The Returning Nightmare

by Lord Dico

First published

A great darkness has returned to Equestria...Just after a family member's tragic death.

After returning from a mission, General Hydra 'the beast' Mythro had lost the love of his wife, and his son to be cursed by the attacker. The culprit named "Crow," who was said to have been vanquished long ago, returns and has plans for the land of Equestria. He plans to start by building back up his army, and bringing forth the strongest threats that have been brought forth upon the land.

Soon, everything rests on the shoulders of Twilight, her friends, and some family by her side. The battle between Harmony and Oblivion will decide the fate of the lands!

A Warning

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It is set eight years ago. A huge storm was raging over the land, of Equestria, as the castle walls of Canterlot Castle are covered in a vast water blanket. Outside the castle door, the guards by the door start to see two shadowy figures coming towards them. One of the figures is leaning towards the others, and as they got closer, the guards realized who it was. In the throne room of Princess Celestia, one of the guards rushes towards her, bowing down as soon as he reaches the steps.

"Your highness! Your highness!" he screamed, coming in.

"Yes? What is it?" she asked, emotionless.

"It...It's General Mythro! He and his son have returned!"

"...Send him in."

As he rushed over to the doors, he pulled it open, letting eight guards, on both sides, come in and stop at halfway. They then turned towards each other, and raise their wings to the door into the air.

"Presenting...General Hydra 'The Beast' Mythro!" They all said.

Soon, a pony walked down the carpet past the guards. He was a dark blue coated pony, with red scars all over him, with a brown mustache, and brown mane and tail with grey highlights in them. He also wore a black torn shirt, a black coat, black boots, and a brown ten-gallon hat, which he took off to honor her majesty.

"I'm glad you're back, Hydra," Celestia said, "I understand that your mission was a success?"

"It was...for the most part, my princess," Hydra said, bowing down.

"What do you mean?"

"My wife...Lt. Beatrix, died on the battlefield, to save our son."

"Oh...I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's all good your highness. But I'm afraid my son might be to optimistic about it, especially since he lost his horn as well."

"I take it he's in the medical wing?"

"Yes, Princess. But I have more important news to bring."

"And what would that be?"

"Urgent news, about...Crow."

A struck of thunder and lightening came, and the guards gasped at it, but the princess looked at him with an intense look.

"Oh really?"

"Yes, my liege! I found out, that the demon has returned, and is currently gathering minions to do his bidding, planning to strike upon all of us soon!"

The princess didn't respond though. She just looked at the general with the same look on her face, like she didn't believe him. This started to enrage Hydra, but didn't try to let that overcome him.

"Please, your highness! What I'm telling you is the truth! Some of his minions were said to be building in the outskirts of Southern Equestria! It would be wise, if the citizens were evacuated and strike NOW, before they get US! We could have a better chance of winning!"

Celestia still looked at him, with the same expression. Hydra started get more irritated, but tried to hold it in, waiting for the princess's answer. As another strike of thunder and lightening came, she then closed her eyes, lowing her head a bit.

"You are dismissed," she said.

"WHAT?!" Hydra exclaimed, with wide eyes full of rage.

The princess then opened her eyes, looking at the general with the same intense look.

"I am not going to put my kingdom through crisis, especially with the current circumstances. You're probably just in delusion due to your wife's death, so take your son and get some rest. I'll have the funeral planned for Beatrix within the week. Now leave."

Hydra felt his rage almost explode, but kept it down as much as he could. He then sighed, and looked up at the princess, who was still giving the same look.

"Very well then," he said, starting to leave, "But mark my words, Princess Celestia! I assure you, that Crow's building an army, and will rein over Equestria! Think about it!"

As the doors closed when he left the throne room, one of the guards looked at the princess, who turned her attention towards the bright moon, which was still shining in through the dark storm clouds, seeing the mare in the moon.

'Is what he saying true?,' she thought, 'Even so, I can't let it pass right now. At this point, all I can do, is let time decide Equestria's fate'


A Challenge

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The storm was still brewing over the land, as Hydra was in Canterlot Cemetery, looking upon a tombstone. He tried to keep his sorrow deep inside of him, and not show any signs of emotion. It had been a week since he lost the one he loved, and find out his son was now cursed and hornless. He was glad that the head general was banished. If he didn't force Beatrix to go to war, then she would've still been by her side. He should've been the one to risk his life for his son, not her. He just wish that the Princess would believe him, and do something about what's coming. Nightmare Moon is coming, and will bring destruction upon Equestria with her army if they don't do something.

"You're still here?" a sudden voice called out.

Hydra then opened his eyes and turned around to see a familiar face. It was his sister, Quorra. She currently had her tan hair in a bun, and was wearing a black dress and coat, with black shoes. She was also holding a bouquet of roses, which he knew was for Beatrix. She then approached the grave and set them down on the ground.

"I'm very sorry, Hydra," she said, in a sad tone.

"It's okay," he said, in an emotionless tone, "I understand."

Quorra looked at her brother for a bit, and saw the frustration in his eyes. She was told about her sister-in-law's death and what Hydra found out during his mission. She does believe him, because his brother is very intense when he's honest. Hydra then started to walk away from her, and head to the gates.

"I know a war is coming, Quorra," he said, "And if Celestia isn't going to do anything about it, then I will."

"What do you plan to do?"

"I'm going to build my own army."


8 years later...


It was a nice and peaceful day in Ponyville, as the pegasus ponies cleared up the sky to let the sunshine in. That is, all except for one. Rainbowdash was currently lying upon a cloud, sleeping like she always does. She was dreaming about her being apart of the Wonderbolts, like she always does, until she suddenly heard a loud noise. She started to panic, as she started to flail, almost falling off her cloud. She then looked to none other than Pinkie Pie, tied to a bunch of balloons and with a bunch of instruments.

"Pinkie Pie!" Rainbowdash exclaimed, with an annoyed expression.

"Sorry, Rainbowdash," she said, giggling a bit, "Twilight asked me to wake you up, so you wouldn't be off schedule again."

Rainbowdash just groaned at Pinkie's answer, and got up into the air. Within the next ten seconds, she got the sky clear of clouds, all except for one, she was using as a bed, and looked at Pinkie Pie.

"There. Done," she said, getting back on the cloud.

"Nice work!" Pinkie exclaimed, "By the way, um...could you pop a few balloons, so I can get down?"

"Ugh...fine," Rainbowdash said, as she turned around and with all her strength kicked the balloons.

It would be fine, but Rainbowdash accidentally popped too many of them, as Pinkie Pie was now falling down, screaming. Rainbowdash quickly then started to dash down to save her. It was then, at the outskirts of town, upon a clifftop was a winged unicorn with a blue coat and a brown mane, tail, and facial hair. He was also wearing a black vest, black cloak, black boots, black shades and a black ten-gallon hat. He looked out into the sky, as he saw Rainbowdash go after Pinkie Pie, as it reflected off his sunglasses. As he jumped off the cliff, he suddenly vanished.

As Rainbowdash was getting closer to catch Pinkie Pie, before she hit the ground, Pinkie suddenly vanished. Rainbowdash then looked where she went, but due to her going full speed downward, she plummeted herself into the ground, to where only half of her tail and her back hooves were showing. Twilight and Spike rushed outside to see what that crash was, and were both surprised by it.

"Spike," Twilight said, "Dig."

