The Siren's Remorse

by TheronSniper

First published

With the Dazzlings pendants shattered and their bodies fully human, they are left to life's machinations. However, a fellow banished soul might be the key to returning their former selves and taking revenge with a gout of flame.

The Dazzlings have lost everything and now must struggle with human lives and human bodies. What seems like a lost cause to live any longer is given another chance when a fellow kindred spirit meets the Sirens. If they can harness this new oppurtunity and return back to their world of magic and forge new pendants. Will the Sirens get vengeance upon both worlds and rule over all? Or will the lack of foresight doom them to Tartarus and the lives of all who cannot be saved from the fire.

Meanwhile Sunset Shimmer becomes the center focus of a cabal which seeks unknown ends into Equestria once again, but can she overcome what's stacked against her? Will she find solidarity and stand for what is right?

Ch.1 Yellow Tail

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Ch.1 Yellow Tail

The sound of footsteps echoed loudly in the air like a thick fog, the sounds bounced off the brick building to the right that whisk by as a fast flowing blur of detail. Tapping and clacking were joined by the faint yet audible footsteps in the distance in hot pursuit. Accompanying the steady panicked movements were the voices of youthful jubilance and praise, teenagers were jeering for the victors of the of a dire contest of skill and cunning. The cacophony eerily wafted through the campus grounds in a chorus of which seemed like static and white noise through amalgamation.

If one were to look behind them they would see the looming yet fading image of a stage that had been set up in the sports field with colorful lights beaming into the sky. The glow of lighting emphasized the epicenter of a former titanic fight that had come and gone unbeknownst to the grander populace of the town at large. The defeated were fleeing ground zero with as much gusto as a frightened doe would from a prowling mountain lion, pushing their escape beyond what they would have thought possible.

The three girls passed by locked doors of the school building in utter panic and unbridled terror, the fear of what was coming drew sweat to the skin and a dryness in the throat. With thudding hearts the palpitations were almost loud enough to be heard from the neck alone in the mostly vacated grounds, the air had a chill from the sweat beading along any exposed skin. Little could be given much to thought other than the instinct of survival at the helm, with the sweet relief of the open streets and the large town beyond ever tantalizingly close it could only buy more time. Muscles burned from the sudden prolonged sprint in unaccustomed bodies, the taste of iron from over exerted lungs and throats teased taste buds with the rich metallic flavor. Skin ached from the chaffing caused by the flamboyant dresses that were never meant to be incorporated into exercise.

The once illustrious Equestrian sirens otherwise known as the Dazzlings, were in full retreat from the failed scheme to gain power over the human world with their enchanted voices by their foes the Rainbooms. The hapless young women fled the area with the utmost importance with ragged breaths, their hands soon tore away at the annoying flapping garments that were nothing but garnish to their wardrobe for the stage. Fabric screamed as the puffy shoulder sleeves on Adagio were discarded carelessly, the tie on Sonata couldn't withstand both her hands tugging away as it too ripped from the pulls, and Aria yanked away at her long skirt until it was just above the knees to ease the rigorous trek. They had to get rid of the source of irritation which arose quickly and lessen the drag in their run, with the real threat of magically induced reprisal not far from their boot heels. Distant sounds of trailing shoes on concrete walkway indicated they were indeed being followed with the same amount of energy and perseverance.

A fire flared in their extremities as well as their lungs with the intensity of a kiln, they would have put any serviceman to shame with the distance they covered in such a short amount of time. Having distanced over the back area of Canterlot High and all the way to the front lawn, only then did the girls finally speak through pain that ravaged their very material forms.

“Our… oouuu…” the severely overworked dry throat of Aria kept her from saying much and more to coughing out her desperate breaths.

“…pen…dants… lost!” Sonata picked up, while trying to swallow away her own suffering like a fish out of water, the lining of her throat felt as if it were chalk and sand.

They pressed on despite the clear detrimental effects upon their health, having cleared the main road up to the first block of homes they grasped for more distance until the school was no longer visible from a glance. Fearing neither a passing vehicle or being ran over by speeding metal carriages called cars and trucks, they blindly avoided being hit by several beams of light which screeched upon seeing them sprint perpendicular to their path. Where they ended up had only come to their forethought as Adagio collapsed to her knees scraping them in the process, she caught herself with her hands just before her face could have fell into the hard gray walkway under her. She dry heaved a few times as the taxing escape culminated upon them like a surging tide from a mini tsunami, thankfully they did not need to eat prior to the event which she was more than happy to not sully themselves in public.

Having never been put through such a strenuous act since she was a young siren, the full on dash the former sirens endured reminded them of their limitations as hairless apes. They sorely missed their Equestrian bodies with the muscular powerhouse of a tail that even levitating through the air could crush a cart with a single gesture. Beautiful frames which could handle days of continuous swimming with no cramping or burning as they were sorely feeling at the moment. Were Adagio able to speak then as she was doubled over on the sidewalk like the others, she would have cursed the Rainbooms to Tartarus and again with their final magic attack having shattered their pendants and essentially defanging them. Her enraged and defeated spirit coagulated into a black mire that scorned any attempt to think beyond immediate safety so she could plot her revenge, but their energy level were also running on fumes.

"Hhhaaa! Hhhhaaaa! I... ack!!" Dazzle coughed from her dry and abused throat.

Denied even the ability to fluently talk properly she gave up saying anything else, her head painfully looked about their immediate surroundings and found that they had come to rest at an intersection of roads. A bright red light shone in the twilight sky suspended from a steel pole where a small procession of metal carriages known as vehicles to humans awaited for the command to move. Some small while others were of a different model altogether as one poor sap once explained to her before she drained him of his frustration at work in a place called a garage. Some were meant to transport goods while others primarily carried more humans from one location to another without the need of a pony to draw it, it was all electricity and burnable liquids. Two lanes over the colorful cars and trucks was a large behemoth, a fuel tanker if she remembered correctly. It was a monster of metal and rubber that reminded her of the Swamp Maggots that nearly mistook her for a meal once upon a time. The shape vaguely reminded her of that bulbous horror which she thankfully came to find out just fed on dead trees. Though the other characteristic they shared was the foul odor both emitted, a choking miasma of exhaust only served to make the Dazzlings sensitive airways to flare up once more.

In their dower condition the traffic signal turned green and soon relieved them of the smog inducing machines which the evening breeze cleared the air within minutes. Their pain was barely noticed by the sparse pedestrians anywhere nearby, as Adagio soon looked up to see once again. As late as it was there were a few people walking in different directions, oblivious to the magical battle which tore the sky with their true forms and the Rainbooms spell that manifested into a bright alicorn. How they didn't seem to panic like ponies often did or even were aware of their surroundings had made them such perfect food if their world had any magic to help assist in feeding. Water all around and barely a drop to drink, now they couldn't even drink the measly dew off the leaves.

'Curse those stupid good for nothings!! ME!!?! Adagio Dazzle of the Dazzlings defeated and left to this pathetic form!' she thought to herself, 'Are we just simple pigs like the rest of these walking dull minded fools!? A siren... humiliated and shamed like this!'

She hadn't the energy to act out and even pound the concrete with a fist, what little residual magic they might have had was going to work on their bodies already. A fresh cleansing chill trying to render aid to them but the girls were far too distracted to notice much. Aria peered up as she fought to cough even more in defiance of her own condition when the light tapping of footwear grew louder before them. It turned out to be a jogging man with a headset out for a nightly run, a white tee shirt with a tiger in the center and short green shorts that hugged his thighs. He gave a cocked eyebrow to the former sirens but went on his merrily way when he saw Blaze, her hatred for the Rainbooms evident in her purple eyes sent him hurriedly onward.

“Ad…adag… DANG... IT!!!” Aria managed to force out her haggered esophagus irritated from the cars before.

Sonata and Adagio were just recovering themselves when the cerulean girl spoke up as well, "Adagio! Where... where to now?" she asked as her left hand groped for the missing pendant subconsciously.

"Hi...hide for... time." the curly haired Equestrian replied, she tried to ignore the taste of blood from her sore throat to the back end of her tongue as if a greasy coin had been shoved down her mouth.

The sounds of the town gearing down for the night echoed once more as a few more vehicles drove down the other perpendicular road. The lights of the surrounding buildings beginning to shut off by their occupants, storefronts had seen their last opening hour come to an end and thus the workers were setting up to leave. A jet liner rumbled overhead like an angry Condor, the red and blue lights on the tips of its wings faintly visible to Sonata as she gazed upon it. Amid other random sounds of the town, she managed to pick up on the voices of the possessed Canterlot students they had been trying to escape from. Her human ears twitched to the tickling reverberations three blocks behind them, they were close and mildly shouting as they tried to hone in on their quarry. She remembered when they first took off and saw the sickly green glow in their eyes that overtook them in a maddened state, she couldn't understand what was happening but she knew they were in danger since then. The dread had begun to crawl up her body as she stared back down the path they came from. Having swallowed the lump in her throat from the sheer tension of the moment, her violet eyes frantically searched for refuge in lieu of Dazzle's authority.

“In…there!” Sonata viciously pointed out with a shaky finger to their right, both of which had also caught sounds of the victims of their broken gemstones encroaching upon their position.

Her enthusiasm, while warranted, unfortunately drew the eyes of the a few people awaiting at the crosswalks a road over. The bike rider and a lone skateboarder punk turning heads at the rather overzealous scene, murmurs were whispered as they watched the Dazzlings seem to panic. Considering the state the Dazzlings were in it was no wonder, but the leader of the trio grimaced at the unwanted eyes and ears.

"Ge... get INSIDE!" she shouted powering through the embarrassment she suffered as her legs quivered like a palm tree in a typhoon.

Aria's eyes were already locked onto the big red building with a hand to her mouth to stifle her racking cough she couldn't suppress any longer. Directly beside them sat a classic diner sporting electric signs with food motifs and the common variety diner specialties painted along the side of the walls. A single story structure with long oval windows of gold frames, spanned a house and a half on the street they were on with a several foot tall smoke stack spewing forth a counter to the invisible toxic haze of the roads. Well trimmed shrubs decorated the perimeter as they lead the eyes from the greenery towards double doors which looked like something out of the 1980’s era they lived through not long ago. Adagio could see that there were few people inside as she managed to get to her feet, it was late enough that they probably happened across closing hour most likely. It was a good safe zone for them to recuperate and regroup with witnesses of the customers and the staff of the restaurant to reassure them from the coming threat. She leapt to it like she had done back home, still the young siren trying desperately to stay from being prey from larger monsters.

Before either of the other two subordinates managed to stand themselves, they were grappled by the collars of their attire and the remnant chokers of their former pendants. Grabbing her cohorts she quickly and haphazardly dragged the two through the doors just as another call of anger from their pursuers. Having had to bite her tongue to avoid giving into the resurgent fatigue as her muscles screamed in dreary resistence, the sirens loudly entered the restaurant like a bat out of Tartarus. They had earned the full attention of those inside, huffing all the way to the nearest empty red cushioned booth and crashed into the seats while trying to make themselves as small as possible. Waitresses and the cashier of the restaurant froze in place, patrons ceased enjoying their supper from the theatrics that happened in the once quiet eatery.

To everyone else the trio was dressed in tatters from their attempts to make it easier to vacate Canterlot High, but in the process of their mad dash their hair was frayed and frazzled in different directions. Their faces seemed as if they could scare the dead into submission with blemished makeup from tears caused by dry eyes of hauling as fast as they could. Out of anyone who ever visited the diner they had to be the most troubled looking to ever passed through those doors in all the years of business, so spoke the faces of the employees.

The Dazzlings finally let themselves relax unabated by the still looming threat of the possessed students that lurked outside, missing the sight of them as the boys and girls zipped by. Adagio sank into her seat even more as she tried to corral her wildly running mind, she needed to have clarity to think and assess the situation. Why they were being followed she could only guess from her own handiwork corrupted and twisted from whatever those fools had done to them.

'Being followed like that... how dare they make me relive my youth! What kind of spell they used not only destroyed our gems but it reversed the effects of my music. I can only guess that instead of adoring us our dispelling magic made them hate us!' she growled lightly too forgone to really put umpf into it, 'All of our magic is gone because of it, so the effect shouldn't last too long on those dullards. Without our voices to influence them.'

She looked to her pack, the once illustrious and memorizing Dazzlings, she sensed their safety was secured until the establishment they concealed themselves in closed for the night. It was the least she could do even though without their stones they were no longer a semblance of their old selves, it was her duty to keep everyone safe. Voice or no voice she was still their leader, their matriarch which among siren kind meant only being replaced or death would stop her.

'It's just another setback... just a setback...' she thought to herself feeling her legs beginning to lock up in pain, 'Just like all the other times.'

Aria had given into her weakened state after finding herself caste into the booth nearly hitting the wall with her head, even after positioning herself as best she could in a proper upright state. She could feel her lungs rebel against her as it ached to inhale as much as let a breath out, she grimaced as the back of her throat felt like she had swallowed a cactus. Her haggard body gave out in moments wanting rest and recovery even if the will of the spirit needed to remain awake.

She felt how soaked her striped stockings were as they and the rest of her garb chilled to the diner's air conditioning, 'I've never felt so filthy in my life!' joining Adagio in cursing the Rainbooms with her very enraged soul.

The fury however never made it out of her as the worn out condition of she was in made a steel cage that the phoenix couldn't escape from. She'd scream to the heavens in righteous madness if every cell in her was not seizing up like a rusty machine. Aria had struggled for a moment longer until she caved in to the inevitable, not caring about how undignified she looked to any sights of those that might be peering. Her eyes closed as she laid into the booth seat with full abandon where she gradually ended up sliding to her right and against Adagio's bare shoulder. Having received no reaction though she cared not even if there was one, Aria embraced the veil of sleep with a comfy place for her head.

'I'll let this slide just this once, for now all my indignation is reserved for those blasted talentless hacks!' Dazzle sighed as she too felt tired to push her subordinate off of her, a special kind of exhaustion she fathomed would be the deepest sleep she'd experience which crept upon her as well.

Sonata on the other side of the table had already laid out sprawled like a dozing cat on her open seat, the only sign of her being alive was the slow rise of her visible arm. Peacefully snoring so soon as it seem and barely detected by Adagio whose eyes fluttered like boiling pot of water. Doing anything to stave away from falling asleep and risk getting kicked out, she desperately focused on what she could smell and hear. The clatter of dishes and the sizzling of deep fryers from the kitchen caught her ears, light chatter could be heard but it was far too low for her to discern. Adagio's stomach couldn’t even come up with a pang of hunger from the aromas in the atmosphere, the scent of heavy oil and fat cooking morsels that fattened humans who frequented such places. Beyond that there was little else to anchor onto, and it troubled the eldest Dazzling as she began to lose the battle to remain among the living. She willed her hands to her face and held them in place, even as her arms felt as if they had been shattered in many places.

The pulsing veins throbbed into notice as her heart had begun to deepen its pressure, Adagio hadn't realized why her body was suddenly becoming so audible. Instead she welcomed it as it stirred what dwindling control she had, from the soft thick pulse of life sustaining fluid had sprouted something akin to a tingling pain. She reacted to it positively and rose from the growing ache with some kind of energy to harness, it was that very soreness only brought thoughts of disparagement and hate that served its purpose.

She whispered to herself into her cupped hands, "We are sirens... masters of song and voice... none could ever escape our music. And yet..."

All her previous ploys to garner magic in the backwater world they had been stuck in were mocked by Aria at each and every turn. She finally had a chance to turn it all around with Equestrian mana somehow lingering in that loathsome school, they had all the pieces in place to succeed and dominate the naked apes. Then those cursed students and their equestrian magic uprooted their venture into godhood so easily thanks to that Sunset Shimmer.

How much hatred Adagio had for that female human was a power that was unquenchable, it drew out a vein in her forehead even as her blood pressure continued to climb. She wanted to think more of how much she detested those girls, how she wished she could turn it into power so the three of them could retaliate and make them suffer. In lieu of some kind of restoration the drumming organ took over her hearing as it became louder and louder, playing to a tune which infuriated her passionate disdain. For what felt like minutes she soon wanted the noise to stop so she could think in peace, smashing her hands against her face as she grit her teeth together. Had it been too much to ask after being shamed to gain a moments rest, even a stay at some human restaurant for half an hour?

'Why won't it stop!? I just need to think!' she screamed in her mind.

Her hands which she had brought to her face clenched into fists, her patience finally snapped from the beating percussion that pushed her over the precipice. Her head shot up with eyes wide and ablaze with her fists slamming into the table, she looked wild and mad to anyone else but it was a controlled release. Just when her hands met the polished well used red table that shook the shakers and napkin dispenser, a cold hand gently found itself touching her right forearm. A jolt from the temperature drop upon her right arm quelled her mindset with shock, her glower beaming at the latest interloper that dared stress her out even more.

Adagio appeared as if she had a bucket of cold water tossed upon her when she looked to see who the contact came from, the poor soul that stumbled upon the trio innocently enough. A waitress stood leaning over the table wearing a worried frantic face, one whose face that upon realizing did the deep waves of her blood finally abate to a normal level. Dressed in a dated waitress garb of white with hints of blue and pink, a small ticket book sat in a chest pocket which threatened to fall out from the woman's lean. Just behind her was a black uniformed police officer coming into view, a tall man well around six feet in hteight made Adagio freeze on the spot and drop any emotional expression she had. Human royal guards though unlike the ponies, these protectors were armed and had many a ways to apprehend a suspect both deadly and non-lethal, an aspect she found new and strange. They were the ones she avoided at all possible costs as from city to city, coast to coast, and department to another they had such a varying attitude that she did not want to entangle herself with them even if they sang. Right then and there she had just such an individual within such proximity she did not know if she would have been better off with the pursuing students or him.

“Ma’am! Are… you… okay!?” the thirty some year old woman asked for the eight time which only then her voice came through, her brown eyes searching for an answer in the shamed enchantress.

It became apparent that the remaining customers in the diner were all looking at the scene playing out which Adagio noticed after she regained some composure. With a gulp, the feeling of perspiration threatened to surface again as Adagio stuttered a reply. She knew then that she'd have to watch her words carefully least she be drawn into something she'd regret.

Dazzle cleared her throat and forced her voice through the still taxed vocal cords, "We're fine... honestly." she put on the best smile she could muster with Aria lightly sleeping on her left arm oblivious to the circumstances.

The waitress brushed her own forehead in relief, “You had us worried there sug! You just ran in here looking like this and just dy'n for air! Why Officer Bismuth here nearly burst outside looking for those good fer nothings who were chas'n ya! You not hurt are ya?!” the older woman had a motherly tone about her inquiry, something Adagio was rather surprised by.

The lead siren could barely afford much of a nod as her eyes darted everywhere trying to find a way out of the attention they drew upon themselves. The two dullards that were her packmates were far too gone and unreliable, still out of the question with their breathlessness and left her to handle the situation alone. With no other option to turn to Adagio gazed upon the tall human guard thinking of a way to respond, all the while wondering where the drumming had gone to.

“Madam? I just need to ask you a few questions… if you don’t mind that is?” The imposing figure asked as his badge shined under the overhead lights, more or less commanded as he adjusted his hat to tip in a greeting gesture.

‘Ugh!! Why didn’t we just stay out there! Could have at least thrown ourselves into traffic!’ she barked mentally as she played off the situation.

"Madam?" he asked again.

Dazzle smiled with a quiver as she felt a strange coolness grace upon her very soul that seemed to relax and sooth her throat from its ravaged state, "I am so... terribly sorry for the inconvenience we've... put on upon you and this fine eating establishment." she went on too focused on spinning the truthless tale, "My sisters and I were coming back... from... a concert and we um... bumped into the wrong crowd... sort of speak."

The officer jotted down her story onto a small notepad he had pulled from a pouch on his occupied black leather belt. Using a small pen he extracted from his uniform pen protector he took down every word she had to give.

She continued with a strange resolve she hadn't figured why it was coming to her so well though the fake story had to be told, "We apologized to them honest! But they did not want our sincerest words and instead... they came at us. So we ran away, we even had to go through a garden... I think the rose bushes tore at our clothes. We ran and ran... until we ended up here. I can't say... where those mean people went, we were just too exhausted to concentrate!"

Adagio couldn’t afford to let on to their true pursuers to the police, as the term magic in this world was at most a smokescreen act or a joke. Even the risk of being punished by the law for nearly taking over a school might have some grounds to affect them and somehow she knew the Rainbooms would love to see that happen.

Expertly she had the two around her fingers as they accepted the fiction like hatchlings being warned about the Devourer of the Deep to keep them in the nest. Having gave little info to the police officer to sate his questioning, she breathed sweet release once he excused himself to leave for his patrol car as he so put it.

"Thank you madam, I'll be sure to send any word out for suspicious activity involving such matters. Do be sure to stay among public areas to avoid such confrontations, there are always those who look out for others. Good day to you, I need to send this to dispatch." Officer Bismuth tipped his cap to her before taking his leave, how strange his very presence seemed to relinquish the effects of their mad dash to freedom.

The pitter patter of a small glass-like object hit the waxed floor like tiny marbles and quickly forgotten, 'Hopefully we won't be seeing any one like him for a while with all the fake contact information I gave him. Last thing we need to be going through is being hunted by the police, without our powers we'd be minnows in a net. And I'm not giving those vile heathens the satisfaction of seeing us on the news in handcuffs, there's no way what we've done in the past hasn't been recorded somehow!'

Aria began to stir, albeit painfully, hosting the look of the same intrigue at the attention they amassed as Dazzle had, she was also one who hated surprises. Fortunately, she came to just as the cop was leaving which saved the golden siren the complication that the sour attitude would have brought up. Blaze gazed at the waitress who reappeared with menus and ice cold water for the three as if they were a charity case. Bombarding them with on the house specials for the poor souls the catfish dragged in. Even then she too felt just a little bit better like a strong shot of naked espresso as she often partook in the days prior to their fall, the painful aches subsiding enough to make being awake tolerable.

“Please, Mr. Crisp back at the fryers wants ya’ll to feel safe here. Have anything on the menu, no cost whatsoever it's on the house.” The waitress smiled as if it hadn't been the first time the same thing happened once before.

Aria having missed everything up until then looked upon the woman with caution as she struggled to say something without sounding obscene. Yet as she tried she had been too slow to act and was superseded by the stranger who treated them to an open buffet.

“No woman should be as fearful like I see in you three, I hope Officer Bismuth catches whoever did this to you. I knew someone was after you three, working here as long as I have you see some things!” The lady admitted confidently as she pushed Sonata's glass closer to the cerulean siren who groggily arose completely lost to all that just transpired.

“Th-thank you, really you don’t need to do this. We’ll be ouuu…” Adagio tried to push away the generosity, only to fail as their now human mortal forms immediately craved nourishment for some strange reason, the linger scent of fried food calling to their stomachs like a dinner bell or a large audience ready for their songs.

Adagio came to acknowledge that their new state meant they had new commitments to uphold if they were to live any further devoid of immortality, ‘As if this day couldn’t get any worse, now our bodies are like these primates in every sense of the word!! We have to actually eat food to live as often as they do! Gah!’ Adagio yelled into her mind even as she smiled to the waitress taking the menu handed to her.

Almost as if she were revived like some undead entity Dusk came to life when she groggily opened the three page laminated pamphlet, “Oh! Do you have tacos!” she asked as she supported herself by her right elbow on the tabletop wearily, having shot up to the free food offer like a king mackerel striking bait fish.

With a new resurgence of normalcy in at least one of the girls, the waitress beamed happily, “For you three, it would be our pleasure to make you the best dang tacos you’ll ever taste!”

Sonata could barely muster anything beyond a hobbled fist pump into the air before falling back onto the red seating with a loud sigh of satisfaction, unlike the others she always had an appetite since they'd known one another. The waitress soon turned her attention on the last two Dazzlings awaiting their orders. Her hand ready to scribble the item numbers they selected and eager to give to the cook.

Adagio blinked before realizing she had to speak and with a quick look through the choices she picked one that seemed right, “We'll take the house special... the Atlantic Catch sandwich, the both of us will have it.” She grinned innocently, hoping her answer would send the woman away.

“Right on it miss, I can already hear the meat sizzling and the fish fry'n!” the waitress beamed leaving with the menus she grabbed to the kitchen.

The instant they were alone, Adagio fell into her arms after she crossed them onto the tablet, with a loud groan of aggravation nearly knocking over their cups of water in the process. Aria's shoulders dropped with the coast clear as she relaxed having no want to lose the chipperness that had greeted them like an oasis in a desert. She lazily grasped the dripping glass of crystal clear goodness and took a swig to get the taste of metal out of her mouth, akin to a greasy coin she had not sucked on like candy. Her scowling eyes panned around their environment and caught the gazes that still lingered upon them, men and women in work cloths were gossiping about them. She had no patience and barely the fuel as it were, but she did the next best thing and expressed a toothy snarl which dispatched the onlookers. She snickered as they went back to their meals and avoided their table as if she would throttle them at any moment.

Shutting out the diner noises and sights, Adagio took a deep breath and composed herself. Looking up to see Sonata gulping down her drink greedily with Aria following suit beside her, leaving her to be the last one. Dejected and lost at what to do next the golden haired leader took her own serving feeling the iced water cool to the touch. The beads of condensation soaked into her palms as she brought it to her lips, it was then that she caught her reflection in the surface as it rippled from movement. While they were none worse for wear in their looks she could have sworn that moments ago they had seemed to be dragged through dirt.

'What was that just then, my heart... I couldn't hear nothing but the pulse? Now all of the sudden we're feeling and acting better? Something's not right... no... perhaps we've finally... become human?!' she pondered as her eyes widened, 'Well we can't use magic now, with our gems gone then maybe this physical transformation since we were sent here buffers out existence? I could have sworn mother said a siren dies without their gem? Mother...'

It was that name which dropped all curiosity and froze the former siren into inaction, her eyes no longer receiving the world but of a memory long ago. A promise she made that couldn't be kept after their powers were taken away, a promise which herald the very moment it was made. That was all Adagio could see and it brought a tear rolling down her cheek, one that went unnoticed as the other two were coming to their own terms with their new lives.

Slamming her glass onto the table with a clatter, “We’re done for… No pendants means no powers… stuck inside these worthless meat sacks and no future!”

“No powers means our voices are lost... forever…” Sonata spoke in a morose tone as she felt her neck for the absent ruby.

Adagio quietly sniffled out the weak moment and downed her drink quickly, she had no time to mourn her personal mission. They had no home to call their own and without their abilities they had only what bits were left in their collective wallet from singing gigs they easily amassed prior to their defeat. Soon their financial situation would go red, but for the time being fortune smiled upon them with generosity from the people they had fed upon. It was a new fire which burned in the icy realm of depression, one directed at their conquerors just to spite them.

The mist of despair hung around the girls even as their food eventually arrived, their entire spirits were sucked dry of feelings that no physical stimulation could fix. No matter what the waitress tried to say to liven the mood, her attempts were all in vain. Thankfully, she wasn’t able to pester them long as soon the restaurant neared closing time, and her cleaning duties beckoned with utmost importance and she bid them a good night.

"They may have ruined us but we will not let them laugh at us. I will find a way to keep us off the streets, even if we have to get... Jobs! We cannot have the Rainbooms see us like a sinking ship! We will get our revenge on them in due time, but we have an image to uphold girls." she told them as her fingers turned white from the pressure of her grasp on the glass.

Aria nodded, "Before anything else I want to wrap my hands around that color spectrum narcissist and really turn her blue!"

Sonata hadn't quite the level of hatred against the group but knew it was wise to keep in line, "Ya but we don't know anything? Like for realzies what are you gonna do for umm... bits? I don't wanna look like that mean crusty man we saw back at Manehatten!"

"Ugh! Don't remind me of those tweakers, that one dazed out of his mind that sucker punched me in the back of the head!!" Blaze growled as she pinched the bridge of her nose, "Maybe at least that bloody face I left him made him ever regret messing with me."

She slammed a fist onto the table and shook the condiments for use, it hurt to do so with a sharp spike of pain for her efforts. Having forgotten the lost magic it was clearly evident they no longer possessed the durability and strength they once had. A mere gesture of frustration turned into a regrettable move on her part, truly they were the monkeys down to the core.

Sonata giggled at her misfortune even as Aria grumbled back at her, "With our gems goes our voices and other stuff." her other hand rubbed the afflicted palm.

"Let that be a lesson to you both as well. Last thing I need to worry about is finding out either of you has been taken to a hospital." Adagio scolded just as the tip tap of heeled shoes announced the arrival of their meals.

Striding with a joyous smile the waitress balanced all three dishes on a large gray metal tray, each meal on a thick porcelain plate. Gently they were placed before each of the proper recipients with accompanying napkins and silverware, for a diner they were crafted rather well and not like some grease trap they expected. Sonata had her three heavily stuffed corn shells which were pieced in a crisp layer upon layer of freshly prepared meat, greens, and some kind of red sauce. The ground beef still sizzled from being pulled off the pan and lacked the excessive oil from the other versions she seemed to adore so much. Contrasting the darkened bovine flesh was chopped lettuce that appeared as if it had come straight from the fields and fiery red diced tomatoes that mirrored their old gems. The strange garnish had a tangy note in the aroma, peppery almost from what Adagio could make out.

"Finest dang tacos you'll ever eat in town! And for you two our thickest chunk of cod in stock! Bread just came out of the oven too, hope ya'll enjoy and don't hesitate ta call for seconds." the older woman beamed with pride, gently patting Dazzle on her right shoulder before leaving, "Consider this place a safe house if ya ever find yourself runn'n from those no good rattlesnakes."

Adagio smiled back even though in her head she wanted to bite at the limb, using all her will to avoid doing so and relegated herself back to the table. She inspected her dish looking for anything off only to find nothing but a perfectly arranged dinner complete with golden fries and dipping sauce in a small paper cup. It was a sesame seed bun of caramel brown toasted exterior, containing a fried breaded hearty serving of the flaky fish. Black pepper dotted the savory morsel among the crumbly coating of cornmeal, thick leaves of lettuce were partnered with freshly sliced nightshade fruit. A cream oozed along the sides just enough to entice the visual excitement but not to make handling an utter mess. Another surprise came to Adagio to see their luck turn out for once and with no signs of a back hand from taking the offer.

"Well, at least they know how to make a good sandwich here." Blaze chuckled to herself after having taking a nip at a piece of poking cod, the crunchy exterior audible to the others as she chewed.

Sonata spared no effort to commentate as she downed the first shelled meal nearly without chewing past three or four times. The mirth on her lips spoke enough for her enjoyment that little else needed to be said in her case. It left Dazzle to her food to which she shrugged and braved on through, since the others were more than eager to dive in from hunger or taste it mattered little.

The first succulent bite had reaffirmed Aria's claim with the perfect balance of texture and flavor with every ingredient, a rather shocking reality that the former siren had to admit, "Wow, these are pretty good? I was half expecting something like that Within and Outward fast food place we tried three years ago."

"Nah, this stuff's actually good, gotta hand it to the humans for once." Aria commended as she worked past half of the bread encased item nearly nipping her own fingers between her teeth.

The Dazzlings had eaten everything from crumbs and to all, with what starchy items bagged for later consumption once they found a place to sleep. The food had the effect of caloric overload and dulled their worries to minor concerns with the pleasantness of being sated. Their beasts of hunger which longed only for physical food rather than negative energy had been put to sleep. Sonata was the only one to offer any kind of thanks to the staff, complimenting on the crunchy tacos with half her normal vigor. Adagio and Aria assumed she’d be the better to do so, as they would have simply given little gratitude if it let them escape without further interaction. The airhead of a packmate could easily garner good feelings from strangers with her aloof sense of life, almost as if she passed for one of the them. She served her purpose in the group one way or another which cemented her position in the Dazzlings, least she only caused ire in Adagio and caste away.

Having sealed the deal with the eatery, the trio felt more alive than ever since they collapsed before the place two hours ago. If their stomachs were not brimming with digesting sustenance that would last till morning they might have noticed their reality become less hostile towards them. Rather it was a peaceful night under a dull violet sky from the town lights, distant stars dusted the vast void above the siren but they knew not of the grand scale of the world beyond their perception.

Adagio entrusted Dusk to carry their likely breakfast and turned the corner of the intersection up ahead on the right where she finally could start planning, “We have what how much? Three hundred bits and a single room to rent alone is a quarter of that amount!?” Aria fumed as they started to put distance between the restaurant and themselves.

“I’m sure we can find some place cheap to stay us over the night. Just follow my lead girls and we’ll be out of this accursed place soon enough.” Adagio replied as she took the lead in the direction of where their old clothes were stashed away as part of a contingency plan she had hoped they wouldn't have needed.

“What if we just went back and said the pendants were controlling us? I bet Principle Celestia could take us…” Sonata spoke up with a clueless reality soon desolated by Aria.

“Oh My Gosh!! Can’t you just shut it up! What are you?! You… are… the… worst Sonata!! Like I'd ever want to placate to those herring! I won't be under any of their thumbs while they mock us day in day out, you've seen how they treat their own so what makes us any different?!” Aria yelled throwing her hands to her head as if a migraine were beginning.

Sonata winced from the reciprocation of her idea, afraid of saying anymore that could arise further reprisal. Adagio simply put a hand to her forehead as if nausea was trying to rear its ugly head. Trying to remember the places they scoped out to stay a night was easy enough in their condition, the bickering sirens behind her were of little aid to her addled mind as it were. Her barely stable energy level was enough with the addition of a full stomach to stay away a violent outburst to calm the arguing hatchlings they were, they never made it easy.

Aria spouted off more inane protests to their lives in the gutter as her bitterness and crumbled patience resurfaced. In a fit of emotional rage her arms swung around to exaggerate the situation they were in as well as to blow off steam. Flailing limbs that soon found purchase upon a bystanders skull as they passed by a rather gloomy looking group of leather jacketed men. Though she caused herself more injury than the person she hit, grasping the right arm she derailed into cursing to herself.

"GAH!! What's your head made of... steel?!" she spat worried she might have broken a finger or knuckle from the dull throbbing that followed.

Sonata and her froze on the spot even as Adagio continued oblivious to the Tartarus that was just opened behind her. The blue skinned girl gazed upon the hardened figure who snapped his neck to the trio with a face that only a mother could love. The group of four men who had the smell of whiskey upon their attire turned towards the girls with surprise and agitation. The one affected by Aria’s mood rubbed his nose and forehead before setting his sights on the young woman. Sonata could only gaze at the imposing figure that stood a good seven inches above them, built like a diamond dog and the scowl of a timberwolf. Even for such a klutz of a person as she was, her mind easily deduced that they were in even more trouble than before. Dealing with the Rainbooms would be a fun compared to the pissed off human that geared up to retaliate with the venom in his crusty bloodshot eyes.

“HEY! PRICK! YOU STREET SUCKING SLUG!” his voice boomed throughout the empty street, drawing the Dazzlings into the horrific reality full swing.

Left in a state of panic, fear, and awe the girls turned to see the aggressor who wanted their undivided attention. Taking in the gang of irritable violent looking men, it was Adagio who regretted not keeping the cop with them or at least using him as transportation. Though they lacked any way of reading emotions, the drunkard's state was palpable enough to register without their rubies.

“You hit me… So that means someone’s face is meeting the road…” the filthy man seethed as he slowly started to close the distance with wobbly eyes and sense of direction, his boots hitting the pavement with a purpose.

Adagio could only muster a flurry of confused attempts looking for a way to escape and getting away from the sudden beating they were faced with. Aria was not any better, having had the true essence of terror rooted into her feet like a magnet to metal with no voice to stop the threat. There was no one around to help them as late into the night as it were, most people had gone home and any passing vehicles were going by too quickly to be of aid or even notice. They had nowhere to go with nothing short of any kind of hope to hang onto, the very human feeling of dread seeped into their cores like a creeping cold of a blizzard. Adagio and Sonata could likely get away, as it was Aria who started the confrontation with her outburst. Yet the way of their kind would never allow such an option to be executed, the pod stuck together no matter what.

Adagio quickly scanned one last time for a way to escape, she couldn't trust alleyways for being trapped into an ever further isolated spot to be attacked in. No hotel or open business around offered any salvation, they were in the dead shopping district of the nocturnal ghost town like guppies without a cove to escape a trout. A good mile run had any hope of finding sanctuary for the Dazzlings, but they were far beyond making another mad dash in their state, Dazzle knew they wouldn't make three hundred feet.

“I’m going to wring you a new one ya mook!” The lime green man sneered, his shortly cropped orange spiked hair held in place by styling gel gave him an even uglier look that repulsed the sirens.

“Dude! They’re just girls, come on I don’t want to go to prison just because you're sensitive!” One of the gang member's associates whined.

“Ya, and I’m not bailing you out if you do too. I ain’t got the money after getting my hand fixed from last time!” The third thug fussed wanting to avoid the confrontation.

“No!.... You're going to suffer for hitting me ya wench!” the offended man cracked his knuckles as a diabolical smile spread upon his filthy mouth, off yellow teeth could be seen under the nearby street light.

Before Adagio could yell for Aria to run, the thudding sound of workman boots of the assailant echoed instead as he closed distance with the backwards treading girl. A malicious intent was all the more prevalent like a sign of ‘The Doom is Nigh’ any crazy man would shout in Manehatten streets. The hostile had a few badges sewed upon his leather jacket, many Adagio had no clue to their purpose other than intimidation and glory like many equestrian royal guard displayed. Humans on the other hand had a far sinister purpose for such marks, especially concerning the criminal types she had come to learn of ages ago.

"We... we should run for it?!" Sonata peeped though to no avail.

Aria failed to move her legs beyond the shaky snail's retreat she was already doing, holding her arm close to her with no action to take other then stare fearfully into fate. The former siren looked up as he picked up his pace to be a foot away, never letting her watering eyes stray away from the punishment she was about to receive. The vile man with a stubble of facial hair that decorated his jawline possessed fierce eyes that starred down into her as he geared up for a straight knockout punch. Aria could tell he was unabated by the any thought most humans held of morale customs. He was far too drunk to comprehend his actions, yet now powerful enough to deal damage to her face and her fellows as it seemed.

She could see the hit coming like a prediction even though he hadn't acted just yet, primed and ready to take her lights out and more. It was all happening so fast, she’d probably feel the pain after a few strokes of his knuckles and her face on the pavement. Of all the days she had to give into her tendencies, Aria truly regretted what she said to Sonata as seconds became agonizing minutes. She couldn’t bear to witness her own beating, and opted to shut her eyes to better deal with the pain coming her way. Not even the lowly human wouldn't see nor gain any joy from her, she would take the shots as proud as she was and the siren she had been.

“ARIA!!” Dusk yelled out.

“ARIA NO!!!” Adagio tried to dash in between them but her body had become a slug, dotage like a wakening dragon atop its hoard, she cursed herself for being so slow with the few steps she needed to save her idiot.

Before her fellow band mates could intervene, she tensed herself to buffer the first salvos in hopes the drunk had only a few volleys to pack. The coming reprisal had been forced to the back of her mind, her memories surged forward out of sheer anxiety as she recalled how she ended up in such a dire circumstance. Memories of Equestria, her childhood, and her mother were the most prominent of them all that lead her to this moment and those were what she held onto.

‘This totally blows big time! I’m going to die here and now. I blame you Adagio!’ she told herself as she relegated her all to the moment.

Fully awaiting the fight like a charging bull shark, Aria braced through saline drops that dripped out of her shut eyes. It took thirty seconds of nothing happening to get her realize something had gone awry, she immediately heard a struggle and believed it to be Dazzle's doing for her sake.

Somehow somehow, the great All Father Poseidon had gifted them a way out of the Tartarus pit and showed a way out. If the stories her mother had told her as a pup were to be believed, she was a believer then once her eyes beheld the unfolding scene that went in their favor.

Instead of Adagio holding the man at bay so she could run away, there stood a stranger they hadn't seen before or that it mattered. A yellow fleshed red haired man stood to the side holding the quivering arm which would have struck her, it appeared that the drunk was putting his all into finishing the act to no avail. Having grasped the fist, the impromptu bystander put the other hand to the exposed throat of the retched soul and used his left leg to position himself to force the aggressor to the ground as he took the steps to do so. The mysterious person had saved Aria and the girls from the stupid actions of the low life's almost out of the blue, there was always a bigger fish out there.

What appeared to be a man of any other on the street wore the trappings of casual friday's, no distinguishing factors to set him apart. It was far too dark with the faint street lights to give much more to analyze, but they did offer first class seats to the flipping of the assailant harshly onto his back. With a suddenness that seemed to be a mere blur, a work boot had found itself perched onto the leather jacketed man who wheezed from the near instantaneous move that knocked the air out of his lungs.

Adagio could only muster a questioning response as she reached Aria and pulled her away, while Sonata looked on with a slack jaw at the fun scene unfolding. There before them their lives were saved by a random someone from the throws of rage that had been brought forth by one of their own. Although his back was to them, a voice commanded fear with each spoken word even though they spoke softly. The former sirens picked up on the reactions of the fellow's gang who not only wore surprise, they looked utterly astounded in their inebriated stupor.

“Hmmm… what do we have here?” the unknown person purred with a rather insidious tone.

The simple brute grunted trying to get up with little effort only to stumble from the hand still pressing down onto his throat. He coughed trying to rebel and failing at the same time, it was as if his brain were too clouded to register the predicament that would cripple his resolve in seconds.

“Best get a move on… or lest my hand and... foot slip?” the broad shoulders remained still as he primed and readied the booted foot above the man's genitals just as the grip slowly tightening around the wind pipe just enough to drive the point home.

“Sod off man!” he spat a bit of spittle upon the good Samaritan, "That chick... she's got it com'n!!"

Adagio grabbed Sonata as well and pulled everyone from the splash zone if the conflict became a one on four fight.

“Dude, I warned you man. Should have left them alone... ya nonce.” the other barely conscious buddies beckoned as they looked on with curiosity from a safer distance, the others sharing the same kind of 'I told you so'.

With the loss of any backup to rely on there was little else to do, “Leave… please.” The man added as he got off the angry drunk, dusting himself off in the process and even offered a hand to help.

Adagio could only watch as the situation thankfully devolved into a bitter parting and hopefully enough alcohol in the offenders system made sure they'd forget this meeting. Five minutes passed by before the safety of their well being couldn’t be called into question when the vile men turned the corner away from all of them to never be seen again. Their interloper kept his vigilance however as if awaiting a fight to still come, refusing to move the whole time just in case they sprinted around the corner of the building down the street. Humans were always so violent, a far cry from Equestrian ponies and their ways as the hairless apes tended towards negativity far more than any other being they'd fed upon. What had unfolded before the girls would scar them for the rest of their stay in this world as powerless, voiceless, mythical beings.

As a lone truck passed behind the Dazzlings with the sound of its tires scraping the road they heard that voice speak out, “Are you alright?” the figure asked as he listed his head to turn to the awaiting eyes.

“You just… saved us? For realzies?!” Sonata gasped going into her kid-like nature once again.

The man simple nodded as he finally showed his face. Something about had caused Adagio to forego thanking him and instead sought her memories back home for the eyes she beheld. Unlike humanity the group had once fed upon, something odd about the facial structure of this particular human rubbed her the wrong way and they had traveled the world over. His eyes may have been the deal breaker for the most part with an amber glow that seemed to dim for a moment if not a second before going completely gray, though only she noticed herself. He was no Adonis of Calamazoo, far from any threat she would fear immediately like the barracudas just then. Something imposing emanated from his presence even if it felt repressed to some degree, and she knew a predator when she saw one.

Where had she seen or felt that before? Everything within her mind screamed to raise red flags. She hadn’t known the man before and yet his gaze simply exuded an essence of its own that bugged her to no end. It caused Adagio to scowl as she pulled the others closer to her, she wanted to run away and get as far from the town as humanly possible.

“You… why?” Aria blurted out finally breaking her awe.

Ch. 2 Delusions

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Ch. 2 Delusions

A low flying aircraft passed overhead with a dull drone, its cautionary lights blinked like a police car on call to a crime scene down a lonely country road. Its wake echoed down the empty street the four were on, quickly fading away after it passed over the surrounding buildings to be no more. Just like the moment that nearly spelled disaster for the former sirens it too had left the area until not even a buzz could be discerned.

Adagio wanted to quickly thank the human male and leave the strange feeling behind she felt about him, something deep down yelled at her to put as much distance between the two as possible. Something innate and primal, the kind of sense she only had when she came across a dangerous monster with an ambiguous fur coat that betrayed its true nature. Yet the reason was obscure and lost to her current mindset unable to gain any further purchase, last thing she wanted was to turn those strange eyes onto them as they had to the dullard who left with his tail between his legs.

Blaze seemed to hesitate in giving any gratitude as it shamed her pride to do so, but her face was torn between glaring death's stare and utter confusion. It was not a situation she had ever been in before much less without any means to handle it herself, she'd rather have been put into a coma before it all even began than feel so insignificant.

“I…I…” Aria frowned trying to look away, she held her dull sore hand which had lessened into tolerable prickly needles jabbing at the flesh where she struck a nerve on the neanderthals skull.

“You like, totally took us out of the spotlight!” Sonata beamed, dancing slightly in place in jubilation.

The tall man leaned down and patted the unpredictable girl on the head softly along with a quickly hummed chuckle, "It is rare to see youth out so late, guess it was a good thing I needed a little stroll on such a quaint night? Such a shame you had to see the rabble that roams these streets."

Adagio sighed in defeat as she saw the little exchange unfold without a single hair harmed on her little idiot, “You have our gratitude… uh good sir? I don’t know what we would have done without your help. Right Aria?!” she noted elbowing the defiant girl in the ribs hoping to not sour their tepid foothold before the cliff of no return.

“Ya! Right…” Aria grumbled as she rubbed the abused flank, tired of being harmed so frequently in one day.

With a firm nod to her lesser, "See, we are all glad for your help. Now I believe it is best we head home before we meet any other unsavory wrecks isn't that right girls?" to which the two beside her acknowledge wordlessly, Sonata shaking her noggin like a pepper shaker on a fresh burrito.

Those gray eyes lay upon the golden leader once more with an intelligence behind those nearly piercing orbs. They clawed at Adagio's psyche in a way that made her take a step back grabbing the arms of the others just firmly enough to not set them off. She still could not figure out what was setting of the alarms that blindly shouted to run, but the instinctive reaction would not be her driver and thus she forced it away into a gradual sophisticated pace smiling all the way.

Almost as if noticing her snail's retreat the man gave a pleasant wave of the hand at them, "Good, have a safe night. Stay away from the west side of town during the night, it's often a spillover from the cider bars around here. Not a good place for young ladies like yourselves." with that he parted himself in the same way he arrived.

Dazzle observed the man head down the same path as the brutes, strolling slowly and methodically with no hint as to if he went to finish the job or just simply had to go that direction. A waste of time for Dazzle to contemplate any further as they had more important matters to deal concerning reaching their clothing stash and getting off the road, and vacating the area to avoid him and his gaze.

"Come on! We're leaving." she ordered releasing the two and marching away.

Aria glanced at the odd behavior and looked to Sonata mistakenly, receiving only a shrug and a shake of the head. With a roll of the eyes they soon joined behind Adagio as they made their way down the desolate void that was downtown, a few times a vehicle passed along the dead roads. Little else beyond a stray cat or dog crossed their path and even they scurried away upon seeing the worn girls.

While the curly haired ex-singer busily contemplated who the stranger was, her subordinates were left to their thoughts in silence under the starry sky. The hazy plum surrounding the full moon and the outer lying indigo depth beyond, only Dusk seemed to partake in the beauty of the nature that greeted them. How many countless nights they spent in their human husks traveling the world from days of yor before electronics and metal carriages?

She took her time counting the twinkling dots while skipping part of the way to their stash a little north of downtown. The mere act occupying her otherwise wayward attention, having been the most difficult of the three to do anything beyond musical performance it was a task similar to herding cats. It brought a sense of peace of mind to have her focus on something and not bring irritation to the already jostled hot heads. Low and behold they would soon come across something life altering, where their worries would be for nought and their wasted energy missed when things took a turn. Yet it was not something to blame them for, foresight was their handicap as time and again seemed to prove.

Battle of the Bands Concert Grounds

The concert grounds were nearly devoid of the throngs of students that had once been the audience to spectacular fight of magical talent. In place were scattered bottles of soda and water that littered the area that the little nightly breeze had stirred and played a cacophony of a tune with their hallow containers. After stopping another threat to the their world the youthful teenagers received the ponied up girls with a reception they'd not soon forget even for Sunset. Once the sirens were cleansed and departed like a fox chased by a hound, classmates that had once shown Sunset the cold shoulder asked for autographs and acknowledged her contribution. The siege lasted just long enough for the hype to wear off and the student body left for home with pictures and signatures to sport as prestige.

It left the girls satisfied and joyous as the rest of the time flew by slowly till they soon became the last souls on the school grounds. The janitorial staff were already given the pass to begin shutting down the stage for the night, lights were powering down and brooms were swept up the trash. Old man Fresh Swipe and his fellow Diligent Pine had taken it upon themselves to remove the traces of the event as if it never happened even if it were three hours till midnight.

While the Rainbooms and Princess Twilight went over what had happened, Sunset’s mood had been tainted by a tinge of worry that chipped away at the back of her mind. Amidst giving aid to the local DJ who had provided them with the means of putting the final nail in the Dazzling's coffin sort of speak. It was the least she could do to still be helpful to the school whom she nearly became the tyrant of and hoped that after the sirens she'd be seen in a better light for years to come. The little excitement earlier she greatly desired for an extension and that her relations with the school wouldn't digress to the stale air not weeks ago.

"I'm not sure I can see the issue? You're saying there's a jammed piston?" she asked the wild haired girl with sunglasses who gave a thumbs up with a shake of her electric blue spiky head.

She had taken it upon herself to work with Vinyl Scratch to fix a lodged stereo module in the miraculous mobile Scratch and Mix vehicle, the name still pending. Were it not for her curiosity over the shattered pendants still on stage a walk away, Sunset would have undoubtedly inquired into the costs of the vehicle and its many aftermarket accessories. Scratch seemed to be a bit of a mechanic herself, but she really just needed an extra pair of hands to let her get the contraption back into its original form. The entire thing was a fully customized job and somehow did not seem street legal in any sense of the word, or even if the musician was of age to have a drivers license.

Sunset nodded back, "Alright... well give me a moment to check again."

While the locally known DJ waited for the green light to restart the vehicle mechanism, Shimmer gave into her creeping paranoia as the Dazzlings song began to echo in her head. Their sultry tune something she couldn't forget no matter how many espressos or Pinkie's Spectacular Cupcake Surprise's she downed, it was an unpleasant sense of mind to feel so sick at the memory stained into her neurons. Like a cobalt oil paint that splattered onto her skirt in art class that one time, no amount of heavy duty oxidizer could clean the blue spot off her orange colored garment unless she wanted white spots with blue islands.

An eerie reminder of how close they came to failing the world at large as the sole protectors with magic at their side. Such powerful mental enchantments of the sirens had given them no bounds, especially concerning humanity which she learned had a very violent rise to being the world's top predator unlike ponykind. Early on in her first year after she exiled herself, a single semester in History class showed her all that humanity had wrought from its earlier ancestors and seemed to try and cover it up for its future generations. Several events that were brief and carefree she had decided needed some digging into, and low and behold she earned respect for the race she then belonged to at least in form.

If the Sirens truly enthralled and fed from an entire planet of such a mammalian species, Celestia would be nothing more than a bed bug to them. Fortunately, in this day and age people were more so at peace and placated by technological wonders that made life easy from her earlier research, not to mention the lack of pure mana in the atmosphere unlike Equis. Their inner fires were comparable to a dragon back home when given a spark, but thankfully they had gone some fifty plus years since the last greatest tragedy. Humans had not a reason to fear for their next meal for the most part, easily distracted by advertisements and social aspects in life like ponies in Las Pegasus. Now they were easy pickings and only the Rainbooms, Princess Twilight, and her were the last bastions between them and some nefarious force from her own home.

"I think I see it... hold on... let me... just..." Sunset stuck her tongue out as she used a small wrench to tap at the piston that refused to cooperate.

On the plus side the Dazzlings would likely have had a hard time getting out to the world quickly after likely discarding integration for subjugation. In theory, their magic was one of physical proximity if she remembered from her studies with Princess Twilight, recorded versions wouldn't pack the same effect and thus inhibited their influence. Minute pieces of information from research only then coming forth into conscious thought had rallied her hope, even if they had failed to win the Dazzlings would be in for a long haul. They would have to find a way to embed control into their fans or have them travel with their performance spreading chaos and disharmony in a race already prone to such actions innately. Such a thing was ludicrous at best, as they had yet to exhibit any power to slave the people like she had in her demon form. Judging from her earlier encounters, the Sirens were not the brightest bunch and far from the likes of the infamous Grogar or Tirek in terms of grandiose plotting and anticipation. Where she had the ability to not zombify but mind control the students, the sirens were merely mosquitoes that just became bigger and more stronger magically. Power hungry sirens who were no Nightmare Moon and would have fallen eventually, but not after leaving a wake of disaster from the cities and towns they drained.

Vinyl waited till a particular ping came from Sunset's meddling before the right ding sounded out, the former unicorn wondered about the ruby gems the sirens if they were ever weaponized. Those vile stones were broken and fragmented after their counter spell and she personally saw that they were obliterated after the their beam of friendship striped the trio of power. However, magic was much like matter, it could not be destroyed nor created as it simply existed in numerous forms. She concluded that being released from the pendants would be inert to the environment like a drop of saltwater into a large mountain fed lake. Whatever spell matrix that had been put upon the pendants were gone along with the physical form of the charms. Yet could those shards still be useful to someone if not the Dazzlings?

"I think I got it! Try to retract the stereos again?!" Shimmer called out as she pulled away from the machine to avoid getting caught between the module and chassis.

Those would be demigods thankfully left the shards in a hurry, after being chased away by a few students who seemed crazed by anger. She worried about harm coming to them if for a moment, but quickly considered what they had done and who they really were she forced back her conscience this one time. They were vile in attempting their world domination dream, they acted like she did before Twilight came along and were just as remorseless. Human or not, their victims didn’t deserve the forced conflict their songs imbued in them, destroying friendships slowly, and trapping her friends were red marks on her list of mercy. Some part of the old Sunset still existed within her and it would be years before she'd tame those dwindling quirks, but this was well earned and she was happy to feel so.

With a quick twist of the ignition key the portable mix booth retracted within the compact car and everything worked as it should. Sunset admired the little piece of work enjoying her help coming to fruition, Vinyl exited the still running mechanism to join beside her and gaze upon the marvelous job. The automatic process left nothing to be desired with each piece fitting together back into its proper spot to manifest the same idle mode that they had seen when it appeared over the hill.

With a relief washing over her, "Glad that's done and done, guess it just needed a little love tap?" Shimmer giggled as the musician fist bumped her.

Scratch gave her a quick pointed finger gesture that meant to 'check back at a later time', which she then proceeded to embark back into her special toy and ride off to her home. Sunset waved goodbye to the disappearing figure and then left to join Twilight and the others packing up their instruments and basking in the victory. Even through their joyous laughter and hearty banter a part of her figured there would be some kind of payback they should anticipate at a later date. A fate that seemed like it wouldn't and shouldn't come to be as dark magic in such a null void that was the world of humans couldn't be summoned anymore. Not if the bits and pieces of the pendants being swept away by the younger janitor were anything to go by to which she sighed in content. She made a note to ensure those pieces saw nothing but the garbage truck to be scattered in some landfill never to be found again. Only then would she feel free of another repeat and a struggle to overcome the charm of the siren's songs.

She jogged to the group and found they were already heading out to leave for a well deserved bed rest. Elated and tired cheers became yawns from dulling adrenaline brought from their stupendous fight, Sunset found it easy to pull the element of magic aside without alerting the others. She wanted to avoid ruining the moment for her friends, there were concerns that needed to be alleviated first before she too partook in the newly established peace.

“Twilight!?” she called out with a wave, earning a quaint smile from the princess.

“Sunset! Did you finish helping Vinyl with her machine? It's quite a marvel isn't it?! I wish I looked into it a bit more to be honest. Such a strange contraption that is still considered ‘street legal’ as they define it. I wonder if Vinyl made it herself or had help, I mean if you boil it down to skill and knowledge. Ms. Scratch would be worthy of Celestia’s School for Gifted unicorns back home, if not more! I’ll have to ask that musician before I leave tomorrow… I wonder if Vinyl in Ponyville might...” Twilight would have ran a one sided conversation again had Sunset not stopped her.

“She’s good to go and I'm pretty sure that metal beast was her personal pet project. I have to ask something that’s been bothering me though. Mind if we look into it when we get back to my place?” Shimmer asked in a hushed tone.

“I don’t see why not, but why are you being secretive about it? I’m sure whatever it is the girls and I can…” with a dawning joy brought on by the past accomplishments of friendship bonds, Twilight had once again been stopped mid sentence by a finger hovering before her.

Sunset looked to her with a nervous uncertainty as she diverted the both of them further away from the others, “Look, I can’t let their day end with some deep seeded worry I’m having, even if its probably nothing. Let's allow them to enjoy this night and tomorrow morning before you go. I cannot willingly accept being the one to cause trouble again.”

A sad look graced her as she gazed away thinking about the time she was such a horrible person and drove a wedge between the five girls. It was that momentary lapse in Sunset’s mood that earned undying trust in Twilight, so she agreed to the terms with a gentle pat on the shoulders of her friend and nodded.

“If a friend of mine needs to keep a secret, I’m not to be the one to deny them. So long as you tell me everything, I'll pinkie promise!" she answered going through the motions of the swearing to secrecy even as she accidentally hit her eye once again. "Owww... Plus, I figured I'd share with you what I found interesting, I plan on studying it as well just in case I encounter it back home."

Sunset found herself looking at the pieces of the pendants the Dazzlings left in the hand that wasn't rubbing her hurting eye. Twilight had somehow collected one of the gems and her very intuitive nature had her set on analyzing it. That left a conflicted feeling in Shimmer's heart, part of her would have her fears settled out while the other saw them as still dangerous items that had to be sent across the world to never be put back together again.

Looking around to ensure no one was too close, “You know it's actually about that in particular, I’m worried that they may still have some use either by those sirens or some curious person who happens upon them. I’d like to look for concrete evidence before I go dumpster diving for the other shards and bury them where they can't be found ever again.” She whispered still looking around for eavesdroppers.

“Well if it will make you feel safer, I do have a good memory on charms, enchantments, and magical artifacts I can refer to. Oh! Study session! Like a slumber party only we’ll be doing research into a potential secondary threat with damaged artifacts of dark magic!” Twilight proclaimed rather exuberantly and hopped in place, which thankfully the others were over a hill and well out of hearing range.

With a blank face, Sunset sighed and livened up with hope eventually. She had the closest thing to the Canterlot Royal Library with her and if anything could assuage the worry she bore. Twilight was the one for the job, safe to say they probably were not going to get any sleep.

7:30 A.M.

The Dazzlings had long since changed out of their torn performance garb and were walking aimlessly for a while until they came across one of the police stations of the town. Their hope brightened upon nearby source of protection if they ran into another problem that reared from the unknown that was their new bleak future. These human versions of the pony Royal Guard who watched over the two sisters domain were far more competent and better equipped to deal with troublemakers. Though, if they were not sometimes overzealous and tribalists like the ponies were known for. The passing police vehicle made them feel more at ease after last night, letting them rest at a bus stop in peace.

Adagio plopped onto the hard wood bench sighing as she looked up to the sky in her sweat pants and hoodie. Aria followed in the same manner still feeling the sting to her pride from earlier, to be so weak is was a heart ache she never wished to feel again even if she hid it well enough under her spiteful gloom. They had given each other a once over at the hide out to make them less like walking wrecks and some other human on the streets, but the few stray ends of Aria's ponytails couldn't be controlled without their magic. As usual however their third and most energetic packmate seemed to feel none of the doom, she toyed around on a small grassy patch before a clothing outlet behind the bus stop. Tiny rollie pollies were mingling about on the freshly applied mulch which she enjoyed watching as well as picking them up to examine.

Adagio stared at the sky as her mind deduced their situation as anything but unsalvageable, 'No power... no strength... no magic...' she contemplated to herself with arms stretched along the top bar of the bench's backrest.

The noise of traffic signaled the morning rush as humans of all ages were heading out to start their day. Passing trucks and motor cars were filled with suites, uniforms, texting kids, and baby seats in the back all easily noticed from the slow speed zone of the road before the Dazzlings. Half of which were enroute to their first morning meals with the lovely aroma of meats and bread wafting through the air in all the decadence of stomach rumbling enticement. Sonata was the first to acknowledge the pleasant smells which warmed her gut, they had long since eaten the left overs they managed to take from the diner. Her dainty little noise sniffed at the air like a hound on the tracks of a treat tossed by its owner, her throat hummed in pleasure.

"Hmmm... smells like waffles and steak!" she said as her tongue licked her lips, she stood on her toes looking cute with her arms outwards curving from her sides.

"Don' remind me." Aria grumbled as her own hunger peaked as well, the succulent air coaxing her biological needs beyond her willpower.

Another human shiver of mortality the sirens were finding as tempting as negative energy use to be crept into their very forethoughts. Their mouths salivated by reactionary response from the wafting waves of sizzling stoves and smoke stack emissions from fryers. They could easily envision how good a plate of food and pitchers of water felt about then. It would be the only thing they'd need for the remainder of their lives, their primary source of energy their bodies needed beyond rest.

"Are we really going to have to eat food food now? Like really deal with what happens after... you know?" Blaze bemoaned painfully with an arm over her face, mortified at the idea of using the restrooms like the hairless monkeys.

Adagio sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose, it was a thought she didn't want to even fathom much less keep up their bodies. No magic meant they had no easy means of keeping themselves prim and tidy every single day, no cleansing spell to freshen up easily. The idea of using the facilities was both disturbing as it was nauseating, their dark magic easily broke down anything they ate into usable energy and nutrition their former immortality took care of. Not wanting to incur vomiting on the side walk she lifted her head to observe the humans who were as busy as ants of a large colony in the forests of Equis. Aside from the roadway slowly growing in traffic, some pedestrians had taken to the walkways for some much needed activity as the trio would soon observe health maniacs jogging or bike riding past them. Shop keepers were parking into back alleyways, proceeding to open their businesses and earn another days pay like merchants of Romeing. How delicious those toga wearing ponies were when they stopped by for a two day performance, they even had the grand Caesar's Honor Guard at each others necks.

'How easy things were when we had our gems and we're not even a week without our powers!' she thought.

Adagio knew they had limited time before they would have to really rough it out, the sunrise was just coming over the building tops of the block just like the reality that dawned on them. The sky turned from a blue violet into an ethereal heaven’s gold that broke the bleak bewilderment of the former sirens. Dense with cloud pockets that appeared to glow like giant bits in the air holding no weight, it offered a strange moment to the new human forms the Dazzlings possessed without the dire need to feed on negative emotions. Unlike before she never saw any interest in the vast skies in Equis nor their imprisonment world, she'd been in both for long enough to see every variation which all bored her if it had not revolved around gaining power and adoration.

Not long ago she would have thought it to be a waste of time and a mindless task of Sonata to partake in. It felt then serene and humbling for if but a fraction of a second to feel so small like the ants that were the metal carriages and bystanders on side walks. Granted the clouds acted in their own nature devoid of magical influence, no pegasi to interfere and manipulate the natural way of the greater scheme of things. For the former siren it was almost as if she stood at the ledge of a steep coastal cliff peering at the dawn over the Great Lunar Ocean. A mere step from leaping off the high ground and into the dark indigo waters below that would swallow her entirely to never resurface again.

'Why do I feel... like the end is so close?' Dazzle's eyes quivered as the world became mute, 'I know we can bounce back! We've come back from worse... I've come back from worse. But why... does this really feel like... it will all end so soon?'

Her right hand went to her neck where the pendant would be and felt nothing, the absence of the gem only served to reaffirm the tendrils of darkness which clouded her planning. This was not them at all to find such a depth in banks of water vapor unless they were by a shoreline, no, they were indeed altered into the apes like those that inhabited the town. Simple creatures who lived on borrowed time and yet wasted each passing day with contentment in such little accomplishments and pleasures of commercial goods. Flickers of light that came and went only beaten by the speed of which they bred as a species, like ants to a greater whole they were easy to blink out while sirens held their own against time and odds. But they lost it in that battle, had all her fighting to secure power been nothing but a waste to the inevitable?

'Mother? I... I think I... may see you very soon. I hate to even relish the thought but I... even I can see the obvious just like you use to tell me. We die without our stones... we starve.' her right hand gripped her throat softly as if to stop the lump forming.

'I've fought for so long... sooo looong... and just looking at stupid clouds makes me feel...' she held back the need to cry with the utmost fervor, 'Tired... I'm feeling tired mother?'

The once indominable matriarch of the Dazzlings experienced a morose that even she couldn't hold all of it back, knowing such she let it go in her head while keeping her real self as composed as she could. After walking all the rest of the night looking for a place to stay their legs had become bothered and ached, they were homeless girls with no way to defend themselves. How the orb of shame weighed upon her specifically exhausted her mental stamina till she couldn't block it all out.

She swallowed the tightness in her esophagus, "Maybe I'm wrong?" she whispered to herself so that only she could hear, the last vestiges of her iron determination hanging on by threads.

Abruptly, Aria blurted out and stirred Dazzle from her wallowing, “Hey uh… so are we still planning on leaving. This place I mean?” Sonata busily kicking her legs at the ground repeatedly, scrapping the lose pebbles away from the green grass area annoyingly.

“Ya, what’s there left of us now. Just live out like human girls and get jobs? I wonder if I can work at a Taco Grub outlet we passed by when we came here?” Dusk questioned as she tapped her chin idly.

Adagio's hand released her neck thankful that her thick curly locks hid her from the other two while she endured the moment that lingered even as she rose from the cold water. She cleared her throat to ensure she wouldn't sound any bit weak especially to Aria who would no doubt leave or try to gain control, it was just her nature to be that kind of siren. Though whether she'd prove to be the better matriarch was still up for grabs.

“I’ll be honest, we’re either going to search for some kind of substitute for our gems or we’ll eventually die in this world. We could spend our whole lives looking for any other magic or possibly some other kind of way to steal from the Rainbooms. But the longer we stay mortals…” she admitted to her own worries if only to bolster their resolve and fight the inevitable, giving her subordinates something to latch onto like a hungry shark spearheading a dead whale adrift at sea.

“What will happen to us if we don't?” her blue idiot asked as she stopped her bored activity.

With the little rebound she could muster she summed up some of her contingency plans she worked out given the far-fetched results that would come of it. They hadn't given much thought into what meager magic was still in use, having survived the witch hunting days of the continent they ended up on. They did come across a covenant deep in a birch wood forest before performing some kind of ritual though it had no magic that she could taste then. Occasionally some mana leaked out of the most cleanest and well run cathedrals in later days, but those were like the tidal winds off of restaurants in the distance. They might still have an option with human magic but the issue remained the center focus, no gems meant no voices to feed an immortal soul. The chances of even recovering a fraction of their long lives to counteract their likely mortal state was a long shot that didn't even guarantee success, nothing but a more painful disillusioned death from there.

"What those fools failed to understand was that by taking away our powers... and shattering our livelihood. They've put us at death's door. I'm sure anyone of us can hold some kind of work down while we search for a way out of this sinkhole they threw us into. But time is not on our side if I am to be truly honest with you two, we will fade away just like mother said." Adagio's magenta eyes sagged to the road as the scheduled red apple bushel painted bus pulled in for any commuters waiting on it.

The squeal of the loud breaks had Aria growling as her hands went to her ears, Sonata the same with less hatred in her face. Adagio however ignored the ruckus and kept her head down as the bus driver opened the door which several people filed out and left to their own routes. It waited there for a moment longer before it became apparent the Dazzlings were not going to board, and with a hiss of hydrolics the folding door closed and the heavy engine revved to slowly power the huge thing along. The foul odor of exhaust had the three coughing in its wake, but it was a minor state of irritation before they were back to semi fresh air.

Aria waved off the last stinging miasma from her breathing space before speaking, "What did your mother say?"

"Ohh! Was it that if a siren ever loses her stone that they would soon join the Great All Father of the Waters?" Dusk inquired even as her eyes watered from the lingering smog.

Adagio hacked out the last of the dank pollution, "Some... something to that extent yes... we will perish from hunger."

That admission sent a small shockwave through the other two like a slap to the face, it was not something they were happy to hear at all. Aria at least figured they'd live to be old hags who'd torment the humans till their final days, leaving a lasting bitterness where ever they stepped foot in. Dusk was not anywhere near the same semblance and the fear of never feasting upon the delicacies of the human world at some point was not a reality she wanted to go through. Everything was sort of agreed upon that without their voices they were something feeble and fragile, but to be as perishable as a banana in the student cafeteria was downright atrocious.

Silence encompassed the once illustrious musicians, even Blaze's usual retorts found no ground to latch onto. For someone as mighty and strong as her it was just inconceivable, even her own mouth was agape in disbelief. In some portion in the back of her mind there had to be some hope Adagio could give them, but what was offered was a wild shrimp hunt with little potential of revitalizing them. She sat flabbergasted, Sonata seemed to collapse onto the heels and legs behind the bus bench unable to forgive the idea that they were on borrowed time with oblivion not far away. A passerby could feel and see the doom around the girls if they passed by as much as walking through a black cloud of truck emissions. Though in the crevice of uncertainty came a glimmer of hope that was caught by mere chance in Dazzle's peripheral vision.

The once glorious singer caught the colors of the dastardly duo among the growing crowd of walkers as if they were chum in the water, eyes snapping to them quicker than her head could focus. Between a mobile phone store and some kind of resale place Twilight and Sunset walked in tandem in some kind of discussion with each other, having not yet detected the beaten sirens on the other side of the two way street. Far too busy wrapped up with themselves and whatever destination they sought, which triggered the matriarch into action if even to get revenge seeing the two isolated from the others. No group meant no giant magical construct shaped like an alicorn to harm them anymore further than they were already.

A quick hiss left the dainty soft yellow lips, “We got company!” Adagio jerked her head in their enemy's direction.

As if to make this droll of a day even worse, the resistance that led their downfall were right before them and there was nothing they could really do. No magic or voice to act upon, just their fleshy bodies that at most they'd scare them before having to choose between running after or giving up and fighting like cornered lobsters. Without Adagio giving any signal, the Dazzlings simply sat and observed their foes walk towards a coffee shop just a few buildings down to their left. By the looks of things the two were doing some paperwork with the folders tucked under their arms. Adagio wanted nothing more than to leave and forget the pests, however, something was drawing her as well as the other Dazzlings toward them like blood in the water.

Adagio snapped her fingers to gain the others ears who were eager to act as the wolves they use to be, “Listen, we tail those two and figure out what they’re doing. If you can feel it too, they have something we must have. And that could be only two things I can imagine. Aria, you’ll go in the second entrance and find a corner to keep an eye out for them. I will find a spot to sit by the main entrance myself. We’ll both need to change our looks first, bundle your hair and put on your hood like when we use to feed.” Adagio sneered at the longing for that feeling to eat with its tantalizing sensation haunting her very soul in delight like an echo in a cave, pushing away the doubt and nothingness that had hung over them.

“What about me?” the third spoke up as she pointed to herself slightly worried.

“Just… go out and do something else while we work.” Aria growled as she set about to disguise herself, stuffing her long locks down her jacket to avoid making her appearance draw attention.

The golden girl took in options which even her little tiddle of a follower wouldn't fail at. If her little stake out failed, perhaps even Sonata could prove useful? A sudden wildcard was always the key to victory, that much she knew of what worked back in Equestria.

She grasped Sonata's hand to ensure the idiot knew to listen on such an important mission, “You will hang out by that phone outlet and window shop, but don't buy anything! If those fools get away from us and we don’t succeed in finding whatever they have. Then all you need to do is stick a foot out and trip them. Grab everything you can that looks shiny or anything like our gems and run for it to the construction site we use to hide our cloths in. Can you do that?” Adagio glared at the klutzy girl, locking her commanding gaze hoping a simple task wasn’t beyond her.

“Uh sure? Why not? If I see them, they fall down! Got it.” Sonata responded rather happily.

“Just watch her screw that one up too.” Blaze smirked as she slipped on her concealing clothing.

“No! Watch as you mess this up and then blame me for it.” With a quickly fired shot, Sonata stomped away to the nearest crosswalk.

“Typical…” Blaze spat.

“Enough! Let us get this over with. I need to find out what they have. Let's go!” Adagio snapped at her lesser as she compacted the cloud of orange hair behind her spiked tie, thanking the fact that her fabulous hair was easy to squeeze into a tight spot.

“Fine!” Aria shot up and went off to her designated post with a furious attitude that was easily dismissed given the situation.

It felt as if it was sheer coincidence that something drew them to engage the Rainboom's leaders. The energy she felt coming from their persons had fired up her hopes with the possibility of some kind of magical item or even if their gems were in their grimy mitts if in pieces. The latter being farfetched even for Sonata to believe it could be possible. They may be humans now, but the magic they were born into yet remained for the time being, like some kind of six sense. Sirens were drawn to two things, negative emotions either they or some other situation created. Or their amulets, that was how they could sense other sirens that encroached into their territory. She highly doubted their gems were rebuilt, even for those two it wasn’t a possibility as the magic should have been lost for good. Those gems were created from their very flesh as younglings and like breaking bones those were never as strong as they use to be.

A siren separated from her stone in Equis secured their fate with the inability to feed, their spirits would soon wither away and their bodies decayed. Surprisingly enough, the Rainbooms did just that but left them as the monkey's they were, still alive and a short time at that to endure. It was that anger she felt towards them, the indignation at not finishing the job as any combat between predator and would be prey ended in. What little she banked on loot to cure their ailing condition tantalized her soul as if a part of her was somehow in their grasps waiting to be freed.

Cafe 8:00 A.M.

Coffee Pot Hesta’s had become the spot to eat before work and a place to study for students. A mom and pop shop which held the signs of the old rustic history of the town. The interior dominated by well maintained cherry wood did not darken the restaurant's bright and welcoming atmosphere. Instead it livened the quaint place within, with the slight red tint of the polished wood that laid a subdued hint of excitement in the patrons. Inside, the layout was originally a tavern from ages ago and retrofitted to become a relaxing rest stop for all ages.

Entering the first door closest to the corner intersection the two crossed, customers were lined up before taking their seats if they didn't grab to go orders. Patrons had walked through the main floor studded with groups of tables and stools which opened up a two person lane for busy hours. The seats were currently occupied by locales chatting with their associates or staring into their mobile devices as they munched away their eats and sipped at liquid black gold for the spirit. The walls had sit in booths for large groups that could hold six and were better suited to the shops full menu or those who found the place a sanctuary. Light green leather cushions broke the red wood architecture, with wall anchored tables of marble holding up dishes or computers without letting table legs get in the way. Old fashioned blinds and square windows dictated the amount of outside light that came in. They were seldom touched by anyone but the owners who kept them dust free regularly, always cracked open just enough for the sunlight to peer in with lines of bright white striations.

To the other side of the coffee shop was the bar itself which sported numerous coffee making appliances and cooking instruments. Drip machines, french presses, latte, and espresso makers sported silver and black housings that steamed with heavy use with the decadent aroma. The stools which once awaited adult customers who sought a quick stein of adult cider were gone along with the tavern's alcoholic taps and barrels. Beyond the brewing machines, displays for freshly baked pastries awaited with protected plexiglass from the wayward fly let in by the constantly flapping doors to the outside. There were two slots open for a cashier to manage in between the kitchen equipment. The middle aged owners stood happily attending the customers as they handled teens, families, and adults who patiently waited to order. Seven rail lights attached to the ceiling provided the luminescence, highlighting the service counter and the source of hunger inducing smells.

“Let’s sit over there.” Sunset pointed to an empty stall near the back end after they navigated the packed lines of people awaiting their turn.

Aria had arrived just in time to take notice of her quarry and clandestinely leered at them with an eagerness to wrap her hands around either of their necks if not both. She spied the right spot to be within ear shot closest to the counter and the pickup lane. A lone two seated table had a couple groups between her and the two students, which the customers there were quietly eating and texting oblivious to her. If either the girls attempted to look for her she had enough shielding to remain hidden. A further bonus was the vantage point to see Adagio enter and take her position further down, their stake out was set and all that needed to be done was to hear or see the right things.

As the Sunset sat down, Twilight gently put a small lavender felt sac close to the window of the booth before setting down the folders to take her spot. After spending three minutes organizing everything, much to Aria’s chagrin the girls finally spoke of something worth her time. The Dazzling kept her gaze down to avoid attention and focused her hearing to phase out the background noise.

“Are you sure it’s safe?” Sunset asked in a rather stern manner from the pleasantness she originally sounded with.

“I’m not sure, but from what we’ve discovered thus far… it's nothing more than the equivalent of a battery?” Twilight responded in a rather questioning tone that seemed to be aimed at her references.

“But they were used for dark magic! How can it just be converted into raw power and not convey any corruption in its use? Are you sure they cannot be used again by you know who?!” Shimmer seemed aghast as she loudly whispered.

“I’m very certain the spell matrix would have disappeared as with any destroyed magical artifacts, it fades with the magic. However, this isn’t the case as with the siren gems. Whoever created these, they used very powerful and archaic arts to craft them but even then there are enough runes missing to make them useless to those three. I’d need the Canterlot Royal Library’s more classified section to find any comparisons with ancient mages who could have done this if they can be found. I mean there are spells upon spells that allow the gem to absorb passive negative energy, then give the user their controlling voice power over others and from there well... you know the rest. I've managed to count forty six different spells that form the matrix and all seem to be amassed over a siren's age given the fragments I snatched from the other two. I just hope my theory that they were created is debunked later this week when I return to Canterlot. I cannot imagine facing more of them back home... unlike Wendigos. " Twilight swept through her papers and handed a few over to Sunset, indicating how impressive the gems really were and how ultimately irreparable they were.

"Nonetheless, what I did was simply rearrange the matrix into a containment spell that in theory should just direct the dark magic into a stream of raw mana. Thus, being capable of fueling if but for a moment any spell such as portals, offensive magic, and shields without the user even coming into contact with the dark aspect of its source. Think of it as a self sustaining spell, all one has to do is enact the release and the floodgates open. Kind of how you use those digital tables or touch screens I think?” Sparkle mused as she brought forth the new matrix the gem had been formed into on a diagram which showed the new runes she managed to carve or replace.

Sunset hummed in slight mirth, “So the user is not at risk? Even someone with ill intentions? So if the sirens try to use this again... they could still control people but for what a moment and get nothing out of it?” Sunset pushed further as she let her thoughts run their way with her eyes scrolling over the documents.

With steady calm hands, she looked through a different set of notes she recently finished, clarification for the use of the stone, “Seeing as we only grabbed the fragments of one of the three pendants, I can only deduce that a single siren couldn’t do much without the entire group working together. Just look here at the new matrix zero one zero nine and its limitations, it's impossible for it to utilize negative energy as it is now much less convert negative energy into anything. To put it simply, the original spell may still on the surface, but the application the gem has now is merely a reservoir for the lingering power housed in each shard. It cannot absorb, it will only empty itself and strip the dark magic away from the mana in a conversion process like the process of desalinization plant. It's broken Sunset so you don’t need to worry. Here you can keep these notes for future reference, I made copies to take with me.”

Unknown to them that they were being eavesdropped, the sirens were shattered by the news of what little hope they had. Aria couldn't even see getting even a snack from the dark magic that remained, they were officially defenseless like a sardine without a shoal to protect itself with. They'd remain human for what little they had left and that disparity led her to walk off and out of the café. She left Adagio to figure out what those two meant by their investigation and meddling.

Power cells to be used and discarded, that was all that remained of their lives now. Their corporeal forms in this world couldn’t be brought back, nor their beautiful voices. They couldn’t perform magic here to even use the pendant the one called Twilight perverted. Nothing but useless pieces of rock, they were indeed lost in this world and nothing good to look forward to. A punishment those Rainbooms truly could not comprehend through their eyes, it was death row for a magical creature such as themselves.

With little other options at hand, the former siren left the shop just quietly as she came with no one noticing. She ignored the morning greetings of the other humans coming in, who only saw a hooded figure in deep thought. Yet as she exited the café, a man had walked along the booths soon slipped on spilled syrup that happened to be just before Twilight and Sunset’s booth. Adagio missed the racket from the sideways fall onto the table and the flurry of papers going in all directions as the noise of chatting people obscured it like the crashing tide of a shoreline. The surprised looks of the two girls would have been delicious to Adagio had she stayed to see it.

The man flailed trying to catch his footing as his hand grasped the lavender sac, as soon as he recovered he then went on a string of apologizes to the girls and the restaurant. The commotion distracted Sunset and Twilight from his little snatch and grab as they kindly accepted his pardons. They didn't notice the missing item until the man had long left ten minutes which took them just as long to clean up and properly order the notes Sparkle had painstakingly wrote throughout the night. He cemented his escape by paying for two cups of tea for them, which was greeted with a few claps of acceptance from the customers around them.


Sonata had inevitably strayed from the job she was commanded to execute, opting to rather observe the little birds that pecked at the sidewalk for scraps of waste grains and food from people's shoes. It was not long before the screeching of the mass transit bus hearkened the arrival of her fellows. She greeted them whole heartedly when they looked perturbed and ready to blow up at the next persons face.

“Soooo… I take it we’re going to do something with whatever those girls had with them?” Dusk asked trying to liven the mood.

A long pause pervaded the group as they stood in front of the phone outlet she was suppose to be looking at, Adagio eyed the sky in a forlorn gaze as if a piece of her had already died away. Even Sonata could see something was wrong and that they were not going to get any further aid in their new pitiful lives, the gleam from the wondering eyes of her leader said it all. A life without music and their songs, a quiet world filled with static that not even the all father could comfort them in their final days yet to come.

The response came from the other who seemed visibly irritated beyond her normal range, “Nothing, we got nothing out of that and we’re back to this grimy pit hole of a life!!” Aria hissed as she kicked a crumbled can away to distract her from the sounds of public around them.

“So that’s a no I guess?” Sonata shrugged absentmindedly.

“Just go back to sleep…” Aria replied putting a palm to her forehead with no energy to spout insults.

Adagio began to walk into the deeper part of town without a word, not even a remark to her fellow sirens. They soon took note and followed in tow obedient as ever since they had nothing left anyways, with all hope lost it would be a nightmare for them. Their suffering soon to come would be the lasting impression of Starswirl, of what he left the creatures in would be a black hole in which they'd never escape. They had to blame somepony, they had an injustice to reconcile for the end that was shoved onto them. All the while, Sonata simply enjoyed the world as it were, seeing as it wasn’t a complete loss with the nature still around them as she began to really embrace the human mind she had left. It was the little things she could focus on, especially smell of food which thankfully didn't go with her gemstone.

Ch. 3 Catching a Break

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Ch. 3 Catching a Break

Twilight’s departure back home was not joyous or a fond farewell till the next time as the girls sort of hoped for. Despite the fact she had her duties to keep with and everypony who missed her until she returned from another dimension, recent events had marred what would have been hugs and goodbyes. At the breakfast shop Sunset and Twilight had earlier visited, the reconstructed siren gemstone had disappeared without a trace. They deduce that it left their hands whenever that stranger had slipped and landed on their table. True, no human being could use it as they would have to be magically trained to activate the release, but the fact it was missing wasn’t sitting very well with the former element of magic.

The incident was brought up with the girls as they crowded around the portal between both worlds, Twilight had done her best to not make it sound like another evil villain was around the corner. Through the use of positive thinking she managed to curtail a blighted farewell into boastful jubilance that she'd find proof that their world was safe indefinitely from the missing artifact. After Sunset and now the Dazzlings, they needed a normal life to go back to and not begin to feel like the portal would harken another world shaking disaster. With the girls surrounding her in a group hug, Sparkle heard their last parting thoughts she knew she couldn't stave completely away.

"So are ya sure there's noth'in to be worried about?" Applejack asked as she let the otherworldly magical entity go.

"For all we know those three probably had that guy do that on purpose! I mean that's what I'd do if someone ruined my leg in a high stakes tournament!" Rainbow fussed with her arms crossed when she earned a gasp from Rarity, "Harsh I know, okay... okay... if I was them at least I'd have secretly tried to get my things back so it would look like an accident."

Twilight knew Dash meant well with her rather underhanded commentary and patted her on the shoulder, "Girls, really its just a... battery as you call them at this point. You see certain gems that are sensitive to magic, which means they can be engraved with spells and diagrams for casting. Any unicorn or alicorn can activate the magic imbued onto the stone, but once the matrix is broken there is no way of simply gluing the shards back together as Spike might say." she giggled lightly, "It has to be bypassed with an amending spell that uses the fragments of the original network which is tricky enough without my full magic. Even as we speak the only binding material keeping the gem together is a sliver of my own mana, it will not last long however without me to restore the magic. Without knowing the whole conduit and the alterations I made it won't function properly or at all. I doubt the sirens actually even crafted them at all, there's nothing really about them beside their encroachment onto Canterlot back in their time. So at best they'd just be throwing a rock." Twilight smiled reassuringly to ease the group who seemed lost to the details.

"Oh I do hope they're okay, they could be like Sunset was and feel bad about doing what they did?" Fluttershy's kindness sprouted, "Maybe we should go and find them? Maybe without those awful pendants, they'll be sorry for what they did? Perhaps they weren't entirely at fault for their actions?"

With a wave of the hand to dismiss the assumption, "Darling, I'm sure they'll get along just fine somewhere else in this world, just not here at least. They may not have their enchanting song, but they still have their wits to become something... productive I guess? I mean after being so crass and conniving... something tells me those pendants were not influencing their behavior at all. And I should know!" Rarity tutted, being a connoisseur of fashion meant she knew when an exchange of words were honest or down right mean.

"If it was just their gems that we destroyed, they're human now and like me they can find their niche in this world. As much as it might pain me to say it, they're nothing like me Fluttershy. Remember what Twilight said about them, they are ancient beings of disharmony, who knows how many hundreds if not thousands of years they have been trying to gain power to sing everyone and everypony into a perpetual life of fighting and hatred for one another!", Shimmer joined in with a shake of her head, "But if it means that much to you, we can try to keep tabs on them. Assuming they haven't left town of course."

"Well... if you do see them, try to be nice and at least form some kind of friendship. They may of been creatures of Discord's favor, but no one should be without friends especially when they're disarmed of any means to go back to the way they were?" Twilight insisted when she noticed the close minded nature of the group starting to peak through, even with the magical bond they shared they were still another race entirely.

"You got it! So we're on the look out for suspicious activity and any Dazzling plots to be on the safe side. Right! You can count on us Princess!" Dash proclaimed with a thumbs up and a wide grin.

"With Sunset here, we ain't gonna face anything we can't handle. Don't you fret non." the farm girl chuckled as everyone offered leeway for the princess to move.

"If they've really changed into goodie good people, then I'll be sure to throw them a 'I'm Reformed' party to celebrate! They'll never know a better party ever, unless I throw an even bigger one later." Pinkie jumped with a fist pump before giving one last great bear hug to Twilight as a send off.

"I'll be sure to help them transition into this world, like that one time I helped rehabilitate a mountain lion and released it back into the wild." Shy had earned a questioning look from Sparkle at the mention of a lion, at least she could rely on the animal whisperer to keep sympathy among the Rainbooms no matter how wronged they were.

"Be sure to visit soon Twilight, you've given me some new ideas for a whole line inspired by the Battle of the Bands that I need you to help me try on. So be safe darling!" Rarity reached Twilight's hand and gave a gentle squeeze, leaving a pair of unique earrings she had chose earlier in the morning as a present.

Noticing the mixture of excitement and sorrow over her leave Sparkle nodded to everyone, "Thank you for the gift Rarity, thank you everyone! I wish you well until the next time I return! Hopefully by then I'll have a better understanding about the sirens and their magic."

With her hand clutching the jewelry like a fond love as if she'd never see the others again, “Don’t worry Sunset, I’m going to get to the bottom of this and return as soon as I can. If it was just grabbed by accident or just fell out of our reach then I doubt we’ll have much cause to worry. Unless they knew of it somehow… but we can’t just assume evil is the root right? Stay strong everyone, we'll figure this out in no time.” she grasped hold of the former unicorn and squeezed her with a tight embrace to which she felt reciprocation.

“I’ll be on the lookout for any magical subterfuge, if they use it that is. We still have some magic left in us after stopping the Dazzlings, so if worst comes to bare I have no doubt we'll give them a run for their bits! Isn't that right everyone!?” Sunset chuckled as the two let go of one another.

The departure time neared ever painfully closer as the girls began to run out of things to say, it still felt too early for the parties to separate after such a battle. Half the group expected to share at least two more days of fun times with the princess and relish in the after glow with the rest of Canterlot High. Though the remaining had enough grounding to know if their world endured such a thing there was no doubt Equestria had its far more constant episodes of villains trying their own hands as well. While painful to admit a farewell it was a necessary evil to see their magical friend vanish through the statue, a sour note they all hid very well. For Sunset however, she remained focused on the defeated who remained in the back of her mind like a stubborn weed that wouldn't die in the cracks of the driveway.

‘So long as those three are not involved that is…’ she thought to herself as Twilight's body phased past the blinding white light of a cross dimensional slip space, in a blink of the eye they were once more by themselves on a saturday morning.

Applejack was the first to shake her from the thoughts on the moment, for her it was like any other family reunion or get together with out of town family. It would be great on the first day as well as doused with the need to be inseparable as their vehicle coughed into readiness to take them away once more. Cousins, uncles, aunts, distant nephews and nieces shared a time at Sweet Apple Acres only to leave for their own homes that awaited their talents and hard work to reap a new harvest of their own. The farmer knew she needed to whip up the others back into good moods or else nothing would get done in any respect.

Adjusting her stetson perfectly upon her blonde locks, “Now ah don’t think it’s might healthy to be all worry’n about some broken jewel. So why don’t ya come with us for a little band practice? Ah think we could always use a good sing'n session for Twilight dont'cha think?” Applejack hung an arm over Sunset's shoulders as she began to lead her towards the school's front doors.

As if the rest fell in line with the wordless affirmation to their next task of the day and overcome the goodbye fatigue, “Ya, those Dazzlings won’t ever show their sorry faces here ever again. So some street urchin grabbed that broken jewel that Twilight put together? She said it was nothing but a battery, heck it probably has just enough juice to recharge my phone?!” Rainbow sneered at the pitiful state of the pendant that once turned her upon her own friends.

“Ohh I bet I could have fit it to that new big Blenda 6000 batter mixer we’re having to upgrade at Sugar Cube Corner! That way the bakery won’t have to pay for a whole new breaker and outlet socket to operate it?” Pinkie’s ever bubbly attitude livened Sunset even more with the hilarious idea of putting the siren's power to a more practical use.

“Honestly deary, a lady shouldn’t dwell on worry like this, it’ll lead to early onset crow’s feet around your eyes. You’ll age faster too!” Rarity added with a gentle hand on Shimmer’s left shoulder with her own beauty advise.

“If I ever see that man I'll be sure as rain to tell you first thing Sunset. That’s if it's okay to do…” Fluttershy mumbled quietly as she feared causing a ruckus even if for a good reason.

The amber haired girl felt the metaphorical weight on her back lift off by the suddenness of her friends. Such was her new beginning at Canterlot High still among such trusted faces even if they were the few, the support she needed came willingly and without strings attached as for that she cherished the bonds. How she was always brought back to regret being so hostile and self entitled when she first came through the portal. So much time lost and many relationships yet amended from the disaster she created not long ago. All hopes banked on her helping defeat the sirens so that the student body might let her have a little more line to be trusted with. She wouldn't waste it nor never again, she was in it for the community and others this time no matter the costs. Deep down it was as genuine to worry about a reprisal if it were to affect the town like some retaliatory drive by she saw on the news in other cities. Never would the sirens be allowed to harm another person while she was on the watch tower.

“Thanks girls…” she replied as the group headed off to the music department for their little room they often used, though as she turned a momentary blur crossed the peripherals of her right eye like a darting cat.

It was only for a second, but it seemed like someone was out there or was across the main road in front of the school. The lack of any rustling foliage in the hedges where she saw the streak head into only served to jar her only slightly, she could only assume it was just a trick of the mind under stressful duress. The glowing energy of friendship was comforting her to the point her paranoia was placated enough to not cause her further trouble. The feel of the school's air conditioning stamped the feeling into place as the cool dry atmosphere kissed the flesh of her face and neck like a wash of cold water. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad to take some time away from worrying about things?

One Week Later, The Homeless Dazzlings...

Time had come and gone like an sloth meandering through a banana tree farm, uneventful as it were dull with nothing productive to be had. Ever since the former siren trio had learned the fate of their pendant shards it had been very detrimental to their morale, it had left only the bubbliest member unfazed as she made the most of their situation. The next few days they had saved their bits for the purest necessities such as food, during the night without a place to stay they wondered around in a cabbie to take them somewhere safe after their feet lead them astray. Adagio hadn't yet to learn the map of the large town which seemed ever expansive and bigger within, over the course of the week they had ended up in someplace new every day. Store fronts to apartments, commercial plazas to industrial parks they earned new information though it wouldn't serve them any good.

The fear of leaving the town to buy tickets for bus fair was still out of the question, Adagio could only see the same concrete jungle awaiting them elsewhere with the difference being no Rainbooms. It wasn't the best circumstance to be placed in but they soon happened upon a gold nugget in the form of a major truck stop at the end of the week, one which catered to travelers as well as freighters that arrived to take away new exports from the farmlands somewhere in the outskirts of Equestria town. Adagio took the little oasis like a lost soul in an acrid desert, they desperately needed the facilities to clean up with the hesitation of wasting what few hundred bits they had left. It was long decided that they'd keep funds for food and keeping clean instead of a roof over their heads. They were once sirens after all, creature comforts were nothing more than perk they had no need for or so Dazzle figured.

It was known as the Lucky Horseshoe Truck Stop, for whose name came from the girls hadn't a care for. It was open to anyone with the funds to utilize their goods, washing machines, and showers that the Dazzlings embraced if not as sour as they had unfortunately been left to become. A giant sign greeted them upon their arrival, a giant horse shoe with a green clover over it on top of a yellow lit rectangular sign high above the black asphalt parking lot that was yards around. As late as it was the lot was still somewhat busy with traffic but no one really paid them any attention. The distant scream of tires on a highway echoed in the distance, the interstate that had once brought them from another nearby town far smaller than Equestria. Their headlights could be seen clear as day in the early morning hours, thought the dawning sun was soon due to make its rise into the sky untouched by an ethereal alicorn.

"Come one, before the morning rush arrives." Dazzle ordered of her lesser subordinates, eager to wash up and get something in their never ending hunger for physical foods and drink.

Aria huffed, "We're moving, we're moving." letting out a groan she quickly stifled after a quick over the shoulder glance from the messy curls of her better, she wasn't in the mood to put up with anything it seemed.

Sonata however toyed with a tiny beetle which crashed into her face, attracted to the large overhead lights of the parking areas. The orange carapace and black beady little eyes absorbed her every thought as she petted it, the little legs looking for purchase beyond her lone index finger. Two feathered antennae moved like another set of limbs, the beetle was in search of a mate but had been unfortunate in its trajectory coming too close to the bright white lights. Dusk figured she'd send it on its way before they went inside the store, humans were often adverse to insects even though she liked them like any other creature.

"Little guy is just too cute! Be free my new found friend!" Dusk hollered taking the insect into a fist and throwing it into the air as if it were a ball, it hadn't gotten far before a black bird swooped down and took it.

"Aww... it's gone?" she mourned.

"Just like our pendants." Aria murmured.

"SHUT it! The sooner I can get under some hot water the sooner I won't need to throttle either of you." the two hushed up instant under the threat of dominance from the amber girl.

Dusk swallowed to clear her clenched throat and hid behind her fellow, a small family had just left their Sedan when they overheard. Aria noticed the mother give them a weird look and knew it was targeted towards the most irritable of them, a hand held tightly over her sons arm as she kept him close to her side.

After a minute walking over hard ground they stepped onto the concrete walkway and into the side entrance, large black framed glass doors instantly opened upon the break of the infrared beam sensors. With the sliding of the large doors that could fit five human adults side by side, came the blast of cool refreshing air and the smell of fresh food, coffee, and cleaning supplies. Inside were lights and signs geared towards encouraging the purchase of the assorted goods that were offered. As enticing as it were even Sonata still knew the wrath of her leader and figeted with her fingers to keep herself busy, even as her mouth watered at the packaged pastries and brightly wrapped dried meats that met their initial presence. Not to far off was the food area where stations for ready to assemble breakfast awaited customers and the crisp gurgling of brewing coffee teased Aria's ears. Even for her she managed to maintain clarity by sharing Dazzle's desires, she was still a siren in soul and heart who wouldn't give into being glutenous hairless apes.

They soon encountered an employee that was mopping the aisles of bagged snacks and the walkway before the refrigerated beverages behind glass doors, "Excuse me?" Adagio inquired with no feeling in the words.

The teal skinned young man looked up through uncut bangs and headphones playing some new modern hit his age group favored, "Ya? How can I help ya?" he replied similarly nonchalantly.

He observed the drab ex-singer with little care as if he'd been working at the truck stop for many years, "My sisters and I need to pay for the shower stalls, where can I do that?" the look of exhaustion in her eyes spoke volumes but her magenta irises still held their vigor.

He nodded and pointed to the front with a lazy thumb, "Licorice Cake can help you up front." he gandered at the used hoodie and sweatpants that were sullied with grim, "Washers and dryers are bit operated, one service takes care of both. Soaps provided."

Adagio gave a little growl barely audible to the mopping boy knowing he judged her dirty form so soon, "Good." she was in no mood to be judged by the youth.

With a quick turn on the heels she left to the checkout with the trailing set of eyes of the employee to roll as soon as they left his area and return to the boring task of maintenance. Aria and Sonata followed suit trying to remain as inconspicuous as possible, Blaze occasionally slapping the other's hand that barely attempted to grab some salted seeds or glass jars of white chip dip she hungered for like a mother watching a child.

The line they happened upon was thankfully small and fortunate for them as well, there was no telling how tiny a fuse Dazzle had on her. Immediately, they were beset by more marketing that made even their performance lacking at the musical tournament, how the humans even operated under such sensory overload befuddled Aria. If the shelves of candy below the register counter on their side and the over the counter medicine rack behind the one called Licorice was an introduction. It made Sonata all the more harder to rein in as she received a wider view of the store, plush toys to metal trinkets, travel cups to the hot dog rollers, churning slushie machines and the vehicle parts portion further down the right pathway was like a laser to a cat.

"Calm DOWN you idiot!!" Aria hissed pinching the cerulean girl's left ear, yanking her back to her side in pain after she tried to wonder off for the third time.

"OWIE OWIE OWWW!!" she cried before murmuring the same thing as she rubbed the afflicted flesh.

Adagio had just stepped up to the cashier whose name did not detract from how she appeared, long black hair that bore a hint of red at the ends seemed almost as luscious as her own orange curls in their finest state. She was a cheerful one at that who wore a smile at every second she helped someone pay for items or gas at one of the pumps. Cake's creamy skin reminded her of a sweet coconut custard she had partaken in long ago back in the meager good times, for a service clerk she seemed to be well taken care of. A job she might look into herself and possibly the other two fools following her to the ends of the worlds.

"Hello and welcome to the Lucky Horseshoe! How can I help you?" she introduced with fingers interlacing both hands together on the counter, the cheer seemed almost abrasive to Adagio's haggared senses.

With little reaction to the jovial girl, "How much for the use of three stalls back there, my sisters and I would like to clean up after... walking miles since our... car broke down." she said making the story up as she went.

"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that, seems strange that old man Tassel Harvest didn't see ya on the road? He's like the local truck mechanic who helps anyone who gets stuck out there if your close enough. Guess you really had to walk that far I'm guess'n?" Licorice seemed troubled by the assumed distance the three likely went on foot, empathy evident in her face even without their pendants to aid in emotional detection.

"Yes yes, we're fine but we really need to clean up. How much?" she insisted on forgoing small talk out of the need to smell clean and feel free of the human filth she felt itch across every inch of her forsaken skin.

The cashier seemed to think for a moment while the other clerk to her right took care of another customer behind the Dazzlings, she tapped her chin until she went to the register and typed in an amount. Much to Dazzle's chagrin of already being billed before being told of the price, she waited still to avoid blowing up over what might be nothing being tired as she was. There was no point in getting easily angered anymore, they were sullen to the bone since that fateful day so little could take root.

"It'll be ten bits for stall eight, I'll give you a discount so you don't have to pay thirty for two extra ones. No time limit so feel free to take your time, the hot water heater can stand rush hour so you'll be clean in no time! I hope this will be okay for you?" Cake asked with a hopeful smile edging along the corners of her lips as her finger awaited to hit the button to run the amount.

With a sigh of relief and the luck that happened upon them the cold hard look melted into something more accommodating, "That'll be fine. Here." she deposited the bits from a small purse she pulled out of a pocket in her jacket, "We'll also be buying some new cloths soon, I just wanted to see the cost of the showers first." she handed ten gold coins onto the counter top and thumbed over to the ten foot area of Lucky Horseshoe memorabilia from basic underwear to pants and shirts.

"I understand, here's your ticket you insert into the wall device next to the stall you'll be using. Don't lose it or else you'll need to pay for another... and I kinda don't want to get into trouble for giving too many of these away either if you catch my drift?" she grinned nervously with the little green piece of paper that Adagio snatched away quickly vanished into her purse.

"Like anyone would want to steal from us." with a venomous tone not directly aimed at the cashier, the three ventured off for a new pair of attire to wear while their street cloths were to be sanitized.

Having no one else to help Cake glanced at her coworker next to her just as he finished with the old man that proceeded out the doors with a package of donuts and a cup of hot coffee, "Tough life some folks have I guess?" she noted.

"I'd be that way if I had to walk miles to a gas station with showers." the plum purple boy with ivory hair shrugged as he closed the register.

"Isn't Tassel like thirty miles away?" she asked innocently as it dawned on her.

For a moment the reply was delayed as he tried to recollect Harvest normal route, "Ya ,come to think of it... huh? They had to have jogged their way here or else spend more than a day out in the country for that to be the case?"

The two eyed the three that were hastily and groggily selecting what amounted to spontaneous picks of fashion with utter abandon, it was almost as if the strange girls were simply needing attire to get out of town. Then again the workers knew not to judge too harshly, folks came to the town of Equestria for two day vacations and had so much to cover in so little time. Others of course used the route that passed through to get to Manehatten miles away for work and such, the odd behavior drew no further insight as they went back to their jobs.

"Harsh life for some folks I guess?" the other employee whispered as a mother and two kids appeared with bags of salty snacks and bottled soda.

All by themselves as the yet early morning rush hadn't arrived, Dazzle calmly swept through the rack of hanging jackets thinking of little else. It would be a short reprieve however, as no sooner as they began searching for anything worth the bits did the two dunderheads ruin the peace from buzzing drink dispensers and the door chime.

"Ugh! It's either dark blue or pure white with these! Stain or bake in the heat like a stranded beached shark!" Aria lamented the lack of any useful fabric, they had rarely even needed to worry about such things back then.

"It's fine, just get what you want so we can get to that stall, the longer we stay like we are the more I feel we're being... noticed." Adagio warned as she occasionally looked around them for wondering eyes though there was no one anywhere within their personal space, but something triggered the reaction she couldn't let go.

Dusk waved her things before her leader, "I got mmmyyyyy stuff!"

The aloof girl jiggled the plastic tidy whites, denim jeans, and a rare orange shirt that had been the last of its color all of which were sporting the store's emblem. Dazzle brushed them aside before thrusting her face into the cerulean girl's own, fury crawled all over her facial features like a college student working three jobs and a semester's worth of classwork under little sleep. She didn't have time for her antics much less the situation they were in.

"That's fine Sonata, now wait over there!" she ordered and pointed to an open booth along the wall closest to the parking lot in the front, "Don't move from that spot are we clear?!"

The brash authority hit its mark and Sonata withdrew nervously grinning as she feared angering the matriarch any further, "Righty-O Adagio! I'll... just be over there then... not doing anything."

Aria chuckled under her breathe holding her clothing of choice, seeing the fool among them finally put into place made her feel a sense of normalcy and calm once more. She leered at the pony tail that vanished behind a shelf of chips and dip like a scolded child going to the corner of the room. It felt as if the last few days Sonata had gotten worse, even she felt her spite towards others only expanded further to the point she very rarely wasn't annoyed. The joys of being human she guessed, the idea of the hot shower appearing as tantalizing as a nice juicy steak of marlin before her. Aria needed the feel of water on her skin and she was eager to make it happen, knowing the place had toiletries somewhere she departed the clothing spot in search of the necessities. She could feel the need for a clean mouth after the cheap meals Dazzle made them ingest, fatty sugary things that settled like lead bricks in her stomach.

With the modicum of tolerable sound aside from the hiss of a teenager filling a huge cup from the machine or the slap of the hot dog warmer closing as someone seated a sausage link in a bun. Adagio breathed in deeply before letting it go slowly, she felt the nylon in her hand as she starred into the white jacket. Her fingers felt every fiber smoothly crafted into the overpriced item, she couldn't help but feel something akin to kelp as fuzzy as the memory was. It had become harder to corral her packmates in unlike before, even her own mind seemed to be foggy with a tired haze diluting her next course of action. It as the primary reason they wandered the town with no real destination. Was she slipping somehow?

The jacket was put back on the display as she wondered what was to become of them without their pendants, 'I feel like a dull knife that only days ago could cut through metal. What's happening to us?'

A portly man and his screaming kid turned the corner from the energy bar aisle to which she shut her eyes to shut out the racket. The little abomination was not getting what it wanted, in utter defiance of the adults choice it squealed to show its frustration. The mother soon appeared from the restrooms down the hallway that connected the store to a shared area where a burger joint operated. She was already trying to calm the youngling down a few feet away, it was agonizing to hear which she ground her flat teeth as a means to escape the cacophony and not blow up at the three. Noisy humans and their Tartarus offspring, how uncouth they were and as repugnant, at least siren young were only vocal if they were unfed or afraid. How many times did the hairless apes have rebellious clutches who merely acted out because they found satisfaction in it, it was too many to count from her own experience among them.

'Trapped in this world is worse than imprisonment in Tartarus! By the deep sea I need that shower...' she thought to herself before vacating the particular portion of the huge truck stop.

She spotted Aria in the other half of the store scouring through a small lane of products, it wasn't until she walked up to her did she see what Blaze was doing. She had been picking up soap, tooth brushes, toothpaste, and small bottles of shampoo that were necessary to cure their unfortunate state. A day in the sun meant sweat that usually went unwashed unless they found a stream in a park, they had only done that once. Even then it was a cold wash at night to avoid park rangers from catching them, sure enough Sonata nearly caught an illness from indulging in the fresh stream. Thankfully being their leader she sought a quick remedy though it cost bits.

She waited for the hot headed girl to finish and stood behind her, 'At least she's pragmatic I'll give her that. Always the first to let her words speak before a filter, but she's good when it comes to adaptive behavior. No wonder she constantly tries to take the reins.'

In her musing she continued to watch over her own until she seemed to twitch, after ceasing her search for anything else the twin ponytails swirled as the girl looked back. Seeing someone just appear out of no where especially with no sound to have picked up, Blaze dropped half of what she was holding as she caught her soul in her throat.

"GAAAAHH!!" she cried.

A slight wince came from the abrupt startle that stung her ears, "I can hear you just fine! No need to fear me, though I know it's only proper to do so." Dazzle grinned as she rubbed the affected ear with an open palm.

Aria's chest rose and fell as she tried to regain a steady heartbeat, her wide eyes spoke of her temporary fright far more than any words would. The shock soon fell into disdain that was just as palpable given the furrowed brows, a small growl escaped her parted lips with clenched teeth clamping down in near pain. Just as expected she had a bark but no bite, the dropped items hastily gathered back into her arms as she starred the down the puff of hot air.

"I figured we'd need stuff like this, guess that's the thanks I get for helping!" Aria huffed before stomping away to likely where Sonata waited patiently.

Magenta eyes tracked her path until the vanilla metal shelves hid her from sight, but the pounding of her shoes indicated her existence until the ambiance of the truck stop filled in with static. Adagio lost her mirth as if realizing what happened was not her doing but almost of someone sleep deprived. She shook her head as if she had been dream walking, and stood before a completely totaled bedroom and none the wiser to why it occurred.

Was it her intention to surprise her subordinate like that much less say such words? Why she had done so was a mystery her muggy mind had trouble discerning, a groan left her throat following a quick rub of her temples. She shouldn't have done that especially when they were so far down the sinkhole, of all sirens why did she act like that? What was happening to them, what was becoming of her under such duress?

Then, just like a spontaneous announcement over the intercom of the station to broadcast the ready meal of some unknown someone, an eloquent masculine voice pipped up, "Reminds me of my sister and I, you must be the oldest I presume?"

Dazzle looked about and around, her eyes hunting for the source of the commentary until a tall well dressed man materialized to her left. Some kind of businessman who appeared silhouetted by a display behind him, light boxes of many colors and others straight bright white shone nearly as bright as metal carriage lights. She could make out a suit worn by important humans, long pressed pants and polished shoes were the best she could make out at first. A hand went up to block out the glaring pain until they were shut off by the very person talking. How she had not sensed him was an even greater ghastly thought she quelled for the moment, whether it was her own fault or if the man was something else she'd learn soon enough.

After the last of the lights dimmed it became apparent as to who exactly was engaging her in a conversation, "Fancy place this is? Never thought I'd see one like this back home to be quite honest?" the Englishman admitted while taking a sip from a hot cup of liquid smelling strangling of citrus and lemon, "Convenience at its finest if I do say so myself?"

At that moment she could feel her body come alive by the mere proximity of the stranger, her head felt as if it were clearing from the mud that slowed the gears. As if she'd taken a long nap by accident only to wake up two hours later with a daze that wronged the next waking moments ever so badly. The point of which she recovered from the excessive rest was the summary of her status, but why it came out of the deep Mareina Trench when a stranger arrived was confounding. She studied him quickly focusing on his face, a little longer than most humans with a robust chin that gave the hint of a strong jaw. Saffron yellow skin stood out from the malachite green hair that had been carefully trimmed into something of an old style she remembered back in their hay day. A classic short cut on the back and sides, low sides that went down to the skin and faded on the hair line. The lengthiest portion sat on top and combed back, giving the likeness of a rolling wave crashing onto a beach. For someone like her who deeply cared about her own former glorious curls which would soon be remedied, she appreciated good grooming as was customary with all sirens.

"Shame the quality of their products suffers because of it. But it serves its purpose I suppose, chipper that lov?" his commentary seemed relaxed and jovial while still inside the establishment he jokingly jabbed at.

Dazzle stepped back still adjusting to the strange burst of alertness and energy her body seemed to acquire, she was sure it was nothing close to adrenaline. That was a chemical she knew as if it were an ancient relative near and dear to her.

"Don't know... haven't had anything from here yet." she flatly state, putting more distance in each slow step with the odd human.

He chuckled daintily as if he heard a sarcastic reply that tickled his funny bone, "Well I'll give you a tip, unless you're on a budget I wouldn't eat or drink anything from here. Well, enjoy the morning where ever you and your friends or sisters are going."

With a short wave the man left the store as if nothing was wrong, a two click chime signalling his exit and a relief for Adagio to breath easy. Goosebumps had formed along her arms and legs even though her body was becoming rather warm, the hair on her scalp stood up even long after the area was clear of anyone else she'd consider a caution. Pausing only to look at her left arm which she flexed to feel its dexterity, each pull of the muscles and tendons triggered every nerve associated with the action. Something she hadn't felt in a while as even walking to the truck stop her legs were somewhat numb to most of everything but fatigue.

"What the whirlpool was that about?" she asked no one in particular as the ecstatic sense of being alive filled her with excitement.

Eerily familiar to the time Sonata had given her a small red bottle that she had thought was a sugary treat, only for it to turn out to be an energy shot far stronger than Aria's coffee habit. The bolt slammed into her hard just as when they fell out of the portal into the god forsaken world by Starswirl. Only in this instance it was far more pleasant to feel and it all surmounted to almost floating on the calm waves of open ocean on a sunny day. Tolerance for everything and anything reformed to the point that she almost felt back to the way things were if only slightly. Yet a quick feel of her neck quickly ensured she knew they were still gemless, but that the sensation was indeed of an outside source.

"That's twice already that's happened. I have a feeling someone is doing this..." she whispered before heading off to locate her foolish juveniles and be done with the facility quickly as possible.

She quickly found her packmates while ignoring the glances from Licorice and her coworker, the two seemed utterly stunned as much as she. Sonata seemed abnormally placid while Blaze seemed enamored with her own limbs, likely feeling her own body with such acuteness.

"GIRLS!! Girls..." Dazzle nearly shouted, holding back just enough to not worry the cashiers or the mopping boy still at work.

"Adagio..." Dusk gasped almost as if she were about to shed tears of joy.

"I feel... alive?" Blaze added as she hugged herself caring not that the others witnessed.

Their dear leader stood before the evidence of what she figured was the case, rejuvenation born of magic that helped them recover from the dour decay she felt was happening. That's all it had to be since they were but loathsome humans, why the sudden spring in their steps from no source at all?

"Listen to me! We're being tracked somehow but by who I don't know, it seems as if they want us to be aware of their presence if we're all feeling the same thing. Don't you feel amazing!? Oh and don't ask me why I think they're even helping us by doing this." she said hoping they were on the same level as her.

"You mean I feel like myself again because they're... helping us? Who though?" Dusk tilted her head as she happily cleared her eyes from the moisture that built up along the edges, knocking her clothing items off the table booth by accident.

Dazzle sighed, "I said don't ask." giving a scornful glare back.

Aria's subtle ecstasy gradually gave way like the end of a flood from a released dam, "Why? Why would anyone be doing this? How is this even helping! We have nothing left, so why make us feel it all that much clearer!? We were better off dull and tired... at least it was easier to..."

Adagio bit her bottom lip as she too realized there had to be a reason beyond prolonging their reality. Were they leading them up to something like a human holding a treat for their pet? Hitting rock bottom really make them appear as little more than opportunities to exploit and with magic of all things?

"Look, I know it's a leap of faith to believe this is even magic to say, but don't you feel as if you still had your gems?! I know I and I mean we will never bow to another no matter what they might offer, but what if there is a chance we could benefit from this somehow if indeed someone is behind this?" she offered a penny for their thoughts.

"You mean like maybe tricking them? But we don't have our pendants, they're shattered and... lost?" Sonata sounded depressed when she revisited the memory of feeling the broken shards between her fingers that night.

Dazzle agreed, "Yes I'm painfully aware of that as we all are. But remember how the Rainbooms possessed Equestrian magic?! They're humans who had none, they shouldn't have any semblance of mana to begin with! We've been on this dead rock for nearly two thousand wretched years!!" to which she did let loose loud enough to stop everyone in the main lobby.

It took her a few seconds to notice the lack of talking around them and when it happened she clammed up, then proceeded to grab all the items from the other two. She made her way to Cake and paid the bits with little said between them, it seemed even the cashier was flabbergasted by the admittance. Dazzle didn't need nor want anyone seeing them as crazed lunatics for that would draw the wrong type of attention, thus after the clothing and toiletries were bagged she made a smooth quiet stroll to the shower stalls two halls away. A snap of the fingers and the others followed without a peep, leaving the store to whom all else tried to figure out what was happening with them.

Silently the trio arrived at the numbered stall and Adagio entered the ticket, being the first in the pecking order she deposited their fresh attire still in the bag on the tile floor for Aria to keep an eye on. Though she did snag the soap and dental hygiene products, then quickly without further words began the immersion into a steaming hot rinse. With her packmates guarding the door she was sure that she'd get a moment to herself while she washed up, the energy from somewhere needed to be addressed.

Adagio put a bare foot into the stall itself as the room was divided into two parts, the dressing area and the shower itself. Having already stripped herself naked and folded her dirty laundry into a neat pile, the feel of the fresh water cascading upon her flesh was something only Poseidon could gift as her mother often said. What should have burned immediately turned into a strangely cool sensation of sorts that she embraced like a wash of a cool wave. It tingled even as she progressed both her legs under the purifying liquid and gradually placed herself under the full rain, it felt as if her very soul melted with the first ever proper shower she had in a long time.

Their pendants magic had done much of the work with cleansing spells to keep them pristine and beautiful, without them they were left to their own ferment. It was a far cry from the ice cold bath in the park stream that she knew for certain, either which worked but in this way she had everything scalded off.

She blushed once her head submerged under the shower head, it was as if her own body had a mind of its own. Separate from the brain that owned it as it twitched and writhed in pleasure, to be clean once more and be rid of the debris that naturally lodged in her bushy head of hair brought a whole other kind of joy for her to indulge in.

"Hmmm... by the gods this hits the spot!" she moaned, her curls deflated into a long stream of sun beams that dripped down her back nearly touching the stall floor.

Dazzle had knelt to her feet to gain the most of the wide spread rain, almost as if she were in the embrace of her mother once more. How long had it felt to feel so comfortable and secure, it was beyond her recollection for the moment as she let the experience unfold. A hand to the face caressed the skin and instantly she knew the hot water was doing its job well, loose dead skin layers felt like something which smudged easily in the first go. It meant every surface of her body underwent the same thing, every inch of grim and dirty would be caste freely and left only an immaculate body that even the humans would find irresistible.

Ten minutes passed as she simply sat under the water and nearly underwent a trance-like state, but the serenity lasted just enough before reality came back to shatter it as always. Aria's words echoed in her mind after a sneeze from the steam had her free from the immobile state. Why would anyone help them, and in doing so raise them from their sullen state so that they'd endure their bleak future with attentive eyes? Was it some kind of sadistic trick being played or was there something else afoot they hadn't the ability to comprehend?

She lowered her head till the pouring heat dripped in streams off her face and chin directly onto her thighs below, "Those two men... the officer and the suit... perhaps even the waitress I think? Were they really involved in the issue and to what ends? At least I'd have left the Rainbooms devoid of magic and in our predicament to suffer till the end came for them. It seems to be the only possible ruthless method of disposing of unnecessary vessels."

Adagio proceeded to begin cleaning up with soap and shampoo, rubbing herself thoroughly until not a speck of uncleanliness remained upon her person. The sensation coupled with the hot water eased her thoughts from going rampant, the bubbles and slick

"Starswirl did banish us to this place so that does mean there might be others here either before or after our exile. Perhaps they too wish to return to Equestria, but the issue is that we are the tools to their means. Not acceptable at all!" she groaned with a vigorous scrub of her scalp followed by a meticulous lather of her hip long locks.

"Maybe mother was right and these outsiders know about us somehow? Maybe we don't have a human life span but instead something... shorter without our powers? They're banking on us being desperate perhaps? Yes... that's got to be it!" she figured one possible theory as she put her brilliant mind into probing every possible manipulative manner even she would have exploited herself.

She spat out a bit of soap that got into her mouth which left a salty dry taste on the tip of her tongue, "We've been among these apes for years long before technology made their lives such a bore! Why now? It's the only reason behind it and we've been all over this landmass before losing our pendants and yet we've never encountered another magical being before that cursed school! We're being baited whether by those fools at that school or some opportunistic predator of some sorts. Yet..."

Her hand squeezed the lengthy hair tightly to remove any remaining lather, the curls attempted to reform but were kept subdued by the water and her ministrations. Having already rubbed her skin twice over she was ready to let the shower finalize the purity she then possessed leaving her to acknowledge their current condition against the odds. A young matriarch without a voice and the rest of her Dazzlings equally toothless, nothing else to look towards on their own path but the great sleep under the vast blue.

With eyes clenched shut and a growl of indignation, "I will not let my group fall to such travesties, even if there is hope to regain something of our older selves! We know manipulation more than anything else out there, to trick us is to bring shame upon ourselves and that I cannot allow." she sighed letting the water hit her face as she looked upwards holding her breath.

'Bait us all you want, we will not become another's tool for whatever ends they seek. For my pain is far greater than any of the likes that could be mustered. So if it is a game you want to play... I can play your game, and play it well I shall.' she giggled like a high school girl after hearing juicy gossip from a reliable source.

Dazzle eventually shut off the valve, the room steamy like some spring fed onsen in the winter time back in Neighphon. She paid it no heed as she proceeded to tend to her teeth cleaning, starring all the while at a foggy mirror above a porcelain sink she used. She couldn't see her reflection for the life of her, but a blurred amalgamous blob of color came through as it moved in tandem with her. It was evident that her cloud of carefully combed hair had fallen and maintained a rumbling stream down her head and back. She figured it would remain like that for an hour before she'd even consider revitalizing the original style. Something about her glorious locks had a mind of their own and had always needed to be given rest after a bath, otherwise it wouldn't cooperate later on. Just like her own spirit that she prided herself on, what amounted to the lustrous fin crest of her true form worked only one way.

Her clothing came next after she polished her pearly whites till they were camera ready. The memorabilia was gaudy at best as she gazed upon it held before her eyes, the only good thing about the choice would be further emulsion into the hairless apes of the world and less likely of a chance to be noticed. The unknown entities who targeted them needed to be baffled least they be watched every single minute of their existence. Having dressed from head to toe she stepped bare footed out the door where the other two had taken to sitting on the ground by the door quietly chatting away. Adagio cocked a brow at the talkative nature they had shared, rather alien behavior to not see Aria not at Sonata's throat for annoying her.

"I'm not going to ask what it is you two were doing. Next up and hurry, we need to wash all our old cloths together so once you're done head to the laundry next door over. I'll be waiting." she announced and headed out.

Without heeding any reply for her packmates, she relinquished herself to the washroom and took a seat in the empty area. It was a rather moderately large area in the shape of a square, a line of blue plastic seated chairs with chrome legs sat to the right side for waiting customers. The center hosted washing machines clean and almost brand new appliances, they would make due for their needs. The carefully mopped floor gave the feel of an almost unused facility, but she knew the employees were forced to keep it in tip top shape if they needed their paychecks. It was something about humans which gave them something akin to the dragons, always wanting bits and hoarding hours of labor to achieve them which of course ended the slim similarity between the two.

Along the walls where the chairs were absent the dryers were stacked upon one another, equally new and carefully managed. The air smelled of fabric softener and pine, likely from the one dispenser nearby free of charge as it seemed. Coupled with the cheap soap they bought it wasn't a bad combination to greet her sense of smell, chemically strong but nothing offensive. Though it did make her aware to her folded old wears, it crinkled her nose in slight distaste before she searched for the closest washer to dump them in.

"I can't believe we were beginning to smell like low tide. Going to need to watch that next time." she said to herself and closed the lid.

She walked to the line of hard seats and placed herself there to wait for the dunder heads. Unfortunately there were no magazines to read or anything to occupy herself with, thus she developed something else to pass the time. She thought of the Rainbooms and Sunset Shimmer, of their gems, the energy they received from the unknown, and of where they'd go from then on. A vortex of emotions coalesced within her in an attempt to plot their future out, beleaguered by the threat of further pursuit by the Rainbooms and the provider of their newfound revival. She felt the sharks lurking in the shadows waiting to attack the weak, but it would be a hard fought meal for them to partake that she swore upon herself.

Another child was heard crying in the store lobby, this time a hatchling or infant as the humans termed their newborns, "Such a bother this has become..."

Three hours later...

In a quaint little town park on the west side of town was groomed and well maintained acreage that hosted patches of oak trees among a large lawn. Squirrels and finches played about looking for acorns to eat and insects to devour, occasionally two of the furry creatures would chase each other like frolicking children. A mid-sized pond in the center of the park provided a natural look of the little escape from the bustling streets with a lone sign for family fishing day when spring came along. A few water fowls and geese waddled into the body of water to swim around lazily, happily going about their business eating the aquatic plants and arthropods that thrived in it. The occasional catfish broke the glass surface to swallow bread chunks from an old woman by the waters edge, splashing as it gulped down the fluffy food greedily.

Cobble stone walkways allowed visitors to avoid the grass and mud after the sprinkler system kicked on at sunrise, something thankfully the Dazzlings showed up late for. Flat concrete paths around the perimeter gave baby strollers easy accommodations so infants were not bouncing around in their little carriage to cry from. The park itself owned a few acres for people to take a break and enjoy life beyond the house and work, something most took advantage of during lunch or after work. It was a part of the town's initiative for every citizen's well being, to avoid building up stress and promote mental wellness or so the signs at the entrance ways touted. On the most perfect of late spring days, the park held a majesty in itself under the blue skies and a wet soil scented breeze coming from the northern wind.

Yet the magic the piece of land hosted fell upon deaf ears and blind eyes to the defeated sirens who arrived late morning in no more of a chipper attitude than before. Save for Sonata who enjoyed the animals with passing intrigue, Adagio and Aria were busily consumed by the obvious magic they were given for some odd reason. For the last few hours they tried and failed to visualize who had fixated on them as well as possessed magic to some extent and found them worty of it.

With little from Aria's contribution, Adagio could only figure that some kind of wizard wannabe from Canterlot High such as the lame Trixie could be messing with them. After all they did use her band to screw over the Rainbooms, and if Dazzle knew that type of personality well which the powder blue girl seemed to possess then she fit the bill. The odd note to make however was how boisterous she was naturally speaking, she was nowhere along her caliber in terms of scheming and usually a step behind. Thus the lane of thought hit a road bump, backtracking them to some other human or perhaps something worse like another banished. If Starswirl had sent them away what were the odds another would be conqueror followed after them with that magical portal. From that conclusion the threat of a master mind came to head, but she didn't share the notion for the sake of her loyal fools.

Having bought simple wrapped breakfast tacos at Sonata's discretion before they left the trucks top, the three had walked off the heavy meal sitting well by the time they arrived at the park. Their clean skin still smelled of flowers and a mockery of sea breeze which tended towards melons than ocean mist. Wrapped in a plastic bag were their freshly washed and puffy street cloths, equally enjoyable to the nose which poofed out when they found a bench to rest on. Under the late morning sun still cresting at an angle the breeze kicked up and brought a much delighted chill to the girls who awaited Adagio's next order. A few people were out and about on other paths of the park, talking on their phones or were on an early lunch break eating while walking. They all were eyed by the attentive observations of the head Dazzling, her gaze analyzed anything for clues as to who was trying to entice them with power even if it amounted to little more than a boost to their tired spirits. The game was still afoot and she needn't miss a step in order to be ahead of the game master, soon she'd turn the tables once something about the rules were learned.

Unlike the rest, Dusk took to her carefree attitude and noticed the birds congregating near the waterhole, “Hey, I’m going to check out the miniature lake over there.” Sonata piped up happy as a clam.

“Don’t drown yourself… screwball.” Aria replied with a sigh and swished a loose hand in the air to further her lack of care of what she did.

Having been far enough to have not heard the insult, Dusk ventured off to have her fun which left the others in peace they so loved. Yet it came at a bad time and one which they had to strategize with the sober moment they were given by chance.

"So, narrowed down the list yet?" Blaze looked to the side of her vision at Adagio who seemed lost to the world in deep thought.

She hummed as if pausing whatever calcuations she had been up to, "Yes and no, that Trixie girl is definetly not a candidate, there were a few others who wore the familiar trappings of a wizard or witch buuuuut... too young to know how to do what we felt."

"Great, so what's next then?" a sparrow landed by Aria's boots which had sported scratches and dust from use.

"I can only assume that as long as we are in public they are watching." Adagio took to resting her chin on a palm, her eyes half lidded.

"Ha, well whoever this is might be like us don't you think? I mean if that old geezer sent us away with that spell who knows who else was exiled right?" to which her words sent Adagio's eyes wide open, stunned if only at the wild guess her subordinate took and hit the mark.

The curly locks swayed as she faced her packmate while hiding her surprise, a gentle breeze pushed the reforming puff of the wild mane from view. The seriousness implied by the expression her leader bore immediately quieted her tongue, knowing Adagio for as long as she did she knew when there was something going on in that sun kissed scalp.

"You don't honestly believe... we're not alone?" Blaze seemed taken back by her own admission which was a joke at best, but then she knew it wasn't even close to being one.

Those deathly orbs locked onto her before she spoke, instilling her commanding aura into her like an ice pick through meat, "I can't say for sure, but it is a possibility that the likelihood is true and even more so that others like us were exiled as well. Other sirens! Can't you even fathom the potential?!"

Aria felt a pop of concern rise as she felt she heard disillusion than proper theory, "Look I know the chances of that old bag of bones seeking out anymore of our kind might seem... possible? But maybe we should believe any other thing just as powerful was sent through too? Tartarus! I doubt we were the only ones who attack Equestria too." she crossed her arms over her chest, knowing full well the ponies were just too easy of a buffet to pass over for anything that hungered like they did.

"Yes, yes I... had seen to that myself, in any case it seems I don't need to be coy with you since you figured it out already. When I realized it, I knew there might be someone out there wanting to use us but how without our pendants I can't seem to see the end game they're playing. I believe we have a master mind at work, something strong and able to give away the energy we need that we felt twice already. I also believe we're not fully human, at least not yet... It's the only explanation I can come up with, and I'm not about to be played like a pawn either. The issue is how are they doing it? Are we actually seeing them or are they using humans as puppets?" she explained while tapping a foot on the gravel covered ground under the bench.

Blaze nodded, "Bets are off then, at least they have good tastes?" she weakly chuckled trying to hide her anger at the thought of being tricked, "Controlling these mindless sacks of meat? Must have some pretty strong magic to begin with, or little at all."

"No need to worry however, I have everything under control and I will find this hidden being that's out there. It would be best that we lay low and appear like any other normal girl here, live our lives and try to make them screw up first. It's all I have for now without a target to go with." she admitted and looked back to the small pond where Sonata was busy chasing a goose around, its large beige and black wings flapping to get it's bulk off the ground.

The both of them watched their third comrade enjoy her time among the water fowl, one scrutinizing the lack of awareness she had and the other considering how she'd even hold a job. With a deep breath did Dazzle let go of the frustration at the quick evaluation of the cerulean girl, she'd find a way to get her employed somehow. She'd likely be the easiest to hide in the world with a few changes to her looks, if she went with the sardines at Canterlot High to judge.

"Let's hope they do mess up otherwise... it'll be a long con." Blaze huffed and folded a leg over the other, content with her mild irritation quickly changing to mirth when a flock of geese began to chase Sonata instead.

Just as she was considering jobs in the outlets called plazas they had frequented for a quick eat weeks ago, a raven
of black gleaming feathers swooped down as if it manifested in the air just before them. The flapping wings startled the two former sirens like a mouse to an elephant, the dust it kicked up from landing blew away with the soft wind as its talons clicked along the stones. The avian cawed at Adagio as she barely had a few seconds to lock eyes with it, blood crimson eyes like the old gemstones of theirs shone in the warming sunlight.

Aria gave the curious animal a glance over feeling something off about it, its call hadn't even come close to the ones they'd seen one hundred years ago being further up north back then. She still trusted her ears to be as good as they use to be, and the deeper tone that emanated from the obsidian flying rat immediately put up a red flag. The bird tilted its head as it studied the two girls in return with an interest that bordered on intelligence, looking all about the girls from head to toe. While appearing menacing to Aria, Adagio was a little less creeped out though she did retract her legs that had been stretched out. Sleek dark feathers glistened and served to pop the blood hued irises as if it were merely a silhouette of a raven as an apparition, creating a skin tingling sensation that began to spread along the Dazzling's bodies. As they continued to stare at it so did the restless limbs begin to fidget even more from being accosted by the aura the thing seemed to exude.

"Adagio? Please tell me you are feeling that as well?" Blaze asked as the need to get way from the park began to seep through as if her legs had a mind of their own.

Against the effects that were highly unnatural Adagio fought against it as if her life were on the line, "Yes, but I highly suggest you don't move from this bench. Show this... this thing who you are, sirens never retreat from danger as long as they are together!" she warned.

As if reinvigorated by the tiny threat that could be of the one they figured was tailing them, Dazzle put forth a glare all her own into the inquisitive beads that moved between them. It was the kind of leer she used only when her loyal idiots tested her nerves or if Aria ever tried to usurp her authority, the eye of the dominate female; the Alpha.

Slowly she edged closer and closer to the bird while in her seat, never breaking the fury contained within her ire as she pressed back at their interloper. Full body twitching had begun to set in from fingers to toes acting on their own, magic of some kind she figured was testing them but to what purpose was yet to be discovered. Aria followed suit after visualizing the raven as the hot head known as Rainbow Dash, she was the worst one of the musical hacks they witnessed during the contest. The joy she received upon seeing that one in particular spearhead the groups initial troubles was only comparable to the most richest of oysters she had tasted once before. While they were trying to intimidate a lone avian of mysterious design, a cough signaled the arrival of another which caught the girls off guard as they peered at the source.

'Has to be your maker isn't that right you filthy little dark spawn?' she thought as her gaze turned to the likely source of the magic, her mind astute to the developing situation as a stargazer sized up its prey.

Both girls looked to their right where behind the nearest thick old oak tree the walkway bent around hosted a form they could recognize as something normal at first. From the shuffling foot steps came a meandering ancient thing that looked as old as they'd be had their immortality not maintained their good looks. An elderly woman made her way towards their bench with a straw hat covering most of her face as it sagged down, exposing just her wrinkled lips and sagging jowls. Lacking any lithe movements it was easy to see she was in her eighties maybe even early nineties going by the attire she adorned herself with, dated garb that was lost to antiquity in Adagio's sense of history. A large canvas bag hung from her right arm that gently swayed with each movement as painfully slow as they were. The slouched hag of the senior citizen sported a sleeveless floral rockabilly halter dress, simple sandals flipped and flopped annoyingly as they were designed to do.

She appeared to be alone with no one else with her, but Adagio knew to still be wary of her being a puppet or the schemer who wanted them. The silver hair that hung loosely down her back blew with the breeze which gave away its hip length, if it were not of the ripe variety Adagio would have found it an admirable trait compared to her own. Aria was glued to merely observing the proceeding event powerless to do much else out of curiosity alone, she too needed to know where the so called magic was coming from and by who. The Raven took flight as she neared and landed upon the woman’s shoulder softly, it quietly cawed as if she were its mother.

Mustering the the proper words to begin the greeting Adagio decided to strike with initiative, "And who might you be?", it was a simple inquiry of a none hostile nature that obscured what she deduced.

The woman stopped just fifteen feet away, smiling in a way which sent chill down both the Dazzling's spine all the while as a shaking wrinkly finger lifted up to pet the bird along its chest and head. The assumption of a standoff in progress fell as the old woman slowly turned her obscured head to look behind her where Sonata seemed lost to the flock of geese in the distance. The ancient gaze held for two long and silent minutes as no one dared make a move, something about the woman felt off like some kind of stench wafting off a bayou during low tide. An aura of some unknown origin permeated the very air around her hunched body which began to warp and churn like asphalt on a summer day. In the left hand she supported herself with a twisted cane made out of a gnarled tree branch smoothed over so no bark was left, though it was clear that it was once bug ridden with holes and trails from beetle grubs. While the right one gently tended to the raven that called her shoulder a perch, there was never a human they'd seen carry themselves so menacingly. Adagio continued to seek more valuable details off their guest and the source of the power they could see, in the far distant housing zone of the town the local clock tower rang loudly to signal the passing hour.

The giant bell rang among others in a note the girls were very familiar with from years past, but somehow through the hourly musical sequence the silver viper spoke up. It was a voice that betrayed even the worst a siren could sound, it even made the Rainboom's tongues seem pleasurable to listen to. For the crackle of vocal cords and phlegm that followed only served to make the old hag a far greater threat to heed, every hair stood up on Adagio and Aria both.

"So much noise. How they love the noise. Bothersome things they are?" a ruined throat spat though it seemed the act of talking wasn't painful at all.

The brass bells reverberated throughout the town, scaring away the animals of the park as flocks took to the air and rodents took to the trees and shrubs. Even Sonata’s fun pals vacated much to her dismay and joy. Adagio’s gut feeling grew even more alarmed as the giant tolling in the distance soon echoed in a strange manner around them with a near chaotic chorus that some kind of spell amplified. The acoustics were distorted violently before they tapered off, the very atmosphere started to chill as if on queue with the vanishing town ambiance.

The thing that history forgot croaked again, "There... much better. Wouldn't you say?"

It seemed as if a strong wind had blown through the warm spring day and ripped away the sun's heat, but there was no force that could be felt other than a sapping that left only a frost. Adagio's exposed hands and neck were nipped at by the frigid cold as the temperature dropped like a stone from a bridge. Every exhaled breath started to feel dry as the latent moisture dissipated from around the three, leaving only their own humid breaths puff out as vapor that vanished faster than a taco in front of Sonata. Aria only then realized they were in the proximity of a powerful magic that surpassed anything they felt prior, she gave a quick glance to Dazzle and received the affirmation she concluded herself.

'I actually didn't even believe it all! I can't believe it!' Blaze shouted in her head, another magical being true as the sky was blue.

Out of the corner of her right eye she noticed more changes happening by the will of the grandma from Tartarus. The tips of the grass around the trail closest to the hag's proximity started to frost over. Without their gems they had no real way to sense magic like they were able to in the past, so their eyes were all they had to go off on at the present. Some kind of weather altering spell was caste around them and presumably to keep them in place she figured. It was just a matter of seconds before the they started to chatter their teeth uncontrollably and rub their arms to warm up, too enthralled at discovering the interloper's identity to escape nor want to. Death's aura swirled around them and stole any mobility soon enough, forcing their legs to be withdrawn closer in as an attempt huddle for warmth.

"This... has to... be them!" Adagio quivered as her eyes began to burn from dryness.

Aria wanted to agree in a vicious rebuttal to the obvious but her lips had chapped and cracked so fast she felt pain before a mere letter was spoken. No matter how hard she wanted to try, she was as useful as an air horn without air. They both were being magically induced to stay put and listen, such a power that Adagio had finally tasted the essence of black magic right before the old hag cracked her voice. It was the kind that burned the very soul of those close by, the very nature of such power sucked at the life force to the untrained and unprepared.

“I see you have finally opened your eyes, isn’t that right daughter of the water king?” the broken voice from the terrible being asked almost out of satisfaction, “I always wanted to see the vast kingdom of his dominion... something those sisters can never control.”

The bench they sat at had begun for grow icicles and accumulated a thin layer of white frost which creeped over the metal bars and wood planks, following the dying grass which couldn't survive the miasma.

"Time is very short for the both of us... so I won't plague you for very long. I’m just… here to deliver a message.” The crone smiled with few teeth left in her maw, yellowed from old age.

Adagio could only listen as she curled into a tighter ball and huddle closer to Aria who didn't care about the ordeal other than warming up herself. Hearing the admittance to the reason the two parties engaged in any contact or words had emboldened her to some extent, but the spell still prevented much of anything she wanted to do. Excitement replaced caution as magic called out to her very being like a hatchling would her mother's energy.

Magenta and mulberry eyes traced the fragile bony mitts as they reached into the old dress, grasping a lavender felt sac from a glowing tear in the space above the fabric. It had a gold lace tied to keep the contents contained, strangely looking exactly like the one Twilight and Sunset possessed at the coffee shop. Gently, the weathered bag of meat placed the parcel on the empty spot of the bench Sonata once occupied, placing it carefully as if it were a glass doll easily shattered from the slightest of pressure. The ten inches between the two parties was an unbearable numbing freeze which at first started to hurt Adagio to the point she nearly shed a tear which would have frozen on her face in that instant. It threatened to set every nerve ending in her body on fire if it were not for her pulling back her skinny limb. The painful flare soon dulled after the intrusive one went back to petting her bird and stepped away to a safer distance, relief from the near sub zero dome of death was well appreciated.

“They know what you are... who you are... and... where you come from.” so raspy was the voice that Adagio pinched herself to divert the pain of listening, “If you accept that little… gift... well to be clear a more of a message. Then he can help you become one again, but we need your help.” She croaked out with an awful grim smile that Aria hated to her core.

Adagio spoke through clicking jaws and frosty eye lashes, "Wwwhhoooo'ssss.... wweee?!"

A dark giggle escaped the wicked mouth, "Something for another time. Now, that gift will disappear if you do not wish to partake. So take heed young ones, it'll only be offered once.”

With a slow meandering turn in place, the crone started to walk away back from whence she came, the biting cold started to fade away with the distance she put and with it any sign of frozen condensation. What Adagio noticed all too well was the dead and brittle grass around them that remained dead, it wasn't something she was too fond of but noted it for later thought. Intense cold wouldn't normally turn any plant life into brown husks that quickly and it troubled her, the kind of magic that did that was the kind her mother warned her of in bedtime stories.

“Take care little youngin's, we’ll be… seeing each other in time.” from which the stranger's footsteps echoed in the silence that only then had the Dazzlings realized had pervaded the atmosphere around them like a stoic guard who never moved from their post. She disappeared behind the fat oak trunk and did not appear on the other side as the path would have taken her out of the park, the entity simply vanished.

Her parting words took with her the cold air which soon was pushed away by the welcoming humid breeze they were accustomed to moments ago. Adagio and Aria could feel the prickly nerves in their flesh signal the blood coming back to the extremities, their bodies warming up with each passing second as the magic dissipated from the area. What would have been sweet relief was splattered into futility by the item left on the bench which could have easily been a trap of some kind that would enslave them as they had to others with their song. Aria and Adagio stared down the parcel unsure of what to do at first, fearing even moving an inch from their spots would trigger the item to a horrible end of their fates.

For what felt like minutes they just gazed upon the so called 'message', so enthralled that they hadn't realized their third bandmate waltz up to them and loudly announced herself, “Girls! The birds flew away, something spooked them I think? Strange huh?”

Torn from their dreaded stupor violently by the high pitch joy in Dusk's tone, “Where were you, we’ve been freezing our butts off by that Tartarus forsaken old hag?!!” Aria blurted out standing off the seat with a pointing finger jabbed at the aloof one.

More confused than hurt, "What old hag? You guys were just sitting here the whole time, I even tried to get you to join in the fun!"

Adagio shook her head when she realized her dimwit spoke the truth, of all things she wasn't a liar and happened to be the most observant of the three, "Aria she's not lying. Doesn't it make sense that witch might have used a spell to hid herself and us from the rest of the world? I mean I would, especially if she knows about the Rainbooms. Wouldn't take too long to get word out to them about another magical entity and unleash that giant rainbow alicorn once again!"

Aria gave in after a few wordless sputters, relegating herself back to the bench with an exaggerated sigh as a headache came up. Everything seemed too good to be true and as the scene played back in her memory, she had to agree that some kind of illusionary spell was probably used. Ponies often did that in Canterlot to cover private conversations in public, though usually it was utilized by robed ones in dark violet with gold trim. Sure the ponies were too stupid to notice, but to a siren they were far too attuned to magic to be fooled; of course the conversations were still distorted.

“What? I ran all the way here, she just came up to you to pick up her bird and then left?” Sonata admitted with a tilted head still lost to the notion of magic and the old lady.

Adagio wiped her face with an open palm knowing she had to keep the other up to par, “Sonata, we just had what felt like a five minute one sided conversation with that abomination! That was no mere human, that’s for sure. I also have absolute proof of the other one out there looking to use us as well, there can be no greater proof of it after what we just experienced."

In seconds it seemed as if the cogs were turning in the hollow cranium Dazzle often saw, "Oh... OHHHhhh!! So like, what's next then? What did they say? Did they offer us a banquet and a feast to cozy us up to some kind of dark pact so you can get our pendants back?" Dusk jumped in place twice as she seemed elated at one of Dazzle's ideas in the works, minus the feast which wasn't even on the table to start.

Blaze seemed only more perturbed the more the dialogue went on and decided to end it, “Check that gift thing she gave us. I want to know what all that was about and somehow I'd think you would survive a hex spell even without your gem.” Aria frowned as she flicked a hand at the little soft purple sac as if wanting to burn it with her eyes alone.

“Oh a gift!? Let me see!” she exuberantly said and shot her hands out to grab the possible end to their freedom, “I love presents! Remember when Titanicus Maximus fell so in love with that one time we sang to those Roaming soldiers? He gave me a wax figurine on Saturn Day! He carved it himself and made it look like me, after of course slaying two other guards who wanted to give me gifts too.”

The recall back to the old days was a quick respite to the building tension with what was inside the sac, "It was called Saturnalia, more specifically Sigillaria, and they were Romans not Roamings Sonata. Now as much as I'd like to reminisce over our golden days if you'll please just open the gift now so we may be done with it?!"

Dusk hesitated as she lifted the precious threat in cupped hands up chest level, "Yup, Romans... you're like so right Adagio! Too bad Titanicus couldn't stay, he fought off so many others just to hear even a verse from us."

Aria observed while strangling every attempt to just stand up and slap the back of Dusk's skull so that the action would go on instead of the slow gradation she was taking. Just as much as Dazzle needed to confirm their worst fears, she held a special place i her hard heart that things might not be so bad for them. If anything she was for once positive in the outlook, the way things seemed they'd have to have been dealing with a sadistic monster if they weren't already captured being so vulnerable as they were already. The snake of a voyeur who seemed to entreat with them while showing off their strength was actually seeing them on some level along theirs, even if a step or so below the plateau. They were being measured for inclusion rather than straight use, they needed them willingly and without harm.

Sonata stuck a tongue out as she worked at the bow stings to open the felt pouch, "Huh? They really tied this neatly, for realzies!" her eyes squinted in minor irritation as the golden lace reluctantly came undone.

Waiting with baited breath, the other two held still like an ironwood tree which little beyond the fury of nature could even shake it slightly. There were no jumbles of broken glass, no rolling pebbles or stones, just a single solid chunk of something that they couldn't see until it finally rolled out of the opening flaps. Far too quickly had it passed their wanting vision as it plopped onto the palm of the girl's hand with no bounce, it happened to be a split fraction of a second that they even drank in the droplet of an image before it hid behind the palm and thumb.

They barely caught the sheen of red that snapped up their attention quicker than a barracuda's jaws in mid strike. A glimpse was all Dazzle needed before she leaned over Blaze, nearly crawling her way on the bench to peak over the obscuring appendage Sonata failed to realize was in their way. As if all the caution brought by the hag and her ice magic hadn't even dawned upon them at all, red was all she saw and it would be her everything at that point. Aria scoffed as she tried to push carrot hued cloud of a ponytail from her face, but even her eyes noticed the instantaneous detail which thrilled her spirit to the heavens.

'No way! That's impossible!!' her head screamed with the phrase, her heart speeding up with the anticipation of salvation.

Dusk seemed to still herself the moment as her curious eyes locked onto that which rested within the palm of her dainty hand. A reaction she never had shown before and yet there she stood unaffected by any kind of spell as was initially feared by Adagio. She even gasped as if she'd seen the Abyss which came for all after life had left them for the grand throne. A smile crept onto her soft innocently cute face that betrayed the suspected horror that might have grasped onto that dense brain, she appeared livid and exhilarated by the true gift enough to lose all support under her. All strength gave out in her legs sending her into a hard sit on the smooth rock pathway oblivious to the discomfort, from such an angle it was all too clear to make any mistake in the offering. Contrasting with the powder blue skin of the former siren, a faceted gemstone nestled within the depth of the comforting hand like a desert phenoix egg in a turquoise ore nest. A deep crimson ruby with eight facets front and back shone under the noon sun, but unlike any old worthless gem in the human world there were faint flashes of magical runes nearly too small to even detect with the naked eye. It was a siren stone through and through which Dazzle confirmed after she snatched it from her subordinate with a greedy blur, the other two swarmed around the item desperate to hear the certification only Adagio could give.

She twisted and turned the ruby about studying the runes her sharp eyes could discern, but what truly allowed her to feel the emancipation of mortality came from the sensation of water all over her body. Likely what Sonata had felt that dumbstruck her only seconds ago, the invisible liquid spilled over every inch of flesh past clothing and shoes. It was the same feeling they always felt when singing or feeding as true sirens, the magical surge became the stamp of approval to which Adagio then let the her pod even come close to it.

A lone tear forced its way past her hard steel control over such emotions, it was a gem that they could use once more and live on forever, "Gir... girls? It's really it! Our gem... my gem!"

"No way!?! They have replacements?!" Aria seemed almost afraid to touch the ruby for fear of it disappearing.

Dusk brushed the saltwater away from her face as she merrily hiccuped from the ecstasy of deliverance, "Oh my gosh! We're totally saved!"

Just like the Diner and the Truck Stop, Dazzle could feel a warmth once more and it failed to stop supplying the trio with the euphoric state. It was as if their very existence suckled from the energy like a starving human infant on the mothers teat, it felt so natural and familiar that no doubt remained.

“I…I… we're saved! We don't have to call this retched world our grave after all!!” she proclaimed as several more tear drops fell off her chin to soak into her Lucky Horseshoe embroidered pants.

True to her word, it was a ruby same as their old pendants albeit smaller and possessing a strange spell carved into its surface that the runes produced. Unlike their own which had been a size bigger and devoid of markings unless called upon, the carved sigils were more alien looking than what Adagio remembered of hers. Each side was otherwise pristine and perfect, from where ever it came from it was certainly brand new or well preserved for however long it was dormant. How could one exist in the human world was a blunder, but if the mysterious donor was indeed from Equestria then how did they even possess one for just such an occasion?

In the back of the many gleeful praises to Poseidon, the patron god of all sirens that even Adagio herself held little knowledge of nor very much belief in. A part of her was pestered by the source of the stone, and already she vowed to bring harm upon the entity who stole the power source from a live or dead siren.

'You better hope your story comes from finding this on some shore, or I'll do more than screw you over on whatever deal you think we'll blindly accept!' she warned to their helpful new associate as if they were listening in.

The old lady was soon forgotten for the sake of the new soon to be pendant in a golden necklace, all three girls gently touched the blood colored rock together as if it were their very souls held within. To say it was a happy moment was an understatement, they were far more livid than any young child during their birthday party peppered with gifts and cake. Sonata was the first to test it by suddenly singing a perfect tune, her voice reaching different scales and octaves crystal clear which already snagged a couple walking their dogs for lunch.

Her eyes widened so large she felt as if they would pop out of her head as the other two noticed themselves, her gasp at the legitimacy of the stone was the final axe to the perverbal wood block. The stone was as real as themselves and to solidify it, Adagio commenced a simple song for the whole pack to perform as one in perfect synchronicity. It was a breath of fresh air, an ambrosial nectar of the finest foods washing their souls clean of pain, of fear, and of sadness. By feeling their voices once again the Dazzlings innate bond between each other was reinvigorated like no other time before. Like a heavy blanket that was forced upon their faces which made it hard to breathe had been lifted away, they clasped their hands together around the gem and slowly brought the short song to a close. With a final note they held for some twenty seconds, the music ceased and they opened their once shut eyes to behold the new reality before them for the taking.

Nothing would ever match this moment they shared, the fulfilling sense of hope and purpose that permeated their being. They would be adored once again and this time no Equestrian magic would stop them now that they knew what could bring them down. Already the feeling of power had Adagio plotting, one for revenge and the other against the supplier of their brand new pendant.

The Dazzlings came to observe that a small group of people around them had formed and were clapping and tipping them with a growing bits pile between Adagio and Sonata. While no one was fighting for their talent or sparking some kind of argument with the next person beside them, it was still a pivotal moment that needed only their voices returned first and foremost. They'd work on their enchantments to fine tune the time they missed practicing, the feedings even if they were small, and the power they lost.

Adagio giggled amidst the praise they all received, "Pathetic monkeys thought we were a lone musical group looking for money on the side huh? The money we can use, it'll feel good to not be wondering the streets any longer. Maybe we can at last have a place to stay? Maybe even..."

Sonata and Aria seemed to bask in the glow of applauding audience, Dusk waving at the little crowd while Aria seemed to give a confident grin in return. She knew they were glad to be back and most importantly a promise for a secure future, they looked up to her for it and as their matriarch she couldn't falter just yet.

Dazzle looked up to the hopeful blue sky devoid of any cloud or fluff of vapor, "Mother? I can still do it... I'll make you proud."

Canterlot High, Gymnasium

Band rehearsal had ended well with the girls packing up to leave for the day, the social bonding had given much rest to the former unicorn who needed the pause from the concerns that buzzed her angrily. With the instruments locked up in their cases, Sunset had said her farewells in order to be left to her thoughts on the missing jewel that was less about stress and focused on the main question which was why. She couldn't shake the persistence of the subject though it was guided into productive train of thought by what the sirens might do with it. What was it that seemed so dangerous?

The problem clung to her like a blood sucking tick which she couldn't dislodge as she walked to her dorm. The fifteen minute walk to the student dormitory C.H. provided offered no release no matter how late at night she stayed up to think. At first she was on the look out for the Dazzlings in case they were watching her, even as she passed through her door after the long trek from Canterlot High. She started to think they were either not involved or had learned to not stir up trouble again until they had a concrete plan that didn't backfire.

A wounded animal often fought the hardest especially for the human world, Sunset's earlier science and biology courses had shown her the more animalistic tendencies the wild had. Sure dragons could level towns and steal treasure with no pony to stop them, Ursa Majors were in their own right titans but ever rarely came into the open light, and of the many other vicious monsters they always had some kind of personality that made it halfway to the level of a pony. The findings of the Biologis Department of the S.G.U. during her time at Canterlot were rather enlightening when she studied to become a princess, but in the human world it was the opposite. They were driven by pure instinct to survive and proprogate and whether they were of the air, ground, or water they were equally dangerous and nearly unpredictable. In many cases humans were harmed by mere accidental identification as prey, but were mauled nonetheless in years past. Knowing the Dazzlings, having spent so much time in the human world likely rubbed off on them which was a dangerous thought to consider.

Thankfully neither a sign of the puffy orange curls nor the blue ponytail ever showed themselves, and it only caused Sunset to ignore the people who had passed her by as she reached her door. She considered actively searching out the sirens and spy on them when she could, the best defense was an offense and she'd have the initiative on her side. It was still one problem to tackle, she still had to figure out the whole magic thing with the Rainbooms and how they came to be.

"As if them being defeated would make this easier, now I can't even dismiss them after the gem was stolen. I still need to figure out if the girls will be fine continuing the use of Equestrian magic. I mean if it's anything like a unicorn foal using magic and the outbursts they can have, I have to learn more for their sake!" she vowed just as the deadbolt clicked and unlocked.

As the door opened there came a flood of floral scent from the oils Rarity gifted her as a means to relax, it was a welcoming smell that already went to work in pacifying her spirit. The cool air was a pleasure as she entered her dorm and closed the door, quickly locking the entrance just as a precaution to safeguard the already upbeat mood. The keys were tossed on the nearby lamp stand closest to the sofas of the living area, clanking on the wood surface before coming to a rest before falling off. Following suit she ignored all else and flopped onto the two person couch that puffed out under her weight. After committing so much brainpower to the fears that involved all those she cared for, Sunset needed the nap before even thinking of dinner.

The soft cushion was no less of a giant marshmallow below her head, "Man it feels so good to just rest and not even think about that whole mess. Haaaaaa...." she sighed happily as for once nothing bothered her, the lone light she flipped on for the living room casting the only light in the dwelling.

Giving into the need for rest, Shimmer kicked off her boots and removed her jacket with little care of where they went. She stretched out feeling a few joints pop as she laid spread out on the impromptu bed, the gratification from her own body made lulling to sleep all the more swift and easy. Out of habit to make the room seem less lonely, she turned on the TV across from her for the noise alone and adjusted the volume low enough to not be a bother when the commercials no undoubtedly shot the volume up high. The drone of the picture box flashing the colorful images but there was no one member audience to pay it any heed. She missed the late night news report which played out on the local news channel, an anchorwoman began the process of introducing the latest breaking headlines though by then Sunset had started to doze off.

A short haired woman of white and navy blue stripped perm began to read off the hidden teleprompter, “In other news, the local Fellowship Park was graced earlier today by a triplet of lovely choir enthusiasts. Though they refused to give their names, their voices hailed of the likes of angels by those who listened. Drawing a crowd of people who had this much to say of the experience… Gale Force was on scene earlier today.” a news anchor on scene earlier in the day came to the screen, a middle aged man in a sharp suit looked to the viewer in front of a park.

Sunset would miss the one minute report, where soon the camera man had taken to getting into an argument with a bystander while an loud applause went on. The video clip soon faded out as the recording instrument was soon bashed into the ground by the random citizen fighting with the news staff. Then the screen switched over back to the news station headquarters, where an aghast staff seemed unable to comprehend the developing chaos. A spark shot out from the small flatscreen TV, the picture flickered as if a power surge assaulted the electronic device.

