Comforts of Home

by Steel Quill

First published

When Macintosh is still harboring some of his troubles, he can always rely on Applejack to come to his aid.

With the Sisterhooves Social behind him, one might think Macintosh would be feeling better after his talk with Applebloom. He didn't need to fret over her not looking up to him anymore. Yet, there's still strife in the eldest of the Apple siblings, and it takes the Element of Honesty just one look to know its there. A talk with Applejack might be all Mac needs to settle those troubles once and for all, and to remember that he really is valued by the so-called "hero" of the Apple family.

Written in tribute to Sunnysundown, an artist I am a huge fan of for his renditions of Applejack and his artwork in general. Artwork belongs to him, though I cannot directly link to his tumblr as it is NSFW. Pre-read and edited by Cloperella

Comforts of Home

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There was always a distinct sound to it.

For Macintosh, the first sensation wasn't sight, so much as sound. A collection of sounds, mixing together in the air around and about him. The wind blowing through the trees, rustling the leaves and apples; the creak of aged and tested wood that came from the barn and the house he stood in; the light chirps of birds encouraging their young to take flight and explore the world as birds do. All of these sounds coalesced and converged into one sensation that Macintosh could take in, and when he did, it was a comfort offered by no other.

The expanse of Sweet Apple Acres was by no means a small farm to pass by these days. The central figure of the area, the Apple homestead, stood proud amidst the fields of apple trees that swayed in the summer breeze blowing through. To an outsider, every tree was just a mirror of another, dotted with fresh ripe apples ready for picking. To someone like Macintosh, however, there was an altogether different awareness he had while standing on the front porch and looking out at the fields.

It was home.

Macintosh inhaled through his nose, the earthen wooden smell of the house greeting him next. It was intertwined with the familiar smell of their namesake, waiting out in the fields. His favorite pair of jeans on and his standard red shirt stretched over his broad shoulders, he felt at ease looking out at what awaited. There was plenty to harvest this year round, the family having avoided any major disasters this season that could harm their crops and way of life. It would fall to his and Applejack's shoulders to make sure they were all harvested and stored properly for sorting, as some would be converted for the Apple family's famous Apple Cider, the local drink that everyone sought to wet their tongues for the extra hot days.

“Eeyup.” He told himself before stepping down the porch, boots plodding on the wood in heavy, practiced steps as he lumbered out towards the first row of trees. Yesterday, he'd taken the time to spread several large wooden buckets out and around the fields, for today's usage. Some of the trees were ripe and ready, and others were still wanting a little more time to grow. That was fine; they could have all the time they needed. It wasn't in Macintosh's nature to rush.

Coming up to the first tree, he rested a hand on the trunk, feeling the roughened wood of the tall apple-bearer. He'd kept his eye on this tree for a time after planting it, he recalled. It'd grown up to be an impressive example of a healthy apple tree, with almost as many fresh apples hanging above as there were leaves of green. Moving his hand back, he took two steps back as well from the tree, resting his hands on his hips as he eyed it up and down, looking for just the right spot on the expanse of the trunk…

There. His eyes settled on a spot just above what he estimated was the right place to aim. That was one of the few things about the Apples that made them stand out amongst the other farm working families in Ponyville. Outside of the obvious, the Apple family had a unique way of harvesting their main crop and namesake. For others, it'd be the use of tools, or by hand, to pluck each apple from the tree in a cautious manner. Macintosh could appreciate the mindset of such thinking, but his apples were tougher than most. So he didn't pluck them down with his hands, or any fancy tools.

He just needed a good kick.

With a practiced turn and pivot on his right foot, he grit his teeth and lashed out with his foot, the boot colliding with the trunk and unleashing a heavy wave of motion that was sent upwards into the tree's waiting branches. It took only that one kick to loosen many of the red fruit to fall from their branches to the ground below. Macintosh smiled at the remaining few bunches left, and turned to try his luck with his other foot. He reared it back, tensing his muscles before lashing out.

“Gettin' goin' a bit early, ain'tcha Mac?”

The unexpected voice threw him off entirely; Macintosh didn’t fare well with being surprised out of the blue. His kick went wide, and he caught himself on the trunk with his arms. Releasing the tree when he had his footing, he turned around and sighed, unable to resist smiling at the one who startled him.

Standing before him was the other main driving force of the Apple family, hands on her hips as she watched him with a knowing grin. Applejack might've been his younger sister, but the woman had made a name for herself amongst much of the world for both the Apples and her own self. Over the years from the time she'd come back to the farm as a youth and the years that followed till now, she'd grown into a proud and strong woman. She had saved the world alongside her friends, and the fellow Elements of Harmony from nearly every kind of disaster or calamity imaginable., and earned a name for herself as the Element of Honesty through and through.