"Right away!" he said, as he started to dig Rainbowdash out of the ground.

When she was finally out, she was covered in dirt, and incredibly dizzy. After shaking off the dirt, she looked around, and didn't see Pinkie Pie anywhere.

"Where's Pinkie?" she exclaimed, very worried.

Suddenly, she saw her descend to the ground safely, and saw the mysterious pony help her down. Once both of them were on the ground, Pinkie turned to the shaded one, with a smile.

"Thanks a hunch!" she said, hugging him tightly.

"Whatever," he responded, pushing her away.

As he started to walk away, he was then cut off by Pinkie Pie.

"Are you new in town?" she asked.


"What's your name?" she asked again, cutting him off, "Do you have a pet? What's your favorite color? Do you like parties? What's your favorite snack? You got any-woo!"

"DON'T make me regret saving you, got it?" the pony said, in a low tone, getting up in Pinkie's face.

As he continued walking away, Pinkie Pie started to feel a little upset about the way he acted. Her friends, were curious about who that was, but Rainbowdash was more aggravated at him, and dashed up in front of his path.

"Hey, bub!" she exclaimed into his face, "There's no need to be a jerk to my friend, you know?"

"Are you looking for trouble, Princess?" he said, removing his sunglasses.

"PRINCESS?" Rainbowdash exclaimed, her anger rising, getting up to the pony's face, "Just who the heck do you think you ARE, pal?"

"Someone who shouldn't be wasting time, talking to some blue pigeon."

Rainbowdash's anger then rose to new heights, as her eyes grew heavy with fire.

"Oh...THAT'S IT!" she exclaimed, "If you think you're obviously better than me, then prove it!"

"How 'bout a race then?" Bishop suggested.

"You're on!"

"Alright then. Meet me in Town Square within one hour then."

With that, Rainbowdash dashed off to go train for the upcoming challenge. As Bishop started to walk away, Twilight had a curious look on her face.

"Cool! A race!" Spike exclaimed, "It's been a while since I got to be an announcer for anything!"

The Race Begins!

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Meanwhile, as the little fillies at Ponyville Elementary, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were currently discussing their next plans. As they got to their seats, they saw Ms. Cheerilee enter the building with another young filly trailing behind her. She was a blue coated pony with a tan colored mane and tail. Her greenish blue eyes were curious yet shy. The rest of her clothing, which was a vest, coat, shoes, and papercolt hat were all green.

"Who's that?" Scootaloo whispered, which was exactly what all the other young fillies in the room were thinking.

"Probably someone new," Sweetie Belle whispered back as an answer.

"Okay class," Ms. Cheerilee said, "Before we get started, I'd like to introduce you to our new student, who just moved here from Canterlot."

'Canterlot?' the crusaders thought in union.

"Hi everybody," the new pony said shyly. "My name is Shoter, and I hope that we can become the best of friends!"

"We will," Diamond Tiara said, "but we aren't newspapers." Most of the class started to laugh at it Diamond's obvious insult to Shoter's papercolt hat, a hat which Shoter loved. She started feeling hurt by her words, and her whole frame drooped.

Just then, D.T.'s laughing was cut off, by a ball of crinkled paper that was thrown at her head. Diamond Tiara then turned around to glare at whoever threw it. The Cutie Mark Crusaders sat behind her, whistling and acting nonchalant, an obvious sign of trying to act innocent. Diamond Tiara then heard Shoter giggling behind her, soon growing irritated.

"Alright, Shoter, your seat is next to Applebloom," Ms. Cheerilee started. "Applebloom, please raise your hoof."

Shoter saw a blond coated pony with a red mane held by a huge bow at the back wave her hoof. Quickly trotting as fast as she dared to without tripping, she avoided the stares that were at her.

"Haven't got a cutie mark either?" Apple Bloom whispered at her. A slow shake from Shoter answered her question. The two were cut off at Ms. Cheerilee.

"Applebloom, since Shoter is new to Ponyville , you can show her around."

Applebloom nodded wholeheartedly as she thought of an idea to include a new member to the Cutie Mark Crusaders.


By the end of the school day, Applebloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Shoter were close friends, something that Shoter was glad of. It was comforting to know that you had friends to count on.

Applebloom had discussed with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle about having Shoter as another member to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They didn't have a problem with it, as the more ponies in their group, the more ideas they would have to get their cutie marks.

"I'm really glad to have been friends with you guys," Shoter said, "I never been part of a club before."

"We're just glad to have a new member," Scootaloo said, "Especially one from Canterlot!"

"You know," Sweetie Belle said, "My sister's a friend of someone from Canterlot, and is the princess's faithful student, too!"

"Well, that nice," she said in a normal tone, "I guess that makes two people who are faithful students of the princess."

The crusaders, save for Shoter had then stopped in there tracks, eyes wide and confused. Shoter then turned around, to see them in their frozen state.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" Applebloom stammered, "There's another faithful student of Princess Celestia?"

"Well, she can't just have one, can she?" Shoter said.

The three fillies were baffled by what they just heard. They then shook their heads and were about to continue on, when they saw a big and anonymous stallion, with a dark hood, started to approach them. Shoter was a bit confused at her friends' faces, more shocked then before, and turned to see what they were staring at.

As Shoter's face enlightened, she ran up and hugged his leg tightly.

"Hey Daddy!" she exclaimed.

The crusader's faces were even more shocked, when they heard Shoter. Hydra looked down at them, and smiled a bit.

"Shoter," Applebloom started, "This giant is your father?"

"Hey!" Shoter said, offended, "He's not fat!"

Hydra chuckled at his daughter's remark, as he patted her head.

"Shoter," he said, in a low, but calming voice, "It's alright. Besides, I don't think that's what she meant. But I'm at least glad you made some new friends."

"Oh yeah," Shoter said, releasing her father's leg, and gestures towards the crusaders, "Daddy, these are my friends. Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle."

"Well, I can definitely say, it's nice to meet you," Hydra said, removing his hat and bowing to them, showing his scarred face better.

The crusaders then gasped at the scars, and backed up a bit.

"What happened to your face?" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

Hydra then put his hat back on, and looked at them with the same calm expression. But as he was about to speak, they heard a trumpet blow, coming from town square.


Right in town square, the citizens were on two sides. The pathway had been painted by the local pegasus of Ponyville, to show where it was going. Rainbowdash was confident and prepared to get on the move, but couldn't resist mugging for a couple pictures by the photographers. The newcomer looked at Rainbowdash, grunting at her, which she heard. She then turned with a bit of a glare, which didn't seem to affect him.

"What, you got a problem with something?" she said with a bit of harshness.

"Yeah," the challenger said, "You're too cocky. Keep that up, and you're bound to lose."

Rainbowdash grew angrier about that, and turned away to her path of travel, just begging the race to start. She saw that Twilight and the others had front row seats to it. Twilight was the only one who had a worried expression on her face, so she was very uncertain about the race.

"You okay, Twi?" Applejack asked, concern.

"Yeah," Twilight said, barely a whisper, "I just hope Rainbowdash doesn't get too full of herself, racing this guy."

"I know!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, "He may be fast, but he's really selfish!"

"Well, I knew that from the start," Rarity said, getting the others interested and a bit confused, "I mean, look at him. His wardrobe is so...lifeless."

Rarity then saw her friends facehoof, in annoyance.

"Hey, Rarity, Applejack," Fluttershy said, pointing over to the other side, "Aren't those your sisters over there?"

