Maniac Cop: Equestrian Silence

by ace_attorneyfan800

First published

When Comic Con comes into town, horror fan Mathew Jackson dresses as Matt Cordell from Maniac Cop with only one piece missing, luckily someone dressed as the merchant's willing to give him the piece he needs....

When Comic Con comes into town, horror fan Mathew Jackson dresses as Matt Cordell from Maniac Cop with only one piece missing, luckily someone dressed as the merchant's willing to give him the piece he needs, but when he gets the item, he finds himself in Equestria, but, nowhere near the time he expected. Now years later, there's only one thing on his mind, revenge. Equestria beware, for there's a new sheriff in town, and his name is Matt Cordell, with only one thing on his mind. Equestrian Silence.

Based on the Maniac Cop trilogy. If the title wan't already a giveaway. Also this fic is a displaced fic as well.

Chapter 1

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April 17th. Comic con was in town in Los Angeles, California, and people from all over the United States was arriving. From Furries to Bronies, and from comic collectors to video game nerds. One individual had arrived in a rather unique cosplay. His name was Matthew Jackson, a 21 year old senior from the University of Tennessee. He stood at six feet, three inches tall, his skin color couldn't be seen clearly because of the face paint and the costume he was wearing. Matthew was cosplaying as Matt Cordell from Maniac Cop 2. Matthew loved it as it was the film that introduced him to horror. Anyways, his hair was dyed and styled to look like Cordell's from the second movie as was the face paint, while the uniform looked like the one from the first movie. But one thing was missing to complete his costume. Cordell's badge. Without it people would just assume he was cosplaying as an ordinary zombie policeman. Sighing Matthew was about to head inside when a strange voice caught his attention.

"Psst. Hey, stranger."

Matthew then looked to his left to see someone dressed as the merchant from Resident Evil 4.

"Howdy, wanna buy this stranger?" He asked extending out his right arm

In his right had was none other than the last piece Matthew was needing for his Matt Cordell cosplay, Matt Cordell's badge from the first movie.

"Yeah, how much?" Matthew asked

"Two dollars. And I'll even throw this in as a bonus." The Merchant said extending his left arm

In his left hand he was holding onto a belt, but it was no ordinary belt. It was the same belt Matt Cordell had from Maniac Cop 1 and it had everything on it from the movie as well. Matthew's mind was just blown, he hadn't realized it sooner, but he noticed he didn't have Cordell's gear.

"Deal!" Matthew said taking two dollars out of his pocket

He then took the badge and placed it on the right spot from the movie before giving the Merchant the two dollars and taking the belt and placing it around the correct area seen in the movie. Then Matthew got curious. He took out the billy club and looked at it. The big question going through his mind was if there was a hidden blade on it just like in the movies. He then took both his hands and with his right hand pulled on the bottom of the billy club revealing the hidden blade. Matthew suddenly felt like as if he jizzed in his pants. Then he suddenly felt tired. His eyes became very heavy, and the next thing he knew, he was out like a fiddle.


Miss Cheerilee was taking her class on a field trip to the Canterlot gardens again. This time there was a new attraction that had apparently been hidden away inside Celestia's castle for a very long time, and now for the first time it was out for everyone to see. She and her class were being lead by a tour guide to the exact location as, said earlier, it was brand new so the only one as of now who knew of its location was the tour guides. Soon they arrived, but they weren't alone. There was reporters there as well as the princesses, and it sounded like the reporters were asking a lot of questions regarding the new attraction.

"Everypony please calm down!" Celestia said, "Look I know you're all confused, but listen closely and I will explain this piece of forgotten history."

"This is so exciting!" Twilight said to Cadence, "I've never seen this statue before! She managed to keep it hidden even from me!"

"Same here Twilight." Cadence replied back, "It must be very important."

Cheerilee and her class soon got behind the reporters deciding to listen in on this new piece of history.

"Now be on your best behavior children." Cheerilee said to the foals, "Princess Celestia is about to unvail a new piece of Equestrian history that we've never heard of before."

"Yes miss Cheerilee." The foals replied

"Everypony." Celestia said getting everyone's attention, "This statue is of Matt Cordell. An immortal being who I can call Equestria's first policeman."

The statue in question had Matt Cordell, really Matthew Jackson, in a pose of him pulling out his hidden blade in the billy club.

"He was around back when me and Luna were foals and our mother was still around." Celestia continued, "When crime happened in Equestria he was onto the scene. Him, me, and Luna, we were very close friends. He protected us, and we protected him from those who rejected him and called him a freak."

"What happened that forced you to turn him into a statue?" a female reporter asked

"When Discord arrived he tried to turn Matt against Equestria. But it was an act. Matt lured him into a false state of security and delt a blow good enough to let me and my sister stop Discord with the elements of harmony." Celestia explained, "But then, after he helped us in the battle against Sombra, something changed."

"What changed?" Twilight asked

"Matt had become more anger prone, he lashed out at the guard sometimes for little to no reason. But then one day me and my sister found out why. Our mother had told him that he was accidentally summoned here as a result of a spell from Starswirll the bearded gone wrong, and that he could never return. Then one day he snapped."

"Snapped?" Cheerilee asked

"He, he, he."

Celestia looked to be in tears.

"Her murdered our own mother right in front of our own faces!" she said with tears in her eyes.

Those in attendance except for Luna gasped in utter shock. Luna was about to tear up as well. The look on her mother's face when she was killed still plagued her dreams and visions to this day.

"But, but he didn't stop there, he killed some of the guard, and civilians, and then.....Starswirll."

"WHAT?!" Twilight shouted shock.

"But the history books say he died of food poisoning!" A reporter said

"That's what we wanted you to believe. We didn't think it was time for the ponies to know the tragic truth." Celestia admitted wiping away her tears, "But, Starswirll wasn't his last target."

"Who was?!" Another reporter asked

"Me and Luna." Celestia said

"But Why?" Cadence asked, "I thought he was close friends with you and Luna?"

"He no longer saw us as friends, he called us liars." Celestia said, "After he killed Starswirll and set his eyes on us he called us liars for holding back the truth from him, because in truth, we knew he could never return to his home all along. We wanted to apologize to him, but he wouldn't accept and tried to kill us. We were able to stop him before he could get a chance. This statue of him is the result of not the Elements of Harmony, but actual encasing in cement. Quick drying as well with a spell me and Luna used. He's been encased in this stone for 1,000 years."

"But why didn't the elements work?" A reporter asked

"That is a question neither me nor Luna knows the answer to." Celestia said, "When we used them on Matt, it just didn't work at all. He had no effects. It just appeared to make him angrier."

"Did Equestria ever heal from the event?" A stallion reporter asked

"Unfortunately, the damage had been done. Bodies were everywhere, and for a long time the whole of Equestria was in a state of mourning the loss of those killed in Matt's rage."

"How high was said body count?" A female reporter asked

"I don't remember." Celestia said, "I think it was around twenty to twenty-five."

Twilight only whistled in amazement and horror.

"It is now that I believe it is finally time to no longer keep away the secret of Matt Cordell and lie about the past. But instead let other ponies know about him in case he was to ever brake free."

"But why keep it a secret for so long?" A reporter asked

"Because,at the time ponies wanted to forget about him. They wanted to keep his vile acts out of memrie for a long time ot come. so much so that he was written out of history and as of yesterday long forgoten about. Not even told as a story like Nightmare Moon. That is until now." Celestia said.

"Is Matt Cordell gonna be remaining here in the Canterlot Gardens, if so, where is he gonna be kept?"

"He is going to be kept with my ex-student Twilight Sparkle at her castle." Celestia answered, "I feel safe enough to know that there he won't escape so easily."

While all that was going on Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon decided to chat with their new friends the CMC about the whole thing.

"Can you believe it?!" Diamond asked the girls

"There used to be a mass murderer in Equestria!" Silver Spoon added

"Hey, he's not all bad!" Sweetie Belle said, "He used to protect Equestria!"

"Yeah the keywords being used to." Scootaloo said

"Well can ya'll blame him?!" Applebloom asked, "How else would somepony react ta findin' out ya can't go back home!"

"Well, yeah, I'd be mad and lose it, but I wouldn't go on a genocide!" Silver Spoon said

"Yeah that is a good point, but what if he still has good in him?" Sweetie Belle asked, "Nobody's truly evil. Every villain has at least some good in them."

"Yeah. Keyword being some." Diamond pointed out, "Have you literately forgotten about Tirek?!"

"That guy is pure evil incarnate!" Scootaloo said

"So?" Sweetie Belle said, "He might still have some good in him, he probably just didn't show it."

"Sweetie Belle, at this point yer just graspin' at straws." Applebloom pointed out

"No I'm not!" Sweetie Belle said

Unknown to everyone, while the five were arguing and the princess continued to answer the questions thrown at her, at the back of Matt Cordell's stone prision a crack was forming that was getting bigger and bigger until it stopped.


Chapter 2

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After the press conference Cordell's statue was loaded onto the train to Ponyville which was being traveled on by Cheerilee, her class, and Twilight. Twilight was looking out the window as Cheerilee was sitting not too far from her.

"What's wrong Princess Twilight?" Cheerilee asked

"Nothing. And please just call me Twilight." Twilight asked

"Twilight, I can tell by the way you look something's wrong." Cheerilee said

"Okay, I'm worried!" Twilight said, "I've been left in charge of one of the most dangerous creatures in Equestria's lost history, and if he brakes out of his concrete prison who knows what could happen!"

"Twilight, he's been encased in concrete for over 1,000 years. If he was going to break out he would've hundreds of years ago." Cheerilee pointed out

"Well, I guess you're right. Cordell's probably long dead now anyways." Twilight said

It was time to the foals to head home by the time the train arrived at the station. The foals and Cheerilee went their separate ways as the parents/guardians of the foals arrived to pick them up at the station while Twilight was busy showing some ponies who was unloading Cordell where her castle was. The trip was long and slow to make sure Cordell wasn't damaged and by the time Twilight got back to the castle it was nearly night. Twilight had the statue set up near the portal to the human world and went off to bed, but at midnight, it happened. Cordell's concrete shell was starting to crack more and more. And then it completely shattered. Matthew Jackson, now known as Matt Cordell, was free.

It took Cordell's eyes a minute to adjust, but when they did he found himself in a library looking area. Cordell then looked out a nearby window to see it was night time, and he was nearby a village. Stepping off the concrete slab that once held is concrete prision he looked out the window to see he was no longer right in front of Celestia and Luna, but a new location entirely. Cordell thought this compromised things, until he got an idea.

Turning towards the exit Cordell listened in and heard talking from the other side.

"Hey, Flash, how come you got assigned to Twilight?"

"Well, I'm not really sure myself, I know she's been kind of acting a little weird towards me, but that's it."

'What do ya mean weird?"


Cordell knocked on the door with his billy club and quickly hid.

"What the?"

"Hey! Who's in there!"

"Let's check it out Twilight might've locked her self in by accident."

"Good idea."

And without a word more the two went in.

The next morning....


The scream could be heard across Ponyville and Canterlot, it was a scream of terror as Twilight Sparkle had discovered the dead bodies of a bat pony guard and Flash Sentry. Their bodies had clean cuts across the throat and face as they laid in puddle of their combined blood. Twilight was about to break out into tears, Flash Sentry, the pony she loved, was dead. She wondered who could've done it, then she saw the bits of destroyed concrete, she started to grow furious until she saw the shards of broken glass and then the broken window.

"No. No! NO! That's impossible! It HAD to be Cordell! IT HAD TO!" Twilight said accidentally stepping into the blood going over to the glass shards

She then noticed a huge one that looked sharp enough to go through someone's neck. It had blood on it. Wet blood. She picked it up with levitation and looked at it in sorrow. It was starting to look like Cordell didn't do it. But then again, there was fragments of concrete everywhere, he had to have broken out. Twilight could only sit down and mope as she accidentally sat in the blood puddle and covered her eyes as she cried, unknowingly getting blood all over her face.


Twilight stopped and looked towards the noise. The local Ponyville police had heard her scream and rushed over to see what the problem was. Only they came to discover Twilight with her hooves covered in blood as was her face.

"T-T-Twilight?! Y-you killed them?!"


Twilight then noticed her hooves were covered in blood, she didn't realize it sooner.


"Tell it to the judge." A police pony said going over to her with a magic inhibitor ring and cuffs


"You have the right to remain silent Twilight Sparkle." The pony said cuffing her and putting the inhibitor ring on her horn, "Anything you say can and will be used against you in court."

Meanwhile, nearby the scene, Matt Cordell watched as Twilight was arrested. Cordell showed no facial expression, only a blank face. Inside the man formerly known as Matthew Jackson felt sorry for Twilight, but he had to cover up his tracks. He heard everything Celestia said at the press conference when he was revealed to the public. He had never been shown to Equestria in over 1,000 years, no pony at this point is gonna believe Twilight about Cordell. Matthew internally smiled evilly as he immediately thought of an idea.

If nobody knows that I exist yet, I can create chaos that'll cause enough confusion for me to kill those traitorus ex-friends of mine! The castle of the Two Sisters will be good enough of a hideout for me. In fact, considering it used to be Celestia and Luna's old castle, I should feel right at home.

Cordell then turned towards the Everfree Forest unseen by anypony or anything, and as he walked he twirled his billy club around on his right hand flicking it around and back into his hand while the string attached to his wrists. If anyone or anything was to come into his way, they have the right to remain silent.... forever.

Chapter 3

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The papers were already pumping out the story about the murder. The headline read, "TWILIGHT SPARKLE, MURDERER OR FRAMED?" and with Ponyville being the small town it was the news spread quickly. All across town everyone knew about it, as did Matt Cordell as he walked on the bridge that connected the Everfree Forest to Ponyville twirling his billy club around.

In Ponyville....

