiching Yellow Star between her tits. The mare that used to belittle and berate her now struggled to move her powerful, bountiful bosom. Satisfied, Lyra pulled her out and spun her around. Her hands snaked into the flesh between Yellow Star’s breasts and her left ass cheek. Yellow Star stared down at her chest. Dread filled her entire being as her breasts started to shrivel up and her hips began to sink in. Her voluptuous figure was being destroyed in mere seconds. She screamed and tried to wiggle out of Lyra’s embrace. Her envious D-cup breasts were reduced to shriveled up husks before very eyes.

Lyra removed her hands from her body, sealing the entry wounds as her hands exited. She shoved Yellow Star to the ground beneath her.

“Let’s see you make a living looking like that. No hard feelings, right, Yellow Star.” Lyra laughed and left the broken mare to sob and scream on the street.

She made a note to keep her stops to a minimum. As much as she was enjoying savoring each pony she encountered, she had someone she needed to deal with as soon as possible. The pony that escaped. The pony that had attempted to kill her. As much as she owed her new powers to him, his original intentions could not be ignored. Lyra sped up her walk, swiftly killing anypony she came across by impaling with her arm into them or simply decapitating them, absorbing their blood and organs as she did so. Eventually, her warpath was finally blocked by the emperor, accompanied a horde of stallions armed to the teeth all sorts of weaponry. Lyra stopped in her tracks, not because she was worried, but the sight of the emperor reminded him of earlier. She no longer needed to bow to this lowly equine.

The emperor stood in front of the army of warriors with a spear held firm in his right hand. “Surrender now, whore, or face the wrath of my army!”

Lyra hid her anger behind a confident face. In truth, she was sick and tired of being constantly referred to as some nameless whore. She had no words for the contemptuous stallion. She resumed her slow march.

“I said stop” He angrily demanded. Lyra showed no signs of obeying his commands. “So be it!” He raised his spear up high. “KILL HER!”

Spears flew into the night sky, their deadly tips descending towards Lyra. Her new heightened senses and reflexes allowed her to see every gap in the rain of spears and react accordingly. She effortlessly stepped through them, swatting a few away with one hand. Her forward march did not falter.

“Y-you think you will get away with defying my rule, whore!? As we speak, we have already prepared a ritual to destroy you! You cannot esc-”

The emperor refused to move, believing himself to be protected by the gods. His belief were thrown at the window almost instantly. Lyra bumped against the left side of the emperor as he spoke. She passed through him unhindered, the half of his body that made contact with her was absorbed almost instantaneously. The right half of his body collapsed to the floor, still alive for a full minute. Blood and chunks of muscle leaked from his body. He could only vocalize his agony through a series of gurgles and choking noises.

The soldiers gasped, staring slack jawed at the mare. She appeared to be unstoppable. A few more warriors charged the green mare, axes and spears drawn. An axe was embedded in her head and three spears penetrated her chest and stomach.

“Quickly! Fall back to the temple! The ritual must be completed!” A stallion yelled. The band of warriors charged forward. Lyra was somewhat worried about this ritual. She had to at least make sure if it was truly a threat or not. She ripped the spears and axes from her body and hurled them like torpedoes through the lines of stallions attempting to get past her. The few that remain were swiftly slaughtered. The last remaining stallion was hoisted into the air by the minty green hand that pierced his chest. The cold, heartless glare was the last thing he saw before his body was drained of blood, muscle and bone in seconds. Lyra threw the shriveled husk to the floor and sprinted back to the temple. With any luck, the ritual was being led by the pony that tried to sacrifice her. Killing him and stopping the ritual would solve both of her problems at once.

“Are you sure this is going to work?”

“ it’s the only option we have. Stay where you, I’m going to check on something, I won’t be long.”

Zeal cautiously walked down the halls of the temple, the torches along the walls lit his way. He stopped at a familiar section of wall, where two sconces hung in close proximity unlike their usual placement throughout the temple. He lifted two torches from nearby and placed them upon the two sconces. The section of wall opened into a familiar hidden room. The room’s interior was demolished and coated in blood, though no bodies could be found. Zeal slammed his fist against the door and cursed. The altar in the center, his main concern, had been absolutely destroyed. He growled to himself and backed out of the room. Removing the torches to hide the room forever, he cursed again, wishing it had been him that had been on the altar. If only he had translated the writings correctly…

“Aww, I know it hurts.” A familiar female voice mocked from the other end of the hall, causing his fur to stand on end for a moment. “But honestly though, I don’t see why you’re so upset. This is all your fault. Amazing how much a tiny mistake can blow up in your face so hard.” Lyra was leisurely meandering down the hallway, mocking the the villainous stallion. With the way out cut off, Zeal turned ran deeper into the temple.

He darted into the deepest chamber guarded by a large pair of double doors that had been left open.

“Sh-she’s coming! Everyone get ready!”

Lyra made it to the heart of the temple. Slamming both doors shut behind her, she was ready to make this place his grave as well as anypony else who was with him.


Lyra looked around the room. In the corners stood for statues of equine-like proportions sporting an eagles head with their beaks open. A unicorn stood next to each statue, their horns aglow. In the center of the room, Zeal and two other ponies wielding handaxes stood behind a coffin watching cautiously. It was here Lyra made her biggest mistake, still believing herself to be untouchable. She ignored the unicorns went straight for Zeal, bursting into a run. As she leapt over the coffin, her legs were caught by something, dragging her straight down.

“What the!?”

She looked down at the bandages binding her legs. Looking up, she could see them flowing from the statues’ beaks. She was starting to have difficulties staying upright.

Zeal grinned triumphantly, “Having a little trouble standing, whore? These wraps will drain you of your blood for years to come. You may be nearly immortal, but without any blood you will surely die just like any other being on this earth!” The two warriors beside him threw their axes at her. Lyra caught them easily and threw them back, cleaving their faces in half and sending their bodies to the ground. The wraps were steadily rising up her legs. She was losing her ability to move.

“You might be able to seal me for now, but I won’t die.”

“Then let your confidence be your undoing!”

Lyra grinned ear to ear, “Wise words. You should try taking them to heart!” Bone disconnected and broke in her right arm. She lunged her right arm forward, stretching it until it was twice it’s normal length and grabbed Zeal by the neck. He wasn’t given the time to panic, but he would soon have a long time to regret his overconfidence. He was reeled in immediately and pressed against her body.

“N-NOOO-” His voice was quickly cut off as he starting sinking into Lyra’s body. She wrapped both her arms around him and squeezed, speeding up the process. The wraps seized her arms and started to wrap them up. The wraps on her lower half were now up to her hips. With her energy rapidly leaving her body, she fell to her back inside the coffin. Zeal’s legs were quickly pulled into her chest.

Lyra was shocked to see a bulge form in her chest. Her flesh started fold around Zeal’s head as he started to emerge from her body.

“I-I w-will n-not die here with y-you!” He grunted out, struggling to fight against the weakened Lyra’s body. The wraps were starting to converge at her chest. Lyra focused the remainder of her energy there. Her torso began to bulk up considerably, putting Zeal’s own toned body to shame. Zeal had managed to get his shoulders out before starting to sink back in again. He could feel Lyra’s organs coming to life and assisting in pulling him back inside. His screams filled the room as he fought with all his might.

“You can’t escape! You’ll keep me alive until the day I can once again roam free!” Zeal’s head was pulled back into her chest, vanishing between her enormous breasts. The wraps covered her chest just as he was pulled back in, sealing his fate. Lyra’s bodybuilder physique faded, disappearing under the draining power of the enchanted bandages. With her body completely wrapped up, two of the unicorns left the safety of their corners and ran to seal up the coffin. While the absorption of Zeal was cause for concern, they dared not undo the wraps lest their efforts go to waste. Their city and population had been considerably devastated in only an hour, their finest warriors and ruler had been slain in nearly a minute. The city would not recover and in but a few years, would slowly die out until eventually a group of nomadic minotaur raiders rode in and finished it off.

Though the wraps continued to drain Lyra for years, she remained alive. She did not absorb Zeal. Zeal’s heart, brain and circulatory system was internally rewired to Lyra’s own, forming a temporary symbiotic relationship. He was kept alive inside her solely to continuously pump blood into Lyra’s system. Over centuries, Equestria would slowly become a unified nation of ponies under the rule of two benevolent alicorn sisters. The wraps that bound her slowly lost their power over centuries until they would eventually lose their enchantment entirely. She would wait for countless years until someone finally opened the coffin that sealed her and she could once again walk the earth. Until this time, even once he was no longer needed, Lyra kept him alive. She would torture him slowly and painfully, healing his body and beginning again. Her brain kept his alive and healthy, making sure his will never broke and was able to process everything until the day she was finally released.


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Cloudnail stumbled back a few steps. Lyra finished her tale and went back to hungrily eyeing the ponies trapped with her. An entire city fell by her hand in one night. They had unleashed a murderous goddess. The stallion at the intercom, with great hesitance, pressed the button to speak.

“We have no desire to oppose you. We would li-”

“No.” Lyra interrupted. “You arm a group of ponies, rig this room full of death traps and tell me you had no intention of attacking me? I have no intention of working with you for any reason.”

“I-IMPOSSIBLE!” Commander Cloudnail yelled, “The only way she could have known about the traps is if she heard me. She shouldn’t be able to hear anything that isn’t broadcasted over the intercom!”

“I can hear you just fine.” Lyra stated matter of factly. She pointed at the commander from the other side of the glass, “You’re the leader of this whole thing, aren’t you?”

Cloudnail gasped in shock and couldn’t form a response. Lyra shrugged and made her way towards the cage where the other prisoners were waiting.

“Let’s get this over with. Go ahead and try swing your little metal toys at me. Maybe this time I’ll die.”

The two stallions solemnly nodded to each other. They grabbed the remaining sword and spear and charged Lyra.

Lyra smiled, “That’s more like it!” The sword wielding stallion approached her first. She firmly grabbed the blade of his sword and kicked him in the stomach. He was propelled across the room towards the glass, his body rolling along the ground. He clutched his stomach, groaning in pain. With the sword wrenched free, Lyra turned around just before the second stallion approached and ran her through with his spear. The spear burst through her chest, piercing her heart on the way through. She took the sword in her hand and impaled herself as well as the stallion behind her. The stallion fell to the floor once both weapons were removed from her body. She threw the spear at the stallion she kicked, suddenly and violently piercing his neck and finishing him off.

The female prisoner grabbed the machine gun from the crate and ran towards the glass wall to put distance between her and Lyra. She held the gun in front of her with her magic and opened fire.