Fellowship Park Entry Gate

Evening came pleasantly for the three vocalists, with the luxury of being themselves once again if only by a fraction of their former power. As delicious as it was to suck away the negative energy they cultivated in their first demonstration, hunger for physical food still remained and more energy from the ever troubled human race. Adagio was quick to figure out that since they were sharing a single red stone, there was not enough for all three of them to go back to being the fully capable sirens like they use to be. While empowered and free of the mortal constraints that made each footstep feel like they were trudging through muddy flats of a wetlands, they would still need food and water for the time being until they were able to figure out how they'd swindle their generous friend out of more. It was still possible they'd age if not at a slower rate, so it was pertinent to Dazzle that they'd regain all three pendants sooner rather than later. The decision would not be simple nor one she'd chose alone, it was a fair deal that the others have a say no matter how idiotic they could be at times. She felt generous herself with her pod, perhaps it was being deprived of their unending lives that triggered it or the depths they fell because of a troop of humans and their Equestrian allies.

Seeing only cooperation and not bickering would be their saving grace Adagio saved the moment for when they left the park to find their first place to call home. Under the late afternoon light they found themselves at the rush hour where the eight hour shift workers were heading home, some going for an early dinner or to pick up their offspring. It would be interesting to see the look on her packmates faces when she opened the consensus to which was a rather unorthodoxed thing to do as a matriarch. From what little she remembered from her mother the pod's only say in any action to be decided upon was their overall safety and well being, the choice was a matter up to their leader and only her. But times had changed, the situation had gone off the rails, and there they were walking off with another siren's stone which if she remembered correctly was a sin in itself even if it saved their lives.

Taking a street which was off the normal routes of the loud and pollution causing vehicles the humans used Adagio decided to open the dialogue. The two were behaving for the most part, it seemed the new stone kept them from snapping at one another. Just like before Canterlot High the two sirens were less abrasive and her patience was rather high surprisingly, so it was hard to gauge if things really did change for the better?

As they kept on their way to the nearest hotels and suites one of their lovely fans advised of,"Well girls, I think this is a momentous occasion to spoil ourselves wouldn't you say?" the golden siren grinned over her shoulder.

Aria agreed with a nod but went on a tangent, “So that old hag who nearly froze us to death said the gem would vanish if we didn’t give an answer soon. Anyone else remember that?” Aria butted through the mood, she wanted the issue dealt with then than later.

“I say we work for this guy, whoever he or she is? They had a gem and we’re happy now! Least we could do is return the favor right?” Sonata gave her opinion with her cheerful disposition and a rather smart thing to say.

“I for one don’t want to stay a hairless ape, it's been nothing but disgusting care for these bodies! They sweat, smell, and take a good amount of scrubbing to remove all the dead skin... I swear I'm pretty sure you have a plan to keep us from becoming pets to this anonymous being Adagio. I’m for it as well.” she spat while flicking one of her two ponytails out of her face.

The irritable girl was not far from the feelings they all shared, Dazzle had missed the ability to simply use a spell to take care of anything to keep themselves on the ball. Even with a little dark magic in reserve it was easy to scrap away some of that power, she was all too happy to be able to do such a thing again. Eating was also mostly voluntary and they really only had to feast every other month and drink every other week, sirens ate daily and pounds of seafood but that was due to the size of their bodies and muscle structure back home. Their compact and fair form were less demanding as she came to understand, like a python they took a while to digest sustenance even if it was pleasurable to consume.

Another gemstone and they'd probably be free of the flesh that bound them to regular schedules of food and some manual maintenance. So many showers for her hair alone made the use of magic all the more tempting to pursue eagerly, the quicker the three of them were to be at full strength the better off they were.

"Ya, that's why this place is the worst. Back when we were ourselves, the most we had to worry about were parasites from the sea. Ahh... I miss my scales too, I wonder if they'll still be as shiny as I left them?" Sonata went off into daydreaming, the vivid memories of her birth given body.

“I don’t know yet, this is something that will affect us in the long run. That much I know for sure, so we need to be sure of this and the stones that we are receiving from this unknown source. We have no idea what kind of contract we'll be getting ourselves into and if I can get us benefiting from it more than this secondary party. Even you two deserve a vote." Adagio stopped on the spot and drew questioning glances from her subordinates, "Lets just get some food first and we'll decide then.” Adagio stipulated with an unusual cooperative take for the future of their group.

The violet and teal stripped hair of Aria swayed as she leaned onto one leg, arms folded across her chest after hearing the offer. Sonata wore the look of disbelief swam over her features like panicking minnows being picked off by a shorebird, their dear leader actually caring about their thoughts was a side ball they were not ready for.

Dusk just shrugged and shook her head, she felt just the same as a truck passed by carrying a heavy load of junk in the back, “A vote? What do you mean dagi? Aren't you supposed to make all the choices and us follow?”

Quickly Adagio turned to look at them face to face with a gentle caring expression being hosted in earnest. Acting with impunity, the dominant alpha put her hands on her hips as she cocked an eyebrow.

"Please, we seem to be important to this mysterious donor. I doubt they'd come up to us like they did with knowledge about our true powers to just cast us out in less than a day. They know they need us because no one else can use this." she proudly showed off the ruby she pulled from her jacket, "Giving us till tomorrow morning won't hurt us in the least. So... we take our time and consider the offer. That being said, as it stands I believe we should be far more organized if we are to face another magic user least we suffer for our faults... my faults that took us down so low." she admitted painlessly.

Aria waited before nodding with Dusk joining in, they would follow Adagio into the shadows of Tartarus. Of them all, she wasn't the type to jump at strings and for good reason. If any siren was worth her saltwater, being careful meant a long life. Yet actually showing consideration for their perspective meant Adagio finally realized her plans needed another view to succeed.

'About time she finally came to her senses... and it only took being cruddy apes to drive the nail into that thick skull that puts Sonata's to shame!' Blaze smirked.

Sunset's Dorm

The former unicorn awoke with a startle and yelped in horror from a nightmare she quickly lost any memory of. She jolted up and panned around the darkly lit living room from the kitchen in the back to the stairs and front door. It appeared to be nighttime as the digital clock atop the TV shone nine at night in bright neon green shapes like organized kernels of rice. She took notice that the TV was off even though she feel asleep with it on some ill forgotten channel. Figuring out she must have slept upon the remote by accident, she grasped the rectangular controller and brought it back to life.

"Ugggghhh... I think I overslept? Feels like there's lead in my head." she groaned as hands went to her groggy skull, her very being felt as if it were emerging from a glue trap.

Resting her face into her hands to rub the drowsiness from her eyes, the controller was tosed away, Sunset attempted to recall the reason she woke up and even regretted having done so. From what could be recalled she had taken off her footwear and mushroom leather jacket, then laid into the sofa as something was tuned into. The foggy haze of her thoughts started to lift, but as it let clarity through she began to feel something completely weird around her as if there was an utmost wrong with the world.

Immediately she felt no soft carpet on her feet and the muted television simply played a static screen on mute, electric snow seemed to dance on the digital screen like a torrent of rain hitting the windows. Her boots were mysteriously still on her feet and so was the stylish attire that never left her upper body. A hand went to the long sleeved protective article of clothing, her eyes squinting as she realized that nothing seemed okay with her situation in the least.

"Didn't I take these off to sleep? I could have sworn I did?" she pondered sitting upright.

Her dorm room still looked the same with the kitchenette in the back appeared untouched. The two person dining area and table were not floating or overturned thankfully, as well as everything else seemed to still be in proper place. Her eyes panned to the right, opposite of the door entrance into the living room. The book shelves were as they were, packed with text books and reference material she had accumulated over the past few years at Canterlot High being the ever knowledge hungry mare she had been. From fat text books to small literature necessities she collected, it was enough to provide her with a surface level understanding of the human species and their home. Illuminated by the checker boarded pattern of the light of the faint glow of street lights outside, it was clear the sun had gone to sleep of its natural cycle. She always felt strange to be in a world where things moved on a more scientific basis than magical, no princess to move the celestial bodies. The stairs began to the left of the television where they led up from the tall lamps to her bedroom. It was not quite a Spartanesque setting, but far from being cramped and joyless she since strove to create should a visitor ever come over.

Sunset moved to stand up to check her room for anything else out of place, asking herself if she ever took off her shoes and coat to begin with, "I wonder if I even did take these off? Perhaps I was too tired to remember." she told herself.

As she chewed her tongue mid stride to the stairs to mull over it, her eyes picked up movement that darted in the dark corners of the room as if a floater in her eye skirted in her vision. It took one of the shadowy strings to zip past her feet to force her back onto the sofa in freight, sucking her legs close to her chest as if there was a loose rat in her dorm. She couldn’t compel the fear that burst within her like an out of control fire as more undiscernable things ran amok in her home, they were as sporadic as flies hovering an exposed meal. Her head swiveled in every direction as a new black blur disturbed her sight, a sense of hope that she was still sleeping and merely woke up within a dream kept her grounded somewhat. She had to be dreaming, there was no way something had infested her home and now drove her off her own floor. Her cleanliness habits were impeccable as was her eating habits, she never left a crumb for even a lone roach to scavenge for which meant something else was afoot.

“You're not real! You're just a figment of my imagination! Leave me BE!” she shouted to the little gremlins which yielded no results as they kept racing like anxious crazy ants looking for sugar.

The wormy invaders merely persisted in circling her and the couch, like hungry piranhas they began to concentrate on her location as if her warning was a challenge. Moving from one point to the next with a few seconds of pause, they seemed to avoid the street lights caste of brilliance through the shades.

Shimmer yelled again out of terror and anger mixing like some bad cocktail drink, but it was really her attempt to convince herself they were not there. A third cry had done the trick, as the foreign bodies coalesced by the TV which still displayed a garbled mess. They amassed into a growing black blob between the entertainment stand and the stairs first steps, building up into some kind of amorphous body blacked out by the white screen. Sunset could only swallow the dry lump in her throat as she couldn’t tear her eyes from the growing tumor before her, even her legs failed to respond to her desire to escape.

As a fox cornered by a pack of hounds, Shimmer’s heart had gone into overdrive from the expansion the mass which crawled towards the ceiling and the top of the stairs in the dark. Her gaze continued upwards as the evil conglomeration piled higher and higher with a dominating presence reaching so high it passed over the stairwell and stopped just before the second floor. She could barely looked away from the sight that started to take on a rough shape, but she knew if things went on unabated she'd be in danger by the foreign entity that accosted her. Her eyes studied it in an attempt to ascertain the threat before her, she was still a powerful unicorn who could pony up and that made her feel defiant for a moment if only a moment.

"I'm not afraid of you!" she commanded, "I can put you away unless you leave my home this instant!"

Her try at fighting back the dread had been interrupted by an image forming in the static scramble of the droning TV screen. For a passing moment she gave it her wavering attention where a pony seemed to be taking shape, it was a stallion if she assumed correctly and one who seemed to be pawing at the screen itself as if he were trapped behind the polymer sheet. Detail soon forced its way past the snow and look at her with urgency, some kind of mage or wizard judging by the wardrobe they had and one she was all too knowledgeable of. The old pony wore the trappings of a high mage, sporting a long white curly beard grown through the years of the stallion's life carefully tended to and cleaned often. Soon enough she realized who it was through squinting eyes, it was none other than the famous Starswirl the bearded just as the books portrayed him as. He held a hoof onto the TV display while another pointed to her left with a wordless mouth calling for her to pay heed in urgency.

“What the….?” She lost sight of the dark presence near her as she eyed the ancient mage who seemed to be very animated.

He was frantically flailing his fore hooves in all directions after his first attempts went unnoticed, not long after he realized she was studying him and not listening he became even more livid. His voice still lost to a silence he didn't know tainted his attempts, going so far as to attack the screen he was trapped behind before pointing a fixed hoof back at Sunset herself as a final means to establish a warning.

“You're trying to say something? About what….” Sunset paused and gazed back at the amalgamation.

To say her very soul had felt as if it were stricken by unadulterated madness would be an understatement. She wanted to wake up immediately and run outside her room just to escape the place of such insanity. Twilight had told her that Princess Luna was the guardian of dreams when she was finally freed of the Nightmare miasma, protecting all from the darkness that haunted all ponies. Sunset could only guess that this nightmare would have tested that statement by the lunar goddess with the realness that pervaded its very existence in what she hoped was still a dream.

The entire wall behind the TV was the dread mass creeping outward along the surface of the northern wall like a endless tentacled octopus of a horrifically magnificent size. The black slithering shapes that gave it a body like a colony of worms moved in perfect coordination to craft a strange body, it was as if it were out of a Lovehoofian novel given a chance at sowing madness. Her dorm room soon warped in a way that Discord would have been proud of as every wall and the ceiling broke away to reveal some strange dimension of colors and astrological phenomenons of every color. The lone wall the demonic darkness latched onto remained with the floor the sofa stood on, anchoring her still yet in her home though foregone it was.

In the span of a minute, Shimmer witnessed the body that had been trying to manifest coagulate into a mediocre body she had yet been able to discern. The mass the size of a garbage truck sprouted a long thick worm-like appendage of its uppermost portion that snaked outwards towards the endless space above. While on both side wing-like protrusions erupted outwards gaining even more surface as the thin dendrites were given webbing from tip to tip. Limbs which as soon as they touched the remaining floor slammed so heavily that it shook the very couch she sat upon in horror. Sunset was but an ant before a wolf as she helplessly watched the monstrosity take form, too foregone to done anything to repel it as an icy chill sank into her extremities far too unnatural to register.

A thick chest surged forwards from the spawning mass with a barrel the length of a sedan and began to show pointed scales along its anterior. Shortly followed by a crown of spikes upon a head at the tip of the first emerged apparatus, giving it the classification of a forming face yet to be fully formed enough to identified. Once a few basic features started to solidify, the structure became all to obvious to her as it jutted from the wall to take the form of reptilian nature. There she sat coiled into herself as the elongated muzzle grew outwards and formed jaws with teeth long enough to likely break bone in one chop. Horns formed at the back of the skull with scales finalizing the overall bodily structure, the lizard had become a dragon which had yet to recognize her presence as it swayed from side to side before any eyes were yet formed.

"Celestia..." Sunset awed in utter terror by the dwarfing grotesque, her arms hugging her knees close to her chest as painfully as possible.

Still emerging from the swimming muck on her wall, the wings finally took shape as they spread outwards and filled her eyes with their encompassing glory. A winged dragon whose body seethed with serpent skin that never ceased movement, had it seen her then she was sure she'd be a goner in seconds given how violent such beasts were. But the eyes were what captured her entire attention, they were not any normal organs of the senses but burning micro stars packed into minuscule forms pulsing with energies of the universe that even she cowered before.

It seemed far too real as a subdued growl was emitted from the villainous conglomeration, rattling her rib cage and its contents so life life she could have sworn she was awake. Sunset couldn't shake the feeling of intelligence in the vast voids of the searing pink orbs that were portraying the draconic eyes if only figuratively. They were hot with malice, as if staring into a plasma cutter she had seen on a history film in chemistry class, the ire they gave off was stuff of legends that even she felt utter despair under their very godly light. Giving way to purple and then pink hues as the wisps of power flowed away from the sockets outwards into the dark distorted room. A monstrous imposing sensation set upon her as the likes that only Celestia’s disappointment could barely measure up to, but she knew well enough when doom loomed over her.

"... this can't be real... this can't be real... this can't be REAL!!?!" she shouted huddling into her knees using her arms as additional cover though futile it was.

It was no regular nightmare that was certain to her, and before she could figure anything more from the dreamscape it all seemed to blink in and out of perception. The massive black reptile surged its long necked head forward with a antsy fang filled maw eager to devour her in such a short time frame. She couldn’t think, only the feel of her lungs finally breathing in and the sound of the coffee table shattering as she flipped off the couch and onto the hard wood floor as a means to escape the deathly void that sought her.

Sunset would have been reenacting someone doused in flames with the way she flipped out and finally kicked herself away from the living room after she stumbled to the stairs and into the light from the outside lamps. Her squabbling navigated her into the corner by the stairs near the window where no dark worm dared disturb her, just the fading hiss of the dragon that tried to eat her vanishing into the nothingness of her dorm room. Where she would remain under the sherbet orange of welcomed illumination as if it were a nanny to a troubled child under her care. Safety felt guaranteed though her mind was lost to the utter fear already impressed into her soul, something she was ill equipped to handle.

Even as her heart toiled itself to fatigue, the resilient side of the young woman worked at the tid bits of the moment she awoke to at the height of her fright. It came from her trying to remember those classified books on Dark Magic and ancient beings of power and evil alike, a blanket of safety she managed to crawl under to shield her mind from the barrage of an unknown assault. Something from those books had the answers to the seemingly small little theft of a mended siren gem and the one who then owned it and probably cursed her. There were strings of a puppeteer out there, there had to be with what she just went through as she collected herself into a huddled ball of desperation and sobbing. Whether or not it was some huge ploy or an overzealous entity with lust for power, it would be brought to light as soon as she recovered. Teary eyes scorned the darkness before her as she waited the morning which would not come for another few more hours, far too afraid to move and check her phone nor call for help.

Sunset quivered at the foot of the stairs as her sight kept picking up movement in the shadows, the great winged beast gone as if it hadn't even formed by her TV. Her jacket and boots were off her person but she dared not try to retrieve them, they could wait till daylight or so she hoped.

Ch. 4 Raw Honey

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Ch. 4 Raw Honey

A well needed feast at the cost of others put the Dazzlings in the most placid of moods they’d had been in a long time. The lost years to time ephemeral of being stuck in the world of walking erect hominids since their banishment had become palpable in their sated state, one sobering to at least two of the girls at least. By devouring the negativity of the park goers drawn to their tantalizing voices and the four course meals Dazzle provided shortly after, the effect upon the girls was as drastic as if they had found relief to the ever persistent homesick feeling they had.

Sonata managed to maintain a less hyperactive and random personality after essentially inhaling her portions with little mastication, content to hum to herself as her eyes wondered the streets they journeyed. Aria avoided much engagement during the consumption of the last plate and enjoyed the peace with her own thoughts as the return of their powers held a solace air around the trio. The idea of a vote still swarming around her mind like a pesky fly, one she couldn't swat with even the largest roll of newspaper as if she were trying to shut Sonata up on occasion.

"It's getting dark." the very girl noted, her hands behind her back while walking normally.

Usually the one to find the downside to things and offer her own remedy, she almost always incurred their leader's anger who had to have her way as proper as it were to do so. With the change of going from shark to shad and back again there seemed to have been something that altered in her superior, one she had hoped came from their imminent deaths as mortals.

Blaze gave a long look at the bouncing curly bouquet of orange before her, 'Perhaps she's really grown up and realized swimming during high riptide was not such a good idea?' Aria thought to herself, 'Of all the times I tried to get her to change course... losing our own pendants finally took the last spine out of the urchin?'

She wanted to know more about the so called vote and how far it would go, would they finally stop failing now that they had a literal second chance? Were they even to sink into the oceans for that deep sleep had they not gotten the help of whoever gave them the real gemstone? Maybe the stuff she had seen on the human televisions over the years were not simple mindless wastes of time?

'Geez, who would have thought those times we got our hair done at those places with the soap operas weren't a bunch of ambergris?' she huffed, the hours they spent getting new styles occasionally meant they were forced to watch the boob tube of exaggerated human interactions and plotting.

Adagio herself had since kept rather quiet after they left the restaurant from their late lunch and likely early dinner, she seemed to either be digesting her food or thinking. There was no sign of any deviation beyond merely going down street after street for a little workout, something Dazzle had said would be good for them to keep the blood going instead of lazing about like lounging Stargazers. Like any matriarch worth their bits she was still concerned over their habits, always on the move and never relaxing.

'What are you trying to get at with all this Adagio? How are we suppose to somehow trick this guy in the shadows for more power?! What if there are more than one like some kind of organization that wants to enslave us! Maybe we're dealing with the ponies again and they're trying to trick us for one last humiliating defeat?' Aria pondered being the pessimistic one, 'Haven't you felt something off with the new stone they gave us? I mean... at least I felt it?'

Her twin ponytails rocked softly behind her, swinging like a pendulum mimicking her inspection of her latest place in the ever unwinding spool that was life. The suckling of deep thought soon triggered something she hadn't realized until then. She hadn't been able to have one cognitive thought without blaming something on Sonata yet, not just that but being able to look forward several steps while Adagio left them in the dark. There was something crystal clear about the mere act of inner speech which sent a shiver down her spine, the last time she felt so free was the day at the cafe before the light show that drew Dazzle to their doom.

'Whatever is going on... this... this clearness I'm feeling? Unlike before... I'm not going to let you doom us again Adagio, if I think a plan stinks I'm going to let you know no matter how mad you get! Until we return to Equestria we're playing by my rules... even if I may have to take over for real next time.' she starred at the curly cloud of sunny warm hair that bounced a little with every step taken by the owner.

Oblivious to the machinations set by the hard to please Blaze, Adagio kept their walk going in search of a new home to claim. In addition to the bits they had left from before the new gift, their earlier audience bolstered just enough for them to establish a base of operations to which she'd orchestrate their future from. More singing, more bits, more power, and hopefully more pendants later on, that was the current plan and to bide their power just in case their predators came a looking and she didn't need to see them just yet.

She mulled over the many routes they could take to amass the dark magic they'd need to become a force to be reckoned with once more. However, as half her astute intelligence went to working those plans out she hovered over the few things which hung on like sea lice on the scales sucking away blood like the parasites they were. Things she remembered being told to her and how they came back to haunt them, how she should have listened in the first place.

'I'm tired of fast food. I need a meal.' Blaze spouted at the cafe before the storm began.

'So we're just gonna do what we always do? Stir up some trouble and then feed off the negative energy? Some plan, Adagio.' another quote from the magnificent pessimist.

'But the Rainblossoms, or whatever they're called, aren't under our spell. How exactly are we supposed to get to their magic?' the point of which she should have devised a better way of trapping the bait fish than using a third party to do it, she never did figure out how those girls escaped the trapdoor room.

Then came the one which stung her the most, the cornerstone to the brick house which collapsed upon them after it was struck by the Rainbooms at the concert. The one thing she should have heeded as the matriarch of the pack, that she should have been caring about the health and well being of her subordinates first and foremost. Instead of chasing after power and magic like some crazed starving dog pouncing on a dropped burger or a taco in Sonata's usual luck.

'Remember when I asked for your opinion? Yeah. Me neither.' Blaze's words burned themselves into her guilt, though they may not have been directed at her it was too clear of a projection mirroring herself in the siren's position.

She thought of how blinded by power grabbing that she essentially tunnel visioned herself into failure from the get go. Forgetting the necessary rule of running a pack, to have more than one set of eyes to watch for opportunities as well as avoiding trouble. In some form she could hear the echoing lesson of her mother back when she was in her very forearms no longer than a large wolf. Why did she keep forgetting to listen to what siren's are suppose to do and believe in?

Her gait slowed as she spoke through a bit of phlegm caught in her throat, “I’ve been thinking… about what you said Sonata.”

A nearby streetlamp buzzed as it flickered on a few feet ahead, white light painting the sidewalk and the well kept condition the town maintained them in.

Sonata tilted her head as she focused on Dazzle with every ounce of attention from whim alone, “You mean about the gem going away if we don’t put our John Hancock to some stranger who gave us the new pendant?”

Aria rose a questioning brow, the rather blunt jab was easy enough to understand and at the same time humbling in their situation that still needed to be dealt with.

The bushel of wild twisting waves danced to a head nodding, “Yes… I believe we should decide now and not risk our support being taken from under us. I want both of you to tell me now what we should do as a team... like the pod we are?” Adagio stopped abruptly to the surprise of her subordinates, who looked at one another uneasily.

“Wow?! I didn't actually believe you when you said that while ago. That’s a rather fresh thing of you to do.” Aria frowned still unsure of where things were going, it would be night within the hour and they still had no place to sleep again.

“You mean listen to us? And not lord over us like always?” the blue siren’s indifference in the conversation went without harassment, rather it was absorbed eloquently.

Adagio hadn't turned around to meet their questioning stares yet but somehow they knew she was alert to such things innately, “Yes... this isn't some search for another magical item or a large attendance to coerce. We could really lose our freedom or our chance at regaining our powers!? So please if you will… treat with me on this night so that we as sirens of Equestria only succeed and never fail again.” she seemed to plead and finally glanced over her right shoulder with a near emotionless face that even Blaze hadn't a word to shot it with.

Seeming to understand what was being asked of them, they could only nod with the only choice given being a yes or a no. They dared not rile her up with the earnest in her very spirit, that sight she gave them was a wordless convey of vulnerability she'd ever given them. They watched her pull out the small cloth sac and expose the little ruby within in all its glimmering glory as she faced them fully.

"I'm in." Aria agreed feeling the raw mana and dark energies seething from the stone like heat wash from a passing bus.

"Me too!" Sonata happily cheered in place.

Adagio starred at them for a few moments as if expecting something else to be said or bargained, yet when she received only awkward looks she relinquished, “We are The Dazzlings, we are Sirens of Equestria… destined to rule over the land and be adored by everyone and everypony! We are not hairless apes whose lives are but a flicker in this realm. We will live onward and attain the undying love from our fans and grow our powers that not even the strongest mage could hope to fight!” Her words honeyed with a renewed vitality she could only remember feeling before the battle against Starswirl before Canterlot having won so many hearts already in the Colosseum.

Aria felt a grin grow and become a very sinister Cheshire smile, her white teeth gleamed from the healthy amount of negative energy she had fed upon. Sonata of course had clasped her hands together and seemed on the verge of crying from the sheer volumes of elated fanaticism she had experienced from the little speech. They had hope and for once they were on the same level with each other, not one ordering the rest around to drag through mud.

“To attain our full power and bring our enemies to their knees. We will serve this entity who has given us this hope. We will pay back our dues and move onto the conquest of Equestria once we find a way back!” the matriarch's intensity only proved to fluster the two with warm feelings of immortal energies that could eventually even withstand that giant magical alicorn of the Rainbooms.

The ruby then in Adagio's palm which had been cupped by Sonata and Aria's own glowed a bloody red light that absorbed all other color within it's field. The magic within it leaked out like a trickle from a faucet, sending pleasurable heat which hugged at their arms as a warm sleeve in winter winds. It was the very life force of sirenkind which inundated them in such bliss they could only bask in its ephemeral ecstasy silent as a plant feeding off the solar energy of the sun. The soothing ether was not all mind numbing goodness as it seemed however, giving a nod to Aria's clinging doubt over it by rippling the magic it fed the girls.

Without any signal nor warning their visions combined into a gestalt sight of sights that stilled their physical forms in some kind of paralyzing grasp. Though they could still take raspy breaths, the trio appeared nothing beyond an average group of teenagers to a passing cyclist. A faint red hue colored their sclera from the magic that invaded their bodies, sending their whole reality into some begotten lifetime of ages past. Adagio could only whimper with the minuscule space to resist the hold on her, the other two were just as mesmerized by the sudden influx of information and could barely twitch on their own.

'What is this!! What's... happening to us!!' Dazzle screamed in her head where she had the only way of figuratively moving or acting freely.

Something nauseating pervaded the air the girls detected, the smell of rancid beach and rotting seaweed the likes of which overstepped the regular sulfurous smells they knew of. Rolling waves of a mad ocean filled their ears with the orchestra of nature's wrath. Even though Aria knew they were still on the street somewhere in the human town, it felt as if their souls were being torn away to another land with an almost out of body experience trying to tear the connection to their physical vessels.

Aria fought the hardest herself to break the control that held sway over them, 'I KNEW it!! By that stupid god of the water I knew IT!!'

Like dolls being toyed with by some puppeteer, the Dazzlings were eventually subdued and made the see what was being showed to them. No room to argue, no room to fight, they were sardines in a can as the another world became apparent to them. Their spirits could not blink nor look away as the source of the ear numbing ruckous was brought forth, an endless body of water frothing with rage under demented stormy skies. There was no light beyond the lightning which played overhead like spearing sea snakes darting at prey, they came and went too quickly to count their number. Hovering over the dangerous and life threatening sea, the illustrious trio were in the same spectral forms they had once used to try and doom the Rainbooms at the concert. Their original forms of sirens from illustrious fins down to the armored scales, their only set of cloven hoofed forearms and their large dorsal crests. The alteration was only shortly met with gasps and jaw dropping reactions, as soon the realm they found themselves in became an even more perplexing one by the second.

Swathes of open sea moved with godly energy with mighty swells, jagged spines of broken coastal rock seemed like the back of a dead titan poking from the depths, old forgotten wooden ships wrecked and decorated the earthly corpse, ghostly wails of sorrow whistled between the horrid islands, then a heart wrenching terror threatened to swallow the Dazzlings as they noticed they were above a deep whirlpool hungrily drinking unendingly. A strange sensation tickled along their bodies beyond the once welcomed fluid mana they sustained from, it was no longer a welcomed magic as it forced them to visualize such a dangerous place.

A slithering tendril of abyssal darkness seeped from the gem like an oily vine upon each of their arms that touched the stone, like a searching root looking for water it tapped for their bodies core. Far too taken by the visages they were seeing the vine soon disappeared underneath a sleeve or shirt, but a few more seconds and something ripped them from the dreaded daydream. Just as the oceanic plain of storm and wave vanished, three murky images were appearing above a tall bulbous rock to the east or what felt was east. A faint trio of softly singing voices carried with the gale force winds that did not affect the Dazzlings, they seemed sad and morose if even a moment's listened could detect the mood of the songful call.

Then as if they had never left their spot on the sidewalk, Adagio came to realize that they were safe all along. Aria seemed to shake her head as if to forcible remove the memories their minds had drank in, she growled in response while yanking her hand away from the ruby. Sonata to be in pain as she too groaned as if a migraine had been summoned to plague her, both hands then on her head as she tried to soothe the suffering away. While all the while, Adagio seemed mostly unaffected standing in place with a deer in the headlight's frozen gaze stuck upon her features. A hand still held out cupping the new pendant, it radiated one more time to beckon back to her and she paid it her all.

"What... what were we doing? I... I... can't remember... Sonata!!? Did you drop something on me again!!" Blaze demanded angrily as she turned to the cerulean girl equally sharing her torment.

"What?! I did not! I've been standing here... this whole time!" she shot back.

"Like salt you did! Where is it? What did you hit me with!?" again Blaze continued even as she found nothing around her feet like something should have been broken or dropped nearby, "Just like that time you bumped into the scaffolding and that paint bucket fell on me..."

Sonata grimaced, "That was on accident and you know it! You whipped your hair in my face and I sneezed." the migraine began to lift away.

As the subordinates bickered with each other distracted completely, it left Adagio all alone to take in what was rightfully hers. Her little treasure, the sole powerhouse to her dream of conquest, the relinquishing savior to her pain all in the form of a little ruby she could physically own and keep close to her heart. Her magenta eyes locked onto the crystal as it seemed to feel alive on the top of her palm, within it's faceted surface as smooth as glass swirled pink clouds which sank and floated in a vortex trapped in the eighteen sided shape. For what felt to her like hours had been merely a minute of gazing into the kaleidoscope of clouds, gone were the images of the raging sea and evil looking coastal rocks. A flicker of white kept her even more enthralled as something darted through the formless masses.

She took in shallow breaths as a barely audible moan came from her parted lips, though it was not of her awestruck state that allowed the sound. Loyally she maintained her unblinking stare until the movement in the ruby finally came forth on the center face of the nine sided half looking up at her, two white orbs returned her observations. Though they too had not blinked she discerned them as eyes that were indeed sizing her up, they phased away like darting minnows frightened in a pond. In their wake were black runes of unknown origins, they began zooming from tiny specks in the core of the stone and smacking into the facets like bugs on a windshield. More kept coming until Adagio saw only the void of obsidian, no trace of the blood red color that had once been the ruby. Her eyes had long since stung to blink with tears flowing from her eyes, leaving her reddening ocular windows before they could coat where they were needed the most. A quick flash of pain greeted the cleansing eye lids as they swept over a dry surface, it caused Dazzle to rub at them and with that the sounds of the human world came to.

"Uuuugggghh...." she peered through a glazed right eye as she heard the sound of hair ruffling and yelps not even three feet ahead.

"Stop!!" Sonata pleaded.

Aria had ruffled her bangs until they were sticking each and every way, "Nah I think this suits you better."

Adagio groaned in irritation, "Would you two stop that, you're going to embarrass me!"

Equestria: Canterlot Castle…

“…and that’s what happened before I arrived before you Princess. I’m quite sure the reconfigured gem and spell shouldn’t be of any harm to anypony. However, just to be sure I wanted to inform you of its missing status and possible theft. I'd like to return to Sunset with any new information as soon as possible?” Twilight stood confident in her judgement of the circumstances and relative understanding to her tinkering of the artifact.

Having arrived back in her castle, she had left with little notice to her friends and Spike besides a small note tapped to the portal's framework. Using her magical might she teleported herself to Canterlot and galloped to the Royal premises in due haste, where the first guard she met she inquired to met Celestia. To her surprise the very alabaster alicorn had taken a break from the Day Court to enjoy the garden square just after brunch. With lush silk cushions from other lands of sea blues and rose pink positioned so she could entreat with guests in her moments of rest, Twilight approached with trepidation at first with the news she brought. Afraid it would ruin the tranquility the Royal Gardens of the famous Biologis Mage Dew Fern, she coaxed the dreaded moment slowly with Celestia's usual method of greeting her.

The great and benevolent princess turned to see the approaching set of hooves, "Ah! Twilight? To what do I owe this marvelous occasion? I had expected a Friendship Letter, but I will happily take an audience with you. Please take a seat, I was just enjoying the songs of the Baltimare Orioles... seems they've taken a short stop during my rest before they leave to their nesting grounds in the south."

That was how the initial meeting started, as Twilight mulled over the details hoping every hoof she took in bringing to light the infamous ancient sirens and the unknown facts she brought. How such a pleasant day had probably sullied Celestia's rest, it left a sickening pull in Twilight's heart to have done so to her former mentor. Yet if there was a danger to Equestria she knew the Princess should take the news well, but if she herself handled it properly was what she feared to hear next.

The solar diarch seemed to give no hint as to her reaction of the confrontation beyond the mirror portal, her thought processes ambiguous as ever. With a blank look she stare into her half filled cup barely steaming, she had poured her tea halfway into Twilight's account of the human world and the so called Battle of the Bands. Her mane waved in the ethereal mana winds in their soft rainbow of colors, giant wings twitched a little as she readjusted her seated posture on her haunches.

Twilight wiggled on her cushion nervous as a sheep being prowled by a timberwolf, "Um... princess?"

Celestia popped out of her reverie as if she had been lost in a memory from her thousands of years of existence, "Oh? My apologies Twilight, it has been a long day for me." she waved off the concern of her little pony, "Sirens from yor you said? Well I'm happy to see that Sunset and you have found such a kinship with each other to stop those uncouth individuals. You mentioned one of their pendants? You reversed engineered the magic that encased the gemstone?"

Sparkle took note of the way Celestia took to her explanation and figured the morning had to have been particularly full of 'Blue Blood' nobles chipping away at her patience. Ever since the Changeling Invasion was thwarted, the entitled ponies of Canterlot had seemed to risen in their demands and inquiries to garner more power and wealth. They usually bypassed the normal method by seeing the Throne Room in lieu of the bureaucracy of the Treasury and Policy Office, or at least that was what Rarity had overheard in her trips to her shop in Canterlot.

"Yes in a sense, my main concern about the stone was the remaining magic and if any normal humans might be able to activate it to possibly caste a spell or anything close to such an action. Considering it was stolen in the manner we believe it to be I'm quite assured the thief was no ordinary person and the sirens are powerless as they are. So I am left with the assumption that there are others potentially lurking in Sunset's realm who might be trying to gain power or even commit a horrible act." she admitted once more though in more detail.

Celestia gave a sullen frown if only for a passing glance, "Then I know where you are going with this, am I to assume as such Twilight Sparkle?"

A little anxiousness befell the lavender alicorn, "I... didn't want to bring it up so quickly, but yes I will need more data on gem crafting and spellwork of confidential nature. The matrix on the gem as I told you about appeared very ancient and not something I've ever seen in any of my books! The siren's stone possessed such unique runes and interlocking spells that I had to crudely carve a few out and etch new ones with a spinning device Sunset had. She called it a dremel."

"Interesting, so you're worried about somepony using the gemstone even after you changed it appropriately into a harmless magical capacitor? Yet how does this thief and the unknown magic play into gaining access into the forbidden library?" she asked innocently enough still leaving her beverage to lose its heat.

Twilight sat up and gave a resolute stance in her assurance to her worries, "I would not ask of you to allow permission to such a sequestered vault Princess, but I have a few runes which date back to the same kind of magic that Tirek used in his first attempt on Equestria and the diagrams his brother provided when he turned on him. There were other portions of the matrix that completed a single spell yet were so complex that if activated could carry out multiple castings from a single dose of mana. Without my books and references I could only deduce that the majority of what I saw were conversions for negative energy into dark magic. I may have crippled the matrix that gave the stone its originally intended purpose, but somepony else knows of it and might try to analyze it for themselves. I'm going to assume they have some background in magic and some source to tap into, but they are likely very harmless otherwise."

The princess nodded in affirmation to what she was hearing and following every word, "Though if they were to discover the runes I didn't alter... I cannot risk them putting Sunset's world in harms way. I need to find a source of those runes and figure out a way to repair the damage they could do or counter it. With as much trouble as I had with countering siren songs regrettably, I must be equipped to handle another incident. I couldn't look myself in a mirror again if I failed to do my part." she bemoaned that moment where all her work amounted to nothing, only to be salvaged by Sunset Shimmer when she joined in.

“I'm glad you've become so very astute in both details and the sensitive nature of the magic the siren's possessed. Indeed while the world in which Sunset resides has appeared to be one devoid of natural magic, the arts can still be performed without issues as you've encountered. It seems to be that it is in a good way, infectious to your new friends over there? This represents a security problem for their world if humans are indeed receptive to mana and somehow retain it... though unlike any pony here. How strange the biology of this species is, to not have natural wells within them but somehow harness enough to create one?” She smiled softly towards her protégé.

Twilight nodded, "Yes your highness, my thoughts exactly which means the sirens could indeed gain magic once more. With their pendants destroyed that means they only have or should only have the type the girls exhibited when we reformed Sunset and stopped them. Without a conduit suited to affecting negative emotions and in a way, eating them, it means that any human that was a former Equiling or not is capable as much as the next. Hence the issue with the stone in another's hooves! It's harmless mana, but if tapped into they'll have that power at their beck and call. The only issue would be if they knew specific magicks or arts in general, are they from our world or just an ambitious human? If they are from here than who are they? What are they? And are they evil?"

Celestia gazed up to the clear afternoon sky as more black and orange birds flew in from the northern breeze, two patrols of Pegasus Guards were on their standard routes farther off. A strange sense about her echoed off for Twilight to detect, a second time the sun goddess seemed to be either troubled or in deep thought. While it did trigger red flags for her to perhaps derail the entire conversation for another time, Sunset's new home held its own against her better wishes. Her questions were legitimate enough to warrant access into the infamous storage that was cordoned off for a very good reason. The kind of reason which she had come to believe would drive any pony crazy with vile knowledge and magics, an infectious kind of magic that only alicorns could weather in absolute. It was an old tale told to fillies and colts in the School for Gifted Unicorns that were too driven, a proper fear for the knowledge hungry who knew no borders.

"Evil? Let us hope that this does not come to be." Celestia softly spoke, her motherly aura shown under her light in the heavens.

“So you’ll let me into the closed archives?” Sparkle asked in anticipation, knowing full well she'd have to either pass some kind of test of endurance and stamina or likely be watched if she were to go in the sealed area.

“Under the condition that Luna be there with you to ensure you only look through the proper texts pertaining to your research. I know how much you endear wisdom my little pony, but something’s are best left to the dust of time. You’ll be permitted to the Black Tape section when Luna awakens to raise the moon, I do hope you’ll find that accommodating? I unfortunately cannot be there with you myself with a kingdom in need of me.” Celestia bestowed the authority if still hesitant to permit, but she lowered her head towards the younger alicorn and gave a friendly nuzzle below the horn.

The sensation tickled like a feather Pinkie Pie might use to lessen any tension that usually troubled the group of six. Twilight understood her second mother's worry however, the ever insidious King Sombra was one to hang in the Hallway of History for scholars. An untrained mind could be an easy target, to fall prey to the insatiable hunger that forbidden magicks could worm past the ego and mental barrier. She would not fail Celestia or Luna and become a host to the parasite which became the downfall of ages past mages. Being the Princess of Friendship she was sure enough in herself that the bonds she made throughout life would be the barrier against such corruption. Just as Discord had failed to do so in his evil days, love of harmony and peace would win overall.

"Don't worry Princess! Sunset and every human beyond the mirror are counting on me. I can't let anypony down and I will never..." she seized up when a pair of godly white wings as large as a condor encased her in an embrace.

She could feel the warm minty breath of the solar diarch flow through her mane like a caressing breeze. The mana possessed by the elder even emanated its own warmth that could sustain a pony even in the most horrid of blizzards, but in its current state it was as cozy as a comforter she once had in the Golden Oaks Library. To say it was a strange occurrence would be an understatement to Twilight, the sudden sign of affection was something she wasn't prepared for. Her mind dissected the situation and still had no idea as to the off behavior Celestia was showing on this day, it only made the soon to be made trip to the vault even more riddled with trepidation.

"Princess? Celestia? Are you okay?" she asked with a quiver in her throat.

The wings retracted and there the tall alicorn sat upright once more, a smile decorated her muzzle as if nothing was even wrong with the short interaction. She was a blank slate that befuddled Twilight's hungry mind and worry, but she figured if for once the pristine ruler was indeed overworked then a short talk with Luna might help her.

Nodding, "I am quite fine Twilight, now then if you're hungry perhaps you should stop by the Castle Dining Room before Luna and you visit the Archive? You did rush here after going through the mirror." she offered.

A little gurgle escaped her abdomen signaling a guilty appetite, "Uhhhh... perhaps I might do that and send a letter to Spike just to make sure I didn't worry anypony back home." she sheepishly grinned as she readied to depart the garden.

"Make sure you eat well young Sparkle, I believe we are due for a storm soon. One I think even the Royal Weather Team will have to let slid just this once." she said as she watched the young one trot away, "We cannot afford to grow ill now of all times."

Human World- Pinkie Pie's Room

The morning song birds had yet to even sing let alone prepare for the day as night still reigned, in a couple of hours the sun would rise and a new day would begin. An early bird catches the worm as most would say for a day of fishing, but in this case it was Canterlot High's party aficionado whose body became as anxious as a trapped feral cat.

Pinkie Pie who slept in her room in a lovely farm house on the outskirts of a pebble mine whose machines and workers were still dormant, had been overcome with urgency to awaken. A foot twitch, itchy ear, tickling nostrils, and a chilly left arm had chosen to be her alarm clock at five in the morning. As if being shaken in her own bed by one of her three other siblings she roused up and studied herself for barely a blink of the eye before something dawned on her.

"Huh? Someone's in need of little ole Pinkie's help!? But who would even be up this early, its not even that close to testing time or the big games against the Brawler Dogs? Hmmm...." she hummed and reached into her hair as if it were a shrub with a rabbit that ran into it for cover.

She searched and probed until something she felt clicked with the nerves in her fingers, a large grin flashed upon her mouth and she extracted a smart phone. A few taps and swipes led the party girl to check the social apps her youthful age group used frequently, there she searched the chat list and found only one person still online while all others were not.

"Sunset Shimmer? What's she doing up this late... or early? Laerly? Earte?" she questioned herself and rubbed her chin.

Another wave of twitches and tickles sent her off the bed and into a mad run to prepare for a friendly visit to the not real human but human nonetheless compatriot. In a blur of carnation pink, the brushed her teeth, touched up her bouncy curly locks, dawned the days attire, and grabbed a little food before she was out the door of the old farmhouse. In an amazing practiced routine she avoided waking everyone else even with the floor planks creaky and ornery to a single foot step. Once every light was out she dashed out the door with a bag of goodies she knew would help a friend and sprinted with ease that would drop Rainbow's jaw.

The horizon over the lonely quiet streets lit by the tall light posts seemed primed and ready to rise, soon to send streaking spears of orange through the deep ocean blue and twinkling stars. Yet Pinkie was not on a joy run for her own amusement and kept her eyes focused on the pathway ahead, turning left than right, two more rights after a few blocks, and then down the street where Canterlot hosted a small dormatory. Quite a few students were from neighboring cities and towns sent over to enjoy the highly rated school system of Equestria, the town of equine ranches and apple orchards. She befriended every new face who came to the school and never left anyone without a welcome party, though as she neared the stretch of hallway to her destination a party was not in her array of options.

Another rasp of twitches and tingles assured her that she was needed by the reformed Queen Bee of the school and so she knocked at first. A little tune she knew that detracted from the usual quirky ones other kids used, when no answer came she hit another. Still nothing of the sound to a deadbolt unlocking and latches coming undone, so she decided to continue with her favorite song from the one and only Sincere Allegro. It was one of his songs that helped her with Cranky Doodles love problem a couple years ago, something from his day and age that she found endearing.

With head swaying and hips moving to the beat she knocked, the required metal cling and clank ceased her music when the door began to open from the other side. In anticipation, Pinkie moved away from the door and readied to present the little brown bag of morning glory she put together accompanied by the biggest warmest smile she could put on. When the maroon door in the vanilla wall before a gray concrete hallway slowly opened, there were no lights to see with. It was absolutely dark and hard to see in with the weak yellow light over the party girl having already adjusted her vision against it.

"Sunset? Are you there? I thought I'd pay you a little weentsy visit, and I brought breakfast!!" she nonetheless tried to act as if the girl was there before her.

A footstep signaled to her ears that someone was indeed home, but she was woefully unprepared for the suddenness of which Sunset had rushed out of her home. She grappled onto Pinkie with a strong tremor wracking her body, a shaky breathe and chattering teeth had given Pinkie's famous Pinkie Sense the cause to act.

"Sunset!" the girl cried in shock, "Did you watch the latest horror film from overseas? Did Rainbow Dash put you up to a dare?"

The innocence of which she greeted the frankly distraught teenager embracing her feel when the signs were clear, it was no laughing matter. Shimmer breathed in a way that began to not only worry her, but she could swear she even heard a little crying of sorts. The two soon fell gently to the ground with a bewildered party girl returning the hug, a hand patted the emotional Sunset's back until a few minutes of soothing reassurance calmed the fiery haired lass down. Pinkie had no idea what had happened to frighten her friend so badly and she knew it was utter fear, something even the Dazzlings failed to invoke upon them. She hadn't noticed the door close softly until the door knob clicked, it sent Sunset into a state of alert to which she rose back to her feet in dread of the very entryway.

Pinkie was utterly lost as to what was happening, "Shimmy? What's going on? I've never seen you this spooked for like... ever!"

Shimmer kept a good distance from her own home and stuttered out a reply, "Something.... some... inside and it won't leave me alone!" her eyes were contracted in horror as a breeze swept through and coincidently shook the loose frame, the door popped.

"You have a guest? Or you have a ghost?" Pinkie asked, "Whelp! Guess this was the call I've been summoned for? Time for Pinkie's serious face!" she declared and somehow extracted a strange vacuum and helmet from nowhere.

"PINKIE!! You can't go in there! You have to stay in the light!" Shimmer pleaded but to deaf ears the words fell onto, the very teen marched inside and called out nonchalantly to whatever else was inside.

"Yoooohooooo!! Anyone there? You're not being nice to my friend who lives here!? Could you please leave her alone? I can whip up the most sweetest delicious cupcakes you'll ever taste before you pass on from this world?!!"

Sunset rushed in just as the door tried to close itself, she reached in banging her arm in between the frame and door itself. Fingers reached the light switch which thankfully worked for once the whole night, the three bulbs of her kitchenette and living room flashed on and purity sanctified the dwelling.

The amber skinned girl breathed relief through her lips as the one thing that kept the forms away did not fail her again, Pinkie stood in the center of her dorm room unharmed. Though her eyes were glued to the spot before the stairs leading up to the bedroom where three flashlights lay scattered about and batteries strewn like spent shell casings. Other than the mess there, nothing seemed amiss that would lead the impromptu ghost buster into action.

"Well, nothing out of the ordinary except for that graveyard of torches over there?" Pinkie shrugged and disarmed herself from combat with the ephemeral entities that haunted dead homes, "You can tell ole Pinks what's happened! I promise I can help no matter what."

Like a weary cat scouting a home whose owner left the door open, Sunset peered at every corner, the bottoms of furniture, the television, and all shadows caste by the lights. The once strong will young woman whom she had seen aid them in their time of need against mind ensnaring sirens songs was but a crippled version of her usual self. Timid and cautious as if something would pop out at her, it was nothing short out of the possession films Dash usually dared the group to watch for fun.

A light bulb popped in her chaotic mind and she knew just how to save her friend from the unknown ailment, the baggie she brought. With a quick search she extracted a perfectly baked and sugary glazed pastry, the Bear's Claw that packed a cinnamon apple punch that would knock anyone kid or adult out of their shoes. As a superhero would dive towards a downed teammate and give the rejuvenating sustenance which replenished their allies back into battle, Pinkie seemed to materialize before the scared lass and carefully pop the item into her mouth. It was an easy and harmless move as she happened to surprise the girl in doing so, but the reaction was all too worth it. The flavors complimented by the sweetness triggered the right response she needed and soon Sunset gave a short moan of joy as the pastry began to melt on her tongue.

"There... easy peasy! Now you can relax as Pinkie Pie has come to save the day!!" she announced with a bounce in place ,"Or the morning I guess, early early morning save the day?"

Once the treat had been devoured, the two girls took to the tiny dining table where coffee had been served. Compliments from Sugarcube Corner, one of Pinkie's latest creations that woke anyone up but did not give them the jitters as some espressos often did. Of course unlike Sunset's sugar and cream, another mug for the party girl had been topped with all sorts of goodies that turned the beverage into a dessert of all things. Colorful sprinkles, whipped cream hill, candies, and chocolate milk for a smooth finish further eased the breakfast they shared and broke into an easier conversation from what had transpired.

Halfway through their coffee did the Equestrian finally speak up, “Last night… I woke up from a nightmare and into another one. It kinda... followed me into the real world I think? Sounds... crazy right?”

Pinkie had a coating of cream circling her mouth like some old man's mustache as she looked up from her drink, “A dream within a dream within a dream? Huh? I think I've had one of those where I was baking the world's largest lemon meringue pie dish and ended up making a mess at the bakery at two in the morning. Never having mochi before bed ever since that happened, the Cakes kinda locked the kitchen up since then?” Pinkie grinned out of embarrassment before diving back into the still impressive swirl of dairy and toppings.

“But the thing is?! It felt like someone was actually projecting themselves into my head! I can’t explain it…” Sunset drooped in her composure, “It was a warning if anything... and every time I closed my eyes. I... I went... back into the nightmare all over again. Things squirming around on the floor, near my feet, out of the corners of my eye... they even made noise! On top of all that that stupid monster kept trying to eat me... it... I never thought I'd come to know what ponies often feared back home from beasts and such. I thought... my heart would explode."

Pinkie simply scoffed yet took the information sternly, “Dreams are just memories trying to come together to be put into the brain for a long time right? If you were so worried about that silly colorful marble, trying to figure out why it was stolen probably lead to this dream you had? Right?” she asked strangely enough.

“I… well yes I did focus a little too much on finding a reason for someone to steal that gem. But you had to have seen what I did, there was this giant dragon with eyes… eyes of…” Sunset dwindled off as she recalled the very vast voids that starred her down with curiosity as well as unconstrained rage, "It felt so real!?"

“We all have crazy dreams, they’re dreams for a reason no matter how good or bad. What matters is waking up in the morning and stuffing down a dozen or so lemon poppy muffins!” Pinkie laughed before putting a hand on her friend’s shoulder to reassure, “If we let our dreams smother us like icing on a german chocolate cake, then what truly matters in the waking world would be left to sadness. And I! Pinkie Diane Pie cannot stand idle as that happens to one of my good schoolmates.”

Sunset sighed as she felt silly for having let her fears get a hold of her like she did, “Perhaps your right Pinkie… those sirens really left me a mark huh?”

"Nah, you're too strong to let them get under your skin! But whatever horrible eldtrich abomination plans to do with the gemstone I'm sure it's got nothing but a spark instead of a roaring flame. Besides, ghosts aren't real at all!" Pinkie smiled wide and joyously before downing what was left of the mug.

"I..." the door swung open to the room letting in a strong wind, the displaced air blew both their long hair up into a dizzy.

There was no one on the other side and Sunset was sure she closed the door behind them, hearing the knob click too.

Ch. 5 Canary in the Mines

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Ch. 5 Canary in the Mines

Following the formation of the pact through the foreign pendant, the girls sought out a new place to call home. With more than enough bits left they could afford a decent hotel that would meet their needs, one up to Adagio's standards at least. Fortunately enough for them they had coincidentally ended up at a tourist visitors center, one of many they had seen since the last decade they had traveled in search of fresh feeding grounds. Resembling a bus stop more than anything, it hosted a very rustic exterior and woody paneling much like the ranches around the town. As dark as it were the lights were on and three large lamps shone up to the large text sign above them. Images of apples and horseshoes bordered Visitor Center in a funny cartoonish style catering towards a softness that would welcome any and all who needed information of where to go and what to do. Inside was a rather well maintained and polished interior more modern and up to date in aesthetics which Adagio hummed to. Gray and black tiled flooring led toward the front desk manned by an elderly lady who welcomed them in happily with a wave as she squinted past thick spectacles. How odd the air tinged with the scent of apples that even Aria seemed to nod lightly in approval, not just some chemical floral bleach as usual.

The usual old lady voice vibrated in Dazzle's ears that summoned pain normally only brought by scratching scrap metal with another shard of metal, "Welcome everyone, are you passing through or staying for a bit to see the wonderful history that is the town of Equestria! The center of the finest horses and farms in the nation, as well as the best apple orchards and widest selection of ciders around. If you could sign in the guest book it will help keep this place running?" she tapped the large manuscript sized book before her sporting a dainty smile, her uniform seemed rather well kept and starched for someone so on in their years.

Aria huffed not wanting to bother with any pleasantries, turning instead to look at the nearby shelves of sites and attractions to their left. Sonata however waved and rushed over to sign the girls in believing it was an autograph they were asked of, that their signatures alone were valuable enough to keep a place running.

She sucked in a breath in joyous exhilaration, "NO WAY! You want our signatures! We haven't signed stuff in ages!" she skidded to a halt before the desk itself and began to write in their names, "So cool! Been like thirty years since we've done a large show too!"

The elderly lady seemed confused as to what the young girl seemed to reference, "Uhh... sweetie? That's not what..."

Sonata seemed consumed in the act that she ignored everyone else, "Who knew we were still remembered after that Kickapolooza! I was sure no one had the fight left in them after we sang!" she stuck her tongue out being very careful with Adagio's name.

"Kicka... polooza? The 1970... amnesia concert?! But... no one knows what... happened there." the elderly employee seemed aghast as her own past life seemed to come back to her.

Dazzle noticed after taking in the scene from Aria's browsing to Sonata's loose lips, taking into account that no one would believe the desk help even if she tried her hardest. That was a difficulty she did not want even if it were a small shrimp, thus she called out just as the cerulean girl made a rough half attempt at her fellow's name on purpose.

"Don't think too much into what she blabbers on about. She's got a rather imaginative mind and all that... watched too much TV as a kid. We'll be out of your hair in a moment." she waved off a hand to dismiss the lady's bewilderment, "Sonata!!
Here! Now!!"

A little yelp like a scolded dog and the desk soon found itself a one person booth, further loosing the rusty mind to its own comprehension. Dusk slid on the well waxed and shiny floor till she ended up saluting to her superior, nervous and anxious that she might have angered Adagio. A snap of the fingers thankfully did not lead to the fear she thought would be real, instead it was a wordless command to follow.

"Come, while Aria looks through the places to eat we shall inspect the selection of housing for us. Don't... leave my side!" her brilliant raspberry irises trained on her packmate as a sure in threat, but it was short lived once a gentle pat on the head towed in just enough to ease the other siren.

Yet another strange change in Dazzle's behavior that Blaze etched into an ongoing list of her history with the young matriarch, a list she'd been keeping after the first two centuries with her in Equestria. Though she sighed in a rather ease of relief considering how the past Adagio usually handled them when they were somewhat flamboyant in their antics she'd begrudgingly admit. Like her, she didn't care for additional hassel of attention that Sonata and her usually garnered when they got at each others throats, but it was an unavoidable bond they had. In her peripherals she noticed the two head to the other side of the large room, for a time she'd get some peace to go through the rectangular pieces of paper.

"Finally..." she grumbled.

Before the two sirens stood a two sided shelf of colorful brochures and advertisements, one of the few perk in the human realm she was quite happy to have at their disposal. Dazzle may have grown up in Equestria, scowered the globe for power and huge audiences, but there were seldom few places that catered or could fit a large siren as themselves. For what it was worth, in their hairless ape forms the word comfort was gauged on luxury so long as you had the bits which they were seldom short of usually. Beautiful rooms, lush carpet, creature comforts, electricity, free food, and easy access to places for draining negative emotions, but most of all the perfect beds.

Canterlot back then had moved into their Roman era as it were for the humans back before their banishment, needless to say their concept of a rest was lumpy and uneven. Alexandraya was a slight improvement, Mareiana the Golden Port City near the Salt Sea had to be one of her favorites when they discovered what silk was like against their scales, but most of all places such as Cinia and Neighpone who knew how to rejuvenate and recuperate. While a far cry where they were presently Adagio never let go of those new rules she adopted for their housing state, they deserved the best and no less.

Her hands began sifting through the recommended condos, hotels, motels, and even homes for rent. Oddly enough this gave Adagio a good insight to the workings of the town she really knew so little of, how open it was to tourists coming in for supposedly famed festivals dedicated to their exports and culture. Apparently, there was a large convention center that hosted rodeos, produce festivals, wine expos, and more which attracted swathes of out of state tourists and businesses. She found it through the Maximare Grand Hotel to the north whose own brochure seemed gaudy, yet they gave pricing discounts for select clients with five star accommodations the likes she hunted for. As she reached for an extra to give her insistent usurper of a pod member, another hotel caught her eye like a glimmering ruby in the darkest of nights the moon bounced from.

After what felt to be some twenty minutes of searching the old voice kicked up again,"Thank you so very much for assisting the Equestria Tourist Center, we thank you for your visit. Feel free to help yourself to the coffee and tea over there." the receptionist pointed out to the left side of the building from the entrance, a strange cartridge assortment of beverages for brewing as well as sweating pitchers of water with cups and other things.

'At least her brain fizzled out and forgot what Sonata dribbled out her mouth.' Blaze shook her head.

"Ummm... can I get something to drink?" Dusk grinned nearly cheek to cheek rocking on her heels like some human child feet away from a candy store.

The curly orange haired singer folded the promotional piece of glossy paper feeling victorious that they'd found something worth locating, "Go, and use the restroom before we leave. We have a bit of a walk to our new den and I don't want to be on some wild goose chase to find a toilet for you. It's late."

"YES!!" she squealed and headed off, parched from their walk earlier.

As their ditzy little comrade sped by Aria stashed all the adverts she found likable into her pockets, "We just ate and she still could consume more right after. She's got a bottomless pit of a stomach as there is where her brain should be." Aria chuckled.

Dazzle walked up to her side and handed her a copy of the hotel, its glittery golden silver borders spoke for her as the gentle fushia hued hand grabbed it. A good ten miles from their hated foes back at the school was the Shetland Isles Inn, a four star rated suites complete with two beds, bathroom, a living room, and a fresh continental breakfast even though there was a kitchenette included. The price was honestly on par with what was being offered, rather than charging a ludicrous amount like so many others did. Plus, they could probably seduce with their voices and get a cheaper price from the front desk, something Aria endorsed at a drop of a hat. Even the location couldn't have been anymore of a bonus, music venues were nearby as well as parks with small stages for practice.

"Well well well... looks as if we now have a home. We got what we came for so lets get over there before they overbook. Aria, you ready?" Adagio asked gazing down at the bulging pants pockets next to her.

"What? Figured I'd find places for us to eat around this town?" she answered a little irritably.

A satisfying nod from the unexpected forethought, Adagio looked about them prepared to make haste for the Inn, "Where is Sonata? Did she go outside and get lost again!?" she whipped her head so fast around that her curls of orange and cream yellow jiggled about.

With a heavy sigh, "Calm down, she's bingeing on coffee I think, over there." Blaze pointed to a row of seats off away from the beverage dispensers.

Remarkably, there was Dusk mixing and stirring all the flavored creamers into a large cup of steaming black gold on one of the five red cushioned seats. She had everything on the coffee table in her delight to get some sweet delicious in her gullet. Seeing as it was free to the public, Adagio didn't have to reprimand the girl for stuffing as much as she could into that large cup with a tremendous amount of sugary fluids. Once she walked up on the soon to be caffeinated siren, the tap of boot heels had Sonata lightly jump and look to the brains of the group.

"What?! It's dessert! I forgot to get something before we left to get here." she pouted after capping the cup with a soft pop.

"Make sure you use the restroom as I told you to do, that amount will be going right through you. I should know, remember Baltimare? Anyways, I found our new sleeping arrangements so lets get going. Oh and Sonata?" Adagio asked as she paused to get Aria.

"Ya? Did you want a taste of my coffee supreme?!" the monster concoction was soon shoved into her direction.

"Drink a lot of water once we get to the room, I don't care if you have to drink from the shower head. But that won't let you sleep and nothing keeps me from getting my nights rest. Got that!" Adagio ordered with the straightest and most stern face she could.

"Uhh.... okay?" the blue girl shrunk a little before sitting up leaving the empty creamer cups on the furnishing.

"Girls! We're leaving, it's getting late." Dazzle announced as they had a long walk ahead of themselves and they were not about to pay for a taxi.

The route was thankfully through the much safer part of the town where police patrol was frequent and bars were rare. The sun had gone down far enough to be considered twiligh, and the streetlights were humming loud for each one they passed. They had the pleasure of being mostly left alone save for the few joggers and cyclists who gave life to the otherwise little used path they took. This gave Adagio time to study the town for when they would hopefully get two more gems and thus restoring their powers back to the potency of a sea snake.

Already there were key locations to start their restoration with the lone gem they were given. It earned a toothy grin as Adagio plotted out the small fry they'd hit first and gradually work up, she had to be careful to not attract Sunset and her drones. Aria kept her eyes peeled for the type of bystanders they might consider threats, but soon enough she grew bored and safe with the lack of any such sightings. Inevitably she rifled through some of the promotions she gathered with the ones that promoted top tier seafood and the egg heavy cafe's for day meals all of which would be in their price range. Remarkably, Sonata had chosen to slowly sip away at the repugnant designer drink she fashioned herself, wanting to be self entertaining on the otherwise boring trek. A few times however, she thought she saw something skitter about in the alleyways as if running away from her sight. They may of been cats or possibly a stalker, but she didn't think much of the suspicious activity when a cop patrol passed every five minutes on the thoroughfare.

The quiet soon broke once they arrived at the destination unmolested by drunkards, the trio gandered at the clean and almost newly developed structure whose height required them to look up to see the end of the roof.

"So, what do you think? It's on the town's most recommended list of hotels, best services available with breakfast, near shops and eateries, and smack dab in the center of the most opportunistic area for musicians to perform at. And all within our budget!" Adagio proudly put her hands on her hips and struck a pose of pride.

"Not a roach motel or the empty shell of a construction zone I'll give you points for that. You said there was breakfast right?" Blaze grinned at the idea of a good shot of an espresso or other at a moments notice.

"Ohhh!! I call dibs on first bed!" Sonata nearly screamed tearing her supple lips from the lidded travel cup.

In quick response she earned an over the shoulder glare which was not any normal stare from Dazzle she knew from heart. It was an eye giving her the domination stance of territory only a matriarch could give, even her visible left eye shone with a passing glow of red from the stone. Immediately she hid behind the one other she could and appeared as submissive as possible much to Aria's chagrin of being used as a shield.

"Rule one, I get one bed to myself. If you two want me to keep us from harm with this new deal we're in, I'll need my sleep." the orange haired girl stipulated in an icy tone.

"Dude really? What happened to caring about us and all that?" Aria grumbled.

"You know how much she kicks at night, and with that coffee she's downed. I'm not sharing a bed and that's final. But..." she gave way the intimidating aura upon realizing how high she stepped up her game, "... I guess I can relent every other day alright? Sonata can sleep with me so you can get some shut eye, and that's as much as I'll offer. Happy?!"

With a shrug, "I'll take that, I mean if you think getting sleep will help you, think of how I'll be like if she keeps ME up a few nights in a row? Oh I think that will cement the deal quite fine."

"Fine!! Lets go and get our room now! The sooner she drinks a few gallons of water the less of a chance she'll give the both of us a headache tomorrow." the golden siren flipped her mane of beautiful locks eager to get a bath in and soft sheets around her, she left the two to catch up.

Sonata seemed to hold back however and observed the black lid of the disposable cup, her dower expression did not go unnoticed when Aria only heard her footsteps before the carpeted entrance. She paused and looked behind her wishing to get the night over with feeling exhausted already for some reason.

"Yo! Let's go." she told Dusk but who did not move.

She gave a few moments before asking again, "Hey! Don't you want to get some sleep too? I'm sure all that coffee isn't making her head any lighter."

Sonata seemed to wince at the prod and kept her eyes to her drink, "How... how come?"

The question barely uttered was still understood and Blaze just cocked a brow, "How come what? About the coffee? Well its got stuff in there that keeps you awake, drink too much and you won't feel like sleeping for a few hours. Mind you the time now... likely won't be till six in the morning if you're lucky."

The answer was not accepted, "No... I mean, how come I'm... you guys seem to..." she fiddled with her cup.

Aria walked up to her and crossed her arms, "Look can this wait? Last thing I need is to have Dagio turn back the agreement."

It appeared to be a waning moment for the ditzy siren who lost her mirth and curiosity, where she looked up to her fellow with a saddened look. One which sent Aria's usual mindset back a few steps, rarely if ever did Sonata allow something to get to her. It made her feel unease and regretted even saying a thing before they had secured their new home.

Eyes glossy with abundance of water which seemed to want to pour out the edges but hung on for dear life, "Am I really so much trouble? You guys like... treat me like a... a..."

Blaze looked away, "A joke?"

"Yes!" Dusk fired away nearly squishing and crumbling the manilla colored cup in her grasp, "It's not like I mean to be annoying! So what I like my favorite food and want to taste things which are delicious? I can't help it! You're always..."

Before she carried on in a manner which really made the other siren wish the Rainbooms showed up if she called out to them, Dazzle had shouted from the Inn. Her head poked out the double sliding doors with a scowl on her face, Sonata hidden by Aria from her view.

"Hurry it up! Get in here already!" she went back inside nearly stomping away, her desire to retire for sleep growing with every minute like a bull shark eager to feast from chum casting.

The sliding glass panel doors closed with a swish once more as Aria decided to take the situation by the handle. There was nothing worse for her than to be stressed out before sleep, even if there was a hot shower to come before it. Her and stress were just bitter enemies as supposedly merponies and sirens were to be.

"Look, we're all tired, we just got our powers back... even if it's just one stone. And we're working through our last meal, sorry if we're a little on edge alright?! Adagio's not making this any easier and to be honest? You do need your own bed... at least while we're human."

Dusk sniffled and used a free arm to clean her childish eyes of the tears which never fell, "So... you don't mean to be mean to me? I'm not bad?"

Rolling her eyes, "Ya! Really don't okay? Remember how insufferable you were when we had to walk from that one colonial city to the Brits held port like forever ago? You hated walking for days without a break and nearly threw a tree branch at me when I snapped at you. For Adagio and me, getting the gem back was more than enough to call it a day and not looking forward to you being hyper again. So yes, you're not really bad in fact... nevermind."

"Oh... ya, I remember that. Hehe... sorry." Sonata sheepishly grinned, she remembered not having eaten on that whole trip and they were unable to sing to anyone for a good feeding for three months straight due to circumstances.

Blaze looked back in her thoughts to what Adagio said and for what it was worth they all deserved a fresh start. In truth they shouldn't even have a chance at regaining their voices or powers for any reason at all, they lost their birth given stones and no siren survived without it. In this banished realm they defied the odds and they merely wanted to begin things as expected, perhaps she was rather harsh to talk down her comrade of the pod given everything that transpired.

"Look, just promise me you'll keep yourself in check and watch what you do and I'll..." she clenched her jaw, "... try to be less... rude. Deal?"

The two toned blue ponytail waved as she excitedly nodded her head as if she were a bobble head on a racing buggie, "Gotcha! I'll do my best for realzies!"

Aria sighed trying to put the whole interaction behind her, "Good. Now let's go before queen volcano bursts her cap." the two soon continued on as they lagged behind, entering through the first set of sliding doors the air conditioned hallway was heavily laden with pine than apple.

Sonata sneezed as the definite chemical aroma harassed her sense of smell, "I wonder if this place is like... infinite hot water?" she pondered with a quizzical look as she clutched the drink to her bosom.

Aria just raised her brow and shook her head, "Should, remember that fancy high rise we spent a month in? Even after the forty fifth floor we still had hot water for the pool. So if this two star place is anywhere close then ya. I can't say I'm complaining yet, looks like its shaping up to be something decent." she chuckled as they went through the inner doors to the lobby.

"Ahhhh... I'm so gonna soak for hours!" Dusk moaned, they hadn't been in a nice place for the last few months in search of a good feeding.

Thankfully the smell of cleaning supplies finally abated as the lobby opened up, a whole plethora of scents greeted the two sirens which were mild at best. Fresh linen wafted with the air duct overhead, the faint aroma of eggs and meat hung like stale bread though not completely unwanted, and a faint cinnamon seemed to rise off the floor. Aria's shoes clacked onto the tile which covered the rest of the walkway, she observed the rest of the structure's with judgment befitting of a veteran critic. She had seen housings over the course of their stay in the human realm, from cottages to tents, inns and motels, and the occasional Fancy Prance chains few could ever contest. For the new home Adagio laid claim to it was not a sore upon the eyes as some might be, Blaze noticed how geometrical the decorations and furniture were. Everything seemed to follow rectangles and squares from the carpet walls to the tables and lamps which perched atop them. What curves existed were solely reserved for the hallways that bent with the cafeteria area, evident by the large wall of sliding metal that locked the kitchen away off hours. The tables were even square as were the chairs, marble tops and with multifaceted lamps overhead which were off at the moment. There was no one around except the janitorial staff and the lobby receptionist, the relative peace and quiet earned an extra star for Aria's rating thus far.

As the three sirens grouped up at the rich polished stone desk where a uniformed employee attended one of the two computers, Sonata studied the the reproductions on the wall behind him. Oil paintings she felt she knew from somewhere at some point in time, but for the life of her she couldn't recollect that day. Her memories tried to jog and locate the exact era they were in, somehow the man in the chair adorning Victorian style clothing was vaguely familiar.

Aria took heed and noticed what her aloof pack mate seemed enamored with, only for her to instantly remember who the man was. She scoffed remembering that failed ploy which at the time they sought to instigate another war between the countries. If she knew her history right the painter who made that self portrait was in with the King's court and Adagio tried to use him to get close to the monarch for their voices to sink in. The war unfortunately never came to pass as the old bearded glutton later choked on a chicken bone after they managed an audience with the throne room, acting as the painter's assistants.

The very schemer herself stood awaiting to be attended which eventually the employee gave to her, though he seemed rather distracted. It was as if people of their looks and caliber were rare or unwelcomed in such a fancy place, then again Aria guessed they probably looked like kids in need of a job or something. Their garments which would pass them on as pop stars were gone and the stage wardrobe had been long since discarded.

A soft lime green hand went up to adjust the glasses upon the man's nose as his vision focused, "Can I help you three?" he asked rather neutrally.

Dazzle had her arms crossed for a moment with a dead look about her, "I'd like to get a room here."

Her plain request earned only a moment's pause and a blink of the eye before the man shrugged, "Okay, if you're unfamiliar with our prices than I can go over our selections available from lowest to highest..."

"That won't be necessary, I'd like to go with your Stay-In Suite. Found it in your paper advertisement at the visitor's center, how much?" she pressed quickly wanting to get to their new abode soon, her eyes bore the essence of impatience.

He returned that near glare with a cocked brow in question, "You'll be charged ninety bits per night ma'am?"

Her eyes narrowed, "Come again?"

"Ninety bits for the basic package a night, now it doesn't include any of the channel packages but there is the addition of a pull out bed in the living area. You'll still have access to the facilities, the laundry room, the continental breakfast, and our weekly evening social meals..." he nearly jumped when Adagio shouted.

"NINETY!!?" she gawked, "For a two bed, kitchenette, and a living room the size of a storage closet?! The brochure said the price range was forty?!" she fired at him almost slamming down a hand on the counter though she bit back hard to avoid doing so.

The man seemed to have expected as such and kept straight faced like a bouncer at the clubs they use to frequent in the larger cities. Though somewhat young in human perimeters Aria could have guessed that he'd seen his share of the whole spectrum of customers, keeping his cool professionally was a little admirable.

Still remaining in his chair neat and prime, "I'm sorry our price range is out of your budget, I can suggest other locations that would best suit you if you'd like? Those pamphlets are unfortunately outdated as of two months ago."

The cream yellow siren merely shook her head before running a hand over her face, she hated the exhaustion creeping upon her. Out of hopes that the gem in her possession would lesson or remove the human factor within her, it was indeed doing what she hoped it wouldn't. The power of the ruby had been shared in more than the ability to sing and consume the needed negative energy, all three benefited from the one stone. Thus they were not truly free of mortality but to what extent she cared not for until she was in her own bed.

Like the flip of a switch she straightened up, her posture seemed regal in a sense and a snap of the finger had her Dazzlings by her side. Though the two were lost as to what was being planned they did as they were wordlessly commanded of, with Adagio all over the place there was no telling how they'd get the room unless magic was involved.

She cleared her voice, "How about we get it at thirty five bits?" she began and went into a soft lulling song with the transition of an angel, "Weee are merely in neeed of a little place to feeeeel at hooooommee!"

Her sultry tone became easy for the other two to pick up the line and add the chorus behind it, while impromptu it was still enjoyable to even commit to a little number. The vibrations in their throats pleasurable as they alternated between pitches, unlike the pop genre they adopted a couple decades ago it seemed as though a simple song was proper. Blaze knew it had been a long time since they used such music, they always had to fit in the times they performed in to really sink in. The classics were however one of her favorites as that was the core of sirenkind, how long had it been since the doomed Canterlot musical tournament where Dazzle invented so many new branches from the basic hymns?

"Can't you giiiivvvee us a little help? We wooon't be muuuch troublllleeee...." Dazzle sang keeping herself composed knowing the electronic eye of the cameras were watching ceaselessly.

The receptionist's eyes glowed with a green luminescence as he starred at them in awe, he nodded to her request like a zombified corpse. A slow turn in the wheeled chair had him back at the computer where he typed away and located the room that was desired.

The golden siren grinned as the trio's eyes flashed red for a split second, the ruby hidden in her clothing felt warm against her chest, "I will give you what you ask..." the man droned, "... one room with... discount. I can give manager's..."

The pause seemed troublesome as if the song wavered in its potency, so the trio spoke as one to inject a little more of their intoxicating venom with a delicious resonance, "Buuuut?"

He seemed to swallow a lump in his throat before striking a key to finalize the purchase, "You have my vacation's savings... allotted to your payment. Thirty bits a night... for one... month."

It was not the kind of reaction they were expecting, their magic had usually made prey adore them without fail. But the pain in the receptionists voice not only fed their gem it also earned wariness. Unlike the session at the park where the people literally fought one another, producing the energy they needed. It seemed as if their voices were forcing by allure, and if he was indeed fighting to keep his bits it became a losing battle. Adagio could only hope that the visible queues were permanent and forgotten, one stone might night be enough to entrance a strong willed employee.

His eyes appeared heavy as if sleep were encroaching him, but he still handed the slid cards for keys and the receipt once Dazzle handed over the bits, "Second level... elevator to the left... rooms have further... information."

The three seemed to recoil at the drained individual whose sluggishness was not a wanted byproduct, thus they collected the items and left quietly. Though as they did the man called out with a wave, a smile over his once dower features.

"I'd love to hear you three sing again?!" he asked as they turned the nearby corner and disappeared.

The ride up the elevator held only the mechanical lifting gears clang and bangs amid the classical music played overhead. Rich magenta eyes starred at the chrome metal doors finding the huge blemish of what was the mistaken use of steel wool instead of a cleaning cloth, just a tangle of scratches which obscured Adagio's body. Leaving only her head and tufts of curls visible, though the way the chrome seemed bent or warped ever slightly distorted her glorious visage. It only served to add to the conflict within her she silently brooded over even long after the doors opened again.

The two way halls which forked to the sides off to the left were apparently devoid of anyone at the moment, given the time it was no wonder. Carpet sporting dark blues and reds held checkerboard patterning boarded in the center by sidelines, the faint scent of apple pie rose from the clean fabric. The walls were rough plastic and a dull dark sea blue, lights in the ceiling ever ten feet of soft vanilla lead the way onward. Everything felt new and clastrophobic to an extent, though the girls had used such residences before from different time periods. Turning another left off the next corner they stopped as a man arrived before them from the stairwell which continued to the upper levels. He had a phone that he busily distracted himself with in a conversation and in the other hand a plastic bag with a six pack of some kind of beverage. The glass containers dinged as they jostled from every step, but Adagio let him go ahead still hosting a divided focus.

Eventually the human male entered his room a few feet ahead with their room number not far past his, where upon they stood before the door they quietly held it in all its fantastic pleasure. Since that horrible night they were chased from Canterlot High and collapsed in that diner, from Aria's regrettable bump in with the apes, to their new gems they were finally off the streets. Adagio's hand which went to slide the key card was all to satisfying to hear as the lock clicked.

"I got dibs on the bathroom!!" Sonata nearly shouted as she barged into the dark room.

There came the sound of the ditzy girl as she fumbled into something and fell, bringing something along with her to which Dazzle could only sigh into her hands as her trance was shattered. Upon entering she hit the light switch just after the door on her right, it became apparent as to what unfolded in a matter of seconds which the other two could believe was possibe. Dusk had taken down the nearest lamp stand and banged her head into the tall vertical mirror next to a closet. Though that did not faze her in the least as she crawled up just as the lights were flicked on.

"Bathroom bathroom bathroom!" she whimpered, brushing off the bruise that was forming under her hand on her forehead.

Scooting on the floor on all her limbs she eventually made it to the lavatory and kicked the door shut. The short lived peace for the duration was enjoyed like a savory dessert, involving the activation of every light they could get their hands on. With illumination lighting the whole suite they could truly take in every ounce of detail that would be the Dazzling base of operations. Aria sighed as she ran a hand on the work desk which was used for the businessman and their laptops, the information folders as promised sat waiting to be opened. While Dazzle left to the bedroom, her subordinate continued on investigating for queerness to be fixed if it did not fit into their needs.

The living area was indeed as small as Adagio mentioned earlier, two large sofas in one corner with a lamp stand between them. A coffee table that slid for computer savvy upon metal legs, another table that hugged the floor had magazines and promotions along with controllers for the flatscreen before it. The entertainment system gleamed with polished black surfaces that unified the device and its furnishing, a large rectangular window remained closed but Aria gave it a peek through the large blinds. They had a great view over another park and outlying restaurants, but most of all the busy road was on the other side of the building which meant sleep was promised.

"Huh? Stroke of luck there." she whistled hearing the toilet loudly flush.

She turned to look at the kitchen however tiny it was, enough counter space for two to work with. A large fridge and plenty of cabinets which had to host the necessary cooking implements that would remain unused in their stay most likely. Next to it was the dining table capable of holding four on thin chairs, a complimentary condiments holder had the coffee, teas, and garnishes. The whole room from there to the bedroom had a warm color scheme to it, inviting the siren to join Adagio and seek out the bedding. Knowing how much Adagio would rather have her own room to herself for the first night uninterrupted, she strolled over to the right and peered in. Everything for two people to enjoy the lavishing qualities of such a suite, the bathroom which was still shut could wait in her mind.

Blaze hungrily sought the large queen bed itself and did what was only appropriate, she launched herself onto it face down with a soft plop. Seeing as the bedrooms had to have their own stand alone necessities she was assured a short rest once she heard the shower head hiss. Of course it helped to even hear the commentary of what awaited her once the dullard was done in there.

"Ohhh! We even get fancy soaps too!" Sonata gleefully mentioned as the sound of wrapping paper crumbled from opening.

Aria lifted her head just enough with the crick in her neck bothering to no end, "Leave me some or I'll make sure you sleep on the floor!!" she said with a grumble.

"OKAY!!" she replied as the AC started up with cool crisp air flowing into the room.

Aside from the mild machine hum, the running water only served to lull the siren into a peaceful rest as her legs finally let themselves known of their exhaustion. Having been so use to walking as often as they did, whenever they came to a legitimate resting point her body just seemed to quit on her. She gladly gave them what they wanted as her hams raged at her, but she ignored the throbbing as it came to head. Instead she focused on the sounds and the fresh clean sheets she only nestled into as if it were soft sands of her Equestrian home. Lilac was the scent she figured had been the case, not too strong and not too weak which meant she'd really get a great nights sleep soon.

An hour passed before the restroom opened up, waking up Aria who saw stars before her after opening her eyes to the nearest lamp. Sonata stepped out with a freshly washed body and a dripping wet waterfall of hair, she had covered herself with towels leaving all her garments on the white tiles behind her.

"Umm... Aria? Are you alright?" Dusk inquired nervously using a finger to remove some soap still trapped in her left ear.

"I... it... feels good to... live." Aria huffed at each word as the overdue power nap reeked vengeance upon her mind.

"Huh?" Dusk tilted her head in confusion.

The cerulean girl peered out the mini hall and noticed Adagio had closed her room off, leaving the rest of the abode to them. While she'd have normally gone about exploring to her hearts content, she felt somehow tired herself after the relaxing hot water cleansed her of more than just the sweat and dirt. With a full belly and little else to do she gazed at the TV screen left for their room to use, her hands desperately wanted to grasp the controller and turn it on. Yet as Aria lifted her groggy self up a sharp pang of restraint held her back, her fellow pod member had made a point of it to ease off her tendencies. It would be best to probably call it a night and check whatever was on the television in the morning.

She yawned and plopped herself on the edge of the bed, her little toes wiggled freely in the air. The pink nail polish she had on them back from the Battle of the Bands had been worn off till just flecks remained. Still slightly awake from the coffee she grabbed her long hair free of its banding and set about drying it carefully. The towel around her neck held in her hands softly pressed into the long strands she hadn't trimmed since they were exiled.

The other siren had lurched herself off to her feet and stretched, "Gonna get a wash in. We're sooooo sleeping after."

Dusk looked to her as she walked grimly to the restroom and closed the door, "Okay."

Time flew by for the ancient singer who worked herself to a semi moist state, while dry enough to not dampen the sheets the air conditioner certainly felt cooler to a near icy touch. Taking a moment she ran her hands along her body when a random thought passed by, realizing that her own gem was still shattered. Her own body subject to sharing a gem with the others was but mortal flesh not long ago, the concept rather hard to grasp still hung around like an annoying fly. She figured she should have felt more concerned over the fate of which they were in after the Rainbooms punished them, but to her somehow the world was its own joy even if she couldn't sing. She wondered even further of what their lives would have been like had they not been given a new stone.

The water shut off abruptly and the sound of the curtain pulling loudly swooshed, "Wow... being really human? I wonder if Adagio and Aria would have gotten jobs or went to school? Hahaha... I would have liked to try Canterlot High again, I liked their music and the food!" she flopped herself back against the sheets and her head on the two pillows.

She didn't notice the lights in the living area turn off or the rest of the main room as she pondered on the train of thought to herself.

"I wonder how long we could have lived? Man... I can't even remember how long humans lived? Maybe we might have had families too? Nah! I would have been happy living on a beach in that Cancoon resort. Open waters and unbelievable buffets! Ahhhhh..." she sighed happily as she tucked herself into a snug pocket beneath the blanket.

A turn of the knob and out came a toweled fushia hued teenager with similar hair loose and trailing drops of water. Dusk smiled at her though she received no attention, the sense of security and comfort born from the room provided all the recriprocation she needed however. Blaze just took herself over to her side and continued to dry off in the cool fan of the vents, she stripped and pulled another towel to her head to hand dry herself in the process.

"Hey Aria?" Sonata asked as she wiggled her feet under the sheets.

"What?" she received in a dull tone.

She starred at the ceiling going back to her contemplation, "Ever wonder what we might have become or done if we didn't like... get the new pendant?"

Blaze huffed, "No..."

"For realzies? Not even what we could have done since we were you know... human?" she pressed with the verbal prod.

While a little rougher with her thigh long hair she was still studious in making sure she'd wake up on a dry fluffy cloud of cotton and not on wetness, "Ya... what's the point! We're sirens again voice and all. Not like it matters anymore."

"But come on? Do you think we could have gone to school, gotten pedigrees, gotten jobs, started families... maybe... gone our separate ways?" she hesitated on the last part.

For what it was worth she received a cease of movement from her comrade, she stopped moving except to breath. The most driest part of her locks waved in the breeze of the AC, rouge droplets trailed down the smooth skin of her back until they were absorbed by the towels below her. The space of non response hadn't yet be detected by the exuberant siren, she just waited patiently until Blaze answered in one way she expected.

How off guard she was caught when the reply was anything but in the tense air of the bedroom, "Ya... thought of it once. Would of gone my own way to be honest with ya."

Sonata twitched and turned towards her, "Really? Even if Adagio would have fought you to not do so?"

She shrugged, "We were powerless back then, she wasn't a matriarch at the time. We've been stuck in this world for what feels like six thousand years and you really don't think I wouldn't have gone off alone?!"

Dusk shook her head innocently, "Kinda figured we'd... I don't know, stuck it out for a little while longer? Maybe go back to Canterlot High and swing a lie or something? Maybe we would have graduated and done stuff?"

"Ha! That would be a day I'd have cared to have gone back home to my mother. Look... without our voices we had no purpose nor need to stay glued to each other. We've seen how these humans live and thrive, easily fit in for me and Adagio. You though... can't say?" Aria noted as she rose up and threw the towels on the floor.

"Would you have gotten a family? Find some man and gotten a kid too?" Sonata pressed out of general curiosity, they rarely actually ever talked of idle intrigue so it was a rarity to even ask of such.

Just before an answer was given, when the two of them were apply secured for a nice long night of deep sleep for tomorrow's expected plans, their room's light flickered as if power had surged through the lines. The two rose their heads up to see their leader standing in the doorway, her hair disheveled and sopping as if she too just exited her bathroom with barely an attempt to towel herself dry. Blaze had been too far off the edge of near sleep to catch the strange gaze cast upon them, she almost wanted to close her eyes and simply say yes and no at random times to seem as if she was there. Sonata however did not like the way that Dazzle had quietly come out of her room and ended up where she was undetected. Not only that but the strangeness of her posture and the lack of poofy curls was equally off setting.

Noticing that they'd have to be the ones to greet her least they likely stay in the awkward silence Dusk waved from under the cover, "Come to... say goodnight?"

The golden siren had been boring a hole into their bed's backboard before she focused on her specifically, but once those jewel-like orbs transistioned onto her own a chill crossed her warming body. The kind which meant that the situation was not right at all and to be alert meant it saved her from pain or humiliation, of course either which was hard to do.

A long exhale through her little nose and Adagio replied, "What were you two just talking about? I'd really love to know?"

Aria would have rolled her eyes but they were shut already, "Little miss wonder brains was just asking what we'd have done if we didn't get the new stone. You know how she likes to day dream..." she waved her right hand before dropping it like dead weight.

"Huh? Interesting... well not that any of that is important nor worth your time to think about. I came over to say something." Dazzle leaned into the door frame as her sight went back and forth between the two.

She earned the audience as Blaze cracked her eyes begrudgingly, while Sonata seemed to just return her own with the mirthful giddy befitting of the beverage which kept her awake and thinking. Crossed arms and a cocked leg began her peace as she cleared her throat to continue.

"I believe you already know what I want to say so I'm just going to give this one last piece before we wake up in the morning." the two were fully listening by then, "We are the Dazzlings! We've come from the precipice of doom by sheer luck. So from here on out every move we make will be calculated and analyzed with all three of us putting our opinions in. For the betterment of this group, cooperation will prevent a relapse and allow us to better respond to the magic those hacks have. True... while we only have one gem for now, I can only guess and hope our benefactor will have the rest. And assuming we haven't signed our lives away, we'll have a firm stepping stone to grow our powers beyond anything we've had before. All I'm trying to say is... do you trust me? Committed and fully to me... the head of the pack?"

The light violet hued siren gave one long exasperated breath as she turned from her side and onto her back pissed that she could sleep anytime soon, "Look, whatever you think was being said because Sonata asked a stupid question... don't worry about it! We can sing again, we can gain our magic back, and I'm pretty sure we've ALL learned our lesson in dealing with the likes of those fools at the school. So ya, you have our trust."

"Ya, we just do what you say until someone else comes along right?" Sonata joined without caring about the words she chose.

"Traditionally speaking yes, but we're in another world with different rules and magic. So I'll forget what you just said Sonata... I'm merely asking you to not just be loyal because you have to. I want you two to be in this one hundred percent! Which means this is a willing pact like we did through the gem." she brought a hand up in supplication, though the show of weakness was overlooked to her benefit.

The air conditioner chugged off and the hum died, "I'm game, so long as you know when to stop?" Aria dictated and meant the moment they should have quit the fight and made off with the magic they had.

"I wouldn't be anywhere without you guys! And I want to keep singing again like you want to. So I'm all for you Dagi!" the cheery girl shook a fist in victory.

"Ya, what knucklehead said, I don't want to be on the streets waiting for that fist to hit me again." Aria shivered and covered herself with the bedding.

Hearing the agreement between themselves flower, the group was secured in its future that Dazzle was sure of, "Perfect, well then now that that is taken care of. We have a long day tomorrow shopping for some new threads and all the little things we need. We can probably hit a park before we come back and get some more bits stockpiled. Get some sleep girls. Goodnight."

"Nighty Adagio. Night Aria!" the blue girl whooped before springing to her side of the bed.


Canterlot High

Before the first class of the day, Pinkie had called an emergency meeting at he library to which response was swift. Even for Rarity who needed plenty of time to prep herself for public and Fluttershy who had duties at the animal shelter, their magic in efficency completed what normally took an additional hour in the morning. Now the group sat at a distant study desk far off in the history section far away from any other students who were mingling in the archives.

While no big baddie was at the school's doorstep, the condition of which one of their friends were in had been enough to elicit questions and deep fears. To Applejack the poor girl looked like she'd done a repeat through Haunter's Eve fright event during Halloween, shaking and looking as if her hair had been blasted by a shop fan.

“So that’s what happened to me.” Sunset bashfully recounted what had happened the night before, Rarity worked her skills on her appalling hairdo crafted from the stress.

“And even after I warned you what worrying would do to you, but you go out and have a horrendous dream like that! All will be well soon enough darling! As I've had to help Rainbow fix her bird's nest before going on camera during the finals last year.” the fashonista sang the last few words with Sunsets frayed hair being tamed into a presentable state.

“HEY!!" Dash tried to sound offended though that day specifically was an awesome account to behold, "Well even though it sounds like battling a room full of snakes and a giant dragon like that is something I could do in my own sleep, I think I’ll pass on that nightmare encounter.” she said while tipping on the back legs of the chair haphazardly.

The farm girl shot her a glare before speaking up, “Dreams are just dreams sug, and I’ve had plenty of worrisome ones when the drought and flood seasons did their damage. It’ll feel like it’s real and someone is there to make it worse, but it’s always your fear gett’n the better of ya. You are scar'in yourself, ain’t nothing more to it than that.” Applejack nodded as she patted Sunset on the shoulder for support.

While Rarity finalized the last portion of her bangs into order, Flutteryshy produced a strange webbed object dotted with feathers and beads from her bag. It looked like a net to catch a fish with, but the hole in the center made it useless. The equestrian gazed upon the odd construct which reminded her of an old pony belief held during the mass migration to Equestria, an odd morsel of knowledge that peaked on her radar. It was made to ward away bad luck or something similar, though that was as much as she could fathom as her hand still quivered. The meek girl confirmed her suspicions with a brief backstory to its origins while handing it over to her seemingly as a gift.

“One of the nice ladies at the shelter belonged to a tribe of indigenous people from the next state. She's a healer among them and helped the shelter’s more critical care patients when medication failed to do any good. Before they had to leave, we were given these handmade dream catchers as a parting gift for being so kind towards nature’s children. This is hung by your bed to catch the spirits who seek to harm you in your dreams. And you look like you need this more than me… if that’s alright with you of course.” she explained with a weak smile.

Sunset took the item and felt an immediate relief overcome her aside from the logical approach of hers which pinned it on a placebo effect. Even if it was the gesture was enough to placate the lingering after effects that hung on like gum on the bottom of ones shoe on a hot day, Pinkie's breakfast and friendship could only do so much. Having had her spirit eased, Fluttershy received a well appreciated embrace at the expense of Rarity’s final touches and her hotty response to being interrupted.

The first class of the day would start soon, thus once the group shared one last mighty bear hug with their troubled teammate. Such feelings were in their own way restorative to the point that Shimmer felt nearly free of the horrific night, going so far as to feel a tingling sensation wash over her that originated from the rest. Perhaps it was magic or maybe the love each had for one another that contact in such manners offered the greatest method of detecting it, either way the former unicorn basked in the aura.

Without any further words the girls broke the congregation and departed to their own classrooms soon to start. Some waved Sunset goodbye while others simply left. It was a calm rest of the morning for the last of the Rainbooms who sought her locker for the science course she remembered a test would soon come across her lap, the hum drum of Canterlot High flew over her like a rushing stream did a rock. Classmates talked by their lockers, teachers chatted with one another or rushed with their day’s lesson plan in tow. The usual blaring sounds of the hallways bombarded the ears, but for Sunset she zoned out with the newfound peace of mind that the magic of friendship bestowed upon her. Giving way to rushing fellows and avoiding accidents like some trained nanny with years of experience, in the back of her mind the nightmare had been no ordinary mishap of the mind. No stress or even the days after she had been reformed from her demonic state proved to feed such a dream.

Dodging Bulk Biceps who held two new ballasts to replace in the literature classroom for the teacher, she gave a quick tap to remind him to be cautious in moving around. The giant of a young man smiled at her and waved, gently he put the long pieces of metal down and hugged them instead of over the shoulder.

'That nightmare had magic involved that I know for sure. Why else would Starswirl the Bearded appear and try to warn me? If that was an ordinary night on human standards than I don't want to see the worst side of it.' she thought to herself.

Turning to her locker she dialed in the combination code and rifled through the contents, grasping the notebooks and text. Surprisingly enough as she did there were a few letters that had been slipped into the grating, while they were usually not pleasant ones up to date of which she did earn the spite. The ones which fell onto the tile floor she bent to her feet to pick up had oddly enough hearts and apples drawn onto them. Symbols of love and friendship the students used as code for the contents of notes, a first for her ever since her first year in the human realm.

Grasping them with her fingers she turned the four over and found none to possess the rotting apple symbol, "Guess these are from the battle against the Dazzlings? At least not everything's bad..."

She stashed the notes into a jacket pocket since there was usually one of the writers nearby watching for her reaction. Locking her storage unit before heading off to class she resumed the notion that began to make sense.

'Whenever magic is involved things get too real, and I've never had such vivid dreams before either. Those things... those wisps were real though and they kept me glued to the window. They were afraid of the light... which makes me wonder if the sirens have friends or a back... up... plan.' Shimmer paused in her stride.

It was something she dwelled on only a little, but the issue was still there to look into. Was Adagio smart enough to have a way to get back at those who might defeat them? She had already proven to have the element of surprise and cognition to play the school for the food source they were to them. It was an unknown she needed to research for the good of all, which unlike herself Adagio was the vindictive type who would likely go to the ends of the world just to get revenge.

‘Well if magic was indeed involved like I know it was then I'll need to write to Princess Twilight. While I wait for her response I can look into my old days at Canterlot's Royal Library with that spell I still have. Just need to put aside the magic the girls have for now with this a little more important to us all. Now what was than memory spell?' she pondered as she soon entered the classroom and took her seat.

Most of the students were busy on their phones to talking the wind as she set her supplies before her in the back seat against the wall, ‘There was a particular energy that made it feel so real... what was that energy? I knew it well too! Something Celestia or a unicorn once spoke about in the darker days of Equestria's founding...'

The bell rang to begin the day with the teacher strolling in with her books and day planner, the one and only Ms. Cherrilee. Her mouth moved but no word reached Sunset's hearing, not that she needed to listen for the first twenty minutes. As someone as capable as her could easily grasp the cirriculum with ease and directions were not required, it was why she had the back seat so the more needy students could be watched without problems.

'Okay so no luck recalling any of that ancient knowledge until I can see my memories as they are in my head. Likely will need all night to perform the spell if my magic is easily as accessible as I believe it is? Only the most accomplished unicorns can perform it... if I'm not careful I could easily damage myself to the point that I'll be nothing but a blubbering Diamond Dog rolling in gems however. Not something I'm looking forward to but I know I can do it! It's for my friends and the safety of their home as it is mine!' she proclaimed to herself with confidence in her eyes, the day would be painful to anxiously await the hour of the special spell.

Dazzling Hotel Room: Next Day

'Mother... please...'

A loud bang blasted loudly, a wave of air and sound shook the air and land as it passed by. A river nearby rocked and gurgled from the sudden catastrophe.

'Mother!!! Father!!!'

The deep ocean with its bottomless void beneath the waves came rushing forward, hooves rose to the face to brace for the solid surface of churning waves. The ice cold water sent a jolt through the body, and then... it was all black.

Eyes cracked open to the sound of fluttering outside, a crack of the morning sun filtered in through the otherwise dark interior of the space. Something had struck the glass as it desperately tried to get in for a few more vain attempts, whatever it was it gave up eventually. Redish pink irises soon peaked through their fleshy barrier as the head swayed to the right, drawn to the sound of humming from the wall unit below the large window.

With a blank mind as a numb body Adagio felt something hard as rock and smooth as glass held in her left hand, where it rest upon her chest which rose with every breath. The offending sound earlier having left returned the placid atmosphere to which had cradled her into a full nights rest. Her legs moved and felt the coolness of the chilled sheets, causing her toes to flex and her arms to begin stretching on their own accord. With the free hand she groped the night stand to the right and found something she was looking for, a hard plastic case with soft buttons she knew which to press.

Past the foot of her bed the large TV flicked on and nearly blinded her, casting white light upon the bedroom as the news channel came on. Thankfully the previous user or the cleaning staff had put the volume on low, her eyes squinted to see as they painfully recovered from the blight.

"AAAuugghhh...." she groaned.

Useless images and words filtered into her senses but it only served to get her gears rolling. Minutes later she managed to collect herself and begin the day though she wished she could remain in bed for a little while longer. The dream she had having been forgotten easily was little more than a small irk that a splash of cold water upon her features erased entirely.

Cold was everywhere, from leaving the sheet to stepping bare foot into the bathroom she tolerated it as it assisted in the waking process. She needed and craved the black liquid known as coffee, she had to be alert quickly so she could deal with the other two likely dead in their bed until she forced them out. What happened before she went to bed was a blur, though she couldn't find it in her to even bother with it.

"Can't... wait till... other gems..." she murmured to herself exiting the restroom for a B-line to the coffee maker.

In minutes she ripped open one of the packets and loaded the machine, waiting barely two minutes left to her empty thoughts before searing hot black gold was set to serve. She grasped the small ceramic mug and filled it nearly to the brim, not adding a single packet of sugar or creamer before sipping slowly away. The steaming fluid burned so good as it stung her tongue and lips, her hands encompassed the form to absorb the heat. She took her first seat at the black dining table alone and in the dark, she could still see rather well even with the lights off with the sun peaking in every little space and crevice it could. Soon the whole room smelled of delicious roasted beans which in turn spared her further action from her reverie of the morning cycle. Aria stumbled into view with barely a towel covering her all if just to cover up for warmth.

Dazzle looked up to the scraggly haired siren, "You... look awful."

To which the response was a mild hiss, her common method of morning greetings. It was a left over from their birth world, one of few signs which meant a packmate was properly rested and able to defend themselves on the spot. A healthy thing the trio shared between each other and it brought a modicum of joy to the young matriarch.

"It's over in my room, don't drink from the machine by the way!" she warned more less out of jest.

Nearing half the serving in her cup and a healthy hunger pinging her attention, Adagio waited for the additional company before resuming in consumption. Blaze was always the usurper type that she knew from the day she brought her into the fold, a lone young siren in search of her own pack. While a handful at times the two often were a well engineered test to their pride and power, two heads that bumped for supremacy as was common for their kind. For if a matriarch never received some kind of contest to her role she grew weak, they needed a reminder as to who and why they were in position from another. Peaking orders were even common among pups and hatchlings, the weak weeded out and the strong recognized for the future of the pod.

Blaze amazingly took a gulp of the hot liquid and contorted her face in pain, but she handled it quietly before speaking. Her hair usually in twin tails hung limp and roughly a mess from the night cycle, her eyes closed shut as she did whatever it was she had to in order to be functional.

"Once you're finished, we'll go down and get some grub. Do whatever you have to and get Sonata up, you have thirty minutes once I leave the table." she asserted herself and swigged half of what was left in her mug.

Aria hissed again but not at her specifically as the beverage worked almost instantly on her nerves, "Right! Drag her into the shower and turn on the cold water."

"That's my girl..." Dazzle darkly chuckled, "But only if you have to... remember we're in this together." to which she received a growl of confirmation.

The golden siren took her leave from the table soon enough with her beverage safely being absorbed within her, making her own preparations for their true day out as newly empowered Dazzlings. Entering her bathroom as a lion fish battered along a reef during a storm and exiting as the head of Equestria's sirens abroad. The magic of the stone assisted in her beauty time thus saving her thirty minutes of struggling with the lion's mane behind her. A simple spell allowed each strand to be manipulated with ease as if it were as straight as her packmates, by running her fingers like a large comb she tamed the frazzled chaos and placed her spiked hair band where it belonged. Within the hour all three were ready and out the door, the breakfast which came with their new stay had already wafted up into the elevator which was detected as soon as they entered.

"Ahhh man! I can smell... bacon! Sausage... waffles... definitely eggs! Bread too!" Sonata's mouth salivated nearly profusely as she barely contained her mirth.

The mechanism softly shifted up above as they reached the first level and Blaze took in a nose full, "Fresh coffee with a full body roast... yup, this place is turning out pretty good so far."

"That's because I made sure it suits our needs, I know we need to eat and saving bits on food here works out well. You can get your mind on the ball and she will be able to fill up. Everyone's happy." Adagio smirked rather proud of herself.

With grace and a sour face from Blaze they made a path through the few other customers who were staying in the Inn. All three loaded their modest servings with primarily eggs without the presence of anything they'd would have preferred. The soft fluffy protein rich substance was a call back to the bird eggs hatchlings were given in their first years and carried on as a delicacy the older they became. Seeing as the kitchen offered a large silver pot of the food item there was no denying the sirens their little comfort food.

Having lumped enough to tide her over till noon Dazzle inspected the plates of the others with intrigue, 'So Aria's splashing hot sauce on hers and Sonata's... making a sandwich with the pressed cakes. So long as that keep them full I guess?'

Finding their meals appropriate she ventured out of the food zone and secured a table outside, the patio area devoid of anyone for the perfect place of sanctuary. As she noticed a small family with talkative kids who'd get on their nerves within minutes, rather than risk issues the outdoors seemed preferable. It was to be a fantastic beginning and she shant have it blundered by the humans.

"We'll eat out here, away from the rabble." Dazzle said as she sat into her chair and opened a napkin over her lap.

"Cool, I'm going to get three more cups before I eat. Still not awake." Aria told her plainly and uncaring.

Dusk watched her leave through the glass door and soon took her place on the right side of the ambitious girl, "Wow, you really chose an awesome place. For realzies, I never got to make one of these before?!"

"Yes well, I am amazing indeed." Adagio smiled at the compliment before taking the first spoon full of yellow curds.

She relished in the soft texture and the welcoming flavor, lightly salted just the way she liked. The morsels broke apart between each bite until she swallowed the mash, sighing with a loving tone as life as of then worked with her. Never again would they be banished to the streets with no powers to aid them, never again would she allow failure to cripple them, and most certainly never again would she play with her food. Swearing on her own heart and her late family, if she ever saw Sunset Shimmer and the good for nothings she'd drain every ounce of negative energy in them.

Blaze arrived shortly into the ire she had for the sun kissed teenager, four mugs in hand all exuding vapors of steam, "So? What did I miss... other than Sonata making a mess over there?"

Dazzle elected to ignore what would sully her mood, "Nothing at all. Now take your seat. We have much to cover."

Equestria- Royal Library

Twilight had taken to her research like a spear through the air when Princess Luna took her sisters spot for the night, the transition from Day Court to Night Court couldn't have come quick enough for the young princess. Celestia warned Luna of the situation and her role as a watcher for Twilight, the Princess of the Night was ill prepared for the full demonstration of her love of knowledge once she trotted into view.

As she slowly trotted to the Black Tape Archives which lay within a cordoned off hallway of the Royal Library. Twilight had sat down by the enchanted double doors with piles of papers, packets of new quills, and a crate of ink wells set for her research for what could amount to a year's worth. At first Luna wondered if there was some kind of expedition into the Archives she was not informed of, but the closer she drew to the cache the more sense it made. Before she could even say a word or give a formal greeting, she could see Sparkle’s ears twitch to her hoof steps with the anxiousness of a new Night Guard recruit posted at her spire room.

Instantly a barrage of information came at her with the full force of a hurricane, even for a mare of her age and teaching she couldn't quite make heads or tails of what the lavender pony said. Thus she waited for the right moment before holding a hoof up to give pause, her ethereal mane blowing in the mana winds added to her silent request of pardon.

“As verily as it would be to hear more into what you plan on partaking in, I believe it is best to be in action? I will gladly go over the rules of the Archive before you set out your mission at hoof.” Luna smiled as Twilight realized her habit had already taken a fair amount of time as it were.

She bowed with a blush, “I'm sorry for that Princess Luna. So ummm... how do we get inside? Is there some kind of spell like Celestia used to keep the elements in lock and horn?” Sparkle asked as Luna stepped up to the arching doorway that stood some thirty feet high where the point nearly hit the ceiling.

The entire secret hallway was vaulted from end to end, bland and purely designed for function. Almost as if they were made to be deceiving on purpose to all who were not welcomed past the guards posted outside. It was clearly evident that the vault itself lay within the mountain side, no windows were visible and only the Library itself hosted any such ports. Upon the polished rock and marble tiles of the floor was a single gray rug with runes of yor stitched by hoof into the fabric itself. Candle posts anchored into the floor were lit and shining the only light in the area, but it was evident at they were tended to daily as no spent wax drippings dirtied the ground.

“Yes, though I’m proud to say far more complicated than that. When we returned, my sister found it necessary to make me the guardian of the Black Tape section and for good reason. It was in hopes that in the most dire of times if such unique and rare material were ever needed, it would be my duty to allow or deny entrance since I know the darkness and its invasive ways. Other than being the Princess of the Night and Guardian of Dreams, it was a move to encourage more contact with the kingdom through such a position. As this may be banned knowledge, there are times the qualified need seek out such wisdom of power and ill intent to save others... much like you are doing.” Luna let her horn hum softly as she sent a magical signature into the tip of her horn.

She held her tongue and touched the master crafted doors with barely a tap, sending a silent pulse of magic along its surface as if it were a pond and a stone were tossed through its surface. The ornately sealed portal appeared to respond to her mana as hidden mechanisms whirled and clicked within, they were as thick and durable as any fortress monetary of the old times that could withstand cannon bombardments at point blank range.

A magic sensitive wood had been used for the main body, with gold and platinum laced into protective glyphs on every inch of surface as if calligraphy were used as a basis. Broken only by embedded gems that acted as mana capacitors to ensure the locking enchantment remained in place for years at a time before needing to be recharged. It took Twilight a mere moment to sense how far the shield went, her horn lit slightly to detect the chamber wide barrier from side to side and top to bottom. She couldn't sense anything inside and it only served to make a point at how powerful the spells which protected the archive were. Her scrying magic was top notch ever since Queen Chrysalis had invaded her home, having taken two hours of each passing day to hone the scan for molecular pieces of data.

From what she could ascertain, those gems could only be fueled by the Princesses or at the bare minimum the entire Scholar Arcana at the cost of a months recuperation by the unicorn mages currently staffed and enrolled currently. Thus it served to only fuel her curiosity as to what lay within the infamous confidential section, what was so dangerous to go so far in protecting and hiding knowledge of the sorts? Were they on par with King Sombra's study deep beneath the Empire, every dark spell or misguided crafting which could harm a pony or sink a town? Only rumors existed and they were scant at best to hear of, but she surmised it was only for the good of the archive to remain mysterious. Visages of Sunset and the Rainbooms appeared for a flicker of a moment, bringing Twilight's raging hunger for forbidden texts and manuscripts under control even though the doors hadn't even opened yet.

“Because of that decision, I’ve come to know almost everpony at the Arcana campus that come seeking things such as what you desire. From Headmaster Nova Star, to the faculty, and even the gifted students who are permitted in here for their thesis in counter spells to fell forces that lurk in obscurity. They also seek my tutelage for studies of the unknown that pop up from time to time around Equestria. You’d be surprised how often an old artifact turns up in a village these days buried under dirt or sands, even the archeologists find dangerous trinkets in the forbidden jungle where ancient pre-equestria temples stand.” Luna lifted her head up high as two thestrals in thick armor manifested beside her fully armored to the teeth and plating.

“Your majesty! You’ve need of us?” The female bat winged pony spoke as she saluted to Luna’s left.

“We received and we are prepared to serve.” A deep male voice from the bowing thestral on her right almost gave Twilight a rather strange shiver up her spine as she observed the Night Guard imposing in their regalia.

“Commanders Steel Vigil and Stellar Aileron, it is good to see you again. I’m afraid I must pry you away from your duties for a few weeks at best. We have a potential issue that needs to be looked into and there is a third party involved most likely. While we are sure that the interlopers are nothing more than opportunistic parasites lurking at the time. There is sufficient worry that may not be the case. I need you to stand guard for me as you two have overseen the operations against the Agents of the Shadows, you’ll know more than anyone else if we’re at risk.” Luna had turned to address her military officers with a grave look upon her ethereal mask.

“We are at your call your majesty.” Steel bowed again, his eyes held history in their sharpness and attention.

“My subordinates will handle the paperwork while I’m gone, worry not Princess Luna.” Aileron bowed as well, armor scraping lightly against itself with each movement.

Much to Twilights surprise, she never saw the thestral Night Guards often other than when Luna visited Ponyville. The officers before her were far beyond the ones who carried Luna’s mount she had seen during Nightmare Night. In a rather turn of surprises, she realized she was in the presence of a female thestral and one who wore the marks of battle. While both had the signs of combat along the exposed parts of their bodies, their armor had evidence of spell burns and repairs by well accomplished smiths. Steel Vigil wore more scars along his muzzle and ears, compliments to his statuesque face like that of the marble busts in the Royal Gardens. His chest armor and side guards were polished and carefully maintained to be in presentable condition though their battle wounds were kept for some reason. To the keen eye there were warped areas that offensive magic and bladed weapons were left as battle trophies, the kind which meant trouble brewed throughout the kingdom unbeknownst to Twilight. Whether the thestrals were the tribe of ponies who valued such things as a sign of their competence in war was lost to Twilight until she could get him into an interview at a later day. His golden eyes soon found hers and locked with unfeeling hardness that soon softened with his own bow to her.

“Princess Twilight, it is a good night tonight to undermine Equestria’s enemies who seek its harm.” Steel rose as he faced her in the manner befitting of her status.

She meekly grinned, having been caught in the act of studying him. Nodding with a nervous grin before looking to Stellar next by anxious reflex, the female thestral had already gone into a bowing posture well before she gazed upon her. Both male and female armor sets were similar in most facets of their design which was to be expected as how the Royal Guard exhibited. With minor deviations in the plating and shields that granted either pockets for provisions to protection and warding gems. While Vigil seemed to be the brawler type in a fight, Stellar wore her scars in her wings and upon the belly plates.

Thinking for mere seconds, Twilight could tell the bat winged pony used hit and run tactics or to the very least was as instantaneous as Rainbow Dash when push came to shove. With less body mass for melee, she might be the Rainbow Dash of her people where capability matched the magical nature of the Sonic Rainboom. The old wounds in the membrane between the phalanges varied in size, perhaps caused by arrows or lances she could only fathom the likes of the Daring Doo series. Every gouge and melted spot were barely touched up to make them combat reliable, evidently Aileron came across magic casters as her opponents more so than Steel.

“My grace, we will provide Overwatch for you while you work. None shall interfere nor eavesdrop.” Stellar rose up as the leathery appendages adjusted themselves subconsiously.

Sparkle noted the contrasting hue of the thestrals fur, sexual dimorphism it seemed unlike normal ponies which lead to a thought of how the tribe might fit into the pony ancestry tree. Mares had darker tones than the males and if she went by anything then these ponies were not as colorful as the original three tribes. That line of thought went into even more questions which sent her into a stupefied gaze, were they possibly bred to fight and use nature to hide in ambush?

“Please do as you see fit my sentinels. Code Black has been authorized by me if anypony tries to enter. If you’ll excuse the young princess here, she can be very inquisitive.” Luna used her wing to shake Sparkle's attention away from the thestrals, “I’m sure you may find a request for questionnaire by the very mare for educational purposes later on. Now, if we're ready thine journey to seek salvation across the dimensional plane shall let us open the archives.”

As Twilight stepped away with the utmost embarrassment written all over her, she soon caught on to the activation which permitted entrance. Luna and her Guard assumed position a foot from the gate, starring at the numerous pieces of metal and gems they began to breath in unison with deep breaths. After a third such reptition, their exhale took the form of Luna’s magical aura that rose above the trio to merge with the door as a wisp of smoke sucked into a vent. Every gem proceeded to lose their glow and release their stored magic into Luna’s horn through a beam from every rock. Loud clanks of the locking mechanism banged until the sixth one allowed the door to crack open with the release of differing air pressure.

Before Twilight knew it, the commanders were already at a protective stance scanning the library for trouble. This night has turned into one to remember and the books hadn’t even been seen yet.

Ch. 6 High Tide

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Ch. 6 High Tide

It had been a productive breakfast meeting for Adagio, having only to go into detail and explain herself once to Sonata. With full stomachs and bits to spend they made their way to the nearby shops in the heart of the shopping row, they scoured several stores for the latest look to give the Dazzlings come back. With a new start came a new appearance from their old trappings with a few alterations to maintain a slight similarity. At Adagio's behest she gave the two behind her free reign to select their new garbs, and much like their new deal among themselves they had the sky's limit. Shop after shop they hit and picked what would last a few weeks worth of shows they'd busy themselves with, after all their return shouldn't be marred by the same attire.

Stepping into the sixteenth outlet store with bags in tow, "Hmmm... I wonder if they'll have the headbands I'm looking for?" Dazzle said as she looked about.

Sonata fumbled a little with Aria's bags among her own, "I hope they have the boots I saw in that poster! They look so comfy!"

Aria shoved her way past two girls who were not looking where they were going, a viscous scowl struck enough fear in them to avoid saying anything. They had come across a modern shop after four others had more country attire much to Dazzle's chagrin, but before them lay stands and hangers of designer clothing marketed as straight from New York itself. Bright lights up above made every color pop and there were plenty of areas to try on the shirts, blouses, jackets, pants, and everything else under the stars. With a large warmth spreading through her, Adagio sighed happily at the selections to be tried.

"Girls? Have fun..." they soon dispersed to seek their own look once more.

Adagio aimed her tastes into corsets and skirts on top of a number of thin jeans, something she could run in without problems if they happened into the Rainbooms out of dumb luck. The few outfits she tried on in front of other women earned envious looks caused by both her appeal and the gemstone that activated from her museful hum. With a little snack from the few shoppers who mysteriously started to fight over a scarf or a blouse she touched, she couldn't have had a happier time among the fumbling apes.

Aria wandered off into the night life section to a punk look which incorporated numerous straps and bindings to accent the fabric and leather materials. Unlike her boss in charge, the eyes she received were fearful and intimidated which suited her ideal flavor while she checked herself in the many mirrors. Perhaps it was her loathing eyes or fierce vibes, her own perception pinned it on the dominating aura she always held up. There had been a saying concerning females who adorned themselves with the strappings and leather, but with the fun she had the term flew over her head.

As for Sonata, while the sea of fashion was vast her older clothing she had before Canterlot High seemed to cling to her choices out of reminiscence. Though it was not that she remained stagnant in the next sets of clothing she'd procure for future performances, but something about the skirts and rolled up sleeves with large collars just seemed to remind her of the fins she use to have. Her siren form still a beckoning to her to return to though a dream it was at best. She had strolled through islands of stands before the right ones came into her favor. Plaid skirts, long sleeved shirts, and denim jackets with matching hats which deviated only slightly from the clothing she'd come to adore. Odd things had come around as she put on the wardrobe to find which ones she wanted to keep, other women nearby had found it hard to not compliment and call her 'delightfully adorable' whenever she hummed a mirthful tune to herself. It was a funny thing to attain adoration in such a sense had she realized her wordless song was somehow capable even without the gem right next to her. The goofy girl took in the positive vibes off those nearby and enjoyed the attention.

"That dress sooo suits her!" said one of the two girls who passed by the mirror she looked into.

Minutes later, "Oh my gosh! She's sooo cute! She reminds me of my daughter at that age!" an older woman with her friends commented.

Dusk looked over her shoulder and waved back at the four older women, "Wow? I guess I'm keeping this set?"

Deep within her chest as if her own pendant still remained with her, she felt empowered if only slightly more so than earlier. It was a straight shot of caffeine to her and it had been some time since breakfast at the Inn, leaving her little giddy.

"Ohhh!! Is that on sale?" she gasped after catching a glimpse of jacket that called out to her.

By the time the aroma of cooking food and bustling kitchens filtered through the air of the shopping block, the Dazzlings had struck gold with the last item needed. They quickly paid off the final articles of clothing and shoes and deposited the treasures back at the room, promptly adorning one set of the many choices they had at their discretion.

Their bits were nearly depleted and it had only reached an hour after noon, but they had plans to fill up their personal bank Sonata bought on a whim. Although it was unnecessary, she did need something to keep herself occupied at the hotel when she herself needed to be kept quiet during Adagio's musings over new songs to captivate new audiences. An odd selection however it was it still possessed a quaint charm of novelty, a carved wooden personal cash box that depicted a scene near by rocky coast a few miles from the town. Waves were smoothed and polished with the many ripples and varying heights of each peaking whitecap, and to top it off there was a strange human hybrid in mid leap out of the water. With long flowing hair that reached to what looked to be a scaly tail parody of their siren firms, thin fins were carved with tiny details to the webbing between the spikes. An odd little nick knack that seemed rustic in its charm if not baffling. The curio had been given its place in the living room under lock and key it had been designed with, they didn't trust the cleaning staff.

Heading off with a few of Aria's brochures in hopes of finding a good meal for lunch, they paused in the lobby of the Inn for a moments break. The walking they had done the whole morning had been a little taxing, but the single gem could only do so much for their then aching soles of the feet. A short reprieve on large comfy seats on their way to fill their growing hunger for sustenance was all too perfect. The trio flopped harshly with a puff of air on the foam cushions, with sighs of relief from her subordinates it was then that the rest of the schedule would be accomplished.

Dazzle fixed her hair so she avoided resting her back onto it painfully, "So you all remember the plan correct?"

Dusk seemed happily resting against the furniture while Blaze put her shoes on the short table between them, "Ya, kinda... getting our new rigs sorta distracted me. Same old same old right?" Aria shrugged, "Get some food, sing, and return here?"

The golden siren huffed, "I was going to let you chose where we ate at first but with that attitude we're waiting!" she glared.

"Okay! Alright, soorrrryyyy!" Blaze scoffed as the grumble came from her belly rather than her vocal cords.

"Weren't we going to like search on the computers here for places to sing at?" Sonata dangled a pointed index finger in the air before dropping it like dead weight.

Dazzle smirked, "At least she can appreciate what I'm trying to do.", earning a roll of the eyes from her usurper of a pack mate, "I've seen enough of the youth embrace this internet thing the humans use in this day an age rather than paper and flyers years back. We figure out how it works which shouldn't be too hard and locate the proper place to gain some power and more bits. I wouldn't do more than one for now, last thing we need is to attract the Rainbooms in our current predicament."

A nod from Blaze, "Going to assume we're hitting the venue in the evening when everyone's off their nine to five jobs right?"

"Which is why we'll practice some more in our room after we eat, I want a solid performance and nothing less. We are the Dazzlings after all and we have an image to keep up." Adagio smiled proudly.

A large family arrived through the entrance with luggage in tow, a wide age group from seniors to toddlers. Drawing Sonata's attention she yanked her head up from the relaxing pose she laid in, her eyes went over the colorful shirts and dresses of the adults like a bouquet of flowers with fleshy bits. Little annoying butterflies danced around them like hyperactive hatchlings would around mothers in congregation. From observing the family with the others an idea popped up that served to thankfully keep her up to pace with the gestalt will of the pod.

"Ohhh ya!? I forgot we were going to be doing a whole new crowd this time. Big older people like Principle Celestia and Vicey Lunny, they probably won't like the teen stuff we did for the school." she said with a content smile.

The curly haired one gave a pleased grin and patted her siren on the head gingerly, "We have three hours to get some new work out there, I don't want our first day truly testing our powers to bomb. Now let's find a computer and..." a baby began to cry loudly at the receptionist desk which quickly grew in cresendo, "... and get to lunch soon!"

Seeing Adagio grit her teeth at the cacophony, "Guess we can't just wing it?" Aria mumbled as she gave a scorning glance at the large human pack and their inability to control or tend to the baby, her ears were stinging.

After a stressful thirty minutes of trying to work the machine only to have a different receptionist assistant pass by for which they ordered over to provide help. They were soon in possession of three prime locations for the night and left as quick as a deer escaping hunters, for with the new pendant came an enhanced audio range they were only then beginning to become accustomed to.

Adagio swept back her curly locks back as they finally left the building, they stood outside which began to grow cloudy. It was the loading zone with a shuttle bus still parked as the driver took a break off to the side. It was a feature that had been posted as a picture in the brochure for the Inn, transportation that only arrived for use at specific times since it primarily waited at the mass transit station for new customers. She would delight in its convenience and eyed the young woman that had her bottle of sweet cider nearly finished, though a one trip method they could handle the walk back if need be.

The smell of lingering exhaust coated the air, "Aria? Wasn't there a nice place a few blocks away that had wonderful caviar and lobster specials?" Dazzle asked as she waved a hand before her to get the acrid scent away.

"Ya, Tom's Landing I think? Get's their supply from the waters not far from here so it's as fresh as it'll get." Blaze replied as she snorted a sneeze from happening.

Sonata peaked up at the mention of the crustracean, "Ahhhh.... I haven't had that in soooo loooonggg!!!"

With a tap of a small sac under her new attire of overlapping clothing with segmented trim, "We have enough bits for a good meal, so I believe it is time to sate one of our hungers."

Seven Days Later

The feedings had become a fascinating ordeal to learn more about their precious donated pendant, things were not as they use to be with their original gems. Adagio took each session to heart and studied the reactions of their listeners who indeed were of the older variety, harder of the mind which only made the negative energy all the more succulent.

It was a peculiar discovery that the new gem bestowed upon them, leading them to nervously check if they were in fact given a siren stone at all. As the more they used it every person in the audience who heard their song contracted the infectious urge to fight and brawl which was a huge step up from the teenagers they use to target. While fortunately not deadly nor too destructive, the fighting of such a degree rather than verbal harassment yielded greater volumes of the precious fuel to power their abilities. The downside came from the vastness that was the gem itself which had three times the volume of space in order to sate the unending hunger for adoration. They had only preyed upon the young after the Great World War of Wars had spawned large numbers of them years after it had come to a conclusion, it was a choice they had to make to survive barely a century ago. Chase after large tuna or harvest the shoals of herring which were easier to feast on.

On the fifth such expedition to one of the many locales to perform at on open mic nights or simply pay some bits to sing, it was then that the other part of the ruby revealed itself. The memories of their fans were directly affected to forget the violent wave which swept through their ranks, leading everyone to guess blindly as to why the black eyes, missing teeth, or torn clothing. Despite the other smaller injuries that wouldn't impair their daily lives, they seemed to have no memory once the Dazzling's began to sing. Their sultry lyrics unintentionally manipulated their minds to not only drain them of their lingering frustrations and anger, but swiped clean their tracks so that not even the Rainbooms could even track them. There was one time that they went for an encore to see what would happen, though no energy was absorbed they did garner a strong love from the crowd. Under the colorful lights, upon a decent stage, good sound systems, and the right number of ears they were loved and wanted again.

On the seventh day they stood before a Rodeo Bar hot spot, "Feel that girls? That's what we've been missing!" Adagio lavished in the swooning calls for more from the battered listeners, most were covered in food and drink after a food fight had broken out. Strangely they were saved from a spec of staining drink or globs of matter as if intentionally pardoned from the airborne meals.

"Ya... feels nice." Aria sighed.

"Totally..." Dusk dreamily smirked and waved to a few young men that caught her eye.

After departing the little mass, the trio made off with their own sugary drinks of fizzy soda as a treat to themselves on their way back to the Inn. On the moderately quiet street as the evening had transitioned into the night, Dazzle bathed in the delicious negative emotions they had taken and sensed it transforming into dark magic to power their voices. Each time they were becoming ever more eloquent and notes perfected as if they received a boost from each use.

Her lips locked upon the white straw of the styrofoam cup and drew a sip, letting the sweet liquid bath her taste buds. The victories were beginning to pile up and yet no word from their benefactor who gave them a second chance, what more could she ask for with such free reign?

"Ahhhh... to be us once again." she said in her euphoria, a gentle breeze passed by tickling her ears with swaying hair, "To think our new powers also secure our place in this world by controlling memories? I mean can you believe they can't even remember taking a chair to the back?!"

Sonata seemed to take the notion, "It kinda seems a little bad though, I mean they have to believe something caused those bad hits right?" following with a loud slurp from her own soda.

Aria shrugged, "So far so good far as I'm concerned, we're not on the news so they don't remember anything and that means no lame hacks from Canterlot High. Unlike them we actually have some hold, bet we could even get them to throw chili and burgers at them if they ever dared crashed one of our shows!" she grinned feeling sure of her assumption.

"Yes quite right. I'm so glad we got this fixed into a proper pendant for me to wear until we get the other two." she gleefully felt the jewel under her intricate blouse of stripes and strapping.

The twin pony tailed singer chuckled darkly, "Hey remember when we hit up Club Zinc the other night? Packed like a reef, bouncers at the doors holding the lines...."

Adagio felt the memory fresh off her mind flood into her forethoughts, it was one of their most crowning tests to date. The day she pushed their powers to the brink in terms of the size of the audience and the will they could enact upon them. She had back up plans worked out in case something happened or their powers lost control of the humans, but thankfully nothing went wrong. It was a location closest to the small acreage of huge hotels and condos, where tourists bunked in and journeyed out to see the sights. The business had seen enough attention that police patrols were frequent as flies to a dumpster, they were ready to quell any rabble should it happen or that could be seen.

When they had neared the venue her own voice echoed in her head, 'If it happens here, then without a doubt this stone will allow us to control this town quick and easily.'

Aria's voice joined right after, 'Ya, if we get into their heads and don't set that place on fire! Remember that thing on the news? The club was over capacity and throngs of these stupid monkeys died from the inferno and stampeded over the weaker ones.'

'Except! We can just command them to stop fighting and put out the fire right?!' the cheerfullest of them inquired.

'We will have control over them, that you don't need to worry. If something happens we will have every body under our spell and handle the issue before it causes a problem. Simple as that!' Dazzle assured with haste as they went to the doors to be admitted.

The two guardian staff members took one look before opening the way inside after Adagio flashed the pass code card given to them by the owner. From there, the Dazzlings took their queue behind the next attraction and waited for their moment to shine, using the valuable minutes to analyze the space and numbers they'd be riling up like an angry wasp nest. The particular business led the way in entertainment, each musician had to go through intense screening and if they were given a spot. They had two songs attributed to their block before they stepped down for the next act, the strategy not only helped budding performers gain attention. Every act was different from the next to keep the club spicy and alive, something for everyone rather than a narrow genre.

For the Dazzlings, a simple taste of their illustrious voices and the selection process gave them their time slot. Of course it was after they reviewed the past months worth of participants and adapted to the specific customers there. Once they were called on stage, they wrought their havoc which barely reached a simmer in the lake of bodies. So many hearts contributed to a sizable influx of negative energy that any extraordinary conflict needn't even be fostered. Under their tantalizing vocals and soothing chorus the sirens had silenced the club's massive numbers. Then allowed them to bicker and draw out the ambient anger within them, being cramped into Club Zinc had its affect on the apes like ponies so often felt. How feeble the human being was to be jostled so readily, they were ticking time bombs waiting to be lit.

As for the test to their newfound powers, Adagio allowed some of the humans to to go even further than words and go beyond a lit moshing. The gray area between shoving and a little physical contact that could have lead to general chaos tickled her in a way a scientist would be expecting the catalyst to transition a chemical change. Before too much could be had as in the days of Manehatten's influx of migrants after the war, the test was terminated with enough results to please her majesty.

Their quick intervention through a simple note held for a moment forced a puppeteer's strings onto every attendee in a trance-like state once pulled. The stillness in the room would have been eerie to anyone else, but silence was golden.

Right on cue, the red lights of the security cameras dotted around the club faded away as the enraptured security staff did their part in command of their musical subliminal message, 'Looks like it's time to collect our payment right girls?' Adagio snapped her fingers to begin leaving.

A quick altered rendition of their old 'Welcome to the Show' song had half the room tip the trio generously. Bits were gently deposited at the forefront of the stage while those further away used the sea of hands to wash the currency at the siren's feet. This was their favorite part when and if they ever took tips, it was hard enough to store the coins on their person considering their attire. However, much like feeding off the negative energies, taking too much would inevitably draw attention. As much as it was to hope their ability with amnesia was permanent and did not permit any recollection; of both themselves and their wallets.

'Guess our rent is paid for the next... thirty years?' Dazzle giggled as the stage floor seemed to become nothing but golden coins.

'Ohhh baby!! Mama loves her bits!' the fushia girl hollered while groping at the money.

Once they picked up what their purses and coin bags could hold, they left the club to come too their senses as soon as they exited with no one outside any wiser to the event. Free from any way of being seen or recorded, the sirens song had made leaps and bounds they'd never thought to ever see. The completion of the memory had Adagio awaken back from her day dreaming, they were on their way back home content like fattened ticks after a good blood meal.

"I can't believe it's true!?" Sonata squealed happily, taking another sip.

Blaze stretched her arms feeling ready for a good nights rest, "Me either, I can't believe it all to be honest."

"She's right." Dazzle added, "None of this feels real but it is..."

A sobering air fell upon the girls, a reality check came to heap upon their shoulders as a reminder of what earned them their latest success.

"And all we had to do... was lose... our own gems?" Aria grimaced losing her joy in an instant, what exhilaration was there vanished.

Dazzle stopped walking which halted the small procession, and turned to look at her subordinates with a soured face of bitterness. A truth hard to swallow but one they couldn't evade no matter how many gains they surmounted onto the tally chart. They survived a hurdle fate threw at them yet it was one which stole a piece of their being that no replacement gem could ever hope to make up.

"Robbed we were of our lives yes, but that only made us more powerful as we refused to be ground under the Rainbooms heels! Remember who we are inside these stick figure monkey suits. We are sirens... glorious daughters of the Ocean Lord and future conquerors of any world we stand upon! Our mothers told us each the same thing and we are not of the same pod that is true. But look at us!?" she brought a hand up and swayed it as if to make the others see the greater scene.

Sonata put her drink low to her stomach as she listened out of curiosity, like a child whose mother was about to sit them down and teach a valuable lesson. Blaze seemed to care little though she gave an ear, she hated revisiting the hatred she bore at sharing a single gem. The truth was still not an easy thing to cope with even after regaining their powers, their perfection in music and fortune. It felt stolen and wrong deep down, yet far too gratifying to ignore the benefits of the changes. After all they had been told so many times that they shouldn't even have lived after that fated battle, that they should have shattered along with their gems they were born with. The humiliation of being bested by younglings like the Rainbooms and they thousands of years old with untold experience, whatever magic they used was of unfathomable might. How were they not baked like beached shad in the hot sun left to be swept away by high tide as the shriveled husks they could have been?

"We will endure and we will adapt, every siren knows this to be the way of life for us. We have our bits, we have a home, and we have our powers! Let that free your minds from what ever red tide taints it... know that I won't let us make the same mistake again either. I won't allow it... never again." in a moment of weakness Dazzle seemed to truly give a real emotion to her words, ones of earnest and honor as rare as it was to ever see.

At first quiet to her beckon, a helicopter hummed above as it passed through the town with its flickering red and blue lights. The stars were starting to come out and the moon appeared as crescent as a devious smile to the east, it rose slowly with an orange tint to it's normally bleached white light. Few vehicles were passing by, most only heard and not seen by the three as they pondered over the persistent incomplete sense of self, though Dazzle's words seemed to hearken to them in their sea of morose. Even Dusk had frowned at what she felt was a void in her belly that no amount of food or singing could alleviate. A wound that wouldn't close but it left no physical pain, like Aria she just wanted it to go away as alien of a feeling as it was.

Adagio took notice when she received no proper response, putting her head between the two till her mouth was between both their ears, "Just remember the humiliation those fools put upon us... their meaningless friendship nothing compared to our pack... don't you want to obliterate their every ounce of happiness? I can make sure that will happen." she whispered the sweet nothings.

For her efforts as she pulled away there was an angry malcontent upon her little usurper and a hidden ire behind the ditsy one's smile, she had won their morale back as a matriarch should. Nothing else needed to be said as they nodded as one, they would turn the emptiness into a drive which would propel them forward. The human world would either be theirs for the taking or they'd die trying, would the Rainboom's go that far as well?

"Well I'm feeling peckish now how about you two?" she asked before glancing at a nearby trash bin caged in a metal frame, she casually tossed her half finished beverage and made the basket with ease.

Sonata elbowed Aria next to her, "I could really tear into a leg right about now, like for realzies!" her toothy cheer found footing in the scornful one.

"Ya, I'm game... I want to see that colorful freak in a steak and just imagine her on my plate!" her tongue licked her chops in eagerness.

Thus with all in consensus they headed off to another restaurant they wanted to try, luck would have them that the town in the middle of ranches and orchards could have such diversity much less access to seafood as well. Her girls were primed once more and would likely tear into cooked flesh not to consume but to merely make a mess to serve a point. They were sirens after all and somehow it just felt right to indulge in hunger since they had bits to throw.

It was not long before the smell of wood smoking and burning herbs tempted them to the somewhat expensive business, a place which specialized in what would make the day all the more special. One place Aria thumbed up from her pile of adverts the tourist center provided, it was called the Deep Sea Chasm. The name though childish to an extent carried with it a bit of history being one of the first restaurants to open decades ago and bring in the only fresh fish and such unspoiled. They were masters of spice and flavor that were rooted in the years before the Great War, and no one ever hated their recipes as wide as the options spanned.

Dazzle flipped through the pamphlet that showcased the signature dishes, “I was thinking of getting that succulent salmon, their portion serving is unrivaled in this town. And I believe I deserve quite the feast!” her orange luscious hair swayed as she sang through a small tune, placid as a clam.

“Ohh! They have those Baja style shrimp tacos too! And six for seven value with sides!" Sonata nearly yelled in her ears as she peered over her shoulder to see herself, "They say from customer reviews their guacamole is unrivaled...”

“You would go for that. I’m going for the King Crab, seems like something for someone of my skills and talent.” Aria gloated, she had been going back to her old ways of being the center of attention much to Adagio’s disdain.

“Get what you want and enjoy, we've earned it girls." Dazzle giggled to herself.

Before they were nearing the property of the establishment in all its fantastic signage and lights, a cawing source of scorn flew in front of them hearkening back to the dreaded meeting with the demonic old woman. It was that same black bird from before, those beady little eyes had their own testiness as if it regarded them like kids. The way it tilted its head and eyed them up and down, cawing periodically in some sort of language it created itself they couldn't begin to realize.

Adagio whipped her head around fearing the arrival of the frost crone, yet all she manged to identify were two trucks passing by and the busy parking lot of the restaurant. Beyond that there was no one within seventy feet of them, no one bearing any resemblance to the ancient hag that nearly killed them. Even if they received the stone from her as a message she was not regarded very well, she was a deadly threat if toying with anyone by magic was any clue to heed.

"That wretched old hen! She's around here somewhere I know it!" Dazzle cursed under her breath upon giving up the search.

Sonata simply eyed the avian with a happy smile, which she waved at as if it were a stray puppy. It returned in kind by twitching a wing as if parroting her, then its head bent down to pull off a twine wrapped message on its scaly leg. Having deposited the tiny scroll, it cawed raucously before taking flight into the night where its obsidian feathers camouflaged its flight path. The cerulean girl took a liking to the rolling piece of paper and pinched at it, pulling it up and giving it a look over.

“Great! There goes a good evening.” Aria growled as she too had tried to preemptively locate the inhumane entity to no avail.

“Well, at least we don’t have to go looking for Mr. Mysterious Man anymore.” Sonata thoughtlessly labeled whomever they were collaborating with as she squinted at the four inch sized square message.

“What are you talking about?” the golden siren glanced over confused and befuddled by the statement, her hair still on end from the black bird's appearence.

Then came a blood chilling sensation that nearly paralyzed the curly haired diva upon hearing reply that was not from her foolish subordinate, “Ya… what are you talking about?”

A familiar vocal pattern they hadn't wished to experience again until they had at least one other stone, what power they had wasn't going to cut it. Visceral images of that fateful night with that monumental spectral alicorn in the sky bearing down on them, a beam of ruinous magic bathing their physical bodies as well as the phantasmal projections, then the cracking of their immortal souls. Immediately her face contorted in pure hatred, her eyes shrank in unbridled fear as her mind double and then triple checked where their gem was on her person without touching it. She assured herself repeatedly that it was hidden under three layers clothing, out of sight and out of mind to the only true danger to them.

Rainbow Dash's grating voice was sandpaper to Aria's mental sanity, requiring every fiber of her being to not lash out and destroy the little human. Swallowing the molten ire, a venomous glare was the least she could offer to the sudden arrival of the punks of Canterlot High.

"Huh? Didn't expect to see ya'll round these parts, course bett'n ya'll have changed for the better?" said the farm girl in her country accent as she tipped her stetson to the trio in kindness.

"The Dazzlings?!" Sunset appeared as if she'd seen a car collision happen, she had her carry pack over the shoulder while a phone sat in her other hand she'd been looking at.

Applejack, Rainbow, and Sunset stood with inquisitive gazes, of course the athlete among them mirrored Blaze in every way with no sign of backing down. Eyes attempted to burn their resentment upon each other as their loathing carried past the overhead street lamp's white light, nothing but crickets singing in the tall grass on the empty lot. A few vehicles noisily passed by and turned into the parking area, their blinkers flashing and one car's radio loud enough to hear through the metal and glass.

Crossing her arms over her chest, Adagio went with the flow and decided to play a lie gracefully as she engaged Sunset, “Sonata’s date of course, we’ve been working our fingers to the bone for a living and Sonata here has earned someone’s heart isn't that right?", she glanced to her fool who was too lost to reaction, "We've been living here among the humans peacefully and as you can see productively. We were just about to get a little dinner in before tomorrow's... um... hours!”

Sunset softened as she believed every word having known their gems were long gone with their voices, “Wow... well good for you three. I wasn't sure if you'd stick around or leave, but to be honest love wasn't what I was expecting either of you to indulge in? No offense!” she sheepishly held her hands up in placation once all three sets of eyes bore down upon her.

Rainbow shoved herself before Aria specifically with a fire in her eyes that nearly took the siren off guard, “Ya, like anyone would fall for you three sea witches! You probably tricked him or something, that’s how anyone will like you these days. You're pathetic if you think you'll get anyone to love and adore you!”

That blatant comment hit Sonata rather hard like a slap to the face, she cringed away looking to the ground in face of the insult. While Adagio's neutral expression caved into disdain with a compliment of a low growl, Aria leered at the chromatic haired simpleton that could have burned through iron. If anyone would have the right to put down the blue packmate it was her, she had the right in the pack to quarrel with her fellow and no one else. Besides, at least she never actually meant to abuse the ditz full heartedly, it was just what a pack did to keep themselves on their fins or toes.

"Take... that... back!" she snarled with a toothy scowl eager to let loose on the Rainboom.

Applejack put a hand on Dash's shoulder to pull her back as the meet devolved into a borderline confrontation, “Rainbow! For Apples sake chill would ya?!", putting a hand between the two, "Pardon her she's got umm... stuff she's... stress'n about? What we ALL meant ta say wuz that we're surprised ya went and got yourself a boy is all! Honest, would thought ya'll have gotten a new life across the country by now than stay here like Sunset said?”

With the sudden crossed paths Adagio placed her vision back onto Sunset once she was certain there would be no fighting between them yet. The visual message she conveyed was a warning to her rival and keep her dog leashed or consequences would come of her actions. Those raspberry eyes were as piercing as they were clear in their intent, but she quickly changed character to resume the innocence around them.

“Strange, why would you three would even care, with all the support and lack of priorities to live with other then sitting in a little room to learn insipid things? What's your reason for being this far into the town? Are you following us? Come to see if we are behaving as angels unlike this one right here?” Adagio thumbed at the powder blue teenager rearing to drop the gloves in an instant.

The sunny haired magical girl simply panicked and brought the other girl closer to her as if distance would simmer her down some, but for her efforts it accomplished little. Something had set off Rainbow and her allies were absolutely clueless as to why she was so volatile, eager to quell the unstable ground between them if a solution were instantaneous.

"It's true! We mean no offense, we just have... something... we're dealing with is all. In fact I hope Sonata has a great time with whomever she sees, best of luck from Canterlot High!" she forced a smile with giving a firm thumbs up, eliciting a little assurance of peace from Sonata herself.

With her little usurper up front as the muscle and Sonata behind her out of protective instinct, Dazzle ran a few simulations between the two if they couldn't keep their rouge muzzled. The anger itself was a negative emotion she wasn't quite familiar with as it was bitter her, and she was quite sure the others were aware of it as well. She would have been thrown for a loop at the strangeness of the off emotion had the pendant not give off its own answer to her. A strange warmth seeped from it against her fair skin as if hot water were cascading from a shower head, it wasn't activating of its own accord as she knew it did when they sang. What her mind could formulate was another ability they'd had discovered, but why it angered without song and fouled the fuel was queer in itself to all that made sense.

Grudgingly eyeing up the human females, 'Why are you doing this? Why just one of them if it's not a distance thing?', she thought to herself, 'Never have we ever devoured such awful energy, could this be a defense mechanism perhaps? Did the Rainbooms somehow learn to taint their emotional aura to prevent us from draining them?! NO!?! They're not that smart!'

“Get this stamped through that thick skull of yours, if anyone gets to say anything like that to Sonata, it's us! At least we don't meant it! So say something one more time you Sunshine reject! Say something one... more time.” Aria seemed poised like a cobra ready to strike, she needed to feel superior and hold the upper ground.

Sunset groaned as she slapped her left hand to her forehead, ‘This wasn’t how I wanted this to go, awesome job dash. Now we’re on enemy terms with that outburst.".

Noticing Adagio was doing nothing to do the same for Aria, the iced lake they stood over was quickly cracking the longer they dwelled on the unfortunate first words. Thus to avoid losing the Dazzlings into obscurity when they still were looking for their altered gemstone, Sunset put herself and Applejack between the two hostile elements.

“We’re being honest, aren’t we Rainbow?!” Applejack scorned her rambunctious friend behind her, “Anyway, we just came back from getting some tools for mah farm and just happened to cross your path. Honest!”

A quick whiff of the tan skinned girl confirmed her words, she was telling the truth if the three emotions Dazzle sensed were true. Where as Sunset seemed to have an irritable green cloud coming from her person, though it was directed at the other less palatable one she held away. They were indeed doing what they could to be none confrontational with the stone's passive ability, meaning she needed to end things and part ways. Least she fear their powers be detected and worse things came to pass from negligence in their secrecy.

Flicking hair out of her eyes the mild breeze kicked up, "Tell you what, let's just forget about all this and say this never happened? Shall we not meet again."

“We’re on our way to eat, so if you can make like scrambled eggs and beat it! We're hungry.” Aria huffed as her resentment took heed of Adagio's silent order to back down.

Feeling as if they'd forever lose the former sirens without a chance at becoming friends as she had enjoyed Sunset jumped at the withering window of opportunity, “Look, I’m sorry for what Rainbow Dash blurted out. We’re just helping Applejack pick out some colors for the painting of her new barn, friends do that. But seeing you three alone in this part of town and something about a…”

“Can we just go already…” Sonata muttered to Adagio, for her the bitter negativity was a little more harsh on her senses than the rest.

With a nod the golden girl turned heel and left like a lioness who stood off another who trespassed upon her territory. Her head held high as the clicking of her new stylish boots carried her away, Sonata close behind looked back to give a mournful frown towards Shimmer herself as if unpleased by how things turned out. Though Aria as agitated as she was left the air tense enough to feel through the flesh, careful not to let her powers surface and glint in her eyes. Sunset attempted to speak up and stop them if only to see into the missing stone for any connection, yet there was nothing but emptiness in their wake and utter refusal at parlay.

A large transport truck zoomed by as its loud engine coughed by the girls, “Ya keep going ya harpies! World’s safer without your voices anyway!”

“Rainbow Dash, that’s enough of that now, your acting way out of line there! Not ta mention how bad Sonata looked after yer off hand comment.” Applejack had little patience for mean folks but Dash really took the cake even if she was her friend, “Yer acting as if they were still sirens, their pendants are broken! They ain’t no harm as much as a rattlesnake is without fangs! Sheesh... what's gotten in those undergarments anyways?”

“I... it's just!?" Dash sputtered as if the folly were becoming known, "Whatever… let’s keep going, it’s getting dark and dad's going to be mad with me if I'm late again!” she steamed off with the farm girl fast behind still lecturing her.

The feeling of defeat was a sour one for the Equestrian in human skin, in some part of her imagination she had actually hoped to have the defeated champions of disharmony among their ranks. Like the mad power and vindictiveness she had herself, it was the release from that kind of emotionally charged magic which allowed her to feel for others and regret. It was a scenario she pinned upon that their gems were the source of their evil and would turn into good people, maybe even lending any talent to their band? Even going so far as to contemplate any lingering magic within their beings coming through like the ears and long hair they experienced at times. A formidable force against new trouble makers, great friends and a happy life for all out of the ashes.

She was shaken from her thoughts by Applejack a walk away, "Next time yer rude I'm cutt'n ya off from my family's cider season for a year! Ya'll hear me!"

Left by herself under the lone lamp post, Shimmer turned her head to her friends and then one last time at the Dazzlings. There was so much she had planned to help facilitate the trust she wanted to have with them, befriending in order to prove they were not involved in the theft. It would have helped ease her troubles, but it was undeniable that that ship set sail to never return to port. If she'd really want to excuse them from the incident then she'd have to track them down and spy on them, not something she wanted to do.

“Hey! You coming or not!” Dash yelled at the end of the block heading for home, having ignored the farm girl's warnings.


The walk was wordless, none of the three ancient beings wanted to say anything concerning their renewed sense of hatred for Canterlot's guards. The air still reeked of of Rainbow's echoing insult, ringing in Dusk's thoughts loudly enough to even discourage her from giving a reaction to the scent of aromatics spewing from the kitchen vents up ahead. Aria usual stone face sat upon her visage, but even as her legs carried her behind their leader her sight kept flicking back to the blue girl to the left. She felt pity for the little idiot, that slap of words just wasn’t something Sonata earned any day no matter how vexing her spontaneous behavior was. Humans unlike sirens were very straight forward when it came to fighting one another, and even if they later regretted saying things it as the moment the act was committed that they did mean each and every word. They tasted it like spoiled milk on he taste buds.

Brushing past customers who were either leaving to their cars or heading in as well, Adagio secured a table and they were lead through the restaurant double red doors. The golden handles pulled by staff inside, the wall of delicious meals being served slamming into them with a warm barrier of air. Like a breath after remaining under water for too long, the eatery did wonders on their mood to an extent. Distraction was desperately needed after what happened and Dazzle wouldn't spare any expense to remedy their dour night.

Seated at their booth with menu's waiting and water on the way, “Let’s just find some joy here, we’ll deal with those banshees later. And Sonata…” Adagio asked with a strange sense of care in her voice in a way as a mother might, “Any human would be praying to take any of us out, don’t let that fool tell you otherwise. Remember how you caught the attention of those royals from abroad? I mean strange they didn't find me or Aria as attractive..."

Sonata interjected, "I... I know, just... for some reason it hurt more than I thought it would?" she said as her fingers twiddled together on the table.

Nearly taking heed upon herself to rest a hand on her subordinate out of empathy, the waiter returned ready to take their order as they placed a large pitcher of crystal clear water down.

His cheery attitude floundered among the girls, "Welcome ladies, I hope your evening has been well." the rosy white skinned man asked as if it were a routine mechanical saying, more or less indifferent to their recent tiff.

He earned short lived scowls from two of the more aggressive looking patrons while the third gave him a small wave with little enthusiasm. To the human it was just a job to greet and get their orders, there were too many tables to see to and be emotionally committed to a single table. Dazzle figured as much as she detected the stress and exhaustion within the worker, not wanting any further fireworks to go off she excused his false kindness.

With a huff she replied, "We already know what we're ordering. She'll have the King Crab with the wild rice pilaf. She'll have the baja shrimp tacos while I'll have the King Salmon A La Plancha. As for the check we're..." she started to reach for one of the many bit pouches they had.

Before she touched the sac however a young girl in a crisp school uniform the likes they'd seen similarly through their journeys, with a purple backpack on her shoulders strolled up to the four with an eager peppiness. Pleated skirt of dark purple violet, a light blue blouse with gray cuffs, hair tied into a bun, and thick black spectacles giving her an educated nerdy appearance the sudden guest. Taking post by the table she looked at the spare seat left by Aria on her side, never once expecting their group to have anyone else among them.

“I’ll be paying for their food, if I could get the basil seared scallops over noodles please.” She asserted as she sat down in the empty spot, completely flabbergasting Blaze who couldn't believe the intrusion.

None hadn’t reacted quick enough before Sonata blurted out what they were trying to think much less throw the girl out and toss lambasting statements at her for thrusting herself upon them. They were still fuming at Sunset and her lackies, the fuse so short it would have gone off nearly immediately.

“Hey, you're Twilight from the Rainbooms!” she pointed a finger with furrowed eyes.

With a confused look, “I don’t know who the Rainbooms are, sorry. I’m actually from Crystal Prep, top researcher among my class… even if it doesn’t earn a good social standing or close acquaintances among my peers.” she looked away, “I’m Twilight Sparkle, how are you three?”

The strange serenity in the girl's emotional state was a confusing element Dazzle couldn't understand, she also sensed her differently than what she remembered of her. It was as if her aura was the same yet far different, no magic residual or otherwise could be tasted and likely the reason Aria hadn't shoved her out.

The very girl frowned with her rage coming to head, “What the heck! First they slander us on the street and now trying to play dumb and fool us?”

“What?” Sparkle reeled in her seat at the sudden outburst as acute dread seeped into her, how much a little puppy among a pack of wolves she let herself to be.

There were too many factors which painted her a peculiar one to not be targeted, eliciting a cease fire from her mouth so that she could figure out what was happening. Sunset may have been the smartest one of the Rainbooms, but even she couldn't go so far as to somehow mask one of them so efficiently. She hadn't shown that kind of proficiency in magic otherwise they would have had different fight on their hands.

“Hold up you fool! We don’t need to get kicked out of the restaurant!” Adagio snapped to keep the agitated siren in check, “She’s not the same, can’t you sense it!”

While oblivious to the exchange between the two Dazzlings, Aria took a reluctant note and huffed in response. She slammed a palm on the table and drew ever closer to the intruder, so close that her face became mere inches away from Twilight's nose. Like the heat pits of a viper sensing a rat she too drew in the information their one gem allowed, indeed a different yet similar flavor of emotions. The main point was there existed no magic in her body, but something else at the tip of her mind that bore familiarity. What was it that peaked her intrigue more than her ire, was it the scent of siren magic she picked up on?

Dazzle coughed to draw attention to her, the poor girl could only look with her eyes afraid to turn her head, “If you’ll excuse my friend, we had a rather… distasteful conversation with some Canterlot High students on our way here. And there happened to be someone like you among them the other times we met. Maybe you might know of this? You surely seem like you're a different person from the one we've... talked to.” she said through clenched teeth.

The overbearing presence of Blaze served only to pause any likely defense, leaving the four among the chorus of clattering dishes and spatulas with the busy restaurant. They were just close enough to hear the head waiter direct another party to their seating, people laughing and drinks banging against a table. Music played in the ceiling speakers just loud enough to be heard over everything, and not far down the other side of the building the sports bar TV's silently showed a game in action.

Twilight swallowed the moisture in her mouth as a nervous lump formed in the throat, she appeared unprepared for the moment as if she thought she could get in their grace easily. Yet still the facts remained and Dazzle would get an answer one way or another even in public, who was she and should they drain her of all the negative emotions.

"Aria! Let up, I wish to hear her explanation." she commanded before resting her chin on laced fingers with elbows on the table as if she were a mob boss listening to a snitch.

If the new girl didn't know better she was well informed at that point, evident even more in how she anxiously sought to make her collar and tie less tight around her neck. It was almost cute to see one of the Rainbooms so submissive, though it would have been more fun for the golden siren if she was positively one of their ilk.

At first she stuttered to get a word out being as stricken as that time she met with the CEO of Tesla Lightning, “I... I'm... I assure you I’m not that doppelganger I... I saw in the newspaper too and... everyone at school thinks it was me! I was talk... tal... talking to Principle Cinch's new donor to the school, she... sssshhhe...", Twilight had to look away in order to finish talking, "She even announced it to the school where I attend. I was away at an Industrial Designer's convention a few weeks ago and started another project. The donor ran a business in the field my work focused on, she wanted to help the Academy and... maybe hire me after I completed Everton's Independent Study.”

Again there was truth to her words, no differing vocal patterns to identify negative emotions associated with lying, “Well, aside from otherworldly impostors, mind telling me why you’re here and buying our food for us? We’re not real keen on trusting someone in your… situation.” Adagio kept her sight upon her feeling unsure as to why there might be two of the same girl in the banishment realm.

The question seemed to liven the teenager up as it transitioned things into her favor, “Oh! You didn’t get the note? I was told you'd be informed of my arrival? He even said so in his text?” which earned Sonata’s attention.

She reached into a jacket pocket and pulled out the little scrap, “So you’re the one we’re to meet tonight?” she said with the mini parcel in her right hand as it waved in her moving grasp.

Dazzle shot up in her seat and glared at her idiot, “Give me that!”

Snatching it away she squinted to read the tiny message and it clarified the arrival of their new guest written entirely in old Equish. She found it odd she even remembered the runes of the alphabet much less translate them, however it also jarred her to know they were working with other Equestrians or one knowledgeable about them. Looking at the purple hued human then back to the message which cycled back and forth a few times, she officially called it a blunder in her earlier assumptions.

"Okay, I'm done! Spill the shrimp girl and tell us all you know!" Adagio's ultimatum slapped the table, her left hand whisked the water ladened vessel and poured her glass to drink from.

All three sets of ocular organs glued onto the little human who sought to vilify herself quickly, “I can’t say much being in this open place, but you and I are to work together from here on out. He wants to see us soon, but he felt that for everything to work out that you and I should work as a team.”

“What…” Aria deadpanned hearing the context of 'him' in her sliver of explanation.

She shrugged, "What? It's true! I've studied under him when I could for the last week."

A quick chug of the ice cube chilled water lent to another rapid and clean fill of the glass tumbler, "Really now? Studied what by chance? Who is 'he'? And do you know what 'he' has done for us?" she asked setting out trick questions in one last ditch attempt to get the fowl to fly from the reeds.

Rather than recoil from the onslaught of questions Twilight seemed as lively as a minnow at the waters edge, “Again... I really am not supposed to divulge that information out in... public!" she whispered, "I guess though I can say this however, magic. For you three he gave you your powers back. As for who he is I've promised to keep it secret until otherwise or else he'll take away all the information he's given me. And I value new data far too much to lose such revolutionary wisdom!"

Sonata piped up, "Wow, so you humans really don't have magic huh?"