"This is crazy!" Rainbow said to the other mane 7 in Sugarcube Corner

"Yeah, Twilight's not a murderer! She's been framed!" Starlight said

"But who would frame her?" Rarity asked

"Rarity's right. Just who in the hay's got enough of a grudge against Twi ta do somethin' like this?" Applejack added

"Well, no offence Starlight, but if Starlight was still evil we'd probably be pointing the hoof at her." Fluttershy said

"None taken." Starlight said, "I honestly wouldn't even be surprised myself as this would be something I would've done, but before you go making conclusions i didn't do it!"

"We know you didn't, but everypony's been talking about it and everypony's trying to find out just who did it." Rarity added

"And another thing is, Twilight has an Alibi, she was in love with Flash Sentry, why would she kill him?" Pinkie added

"Pinkie you would be amazed how interrogators try and use alibi's against a pony." Rainbow said

"Indeed." Rarity agreed

Meanwhile Lyra and and Bon-Bon were out in the park sitting nearby the fountain.

"Lyra, I don't feel safe here." Bon-Bon said to Lyra

"I know Bon-Bon, but I thought that maybe going out would help us get our mind off of what's been going on." Lyra explained

"I know, but it's so hard to believe that a double murder has occurred here in the most peaceful town in Equestria, it just makes me shudder." Bon-Bon said

"Yeah, for all we know the killer could be right behind us at this very moment." Lyra said

"LYRA!" Bon-Bon shouted in anger

Suddenly the two felt a tap on their shoulders. The looked behind them to see a tall bipedal creature whose face was cloaked by the sunlight.

"Ummmm, hello officer?" Bon-Bon said seeing the police badge, "What is it you want?"

He then pointed at Lyra and using his index finger asked her to follow him.

"Oh no. What did you do this time Lyra?" Bon-Bon asked

"Ohhh. I didn't- look i'll sort this out okay? I'll be back soon." Lyra said getting off the bench and following the policeman out of Bon-Bon's sight though within a range to where Bon-Bon could hear them, "Look human I can't get another ticket we're already in trouble as it is already for being drunk and having sex in public!"

The officer just shook his hand reassuring Lyra that wasn't the case causing Lyra to sigh in relief. Though he did a hand motion asking Lyra to turn around.

"Turn around? Okay?"

She did so and waited patiently, not even hearing as Cordell pulled out the blade from the baton.

"Umm, how long do I have to wai-"

Lyra's mouth was soon covered up as the blade went clean through Lyra's throat, she struggled to escape, but it was no use, she was fading fast. Then, Cordell pulled the blade out and removed his hand from Lyra's mouth letting her fall to the ground with an audible thud loud enough to where Bon-Bon could hear.

"Lyra?! LYRA?!"

Bon-Bon then rushed over to where she heard the noise to see Lyra's corpse as it was draining of blood fast.


But then, WHAM! She found herself hit over the back of the head by something hard knocking her down to the ground, and with blurry vission she could just barely see Cordell go down to the ground and cover her mouth before stabbing the blade into her throat. She tried to escape, but just like her deceased lover Lyra, it was all for naught, and quickly she faded from existence very, very fast.

The Interogation....

"For the last time, I DIDN'T KILL THEM! I HAVE AN ALIBI!" Twilight protested

"Sleeping isn't a good alibi! Anybody could claim they were asleep!" The interrogator said


"Well according to his records, he didn't love you back! That sounds like the perfect excuse to kill him!"



"I DIDN'T DO IIIIIIT!" Twilight shouted in her own Canterlot Voice


The new voice surprised the two, suddenly bursting through the door was Shining Armor and he did NOT look happy at all.

"WHAT IN THE NAME OF TIREK ARE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER!!!" He shouted in a drill Sargent level of loud

"EEK! Captain shining Armor, I was just-"

"Do you seriously think MY sister is capable of even killing?! SHE LOVED FLASH SENTRY FOR FAUST'S SAKE SHE'S NEVER KILL THE MAN, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Shining shouted at the interogator, "If ANYTHING she's been framed! Somepony wanted to frame her for murder! For what reason you say?! How about jealousy for one thing! Or what about pride in the name of their being only three princesses in Equestria! Or just how about no reason at all! YA DON'T EXACTLY NEED A REASON TO KILL ANYONE NOWADAYS YOU KNOW!!!!"

The interrogator was shaking in his armor.

"Now here's what's gonna happen! You're gonna release my sister, drop all charges on her, and if I catch you or even hear that you are suspecting her again OR her friends for the double murder, I will personally see to it that you rot in the dungeons! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!"

"Y-y-y-y-y-y-y-yes sir!" The interrogator squeaked before leaving the room

"BBBFF? How did you get here?!" Twilight asked

"Me and Cadence came here with Flurry Heart to see Cordell for ourselves and have alittle vacation while we were at it, but then I heard about this. Lets just say this is why NEVER want you to see me angry." Shining said

"I can see why." Twilight said


"What the heck!?" Twilight shouted

"Who was was that?!"

Suddenly an alarm went off. as did the intercom at the station.

"We have a 140, a double murder has occurred at the Ponyville Park."

"WHAT?!" Shining and Twilight shouted together in shock

Chapter 4

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Twilight and Shining arrived at the scene to see it taped off to prevent the onlookers from coming in, but they managed to get in quite easily since a few guard and police ponies let them in without a problem. What they saw made them gag. Blood was pouring from Lyra and Bon-Bon's throat, the wound looked like it cut straight through them.

"Not again!" Twilight said, "How did this happen?!"

"We're not sure, all we know is that the bodies were found by Ms. Derpy Hooves who came to see the bodies and no glimpse of the killer." A guard said

"This is starting to look like less of somepony trying to frame me to more like we have a serial killer on our hands." Twilight said

"Twily, don't freak out, but after seeing this I'm considering helping the police with this problem." Shining said


"I know it's dangerous! But I can't just sit idly by while somepony's out killing innocents!"

"And just what do you think you can do that the guard and police can't!"

"He can help!"

The two then stopped fighting and looked to see Cadence.



"What are you doing here?!" Shining asked

"I saw the commotion and asked Applejack to look over Flurry Heart while I checked up on this. But what do i find? You two arguing like a bunch of little foals." Cadence scolded, "Twilight I know you wanna protect your brother, but could you at least let him help out?! It's the least you can let him do after he just saved you."

Twilight then let out a long sigh.

"Alright. Shining, I want you to help the police in anyway you can." Twilight said to her brother

"I'll do my best." Shining replied

"Uh Scootaloo, remind me, WHY are we at the castle of the royal sisters?"

Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, Silver Spoon, and Diamond Tiara stood outside the old castle of Celestia and Luna. The castle itself had a presence that spooked the crusaders to no end.

"I saw something weird walk on the bridge to the Everfee Forest! It looked like some kind of bipedal creature wearing a policepony's outfit!" Scootaloo said to Silver Spoon, "I followed it all the way to castle and returned to tell you guys about it!"

"Then why in the hay did ya drag us all the way down here!" Applebloom asked

"To show you guys that I wasn't joking! I mean, I don't know if my eyes were playing tricks on me or not, but it looked like the same creature we saw that statue of."


The others quickly shushed Diamond Tiara out of fear.

"Then why in the hay are weeven over here in the first place! We're gonna get killed!" Diamond whispered

"We don't know that!" Scootaloo said, "Come on you chickens lets go in!"

And without a second thought Scootaloo opened the door and headed in.

"Scootaloo come back!" The others shouted running in after her

Just then the door closed and locked behind them. Diamond tried to get the door to open and even tried to buck it down, only for nothing to happen.

"We're locked in!" he said in fear

Everyone then looked at Scootaloo in anger.

"What?" Scootaloo asked

Cordell was wandering through the halls of the castle of the two royal sisters. He memorized the hallways and traps by heart and soul, there wasn't a single room he didn't recognize.

Hmmmmm. That attack's probably got the police in a frenzy by now. I'm gonna have to be more careful about when I attack. But what I wanna know is why didn't those two freak out when they saw me. I mean, I'm a creature that's never been seen for over 1,000 years. Why wouldn't they freak out about me?

Suddenly the sound of a slamming door caught Cordell's attention.

What the?! Who the hell?!

"We're locked in!"

..... It's those kids.... What are they doing here?



?! WHAT?! I WAS FOLLOWED?! GOD DAMN IT I NEED TO KILL THEM NOW! Okay, calm down dude. You can handle this. They're just a bunch of children, and you are one of the most obscure slashers in history. You are Matt Cordell, THE MANIAC COP! And as for those foals? As decreed by Princess Celestia of Equestria, they have the right to remain silent.... forever.

The crusaders decided to split up to see if they could fins a way out quicker. Silver Spoon went with Diamond Tiara, Scootaloo went with Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle went solo.

"Diamond I'm scared, what if we run into Cordell?!" Silver Spoon said

"Don't be such a baby!" Diamond said, "Cordell's in concrete! He would've suffocated by now!"

"But the princesses said he was immortal!"

"Silver Spoon, do you honestly think anything will last forever?"


"The princesses don't count."


"Hold it!" Diamond said holding out a hoof right in front of Silver spoon

"What is it?!"

"Do you smell that?"

"Yeah. Smells like a rotting corpse."

"It's coming from that room." Diamond said pointing to a partially open room

"I-I've seen enough! L-lets turn back!" Silver Spoon said

"No way." Diamond said heading towards the door

"W-wait for me!" Silver said catching up, "Damn it Diamond!"

The two then went inside the dark room, not even hearing the sound of a baton being twirled around behind them.

Chapter 5

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When Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara entered the room, they discovered it to be pitch black.

"The heck? Why's it so dark in here?" Silver Spoon asked

"Forget about it being dark, that smell's getting stronger!" Diamond said

The two then went further into the darkness, staying next to each other as they went deeper and deeper and deeper, but as they went deeper the smell got stronger and stronger and stronger. Then, the next thing they knew, the smell started to make them gag.

"Gahh! Just what in the world is that smell!" Diamond said covering her nose

"Smells like a pig sty!" Silver Spoon added

Then they saw a light at the end of the darkness, the two headed towards it only for the smell to reach it's strongest. Their eyes watered as the smell was making their acids act up. Then when they reached the light they heard the sound of flies.

"Flies?!" Diamond shouted

"What the heck is in here?!" Silver spoon added

Then the two found their answer. There in the middle of the light was the body of a white alicorn with brown hair.

"What the?" Diamond said, "Who is that?!"


"I'm checking." Diamond said walking towards the body

"FINE! CHECK IT! I'M OUT OF HERE!" Silver Spoon shouted before heading off into the darkness

Diamond got closer and closer and closer to the body, the fur on her was starting to stand up, the air had grown colder, and Diamond was getting more frightened by the minute.

"Sister." Luna said to her sister Celestia as they looked at the stained glass of Discord's first defeat, "Do you think it was a good idea to leave mother back at out old home?"

"Alicorns can't decompose sister, we did what we had to." Celestia said, "If we let her be buried it would have caused a stench that would've never went away."

Diamond then placed a hoof on the body and with all her strength pushed it away from her and saw the wound of a sliced and diced neck. Diamond's eyes went wide before she let out a loud long scream of terror. She ran back the way she came tears forming in her eyes.

"HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!" She screamed as she ran out the door to the room

Diamond then rounded a bend and hit something knocking her down. She then looked up to see a slender wooden poll that was jammed through the body of a yellow filly, her head rested on the top and her bow was nailed around the poll.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! APPLEBLOOM NO!!!" Diamond screamed before running past the sight, "SOMEONE HELP ME! HELLLP!"

Diamond ran and ran as fast as she could, then up ahead she saw a sight that made her yell a scream of horror. Scootaloo's body hung from a noose tied to a makeshift poll high above the floor. Scootaloo's eyes had rolled into the back of her head and her tongue hung out of her mouth. Her scooter was smashed, destroyed, and set on fire. Diamond continued to run not even taking a second glance at the sight.


Soon she found herself in the foyer, she looked at the front door and ran towards it and tried everything to make it open, but it was no use. It was still locked.

"NO! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!" Diamond shouted beating at the door, "LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT, LET ME OUT, LET ME OUT!"


Suddenly a familiar scream caught Diamond's attention.


Then a body was thrown from the 2nd floor. It's was Silver Spoon's just like the alicorn in the room, she too had cut marks on her throat only blood came gushing out of her mouth, because after close inspection Silver Spoon had her tongue cut out.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! SOMEONE! HELP ME!" Diamond shouted banging her hooves at the door hoping someone would come by to save her

Then she heard the sound of footsteps and saw a bipedal creature coming towards her.


But, she was cut off.

Sweetie Belle had found herself in the tower where Nightmare Moon was defeated for the second time. Her armor still there showing it's age as it looked a bit rusty.

"How the heck did I end up all the way up here?" Sweetie Belle asked herself, "I could've swore I went the right way to the original throne room!"

Sweetie Belle then heard footsteps behind her.

"Diamond? Scootaloo? Applebloom? Silver Spoon?" Is it you guys?" Sweetie Belle asked

Then she listened to the footsteps a little closer. They didn't sound like a pony's at all. Then Sweetie Bell's face grew pale with fear. A creature had stopped ascending the stairs and was right in the way of the door. It was bipedal and in his left hand was the blood dripping body of Diamond Tiara. Sweetie Belle was stricken with fear, she couldn't move, she couldn't do anything. Cordell dropped Diamonds body close to the edge of the stairs, it was so close it nearly tumbled down them. Sweetie Belle couldn't think of anything to do, but then, she realized there was one thing she could do. She wasn't sure if it would work, but it was worth a shot.


Chapter 6

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Cordell stopped in his tracks. Sweetie Belle noticed and looked on in confusion. Cordell's face wasn't visible to Sweetie Belle but if you could see it, it was full of pure shock.