“GET AWAY! I DON’T WANT TO DIE!” She screamed as bright muzzle flashes filled her vision. Lyra looked down at her hole-ridden stomach and at the mare’s weapon. She had never seen such a weapon before. She raised her palm in the frightened mare’s direction. Her palm started to split open. The blade she removed from the very first sword was coming out. Her biceps bulged out. The mare started to realize what was about to happen. She ran away from Lyra, carrying the empty machine gun and screaming. Lyra’s arm tracked the mare. Once she was satisfied with the pressure built in her arm, her bicep immediately deflated to it’s normal size, firing the blade through her hand into the side of her head. The blade carried the mare to the glass window and pinned her to it.

Lyra approached the gun and picked it up, examining the foreign device curiously for a minute. She began disassembling the gun and examined each piece. Her observers were awestruck. Gun disassembly is a feat that requires hours of focus to learn much less master. Lyra figured out how to disassemble the gun flawlessly in seconds.

“This is impressive! Weapons that can kill from a distance…”

The stallion at the intercom questioned the need to even use it anymore, but pressed the button anyway, “What do you want?”

“I’m looking for a special stone. Anyone who stands in my way will die. And that includes all of you.”

Cloudnail pointed to the lab coats at the console, “Activate the weapons! Destroy her! She must not be allowed to live!” The ponies agreed and pressed two large buttons on the console. Small holes in the floor opened up and flames erupted up from each one. The room was turned in a makeshift cremation chamber. The vents followed suit and began releasing deadly gases into the room. Everyone squinted at the bright display happening before them. Not even a minute after the gases were released, a green hand burst through the glass wall.

“SH-SHE BROKE THROUGH THE GLASS!” Cloudnail backed far away from the wall, turning to the ponies operating the console, “Quick! Turn off the gas before it gets in here!”

“Y-yes sir!” The ponies frantically hammered away at the buttons. The flame stopped and the vents started pulling in air from the room, sucking up the gas. Lyra was grinning at Cloudnail, the charred fur and burnt flesh on her body steadily regaining their healthy green color. Her arm had stretched out and penetrated straight through the glass wall.

“She’s coming in!” Daring yelled. The soldiers in the room backed away and kept their guns trained on the hand sticking out of the hole. The rest of her body crushed and contorted while her hand held firm against the wall and pulling the rest of her body in. The broken mess of flesh and bone made it through, quickly unfurling and fixing itself until Lyra’s body was back to it’s normal self laying down stomach first. As she got back to her feet, everyone noticed that the bandages covering her lower half did not make the journey, leaving her completely naked.

She raised her hands up, stretching out a little, “Mmmmm, feels good to stretch these old bones after so long.”

The griffin soldiers and Daring Do’s guards trained their guns on Lyra and opened fire. The mare was pressed against the glass wall from the force of all the bullets piercing her body at once. Holes and blood covered her body from head to toe. The mare reached up to her forehead, removing a bullet from inside and looked at it curiously. All the bullet wounds healed completely. She tossed the bullet to the side and looked over the nervous soldiers.

One of the soldiers screamed, dropping his gun and running for the exit. Lyra pointed a finger at the fleeing soldier. A bullet erupted from her pointer finger and pierced the back of his head, killing him instantly.

“Hm. Only about eleven of you left and I still have over one hundred of those metal things still in me. I’ll at least make this fair.” She folded her arms underneath her breasts. Two bullets fired from her nipples, killing another griffon soldier.

“GET DOWN! Daring yelled, dropping to the floor immediately.

Lyra quickly started spraying bullets around the room rapidly from her nipples. The soldiers and guards watching Daring were all mowed down before they could react. Cloudnail and the equine scientists all dropped to the ground immediately to avoid the lead spray.

Lyra took a deep breath and sighed, “There we go. Much better.” She took a quick glance to her left, eyeing the pony that was manning the intercom. She pointed at him and fired one more bullet from her finger. “He annoyed me.”

Daring pulled herself up and got back to her feet, her hands still bound by the straitjacket. Everyone else quickly followed suit. Lyra glanced at Daring.

“Why is the smart one bound?” No one in the room answered her question. Lyra seemed mildly irritated. She shrugged and walked towards the stairwell leading out. “Whatever. It doesn’t concern me. Neither of you could hope to stop me. I have a gem to find.”

Cloudnail ran to the console, shoving the pony in the lab coat to the side and pressed a button. A door rose from the ground, blocking the stairwell. Lyra stopped, staring at the large metal obstruction.

“Do you really think this will stop me?”

Cloudnail’s hand was trembling over a big red button encased in glass, “N-no. But this will. There is a hydrogen bomb in this outpost. In case something like this happened, I can destroy everything here. I doubt even you can survive your entire body being completely obliterated!” Lyra turned around, stretching her right arm out.

“For the Griffonian Empire!” Cloudnail balled up his fist and brought it down. Lyra’s hand reached just in time to catch his. Her outstretched arm rose, hoisting him into the air. She threw him against the door behind her. Before retracting her arm, she brought her hand down upon the remaining stallion scientist’s head, penetrating his skull and absorbing everything inside to ensure he would not try to press the button as well. Her arm retracted, whipping around until it was back at her side at it’s normal length.

She picked up the injured Cloudnail by the neck, lifting him up off the floor. “I was overconfident last time. I do not intend to make the same mistake twice.” Cloudnail instinctively grabbed at her hand, attempting to pry it off. He was foist on to her nipple and held still by her other hand. Cloudnail’s muffled cries reverberated through the mass of titflesh blocking his mouth and view. Milk began to flow through her nipple, flooding his beak.

It was either swallow her milk or drown. Despite this Lyra’s milk was pouring into him faster than he could put it away. He was certain she planned on drowning him. He grabbed her tit and tried to push it away. His hands sunk inside her breast. Unable to feel his hands or remove his arms, he focused on trying to guzzle down the unending torrent of milk. Daring watched Cloudnail’s struggles gradually weaken, listening to the muffled choking sounds coming from Lyra’s breast until his body eventually went limp. Lyra pulled the commander’s head back, looking at the now lifeless eyes. She grabbed the rest of his body and shoved him inside her body, seeing as his hands were already stuck inside. She walked to the console, looking at the buttons and pressing one that was labeled ‘Door Lock’. The doors sealing in the stairwell opened.

Daring Do watched her head up the stairs. Daring would have been content to let her simply leave, but the idea of setting Lyra loose on the world bothered her. She claimed to be immortal, but there had to be a way damage her, a way to stop her. The sounds of gunfire could be heard upstairs for a brief moment, followed by screams that were quickly silenced. Daring assumed more guards attempted to stop Lyra and were most likely already dead now. Daring cautiously followed up the steps after the altercation had ended.

She emerged in the ground floor of a building most likely used as a small cafeteria. A few small puddles of fresh blood were on the floor but no bodies could be found. She remembered this place when she had been lead inside against her will. She never would have guessed that such a facility was hidden underneath from a glance. From the two windows she could the sun was starting to set. Lyra was sitting at a small rectangular table near a wall. Her elbow rest on the table with her head leaning into her hand. She seemed content to do nothing but stare outside with some degree of interest. Daring had the feeling she was on to something.

“I thought you were going to leave.” Daring asked from across the room.

Lyra didn’t seem to acknowledge her.

“After your performance down there, I doubt you’d just stop here to rest.”

Lyra’s eyes drifted towards her, “Hmmm? I thought you would have left already to unbind yourself.”

Daring looked out the window and back to Lyra, “You’re just about impervious to all forms of attack, so there’s no reason you’d be afraid of getting killed outside.”

Lyra’s head turned towards Daring. For better or for worse, Lyra was now interested in her.

“You’re waiting for the sun to go down, aren’t you?”

Lyra chuckled to herself, “Maybe. Maybe I’m just taking a moment to enjoy breakfast.”

“Cute.” Daring quipped, ignoring Lyra’s attempt to rile her up, “If that’s the case, then why not enjoy yourself under the light of the sun. You’ve been sealed in a tomb for countless years, haven’t you? You must dying to see sunlight again.”

Lyra smirked slightly, “For a prisoner, you’re strangely content with antagonizing the mare who just killed all your captors. Would you like to join them? There’s plenty of room in me for more.”

Daring glared at her, stone faced. “Come and get me.”

Lyra slowly stood up from the table. She picked it up and hurled it towards the mare.

Daring rolled under the flying object and got back to her feet, looking completely unfazed. Lyra stared at her for a moment before walking towards her for the kill. Daring started taking deep breaths. Once Lyra was close enough, Daring took one more deep breath. Her hands cut through the straitjacket that bound her. Her hands were sparkling and crackling with energy. She quickly grabbed the whip clipped to her waist and thrust her arm out towards Lyra. The energy surging through Daring’s arm poured into the whip as it unfurled in her direction. Lyra briefly recalled the writings on the chamber wall mentioning a technique that could harness the sun’s energy. She quickly leaned her whole body back, hovering just above the ground while her legs stayed anchored to the ground. The energy charged whip cracked above her and quickly yanked itself back towards Daring.

Lyra pulled her torso back upright and glared cautiously at the mare. “What was that?”

“Just a little something I learned on an expedition to the Himarelayas. It’s called, the Ripple.” Daring Do tore off the straitjacket and tossed it to the side. She grabbed the sides of her shoulders, grabbing a tuft of fur on each side and ripped them off, gritting her teeth through the pain.

“Looks like your little technique requires me to be in close range. All I have to do is kill you from here and I won’t have to deal with that. It’s a good thing I got some more ammunition when I came up here.” Lyra pointed at Daring with both fingers. Bullets erupted from her pointer fingers and her nipples.

Daring scattered the fur in front of her and channeled energy into it. The energy surged through the strands of fur, connecting with each other and creating a wall of energy to block the bullets. She grabbed a small knife from her pocket and threw it into Lyra’s foot from behind the barrier. Unable to see through the attack through light and dodge, Lyra looked at the knife pinning her foot to the floor with concern. Daring used this chance to close the gap. Channeling the energy into her fist, she punched Lyra in the stomach. Daring grinned as the energy surged through Lyra’s body.

Drops of blood slowly started to rise off the floor from the puddles. Daring’s sense of victory started to fade as she was beginning to realize it was not having any effect on Lyra. Lyra’s body felt almost like rubber against her fist. It started to dawn on Daring that Lyra must have altered her body to be like rubber, if it wasn’t already like that before given her stretching, and was using this property to disperse the energy throughout her body and out onto the bloody floor causing the blood to rise. Lyra grinned down at the pegasus below her.