"Shut it!" Dazzle hissed, "Looks like you're almost genuine, anything else about us that only he would know?"

Sparkle nodded gingerly, "Yes, you had something that was taken away from you and he gave a portion back. You are sirens from a world not of my own, your mere voices can swoon and absorb latent negativity from hosts that suit your needs. But after a series of events that unfolded, the decisions you made Adagio Dazzle lead your group to dismay and your strengths revoked permanently... until he gifted you replacements."

"Excuse me?" the head of the trio asked in a miffed tone of warning.

"I mean uhhh... um... that you've shown very interesting qualities that will prove useful to him and your pursuit for more of those artifacts you hold dear! He’s promised me a chance to study such strange items that my instruments have tracked while I was gone. Ever since Canterlot had some kind of incident that tore down the front entrance, one of my latest detectors recorded a strange energy frequency a few days ago. The energy readings all point to something surrounding that school. Oh how right I was when he found me!” she squirmed happily in her seat further justifying her position among the girls.

By now the all but two were dumbfounded by Twilight before them, "You see I've kind of been a researcher since I was young, my family works at an observatory and such which grew my appreciation for the great beyond of our daily lives. I always excelled in my studies to the point I graduated top of my class, but that didn't garner any friends or allies. Around here things are really personal and to get ahead of everyone else you make enemies more than acquaintances. Crystal Prep was to be the safe haven for my intellectual pursuits but even there the other students are... hard to cope with." Sparkle sighed as if she had been fighting a long battle with no gains.

Sonata hummed gently, "So like, you're the odd fish in the school?"

Twilight agreed, "Yes, and things were still going as planned even without... outside assistance. But a mysterious donor stopped by and they wanted to see my personal laboratory Principle Cinch set aside for me. When I showed him my two ideas I had been trying to make reality, he personally displayed a whole new type of technology I couldn't pass up. Magic!"

Aria sat against the booth's cushioned seat more bothered by the running words than Twilight's presence anymore, "So a stranger shows you something special and you freak out. Big deal."

The Crystal Prep student furrowed her brows slightly, "When you can turn a fragment of aluminum into pure solid gold then yes it's quite the big deal! I even verified it with a small electron microscope... there was no room for denial!"

"What's an electrode microscope?" Dusk scratched her head in confusion.

The server arrived right before either of the other two could reprimand her, quietly he deposited the large white plates on a much larger plastic tray to the table. Each of the girls receiving what they asked for with a steaming pile of tantalizing food ready to eat at their whim. When he bid them a good evening none said a word to in return, more or less the sirens were occupied with just who exactly they were dealing with.

"How about this, tell us your name first and go easy on the words if you could? We're singers after all." Dazzle advised leaving her dish untouched, though after a snap of the fingers the rest dug in.

"Oh! I'm soo sorry! You can call me Twilight Sparkle, I live in the eastern area of the town at Running Rivers Residence. I'm about to turn sixteen in two months, you pretty much know the rest about Crystal Prep though." the young woman reached for her bundled up eating utensils and set about prepping to eat.

Again nothing but truth and it infuriated Adagio, she did not want to agree to an outsider getting close to them as it only meant another means for the Rainbooms to get information out of them. The girl herself was an easy nut to crack and would prove to be a weak point in their obscurity, even after the tiff with the Canterlot lames. Yet if she was the real deal, going back against their benefactor's generosity would only serve to retard their ascension or take it away completely. It was a tougher decision to make than she was ready to handle.

Dazzle sighed heavily finding no other way beyond seeing things through, which if worse came to shove they could use their memory altering magic to stall the potential blabber mouth at their table. Though it was one more loose end to worry about, she hoped would be a minimal factor they could easily cap the tube from spewing details about their activities.

"Look, let's just eat first and we'll worry about everything else afterwards." she grunted and dove into her fish with ravenous hunger.

Once the rather smooth going dinner ended, Twilight effortlessly took care of the payment with a hefty tip. To which she said was courtesy of their benefactor before setting the twenty bit gratuity down. Outside however, the girl followed them a ways before it earned Adagio’s curious attention, she wasn't leaving like she hoped would occur. Which only meant that there was more to the request than she expected to put up with, tagging along was one thing but sticking to them like a remora was another.

After turning a corner on their way to the Inn Adagio spoke up, “So what, you're going to follow us home? I don’t remember anything beyond association from this patron of ours.” Aria muttered something under her breath with her arms folded.

Twilight took the hint and motioned to her backpack by tapping it with her right hand, “Oh ya about that, he’s given me something to give you that needs me to re-calibrate for your use. You kind of surprised him with your progress and its accelerated the plans he's had set up for a while now. I can only show you behind closed doors however, so if you won’t mind I’ll need to bunk with you even if it’s just a couch or a chair?” Twilight adjusted her glasses and awaited the response in all seriousness, "The floor with a pillow and a sheet?"

If it were not the case of their shared venture, her likeness to their foe they vowed to fight again would have caused a loud answer of denial to her request. However, their gem could disappear for all she knew if they even so much as breathed a desire to leave with the ruby for their own accord. It would be just for the night anyways as Adagio kept telling herself, a headache starting to build up from the fantastic developments.

“Fine, you are on the couch and once the lights are off it's sleep. We get up around eight and we’re out the door in fifteen minutes. You're late, you're left behind. Consider this generous of us.” Adagio ordered before the Inn came within view.

Sonata patted the nerdy girl’s shoulder and smiled, "You're sooo gonna love it there, Dagi picked it out herself and she never skimps out on a good place to bunk in! We can share stories, you can show us what you're hiding, we have a laugh, and good times for realzies!!"

Canterlot Royal Library- Black Tape Archives

Night after possible night that could be permitted, the secret section only open to the highest clearance within the Arcana and to the Princesses finally saw use once again. Inside the vault itself was a design built during the middle years of the Classical Era, constructed into the mountain of Canterhorn with the express purpose of locking certain things away. The stone and old marble were carved long before the two sisters had ever come close to their power as the celestial entities they currently were. Where the huge doors opened up they lead down a main walkway three pony widths wide, high traffic was a rarity or never once considered by the makers.

To the right was the crescent wall bowing outwards, no shelves except neck high cubbies filled with ancient scrolls when ponies only knew of ways or writing. Nothing but four rows of rolled up papyrus which shimmered with magic that kept them locked in stasis for posterity still smelled of the fresh pulp they were pressed from, Luna knew it would get a rise from her fellow alicorn. Delicate data that had to be handled with utmost care extended along the half moon shape of the right side of the archive, the four rings radiated outward with the shortest at the very walkway. To the left were four carved and polished oak wood tables put together with little to no care of their elegance, there was still bark along the edge of the table and its one leg. Though treated with some kind of glossy resin, they'd probably not see much use by the new occupants even though their rustic utilitarian design was admirable.

Beyond the archaic furnishings were the meat and gravy to Twilight's presence inside the Black Tape section, eight rows of book shelves brimming with muted earth tones. While it had been only the third time that Luna would spend a great deal of time in the awful place of dark knowledge, her charge nearly drooled a little with glossy eyes in the temporary captivation that consumed her. Six more book shelves rest atop the second level where two granite stairways rose between the archive wall and the last row of books to complete the oval formation of the entire chamber. The musty smell of collected material were something all its own, to the lavender mare it was the scent of ultimate knowledge even if she couldn't read it all. The twitching wings of excitement were enough to Luna to say her peace on their first day in the vault. Her words were thankfully memorized as she checked with the young princess each and every time they entered for research, they were more than just words.

"Remember Twilight what I say, and I want you to repeat it each and every time we come here. Can you promise me this?" she had asked before they delved too deep into the lingering traps of black magic.

It took a moment before a reply was formulated from the librarian herself, "Yes... Princess Luna, whatever you need of me I can do it!" she hesitantly tore her gaze from the countless books and categorization she desperately needed to analyze, "l Pinkie Promise to uphold anything!"

Sensing the slight pull of natural curiosity tugging the alicorn's attention Luna made haste, “There are no things ponies were not meant to know. There are, perhaps, things ponies are unprepared to figure out." her visage bore the stone stillness of a bust in the royal hallways, "But that's a different problem.”

It thankfully sat well in her one pony audience, "What do you mean Princess?"

The dark blue diarch softened a little with a smile like the dear called Fluttershy, "Exactly that, what lies in this confidential vault which has been stricken from public knowledge... is in itself trying to seek open eyes and an innocent mind to which to latch onto. While yes this vault is encapsulated by the magic of the Old Order in which the powers here are prevented from acting out, their influence yet extends. Have you not realized that this location is not better guarded by ponies?" she asked a her legs gradually walked forward, Twilight followed alongside once she passed her.

"I would have thought the Palace itself was well fortified in terms of the defenses already in place? What else could get through?" their hooves clopped and echoed as the two were alone inside.

Princess Luna chuckled to herself recollecting the rest of the conversation, as there she stood upon the second level watching from the railing. Her horn glowed with her mana aura with a detection spell being fed during their time spent in the archive, she would know if something insidious were trying to get a hold on either of the two alicorns.

Her magic was not the only defense passively observing for any triggers, dotting all around the dome ceiling of the chamber's brick lining were mock unicorn statues. Busts jutting out of the very curvatures from the shoulders up representing and honoring the Old Order that once protected the watched over the ponies of yor. Their stone horns were said to contain the wards that kept the virulent evil trapped within and from entering, how they remained still powered was enscribed in each of the busts themselves. Marble plaques hung under with their names and the time of their great sacrifice, how they transferred all of themselves into the statues to forever guard the Black Tape section.

They too watched with unwavering sight of all sights, emotionless blank stares off into the void of space but everywhere all the same. She returned their immortal stewardship with the gratitude of that filly who once knew them during their time on Equis, their true faces and voices fading in and out in her thoughts. By sharing their duty she would make it up to everypony for falling to the shadows and their seductive promises, they would never harm another pony if she could stop it.

She relaxed a little gazing at one particular unicorn stallion and mare whose depictions were side by side unlike the rest, "Never again... Clover the Clever... Meridian of Magicks..."

A clink and bang from the only entrance into the library opened up, drawing her attention away if only in mental awareness. She knew the only ones who could come in were her own thestrals, anything else would have met battle before even setting a hoof on the gem studded doors.

The commander of the Night Guard walked in calmly and bowed to the princesses, "Anything to report Sir Steel?" Luna asked as her horn hummed from the scanning spell.

His piercing eyes honed in on hers as was customary of his tribe in sincerity, "No your highness, only two requests for your audience we deemed secondary importance. Court Aid Nightly Quill will handle the Nobles. As for operations..." the doors closed behind him from Stellar's mouth upon the handle pulling it shut, "No activity to discuss, all is quiet on every front."

"And I feel it troubles you?" she inquired keeping her focus split but malleable nonetheless.

He gave a glance at the other princess who had begun her work on the first row of shelves in the back half, "Quiet means they're planning Princess, quiet means they are not letting their runners try to spy on this room, quiet means... they have something big in the works. Perhaps just like the Argentum Falls incident."

"Hmm... yes the Agents as I've heard were on the rise not a few months ago. Now they've gone into hiding? For what nefarious purpose do they act out of the norm as they say?" she rubbed the upper side of her hoof under her chin attempting to guess herself.

"Commander Stellar's Haunters Platoon has been tasked with investigating new hide outs, missing pony reports, and strange occurrences reported to Guard Posts. From what I'd assume, this has happened almost too coincidental with the missing artifact Princess Twilight is looking into. I read the report Princess Celestia sent to all the Heads..." he explained, the depth of his voice low and questing.

Luna set her hoof back down to close her eyes, her mind working around the light strain of the spell still in use, "While she meant well in trying to understand a foe we may very well still have somewhere along our shores, it was perhaps... a venture best gained within Canterlot walls?" she attempted to convey her volume so that only the officer heard her, "Nevertheless, we have the reservists awaiting application, you have my permission to access their numbers and bolster the investigations. It should hurry the process and uproot those wayward ponies who have given into temptation, the Treasury has enough spare bits for a few nights of additional warriors. Sally forth and figure out why the A.O.S. has become calm and end what plans they have brewing in their summoning cauldrons. Sir Steel!"

"By your command." the armored bat winged pony bowed again.

He turned and tapped upon the large doors which cracked ajar for his leave to be permitted, but in his wake was a worry that sat upon Luna's withers. An entire kingdom suffering no ills of dark magicians who normally commit some crime thrice in a night, a hide out expunged and destroyed, or some summoned evil spirit hungry for magic that could grant a wish to the summoner. For all of the sudden to be no crimes against harmony and peace to last for the first week in an era, it only painted a dangerous picture that even the Princess of the Night dared not fathom.

'My fellow ponies know where to look, who to question, what to seek. If they can't find the Agents now... then indeed something is going to happen that will be of disaster to all. Twilight was right to insist on finding who might be at the cause of all this', she breathed out to relax, 'At least she only needs to read the journals and biographical content of this forsaken vault. She's already been through the spell specific section about that siren gem twice and none of that material was inherently dangerous.'

She turned her gaze from the only doors in the stone room to the little lavender pony surrounded by towers of books and old tomes. Papers and scrolls that would never leave the library were organized in size and category from the slot section of the shelves, they were read through with another stack of notes off to the side. Those would be burned once Twilight had what she needed, affirmation that the stone was dangerous or not and if somepony of great malice had taken it only solidified their immediate scrubbing to avoid another from repeating.

Twilight's job had only just begun after finding no pertinent information on sirens at all nor any mention of such gems and their specific spells. It was why she had such a hard time combating the Dazzlings in the first place, mind magic and soul leech were classified to all just for that reason of many. Of all the foes she had fought already to date, she had been sure there might be other powerful magical artifacts that shared their pendants properties. Unfortunately all she came across were the usual copy cat Alicorn Amulets and cursed objects which did their damage and were locked away by the Arcana or Celestia herself. Though what appeared strange to Twilight was the innate fact that beyond the alicorn amulet, the majority of the dangerous objects and spells were not made by pony hooves or horns.

"Well... that's strange indeed? I may not have found anything about Adagio's species, but you would have thought the scribes who created these records would have made record keeping a tad more organized? It's like these are just a bunch of notes put into a book and slapped onto a shelf!" she scornfully reviewed and wrote the issue on a small note piece for later request to update the archive's D.D.S., "I cannot fathom how the sirens were the only ones Equestria has ever seen?! Surely they're not spirits as they wouldn't have had real flesh and blood bodies after being exiled to Sunset's world? Right?"

Her focus soon interrupted by a burst of a bubble before her as it spontaneously manifested and grew exponentially, causing her back legs to launch her body into the air out of fright. Nearly falling backwards and slamming her behind on the hard stone blocks of the floor, she caught herself by a few flaps of her wings and avoided a painful landing with stability brought upon the hind hooves. Having already stressing through the proving information of irrelevance, her heart pounded against the rib enclosure like a cat that sprang a feral trap. Twisting and turning her head like a startled gopher, she feared that something had become of one of the supposed cursed books and tried to get her unawares. Yet as she searched for some tendril of dark magic or wisp of evil there seemed to be nothing to the little startle she received, perhaps at best an illusion played as a prank?

When her wings brought her back to all four hooves, she expected to find Rainbow to of somehow been involved but her speculation was granted only contained giggles. Her ears traced the source of mirth up to Luna from above the stone platform.

The elegant princess dropped her masking hoof and cleared her throat a little, "Do not worry young Twilight, that is just the fresh air being brought in by the guardians." she gave a glance to the unicorns around them, "Without that spell this whole room would be uninhabitable without oxygen and polluted by the gases of the crystal mines below. Ever wonder why there are so many windows in the Royal Palace if not just for observing the fair lands?"

The very idea seemed to glisten in Twilight's inquisitive orbs like a foal being shown a well orchestrated magic show, "Atmospheric control? During their times? But I thought general understanding of cavern environments were not understood until Gold Canary's studies in ventilation magic after the Discordian Era? They have to be generations old and predate his analysis of the dangerous gases that existed in subterranean systems?! On top of all that I didn't think they had capacitor gems that far back, the earliest use of such storage units goes back to the Reneighssance after Discord's first defeat? Or was it after the Bronze Age? Ohhh!! I haven't even looked into the Black Tape structure since we first arrived yet!!" berated herself for missing out on an educational discovery, a paper and quill manifested before her to jot down a new to do list.

What mirth had spread upon Luna's muzzle quickly faded away like the light of the sun from a passing cloud. For what she saw in the lavender mare was still such an innocent mind eager to learn with an open mind, one yet to be marred by the caress of darkness. It touched her within the depths of her chest to see such vigor and resilience to the trials the young princess had already endured, and while endearing it was still truly untested by what lurked in the vault they stood in. That in itself was a danger to go both unmolested and with no knowledge of secret chamber, that was what shadows loved in a new host. Even with her magic spread across the entirety of the room waiting for such a fell tempting power to stir, it was but a deterrent. If ever a time was appropriate to teach the new royal the reality of the world her fellows knew all too well, the sanctity of the vault was perfect.

Large nightly wings extended to their fullest before taking the princess off the elevated level, daintily she drifted like a butterfly down onto ground level ever graceful as she had been groomed into since fillyhood. Hooves tapped lightly onto the stone masonry where the two soon closed in distance, but her eyes were set on the busts themselves all the while. That gaze bore the memories of the past, to any aware enough of others they could detect what was going to be said before even a word was uttered.

Waiting with bated watched patiently as her note and quill popped away out of respect, "I had hoped we would not have to discuss this matter so soon... of all places in fact. Rather with my sister and I before a tray of tea before a gentle fire... but all things must happen at some point in time and what more pressing to divulge than now?" she said to herself aloud, "The founding of Equestria, the stories like Hearth's Warming Eve, the defeat of the Windegos, and Discord... stories our little ponies and compatriots hold so dear. What would their lives be if they knew the whole story?"

The question seemed tricky to take with no easy way to comprehend at first, "I'm sorry? I don't follow Princess, what do you mean the whole story? What else is there to know about the kingdom's creation? The three tribes came across Equestria, quarreled when their differences fed the Windegos, and came together before they were lost to their own lack of harmony and friendship?"

The title was received with a dim chuckle more depressing than of muse, "Please young Twilight, let us keep to simplicity. Where we stand we are equal, so I am Luna and you are Twilight as friends and sisters. Remember how you helped me integrate into pony society those crucial times? Begone is our magic as alicorns, for the contents of this place see as as nothing more than pawns no different than the next."

"Luna? You're kind of spooking me with that kind of wording. What do you mean when you said the 'contents of this place'? It's like we're in more danger than you already let on?"

"Only in the term of adequate knowledge and how one would receive it is anypony in any elevated way of harm." she turned her sight upon the smaller mare squarely as if a teacher were trying to instill a lesson into a new student, "All of this... what does it mean to you as a protector of Equestria and the true meaning of Friendship? To know that something like this exists? You knew only of it because Celestia mentioned it some time ago am I not correct?"

She nodded with worried brows expressing the sense of disconcerting ever growing, "Uhh... yes, it was after the Changeling Invasion where I finally learned about the entrance to here. I had attempted to look for the Changelings in any further details to no success before I returned to ponyville once the wedding was over... I happened to see Scholar Arcana staff enter a door I was always told was a storage closet, but it had guards posted at all times. I never would have thought it was a hidden vault until I asked Celestia about it."

A smile graced the elder alicorn for a moment, "To say that the aforementioned moments of our kingdom were the pinnacle of hardship and later the likes of Grogar and Tirek. It is to admit that they were but trying times of many, and of those times these records, diaries, spell tomes, and manuscripts of fell magicks and rouges were apart of which made our home the way it is today. But it is a keep of potential ponies can often fall to the wayside and into ruin that not even harmony itself can prevent. Which is why she did not ever tell you of it until you asked after the attack. I'm sure she denied access into it either way?"

"Unfortunately yes, she said it wasn't a regular archive I could simply walk into and read, but I was not informed that it kept records of our history or of past criminals I never knew about? Why would any be stored away as if it were a bad thing to know, I mean we have the necromancer Grogar as common knowledge?! What records are so horrible to read about that it had to be hidden... was my first question when she said no. I... I..." she deflated from the building indignation, "I understood I couldn't go in there when she made me promise. I was also later told about an old student of hers to whom she was glad I did not harbor the same drive in information acquisition. The same pony I have helped and now call my friend, she lives on the other side of the magic mirror."

Luna felt a peak of humbling happiness, "Ah yes, the mirror of Starswirl the Bearded, I remember that magical conundrum from so long ago. Both a moral and an ethical plight that cranky old mage struggled with his own collegues." she shook her head to the other mare's queues to know more of that particular information, "Tis the peaceful nature and friendship that you embody Twilight which separates you from the chaff. But it is why I or my sister in any case must be here for your protection, I'm sure the battle that secured the Crystal Empire's return and permanent stay is still fresh in your memories is it not?"

"You mean King Sombra?" she replied as the thought crept a sliver of fearful caution into the air around her more potent than before.

Luna looked back up to the gray static heads as a few new bubbles began to grow high near the ceiling, "The saying I had you memorize is actually a passive ward for your safety Twilight, it is to prevent the same from befalling you as had the Dark Crystal Tyrant. It is why only high level mages who pass Celestia's test can gain use of this grotesque storage, you may never even feel the few here attempt to call you towards them. It is because of my magic that you are in little more than a simple confidential records depot."

That admittance got a rise out of the young princess, "I don't understand how I couldn't have sensed your magic though? Wards usually trigger some sensation along the epidermis or coats to signify it is properly performed?"

"A good response, while most wards have a viable sensation you seemed to have forgotten the realm of which I protect? Mental magic is my domain, and with it is more subtly than standard magical spells. It only serves to strengthen the protective barrier if the one who receives it is unaware, least they hear the whispers over there." Twilight followed the older mare's gaze to the rows of book shelves as if there were vipers sleeping among the books.

She swallowed the moisture that grew in her mouth and nervously glanced back and forth between the tomes and her guardian protector.

Luna gave a hateful glare at the bulk of the archive, "As I said before, Equestria and its pony denizens have had more foes than we'd care to divulge."

Twilight squinted as if in disbelief, "Wait? You don't mean that all of this... these confiscated materials and accounts nearly doomed ponykind?!"

A strong nod followed, "Evil is not only in the form of a power hungry foe, nor a necromancer from a foreign land young Twilight. It can also come in the form of the curious, the inventive, the studious, and the hopeful where their efforts do not always produce the next common household good or new magic to help everypony as much as contributing to society. It is only thankful that this Archive has only amassed so much from the diligence of the Scholar Arcana's ceaseless efforts since the Old Order, taking up the mantle in their steed so that foals may sleep and the laborer earns their fair lives."

Still aghast that much of what she knew of supposed baddies were likely no better than cookie jar thieves by the growing evidence, "I cannot understand why learning about ponies who commit crimes is apparently forbidden? Everypony I ever helped and reformed were sorry for their actions and went on to lead better lives... well except one pony." the one unicorn who pressed for equality was the only one other than Trixie who refused to become better, yet even that egomaniac calmed down eventually.

Luna stared her dead in the eye with a stern posture befitting the Dream Walker of the land, "As I asked you to remember the phrasing, I meant it when I said that ponies do not understand with what powers they goad. Not everypony can be reformed, some just... have enough resentment, drive, or are merely puppets to something far greater than themselves. You cannot hope to save them all young Twilight, that is why this Archive exists... you and your friends were not the only group who championed peace and harmony." wings of dark blue stretched out from Luna's withers, her appendages soon shimmered as orbs of white light took form at the tips of the feathers.

The spheres soon gave way to pictures, the likes of which were uncannily like those of the busts above them in the ring around the ceiling. Unicorns sometimes by themselves, others had members of the other tribes including the thestrals happily posing as jaunty friends in a cheerful moment. All different colors of the vast spectrum, all in different times and bits of clothing, all of varying appearances both of battle weary and age. Twilight managed to identify most if not all of them to their corresponding statue, once Luna knew it too she canceled the spell and folded her wings once more.

"Others like us?" Twilight softly gawked with a mouth ajar, "The Old Order... they kept the peace from those who'd bring ruin... Just like Trixie and the amulet, Sunset and my crown! The same thing happened elsewhere in the past generations ago? But why? Why where they removed from common knowledge? If ponies grew up learning about the Old Order and their love for their fellow pony regardless of tribal differences, wouldn't that have helped us as a whole for years to come? When did they live Luna? I have to know more!"

The teacher could only nuzzle her peer with empathy, she'd come to understand even if she hated how things had been decided as just. Truth was not always a cupcake with sprinkles from the pink earth pony, it was often a hard lesson to accept as the means justified the end.

"They lived during the great migration and established themselves as the Old Order when pony hooves came ashore. Forged from the fires wrought by those who unwittingly brought dark magic to the new land and which the Tree of Harmony reacted to as an immune system would respond. Whether it was a family heirloom that brought fortune, a trinket which promised rain for crops, or even special gems which protected ponies from the new creatures that they came into contact with. Evil had taken over the once holy and pure items, gradually the darkness usurped the migrants lives for its own ends." Luna said sensing the tugging nag of questions waiting to be asked by her peer.

She waited and heard, "But it sounds like the migrants were innocent? Why still are they not spoken about?" I..."

A silver armored hoof rose up as gentle as a breezie in flight which paused her questioning before it went unchecked, "The evil young Twilight was defeated by the Old Order and their mediums destroyed or buried in the deepest holes to never see the light of day again. These fights rallied others to the unicorns side once they were free, and the final blows were dealt to deliver victory. But alas, the sweat and tears of success were temporary as the true foe the unicorns banished were only halted... not vanquished for eternity. They came back a second time with a vengeance which brought about the ire which drew the Windegos and lead the three tribes to fight over the whole of Equestria back then. By that time it was discovered that they survived through lingering memories, merely recollecting them without proper wards allowed them to leech magic away from an innocent pony. Giving them form and the ability to act on our plane of reality. That is the primary reason this archive exists, those scrolls over there date back to pre-exodus times that were saved."

The reason left the young royal all but motionless, never had she ever heard of a magic that worked in such nefarious ways. Even Black Magic needed to be acted upon to take hold and to affect others a spell would have to be placed on them as well. Yet merely mentioning them was a shoe in way for the unnamed darkness to step hoof into reality, it begged even more questions as to the homes of the ancestral ponies that made Equestria. But she panicked instead, wondering if she were in fact eliciting a call to the very fell magics and jump start the doom of so many lives. She had forgotten the passive ward upon her that Luna granted an all encompassing shield against the Archive itself.

Luna heard the growing crescendo of breathing as it became laborious, her peer appeared to be experiencing a minor freak out as it seemed. The hairs on her mane began to stick out, pupils shrank, a quiet nearly silent mumbling passed between her lips as she tried to find a spell in her memories that might stop the infection. The blue alicorn took a deep breath herself and blew upon the other with the softness of a fall wind, and with it came a nullifying placid aura which calmed Twilight from her dread.

The very mare fell onto her rump lucid yet a little dazed, her eyes blinking away as her mind came back from the blank slate washed by Luna's magic, "Wha... what happened?"

She came to with only the sights of the scrolls and books she ruffled through earlier and something about a popping sound that scared her witless. A pair of downy soft feathers blanketed her body before she realized that another pony was hugging her, their chin resting upon the top of her head in an endearing way. It was oddly comforting when the nightly feathers and fur were just like another greater pony she knew since she was filly, that large pearl white barrel with an emanating warmth the kind Spike gave off being the dragonling he was. Yet in the opposite fashion she felt the fresh grasp of a mountain fed stream, crystal clear and unsullied by light sediment or mud. Still unsure of what just happened she did what she could only think of in a situation as such, cautiously she nuzzled into Luna.

"You have so much to learn young Twilight." the larger princess whispered, "We will pick up where we left off at another time. But perhaps for now we should indeed focus on your friend and the fate of their world if that is to be the case with that gem."

"Ummm... okay?" Sparkle answered with reservation.

Ch. 7 Studious as Can Be

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Ch. 7 Studious as Can Be

The walk back to their homes had been as enjoyable as listening to someone stub their hoof, or in this case a toe. The night had come upon the little town with every street light humming softly as their bright white bulbs lit the way down quiet residential streets. The little errand had somehow gone horribly wrong and already there was turmoil as if and only at the behest of Sunset's stalwart knowledge that the sirens hadn't possessed their gems again.

She walked behind the others thinking to herself about the lost olive branch she tried to hastily extend, but the odds were against her and so was lost the only chance at proving them innocent beyond words. Dazzle would probably dunk her head in a toilet rather than hear her out after Rainbow acted out of line, but then who wouldn't after those shots were fired so viciously.

'It was so sudden!? Dash would never act like that right?' she gazed at the two bickering like territorial cats, 'I don't want to jump to conclusions but perhaps the sirens really did orchestrate that snatch and grab? Maybe... they are beyond redemption.'

While pity was half attempted upon the trio, a long sigh was drawn out from her supple lips as the arguing picked up volume.

“What in tarnation was that all about!?” Applejack fumed hotter than she'd ever been since the Rainbooms were at each other's necks during Sunset's reign of deceit.

An owl swooped low overhead hooting its beckoning call, “What!? I just... I mean... Those evil... those..."

Only the sun kissed girl noticed the hiccup in Dash's indignation at the sirens, the tone and brashness seemed to lose steam as if realization or amnesia were kicking in. With thoughts silenced if for a moment she listened carefully for what would be said next, the clues were in the details as she kept telling herself.

“Ah’m talk’n about you Dash, first ya go and hurt the feelin's of one of them and now you're acting as if it hadn't happened! And fer the life of it that ah can't understand... I actually believe Adagio's story.” The cowgirl rubbed her forehead with the tips of her fingers.

Rainbow shook her head as if trying to stave off a mosquito or bothersome fly, "Ahhh..." she groaned.

Sunset kept her senses open a little while longer, "Ah mean, she really did mean what she said and they have no powers like they use ta otherwise even Sunset here would be chatt'n a storm right?" Applejack glanced over her shoulder in confusion hoping for help, the whole thing with the lost gem evident in her eyes as she too feared the worst.

She instead looked away, the one thing about the siren's ability to sow discord was that they had to sing and it was obvious they hadn't done such. Going back to the time they stalked the school, they always garnered disharmony by giving a little number that either initiated the Battle of the Bands or instigated disdain for their first attempt at freeing everyone from their enchantment. Unless somehow Princess Twilight was wrong in how she modified the stone, there was no proof that they caused Rainbow's lash of words.

"Applejack, I wish I could say that they indeed did something you can't pin anything on them without a tune or song. That's how their magic worked." she shrugged regretfully, "Rainbow, do you really hate them that much for what they did?"

Shimmer passed the puck at their athletic friend who finally stopped squirming from whatever invisible insect found her attractive. Having only ever seen her act as such when she disturbed a small wasp nest with a bad kick at soccer practice. What reaction Applejack and her caught next was equally confounding and downright worrying, as Dash came to a stop and scratched her head idly.

"Hey? Did we help you with the tools yet Applejack? Cause we're heading in the wrong direction if we are." she said while turning around as if everything since they walked into the Equestrian trio hadn't ever occurred.

Sunset noticed how ridged the tan and toned teen beside her seemed to go, which likely meant that Rainbow was serious when she said what she did. To not even remember anything all of the sudden was a huge red flag that left her mouth ajar in awe. No one said a thing even as a few cars passed down the road, a heavy set man loudly dumped a heavy trash bag into a dump bin with the sound of glass rattling inside. A black cat strutted by their feet on its merry way, earning furrowed eye brows from the farm girl as bad omen her family knew all too well.

"Now I'm not a bett'n girl, but that there's a sign iff'n I knew one well." Applejack warned as she saw the proud feline make a B-line to a house with an empty underside to dive into.

Dash shrugged, "So what's going on? I kinda have to get up early and help my team practice for a game coming up remember?" she groaned.

"Alright, I'll bite. This isn't good, Rainbow you don't remember anything? Nothing about the sirens who nearly took over the school?" she asked stepping up towards the one in particular, "You DO remember them right?"

"Whoa! Easy Shims, ya I remember them, but we haven't seen them since they ran off with their tail fins between their legs after we squashed them with our awesomeness! Am I right Applejack?" she turned towards the other teen and held a fist out to bump.

A gesture which wasn't returned and she tried again with an awkward silence save for Sunset a step away, the invisible peeved aura creating an uneasy atmosphere to endure even for her. Dash retracted her arm and skipped backwards, she was truly lost over what had happened moments ago and was no worse for wear if she had been fed upon.

"So something's happened and I'm lost? Care to fill me in instead of creeping me out? Like seriously what did I do wrong?!" she honestly asked from her heart wanting to avoid being the center of something going on that didn't involve her sports attributes.

Applejack huffed in annoyance as she brought her hands to the hips, "I'm going to put ten acres of my family's finest apples on the line for this. Them sirens or former sirens have something going on even if they don't know it. What you saw has ta be part of their plans or something."

"While I'd like to agree we cannot just jump to conclusions here, they lacked all the signs which would show that they were in the act. Remember? Red eyes, magical voices, more than just one of us fighting the other? I mean I do agree that something's definitely happened to Dash, but whether it's anything to do with them we can't accuse them without proof. As much as it would be easy to do..." Sunset gripped her hand bag strap tightly, "You said Adagio spoke the truth, so what if they're being used?"

“And Princess Twi did say she was positive the stone of theirs was as useful as a power pack for a lamp.” Applejack sighed in defeat, “This is as fishy as a fox in a hen house.”

“What did I miss? I feel like I'm missing something pretty big here and no one's giving me a rope or anything!” Dash protested being left out.

“I’m not saying they harmless, but they did make mention of that mysterious guy when we came across them. I guess... I have a hunch that there's more to this than what we can see for now. All I can do is write to Twilight about what just happened and see if there is anything else she's discovered about their gemstone, until then we'll just have to keep an eye on them I guess?" Sunset shrugged much to the AJ's chagrin and Rainbow's befuddled loss.

“Right, if anyone knows what's the what it'll be her. Guess'n we'll just have to wait for the fish to bite, though anyone guess'n how we'll even be able to keep tabs on them slippery catfish?" the apple grower seemed resolute and confident they had something up their sleeve still.

"Watch the news for one, if they cause any kind of disharmony like they did at the school it shouldn't be hard to track down on social media as well. Have your friends and family report anything off, besides it's not like there's any other school here they can manipulate other than Crystal Prep? And I don't see even someone like Adagio getting in there easily." Sunset dryly chuckled, the notion summoned even a grin from the other two as the dots connected.

Rainbow decided she had enough of being without some knowledge and simply went with the flow like taking a foul hit in a high stakes game for the state nationals, "The Dazzlings and Crystal Prep?! You serious? They'd sooner chew them up and spit them out before getting their bad songs even finding an ear to hear them out!"

"Either that or they'd feed off the whole school and we'd find out just in time. Probably be too full of themselves to even move after suck'n that place dry." AJ affirmed with a righteous fist shaking in the air.

Sunset couldn't help but let her slight amusement grow to a barely contained serious of giggles as she too envisioned the ridiculous idea of two foes destroying each other. Though one of the scenarios was a horribly awful idea to even believe was a possibility, they all needed something to be happy about. The times were not going so well as a looming even dared darken Canterlot High once again, and with the issue of the missing stone and the sirens the air had recently become thick with worry.

Humor eventually gave way and the three heard someone's phone go off, "Guess'n that's Big Mac mak'n sure I'm on mah way home."

A dull roar of an overhead airliner went through the serene block, huge engines made their presence known even from as high up as they were. It garnered an idle pass through Shimmer's mind of why the Dazzlings even thought to remain in a place they had lost their powers in. She would have understood it if they had no bits to leave safely let alone hitchhike, but to volunteerily plant themselves and fit in was in itself ripe with issues. Either Adagio somehow learned to lie really well or they were pawns, thus it left her to her research once more as a means to solve the question.

"Don't you worry girls, I'll see what else I can churn up from memory. Perhaps there are others who were sent here? Maybe even some kind of dossier that could allow us to identify them by, even knowing a little would make it less of a strain to stop them. Or rescue the sirens?" she grinned to one side.

“I’m still at square one with this whole deal, so just call me up when ya need some muscle and tact alright?” Dash yawned, “For now I’m calling it a day, gotta get some rest before morning practice! Catch you guys later.”

The colorful one quickly left on her own waving herself off, her legs making off in a steadfast jog that made quick work of her distance to home. Applejack excused herself as her phone sounded again, mentioning something about Applebloom and Granny Smith getting on her heels. Her cowboy boots clacked on the sidewalk before she crossed the road towards the nearby ranch houses, her place was still a couple miles away but well parted from the school dorms.

Left alone to a lonely trek to bed, the chill night air became evident against the thighs and face, for the time of the year it seemed to still be a pleasant season around the early night. Leaves rustled along yards and crackled over long driveways to filter into and clump in gutters. Shrubs and ornamental trees quivered ever slightly to the disturbance of the breeze, their song a welcoming chorus that Sunset enjoyed as she had back in Equestria.

As of late the small things seemed to matter the most to her, with everything else the girls had proposed in order to help her sleep or think less of the night terrors she began to have. Perhaps it was the call back to the lives of ponies free from the electronic devices which tethered them to the tiny screens, nature itself was always a strong thread to her kind as fighting was innate to humans. The peace of the outdoors felt as if all her troubles could just be washed away by an hour spent away from the source of the terrors and the shadow thing which tried to devour her sanity. While a novel wish it were, she couldn't rid herself of the dreams and could thus far only cope with them.

"Gosh I have my work cut out for me don't I?" she asked herself nearing the road the dormitory was located on, not a vehicle on the road for the last few minutes, "I must be getting three hours of sleep each night just trying to use the memory spell! But it's for a good cause Shimmer, that's right."

A heavy yawn parted her jaws to near pain before it petered off, a cawing raven swooped before her off onto its own nocturnal escapades. She tried to see where it flew off to after it surprised her with its raucous call, but her eyes lost it to the house lights all around her affecting any night vision she had managed to attain.

"So far I've had to start from the last few months before I... exiled myself in anger. Not one of my better days." she admitted in guilt, "Most of those memories were of governmental and magical lessons so those were quick to sift through."

Sunset turned the intersection corner and smelled the aroma of cedar trees being carried in the air, a pleasant tingle to the nostrils she had grown to love. Fluttershy had mentioned the scent was likely due to a mold as the same could be found in the art department for ceramics students, recycled clay would bear the strong cedar smell once disturbed even after being left reclaiming in large containers for a month.

"I've got no time to drag my hooves, everyone's counting on me to find anything on what's happening and who took the stone!" she sagged feeling exhaustion rear its ugly head past her guard she always kept up, "Princess Twilight makes this so easy to do though and I haven't made any progress. Perhaps tonight is the night I find something of value!? Ya, that a girl! Gotta stay positive!"

Like a shot of coffee she jostled herself up with prep talk, her journey nearing at an end as the dorms were steps away. The orange hallway lights glared, no window's except the one that belonged to Octavia seemed to show any activity in which she likely was up fine tuning her cello skills. The tall three sectioned facility was nothing more than a school run apartment building, designed with teenager needs in mind. A lone security guard walked the corridors with a flashlight, a pleasant man whose night shifts were as exciting as watching paint dry on a wall. She had shown up just as he was crossing the front area for trouble, a little tubby in uniform he nonetheless appeared as a healthy sea green skinned officer with cappacuino hair beneath the patrol cap. He spotted her as she neared, a loud click of the flashlight turned off the torch so as not to blind her with the bright light. In his usual beige color coded attire except for the hat, keys jiggled with a metallic jingle to any movement of his waist. Leather shoes glistened from a fresh waxing under the orange bulbs, a human guard compared to an Equestrian Guard differed only in strength. As his greatest power was to call for the real police, he merely a beacon against messed up minds who thankfully never came close to teens who bunked in the dormitory.

He tipped his hat to her, "Even'in Sunset." his gesture had been one his family ingrained of the old way.

"Good evening Mr. Gates, all quiet on the western front I assume?" she joked with the literature quote she knew he adored.

"We have so much to say, and we shall never say it.” the man happily recited, "Be on your way now and get a good rest. I hear something big's coming to Canterlot High?"

Sunset cringed stopping near him, "Ya, there's always something going on at C.H. Mr. Gates. Goodnight, stay safe!" she waved continuing on to her door from the puase.

"To you as well little miss." he returned before activating his light once again, his shoes tapping on their way to the eastern side of the property.

She arrived at her door finding no one else out and about, staying within the lights out of caution from past experience. Feeling her stomach rumble having missed much of lunch earlier, dinner yet waited in the fridge that Fluttershy had advised for proper health against the fatigue she was gradually sustaining. The young veterinarian knew enough biology of all living things to speak the truth, she could grow ill if she didn't eat right and thus prescribed a fine meal plan. As the key inserted into the slot Sunset wondered how long she was suppose heat the dish in the microwave, she was sure the salmon was precooked and the pilaf would dry out if overheated.

The deadbolt clicked letting the door open, nearly instantaneously as the gap between the wood slab and the frame became big enough Shimmer threw a hand inside to flip the lights. Glorious illumination graced the home and caste away any and all shadows, all the lamps rigged to the ceiling light thanks to Applejack's help. No one knew she was so adept at home improvement being a farm girl, but the admittance to refurbishing fellow Apple homes in her spare time between apple seasons showed.

"Ahh...." Sunset sighed with mirth, the holy light would keep her safe until she needed to sleep.

She slipped inside and locked the deadbolt behind her, her eyes soon went to the clock at a nearby wall. The digital green shapes depicted the time to barely reaching ten o'clock, just enough time to wind down and eat before the project she took upon herself.

"Well I guess I better get started. Should probably start off with some tea first and save the coffee for later, don't want that headache like last time." she told herself as her bag was set down by the door and her boots kicked off with no real care.

She strode by the living area and caste off the black jacket which rustled, it melted upon the headrest of the sofa almost falling off. Her eyes met the chaos of the coffee table where stacks of notebooks and clipped sheets of paper were somewhat piled in some order. While there was a categorization in effect, the useless data she extracted was for the better lack of a term discarded on the rug underneath. Every time she kept telling herself to pick up the mess, and every time she just dove straight into the memory spell. Things ended after she ceased her work and went to bed, repeating the morning routine without touching the flood of papers spreading along the floor.

Sunset kept walking towards the tiny kitchenette and prepared her food, setting the tea kettle in its proper place to plug in. In moments the machine cranked out a warm hot meal upon a white ceramic plate which came accompanied by a simple mug steaming with fresh brew. Pinkie Pie had given her a few packets of Mrs. Cake's special tea which soothed the nerves, with her handling twins a it were who was she to question a veteran of stress like the older woman?

The dinner was set upon the two person dining table nearby barely a walk away, the dark wood with a simple sheet covering the top of flora designs beckoned use. Eating consisted of meager bites into the main course and the salad mixed with all sorts of vegetables, giving the impression that it could be an edible version of Dash's hair. Jokingly aside, the girl sipped her tea carefully as her mind mulled over the night's to-do list as her ever increasing deadline approached with no set end.

"I went through every book in the Royal Library and more, from the founding of Equestria to the day I last resided as a citizen before that day." she muttered to herself in the lonely room, taking no solace by listening to music on her phone or turning on the television since the first dream.

The succulent flesh of the herb flavored meat mashed between chews before being washed down with the mild spiced brew, "Still cannot believe I can still use that spell to view every memory I still have? Granted if it's too old I cannot make out the information to write down..."

A text dinged on her phone activating the screen, it happened to be Flash Sentry from the tiny image next to the short sentence. Putting the fork down she lifted the flat device to her eyes and shook her head, it wasn't often he ever talked to her if only to ask about a certain someone. It was cute the first few times after she was cleansed of the corrupted magic, then the two times after the sirens were defeated. Presently it was just becoming sad as he probed for any developments as far as her next return, even if he went as far as to appear subtle about it.

"Puppy love... that's all it is..." she set the phone down without replying, returning to her meal and resuming the train of thought to discover the thief of the gemstone, "Animus Bibliotheca Sui, Librarium Memoriae... the spell to see and interact with ones head as if it were an archive storage itself. Not an easy spell to even trifle with, the fact that it drains magic faster than Rarity can stitch a dress into popular fashion makes it such a high tier magic to perform in and of itself. Few have the ability to master the complex magic without harming themselves, even traversing the library you can damage what allows you to breath much less control the heart. Carelessness can make a pony deaf and dumb or worse... but I'm no careless pony!" her eyes narrowed at the wall at the end of the living room, the prep talk always got her on the ball no matter how bad the dreams had gotten.

Three Hours Later...

The apartment glimmered with misty magic which poured from the lone girl who sat on the three person furnishing. Cross legged with hands laced together in some tantra meditation, her eyes were closed yet beneath the thin flesh her eyes glowed with a power all her own. That light drifted out and added to the exuding glow all about her which merged with the aura that came in the form of water vapor. Her fiery hair lightly floated from the energies that seemed off her form, where if a stranger were to happen upon her they might think her to be an angel or some deity who had taken human shape.

If shadows could have existed in the already bright room, they were banished to the farthest corners and well beneath seats and counters. A breathe could gain farther distance into their domain more so than the lack of light. Yet it was a constant pull and tug between the forces of reality as the very magic which caste out the darkness soon wavered with a soft exhale of a relaxing posture.

"Wow... never get use to that no matter how much I do this." Sunset told herself as the magic faded away, the illumination like a holy torch going out.

She peeked through squinted lids to see a far dimmer world than which she had once been in, it always took a few moments to adjust to the transition. With practiced precision in her chaotic order of paper, notes, and spiral school pads she grasped pen and sheet to jot down what came to mind. Her legs unfolded as she sat normally on the seat, contracted pupils gradually widening to the waking world and the high contrast to what she wrote with black ink.

“So that just about brings every category and world altering tale I can recall from arch mage journals that were up to date then. From the witch hunts of post Grogar to the iron rock fort of Golbok the Black Horn Elk of pre-Celestian era the Arcana confiscated after his defeat by the ponies of early Winnyapolis." she said, "Jeez!! Were primitive Equestrians xenophobic…”

Sunset huffed as the rate of which trouble and friendliness towards others seemed to correlate, while the early kingdom was transitioning into a non-tribalist psychology it wasn't the same for others. A whole new stack of notes sat victoriously in an empty spot from her concluding research of her life's study as a pony, ever since Celestia had taken her in. She felt exhausted like those harnesses horses often wore to drag archaic plows, the body had begun to conclude its strenuous work and shut down. A heavy yawn escaped her slowly opening mouth which a hand darted upwards to cover.

Her arms soon reacted to the needs of her muscles and stretched upwards, back arched like a cat waking up from a nap. A groan wormed out of her from the tremendously pleasing feeling coming from the little act, a few joints popped but nothing too bad to cause any soreness. Once the peak of the act had been reached she fell limp onto the sofa with a puff of air out of the cushion, her hair exploded outwards to the sides while she slid down until her knees hit the coffee table laden with research.

"By the goddess... I'm sooo glad I was able to memorize that spell and keep it in my head for so long. Didn't think I'd ever use it but here I am? Able to see anything... as if I were there reading it for the first time." she popped a chuckle, "I guess I truly am reformed if my Librarium look like that huh Shimmer?"

The bathing afterglow of a completed night's work worked in tandem with the relief of her own soul, stemming from the core aspect of the spell itself which told no lies. Lost to all common knowledge was the original creator of the tetrahedral matrix that encased the mind and permitted an interactive artifical world she could manipulate and view. A capable mage who caste the spell would find themselves in exactly what their heart and soul could be seen as as the two were used as a bridge to keep the matrix stable. They supplied the conduit of which inner mana flowed through the four points of the new reality, giving the mind gravity and substance to act upon.

The Scholar Arcana who taught her such valuable lessons often used it to nominate heads of the academy as she remembered off the top of her head. A neutral mage master would be given access into the spell as it was in mid caste, and once within they would judge the core of the aspiring mage on every little detail of the Librarium. Those qualities she had judged herself with and found that she still passed with flying colors. Colors which decorated the world's boundless clear blue sky and banks of fluffy white clouds hanging lazily about as if they were lounging cats in the sun.

Sunset's Librarium had taken the form of a huge pristine marble white coliseum that sat on a floating platform of Romanesque masonry, with no land in sight below it gave a gravity defying surreal aspect. With something designed in such a medium of stone to be floating it would only be in the imagination that such a pocket word could be manifested, but there was far more to the eye upon closer inspection.

A dome covered the circular structure sporting her cutie mark, giving the feeling of being well painted or the brick had been specifically colored as such. Along the lower third levels of the building were arched windows which poured the light from the eternal sun that supposedly was her spirit. It would only dim if the mage using the complex spell was under duress of dark magic. As for her realm of memory there couldn't exist a brighter orb that did not overly saturate to the point of blinding somepony as it shined off the marble work. At the roof's rim before the convex roof began, stained glass windows spotted every ten feet with either her darkest or greatest moments forever memorialized for the owner. Some ports were missing any imagery understandably, with her young age there were still reservations for later accomplishments no matter their meaning. Thus the color spectrum filled in the voids in a collage of shards and shapes, and their shapelessness birthed such beautiful lighting within as she worked.

Tall pikes of adjacent towers hid secret knowledge few others would ever know, they rose high above the square foundation like gentle elder pine trees that could withstand any storm. Three to the right and two to the left, she hadn't inspected them just yet due to the purpose of her use for the sacred location. In some time at a later date she'd seek the towers out of curiosity to investigate if the rumors were true, or so the Arcana described them as. Atop the towers were mason red tiles upon conical caps, though strangely enough the cutie marks of Celestia, Twilight, and three others yet unknown to her flapped in the windless air on flags to each high rise. Simple glass windows ran up their lengths like the spiracles on a caterpillar, four rows for a four quadrant lighting system to what could only be a spiral staircase to the top.

To enter, Sunset initially came before two large maple wood doors blazoned by her mark with golden knockers, to ponies however they were handles to bite or grip with their magic. Bordered by thicker slabs of marble common in castles both human and pony alike, she entered with a near soundless motion from the hinges. What was inside proved to her what the Arcana mages had already spoke of, just as the building had been round in shape so were the many shelves like a projector's slide holder and wheel. Every walkway had a rug immaculately made entirely out of a single piece of cloth from the outer ring, to the aisles, and then the center which lead off to the one stairwell up top. Gold embroidery stitched along the edges contained playful vines and leaves to break up the monotonous maroon red fabric ever soft to the touch. Books of all sizes, shapes, and color filled every shelf, some labeled along their spines while others were ubiquitously labeled as physiologiam; key knowledge of the body.

The likes of how to breath, how the heart beats, and how cells were created within the body, information that should never be touched nor looked at unless a mage was of the highest order. Sunset avoided such sections as if they were death made real and real those particular textbooks were to her if she harmed them in any manner accidentally. The rest of the brown shelves were devoid of any identification beyond gold plaques facing the center of the coliseum where numbers and letters were stamped into the metal. She came to understand where to go from the system that existed within the lone podium where all light seemed to point towards at a convergence. A gray and white marble fluted column no higher than a pony's collar bone sat with a flat piece of stone barren of anything of obvious use. It took Sunset half an hour to figure out that she had to touch it with a hoof, as her Librarium created the form she'd use as the mare beneath the human flesh.

An array of golden runes flared to life like a touch screen computer, old equish as she later understood. Numbers and letters were soon categorized and given designation which would allow her to search areas that would hasten her speed and avoid losing time. She already found the 'kill switch' section by accident, before it was foalhood she too wished to avoid going over while after contained magical knowledge of all spells, charms, wards, and conjuring she picked up. From there the rest of the aisles contained young fillyhood in a general sense that again was not pertinent to her journey and use of limited magic. Upstairs held historical studies, years in Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, political studies, geographical knowledge, and biology which was arguably the smallest section of the rest. More books filled the stairwell's swirling steps yet they were quickly identified as the 'Good Times' her inner self found them to be. She passed those up as well figured them to be a mixture of post and pre-corruption event, nothing good would come of looking at those images and thoughts.

All of what made her the pony she was existed within the mental reality, and it pleased her to host such wholesomeness with no sign of darkness to blight it. So much had she relished in the accomplishment of the current research she'd already invested, time and again she jumped back into the world just to organize everything once more for the next day. Since she could only see the information and not keep it at the forefront of her thoughts, the jumps required her to dip partially back into reality to write down what she needed to keep. Yet it often made a mess in both worlds as well, where haphazard stacks of notes and metal wire bound paper threatened to fall over she usually did the same for the Librarium.

She happily immersed herself with what little mana she had left for the day, in order to sort the books she needed for new information concerning political ursurpers of the past. Eyes closed and the same glow revisited her body as magic constructed the archive once more.

“We have everything before Starswirl to Celestia’s current governing power, nobles of any tribe that were convicted of crimes against the crown since Equestria's founding. If I'm right then these should yield at most enough to make tomorrow night just as productive!” her horn glowed as she willed a fresh sort based on the books time periods, still amazed at how crisp her knowledge was even after she jumped through the mirror.

"I'm sure there's probably some pony who did something so bad they had to be banished like the sirens were. There has to be one, I mean I remember one of the Scholar instructors joke about it so perhaps it came from overhearing?" she said to herself floating a few stacks in new spots and replacing others after finding that they were lacking.

After she concluded the quick organization, there before her in the center of the Librarium housing were nine piles in all. Having found out two days ago that there was an auto reset feature to the shelves which would place the memories from where she extracted them, nothing could stop her from mixing and matching based on specific events in time. In the manner of which she usually read while she was preparing for the role of a new princess, order was not pertinent more so as interest.

Feeling content for tomorrow night she canceled any further alteration as a yawn escaped her, "Alright you hard working gal, time for bed."

The simulated library began to break down little by little as the connection started to fade away, a slight prickle crawling all over her fur coat and skin. A good night's rest would be the next hurdle she'd have to face assuming the shadows tried to keep her awake, but hope persisted with the knowledge that it was only one in the morning. Having psyched herself once her vision went white in the act of transitioning, her barely lingering hearing detected the sound of a hard slap.

Sitting in the couch she came too and took a deep breathe, the spell itself finally dispelled into nothingness and a wave of sleepiness sat upon her eyes, "Huh? Could have... have sworn I stacked everything properly?" she yawned again wondering what had fallen over while staring at the mound of records.

Dazzling Abode

The evening had swiftly turned to full night, few were on the streets or driving around except the police who dutifully patrolled the town in squad cars. The big apple red buses had stopped running two hours before midnight, only the short shuttles were ever seldom seen with their orchard painted chassis until one in the morning. Beyond the night jogger and the occasional helicopter thudding through the starry sky, there was nothing but lights making much of any noise at all. The mild hum every time the sirens and their new associate passed one of the lamps or some storefront had become little more than background static. The fresh air around them gave a pleasant tingle to the skin and face, pushing hair styles ever gently like a cat pawing at their tips. No trash dared dirty the route to the siren's dwelling, just clean gray sidewalk between the four lane road to the left and two car dealerships to the right. A gas station was within reach before they would turn at the corner and reach the Inn.

What started as a simple curious dip into Twilight's opinion on a particular subject had burst into a questionnaire under Sonata's random mind. From seeing into her preference of food, hot sauces, if she swam, to even the size shoe she wore there was little the cerulean singer casually missed. The Crystal Prep student found herself put into a very unfortunate position when the inquiries dipped into details of her conundrum in socializing with others. All but Sonata seemed to be actively talking to her as the rest kept on in silent regard, in retrospect it was probably for the best after how she was received in the restaurant.

“So… you’re like so one of us?” Sonata asked walking backwards, she tilted her head this way and that way as a bird might while resting on a fence.

The brittle nerves of the young human girl were beginning to fray at the edges after they covered her rather lonely existence, “Umm, not exactly, but in a way yes I suppose that is correct. As I said, all I want is to gain more knowledge of how things work in this universe like my father who studies the distant stars and galaxies. If I can find a better peer group at Everton who I'm sure shares my love of learning then… well that was the plan until he showed me Magic. I...” her lips sealed shut quicker than a popping muffler when Aria interrupted rather abruptly.

After seeming distant for the last twelve minutes of the trek, the two ponytails whipped as she glanced over her shoulder at the human, “You really want to be taken as something other besides an urchin on the sea floor don't you? You want people to adore you for how big you can make your brain when everyone is obviously inferior to you? That painting all the walls in this little world of yours?”

Adagio paid no heed as she sensed Aria's mood and intentions, she did her job well in testing the tag along for any weakness to exploit. After the hag of a devil the old woman turned out to be they were not taking chances with another, they were not about to be kept in check by some kind of frost field or leash. They were proud sirens who sought what they wanted and helped if they desired, they were not someone's pet to command through a middle man or girl.

A wide flat lime green car passed by, coughing and sputtering with horrid breaks that screamed at the slightest use, "So you're some kind of brainiac but another brick in the wall? Sounds like someone's lacking a spine, even a nudibranch can take on an anemone without stop!" she spat on a lawn after feeling a loose piece of food dislodge from her back teeth, "Heh... figures after we were nearly turned into ice statues that they'd appoint some eel next!"

“I…I… uh?" Sparkle fiddled with the backpack straps she held onto until her fingers started to go numb.

Sonata piped up, "She's not that bad? Ya she doesn't have any fangs or sharp hooves... or willpower and courage..."

"Much of anything besides her smarts, any siren worth her gulp of air can fend off another. Even pups can square off with another, but this thing doesn't even try. She just let's herself be churned in the tide, I mean if I were you I'd just pull anchor and find those so called 'safe spaces' where you're assured you don't even have to build up that weak little body. Just hide away in some room caring for only books and things most of everyone we've met couldn't give a flipping fish about." Aria grumbled though satisfied at being able to go off on someone, "Just a little conch shell that will be used over and over until not even a hermit crab can use."

Twilight's ears had heard enough, of everything that was said it only burned her heart more than hydrochloric acid ever could. For the last three years she endured the harassment and isolation at Crystal Prep, and the difficult years in middle school with less abrasive peers though none the less hostile. Knowledge earned a person their future, it created means for others to climb the later of education, and changed the world for better or for worse. All that time she had done her best to cope and ignore the taunts from others as if she stepped on their toes on purpose. Yet it was too cutthroat of a young life even for her to be completely immune to it all, and the twin ponytailed subject surmounted her life's struggle in one go.

When the last cord was struck she couldn't hold in the pain anymore as one particular thing stuck in her mind, in an explosion of turmoil she shouted "I'M NOT WORTHLESS!!”

Everyone stopped in their tracks, even Adagio gave a look from the corner of her eye first at the surprised little instigator and then the human girl behind her. She could taste pain and loneliness which were like sweet slices of spice cake to her, but held off from feeding as the latest development offered fresh insight into the girl herself. Off in the distance an ambulance wailed faintly, nearby dogs began to howl at the emergency call even after it couldn't be heard anymore. Some ten hounds bellowed and awed to the near half moon as it grinned down at earth, just enough light to make it the route visible even without the artificial sources. Moonlight graced the schoolgirl whose colors graced her form as the four had paused between lamp posts, her head dipped every low as she quivered in a subdued fury which gave out quickly.

"I... I know I have no desire to... fight others. I don't care about them! Why should I... what good does it do for me to get anywhere in the social peeking order? If I can discover new technology, develop useful devices for mass production then the time spent catering to those... mean people was wasted! I choose to be left out on purpose!" her face rose to meet the Dazzlings, tears at the edge of her eyes threatened to spill over if barely.

"Hmmm..." Dazzle thrummed.

Sonata leaned back at Blaze and put a hand over her mouth, "Ohhh, someone's angered the morrrraaaayyy!"

Bottled up frustration yet remained as she stood up to Aria as if she were one of the C.P. girls, "He promised me that I could learn magic and he'd give me enough for my own research and more. I want to perform the same feats he displayed... levitate objects that could only be assisted by machinery, ignite flames without a fuel source other than this mana, physically alter the properties of a specimen into an entirely new item down to its molecular structure?! Everything I observed I managed to prove was as real as chemical combustion! I won't let this opportunity go... no matter what you say! I want this as much as you want your powers." her psyched up spirit had all but deflated before the unaffected Dazzlings.

Not a reply nor peep came forth as Adagio smiled to the little whelp, 'Well well well, I guess she's the real deal alright? Poor little guppy must have been lucky to have been saved from that cesspool.'

Her caution could be put aside for the time being, tempting as it was to take a bite of the ripe emotions their new associate oozed like caviar from salmon bellies in her youth. There was no other way for them to tell if she was a barracuda among a shoal of shad, but their method was fool proof. No mage nor trickster could master their heart unless they lived several life times while her's spanned countless ones. A convenience to be savored, and what better way to acknowledge another than one who was put in the same situation by the same benefactor?

"Huh? So magic is like your pendant then?" Dusk asked.

"I know what exists here now is insufficient if not wasteful and I want to change that! Vehicular transports that are powered by magic could wipe out fossil fuels, crops can be saved through weather manipulation, lives could be improved with a simple addition of reality altering magic! Wars..." Twilight stopped when a particularly evil grin crested upon Aria's mouth, eyes narrowed at her the way a leopard hunted its quarry.

"Wars huh? Little shrimp here thinks she knows about wars and preventing them?" Blaze dropped her arms and perched her hands on the curves o her hips.

The cerulean girl became as jiggly as flan fresh on a plate, her hands went to such soft cheeks as the set of lips between them gave way to an almost ecstasy filled awe. Something had given her a spine tingling joy that even glistened upon her eyes further reflecting nearby lights. Dazzle actually turned all the way around and sighed a merry hum from the depth of her throat, it purred and tickled Twilight's skin in a disturbing way. Though what truly upset the teenager was the lip and teeth licking from the rather abusive one of the three, still giving her a fear inducing glare that caused her to tighten into a near ball and bad posture.

"Excuse them, those were the best times we had to ever feed back when our original pendants were still on us. Safe to say it was a good long time before and after that we'd ever feel remotely full, your world's little war was quite the little 'Ender of Lives'. Though I'm sure we'll be able to make all that up soon enough, but do abstain from mentioning the topic if you'd please? I'd like to keep them under control at all times, least they become a little... frenzied!" the curly haired beauty giggled daintily.

With a flick of the hair and a snap of the finger, the three were off again nearing the Inn whose sign appeared over the gas station at the corner. It took Twilight a spell to regain what was jarred out of place, those predatory gazes she saw and the elated hunger even after eating a meal not minutes ago were unsettling to a major degree. What she had come to know of them through him and the work she was instructed to accomplish had come no where near to the real thing. While appearing human even down to intellect, there was a sapient logic that somehow still carried with it an animalistic tendency of unquenchable hunger no matter the source. How they fed was a superficial briefing on vocalization and drawing upon emotions, but such a thing defied all logic, and thus she was thrown back by the trio who truly lived up to some of the siren myths of her homeworld. Where they came from only served to paint it a dangerous world of legends and tales where only woe and suffering existed.

"I hope this will all be worth it?" she muttered low as she second guessed even following any further, "He did say they would return from where they came from? And I'll have all the magic I need, all of the ideas and theories I need to test."

Her skinny legs bounded as fast as they could, taking her through the pit stop portion of the gasoline ports. The smell of combustibles muting her sense of smell until the stink of dead rotting flesh rose up, she snorted in her gait to breath clean air once more. Thankfully there were no cars or trucks filling their tanks, making her tepid run less dangerous than in the daytime. She rejoined the sirens as they readied to cross the road before the parking lot of the Inn, the rest of the way was a silent one even after they entered past the second sliding doors into the lobby.

Having never been in a Inn before which catered to temporary living quarters for long stay clients, Twilight's senses paused and analyzed everything as a curious hound might after going outside. Yet just as she went about memorizing the layout and types of strong cleaners they used which threatened her with a mighty sneeze, a man beckoned from the front desk with a hearty wave of the right arm.

"Ms. Dazzle! Ms. Dazzle!! Could I hear another song from you tonight?!" the rather unprofessional man asked, almost desperate to hear even a simple short answer from the exuberant reaction to the Dazzling's arrival.

Sparkle observed the body language which seemed to depict a depraved need not being met enough to control ones self, but was it their voices that he needed or something else?

"Sorry, we have a busy day early in the morning. Perhaps another time?" she spoke like a true diva, spoiled and uncaring to her fans which pestered her before arriving in a green zone from work.

Even as they kept on walking to the elevators down another hall the man kept pleading, asking none stop as if it would gain him a ten second verse. The incessant begging finally abated when they disappeared out of his vision well away, and then quiet resumed aside from the mechanisms of the big lift as it was coming down from another user. The halls were clean and sterile, colorful fake stones decorated the floor under a layer of resin that spotted a cream white background. Black borders colored the support pillars though they were merely decoration to break the otherwise continuous gray brown of the soft foam walls. A large exit sign hung down the end of the way where a two door entrance awaited use, large windows which took up much of the surface allowed the black outside of night to be seen.

The four eventually arrived at the room and Twilight being the last to enter closed the door behind her making sure it locked. She was glad to be out of the strong apple scented halls the staff had perfumed sometime around midday, she had nearly blew her head off five times trying to keep from sneezing.

"Ahhh... home sweet home! I'm going to wash up so do make yourself at home in the living area or the kitchen. I really care not where exactly so long as it is not in my room." Dazzle warned their new guest before vanishing from sight behind her closed door.

Left without the head of the group to begin the introduction of her purpose among them, Twilight stood by the door still hearing Aria speak up as soon as Adagio's door closed.

"Gotta use the loo." she gruffly announced, which left Sonata and her all alone.

A tapping sound came from the only other spacious zone, the third of the enchanted singers who sat on the large couch and in the process of turning on the large flat screen ahead of her. Her hand padded the empty seat by her which solidified the prompt to wait for the others before she did anything meaningful. While thankful she did not have someone telling her of every personal negative she bore, the little parcel in her backpack had to be shown soon before they slept. The whistle of a shower head picked up in her ears signifying the time she would be losing without a say in it.

"Come! My favorite show is about to start!" Sonata happily jeered as she rose the volume up, loud laughing filled the whole suite and it was not fun to endure.

For ten straight minutes Sonata stared into the fluctuating pictures of local channels, it was mind numbing to most and easily killed time. Commercials as annoying and arrogant in their design played out in hopes of selling whatever useless waste of plastic they tried to trick the viewer into purchasing at the nearest store. It only served to bolster Twilight's sense of duty to understand the manipulating aura of mana itself, using the prospects of a more purposeful future of less waste she'd seen traveling out of town. The haunting images of garbage piles and scattered plastic from the airports she left to new hotels on the regular contests and conventions important to her studies. As if an airplane had passed overhead shredding waste so that it would snow along the lands, making anyone laugh when they saw meager attempts to clean it up.

After the ninth minute, Twilight snuck into her back pack and worked out a flat screen mobile device mirroring her pleated skirt. A tap of the button below revealed what was the eye level view from a camera in her lab, giving her a full view of Spike resting away the huge meal she'd given him at home. Always the hungry little puppy who could sleep for hours if given enough nutritionally dense dry kibble, his little fluffy bed by her bedside upon which his paws twitched from a dream.

"Good boy." she whispered nearly inaudibly, "Sweet dreams cutie."

A click and pull startled her as Adagio made her entrance back into the world, her hair somewhat tamed by a fresh wash. The golden siren had adorned herself in light regalia befitting of one who'd be sleeping soon, a large shirt which extended down mid thigh length. A simple white shirt of all things while her feet were bare and curly locks freed of the band that bound them. Without the southern Dixie look her visage would almost appear like any normal girl without powers, an easy to blend in natural look.

Having nearly fumbled the device that permitted view of her pet onto the carpeted floor, Twilight quickly hid it away before it was noticed. No sooner had she packed it into the depths of her pack had Aria made herself known as well also cleaned and surprisingly calmer than she had been prior. She too sporting untethered hair, the two toned dark purple and teal drape accentuated her unseen elegance befitting a model student. Perhaps it had been the way the lights in the suite bounced off their well tended hair or the magic they had, but they were fine specimens to research at a later date. Sparkle could only wonder if they had some kind of illusion that kept them subdued so they could walk without trouble, or were they naturally alluring?

A quick sniff picked up something besides the usual flora additives, oils of sorts that carried the natural purity of nature itself no word could describe. The stuff that would chill the back of ones nasal cavity, shiver the lungs, and cease a plagued spirits fiddling only the untainted sea of the Isles on another trip she had experienced. The one which fueled her want to develop a sturdy large scale tide turbine that could be made cheaply while surviving for years.

Then, quickly her mind was yanked from its contemplation over details and data by Adagio's summons, "Well? I do believe we've left the public space and won't be eavesdropped by any unwanted ears. So what pray tell do you have that may possibly be of any use to us much less need a calibration?"

She took a seat at the kitchenette table upon the high black seats where her long slender legs dangled to a sway, her lemony butter skin too smooth for description gleamed from the still moist surface of the shower. Aria followed suit after pulling the plug on the TV which elicited a short protest from the only one watching, she too took a seat at the dark furnishing in shorts and baggy tank top. Sonata's dismay was short lived as if she soon picked up on the air of the mood, leaving Twilight feeling so alienated in her position. To her credit she kept herself seated rather than allowing the tingling beads of sweat forming all over her body to force her up and out of the room. The dread of feeling alienated and designated as a purpose dug deep into her thoughts, it was a moment she had thought she was prepared for. With the only question left being if the three otherworldly beings would toss her out the door as soon as she revealed the secret or allow her to complete her task. Magic was at risk in the same way as Everton was if she disappointed Principle Cinch, with the escalated level of failure her heart rate followed.

"I... I have..." she fumbled to swing her backpack in front of her and dig through it, "I know it's here!"

Adagio grinned knowing what the item likely was, still ready for a leash in the worse case event. Yet the manner of which the human seemed to panic was too legitimate to casually put all of them into a defensive mode, it had to be their next gem. Of the praise they received off hand and progress made, there was no other gift they could be given that would be worthy of their existence.

"I... did it fall to the bottom?!" Sparkle took out two old books that were in her way, dropping them onto the carpeted floor.

Aria noticed the beige and rust red hard covered items, Equish decorated their front and backs with silver locks to keep them from accidentally opening. A human in possession of such things was a little intriguing, she too awaited the inevitable with scorching glares that passed over every little thing the girl tossed out to the pack she fuddled with.

Then the moment came, a brightness to the teenagers features as if she could cry at the discovery which likely pardoned her from the end of her research. In her rush to extract the white cloth bundle out of its containment, the pack fell out and spewed all sorts of tiny instruments of metal and wood. They clamored and spilled onto the carpet making half the noise they would otherwise, but those things were not even on the sirens radar. As the bundle in the hands of the girl drew their attentions as a floating dead whale would to a great white shark, slowly the vital innards were spilled into view as dainty soft fingers opened the white pod. Petals of cotton soon gave to view the reflective surface of another ruby which was in every sense of its design like Adagio's own pendant.

Twilight hadn't yet realized the hungry stares directed at the parcel itself, being far too relieved that she didn't lose the priceless stone by accident whether from herself or Spike's curiosity of things. She breathed out a long exhale to calm herself, knowing she had to explain a few things before the trio claimed rights over it. As per order from the man himself who taught her how to alter such magical artifacts, it was a danger to them as toxic fumes until she made the final adjustments. In doing so she would graduate beginner level Alchemy under his tutelage, and she'd receive the next set of books of invaluable data so long as the girls survived its maiden voyage.

Before she could speak a word and give fair warning about the ancient piece of Greek History, she felt something soft and warm grace her left cheek. It was something of a soft sky blue with strands that tickled her ear, a thrumming sound like a purr tingled her spine before she recoiled away from the source. In her fearful reaction that felt as if she could leap forth out of the covering of flesh that protected the body, a trap had caught her in a locked embrace. Arms as she felt clamped down around her waist just below her bosom, pinning her arms tightly against her ribs to near pain if she moved even in the slightest. The warmth came back and nuzzled her cheek again, it wasn't until she saw Aria before her did she come to understand that the magical girls she was to aid were surrounding her.

"SCORE!!!" Blaze jeered with a furious joy, her hands in fists pumped in the air like her brother use to do when he had been into sports on the television.

She eyed the stone hungrily and wanted to grab it, she seemed so tense that she might break if there was also a second ruby up for grabs. Dazzle she sensed stood to her right and closed the circle that kept the student from seeking personal space, but instead of being overly affectionate or scary even if she was out of view save for what was visible in the peripheral vision. A hand gently landed on Twilight's scalp and petted her as if she would to Spike, coming back to a Lab or her room and finding not a mess nor something destroyed out of boredom.

"Hmm... I can FEEL the magic!!" Sonata huskily moaned, her affections becoming more rough like that black cat across the street who disliked Spike's scent if she ever came across it outside.

Dazzle sighed as well, a minty scent blew down and tickled the girl's nose, "I had a feeling that this was what you wanted to show us. Something this vital shouldn't be shown to just anyone, not after... we came across them of course."

"It's mine!" Aria showed off her rather pointy incisors and molars with a near inhuman grin that didn't seem possible.

The claim over the ruby had ended Sonata's behavior in favor of rebuttal to the other, "It's mine!! I still don't have one!"

"You'll just break it, BACK OFF!!" Blaze growled as the two faced off over the small coffee table under them, feral sounds that humans should never make vibrated in Twilight's ears.

"MINE!!!!" called the cerulean girl as she leapt at the fushia one, a match had begun between them over the stone.

To Twilight's horror she witnessed the two wrestle violently though no punches were thrown, they did however pull hair and bite at one another. Both vying to be the one on top, thus they rolled and turned into furniture with a ruckus that even the teenager worried might have security called to the room. It was not the reaction she ever expected, such bestial violence she'd never seen even in her peers who regularly nipped at one another in words alone. A chair flipped on top of them as the collided with the kitchenette, causing the many legs still standing to scrap on the tile floor as a heavy desk would skid painfully to the ears.

"Don't worry about them, it's a tradition our kind share when establishing the pecking order... or reestablishing it in this case." Dazzle softly explained still petting the girl.

"Over this?!" the guest gasped, Sonata soon flying a little into the air and landing with a thud on her side.

The golden siren gave a light scratch to her scalp which if she wasn't so terrified it would have been a pleasure, "Back home, we live through strength and power to survive in a world where we are alone."

Aria seemed to know not to relish her victory just yet, she soon felt the full brunt of Dusk impacting her with a charge that careened them close to the door to the hall. More hair pulling and clacks of jaws finding only air continued, the occasional hiss and growl popped through the room. It became all to real to Twilight that she was indeed helping xenos of sorts who were not of her world, and while fascinating as it was to see magic and learn of their existence. She was but a lamb among lionesses in a cage who were fighting over fresh meat, the alpha female above such tussles of dominance as she stood upon the top of the ladder.

Dazzle sensed the fear in their associate as tasty as a nice midnight snack of which time would being them to the moment in two more hours, "They'll tucker out soon enough, from what I wager will be in three... two... one..."

Like magic that had shown Twilight such splendor and marvel, the two girls soon froze in their assault upon the other. Dusk held a rope of Aria's hair in a tightly bound fist but did not pull, a hand upon the others chest to keep her parted mouth from her neck as pearly whites shone in the lights. Not to be undone by her compatriot, Blaze had a death grip the one lonely ponytail which pulled taunt to the ground as the other gripped the mandible by the right side. Sonata seemed to have been the victor having ended up on top, but it was evidently not the case when the underdog gave a hearty laugh.

"I win again doofus!" she chuckled further while releasing her hold.

To Twilight's bewilderment the two played it all off even after Aria's head had been mere inches from slamming into the front door, "Ahhh... I was sooo close this time!"

The pout was visible like a child who didn't get first place in a simple contest at school. The lunatic mindset of the girls to go from such quickly turned states of ecstatic elation to aggression, then to what to them amounted as nothing was so very queer to the human among them.

"We are a species of few in number, of a world too vast to find others without decades or even centuries before we come across others. You need to be strong and capable unless you want to be little more than specs sand on a long endless beach." the breath of the leader to the others caressed her neck as if a feather were being brushed along the skin, "You'll learn in due time what we truly are, consider it an extension of our new... association... as he'd want."

Twilight had no further words to speak, as the ones who quarreled as battling monitor lizards in the land of humanity's cradle walked back towards her showing no worse signs of wear. Oddly there was a nick where two dots of liquid crimson seeped from on Sonata's left arm, the idea swirled in the girl's mind as she came to the conclusion of 'First Blood'.

"I'll best you next time! For realzies!" Dusk defiantly said to the outcome, her hands going towards her hair as the wound seemed to dissipate of its own rapid regeneration.

The victor strode back to where she had been prior to the engagement, "Ha! Like the other countless times you've lost to me, you lost and I get the gem. Besides you'd probably lose yours anyways."

Further mumbled exchanges went on between them, going unheeded when Twilight could feel the proximity of Adagio inches by her head. The aroma of mint faint but crisp even as she simply stood there giving one last pet before finally leaving Twilight be.

"Now, let's figure out all we can of what you know concerning these gems if you'll please." she asked with a thrumming end to the last word, giving a rise to goosebumps along Twilight's body.

Ch. 8 Puppeteer's Strings

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Ch. 8 Puppeteer’s Strings

Dazzling Room...

Every breath she took felt heavy and burdened, sweat began to peak through the pores of her skin from her palms to the back of her neck. The moment had come where she worried of the temperament of the three would designate her as little more than a chew toy, but the notion was quickly chalked up to the unknown. It was anticipated that they could sense the variations to the first stone to which she was authorized to speak about, yet the man had not told her very much either on purpose. Whatever she could say she hoped would be sufficient enough, least she be the one on the floor caught between snarling maws and psychotic episodes.

"What I know?" Twilight's voice quaked, her bottom squirming on the soft seat like a mole crab trying to dig into the sand.

A cream yellow hand came upon the lone ruby and touched it with the tips of the fingers, brushing it as if it were the cheek of a newborn with utmost care. Circles were run across the eight outer sides encasing the center facet before the index finger sat upon the middle as if it were an island in the bay of white linen. The point was made by the slight push into the cotton blossom Twilight held, the firmness of the gesture only served to concern her even more as the warning was given.

"Why yes!? You don't think we're honestly oblivious to the differences do you? We'd like to know what we're using for one, and two where did they come from? We may look young, but we're thousands of years old and with that comes valuable experience and rarely given trust. So give me a reason to trust him... and you?" Dazzle had taken to perch herself on the arm of the sofa, the proximity had caused a spike of warmth that Twilight could only believe was a fearful reflex. Had she seen a mirror at that moment she would have noticed the flush of red upon her face, but it was not of embarrassment.

Aria quizzically thought with a quirky eye to the ceiling missing the sight herself, "Ya? Come to think of it, what gives with the changes? Far as we've seen the new stone would need fifty Canterlot High feedings just to seem full? Our own were fine with a hundred souls to siphon off of in three sessions alone." she said with honest thought.

A few bobbles of curly hair touched the young girl's shoulder when their owner leaned in even more uncomfortably close, "Yaaaaaa?! I always feel hungry still even after we sing to a whole club or something?" the aloof girl to the left tapped her chin as the gears began to whirl one by one.

The finger lifted away from the new ruby and brushed the right side of the human's face in a queer fashion, "We know that even as old as we are our magical stores were never this insatiable, so it's understandable we have... reservations of attaining the next one. We're not stupid."

"I... I wouldn't think you were?" Twilight recoiled away from the touch as she stuttered, waiting for the usual aggravated harassment that came from most of her peers.

A terse silence floated around the circle of four as thick as chowder, giving the congregation the sense of being cornered by a pack of wolves. She wanted to get away from the situation she had willingly put herself in, preferably better if they didn't make her feel so pinned in yet even that was a suggested possibility. The feeling that no matter what she said would eventually end in harsh words and getting tossed out to walk home alone after curfew. It was a crazy scenario that buzzed under the bun of restrained blue hair with the fury of a jostled wasp nest, already she began to wonder it would be safer to take the bus. Whether or not to inform him that she had failed to meet his request.

With a heartbeat thudding in her throat and knees trembling as a loose bumper, she swallowed the lump which might as well have been the organ itself to seat it where it properly belonged in her anatomy. Each pounding pump of blood through every inch of her veins an unbearable assault upon her nerves, the pressure building with each passing moment all the way to the tips of her toes and fingers in pin pricks. It was starting to lead to an icy chill in her chest as a panic attack had begun to come on, a painful experience the gradual onset came as it did every time at school from the toes she stepped on accidentally. The voices were coming back again, someone somewhere said something mean and degrading that most would tell of to a stray dog on the street. No matter what she did it was never good enough, no matter how nice or well informed they'd give her the stink eye. The underlying torment of under performance dug into her ability to speak even more than before, the white lotus petals were closing upon the ruby ever slowly. Her hands lowering from their height and clasping together inch by inch.

"I... I can... tell you... yo... what I know!" dread seeped from her person which caught their attention like blood to sharks, a fresh kill or injured fish struggling to survive detected miles away.

The one of bountiful curls of orange and sun streak noticed the deteriorating condition of their associate, "Good girl... good girl." she started to sing yet did not feed as the enchantment ensnared the girl, "Now... let me hear what it is that makes these gems soooo speeeciaaaalllllll."

It was a very weak casting, but her angelic voice seemed as comforting as a mother's embrace that pushed away the negativity and all the voices that plagued the young mind. The effect was immediate in the studious human who stopped shivering ever quickly even to the low tuneful hum still being sung, a green mist had begun to fly away from her as if it were steam. Eyes glazed over with the onset of awe and and captivation, breath held to all while the soul was pacified. The entire act observed without intervention nor speech, the Dazzlings had already figured out what was happening and it was not a free meal to be had.

What apprehension was born prevented a tempted bite of the succulent negative emotion, it was merely wasted as weeds clipped at the roots to be tossed for mulching. Pulled taunt so that the girl was freed from the chains of near debilitating tension by magic of the siren song until the strings gave. A subtle glow of red had shone in Adagio's magenta rings as she continued the simple musical piece, her eyes seductive in their gaze upon the girl betrayed the ease of which it was to manipulate the dominant apes of the world. The green haze bloomed in one fantastic puff once the line had been severed, displaying for all the three to see clearly just how much was bottled away. A feast denied from even a mere sample had the same potency of five youthful youngling, of all they had feasted on even in Equestria there were none so troubled as this particular girl. To Aria who looked upon her with mouth ajar by inches and a dumbfounded gaze, Sonata seemed to feel a bit of sadness at the over ripe fruit mushy and stale to her tastes.

The last of the swamp colored haze vanished through the ceiling as the energy fell to the vast vacuum that was the world devoid of magic. What remained was a freed spirit like a yard that hadn't been mowed in years, wind could kiss the soil and new life could be mustered. Yet Blaze knew the end result was to have a quicker more vulnerable mind to interrogation, just enough to feed them what needed to be known. The schoolgirl would regrow it all back in a months time as she figured, likely lacking the same volume however as she had held what was akin to a decades old wine kept in a cold dark cellar.

The cork had been popped, "Uhh..." Twilight groaned with wincing pained expression, "What was I doing? You... asked a question... about the ruby? Right?"

A grin graced the golden siren's supple lips, the magic vanished from those calculating portals leaving that ever resourceful spirit, "Where are they from? Perhaps other sirens like us? Did he ever even tell you much about us? I mean he seems to know?" she spoke in playful notes even if the spell had ended.

The cupped gem gradually came down till the hands below it found rest upon the skirt covered lap, "He said... they came from an excavation site... abroad... off the coast of Maremmano of Europa. Somewhere near Naples in the Tyrrhenian Sea, there was a discovery of a ship graveyard that was uncovered by recreational scuba divers."

Aria rose a brow as if puzzled, "Maremmano? Didn't we like pass that during the Great War? Man! These must have been buried deep if we couldn't sense them much less idiot here sniffing out even one of those?"

The casual jab did not go unheard, "HEY! They had good cheese there! Sorry I was so hungry!" Dusk dutifully defended herself as she remembered the fond memories of the strife that gripped humanity so tightly that fresh juice had kept them fed rather decently during it.

"Shhhh!!" warned their leader putting a finger to pursed lips, "Continue Twilight."

A pause came before the girl showed some signs of livening up, still acting as if something were in control of her. Very little of any of her moved, like a mechanism slowly warming up to move fluently in cold weather. She starred straight ahead at nothing in particular except towards the flatscreen device, her reflection in the dull dark semi matte surface.

Taking a deep breath she went on about it all, "They say there are over fifty Greek and foreign merchant vessels that lay at the bottom and the shoreline of where they were extracted from, some kind of large ceramic vessel... they sat over a bed of calcium carbonate... bones. Among many other pieces of pottery... the lead archaeologist gave them the title Siren Souls... from the number of human bones scattered throughout the ship graveyard. It was a metaphorical joke that stuck to their profile."

"Wow, sounds like they did more then feed and move on? Hardcore." the twin hair tailed girl nodded with an impressed attitude that any of the other two rarely saw.

Dazzle had dropped her normal demeanor in lieu of one that depicted a sage in deep contemplation, "That is to assume they were anything like us, our desires and the end game. But to kill off prey like that, it doesn't make any sense? Sure the hairless apes bred like rabbits especially back then, but that's just down right wasteful! Kill off the fish and there will be none left to spawn... over harvesting to the point that the waters will be barren next year."

Sonata whimpered, "The stones... they were found on top of bones... inside a jar!" a shiver crawled down her spine and to her toes, the feeling was just as mutual with her packmates if less evident.

"Uhhhh... does that mean we somehow might die if we use these any longer? Or since we took the first one?" Blaze shrugged as the beginnings of indifference started to grow, she shifted to a new spot a little away from everyone.

Already Aria and Sonata seemed to be backing away from their matriarch, one plopping herself right down in front of the dead flatscreen TV and the entertainment system. Her sweet fool made it a foot away before backing into the other part of the sofa's L shaped design, though they dared not speak it they were afraid of the ruby. The very gem which returned to them their powers and immortality, that bestowed upon them a chance to get back at the ones who threw them in such an insufferable prison. Their voices returned to them with thrice the strength and they showed such cowardice, such a disgrace had been their reaction that it only served to bolster Adagio's trust in the relic.

Jerking herself forward at the two, "Simmer down you skittish rock lice! You're sirens, not some hermit crab!" she then turned her attention back to the human, "Twilight! Tell me everything, was there anything else you can tell us about them?"

The doughy sluggish revival seemed to near its completion as the girl blinked repeatedly, "There were only three found... the ceramics jars... the rest were storage that contained coins, food, cloth, or any other manner of trade items of that era so no one suspected anything. The locals were reported fearing the stones right after they were extracted, word got out without a single witness having ever seen the stones. They were quickly transported to a national institute for carbon dating and cataloging out of the country when the roads and streets were filled with angry indigenous peoples."

"That's still not telling us much, but I guess that will have to do for now until we meet with him. Still better than being left in a rotting bag of flesh for a century or two." Adagio pinched the bridge of her nose, "Crowds of people who just suddenly started to riot as soon as the gems were found... leads me to believe the sirens of this world were eventually defeated as well. Their end was rather... tasteless."

"Ya?! No kidding! That's why our kind never did that, we were merely banished for making the ponies live in constant strife. All our mothers said that from the day we're born, or at least you and me. Not sure about Sonata's case after what she did." Blaze thumbed at the girl in question.

Wide eyed the cerulean siren soon adorned a frown of distaste, "HEY!! I told you guys what happened already! It wasn't my fault, besides I never hurt anyone they just wrecked the place and we... I still never killed anyone!"

"Which is what we will continue to do, our powers come from fresh kelp. Not from uprooting the whole plant. Let the three of this world to the fate they put themselves in, they're long gone and we're immortal again. We stick to the program and continue learning about our powers before they try anything under our noses. Aria, you'll be my second pair of eyes for that, and Sonata?" she eyed the two in serious intent.

While not getting anything but a careless shrug from her little usurper, Dusk shrank back against the furniture and quietly pointed at herself.

"You know what it's like to experience a magical surge. The moment you feel anything off with the stones you stop singing and tell me right away. We are in control of them not the other way around. Though I doubt anything is even in these things to begin with." she said as her right hand came to rest upon the stone under her clothing, "Tales are tales, but they begin from something or another. We knew what we were getting into when we took on the first one. Our magic, our original birth stones are long gone never to come back again. We're essentially relearning everything new, how we can control this world and the limits we can never cross. We're in this together, just as we agreed upon."

Her words were vows of the utmost earnest, putting her role as Matriarch on the line and their futures all upon a group collective. After a few passing glances given to the ruby in the then awakened girl, it was clear they had already jumped ship and were among the stormy waves. They couldn't give up the chance to reach their destination from the sinking ship that was their old lives, for the ship had already crashed onto the sea floor by then. Aria would rather perish instead of living out a meek life as the evolved monkeys, she hated their all when the Great War had come. Sonata on the other hand simply wanted to follow, she had to belong or else she feared dying alone. They had merely given into the thought of living as humans because they had no other choice, and given the second chance she wouldn't consent again.

In a strange show of control she gave a firm nod and thrust a fist into the air, perhaps it was the inner siren from Equestria that urged her to do such a thing. Maybe there were awful magic at play working their minds to suit its needs, whatever the case was she knew she had to display her agreement. Aria joined in if only half way, giving a thumbs up and a smirk at the cute scene of their little idiot.

Twilight had come to at that moment under no further duress nor fog of the mind, she felt light as air and content. Though odd she felt nothing amiss except for the behavior of the rather energetic mood in the air, something had happened that she missed somehow. To her it didn't feel as if there was a gap in her memory, just a fluffy jumble of talking after Adagio had come out of her room.

She gazed at the nearby electrical clock on the wall behind the fushia skinned girl, giving a soft sigh at how late it had become and what little sleep she'd get. While getting to know them and answer questions was on the list of priorities, they still needed their other gemstone ready by tomorrow.

"Good, we'll make further contingencies if they prove to be uncontrollable. Then we..." Dazzle ceased feeling a tap on her left arm, turning her head towards the girl on the sofa, "Yes?"

Peeved at being interrupted she cocked a brow to the reason of doing so, "Um, I don't wish to get in between whatever is going on. But it's getting rather late now and I have to finish work on the stone before two in the morning... and it's almost eleven now."

At her interjection the Dazzlings collectively gave her a quick eye before turning to the clock she'd taken sight of, it did not take long before the moment register. A whirlwind of commotion sped into creation as the Dazzlings were off in their own rooms doing all manners of things, one cursed under their breathe while the rest quietly acted. Screeching clothing hangers scrapped metal bars in both rooms, bathroom doors closed shut, and then Adagio had gone to shut off the unused lights all around. Leaving the little human girl alone on the couch still at a loss at what had transpired, but with nothing to trigger a flight response or worry she merely sat observing behavior. There was a squeak of metal from the bathroom on the right of the suite, the side she concluded was to be Aria and Sonata's side. Water ran even though it was heavily muted, along with it more curses in some kind of tongue she didn't recognize even though she had studied a good number for the conferences and conventions Cinch sent her to.

'Well I guess this went better than expected? I'm not outside or heading for home and I still have my work to do. I think he'll be happy with the current results, now... to calibrate.' Twilight told herself and set about preparing the impromptu work space.

As the coolness of the room met with the leaking humidity of a running hot shower, Twilight made sure everything was right with the table. Having little out of place that wasn't a gesture of the hand away from fixing, she set the precious stone in the center of it all. The cloth that once held it was folded neatly and placed into a side pocket of the pack where she then pulled out a strange item from the main compartment. It had been secured by velcro as the material ripped with a static ruffle, a headband affixed with an apparatus of sorts supporting multiple glass lenses on metal arms. She stretched the band over her hair bun and let it grip her head, feeling the fabric with the silicon dots anchor the item onto her person that promised a trouble free application.

The thick black glasses were removed and folded where she placed them on the far right of the table out of the way, the act immediately blinding her of even basic sight. Thankful that she was already sitting down she then moved her fingers and expertly adjusted the metal bar which was molded to her cranium. Along the sides she swiveled the thing metallic arms that held the circular lenses until the largest ones were in place and the world became clear as day.

"Perfect!" she said softly and gave the table one last inspection.

The shower turned off just as Aria threw a bundle of clothing on an empty chair in their room with a soft plop, "SONATA!! Your stuff's on the chair for the morning!"

A muffled reply came, "THANKS!"

With Adagio absent in the suite, she figured she still had a few more minutes before the girls might interrupt her during the calibration. Seizing the chance she dove a hand back into her plum violet pack and felt for something specific, a short groping earned her what she needed. It was a cylinder as strangely hot as a cup of fresh tea, a tiny thing that could fit in the palm of her hand as it did was as glossy as glass with a hard plastic end. Having nestled it in a marker or pen loop for transport, she pulled her arm up quickly as the heat had begun to be too much to bear.

"What?!" she gasped as a flare of a burn in progress caused a knee jerk reaction in her left arm, "AH!"

She yelped while tracking the deep crimson vial in the air, sailing in a high arm from the toss she inadvertently sent it in. Immediately the pain was gone as utter horror overtook every thought in her mind, the one thing she needed to finalize the stone with the magic she had been taught and alchemy she was still learning. All that she pictured was the small thing shattering and the viscous looking liquid lost to where ever it spilled out onto. A feeble attempt was made by her body to try and catch the flipping tube, but she was too slow to do anything but meet its trajectory halfway.

It had flew past the climax of its height as the momentum sent it off to the tiled floor of the kitchen area. Dread as deep as the farthest sea floor of the oceans weighed her down from making one last ditch attempt, that perhaps if she threw her body under it she'd be saved. Twilight's lungs had stopped all movement after she saw the precious fluid leap before her, even her heart had come under amnesia of sorts by skipping two beats. Everything she had planned and envisioned would go with the priceless item, he would likely pull all his funding from the school and take back all he gave her. All else with the academy would probably sink at Principle Cinch's disappointment in her failure as well, the lab and her future at Everton gone once the glass spilled into countless pieces.

As all seemed hopeless within the bottomless pit, a soft yellow palm met the tube with a timid smack and then fingers encased it in a hold like spider legs trapping prey. Defiant in the odds, the vial was saved by none other than Adagio herself who stood confused as to what was going on and what was on Twilight's face that enlarged her eyes. Given the odd scene she could only sigh as yet again she arrived just in the nick of time, whatever disaster she stopped was but another drop in the lake that had since formed long ago.

"Everything always falls apart when I'm not around. Never a moment's peace for me." she said before bringing the specimen container close to her face, letting it roll slowly in her hand.

At a glance it was nothing but a reddish substance contained inside a simple storage of plastic and melted sand. Peering deeper into the material revealed what Adagio could only see was a singular school of silver shad adrift in the oasis of life, moving beside her manipulation as if there was life inside the vial. Twisting tides of the metallic glitter churned with an existence, intoxicating to witness that drew in the mind and imagination hypnotically. A soft pulse of magic seemed to exude off the container as the fish jerked every which way. The very heat itself easily tolerated by the dominate siren who simply regarded the sensation as if it were a warm summer's breeze upon her flesh. It wasn't what she expected to find with the human at all, but the magic was there and it was of Equestrian flavor and potency. Summoning further questions into who they were really dealing with if they hadn't crossed paths up till the present.

She had come in to double check on her buffoons and only then had her senses detected the glass before her pathway that she caught it in time, "So, with all that and whatever it is you're wearing. The whole 'calibrating' has to involve this in what manner?"

Sparkle giggled sheepishly not wanting to admit to nearly destroying their ascendance to power, "Um... thank you for catching that, if you could pass it back?" she inquired first eager to put it safely where it belonged.

The vial rolled once more in the siren's hand before it was carefully given over, received by the human as if it were explosive. The ginger caution used in its transition to the table where a small stand awaited to seat it only fueled Dazzle's curiosity to the point that irritability started to poke up.

"I'm waiting." she spoke with a mildly peeved tone.

Twilight jerked from her diligent care of the red substance after she unfolded one more set of metal pins acting like legs for support. The five inch apparatus couldn't budge unless the table was shoved or bumped into, though the same couldn't be said for the girl herself upon hearing the vexing directed at her.

"Sorry, that's the catalyst I have to use to fill in the runes that react with your magic. Without it the stone is too dangerous to your health and... I almost ruined everything again." she replied while eyeing every fine detail before her.

"React with how?" she pressed while ignoring the self shaming that was heard quite clearly.

Twilight sat up straight, "He did most of the work of masking the stone's original magic, but in his rush to get it to me for further fine tuning there were a few runes he missed. Since he wasn't sure how much he should remove that wouldn't compromise their capability of performance, they were given a special coating of Pyrite Elixir that will cause any negative reactions to your magic to glow. From there the filler will bond with the molecular structure in a seamless meld, but the magical process that permits it wasn't told to me in detail. In a sense, it seems your world and mine have nearly the same kind of magic with only superficial variations."

A hum could be heard pleased with the answer given, "Next question would be how does he even know how our original gems even worked? Because as far as I know we've never met someone like this person before in all the years we've been here." with arms folded over her bosom, "And we've lived through many lifetimes, probably met your ancestors at one point or another."

Still adjusting to the reality that the trio presented to her Twilight bit back the need to ask about their past, "Yes, I believe the remnants of your old gems were collected at some point. How he even..."

A tight hand suddenly gripped her shoulder and ripped her eyes from the work space until all she saw was the head honcho herself, "He HAS our shattered pendents?!!"

Mint scented breath crossed before Twilight's nose, tickling a tempted sneeze if the startling act didn't apprehend the reaction. Those magenta eyes with their piercing color locked onto hers with such fervor that any further words were all but impossible to get out. So intimidating were they that it became a task to maintain eye contact, quickly she started to notice everything else outside Adagio's all encompassing face. Such as where the other hand of the siren gripped the sofa's arm she had been leaning on. Fingers dug into the surface ripping through slightly as if it were made of fresh wet clay, the strength applied easily calculated in the young scientist's mind even if she didn't want to think of it.

"HOW!?" the hiss no less dangerous than a King Cobra nearly froze any way of responding.

Swallowing a lump of moisture in the back of her throat, "I don't know! He just said he found the fragments and pieced them together! He doesn't tell me anything unless it involves my lessons!" she brought her hands to protect her face, "Please don't hurt me!!"

The sound of soft foot falls on the carpet entered the otherwise stale air where only Dazzle's deep growl had become the sole audio of, aside from the tearing couch arm, "You mean to tell me that he has our fragments... that he somehow assembled every single shard... studied every little piece... and... and..." the hot air balloon sported a leak, "I let those shards... left them there."

"Yo!" swiftly came a voice from the other side of the suite.

Sonata peaked past the bathroom door dripping wet with a tooth brush in her mouth, her air equally unrestrained as the others before the cloud of hot water vapor puffed behind her. She looked worried even as the dental foam dripped off the chin like runny cappuccino cream. Yet it was not her whose voice rent through the tense air surrounding Twilight and Adagio, Aria leaned against a wall looking the most displeased she had ever shown.

Their leader backed away as if to compose herself, her steps slightly uncoordinated almost tripping her as an arm gripped her room's door frame. Suffering erupted upon her heavenly perfected face as a hand cupped half of it, labored breathing soon followed along with a crimson spot under the night garb that made it appear as if she were bleeding. While off setting to see, the bleeding wound soon glowed bright enough to be seen as a light than an actual injury and one from the first stone hanging from its tether.

"I... I'm fine." the eldest magical being swayed in place grimacing to hold her own just to stand, "Our stones... it was my fault they... were so callously discarded like that. We... I should have scooped the up before..."

Out from Blaze came a scoff which held no respect for the one it was aimed at, she wanted to anger the distraught.

"Like Tartarus you could have, remember? Cause I do!" the fushia skinned girl beckoned, "We lost our voices, then we got booed off stage, and we ran for our lives because we got chased off. Kinda no room there for us to have taken the moment and grabbed the pieces."

"I know but..." Adagio tried to protest, the hand drifting off her face where the scowl soon honed onto the other siren in full.

Aria strode over until she stood just before her Matriarch without a care in the world if she were suddenly attacked or given a warning threat. Defiant and strong, Twilight kept her senses on auto record if for mostly her own record seeing that they made Crystal Prep all the more tamer by comparison. It was then that she realized aside from her own family, family friends, and Spike her little puppy she'd never really had such an occasion where she could be share such an intimate moment with another person much less than beings from another world. It only then dawned on her that she as in the middle of a bonding moment, something she only read in books or recollected at family gatherings during the holidays.

"We followed you because you sensed the danger we were in. We ran as fast as we could and evaded those freaks! We're here now because of you, so suck it UP! At least the rest of our pendants weren't turned into that... that piece of garbage that other she created!" the venom in her tone came to head after she thrust a singular digit at Twilight herself.

The red light died out as if it feared the ire in the words, "I know that!"

"Then act like it!! Adagio those gems are gone, long gone and we'll never get our old selves back no matter how badly we wish we could. At least that Twilfart Pukle couldn't deface the rest, no offense to you... you're not her." Blaze gave a quick eye to the school girl and waved a hand in dismissal of the real person she meant to call on.

She giggled more less out of a nervous reaction and caved further into herself on the sofa, "None taken."

"Think it's time we really got over them by now. Tartarus we have our powers back, we have something that's not a broken bottle on a side walk." Aria sized up her leader as if gauging the depth her words were penetrating the afflicted, "Why even care about what happened to the old ones? Not like we could even have done a coral's worth to repair them! So why? Why are you still holding onto them?"

The answer came with reluctance as if it caused physical distress to admit, "Those were ours, we were born with them! No one should be touching them much less turning them into pet projects with a lack of appreciation!"

Instead of back off, a pair of hands went up and grasped the collar of Dazzle's nightwear, the material lifted up to the chin showing no remorse. Teeth were shown for the world to see on both sides, a new contest of sorts started to take shape and one which even sent Twilight scooting away to the other side of the couch. All the while quietly dragging the black knee high table with all the gear out of the suspected splash zone.

"We have a chance to get back home! We can rub their faces in the sand later, Equestria awaits us or don't you care about that prize!?" a snarl graced the offending one topping their aggressive stand off.

The teal and dark purple hair cascading down her back gleamed with the conditioner still moisturizing each strand. The lights in the living room reflected off the silky drape. Though what really caught Twilight's attention was the rippling muscles underneath the supple skin, in both the arms and the legs exposed to the cool floral scented air of moisturizer. A light was shone upon the one who stood up to Dazzle, the power to back up her argument to the one who stood at the top.

'I'll need to gain a further insight into their true being when they won't feel tempted to cause me bodily harm. But an interesting side note, if they have a different form then I wonder what kind of group mentality they have that might be magically affected or by nature alone?' Twilight thought.

She anticipated a new fight of some kind for dominance, a contest of words with the way Dazzle held herself. The staring contest they seemed to be perpetually locked in with a steel bar went on for a time, as dangerous as a frozen lake where thin ice could be anywhere. Time seemed to lose itself in the one on one before a development finally came to, already late into the night as it were when the growls and hisses had risen and fell away.

"I always knew you were the one who'd try to take my place. Always eager to prove yourself." Adagio grinned still unaffected by the forwardness of her subordinate.

"Someone has to." Aria chuckled releasing the shirt, a few steps taken back as if to give breathing room.

"Shoo rrouu gud!" Sonata asked with the tooth brush still in her mouth as she hung out of the bathroom door.

Blaze rose her shoulders up along with her hands in a familiar gesture of hers, "Don't know? Are ya?"

Pushing the creases down on the cotton linen before glancing at the lone human to the left of her in that unsure paranoia she exhibited, sprawled on the furniture with a hand ready to grasp the ruby and vial quickly. A long drawn out breath left her.

“You don't need to be ready to flee, I'm fine now." her steely eyes went back to their old intimidating self and swiftly came upon Aria who lost the grin she gave back, "I’m giving this stone to you Aria, until you prove yourself incapable. Sonata you will have to wait for the last one."

“Good, it will feel great to have my own again…” Aria said as her body noticeably relaxed, "Though I did win the spar anyways, so I would have gotten it out of right regardless."

The cerulean girl in the back pouted before slamming the door with furrowed brows, a brief glimpse of her nosing up as the darkly lit hall consumed the light that had poured in while she watched earlier. Water streamed as the sink had been flipped on. The sounds of gargling made it through just barely for Twilight to hear. She had begun to calm down herself sensing peace flags raise in a figurative sense, but her heart still raced from the adrenaline of the moment. She had worried if another tussle would occur and being so close to the calibration setup it was an inherent danger for all. It was then that she decided to get a guarantee that she could start without any further delay, though every word was mulled over to filter any potential offense she might give.

A helpless stomach churn couldn't be helped with even a small risk of upsetting either of the two, "I don't mean to interrupt anything, but it is... imperative that I complete my task without... complications..." she shyly spoke, "If that is alright with you? The work I must do is precision based, the slightest mistake in carving and filling could... irreparably damage the stone for your use."

Her right hand fiddled with one of the carving tools on the table, rolling it along its handle. A smirk appeared upon Aria's face as she noticed the way the headgear made strange exaggerations in the eyes behind the lenses.

"Oh. Oh! Poseidon's sake I... yes, just get through with it. Aria, you and Sonata will head to bed, it's almost midnight and we're already off schedule. I'll inspect this work you've done Twilight, in the morning at least it will wait. I can't sing without my beauty sleep anyways." Dazzle nodded to the others, "Don't wake us up while you work!"

The slamming of the leader's door cemented Twilight's peace of mind, Blaze gave a light hearted giggle as she turned in herself. A few little thuds and minor shuffling sounds from both ends of the suite proceeded to further calm the young girl, placidity graced her like a setting fog as the sun set. Still her heart pulsed from the earlier excitement, forcing her to meditate in the manner of which she had learned at a science conference years ago.

Keeping her eyes on the ruby, she let her thoughts form from their rambunctious nature into a centralized swirl around it. A cyclone of concentration that eased her errant mind, a few moments practice did what she intended it to do. Anything to do with the sirens and their interestingly dangerous ways could be envisioned as being swiped away by a mentally created hand, like a touch screen whatever she did not want to be bothered with vanished in a vaporized cloud to nothing.

"There we go... see? Nothing to be bothered with." she told herself.

A faint sound of running hot water pipes clinking in the walls, the ruffling of bed covers, and the air conditioning systems clicking on were but static to her. Silence reigned as soon as she realized full control had come under her sway, that was when her work could finally start. A slow exhale and a lit applause from her giddiness, all the worldly problems put under a tight lid to which she cracked her knuckles to celebrate.

"Normally I have Spike with me to calm my thoughts, but the meditation is just as good. As they say, a rushed project is one destined for lacking results." she said looking at every item before settling on a folded piece of tan paper at the back edge of the setup.

Knowing what it already contained she set the note down opened for viewing, runes of sorts in Equish with short translations in her native language decorated almost every centimeter of surface. Her focus drifted towards the piping hot vial where she hesitated moving on.

She gave it a mournful gaze, "I better inform him of what happened, the heat it generated had to have been a reactive magic setting it off. But from what?" a finger reluctantly floated towards.

At an inch away she retracted the digit hastily, "Okay, first things first... whisper!" a dull thud echoed from behind through the drywall as if to remind her.

"Why whisper?" came a voice in her right ear, instantly spooking the young woman who banging a shin into the small coffee table.

A loud clatter arose from the numerous tools as they danced into disarray onto the once carefully sorted placement. The ruby and glass vial had not moved as much, their weight seemed to keep them stable amid the ocean of white caps in high wind. Twilight gripped her leg in pain, her bottom lip sucked between her teeth to keep any sound from coming out.

As if on queue, "What did I SAY!!?" came the dominant voice through the closed door nearby.

Minutes passed by before either Sonata or Twilight did anything, one knowing not to annoy Adagio and the other already fearful enough. Though once a solid dark spot developed on the leg that had sprung up from the surprise, it was safe enough to assume the coast was clear.

Every word spoke from then on was a murmur and no louder, "Sorry about that!"

The taste of metal greeted the school girl's mouth, "It's... okay, I just thought you would have gone straight to bed. But if you could please not do that again?"

Dusk nodded with a large smile like a child who promised to keep a secret, "So like, what’s he like? This man who’s helping us?” taking up a squat by Twilight using the arm of the seat to rest her arms while her chin sat atop them.

She observed like a tabby cat on a car watching a home owner tend to a garden, eyeing each tool the girl positioned in some specific order to her preference. Nimbly fingers worked to set the table into order. In no shortness of a few breathes the young girl was once more happy with the work space. The air conditioner coughed to a stop. The flow of air died out yet the chilliness lingered on still where the scent of chamomile had begun to permeate the room from Sonata.

“You mean the person who's giving you your powers back and teaching me the art of Magic?" she tweaked the piece of paper till its position matched the table's spread, "He’s an interesting subject for a magical being disguised as a human. Though he did seem guarded when he showed me how to finish your second gemstone. That is understandable however, considering the classified nature of these items and how they defy common logic. I mean anyone presenting this to someone off the streets would normally be deemed mentally compromised or possibly a predator using monetary donations to a school in order to get close to a young adolescent? But thankfully after all he's displayed with spells and transformations I can confirm that he is indeed a real magician, or mage? Perhaps a wizard?"

“So he’s Equestrian?” Dusk raised an eyebrow, her head tilted to the left.

A nod came after the girl slipped two new sliding lenses into place for her left eye, "That is true, a fact he was fine admitting to you three. I've seen the map of the land he comes from, rather small considering it all, though he's assured me that Equis is far larger than most cartography depicts."

“So he's a pony? A unicorn?” Sonata asked.

To her chagrin the nerdy little human shook her head in a pause of her task, “That I’m sworn to secrecy for now, sorry. I wish I could say more with all things considered, but even in my world there are things you don't want to do to attract the wrong attention.” she replied.

Twilight reluctantly tapped the special vial and felt no ambient heat, in the urge to complete her job she took the leap and picked it up. Her trepidation was for naught as the glass was almost warm, far from how it practically burned her earlier. It earned the sirens curiosity at how the girl seemed fearful of the item. She soon transferred her gaze to pondered what the liquid was with its glittering specks. Her sight acute enough to catch the flecks of silver within the crimson.

"What's that stuff?" she pointed at what Twilight held.

The gesture froze her in place, "Be very careful! Everything needs to remain where it is please. Anyway, this is the filler, though I'm not privy into its contents he did say that it contains a catalyst as a bonding agent. It takes a few layers but the obsolete runes on the stone must be covered, and from what I've read it has to be a very potent substance that shouldn't be touched with bare skin. Aside from the number of mixtures it could be, a single drop could dramatically sicken someone should they touch it." she wagged a finger before reaching into her bag for another item.

Carefully she placed the vial back in its stand after removing the cap, lifting up the pair of black rubber gloves from the table. She quietly slipped them on being ever careful to not make too much noise. The work began at a snail's pace which the cerulean hued singer watched without a word, the idea of something that dangerous had her temporarily enthralled. Thirty minutes passed by as the young scientist applied the fluid filler with a tiny glass dropper, the ruby itself seemed to gleam in certain areas with golden tiny bits like dust. The strange translucent glitter dimmed out once the substance touched each spot, little by little the shiny tiny bits began to vanish.

Twilight drew to the last half of the task, Sonata let out a long deep yawn which ended in her dozing off on the sofa's arm. Quietly she drifted to sleep from the boring task once the little light show ended, though the girl she observed was none the wiser.

"Now I need to add these symbols at these exact locations... then the stone will be ready for Aria." she whispered still believing that she had an audience, "It will help her by narrowing the absorption rate of negative energy when she sings. For you see the original state of these stones and the ancient magic surrounding them are tailored to the original owners. They were far more capable of handling vast quantities of N.E., that said they were also able to convert it into dark magic and store what we believe to be a near infinite pool. However from our initial findings it seems that the owners, the earth sirens, never actually used their magic. Quite perplexing to think of why someone would simply draw ships into the rocks to sink them and consume the disparity of the drowning sailors. With no further use of the resource they were essentially gluttons?"

The world to Twilight had become the gem having memorized the assortment of tools and where they were specifically, she only had to move her arms to specific lengths before grabbing exactly what she needed. Each rune barely a few centimeters in size took an immense amount of mental and muscle control to not twitch or jerk while making a line. The tools themselves were no ordinary objects, they were loaned to her from the very man himself. Tipped with special magical components that seemed to work like a cutting laser without a light or heat source.

She whispered pausing for minutes at a time to focus on a specific part of the stone, "I mean it sounds not out of the ordinary considering the mythology of humanity and your world, humans have always been capable of greed. Thus assuming they were eating the N.E. with no further course of action other than to eat and hold the status as powerful creatures is not unthinkable. I had managed to secure textbooks on the matter, everything concerning sirens from countries who hosted such beliefs of them." Twilight switched even greater magnifying lenses before her eyes, "Anyways, this whole fine tuning will prevent Aria from experiencing an overflow, kind of like using the right sized diameter for a torch burner when switching from natural gas to propane. The instruments do not match... just like Adagio's... her's will allow the three of you to sing and gather without hurting either the people you feed upon or yourselves."

After the final sequence had been placed, Sparkle sat up from her hunched position and sighed merrily at a job well done. Her thin back popped in several places with her arms stretching out in a satisfying tension, cool air flew by her with a gentle caress as the machine by the window chugged to start for the seventh time. Eyes squeezed tightly to the pleasurable movement after spending a long time toiling away as she did, where upon going slack the headgear came off and she dawned the large black glasses. With a soft hum she felt content that she'd earn the little reward that was promised.

"There... all finished!" the veil of fatigue came over so quickly that little was able to be comprehended in seconds.

Twilight sensed that sleep would be coming whether she had the proper time to make a bed or wash. The accomplishment took with it any remaining will to stay awake kept her from standing up. Using the morsel of dwindling energy in her barely conscious state of mind she managed to remove her shoes and unfurl her hair, the North Star pin her mother gave her on her thirteenth birthday was stuffed into her backpack.

A yawn stretched her mouth wide as her eyes pinched out tears, "Guess... that's... it for..." she slowly slid to the left.

Every move she made to lay flat onto the cushioned seat guided her to comfort, even as swiftly as alertness was leaving she managed to claim a bed of sorts. The caressing hum of the air conditioner lulling her ever onward towards deep sleep cradled the young woman in the perfect temperature to cement the night. Even with the few lights that were left on there soon was not a single soul pattering in the room, no shuffling, nor a voice uttered in the dread stillness.

In minutes the Crystal Prep student was out for the count, dead to the world as the lamps around flickered a few times. The dying light sputtering into darkness that awoke the only other being nearby, Sonata who groaned as her back ached from the way she dozed off. Drunkenly half up she starred straight ahead. Nothing even remotely visible for a time until she gathered enough through the stiff joints that she was not in her own bed. That someone was asleep on the furniture her arms had anchored her on for the last hour.

"Whaa...?" she rubbed an eye from the dryness that stung.

Out of the hazy thought process trying to start with rusty gears, a glimmer of light caught her attention. Turning her head slightly to the right the illumination had come from the coffee table that the human girl had used for altering the new stone. Though that was as much as she could gather as the glowing red light drew the tired siren towards it like a moth to a flame. She crawled over to the candle, propped up on her arms she beheld the strange anomaly with little thought. Something about the rectangular light that painted anything around it in a dull maroon kept a tight hold on the siren, as if it beckoned to her in some strange way.

Starring into the source Sonata's vision gradually became red no matter where she looked, the color of blood dominating the weakened state of the moth. A warmth came upon the flesh and bone against the icy air of the suite, that alien embrace soon took her and then everything went black.

Sunset's Dorm

"So that's what happened! That... arrghh!!!" Sunset groaned bitterly as she held her head, fingers lost in the fiery locks of hair.

Within the dorms of Canterlot High's student housing, Sunset's abode on the first floor, sat Pinkie and her on the sofa. All the lights were turned on and the smell of fresh boiling water swam through the air. The air vents poured a cool breeze throughout the comfy room for out of town students, further swirling the body of the tea the party girl had brought over courtesy of Rose Luck's family business. The growing agricultural gem of the country sported its attraction to all, gaining the best and brightest to its schools which many of the surrounding counties found it irresistible for their young ones. Though yet to be filled, there were other students who called the dorms their second home to avoid being bused or driven from afar.

An unfolded recap of the day's events were talked in detail from the few hours of sleep which had her forgetting things right out the door to hurting herself in shop class. It was evident in the darkening bags under Shimmer's eyes that she was becoming stressed out, but not too far gone to draw the Principle's attention however. The whole time since Pinkie arrived she had done nothing but listen, it was earlier in the day that she had learned of Sunset's deterioration amid her rather busier schedule than usual. There she sat listening and taking in the magical and slightly depressing story, she squirmed towards the end of the story eager to do all the things she figured would lift Sunset's spirit. Though this time she knew a surprise party wouldn't remedy her ailing friend, but a special treat might unless she found something better.

"I can't believe I left my phone here, making me late to first class for the seventh time, kept forgetting my books at my locker, and on top of all that I smashed my finger with the small hammer while making a bird house!" she huffed while falling back into the fluffy sofa cushions exhausted beyond control, eyeing the sore finger on her right hand with slight discoloration.

Like a spring fox Pinkie lept up off her seat and eagerly took in a deep breath, "I know! I remember leaving the yeast out of the Cake's bread order for a hotel function and left the salt out of the bakery's fresh stock last month! Gosh that was a lot of wasted bread, but in your case it's rocky road worse than that times four! Just as bad as the time the Eclair custard bag tore and sputtered all the creamy goodness right on the floor where Mr. Cake slipped and threw a very totally awesome wedding cake! Or like that time the Fire Department's seventieth anniversary muffin collage got burnt from being left in the oven by accident when I bumped into the timer and shut it off carrying that huge silver bowl of apple pie filling!!" the cloud of rich raspberry hair shook as the girl acted out the very movements that portrayed her own error in hopes to establish a line of empathy.

There was no acknowledgement of the attempt, but a groan was made as a halfway agreement of how mucky their lives got in the troughs. The sound of boiling water became progressively louder since they sat down and only then did the hiss of sizzling liquid tell all that the water was boiling over the pot. Annoyed to the limits at her lack of sleep, Sunset shot up dazed and lightly stomped to the kitchenette having wanted to rest a little while longer on the soft cushions.

A set of sky blue eyes followed her quietly to the stove, the act of tea brewing had begun as the sound of the stove coils clicked off killing the last of the spilled fluid that burned on the red hot metal. Pinkie watched like a child trying to hid behind a piece of furniture, fingers on the top of the cushions and half her head above them. Ever keen as always so that she could modify her usual tactics to ensure happiness and fun prevailed in dark times for all teens she befriended. Yet for all she tried to finalize into a solid plan it seemed that the dour mood of Sunset had lead to a tall stone wall like of a stygian castle. Everything she could throw at the darkened masonry couldn't dent the impressive barrier, the embattlement far out of reach to even to her richest material that involved the most successful of antics. Seeing the endless skirmish of attempts against moodiness, Pinkie felt a ding of an epiphany to end the protracted campaign and help a dear buddy.

"OWW!!" a pained shout came from the kitchenette, causing the eccentric party specialist to pop out of her musings.

Pinkie squinted with pursed lips, drawing up her phone from a pocket on her dress and speed dialing with a single push. As Sunset handled what looked to be a slight spill of hot water on her right hand, the other end of the call clicked and a soft joyous voice answered.

"Hello? Mrs. Cake? I got a friend emergency that really needs my attention, would it be okay if I came in early morning to finish the icing job before school?" she asked keeping her voice low so as not to be heard, pretending to hear nothing of the cursing her friend spoke under breath.

A pause came, "Ya it's Shims."

A clack of the pot going back onto the cooling burner and the tearing of paper packets signaled how much time she had left to be clandestine. The tea was being prepared and soon Sunset would be done tending to the minor burn she sustained, buying her just enough precious seconds to finish the call.

"Thanks! I promise to make them extra special like my Saturn Cupcake platter! Have extra sweet dreams Mrs. Cake." Pinkie smiled wide, "Ohh! Also to Mr. Cake and the twins if you please!?"

Sitting back into place on the couch, she hid the phone back into its pocket on her dress right as she heard Sunset head over. The fair amber skinned girl held their mugs in one hand easily while muttering something's she didn't prefer to listen to. She spotted the wet napkin on the area Sunset likely spilled the boiling water on her right hand, from the corner of her eyes it saddened her to see how much she needed a friend if clumsiness was becoming that bad. Dangling from the lips of the white ceramic mugs were the teabag tags, the smell of various spices and flowers greeted the air much to Pinkie's delight. She took the warm mug gingerly and blew at the water's surface, sniffing the pleasurable aromatics as Sunset took her place beside her careful as to not spill the steaming brew.

"I just feel like I'm doing this by myself... and I kind of am." she huffed a stray hair off her face, "While Princess Twilight's probably talking about this with Celestia and doing her own research, I couldn't think of calling her over here just to figure out this nightmare situation I'm having. Or if she's learned anything about the siren stone she altered." she said gazing into her reflection in the darkening brew before her, "It wouldn't feel right to ask her to do that, she's got to have other duties too being a Princess and all."

"Well, you still have us?" Pinkie pointed out as she fiddled with the teabag string, "We may be still learning about our Pony-Up powers and know absolutely next to nothing about Equestrian magic. But that doesn't mean we can't do something?"

She received a simple nod and nothing more, it put a sad smile on the enthusiastic face when she did not get the response she hoped for. It was as if Sunset were trying to find a way for the rest of the group to help her as her face contorted slightly, but all that came to mind were dead ends to Pinkie's dismay.

"I'd like to say there is a way... but unfortunately without any knowledge of Equestria's history and schooling in magic I'm afraid you five can't help me." she sighed with an obvious loss of heart, "As for the nightmares, they're just something I'll need to cope with for the time being. I mean they have to be the stress caused by the Dazzlings that rode on the back of the gem being stolen? Right?"

Pinkie shrugged, seeing movement in her buddy who stirred only to bring the small saucer on the coffee table before them closer. She put the used teabag on the sunny yellow ceramic to which Pinkie did the same, signalling the readiness of their drink to be enjoyed if they could enjoy it at all. They both took a long sip and mellowed to the experience of Roseluck's creation, Pinkie all the while stole glances at her buddy to observe and predict what next to say.

A thought occurred, "Maybe it's bad luck someone's put on you? Maybe something Adagio did just to make you feel bad for shattering their pendants and stealing away their awful powers?" she offered the idea and drew another sip even though the heat did slightly burn her tongue.

Sunset hummed, "A hex? Sounds like something she'd do, especially after what Rainbow said to them. But that was the first time we met since they ran off after the music battle, I would have sensed any magic like a hex she'd try and caste. Even that sort of magic for a fallen like her would be easy to detect, only educated mages can covertly hide the magic and that school was long since forbidden under Celestia and Luna's rule."

Pinkie grimaced at the thought, "That's no way to tolerate others... putting hex or curses on others for all the cupcakes and eclairs in the whole world is just mean and wrong."

Shimmer shook her head, "Times were different back then, before the two sisters... it was essentially bullying if you broke it down into the principle of the matter. Nobles squabbled over prime lands for resource harvesting and farming, so often times a talented mage or some unicorn was given a sac of bits and a few acres if they could hurt another Noble's operations. Granted these were little more than parlor tricks like illusions of monsters to scare them off or salting their soil. The worst they did was cause insomnia that I know of, all the notes I've amassed were really evil souls who went the extra mile. More than some self entitled noble who was banished or a unicorn exiled after being caught red hoofed."

"Oh... well that's good to hear then! Just bad pranks and nothing too bad, unlike the truly bad ones?" Pinkie said as she thought of how Sunset misused the magic of the crown not long ago, stolen magic from their Princess friend was dark and destructive. It made her hair deflate slightly as her idea of a fun loving happy place of ponies was not such a good place as it was explained to be, small equines capable of hurting each other as Sunset had done. It was perhaps her want to not accept that Sunset was a special case, but it seemed it was just like her world as a reoccurring subject.

The amber skinned girl took a long breath regretting ever going into the subject after she did her best prior to paint Equestria as some heavenly home of hers. She was just too tired to censor herself for a girl who only knew how to make others happy and party till all their worries were gone. Yet it was up to her to rescue the souring air, becoming all mopey was exactly what the hex caster wanted and she would not give them the satisfaction of succeeding. She found it strange it took Pinkie Pie's audience to make her see it, mentally she berated herself for acting as she did earlier.

Sunset took a long draw of her tea to calm her nerves, "Sorry about that, I should have mentioned that happened a couple thousand years ago in Equestrian time. We've lived relatively peaceful lives save for the advent of Grogar the Necromancer or Tirek the Insatiable and that I can promise you. Before I left and tried to take over the school, Celestia had a very peaceful simple kingdom to look over, her guards knew little in terms of warfare, and mages were taught how to better improve the nation and the lives of ponies everywhere. It's not as bad as I made it out to be." she cracked a smile as she placed a hand on Pinkie's shoulder hoping her words landed well.

The effect was far too quick for her to catch on and no sooner had she attempted to remedy the foul she let slip from her mouth did her friend become joyous once again. She drank down her tea remarkably quickly and set the cup down, a bouncy ball of bliss that need never hear of the dark history of ponykind that many ponies often cared little to know about. She was that kind of person who thrived best in a positive environment and became languid in anything else.

"You know... I heard from Rarity... about it. What happened when you found the Dazzlings again. No way she'd act out like that even to the sirens! I bet they had something to make her all steaming ragey like just as the time when the team lost the chance to gain a high state ranking!?" Pinkie confidently said as she slammed a fist into a palm with a smack.

"I thought that as well, especially with the way Applejack and her quarreled over it after we left them. But the problem was, she didn't sense the Dazzlings lie... they really were trying to become better people and live normal lives. I can't see Adagio being that clever to fly under Applejack's truth radar." Sunset pointed out before placing her half finished tea alongside Pinkies cup on the table.

"Still... Rainbow's not that kind of person even when you tricked her way back then to dislike the rest of us. The things she said to Sonata just feels wrong to hear about? You know?" the normally puffy curls threatened to sag once more.

Shimmer eagerly nodded and furrowed her brow, "Pinks, trust me when I say that I still believe the Dazzlings are involved in the theft of their stone. I have a feeling they are in a web of some sorts, and that someone or something is out there using them with or without their knowledge. Remember they were magically gifted beings of legend, the dark magic they used was something I could feel tingling away at my soul as if I knew they were up to no good. Now, after two uses of the cleansing spell on me and then on them with its bright lights and spectral alicorn show I'm sure we've probably attracted the wrong kind of attention. They cannot be the only ones who were banished to your world if just to get rid of the problem no other pony could stop back whenever."

Pinkie livened up and her hair gained back its jovial state, "Good, because I couldn't ever never bring myself to think Rainbow really was that much of a meanie pants! I was going to see if I could make a cupcake soap bar and give it to her to wash her mouth out with. I wonder if I could make it smell like vanilla and taste like it too?"

Shimmer gave a weak giggle to the obvious joke, "I don't think making soap bars that enjoyable would fix her language even if she did mean it all, or good for kids to find out about. I bet those Talent Crusaders would try and figure out who could eat the most in an attempt to break some record!"

The air around the two had become light and whole heartedly fun, Pinkie felt a shiver crawl up her spine that left her with the same high as one might get from laughing too hard. It dawned on her that she finally had the right moment to leap at and help her buddy, after piecing a few things together from what was earlier said. With the extra time she bought herself from the bakery there was the answer right there and she literally walked right into the door almost bumping her nose into the wood.

She sported the widest ear to ear grin with eyes glistening in exhilaration as she took a deep breath to control herself, "How about this!? You do your little thing and I stay here with you? I'll stay until you go to sleep and wait until you go off into happyland full of all the stuff you love doing? If you have any horrible evil spirits or spells trying to eat you I'll be right there to splash some cold water on them and give them a once for like my granny would when my sisters or I got into a mess. I even brought a pail with me see?!"

Miraculously Sunset hadn't noticed the girl's rapid build of excitement until she had brought out a small metal pail decorated with stickers of all sorts. Ironically it was titled the 'Pail of Truth' and though it was empty, Sunset didn't dare deny that somehow she'd have it rapidly filled and splashing it on her head when she freaked out over a dream.

She cocked a brow in question knowing how busy the girls were since the Battle of the Bands, "Serious Pinks, you have a part time job at Sugarcube Corner, you have classes too. I can't ask you to stay up so late with me, you'll only get like a few hours at best. You'll end up like me."

"Ah ah ahhhhhahhhhh!!" the party girl tutted, "I've gone on binges where I helped the Cakes with large orders for some of the big businesses the farms have brought in. A whole smorgasbord of brownies, custard pies, cakes, and everything you can name under the sky for three weeks straight! I can get away with two hours of sleep and be up the rest of the day no problem!" she thumbed to herself with beaming pride to which she swirled in her seat until she propped herself up b her knees with hands quivering in joy.

Shimmer cocked a brow, "Really? When was this?"

"Um... before your reform, when you sorta ruined our friendship I didn't have anyone to have fun with or share my test dishes on different taste buds. So when Mrs. Cake came to me asking for extra help I took it and found out how much I could push myself! In a way I'm... kinda glad your meany streak did happen." the girl flinched away a bit after she brought up the touchy subject of her friend's past.

"Ya... guess something good came out of it? I guess?" Sunset shrugged slightly flabbergasted at the idea.

It was the last thing she wanted to recall, to believe that there was some usefulness in what she was and all she tried to forget. Yet there was the admission and there was no taking it back, Pinkie had a benefit to consider a reason to help her further. She couldn't tell if it was an obligation she desired to indulge in or really out of gratitude, Pinkie and Rarity were the most social of the group and often got lost among others. It did make sense that the scenario would have gone a different way if she had still remained friends with the others without her devious manipulation.

"Oh relax, I still got to make my Cosmo muffins once Princess Twilight came to help us and fix you! So I got some serious training with the Cakes and got to accomplish my duties to the Fall Formal! See?! Everything came together!" Pinkie gleefully said while ruffling Sunset's hair and sitting back down.

A terse silence fell upon her amid the scent of the spices lingering from the unfinished tea, vents in the high ceiling ceased pumping in refreshing crisp air as the system shut off. Things had begun to look up for Sunset as the warmth of friendship lifted off the grim of the past few nights. It was as if she had aged substantially and then cast an age regression spell to her more lithe and energetic self. Even without any sight of Pinkie’s pony-up power to be seen, there was indeed some kind of subtle magic at work and one which brought the haggard girl up to speed. It was as if every breath she then took was less labored, every thought greased, and whatever limb she moved didn’t seem to carry ten pounds of weight to them.

"I'll be a crocodile's aunt if I'm going to let any of my friends get so low in the dumps. You of all deserve that much for what you've done." Pinkie squealed as she bear hugged the amber skinned girl beside her.

A threat of tears flowing down Shimmer's cheeks kept her eyes shut, narrowly she avoided the display of weakness before sucking in the moisture with a tilt of the head, "Thanks, I really couldn't ask for any better friends than you guys. I just didn't want to bother anyone.”, she finally admitted.

"What are friends for if we don't help one another? Rarity can always complete her dresses another day, Applejack may be in the orchards but she has Big Mac and Applebloom to help. Dash does take breaks or you can always work out those knots in you by joining her after school for practice? And Flutters could always use help at the shelter and there's nothing like the puppy eyes of all those homeless pets to bring out the best in you! So never feel afraid to ask for help? Okie dokie? Or do we have to Pinkie Promise that you’ll do that!" Pinkie inquired with a jokingly stern tone, kidding for the most part as she released her hold on her friend.

With a nod as the air condition kicked on again, "You got yourself a deal." a small sniffle escaped before Sunset could enjoy the pinnacle of the magic that instilled much needed rejuvenation to her spirits.

Valiantly, the party girl jumped off the sofa and struck a pose somehow not banging a shin into the coffee table and spilling the only half full mug. Portraying some brave warrior ready to embark on a journey, Pinkie struck a stance similar to one of the posters for an upcoming blockbuster hit. Stern faced with arms shaking in anticipation she spoke loud and empowered which earned a giggle from the only audience member to her short show.

"So what should we do to begin this fight! I want to see these squirmy wormies you see crawling on the floor. I bet I can suck them up with a vacuum or maybe a flashlight will make them run?" said the party girl who soon tapped at her chin, “Or what about that dark dragon you see in the wall? I wonder if a good party cannon loaded with fruit cake might knock it back a good ways?”

A round of laughs left the two of them as they realized the amusing gesture, both ideas would end up waking her and minimize sleep as collateral damage even if it was to spite the hex upon her. Sadly the hex was just a spell and could not feel the pain of Pinkie’s retaliation for her friend’s sake, it simply wasn’t alive and so the attempt was null. Sunset didn’t care to make the facts become known seeing her friend so livid and ready to help, instead she skirted the whole thing and moved on to progress their situation.

"I have a better idea? Are you sure you want to stay over?" Sunset asked to be assured her friend was aware of every detail of their agreement knowing others could possibly be affected by whatever spell stuck to her like a flea infestation.

It took a few moments before the pair were on the same level concerning the hex, only then did Sunset go into detail over what she needed to do while Pinkie provided overwatch. She examined the effects of the curse and went into detail over how Pinkie might be able to protect her as her mind transcended into the Librarium. The plan was soon set into motion after the briefing and soon the recent research was brought back out in the particular manner that Sunset had created to better pinpoint the possible criminal in question.

With a heavy thud and grunt, the last stack of papers were dropped on the waning coffee table that showed a bend in its top. It was all the research notes she had written down over the last few nights, most of the visible sheets of notebook paper were in Old Equish which perplexed Pinkie Pie in a tingly manner. Five stakes were set in a crescent formation with one in the middle of them all as fresh paper ready for writing with a few pens thrown ontop. It daunted Pinkie to see how much work Sunset had been performing unbeknownst to the group, giving meat to the idea of how and why she found herself staying up most nights to the point that it affected her daily activities.

"Wowzers! You really were doing a lot of research alright? Is this that Equestrian language you told us about at Rarity's slumber party?" the girl asked as she peaked at the pages underneath the obvious top few sheets of the left most column.

"Ya, while my memories can be easily viewed the spell is not meant to aid in solidifying the memory itself. You're suppose to regurgitate it switching in and out of the spell, so I write down what I think will be pertinent to the situation for later analysis. But as you can see I've only had time to access memories with little energy to analyze them. You know why." Shimmer sighed as she wiped the sweat from her forehead, she had put the sheets away earlier in the morning out of an act of paranoia only to make it an extra task to put them back again.

"Huh? Guess that all makes sense?" Pinkie scratched her head, "So you gonna go in your head now or do you have to like, meditate or something? Cause I do that plenty of times before a big order I'm called to help with. Like balancing fifty marshmallows on my nose for twenty minutes, or focus only on the sound of custard being whisked. Ohh!! Or counting the blue berries for our blue breakfast muffin stock!”

The idea that Pinkie would take to such activities to steady the wacky brain that made her both so lovable a person and hyperactively unpredictable was humbling to Sunset. She softly laughed at the girl who had already somehow pulled a few of the air puffed sugary clouds from somewhere on her person and started to play with them. Seeing as all was right with the atmosphere, Sunset took a seat and assumed the position on the couch as the spell had begun to take shape in her mind. The runes specific to the memory spell smoothly activated with her inner magic giving access to the Librarium in a cool wave that spread from the back of her head to the tips of her limbs. All she had to do was commence the last portion of the spell to dive into the Librarium, taking a few deep breathes as she lavished in the physical effects of the magic that came to her with little trouble.

"Ya, I guess you can call it that? The spell is easy enough to caste but I like to relax before each time I go into my memories. You see the thing about it is that the mindset you go into in is what you're stuck with. Go in angry and you'll be impulsive... you might damage a shelf which holds the memory of how to breath or how your heart beats on its own. It's not a spell to take lightly." she admitted, though in the session she was about to partake in she was far from having to worry about such issues.

"Huh... you seem to know what you’re doing then, I'll just sit over here and out of the way.” Pinkie slipped off the couch and towards a one seater nearby on the right, “Don't want to cause any memory slips and make you deaf or something. Otherwise how will you hear my new jokes for April Fool's? I got like cargo ships of jokes for Rainbow and Rarity I’ve been twisting my curls to try them out on!! I could always use an editor?!" the party girl grinned as her hair poofed out behind her, the air of the seats cushions made a dull gasp from her light weight thrown upon them.

Shimmer nodded, “I tread carefully enough as it is Pink, so no need to worry and I’ll be ready for your jokes after all this is said and done. Besides having you here means no hex should form and disturb me. Though this is still a test to run in and of itself, I’m confident the results should be promising. So you’re sure you’ll be okay hanging out with me so late? Last chance?” she offered if only for her still lingering guilt at the miniscule risk to both of them.

Pinkie saluted in a soldierly manner, “Don’t you worry Commander Shims! We’ve handled the She Demon version of you and the evil singing Sirens, so what’s a dark psychologically damaging curse going to do to me? I mean they can try but something tells me they won’t be able to handle Pinkamena Diane Pie’s world, it is truly a masterpiece of everything fun, happy, and eye poppingly colorful.” She wagged a finger at Sunset, it was a notion that needed no further input as somehow it made the hex a bit more welcoming than a trip into whatever Librarium the party girl could have conjured.

"Okay then, this should only take me two hours this time. I'm not sure I have enough magic for the usual length I’m in?" Sunset's legs locked cross legged, her hands grasping one another.

Pinkie took note of a dull glow emanate from Sunset’s body and pondered to herself, "I wonder if I can do it too? Be so useful for those old recipes I lost three years ago when I spilled batter all over the recipe binder Mrs. Cake had been making for most of her life?"

The sound of her surprise was all Sunset could detect of the waking world before her mind successfully opened up to her in a fantastic sky blue tunnel. Eyes clamped shut as a new perspective gave way, one in a way felt far more smooth and greased than the last few trips. The new sight bestowed upon her opened into an early morning sky hued in gold and orange in the vastness of it all. Fluffy clouds mirrored that of a noble’s treasury or a Dragon’s cache gave form to the expanse. Never a dive had she yet to see the same atmosphere, always new and fresh as if her Librarium was in itself a world of its own with each casting. The view was short lived as always when the expected vortex of the golden mountains parted far away, though the distance was anything but grounded in reality. She kept her eyes glued to the swirling phenomenon which darkened as the vapor banks were sucked into the current. In a matter of a couple breathes, she found herself speeding into the coming eye of the oddity and there she braced for the last step of the magical art. Closing her eyes she prepared for the next stage, a strange electrical sensation like a charge of static energy washed over her new coat from hooves to head. When she took a breath and opened her eyes once more the transition had come to an end.

“Ahhhhh… I’m finally back again. Back to the ole grind.” She sighed sensing her avatar unicorn form as always.

Before her were the large doors of the archive that was the sacred keep of her memories and bodily functions, stalwart and grand as they had always been. Quickly she trotted through the massive doors and through the lone walkway before she found the stack of books she had organized proper just for the night's session. Confidence filled her like the lingering cinnamon still clinging to her nose, having Pinkie Pie helping keep watch she felt less fearful of what eventually was to come.

"Alright, stay focused Sunset, all that will be future you's troubles is in the future. Not now... too much work needs to be done to find out who’s behind the theft and the curse!" she whispered victoriously, her horn seeking out the first textbook in line.

Time became meaningless as she quickly skimmed each piece of cataloged information she absorbed so long ago, a tracker spell did most of the work for her searching for trigger words. Every so often she'd partially awaken from the dive to write down the data, Pinkie quietly observed all the while as she toyed around with cooking ideas as well as complete her school work. All she saw was the glowing skin of her eyelids open to reveal the arcane light as if her friend were seeing in some godly manner not meant for humans, hands jotted down what she found before going back into a trance each time. With nothing amiss and no threat which had her on the edge Sunset maintained her efforts, but to Pinkie she never kept herself too involved. Her ears twitched to an alien noise, feet shook in eagerness to leap into action, her eyes dashing from corner to corner of the dorm room. Ever alert for a dark thing that wanted Sunset’s life to suffer, they would only meet the resolve of Pinkamena Diane Pie whose dark side was even darker than the hex she guarded against.

After well over an hour Sunset found herself satisfied at the data she processed, "Well... that's stack one. Still a few more to go but hey at least I found out about a few mages who disappeared before their trial? Arc Mage Typhoon, Specialist Adept Blue Sun, and the odd one of the few they called Hazelnut that nearly cracked Equestria in two from their gemoancy. Wow… no wonder I was so paranoid over the stone, there are like so many crazy ponies in the olden times!"

She sat on her haunches as the last of the hoof thick manuscripts flew away into the air like fleeting fat pigeons after an elderly woman had fed them. Soon she'd be investigating the old and famous wizard master Nocturne, one of her favorite wings aside from Starswirl the Bearded. While not the most inventive mage, the unicorn had a unique experience all their own that required a sharp keen mind to find the breadcrumbs hidden within his research. She appreciated the theories which paved the way for sophisticated medical magic that existed in Equestria in her time. Born from their studies which helped with broken horn therapy and pegasi rehabilitation with replacement wings, repairing earth pony bones that were broken and stitching bone back to prime condition. Nocturne had been one of her heroes in knowledge, he had proved himself the most inquisitive pony in his time and in a way she figured they were kindred spirits.

"Well at least tonight will have one more show stopper, there was something about Nocturne I never found dull myself with unlike others. Was he Starswirl's mentor... or an Arcana Master?" she asked herself trying to imagine the old legend overshadowed by the bearded one.

Whilst she began to dip into the favored memories page by page from the next book, Sunset became oblivious to anything around her. A sliver of sound escaped her forward facing ears from far above, the slight rustling upstairs and the gentle wisp of air that flew past her. In a far reaching end of the second level, a vile tendril of haze poked from a single point in the array of skylights of the Librarium. An eerie silence pervaded the level as black vine snaked its way to the glossy stone below, every few moments it jerked and twisted with a chaotic seizer. Like a serpent worming its way out of a small hole in a log, the inky smoke soon overtook the one skylight that hosted a stained glass picture. The very one which illustrated the day Sunset was made Celestia's student, framed out of the Librarium in a hexagonal port.

Out of the once glorious colorful shards shadowed by the sopping mess, it seeped through the spaces between glass and metal. The ooze became as slow as a fat slug upon contact with the stone slab below and began to amass in place. As its girth finally filtered through the window, the light from the outside came through and shone upon the bulbous nature of the amorphous oddity. The fat grub of smoke soon took on weight as if by some mysterious force, the vaporous mass undulated with a life of its own as it withdrew into itself like some chrysalis. There it sat still though warping the very air around it, the disgusting stain upon the archive’s immaculate state. Sunset’s voice echoed even from as far away as it was, making it shudder to the words she spoke only to herself.

"I remember that passage Nocturne lived by, I think that was what assisted my drive to become what I thought was to be a princess. I took to heart an old pony's saying when it did not apply to the present that I lived in. Equestria... was fine as it was… it didn't need me trying to take over the throne much less assist it." Sunset grimaced in regret of the past, her entire bodyf glowed as her mind transitioned back into the real world.

Sitting on the sofa in the same meditative position she had begun, her hands worked to capture the data she gathered. Quickly and precisely the notebook paper was filled and set on the short table before her, Pinkie had completed her homework for the night as the first hour had come and gone. One baggie of sweets emptied beside her on the single person seat and somehow she had pulled headphones from somewhere which hugged her head in their mock cupcake design.

"Now... should I add dark chocolate to them or use truffle infused chocolate instead?" she asked herself tapping a pencil on her chin in deep thought.

Sunset heard her as the glow in her eyes faded and smiled weakly, "New recipe?"

Pinkie's hands gripped a gingerbread diary, somehow her words were heard by the head bopping teenager who looked first and grinned widely next. She checked off something on the open book before pulling the music down, fully eager to tell of her thoughts as she always did.

"Ya, it's a complex treat I wanted to try with jackfruit and apples. Mrs. Cake wanted me to test some dishes using this strange fruit, it's like that chewing gum I love mixed with bananas and strawberries. Since we're getting more tourists to the town she figured it might be super cool to make like! Like apples with the gooey center of a cadberry egg and tie in all sorts of flavors! I must admit it's really hard though, I think it needs a little more salt if the cooking part of my head has anything to say about it?" she explained and then stretched her limbs.

“Jackfruit?” Sunset asked as she rubbed her eyes, they felt as dry as a desert after each dive she took.

The young chef gasped, “YOU don’t KNOW about JACKFRUIT!!!”

Sunset shrugged, “Can’t say I’ve had it here… but now that I think of it. There may have been a time it was once used by a visiting master cook to the Royal Kitchen?”

“Awsome!! Hey, do you have any recipes from Equestria in that libraria of yours? I’ve only ever had the stuff fresh out of the fruit itself, but I always devoured all the pulp before I had time to test it out in different forms.” Pinkie sighed in disappointment, “No matter how hard I try I can’t resist eating the stuff… it’s soooo good!!”

By then Shimmer’s eyes moistened enough for her to blink without irritation and took a deep breath with a stretch of her arms, “I miiiiight… have something on it? Like I said we had talented cooks who would come to the kingdom and test their skills by making Princess Celestia a dish to remember. Though she always believed their desserts were their real struggle as no pony, griffon, or minotaur would dare leave only the main course as their winning chance at fame with an alicorn’s stamp of approval.”

As if she were a firework whose burning fuse made it to the combustible propellant, Pinkie burst off her seat with stars in her eyes. Her little personal keeper stayed glued to her right hand somehow.

"That'd be super sweet if you could! Our five pound cinnamon roll special with Jackfruit would blow everyone’s taste buds out the door and back again for more!” she paused as if a thought stole away her exuberant nature, “You know you've never really spoken much about Equestrian foods before? I wonder if our taste buds are the same?"

"Couldn't hurt, give me a moment and I'll find something... I know I studied a little in the royal kitchen for my own needs under the head chef at the time. A Saddle Arabian or a curry specialist from the western coast I think?" Sunset said as she readied herself to for the immersion.

A tall glass of iced water soon appeared before her, drips of moisture dropped off the bottom. Sunset looked at the drink before realizing that it was for her to have, a quick glance back to Pinkie showed that she was indeed the creator of the then realized necessity. It was taken and given a kind smile as gratitude before Sunset’s parched throat relished in the refreshment she didn’t realize she needed.

“Don’t worry if you don’t find anything though, I’m fine with testing out my own ideas anyways. But if you do I’d sure love to see if it’s edible for the horses around here! Maybe treats for the veteranarians and the animals they care for?!” Pinkie said as she sat back down in her seat, hair poofing out like an explosion of cotton candy.

With the entire beverage swallowed in a few hearty gulps, Sunset gave one last smile and a nod of thanks. In her hopes to do a favor for a friend, all she needed to do was locate the memory aisles around that age when she had come to know more than haysticks, baked potatoes, and salads. Upon all four hooves at the end of the dive, she stood in the center of the vast archive the way she left it ready for use as always. The stacks of awaiting memory banks from her studying stood like sentinels awaiting orders, but they would not be given any as she turned to find the recipes.

It did not take her long to come across the section she needed to find, "Let's see..." she said out loud as her eyes sifted through the age sorted shelf, "I must have been thirteen when Celestia suggested I make my own meals... I have to admit though. Her idea to widen my palette when diplomats arrived to see the crown was some of my better times. Gosh I was just another pony off the streets, not yet full of myself and kind to everypony."

Hawkish sweeps narrowed her search to the second year in the Royal Kitchen, it had caused her to freeze in place as her recollection began even without looking into the memories themselves. That was the very year she spent adapting her taste buds to spice and herbs from the farthest reaches of Equestria. It had been the strangest and most interesting time she experienced before she had started to grow mad with intentions and knowledge. Never had she known such flavors, heat, and tang until the master cooks invited her to learn about as a young filly.

With a hum in delight as the euphoric sensations returned to her in growing intensity, "Gosh... I can't believe I'm reliving that moment... I tried the extract... of savory!"

If she could salivate she would have, but the restrictions of the dreamscape kept much of anything unnecessary disabled. Instead she sat upon her haunches and let the old days flood into her as her magic extracted the tome of memories. It slowly drifted from its high perch and floated down to her as she daydreamed in the dreamscape, it opened up to her desires and slowly the contents began to flood her thoughts. Unlike the other books which were to be read, the section she found the section of her life in the Royal Kitchen swallowed her entirety within a simulation. Her whole being glowed in a soft blue mist which encased her in a tiny pocket that greeted her as if she sank into a cool pool of water.

'Remember Sunset, we're looking for a recipe on a Jackfruit. Buuuut...' she trailed off as her hearing and sight took on the level of a filly looking up to a white clothed griffon taking shape before her, 'What's a little fun in the process?'

The Librarium dissolved away and gave to the memory itself, overtaking her sight and filling it with the Royal Kitchen. Polished white stone and ceramic tiles took shape and began to ground her into the past, gold trim along countertops made of resin sealed rosewood had given way to the essence of the fancy cantina. It was a massive room behind the cafeteria display for guards to be served at behind her, the royalty being sent their meals on silver platters and rolling carts far ahead of her through large ornate oak doors. She stood nearby the little island of a counter and cabinets, surrounded by an empty walkway for chefs and preparation staff to trot through at the busiest times. Where all around were even more counter tops, ice boxes with freezing spells enchanted upon them, and more storage spaces for ingredients she hadn't ever learned the pantheon of still.

There she gazed at the griffon himself that the tome manifested in great detail, far taller than her in every aspect as they showed such care in making her feel welcomed. It was a chef who once cooked for Maretonia and Britneighia, skilled in the many ways of preparing a dish even the Saddle Arabians would bestow great honor for. Yet for all his fame he was but a very down to earth golden eagle griffon with a spotted leopard back half who simply loved to craft edible works of art. Every color utilized, every texture stretched for as far as it could go, and flavors too numerous and complex to count that were added and created through the entire cooking process. The old memory kicked in completely when he began to talk to her in his strange accent she never quite pinned the origins of, but that was always the mystery of the chef that kept her enthralled with each lesson.

‘I gotta thank Pinkie for this…’ she thought to herself as she felt so much at home, strangely alien yet serene.

Time flowed without a gauge and as Sunset merrily relived the wonderful past. Though all the while a maggot had eaten through the spell and had finally broken its casing deep within the solitude of the Librarium. Without a sound the amorphous blob had hardened from its vapor state, opening up with a set of wicked wings that clawed around to escape. The casing finally shattered and left the blackened yolk to spill which steamed with abysmal fumes that rose high before evaporating. What was left behind slithered and shook as the smoky thing came to realize its own body, the winged limbs contracted close to a slender body. They took tepid grasps forward as a long tapered tail swung about that enticed the remains of its casing to vanish like it hadn’t ever existed. Every clawed step lightly tapped the ground as it dragged itself out into a vast row of shelves and books. A long neck protruded from the body of the entity where an arrow shaped head sat upon with glowing hot violet flares for eyes. Still a ghastly shadow, the wings seemed to be its only movement until two small legs lifted its clumsy bulk off the marble floor. Like a newborn foal it floundered for a time after each step, somehow making little noise before it managed to perfect proper movement.

The dark beast lugged itself to the epicenter of the chamber, its long neck swayed side to side for the insidious head to gaze at every row of memories. The tiny stars which stood for its eyes found nothing but the wood shelves where many were vacant and devoid of content. Claws moved it onward until it came across a spiral staircase of gold railing and wide metal steps, with trepidation the abomination eventually sought its passage downward. The cylindrical space of the stairwell contained only more books of varying colors and metallic accents along the integrated shelves, it was large enough for the large wings to slowly bring it down. It scaled like a bat on a cave wall, carefully it proceeded without knocking down any texts while its stumpy legs found purchase on the steps. Nearing the bottom its winged limbs slowed its descent with three grasping claws each to suspend it in place. Having ceased all momentum, the head with its hot violet eyes swiveled upon the long neck as it detected something not far away. The giggling laughter of a filly echoed in the Librarium, reverberations danced back up the stairs to fade away.

“What do you mean you come from a place called Germane? I've never heard of it?" Sunset asked , "Isn't that just some name for a style of food preparation?"

The demonic apparition twitched to her voice as its eyes never left the direction of the voice.

"Ohhh!! What is that smell!!" Sunset covered her snout, "Ahhh! That's way too fermented isn’t it?! Sauerkraut?”

Sunset gagged slightly before waving a hoof at the invisible offending source of the smell, she still sat in place as she had been at the beginning. The coat of magic held her in the memory as it played out, each word she spoke was what the filly version of herself had said.

"Fermented cabbage? And that’s good for you how?" she recoiled away before regaining her composure, “Well Princess Celestia did say I should try new things… I guess?”

The reluctance in her voice soon gave way as she seemed to taste something before her, it was not long before she hummed in joy. Sunset’s happiness passed by the shadow on the stairs, the satisfactory giggle that followed served only to jostle the thing. As it reworked its place to keep itself from falling while one of the claws released the shelf ledge, black talons curved like hooks clicked on a very thick tome and slowly extracted it. Out came the olive green reference book where the hefty weight sagged it in the vicious hold that quickly released it to fall. With a heart stopping slam that cracked through the entire Librarium like a gunshot, Sunset immediately lost her immersion and snapped too. Her head snapped back and forth as the foreign ruckus put her on alert.

"Wha... what was that!!?" she uttered, the book before her closed and glided back to its place among the countless others.

Hooves clopped with an echo as she went to the center of the chamber where all the rows converged, her heart pulsed with a growing pressure as her instincts went into action.

“Nothing should have made that noise?! I’m the only one here… the only one allowed in…” she spat out in a mixture of fear and indignation, her ears moved every which way as she desperately tried to locate the origin of the disturbance.

It was not until her eyes came upon the distant staircase down the second walkway, a lone item from her memories laid on the bottom of the steps as if daring her to believe she knew it all. She swallowed a lump that had formed in her throat, pushing past the apprehension that crept up her spine she trotted quickly to the book. Too late had she come to notice that she had been baited into a spider’s web. She froze as her eyes beheld the thing which did not belong hanging overhead when she stopped before the displaced book. Sunset felt her heart skipped two beats as a grotesque apparition she found unbelievable to even be real defied what she knew about the sacred spell. Nothing beside her own avatar could even be capable of existing alongside her much less stalking in the depths of the chamber.

Her blue eyes had stalled upon the fiery orbs that glared back at her, "Who... what are you?" she whispered barely audibly enough for her own ears to detect, her back legs already backtracking her in a vain attempt.

The cloudy visage snaked its way off the stairs, the lumbering size growing more larger to her as it thudded heavily on the ground floor. She felt an ire upon her when it should have been herself gifting the hated eye at the threat, but nothing but fear consumed all even in the avatar that hosted her.

“It’s not… possible!!?” she gasped, “You… you’re not allowed in!”

The little unicorn was an unwilling audience to the interloper as its body undulated with each step, a tartarus born demon whose very essence spoke the hymns of black magic. Even in the heart racing moment she could sense the soul ripping magic as faint as it was waft off every inch of the approaching menace. Every step it took she managed tepid few steps as they drew closer to one another, but all she could feel was utter dread at what was to happen to her and her memories.

She soon noticed how quickly time had slipped past her as her sight caught notice of where she was, “W-w-well you’re definitely… sentient! You haven’t… attacked me yet so that means. It means you can talk right!?”

The thing stopped as they had come to the center of the first floor where all the shelves convened, Sunset’s tail brushed against one of the rows which meant she was trapped. Still gripped by horror, seeing it pause instead of lunging at her or any of the shelves gave her hope yet. She needed to gain some form of contact with the entity unless it was truly of evil dastardly intentions, seeing leaving as an option would only allow it to destroy her mind at its leisure.

“Speak! Intruder!” she shouted with forced gusto.

It filled the pathway to the stairwell from folded wing to folded wing, its girth though slender gave it the sensation that it could easily squash her avatar and force her out. Sunset knew nothing about what would happen if something destroyed the caster while still within their Librarium. She could see past the inky charcoal black vapors wafting off the myriad of scales, spiny ridges along the back and above the eyes, a vicious looking tail, and those haunting burning eyes which never left hers.

“If you… don’t say anything, I’ll… I’ll purge my mind and the both of us will be removed from this place!” she bluffed knowing full well that such an act would likely put her in a comatose state.

The little threat only served to intensify the violet lidless sockets to bare down upon her, there was something about them that seemed familiar. She stared into the nightmare made real that had since cursed her on that dire night and plagued her sleep. It struck her cold in the heart like a spear, her hooves and tail bone tingled in icy dread as the reality of her mistake blossomed like a hibiscus flower. Not only had she been using a specialty spell but she had taken to viewing her memories while she was cursed with a hex, one she knew nothing about and her ignorance had come back to bite her flanks.

“Oh no… no no no… I’m so STUPID!!” she shouted in self hatred as she had for a moment forgotten the foe before her.

A nervous twitch caused her to bite down hard on her lower lip, the pain just barely crested over the threshold that freed her from her self scorn. It earned her freedom and thus she shot a new boiling rage filled hate at the intruder, she wouldn’t let the thing ruin her or leave without knowing her tenacity.

"Who sent you!?" she fired out as her stance took on an aggressive stance from the cowering one, "You’ve been stealing my sleep from me for the last few weeks! WHY!!?”

