[C] Discord's Cottage

by scribe-feather

First published

Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash all gather at Fluttershy's cottage for one of her famous tea parties. Much to their surprise, they find out that it was Discord who put together the whole thing. (ABDL, Adult Themes)

Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash all gather at Fluttershy's cottage for one of her famous tea parties. Much to their surprise, they find out that it was Discord who put together the whole thing.

Commission For Anonymous

(Do not continue reading if you do not approve of diaper usage, mental regression, or diaper lover themes. If you do not like it or are under legal age, please do not keep reading.)

Discord's Cottage

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Discord’s Cottage
By Scribe Feather

Spring was in the air and what better way was there to celebrate a sunny spring day then with a lovely tea party. Fluttershy had gathered all her friends that were available that day for one of her well known tea parties at her cottage.

Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash accepted the invite one way or another and one by one the three made their journey out to the quiet cottage that rested just on the fringes of the overgrown Everfree Forest. Fluttershy was there to greet them when they arrived, exchanging their usual greetings and quickly gathering in the kitchen where a tea table was placed near the window with a group of chairs circling it.

The table had a smooth white cloth draped over it, free of any stains or holes. Little dainty cheese cubes sat on fine china plates alongside various crackers of different shades and shapes. Each pony was given their own tea cup and saucer with the teapot easily reachable in the center of the table.

“Appreciate you invitin’ us to your little party, Fluttershy,” Applejack smiled before taking a noisy sip of her tea. “Bin too long since we came out here to visit.”

“Oh well I hope it wasn’t too much trouble,” Fluttershy meekly back pedaled.

“Not at all, darling,” Rarity answered, taking a much daintier sip of her tea, “we wouldn’t have missed it for the world. Isn’t that right, Rainbow Dash?”

The rainbow pegasus floated just above the tea table, her forehooves idly crossed in boredom. “Psh well, I mean I could think of a few things I’d rather do...” Her thought trailed off as she realized how rude that sounded, “I-I mean yeah, no no, it’s great that you thought of us. Thanks for inviting us!”

“Oh it was all Discord’s idea,” Fluttershy corrected, refilling her cup with warm tea, “he practically begged me to invite all of you over.”

“Weird, never thought he liked these tea parties,” Applejack commented.

“Quite the opposite,” Fluttershy said after a sip of tea, “after I told him you all were wanting to come over, he went and made all the proper arrangements.”

“Oh so all this is his doing?” Rarity asked, looking over the rather thoughtful spread before them. It would have seemed that the draconequus had a keen eye for detail when he actually tried.

“Funny, I figured the tea would be like shooting confetti if he ran the party,” Dash remarked, staring down her cup of tea.

“Nothing of the sort!” Fluttershy consoled, “he really is a good planner when he puts his mind to it. He knows how to properly pamper a pony.”

Suddenly their tea time banter was interrupted by a bright white flash. Appearing out of nowhere came a well groomed Discord, fancily dressed in a dapper suit and hat. He held a cookie sheet of freshly baked goods with over mit covered hands.

“Who wants freshly baked scones?!” the draconequus exclaimed theatrically.

“Oh yeah! Pass ‘em over here!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, grabbing for the tray the moment it floated close enough. Her cup of tea was quickly abandoned as she greedily nabbed up as many tasty scones as she could.

“Are we enjoying ourselves? Everypony have their fill of cheese and crackers?” Discord asked, placing the tray of scones onto the table.

“Everything is marvelous, Discord,” Rarity commented, magically levitating a scone over to her headspace. “I’m quite impressed you were able to put together such a lovely little party.”

“I’ll say. Thought you’d find all this frou-frou stuff boring,” Applejack added, snatching up a scone or two for herself.

“Me? Boring? Perish the thought,” Discord dismissed the remark with a wave of his hand, “why I use to throw these kinds of parties all the time. Even invited Celestia and Luna back in the day.”

“Maybe we could make this a regular thing,” Fluttershy quietly suggested, grabbing herself a scone as well. “Maybe next time Pinkie Pie and Twilight’ll be able to make it.”

“Perhaps,” Discord grinned, “but for now, I’m just going to have to pamper you four.”

“Pamper? Like a spa day?” Dash asked with a flinch, not all too thrilled about spending the day at the spa.

“Oh no, nothing like that,” Discord gently shook his head, “it’s sort of a...game I played with Pinkie and Twilight already. They seemed to’ve enjoyed themselves.” He looked down at the group of ponies who congregated around the small tea table.