It wasn't just the content of her character that shone through for many, though. She was built strong, physically as capable as Macintosh was in terms of strength. It showed the most in her legs, the strong almost Amazonian-esque limbs that could deliver a powerful enough kick to make a Manticore recoil. Macintosh had plenty of brawn himself within his arms, but Applejack could match it with those legs. She wasn't just a picture of brute strength, however; he couldn't doubt for a second that her natural beauty shone through in every aspect of her, lying underneath the tough exterior. Her long blonde hair was like a curtain down her shoulders and back, kept in place with a small hair-tie at the end of her long locks but still giving a lovely quality to her form. What she might have lacked in other feminine terms on her torso was made up by those same powerful legs that were kept decent by the durable jeans she had on. Coupling that with the casual orange shirt she always wore, Applejack was an easy sight on the eyes as much as any other woman.

“Ah wanted to get an early start. We got an awful lot waitin'.”

“Ain't you the one who told me all about not rushin'?” She questioned with a smirk.

“Ah reckon ah did.”

Applejack snorted and shook her head, blonde hair swaying behind her head. “Them apples ain't goin' nowhere but them buckets, Mac. Ain't even a festival comin' up to sell 'em at for a couple weeks yet.”

He nodded in reply before stepping back from the tree, giving it another kick to loosen the remaining apples from the tree to fall to the earth below. Catching one in his hand, he looked to her with a small smile. The blonde beauty just smiled back at him, an unspoken statement between the pair of them.

Apples love to work, even just for work's sake.

“Sure am glad to be back home after all that ruckus in Manehattan.” Applejack commented as she took up a spot to his right, her own tree before her. Much like Macintosh had done, she used a matching kick and was rewarded with a rain of apples from the tree. As he watched, every motion of her kick was one fluid strike, years of practice and experience showing in her precise, controlled impacts. Her leg would coil like his would, reared back before she turned and extended the powerful limb in a single hit that could send a boulder off as much as a pack of nasty timberwolves.

“That was ya'll and Rarity, wasn't it?” Macintosh asked.

“Sure was. Rar' had her new assistant there too, Coco Pommel. Real nice gal. She's a small one, but she had a real passion about her neighborhood.” Applejack replied, landing another kick with a grunt. The jeans she was wearing were tight enough that he could make out the ripple of motion in her legs on each impact.

“Sounds like a nice girl.”

“That she was. We had a right time tryin' ta help fix up her little neighborhood's street theatre. Poor gal was missin' it somethin' fierce, so we wanted,” she paused to grunt with her kick, loosening another batch of apples, “to bring it back. Took some mighty right work, but they got their theater back.”

Macintosh nodded. “Ya'll did a right good job then, sis.”

“Eeyup.” The pair stayed near each other, letting their work take control of the conversation for a spell, something they could both appreciate. He found the routine helpful whenever he was troubled with anything, personal or work-related. Others might pursue less strenuous means of relief, but for the burly male, this was his best answer to dealing with pent-up stress or frustration.

He let his eyes roam to Applejack more than once as he settled with his thoughts. The woman working beside him appreciated the same mentality, even if she never spoke much on it to him or others. There was something about doing the labor with your own hands, or in this case feet, that made you feel better about it all. Worried about finances, your family, your friends? Work the stress away. Feeling down about yourself or something you did? Work to put it behind you and move forward. Someone messing with your life and you want to lash out, but can't because you're better than that?

There were a couple broken trees from that kind of thinking, he admitted.

But all in all, it worked out for the best.

“So how's Miss Orchard Blossom then?”

Applejack's question threw off Macintosh’s kick again, impacting the tree too low and only making him shake instead of the tree itself. Stumbling before righting himself, Macintosh turned to her, feeling bashful at her humored grin.

“Uh. Well.” He tried to think of how to answer. “Gone on back to uh...cousin's house.”

“Mmhmm. Heard she tried to help Applebloom with the Sisterhooves Social.”

Macintosh rubbed the back of his head, looking to the side and away from his sibling who had folded her arms over her chest, still grinning.

“She might've, yep.”

“If not for some kinda technicality, those two mighta won, ah heard.”

“Maybe so.”

Applejack chuckled and ran a hand through her hair. “Ah gotta admit. Took a lotta courage to try and pull that one off, Mac.”

“Yeah, well. Applebloom really wanted to win. So...” He trailed off, not sure what to say.