Her voice echoed ever loudly in the Librarium as her voice boomed from the intensity of her volumn. The sinewy tail of specter picked up and waved about like a wagging dog though painfully slower as if it regarded her as an insect. It did not wait for her to speak again before the spiked barb at the end flew into a row and jostled a column of shelves. Sunset immediately lost her fervor as she soon determined where it struck, it had gone over the dragon and as a scorpion would sting its prey it impaled something vitally important to her. Right into the forbidden section as it extended even longer to reach the sacred books even she feared to tread into. The angle and position of the weaponized limb meant it had struck true upon something that could either kill her or severely cripple her life.

"... no." she yelped in panic.

The pair seemed to wait for something to happen, seconds became minutes, and minutes onto what felt like terrifying hours as she waited for her life to either end or she herself forced back to walking reality. The abysmal nightmare still stood before her, staring at the spiked tail, still alive and thus far unharmed. Standing before her was her captor and she its hostage, it appeared to have a reason to be in her mind seeing as her faculties remained whole. All it had to do was destroy the book pertaining to her heart or mind, sadistically it could choose to shut down her organs slowly and one by one. Yet again she wondered why it would do so in the first place if no other threat had made itself known after the Dazzling's defeat. Whatever had cause to harm her in such a way was just something she simply did not want to fathom since she was yet removed from life.

"Please? Whatever you want, just ask me!" she offered in supplication hoping she could buy more time.

The abomination that stained her Librarium with its black magic seemed to heed her plea, with its long neck it turned its head upwards. Those eyes that appeared like distant stars the human world was surrounded by shone with an ethereal light and so did each row of her memories. The light caused her to look away as it forced her very eyes to endure more than they could handle and into the front of her brain painfully. It wasn't until something slammed onto the ground and slid towards her like a scraping log, stopping short of her right hoof as she covered her eyes with the other. The illumination fell away and she could see once more, blinking away the colorful blobs and floaters she looked down seeing an opened textbook that sparkled with lingering mana. She immediately saw what the contents of the two pages contained, making any guess work as to how anything else could manipulate her mind so forcefully useless an endeavor at the moment.

She squinted, periodically glancing up at the beast which resumed its stance in idle, the tail still in her vital section embedded in some important part of her mind. The word 'Saandie' came up as it went on to detail the day she learned about Black Magic from one of the head mages of the School for Gifted Unicorns. She swallowed the swelling anticipation as her heart pushed itself even farther at the unfolding description, if she could sweat her coat would have been drenched.

"Saandie... manifestations of Black Magic harnessed and used to overthrow lords and nobles in olden times prior to the Two Sisters. Through clandestine means the Saandie were summoned as curses upon the victim before the Unification of the Tribes, believed to be old magic from the Unicorn Kingdom. Starving peasants and forsaken servants were suspected of such a summoning before the discovery of Equestria, yet it is likely so that nobles often utilized the specters as well for ascension to power. Their express purpose was to sway or eliminate a target, by infecting the mind the Saandie could remove memories or render a target as little more than an insane individual unfit for their position." Her head rose painfully slow until the two of them were locked in respective sights.

She sighed painfully as the reality of her situation grew only worse with the remaining of the page, "Saandie could be caste alone and left to feast upon the memories until nothing was left of the victim's sanity, but there were tales of projections of the caster commanding said specter." she came to realize that she was being lead to discover what was really happening, "This isn't some fool's game, not by someone whose come across a magical artifact! They're only accessibly by high level masters! You... you're being controlled!?"

The slender neck curved upwards giving the head an impressive height, it confirmed her question wordlessly. Yet it did not bring her any comfort, only serving to affirm that what she knew was true. Her carelessness with the hex had at least one upside, in that it allowed her to finally see that something or someone was trying to sabotage her efforts.

Sunset let out a shaky breath, "Look... I'm an easy girl to talk to? If you need anything from me at all... all you had to do was come to me... in the real world! Honest!"

It stood still as if it didn't hear her so she called out again and again, gaining more fury with each attempt. It was one thing to hold her life hostage but it was another to taunt her. After a sixth try she gave up and regained some semblance of her hot headed nature, a faint to try and jar the thing from her Librarium even if it was a bluff.

"FINE!!" she cried out, "If you won't listen... then I will purge you from my mind. Yes it will hurt but I won't be troubled by the likes of you!"

She snorted heavily as if she were about to charge the spell as her horn glowed icy blue, yet it was just a show with no real act to follow. Part of her hoped she would gain some leverage, only to be met with an undeterred demonic shadow showing no sign of being scared off.

Without a mouth it spoke to her, "You are the Sunset Shimmer... apprentice... student of the elder sister alicorn of the Sun?"

It said to her in a rumbling voice akin to rocks rolling against each other, an ear sore to scorn but it was nonetheless understandable. The little unicorn's ears pinned against her skull as it talked, she grimaced from the sounds it made yet getting it to talk made it all worth the suffering.

"Ya, I was... now I'm not." she kept her scorn upon it while answering.

"Fallen... you went back... took something of power and lost it." it continued, carrying a masculine voice through the ear rattling vocals.

Sunset took the hint and figured she was engaging with the caster and likely the one who took the gemstone, "You seem to know enough about me, then mind if I ask about you? Did you take the Siren Stone that another girl and I had with us at a place called Hester's? The coffee shop?! Someone fell onto our table and we later found a repaired shattered ruby missing from our possession." the tone in her voice steeled somewhat as her eyes bore through the flaming orbs above her.

She heard a long deep breath inhale and then let out with a hefty gust, it was warm yet cool like the Icy Hot gel Rainbow offered her after a day of intense practice on the soccer field. She saw the head of her enemy lower back to its previous stance, it hadn't moved any closer to her nor given any answer to her question.

"A soon to be crowned royal... made ascended... gave up." it said again in its terrible voice, "Repent… repent… repent..."

“You’ve been keeping tabs on me? I’m flattered, really I am. So I take it you’re from Equestria then?” Sunset shook her head, she was just starting to get use to the sounds coming from her uninvited guest.

It shifted in place as its eyes fumed with magenta hued mana, seeing the coming illumination Sunset immediately shielded herself. In a few seconds she narrowly avoided the vision robbing brightness and heard two more books land before her. Pages fluttered as they came to a stop, she peaked from behind the hoof as the light vanished again.

It took her a moment to figure out what the open pages lead to but soon she came to the conclusion that it wanted her to see, "The Black Tape Archive? How do you know about it?! It’s a well guarded secret only the Adepts of the Scholar Arcana know and the Princess?!?"

Those eyes afire she found herself wanting nothing more than to douse them with void stone infused water, to blind the hex made manifest. Her lips peeled back in a silent snarl as the story began to be told, things were spiraling out of control and only growing more worse with the mention of the forbidden library. The place where the darkest secrets and hopeless arts of magic were sealed away, a place that even she couldn’t gain access into even being the pupil to the Solar Goddess.

Frustration overtook her next words before she realized it, "You have to be from Equestria!? Just like the Dazzlings, are you banished or exiled?! If you know about the archive then you are just probing for something from me, and I don't like being toyed with!"

Her words did nothing to coax her intruder, with no way of removing it from her mind she couldn’t make much ground against it.

It breathed deeply, thunderous rumbling quivered Sunset like she had been on an old bus on its last year of use. None existent lungs filled in the dreamscape but they sounded so very real to her. It was going to speak that she knew but what was going to be said was as tantalizing as discovering the truth of everything. A practitioner of the black arts having yet done something to her meant she might still have a chance at getting away unscathed.

"It is unfortunate… seen your magic used… could not… risk!" it hissed at the last part, drawn out for extra length to keep her under its claw.

Sunset shook her head and shot a nasty eye back at it, "Again! We could have met in the real world, but you instead put a cur..."

The Saandie cut her off abruptly as it boomed over her sentence, "There are more… wronged… and denied... watchers in the rye."

She cocked a brow in question, "If you mean my friends don't worry about them. We're understanding... or at least we would have been if you didn't steal the stone and CURSE ME!!"

It shook its head as its wings flexed and contracted, the neck bent forward bringing their snouts uncomfortably close. She was taken off guard by the intensity of the mana coming off its eye sockets, those pearly violet orbs sealed any further words from her.

"Marked by them... your cabal is not the one… unable to… show ourselves.”

She scooted against the face of the book shelf, the solid wood frame pressed hard against her back with no budge as her instincts hoped, "We are not a cabal! We're just trying to keep the peace for everyone, and if you've been watching then you know what's troubled the school and this world. Especially... me!" the admittance was as sour to say as drinking a carton of spoiled milk, but it was dulled by the dangerous proximity of the hex.

It turned slightly till one eye was upon her, she had to give into the commanding nature of its strange light as if it were charming her. Sunset could see through the dimming flare, it was the very same ruby that Twilight pieced together with the obvious fractures stone possessed that they had painstakingly put back together. Using their combined magic they reformed the gem that was shattered and Twilight altered it for her own curiosity. Thought to be lost or given to some grievous wayward soul, it gazed at her as if daring her to say something to it.

"That's..." she gasped in disbelief.

"The cleansing you do… aware are you… of its… affects?" it asked quietly though Sunset’s ears still pinned to her skull.

She nodded, "Ya, we stop dark magic and save the world? Why are you asking me this?!"

The stone showed her reflection in its red surface, multiple Sunsets appeared frightful and utterly dumbstruck, "No..."

"Wha...?", the shadow beast pulled away with a swiftness that drew a yelp from the little unicorn.

They were back again to the hostage situation, her magic pinged as it began to dip at the breaking point. The taxing effort to use the spell at all let alone allow another inside would soon force her back to reality, there was nothing else to do but hope the Saandie would vanish before then.

"What do you mean no? That very magic saved me from hurting people and… creating a zombie army to take over the world.” She winced at the failure of a plan, “But it also ended the reign of sirens whose voices would have taken over this world! Slaves to their voices to be fed upon by immortal evil trio!!”

It did not respond, instead the only bargaining chip the hex had on her retracted. Revealing a speared book at the tip of the sharp point on the appendage, she said no more fearing the worst and mentally asking for forgiveness from Celestia. Her heart pulsed and thumped inside her skull like a bouncing ball Rainbow would throw against the gym wall when bored.

“…nooo…” she whimpered.

Those dangerous orbs of flaring mana were swayed towards the captive book, giving an inspection before a quick flick of the tail sent the item towards Sunset. She went to catch it but even at the first steps she dashed at it was already beginning to shred into pieces sailing at her. No thought could be given except save the unknown book, her life flew by her thoughts as if she were about to die. Halfway before her magic enveloped the remains, she managed to catch the sight of runes and not words written in bold Equish font on the scattered sheets. Runes that were far too large for the page to be considered proper memory, nothing about her heart, brain, lungs, or any part of her anatomy were evident in the last few pages. What she managed to cradle in her magic stopped disintegrating, but enough remained for her to realize that her life was never on the line from the get go.

Frantically she analyzed the fragments and the book’s cover, "These... this isn't anything about me! It's..." she gawked as four runes still legible came to belong to only one conclusion, "This is a SPELL! Somepony put a spell on me when I was still Celestia's student!?"

On the cover of the muted gray surface bore the date of the memory, but it was no memory nor did it belong in the forbidden section of her inner recesses. The way it was cataloged and purpousfully placed that explained how her whole existed was done by somepony, somepony who specialized in tracking spells. There was only one occasion where she could have had it placed on her, when she had begun to go rouge about the mirror and likely when she stumbled upon the entrance to the Black Tape Archive.

She dropped the remains with a sullen drop of her head, "They had every right to do that to me. I deserved every ounce of precaution in case I went even more crazy.”

She guessed the spell was meant to alert the Arcana if she ever tried to get into the secret vault, and with the state of mind she was in at the time it made sense. The damage she did with Princess Twilight’s crown would have been foals play if she locked herself amid the untold number of dark and black magical spells. More than likely a whole new Grogar or Tirek would have been born, a powerful young unicorn mage like herself could have easily snuck through the guards and forced past any wards in her way. She quickly barred away the thoughts that darkened her soul, the crazy youth that she was had been spared from a worse end. A dark Sunset Shimmer who could have very well ended Equestria and the whole world, prevented by the diversion caused by the mirror portal.

"They put a tracker which would immediately alert Celestia and Court Overseers if I went anywhere I wasn't supposed to go. I can only chuck a guess what they really wanted me to never find again, Celestia probably put the mirror exactly where I found it to satisfy my urge to know everything." Sunset begrudgingly looked up to the Saandie before her, "I think she had hoped… that I would stop being such an ungrateful brat, and finally see the error of my ways? But I didn’t…”

If it had any sympathy the hex could not show it, it simply stood as it had and changed nothing in its posture. It was fitting for Sunset to have only it as the one thing that could offer helpful words, a reminder of the past that never came to be and what she risked to become the leader of Equestria.

“It continued to watch… they still are…” it whispered.

The little unicorn felt the ping again signaling the last few moments left in the dreamscape, “Who?! And why did you steal the stone!?! Why!! Please just remove it and we can talk!” she pleaded in vain.

“To make you see… what your closed eyes will not.” Replying coldly.

"See what!? You’re using forbidden magic just to toy with me?! Is that what you wanted me to see?!” she snorted, anger welling up inside her.

Finally the black hide shifted in place till the ruby eye only gazed upon her, "Hold you not… make you understand… the truth."

"WHAT!!? What truth could there be in constantly depriving me of sleep!?" she chuckled though not in laughter but in appalling bewilderment.

"It will come to you soon...the watchers in the rye… the guards of this… prison." she heard before a swirling vortex opened before her and left a small scroll sealed with red wax.

The scroll rolled before her hooves and she picked it up with her magic, the wax did not give to her but instead glowed with a glyph she recalled from one of her studies from Nocturne. She held it tightly and returned her attention back to the Saandie, how it called the human world a prison was something that intrigued and sated her peaking rage. She may have very well been talking to another banished evil that no unicorn could have handled, or perhaps they were like her in the sick and twisted manner that corrupted her soul.

“You gave me something to read, but I can’t open it? Why delay?” she inquired.

“You know about that symbol… read the symbol… and look… to the memoires.” It told her.

"Why the curse?" she asked as the magic of the Saandie began to dim.

The smoky surface of the creature she had long been told of its danger started to plume at a much faster rate. The very body from head to wings and tail were beginning to drift away, wafting off like an oil fire.

A low rumble quivered the air with its vibration as the Saandie hummed, "To empower you… there are… dangers… far beyond this spell… unspeakable evils you… have no defense…for.”

"What dangers!? Worse than the sirens?!" her neck extended further as if she couldn’t hear it speak, it was warning her and she knew nothing about the imminent foe it spoke of.

The rapid deterioration had taken a chunk out of the shadowy beast where barely the wings and upper body remained after a plume of smog erupted from within its belly. Still it stood as if it had legs and a tail to balance itself, but time was becoming the real enemy.

“Hex protects you… they hunger eternal… corrupting with but whispers… endure you must or all will be… lost..."

The torso blew away as did much of the remaining limbs, the head hovered with a neck falling apart like a spent incense stick, “Who are you talking about! How do you even protect someone with a curse! It doesn’t make sense!!” she asked desperately with the final tugs of her magic pulling her away as well.

The Librarium had begun to lose detail, there wasn’t much more than a quarter of a minute left as the last thing the entity said she listened as best as she could, “My home… as it is yours…”

The last of the black magic spell gave and both the Saandie and her left the sanctum of her memories, ripped away violently from magical exhaustion. A cosmic realm consumed her senses as her mind went into limbo before awakening in her true body, the magic she used ran on what fumes were left that she knew. It was only a couple of seconds but it felt unbearably delayed, in her pony form she swam in the void with her belly up like she were floating on water.

Those final words resounded within her as did the scroll she likely wouldn’t be able to access for a time, until her magic regenerated she was barred from the Archive of her mind. Though she was very certain of things then and there, the world had gotten much larger and only more questions remained. She needed to talk to Princess Twilight again even if she had to get her to come back, as much as it pained her to admit she was out of her league in the matters on hoof.

“My home… as it is yours?”

Ch. 9 Scrubbed Future

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Ch. 9 Scrubbed Future

Full of mirth and excitement, the Dazzlings plus one had taken the morning rather slowly. Twilight had mentioned the meeting wouldn’t take place till the evening, which would allow the four to supposedly bond as their patron had wanted. With the allowance they were given, it had been more than enough bits for food and more that the young human girl had been given control of. Adagio found it appropriate to dine at a humble and well priced brunch place from one of Aria's pamphlets, one that specialized in a myriad of egg based dishes. Something she’d been craving for since her siren powers came back due in part to the gemstone, the smell alone wafting from the kitchen vents had her in a positive mood.

As they took their seats near a window, the waitress arrived in a black uniform with a white apron, "Welcome and good morning everyone, I'll be your server Carmine Berry, what can I get you to drink?"

Adagio spoke first as she eyed the menu, "Your french pressed coffee, two cup, and the dressings on the side."

"Drip Coffee, Brazilian blend, make it a four cups." Aria's tone was rather calm and lacked the usual hate for others.

Twilight nodded once the server looked at her, "I'll take a cup of the loose leaf tea please?"

"Juice! The orange juice!" Sonata loudly answered with her bountiful energy.

"Be right back with your drinks." Berry winked before she moved to a new table that just filled up.

The circular glass table hosted four white cloth wrapped eating utensils resting slightly to the right of a white coaster, to keep the glass surface from being scraped by the plates. In the epicenter stood pepper and salt shakers, some hot sauces, and a decorative porcelain vase with a few fresh flowers still sparkling from the morning dew. The girls had chosen to sit where Twilight was across Sonata, and Adagio to Aria since they were less keen on being dragged into their conversations if their eyes met during the meal. For further distraction, the air filled with the aroma of spices, herbs, and cooking eggs that were complimented by the few meats incorporated in the menu. The scent of brewing coffee delighted the two quiet sirens who were trying to deal with the inane patter of the voices next to them. With someone like Sparkle to entertain their aloof band mate, it became clear that she was still going to be annoying being within proximity.

Adagio calmed her mind from the racket, her list of things to do surfaced in light of their meeting soon to come. Things needing to be discussed before she felt somewhat safe going to wherever this man was, brimming under the surface of a placid face was uncertainty. She knew as the leader, they were relying on her to make the right choices for their survival. Choices which focused on how powerful they’d become with the gems from this world, but also their limitations. Who were the ones that owned them before? Were they human or siren in form? Where there any of them left or lurking around the town?

She hadn’t fathomed the first gem's condition and its capacity when they first received it which was a mistake on her part to accept such a gift with open arms. They were desperate however, and the jewel practically flooded their senses with the familiarity of the siren aura. Unless they were remarkable fakes, they may yet still have some kind of issue they'd have to discover soon. It took three of them together to even power it up with a full audience the first time, which meant either their voices needed serious work or the sirens of this world were far more powerful beings with such vast reservoirs to draw from. Their old pendants were mere raindrops compared to what was in their possession, such a hunger felt bottomless and must have grown into such proportions with how populated the humans were here. A shark left alone in a pool full of fish which bred faster than it could eat them.

Aria had kept to herself, primarily feeling the gemstone beneath her teal sleeveless jacket. Rather than feel ecstatic at receiving her new pendant, she couldn’t help but feel conscious about the situation as well. When she woke up, she felt safe and secure with the new ruby in her own two hands when previously an abrasive wind seemed to etch away parts of her every day since they were defeated. A feeling she'd only felt here, since in Equis if a siren lost her stone it was due to fighting their kin or having it stolen by force. Both of which were a death sentence. The need to chastise the idiot of the group quelled into the zone of complacency, she honestly couldn't care enough to waste her breathe to shut the two girls up. Though their talk was nothing she found worth her time, she simply enjoyed the atmosphere of the restaurant and tuned much of the sound out to a song she had been working on.

Adagio coughed into her hand to bring everyone to attention, “While I hate to disturb everyone in this fine eating establishment, which thank you Aria for being the one to shed some light on its existence. I want to ask you some... questions about this benefactor of ours. You understand right Sparkle?” she received a smiling nod in agreement.

“He only asked to keep his identity a secret, I’ve been granted to answer your queries though.” Twilight straightened up for the incoming questionnaire as her talking buddy listened.

The restaurant was already becoming busy once they arrived, and now their conversation would fortunately be drowned out from prying ears. Luck would have it that Rarity had chosen today to stop by herself before class. She done another all nighter for the upcoming Games with Crystal Prep, with the express goal to out dress the rivals. Principle Celestia thought it would be a good opportunity to expand her experience by being commissioned by the school board to design the outfits. Ideas to highlight the Canterlot spirit and bring the school together for when the contests were held since the moral was at an all time low. To Rarity’s surprise she saw the Dazzlings on the other side of the large spacious room, a heart stopping moment upon noticing Twilight sat with them. She ducked out of sight as the server delivered the beverages.

“First things first, I want to know more about these in particular if you were happened to be briefed on their limits. I’ve only come to realize how powerful they really are and I don’t want to be handling dynamite thinking it’s a firework if you catch my drift.” Adagio perched her chin on one hand while the other held to the coffee drink before.

“But we handle negative energy not dynamite?” Sonata once again brought out her cluelessness.

Before Aria could verbally slap the klutz of a girl with an insult Twilight jumped in, “I believe she means how these Siren gems work, and he was more than sympathetic to your worries. After I agreed to his deal, there were quite a few texts and old books for me to read through. The ones he gave me to start with were your basic history books, I believe what you want to know what is in the enchantments around the rubies?”

Twilight went over the gems that were discovered in well preserved pottery unearthed through more archeological digs of recent times. It was ultimately believed the sirens of this world were friends to Persephone daughter to the all mighty Zeus, then punished for being unable to save her from being taken by Hades. Sparkle covered the overview of Greek mythology, explaining how the sirens were forced to live out at sea and away from the mainland, they would sing for their companion not out of need to feed like the Dazzlings. It was a consequence of their punishment that they would be doomed to be the reason for more loss of life from this world. Ships that sailed too close would hear their voices and be lulled into attraction. They were soon stricken into idleness, and their boats wrecked among the rocks the Siren’s performed on or they died from inaction. Drowning in the saltwater or from the elements as the spell rendered them nothing more than a vegetative state. Their life force gave the cursed women their longevity even if they did not want it. Forever they were to sing until the world ended or some brave soul slew them out of pity.

“Wow… this world is… so negative!” Aria had dropped her tough girl act while Sonata lost heart herself.

“Quite, such a barren and tragic planet this version of Equis is if that's what this place really is. It’s a negative energy feeding ground since its early beginnings, but the lack of a solid magic atmosphere does make it hard to properly feast.” Adagio’s intellect made her indifferent to the fate of the gems owners.

“Those stones were originally damaged by time and constant travel from museum to private collections. He was lucky to have come across them, much less own them.” Sparkle looked up with the same lack of feeling to the history.

“Which begs my next question, they appeared to be very powerful and their stones far surpass our own. Care to explain any problems with handing over a greater sirens stone to a lesser one?” she loathed to phrase her question in such a demeaning manor, but purely out of respect.

“Ya, we may be centuries old, maybe not like windego old. But is it safe for us to use these and I don't know get cursed too?” Aria added keeping a hand to the ruby with her.

“Valid concerns, and yes normally you’d probably have starved from the needs of those gems. It’s only thanks to the spell crafting tomes I was told to memorize a portion of and rewrite the channeling spell on them. The Sirens of old were cursed by the goddess Demeter and given a level of resistance to the gems void which had been made with their blood. In doing so, they were forever tethered to their fate to live until an intervention occured. Your creatures borne from your own world’s ecosystem I can only assume, and even the three of you wouldn’t have handled a single stone alone. So a little Equestrian magic thrown into the mix and you have a new gem all its own.” The bright student answered as she made room for their coming food on the table.

Rarity had by now gotten close by with the entire table captivated by whatever they were talking about. Finding a booth to herself with an emergency set of sun glasses and a head wrap she always kept on her to further hide her features. She barely caught wind of much of the talk, having heard barely anything till their food arrived.

“So those inscriptions you worked on and the filler you used, you were minimizing the extraction rate weren’t you? What was that goop anyways? ” Dazzle asked as she scooped a part of her steaming lobster and scrambled eggs with fish roe into her mouth.

As Twilight set her dinning cloth on her lap to being her first bite of food, “I’m afraid I can’t answer that one, it’s something special that he wouldn’t divulge its contents. All he said was to never let it leave my possession, I’m sorry I can’t add more. Though to answer your question, yes, it was a spell binder that lays on top of an older one much like how you’d put a vice onto a rubber hose.”

“So, we’re like, not going to turn into shriveled husks with the second pendant?” Sonata begged to question as she took a bite of a cheesy frittata on a crisp foldable pita bread.

“What?! No! Of course not, those alterations are permanent and he guaranteed that the mender solution would essentially chemically meld with the rubies. You have no cause to be worried, trust me.” The unwitting alchemist smiled to reassure the cerulean siren.

“That’s a huge relief to hear, it seems we are in good hands after all.” Adagio let herself relax to the soothing flavors of her meal, “Well enough of this worrisome talk, tell us about yourself since you know so much of us by now.”

“I’d be happy to.” As she went on describing her family and studies, Rarity had managed to gain some crucial information she texted rapidly away to Sunset and the girls.

It would seem their little debate with their equestrian born friend would end with this chance encounter.

Canterlot Royal Dining Room

Tearing the studious princess away from the secrets of the accursed archive was a tedious job for Celestia, she worried about the contents her eyes were going over. Luna had taken one of the nights to gather her thoughts after she shared a particular moment, which left her little pony alone and without somepony to watch over her. It worried her what her young protégé had found something no pony should ever know, though there was solace in that the commanders watching the entrance were somewhat capable of scanning any dark magic. To her fortune, Twilight had no hint or trace of the foul essence, she walked out unscathed. Even with the nightly reports of her activities and the records of what she’d gone through, dark magic and the evils with it were always sinister in nature.

It took a rather conniving plan to goad the intelligent mare into presenting a short thesis over the gemstone and whose possession it was in. Twilight's quirks easily over took her desire to learn with satisfying a need to earn good grades with what she presumed were tests. With how Celestia put the sudden report into words, she managed to schedule a morning breakfast and brunch all to themselves with a couple advisors of the Scholar Arcana who knew about the topic at hand. She hated having to go about it as she did, but it was for her own good even if Luna continued to watch over her after that one night.

In the spacious room, with one side sporting natural lighting from glass murals as windows which depicted the early Equestrian accomplishments, the meeting took place at the u-shaped banquet table. Constructed of the finest oak and varnished to a deep reflective shine by the crafts ponies of Prance, it had been a treasured relic from the time her mother once lived. Its shape and majesty reminded her of her mother’s outlook on life, how the a slow meticulously made object could weather time with good upkeep much like the land her daughters oversaw. It was a reminder to be a fair and just ruler to all and prevent the circle of hate that fighting created. Much how the old tale of Hearth’s Warming Eve had been about the unification era, division and resentment only ended in hurtful results.

While the long and large table could easily accommodate twenty seven at any given time, it was rarely used for congregations of that sort. Instead, the Princesses often dined at the table with empty seats to remind them that while they sat here at the pinnacle of pony society. There were many lives they could never experience the hardships with that came and went,. Ponies who needed a fair and just government to be able to eat and have a home to go to every day they drew breath.

Surrounding the furnishing were colorful squares of marble made up the floor. They lead to the soft vanilla walls and pristine white Romanesque support columns that reached a very high arched ceiling. Historical flags of age old battles and victories hung from the ceiling close to the walls, conflicts they were forced into and won through harmony among the tribes in the first centuries of Equestria's founding. Many of which Celestia could recall each individual segment of pony history off the back of her hoof.

Her musings of Starswirls solution to a drastic drought of yore were interrupted by Twilights trotting arrival from down the room. She arrived through the main door which connected to the hallway most ponies used, her hooves clapped on the stone ground until they landed softly on the blue rug which guided guests to the table.

“I’m sorry I’m late, I just needed to reorganize my cards one last time after I spotted an error in the time frame from Nocturne’s teachings to Everheart the Dynamic’s study of diamond synthesis for cleansing unicorn magical ailments.” Her appearance showed her fatigue of what little sleep she allowed herself since her research began.

“Your early though, how are you late?" Celestia asked seeing her student still going through her notes and had her words fly past her ears, "Please, go ahead and come take a seat with me. The chef’s are quite boisterous with their newest creations for morning meals and brunch, they’ve been abroad in their studies for the finest cuisine the world has to offer. I think you'll love what they have to offer today.” She used her left wing to gesture to an empty cushion next to her.

Before she could answer, the same doors her former student arrived through opened again with the advisors trotted in. It earned an inquisitive glance from the purple alicorn who wondered if she knew the ponies that were about to hear her report. The closer they drew, the less confident Twilight felt about recognizing the faces, it would have made her moment to come easier to know who would receive the information. Unknown ponies posed a concern, it made her a tad nervous that she would deliver accurate data and not make a mistake.

Once everypony was seated, the servants began to file in and place the beverages first, wonderful silver teapots with porcelain cups complimented by glass jars containing dark amber honey of the finest quality. Two trays of dainty biscuits followed suit, meant to go with the tea which the head server announced with a very strong dark chai at the request of the princess. The smell of cardamom and clove soon wafted into Sparkles nose, caffeinated spiced brew that would be a perfect pickup so her mind could focus. Not far off were the chefs, unicorns who magically carried large trays for each of the four at the table, upon them were large plates of deliciously tantalizing items. They looked far too foreign to place an image upon them, but the aroma had the recipients salivating at the fine dining before them.

"My, you've really outdone yourself this time Head Chef Creme Brulee, to where do we owe this amazing spread? You mentioned you and your staff traveling as of late." Celestia inquired while her magic began to serve her tea.

"Princess! I present to you ze finest cuisine la ponies of Prance, Germane, and Britannia have to offer!" the prance born cook loudly explained with immense pride.

Twilight had to set her cards down and relish in the triage of wonderful smells that tickled her tongue well before she even tasted anything. Her wings twitched a little as she gave an approving sound of pleasure, a reaction the chefs could almost cry over. Eliciting bodily reactions before taste was one of the goals they sought while enduring the grueling kitchens of other parts in Equestria, especially from an alicorn. Once she forced herself to take the first bite of the sauce covered Juliette vegetables on top of a fluffy folded pancake, her taste buds went into euphoria. If it were not the intricate meshing of flavors and spices with such a texture with each chew, Twilight could have easily assumed she reacted in such a way because she hadn't eaten properly for the past week. Of course the others who received different dishes were as equally in awe, from potato based meals to stews still steaming fresh out of the pot.

The table fell into silence as the four slowly devoured the edible art, to which Creme took as their moment to leave them in peace. They had done their job and no words could further convey the success of their labors. Since alicorns could live for a long time and likely taste every dish that could ever be made, the twinkle in the princesses eyes meant they pushed their experiences to the test.

Once the last scrap of food could be licked off or speared with a fork, the air couldn't have been any calmer. Just the way Celestia wanted it, for her little pony to have a break from her research. After a few cups of the luscious tea, she let Twilight have the floor and gave her ten minutes to speak about her thesis, of why it warranted urgency of the Royal Committee and the Black Tape access privilege for a little while longer.

“I had hoped we wouldn’t need to be worried by this theft but your findings have opened my eyes to the potential problems that could occur. What say you Adept Vibrant Spectrum? You’ve spent most of your time in the field of crystal application in the mana department.” Celestia took a sip of her tea looking to the dull blue pony draped in the white Adepts trappings.

Vibrant Spectrum was one of the up and coming unicorns who sought to utilize the specimens in the crystal caverns under Canterlot in his research. Through his intense work, the medical advancements possible in using the mineral structures in regenerative spell casting was becoming a reality. His white uniform sported the badges of his well earned scholarly citations, something Twilight enjoyed knowing she was among fellow company of magic enthusiasts.

“We’ve never had a Siren’s gem in our possession, so unfortunately we can’t really say much on what kind of portal it can sustain. As you know every crystal has its limits in the same application, some are inert while others could suit the bill sort of speak. I feel with the molecular composition that can use dark magic, it’s a given that it is of the finest quality and had limitless applications.” Spectrum sighed being unable to add to the issue without a sample.

“I see, so the threat level is to remain high then, how unfortunate. Adept Lapis, is that correct? Your familiar with portal manifestation and conjuring. Let’s say this third party wishes to make a portal to equestrian lands, what would the power requirements be to cross over? Other than the mirror of course. Or could they somehow force the mirror into activity as Twilight had done?” The solar diarch turned to a soft mint green mare with an olive green mane also dressed in Adept attire.

“Just Lapis your majesty, and if I went over Princess Twilight's notes correctly. That gemstone shouldn’t be enough to sustain a portal needed to break time and space even with the modicum of negative energy remaining, that is assuming what Adept Spectrum thinks is the case. However, without a sample I'm only giving a best assessment. It would simply burst a tear for a few seconds before the gem ruptured and the gateway seal with a rather explosive effect. Think of it like this, a large stallion leaping into a pond in the bundled position, you’ll get splash and spray before the water surface settles again. The energy of any capacitor gem would need to be in such high quantity to in effect maintain a constant mass of stallion bodies going through the water’s surface every second to displace the water. Thereby keeping the portal open for a time, our third party would need more gems and a lot of power to come here. So I’m quite happy to say, in my perspective, we’re in the clear from invasion until new evidence appears.” she held her head in a regal manner with facts behind every word.

Twilight couldn’t help but loudly sigh at the revelation, her earlier assumptions were basic without an Adept’s specialist input. She may be the element of magic, but professional dedication into any one field of application was not in her nature. Celestia herself nodded with a serene sense of peace herself, such news put her ponies in a better situation even if there was a sliver of a chance with the variable unknown. Though for somepony or something to still have such a magical item at their will, her worries went to the human world. The clash between Sunset Shimmer and Twilight were clear enough in its danger remaining in that world, they shouldn't have magic in their world.

“I want to ask the both of you to set aside time with Princess Twilight, just in case there is some kind of detail we missed here. I want to be sure no pony or our neighbors are in harms way. While I'm very pleased to know we are not at a great risk of a threat, without having the gem in question for you to analyze I still want every avenue explored.” Celestia announced as she pulled out two small silver medallions from thin air.

“I can help whenever needed Princesses.” Spectrum bowed as one of the shiny metal seals floated to him.

“If it means saving our home from danger, I can take a break from my class work for a month if need be.” Lapis duly bowed as well feeling the metal clip onto her robe next to the other.”

“Twilight, I’m granting that request for interview of Luna’s officers. I feel their people would know of who might be behind this worry, the agents of the shadows are as enigmatic as their evil agenda is devious. Those medals will grant you two special access to the Black Archives with young Twilight here, as you well know the heads of the Night Guard stand watch over her in case the agents of the shadow attempt an attack on her. Those medals not only prove your you, but it will tarnish if your ever tainted or under control by them. Do not forget them if you wish to help us.” The princess finished her peace seeing the young alicorn mare beam with joy.

While the rest of the meal continued on discussing the aim of the possible threat at large. Twilight missed the messages from Sunset that sent the transdimensional book they communicated with into a furious tremor. If she had brought the book with her and not left it back in her room, they wouldn’t have felt as safe in Equis.

Ch. 10 Authority Above All

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(I'm very grateful to the amount of views this has garnered, if anyone has more critique to offer I'm open to commentary. I must admit this is rushed to some extent, but I do try to avoid the common mistakes made by rushed work.)

Ch. 10 Authority Above All

While Twilight Sparkle’s biographical moment had been entertaining, it placed her at the lowest rank of the threat totem pole Adagio used throughout her life to any they associated with. She still was not one for trusting the clever human no matter how much Sonata and possibly Aria were lulled into acceptance. An overwhelming need to distract herself from getting to ornery over the subject shoved the train of thought away for another time.

Something they would all enjoy, "Twilight darling I'm so glad you could see it in you to inform us of what such a brave and intelligent person you are. I feel like we can tolerate you a bit more than I first anticipated, and to earn that from a siren like us is a miraculous feat for any pony, griffon, or minotaur to speak of examples. So to celebrate, how about we test the powers of two greater gemstones and see what we have at our fingertips shall we?" Dazzle smiled as she pushed her empty plate away and sipped the remaining liquid black gold down to the last drop.

"Food is good and all, but some real negative energy would hit the spot. I'm game." Aria sneered as their server arrived to check on the table.

"How was everything?" Berry scanned the table of four with a smile and pep.

"Fantastic, send the bill as my friends and I have a schedule to keep." Adagio kept her eyes on Twilight as she spoke, she hungered as much as Aria for the energies which empowered their element.

A quick bow and the employee was off, letting the little human once again alone with the trio and their devious leader. Obliviously thinking bouncy orange curled girl had been stricken with a giddy moment at the coming test, little did she know there was another reason. They never actively selected who they entranced as they sang, now with the middle man available Adagio would find out if they could pick and chose whoever they willed. Even if Sparkle fell into their thrall, there would be no difference to her and besides it all the human was no more a guinea pig to her.

Sonata noticed the gaze her leader displayed, and the smile was of no joy to anyone but the owner. Knowing the siren for so long, even she could detect when there was a grander scheme at work and yet she couldn't figure it out. Something that involved Twilight in a way which would definitely not be in her best interest with the way Adagio handled things.

"Your bill, I assume your all together right?" the waitress asked kindly and broke Sonata's fragile train of thought.

"Yes, here... keep the rest for yourself." Dazzle reached for the wallet Twilight had been in the process of opening and paid the restaurant without care nor the reaction of their human compatriot.

The rather savage way it had happened left the girl stunned for a moment before the wallet had been returned to her. At first she wanted to say something and react, but she found her tongue to be tamed by the once friendly smile and welcoming eyes of the golden siren still full of mirth. Instead of provoking a problem, she withheld a retort and simply lost her once good mood for a cautious state of mind. Leaving the brunch cafe, she kept to herself behind the three as she tried to analyze what just occurred, the odd behavior categorized and set for Yellow to know later.

The group took a long silent walk to the nearest park which catered to musicians and performances the town's many organizations put together and hosted during summer times. Admittedly, Adagio herself had let the idea of feeding again sink in during the trek and the festering idea made her just as insatiable as Aria. If not to quell the inner hunger, she couldn't dismiss the necessary test of the new foreign stones to prod for any mistakes that could be made. Wondering how it would affect their voices ever since that history lesson opened their eyes of the real sirens that once lived eons ago. The buzzing nag of contamination warranted the experiment, never before had a siren ever taken anothers in the entire history of their being. Though there was never anything against it, it had never been spoken of and that made Adagio worry far more than she desired to feed.

As they approached the concrete theater emblazoned with the Apple Family's logo, Adagio lifted her hand for the group to halt. They were at a far corner of the park close to an intersection, here they'd be able to gather listeners with ease being close to a busy area. Green grass painted the land around and behind them, with rocky sand walking paths giving access for visitors to traverse. The sounds of traffic were minimal with the vastness of the performance stage, if they sang here there would be nothing to spoil them. A few tall trees swayed and ruffled in the mild wind that began to die down, even nature gave way to the sirens desire in sheer coincidence.

Adagio turned around to the rest of the group, “We have so much to learn about our new keys to our freedom, so make note of anything that seems off when we go on stage.”

A sinister yet soft grin crept along the corners of her mouth as Aria shrugged, “Sure, besides I’d like to know the limits of mine anyways.”

“Hey! Why does she get the other one and I get nada?!” Sonata huffed as her grasping hand was swatted away a couple times attempting to touch the twin pigtailed girl's pendant.

With a heavy sigh of frustration, “Look, we may not get another chance at this and I need someone like Aria to safeguard it. No offense Sonata, but this is just too sensitive to take chances. You'll get yours in time that I can promise you” Adagio waved a lazy hand with her back to them as she leapt onto the stage to survey the audio design.

Dusk relented in trying to get the gem when she heard the explanation, allowing Aria to ruffle her hair and leave her standing miffed beyond words. Sure she could forget a few things and misunderstand situations at times, but was she so disqualified to be trusted with her own gemstone?

‘I’m not that bad? Am I?’ she pouted fixing her hair.

Twilight had watched from the sidelines and noted the group dynamics that were exhibited. It appeared counterproductive and possibly erroneous in the long term, but if that scene between them and those C.H. students had anything to say of them the other day. It was that words, even bitter ones were merely in jest, and it was their very nature to fed on negative energy that made such language normal. Though she had to agree with Adagio in the responsibility factor, Dusk had just been too free spirited to be rightfully given the second gemstone strategically speaking. Even she would have hesitated, with resources low and rare could they afford setbacks?

Sparkle jogged up to the perturbed girl and initiated her way of raising spirits, by lightly punching the arm playfully, “When he sees you guys prove yourselves trustworthy, you’ll get yours too! And think of it as this, that last one is a hard earned trophy that you’ll prove to them you deserve it.” She told her with a wide smile hoping her actions would be taken in kind.

Though the sometimes clueless woman held her breath for a moment, unsure of what to think of the praise. She relented with a light giggle as the idea set in and bolstered her spirits. Rubbing her left arm nervously at the idea of earning the last pendant gem, it was a flattering notion to think she'd be even far more considered than even the group leader. Someone saw potential in her, not just a butt of jokes or to be brushed off as nothing.

“Your like, such a mood lifter… thanks Twilight.” She kept the genuine joy readable upon her face as they too mounted onto the concrete platform.

“I saw what happened with those students yesterday before we met. I’m sure it’s safe to say they are joking when it seems like they’re not. Though you probably didn’t need me to say that.” Sparkle adjusted her glasses before the two kept talking while the others studied the structure for how their spell would fan out.

Wincing slightly, Dusk put her face rather close to her new friend and whispered, “I know, but it’s just how they see me. I’m just as good of a singer as both of them are, I just take things literal sometimes… Doesn’t mean I can’t fend for myself.”

Sonata started to look down again,affected by her own words which even the scientist couldn’t figure out how to help out with. They were already too close to talk much more of the subject for fear of the other girls overhearing. Begrudgingly, she had to leave the Siren to her own musings as the girls studied the area in detail.

The concrete amphitheater sat silently unused for what looked to have been months, bits of trash had accumulated in the corners and edges of the gray structure. It bore the age it had been created, erected a century ago as the gift to the farm sporting stains and cracks from pedestrians eating or scratched by skateboarding upon it. Twilight decided to go into a brief history of the building, how by sheer off chance that a few companies were looking for organically raised orchards for their products and Equestria happened to be in an economic slump. The legendary apples and their zap apple mutations brokered the deal which not only gave the Apple family its foundation of financial security, but with it came the processing plant the town desperately needed for jobs. Employment set in stone for locals thanks in part to the mayor, the product of the businesses drew fans and slowly over the recent years came craft breweries who set up shop in town. Horses had once dominated the tourism sector, but the Apple family added to the charm. With more and more fans of the juicy tasty apples gathering as fast as the asian hot sauce had, the town saw more businesses investing in the commercial district and from there came the town they lived in today. By the simple existence of a fruit tended with love and natural care by farmers whose family had the crafty man known as Filthy Rich to make it all possible.

Commemorated in the honor which brought new life to a dwindling home, old murals painted the history in semi abstract shapely images. Aria had of course gagged at the notion of such success and prosperity, as well as the idea of the negative energy that once stewed before the time frame of the story which they missed out on. Adagio ignored much of the story in favor of checkout out the acoustic resonance of the theaters design. Sonata though had her own way of feeling sympathy, and then the thought left her focus as she noticed the few bird nests that sat at the top of the roof where chicks peeped and called to their parents.

The stage beckoned as each footstep echoed into the concave interior. It was not the most attractive place to perform that was sure. The functionality would suit their needs regardless and there were enough people out for them to get a moderate crowd. For a few minutes, the Sirens practiced warming up their throats and harmonized as one going through each pitch and octave. Adagio kept her eyes open to the other two for flaws in voices, the degree of perfection was her specialty. Twilight kept to herself as she looked over her notes concerning the magical items she'd written on a notepad. Sitting on the edge of the dais and kicking her legs, she had to bite her tongue till they appeared ready to listen to anyone. A deep breath and her notes primed for instructional review, she stood up.

“Okay, although I’ve modified the spells to not do you any harm. We need to balance the net energy between both gemstones before you use them.” She stopped the Dazzlings before they took up stance and begun their routine.

“What do you mean balancing them? Something else we should know?” Adagio asked as she put a hand on her pelvis as the other two flanked her with questioning eyes.

“We need to bleed and equalize the power for both stones to function. If we don’t, you’ll have feedback that would amplify the effects of your charms if I read correctly, of course that data was meant for a completely different spell it was the only one similar. Your audience might be permanently tamed to your will or go into an everlasting aggressive state.” She said with a rather light tone considering the issue at hand.

“Feedback? I thought you said these were safe?” Aria demanded with a slam of her nice shoes that banged with an echo.

“We don’t want to hurt anyone! We just want to sing!” Sonata looked at Twilight with near panic in her eyes as the thought of experiencing their run for their lives after the band competition.

“You have exactly one minute to straighten out this misunderstanding Ms. Sparkle… and I dare say you best watch your next few words.” Dazzle spoke with an eerie tone as she crossed her arms over her purple blouse.

While Twilight had been put into a metaphorical corner, she mentally berated herself for not wording that explanation better. Having forgotten for a moment of what the sirens endured, she should have been far more careful with what she had to explain. The act had to be done before any singing, that Yellow pointed out to cement the second gems modification and the new runes Twilight had inscribed or covered.

“A... as I said… these are siren stones from my world, and though I altered the spell matrix for you to be safe using them. They are still powerful artifacts nonetheless and as they are now their disproportionate contents will have an energy wash if you use as is in theory. From what I read, Aria's stone will seek to draw from Adagio's as the nearest source of negative energy, and likely the equestrian spell alteration will conflict with its very nature. We're only so lucky that the spells are close enough to be compatible, but that's not to say they are one and the same. Both rubies will essentially conflict with each other as one acts as a magnet while the other draws from the atmosphere if I'm' assuming that's how you feed. A tug of war if you will, so you can see what I mean by affecting your audience, it’s a simple thing to avoid! Honest!” she did her best to not feel afraid even as the singers stares were menacing enough to interrogate any criminal.

For a moment the two head strong girls considered the explaination, and soon Adagio just rolled her eyes, “Next time, bring everything up so we don’t have any surprises like that again. Just do your thing so we can sing alright? So much for the good mood I was in.”

“Had us worried there brainiac. What she said, don’t do... that... again!” Aria glared as she punctuated the last words before losing interest all together.

What had nearly brought the shy bookworm to her knees at the sudden turn of face from her first closest acquaintances could have scarred her. Yet it was Sonata who saved the group from a breakdown of trust as she knelt down by Twilight and cleared away the few drops of tears from her eyes.

“We were just surprised is all. I mean we don’t want to be hated or ruin peoples brains? We just want to be adored again, that's all any siren wants out of life. For realzies! Okay?” the blue girl in purple and violet clothing lightly punched Twilight to jar her from her state.

The reality of nearly shattering their dreams by the dangers that could occur from mishap was humbling. Through Sonata’s nature she found it in her heart to forgive as the others had, and it would be a chance Twilight wouldn't throw away again. It was her mistake that she not only forgotten to mention the recalibration they had to do the night before, getting the same kind of treatment from her fellow Crystal Prep peers was not on her to do list if she could help it. Such a drive seemed to hold Cadance's advice about what friends were like that she should be making now, the genuine care and respect one felt even if it was one sided.

The procedure for the process had been painless and quick, but it required all three of the girls to perform a sustained low pitch cord to activate the special part of the matrix to do the job. Not only did they draw attention which led to an awaiting group of listeners and onlookers. Their task was done under the guise of an innocent band looking to put themselves out there and thus most of their attendance were enjoying lunch or some form of food for the entertainment to come.

Only the Siren’s could see the faint wisp of green haze gently pour from their first pendant and into the new one. Starting with a few scales, they stayed on a sustained Aah until Aria gave the visual queue that her gem could be sensed as halfway full. The warmth and weight were easy for her to feel as natural as water upon skin, it felt like nothing else in this human world to have a half filled gem again. As if she had been starving for the longest time in her life and having been presented with a buffet of delicious sustenance which had been voraciously consumed. Something in her being felt content and happy, like a natural high only the body could create.

With the safeguards set and the park aware of the starting show, the vocalists turned their attention to the waiting ears as they started to sing their hearts out again. Their enchanted voices were uplifted with the additional stone as the strength of the spell doubled in its intensity, the fifty people who innocently enjoyed the Dazzlings were soon siphoned of their negative energy and more once they started going at each others necks.

Like clockwork, Adagio watched the common scene unfold and thanked the gardening layout which had walls of bamboo obscure faraway observers from seeing the chaos. Though a surprising development in the ongoing performance, the will of the sirens permeated into their viewers who became only as violent as they wanted them to be. It drew the marvel from them at the control they were able to harness, and for Adagio the test proved her own expectations as well as Sparkle stood off to the side unaffected. They now had far more control over human beings than before, a skill she could only hope transferred when they returned home.

When their act reached the end, the throng of men and women stilled their actions and soon dispersed as they had done in the past. Only this time, without the muttering and recanting of their future actions, the hosts simply had no memory at all of insulting and shoving their fellow citizen. Adagio could only relish the plans she had cooking to really satisfy that itch at that forsaken school. If only they had such power back then, they could have easily sent the throng of students to disable the Rainbooms equipment and subdue the contenders. Leaving only the act of sucking out the Equestrian magic in them till they were as human as human could be and maybe drain them of their will to be happy.

With the park cleared out, the four gathered together as the vocalists shivered at the sensation of success and a hearty meal. A physical reaction Twilight noted down for research as it seemed infectious to her as well, their giddiness putting what occurred not long ago to the back of her mind as they shared in the moment.

‘Test trial check, desired outcome achieved, and on a side note the raw magic of the siren species can have a short area of affect. Further experiementation needed to see if this is a valid theory or just personal experience exaggerated by the victorious result. End note.’ Twilight wrote down before closing the little spiral pad.

“I want to congratulate you all on a wonderful show, everything worked as it should have. Your target prey is dispersing with no side effects other than lack of memory, splendid. No harm done and we’re right on time for the meeting!” Sparkle nearly squealed with her notepad held close to her bosom from the data she acquired.

“Yes, quite… that was a rather delicious meal if I do say so myself.” Adagio grinned as she was adjusting her hair.

“So many couples out there that begged to be fighting against each other! Just as succulent as a juicy steak. Can we sing or can we sing.” Aria hummed in delight.

“I don’t know, tacos till have the top spot on my list.” Dusk looked to the others shrugging her shoulders when their looks earned no agreement.

“Uhhh, the moment is lost, thank you so much.” Adagio sighed before shaking her head while walking off the stage, “Well I guess that does leave us to take the next stepping stone to being our good old selves once again. Lead the way Twilight.”

Aria took the moment look down upon her compatriot, mumbling something about smothering her with a pillow at night. Sonata had not heard the comment and simply huffed back at the purple siren with indignation. Twilight meanwhile gave the address to Dazzle and followed in step out of the park with the others close by. They would travel from the center of the town, through the steadily lively commercial district, and into gradually less populated. Walking onwards with mirth and excitement at meeting their benefactor for the first time, the route on their phone's gps map led themselves down a particularly lonely stretch of residential homes to the northeast area. Some estates were even more rich and pricey than the others they’d seen before. These however were mostly vacant, likely vacation homes by the looks of the careful gardening and landscaping of the miniature mansions.

Maid services or nursery vehicles filled the neighborhood with its sole source of human life. Simple men and women who worked small wage jobs to make hedges prim and proper, expansive front lawns well manicured, and dust the homes in their timeless reverie. Something Adagio hated with all her might back in Equis, which was why when she sung her best it was always to make sure the privileged were drained the most. They made the masses less tasty in their pursuit of wealth because of their meddling, although they were more plentiful of a meal by themselves. Being in a position of power and sums of bits that couldn’t be spent fast enough often created perfect negative emotional energy that had its own spiciness.

They reached their destination as the phones alerted to once they came across a rather simple two story home. The cottage looking getaway possessed a noble’s touch which immediately threw the girls into assumptions of who owned it. Though far away from being like the gaudy homes around this plot of land, there were too many calling cards that could mean they were likely being used for selfish reasons. The four passed through the black iron gate held firm by columns of elaborate brick work, it opened as if just for them such as the laser activated convenience store sliding doors. The grassy front lawn expansive in its acreage had been recently tended to, but lacked the statues and social structures for type who hosted parties. Instead, as they neared the front entrance down the long driveway, they eyed the succulent in season fruit trees that peppered the land and provided the shade. To Adagio, this was a peculiar quirk for a noble even for the one she envisioned. Birds migrating through had taken roost in the branches and pecked away at the soft fleshy goods hanging by small stems, occasionally a pecked piece would drop softly on the ground. Their chirping offered a serene setting that lacked only a gentle stream to make the area have the Equestrian appeal.

As the foliage gave way to the front side of the mansion, the girls took in the design and cleanliness of the location of the meeting. A stark white brick and mortar exterior with terracotta shingled roof stood proud and majestic in its quaint appeal. They watched Sparkle proceed ahead before them to knock the door with the brass dragon head on the heavy wooden double door. The dull rumbling echoed inside the spacious innards within. Red brick as fresh as the morning dew contrasted with the white walls below her loafers, a few potted plants blooming an array of flowers flanked the entrance in gold containers. The look of such a place almost seemed more of a fortress or castle now that Adagio analyzed with more scrutiny as she stepped up to the left of the human girl.

“Guys, he’s not going to bite. He’s eager to talk to you three, so try not to look so cautious? Last time I was here he took everything into account and showed me a few texts he had on Equestria.” Twilight asked as they neared slowly behind her.

Before Aria could say anything concerning the mystery person, the door's mechanisms unlocked with a servant in black and white standing before them with a droll uncaring face. He appeared to be the typical butler of old age who simply looked at them and stepped aside to allow entrance as if he'd been briefed as to who they were to expect around the hour. Blaze simply crossed her arms in front of her and gave an ugly stare at the human servant, she hated stoic people as they felt like they had nothing to give. No ques to identify them as prone to negative emotions or just simply dead inside which made any energy from them to be sour.

After Twilight gestured inside, the four walked in slowly and looked about them, green wallpaper with vertical vanilla stripes lined the hallway they were in. A lone table with a statue of a human head sat greeting them as decoration, pictures and paintings of unknown subject matters spotted the two pathways to take to which the butler blocked off the left wing. With his cue, the girls let Sparkle guide them away down the right corridor where the echoing of faint singing that sounded very familiar to a choir and classical instruments. With their senses split between anxiousness and curiosity, they nervously proceeded into the unknown as the music went on with their foot steps on the soft carpeted floor.

Surprisingly enough, Adagio took stock of the interior which was the most basic in decorative accents. Shelves and glass cases displayed trinkets of precious metals of strange origins under lights that lit their way to where ever Twilight took them. Aria had to smack Sonata’s curious hands every so often from the mystical looking objects as they slowly became weapons of natives and those the ponies use to wield. Some were studded with precious metals or gems, a few fossils made their way into the girls attention from shells to teeth that looked to be longer than any of their hands fully extended. Though they were evidence that the owners were long since dead, it brought back bad memories of predators from home. The sirens were happy to have the last steps of the trek to be flooded with age old portraits of human nobles in their flamboyant garbs painted in oils on hand carved wooden frames. None of which the three cared for and to their credit simply ignored them after the first two works of art.

Twilight proceeded to lead them into a vast open room to the left, the only door that was open and unlocked that Sonata incidentally made clear of in her first few attempts before being pinched by Aria into ceasing. The soft glow of welcoming ceiling lights poured into the hallway they casually entered from. Adagio had to nod to the other girls to be ready for anything, this was still a real live possible trap by the Rainbooms for all they knew.

The giant of a room they entered appeared to be some kind of study filled with as many book shelves as possible that could have passed the room along as an actual library. Their eyes drew onto the many rows of books and manuscripts that flanked them and populated the upper level. To the right and a few feet away a spiral staircase granted access to the upper parts, but it was clear as day they were not going to need it as the music they had heard eminated on the other corner of the five rows of book shelves. Green carpeting on top of dark mahogany wood planks trailed the eyes to a large office desk in the middle of the area as they continued to proceed. It appeared to be in use with paperwork of some kind scattered under a banker’s lamp and a cup of fresh hot liquid still awaiting use. Behind hit, a fire place crackled softly with an occasional pop every twenty or so seconds, a few chairs were organized before the desk as if the room was often used for meetings.

A strange sense of brain tingling swept through Adagio’s head that threatened to cause dizziness that had the power of a slow slap to the face. The atmosphere had a strange effect on her alone, while Aria and Sonata seemed none the wiser and eyed every single detail in the room in fascination as well as looking for their foes who might be hiding. As she diverted her gaze to the far left, a tall figure stood waving his hands to a audio system that played the stalliongrad type of music they were hearing before. The language seemed similar to the likes of Stalliongrad ponies, those industrious hardy equines who were notoriously hard to feed off of for some reason with their sense of pride and family bonds with one another. Yet Adagio had to hand it to them, they knew how to keep a good singing tradition among their pony kind. It took the entire song to finish before his arms fell to his side softly, the last note came from the lead vocalist whose voice faded to applause from what seemed like a dated recording. If male sirens could sing, they’d probably sound just like those humans with skill and talent of their counterparts, only with a much deeper pitch.

Twilight coughed into her hand to announce their arrival as the electronic device had been turned off by the person, their subject of interest for the last few weeks then finally turned around to face them. A large brown coat draped over his body, covering the black vest, stripped collared shirt and indigo tie that the man wore with grace and modesty. Nobles were easy to gauge their tolerance by the way they adorned themselves, the more down to earth type were just a par above commoners. The simple pair of slacks made this one out to be the kind of noble Adagio could bare to stand well enough to not do something regrettable.

Though as his face came into the light, the identity of the human was shocking, they simply gawked at him while Sonata simply waved in excitement as if she were friends with him. Rushing to him and generously shook his hand which he took no offense to nor gave a look of scorn, and easily listened to her plethora of topics she wanted to spout if not for Aria pulling her away looking at him astonished. Caught in their stupor, the man simply bowed and rose with a simple demeanor as he prepared to introduce himself. Allowing Twilight to walk up to him and greeted him like he was an old professor of her classes at school.

“I’m happy to say your requirements were met with flying colors, we have everything set into place to continue. I hope we met your expectations?” Sparkle asked as she procured her mini notepad and handed it to him.

The well dressed man simply took the spiral paper pad and padded Twilight on the head every gently before looking to the Sirens, "Remember me I see? That night is still as fresh in my mind as if it were hours ago.”

That custard yellow skinned human with crimson hair chuckled a bit as the jaws of Aria and Adagio remained slack, “The names Yellow Tail, and I see we have much to discuss. Please, make yourselves at home and I’ll have some refreshments brought to us.”

Their patron supply stretched his arms outwards in gesture to his notion.

Ch.11 History Lesson

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Ch.11 History Lesson

The last fork and empty porcelain cup laid down softly with the brunch concluded, it was time to stop and be on their merry ways. The adepts awaited to be excused while Twilight packed away her notes she brought, her mind swimming with new avenues to explore that the conversation at the table brought up.

“I believe this ends our meeting my little ponies. I cannot let my own duties get ahead of me.” Celestia announced to the small group as she rose from her throne-like seat padding her muzzle with a towelette.

“Yes Princess Celestia” the Adepts answered simultaneously and bowed humbly still seated.

"I'll be sure to triple check every book and narrow down our research to the best of my abilities Princess!" the lavender alicorn beamed happily.

"I'm sure you will my little pony, just remember to rest and eat properly. I know how you can get during your studies." and with a loving smile, the solar goddess took her leave.

The table soon watched the large equine walk away, her golden shoes clacking on the marble floor elegantly with the guards posted at the nearest door opening for her leave. Already the waiting staff were starting to clear the table while offering to provide crumpets or tea to go for the three still present. Sparkle's mind sorted through the new list of research material, the potential enemies or groups in Equestria to whom needed deep scrutiny to find any connections. It had been awhile since she looked through the subject itself, it was after Tirek’s rise to power which spurred a momentary interest in the banished and exiled. The adepts would assist in her notes on the gemstone and prove its potential as a source of energy to fuel a portal.

“Princess Twilight, do you require us anytime today? I’ll need to give the Arch Mage the news.” Spectrum asked getting up to his hooves.

“Just Twilight is fine, I really don’t like to carry around the title. And yes, if you both need to get things straightened out go right ahead. It’ll allow me to go see the Lunar Guard chain of command before they’re on shift.” She smiled sheepishly at first, and looked to Lapis.

“Understood Prin… umm… Twilight. I’ll be back this evening to look over the spell matrix you copied. Perhaps there are more clues into who might want it?” Lapis took her leave with a bow.

“Excuse me your highness.” Vibrant stood in place as he awaited the expected reaction.

“I thought I kindly asked you two to forego that title? I’m like any other pony here.” She frowned at his error which became clear it was intended but the little giggle he gave.

“Aware of that, I just wanted to get to know you is all. With such an important task bestowed onto us adepts, knowledge of all parties is very beneficial. You live up to your reputation as the most intellectual student of Princess Celestia since Sunset Shimmer before her fall.” He chuckled before taking a quick leave.

“What? How does… Where did you…? Hey, I’m still talking to you!” her demand fell on deaf ears as she realized he was being socially playful.

Left alone to herself for the time being, she departed the dining room with a huff at being messed with as she had. It did not help matters when her mind wondered over the little quip just then. She was use to her friends ruffling her mane or feathers these days, but it was troubling to see the magical Adept be so coy and taking her friendly request far too much to heart. To make matters worse, as she trotted out to the halls a part of her over thinking mind wondered onto the stallion and his friendly demeanor. She never had a stallion be that social with her in such an odd way, it felt kind of nice and she had been to the human world. Thoughts best left locked in a little box and put far away from both levels of consciousness, she shook her head and clean it for the work ahead.

“I have a crisis to avert, no time for inappropriate day dreaming.” She chastised herself before teleporting to the office of Stellar for her first stop.

Located in the inner depths of the Palace, most Night Guard officers remained on location for immediate response situations especially after the Changeling invasion and Tirek's rampage. Their office and quarters were next to each other to simplify their routines and availability, lit solely by a few well placed lanterns and oil lamps. Here, only a few Thestral guards patrolled since most were somewhere at rest or training from what she could assume.

On the outside of the door, it looked like any other as a single white wood entryway with gold lacing and Celestia’s mark dead center. Only there was an out of place symbol for Luna stamped onto the red ochre frame. With Luna still learning about being apart of Equestria again and governing its entire micromanaging splendor, much was not done to rightfully include her back into society on a formal sense. It would likely take a few more years before the treasury found it in the budget to have her newly acquired stations bear the moon properly and replace old ones.

Twilight knew she wasn’t at her best, having been a few days with little sleep. She saw this as better option of her time than rest, an interview with a high ranking Thestral couldn't be pushed aside for the little things. Something current scholars failed to capitalize on once Luna returned reformed by the Elements, the history and culture that stayed in the shadows. The Night Princess had brought a new tribe back from its reclusive tendencies, and now Sparkle would be the one to bring them into the light. Such a scarce tribe they were, not one truly seen on the streets like other ponies.

A quick knock here and there on the apple wood door received an answer by Stellar’s voice. The sound a drawer closing shut and small objects rolling around slightly muffled through the wood barrier.

“Doors open!” she beckoned from within.

Pushing the door open Twilight poked her head in first out of courtesy, “Sorry to drop in on you like this, do you have a moment to talk for an moment?”

“Of course Princess, my office and sleeping quarters are open to you whenever you like.” The commander smiled as she sat behind her desk looking as exhausted as her.

The female Thestral did not have her armor equipped, giving the appearance of being so approachable compared to when they first met with the viciousness of an elite soldier. A reason Twilight wanted to gain more knowledge into her tribe, to dispel such ideas of these ponies being nothing but warriors of the dark from their secretive behavior. That belied their pony nature like any other such as herself or even her friends.

“Thank you very much, I promise I won’t be in your mane for long. I just came to discuss some good news actually.” Twilight waltzed in fully as she followed the bat pony’s wing pointing to the cushion before the desk, the door closing of its own accord.

“Ohh, do tell princess, if I know anything that can help I’ll add to your reference.” Her golden draconic eyes gazed softly at the curious princess as if she had woken up not long ago.

“Please, just Twilight, being called Princess all the time… its rather too much for me to be use to it yet. I'm no where near Princess Celestia or Luna's level much less Princess Cadence.” She asked with a light nervous chuckle.

“Sorry ma’am, protocols and regulations do not permit me to do that, especially in my rank and file. Though I guess I can be subtle with it. Please, continue.” The Thestral seated in her own cushion seat used her right wing to hook a sprig of some green herb from a nearby earthenware saucer.

“I… guess I can understand. Well I can begin with the siren gem and its use as a possible invasion weapon into Equestria. I had a breakfast meeting with the princess and two high level Adepts from the Scholar Arcana. Those Adepts managed to clear up the issue with the gem I altered. We have no fear of it being used to open a portal into this world thankfully, but that's assuming the stone holds the same quality as even the finest capacitor gem.” Twilight noticed the short peak of interest before the rest of her news earned a sigh from the officer.

As she took a bit of the herb speckled with small electric blue flower buds, “The Night Watch will be pleased to know their shifts can be doubled down with that discovery. Though I am troubled by the assumption, I'd say it would be as if we're comparing a standard issue mana bomb to the conventional M.T.H.M.B.?”

The scent of mint, pepper, and rosemary wafted from her breath and into Twilight's nostrils pleasantly refreshing and curiously enjoyed.

“If it eases the soldiers I’d be more than welcome to send you any new developments of what we find. It turns out the gem does not have enough power to do more than just splash both universes with a momentary portal. The hole itself wouldn’t be able to send much of anything other than a marble at best. They’d need a fully intact gem with a full store of dark magic and likely more than a single gem to actually maintain the gateway for more than a few to actually enter our plane. They are under armed as it would seem, but again that's assuming we know the molecular structure of the siren's stone to truly safely say this.” Sparkle took out her notes from a pouch attached to the base of her left wing and gave a few from Lapis to the commander.

A quick scan gained a few nods from Stellar, as she set down the herb in her wing’s tarsal, “I’ll make a copy and pass this along to the sub division of Nocturnal Ordos. It’ll be good to run exercises just in case this happens in the future mind you.”

“By all means, though if I could ask. What are you eating that smells so unique?” Twilight stared at the half eaten sprig of soft bumpy leaves.

Aileron rose an eyebrow at the question before looking to the flora she placed onto the plate. She hadn’t really taken her medication before another pony before, but there was nothing odd in answering the question. It wasn't some witchcraft to be using medicinal herbs to cure ailments.

“That is actually a strain of sage, I eat it for the inflammation from my wounds I’ve sustained while on duty to the crown. My position allows me to be on the front lines with my most capable guards when the hooligans raise their ugly muzzles. So after magic heals the majority of my injuries, I use herb medication for any lingering after effects.” She gestured to her ribs where the fur was light and thin, clear evidence of the damage from fighting.

“Are those recent?” Sparkle wondering if there were battles her friends and her were oblivious to.

“Nah, I gained these years ago before I came into this office. Back then, there were far dangerous foes lurking in the shadows, plotting to do who knows what. They did leave parting gifts for me to enjoy however, just a minor inconvenience is all.” Stellar answered as she copied the notes onto a scroll once Twilight took enough of a gander at her battle trophies.

“I think I know somepony who’d love to meet you, she’s a shamaness from abroad and uses natural medicine for medicinal application and cures that even my library in Ponyville couldn't provide. If I could ask though, why do other ponies see so little of the thestrals in public? I honestly don’t have many books on your tribe, but if you’d be alright with it, I could publish at least one for educational purposes.” She jumped on the opportunity to say her peace.

Stellar dropped her attention to the scroll as if something pricked her plot, “I’m sorry I’m not sure I follow?”

Sparkle winced before saying more, “If it’s okay that is, I’d like to know more about your tribe in hopes to bring awareness of you since thestrals have been taken as Luna’s standing force. I didn’t want to let an incident occur in ponyville not long ago occur here too. It would be rather unfair to let the chance pass itself.”

“I see… while your intentions are just, I’m afraid I cannot answer questions that would shed light upon us for others to know. We’re a breed who utilize the darkness to hunt, beneath the moon all is our ward from the malicious who would strike then. If we were studied, our fighting capability would be halved with our knowledge for all to see.” Her statement deflated the bookworm who had high hopes at a dissertation.

“Well if you’re sure, this is exactly why I wanted to write about the thestrals. We know so little about you… but if it’s for a strategic purposes in information denial to the... enemy, then I can understand the classified nature.” The alicorn put away her miniature quill, ink well, and scroll sheets she had manifested before her moments ago.

Shaking her dull grey blue furred head, “Your Princess Twilight Sparkle, so I am obliged to answer any questions you have. My only restriction that is by Princess Luna’s order, is to keep anything you hear private and for your ears only. If you can agree to that, we can move on with this conversation.”

Her ears perked up, “Well if the Princess title gains me valuable knowledge, I’d be happy to oblige. Pinkie Promise to never tell another pony of your tribes inner workings.”

The two eagerly delved into the basics of the common thestral, who lived in the cave network of Canterlot Mountain. Their entire micro economy, culture, and fighting styles that benefited Equestria were laid before the young princess. All of which she refrained painfully from writing down. The painstaking job she willingly took for her own personal library however yielded when something about the shadow agents came up.

“And thus, my clan aided the princess after her majesty’s banishment in hopes we could be there when Princess Luna returned on that fateful night... our one true princess by birthright. We lived amid the crystal caverns away from the light of day, and scour under moonlight for the agents of shadow who seek another vessel to inhabit their dark gods. Ever since then, we've found countless bases of lesser warriors and rooted out their caches like the terrorists they are. Tis why you and all other ponykind do not see us for the most part, we work hard for the many to live happy.” Stellar finished as she pulled out yet another sliver of leaves from a canvas pouch.

“I never knew… so much history yet to be told! It’s a shame it will never be for the public to know, I’m pretty sure I could write an entire section no... Wing on what we covered over this hour so far. Though if I may ask, what is that your eating now?” Twilight picked up the smell of a rather earthy tone with a minute amount of fresh cut grass.

A dull look of surprise and perked up ears, Stellar looked at her guest and then to her loose leaf tea, “Oh this? It’s called Yerba Mata, from the tropical regions and mountains. A chaser for the sage, that peppery aftertaste can get annoying when I get a flare up.” She responded while shredding the foliage with the prehensile talon of both her wings.

“Do you eat it?” Sparkle once again curious of self treating plant medicaiton, something she’d set time aside later to add into the Crystal Castle’s archives.

“No and yes, I’m going to brew it in a few minutes and drink the steeped water. I felt you would have more questions for me, and this contains a tolerable dose of caffeine. This will allow me to still sleep later of course, its not like that other bean most ponies brew for their mornings. Too strong for my tastes and way to acidic.” She stuck her tongue out and shook her head in disgust.

It then dawned on the young alicorn that she was likely cutting into the commander’s resting period before her next shift. If she finished her interview soon, the commander would likely achieve a good seven hours sleep, an appropriate amount the Canterlot science community has long promoted for good health.

“Then I won’t be much longer, I’d hate to affect Luna’s Guard in such a manner. You spoke of these ‘agents of shadow’, who are they? Do you think they might have something to do with the third party in the other world?” Twilight’s inquisitive look spread across her face again.

Aileron halted in her machinations on the soon to be beverage brew, looking lazily to the partially torn vegetation. As if searching for something before allowing her mouth the right to talk. Another part of history she recollected through the fogginess of fatigue.

“I’ve always understood the demons were the ones who tricked Princess Luna into becoming Nightmare Moon. Yet, you speak of these agents as if they were a faction in themselves, not to mention demons are below tartarus to never come back again.” Sparkle added.

A long pause permeated the twenty foot cubic spaced office, something had struck a chord in the Thestral. Twilight looked around with a bit of anxiousness in the situation, feeling further inquiry wouldn’t be appropriate while the mare was in her musings. Instead, she let her eyes roam the room where to her right were filing cabinets and a box of papers perched topside. Thestral language tagged the cabinets several sliding drawers which for now was alien to her until she'd acquire the knowledge to read and understand it. The storage piece for then would remain unknown, so her vision tracked to the back corner right were the entrance to what was likely a closet or her bedroom quarters. The wall behind the desk had no paintings or posters that were common place among solar guard officers, instead trophies and citations for performance and beyond the call of duty proudly hung for visitors to gawk at. If the scars were anything to go by, these certificates and encased medals cemented them in official records. The military history of this mare was one she herself did not wish to ever be put into, it seemed far too dangerous even in the light of the evil she and her friends time and again brought down. Somehow, Stellar fought a different foe to the harmony and friendship of the land, and one who had no fear to seriously hurt or end a life. How a mare could fight as she had with tooth and nail as it seemed, it was both an enlightening moment as well as a dark one.

Shaking the grim thought, Twilight saw to her left a quaint little kitchenette glass door shelf which contained a variety of herbs, potted plants, and teas. Her medicine cache most likely, and with large drawers below the officer likely had a good supply for immediate needs. The only thing that really remained, the lantern above the two of them, flickering brightly as a weak star in Luna's night sky.

Having taken the room into memory, the element of magic figured she should avoid the topic with Stellar for all intents and purposes. Only the traumatized reacted to discussion and topics like this, and it was likely some form of post traumatic stress disorder the Solar Guard would never see unless they patrolled the everfree border.

“I have to go, the Adepts will be meeting with me soon and I…” she stopped when the leathery winged pony locked gazes with her, those golden eyes freezing her in mid sentence.

Those yellow orbs, they shone like golden bits yet wore no luster of happiness or joy. They held a spirit who had been through much in their years of life, and they commanded with respect and awe if not a twinge of outright power. Fluttershy's gaze could only be equated to it, the willpower of one dominating the other even if accidental.

Stellar sighed and went about brewing the freshly cut up mata as if the moment never happened, “There is what the day ponies know, and the truth which only my tribe and Princess Celestia are privy to. You’re a princess now, so it’s only right to include you into more of what Princess Luna has likely touched on about her mother’s actions against the demon race. To who the Agents of Shadow are and what they stand for, why we fight them and draw our blades to our own citizens.”

“You saw her leave that night, she doesn’t have many ponies to trust in other than her own sister.” Sparkle looked down at the reality of Luna’s world, how simple of it was she able to think her troubles were really of acclimating to the times.

The officer pulled a drawer to her right open and extracted a small fire stone, then placed it in a thick granite cup. She added pieces a blue gem that had been shattered prior, which combusted upon contact. The chemical reaction set about lighting a low fire which fluttered as it was covered with a small grill to suspend an earthenware teapot which she then added the tea with water to. That same draw Twilight deduced was the tea drawer for all the needs, from cooking to the implements.

“Touching along the subject is fine, but it’s when we’re having to really consider it all again. Those vile constructs… its rather difficult to speak of.” The mare left the water to boil as she sat facing her guest.

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I’m content to see anything in the archives.” Twilight asked.

“It's better from somepony who’s fought them. You know the demons and their past crimes upon this world, but you don’t know their species in its many forms. Demons still live among us but only as immortal spells if you will. Two variants exist which one affected Princess Luna, the Saandie and the Nightmares. Nightmares are the ones who were caste by corrupted mages of old equestria and liches, but were stopped before the spell was completed usually interrupted by the forces of good. Those which had enough magic had manifested themselves into our world which were mindless at first, but they had a directive which coincided with their nature. They were a spell to curse a victim until they broke free from the dark hold, feeding on the negative energy and in turn empowering their victim to great lengths to destroy their lives as maniacs seeking to conquer their fellows.” Stellar soon heard the faint whistle of the teapot nearing completion.

“I don’t know too much of the old ways of magic casters, but I did cover the fall before the demons exile. I can’t believe how magic today is so pure compared to then just because of the influence of a race so vile.” Twilight looked hurt by the very idea that friendship back then was so fractured and almost nonexistent.

“Yes.. quite… back then ponies who disliked each other. If you had the bits and knew the right ponies to contact a fell mage. You could easily pay them to break and ruin your rival and be there to pick up the pieces. The downside to these rouge spells came when enough of them had be created, the inquisition at the time had hunted down those driven from the path. Those unfinished spells amassed in the dream realm and formed what we know as Nightmares and could wink in and out of the dreamscape into reality. A mass of dark magic which seeks only to find the most powerful and slowly drive them crazy with whispers and promises that were lies and deceit. You know what happened to Luna…" Stellar shook her head at the sour facts, "Then you have the Saandie, a tamer version of the Nightmare spell. These are solely curse based and if you broke the spell caster in mid progress, Saandie just dissolved along with the dark magic. However, once a curse is placed, it becomes sentient in itself and feeds off the host until it is rebuked by sheer willpower or they are a unicorn with the right spells. Their most powerful quality that made them the most effective assasination weapon of choice to toppel lords and rulers came with their ability to tear away memories. Like Mundog Far plants, they root themselves into the victim and essentially remove memories such as past meetings to even the ability to breath, the worst cases were said to leave ponies in vegetative states dying from inaction. Though that is not to say... that ponies were the only ones to fall to that hex.”

“Wow… so how are they demons if I may ask.” Sparkle was scraping the wood floor with the hardest urge to write everything down, but she forced herself to wait until it was found in the classified books.

The teapot reached its maximum temperature, calling the commander away from the conversation. Using her wings and forelimbs, the pot was handled with a rag and taken off the alchemical burner. Placed upon a coiled cloth coaster, she used her right hoof to balance the hot liquid container as she moved back to the desk. Setting it gently in place, Stellar withdrew two small teabowls from the still opened desk drawer for both of them to use. Taking the liberty to pour the tea for the Princess and herself, she answered the question with no enthusiasm in the words as if she sounded defeated.

“Demons of yor were tangible as you or I, they took on many forms but had none themselves, ever hear of Schrodinger's Cat? Only what their prey wanted to see and truth be told, I don’t think if we could comprehend them that we’d want to see their true bodies. Before their exile by the two sister’s mother, the glorious Queen Faust, some demons found it fun to turn themselves into spells to be forever used to cause pain and suffering to others. In turn, they’d were able to feed and nothing could actually harm them. So long as magic exists, so did they essentially attained immortality and invulnerability. You could hide the curses from prying eyes, but they will manifest into new ones years later so long as the names of the demons could be remembered and summoned by fell forces. They are a latent virus hidden in the nervous system, inescapable and untouchable. Because of this, there are sects of unicorns and other magically capable beings who commune with these demons and seek to utilize them to this very day. They want the promise of power, and in turn fall to the demons influence without knowing.” The Thestral pushed the steaming hot blue teabowl close to Twilight with her left wing.

“How is this a secret? You’d think society would know of them by now!?” the lavender pony scoffed at the compounding knowledge of such a thing to exist.

“Celestia and even the great mages before her, maintain a covenant with us thestrals. Our keen senses can detect when certain types of spells are being enacted. You were wrong to assume we are not in the public’s eye, we’re very much out there in full numbers. Night Guards scower villages and large cities for the magical signature and cover it up before it becomes a problem. It also helps that those whelps are too stupid to actually form much of a command structure, much less an organization. As for keeping this a secret, that would be the Arcana's will.” She laughed, breaking her rather bleak mood.

Breathing relief and joining the mirth, “What becomes of those who are involved? The victims? I’m assuming when they use the designated spell, its targeted right?”

With a sip of the unsweetened earthy tea, “Yes, at first it was Nocturne the Elusive who handled the cases. In many instances, the demon users are kept under lock and key with inhibitors upon their magic. Those they sought to harm are given a special memory purge spell only high level unicorns or alicorns can use. It frees them from the curses, though in the case of Saandie, those are sentient and sentient by the means of the one who hired the caster in the first place. Ponies that pay for a Saandie can talk, act, and manipulate within the dreamscape of the victim through the apparition. Those ponies are relocated and rehabilitated if they were not harmed too badly, lest the psychiatric wards be their new home.”

“I can’t understand why any pony would want to harm another so… so… so viciously! Even in today’s society no less…” the hot tea wasn’t bitter but it made her scrunch her muzzle, turning her offense into a cute little moment.

“Sorry about that, I usually like it bare. Here, put some honey in it to take off the top.” A container was brought to the desk top containing the sweet amber and a honey wand to apply.

“Having it like that seems to fit your type, no offense.” Twilight cringed when she let her mouth run.

“No offense taken, I’ve read that science journal about black coffee drinkers. I guess though when you hunt demons, you kind of have to be a bit of a psychopath to make it harder for them to dig into your skin.” The commander giggled as she put away the honey once it was no longer needed.

“I’m going to skip some important questions because it is getting late for you. Would there be a chance that somepony or something who knew about Saandie or Nightmares be in the other world. With the gem?” she drank deeply from the ceramic cup once the sweetness filtered in.

Aileron gave a deep thought look, then shook her head, “I’m sorry, it’s been too long of a day for me to properly remember. I’d have to run it by the Clan elders to see if they might know, I was never big on the stories of old unless they had something to do with my job here. My apologies Princess. You'd probably get information from the Arcana, since they were the ones who first started to use the banishment spells back when they were little more than a guild. I'm sure they have records still.”

“Please, it’s alright, but if you do come across anything do let me know. We’re grasping at strings from here on out, but I'll talk to the adepts about it. Anyways, thank you for your time and your lovely tea. I feel rejuvenated! I’ll have to ask Zecora if she has any. Goodbye Commander Stellar.” Twilight stood up and magically put the empty cup onto the desk.

“Have a good afternoon Princess Twilight. I will report to you with anything new.” She saluted and watched as her office became quiet once again.

The lulling ticking of the clock in her quarters started to echo into the office. While mare looked off into space, the ticking allowed her to focus her nerves. There was enough just cause to consider a fell mage had gotten into that world, but the lack of magic there was comforting. Yet they knew so little of the human world as a whole, it was hard to feel safe that whatever the princess experienced was at all the representation of the entire planet. She’d have to keep an eye on any activity by the shadow agents, no telling if they’re trying to bring back some god or warlock back the peaceful homeland.

Ch.12 Fallen Gods

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Ch.12 Fallen Gods

The initial meeting started off very accommodating for Adagio’s standards, which meant the road to their future seemed to be in the bag. She did not need to reprimand her lesser sirens, as it appeared that Yellow Tail took it all in stride. With Sonata’s rather instantaneous mind and her lack of knowledge in humor failed to bring an irritable frown upon his face. In fact, he seemed to rather enjoy her frank comprehension in jokes and played along with her like a saint. Aria’s typical aggressive assertive mood failed to find a chink in his stoic armor, having not even the want to interact with him in the beginning. Yellow at least confused her enough to get short simple answers, all of which were not laced with venom surprisingly.

Either he had too much riding on this deal for his benefit, or this was the most patient thing they’d come across in all the years they've been alive. Considering how long they’d been in this world that was a high statement to earn from them. This of course had not diminished her guard, in fact it only empowered her caution as the other bumbling fools played their part. Letting her observe from the sidelines for the moment to catch any flaw in his language of the body or words.

While the three started to shoot the ladder of conversation in a more willing fashion, Adagio decided to study the room itself while the others drew out Yellow’s character. An easy strategy of baiting and she did not need to get her hands dirty. While she wanted to have this deal go through, there were far too many unknowns with this patron who collected such magical items like siren gems. Then there was the fact that he had text books in Equestrian to know how to use them to his and their benefit. It was still a very real chance that he was nothing but a trap for them.

“So you like, know about us right? What about us do you really know?” Aria asked as she kept her normal frown and annoyed look to their esteemed supporter.

“Ya, that’s been itching my head for awhile now? Are you from Equestria too?” their odd little Sonata asked with genuine curiosity.

Twilight seemed pleased with just observing, even going so far as to take out a notepad to transcribe the little moment. For her, this was going to become a historical moment for when she succeeded in bringing magic to the scientific community. The foundation of a glorious future which would be told to generations to come when magic could solve the world’s many stalling problems. Aria’s response to the clueless girl’s admission of Equestria had earned one of her infamous pinches on the back. Sonata simply jumped with a yelp and rubbed the sore spot wincing in discomfort. A quick glare from her offender needed no more explanation, she simply groaned a bit and kept quiet.

With a light chuckle at the two quarrel, “Take it easy you two, I’m going to be as forthcoming as I can Ms. Dusk and Ms. Blaze. I’m very well versed in all living things in Equestria, which is my home as much as it is yours.” He gestured to placate them and ease the purple ones hesitance.

“What was your plan when Battle of the Bands became contested?” Twilight jumped in as the question came to her forethought, “I’m still unclear as to the whole incident. Principle Celestia was very tight lipped about it to the press after the skies turned red and some kind of giant glowing equine appeared. with a column of light.”

“Well duh?! We were going crush the Rainbooms and like take all the magic from them and the negative energy to finally feel full again, but Sunset joined them and… destroyed our gems…” Sonata’s initial excitement dulled out as she touched where her missing pendant use to be.

“Little miss Ketchup and Mustard swirl wasn’t in the plans. We thought we had them locked up below the stag. So much for trusting that dimwitted talentless hack and her goons.” Blaze folded her arms across her chest and sneered hatefully at nothing.

“With power comes corruption, corruption leads to arrogance, and arrogance to collapse. You know it to be true, and its left a mark which I hope you won’t let that happen again.” Yellow Tail looked to the Dazzlings with a pondering eye.

“NO! We’ve learned our lesson right Aria, Adagio? That’s why we’re with you, we want to succeed and get our pendants back! We want to go back home, this place is just the worse... save for the tacos of course…” She wanted to drool at the memory of the last taco tuesday if she actually had not taken the moment seriously.

If one could describe her adorable passion, a litter of kittens would have fallen short of her level. That factor quickly became evident in the failing dynamics of the group and likely apart of their fall from power. Yellow hated to admit, but they had a lot of work to do before they would prove useful once the real mission began. A benevolent smile formed upon his face, he hoped she wouldn’t change much of her person too much when the others gave their guidance. It was a refreshing change from those he dealt with in this world and a non-human at that.

Aria huffed, “If I were leader, we’d have done things differently…”

Their host turned to her with a turned up brow, with Twilight joining him in studying what she just spouted out loud enough for others to hear. Inner group conflicts were usually the first signs of disagreements with how things had been going for a while. That needed to be dealt with immediately lest the goal be put into jeopardy by a break up. Yellow and Twilight didn’t want to have that situation form and stop everything cold turkey, to have the rockets explode before the shuttle even left the launch pad.

Sparkle leaned in to speak quietly, “You never said anything about how you got along once you arrived here. Did something happen? Was it a struggle to get a good meal? Did you have adequate bedding or even a place to sleep soundly?” her barrage of questions broke Aria’s rough edges into dullness.

“We… kept failing to get much power. No latent magic here, a lot of mistakes, and sleeping in abandoned areas when we couldn’t afford a motel. The few times we achieved anything remotely good, we lost our rise and fell back down again. Doesn't help we're immortal with our gems, can't really stay in one place for long since you humans age like cheese." Blaze eyed the girl disdainfully.

“Your displeased with how your life here has been?” Yellow noticed a simmering resentment boiling underneath the agitated sirens frown that begged to shout every grievance she ever had to the world.

“It’s just been the worst for us before we tried getting the Equestrian magic from Canterlot High. Though we’ve never been run off like we were after our gems were broken or have our voices taken away. We just ate and left. when things seemed to get as good as they would ever get. Whether it was getting close to an factory lord whose greed and practice made his workers disgruntled, or the leaders of protests during wars where disharmony was the juiciest, especially when the police came or a counter protest came into the scene.” Dusk shrugged as Adagio in the back showed no real reaction to what was becoming a topic against her past leadership.

Yellow quickly ascertained their history and what group dynamic there was wasn’t particularly Adagio’s fault. They were literally fish out of water in this world and desperate decisions could easily be masked as incompetence.

“When opportunity came, you three became drunk with Equestrian magic and failed to take what was rightfully yours. A pity, but it happens to the best of us, let it not taint your views of the future.” his grainy voice rumbled enough to catch the trio’s attention.

Twilight nodded, “He has a point, you had countless youths enthralled and could have easily had them overcome the rival band before they could get the upper hand.” she added by pointing the back end of her pen at Aria.

“The fault is not yours entirely that I can assure you. That other one, the other Ms. Sparkle, I could feel the immense magical reservoir within her from miles away, she was equestrian let there be no mistake. You failed to stop her and that Sunset Shimmer who is also Equestrian by birth, you failed from the very beginning by lacking the true understanding of your opposition.” He hummed the last word as he looked on like a professor discussing the bad grades of his students.

“But… but we did all we could! We even got the other students to turn against them and everything! That Quick Watch guy, Adagio saw him make her cry and everything!” the Sonata blurted out in urgency.

“Have you forgotten when a desperate animal is backed into a corner it will fight with an unnatural vigor. You did not use your options, and for that you played their silly little game of contest of skills. Your pride was your downfall.” his eyes soon became the object of fearful inspection like a scorning mentor.

The two Sirens had little retort after that, it was not something they even considered during the rush of it all. Though Aria herself was not invulnerable to the man’s investigations, he was right when he said power ruined their train of thought and awareness. It was a shameful thing to admit, but they were so focused on defeating the Rainbooms on the BotB’s conditions. It was the sensation of feeding off real Equestrian magic that had them so blind.

Yellow Tail could see they had realized the moment of their failure in the truth of it all. The taste of disappointment in themselves had its own flavor, but it was not his goal to earn such a mood from them. He simply wanted them to feel even more humble than before, and better mentally equipped to be what he needed from them.

“Fear nothing of it my little gems, the euphoria of power is intoxicating. It makes you a monster, something that cannot control itself as it indulges in the riches pursued. I know it all too well… no one better.” He smiled a toothy grin wide enough to draw the girls back from introspection.

He straightened out his posture before bowing to mean he too had fallen once before like they did. A willingness to admit such a disgrace, it had laid the ground for silence for a time which only the crackling of the fireplace could be heard. Sonata’s raspberry eyes starred at the embers for a minute before looking to their host when a question popped into her mind.

“Were… were you sent here because you were trying to take over Equestria too? Like us?” it was a very honest inquiry that had Aria and Adagio eager to hear of.

Left with a moment to reflect upon his old life, Yellow figured a snippet would be enough to tell them until they could be trusted fully. A minuscule section wouldn’t have any strings for an eavesdropper to pick up on that could threaten the mission. They were still too wet behind the fins to know very much or to know what to do with it. To trust without restrictions, he risked spoiling everything he built up for the last few centuries. Yet, they had to be hooked, and the others would pull out everything else out of them in due time. He wouldn’t be betrayed again, that he swore after the Mage Nine threw him to the dogs when he was so close to stopping the tragedy.

Looking to the closest Sirens and then to Twilight, he nodded at her impending question to write down what she was about to hear. Yellow then guided the girls to nearby seats waiting vacantly for new users before the cluttered desk. He himself chose to remain standing, as this was going to be a quick insight to satisfy Sonata and her fellows.

As everyone started to get comfortable in the guest seats cushioned with velvety softness, Adagio’s senses soon picked up on a strange sensation coming from around them. While she had been considering throttling Aria for her dislike of how she led the group, it was difficult to feel at first as she examined the mansion’s huge study room. Using the power of her gemstone, she decided to caste a probing spell on the nearest bookcase ever secretly. Standing close to the spiral stairs leading up to the next level, the entire wall of rows upon rows of shelves were saturated in the detection aura.

A mind numbing background interference warbled like a tick just piercing the skin and briefly felt by the unwilling host before its numbing saliva did its job. Her mind however, sharper than most could sense the prick of sensory manipulation, some kind of enchantment over the house. It dictated what she experienced in this room as if it were a virtual simulation that had become the biggest seller for youths these days. She looked around trying to figure out what it was that had her fooled, rather than panic she was determined to find the source and rupture it. She could not figure out if it was Yellow Tail or someone else casting the Shadow, but the likelihood of the culprit wasn’t the best of feelings.

She sent a second spell which would hopefully find the caster. As such a Veil this large and spanning the entire mansion most likely would need a lot of mana to keep it going, and in this world that was a rare commodity. A very low level vocal hum from her set the tracking spell outwards and the immediate results were very much a cause for worry. Adagio had caught seven pings back to her as they were highlighted for her eyes only, six figures were scattered around the library and all were invisible to her skewed senses.

The seventh had become Yellow Tail himself, he was one of the ones supporting the spell as well by the sheer intensity of the aura around him. That caused the golden siren to stifle the look of horror which would have been plastered all over her. She’d been in situations similar to this, and to show anything as such when surrounded didn’t end too well for them.

Adagio caught that familiar shine in the eyes of their new friend who stood before her group. The same golden glimmer she saw when Aria was rescued by him from the drunken slob. It was not just a reflection of light since he had his back to the fireplace, and anything else in the room wasn’t that bright enough.

She was all too familiar with Veils back in Equestria, though perhaps not how to caste them. From their travels in Equis between feeding on towns and cities, one unicorn caravan they came across spoke of strong willed ponies who could overcome the illusion often used by bandits harboring hired mages. The spell could only be beat by confronting the eyes of the caster and then it would slowly dissipate once the mind realized the true reality. The strength of the victim’s constitution allowed them to fight against the shroud. It was as if telling Sonata that the human’s tradition in the dead of winter wasn’t truly about some fat man in red who gave presents to people. Adagio regretted letting that get out of hand a few winters ago.

When their eyes had met, a tingling sensation wrapped around her brain that turned into the twitches of nonexistent muscles. The magical illusion began to falter as her own magic began to reassert itself. It confirmed her suspicion that they were being captivated. The sensation had to be her senses trying to see what the spell was hiding. Not that she needed to see what was there, it was all a lie and she was content to go on with that conviction.

‘Using a Veil on an already on edge siren was the worst possible thing you could have done. Now you have hired muscle watching us as well?! This is some kind of trap, it has to be! If anything, we’re not trapped in here with you, you’re trapped in here with us!’ she thought as she felt a ping of disappointment that such a lead in life had gone so sour as all the other hopefuls had done in the past.

She could only see this whole act as nothing but a ploy by the Rainbooms and those spoiled C.H. student. They had gone through great lengths to further punish them for what they did, and it was likely Sunset behind all this. How she acted so coy and trying to establish a connection that night, it disgusted her.

Yet as she pulled together a battle plan with having themselves outnumbered, deep down Adagio wished she had been all wrong about the situation. Genuine gems and their voices just seemed so cruel even by her standards, as Sirens manipulated to feed so who would know better about cruelty?

While the other girls were going with his act as oblivious as they were, Adagio kept to the edges of the group’s perimeter as she had been doing. Aria followed Sonata to a pair of cushioned chairs near Twilight by the desk as Yellow leaned onto it preparing to tell them a lie no doubt. It was when the group looked set to hear the tale to be told that she set her plan into action to expose the lie.

“Where would I start? There are many years I could take even a morsel of, I was orphaned at a very young age, studied under the Biologis Magus later on, or I could go over when I found out about the source of magic...” Yellow Tail rubbed his chin having not noticed the impending complication.

Adagio perceived his pause to recollect as smug attitude. He was drawing on this meeting past what it was suppose to be about. A mere meet and greet, then some kind of test or other before the real reason for their presence had been brought up. At least that was one of the many outcomes she expected to happen, not so much this friendliness being displayed. It had to be a tactic to get them complacent, to be buddies and sooth their cautiousness.

Coughing into her hand to draw his attention, “You could start with all this." she waved her arms to gesture the entire room, "This wonderful rich home you’ve made yourself. I mean the least we could know is how you’ve succeeded so well with magic of this world, or how you amassed it. Oh and I mean the magic that sustains this place like this collection here behind me or up there or even all around us, that fire there, and the pristine surfaces don’t fool me.” Adagio said as her arms folded across her chest in displeasure and leaned onto one leg.

Looking at her with little indication he felt anything at her sudden epiphany, Yellow stood still gazing at her with intrigue cloaked under his posture. They underestimated them unfortunately, with the shroud starting to fall away from her perception so soon into the schedule. The others he used to watch over them hadn’t felt her capable of showing such promise and ability, and that mishap became a regrettable one. This orange haired purple dressed diva handled the logistics, and often failed to see the small things that would cause problems. The other two were little more than instruments to enact her will. A few times, it was witnessed that she used pack behavior and dominated the usurper Aria since their arrival into this world. She was sharp he had to give her that, and she picked up on the Veil due to the gemstone in her possession which meant it had more power than he initially appraised them for. That alone opened up new potential in the Dazzlings, their natural biology must be empowered with more negative energy they consume. That in turn created problems, now he had to rework their place for the future.

“Adagio? Are you okay? You seem… I don’t know...?” Twilight had the most curious of looks etched onto her face.

“Well he did give us the gemstones, he’s probably stashed a lot of other magical shiny stuff from this world Adagio.” Sonata answered back looking to their leader from her chair.

“Not that long ago you were wringing my neck about messing this up, funny calling the kettle black…” Aria leered back to the lone seemingly defiant girl.

“We’re under a Veil spell you idiots, none of this is real and if Yellow expects us to cooperate and not leave with our two gems. He will tell us why we’re being fooled and why there are others hiding all around us.” answering back and watched as the others began to slowly freak out, “That is, if we’re that valuable to whatever he’s up to.” She said with a devious sultry tone.

There was no response to her questions being thrown his way, Adagio simply waited patiently for Yellow to do or say anything before launching into the interrogation she had prepared on the spot. A few agonizing minutes passed before he finally stirred from his moment of still thought.

The whole reason behind the glorified structure and the library had been chosen to placate a sense of safety and security for his guests especially in Twilight. The plan had been to release them from it once they agreed to the deal, then explain the whole purpose and trust they saw it’s point to the act. Now, in hindsight he wished that he’d studied the dominant Siren further to have avoided this. Her agitation coupled with the easily flipped support of the other two made this very turbulent.

“Yellow? Is this all true?” Twilight’s eyes were scanning her peripherals every few seconds as if she were under the air of attack.

He ran a hand through his cadmium red hair slowly and sighed, “One does with what one can. To be honest, your kind is a bit of a wild card as you’ve just proven. But I have my reasons and all of which were in your favor, trust me on that.”

“So you think you know everything, you’re still avoiding my question!” Adagio steadily grew more impatient, her stern eyes never leaving his golden pupils.

“Tell me this first Ms. Dazzle, if you had your entire home's safety in the unwitting hands of another. How would you deal with them and their gift that only you could restore? How much power they would attain and easily run off with believing reprisal if they broke trust? As I assume you probably thought was the case.” he answered with no hint of feeling in his words, merely sending back the same attitude towards the golden siren.

Scrunching her face into a scowl that even Aria would be proud of, she still wanted answers not more questions. However, she was smart enough to listen and see where he was coming from. No Rainboom had yet mysteriously popped into existence, no C.H. students coming out to swarm the exits. It was simply them and this lone group with an agenda.

“I took the precautions for safety, nothing more. You do possess those stones after all, and they are quite powerful. All I wanted to do, was make you less afraid of me and I would slowly reveal the veil once I earned your cooperation in spirit. We both know so little of each other, but the shark takes the baited hook and can thrash about to break the line.” His words seemed to ease the three before him and earn a glaring reaction from Adagio.

He began to turn this against her, in truth it probably was an excusable act he committed against them. Equestrian or not, they had the ability to convert them into their followers as much as any human. Yet here they were once again playing the human game and not going the easy route. Perhaps they had spent too much time in this world? An idea she'd have to investigate herself to weed out the weakness in them as Yellow had so pointed out before.

Her scowl lessened by a margin, “If you’ll tell me everything I need to know, I’ll consider not doing something regrettable with our powers, and if you know us well enough then I need not waste my breath. You do have the metaphorical gun to our heads with those lackies around us, though I'm sure we can handle them even with two gems.” Adagio stood her ground and hoped her bluff would work.

Their desperate situation after the BotB, receiving the gems, feeding again, singing once more had become a drug. They were complacent to his bread crumbs and she felt ashamed for it, her a mighty capable siren who brought low Aquestria and other big settlements on land that culminated in nearly Canterlots fall. The whole time their new chance at life was like the dream come true for them. There was a price to be paid however, and they still needed one more for Sonata in order to really be a force to reckon with.

Though in reality, it was her desire to ensure their simple minded cohort had her place to be content with. They could not leave her without a pendant, it would eventually tear the group to shreds. For her, the worst fear really came from being alone in this human wasteland even with a stone to harness energy and sing. Sirens were social creatures, they don’t last long without partners as a fish would without water. To fathom going out with just Aria, was a death sentence in itself. The famed Triad was not a saying, but a rule to survive by for young sirens.

Yellow took a deep breath and craned his neck to his accomplices hidden from eye sight.

“You were safe once I began to covet what is the salvation to our home. No one here would have hurt you, you are my little gems after all.” He snapped his fingers once.

“Tell us why you did what you did, why are we so important to your cause. What is your cause? Why do you keep referring to us as your 'Little Gems’?!” she held a hand up to her pendant hidden within her top further pushing her bluff to use it.

Her move put them at a very precarious ledge, one that spoke volumes of her intentions. Ponies would never go so low as to threaten in such a way, and that became very clear to Yellow Tail. It was a comforting thought strangely enough, perhaps he could say more than he originally wanted and not have it leaked to the mage society in Equis who could interfere again. Much like Adagio, he had a nagging feeling that the trio were just the Arcana seeking to end them and get rid of lose ends.

“If it will keep us all in one piece then I suppose there is no harm. Let me ask you this, did you ever once back in Equestria, notice how your hunger for more power never ceased? That you pushed for larger and ever grander platforms for your singing for your appetite?” he hummed in delight with the niche he needed to pry open the siren’s gusto.

Aria spoke up first if reluctantly when the curly locks remained quiet, “Yes… Adagio kept taking us to bigger and bigger cities which each fell just like the last. We hit it big and won the musical contest against Starswirl the Bearded. Then he sent us here before we could feed on the negative energy we cultivated and slave the ponies to us. I never even got to taste it all that either.”

“Starswirl yes, somepony we both have an ire for if not mine of his mentor. That was no ordinary hunger, wouldn't you agree Ms. Dazzle?” he turned his sharp eyes upon the threatening Siren after giving an empathetic look to the regretful one.

She tightened her stare, “We were doing what Sirens are naturally supposed to do. We sing, our audience fights, and we feed to grow more powerful.”

“That was an instinctual response Adagio Dazzle. Your bodies sensed the stress on the world around you and so you set out to gorge yourselves. Did you not think as to why there were no other sirens out there doing what you did? You crossed a Ley Line convergence zone before your aspirations. Those gems all sirens are born with are naturally made from birth. Every young siren grows their own at first feeding on physical food sources. Not only does it aid in spell casting, they also store power am I right? The unique mineral structure uses dark magic to create discord and chaos, breeding negativity so that you may feed on the spiritual emotional energy that empowers your kind.” He slowly started to walk towards her as he stepped heavily.

“Ley Lines? What we did was due to our lack of being tethered to tradition! We did what needed to be done. By all this gibberish I'm going to go on a line and say you had some ties to pony magicians like Starswirl were you not?” she grumbled keeping her hand primed and ready to activate her stone by a single touch.

“That my little gem, is a story for another time. For now, let us skip to your first series of questions. Why you’re so important and why we’re here to begin with. Try to let me explain first before you need to intervene, long ago when demons roamed Equis and committed horrible acts of their nature much like yours. They devoured the entire negative emotional spectrum which made them very adaptable to every creature of sentient thought. I happened to come across the lost knowledge of the menace hidden away in an old unicorn burial site when I had ventured around the world to learn of life and nature. The reason as to why your needed, we all must return home to put a stop to the Demons coming as prophesized by unicorns of old. And somehow retain magic they have been reclaiming since their sentence.” He slowly passed the three girls still glued to their tall ornamented chairs listening on the edges of their seats.

“What do you take us for? Foals?! Your sounding deranged already.” She took a step back.

“A history long removed by the Arch Mages of the past and present, in order to prevent the Demons from breaking out of their prison below Tartarus as they're empowered by mere thought. Speak not the evil and it shall remain hidden from the light of day, that had been inscribed on that tomb I found, the rest is history. A fool’s errand really, because when they were sealed away so was the one who granted the wish for magic to exist. I don’t even know if anypony is alive to this day that knows this secret that doesn't belong to the rulers of the ponies that will soon enough curse the world in pursuit of their holy mission. Only the exile here likely know anything to be honest, and we’ve been searching for a way back home to save Equis!” he balled up a fist and shook it with vigor.

“Demons? Demons gave magic to life on Equis? Are you sane? Even if what you speak is even true, that would make…you…” she kept taking steps away from the approaching man who held such fire in his heart.

“There are reasons we have lived for as long as we have, but we don’t have time for the details. We've been through the great wars of this world, one the Demons would all too much enjoy putting our home through if not to enjoy the food it would foster. What is important is that when they were sealed away, so was the deal struck with ponykind by that lone forgotten wishful pony. A deal with a very powerful Demon who gave his entire corporeal form and power to bestow the magical field around the world. So long as it could feast upon the suffering and chaos it created, the magic would stay for all to use. Ancient ponies soon evolved along with the magic and it sped up their development as well as their society by ages. When the goddess Faust could take no more of the suffering of every soul by the Demons many machinations, she banished them under Tartarus. The deal was broken and the magic has since slowly been sucked away to the Devil that made the contract. Soon, all magical creatures will be defenseless and civilizations left to rot with ill equipped denizens. The world will be left for the inept to inherit and many will perish before the calm.” He stopped just before Adagio and dropped his hand to his side, looking straight into her eyes with a soul bent on achieving their goal.

She didn’t know who she was dealing with at this point, nor if his story was even true. His conviction was powerful enough to sense, and a simmering hatred boiled beneath the human. She could only assume was his original body still alive in this world, and it was screaming for release much like they had when they lost everything. All this pointed to the clear fact that he was not likely with the Rainbooms, the fervor had been too powerful to fake and they were all still in one piece. No humiliation, no Sunset Shimmer, no Canterlot High pests around for her power to detect.

Adagio swallowed the lump in her throat, “So what? What are we for that you need so desperately!?” she almost hissed trying to keep him at an arms distance.

A deep breath and a slow exhale later, “You know about those rubies you possess that only you three can utilize to their maximum capabilities. We need you three to fill them to the brim, and with the assistance of young Ms. Sparkle over there we will break through the one portal that exists here and go back home. We can put a stop to the madness before it goes critical, but that is all I’m willing to divulge.” he leaned in closer until their eyes were a few inches away.

She utterly scoffed at his claim, trapped between wanting to enthrall him and get at the others lurking about or wanting to try and see the end of the deal. There was far too much for her to take in, but whether he was crazy or overzealous it wasn’t a good spot to be in. The turmoil within her threatened to answer for her if her will had not been strong enough as it were, a pinch in the soul she felt that kept going every few seconds like some sea louse trying to get blood between scales.

“Time in running out young siren, eventually we’ll be found out by those who use that portal or Equis will suffer its coming fate.” He told her as he gave her a little birth between them for breathing room, stepping back slowly and placing his hands behind his back.

Adagio started to sweat as her mind worked out the best possible choice, the whole situation was ludicrous at best. It became too farfetched and beyond truth that this was actually happening. To make matters worse, the other Dazzlings were looking to her for an answer and Twilight eagerly awaited her decision with an itchy pen and paper. She could handle it though, she was Adagio Dazzle, leader of the most successful pod to ever grace Equestria with their illustrious songs.

Then, the thought occurred to her that she needed to see more to be sure of. Who were the others and why were they so concerned with Equestria, much less if there was any way to contain them if she had to attack Yellow Tail. She needed to know who these others were for their safety if this went south. Composing herself and clearing her throat, she gave out the air of certainty and spoke the tangent.

“All this…” she waved her free had all around, “I want the Veil removed and those others right here and now exposed! I have to see something before I give my answer.”

With a grin the man nodded, “You surprise me once again, Ms. Dazzle.” His eyes glimmered for a moment as he snapped his fingers a second time.

The entire surrounding air began to wobble and undulate slowly like heat off a hot street during a heat wave, the spell was collapsing upon itself by his command. The only things unaffected were the seats the girls sat in and the wood floor. Yet even the ground changed, losing its clean fresh carpet and rugs as it grayed and cracked into concrete as through age and carelessness. At the very least, they were inside some kind of decrepit structure and not on some slab of concrete awaiting construction.

“You are quite the specimen of your species, that much I’ll say again.” He told her with an emotionless face which lost its character for something all the more colder.

By now the girls had jumped from their seats and huddled close, they knew soon those watchers Adagio called out as they came into view. It became an uneasy experience to see the world around them melt away. The air soon lost the warmth of an air conditioned room and replaced with the dreary cool humid air of the outside. Bright white cracks began to spider web along almost every surface as if a stone had been tossed at a mirror in several places. Audibly, the cracking had nearly reached ear splitting decibels where everyone but Yellow to cover their ears.

With a third snap of the fingers, the illusion existed no more. A blink of the eyes, the whole study room became nothing more than an empty place where a study could have been. No paintings hung, empty shelves instead stood awaiting use that never came, railings were unpainted and infested by termites, and the stone hearth looked as if it had never been used since it as constructed. It all appeared to be the skeletal form of an unfurnished home that had not seen a buyer for few year at the least.

“Wow… Adagio was right…” Sonata said in a hushed voice.

Twilight would have freaked out if it were not for her unbound need to study the cloaking device the man seemed to possess. Either he was a master chemist or there were holographic projectors strategically located that fooled even her. Then again, it may have been magic and something to that Veil Adagio called it to sway the sensory receptors like it did. Her fear for the meeting fought with the curiosity of the moment, and her tongue had stilled for simply observing for the finality that was upon Adagio’s head.

“There you are you snakes in the grass.” The golden siren regained her composure and located all six bodies that stood as bystanders.

Everyone could see a mixture of men and women who stood watching from the distance as if they were at a zoo and they themselves were the zoo attraction. Business suits, a baker, city workers, and a gardener to name them for the sake of it all gazed at them unmoving. Varying ages of adults with a higher than thou look framed on their faces. Adagio figured they cared little for such brilliance like hers, much less put on such a show that would have had them fighting. Though whoever these sentenced souls were, they all held the same belief as Yellow Tail and that troubled her. It was beginning to make his story all the more believable if by a little.

“Well since your so adament about seeing everything in the light, I want to introduce the Outcast. The ones you somehow detected within the Veil. Each and every one of them are beings who have been exiled to this world surprisingly by coincidence. It seems the banishment spell has a fixed location to dump those who are deemed dangerous.” Yellow gestured to the faux humans.

“Ya be seeing us now lass, not just tha boss. And we ain’t the kinda folks who are as patient as that bloke right there.” a man with a Scottish accent stood by the left doorway blocking its use as an exit.

One of the suits on the upper level of the library area held a suitcase and appeared impatient with the whole fiasco, “Those cheeky little minx are gonna be let in right proper.”

“Do you really mean to spark a fight here, when there are things far bigger to fear? I hope you’ll see reason and join us, and forgive this little fuss.” one of the women in a starch clean electricians uniform rhymed.

As Adagio’s eyes moved to the next soul, she saw the haggard form of that thing who gave them their first gem. That creature that could freeze time as well as the very air around her, it made her drop her strong demeanor and wince. It still looked as old and feeble as they last saw it, still wearing that hat which hid her face but left that near toothless grin be seen. That black bird perched on her left shoulder seemed to never leave her side, and it looked at her with those beady little eyes.

“I know you two have met, and I’m positive she disobeyed the order to not exercise her power. She knows that item has very little magic remaining and yet she still pushed the boundaries.” Yellow sighed seeing the stress the siren was under, “Though I guess it cannot be helped when you’re dealing with a Lich.”

“A WHAT?!” the Dazzlings collectively shouted.

Without flinching from the sudden barrage, “Details again for a later time, now Ms. Dazzle. I’ve held up my agreement so I hope you and your group will consider my proposal to help me stop the ruining from occurring.”

Her violet eyes were everywhere now, what was she to do?

Ch. 13 Collaborators

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Ch. 13 Collaborators

Sunset had survived the night without the curse to ghost her, likely had to do with the Saandie and Pinkie Pie. Though one night of well rested deep REM out of a four days worth of insomnia only did so much. Though she supposed it was better than nothing, her way to school had been filled with quietly thinking to herself. A mostly cloudy sky painted with purples, blues, and naples yellow moved every gracefully with the gentle breeze further brightened her mood. While enjoying Pinkie’s amazing pastry, Sunset could really start to enjoy the day aside from the mental attack she endured. It took the sting out of last night, the soft fluffy texture and the mild sugary coating. Every bite soothing and delightful, just enough to allow her mind to be less stressed out to wonder what was going on around them.

So far, she figured she was dealing with a very powerful sorcerer or warlock who had someone else pulling the strings. It amazed her that such a feat could even be done considering the state all exiled are in when banished. They are stripped of their powers and caste into a portal to another world, or at least that is what the mages of old had done.
That punishment had stopped after Starswirl’s era, one of the few letters to survive time he wrote just for Canterlot’s budding Scholar Arcana. He claimed to warn who was to know if the sentenced were even powerless or couldn’t revive themselves after exile. Then there was the ramifications of the world they were sent to, all that Equestria and the pony tribes of old had done was to dump their vagrants onto others. Foul things thrown onto their doorstep, just so Equestria could have a peaceful atmosphere. He having done so himself was wracked with guilt during his later years. That guilt fueled the change for the better, those who had to be banished were instead sentenced to Tartarus no matter how difficult it was or what mages were involved.

Yet who could blame the ponies back then, they had such a fractured way of life and little to unify their minds into a better collective. Sunset read through their own problems of fighting each other tribe, invading griffons, or the greedy minotaurs as it were. That being said, how many fiends were committed to this world and how long had they been here? Where there still any alive and did they have real power or just a shadow?

She still awaited Twilight’s research to confirm that the gemstone that was stolen was indeed of no value or use. Without that, she had the sinking feeling that soon Equestria would have a fight on its hooves it wouldn’t be able to bounce back from. All the dastardly beings she read up on back in Canterlot, all those only viewable in the Black Tape Archives. Most were not an issue or thankfully no longer alive, but there was still a good list of the unsavory. The fight with the Saandie had been recorded into the book also meant for Twilight’s investigation. Whether she had met with the orchestrator or some pawn she wasn’t sure, but anyone who could do what they did was on the list.

Passing by a few newly built homes, she began to consider if the unseen force was anyone she knew or saw before. How long had they been lurking about waiting for something like the Sirens to come through?
Any teacher, shopkeeper, policeman, or even a student in her classroom could be an exile. It hadn’t occurred to her until now the dangers lurking all around. The curse upon her caste after they likely studied her like a wild animal, they may already know enough about her to likely use her to some end. She was a puppet, and her strings as obvious as they may be were unbreakable now.

“I just hope Twilight gets my message, she’ll know what to find. The question is, will it be in time?” she said to herself as the last bit of the sweet treat disappeared into her mouth.

Suddenly, her phone vibrated and yanked her mind from the fear and conjecture. She had just reached the last street to cross before the gates of the school. In her mishap, she pulled it out of her jacket’s pocket and noticed the urgency. As her eyes began to read, her feet kept moving onwards into traffic.

‘We have a problem. Dazzlings with Twilight. See photo.’

She flipped through the security code and unlocked the device, the text app came on screen. Three dots blinked for a few seconds before they vanished as the photo Rarity sent loaded. It was an angled image taken hastily, thankfully however, Rarity invested in a reliable phone which easily handled quick snaps without compromising the image.

A few emotions ran through her head at that point, one was surprise at seeing Twilight Sparkle eating with the Dazzlings. She looked happy as were the three sirens, chatting away like good friends would. Hope soon came as she figured Twilight had managed to make amends with them, and thus removing a potential foe off her list. She knew if anyone could unite people or ponies, it was the princess of friendship. Though as quickly as it came, Sunset remembered the portal was only functional every thirty moons for either side. With the next opportunity a month away, there was no possible way she would have come here unless she banished herself for some reason.

Worry jumped her heart considering that the possibility was there as a threat the Dazzlings possessed which had to be tamed through friendship?

Before she could think of more questions, she had ended up nearing the median of the roadway. A large street sweeper was on a collision course with Sunset as the driver had taken that particular moment to swig his hot coffee. None the wiser, both were going to make the biggest mistake of their lives by distraction. It took a few students heading to the gate entrance on the sidewalk across to tear Sunset from her musings.


“Look out!”

“Truck! Move it!”

“Hey! Heeeeyyy!!”

The desperate cries had her snap to attention, but she chose to look at the erratic students and not to her left. She nearly looked to where a few of them were pointing to when something grabbed her right arm. Yanked harder than she’d ever been onto the grassy stripe of safety, she could hear the roar of a huge vehicle plow on through the green light intersection. Her boots stumbled as her vision went south, she lost her balance and face planted into the springy bermuda greenery.

“Well there lassie, ya ain’t due for the reaper for some time now. Ah wouldn’t be beg’in for him just yet.” She heard as she lifted her face and felt her nose for injuries, groaning from the impact.

“Ahhh…. what happened…” she asked still in a daze with the earthy floor just inches from her wobbling vision.

“Try not tae be a dobber eh?” a hearty laugh followed the adult’s voice as it moved to leave.

As she looked up, she saw the back of a city worker as they boarded a white truck geared out for maintenance and welding. She couldn’t make out their face, but she was sure it sounded like an older portly man. The white work vehicle soon joined in the flow of traffic and disappeared beyond her recovering senses. Sunset soon had a couple of students come over to her, one holding off traffic while the other lifted her up to get her across to the school.

“Sunset?! You’re not hurt are you? How many fingers am I holding up?” the boy asked calmly as her brain processed his face.

“Whaaa?” she nearly whispered as the world started to come into proper view.

Once she could shake off the wooziness, Sunset realized she was looking at Flash. He had a hand on her back and another in front of her with three fingers wagging for her attention. The look of a worried companion looked welcoming to her, as she was still at a loss for what just happened.

“I said, how many fingers am I holding up?” he smirked seeing that she was coming to.

He lifted her up slowly and coaxed her across the road where Rose Luck still maintained a hold on the traffic. Flash was far too busy trying to get her to safety to notice the blush across Shimmer’s face. Antsy drivers were beginning to honk their horns as the road started to congest behind them.

Rose followed suit and nervously waved away the people off who had been patient enough. Freighters and cars soon took off, leaving the exhaust from their tail pipes for the three to choke on. Coughing out the minute smog, Flash set the girl down against the wall of the school’s perimeter brick fence. Kneeling by her with Rose next to him, the both of them caught their air before sharing a much needed laugh.

“You know, they say texting and driving are the worst things to combine. I’m going to say it’s safe to say texting and walking into traffic is just as bad.” Sentry jokingly said while patting Sunset’s shoulder.

“You scared my heart out of my ribcage! Could you not do that again, please?” Rose told her with her left hand over her chest to emphasize.

The reprimand was well earned that Sunset knew, “I’m sorry guys, I’ve just been under a lot of stress lately. Not a lot of sleep. I didn’t think at the time.”

Rose nodded, “Ya, Pinkie told me you’ve been having nightmares for awhile now. I’m tempted to have my cousin give you a ride to school until you sleep better. Or am I going to have to make sure you turn off your phone before you go out? Cause I can and will do.”

“Look guys, I’m fine really I am and I’ll walk with the girls next time. But… thanks for helping me, who was that man who pushed me? What happened?” Sunset asked remembering looking at the picture and soon having said hello to the grass.

The two students simply shrugged and shook their heads, whoever they were they didn’t stay long enough to be noticed.

“After you walked into the street while not looking both ways, you were going to be flattened by the city sweeper. No one really noticed him park his truck in the middle of the intersection when I’m guessing he saw you walk through the crosswalk. I’m sorry we can tell you much about it, we were too busy trying to warn you.” Rose answered feeling bad about having little information to give.

“Hey, just be glad someone saved your sorry butt from being turned into roadkill. Probably just your average everyday hero?” Flash smiled back at her when he noticed the summary Rose Luck gave earned a grimace from Sunset.

Shimmer had enough excitement without being told how death was nearly there to take her away. As it were and this was topping it to a new level. She could already start to remember why she nearly died, and it wasn’t making this moment any easier. She needed to be alone and resume her thinking, a dark cloud was coming and something was definitely not right with the world.

“Ya, just some random stranger who cared enough to help. Listen, guys… I need to head to class and catch my breath. My heart’s still pounding and I kind of want to put this all behind me.” She lied as she stood up and dusted off her orange skirt.

Flash gave her room as Rose and him rose, “Hey, if you ever need any help you can always come to us. Just please, promise you’ll be careful alright?”

“Ya, you may of wrecked the school once before, but that doesn’t mean we don’t care about your well being. Stop by my house later after school, I have some medicinal flowers that could help you sleep better.” Rose offered.

“Thanks guys.” She rubbed her left arm nervously, “I’ll see you around, and Rose I’ll see if I have time. Text you later!”

She wanted to get away fast to avoid the uneasiness around Flash’s kindness. Being her past boyfriend, it made the situation very awkward for her. Knowing how he took to Twilight on both her ventures to this world, it wouldn’t be right to make any more of a stronger bond with him than what was already there. As she left waving goodbye, she shivered at the close call she had. Of all things to do her in, reckless jaywalking wasn’t a possibility she thought of.

Taking twenty minutes to push it all away and regain her character, Sunset found her resolve. She had arrived at her Chemistry class, leaning against the wall next to the door of first class. It was still early enough before the teacher even appeared, and she wanted to analyze Rarity’s photograph without being under threat of vehicular manslaughter.
With the adrenaline finally leaving her system, she breathed in and out slowly to calm her jittery hands. Holding the phone to her face she wiped away previous ideas from before and favored a clean slate for a better analysis. A near death experience could easily do that for anyone.
Looking to the image that loaded once again onto the screen, it was as clear as day. The three defeated Sirens sat in that fancy cafe with Twilight Sparkle, there was no other image or additional data to go through. She simply saw a meeting of two different forces having a chummy of a time. Of course there was the unique attire she wore, some kind of fancy dress and rather dorky looking glasses. A though formed of Twilight trying to avoid being detected, she even had her hair bunched up too.
The portal wasn’t set to reopen for awhile nor could it be forced open. It meant she came here another way for some dire purpose to talk to the sirens. The only other reason could be was as she was told before. The other elements of magic had versions of themselves in this world. That meant there was a chance Twilight existed here as a human, an idea that was not comforting if it were indeed true. A mind like hers cavorting with the likes of the Dazzlings could cause some trouble; no doubt about it.

Turning off her phone and shoving it into her jacket, “But their abilities were stripped! I saw their pendants shatter, they can’t have any more influence in this world… unless…” she said to herself.

The missing gemstone that was stolen had to have been their doing or at the very least that man who was seeing Sonata. As devious as Adagio was, that story was likely a cover when they crossed paths in mid conversation. Perhaps it was the same being who invaded her sanctity of mind?
So then if somehow the Sirens were a part of some huge scheme, they now had this world’s twilight allied with them. There was no other explanation considering how much they likely despised the Rainbooms and her from preventing them to get away with slaving everyone with their songs.

Sunset was jarred from contemplation, the communication device vibrated as Rarity sent another text. It was about her and all the girls to gather in the cafeteria where she’d speak of what she overheard during lunch. That girl wasn’t the type to gossip unless everyone was around her whether a blessing or a fault. Though it was becoming a growing itch in the back of Sunset’s mind as to what was overheard. It would make all the difference in their research over what was going on.

“I will get to the bottom of this.” She vowed to herself before the first bell rang.

When the break period came, Sunset had found herself slacking in her classes in favor of drawing conclusions to their dilemma. It was a hit to her studies she could afford for the time being. While her professors and instructors babbled on of the next test or assignment, Sunset pondered solutions even if it was a bit early to do so. They could try to strike peace with the Dazzlings again, only without Rainbow in tow or anyone else for that matter. If they really had a working stone on them, anyone but her would be affected. Which then negated her plan seeing as the two groups would fight in the end under some kind of influence.

The other idea was to befriend Twilight and see if they could forge a bond of some kind. They wouldn’t try to tear her away from them, but simple add to her friends list. On the other hand of course, she’d have to resort to shocking her into who the Dazzlings were and might still be if she was innocent to their doings. There were other ideas, but most were not very reliable or short of lies and deceit which Sunset wouldn’t even dream of using. Unless it truly came down to that of course, Equestria and this world came first.

She strolled through the double doors into the cafeteria, blocking out the cacophony of chatter, clanging of eatery, and the kitchen staff at work. Her mind in overtime, her legs walked her right past the lunch line and straight to the vacant table the group used every time. Normally a place for cheery upcoming fun activities or trading notes around for exams, today it would be shadowed with what news was to come.

No one was there just yet, she had arrived early enough in hopes to catch Rarity first. She took her seat and looked at the photo again and remembered the Saandie’s words. Though she wanted to mark them as lies and false claims, a part of her felt there was something there to go with. It obviously was their only way of getting to her without showing themselves, and they knew about the hidden information as well. Somehow they were aware of the archive which was equally troubling considering they were specific about information she had to know.

“Hey Shimmer, not eat’n today?” Applejack spoke and brought the girl back to reality as she sat down across from her.

“Oh uh, I’ll get something later. Not really hungry right now.” She smiled at the farm girl who took the seat before her.

“From what Pinkie’s told us you need to be eat’n right as much as getting a good night’s rest. You ain’t gonna be fight’n with a full head and half a body.” Applejack waved her fork at her friend in jest.

“I’m fine, really, and I promise to get something after Rarity tells us what she heard.” Sunset put her hands up to placate.

“The girls should be here soon, and what’s this all about that Rarity’s got her panties in a bunch?” she said as she speared into an apple tart and began to devour her meal.

Sunset grimaced and put on a rather serious face, “We have a problem and I’m not sure how to handle it, but I can’t say much else until Rarity tells me what she overheard.”

Having had her phone already out, Shimmer showed off the image and even zoomed in to the target of interest.

“Well when did Twilight get back so soon? I’m surprised she’s not met up with us. Wait didn’t the portal only open every so often?” Applejack set her food down and looked closer at the picture, “Wait… is she with those folk? Is she try’n to get some peace between us and them? And why is she in a Crystal Prep uniform?”

Sunset pulled back her device and looked forlornly at the table, “I’m not sure about the dress actually. It’s possible that she came here through some other method. It would mean she found it extremely necessary to expedite herself to stop something catastrophic from happening. Though I doubt it, she hasn’t sent me anything through the book about coming here like that. She would have told me if something was so bad she’d be coming here.”

“Who’s coming to visit?” Dash asked as she popped a seat next to her.

Fluttershy followed suit along with Pinkie Pie who had two trays of lunch on her. One balanced on top of her curly pink hair and the other in her hands. Before Sunset could ask as to why she balanced a food tray like that, one of them ended up before her set with everything to satisfy a growing girl’s body. Since the dreams had started plaguing her, the party girl had become a sort of life saver for Sunset. Something she couldn’t understand why she went out of her way for her. Though who was she to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Mustering a thankful smile for the food before going back down the rabbit hole, “I want to wait until Rarity gets here first before we dive into this. But check this out.”

She held her phone for the others to see, most of which were confused looks.

“When did she get back? It hasn’t even been that long.” Dash raised an eyebrow as she bit into a loaded sandwich.

“Oh, is she trying to become friends with the Dazzlings? I think that’s such a good thing, who knows what kind of life they’ve had to live without their voices.” Flutteryshy seemed rather happy for the possible scene.

“Why? They practically turned the school into their little buffet and soon to be servants! Those three got what they deserve and more if you ask me.” The prismatic haired girl scoffed with a chip in her shoulder.

“You think Twilight’s helping them?” Sunset decided to consider the timid animal person’s point of view.

When the table set its eyes on her, she realized she made the mistake of opening her mouth. Looking away and feeling under pressure, Fluttershy answered with a low shaky voice.

“I…I…um… it’s like… they did do harm of course. But they were born that way, it would be like asking a lion to not hunt and eat vegetables. They may be regular girls now, but life… um… must be difficult? If that’s okay to say that…”

If the others hadn’t had someone like Fluttershy to bring a fresh idea to the table as she’d done, they’d have quite the narrow view of others. For that Sunset didn’t jump the gun in reaction as a certain someone did.

“What? You’re kidding flutters? They’re girls like us.” Dash looked with an emotionless face as if she’d heard the most insipid thing in her entire life.

“Look Flutteryshy, I understand what you mean, but they are not some wild animal that has to have negative energy. Sirens are as sentient as any human or pony, they have choices to make and they can sustain themselves on physical means just as well. Sure it’s in their nature to sow disharmony and thrive off it, but that’s no excuse to give them a free pass for choosing to do it.” Sunset said with a calm and understanding tone.

“I think I only caught half of that, but I’m with Sunny here. Those three could have gone on with life like us, so I ain’t gonna feel nothing for them. Siren’s or no.” Dash stood firm in her belief as Applejack shook her head in disagreement.

“I only meant that we should at least see their perspective for ourselves and tried to help them like we did you.” Shy wore a growing gaze of confidence as the topic delved into the nature of the sirens, her way with animals just seemed to fill her spirit to debate.

“Fluttershy, I know what your aiming to get across. And your right, we all could have done something for them with their powers gone. I’m sure they were scared and confused without their songs to get through in this world, and they probably needed a friend to push them into the right direction. I know what they probably went through better than anyone here, but there is something you all should know first.” Sunset was about to mention last night when the girl of the hour appeared.

“I do hope I’m not interrupting anything?” Rarity asked with a lunch tray and her phone in hand.

As everyone greeted the fashionista and made room for her to sit, Fluttershy eased back into her less assertive personality. Choosing to go back to her food and observe what more Sunset had to say. Having Shimmer admit she was right was a plus for her and enough to know the others could start to think the same. After as much as Sunset worried about them causing trouble, the talks she gave about Sirens over the past couple of weeks had her thinking them as creatures turned human rather than a pony in comparison. For reasons she saw misunderstood beings, and quite possibly ones who could even live alongside with ponies or humans if they fed in a beneficial way. Though she dared not speak of such things with how the group still handled the Dazzlings as a danger.

“Actually Rarity, we’ve been waiting for you.” Shimmer said anxiously.

“Ya, with how big a deal you made things sound I’m mighty interested in this whole deal with Twilight and the sirens.” Applejack added.

“Oh! Here…” she quickly brought her phone for everyone to see as she activated the voice memo feature, “I managed to record some of their conversation. I’m afraid it’s not anything I can believe myself though, it can’t be our Twilight with them.”

“Now I’m interested, play the recording already!” Dash propped herself on the tabletop with her arms to hover over the screen.

“It would seem we’ve lost our little Twilight…” Rarity said with a grim and dower tone.

As the girls stayed silent, the audio started and recanted the meeting. The utter look of disbelief was true to Rarity’s word, and it turned the whole issue with the Dazzlings into Sunsets favor. However, winning their unconditional help to deal with the resurgence was actually not a welcomed thing. It meant they had the villains back once more and Twilight was somehow in support of them with a third party supplying the gems. Where the gems were being gathered was another issue for later, as were the magical artifacts.

Once the entire clip ended, with a little into Twilight’s life in this world. The collective sigh of relief came over everyone when they realized this was the human version that was born human. The very idea of the Princess of Friendship helping the chaos creators was an unthinkable reality.

“Okay, so it’s not our Twilight helping them so that’s a plus.” Applejack sat back satisfied with that knowledge.

“And that’s your most dire concern? They have their gems back and more! That means we gotta find them and hit them with the good ole sweet magic again! Gonna rock out loud and defeat some baddies!” Rainbow pumped her fists in excitement.

“I guess I have to hand it to you Sunset, you sure did know there was something wrong after you were mugged at that café by some hooligan.” Rarity spoke up with a friendly smile.

“I really wish I wasn’t though, because now its narrowed things down and what remains is not a pleasant thought.” She sighed taking a drink of orange juice.

“Whatcha talkin about sugar cube? We know what’s happening now so we can stop it before they grow too powerful right?” the farm girl said innocently unaware.

Before she could answer, it dawned on her that Pinkie hadn’t said a word and simply kept to her many sweet treats and the one lone honey covered burger. The other four girls went on with the topic and how to possibly deal with the sirens. Like a cat that caught her tongue, she glanced at her friend who stared at nothing as everyone became consumed by the likelihood of another epic battle.

“Pinkie Pie? Are you okay?” Sunset asked which drew the others from their chatter.

The blue eyed girl slowly looked to the attentive group of friends and slowly stopped chewing on a muffin she was working through. Swallowing the food in her mouth she burst into her characteristic triad of Pinkie logic.

“I already knew it couldn’t have been the Twilight Sparkle before Rarity’s recording because Twilight would have come and said hello and told us about what she was doing. But she didn’t and Rarity found her siding and aiding the Dazzlings as if they were good ole chums since kindergarden and they were even asking about her family too which means they’re either not evil or accepted her because some big baddie is using them to do some huge villainous plot to get into our Twilights world to wreak untold havoc!”

As usual whenever Pinkie Pie said her peace in such a near breathless manner, no one had words to respond. They simply watched her go back to eating and let her short speech dig in and stew. She broke the ice which Sunset was about to do herself, though now all the girls looked to her for answers.

“Well this segued into something that makes this situation even more dangerous.” She said as her food sat before her mostly untouched.

“We’ll we ain’t getting any younger, spill the beans!” Dash pushed as she downed what was left of her lunch with eagerness.

Applejack nodded and Fluttershy watched her when it seemed like the alarm was only going to be louder now.

“It’s going to take a lot longer to go through everything I have to say. If we could all later meet up somewhere? It’s really important, because last night I had a confirmation that there are others like the Dazzlings trapped in your world. I’m worried they’ve formed some kind of league or other and are going to do something that involves those three. I encountered two of them when I was alone in my dorm, dark magic was used and I was given a warning.” She spoke with a sullen mood.

“So yer positive of this?” Applejack asked and received a short nod.

“I don’t have practice after school, so I can make it. How about Sugar Cube Corner?” Dash offered.

“Oh my! You’re not hurt by them are you?” Fluttershy asked as caring as ever which renewed everyone’s attention upon her again.

“Yes I am Applejack, I was trying to figure out who could have stolen the gem when someone sent a dream demon when I was in meditation. Someone was controlling the spell, but I managed to get them out of my mind before they could do any damage. Sugar Cube Corner it is, and don’t worry everyone. It lost its ability to sustain itself after a moment, using such dark magic like that needs a lot of mana. Which they thankfully had limited amounts of.” She said before the bell rang.

Students in the lunch room started to leave, tossing their rubbish away. As every little click and group of teenagers sauntered out in their own pace, the girls remained just long enough to ensure they knew they had to meet later and where. Sunset had more to add, but with class calling she left the discussion at that. For now, the dominos were being stacked into a very long line, and it was making the future look very grim.

Ch. 14 Turning Point

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Ch. 14 Turning Point

“Alright, well that was technically a bust. But I can understand the secrecy. Though I’m very surprised the Princesses didn’t trust me with the knowledge of those Shadow Agents. Then again, I have technically free reign in the most classified archives in all of Equestria.” Twilight said to herself as she trotted away from Stellar’s office into the winding passageways of the Royal Palace.

Defeated in the attempt to promote Thestral culture to Equestria at large, Sparkle took solace in the intimate knowledge she at least earned for her reference. Perhaps years from now she’d be allowed to write the books she wanted to once the world became safer. She could travel to schools and universities to dispel the natural rumors of fearful ponies. Lead field trips to their village hidden in the mountain caverns, and teach growing foals of both tribes of one another. Fostering friendship bonds that would span generations, but these would be goals for another time.

She still had a couple more hours before she could expect the Adepts, and she wouldn’t have access to the Black Tape Archives just yet. She remembered Celestia asking her to not forget about her friends back in ponyville just before the their meeting ended. She mentally slapped herself for not sending a letter or two to Spike for the girls. They must be worried about her since she last saw them after the trip to get her crown back. She left so fast she wasn’t able to be sent off properly. Pinkie is probably awaiting her return with some big party no doubt.

She smiled to herself knowing a good letter was long overdue that she could kill some time with as well. There was so much she hadn’t told the others about, the friends she made, human culture, the amazing world of machines, technology, and the sirens she fought with Sunset Shimmer and crew. Dash would love to hear about her other self and the part she played. Rarity and Applejack would have a fit to hear how they came under the spell of the siren song and bickered like they did at her first ever slumber party.

“I may not be able to tell them about all the other stuff or what I’m up to, but at least it’ll be fun to tell them about the Battle of the Bands.” She said out loud as she strolled through the halls.

“What was the Battle of the Bands?” a deep masculine voice filled the passageway connecting to the left.

Immediately, Steel Vigil rounded the corner garbed in his familiar armor as if he’d never gotten off guard duty. His sudden appearance from the left connecting corridor had her stop in stride, but her initial surprise turned into a friendly hello.

“Commander Vigil, I was expecting you to be asleep by now?” her question was answered by a grin, “Oh… I was talking to myself again, well it happened on the other side of the crystal mirror. Just saving a world from being dominated by dangerous creatures with enchanting voices who were banished there by Starswirl the Bearded.” She casually said.

“So the tales are true, you are a warrior Princess as Princess Luna was long ago. I’m honored to be in your presence Lady Twilight.” He bowed humbly before her.

“No its… its all fine its fine really! All we did was use friendship to break the Siren’s songs…” she stopped when he perked his head up and eyes alert.

“Sirens? You fought those beasts?” Vigil rose and closed distance with the mare as the mere utter of the Dazzlings triggered him.

“Yes? We used latent Equestrian magic to blast their Hippocampus forms and shatter their pendants. Rendering them as human as any of the students at Canterlot High.” She slowly stepped away.

The armored pony snorted loudly as if a bad memory came to, with his eyes looking every which way like there were scrolls and books before him. It had Twilight guessing there was more to the problems of Equestria than she originally thought. The way he reacted, it seemed like there were more sirens than the Dazzlings still in existence unlike Windegos or Discord.

Steel shook his head and mumbled something before his facial features were as serene as they were before she brought the battle up.

“I’m sorry what were we talking about?” he innocently asked.
Choosing to avoid the subject she skipped ahead, “I just met with Commander Aileron and we had an interesting discussion. I must say I’d love to visit your village when I have time. Your culture sounds so rich and progressive.”

Steel simply bowed humbly, “I’m quite sure you’d be well accepted, having another Princess, and a battle hardened one at that visiting. It would be quite a call of honor.” He said as his armor plates lightly clanked with each movement with the two continuing in Twilights original direction.

She noticed how he worded his reply, “Doesn’t Princess Celestia stop by the Thestral village, she goes out to all the other pony cities and towns as often as possible.”

“I’m afraid she’s always very caught up with the Solar Court and the Nobles to see us very much these days. We understand and have no qualms with it, she does raise the sun after all. At the very least Princess Luna of the Night does come to see the foals every week, they always enjoy her stars and constellations.” He looked to the high arched ceiling of the hall as if the Sun was right there.

“Interesting to know, well, once I’m not too busy I have knowledge to share. I’d love to know as much of Thestral culture as possible and nothing beats a hooves on approach! Though, Commander Stellar was very clear I couldn’t write about you until the Agents of Shadow are no longer are a threat. Nonetheless, I’m sure I could also add to your libraries as well, I am the librarian of Ponyville after all, the Castle of Friendship Archive, third to the Crystal Empire’s and Canterlot.” She proudly explained as the possibility of spreading new knowledge to hungry minds became as tasteful as honey.

“To be honest, we have been meaning to expand upon what we’ve had. I’ll warn you though it may not be very vast, so your help would be very welcomed Princess. Most of the foals go into immediate training to become Warriors of the Night Guard, but I believe some enhanced literary wisdom of the world at large would do some good. Please, feel free to organize a time you want to visit and we’ll see to it as soon as possible.” He bowed again with a gentle smile.

“Excellent! Well as much as I’d love to interview you as soon as possible, I know you need your rest so another night I could catch you?” her spirit as giddy as a filly with such an opportunity for her.

“Actually I’m quite an effective sleeper, its part of the reason I’m acting commander for the Night Guard. Just need three hours and I’m fit for duty.” He held his head high though not like a Noble would.

“That… sounds remarkable?” she tilted her head, “Are you sure that’s not a medical detriment, I mean the Ministry of Health has said you need at least six hours for combat duty to be within optimum perimeters.”

Steel grinned, “That Princess Twilight, is a very well kept secret of my family. Passed down at random really, and it’s a boon to a Thestral warrior to possess. It only pops up every three generations, so suffice to say I’m quite healthy by Canterlot’s Royal medical staff.”

“Well if you say so, we should have two hours I believe before I need to see a couple ponies soon. Where would you like to have our little talk?” she asked taking up a position next to him.

“I was on my way to the cafeteria, just came back from talking with my lieutenants from the northern patrols. Haven’t had a bite to eat for some time now.” He hinted at the most favorable place.

“Actually, I think that is quite perfect myself. After Commander Stellar’s special tea, I’m feeling a bit hungry for a snack since I’m no longer tired. Lead the way Commander.” Twilight looked forward to his side of the story with the A.O.S.

The two ponies kept quiet and trotted to the mess hall for the guard staff, which at the time had finished serving the Solar Guard midday meal. It was evident with B Company filing out in their last numbers looking sated and happy, if a stoic stern look could be equated to content satisfaction. Sparkle had many questions to pass by the high ranking Thestral, seeing as he and Stellar lead different theatres of combat. She had to know if there was more she could learn of what endangered Equestria so often that made the dangerous ventures she lived through as nothing more than headlines in the busy Manehatten scene. An underlying problem that Celestia hadn’t told her before, and it only made her want to help even more. A dire need calling to her that she even sent a letter to the Scholar Arcana for private lessons in battle magic after Luna had mentioned the Demons. Tirek was one thing as was Discord, but discrete and assassin type foes would be a new thing on her plate. These covert dissenters trying to use spell bound demons to affect Equestria were inconceivable.

At least now, a whole new world was being presented to her on a silver plate. A clandestine force that might very well be tied to the thief of the gemstone in the human world, it was a possible lead to new evils.

Leaned against the nearest wall away from the peanut gallery, Adagio had been chewing at her fingernails anxiously. It was a nervous reaction she rarely exhibited, though now was a perfect time to let it go. Her instincts screamed to get the girls and escape. They had to be among some kind of crazy human cult. For as long as they’ve lived in this world, those types of humans were almost too crazy for their songs to capture; much less feed off.
Here they were chasing the waggling treats of some stranger whose goal sounded as farfetched as any swindler’s tale to sell cheap goods. A doomsday prophecy a bunch of other banished creatures clung to in hopes they’d likely go back to Equis for their own revenge. They needed the vast pool of dark magic that they sang for that this deluded man provided the means to get. Magic they earned through their hard work and the negative energy they fostered.
‘We need that last gemstone, if we can get it from them somehow without it backfiring. We can control these buffoons and turn this all in our favor. No tricks or a surprise sucker punch, we have to make them love us and then we’ll find out if any of this is true. Yes… that’s what we’ll do… that is unless they have methods to protect themselves. They wouldn’t wholly give a Siren back her power and not expect them to turn.’ She thought to herself when she remembered the compliments Yellow gave them.

While she dealt with the bitter matter at hand, Aria and Sonata had spread out from the defensive huddle with Twilight. They hadn’t been assailed by the onlookers yet who were content to simply stay their ground and speak little below their breath. Some whispered to others and often replied with a snort of disdain.

Sonata looked to each and every one of the six people looking for some kind of response she could read off on. Though all she received were nearly blank stares, almost like those from anyone under their song. It was a strange realization she couldn’t shake, a magical hold on a being that meant nothing moved without the permission of the controller. She wanted to say something to Aria about it, but she could see and feel the erratic aura coming off the Dazzling. That kind of mood which meant she’d sooner bite at her than listen. Adagio was off and away in her own world, and Twilight knew nothing much of magic. Deciding to talk about her findings later, it occurred to her that Yellow Tail was the only one with the shine in his eyes. He wasn’t under any influence or spell, if anyone he’d be the one to get a question into.

“Mr. Tail, you promise they won’t harm us? I don’t feel like they don’t want to attack or that they do. It’s just, no one really has friends like this unless they were ready for a fight.” Sonata asked cautiously feeling ever fearful without a gem for her to harness any kind of defensive ability.

“Ya Yellow Tail, what’s to stop them from doing anything? Are we really that scary with our powers or you planning something if we didn’t agree to your league of lame gentlemen!?” Aria grumbled ever ready for a surprise ambush despite the placid atmosphere.

A heavy sigh came from the tall man as he shook his head, “After all was said you still feel afraid? Is there nothing I can tell you to ease your nerves?”

“Is Equestria really in danger? You do realize what we plan to do once we get there right?” Dusk asked as Twilight carefully scooted next to her for security.

The question seemed to not bother the man, it merely earned his attention with a sympathetic gaze. She could feel his eyes studying her before they looked to the ground as if a complicated equation was brought before him. Sparkle wasn’t any different, while a feeling of apprehension could be seen in her body language she was trying to plan an escape. Fiddling with her glasses as the tension brought her to sweat a little and constantly send her eyewear sliding down.

“If… if I may, now I might be taking a shot in the dark but you’ve been looking at this Equestria like a sick body? Isn’t that right?” Twilight asked as she eyed the last figure in the shadows.
“Very quick to pick up young one. Magnificent creatures like Sirens for example are the wild fires that any forest needs to be healthy. They pass through and cause chaos and disorder, yet they never linger and seek ever larger crowds. They among many other denizens of the wild balance order when peace stagnates progress.” He noted as he took to the seat Sparkle had once occupied.
His heavy frame made the wood creak for a few moments, groaning under the weight of the adult male. Arm rests soon popped lightly as his elbows perched themselves upon them, his hands came up to support his chin. Once in a restful position, Yellow’s eyes locked onto the aged wood floor they all stood on. It had Twilight looking to Sonata with a clueless shrug at the odd behavior he exhibited.
“So you mean the Dazzlings wouldn’t have gone on a power seeking journey and ended up here if this demon you spoke of wasn’t imprisoned and that deal broken? It seems like you know a lot about this Equis, who were you before you had been placed here? If you don’t mind me asking that is?” Sparkle wanted to avoid metaphors and get to the grit, clear and cut facts.
“Ya, like were you some kind of unicorn or maybe a griffon? A dracony?” Sonata tilted her head as she put a finger onto her chin with every species on Equis being pictured as Yellow Tail.
While she busied herself with imaginative thoughts which entertained her to a great extent, Twilight soon found further reason to continue questioning. Equis had started to become an old world version of her world. Myths and legends of old were apparently real as were the siren species, the gemstones and spells she worked with proved it. If she were to understand magic, learning about the creatures who used it was just as important as learning its foundation. Before any answers came from Twilight, the other member of the Dazzlings finally burst from her silence.

“I don’t care if Equestria is going to lose its magic, why should we care at all?! So long as we have gems we can survive and live. Magic or no magic!” Aria nearly yelled while staring at the Lich in the upper level who gained her ire earlier.

The blatant comment had Twilight snapping her attention to her, “Why would you say that? I thought you three needed Equestrian magic?”

“We have these you dipstick, they are more powerful than all our three original pendants combined! We get more bang for our buck unlike the useless pieces of pyrite we had. We could easily make this world ours and be adored by billions!” Aria fired back as she cupped her jewel close to her body for fear it would disappear.

“But you all were so adamantly against being human, if you let your homeworld go then you’ll be stuck here as a hominid no matter the gems you have. Didn’t it make you miserable to be human? You’ll still be part human regardless!” Sparkle shook her head in disbelief.

Their walk to this place had a good portion of it listening to Aria complain about their experience after losing their pendants and voices. How defenseless and hopeless their lives were, and the sands of time that would eventually strike them down. Though she tuned out much of the whining, Twilight had gleaned enough to see the benefits of being who they really were.
“Before we got our new powers, before we could sing again. Now that we can, I’m all for Adagio’s original plan to dominate this place. No mages to banish us, no unicorns or other spell casters to send us away again! Just stupid useless monkeys who we’d be doing a favor by captivating them to do our bidding! No wars, no segregation as your kind seem to love to do as much as the ponies. You all would love us equally and live to serve us…” Aria was clearly going on a power trip with nothing Twilight could say to mitigate it.
Not far from them Adagio had a hard time being able to think. With Aria going off the deep end, she had no option to neither ignore the idiot nor let her mind stray from their personal objective. She had her plans they needed to fulfill before any solid future was taken, and Aria wasn’t about to steal that away. With a toothy snarl, the golden girl called out and gained the rampant cohort’s attention.
“Please excuse her, she’s quite prone to moments of newborn foal. She in no way speaks for us as a whole, that’s my job. Now… Aria, if I have to take back my word and give that gem to Sonata I will. Don’t… Tempt… Me!” she exerted her displeasure upon the girl with full effectiveness.

Aria felt a spark through her growing irritableness, as if she’d been lightly slapped for being confrontational. It was that moment when she could vaguely remember the feeling of having no voice to sing their entrancing songs. To have no extended lifespan and an ugly fleshbag of a body in need of constant care. Sure they were now in a transient state between their former selves and then, with magic essentially taking away much of the mortal drawbacks. Even now, as long as they could sing and feed off the humans, the stones worked their use. A third piece to the pie and the three wouldn’t even be mortal anymore, or so Adagio believed at least. This sudden shine into her clouded mind had cracked her train of thought. It felt as if a blanket had smothered her mind and sent it into a strange place. She wanted to be back home, back where magic was as thick as the air she breathed. Not this dead rock or its parasite race sucking away until nothing would remain. Then again, they could stop it all, and be rulers through their enchanted voices. Music to control every ape to save this planet and maybe unearth more magical elements, maybe even make a second Equis with some sort of background magic.

“Why don’t you bring it cheese puff! If I were in charge we’d have been far better off… what’s stopping us from a little contest to see who’s the alpha of this pack!?” she challenged Adagio, with a dark intent she defied and stood her ground.

“Aria! Calm down will you… your actually scaring me.” Sonata pleaded as she stepped away from the greedy Dazzling.

“She’s right, you’re not yourself at all, it’s like you’re under some kind of....” Twilight backed away towards Yellow.

“Influence?” Yellow completed her sentence.

Now the spotlight was upon her, and the feeling was becoming as painful as a sunburn. Her immediate associates were not the only ones who looked cautious of her current attitude, but the watchers around her as well. She felt belittled by their looks, their judging gaze that dare to make her feel wrong for thinking like she did. Why they seemed to corner her and sap away what confidence and strength she held only a few seconds ago was a mystery. She felt abandoned by her waning willpower as the angry stare of Adagio threatened to become pure rage. If she could guess, their leader looked ready to throttle her to the moon.

“Do enlighten us to this notion you brought up Yellow Tail, I’m quite interested myself now. Just ignore the little foal here throwing a temper tantrum.” Adagio forced her eyes from the attempted takeover and calmed down enough to avoid rash actions.

“Your powers are from different kind of siren, did it not occur to you to resist their essence infecting you?” he simply inquired as if it were common knowledge.

“What?” Aria looked aghast.

“Keep going, because I’m starting to feel as if you’ve been withholding valuable information concerning these stones.” Adagio demanded with a venomous tone to both Yellow and Twilight.

Shaking her head, “I… I… I don’t know anything about that! I swear I was just told about the inhibitor spell matrix and that was all!” Sparkle protested.

With a loud exhale of breath Yellow’s golden shimmering eyes locked onto Adagio’s, “I had hoped you’d have been beyond a mere lingering soul’s attempt to take your bodies. So far you’ve proven tactile and resourceful, but the obvious has missed you once again. Just like at the Battle of the Bands…”

“So you thought things would just fall into place? We’ve been away from Equestria for so long and you expect us to be in our prime?! Only a fool would expect such a thing when we’ve been running on fumes for years!” Adagio snarled again at the indignation and stomped her booted heel.

“I hoped for much more and yet I get so less. Guess we have a new limit to add to things.” Yellow said with disregard to the leader of the Dazzlings.

Her aggravation soon locked onto the gem dealer, he was trying to goad something from them with that remark. A rather direct stab at them, one she took extreme offense to.

“You’re really making it easy to say no to your alliance. If you poke the Minotaur… you’ll soon get the horns if you catch my drift.” She said seething.

“All is fun in a couple of games here and there, I thought you had known a few human tendencies by now. They can be a bit infectious as they are inharmonic. So calm yourself my little gems, this has thus far been to tie up a loose end as you can see.” Yellow snapped his fingers again before his other hand weaved the air with a dim glow emitted from the palm.

The Dazzlings were left in quiet confusion, while Sonata and Twilight looked back and forth between the two bickering parties. The glow in his hand popped like a firecracker, leaving another Siren Gem in his grasp. This left Sonata to gasp and gawk, its presence was full of vigor. She could sense the pull of its call, beckoning her to own it like a magnet to metal. Her feet slowly inched towards from shuffling to a few steps to the seated Yellow Tail.

He wore the look of bland interest as the gem he held soon floated above his head lazily and wobbled. What was weird about the ordeal for Twilight was obvious, Yellow had something planned out all along. Now with the third gem, she was sure it was a test of character for the girls. He tested the bounds of their restraint, as she couldn’t fathom anything else with so little knowledge of magic as she had.

“I’m sure Ms. Twilight here told you about the story behind these. You’ve likely seen their past lives.” The gemstone above him slowly flickered to life, “The thing about emotionally charged magic, especially the dark magic that you harness is that it’s a great medium for immortality to some extent.”

Before Sonata could get closer someone’s arm blocked her at the waist, the soft collision jolted her from her hazy stupor. Blinking awareness into its rightful place, she looked at the limb before her. It was a well dressed arm, a high quality solid blue dress suit adorned the white under sleeve with a jade stone inlaid into a cufflink. She slowly looked up the arm and followed the creaseless clothing up to the face of one of the businessmen. Prim and proper, she could tell he took extreme care of his outer appearance, much like how she use to do with her tail scales before a show. She soon found herself looking at his oval shaped face, a soft olive dark skin sporting a frown, nearly jade green colored eyes like his short cropped hair which looked at her sternly. As she tried to further study his features, his shake of the head reminded her of what happened seconds ago. He stopped her from going to the floating gem like a zombie or when there was a buffet of those crispy shelled meat and lettuce encased delicacies.

Her zoned out state was not missed by Twilight, she barely even saw the man move from where he was. Another moment she would have jumped out of her skin if there were not something else of drastic importance going on around her.

Strange enough, Aria renewed her fight in herself and soon shouted curses at both Yellow and Adagio. She beckoned her challenge of dominance once again at the current head of the Dazzlings. It earned her a spiteful and barely contained storm of wrath that bordered on action. To bystanders like Twilight, she couldn’t help but keep an eye on the situation as both had their gems to fight with. Though she’d not seen them in action concerning a battle, the amount of energy stored in those stones had to have some physical power behind them.

However, she immediately noted a white smoky wisp flowing around and outwards from the gemstone above Yellow. As if the movements indicated it were alive and grasping at anything to get out of the brilliant ruby casing. A quick guess had her swinging her head back to the contesting sirens, and just the same occurred with them. All three rubies were releasing something, yet there were too many guesses to assume much else other than to stay away for her own good. Backed with her sense of self preservation, Twilight watched like a child in a candy store with Sonata following suit.

“I did not believe the essence could remain intact after so long a time, a testament to this world’s own magic. These old ones shouldn’t be a bother to you any longer, Kolcha if you will?” Yellow turned to one of the humans above.

Adagio and Aria had both felt as if something had been pulled out of their bodies, like a giant slithering parasite with many tentacles. Their breathing became fast and shallow, and pupils shrank as a burning sensation followed the haze that flooded into the air. Muscles twitched and cramped up, which lead to the two girls coughing as if they had been choked by invisible hands. Whatever had rooted itself into them was being yanked away, trying it’s best to stay put. For the entire struggle the claws were scraping nothing but a glass surface. The sheer experience was a shocking reveal that they were infected with something alien and so deeply enraged.

Above their heads the smoggy clouds merged from all three gems and swirled into a windless vortex. Soon the individual apparitions became nothing but a strange white storm where parts of it poked out as if trying to break away from its current. Twilight and Sonata gazed at the thing before them that been drawn from the stones, with its foreboding aura of hatred and anger that could nearly be tasted by the tongue.

It dawned on Twilight what they had been looking at once Yellow spoke again, the last remaining visages of true sirens. Though she figured they’d be mournful and sad as the text books she read through had described them. How radically different they were now, it was nothing but unbridled rage in the form of radiant corrupting energy.

A baker in the upper level of the room began to speak in some kind of tongue as she leaned close to the wooden guard rail. A familiar language Twilight could recognize, yet at the same time it was different in its own way. A linguistics class she took when she wanted to study the projects of foreign students in other countries. Upon closer inspection, the woman was of a turquoise gray skin tone with an off tone of violet hair color. Her work clothing looked spotless, so either she worked very meticulously or she handled the management. The pristine white apron on top of a soft green matching cook’s attire reminded her of the chefs employed at that one popular restaurant that was once a bar.

“Funny thing, when a soul is given immortality and trapped for thousands of years. Any being will go mad from the loneliness, and these pitiful creatures are naught but mindless vengeful spirits.” Yellow softly spoke.