The others then turned to see that on the other side, Hydra and the crusaders where pushing and shoving their way through practically all of the citizens, to see the race go on.

"Probably, making friends with the new family in town," Pinkie Pie suggested, then looking at her watch, "Ooh! I almost forgot! I have sky duty in a few minutes. See ya!" With that, Pinkie left.

As for Twilight, she could detect the crusaders, but couldn't make out who the figure they were on was. She couldn't see him well, due to his hat and cloak, but his aura had a slight presence to him.

'Who is that?' she thought, 'I know I've seen him before, but from where?'

On the other side, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo had no idea who the challenger was, but when they Hydra's solemn expression accompanied by Shoter's worried one, they assumed that they knew who he was.

"This can't be good," Hydra's low, husky voice was barely above a whisper, but the "mystery challenger" could hear him clearly.

The challenger then turned to where he heard the voice, to see Hydra, Shoter, and the young crusaders. His eyes softened a bit, but quickly faded, when he heard the horns signal for it to be ready. Right up at the podium of Town Hall, Spike approached it, tapping the microphone, testing if it works.

"Fillies and gentle-colts!" he started, "This race is set to determine the fastest of all of Ponyville! Our challengers consist of Ponyville's very own, Rainbowdash and the mysterious newcomer!"

Everyone had then started to cheer for Rainbowdash, as the pegasus couldn't help but wave to the citizens. She was interrupted, however, by a sudden grunt from the challenger.

Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle looked at Hydra, who was not pleased about the situation, and Shoter, who looked very intrigued by the race.

"Excuse me, Mr. Mythro," Applebloom said, getting Hydra's attention, "but do you know that pony racing Rainbowdash?"

Shoter quickly caught on to what her friends just asked, and started to grew a bit nervous. Hydra kept the same expression on his face, as he turned to the trio.

"Apparently, I do," he said, in a low tone, then turning back to the race, "He's my son, Bishop."

The crusaders were then wide-eyed, as they turned back to the race. The young looking stallion, Bishop, is Hydra's son, and Shoter's Brother? They thought, this would be an interesting race then.

Suddenly, Derpy came up in between the racers, holding a flag in her mouth.

"Racers, in position!" Spike announced.

Rainbowdash then positioned herself, flapping her wings at a fast rate, digging her hooves into the ground a bit.

"Don't flap so much," Bishop stated, calmly adjusting his wings at a certain point.

"What are you talking about?" Rainbowdash exclaimed, irritated.

"You're over-preparing yourself. You'll only make yourself slower."

"Oh, what do YOU know!"

Rainbowdash then turned back, getting prepared.

"On your marks..."

She was eager to win this.

"Get set..."

Derpy then raised the flag up, as the sun shined down upon them. Soon, Derpy lowered the flag down to the ground...


And with that, the two of them were off, leaving a huge dust cloud behind them. As it cleared up, with many citizens coughing, Twilight then noticed a hat in the road. Using her magic, she brought the hat to her, to examine it. The more she did, the more her eyes widened.

"Isn't that the guy's hat?" Applejack asked.

"Let me see!" Rarity exclaimed.

After Twilight finished examining it, Rarity had quickly snatched the hat, and was looking at it with awe.

"I don't believe it!" she exclaimed. "I've never seen such a piece of felt put so well together, WITHOUT any sew marks!"

"Actually, I've seen them many times before," Twilight stated, "They're usually given to members of the Equestrian Army."

Rarity and the others were then wide-eyed at what they heard.

"Wait...does that mean..." Applejack started, but couldn't.

"That's right," Twilight said, "Rainbow's up against a member of the Equestrian army!"

Critical Damage

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As the race was on, Rainbowdash and Bishop were neck-and-neck, gliding over the ground at tremendous speed, heading into the mountains. As they were approaching the fork in the road, leading to the mountain on the left and Sweet Apple Acres on the right. Rainbowdash looked over at Bishop with a glare, who was looking straight ahead. As they came to the paths, Rainbowdash took the pathway right, while Bishop was headed towards the mountains. Rainbowdash looked back with confusion, and started to slow down a bit.

"HEY!" she yelled, "YOU'RE GOING THE WRONG WAY!"

No response came. He probably couldn't hear her or is just ignoring her. Whatever it was, Rainbowdash, couldn't quit now, so she decided to continue on. She had a race to win anyway.

Meanwhile, Bishop was coming up towards the mountain top. As he approached it, he stood there. He then eyed on where Rainbowdash was headed, getting a better view of which direction to head to. She was headed at a strong speed, going through Sweet Apple Acres, then through the trees, and back into town. The bridge into town had a pathway directly to Town Square. Off in the distance, he saw a hot air balloon, with some-pony holding a telescope, eying him, but he ignored it.

As Pinkie Pie looked through her telescope at Bishop, she grew confused and went up to the microphone right by her.

"Well folks," she said into the mike, with the speakers at Town Square catching it, "it looks like the mysterious challenger has approached the mountain top, leaving Rainbowdash to take the lead. Could it be he's forfeiting?"

Everypony was now in confusion at Bishop's actions. The crusaders, confused as heck, looked at Shoter and Hydra, who both were wide-eyed at what they heard.

"This isn't good," Shoter said, with a frightened tone.

"What do you mean?" Applebloom asked.

"Let's just hope Rainbowdash doesn't get in Bishop's path."

"What does THAT mean?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"You don't wanna know."

Back over with Bishop, he had his eyes closed, seeing his destined path calculated through his mind. As he opened his eyes, he took a good breath, looked straight ahead.

"Jackpot," he whispered.

He then jumped off the cliff, straight down into the cliff, suddenly going at a faster pace. Soon enough, the aura around him grew hotter and hotter, like a meteor crashing down. As Bishop was about to hit the ground, he vanished into thin air.

Pinkie Pie, who saw Bishop vanish through her telescope, was mesmerized by it, and went towards the microphone.

"I don't believe it!" she stated, "The mysterious challenger has just jumped off the cliff, and vanished!"

Everypony had gasped at what they heard. Hydra only looked displeased by it, while Shoter looked scared.

"Bishop," Hydra said in an irritated, "Why are you using that technique?"

This however, caught the attention of the crusaders.

"What 'technique'?" Scootaloo asked.

"Wait! What's this?" the speakers picking up Pinkie's voice through the mic, "There seems to be a huge trail of dust coming out of nowhere! And it's...It's catching up to Rainbowdash!"

Back with Rainbowdash, she was almost to the bridge. She knew it. She was going to win. Adrenaline was running through her veins, and the finish line was in sight. But then, then something happened.

Maybe it was because she was slower, or that Bishop went faster…No it had to be because she went slower. After all, she was tired, so it must've meant that she was getting slower.

However, Rainbow Dash knew that that wasn't it. Her wings weren't slowing down. Her heart was still pumping at the sky rocketing rate that nearly burst her rib cage. She knew that he was going faster.

Rainbow Dash strained her wings farther, faster. That rude colt was right behind her, wings flapping at an incredibly fast rate. Not a single bead of sweat was covering his face, and he seemed rather bored, as if she wasn't a worthy opponent.

She had to make him pay for being such a jerk, but she knew that she might not make it. Rainbow Dash would fail, miserably. She would never be part of the Wonderbolts.