Th-that voice! No. I-It couldn't be....

Many, many years ago before Matthew discovered the truth...


Cordell can be seen chasing a unicorn levitating a bloody knife very very slowly.


"I plan on it." Matthew said pulling out the hidden blade on his Billy Club

The unicorn then rounded a bend and found himself trapped in a corner.

"NO! GOD DAMN IT WHY!" The unicorn said

Then he heard a noise. It was the sound of shivering, he then listened in closer as it came from behind two garbage bins. He then roughly moved the bins out of the way to see a a little filly. She had yellow fur, dark and light cream colored mane and tail, in the style of Sweetie Belle's mane and tail, she also had a orange eye color and was a unicorn.

"Hehhehe. Now what do we have here?" He said very creepily

"S-stay back!" the filly shouted as the stallion got closer, "Get away from me!"

"I'm not gonna hurt ya!" He said drawing out his knife


The unicorn then looked to see Cordell at the other end of the ally, he was trapped. Quickly he thought of a plan. He grabbed the filly and put the knife to her throat, but not close enough to make it cut her.


"Can't have that now can we?" Matthew said

BANG! The unicorn dropped the filly and the knife and then onto the ground as blood poured from the wound in his head just right below his horn.

"Stupid ponies." Matthew said before placing his revolver back into it's holster, "Ya think they'd learn by now. Guess I better report in that the murderer of the Apples' has been killed."

Then Matthew heard the sound of a filly crying. He then noticed the filly and went up to her only for her to back away into the wall.

"It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you." Matthew said kneeling down to the filly, "Why are you all the way in this ally? Don't you have parents that might be worried about you?"

"They're dead." She said through the tears, "Nopony wants me. They say I wook wike a fweak."

"Do, you have a name?"


"Hey, if it makes you feel any better, ponies call me a freak as well." Matthew said

"W-wealy? I don't think you wook wike a fweak." the filly replied, "You saved me. A fweak wouldn't save somepony wike me."

"Th-thank you. The only other ponies who never called me that was Celestia, Luna, and Princess Faust."

"You know the pwincesses?!"

"Yeah. I'm the head of the police division. My real name is Matthew Jackson. but I like to go by Matt Cordell."

"I don't have a name to call my own." The filly said sadly



"I'll call you Sundae. Because your color scheme reminds me of one."

"Weminds you of a sundae?"

"Yeah. It's a dish of ice cream with added ingredients such as fruit, nuts, syrup, and whipped cream. Your hair and tail colors remind me of whip cream and vanilla ice cream, your eyes remind me of maple syrup and nuts, and your fur reminds me of bananas."



Suddenly the filly's stomach growled.

"Hungry?" Matthew asked

"Haven't eaten in days." the filly replied

Just then the filly found herself being lifted off of the ground. Then she noticed she was being held in the same way a mother would when they first give birth to a baby.


"Sundae. How would you like the chance to live a better life?"

"Wive a bettew wife?" the filly asked

"I'm taking you back home with me." Matthew said as he began walking out of the ally with the filly in his arms, "Ponies like you doesn't deserve to be treated like this just because you look different. I'm taking you back home with me to live a better life than the one you have now."

"Whewe awe you taking me?"

"Someplace where you'll be feed, clothed, and have a warm bed to sleep in."

Present time.....

Sweetie Belle continued to look on at the creature. He was still in the door way so she couldn't escape without breaking a neck by jumping out the window. Then, Cordell dropped his billy club making an audible clang startling Sweetie Belle. Cordell suddenly got onto his knees and placed his hands over his face and started to audibly cry.

Is-is he crying? Sweetie belle thought

"Sundae. I'm sorry." Cordell said through his tears and gloves, "I'm so so sorry."

D-did he just talk?!

"Are-are you crying?" Sweetie Belle asked

Cordell only cried harder. Then sweetie Belle came up with an idea, I'll be it a stupid one. She then went over to Cordell and hugged him. Cordell then looked at the filly.

She-she even has Sundae's shape.

Cordell then picked the filly up scaring Sweetie Belle some and proceeded to hug her.

"You're not Sundae. But, your resemblance to her is making me tear up." Cordell said, "Your mane, tail, shape, and even your voice. It all reminds me of Sundae."

"Mr. Cordell, who's Sundae?"

"Matthew Jackson."


"That's my real name. Matthew Jackson."


"It's a long story." Matthew said, "And one I don't wanna tell you."

Matthew then put Sweetie Belle down.

"Run away. Please. I'm a monster." Cordell said, "A freak."

Sweetie Belle did so but looked back just one last time to see Cordell up against a wall bawling his eyes out. Sweetie Belle ran out of the castle and Everfree Forest to find it being close to dark. But before heading into Ponyville Sweetie Belle took one last long look at the forest.

"Matthew. I'll be back. I promise." Sweetie Belle said

Then without a second, Sweetie Belle ran straight back into town, and headed straight for home where she spent the rest of the night in a restless state.

Chapter 7

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The next morning ponies were at the town hall. Sweetie Belle had noticed and wanted to know what the commotion was about. What she saw horrified her. It was the dead bodies of Applebloom, Scootaloo, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara. The newspapers released the news immediately, "SERIAL KILLER MURDERS INNOCENT FILLIES! WHO DID THE MONSTROUS ACT?" the headline of the Equestria Daily said. School had been canceled later that day. Sweetie Belle was hanging by the club house she, Applebloom, and Scootaloo usually went to. Sweetie Belle felt conflicted. She knew who did it. She even understood that he did it because they were trespassing in the first place. But, she still felt sad. Could it be the initial shock of realizing that all her friends were dead? Or was it something else entirely.

Sweetie Belle stood inside the empty clubhouse looking at all there was inside reminding her of the fond times she had with Applebloom, and Scootaloo. The memories came one by one. The day she hid with them when Nightmare Moon returned. The day she and Scootaloo stood up for Applebloom from the, at the time, bullies Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. All the attempts they had at getting their cutie marks. The day they stood up for Troubleshoes. To the day they made a new friend out of Diamond Tiara and got their cutie marks. She remembered it all. But as she remembered, she couldn't help but hear the voices of her fallen friends in her head.

"As of today ya'll, Diamond Tiara is now a cutie mark crusader!"

"R-really?! Th-thank you so much guys!"

"Anything for a friend...."

Scootaloo saying friend repeated in her head. Sweetie Belle couldn't take it any longer and bawled her eyes out onto the floor. Matthew had been looking in the castle until he came upon his old room. There next to his bed was another with a dust plaque above it. Matthew dusted it off to reveal a name. Sundae.

"Ohhh. Sundae." Matthew said in between his tears and sniffs, "I never realized how mush I missed you. I'll kill that traitorus ex friend of mine for not mentioning you in her damn speech! ...... Why? Why did it end like this?"

Matthew suddenly started humming a little tune but elsewhere at the crusader's clubhouse Sweetie Belle had finished crying and was now hold one of Applebloom's bows and started humming a little tune as well.

Matthew: Let's go in the garden
Sweetie Belle: You'll find something waiting
Matthew: Right there where you left it, lying upside down

Sweetie Belle: When you finally find it
Matthew: You'll see how it's faded
Sweetie Belle: The underside is lighter, when you turn it around

Matthew and Sweetie Belle: Everything stays right where you left it
Everything stays
Matthew: But it still changes
Sweetie Belle: Ever so slightly
Matthew: Daily and nightly
Sweetie Belle: In little ways
Matthew and Sweetie Belle: When everything stays

"I used to sing that to Sundae every time she went to bed." Matthew said as he looked at a chest in front of Sundae's bed

"Rarity used to sing that to me every time I went to bed." Sweetie Belle said as she tried putting Applebloom's bow into her hair

"When she got scared from a nightmare I acted as Matt Cordell and threatened anything that came near her at night. Not in the maniac cop sense, but in the fatherly sense." Matthew said as he opened the chest and looked through it

"When I got scared from a nightmare, Rarity would be there in bed with me to keep the 'monsters' away." Sweetie Belle said as she tightened the bow in her hair

"No matter what happened to us." Matthew said pulling out a dusty book

"No matter what happened." Sweetie Belle said as she finished with the bow

"Everything stayed the same." Matthew finished, dusting off the book to reveal the word "Memories"

"Everything stayed the same in the end." Sweetie Belle finished as she headed towards the door of the clubhouse

Matthew started to tear up, as did Sweetie Belle as she exited the clubhouse.

"I guess I was wrong." Matthew and Sweetie Belle said

"Everything changes in the end no matter what." Sweetie Belle said as she saw Sweet Apple Acres in the distance, "It's our fear of change that leads to us to not wanting it. When change does happen-"

"-all hell breaks lose." Matthew said sitting on his old bed

Sweetie Belle was now at her home at Rarity's shop. She hadn't seen her and her friends all day since the discovery. Then she remembered Matthew.

"I'm visiting him tomorrow." She said to herself

Spoiled Rich, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack was heartbroken. Applebloom, Applejack's only sister, was dead. Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash's biggest fan, was dead. And Diamond Tiara, Spoiled Rich's pride and joy, was dead. Silver Spoon's parents were not taking it any easier. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Spoiled Rich were at Sugarcube Corner at a table looking at each other. Spoiled looked like she had been crying all day. Applejack's mane was no longer in it's iconic ponytail. and Rainbow Dash's mane was dirty and messy. No pony had said a word to each other.


"Bullshit is what it is." AJ said

"I-I need to go." Spoiled said, "I've got a meeting today at the school board and I don't exactly have a lot of time right now to do this."

Spoiled then got up from the table just in time as Rainbow began crying into the table. Spoiled then exited the building and passed by a dark ally, unaware of the sound of something being tossed in the air.

Spoiled Rich soon arrived and the meeting went on without a problem. Soon though it reached night time by the time the meeting ended and everypony was off to their homes. Spoiled was in the middle of the road when she heard a strange noise.

"Who's there?!" spoiled shouted into the darkness, "Show yourself!"

Cordell looked on as Spolied Rich had no idea where he was. Slowly without making a sound he pulled out his handcuffs. Spoiled was gettign paranoid as she suddenly heard the sound of footsteps.

"WHERE ARE YOU!" Spoiled shouted

Spoiled Rich suddenly felt herself grabbed from behind and pushed down to the ground.


Before she could even think, she was being cuffed.

"NO! NO! NOOO!" Spoiled shouted out of fear, "LET ME GO!"

Spoiled was then fully cuffed. The "pony" then got off of her and allowed her to move only for her to toss and turn onto her back which gave her a perfect look at her bipedal captor as he pulled out the blade from his billy club.


But then seconds later, silence.

Chapter 8

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Shining read the headline and the story like there was no tomorrow. No matter what all the story said was that Spoiled Rich, the mother of the recently deceased Diamond Tiara, was found dead with a stab wound on her throat going straight through her neck and cuffed up, no clues were found at the scene to identify who did it and no eye witnesses either.

"Captain you've been at that fucking paper for hours since it came out!" one of the police ponies said

"But it doesn't make any sense! How can someone do it and not leave a piece of evidence behind?! No mane or tail hair, no fur, no feather, no hoofprints, not even false eyelashes! How?! How is whoever this is doing it?!" Shining said crumpling up the newspaper and throwing it into the trash

Shining then looked outside the window of the police building.

"This pony's good. Real good at covering his or her tracks." Shining said, "They'll slip up one day, I know they will. No pony's perfect after all."

Sweetie Belle had finished packing her saddlebags. Inside was just 2 ordinary chocolate bars and some orange and moon mist Faygo.

"I hope Matthew like this." Sweetie Belle said putting on her saddle bags, "If only Appleboom, Scootaloo, Silver Spoon, and Diamond Tiara were here I'd tell them i was right in saying he had a good side to him! Well. I don't know for sure if sparing me was an act of good or something else, but it has to count for something right? ....... I need to stop talking to myself."

Rainbow Dash and Applejack were watching every pony they passed. Th events were now starting to take their toll on the duo and now they became more cautious of any pony they came in contact with.

"Any pony look suspicious to you?" Rainbow asked AJ

"Nnnope." Applejack said

Soon they saw Rarity's house and somepony exiting it. It was Sweetie Belle wearing a happy go lucky face.

"What the?" Rainbow said, "Why's Sweetie Belle looking so happy?"

Sweetie Belle looked around to see if any pony was watching her and without a second of hesitation pulled out a kitchen knife from her saddlebags.

"Nobody's gonna suspect anything. This knife aught protect me in the forest." Sweetie Belle said to herself looking at the knife before placing it back into her saddlebags

Rainbow Dash and Applejack saw everything. They even heard Sweetie Belle's first sentence but not her second. Rainbow Dash felt her blood boil.

"That son of a! YOU TRAITOR!" Rainbow Dash shouted at Sweetie Belle

Sweetie Belle soon looked ahead and saw a saddened Applejack and enraged Rainbow Dash. They spotted her! She an away from the two as fast as she could.

"GET BACK HERE YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Rainbow shouted chasing after Sweetie Belle

Applejack stayed behind her look of sadness growing more and more.

"S-S-S-Sweetie Belle? Wh-wh-why?" Applejack said sadly to herself as she proceeded to cry onto the pavement

Filthy Rich, Rarity, Gold Knife, Silver Spoon's dad, and Copper Fork, Silver Spoon's mom, was nearby and heard Applejack crying and came to see the mare crying onto the pavement.