“Ah appreciate it, Mac. Ah do, really.” Applejack walked over to him and patted his broad shoulder with her hand. “Means the whole world to that little lady, you know.”

Macintosh smiled and gave a sheepish smile to the blonde. Applejack's praise always warmed his heart, if not for their kindness then for their sincerity. Watching her walk back to the tree she was on, he grinned and turned back to his own, readying another kick to try and get every apple off in one stroke.

“Mind, ah don't reckon that outfit of hers had seen daylight since Granny Smith's day.”

Macintosh's foot and leg sailed past the tree, followed by his figure while Applejack laughed aloud.

By the time the two had finished collecting enough apples to suit the day's quota, the sun had risen high in the sky above the farm's acreage, raising the temperature higher than what Macintosh had expected. Clear skies and a low breeze meant little relief from the heat until the pair had settled into the barn to store their collected crops for safekeeping. Just being in the shade of the barn eased the heat off by a degree or three, yet he could still feel the sweat trailing down his bare back. It was the early afternoon now, and he'd ditched his shirt to try and ease his discomfort some. Without the red shirt to cover him, Macintosh’s toned and firm abdomen was on display as well as his pecs, a small patch of hair beneath his abs groomed and kept decent as a matter of his personal preference.

How AJ could manage this heat in jeans was beyond him. She looked only winded like he was, but unimpaired by any sweat or heat as far as he could see from behind her. There were dots of moisture on the back of her neck and her forearms. Their haul together was a hefty start to the harvest, one that would settle as a good pace to keep for the future labors.

“Whew. That's some good work there, Mac.” Applejack chimed, casting her hat off and hanging it on a nearby nail. She smiled at him, hands on her broad hips. “Ah reckon we can make a whole mess a’ cider and pies.”

He nodded, running a hand through his short hair, catching some sweat along his fingers. “Ah need a shower, sis. Ah prolly stink to high heaven.” He turned away from her, fully intending to get himself cleaned up before maybe aiming for a nap in his room. All that labor was something he could handle no problem, but resting in bed was a strong siren call in his state.

A hand holding his shoulder made him pause, and he realized Applejack was right behind him, keeping him in place. “Sis?”

“Not so fast, Mac. Wanna talk with ya for a bit.”

He didn't flinch from her tone; he couldn't help the nervous shiver that claimed his fingers though, making them twitch before he steeled himself and turned back to her. The blonde was peering up at him, giving him one of her hard stares that he swore was like an x-ray shot to his brain.

“W-what about?”

“Ah reckon ya'll might know.”

Macintosh gulped, keeping his eyes on the bright emeralds peering back at him.

“Why didn't ya'll tell me we were low on rope? Hardly got any in here to tie anything down with.”

Macintosh blinked as Applejack stepped past him, causing the muscular male to sigh before turning to follow her as she walked over to an open box by the door. Bending over to inspect the inside of it, he was treated to the impressive sight of Applejack's expansive rear. He swore she did such things on purpose. It was no secret that Applejack's butt was her most prominent physical feature aside from her long blonde hair and powerful legs. It had the right mixture of toned muscle and power with the swell and enticing full curvature a sensual-minded woman could use to her advantage. His friends had a more crude way of describing it.

Damn girl’s got beach balls stuffed in those jeans.’

“Uh. Well, we...uh.” It took a moment to drag Macintosh's thoughts from the gutter to a proper answer. “Lot of it's been used up. Keep meanin' to restock, since ya’ll keep...taking it places.”

Applejack leaned back up and glanced over her shoulder at him.

“Like when ah go out on these adventures with Twilight and them?”

The question had hidden depth to it that Macintosh was sharp enough to catch onto. He didn't answer, not at first. Instinct made him turn his gaze away, finding purchase on a hay bale nearby. Applejack continued through his silence.

“Goin' out there and bein' the hero Applebloom's always on about, ah do use a lotta rope. Course, she does go overboard a lot.”

Macintosh snorted. “Reckon ya'll mean all the time.”

“But ah always do bring it back home to ya'll when ah can. Ain't right to take and take without givin' none back.” She walked forward, boot steps firm but slow on the wood floor under their feet. She came to a stop in front of him, and waited for him to look at her. Macintosh steeled his resolve and turned to look at her. Her green eyes only held concern and care.

“Ya really thought ya’ll weren't a hero?”

A twinge of shame appeared on Macintosh’s face, and turned away from his sister. He knew that by now, after talking with Applebloom, he should've put this all behind him. It was always hard to hide something from Applejack; made sense considering she was the Element of Honesty. Something still sat in his heart, stubborn even after opening up to the youngest Apple on that hill, watching the sunset after the nearly disastrous end to the Sisterhooves Social.