Then suddenly, Bishop started to roll, still at a steady pace. As soon as Rainbowdash was about to cross the bridge, Bishop had got in distance of her, and slammed his hind legs directly into her back. Soon, causing her to skid across the ground, practically digging into it. Bishop then started to roll off of her, then stopped at his feet, skidding at a fast speed, crossing the finish line, with Rainbowdash just barely a quarter mile away, getting up. As Bishop finally came to a stop, he got up, with his boot soles, redder than an apple, start to cool down.

Every-pony was in shock at what just happened. Rainbow Dash, the pony that was proclaimed one of the fastest, the pony that held the element of loyalty, lost. Twilight and the others rushed over to their friend, who was still in the ground, with a few bruises on her.

"Rainbow, you okay?" Applejack asked, very concerned.

As Rainbowdash was starting to get up, she felt a sharp pain in her wings. She couldn't help but let the tears escape her eyes, as she was in such pain. It didn't matter if her friends saw her cry her guts out. Heck, nothing mattered now. Rainbow Dash had failed.

"What hurts?" Twilight asked.

" wings," Rainbowdash said in a pained tone, barely a whisper.

"Oh jeez," Twilight said, incredibly concerned now, "Fluttershy, I'd think it'd be best if you took Rainbowdash to the doctor, quick!"

The crusaders were devastated at what they saw. Rainbowdash got herself handed to. As some of the citizens were slowly backing away, scared of what that pony did to Rainbowdash, Shoter was really frightened, thinking that because her brother beat their friend, they might not want to talk to her anymore. She started to feel herself about to break, as Scootaloo's face grew redder with rage. The crusaders have never seen Scootaloo this mad at all, and they could tell that it was going to be trouble.

"HEY!" she exclaimed at the top of her lungs, "WHAT DID RAINBOW DASH EVER DO TO YOU?"

Bishop turned to who was calling out to him, to see the angry little pega-filly. He simply turned away, putting his shades back on and picking up his hat. Scootaloo only got more furious at him, feeling like she was about to charge at him. Every-pony then started murmuring about Bishop, but he didn't even bother.


Finally, Bishop decided to get it out of the way, and answered.

"Well, it wasn't MY fault that she let her ambition get in the way, was it?"

"You didn't have to almost break her back for some race!"

Bishop gridded his teeth and was trying not to let his anger out.

"Scootaloo, don't push his buttons!" Shoter whisper yelled.

"It was her fault. NOT MINE," Bishop exclaimed at Scootaloo, getting her attention again, "If you want to comfort that loser-"

"RAINBOW DASH IS NOT A LOSER!!" Scootaloo roared, "SHE'S LOYAL, AND A MUCH BETTER PONY THAN YOU'LL EVER BE!" Bishop was at the end of his line, and his patience with the filly was running thin.



Shoter was now petrified at what Scootaloo had just said. She now gave Bishop a reason to attack. She saw his brother's aura start growing. He was about to do something drastic, as he started to charge at her. Scootaloo just stood there with an enraged look on her face, like she was about to charge too.

As Twilight was helping Rainbowdash onto the carrier to Ponyville Hospital, Fluttershy, helping her as well, noticed the scene going on, and nudged Twilight a bit, to see the scene too. Twilight's eyed then grew with fear, and was now running up to them as fast as possible.

It was coming close, and now Scootaloo was looking scared. Just as Twilight was about to reach...

"BISHOP CLAUDIUS MYTRHO!" Hydra screamed. Bishop was then skidding on the ground, coming to a stop, as he heard his father's roar. Twilight herself started to stop too.

"You've done enough, now calm yourself!"

Even in an enraged state, Bishop knew that when his father was extremely disappointed or mad, he wouldn't scream his head off and possibly damage his lungs. Hydra would speak in a slightly strained tone. But this time was different, as he started to see his father start coughing heavily. Shoter helped him up and looked at her brother with a sad look. Bishop saw the sad look on his sister, and couldn't help but hang his head in shame at it.

It was troublesome, even for his own family. Having this race was earning him more than enough attention, with some of the citizens that were left glaring at him. Breathing in and out slowly, he turned to help his father back to the house, evidently ending the argument.

As Bishop, Hydra, and Shoter sliced their way through the crowd, Twilight couldn't help but feel enraged and curious. Even for someone who was a member of the Equestrian Army would have at least given SOME sympathy for the ones who weren't. But there was another thing that was getting to Twilight.

'Mythro' she thought, 'Isn't' her eyes started to widen with realization, ' CAN'T be!'

She then started to go after Bishop and the others as soon as possible. As for the cutie mark crusaders, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were both glaring at Scootaloo.

"What's wrong with you?" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"You could have been killed, by someone like that!" Applebloom exclaimed along.

"Well...he really hurt Rainbowdash badly!" Scootaloo said, defending herself, "I mean, if it was Applejack or Rarity, wouldn't have YOU done the same thing?"

"We may be closer to them, since they're family," Sweetie Belle stated, "but we wouldn't have done something as stupid and reckless as that."

Scootaloo looked at her friends with disbelief, and started to back away a bit. As they saw this, they started to rush over to the hospital where Rainbowdash was taken. Scootaloo watched as her friends head off without her.

She never felt so embarrassed, to where her friends would scold her.

Long Time, No See

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As Twilight caught up with Hydra, just barely out of sight of him, she could hear the arguemet that was going on. She had followed them to the eastern part of town, and hid behind an allyway.

"Bishop, of all the things you've done to shame yourself, this is the worst," Hydra said, saving his strength, "You KNOW you're not supose to be using military skills on ponies of a lower class than you."

"I...I got carried away, sir," Bishop said, in a low tone, with an expression saying he doesn't mean it.

"Don't give me that. If I didn't step in earlier when you were charging at that young one, you would have made yourself MORE of a criminal than you already are, when that race happened."

Bishop had stopped walking. His eyes were shadowed by his hat, but then stomped his hoof down in frustration.

"I wans't born to be PERFECT, you know!"

Hydra had stopped in his tracks at what he heard, as Bishop continued.

"Would it have made you feel better, if Mom DIDN'T save me!"

"That's enough, Bishop," Hydra said, holding back his anger.

"I bet you would have been just dandy without-"


That yell had Hydra in another coughing fit. As he was finished, Hydra glared at his son, and stood straight up. Bishop lowered his eyes in shame, as Hydra gave a scowl.

"I told you to NEVER use that in your defense again. Now, I want you to head back to the house now, while I have to go clear your name with the trouble you caused. And until further notice, I don't want you causing anymore trouble than you already have. Meaning, the next time you DO, then you're done. Do you understand?"

"...Yes, sir," Bishop said, barely a whisper.

"Good. Now go."

With that, Bishop walked off away to the house, leaving Hydra behind. As Twilight continued watching from behind the scenery, she couldn't help but find their backstory curious. However, Twilight's train of thought was interrupted by a sudden call.

"I know you've been following us, Twilight," Hydra said, "there's no need to be hiding now."

Twilight's face was in shock, as she let out an 'eep', when she heard Hydra her out. She then slowly appeared out of her hiding spot, trying her best to not look embarrassed. Hydra then turned to her, and walked over.

" did you know?" she asked, a bit nervous.

"I sensed your presence," Hydra said, lifting his hood and hat, "Besides, I couldn't forget someone like you, now would I?"