"Applejack?! Darling what happened?!" Rarity asked going over to her crying friend

"I-it's Sweetie Belle." Applejack said

"Sweetie Belle?! What happened?!" Rarity asked

"She pulled out a knife from 'er saddlebags and said nobody's gonna suspect a thing." Applejack said

"Applejack just what are you talking about?!" Rarity asked


"WHAT?!"" Rarity, Filthy Rich, Gold Knife, and Copper Fork shouted

Sweetie Belle was running as fast as her little legs would let her, but Rainbow Dash was catching up incredibly fast with her long legs. Rainbow Dash wasn't quiet as fast on her legs as she was in the air, but she was still pretty damn fast either way. Sweetie Belle and Rainbow Dash ran through the market place and went straight through a crowd of confused looking ponies who gave them strange looks as the went by, shot past Sugarcube Corner, zipping by Pinkie Pie and the Cakes, and flew right by Twilight, Starlight, Cadence, and Spike who were exiting Quills and Sofas with a lot of quills. Sweetie Belle continuously looked behind her. Rainbow Dash was getting closer and closer every time she looked back, and every time she got too close Sweetie Belle picked up speed. Sweetie Belle's lungs felt like they were gonna burst open, her heart rate was going faster than normal, she knew though that if she stopped for even just a second Rainbow Dash would get her.

I'VE GOTTA GET TO THE EVERFREE FOREST I'VE GOTTA! Sweetie Belle thought as she ran by Fluttershy, I PROMISED, I PROMISED!


"I DIDN'T DO IT!" Sweetie Belle shouted back

"MY ASS!" Rainbow shouted

The two soon found themselves heading towards the bridge leading to Fluttershy's cottage and the Everfree Forest.


Sweetie Belle picked up speed, her heart and lungs kept yelling at her to slow down, but she couldn't, she wouldn't. If she did, Rainbow would get her, she'd probably even be handed over to the authorities and most likely found guilty.


Suddenly while Sweetie Belle was running, she coughed, but then took one look back and noticed something that made her terrified. Blood.


But she did notice. Rainbow saw and smiled.

"GOT YOU NOW YOU DIRTY SISTER KILLER!!!" Rainbow shouted before picking up speed herself

Sweetie Belle then went down the path to the Everfree Forest, Rainbow Dash was still on her tail. Soon she entered and saw Rainbow Dash just behind her. Sweetie Belle panted, she was out of breath.

NO! NOOO! Sweetie Belle thought before slamming face first into the ground

"HELP ME!" Sweetie Belle shouted

"GOT YOU NOW!!!" Rainbow Dash shouted

BONK! Rainbow Dash soon found herself sideways and knocked back. Rainbow then looked at her attacker to see a bipedal creature wearing a policepony's outfit.

"WHAT THE?!" Rainbow Dash shouted, "WHO AND WHAT THE TARTARUS ARE YOU?!"

The creature didn't speak.

"ANSWER ME!" Rainbow Dash shouted

He didn't answer again.

"I'LL JUST BEAT SOME ANSWERS OUT OF YOU THEN!" Rainbow shouted charging at the creature

But the creature just stayed there. Rainbow then jumped from the ground and flew towards him, but to Rainbow's surprise the second she went really fast and was very close to the creature she felt something hit the side of her face making her lose concentration and hit the ground hard.

"How the?!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she rubbed her head

Just before she could think the creature put its hands around her throat and started to strangle her. Rainbow Dash couldn't fight back, it was just too strong. Then before she could think, the creature pushed down harder and sideways onto her neck turning it soo fast her neck snapped. Rainbow Dash faded from life within a matter of seconds.

Chapter 9

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Sweetie Belle couldn't believe it. Matthew had come back to rescue her.

"Y-you saved me." Sweetie Belle said out of breath, "B-but why?"

Then she passed out.

Sweetie Belle soon awoke. She found herself in a bed of all things. And the weird part was that it was in perfect condition. Sweetie got out and found her saddle bags in a chest right in front of the bed. Everything was still inside. Then a door opened. She then looked to her left to see Matthew come in.

"Why did you come back." He asked

"I-I saw you crying last time we met. "Sweetie Belle said, "You called me Sundae for some reason. Why?"

Matthew was silent.

"Do you really wanna know?" Matthew asked

"Yes." Sweetie Belle said

"Very well then." Matthew said

He then went over to the chest and pulled out a book labeled memories.

"This is the photo album me and Sundae had." Matthew said, "We usually took pictures whenever something amazing happened."

"Photos? But the camera wasn't invented 1,000 years ago, it wouldn't be at least until after Luna's banishment." Sweetie belle said

"That's the thing about where I came from." Matthew said, "Wait. Since when did Luna get banished?!"

"Long story." Sweetie Belle said

"Okay then." Matthew said, "Actually when I got here 1,000 years ago I was able to use my knowledge from Earth at the University of Tennessee to make one out of the equipment there was at the time there."

"Earth? University of what?" Sweetie Belle asked

"I'll get to that sooner or later." Matthew explained, "But anyways, yeah I was the first one to invent the camera in Equestria. But you know what those traitors did. They gave me the Benoit treatment."

"Benoit treatment?"

"They erased me from Equestria's history, pretty much acted like as if all my accomplishments to benefit Equestria never happened or modified it to some degree, and pretty much wanted everyone to forget that I ever existed! That's a Benoit treatment."

"Well it looks like that's not the case now."

"Yeah but Celestia wants everyone to remember me as the monster I became. Not the person I was. The good I did for everyone back then."

Matthew then opened up the photo album to the first pic, him and Sundae with Sundae being held in a way a mother would hold their young.

"That's me and Sundae the day I made the camera." Matthew pointed out, "Sundae had a speech problem where her R's and L's sounded like W's."

"Could you understand her?" Sweetie Belle asked

"Pretty good. She spoke well enough to where I could understand her." Matthew said turning to the next page

The next page had a pic of Matthew and Sundae holding some kind of certificate.

"That was the day I made Sundae my official daughter. The paper work was filled out and just like that, Sundae became my daughter."

"When did all this happen exactly?" Sweetie Belle asked

"Long after Discord and long before King Sombra." Matthew said

The next page was of a slightly older Sundae with her cutie mark now on her. It was a wide glass cup with three scoops of vanilla ice cream in it with peeled bananas covered in maple syrup and sprinkles.

"That was the day Sundae made her own sundae with my help." Matthew said, "She ended up getting her cutie mark for it."

"She invented the sundae? But that wasn't supposed to around at that time for 956 years." Sweetie Belle said

"Sundae's been given the Benoit treatment as well. Why am I not surprised." Matthew said, "But, anyways, it was on that same day at night when it happened. Sundae had another nightmare and I wasn't able to sleep all that much so I stood up and told her I'd patrol around the room to make sure nothing harmed her and sh replied with, 'Goodnight daddy. I wove you.' not only did she call me daddy, which I was used to her calling me that, but she also said I love you. That was one of the moments I would never forget throughout my 1,000 year imprisonment."

The next page was of a now older looking Sundae with a birthday cake.

"That was the day of Sundae's 16th birthday. I wasn't able to make it because I was hunting down a serial killer at the time." Matthew said

"Oooh. I'm so sorry for you Matt." Sweetie Belle said

"They left me a slice and heck, Sundae even forgave me for not making it. She knew what I was doing for a living and knew I wasn't able to make it, then the dafter after had to have been the worst moment of my life."

"Wh-what happened?" Sweetie Belle asked

"Sundae....... was murdered."

It was late and I was working over time to help with tracking down a serial killer. The body count had risen in one night from 10 to 19 and with my help we were able to conclude that the body count was actually making a trail. A line leading directly towards the castle. The guards had been alerted soon after and I was patrolling the castle from the inside. The staff outside of the guards had been told to leave for home earlier that day to make things easier. I had come to the 2nd floor and was about to finish my patrol of the bottom floors and begin my patrol of the towers when suddenly....


I heard the scream of Sundae. I ran towards her room as fast as I could, only to discover I was too late. Sundae's body was limp and pouring blood from her throat. I saw who the killer was. It was the same guy who I killed to save Sundae the first time I met her.

"What the fuck?! How the?! What the?! HOW IN THE HOLY NAME OF FUCK ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!" I shouted in logical confussion

He said not a word until I saw his face. It was like mine. A whole lot like mine. A chill went down my spine as I continued to look at him.

"What's with the look? I thought cops were supposed to be fearless." He said in a voice that sounded like the Nightmare on Elm Street 2010 remake Freddy Kruger voice

"What?" Sweetie Belle asked

"Never mind." Matthew said

I then noticed the bloody knife. My rage reached it's limit. I screamed out of pure rage and charged for him tackling him straight to the ground.

"Oh? What's the matter copper? Finally showing your true feelings?" He said

"FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!" I shouted at him

Then, I strangled him to death. Snapped his neck and ripped it clean off. I burned the corpse and head hoping for him to never return. but the damage was done. He took the life of my daughter. Then, I found out who he was. He was Sundae's biological father. He was out on a killing spree looking for her to kill her. His wife had left him because of Sundae's birth. She apparently ran away and was living off the streets most of her life, that is until I found her....

"She-she was only seventeen when she left this world." Matthew said beginning to tear up, "She had so much to live for."

Sweetie Belle felt her heart shatter. He had a daughter to call his own, and it was token away from him just like that. Sweetie Belle then reached into her saddle bags and pulled out a chocolate bar and Faygo orange soda tapping Matthew's shoulders to get his attention and show them to him.

"Wh-what?" Matthew asked out of surprise and confusion, "Are those for me?"

Sweetie Belle then nodded. Matthew took them and looked at the items for a minute.

"Faygo? That-that was my favorite soda back on Earth." Matthew said

"You had this stuff?" Sweetie Belle asked, "And just what do you mean by Earth anyways?"

"Do you really wanna know?" Matthew asked

"Yeah." Sweetie Belle said

"Fine." Matthew said before unwrapping his chocolate bar and taking a bite out of it, "I'll tell you everything."

Chapter 10

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"Where are we gonna begin?" Sweetie Belle asked

"Well..." Matthew began

I was born on May 26th, [REDACTED] in Bean Station, Tennessee. It was kind of a small little town, but it was my home. There really isn't much to say about my family outside that everyone but me was die hard Christians. I was the only Atheist of the family. I was studying to become an engineer, I took all the classes I thought I would need in High school and eventually got noticed by the University of Tennessee. I learned a lot while over there. It's how I was able to make a camera, which unfortunately was destroyed long before Sundae's death. Outside of class I took things old and new apart to see what was inside them and put them back together managing to keep them working. My favorite candy was Hershey bars and my favorite drink was Faygo and my favorite flavors were cola, orange, moon mist, and root beer. But anyways. It wasn't until I because 20 that I started getting into horror movies.

The horror movie I ever saw was an action horror movie called Maniac Cop 2. The killer was a former cop by the name of Matt Cordell.

"Wait. Aren't YOU Matt Cordell?!" Sweetie Belle asked

"In terms of appearance and gear yes. But in terms of personality and character? No way." Matthew said

My clothing was based off of the outfit Cordell wore in the 1st movie and my face, if you could see it, was based off of Cordell's look in the 2nd movie. The reason why I'm like this is because a convention called Comic Con was in Los Angeles and I had enough money to get the three day pass and went as Cordell. But I didn't have everything. I was missing his badge and even the belt that had all his gear. To my luck there was this guy dressed as a merchant willing to sell them to me at a cheap price as well. So I put them on and nothing happened. But then, I checked the billy club to see if it had the hidden blade form the movies, I blacked out as soon as the billy club opened. But before so, I head a very evil laugh.

"And you know the rest." Matthew said finishing off his chocolate bar and Faygo

"So, you're from another world? And the reason why you look like that is because it's a costume?" Sweetie Belle asked

"Yeah. Can't even take the thing off." Matthew said, "Believe me. I've tried everything to get this off. But nothing ever works."

"Matthew, why are you killing innocent ponies?" Sweetie Belle asked

"To create enough chaos for me to get close enough to Celestia and Luna without getting spotted. They'll be so busy trying to catch a murderer no one will notice me slip into their castle and kill them." Matthew explained

"Um, please don't be mad at me, but, what if Starswirll didn't transport you to Equestria?" Sweetie Belle said

"What?" Matthew asked blankly

"I mean no offense, but I don't think Starswirl brought you here. I think you were transported to Equestria by that merchant." Sweetie Belle said

"How?!" Matthew asked

"Well was there anyone else in the vicinity when you heard the laugh? "Sweetie Belle asked

Matthew let than sink in.

Now that I think about it. Matthew thought, There really was't anyone else around. I was the only one in the parking lot when it happened.

"Oh my freaking god I am so stupid." Matthew said, "It was the merchant! He did this to me!"

"Yeah! He had to have done it!" Sweetie Belle said

"But, Princess Faust said-"

"Maybe it was just a coincidence!" Sweetie Belle said, "Did she explain what type of spell Starswirll was doing to 'cause you to get to Equestria' when she told you how you got there?"

"Yeah. Some kind of teleportation spell that can move one object to another part of the world. Then when he preformed the spell, I arrived." Matthew explained

"There's no way a spell like that can transport in a creature from another dimension! I don't even study magic and I know that's a fact!" Sweetie Belle said

Matthew then covered his face with his hands.

"How could I have been so stupid." Matthew moaped

"Hey it's not your fault." Sweetie Belle said putting a hoof on Matt's back, "Everypony makes mistakes like that. It's not possible to remember every last detail when trying to figure stuff out. Stuff like that evil laughter for example. You didn't know at the time it belonged to the merchant."

"Yeah. I thought it was just something in my head, but it looks like I was wrong." Matthew said, "Hey. I never even learned your name."

"Sweetie Belle. That's my name."

"Fitting." Matthew said with a smile, "I can't thank you enough for coming back. Thanks to you I've realized who my true enemy is."

"You're welcome." Sweetie Belle said hugging Matthew

The duo then parted ways and Sweetie Belle found herself on the path to the exit of the Everfree Forest.

"I'm so glad I got to talk to him. He's not really a bad guy after all." Sweetie Belle said to herself

Then Sweetie Belle came upon the place where Rainbow Dash was killed. She wanted to trudge bravely on, but then her heart skipped a beat. Rainbow Dash's body was gone.