“I ain't...Ah don't know.” he tried to explain, but he fumbled. Vocalizing his thoughts was difficult for him, especially when emotion was laced into his thinking process. Many might've wagered on him being a simple stallion, but it wasn't that he didn't like to talk. It was a matter of finding the right words to say. A pair of arms encircled his middle, making him look up as he was embraced from behind. The hairs of Applejack's long hair tickled at his bare skin as she held him, her hands resting on his sides while her forearms laid overtop the other to keep him in place.

“Just talk, Mac. Ah ain't gonna run off on ya. And ah ain't budgin' till ya'll come clean.” She said.

“AJ, just,” He started before exhaling, leaning back against his sister,“Ya'll go on all these adventures, bein' the hero of Equestria. Savin' lives, helpin' folks out. Meanwhile, ah'm just Mac the farmer. Mac the quiet guy. Sure, ah'm yer older brother but that ain't a fact anyone's gonna write a whole book on. Ah ain't worth that much to them like ya'll are.” His tone lowered despite the weight of his words.“Fer bein' someone so big, ah sure got a small role in this here world of ours.”

Applejack kept silent, her embrace staying firm as she listened. Macintosh kept his eyes on the support beam for the barn across from them. Applejack’s left arm slowly retracted from him, the other staying firm around his middle.

“Helpin' Applebloom out like ah told her was mah way of wantin' ta feel like ah matter ta someone. Be a hero to 'em. Ah ain't lookin' fer no fame or glory or none of that hothead stuff. Ah just know. Matter to folks.”

Her hand released him, withdrawing from his abdomen to allow him to move once more. He turned about, halfway caught between expecting a harsh glare or a sorrowful sister waiting for him. Instead, the situation took a complete turn when he saw Applejack fiddling with the button on her jeans. “Too darn hot in this barn…” he heard her mutter before the button came undone. Applejack’s sigh of relief was lost on Macintosh’s ears as he was more fixated on watching his sister strip in front of him.


“Just a second, Mac. Too stuffy in these things.”

Macintosh watched as she tugged down her jeans. It was a struggle, the size of her ass making quite the hurdle for her pants to move past. Her pants remained untorn, as the expanse of her wide hips were revealed. A blush crossed the older sibling’s cheeks when he realized she’d pulled down her panties as well, the white cotton peeking from the seat of her pants when they’d fallen to the floor. She was now bare naked from the waist down, her thighs dotted with light freckles much like her cheeks were. A pulse of desire shot through him at the sight, watchful in silence as Applejack walked over to him and tugged on his arm to bring him to a nearby hay bale.

“Sit down, Mac. Please?”

Applejack’s request brought him back to reality, and he came down with a small thud as he let himself fall butt first to the floor. Her hands came to rest on his bare shoulders, and Macintosh found his back pressed against the hay bale while his head found a spot to lay between the powerful and provocative thighs of his sister. He could feel the light wet touch of sweat on her skin as his head was cradled there, his hands holding onto her calves for the moment.

Applejack looked down at him with a smirk, meeting his bashful gaze with an affectionate stare. “Mac.”

“Yeah, AJ?”

“Ya'll know ah love ya, right?”

Macintosh nodded, feeling her bare skin caress his cheek as his head moved.

Applejack chuckled and leaned her head back. “Ah know it like we know this farm. We’re a happy folk here, ain’t we? Workin’ hard, livin’ off of our efforts, helpin’ folks out. Funny to think ah once wanted ta leave all that behind.” She sighed and looked back down at him.

“Ya wanna know why ah think ya'll are bein' right silly fer thinkin' like that?”

Macintosh nodded. There was a sensation of warmth against the back of his head, but all of his focus was on his sister’s words.

“You been a hero fer me ever since ah saw ya. Ya do it in ways that nobody else can.”

“Whatcha mean, sis?”

Applejack's fingers kept running through his hair as she spoke, a gesture that relaxed him with each pass it made while she talked.

“Ah go out to all these places. Manehattan, the Crystal Empire, here there and everywhere. Some folks like ta recognize us, give us a little cheer here and there.”

“Ah don't reckon a stained-glass window in Canterlot castle is a little thing, sis.”

The cowgirl snorted, making him grin. “With how often they break, ah reckon ah disagree.” She said in humor. “But these folks are lackin' somethin' ah want when they try ta thank me. They think ah might want to be on the front page, like Rainbow does or Rarity. Those gals loves bein' in the spotlight. But there's somethin' ah want that ah can't find anywhere else but here.”