Twilight had gasped silently at his face. Then it hit her, like a ton of bricks. Her expression then softened up a bit, as she gave a small smile. Hydra then brought a hoof up to Twilight's face, with a small glint shining in his eye.

"Twilight…" Hydra sighed softly. "You've grown."

"You haven't changed at all, Uncle Hydra," Twilight stated. Hydra smiled, though it was a small, tired one.

"So...if that stallion really was your son, then-"

"Yes," Hydra said, his smile fading, cutting her off, "he's also your cousin."

Twilight looked at her uncle with a slight pained expression. Hydra noticed this, and turned slightly away.

"I'm sorry about what happened to your friend. I should have stopped him before that race started."

"Is Bishop always like that, or is this the first time this has happened?" Hydra sighed and did not meet her eyes.

"No…He only started being like this, when Bea..." Hydra closed his eyes. Just the mere sound of his love's name was painful enough.

It was difficult for Hydra to forget. To forget how Beatrix had fought valiantly, the way she had fallen, blood staining her beautiful face. But what he was never going to forget, was her smile. The dazzling smile, that showed her family the light and hope for the future, taken away from her loved ones.

Twilight just blinked at Hydra, shocked at his words, even before he could finish. She knew that pain, since Beatrix was one of her closest aunts. When she heard about her death, on the day she became the princess' student, she was completely heartbroken.

"Oh...that's right," Twilight softly sympathized. She turned to leave, but stopped. "…I'm sorry for bring that back to mind."

"It's in the past now," Hydra said, holding back tears, "Time and fate have shown itself, so there's nothing we can do."

Twilight then turned back to her uncle, and she could tell that he was now on the brink of crying, but he didn't. Hydra saw her niece look at him with a worried look, and started to walk away.

"Walk with me," he said, with Twilight following.


As Rainbow Dash was in the hospital check-up room, her friends were worried tirelessly in the waiting room. It had been a few hours since the race, and now their loyal companion has been injured. Tests were being checked on Rainbow, and they were all impatient to what the outcome would be. One thing was for certain, however, none of them would look at Bishop the same way again, or even forgive him after what he's done. After a long time, Doctor Hooves came to the four ponies, in a surgeon's coat, with a tired look.

"Well, we're done for now," he said, "you can at least talk with her, but you must make it quick."

"Thank you, Doctor," Rarity said.

"I'm going to be expecting Miss Dash's parents coming, but I'll be incredibly busy by that time. Could one of you possibly tell them her condition?"

"I will," Fluttershy said, stepping forward, "I've known Rainbow Dash since childhood."

"Very well," Doctor Hooves sighed, "the rest of you can go see Miss Dash now."

As Rarity and the others went, Fluttershy was a bit nervous about hearing Rainbow's condition alone.

"Is she going to be okay?" she asked.

"Well," he started off, then hesitating, "'s very hard for me to explain this."

That alone had Fluttershy's pupils shrink in fear.


The hospital room she was the same as last time she was checked in. Rainbow Dash lied on her bed, not bothing to sit up and see her friends, since it was recommended for her to keep her back straight. Thoughts swirled in her head like a whirlpool, expecting the worst to the point where she was getting a massive headache. However, Rainbow willed herself to believe she'll be fine. It wasn't working very well, with that sharp pain in her back reminding her of it.

When all the other ponies were let inside, they rushed to her bedside, worry etched over each of their faces. However, Pinkie Pie was trying to act normally, but even her hyper tweets (findanotherwordplz) couldn't hide her guilt. Rainbow Dash at least attempted a smile, even if it was a small one.

"Hey guys," Rainbow Dash whispered weakly, though not from fatigue.

"How are you feeling?" Rarity asked, "Does it still hurt?"

"A little," Rainbow lied, "I'm sure I'll be back to shape in no time."

"Well, that's good," Applejack said, "With some kick like that, it probably would have busted your back in four."

"You could tell how STRONG that kick was from where you were?" Rainbow asked in disbelief.

"There's a lot you don't know about me and leg strength."

"Dang…" Rainbow started to mutter, as the door opened, to reveal Fluttershy and Doctor Hooves coming in.

"Miss Dash," the good doctor started, "I'm afraid we're going to have to cut this visit short. It's recommended that you get some rest now."

"Alright," Rainbow Dash said, calmly, "How long will I need it?"

"Well, it might take some time, but I'm afraid I don't know how long it'll be."

Rainbow Dash grew worried, but slightly noticed Fluttershy with wide eyes, and was sniffling a bit. This made Rainbow even MORE worried, thinking that the doctor told Fluttershy what her condition was. She tried to hide her worrying by turning towards the doctor with a strong face.

"Now then, I'm going to have to ask you four to leave now."

Just as they were all about to leave, Rarity had left a few Danger Doo books for Rainbow to read, just in case she wants to cure her boredom. However, Rainbow was too exhausted to bother with it, as she fell asleep.


As they reached the lobby, they all looked cautious about what will happen to Rainbow Dash. Suddenly, a blue blurr came flying in at high speed, towards the front desk. When it came to a stop, it revealed to be a middle-aged pegasus. It was Rainbow Dash's mother, and coming in normally, was her father.

"Where is she?" she exclaimed, "I demand to see my daughter!"

"Ma'am," the nurse at the front desk said in a softer voice, "You need to keep it down. This is a hospital after all."

"That doesn't matter!" she exclaimed louder.

"Now now, Claira dear," Rainbow's father said, trying to calm his wife down, "Let's not get kicked out again like last time."

Fluttershy saw the scene, and started to grow very nervous. She forgot how sensitive Rainbow Dash's mother was. But she didn't have a choice. She needed to tell them Rainbow's condition. As she walked over to them, very cautiously, she tapped Rainbow's father on the shoulder, getting his attention.

"Fluttershy," he said, facing her completely, "I'm guessing you've probably-"

"Tell me!" Rainbow's mother said, cutting her husband off, shaking Fluttershy, "How is she? Is she still alive?"

Fluttershy's tongue began to swell with nervousness, as she kept staring into their eyes. She had to get it over with. The others looked over, and were very cautious about what she was going to say. Fluttershy's the only one who actually knows Rainbow Dash's condition. When it looked like Fluttershy was done, they saw Rainbow's mother sobbing her eyes out, and rush out the door. Her father, however, looked like he was about to break down, but didn't. He simply walked out, with his hat shadowing his face. The others looked at Fluttershy, who was also almost about to break down, and grew very cautious.

"Fluttershy," Applejack said, "What exactly did they tell you, about Rainbow's condition?"

When Fluttershy heard the question, she looked at her friends, and the tears started to build up heavily in her eyes. Just as she was about to crack, she ran out of the hosptial, leaving her friends behind. She just couldn't bare to say the words she said again.

Her friends were now deeply in fear of Rainbow's condition.

Tragedy and Legend

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Twilight and Hydra had lead their conversation towards Ponyville park. She told him about what she's done ever since she arrived in town.

“Well, it seems you've had quite the tussle here,” Hydra commented, amused by what he's heard.

“Yeah,” Twilight said, “It's a wonder I'm still in tact with how crazy things are.”

“And it does surprise me, that you and your friends defeated Nightmare Moon AND Discord. I don't even think my great grandfather could even do something like that.”

“Well, thankfully, learning the magic of friendship's always been there to back me up, one way or the other.”

“If only I could say the same for Bishop.”

That remark had caught Twilight's attention strongly. She turned to her uncle, who was looking a bit down.