Chapter 11

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"Wh-what the?!" Sweetie Belle shouted going over to the location where Rainbow Dash's body used to be, "WHERE DID HER BODY GO?! IT WAS HERE NOT TOO LONG AGO!"


Suddenly in the darkness spot lights came on from inside the forest pointed at her.

"WHAT THE?!" Sweetie Belle shouted in confusion


Guards came rushing out of the forest and in a panic Sweetie Belle ran towards the exit with the guards chasing behind her. Sweetie Belle felt her adrenaline rush, her heart was beating fast, she knew she had to keep running or else go to jail for a crime she didn't commit. The unircorns casting the spotlight spell was not to far behind the earth pony guards leading the pack and the pegasus guards flying high in the air. Sweetie Belle was coming close to the exit, but then a sight made her eyes go wide. Rarity, Applejack, Filthy Rich, Gold Knife, and Copper Fork was blocking the exit. Rarity, and Applejack had looks of sorrow and confusion while Filthy Rich, Gold Knife, and Copper Fork had looks of pure rage.

She ground to a halt skidding some as she found the guards making a circle around her that connected to Rarity, Applejack, Filthy Rich, Gold Knife, and Copper Fork.

"SURRENDER! WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED!" shouted one of the guards

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Sweetie Belle yelled back

"IF YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING THEN HOW IS RAINBOW DASH DEAD!" Filthy Rich shouted out of pure rage

A unicorn guard then started walking slowly behind Sweetie Belle levitating a magic inhibitor ring and cuffs. But she heard the guard coming up from behind and in a fit of rage, from all that was happening, quickly pulled out the knife with her magic and stabbed the guard in the throat.

"I'M NOT GOING TO PRISON FOR SOMETHING I DIDN'T DO!" Sweetie Belle shouted before she pulled the knife out

Then Sweetie Belle realized what she did and looked at the corpse in utter fear.

"No. No! NO! I DIDN'T MEAN TO!" Sweetie Belle shouted

"Ya sure about that? YOU DIRTY DAUGHTER KILLER!" Gold Knife shouted

"Just how are we supposed to believe what you said, WHEN THERE'S A DEAD BODY RIGHT THERE KILLED BY YOUR HOOF!" Copper Fork added


Sweetie Belle had not time to finish as she was quickly tackled down to the ground which made her lose her concentration on the bloody knife and drop it onto the ground.

"NOOOO! NO, NO NO!!!!" Sweetie Belle shouted as she was held down by a unicorn guard

"I'VE GOT HER! PUT THE RING ON HER!" The guard shouted at the others

One of the guards quickly grabbed the inhibitor ring while another grabbed the knife. But. In a last ditch attempt to get free Sweetie Belle focused all her strength onto the knife to get it lose from the guard's grip, his grip was tight and he didn't want to let go. Eventually He did, but Sweetie Belle couldn't see where it was, and by accident she flung with with her last breath into a random direction hoping it would hit the guard on top of her. It didn't hit him, but the shriek of Rarity and Copper Fork combined with the terror scream of Filthy Richand silence of Applejack, it was clear who the target hit.

"APPLEJACK!!!! NOOOOO!" Rarity shouted as applejack fell to the ground

The knife went even further through AJ's neck making it go all the way through her neck. If she wasn't somehow dead before, she was now.

"OH MY FAUST!!!" Copper Fork screeched

"SOMEONE CALL THE HOSPITAL!!!" A guard shouted

Quickly two pegasus guards flew up into the air in sync with each other at the same time carrying the dead body of Rainbow Dash. Sweetie Belle wanted to cry.

What have I done?! Sweetie Belle thought

Cordell watched from a far as Sweetie Belle was arrested. He watched as she killed two ponies. He watched as she was taken away screaming to be let lose. He knew Sweetie Belle was heading for the police station in town instead of juvie or something like that, mostly because it didn't exist in the world of peaceful ponies outside of regular prison and the old dungeons, nothing exactly in this world ever made sense to him anyways. And he knew Sweetie Belle would be found guilty of doing the murders he did in the first place. And he knew there was only one penalty for murder. Death.

Sweetie Belle. She helped me realize who my true enemy is. Matthew thought, But now. She's in prison. Think Matthew think! What would Cordell do?! He had a friend in the 2nd movie, he was jailed, ........ Whelp.

Cordell then reached into the left of his jacket and pulled out a Calico M950.

The Calico M950. The same weapon Cordell used in the police station massacre scene in Maniac Cop 2. Got plenty ammo for this. Matthew thought before placing it back into its secret holster

Then from a pocket on the jacket Cordell pulled out a Smith & Wesson Model 15.

Ah a Smith & Wesson Model 15. The weapon Matt Cordell used to kill off those at the target range when he broke into the police station. I think I've got enough ammo. Matthew thought before placing it back onto one of the jacket pockets

Reaching into his jacket again and pulling out from the right side Cordell pulled out a High Standard FLITE KING K-1200 Riot Shotgun.

I HATED Maniac Cop III: Badge of Silence, heck even saying the name makes me shudder. BUT. I LOVED the scenes when Cordell used the High Standard FLITE KING K-1200 Riot Shotgun. he felt like a true badass slasher using that thing. I should have enough ammo for this. Matthew thought before placing it back into his jacket

Then from his belt he pulled out a Colt Python.

The Colt Python. It's been there since the beginning of Maniac Cop. And I'll be damned if I didn't use this. I've probably got enough ammo for it. Matthew thought before placing it back into the correct spot on the belt

He then looked up and noticed it was still night time.

I'll wait till tomorrow morning. Matthew thought, Sweetie Belle.... You helped me. Now. ..... It's my turn to help you. Hehehe. This is gonna be fuuuun.

Chapter 12

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Sweetie Belle found herself locked behind bars all alone. No one outside of the two guards outside and a stool right in front of the cage to keep her company.

Maybe I deserve this. Sweetie Belle thought, I tried to convince them I was innocent only to go further down their rabbit hole.

Sweetie Belle then went to sleep silently sobbing hoping for a miracle to come by and help her.

Morning soon rose. Cordell was sneaking around Ponyville. Today was the day he'd bust out Sweetie Belle. He then came upon the police station and noticed a back door reading, "Unicorn Guard Magic Training Area Target Maintenance staircase".

This is gonna be too easy. Matthew thought

Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Starlight, Cadence, Celestia, and Luna were all gathered in Sweetie Belle's cell. Sweetie Belle wore a face of anger, sadness, and fear.

"How-how could you?!" Rarity said with tears in her eyes, "You were my sister Sweetie Belle!!! I loved you!!!"

"For the last time." Sweetie Belle said in a voice of sadness and anger, "I didn't, KILL ANYPONY!!! I only killed those that guard and Applejack out of blind rage, because it's stupid to suspect a foal of doing crimes AN ADULT PONY IS MORE CAPABLE OF DOING!!!!"

"After what I've seen. I can't tell if what you're saying is true or not." Luna said in a harsh tone

Shining was hanging out inside the police station with Big Mac, Granny Smith and Shining Armor who was trying to comfort Granny Smith over the loss of Applejack.

"Alright this isn't happening, this isn't happening, this isn't happeninnnng." Spike said to himself in a freaking out voice, "Holy shit APPLEJACK AND RAINBOW'S DEAD, THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!"

"Ah don't understand. Why would Sweetie Belle of all ponies do this?!" Big Mac said, "IT DON'T MAKE NO SENSE!"

"You think you're the only one confused?! All the current evidence we have points towards a unicorn being the likely killer! And you and you and me both know Ponyville's mostly full of Earth Ponies!" Shining said, "Plus any at all other unicorns in the city had an alibi the days of the murders!!! All but Sweetie Belle!!!"

"This has to be a nightmare, this HAS to be a nightmare!" Spike said to himself

"Ready!!! Aim!!! CAST!!!"

The unicorn trainees all casted their strongest attack spells at the Styrofoam ponies, one casted a lightning spell, another a ice spell, and another a wind spell. The targets all got effected in some way or another, one was missing its head, another was pure ice, and the other just fell off it's perch.

"Cool down!!!" shouted the Sargent

BANG, BANG! Two of the unicorns fell backwards with small holes in their foreheads bleeding like no tomorrow.

"What the?!" Shouted the Sargent in confusion

BANG, BANG, BANG BANG! The last four trainees fell backwards bleeding out of a wound in their foreheads as well.

"The fuck?!" The Sargent shouted in utter confusion and shock

BANG! The Sargent soon found a bullet going straight through his head as well, and quickly was losing life as he fell forwards.

Cordell came out of the darkness from behind the targets. He walked out holding a Smith & Wesson Model 15 he just reloaded after killing the six trainees.

Sorry Jack. Chucky's back! Matthew thought, Wait. This is a Maniac Cop crossover not a Child's Play 2 crossover! D'OH!

Cordell then made his way over to the other side of the shooting range and put away his Smith & Wesson Model 15 and pulled out his Calico M950.

I guess you could call this my genocide run. Matthew thought, Okay I'm done.

Cordell then opened the door leading to a staircase to the first floor of the station. Two guards were walking down it as Cordell proceeded up and without hesitation Cordell put four bullets into the guards killing them and sending themm tumbling down the stairs, and just before epushing open the door he switched the position of the Calico M950 from his right hand to his left hand.

Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Starlight, Shining, Big Mac, Granny Smith, Spike, Cadence, Celestia, and Luna met up by the door to the hallway that lead to Sweetie Bell's cell when suddenly a loud bang of a slammed open door catches their attention.

"What the?!" Cadence said in confusion

Cordell looked at the place. It looked just like it did in Maniac Cop 2. Without hesitation Cordell walked forward and burst through a section of the connected offices with a loud glass shatter where a guard was working but stopped and got into the corner scared out of his mind. Those at the station got scared out of their minds. Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Starlight, Shining, Big Mac, Granny Smith, Spike, Cadence, Celestia, and Luna heard it from their location and got scared.

"What the?! WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Cadence shouted as the place erupted into a panic

Then Cordell pointed his Calico M950 at the unarmed and unarmored guard. The guard screamed out in terror as the sound of the Calico M950 went off fourteen times killing him. The sound echoes throughout the panicking building. It was so loud the group of Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Starlight, Cadence, Celestia, and Luna heard it. The sound was enough to cause Celestia, and Luna's eyes to go wide and thier heartbeats and breath speed up.

"No. No! NOOOOOOO!" Celestia, and Luna shouted together in terror

"What the?! What's gotten into you two!?" Starlight asked Celestia, and Luna as Shining went into one of the offices

"IT WASN'T SWEETIE BELLE WHO DID THE MURDERS IT WAS CORDELL!" Celestia shouted as the sound of breaking glass could be heard

The breaking of glass was soon followed by the sound of a Calico M950's machine gun like rapid fire. Cordell was looking to his right and aimed at the other offices and fired walking in a straight line through the offices he was in at the same time. Those who tried to fight back with magic attacks and throwing spears missed completely or ended up getting killed or both. Soon Cordell faced forward and found himself face to face with Shining Armor.

"What the fuck are you?!" Shining said with wide eyes looking at Cordell

Cordell then placed the Calico M950 onto the table.


But it was too late. Cordell took both his gloved hands, grabbed Shining by his armor and smashed him into one of the windows before picking him up and tossing him straight through a row of unbroken glass in the path Cordell made.

"SHINING!!!!" Cadence screeched in terror

Then before anyone could blink, Shining soon found himself stabbed through the chest by a piece of hanging wood and bleeding fast. Cordell then picked up his Calico M950 and placed it back into his jacket to pull out his High Standard FLITE KING K-1200 Riot Shotgun.

"RETREAT!" Celestia shouted as she prepared to teleport her and the surviving group out

But then, BANG, click, BANG, click, BANG, click. Blood splatter across the walls and ponies changed everything and scared them to death while Big Mac fainted. Cordell had shot Cadence, Starlight Glimmer and Granny Smith in the head killing them instantly.

Chapter 13

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The group looked at the corpses of Cadence, Starlight Glimmer and Granny Smith in pure horror. Then they looked at Cordell who was now aiming.

"RETREAT!" Celestia shouted

BANG, click. Cordell had only managed to get the leg of the pink pony before they teleported away. He blew her right front leg clean off and there it was on the ground next to the fainted lump of a red pony.

Consider this a mercy kill. Matthew thought going over to Big Mac and pointing the gun at the big dudes forehead

BANG! And with that out of the way he turned his attention towards the door leading to Sweetie Belle's cell but before he entered he reloaded.

Sweetie Belle was none the wiser about what was going on outside. Sweetie then saw a body break through the door to the hallway leading to her cell and then, BANG, click, BANG, click. The guards in front of her cell who were alerted to the body fell down dead dropping their spears and making a clang noise. Sweetie belle then got scared, but then she calmed down once she saw that the intruder was none other than....

"Matthew!" Sweetie Belle said in joy, "You came to rescue me?!"

"You helped me, now I help you my friend." Matthew said as he tried looking for the keys on the guards

"I, helped you?" Sweetie Belle asked

"You helped me realize who my true enemy is now, Sweetie Belle. It was never Celestia, Luna, Faust, and Starswirll. But the merchant. The one who caused me to come here in the first place." Matthew said as he found the keys and looked through them to find the right one, "Without you I would've killed Celestia and Luna out of quote on quote revenge and probably went after Cadence and Twilight. Well. I kind of killed one out of the four."

"What do you mean kind of?" Sweetie Belle asked

"I killed Cadence." Matthew admitted

"WHAT?! WHY?!" Sweetie Belle shouted

"I DON'T KNOW!" Matthew said, "Something came over me! I don't know what it was, but something stronger than my will over came me and made me shoot!"