The whirlwind of fury showed signs of being compacted, with the swirling cloud drawing in itself faster with each revolution. It was then that Yellow rose from the chair and casually strolled up to the mass. With a hand held out, drawing closer to grasp the donut shaped cloud he simply closed his fingers around it. Then just like that, it ceased to exist with nothing left to be seen.

“I hope you’ll understand, we needed to purify the relics. As you could no doubt feel the remnants of the former owners. Though, it would seem Adagio had the strongest willpower to maintain her thought process.” Yellow said as he shook his hand as if it were wet with muck.

The two gem wielding girls had fallen to their knees exhausted and left with an icy chill deep within their bodies. As the warmth crept back into its rightful place, Aria looked shaken and battered by the ordeal. She appeared to be the most affected, as if she had survived a near drowning. Sonata took that as concern and with Twilight in tow, they went to the stricken purple skinned girl to check for any harm done from Kolcha’s work.

“You… YOU used us to lure out some discord cursed souls from these?!” Adagio had to force herself to rise.

“My, such a fire in you… even after the exorcism.” Yellow brought his hand down and looked to the quickly recovering lead singer, “There was no way around it, we needed innocent minds. With you knowing, the old ones would have been more subtle in their subversion. You wanted your gems, and now you have them. All that was needed was a moment of your time.” His voice had a hint of sadistic joy, far from the way he spoke earlier.

“What’s wrong with you! We could have been possessed or worse!” she retaliated as her shaky legs propped her up, her curly locks swayed with each lull.

“As I said, once you’re within my favor nothing would have come to harm you. There were safeguards, that is why my fellow associates were hidden from view. Now then, with all this behind us I believe we’re awaiting your decision right?” he turned away as if to leave.

The floating gem had soon lost its gravity defying power and found itself gracefully landing back into Yellow’s hands. He held it up and looked over the precious stone, looking for faults or cracks from the ordeal. Seeing no damage, he sighed happily before moving towards Sonata with intent.

“I’ve given you my promise a bit early, mainly because we were unsure if these were not still… under previous ownership. I’m willing to grant you this for enduring that process as I can see it’s left you a bit sour.” He carefully stopped before the three among whom Aria was starting to liven up and scowled at nothing.

“You’ve earned it I can see, and I hope you’ll make the right choice. You have a ticket home and your gems back, Equestrian magic to devour and all that. I just need to hear your pledge.” He slowly placed the idle ruby before Sonata and moved away.

In all honesty, Adagio couldn’t go on a barrage of cursing and tartarus to all those in the vacant house. She was far too focused on the fact that the red gemstones began to sync with their magical signatures. Almost instantly, the two affected sirens were cleaned of their suffering after effects of the exorcism and their bodies rejuvenated well beyond what they thought possible. That’s when it hit her and Aria, the surge of energy and lack of any real human pains were their original bodies arranging from a broken state. Though they were still human on the outside, it was merely a magical shell for illusion. As if they were a chrysalis, awaiting the perfect moment to hatch and their beautiful forms to emerge.
Breathing in deeply, Adagio drew upon her magic again and looked within herself. Closing her eyes and letting the darkness consume her vision, she soon breathed out quickly to look at her arms. Before her were her very own cloven scaly hooves pristine and healthy. There could be no doubting who Yellow Tail was or what was on the table, they were back to their true selves. What was once shattered and thought lost had been regained. She could even see her sleek finned tail where her legs would have been as she floated in the void of her mind. Her heart couldn’t have been beating any faster or deeper, the Dazzlings were back and better than ever.

“Adagio? Are you okay?” Twilight asked as she still assisted Aria with her still quivering body.

“Ya, you… you look like you’ve seen a ghost and then went to your happy place.” Dusk told her just as Aria had regained control over her body.
Rather than reply, Adagio simply sang a quick verse and let her voice echo throughout the empty mansion. It was powerful as it was luxurious, far different and more refined like silk to wool from the way she sang with the tainted gem. Her singing was nothing short of the softest of morning clouds in the spring, powerful yet calming like a gentle stream of water, and so emotionally evoking that even Twilight started to cry a little. The young scientist just remained kneeling as she had been and barely breathed so as to hear every second of the siren’s heartfelt work. Sonata and Aria were just as awestruck, but far from being stilled like Twilight. For them, that little moment Adagio decided to let loose her spirit was their confirmation of what transpired.
A short applause came from Yellow Tail and from a few of the observing humans around them.
“Such a lovely union, I do believe you have absorbed some of the old ones passion or rather their sense of sorrow. It pulls at the heart strings, I can feel it tug at the empathy sense… you’ll be far more powerful now.” With the last word the other two girls touched their own pendants.
Sonata was far more cautious however, but eventually relented when she failed to pick up the essence that spooked her last night. Both Dazzlings did their own analysis once the purified rubies flooded their bodies entirely. It was a quiet moment which lasted a minute before their excitement became known. When Twilight was about to shake one of them awake out of worry, Aria’s eyes popped open and she too sang the euphoric notes. Sonata joined in along with Adagio, making a triad of heavenly music that had Yellow Tail and some of the watchers smiling gleefully.
With the fully revived beings of disharmony beyond words for their happiness, the end of their vocal test came to a group hug and joyous laughing. The sensations overloading them were allowed to flow out and savored to the last drop.
“I can’t believe it! Whoohooo!” Dusk yelled.
“We’re back! We’re so BACK!” Aria shouted as she and the other two jumped as one over and over.
Adagio simply laughed almost maniacally, sparing no words of her own as she was far to consumed by the potential to be had. In this world of no true magic, they now had their own secured for good. This time, they wouldn’t make the same mistakes, and no opposition underestimated. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity they were given, and they had some major payback to deliver with interest.
Once the elation had boiled over, the Dazzlings parted and soaked in the afterglow of the restoration process. They looked over their bodies, sensing a difference in the energy that saturated their bodies, what had felt murky was now cleaner and far crisper. It was as if they stood by the border of Argents in its humid glory, and a strong northern front blew through. At least for Adagio and Aria, who were under the tendrils of the dead, their initial grasp for the first gem had largely ignored the off taste to the power they absorbed. Sonata for one had a little inkling to the difference, but ultimately is was like a cannonball dip into a cold ocean.
“Girls, this is the chance we’ve hoped for and we’re well beyond it with more! Don’t you see?! We’ve doubled in potency and we have thrice the reservoir of power to dip into once we fight the Rainbooms again. We’ll be able to rub their noses in it and slave every soul in this town!” Adagio cackled.
“Ya, we’ll have those talentless hacks begging at our feet and our fans laughing at them.” Aria clenched her hands into fists with a mad grin growing upon her face.
“Oh, do you think tacos will exist back home? Or do you think it’s just a human thing?” Sonata asked as she spoiled the power high.
“I’m just going to let you have that one since I’m in a good mood.” She groaned and looked to Yellow and his people, “For living up to your promise… you have our pledge. We will get you to Equestria and that is all we’ll have to do with you. We will continue our goal and have every pony, griffon, minotaur, and all under Celestia’s sun adore us. Equestria will be ours to enslave. Am I clear?”
Simply waving his hand as his agreement, “Fine, we’ll part ways if that is what you desire, but neither of us knows what has become of our world. Or for that matter if we’re already known there, your little tiff with an Equestrian may have tipped off whatever power holds over those lands. If you find yourselves back here, you’ll have no help from us, keep that in mind. But…” he trailed off as he walked over to the Dazzlings.
“If you value an Equestria to conquer or have one to keep as spoils, if you’re as bright of a tactician as I know you are. Stay with us once we go through the gateway, and you’ll have our support throughout the whole process. Even if someone rises to contest you like at the Battle of the Bands, or if Celestia tries to bring the sun down upon you. You will have insurance to rely on. Think on that Ms. Dazzle.” After that he held his hand out to be shaken.
With a mild case of trepidation, she took his hand in hers and they formed the pact. The deal finally struck, little else was said or done as Yellow wanted to discuss their purpose to complete in a more suitable area. As he put it, ‘more deserving of the glorious Sirens of Equestria’, to which sounded as if he had some form of slaved reaction to them. Adagio couldn’t feel any magical hold upon him or the others though, it appeared as if they were immune for the time being.
A bag of bits was given to the Dazzlings for further compensation and Twilight the promised literature to pay her for what she’d done so far. It was added after the transfer that she’d be doing a lot more in preparation for the portal activation. Yellow Tail had advised her to be very careful when the time came, as she would be faced with a very difficult choice soon. However, he avoided going into details and chose to send the girls on their way home.
The Scotsman moved and bowed out of courtesy, seeing the visitors out. Sonata had an instant moment pop into her mind, and just before the group exited for the hotel. She ran to Yellow Tail and hugged him as hard as she could before bouncing back, saying her gratitude the whole way. It had the unfortunate effect of not keeping her eyes on her pathway, and left her departure with a collision into the wall just a foot away from the hallway.

Ch. 15 Unexpected Spectator

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Ch. 15 Unexpected Spectator

Somewhere, in a grassy meadow full of springtime life and serenity a picnic was in progress. Shaded by a tall scraggly oak tree which was home to a few song bird nests, the outside meal was guaranteed nature’s personal music. Several pairs of mocking birds and cardinals were energetic and soft in their chorus of songs. They periodically jumped to new branches high and low, letting loose leaves tumble down casually in the caressing breeze.
A colorful splotched picnic blanket had been laid out for two occupants and the chosen drink and food. Though the cloth looked like an assortment of paint cans had been emptied on top of it, there was a perfect contrast to the white clay teapot and the sister porcelain honey jar. The gentle lulling hum of a certain yellow furred pegasus was setting up the cups and saucers from a dainty wicker basket. Her long locks of pink haired mane gently waved as she moved a beverage set to her right and one before her. The shy pony soon set about getting the huckleberry pie she baked earlier in the morning out of its cushioned spot in the basket. It was to be prepared and served while it was still warm.

She set the pie plate down near a red scaly dragon tail which lazily swished around. Leading up to the talons of a lizard’s foot whose claws clicked against one another in a mindless rhythm, crossed over a cloven hoofed leg. Like the body of a snake, the body continued up a fury long barrel of a torso. Connected to it were a thick lions forearm on the right and a bird of prey’s talon as the left arm, held in their grasp was a nondescript magazine. The reader idly flipped through the pages with a bored sigh as if they’d spent the last thirty minutes finding nothing of value. Atop a long grey haired neck and dark shortly cut mane, a mangled goat-like head with a crazy set of horns seemed absorbed in the reading material. He had the most disinterested gaze at the unintelligible writing on the paper pages that continued to alter words and sentences every few seconds.

“Just one more minute and we can enjoy our Tuesday Teatime Discord. I just need to plate the pie slices and pour the tea. You’ve been so patient lately, so I made your favorite. It even has Pinkie’s famous hot sauce glaze and a garnish of that custard apple Applejack’s family grows in the tropics.” Fluttershy gleefully said as she worked her hooves with a pie cutter.

Discord answered by stretching his tail out and tickling his friend’s ears with the tuft of hair at the end of it. It earned a giggle which for the pony she took as his way of expressing his gratitude when he had a rather eventless week. She’d gotten use to it after he was reformed and given the task of helping every being who needed help. Instead of causing chaos, he had been undoing it and although at first he enjoyed seeing natural chaotic incidents in the works. Putting everything back to normal as if it never happened seemed to put a chip in his shoulder each time. She knew it wasn’t in his nature as a former spirit of chaos to bring peace and happiness, and for that she secretly granted him permission to have some chaotic fun out in the Everfree Forest. The deal had made him promise not to let his fun come back to harm Equestria or anypony. Other than that, he had generally free reign to exercise chaos to a certain degree.

It worked for a time, but it was still restrained and too contained for his liking. She’d considered another idea, but the more of a line she could give him was more of a chance he’d accidently abuse it. So she’d settle for food to placate his need for crazy spontaneity, a trait every creature with taste buds wouldn’t turn down. Each teatime they shared, she went out of her way to get some kind of unique and strange food to make the picnic fun. For now she had been working with fruit which tasted like spices and a whole other fruit. Zecora had been the mare to see about foods even Discord could gain a sense of normalcy from.

Just as Fluttershy nearly completed setting the picnic, Discord had suddenly found what he was looking for. He stopped flipping the pages as if they suddenly stung his talons, the writing which swam like moving water. It was a magical observation portal that could see into other realms. Whenever he was fresh out of chaos to enjoy or had to go for a while without seeing the slightest bundling or disaster, he would conjure up the little faux piece of media. With Equestria generally peaceful and sporadically assailed by a power hungry beings or rampaging monster, it was Discord’s only salvation to a lack luster time. He was in luck as a particularly good story was in the works. It lifted his spirits and promoted the very same toothy grin he usually wore when he once ruled Equis so long ago.

“My my my… what do we have here?” he brought his paw to his beard and twirled it, “Now this is quite the ripple in the glass lake if I must say so myself! Ohhh… the beautiful pan… demonium they’re going to make, it’ll outclass my era of madness before I was put away in stone! How delicious of a time this will be…” he whispered to himself like a giddy school foal.

With snap of the avian talons, a tip of the claws from the reptilian foot bounced off the toe. It skipped everywhere without the pony noticing until it moved into the lion’s paw like a hyperactive mink. A sentient nod from the independent toenail to its master and it twirled from a leap into the rippling surface of the magazine. Vanishing along with the periodical as a popped balloon filled with confetti. It shocked the young mare nearby, but all she noticed was the drifting colorful paper squares and Discord laughing like he did when he pulled a prank. Seeing no harm, she shook her head with a giggle before plating the pie slices.

“Any good movie needs a good strong line. And perhaps somepony who cares to admit chaos is a must.” He softly sang the last word before coolly moving into position to eat and drink.

“You’re in a pleasant mood, well I’m very happy for you Discord. You’re finally seeing the good in helping others and not turning houses upside down and streets into soap.” The young pegasus said as she pushed the pie slice and teacup closer to him.

“Quite my dear Fluttershy, quite right. There’s nothing like helping for the good of Equestria and the many kingdoms. It far outweighs any good ole fashioned chaos I use to wreak. Like a volcano chocolate cake, there is always a sweet core to the rough chewy bread. Now then...” he smiled once he took his first sip of steamy tea.

“Oh my, I almost forgot, you wanted to tell me about how you saved Appaloosa from a heavy rainy season weren’t you?” she asked as she nibbled on the sweet baked good.

“For you my little pony, I only save the best for our tea time. Where shall I start?” he grinned as the pie slice slowly became a noodle which snaked its way into his toothy maw.

Right after the last bell of the day, the tension from the cliffhanger Sunset left had egged the girls like an itch that couldn’t be scratched. The seriousness of her tone had Rainbow and Applejack rearing to see something even more troubling than the Dazzlings. Fluttershy was still showing concern for the sirens well being, wondering if the danger they posed was out of sheer desperation on their part. Pinkie Pie had sent everyone a message that she’d handle the bill for the food, texted about how it was going to be a dozy of the tale to tell. Rarity expressed her worry to Sunset through text messaging. She had a bad feeling that someone had orchestrated those girls to meet, little did she know how true that feeling was. Why anyone could stand to stomach the ruffians as she put it was beyond her.

Having had her last class end early, Sunset arrived to the little bakery sit-in shop to save a table. It gave her the unfortunate time to continue over thinking the information she was about to share. Even though she’d gone over the possibility of other exiled in this world, she still couldn’t avoid feeling paranoid. The strength of that alertness had her driven enough to consider going back to Equestria, and see if she could find every historical record of portal castaway. Her memory could only do so much and she did not want to risk another invasion into the sanctity of her mind. For now, the mental archive was not an option and all she transcribed onto paper were all she had left. Even if she wanted to go back to that library construct, the purge spell left her subconsciousness a muddled mess.
With a quick breath of sweet sugary pastry scented air, Shimmer forced herself to calm down and look outside the nearby window. She couldn’t have herself going everywhere when the issue in the now had a much louder calling.

Even when this world was devoid of any mana in the environment, it had its own charm. The human race was quite the quirky one, almost as if they were a combination of pony, griffon, and minotaur personalities merged into one being. Though it was safe to say they had traits of every being on Equis, so she assumed such an existence was worth the lack of magic. They managed to make places quaint and lively, with mechanical devices and a sprawling concrete civilization. Their technology was just as powerful as magic in its ability to change the environment and the lives of everyone.
The sun was just gearing up to set into the horizon, playing out the soft warm colors in the dwindling rays of light. Most students of the surrounding schools had already left for their homes to study. A few could be seen hanging out in the suburban streets acting like human young should. Their carefree lives allowed them to enjoy riding bikes or skateboards, a few others going out for fast food if they lived in the dorms. Happy and smiling, exactly like the ponies in Equestria would do without a looming threat to shadow the peace.

Sunset found it easy to imagine that among them was likely one of the enemy. Hiding from sight and watch her and see if she would follow through the Saandie’s word like a good puppet. A wolf in sheep’s wool which had the potential to destroy, a good chunk of the town could disappear without spending much mana. Perhaps they were not even ponies, perhaps they were malicious beasts. Like Tirek who saw the humans as little more than flies that needed to be swatted. What probably saved this world was the lack of magic to use, and thankfully the Dazzlings so far were the only ones capable with their pendants.

It wasn’t long before the group of anxious girls filed into the shop. Rarity had apparently held up everyone with her usual need to be fashionably presentable for any time of the day. If Rainbow’s complaints were anything to go by, the few jests pulled on Rarity’s character proved her notion. Pinkie was going on about another birthday party she was hired to help put together, a side job like mowing the lawn most teenagers did for extra bits to spend. Flutteryshy listened with a smile and nodding at the many ideas the hyper girl poured forth. Applejack at the head of the group led them over to the table Shimmer who waved them over.

“Alright now, what in land’s sake has us sneaking to here that you couldn’t tell us easily enough at lunch or at the school?” she asked while taking a seat with a dead intent in her tone.

Applejack was never the type to get spooked, if anything she was as stalwart as a bull with horns. Though, something else had gotten to her and Sunset wasn’t able to put the pin the cause. It was just as uneasy for her to witness the way one of the pillars to the group show signs of crumbling.

“Ya, you had something else to say. So what gives?” Dash said as she took a spot next to Shimmer and plopped down onto the chair.
Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttery sat in the remaining seats of the six chaired round table. Even Pinkie was silent save for waving to hello, she knew what was coming to their ears better than anyone else. She disappeared to the counter to grab a few eats and drink while the surface was skimmed over what Shimmer had to tell.

Swallowing the lump in her throat, “For the last few weeks I’ve been trying to figure out who might have stolen that gem from Twilight and I back at the café. Then… last night someone used a forbidden spell to invade my mind while I was meditating. Needless to say I was in danger of being turned into a vegetable, but they seemed to just want to pass a message. Thankfully, those spells drain magic quickly no matter how powerful you are, so I was able to purge them once they lost their grip.” She let her head drop onto her waiting hands from the fatigue she was feeling.

“Gosh, are there others like them girls here!?” Applejack gasped.

“You… don’t think they will go after us? Right?” Dash shivered at the thought of someone looking inside her head.

“My word! You poor thing, as if you didn’t have enough problems sleeping as it were.” Rarity shook her head at the situation.

“I’m okay though, don’t worry everyone. Like I said, they had the power to erase memories, but they didn’t. That’s why I believe it was a ploy if anything. Twilight knows about it and I’m still waiting for her reply.” Sunset raised her hands up to calm everyone.

The girls hushed their chatter, if the princess knew about it then things should start to look better once she became involved.

“You’re waiting on a reply? How long will that take?” Dash asked with a hint in demand.

Shaking her head and sighing in defeat, “Can’t tell, she may be very busy or even resting so we’ll hear today or tomorrow. She’s the type to exhaust herself with a project before taking care of herself.”

Fluttershy put a hand on Dash to calm her down from blowing up in Sunset’s face, “I’m sure whatever has her occupied is of great importance. The good thing is we are aware of the problem and we can look for the signs. We as a group will do everything we can to protect this world and your home.”

“She’s right, we’re super duper eyes like a hawk on them. No baddies are going to steal away the fun and make everyone fight ever again!” Pinkie cheered away to bring courage into the group.
“Listen everyone, I know for a fact that we’re dealing with a bigger problem here. How big I can’t say honestly, but I believe the Dazzlings and this world’s Twilight are working for another banished. Someone or somepony sent here like them as punishment, possibly even before the unification era if the records are anything to go by. You remember how they mentioned about Sonata’s love life? It was an obvious lie, they didn’t see us near them at first and we just barely overheard that crucial part.” Sunset nearly slammed a fist onto the table.

“Well sure, but ah don’t see what it means? I’d say I thought they’d be lying then and there, but I couldn’t tell a truth from a lie. Never had it happen before though, and it’s been bugging me why their words feel as murky like a soggy swamp.” Applejack rubbed the back of her neck in shame.

“You mean you couldn’t tell if they were lying?” Sunset felt a near heart attack occur.

“Not sure, like I said, it’s like wearing those sound proof headsets when working heavy machinery. Whether those girls were lying or not there was nothing I could tell from it.” She answered shrugging.

“Sounds more like their gems doing the dirty work for them. Like how they apparently made me want to fight them and then somehow I couldn’t even remember it.” Dash huffed as she crossed her arms in frustration.

“That… complicates everything then…” Shimmer groaned into the palms of her hand as the new information answered that one question about Applejack she felt.

It was one of her plans to get Twilight away from the Dazzlings, by using Applejack’s friendly and honest demeanor to gain her trust. She wasn’t sure how bonded the four were, but if anyone could crack a smile or be talked into doing something. Applejack was her girl in the matter, now she had to figure out if the shroud around the beings of disharmony clung to Twilight as well. It could lead to a disastrous attempt to befriend her and drive a wedge between them.

“Why?” the farm girl wasn’t able to piece the parts together.

Sunset pulled her face away from her hands with the most dour look, “We need to get on their good side and befriend them. If we simply treat them as foes, they’ll be far more devious and hide what they’re planning. We can’t scare Twilight before we even get our foot in the door, and your truth sensing skills would have helped in this. Now…”

“You’re worried we won’t be able to reach Twilight and we’ll have to fight the four them them… aren’t you?” Flutteryshy spoke up meekly after seeing her lose faith in herself.

“I don’t get it, all we have to do is draw upon our music again once they rear their ugly heads and do what we do best!” Dash said triumphantly.

“Deary, don’t you see why Sunset looks a little down? More than likely those sirens will be a tough bunch this time. They will likely air on the side of caution and avoid a direct musical battle with us.” Rarity answer the boisterous mare.

“So what? It’s an easy thing to do!” Rainbow fired back.

“So we just carry our instruments with us every single second of the day?” Applejack looked at her with a dead look.

Dash withdrew her gusto quickly, “I didn’t mean… We could just…”

“Look! Guys! Right now, we have a potential third party that is using the Dazzlings and Twilight for some evil purpose. Hunting the girls won’t solve the issue, so we need to just work our way into their group and get some info on this mysterious person. Until Twilight gets back to us on what we should do, it’s all we have to go on. Besides, for all we know we would easily be put under their spell before we could do anything.” Shimmer earned the reigns of the group once more with her level headed mind.

At first the half the group wanted to protest, but a moment of silence allowed them to consider the plan of action. With no way to challenge them, or even if they could there was nothing short of getting rough to forcefully take their pendants. Begrudgingly, everyone nodded in agreement while the others voiced their complete acceptance of Sunset’s idea.

“Sunset’s right I’m afraid, we’re not dealing with the sirens from before. They’ll sure to be cautious of us now, not to mention their little friend who could be anywhere watching over them.” Rarity nervously smiled as it dawned on her.

“Then it’ll be Twilight that’ll get us close to disarming those magical voices before the world becomes their footstool.” Applejack agreed.

“I bet I can throw the best most Super Duper Let’s All Be Friends Party that Twilight can’t help but be our good ole chum just like Princess Twilight! This one will sure to need a lot of planning.” Pinkie loudly proclaimed as she soon whipped out a notepad and pen to begin her preparations.

“Well it’s not like we gotta choice I guess, if we all start fighting when we get twenty feet away from them. But the moment things drop, I’ll be rearing to magic them back into harmless puppies!” Dash still wasn’t for the whole subtle approach.

“Then it’s agreed, we’ll only act if they try to do the whole enslaving the world. Until then we’ll do what Princess Twilight would want us to do and make friends. I can only hope this is nothing close to Grogar…” she whispered the last part to herself as the girls started to talk.

A little time passes before the need to go home soon called the group’s meeting to a close. Sunset left first as Pinkie Pie finished her note taking which filled up the entire spiral notepad with ideas. She had kept the others a little longer by going over what this world’s Twilight would prefer or if she needed to meet her first.

The sun had yet to completely fall into the night, but the streets were starting to empty. Cars passed by on their way home and the streetlights were beginning to flicker on. She had a good ten minutes back to the dorm, but at least it was a nice night to end an already exciting day.

As she let the bakery doors close behind her and leaving the still busy pastry shop, someone called out. Turning her head to the direction of the greeting, Flash and Rose were walking with each other. In her hands she had a small cooler, the type you use with an ice pack for meals on the go. The red and green parcel had her family’s emblem on the top lid, the same as the one at their shop.

“Funny catching you here. Rose was just going to text you about the herbal sleep aid she mentioned this morning.” Flash gestured to the young botanist.

“You can’t deny my offer, so don’t even try young lady.” Luck wagged her finger with a joking sense of seriousness.

“Technically I’m older than you, but it doesn’t matter.” Sunset chuckled as she was handed the travel cooler.

“There are three containers that must be kept cold. One is of course fresh chamomile, there’s lemon balm, and finally passion flower. Take a dose of one of the three a night, if you don’t see improvement then combine two. If worse try all three in low dosage, don’t worry I put instructions in there. They make a great tea and should let you sleep.” Rose Luck smiled.

“I’ve honestly never heard of someone live on so little sleep like you’ve been doing. From what Pinkie’s told us, you’d be a walking zombie by now.” Sentry grinned.

Shaking her head, “Seen it, been through it… but it helps to have friends there to support you. Like you two, I probably wouldn’t be alive today without a friendly helping hand and your screaming warning.” She nervously giggled at the light bat to her near death experience.

“Girl, honestly…” Rose sighed before giving the sun kissed redhead a worried embrace.

Nearly dropping the package, Shimmer let her jaw go slack from the sudden show of affection and concern. As Rose gently patted her back, Flash just shrugged his shoulders when he had the wordless question aimed at him. The question only a stunned face could ask from a sleep deprived soul. Why be so kind to me?

“Call us if you need anything alright, if these don’t help you then I’m not sure what else natural aid can.” Rose broke her grasp of the former unicorn and stepped back towards Sentry’s side.

“I’ll walk with you to your room, we can’t have a repeat of earlier can we?” Sentry seemed to offhandedly stipulate it rather than ask for permission to do so.

“Ya, and after all the hard work I went to pick the best specimens for you. I had to ask Professor Madhouse to miss his class just to do so. So long as I bring some of my family’s rare plant extracts for the next chemistry assignment. I’m lucky he values such things.” An annoyed sigh left Rose with the work she had to do to convince her family to allow use from their private stores.

Sensing little she could say to dissuade her classmates, Sunset gave her appreciation and watched Rose leave for home. It left her to the trek to the dorm rooms with Flash right beside her. She could sense though that he had something he wanted to say, but for some reason nothing came forth.

Passing under street lamp after street lamp, two minutes into the walk she had to say something. Perhaps it was her nearly being turned into a flap jack on the asphalt roadway, but students still were afraid of her. She hadn’t yet figured out why they were reluctant to even meet her in the eyes much less accept any help she gave.

“Flash? Can I ask you something?” she forced herself to end the quiet air around them.

“What’s up?” with a casual tone, he looked to her with a curious glance.

“I don’t want to sound ungrateful and all, but why… why are you two so concerned over me? When all the other students barely even stand to be in the same classroom with me! Like I’m infected with a deadly sickness?” she questioned holding the cooler close to her chest.

That was bound to come up at some point, he knew she was still trying to atone for all the damage she had brought. Not just the school property issue, but the terrorizing of the student body. She had once been the Queen Bee or Queen Wasp as some called her, mainly because not was her sting hurtful. Most agreed she had the coloration of a jellow jacket, which were as tenacious as the larger red wasps. Something Flash never forgot after he accidently angered a nest of them not long ago, and a swollen left ear to remember it by.

“Rose well, let’s just say her knowledge of plants had her less likely to paint you a villain. If anything she thought you were a rose who had yet to bloom, but your thorns were large and very pointy. Man, the day you proved her right after Twilight saved you… she always brings it up. Kinda her thing to equate people with a type of flower.” He chuckled as he slipped his hands in his jacket.

“What about you?” she pressed on.

He hummed for a moment and thought before speaking, “You remember that time on our second date? You were so feisty back then, and you were still hard to get along with.” She cringed as the memory came to mind, “We were walking to get something to eat, when you saw that kid getting bullied. He just bought something from a shop with his own money, and three no nothings took it from him. You of course leapt into it and scared them off somehow before I got there. You gave the crying kid back his thing and told him what I’ll never forget, what I never forgot even after you became meaner.”

Then, as if on cue the two recited her phrase she used to instill a sense of power into the young boy.

“What you earn by your own hard work and determination can never be taken away.”

A brief pause and Flash shook his head, “You then gave him a few tips on where to hit someone where it hurt before we left. He even smiled to you, but I don’t think you noticed. Here was Sunset Shimmer the Queen Wasp of Canterlot High who kept students under her heel, then helping a random kid being pushed around. It was then that I understood what Rose meant.”

A few vehicles pass by, the soft whirl of wind from their passing graced Sunset’s hair as she blushed a near crimson on her cheeks. That time, she merely saw herself in that young child. She did everything she was suppose to do and yet still denied the sweet fruit of her labor. Those bullies, they reminded her of Celestia telling her she wasn’t fit to move to the next level. To become a princess she hadn’t grown into herself in the right way, that she was using the wrong mindset.

She found it strange how Flash and Rose saw her even during the worst moment in this life. They saw what the students and her peers were not privy to, but Celestia was partially right in that she still had growing to do. All it came down to was experience, not books or manuscripts that would have guided her to the right path. The princess had been trying to show her that, but all the conceited pride maintained her stubbornness. All the vast wisdom of magic and governing grounded any attempts to connect with others and empathize that any princess had to have by heart. Years spent buried in archives deadened the humanity, and for that she had no way to truly rule as a rightful princess. Yet, it was there deep down inside her, and it felt strange to have someone point it out, much less her ex-boyfriend. After being reformed by Twilight, she spent many days hating herself for not having compassion.

“I…I don’t know what to say…” her words stuttered.

“What is there to say, the past is in the past and you’re living a life of a good person. Just keep doing that and you’ll be among many friends and buds soon enough. You have the Rainbooms and us!” he pulled a hand out and chucked a thumb at himself with a dorky grin.

Sunset couldn’t avoid laughing a bit before the sense of contentment washed over her. Absentmindedly, she leaned against his right arm as they continued to walk. It felt good to be in such company, maybe it was the lack of sleep or the worry of the evil coming soon. It hurt a little to think she missed out on so much with the resentment and bitterness from being denied what she was promised in Equestria. She escaped to another world in anger, blinded to the reality that it was a place almost designed just for her. Friendly beings who didn’t know her, unlimited possibilities to begin fresh, and with her brains and fierce willpower she could climb the ranks of this diverse civilization.
In her calm stupor, she didn’t notice him pull his arm out of the coat pocket and around her shoulders. Careful enough to not move her head as it still leaned on him. He barely put pressure, but his hand slightly squeezed her right arm to hold her steady. The two simply walked to their destination in silence as the stars were beginning to shine in the sky.
Once they arrived, Sunset wore exhaustion like a walking dead and on the verge of falling asleep. Eyes were drooping and fluttering in a spasm, her gait wobbled slightly, and a few times Flash had to catch the herbal cooler bag before it fell out of her grasp. He helped her fumble with her key at the door to speed up the process.
“I don’t… do know why I’m…” she yawned heavily walking inside.
“No matter who you are, you’re not a superhero. Now go get some rest, I think some of the herbal stuff can be eaten raw. Just read the instructions and don’t forget to set an alarm so you don’t miss school okay?” Sentry patted her shoulder still in reach.
“I will… I need to… ya…” she rubbed her eyes trying to perk back up.
“Sunny, Rose Luck will stop by tomorrow morning if you don’t answer her texts okay? Sleep well… bye.” His words fell short as he noticed the faint smile on her as she began to close her door abruptly.
Inside, Shimmer fought off the two weeks’ worth of built up sleep deprived tiredness to even think. Somehow, something opened the flood gates and cut her will from commanding her body’s resistance to nocturnal rest. She knew the growing fogginess in her mind was the coming sleep that would consume her whether she was on a bed or the hard floor. Knowing this, the cooler was plopped onto the nearest light stand and clumsily opened. Zipping open the lid, inside were white lidded glass containers sitting atop paper towels that buffered their contact with the hard blue cooler block below. In a plastic bag to the side, a folded sheet of paper awaited to be read with the Luck family emblem stamped on it.
Holding herself up with one arm on the wood stand, she worked the baggie open. With minor frustration she managed to get the instructions out and spent a good minute trying to even read. Her eyes were going anywhere but straight, her breathing grew heavier as the desire to slumber intensified.
“Lemon…lemon… gah! Don’t… no time…” she stuttered as she started to feel slightly ill as everything she saw had multiple after images.
Grabbing the lemon balm, she got the cap and threw it away like it was a pesky fly. Then, grabbed a pinch of the citrus smelling greens and slammed them into her mouth. The burst of flavor zipped her awake for a moment by the sheer refreshing tart mint blast. Shocked into a period of alertness, a little extra time was earned once she started to chew and release even more flavor.
She immediately took the glass jars and tossed them into the fridge before using what last bits of energy she had to get to bed. It was a grueling venture up the stairs as she nearly tripped five times, but through it she got to the bedroom and forced her way inside. Still dressed in her day attire, she wormed her way out of the jacket and boots before cocooning herself in the soft warmth of her sheets. Grumbling as she swallowed the herb still in her mouth, it took only three minutes before she was out cold. Sunset left the living room lights on, deep sleep won over the lack of perfect darkness.
What should have been a quiet dorm room even the dead could rest peacefully, a light tapping invaded the sanctity. It emanated from outside the bedroom, growing louder with each second as if a child was bouncing a mini rubber ball up each step. After twenty soft thuds, the sound stopped and a hush flowed back into the air. If Sunset was awake, she would have freaked out when something the size of a mouse rolled in on the wood paneled floor. The light of the main room shadowed the features of the object, to where it was indescribable. Without being noticed, it approached the low lying bed and made no further commotion.
Ten seconds later, the door to her room closed eerily slowly. The locking of the door’s mechanism sounded like a clown’s nose being squeezed.

An hour into being knocked out like a rock, the equestrian born girl began to dream. Her body once again trying to complete the natural process of recovery had received the same interruption which threatened the young woman’s health time and time again.

“Where am I? I was with Flash a moment ago… oh man! I didn’t do what I just did… did I?” she withdrew into herself standing just outside the campus front doors.

Scolding herself for being so weakened that she got a little too comfortable with Flash, Sunset failed to notice the blue sunny sky change. In mere moments, what was a regular day devoid of anyone else by the school, the world around her fell under a red pink tint. It was subtle and fast, even the coalescing inky clouds pouring out of every window and doorway of the facility acted without detection.

“I really hope he won’t take it the wrong way, I was just tired and I…” she pulled her face from her hands as the embarrassment slipped away.

Her tongue stilled as she realized what was happening, again the same process that repeated itself for the last few weeks. Her tormenting curse was going to soon wake her in the dead of night and she probably slept for not even a couple hours. As much as she tried each and every time to fight back and stand against the curse with bravery. The dark magic was specially crafted to override anything she dished out and draw upon what made her panic and lose control. It was hopeless the frustration that drew her to combat the coming evil, she was tired of it.

“Please! Please… just let me sleep for one night I almost died today! I’m running on fumes!” she called out in vain as the nightmare haze amassed between her and the building.

Just as always, a long slender neck formed out of the hellish abyssal cloud sporting a spiked frilled head. It dwarfed her at this point and there was still more to come forth. Features such as scales and winged arms were taking shape, with each giant long forelimb stomping heavily into the soil by Sunset. It wouldn’t heed her pleas, it was on autopilot and nothing could ever stop it unless she had Pinkie Pie there to help her. Something about her Equestrian magic lingering within her soul projected into Shimmer’s mind, it cleansed her of evil for the night. Yet here she was likely alone in her room without backup. It was only made clearer by the deep reverberating growl from the apparition that readied to devour her and any chance of a nights rest yet again.

Its parting maw filled with raw energy flowing from between the teeth and scaly lips. It would make any fire drake grin with pride at the inner fire that smoldered forth from deep within the chest of the beast. That was never for show, as somehow the curse had managed to affect her nerves well after awakening. Once the thing swallowed her diminutive figure, she was washed with pain that lasted for a time.

“Please… please… just… give me one night?” she begged again letting her posture slump, her vision to the ground knowing what was coming.

As a hooded cobra, the monster reared back with a deep breath of air before shooting its black head forward. The giant obsidian bullet opened its cavernous maw, it hungered for Shimmer and the suffering to come. A roar erupted from the vile construct in the few seconds that passed. That very sound which echoed in Sunset’s mind shortly upon waking up along with the pain.

Strangely enough however, the bellow stopped abruptly like a video put on pause. Even the vibrations from the titanic body seemed as if they never occurred. It had her look up, usually by this time it was all over for her. What she beheld sent her falling backwards in panic, the Wyvern’s razor sharp fangs were ready to feast just a few feet away. As she yelled out in her fall, she landed not on the hard rock of the walkway. Sunset felt the enveloping hold and cushion of a bean bag chair. The loud burst of escaping air and shifting plastic particales accompanied her landing. Stunned for the moment, her eyes were taken aback by the nightmare shaking like a damaged VHS tape.

“As much as I love a good dream sequence, these reruns are getting old. So my dear, shall we watch another movie or perhaps enjoy a little chat?” a disembodied voice laughed in a jarring fashion.

As the static riddled dream held in stasis remained frozen, Sunset whipped her head around looking for the speaker. She tried to follow his laughing as it faded away, but nothing appeared beyond the school, the abomination, and the town behind her. In vain, she tried to rise and stand, only to feel her body glued to the bean bag cushion beneath. The struggle lasted for a moment before something popped into existence to her right. Every muscle froze upon realizing who just showed up.
Her eyes widened as her beguiled mind shot one of the names of which the chimera entity went by. The nightmare curse took on a more pleasurable way to suffer from in the face of this eldritch god. The redhead desperately wished this was another trick by the curse. Trying to change tactics and bore deeper into her psyche.

“Discord!!” Sunset choked out before a bag of popcorn and a soda cup materialized in her hands.

“The one and only!” he grinned.

Her brows furrowed looking at the food, she blinked hard while she tried to understand what was going on. As her eyelids opened again, the entire dream whitewashed as Discord seemingly yanked a tape out of a VCR floating before him. His lion paw brought it to his eyes and twirled it around. Then he casually tossed it away where it landed in a spectacular explosion of fireworks.

“My little misplaced pony, don’t fret. I’m not here to hurt you. In fact, if you worry anymore your heart will leap from your ribcage.” The draconequis chuckled as he popped out and into place before her.

Using his bird talon covered with a catcher’s mitt, he caught her heart as it comically fired forth into his grip. As she blinked again, Discord wore the umpires black uniform and inspected her pounding organ like a fine wine.

“I did enjoy the chaos you created when you banished yourself to this world. Oh how sad Celestia was, the pain and regret she felt when you vanished. I may have been in that stony confinement, but that was so delightful to enjoy.” He licked his lips as if he just tasted a sweet treat.

Sunset’s grip on the theatre eats had gone slack. Both terrified and extremely baffled at what was going on. There had never been such a chaotic and bewildering dream since the curse had been placed on her, in all her years. It nearly made her want to believe Discord really was here in her dreamscape.

“This belongs to you I believe?!” he smiled before shoving the mass of tissue into her mouth, “Now don’t go losing your head either, we have much to discuss. You’ve by far been the most entertaining thing I’ve had to watch in months!”

His sports regalia disappeared as he soon yanked his head off and juggled it along with the symbols for the elements of harmony. After a brief moment of choking down her own vital organ, Shimmer remained in the bean bag chair completely unable to act anymore. She couldn’t run, nor would she be able to think this all away in her state. If Discord was truly here, she was at his mercy and the spirit of chaos wasn’t known for that either. All the text books and old records detailed how sadistic he was just for the sheer joy of chaos. If he was here, then that meant Equestria had to have been affected by his revival, he was going after every Equestrian for revenge. Maybe that explained why Twilight never responded to her message, Discord had broken free and wrought his havoc.

Even as his humorous display was, complimented by giddy carnival music and a unicycle he rode played out. Sunset’s spirits sank faster than a ship’s anchor. That nightmare curse and a week of low sleep looked like a god send now. This was Tartarus…

Ch. 16 Who You Really Know

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Ch. 16 Who You Really Know

While the night was still young, the Dazzlings and Twilight settled on a relaxing night of food and drink for celebration. Though they awaited the call for the next meeting with Yellow Tail, the eagerness to get back home was exhausting. Using some of the bits that Yellow gave them, they packed on a hefty load to keep their bodies at peak performance. The store of sustenance was part of Adagio’s new training regiment which would fine tune their voices for any big performances Tail had eluded to. Although they regained their forms, they still had to feed the physical essence they possessed in this world. The choice in the late night feast was inspired by their Equestrian food palette from yor, anything from the ocean. Fortunately, the Dazzlings plus one were able to acquire from a small on the go foodie dive in a shopping center. Several Styrofoam cases soon decorated the siren’s homely abode after everything was said and done.

Once in the room, the girls had set up on the hotel room’s office desk usually used for just about any purpose. As all four teenagers piled the white containers into an open spread, the grumbling of stomachs were the appetites ready to let loose. Something about having a crazed spirit yanked out of the body had the side effect of being famished as well as being frightened out of one’s own skin.

First to start serving themselves, Sonata moved around the aromatic cuisine like a hungry shark. She may have the infamous taco affinity, but her old homeworld food was irresistible just as much. Her searching eyes finally locked onto her prey and her mouth watered. The waiting tongue of hers licked away at her slightly sharper canines and premolars begging for the taste of the flesh of marine animals. Aria however was not too keen on having her meal slathered with saliva, and sighed as she wiped the girls mouth with a napkin. With a disgusted look, she tossed the damp paper towel away haphazardly onto the carpet.

“Hey! Remember that tune I was working on before we got sent here? Do you think I could use it to introduce us at the next grand stage? Like to capture everyone’s attention before we begin?!” Sonata requested with glee as she scooped up a few deep fried prawns and grilled whole squid.

“Hmm… now that you mention it I did have to tweak the ending of the second song on the list. Tomorrow, you better remind me and not forget so I can see what you’ve got and judge it fit for our main body of work.” Adagio answered wagging her finger to impress her order firmly in the aloof girl.

Glaring at the blue Dazzling for a few more seconds, Adagio went back to plating a medley of shellfish and caviar with a little bit of kelp for flavor. Her attention to a grumbling troublesome stomach made her less aware of Aria’s disgruntlement. The rather feisty attitude was nowhere near its potency it had a day ago, rather it was as abrasive as sandpaper than steel wool. Greedily, she scooped up the large steamed crab legs and a couple squid and eyed the lead singer.

“If we’re going to toss in her stuff, then I guess my improvements have to be included. After all, we do want to succeed if he asks us to perform before the entire town. How else are we going to charge our powers to do anything to any portal.” Aria huffed before shoving the cooked cephalopod into her mouth, chewing savagely.

“Whatever, tomorrow when we get up… we’ll dissect everything we have lined up. If it fits in I’ll allow it, I’m not going to just stuff the song list just so you both can fill those air bladders in your heads! Now enough, we have a reason to be happy here and I don’t want it going sour. So eat…” the golden siren commanded and left to her bed to enjoy the meat.

Twilight had been given permission to join them and feast as well, but she wasn’t much for fish or things with long squirming appendages. Her serving consisted of the fried prawns and couple of crab legs that remained. Expecting the meal to be a bit messy when they were initially shopping and Adagio made the menu off hand. She took the liberty of buying a spare set of clothes with her own money, as after tonight she’d have to go back to Crystal Prep’s dormitory. Her research trip expired tomorrow and attendance was mandatory, but at least she had something to show for from the books offered to her. From what she was able to skim through, there was a practical application with a device that could detect magical signatures. Twilight saw a way to discover and name the new magical energies she’d uncover, a more than unique product of her temporary journey that Principle Cinch wouldn’t deny.

Figuring Sonata of the three would be the easiest to talk to and allow any company, Sparkle let Aria and Adagio have their peace with the TV in front of the beds. She had questions about the siren’s intimate lives, and Dusk had already told her a few things about herself off hand. The valuable data she needed to harness for the record books, and to owe the Dazzlings for their part when the world soon embraced magic. It was the least she could do for the trio, the world would adore them in their own way.

Having set herself with all she needed and a bottle of water, Sparkle walked up to Dusk, “Mind if I join you?”.

Looking up with a mouth full of lightly breaded fried shrimp, “Shuff, goff righh aheaaa!” she muffled with a thumbs up and glowing eyes of satisfaction.

“HEY! Don’t talk with your mouth full!” Aria shouted from the other room as she changed channels for something entertaining.

The demand was met with a roll of the eyes from the offender, Aria simply didn’t care to enforce her words right now. Having paid no mind, Sonata swallowed her partially chewed food before patting down on the sofa cushion next to her.

With a nod the schoolgirl took her seat, “Thanks… I was wondering, would you mind if you talked about yourself some more? You know, back when you were a pup, a cub, or… fry? What do Hippocampi consider their young as? Do you know what your people are in terms of the animal kingdom!?” Sparkles eager mind started to race off which only earned a confused look from the gluttonous faux human next to her.

“You mean like my earliest memories? Or how we are born? What about a kingdom? I don’t follow.” she tilted her head before stuffing her mouth again.

Catching her triage of questions with embarrassment, Twilight coughed into her hand to compose herself.

“Sorry… It’s just that well, since this is a rare opportunity to know such a unique species of another world on a personal level. I guess your memories would be a good start. But if it’s something you don’t wish to talk about I understand, this is just for the archives when I find a practical application for magic here. I’d like to thank you three in some manner, and I know you like to have fans.” She smiled gently with a little nervous giggle.

Sonata thought for a few moments, looking to the sky in a cartoonish kind of way. A lone finger tapped her chin as she contemplated eagerly, slurping down another grilled squid between your dainty lips.

Without bothering to chew much, she swallowed the morsel quickly. The lanky tentacles waving before her mouth as she slurped them into her gullet.

“You know… it has been like so long since we were tossed from Equestria. I almost can’t even remember when I was a little hatchling. Almost… I remember my mother and her totally awesome voice, she would always sing to me and help me find my own song among the others in the pod.”

“Pod? You mean as in the family units whales and dolphins travel in?” Sparkle asked as she took a bite of a crispy prawn.

“I don’t know about whales… whatever those are, but sirens form something similar to the kind ponies call herds and clans of dragons. The only difference is when two become a couple, they form a family with a mama and a daddy till the very end like those adorable little tuxedo birds that can’t fly and live at the white poles!” a happy smile overcame the blue haired girl as she squirmed over the adorable creatures in her head.

“Penguins? You mean the polar regions of your world? Strange, very strange that your world has those too. Well, so Hippocampi form life mates and monogamous relationships, what about your father? What was he like?” which Sonata ceased her assault on the cooked marine life.

“I don’t remember papa... mom said he disappeared fighting a Kraken with two others that tried to eat us a long time ago. I barely hatched four lunar cycles then.” The quirky girl elaborated.

Twilight backpedaled after the revelation and panicked in fear of touching the sensitive matter. The redirected discussion went to the aspects of siren biology, primarily their one trait that defined them.

“I’m sorry that happened to you, I’m sure he was a fully capable and admirable member of the pod. Um… do male sirens have a voice as well? Or are they relegated to another function in a pod?” she nervously brought her legs onto the sofa as she crossed them.

Thankfully the spontaneous faux human didn’t notice the forced segue, “Umm… I’m not sure about that. I’ve only heard my mother’s, Adagio, and Aria’s. I think Papa and others were warriors who drove away monsters that couldn’t be controlled by the siren’s song. There are a few out there like that and you don’t want to be trapped in a cave with them either.”

“So a sexual dimorphic feature? Only females can sing and possibly the only users of dark magic. What they can’t sway under control the more physically capable male handles. I can only speculate the likely reason anything wouldn’t be affected by a siren would be if it was as base of a life form as they came. Kraken? I wonder if it was behemoth of a Tusoteuthis? Or even a Cameroceras!? Something that actively predated pods of your kind must have been a monster of nature!” the science geek within Sparkle showed so much she didn’t notice how Sonata started to dwell on her family again.

“I wonder if dad ever heard my first song… what he thought of it?” her cheerful simplicity vanished from her character, “I’ve never really been able to remember a lot of things. I can’t even remember what he looked like...” by now the flow of cooked invertebrates ceased and the fork fell to the plate gently.

The enthusiastic bubble popped and Twilight fell back into her hole of worry, “You don’t have to answer any more questions, I’m not trying to resurface bad memories. Though… I guess by asking I did learn how human you all really are.” Twilight looked away feeling bad for upsetting the girl.

“Ya…” the response was soaked in grief like a wet sponge.

Sparkle wanted to comfort the downtrodden Dazzling. Unfortunately, the lack of any psychology courses at Crystal Prep stalled any attempt. She feared she’d do more damage due to her insufficiency in that field of study. It was clear however, something had to be attempted if at least to report to Yellow Tail about. She’d have to work on the approach, concerning the other two when the inevitable came to pass. It was clear they were not sisters by blood, but a band of very powerful and aspiring beings. Judging by how controlling Adagio was, there was likely a history of issues that had to be handled soon before it came back to haunt the plan and her research.

“I may not know what it feels like to lose family, but I can share the loneliness you feel. I never mentioned it before, but my brother Shining Armor had quite the skills in engineering. When he started to show his prowess with metal alloys and synthetic materials, Principal Cinch brought him into the spotlight. A few universities wanted him for his abilities, and so he left after graduating early. It happened before I got into C.P., my brother was my B.B.B.F.F. throughout my childhood, other than Cadence of course. We were close, mainly because our parents were always working. We did everything together, learned from each other, and created our own fun when we were not at school. And whenever he couldn’t make it, Cadence was there… but it wasn’t the same.” Twilight looked away as she began to feel the encroaching memory of how she became such a social outcast.

Sonata looked over as she could sense the sincerity of the negative energy the book smarts emitted. It was palpable and hearty, like a fully loaded supreme king taco she tried at a small food truck awhile ago. She choked off the flow to her gem, if anyone didn’t deserve to be slaved or drained it was their go-to girl with Yellow.

“And…” she goaded softly with her undivided attention.

“When he left, I was often by myself. Even though I had Cadence to talk to now and then, she had her own life as the dean of Crystal Prep.” Sparkle laughed to herself lightly.”

“This Cadence, was she a friend or something?” Dusk looked with curiosity.

“She use to be a babysitter to fund her higher education, she hadn’t watched over me for a while now. Though she’s always been there if I needed help, and she somehow knew I needed a friendly smile when Shiny left. If anything, it was like having the older sister I never had.” A small smile accompanied the answer.

“You must have been all down in the dumps then. Didn’t your brother ever come by or send a letter?” the inquiry seemed harmless enough to ask.

Shaking her head mournfully, “No letters, no messages, not even a phone call to check up on mom, dad, Cadence, or me. All I was told was that he’d been immediately involved in projects as soon as he arrived there from mom. Without him, I never really learned to make friends and Cadence had her busy schedule. My classmates never included me in any activities because I was weird. I found it hard to work with others in class projects anyways. Always worked well by myself, because I knew the course material while everyone else messed around. I’ve assumed that that advantage earned the alienation unintentionally. That or I had no real social skills to begin with, no matter how hard I tried…” she removed her black frames to rub her eyes.

“Wow… you like, kept your head in books and stuff instead of learning to be part of the pack?” Sonata put her plate on the floor and adjusted herself to face Twilight.

“Yes, it was a sense of comfort for me and it reminded me of the bond I had with my brother. Progress and knowledge became a drive in its own right, as if he was still there. I got into Crystal Prep because of how well I did in my old school. They gave me the space for my personal projects and even minimized my need for attending class like any regular student. The only requirement was that I submitted my academic undertaking to contests and win the cash prizes and awards for Crystal Prep. I’m literally their golden goose when you think about it.” Sparkle breathed out in a huff and nearly threw her glasses across the room.

“In fact, I recently won the Best Innovators Award for creating clear lightweight solar panels that can be easily installed on any surface or building. It’s already been purchased and being used as we speak.” A hint of pride in her tone shone through her dismay at the school for being an enabler.

“I have no idea what solar pans are, but it sounds a lot like why I kept practicing my voice. We… both had something to keep it together.” The short lived vigor gave way to the monotone ending of emotional withdrawal.

“Indeed… we’re not so different are we? I haven’t seen my brother in six years and he’s not even tried to contact me or our parents still. I love my B.B.B.F.F. no matter what happens, but growing up without him. It’s painful… even a fellow educated person like me should understand how involved a project can be!” Twilight sagged in her seat as the hole in her heart started to pulse, her legs drawn to her chest as she hugged them.

She may not have endured the death of a loved one as a kid, but it might as well of been the same. Shining was miles away from their hometown, and the few attempts to contact him were never replied to. No matter how much she threw herself into her work, something was always missing. Surprisingly enough, she failed to even help Sonata by making herself just as depressed. It would have been another failed interaction attempt to add to the list of social failures racking up. Yet, the warm feeling of a gentle hand on her back caused her to turn back to her peer.

“We both keep on with our own music, hoping they would be proud of us where ever they are. You totally made me see that now.” The surprised reaction had Twilight smiling back to the happy go-lucky girl before her.

“Ya, I’m sure they are.” She dropped her legs back down and adjusted her glasses.

“You wanted to know about my past right?” Sonata felt they had passed some kind of hurdle of trust and felt compelled to continue the questionnaire.

“If it’s not too much of course.” The young scientist asked as she watched the siren go back to her food albeit with not as much heartiness.

“It’s no biggie, so here’s the sitch. I guess there's the family I grew up with… hmm… right!” She said aloud to herself, “We kept to coasts in the tropics when we settled to get away from that giant squid. My mother and the others sang to nearby villages and ports , but they were careful to not send the land lovers into any real fighting. It was totally a special rule, so there would always be ponies and stuff to take energy from. Plus, we had all the tasty treats in the nearby reef, we had everything we could ever dream of!”

With a long drawn out hum of interest, “I’m still baffled by your physiology, but I think I understand it when I take into account our own sirens. Please continue.”

“Umm… okay? The head honchos in turn kept the baddies off their wooden floats and stuff. If they went after our fans, they almost always sought us as well. These ponies had no real warriors of their own or many unicorns who could use attack magic. So there was always a sort of peace between us and the folks on shore.” Dusk grinned to herself as she remembered the golden apple of home she enjoyed long ago.

“Interesting, how did you end up there and not targeted by the inhabitants? Were sirens well known back then? Where did the Kraken come in during all this… OOPS!! Don’t answer that!” her eyes widened in horror as she let the topic lose from her mouth.

The blue girl shook her head and just smiled back, “It’s alright, it hurts less when I talk about it which I never really done like ever! We use to live near the thing called the equater? A place that made the weather and water always warm and fun! I think, where the ocean floor met the shores too? It was a sheer drop into the deep blue where monsters slept. When the Kraken came for us, it led the old matriarch to find a safer place to live which was there. Far as I know no one actually knew what we were. Like I said, we were careful to feed just enough. Like little nibbles so we didn’t leave crumbs.”

“Matriarch? So your pods are all ruled by dominant females?” the inquisitive part of Twilight came forth as she reached for a nonexistent pen and paper out of habit.

“Ya, the Big Kahuna of all the sirens, her name was Cavatina Hymn. I don’t remember much of her though, she was always busy looking out for everyone like a seahawk. You never wanted to cross her though, rules were her thing like Adagio's planning. I do know how she earned her place though, by battling a fleet of pirates who wanted our gems. Crazy right?!” She reminisced as the last prawn was slowly devoured.

“Cavatina fought pirates?! How? Did she use her voice? Did the males take part?” the fervor of questions poured on.

Sonata giggled at the attention her old family was getting from the human, “Sorry, too bad, I don’t really remember the details that well. I can only remember that the old lady had been captured by those sea fairing ponies and bird lions. Hymn left us to fight those evil guys and their harpoons. We were too far away to see anything clearly, but she saved the old leader and sank some ships. She became our new Matriarch and the one she saved left out of shame. It was said she was as strong as any siron and had the sharpest pitch of us all.”

“Siron? Is that your term for males?” she asked as the last cooked cephalopod was slurped in a loud gulp.

“Ya, we’re not ponies or human that’s for sure silly.” Dusk answered as she wiped her face with a few paper napkins.

“So Siren for adult females, Siron for adult males, hatchling for young… I think I got it.” Sparkle started to eat into her meal faster as it started going cold.


“Okay, your family unit sounds very conservative with their resources. Valuing the future by caring for the safety of their territory and those in it, whether or not they were sirens. Though, if I might ask, what happened that led you to join Adagio and Aria?” the purple girl dabbed her mouth clean of the fried breading.

It was a moment in her life she never let herself forget, for two reasons with the first being obvious. For any siren, it was a monumental achievement that came with its fair share of giving to go abroad.

“Well… I actually… came to know them because I might have caused a problem for Cavatina sometime ago.” She visibly winced and earned a sympathetic gaze from Twilight, “My singing got outta hoof for me to control when I started to see my gem poke through my chest. I... kinda sent a large harbor into a mosh pit by accident. I was just part of the chorus, and my magic went crazy. Hymn saw the whole mess up, but also why I wasn’t able to focus it. As punishment, I had to give all the energy I sucked up to the older sirens, even if my momma stood up for me.” She sighed as she flicked at her ponytail that draped over her shoulder.

That day, she remembered the quartet the pod set up by what made for the harbor’s resort for travelers. It was a beautiful summer season with few storms ever passing through, and Cavatina wanted to bank on it for a hearty feeding. A few sirens were going to start their own family's and the negative energy was desperately needed for the new ones to be brought into the new world like she had been.

Since becoming an adult, Hymn allowed her to be part of the singing group as her voice showed promise. It all started well, they began with amazing any new ponies and the occasional minotaur fish mongers with their pristine scales and glistening dorsal fins. When they began their session, she initially provided a background voice to balance out the primary siren. Things appeared to be going well enough until something in her voice pulled like a cord ripped and snapped into a new place, like when she swam too hard and pulled a tail string. That was when it all went downhill, and a hair trigger pulled at the listeners before them.

Even though she stopped abruptly, the damage was done as her enchanted music spread like wildfire. Ponies argued, minotaurs became self glorified jerks, and any griffons in earshot started to haggle their many customers by raising prices. Once the first fights broke out, the older sirens she sang with realized what was happening in horror. No matter how hard they tried to get the citizens to obey them it was all in vain, Sonata’s mana spike had a near concrete hold on everyone as the spell bound their hearts. Only Cavatina’s arrival herald the end to the chaos, and she wasn’t very happy.

“Everyone makes mistakes though.” Twilight tried to assure the girl.

“Ya, but that harbor took two years to get back to its old self when some boats purposely rammed into the docks fighting for parking space. Cava believed I was a danger to the paradise she found. So when Adagio came through asking for new members to add to her own pod. Normally Cavatina would have fought tooth and voice against any outsiders, but she happily threw me to them even after my mother challenged her. I left knowing my mother didn't win the battle of the songs, she was put into the lower rung of the ranks and that's never good for anyone...” Sonata put her hands to her temples on her head as self hatred once again surfaced.

Twilight sat wordless, she couldn’t really figure out a way to respond to this new bit of knowledge. She knew the klutzy girl had her moments, but it seemed harsh to punish her and separating her from the pod. It seemed to be the equivalent of young drivers who crashed into stores or in traffic, probation was the most they’d suffer. Never had anyone lost their license or despised.

“Mom told me before I left, that it’s a dream for any siren to join a new pod and see the world. That most totally grew up and got old in the same one they were born into. Never leaving the land their whole lives! She said I’d learn new songs and have fresh voices to create new music with. It was the last I saw of her before Adagio whisked us away, to avoid Cava trying to fight her out of instinct.” By now the TV in the other room had its volume turned low enough for the conversation to be eavesdropped.

“How long ago was this?” Twilight scrunched her fingers into an anxious ball.

“I don’t even know, kinda feels like ages now that we’ve lived in this world. I think we were banished here two years? I think it was two years after I joined Adagio." She looked to the ceiling in deep thought, "Wonder if mom is still alive? Do you think she’d still be proud of me? Proud of our songs that nearly took over Equestria and this world?” she shook her head as if it was starting to hurt.

As she whispered to herself blaming her own voice for causing trouble Twilight fought action out of caution.

‘Look at what you did now! If these creatures harbor lingering regrets like this, it will affect the plan. Perhaps it’s a test by Yellow Tail?! Yes a test… that’s it! I’m supposed to help these girls overcome their past so the plan won’t be jeopardized! I’m the only one close enough and not just some stranger with gifts.’ Sparkle tried to convince herself.

The bookish Crystal Prep student knew the whole situation was going south more than ever. If Sonata continued any longer, she was sure only variables would arise and complicate the success rate beyond a comeback. She knew nothing would work if she thought as Twilight the recluse, but in a split decision she put herself into her brother’s position. When she came home on those few occasions other students treat her unfairly. The name calling, the taunting, and exclusion from group activities because she had a bigger brain than them. She never tried to sound like a conceded noble, it was just every time an occasion arose it just happened. When the inevitable occurred, Shining was always there to hug her and take away the pain.

‘Just like Shiny did, I just have to be a friend for them. Then they’ll get through this… If I help Sonata, I’ll have Aria and Adagio… who will likely be problematic. But I will not fail this test! I will make Yellow Tail pleased and I won’t lose the books on magic or doom another world to an apocalypse! I can’t lose now… not when I have such a discovery at my fingertips!’ Twilight wore the look of determination within her spirit, desperate to not fail.

In a swift graceful move, Sparkle got up and tenderly wrapped her arms around the distressed person. Embodying her brother’s sibling love, she used a lulling hush and silence until her friend ceased trying to move away. The initial struggle wasn’t even a big attempt to get away.

‘Remember, be empathetic. You have a trust bond, now strengthen it. Be Shining Armor.’ She recited to herself.

“Your mother would be proud of you. You’ve survived the odds and regained your ability, you’ll be going home soon. Even if you three tried to control the world, I believe you would have brought some kind of peaceful era to humanity if you did.” Her most soothing voice she could muster had earned the desired effect, allowing her to break her embrace and kneel before the seated siren.

“You mean it?” Dusk asked as if her hope were a fragile pane of glass.

“There has been so much conflict my species has endured for generations. If these ponies of Equestria consider you evil beings, then we humans consider you saviors... considering what's going to happen soon if politics go their way. Either way, you’ve even given me a chance to study and hopefully utilize magic to end our ongoing problems once and for all. I’m very sure even Cavatina would approve of what you tried to do here. Even if it was incidental?” She looked her in the eye with a solid smile patting her shoulders.

“Even Cava? Even though we create disharmony and cause our audience to fight each other so we could take all the negative emotions? We’re not monsters?” Sonata had to ask to reassure herself, with the way the Rainbooms treated them not long ago.

Nodding her head, “Humans are inherently violent and confrontational, it’s our way of life. You three would be harnessing that curse and let us live happier lives by removing that part of us for a time… even if it’s worshiping you. I could even show you the statistical data of the major countries and the correlation between poverty, corruption, and crime to resource management and environmental destruction. We’re on our way to extinction in the next hundred years unless we change. Of course that's another story for another time.”

Sonata sat still as all that bothered her faded away like fall leaves in the wind. The entire moment confused her to oblivion, but one thing was for certain. Her new friend was doing all she could to help her, a creature from another world saw worth in her and the others. She couldn’t fathom any kinder words to be of aid. They could make a paradise for a world in jeopardy if they wanted to. Instead of her destroying it and starving without any being to feed from like Cavatina had feared once before. This place wasn’t paradise, but they could turn it into one.

“Thanks, I needed that.” Dusk rubbed her arm as Twilight let go of her.

“You three are doing so much even if it looks to others like it’s an evil pursuit. They just don’t see the bigger picture, the good it will do! You’re doing what Cavatina would have liked, a form of coexistence and one that would save a race from its own arrogance because it cannot do so itself. That I know all too well on a personal level. Of course if you stayed that is, actually just being here and us meeting. I can see so much progress to make with magic alone, and mankind cannot thank you enough.” Twilight gave a thumbs up and received one in return.

“Man, I don’t know where you came from… but you’re like, the first ever best friend in the world. Sorry if I got all down and sad, I know you wanted to know about us.” She said as Twilight rose up and took a seat next to her.

“It’s fine really, I’m just glad I have other people to talk to… even if they’re from another universe. You’re not being condescending or rude to me, it’s actually quite refreshing.” The both of them had resumed eating in the pleasant atmosphere.

In that big brain, Sparkle imagined herself jumping up and down screaming happily the word ‘Yes’ over and over again. One third of Yellow’s test was completed with flying colors and she learned something new about the siren race. The niche of being a social outcaste couldn’t contain her now, she just had to be like her brother and give a helping hand. She wondered how proud her brother would be if he was here, seeing her make friends and gather priceless data.

In the other room, Adagio and Aria had a new way of looking at Twilight and the race of apes she was from. After seeing humans as little more than cattle to eat off of, having the world briefly explained to them and how their actions were beneficial. It dented the hatred they had for the culture and monkeys that permeated the lands. Their short miserable little lives so full of disharmony on such a large scale. When they were tossed into this place as punishment, they just saw crazy bipedal mammals and their technology amongst a magicless plane. They never really paid attention to the news or media, being so focused on getting some form of negative energy to subsist on was dire enough. Adagio’s plans often had them performing where possible and trying to exploit possible magical items.

Here and now was a human being who had the empathy level and understanding of a fellow pod member. She saw their dilemma, and even rationalized it to spin their nature into a blessing. It was a strange thing to behold. As if she was the antithesis to Starswirl the Bearded.

Aria couldn’t stomach her food anymore, and went about disposing of any leftovers she had. The trash bags they purchased started to fill up with whatever was touched. The fridge in the room was small, but Aria was able to stuff all the remains to be eaten later. During the process, she ignored the two friends bonding on the couch. Aria’s toiling was noticed by Sonata, but the way things were shoved into the trash bag had been a blatant sign to not disrupt the girl. Even Twilight glanced over and had seen the ticking time bomb caused by their heart to heart moment.

The purple haired girl with teal streaks soon made for the bathroom to shower, and unexpectedly didn’t slam the door behind her. Adagio had taken note of it and followed suit, cleaning her plate and making sure any mess left could be cleaned up by the saps on the couch. All she had to do was wait for the shower to be free, in the meantime she simply went back to her bed and held her gem closely.

Her fingers meticulously caressed the ruby she pulled from her blouse as her mind raced. This was not what she was expecting to happen when they tried to take over the world after the first go. She couldn’t help but feel a strange sensation with Twilight and her compassion to her kind. An actual living being that understood the cycle of life and wished to aid the aspirations of predators like her. Though, she figured Yellow Tail’s explanation about the danger Equis was experiencing was the reason for their power seeking. Twilight was likely going off that cliff and believed they were different or something else. To consider anything to be deduced, Adagio even pondered the guess that little Mrs Sparkle was a siren herself. One who was exiled who knows how far ago and who lost her memory, living among the humans through a surrogate family and the next as she never aged. Where was her own gem, did it even exist? Could any unicorn be so heartless to send a hatchling through such a catastrophic process of banishment for revenge maybe?

A farfetched idea as it was, Adagio stared at the ceiling thinking it all over. She listened to Twilight and Sonata laugh at the most insipid things and begin to put up their mess. It wasn’t long before everyone had gone through their duties and routines for bed. Once the waste was removed, and the two new buddies exited the room to dump the trash. Adagio felt the creeping past try to crawl tooth and nail to her consciousness. The weakness had been met with utter revile and suppressed with quick vengeance.

‘Regret and repress… regret and repress… regret… and… repress… right mom?’ the memory of many hatchlings laughing and playing as adult sirens called out in the distance.

Ch. 17 Show’s Starting

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Ch. 17 Show’s Starting

Her very heart skipped a few beats and a small spasm gripped her throat as she stood before the great spirit of chaos. He simply threw away the curse as if it were nothing, or so it seemed as a being of his caliber it was foal’s play. This very deity who could only be defeated by the two princesses and the elements of harmony appeared to have helped her for now. No greater mage or even the combined efforts of the Arcana could stop him, he simply took away their horns or displaced them around the world. Alicorns however, had a natural resistance to his simple tricks and enough mana to hold out. Their victory only came from his arrogance, and his downfall came upon him as he laughed at the two sisters.

Now he was in her dreams and it herald such a fearful response. She dreaded the idea that a chaos spirit was in her mind, and whose very nature could easily make her deaf and dumb. Such a threat who simply swayed in the air looking so full of himself. If the Saandie was bad, this was worse than the most horrible natural disaster to befell Sunset.

“Now now my dear, you simply must chill!” He snapped a talon having noticed her growing unease.

In a flash of light, the dreamscape became an empty ice cream parlor devoid of any patrons or staff. It looked oddly familiar to the one in town, a likelihood that Discord already looked through her memories just for this occasion.

Looking around after she rubbed the spots from her vision. The colorful red and white paint scheme of the table area gave way to an old sixty’s style serving counter. It looked very quaint and seemed to be the kind of place which served a small clientele. Due to the small design, only two workers could operate the creamery at any given time. There would be one at the cashier station, and the second who served the prepared cones and soda. The soft pink wallpaper spotlighted their little area of the shop, with a lone white door leading to the manager’s room. Sunset moved to get a closer look at the sterile counter top, her boots clicked on the black and white tile floor.

The backroom door slammed opened suddenly and out came the draconequis in an old fashioned server’s outfit. A starch white shirt, pants, held up with a black belt, and a two colored bulbous hat with an ice cream dollop emblem on the front. The apprehension Sunset felt originally gave way to the antics of the spirit who enacted the routines of the shop workers. Confused and stunned eyes watched and tried to make sense of it all, what was he getting at with this loony act. He crafted two frozen treats using his red dragon tail that operated a silver scoop, applying a generous helping upon two waffle cones.

“I particularly like chocolate myself, but a good Razzleberry supreme always hits the spot! Wouldn’t you say?” Discord smiled as the white and red swirled cone popped into Sunset’s hands.

She could feel the chilliness of the frozen dairy through the edible container, leading her to notice the other real things she started to sense. Not like her usual nightmares of being scared out of her wits and then begging for it to stop. She was mostly devoid of feeling the world in the sense that the curse just seemed to amplify terror. To the point that was all she knew in her dreams, every time she slept for the last few weeks.

“I know you’ve probably had a rather… exhausting time up till now. Let us just sit and talk, between friends? Fellow reformed? Dangerous wielders of powerful magic that could turn a world upside down?” he slithered along the floor and took a seat in front of her.

She watched him lick at the sweet cold snack as the cone disappeared with each lap of his serpent-like tongue. His yellow sclera and red pupils seemed enamored with the food item as if waiting for her to respond. The anxiety strangled her being like a constrictor at a pet shop feeding upon a feeder mouse. Her hands simply crushed the delicate cone and splattered it on the floor.

“Yo…your… Your Discord! I know about you! I’ve read every historical archive on your reign of chaos, even from Princess Celestia own account! You being here makes me hope this is just part of that Tartarus damned curse I’ve had to endure. And what do you mean fellow reformed?!” She tossed the remains of the razzleberry treat away and scowled.

Discord looked at her with disinterest, with eyes that spoke of a spoiled moment he shrugged as his chocolate delight grew wings. Half eaten and in the stages of melting, the two scoop treat flew off. Soon, the empty lone cone disintegrated in his talons like dust in the wind. As it vanished, he brushed his forelimbs of the sandy grit as if he’d been rolling in the dirt.

“I do love it when somepony actually cared enough to see my body of work. I can assure you I’m the real master of dismay, will the real Discord please stand up?!” he spoke into a microphone which dropped from a cord above him.

Although Sunset wanted to protest, she was quieted by the lighting as it seemed to die away. Only Discord was visibly discernible, a single spotlight giving him all the light of a celebrity on stage. Every table and seat around him loudly scratched the floor as they moved to give him space. All around her, they soon were taken by a clone of his who clapped and applauded as any hired audience. Each rose to a standing ovation, while the original replaced his ice cream uniform for some kind of strange clothing. Discord stood in place as he dropped the microphone, folding his mismatched arms as the crowd slowly went still.

“What do you want from me?!” she demanded as she tried to use her anger to stop the debacle all around.

With a roll of the eyes he snapped his fingers and brought them back into the white world of an empty dream.

“Quick to the point I see, my you are the blazing sun of Equestria. Good to see your attitude hasn’t diminished. Or has it been the lack of a good shut eye that ladies need to look their best?” he shrugged with a smile.

“I’ve already dealt with the Saandie, you’re no different. I can purge you like I did before!” she stood defiant to his joking attitude with her bluff.

“Ohhh now those are some nasty little things, a bit over the top for my liking. The whole, ‘ripping away memories’, its just not professional chaos if you damage the only ones who make chaos worth causing.” As he spoke, they were soon in Canterlot downtown which was devoid of any pony.

“Answer my question. What did you mean by reformed?” She stuttered a bit as she beheld the city she use to call home.

“Geeze, you’re as impatient as Twilight and her friends! Fine, I’ve indeed turned over a new leaf, because I learned the important lesson of friendship from my dear little Flutteryshy. You needn’t worry that Equestria is in chaos paradise, I prevent it to the contrary. So I’m here to simply watch things unfold and enjoy the mayhem I can’t bring personally. I rarely get to see such things on this large of a scale you know?” he grinned and reappeared next to her as a Cheshire cat.

“You're… here to watch? Watch what?” she looked at him quizzically with fear behind her words.

Discord let a long and foreboding giggle come from his long toothy smile. Which laid Shimmer’s fears further out and in the confusion, she backed away from the floating stripped cat persona. Dark purple blue bands broken by baby blue intervals colored the feline’s coat, giving it a mesmerizing quality as he twirled and spun lazily in the air. The long fuzzy tail slithering back and forth, and short pointed ears flicking to every sound she made from moving backwards.

Discord never made a move to get into her personal bubble, he merely enjoyed putting her on edge just by being present. As she put some distance between themselves, her peripheral vision soon too heed of the different qualities of the royal city. Canterlot looked far greater and more modern since she left. Minor things such as cobbled and paved roads, different architecture in the many homes and shops, and a few expansions the palace made into the mountain side. It was a strange sight to take in when in the past, Sunset rarely left the palace archives or training centers. Canterlot looked as if it were a familiar family member, but one you hadn’t kept contact with and had a few changes done to their hair.

Catching her gazing at the modernized city, Discord changed back into his normal form. With a pop of magic, he was no longer the infamous cat of the northern continents.

“I do love it so when you ponies just play dumb! You can’t honestly tell me you’ve not learned anything yet? With that biiig brain of yours, you would have been the first Princess who would have become such a wonder to Equis if it wasn’t for her pride.” He chuckled deeply as he wiped away a tear with his lion paw.

Sunset grumbled and stifled a rage fueled outburst, knowing full well she didn’t want to anger the Chaos god even in her own dreams. She knew he was powerful and quite befitting of the definition of a god. How he came to know about her was baffling, but she saw this moment just like the time with the Saandie. Draw out something worthwhile and then remove the cancer, every villain fell for that ego mania and inevitably signed their own fall. She couldn’t believe his story, as her moment of evil was isolated and under special conditions. Discord wasn’t something even the Princess of Friendship could tackle without the Diarchs aid.

“Yes, the all knowing ever diligent Sunset Shimmer. I know quite a lot about you. Once on the way to being in little Mrs. Know-It-All’s glorious position, I mean she did earn it right? You on the other hand… well you have a bit more flavor. In the end, you let it all slip out of your hooves. I saw the prequel, you do make an excellent Demon Lord you know?” the deity of calamity altered his form into her dark magic daemoness perfectly in detail, save for his own horns jutting out of her fiery hair.

Her stomach lurched as she took in the manifestation of magic when it is perverted for dark purposes. If she wanted to shed a tear, her dream denied her of that ability. That shameful moment in life came back to haunt every thought process, even her voice in that form was terrifyingly on spot. Discord took the time to repeat a few quotes, reciting from a script that popped into his lion’s paw and reader glasses on that red skinned face. As if an actor were readying for a theatrical play, the impersonation was impeccable as the fake demon.

Unfortunately for her, memories were far more powerful in the dreamscape, they could cripple as much as enlighten the dreamer with their potency. Sunset found herself locked in gazes with her demonic visage in its full glory with the wicked claws, long sinister ears and tail, the god awful dress, beating bat wings, but most of all those haunting eyes. Eyes that she must have struck fear into everyone at the school like a hot brand on cattle. Perhaps that was what they saw when they managed a glance at her, the black sclera and vivid sky blue eyes that seemed to bore into the soul. The roller coaster of emotions took a dive past shame and disappointment in herself.

“Tisk, tisk… we can’t have you going all pouty like that!” Discord shook his head and removed the glasses and script from view, “I applaud the reformation you went through. Personally…” he zipped up to the side of her face and whispered, “I thought it was boring up until a little trio of sharks came to you. But hey, filler serves its purpose to build character and plot right? You showed quite the promising elements of a princess just in this world alone.” he summoned a pair of gloves which clapped to his praise, another appeared behind Shimmer and patted her back.

She couldn’t even see where the topic was going, it seemed like he enjoyed her pain by bringing up her most accomplished failures. The one thing that bothered her was how he tried shortly after to lift her hopes. It seemed well within his character of chaos to throw her onto a loop.

Still in her corrupted manifestation, the doppelganger she-demon gracefully glided next to her before swinging a devilishly clawed limb around her shoulders, the needle sharp fingers tapped against each other. A grin across his face revealed in detail the fanged maw which glistened in the daylight. Though, the rather calm look upon her former face that tried to ease the excitement down failed to keep her from squirming in his hold.

“Which leads me to why I’m here.” He raised his free arm and wrought away the landscape into the center of the human town she now lived in, “As I said, Just watching and being entertained by the sheer volume of chaos about to be had and all that! Equestria’s been so boring, and since they’re having me fix their problems before it gets out of hand. I’ve found being reformed to be…”

Sunset broke his monologue like a pistol fired in a closed crowded room. Even he froze his tongue as she pushed him away and stumbled back. She almost fell on her back if it wasn’t for Discord summoning a bed of gummy worms.


With a heavy sigh at being interrupted, “My dear Horizon Glitter, if you can’t keep up with the conversation, it is best that you don’t try to join in at all.”

Another snap of his eagle talons and a book dropped onto Sunset’s lap with the sound of a frog croaking.

“Inside that book you’ll have all the answers you’ll need as long as I see them fit for you to know. I hate spoilers myself, but I think it’s best to keep you up to date if the ending pans out like I hope it will. If anything happened to my dear Fluttershy and her precious little cuddly furball sanctuary, I’m not sure what I’d do.” He frowned and moved to open a door a few steps away to leave.

The exit sign above it had Shimmer panic, there was so much she still needed to know and ask. For what has happened, this wasn’t the curse at all even if it tried to turn her around. Whether or not he was Discord, his presence here was far too enigmatic to ignore. One thing she learned in her past, was that sometimes you had to walk into the spider’s parlor to uncover the web of lies.

“PLEASE! Wait! Will it… will the curse come back? I… almost died yesterday because…” she tried to get her words out before a large lolly pop was shoved into her mouth.

“Sunny, my little pony, there will be no dying off the main, secondary, tertiary, and background characters while I’m on watch! What good is a movie or chaos if the actors die off?!” he smiled with half lidded eyes as he floated before her.

She pulled the cherry red candy out from her mouth, “You must know how I feel then, what I want to ask. You are the spirit of chaos. I must be a walking chaos dispenser right now. But if what you’ve said is true, if any of it that is. How am I to believe you’re not with those creeps who won’t stop tormenting me!?” the plea had Discord rub his beard as he shrugged off her emotional state.

Then, as the idea popped into his head, so did the lollipop as it burst into four little ferrets who ran around Shimmer. With shout of brilliance, Discord clapped his hands together then slowly pulled them apart to show a glowing blue sphere. It looked like an energy core or a highly charged mana stone, but the light it emitted wasn’t letting her see it in detail.

Discord started to spin the baseball sized form for a few seconds before stopping. Releasing whatever hold he had on it, the object fizzled out like a hot stone dipped into water.

“I guess as bad as you’ve had it, I can give you this one freebie.” He grinned as his head disconnected from his neck and zipped straight to her face.

Sunset tried to back away, but the gummy worms coiled around her and stopped all attempts to escape. The ferrets climbed up her legs and to her face, holding it still and unable to turn away from his gaze.

“What! What are you doing!? Dis.. Discord!??” her limbs held down still flailed madly in her struggle.

His evil giggle had her so freaked out she was really hoping it would wake her any second. His red eyes locked onto hers with intent, something bad was about to happen with the way he grinned. All this dream seemed to point to was the strange plants she took. First the curse started up, and now Discord was in her mind. She hoped that something didn’t mix well with her biology, and that all this was just a harmless nightmare that coincidentally helped keep the shadow beast at bay. They traded for a demon of great terror, but ultimately harmless. She was going to hope she’d wake up alive and throttle Rose Luck.

She forced her eyes shut trying to think the coming danger away, but her skin felt the breath of the chaos god. The pounding heart in her chest and tensing muscles were refusing to be ignored even in her deep sleep. As if a sudden turn of nature, the draconequis grew two foot long eye lashes and brushed them against her face that forced a fearful chuckles. The delicate touch once again sent the dread onto ice, and her breathing nearly hyperventilating came to a manageable speed. Her entire body went limp as she watched Discord put himself together and fall to the ground laughing so hard he pounded his fists into the paved floor.

“You are SUCH a laugh you know that!” he coughed a bit as he recovered, “I was just merely playing with you. That my dear is called a butterfly kiss, something Fluttershy showed me that can make ponies very uncomfortable and weirded out for a whole day. Now… back on topic, I have a way to show you I’m very real and the danger ahead is just as well.”

A whipped cream pie in his lion’s paw materialized from the pie crust up, and then Discord launched it into her face which woke her up with a scream. Startled and sweating to the point the bed cover stuck to any exposed skin. Shimmer looked herself over for her chewy edible captives and the furry tubes with claws, though nowhere to be seen in the dark room. After throwing the bed covers and pillows everywhere in search of any part of the dream she had, she felt somewhat sure she was safe when nothing came up. No signs of shadow worms or other curse related apparitions that normally spawned after she woke. Just a regular harmless room with the door closed and no light on just as it seemed the sun was rising. It occurred to her that she hadn’t closed it when she fell asleep, or if she did she didn’t remember well enough.

As her eyes continued to scan for any movement, she went to turn on her bedside lamp for a little illumination. As she pulled the cord, the light appeared brighter than usual and of a strange shadow caste from the light bulb. There was no green tint to the room as was usual, deducing that she probably knocked off the shade in her sleep. Sunset looked over to her side to find the missing cover of the Discord shaped lamp.

In her haste of freaking out, she leapt off the bed on the opposite side from the amalgamation of the ceramic and metal piece. Crashing onto the floor like her bed was aflame. Her scream was choked off by some kind of invisible force restraining her vocal cords. When her hands went to her neck, she found nothing tangible to grab and remove. Her heart raced once again and this time everything was registering on all her senses. Her back and bottom ached from the landing, she could feel her clothing she never removed. Even the dryness of her eyes felt like her eyelids were scrapping sand.

“Oh come one! My miniature statue isn’t that bad to look at? Is it?” the lamp spoke as it became animated and looked itself over.

Sunset was truly afraid with the reality setting in. She desperately hoped this was a dream within a dream, but then again those never ended well for patients back home. Those medical tombs usually spoke of sufferers of such sleep disorders to have an early onset of psychosis. Even that seemed better than dealing with the real Discord, even if his claim of being reformed was true.

“Well I’m short on time and the movie is going to get to a good part. I just wanted to meet one of the main actors of the catastrophe play, and I do say you’re quite the card.” He warped a bouquet of flowers from his tail fluff and tossed it to her.

She caught it just as her voice box felt the release of whatever had a hold on it. Still trying to get her brain to comprehend what was happening. His laugh had her look back at him as he hovered near the ceiling.

“I felt the director was a bit too harsh on your role, so I took the liberty of grating the cheese off the script if you catch my drift. You’ll still have to fight, but at least now you’ll stand a chance. And I think Celestia will owe me a few points for that. Don’t disappoint me Sunset Shimmer! This is going to be a blast! I can guarantee it!!” he faded away from reality with his last words echoing.

For a few minutes, the poor girl simple stared at where he once was. Refusing to still believe she wasn’t asleep or just insomnia induced hysteria. She rose from the ground and tried to support herself on the bed she just catapulted from. Her hopes for the dream theory were foiled when she moved her hand on the center of the bed. Instead of the soft bedding she expected, her hand hit something solid.

Yanking herself away from the object as if it were molten hot metal, she stumbled to a safe distance. Once again, struck with alarm beyond healthy reasoning, she kicked wildly before scooting to the nearest wall. After a moment of collecting herself, Sunset let out a roar of a scream from the frustration of it all. Picking up one of her extra shoes nearby and throwing it at the bed.

In her futility, she scored a lucky shot and knocked the box onto the floor which bounced a couple times. Upon the landing, cubes and pieces of something scattered outwards. Letting her breathing come back into her control as the situation changed, Sunset willed herself from her position near a window to get closer to the foreign shape. A few timid steps and soon she smelled something moldy yet familiar with a sharp tang. A myriad of scents all combined into something edible and a very friendly food item. What came as a surprise was when she picked up a piece and investigated it, to find it was in fact a piece of brie with its rind still on. Tossing it away, she checked the other varying sizes which all came out to a form of cheese.

“He literally meant cheesy didn’t he.” She sighed in defeat and shot the chunk of fermented dairy across the room before falling to her knees in exhaustion.

Canterlot Royal Palace: Mess Hall B

“I’m very happy you let me talk with you about your tribe, you’ve been very informative.” Twilight gladly smiled her appreciation to Vigil for his time and patience.

The armored Thestral nodded as he licked his teeth from the remnants of the savory meal. He had been oddly surprised that the Princess of Friendship was not put off by the fire grilled catfish he dove into. Most ponies tended to look away with disgust or even taunt Thestrals for their omnivorous diet. Usually that ended badly for the instigators when an Honor Fight was declared by the thestral in question. While Solar Guards looked clean and cut orderly soldiers, whose stoic glares hinted at trigger hair defenders to stop any problem. Actual combat was their weakness, and the most lowest ranking thestral could best a pompous Solar Guard. Sometimes it occurred every month, other times twice in one week. Perhaps somepony other than Princess Luna would truly give his tribe the kindness and acceptance it deserved?

“I’m at your command when Princess of the Night hasn’t the need of my services. However… I’m afraid I do have some much needed sleep to tend to before our night watch. If you’ll excuse me Princess?” he bowed and awaited her permission to leave.

“I’m never going to get use to this, but your excused commander.” She cleared her throat and ruffled her wings anxiously, “May the Moon guide your ancestors on the night hunt, and so your sleep be protected all from darkness that peaks in the dead of night.” She grinned with an adorable blush across her face, “Did I say it right?”

A look of surprise caught the Guard Officer, she had memorized the old salute before Nightmare Moon in such a short time he mentioned it. It felt strange to see she included the correct wing movements to physically gesture the meaning of the phrase. He shook his head as he realized who this particular princess was, by the reports of her past life as a unicorn librarian and personal student to Princess Celestia. She had a way of memorizing and learning knowledge, which made it instantaneous for her to bring up at a whim; no matter how detailed.

“Yes, yes you did my Princess. Your first visit will go very well at the village when the time comes.” He yawned and took his leave.

Twilight couldn’t have been more joyous over her latest peacekeeping initiative with the Thestrals. Like Luna, she aimed to make them less enigmatic even if they didn’t want it yet. All she could do for now was learn, that way when the chance came she could bridge gaps and help build new bridges with the world at large and them. Being an alicorn now, meant she had plenty of time to wait for the proper opportunity. In that time, she’d become an ambassador or relations expert, perhaps even help forge the first Thestral Noble House.

Feeling content with herself, she set her personal list to get to those letters to the girls back at Ponyville. She’d already killed enough time, yet there was still half an hour left before the Adepts were to meet back with her. Then, three hours before access to the Black Tape Archives was permitted under Luna’s watch.

Sparkle trotted her way through mostly empty hallways before she wound up at her guest room. She already had an idea of what to tell her friends, and the amount of detail she was going to put would make even Rainbow cry for more as if it were the next installment to the Daring Doo series. Coming up to her door, she had noticed few guards or any staff in this part of the castle. Considering how many just finished their midday meal some time ago, there should be more all around on patrols or scanning for infiltrators.

As she opened her unguarded door, she immediately heard voices as the lock disengaged. She slowly cracked the door open as her ears swiveled to focus on the discussion going on. Her hooves made no noise on the door, but the voices were loud and clear discussing magic capacitors and their ability to be maintained through portals. One of the strangers seemed to have picked up on her covert entrance. Which was strange considering, she had caste a sound dampener spell before she really moved the door much.

“Princess Twilight? Is that you? Princess?” a stallion’s voice she pinned the origins of spoke up, “We’re terribly sorry to have intruded, but we were told by Princess Celestia to see you as soon as possible once we were done. A guard let us in, but Lapis was here first.” Spectrum said as the door opened to reveal both parties to one another.

Twilight had a puzzled look about her when their reason bounced around her head, “Celestia asked you to do that? Look, I know what we’re doing is very important, but could you please um… not intrude into my room without my authorization? It’s a… little weird to have ponies I’m still getting to know to be alone among my things.” She looked disappointed by her mentor’s judgment call.

Sure this was something that she could overlook, but was there something Celestia wasn’t telling her to warrant such a move? Considering what the Thestral commanders spoke of about the agents of shadow, who knows what else wasn’t being told to her for whatever reason. Questions she’d ask Princess Luna about later tonight, that she was sure of.

“We felt the same way, but we couldn’t find you in the Palace. So we figured waiting here would be best.” Lapis noted.

“As much as I want to pin the cutie mark on the pony, I have some private business to tend to before we discuss anything further. Not that I’m kicking you out, please don’t take it that way?” she winced realizing her choice of words.

The two Adepts looked to each other for a moment before turning back to her with warm smirks, “None taken, we’ll wait in the west lobby for you when you’re done.” Spectrum said as he made for the door from his seat on the desk chair near the well stocked book case for guests.

“Besides, I have some more to debate on the implications of dark magic in capacitor gems and their side effects of culminative exposure.” Lapis nodded and bowed before leaving.

“Thank you for understanding, I’ll be with you in twenty minutes. Promise.” She told the two mages as they moved out the door.

Spectrum bowed himself and made to leave, but he paused and turned to her, “Oh… before I let memory get lost in memoriam. Princess, I have an old experiment I’d like to test out some time. It involves the trapping of magic similar to how Tirek gained his power. Just in case we do get visitors of course. The Arcana has approved of the spell crafting, so if you’d like to assist then your help would be greatly appreciated.”

She had already began to trot to her table for the letters when she turned her head to Spectrum, “I don’t see why not, once I see your procedures and notes I’ll give my judgment on helping with it. Anything beyond inhibitor rings for unicorns can be very dangerous for magic casters. Besides, we don’t even know if we’re dealing with anyone really of danger. With the portal theory scrapped, we should focus on helping Sunset Shimmer deal with them on the other side before anything problematic comes from them. And if anything, I’ll head over every thirty moons and see if they need my help with any friendship problems.”

Nodding, “I understand, I just like to have insurance is all Princess. Please, take your time…” Spectrum grinned and turned to exit.

Twilight admired his enthusiasm in defense of Equestria, maybe he was a bit too cautious of an actual invading force. Yet no matter how vile anything was that could try to come over, it was no excuse to make them suffer from forced mana suppression or draining. After all, Equestria was built upon the foundation of peace and friendship with all walks of life, even if ponies sometimes reacted to outsiders in negative ways.

Shaking her head, Sparkle removed the train of thought in lew of the letters she still had to write. Thankfully, Spectrum also brought up the book she used to talk to Sunset by bringing up his pet project. Perhaps something new had occurred in her absence since she left the archives early in the morning.

In a few minutes, fresh parchment coupled with new ink and quills waited for her use. The only thing missing was the book, which had disappeared from her possession. She gave an initial scan of the item like a scout on a guard tower, but nothing popped in her vision.

“I was sure to have brought it back? Maybe I left it in the library? I was low on sleep without that special tea. If anything, I probably put it under a bunch of books again.” She sighed in frustration remembering the Siren dilemma onset.

As she searched for the dimension crossing journal, some of her parchment paper fell softly to the ground in her rush. Considering the small size of the single bed and bathroom quarters, there seemed to be no way it was in the room after thrice looking around. Sparkle kept most of her research in the Black Tape section on the one communal study table. Luna advised that all physical information and notes had to remain guarded. Only the reports she spot checked personally for sensitive information went to Celestia.

“Well, I guess that’s down the list for now. I still have those letters to send anyways, I’m sure there is nothing going on that Sunset couldn’t handle.” She said as her magic began to organize the whirlwind of scattered objects to their proper place.

6 A.M. Dazzle’s Room

While everyone slept soundly, one of the four girls tossed and turned in her sleep. Her mind lost to a dream brought by the maelstrom of questions she exhausted herself with. Just before their alarm clock was set to go off, Adagio neared the ending of the reverie.

“Please why… why won’t you come with…”


“Go…go now…”

The words echoed in the air, whispers following and slowly rising in volume.

“I don’t… why…?”

“Get away… from… these waters…”

The soft spoken voices were growing beyond murmurs, reaching the volume of a small chorus. Many were speaking at the same time and little to discern from it.

“Why won’t you come with me?!”


“Get away… before you…”

“I..I… I’m sure the Matriarch can…”

All around the whispers became so loud, it drowned out anything else. Adagio could only see the encroaching white that had grown in intensity everywhere. The last thing she focused on, that she could see with the remaining visibility was her mother and father. Both were sick and barely able to support their weight, like a minnow speared by a fishing hook to be used as bait.

Just as the noise denying her any way of hearing what they had to say about their leader, the world had died away in both sight and sound. Then, it all stopped suddenly in the blink of an eye. The attempt to even shout above the nullifying atmosphere left only the sensation of her vocal cords vibrating at the level of exertion she put on them.

A tire screeching from a fast turn outside the hotel sent Adagio shooting up from the covers. Her mumbling continued unabated by the sudden awakening, her eyes were cracked open as she stared at the wall. The orange blonde hair she allowed to be free each night flowed just past her shoulders before bouncing back behind her. As the lush curls settled into a rest, Adagio simply begged to the wall behind the hotel dresser and television screen.

“Please… don’t want… to… leave…” her voice cracked slightly.

Her eyes quickly scanned the room for the place she was before, but instead of finding the wetlands of her old home. There before her was the dark two bed hotel suite, no sign or sight of where she was only moments ago. Instead of feeling the soft sandy bottom and lapping waves of the shallows, the multiple layers of sheets held her body like a wrapper. Instead of seagulls cawing, the AC unit occasionally clicked as it chugged on to keep the room chilly.

The realization that she was awake dawned on the golden siren like a dark shadow sweeping over her. A short lived trembling racked her body just as she felt something tickle her cheeks like an ant crawled straight down her face. She had been among her home pod of sirens moments ago, each and every unique color of every pod mate she grew up with. Their voices and songs seemed far too real, and now she was back in the monkey realm in a bony twig body. All the familiar sights and smells were vivid and realistic, making her half dazed stupor hard to bear with. The way the dream ended flabbergasted her, a pleasant memory relived that sank like the cheap wooden boats of the pony sailors in a storm.

Adagio looked to her hands and studying them briefly, fighting her hazy eye sight and barely functioning mind. She flexed the joints and digits slowly as she tried to remind herself that she did spend many years as a hairless beast. They felt alien, disgusting, and outright fragile to her unlike the iron hard claws that resembled hooves of ponies. A short train of thought which came and went, Adagio dropped her hands back to her sides. The tugging of exhaustion felt powerful, even as she was just an hour shy of the alarm clock to activate. She wanted to think, to remember every feature of the dream and analyze it, but the more she tried the farther it became. A window that closed with every attempt to get closer to it.

‘I…I can’t forget it.’ She recited to herself a few times even though she slurred much of the sentence.

“They will all… all pay for it…” the muscles supporting her upright position gave out from under her.

As soon as she hit the pillow and mattress, Dazzle lost her consciousness in seconds. Enticed by the melodic hum of the air conditioner not far from her bed, she failed to even see her gem on the bed stand glow weakly. Only when she began to snore once again did the stone cease to emit light.

It would have been another uneventful and peaceful time before the morning ritual began. Yet Twilight stood at the doorless frame of the room staring at the girls, intently studying Adagio even as she resumed her rest. In her hands, a small notebook with a pen scribbling down what she observed. Adagio had gotten her attention with a moment of sleep talking that surprisingly enough didn’t disturb the other girls in the same room. Sparkle chalked it up to their REM, believing only an explosion could audibly shake them to reality.

The little moment Dazzle had was troubling to her, among other things she figured troubled the faux human. This was as bad as Sonata’s emotional state when she talked about her pod. Bottled up emotions and a history which needed to be investigated had to be told to Yellow Tail soon. It was exactly the kind of cocktail of trouble that could stir up big problems. She was sure that soon they’d have a time frame to go by, but with the latest developments. Twilight hoped there would be enough time and not just a few days of a window.

Ch. 18 Not Alone

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Ch. 18 Not Alone

“Alright, you’ll let us know when Yellow needs us, but be quick about it. We need to get this on with and get back home pronto!” Adagio commanded as she fixed her hair in front of the foggy bathroom mirror from the hot showers earlier.

Twilight had just finished dressing up and patted away the creases in her skirt. With her hair in a bundle, she was set to be early at Crystal Prep if she caught the next bus

“Understood, I’ll text you when I see him again. I’m sure it’ll be very soon though, so be ready at a moment’s notice.” She smiled to herself as her uniform finally looked presentable.

Aria had been working on her hair in the bedroom, trying to force the star shaped hair bands to harness her usual twin ponytails. Her attention was that of a bored child going through the drums of life that long lost their fun and amusement before school. She didn’t pay Twilight any attention and seemed to be put off by her and Sonata’s new friendship. Her standoffish mood was not a pressing issue, as the past few days among the Dazzlings had painted their personality.

Sonata herself was quite the opposite with an unusual burst of life in every step. Her hands worked her ponytail hairstyle as she hummed a few tunes. The juvenile vocalist even skipped to the restroom earlier ago to shower, then sang as she performed her dental hygiene as funny as it sounded. It seemed that their talk last night had opened up an even more energetic side of her, Twilight may have even been the only other soul who had heard her story. Adagio of the three had been the only one annoyed by the giddy siren, to what Twilight guessed was the stolen sleep from last night. She was mostly set to go and simply waited for her pod mates as she massaged her temples.

Twilight could see the minor distraught in the leader of the trio and how Aria seemed to gain pleasure from it. Some kind of tension that either made the group or led it on its many failures in the past simmered below the group consciousness. As much as she desired to stay and get a little one on one with the other sirens. Yellow was clear about reporting each new development and not throwing out her own schedule which could draw attention. He would pass or deny what she was able to do, using the threat of removing the manuscripts before she even read through one. As frustrating as it was, she would not let herself get ahead of the situation. The other consequence was drawing Principle Cinch's judging glare and losing the lab room she was given.

“You know, it’s going to be so cool to know who Yellow really is once he trusts us enough. Right? All that magic and stuff, he must be some kind of powerful unicorn or maybe...” Sonata babbled in a chipper tone while taking a seat on her bed.

Nodding as she fluffed one last section of her bouncy orange curls , “Yes, I’m very interested to understand this whole magical apocalypse he’s preparing for. I’m also keen to know more on his little band of miscreants… without some lost souls trying to overtake us of course.” Adagio growled at the last words as she sauntered out to her bed and grabbed her belted boots.

Their earlier shopping had worked out for them with the line of clothing to draw in more crowds, her understanding of fashion was tested with the responses they received. Humans seemed to be enticed by the proper attire, twice fold for performers of any genre of music. When she could, she used the internet accessible computers in the lobby to look up ways to enhance their shows. What she was able to come up with in her research produced the strange science of charming, which oddly seemed eerily similar to how sirens found a mate. Females sang the best they could to show off their key ability as well as extend their fins outward so the translucent membranes shimmered with mesmerizing iridescence. Unlike ponies, the apes of this world were already bewitched by their natural good looks and style, thus it was like netting a shoal of fish.

“Whatever it is, I don’t care. We’ll do our part and be on our way. That lunatic has some screws loose for sure. I mean really, Ley Lines? Demons?!.” Aria scoffed as she completed the hair ties and plopped herself next to Sonata.

Adagio just shook her head at the touchy attitude, “Yes I’ll admit, he’s frivolous with that story at best. Demons and all that, it’s got some pizzazz. Regardless, we have our magic and we can be who we’re meant to be. We’ll fulfill his little dream and go on our merry little way. The grand stage awaits us back in Equestria that nothing here will ever compare to.”

“But what if he’s telling the truth?” Sonata asked as she genuinely showed care for their future.

“Don’t you care about your home? You seem to want to leave this place as soon as possible.” Twilight joined as she equipped her heavy backpack that nearly tipped her over onto the floor face first.

Adagio rolled her eyes and sighed while she tightened the straps on her lavender footwear, “We’re sirens Twilight, we are meant to sing and captivate the throngs of listeners. There is nothing we can do about some broken deal with demons even if it was true. Besides, we’ll become more powerful than any mage or demon that Equestria has ever seen! Though... what he meant by getting back our own pendants when we return is still a cause for worry.” She let her eyes drift to the window outside.

“You think these won't make it through the way back?” Aria held her own stone close to her chest as if it were to shatter into dust.

Dazzle remained still and distant before something in her eyes snapped back to reality, “All questions which we’ll get answers soon enough, right now I want us to focus on performing better than ever! Before we leave we have a little unfinished business to take care of and practice will ensure we'll leave here victorious. Now, I believe we're have an agenda to keep.”

She nodded to everyone and sat up as a signal to get ready to leave. In the process of grabbing their bits pouches, Sonata leapt from the soft bedding and twirled around as she aimed to the living room. Accidentally hitting Twilight as she tried to speak, leaving her spitting out the long strands of fruit scented hair.

“It’ll be awesome to get revenge on those losers! We’ll sap all their willpower out of them and make them eternally love us like a changeling adores their queen.” Blaze almost giggled in the sheer sadistic joy she envisioned as she passed by Sparkle who pulled one long piece of azure from her mouth

“Once we’re done, we might even bring them along as stage hands and servants. Heaven knows Sonata will need a few friends to keep her entertained.” Adagio joined in the mirthful giggle.

With the three faux humans at the door check themselves over for the second key card for the room, Twilight nervously twiddled her hair as she tried to ask a friendly question. She really had something close to friendship with at least one of them, and with the speed of progress shortening their availability. The experiences to enjoy were finite, and for what it was worth the abrasive air around the trio was nothing compared to the students she knew at Crystal Prep. Eating together, listening to Adagio and her scheming, Aria's commentary about the people near them, and Sonata's frivolous attitude had been the best human interaction she'd had. Sour Sweet and her mood swings, Sugarcoat's rather forth coming observations, Sunny Flare's queen bee personality, and Indigo Zap was just someone to stay clear of if one wanted to not make a contest out of dangerous things everyday. None of them were even interested in her studies nor wanted her to willingly be apart of anything they did unless it was required. Having to go back to that toxic environment peaked her courage to try something.

"If you guys ever want to um... hang out again. I'll be free after school, at least whenever Yellow Tail doesn't need us doing anything that is." she stammered out flustered and anxious.

"Oh! That sounds fun! We could hang out on the weekends and maybe go for breakfast tacos in the morning, or catch dinner together." Dusk prattled on as the ideas flowed.

Ignoring the ceaseless chatter behind her, "I don't see the harm in it, besides Yellow did have us working on teamwork and trust as part of the deal. And we have been meaning to get phones, so write down your number and we'll contact you when we are not busy."

Just as Sparkle appeared to shine with joy, "Just don't let yourself be followed by those three from the other night. If they do, don't come near us or this whole thing will go up in smoke!" Aria's usual sass poked out.

"Oh quit being such a worry wort Aria. Yellow's trusted her and we should to." Sonata asserted as she shook her comrade by the shoulders.

Having batted away the vexing girl, she growled before being the first to leave nearly stomping out of the room. The nerdy student used the paper pad on the desktop nearby and scribbled her contact info before handing it to the dominant siren. Which after it was taken, Sonata gingerly squeezed her new friend that her spine popped from the bear hug. Even as Adagio was exiting the room, she heard the sickening sound and grimaced.

"Even if this world is the worst place ever, your like the only human I'd call friend since we've been here! See ya at dinner time!" letting Twilight go and bounding out the door to the others.

Left to adjust her glasses and smooth our her uniform, the amateur chiropractic session left Sparkle with a fresh body surprisingly enough. At least and the willingness of the Dazzlings to hang out with her would make Crystal Prep tolerable again. She had Spike to retrieve from home and a paper to write which should give her the permission to build a sensor device that could track down magical signatures as per Yellow's orders. He didn't want the Rainbooms or anything else to interfere, but he himself was far too busy as it were to construct the item. Much less have the laboratory and the needed materials, and for herself the device would prove the existence of magic and pivot into a application. Levitation without magnets would be the start to a wide range of head turning utilization.

Sunset's Dorm Room

Shimmer had wasted twenty minutes cleaning up the cheesy crumbles to avoid a roach infestation, chalking up that worry to Discord. Once the room smelled of fresh flowers instead of the mix of different types of aged dairy, she set off to readied for school. She was never one for cheese either, from what she deduced back in Equestria she was lactose intolerant.

All aside, having woken up two hours before she needed to be up, there was just enough time to relax and collect herself. Discord’s little visit had not only allowed her some much needed rest, but it pulled the final straw from her patience. She simply didn’t care anymore and found it easy to look at things with a calmer outlook. It felt strange to not be paranoid for a moment, not that the feeling had left her alone. It amounted to an alarm clock with a lower volume setting, where she could breathe and think without strain.

“So… Discord, the self proclaimed Spirit of Chaos, a reformed subject of Equestria and apparently friends with ponies now he had once tormented with his brand of catastrophe?” she told herself before taking a sip of water from the sink in the bathroom, “He’s here to witness chaos, which means we’re definitely in the right to fear what is out there using Twilight and the Dazzlings.”

Sunset walked downstairs to fix up some of Pinkie Pie's famous instant coffee to further soothe her morning. It was far from the powdered acid found in stores, rather she went through lengths for Sugar Cube Corner's sake. She spent a month going to local roasters for the best beans she would finely grind. Her methods produced an quick serving of black gold that didn't send the drinker into a caffeine headache, but more of a euphoric state with pep. She had given her some after the first night she endured the nightmare, and even showed her how to make a cappuccino version at home.

Once the cup of hot water received a spoonful of the ultra fine grounds, she took to the couch to review the dream she had. The details were still very vivid to the point she could write an essay for the girls to experience themselves.

“This means as soon as Twilight replies, I’m going to have to ask her to redouble her efforts quickly. Maybe even request the Princesses once I tell them Discord was here. That bane of Equis is like a buzzard to a carcass, that means even the girls will need to be on the lookout. It’ll stress them, but in the end we’ll be more ready to battle whatever rears its ugly head. And it's looking to be one nasty looking cave troll with a bunion.” She proclaimed just as her phone rattled for both for her morning alarm and the text messages.

Shimmer wasn’t too keen on what happened before she crashed on the bed, but for some reason Rose was trying to get a hold of her. The device had been put to vibrate accidentally, so there were a number of messages. The first two were five minutes apart, making sure she was well rested or if the herbs failed. The next three were three minutes apart goading for a reply. The recent ones were two new messages that came fifteen minutes after the last set to warn her she was on her way and then at the door.

Which as she finished reading, the door knocked lightly and popped the girl from the miniature screen. They were dainty and light, just enough to requisition attention and nothing more, but it was momentarily freaky to have read it occur as she did. Sunset looked to the entrance and pondered for a moment before the knocking resumed again. It wasn’t long before she remembered another moment from the night before, Flash had mentioned Luck was going to see to her in the morning.

She hurried to the source and looked through the eye hole to confirm the identity of the hand, and there before the door was Rose dressed for school and looking very impatient. Unlocking the two sliders and the deadbolt, the creaking loudly pronounced the interaction as her friend was revealed with the most perturbed look upon her otherwise friendly face.

“It took you this long? Really? You better hope to tell me you had a full nights rest or so have me…” she crossed her arms with a serious look about her as she tapped one of her shoes on the concrete floor.

With a light chuckle, “Whoa, easy there, I took a sample and yes I only just woke up not long ago. I’m pretty sure your herbal blend hit the spot…”

Before she could continue, Sunset soon found herself locked in a tight embrace with gentle arms by the unintended sleep therapist. It was quick, like a shot of espresso she found herself feeling an immense sense of joy that even the coffee had a hard time living up to. It felt as if Discord appearing in their world was nothing important, and the warmth of a strong bond was humbling.

“Good, then I’ll be supplying you anything you need whenever you run out. It’s on the house and its good for my parents too, a good practice trial before they start to package and sell it as a legitimate herbal medicine.” Rose beamed with joy as she let go and straighten up.

“I can’t say I didn’t have a heck of a crazy dream, but it was a mouse compared to the jaguar they use to be.” Sunset brushed a loose bang of hair from her vision as she let Rose inside.

The visitor took a quick gander at the little home, noticing nothing out of the ordinary. For her first time being in Sunset’s dorm, she had expected some kind of mess or perhaps indicators to her many attempts to get the student body to see the reformed her. Rather, in some way it was not at all shocking that Shimmer really didn’t own much nor did she need a lot to begin with. The lingering scent of pine and lavender mingled with the aroma of fresh coffee Pinkie Pie made.

“Dreams, not nightmares, are a good indication that you achieved REM. Though you will still need a lot more than one night before your back to norm." she sniffed the air enticingly, "Mind if I get a cup too? I've hand nothing but a cup of water before I left.” Rose explained as she walked to the kitchenette.

“Hey, after a full nights rest I’ll take you to Hester’s on me!” Sunset chuckled as she joined her friend.

“Girl, I might just take you up on that. So… where are your cups? Are they in this cabinet?” she asked as she popped open a random door.

Shimmer went walleyed when she could have sworn she saw Discord lazily sail through the air from behind the opened door. Luck wouldn’t have seen him right away as she rummaged for the ceramic cups to serve with. The draconequus floated through the air on his back with plate of what looked like flapjacks and a glass of chocolate milk balanced on his serpent body. She wanted to scream at the spirit as much as she wanted to get Rose out of the room. Yet if she reacted in the way Discord would of wanted, she may have ended up losing the new friend she never knew she had.

Quickly thinking of a neutral option, “Heeeey… why don’t you let me handle it for you. No pun intended, but my mugs are in the bottom cabinet with the special ones I don’t use often so they won’t get broken. That one right there!” she feigned as best as she could.

Truthfully, she was keeping her favorite wares in a single area and they were the cutest ones she owned. At least technically owned, they were taken for the most part during her pre-reformed era from boys she got them from. Her coffee and tea addiction was due in part to Celestia when she studied under her. With her little stash of decorated porcelain vessels, Rose’s attention was secured as she awed at the enamel paintings and handmade decals. Discord simply grinned before teleporting away, knowing this wouldn't be the last time he'd show his face and cause trouble for the girl.

A breath of relief escaped Sunset as she stood up and leaned into the counter. Now she was completely sure she hadn’t dreamed it all up.
“This one! Ohhh this one I want to drink out of and make my day.” The squeal of delight introduced the hibiscus covered handled cup which Shimmer gently chuckled at.

Surprisingly enough, that flower themed cup was the one Flash Sentry had given to her on their third date. The flow of memories caused her to think fondly of the walk she shared with him, even if there was nothing between them anymore. The tender look across her face emanated the sentiment which Rose only noticed after she needed to know how to prepare the coffee. Waving her hand in calm girls face earned nothing but a longing sigh, those baby blue eyes were lost to the counter top. Asking fell on deaf ears as were any taps on the shoulder numb to the touch. Frustrated, Rose analyzed the expression before realizing what it likely was about.

The way Flash spoke of what they did after they left to her room, how he seemed happy to help the former demoness of Canterlot High. How she took a recording of their conversation which she brought out and played with the volume at maximum.

"I gotta tell ya, she really needed some rest. It was nice to remember the past with her, I told her about how we both were aware she had a good side to that iron wall she put up. She was genuinely surprised when I told her how you saw her, and we somehow talked about that one day she saved that kid from bullies. I really hope those plants you gave her help, I could probably ask Coach Iron Will if he knew any other aids since some of the guys tend to go all out and tire before big games." the audio recording played out.

"Flash!" Sunset jumped into reality.

"Knew it... I knew you two still had a thing." Rose sneered and giggled as she put away her phone.

Completely flustered and confused, "We don't have a thing Rose! I was tired and I was starting to wobble... he let me rest against him and that was all that happened!!"

"Sure thing kiddo, he cared enough about you to coordinate with me to get you some help. And hold you apparently to get you home safely, its not a thing between you." her grin spread even more as she suppressed a hard laugh at Sunset's expense.

"LOOK! Twilight from back home likes him, and those two hit it off. Last thing I need is her coming back and him swooning over me. She deserves it more, I'd still be evil if it were not for her friendship. I'd still be alone if she didn't get the others to befriend me." Shimmer deflated at the surrender of the opportunity.

Rose broke her joy and puffed out a bit of air in protest, "No! Not true in the least, well about the first part of course. Here is how I see it, I come from a family with a lot of women so you can't give me that 'Quiter' look. Yes Twilight Sparkle has saved the school and possibly the world on two occasions, and yes she just happened across Flash. Sure they're friendly to each other and will likely shoot to one another when she visits. But look at it like this... she's not from our world and I'm not even sure how she visits us. Could be some Einstein time dimensional thing I can't even fathom, but the point is." she stopped Sunset from interrupting, "Its not fair to Flash for him to wait on her to come back even if she makes it as often as she can. She's what? Some kind of princess? You know someone like her has a huge platter of responsibilities."

"I know, I could tell you what Princess Celestia does during the day court and the secret meetings with her advisors..." she tried to explain.

"That means they'd have a long distance relationship with a huge cultural difference to handle, probably why he's fond of her with the way she dances and takes everything seriously. But you and Flash have history! He's fond enough of you to know you had a heart somewhere under that dark veil you had as I did when no one else tried. You and him have a chance, an actual chance Shimmer! If I know anything from the relationships my family has had, it is that you don't waste this. Twice we've had some kind of danger come around, what's to say it won't harm you or him, then what? Regret girl! Regret will follow you and it will bleed you emotionally.

"Rose I don't think I need relationship advise right now. I still have the entire student body to make friends with and pay back all that I've done." Sunset held her rebuttal.

"Shimmer, you need to understand that you'll probably graduate before that goal is ever close to being completed. People are like that and hanging onto it won't help you in the long run. I've seen how they look at you even after the Battle of the Bands, most are warming up to you slowly that is true. But your little dark moment will likely hang on like some crazy superstition. And... your no Twilight Sparkle either, your you. Sunset Shimmer who has a young boys heart in her hands that will fly away if she doesn't hold on out of fear for another. You make it out like they've kissed before or even went out on the dates you've been on! Come on now, take my advise and rekindle that bond you have with him. If Twilight's a princess, she'll have her own suitors back home if she has the time. Your in the now like Allan Watts talked about in philosophy class. Let yourself fall in love again, and allow another to love you as well." Rose continued.

"Your nightmares are probably powered by the loneliness you've felt after your purification. Your only friends with the Rainbooms and you don't have family here. I can't imagine what that's like to come back to this place and not admit it at some point every time you go to sleep or wake up. Nightmares are fueled by the stressed mind trying to escape its problems. Please, for me? Will you at least give yourself some rope and live some? I'll always have your back. Flash, the girls, and me... now shake on it!" she thrust forth her right hand at the bewildered equestrian.

"If I said no, you'd still be on this well after today won't you?" she asked and received no answer but an unbending glare, "I... I... uh, I will try to see everything differently then. I won't promise you I'll restart our relationship, but I'll hang out with him some more. Will that be good enough? If something happens then I'll let Murphy do his thing and I won't stop it. Deal?"

"Deal." Rose Luck flashed a wide smile as the two shook in agreement.

After making a quick brew of Pinkie's popular coffee and showing the dosage of the herbs she took the night prior. The girls spent a quiet moment just enjoying the roasted goodness in a cup as the sunlight filtered into the room, basking them in the comforting heat. Shortly after the R&R, they left for their way to school where Flash Sentry had been secretly told to wait for them by Rose. Luck found it necessary to hold her hand out in front of her ward every time they came to a road with an unmovable stance on Sunset's safety. Which after the third time it seemed to be more patronizing than helpful.

However, since she did nearly end her life prematurely the other day, she couldn’t say a word against the attention. The humility required was just another test to her reformation. Instead, the conversation Luck had brought up about the school and its current politics were what Sunset settled on to placate her dislike of being coddled.

“So they say that Crystal Prep's going to be unstoppable with Soarin and Flamebeck leading the sports theater. With that hunk of a double decker roster, the girls team is just as good with Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest at the forefront. Two girls have just as much talent and energy as those boys, and they will probably send Canterlot into the ground before the third set of games as usual." Rose sighed at the long streak of losses against the rival school.

“I almost forgotten about the Friendship Games, they won’t be long now. Just more hate between opposing schools right?” she nervously laughed when the idea of a few scenarios involving the sirens meant disaster without a moments call between all the negativity fostered by the so called Friendship Games.

“Honestly! You think the title Friendship Games would be loud enough for even a dog could understand it." Luck spouted as they reached the last set of thoroughfare.

"Well, I think we may have a chance though. The schools been united from its little incidents, and with you on the team with the Rainbooms we could have a chance. Heck if we win then I'm sure the students would treat you more kindly." the idea struck a cord in Shimmer.

"Ya, your quite the athlete yourself as well as sharpest mind around." a masculine voice announced behind her and caused the fiery haired girl to jump.

Ch. 19 Turning Gears

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Ch. 19 Turning Gears

Canterlot Royal Library

Five small parchments gently nestled in the saddle bag on Twilight's haunches. Each destined to one of the other former elements of harmony who were likely curious and worried about her since the immediate trip to Canterlot. A dainty box held in her magical aura before her contained a shining opal with a letter for her number one assistant. Having been away from the Castle for the last week or so, Spike was put in charge of the library and promoting reading to the ponies of Ponyville as part of her new campaign to educate. Just as with the Thestrals were ellusive and feared by false stories, there were many beings ponies naturally took a fearful reaction to just as with the Zecora incident. Taking it upon herself, she began to host special book days known as Reading Emporiums complete with food and beverages to draw in even the work weary stallion. At first it was painstakingly slow to garner attendance, but with Pinkie's touch with the refreshment table they began to see an increase in visitors.

Her selection of literature comprised of the world of Equis at large and the many kingdoms who traded with Equestria. She enjoyed seeing the reactions of the town folks who likely never would leave the town, their eyes and minds privy to the wide diversity of far away lands and those they knew some portion about. There were those who found it as a good family fun time with their foals and grand parents, while the more business savvy found opportunities for their goods to travel. Of course the good few who just simply enjoyed the quiet areas to rest from life where at least once a month some giant monster or evil rose to shake the peace. For the groups like Mrs. Cherrilee's class, Twilight had normally been the one to give a light lecture who Spike tutored her into being short and sweet in order to keep the thrill. He had a sense of how the air felt, whether she sounded boring or lost herself in the details when somepony had a question. His coaching led her to put him in charge of the sessions which she organized the topics for with gems as payment if he did well. An offer he more than willingly took upon himself, but unlike the odd jobs he'd taken before; this time things were different.

Even though she had to leave without seeing a group discussion under Spike's presence, up till now he single handedly worked three of the Reading Emporium days. Using his special flame to send her the records and ratings ponies could leave. It brought a tingling sensation of satisfaction to her heart to see that he performed well and ponies were still coming in for lectures. Her number one assistant never failed her and that was why the opal was hoof picked by her as a treat to the little dragon.

As she trotted down a lonely hallway to deliver the parcels to the Royal Mail Department, a little inlet of a lobby to the right was coming forth. Voices echoed as they discussed something she barely picked up until she drew closer.

"I have a couple of my most intelligent and creative students performing tests as a project. To see if they could use S.A. capacitors in the same manner that the princess did and open portals, as extra credit as much as it is a favor for the Night Guard." a stallion spoke with pride

"I'm not sure if that is wise or smart, those gems won't be the same as a siren stone and breaking them with Harmony type magic is not reproducible. They are using dark magic gems right? It'll be a scaled down version of what we're really concerned about, but if they make headway you will forfeit their findings immediately?" a mare asked as her voice joined in the reverberation in the hall.

"Of course, there is no worry to be had as Princess Luna authorized a Night Guard who has dealt with Shadow Agents to oversee their experiments. What he's seen and knowledge of their use by the enemy will guide my students and hopefully prove without a doubt that Princess Twilight has no need to worry herself so much. Plus, we can reproduce similar energy frequencies that are but a fraction off from when the Elements of Harmony were in action. Dr. Crest had been fortunate enough to have been studying monitoring foreign gems mined from Saddle Arabia." the subtle in the vocal pattern pinned it on Spectrum who was likely talking to Lapis.

"So your confident that all this is for nought then?" Lapis inquired with a hint of annoyance.

"Let me put it in the proper context. We don't need to fear an invasion of some unknown power who we don't even know the goals or aim of. The quicker we prove that the stolen gemstone can't do anything more than power a forge's fire the sooner we can get on with our lives. The masses don't need to cower from some ghost in the dark! Honestly Lapis, I thought you'd be on the same level with me?" Vibrant sounded hurt at the insinuation of being naive which caused Twilight to slow her gate from curiosity.

"I live in the present, and the present dictates a potential danger that the crowns have deemed us worthy enough to assist in combating whether it's to prove there is a danger or not. Taking this so... so nonchalant is a novice way that will spell disaster! We're Adepts Spectrum! That means we view a problem at every angle and assume the worst will happen, especially from ponies like us so we can't pick an outcome straight out of the gate! Your projects could easily cause a massive disaster with an overcharged capacitor or my portal tests could send half of this city to another dimension!" she snorted loudly as an angered bull before charging.

"Well I can see you've not been taking Master Mage Bismuth's relaxation classes for staff. You know how dangerous it is to be stressed out when working on such high level projects. I of course know full well the dangers we are in, I just chose to handle it without losing my sight and mind in a high risk assessment. I've had a crystal explode in my muzzle once before due to a careless student in the room. Luckily the wards I placed in advanced mitigated the strength of the pressure waves and imploded the blast." the stallion calmly retorted almost as an insult.

Twilight stopped just a hoof step before making herself known, she hung on the last words of the Adept as she analyzed the bickering relationship of the aspiring mages. They had history from what she could tell and their friendship was on the brink of collapse if their argument was anything to acknowledge. While Vibrant seemed confident in his predetermined forecast, Lapis sounded generally concerned for his assumptions. Their conflict was not something the Princess of Friendship would let go without trying to make amends between them, assuming they are not in any real danger as Lapis had tried to point out.

"Good, then you know where I'm coming from. We have a duty to uphold a certain air around us to avoid being presumptuous in such matters. Both worlds, ponies and humans rely on us to uncover any plot by a third party even if they are unintentionally posing as a danger." she pushed.

"There is no arguing with you when your set on a problem. What a shame, I guess we have little else to discuss the Lazuli... because I know there is nothing else to say that won't continue this argument." he sighed as the sound of hooves clopped on the clean marble floors.

"Spectrum? Spec please don't push me away again! I want us both to work on something without butting heads for the umpteen time. This... this isn't some science project to be careless about. Spec? Spec!" the mare started to shout.

Once Twilight caught on to the intimate matter of the argument, her eyes widened in dread as she realized she eves dropped. Vibrant was leaving and she would be caught then and there as some peeping tom utterly intruding into their little private moment. Without a seconds notice, she cast a Clear Light spell upon herself and vanished from sight.

The stallion no sooner appeared around the corner and casually paced away from the summons of the mare left behind. Twilight held still like a stone gargoyle on a fortress wall, holding her breath as he passed by her just inches away from brushing against coats. Agonizing moments began to eat away at her muscles as she tensed her body to the point of pain, an ire developed at how slow Spectrum proceeded to leave. Lapis called out five more times before she went quiet in the lobby, the sound of barely restrained irritability from whispers to herself were loud enough for Sparkle to hear as her ears swiveled. Whatever bond that existed was once strong, perhaps requiring her friends if not Fluttershy to mediate some kind of truce. She dreaded the moment the both of them would be in the Black Tape section with her and reenact her first slumber party with Applejack and Rarity.

Before she could consider the potential difficulty working with the Adepts even further, the sound of armor plates hitting themselves echoed behind her. The subtle ruckus came from one of the solar guards who had happened across likely from the noise the two created. Twilight figured he was in the process of slapping the two with a warning for disturbing the peace in the Royal Palace. However, the stranger thing occurred when the guard had instead trotted up to Spectrum and talked in a hushed tone to his ears. Seeming to pass along something important for his ears only, which to her knowledge she never saw a Guard act so conspicuous unless with was to Celestia. Even under the invisibility spell, she couldn't do much other than turn her head very slowly to avoid being detected. What she was able to witness was little more than a short conversation before the guard turned to leave a deep in thought Spectrum who soon teleported away with his magic. A minutes worth of waiting turned up nothing else other than quiet serenity of the large castle, and once she felt safe she dropped her stance. Never had standing still been such a workout, but her aching muscles were little concern to her with the distraught mare not far from her. The mail would have to wait with this friendship problem before her.

Outside Canterlot High

Sunset had lept in place when Flash surprised her with his commentary. Her heart fluttered and missed a beat before she realized what was happening. Rose Luck lightly punched the boy in the arm albeit playfully if her stern face hadn't put a stop to any thought of it being a jest. Seeing Shimmer put a hand to her chest in an attempt to calm her heart, it was a sobering view to the others.

"P... Please don't do that?" she stuttered out as her breathing deepened and began to slow.

"Umm, sorry about that." Flash rubbed the back of his neck nervously in shame.

Rose put a hand on the her shoulder and coaxed back a calming mood, the sheer surprise from Sunset was the evidence that she still had many nights to go before all was well.

"I kinda texted him to meet us here, but I thought he was going to meet us at the doors!" she glared at Flash, "Figured some friendly faces would do you some good right?" she said with a sheepish grin.

"My pop's had an issue with the car he needed me to help with so I got held up. Sorry?" he smiled innocently enough.

"Its nothing guys, but perhaps call out next time before speaking into my ears like that." Sunset felt a blush come on to which she subdued harshly.

"Of course, wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable. By the way, the Friendship Games are coming up and I thought I'd ask if you wanted to be in it? I already signed up to be apart of the representing team, and knowing your skills I thought you'd want in as well. We could train together and show those Crystal Prep snobs a thing or to!" Sentry proudly told her as he pumped a fist in the air.

"Now that sounds like a plan, I don't have anything to really throw into the lot. But I could see you to putting a sizable dent into the score board. Heck you two know each other well enough to coordinate some kind of training regime right?" Luck earned a well deserved scowl from the now blushing face of the former demoness, she knew what her new friend was up to.

"Well, when you put it that way a good team is one that knows one another. Can't really expect victories out of a slap stick bundle. I learned that the hard way when I started my band back at the age of thirteen. So... want to be training buddies Sunset? We could sign you up at the main office?" Flash proposed as he stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets.

The small group came across the infamous intersection Shimmer nearly expired at not a day ago, but with her two friends who triple checked when to cross and for oncoming traffic. The arrival was not as bad as she feared it would be, in fact the memory was nowhere near being problematic.

Using her luscious fiery hair the obscure her red faced complexion, "Sss...s..sure! I'll... uh... I'll go and join up, I'm sure the girls will be apart of it too seeing as they helped save the school twice now. You uhhh... you have my number so we can make a schedule later?"

They had traversed the two double lanes and onto the safe sidewalk, "Sounds perfect, and looks like we crossed the intersection without some dozer about to run over us. Hey perhaps we could go for breakfast at that Jalisco taco place not far from here? They have the best breakfast anywhere from what I heard and we'll need the calories if we're going to beat Crystal Prep!" he offered as they stopped near the entrance to the campus.

The road behind them resumed its grudgingly loud traffic as the sounds of tires moving along the roadway lulled by with each passing vehicle. A few students were passing by on their way to first class and chatting to themselves, others were eating something they picked up from the cafeteria after having arriving earlier than them.

"I think that's a cool habit we should pick up right Shimmer? Nothing like a good ole friendly breakfast between pals!" Rose laughed, "Well I got to see my geometry teacher about extra credit, catch you guys later if I don't text you! Oh and Pinkie Pie wants to see you Sunset! Bye!"

As their quirky compatriot ran off waving to them, Sunset couldn't help but feel vulnerable being alone with Flash again. She hoped to avoid treading on broken glass and hurt Twilight's feelings if something bloomed between them. Just as much as avoiding any talk about yesterday and what Flash might have thought about it.

"She certainly has a busy schedule for wanting to help you as much as possible? But I think Pinkie's concern for you probably recruited Rose Luck." Flash quipped.

Sunset merely hid her face away till she could control the physical depiction of her mood. The flustered appearance was an absolute terror to herself if he saw her like she was.

"I'm sure she's a busy person, running her family's store once she gets out of school and helping her family promote products and all that" she giggled nervously as they soon passed through the double doors of the campus as the air conditioning washed over them.

"Well I'm going to get some food, kinda starving after Rose Luck texted me about not getting a hold of you till she showed up at your door step. Want to join me?" he innocently asked.

She hesitated at first, wanting nothing more than to break away from him so Twilight still had the same boy she pined for in her previous visits. However, something deep down in her heart forced a different course of action far from what she herself felt was right.

"Sure, I mean what's anything but getting a quick bite to eat right?" she looked away.

As they left to the cafeteria, Rainbow Dash peered around the corner of a hall junction and noticed the two together. She had arrived very early to as Principle Celestia about the Friendship games and the announcement she wanted to do as a pep rally. Immediately, she couldn't resist looking into the little moment between the two and decided to trail them throughout their little objective for sustenance. If she could get a laugh out of Sunset's discomfort, her day would be made.

Crystal Prep

Twilight had made it to the campus within due time with Spike in tow in her already cramped backpack. She had to give some room to the little hound by holding a few books in her grasp. The bus trip to her home and then school was remarkable fast for being at the time of rush hour. Her parents were just getting up when she gathered spike from his kennel, and wished them well before speeding outside without hearing their replies. Her knowledge of the transit system and the drivers had won the girl a good two hours of idle time. Arrival in front of Crystal Prep was uneventful, and thankfully for her as the little canine started to believe it was playtime in her backpack. A quick jog into the school and through the winding halls, her safe room that was the laboratory offered respite. Pets were not allowed on campus and she wouldn't have had the chance to take him if otherwise. Considering he was her only companion before the Dazzlings, not even her reputation and prestige would get her out of trouble if Cinch found out.

His two bowls for food and water were gently set under the main desk, "Okay Spike, settle down for a moment and I'll play with you."

Without pause the furry friend dashed around her feet panting to get attention. She had to make sure the sensors picked up on the Dazzling's magic before anything else. Which to her fortune the light stack of folded paper the printer spat out provided the evidence to get the project going for Yellow Tail and her. She forewent the rolling chair and accessed the computer linked with the monitoring device to print out the summation of the readings. With the anticipation out of the way, all that was left was to exhaust the puppy and see the principle.

The sight of the little red ball from inside the desk cabinet finally had Spike stay still, with wide eyes and joyless face he was focused on the toy. They played catch for a few minutes to drain all the hyperactivity of a lonely pet, as the last thing she ever wanted was howling drawing attention.

"You have got to be the most playful little guy I've seen. I guess those studies about pet owning were true, how it soothes the mind and body." she giggled at his antics of flipping and sliding with each toss.

Eventually, Spike tuckered out to the point of staying put even with the ball just inches from him. She ruffled his head and ears lovingly before the young dog yawned, having lost the strength to stand up his head rested upon his front paws.

"Sleep tight little guy, I'll be back shortly." she whispered.

After gathering the stack of for her visit, she locked the door and made her way to the main office. In her clutches, the concrete evidence of magic her self made highly sensitive radiometer recorded. The performances of the Dazzlings raised the instruments into life like a Seismometer for each occasion. She hoped to convince Cinch to allow the project to go ahead as the type of energy detected was one never before seen where and theoretically could be applied in various manners. If Crystal Prep valued its reputation and prize money, she was sure to get an easy in.

The hallways were desolate since she arrived just when the campus opened, the few students she saw were those who were apart of the Platinum program. Students who also showed impressive intelligence and followed the set rules and requirements to be a Platinum student. Where there to earn community service time by helping the janitors and staff in the starting hours to the end of the day when the doors were locked up. Three campus police were already on patrol in their black ironed uniforms, though they never had a reason to act due to the civility of the student body. She usually saw them with a cup of coffee and a donut with eyes like a hawk and bodies of an orangutan. They appeared intimidating, but she herself had the chance to meet with them in the past. She learned of their rather down to earth personalities and the things they see being at the school. Her nervous smiles drew no attention as the officers waved at her before continuing their vigilant search for trouble that would never come.

Arriving at the head office, the only person present was the head secretary who had begun setting up for the day. With an hour and a half before classes were to start the lone office worker sorted through notices and files left from yesterday. Twilight figured they were faculty recommendations for the Friendship games flooding in. Even though it was not necessary since the stars of the school were already set to play. Sour Sweet, Indigo Zap, Sunny Flare, Sugarcoat, and Lemon Zest were primed and ready in their heads to do the deed as she overheard before her out of town trip. Most of the students were already drumming support for the five and a few others in between classes whenever she left the lab from the fliers they handed to for each candidate. There were issues with them that she foresaw, their methodology for teamwork was caustic at best and only functioned best within their immediate group. Any new students she would see fall behind or likely be dragged under their version of pep talks and advice. It was a matter she soon threw out of her head once she strolled to the principles door.

A modern interior doorway had been left ajar, allowing the office lights and sun to shine before her. Normally she never had a problem with Cinch, she was all too eager to give the green light to anything which sounded stupendous and practical. Only this time, the basis of her research placed her in the realm of mythology and foreign aliens of another world. She would have laughed herself out of the office as any sensible person would do, but she had seen the real thing and not some garbage television show for the bored and fearful. There were no props or strings being pulled by someone in the shadows, there had been some kind of low level radiation or energy that existed where it did not and it had its uses displayed before her own two eyes. It somewhat bothered her that Yellow Tail would grant her such access to the arts of the unknown force, but they were leaving soon. Extraterrestrials who had been exiled to her world were willing to leave a piece of invaluable technology to them which could make or break the next age of advancements. It all came to the boiled down hard proof she had in her arms, electronic devices do not lie as any human could. That was the key to the insignificant confidence she had in herself, the machines were there to back her up if her pitch failed.

Stepping into the room, she cautiously knocked on the door frame to announce her presence. The Principle had been looking into a manilla folder as she sipped what looked to be fresh tea with the draw string still hanging out.

"Ah, Twilight Sparkle, I was just thinking about you. Strange as it is, I was going to send Dean Cadence for you sometime this week. Come, close the door, sit for a moment, we have much to discuss." the older woman barely smiled as she calmly asked.

Half an Hour Later

"You will let me know how your research goes? I want to present it to the next Committee of Young Scientists after the Friendship games. I'm sure this time, Everton will be here in person to ask you to attend their program! And thank you for your input into the candidates for the games. You may still have a visit from Dean Cadence by the way. Enjoy your day now." Principle Cinch left the confused student happy and lost as she rose from the seat.

"Yes ma'am, I'll have a working prototype before then." she bowed before leaving.

Her glasses slid down from the minor perspiration caused by the questions that buzzed in her mind. She received the permission to pursue her latest study, then afterwords her opinion on a short list of referrals to the games had suddenly found importance. At first she was hesitant and merely gave simple answers when questioned about each student's capabilities. However, when Cinch pressed her to analyze the five she knew most about, she broke down each personality and traits that would help win in the Friendship Games as much as hurt their chances at a flawless victory. It almost felt like a test for her and not so much to give a new observation for the school's benefit. Never before had such an incident occur, going over the selection process was something only Cadence and Cinch shared with themselves.

Before she could consider the topic any further her phone vibrated within her backpack just as she reached halfway to the laboratory. In her lost thoughts, she took it off and fumbled with the paper stack in the other arm. The haphazard moment caused her to lose control of both objects and spill onto the floor while her pack threw her body off balance, sending her falling into the wall of lockers. Fortunately, the hallways were still void of students, most arrived within an hour of first class.

"You know your really bad at multitasking." the voice of the most blatant girl in the school elicited a soundless groan from Twilight.

Looking up off the floor Sugarcoat stood behind her with judging stoic eyes, "I guess I was just deep in thought."

"Yes, that you were. A larger bag would probably be preferably to someone like you. They sell them in the library." she stared at her for a few seconds before turning to go on her merry way, "Have an accident free day, which you probably won't."

The thing about Sugarcoat, she never stuck around to berate rather just enough to point out the obvious and rectify a problem in her own way. It was not so much hurtful so much as annoying, and the few times she could even demoralize were attempts at being helpful. The benefit this time, it was just a perturbing moment that hung over her while she picked up the mess. Spending a good chunk of time reorganizing the stack back into its proper place, she only then remembered her phone when it moved loudly against the plastic pens secured in their holders.

Kneeling on the floor she carefully removed her pack and recovered the electronic, noticing two text messages. First had been from Yellow Tail, who seemed interested to know about how the school took to her proposition.

"Have you been allowed to continue? The timetable has advanced even further. I must know." - Yellow

"Principle Cinch seemed enthusiastic, she eagerly waits for the device we spoke of. The one you want me to build?" - Twilight Sparkle

"Good, I want you to gather the sirens tomorrow evening and meet me at the address I will provide before hand." - Yellow

For a minute or so, she expected him to say more. Even as she put her backpack on and began to lift the paper stack off the waxed floor, nothing ever came. It was the second message she obtained that was from an odd number she didn't know. Her thumb clicked on the icon and opened message that held a newly captured photo of Sonata looking happy and sprite while waving to the phone in her hand.

"Ohhh isn't that adorable?! You have a girlfriend..." the least most tolerable person in the school lightly squealed behind her back, "Instead of signing up for the Games and PRACTICING!"

"What?! She's not my girlfriend, she's had a hard life having been separated from her family and she's only had two other people to be there for her. I guess... I'm the third now." Sparkle had shot a glance to Sour Sweet who tapped her shoe on the hard floor with a peeved look in her eyes.

"Ohhh don't be so modest." her mood flickered over to the false kindness before it flipped into a growling resentment, "Just use that brain of yours and help us WIN!!"

Before she could offer a retort, Sour had walked away as if nothing had occurred. Twilight had long ago figured she had some kind of problem of a medical nature, even for a Crystal Prep student no one could be so misleading and live up to their name. Her words indicated she saw potential in her to qualify for the games for an unknown reason. As if there was an assumption that she would have been among the few who received the recommendations sign up. It was a ludicrous idea, considering she had no physical aptitude in sports or games of any skill level. Her zone was in the scientific field, and perhaps she'd help the school in that manner rather than what was usually the highlight. Even so, every student who earned the spot in the games had to compete in every competition, not just half of them.

Shaking her head, she put the moment behind and looked back to the flatscreen. It turned out to be Sonata verifying that they had acquired their phones and could communicate at anytime. The photo had not just her, but the worker at the phone outlet who looked to be scrabbling for the device. A story the silly girl would probably tell her and then the other two would likely correct.

"That is cool! Yellow wants to meet tomorrow evening. He will send over the location soon." - Twilight Sparkle

"For realzies! I'll tell Adagio, see you tonight!" - Sonata Dusk

Once the message sent, Sparkle made her way back to the lab for some much needed research into the books who eagerly awaited her thirsty eyes. The quicker she was out of the halls the less attention she'd garner from the other soon to be Shadowbolts. If memory served her right, the first book Yellow instructed was top priority. A crimson red hard covered manuscript with gold borders and heavy signs of age. Dead center on the stained and scratched casing was an odd symbol which showcased a golden circle with a thin gold halo not even a centimeter away. Inside the outer ring were eight dots through the gold where the red fabric of the book's shell had gathered grim and dust. Three stretched tear drops spanned out in a triangular formation from the halo itself. Some kind of symbolism she couldn't fathom until the book was thoroughly read in depth she deduced.

Where anyone to guess the age of the book, it would almost seem like it survived since the middle age. She could tell it was written by a very well versed scholar when she gave a peak into its contents last night in the Dazzlings room. The language barrier would not be a problem with the enchanted magnifying glass given to her with the books. A note wrapped around the cracked wood handle promised it could translate whatever was through the looking glass. Even though she had little to go by, the writings and diagrams inside seemed to be some kind of manual rather than a history book or journal. Just the thought of learning its contents and of the other texts revitalized the spirit. So much potential and possibilities to be had that her mind hungered for it all and more.

Ch. 20 Altruistic

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Ch. 20 Altruistic

Sunset and Flash entered the cafeteria doors side by side and walked through the gap between the lunch tables, a few students sat among their specific clicks attempting to lift the haze of sleep. The relative quiet became a note of encouragement to her previous feelings with Flash, she usually received passing glances or the nose up from those who still remembered her past queen bee persona. Being alongside Sentry and the fact that it was still so early in the morning, anyone eating or talking seemed to ignore the pair like they were anyone else.

The school breakfast program gave free meals to the student body which most took readily with a fair assortment of options. The majority of the school tended to get a bite to eat fifteen minutes before the bell and cram whatever they could. The rather docile atmosphere became a pleasing air about them, no one to judged her nor showed cowardliness in her presence. Perhaps it was just too early to care as many students would likely admit.

Once they crossed the waxed tile floor and into the food court, the two separated for a moment to grab trays and pick something from the three service zones. Flash had been drawn to the smell of freshly scrambled eggs and sizzling meats, while Sunset honed in on the scent of buttery cooked oats courtesy of Granny Smith. The white haired woman had taken her retirement years at the farm to work the kitchen, when she heard of what they served as food she was appalled. Applebloom's review had ultimately pushed the school food program into a cleaner and healthy direction with Ms. Smith at the helm. So far she had enough say to bring a few fresh items straight from her family's farm to cut costs and ease the school in, to which the students took to it like ants to sugar.

"Oh there ya are, been quite some time since ya visited. Care for my famous apple and oats? It's mah family's recipe." the grandmother to Applejack announced proudly with the waiting ladle twisting in the air.

"Good morning Ms. Smith, sorry I haven't been around lately. Kinda had a rough few weeks." she chuckled in light of the horrific insomnia she endured.

"Ahhh, so sorry to hear that darl'n. Maybe my power bowl will help ya with that dark cloud above you have." she smiled motherly at her while she prepared the lumpy creamy dish.

Sunset observed the woman as she recalled the tiny apple chunks which were as soft as boiled potatoes, yet firm enough to keep their form. They offered sweet delicious bits to the creamy soft oats cooked with the Apple Farm's own dairy. Steam flowed like a lazy ghost off the surface of the huge steel bowl which sat over heated water, her serving transferred to Sunset's white plastic tray by the woman's shaky hands.

"Got ourselves some seasonal goodies! Early season figs and blueberries with Rome Apples fresh off the trees." the old lady said as she pulled out a small clay cup with the chilled fruit for her to grasp, "Now you take care ya hear? And I want to see you here every morning from now on! Granny Smith won't let you young whippersnappers let go of your own health, not right to see youth feel'n old and all."

The kindness and generosity of the lunch lady always brought a good start to any day no matter how bad the nightmares had been. She also discarded the who incident she had caused either from her old age or she simply couldn't fathom such a thing as a demon. When she did stop by, her power bowl somehow brought the energy she needed to go throughout the day with such little rest. It was a blessing she never took for granted, and often stopped by after school to help her take out the trash or clean up before the curse happened.

"Yes ma'am, trust me I'll be here as a regular customer from now on." she smiled bashfully remembering why that was a promise she'd keep.

Having waved farewell, Flash and her rejoined at the moderately busy cashier line to log in their portion for the program records. An awkward silence pervaded them, though Shimmer was the only one to really focus on it while Flash seemed to tap a shoe to a beat in his mind. She tried to listen in on the beat and to her surprise, it was that one song he use to play when they were together. After three students were left in front of them, he snapped back into reality and looked to what his ex-girlfriend had taken as her breakfast meal.

"So... you got the oatmeal and fresh fruit huh?" her soon to be teammate asked as they stood in line to pay for their trays.

"Ya, good for your heart and quick energy. Not to mention a healthy choice for the gut as well." she smiled to herself.

Flash nodded and viewed his selection to notice the drastic differences in opinion of a good meal, a heavy greasy plate of sausage links, bacon, eggs, and toast halves with two packets of jelly. When those soft cerulean eyes were found investigating his tray, Sunset laughed under her breath.

"Honestly, I'd trust you to help with the team's food regimen. I mean if what you have is the breakfast of champions, I wonder what that makes mine?" a nervous grin crept upon his suave features.

"Its just a habit I picked up from Coach Iron Will, you can always find him arriving for first class with a bowl of the stuff in all sorts of variations. I think it was History two, someone brought it up and he went on this whole story of the latest scientific studies on diet vs lifestyles." she answered as they took the last step up before paying the cafeteria lady at the cashier.

"Well you just proved you know a whole lot more than me on this, I'll get what you have next time." they set their trays on the cashier counter for another old woman to take count.

While waiting for her to divvy up their orders, Flash had taken notice of the few students who were peppy enough to be observant, catching a sight of Shimmer they began to talk among themselves. He knew better than most what was likely being said, slander towards his friend simply because they held grudges. He figured after a month things would have died down, she was reformed after all and she regretted her actions. People just had to keep the hot iron on her just to spite, even if her tyrannical hold prior to the incident was technically unforgivable. Having heard the closing ding of the cash register drawer, an idea popped into mind.

"Hey! Why don't we go outside, some fresh air would do us good? I know the perfect spot." he did his best to keep himself between her vision and the scowling students behind him.

"Uhh... sure?" she shrugged and thankfully missed the rabble as they advanced outdoors.

Leaving the air of bacon and smokey sausage for the crisp clean outside conditions, they looked around to see no one else other than a few birds and a squirrel. All around their immediate reach were benches for the the overflow from the cafeteria, beyond them were the sports fields and track. The sun had yet to rise high enough to warm the cool air that flowed through, having passed out of a humid warm zone it was enough to give them goosebumps. The morning grass and dew still lingered as the birds had started their grazing habit and chirping.

Taking the seats closest to them, they set about their little feast, "I'm not going to lie, we'll be up against some tough players. From what I hear they're headlining with the most aggressive girls to be churned out."

Sunset nodded as she blew on her bowl to cool it faster, "I remember last years event, different players but they were pounding us in every round."

"My buddy who graduated took a broken leg from their so called 'honest and fair' tactics. Said they were very aggressive and knew how to play on the edge. The referee didn't catch it though, so it went without punishment." he sighed before spearing a link of meat.

"I remember something about that, though with the popularity of camera phones this year they probably won't risk it. That could only mean they'll be even more fierce in every game, so then those girls will likely be the top tier students." the first spoonful of the oatmeal immediately sent a blissful euphoria through her taste buds which offset the seriousness of what she said.

"Ya, that seems like Crystal Prep alright. Doing everything they can to keep their winning streak!" he grumbled with indignation.

She chewed the thick brewed oats slowly to savor the mixture of spices and apple flavor, smiling absentmindedly at Ms. Smith's cooking. She noticed the soft butter flavor hidden in the initial taste before it gave way to the dominating clove, cinnamon, nutmeg, and something else she couldn't figure out. Then there were the pieces of cube cut apple, slightly chewy with the texture of grapes that added a burst of tang with each spoonful. On her fifth spoon of the miracle dish, she hadn't realized she was giving a food enthusiasts moan each time and right before Flash too.

"Wow... I don't think I've ever seen anyone enjoy their food like you do? Is it that good to make you sound like that?" he chuckled as her eyes bugged out and her muscles paused.

Blushing from her moment of ecstasy, she swallowed before turning away to calm down the beating heart punching away at her rib cage. She had forgotten she had been with the boy, as usually she had the girls with her and pinkie was never ashamed of expressing her joy at sweet goodies Ms. Smith churned out. Something from that girl rubbed off on her in a bad way even if it felt natural.

"Hey, chill out Sunset? I'm sorry for laughing, you just looked... adorable. Oh! Wait! I didn't mean to uhh... say it like that." he stumbled on his compliment which did not help Shimmer recover any faster.

She shot him a harsh glare for making her feel bad, "You'd act like that if You tasted her cooking! Here... try it yourself and see if you don't melt in your seat!" she demanded while holding out a freshly scooped spoon she nearly rocketed onto his shirt and jacket.

Seeing her in distress, Sentry knew he had to make it up to her, "Sure, I owe you that much."

He lurched forward over the table and took the sample into his mouth in a very slow ponderous pace once the acclaimed food worked his senses into oblivion. Once his lips sealed on the neck of the spoon, it hit him hard as a rouge basketball tossed into the audience at a big game. The sheer wave of the complex flavors had him humming just as she promised it would, and he even closed his eyes as he inched off the plastic utensil in an almost sensual manner. In all his life, morning meals were always meat based or eggs with toast thanks to how he was brought up. His parents were never big with throwing sweet things his way as a child growing up, sugar was reserved for sauces and dips to accent the cooked flesh especially when Game Day for football season rolled around and his father invited all his friends. Fruit he often partook only during school, but to have it in this manner had blown his perception into the proper light of what healthy food was.

For Sunset, her plan backfired with the explosion of a detonated fireworks factory complete with the colors of the rainbow. How he reacted to Smith's skills in the culinary arts was beyond her comprehension then and there, he took the spoon and practically french kissed it to ensure it was as clean as it could be. It was then she realized she had let him eat off the very spoon she'd been using and would still have to unless she got up to get a new one. If her face could get any redder, she could create a whole new shade of red. What had just happened before her was shocking and oddly exciting to her which made her question her reservations with Flash.

'Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! No no no no no noooooooo!!' she screamed in her mind, 'Take deep breathes girl just take those breathes and suppress... suppress... suppress and forget it.'

"Oh wow Sunny! I can't believe I've been here for two years and missed out on that sweetness in a bowl for this salty greasy crude!" he laughed as he savored the remaining taste in his mouth, "I'm eating whatever you are from this point on, its healthy too so it's a win win right?"

She awkwardly grinned to hide the emotional turmoil raging in her mind, "Sure thing! Oh hey, we should go over the stuff with the team and all that right?! We have plenty of ground that needs to be hammered out!?" a nervous chortle finished her obvious attempt to move their attention to something else.

He nodded and missed her squirming behavior as the sports part of his brain kicked into overdrive. They discussed what could be done and needed to be done to defeat Crystal Prep. Everywhere from looking at old footage of past games to teamwork building exercises along with the basic practice in honing skills. The time they shared together discussing the smaller things until it all transitioned to what she thought about the whole matter had been an pleasant experience. The entire issue with Flash had become nothing more short of a whisper in the back of her head, she welcomed and drank in the social bonding they shared. It was quite different from when she ate lunch with the girls, there was a sense of connection and harmony she felt had been missing since her reformation. Whether it was love or just a male companion she required, little of it mattered under the exchange of opinions and strategy. Her body and soul were in peace for once since the nightmares had begun, and every second of it she ensured would never leave her memory. Not to mention his nickname for her back when they dated, how he use to call her 'Sunny' when she entered a rather bad mood as she did often.

"Well its about to be time for first class, guess that ends our strategy meeting. You will be sure to sign up since we killed so much time talking away?" Flash posed the inquiry as he stood up to throw away the left over plate and trash.

"I wouldn't skip this for the world, there is so much we could do to help Canterlot High. A powerhouse team working together for the greater good can't be defeated so easily." her joyful mood conveyed her high hopes.

With a promise to meet up later, Sunset watched as he walked off into the building while she could admire him for his kindness and generosity. After how she treated him before Twilight showed up, he still held no grudge or regret of ever knowing her. To the opposite in fact, perhaps that had been why she selected him to be her boyfriend back then, a special trait she picked up if not for his looks and popularity for being a talented musician. In doing so, she also recalled how she did treat him like dirt along with the horrible attitude she displayed to all the students. A sweet and admirable piece of time went sour thanks to her past, and which distracted her from hearing Rainbow totter up to her side with a devious grin.

"So... hitting it off I see. I wonder what Twilight would think of that little spooning you just did?"

Dinner with the Sirens

"Sonata, you sure you told Twilight to meet us there? You do tend to forget and I need to know if Yellow sent the details yet." Adagio still had reservations about the pact, with all the variables to juggle she wanted to know as much as possible before the time came.

"Duh!? Of course I did, I even took another photo of us and sent it with the message so I wouldn't forget!" the blue haired girl wore the largest smile as she prided herself for thinking ahead.

"Well, if that ain't the first she's actually thought of anything other then food. I guess the pendants are fixing her brain too." Aria snorted with a smile as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Your just mad because you didn't think of it!" Dusk fired back.

"Once an idiot always an idiot, you realize what you just said right?" the argument had been ongoing since they left the hotel.

" Whatever, Twilight knows and I made sure if it. So we should be on our way to the sushi net right?" the pounding bass from the sound system of a nearby car nearly drowned her out.

Adagio sighed at the little conflict like a parent would after a long day with children, "Ya, sure... its just a couple blocks down there. Now let's go kids, before the place gets packed and I have to put you two in high chairs." their audible disdain at her warning had them both wince and frown at one another.

Sonata stuck her tongue out to her harasser before falling in line with the leader skipping slightly. She looked like any normal peppy teenager fresh out of school and the sweetest looking child-like joy painted on her face. The humans she passed by would never have known that under that facade was the monstrous form of the Hippocampi, they accepted her as just one of their own with a high cuteness level. The kind of girl who could get away with murder and all would turn their eyes away as if it never happened.

"So oh glorious and benevolent leader, are we going to have some kind of plan in case Yellow's as crazy as Discord?" Blaze ask once she caught up to speed with the others brushing through the foodies and couples in the way.

"No... I've been thinking about this, since we last met that cult I mean." she folded her arms across the dark purple corset.

"And?" Aria rose an eyebrow.

"We can't underestimate them, did you see how many they had? That one who drew out those souls from the gems with magic! It was Equestrian magic! Yellow himself had his own that destroyed those remnants..." she bit her lip just thinking about it.

"Ya that's why we have you, to think around it right?" she waved a hand in a twirl as if to get on with the point.

"They shouldn't have magic is what I'm trying to get at, and until we figure it out we may very well be dealing with the same resistance the Rainbooms had to our song. We're at the mercy of a school of sharks just waiting to attack, and they won't be easy to break if we have to." her sharp eyes glanced around their position as if she thought they were being watched.

"They probably have gems like us! Maybe hidden somewhere where they can use magic if they need it?" Sonata proposed unexpectedly.

"Then that's why Yellow probably played the gambling fool in trusting us with all three of these. They most likely have safeguards in case we turned and fled." she rubbed her chin as she went over the three they knew something about.

"Like that Lich? We certainly can't control anything like that back on Equis." her twin pigtails swayed in the breeze of the wind tunnel caused by the tall buildings along the long stretch of road.

"On Equis yes, but here they're like us. If we ever had to act against them, our combined might could knock a few of them out. These gems likely won't hold out in a battle even as deep of a well as they are. We're not unicorn battle mages!" she pinched the bridge of her nose as irritation flustered her thoughts.

"So... we really are going to play their game no matter what?" Aria asked not particularly fond of the lack of options.

"At best, we could just leave and hope they didn't put some kind of tracking spell or beacon on these. Even then we'd eventually be hunted down, so I'd prefer to dig in and suck out as much dirt as we can as fast as possible. We'll have to act the part as well, and use our hatred of the Rainbooms to get us in close." as she spoke, the smell of the many fine dining establishments flowed around them like a stream.