“Uncle Hydra,” Twilight started, “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure, kid.”

“Why did you and Bishop come to Ponyville to begin with?”

Hydra hesitated a bit. He felt his heart being tugged at again, but didn't let that distract him. He slowly closed his eyes, then looked over at his niece.

“We came here, because Celestia wanted Bishop to take a vacation,” he said.”

Twilight was a bit curious about why the princess would choose that, but then he continued on.

“You see, ever since that...dreadful day, eight years ago, Bishop has been always been determined to be the better solider than any of them have ever been. He felt weak when she saved him from that monster, and he didn't want to feel that way again. He's kept pushing himself to high levels, to where he's even critically injuring his own troops as well. Even when he was 15, he could still beat some high class down.”

Twilight couldn't help but feel sorry for Bishop. She may have felt bad about losing her aunt, but Bishop has it worse, since Beatrix was his mother AND she died in his arms. Her sadness, however, was interrupted when she suddenly realized something.

“I know what you're going to ask, so don't bother wasting your breath.” Hydra said, interrupting her thoughts, “It's because he had gone into battle with that culprit, and he had to pay a second heavy price.”

“What was it?” Twilight asked.

“...His horn.”

Twilight gasped in shock.

“Does...does that mean-”



“Shoter! Shoter!”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders had spent a good hour, looking for their new member and friend. The three of them had checked every location she could have gone to, but still no luck.

“Oh, what's the use?” Sweetie Belle said, sitting down.

“Don't say that,” Applebloom exclaimed, “we can't just give up on her! Especially since she's our newest member!”

“Yeah, but what if she doesn't want to be friends with us anymore?” Scootaloo asked, “After all, she did have a scared look on her, when her brother hurt Rainbowdash.”

That only made the other two more desperate to find Shoter. They needed to know where she was, or else they would lose a Cutie Mark Crusader, who just joined up. As they kept looking, they saw the mayor passing by, carrying a bag of fruits and cakes. The three little fillies then ran up to her, getting in her path of travel.

"Miss Mayor, have you seen a filly, around our size, and wears green and has red glasses?" Sweetie Belle said exasperatedly.

“I think I might have...” she paused a bit, trying to picture their description, “….I think she was with an older mare, though," she replied.

"Where?!" all three of them exclaimed.

"I'm not sure, but I believe they were headed south on Main Street.”

“What did the older pony she was with look like?” Applebloom asked.

“I believe she had a really purple mane and a pair of belts cross cutie mark, but that's all I can remember," the Mayor said.

By the time she glanced back at the fillies, all she saw in front of her was a cloud of dust was left at where they were standing.


"This is the last house" Applebloom said, tiresome.

"Let's hope this is the one," Sweetie Belle replied.

"Same here," Scootaloo said.

They were standing in front of a large, two story house. It was completely made out of a hard substance, between rock and steel. Cautiously, Scootaloo knocked on the wooden door three times, slowly.

"I'll get it!" a feminine voice called, though it wasn't one that they recognized. As the door opened, it revealed a mare with dark purple hair, just like how she was described, and a deep blue coat with a bright red vest. She looked down at the three of them, giving a natural look.

"Excuse me, but do you happen to know a small filly, about our size, and wears green?" Applebloom asked.

"Oh, you must be Shoter's friends," she said, "Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, right?”

The three of them nodded happily, with huge smiles on their faces.

“Please, come in,” she said, opening the door more for them, as they walked in, “My name's Nimi, and I'm glad to have you as guests in my humble home.”

“So how do you know Shoter,” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I was her babysitter when she was younger. I tell you, Shoter gave me heart attacks every hour I was there! I mean, she'd fly up bookshelves, lifting up furniture will I was trying to rest...Oh my Celestia…….." Her tone of voice made them crusaders relax, as if she was an old friend of theirs.

They followed Nimi as she led them through her home. It was a regular type of house, with carpets and faded wallpaper, but very realistic looking paintings and soft lights hinted otherwise. She took them upstairs, and took them into a room filled with books. Dusty shelves were full of them. There were so many books that they could all rival the many Twilight had, but not quite. The Crusaders noted none of this, for they spotted Shoter perched on a beanbag.

"Shoter!" the three of them yelled as they glomped her instantly.

“What are you doing here?” Shoter asked.

“We were looking for you,” Scootaloo said.

Those words brought Shoter into shock. She started to feel tears fighting up, but didn't let them show.

“But...I thought that you...” she was lost for words, at how happy she was that they still wanted to be friends with her.

As Shoter was trying to get the words out, Applebloom noticed a couple of the books that she was reading. They looked dusty and worn aged tan pages.

"Say Shoter, what's with the books here?" Apple Bloom asked.

"'s uh...just some research on the seventh Element of Harmony," she replied, nervously.

That statement alone, had the three of them wide-eyed and jawdropped, more so than what she told them just after school ended.

“A SEVENTH element?!” they exclaimed.

"Yes,” Nimi said, “there's a possibility that there IS a seventh. I tell you, ever since that slipped from her aunt, this young lady has been digging up as many books about the Elements of Harmony that should've been sent to a museum by now."

“Who IS her aunt anyway?” Scootaloo asked.

“Dr. Quorra Mythro,” Shoter answered, “She's the head of the Canterlot Laboratories and Research Hospitals.”

"So...she's what got you into thinking about the 7th element?" Sweetie Belle asked.


"Isn't it pushing the myth a bit much?” Scootaloo asked, “There was already one about a sixth, so why a seventh?"

"Who knows? There might even be more than that..." Nimi trailed off, staring at the rows of books that were in the room.

"Even I have gotten tangled into this sort of research myself. This is all that me and Shoter know of so far...

Many millenniums ago, the elements of harmony were the most powerful gems in existence. They still are today. The gems were used to balance harmony, because without it, there's chaos. Now, six of them are known symbolizing Loyalty, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty, Kindness, and Magic. From my studies, all I can guess about the seventh is that it was the most important out of all of them. However, it had all changed, when it fell into the wrong hands of a demon...named “Crow”. Crow had stolen the element from Canterlot Castle, letting his dark heart seep into it, creating chaos upon the lands. However, in a last attempt, Princesses Luna and Celestia had combined their magic with the rest of the elements, banishing Crow to a fatal demise, but at a fatal price. The element that was taken, was too corrupted by Crow, that it could not be revived. Without that element, the others aren't as powerful as they were.

No one remembers or knows what the seventh one was, and the events that happened on that day, are never spoken of by either princess."

Nimi sighed, and the room suddenly became quiet as they let the whole story sink in.

"Wow," the crusaders said.

“Cool, huh?” Shoter said.

“I'll say,” Applebloom said, “I betcha Twilight's gonna be really surprised by this!”

Tears to Shed

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As the sun was starting to set, Hydra had brought Twilight to his humble home. She was quite surprised that her uncle would own such a nice home in Ponyville. It was a big manor, that had pillars at the doorway. As he let her inside, she was stunned at the amazing decorative furniture.

'Gee, if Rarity saw this, she'd have a heart attack,' Twilight thought.

"You really have a nice place here, Uncle Hydra," she said.

"Well, it's the best we could do," Hydra replied, "After all, it WAS given to me back twenty-five years ago."

It was then, Hydra started to feel his eyes water a bit. Twilight noticed her uncle looking up at a portrait.

It was of Beatrix.