"Please tell me you didn't kill Shining Armor as well!" Sweetie Belle asked

"Um. What did he look like?" Matthew asked nervously

"Oh my fucking god." Sweetie Belle said before facehoofing

Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Celestia, and Luna soon found themselves in Canterlot Castle.

"AAAAAAAAAAAH!" Pinkie screamed as she fell over

Blood poured out of the wound where her leg used to be.

"PINKIE!" Twilight said going over to her friend

"This can't be happening, THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" Celestia panicked

"WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!" Spike shouted

"GET A MEDIC!" Twilight shouted at one of the castle guards, "PINKIE NEEDS A MEDIC!"

The castle guards saluted and quickly left to go find the royal medic.

Sweetie Belle was soon freed and saw the carnage Matthew left on his shoulder.

"It was them, or me." Matthew said

"Eh, makes sense to me." Sweetie Belle said

The two then proceeded to exit the building, but when they did they saw a crowd of ponies had gathered around with shocked faces.

"What in the?!" A mare shouted

"WHAT THE TARTARUS IS THAT?!" a stallion shouted

"I think they're talking about you." Sweetie Belle said to Matthew

Then she saw him pull out his Colt Python.

"What are you doing?!" Sweetie Belle asked Matthew

"A little scare prank." Matthew whispered

"Scare prank?!" Sweetie Belle whispered back

Matthew then pointed the Colt Python into the sky and fired a round sending the crowd into a panic as they cleared the area fast leaving only Matthew and Sweetie Belle. Matthew then proceeded to laugh.

"Ohhoho man! I LOVED doing that 1,000 years ago!" Matthew said before getting slapped by Sweetie Belle, "OWH! What did I do?!"

Matthew walked throughout the town with Sweetie Belle on his shoulders. There was looks of terror from those they passed by, which Matthew expected.

"We need to get to Canterlot Castlea" Sweetie Belle said, "You need to explain that you're not the enemy!"

"Do you SERIOUSLY think they will believe us?" Matthew asked

"Not really." Sweetie Belle said

Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Celestia, and Luna was gathered around a hospital bed. Pinkie Pie was on it hooked up to life support. The slow beep of the heart rate monitor not making the situation any better for the group of five. Soon a doctor came in gettign everyone's attention.

"Is she gonna be okay?!" Twilight asked

"We've managed to stop the bleeding so far, but I'm afraid there's nothing we can do about her missing leg." The doctor said, "As far as we know, with the amount of blood she's lost and with blood constantly being lost, there's no way she's gonna live."

The news struck the group hard.

"I'm sorry." The doctor said before leaving

"Pinkie. No." Twilight moped, "Not Pinkie."

"What are we gonna do now?" Rarity said sadly

Celestia and Luna's eyes were teary, but then became fueled with rage.

"We kill him." Celestia said coldly

"WHAT?!" shouted Fluttershy, Rarity, and Twilight

"Luna. It's time to finish what we started 1,000 years ago." Celestia said in a harsh tone to Luna

"Agreed." Luna said in the same tone

"I'll go prepare the guards for battle and inform them of the death of Shining Armor and Cadence, you go get the armor." Celestia ordered

"Affirmative!" Luna said before teleporting away

"Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy! Come with me!" Celestia said using the same tone

"Yes princess!" The three said following after Celestia

Time to finish what we started, A LONG TIME AGO! Celestia and Luna thought, Cordell, you are going to pay! MOTHER, STARSWIRLL! WE WILL AVENGE YOU!

Chapter 14

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Matthew suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"Matthew?" Sweetie Belle asked, "What is it?"

"We need to get to the town hall, now!" Matthew said walking towards the direction of the town hall

"What?! Why?!" Sweetie Belle asked

"I'll explain later!" Matthew said as he started picking up speed and started carrying Sweetie Belle

The guards had been informed about the death of captain/prince Shining Armor and princess Cadence and had also been informed to prepare for battle. Luna watched with an angry look as pegasus guards, unicorn guards, and earth pony guards got into their retrospective platoons. Celestia was putting on some custom armor made to her style, while Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy was forced to put on regular armor and even use regular spears. Celestia was carrying something else. Basically imagine her carrying Colt AR-15 Sporter-1.

"What the heck is that thing?!" Twilight asked

"A Colt AR-15 Sporter-1. A gift from Cordell before he turned into a monster." Celestia said, "He made it himself. Same with these!"

Celestia then pulled out from some secret holsters in her armor two Glock 19's showing them to the others before placing them back into the holsters. Luna then teleported in and quickly put her own armor on pulled out a twin like blade.

"This was a blade Cordell gave me for one of my birthdays. He says the design was based off of a Type-1 Energy Sword from a game called Halo." Luna said, "You would not believe how handy this is."

"Are the guard ready?" Celestia asked

"Yes sister." Luna said

"Good." Celestia said, "It's time to finish what we started a long time ago."

"Indeed it is." Luna added

Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy only gulped in fear.

Town hall was empty, mainly because Cordell cleared the place in a hurry, the front door was locked the top floor windows were barricaded as well as some of the bottom floor ones and Cordell and Sweetie Belle were all alone.

"Okay, NOW, can you tell me what's going on?!" Sweetie Belle asked

"It's Celestia and Luna, they're coming back, but with an army." Matthew said

"What?! How do you know this?!" Sweetie Belle asked

"Back then when they tried killing me before, they did the same thing. I know they're gonna do it again just to try to finish me off for good." Matthew said

"But you can't die! You have to tell them the real reason why you got here, otherwise Celestia's truth will be written!" Sweetie Belle said

"What?" Matthew asked

"History is written by the victor isn't it?" Sweetie Belle asked

"Yeah, but-"

"If so, then history is just a crock full of lies." Sweetie Belle said, "There's two or more sides to every story! But history is written by the victor. And the victor can twist the truth to where they're the ones you should be routing for and not the other, for all we know the victor could be the one we're supposed to boo and the loser we're supposed to cheer! But we can never truly know can we? History is just filled of lies and half truths to me. When it comes to history I want to hear ALL the sides of the story!"

Matthew started to tear up.

"Heh. You remind me a lot of myself Sweetie Belle." Matthew said, "I never believed in what the history books wrote, to me, history needs to have everything written down, if not, then it's just a lie to me."

"What are we gonna do though if they find us, oh who am I kidding, of coarse they'll find us!"



"It's simple." Matthew said

"How so?" Sweetie Belle asked

"It's them. Or us." Matthew said

He then reached into his jacket and pulled out his High Standard FLITE KING K-1200 Riot Shotgun, and Smith & Wesson Model 15 and handed them to Sweetie Belle.

"WHAT?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Sweetie Belle asked

"Giving you the tools to defend yourself." Matthew said as Sweetie Belle took the weapons with her magic

"B-but I don't know how to work these things!" Sweetie Belle said

"I can help you with that." Matthew said


"Really. Oh! Also, here's this."

Matthew then pulled out a very familiar kitchen knife. Sweetie Belle then gained an evil grin as she took it.

"I've got an idea." Sweetie Belle said

"What kind of idea?" Matthew asked

Matthew stood outside one of the rooms of the town hall. Sweetie Belle apparently had some kind of idea that involved clothing.

"Just what is that mare making?" Matthew asked himself

Sweetie Belle looked through the stack of cloth in the lost clothing room until she found it. A police pony leather jacket that was her size.

"Perfect!" Sweetie Belle said to herself

Sweetie Belle then put it into a pile she made of what she found in her size which was, a pair of black boots, blue police pony pants, a black tie her size, a police pony's cap her size, and a blue police pony shirt her size as well. She then put the items into a basket and walked out of the room with said basket. Sweetie Belle then looked into a room in front of hers to smile before bringing the basket into the room and closing the door. Inside was the place where the police pony badges were made in case one was to ever lose theirs or there was a newbie. She picked out one that was her size and picked off a piece of white tape and placed the tape onto the blank area at the bottom of the badge and wrote on it....

"Sweetie Belle 'Cordell'." Sweetie Belle said to herself as she wrote the name, "Hey that rhymed!"

And placed the badge onto the leather jacket, not putting it on the jacket, but placing it on top of it. Then she pulled out her knife and looked at a nearby mirror.

"I've lost my friends, I've lost my family, what's left for me to lose." Sweetie Belle said to herself

And then without hesitation, she puts the blade up to her face and on her left cheek started a deep, deep, cut.

Chapter 15

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The pegasus guards flew high above while the unicorn and earth pony guards followed closely behind Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy who lead the pack into Ponyville. Mayor Mare was waiting at the entrance for them.

"Your majesties! Thank goodness you got here!" Mayor Mare said as she walked along side the leading ponies, "There was this strange creature! He barged into town hall and took the place over!"

"Cordell always was one to find himself a last stand location." Celestia said

"But here's the thing! Sweetie Belle was with him!" Mayor Mare stated

"WHAT?!" Rarity shouted

"It's worse than we thought, we've got a hostage situation!" Luna said

"Damn it!" Celestia shouted, "Cordell always was one to pull a hostage situation. COMPANY!"

"PLATOON!" Luna shouted



The unicorn and earth pony guards surrounded the town hall with spears and sheilds while the pegasus guards stood on clouds or flew in the air with crossbows. Celestia, Luna, and Twilight stood inside the circle as Fluttershy and Rarity went towards the front doors.

"Sweetie Belle! If you can hear us we're coming in to rescue you!" Rarity shouted at the town hall

Suddenly the front door of the town hall opened up. The crossbow snipers readied themselves. Then from a bright light the outline of Sweetie Belle could be seen.

"HOLD YOUR FIRE!" The pegasus general shouted at the crossbowers

"S-Sweetie Belle!" Rarity shouted in joy running to her sister, "I-I thought-"

BANG! Rarity fell down with a thud causing a gasp from, Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Fluttershy. Blood poured from a wound in Rarity's skull.

"Wh-WHO FIRED?!" Twilight shouted

BANG! Fluttershy immediately fell straight to the ground a bullet hole seen in her skull as well pouring out blood. Then another shadow outline appeared behind Sweetie Belle. It was Matt Cordell holding nothing in his hands.

"W-WHAT?!" Celestia shouted

"If Cordell didn't fire, then-"

Luna's huch was proven right as Sweetie Belle was now steaping out to where everyone could see her. She was wearing an outfit similar to Cordell's but with a few obvious changes. Her head was down so no one could see her face. But. They did see her levitating a Smith & Wesson Model 15 with smoke coming out of it.

"S-SWEETIE BELLE?!" Twilight shouted, "WHY?!"

"You wanna know why?" Sweetie Belle said, her face still not shown, "It's to make sure you get this message."

"Message?!" Celestia asked in confusion

"What message?!" Luna asked

And then Sweetie Belle lifted her head revealing her face to the others.

"HOLY!" Twilight shouted in shock

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Celestia added


Basically imagine Maniac Cop 1 Cordell's face on Sweetie Belle.

"I did this myself." Sweetie Belle said, "My message is this, from Matthew to me to all of you. You're not Matthew's enemy!"

Silence. Silence was what filled the area. Then Celestia began to laugh.

"You're joking right?" Celestia said, "HE TRIED TO KILL US!"

"Because he didn't know the real truth." Sweetie Belle said

"The truth is that Starswirll-"

"Was doing a spell that wouldn't even transport him here in the first place!" Sweetie Belle said

"Then how else did he get her huh?!" Celestia said, "I don't have time for these foolish games! FIRE AT WILL CROSSBOWERS!"

Sweetie Belle quickly ran back inside closing the front door, but not before getting one last shot in at Twilight's left eye.

"AAAAAAHHH! MY EYE!" Twilight shouted

Sweetie Belle and Matthew heard the screams from inside. Sweetie Belle only sighed in sadness.

"They wouldn't listen." Sweetie Belle said

"I know how to get them to listen." Matthew said


"Kill them all." Matthew said

"READY!" Celestia shouted

The crossbow pegasi took their positions.

"AIM!" Luna shouted

They looked down the sights of the crossbows.

"FIRE!!!" Luna and Celestia shouted together

BANG, click, BANG, click, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG! The sounds of a High Standard FLITE KING K-1200 Riot Shotgun and Calico M950 could be heard as one by one the pegasi crossbowers were being mowed down. None of them had enough time to react or even fire their guns before all of them even the captain was down and dead. Celestia and Luna's frustrations only rose.

Sweetie Belle and Matthew looked from the inside as they looked at the carnage they created.

"Sweetie Belle." Matthew said to Sweetie Belle

"Yeah?" Sweetie Belle replied

"I've got a bad feeling all of a sudden." Matthew said, "But lets focus. ow we take down the surrounding guards."

"GROUND TROOPS!" Celestia shouted, "READY!"

The earth pony and unicorn guards got ready to charge.

"SET!" Luna shouted

The guards waited patiently for the command.

"CHARRRRGE!" Celestia and Luna shouted together

Without a second those ponies got mowed down as well via head shot after head shot, and within a few minutes the guards were gone.

"THAT'S IT!" Celestia shouted, "LUNA! TIME FOR ATTACK-n-n-n-n."

Luna was bleeding heavily from a wound to her head. It was an accidental head shot instant kill.

"N-no. No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Celestia shouted as she found herself on the verge of tears

Chapter 16: Celestia vs Cordell

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"Whoops." Matthew said, "I knew I should've checked before aiming."

"Insert Thomas & Friends fail trumpet here." Sweetie Belle said to herself

Twilight had finally fell over from the blood loss and was now fading of life, all the while Celestia held the lifeless body of her dead sister close to her own body.

"I-it's okay." Celestia said through the tear, "E-everything's gonna be just fine. C-Cordell's gonna be dead, we'll continue l-living and we'll all live happily ever after-her-her-her."

Celestia then broke down and cried into Luna's body. She soon stopped and closed Luna's eyes with her free hoof one at a time before laying her down onto the concrete. Sadness was all Celestia felt, but then, she started to feel something she hadn't for a long time. Rage.