They strolled past a few bar and grills bustling with tourists and blue collar workers who ate, drank, and talked up storms of noise with each main entrance they passed. Rather than try to talk over it, Aria wore the look of murder with each person or group they had to side step as they walked in and out of the many doors. The flow of vehicles parking along the street and through the alley ways to more parking added to the chorus of annoyance. They were walking by the top five eats and dives of the town which promised further loud ruckus to assail their ears. Street lights were blinking on just as the sun began to paint the sky in vivid purples and oranges, accented by the electric signs and headlights of cars and buses. Aria waited till they made it to the one reason they endured the journey comparable to walking on fire coral or bristle worms.

A simple looking black and white building among the more baroque brick and stone architecture around it. The style of food came from another nation across a large ocean similar to neighpon they visited before Aquestria fell to their beautiful voices. A very awkward visit to be among the Dracony, a part of her life she quickly suppressed and hid under a block of repression and denial. However, their food was to die for in the freshness and art of preparation. Now they were about to test the human equivalent, and this sushi bar had the better prices of the five other nearby.

"Twilight! Over here!!" Sonata yelled and startled Aria from her regretful musings.

The meek little human had no time to reply as she left the bus before she was grabbed and lifted off the ground. The blue siren swayed the human rag doll around like a cat in a little girl's hold. The lulling ruffled her hair bun and tilted her glasses in a lopsided position, all the while Sonata delightfully greeted her with ecstatic welcome that the few bystanders found funny enough to snap photos. Aria enjoyed the pain and disorder being wrought on the human girl, even if it was the one thing they all knew was whatever their cotton headed fool valued. She always took to them like a fish to water.

"IIIt's... goood... to see... you... tooo... ECK!!" the mouse squeaked as her back popped from the embrace.

"Sonata dear, your going to break your friend there. So if your finished, we have a meal to get to." Adagio grinned seeing the enhanced strength the three gems gave them.

"Oppsies... sorry there." the hold released and out fell the schoolgirl gasping for air.

Without time to recover, Sonata took her hand and led her into the restaurant as the other two disappeared through the doorway already. Adagio had casually acknowledged the welcoming server who led them to their table and laid the menus out. Being practically dragged to the table as the last pair, Sonata and Twilight shared the other side of the booth. Her recovery from the energetic siren and her method of greeting took a moment to fix her self back into proper order, while Adagio ordered their water for the table.

"Gosh Sonata, I know your new toy here is fun and all, but don't break her. Last thing we need is to piss off Yellow." Aria's jest earned a raspberry from her counterpart.

Once her glasses were restored to their rightful position, the wonderment and fascination the restaurant prided itself stunned her with its immaculate minimalism. A large single room as spacious as the cafeteria at Crystal Prep had red lights from the globular lights in the black ceiling bathe the area. Their pinks, yellows, and reds created a relaxing mood for the rather calm restaurant as busy as it was. The tan colored walls hung large eastern paintings of farmlands and mountains, a few birds and dragons appeared as majestic as their real counterparts. Adagio noticed that even the Dracony worshiped their benevolent god dragons as much as the humans did their fictional ones, oddly enough the serpent-looking horned creatures had no real deviations.

The entire room had the primary floor covered in fine wood tables and chairs, likely handmade for the aesthetic. Three of the four walls hosted the booths for big groups and those who wanted a little privacy. Their red fabric of the cushions matched the red table cloths that sat in between triangular ceramic serving dishes and small sauce bowls. For the centerpiece of the sushi bar, the preparation and serving area open for customers to watch the artistic and hard earned skill of the chefs. The scene of nearly fresh off the boat seafood gave the air a sea breeze aroma mixed with the few grilled and seasoned items that were offered.

As the girls looked at their choices, Adagio took the moment to study Twilight out of curiosity. She analyzed her body language and eye movement, looking for anything suspicious that a double crosser would exhibit. A minute resulted in no signs of such things, she was the same innocent little human who became involved with Equestria's darker inhabitants.

"I think I know what suits someone like me, Unagi Nigiri. Those sea snakes were so tasty back when I was a small fry." Aria announced before putting her menu away with an air of ego.

"I'm liking the dinner sashimi assortment." Dazzle added and ignored the vagrant next to her.

Unlike the usual menus, there were strange names for the ways to prepare the food that Twilight had to assist Sonata with. In a simple way of explaining how each method would be presented, she soon caught on to the odd names and quantity of each was to be expected. The rather comedic responses of the blue siren were charming to say the least, much of how it was like when they visited that lone island nation ages ago. Adagio had good memories being among those strange equine-dragon hybrids and their equally strange ways, it was a shame they couldn't gather negative energy from them due to their ancestry. As she fondly remembered that part of her pod's history, Sonata had made headway when she found something close to her stomach.

"Guess I'll go with the Spicy Shrimp Maki, and you?" Twilight glanced over to what the eager girl pointed to.

"Hand Rolls, spicy tuna hand rolls!" she salivated enough that a bit of drool escaped out of the corner of her mouth, "They remind me of something tasty, only packed with everything they could have like that one Caribbean place we went to before coming to this town."

Sparkle giggled to herself while the headstrong girl across the table could only groan in embarrassment from being near the simple minded fool in a public place. Adagio however, found it rather entertaining for how well the human and a siren had gotten along in a short time frame. Even better, they were aggravating the usurper next to her which added garnish to her night. Bursting her bubble meant she was not giving herself the image of being the matriarch, something she would have applauded the human for if she did not have the heavy task at hand to carry out. The tapping of shoes signaled the onset of supper to come which drew the golden siren away from the comedy.

"Hello, my name is Gentle Shores. Are you ready to order? We have a special tonight on Chinook Salmon if your interested?" the young copper haired woman asked.

"We're fine with what we want, we'll be on the same check." Adagio replied without meeting eye contact.

"Gentle Shores? Is that really you?!" Twilight called out as she adjusted her glasses to see clearly.

"Ahh... if it isn't the top student at Crystal Prep! How are you!?" the waitress broke away from Dazzle as she was about to tell her what she wanted.

Sparkle stood up as best she could in the awkward position of being close to the wall in the booth, which Sonata soon found herself unknowingly squished between both girls and their chests as they hugged above her. While annoyed at being denied their food by a few moments longer, Aria snickered as Dusk had her bear hug returned to her and she couldn't even process the experience. A short embrace was all they needed before they went on a dive into each others lives.

"Girls, this is Shores! She's a foreign student who transferred here a year ago to attend the university nearby. She spent her last year of high school at C.P.!" she joyfully mentioned as she sat back down.

"Without her, I would not have been able to graduate due to language barrier and culture shock. She was my tutor for a couple months, helped me pass the finals. Are you her friends?" she asked.

"Ya! She's My best friend!" Adagio felt the instinctive protectiveness her subordinate exuded, stress pheromones only sirens could pick up.

"Were you two friends by chance? Because she never mentioned anything about you." she asked twirling around a curly lock of orange hair.

"Oh no, we were just study buddies. I had crash course into every class, but Principle Cinch was the one who paired us up so I could pass valedictorian. I already worked hard back home. Can't say we hung out unless you count homework and reading." Shores seemed oblivious to the assumption the siren were casting and Sonata's troubled face.

"Ah, so just another student then. Well if your done recapping with each other we'd like to eat soon." she tapped her menu with a slight bit of irritability.

"Oh! I'm so sorry about that, Twilight we have to catch up soon! I could use a tutor with classes as they've been?" soft teal skinned waitress waved before she dutifully listened for their food choices.

Having placed their orders, the time came to discuss matters as well as look into this new person who was never spoken of before. Knowing Aria, she would have been content to sit and ignore everyone until the food arrived unless the Gentle Shores topic grew intense. She only hoped the simpleton across from her would let her speak and subdue the possessiveness she still fermented in.

"Sooo... Twilight, anyone else you know we might be privy to? Anyone from Canterlot High you forgot to mention?" her piercing eyes speared the girls attention like a harpoon through an unwary fish.

The sting of wavering trust forced the student to flinch, "I was only a tutor once! I had just finished my studies in other languages and Cinch figured I'd be the best one to get her the highest grades. I'm sorry I didn't mention her before, we only studied together for two hours a day at best."

"Hmmm... You didn't answer the question." her uncaring face showed her discontent.

"Like what does it matter? They barely knew each other right? She wasn't from C.H., not like she'd be friends with anyone from that awful place. Right?" Sonata unfortunately butted in when she picked up on Adagio's machinations against her little buddy.

"It does if there is any chance anyone was from C.H. or transferred to her school. If they even spent an hour with her, they might just decide to look her up and remember us!" Dazzle squinted her eyes at the rebelling siren in front of her.

"Adagio, you never asked for a list of anyone I've been in contact with. Why are you suddenly coming after me about it now? Not that I know anyone from C.H. anyways." Sparkle answered with a little hurt surfacing at the lack of association to anyone that didn't need something from her.

"I'll act as I see fit for the good of MY pod human... remember what we are and why we are in this world. Anyone from that school could easily squeal on us and we may not survive the next battle." she sat back into the cushioned seat, "We have Sonata's stone that needs to be filled and the big difference between us and those talentless hacks! Is their ability to perform magic without a sea of listeners."

Twilight could sense something had been troubling the alpha of the group for awhile it seemed, "I understand the limitations Adagio, and your concerns are well warranted. But how come this was never an issue when you feed?"

She touched the gemstone hidden in the corset, "These gems, they have the ability to wipe memories to an extent. So if we told you to forget we existed then you'd do just that." her hand gestured a swipe, "The problem comes from our need to travel around, we will never be forced into hiding but that doesn't mean we need to get to draw their attention. If you know anyone that could potentially rat us out... then you can see where I'm going with this." she sipped her ice water to quell her parched throat and swelling frustration.

Their conversation had been kept to a low tone to avoid eavesdroppers, but they were starting to get loud enough that it would become a problem. Aria noticed Twilight had no aura of submission, instead she pushed back and questioned Adagio in the same way she wished she could. The little girl probably figured it out as well, either Yellow's mysterious agenda or the security issue while they still fed in this world were stressing Adagio. The fear of losing the rubies weighted far more upon her shoulders as the matriarch, the mentality ensured it.

"Look, I know this is big for you and you don't want to lose your powers again, but I'm on your side! If there is anything you need to know to feel safe I'll be happy to meet your requirements. But lambasting me won't help, I have as much of a stake in this as you do." Sparkle spoke with a shaking confidence.

"You know nothing whelp!" she hissed, "Just because we're suppose to bond doesn't mean we're friends, we're to work together until this all ends when the deal is done." she recomposed herself when her hearing picked up the whispers from a nearby family.

"Wow Adagio... could you ruin the plan any further? And here I thought you were the most level headed of us." Aria quipped with a devious smirk which she growled at quickly.

"Don't mind her Twi, she's just being a meanie. Give her some food and she'll calm down." the blue siren put a hand on the girl's shoulder with a friendly face of support.

Twilight felt the need to forgive and forget, yet a fire flared within her heart, "I've done nothing but be helpful and well mannered with you. I told my whole life to strangers, put my reputation on this new science, and trusted a stranger who in all rights I should have ignored out of my own safety. We all saw what we did in that house, and if anything I'm in more danger than you... I'm only human in the face them or you." she trembled a bit as the adrenaline started to peak.

"She's right you know." Aria spoke up again, "I have nothing to care for these monkeys, but even an earth pony has some magic to defend itself. She's just an ant, like how you said you felt before the screwball league. So what's got your panties in a bunch? Oh Matriarch." Aria teased as she leaned onto the table with her elbows.

"Ya, you've been like me after trying that ghost pepper sauce and the hot stays in your mouth hours after eating." Sonata added.

All three had suddenly turned on her, sapping away her domination like a wave of water over a fire. Her eyes darted between the three noticing she had little recourse but to relent her pursuit on Sparkle. Dejected, she sat still in her seat and stared at the table top where her glass of water left a small puddle of condensation around the foot. Of all the ways she figured the night would go, having her two pod mates argue if not resist her motives had been unexpected. She failed to maintain control, failed to keep a consensus among themselves, and she failed to not feel for what she just did to an ally.

"What's wrong Adagio?" her eyes twitched with her thoughts severed at Sparkle's sudden question.

"W...What do you mean?" she barely stuttered.

"I... I saw you last night after you woke up, from what I presume you had a nightmare." she calmly looked at the golden siren as her eyes portrayed mixed emotions.

'It wasn't a dream that I woke up after that... oh nooo!' she thought with a sad groan.

"You can trust me, you can trust us. We're in this together, even if these Rainbooms come barging through that door this instant." she technically lied having never met them nor seen their own powers in action.

"Ya, your like the one brain who does all the stuff, even if we came up with little all the other times." Dusk shrugged.

"Listen to the nerd, otherwise... I might just consider taking your spot and judging by your condition, it would be a steal." Aria grinned as she aimed to rustle the distressed girl back into life.

"Over my dead body!" she glared to the usurper before losing energy.

"Is it that bad that you won't tell us why?" Sparkle pressured.

"Come to think of it, she's never said anything from where she came from. You basically came across my pack and snatched me away, but its not like I wanted to stay with those fat manatees." the twin pony tailed girl cursed in silence.

"Ya, you just swept me up because Cavatina wanted me out. None of you guys even asked about me other than my musical skills." Dusk fiddled with her fingers trying to join in.

Adagio looked away from everyone trying to avoid what was coming, "I just wanted to find out anything else on Yellow, not have the table turned on myself." she murmured under her breath.

"Seriously, I don't want to lose these gems again Adagio. So you better cough up what's been bugging you, because she's not the only one whose seen you talk in your sleep." Aria frowned as she heard Gentle Shores walking towards them with their food.

Shores arrived with a large black tray brimming with select cuts and carefully prepared cuisine. She went about setting them to the proper customer. With two other tables waiting to order, she had little room to notice the tension in the air around the table and solely focused on her duty to the restaurant. She merely bowed before dashing off to the new patrons across the room. That left the group to continue on with food before them, the fresh fish and crustacean permeated the air and quickly pacified the befuddled goldy locks. She had been both tired and hungry after the day of practicing and errands, the few times the others bickered she was not in the best condition to mediate. Regret spread through her spirit as she dealt with the same reoccurring mess, she should have waited before dealing with Twilight until the last moment. That error lead to the present and her in the spotlight with her pod watching for her next words.

No one else touched their food, they wanted to know what caused her to be overzealous with Twilight. They would not cease from the way they eyed her, even with the gemstone at her disposal to ease the experience of being mortal. She couldn't control it with that dream bothering her like a goblin on her back hitting her with a stick none stop. The cursed creature had been there for some time too, she usually was able to tune him out for a time. Perhaps this was it, the day she couldn't ignore the abuse any more, and she had support before her who wanted her to remain the matriarch for some strange reason beyond the natural way of the siren. Any true leader of any pod would die to earn such dedication from their members, but it was a give and take situation. Thus far, she had given every minute of her life to finding power for them, then surviving as humans, only to go back to power seeking under the threat of a set back at a given notice. She took their lives for every run and loop to get back to Equestria or seek to control this world they'd been trapped on. After so many failed attempts, had she really given enough? Did she really sacrifice enough for them to call herself a Matriarch?

"Please, reconsider the chance to deal with the problem that burdens you. Just like I did with Sonata and myself, opening up to one another and finding common ground.. I'm sure you've noticed how she's been since then?" she gestured to the spontaneous girl who waved meekly.

Her words echoed in the siren's mind, bouncing around like a ricocheting bullet inside a giant bell. It competed against all she knew of what a siren should act and behave as, how one would lead them with strength and wits. She hated the very feeling, trying to treat it as nonsense even as it asserted itself as something palatable. A mere ape trying to help her, trying to ease her worry and fears she tried so hard to hide. As long as she had battled the coming compiling variables, this person was willing to forgive her for overreacting. A Matriarch giving in to a lesser being, taking their plea to accept their help which seemed valid and right, but disgusting at the same time. If she had a saner mind, the siren would have tossed her away and sought new grounds to which to build upon. However, Adagio had herself and only herself who decided the fate of the other two who followed her word to the letter. No matter how she felt, this was something bigger than her. If the others saw it fit to agree with a different persepctive, then she had to do so to; especially in the circumstances they were in.

"Alright! Fine! But this doesn't leave this table, we never speak of this again. Am. I. Clear?" the scorn she exhibited had been born out of fear, fear of seeming weak in front of everyone especially Aria.

"Ohhh, so we finally get to be the audience to the Matriarch's dilemma?" the purple haired teenager chuckled before jumping in her seat from a kick to the shins, "You prick!"

Sonata held a hand to her mouth as she giggled from silencing the troublesome one. She may have been dull witted, but she knew when something important was occuring and needed no interruption of any kind.

"Since the two of you know about it... guess there is no hiding it anymore. And I'm not going to let YOU take the reins I so rightfully had from the start." she pointed aggressively to the leather jacketed punk girl with her chopsticks then in hand.

Sonata took her first bite of the food as the show started, while Twilight waited with baited breath for the newest information on the lives of sirens. Aria would have been great to have sought out, but the Matriarch was the catch of a lifetime. She ignored her food with a mind hungry for more knowledge despite disobeying Yellow's orders to avoid sensitive ordeals with the girls.

"If anyone breathes this to Yellow, I will end you." she threatened with a lackluster in her fervor, "I..."

"Wait? She's been sleep walking!" Aria grumbled into the palms of her hands at the cerulean fool's bubble bursting ability.

Twilight touched her closest arm suspending the roll to her mouth, and shook her head to the vocalist who looked at her. Adagio proceeded to throw down five small morsels and swallow without chewing, letting the tasty flesh forego her taste buds and sink into her stomach. Sonata always seemed to shine her best when it was in the most inconvenient moment, and usually she was the lone target. With a deep breath she closed her eyes and let the memory come back, memories of defining moment in her life that made and broke the illustrious singer.

"Every night I dream... when I'm worried or afraid. I remember my family... I remember why I had to leave them." she began while moving the remaining pieces of edible art around on the plate, "We were poisoned by those tartarus born ponies! Our Matriarch trusted the river side town and fed off them just enough to sustain us, and in turn like Sonata's pod we protected them from Muck Dwellers and the roving sea serpent. Seven generations we lived with them in relative peace... then they opened up that coal factory and flooded the river and coast with whatever came out of those accursed places!"

Everyone could tell she was choking back for the sake of their presence in the busy sushi bar, her gem blared to life as it was used to aid in her restraint. Aria seemed to lose her muster and watched on without letting her eyes leave the golden curls. For her kind to forcefully bottle anything as she was doing now, meant the truth and pain in their word which was concrete proof to them of its legitimacy.

"We knew nothing of the toxic sludge until it was too late, and by then all the others were too sick to do anything... mom... she gave all her remaining magic to protect me from the runoff as did father." she gritted her teeth in pain as it became harder to maintain control.

Twilight swallowed the lump in her throat, Dusk put her meal down when she heard the doomed pod's coming end.

"They told me to leave and start my own... to get away from that place without them. No matter how much I protested... my father used what was left of his strength to throw me out and onto dry land. He was always the type to get things done... that stupid fool..." She clenched her right hand and nearly bent the metal chopsticks from the pressure before she relented.

"Their last words never left me since then, and I've vowed to conquer Equis to exact the same pain as they did to my family!" she hissed under her breath, "Their allies and themselves, we'll make them fight each other while we feed and grow far past the status of a god! No mage will be able to stop us... and our pain will never be forgotten. No foal will ever be born without knowing what happened to my family as they watch their own fight and war one another" she waited for the spectacular feeling of letting a well kept secret heard.

Her body felt alive and yet in pain all at the same time, she broke the code of Matriarchs outright just to save her soul from more torment. If there were any other sirens in the area, she'd be relentlessly attacked for her weakness and control of the pod. Just like Sonata's old Matriarch before Cavatina, only she gave her status up because she failed to hold off the pirates. What kind of alpha was she if she couldn't bare the pain of the past, having to give way to a mere human and her subordinates?

"I'm so sorry for you loss, if whatever used coal as a power source they may not have been aware of the heavy metals that silently kill. Every so often the news will show a disaster where an entire river essentially died because of mismanagement of waste byproducts and cutbacks to save bits. I don't think eve magic could handle arsenic or mercury in high enough concentrations." Sparkle iterated before the pieces of the puzzle came together right at that moment, "Your afraid... aren't you?"

Adagio pushed back the buckling gates, "What are... you talking about?"

"You've been too afraid to fail, and its dragging you down isn't it?" she looked at her with empathy.

"Wow, ponies killed off an entire unit like that?" Aria looked like she'd seen a ghost.

"That's... so sad." Sonata lamented.

Before the bookish girl could continue in her analysis, Adagio cleared her throat and left the booth calmly. Without saying a word, she held a hand to cover the illuminated gem in her dress and made for the restrooms. It became obvious that her moment had been heard throughout the restaurant by the many eyes that looked at them with confusion and curiosity. Even Gentle Shores at another table wore that look of intrigue as she glanced at her former tutor.

"Sonata, you know the drill." Aria sighed as she straightened her posture.

Her colleague frowned before following in toe, both girls put their hands to their concealed pendants and began to hum. A short little tune they both knew escalated into sustained notes with varying pitches to their sultry sound. The entire human attendance had ceased eating or working once the music snagged them, they appeared frozen in mid motion. Twilight caught on to the quick memory wipe as Adagio spoke about, barely containing her amazement at the hypnosis of some kind being enacted upon the unsuspecting people but herself. In her mirth, her ears gauged the emotion behind the girls, it seemed hallow compared to what she'd been privileged to hear.

The act was quick and painless as the two closed the song beautifully, but the experience fell back to their missing comrade. She removed herself from the scene in such a rush, any emotional outburst could spell trouble for them if she acted out of pain. Taking it upon herself, the human girl tapped Sonata on the shoulder who had just been looking at the vacated seat of their friend.

"I'm going to see if she's alright, I'll be back." Sonata nodded wordlessly as she never let her eyes off that one spot, she scooted off the seat to allow passage.

"An entire pod... poisoned... and she was the only one to make it out?" Aria breathed just below a whisper as she tossed away the bravado.

"Ya... poor Adagio." the blue girl forlornly commented as she remembered the morbid pain of her own loss.

The two sirens lost their hunger for the pricey fish, the flavors were muted by their own awe at the atrocity done to a pod. How monsters and predators were not the only things to fear, but the advancements of the ponies who directly affected the environment on such a scale. The worst part of the reality to it, sirens were often far and few from other pods having a huge territory swathe which meant Adagio's unit would never be mourned or avenged by others. All this time, they had been going along with her as part of her plan for revenge, all the fruitless endeavors in the world they were trapped in were all to exact what was long due to whoever she designated as the prey. A pissed off siren was no joke to anything titanic or pony sized, if Cavatina was an example to go on by.

Ch. 21 Uneasy Truce

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Ch. 21 Uneasy Truce

Twilight had the sense of be walking into a den of lions, each step she took her mind raced with every kind of scenario that would play out. As the blissfully unaware families, friends, and coworkers enjoyed their little meals, she bestowed the task of checking on a very emotionally disturbed mythological creature upon herself. One whose powers were sinister in their intent, and could enslave all who listened. At the moment, the alien beast had touched upon a deep old wound which orchestrated every action she took in life as her drive. Adagio had become a variable of danger and catastrophe, and and she was only a very bright young lady with a mortal body as fragile as any mammal.

She barely knew them for a few days and no prior knowledge or data on their kind, for all she knew the gems could possess telekinesis or perform spells like the red book detailed. She'd be trapped in a small room with the siren, a concept which she wished she thought of before leaving her seat. Being in this position, her thoughts lingered on why she normally kept to herself working in the lab.

What made the walk to the women's door dreadful was the lack of any noise which she at least expected her to be acting out. The eerie atmosphere for someone in her state was not a good start. The clatter of dinnerware and glasses amid the conversations around felt as if they were nothing to her ears, only the silence behind the black door with the stick figure of a woman meant anything. If worst came to happen, she could contact Yellow Tail in hopes he could intervene with whatever powers he or his followers possessed. That was only viable if she was still alive to warn him.

The uniformed student soon found herself staring at the entrance, nervous at what she'd find on the other side. Whether it would be Adagio crying in the corner stall or who knows what else her kind were capable of when they lashed out. Her hand kept reciprocating the reach, trying to touch the vertical surface only to pull away from a shaking courage. She would have kept on if a very portly man hadn't grunted as he exited the men's room to her right, coughing up a storm into one hand while the other adjusted his business suit.

"Stay away from the wasabi!" he chuckled in between sounds of choking.

While slightly disgusted, she nodded and waved at him as the waddling middle aged man departed for his table. Her timidness gave way from his phlegm filled gasps. A hard shake of the head to rid the gurgled sounds of the person, she shoved the door open and barged in ready for the horrors that were anticipated. Inside, the cream colored tile floor lay ahead as it continued halfway up the walls, the wallpaper depicted golden bamboo and floral designson an indigo blue background. Black stalls to her left waiting for their next user to arrive. A long horizontal mirror to the right sat above the counter of sinks and soap dispensers, while a few automatic paper sheet machines anchored into place dotted the nearest wall.

At the hand washing stations, there hunched over the last sink farthest away was the golden siren herself. Where two women lay unconscious before her feet caught in the act of cleaning up. One purse had fallen over the edge of the counter top and spilled personal essentials onto the clean hard ground only seconds ago, one of the bottles of nail polish had just rolled to her feet where she stood at the door. The silence in the room crept up her spine like a foreboding sixth sense, drawing back her distraction at the little glass container to the immediate danger. Her heart began to loudly beat as she realized too late that once she entered the bathroom, any and all sounds from the interior of the Sushi Bar were mute and removed from reality. Sparkle tried as she might could not pick up on the banter just steps away. Only Adagio's breathing and her pulsing heart gave any sign of life in the air, and it horrified the young human girl down to her bones. Another power to add to the list, some kind of nullifying counter sound so efficient it gave the impression of being in a isolation tank.

With all the bad signs screaming to leave and get the other two for help, her legs stayed where they were after she detected a muffled sob from the group leader. The feeling to extricate herself warred for victory in her mind, she was not suited for this at all, thus she blasted herself with scolding thoughts for leaping into action without thinking. Though no matter how many negatives that she could draw upon, they lost to the human element which gave in to the sad teenager whose hands gripped the counter she leaned on. Her orange twirling locks were obscuring her face from Twilight's position. The gem could be seen as the bright red ruby nearly hummed from heavy use, if Twilight understood anything from that piece of detail it was the present volcano about to erupt.

Adjusting her glasses with a hand tremoring, she coughed to make herself known, "Umm... Hi there Adagio? We were worried about you, so... I came by to check on you."

She received a sign that she was heard as the counter cracked and groaned under the iron grip of the sirens hands. Ceramic squares cracked and fractured to her touch as the wood frame underneath splintered, debris speckled the legs of the closest woman. The power she exerted had to be the equivalent of a hydraulic driven claw used by fire fighters to remove victims out of a mangled vehicle wrecks. She swallowed the dry lump in her throat when she realized her own body could easily be between those appendages that appeared unfazed by the act. Gruesome thoughts passed as she calculated the many possible injuries such a grip could cause her and the days to recovery for each. Twilight's mind ceased the number crunching when the faint echo of barely restrained hiccups alerted her to the crying. A few drops of clear liquid dripped from masked girl, unsure if it was saliva or tears that tapped on the ruined surface below. Knowing she needed to stop the escalation before the young woman lost it, her spirit steeled itself as best as it could.

Taking notes from animal behavior when she learned about taking care of Spike, she appeared as submissive as possible, "Adagio Dazzle... I'm here for you, and I know your in pain. Please let me help you, I can only help if you let me. If not for you... then... then for the revenge you so rightfully deserve."

It did not initially appear as if she was heard for a few seconds, but a loud inhale through her nose signaled something in the siren stirred. Adagio let go of the ruined counter top, spreading her fingers out like a child told to not touch something in a glass store. Standing up straight, her facial features were finally visible as the bouncy cloud of hair took its place behind her back. What appeared to be a mixture of liquid melancholy dripped slowly off her chin and told all Twilight already knew. What set her into a deeper level of panic came from the same red glow from the pendant coming out of her eyes. An aura that took the place of her usual cold and thinking orbs just opaque enough to see the iris lock onto her like a hunter aiming down the bow.

'I wish this was under better circumstance so I could record this magical concentration, but I really wish I was not in front of a pressure cooker about to blow too...' she thought timidly.

Adagio took a step forward, her eyes becoming an ever darker shade that absorbed the pupils from the sheer intensity that illuminated them. A second step of her pricey strapped boots sent a warm awful feeling washing over Sparkle as if a sauna door had opened in front of her. The third tap had been followed the restroom mirror suddenly crunching under an unseen impact that created a spiderweb of cracks along the reflective surface. That jarred Twilight enough to take a few steps back as half the glass gave out from the damage and rained down in a cacophony loud enough to hurt her ears.

The fourth clack of the heel sent the stall doors slamming inward with a bang that shuddered the privacy walls, the impact of the handles stuck or embedded into the plywood. Something affected the very environment around Adagio with each sound she produced, how she had been capable of doing so couldn't be ascertained during the dread soaked moment. A fifth step, the lights above the trashed sinks and in the ceiling flickered before most exploded and rained their shattered shells about. The racket assaulted Sparkle which forced her to cover her ears from a pressure wave that ruined them, the slight ring in the background told her it was a short sound blast of some kind which she assumed had to be Adagio's doing. If her species could use their voices to manipulate living creatures, then if they had some form of magic through sound she could use it as a weapon. It seemed quite possible, but still a theory to test unless the gem had been put under such tension that the barrier used to hold off her feelings were being released through subterfuge. The most plausible assumption to go with for now as the student noticed the light fade crimson lessen to a low transparent tint.

"why... tell me why..." she growled.

Twilight had been too terrified to answer, she could only shiver as the young woman stood in place with her sanity on the precipice.

"Why... Why did they all have to go?! Why was I the last one!!" she whimpered holding her hands up to her face just inches away from the skin as if afraid to touch her own flesh.

Her words sent the remaining mirror crashing into the pile below, larger chunks missing the unconscious women still out cold.

"I... I don't know!" the little human gasped as she felt water gather in her vision.

Adagio glared at the little human, her hands shaking steadily with bridled fury, "Why was I left alone?! Why did they leave... leave me..." her volume dipped into whispers.

This was why Yellow told her not to engage them after Sonata talked about her life. She should have listened in the first place, why her curious and empathetic feelings commanded her to do otherwise was vexing enough. Why did she even react to Adagio's questioning as she did, she never said any words to the girls at Crystal Prep when they caused her problems.

"I... I... I couldn't ... hear their voices... their songs anymore. It... it was so quiet for all those years!" she gasped as if her breath was being stolen from her, "So quiet... no one there... so quiet... quiet."

She seemed so vulnerable as the memories surged of the life she lived after seeing her parents disappear under the murky waters. The last time she saw their beautiful dorsal sails and glimmering scales or hear their voices, the last of her happy days before she learned about the cruel wild jungles and predators of the terran surface. Distracted and occupied, a window of opportunity to save her skin presented itself if she just jumped on it. Yet for all her desire to live unharmed, Twilight could not make her vocal cords work for the life of her.

"... alone... I just wanted it to... to go back to the way things were! Was that so bad to ask?! Am I just some thing to be cursed while those ponies led such... perfect lives!!" another sound wave blared out and cracked the tile floor beneath her heels in a shocking manner that sent Sparkle backing into the wall behind her missing the door by inches.

Twilight covered her ears as a force that vibrated in the air roared out, bending the steel frame of the stalls as a ball of pressure left a circular dent upon them. Even the counter gave way to the onslaught, which thankfully the women at the end were far enough to go unscathed for the time being. Once the ringing died out, she opened her once squeezed shut eyelids and took in the fresh damage before her. The assault on the toilets clicked something in her brain, the invisible source had just opened up the potential source.

'That's gotta be it! The gem can't contain her desire to control herself, she must have set some kind of ward, like in the manuscript, upon herself. Its like an balloon being squeezed and its strong enough to affect physical objects from the pent up energy she's harboring!' she reeled back again as the siren acted out again.

"Why can't... I... make it... WORK!!!" as she cried out to the heavens where the ceiling panels above caved upwards before showering below from a ravaged main air duct.

Pink fluffy insulation and debris scattered about like snow on a windy day, some of it bounced off Adagio as if a shield protected her. Through watery eyes, Twilight gazed upon the alpha who stood stock still after she unleashed into the sky. Her arms were up as her hands shielded the freshly ringing auditory senses, quaking legs failed to support as she slid down the wall to the floor in utter astonishment. The magic from the gem had showed how powerful it was under a deranged user, the magnificent strength alone demanded respect even as bits and pieces still dropped out of the steel supports above. Even in her petrified state, Twilight managed to consider several applications of such a use running around her like hummingbirds.

Though the moment only lasted barely enough before Adagio dropped to her knees with a loud grunt of defeat. She snapped the human back into her realm just as she began to go off on the battered ground. In an animalistic rage, she pounded the cracked and warped tiles with her fists like a madman trying to reach for water in a desert. Crying as she let the weight on her shoulders she'd been hauling around go after an unbelievable passage of time. A flurry of arms rising and falling, Twilight could somehow watch them in great detail as they moved slowly. She could feel each breath the singer gasped as her movement could be read and seen clearly. Each impact flickered the surviving lights of the bathroom, giving Adagio's temper a godly feel even as she assailed the tiles which held steadfast with closed fists and raspy grunts. The sight burned into the human's memory from the unique ferocity, and would have had her entranced if the sound of bones popping sickeningly hadn't filled her ear canal.

It was then that the Sparkle let go of shielding her hearing and out of her paralyzing watch, that the popping sound had been Adagio's bones giving way to the unyielding concrete foundation of the structure. The gem had lost much of its light and barely showed through her black corset at all. Without thinking, before the Dazzling was about to hurt herself without the pain registering yet. Something deep inside Twilight's chest sent her limbs into action, awkwardly she surged forward and put herself between the injured hands and the floor. The most human feeling imaginable washed over the Sparkle in that instant, she had been compelled to act for the sake of the enraged creature in human form for no other reason other than her want to care for her condition.

She wrapped around the siren's torso, putting a physical barrier between the two opposing sides. Bracing for some kind of physical altercation, Adagio's husky huffs suddenly changed as if on cue. They became mournful hollers as the mere touch from another living soul obliterated the chaos that had controlled her. Though she still struggled to fight, the cache of energy in her pendant had ran out of steam with the welcoming pain of broken bones. Only the small trick of dark magic working to repair her current state told of the fumes she ran off of, a nearly full filled stone emptied in the span of a few minutes. Even that bit of knowledge went over Adagio's head, everything was drowned out and even her nerves were stunned. All she could notice was the warm object holding her up and locked onto her body, which strangely spoke to her in a muffled pillow over Sonata when she wouldn't shut up kind of way.

"Your not alone! You have Sonata, Aria, and me! Stop! Please stop hurting like this!!" Sparkle shouted over the girls bawling to get her words through to her ears, "You have help right here! You will succeed! You will make them all pay for what you've been through! We all will ensure you do! Your pod, me, and Yellow!!"

The twisted and abused hands soon ceased struggling, succumbing to the ravaged state they were in as they began a magical repair with a reddish hue setting them back into place and starting the knitting process. Her arms fell over the young human female in utter defeat, crossed over the back of her neck in an attempt to grasp some kind of support as the last of the negative energy bleed away like water. All that was left were tears and sorrow, the ordeal left her out of it mentally and physically exhausted. The two knelt onto the destroyed floor together, embracing each other as Twilight took it upon herself to whisper reassuring words into the golden sirens ears to calm the weeping. The ruby died out once Adagio gave into the comfort of the student, its brightness became nonexistent as if it never shined as bright as it did. Which thankfully the residual magic had repaired the injuries she sustained, but the remnant pain would last for days to come.

A strange sensation had overcome Twilight who quite literally threw herself into the frying pan and came out without being burned. She had no mental capacity to put any thought into it, she had dedicated herself to soothing the traumatized being in her lowest state she'd seen her in. Only when the siren showed no signs of putting up anymore of a fight did the human let down some of her defensive tension. Repositioning herself to cradle the victim of circumstance whose hands had looked somewhat themselves with minor signs of bruising and redness with no attempts to move them. It all came natural to her, letting the tear soaked face of the rather ancient being nestle into her bosom like a needy child. No other thoughts crossed Twilight, Adagio had done a good job stilling her normally busy mindset as she assumed a helpless state.

"What in TARTARUS happened that we had to silence the entire building for five minutes!!!" Aria's voice echoed as the bathroom door was bashed in by a powerhouse kick.

"Ya what the heck guys..." Sonata stopped mid sentence, both dazzlings came across the annihilated girls room and the four souls inside.

In the epicenter of the damage, were Adagio and Twilight together rocking slowly in unison with the human whispering coos and unintelligible words. Despite her displeasure at having to sing for so long without gaining much negative energy, Aria had been thankful they sang away the experience of the other guests as the entire place shook from what must of been Adagio's outburst. If the two of them could drop their jaws any more, they would have dislocated the joints.

Canterlot Royal Library

The trot to the archives had been a quiet one, when she happened up on Lapis and tried to strike a conversation. She had been met with apologies and tight lips from the cerulean deep blue mare with rutile hair who appeared robotic in her actions, as if mulling over something in her mind. Twilight could not feel any sense of resentment at being politely brushed off, the way their argument ended seemed to be part of a long history between the two. A friendship built upon two perfect personalities, one who edged on the precipice to see the stars while the other held tight to rules and caution that reigned the other in. Similar to how Applejack and Rainbow often bickered during contests, but at least they took it in jest and remained friends. These Adepts were so deep into their studies and classes that they had much more on their plate than her friends, stress and nearsightedness probably tore away at the bridge between them.

The many methods she could use to solve their friendship problem needed an in, and perhaps her princess status could actually serve a purpose for what her title stood for. That's when the light bulb of creativity flared to life, it would be underhanded and quite possibly abuse of power, but did Celestia not do that to her in the past? By sending her to Ponyville where she made the most endearing group of best friends who became saviors of Equestria numerous times? Now they were dealing with a potential threat and these two ponies could very well help in the same manner?

They had time before the Black Tape section would be opened, it was now or never to enact her plan. If not for their sake, rather for the success of their research which needed harmony and a clear mind. Her first ever slumber party had been proof of the complications that arose from harbored ill feelings toward a friend, and it only led to chaos which Discord would only be happy to sit back and watch with pleasure and applause.

As the two stood by the enchanted door, clearing her throat and taking a regal posture, "Adept Lapis, would you mind if I say something before we're allowed in?"

An eyebrow lifted up in curiosity, "Yes Princess Twilight?"

She had altered her tone to that of Celestia when she had something of a life lesson to give or instructions that had to be followed. It felt awful to do such a thing well out of her character, but the fruits were too huge to not try.

"I've come to understand how unsure this whole endeavor is concerning the security of Equestria and the world Sunset Shimmer resides in. As of late, the former student of Princess Celestia has been under duress and suffering from stress induced night terrors, and it pains me to not be there to help her. Although the human versions of my friends are there for her, I'd rather not let us dawdle and waste valuable time or skip over any detail pertinent to our mission. At the princess's order, I was never suppose to mention Sunset's condition as it was deemed classified information due to the circumstances surrounding the pervading nightmares." her impression combined that of Luna and her mentor for a whole new level of seriousness that appeared to work in her favor.

"I would never violate the holy task bestowed upon me Princess, I've been graciously blessed to be the one out of the two hundred current Adepts in the Arcana in Canterlot selected to be of assistance." she bowed out of instinct, "If I may ask Princess... why am I honored to know such a secret Princess Celestia didn't want anypony else to know?"

The pick hit the hay and now she just needed to lift it to find the little mice hiding inside, "I want any help I receive with this task on our hooves to be fully dedicated and cooperative, and under no circumstances will there ever be tension among any of us. A clear mind will be effective, harmony with ensure a stress free environment, and most of all... friendship as colleagues will facilitate out of the box thinking. Something I'm all to familiar with."

"I... I understand Princess, once inside you will never fear of me ruining this opportunity. I pledge my rank and occupation within Scholar Arcana to..." she stopped as soon as her ears swiveled to the sound of hooves tapping.

The two of them looked to the Library's giant doors serving as the entrance, arriving with a saddle bag full of neatly rolled up scrolls was Spectrum himself. He appeared to be normal and content, lacking that air about him that a normal pony would have if they were fighting with a friend. He still had a way to go before he reached the two, and in her peripheral she noticed the mournful look on the azure mare which flashed into a stoic look of determination in moments.

"I pledge my rank and occupation within the Scholar Arcana to be free of trouble once I pass through those doors Princess Twilight. I am but an insect when two entire worlds are banking on our findings." Lapis bowed one more time before she stepped away for Spectrum to join in.

Nonchalantly, the stallion comes to a stop as if just realizing he interrupted something, "Is there something I should know? I mean the Princess didn't mention anything forthcoming before I entered the Archive?"

'And the arrow goes through the apple on the ponies head. Gotcha!' the alicorn looked with the same regal attitude as she had done to the mare.

"It has come to my attention that we must secure the work ethic and atmosphere before we resume the research. As I am aware, you two were given the chance to help Equestria in its time of need, and having said that you have lives of your own. I'm well aware of what can tie up a pony these days so I'm installing a code to follow by if your to join me and Princess Luna. Will you accept?" she maintained the soft but commanding tone.

Her new persona caught Spectrum off guard, as his eyes looked around as if nervous or anticipating an ambush. The fear of the crown as they say had him by the throat for a moment before he lowered his head and starred at the Saddle Arabian roll out rug underneath them.

"Your majesty! I'll agree to whatever your requirements are, if... you tell me what they are before I agree that is?" he had not quite a shaky voice, but something seemed off for a moment, his reaction was a bit more than she expected if not a little exaggerated.

"A previous pupil of Princess Celestia currently resides in the other world, and what I'm about to tell you is classified." she paused for dramatic effect, "A few weeks ago in their time, she started to have night terrors on a daily basis which we believe is no mere coincidence. Princess Celestia never wanted anyone outside the crown to be aware of, and she has yet to tell me why. Which is why we're going to assure her nothing will come of the gem with one hundred percent accuracy, and then try to pinpoint who may have use for it. As of now I am out of contact with Sunset until I find that book we use to communicate with."

"Will we continue on without her further input?" he asked with focused eyes.

"Yes, unfortunately we will have to go on without any updates, though I'm hoping to find that I left that book in the library by accident last time I was here. In any case, this leads to my proposal, you will agree to a set of terms as Adept Lapis has sworn to. Any help to be taken with this task will be fully dedicated and cooperative with all involved, and under no reason should there be disharmony between Princess Luna, Adept Lapis, you Vibrant Spectrum, and I Princess Twilight Sparkle. Harmony with ensure a stress-free friendship as colleagues, and in doing so we will work at peak optimum efficiency for the greater good. Will you take this pledge from the crown, or be barred from being associated with this dire task at hand?" she felt she might have pushed too much of Luna's temperament, but in dealing with this stallion in particular it may of been warranted.

It appeared like he wanted to say something, edged on the tip of his muzzle even though he kept his eyes to her or the ground while in thought. Never noticing Lapis beside her looking with hope, who at least showed promise to hold her word.

Then, his reply sent her aspirations into a spiral like a crashing airboat, "Princess Twilight Sparkle, I Adept Vibrant Spectrum will adhere to your rules concerning this task, I will uphold the tenants of Equestria to any and all species of Equis who may become involved. I will not fail you Princess, nor will I fail myself and my career. The end result will ultimately affect my reputation in the Arcana and abroad, so you have my word." he bowed.

As he did so, Lapis let a second frown cross her face for a sliver of time before her self imposed work ethic pushed it away. At most, she accomplished a forced cohabitation with a bickering duo, they would interact with themselves but otherwise wouldn't seek to personally acquire bonding time with the other. She may have very well made things worse, but since they were unaware of her peeping during their fight this would be a friendship problem she'd have to iron out for a while if she had any trust to her abilities.

She smiled to him as he stood up, maintaining her lack of knowledge of their moment and appearing to be fully worried about what they were there for and nothing more. This night would be a long one, a very uncomfortably tense long one that Luna would likely be lost upon seeing the results of her act as a Princess.

"Now then, once Princess Luna arrives and unlocks the entrance I want the two of you to go through my notes over the gemstone in its current state. Vibrant that will be you, where I lack in understanding of mineral composition you can see if there was anything I may have missed. I was unable to perform any real magic like scans or photographs, so you'll be going over the books where dark magic uses such stones for vile means, your specialty. We have to be sure we're looking at the right facts and breadcrumbs... I was wrong to try and experiment with it, but I had intended to bring it to the Arcana for study before it was stolen.

"Understood Princess!" he looked sternly.

"Be sure to study ever glyph on its surface for what could be rearranged into something dangerous too. Adept Lapis? Please go through the reports by the Night Guard in the recent actions, captures, and killed Shadow Agents for any clues to see if they are connected in any way. Your portal expertise will be valuable in determining the suspects and criminals that could use portal magic or act as conduits. You'll have a long list though, as for I, if you need anything I'll be going throughout the Archive for my book if its there." she finished before breathing deeply.

"By your command Princess, but we... still have an hour or two before the Night Princess arrives. What should we do in the meantime?" the blue coated mage looked with uncertainty.

"Yes, I had hoped we could go in soon and start our work." Vibrant joined still having yet acknowledged presence.

If the two wouldn't talk to each other willingly, then perhaps she could be the medium, "How about I get to know the both of you since we'll be looking through sensitive materials. Trust is key... Tell me Spectrum, how did you become an Adept and sought the Arcana which so few ever are taken in from all across Equestria?"

Canterlot High after the last bell

The day had been a long and unbearable one thanks to Rainbow Dash and her love of teasing, she had witnessed her time with Sentry and wouldn't let up. Each time she thought of telling the others, and knowing Rarity she'd have two girls swooning for details or causing her embarrassment. Fluttershy would likely blush, Applejack would inevitably bring up the thing between Twilight and him and the honesty she should have. Pinkie of course would be the only one in the group who would not cause a ruckus. Rose Luck was nowhere to be seen, but Flash had texted her to meet him after school for more talk of who'd make the team soar in points.

Currently, Sunset waited near the road in front of the campus entrance, that lone infamous road she never would forget. The day had become cloudy, with the sun poking out rarely if any due to the smoke from agricultural burns attracting cloud buildup. The conditions made it easy to stand outside without breaking into a sweat under the sun's intensity, which she had been out in for ten minutes since class let out. Some homework and a textbook served as her seat against the staining grass to her jeans, while the enchanted book she used to contact Twilight sat in her lap as she wrote away.

Throughout the day, she had written thrice in hopes Twilight would write back, but now it just seemed like she was being a little too panicky at the silence. Her last entry simply asked if she was there, so the book would alert its owner who should have been nearby. Now she had a pen poised over the paper sheets awaiting further words to ink into trans-dimensional communicator.

"What's taking so long Twi?" she muttered under her breath.

A long freighter passed by noisily through the green light, its mechanisms chugging along like a tired old man by the sound of it. Lately Equestria has been expanding outward with new residential homes and private estates from the farms and cider drawing in ever more tourists with the advent of the latest smart phones. Making the roads which were normally traversed by small vehicles, cluttered and loud with massive trucks and construction equipment. With Canterlot High on one of the main thoroughfares, sitting outside was never a peaceful one especially with the screech of the brakes fuel trucks and heavy transports high enough in pitch to nearly shatter glass.

She furrowed her brow trying to concentrate on the page, still waiting for the magical appearance of her pen pal or Sentry to come up behind her. Her eyes were found wanting after a few minutes of nothing occurring, which soon she gave herself a break to look up. Few students remained in the area, most had gone home already to their parents or the dorms not far off. For the most part she was alone, just twenty feet away from the statue portal behind her. She starred at the houses across the four lanes of traffic, big two story homes built for big families or the rich which appeared nice and well made for such occupants. Some were spotted with tall cone shaped northern trees which seemed to only grow a longer point towards the sky each year. Sunset rarely looked around the school back then, usually she did her nasty things to the student body and went home to eat and sleep before repeating another day of mayhem. How semi peaceful the area really was actually shined in its brilliance, a perfect man made environment free from predators and populated with safe friendly folks for the most part.

The roads were taken care of so not a pothole was in sight, trees were trimmed accordingly to avoid affecting the power lines, and the city owned sections of grass and side walks were well tended by low wage workers who had good benefits thanks in part to the tourism. Unlike the real Canterlot, the human version was far less seedier without nobles to muck things up, the human lords or businessmen were more insidious in their machinations enough to avoid the obvious. Though she gave little thought to it, she kind of preferred the human nobles who did their thing without being snobs and self entitled as obvious as the ponies did.

To her knowledge, she actually never thought about going back with Twilight after their first encounter. Only that one time to capture her crown element, but even then it was an unpleasant moment of being a pony once more. Sure the magic was a plus, but being bipedal and far more dexterous had won her over. Hands made life all the more easier and less tiring than mana exhaustion. There were so many pluses to this world that kept her addicted to it, even though she knew it would be doomed in a hundred years from now if the race did not divorce from fossil fuels and its constant warring with itself. She was just lucky the portal was in one of the more tamer countries and one whose country hadn't been thrown into an all out slug fest between super powers. That would have her mind set in reverse and wanting to stay in Equestria no matter how much she still despised the Princess.

As her mind wondered the many thoughts of life and her place in it, her peripherals caught movement to her right. Shaking her head, she looked and saw something slither just out of her view before her head could turn fast enough. Her eyes could only see the black thing disappear behind the other side of the school like a scurrying skunk or rat. She would have disregarded it if it didn't appear to her left after a white truck passed by, the same black thing just in the corner of her vision. It appeared just out of the tailgate portion of the vehicle where she turned her head to try and see it in full view. Only the lone bush on the school grounds obscured it without a rustle.

"Whaa...?" she stood up and tried to see if the creature from the forests beyond was some kind of lost fox or opossum.

Then it happened, her eyes scanned around the marble horse and the portal when something absolutely terrifying made an appearance. She froze in place as her eyes widened to impossible widths, her jaw slack, and her breathing all but halted. What she witnessed appearing before her was not some small rodent or mammal, as much as she wished it was a lone wolf or coyote. She wanted to scream, the desire was hard pressed to force air through her vocal cords if only her body were not in shock. Her mind ablaze wishing that the moment was just her imagination and she could blink it all away, but no matter how much she squeezed her eyelids, it remained.

The statue of Canterlot's mascot stood in all its glory as the stallion reared up, the stone base clean and well polished by the janitorial staff. However, on the left side of it from her perspective, a black winged arm outstretched and loudly pounded the pavement around the monument with heavy weight. It was a familiar wing to be sure, three phalanges which stretched out the membrane in its obsidian darkness, with three white clawed fingers suited for grasping or walking flared out on the ground. Another arm appeared to grasp the statue with the clicking of its claws on the hard stone surface, as if to lift its body from out of thin air. She could hear a soft rumble akin to a growl in the background, where the thing pulled its head and chest into view as if emerging from a pit. Black scales, spiked dorsal frill, and entrancing pearl pink eyes atop a many horned head of a giant lizard appeared in all its menacing glory. It was none other than the Wyvern from her nightmares, and she was not dreaming nor napping to her behest.

Not forty feet away the vile beast lugged its weight out from behind the statue all the while starring at her, its stout clawed legs stomping to support its main body. Snarling and glaring at her with deathly intent, it wanted her like it did in the dreams that instilled insomnia and fear in its highest degree. Even the long tail behind it whipped around and even made the scraping noise accordingly as it swept across concrete and grass. It stood as tall as the statue if not more, and with a wingspan of a school bus, its impressive body had only her attention and no one else for the strangest reason. Talons screeched on the ground as it set itself for a pounce, sneering at her with a fanged maw that could tear through a bull in seconds from the number of razor sharp teeth she counted.

For all her worth, her legs couldn't move no matter how much she tried. She was paralyzed before the devourer, and no one did a thing to help nor react. Even the sound of traffic behind her was minute and minimal in its sound signature, all the variables she took in with confusion.

"Hey Sunset!"

The faux dragon poised to leap and feast upon her feeble form as it always did.


Those eyes that haunted her so many nights ago, now blaring with intensity of an acetyl torch. Hands gripped her shoulders as something shook her just when the black Wyvern pounced at her.


"GAAHHH!!" she stumbled from the grip and fell on her backside in pain onto the hard pavement.

"Sunset! What's wrong?! You were just standing there locked in place. No matter what I said you didn't say a thing?" a familiar male voice graced her ears as the most calming thing she'd heard since the moment before the vile creature showed itself. She violently shook her head and slapped her temples to regain function. Hands and arms enveloped her as support during her moment of recovery, someone held her up while another hand stopped her ministrations to her head.

"Sunny! Calm down!" she struggled against the grip futility.

She opened her eyes again and no longer was there a living engine of destruction charging at her. Instead, the worried face of Flash and Rose who held her still who kept asking her to settle down. She had yet to realize she was tearing up from the experience, and simply looked to the both of them dumbfounded.

She became even more shocked when Rose appeared to have watery eyes, and flash holding to keep her up beside her knelt down with her. One of his hands holding one of hers softly yet firmly to cease her self inflicted abuse and the anxiety attack she overcame, it was warm and comforting to feel the sensation of another hand on hers. Eyes were looking everywhere for the reptile as if it would show up at a second's notice, but it never appeared. All she could see was Luck and Sentry before her, with no danger present she had been left in a state of post alarm for a moment which earned a couple weird looks from the rare students still around. Wordlessly sitting with two friends before a calming feeling washed over her and settled her nerves like a mother would a foal. Her body felt as if it dipped into a hot tub, and her mind under the effects of camomile tea.

Rose brushed away a couple tears caused from her worry, but not without looking Sunset in the eyes with a seriousness she'd yet seen, "What happened Sunset?! Tell me what just happened?"

"What?" the former unicorn asked completely out of it.

"You spaced out, you were hyperventilating... we tried to snap you out of it but nothing worked until you reacted to something." Sentry explained still cradling her.

"You were... crying Shimmer! Why?!" Rose pressed as her hands still held her own.

She did not know how to explain it all, she couldn't even begin to comprehend what occurred. Something seriously wrong with her had just peaked and now it would likely become an ongoing issue if she knew her history with fortune. As much as she wanted to divulge what she saw, these two were still new to her situation and likely wouldn't believe her no matter how real the event seemed. From every sound to the feel of the lizards breath, who would believe her dream had suddenly become real for a moment?

Ch. 22 Why?

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Chapter 22: Why?

The sound of the broken air duct whistling through its torn section herald the release of Adagio's sound bubble as the ambient noise of the streets began to filter through. A fridged cool breeze started to create a chill in the room, but Aria's own temper would keep her warm enough as she noticed the numerous damages to the property.

"No amount of singing will make this look any better..." Aria groaned into her hands and she muffled a yell of frustration.

Sonata jumped to Twilight, immediately looking at her leader and then to her friend trying to see what she should do to help. She tried to touch Adagio curled up in the human's arms, but she flinched even as her fingers were inches away. Instead, the blue siren joined the soft whispering of reassurance and comfort. The once powerful being who's ever calculating mind now reduced to a quivering mess, a shell of her former self. Aria knew they needed her up and walking soon before they had to sing again or somehow explain the destruction to the owners or the police. Worse yet, the two women at the other side of the restroom, they would soon wake up and everything would become very awkward very fast.

"Please tell me she can be at least carried out of here?! Sonata and I can lull anyone for the time being, but we'll need to get out of here now!" Aria pressed as she dropped her hands and fumed.

Twilight still focused on the bundle of helplessness held within her arms as she rose steadily to her feet, even as Sonata tried to bear the burden. She ceased talking as the two worked to have Twilight piggy back the unconscious girl, it wouldn't last long since the little human possessed little ability to heft much weight. As she struggled to walk with Sonata catching any swaying mishaps, she herself knew the feeling that had possessed Adagio moments ago. The helplessness of losing a loved one, even she acted out that one night alone and ended up destroying the entire organized book shelves she prided herself over in the corner of her room. Though paling in comparison, she spent the next week reorganizing the mess and enduring the scolding from her parents.

"Are you sure you have her? Cause I can if your not able?" she offered.

Grunting as the weight of the body began to burn her muscles, "No! No I got it, we... we need you to sing." Sparkle nodded.

"Done! Done and done!! Move out!" the dark purple haired singer nearly shouted just as the door the two entered fell off its hinges and slammed on the ground before her, "Great..."

"Aria?" Dusk sounded forlornly.

"... what?"

"You have the most like all of the power now. We haven't filled mine, and Adagio is out of it..." she never took her sorrowful eyes off her matriarch.

"Ya! You don't think I don't know! This wasn't how I wanted to be in power. Picking up the pieces... literally." she huffed and folded her arms, "Fine! You, carry Adagio until we find a ride outta here while Sonata and me blank everyone's minds. We need to make sure the security cameras get wiped as well, so don't walk too fast got it!" Aria barked at the two.

"Got it." Sparkle started to slowly walk with Sonata.

With Adagio's arms around her neck haphazardly and Twilight holding her legs as she hunched over, the trio began their route. Aria was first to enter the dining area, walking into the main room as her initial solo slaved all who were just then staring at the fallen restroom door in silence. The little ballad sent them into a paralyzing sleep, which required a good chunk of energy from her full gem to do. Once the three behind her emerged and fell in step, the other vocalist joined in and added her voice to the entrancing song.

No one escaped their music, like a flood each and every human being soon found themselves on the floor or crumbled in their seats completely out of it. The sushi chefs had collapsed behind the bar, the knives and plates some handled clattered on the floor doing no harm to anyone. Only two remained standing, half lidded eyes and slouched over in their spots where they stood before the spell had them. Under Aria's mental command, having drawn closer to them they received the hypnotic command to cleanse their presence in the restaurant, the recordings were easily erased and some minor damage done to the electronics for added garnish. Thus ensuring no possible trace back to them could be made, it would appear as if an act of god caused that loss of recording.

The four trudged through the sea of tables to the exit, never ceasing the song as a few people soon entered past the main door as fresh customers. Aria's pendant bled more power to snare them and order the little group to step aside. While the two sirens created the pathway, Twilight started to feel her muscles scream and her throat starting to go hoarse as she carried Dazzle outside. The lack of physical exercise made itself known as she started to strain and sweat a bit. She could only stop once they were outside, where the two continued only with a change in their octaves. Instead of putting everyone to sleep, they were causing them to argue and bicker. It seemed as though they wanted to either feed a bit or distract everyone, an idea that let Sparkles mind wonder why as a distraction from the hefty load upon her.

Aria finished with a gentle end upon noticing they happened across the one taxi parked by the Sushi Bar, "Come on! Get in so we can clear this place before it gets even worse for us!"

At her command, Sonata swirled around and assisted the worn out girl behind them, carefully grabbing one of Adagio's arms and sharing the weight. Aria allowed them in first before squeezing inside the family car sized taxi. Fortunately, there were extra seats in the van, which she begrudgingly took in their haste to evac the area. After they set themselves into position and buckled up, the then acting Matriarch found herself in an adrenaline high from both the reality that she finally got her wish and the position they were currently in. She feared the waves that were caused by Adagio's tantrum and the Rainbooms picking upon the trail. With one of them down for the count, Sonata and her wouldn't be able to subdue them when she had the most power of the three. Considering the might of the gems, they were only as powerful at they were when they faced off at the battle of the bands. They'd lose their gems again, they would be cursed to live as humans once more, and Yellow likely did not have a stash of siren stones lying about either.

The vehicle lurched forward and the newly crowned leader was left to mull over what to do next. The fans from the front seats cooled the air with the smell of frankincense that wafted around the compartment. The two girls tended to the downed Dazzling with an initial look over for any serious damage that still remained. First thing Sonata did had been to magically scan over the slack body as she mumbled incoherently, using the little power in her stone, she hummed gently while her hands waved over every part of the body. Sonata's stone was still fresh like a new born hatchling, the trio had done a few spontaneous songs after they acquired their phones. Giving some much needed energy to Dusk after they confirmed with Twilight that her new pendant had been preconditioned. Adagio appeared to be sleeping throughout the ministrations with meek peeps and whimpers as she still shed a few drops from her eyes. She was unaware of help being given or the inquisitive eyes of the driver through the rear view mirror that observed the scene play out.

Dusk retract her hand and cease the tune from her throat, with a solemn face she shook her head, "She's like so drained I think its mana exhaustion, my mom taught me about it when I had my ruby crown in my chest plates. Every hatchling gets told this so they don't sing their souls away."

"Why... how does that happen? I wouldn't have thought your abilities had such a negative effect like that?" Sparkle seemed like the discoveries would never cease with them.

Looking at her friend in the eyes as she readied to tell another tale, "We sing from our hearts, the dark magic we naturally have only helps convey the spell we use to control others and harness negative energy. But its like a buffet table at Taco King, it feels good, tastes good, and if you eat too much you get sick. Parents take their pups after they age some to a performance, they join once their gems crown but have little mana that can be stored within them. Other hatchlings have... been carried away with the tide because they sang too long. Mom said our tiny bodies are too fragile to handle the draw and something about... being sucked dry. Once the mana fish is devoured, the dark magic shark needs another fish to eat, and that's our souls. If we let the dark magic shark go hungry, then we take the final sleep into Poseidon's oceans." she sniffled remembering the warmth of her mother when she told her the story before sleep.

She wanted to inquire further into the mother's story, her lips were stopped knowing that it wasn't the time nor place to dig into their biology. Although it did explain the state Adagio was in, the power she witnessed and the gemstone doing everything it could to stop the blast of energy. Energy she stored that made her a siren as well as fuel the gem's abilities, the conflict depleted everything she had. What physical harm she underwent, it was not healed by fumes of negative energy but the very soul itself. That realization threw her for a loop.

"Will she be alright?" a simple question formed from the stupor.

"Ya, she'll be exhausted for now and her hands, she won't be lifting a fork or metal box any time soon." Sonata gestured to the slightly swollen hands.

"Metal box? Oh you mean your phones. Wow... I didn't know you guys could do that with your gems and how dangerous they were! Your really banking your entire existence on those." said Twilight as she brushed a few strands of rouge curls from Dazzle's eye lids.

Aria began to regret desiring the role she use to think would be suited just for her, but the crash course into it had become an eye opener. All that came from thinking of what to do had done nothing but stress her out. From worrying if Adagio damaged her gem or herself, to the blood in the water those Rainbow sharks would undoubtedly pick up on. The few ideas she considered to avoid or deal with their foes were rubbish. Adagio would not be the same siren once she recovered and that put her even more on edge, but she didn't know if it was a given or not. They needed to sing again and fix all their problems, but with only her and Sonata who usually carried the chorus. She feared the duo they could become wouldn't draw enough energy nor crowds as they had when with all three of them performing. So many negative thoughts started to give her a headache, with reluctance she brushed the whole disaster out of her mind and out of sight. Hearing Twilight's comments over the tantrum the former matriarch had, she scoffed at the idea that it was the biggest one a siren could act out.

"Trust me, that wasn't even a chunk of what a pissed off siren could do." Aria leaned onto the back of their seat.

"I'm sorry?" she looked with surprise and adjusted her glasses.

"I said nerrrrd!" the purple pig tails growled, "That what you experienced, which few ever live through, wasn't even close to being on the scale with a real Matriarch. Adagio and us, we're still young by our standards. The older a siren is, the more power they can harness through sheer willpower. These new stones gave her twice the power she'd normally have with our old stones."

Her blunt insult and explanation had the young human frown for a moment, "If what you say is true... then that explains how Cavatina from Sonata's pod handled those pirates right?"

"There is a LOT you don't even know about us and I intend to keep it that way from my mouth at least." she let a devious grin sprout.

"Ya, you usually just say mean things to Sonata so I was surprised you even gave me that piece of information." Sparkle said under her breath as she folded her arms in protest.

With a cocked eyebrow, "Becoming the Matri for this pod... has its downsides. I heard you talking and wanted to stop thinking for a moment. Which now that I'm aware, we've been talking out loud with this peon driving us around the town." her sharp eyes locked onto the black uniformed driver who kept his eyes glued to the road in silence.

"Do we sing again?" asked Sonata as she looked to Aria for guidance.

"First you'll take us where we need to go, the Shetland Isles Inn. We got the bits." a small purse jiggled from her hand that she pulled out of a pocket in her leather coat.

"We can't just get him to do what we want?" Dusk asked out loud.

"No you dunce! He's at the wheel, and I don't want him going under our spell while we're flying down the road. He could very well swerve or crash!" she reprimanded her minion fiercely.

"Hey! You could be making him panic right now and fear for his life." Twilight pipped up having already grown tired of the harsh girl and her wayward tongue.

"Not like he's going to think we're anything of a threat, he's not going to jump out of this moving vehicle nor stop because you two started storytelling." her headache started to come back, "By the Triton's stab!! I just had to get my wish at the worst possible time!"

"Actually, I'm quite interested in this little discussion of yours, if it will explain why your friend there looks rather ill?" the man asked without looking at them.

His driving cap hid his eyes whenever Twilight tried to look at them through the hanging glass on the windshield. She was rather surprised they got into a cab with a friendly none panicking driver, someone who either saw things in his cab on the job or he just was not susceptible to anything out of context.

"Mind your own business and just get us to that hotel!" Aria hissed as she sat back into her seat with a thump.

A silence followed her response, with the radio off and the fans just below full blast the group really had no idea how to respond to the driver. After he dialed something on the touchscreen GPS device mounted on the dashboard, he made a few turns as the computer displayed the route to take. Only then did he speak once more.

"I'm sure Yellow Tail would love to hear about your little... evening out." which all three girls froze with bugged out eyes looking at the man.

"Your with him?" Sonata gasped.

"Indeed I am, pleasure to meet you sirens plus one. I am Serak Lammergeier at your service." a collective sigh escaped the two closes girls while Aria huffed and looked out the window.

"After you guys pulled those spirits from our gems, I never got a look at you! But you were one of the ones up top, next to the rude man right?" Dusk tilted her head in thought.

"Yes, Emerath can be a bloody nonce when he's pulled away from his work, for that I apologies on his behalf. Though if you could be so kind and enlighten me on why your boss there seems quite out of it?" the english accent in his voice caught Twilight's intrigue.

Looking to Sonata who then glanced at Aria, no one was sure if they could still trust a stranger who seemed to know their patron. They had said enough as it were, but the fact that he spoke Yellow's name was compelling enough to at least answer his inquiry on Adagio. Dusk simply shook her head and shrugged, leading the human to roll her eyes at the predicament they were in.

"Aria? Your the head now, do you want to trust him?" Twilight beckoned from the disconnected girl.

A mute snarl and a wave of the hand was her way of saying she didn't care. If her statement about how she was handling the role told her much, she probably tried to act like Adagio and overthink things. At least the two now had open permission to engage Ser, leaving Aria to nurse her headache that throbbed.

"We had a... little therapy session and it didn't go so well. She's drained and suffering what I can only equate to human standards as heat exhaustion. She's lost her mana, and drew upon her own being to heal the... injuries she sustained in an outburst. Did I miss anything Sonata?" Twilight responded.

"Nah, that's all I saw! She needs to sleep, if she tapped into her soul like mom said... but she's not a hatchling anymore." her eyes gazed at the one in question with regret pasted all over her, how she wished she could have been there to stop Adagio in time.

"I guess what she's trying to say is Adagio will be fine, but she's vulnerable until full recovery." Sparkle answered clearly.

"Such strange creatures you lot are, I've seen unicorns lose their magic after stressing pass their limits. Using your own essence to fuel any spell, its quite a rare thing to be able to do in fact! Fascinating... but I am sorry for what has befallen you. After all, you are very important to us." the van turned again with the hotel in sight.

Pulling up to the main door, the van slowed to a stop, "Please? Don't tell Yellow?" Twilight looked to the mirror hoping to speak about the incident to him herself.

As Sonata and Aria disembarked, she waited still with Adagio for an answer. Waiting and waiting until Dusk got her attention so they could remove the still unconscious Dazzling out of her seat belt and onto their way home. Serak seemed unmoved, keeping his white crisp gloved hands on the steering wheel and his turquoise skinned face dead ahead. Seeing no further reply from one of Yellow's associates on the plea, Sparkle sighed before releasing the belt around Adagio. Carefully, Sonata and her scooted the limp body, being careful of the hands and arms until the other siren could get a better hold. She hefted her onto her back just like Twilight had done when they left the Sushi Bar. It was then that she stopped and looked to her friend with guilt.

"I think you should go home, Aria's not going to be happy for awhile and... you don't deserve what she dishes out. I'll snap chat with you later about how Adagio's doing." She weakly smiled and waved quickly with the sleeping teenager over her back barely causing her any hindrance.

"Are... are you sure? I promise I won't react like I did to Adagio! I can keep quiet no matter how bad Aria gets! What if her gem is cracked? I know basic first aid if she has any hairline fractures!" she quickly tried to propose to remain with them for the night.

She was met with a shake of the head, "Friends stick together, but they also keep each other safe. I can handle her when she's angry and I have just enough to help any broken bones, but you... bye!"

With a quick gait, Dusk rushed away from the taxi and into the hotel as the electric doors opened for the bungling support. She left Twilight in a confused and outcast state, wondering how Aria really got when she was pushed beyond her comfort zone. Perhaps she worried of how Adagio would react once the sleeping beast awoke to find Aria in command. All because she had to stand up to her, because she felt personally offended and how quickly she latched onto the sirens for friendship when likely only Sonata would be the only one.

Noticing the dreadful look on the young girls face, the man turned to look at her from his position, "He'll find out soon enough, but I will not be the one who roasts the seeds. You have my word Mrs. Sparkle."

"Thankyou." she brushed a hand across her eyes as the mechanism automatically closed the sliding door.

"So, while I take you to your home if you'll kindly provide the address, how about we have a little one on one? Its not often I get to meet another species who has no affinity with magic and now has one to champion them to new heights." he sat back in his seat as the taxi began to pull out.

"Uh... sure? Just head to Oak street, I live near the Pens and Furniture Emporium. Just three houses down the street. By the way what did you mean by that? Who are you where you came from? I mean since I'm sure there are no humans in Yellow's group, then you must be from Equestria right? Or are you from another world? That begs the question if there are other worlds who've been sending their exiled to my planet? Why are you a taxi driver if your an exile?" she began to ramble on until Serak coughed loudly to interrupt her.

"I've passed by that store a few times, I believe I know the way without these confounded devices they force us to use. Blasted things, you'd think I'd have gotten use to them for as long as I've been here." he chuckled lightly before making a right turn out of the commercial and entertainment district.

Twilight spied him eagerly with a hungry mind so curious she looked as if the ordeal she'd been through had never happened. She tried to lean close to him as she had the seat just behind his, trying to better see and hear.

"I'm afraid I can only say so much, security and all that." he sniffed as if to clear his nose of a tickling hair.

"That's... that is fine, just like the Dazzlings I barely know you or the others so i don't expect full rights of information. These Rainbooms seem to always be on everyone's mind, and from what I've come to know they are a danger to everyone trying to contribute to save your homeworld." she wondered about the abilities that the sirens spoke of, the very kind which drew her to the energy readings and met Yellow Tail.

"Cheer up love! Like any good friendship, trust is key as much as time. As I mentioned, its a rarity to meet such a being in your position, how has it been. To know about magic, its applications, and its implications upon society as much as yourself? You have been reading those tombs right?"

That brought the girl into a brighter mood by being coaxed into the inqisitive, "Yes, its been arduous, just by using the mirror to be able to read and the little time I can put into the first book Yellow asked me to start with. However, I'm quite confident I can grasp the fundamentals of what I believe to be a beginners guide to the science of magic!" she beamed happily at herself.

'Just like I was when i came across that artifact.' he thought.

"Do you know of its origins? Perhaps who made it?" Serak made another turn down a familiar street she remembered walking before before shaking his head quietly.

"No? I've only been through several chapters so far and that's only thirty percent of the entire manuscript. It's unlike any human made book I've known as far as where it was published or who is credited to its making." she scrunched her face as each and every page from start to present flew past her mind, never once a name popping up.

A quick look through the rear view mirror let him see the honest situation, "Figured as much, its on the last page for the writer, kind of like a letter in the way it was made... because it technically was."

Her head popped up, "Letter? Then they must have compiled every note... well unless this is some kind of journal? Probably composed of maybe some kind of research with a pen pal? Or perhaps they were a student abroad who accumulated notes over their journeys!"

"How right you are, your actually looking at Yellow's own work there. Ever since he started out to become a magician and aspire to the legendary wizard status among ponies. You my dear have probably the most in depth how to book you'll ever attain even during my time." the taxi turned into a street after passing by the pen and furniture outlet.

"Woooow..." the shocked face of someone who stumbled upon a treasure trove amused Serak, just like he felt the day he could feel and use magic for the very first time.

"It's almost like I'm holding the intimate journal of Leonardo Da Vinci!!" her eyes dilated slightly as she shook her hands excitedly in the seat.

The transport pulled to a stop halfway down the street at its destination, "The one and only copy so cherish it love, because if anything happens to it then your magical pursuits will go with it. Even if you do not possess mana, in due time everything will change. Now I do believe we've arrived, and I do have fairs to collect before the nights over."

He parked the vehicle on the right side of the road and twisted to look at her for the first time. His turquoise skin looked soft yet ridged, cheekbones were prominent as were the hawk-like eyes that set upon her with a friendly glint. The driver's cap left only a few strands of white hair hang down his forehead and the back of his neck, he looked like a man in his thirties maybe even early forties. Even as energetic as she had become at the revelation, her giddiness that could have rivaled Sonata lost its fuel upon his visage. Sparkle found herself studying the geography of the facial map before her, note heeding his beckoning as he waved a hand in front of her to disturb the train of thought.

"Hello? Anyone there?" he recited until the young woman jumped in her seat out of surprise.

"OH!! Ummm... eh hehehehe... " her hands sheepishly twiddled around their fingers nervously as she realized she had not been paying attention at all.

"We're here, and although I'd like to keep chatting I feel you should disembark for your home. As it is late and your family likely is worried about now." he grinned seeing the human come to reality.

She found herself in her room a few minutes later pondering over what just transgressed, the fact that she had indeed been looking at a manual to use magic. It was a complete book made over a lifetime of trial and error, it was quite literally her bible to magic. To top it all off, she felt strange and captivated while memorizing one of Yellow's compatriots down to the last detail and strand of hair. She would be lying to herself if she only did that to remember him in case they saw him again around town. Sitting on her bed with some of the other books given to her on magic her heart fluttered at the wonders she still had to dig through. The plethora of inventions using magic were begging away, to the point when at some time in the future she'd be given magic of her own or the ability to harness some.

While lost to the reason behind her behavior, her phone vibrating on the desk table away from her bed severed the dead set focus. It was a welcomed interruption for her as slide off the bed covers and walked to grab the device. Anything to forget the last moments in the cab with Serak was paradise for the scientist, his face flickered in the back of her head like static. Upon swiping the screen she was welcomed with Sonata and a photo of her in their kitchenette if one could call it that. She appeared unharmed and in her bubbly self, so all seemed well enough until a minute passed by that another image was sent. Adagio and her were in the photo, the golden siren had been undressed and slipped into the bed sheet with her nightwear. Her eyes were still leaking if only moderately compared to the rivers they were, she still looked helpless and pitiful. Dusk was nearly face to face with the former matriarch in the image as she tried to smile as best she could. A third digital photo came five minutes later with Aria appearing to storm out the door with her back to the phone. Perhaps the weight of responsibility finally shook the usurper's false dreams of power, one had to have the willpower to carry the group onward. Even Twilight could see she was far from matriarch material, no matter how much she wanted it there was only one Alpha among them.

Her phone rang, chiming loudly and almost causing Twilight to drop it, "H... Hello?"

"Twi?! Hey! Are you home yet after we kinda like... left you with Mr. Serak?" she asked with a hint of guilt.

"I'm fine, he's a rather nice person actually! He even told me about the red book I've been reading, who made it and how it was crafted!" Sparkle replied ecstatically.

"That's so totally awesome! Guess not all of those creepy people are evil and all." Sonata chuckled calling the kettle black.

"Indeed, he's Equestrian that's for sure, one just trying to cope with my world like you guys were. You should have seen him fiddle with the GPS computer the company he works for had installed, he seemed frustrated with it and little to say of training." she too joined in the light laughter.

"I'm glad you got home safely, it would have made my day like the WORST!" the blue siren exaggerated the last word.

"I don't think we have anything to fear from Serak, he's quite the kind person and very talkative..." she paused,"I got to see his face, I saw no evil in it... just an honest face... with..." her voice and tone ventured off into wistful dreaming.

Hearing such a defense of the stranger Sonata lept at the chance, "Ohhhhh! Sounds like someone gots the hots for older men."

"NO! no no its nothing like that! He just, I don't know... mentioned how it was great to meet another race with someone also discovering magic and using it. Like he... perhaps he went through something similar before being sent here." she mumbled.

"Oh come one, I was just joshing with you! Hey, with Aria gone for a while... can you ummm... stay up and talk for a bit? I know it's late and all. It's just that Adagio is talking in her sleep and I can't use the TV since it's in the same room she's in." Sonata sounded as if she was lonely and left to nothing to do.

Friends, this was what friends did normally by asking to spend time with one another. Desiring to share thoughts and feelings, and being there for the other it all still felt alien to her the bookworm and junior scientist at Crystal Prep. Just like groups that formed at lunch period, she had hers with a creature from another world who was just as lively and sentient as any human. She had social skills as it seemed, not the bungler from before who only relied on her childhood bonds like weak tethers to a ship and its dock.

"I'd be glad to Sonata, I can talk for as long as you need." she giggled softly remembering how Adagio felt in her arms and then the way Sonata almost broke down during her tale.

Hester's Cafe

The little eatery had just passed through its busy happy hour for frosty beverages and lattes, what few customers were present were there for the warm sandwiches and treats before going home. A few coworkers were busy enjoying a large gathering around the last batch of donuts baked for the day with flavored seltzer drinks of varying colors. They had taken up most of the open table area chatting away the days labor and fumbling management they disliked. A few of the booth seats had couples alone in a moment to themselves or students from Canterlot High studying for the next exam.

In a booth far from the other people, Sunset sat with Rose next to her and Flash across on the other seat. To Luck's insistence, she had them all get some herbal tea to calm themselves after what occurred, and her call was spot on. Even though Sunset desired a bold cup of coffee and something sugary, Rose stopped her saying the caffeine and sugar wouldn't do her body any good. They sat in quiet thought, Sentry who looked out the blinds to the streets around, Rose kept an eye on Shimmer who just seemed lost in her steaming cup of lavender and hibiscus brew. The girl had leaned her head on her left hand to prop it up. Ever since they found her freaking out, she didn't give them an answer nor an explanation. Though her eyes betrayed her, they moved about rapidly as if she were seeing her thoughts on the table top and analyzed them.

With a heavy sigh, Rose took a deep gulp of her hot green tea before putting a hand on the black leather jacket slightly squeezing the occupied girl's shoulder to get her attention. It had an immediate effect, and not in the most welcomed way possible. After they had sat down with their orders, the fiery haired teenager dived straight into her thoughts trying to figure out why she apparently lived her cursed dreams in the real world. It felt so real to her that she feared the portal had been activated and dragons were coming through to reek havoc and mayhem. The beast sounded so realistic as well, she really felt like she would be in death's grip for a second time as the wyvern jumped at her. The sheer black abyss of its scales and the haunting eyes were enough to stall her legs and mouth from moving, the pearly white talons on its winged hands that scrapped the paved pathway. That had to be a foot long and sharp as spears, the feeling of three digits on her right shoulder burst her contemplation like a rock through glass window.

"Sunset, you gotta..." the startled girl actually jumped high enough to bang her knees into the table, causing her tea to spill as she squealed.

Her heart thumped and her eyes looking everywhere for the demonic reptile, breath shallow and fast as her hands tried to crawl up the window blinds to her left only to succeed in bending them and causing a ruckus. Her world became panicked, a haze of the mind which she barely registered her friends just inches away trying to calm her down. The excitement and shock cracked once the contents of her tea spilled over and onto her lap, the still hot liquid penetrating her jeans and pricking at her skin. It was enough to snap her back to reality, looking to Luck and Sentry trying to tether herself back into the world around her.

"Sunny! Dude what's wrong? What's got you freaking out like this?!" Flash asked as he grabbed one of her quivering hands.

"Ya girl, you got some PTSD like that sergeant who came back from his tour! You spaced out... and when I touched you to..." she shut her lips and hugged the erratic former unicorn once the tears began to come forward.

She did not feel the need to let the tears go, she felt dread more than sadness at the moment. With her left hand tightening around Sentry's and her right brushing away the water drops off her face, she failed to notice rose scooted closer to her and attempted to comfort her. The adrenaline which spiked her blood had become something that hurt her in the recent weeks because of the nightmares, when it use to be a welcomed burst of energy. It took ten minutes before she settled down as the smell of her tea added to the calming atmosphere. The sting of hot water had become nothing more than the chill of a workout shirt drenched in sweat, then walked into an air conditioned room. Rose had let go of her, probably having heard her heart return to its regular pulse rate. Though she felt something stroke her left palm softly, something cradled that hand as the circular motion relaxed her tension into putty. Once her eyes opened, she noticed who was the source of the touch and she yanked her hand away.

"Shimmer..." she looked to Rose beside her with a rather angry and concerned parent look about her, "Before you have another anxiety attack, you are going to tell me what's been up with you. Your acting like Pinkie told us you had been after a night terror. Which you shouldn't be having at all!"

Flash having taking no thought of holding her hand and doing what he could to help, he withdrew his hands and crossed them on the table top as he leaned on it.

"Please, if something really is causing you trouble, we'll be glad to stop it with you. I've never seen anyone act like the way you did to being touched?" he looked at her with concern.

At first she stuttered, not knowing whether to explain things or even believe they'd trust her word about Equestria and the curse she was infected with. These were humans who saw her rise and fall, and the same with the Dazzlings. A bit of hope they'd take her word seemed promising enough to further her attempts to speak up. She feared the two still might label her a crazy freak and ditch her, deep down something felt wrong about it all. A quick bite of her lower lip and she squeezed her eyes shut for a moment to build up the courage.

"I... I've got something to answer that, but... first can... can you promise me you'll let me explain everything before you pass your judgement? Could you?" she looked at them vulnerable and worried, her eyes threatening to spill over again.

The two looked aghast as if not believing she'd actually just requested such a thing of them. Considering she was going to explain everything that Pinkie left out, and that they could finally be of real help in some fashion or form. Then again, she seemed so scared to tell them, like a kid being bullied and wanted to spill the beans of who it was that hurt them constantly. It was more than Rose could take, in her honesty she took the initiative and answered for the two of them by grabbing Sunsets right hand and wordlessly agree with the most focused look she could muster.

In defeat of the botanical part-time worker, Sunset revealed everything she could spare other than what books she went through to do her research. She mentioned who she really was and why it lead to her tyrannical hold on the school, up to her demonic possession, then how she helped defeat the sirens. Every word was hung on by the two like kids learning an old story from a grandparent, they barely moved until she finished. Though Rose seemed to be the most captivated once she got to the meeting with the Saandie and then the recent encounter with the dragon. The fact that they hadn't laughed at her nor got up to leave like any sane person would do, they simply sat still with welcoming intuitive gazes. Sunset could have seen herself swallowed by the sea of loneliness and regret, but their loyalty seemed to right her perspective and mood.

"You poor thing..." Luck slumped her shoulders as she appeared genuinely sad at her story.

"Wow... you know if your moment with that crown or the sirens didn't happen for all to see, I'd have thought your story was some kind of crazy stress related delusion." Flash scratched his head in wonderment.

"Its true! All true, each and every night I kept seeing that blasted beast... then... Discord came." she whispered his name as she looked around with paranoia in her eyes.

Rose visibly flinched at the name and looked away, but no one noticed as Flash kept his eyes on the troubled girl. He could see she was earnest in her story, it all fit with what happened since the school just sort of accepted the heroic efforts of Twilight Sparkle from another world and the magic they all bore witness to. At least now he knew why she was so tired that day and then the moment she had, a living night terror that could possibly be around the next corner and only she could see it.

"I guess that was what he meant about fighting the battle elsewhere. I get to sleep now, but I'll be seeing the curse in waking life. So either he found it funny to keep watching me suffer or even the magic holding the curse bound to me is beyond his powers. Which troubles me even more considering we're not in Equestria and no exile should have anything that powerful without absorbing mana from us. Most importantly, you two are the only ones outside the Rainbooms who know about this, please don't say a word to anyone! They'll think I'm crazy and avoid me even more than they already do." she held her arms close to her out of the need for reassurance to herself.

"Sunny, you won't have to worry about that from us." Flash appeared determined to mean his word.

"Rest assured!" Luck rebounded firmly, "I've seen you at your worst, so I know that your not lying about any of this, not when its affecting you so drastically."

Their admission to the secrecy should have been welcoming, it should have made her day. However, a part of her heart tugged, asking her thoughts as to the reasoning to have garnered such trust and willingness for the most part an estranged ex and one who watched from the sidelines. The turmoil of considering it all would have made her furious to know why, Sunset desired to yell at them and test their faith in her. All that had happened up till now just seemed like a dream come true, all too real to negate if only her instincts were not fighting it. The surge of emotions were soon drowned by a warming sensation which cooled her addled mind, just enough for her to collect her thoughts into an orderly and civil manner. It reminded her of how she felt when Celestia praised her work and put her trust in the outcome of her studies before everything went awry. That was when the question she had to ask came forth calmly from her mouth.

"Why?" Shimmer asked plain and simple looking to both of the students.

"Why?" Rose asked stunned.

"Because we have history together, I knew the real you before Twilight came and reformed you, as you put it. You have no reason to send us on some kind of bug hunt right?" Flash answered.

"And because no one at your age is good at being a master liar and could have invented that all up even with the two attempts by the ill intent at school." Luck chuckled as she overcame the initial question.

"Why care so much about me like this? When the whole school fears me, even the Rainbooms left me on the sidelines during the Battle of the Bands!" she shot out still a little hurt when that happened even if she forgave them and saved the battle from the defeat that was so close at hand.

"Because you have a heart Sunset." Rose looked at her calmly and compassionately.

"You have no reason to lie to us, and we want to help you." a loud cheer came from the group of office workers not far away.

She hadn't expected them to remain much less prove their reasons, but it was not that she didn't want their aid. It all seemed so unreal now, the whole idea of friends beyond the Rainbooms, much less her old boyfriend. With their word golden and true, they pledge themselves wholeheartedly and it was a strange sensation to feel. The storm in her heart cleared away to sunny skies, and the waves no longer splashed against the shores like slapping drapes of an open window.

"Thankyou guys... you really really have no idea how good it feels to hear that." she sniffled to herself as she brushed away the latest tears from her watery irritated eyes.

"I'll be back, gotta use the restroom. One moment!" Luck announced before getting up to do her business.

As she watched her leave for the moment, Flash spoke up, "So there's no way to find the one who cursed you?"

"No, I'm afraid the nature of the curse is in its purpose, it's meant to be caste undetected with no real signature to find and trace. Not to mention this place is a veritable desert in magic capability, otherwise I'd be able to try and scan myself and see where the breadcrumbs go. Even what little magic I can use, like with my memory library, I can't do intense spells or wards since I have so little. I wish I could access it like I did against the sirens, but it all seems tied to the others and they're all busy these days. Plus, the magic comes from our hearts when we are truly in our nature such as a song, but you can't force it so I doubt we even have much left after that Battle of the Bands anyways." she responded sullen and depressed.

"Hmmm... and you mentioned that Twilight hasn't responded back yet? I wonder what's keeping her, she's like the most resourceful member of the group. NOT that it means anything that your doing isn't valuable of course." he doubled back nervously.

She huffed before letting it slide, "If I were to trust Discord, than she's probably dealing with other issues at the moment being a princess and all that. Or she's probably buried in the archives looking for clues and answers like I am."

"The only other explanation is that the issue may have been brought to the Council and the bureaucracy there is tying everything up, probably threatening to shut down the portal and ward it with stasis or something. Those stuck up nobles know how to muck things up when something threatens their soiree parties and pretty little houses they boast so much over. If that's the case, they're just trying to keep an invasion from happening through that working gateway, failing to see that a new portal might be made. It all gets complicated with those self entitled fools." she groaned and slid somewhat down her seat.

"Kinda like our country in a way." he sighed seeing little chance of seeing Twilight or much of any new development happening.

For a moment there was an awkward silence, the two listened in on the soon to be closing cafe. While he finished his drink, which he found rather pleasant instead of a coffee from the fresh roasted bean smell in the room. Sunset went about cleaning up her mess, pulling a number of paper sheets and starting with the edge which still dripped onto her lap. Slowly she worked to absorb more of the brew as the paper towels were dropped ever closer to the cup she recently righted.

"I know we're never suppose to trust the utter lies of dark magicians, they do nothing but plot and scheme. However, I can't help but feel whoever was behind the Saandie really meant what they said by 'It was as much of my home as it was yours.'. I can't believe it, but they sounded... sad." she then pushed all the wet naps together into a pile.

"Kind of like demonic possession they make those movies out of, someone embraces the dark evil forces just for the sake of others?" Flash perked an eyebrow.

"Ya, those creepy movies, which leads me to another thing... do you wonder if those stories they are based off of are true in some sense? Like this world once had magic and its own version of the Demons? If that's the case, this world is far beyond anything on Equis in terms of its sadistic vile nature back whenever magic existed." she visible shook off the one movie he and her saw together before they broke up.

"Your guess is as good as mine, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the whole magic and Equestria business. I'm just a regular guy with a band, and helping his magical friends stop a dragon." he shrugged and chuckled lightly.

His little quip earned a short laugh at his attempt to be funny, "There are just so many things to consider, but I know I shouldn't trust anything the Saandie said. All lies and deceit, even if... I wanted to try and see if there was anything to it."

"You want to know what I think?" he tilted his head when he heard Rose Luck curse under her breath as she drew near, "I think you need your rest and sort this all out when your not still recovering from that freight earlier today. Think of it like this, I can't think of new songs or perform during finals exams and I'm nothing more than a zombie at then." he wagged a finger at her.

"Your probably right, plus I can't do anything more until Twilight writes back, otherwise I could be doing more work for little results or being redundant." she admitted as her hands created a ball of tea soaked paper sheets.

"Hey, we still have the Friendship Games to prepare for, it'll be good for you to take a break and get yourself active! Beating those Crystal Prep snobs will free you to handle this problem guns blazing!" he smiled at her just as Rose sat down appearing as if she hadn't just been angry at something.

"I'd... like that, I guess all the research and the insomnia really racked up some R&R points." she nodded before the old man who owned the cafe sounded last call before closing.

"Rose? Is everything alright?" Sunset noticed the distracted gaze painted on the girl's face who looked at a loss for words.

"Fine... its fine, just a little argument with mom and dad is all." her chipper attitude seemed far from her in the way she responded.

Sentry looked at his phone as it vibrated in his jacket, "Well girls its pretty late anyways, Dad wants me home soon. So we should probably walk together since we're all pretty much on the same route?"

"Ya, lets." with Shimmer's agreement, the trio left to the exit.

For the most part, the walk had been listening to Flash and his ideas for who could best suit the team and some of the training they could all do. A few team building exercises they could pass by the Rainbooms who were first on the list to ask to be on the team. He even offered Shimmer the role as leader to further distract her from her predicament. Rose Luck had for the entire trip remained quiet and fuming over the fight she had over the phone, but having kept herself the back of the group she went unnoticed until they came across her family's home.

She changed like the flip of a coin, appearing happy and full of energy like nothing bothered her as something had been. She bumped fists with Flash and hugged Shimmer before running into her house, which like her family's buisness had a large assortment of flowering plants and blooming trees. Their aromatic blossoms were something to behold and smell, calming and soothing in the late evening. The two left on their way, continuing the conversation that led to possible class time with Coach Iron Will and his new dietary advise. Minutes passed like seconds as they soon arrived at Sentry's house, not far from her dorms it seemed. She never actually visited his place before even when they dated, but the family home looked quaint and New Yorkish in design. A three level house with the lowest an underground garage with a driveway crowded with vehicles, and likely behind the closed garage door were two more sleek machines under careful maintainence.

Sunset could hear the loud sounds of a sports game through the walls and windows, all the lights were on as if a party was happening. Sentry waved off the noise, admitting it was football season for his dad and a little for his mother. With a wave of farewell the two parted, with Sunset watching him walk inside and close the door. His shadow in the nearest window which soon appeared to be joining the festivities with raise hands accompanied by the ruckus of a scored goal or denied point. She never really cared for sports, but the family atmosphere inside was something she longed for which Pinkie's visits during the nightmares had some semblance of. Having never known parents except for the role Celestia played, friends seemed to be the closes thing she could get to the desire she held. The thought followed her to her place and to her bed after she cleaned up. She hated the inclination towards a family bond, a connection which she'd be limited to those few since the school still feared her after what happened months ago.

As she laid in bed, she readied to close her eyes thinking of the games coming up. She would be given a huge task to live up to thanks to Flash, it would be a nice change of pace to be with everyone working towards the goal of defeating the rivals they lost to year after year. Since they had far more harmony than before the sirens made their debut, it would no doubt be a close call to victory. Though the memory of knowing this world's Twilight was out there somewhere helping the Dazzlings sullied the edging blanket of sleep. Which to her luck, it seemed she'd be destined to end things with a bitter taste.

Ch. 23 Under Pressure

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Ch. 23 Under Pressure

The sound of a gentle shore moving with the tide, lapping the sands like the soft caress of a mother was music to the ears. Seabirds laughed as they sailed the ocean winds, how annoying they could be when one tried to take a nap under the warmth of the giving sun. The sensation of the beach wrapping around the body like a blanket of fresh kelp, perfect for bedding during the day as it stayed cool and moist below the surface . It was a heavenly world even if it was black as night, but home nonetheless in all its glory. A prodding nuzzle tried to wake up the dozing hatchling for the humdrum of the day.


With all the welcoming signs of home, the eyes would not open nor will to the demands of their owner. The scent of mangrove trees and the sea breeze greeted the sensitive nostrils with the soothing calm of nature's perfect world.

"Come on little one... it's time to awake."

The tide must have been coming in due to high tide, the saltwater tickled a bit at the lower extremity. The grains of sand brushed with the water, like ants made of glass trying to scale the body.

A soft nudge under the chin again, "My little Dazzle... we can't sleep away the day. You need to eat if you want your gem to grow large and strong."

"Whaaa...." a yawn followed as the dark void gave through to blurry images.

A young little hatchling siren finally stirred from her mother's insistence who laid in a protective curl around her. A cream colored fully grown siren with a translucent dorsal sail carefully continued to nudge her offspring as she attempted to blink away the haze of sleep awkwardly. The hatchling seemed unaware of her surroundings or how her body worked by the way she squirmed. It was a cute scene to see the four foot long pup try to lift her upper body up while her tail flailed as if it were naturally suppose to be split in two. The attempt at rubbing her eyes with the last joint of her forelimbs nearly poked them as they seemed quite alien to her. The minor pain for the mishap with her own body had her own tiny dorsal sail fin bobbing for a moment.

"The Matriarch has gathered today's meal, come on... you don't want to miss out on your favorite do you? Oratoria might get first pickings and you know how much she loves to eat." the motherly creature giggled as the young one beheld her with wide eyes and sharp draconic pupils.

"Mother?" it squeaked in a high pitched voice, "Mom! MOM!!"

Even as she scrambled and barreled into the armored chest of her birth mother, trying to hug her long snout just out of reach. The hatchling wiggled upwards with her weak tail as her tiny forelegs found no purchase upon the steep slope of glistening scales. Like a mackerel caught by a fisherman, she kept crying out to her mother in her antics as if she would be swept away from her in a second. The familiar muzzle that had roused her from sleep finally came close enough for her to grasp greedily as she rubbed her button snout on the silky nose. Her mother merely laughed as the two nuzzled the other, her only offspring as golden as the treasure the pony pirates often hoarded; as affectionate as ever too.

"My, my, what's gotten into you?!" she asked before raising her head away.

Adagio noticed too soon that her mother had escaped her, barely getting a single word or peep out before a long pink tongue began to clean her. Having no full control over her new body, she swayed like seaweed from a powerful undertow all the while fighting the calming feeling she long missed. The warning of what was to come fought the relaxing tingling feeling that threatened to force her back to sleep. Her mother laughed as her little one tried in vain to speak while she cleaned her scales of debris and the tears from her eyes, "Did you have another nightmare? Maybe its that octopus you love so much?"

Adagio relished in the bath she received, then remembering the past again that whipped in her head like the slamming of a metal door, "No mom! You won't believe it! I... I... I..." she stuttered as the adult relented, "Ponies! They have a place that will dump nasty stuff into the water! You and the others... they all died... but I'm here and your here!" her mother looked at her perplexed at what she had heard.

She shook her long head, giving another lick that caressed Adagio's eyes to wipe away the last of the tears, "My little Dazzle, you were just dreaming again. You've had that dream many times, but look I am here as you are. We are home and the pod is alive, and the others watch over us. You need not fear what haunts you in your sleep."

"But mom!? It was so real! Me and two others from other pods, I recruited them and we nearly took over Equestria! But we were sent away to another place and became monkeys! We almost had that world before... before our gems were smashed!"

She tried to say more, but her mother tickled her on the root of her miniature dorsal sail, sending her from her mournful recollection into a laughing fit to change the mood. A huge finned tail kept her from squirming away and endure the treatment for a minute longer until the hatchling couldn't breath. She couldn't escape anyways, the change to her younger siren body made that impossible as she mimicked a beached eel.

"There... now you know, I am as real as Poseidon himself, he who looks over the oceans and lakes." she gently nuzzled her daughter again.

Adagio wouldn't have it though, it felt like everything could be altered to prevent the timeline from happening. She experienced enough to know there was no happiness to that future, but the truth of it all was too blatant to ignore. As real as it all felt from her shimmering scaly body down to her own beautiful tail that replaced her legs. The touch from her mother, the bath, even the liveliness in those huge deep mulberry eyes that bid her farewell that fateful day. The way her mother disarmed her panic by going for her sail as sensitive as it was to end any further argument, had been her tried and true method to wrangle the hatchling. So many memories surged forward foggy and nearly indiscernible to be seen. Throwing all to abandon, the little pup desperate to feel reassurance again leapt onto her mother's snout and cuddled as if tomorrow wouldn't come. She wanted to remember how her mother felt, how large she was in comparison to her and the love that glowed between them.

"I want it to be true! Please don't leave me mom! Please!?" she turned quickly from her post hyperventilated laugh to crying as she wrapped her tail as best she could around her mother face.

Seeing no way of consoling the pup, "What am I going to do with you Adagio..." her mother's feelers fell onto her like tiny arms trying to hug her little form.

The moment felt as if it would never end, she wouldn't want it to end and go back to that life. No matter how hard she wished it to be, her desires were upon deaf ears when a loud boom rattled the air from afar. A crack like thunder and a rumble that accompanied it like an angry sea serpent was on the rampage. The water quaked visibly as the shock wave flew past the two. The mangroves shielded them with their thick towering canopy. Adagio had already lost some of her hold when the earth shook, her mother slipped out of her grasp as she looked up trying to hear something Adagio couldn't. Birds everywhere were startled and flying away or calling out in alarm, crabs that fed on the beach dived into their holes. Whatever it was that caused the huge explosion, it was nearby and it was powerful.

Adagio instinctively huddled close to her mother's prone form which reacted by tightening the gap between her thick muscular tail and her wide barrel. The noisy avians that flocked overhead had drowned out any voices she would have heard, which surprised her when her father arrived and poked his head over her mother's erect dorsal sail in her agitated state. She couldn't understand what he said, but he spoke a few words looking down at her. The sun blacked out much of his features even as he nuzzled her with the softest part of his armored snout. She could sense the vibration of his deep voice, followed by her mother's who brought her head to Adagio as well. The two parents checked on their hatchling like any worried family would, Adagio could almost make out what words made each specific frequency in their wordless talk.

Another distant explosion erupted, stopping her ability to decipher what the cawing birds obscured. The crack had been far more powerful than the last, as the passing soundwave had been visible this time with the warped air from the sheer force. A few outgoing waves from the waterway of the river that drained into their little piece of the coast departed for the open bay. Something splashed with enough force up river or the disaster had enough power to displace water. Adagio tried to look over the fins of her mother's tail at the scene for more detail, but she had been quickly picked up as her parents elected to get into the water. Trapped between her mothers gentle jaws like cragodiles often did for their clutches, it was her way of getting the weak pup to one place without having to wait for the still developing muscles keep up by swimming. The warmth of the sun disappeared as she went from the heated beach and into the cool deep blue water. The jolt of temperature change sent her into a breathing fit as her kind did not possess gills, she felt like she inhaled the crystal clear liquid surrounding her and the body was fighting to expel it.

'MOM! STOP!' she shouted in her head futility as the world around her grew dark.

With a yelp, her eyes were wild as she found herself choking from her lungs refusing to work. Having shot up in the downy soft bed of the human world she had been banished to, the shock of waking up confused and frightened the teenager even more when her loose hair whipped around her face. The room was dark through the curly locks save for the little light from the window blinds and the alarm clock's illuminated numbers in blue to her left. Her gasping had long since awoken the other two in a startle. Aria had found herself stumbling off the bed and crashing her head into the wall leaving a dent and a string of curses. Sonata had been the more fortunate one being on the side of the bed facing Adagio, harshly patting her back to get whatever was logged in her throat free. It felt like the wind had been knocked out of her, coupled with her vision starting to blur as tears accumulated from the swelling fear. In panic, her recovering hands clenched into fists as she tried to hit her chest, but no matter how hard she tried nothing abated the revolt her lungs were committing against her. Terror set in as she felt her body screaming for air burning like her muscles felt after they escaped the Battle of the Bands. Sonata could be heard shouting at Aria seeing her efforts unable to do any good as the situation started to dive.

Aria materialized before Adagio on the bed, her knees spearing into the covers with the ruby glowing brightly. With cupped hands the siren coaxed the power from within as a red tinted mist blew into her leader's face, disappearing as it seeped into the skin. The effect was immediate when whatever had gripped Adagio's breath relinquished its ownership, fading with her deep gulps of air. Aria leaned away yet kept her hands close to her bright pendant as she watched the magic do its thing. The two watched as their leader let little escape before the next forceful attempt to breathe in more like a greedy dragon shoveling coins and gems into a pile. All she could hear was a ringing in her ears that occurred after she had been given a little negative energy, that dreadful ringing which summoned the images of the seabirds fleeing from the mangrove trees. It was painful, but not as painful as her hands which flared up like they had been smashed with a hammer and then set alight. She hadn't felt how swollen they were since she passed out from exertion, now they made themselves known for good measure by locking up in a curl.

Sonata and Aria couldn't fathom what was going on with their compatriot, she came close to suffocating herself. It appeared the valuable energy stopping the worse from happening, which led Aria to believe her condition arose from being magically deprived. A thought occured if the gems might always need a sliver of power or less they feed upon themselves.

"Do you think we should take her to the hospital?" Sonata asked nearly tearing up at the close call they had.

"Uh! No you dimwit, they won't know about magical ailments because as you saw all I did was give her a bit of what's left in my stone. It fixed her and now she should be fine... I think?" Aria looked at the scared look of the messy haired girl that hugged herself.

"Maybe I can ask Twilight to get Yellow's help? If its magic then he might..." her quivering eyes began to tear up.

"NO! He doesn't need to know we're weak or down to two of us for that matter. He might just pull away our gems because he'll think we're not good enough. I will NOT go back to being human again." her voice seethed with anger at the mere notion.

"But she's used her own soul while casting! Its dangerous! She needs help!" Sonata stomped on the carpet floor and shook her fists.

"And I'm your new Matriarch, so you'll do exactly as I tell you to!" she ruffed up Sonata's hair and pushed her for good measure.

As the two nearly came close to clawing and scratching each other, the ringing subsided in Adagio's ear as did a steady breath. That was when it was replaced with the shrills of her pod mates going at each other loud enough that they'd probably get a noise complaint, but it was a welcomed barrage of cacophony. She was back in the real world, everything was real and had the option to alter the future. With a heavy sigh at their usual antics, she put aside the suffering hands and blood pressure for her commanding aura to rise to an extent just enough to stop them.

"Will you two idiots SHUT UP!!"

Goodwill's Park 3pm

The entire morning had come and gone with a share of hardships she didn't need with the rough awakening during the night. Not only had she managed to gain back her stolen role even though she was passed out when it was unjustly taken. Sonata and the revolutionist berated her with questions upon questions before she could properly react, all the while telling her how they found Twilight with her. They tried to explain what led up to the incident, but before anything could be said a horrible migraine spiked like nailgun using a railroad spike. Needless to say, using her most venomous tone she stopped any further words spewing from their mouths which made her head pulse with agonizing pressure. With the pod back in order, her first task had been to find medicine for her aching brain which Sonata pestered her if she didn't need a hospital.

"Are you surrrrrre you don't need people in white coats to check you out?" she asked for the twentieth time on their way to the little pharmacy store.


"Cause your starting to sweat and you've been holding your head since we left. You didn't even eat anything too?" Sonata skipped ahead and walked backwards to look at her in the eyes.

"I'm fine... now stop." Dazzle could feel the spike dig deeper with each heart beat.

"Remember that TV show Dr. Osborne? He said people who suffer from headaches and start to sweat, looking like they're about to explode need medical help as well as a change in diet and lifestyle! He's a doctor you know." she spouted while looking to the sky trying to remember word for word.

"Sonata... I swear if you don't shut that pipe off, I'm going to give you a new lifestyle from the.... GAH!" she stumbled to her knees.

With the cerulean skinned girl closest of the two, her arms balanced the suffering leader as she gripped the sides of her head. For a moment, she had vertigo that subsided after a hand gently rubbed her back in utter quiet. Adagio breathed through her clenched teeth, trying to bare the brunt of the blade's edge in her skull.

"Wow, can't even help without causing trouble. Hold on I'll go get the stuff." Aria looked ashamed at the scene before her just as she sprinted to the store not a block away.

The whimpering did not cease, Sonata knew nothing of what to do other than make sure she had someone to trust with her. Her eyes noticed how hard Adagio was grasping her scalp, the fingers were buried beneath the fluffed orange hair as if she tried to massage it away. In all honest, she knew who to call for help seeing the unusual condition that could only have been attributed to the rampage in the bathroom. Twilight and Yellow could fix this where she could not, they had all the answers or could at least be the other Adagio for the moment. Seeing that her matriarch could hold herself up, she swiftly reached for her phone and tried to dial the only other contact on it besides her team. Upon seeing the picture icon of Twilight, her thumb went to the call button just as a hand with an iron grip caught the tendons in her arm to release the device.

"DONT... Calllll... herrr..." the low growl practically froze Sonata in place, she couldn't comprehend what just happened except for the hold that on her that wouldn't let go.

"Hey! Your hurting me!" she squeaked trying to pull free.

"Unless... unless I tell... you..." Dazzle nearly drooled as her jaw remained locked shut.

"Adagio, please let me go!" yanking her hand free, she scooted away on the pavement looking on in terror.

Adagio actually harmed her, she never did anything to her other than verbal obscenities that were second only to Aria's attitude. Though she couldn't see the mark of the thumb which pushed into the underside of her forearm through the long sleeves, the bruise that began to form took her breath away.

"All you... two do is argue and talk! Just be quiet for once! My head feels like it wants to split open..." Adagio doubled over, having made a scene which had already garnered a few eyes that strolled by.

"HEY! I'm back." Blaze shouted as she huffed from exhaustion.

In her hand was a red bottle with a small plastic cap onto covered with protective plastic wrap. As she tore off the unneeded material, she took in the situation and immediately figured out Sonata had made it much worse by thinking again. Seeing as she was the only level headed one once more, she ripped the childproof cap clear off the container and knelled down before Adagio. Without any notice, she slammed the palm of her free hand into Dazzle's forehead to lift her face up, then used the shock of the moment to administer the medicine. Her disinterested frown displayed how little joy she got from doing a favor like she had, but the two were drawing attention to themselves and that meant the possibility of discovery by their foes. To rectify, she ensured half the contents were swallowed to the best of the choking siren's capability before she withdrew and stepped away.

"Whatever you were going to do, don't do it again. Especially if she's in this condition. Knowing you, you didn't even think it through either." Aria scoffed at her stunned pod mate.

"I did! I knew Yellow and Twilight could help, they have the same brains like Adagio. I was just trying to help." she rubbed her sore arm looking down at her phone she dropped.

"Ya, without her orders to do so, you know how important this is to her that things go her way. Freak'n dunce. Anyways, I got the strongest stuff in there, wasn't cheap but it should kick in soon. Help me lift her up so we can move on." she flicked her twin pony tails before going to the aid of her leader.

Reluctantly, the timid teenager collected herself and grabbed Adagio's other arm as they lifted her up before they started walking. Just as Aria promised, Adagio began to look better as her groans became nothing more than a few hisses here and there. Under the former usurpers advisement, they stopped for something to wash it down with at a gas station not far from the pharmacy. The rest of the bottle would be consumed since she spent her bits on it and it would handle whatever was wrong with the unfortunate girl for the rest of the day. She mixed the medicine into the the store's goofy named soft drink at the dispensers and purchased a small bag of ice for her aching hands. Even with the painkillers, Adagio had caused them swell from using them on her temples earlier ago. It all had become a mess she had to pick up and she wasn't the matriarch anymore, she figured fate enjoyed seeing her put into such situations.

Thankfully, the golden siren had regained enough of her wits to support herself and nurse away at the plastic cup through its red straw. While Sonata kept a bit of a distance from the pacified girl, Aria maintained her spot by her side having little to be bothered with amid the wordless stroll through the streets. A simple four acre plot of land turned into another park graced their eyes with its serene green grass and swaying oak and cedars. A few people were on the walkways, but they were primarily elderly out in the sun and getting their rusty joints moving.

"Sonata, tell Twilight we're at..." she squinted at the wood sign far out to the right where the park nearly ended next to a dealership, "Kadic park, the sooner we get this all done the sooner I can rest. Never felt so tired before."

"Probably the med your downing, it was the strongest stuff they had without a note from the doctor." Aria commented dryly as she looked away.

"Thanks. Now lets sit for the time being, Twilight will find us easier if we are in one place." ignoring the slack jawed Blaze who looked as if she stubbed her toe.

"I don't even know who she is anymore." Sonata whispered into her ear before texting a message.

"She actually thanked me?!" quickly burying the notion under an emotionless mask to hid the reaction, something was definitely going on and she would find out soon enough.

The sirens sat on a park bench forced into silence by their restored matriarch's tumultuous actions, even if her gem had little to no negative energy stored she still could awe them into obedience. Aria lost most of her stored power after the fiasco yesterday and to aid Dazzle from Poseidon's seabed for the departed. Having used almost all her power, she was no match for the sheer tenacity and utter natural talent as the dominate one. No magic was needed in the case of her kind, true matriarchs had piercing eyes and could summon cold attitudes only the rare few could resist. This was the way they maintained peace and order in a pod, if the spirit had the right elements then their ascension would come when the chance arose. Aria failed to make an argument of any kind or resist as she handed the position back without a fight. Not only was her moment ruined by the chaos Adagio wrought, but she didn't have an intact unit and were nothing more than sitting ducks. Nothing was worth the trouble she went through, settling for her pack member status which at least took away the responsibilities. She at least gained some solace in the migraine that left her for Adagio.

Until their human associate showed up, they sat observing the peaceful surroundings which had become a welcomed passage of time. Blaze looked away to the streets and passing vehicles while she debated talking to Adagio about her health, she was becoming so screwy that if her dominance wasn't so strong she'd have had a true mutiny on her hands. Figuring not moving or saying anything wouldn't earn Adagio's ire any further, the thought of a break from the weirdness was appropriate for her. Sonata took to her mobile phone and the free games loaded into it, her easily distracted focus soon found purchase and presented no more of an issue with her leader for the moment. Rather than call upon the Adagio that had no qualms at physically hurting her, she turned the volume off for added insurance.

To nurse her pain, the lead siren sipped away at the nasty liquid into her stomach. Thoughts waved in her head of what Sonata kept asking her about as she completely forgotten the fear she put into her as she writhed from the aching cranium. How she got on her feet after siphoning a part of her essence like she did. How her pod found her and the destroyed bathroom just from her struggle to suppress her emotions, a torn ceiling, bent metal, and a crushed sink and mirror. Nothing of it ever came to mind, it all seemed nothing more than a story to her if her suffering hands were not a clear sign. Even troubling more, some of the humans who walked passed them were gossiping about the Sushi Bar they had eaten at that closed down for repairs. The only memories she knew were real was seeing her mother and father once again.

Her mother's voice, her caring nature, her soft warm tongue, and her enormous size which provided a sense of protection. That reality aided in her stamina against the soreness that she endured, wishing her mother listened to her warnings for once in all the dreams she had. However, that explosion in the distance always ruined every chance she tried, no matter what methods she attempted. Regardless, the moment with the adult was fresh in her mind and she relished in the past, being a helpless hatchling just about to peak into her own with the cherished ruby crowning soon through her chest.

"Guys!!" a familiar voice beckoned annoyingly as it interrupted her reminiscing.

Sonata quickly left her entertainment device on her seat and flew to the voice, colliding with the human girl and lifting her up off the ground effortlessly. Sparkle couldn't even get a word out as her insides were put under the pressure of the bear hug she once again walked into, at least it delayed the inevitable questions she would be asking. Even if it were delayed by a few seconds as Sonata put her down and blasted her ears with questions of her state of being.

"Look as much as I want to answer everything, I need to talk to Adagio if I may?" she asked trying to let the blue siren catch her request.

"Oh... um, your going to probably have like the hardest time then. Aria and I have been trying to get anything out of her since last night, but she won't say a thing other than threaten to slap our heads together. Good luck trying though!" she relented and let Twilight through to return to her game.

'Why does life hate me so...' Adagio thought to herself as she tried to ignore the pestering human.

"Um, Adagio? I wanted to ask if your okay? Are you well? Can I help in any way?" she meekly asked with a bit of a cowering posture.

The Dazzlings could taste the fear coming off of her as she directed her concern for the girl, "I'm fine, I have ice and a pain killer mixed in this soft drink from Aria, so no... I don't need anything from you. So don't ask about it again." she commanded with a flat stare of disconnect and irritation.

Adagio looked on with intrigued at how the human seemed to flinch at her words, it seemed odd at how readily she put her hands up to protect herself. As a siren, she prided in the ability to do such a thing to any being, but it was usually something she did consciously. Yet everything seemed to point to whatever happened last night, Twilight reacted to her like a cautious rabbit in front of a fox who wasn't on the hunt yet but still possessed a look of hunger. Rather than enjoy the domination she had over the insignificant creature, it bothered her all the same. What did she do to make such waves?

"Okay, but... if... if you need anything just let me know! Yellow will be here soon, but I'll pass your word on if he asks anything about your condition. I didn't tell him about last night." she flinched as if expecting retaliation.

Cocking an eyebrow, "What did you say?"

"You... you don't remember? Nothing at all?" she stuttered.

"No of course I don't, I only remember eating us getting our food and even that is a bit hazy. These dimwits keep pestering me about it, but my answer is the same. Even after a million times!" she growled at both their doggedness and the sore fingers she tried to flex.

"Right... I won't ask anything else then, but he'll be here within five minutes. You'll be able to walk right?" her fingers twiddled with themselves awaiting a response.

"My hands are bothering me and my headache is from all three of you bothering me, but my legs still work. We will all be having a nice little chat with him today, not tomorrow, not a week from now. Today." she looked on with a frown of aggravation.

It had been a strange thing to see that Aria kept her words to herself, even though she looked as if to be in pain to suppress sarcasm she so loved to fire forth. Sonata mentioned something happened when she woke up, back to her normal self at least. She couldn't believe how someone made such a one eighty degree turn in health. Likely, the others tried to ask while telling their side of the story only to be rebuffed by her amnesia, and she herself would have divulged the terrifying moment. However, she already learned her lesson with Yellow's request to not become too involved with them, she'd never make the same mistake again. Sparkle could very well start a new violent episode within the troubled heart of the siren, and hurt Adagio even worse than before. She'd likely not be so luck as she had been. Creatures of negative emotions seemed to have vast strengths and lack of control concerning pain they withheld, who was she to risk someone's well being?

With that, Twilight took to Sonata and watched her play some mindless game on her phone. Apple Smash had her occupied and thankfully it appeared entertaining enough for the Crystal Prep student, an app made in honor of the Apple Family's orchard when a bad drought struck their southern fields a year ago. The funds from buying in game purchases went to help them last through the season while they rigged up a watering system when the flowers failed to set.

Seven minutes passed by uneventfully, a boring slow span of time amidst the green park and partly cloudy skies. Few vehicles disturbed the solemn air around the four, they had another hour before the rush of workers from the business district who'd be returning home for the day. A blessing Adagio enjoyed as she looked to the skies past the spotty oaks around them, even the birds were rather tame. It wasn't quite home, the air lacked in that wonderful sea salt tang and the occasional waft of bacteria breaking down organic matter on the sandy beaches. With the spiked drink doing wonders for her, the golden siren found some solace in the moment where the other three hadn't been bothering her with inane questions. It was just the wide open blue air with the occasional fluffy amorphous water vapor condensed enough to become visible. Whether she had too much of the liquid bottle of numbing elixir since she poured the entire thing into a convenience store monster beverage, or the rustling of the leaves seemed like the light splash of waves onto the shore. Her hands practically felt like nothing had harmed them, they were almost nonexistent to her. She was in the veritable garden of eden in terms of spiritual neutrality, one that felt odd and almost wrong to indulge in.

'Why...' she thought as the last of her spiked drink turned into a long drawn out sputter of air bubbles through the straw, 'Mother... why don't you ever listen to me? You keep stopping me from altering the outcome even if it is a dream... why do you always dive straight into the water with me... why do I... almost drown...'

A growing clacking of shoes on concrete tapped in the distance, growing louder as the owner appeared in Aria's perspective. She noticed Yellow casually walking to them looking rather aloof and happy. He appeared different though, not like the one they saw the other day considering he promised no more veils since Adagio saw threw them naturally. Hands were inside the outer pockets of a beige suit with words in white stitching written above his right breast, she'd be able to tell what was embroidered once he closed the distance. She soon noticed the bleach white undershirt and indigo tie beneath the coat, with the pants neat and crease free. He had been far from the man who saved her from the three drunks who looked like your average nine to five human worker. She didn't like it at all, there was no consistency to this point, Aria was always as careful about threats as Adagio had been. Black loafers had caused him to gain her attention shined in the sunlight whenever they peaked from under his shadow.

The others soon caught wind and watched the man approach them, Adagio dropped the straw from her lips as Twilight rose to greet Yellow. Sonata seemed too engrossed in her game to realize the moment, no one bothering her to put the device away.

"Afternoon, I hope you haven't been waiting for long, I got caught up with some business unfortunately." he pulled out his hands and gently clapped them together in barely contained jubilation.

With a look that bought nothing of his entrance, "I thought we agreed no more fake getup's. What's all this? Another attempt to woo us into a sense of safety?" Adagio asked rather venomously.

A look of shock at how he was received from the leader of the group and the grim gaze from Aria, "Oh, well you see I'm employed, have to eat and sleep somewhere. Considering I don't have such enchanted voices such as you lovely girls do. I..."

"YOU work at the Museum of Science and History!" Twilight nearly yelled, "That explains why Principle Cinch must have allowed my project through! One of the biggest museums in the country, and you didn't even tell me YOU worked for them?!"

By now the three sirens had all their eyes on the two, Sonata's game on pause as she seemed worried for a moment by the jarring reaction of her human friend.

"Please, calm down Mrs. Sparkle your causing a scene?" he asked with both hands up even though Sparkle kept her joy at maximum, "Yes I work for the Museum of Equestria, but who would have known my position would have meant so much to you."

"Twilight!" Adagio turned her magenta eyes upon her as she jumped in place, "SIT!"

Oddly enough, it worked as she imagined it might have, that deep seeded fear she could taste wasn't just an odd passing emotion. Something strange happened last night, she logged that in for another time with this new discovery now that Yellow was before her.

"I'll talk to you later Mrs. Sparkle, my little gems do deserve my time today as I'm sure you have plenty of questions. Please, let's go to the shuttle waiting for us and go to my office, it'll be the most secure place to be behind alarms and guards. The place is closed while they install a new exhibit, and I believe we can pass you four as scholarship applicants if the other staff ask any questions." he pulled out four lanyard passes from the inside of his suit.

Adagio was the only one to not attempt to grab the item, her hands still refused to move properly even with the medication in effect. She received a curious glance from Yellow as she sat with the empty plastic drink and ice bag. When it appeared that Yellow was about to ask something, Twilight took it for her.

"She hurt her hands by accident, she'll be fine in a few days or less. So I'm helping her, like you asked, in terms of bonding, right?" the human jumped in nervously enough to draw him from talking to Dazzle.

"Well, that's fine, dandy in fact to see you two getting along. Though please refrain from any more damage, you'll find out why very soon." the temptation to try to use their songs to pry open the enigma before them was strong, but not enough to stir her into action.

"These are needed to get in, the guards will throw us out if we don't have them on once inside." Sparkle iterated as she unlatched the lanyard like a necklace, "Wou... would you mind if I clipped it on for you?"

"Watch the hair." Adagio sighed.

As the two dealt with the identification placement, Yellow gestured for the girls to follow. To his word, a white shuttle bus covered with a huge advertisement of the coming attraction of Greek treasures and artifacts sat parked and idle with a uniformed woman at the wheel. After they boarded, the trip took no more than ten minutes through the percolating traffic as the rush hour just started to trickle in. All the while Yellow spoke no words, merely smiled and waved his hand when any of them asked a question about his job in detail. Adagio sat alone keeping her eyes glued for anything she could see or detect as a reason to distrust him.

The bus arrived behind the building and unloaded the group before leaving for the garage, apparently it was requisitioned by Yellow to provide the travel as he explained moving to the attraction. They went through one of the garage doors currently opened to the workers unloading a huge freighter, the latest exhibit was far from being completed by the mass of wooden crates and displays in the staging area. It was loud however, tools were being used to open the cases, hammers banging away to assemble the first of the special displays which looked to support some kind of huge item or even a ship. Sonata recognized the stabilizers on the docks she use to venture to with her pod, they often held the wooden ships for repairs or something. A few security guards stood watch over the light blue jumpsuit workers who handled the priceless items. A few of the officers gave the girls a glance before a few tipped their caps or waved at Sonata, she had a huge smile and wildly lashed her arms about at them to say hello.

They trekked through the halls, past the lonely cafe, but not before getting a glimpse of the Triassic exhibit. The sirens were the most affected considering the skeletal forms and recreations of dinosaurs of all sizes and shapes brought back many memories of the beasts their kind fought daily out of their territory. For Adagio, it was a moment she flinched and stopped in place that Twilight ran into her. Many of those beasts, they were eerily reminiscent of those she had escaped with her life and hid from after she lost her family. All the close calls, the ponies she used as distractions after running in the pathways of caravans, the jaws that snapped at her. The talons which occasionally chipped away at her scales and tore her sensitive sail membrane, the hisses and roars when her scent had been picked up followed by the crashing of trees and snapping branches. Those beady hungry eyes, lacking any intelligent thoughts other than to sate a hunger. A time in her life she'd never forget, what forged her into the siren she was today the jungles and forests molded.

The collision of the two hadn't been enough to jar her from memory lane, only Twilight's face between the extinct animals and her worked enough to get through. A gasp of surprise and a quick shake of the head had the golden siren looking away as if hurting, she quickly left Sparkle to the open office door up ahead without a word. Having left the human girl alone and questioning the mental state she was in, becoming a growing concern if last night had to be told to Yellow and risk breaking the trust placed upon her.

'We have to help them through whatever they've gone through, there's no way this will work with if they're so troubled by it. I'll have to tell him soon.' Sparkle nodded with a goal dead set in her head.

Whether Adagio was actively forcing the memory away or tapping into her own soul had stolen it, that only put them back at square one. The collective heads were only cured of one, Sonata who trusted her enough and would likely be the only easy one to get through. Redundant thoughts riddled the scientist's young mind like a lab rat stuck in a labryinth, with Adagio's incident the last wall which had no entrance nor exit. The only way out would be from Yellow scooping her out of the endless maze, a creature like them who'd understand better than her. Just as he tried to point out when he said to avoid the baggage they probably had over the course of their long lives. With a solution to the issue, Sparkle smiled and proceeded into the waiting room with the others.

Once the door closed behind her, she noticed Yellow behind his desk in a room filled with bookshelves and file cabinets that stopped her in her tracks. Providing the only color in the otherwise sterile white walls and cream colored tile floor and ceiling, she couldn't help but fathom the science and biology texts he had in spades. A few strange objects sat on his desk, trinkets and strange jewels that would have seemed like they belonged in one of the exhibits. Though, Twilight knew they were likely objects from his world, in whatever way they came with him. As much as she desired to study them, Adagio cleared her throat and made herself known to the observant one who quickly took her seat.

"I'm sure the first question on your mind is why I asked for this to happen so soon?" he began as he crossed his arms on the desk to support himself.

"One of many to be sure." Dazzle said looking at him with hawk eyes after forcing the past away.

"You mentioned that the time frame had been pushed up, is there something we should know? Another group as dangerous as the Rainbooms, is that name correct?" Twilight immediately drew a small notebook from her satchel halfway filled as she skimmed through it.

"Yes in fact, I've been keeping an eye on one of those Equestrian vigilantes, but the bug we planted on her for a lack of a better term, malfunctioned from tampering." he sighed as he shook his head.

"So? What's that got to do with us?" asked Aria who wore her standard frown from being unamused by the present threat.

"I've been on this planet for a few centuries now, and I've recorded others who've been sent here in and around the time I was. Most have gone on to lead some kind of life or etch out a niche somewhere in this world, those I could confront I've convinced them to join me. You three were the last ones to appear where we all have manifested after being exiled, so someone or something with powerful magic is nearby. Another factor I do not wish to have meddle in my affairs." at his mention of another, Adagio took an interest even if Aria still didn't seem to care.

"What did they specifically do to cause you worry and in all likelihood caution from us as well?" the golden siren inquired as her numb hands perched on her thighs.

Yellow crinkled his nose in distaste at what he was about to say, "I had one of my associates use a special curse on one of those six at that high school, in hopes to... persuade her to our side by opening her eyes. I dare say it might have gone on too far and had not the desired effect I wanted, she kind of disappointed me when I sought her out personally through another spell. Rest assured, she couldn't know who I was due to the nature of the method."

"YOUR trying to make one of them turn traitor?!" Sonata sounded just short of yelling.

"Mental magic is a very unpredictable art to use, even for us we just push everyone into the right mood. Your trying to do something far more precise with a result which can never be promised no matter the caster." Adagio commented dryly.

"From the most recent use of the spell we tagged her with, she's begun to question things and put distance between her and the others if only by a little. I'd rather have one of them doubt and see the truth for when we meet as I know we will." his eyes held determination as their gold shimmer from the lights flickered.

"We tried that as well, sowing the seeds that would crumble their confidence... it didn't work." she retorted.

"I'm sure you did all you could, that was never in question my little gem. However, the details are... something of a secret, you should remember the type of beings the Equestrians banished, they are not to be underestimated much like yourselves." clasping his hands together and rubbing them while in thought.

"But if what you say is true, someone exists that could cause trouble right? Either they arrived long before you, or there's person out there who has the magic I'm studying to harness and control? Isn't that correct?!" Twilight looked as if she'd seen a ghost.

"We doubt it was human in origin, I don't mean to sound condescending but humanity lacks in planning unless its apart of a large group. However, I have eyes all over this town who could sense the magic of another. No one's detected any such blossom of mana other than from those seven, so it's safe to say you'll still be the only human of your kind to bring magic to the people." the warm smile he gave her eased her worries at lost grandeur.

"So then there's a ghost out there who you can't find and has immense power. Sound about right?" Aria scoffed.

"Yes, a rather dreary summation, but we are many and with all the sectors of this town under my watch. This 'ghost' will not be one for much longer. In any case, let's continue with your... payment for the stones shall we?" he smiled genuinely once his gaze fell upon only Adagio.

"Now, I'm trusting you four with a crucial part, something I can't just thrust upon just anyone." he opened a desk drawer and pulled out a few maps, "Do not betray it, I've given you your stones and your lives back from the pit of mortality you so despise. I did not lie when I said the demons were coming back..."

"Ya, you said that already but excuse me for not seeing the truth in that statement. What demons! Sirens have lived throughout the start of Equis without ever seeing or meeting a Demon. Why should I believe you!?" Adagio shot out with all the might behind her that had been hard at work trying to put the information into facts.

Shaking his head, "Because the Demons never bothered with avatars of discord and disharmony, anything that fed upon negativity and threw off the balance of harmony were incompatible with the way they sustained themselves. Ask yourself this, has a siren ever fed upon another siren?" the question came at a rather intriguing road.

Even when Matriarchs fought, they only did when one was weak or sick. Even then it was physical might as the sirons would do to establish the pecking order, it was taboo as to feed on another of your kind. The opportunity just never presented itself, siren's only sensed ponies, griffons, minotaurs, and the likes for which to sing and feast upon the disorder.

"I thought as much... they probably avoided your kind, I know how secretive pods can be. Equis is a large world and your species doesn't breed very often, that has been to your benefit."

"We still don't have proof they existed, which means you still have to prove to us why we should truly give our all to your mission." Dazzle held firm in her seat with unwavering eyes.

Twilight wanted the say something, but Sonata had caught her before her lips parted. The blue skinned girl shook her head, knowing Adagio had the brains and knew when things were too iffy to take. That was the reason Aria and her took the gambits without a fight, she always often hit the mark even if there was little to gain from it.

"Then if you will not believe the reasoning, then take the task for your payment for the gifts bestowed upon you." he looked at her with sad eyes at failing to convince her to side with him.

She nodded, still unmoved from her original position since the meeting began.

"To get back to Equestria, we need to find the portal which deposited us here, since so many of us were thrown into this world like trash. By now, a permanent gate should exist which would explain why the seventh one of that group keeps coming back. Twilight... I need you to find it with the plans I'll provide for the device, build it first and let it guide you to the location under the cover of darkness. From there we'll ascertain its status and see if we can't use it as is. If not, like any portal it will need energy, which you three will gather in the meantime to power it. That is why I needed you, you have the ability to empower yourselves through conflict and ire then convert it into mana. We'll have our way home at that time and back on Equis soil. There is a large convention coming to town, one centered around the bread and butter of this habitation. There will be an opening act to welcome the thousands of patrons who will arrive within the week. We've secured a spot for your group, you'll have five days to prepare before you'll feast upon the largest number of bodies you've ever had. The power will be god-like." the grin on Aria broke her grumpy mood while Adagio and Sonata simply drooled at the attendance numbers.

"Figured that's what you wanted us for." Aria she snickered.

"Due to this unknown entity, we'll be going through the portal right after you've fed. Before then we should have the location of it and secured for passage. You'll arrive in the fastest manner possible, then the rest is up to my people." said Yellow.

Snapping back into her calm and collected demeanor, "Interesting plan, but what if the Rainbooms decide to pull off another magical horse thing and try to stop us. They could find Twilight in the act and hold her hostage." Adagio looked to him unamused all the while failing to suppress the rush of excitement.

"For that I'm prepared to teach Mrs. Sparkle here how to defend herself while you work your part. I've decided to give her a bit of magic before that time comes, she will learn and in due time utilize it to disrupt their method of casting their magic if my intelligence is correct. The others who can contribute to her studies will speak at their leisure, they are their own after all." Yellow looked to the human girl before leaning into his chair.

"If we can get to the final part of the plan, I'll tell you who I really am Adagio Dazzle because I know you still don't trust us. But keep in mind, I intend to keep my promise to give you back your old gems as I fear the portal may ravage those stones you have now, and they won't be compatible with Equestrian magic that saturates the very air. I have replacements for you, something I stole from Canterlot's Arcana vault before my... more intensive research began." he noticed the siren's were even now more than invested in the deal.

"Your saying the ponies had siren stones? What is this Arcana you speak of?" Adagio inquired with a hint of subdued rage at the very notion.

"The Arcana are probably the most formidable opposition we have to face now and when we arrive home, they are the ones who sent most of us here. Well except for you that is. How they came to possess those rubies I cannot say, but I knew who they belonged to... the unique matrix engraved upon their surface... they had no right to own those gems and so I removed them until I ran into such a creature in the future. But as you can see, I was prevented from doing that. So upon arrival, if my cache is still where I hid it you can have all eight of the gemstones I managed to absconded with." which upon the mention of the number he flinched at the coming reaction that built upon Dazzles anger.

"Those blasted ponies dare take those... THEY must have defiled... THEY!! she bit her tongue as her anger met with the medication still in her system, leading to a lightheaded state that stalled the passion.

Her sirens gripped her shoulders to keep her from falling out of her seat, but there was no dismissing her reaction. Yellow's sharp eyes narrowed on the limp form with scrutiny, watching as the girls did what they could to aid their matriarch. A short snort and a shake of the head, he rose from his seat before putting away the maps seeing that the discussion had taken a ten minute break.

"Mrs. Sparkle may I talk to you outside?" he gestured to the door as he walked out.

She nodded and followed, looking back as Sonata held the quivering hands of Dazzle to keep her from using them. Once the door closed her line of sight off of the three, she turned to him with a bit of worry now that the choice was likely going to be forced. Tell Yellow now and betray the friendship with the sirens, or lie for their sake so he would trust their competence. The question was, could she really lie if the odds were against buying anymore time for them. They needed to go back home, and this place harbored no sanctuary for them. If they appeared weak, could Yellow caste them away with their unstable nature he knew was a factor already?

"You know what I'm about to say don't you?" he asked rather defeated.

She nodded, finding it difficult to keep eye contact with him.

"Did something happen then? I'd like to know, because Adagio is proving to be a wild card that may prove troublesome in the future. How she reacted just now, not a good sign." he crossed his arms along his chest.

She faltered, not sure quite yet of what to say, her eyes going anywhere as she cowered beneath his gaze.

"I remember when you informed me of Mrs. Sonata's little... misfortune with her voice, how they were easily swayed to toss her out to the wild for a simple mistake. More often than not, its the way of life for their kind and those like them, the weak and dangerous threaten the very survival of the pod or units they're born into. I'm getting the feeling that this is likely the case for all those in Adagio's group, including her." Twilight hated to admit anything, but having such an on the spot educated guess put her in the hot zone.

"To tell you the truth, I know enough about the biodiversity of Equis which you'll learn why of once we get the portal up and running." he chuckled to himself, "I've met a siren before, on my many travels. Just as you've befriended one of them, I did as well and we... talked. A memorable moment in my life indeed, considering their nature and the fear mongering by the Arcana of anything non-pony."

She began to feel the chill of sweat forming on her skin, her mind ablaze with the two options she had to take. One meant he'd act and likely worsen Adagio's sanity, the other she'd risk collapsing their only way home if she destabilized then. The only shared factor of the two, was that she had to get help one way or another and under his watch for her safety. What could she do?

"I"m going on a tangent now, excuse me... my question still stands however. I will not risk the others if something needs to be tended to, we all have to be calm and collected or else we'll lose all hope of going back... to save Equis from a fate that make humanity's problems look like foal's play. You have to think outside the box on this Mrs. Sparkle, for the greater good, just think about it... your world may even very well be targeted if the Demons become drunk off Equis once it's under their claws. We're talking billions upon billions of lives used for nothing more than playthings to feed off of!" she felt a hand on her shoulder, looking up to see glimmering yellow irises looking deep into her very person.

"Tell me the truth, and the truth will set you free."

'For the greater good... just like my research, for the many...' she thought to herself as her answer was spoken.

Ch. 24 The Introverts Dilemma

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Ch. 24 The Introverts Dilemma

'... the greater good.' Twilight recited as she felt her palms start to sweat.

Taking a deep slow breath as the quietness of the empty museum seemed loud to her ears, "She became frustrated when I wouldn't say anything about you, not that I knew much more than what I already told them. In a fit of anger, she acted out and swung at a waiter with a heavy tray with stoneware I believe. You can image what happened after that?" she grinned nervously hoping he'd buy it.

Squinting his hawk eyes and narrowing them in scrutiny, he hummed in delight as if thinking about what she said, "I believe you, as Aria had done the same thing when we first met. They seem to have the luck of getting into trouble when they become upset, but her attitude still leaves to be considered. I can't have them become a berserker like Magnus and throw a temper tantrum when she doesn't get her way. There were so many bits we had to throw at that vendor for the repairs and his silence after the last time..."

Yellow ran a hand through his carmine hair, halfheartedly laughing as he remembered the debacle which nearly landed the man mentioned in jail. His acceptance and seemingly similar incident his group had to deal with put Twilight's anxiety at ease, it meant she could keep everything as it were and figure out a way to help the sirens without drawing attention from him. The downside, she was putting the entire mission for the portal in jeopardy for a solution that might not be found.

"I... I know you said to leave their personal matters alone, but you heard how I handled Sonata. I'd like to request permission to help Adagio, you all are very busy but could I have someone to reach in case I need help if things get out of control?" she innocently held her hands behind her back and awaited the response.

Knowing a quick answer wasn't likely, she stood at attention and overheard the Dazzles in the closed room. Though muffled, it sounded as if things calmed down and Adagio had already gone to formulating plans likely to deal with their homeworld. Parts she caught that mentioned unicorns and the rubies, but much of the actual scheme couldn't be discerned through the wood. With her focus mostly on the discussion that peaked on her radar, sounds of footsteps came after large doors were swung open. Someone appeared to be in a hurry and excited by the way their footsteps gave away their approach, she remembered there might be other staff members and the only thing they were suppose to say. She didn't really think she'd have to put up the feint, Yellow was one thing but another person would be harder to lie to.

"Nickel Flame!!" a woman shouted down the left side of the lobby behind him.

Twilight peaked out from the side of Yellow to see who the person was that sounded very perturbed, stomping towards them seemed to appear as just some lost office worker. Wearing a black shin length skirt and blazer that appeared to have no evidence of a days use. A thalo blue tie tucked under a pristine white collared shirt were as if they were on a child's doll, freshly laundered with a floral scent only now just hitting her nose. It tickled her brain, sending a shiver down her spine in a pleasurable way that caused her breath to stop. Her eyes beheld the new arrival who's mere proximity seemed to have some kind of odd effect on her to which she noted for later inspection.

The tall thin woman shouted his name once more with a very perturbed face, determined to have a word with him as her black opened toed high heels slapped the varnished tile floor with a final step. Her face looked perfect in symmetry, free of blemishes, if by any guess Twilight assumed she wore no makeup either. Her natural appeal demanded adoration, sharp crystal clear gray eyes captured the young girl in awe at their transparency against her silky, smooth, light ultramarine blue skin tone. Even more so with her deep ocean blue hair that appeared as simple and natural as a woman's hair could be, flowing straight down with minor curling at the ends which reached just below her collar bone. It had a shimmer all its own as if it contained Indicolite, qualities human hair shouldn't have even with the latest fashion science. Sparkle couldn't tear her eyes from the person, feeling a need beyond desire to adore the her like a whisper in the back of her head.

"Nickel, a word with you. NOW!" her anger breathed through clenched teeth as she folded her arms across her chest further driving the command.

"Okay? But only for a moment, I have our keys in my office and Mrs. Sparkle right here. On sec." he turned to the student still in awe at the person who didn't even bother to acknowledge her, the man chuckled under his breath at her state.

"She has that effect on people." he whispered to Sparkle as he gently pinched her chin and closed her slack jaw before walking off with the woman who already began to leave.

As soon as they were out of visual range, the grip from her presence fell away like rain on a glass window. Those portal-like eyes held no more power over Twilight as she shook off the remnants away from her head. Even as she recovered from the haze of stupor, her hearing remained observant to any and all noise besides the Dazzlings. Having no second thoughts for a moment, she let her curiosity drive her to move slowly and cautiously towards the conversation the two were having as they stepped away. She barely tapped the soles of her loafers on the floor to quiet her sound of approach. That woman, she had to know more or at least study her in depth, if she knew Yellow or Nickel Flame as she appeared to then in all likely hood she was one of the exiles. Other than the succulent data into a possible magic user, inside knowledge would be key to calming Adagio enough to gain her trust and allow her into her circle. It was worth the shot and the risk of being caught eavesdropping.

She trailed the two down a corridor and into a small wing that connected to conference room, by the time she caught up enough to hear clearly. The two were already having words with one another, though it seemed to have a one sided beginning.

" didn't do anything we needed it to do!" the woman growled in a way that made her illustrious glamor hid a beastly nature.

"Was it that foreign entity? Because I checked with Sorrow Wind this morning and that girl should be avoiding the others and focusing on..." he tried to respond only to be cut off.

"She's not! They'll be forming a team together with the Rainbooms and their bond will be even stronger! The only difference now is she's scared out of her skin, her vulnerable state will inevitably keep her tethered to their presence. I already knew the pink one has provided aid, we're just glad she didn't frequent enough to become a problem." the woman let out an exasperated sigh, "She was meant to break off and stay with Flash like the distraction he was meant to be, but that blundering idiot's doing more harm than good! Everything that Lich thinks is going on is not the case! It has to be Discord!" the name caught Sparkles attention, another party that interfered with the plan.

"Active disruption... Sorrow has never proven herself wrong before, but what you've seen contradicts that. Which means we're compromised unfortunately... stay with the target and try to keep her sane while I get Sorrow a crystal to remove the curse. If our girl is sticking to her guns, she'll at least find the breadcrumbs through that contact in Equestria, we haven't lost our investment yet. However, that means I won't be able to give Twilight the magic I promised her if Sorrow will need it to break the hex. So that scraps our secondary defense plan, at least she'll still serve a purpose and find the location of the gateway. I just hope we can lift the hex before the girl finds her end prematurely." his statement was serious in the detail, someone's life was in danger because of something else and that had her brain guessing the purpose for all that was said.

"It also means we'll have to pass along anything we see or do to the entire group, it'll back check the findings for accuracy. It has to be him then... he's the only one capable of messing things up like this! That vile fallen god." the woman stomped and hissed.

Twilight kept herself out of sight and hugged the wall just before the corner that lead to the two, continuing her observations and listened in knowing full well it could harm her research project if Yellow knew. She feared the outcome if he turned and walked in her direction, being too far from the door to maintain a guise of waiting for him like he asked. Yet, a fallen god now existed in her world and better yet someone that even these exiles had reason to fear. A god was one thing, but the way humanity often used the term meant a being capable of destruction or possessed invincibility. If what Yellow hinted at meant they had little magic to spare, where did the crystals come into play? How would they handle this fallen god now in this plane of existence, and was it a merciful one? Was there a foul purpose in its meddling with Yellow's goals?

"This day just gets better and better. I had plans for that girl, but we have the other four and they'll be more than enough to get us back. I just wish I had that contingency plan and the student magically capable. But it's as they say, you got to start somewhere. I'll keep you informed of any new developments, seek me out if anything else changes. You of all of us are likely the most resistant to Discord, your majesty."

"Who knows, maybe Discord might actually do some chaos in our favor. He'll rue the day if he appears before me now!" the woman groaned as if in pain.

"I need to get back and deal with a potential issue before I see Sorrow. Chrysochroa, do what you can to keep that girl and the others at an arms reach. I'd still like to get her onto our side if possible, but I won't be doing anything else to her so you'll need to carry the task." Twilight nearly leapt out of her skin when his feet started to move, it was time to bug out.

"Fine, I need the love that's emerging between her and Flash anyways. I had to use some of it when the curse came at her after school yesterday. These humans drain far more than ponies do with a simple calming spell. It's like they evolved to suffer and fall into despair like a magnet to metal, in her case the flesh gravitates to it. Somehow it makes the love even sweeter though?" the woman huffed, what she said confused the young girl with the comparing emotions to sustenance; was she the opposite of a siren?

"Your highness... am I excused?" Yellow asked as he stopped moving, Sparkle was just out of hearing distance as she tip toed away.

"Yes you are young mage, and I shall take my leave. Just be sure those horse fish things fulfill their roles." the clacking of high heels signaled her exit which equated to the girl's rapid evacuation.

"Well technically they're reptilian with similarities to equine, more closer to their dragon relatives that dwell in the sea..." he attempted to explain before the loud clack of a door opening meant the woman was gone.

'Some kind of royalty, knows magic, has... remarkable genetic heritage to produce such natural looks and appeal. First there was Serak, and now this Chrysochroa person who seems to hold a higher rank above Yellow to speak to him in such a way. Whatever title they possessed or what kind of life they all lived before being exiled is fascinating.' she thought to herself as she stood ready for Yellow.

She managed to reach the spot she once stood at, quickly cleaning herself off to avoid looking panicked and ruffled. She put on a fake smile as her breath was forced into long deep breathes to still the pulsing heart. Ten seconds and the tall man emerged into her vision, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked displeased and tired from the interaction. Haggered could best describe the air about him, though he gazed upon the Crystal Prep student with a dead set intent to get an answer to his question. Those golden eyes set looked about her, as if looking for some kind of sign before his lips moved. Had he thought she was spying on him?

"Apologies for that, nothing to be alarmed of... so back to our discussion. You want to help them that badly? Knowing I will likely have no one to spare since things have changed, you'll be left to the sharks as they say."

All the information she gathered swirled in her mind, a torrent from which her previous worries of acting underhandedly for the Dazzlings couldn't come forth to the surface. It was a welcoming relief to have the distraction, her heart concerned with all the other things that allowed an answer to be spoken without the jitters.

"I want this to work as well as anyone of you, they deserve the chance to show their colors. They just need a little outside help, though I may not know much about dealing with the mental state of others. Sometimes... you just need to have someone listen, a stranger you can open up to." a warm feeling prickled in her chest, what was she feeling just then she couldn't ascertain.

"You keep surprising me Mrs. Sparkle, you truly more enigmatic than I. You have my permission to be of aid to them, and you know the consequences it seems so to that I wish you good luck. Now, I'm sure the girls are calmed by now. Let's head inside shall we?" he carefully put a hand on her shoulder and guided the both of them inside.

Once the door opened, Adagio could be seen starring at the desk with calculating eyes moving slightly to indicate a deep thought she was well known for. The other two girls sat in quiet reverie, but Twilight could tell it was all from the young matriarch's domination. Not to long ago they were tending to her as she took the news of the siren stones rather badly, now they were hands off and to themselves with apprehensive looks on their faces as they looked anywhere but to their leader. Even Aria seemed particularly bothered by something that happened while she skulked off for a moment.

Yellow let go of her shoulder to walk back to his desk and sat down just as Sparkle chose her seat next to Sonata, the blue skinned girl smiled for a moment as she greeted her friend even though it wavered. The room dived into a moment of silence, Yellow seemed to be contemplating over what to say next seeing as Adagio had to be handled in some way or another. What he had to say, Twilight knew wasn't the way he had been expecting to have the meeting go through at all. The lone clock in his office had a barely audible tick which sounded as if it had been amplified, reverberating as like a loud speaker had been connected to it. A drum beating to every second, relenting only after the air conditioning system poured into the room with the gentle wisp of air through the vents.

"Due to recent revelations, I'm going to have to alter the deal you four are to complete." everyone looked to him as he laced his fingers close to his face with elbows on the desk, "Mrs. Sparkle, I'm afraid I can't give you the ability to wield magic anytime soon, resources are being pushed elsewhere. Which means you three will be on your own in case your discovered." he announced.

"Don't care, we'll get that portal open no matter what. I have a score to settle and nothing, not even the Rainbooms will stop us." Adagio seethed with a barely contained hatred in her words.

"Good to know, my only rule is to never confront them on their terms if the situation should arise. Which means no hunting for revenge, my only core rule in this deal."

"That's fine, we're expecting them right before we get the portal opened, with the way fate seems to play with us. Then and only then will we act upon them, and grind their spirits into the dirt..." Dazzle sounded with sadistic intent with a stoic expression.

"Okay then... we'll cross that bridge when we get there. I wish you three good luck and success, practice till your songs know no soul who can resist. That convention should fill your stones to the brim and more. Oh and one last thing, if you see a strange creature that doesn't make any sense, get away from it, don't even talk to it. Much like your music, you'll only play into its game. They are not and I repeat not! To be trifled with like the Rainbooms, I fear what it will do if its honeyed words enter your ears." he warned as Dazzle took the hint.

"Straight from the crazy man's mouth too, don't worry about us. The last thing we'll be doing is putting ourselves in a corner. So, are we done?" Adagio grinned as her eye twitched, seemingly suppressing the minor ache still present in her head.

As they rose up to leave, Twilight stayed behind to verify the machine he wanted her to build and test. Though primarily she wanted to avoid Adagio until she calmed down a bit more before she divulged all she had learned and assumed about the group they served. She looked high on might with the spectacular event they'd steal the show from, of course it must of been a buffet to a starving man to the sirens. The glimmer in her eye was that of anticipated power to come and the joy of feeding from so many souls, the oddest thing came back to her mind however. Why did she really want to help the sirens do such a task and want to be their friend, one of many that floated in her head the closer to the day of fruition.

After the door closed, the spruce man seemed to breath out a long held breath, looking relaxed after handling a situation that could have gone afoul. The office chair creaked as he let the seat bend backwards on its hinge. While he collected himself, it gave Sparkle the chance gain control of the many questions in her head and the data she collected. The momentary respite gave her time to truly calm down enough so that she could formulate how she'd tell Adagio about the latest danger to them that Nickel didn't tell them. Who one of the others were and their contradicting existence with the fallen god.

As the seconds passed into minutes, Twilight found herself studying the items on his desk. One of which appeared to be some kind of intricate master crafted clock of some archaic forgotten design and era. The brass and gold rings orbiting the center dial shinned with no tarnish visible, strange engravings dotted each ring with runes that seemed to be out of the red book. The few precious stones embedded in each ring shinned bright against the metal surface, two fluted brass columns supported the outer ring which gave rise to a gyroscope theme. Only the device had six rings unlike the standard models she knew which possessed two. The entire artifact merged with the gold base seamlessly, meeting the edges of the cylindrical glass dome that kept dust and grim off the parts. Her desire to take it apart and study it fell only once she realized Yellow had been starring at her for the past minute or so.

"Do you like it?" he merely asked as he gestured with a wave of the hand.

Unsure of what to say truthfully she quickly went with a more coy answer, "I uh... it's a lovely piece of art? I'm very interested in its function and reason for the rings, because they match a similar device here on earth. It's called a gyroscope, but ours normally don't have a chrono device or multiple rings."

"Its a magic sensor that's long lost its power source." he golden eyes gazed upon the old object with a loving care of an enthusiastic mechanic.

"Like the one you want me to make?" she asked.

"Sort of, the difference is that... was used around camps and hideouts, normally the rings are misplaced to make it easier to tell if an intruder approached. Unicorns always gave off an ambient magic, which became stronger when they were charging a spell. With these scattered around the perimeter, anything magically capable flattened the rings that faced flatly at the intruder kind of like your satellite dishes you use for GPS triangulation. As the void stone acts as a black hole to magic, the incoming mana force the rings into a dish. Unfortunately, like many things it needs a new void stone. Quite a little toy it was." he chuckled as if memories of its use came forth like an old man who once played with fireworks.

"Why would you need these early warning systems?" she looked to him inquisitively, wondering if they were once used during a conflict as they seemed designed for.

"So many things to talk about and far too early to say them. Sorry, but about that device I need you to make... its a true prototype I hope I've ironed out much of the kinks. What your developing soon should only find magic, but if anything else should arise I must ask that you notify me at once. Worst case scenario it draws magic into the core power source as an orbiting element, best case scenario you merely track the magical sources. I've never had the chance to construct it much less test the theory in its design, so its a tinder box for now. Will you be okay with that?" he looked to her, looking worried as well as stern in the eyes.

"I am, besides, what chemistry lesson is not complete without 'For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.'?" her past experience held that saying to heart.

"Fine choice of words my friend, fine choice. So, how have you been handling all this? Magic and creatures, things your people could only dream of?" he popped the question surprisingly well.

"Wha... what do you mean?" she cocked an eyebrow at the question.

"Honestly, a lone human supporting such an agenda all for the glory of science to further their species forward? I find it hard to see such a person like yourself to be so bold as to handle well with this. Can you enlighten me as to why your so driven to aid us or the very least the Dazzlings?" he looked at her waiting with bated breath.

For a moment she hesitated, not long ago when they first met she would have divulged a bit of her life to him without hesitation, he was giving her a world changing substance that could be wielded when he first showed her. That was before the situation changed into a complicated mess, with mythological creatures in human form who possessed powers that could make her use the term godly. A whole other world out there that proved the multiverse theory and opened up new questions she wanted to answer before anyone else. She had an entire stage set up to make her famous because she had answers people wanted to know and would have the position to explain. People could be helped with magic, potentially reversing so many evils people faced around the globe. It all came with a price, the intentions of those she wanted to help and felt like she had to because of similar situations they faced.

"I... uhhh... at first I was only in it for the energy you call magic and its applications I could create. But the more time I spent with those girls... the more human side to them they allowed me to see. Their reasons for doing what they do seem justified, but I guess I can blame that on a detachment from not knowing about this Equis to really care about the others who live there, which I will admit I need to read into the books you gave me. If a proper decision is to be made, one needs to see both sides of the story. I just hear about their past lives and I want to help them, I care about their struggle. And maybe ensure they don't take out their anger on my world too?" Twilight knew she had sided with the devil in this, but unlike the characteristic ones depicted in modern media they all were outcasts given a punishment that was worse than life in solitary confinement.

"Hmmmm..." he rubbed his chin as if he had a beard to stroke.

"Adagio really wants and needs to go back home, she has a very good reason to be eccentric about it, trust me Yellow, sir. And I intend to do anything I can for them as well as your group... even if I can't caste spells or wards." the memory of that night flashed before her, remembering the sad state the golden siren fell into, how she rocked the girl close to her, something she never did for anyone else.

"Your confident that they will live up to their word with our plan, and you have intimate knowledge to back that up? Well I can only hope for the best that you'll guide them at least, we're all too focused on... other matters to really study them as of late. We have one shot at this and I can't have any problems arising now as you well know. If you can make them avoid calamity before the portal is found or made, you have my promise to leave behind a gift which you can commit your life to understanding and hopefully put it to good use. Till then, I'm afraid I do have some work coming in with the new exhibit, no one should bother you if you head back out the way we came in." she sensed their moment was at an end.

Nodding curtly, Twilight left the office and found an empty hallway, the sirens must have left at Adagio's whim. Likely, the convention coming up would be the biggest feeding grounds they'd ever have access to, and she couldn't blame them for making it a priority to prepare without telling her anything. The benefit would allow her time to break everything down and add it to the wall in the lab. She had the device to craft and data to input into the web that tried to locate the source of the energy spike she original sought. Adagio would learn of everything soon enough, she needed to do her part if everything were to come together. That portal near Canterlot High needed to be pin pointed and located for study to determine how much work they had ahead of them, it would be best for the sirens to know the extent of the danger being so close to the territory of the Rainbooms. The risk of meeting them was high, but going in disguise would aid in delaying that potentiality. She just needed to pin point the location and send the coordinates to Yellow Tail, then bail out of there as if someone mixed the wrong volatile chemicals together.

As she exited through the garage, flashing her badge to the nearest security guard who just waved her on by. Her phone vibrated in her backpack, since she arrived with the Dazzlings straight from school she still had everything on her. Once she cleared into the parking lot, her hand fished out the device and opened the screen. There on the initial notifications, Sonata's name with an image attached to the text, it was her and the others inside a taxi likely going home. The cerulean siren seemed to wave to the phone as she took the image, but she didn't look too happy with the way the smile looked. What caught Twilight's eye in the photo, Adagio looked absolutely livid and positively lively as if in mid sentence. Aria had her head turned away looking out the window. Below the photo, a little message typed for her to read.

"Call later?"

To which she replied, "I will."

Ch. 25 Wild Flower

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Ch. 25 Wild Flower

Royal Throne Room and Solar Court

Princess Celestia sat on her haunches on her throne, looking over the latest information from the Ministry of Health and Disease. The head director had requisitioned a slot to see her. To have such a busy stallion tear away from his work in the intensive care units as well as the board, it was never a good sign. Upon arrival, he immediately asked of her to look through the reports of the growing number of cases of illnesses in ponies across Equestria. It was a collection of collaborative efforts from as far as ponies settled even beyond the safety of the nation's borders. They were kind enough to sum up the different cases into categories, the first were magical sickness followed by injuries caused by the sustained condition while the third were instantaneous deaths from depletion of mana. The three seemed to be gaining in numbers in the last century, one she did everything possible to push surplus funds to the M.H.D. in hopes they could curb the looming problem.