With a devilish grin, Discord snapped his fingers, sparking a white light to erupt in his hands. In a flash the scones suddenly turned into diapers, bulging well beyond the tiny plates that they rested on. Rainbow Dash had the misfortune of deciding to bite into one of the scones moments before the magic turned it into a diaper, causing her to temporarily get a mouthful of thick, plastic padding.

The cyan pegasus spat out the diaper corner, pulling the big rectangle away from her mouth. “Bleh! What in the hay is this?!”

The rest of the group was as put off by the sudden change as well, but didn’t have much time to react. Hardly seconds after the scones turned into large diapers, the cups of tea transformed themselves into adult sized pacifiers with penis shaped nipples. The pacifiers floated into the air, popping into each of the ponies’ mouths and magically locking into place.

The startled ponies exclaimed muffled gasps and words of refusal as the pacifiers prevented any coherent words to be heard. Rarity and Fluttershy gasped, completely caught off guard by the sudden shift in decor. Applejack and Dash scowled at the offending pacifier, quickly glaring up at Discord who grinned big at a job well done.

“Now there’ll be no need to get all fussy and whiny about my little ‘adjustments’,” Discord firmly stated, snapping his fingers once again.

In a flash, the ponies’ expressions softened. Their eyes became unfocused as any angry scowls or startled gasps devolved into blank stares. Their minds instantly regressed to that of a foals.

“Let’s not spoil the mood,” Discord grinned as the diapers began to stir with life.

The diapers slinked off the tea table, moving about on their own accord as they coiled around each ponies’ waist. They magically taped themselves up around the regressed ponies, hugging their crotches snuggly.

“Well don’t we all look adorable,” Discord grinned as he pulled Fluttershy out from the pile of diapered ponies. “Look at that, you hardly even notice the difference, huh?” He placed the yellow pegasus on a knee, keeping her occupied with a little bounce. As Fluttershy played horsey and giggled quietly, Discord turned his attention towards the other diapered ponies.

The first his eyes laid upon was Applejack. The orange earth pony was preoccupied with a large baby bottle that she hungrily suckled on with her legs spread out wide to show off the diaper. The liquid inside the bottle sort of resembled milk, but had to have been something else judging by how viscous it looked.

“Do you like your bottle, Applejack?” Discord grinned, “I worked extra hard to make sure you had a special treat to drink.” The orange pony didn’t response and just suckled down her treat. “I guess you really like drinking down my cum, huh?” Discord teased, “almost like sucking off the real thing, right?”

Applejack continued to drink away, sucking down the salty, white liquid. Gulp by gulp, she filled her belly with the sticky liquid, laying there quietly as her diaper crinkled ever so faintly.

Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, was facing a different challenge. Discord’s magic left her wearing only a diaper, however this one was a strange rubber one. The enchanted garment glowed around the pegasus’s waist as she just idly suckled on her phallic shaped pacifier.

With full force her bladder gave way, spraying into the waiting diaper. The rubber diaper, strangely enough, didn’t absorb any of the warm liquid, but instead just grew in size. Like a water balloon, the garment inflated in response to Dash’s bladder full of pee. Feeling the diaper inflate seemed to excite the pony as evidence of her wings growing stiff.

The pleasure she got from wetting her rubber diaper felt like a reward the the regressed and horny pony. Without hesitation she quickly gave it another soak with a new bladder’s full of urine that magically filled back up instantly. The diaper inflated even more, pushing her butt off the ground with it’s sloshing, rubber cushion.

Dash moaned loudly as her back legs wiggled and squirmed against the elastic diaper. Both of her forehooves dug deep into the inflated diaper crotch as she desperately rubbed away to satisfy the growing sexual itch.

Yet another torrent of urine sprays into her elastic diaper, further inflating it. Now she reached the point of no return. Her forehooves dug even deeper into the rubber padding, desperate for release.

After quite a bit of rubbing and a little bit of bouncing, the sexually charged Rainbow dash finally reached that long sought after orgasm. Bolts of lightning surged down her spine as she let out a loud moan from behind the penis shaped pacifier. Her heated sex seemed to shiver with such intense bliss and pleasure as she rode out the wonderful climax.

“What a good girl,” Discord grinned down at Dash who lazily slouched in the middle of her inflated diaper. “I would say that makes the rubber diaper a complete success, don’t you think?”