Macintosh raised an eyebrow, adjusting his head to better look up at her. “What's that?”

“Home.” She uttered the word with warmth in her tone as she peered down at him with her shining emerald eyes. “When we're on our way back here after all these adventures, ah ain't thinkin' of what others might say of me,what they might be expectin' or if ah want some kind of reward. All that's right here: At Sweet Apple Acres, with Apple Bloom, Granny Smith and you, Mac. Especially you.”

Macintosh raised a confused eyebrow. “What’s so special about me?” he scoffed.

“Ya'll are someone I rely on. Someone ah know can hold the home front down when ah'm not here to do it. Someone who looks after Granny and Bloom, someone I trust. It's like...ah can breathe easy knowin' someone ah trust is there. You can be strong for 'em, protect 'em, and even me when ah need it. Ah can stand mah own ground, don't get me wrong. But there ain't no feeling like comin' home to a place where ya know someone cares for ya.”

He nodded as she spoke, the warmth at the back of his head growing while they sat there, sunlight streaming on them both from open windows above. The light shone off of Applejack's golden curtain of hair, like a flowing waterfall of liquid sunshine. He brought a hand up, resting it on her bare hip and giving it a light squeeze, her cheeks darkening from the contact.

“And ya'll mean doin that, matters more to ya than...well, all that other stuff?

“Sure as ah'm sure that ah love ya, Mac. Ain't got a doubt about it in me.” She replied. He felt Applejack's thighs squirm underneath his head in response. A bit of wetness secreted from within Applejack’s parting labia. Flexing hips, she caressed her soaking flesh into the back of his neck. Each little hair on the back of Macintosh’s neck brushed against her soft wet lips, making her teeth hang onto her bottom lip in pleasure.

“Ah reckon that's plenty good enough fer me, sis.” He said as he smiled up to her. Her reassurances were the balm he needed for that sore spot in his heart. It was a truth he could feel and see clear as day now: no matter what happened in her life, or his own, Applejack would never look down on him. “Reckon ah feel a might silly now, thinkin' on all that like I did.”

She shook her head. “Don't worry none, sugarcube. Course...there is one thing ah wouldn't mind ya feelin' right about now.” Her thighs gave another little flex, brushing against his cheek as he turned partially. The tuft of blonde hair under her belly was visible in his peripheral, a smell of sweetness greeting his senses to confirm what he suspected.

“Were you just butterin’ me up to get me to roll in the hay with ya?”

“Ah mighta thought of that. Worked pretty well, huh?”

Before she could react, Macintosh turned and planted his face square in the middle of her crotch. Applejack gave a squeak of surprise as his hot breath washed over her bare nethers. The smell of her arousal greeting him on instinct, she parted her thighs to give him more room. He could see a layer of wetness on the surface of her labia where his neck had been

“Feelin' a little pent up, AJ?” he questioned.

“A-ain't done nothin' fer awhile...awful rude ta leave a gal waitin' so long, Mac.” She answered, resting a hand on the back of his head. The older Apple sibling smirked and lowered his head before dragging a long swipe of his tongue against her sensitive folds. The action coaxed a gasp out of the blonde cowgirl before he continued with more similar licks, warming her up further as he could taste more and more of her on his tongue.

Macintosh didn't know the exact day when he and Applejack crossed this line in the past. He could guess they'd crossed it some time back, in the aftermath of a New Year's party when the cider flowed a little too much for them both to handle. Waking up next to one another had been a shock, and after talking it over in private had decided to put it behind them. But neither of them had been able to hold off for long before they came back to it again, and again, until they forewent any concerns to find relief and pleasure in the other. Macintosh reckoned that he was one of the few men who could handle her in the bedroom. Luckily, he had a weakness for women with a body like Applejack's: thick and strong with plenty for him to grab onto.

For now, all Macintosh wanted was to repay his sister for her kindness to him, reassuring him of his importance to her. The broad swipes of his tongue switched to nimble flicks from side to side, further teasing and riling the woman in his grasp. Her tongue hanging out over her bottom lip, she pushed down on his wanting him deeper inside her.

“Don't tease me, Mac.” she breathed out before shivering as his breath wafted over her heated, tender skin again. “Ah ain't got the patience fer ya'll tuggin' around.”