Ponies everywhere were coming down with magical exhaustion and stress, which for all three tribes had their own unique symptoms and issues. It had lent the hospitals and mobile clinics through days without rest, even though the call for more nurses and doctors had fueled the economy at first. The epidemic beckoned her more progressive actions once the healers were falling ill amidst their busy shifts as they were. She called for a session with the Arch Mage of the Scholar Arcana to help her make the right decisions so they wouldn't strike fear in the populace. Since there were no clear cause such as a flu or poison of some kind that could be studied. If she bet her wings on the problem, it was something to do with the way ponies handled their mana wells as life became more modernized and machine use became prevelant. Only highly trained mages could be capable of finding what or where the triggers were occurring, that was if they could find the source. The moment it sets in and connect the dots, but they never had enough staff to do such a thing and case studies often yielded no results.

"Sister? You'll want to move your work to your room soon, the sun will need to set in thirty minutes." Luna's voice echoed in the empty room.

As reality of the world around her came forth, the powerful deity looked up with weary eyes, "Apologies sister, I'll be there in a minute."

"Very well, I received your message about two unicorns from the Arcana joining us? Am I to assume they won't need a memory wipe after they finish assisting us?" her deep blue starry mane fluttered as she watched her sister with concern over her state, the solar court had been seeing an increase in more appointments.

Every scroll and sheet of paper she had before her vanished by a teleportation spell, "I've been informed that they are among the top of their class, and are given a pass. They've both contributed to advancements in many fields, and are likely to be promoted to Master Mage within two more years at the Arcana. So rest your worry Luna, they are safe." followed by a yawn.

The alabaster alicorn wearily sat up and stretched her body, fanning out her wings in their beautiful glory and immense span. It seemed as of late that she had been possibly overworking herself with the fatigue of governing, with the latest expansion near manehatten and vanhoover which had doubled in population just within the past decade. It seemed as though Luna's advise for a lord governor to be instated for both city states hadn't been taken under advisement as she hoped, it would have lessened the burden upon Celestia. That way she would only receive the most necessary bills and messages that somepony of her rank could only pass or veto.

"Twilight's been well in handling the secrets and evils she's gone through, I've yet to detect anything in her soul to hint at her falling under the dark art's sedation." Luna proudly announced as her sister soon walked past her to the balcony doors.

"That's good, I know she'll pull through, even with that hungry mind of hers. If handling King Sombra showed how well she could resist the dark arts, we only need to look after her health. She's very astute in learning to the point her body might suffer." Celestia commanded the wooden entrance outwards with her magic.

"Indeed, be that as it may, I will still monitor her condition whenever she's in the archive. Speaking of which I must head over now, they'll be waiting for me. Good night dear sister, be sure to rest well." Luna gave her sister a gentle smile as she commenced the charging of the spell to lower the sun.

Midnight Royal Canterlot Library

Stellar and Vigil stood at attention before the great doors locked by Luna inside. Like every night, things were slow and uneventful save for the occasional wave of a Peering Eye Spell by the great windows to which the light from her moon caste into the public section of the library. Every thirty minutes a subordinate would arrive with paperwork for one of the two commanders or a report of another shadow worshipper who tried to spy on the two. Lately it had become a game of cat and mouse, using their fastest flyers or stealthiest lackey to try and see what was going on. Their new station to watch over the Black Tape Archives didn't go unnoticed and it had both of the thestrals on high alert. There were watchers that got through the drag nets, and usually a Peering Eye caste meant an attack would come. However, the lack of any action after such a thing was what jostled Vigil the most, the agents of shadow had basically ceased any movement upon the lands as if something quelled their standard guerilla attacks that had been so common.

After the younger thestral warrior left to distribute the latest command orders, Stellar spoke up, "Suppose these demon lovers are just begging for a chance to get inside? Their movements have iced, our squads deployed around the keeps haven't shed their blood since this all started, kind of blatant if you ask me?" she sat on her haunches with her imposing armor glimmering in the moonlight with every movement she made.

"Hard to say still, with a complete change in behavior it is worrying, as if they're waiting for something to happen in that room?" Steel looked around the expanse that was the Royal Library, "Its to much of a coincidence that they began watching rather than charging forth since the Princesses took an interest in that section."

"Our finest officers and advisors are all pointing to it, we go from seven attacks and ambushes a week to nill. Unless our latest efforts with the Contrail mission really hit their infrastructure as we had hoped, something big is about to go down. We can't even capture one of their own since they went into hiding and started to hawk us like we were some kind of prairie dog colony. My best Lunar Wolves haven't even picked up a lone camp or hide out, so they're really going through the trouble to lay low. No suspects to interrogate other than what we have, and even those Vras know nothing about what's happening." Stellar sighed as she remembered going through the files of the failed attempts by the interrogators.

"Even after our specialists used the Gajup Lul extract you recommended, still... nothing was obtained from those whimpering husks. And until we acquire new bodies for the squeeze, we're at square one for the time being. I've put my Night Lords on extra watch for those peeping toms, every hallway in this castle has at least one of my warriors on alert. Only time will tell when one of them makes a mistake." the armored stallion shifted where he sat.

"Indeed, my girls keep chasing them, but they've always gotten away miraculously as it were. They said they've picked up on dark magic in action that's allowed them to evade. Even though the chases have lasted nearly an hour, they should have fallen from magical exhaustion or the very least selling their souls away to keep casting whatever spells they use?" she glanced at the window just as one of her warriors shot past the viewing portal.

"Likely using mana crystals, but they'd have to have a chest of those to keep up that kind of a chase?" he replied as he took a deep breath and let it out.

"Quite right... a costly venture to acquire them much less charge that many in advance. That's what has me worried, the fueling process means they either have prisoners or their ranks have swelled to a troublesome quantity. I hope its the latter, because I can imagine them abducting." her wings fluttered as her agitated state showed through.

"Yet reports of missing ponies haven't spiked, they'd have had to been doing this long in advance to hide their tracks. If they were that smart, then the situation has devolved even further and there truly is something huge going down that's connected to Princess Twilight's research. We can always trim down their numbers, but such a strategy in the process I'll have to admit..." his sharp eyes looked about the room before settling on the lone book that had been left out on the table.

These conversations were Stellar's way of blowing off steam, since they couldn't say such things before their troops or anypony else. A commander worrying about the enemy would hurt the moral, as well as break code of conduct. The revelation that a large operation was underway had nearly every asset out on the field every night, with no new information coming in they were working in the dark literally.

"So... how are the kids? They reached that age yet?" the mare huffed as she let go of the previous topic reluctantly.

Vigil never broke eye contact with the textbook, "Nightshade Glow will start training in a few more months, and Topaz just began to teeth. She's begun to eat her first meal, quite the preferable to rabbit it seems... and a very messy eater." he chuckled.

"Must have been hard to nurse her while those fangs came through." she giggled as her addled mind swayed to more pleasant thoughts of their village.

"You have no idea and Moonlight Emerald fought off a troop of griffon converts alone and it was nothing compared to raising the two. Once they started to teeth, she said it was a painful experience since Topaz has a hearty appetite. Still nurses a little, but we're making good progress as she learns to walk for herself." a small grin poked through his stoic expression.

"The joys of motherhood, wish I could consider that but I promised my mother I'd remain in the service to the crown until retirement. Ever since she was forced out due to medical issues, she's felt like the family failed the Princesses. Me being here and at the top no less... it makes her happy. But a foal all my own, it would be nice." she stretched her wings outward to assuage the stiffness in them.

For a moment, the stallion softened his gaze upon the table he found himself glued to. He remembered how his family came to be due to her reminiscing, the long road of hard work and determination to show his inherited trait that proved him to be a valuable member to the guard. Those lonely years before he came across Moonlight, the awkward meets while on duty, the notes they shared in secret, and the rare conversations that were permissible. How her unique stealth skills earned her a few commendations from the old higher ups during the Scathers migration on the eastern border.

Her unit had been successful in navigating the brutally aggressive six legged walking behemoths from Equestria by harassing them. Which itself was no easy feat due to their many eyes, sensitive tentacles near their mouths that could pick up the scent of a mouse in a fallen log, and the colonies of winged featherless birds who fed off their scraps. Scavengers the Scathers were, not mindless as they formed social herds to feed on specific creatures that their droppings left evidence of. A migration usually consisted of a long sixty or more giants moving in staggered formations with the young closest to their mothers, little ones as tall as a two story house and curious to anything their miniature tentacled maws picked up. That had been the main reason for ensuring they were harassed enough to keep a wide distance from Equestria as their journey passed by parallel to nearby trader posts and villages. The smell of food and ponies milling anywhere near would have drawn the young ones away, and the reaction of the adults made an ursa major seem as troublesome as a drunk badger.

The sound of the library main door being pushed opened in haste forced Vigil from his memories, he had accidentally tuned out Stellar who had been talking about her pledge to the family. Knowing he'd likely get a light chewing out, the issue at hand soon became a message from one of his thestral messanger. The armored guard held a parcel bag around his neck which swung with each trot the stallion hurriedly took.

"Sir! I have an urgent message from Captain Sabor deployed along Seaddle. Permission to convey the contact?" the guard stopped and saluted with a bow.

"Show me." the messenger dove his muzzle into the brown canvas bag and pulled out sealed scroll for the commander's wings to grab.

Using his teeth to nip away the ribbon with the Captain's wax stamp, he unfurled the parchment and quickly read the contents. The clawed tips of his wings helped spread out the surface which would attempt to roll back in on itself. Stellar peaked at the scene, giving a few seconds of a glance before snapping back to overwatch. She knew who Sabor was, one incredible flyer who could handle the coastal winds and skimp the surface of raging waves which gave the hint in the city's name. Needless to say, only the most capable Thestrals who could push their wings to the limits were stationed along that particular area, the swells and waves could dwarf the light houses which dotted the tall steep cliffs that terminated the grassy land before the mighty ocean. Nothing really occurred along that sector unless it was a sea monster of some kind or a ship needed rescuing after being capsized. If the message was urgent enough to be sent post haste and not in the commander's mail, perhaps they might have their lead yet on the shadow followers yet.

"Give this to the other lieutenants and have them chose three platoons of those who fit the request of Captain Sabor. I'll send a reply after I'm done here." he nodded with stern eyes as the messenger bowed again and flew off the carpeted ground to make haste.

"Sitrep?" he heard as the large doors closed shut.

"Seems we might have a source of siren gemstones after all. One of Sabor's patrols came across a resting unit, several females and offspring, with what can only be determined to be an equal amount of males. They're in a cove that's shielded from the tide, which right now there's a nasty storm passing through and keeping them beached. Probably because of their young, and the Captain wants to secure them if not remove the threat before they do anything to the city. If what those three sirens did in that other world that the princess handled with Princess Celestia's former student, we can't take any risks. They need to be collected and stamped out before innocent ponies become their puppets and food." one of his hooves nashed into the carpet.

"Sirens? Haven't seen those things in ages! Just another bunch of beasts to threaten the peace. Just like those of the Shadow... how many guards does the Captain have? If he's requesting additional support..." she pondered out loud.

"He has the entire tenth company to watch over the west coast, so they're spread out too thin to respond to his call. Units from Canterlot will join to remove the risk of breaking patrol watch points just to snag the Hippocampus, plus they'll be fresh and ready for combat. The hard part will be dealing with their enchanted voices, their primary weapon. The Captain will be using this opportunity to experiment with methods to block out the spell, so in any case this will provide a good training exercise for the Terror Wings." he snorted as Sabor's list of methods played out in his mind, from bees wax to wards their fellow thestrals were about to make history with the rare fell creatures.

"The Terror Wings? Really?! Isn't that a bit of an overkill? Why pull such valuable warriors from here when we know we're being constantly spied on. They're the ones keeping the majority of the riff raff away from the castle perimeter as we speak." she protested until the commander held a wing out to stop her.

"He only asked for three guards from that unit, in case the operation goes awry they'll tail the creatures until another mount can be enacted. That or if something from the deep picks up on the fighting that will likely taint the waters. The males appear to be built for fighting, so there are to be expected casualties. They'll intercept anything that looks hungry to allow the mission to continue." he retracted his limb and went back to looking to the lone book on the table.

"Good, I thought we were sending three platoons worth of them. Luna knows we'd not be able to handle the current situation without the bulk of them here." the mare sighed.

"The Captain wants to secure the targets to interrogate them as well, how he plans on doing that I don't know. He thinks they're possibly allied with the A.O.S.. A lot of question we'll get answers too very soon if this goes smoothly which that rarely happens. He's even acquired the local guard to provide ground support if the sirens should move onto land. For their sakes I hope they don't harm the foals... an enraged mother is far from the desirable situation he's trying to aim for." Vigil felt the weight of the coming mission finally weight upon his shoulder, knowing lives would be lost with the sirens packed into a corner like a scared manticore with kittens.

"Hopefully only the males suffer, the sirens and their young they'll act accordingly and easily be coraled assuming the methods to remain immune to their songs proves fruitful." the mare responded as she looked out the window to her right as she pondered the coming operation.

She never had the stomach for dealing with monsters, especially those with families. The agents that tried to usurper the crown were another thing, former denizens of Equestria and beyond corrupted with dark magic. They had no more connections with their loved ones if they had any as their own souls were traded for power and abilities. Their minds were nothing, just filled with jealousy and hate to harmony and order, even Discord disliked them for their willingness to kill. The former spirit of chaos disapproving of a certain kind of chaos, and in his own words were 'You can't enjoy chaos with others if they aren't there anymore.'

Canterlot High Entrance Steps

"What do you girls think? Flash and I believe this kind of team will win us the gold against Crystal Prep, seeing as they haven't fought off magical creatures or handled dire situations like we have?" Sunset explained as she stood before the group with Flash beside her.

She had sent an emergency text for everyone to meet up, surprisingly she arrived early enough to school before Rainbow would use it for a broken guitar string. Though unlike the message the prismatic haired guitarist had in mind, Sunset ensured it was detailed enough that no one would panic that another villain or magical issue had risen. She owed it to Rose Luck, who woke her up since she still messaged her as the care taker role that had been taken up. It was a nice sentiment she really hoped wouldn't become a habit and yet it was a nice way to wake up in the morning to be noticed and thought of. As well as having a full nights rest with the herbs as well, it was heaven to have a curse and Discord-free sleep; her body noticed.

"Well sugarcube I'm not going to be busy at the farm with much, so I reckon you have me on board!" Applejack pointed a thumb at herself as she gladly took the offer.

"I'd love to play some games! Especially with the entire school riding on our win! I already got a huge super duper victory party planned with music and food and more games!" Pinkie hopped as she giggled in jubilation.

"And I was going to submit the uniform ideas for the games, but now that we're all going to be on the team. I'm going to put my all in the final designs even if I have to start from scratch. By the way what are the games this time? I'll need to know if I must acquire reinforced fabric or breathable material?" Rarity pondered as she began to type notes into her phone.

"You already know I'm game for this! And I already have the training in mind for all of us so we're ready for the fire of the oven! Those snobs won't see what's coming." Dash pumped a fist as her eyes gleamed with a soul ablaze.

Flash interjected before Fluttershy could submit her answer, "Actually I've already had Sunset lead our team, I asked her since she's been having trouble sleeping and all. Plus, Principle Celestia thinks it would be a good way to improve the student's outlook on her, after the dance incident of course." he sheepishly grinned when the one in mention mumbled a groan.

While obviously peeved she wouldn't lead the team, Dash conceded knowing the state of her friend and how the school still feared her. A good leader doesn't make themselves the star of the team, they support it even if they play on the side lines. Something she once told Scoots when she tried out for basketball and soccer to be like her, and the reputation she built up going back on her word was impossible.

"That's cool, besides you two seem to have all this in the bag so I guess it's a sure in win! Hey! I got an idea to get the school into the spirit, so while you guys get things shaped up I gotta talk to the band to help. Later guys." Dash slung her guitar case on her back and walked away waving to the others.

"Well either Dash has matured some or she's looking forward to earning a title from beat'n those Crystal Prep jerks. Probably the second one, that is if we can bet them first off... so what's the plan Shimmer?" Applejack inquired.

"After this morning I'd like to get focus on getting our bodies ready for the schedule we worked out. Kind of Flash's idea and partly from Coach Iron Will, we were able to convince him to give us a lesson on diet and its impact on athletes. So Flash and I will go talk with him after we submit the forms for the team roster to the principle. I'm sure we'll get the approval without any problems. Then the training regime can be formulated after she gives us the schedule for the games. I hear they're setting up a special course this year." the intriguing hint had the girls in curiosity mode.

"A new course, my word you think the roller derby was enough last time." Rarity flinched, "I just hope it won't be something as dangerous."

"I bet it'll be on bikes with dirt racing! I've always loved the amazing colors those bikes come in, I've seen them on TV with Limestone since she loves that kind of thing. I had so many ideas for dirtbike parties, but they got some horsepower that might be a tad dangerous. Vroom Vroom!!" Pinkie imitated the action of revving the vehicle.

"I'm sure it'll be something nice and safe for everyone as well as be a very competitive event." Fluttershy added as she put a hand on the pumped up party girl.

"I'll talk to Granny Smith and see if she knows any good Apple Family recipes for energy and stuff. Every Apple family farm is run by just a handful of folks that can work day and night and keep on going the next day." she proudly stated.

"Well looks like we got ourselves a competition to win, and classes soon. I'll catch you guys later, Sunset we'll drop off the roster at lunch sound good for you?" Flash who had been standing next to her tucked the sheet of paper into his jacket before readjusting his pack.

"Ya, I'll see you then, remember though your going to eat what I do and get you use to eating healthy." she bid him goodbye as he ventured off through the school doors.

"My my you two are getting rather... friendly these days? Might it have been something after our talk at sugarcube corner?" Rarity chimed as she held a questioning look and stance at the fiery haired girl.

"Come to think of it, other than us, Rose Luck and Flash have become the best of buds after I asked them to help you when I had to pull double shifts with Ms. Cake." Pinkie giggled, "I beat my old record on the number of cakes I could make in four hours from start to finish, fifty cakes!"

"Who would order that many?" Rarity asked as she glanced at the part time baker.

"Oh! Its that big convention thingy going on right around the time of the Friendship Games. Some kind of banquet with the organizers and donators who made it possible, suppose to bring in... three thousand people!" she answered.

"Impressive, but back to my first question, you two are just friends right? I mean he is your ex-boyfriend and all, and normally both parties tend to keep distance with each other unless..." she squinted as if looking for the nail to hit.

"Now see here Rares, she knows full well Twilight's got a thing for him. Besides there's nothing wrong with bei'n friends with your ex, heck even my family's hired their ex's before because they needed the money and those bonds became great work relationships. You just read too many of those darn romance novels with that over done drama and such." Applejack scoffed.

"Well you seem like you read them too if you know that much about them. But friends look out for each other, and when she comes back I just wanted to ask that way we don't have a... problem arise." her purple hair swayed as she looked at Sunset with an understanding air about her, "You've been put through quite a lot with that nasty hex you've been harassed with and I can't imagine what its been like for you. However, we all know how much our Twilight likes Flash, so I'm just making sure the group dynamics won't be... shaken over a boy. Things can get nasty with such a matter, and I don't want to see my friends fight." she gave a soft smile which Shimmer realized what she meant by her asking.

"You have my word that I'm not trying to seek him out again, actually he's brought her up when we talked so I know there's something between the two that I have no intention of getting in between. Flash is a nice guy and all, but I'm too busy with everything and school relations to get involved with someone again. He's just a good friend is all, we're only close because we did date and so we know one another well enough. Plus it's not like anyone else other than you guys and Rose actually want to hang out with me." she looked a little down knowing how true that statement was.

"Ya see Rares, now you gone and made her limp like a sun burned sapling! Look ah don't think of anything that's gone on between ya'll so don't feel like we'd leap on you just because your getting all chummy with him. You need all the friends you can get so the school doesn't see ya as a threat anymore." she patted her shoulder to further assure her.

"Thanks Applejack, that means a lot. And it's okay Rarity, I know you look out for everyone's best interest." Rose's words echoed in her mind when she vowed to just be friends, it really wasn't fair to Flash in the long run and he really liked herself enough to be such a good friend when she needed it.

"Well, first class will be start'n soon, see ya'll later." Applejack waved off just as she gave a stern stare to Rarity.

"Yes... same here, if you could find out about the games so I can perfect the clothes and gear for me that would be fantastic?" the fashionista asked.

"Not a problem, I'll see ya later then." to which pinkie who'd been talking to Fluttershy about something for the last minute looked up to see Rarity leave.

"Fluttershy and me gotta lot to do for chemistry class, stay safe Shims!" the two disappeared in a blur of pink tones with Fluttershy looking being dragged behind.

Left alone with time to kill, she let go of whatever Pinkie was up to and decided to write again to Twilight back in Equestria. So far she'd not seen the Wyvern again since the other day which was a blessing, still it was a new development that had to be told. It was starting to worry her that she'd yet to get through to the princess of friendship, she understood someone like her would be busy or misplace things in the library. Using the steps she sat down and took the magical book, turning to the last page she hadn't written on. Her best bet would be to keep sending data over and among other things till a reply came, so the pen in her fingers began to transcribe.

'Hey, Princess Twilight, been awhile and still haven't heard back from you. Had a pretty nasty freak out when Discord sort of made things harder for me, the curse was lifted from my sleep. It came at me in waking life, which means I may get to rest again and not go insane. Though now I have a giant dragon that might haunt me and cause everyone to keep seeing me as something dangerous or to be feared. Still haven't made much of a dent in the way the school sees me, but I was never set on expecting results in such a short time span even after the band competition against the sirens. In fact, I think those three made it worse for me, if it's not Twilight coming from Equestria than it must be evil.'

She paused to consider what else she could send before ending the message. While the hiatus commenced, she failed to notice a bus slowly creep to a stop before the school and drop off a disguised Twilight who began scanning the area around her with a small black pocket watch in her hand. The dark violet device was the scanner she built the night before, a unique item which homed in on magical sources using the blue LED striations in the outer halo of its surface. Waving it around the light soon narrowed upon the school's equine statue, though she knew the school had been the source of the energy spikes her equipment picked up. A statue was not what she expected to be harboring the portal, in any case she tested the scanner again and moved it about before confirming the ping.

Twilight had nothing to go with as far as what to do to with the portal or test if as much as she wished was possible. The present danger of the Rainbooms had her frantically going for the objective and high tailing out of the area. Pictures of who the girls were and her doppel ganger provided the sole means of who she needed to avoid, what they could do to her was the variable she didn't want to find out. In haste, she missed seeing Sunset looking deeply into a book while her device glowed even brighter once the third bulb clicked on. A couple of feet away from the concrete marker, her eyes gazed all over for any obvious signs of magic or energy of some kind. Her legs moved as her hands touched the surface, the scanner could alert her of the portal anymore as the light followed the source like a compass would the north pole. That proved she had the location figured out in a much shorter time than she did expect. It made her happy to know the Dazzlings would actually have a way home, and not want to conquer the Earth even if it probably would do her people good. Placing a hand on the lower flat walls of the base, something miraculous happened as her skin graced what was an optical illusion. At first, her mind stalled when what should have been rough concrete with an unyielding quality had became nothing more than a vertical plane of what really felt like a cool pool of liquid. The edges along her skin as her fingers dipped through shined with a heavenly light as they disappeared, the further her hand went in the coldness spread.

Her curiosity climaxed once her hand completely disappeared up to the dull blue hoodie sleeve, and soon her finger tips were greeted with a warm sensation. The portal worked from what she ascertained, and either the portal had varying levels of sensations before the traveler arrived on the other side or she had a part of her in the world of Equis. The possibilities were amazing to consider, what would portal traveling feel like or do to the human body? The sirens were human, but their true forms were truly amazing to behold so what did that speak of other other creatures like Yellow? Would she herself turn into any number of potential mythical beasts or a pony? Would she become a siren too?

With her breath held painfully in elation, she failed to notice the scanner react to her actions. It soon popped opened and a luminous quartz stone inside in the shape of a tear drop blared almost blindingly. She flinched as the brightness sent her eyes into pain, even in daylight it had an unearthly illumination which created spots in her vision as if she had been introduced to a strobe light in a dark room. In those few seconds, the statue cracked down the side she touched as a multi-colored wisp of smoke flew from the fissure and into the scanner. Once it had been absorbed by the crystal, the device lost its light as the staggering girl nearly lost her footing pulling her hand out. The moment didn't go without notice as the radiance had Sunset quickly looking up to see the dazed figure near the monument.

"HEY! What are you doing!" she called out unceremoniously dumping the book off her lap and leaving her things on the steps.

That voice immediately sent Twilight into panic as the one good eye she could see through fell upon the one soul she didn't want to risk running into. While trying to rub the dots out of her sight, she took off with an uneasy stride looking for someway to escape. Only hearing the beckons of the girl hot on her heels, if she were caught now they'd ruin everything by finding out about the device even if she tried to lose it like a thief tossing out the goods while in a chase from the authorities. Her heart pumped rapidly with adrenaline that her system excreted, it gave her an extra step to boost away if only for a moment before her own limitations started to make themselves known. She'd already cleared the school grounds and headed for the west street she could cross over into neighborhoods. A chance to ditch the pursuer in a few yards was risky, not to mention the chance of a guard dog mauling her.

"Wait! What were you doing back there! Wait!!" Shimmer yelled out again.

She pushed herself into actually trying to catch the mysterious person, closing the distance slowly with every step. Not wanting to tackle the stranger for fear of causing injury, but the hoodie could be brought down so at least the face and hair could be remembered. The problem was the street closing in on them, traffic still flew by at this hour and fear that the escapee would attempt to leap into oncoming traffic sent a shiver down her spine. It would be now or never, let them escape or risk leading them into choosing a dangerous way of getting out of her grasp.

Twilight noticed the moment she had gotten ten feet away from the road that there were cars passing ahead, unless the light turned red she'd have little chance of getting away. Her original plan went for a detour, she could die now or get captured with the mission needing her findings to start the gears. Huffing heavily as her lungs started to burn, the covered girl skidded across the pavement just around the corner nearly going into the street and continued along the perimeter of the school border heading north. Sunset still a few feet away from her, expertly avoided that very mistake and never let the gap lengthen.

"I just want to talk! Stop!"

The will and energy to continue wavered as the muscles burned as much as when she piggy backed Adagio out of the Sushi Bar. She could start to taste iron in her throat which wasn't a good sign, though it did show how out of shape she was once again. At the rate she was going, it would be a high probability of capture and failure. Adagio wouldn't trust her with anything important and Yellow might pull his books from her and the promise of magic before they left. Her world would come down upon her and leave nothing to scavenge with. Principle Cinch might even remove her lab room from her ownership with the project that wouldn't have any way to live up to the hype she gave in her report.

"I'm going to catch you so just stop and let's talk! I don't want to accidentally hurt you!" she heard the fanatic behind her and realized how close she was.

The fear offered her a momentary lift as sweat started to peak through her pores, for how much longer she could keep it up was a matter of second. If she was going to be caught she'd give them a chase to remember, and in that decision she forced her legs past their breaking point and coordination. Just as she reached the next corner to take where a taxi waited on the edge of the road, a mere two feet from the edge she crossed her legs and sent her front careening onward while her arms and elbows she tried to bring up to guard would collide with the harsh abrasive stony ground. Sunset gasp as she witnessed the moment before her, it was far too late to catch up and stop the accident from happening. Likely the girl would skin her face up good and possibly gain a hairline fracture or bust a few teeth. Worse yet she might bite her tongue off, all those thoughts hurdled themselves in her mind within those few precious seconds.

Bracing herself for the pain, Twilight's device impacted the unforgiving ground right after her knees slammed first. The force of the contact did something to the scanner which flashed away the physical plane and into a hole through the universes. Sparkle's senses picked up on the lack of any collision and instead the turbulence of a free fall, once she achieved high enough speed her arms were yanked away from her face as she beheld a scenic forest coming right at her as if to triple her painful landing she expected originally. No scream came, far too stunned and shocked to react as her life passed before her eyes, she didn't expect this to happen much less why it did.

When the end seemed nigh, a cloud bank oddly shaped into a house came into her pathway from the three mile drop. Passing into it, her speed decelerated by the weird thickness of the water vapor that it should never had possessed in nature. Contact nonetheless set the scanner off again and opened another portal as soon as she exited the downy soft cloud, her speed now no more faster than if she simply fell onto the floor from a standing position. Where the new gateway lead to was a bright yellow shiny surface.

Sunset had been left gawking at the scene, how the girl simply fell into what looked like the wilderness which seemed all too familiar to her. Skidding to a halt before she too joined the unfortunate stranger who quickly went from a fully sized teenager to the pinprick of an ant. Whatever happened, the worse had only become even horrific as the fresh thoughts of the person splattering on the forest floor surged into Sunset's eyes. She just let someone panic and fall to their doom, and all to avoid her like the plague just like anyone else.

The portal slowly closed like evaporating water, as if to save her from seeing the gruesome act. The taxi not a few feet from her had its driver get out with the same stupor she possessed, his jaw loose in the mind breaking trick of someone disappearing from their world. What could she say to them that wouldn't make her the villain one again? The police who'd come and investigate and the missing persons report that the stranger's family would likely send out. Her life would crash once again, fate seemed to love playing with her.


A loud oof followed the sound of something heavy landing on top of the taxi and the squeaking of the the shocks. Both of them looked to see Twilight roll off moaning as she essentially landed on the softest thing with the least amount of force she had not long ago reached the maximum. To her credit, she took it like a champion and simply rubbed her left cheekbone with one hand while another held her sore chest.

Instantly, the driver reacted and came to her aid, "You need to go see a doctor for that! Come on I'll take you to one." the taxi operator quickly pounced on the obscured person and gently urged them inside the back seats through the sliding door.

That's when Shimer shook off the bombshell that just fell, "Hey!! Wait! I have to talk to them!" she breathed as her still recovering body from the sprint found it hard to speak a whole sentence coherently.

The man closed the door and moved to his seat, "Sorry there miss, but company policy I have to help anyone whose injured and she's fallen on top of my van. Insurance speaks first, have a nice day!" he smiled at her before locking the doors and pulling away.

Sunset tried to stop them, however it was far too late once he merged into traffic with a lucky gap between two trucks. With that, she was left with a whole assortment of questions concerning what in Celestia's name had just happened. Magic just occurred and saved the stranger from her and a grisly death, the bitterness of the new discovery forced the girl to her knees.

Ch. 26 Life of Lemons

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Ch. 26 Life of Lemons

The Rainbooms gathered in the library just as third period let out for lunch, Sunset expressed great concern over what had happened after everyone left. Her tale left out no details from the flash of light that caught her attention, to the narrow capture of the stranger even as she pleaded for them to stop. Then the sudden portals into what she was sure was Equestria. Sunset never got the chance to speak to them when the driver insistently rushed away with the one in question, leaving her story on a cliff hanger where they stood now. Of everyone, Rainbow seemed to be really into chase part which was to no one's surprise, while the others were perplexed.

"Wow, so what did they do to the statue to make such a bright light like that?" the cowgirl asked as she sat at one of the study tables with Rarity and Pinkie.

"Yes deary, you mentioned a crack of some sort, will we be able to get Twilight to still visit us? Was it a saboteur sent to destroy the portal to Equestria?!" Rarity looked on with a hinge of worry as pinkie rock on her chair.

The reply came with a moment of hesitation as a few students mingled nearby looking for textbooks, "I'm not sure to be honest, i couldn't feel any magic when you usually touch, but I haven't had time to examine it properly. Could be sheer coincidence and Twilight may have had to close it right as that happened? The fracture is worrying though... I really hope its not going to make it unusable." Shimmer stood with her arms crossed in a slight agitated state.

"Do you think they may have been from the other side?" the shy one who sat with Rainbow at another study desk, "Maybe there was an accident and she planned on bringing others over to help with that nasty spell on you?"

Shaking her head, "No that still wouldn't explain why she never replied back to me to this day. I believe it could only be whoever stole that Dazzling gemstone or at least a follower, they were probably looking for the portal though to break it doesn't seem like a valid action. We'd be assuming that they knew how it worked first off and so far all my research is still to superficial to name anyone or thing. Unless... that Saandie must have revealed a part of my memory to whoever that was about Princess Twilight and thought she was a threat... All I know is they knew what they were doing, and that's not a good sign." Sunset grumbled feeling rightly perturbed at restricting herself from just outright tackling them to the hard walkway to get answers.

"I say we plan a surprise for them when they try snooping around again, like traps with holi colors so they get dyed all sorts of cool colors for all to see and then they'd never get away!" the idea had some merit from Pinkie, if they hit the right person and not the principle.

"Sugarcube, do you really think they belonged to this shadowy group we haven't even seen with our own eyes other than those curses they put on you? Maybe it was a tourist show'n up for the convention just as Twi deactivated the portal? I mean my family's already gotten calls to ask if buses could stop by our farm since we are in the event too." the notion passed through the group like a flash flood, nodding their heads in mutual agreement.

"Almost every single student has touched that statue and nothing has happened yet, so unless out of town people like to run away when someone asks a question I can't take that explanation Applejack. We can't risk this getting even worse and Twilight's gone silent." the air of the conversation thickened.

"To be fair, she's gone through a very rough patch, because of someone with magic hexed her. I believe we should take her word, not like we're being told to manhandle the next funny acting visitor on school grounds. It's no difference from what we all agreed on not long ago." the purple curls swayed as Rarity turned to smiled at Shimmer, giving her approval.

Everyone took a moment to consider, hesitation appeared as every factor popped up that would prevent their willingness to agree. With their class work, the Friendship Games, and their own lives after school made it a harder decision to stay as magical super heroines and fear an evil league. Worrying about a bogeyman now was the least thing they wanted to add to their plates with the other monster under the bed still out there. They hadn't expected training for the games to get in the way and fill up the next two weeks with the school's reputation on their shoulders. Yet it seemed soon enough their bonds were strong enough that they all nodded to Rarity's favor with Sunset's advisement.

"Looks like we're all in there sug, gonna wear us out but we'll be look'n fer trouble and report it as soon as we see it. At least now we have a person to go by this time." the farm girl spoke for everyone to Sunset's great and humble satisfaction.

"Yes, although it'll make things busy for us all, we've been given powers to stop any meanies from harming this place. We're here for you Sunset." fluttershy gleefully joined in her usual hushed exuberation.

"Although i'd rather blast these baddies with our awesomeness! These guys are playing like the Shadowbolts in last year's games. Ain't no way an easy win gonna work here." Rainbow commented in a rather brash sense and huffed disdainfully.

"Righty pipey, that means we're going to be very careful to who we think is part of this dastardly group, like playing wack-a-mole!" the rumble of pinkie's stomach erupted soon after, "Oh! Now it's lunch time! How about we head to the cafeteria while we still have some time left to grab that strawberry cake they have every Wednesday?" pinkie lit up as the delicacy permeated her thoughts.

"Ah don't know about you gals, but I'm also hankering for some good grub myself. Think were done here Sunset?" Applejack asked as everyone began to sit up to leave.

"Just text me if anyone catches someone doing strange things around the campus, I really wish this was all a dream but there are to many occurrences to simply toss caution to the wind." the group nodded in agreement.

Just before anymore could be said, Sunset's phone received a message to which she waved to the others as they departed from the library. Opening the screen to read the digital mail, the text from Flash explained how Rose and him were both trying to find her. They had met up early to see the principle with the roster for the team. Considering they were ten minutes into the first lunch period they were starting to worry if she had forgotten. Slapping the side of her head, she left for the front doors where the two still stood around looking for their friend.

The walk had been uneventful, she still received those looks from everyone else and yet they were not as powerful to her as once before. Somehow, as she thought of the others the feeling as if the stares and frowns directed to her were of little more than some troublesome gnat granted reprieve to the spirit. Her swaying heart had far more durability now, warmth filled her soul like the gentle spring air as she almost skipped in her steps.

Finally catching up to the two, "Hey guys, you ready to drop off the form?" she took Flash's high five awkwardly unprepared and Luck's fist bump.

"I have them safe in here." he patted his jacket where the muffled sound of paper wrinkling crackled.

"Ya, and I hear vice principle Luna is planning a school announcement in the gym later today. Think its about the games?" Rose walked to her left as the three began the pace to the front office.

Ignoring more spiteful looks from the student body around them, "Possible, probably something to do about it. At least we have our team set and two weeks to get familiar with the events." Shimmer noted as she felt her shoulder rubbing up against Sentry's arm.

"I'm just glad Dash didn't raise a fight to lead the team, normally she likes the spotlight." he chuckled lightly as he failed to see Sunset blush from the proximity.

"I know one should not say such things to someone whose proven herself otherwise, but I'm glad too. Our secret weapon here has the calm levelheadedness we need to overcome Crystal Prep. Rainbow Dash is qualified, but she's also one to jump the gun and seek the spotlight." the two looked to Rose who only spoke in earnest, "What? Am i the only one who remembered that audition for the bands competition? Kinda a bit of a narcissist."

A hearty laugh at the humor that meant to subdue her flustered face, "She has her faults, but she's good at heart and wont let us down. But... your right, the girls do have their attributes and personality to consider while we train.".

They reached the office door soon enough as they discussed the girls and found the secretaries working on phone calls or paperwork. Waving to the ones who noticed the trio as their friendly attitudes had them greeting the students, they continued to the principle's office to knock. A voice gave passage to enter which Flash pulled out the roster as Rose turned the knob.

Dazzling Room: Early Evening

The room had become still, save for Adagio who hummed to herself sitting in the bed cradling the gemstone with moderately functioning hands. She gazed at it in a loving way and seemed to be lost in her own world while Aria napped with Sonata on their bed. The dizzy young woman relegated herself to watch the usually entertaining shows on the big screen on the lowest volume setting. Though their once valued entertainment held little for Sonata who kept a third eye on her leader.

Earlier in the day, they had hit a large elementary school during recess and sang at the bus stop near the chain-linked fence, a move to ensure they were never connected to the mayhem. Amazingly, the chaos of hyperactive monkey kids were a good bite to eat even if they were not as filling as adults or teenagers. Dazzle thankfully gained back the ability to at least grasp with her hands and attain some use of them. She still couldn't extend them, but the joy to have movement was palpable.

Now, they waited for happy hour at a large venue they could dive into and harness more negative energy. It gave the golden siren time to think of what they'd do at the coming convention, the largest stage they'd ever have to themselves and never get the chance to equate to it unless they took over Equis. The feast would be unforgettable for any siren since the apes reproduced at an alarming rate, none had ever gotten such a chance to sing to thousands. Even the Colosseum at Canterlot had only barely a couple thousand, though this time there would be no Starswirl to get in their way. Sweet revenge would come soon, and their revenge for the deaths and defiling of her own kin would be swift and merciless.

She could see it as clear as day as if life played out before her very eyes, upon arrival they'd sing their hearts out after they received their rightful gems. They would hit the smaller towns first and start an army from their numbers, using their adoring fans as shields from any mages or guards who'd try to stall them. The next move would be to steal away the farmers and producers, hitting Equestria where it hurt as the first couple of months passed. The negative energy they'd amass would render them powerful enough to be immune to magic attacks and amplify their voices so that none could escape their songs.

Then, once the small towns and villages were under their thrall, she'd hit the cities and ports to amass the last bits of energy they'd need to bring Canterlot to its knees after they crippled the economy. The little resistance they'd face would be nothing to their god-like status they were to achieve by then, and that Arcana who dared to steal the dead's most cherished possession would be under their judgement and execution. Deep down, Adagio wished that the resting place of her pod was still untouched by the organization. Yellow claimed to only have what he took at the time, and it wouldn't be unfeasible that the group still pursued siren stones. The solace in the coming future would be when vile ponies were slaved to their everlasting song. Forever feeding off their new subjects and securing dominance over their prey with all the magic they could devour.

The Dazzlings would be the most successful pod to have ever lived, she'd allow others to join the new haven where it would be free and safe to live without fear of exile or the elements of the wild. No matriarch would challenge her, no siren could once she had the negative energy of every pony of Equestria. Perhaps in a century or even a decade later she'd expand out and seize the whole world for the benefit of siren kind?

She could even have a few pups of her own and bring them up in the safe haven of her kingdom, protected by their adoring ponies and her pods magical might. Never would they fear losing their mother and father to the equines or any other hapless race. The males they'd attract, she would pick only the most powerful to aid her conquest, and sire the strongest generation to yet be born under the Dazzling name. They'd take on the mantle and finish her world domination, establishing the first ever Siren kingdom.

Even the Kelpies wouldn't see what hit them, those water spirit lovers and their enchanted songs that rivaled sirens in enchantment and power. Her kingdom would never share with those frilled divas, they would be driven far into the deepest trench in the oceans for all of eternity. The rest was far beyond her to anticipate, the kingdom and revenge were enough to calculate and feel glee over. Pups of her own would have to wait as well, even if the thought of loving hatchlings swarming around her were tantalizing.

With the thoughts of retribution leaving Adagio to her euphoria, Sonata kept stealing glances at the slight red glow in those magenta eyes of her leader. Ever since Yellow gave them their assignment, the golden siren had become someone else entirely as the prospects became realized. The hunger for what they never actually thought would ever happen when they were banished to the human world. So many failures that their past successes before Starswirl made their outlook more of an adventure with no real reward in sight. Now that they could actually live up to Dazzle's aspirations, and the lack of regret at doing what they would seek to wrought after they returned. It went against all that siren's did to survive, and now they'd lead the ponies into a world of slavery. What would Cavatina do to them if she found it necessary to confront her pod? Was she even still alive? Would they be stealing from other siren's food sources?

None of her Matriarch's aspirations really felt or sat right with her, it wasn't the way of siren to amass their power and claim a nation. They fed off them harmlessly and left to their own territory far away from prying eyes, to have families in peace as would too their prey. They'd surely attract attention from the other pods once they started to steal the populous for the army against Canterlot. But then again, Adagio had a good reason for doing what needed to be done, others would see compassion wouldn't they? No race or pony ever actually killed or harmed sirens that were not pirates.

All this negativity made the light blue girl leap down into a chasm of saddness, the joys of human television doing little to curb that. A Head Hancho's supreme taco basket could only save Sonata from the despair she felt and push it under the kelp bed, unfortunately that sanctuary would be beyond her reach as delicious as it was.

Seaddle Coast 1pm

Hurricane Laralmene churned the very sky with its might, an unstoppable force of nature even the stationed weather pegasi could not contain. A category four storm verging on five as it neared solid ground, the initial tendrils of the spiraling phenomenon were already dumping flooding rains on Seaddle and the outlying country side as the eye neared the coast. Winds were gusting in excess of one hundred and fifty miles per hour, forcing trees to sway like manes in gale force speeds while snapping greater ones from their roots. An issued warning for all wings to be grounded due to the conditions blared faintly from the rooftops of the nearby city, echoing eerily through the howling cyclone and the pops of lightning and claps of thunder.

Waves crashed against the steep cliffs of Montgomery, massive swells that could easily swallow a fifteen story building with their crests and crashing awe. The land had been the only barrier to keep the pony city safe, taking the impacts for ages long before any pony called the area home. The serrated layers of the rock seemed no more than a muted patchwork of grays and blacks in the black void of the storm. What green grass tried to grow on the face of the coastline had been torn off from the raw savagery of the storm. The turmoil of the waters erupted as each lull were one ton mining explosives were going off every crest reaching the natural barrier, raining saltwater plums onto the forest hanging over the ledge. For any onlookers, the scene being played out would appear as if some ghastly apparitions were trying to escape the sea and as if Tartarus had no more room for the dead.

Hidden within the raucous tree tops moving like seaweed in a heavy current were the night guard, soaked to the skin in dripping wet armor. Mares and stallions combat ready were fresh from Canterlot after a week of flying to Captain Sabor's location, with the elite of their kin among them. Sheathed or held in hooves, the guards sported a range of weapons and shields for the dirty deed soon to be committed for the sake of ponykind. Enchanted metal plates segmented along their necks, backs, legs, and flanks were fully able to take a harsh beating of battle from the craftsmanship of the finest smiths available. The Princess of the Night had her cutie mark etched into each and every breastplate piece which possessed the gemstone that powered the wards of the armor. The head fins that the helmets normally had for ceremonial purposes were replaced with additional capacitor stones to shield their heads and necks from the potential savagery of their targets. Beyond that, their martial training and staunch combat missions against the rebels would put the equipment to its full use, honor would be given to the survivors for facing such a foe as the sirens.

Briefed only an hour ago of the plan of attack, the mission had been given a thirty minute time frame for completion. They were given a quick introduction into the beasts in question and the reason for the various dampeners for their keen ears. How the animals that sang and fed of ponies and created chaos could sow disorder among the ranks once the spell captured them. Their targets were no more than an angry manticore or a roving cockatrice that the picture their officers painted, they were threats and nothing more.

The Night Guard would operate in four squads of the platoon that had been requisitioned, two offensive and two defensive. First and Second squads were to engage the adults and harass them, males were to be terminated if possible. Second squad would handle the females and offspring alone, and the valuable younglings were to be captured before the eye of the storm returned. Third squad archers were to deter any sirens that tried to cross over Fourth squad whose ward shields would section the battlefield in half. Their part would only succeed if the other teams fulfilled their objectives, otherwise it was hinted that the beasts would overpower even the magic of the great shields. A few guards had voiced their worry over the selected members of the mission, a mash of different squads rather than a cohesive unit had been scrapped together. Meaning there would be a thin line of trust in the guard next to you who had your life in their hooves. The only thing keeping their ranks from decrying the issue were their stalwart officers who never allowed descention. Worse yet, with their hearing hampered everyone would be relying on eyesight and sense of smell, to which for some that handicap wouldn't cease their vexation over the operation in their minds.

Their lead commanding officer Captain Sabor picked the most able bodied stallions and mares to be tasked with removing the battle ready males, only the cream of the crop could be trusted to handle them. The remaining troops were to steal the young and cause the mothers and guardians to go into a fit to rescue them, thus disrupting their defenses and concentration to be picked off easily. Some of the local solar guard were nearby to prevent escape and aid the Terror Wings if the operation went south. Though Sabor hoped it would not come down to it, those stallions knew little about dealing with such monsters and were only be at best meat shields to slow the beasts in their rampage. As it were they complained about being cold and wet, requiring the need of a commissar to ensure they could serve their purpose properly; one that the old officer was most pleased to do.

For now, they waited for the eye of the storm to arrive for when the winds settled enough to be considered flyable. When the last drop of water fell to the soil, the green flags would be dropped by squad leaders posted up front for all to see. Thestral warriors were then instructed to slink quietly down the dangerously wet slops to the shielded cove before them, their armor making no sound as they descended to the sandy beach.

The little zone had been made from part of the collapsed cliff, natural erosion from underground water deposits that drained into the ocean from land reservoirs had eaten away at a spot on the foot of the rock face. Massive sheaths of stone and granite sloughed off and created a barrier for the tired siren pod below that even the monstrous cyclone's storm surge couldn't peak past. Mothers and care takers tended to their hatchlings who had been fearful of the hurricane now wondered in awe as the sun's warmth soon graced their scaly bodies. Their senses distracted, males began to fan out in a crescent formation around them once peace finally came to the shores. Massive bony and spiny hulks of destruction kept an eye out for predators looking for an easy meal, some of which acted as if they could sense something out in the livid waters. The perfect condition to cloak the equine warriors as they achieved their positions as the audible mayhem of Laralmene left any exposed ear ringing. There would be no slips, no piece of rock allowed to crumble upon their approach, and each meter drawn closer to the pod the better they could determine the characteristics of each siren.

First Sergeant Flash Fang used his wings to stabilize his weight on the edge to overlook the scene, observing the male sirens like an astronomer would a star cluster as his squad reached the final position before launch. Using their sharp vision to see the several long bulky forms for detail. Seven males in total appeared poised ready to take on an unseen threat, their spiny fins giving away the agitated and cautious state they were in waving up and down. Fang could tell their tails were likely venomous or at the very least coated in bacteria like the stingrays of the sea. Javelin thick barbs that composed even the beasts dorsal sails that would need to be trimmed if they were ever to be engaged properly.

All of them had unique flukes that sported two to five spines connecting the membrane for which to propel them through the water, which also seemed to be useful in in combat just as efficiently. Those very appendage could likely smash an armored thestral with sheer force like the Badlands banded monitor lizard when threatened. Trying to spear them or use arrows would barely be enough, their scales looked as dense and formidable as the gator gars of the southern rivers, steels points probably dulled upon impact. To make the use of swords nearly useless, they looked to have dense thick plates of natural keratin armor along their forearms that propelled them on land to deny access to the tendons. More dangerous barbs below the cannon bone and two talons at the tips spelled close combat a fast trip to the sacred Forests of Zubard in the most gruesome and painful manner possible.

What allowed the Flash and the guards to specify each male to target were their ornate and uniquely evolved heads that seemed designed for heavy assault. Thick armored twisted versions of the female skull and mandible possessed individual ways to gore or ram. Some had varying types of blunt or sharp bony growths, perfect for pinning victims like a bull or the stopping power as with antlers and horns. Others were capable of spearing flesh with ram-like horns quite similar to dragons of the north, and if they had the upper body strength as their bulk loudly visualized. Then no armor would withstand even one impact unless it had superior defensive wards that none of them had. There were a few who admired the species as the genders balanced out what the males lacked in dark magic, their counterparts could still defend their own albeit in a hooves on approach.

Flash Fang felt a deep sickening feeling of worry for his comrades. Many of the thestrals he shared drinks with, had visited their family, and even trained with in the beginning of his guard career. It was a rare night that a mission could be such a jeopardy to the skilled warriors. Then again, there was comfort in at least in that his team had been put in charge of the sea dwellers who could only fight with physical means. Those tasked with abduction were at risk of being enslaved by fell voices at the mercy of the sirens, no one wished to be given that job.

If the recon team hadn't noticed before when the pod fought off a few giant Kindler Stone crabs which attempted to attack the pack earlier in the morning as the storm started landfall. The males appeared voiceless and were brutish in their methods to protect the others, not a single one sang unlike the females who were reported at trying to enchant the semi intelligent crustaceans. However, even with that knowledge, command still ordered every guard to use sound blockers in case the mission went south. Which meant they were restricted to visual ques to coordinate, no sound meant silence until the females were taken down or subdued. Leading to the mixed feelings he had if they lived through this. He would buy the bar for everypony for the next three days. It's just what you did, nothing more and nothing less.

The mournful thoughts were welcomed by the painful rain slamming any bare spots of skin and fur, lightning around them crackled like a mad god laughing just as the eye of the storm finally arrived. Fang knew they had fifteen minutes before the weather returned, more than enough time to hammer down the males and use the returning weather to finish them off if all went according to plan. With the wind abated as the sun graced the shore, the guards felt the sweet release of the icy chill. He himself was part of first squad, which like second squad were charged with the use of heavy weapons and blades to shock and awe. After the fourth squad units took position with their rune enchanted shields and crossbow archers to prevent interference from either side. Immediately, the support not only cut off the males and females, but they acted as a focus to the sirens and allow the other two units to dash in and assail the biggest threats. That was the plan, a sound method to minimize the damage from dark magic wielders who were seldom seen or tracked at all in Equestrian history, they would be going on assumptions at best.

As part of the equipment setup, their armor were enchanted with a lesser variation of a Clear Light spell to blend in with the environment. The optical camouflage would help their survival rate against the beasts who they believed relied partially on their eyes as well as their scent or hearing. With the rain gone, one look at the Captain by the officers as he signaled the attack and the operation was on. Flags were dropped and the Thestrals were in motion.

Just as the guard forces were moving in, for the last hour the sirons had been sensing something massive just off the coast. If the alpha were to guess some kind of sea serpent patrolled off the coast. Something which had trailed them for the last hundred miles while keeping its distance till now like a Great White shark surveying a seal colony. Their matriarch demanded no action against it in hopes the thing would give up for an easier meal once its hunger proved to bothersome to bare, but it still stuck to them like a lamprey. Worse yet the storm which blew through had stalled them enough to warrant a temporary rest, something Deep Reef hated to have taken with such a danger nearby. The pups were just not old enough to stand against the waters of the area, considering how powerful the tide was now. Though he had to admit that he didn't want to see any of them harmed or taken by Poseidon's realm while they looked for fresh feeding grounds. For now they need to wait out the cyclone and move out once the weather let up enough for the hatchlings to fair well. A likely gambit which wouldn't open travel till tomorrow to be safe.

They all could feel the large beast itching to strike when they were lacking. The size had to be immense, likely a Hammerhead Moray on the hunt which never relented when food had been detected. The fear of that likelihood had Deep Reef order Diamond Horn ready to escape with the pups and the others if it rose from the depths. The remaining would hurl themselves at the gargantuan to stall it even if they were eaten in the process, that was the job of a siron. A fate they were willing to commit to without question, and likely it would come for them.

They tensed up, muscles primed and warning growls towards the ocean waters. Something was coming and it set them all off like a nearby electric eel, that seventh sense started to go haywire. Forcing the guardians into a stance to leap at the insatiable snake from the ocean, but real reason had come from an unknown angle. Instead, the sound of fighting came from above and behind with the sound of metal on metal gliding along one another. Before they knew it, ponies were among their ranks charging through siron after siron in an attempt to land the first blow.

"My brothers! Rats in the air! Take them down!" Reef shouted as he dodged the initial attacks and swooping armored bats.

Scarlet Coral felt the first impact of three light war hammers, each hitting his barrel with no effect as his dense muscular frame absorbed the force and scales withstood. Instinctively, his neck recoiled and whip lashed his head towards the attackers where his fanged maw snapped at the air. Depth Charge had been second to sustain attack, arrows bounced off his body with loud pings and dropping to the sand bent or broken. Others were embroiled in close quarter fighting with fast moving objects they couldn't strike as their survival instincts kicked in with savagery only a siron could do.

Sand and rock churned as the males reacted and turned the beach into a veritable explosive field of particles with their tails to deny their enemy's line of sight. They were able to blind their assailants by scoring occasional hits in their huge vulnerable eyes that fortunately for Deep and his kin who possessed protective scales over their oculars. Ponies staggered away as the pain set in and allowed the sirons to target other threats who buzzed around them like flesh flies. Blades and arrows stabbed away, mere sand fleas to the beasts and no wound could be made by the foes who were dead set on harming the pod. Deep Reef took the moment to charge into two of the winged ponies and missed as they took off to the air, feeling several bolts patter against his hide harmlessly.

For Flash Fang, he had flown down with the rest of the squad, using his wings to silence his fall until he achieved combat distance. Letting the grip on the knee activated gauntlets tighten as he targeted the blunted horned monstrosity in his path. The feeling of the battle high in his blood and the burn in his wings as they were forced to their fullest extent instilled the high he always looked forward to. It was never the chemical sensation that he yearned, but the increase in reflexes and awareness he gained from nothing else like it. The wet coat and the chaffing armor were caste from his mind, even the caress of the warming air flowing by him lent no sensation. He had dived into the pool of no return and from that came the warriors spirit, thestral blood that separated them from the inferior Solar Guard. Their predatory ancestry lent them the upper gain in violent incursions and hunts, the need to survive that no herbivore could possibly feel.

In unison, the guards of first and second squads landed the first blows upon the tartarus born beasts. He squeezed the glyph inscribed strap of the retractable blades near his fore hooves to activate them, the swish of metal felt gratifying as he closed in mere seconds away from the male.Through the wash of combat just blossoming, highly honed muscle training positioned his blades for the impact as the limbs set to jet to strike. The dark scarlet of his prey could nearly be seen in full detail of every scale and scar right as Fang forced both hooves forward to sink into the siren monster.

He expected some resistance, but in a blink of the eye the sharp weapons had practically bounced off and jerked the limbs backward in a painful manner. Countering his forward momentum, Flash essentially was sent rolling head over in his momentum as did a few others everywhere else. A path which lead through the spine bank of the males dorsal sail, which he sensed quickly enough to fold his wings tightly to his sides. The inflight roll had luckily put him between the barbs and tore through some of the translucent membrane.

Having gave a two second count in his head he reopened his wings and stabilized himself before he could cartwheel and slam into the rock cropping ahead. The world spun with the jammed joints aching from the failed dive, though the daze fell to his body chemistry at its current peak. Hovering in place, the First Sergeant took stock of the situation and observed the already failing operation as six guards tumbles to the sandy ground in a spray of rock particles and shell fragments. Though most of the blade wielders had recovered as he had, his sharp eyes picked up on the few dots of crimson at the tips of some sails where the barbs ripped some fur away as well. He had been wounded and likely had five minutes before any venom the creatures had would start to take effect, if he were lucky they were harmless or just infectious. In which case he'd grow ill and get a verbal lashing from his cousin Stellar.

The beasts reacted quickly to the onslaught as they shuddered from the first wave, being able to pull up their heavily armored portions as the hammers came down. Mighty thestral Ground Breakers poured all their power into their archs which sent a few of the sirens skidding and rolling, others like the alpha used their tails to withstand the heavier war hammers. They felt the second volley actually hurt with the larger weapons brought upon them, animalistic groans and roars of pain made it all too clear and gave a short boost to the morale of the guards. The biggest of them withstood three war hammers the size of a ponies skull skillfully, tossing sand behind his dense thick tail that curled to dig in. Rather than giving into the bone crunching assault, Deep lashed out quickly with teeth at the regrouping guards who readied another volley. By then Fang had already hurled himself back into the fray and went to draw the monstrosity's attention.

Knowing he was but a mere bee trying to sting the grizzly bear away from the hive. Like a spring loaded trap before him, he found his muzzle inches short of the mouth that could smash his head like an egg between fists. The hammers of their assault units resumed pounding away to no effect as both classes worked together to do any kind of true damage. Through their pestering, a rage boiled within the alpha siron to which the others followed suit and rallied to renew their resurgence. Their senses working like a radar to pinpoint the fast moving ponies who had been evading their sharp teeth and tails.

At first the sirons attempted to clamp their powerful mandibles on the posterior tufts of hair that trailed the attackers and bat away the impact weapons with their dense legs and heads. Their failure to cause more damage to them only angered the hippocampus into outrage, lashing out as they pivoted with their forelimbs packing impressive strength in their swings. Three Ground Breakers soon found their end as Fire Coral tensed the whipcord muscles to reach out as hard as he could muster, releasing the potential energy in a second. A few barbs of the posterior dorsal fin ray had pierced the enchanted armor with ease. A loud clap echoed as nearly topaz hard scales dented the magically infused metal plates to add salt to the wounds before vanquishing the foe. He turned around to gaze at the bodies as they flew a few meters towards the cliff face from whence they came, giving a heavy snort before moving onto the next group charging into death's embrace.

Reef savagely plowed through the thestrals as if he were carving into dead coral formations to a get at the fish hidden within, demonic grunts and viciousness were his wake as armored guards were thrown away or stampeded. The power of Poseidon smoldered within every tissue and nerve of his being, the sudden and unprovoked battle had Deep beyond fearful even through his blood lust it hit him like a tidal wave. The song of his mate stilled the fire within, pausing after he snagged one of the offenders between his forelegs like a struggling fish. He had allowed himself to be too consumed and forgotten about the others. Scanning draconic eyes looked everywhere around him till he caught sight of one of his most trusted brethren several feet away behind him.

"Thresher! Where is my mate! My little one!!" Deep yelled as he tossed the hapless guard like an empty oyster shell.

The charcoal brown siron had taken it upon himself to face six maul wielding leathery winged ponies each dead set on his life. Hearing the beckon, he swept his bulk around to put some distance away to answer.

Headbutting an opportunistic hammer away as if it were bird droppings falling from the sky, "Beyond them over there! They're alone! I hear crying!" stretching up to both point to the location as well as to bring his spiked chin onto a guards armored head.

Deep snapped into the direction upon the others with a horrific sight that chilled his very blood. The females who were cut off by the barrier of armored ponies were fighting a losing battle. The young were in dire need of their aid as the sirens were trying to entrance the other swarm of bats that pounced upon them with equal vigor and numbers. To Reef's chagrin, only a third of the scavengers seemed to be impervious to even the matriarch's songs. That moment the hatchlings could be seen being carried away as chicks in a nest caught by an eagle doing all they could to escape with no success and out of the reach of their mothers. He couldn't fathom a coherent thought then and there save for bellowing a roar so godly it shook the very cores of the winged equines. The shields tightened formation as if anticipating a crazed demented drive into their line.

With a look of soul crushing horror, the Guards watched the other males appear rejuvenated by the alpha's powerful call as they too appeared to go mad beyond reason. Mighty snake-like bodies swatted the affected ponies who were too close to evade in their stricken state, sent away as if they weighted nothing short of a small marble. The situation became even more dangerous for the others who were only barely able to maintain themselves against the impervious creatures. The sirons slithered through their the formations, dashing and diving remarkably avoiding retaliation easily as they themselves had flew around the very death sentences a few had found their end in. Such powerful creatures were worrying them at the sudden burst of energy and spirit by the simple bestial call from the alpha of the pack. Even more so when their overall motive looked to be straight towards third squad whose defenses would surely be brushed aside.

While the charge to the surrounded females broke for a steadfast dash into the enchanted shields and awaiting crossbows. The situation with the capture mission had devolved at an exceeding rate. The initial suppression methods to protect from the siren's song had already bore the fruits and many failures as more than half of the unit were unsuccessful in warding off the spell binding music. Those that heard the song were doomed from the start, the lucky few who whose heart beats were the entire audio world to them rallied to do the deed. Immediately, those affected Night Guard collapsed into the sands upon the first pass, dazed and stone faced like a stallion seeing the perfect mare for the first time. There could be no time for any of the sirens to relish in their prizes, the shrills of hatchlings being scooped up from the more distant mothers signaled the still present danger.

For two guards, the task became far too real for their tastes even if they could not hear. Lance Corporal Gold Dust and Corporal Nocture Star were lifting their own catch, a shimmering white opal scaled young siren who they could tell by the skull was a filly by pony standards. Frail, squirming, and screaming hatchlings all around were lifted away up to the top of the cliff and out of their family's safety. The few that were far too guarded by the girth of their guardians closer to the matriarch were left for the next attempt as it took two or more guards to carry the trophies up into the air without dropping them as hard as they wiggled. While Star could ignore the obvious crying and stretching arms towards its kin, Gold Dust couldn't help but look back to the beach as he pumped his wings harder to lift the cargo. He could feel the vibrations of the little thing crying out with all its might, and that made him second guess for a moment.

Other guards were racing upwards with varying colors of siren young as their mothers pleaded, "Rubata! Leave her alone! NOOOO! She's my only one!!" one the females had tried to use her tail to leap up at the three only to fall back from gravity, flopping on the sandy shore to attempt again.

"Tessitura! Elegy!!" Mouthed another panicking mother.

"MOM!" Gold felt and figured out what the filly had been shouting over and over again.

The guard readjusted his grip as they reached a terminal height that could harm even the filly, "Help Mommy!!"

"Legata! Don't take her! Please!!" the opal hatchlings mother soon tried to climb the steep rock as tears began to fall from her eyes, a haunting moment for the thestral before he tore his eyes away.

Frantic calls and pleas between mothers and their pups nearly override the music the other sirens refused to break. Gold had not been the only one affected, these beasts were just as much a family as any of them. Never had they ever been on a mission such as this. Unlike fighting terrors of the forests or rebels, these beings appeared to be far more aware and sentient enough. Not even a whimpering shadow agent begging for his life drew apprehension like these sirens had. Dust made eye contact with his fellow battle wing, Nocturnes silver eyes gave him the most mechanical gaze he'd seen in a warrior unless they were mourning a fallen. He would find no help in that warrior, that particular warrior had belonged to the clan who specialized in mental restraints to handle the psychological effects of service.

Relief gratefully came from Captain Sabor's iron face as a welcomed sight for the troubled, his martial aura instilled fear in the guards as it always did. That stern face could silence a mess hall that had been in mid celebration over a successful campaign against the shadow forces. Dinnerware would clatter to the table and all would rise to salute the veteran until otherwise. No one dared to break code of conduct in his presence.

Reaching the depot station, net wielding guards awaited with iron cages as they took over the disconcerting job without a second thought. The units were far to willing to hand over infant bundles before dashing back down to speed up the job. Gold noticed Sabor's retinue and himself were observing the battle, studying without the siren song affecting them. They had probably taking every sample of the audio dampeners and quickly switched out for the correct materials to stay free. Though that led to what would happen to the others under their thrall?

When the guards were in dive bombing position, racing at top speeds were their own brethren meeting them in the air. Sand coated warriors shot towards the able warriors mouthing words of the crazed, eyes conveying the rage and sorrow of their new lords with weapons drawn. The clash happened quickly, thestrals ducking and diving in aerial dogfights as the excess rogue elements charged up the cliff towards Captain Sabor.

The stallion had prepared for the moment, given the order to stun and knock out their brothers and sisters when this had happened before they even assembled by the cliff. The Captain became the first target by the insane, surprisingly by one Sergeant who he ironically trusted as his most promising warrior of a stalwart mind. Now, that hardened mental state swayed by a child of darkness to be nothing more than a host. With practiced training over his years in the guard, the stallion merely side stepped and bucked the unfortunate in the barrel to kick out the air from the lungs. Stunned to be sure, he positioned himself as five more guards popped up to bring him down.

As the fighting took place up top, the chaos had grown to a fever pitch that became far too tantalizing for what lurked in the waters beyond the breakers. Both parties ceased their life and death struggle as the sea around the cove erupted with a plum bursting to the sunny sky. In the light of the wavering sun, the mound broke to the sheer colossal evil displacing it. The mesmerizing sparkling rain of the shattered surface defiled its glamor by the leathery bony head which the white diamonds poured from upon the battle zone.

Onlookers bore witness to the unsheathing of the top of a humongous pointed snout attached to a long armored body. Thestrals swore to Celestia a titan of the sea had come for them, veterans who faced many battles stared in awe at the still raising form. For the sirons, they knew what it was without a second breath as they moved to engage it. Most of the body still submerged beneath the churning water like an iceberg. Two huge blaring electric blue eyes smoking with mana on the ends of the uniquely shaped head started to track the nearest source of meat and magic. Thestrals believed they witnessed a tartarus fused Sphyrna with an oceanic dragon, but the roaring defiance of the siron alpha spoke its true name.

"Hammerhead Morey!! Ignore the rats! Onto me and send the great devourer back from whence it came!!" the guttural voice of their leader commanded and the others obeyed turning away from the second and third squads.

The snake fish finally leveled the wide cranium as the light shadowed the underside, scars and marks etched along the more visible portions of the head and elongated body. No guard could see the slowly unhinging jaws of oblivion with their sensitive eyes under the harsh light contracting painfully. The howling hiss with the power of a rogue gust of wind spurned the lot of them into regrouping away from the water's edge. Even the sirens ceased singing, the other side of the storm had drew close enough that in addition to the voracious serpent they were about to have lightning striking very soon. The ponies had not only called the Morey, but their young were in a bad position where the electrical storm could hit them. They needed to get their offspring back.

The grotesque lurched its heavy upper portion to reach over the towering rocks it dwarfed with its bulk like a Mantle Worm. A giant cavernous salivated by the taste of the weak or injured. Equestrian guards looked to each other with no one knowing what to do at first as their impenetrable targets went to attack the new threat that even they hesitated to deal with. The first quake of impact from the creature attempting to swallow a male siren fruitlessly as he dodged forced many guards to retreat to a safer distance. Some did attempt to help their fallen brothers that lay scattered about the battle zone, but the water Wyrm essentially made the entire operation obsolete.

Officers couldn't bring themselves to assess the new development until a second lieutenant gestured to the sea serpent bravely and attacked alone. No guard really desired to go in without a plan, though it became apparent that the sirens were successfully avoiding and slightly injuring the thing in imaginative ways. Males were tricking the titan into striking them and using that sliver of time to launch themselves at the boulder sized teeth to crack them. If not the mouth, they powered their bodies into the soft under skin beneath the hardened skull and above the gums of the mandible, earning hisses of pain as magic sensory pores were abused and damaged. The few put their all into the struggle, which with forced vigor the hesitant soldiers lept in of their own accord.

Flash Fang joined his comrades narrowly avoided the bulky titan to score numerous marks near the eyes. To his dismay a thick scale lenses and a strong magical shield around the optical organs had proven too dense for even him to penetrate. Hammers fractured scales and arrows pestered the fleshy mouth as it opened and slammed shut which shook the very air. As the sky darkened and the hard rain returned, the sirens were dealing the most harm with their naturally evolved anatomy. Though a few guards found themselves lost to the black gullet of the Hammerhead, a few screamed while others were unfortunate to be knocked out by the immense head as it swayed around and swiftly eaten. Others were tiring out as the bone chilling rain sapped away what body heat they gained from the time in the open vortex. They needed to be swapped out with fresh reinforcements as the engagement prolonged.

Most of the thestrals removed the sound dampening tactics to communicate with each other out of frustration, though it came far too late. The cacophony of the cyclone's winds, stabbing showers, and the unbelievable waves stunned them for a time before they could acclimate. Though it became apparent that a good bulk of their force were not attacking, the defense squads were missing in action.

Fang climbed into the sky to survey the area, looking around as the torrential rain threatened to tear the membrane of his wings. Captain Sabor who had been monitoring the guards upon the assault of the sea monster, failed to notice Fang waving at him to get his attention. Fang tried to get more help with the losing battle, but nothing he did earned the veterans eye. He knew they still had two more squads who could take the place of the weary, archers could buy the others time and draw the creatures ire. They had a chance to survive until his vision witness the Captain suddenly fall to the beach below with an arrow in the back of his bare head. The body bouncing once and rolling before the siren females, even if the arrow missed the brain the fall had to have been fatal. Where he once stood, a Terror Wing held an expended crossbow that was discarded quickly and turned away as others were moving the young sirens out of their containers and trying to soothe them. At that moment, the lone soldier lost his focus as he tried to consider that the Captain had been murdered by the most elite of their force who appeared to be releasing the very reason so many of their own perished this day.

To add salt to the wound, his shaky eyes noticed the other two squads where had stayed behind releasing the young beasts and actually trying to soothe them. They had essentially butchered the cause for which many of his kin were dead because of, even worse below with the female enchantresses they were being escorted away. They witnessed the Captain's dead form presented to them, and from everything Fang could determine they had full control of the land side forces. Only the others and him battling the serpent were likely saved by being so far away with nature acting as a sound deterrent.

In his captivated state, watching the Captain be so cruelly murdered, the chaos around him became nothing more than static. Oblivious to the escalating situation below him, the Morey growled deeply as it's body crackled with dancing lightning of mystical energies building up to discharge. No pony could have been prepared to protect themselves from the strange defensive spell as it released the stored energy, arks of wild mana spread out like a Tesla device in the airspace around it. Darting around with the aid of the rainstorm to enhance the affect to every thestral who had no time to react. Guards fell by the droves as the black gullet began to catch the stunned soldiers even as the sirons continued to slam into any nearby body part. Fang never even had a second to speak when his limbs locked in place and unimaginable pain sent him falling. The dangerous gale force winds started to guide him to the beach as he spun every which way before the whole world had been consumed by the mouth of madness.

'Guess I lost that bet huh Stellar?' he thought to himself.

Ch. 27 Midnight Sparkle is Born

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Ch. 27 Midnight Sparkle is Born

Twilight swam from the slight in and out of reality, having flopped even at that low speed into the taxi cab roof. Last thing she could recall had been a wall of yellow coming at her after the death fall through the sky, and then someone putting her inside what she assumed was a large car. She could feel the cool breeze of raspberry scented air jetting in the compartment she occupied and the soft cushions beneath her bottom. Having never sustained much of an injury her whole life save for cuts on the skin from assembling devices or burns of chemicals, the reality defying fall was quite overwhelming. Her hands held her head as she tried to handle the shock of the experience that she literally fell from. Even as she began to stabilize, she unconsciously checked her teeth with her tongue to find them all intact, and flex her body parts for signs of broken bones. To her quaky joy nothing had been damaged other than the shock of it all.

"Ms. Sparkle are you fine back there? You had me quite worried for a moment." someone asked as she felt the world shift to the left.

"I...I uhhh... I'm fine I think." she hissed feeling the bruise on her forehead.

"Now now, I insist, if I need to drive you to the nearest clinic I can?" his voice of familiarity started to click to and two together.

She could hear clicking in the background and the world moved to the right, the faint sounds of gears and an engine started to filter in. That allowed her quick wits to ascertain her position, she had to be inside that taxi cab she crashed into though that was as much as she could sense before she opened her eyes.

"We're going to stop by a gas station for a moment so I can pick up something cold for that mark of yours. Wait here and don't open the doors for anyone but me alright?" the man asked as she started to look around still slouched over in her seat still unsure of her situation.

"Ohhhh... sure thing." she took off her glasses to nurse her head without their obstruction.

"Good, be back in a jiffy." a door closed after the ruffling of velvet cushion on clothing signaled the exit of her unknown occupant of the vehicle.

She could feel the growing lump starting to gain size, where her palm now became smaller in its wake. The throbbing vein squarely placed in the center of the damaged area lent to a need to escape the annoyance, and so her mind worked on what lead up to the unyielding ground that led to the welt.

'What happened... what was I doing...' her voice echoed in the blackness behind squeezed eyelids, the muffled quiet of where ever she was.

As she expected the normal train of thought to occur where she simple imagined voices and images, instead windows began to blink into existence before she could sort through any. Each beginning to amass into a large horizontal rectangular cloud before her against her own will. Bright blue screens much like a flat screen for computers held up what she asked of herself, as if they were a lucid dream she opened her eyes and closed them again hoping her mind would clear them from the forefront of her mental sanctity. When it appeared that no matter how much she tried to change the scenery, the interface as it seemed to be would not change or go away and that spooked her for a few seconds.

Naturally, her curiosity overcame the uncertainty, with her physical hands either by her side or on the bruise. She could only compare the experience as akin to a virtual reality, or she really hit her head harder than she first thought. With nothing else she could do in the vehicle while she tried to ignore the headache, conscious thought interacted with the strange windows if it could offer a distraction. Thinking of her hands being able to move freely in her imagination, she pictured them before her and touching the sea of blue lights. Fascination embedded itself as she realized she could sift through each window and study their contents, revealing every second she could recollect from the statue revealed as the portal to the chase and more. The efficiency had been beyond any way she'd ever use to contemplate. The manipulation at first felt like she may have sustained a concussion by the sheer dream-like world qualities. However, this little world in her head had its own realm that wouldn't nor couldn't be dashed away by some random moment or thinking of anything else.

"Okay, so this isn't some head injury, its like a seperate reality I'm seeing. Completely different from normal imaginative processes. The strangest thing... I can even feel it, those windows feel cold. I wonder how far I can push it to really convince myself..." she closed her eyes again.

'So, uh I wonder if this has a voice interface? Let's see, I know I'm not crazy so lets try this, I want to see what happened after the blinding flash. Let's portray this in a library scene please?' her own words soon sent her mind into a sped up trip from the black void into a giant library very similar to Crystal Preps.

Instantly, she felt separated from her own body as if given new life in another dimension. No longer did she sense her previous condition, standing in place wearing her uniform for the preparatory with the very solid floor beneath her as she tottered about. A solid floor and she wasn't sitting nor could she will herself to register that she was in the waking world. Everything felt so crisp and clean with the light from the ceiling glass dome where a sun caste its illumination all around. To which she noticed the library itself, she stood in the center of the dome which in reality the school didn't have that piece of architecture. The endless bookshelves though were not out of place, all of them beckoning her to open them and read their contents. Though where their rows ended at where windows of bright white light filtering in, solidifying her assumption of the dimension theory of hers.

"By Einstein's ghost! I am seeing this for real!" she whispered to herself as she started to run about the realm to see how expansive it was.

She felt no exhaustion, no weakness from the trek around the perimeter of the library's walls. The merlot red carpet with elaborate rugs for the main walkways extended to every surface area she could walk to, no dust or scuff from use. The windows were not the kind to observe through, instead just as she figured they were merely just lights that kept every corner from being to dark if she wanted to sit down and read. The pattern, size, and order of the oval faux portals had catered to her own preference, further lending the coincidence to the little pocket world.

Wandering around she came across the study area with several long tables adorned with personal lamps for students to use. Wood chairs with green cushions were all neatly organized under the furniture awaiting use. The little area had three computers for internet use, but guessing that this world likely had no wifi nor any connection to her plan of existence in the flesh. They had to have some other use, and that drew her from further exploring to test that out.

"So, if your not really a computer, what are you and what is your purpose." she asked no one as she activated the machine and logged in as she'd done in the past.

On the desktop, no other icons were available save for a single question mark blue box which she clicked. A small window popped up with a bar for inputting a query, dotted with a single question mark symbol at the top center of the rectangular box.

'What is your purpose? What is this place? Am I still alive?' she typed.

A separate bar beneath the text box appeared with an answer from no one specifically if there was anyone else.

'Search engine. Not Available. Yes.'

"Huh? Not the answer I was looking for but I guess I can ask Yellow if this whole place is a side effect of the device? I mean if magic had some kind of effect on humans like radiation?" her fingers went to ask another question.

'What happened to me before now?'


The entire screen became consumed by a fully expanded window with a black background and a simple video icon flashing for a few seconds. Seeing the new development change to her point of view just as she stood before the equine visage and replay seamlessly almost spooked the girl. Everything from the noise to the fine detail she was capable of seeing, drinking in the experience she relived as if there were a camera attached to her own optical organs.

After viewing the clip from her own life, the window went to black again with a symbol to replay again in the middle. It had been a tad frightening to relive the fall again, but being able to observe and not focused on escaping allowed her to review her many mistakes. Though upon falling through the first portal, it became obvious it was not on earth or any known forest for that matter. There were creatures flying in the sky and just above the tree tops which shouldn't even be real, nor should she have lost momentum in that house like cloud formation. Which likely saved her life in the end if it hadn't been in her pathway. A near death experience and she simply analyzed it for if a future repeat occurred again, that was if she could figure out why it happened in the first place.

'I know my knees took the first impact, but I had my arms high enough the elbows should have been next? What else hit the ground after my legs? Oh My Gosh!! The scanner!!' her eyes snapped open as she fumbled for the instrument that hung around her like a necklace.

Despite the pain which came back without censor, she lifted the pocket watch sized device close to her eyes for inspection of the metal polymer casing and the dead lights. The scuffed area at the very edge of the bottom part of the flat circle indicated the impact zone, leading her to believe the equipment likely shook something loose. To her relief as she opened the innards of its circuitry and crystal housing, all that was wrong with it had been wire popped out of its socket. The quick fix had the blue striations and red orb shining bright and brilliant, the blue lines lighting in succession of several bars as they lit in a clockwise direction.

"Ohhh sweet sweet Tesla I didn't break it! Even the crystal is still perfectly in its harness." she sighed and resumed keeping a hand on her forehead as it throbbed.

Then the question came back, why did that portal form and was it from the device? Yellow never said it would do that, it only honed in on the magic concentration the portal should have exuded. What could have connected the two and two together after she found the statue?

"That light! That flashing light! I did something to the portal and... and it did something to the device but what?" her eyes zipped to and fro as she thought again and looked back at the quartz piece.

Oddly enough, her eyes caught sight of the glimmering rainbow luminescence of the quartz Yellow said was needed for it to work. If she knew what kind of crystal it was, then the book he'd given her should have explained everything, or the new spectrum of color it sported as it reflected the light from outside the van. There were many mana crystals in the reference books each of which possessed their own unique qualities. Some where dangerous and should never be handled or given to even adept level mages, while others were harmless voids to magic that simple sucked in spells and enchantments. She simply had a possibly edible mushroom which looked like a few poisonous ones from her guide reference.

To her chagrin, the solitary moment had been interrupted when the door to the driver side clicked as the man who had her for the time being returned. She could only see the company suit he wore from her position she hoped he was a neutral party, because she essentially had been abducted. Knowing she couldn't bother to explain magic to someone and not get sent to a mental health facility.

Sitting up straight as she held the large bump with a neck beginning to feel the side effects from landing, the man immediately put two ice cold silver cans into her face, "You better use these to calm the inflammation there, I'd say you'd look like a unicorn if the horn there was not bulbous and nubbish." he chuckled.

"Serak!? Oh wow, I can't believe its you who found me! That makes this whole thing easier to deal with." she received the beverages and sought the relief they offered.

"Quite right and in the flesh, I must say that was quite a show. With disappearing into the earth and on top of the van all what not. If that was not magic than I'm just a hatchling in the coop." he smiled before turning the engine on and buckling up.

"Wait? Where you tagging along with me in case something happened? Did Yellow not trust me? Even though I did sort of fail in the end..." she withered in spirit as the chilly wet cans began to lessen the pain.

"You can understand his position right? It wasn't that he didn't trust you per say as to who you'd run into. Which you did as you admitted and that shows character! So cheer up lov, that Shimmer is none the wiser so no harm done... unless you include the magic use right in front of her." he pulled the cab into waiting position so an opening in traffic could let them in.

"I don't know what happened, it all started when I touched the portal and..." she tried to explain.

"What!? The portal is actually real did you say?" he blurted out and quickly put the vehicle in reverse before someone pulled up behind him.

Sparkle lurched in her seat with the two freezing drinks nearly slipping out of her hand from the gas he put into the engine. They ended up parked backwards in a nice spot in the corner of the lot away from eyes and others, that was when he turned to look at her with serious intent.

"You said you found it, the portal... its real?" he repeated himself no longer the cheery personality he'd normally shown.

Taken aback she stammered, "Y... yes I did, it's their mascot in front of the school... the device he made me build found it quickly. Why? You act like it didn't really exist?" drops of water dripped off her nose and down her cheeks from the condensation forming on her impromptu ice pack.

Serak stared into her eyes knowing he jumped a little over her, but the find was miraculous at best from his own studies into the gateway home. He supposed Yellow simply wished the idea to be true without any real concrete information, but the spells used to send them to this world should have been a one way tunnel through space and time. For an anchor point to exist which they knew when the Equestrian started to arrive to help the humans against their foes, it wasn't feasible to assume the mages or the Arcana actually wanted to bridge the two worlds. Yet the fact had now been proven and the chase scene gave weight, Equis had a way home but likely wouldn't be alone unguarded. In his mind, on the other side likely had to be many guards and battle magicians to prevent illegal passage. Though the thought of the amount of time that had to have passed by now meant things may not be as they seem?

"Ma'am, its not that... merely it in how we were all sent here. Physically speaking we should not have a way back since the banishment spell were all one way gates to here. Think of it like this, humans of the allied forces were able to reduce the number of fuel ignited deaths of their pilots in the pacific theater because of what kind of material used to line the interior of the fuel reservoirs?" he looked to her with a slight grin to see if she knew her stuff.

"Um, rubber, an expanding bladder with a thick density which when penetrated by enemy munitions would seal the puncture and completely remove the fumes that could accumulate over an operational duration of time. Which unlike the Japanese fighters, who'd burst into fireballs from either of the two exploding from the weak spot. So your saying the natural barriers between parallel universes act like a rubber bladder?" she answered slightly confused at where the metaphor was going.

Serak nodded, "Mages who banished us essentially opened into this plane and deposited us here, using an immense amount of magic to squeeze us through where the rubber sealed off any signs of an exit. Normally to even keep a portal going between universes would require likely a legion of mages to sustain for a few minutes or countless crystals to house stored mana. What you found was something Yellow theorized when the Equestrians were able to cross over at their will when needed the last couple of times. They either have an artifact that can sustain the portal using the Ley Lines or contains enough stored magic to do so. Which means we do have a way back without a doubt! The giddy kipper I must seem by now!" the man's mouth contorted into a very off putting grin nearly going ear to ear.

"A magical artifact that could house that much magical potential? From what the book told, I can see the application in energy production far superior and cleaner than nuclear reactors. I wonder if it could be replicated but then the need to recharge them comes into play, making it nothing more than a battery?" her mind went to work.

"Now now, we haven't made any connections yet so we should celebrate with this victory first! You just found a solid way home or at the very least a beacon we can open up forcefully. That puts us a step closer to leaving this prison." he patted her shoulder from his seat.

He had a point, there was a stack of unread materials and there she was already trying to create a new power source with an unknown energy. A proper person of science takes chances, but first they understand the material and the means to which to achieve the end before running tests. Serak seemed to know that inherently, to which she made a side note to talk to him for a moment and see who he was when the time came.

"I guess your right. Back to the books I guess, were you going to drop me off at Crystal Prep?" the metal cans were beginning to cause her discomfort, leading to the need to withdraw them for a moment before reapplying them.

"I'd offer to drop... you... off..." he trailed off as she found herself under a surprised inspection.

Feeling awkward at the silence and the way the man then seemed stunned at her very visage, she shied away and put the cans back in place. Had her injury really looked that bad?

"I didn't think I landed that hard, should... I got to a hospital?" Sparkle asked cowing away.

With a short whistle not like a cat call, Serak gave a hand out as if to shake hers, "I can now honestly say I've met another like me. Welcome Twilight Sparkle, welcome to the world of magic!"

She tilted her head as if seeing him smeared with tomato sauce and doused with feathers from a pillow. First, he gave her the weirdest stare and all of the sudden he's became a teacher on the stage of a graduation ceremony. He seems to think she had woven a spell or even a simple illumination charm a beginner could do, yet she simple sat there and accepted the canned beverages and used them to soothe her head which no longer ached as it did. Her eyes studied him even further as if to find a joke in there at her expense, yet his hand never left its position.

"Opps, my apologies there, your bruise I just assumed you used a tissue repair spell for a moment. Go ahead and touch it again, you'll find you won't need those anymore. Cor blimey! We could use them to celebrate!" he withdrew his hand as he watched her hesitantly follow his advise.

Eyes widened as she dropped one of the drinks in her lap and felt the flat, smooth, painless surface of her forehead devoid of harm. It was moist and dripping from the lingering dew, the look of blank intrigue captivated the girl as both hands were feeling for the so called horn. No mark or bump formed even more questions for her now though Serak seemed to think she had caste a healing spell upon herself. She never recanted the phrases or written sigils in ink on her self or paper. Had she somehow taken in mana from somewhere recently and performed the spell without even knowing it?

"I... I don't... understand how or why? I didn't do anything! Why is the bruise gone!? It should be even bigger!" she slowly started to hyperventilate until Serak's hand gripped her left shoulder and shook it softly.

His steely eyes beheld shaky ones, softening the anxiety with a smile that calmed her down as a anchor her "Relax little one, using magic in itself can be done in many ways, both through words and physical depictions. However, there are innate spells that a user can caste on themselves in times of danger, at the least of them self repair spells much how like the body uses white blood cells to attack infection. How you have mana to begin with is puzzling indeed, your human after all so there must be an artifact at work as with what happened to me. I can only assume that machine you hang off your neck to be the culprit, you said Yellow helped you construct it?"

She assumed everyone within his circle knew by now, especially after what she spied on back at the museum. Though in all honesty if they were leading lives to cloak themselves and around the town, having everyone on par would be a daunting task until a proper network had been established and so far it was only a day since.

"He said it should just detect the portal magic, I'm guessing in a way like the magic detector used for defensive purposes. He has one of those in his office at the museum. You know the one with a void stone? But we put in a crystal in place of one of those since he had none, guess that's why he said it should just do this and left the discussion open?" she meekly grinned.

"I don't know enough about crystals in casting since I had been exiled before my studies delved into that field. I can say that if one uses a crystal that is not specifically made for a specific use it can have side effects, taking into account it true designation. If you found the portal, something might have been drawn and trapped through transference into the quartz crystal." he explained before a horn went off behind them signalling that they needed to open up the parking space in the now busy gas station.

As the taxi pulled up to merge into oncoming traffic Twilight had an epiphany, "So it worked like a void stone, the detector spell pulled in magic and the crystal can store a portion of it? Wow! Real life magic and I just unconsciously used it to heal myself! OHHHH!!!!" she shrilled loudly enough for Serak to flinch as he pulled into the main street, "My theories on medical applications are alive and real! Cancer! Pollution caused illnesses! Tropical diseases! Maybe even birth defects and genetic disorders on top of degenerative diseases of old age! Its the venerable fountain of youth in my hands!" her excitement began to make the little machine glow brighter with each passing moment though it went unnoticed.

Leaving the young human girl to her mirth and jubilation, Serak simply shook his head as he recalled how he reacted when he found that tome and changed his life just the same. All the problems he could fix for the dynasty and his emperors economic problems at the time, the hopes and dreams of his fellow citizens and help expand his people's lives and prosperity for generations to come. The key difference here would be how humanity would view it, with open arms or like his own when she would inevitably bring this new 'technology' to the world. At least for now she still had high hopes and dreams, and his wishes that she'd find a way to give magic to her race in a way that they'd accept were with her. Though perhaps if the same ill fate befell her righteous attempts, she'd at least have allies back home well after they departed.

"Well now that your quite enthusiastic with the future prospects, where shall we take you? Back to school or home?" he looked into the rear view mirror and beheld a worrying scene.

Feeling refreshed from the actual credible data and application testing she had just unwittingly taken, she brushed a stray bang from her face and gave a wide joyous smile "Crystal Prep please? I can't really go missing for too long or else someone might suspect something."

Though she wasn't met with an affirmative of some kind, instead another near dead eye stare as he tried to keep an eye on the road. Serak had not been able to stay the wheel enough as he slammed on the breaks when they reached a red light, barely missing colliding with the car up front. Her seat belt kept her in place from the jerk of the momentum.

"This has just gotten very dodgy now. Not sure how... to say this but... look in the mirror." he pointed to the glass as he tried to catch his breath from nearly causing a rough fender bender.

"What do you mean? Is there some kind of other side effect to magic I don't... know... abou..." without further notice she beheld the reflection in the small piece he had angled for her.

Remarkably, immediately she gazed upon a spiral horn of pure ice blue brilliance, measuring what had to be a foot and a half jetting straight from where the bruise had been. The inner groove that gave the unworldly construct of energy its semblance of a unicorns horn as the red book described. Her thick black glasses had shone as they were manipulated by some other force into merely a simple mask that provided her eyesight with the necessary visual aid. Like those odd disguises worn during the Victorian era at the mascaraed balls hosted by nobility, feathers and shimmering gems. There were no lenses, she assumed the strange transformation she underwent without sensation automatically compensated her needs. Though what became all the more startling had been the wings she now sported that twitched with her uneasiness. Unlike any other person who'd freak out by the mere horn itself, she felt oddly familiar with the development.

Had this been the magic she sought since Yellow came to her? Was this magic? Had what she seen in her mind, that pocket dimension all been because of the device which took magic and gave it to her like it were second nature?

Loud horns honking shook her of her stupor as the form she'd taken vanished in a shower of sparkling rain which lingered no longer than a fraction of a breath. Once again she was Twilight Sparkle the human being in her disguise she wore to infiltrate Canterlot High. It had been a brief sliver of her life, but at that moment she changed by the mere metamorphosis and Serak knew it all too well. The device no longer shone like it had before, it grew dark and dead like a lifeless doll on a string. Though she felt no energy or spontaneous life, she had indeed experienced a level of magic she knew she wanted and yet had been totally unprepared for.

"I have to say, your as much of a wildcard as the Adagio Dazzle. I guess Yellow was right in forwarding the schedule, he definitely had his reasons..." the man noted still in awe as the traffic lane moved forward in the green light.


"We're going to have to see Yellow Tail, he needs to know about this." Serak said as he inputted the directions into the GPS device on the dash.

The Blacktip Club: Jazz Night

The venue had been a complete success, a couple hundred paying customers had been brought under the infamous songs of the Dazzlings and left the place in complete ruin. People were filling out after participating in the biggest mosh pit of fighting and arguments they would allow, and the interior suffered greatly for it. By Adagio's will the people destroyed the bar, let fist fights become violent enough to put holes in the drywall, and essentially ended the business for good. This was the start of her new self, the need to bring ruin and discord from places of relaxation and fun. The negative energy had been topped off with the wonderful garnish of the owners coming out of their haze and crumbling over the repairs replacements they'd have to handle. Even as the girls vacated the area, their gems were still absorbing lingering emotions which cured Adagio of her hand injuries.

"Wow, you really stepped it up this time, for a moment there... I thought we were going to really bring out their darker sides?" Aria noted as she whipped her stylized pigtails around, her ocean blue leather punk jacket's straps waving in the breeze of the night air.

"Ya, when those people started trying to dig through the wall, I kinda thought we were stepping over our line?" with fingers nervously whittling themselves, Sonata bit her lower lip hoping Adagio was not on a hot streak of such chaos.

"Fret not my sirens, we're simply giving what this city needs to release their pent up monsters within. All those people were cubicle workers and part timers at fast food joints anyways, those type of humans are the most stressed out. Funny how they just needed a little push! And all their hate and sorrow over wasted lives comes pouring out." her steps became softened as they conveyed her moment of giddiness from the feeding.

"Good thing then that the convention is soon, otherwise we're destroying the only places we could perform with cover." Blaze said as they headed off to the bus stop a block away with a few other of the patrons who had been their meal.

Not even a bother to look back, "Then we simply take a ride to another town if it becomes an issue and use this place as our base of operations if things were not as they were of course. You remember how big this planet is, far more pigs to the slaughter here than Equestria. Needless to say, I'm very happy having my body back. It's been seriously annoying not being able to do our routines as they should."

'So much for concern and planning.' Aria pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance.

"So you can like move them and the little fingers too?" Dusk tilted her head to look over around the curly hair in the way.

"Flex, grip, twist, and rise. Everything is back in order and as it should be, to which I might add let us get some of those tacos your so fond of Sonata deary. We'll eat before going home and before we hit the other two clubs tomorrow." she splayed her arms out to her sides as if to show off their rejuvenated condition.

As the cerulean girl bounced for joy, Aria simple wanted to vomit in her mouth. Never before had their Adagio Dazzle be so off character, never once did she cater to either of their wants or desires save for that one moment. It had always been do this and follow that plan, then failure and restarting the whole method again. Indeed they had much to their benefit with the new gems and a possible way back home, but something told her deep down that whatever Twilight walked into had needed to come out and be remembered. They knew why she had such a drive to conquer Equestria, losing her family could do that to anything.

As much as it pained her to admit it, when Sonata and her found the two in such an embrace it meant something broke and shattered. The bad side to that, without being able to remember releasing that sore to heal she would only resume her old ways and give into them even more so than ever. As it were, they were taking huge chances though unlike what they did during their first victories starting with Aquestria and so on. Those were city state in a world of magic, using their own gems and level heads to get to the top. Aria could perceive the wrongs here, the human race were not something to take lightly without the possibility of it coming back with a vengeance. They were already lucky enough to realize the security systems and remove their presence, but the more negative energy they fostered there would be a chance they'd incite something they might not be able to contain or feed from. Unlike ponies or even the minotaurs, humanity could shed blood if given the chance to percolate that far. With the way she pushed the boundaries this time, they might be front stage to the theater of the monkeys in their primal state.

She kept her place behind Adagio as they arrived at the stop and boarded the next bus, all the while the ditzy fool spouted off on all the reasons why she loved that strange ugly food item. As if she had to listen to finger nails on a blackboard, she bit her tongue so as to avoid angering her leader with the way she had been acting.

The swaying from the old shocks and the few potholes failed to distract the topic of their next meal, "Oh! You have to try their quesadilla avocado hot cruncher buster! They fold the taco with another stuffed with avocado and more cheese so it balances out the pepper juice that gives it the signature diablo fire. Ohhhh I've never tasted anything better than that!" her voice echoed in the barely occupied transit vehicle as she sat next to the lavender corset wearing teenager.

"Yes yes, I'm sure the humans can make something that fries the tongue I won't second guess that. You can get what you like as will I." she daintily patted Sonata on the head to quiet her down as well as it worked.

Sitting back into her seat and frowned out the window, 'Gotta get Twilight's number before bed, text her to help fix all this before things go south.' she silently contemplated in the seat behind the two.

"Oh! I almost forgot, Twilight sent me a message that she found the portal to home already, isn't that cool? She said it was that giant rock horse thing in the front of the building. There's so much magic there you can actually feel it!" Sonata's words stiffed her lone listener who simply locked her eyes to the front of the bus.

Both her and Aria were unsure of what to make of it, but it seemed as if something was brewing or she simply took the news rather well. Whichever it was, Dazzle began to make them feel unease as she simple went into a trance until the squealing breaks of the bus stopping at the fast food spot that shook her from the mental lapse. A couple of the interior lights flickered as their ride halted with a jerk and the prerecorded message spoke loudly through the outdated speakers.

"Uh... our trip ends here unless we're not eating?" Aria spoke up as the bus driver gave the five minute courtesy pause before the doors would shut.

Sonata having not been the type to miss out on her addictive habit nudged Adagio who seemed to be searching for the right words to speak with. Her prodding soon met with a backhand slap to cease the act, which by then Dazzle rose up and calmly walked down the center to the front. With the others scrambling to catch up they noticed their disturbed leader begin to hum and sing a jolly tune as she neared the driver.

'Alright, something's up since she heard about that, she better not do something stupid that would make Sonata the smarter one of the two!' Aria sighed.

The music had been the level that could capture a person with the soft lullaby, as she stopped just next to the operator and looked him in the eye. The portly man in his dull blue uniform of the city, with the Equestrian symbol on the cap and shirt pocket to verify his employment looked at her with dilated pupils. Hands gripping the steering wheel as if a part of him were trying to resist, Adagio then caressed his right arm before leaving out the folding door. No sooner had all three of them left had the vehicle chugged on its way and kept gaining speed. Even as Adagio began to walk to the giant taco food truck parked not thirty feet away with its taco sign shining brightly, Aria stood and watched things unfold.

She knew Adagio did something and what she witnessed shook her, Sonata torn between following either of them while also sensing something was wrong. Ignoring the panicking girl, Blaze tracked the large red, white, and blue transport plow through the red light and slam on its breaks in a cacophony of metal on metal followed by the eruption of horns blaring and the clash of colliding cars and trucks. With her feet firmly frozen in place, the scene became a huge traffic accident where the tall tell green haze began to flow freely like a mountain springs steam during winter. Most of which had begun to flow towards them as their gems greedily sucked in the disaster.

'We have to deal with this now! She'll send the entire town into chaos before we even get home at this rate. Gotta be her thinking of this place as if it were Canterlot, why am I the only smart one here!? Geez...' she screamed in her mind as she caught up just in time to catch Adagio and Sonata just about to place their order for food before a shocked chef that kept looking to the accident down the road.

"Sonata, get what you'd like and as much as you want. We'll order after you." Dazzle stepped aside with a sweet kind smile to calm the worried pod mate into being goaded.

"Uhhh... thanks?" she flinched when a hand gestured to step ahead to the distracted waiting pen and paper for their orders.

Ch. 28 What Haunts in the Dark

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Ch. 28 What Haunts in the Dark

After Principle Celestia authorized the roster and supplied a few things for them, she gave the trio a wishful hope that the schools pride and spirit would be reinstated. She sent them off with a key to the gym and a slip to give to Coach Iron to allow them access after hours. Though the one thing they were provided which was the most valuable were the game events they were to begin training for, and this years special course was astounding enough alone.

"Wow, I can't believe they could afford this! Can you imagine the insurance? Let alone the cost to build it." Rose read through the details with wide eyes like a kid eyeing a new gaming console.

"I know, archery with moving targets, a roller derby, then a dirt bike race! Its a whole Tri-Cross-Relay event and they're building it in the second soccer field that's barely even used. Not sure how we're going to train for the last part, but the first should be simple. Coach has the archery equipment from his youth he could lend us, and I think there's a girl's derby club around the school somewhere we could ask for help. All the other events are simple tests, basic class work I'm sure we can ace or at least create a stalemate." Sunset said as she passed the sheet to Flash.

"I might know a few people who own their own motor bike park on private property, since we only need two for that race it should not be a problem asking for a favor." he smiled to the two before going over the information himself.

"Good, whose going to do what though? You and Flash seem to be the best suited for the bike event, Rainbow and Pinkie Pie for the roller derby since they have the most energy of the group, and Applejack with Fluttershy for the the target shoot because they're the most level headed. What will Rarity be doing?" Luck asked which had Sunset tapping her chin for a moment as they passed by a few groups of students meandering in the hallway.

"I know, she'll be the sub for any of the games just in case we have an accident or someone can't play, and I don't mean for the first half of the events. I doubt we'll get hurt in the cook off or the chemistry portion. Which means she'll need to come with us to the that park you mentioned Flash, she'll need to learn and be trained like us." Sunset grinned knowing the prim and proper lady would have quite the time with the messy sport.

He looked away from the paper and nodded to her, "There's still not a problem, I think Mud Slinger would only disagree if we took the whole troop though. I'll give him a call and make sure we can use it first off, my dad could drive us over. He's been dying to get on a bike for ages since he repairs them for side cash now and then." he chuckled before catching a slight glimpse of a few looks from the girls and boys towards the former queen bee of the school.

"Great! So we have what we need to start training and in some cases studying, the principle even gave us passes from tests in all our classes just for the games. Seems even she wants us to win just as well." she replied taking the paper he handed to her and folding them up to stow away in her black jacket.

Having heard not long from them that the games would stress them out enough besides watching out for hooligans, the excuses from heavy studying would remove some of the workload. Celestia had essentially permitted them to maybe even seek out the hidden evil lurking around. With the games putting them all together for a longer duration of time, Sunset foresaw a possible chance to find another stranger seeking either them or something else. As they locate whatever their efforts are geared towards, she was sure they'd make mistakes and they would be there to catch them. She wouldn't be taking much of a break from her own hunt though, even if she wanted to it would have been short lived before diving back into the librarium she'd recently reinforced with wards when she felt enough mana had recuperated. Even if she did enjoy the time with Rose and Sentry, she still had a mission and from what has so far attacked and stolen meant there would never be rest.

So far she was alone leading the only magical capable group that could stop whatever evil plans were being followed. Discord's little joy out of this furthered her hopes the enemy would show up soon and sow chaos as the spirit seemed to feel would come. She couldn't help but feel like they were in some crazy late night skit for a comedy show, the joke slowly unraveling even if it brought them the pain of the prank.

As they reached the junction for which they would need to part to their next classes, it was then that Shimmer realized she left her supplies for her Greek Literature lessons. She'd be in trouble without the three translated stories with the way Brilliant Teller hosted her course, a stickler for the prepared and bane to the lacking.

"I guess we'll have to see each other after school, I gotta head back to my locker before next period. Otherwise I don't think those passes will guard against extra homework from Teller, you know her record around here?" she giggled as Rose gave her a farewell hand slap and shake much of the other kids often did.

"Stay safe, I'll text if I can make it after school, maybe you and Flash can stop by my home tonight for dinner? Mom's cooking up this awesome meal and we don't have room for left overs in the fridge." Luck asked as the two let go.

Flash nodded in agreement, "Ya I think that'll be fine, I'll let my folks know before fifth period. How about you Sunny?" his little nickname for her caused a little blush of shyness out of her.

"Eh, ya! I'm game! Not like I eat with anyone else every night? Text us when you want us to arrive okay? I'll see you guys later! Gotta run!" she looked away trying to avoid showing the red cheeks and awkward smile.

"Promise to have Slinger's say about the field, so don't tell the girls anything just yet! Good luck!" he smiled, watching Sunset jogged away flustered.

Rose grinned as she observed the boy follow her form before out of sight, "You and her are quite the best friends now? You get along so well, probably more than her friends."

He shook his head and looked at her, a hand rubbing the back of his neck, "You think? Hard to believe not long ago she use to be the demon of Canterlot High, now she's... she's like anyone else here. Striving to get somewhere in life and just trying to be helpful, just happy I can help her through it. We both know the school still has a little resistance to her still."

Luck rolled her eyes and huffed, "Ya, people around here hold a grudge that goes without saying. That's why she needs us, and why your important to her you know that?"

"I'm sorry? I'm not sure I follow?" he dropped his hand and gazed at the soft hues of red and pink locks as they shook to her head.

Chuckling, "Your like the only other boy she trusts enough, and the only one who still stood by her after what happened at the dance. For a girl, a best friend is everything to her, and being her ex gives a sort of... solace to confide in. Tell me, I've heard you had a thing for that Twilight Sparkle who saved us twice now. Is it true?" she looked around as the hall cleared out.

Sentry watched her stroll step by step closer to him until they were face to face, unfamiliar with how to react to the proximity. He wanted to ask her what she was doing, as it felt like she was trying to hit on him in a weird way as it seemed. Yet before he could speak, a strange pleasant smell of some kind of flower tickled his nose and locked him up. It tingled, nearly sending his mind flipping over in his skull as if vertigo were kicking in, but all in all he felt amazing.


He swayed in place like a rocking palm tree gently in a soft wind, "I... like her, she's done... cool things for us... kind and almost as if she has an innocent look... everything about our world... so new to her. But..."

"But what?"

Though still racked with the high forced upon him there was not a sign of holding back, "She's not here... only when possible... when we need help to stop... evil. When I see her... want to spend time... as much as possible before... she leaves. I look forward to each time... but every other month... I like Sunset though... I can talk to her as much as I can... easy to find and spend time..."

Rose grinned at the admission, "So you really like her like her? I mean again that is."

"Yes, she's cute... very smart... tries to help anyone she can even though... no one really has forgiven her... I'm drawn to that... be there for her and a good friend... maybe... maybe we could still..." the sounds of students coming into their vicinity had Luck curse under her breathe and stepped away from the boy.

The trio of little teenagers were absorbed in whatever they were going to do next to find their talent and futures in. Of course a minor verbal tiff broke out at the mere mention of glue or adhesive for a job that the one who belonged to the farm girl mentioned of. The little anger from the messy haired runt of the group ensured they missed Flash coming out of the sensational haze, leaving into another wing to whatever class they headed to.

Rose patted his right arm and smiled, "Hey we'll be late if we dally around, keep an eye on your phone after three. I'll send the time to come over with Sunset, I'd walk together though because there's been word of a vicious dog on the loose. Wouldn't want to be caught alone with it."

As she left, Flash gave a slight groan as if something felt empty inside, "Ya... sure thing! See you later."

By now students were mostly in their classrooms, allowing Sunset to walk alone save for the one student either dashing to make attendance or meandering at their own pace. She reached her door in no time and set about unlocking the combination, thinking about all they had to do for the upcoming games. Wondering if she'd learn a thing or two from Flash, and spending some more time with him with the mechanical bicycles that seemed fun enough to try even as a past time. She'd be lying if she didn't desire the social bond with him even if it could never be anything more with his eye on the Princess of Equestria and Friendship.

As she grabbed the books and the notepad for the class, the corners of her eyes picked up something. A flutter through the grill vents of the metal door on the right that then lead to another movement on the left side of her. Which at first she guessed it was just some kid who could pass through a hallway without breaking the usual quietness, there were the few gifted stealth kids. Her good mood clouded the cautionary behavior, letting the mind forgo as she closed the door and reset the lock. Turning around, the next designation set the boots marching on with a ignorant mind piloting them.

The clocks that were bolted to the walls close to the ceiling which dotted every other section told her she still had five minutes till the bell would ring. Enough for her to continue contemplating the games that were soon at hand and the scheduling she needed to make for practice. Going over in her head limits of each of her friends, it was then that the sound of something scraping against the waxed floors began to grow through the silence and muffled noises behind classroom doors. Of course she couldn't pay any attention, even as a light thud began to echo hitting the floor far away like a sledgehammer hitting clay slowly and methodically. Something rough irritated the walls like sandpaper, a dense and stone-like scraping added to the chorus.

"Excuse me!" someone called out with a struggle in their voice, just soon enough that Sunset awoke from her thoughts to avoid colliding with Citrus Walker.

Startled, she stepped aside as the boy who carried a hefty stack of books in his lanky arms waddled past her just as his body were to give out any second. Using whatever energy he had as his arms, he forced himself to where ever he headed to stomping all the way to avoid dropping the texts to keep his balance. She noticed that if those fell, he'd have a near impossible task of lifting them again, it was then she saw something black snake down the hallway intersection down her original route. Just about to ask Citrus if he needed help, everything stopped for her as she realized what that was and what was stalking her once more.

" not again..." she stumbled backwards as the sound of the nightmare beast finally reached her attention.

It sounded huge, yet not as big as it had been if it were able to skulk the corridors as it seemed to be doing. That should have steeled her resolve, knowing the thing wasn't real and just a curse that could not harm a single hair on her. Yet the impending fear from so long a time under the effect of the hex seemed to have stolen it, a powerful weaponized spell this had to be to do such a thing to her. Where reality seemed to blend with the imagination seamlessly, could she strengthen her mind to will the false dragon away like it were the fear from the aftermath of a horror movie?

Whispering to herself knowing no one would see it but her, "As Discord said, your just a dream for the waking world. Your just a dream and I have class to attend, begone from me demon born of hate and disharmony!"

Continuing to step away amid the closing sounds emanating from the black scaly monstrosity, it became clear she had to try harder or risk another traumatic event of nearly being eaten. Sweat started to bead on her flesh as the cooling sensation from the anxiety became noticeable.

"I am not yours to control, I'm not trapped in this with you... your trapped in here with..." she tried to stand against the impending terror until a three taloned claw shot around the left corner of the junction into the main hall.

Silver claws dug into the wall as the grip from the huge appendage anchored itself. The grisly head she knew like the back of her hand made its appearance in its horrific glory of spiked plates and horns, concrete from the wall began to crumble to the ground like a crispy cookie crushed in the palm of a hand. Her eyes did not miss that bit of detail, though she at first scoffed at the added nuance as the curse seemed to adapt to her ever awakening mind. The vile beings that hexed her would pay for the damage they'd done, it seemed they were really after her for whatever reason.

"A little thing like that won't change it... your still not real and that wall is still normal. I wasn't born yesterday!" a sharp grin formed as she felt like an upper hand had been gained hoping it would vanish soon.

"Why is the wall cracking like that?" she heard the familiar sweetie belle ask from down the right wing of the junction.

Applebloom and her two friends were making their appearance and pondered at the falling pieces of the school structure. The reptile did not tear its putrid glare from her even as the teenagers squinted at the rubble and damage, just remaining still as it snarled loud enough to send her heart racing even more.

"Huh? Strange ain't it?" Applejack's little sister asked tilting her head as more small bits fell in sync with the tightening vice of the spear-like claws.

"Hey, maybe we should try to become construction workers! Maybe that's our calling! You know, build a few stuff and boom! We'll head the next construction of the world's tallest sky scraper!" Applebloom proposed as she gently elbowed Rarity's sister.

"I think they have cement in the janitors closet for repairs, maybe we can fix this up and patch it for the principle. See what happens after that?" the alabaster young girl noted which the other two then high fived.

In unison they completed their usual catchphrase and joined hands, "Talent Crusaders Builders! Yay!"

The young students were off in a fraction of time without noticing Shimmer sporting a ghastly look. If what had just happened really did occur, if those girls were real too, then she had little reason to trust that this was about to end like it always did.

"You... may not be real but... I think I'm late for class!" she nearly made for a sprint to escape as her legs drove her away, the dragon growled and bared its fanged maw through scaly lips at the prey item.

The obsidian beast let loose a roar which sent a rumble through the air to which even she couldn't evade after turning down hallway after hallway. A thunderous call to signal its pursuit so guttural her teeth chattered in her mouth, winged arms forcing its bulk towards the scampering prey like a cat to a mouse echoed with each pounce. All along the way, its claws punctured the painted cinder block walls, it gained attention from even the most noisiest class or through the volume of a documentary being played. Though most figured it was some student going to class and making the sound as some tended to do from having too much energy, slapping a book or ruler along doors just to annoy the teachers.

Shimmer eventually reached the stairs nearly losing her literature in the process as she slid into the main hall, not wanting to test out how real the hex was attempting to be if it was at all. Even if she wished those girls were just apart of the hex, it would have been all to much for her to believe the curse evolved to that extent. She knew her spell casting well enough, and something like that needed the original caster to add more mana. No one out of the norm was around so the only other option had to be something else entirely or so she hoped.

Launching herself up the stairs, leaping three steps for every reach of her heel she raced as if her life would end as soon as the Wyvern caught her. Her throat started to go hoarse from breathing so hard, the heart aching from the adrenaline as the fell beast slammed into the main hall below having sped out of the wing from where she traveled from. Giving it a quick glance behind her, its heavy bulk had impacted the opposite wall where a few posters hung for events old and new, and some were shorn off the surface by its insidious spiked form.

"Your not real! Your not real! Not real at all!" she huffed heavily as she reached the top and dashed onward.

The vicious looking viper eyes locked onto her head right before it disappeared from its vantage, with a quick snort of air through its nostrils it skipped on the floor forward before springing up in a graceful manner. The grasping talons crunched the safety rails with powerful muscles, then bent them over the ledge as it strengthened its momentum to shoot over the stairs with its heft. The lively spiked tail whistled as it cut through the air, complementing its gurgling snarl that sent Shimmer into overdrive by the speed of her attacker breathing down her back. Forty feet away and the thing had simple caught up with her effortlessly.

A few doors down and she hoped the class filled with students would banish it from her mind, hoping its new tangible form wouldn't continue through it and harm everyone in there. Being in a flight or fight mode, she embraced the flight seeing as there was little to nothing she could do to stand against it.

"Just a little more!!" she shouted to herself as the door came within reach and her hands went out to grasp it.

By now she was not the most subtle one trying to make it before the bell, her boots were slamming the floor in her rush and it drew attention. A lone teacher with a stack of freshly printed papers for her pop quiz had nearly avoided being in the unfortunate bulldozers pathway, saved by mere seconds of taking a moment to look at the sheets for errors. The rush of air had the older woman track the blur before her and nearly had her scolding the student before the floor before her was gouged out. A cloud of dust and spray of pebbles and crumbs left in the wake as more scars formed behind the student.

The damage continued after the girl she'd known as Sunset Shimmer, her more earlier days as a student of the school were an unforgettable mark on her record as were the reports by students. The wall to the left of the girl had been violently injured as if some kind of ghost had set its rampage upon her and shore off an emergency fire alarm panel. The behemoth only the girl could see barreled till it neared the prize, a mouth opened wide ready to clamp down on the frail little body. The dragons mouth salivated with drips and strings of digestive enzymes shaking side to side with its momentum. Its last and final hiss deafening to her, even as she skidded to a stop and yanked the doorknob open, diving inside and slamming behind her completely out of breath in front of a very startled classroom.

While many eyes gazed upon her as she panted, the instructor broke the awe of the intrusion, "I dare say that is quite unbecoming of your Mrs. Shimmer! I suggest you don't do that again! Or I will send you to the principles office post haste!" she threatened with a fowl look of dismay.

Before the poor unfortunate could respond even in a timid manner, the glass view window in the door shattered as something scratched the entrance. Sending Sunset to the ground as shards from the impact had her falling forward with a yelp of shock with the door itself pounded against the locking mechanism with the loudest sound. If the students in the room could act more stunned than before, the bar was now too high to surpass. What was more, the door slowly creaked open as the latch of the knob had been ruined beyond recognition. Everyone including a bewildered Sunset watched as the beaten door stopped as it stopped at a ninety degree angle to reveal the extent of the scene. A gash of two long lines along the surface made evident something dangerous had dealt the blow, no more real than their own two eyes. Even the teacher was appalled by the development as she slowly stepped towards Shimmer to help her up and away, the other professor outside in the hall met her questing gaze with the same astoundment that nearly caused her paper stack to fall out of her hands.

No one had words for what transpired, and it was a good thing they were all too focused on the poor doorway to see Shimmer pale and scared. Nor would they as the sounds of other students calling out about the damage outside and further away made sure of it. This was something she couldn't bring herself to to even register, what was going on?

Downtown Equestria 8pm

Sitting in the taco trucks array of simple tables and steel chairs with an umbrella overhead for cover from the elements. The Dazzlings partook in their impromptu meal where not far down the road the chaos had begun to grow as the enraptured bus driver seemed to keep backing up and going forward into the mash of collided vehicles causing continuous mayhem. The yelling of the police who were already on the scene were trying to get inside, failing as the agonizing metal screamed reached all the way to their table. With the dark sky lit up with blue and red from the patrol cars along with the headlights of every vehicle jammed in the mashed intersection.

As their stomachs were in the process of being filled just as with their gems through the negative emotions of the unfortunate victims and their insurance premiums. Only Adagio seemed to believe all was well with the world as she happily bit into her grilled beef with its chewy texture. She seemed to be ignorant to her fellow sirens and their trepidation with exercising their abilities so blatantly. Even now, Aria feared that the pesky Rainbooms would soon catch onto them and go so far as to blast them once again right there on the sidewalk. That threat was not off the table as news copters and the beating of their blades soon graced the area with their presence. If they were seen on TV, even if they were as innocent as one could be by simply eating now far from the incident, that Sunset Shimmer would seek them out the next day.

The only way to avoid it would be to somehow get a handle on Adagio. She had been trying to tell the clumsy oaf Sonata to get a hold of Sparkle with her phone, but each time she attempted to say anything she received a very dangerous looking glare from their slightly deranged matriarch. Whatever fear Sonata had of the golden siren went out the window as soon as she began to dig into the twelve stack platter that Dazzle allowed, it was her drug from what Aria could see as she lost any cooperation. Essentially she had the group incapacitated, with her ever observant eye there was little that could be done in secret.

'Guess this is karma for always getting on her for every little stupid thing she does, why did I not think to get that phone number!' she cursed herself as she took an unwilling bite of the spicy tortilla wrap dripping with sauce and poultry.

Assuming she could figure out where on her body the phone hid, she might be able to grab it and make the call herself. However, Adagio is the wild card who seemed easily capable of harming anyone, the look about her had begun to make the skin crawl. If the calamity she created down the road hinted at her motives for the night were anything that she might do the next day. Then somehow she'd get that phone before everything went south. Using every bit of memory she had, Aria glanced around for a pocket or small pouch on Sonata's attire she used constantly or might have had a button or strap loose.

"Such a nice way to end the day don't you think girls?" Adagio sighed as their gems possessed a faint hue from their continued siphoning of the conflict.

Yellow's Office

With the day just entering noon, Serak and Twilight stood at the museum side entrance for staff as per Yellow's order after they contacted him. Having used her phone to call him and ask for a meeting, she assumed he'd be sitting down to lunch about then and they would have no issues seeing the man. Although surprised by the suddenness, he asked them to wait a moment as he left his office to greet them since there were elementary schools crowding the halls on tours. They figured if they tried going in alone that getting lost would likely occur with scores of screaming shouting little girls and boys who'd weave through their path. Trying to find anyone to talk to that was not already busy corralling the cats would have killed too much time for them anyways.

For the moment, they stood in the inner area of the exterior to the facility, protected from the sun by the overlapping overhead of the third story held up by massive striated columns. The gray stone clean to the spot free of bird nests and droppings from daily cleaning crews, one of which they spotted packing up their van on the other side of the street. Awaiting on the right side of the building for Yellow, the two carried on a conversation about magic for Twilight's sake.

"All I'm saying is that since you hang out with the Dazzlings so often, if this device pulls magic in the way I think it does. There's a chance you'll be open to the more dangerous forms that a beginner cannot handle. If the potency of the siren stones are intense enough, you might fall prey to the same fate that befell them when they first lost their gems or those who became the very poster boy for evil sorcerers. The psychological side effects of dark magic are invasive as they are virulent." he warned as his hands fixed his uniform to be presentable.

"I... I understand, Yellow's guide had plenty of warning before even the first spells were shown or broken down to the glyphs and sigils that give them form. How harmless dark magic really is when used by a highly trained mind and spirit, similar to harnessing the raw elements of nature. I think this has to do with me being human in fact, how it interacts with mana. It's almost like we're made to use it, but as a passive use at the same time." she pondered while tapping her chin.

"Yellow's the one who will know, I'm just kinda glad you did that in our presence so we can guide you properly. If anyone knows the perils of being introduced to the arts, I'm quite the candidate. Hence why I pushed to get this to his attention now than later." a grin that conveyed his knowledge actually eased her about the situation, while she was absolutely overjoyed of wielding the power she also did not want to have a huge setback mentally or physically.

"Speaking of which, you never told us about yourself? Would you be willing to say anything now that I can use magic?!" she asked as the sound of a lock disengaging clicked from the entrance way.

He hummed for a second, "Guess I can give you a tid bit, my people are not magical creatures by nature like the ponies. Your kind and mine quite the same if you think about it, save for the wings and chimeric qualities. Other than that, dead in terms of magic capability... sad to think that of the griffons." he chuckled just as Yellow opened the double doors.

Before she could go into questions concerning the creature he detailed, Yellow had begun to beckon them inside as he wiped a bit of evidence of his meal he had been eating. Even as the two greeted him and followed his instructions, she wondered about what kind of creatures could cross over and turn into human beings. With thus far being sirens and griffons as well as the obscured identities of the rest of Yellow's gang. Was there some kind of strange magic at work that determined what something was once they crossed into her world?

"You've made it at just the right time, I'm actually on a very slow day concerning paperwork and meetings. So what can I help with? It must be something very interesting to come all the way out here with Serak." he said while locking the push door behind them before walking into the white halls with the echoing laughter of small children.

The loud corridors that lead to the massive exhibit halls reverberated the orchestra of blabber and crying which made anyone nearby cover their ears in pain. Security cameras dotted every corner recording every little thing in case there were accidents by unruly children or a vandal. Their quality of their make had Sparkle's admiration, constructed by a top security systems corporation who most sought for the reliable products. Oddly enough she discovered that company when she had been designing a mobile robocam that could patrol properties using GPS and respond to any kind of movement that broke its laser grid sensor network. Here she was sure the museum would have no issues with anyone damaging to stealing anything without being recorded for the police to apprehend.

As they turned into the main hall that led to his office thankfully devoid of school children, "Well sir, you'll have to let me give you everything in detail before you say anything, I'm happy to say we have our magician we had originally planned for. Mrs Sparkle here...".

Unsurprisingly the man stopped in place and almost had the young woman collide into him, "What?"

Nearly stumbling to a stop, "It's true, I was in my cab when she not only repaired a wound, but took on a transformation which gave out halfway into the process." Serak's voice held a bit of trepidation if she heard right, as if what she did wasn't a very good thing to have happened.

The suited official turned to both of them and slowly gazed over them, with no visible emotions discernible it put Twilight on edge from her previous joyous sense of the feat. The moment held as the piercing glare would ensured the truth as if it came from their very souls, with a huff Yellow adjusted his tie before resuming their route. Leaving the other two baffled as to what was going to happen to them when they were in that room with him.

"He's not... mad at me? Is he?" she asked a little shaky.

Serak looked to her and gulped, "Not sure, I do know he hates surprises. But I didn't think this was one of those cases. Just leave no details out okay? Better he knows everything now since he has a habit of planning ahead well in time."

"Seems like he's a bit of a perfectionist then?" she whispered as they stepped onwards a little behind.

Hoping he wouldn't hear them they maintained whispering and hand gestures as they talked closer to each others ears, "Considering the original plan had to be changed because of a spirit lingering around, and how he felt about the way Adagio acted, now you suddenly have magic. It makes a strategist a wee bit frustrated."

She nodded when a familiar incident happened to her during a project with an unstable chemical, "Just like when I tried creating a stabilizing glass for home use to contain chemical spills or old fluids that couldn't be dumped in the trash. The first shipment of materials had contaminants, so I had to alter the formula to compensate in order to avoid cracks and acidic erosion."

"Then your both familiar with the havoc it can cause." Serak said as they finally reached the door and entered to find Yellow Tail already taking a seat.

The entrance closed behind them as they took a seat in the pine wood chairs before his desk, waiting to be addressed by the stoic man. He put his forehead into cupped hands and seemed to be in the process of collecting himself before speaking, it seemed the latest bit of news was more of an impact than they thought.

Judging by the neatly stacked folders and paperback books scooted to the edges of the desk, Sparkle figured they reached him as he concluded his normal routines early in the day. With most of the museum consumed with tours, he was left to the paperwork to which he filed and completed before they called him. Luck seemed to be on their side in this moment of time, fortunate to have a slot of time where he could offer extended stay if things became far more involved.

The little clock on the wall ticked away to the left wall of Yellow's office desk, besides their breathing and occasional shift on their seats there were no other sounds. A faint whiff of food remained in the room, something very meaty and heavily seasoned had been consumed recently. Other than the glass of water under the ceiling lights, nothing much had changed since she was last present. Even the defensive piece of equipment stood proud where he had placed it, its mechanical function at tracking brought back the device still around her neck and how it had probably done what it did. Before she could consider anymore of the technical data, Yellow stirred and wore a smile that had the same softness of when he met her at Crystal Prep.

"So, we have magic Mrs. Sparkle is that correct?" he inquired simply as his hands clasped themselves together to rest on the wood surface beneath them.

She shook her head and returned a look of contentment, "Yes sir, I found the portal and somehow at that point this absorbed some of the latent mana. If what Serak believes is true?" she brought the scanner into view for both of them to inspect.

Their eyes almost bugged out when she mentioned the once mysterious gateway, "By the gods it was there! Oh this is going to ease things greatly. You have no idea how amazing this is! I expected the detection to take a few days before we found it after all? Your aid is well appreciated, but I must know what led to this magic ability? You said it had to do with the instrument?"

Seeing no further apprehension needed, she dove into the story from the beginning to their arrival in the parking lot of the museum. Mentioning the chase with the Sunset Shimmer earned a grimace from the man which was understandable, but their lucky escape meant she wouldn't pose a danger. When Twilight discussed the strange world she seemed to caste her mental cognitive processes into and the strange spectral glow of the quartz, that turned the frown he sported back into a smile of one who knew wisdom like her. He began taking notes after extracting a notepad from his desk and added new information once she finished adding her theories based on his book he provided for her.

She gestured to the cab driver, "So you see why we had to meet you, if I'm to continue helping the Dazzlings I'll need to be sure I can handle their magic with the scanner just as he warned me of. Or I'll have to give it to you since I've completed the task that needed it, but that will remove my ability to wield magic and help your cause even more than what I was relegated to. Risking corruption would be like me trying to use a two gas type wielding torch without the knowledge that having the valve open for too long while lighting it could lead to an explosion." she finished with the simile and awaited him to finish writing.

It took him a span of a few minutes to finish whatever he needed to put down before he looked up with a very ecstatic mood about him. His head rose, the crimson hair of his glistened in the lights with his pyrite eyes looking to the two of them with a fire.

"We've progressed farther than I'd hoped was possible, and seeing as now you have felt and used magic, I know your hooked. You've felt it, used it, and seen the results of its more positive side to benefit humanity. The confirmation of the gateway also means that the Equestrians have a way through which means you've shed light on a possible security issue. We knew they were appearing here using some kind of spell with a return beacon, never thought they'd have a solid wormhole?" he begged the question as he seemed eager to continue.

"I'm happy I could be of help to you, I'm sure Adagio and the others will be even happy to know the trip has a physical location to depart. I believe it will boost their morale. But how did the device actually find it much less absorb magic?" Sparkle asked.

"Well then to start, that quartz shard I gave you has trace amounts of a special kind of metal unique only to Equestria, but it does not interfere with the designated use which is to act like a void stone and home in on sources of mana. By sending specific energy waves to trigger the electronic sensors, it acts like a compass and bares down upon the source for the most part. The old Arcana trained me to use these for experiments with spells and enchantments, a number of these could buffer a catastrophic event should something go wrong and terminate the side effects. Of course we used unrestrained versions which could effectively absorb anything that had been caste and did not draw from the users in the vicinity." Sparkle listened with awe at a whole new element she could discover on top of the magical arts, she'd need to get an electron microscope to truly get a feel for the gemstone.

"I knew the warnings about simple spells, but its amazing to know you have safety protocols in place just in case! Kind of like vents in a fume hood for volatile or dangerous chemicals." she gasped at the idea of a magical gem that might be able to absorb radiation from the environment as it would mana or at least there might be a crystal that could with an enchantment upon it.

Yellow continued seeing the girl absolutely absorbed in his words, "Example would be manifesting fire, fueling flames from mana alone using thaumic energy and converting it into burnable fuel is a tricky business. A fresh apprentice could easily pour too much into the point of conflagration and detonate it or create an unending jet of super heated fire. Guardian gems, as they're called, could be placed around the area and given a charm which would prevent them from absorbing magic until they broke from a preset condition set into the diagram. A sudden burst of heat or the like, and before the accident could become fatal to anyone the effect would be drastically toned down to lessen damage. Sadly, I only had a Mountain Spring gem for the device at the time hence why I said it should only detect. I hoped the technological components should have mitigated its absorbent properties with the two magnets I had you install. Though I guess we should be happy it somehow fed the magic into you, curious that your already beyond a unicorn foals abilities and your still new it this." the two men looked to each other and nodded at something between their minds only.

Twilight missed the trade as she sat on the unique crystals that were used in such a way before Serak added, "Until your kind evolve like the ponies did and learn to draw upon the portals magic without assistance, you'll need more of those quartz before I'd say you're guaranteed to bring it to the world. That said, what kind of magic you use is indeed a huge issue especially for such a fledgling race as yours is."

As they had covered, he made the point very clear, "I understand, the psychology of humanity can range very widely, so whoever uses magic could always use it for evil means. But I will endevour to ensure it's never put to such a misplaced use, I intend it to be for advancements in our infrastructure and health before it sees any other of the ideas I've planned out. It will be a tool to build, never to destroy."

Yellow and Serak shared a light heart chuckle at her youthful enthusiasm, "While I'd love to go into the many avenues for which your world could improve by, we're getting ahead of ourselves... as this meeting is really about you. You may be a human pure of heart, but ambitions and drives can quickly taint that and cause... unintended outcomes."

Yellow sighed as he levied the new issue, "It's too big of a risk to allow you to wear that anywhere near the sirens. Consider it as if you were a worker at a petrol refinery, no smoking on the premises where flammable petrol exists. So promise me you'll abstain from it if you need to be around them, or rather keep it at your home safe and away from problems. It'll pull in any magic, so if you attain some of theirs there could be a high chance of a catastrophe abound. Dark magic is not a toy to experiment with as it is in your nature to do, that I want to make clear. It is fueled by the users emotional state as well as their mana well to function. Your a beginner, so that means your not mentally guarded enough to prevent the corruption that took over many young mages in their prime. And I've seen my share of fallen who lose themselves to the seduction."

Serak spoke up with a solemn tone next to her, "When my people saw how godly magic made ponies as well as the evil demi gods like Grogar of yor, they would not even have me try out what I knew was safe and simple for crop production. They quickly jailed me in the dungeons and harkened a caravan of mages to caste me away to this world. Magic can be an integral part of society, or be demonized. I'd rather that not happen to you as well Mrs. Sparkle." he glanced at her with an all too understanding spirit of misfortune.

Yellow took a sip from the glass of water on his desk, "What you experienced in your mind is what most Arcana mages and Adepts use to study, it's basically a way to access all the memories in your mind far more efficiently then just sitting down and trying to think about it. It was said to have been developed during the first hundred years after the Demon granted the world magic, coined by the Wind Mage Avilea of the cedar forest. The key difference is the memory won't degrade from the standard access method we all do daily. Instead, if you read my book and memorized it, then years from now should the need of something from a passage arise. Summoning the Librarium will allow you to essentially be able to recall memory in detail without damaging it, you could even go so far as to look into your childhood and see what favorite color was yours when you were celebrating your fifth birthday. But to perform such a mental construct takes skill and not some random occurrence, and that is what has me interested in you the most."

"Oh my... that is... wow..." nearly spell bound by the revelation she could not bring words to bear at the accomplishment she achieved effortlessly.

Yellow hummed in agreement with her shock, "While it puts the user in a trance, you would be vulnerable in the real world so bare that in mind and keep such experiences behind locked doors. The healing spell you performed is a passive ability, the body's natural reaction when hurt is to automatically heal itself to an extent and magic aids that. You likely won't be able to actually perform a healing spell anytime soon let alone on another person, that I'm sure you know as to why. Now about that transformation you mentioned, I believe that is the fusion of the human body and concentrated mana pure from the source. I think Canterlot High has been privy to that show on a few occasions, which I was unable to get an eye and ear into other than gossip or rumors. This is a very problematic topic I want to address firmly for you to be aware, while I don't believe humans will develop a whole new phyisical appearance once exposed to magic like you have there is a chance of it." his voice became more akin to a professor lecturing a student who nearly blew up their science project.

"My... h-horn and g-glasses..." she stuttered as she remembered the image in the tiny mirror of bright blue energy in solid form with wings to boot.

"Consider it as if your a young adult growing into maturity, you need to keep it pure until you've reached the point of no return. That way you'll be far more resilient against the temptations that can dog you like a flea. It is a sign of power, of the mana within you and as you witnessed it vanished presumably with whatever the device had absorbed. I feel that the instrument is likely sapped of anything viable. You'll need more to be able to use magic. Case in point, this proves your weakness to dark magic, your forming a magical profile so do not be afraid of it. Who you will look like fully ascended won't define you or dictate what you will do, it's merely the way magic works. It needs to have some kind of form to harness itself, that you must dote upon like a careful gardener who lets no weeds spring up. Equestrian magic is so unique and still unexplored that I'm sure we'll run into many harmless effects on your kind before the worst show themselves." he clapped his hands to finalize his words.

"So as long as I adhere to this sterile cultivation of my magical profile there is no danger? That's good I guess, but why the wings? I saw dark avian wings with light through the bone structure! Does that mean I can fly as well?!" she hoped that now flying like the fabled Greek mythos Icarus, humanity's capability of flying would change everything and remove boundaries that long confined many cultures and economies.

"First, let me go into the equines of Equis first that way you can understand their influence on the magic you've drawn upon. Ponies have one or the other or none of which from their standard genealogy. Depending on the breed of course there are the earth caste who have a deep connection to the ley lines and are able to cultivate and harness nature. The air caste known as pegasus are weavers of the sky that dominate the air and speed, essentially they are meteorologists who can actually forecast and alter weather patterns into controlled routines. Then you have the magic caste known as unicorns which I believe you fall into, they are innately capable of wielding mana as if it were child's play and crafted spells since the beginning. Only one exists who has all traits of the tribes and thus are considered as gods to the three sub species. They are called the alicorns, mysterious beings of great magical prowess and vast reservoirs of mana, said to once be creators and destroyers in the olden times before literature and books were thought of. Though I've only know about the fillies of my time born from the so called Queen Faust before she passed away. If you had enough potent magic in you, you might temporarily become an alicorn, or if you absorb siren magic you might become one of them its all a pull of the hat really. Assuming however I even know what happens if a human enters Equestria as what became of us coming to your world." he sat back against his office hair at the unknown variable, they simply had no data to go with and as far as he knew she could truly end up being a siren as well with as much time as she spent with the girls.

"I cannot say where we will be at when the portal opens, but if it's for the data I need when I know people will try to go through it. The best thing is for me to attempt it at least once and come back to see what becomes of me. If what you say is true, diving into the portal should replenish the device well enough for my needs, so I can test that out with benefits." she offered as she typed a few notes into her phone.

Yellow chuckled at her personal quirks, "A sound idea, and you'll be able to see the land of plenty... if it is still there of course. Nonetheless, it seems we're understanding in the perils so that segues into a little lesson for you which I hope you'll be okay with. Your already dipping into mana now, and reading only gets you so far... so! How about we really test it shall we? I'm practically free for the rest of the day thanks to the school tours." he brought a yellow gemstone from the inner pockets of his suit and deposited it on the desktop softly for her to see.

Sparkle and Serak inspected precious mineral for a moment before they realize what it was and where he planned to go with it. A mana crystal which looked to be a lack of luster or glow, signifying its nearly depleted status. Yellow tented his fingers together as he looked to the young girl for a moment as if judging her somehow.

"This is an older capacitor gem I had left over, I want to see the transfer of mana and have you perform a few spells here while I watch or if you prefer a transformation again? It will gauge your skills and the exacting process of the device so I can make any further calibrations to it if needed. Will you accept the testing that needs to be done?" the museum official inquired looking hopefully to her.

The black uniformed driver spoke up before she could put a thought in, "That means you'll be able to do a few more stranger things, but judging by who you are I think you should be fine. I may not be a high level mage like Yellow, but a second pair of eyes can be helpful and besides. I have a few vacation days to forfeit anyways."

Twilight looked to both of them and felt a swelling of happiness as if it were her birthday and she actually had someone other than her parents and brother helping her celebrate. This was exactly what she wanted, magic and being able to attain new data like any old science project of her childhood years. She could be recharged if only by a little and see some boundaries and limits in herself as well as the use of arts. It had been the greatest gift ever offered to her since Shining Armor gave her that rag doll before he left. The priceless data she'd amass was worth any risk, but seeing as both magicians were willing to stay with her during the process what more was there to be had?

"Count me in! The Everton independent study won't know what hit them once I've learned magic and its every facets." the solid spirit she exhibited did not go unnoticed as the two men softened themselves.

"Good, now, let us recreate what let the scanner to absorb mana shall we?" Yellow suggested as they began the experimentation, tapping the crystal shard with the scanner to begin.

They would go on, probing the extraction process and her magical avatar she seemed to be creating the more exposure she had. Most of the time would be analyzing and going over the information they gathered, but like Yellow said no one ever bothered them throughout the experimentation. That was until she received a text message which forced her to call Sonata's phone, only to discover a dire situation in development.

Downtown Equestria, Lorenzo's Taco Truck 8:00 pm

Aria figured she found where Dusk hid her phone and waited for the right moment before she acted. Adagio still kept herself busy with her little meal while Sonata sighed with content and a empty tray before her. Then and there, the purple skinned teenager dove into the clothing of her compatriot and searched for the device as fast as she could, tickling Sonata immensely as she squirmed in place. Laughing all the while as Aria probed for the phone, earning a startled glare from her leader which soon took on a surge of ferocity at the defiance of her subordinate as she deduced what was going on.

"What do you think your doing Blaze!?" Adagio asked as her eyes glued onto the rebellious girl with a glow.

"Something I should have done a long time ago." she muttered stepping away from the table even with a death stare boring into her back.

"Now there is no need to be hasty Aria? Let us sit down and relax before we head back home?" she asked stepping out of her chair and scaring Sonata in the process with her perturbed twitching face that writhed in suppressed fury.

As she searched the number after looking it up in the texts section, "We're through with that now and you need help, something only a certain someone can help with." she triumphantly sent the emergency text before the crazy girl began to march towards her even as she herself stepped away.

"Aria, we've had this same talk over and over again why can't you just listen, I'm the leader here and you'll do exactly as I say. Simple as that... besides I don't need help... we're quite fine as we are." Dazzle insisted calmly as Sonata watched from her seat, shaking in her seat as she feared what was to come.

The twin pony tailed haired girl refused to hear anything being told, something was wrong and whatever it was had to be handled then and there. At first it had been the spirits in the gems which made them act weird, those were vanquished or so she hoped. What she wouldn't have gave to have had that night at the Sushi Bar to never of happened, that had led her to where she was now. She feared a fight might happen and by the signs and body language of her matriarch.

"Look at yourself, your are NOT the leader of this group. Not long ago you insisted we avoid making ourselves noticeable to those idiots at Canterlot High. Look around you, does this seem like we're laying low? And the night club too! Those people went over the line, so you like going over your own word? Is this how we're suppose to trust you?" she stood with bravery and a stalwart spirit as she felt the phone vibrate in her hand at an incoming call.

Adagio's eyes took on a hue of red as her gemstone glowed even brighter beneath her clothing, but she seemed too distracted at intimidating Aria to see she answered the call so all would be heard. Everything she'd say now would be listened in on, and it all played into Blaze's hand to gain leverage.

"All I see, is some geezer who drove into a red light and having a mid life crisis. Those people had it all in them back at that night club, I simply let them have a little more freedom than before. As for the Rainbooms... what threat are they? Even with our gems at half power now, we're twice as strong as we were when we faced them. And I seriously doubt they'll break out in song in the middle of the street right now. So stop being so foalish before I make you give me that phone before we leave." she took a step forward as her heel clacked on the pavement, "Unless that is, you want to challenge me for ownership of this unit?"

Grumbling from the aggravation she spouted a stern reply from the depth of her heart, "Like Tartarus I will, I already experienced it and I don't want the role! Not all its cracked up to be so that's why I'm trying to help you, you clod! I want us to become powerful, to put everyone beneath us, but as fans who love us not fear us. Because that is all we'll be doing at the rate we're going."

Adagio whipped her fluffy ponytail around before staring at the rebel, "These people are mere puppets to us, why are you concerned for their well being? A few minor incidents here and there won't be the end of the world, or do the Rainbooms shake your dorsal crest that much? What happened to the strong and angry siren who joined my pod? Is she no more?" teasing as she let the illuminating light of the gem fade away, giving respite to the two girls.

"I don't care about these monkeys, you know that better than anyone! What I do care about is ruining our cover by this destruction your willing to allow. Weeks ago you'd have gone ballistic if we so much as met a Canterlot High freak who might report on us, even Twilight could not be trusted. So why the sudden change? Why are we letting lose with abandon and drawing attention to ourselves?" she pressed back with conviction and stomped a shoe into the hard ground below.

For a moment, the matriarch held her thoughts as she gave the engagement a pause, as if she were realizing something was indeed off. With her icy stare fallen to deep consideration, Aria took the break of hostilities to see if Sparkle was still listening in and thankfully her name and a green phone symbol on the screen proved just so. She whispered into the phone where they were, warning the girl if she did not arrive soon then the whole town might be in danger. As she finished the message, she hung up just as Adagio looked back at her while tilting her head into a hand as if something caused a sudden migraine.

"I want to crush those musical hacks just as much as you, but something happened between Twilight and you on that night at the Sushi Bar. You either forgot or your memory is being hidden like a cragodile nest from minx and raccoons. We found you in that bathroom which you destroyed, and now here we are and your going about the same thing but with malice! Your destroying our only possibility of going back home and what you wanted to do, why?!" a couple police patrol cars sped by behind her heading to the still spell bound bus driver that kept on his joyride with no signs of stopping.

"I... I... uh my head..." Adagio's posture sagged as if something shattered the domination aura she once sported, "What was... I doing? Aria? Sonata? You and your taco addiction, I swear." to which the she groggily looked to seemed more lost than before.

Aria closed their distance as she witnessed the odd switch in personality, was there something affecting her and not just some crazy power high? Did she suffer from something they couldn't handle? The uncertainty granted a chance to get through before the veritable fate of their group with luck struck once again.

With extreme trepidation she called out mere feet away, "Adagio? Are you back to normal?" she nearly tried to touch the girl's shoulder as the siren fell to her knees from her instant ailment.

"Normal? I've been fine... just a rather annoying headache from listening to you two bicker like usual." her hands did their best to massage the temples as the spiking pain seemed to go away.

"Do you remember anything, what you were just doing right now?" Aria whipped her head back to the bus far down the road which had coincidentally ceased its antics, police swarming the doors to get inside shouting like madmen to the obscured bus driver.

"Ahh... feels like I... can't remember much. I remember going into that room with Yellow, for the meeting..." she gasped as the pain spiked one last time before lifting, their goofy companion breaking from her seat and rushing to her aid.

In that moment of feeling her fellow siren touch her arms gently , passing flicks of a second Adagio had closed her eyes and soon opened them into a whole new world. Having felt like she woke up from a long nap with a heavy grogginess fogging the mind, she soon willed herself stable and took in the scenery. Instead of a street vendor and black metal dining tables in a plaza, no concrete jungle before her nor the wails of alarms and blaring lights from the traffic accident down the street.

Instead, the world became a peaceful gentle shore of a tropical beach under comforting solar radiance. Her mother laid around her like she always did in her magnificent self as she had done in the many countless dreams that relived it. Whenever she felt trapped or stressed ever since that day she lost them, this dream always came back to her and offered whatever happiness to steel her spirit. Feeling young again without a care in the world for a sliver of time, where sometimes she'd even try to draw out the dream before it took its inevitable dark turn. Haunting her with the exact point in time that caused her to be put into this world and all that lead to it.

Though this had been the first time she'd enter the dream without falling asleep for the night, she transitioned directly to it just as she answered Aria's questions. That fueled her startled mindset, something was wrong or wrong with herself. She could not for the sake of her remember the missing portions of time, even if the girls tried to explain the first missing part at the restaurant and why her hands were injured. She hated not being in full control and information was her forte, to function as a proper matriarch she needed ever single waking second of life to judge the next course of action. To be deprived of even a fragment of time, it would drastically alter her decision making process to which angered her in frustration. She needed to be in full control, nothing amiss nor out of place that way they could find their prey and feed off them and become goddesses. It all had to be perfect, perfection was the true calling of siren kind as it was embodied in their voices they never stopped training.

"My little Dazzle, its time to eat? Don't you want your favorite?" she realized soon enough the huge adult had been talking to her with that loving motherly tone, giving a few cleansing licks along her daughters body which had the immediate effect it always had.

Stuck in the stupor of introspection and exterior stimulation, the pink tongue caressing as it cleaned dutifully and ever so meticulously. Sending mind numbing sensations through the still soft ganoid scales that had yet to mature into their hard armored state that protected her species from predators and their bio weaponry. Of all her body only her eyes were able to work for her under the ministrations of her mom, though with the lids starting to flutter down she could observe the same scenery of the mangrove coast. Adagio knew the dream had a will of its own by her extension of the need for comfort, and it always tried to calm her down with the way her mother expressed her love as every siren mother did. The dream wanted her to forget, or so she thought it wanted too and usually it got its way. However, with the empowerment brought on by her denied control over her life, the dream world could not contain the fire that raged in her pride as a matriarch in the real world.

Her head bobbed with each lap which left her scales glistening and free of debris, "My little Dazzle, we have to go and eat. Or do you wish to sleep the day away?" the big adult relented and began to get up from her crescent prone position.

The promise of food and the rumble of her now empty stomach attempted to keep her tethered to the paradise around her, "Mother! Please! I know where I am and what is going on! I know you... are.... are.... dead."

Adagio kept her eyes glued mournfully to her mother as she looked taken aback by the statement, "You died back then, you threw me to the banks to escape the poisoning that took our pod. I'm... all that's... left of our family."

For an awkward few minutes there had been no response from her, just the gentle lapping of the waters onto the white sands. The birds were awfully silent for their nature to laugh and caw, not even a fish jumped out of the water nor a tropical breeze tingle her dorsal crest. Dazzle simple blinked as she maintained her forwardness, watching her mother look away and turn around to walk forward a moment away to the supposed banquet. Her powerful forelegs propelled her far enough before the two met eyes again.

The gentle mulberry irises of her mother seemed to change her usual preprogrammed behavior she'd come to expect over the years. She looked deflated if a word could be pinned, her beautiful crest draped over her back like a loose sail on a ship and the every happy mood seemed to be drained.

"I meant no harm my little Dazzle. I only wanted to help you when you needed me... it seems I've overstepped my boundaries."


Her mother continued as she looked to the vast blue sky above them, "I left a part of me with you when your father and I saved you from our fate, in case you needed me when you breathed your final breath. A young pup like you should not have survived... you should have gone into Poseidon's arms to be embraced by the god of the water realm and joined us... to be free of our needs and live in his vast kingdom in peace. Yet... here we are after many many times you've come to me needing help."

Adagio could not believe what she heard, the whole reason this always came back to her and why it felt so real and why she kept trying to warn them every time. It was no lucid sleep, she honest had a piece of her mother within her and why she never saw her when they were gemless. The magic...

Seeing her only daughter speechless, it saddened the great siren, "Now that you are aware, I'm afraid the magic that binds me to you may not last for very long. It was only to hold till your time came long ago, but now look at you... my beautiful little Dazzle all grown up and I dotting on you as if you were still just a hatchling."

That had her snapping too and realized she had attained her current body and its age, with a blink of her eyes she knew she stood taller. A quick inspection revealed her golden scales and shimmering webbing of her fins and tail, vanilla armored plates along her underside, and her pristine ivory white talons. Her own mouth filled with those sharp fangs she use to take great care to maintain instead of the pebbles her human form possessed.

"Mom... I... I don't know what to say? I think I knew something was I don't know... too real and it looks like I was right. You have no idea how much this means to me, that you've been there all this time. That you've been ready for me if I..." she began to feel salty tears haze her vision.

"You'll awaken soon my little one..."

"What!?" she cried out rubbing away the tears.

No longer blinded by the emotional breakthrough, she soon found out that the world went back to the tartarus pit that was the human world. The first thing before she could even breath, Sonata knelled in front of her gazing at every part of monkey form as her ruby glowed on its own accord. Like a nurse tending to a wounded patient, a foggy green haze developed around Adagio as it spewed from the other siren. Hovering around her body for a moment before it settled around her chest where the gem still hid. Though she desired to finish what she had to say to her mother, the equally important explanation as to what was going on now overcame everything else. For her two subordinates, the both of them were at first confused as to what was happening before Sonata realized Adagio had come back to awareness. She had been too focused on own pendant react as it reached out to Adagios own, as if they were communicating in some way.

"Sonata, what did you do?" Dazzle asked as she barely moved a muscle fearing it would end in disaster.

"I... I did nothing! I just thought you needed help?! My pendant is acting all funny and stuff?"

"No... no you did something just now, what were you trying to do!" Blaze pressed as she hovered by them.

Her answer came after the cerulean girl bit her lower lip and looked into her leader's begging eyes for a moment as if to authenticate something, "Fine! It was a little spell my mother taught me, just a simple scan for hatchlings when they sang too much. I just wanted to check if she was okay. Because she isn't, and its about her... gem."

"What do you mean?" the matriarch gasped as she pulled away and brought her ruby into view.

Dusk hesitated before tapping at her stone, "You have two voices, I can here them... one is yours and the other is... very sad."

Aria groaned as she pinched the bridge of her nose, "That makes no sense, Yellow removed the spirits so what else could it be?"

The first alarm went off before she too reacted, had Sonata sensed her mother in her magic? She was not something to remove like a corrupted spirit. Yet the description had been far off the mark when the so called sad voice came up. Her mother appeared to her many times before and never showed any signs of fear or worry, never did she cry even tears of joy. She just was the mother she'd remember from bygones ago. So then, if she really sensed another voice, were they really free of the spirits of the old sirens? Could a soul be vanquished even if it were so far gone?

"Its true, there's something with her and it feels and sounds like it is in pain. Are you like, sure you don't sense it to Adagio?" Dusk peered at her with concern and loyalty.

Looking up from the gemstone pendant, words could not find an anchor from which to trail out and instead fell away before they could be communicated. What could she say that she did not really know herself? Missing parts of recent memory, discovering her mother still lived through her magical aura, or that there was a splinter of the original owner possibly altering her perception and actions?

She felt lost, truly lost and unable to cope with the reality that she might have lost her own will to something else, her the magnificent Adagio and her Dazzlings. Sirens who nearly toppled Equestria and this world, doomed by the great Starswirl the Bearded and then by magical guardians of some kind. Now there she sat on the pavement with the symptoms of being subverted by a broken being that had no corporeal form and it got under her skin in such a way. She needed Yellow Tail to confirm this, with trust in Sonata that she spoke the truth in her little scan. Most pods had their own ways of healing and maintaining their young as they developed, and before she had been caste out by her pod she'd developed enough to know a few things even she could retain.

The abrupt halt of a vehicle nearby pulled her mind back to their surroundings, as did the other two who joined their leader in looking to the source. Headlights blinded any real detail for them to catch other than orange lights and a sign that managed to get through, the words taxi in black letters stuck out. Doors opened and someone called out to them frantically, a distinct female with speech patterns that meant it was only one person.

"GUYS!! Adagio! Aria, Sonata!" Twilight shouted as she came running up to them.

Aria sighed as the relief finally arrived to deal with the problem she did not want to deal with alone. Serak and Yellow Tail soon appeared after the blinding lights died with the engine cut off, the two of them slowly walking towards the scene as if they happened upon a bomb ready to go off. She could see anyway that their action in caution was not warranted, if she could she'd have stepped away and forego the whole thing if they were not a in this together. Though how much help could they offer to them to fix whatever was wrong?

Twilight stopped just before the girls holding her arms close to her body as she beheld the trio with a sense of belonging and trepidation. She couldn't really see any joy in them after what likely had happened, with Adagio and Sonata on the ground and Aria appearing even more peeved than ever. Knowing that they called her for a reason, she would serve the purpose and be of aid with all aside. Though she could not help but notice the traffic incident down the road and the many police cars and their lights still blaring red and blue.

Ch. 29 A Flash of Sunset

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Ch. 29 A Flash of Sunset

Canterlot Royal Library 6 A.M.

"I've reorganized and reshelved every book case in the entire archive and I still cannot find that BOOK!" Twilight snorted as her mind began to fry from overthinking anywhere the enchanted journal could be.

With a mane disheveled and stray hairs on her tail poking out, she looked like a whole other mare from the one the adepts came in with. Both of whom kept to themselves while the Princess of Friendship went about her fruitless search, though they needed no one to tell them in her state it was best to not even register. The famous mare had been the type to cause as much chaos as Discord himself, with a few of her less proudest moments before her ascendance affecting a whole town. It took the Princess to undo the damage and bring her back to sanity.

"Twilight, I am fairly certain its been misplaced and quite possible the castle staff have found it and placed it in my sisters study. There is no need to panic at a time like this when we have enough to work with." Luna advised as she placed a comforting wing on the lavender alicorn.

"So much for getting along..." Spectrum murmured just low enough the princesses couldn't hear, only Lapis who shrugged as she reviewed a Starswirl note that pertained to portal generation.

"You don't understand, if something's happened over there and she's been sending me crucial data or warnings or even calls for help that I've been missing! I'm letting them down by staying here and ignoring them because I don't have the book!!" Sparkle raved as her wings fluttered in agitation.

Knowing words were little use when the young mare became consumed like this, she took a hint from her sister just in case something had similarly happened. With a mental note to thank Celestia later, Luna grasped Twilight's face with her hooves and forced her erratic eyes to meet hers. Using the same look she gave a wayward noble or a frantic dreamer caught in a nightmare, she gave a mighty glare that conveyed both a demand for silence and a sense of care.

Suddenly she stopped twitching and arguing, "YOU are doing what you must remember that, in all my years on this world evil never leaps at a seconds notice to ruin all. Evil takes time as a chess game would, any acts committed are small and mere stepping stones for the next. You must have faith in Sunset Shimmer to handle any issues that arise on her side, or lest you become the pull pin to a mana bomb."

Letting her hooves fall from Sparkle and smiling, "As a future ruler, you have to trust your commanders and captains of the guard to serve their duty without you having over their shoulders. I believe we are both in agreement of what Sunset is quite capable of even by herself. She's not alone either, the mirror versions of your friends exist alongside who will help defeat whatever villain arises. Your book will show up eventually, but right now... I believe we have other pressing matters at hoof."

The bit of wisdom sank in, having the same effect as if her mentor were right there before her not scolding her but guiding the train wreck she had been roaring into. A few embarrassing memories surfaced as she realized error of her path, responding to Luna with a blushing smirk as she bowed her head.

"I'm sorry Princess Luna, I just got so worked up losing the only way I can talk to her without taking frequent trips back to the castle and going there myself. I have to be here and not waste time, but I guess I let myself go overboard and ignore the very words I spoke to Vibrant and Lapis." she admitted while stroking her mane to fix the rouge strands.

"Well i must conclude that after so long of a night, I must be off to lower the moon soon. I suggest we call it for the day and rest up for our return. A mystery cannot be solved with a weakened mind, so seek the Royal Bath and relax. You of us all deserve it the most after what you've done time and again." Luna looked to her as her friend and an equal, giving no leeway for the pony to escape the offer.

Sensing the coming end of their session, the adepts packed up their work stations and organized for their return. When the moon needed to fall, it would be the Princess's time for sleep even if she could stay up for days on end without issue. Of course them themselves needed a nap and food too, being regular unicorns meant they had no perks to rely on. Lapis bookmarked the last page she read with a ice blue ribbon, it covered a reasonable theory on forced portal access through the use of powered capacitor crystals. Something she thought should be addressed about the mirror in the Castle of Friendship since it was well known that she never took on her own guard nor any of the Solar or Night for protection.

Spectrum seemed disinterested in the little drama behind him, having had his eyes on a Reneighssance era study of non-pony magical artifacts. Only able to go through half of the documents, it seemed the mages back then came across a few specimens from species beyond the borders which yielded immense amount of magical energies. One of which led to the creation of the Alicorn Amulet if he understood the phrasing right, a commission from the Prance King Phthalo Palissade by a mage guild whose materials were recovered after a Germane inquisition picked up on the dark magic at work. The amulet disappeared before the academy had been surrounded and ransacked for the artifact, which it would turn up later on a rival of Princess Sparkle. There were much more to go through and the creatures that used the items, but a yawn and weary eyes had his body calling for bed.

"I did spend nine hours just sorting the archive for the book... guess I've lost too much time anyways. I'll consider the rest Princess Luna, but I have to find Princess Celestia to see if indeed one of the maids found it and placed it back in her study room." she dashed off before Luna could say anything else.

"That stubborn mare, reminds me so much of Celestia when she was younger..." thoughts of her youth popped up for a moment, "Doth thou wisheth to have our dinner with us? As overseer thou must relinquish all that hath been learned."

Feeling the pervasive sight upon them, the two adepts assumed position and spoke as one, "In service to the crown and to the future of harmony, we shall join you Princess of the Night."

"I found a unique article on what may lead me closer to understanding what the siren stone is capable of through examples from other beings. You'll want to see it too." Spectrum announced as the two rose from the bow.