“I’m glad I was able to see this once before getting hit. I understand now. Your little sunlight trick works like lightning. Knowing that, I can easily resist it as I would lightning! Thank you for showing me this. Now die!” Lyra’s chest opened up, revealing six sharp ribs that were pointed at Daring and prepared to strike. Daring quickly raised her arms to block the ribs as they shot out, stretching out from her rib cage. With the Ripple energy still surging through her arms, the ribs were blocked, but their continued extension from her body forced Daring back. The force of the impact sent Daring Do flying through the section of wall behind her that was destroyed by the table. Lyra watched the pegasus tumble across the dirt as her ribs retracted back inside her and the opening in her chest closed.

“Interesting. This Ripple of yours prevents me from absorbing you outright.” Lyra sat back down at another table and went back to waiting, keeping her watch on Daring this time. Daring begrudgingly left, taking to the sky and flying off. With her lack of real training with the Ripple, she would have no chance against Lyra. She wasn’t entirely concerned about leaving her to her own devices. With the way she was acting, she would be able to find her again fairly easily.

Old Town

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Lyra relaxed in the passenger seat of a griffon transport jeep. The lone survivor of the griffon outpost drove across the moonlit sands of Mexicolt. The wind whipped across their faces as the griffon driver floored the gas. The mare to his side was content for now, but he knew she’d make due on her promise to kill him if he didn’t take her to a library within the hour. The images of his comrades being slaughtered were still fresh in his mind, corpses and empty husks of skin were all that remained now.

“How much longer?” The naked mare asked, her eyes shut while she reclined next to him, her head resting comfortably on her arms.

“J-just a few more minutes.”

“I’m starting to get bored.”

“D-don’t worry. We’re n-not far.” His reply seemed to satiate her for the moment. Even at their current speed and straight course, he knew it would take a bit more time to get to their destination. The mare stretched her arms out to the side and rested them back behind her head. She turned to the side and laid her arms and head down on the griffon’s lap. His heart was already racing to begin with, but now it practically doubled its speed.

“I thought of a way to make this more entertaining.” She said with no enthusiasm. A tendril of flesh burst out from her belly button and wrapped around his right wrist.

“W-wait! No, please! W-we’re almost there!” He begged as her flesh tendril started to tug on his wrist. His right hand was yanked from the wheel and pulled into her belly button, forcing him to steer with only his left hand. The mare briefly moaned.

“I’m gonna play a little game to pass the time. I’m going to move your hand slowly towards my chest. You have until it reaches my cleavage to get us to a library.” He felt his hand forcibly move ever so slightly.

“Wh-what happens if I d-don’t?” He asked, having a feeling he already knew the answer. The mare didn’t respond. He could feel his hand moving slowly through her body. He tried to tug his hand out, but found it was held firmly within her. He silently prayed for the jeep to drive faster.

He knew the route to the nearest Equestrian town. Sadly, it about a half-hour drive at full speed. He hadn’t been keeping track of time, but he knew he had to be close now. Against, his better judgement, his eyes drifted towards the mare’s body. His hand in her chest now, starting to approach her sizable breasts. As his eyes drifted back and forth between her body and the desert before him, he could finally see the town in the distance.

“There it is! We’re almost there!” He tried to pull his hand out again. Lyra’s chest refused to relinquish the limb.

“Almost, isn’t there.” She stated matter of factly, not bothering to open her eyes. The griffon kept his eye on the road, doing the best he could to try and pull his arm away from her breasts. “And don’t forget, I want to visit the library. So don’t think you’ll get away by just being in town.” He unfortunately had no idea where the library was or if there even was one. The next two minutes were agonizing for the griffon. He feel the soft skin of her tits brushing against his arm, threatening to envelop it entirely. He finally made it to the equine town. Nopony could be seen wandering the streets from his position and he could only hope it stayed that way.

“Uh oooh~” Lyra sang. “Someone wasn’t fast enough.” She opened her eyes to look at the brown furry arm buried between her boobs. “Oh well. You tried.” The stallion panicked as he felt his arm starting sink down into the forbidden valley. Not bothering to worry about hitting anyone at this point, he began his search for a library or at least a book store. The jeep barreled haphazardly through the dirt streets as he scanned store names and windows for signs of salvation. As his hand continued to be pulled in, he was forced to hunch over and watch the road just over his wheel. Just as he had given up hope, he managed to pass a library.

“I FOUND IT! I FOUND THE LIBRARY! LET ME GO PLEASE!” He screamed as he slammed the breaks and drifted against the building next to it with zero regard for the building or the jeep’s wellbeing. “TH-THERE! LOOK, IT’S A LIBRARY!” The suction didn’t cease. She made it to his elbow and continued to pull him, still relaxing on his lap with her eyes closed completely uninterested in the situation anymore. He grabbed his sinking arm and tried to pull it out which seemed to accelerate the suction on his arm and resulted in his left arm sinking into her flesh as well. “PLEASE! I DID WHAT YOU ASKED! PLEASE JUST LET ME GO! PLEEEEASE!”

The griffon was forced to lean to his side as he was pulled further in to avoid the steering wheel. His left shoulder pushing into her breast and he was now face to face with the mare when the suction suddenly stopped. He could only stare at the bored mare with fear and tears in his eyes. Lyra’s eyes suddenly opened and a smile formed on her face.


The griffon soldier had no response. She pulled her legs up and started to get up from her seat, dragging the attached griffon with her. Standing up in the jeep, she dusted herself off and pushed the griffon out of her body and on to the street with one hand. The griffon was shocked for a moment, surprised that she actually let him live. He scrambled to his feet and tried to run.

“I didn’t say you could leave!” Before he could get far, Lyra stretched out her arm and caught his foot, tripping the poor soldier and landing him flat on his face. He rolled to face her as he was reeled in. “You still have work to do before I let you off the hook.” She released his leg and pulled up him up to his feet. The griffon only nodded shakily in response as she went to enter the library.

“W-wait, b-but the library’s cl-” He quickly remembered who he was dealing with as she effortlessly pushed the locked door open, breaking the lock with ease. She gestured for the griffon to enter first and pulled the door back into a closed position behind her. The griffon offered to find a light switch and shortly illuminated the small library. On her command, he explained the library’s sorting system, a system created by a unicorn named Rivet Ink long ago and quickly adopted worldwide. She pulled multiple books on world history and two books on gems and precious stones. The soldier was simply left to mill about close to her as she quickly scanned through the stacks of books she pulled out. His only real task was to shelf the books as she finished. Despite the few hours of boredom, he dared not voice his concerns.

Lyra spent a majority of her time catching up on Equestria’s history since she had been sealed away. She couldn’t help but laugh when she found that historian’s blamed the death of her people solely on raiders and civil war. Sufficiently caught up on the times, she moved to the books on gems. Due to the library’s lack of content, she could not figure out the Aja’s location. She learned about it’s last known location years ago somewhere in Istanbull, a city in the Minotaur nation. Sufficiently satisfied, she ordered the last of the books to be shelved and demanded he find her clothing and lodging for the night.

The griffon took her to a small clothing store nearby, which she also broke into. She spent a few minutes browsing and settled on a simple white, tan jeans and a pair of black panties. They found a small hotel and paid for a day. Once in their room, Lyra immediately drew the curtains over the window and leapt on the bed. The griffon soldier awkwardly stood around, not wanting to get near her but not daring to try and escape. Lyra was in heaven just from the softness of the bed. To the mare who had spent her life sleeping on an extremely uncomfortable lump of straw, this was pure bliss. She tossed her new shirt and pants in a corner of the room patted a spot on the bed next to her, beckoning to the griffon. He reluctantly obliged and sat next to her.

“So, from what I understand, you griffons came here to take over Equestria?”

The griffon’s blood ran cold, sensing malicious intent in her voice, “Y-yes. I was part of the kingdom’s military, so I didn’t have a choice in taking part in it.”

“I see. What about the Minotaur nation? What does the Griffon Kingdom think of them?”

“We wouldn’t dare attack the Minotaurs. While their technology is simple, a Minotaur is built to Tartarus and back. Not to mention, their cities are built like labyrinths. Any invader would be decimated the moment they set foot inside. They don’t like meddling in the affairs of others, so we simply leave them be.”

“Interesting. I can’t wait to see it for myself.”

“W-wait! You’re going to the Minotaur nation!?”

We’re going. Tonight.” She corrected, “They might have something I want.”

The griffon flopped down on his back, “Please, I just want to go home.”

Lyra closed her eyes and sank her head into the pillow, “Then do as you’re told and you’ll get to go home eventually. Simple as that.” The griffon sighed heavily. “By the way, I hope you don’t try and run while I’m asleep. I’ll kill you if you do.”

“Why are we going to sleep during the day?”

“That’s none of your concern.” Lyra firmly stated as she closed her eyes.

The soldier allowed himself to relax somewhat. Any desires to escape were crushed with the looming threat of death. He had no doubt that the mare would have no problem catching him before he even had a chance to leave the room. There was one small detail that bothered him. Why did she feel the need to sleep during the day time. The hours droned on as he lay in bed, a careful distance away from her as he pondering the recent events.

He awoke hours later, unsure of when he had even passed out. He lazily got up, taking a cautionary glance at his bedfellow. She seemed to still be asleep. He walked over to the window and opened the blinds. Light flooded into the room, stopping just short of Lyra’s spot on the bed and left a clear path of sunlight to the door. Lyra immediately leapt off the bed, taking the blanket with her and using it to shield her body from the light.


The griffon practically leapt out of his feathers, but watched the angry mare carefully. She seemed terrified of the light. He opted to stay put and do nothing.


The griffon looked out at the sun and back at the furious mare, “You can’t go out in the sunlight can you?” Lyra growled under her breath. “Aha! You can’t touch me from there!”

“I was actually going to just let you go. But now I’m gonna have a little fun with you.”

The griffon started slowly started to move in the direction of the door. Lyra’s left arm suddenly stretched out, holding the blanket and using it to shield her arm from the sunlight. She grabbed the griffon by the neck before he had a chance to react and pulled him back towards the bed. The terrified griffon started to scream. The hand on his neck strengthened it’s grip, nearly crushing his neck and completely silencing him.

“Can’t have you worrying the neighbors.”

She laid him on the bed and straddled his waist, trapping his hands between her thighs and keeping her hand on his throat. “Now, what to do.” She closed her eyes for a moment, lost in morbid thought. “Killing you isn’t a proper punishment. You deserve worse.”