It showed her in her gold-chested armor and sapphire leg armor. Her luscious brown hair was flowing with grace, with her horn sticking through it, and her emerald cape with it. Even in portrait form, she was still beautiful.

She wanted to do something to help cheer him up, but she felt like it was best to let him be for now.

"Twilight," Hydra said, "could you wait in the other room for a bit? I just...need some time to myself."

She didn't need to respond. She just walked towards the door, and headed outside. As Twilight turned away from Hydra to ease the door close between them, a noise made her hesitate and freeze. She could hear Hydra's attempts at silencing his sobs, at suppressing the tears that just start to leak out. Even the most courageous and selfless soldiers have a soft, vulnerable side to them.

Turning away from Hydra's sobs, Twilight closed the door. The wind whipped her multicolor hair around as she started to trot away.


The voice made her freeze for the second time that day. Turning slowly, she was met with a furious gaze.

"Can I help you?" Bishop snarled.

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Meanwhile, Applejack and two of the others had arrived at Fluttershy's cottage, worried about the young pegasus. They needed to know what Doctor Hooves told her, about Rainbowdash. They knocked on her door, but no response came.

"Maybe she isn't home," Pinkie said.

"Well, where else could she have gone?" Rarity asked

"It just feels disturbing, the way she acted," Applejack said, "what if Rainbowdash's condition is worse than we thought?"

"Don't think that!" Rarity exclaimed.

Just then, the door started to open up. The three ponies looked worried, as Fluttershy stood in the exposing light in the doorway. Her eyes were red and puffy, and she looked a bit dehydrated.

"Fluttershy," Rarity started, as calmly as she could, "Is everything alright?"

"*sniff*" the pegasus replied.

"Listen, Sugarcube," Applejack said, "we want to know what they told you about Rainbow's condition."

Saying Rainbowdash's name alone, brought Fluttershy into tears again. She tried her best to hold them back, but apparently, nothing was working. Tears were seeping out her eyes like waterfalls.

"*sniff*...They...they said..."

x x x x x x x x x x x

As Fluttershy finished her story, she looked around at the others, and she felt her eyes water. She started to sob for the hundredth time that day and ran out, trying to run away from everything, all the problems she had to face.

But she wasn't alone.

x x x x x x x x x x x

Bishop started to feel his legs go weak as he sat there in the den. He couldn't recall Celestia's exact words that day. Bishop couldn't bring himself to. It was ironic. One of the most powerful soldiers in the whole kingdom was weak in the legs because of a few words. However, it was more than that. It was the shame, the distrust and doubt that made him weak. Bishop eyed his drink next to him as he thought of that.

'A life isn't the worth of twenty,' he recalled from the jumbles of his memory.

There was a sudden creak. The door was opened. Bishop turned to see who it was.

It was Twilight.

She didn't notice him right away. She had a thoughtful expression to her. As Twilight slowly eased the door closed, Bishop walked up to Twilight with a dark expression on his face.

"Hey," he said in a deep tone, recieving a small 'eep' from her.

She turned around to see him, and looked very cautious.

"Who are you?" he asked in a deep tone.

"Uh...well, I..."

As she stuttered, Bishop looked at her closely, and then a sudden thought came back to him, but with the same expression on him.

"Wait a minute," he said, "Haven't I seen your face before?"

"Probably from the race, from earlier today," Twilight said.

"Could be. But why are you here?"

"I...I came with your father."


It was then they heard a sudden sound come from the den. Bishop then pushed Twilight aside, and went in through the door. As Twilight followed him, they saw that Hydra was looking up at the portrait of Beatrix. Bishop walked towards his father, he noticed the tears coming out his eyes. Bishop started to back away, not wanting to bother his father when he's in this state of mind. He turned towards Twilight, with a look that she could understand.

Twilight only nodded at this, and started to head out the door, with Bishop following her. As they were outside, Bishop looked at her with a serious look on her face.

"I'm sorry," he said softly, "...about your friend."

Twilight was a bit set back by what he just said, but then started to smile a bit.

"It's just that..."

He started to hesitate, bringing himself back to that day again.

"Things have just been really hard for the family, ever since that dreadful day...I just hope that Shining will be okay."

"Shining?" Twilight asked, with worry, "You mean...Shining Armor? Captain of the Royal Guard?"

"You know my cousin?"

"Yes! He's my-"

Twilight then cut herself off. She figured that maybe she should hold off from telling him that she's his cousin.

"Your what?" Bishop asked, arching an eyebrow.

"My...friend! Yeah, I've known him since childhood."

"Really now? That's interesting."

"Tell me," he started again, "Did Dad tell you why we came here?"

"Well, yeah," Twilight started, "it was for a vac-"

"He lied to you," Bishop said, interrupting her, "...the truth is...we were exiled."

"What?" Twilight said with Shock.

"Yes," Bishop said, "It happened one year ago..."

x x x x x x x x x x x x

What Caused It?

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NOTE: Now I just want to inform some people, who might go saying, "Hey, this is just the same chapter as the last!" and I have reason for that. See, the thing is, I kind of screw up. I forgot to post chapter 6, so instead, chapter 7 got uploaded first, so I had to fix some things up. For those who can be reasonable with this, I thank you.

It was a bright and cloudless day, as twenty-five of Canterlot's strongest soldiers were now heading out of Canterlot's barricks. It was time for their monthly battle royale. General Hydra was now leading his troops to the battle zone, located in the mountains. He had his troops seperated into five sections. His son, Bishop, was now on the brink of testing his skills.

"Alright then," Hydra announced, "We will now start our month-annual battle royale!"

Every-pony was cheering with excitement, just eager to kick some tail. Bishop, on the otherhand, was just determined to make sure that he test everything he's got. Hydra was a little skeptical, but he didn't let that get by him.

"Good luck, Pawn," one soldier sneered at Bishop.

He was named Marco, also known to be Bishop's long time rival. Marco had hated and envied Bishop with a passion, being the son of the general, and getting personalized training from him. However, Marco was also a genius, who could dodge attacks with quick agility and strategy, without getting one injury in the process.

Bishop just ignored Marco's taunts. If he let any of his insults and mockery get to him, it would cloud his train of thought and make him lose his focus. And with the other 25 soldiers who were the strongest for a reason, this wouldn't be tolerated.

"Now you know the rules," Hydra continued, "First one who lasts longer, will get up a new level. If you are out of the perimeter of the area, you lose. Last one of you up left, becomes my right hand-stallion. Let the battle..."

He left a dramatic pause.


As the battle was announced, every soldier was now charging at each other with great speed.

x x x x x x x x

One hour later...

x x x x x x x x

Five soldiers were left, each in a stage of disarry, from minimal damage to useless limbs. Bishop was lucky enough to make it out alright, even with all the battle scars on him. He was panting heavily, and was reaching his limit. The other soldiers were feeling the same, except they weren't as tired as he was. Marco looked over at Bishop and just smirked at this.

'Now, this'll be easy,' he thought.

Suddenly, three of the other soldiers soon charged at Marco, who was snapped out of his thoughts. However, he used his great agility and raced off, making the three to chase him. Marco lead them straight into a trap: a cliff wall. Marco swerved sharply, making the three bolting after him ram straight into the wall and knock themselves out. Bishop saw Marco's cheap move, which made his anger peak to the zenith of his tolerance.