“Eeyup.” The larger Apple sibling dug in then, burying his head between her thick thighs to penetrate her pussy with his tongue. It drew out a moan from her, audible to him even with his ears buried between her legs. He withdrew his tongue before sliding it in again, making her buck herself up into his motion as he got his first real taste of her depths. The familiar sensation drove him on, his hands coming up to rest on her thighs to hold her while his tongue dove in and out, the rhythmic strokes making it hard for Applejack to speak.

Applejack’s legs wrapped around his head, her heels pushing down on his back. Her fingers grabbed and pushed at the back of his head. He chuckled at his sister's insistence and continued to rub her pussy's walls with the flat of his tongue,. The warmth emanating from her only made him desire more, and he extended his tongue to reach deeper and deeper into her depths, prompting another moan from the cowgirl as she basked in his efforts.

“Oh gawd, Mac, that's good. Get yer...yerself in there!” Applejack threw her head back as the pleasure he wrought upon her sent a shock up her body,. The feeling intensified when his hands started to grope and squeeze her rear, his palms trapped between her thick curves and the hay bale she sat on. His hands were strong and toughened from their intense labor, and he knew how to use them to fire her up even more.

Macintosh's torso lurched forward, making Applejack lift her legs up to dangle them over his shoulders, her heels on his back while he continued to eat her out. His broad tongue swiped up every drop of her juices as best he could from her soaked nethers. He could feel a throbbing against his lips as if it were matching the flexing bulge in his own pants, and brought his lips up to take the waiting pearl between them. The moment he started to gently press his tongue against it set Applejack's voice off, hitching with every pass he made.

“MAC! That...OH! Oh, stars and...k-keep, oh! Nng, Mac, I need to cum!”

Her feet tapped against his back with urgency, her crotch raising up to meet him. Macintosh decided to give her what she desired, and sucked on the nub harder. The effect was enough to push Applejack over the edge, her tight legs clenching and pinning his head in place between the sweaty thighs she wielded as her orgasm washed over her. Applejack wasn't a squirter, but she still offered plenty for him to drink as he was kept there, breathing slow to not black out from her grip on his head.

When her grip finally relented, Macintosh pulled himself back with a satisfied smile as he peered up at the blonde beauty before him. Her hair sat wild about her face, sweat dripping down her brow. Her hands rose up and tugged at her shirt, casting it aside once she managed to get the buttons undone with her trembling fingers. Once freed of it, she sat back as sweat freely dripped down her neck to her exposed chest.

“Miss that while on yer little adventure?” He teased.

“You lil'...varmint.” Applejack breathed out before she sat up, prompting Macintosh to stand likewise. They were both tall amidst their friends, though when side by side, Macintosh always stood over her by a few inches. He stared down at her before their lips met in a tender kiss, taking their time to savor the other. Applejack broke it off and smiled before kneeling in front of him. Her voluptuous rear rested on her feet while her hands undid his belt and jeans. “Ah didn't just miss you, you know.”

He said nothing, knowing what her mind was really fixated on. The object on her mind came to view when she tugged his jeans and boxers down in one pull, his hardened length raising up to tower over her head. Standing proud at eleven inches, it’s girth was thick enough to stretch anyone daring to take him. Very few had handled it well enough to walk the next day. He lived up to the nickname well.

“Mac, ah swear ya'll get bigger every time ah see this log of yers.” Applejack murmured as she reached up and gripped him at the base. Her eyes were fixed on the swollen tip pointing at her, the thick veins running along the length of his cock throbbing in tune with his heartbeat.

“Too big for you to handle, sis?” he teased, goading her as he knew best.

Her answer was a determined huff before she leaned forward to give a small lick at the tip, testing the waters. Macintosh shivered from the intimate contact. Applejack's green eyes shone with desire as she opened her mouth wide, taking the tip and the first few inches into her mouth with a hum. She was greeted with the mixed taste of sweat and Macintosh's cock on her tongue as she tongued his member. Her free hand held his balls, fondling the orbs with care. The first time she’d tried this, she’d almost choked. Experience had taught her very well nowadays.

The blonde cowgirl let her saliva trail off of her tongue as it circled and spun round his member, closing her eyes as she savored his personal taste. Macintosh allowed a groan to slip out of him, clenching his hands into fists. She was giving him the same treatment he'd done her; teasing and working him to get a response from the him. Her tongue continued to lavish his tip with swipes across the slit, soaking up the taste of his pre-cum. Applejack's fingers were doing work in tandem with her tongue and bobbing mouth, caressing his balls and stroking his base in slow motions that had him hungering for more.