Her eyes shot open as an idea came to her, “I got it!” She let go of his throat for a moment and began to stretch her arm out, snaking it around his throat once to form a loop around it but did not apply any pressure yet. Her arm extended further until her hand was close to her chest. Lyra placed her hands just under her breasts. Her fingers penetrated into her skin and went knuckle deep before she started pulling. Sounds of flesh and muscle tearing and bones cracking filled the room. Lyra eventually succeeded with her little show and ripped her chest open, revealing her internal organs. The griffon, horrified and disgusted, tried to scream again for help but was immediately silenced by the loop of arm pressing into his throat. Lyra looked up to the side and stuck her tongue out a little as she jammed her right hand inside the giant gash in her chest and started to dig further down into her abdominal region. Her eyes lit up as she found what she was looking for. Her blood stained hand emerged from her chest cavity holding a thick, pink fleshy vine-like organ.

“Sorry for the wait. Had to get a bit of my small intestine.” She said cheerfully as the gaping chest cavity started to close up and repair itself. He frantically tried to wriggle free from the naked mare but could not make her budge an inch. Lyra gripped the small severed section of her small intestine in her hand and pushed her hand against his chest, piercing the flesh and inside. The griffon could only let out a pained whine as she kept a painfully firm grip on his throat to keep him quiet. He could feel her hand inside him, moving slowly up through his chest.

“There we go” She said proudly. The hand inside him started smoothly pulling out. His skin was repaired on the way out, leaving no trace of the disturbing act that had just taken place. Lyra’s arm relaxed and retracted back to it’s normal length by her side, allowing the griffon to breathe freely. She got off his waist and laid down on the bed, pulling the blanket over herself.

“Now, close the blinds please.”

With his hands free once more, the griffon’s hands went straight for his chest. He could feel it. That piece of her intestine was inside him. It almost felt like it was moving.

“Wh-what did you do!? Why did y-RGH!” Before he could finish his sentence, he could feel the piece of intestine bunching up in his throat. His hand shot towards his neck. He could feel it. There was a small bulge forming in his neck. It was completely cutting off his airflow. He frantically leapt off the bed, hitting the floor and scrambled towards the blinds. Once the blinds were shut, he was able to breathe again. The piece of intestine moved away from his throat. Lyra rolled over to face the griffon.

“Get used to it. That piece of my intestine is inside you now. I can have it choke you or attack you from the inside whenever I please.” Lyra explained. As if to further demonstrate her control over him, he felt the intestine moving quickly through his body, towards his arm. His right arm suddenly flared up in intense pain. Her hand emerged from under the blanket, beckoning him back to the bed. “Now, come back to bed.” He obeyed and scurried back into bed with the mare. The intestine ceased squeezing the muscles in his arm. Lyra pulled the griffon soldier close and closed her eyes.

“Now, it’s time for your punishment.”

The feeling of the invader wriggling in his body started up again. His shoulder flared up in pain. The pain would hold a few minutes before intestinal invader let up only to strike again somewhere else. The griffon screamed in pain from the second assault on his insides. Lyra quickly pulled the griffon’s head between her breasts to silence him. Realizing she would need to silence him for the entire day, she thought she’d torment the griffon a little more. She pushed the griffon in further, pushing his head inside her chest. The pain and screaming continued on relentlessly throughout the day. Unfortunately for the poor soldier, not a single scream was heard from their room. His struggles only amused and pleased the minty green mare sleeping underneath him. Punching her and kneeing her lower body had no effect on her whatsoever.

The sun had finally set, allowing Lyra to step out into the world once more. She reached inside her chest and pulled the soldier’s face out. The piece of her intestine was still inside his body and still wreaking havoc on him. He had long given up on screaming. He no longer had the strength to keep doing so. He looked utterly defeated. Lyra left the poor soldier on the bed and put her jeans and shirt back on. She took the keys to the jeep and waved to him as she left the room. On her way out, she stopped by the front desk and warned the employee about the griffon soldier in her room. She knew he’d be in too much pain to leave. The piece of intestine she left in his body continued to torture for the rest of his days.

Lyra had memorized a map of the known world and knew exactly where to go. The jeep was left parked behind the hotel and was untouched. Ponies didn’t seem to use such technology. A stallion was behind the hotel, backing a mare against the wall.

“Ey chica, relax. There’s no need to be like that. I’m not gonna hurt you. I just want to show you a good time back at my place.”

“Pl-please just leave me alone.”

Lyra paused for a moment. She wanted to ignore the pair and get started on her long drive, but something in her mind was nagging at her.

The stallion flexed his right arm, his biceps bulging in front of the scared mare. “Look at that, eh? That’s pure muscle baby. And it’s all for you.”

The mare tried to sidle away, “I just want to go home.”

The stallion quickly grabbed her, pulling her close, “Uh uh, not so fast chica. You’re coming back with me, whether you like it or not.” The stallion began forcibly making out with the mare, despite her protests. “Now lemme get a good look at those tits, eh?”

Lyra approached the pair as he moved a hand up the mare’s dress.

“Hey there big boy.”

The stallion turned around, a little irritated at first, but a big goofy smile quickly grew on his lips the moment his eyes drifted down to the watermelons on her chest.

“Ay dulce Celestia!”

Lyra sashayed towards the stallion. He let the scared mare go as he continued ogling Lyra’s assets. The mare scurried off.

“I heard you had a thing for big boobs.” Lyra lifted her shirt over her breasts. She placed her hands under them and bounced them up and down a little for him. “ He grabbed her melons and started relentlessly groping them, praising them in Spaneighsh.

“Mmmmm, lemme see those big muscles of yours again.”

The stallion gave a nipple a quick suck and stood up. He kept a hand on her breast and flexed his right arm, showing off his respectable bicep.

“Oooh, so strong.” Lyra playfully cooed. She started massaging her other tit with her right hand and raised her left arm out to the side. She gave it a slow flex. Her bicep started to show. It seemed reasonable at first, then continued to grow. It bulged out to the same size as the stallion’s and continued growing. The stallion was in shock as the mare he was feeling up was putting his muscles to shame without breaking a sweat. “Maybe one day, you’ll have a fraction of the strength I have in just one of my breasts.”

The stallion’s pride was wounded. He released her breast and grabbed her by the neck. His pushed her against the wall and rested his arm between her tits. Lyra ceased her flexing and looked up at the stallion with amusement as she was shoved against the wall.

“That isn’t funny chica. You think your little unicorn magic tricks are a joke?”

Lyra chuckled at the stallion, causing him to strengthen his grip on her neck and lifting her slowly off her feet as the lack of pain and fear on her face only served to anger the stallion more.

“My horn hasn’t lit up. It’s not magic at all. It’s like I said. One of my breasts alone are stronger than you.” On queue, her breasts began squeezing his arm with great force. His grip on her neck ceased instantly and she landed back on her feet. She crossed her arms underneath her rack and looked down at the stallion as he struggled to free his arm. She relaxed her boobs and causing the him to stumble back due to his attempts at pulling away. She walked to his side and swung her chest to the side, slapping her breasts against his back and sending him flying into the hotel back wall.

“See? Easy.” The stallion rubbed his bloody nose and turned to face the green mare who was sashaying towards him for another attack, her arms still casually folder under her chest. He lunged forward, thrusting both his fists into her massive mammaries. His breasts caved in, his fists sinking in. Lyra’s stride was unbroken. She continued her sultry sway, pushing him back against the wall, his fists still stuck in her breasts. Her breasts slowly pushed back out, his fists pushing out with them despite the force he was still applying. Her legs stretched out a little, making her tall enough so her breasts were at his eye level.

The stallion could only stare at the mountain of breast that now took up his vision, “WHAT ARE Y-”

Lyra shifted slightly and pushed her chest out, shoving her nipple in the stallion’s mouth. A burst of milk shot into his mouth. He choked on the milky barrage. Lyra put a stop to the milk stream immediately and pulled her nipple from his mouth. The stallion started coughing and wheezing and unintentionally lurched forward into between her breasts as a result. He quickly found himself unable to move his head anymore. The mammaries surrounding his head began applying force to his face. Lyra extended her legs even more, lifting him off the ground as he struggled and pounded against her body. His hands rapidly switched between trying to pry her breasts apart and punching wildly at her body while his feet kicked wildly at her legs. Lyra stared down at her tits, relishing in his pointless struggles for freedom. The feeling of emasculating and toying with males. Drawing out the pain, allowing them multiple chances to attack her and watching their faces as their utter helplessness slowly sunk in. She couldn’t get enough of it.

The struggles grew weaker. His hands rested on her breasts, their efforts at tugging had weakened dramatically. She could feel his life slipping away. She leaned back and let out a long quiet moan as the stallion’s nearly lifeless body rested against hers. After another minute, she could no longer feel the beat of his heart. She finally unfolded her arms and gave one final, crushing squeeze of her breasts. A grotesque crunching emanated from her breasts. She walked back to the jeep, standing on the passenger side and relaxing her tits. The lifeless stallion dropped into the passenger side, slumping in the seat. Lyra’s legs retracted back to their normal length as she pulled her shirt back down . She hopped into the driver’s seat, turned on the jeep and drove off. As the town faded from view she glanced over at the corpse. She smiled. It was gonna be a few nights of nonstop before she would reach Istanbull. The jeep at least had spare gas tanks loaded in the back. She would be able to hide under the jeep during the day. Hours rolled by. She grabbed the stallion’s left arm and tore it off. At least she had a snack for the road.


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Arriving in Istanbull. Daring probably shows up near the end. Daring has a buddy now.

Istanbull. A large city far to the east, surrounded by mountains. The minotaur race generally keep to themselves and build their settlements in isolated locations. There is a single path between the base of two mountains that allows easy and safe travel into Istanbull. Minotaurs are known for their exceptional navigational abilities, labyrinthian cities, their terrifying ferocity and might and their skills and advancements in the field of metalworking. War against their race is almost unheard of.

Many years ago a small war broke about ponies and griffons. The ponies requested passage through their city and aid for their troops. The minotaurs wanted nothing to do with their squabble and forced them out. A few unfortunate pegasi discovered that the minotaurs, while incapable of flight, were able to hurl metal spears at high velocity and frightening accuracy to protect their airspace. The griffons attempted to swarm and capture the city in one fell swoop. With the griffons unable to safely get above their city and their lack of knowledge of the city’s layout, their invading forces were wiped out in less than 3 hours.

Minotaurs possess the ability to map out their surroundings as they see them either firsthand or through an accurately drawn map. These mental maps are stored, in perfect clarity, in their brains for life. This ability allows a minotaur to not only chase down an enemy, but they are able to use this mental map to chase their enemies into dead ends or disadvantageous areas and even if they lose sight of their target, they are aware of every path their prey can take and can predict where they will be. To be chased by a minotaur in its hometown is almost certain death. It is for these reasons that the minotaurs have been respected by all known races and in times of strife, no reasonable creature would dare bring their conflicts near their borders. The minotaur race is in good standing with all known races and while most minotaurs prefer to stay within their own cities, other races have been known to take up residence in minotaur cities as well. Minotaurs are also regarded as the best when it comes to security and law enforcement. As such, many precious objects are often shipped off to a minotaur settlement for safeguarding. The Aja is one such object kept in a museum deep within Istanbull.

