
by errant

First published

Vinyl and Octavia are harassed by paparazzi on a quiet day out. They decide to give him an intimate show.

Vinyl Scratch and Octavia are busy mares. Equestria's two biggest musical sensations and renowned celebrity couple don't get many chances to spend an entire day with each other.

When paparazzi interrupt one of those rare occasions, Octavia takes matters into her own hooves to prove that they will not let the fourth estate dictate their lives.

Contains: Public sex, exhibitionism, horn play

Walk in the Park

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“It sure is a lovely day, isn’t it?” Octavia remarked to her companion as she strolled leisurely down the streets of Canterlot. The sky was pristine blue, the grass of the many parks were verdant green, and, best of all, it was a rare day when she and her marefriend had an entire day to themselves. It was unusual for the schedules of two of Equestria’s biggest music stars to be empty on the same day and Octavia was determined to enjoy every minute of it.

“Sure is, Tavi,” Vinyl Scratch answered as she matched her partner’s sedate pace. Truth be told, she wasn’t much of a nature pony. Or an outdoor pony. Or a being-awake-before-sundown pony. To her, there wasn’t much point in walking just to walk. Still, she reflected, it was nice to get out of the house every once in a while for something other than a performance or recording session. That went doubly so if it meant she got to spend some quiet time with Octavia. The warm summer sunlight beat down on her coat, but a gentle breeze warded off the worst of the heat. Still, she couldn’t help looking around for someplace to pick up a cup of cold lemonade or iced tea or anything that promised to slake her growing thirst. Suddenly, a familiar sight caught her attention. “Ooh, ice cream! Waitrighthere!” she exclaimed to her marefriend as she trotted off to an umbrella-shaded cart manned by an elderly pony scooping out delicious treats to a group of foals.

Octavia giggled as she watched Vinyl wait semi-patiently in line, practically dancing in place like a little foal. The foalish antics of her special somepony never failed to amuse her; when she felt like it, Vinyl could be adorably ridiculous. Shortly, Vinyl returned to her, a giddy grin stretched across her muzzle and two vanilla ice cream cones floating beside her in a magenta aura. Wordlessly, she floated one over to Octavia and set about licking hers with reckless abandon, heedless of the mess she was making of herself as sticky drops of melted ice cream dripped onto her coat.

Octavia more carefully disposed of hers, taking gentle and calculated licks of the cone. She locked eyes with Vinyl, who made a prominent point of taking a rapid series of very suggestive motions with her mouth and tongue as she finished eating. Octavia snorted, not at all surprised by the display.

When both mares were finished, Octavia was still perfectly clean. Vinyl, on the other hoof, was lucky that the vanilla ice cream matched her white fur. One large drab in particular marred the smooth fur of her cheek and Octavia swiftly leaned forward to lick it off, planting a kiss in its place.


Both mares pulled away from each other, stars dancing in their eyes as they instinctively raised their forelegs to guard against the brighter-than-a-thousand-suns light that just blossomed in their faces. Squinting, Octavia could just make out the figure of a stallion holding a camera equipped with a comically over-sized flash bulb. “Ugh, the bloody paparazzi can’t leave us alone for even a single day. Are you okay, Vinyl?”

“Yeah, my eyeballs just melted is all. No big deal.” She pointedly turned her back on the offending photographer. “C’mon. Let’s get out of here.”

Octavia followed Vinyl’s figure, which she rather enjoyed seeing from this angle, as she set a brisk pace that took them away from the main streets and into a deserted corner of a small out-of-the-way park. Both of them more out of breath than they wanted the other to know, they mutually decided to park their flanks on a solitary wooden bench. “You know, this is pretty nice,” Octavia observed. “It’s very peaceful and quiet back here.”


“Celestia damn it,” Vinyl growled as the stallion crept around the corner, taking another snapshot for tomorrow’s headlines. “I oughta go shove that camera somewhere nice and dark.”

“Hmm, yes, you could do that,” Octavia said with a strangely calm inflection. “Or we could take the high road and show that his presence simply doesn’t disturb us.”

“What do y—“ Vinyl began to ask, but the words died unspoken as Octavia deftly leaned over and took the tip of Vinyl’s horn into her mouth. “Ooh, buck,” she moaned as pleasant sensations trickled down her sensitive appendage. “W-what the hay are you doing?”

Out of the corner of her violet eyes, Octavia could just make out a rapid series of flashes as the photographer did his best to capture what was surely going to be a gold mine for him. She ignored him, though, as she continued her work. After a few more delicate laps of her tongue across the grooved surface of Vinyl’s horn, she deigned to remove her mouth from the object of her affection. “I’m loving my marefriend, just like she deserves,” she purred, planting a kiss on Vinyl’s neck. “And to Tartarus with the paparazzi.” With that, she renewed her assault on Vinyl’s horn, teasing its surface with soft lips and dragging her tongue across every inch, sometimes sucking it like she would a stallion’s member.