His hands came to rest atop her head, weaving his fingers through her thick blonde hair as she began to bob further down. He resisted the urge to buck his hips and to shove more of his length into her eager maw, for fear of overwhelming her. With his sizable mass, one wrong thrust might make her choke on his cock. He settled for keeping still, watching as she went further and further down. Applejack began to swallow his length by the time she reached the middle, her nose flared as she breathed through it for air while his cock throbbed in her throat.

“Damn, AJ.” He muttered, making the blonde look up at him. “K-keep goin'.”

In response, she swallowed again, her throat's muscles massaging his cock as she pushed further down. He reckoned she could reach his base with ease if she really wanted to. Instead, Macintosh stared as she slowly withdrew, leaving a sheen of her saliva on his member before letting the tip pop out of her lips, twitching in the air before her.

“Uh-uh, Mac. Ah got only one place fer this fella here.” She said. Macintosh's length gave another throb as she kissed the tip one last time before getting up, turning away from him to face a nearby wooden beam that was planted firmly in the ground. The way Applejack bent over put her ample buttocks on display. Much wider than her waist, her juicy cheeks stood round and prominent. They were spread just enough to show off the compact bit of flesh in the center, just a few inches above her soaking crevasse. With her strong thighs underneath, it resembled the shape of a heart, pointed right at Macintosh and piercing him with its longing.

“That cock right there? It's goin' right in here. Ah ain't had anythin’ in me in weeks, and ah've waited long enough before-gah!”

Her words were cut off as Macintosh approached her and grabbed for her rear with both hands, the flesh overflowing between his fingers from the sheer mass they held. Grabbing the beam for support, she felt the warm length rubbing between her ass cheeks, grinding against her skin in that valley as Macintosh leaned over her, towering over her figure as only he could. Applejack might not have been aware of it, but he had gone without any female company in his bed for some time. Her blowjob had been wonderful, but if she was going to offer herself like that, he'd be damned before he denied it a second longer.

“C-come on, Mac. Ya'll think you can handle this bronco?” she challenged.

Macintosh smirked.

Anything else Applejack had to say to try and rile him up was lost as Macintosh's swollen tip found her waiting entrance, her earlier orgasm having done plenty of work to ease her for him. He didn't give her time to wait this round; instead, Macintosh gave a grunt as he shoved himself into her waiting depths, her wet womanhood giving him an intense grip as she gasped in surprise. The thick tube pushing into her spread her walls to adjust to his size, the mixed sensation of pleasure and roughness perfect to her liking. He kept his pace up, continuing to push until he couldn't move any further. It wasn't for a lack of effort that he didn't hilt himself; rather, their position only allowed so much room between his crotch and her enormous ass to thrust. He withdrew his length from her and plunged in again.

“Oh, gawd. Oh, Mac! Fuck me, Mac!”

He was more than happy to oblige the request. He held onto her hips for balance as he reared his hips back, the motion extending his withdrawal until he dove back in once more, continuing to spread her pussy wide with his cock as it ignited every sensitive nerve within her. The wooden beam she clung to allowed her to press back into his thrusts, to try and get him deeper and deeper into her caverns.

Macintosh pressed his chest to her back, her hair tickling at his bare skin while he continued to dominate over her strong form with his powerful own. His deep thrusting picked up a rhythm to their liking, letting him savor the way her pussy would grasp and tug on his length when he withdrew, only to slam right back into her and make her groan and gasp. Sweat poured down both of their backs, the smell of it mixing with the musk of sex and the barn's smells. It was a primal, and lustful, what they both needed when they were too pent up. He ravished her, his grunts filling her ears amidst the sounds of their flesh slapping into each other with each heated buck he gave her.

She was a sight to see, when he looked down at her as he lifted up to adjust his angle of penetration and his speed. His deep thrusts gave way to rapid bucking, keeping himself sheathed inside of her while her rear jiggled and bounced before his eyes. Every impact of him against her made her ass bounce to and fro, the thick muscle within immersed in enticing fleshy fat that had his hands gripping it again. His grip made her moan aloud, her wetness dripping down her thighs as much as from his lap with every pass. It only made him buck faster, jackhammering into her tight pussy quick enough to make his balls bounce against her with light slaps each time.

“Mac! Mac, oh fuck. Fuck, ah can't...can't!”

He pressed on through her yelps, lust fueling his powerful bucks as he rocked her body with each thrust. Her pussy was clenching around him, squeezing and milking every inch she could get ahold of. Applejack could only gasp, words failing her as an orgasm slammed through her being, emanating from her loins. The wetness intensified for Macintosh as he slowed to let her catch her breath, feeling her legs wobble against his own right behind them.