Lyra left the jeep parked outside the walls of Istanbull. No traces of a dead body could be found within the vehicle. She arrived well into the night leaving her only two hours to find where the stone could be in the enormous maze of a city before day light. With the little bit of time left she was able to secure a hotel with the little bit of money she had remaining from the griffin soldier’s wallet. Without the worry of roommate threatening to open the blinds, she was able to unwind. For the first time ever, Lyra was able to enjoy a relaxing modern day shower. Find the Aja’s whereabouts could wait until tomorrow night.

As the city of Istanbull came into view, Daring took a moment to admire the view. She had put word out within a network of fellow archaeologists and treasure hunters to keep an eye out for a strange minty green mare that only went out at night. As luck would have it, such a mare was spotted driving a jeep straight towards Istanbull a night ago. She wasn’t sure what to expect upon entering the city. She was expecting to find the streets paved in blood.

“We’ll landing in an hour. Are you ready?”

Daring looked at the male Zebra standing behind her and nodded. Zeek. An ally she picked up during her short retreat to Roam who initially taught Daring how to utilize the Ripple. After her first encounter with Lyra, she needed supplies and to refine her skill with the Ripple in an extremely short time. She was lucky to find him there at the time. Knowing Daring was never one to lie, he believed her story up front and decided to help her fight the murderous mare while helping Daring with her training. Daring could only afford two days to improve her skills, hoping she would be able to improve enough to actually make a dent in Lyra the next time they met.

Zeek sat down in the hot air balloon, “We will not have long until sunrise after we land. It’s likely this mare is already preparing a place to hide until the following night.”

Daring took her eyes off their destination and sat down as well, “I’m a little worried. There doesn’t appear to be any commotion going on down there. It doesn’t look like she’s done anything here yet.” She started going through her backpack, making sure everything was in order.

“She may not have had time. She is most likely waiting for tomorrow night.”

Daring nodded, “Either way. We’ll check in with Glass Case when we arrive and see if he has any information for us before we decide on a plan of action.”

Lyra had finished her shower but stayed to try out a bubble bath. The bottles of bubble bath soap had intrigued her. It felt wonderful. Time melted away as she lay in the hot, bubbly tub.


The sound of a nearby door slamming shut broke her out of her reverie for a moment. She tried to ignore the sound, but it was soon followed by obnoxiously loud bickering. Two males were arguing about something. Lyra groaned in frustration as the yelling continued for minutes. After a few minutes, the voices finally started to calm down.

“Fuck it! Let’s just plant a bag or two in one of the next door neighbor’s rooms. They can take the hit for us. We don’t have to pay for our room if we catch someone else breaking the law here.”

“Are you serious? Is that a real thing?”

“Yeah, that’s how they roll in most Minotauran places. They’re pretty up on upholding the law or whatever. Cmon, let’s hurry up. I don’t wanna have to pay for our week here.”

While Lyra didn’t care for most of their conversation, this caught her ear. There was a chance she might be getting visitors. Rising from her bubble bath, she grabbed a towel and began drying off a little. She could hear the sounds of footsteps leaving the next door room, heading towards hers. The pair knocked on her door. She stayed in the bathroom and continued to listen. With no response, she could hear small noises coming from her door. They were picking the lock. The door opened and the two males slowly walked inside.

“Let’s just hide a bag in a drawer or something and bail. They can take the fall for having illegal drugs and we can try our luck somewhere else.” One of them whispered.

“Let’s hit another Minotaur city then. I already like not having to pay for hotels.”

Lyra opened the bathroom door and leaned against the doorway, glaring at the two male ponies. One of the stallions quickly shut the door to her room. “Fuck! Quick, grab the bitch! Don’t let her scream!”

Following the order, one of the stallions sprinted towards her, grabbing her by the waist and placing his other hand over her mouth. He had her arms pinned to her body.

“Just relax and be quiet and nopony has to get hurt.”

The other stallion opened a drawer on the nightstand, throwing a bag of white powder inside before closing it back up. The stallion holding her moved his hand up and started fondling of her boobs.

“Ey, check this chick out. She’s got an amazing body.”

The other stallion looked her over for a moment and sauntered over. “Sure why not.” He placed a hand under Lyra’s chin, “We can have some fun and knock the bitch out. Who’s gonna believe some stupid bimbo snorting Saddle Arabian Blow in her hotel room?”

The stallion holding her started moving back inside the bathroom, a movement that Lyra followed. She seemed completely unfazed by the two ponies, a fact they were ignorant to.

“You interrupted my bubble bath.” Lyra coldly stated.

The stallion in front of her started to remove his clothing. “Aw, I’m sorry. We can help you with that.” He grabbed Lyra from the other stallion, allowing him to disrobe while he took a turn fondling her breast and sinking his fingers into her pussy.

Lyra watched the other stallion remove his underwear, rendering himself naked. She swiftly reached out and grabbed the stallion by the neck and grabbed the one behind her with her other hand. They began to freak out as they were hoisted up off the ground by the mare. She calmly walked back into the bathtub, leaving the curtain open. She looked at the stallions and lowered their faces to her breasts. Pushing their muzzles against them, her nipples opened around their heads, engulfing and swallowing their faces until both were neck deep inside her breasts. She let out a small sigh of relief and laid back down in the bath. The ponies were being steadily sucked further into her breasts. Hands furiously scrambled to her chest, trying to push themselves out. The sounds of water wildly splashing about filled the room. Their arms were quickly forced to their sides once their shoulders were pulled inside.

Lyra smiled down at the flailing pairs of legs sticking out from her breasts, trying desperately to find purchase. Their arms had been completely inside her body. Her gaze shifted slowly down to her growing chest. She decided to stop dragging out the affair and swiftly swallowed their lower bodies. She sunk further into the bubble bath, revelling in the feeling of the stallions squirming around inside of her. She couldn’t help but giggle as she felt one of the stallions trying to force their way back into her breast. Lyra sat up and pushed the bubbles off her tits and watched amusedly as the imprint of an equine face started to push out ever so slightly from her right tit. The mare laughed and laid back down into her bubble bath. She decided to put an end to the affair, quickly crushing and digesting their bodies. Her torso regained its svelte proportions.

After her long bubble bath, she disposed of the drugs through the toilet. Once the sun had set, she donned her clothes and left her room. As she entered the hallway, the door belonging to her other neighbor opened. A cream colored mare with a blue and pink mane slowly peered out. She examined Lyra carefully for a minute.

“A-are you okay? I heard some concerning noises coming from your room earlier today.”

Lyra shrugged, “Nothing to worry about. Just the neighbors being a little too rowdy. I told them off.”

“Okay. As long as you’re okay.” The mare closed the door behind her and walked past Lyra.

“Just a minute.” Lyra held a hand up to the mare, stopping her in her tracks. “Do you know where the museum is here? I’m trying to do a little sight seeing and I’m having trouble finding it.”

The mare looked at her wristwatch for a moment and smiled, “I have plenty of time. Sure I could show you. But it’s closed right now. You’d have to come back during the day.”

“That’s fine. I could use the exercise anyway.”

The cream colored mare resumed her walk through the hallway with her new friend in tow. “I’m Bon-Bon. What’s your name?”


The pair walked out into the streets of Istanbull with Bon-Bon leading.

“Why are you staying here in Istanbull?” Lyra asked.

“Just a little tiny vacation to relax and think. I work at big bakery and sweets shop in Seaddle. I’m kinda sick of the city life. I want something… quieter. More intimate. I’ve been thinking about moving to Ponyville and starting my own small business.”

“How long have you been working in Seaddle?”

Bon-Bon rolled her eyes, “Ugh, too long. You don’t go into a new job expecting a picture perfect experience. I didn’t expect to hate everyone there either! My boss is a slave driving dick, half the other ponies barely even do anything and they still get paid more than I do. A whole lot of favoritism going on there. And don’t even get me started on Cinnamon Twirl! I’d pay my entire life savings just for a chance to slap the ever loving crap out of that manipulative little shrew!”

“Sounds awful.”

The cream mare sighed, “I’d rather not think about that anymore. I want my vacation to be somewhat enjoyable. I have one more day left and I don’t want them taking that from me. How about you, Lyra? Where are you from?”

The ancient mare giggled, “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

“Oh? Try me.”

“I’m from a city that was destroyed over thousands of years ago. I gained unimaginable powers due to some idiots in a cult trying to sacrifice me for a ritual. I killed them and was sealed away in a coffin and was recently woken up. That’s the extremely short version at least.” Lyra explained as a small grin graced her lips.

Bon-Bon raised an eyebrow, staring at her companion in silence for a moment. She started snickering to herself, “Well, you weren’t wrong about that first part. So you’re claiming that you’re some thousands of years old super pony?”

Lyra shrugged, “That sounds vaguely correct, yes.”

Bon-Bon crossed her arms over her chest and smirked, “Prove it.”


As the two walked along the sidewalk, they approached a building that was being renovated. A large dumpster lay in front of them, nearly filled with debris. Lyra walked around the dumpster and picked it up effortlessly.

“Believe me now?” Lyra asked, looking over at the cream colored mare who had just fallen on her butt, staring up in awe.

“H-h-hoh m-m-my sweet Celestia!”

Lyra set the dumpster down, “I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Th-then th-that part about the k-killing…”

The ancient mare shrugged, “Yeah, but trust me, they had it coming.” She offered Bon-Bon a hand. Bon-Bon was hoisted back to her still shaky feet.

“Th-that must feel amazing.”

Lyra gave the mare a gentle push, reminding her to keep leading, “Oh it does. Absolutely. But I do have one last thing I need to take care of before I can relax.”

Bon-Bon took a few deep breaths, calming herself. Her body slowly stopped its quivering, but her heart beat continued its rapid beating, “Before you can relax? Wh-what would somepony like you have to worry about?”

“I’ll tell you later, if I see you again.”

Bon-Bon went silent for the rest of the walk. She eventually stopped at their destination. The Istanbull Grand Museum. “Here we are.”

The minty green mare sized the building up. Inside was her ticket to absolute immorality. She wasn’t about to drop her guard now. “Thanks Bon-Bon. You should get out of here. Things might get a little dangerous.”

“O-okay... “ Bon-Bon’s leg pivoted, her body preparing to turn. Her body moved no further. Her face began to blush a little. “H-hey, Lyra. If you have nowhere to go, you’re more than welcome to stay with me in Ponyville. Wh-when you’re done here I mean.” She smiled, slowly walking away before breaking into a jog.