"What the hell is happening right now." Matthew said to himself

Suddenly the doors busted open and in came Celestia looking very pissed off.

"CORDELL!" Celestia shouted in anger

"This is it Sweetie-"

Celestia then fired her Glock 19 at Sweetie Belle hitting her right in the forehead. A direct kill. Cordell only looked in shock.


Cordell then pulled out his billy club and swung it around for a bit before catching it and stopping.

"Part 1: The Beginning"


THE FUCK?! WHO SAID THAT?! Matthew thought

Celestia didn't waste any time charging straight for Cordell with her horn. Cordell easily dodged and attacked with puches, kicks, and even throwing his billy club and hidden blade into the mix. Celestia was getting bloody as cuts started to form onto her skin. Cordell then grabed her and launched her straight into the air firing a shot from his Colt Python at Celestia hitting her in the stomach. The second Celestia hit the ground and got up Cordell fired a taser from nowhere stunning Celestia, then Cordell felt something weird. He pulled out his Calico M950 and in rapid fire succession fired a shit ton of bullets at Celestia knocking her down and sending her onto her back.


Cordell only whirled his billy club around until Celestia got up and made it look like the bullets did nothing.


"Part 2: The Revenge"



Celestia then pulled out her Colt AR-15 Sporter-1 and fired like no tomorrow at Cordell. But he didn't go down. She tried a new approach as Cordell did a charge attack only for Celestia to dodge and come right back with a few punches, kicks and horn stabs of her own. And then she grabbed him and tossed him only to bring him right back with her magic and stab him through the gut before tossing him far and to the ground. Only for him to get back up. Cordell tried to taze her but missed and tried again only to miss again. Celestia seeing her opportunity threw a fireball at Cordell lighting him on fire. Cordell didn't even notice and then saw Celestia light herself on fire as she sent out a a large fireball towards Cordell killing his previous fire and knocking him over.


"The evil is gone." Celestia said to herself

But her victory was short lived as Cordell immediately shot back p to his feet.

"Part 3: The Vengeance"


..... Holy fuck. I think this is a Terrordrome based chapter. Matthew thought, We're seriously doing one? No joke? Jesus did the fucking writer just run out of ideas at this point of the fic or something?!


Celestia then used her magic to pull Cordell over to her for a horn stab, but Cordell grabbed her horn tossed her into the air and fired his Colt Python sending a bullet into Celestia's back before she hit the ground with a thud.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU MADE OUT OF?!" Celestia shouted

As Celestia got up Cordell did a charge attack sending Celestia into a wall which she bounced off of and into Cordell's grip where, again, he felt something weird and tossed Celestia high up into the air pulling out his Colt Python and shot her three times in rapid succession. One bullet went into her eye, the other a lung, and the last her thigh. Then Celestia dropped to the ground with a loud thud with blood pouring out her eye, mouth, and thigh area. Celestia slowly tied to get up to her legs and managed to do so only to be met with Cordell. She looekd at him into the eyes. She stared into the soulless eyes of Cordell and asked only one thing.

"Why? How? Why won't you die?!"

"Simple." Matthew said before pulling out the hidden blade, "Determination bitch."

Then without a moment of hesitation he stabbed Celestia in the neck pinning her corpse to the wall before pulling the blade out and letting her slump onto the floor.


Chapter 17: Confrontation with the "Merchant"

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Matthew stood in the middle of the town hall. He looked around at the carnage he created.

Pardon my fourth wall breaking, but I think this is the first time a displaced has EVER killed all of Equestria's leaders in one fan fic. Huh. Matthew thought, But still. What now? I don't know where the merchant is, I don't even know how to contact the guy, I'm all alone now.

Then he heard a very familiar laugh.

"I like the carnage you've made stranger."

Cordell then turned around to find in the pathway of the entrance the merchant.

"YOU!" Matthew shouted in anger pulling out his Calico M950, "YOU SON OF A BITCH I'M GONNA KILL YOU!"

He then fired at least ten bullets at him only for them to be caught in some kind of invisible force.

"WHAT IN THE DEVILS NAME?!" Matthew shouted as the bullets were redirected and shot past him, "HOW THE FUCK?!"

"Well stranger, I can honestly say this isn't the first time I've been attacked." The merchant said


"Simple. I thought it would be fun." He said, "You seriously think you're the only one who I've sent to Equestria?"


"You fool. There are over thousands of displaced people I've sent to different Equestrias. You're just one of many."

"But why me?!"

"Because, I've yet to have sent a slasher who was from a b-movie."


"Hehehe. Have it your way."

"How the fuck did you do that shit to my bullets!"

"Simple. I'm not human."


"How else did you think I was able to send out all those displaced to alternate Equestrias' from different time locations and such?"


"You should know me good and well traitor." said a voice Cordell recognized



The merchant was then transforming. His arms then turned into ones of a lion and chicken, his legs into a dragon and antelope legs, a dragon tail was sprouting from his back as he got taller and taller, wings of a pegasus pony and bat appeared on his back, horns of different kinds appeared on his head and then his eyes turned yellow with red pupils.

"DISCORD!" Matthew shouted

"YES! It is I! Discord! The master of chaos and disharmony at your service." Discord said as his fully body finally took shape, "I mean how else do you think all those being displaced got their magical artifacts from? I mean Hellloooo! It obviously had to have been me."

Cordell then pointed his Calico M950 at Discord in rage.

"Ah, ah, ah! Wouldn't want to end up dead now do we?" Discord taunted

"Why?! WHY DID YOU MAKE ME DO THIS!" Cordell shouted

"Simple. I'm not this worlds Disocrd. I killed him!"


"Allow me to elaborate. I'm from a dimension where I was never defeated by the new elements of harmony, but, I was gettign bored with that dimension so I left it and destroyed it. Then I stumbled upon this place called Comic Con! I saw you humans dressing up in all SORTS fo costumes! And I was beginning to wonder just what would happen if i sent them to Equestria. Obviously I didn't do it all at once, but I dressed up as this merchant from this earth game I played called Resident Evil 4 and sold magical items to those who needed something extra to their costumes or was missing a piece and when said piece was opened , put on, and or used, they would be transported to a random Equestria and random time in that randomized Equestria and live out their days there! Most of the time they sought revenge for being imprisoned, but sometimes they were able to be close to the time in the prime Equestria, which meant they got to be heroes and such. It's tohse worlds I despise. But you? You did what no other displaced has ever accomplished! You succeeded in finishing your goal for revenge! You kileld Celestia, and Luna! Now? Taking over this world will be no problem!"

"NOT IF I CAN HELP IT!" Matthew shouted

"You? Trying ot protect a world you destroyed?! HAHAHAHAHA! Don't make me laugh!" Discord said, "WAIT! TOO LATE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Just what chance do you think you stand against me eh?!"

"I challenge you Discord! One on one hand to hand, no holds barred!" Matthew said

"And just what makes me think I will fight you?" Discord asked, "You're not worth my time."

"Kill me. I'll let you kill me if you win. And I'll even let you have my body."

"What do you mean like possession or gay, because my barn door swings that way if you wanna know." Discord siad

"THAT'S-yeah. That." Matthew said

I totally didn't mean it like that, I just went with it. Matthew thought

"And if you win? Which I highly doubt will happen." Discord said

"You will reset EVERYTHING back to normal, I get to go home to Earth, and Sundae gets to go home with me."

"Umm, isn't she dead?" Discord said plainly

"You have the power to revive can't you? If ya don't then what kind of god of chaos are you?"

"Good point. Deal-"

"Hold it! Lets make it to where none of us can break out of the deal." Matthew said

Cordell then took of his right hand glove to reveal his dark red skin. He then took Sweetie Belle's knife and made a cut into Discord's right paw and then his own right hand before closing the hands trading each others blood.

"Now neither of us can back out of the deal." Matthew said taking his hand off to show it healing fast on it's own

"Grrrrr. Fine." Discord pouted as his paw did the same thing Cordell's hand did

"The rules. No magic, no magically teleported in items and no low blows." Matthew said placing his glove back on, "Only fist and natural weapons.

"Alrighty then." Dsicord said

The two then looked at each other for a moment before Discord teleported a few feet back.


Chapter 18: Discord vs Cordell

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"Naaah. I mean, HELLOOOO, you're in the presence of the master of chaos!" Discord said suddenly wearing a full black suit with a white shirt and black tie and holding a metal ball of some kind

"Were you the one who made chapter 16 a terrordrome like fight!"

"Guilty as charged." Discord said


"In fact, look up."

Matthew did so to notice two health bars above with his profile pic on the left one and Discord's on the right one, his name, Matt Cordell, was above the bar while Discord's read, Tallman "Discord".

"I have plans for you," Discord said, "Very naughty ones."

"Wrong music." Mathew added

"Do you seriously think anybody cares?"


"Part I: The Beginning"


Cordell charged fro Discord, but he teleported out of the way.

"Sometimes I hate the fact a lot of the Terrordrome fighters have teleports." Matthew mumbled

Releasing his grip on the ball Discord got down onto one knee and the metal ball went flying towards Cordell's legs hitting him hard and knocking him back some. But then Cordell did a charge attack that sent Discord flying into the wall which he bounced off of. Then in a fit of athleticism Cordell jumped high and struck Discord across the chest with his hidden blade.


"Aren't you the one who made this a terrordrome fight?"


Discord then grabbed him and flung him into the air for no reason only to hit the ground hard.

"I will never understand why Tallman has that useless move." Matthew said to himself, "The guy's literally useless himself!"

"On the contrary, I think other wise."

Then sprouting from his body came three more of the metal balls circling around him in some kind of gravitational pull.

"Bruh. Really nigga?" Matthew said plainly as he got up

But then blades came out of the balls and Matt Cordell's eyes went wide.


A ball then flew a him so fast he couldn't react as the blades drew deep into his skull and as if he was nothing lifted him up and brought him into the others exploding all three upon impact on Cordell. Cordell then found himself back first onto the ground a little dazed.

"Stupid OP Discord bullshit." Matthew said dazed


"I'll let you in on a little secret." Discord said as Cordell got up, "Your current form? When I win, it's gone forever. So just to put it lightly, even if you win or lose, you still get turned back to normal."

"That's, actually reassuring surprisingly." Matthew said

"You seriously think I'd have my way with you in your current form? PHULEAASE! Even I have standards when it comes to me colts!"

"..... Okay didn't need to know that." Matthew said as he backed up a little

"Part II: The Revenge"


"Quick question, why you gay anyways?" Matthew asked

"I'm pure chaos incarnate boy, I need no rhyme or reason to be gay, straight, or bi! Also I'm from an alternate dimension remember? Anything goes!" Discord said before gettign charged at by Cordell and sent into the wall again, "I really need to learn to stop rambling. it's best villain rule number one! Only ramble when you know your victory can be assured! Oh god damn it I did it again."

Cordell then ran over to Discord and picked him up with one hand tossing him into the air and pulling out his Colt Python and shooting Discord once in the stomach. Discord fell to the ground with a thud before gettign back up quickly.

"You're good. BUT I'M-"

Discord was soon tackled and grabbed by Cordell who proceeded to beat the shit out of Discord with his baton and then tossed him into a wall which he bounced off of. Cordell then made his way to Discord as he got up and slammed hid baton across Discord's face and then his legs and then bulled out his blade to cut Discord across the chest and then for the finishing move stabbed him.


Tie breaker time. Matthew thought as he backed up

Discord looked like as if he was about to unleash hell on earth.

"Boooooyyyyy!" Discord said before calming down

"Part III: The Vengeance"


Cordell then charged only to miss and burst through the wall Discord was behind and found himself facing the ground. Just then he felt something sharp go through the back of his skull and lift him up into the air to where his face met Discord's.

"You play a good game boy. But the game's finished! Now you die and you shall become mine!" Discord said

"Bull freaking horse shit." Matthew said as blood came out of his mouth

"Don't you understand already? You can't beat me. Nobody truly can! I'll be back whenever I'm quote on quote defeated. I ALWAYS COME BACK! But the defeats are always such a bitch though."

BANG! Suddenly Discord yelled out in pain as a bullet hole could be see in his paw and the ball released its grip on Cordell dropping him to the ground where he tried to catch his breath and the ball dropped down to the ground shattering and Cordell's wounds healed quickly. Discord could only look in horror at his hand.

"H-how-what?!" Discord stuttered, "Who-WHO FRIED?!"


The two then looked in wide eyes. There. Standing tall and proud was none other than....


Chapter 19

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Sweetie Belle stood there with a plain smile on her face with her eyes not looking too happy.


"Simple. My friendship with Cordell's so strong our fates our tied together." Sweetie Belle said


"Simple. You'we not deawing with a weguwar pony Discowd!"

Matthews eyes went wide.

"S-SUNDAE?!" Matthew said in disbelief

"WHO?!" Discord said

"You didn't weawwy think I'd go away that easiwy did ya dad?" Sweetie Belle? said

"B-b-b-but how?! How are you here?!" Matthew asked

"I'm a spiwit dad. That's how. My wove fow you was just too stwong fow me to weave you!" Sweetie Belle? said with tears, "I wove you daddy!"

Matthew felt his heart melt.

"Sundae.... It has been 1,000 years since I last heard you say those words." Matthew said with tears in his eyes, "I never got the chance to tell you this, but you're the best daughter, in fact, the best thing to have ever happened in my life when I got here."

Sweetie Belle? then ran towards Matthew who extended his arms as Sweetie Belle? jumped into them leading to a father daughter hug.

"I've missed you so much!" Sweetie Belle? cried into

"I've missed you too Sundae!" Matthew said as he cried


The two then stopped their reunion embrace and looked at Discord.

"If you two are done with the family reunion, me and Matthew Cordell have-"

"Matthew Jackson."