Dash didn’t respond, lazily laying there on top of her inflated diaper like bean bag chair. With such an ample supply of urine inside of it, the rubber diaper activated more like a waist bound waterbed.

Discord grinned impishly at the lounging pegasus. He smiled satisfied at an experiment gone well. Fluttershy continued to idly babble behind her penis shaped pacifier as she bounced on his knee. He was ready give her something to really babble about until a low buzzing sound, followed by some muffled moaning diverted his attention elsewhere.

Rarity was busy occupying her time with a brand new toy she found. A vibrating rattle caught the eye of the fashion pony with it’s bright colors and intricate design. Activating the vibration setting of the rattle was easy to figure out, so easy a baby could find it.

Instead of shaking it about to occupy her regressed mind, the horny Rarity shoved the vibrating rattle deep between her legs and pressed it into her fluffy diaper. Her body instantly became overtaken by wonderful feelings, seemingly vibrating in response. Such agitation coaxed her bladder to release which the diapered Rarity was all too willing to oblige. Her bladder teemed with urine, ready to be released into the big, fluffy diaper and amplify her pleasure.

Discord also picked up on the unicorn’s eagerness to soak her diaper. As one hand idly rubbed his erect member, he raised his free hand as it began to glow. “Not so fast, little missy,” he grinned devilishly as Rarity’s crotch began to glow. “We can’t have you wetting yourself so soon. You need to put on a show first. Prove to me that you really DO have to go potty.”

Rarity didn’t respond, nor did she show any signs of actually understanding the draconequus. Instead, she fussed a little, like an overtired toddler late for her nap. When the sweet relief of wetting herself didn’t come, the unicorn fussed some more. She pouted enthusiastically, stomping a hoof once or twice on the floor as she wedged the vibrating rattle deeper into her diaper crotch.

She began rubbing against the rattle, desperately trying all that she could think of to obtain sweet relief. She began humping the floor with the rattle wedged in between. Her still dry diaper loudly crinkled with each hump. No matter how hard she tried, her bladder wouldn’t obey. Her advances quickly grew more desperate and haphazard as the seconds went by.

Before too long, Rarity was fussing like a baby who couldn’t find her blankie. Little whimpers and fusses slipped past her pacifier as she looked as if she was on the verge of a full blown hissy fit.

“Well alright,” Discord rolled his eyes as his hand rose again. “You can stop whining. I’ll let you pee.” He waved his hand in the air as Rarity’s crotch glowed again.

He saw results almost instantly. Once the magic took hold, Rarity was overtaken by an intense need to go. She continued to hump the rattle even when her bladder finally decided to spray full force into the dry diaper. Loud moans slipped past the pacifier as she continued to hump, grinding against the diaper that grew more saturated by the second.

Almost simultaneously, Rarity felt an intense orgasm overtake her amplified sex drive. Even as her bladder continued to empty into the diaper, her moist pussy sent her over the edge. She gasped, squirmed, and contorted as the wonderful climax rushed over her body. Her bladder was still finishing up once her orgasm subsided, leaving the unicorn splayed on the ground with a faint hiss still filling up the soggy, yellow diaper.

Discord patiently waited for Rarity to finish. He watched intently as her diapered continued to fill up and swell even after her body had drooped down in blissful afterglow. He grinned at the faint hissing sound as it slowly died down to a trickle and then stopping.

“I just might have to keep you in that soggy diaper for just a little longer,” Discord mused.

He then heard Fluttershy babbled something incoherently into her pacifier. He smiled as he lifted the pegasus up off his knee and held her in front of him.

“And who could forget my favorite little diaper pony,” Discord grinned as he held the diapered Fluttershy by her armpits.

The yellow pegasus drooped in his hold, legs dangling uselessly under her. She stared back at him with blank, unfocused eyes as drool lazily dribbled from her mouth.

“It just wouldn’t be the same without making room for some special time with the cutest diaper butt I know.” Discord grinned as he placed Fluttershy on the floor. “Who’s the cutest diaper butt?” He cooed as his hands tickled Fluttershy’s side. The yellow pegasus responded in kind, quickly working herself into hysterics as she wiggled about with happy giggles. “Who’s dah cutest diaper butt?!” Discord cooed even more as his tickling intensified. Fluttershy wiggled even more, squirming about under the draconequus’s tickling fingers. “Who’s dah cutest diapee butt?!”