Lyra waited for a minute before springing into action. Rather than taking the front door, she leapt up to the roof of the museum. A small vent jutted out from the roof. Her body began breaking and contorting until she was thin enough to slip her body into the thin slits. She emerged inside the museum, her body rapidly straightening itself out just before hitting the ground. The room had a multitude of sculptures and paintings on display. None of these interested the mare. She walked straight to the next room. Glass displays containing various treasures and jewels adorned the walls and center of the room. In the very back of the room was the treasure she sought. In a glass display with a plaque that labeled the red jewel inside as ‘The Aja, the Red Treasure of Whinneegypt’.

A single minotaur guarded the room. He had just turned and aimed his flashlight her. She sashayed towards him, a sinister grin adorning her face.

“Stop right there! You’re under arrest!” The guard yelled. The intruder didn’t seem to acknowledge the guard’s threat and continued her advance. “If you don’t stop right now, I will use deadly force!” The guard yelled again, to no avail. The massive minotaur charged at Lyra, lowering his head before impact and impaling her stomach with his horns. To his surprise, the mare stood her ground and he could no longer advance.

The mare grasped the sides of his head and began pulling his horns further into her body. The guard grabbed her hips and tried to lift and pull his head out but found her grip to be immovable. The minotaur’s herculean body flexed and bulged as he struggled against Lyra’s body and iron grip, causing the mare to chuckle. She pulled until his head now rested against her abs and kept going. The minotaur’s head started to sink inside the mare’s flesh. The guard opened his mouth to scream for help but found it immediately covered the mare’s hand. The horns sticking out of the mare’s back snapped off and fell to the floor.

Muscular hands slammed into her arms and sides as the minotaur eyes slid inside the mare. Another devastating punch landed against the right side of her midsection. Unlike his previous punches, the minotaur’s fist managed to press into the mare’s flesh but he quickly found himself unable to pull it out. With his remaining left hand, he slammed his hand into the mare’s shoulder, digging in with his nails to the same effect. His hands were now being dragged inside her flesh as well.

“I’d love to drag this out more, but I have something I need to take care of first.”

The mare pulled a bit harder and sucked the guard’s arms inside her chest. His head was inside completely along with more of his upper body as it was pulled closer to her chest alongside his arms. The minotaur’s wide body and shoulders body stuck out of her body. With a steady flex, her body began to bulk up slightly. The sound of muffled screaming could be heard briefly, followed by sickening crunching noises. Lyra pat her belly as she relaxed. The parts of the minotaur’s body that weren’t trapped inside Lyra slumped to the ground around her spilling blood all over the floor. Not wanting to leave such an awkward, partially-eaten corpse on the ground, she picked it up by the legs and jammed it inside her stomach. Her stomach started sucking in and digesting the corpse while Lyra resumed her final steps to the Aja.

She cut a hole in the glass with her nail and grabbed the stone inside. She had the stone. She was nearly done. She had guests.


A voice Lyra recognised called out to her from the other end of the room. She looked down at the stone in her grasp. She placed the stone in her mouth and swallowed it. She could keep the stone safe in her body and deal with Daring Do.

Across the room stood Lyra, the bloodthirsty mare that was set free by the Griffon military. While Daring did consider the annihilation of the Griffon force a plus as far as the well being of Equestria was concerned, Lyra had to be eliminated lest the whole planet be subjected to her destructive whims. Zeek took the first step forward. The zebra walked around the pool of blood brandishing a katana. On the shirtless zebra’s arms were a pair of steel gauntlets with two wrist mounted crossbows. Four thin cables connected the crossbows and draped their length along the ground beside him.

“So, you are the one that Daring speaks of.” Zeek gripped his katana and readied himself, “Know that I shall hold nothing back.”

Surrounding the glass case behind Lyra were four poles connected by a thick fuzzy rope meant to urge guests to not get too close to the artifacts on display. She grabbed two of the poles and removed the rope connecting them. While killing him should theoretically be a simple task, she was certain that like Daring, he too knew how to use the Ripple.

The zebra cautiously approached the deadly mare. The blade of his katana started to shine with a crackling energy. Lyra remembered seeing this energy before. She threw one of the poles at the armed zebra. Zeek rolled out of the way and fired each of his crossbows, each shot whizzing off past the sides of the mare. A thin cable, now charged with Ripple energy, connected both crossbow bolts. The thin cable now flew towards Lyra, fully stretched out and ready to slice clean through her waist. Lyra leaned back, watching the cable soar overhead. Zeek continued his assault, firing two more crossbow bolts. One launched just above ground level and the other aimed far above her, sending a vertical cable towards her. Lyra rose, stepping off to the side quickly and held her remaining pole out to catch the cable. The cable wrapped around pole and the Ripple energy surged out through the pole and continued into Lyra’s arm.

For the first time since her transformation, Lyra had felt pain. The Ripple energy crackled throughout her arm. She screamed out in pain, flexing the arm in an effort to fight off the invading energy. The cables could not hold much Ripple energy, however, and Lyra and was able to keep her arm intact. Smoke rose from the hurt limb. Lyra was now fully intent on killing the Zebra as quickly as possible, a sentiment that Zeek shared.

Zeek fired off the remaining two crossbow cables, sending them both out to form an ‘X’ at waist height. Lyra dodged the attack with the same technique, leaning back under the cables. Zeek leapt into the air and readied his katana. Once the cables had completely passed over Lyra’s body, she stood up on one leg, extending her other leg up behind her back, sending it racing towards the zebra. Zeek took a deep breath and sent Ripple energy through the blade of his katana, holding it below his descending form to protect him. Lyra’s foot and leg split in half just as it was about to cut by the blade, circumventing the katana entirely and striking the zebra in the chest and continuing to stretch out until she had slammed him into the ceiling. No sound escaped the surprised Zeek’s mouth. The impact had more than knocked the wind out of him. It had broken a few ribs, more than enough to prevent him from breathing properly and channeling the Ripple. Lyra’s leg merged back once the threat of the Ripple was gone and began retracting, gently lowering the incapacitated zebra. Lyra leaned forward a little and caressed the zebra’s cheek once her leg had retracted back to its normal length.

“Now, what to do with you, hm?”

“NO! ZEEK!” Daring charged into the room, ready to defend her friend.

“N-no, D-Daring.” Zeek managed to speak with a pained rasp, “G-go back to G-Glass. H-he should know a f-friend that can help. Th-there might s-still be t-time. G-go! Please!”

Lyra looked back, smirking at the pegasus now stopped in her tracks, “ Are you really gonna just leave your friend here?” She gently pushed the zebra’s face against her cheek, nuzzling him, “What an awful pony, that mare.”

Daring slowly brought her hand around her back, reaching for something though still not sure whether to leave or fight.

“D-Daring! It’s a-already t-too late for me! R-run!”

Lyra swung her foot around, finally bringing it down to the floor and zebra with it. She started to slowly remove her shirt

“Better hurry Daring. Without any clothes between your friend and my body, I’ll have no problem devouring him.”

Daring shed a tear, turned and fled the room, “I’M SO SORRY ZEEK!”

Lyra frowned for a moment, “Damn. I thought I’d be able to get her too.”

“Y-you won’t su-succeed. S-someone will stop y-you. Th-this world w-won’t fall to y-you.” Zeek rasped.

Lyra looked down at zebra with a distinct lack of interest, “What? I don’t care about ruling or destroying the world or whatever. I just want to get rid of my little sunlight problem. Is that really so much to ask?”

The zebra didn’t respond.
“Suit yourself.” The mare removed her pants, her only remaining article of clothing, tossing it to the side, “I still have hours before the sun rises. Let’s find out how flexible you are.”

Lyra ripped off the zebra’s pants and underwear and pulled him to his feet. She slowly pressed against his back, squishing her breasts against him while her hands sensually groped around his chest and abs. Her head rested upon his shoulder, her eyes locked onto his.

“Oooh, such a strong stallion. I bet you had mares dying to get inside your pants.” She cooed. The only response the zebra offered were pained grunts. She lowered her right hand down his body, cupping his balls and playing with them for a moment before sliding up to his dick and gently stroking it.

“And you don’t disappoint down there either.” She started to speed up her handjob as his cock hardened in her grasp, “I guess what they say about zebras is true, hm?” The zebra continued to remain silent.

“Mmm, you’re no fun at all. You could at least make your last few moments fun for both of us. Please? For me?” Lyra leaned in and locked lips with the captive zebra while her hand continued to work his stiff erection. Her tongue explored the zebra’s mouth, quickly settling to toy with his tongue, stirring it around and coiling around it with hers. Zeek offered the mare no resistance and simply let her do as she pleased with him. After two minutes of toying with him, she broke the kiss, frowning slightly.

“Well, for the record, I tried. But if you insist. Let’s get to the main event, shall we?” Lyra released the zebra’s cock and took a small step back. She turned and, crouched down for a moment and stood up on her hands. Keeping her body upright, she moved close behind the zebra’s. Her right arm raised up, moving up to the zebra’s thigh and coiled around down his right leg and repeated the process again with her left arm. After she finished coiling up his legs, she coiled her legs around his arms and raised them over his head. Lyra peeked her head out from under his balls, smiling up at Zeek.

“Comfortable?” She asked knowing that he would most likely not respond. The legs coiling Zeek’s arms pressed against the sides of his head and forced him to nod. “Good.”

Her raised lower body shifted back, forcing them to fall back. Lyra’s feet landed on the ground, keeping the zebra up off the ground, his back arched around her body.

“Now, like I said before, let’s find out how flexible you are. The longer you last, the better I’ll make it feel.” She ended her sentence in a sing-songy manner and began licking the zebra’s balls as her feet took a small step back, forcing the zebra’s body higher up. Lyra decided to take his entire sack in her mouth, playing with them, sucking on them and tossing them around the inside of her mouth with her tongue. Zeek could only grunt from a combination of the searing pain in his chest and the pleasure of the mare under him toying with his balls. Lyra’s feet took a longer step back this time, arching his back even more. Any further and it would start to strain his spine. The vocalizations of his discomfort did nothing to deter Lyra’s mouth from its task. She finally released his balls, bouncing them up and down a few times with her tongue.

“Now for the main event. Try to at least last for a little while.”

Lyra’s snaked out of her mouth, coiling around the zebra’s hard penis and pulled it down a bit. She moved the coils of her wet tongue back and forth along his cock for a few seconds, delaying the inevitable for just a little bit. Her feet took another step back. The zebra let out a pained scream as his back arched even further. At the same time, Lyra’s head gobbled down the zebra’s shaft straight down to the hilt. She stayed put for a moment, sliding her tongue along the shaft and allowing the zebra a moment to embrace the growing pain. She started slowly bobbing her head along his cock, pulling out all the way to the flare before slowly hilting again. Her tongue slowly began to slide out of her mouth, making its way down to his balls to once again play with them while her mouth worked on his cock.