Now there was only two stallions left on the rocky field. Bishop and Marco. Whoever won would be Hydra's right hand stallion, the highest rank, second only to the head general. Marco and Bishop stared at each other as tension grew.

Hydra, on the other hand, was now cautious about this. He's seen Bishop and Marco fight before, and now that they're on the battlefield, all he could do now was watch. Some of the soldiers, who were thrown out of bounds, watched over, feeling much more stressful, just from watching.

"Now, Bishop," Marco exclaimed, "We can finally end this rivalry once and for all!"

"Come on then!" Bishop exclaimed back, "This place will become your grave!"

Marco charged at Bishop, faster than ever. Bishop, surprisingly, stood completely still as the length between Marco and him lessened and lessened. Hydra looked at Bishop and knew almost instantly what his son was about to do. As Marco came closer and closer, Bishop slowly opened his eyes and stared into Marco's very soul.

"Jackpot," Bishop whispered, with eyes glowing completely white.

Suddenly, Bishop disappeared into a blue blurr, along with Marco. Soon, a crash came into the ground. Some went over to look, then something came rising out of the ground, crashing into all of those around it. Suddenly, the others by Hydra looked up to see a blue blurr coming at them, Hyrda dodged, but some were too weak to move. Before any of them could do anything, the blurr crashed into all of them.

Bishop suddenly disappeared into a blue blur, and Marco suddenly disappeared as well. Soon, crash came onto the ground, its force large enough that Bishop and Marco actually went UNDERGROUND. The other soldiers curiously came closer to see what was happening, only to get crashed by the blue blur that was Bishop. Hydra dodged the assault, but many of then were to weak to move, let alone dodge a high speed attack at them. Another crash came upon the ground, leaving dust and smoke in the air. It continued on, heading towards the walls of Canterlot. As it came crashing through, it kept going until it reached the research facility walls.

As the dust and smoke started to fade away and settle, it started to reveal Bishop pressing a bloody and battered Marco into the cruel terrain. He was pummeling Marco, the face, the (arm), anywhere his fury ingested hooves could reach. Even as they turned into a sickening shade of crimson, he didn't stop. If anything, it made him pound Marco with even more energy and strength. Just as he was about to lay the finishing - and life ending- punch, he heard a strong roar that tore through his blinded assault at Marco.


He then stopped, as he was about to hit. Hydra's roar.....It suddenly made him aware of everything OTHER than Marco. His heavy breathing, the gooey and repulsive BLOOD that was on him and his clothes, and the battlefield. OH, the battlefield...It sickened him to realize that HE made all this. So many people were hurt and possibly DEAD because of him. There was literally an alley of soldiers in the path that he made. Bishop's eyes widened in shock as he got off of Marco.

One life wasn't worth of twenty.

x x x x x x x x x x x

Two hours later...

x x x x x x x x x x x

"This is an OUTRAGE!!"

Bishop and Hydra were before the princesses within the Canterlot court room. Bishop's head was bowed down in shame, for he knew that it was his fault for the whole situation. Princess Luna glared down at the two soldiers with a furious expression. Celestia, on the other hand, was watching the whole ordeal with a look of disappointment. Hydra knew that look too well.

"Every hospital in Canterlot is now crammed with over a hundred patients, AND over thirty casualties! Most of them were citizens! And in just one day!! You have really disgraced the kingdom this time, Bishop Mythro!!" Luna exclaimed, "And THIS time, your father isn't bailing you out, since HE'S to blame as well!"

"Luna, calm yourself," Celestia said.

"How can I?! He just caused great dam-"

"I'm aware of that," She said, cutting her sister off.

Hydra was worried about what she had planned for them, especially Bishop. As she stepped towards the two soldiers, Bishop closed his eyes tightly and expected the worst from her.

"Princess, wait!" some-pony called out, cutting off Princess Celestia.

Bishop looked up to see who just called out, and his eyes widened. It was Shining Armor, his cousin. During his time in the Equestrian Army, Shining Armor has helped Bishop whenever Hydra wasn't around. He's always tried to get to know his cousin better, ever since that dreadful day.

"Don't try to weasel him out of this, Shining!" Luna exclaimed, jumping down in front of Shining, "After these many casualties, you should know that getting him out of this would have serious consequences on your head!"

"She's right," Celestia said.

Shining Armor couldn't help but watch. It only made him worry more about what the princess has planned for them. Hydra was too thinking of that, even though he was more worried about Bishop than himself. He looked up and saw Shining Armor, but it didn't last long. He turned down as soon as they made eye contact.

He didn't want to see him in this state of shame. Not for the first time in ten years.

x x x x x x x x x x x

"What happened after that?" Twilight asked.

"I don't remember as much," Bishop replied, "My father told me, that I was hit really hard in the head, while we wre on the train. I asked him did he clear me out, but he said no. He told me that someone else did, but he didn't see him clearly in the shadows. I wish I knew who it was, so I can thank him."

"So...why do you feel worried about what will happen to Shining?"

"Because I've been getting a bad feeling that something terrible has happened with him."

Twilght's thoughts were now running wild. Could Shining be in trouble again, especially after he came back from his honeymoon?

"I was rejected from the kingdom because I had caused pain...because that's all I knew, for almost ten years now."

Bishop's statement brought Twilight out of her thoughts.

"I resented myself from being social, because I didn't want to seem weak again...I couldn't even talk to my own sister about it, because she wouldn't understand the amount of torment I had to go through..."

Bishop soon had tears welling up in his eyes, but turned away from Twilight so she didn't see them. Twilight, out of sympathy, reaches out to Bishop, placing a hoof on his shoulder. When Bishop felt it, he slightly chuckled a bit.

"It's funny," he said, "here I am, saying I couldn't confess any of my hardships to anyone, yet I tell it to you, who I just met today. But at the same time...I feel like it's the exact opposite."

Soon the door opened, and Hydra stepped out. He looked exhausted, but he kept his poise strong looking. He walked inbetween the two, as Twilight noticed the small pouch that he had.

"Bishop," he said sternly, "Come. We're heading into town to clear your name."

"Yessir," Bishop nodded, walking up to his father.

"Twilight, I want you to meet us at the town's hospital. I think you know what purpose."

"Right," said Twilight, rushing into town.

As Bishop and Hydra watched her go up ahead, Hydra noticed his son's curious expression.

"So...her name's Twilight?" he asked.

"That's correct, Bishop," Hydra answered, "She's even, one of Canterlot's most beloved icons. You should be proud to be related to such."

He was a bit confused on what Hydra meant by that. He probably meant it in figurative terms, since she addressed to be Shining's best companion. As they were starting to approach town, he tipped his hat to shadow his eyes. He didn't want to see what the ponyfolk would look at him like.

At least not yet.

x x x x x x x x x x x x

As she continued to lie there in the hospital bed, Rainbowdash started to feel dizzy, even when she wanted to keep herself awake to eat. She even started to remember the race, having that tremendous loss hit her head hard. It was bad enough that she had a broken back, but her pride was in even more pieces than any-pony could count.

It was then she heard the door open. She tried her best to look at who it was, and saw that it was Doctor Hooves.

"Miss Dash," he said, "You have a visitor here with you."


Rainbowdash's answer was given, when she saw a familiar face. Her eyes had widened to a great length, but then went into a glare.

"Oh great," she said, in an unhappy tone.

"Hey, is that really the kind of tone for an old friend?"

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x