Vinyl mewled in pleasure and embarrassment, burying her face in Octavia’s shoulder. She squirmed on the bench, partially trying to snuggle closer to her lover and partially trying to hide from the camera’s unblinking gaze. Even with her eyes averted and squeezed shut, she knew its gaze was locked on her, capturing every second of her intimate experience in cold, clinical detail. The certain knowledge that she was going to see pictures of this in tomorrow’s tabloids warred with the warm, bubbly euphoria that was steadily growing inside her. To her mild dismay, she found her situation only intensified the sensations. Within just a few minutes, she was trembling on the edge of climax. “Tavi, I’m gonna come,” she whispered to her partner. She wasn’t sure if it was a plea to stop or to keep going.

Octavia got to make that decision. She swiftly repositioned, taking Vinyl’s horn from her mouth and turning Vinyl so she sat on the bench facing straight ahead, while Octavia slipped a single grey hoof between her hind legs. She locked eyes with the camera colt, a small smile playing on her lips as the flash died, all his attention focused on her. The soft frog of her hoof easily found the engorged nub of hyper-sensitive flesh nestling in Vinyl’s folds and began to rub.

Vinyl buried her face in her own hooves, an adorable blush spreading across it as Tavi’s gentle, yet consistent motions stoked her fires even further until, with a muffled moan that sounded more like a squeak, she plunged over the edge and into an abyss of ecstasy. Dimly, she was aware of the wetness dripping out of her slit and forming a miniature lake on the bench. Mostly, though, all of her mental effort was currently tied up in continuing to breathe.

Content that Vinyl was satisfied, she removed her hoof from Vinyl’s nethers. Courteously, she left the other mare’s legs spread so the lucky stallion could get some good pictures of Vinyl’s glistening snatch. Not about to let Vinyl be the only one getting appreciated, she made sure to spread her own legs and twitch her tail aside.

She placidly licked the juice off of her hoof as picture after picture was snapped of her and her marefriend’s indecency. The breeze lightly caressed her fur, tickling her own marehood. She briefly flirted with the idea of giving an encore show for the camera, but Vinyl was beginning to stir beside her. She craned her neck so that she could nuzzle her, pausing to playfully nibble on the tips of her white-coated ears. The stimulation drew a shuddering gasp from Vinyl, still fresh from her orgasm. “Jeez, Tavi. Can’t you give a mare a break?” she murmured in protest.

“As if I could ever have enough of you,” Octavia answered, running a hoof through Vinyl’s messy blue mane. “Now, what do you say we think about heading home? I’m sure the gentlecolt with the camera has quite a lot of footage to prepare for publication.”

Vinyl’s head dropped slightly at the thought. “Oh, crap. We’re gonna see those pictures all over the place tomorrow, aren’t we?”

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that, my love,” Octavia answered. Seeing Vinyl’s quizzical look, she continued, “Even the worst of the tabloids wouldn’t publish them. There are laws against printing indecent or lewd material in the kinds of papers you can buy at the grocery store. We wouldn’t want to corrupt the youth, after all.”

“Oh. Right. That’s, uh, good.” Vinyl said.

“What’s the matter?” Octavia asked with a knowing smirk, noting Vinyl’s hesitation. “Were you excited that thousands of ponies might have gotten a glimpse of your gorgeous body being ravished in broad daylight?”

Vinyl didn’t answer. Instead, she turned her head aside to hide the blush that returned to her face at the thought of exactly that. “Well, m-maybe. Just a little bit.”

“Well, I don’t blame you for wanting to show off. You are the most beautiful mare I’ve ever seen,” Octavia complimented. “I’ll always be a willing audience for you, if you want.”

“Thanks, Tavi.” Vinyl chuckled to herself as another thought occurred to her. “I’d like to see the look on that guy’s face when he realizes he can’t sell those pictures.”

“Indeed. Perhaps he will learn not to waste his time harassing innocent ponies,” Octavia agreed. “At least he got a good show out of the bargain.” Speaking of the ill-fated colt in question, she noticed he had disappeared. “Let’s get going, shall we? Home is beginning to sound very appealing.”

“Sounds like a plan to me. I want to give you a more private show, anyways,” Vinyl said as she rose to her hooves, using her tail to hide her drenched marehood.

“And what a lucky mare I am, to have a front-row seat.”

“Front row seat? Filly, you’ve got a backstage pass. C’mon, let’s go home.”