Lyra’s feet took another step back, moving a bit further this time. Zeek was not a warrior, not a gymnast. His back was not used to this kind of strain. He could feel tension growing, building in his spine. Lyra started speeding up her blow job. The slow bobbing of her mouth becoming a steady, rhythmic pump. She started moaning as she kept up her ministrations, sending a pleasurable vibration through his cock. Her tongue continued to play with his ballsack. Licking it all around, bouncing it up and down against the pink prehensile length and coiling around it and massaging it from within.

Lyra’s feet took two more steps back. Zeek found screaming to become incredibly difficult now. His chest was on fire and now his back was on the verge of snapping in half. Lyra ramped up her fellatio even further, bobbing up and down his length with gusto. Her tongue finally relieved his balls of their sexual torture and receded back into her mouth to help her work on this shaft. She felt his shaft starting to tense and bulge up a bit as she continued to work him. As his flare bulged, ready to blow its load, Lyra sank her tongue into his slit and plugged it up. She could feel a faint movement in the zebra’s hips. He was trying to buck his hips and some vain attempt to relieve himself. She giggled around his cock and took another step back. Zeek’s back was it its limit. Any further and he would surely break. Lyra held to poor zebra like this for minutes on end. The veins on his cock surged as it kept trying to push out its load while Lyra only sped up even more.

She finally decided to grant the zebra mercy and removed her tongue. A torrent of cum erupted into the mare’s mouth. She swallowed his enormous load down easily, not allowing a single drop to escape. She released his now limp cock. Her tongue snaked out again, slapping the limp member around a few times for her own amusement. Sufficiently satisfied, Lyra’s feet walked the remaining distance towards her hands. A snap echoed throughout the room as she as her upper and lower back now rested against each other with the broken zebra bent in the same position against her body. She held them both in this position for a moment then finally walked her legs back to their start positions.

The sound of footsteps approaching echoed from outside the room.

“Steel Ball? You in here? I’m on the clock now. You can go home. Steel?” A female voice called out. Lyra saw an opportunity for a little more fun. A light shone inside the room. It stopped at the blood for a moment and slowly made its way to the gruesome sight of a dead zebra tied atop some kind of green equine form. The zebra’s face was devoid of life and yet, the strange reverse crab like amalgamation of bodies started to turn itself around. On the other end, the face of a green mare. The horrifying corpse crab sprang to life, zipping towards the guard with great speed. The female minotaur screamed, too scared to run as the creature made a beeline for her. The creature lunged at the guard, tackling her with the zebra corpse.

Lyra retracted her arms, releasing the corpse of Zeek and stood to her feet laughing, “Oh you came at a bad time. I can’t have any witnesses you see. But, I might let you go if you can tell me where I might find someone skilled in stone masonry.”

The guard stared up at the mare in silence.

Lyra rolled her eyes and stomped her foot straight through the zebra’s stomach. In one swift moment, the foot absorbed all the corpses’ bodily fluids, leaving a shriveled husk.

“Aa-aah! I-in the B-badlands! Th-there’s a small settlement there! I’ve seen a s-stone mason there! One of the b-best in Equestria!”

“What would be the fastest way there?”

“Fr-from here, you would need a private blimp or hot air balloon. But that would cost a-”

Lyra nodded, “Perfect. Then that’s what I’ll do. All I need are directions to the nearest place where I can rent a hot air balloon.”

The guard gave detailed directions and slowly started pulling herself up, “S-so then you’ll let me go?”

“No.” Lyra stated matter-of-factly. She sat on the guard’s stomach, pushing her back down on the ground and laid on her. She grabbed the sides of the minotaur’s head and gave her a quick kiss. Rather than give the minotaur some form of warning she shoved her hand into the minotaur’s mouth. She only compressed her body as needed and filled the guard’s mouth and throat with as much of her body as she could as she snaked her way inside her body. Squeezing just the right spots on her brain, she quickly subdued the guard’s consciousness and left the museum.

Lyra followed the directions and ran at top speed towards the hot-air balloon rental. Augmenting her hosts’ strength, she quickly subdued everyone in the building, opting to leave them alive. With no one around to say anything, she grabbed a map of Equestria from the front desk and set off in the balloon. It would take three days to get to the Badlands. Her minotaur host would ensure she didn’t have to fear the sun this time. Meanwhile, Daring Do stuck around, hidden amongst the shadows. She knew where Lyra was headed. It was just a matter of getting there first.


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Lyra’s aerial journey was spent drawing up a very detailed design. A design she memorized thousands of years ago of a certain stone mask. Finding the stone mason was a surprisingly easy task. The Badlands was home mostly to wild beasts and Diamond dogs that dwelled beneath the surface. Only a single, small equine settlement exists here. Finding the workplace of a hermit pony in such a barren landscape from up above is a fairly easy task. Diamond Dogs tend to avoid contact with surface dwellers. Only on rare occasions will they attempt to capture an equine they deem useful and only if they are more than certain that they can overpower the equine. Because of their reluctance to engage stronger beings in combat unless absolutely necessary, only two Minotaurs on the planet have ever encountered a Diamond Dog through random chance. These encounters, however, were completely unremarkable.

Having reached her destination late in the night, Lyra drained her host of fluids and left the dried husk in the hot air balloon. She leapt off the balloon and let it continue its lonely journey while she plummeted to the ground. Dusting herself off, she approached what she assumed to be the stone mason’s workplace. A small, humble building. A single hole in the wall next to the door served as the only window to the concrete abode. Lyra prepared to knock at the door, only to hear the sound of footsteps approaching from inside. The door opened, revealing a tall, muscular unicorn stallion wielding a bulky hammer in his right hand. Despite his intimidating appearance, the light blue stallion did not appear to be aggressive. He locked eyes with the naked buxom mare holding a piece of paper in front of him. He looked around and raised an eyebrow.

“Tell me young mare. Am I dreaming?”

“No. You are awake.”

The stallion rubbed his eyes and shook his head, steadying his gaze on the mare again, “Well this is new. Care to explain yourself?”

Lyra offered the piece of paper to the stallion, “You are a stone mason, correct? I’d like you to make something for me.”

The stallion lazily grabbed the paper and squinted at the paper, “Give me a moment, would you?”

He went back into his house, closing the door behind him and leaving Lyra outside. A light sprang to life from inside. After a moment, he emerged back outside still holding the paper.

“Well little lady, this may be one of the strangest requests I have ever received in my lifetime.”

“Can you do it?”

The stallion nodded, “Obsidian Henge, at your service. I’ve seen something like this in a book before. It was some kind of mask used in some kind of old, ancient ritual long long ago.”

“You’ve seen this before?”

Obsidian nodded, “Yes indeed. Researching old ancient stonework is a hobby of mine. Archaeologists all over Equestria make the job of finding these much easier for me as well. I make the journey every year to Canterlot to see what new wonders they’ve found. But enough about that. I believe can have this done for you in two days. And just for the honor of recreating one of these beauties, I’ll do it for free.”

Lyra practically beamed with happiness, “Thank you so much, sir.”

“Yes, yes, now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going back to sleep for the night. I’m sorry, but I’m not equipped to house guests.” He yawned and put a hand on the door knob, “Come back in two days and it will be done.”

“Will do. Have a good night, Obsidian.” Lyra walked off after the unicorn had retreated back into his house. She observed the rocky terrain surrounding her. She was giddy with anticipation. She only had wait two more days.

Daring sat at a table with a glass of water, eyeing the patrons of the bar and the door like a hawk. Topaz was a small village in the Badlands, mainly a mining settlement. Ponies shared a sizable portion of land with a cooperative community of Diamond Dogs that shared their mines and labor, splitting their gains equally in exchange. While Diamond Dogs were built for digging, they had no real way to locate gems underground. On the other hand, ponies had magic and other tools that allowed them to do just that. Through the combination of their efforts, the settlement Topaz was formed.

Daring had no interest in simple gems. Glass Case had sent for a friend to assist her in defeating the ancient mare. He was also, to her knowledge, pulling strings to provide more aid. It had been a day since she had arrived. She had recently learned the location of the stone mason that Lyra would most likely be seeking out. She sighed and went to the restroom. Upon her return, she found most of the ponies in the bar were huddled around the windows and door, focused on some commotion going on outside. Daring approached the three ponies near the door, peering over them to see what the fuss was about.

“There’s a good ol’ fashion fight a’brewin.” One of the stallions told her.

“Figures. Quake is always looking for a fight, ornery bastard. My money’s on him.” Said another.

“Ha! I’ll drop thirty bits on the new guy! He looks like he’s got somethin’ up his sleeve!” Yelled a stallion from the left window.

The ponies in the bar started chattering some more and betting on who would win. Another pony was already working on collecting everyone’s bets into two hats.

One of the ponies outside, a red earth pony stallion wearing an exotic face mask, held his palms out in front of him, “I don’t want any trouble and I really don’t want to hurt you.”

The other pony, a gruff, brown earth pony stallion, raised his clenched fists, “You think you’re tough too, eh? Alright then. Let’s see if you can hurt me. Come ‘ere ya punk!”

The angry stallion charged in with a raw haymaker. The masked stallion dodged, grabbing his opponent’s arm and shoving him further ahead. The angry stallion stumbled a bit but regained his footing, turning around to face the masked stallion.

“Oy, calm down! All I said was you should really wash your clothes. Just look at them. How can you walk around with so much dirt on them? It’s like you have entire ant hills on your pants.” The masked stallion pointed at the angry stallion’s dirt covered shirt and jeans.

This only angered him further. He charged blindly forward again, aiming to grab the masked stallion. The masked stallion took a deep breath and charged forward as well, ducking down just before his opponent could make a move, grabbing at the angry stallion’s waist and throwing him over his shoulders and onto his back. The angry stallion growled and pulled himself back to his feet. The masked stallion was dancing back and forth on his feet, finally dropping all thoughts of ending the conflict peacefully. The enraged pony charged him a third time. The masked stallion ran towards the bar, leaping towards a wooden post. He took a deep breath as he soared through the air, energy suddenly crackling in his feet.