"My name is Matthew Jackson! " Matthew shouted at Discord, "You may have taken that identity from me when you sent me to this Equestria a long time ago, but you cannot kill it. I will be, and forever will be known as Matthew Jackson! AND I WILL BE THE ONE TO END YOU! FOR I AM MATT CORDELL! THE IMMORTAL AND UNKILLABLE MANIAC COP!!! I might not b as popular as the likes of Freddy, Jason, Michael, Ghostface, or even Tallman and I might just be from another B-movie. But there is one thing that sets me apart from all the others! I might just look like another Jason Voorhees clone at times. But I have one thing that the others can't claim! I FINISH WHAT I START! My arc began in the first movie, AND ENDED IN THE SECOND ONE!"

"So? Any slasher could have their story arcs completed." Discord said

"Well then. Name a slasher from an iconic horror series from A-movies to B-movies that had their stories completed."

Discord looked like he was about to speak until Matthew cut him off.

"Without later sequels adding more on to it that was never mentioned in previous films, intended by the original movie makers, and wasn't just cash grabs by corporate authority asshats."

Discord hung his head in shame.


"Indeed." Matthew and Sweetie Belle? said

"Maniac Cop III: Badge of Silence, blugh, luckily only suffers from a love story due to some hippy dippy freaky ass fucking voodoo magic shit and you can't, teach, that." Matthew said

"Damn. You're right." Discord said, head still down in shame and an anime sweat drop appeared on his head

Matthew then pulled Sweetie Belle? closer to his face.

"Sundae, I have a plan to beat him." Matthew whispered to Sweetie Belle? as Discord began to have a mid life crisis

"What is it?" Sweetie Belle? whispered back

"You shoot him in the eyes when I shout, 'Hey asshole! Over here!' at him to make him look at me. Then I'll toss him into the air and together we blast him to kingdom come with my Calico M950 and your High Standard FLITE KING K-1200 Riot Shotgun."

"Sounds like a plan." Sweetie Belle? said Matthew put her down onto the ground

Discord then snapped out of his mid life crisis and looked very angry.

"I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THESE GAMES!" Discord shouted going back to his normal look and extending his paw, "TAKE THIS!"

A lighting bolt quickly shot out of Discord's paw and was headed towards Sweetie Belle? and Matthew. The two managed to dodge out of it's way, but it started bouncing all over the place.

"RUN AWAY MAGIC LIGHTNING!" Matthew shouted in a panic as he, Sweetie Belle?, and Discord got down to the floor

The lighting bolt continued to bounce all over the place until eventually it hit something. And that something was a pony. And that pony? Princess Celestia.

"Oooooo. It's fried alicorn tonight!" Discord said

"Boooo!" Matthew said

But, to everyone's surprise, Celestia's body wasn't scorched, burned or anything like that when the bolt hit her. In fact, it looked like she was twitching.

"OH DEAR LORD IT'S A ZOMBIE!" Matthew and Discord shouted, "SHE'S GONNA EAT OUR BRAINS!"

"No. I'm not gonna eat your brains. I'M JUST REALLY PISSED OFF!"

Celestia then got up with ease and with her own magic healed up her wounds making it seem like nothing happened.

"Well we're fucked." Discord and Matthew said

"Agweed." Sweetie Belle? added

Chapter 20

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Matthew, Sweetie Belle?, and Discord quickly got up from the floor. Matthew looked pissed at Discord.



"ENOUGH!" Celestia shouted silencing Discord and Matthew, "MATT CORDELL! I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID!"


"Oh! REALLY?! THEN WHY IS SHE DEAD!" Celestia shouted

"That was an accident! You don't exactly protect your foreheads good enough you know!" Matthew said

"He's got a point." Discord and Sweetie Belle? said

"Why should I believe you!" Celestia shouted pulling out her Colt AR-15 Sporter-1

"Because I'm not your enemy! He is!" Matthew said pointing at Discord

"What?! Discord's been reformed! He'd never betray Equestria! Well except for that one time...."

"Have you forgotten about the multiverse theory?!" Matthew asked

"Multiverse theory?" Celestia asked in confusion

"Oh my god Celestia you really are a dumb ass." Matthew said, "Well it's the one about how there are alternate universes that co-exist with ours on parallel dimensional planes. So, in each of these universes the reality is different from our own. Sometimes only slightly, sometimes quite radically. This Discord is from a universe where when he escaped for the second time he was never beaten! And he might also be gay."

"Bravo, bravo!" Discord said clapping his hands, "The boy knows about the multiverse theory, big fat fucking surprise."

"Not to mention the bastard destroyed his own and came to my universe for some quote on quote fun." Matthew said, "Go on Discord! Explain yourself!"

"I don't have to!" discord said turning his back

"Hey, asshole!" Matthew shouted at Discord, "Over here!"

Discord then turned around only for, BANG! BANG! Discord's eyes were shot out quicker than he could react.

"MY EYES!!!" Discord shouted, "OKAY, OKAY, I'LL TALK, I'LL TALK, I'LL TALK!"

Matthew then smiled at Sweetie Belle? who was spouting an evil grin before blowing away the steam on her Smith & Wesson Model 15. Discord fessed up to everything. He let loose that he was the one who sent Matthew to Equestria in the first place, how he had been doing it to other unfortunate souls, and he finished up by saying that all he wanted was some fun.

"Fun? You call killing my sister FUN?!" Celestia shouted

"Yes!!!" Discord shouted, "I regret nothing!!!"

"That's Postal Dude's line!" Matthew said

"Heh. You know what? Screw this pathetic universe! You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna destroy it!" Discord said, "Screw the deal we made Matthew!"

"Can't have that now can we?" Matthew said pulling out his Calico M950, "You know Discord, you probably thought you were gonna die today. Surpriiiise."

"What?! The heck's that supposed to mean?" Discord asked

"It means today's the day of the end of your life." Matthew said as Celestia handed him her Colt AR-15 Sporter-1 with an evil look

"I still don't know what you're talking about! MAKE SENSE DAMN IT! I'M THE ONL-"

"IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK!" Matthew said doing an impression of the Rock as Sweetie Belle? handed him her High Standard FLITE KING K-1200 Riot Shotgun, "All that matters now is that I'm gonna check you into the smackdown hotel on know your role boulevard on jabroni drive and layeth the smacketh down on your rootie tootie candy ass! You're gonna pay for what you did to me! For what you did to everyone! Because I am Judge, jury, and executioner! Because I am Matt Cordell! Enough with the delay. HAVE AT YOU!!!"

Before discord could react he was being pelted by bullets from the Colt AR-15 Sporter-1 and soon found himself on the ground bleeding to death. The Colt AR-15 Sporter-1 soon clicked meaning it was out of ammo and after tossing it to the side Cordell switched to the Calico M950. Discord heard it though and was about to teleport only to get his fingers cut off by Sweetie Belle?'s knife. Discord screamed out in pain and jolted up and flung himself backwards into Celestia's horn where he soon found himself on fire after Celestia casted a fire spell. He soon pulled himself and felt a gaping hole in his stomach and blood pouring from his mouth.

"How does it feel Discord? To know that you're a dying man for real." Matthew said pointing his Calico M950 at Discord as he flailed around trying to stand up

"GO FUCK YOURSELF!" Discord shouted

"Heh. You know, there's lots of stuff I've learned over the coarse of being here Discord. But if there's one thing I will say it's this. I've been defeated and brought down, dropped to my knees when hope ran out. The time has come to change my ways. On this day, I see clearly. Everything has come to life. A bitter place. And a broken dream. And I'll leave it all behind. I'll never long for what might have been. Regret won't waste my life again. I WON'T LOOK BACK I'LL FIGHT TO REMAIN!"

And then without anymore hesitation Matthew blasted at the dying Discord with his Calico M950. Eventually it clicked empty and Discord was still standing shocking Celestia, Matthew, and Sweetie Belle?.

"HE'S STILL ALIVE?! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS DISCORD MADE OUT OF?!" Celestia, Matthew, and Sweetie Belle? shouted

Matthew then pulled out the High Standard FLITE KING K-1200 Riot Shotgun.

"If this don't kill him I don't know what will!" Matthew said clicking the shotgun

"YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE LAST OF ME!" Discord shouted through the blood coming out of him mouth by the gallons

"Fowget what he's made of, how much bwood does he have?!" Sweetie Belle? said

"It doesn't matter." Matthew said, "This gun has only five shots it it. And those five shots are all I need."

BANG, click. The first shot blasted Discord's lion arm clean off his body. BANG, click. The second shot blasted Discord's chicken arm clean off his body. BANG, click. The third shot blasted Discord's cloven hoof leg clean off which should've sent Discord to the ground but he still stood up. BANG, click. The fourth shot blasted Discord's dragon leg clean off sending Discord backwards. Matthew then stood over Discord's prone body and with pointing the High Standard FLITE KING K-1200 Riot Shotgun at Discord's head he said one last thing to the draconequis.

"You have the right to remain silent. FOREVER!"

BANG! The last shot annihilated Discord's head into smithereens.


Chapter 21

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"It's over." Matthew said going over to the group

"WOOK!" Sweetie Belle? said

Matthew then turned to see a glowing orb floating above Discord's dead body.

"What the fuck?! What is that?!" Matthew asked

"I've heard about this." Celestia spoke, "It's said, whoever makes a deal with a draconequis before killing it will be granted an orb that contains the magic necessary to fulfill said deal. What was the deal you made with Discord before killing him?"

"For everything to be reset. Everyone to live and act like nothing happened, like as if I never existed, and to go back home with Sundae."

"B-but why?" Celestia asked

"Because this was never meant to be." Matthew said, "I know Discord here's gonna come back because every little thing we do or decide becomes a parallel universe. Multiverse theory and all that."

"Yes. Indeed he shall come back." Celestia said, "Most likely from a universe where he beat you."

"Even then I don't think he would be one to try and pull the same trick twice right? I mean if I killed him in one dimension I'd probably do it again in another." Matthew said

"Daddy, am I weally going with you too youw home univewse?" Sweetie Belle? asked

"Indeed you are Sundae. I love you too much to let you go." Matthew said, "And Celestia, I'm not sure if we'll ever see each other again, but should you ever need me come to my universe if you can and look for the man Matthew Jackson of the University of Tennessee. Then again you'll most likely not even remember me anyways."

"Actually I will. Remember when I said I got lost in the woods for two weeks when I ran away from home when I was younger?"


"I killed a draconequis in there and made a deal with him that if I beat him I could remember anything without a problem and no magic could reverse it, because during my time in the woods I ended up hitting my head thus causing me to lose some of my memories. The draconequis was kind enough to give me my memories back under the condition I killed him, but we made a deal to add on to it, if he won I would lose all of my memories and live on as his puppet, but if I won, you know."

"Why though? Why make that kind of deal?"

"Draconiquises are tricksters. They can mean say one thing but mean something else entirely or just not stay true to their word at all. Deals are the only way they can stay true to their words. It's part of their code."

"Huh. Interesting-wait. Ar you saying there's more of them!?"

"Nope. They all went quote on quote extinct 1,000 years ago."

"Okay that's more comforting." Matthew said, "But, enough with the hesitations. It's time to end this."

"Equestria may never remember you ever again Matt Cordell-"

"Matthew Jackson. That's my real name."

"Equestria may never remember you ever again Matthew jackson, but I will. I will remember you as one of the greatest heroes Equestria ever had. Minus the rampages you had."

"And I'll never forget you Princess Sol Celestia." Matthew said with a salute to Celestia doing one at him

Matthew then looked at the orb and with one hand touched it, and within a matter of seconds a bright light enveloped the three.

Matthew awoke to a bright light, but soon found out it was the room of his hotel. He looked at himself to see he was in his normal clothing. Tennessee vols t-shirt, blue jeans, converse red sneakers, and even his normal dark white skin was there. Looking around him he then noticed a sleeping child next to his left. Her hair was long and brown and she wore a dark yellow dress, dark and light cream colored socks, and dark white skin. She began to stir some and opened her eyes to reveal them to be orange. It was Sundae.

"D-daddy?" Sundae asked

"Hey Sundae. We're home." Matthew said picking up his daughter

He then took her into his bed room where her laid her underneath the covers and let her fall to sleep. But to help her, he sung her a little lullaby...

Let's go in the garden
You'll find something waiting
Right there where you left it, lying upside down

When you finally find it
You'll see how it's faded
The underside is lighter, when you turn it around

Everything stays right where you left it
Everything stays
But it still changes
Ever so slightly
Daily and nightly
In little ways
When everything stays

And with that Sundae went to sleep without a problem.

"Goodnight Sundae, I love you." Matthew said kissing her on the forehead

But just as he was about to leave the bedroom...

"Goodnight daddy, I wove you." she said with a yawn

Matthew could only smile as he left closing the door behind him. He then looked at his digital clock on the wall that showed the military time and date it was 23:30, roughly translating to 11:30. And the day was Saturday, then looking at his paper calendar he saw marked on it was Comic Con which was three days ago. Smiling he said...

"Heh. Looks like history won't be repeating itself today." Matthew said

Then his cordless house phone started ringing. He answered it without hesitation.

"Hello?" Matthew asked, "Oh hey Jessica! ..... Sorry. Looks like I'm gonna have to cancel for tomorrow. ..... Something's come up. ..... If you want I can show you tomorrow. ....... Alright. I'll see you tomorrow at twelve. ...... See ya too cutie. ...... Love ya too."

And then he hung up. And with a sigh sat down on the couch. But then he noticed something sticking out from the cushions. He then pulled it out to reveal a very familiar billy club.

"No. No way that's impossible." Matthew said

He then pulled at the bottom and then quickly dropped it backing away in surprise. His breathing became heavy, his heart pounded, what he saw gave him terrible, horrible flashbacks. What he pulled out from the billy club was none other than a hidden blade covered in blood.