“Ya'll ok?” he asked, ignoring his own manhood throbbing inside of her still spasming pussy as Applejack breathed in heavy gulps of air. Her hair was a mess now, yet she didn't reply. Instead, Macintosh was caught off guard as she suddenly bucked back with her rear hard, harder than he could expect. He lost his balance, pulling out from her now gaping pussy to fall on his rear to the ground. It didn't hurt him any, only making him look up as Applejack straightened up and reached for something behind the hay bale.

“Ah've had two gos already and ya'll still ain't cum yet. But ah got just the fixin' fer that.” She remarked as she held up a bottle of lubricant. “Ya'll just gonna sit back; ah'm taking control here.”

Macintosh felt his cock throb, aimed upwards to the barn ceiling and stiff as steel while Applejack walked over, popping the top of the bottle open to pour its contents onto his length. The cool liquid did little to stifle his arousal, especially when Applejack turned about, flicking her hair over her shoulder as she squatted down overtop him. Her hand reached back underneath her and found his length, leaning it to aim it for her puckered anus. With him resting there, she brought the lube down and coated her finger in it before rubbing it around the tightened area. A moan slipped out of her as her digit slipped inside of her, further spreading the lubricant before she withdrew, leaving her anus shining and lubricated for him to claim.

“A-AJ, don't go too quick now.” He tried to warn her.

“Ah know what ah'm doin'!” she replied before bringing his tip against her rear entrance. It took some work on her behalf, the lubricant helping along with her own juices on his member to slip him inside the tight passage. It was a different sensation than the grip of her wet pussy had been, though just as intense and pleasurable. Applejack moaned low as he spread her, waiting for herself to adjust before she threw her head back and started to sink further down. Inch after inch of his rigid cock pushed in, making Macintosh groan before she came to a stop with him nearly all the way inside her. The last stubborn inch was making her pant for air, but she wasn't one to be denied her wants. With a heave and a slam of her butt onto his lap, Applejack hilted the rest of him inside her, making them both groan as he stretched her anal passage with his hefty tool.

“Fuck, AJ. Yer ass is always so damn tight!” he hissed out, eyes closed as he tried to stifle an early finish.

“Good. Ya'll better open them eyes though; ah wouldn't want ya to miss out on the show.”

Macintosh relented and opened his eyes, watching as Applejack lifted up her ass to start to ride him, her anal tunnel squeezing him even tighter as it withdrew. She didn't allow him to pull out though, and slammed herself back down hard with a squeal as he felt the full impact of her powerful rear on his lap. He sought to steady her, his hands coming up to squeeze her rear as she began riding him faster, wanting to get back the intense pace from earlier.

“Gawd, yer cock is so big, Mac!” She exclaimed.

“Yer one to talk, AJ. This damn fat ass is so huge!” He said back, watching as every slam made her ass jiggle in his grasp, each impact another strike against his stamina to try and hold out longer. Applejack's golden hair tossed about her head as she rode him, the sunlight shining down on them from the rafters as their moans and wet slaps of flesh filled the barn again. Applejack's pace was rough and fast, a way that she relished with him especially with her in control. Every moment his cock was inside her, he throbbed and twitched, teasing at her depths as much as she was tugging on him towards his climax.

Macintosh was a durable fella, he knew; but everyone had their limits, and his was fast approaching. Giving in to his desire as much as Applejack was atop him, he groped her rear and started thrusting up into her downward strokes, furthering his growing pleasure. His balls were tightening under her, eager to release his seed into her ass. The cowgirl did everything she could to bring it out of him, grinding her rear into his lap when she hilted him in a wide circle that was driving him mad. His stomach was clenched as he tried to make himself last, the muscles in his arms and legs strained. At once, it snapped and he felt himself swell within her.


His warning exclamation was the final stroke before he erupted inside of her. Thick spurts of his cum rocketed out from his cock to flood her tunnel, each pulse of his cock bringing a new salvo of seed to her walls. Macintosh was always a virile male, and continued to release more seed with his cock hilted into her rear. There was enough that some of his essence dripped around the tight seal he made inside her, the heat of his cum making Applejack shiver atop him.

She rode out his climax until she felt the splashes of heat within her diminish, and slowly raised up to let him out. By the time she got to the tip of him, Macintosh was panting for breath and gave a small jerk of his hips as he popped out of her tight tunnel, a sliver of his seed still leaking from the passage. He embraced his sister as she laid atop him, cuddling up to him in post-sex bliss.

“Ah love ya, sis.” He murmured to her, running a hand through her wild blonde locks.

“Ah love ya too, Mac.”