As he landed on the wooden post, the energy began surging through it causing it to bend almost like rubber. The post bent back to its original position, flinging the masked stallion towards his opponent. He landed on the angry stallion’s shoulders and locked his legs around his neck. He thrust a finger towards the sky for a brief moment, then thrust his body back, forcibly yanking his opponent’s forward. Using the momentum, he planted his hands on the ground and swung his opponent up and over with his legs, slamming him into the ground. The masked stallion ran towards the bar one more time, determined to knock out his opponent before he got up and made a fool of himself again. He leapt at the wooden railing outside the window and channeled Ripple energy, causing the wood to bend again. Flinging himself in the air with a spectacular backflip, he spun around body slammed the angry stallion, knocking the wind out of him and knocking him out cold. He stood up and thrust his hands up, pointing up at the sun.

Daring stepped outside as everyone in the bar erupted into cheers and jeers, the sound of bits clattering on wood and metal could be heard amongst the chaos.

“So, you’re the friend that Glass called in?”

The masked stallion dropped his arms examining at Daring for a moment. “That I am, young lady.” He proudly pounded his chest, “I am, La Herradura Voladora! Wrestling hero of Mexicolt! I aim to bring the glory and honor of the ring to all of Equestria!”

Daring nodded slowly, a bit taken aback her new, loud companion. Daring took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. With no warning, Daring launched a punch aimed at the luchador’s stomach. He puffed out his chest and curled his arms out to the side, flexing as he exhaled as well. Ripple energy surged from Daring’s fist and the luchador’s stomach.

“You’re control is good. But you’re lacking a bit in potency. But from what I was told about you, you have definitely improved within the last few days. I actually have to put in a little bit of effort to keep you at bay.” Daring relaxed and pulled her arm back, “It’s a shame you don’t have time to hone your technique.”

Daring shrugged and extended her hand to the luchador, “The name’s Daring Do. Your name’s a bit of a mouthful. What’s your real name?”

The luchador gave Daring’s hand a firm shake, “Were we to meet under other circumstances, senorita. A true wrestler of Mexicolt never removes his mask or reveals his identity.”

“For the sake of keeping things simple, I’m just going to call you, Sparky.” She released his hand and slowly started walking down the road with him in tow, “What do you know about this?”

“We are to kill a very dangerous mare. I was told she is capable of impossible feats and can only be killed by sunlight or the Ripple.”

Daring nodded, “That’s the basic gist of it alright. She’s stolen a precious jewel and is now looking for a stone mason. I have no clue what she’s trying to accomplish and I don’t think I want to find out.”

Sparky held out a hand and pounded it with his fist, “Right. Do we know where she is?”

Daring led the luchador to a small inn, “Not exactly. We have a few ideas right now and we have a few Diamond Dog scouts keeping watch. If they catch sight of anything odd, they’ll let us know as soon as possible. And in the event they die before they can report back to us, the Griffons have lent us something. They each have a little magic resonator crystal attached to their chests. It monitors their heart beat. It sends a signal back to a receiver I have in my room here. If their hearts stop beating or for whatever reason the crystal is removed or destroyed, the other crystal it resonates with stops sending a signal.”

“Ah. And that will lead us to her.”

“Yes.” Daring said as she closed the door to her room. She went over to the nightstand where a small metal machine with three small bulbs rhythmically blinking red. Under each blinking bulb was a label with coordinates. “That’s the easy part. Once we know where she is, we have to deal with her alone. We would have more of us here but we can’t get ahold of them or they just didn’t believe us.”

“Let us get some food then. She cannot move during the day. Until we find her, we eat and I will help you practice.”

The previous night had been painfully boring in the Badlands. A lone Diamond Dog, peeked his head out from the side of a cliff overlooking the barren landscape and lone house. The paint on his face made him near impossible to see unless one was already aware he was there, especially in the dark of night. On the outside, he was but a head sticking out of the rock. On the inside, he was just lying flat on his stomach. No matter how capable Diamond Dogs were at staying up for long periods of time, doing so while laying down with almost no activity for hours on end made one very sleepy. He had a beverage in his tunnel that he occasionally drank to perk him up for awhile, but it was starting to lose its effect. Yet another night of nothing.

Until someone finally appeared. A naked, well-endowed mare came out from behind the house he was observing and knocked on the door. The mare’s appearance was just as described.

“Oh shit.” The Diamond Dog muttered under his breath. He watched her speak with someone. The pony in the house handed the mare something. A minute passed and the man retreated back into his house. The mare spun around, holding the mask up above her, marveling at its design.

“Oh shit. I need to signal them.” The Diamond Dog muttered again. His hands, somewhat limited in movement due to his current position, reached into his pockets to retrieve something. Once the device was in his hand, his body went limp. The rock that had just pierced his skull killed him instantly.

Lyra glared up at the cliffside. After hearing the Diamond Dog’s desire to signal presumably Daring Do and more Ripple users, she pushed aside her desire to toy with him. She had less than an hour before the sun started to rise. They were the last thing she needed right now.

Using a Griffonian jeep, Daring and Sparky ventured further into the Badlands. Unable to locate or contact the Diamond Dog in the area, Daring could only assume he had been killed. Daring took to the sky while Sparky continued on in the jeep. Daring flew above the dilapidated ruins of a small shrine, once dedicated to the worship of a dragon. The shrine now consisted of old dusty marble flooring with pillars lining the edges. Each pillar had spikes littered on the sides of the pillar facing inside the shrine. On one end of the roofless rectangular ruins was a broken statue. The original shape of the statue could no longer be determined. Atop a broken pillar, sat the minty green mare. Lyra looked up, to her dismay, to find Daring Do circling the ruins from high above. The sounds of an engine soon followed.

Lyra glared up at the pegasus, “I should have killed you when I had the chance.”

Daring Do landed on the ground while Sparky came to a stop beside her, “I don’t know what you’re planning, but knowing you, it can’t be good. We either stop you here or die trying.”

Lyra smirked at the burly luchador, “Cute speech. And you brought another snack for me. Just how many of these do you intend to throw at me?”

The luchador pounded his chest, “I am La Herradura Voladora! Wrestling hero of Mexicolt! Tonight, the only thing you will have is the bitter taste of defeat!”

“My goodness, this one is beyond eccentric.” Lyra commented, genuinely taken aback, “At least the zebra could control the volume of his voice.”

The luchador leapt from his spot next to Daring, landing within the ring of pillars. Daring removed a long rope hanging from her waist and flew around the shrine, looping the rope all around it and tying it together. She took a deep breath and grasped the rope. Surging a Ripple through the rope, she started lifting the entire loop of rope up along the pillars.

“These ruins will be our ring!” Sparky gestured to rope looping around the pillars, now forming a makeshift wrestling ring. Daring watched from the outside, holding onto the rope and keeping a steady surge of Ripple energy flowing through the rope. Lyra seemed irritated by this.

Sparky backflipped onto the rope behind him, balancing on it and pointing at the mare, “¡Vengan a coger estas manos!” He bounced up on the rope, causing only the section of rope beneath his feet to temporarily dip down, and catapulted himself up. He crossed his arms together and dove at Lyra, charging his arms with Ripple energy. Lyra rolled under to dodge the attack. The luchador immediately rolled to his feet upon landing and backed up into the rope, using Ripple energy to cause it to pull further back. The rope snapped back, thrusting him towards the green mare with his arm out to clothesline, an attack she leapt away from. Lyra looked over at Daring Do, holding the rope from the outside and keeping a steady stream of Ripple energy flowing through it as well as keeping a hand ready at her waist. Daring seemed to have a plan ready in case of an escape attempt. With the luchador cautiously approaching, Lyra took one last moment to look at the horizon behind her. The sun would be rising very soon.

“I’d say you have mere minutes before the sun rises and erases you from this land. You might want to find a place to hide.” He pointed out as he slowly closed in on her.

Lyra grit her teeth and faced the masked threat. For the first time since her transformation, she started to fear a little for her life. The Luchador took a deep breath and rushed towards the mare, sliding at her feet. Lyra leapt over the attack. Sparky immediately rose to his feet and jumped onto the rope in front of him, catapulting him towards her location and spread his limbs out to body splash her. Lyra continued to run and keep her distance. Failing to hit, he quickly sprung to his feet again and charged towards her. Rather than go for another flashy attack, he opted to stay in close range and lashed out at her with quick chops and punches. Lyra was backed against a pillar. With limited options and still fearing a potential attack from Daring Do, Lyra reached behind her, ripping one of the spikes off the marble pillar behind her and slashed at the luchador’s neck. He backflipped away in the nick of time and quickly lurched to the side just in time to see the same spike whizz right past his eye.

Lyra took a chance and charged at him, reading a punch aimed at his stomach. Daring lashed out from behind the rope with her whip, aiming for her arm. Lyra stumbled back, quickly pulling her arm away and backing away from the whip. Sparky, having regained his footing, dashed forward with a series of deadly chops. Lyra was forced to back towards the statues and rubble. Daring pulled two knives from a pouch on her waist, filled them with Ripple energy and loosed them at Lyra’s back. Lyra panicked, stopping her movement and pushing her upper body forwards a bit to avoid the knives. Sparky leapt forward, spinning his body a bit and pulling his legs back and thrust out with a might dropkick. Lyra had no choice but to raise her left arm to block the brunt of the attack. She was blown back into the statue. She crashed through, dislodging the broken down statue from the ground and crashing into the rubble. Her body was impaled on the many spikes adorning the statue’s form, her face twisted in pain. Ripple energy surged through her left arm, quickly burning through and melting the flesh. The remaining bones crumbled and fell to her side.

Sparky cracked his knuckles and approached, ready to deliver the final blow when something caught his attention. He turned around and notice the light of the sun rapidly creeping up. The sun was rising. He thrust his arm to the sky, celebrating their victory. He and Daring turned back to face the defeated mare. Lyra still laid impaled upon the statue, now wearing a stone mask with the Aja embedded in an indent in the forehead. The two noticed a disturbance in the rubble around her near her right arm. She had hidden the mask in the rubble.

As the sunlight washed over her body, her skin started to sizzle a little. Once the sunlight struck the Aja in the mask, a blinding light erupted from the stone. Thick spikes erupted out from the sides of the mask, wrapping all around her head and piercing into the back of her skull. Lyra’s upper body lurched forward slightly as the spikes dug into her. The light continued to shine brilliantly from the Aja for a minute before finally dying out. Lyra’s body sunk back against the statue and much to the added concern of Daring and Sparky, her skin no longer seemed to be sizzling.

Daring grit her teeth and readied another knife, muttering an obscenity under her breath. Sparky carefully watched the spectacle, unsure of what to expect next. Lyra slowly rose up, the spikes breaking off from the statue and remaining lodged in her body. The mask broke into pieces that fell to the ground along with the Aja. She appeared somewhat dazed and had a look of pure ecstasy on her face as she seemed to gaze off into the distance...