Fluttershy continued to giggle loudly, writhing hysterically as Discord relentlessly tickled her sides. In a fit of losing control, her bladder began spraying into the waiting diaper. The thirsty padding swelled up quickly with the yellow liquid, hardly being noticed by the squirming and giggling pony who kicked weakly into the air.

“Oops! Who’s a WET diapee butt?” Discord grinned impishly as he cooed. Only now did his tickling start to taper off. He felt his cock throb at the sight. Now it was time to finally satisfy the urge.

Discord laid himself in the middle of the floor, surrounding himself with the group of sexually heated diaper ponies who were too busy to even notice him. The only one who seemed to take stock was Fluttershy who watched as he magically lifted her back into the air as her freshly soaked diaper sagged profusely between her legs.

“And now we just carefully lay the soggy britches down,” Discord mused mostly to himself as his magic slowly lowered Fluttershy down on top of him. Her diaper squished loudly against his upper chest as her muzzle grazed his throbbing cock. He then plucked the pacifier out of Fluttershy’s mouth. “And the pee pee pants is ready for some sucking.”

Discord lifted his hips up a tiny bit, nudging his throbbing cock slightly closer to the diapered pegasus. Fluttershy stared blankly into space for a little while, but eventually that daze was broken when the throbbing member tapped her muzzle.

She looked at the cock with wide curious eyes, as if it was the most awe inspiring thing she had ever seen. Drool continued to dribble out of her mouth, splattering against Discord’s belly and crotch. That enticed the horny draconequus as his hand began to glow again. Ever so subtly he nudged Fluttershy’s dazed mind closer to the throbbing cock. He coaxed the regressed pegasus by poking her nose more with his stiff member.

After a few minutes Fluttershy caught on, her eyes lighting up when she finally put two and two together. She lowered herself down onto the throbbing cock that stiffened before her. Her Muzzle effortlessly slipped around the member, getting it slick with her spit.

Discord moaned lowly, leaning his head back as he subtly bit his lip. He grinned big with pleasure as his member throbbed inside of Fluttershy’s mouth. Her movements were simplistic, but the pleasure coupled with the soggy diaper that squished against Discord’s chest was enough to get him where he needed.

The pegasus began bobbing her head around the erection, tapping into a strange instinct that urged her to continue doing so. Each bob left Discord’s cock slick with her spit as she slid up and down it’s length.

Discord’s stiff cock twitched and throbbed inside of Fluttershy’s warm muzzle. His breathing became shallow as his fingers dug into the ground under him. Any deep breath he took brought with it the gentle waft of the pegasus’s urine soaked diaper.

Once he felt himself reach the point of no return, Discord shoved his muzzle into the thick, swollen diaper that laid before him. He let out one long, drawn out moan as his cock finally tipped over the edge. Strings of sticky cum shot into Fluttershy’s mouth which she hugrily suckled down like milk. His body remained tense throughout the entire orgasm as he bit his lips in intense pleasure.

Fluttershy licked the cock clean, sucking up every drop of the salty cum. She drooled a bit more around the member as it quickly began to soften. With some gentle coaxing from Discord, she eventually moved her muzzle off of it.

When he finally reached the afterglow, his body dropped to the ground, leaving him panting and sexually satisfied.

He noticed Fluttershy coiling up close to him, snuggling up under his chin. She began suckling on her hoof as she rolled up into a loose ball before dozing off for an impromptu nap. Such a tasty treat had left her sleepy.

Discord smirked at the dozing pegasus. “A nap sounds like a lovely idea,” he stated, letting out an involuntary yawn. With that he stretched his arms into the air, popping a few joints before he laid back down and got comfortable.

The ponies around him seemed to settle on the same idea, yawning one by one. They eventually abandoned their sex fueled games, abandoning any adult toys they played with. Their diapers drooped grossly, filled with urine and sex juices after a session well done.

Discord grinned as the diapered ponies loosely gathered around him, diapers sloshing about noisily. “Another successful tea party, I would say,” he simply stated before spawning a pillow under his head. “Just like old times.” Discord let out another yawn, a twinge of urine wafting in the air from the four well used diapers that hung so close to him. “I’ll have quite a few diapers to change after our little nap, that’s for sure,” Discord said to himself, “wouldn’t have it any other way.”

And with that said, the draconequus drifted off to a nice nap.