Lapis looked up and nodded, "Coincidentally, I found a forced entryway into existing portal spells, it may paint a picture of what we fear might happen that has been tested before."

Using her regal air, "Success young mages, you do your department honor. Shall we be on our way out then?" she gestured with a wing and turned to leave.

Sparkle had left the three early with a mission to find Celestia, she would heed Luna's advise and rest after she confirmed the books location. Perhaps even ask the girls to come over and visit her, she could spend a day sleeping and the next catching up with them. A short breather would be good, and she did not want to risk upsetting Luna by diving back into her rather perturbed state.

With a short farewell to the Night Commanders, she trotted into the winding halls to head straight to where she'd likely find the solar diarch. Half an hour after the raising of the sun, she'd be having her morning tea before the start of the day meal in the royal dining room. Surely she'd be able to see her then and let her into the study for a quick search?

A few maids were milling about watering potted plants and opening long drapes to permit the daylight inside. Wearing black clothing with white lacing as the standard attire for service ponies and cleaners. An occasional Night Guard standing at attention before their day counterparts arrived to replace them, their dull blue and purple colored armor polished to a shine and ready for combat at a drop of a hat. All whom she passed by gave her a salute before resuming their stoic monitoring for saboteurs.

Candle lanterns which lit the corridors flickered as the flames burned the oil fuel the wick sat in. The shadow of the base wavered from the magical enchantment which cycled fresh air throughout the palace, giving an animated feeling to the many pieces of furniture and paintings that dotted her journey. How many times had she been through the area since she had been taken under Celestia's wing as her prized student?

'Should I bother her about the book? Maybe I should just take a sneak peak and see if its not on the desk or anywhere obvious first?' Twilight considered the notion as the dining room drew closer.

Two guards flanked the doors to the room, looking to her once she reached six hoof steps away. Greeting them formally, they saluted her before returning to their ever aware state of their station.

"Pardon me, but I'm looking for Princess Celestia is she inside yet?" she smiled warmly.

"Sorry your highness, she's still in the process of preparation before raising the sun. Today she has not woken up early." one of the golden armor clad soldiers replied with his eyes glued ahead.

"Oh... well I guess I'll check back in a moment then." her body twisted around to head off in another direction.

'Guess that study room is next then. I had hoped she rose early for a refreshment before the ritual. Had my hopes up too high.' she thought as she ventured to find the personal library to quench her thirst to solve the problem at hand.

Canterlot High: Second level hallway

It had been half an hour into the current class period, and outside Sunset's classroom stood the two head officials and a couple of the girls who she was allowed to call over. With Ms. Brilliant and Mrs. Betsy, the teachers who were there to witness the incident talking to Principle Celestia, Sunset waited off to the side against the wall with Pinkie Pie and Applejack. Her friends were consoling her as best as they could out of her shock of the attack, they seen the damage that was done and the trail of something huge carving through part of the school, up the stairs, and on the door that saved her life.

"Ah just can't believe it?! You know?" she said in disbelief.

"I know! It's like the legendary 47 layer devils canyon cake that only the best bakers in the whole world could ever dream of making!" the hyperactive teenager raved on as she rubbed the still quivering girl's back.

"Looks like we have something to go off on, but iff'n ah believe what is true then her life is in more danger now." Applejack felt the floor with her boots on the jagged claw marks.

Pinkie frowned for a moment seeing Sunset was still in such a state, "Some huge meanie put a bad juju on her and she doesn't deserve it at all! When I find them I'm going to give those baddies the biggest party cannon blast, they'll be out of it for weeks!" to which she then hugged her troubled friend who leaned into it.

"The problem is, it's in Sunset and ah'm not sure how we're suppose ta help her without Twilight to take her spot so we can power play the hex or whatever outta her. When we pony up we need one of them to I don't know... focus our powers into that beam to undo all this! Question remains now is if we can get the princess here in time before it happens again." the farm girl walked up to the two and knelt down.

Looking at the traumatized girl, she saw what looked exactly like the same kind of face a young bull rider has when they nearly bite the bullet. Staring into the eyes and horns of those massive bovines who could stomp you and ruin your body, it does something to a person that if they don't face the fear soon. The rider's career never goes beyond the one failed ride, they just quit.

The principle and vice principle had concluded their findings for the insurance company, Luna being the one to take the photos. Celestia dismissed the instructors to their classes and made her way to the girls after finalizing the paperwork on the clipboard in her hand. This would be the third magical incident, though luckily this particular only made it the second one to do damage and costs in repairs. However, seeing as this one dealt with the well being of a student, she took it upon herself to deal with it. Her shoes softly clacked on the floor, crunching the bits and debris from the little rampage that dirtied the surface.

She too knelt by Sunset to get to eye level and gave the best comforting appearance she could, "I know your still recovering Shimmer, but when you can I'll need to know everything about what led up to this. From what I learned, it revolves around you and I've been watching you since the Dazzlings were stopped from their little... attempted conquest. As principle of Canterlot High I cannot sit by idly when one of you are in such a danger. Come to my office when you're able, my door is always open to you as is Luna's."

Her eyes beheld a very shaken young woman, she had not shed a tear but the spirit had been rattled. It pained her to see such a state in any of her students as she always strived to create an environment for all to benefit and feel safe in. She was no regular bystander principle who'd just brush things under a rug, she'd never risk the health of any student even if they were from a strange world of magic and monsters. Though an answer was not spoke, Sunset gave her a tremoring smile and nodded as Applejack grasped her hands and rubbed them to help bring her out of the stunning aftereffects.

Seeing as there was little else to be said, Celestia rose up and bid them goodbye. Luna remained for a little longer to finish photographing the stairs and further down the first floor, though she had little to offer herself that the principle already said.

"Sunset, you have our full attention no matter how difficult the future gets. We won't let ya get eat'n up by some demon thing only you can see, why... we'll pony up and shield you if we have to!" the cowgirl chuckled and received a good reaction with.

"Ya, I'll bring over some of Ms. Cake's best bear claws and the latest coffee we got on the house for you. It'll taste so amazing you'll never even feel down ever again!" Pinkie jumped in hoping to help.

Rather than a simple reply, the two were brought into an embrace which surprised them at first until they heard their friend say, "Thanks."

"Ain't no problem there sugar cube, besides Granny Smith wouldn't forgive me if I ever left a friend to the wolves. Now come on and let's get ya something to drink. The Vice principle gave us a pass to miss class to help you, said she wouldn't be able to imagine such a giant beast that was capable of doing what it did and surviving herself." the three slowly rose, hearing how erratic Shimmer's breathing sounded.

Shimmer nodded again and the trio set off to the nearest vending machine, both girls having a hand on her shoulder as a reassurance that they'd be on guard for her. Though she knew that the shadow dragon only appeared when she was alone and away from them, with the hex on her the girls could only act as a deterrent and not really ever face it. This was a waking nightmare as Discord put it, they'd need to break it to solve her situation and they had only magic. There were two ways to undo curses like the type she figured was what she had, although hoping her assumption was true as doubt always creeped around.

In order to find the answers she'd need one of the girls with her to protect the process of accessing the librarium again. Being alone meant the nightmare could pop up at anytime before she fell asleep, possibly the only safe haven for her. The only one who'd fit the bill would be Pinkie since she had done so in the past, that and her bubbly nature often upset the negative emotions the curse often brought with it. That plan felt solid as steel to her, and that set into motion her pursuit to rid herself of the mark before it became even worse.

After the final class of the day, Sunset texted the girls to let them know that she'd gone without another attack. By then a contractor had arrived and began taking in the damages, listing the materials his men would need to patch up the stairwell, the floor, and scarred walls. Flash had just appeared as she observed the rather ordinary man who measured the claw marks at the foot of the stairs.

"Yo Sunny! Can you believe what happened? They said some kind of ghost vandalized the school, can you believe it? Gotta be another villain you girls will send off after a laser been of friendship huh?" he chuckled oblivious to the truth of the scene the two of them looked to as a few students were filtering out of the school to head home.

Keeping her eyes stilled to the destruction her own nightmare caused, "Ya... I can believe it. I was there when it happened."

"Your not hurt are you?! What happened?" he turned to the girl eager for an answer, stopping himself from looking over her personally for a caste or bandages.

She sighed and closed her eyes as if to relive the event, "That same thing that paralyzed me... and you two found me in that catatonic state. Same thing happened again only this time it had some form of physical manifestation of contact points with this reality. I could have... it could have..."

He watched helplessly as she brought her hands to her face and rubbed, trying to forces everything she felt from terror to worry and anger to exhaustion. She'd never felt so scared in her life even when she was reformed by Princess Twilight, the thought of being eaten by that curse. Her mind still could not wrap itself around how it even gained any solid tangibility when it was nothing but a dream twisted around. Though she had to give it to Discord himself, who was likely watching from afar and enjoying the show as if it were a matinee.

"Do you want to hold off on the dinner then? I'm sure Rose will understand." he offered as his left arm curled around her shoulder in comfort.

She stammered out an exaggerated sigh as if cold water fell upon her and took a deep breath, "No, I think it'll be best if I'm around someone. It seems only to appear when I'm alone and takes advantage of sowing fear that way, probably anchoring itself with my emotional state. I really need a break anyways..."

With her head leaned into his body, "If Princess Twilight were here she'd be able to solve this... with me affected we can't even use the magical bond we share. We'd just hit ourselves and I don't even want to know what that might do."

Troubled by not knowing what to say he fell on the only reasonable choice of words he could think of, "Probably for the best, you could lose your magic or something like in those movies where the good guys hit themselves when the bad guy redirects their attack. I'm sure Twilight will come to your help soon, have you tried going through yourself?"

She lifted her red yellow locks off of him and turned away, "I'm... afraid to go back."

"Why is that? I'm sure you'd be more welcomed than any of us, a human on the other side." he raised a questioning eye brow.

"I... left home for a reason, there's someone or somepony I don't want to see again." Sunset wanted to avoid talking about her old mentor as best as possible.

Her shame for descending so low as to become a demon for power and control, having sought it out and proved Celestia right about her worry of her goals. It was not that she didn't want to hear the alicorn say she had been right all along, nor did she think she'd be imprisoned for what she'd done to a princess and tampered with magic. The true reason had become what else would Princess Celestia say about her that would somehow predict her next mistake, some big error she'd never realized would be the future path of hers. As hard as she'd been trying to make it up to everyone and prove she was a good hearted soul now, what if she was trying too hard or not enough? Was she going to relapse into grief? Attempt to fix everything and only make it worse? It felt like the solar goddess would be able to see into her soul and fault her for it, like she would become the alternate version of Twilight and never do good. It hurt to feel like she had no home to go back to, that this world was hers now to make something of herself, but the potential felt so empty.

"Hey... you don't need to say anymore if it hurts. I can't blame you for feeling like that, my parents and I are kinda... familiar with it too." he took a few steps to move in front of her so she'd see him.

"You... do?" she asked in a near whisper, her eyes feeling a little watery.

"I use to have a huge family from my mothers side. It all happened when I was a kid, but her father had divorced and remarried. So that put a bit of a rift between my grandparents, which when he developed lung cancer from the factory he worked at. My grandmother did not take kindly to my mother helping him even as he was stuck to a gurney with machines, all those hoses and tubes in his own home. Mother did all she could to help him anyways while none of my other aunts and uncles did a single thing. It... took a turn for the worse when one of them needed cash." he looked to the nearest wall which held a glass display shelf with the trophies of the Wondercolts past victories.

The glinting gold and silver awards with pictures and certificates adorned the pride of Canterlot High, each year a new one had to be added thanks to Rainbow Dash and her dogged determination. Of course as Sunset looked to the shelf as well, never a single prize for the Friendship Games in all those years the trophies dated back. It seemed to hit something inside Flash as she gazed upon them, as if they had some similarities to his life in one way or another.

"That's terrible..." he nodded to her comment.

"Mom and dad were getting ready to move here from Wisconsin, we were already hit hard by the costs of moving, getting a new house, and their new jobs. So when she called upon the debt, and not even aggressively. Gran took her anger out on her and told her why she dared to ask her own family of that, but I believe she just wanted an excuse to vent on her for helping grandad. So the whole family basically disowned us, and we took care of grandad till his last days... waiting to move until he was buried... and shortly then we had to bury my step grandmother as well." she could see in his face how tired he was of the memory, as if he felt all he could a long time ago and now feeling little else for the story.

"I'm so sorry for your lose." her hand hesitantly but surely went for his in empathy.

"I never want to ever go back to my home state, we're happy here with my dad's side of the family. They own a shop here and a large ranch close to Applejacks raising cattle and horses, they've always been kind to us and helped when we needed. Done a heck of a lot more than her family ever did. But that's all in the past..." his hand squeezed hers as he let the memories flow off his mind like water.

"Sometimes... we can not forgive for various reasons or we're just to afraid to deal with the origins of the problem." her eyes stared at his hand that gently clasped hers, "Your right though, what's in the past is gone. We have our futures to make and our own problems to solve ourselves."

The two stood in the hallway ignoring the looks from the few students who passed by them still, most observing questioningly with still lips. Though what few still remained happened to be Applejack and Rarity who excused themselves aside the contractor who had since moved up to the second level to inspect the damaged guardrails. The two had been discussing the latest tests coming up when taking their first steps down and seeing the little moment being shared by the two below.

"My word! I can't believe it, am I seeing that right?" Rarity scoffed and an embellished astonishment.

"Now see here Rars, Sunset's been through enough already. If she and Flash want a speck of time to themselves, who are we to step on their picnic? Besides its not like their dating again like you seem to think is happening." she turned to glare at her country girl compatriot.

"I just worry about our group dynamics that's all! Have you seen what happens to..." she tried to defend herself before a staunch hand stopped her abruptly.

"I know very well, as big as mah family is you don't think we've had our fair share of men and women troubles? Our family ain't big as it is without some turmoil, but it works itself out in the end. Life's not all like those shows and novels you drown your free time in." she chuckled as they continued down.

"Why I never!? Fine, have it your way but when Princess Twilight comes and heartbreak occurs, don't come crying to me." she threw her hands up into the air like the diva she tended to be with romance topics.

"Come on and let's head the other way, those two probably need to be left alone without you judging them for being good friends." Applejack led the way to the left of the stairs to the west exit hall.

Oddly enough, Flash and Shimmer did not pick up on the two in their little argument. Having a deep connecting talk put much on their weary spirits, and they seemed content to look at the reflective surfaces of the precious metal cups and statues. For her, they reminded her of Celestia's regalia of gold and jewels, the pony she knew and nothing more but a ruler who tried to teach her the rights and wrongs. As for the boy, the trophies were a reminder of the sunny days he use to spend with his grandfather and second grandmother in their backyard picking golden chinese plums while listening to rock music on the radio. The delicious jams he use to make with them as a kid, and feeding some to their little dogs that slept around the house more often than they were awake.

The only thing to bring them out of their reminisce was the phone call from Rose Luck on Sunset's phone, shaking the two of them as she brought out her flat device. Surprisingly the screen showed a series of texts she missed from accidentally putting the little miniature computer on vibrate and the time that now put them forty five minutes after the last bell.

"Rose Luck? I'm soo sorry for missing your messages, I'm with Flash at school do you want us heading over now?" she grinned feeling embarrassed at the mishap.

"As long as your okay, if you still want to come over mom's about done and ready to plate. I'll tell her to keep it warm for you?"

"Yes we'll be there, again sorry about that." she heard Luck dismiss the error and looked forward to their arrival.

As she stowed away the thin flat piece of metal and glass, "Guess we should head over now?" Flash looked to her with her hand still in his.

Smiling big and securing her grip on his, "Yes, let's go."

Ch. 30 Your A Dazzling Now

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Ch. 30 Your A Dazzling Now

Flash and Sunset made their way to Rose's home, taking a well traveled route to avoid said dog that might still be roaming nearby. Cars were pulling into their garages and driveways, where adults were hauling their groceries and work to the front door. Kids were enjoying the rest of the day on the streets with their modes of transportation. Skate boarders loudly rolling along the pavement, bicycles skittered as the talented few performed small tricks on curbs and slopes. Birds chirped and sang through the massive cottonwood trees towering overhead and the few garden front yards, flying to the branches effortlessly.

Most of the homes they passed by were large multi room buildings, perfect for big families or those who needed extra rooms for their busy lives. A few women were outside their homes letting toddlers play with their toys on the soft lush green lawns. Playful little scenes which put the two teenagers at ease seeing a little child so happy and carefree, something they yearned for themselves if but for a moment.

They passed by a few spiked black iron fences before happening upon the target destination, the botanical themed house which stood out from the rest. Just as memory served, the numerous flowering plants released a soothing aroma that seemed to weed out the negative emotions of the day. Mixed in with that were the various smells of a freshly cooked meal, such a sensory overload tingled their minds and had their noses sniffing none stop trying to identify what was being prepared. All together with the quaint little house, it was a veritable paradise built upon years of pride and knowledge to perfect the plant diversity and its brilliance.

"Wow! I'm really looking forward to this." Sentry sighed happily as they walked to the front door.

"I know, it rivals that of Pinkie's baking..." she replied still holding onto his hand since they left the school.

Though she hated to have said that, something worked into her thoughts to speak that which was true. While Pinkie knew her way around a stove and fluffy pastry, the flavorful air carried the mixture of all kinds of ingredients from meats to vegetables, fruits to sauces. There seemed to be a banquet awaiting through the closed front door, and their stomachs were ready to accept the free meal.

"Here... I got it." he managed to say as he hazily hit the door bell.

It did not take long for them to hear the footsteps of someone before the door opened, where Rose Luck stood bright eyed and very excited.

"Glad you two could make it, I was starting to get worried for a moment." she greeted them and moved aside as they entered.

"Again, I'm totally sorry about that, I kinda had... a run in with that nightmare again. Long story but we're here! And I'd rather put it aside." Sunset released Flash's hand and went to hug Luck who accepted with wide arms.

Rose squealed, "I wish I could have helped you, I remember what happened the last time." she gave a short embrace which had Sentry release the hand he'd been holding, "Whatever your going through it seems our herbs won't help now. If you ever think of a way I can help, don't hesitate okay?"

She felt Rose gently patting her back before letting go, "Don't worry, you two are on the top of my list, after all you did save me from being squashed by that truck."

"Not the finest moment in our lives, oh, Flash how's it been?" Luck turned to him as she went to close and lock the door.

"Swell, didn't run into that dog thankfully. By the way, your place is almost like a heaven for noses, whatever your mom made seems like it should be in a five star restaurant." she chuckled lightly at the compliment, Shimmer and him followed deeper into the dwelling.

"My mom tends to go a little overboard now and then, just cooks for an army." they passed the junction where the front door hall led to a stairs just a step to the left and into what looked to be a living room further down, to the right were closed doors that were possible bedrooms but little could be determined.

The wonderful aromas wafted heavily from the corridor into what was likely the kitchen and dining room as the sounds of cooking wares clacked and clinked. A few more steps confirmed the suspicion, an open cooking area carried a folkish feel with wood cabinets and dated appliances. The counters were packed with activity and steaming dishes, their eyes sighted a few freshly used crock pots and heaping bowls of mouth watering goodness ready for serving. As they were directed to the table, Sunset could see the kitchen led into the laundry area with the large glass windows to the backyard that let in the sunlight. The dining room looked nothing special other than a huge oval shaped oak table with a few freshly picked flowers in a red ceramic vase. Plates had already been set and two pitchers stood gaining dew from their iced contents.

"Your home is so nice! Its so homely." Shimmer noted as she looked at all the family photos and nick nacks hanging on the walls that did not possess glass windows that showcased the even more glorious backyard garden.

"My parents have strived to make this place a perfect little eden, right mom!?" Luck asked as she gestured the two to sit at the table, where her mother soon popped up from the big counter like a jack in a box.

"Yes honey, hopefully we can get that bee colony established this month and use our flowers to make our own honey too!" the woman answered as she went to the stove and pulled out a stoneware dish in her gloved hands.

"Bee farming? Sounds dangerous." Sentry peered over at the sizzling dish the woman pulled out.

Now that she stood back at the closest counter to inspect her cooking, he could see Rose's mother appeared to be the embodiment of natural beauty. Lean yet fit, her soft short pink hair contrasting well with her light olive skin, worn straight down as if she were mimicking a willow tree. There were her lovely brown chestnut eyes that all seemed to give her a very young appearance as well as deep and inviting personality. Not a single wrinkle of old age could be detected anywhere on the skin, he guessed their lives around plants must be keeping them very healthy if what Sunset had planned for their future meals.

"None sense, bees are very friendly and only require love, care, and respect aside from the basics. Like any child of mother earth, the ways of life need empathy and understanding no matter how dangerous they may seem. We've taken classes to care for colonies, seeing the different personalities of each hive and their queens. Be careful and be healthy as they say." the woman looked up from her inspection.

"Mom I'd like you to meet Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry, guys this is Oleander Mallow my mom!" Luck took the moment to introduce the two parties.

"Welcome to our home, Rose talks about you two more than she does about plants these days." Mallow giggled as she went to the sink to wash her hands.

"Thanks for sharing your dinner with us." he smiled back to her.

"Ya, its really nice of your family to invite us over, we'd hate to impose." Shimmer fiddled with her hair as Rose set about pouring lemon tea from one of the pitchers into their glass cups.

Oleander shook her head, "After what Rose has told us, it would be a travesty to not do such a thing. Besides, any left over food goes to my husband who eats like a lion at work, better to see how my cooking skills are with new taste buds to test on."

"Speaking of which, here comes my dad Mr. Basil Mallow." Luck introduced the new man who came from up the stairs signaled by the prior sounds of shoes on wood steps.

In his hands a botanical catalogue of seeds was open and had his focus completely absorbed as his feet carried him onwards. With one hand on the book and the other adjusting his glasses, frankly was lost in his task as he kept walking towards the table as if to robotically sit down out of routine. It took his wife to cough into her hand to make him aware, to which he looked up completely lost as he noticed Flash and Sunset. A tall sturdy built cream color man who like his wife appeared very healthy even with a bit of a gut starting to show. He wore casual mint green cargo shorts whose pockets were filled with pens, garden tools, and a lone handkerchief that hinted at a very busy person. The white shirt being worn had the nursery and flower store business name and logo emblazoned on the front, although it looked worn and stained in areas. Sunset figured that was his work shirt he used at home to relax in while he probably helped take care of their numerous flowering bushes and trees. Surprisingly he had similar hair to hers in that it was streaked, with dark brown and mocha coloration, thinning in the front with slight recession however. Overall, Shimmer could tell he was a gentle soul who seemed content with his little life of botany and his family, with no drive to go big and attain more.

"Dear, we have guests remember?" the woman inquired as she started to pick up a few large bowls to take to the table.

He at first seemed as if he was far from understanding what she said, looking towards her and then to the two new comers, "Huh? Could have sworn Rose said they'd be here next week? Well anyways, pleasure's mine, I'm Fern Mallow and welcome to our humble abode."

With a quick exchange of pleasantries, "So your Luck's dad? Cool, you must know a lot about cultivation and preservation?" Shimmer asked from her seat after she reached over and shook his had after Sentry.

"Quite right, I've been trying to track down some exotic seeds to grow Jack Fruit and Custard Apple, the Thailand variety as well as the Brazilian. Hard to nail down a good legitimate supplier these days." he lamented as the catalogue was situated under his right arm as he poked at it.

"So your expanding your store or something?" Flash picked up.

Fern nodded, "A local farmers market are looking to bring new vegetables and fruits for the ever increasing customer base, they came to us, willing to give a free booth if we could supply said goods. However, the issue is money spent on seeds to grow or an already established plant. Transplants can be difficult to sustain and may not fruit if too stressed, and don't get me started on the weather conditions as well. Seeds would be far durable and easier to cultivate and acclimate to this growing zone. I could go into everything involved but I'm sure dinner would be cold before I finished." he laughed to himself.

Oleander gave him a light scolding about talking shop during a meal at the table, in a way Sunset sort of saw the same intellectual personality that Princess Twilight possessed. It was odd to see it in another person granted she never really knew anyone in the entire town since she arrived. The feeling was nice, a fresh dip and new social banters to recognize aside from the kids at the school.

"I hope you'll like it, I made pork cutlets with applesauce marinade spiced with a few herbs and pan seared a little for flavor. We have couscous with roasted garlic, six bean casserole with my own vinaigrette, fresh greens from our garden garnished with rose and hibiscus petals. You can decide which of the vinaigrettes I have that you can use unless you like it by itself. A little tofu noodle soup I'm trying out with our own vegetable stock homemade for the broth, I wasn't sure if anyone had any dietary restrictions. Then finally, an apple crisp I just pulled from the oven." she shrugged before beaming at the two with the love in her cooking around her like a bubbly aura much like Pinkie Pie.

"Dude... um err.... excuse me ma'am, you made all this?" Flash asked feeling his mouth water.

Ms. Mallow clasped her hands together, "I had a mother who just loved to cook for her family, and with me being the oldest she sorta rubbed off on me with the love of the culinary arts. Though it probably helped that we run the business that we do, it opens the door for all sorts of flavors and tastes with plants. You'll taste the coriander and clove in the soup."

"We're very grateful to you all for sharing your food with us, and thank you for taking the time to have alternatives available. I... really don't eat meat." Shimmer grinned.

"None sense, we know some folks don't or can't eat certain things. I know with my kidney stones I can't eat too much meat myself or certain things like spinach. Oxalate content too high can give me what Ole' went through when she gave birth to our little Rose. Passed a few before I learned my lesson." he whole heartedly laughed.

"Ya, pops rolled on the floor in so much pain we thought he was dying, thankfully the doctor was able to use a few reliable and quick treatments to avoid performing surgery. The pain he was in..." Luck drew out on the letter n as she appeared to recall that horrible moment.

Though the two did not understand what had happened by the differing reactions from Rose to her father, her mother seemed a bit miffed about the topic herself.

"We don't talk about such things as we're about to eat, save it for later. Now, everyone dig in." the older woman announced.

The dinner went with a near blur as everyone acquainted themselves with one another, the huge amount of information had the act of eating not only prolong itself to an hour straight. Sunset felt they'd only been there for half an hour, to which a random text message from Pinkie allowed her to see the actual time. Conversations grew interesting as Rose's parents went on a tangent about their lives before and after they were engaged. The places they traveled to, their education and youth much unlike hers, and then a little patch about Rose during her baby years which earned a scowl from the unlucky girl.

After the last spoonful of the apple crisp landed the utensil down, Oleander began to gather up the left overs with Fern and Rose aiding in cleaning the table.

"Oh uh, let us help you, it's the least we can do?" Sunset asked as she tried to stand up to take her plate with Flash.

"Don't worry about it deary, three bodies in the kitchen's more then enough, besides your a guest. The fact that you two ate so much is more than a suitable thank you." Oleander waved off the aid kindly.

"Well if you say so?" sitting back down, they watched the little family efficiently handle the duties of cleaning the table and storing the remains.

"Oh, why don't you guys head to the living room while we finish up. Let your food go down before you head home." Luck offered to which they obliged eagerly with the weight in their bellies teasing them towards a nap.

"Woohoo I'll do just that, think I ate enough for three days straight! Awesome food again Ms. Mallow." Sentry congratulated as he stood up and pushed his seat in.

Sunset led him down the hall and to where they figured had to be the right room, as they retraced their steps and took a right at the stairwell. If she could akin the living area to a specific type, it would be best summarized as a study and greenhouse all in one. Sure there were plenty of cushioned recliners and a long sofa which faced a decent sized TV screen. Yet the longest wall possessed a very large rectangular window which though it was dark outside now, she could sense the amount of light it let in. The adjacent walls possessed ceiling high bookshelves filled with what she guessed where everything anyone needed to know about plant life and caring for nearly every type. A lone coffee table by the seats had stacks of photography and botany text books with tabs in various pages from heavy use and reference.

"Wow, they're pretty serious about their greens?" Sentry spouted as he looked everywhere.

Sunset gazed at the two window length growing containers under special lights to grow the seedlings underneath, trailing her eyes down their ends to even more potted plants on stands or sharing shelf space. The entertainment stand for the TV even possessed succulents in shallow plates, some sporting colorful flowers and varying kinds of spikes.


"Glad you appreciate it." Sunset turned around stricken from her curiosity to see Rose behind her.

Before she could say a word, Luck brought out a crystal from a pants pocket and held it before her. Shaking her hair and filling the room with a wonderful floral scent, it had an immediate effect. Though unlike what she did to Flash, the two of them began to feel drowsy as their eye lids started to flutter shut. Sunset tried to make sense of it all, but all that was certain was that she needed to go to sleep. It just came upon like a warm blanket, with which her legs soon gave out under her and sleep consumed the world.

Town Plaza by the Food Truck

"Twilight!" Sonata called out and ran up to embrace her friend.

Once again, her powers allowed her grip the poor girl and lift her up without much of a try. Smothering the human with affection after such a harrowing moment with Adagio and Aria, it felt like a wash of clean water refreshing to the soul.

"Bout time you finally got here. Something's really wrong with her and I believe the gems are wacked, thanks alot Yellow..." Aria grumbled and gave some room for them to inspect the golden siren.

"Ya like for realzies! She let the last place go completely bonkers, and then sent that bus driver guy over there to cause this huge pileup with cops and stuff!" Sonata added.

"Don't forget you said you sensed something in her gem doffus." the remark caused the light blue skinned girl to roll her eyes and sigh out of frustration.

"I need to see this for myself." the crimson haired man still in his office suit marched past Dusk who'd yet to release Twilight out of her deathly grip.

Serak followed closely behind him, eager to see the emergency which had shown its symptoms already in a bad way. The two men passed by Aria keeping their eyes glued to the guilty looking one before them, still on her knees very unsure of what was about to happen. Her meeting with the only siren she held so dear to her other than her father and the pod, had shaken her resolve and left little to give any kind of witty way of handling the situation. She'd just have to take what came and hopefully protect herself in some impromptu trick of the words.

She tensed up from their shoes clacking loudly, the still emotionless faces they wore. Would they take away their gems for what she did?

Yellow stopped abruptly before her and soon took to her level and squatted with a hand out, "Let me see it." his voice deepened as if a parent were angered at their young.

Her magenta eyes glanced back and forth from his large hand to his still dead face, as if she had heard the most ridiculous statement in her life. Was he about to tear it from her? Did she need to even grant his request? Or was he actually going to help her with whatever seemed to be the issue with her all thanks to Sonata's little spell.

"Best let us see it love. That is, if you want to still be you before we even open the portal back home." a taxi driver she never met before joined them by as well to which she hopefully assumed to be apart of the mysterious group of lackies.

"There is no backing away from this, let me see the pendant." Yellow warned still holding a ready open hand to receive.

A strange sense of panic began to fester, making every limb twitch eagerly to move away from the men. Her own body attempted to decide for her or was subverting a will of its own to decide for her against the growing struggle she put up. It was a hateful feeling, she hated being told what to do, hated not being in control. So she fought the tenderness that soon prickled the surface of her skin, and the discomfort was noticeable to Yellow and Serak. Her hands scrunched into fists, her eye lids betrayed her, even every breath shivered as she failed to keep the struggle beneath eyes and ears.

Yellow took in the evidence and drew the conclusion he feared might have come to pass, in a split second decision he took back his hand and bit into the meat of the thumb's part of the palm. Using a rather sharp canine the skin ruptured under the quickly applied pressure and the wound began to bleed. Cadmium red bubbled up and soon spilt over the site, dripping down gracefully off the appendage in a steady second after second rate of flow. Adagio could only watch as she still battled to keep her flesh still.

The man moved his injury towards her, stopping just short of spilling blood on her clothing. He gave her a strange look, one that she could understand that he only meant to help her. No attempt to forcefully take the ruby from her or even grope around for it, he just eyed her like a statue in those gothic cathedrals humans went to for their gods blessings and prayers of aid. If it were not for the now crippling sensations going through her, nothing would have convinced her to side with him otherwise. So, she reached into her corset and underlying frilled shirt beneath to pull out the pendant with shaky hands.

Yellow said nothing as he waited for her to bring it fully forward till the black cloth which tethered it to her could stretch no more, only once in perfect reach did his blood finally drip onto the stone. Droplets dotted the little gem until they eventually coated it as the blood refused to fall off the sides of its forward facing facets. Seeming to pool as if the ruby was magnetized and attracting iron flakes, and the effect was immediate as the strange pull she experienced faded away.

Yellow let his life force continue to leave his body until the ruby soon appeared nothing more than an smooth oval in shape far larger than the original stone yet no different in color. The chemical reaction formed a strange cap on top its surface like it had been a trapped insect in amber, sparkling just like the ruby itself. Breathing relief as puppeteers strings were cut from her, Adagio marveled at what had happened completely shocked and floored by the oddness.

"W...what did you do!?"

He pulled his hand away and pinched the wound, looking over it to ensure the coagulation set in as she asked again, "What did you DO!" her voice more worried than angry.

Serak seemed just as lost as her when Yellow finally spoke up, "A ward to mitigate the effects. You should be fine now that its crystallized."

"Against what? The souls of the dead sirens of this world!" she nearly shouted at him as she realized what might have been the problem.


"Then what! Dare I ask?" her fingers going over the diamond hard surface of the ruby's casing.

He sighed heavily as if he knew something like this was bound to happen, Aria was the next one to speak, "Out with it already! Those stupid rainbooms could still show up after the idiotic move she just displayed today."

Twilight moved to go to Adagio, but a firm grasp of one of her arms held her in place. Turning to look, she saw Sonata had been the one to keep her in place and by the way she seemed saddened there was a good reason she stalled her.

"I was afraid of this, the gems having been buried with the soul essence of the departed. I had hoped their release would purify the stones, but it seems I was wrong..." he finally answered as he pulled his fingers from the self inflicted wound, revealing a freshly closed puncture as if he'd never hurt himself.

"What's wrong with our gems! Tell me now!" Adagio demanded frantically with a part of her wanting to toss it far away from her as if it were acidic.

Yellow gave a quick appearance of guilt himself, "I underestimated the human world and its ancient magic. They are a very emotional species whose magic corresponds to their psychological well being far more than any Equestrian could ever fathom. That said, it seems the rubies are tainted with the imprint of the old spirits that once dwelled within them. They may be gone, but the emotional signature is not and it seemed to be infecting your mind as it copes with a new host."

Adagio gasped before contorting her face with anger, "You said these were purified! You gave us faulty stones that would ruin us!"

"No, he gave you keys to serve your part. Magic of this world is far too rare to study and anticipate, there was no time to test them nor another siren of which to partake in it." Serak replied trying to calm her down.

"You would have died eventually within a few months if we did not chanced it. You youngsters don't even know why its a carnal sin to steal a gem from another of your kind do you? It's due to the fact that your immortality is sustained by the power you draw and contain, using negative emotions to convert into dark magic through those." Yellow said as he gazed into her eyes, their golden sheen glinting in the street lights around them.

"We were always told we just never could... it was impossible..." she rambled under her breath at his knowledge of her kind and the stories mothers told hatchlings.

"Some inhabitants of Equis that need magic to live to their fullest, when deprived of it their bodies decay faster than any biological entity should. Think of it like an electronic appliance, when you pull the plug from the power source... I had one of the others plant mana crystals near your workplace and where ever you slept, feeding you just enough magic to keep you from becoming dust." he pointed out what she couldn't believe even for a moment.

"We kinda trailed you... after the concert when your original gems were shattered. The plan was to convince you once the little battle of yours was won, but seeing as that did not happen we had to see how durable you were. I was one of the ones to seed those crystals near you, quite the hungry bunch you lot are." the taxi driver grinned for a second.

"Immortality once cut from power or magic that sustains it, your bodies would have deteriorated at a rapid pace. Seeing that we had little choice to be had I took the final steps to secure the gems, how you reacted to them and test for effects, which did indeed happen." she stared at him with a look that could have bored through granite, "We saved you at the cost of our own security, hoping your kind could lead to our solution and a way back."

She hesitantly held her words for a time as she mulled over his statement, "We... we would... have died?"

"Its a rather sad end for some of those exiled to this world when they attempted to continue whatever warranted their banishment. Whether it was a good or bad deed, selfish or generous... Yellow's seen what happened to those who use up or lose their magical artifacts that encompassed their powers. Some died doing good for others, becoming nothing more than dust to the winds. The less favorable had minor lives that lasted barely days before their drives ended their own." Serak said as she backed away a bit in revulsion.

Dazzle had heard their little tale, but she failed to see any real reason to believe it. Sure they had magic and potential to do what needed to be done, but were they truthful? Were they following her group just to study them like some animal or flower?

"What was it you did to my pendant." she hissed trying to think clearly.

Yellow stood up next and set his hands into the pockets of his suit, "Simple... dragons blood, the most powerful reagent used in magical potions. Its dominating effect can subdue tainted objects by it sheer innate willpower alone among other things if its fresh from the source, you should know about dragons and their cousins. Little can stand against them, and their element of fire and greed shadows all else."

Aria scoffed, while Sonata felt Twilight step back towards her as if appalled by the mere words spoken out loud. The insinuations had many contexts to pertain, but what meant what needed further input before any of them could intervene.

"I know that look Adagio Dazzle, my little gem..." Yellow pointed out, "I cannot say much else still... too early for that. Your a frog in a well, who only knows the sky above and not the rest of the world. Until we attain the portal and passage, will then you will know the truth about us. But trust in me that your well being is of the utmost importance."

"I find that... harder to believe now!" she fired back.

"Then you'll come to know I'm more than what meets the eye." he grinned before standing up and offering a hand to help her to her feet.

Adagio needed more answers, what so far she was supplied did little to ease her turbulent thoughts. How was he a dragon that could caste and use magic as they'd witness the vanquishing of the souls that harmed them before. Dragons of Equis were brutes and hoarders of treasure, and yet this man had run a shadow group and organized them properly. The few lesser dragons and younger ones she remembered crossing paths with were anything but as giving and intelligent as he. Those things were anger incarnate, masters of fire, and avatars of greed no matter what stage of life they were at. What Yellow Tail was, whatever Discord cursed soul and the abomination his true form must be, was a questionable issue to trust even the slightest now.

"So... what about the others? Sonata and Aria?" she begged the question.

Serak answered for him, "Different lives, different problems for the gems to lock onto and root. You seem to be the most troubled of your group. Which made you the liability."

"So I'm the weakest!?" she growled.

Yellow seemed unaffected by her bout and continued, "No, but you need help. And someone here has already taken it upon themselves to deal with the task. If you intend to keep on living that is, you'll accept their assistance."

"I don't need help, just fix our gems and we'll be on our way to prepare for that big event!" she shouted back.

Twilight ripped free from Sonata's hand and dashed into the fray, determined to prove herself loyal and trusting. The whole time watching the exchange between Adagio and Yellow Tail had her envisioning that near death experience being trapped with her in the restroom. The power that shielded the lonely sad girl, she felt Adagio needed to relive that moment of release. She had to do something and help, that was all that her little heart wanted was to be of use and not just someone in the way.

"Please, we don't mean to belittle you! Your no less of a person for taking help. Even the deadly Orcas of my world who live in pods and can take on Great White sharks, whenever they are beached or trapped I've seen people help them and they just know its a good thing. Look at how Sonata is, ever since she's told me about her past... she's been a whole other person hasn't she?" Sparkle stood before the dominant one of the vocalists, though she pleaded to her in a compassionate way it appeared to not hit home.

"I don't know what an Orca is, but sharks are little to us sirens back home. Those are mere guppies compared to what lurks in those oceans... Regardless, I'll pardon your insinuation you've made about me since you did give us back our lives as it seems. Let's call it even and ask nothing else from each other. I want Aria's stone capped as well, she can be a bit of a difficult one to handle." Dazzle tipped her head to the offending teenager.

"WHAT!! No, no you don't, this is all about you and your wacked out head!" the twin ponytails swayed as she fought the verbal jab.

"No, it is about you! You need to remember what happened Adagio, what you did... how much pain you held in..." Twilight knelt down and touched her arm softly.

"I..." the world rippled cutting off her retort.

'Oh no... not again!'

As soon as the human girl touched her, her vision flashed with moments from someone else's life. Pulsing from her on the ground with Yellow and his followers to some kind of room and herself as if she were having an out of body experience. Every time she saw herself, they were like scenes ripped from a film reel as she had appeared at first bent over a counter. Only to then pop a few steps away, it was disconcerting to witness herself and the awful state she appeared to be in. Though soon enough the real world stopped coming too, and she was looking through the eyes of someone else.

"why... tell me why..." she heard herself growl.

"Why... Why did they all have to go?! Why was I the last one!!" she whimpered holding her hands up to her face just inches away from the skin as if afraid to touch her own flesh.

"I... I... I couldn't ... hear their voices... their songs anymore. It... it was so quiet for all those years!" she gasped as if her breath was being stolen from her, "So quiet... no one there... so quiet... quiet."

Soon a new voice pipped up in the background, "I... I don't know!"

'Twilight's... I'm looking through her eyes? When did this happen!?' she shouted in her mind.

Adagio glared at herself, her hands shaking steadily with bridled fury, "Why was I left alone?! Why did they leave... leave me..." her volume dipped into whispers.

'Was this what those two were trying to get me to remember? Then how did my hands... what did I do?' she asked noticing the two women knocked out on the floor.

"... alone... I just wanted it to... to go back to the way things were! Was that so bad to ask?! Am I just some thing to be cursed while those ponies led such... perfect lives!!" another sound wave blared out and cracked the tile floor beneath her heels in a shocking manner that sent herself backing into the wall behind them.

'Was I... was I forcing myself to maintain control? No... I wouldn't ever get to that point of needing to suppress anything, but that power I projected... that has to be when the gem started to act against me!' she thought over the violent outburst.

Adagio surveyed the further destruction of her little moment, she was surprised they hadn't run into the Rainbooms yet with what destruction had been caused. Yet it was a new thing to witness, because a siren never had a reason to feel so troubled and need to use her own magic on themselves in such a way. She didn't even think that it was possible, was it a subconscious thing she did as a way for her body to fight back against the tainted gem?

"Why can't... I... make it... WORK!!!" as she cried out to the heavens where the ceiling panels above caved upwards before showering below from a ravaged main air duct.

'Wow, that was the same move we did when we had the upper hand against those multicolored misfits back at the battle of the bands. Good to know that's something I can do now. Oh! Dear Poseidon that's what I did!?!'

By now the vision skipped to her attacking the floor and going to town on it, exerting the magic she had into each punch which had to have shaken the building and even the road outside. How reckless she became as her own emotions consumed her, she was nothing more than a feral beast at that point. What did it for her were the audible sounds of bones giving in to the assault, the ruby stopped glowing like a light bulb which she figured was about that time she drained herself.

Further shaken by the action Twilight took as she rushed into herself and stopped her from doing any more harm. It felt weird to her to be hugging herself to put an end to her desperate situation, but the emotion carried with it as if she were the one consoling herself. She could barely feel the sensation of hugging, but it was there as much as the unabated crying her past self let out. For a sliver of a second, she gave into the little memory and felt for her own self like a sister to another. Such a broken thing she had become, having so much buried underneath her willpower that it only now began to make sense. It was fertile for the corruption to take root and do what it wanted to her. She was weak...

"Your not alone! You have Sonata, Aria, and me! Stop! Please stop hurting like this!!" Sparkle shouted over the girls bawling to get her words through to her ears, "You have help right here! You will succeed! You will make them all pay for what you've been through! We all will ensure you do! Your pod, me, and Yellow!!"

Adagio gasped at that, what she heard was unbelievable and very shocking from the little human girl. Those words were from the heart, her very spirit at least if her senses were able to carry into this strangeness she was thrown into again. Instead of the fear she felt, it evolved into a weak form of love and concern, something they couldn't feed on and they knew its flavor all too well. What were they to this ape who seemed so latched onto them, had she not understood and withheld some kind of reservations over them for what they tried to do? Rather than wanting them only for the sake of gaining magic, was she that invested in them to be so supportive?

The two knelt onto the destroyed floor together, embracing each other as Twilight took it upon herself to whisper reassuring words into the golden sirens ears to calm the weeping. Slowly she rocked herself, gaining a whole new perspective as the memory version of her became nothing more than that little hatchling that was separated from her family. Exactly as she wanted to feel and express if she had not been constantly on the run from the predators of the mainland, too afraid to go back into water ever again. Each time she wanted to try and cry it out, to cuddle against anything even a sapling tree, a hungry or territorial monster would spring out which she'd have no choice but to bottle up for another time.

Though that never came, and the cork stayed in the bottle for the contents to fester. She had to harden herself and become a matriarch if she were to have lived up till now. She couldn't have a regular life, growing up in a pod and learning with her fellow sirens. It was either eat or be eaten until she found Aria and Sonata and fortunately came across the large cities where life finally gave them a break, let her have peace.

As the world went to white, she could hear Aria and Sonata shouting in the background. Likely the moment they found her passed out by then, and to their credit they told her the truth from the get go. The fog vanished the moment it reached its thickest density, a blink and before her were everyone else as she now sat in the real world once again. To the others, they could see confusion and astoundment in her gaze which darted to each of them, not a few seconds ago the lead singer had essentially lost all sense of things. Her pupils dilated as each breath became shallow and consistent, causing everyone to pause and watch.

Sonata spoke up first as she stood next to Sparkle, "Adagio? Are... are you okay?"

"I'm not sure." acting as if she woke up from a long nap and her body groggily restarted itself.

"Tell me what you saw Adagio, because we have had something happen as of late and I'm still learning about the potential effects of it." Yellow asked with a softened look upon his angular face.

Even Aria peered over his shoulder to watch her matriarch stir, "I saw it... everything and more those two tried to tell me, about what happened back at the restaurant."

"Oh for the love of the sea bed! Finally she remembers everything!" Blaze said.

"Hush!" a wagging finger from Sonata buttoned her lips.

"I saw it through her eyes." Adagio then drew her attention at the young girl, the whole world nothing but oblivion as she tried to make two and two of the experience, "What did you... how did...?"

Sparkle blushed a little before looking to Yellow, "After I found the portal, the device we built trapped some of its magic and well... I can do magic with it. But I thought if I didn't have it that I wouldn't be able to do anything? Yet Adagio just recovered from her memory loss using my own to supplement."

"Sir, its possible the device still serves as the mana well for humans, but if its potent enough perhaps a little sticks to them? She did draw upon what likely needs immense amount of magic just to sustain it. She's not absorbing anything that I can feel or sense." Serak mentioned which had his lord rub his shaved chin.

"Wait wait wait, you mean we have a portal back home as in its been found just today?" Dazzle snapped back into her normal self as soon as the news was spoken.

"Yes, we found where the Equestrians have been coming through and that leaves us to do very little other then prepare. The proof is in her magic, I'm sure even you can feel it too, the little there is left." Yellow answered watching the siren confirm in her own way.

Catching Twilight off guard, she grabbed the hand on her arm and brought it too her face as her gem now quiet and obedient warmed the contact more than what should have been felt. Just like that day at the cafe before they went to that cursed school, the magical event that bathed over her after running out of the building to get a better look. Like the warmth of the sun, like a viper with heat pits she could also see the colorful spectrum as a little mist behind closed eyes. Faint yet lively enough to stain the human with mana, though it was far too little to be fed on.

"Your right, its barely a drop left in her but its Equestrian Magic! Pure and unrefined... Its delicious..." her gem tried to draw upon it naturally but the fumes were not attainable.

"Uhhh okay?" Sparkle felt a little uncomfortable by the way she confirmed her story.

"The important thing is that we found you three before the taint of sorrow took over you, and judging by the way you were. You would have done irreparable damage to the plan. To that I will ask you keep an eye on each of you until the time comes, monitor behavior and watch for excesses. While we cannot rule out Sonata and Aria's stones attempting the same thing, I believe they'll be less suseptible as I've said before. Now, can we stop having these occurrences happening so often its making it harder to set everything into place." Yellow sighed as he stood up with Serak and Twilight following in step.

He extended a hand out for Adagio to take, and helped her rise to her feet, "I second that, I hate having new things just spring up as much as anyone or anything taking control. I am the only one who does that."

"Good, now then its getting real late and I believe it is time to call it a day." Serak proposed as he gestured to the van.

"Hold on wait a minute..." Aria stopped everyone before giving off a quick tune towards the food truck.

"Oh that's right, they were there the whole time!" the people in the vehicle slumped in posture as Sonata slapped her forehead playfully.

"No loose ends." she ended the little song and walked to the taxi.

"Good, Twilight I'll send the scanner over to you through the school's mail after I study it a bit more. We can't have anyone else suffering the effects of magic especially you, we'll have to monitor whenever you acquire it. Though I can trust you to do that in my steed, your diligence in science and research speaks for itself. Oh and Adagio..." Yellow turned to the golden siren as she adjusted a wayward curly lock of hair.

"Yes? What is it?" she asked looking up from her handwork tidying herself up.

"The real reason I do not want to treat their gems as well, is due to the fact that I've all but used up my supply of mana and that goes for my blood as well. We've been at this for a very long tiresome time, search leads and looking for ways back home. The cost of using what magic I had, and to alter your gems... I had to condense much of my original blood to create such a pure filler. I cannot say I have enough left to do much anymore without taking from our reserves for the gateway. As I am anticipating the process to take additional spell work." he declared before continuing his walk back to the vehicle.

Aria and Sonata joined by her sides and looked her over to see if Yellow had indeed fixed her. She seemed well enough, and Dusk did not sense anything wrong with her anymore or at least she hoped she didn't miss anything. Twilight walked behind them unsure of what to expect from then on now that Dazzle knew about what happened. She hoped nothing changed between them, knowing that the pride she possessed had a huge ego behind it though for reasons.

"Yo, anything different now? Ya not going to go crazy in the head again?" Aria chuckled before a hand gripped onto her leather trench coat then closed the gap between their faces.

"If I hear you call me crazy again, so help me I'll toss you to the dogs! Now to answer your question, I'm quite fine. Free now that this has been neutralized..." she grabbed the amulet with her free hand and looked at the new gemstone.

Releasing the slipped lipped siren, Adagio studied her precious again but with far more detailed observations. Aria stumbled away and huffed, having had the confirmation very clear that her leader was indeed back to normal once again. As Sonata seemed to enjoy the reprimand she received by laughing into her hand smugly. It was then that she stopped mid stride while her subordinates took a few more steps before stopping as she had.

"You two head to the van, I need to have a word with our middle man here." she glared at them to drive the point on.

Not wanting to entice any more of her dominant ways of exerting control, the others picked up their pace. Leaving Twilight and her to the private conversation with the headlights of the taxi cab shining at them. Sparkle of course felt nervous at the request, but she figured the golden girl needed to probably ask something about the memory. She could not even fathom any harm coming to her, as there was little reason for it. Yet the strange behavior still coaxed the caution into her as she considered ways to get to Yellow if the gemstone had not been fully sealed.

"Just you and me, our human ally in this stain on our history. I must say don't get too cocky because of that... unfortunate turn of events back then. A momentary lapse was all that was." she began taking slower steps towards her with unamused eyes.

Sparkle wondered if she began to put up a front once more, hiding things for the sake of it, "I still stand by what I told you... if you saw it all of course. You will get your revenge with the others, and I will ensure it happens even if I have to go over there myself to see it through!" she stuttered her words trying to sound convincing and firm.

"Yes, I do remember that speech of yours which is why..." she hung on the last word.

Twilight felt herself tense under the judging eyes of the other worldly creature in human skin, one with a reason to exchange blood for blood. It felt as if she were back at Crystal Prep being evaluated by the other girls whenever she made a mistake. Unlike all the other times however, she would not shrivel under pressure as she needed to, had to have their friendship. The feeling of being needed and wanted had become far too addicting to let go.

"... I've decided to let you into my pod. It is a magnificent honor to be invited as a chosen one, the few, the rare. You've proven your loyalty and I can attest to the genuine essence of your words having seen it through your mind." Adagio watched as the girl before her sported wide eyes of wonderment.

"Which means you answer only to me and serve our purpose no matter the costs. I fought your other you, so I know you have a voice that can at least pass siren standards. However that is not why I'm letting you in, it's as the saying goes. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer... and if we should ever by chance meet the other you again. I'm counting on you fighting her... stopping her and those meddlesome Rainbooms from interfering. Since you can use magic, you'll serve me very well as a secret weapon should we need it." hearing the immense amount of trust being placed upon her from the head siren nearly made her heart explode.

"I won't let you down! I promise." Sparkle bowed her head for no real reason other than to placate to the alpha.

"See to it that you don't..." Adagio spoke softly before bringing a hand gently to the girl's left cheek to raise her face to meet hers.

Twilight had no idea what was happening, but she let it continue thinking it was part of some kind of ritual for initiation or other. If sirens were as intelligent as she figured, they had so many customs unique to each pod and traditions spanning eons if they were as old as anticipated to be. Though once their eyes met one another, Adagio looked mournful and happy at the same time.

"... because a pod mate as caring as you... is irreplaceable. Any matriarch strives to have such strong bonds that are willing to comprise their unit, and yours helped me discover something I never knew was true. And for that I owed you, so in return your one of us... a Dazzling. Just don't let me down..." she told her with a quiet voice before her hand caressed her cheek as it slide across the skin.

Then, just as if it never occurred she walked into the headlights, leaving her flabbergasted and very much stunned. She just made true friends, real friends who appreciated her with enough gratitude to her actions they brought her into the fold. First the portal, then the magic, and now she was now officially a Dazzling! Something insider her felt whole again, something that hadn't been occupied in so long that words could not bring the reality she was in to description.

'I'm... a Dazzling!? A Dazzling!!!'

Ch. 31 Friendship Games: Arrival

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Ch. 31 Friendship Games Day 1

Over the course of the next few days, the lives of the marked went on to ready themselves for the most important part of their lives. Adagio and her sirens performed in smaller venues then before, feeding and practicing under the radar which the Rainbooms failed to notice their prior incidents. Thankfully, the lack of the heroines allowed them to grow and mature their talent ever more, using the existing genres of the human world to modify some of their older acts that captivated Canterlot and defeated Starswirl the Bearded. None of the other girls were coaxed into falling low by the corrupted gems, the sparse little that the lingering emotional taint had to cling to. As the date drew to the last day before the convention, Dazzle decided a break was needed to relax and make final revisions before the big day.

In their bedroom, lounging about till the next meal of the day, Sonata had remained in close contact with Twilight even now. Using her phone to talk late into the night and send photos of their latest shows now that they were subdued. Her bubbly happiness became a beacon of the trio's health, as noted by Twilight to Yellow Tail. Aria had remained content with things back to normal and her old Adagio back in control, though she took far more practice sessions alone to better her voice. Which had the benefit to Adagio being in a better mood more than usual, without butting heads much progress had been made. Spending the silence creating the latest tracks to their first album to be used at the convention debut. Weaving new magical enchantments to claim most or all of their audience into adoring them, fine tuning each word to draw out the most negative energy possible till their gems could feed no more if that was possible.

Twilight Sparkle of the human world spent much of the days in her studies of magic, drinking in every manuscript she was given, no tomb escaped her hungry mind, no detail or glyph left out. Hydromancy, Pyromancy, Aeromancy, Geomancy, how to rule over life and death, Light, Shadow, Necromancy, spirit magic, and time itself were laid out before her and categorized in their various applications worth greatly to humanity's prosperity. Though some subjects were at best summaries and few actual ways to use them, but she understood that there was likely only so much Yellow knew himself and what he came with. If she ever spent time in Equestria, she'd look up some of the arts including the forbidden. To her joy, the most vital magics were in depth with many spells to test when she did gain some more mana to do so. Thus, they would prepare her project for the inevitable applications to be put to, taking into account the many safety protocols she'd need and likely without Yellow to help with in the future. To someone as bright as her, magic was no different from handling explosive Cyclohexane chemicals in a college level chemistry course for nursing majors. A proper scientist knew their boundaries to push and when to stop, even if magic had so many mistakes to make which there would be no turning back from. As far as she knew, the good that would come of all this was nearly in her grasp, and that was all that mattered. The Golden Age of technology that humanity would enter into with magic.

By the last day before the Friendship games arrived, Sparkle had been inducted into the event forcefully by Principle Cinch who needed the school to secure its victory. Going so far as to use her brother and childhood babysitter against her better judgement, but it scared her not in the slightest with the empowerment from being a Dazzling. Normally, she'd hold reservations and worry from the fact that she lacked the physical abilities for the relay portion. Yet thinking of the girls gave her a boost of confidence to handle Cinch's decision to include her, after using the threat of pulling her application from the Everton Independent Study. After all, she had magic to fall back on, and once she reached the peak of the research no school would turn her away.

As for Sunset and Flash, they awoke with no idea as to why they'd slept on the couch of the living room after dinner, with no memory leading up past the hallway they left Rose shortly after. Feeling refreshed and rather crisp, Sunset's life had felt as if it had taken a new turn for her and out of the danger she once suffered. As Flash had originally proposed, she became the coach and leader for the team to rally against Crystal Prep even after enduring the little blight of her She-Demon past during Rainbow's pep rally. The girls were all in for what she had to offer to secure victory, from new diets to training in the gym. Pinkie Pie took over the food prep happily, knowing that she could still produce sweet treats using the amber of the gods, the bee made honey. To Sunset's satisfaction, their ever energetic friend kept her word to make the meals that would give them faster recovery and stronger bodies, using her Equestrian diet with some modification thanks to Coach Iron.

He too assisted during the final stages with archery, taking Applejack and Fluttershy as personal protege's. While the derby club honed Rainbow Dash and Pinkie in the art of the roller blades for the wacky course that awaited them. Though they ached from the extra rigor, tended to by Rarity for calluses, blisters, and more the girls were all happy with their improvements in the days proceeding the games. Rarity of them all had been the most exhausted having been nominated as the substitute for the group. Taking training in everything the others worked on in stride, she would prove that even a proper lady could master the three sports.

Shimmer and Sentry took joy in the dirt bike course Mud Slinger allowed them access to, learning to control the two wheeled mechanical beasts and their agility. Though they fell off more than staying on in the initial start, soon enough they along with Rarity had developed passable skills to beat the novices that were Crystal Prep. In the act, the two best friends became closer than ever as they worked themselves raw and treated each others scrapes and cuts from the tumbles taken. Rarity still held reservations about their bonding but said nothing, as they aided her since she took the longest of the three to understand the motor bikes. What kind of friend would she be if she put them on the spot after they eased her into the sport with so much support? Mud Slinger gave them his seal of approval as well as old highly prized helmets he'd won back in his hay day, so long as they promised to wear them during the event.

Shimmer had no further problems with the curse since that last incident, as if it waited for the right opportunity to strike. Though she still feared being alone and giving the dragon a window, she stayed around densely populated areas and crowds as a percaution. Often leading her to maintain as much contact with the Rainbooms, Sentry, and Rose with whatever excuse she could muster. Like any good harmonious team, they shared many meals together, sometimes two to three of the girls would be available or the whole gang itself.

They spent the time wisely, discussing new tactics Dash devised to counter some of the underhandedness the Shadowbolts were known for. Pinkie Pie tested her latest creations on them that sent their taste buds to heaven, due in part to the Cakes also giving her some additional pointers she wouldn't have known otherwise. Applejack and Sunset were quite the duo in the science, math, and spelling categories having been the more academic of the six. They became the tutors for the others to hone their minds in where they lacked. While Flutteryshy's affinity and kindness towards animals proved to be a boon in the carpentry game, where something would be designed and crafted for critters. Capitalizing on her memory of what animals liked and disliked, she guided them in the proper types of dwellings people could make for birds, insects, reptiles, and mammals of the smaller sizes. No matter what creature was chosen, the girls and Flash were rehearsed in the finest ways to appease animals while showcasing some amount of flamboyancy.

By the time the games were close at hand, the Rainbooms and others were at the peak of perfection of body and soul. Confidence was sky high, material they covered could be easily remembered down to the last detail, Rarity's dresses for the relay games were being finished, and best of all their training had not gone unnoticed. The school soon caught on to their dogged determination to win back the Wondercolt pride, and slowly they all warmed up to the idea of possible victory. Even Shimmer received far fewer negative receptions when she walked about, it all seemed like everything had turned around. More so that no one caught any stranger to their parts of the town, no sneaky individual who did not belong and stalked them in the shadows. Though that did not removed the issue entirely, it did mean they were able to concentrate better, and it all culminated to one more day before Crystal Prep would arrive with their snobby noses in the air.

Back in Equestria, Princess Twilight Sparkle had failed to find the book after looking everywhere, even in her mentors study room. Despite Luna's warnings and hope that she would abstain from becoming consumed by the missing item, Celestia had been the one to settle her down after stumbling upon her going through her personal study. Needless to say, seeing the error of her path it became clear that Celestia had to order a break from the research for her, while Luna and the Adepts continued on with the notes she accumulated. With a brief send off and lists of what she felt were vital objectives, Twilight left reluctantly back to Ponyville where she spent a few days with her friends and Spike. The little forced vacation worked its charm and brought back to old Twilight, the one who could work through stress and organize anything from a celebration to a royal wedding.

Upon her return, the others had drudged up plentiful of data to sift through and flag the more relevant. Sparkle would sleep the day just to research at night, investigating each lead with the Adepts in depth. Through Luna's help, a little lineup of possible vile beings ever to grace Equestria were labeled for records of their banishment or defeat. The Night Guard commanders would handle that, and allowed Sparkle to make serious headway with portal invasion possibilities. All that was left was to test them and report back to Princess Celestia on their final findings. Regrettable, she would soon be closed off from the Black Tape Archives soon which still held the majority of its content still unexplored to them after the perimeters she set.

Dazzling Hotel Room

The three magical singers sat on their respective beds, taking it easy and carefree. The window covers were open to let the light in with the big screen on mute while it played the local news. It was peaceful and mellow, having had their midday meal not long ago, their minds were prepared to go over the latest fruits born of Adagio's brilliant mind. They took the moment as comfortably as possible, simple tee shirts and shorts as they lounged on the bed spread.

With her hair unbound and flowing straight down, "Man she's been working alright! How do we you know? Test them and all that, just to make sure?" Aria asked as she went over the new songs they'd use for the convention the next day.

Written in basic paper notebooks they purchased at the store with the huge bit pool they amassed, all the latest hits that would win them the adoration of humanity were dissected before the girls. Every ounce of negative emotion would not go missed, if she judged the complex enchantments right. Adagio had indeed been inspired by the modern day music stars, the contents and style were identifiable but unique all the same.

"With these, no one will escape our beats, no word shall be missed without cheer, even the oldest ape to the smallest monkey will be eating out of our hands and more..." Adagio laughed into a minor cackle.

"Wow, even I can't understand the lyrics anymore, but I mean I can still sing them though. That's what I meant to say of course." Sonata said as she tried to decipher the handiwork of her leader.

Seeing Sonata lacking she pointed to the opening act, "Look here! See, I've added additional octave variations here and here and.... there which will caste the proper enchantment for a wide range trap. When we reach the second verse, the frequencies change again to cast a more powerful spell to cause the audience to love us. Once we reach the last verse, the crowds will go into a frenzy... a mild one of course. After that, we will feed on all the negative energy from people who heed from all walks of life, the energy will be magnificent!" she looked to Aria who gave her a weird look before returning back to the papers.

"Far deeper than our songs at Canterlot, so you used the frequencies to cast the spells? Wow, I'm actually impressed with that. To hid the new enchantments, your as sly as a lamprey Adagio." Blaze complimented nodding away as she sifted through the other songs for the same alterations.

"Nigh detectable, made for this our biggest venue, and strong enough to handle channeling the negative emotions we will amass. I knew that our old songs would barely feast on the first ten rows and barely enrapture those beyond. Though this means it will take more magic to do so, which is why we've been out and about so often besides fine tuning our voices. I will warn you two, we will likely dip deep into our reserves just to make this work, but the payoff will be more than enough." the two looked a little worried at the gambit.

"So we like, put our all into our singing and hope to get something back?" Dusk tilted her head a little lost at the plan.

"Kinda in that manner yes, but the immediate draw will buffer if we have... an incident. But we won't get another shot at this, we come back with all or nothing. It's the best I could do with what we'll be handling, after all you two remember the layout of the convention center, several thousand humans... we have to take the risk if we're to fill these up in one go and over saturate them for the portal. Canterlot was barely two thousand, and we're going on a third more or over that here." she boasted as she crossed her arms.

"Ya, they did say a few outlying schools would be entering the animal rearing contests. Guess that means a few hundred more could make it four thousand heads. Then again, the beer crafting might definitely draw in the crowds even more, you've seen how much these monkey's self medicate! They put ponies to shame in their love of apple cider" the two looked at Blaze who shook her head in distaste at the humans use of alcohol, it reminded her of that one sea slug she once tried to eat as a hatchling which spewed out something as similar and burned her nostrils.

"Maybe even five thousand or six? For realzies!?" Sonata gasped.

"Exactly why I had to do this, you cannot catch a shoal of sardines with a little hand net can you?" the golden siren quipped.

The other two nodded in agreement, drastic times called for bigger nets and this one cleared the cake. They needed little time to prepare, with their voices so highly honed to their recent works the adjustments were simple enough. Fortunately that was the case, so that even Sonata had no issue with the little fixes here and there that she wouldn't be able to mess up.

"Gotta say, I'm looking forward to this feast!" Blaze fell onto the bed and relaxed to the many visions of glory that were ahead.

Adagio gathered the notebooks and set them next to several other duplicates she made just for emergencies, "Yes and I dare say we're quite deserving of a nice dinner for tonight, we'll need the energy for tomorrow. Sonata can you call Twilight and see if she'll be joining us? I'd like to try that other place on the list, the last one we've yet to try before we leave this doomed world."

Sonata blinked for a moment before the hype consumed her, "OOhhh!! You mean we're eating out again with bestie best friend! Yay! I'll call her, you mean that place called Take eeh saw?"

Blaze slapped her forehead out of sheer frustration at the butchered name, "No Sonata, its Takenewa, you know that asian place where they serve the freshest seafood around?"

"Oh! Ya what you said is what I mean to say, that's what I mean... to say." she flipped her wrist about before quickly diving into her phone on the night stand even as the others groaned at the usual Sonataness she exhibited.

As the cerulean girl texted and picture chatted away, it allowed Aria the moment to seek answers. The end game plan after they reached the pinnacle of their powers and returned home, nothing was ever really said other than the looming threat of loosing the new stones they had. It was something Adagio wanted to figure out at first before she went on her demented phase and plotted out their actual scheme to conquer Equestria. What was never cleared by her were the replacement stones, gems from dead sirens...

Looking over to verify Sonata was deep into her phone conversation, "Hey, Adagio? If we go through the portal or whatever and lose our pendants again, when and how are we going to get new ones. The ones Yellow promised us?"

It was legitimate and valid to ask of she had to admit, "We put our trust in him, and expect the end of his bargain at a timely delivery. He said he hid the ones he took from those Acarnes, so likely we'll have to hitch a ride with him or something. Maybe if he's a dragon of some kind he'll have wings and we'll be able to ride him on our way there. Save us the time."

"Riding those awful monsters? Huh? So essentially we're up a bog with out a paddle?" Blaze scoffed.

Though she wished to avoid using such a metaphor, what her compatriot spoke of was the summation of their situation as hostages, "Yes Aria we are, and we're going off what he believes will happen to us when this whole mess is done and done. We're sirens not mages, so who knows? We might still keep these things well after we cross over?"

"Let's just hope this won't be another bug hunt..." much to Dazzle's aggravation, Blaze left the conversation at that and closed her eyes to rest.

Noting nothing good would come from pursuing the issue, the two left everything at that. Sonata very shortly concluded her chat with their newst human siren, the new inductee which Aria had been itching to test her with Adagio being the one to postpone their next gathering till now. She told the others about Twilight's inclusion a day after it was authorized, which surprisingly Aria put up little resistance to and seemed to draw joy at having someone else to tease other than Sonata. Though for the aloof girl, she took it as only she could by becoming the annoying and the very hyperactive literal one who grated their nerves, leading Adagio to regret mentioning it. She had not only jumped about the room on the beds and the sofa, but she raved about celebrating a new member to their pod. For her, it was as if the family had grown and by chance it was someone who did not belittle her and instead raised her spirits when they were down.

"Hey I just thought of something." Sonata popped her head up from the phone.

"That's a first..." her bully pod mate chided.

To which she gave a miffed grumble before grinning wide to the point it put Aria off, "Do you think when we get back that Aria will go find that really attractive kirin we met back at that island place? You know before we hit Aquestria and Coltlantis!"

Adagio gave a short giggle to the nice relief of the mood permeated by the unknown future ahead of them. Indeed the little memory did not go missed as even she recalled that short soiree we were invited to by the Emperor and the Empress during that sacred holiday of that place. She could remember it vividly as it came to her forethought, the day one of her sirens fell in love.

Neighpon, Tokyo: Long Ago before Banishment

The Dazzlings had traveled from the mainland of Cinia to the west, across the East Cinia Sea aboard a Neighpon merchant ship. At first Adagio wanted to sing their way on board, but they were found to be as welcomed as they were on the mainland. It seemed anything of dragon heritage had been held of the highest esteem no matter how little they belonged to and their passage was granted free of charge. They were even given some fish from the ships storage destined for its homeland, the first mate described as an act to bring good luck. Kindness given to dragons or their relatives often were seen as such superstitious and brought fortune to charity, something the sirens shrugged at and accepted the gifts well from the ponies.

The journey had been long and boring, though the sea had thankfully be merciful to them and to that they gave blessings and gratitude to Poseidon for the moderate waves. The shaky seas under cloudy skies inevitably delivered them to the island nation who had been rumored to keep its borders closed off to all save for the lucky few. A country rich is possibilities and culture, thriving off exports from its surrounding waters, silk, pottery, and the most expensive master crafted weapons and armor only the richest could afford. They seemed mature enough for the Dazzlings to feed on, even if their numbers were estimated to be a fraction of Cinia, they likely possessed more concentrated negative emotions being stuck on an island chain type of continent.

Not long after they made landfall on a green forest covered coast, Adagio and the others traveled about to learn about their latest prey. Which at first the densely packed city centers and festival prone villages showed much promise, but they were sadly rebutted the chance when the denizens that consisted of the main population were confirmed to be children of dragon hybridization. Dracony or Kirin, creatures of pony and fire breathing lizard genealogy who possessed no usable negative energy they could utilize. The entire nation itself was a desert, as a little research and visits to the many areas showed the reason they could not sing and acquire their precious food. Dragons were the embodiment of greed and vessels of fire, negative creatures by origin and thus negative creatures could do nothing else to one another other than fight.

What few ponies and non-dragon hybrids were around were the minority, too few to really gain anything usable or serve as a decent snack. So it left the sirens to enjoy the sights and smells of the interesting country they would linger in for a time till they moved on. Their presence proved to be a boon to their experience, sirens were technically specialized sea serpents or water wyrms. Their auras and status alone had Neighponese citizens given them blessings and free stuff if it would allow them to send their prayers to the long dead and hopes for better fortunes. It became a rather strange incident where they had adoration but without the negative energy to absorb, and to that they relished the most of the attention during the Sakura Festival.

Adagio and Sonata soon found that they could attract admirers besides the use of their voices to enslave them. As they floated through a long street filled with vendors in red booths for games, food, trinkets, and wares under stringed paper sphere lights. Characters decorated many signs, the language of the nation was nothing more than alien to the Dazzlings so they often became lost and simply followed the crowd. They took in the fun and food given to them for free, Sonata who took on the joyous activities more than her fellows as her simple mind could only do with any challenge even if she failed. She gawked and wondered at the many crafts for sale as well as the variety of grilled and freshly prepared seafood that permeated the air with their savory aroma. Though Aria enjoyed the moment she found Mochi and watched the gluttonous cerulean siren reach a point she couldn't eat anymore with her mouth gummed up by the little treats.

Aria laughed from her gut at the scene of finally reaching a moment of peace where Dusk could not bug her with words and confusing logic, "Finally we found a weakness in the great speaker! Oh man who would have thought her stomach would be the doom of her!"

Sonata seemed to register the jabs and frowned still trying to devour the gummy wad in her dry mouth to no avail. Adagio simply giggled and looked around for something new to test on Sonata for ways to hamper the more aggravating qualities of her without any attempt on their part. That was when it happened, a lone hybrid approached them and specifically aimed his sights on Aria in his stride. He bowed before them, with the main tied up in a lone bunch cleanly and perfectly as if he wore an obsidian cap.

Dazzle looked at him as he rose up, sensing something a little off with him yet not in a bad way, "Hello and welcome, I do hope your enjoying our little festival here, the annual cherry blossom event. It's always been spectacular every year."

At first the three regarded him as a peasant talking to his leaders, but knowing they had to keep cover they gave into the pleasantries. With all the good being bestowed upon them, it would have been a very bad end to label themselves as hostile entities now. The fact that he had some charming qualities about his draconic features did not make it difficult to do so either.

"Yes, very humble and diverse for a mere changing of the seasons, your kin know how to celebrate the little snowfall your trees make." Adagio answered calmly as she eyed the ki.

"Ya, whatever..." Blaze looked away from the male before them as she cared little of interacting with others.

While Dusk tried to still chew the food conundrum hampering her speech without choking, "I was wondering if I could ask one of you to join me seeing the festival before the fireworks begin? Would that be okay? By the way, I'm Tokuga Tachi" the scaly being spoke up with a voice as soothing and gentle as the others of his kin.

Adagio studied the kirin before them that wore a simple silk garb draping over his forelimbs and legs, covering his body up to the start of his neck. A long slender spiked tail poked out and waved like a serpent from underneath the garment in a slow swaying motion. The fabric seemed to be a dull dark blue for the upper portion of his torso and barrel, while the rest below the belt had been a golden gray. If she were to make any assumption, the kirin might have needed the clothing to keep in warmth if they were as reptilian as they seemed to be. Their knowledge on this species had been lacking, but it was not of any need with their stay limited as it were.

His scales tinted a pleasing turquoise of the back, neck and, tail up to the spines that lined along the dorsal part. They seemed as if she could stare into them for long periods of time, the way they glimmered under the hanging candle lights she had to give compliment. Accent colors along the edges where the main armored keratin ended were a light emerald. Though only visible where the claws and feet began and the edges of the neck that met with the underbelly scales, contrasting with a low vanilla hue. His hair appeared jet black, with the characteristic horns of kirins poking out in a burgundy brown, their source of magic casting.

Of his silvery pristine fangs, the clean mane, and carefully tended claws, the eyes of the young dracony were what captivated Aria when she gave him a look over, they were a beautiful and venomous Alice blue. Which just like his armored body they were as spectacular as any jewel with a fire behind them, something unique to these inhabitants of the island country. She respected that color combination his parents gave him, but it still had to convey through his character if she would even consider giving even a modicum amount of praise. They had seen plenty of fancy looking beings, most were vain and rotten inside though perfect for a quick feeding session. Then she stopped thinking at all, instead questioning why she would have even wasted time talking to the chimera. Viewing out of the peripheral of her vision, the rules of attraction had snared her.

Adagio shook her head as if having the impact of a full cup of that strong tea back in Cinia hit her system, "Sure, I don't see any harm in that, to whom are you wanting to ask? Would it be me by chance? I often have many seeking my attention these days." recovering quickly as she assumed her usual nature and charm.

He pointed to Blaze with his muzzle, "The lady of the court, I saw her through the crowds and felt the need to try for her attention. I can also sense you are the one they follow so out of respect, you will allow it one of gold and majesty? I then humbly ask her the same, as it is customary for consent here."

Taken aback by the forward Ki, Aria stalled in a response and seemed to keep studying him for any signs as to why he fancied one of them let alone her. Sonata seemed to be slack jawed as she did the same, a line of saliva leaked out of the right side of her lower jaw through the green wad of food. The stupor would not last as her fast acting mind lept at the next thing her attention span demanded. Using her talons to shove the sweet treat down her throat, she gulped it down painfully until the gummy treat ended up in her stomach before speaking.

"Ohhhhh!! Someone's got an admirer!!" she laughed and poked her elbow into the stoic siren beside her before clapping her talons together.

Adagio simple shrugged off the missed chance for a non spellbound captive to her own beauty, however his sweetened words were true and he had found her to be as he described. That she had not been under his privy became dust to remove off her scales, but to respond as she wished to would have landed them in a culture clash. With nothing left to do with the kirin, the matriarch nodded to him turned around to leave them using one of her forearms to lasso the taunting siren with her. The rest was in Aria's court, the puck passed quickly and could not be returned as she later spun around to somehow escape the moment. Only to find her fellows lost to the crowds by the time she snapped to, the odd unfortunate circumstances that kirins were as tall as they even as they levitated with their magic. A quick growl was given as she gave up using the girls as the ticket out, she faced the ki and glared at the enigma that surrounded the very air about him.

"What...?!!" she couldn't believe the situation she was placed in.

"It is a simple proposal, nothing of the sort of binding agreement. I just wish to accompany you, that is all. Merely going about to enjoy all that our festival offers, I hear its better with another to experience it all." his ghostly eyes locked onto hers never dallying to insult her with devious investigations over her body.

"If I say no?" she asked folding her forelimbs over her chest plates with the best unamused look she could foster.

Though the effect was not even registered upon his face, he chuckled to himself before looking away at a mother and her hatchlings as they purchased a few treats from a grilling booth. Even his tail showed no sign of betraying the reaction he likely hid if she denied him.

"It is no lose to either of us, a friendly gesture is all and I had planned to pay for fun to be had. You see I'm a rather bookish kind of fool, and I've been meaning to come to this event for a while now. Surprisingly enough when I willed myself out of home, I'm met with an even more glorious development than I could have ever imagined. Seeing you... the flutters within my spirit vanished and I am at peace. If I could just say you are a wonderful specimen of your kind and leave it at that, then my night is made and my goals achieved far beyond the bar." she noticed the sincerity in him as good emotions wafted off his body only she could detect.

"When you put it that way... your actually the sappiest male I've ever meet. And the girls and I have met many. I'll... take you up then if just for the free goods and stuff. Besides we're leaving in a few days, might as well enjoy it before we're back in the monster filled oceans again." she suppressed the flushing of blood to the underlying skin beneath her facial scales with the utmost determination.

"Fantastic, I will say this you will have a great time that I will promise. Just let me know if I ramble or anything, I... I'd hate to ruin this night for you." he turned to road ahead brimming with all kinds of entertainment and goods to partake.

Aria looked up to his chosen path, the rest of the festival Adagio had planned on not going through as the crowds grew thick. Since they couldn't feed, it was as if to her they were in a kingdom sized buffet and not a crumb of food to eat spiritually speaking. She herself found the food, colors, and patterns the dracony used to be a pleasant atmosphere to linger in, but like Adagio saw no other need to stay. Singing and practicing was all that a siren needed, it was that and family rearing which made them happy as a pod should be. The civilities of nations were loud and obnoxious to the quiet lives their kind lived in, getting their dose of adrenaline when a sea beast tried to feast on them every so often. But here she was about to spend time doing the exact opposite if just to feed her actual stomach with the culinary delights of Tachi's nation.

'What am I getting myself into... I'll get those two back soon!' she sighed and followed her impromptu chauffeur.

Large fluffy trees hovered over the festivities shadowed by the peak of the full lunar cycle. The glorious moon and the dark starry sky around it, giving a closed off world to those who'd notice and concentrating everyone's attention to the lighted areas created in the massive park. A very gentle breeze kept the heat from the lights to a minimum and the cooking meats with tantalizing sweet aromas of baked food constantly floating past Aria's sensitive nose.

The two soon vanished into the sea of kirin and colors, which Adagio and Sonata soon reappeared from the nearest booths they had hid behind and watched from. An elderly rin who had a small layout of woodwork craft laid out before her, her naples yellow irises looking to the golden siren who peaked from the corner of the fabric blind that boxed in her booth. She watched the female laugh as her other friend snaked through the street traffic and joined in the giggling, like little ones after a prank on a classmate.

"She actually took it! I can't believe she thought we ditched her!" Adagio squealed in joy at seeing the whole thing play out.

"Ohhh!! Isn't it romantic..." Dusk smiled as much as her elongated muzzle could.

"And she's none the wiser as we observe from afar, I'm sure those two will have a good time with each other and plenty of raw juicy goods to hold over her when she gets antsy again. Especially for you Sonata, you know how much she just loves to hear you talk." she said as the dorsal crest of her fellow tented as the memories of the mocking and insults came back to her.

"Hey ya! Now I get to do the same to her!" she clapped her taloned forelimbs together again.

That was when they heard a sigh and the words of Neighponese being spoken in a frail haggard voice beneath them in the booth nearby. It was the old rin shaking her head as the silver mane uniquely pulled back in several directions like waves into a bun in the back. Flora hair ties and clamps neatly situated into the elegant style that shimmered under the light above. Her tail sticking out of her wardrobe with a tuft of hair at the end curled around her seated form. She possessed four antler like spikes which appeared weary with age, though her facial qualities had aged very well and still possessed some youth. Interestingly enough she dawned a long flowing silk robe decorated with flora which complimented her peach colored scales with the forest green of the cloth.

Adagio used her translation spell immediately to find out what was being muttered under the elders breath, using a little magic she hated to use now. As the spell took effect, the rin looked up to the two of them as her ancient eyes examined them before speaking. Salmon pink orbs seemed to speak for herself, the years of knowledge behind her life and it hit Dazzle with what she then assumed was about to be a lecture.

"You children and your little tiffs, you should work in harmony with the way as we do. Instead of cutting down the plum tree because it failed to bear fruit this year, tend to it and nurture the plant. Love... not bickering and resentment... foster goodness in the world and in you. Let her have fun and not be berated for it, it will repay itself in due time." she waved a clawed finger, wagging it at the two.

"Its just harmless little fun is all, now be a dear and let us..." Adagio stopped when the elder whipped out a walking cane made from a freshly pulled tree limb that jabbed in her direction.

"What is fun but the delight of your own ventures, why not seek fun and peace with all? I can sense in you something to be held in the future where you will be given choices to go to greater heights or fall to karma. Whichever path you take, what will your fun play into that when you will need support? My young one..." she shook her head, "Overcome what you think you need and see that only together can we all exist, to exist and live, to live and be one. If displeased with your friend you are, realize you can't change anything or else you will live in a fantasy realm that will doom you."

Dazzle was unsure of how to proceed further, the two sirens levitating in place trying to figure out if they could just leave or if that would cause a ruckus. With the cane still pointed straight at Adagio's face, it made her want to slap it away with her tail if not for the fear of having everypony around turn on them. So with a cool and calm sense of things, Adagio let out the breath she'd been holding in.

"Your so right, we'll let our Aria go without us. I mean there's so much to do here anyways, why waste it spying? Right Sonata?" she gazed at her subordinate.

She simply shook her head and shrugged unable to respond to anything the old kirin spoke of, she'd already gone past her limit after the plum tree metaphor. Without verbal backup, it left the leader roll her eyes and sigh as she found no backup to get the female off their case.

"See even she doesn't think, we should have just been nice and I'll remember to do so from now on. Let's go Sonata, there's so much culture around here we haven't even begun to see." she nervously shuffled the cerulean hippocampi away with her.

"Heed my warning youngsters, you will lose the path... the way is the only salvation!!"

'Now we can't even follow them after that decrepit thing held us for so long. Guess you win this time Blaze, but there will be more oh so much more.' she thought as they cleared past the crowds around them and towards the cherry trees.

Crystal Prep

Twilight sat in her lab with Spike in her lap, the computer before her sorting through many calculations of using Hydromancy for an advanced form of hydroelectric generators. She recently stumbled upon and self repeating mana wash which would constantly implode and explode without the possibility of losing any energy in the process. The spell would be self sustaining, though in theory it would possess a part of the users mana well to remain thus reducing their overall magical potential. In return however, clean environmentally friendly source of energy could be erected anywhere as long as water was available. She even went into the generators design and the towers for the mages to caste from one by one to oversee the spell and trade off for a rest cycle. The employment alone would help many and the job was very simple as well. Then there would be the jobs for upkeep of the generators and infrastructure, people would be able to earn money when it wasn't even possible with barely any degrees of higher education. It was the first tangent project she made after she completed her reading of Yellows manual.

Currently, she had contacted him after she arrived to the school to discuss the uses of the energy creation and if he knew of any flaws she might of missed, "So nothing wrong with it other than mana exhaustion? Your saying they'd have to create a containment spell to keep the mana from dispersing regardless? But then that defeats the whole objective! The ward will sap mana itself unless... we redivert it back into the perpetual momentum through a conduit spell! The first one will do its one task while the ward contains, yet feeds off the first while giving back if the ward were outside itself... like a self sustaining glass biome! All three magic casts would work with each other and lock the mana into itself so long as the caster remains healthy and awake! Wow thank you so much Yellow I wouldn't have realized that sooner."

She heard him chuckle on the phone, "My pleasure Mrs. Sparkle, I'll be happy to offer my time to you with as little as I have now. Just keep in mind that mana is like energy in your world, once its used it will evaporate without the Ley Line gravity well to keep it earthbound."

"I understand sir, oh and I was thinking if it would be alright to take the scanner with me to Canterlot High for the games? If I can see if it will absorb any lingering magic I'll be able to do more than think and plan. Could I?" she asked with hope, knowing soon the buses would begin to load in everyone.

"Well, seeing as Sunset did not realize what you did, she should be unaware of the device and what it does. Nonetheless, keep it hidden from them. We're too close to have to build another and I don't have another gemstone like that one. If you discover anything worth while, report it to me as I'm unsure of what has gone on in that school and who is what. If you can try to keep allies nearby, if you get cornered your school may be the only salvation from being discovered of your true intentions. Mob mentality is something you humans and the ponies share in common." he answered to which she gravely nodded.

"Understood, I'll be careful with everything, and your right the rivalry between the schools is so thick anything could set a fight off with a drop of a thermometer. Anything else sir?" she pondered about the ally bit.

"No, your free to go, stay safe Mrs. Twilight... we can't afford to lose you anytime soon." the sound in his voice dipped as if he could already envision the Rainbooms stripping her of the device and tracking his group down.

"Goodbye sir." she hung up and looked to her pet as she scratched his ear.

Setting the phone on the desk she pondered the newest experiment, what could possibly contain magic other than the portal if there was a chance?

"Oh Spike, I know doing this will power up the scanner but I'm worried that those Rainbooms might be the only other source of magic in the school. Other than the portal, would I be going against Yellow's wishes to keep away from them if I weakened them? Perhaps siphon enough magic from their bodies that it would render them powerless to stand up to Adagio and the others? I think its impossible that there would be anything harboring magic unlike this. So I have nothing really to test this on... and I'm no special operators of the armed forces either... can't even go through the hallways without running into other and being pushed around even if I tried to avoid them." her little puppy awoke and noticed her dour mood.

Stretching his little compact body, he soon took to nuzzling her hand that petted him trying to remove the dark cloud forming over his pack leader.

"I'm not a mage if I don't have mana, thus I can't help them when they might need it. But to get it means going into the lions den... even if its for the greater good. I might even take enough magic to aid with the portal too, if what I read on summonings that will take all if not more than what the sirens will have even if they're full. But the nature of dark magic means that isn't a guarantee they wouldn't have enough. I could be risking my self for nothing and just out of subjected fear..."

The dog's innate senses were on alarm, he could feel his owner losing hope. Yet it would be his little peppy self to come to her aid and bring back happiness, all he had to do was leap at her with a wagging tail and a few licks to her face; then she'd be right as rain.

"I haven't even tried out any spells since they just happened on their own, I only memorized the new ones and their casting requirements. Even if I earned the mana, I have way too much testing to do with it before I wouldn't be just some kid playing with fire for the first time... uh... hey spike! Haha ahaha quit it!" she giggled as the canine gave her a break from the thoughts that started to stain the day ahead.

"Okay okay! I get it, no more deep thinking!" she pulled him off her as he barked before whinning.

She stared at him and knew his wondering eyes and tilting head gestures meant he still felt the shadow of doubt. Holding her pet in the air she wondered about what she was soon going to do, Adagio's most hated foe that could bring them down once and for all. If she indeed found those Rainbooms to be the only other source of mana and that she could take it from them. Would it not be in their favor?

After she talked to Sonata, hearing about their latest outings to feed and grow in power she had a growing need to be there for them. A tall house of cards her life had become now, with the last few levels that remained and at any time it could collapse before the form completed. They were so happy thus far and the mere thought of something ruining it all, stranding them in her world where they'd soon perish to the faults of magic users sent over. Immortality at a price, rapid aging that would end their long lives in a month or less, a cruel fate that awaited them.

Spike took the instance to shake himself from her grip and once again jump up her chest to help. His nose desperately cuddled the crook of her neck as he licked every now and then, his tail furiously shaking to a constant beat of seconds that passed. The fur tickled the skin and jarred Sparkle from the poison, as it seemed he would not relent until she ceased.

Instead of trying to get the puppy away, she thought of Adagio's pain and a heart felt wish to have gone with her family. Someone who wished they had died together instead of being saved to live and seek a life out to make their sacrifice worth it. Twilight wrapped her arms around the little bundle of help and cuddled him as every situation she could think of swam in her mind. Though because of his doggedness, his actions pulled her out of the pool of uncertainty and into the way of action. The invigorating positive energy he gave her set the mission ahead that would be her new dawn.

"You know what Spike? I'm going to tell Adagio what I'm about to do, I vowed myself to them and I serve the good of the pod. If she thinks this will be a good idea, then I'll take it head on and disable those guardians. She says no... well I can just put this all behind me. Thanks Spike, your always there for me just like Sonata." she lightly squeezed him again before his little doggy brain commanded him to squirm out of her grip.

Letting him loose on the floor in order to pull out the roller tape to remove his hair, making sure no evidence of him would be seen once she left to the buses. While doing so, the phone came out again and she dialed Sonata post haste, now was not the time to be foolish and go out doing things because she thought they were right. She was a Dazzling, apart of a fascinating team of mythological creatures who respected her enough to make her one of them. She'd be nothing if it all fell away because she acted alone.

As the little canine began to search out his food bowl and water dish, the phone connected with the recipient. The all to familiar voice came up as jubilant as ever.

"Hey Twi! What's up, I was actually about to like call you?"

Holding her breath and tensing up first, "I need to talk to Adagio first if that's okay?"

"Hold on a momentee! Adagio its Twilight. She wants to say stuff to you." she could hear the device being transferred over.

"Ah if it isn't Twilight Sparkle, hows my new inductee doing?" the sultry voice of her leader came through.

"Oh um everything is fine, about to head off to Canterlot High for the Friendship Games." she replied.

"That heathen place...." the dislike was almost palpable through the phone, "Yes I remember, your going... well forced to compete as it were, probably be in the same vicinity as those cursed girls...... Anyways, to what do I owe the contact? We are on our day off right now."

Knowing her matriarch meant she wanted to be left in her own thoughts and peace, she needed to make this quick and to the point.

"I wanted to pass a plan on to you, and get your approval for the good of the pod. I want to use the scanner which gave me magic and use it to take away their powers if its doable. It would render them a non threat if my theories are correct, and they'd be weakened when the time comes. Mana regeneration if the books were correct takes days to replenish, so they should be at fifty percent or less if they should show up before you leave. Would you permit me to try this out and help?" she squeezed a fist as the anxiety kicked in when the conversation seemed to have frozen at her last words.

She waited for a couple minutes, hearing a light breathing in the background as well as what sounded like a TV. There was a thought of what if she overstepped her boundaries as the lowest ranking siren of the pod. She'd seen plenty of documentaries with wolves and other pack animals and how the newest members were always at the back of the action.

"Twilight... do it. I want you to make them as powerful as unicorn foals! Take their magic away so that I can humiliate them even more, because I plan leaving our mark on that school that will haunt them throughout their lives. Make them be as able to to caste magic as a snail could! Contact me once the deed is done, and don't fall into a trap. Get out of there if things go south, I can't lose you now nor ever. I don't care if you have to bunk with Yellow Tail and his minions either!" Twilight nodded to herself as the door knocked to her room.

She jumped and panicked while listening, rushing out of her chair to grab her dog and stow him in the nearest empty filing cabinet. Caught by surprise, Spike just looked up at her as she set him down using her shoe to open the drawer and gently place him inside. Quickly using a finger to her lips to hush him, a trained reaction she made sure he knew that would keep him quiet till he was released by her. The knock came again and had her snap back to attention of the two things beckoning her.

"Twilight? Are you still there?" Adagio asked a little worried.

"Ya! Yes ma'am! Just had someone call for me and I'm rushing to get my things before the bus leaves." she answered as her hand gripped the door handle.

"Okay... well you have your orders so carry them out, and remember to log it all in. I want to savor their misery when they realize what has happened. Goodbye my dear Twilight." to which thankfully the call ended and allowed her to see who had come at such a bad time.

"Cadence!? Is it time to go? Did I miss the bus!!" her eyes darted to her childhood friend to her backpack.

"Calm down Twilight!" she giggled at the standard reaction when the young girl thought she lost time, "I just came to inform you that we're lining up at the pickup point. So go ahead and get everything you'll need and meet me there. Try to be the first one, I know how the others tend to treat you..."

"Right, of course, excuse me for a moment I have to shut everything down and go over the list! See you there!" she closed the door abruptly.

"Same old Twilight, never changes for a moment." the dean shook her head and left to the point.

It had been a blur of motions as Sparkle closed down everything and backed up her hard drive to several thumb drives that she left on the desk haphazardly. The computer still ran its original program as she put it to sleep, all the inventions she'd sketched up as of late were strewn along the work table on the other side of the map she made trying to allocate magic when she first detected it back then. With spike hidden in her bag, she locked up his bowls in the closet before leaving and securing the entrance till she returned.

In no time she ended up at the transports where a line of fellow Crystal Prep students had formed, but the only thing on her mind was to find the buses as she was told to do so. The drive unfortunately put her in a rather unfavorable situation soon enough, though in hindsight she should have seen it coming.

"Dean Cadence! I made it as you asked! What do I do?" she huffed trying to catch her breath standing before the young woman scanning over her clipboard.

She looked away to register the new arrival, "Oh Twilight, good you made it, please wait here for a second I need to ask Principle Cinch about sending a few more students to this bus since the first one is overloaded and we have spare seats."

Knowing the dean had a quirk for efficiency as much as her, she let it go and waited for her return. Though it became clear standing where she was had sown yet another unneeded social contact with the students she got along so well with.

"How about you could TRY the END of the LINE!" the all too familiar unhinged Sour Sweet declared behind her.

Wincing at what was going to happen she tried to defuse the issue, "I'm sorry?"

"Oh it was nothing. You should be first in line, after all Principle Cinch did use your opinion of us to make the team and we're so flattered at your appraisal that you deserve first in line while we've been waiting in the sun for the last ten minutes." the pony tailed said with honeyed words.

"But I... I didn't mean to..." she tried to excuse herself to walk to the back as Sunny Flare gave her a smug look.

"Twilight, sorry to keep you girls waiting for so long, seating placement was looking a little choppy there. You may now board, I'll put you down on the list first, so go find a seat and we'll be off the Canterlot High." Cadence smiled at them as she started to focus back on the clipboard and scribble the immediate names oblivious to the student interactions with one another.

"Wait, I didn't mean to cut in line?" she tried to stop the official documentation.

"Too late for THAT isn't it?" Twilight turned around to see the others made up their minds to follow the dean's command.

Already she had started the walk across hot coals and they had yet to even reach their target destination. With defeat, she left into the bus hoping to avoid any further issues with other students, the energy was best left to setting up her psyche for the battle ahead.

Unfortunately for her, fate deemed yet another test, "Are we gonna WIN!?!" a shrill voice assaulted her ears as she felt her heart leap.

"Wh-what?!" she stuttered.

"WRONG answer try again!" Indigo Zap shouted into her face as her amped up state drove her to do so without care.

Twilight thought of how she handled Adagio and Aria, overbearing and easily able to sail above the concerns of others. Instead of trying to do what she'd normally do, knowing that Indigo was a vain person when it came to contests and sports the only way to excuse herself would be to stroke the ego.

"With you at the helm I know we'll get through it right? I mean you are the top Shadowbolt C.P. has. We will win...!!" she grinned nervously sensing Sour Sweet stepping up the bus steps.

Zap merely tilted her head as the answer she got was far from what she expected, but it was welcomed as she gently punched her available shoulder playfully, "You're cool, I am at the top of my game and we're gonna wipe the floor and streets with those Canterlot dweebs. Stay fresh Sparks!" pointing her index finger at the girl with the thumb up.

"Ya... you too." she returned the gesture and moved on down the bus.

It seemed as if the little flattery had earned her a break, as for once no one moved to deny her a seat seeing as The Indigo Zap found her to be cool enough. However, she wanted to be left alone to gather her thoughts, she needed allies just in case the Rainbooms tried to get the flanking maneuver on her but none so far seemed to fit the bill. Most of the initial students were really people she didn't know, and she figured the prestige she earned just then would only go so far. The hunt ended when she caught sight of Lemon Zest, the school's music enthusiast and rock aficionado. The one person who'd be too consumed with her latest acquired album to bother her, but the down side had been Sugar Coat on the other side of the isle.

"You were right, Zap will carry the physical aspect of the team in the relay portion, thus securing our victory in the actual meaningful portion of the games. Good job admitting to that." she flat out stated before going to stare outside the window on her side of the vehicle.

"Uhh... um thanks?" she looked away to avoid further talk with the most blunt girl of the preparatory and looked into her backpack.

A quick unzip and there she had Spike pop his furry head out panting happily to see his owner no longer feeling negative. She uttered a few words of gratitude to him for the morale boost he gave her before closing the bag just in time for Zest to finish rocking out.

"HEY! YOU GOTTA TRY THIS! JUST CAME OUT FROM GERMANY! IT'S SPANGDAHLEM!!!" she shouted above her music before she slapped her headphones over Sparkle, much to her chagrin of not being able to say no to the ear busting sounds and rough voices.

Canterlot High: Front Entrance

Sunset made her way to the statue to check the crack for any more damage, having also thought she might need to cross over for just a moment and find Twilight or at least get a message to her in some form. She figured she'd get it over with soon before the rival school appeared, after having practiced again with the others. Rarity had brought out their new uniforms for the games and figured the others would make the better decision as a team than herself. Fashion just was not her forte and would have opted for a more practical attire if anything, but morale needed to be charged up and good get ups were a must.

As she descended down the stairs, she wondered if she could actually pass through. In truth, she still couldn't will herself to even if the thought passed by, things had gone on so well with the others. She had helped build up a team into well coordinated competitive machines, and rehearsed so many lessons for the first half the event. They had spent many hours of the day with each other, if not out of her worry about the nightmare which had yet to visited her still. Impending doom like that would have had her walking on glass if it were not for the dirt bike lessons with Flash and Rarity. She even had the chance to see his father and have fun with the mechanic and police officer. With Rarity needing the extra courage to get down and dirty, seeing as much as Flash and her crashed as often as that occured their fashionista took longer to train. Though it took a simple wardrobe change into expendable wear to finally make much headway in time.

With the school counting on them, the last thing that was warranted would be a Celestial being shedding light on something she messed up. That or her other universal counterpart that she had yet to find in Equestria, that one day she feared would happen and have much to explain. Nonetheless, the statue before her offered two choices which she felt already had one selected no matter what.

Her feet stopped before the marble work of art, her hand going to touch the crack that ran down three of the sides. Ever since that day she'd been so busy that she hadn't been able to check on it for any real damage. Magical artifacts such as this one should in theory withstand damage to a good degree before being rendered unsafe for travel. Now that her undivided attention could be given she felt the injury that could not heal. It made her want to write to Twilight to test the portal before coming over if she ever got her messages.

Closing her eyes, she felt the magic within as it shined to her fingers. It felt as strong as ever if not a bit shaky, but there was no mistaking it that the way to Equis had enough fight in it to weather the stranger's touch. Relief felt as good as eating a fine cold sundae ice cream dish Pinkie Pie loved to make, the sensation of her mana connecting to the gateway was a very comforting feeling. Sending the upcoming jitters for the Friendship Games aside as she mouthed a blessing onto the statue, closing her eyes to focus. It was an old song of prayers she remembered back from her time home, a magical release of positive energy which had the potential of affecting daily life on a very small level.

She needed to do it, after all the extra time after practice and school, she had Pinkie over to help her meditate into the Librarium to continue her research. Each solid piece of data she felt was relative had been scribbled down while Pie seemed content to entertain herself with the food she always brought. So far out of her hard labors, she nailed something on the Greed character in Starswirl and Nocturne's journals. It coincided with something terrible that had to be exiled and had been temporarily put on high alert for vengeance should it ever return. However, her memory only went so far after how long it had been since then, and unfortunately she did not read every page as she should have due to Celestia always showing up and saying her peace. The worry she had in her looking into the forbidden arts and heretical witchcraft, which sadly ended her dive into the Black Tape Archives as shortly then she was shown the mirror. The rest was history and the most important history she needed to know with it as well, but she at least had the name of the book and its location for Twilight to find. A very old collection of journals almost hidden away from prying eyes held behind a few rather out of place books.

'Its been weeks since she's gone silent, but if Discord spoke the truth then I guess... what am I saying he's chaos incarnate. But he's not without his peace to enjoy it, if he's here then he's missing out on the disharmony he had made back home.' That nugget of reality reaffirmed her of his standing, that he had indeed been reformed or struck a deal with the Princesses.

As she teased the portal by sinking her hand into the surface but by a few inches, her attention far too absorbed to hear the buses arrive and begin disembarking their contents. Twilight exited behind the main bulk of her group and set her eyes on the scanner which began to light up.

"Good, the portal is still active since last time. Let's see if I can draw some more from it. It may let me get a few options to get away if I get caught by those girls. At least Lemon said she'd hang out with me during the opening ceremony and social. I'm sure Indigo would be the biggest boon now that I'm in her circle, if I assumed right that is." she walked up to the horse posed on its hind legs.

She failed to see the fissures in the base or Sunset on the other side as she brought the device up to the structure. With a deep breath, her hands inched the collector just close enough to begin the act. To her astonishment, she was able to see light being sucked in which sent the blue lights to cease pointing at the source and begin glowing from the top light on down. The programming had not permitted what appeared to be a gauge for contents, but since she dealt with magic now anything was possible. It fed quickly before the blue lines stopped half way up the unlit ones and blinked in place.

That split second it happened, Sunset felt a pull on her hand as her good mood seemed to be yanked into the statue itself. A mild burning sensation greeted her body, as well as a sudden onset of exhaustion as if she had eaten a very heavy oily meal.

"Somethings... somethings drawing magic... out of... me..." she breathed heavily as if a part of her own soul was being torn away from her.

The emptiness had been indescribable, it was as if she had a chunk of her core removed and a lighter than air feeling arose with it. Try as she might, her failing strength failed to extricate her from the statue until the horrible deed was done no matter how hard she pulled on the hand. A few moments of the draining sensation and she finally fell back with a heavy thud from launching herself away, but the pain in her rear and skinned palms she used to catch herself were the least of it. She felt old, like a senior woman who just woke up in a nursing home and needed to stretch her joints to avoid having an accident. At most, her head swayed around as if the world spun around her, forcing her to lie down completely out of it. Nausea soon set in as images whirl pooled like some horrible tornado, her head moving side to side as she tried to fight the need to vomit.

Twilight had not been aware enough to hear the other girl fall and mumble in agony, her heart and mind were dedicated to the strange occurrence with the machine. When it stalled, the lights changed red after the halfway marker giving the striation of lines a combination of blue and crimson illumination. Once again, she never had installed red LED lights in the scanner nor was it able to act like it did, but something strange happened and it appeared she absorbed something else in the process.

"I gotta tell Yellow about this... it may be dangerous to use if that red means anything of caution." she muttered and walked back to the bus as Cadence started to call out for attendance.

Little did she know that Sunset's skewed vision caught her leaving, but the sight of her had become far too warped to really pinpoint a person other than the form. With a wavering hand, Shimmer lifted it towards the departing person trying desperately to call out to no avail. She simply was too weak to do much but plead to herself. All she could determine were faint lines of something by the street which the person left and merged into, the picture her eyes drew from looked as if it were a watercolor sketch with a hand that smeared the image.

"... w...w.wwait... come come back...." her legs shifted in place as they tried to get her up.

The sound of heavy foot steps somewhere around her she could feel where her body made contact with the concrete. Someone was calling to her, but even her hearing started to go with a pervading ring that only grew more powerful. With one last look as she felt something touch her and lift her off the hard ground, and a blue streak was all she registered before passing out.

Ch. 32 Friendship Games: Stealing Magic

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Ch. 32 Friendship Games: Stealing Magic

Nurse Redheart's Office

Shimmer awoke violently and confused, her arms flailed as if the evil was still around. Hands grasped her body and tried to steady her until she realized where she was, like a frantic animal left in a cage for days on end. Once a pair of gentle hand cupped her face, she ceased when a familiar face hovered before her and it was not Discord. Muscles stopped twitching, though her heart continued pounding in her rib cage like a frantic hamster. The many appendages holding on lessened their hold and let her go, finding that she touched the top of the hands holding her together.

Flash Sentry, her ex boyfriend had the most worried look she'd seen, he was speaking to her but she couldn't hear yet. Just the sound of static and her own heart. Applejack put a hand on his shoulder and eased him off her but not away, enough that the others could be seen with Pinkie Pie at the foot of the nurses' bed. The white sterile tiles and walls, the few red crosses plastered everywhere, and a glass cabinet filled with glass jars and plastic containers all spelling the words medical ward. She realized she was in the Nurses office surrounded by everyone dear to her, all talking wordlessly and looking a bit teary eyed. Even pinkie looked different with the mix of bubbly happiness to a little sadness to create a different kind of girl as her poofy pink hair sagged a bit.

"Ah yes, my favorite element of harmony, Laughter... You can thank her for helping get you out of that mess. While my magic is infinite, she gave you some of hers to strengthen your resolve. Give my regards... Oh and not to sound like a broken record let's not lose your magic again." the spirit of chaos echoed away and with him so did the background noise.

Her eardrums were soon assaulted by everyone talking over the other, she still held onto Flash who registered her awareness and breathed out relief.

"Girls, GIRLS!!!" Applejack yelled, "I think she's back?"

One hour later...

After a quick run over by Redheart, she gave Sunset the bill of health owing it to her friends for getting her over for what appeared to be heat exhaustion. However, the odd thing was she did not have the symptoms of being overheated and yet her body reacted as if it had, but the official did not mention anymore when the girls brought up their magic.

"So long as you... don't repeat what led up to this again I believe you should be okay Mrs. Shimmer. Now I don't want to see you in my office for the same thing alright? Have a good day everyone." the nurse smiled on her way back to the desk to finish the medical report.

"So, you sure nothing happened? Nothing at all?" Rarity asked again for the third time.

Shimmer nodded, "Yes, I just touched the statue and it felt as if it pulled away my magic. As if there was something seriously wrong on the other side..."

"Well I reckon we got ourselves one of them baddies around then. Could have set a trap for ya before you chased them off like a fox with its tail between its legs awhile ago." Applejack notioned.

Flash helped Sunset out of the bed and began to lead her and the girls out to the hallway, "I never realized how big this was getting, huh? Another big magical battle ahead for you guys?"

"I hope not, with the games happening there would be far to much danger like the concert battle that might turn kids into zombies or become slaves all over again. And I'm afraid of everyone becoming afraid of magic if this keeps happening." she said as she felt Rarity restyle her bed head in stride.

"Don't you worry a thing Shimmy, I got this under control. No evil disgusting criminal will ever get past my eyes, and I'm the fastest runner of the whole tri-state area!" Dash commented on herself just as the door behind them gently shut.

"The only thing that bothers me is now I can't really feel much of my magic, but there's a little left... Pinkie I thought I sensed you just before I woke up? Did... did you do something?" her sky blue eyes looked questioningly at the pink skinned girl up ahead bouncing as they walked.

"I felt super duper saddie when we arrived and I couldn't believe such a horrible thing could hurt a friend of mine like that! So I just wished really hard for you to get better and BOOM!! Here you are!" she grinned as only Pinkie Pie could.

For a moment, the idea made a little sense since the energetic teenager was spontaneous by nature, that even her magic was rather unstable. She herself had been too consumed with the danger lurking about that she'd put aside learning about magic in the human world that the girls and her still possessed. How they ponied up during their musical numbers, and to which not long ago Vice Principle Luna warned them to avoid using so that Crystal Prep would have no ammo to threaten a default win with.

"So yer say'n you wished for her to get better and it just magically happened? Sounds about right I guess." Applejack shrugged.

"Does that mean we should worry about our magic too? I mean if you think so?" Fluttershy asked meekly behind Rainbow.

With a stern yet tired face Sunset stopped and looked to the group, "I believe it does, if my magic was indeed taken and not by whatever catastrophe is happening in Equestria... that I hope isn't actually happening since Twilight's yet to message me back. I'm going to have to ask something of everyone, and that's to have a buddy with you. This happened when I was alone and by myself, had Flash not been passing by the front doors I'd still be out there. It shouldn't be too hard to do so, but this might happen anywhere so be on your extra guard. This could be the aim of whoever is pulling the strings, just like I did at the formal and the sirens during the contest."

"No ruffian's going to get past us Sunset dear."

"Ain't no way no how anyone's going to ruin the games for Canterlot High!"

"I'll hog tie them faster than they can whistle dixie."

"Ya! My party bombs will tag them with so much confetti and glitter there won't be anywhere for them to hide without sparkling like a laser light show!"

"Oh... um... I'll take their picture with my phone too if I see anyone..."

"And Rose Luck and I will tell Principle Celestia if anything goes down. Speaking of which, should you not tell her about all this? I mean she could put some extra eyes and ears out there for anything suspicious?" Flash asked as they walked back to the practice room.

She thought about it, having the whole school on alert wouldn't be bad and Principle Celestia did say her door was open to talk. Since the staff would likely be going about their business for after the games, setting up new tests and exams they would act as a sort of first line of defense.

"Good thinking, after we get the dresses out of the way I'll go find her. So that's the plan everyone... wait what time is it?" she tried to look for a wall clock.

"Oh goodness gracious!! We only have half an hour before the opening ceremony, if we don't get the clothes properly fitted we won't have time before Celestia arrives to validate them... I'VE NEVER BEEN LATE!!!!" Rarity started to hyperventilate.

Without further hesitation, they dropped the talk and rushed to the band's training area where Rarity and the others had picked out the best looking designs that still had to be tried on. Interrupted by Sunset's accident, they had not gotten to the final part and it was due soon. In haste they left Flash with a farewell, he of whom pulled out his phone to make a call once they disappeared from sight.

Girl's Restroom First Floor

Twilight had been given her attendance call and left to roam the school campus as her device soon picked up something new once again. Unsure of how much mana the scanner could hold or the quartz crystal for that matter, she left to the girls bathroom to make a call first. Checking to ensure she was alone, she went to the last stall and locked the door. Setting her back on the floor and opening it for Spike to get a little fresh air, she pats him on the head and motions to keep quiet.

A few seconds of waiting after she dialed the number, her call goes through, "Hello? Yellow, I have something new that just happened with the instrument, I stood by the portal to recharge it when the blue lights suddenly changed red halfway through the process. What does that mean?"

"Could be anything... here, check the gemstone and tell me what it looks like."

She set the phone on her lap in order to gain access to the disk, unhooking it and doing as told. As it popped open, the tear drop crystal inside had the usual spectral colors lively floating inside it to which she judged the mana it had taken. However, mixed in it like a glob that swirled as its own mass in a body of rainbow water, was a fiery color that seemed to have a life of its own. Her eyes beheld the anomaly as it amorphously moved about that seemed impossible for it to act and behave as it did.

She picked up the phone, "I'm not sure how to say this, but there's a new color in there and its not like the multitude that normally represents the portal magic. Its as if a flame exists inside... like its alive!?"

There was a moment of silence at first before a reply came, "Are you sure its not part of the magic from the gateway?"

"Yes sir, its got a life of its own by the looks of it... like its trying to get out?" she commented as her gaze had been entranced by the colorful show in her hands.

"I can't say for certain... since I've never had to deal with this before, nor ever seen it at all in the past. Can you try a little spell and see if anything is different? I hate to ask you to test something that could be dangerous, but with this new development that scanner may just be as dangerous too."

Twilight gulped as she closed it shut and breathed in, "Nothing ventured... nothing gained right?"

"Audentis Fortuna Iuvat" he told her as he awaited her experiment.

She pushed spike back into the backpack and closed it for his own good even as he whined a little at the way she was feeling. The restringing of the device to her neck herald the first ever test with magic she had in for the lack of a better word controlled settings. Yet test she would, setting the phone down on the toilet basin top as her mind struggled with the rush of adrenaline beginning to build in her. It felt like a knot began to form in her throat and a new kind of energy flowing from the heart. Likely the jitters of what was to come, quite familiar to when she discovered a cleaner fertilizer extract for the apple trees which had been taken to more research at Everton. That day when it happened, she learned her name would be on the academic journal which would display the whole project for peer review on its lack of environmental danger especially as runoff.

"Alright... here we go... a simple levitation spell should be to bad. Then move on to air manipulation to unlock the stall door, followed by a summoning spell... perhaps one of my thumb drives from the lab. Ya that's what I'll do. No fire or geomancy yet, too noticeable and dangerous right now." she said as her eyes closed and she removed one of her shoes to start with.

'Okay, mentally visualize the spell sigils and glyphs in the right order and speak them...' she thought and caste the magic.

The first spell worked without problems, her loafer hovered three feet into the air without wobbling as her hand moved with its ascension and eventual return to the floor. She moved to the next test, repeating the same method only with different words as her right hand swirled in place. This began to cause a disturbance as she felt the breeze of a small fan along her skin, carefully to which she moved her hand close enough to the door. As if she possessed an invisible wheel at her fingertips, the latch was unlocked with a bit of a loud snap. Containing her levee breaking happiness and excitement, she twisted her hand upside down so the vortex of air set the latch back into the first position. The last one would be a big decisive moment, teleportation without actually dematerializing something that teleportors would do. In this case, the spell opened a vacuum portal like a wormhole and deposit the memory device on her lap.

Twilight performed the summoning and low and behold she had her thumbstick drive, nothing bad happened, no black hole that would consume the world or her for that matter. Just plain simple magic and the weird occurrence with the absorption step seemed to be of no real effect to the process other than cosmetic. Thus she let loose her pride at having magic at her disposal.

"YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!" she yelled out and quickly grabbed the phone.

"I guess from what I heard that means there was no problem?" he laughed a little.

"Yellow! I actually performed magic! MAGIC!! All my theories and designs are a reality! Oh you have no idea how much this means to me! Just like when you first showed me back then, oh my gosh this is the new dawn! A new revolution just waiting to happen!!" she practically lost herself in the elation.

"Okay okay, calm down Mrs. Sparkle, remember its not infinite so don't use your mana up. Remember to log everything down on how you feel and what else happens, I know you want to learn more but we're too close to everything being completed." he gave words of caution.

She fanned her face with a hand as she felt flustered in a good kind of way, "No worries sir, I won't let this escape me I will restrict myself. In fact I think I've had enough excitement for one day as it is and the games haven't even begun. I'll need to go, I'm sure the ceremony will begin soon and Principle Cinch will be looking for me. Talk to you later Yellow!"

"Stay safe my little gem." he said before ending the call.

There was no escape from the basking in the afterglow of the successful experiment, the barrage of truths that nearly felt like they were turning her mind into a mash. She essentially confirmed it for herself in the proper way, a new science that she would explore and give to the world. Beyond anything already being studied and used for the benefit of man as well as its downfall, but she would ensure only good would come of it. Knowledge that had so much to give, something that her brain craved in order to operate.

It was this sensation of being sated yet hungry for more that pumped her up, even as she gathered her things and left the girls bathroom. She felt like each step she took had been on clouds, mana might have been at work she figured. Her body adjusting to using it without a second thought, just like Yellow said about humans when they went to him about how she healed herself and used an advanced spell to better use a memory. So much potential...

"Hey Twilight!"

"Hi Twilight."

"Great to see you again Twi."

"Hey what's going on Twilight?"

"Oh look its Sparkle! Hiyah!"

Voices from students she passed by were what shook her from the jubilation she bathed in, students of her rival school must have been thinking she was that body double. Her other verse self that Adagio needed her to defeat if she ever came back, it felt strange though to be so welcomed compared to the environment at C.P.

Students here were calm and down to earth, wearing an assortment of attire that ranged wildly and freely. They moved out of her way as she did theirs, never ramming into her because they wouldn't divert from their intended route. The culture seemed inviting and rather wonderful, adding to the sensation of good from her magic ability. As she waved and smiled to them, she soon found her self before the next target of the device. It seemed to blink like a fire detector its magical gauge to the compass setting, to which as she studied the new behavior someone collided into her.

Having had the scanner flat in her hands, it rammed into the other persons gut who doubled over and smacked his chin into her face. Her glasses were dropped in the process as she stumbled to the ground from lack of vision and coordination from the sudden collision.

She had tripped over his guitar case that fell off his shoulder when he reacted to the minor hit to his diaphragm, to which a couple coughs from him caught her attention.

"Hello? Are you there? Sorry about that, I was a little distracted." she said squinting as she sat up properly and went out searching for the optical gear.

"Twi...Twilight, wow you made it! Sunset's been waiting for you to reply back to her but I guess you were busy. Things have been messy around here, hopefully you'll be able to help stop it all like last time." he replied and took notice of what she was doing.

"Uh... ya? Can you help me find my..." she felt a hand grasp onto hers and gently lift her up, to which her other hand felt the familiar surface and shape of what she needed.

"When did you start to wear glasses? You never wore them before? Do they have contact lenses in Equestria too?" he asked as she put the frames on and took notice of the boy before her.

She was about to reply when the device seemed to shake or vibrate against her chest. Cut short of interacting with the student further she pulled the device up to her vision and noticed it was acting as if it was going haywire. The compass setting now fanned out and closed back onto the direction it tracked the next magical source, ever two seconds it would repeat.

"I'm sorry but I have to go." she excused herself and headed off.

"But I... See you at the games then!" he slouched as the girl went off.

Rainboom Practice Room

The girls were all dressed in their new gear, from C.H. emblem stamped lab coats to work aprons for the carpentry game. Sunset wore the dirt bike armor and clothing stylized after the colors of the school with the equine mascot on the helmet and on each and every piece of the bike padding. Dash had her clothing and padding modeled after hers, but with a little skin exposed since all she and Pinkie would be doing would be roller derby a relay race. Flutteryshy sported the archery attire which had been Rarity's finest piece yet, using floral patterns for the skirt and leggings while stars touched up the arm guards and her shirt.

"Wow Rarity, gotta say you really outdid yourself." Sunset complimented as she twirled around to inspect her own to what Flash would wear.

"Ya Rares, I don't look frilly but awesome like one hundred and twenty percent! Bet those snobs all will wear the same outfits and look totally boring." Dash jeered.

"I like how you didn't go overboard with the minor games, simple stuff." Applejack noted.

"My Rarity, you did a fantastic job on these." Shy felt the fabric as soft and luxurious as it was.

"Ya, you even added extra pockets in all the right places on the wood thingy aprons! Just like how Ms. Cake has hers for big orders so she has all she needs on her without moving too much about the Bakery." Pinkie spun around fast enough to make herself dizzy.

The creator stood off to the side swooning over her work and the love it received. She had to thank Sunset later for letting the girls pick the lines she made for them, so many different tastes pulled in the greatest concepts into perfect harmony. It created an influx of skin tingling happiness in her that she couldn't help but cup her own face and nearly shed a tear of joy.

"I'm so... so glad this all turned out better than my wildest dreams!! I feel so... so... alive!" the girls looked over and noticed a light coming off their friend as she enjoyed the praise.

"Hey is it me or is she ya know... starting to pony up?" the farm girl pointed out as they saw the transformation begin to alter her ears and lengthen her hair.

"Well fashion is Rarity's thing, must have triggered something in her?" Dash shrugged.

Sunset observe the blast of mana wash over the others and her as the change finished. Just like at the Battle of the Bands, she exuded magic which seemed ready for her beck and call through the purple aura that surrounded her form. Unbenounced to her however, just outside the door Twilight stood with her instrument.

"Guys, we gotta be careful with our powers, I know we're still handling everything and all but this can't happen during the games. You know what Vice Principle Luna said about it." Shimmer warned.

By this time, Sparkle watched as the mana gauge showed up on the lights, still split with red and blue. Only now, she could see a hazy fog of purple coming through the air vent in the wall of the classroom she stood by. Another anomaly which like the first changed the next few striations into the same color, giving the front of the scanner a tricolor appearance. It seemed the school had really possessed magic in certain places, though she was sure they were not more portals to Equis. Maybe items brought over and hidden around for the Rainbooms to use against threats?

Rarity soon lost her new form and fell to the ground slowly as what happened to Sunset had befell her as well. The girls went to her aid and caught her before she landed on the hard laminated tiles, though unlike her where she felt like dying. Rarity seemed just exhausted, but no signs of vertigo or extreme weakness as she could speak clearly regardless.

"I... whoa... could use a strong cup of chai vanilla tea right about now." she spoke putting a hand to her forehead.

"I don't get it, she should be completely out of it and way more dizzy..." Sunset's eyes quickly bugged out as it hit her hard, "Someones out there!! Dash check the windows for anyone, Applejack you stay here with Rarity while the rest of us look outside. Her magic was just stolen, you all saw it! They have to be here somewhere or something planted nearby. Quick before they escape!" she pointed to the double doors.

"Uh Sunset, isn't that Twilight?" Dash jerked her head to the new arrival.

All six pairs of eyes then locked onto the familiar figure, except for the clothing it was the one pony person they'd been hoping to get a hold of. To which they all collectively cried out her name and rushed up to her, everyone trying to talk above the other as they greeted the now frightened human girl.

"Twi! It's good to see you again, ya missed the party. We got ourselves some magic thieves runn'in around and Sunset here's been try'n to get ya through that magical book you two use." the cowgirl hooked an arm around her neck.

"Ya why haven't you wrote back after all this time? Did you get all the messages and decide to come here yourself?! Oh wow, I have everything at my dorm room for you to go through, I think I found a few evil beings who might be behind this. I've been going through the librarium spell every night with Pinkie to protect me. We have so much to go over but we have the Friendship Games happening now... darn it!" Shimmer explained quickly as the relief finally showed up to end the nightmare they were in.

"By the way, nice gigs there. You going in disguise now?" Dash pointed to her clothing.

"Yes, this is my uniform." she replied.

"For what? the girls said together.

Before Twilight could respond an older woman pipped up, "For Crystal Prep that's why, I must apologize for my student..." a tall suited blue skinned woman walked in behind the group with Principle Celestia in tow.

"Your student?" the other woman asked out of surprise.

"The smart ones are always the most curious. Come along now Twilight, I believe you need to be in the gym now as we'll begin the opening soon. Can't lose our prized asset now can we." the girls watched silently as the woman took off with their Twilight without a struggle.

Sunset and the others left agape at the mouth, looked to their Principle who shook her head and shrugged, "I didn't know? Why would she..."

"She doesn't, that's obviously our world's Twilight whose here and canoodling with the Dazzlings a few weeks ago and now she's here against her will to compete for her school!" Pinkie pointed out which brought everyone into the know.

As Twilight left the area, she pondered on the source of the mana she drew on. Those girls were all on the deck of cards Yellow gave her, the guardians who stopped anything from getting their way. By the information she received from the group, it seemed as if they were on ropes edge. What made her think over the situation was the fact that she saw the bags in the titanium white skinned girl with purple locks curled at the edge. Had she stolen magic from one or two of them? Did the red LED lights mean that she had another's magic in the device? With everything as new as it were, she felt she needed to share the information with Adagio and hoped for the best. Once she escaped the vigil of Principle Cinch she would call the sirens directly before the ceremony, there was much to discuss.

Dazzling Den

Adagio escaped the day dreaming that led her to remember their time in Neighpon, one of the more comfortable places they'd been to. She wished there was some closure on what happened between her siren and that dracony, but like always she remained tight lipped and would not divuldge anything. She seemed to grow ever more agitated since that day came to pass, to which herself had assumed was a love lost or gone wrong. Aria wasn't the same after, but no where near the siren she was now.

Sonata's phone soon went off, drawing the others attention as she answered.

"Twilight? Hey how's the heist going?" she said laying on her bed in a prone position.

"You think you took one of the Rainbooms magic?" that peaked on Adagio's radar as she crept to the edge of her bed and nearly hung over the edge of the side to get closer.

"You say the purple one looked extremely exhausted after you captured some magic from the same room?" now Aria sat up from her laid back position.

"COOL!! They didn't even know you did that too!?" Sonata yelped with glee.

"Awesome and you think you took someone else's magic as well? Sweet!! Hey see you after today for dinner? Adagio invited you?" which by now the other sirens were sneering at the victory already gained.

"For realzies?! I'll send you the place, see if Serak can take you there. Later besties!" Dusk hung up and looked to the others about to recite what they heard only to have Adagio snap a hand to her to cease.

"I so do love it when things go our way, with possibly two of the Rainbooms down, they can't even fight us anymore. I don't know how that thing works, but if she believes what is true... we've already won." the most devious grin spread across their leaders face although it failed to go beyond what an unhinged Adagio would be, she was still in control.

Aria smugly smiled chuckling to herself as she laid back onto the bed and felt content with their situation. Even one of them would directly impede their musical magic summoning to perform that rainbow laser which humanized them. Two and more down the road meant they'd have to pull some kind of mythical rabbit out of their hat to even dent them in another fight. Aria thought as much as Adagio that if they went to Canterlot High now, their just revenge would be easily achieved, the screams of their prey ever delicious to soak up the negativity.

"So where are we eating?" Dusk interrupted as always.

"Mood destroyed, check..." Dazzle noted.

"What?" the cerulean girl asked innocently.

"... right then, what haven't we tried yet? Well there is that Thailand place what was that name?" she continued.

"Thai Cottage?" Sonata answered.

"That place, we'll eat there tonight to celebrate our victory! Right now if Twilight can truly prove she's done the impossible, our way home is guaranteed. I'm so proud of her, even if she can't sing like us." their leader fell onto her own bed with a lovely sigh of joy.

"Never thought I'd see the day. The Nerd actually doing something like that for us!" Blaze spoke up as she let the good mood and energy send her off to a nice nap.

"I'm going to watch some TV then, I'll just... keep the volume low." the flat screen sparked on as the volume to the news channel fell to the girl's immediate push on the low volume button.

Ch. 33 Friendship Games: The Standoff

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Ch. 33 Friendship Games: The Standoff

In the empty halls near the gymnasium where the opening ceremony would soon take place, the Rainbooms stood around going over what they just experienced thanks to Pinkie's revelation. Having been so wrapped up with the games they'd forgotten what Rarity came across awhile ago, and what should have been at the top of their list of concerns. Gathered into a congress they kept their voices low to avoid being noticed by any wondering student.

"I cannot believe our world's Twilight is not only cavorting with those Dazzlings, but she also has the nerve to be a Crystal Prep student of all things!" Rarity decried as if she found gum in her luscious indigo purple locks.

"Not only that but she's going to be playing against us?! That's totally not cool." Dash responded in kind, "She'd never do that, even if she's not the pony version of herself it's just not right! Our Twilight..."

Sunset suddenly spoke up over Rainbow being unable to bear with the talk about how the two would be the same thing, and carry the same virtues or better judgement for that matter. Just by comparison anyone with a clear head would know that just because you are you in another universe, it's minuscule to meet one with the same outlook and experience as the next in theory of course. In her mind, she could even see another version of herself who probably embraced demonhood from the stolen crown and ravaged the human world into her personal dark domain.

"It's because she's not OUR Twilight! Our Twilight is a Princess from Equis whose battled monster and evil gods even before becoming an alicorn of Friendship! Here, she's just like you guys with a normal life completely different from her counterpart. She's probably barely even been in danger, just another bookworm..." she sagged in her posture and rubbed her forehead as the energy that spiked dove down into depression.

The others stood stock quiet not sure if they should reply, the gusto in Sunset's declaration which was true down to the letter.

"Our Twilight is a master of Friendship and magic. And if she were here... I wouldn't have had to suffer that curse for so long... you guys wouldn't have to be worrying about this shadow group... and we'd have this whole magic manifestation popping up figured out." her voice sounded so defeated that even the self inflicted verbal burn could be felt by the others.

Looking up to the girls, she sensed their discomfort in her own acknowledgement to the self worth she valued so little of herself. Everyone especially Pinkie Pie knew what she was referring to and it bore into their hearts to see their friend beat herself up over it, they needed to help the sunny haired lass for her own good. The problem was that just like them when they first saw the meek girl it was as if their whole situation would be turned around for the best, but that hope had been shattered when that one person turned out to be nothing of any help. Even to the fact that the other Twilight was indeed around the wrong crowd and their former enemies, just salt in the wound with lemon juice in Sunset's case. Pinkie had been the first to lay a gentle hand on the Equestrian complete with a smile only she could create that cheered anyone up, other hands came to aid as well to bring unity of which brought Shimmer out of the miasma.

"Sorry about that girls, I'm just... totally bummed that I finally thought she'd gotten my messages and came here to solve our crisis before anything got out of hand? That perhaps she was stalking about figuring out this whole... stuff you know?! And then I forgot there was another here, there had to be a chance too and I knew it deep down." she admitted as Applejack rubbed her back.

"She's a Princess of a nation Shimmer and ah'm bett'n they're fighting bigger fish than us daily. Heck it is a world of magic, so who knows what city called her out ta stop some villain or mastermind that would make everyone's day like a manure pile?" the farm girl noted and earned a chuckle at the metaphor she suggested.

"We know how much this has been hard on you Shimmer dear, all those times you spent looking through your... um... head for clues while that dreadful thing terrorized you. But you can't expect her to drop everything just to come here at our beck and call. I mean yes it was indeed a warranted summons when those dreadful sirens tried to take over and we are all grateful that she came over when she did. However, was it not you who did the impossible? You were the tipping point that saved the performance in front of everybody and made Twilight's counterspell work when we couldn't ourselves! You have to see that you are just as good as Twilight my dear, and you have our full support to crack this conundrum that confounds us all. I mean you were a student of your world's Celestia correct? Just like our Twilight was." Rarity pleaded to bolster morale.

Shimmer shook her head, "You don't understand, yes I did absorb much of what I studied but that was everything and magic. While I did look into some forbidden stuff too, I was studying to become a princess to rule over Equestria so if anything I was a historian at best! But the spell I use to look over what I studied back then... it has limitations and some things have either been lost naturally or are too fuzzy to make out. Just like I'm sure none of you can remember your days as foals, I mean kids, all the notes I managed to compile I still have to find clues and then basically do detective work for any puzzle pieces that stand out. Princess Twilight has the resources to better handle it back home and the hooves to see what I could miss myself! After the gemstone was stolen I thought she'd at least keep the book by her side just in case something else happened here... like the smarter mare of the two of us that she is." she took another dip for the worse.

Her friends never left her side even as she gave excuses to make herself inadequate, yet instead they parted for Fluttershy who gave her a sympathetic look standing before her face to face.

The soft lulling voice she possessed was enough to again lift up the spirits, "Sunset, you should stop blaming yourself for not being the one who could solve everything and using Princess Twilight as the reason to degrade yourself. Rarity's right, no one can ever shoulder the burden of being the skeleton key that unlocks every kennel door. But you remember how she handled the Battle of the Bands, how we too handled it under the Dazzling's spell? I truly believe you're becoming the next Twilight to protect this world in her place because we cannot put the fate of two worlds on Princess Twilight. It's just not right." the shy teenager smiled in a way which even Shimmer couldn't help but do as well, "If you need help with your research then I say we all can spare some time starting today right girls?"

The others nodded their heads in an all around agreement for their stressed out compatriot. They had long known that Sunset had been hard at work despite being nearly sleepless most of the time since the trouble began, stressed beyond belief that they themselves couldn't hope to fathom. They being busy with their own lives had let the problems Sunset felt surmount with only Pinkie going over to provide treats and company, how they thought that was enough help. Now that they had met a different Twilight did Sunset open up about her insecurities, it was time to make things right.

Rarity and Applejack looked to the red head and noticed how she took the words to heart, Sunset seemed to mull over the details as someone like her would do. Leading them to a hesitant approval as the girl bit her right index finger in an anxious tick.

"Sunset, you saved everyone when you joined in and stopped the Dazzlings. You stood on the side lines and tried to help us when those sirens coerced Trixie and her band into trapping us, even when we were at each others throats. I believe that as the saying goes, when the dice are thrown, you'll come out on top even if you don't think you can do it. And this is coming from personal experience being a fashionista myself in an ever changing market of tastes and pricing!" Rarity chimed in before she gave a friendly hug to drive the point home.

The others soon joined in and trapped the former unicorn in a group hug. It had an effect on her as the love of their friendship melted the last wall of doubt which prevented her from outright taking the help.

"I'm such a fool... thanks girls." Shimmer sighed.

As one they all responded, "Sure thing Sunset!"

Once the embrace ended they all turned their eyes to the door nearby.

"Well if you really do feel better, ah do believe we have a rival school past them doors to confront and hopefully defeat later on." Applejack thumbed to the doors.

"Ya, let's go see who their star players are and figure out if they have any weaknesses we can use." Dash spouted as she walked off.

"OHHH I feel a party coming on! My Pinkie Sense is tingling with a shaky big toe and snakey right arm!" too which her limbs acted in accordance.

As the gang started to filter through the white double doors and into the steadily populating ceremony gathering, Sunset remained where she had been. Her thoughts had gone to how to utilize their assistance with the mountain of knowledge she created, who might be best suited to finding clues and others categorizing the mound. So quick to begin planning that she missed the queue to follow only for someone to stir her out of the organizational catastrophe that lay awaiting them.

"Umm... Sunset, are you coming too?" Fluttershy looked over to the only one of the group lagging behind.

Sunset peered up and gave the best smile she could, "I've gotta check on something first, I'll be right back. Don't wait up!" as she left waving herself off.

Outside in front of Canterlot High

The former Equestrian stood by the statue that stole her magic away and stood as the anchor for the portal, her eyes gazed upon the latest evolution of the damage upon it. What were a few cracks that had spider webbed across the base had worsened even more. Surely the monument could weather some more erosion, however the fact that the statue looked as it did worried her even more. She wondered if those agents of evil had an aim to simply destroy the only portal back to Equis if it meant keeping Twilight away. Or did they plan on sealing the way after they went through it, with some kind of army of powerful fell casters that would send Celestia a monumental disaster to put down.

Sunset stood just a foot away, mourning the state of which the portal's housing had become. Hope for a way back safely was beginning to be far fetched if her knowledge on portal artifacts were correct. Beacons needed to be clean and pristine to be used properly, lest they cause damage after the exit point by jumbling the configuration of the traveler. Horrible accidents of yor had those who tested damaged gateways meet grotesque and dreadful ends she would never wish upon anypony else even if they were banished to Tartarus long ago.

"I have to know..." she sighed lifting a hand to touch the marble surface as a few pieces fell off the vertical face to the ground below.

She never could have prepared herself for the worst case scenario, nor could she have. Once her fingertips felt the warm stone heated by the midday sun, it became clear something important was missing as she did. Magic failed to show itself to her touch, there was no light and no foreign yet familiar feel that always existed as her hand passed into the ethereal magic. It simply was just a marble statue as it had been created to be, no special spell that allowed someone to phase through it and travel to a whole other realm.

Her heart began to beat faster by the seconds, "W...Where's the portal?"

Her breath stilled as her other hand came to rest and glide across the marble, failing to draw any sensation she should have felt.

"Where's the Portal!?!?!?" she panicked as the dead zone yielded nothing for her.

Sunset soon hit her forehead against the sculpture as she slid down against it in futility, her renewed hope snuffed out completely. It became clear the girls and her were really alone, with no way for Twilight to come through unless she had turned off the portal herself for whatever reason it was. Perhaps it was on purpose she wondered, maybe it was an exercise by the Princess to have her handle more than she normally could? A lesson of some kind she was not prepared for nor capable of doing even if they still had some magic themselves. The problem was their pony up powers were being taken somehow which meant they'd be left with no way to defend themselves much less act.

"Why would you do this..." she felt a need to cry as helplessness grew like a parasitic vine, a fist gently hit the statue with no energy to put into any strength behind it.

The statue gave no quarter and remained as lifeless and magicless. The stone equine left the girl with the only other notion to turn to, with what magic remained with them perhaps there was a way to distribute it to everyone so that they had enough to perform some kind of miracle cleansing spell upon the dark forces that hid from them. They'd act broken so they would be able to surprise the enemy who likely thought they were in disarray and unable to actually stop their plans.

Sitting upright she pushed the building tears from her eyes and recomposed herself, they still had a chance and that was more then enough to push her out of the corner. If they could beat some triad of enchanted singers under their influence then they could surely come back from the stakes against their favor.

The Gymnasium

Twilight stood off the the side of the decorated sports room, balloons and streamers of every color painted the area as music played in the background by the local DJ. A few tables were stretched out to serve as the food and drink zones though most students kept to their fellows and essentially segregated the schools apart from mingling willingly.

Sparkle herself stood beside Zest who rocked out to another album she stored on her device hidden away on her person. Indigo Zap chatted with another C.P. student about the games soon to be had. Putting her within hearing distance if anything happened which was anticipated to occur at some point while she remained on the school grounds. Of course like Murphy's Law, she attained that attention sooner than she hoped when the Rainbooms appeared and swimming their way through the crowds right for her as soon as they noticed her. Even as Twilight stood away from the action and tried to study her device with the newest readings pouring off the six girls, she gave no real indication she was intimidated by their arrival. Even though sweat had begun to bead on her skin, whether it was the temperature of the room or the coming problem she left it to chance.

'Those students are definitely the source of magic around here there's no doubting it. I had to have successfully extracted magic from some of their number but that only puts me in more danger of being discovered and the scanner taken from me! I need to keep my head low and among the others for protection. If I'm caught alone... things could get hairy.' she thought.

She watched from the corner of her eye as the one known as Sunset Shimmer had surged through the doors the rest had entered from. Her hair allowed for quick detection and thus she kept vigilance over the target who reunited with the guardians, seemingly stopping them for a moment to exchange information. That little odd behavior set off alarms in her head, perhaps they had come to realize what she was up to and were working out a way to get her isolated?

Speaking in undetectable whispers afar from her, Sparkle hid her precious instrument from prying eyes under her dress shirt just before the guardians began to move again. With Lemon next to her she decided to get into her good grace and dive into that horrible music she listened to earlier on the way over.

Tapping the girls arm she managed to free an ear as the neon green haired girl lifted one side of her headset while still bobbing to the beat, "Hey Zest, I really liked that music you showed me earlier! Mind if I hear some more? If that's okay?"

"SURE THING!!" she responded and proceeded to remove the magenta device from her person, then slap them onto Twilight without concern of the air displacement harming the eardrums.

The immediate effect played on as she hoped with the Sunset Shimmer spearheading the guardians through other C.P. students, then stopping abruptly before her with a not so pleased look that bordered resentful. The attempt failed to get through the noise barrier as anticipated and only escalated the moment in Sparkle's favor. The others behind her fanned out wearing mixed looks that spoke of probable disunity among them, Sunset tried several times to get her to talk only to be drowned by the heavy metal to buy enough time for the inevitable to occur. Even as their faces drew closer and the ire in the vibrations from Sunset were physically felt upon Twilight's face, Indigo and Lemon were quick to begin a standoff in her defense as they stood by her flanks.

"Twilight!? We need to talk to you about something right now!" Shimmer demanded with a much commanding tone that everyone else around them turned to see the commotion brewing.

Zap took to the disturbance and jumped in front of the bookworm and the Canterlot High student with a perturbed expression that had no patience in it, "Whatever you have to say can be said to the rest of us. Unless you were trying to intimidate her? In which case we can easily see how lacking you are to stoop so low."

Sunset took a step back as more Crystal Prep students had begun to swarm around them, "What?! No, I just wanted to ask her a few questions?" Shimmer answered toning down her righteousness with the confrontation turning around.

"Oh sure, corner one of our players and say a few threats!! Nice try Canterlot Dweebs! You can't slip something past our team and get way with it!" Indigo shoved her face into Sunset's with a fury only an adamant competitor could muster.

A fellow stubborn soul joined in, "Hey now! She just had a question to ask her, who are you to butt in?! Huh?" Dash prodded Zap in the collar bone.

When the two started to snarl at one another the element of honesty put herself between the two "Save it for the games darlin's, we got enough to handle as it is." Applejack warned.

Hesitantly, they relinquished the brooding confrontation but not without some form of boundaries established. Indigo put herself right next to Twilight seeing as the competition tried to get to her, while Zest stayed by her side to continue introducing her to the world of rock once the threat had left. Bringing out a few album covers and stories behind the bands that produced a blaring cacophony into the sensitive eardrums, she served as a good distraction which had Twilight's pulse come back down to earth. Their presence attracted a few more of the Shadowbolts like bison protecting a calf from wolves while the majority dispersed, this lasted most of the intermission before Principle Celestia would show up on the stage.

As a protective chaperon, Indigo held her stance firm keeping an eye on the Canterlot students whenever they so much as moved while mocking and bad mouthing the girls to Sunny. They were winning the games even before they started and the opposition just tried some kind of psychological trick on their intellectual asset, that set the hornets nest on alert. With the barrier of bodies to keep the guardians at bay, Sparkle slowly trudged away from the standoff once she had heard everything Lemon had to show her. She excused herself in order to check on the readings of the scanner being so close to the targets as she had been. Seeking refuge into the deeper portion of the Crystal Prep side of the room she found pulled out collapsible benches by the wall and figured she was well hidden. Looking everywhere and finding no sign of danger she pulled off the ear bursting audio pads and set them aside. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, the excitement had her biological processes ready for flight and she did not like the sensations that came with it. A quivering hand reached for her blouse and nearly had the fingers down the collar to grab the circular machine when someone seemed to appear before her without making a sound.

"HI!! I'm Pinkie Pie! Nice to meet you." the new girl loudly introduced herself while startling Sparkle from settling down, grabbing the hand she was using to extract the scanner.

Thrown for a wide loop, Twilight trembled in place from the vigorous handshake at the speed of which should have dislocated her shoulder socket. Yet the one known as Pinkie Pie seemed to either know the limits of her power or how far to push them at any point. She soon stopped her rather energetic welcome and let go, to which left her new friend in a bit of a mess concerning her hair and glasses. The bun had let loose and her glasses hung on just barely to reveal how much alike she was to the pony princess that she'd known. As the party girl watched the other Twilight fix herself up and recreate what was disturbed, she popped a question she needed to know the answer to.

"Hey, mind if I ask you a question? Just a teensy little one?" Sparkle finished with cleaning her frames before placing them on her face neat and proper.

"Uhhh... okay?"

"If you knew someone was helping a big bad group of meanies who did a lot of bad things, would you stop them?" she asked innocently enough that did not set off any alarms in her mind.

"Well I guess it depends on what they plan on doing? I could argue that someone talking to bullies would fit that description, but time and again that happens." she replied as the scanner hidden under her blouse began to warm the skin of her chest.

"Hmm... okay how about this? What if a group of a magically talented baddies who wanted to take over worlds lost a huge battle against the good guys and now are somewhere out there and another person thinks they're good now. Which I guess if they've turned over a new leaf that would be okay, but then they seem to be plotting something else and a third party can do something to stop them. What would you do in the case of the other people seeing this happen?" her mouth finally stopped, which sent the listener into a mild panic attack as she inched away cowering at the fact that this guardian seemed to know what was going on.

"I mean it's just a hypothetical situation just as it is that the writer thinks I don't know what's going to happen and Discord is up in the rafters watching the games as they go horribly wrong very soon!" she smiled and held her hands behind her like some cartoon kid in a commercial.


"Yo! What's happen'n Sparks?" Lemon Zest called out bobbing her head to the tunes playing through the earbuds she had as backup playing on a small square MP3.

"Oh nothing, just talking about something that has no absolute relevance to a huge plot to overthrow the world or another which is like super duper wrong and not cool." Pinkie answered innocently with no harm meant.

Zest tilted her head, "Okay... hey Sunny Flare wants to see ya Sparks let's head over before she blows a gasket." to which Twilight was all to eager to oblige and sat up to head off.

"But I didn't get my answer yet? She needs to answer for all the sweet frosty muffins in the entire world which will be at stake somewhere at sometime!?" the pink fluffy haired girl grabbed a hold of Twilight's left arm gently to try and coax her to stay.

"Hey! What's going on over here!?" Indigo appeared and stepped in between the students slapping away Pinkie's arm.

Pinkie stepped back without losing her charm, "Just ask'n a question is all!" she grinned.

"Step off Wonder Dump, your just trying to get into her head and play some kind of mind game on her so we'd lose the event. Fat chance! We play fair, we play on even ground!" Zap took a zealous pose with folded arms over her chest to make a response tough to form.

Jumping from atop lines of chairs seated into one another Rainbow engaged with the likeness of a pack hound saving a fellow member, "Like heck she will, if she wants to talk to one of you guys and isn't being a jerk about it like you are. She deserves the right to do so!"

"Persistent little bunch aren't you?" The two hot heads once again were at the other ready to butt heads only for Applejack to intervene again.

"What in tarnation has you two at each others throats like bickering roosters during the spring season? Save it for the games or you'll get yerselves into a might bit of trouble once the Principles show up! Unless you wanna get disqualified from the games?" she pushed the two apart as the dreadful fact she spoke of sank in.

The conflict dissolved like a sugar cube in hot water but it left the three Rainbooms with no further success than they started with. The Shadowbolts silently vacated back to their schoolmates with Twilight in tow, which to Dash's surprise Pinkie's hair deflated slightly. Once Applejack took heed she could only shake her head, it would seem they'd be in for a bit of a struggle reeling in a certain someone. After what Sunset had come to find out they were in dire need to get anything out of the girl as soon as possible.

"Don't fret Pinkie, we'll have a chance at gett'n that fox before she escapes the coop." she winked.

Dash huffed, "Unless those guard dogs keep getting in our way."

"Well no use in riling them up anyways, come on let's git over to the cider and chill for a spell. It seems like a direct approach ain't gonna work with these lot." the farm girl smirked as she guided her friends back to safe ground.

Meanwhile among the Shadowbolts, the core group had welcomed their little brainiac with false praise and joy that she returned to them. The fierce competitor among them strode into the center proud of herself for staving off the rival team and whatever nefarious deeds they were about to commit. Sunny, Sour, and Sugarcoat watched and listened half interested and half caring little for the self bolstering display, their eyes were focused mainly on the meek girl standing next to Zest.

"So let the try again, they'll wish they regretted it." Indigo chuckled with a mocking gesture of polishing her fingernails on her dress.

Sour Sweet piped up as she propped her hands on her hips, "Question is why do they want to talk to YOU all of the sudden?" she glared at the one in question.

"It's like they got it out for her, which I mean makes sense since she is the school doormat and all." Flare groaned realizing the downside to having such a student on the team, an easy bulls eye for the opposition to harass.

The jab stung a bit but it wasn't beyond what she normally experienced in the Academy outside her lab. Indigo seemed to see it though and being the team captain as she usually was, she jumped at the teasing quicker than a cat trying to catch a laser dot on the floor.

"Yo, turn down the burn there Sunny we already have the low brow crowd going after one of us. We ain't gonna win the games if we're doing the job for them." she narrowed her gaze specifically upon the fair powder blue girl, "And you know how much I hate the thought of losing... don't you?"

Having brought a foot down on the instigator she let another have the floor and it was Sugarcoat, "Soccer Regionals, the score tied after Sunny berated the Midfielder for not passing the ball over to her. Due to the grudge she had after that we nearly lost the game until Indigo saved the school's reputation with a headbutt and scored before the time ended."

The cocky girl receded into herself following the admission from the most deathly honest one of their company, Zap even tapped her shoe on the epoxy flooring irked by the memory. Her words were given justice and it deterred others like Sour from making any further comments that might involve Twilight.

"Let's be clear about this, we are a team! We are the Shadowbolts! We don't lose! And... I don't lose." she warned once more just to be safe.

Flare flipped her hair out of the way and exited seeing no further use of sticking around, Sour scowled at her back which disappeared behind other students. Twilight noted on the mob behavior and felt glad they were easily guided to someone else and not chew her out any further. She snuck away when Sugarcoat went on a further explaination concerning the reasoning behind the Wondercolts actions to which the Captain of the team attempted to make sense of it through her experiences. Sour and Zest simply stood and listened since there was little else for them to do until the principles appeared.

Pinkie had been lying in wait for a third try figuring the human Twilight wanted to be alone for a reason or another, so she hid under the retractable bleachers until her prey came into the killzone. In an instant, the Crystal Prep student found herself whisked away behind two giant boxes wrapped up with bow ties decorated with pokadotted wrapping of blues and reds. Far from anyone to bother them, the party girl had her most friendliest smiles that went cheek to cheek before putting a finger to her lips to calm the captured audience.

On edge from being taken by such surprise Twilight did not take the abrupt abduction too well, "If I shout they'll come over!?" she cautioned trying to scoot away.

"Don't worry silly, I'm sorry for putting you in the spotlight, I can tell your nice and not capable of hexing someone for some kind of master overlord. So to make it up to you for nearly starting a fight again, wanna help me get the party started!?" she asked jubilantly.

Twilight tried to make sense of the girl and the apparent attempt to make amends, how she went from an inquisitor to this kind person so quickly. She was indeed one in the deck of cards Yellow gave her, though they knew little on them beyond what the Dazzlings experienced and his fellows could gather. Going too far as to be apologetic for even one of them like Pinkie had was likely a ploy to ease her guard down and steal the scanner. However, if she herself didn't go along with the act, they would have ammunition to suspect her and get a free ticket to do even more questioning as the entire group seemed to want to do.

'What do I do Adagio?' she wondered looking around for a way out.

"We're just setting up a party is all, you don't have to help if you don't want to? I'm sure Adagio would help out too!" Pinkie looked to her, placing a hand on her shoulder to hopefully stop the girl from thinking about how she knew what she was thinking.

'Okay... that was weird.' Twilight froze perplexed and stunned all at the same time, not letting anymore of her thoughts to be somehow detected.

"Sure, I mean if its just to keep the schools from fighting each other, I mean I don't want anyone to get taken off the game roster otherwise it wouldn't be a fair match right?" Sparkle suggested with a awkward grin.

"Rooty Tooty Ballooty! Now watch this!" Pinkie vanished and started to set everything into place just as Principle Celestia appeared on stage.

Twilight watched as she listened to the official introduction of the games and both teams, congratulating them on their dedication to the tradition set years ago by practicing day in and day out. During the little speech, Pinkie had replaced the food table with enticing colorful goods on large party trays that seemed to have been stored under the table cover. The lights dimmed in the center of the gym where a disco ball fell down after Pinkie hit a lever on the south side of the room.

Not shortly after Principle Celestia and Vice Principle Luna conclude their take on the event did the music kicked up into a catchy beat which gradually caught the teens grove. Sparkle notice how the once two segregated groups began to mingle with each other around the freshly provided cupcakes and the dance floor under the speckled lighting, how quickly their young minds actually starting to get along with each other after the changes the guardian implemented. The feat alone was an amazing task to accomplish with the stuck up attitude the Academy always had, then again Twilight summed it all up to youthful minds that were swayed with things that entertained those of her age group. Whatever Pinkie Pie was doing, it was infectious that she was sure of, perhaps some kind of mental magic she had come across in the manuscripts though it was subject matter with little meat to analyze. A mood altering charm of some kind but was it as powerful as the siren song the Dazzlings used and to what end did this Rainboom truly aim for?

In the span of thirty seconds, the enthusiastic female appeared before her after setting everything into place and awaiting the climax of the new music. Her hands grasped the bows of the boxes she had been dragged to and with a quick yank the sides fell like cardboard, revealing comical artillery cannons. Actual weapons with wheels which both pointed to the ceiling. That was when Twilight felt she was in danger considering the decibels the weaponry could achieve, in the confines of a large gym they were in the chances of many going deaf were frightening to the young girl. She was at the epicenter should they be fired, thus proving how dangerous the guardians were to her well being as much as the banished.

"Umm... are those legal?" she asked with a shaky voice.

"What? They're confetti poppers, extra large!!" she shrugged and pulled their cords.

When they went off, there was no massive boom or concussive force that would have been expected of the props if they were actual cannons. Instead the sound of compressed air being released from small canisters hissed loudly as colorful bits of paper and foil were streamed upwards above the gym floor only to gently rain down like flurries in the middle of winter. The extravagant display coaxed the students into fully loosening up, digging into the food and grooving on as if they were not arch nemesis's to the other. Twilight observed even her personal protective guards were swayed into a relaxed state as Zap and Rainbow Dash seemed to dance near each other without hesitation or glares. Lemon hot on her feet as if she'd been dancing since she exited her mother's womb, though it was not a surprise to see an avid music lover be so alive in action.

The source of the festivities herself had soon become enveloped in a laughing fit as the very mystical energy began to pour from her entire form that even Twilight could sense. The bystander stepped back cautiously as she witnessed the actual magic that had been instrumental in stopping the Dazzlings in their first successful run with how it came and the form it took. It levitated the host vessel off the floor, with a visible aura of the same shade as her skin glowing like a night stick freshly cracked to see in the dark. Shining in the dimly light gymnasium that speckled with the disco ball's reflecting surface, Pinkie's ears were morphed and moved to the top of her skull much like that of a four legged animal which seemed odd. Her long curly hair almost similar to Adagio's extended as well, gaining a few feet with some kind of magical item making lower most portion into a pony tail.

'I bet when they transform, those additions must act as some kind of conduit to maintain the surge of mana. They possess latent magic unnatural for humans, so it needs a way to be held in check like a tap from a faucet that they can use at will instead of losing all of the magic upon release! Strange it's spawned along with the magic release, perhaps an innate ability or unique to humans?' Twilight thought as she backed herself under the extended bleachers nearby, hiding her from the enchanted party girl hovering in the air.

She knew what she had to do, with another Rainboom before her she had a true way to verify if the scanner indeed take their magic. The one called Rarity was an assumption, but clearer results during the process were more conducive to the overall mission. Yellow Tail wouldn't like that she took such steps solely for the pod now, but she was sure he'd forgive her now that the only enemy to the mission no longer had enough assets to stand up and prevent everything.

With the initiative on her side and a steeled resolve, Sparkle brought out the device from her blouse and held it up. It seemed to need a line of sight to function from the first two tests. Her clothing apparently blocked it's ability, a note she stowed away for later as the aura around Pinkie Pie lazily streamed toward the brightly lit disk she cupped in her hands. Just like before and the first time, the color appeared on the lines of light where the circle held blue, red, purple, and now pink. The entire surface had switched to the gauge setting, where at first it showed a full reservoir at the start. Each color holding a third of the 27 lights, then once Pinkie's mana had started to be stored within the machine all three of the first colors lost a few sections to the newest addition to her collection. The draining took only twenty seconds before any signs of symptoms took effect upon Pinkie, each wobble and disoriented movement that occurred went straight into Twilight's waiting memory for later notes.

The party girl descended to the floor slowly, her new changes reverting and disappearing like they never existed. Upon landing it seemed that her legs gave out as she softly sat down and wavered to even stay up and not fall on her back. Though she couldn't see the afflicted ones face, the signs were all too obvious as to what had just been accomplished.

'So it is true, the others will be so happy!' she held the scanner close to her bosom once it drained what was left out of the guardian.

The joyous victory however was short lived as the scanner reactivated, it gave an electrical shock similar to a strong static discharge from rubbing socks on a carpet. She gasped at the painful zap and let dangle on the chain around her neck, leaning forward to avoid further contact especially to her body. No sooner did she do so did a more powerful electrical arc surge off the front of it and towards the wall behind her. Thankfully, she turned away to the vertical surface of painted brick which saved her from being noticed if it had gone into the crowd of the party. Once the lighting ended then came a small but concentrated blast of light the bleachers overhead hid, it was enough to make her yelp and shield her eyes.

Squinting her eyes to see through the dots of white light fizzling into something of a picture, a puddle of reflective liquid on the concrete barrier appeared to still be growing from when it formed. She studied what she could while her hands rubbed her contracted eyes until they slowly until she could fully comprehend what just happened. Marveled by the shimmering fluid akin to gallium in a warm hand, she edged closer on her knees towards the phenomenon careful not to get too close.

Inch by inch she gained ground and saw the growth finally end as the edges simply undulated like an ameoba's cell wall, the entire thing was the length of her legs. It rippled to the very subtle changes in the air and even her own breath, giving way to each exhalation as she came face to face with the anomaly. Nothing in the books told of such a thing, although it matched a couple spells she remembered in dealing with portals and future vision used by the most powerful mages. Though they were of little practical use since such a way to forecast life had been given only what had been done at the present time thus subject to alterations by future actions. The tomes described in much the same way as A Sound of Thunder the book she once read, but to believe that she herself accomplished a tier two magical spell was ludicrous.

She continued the train of thought over spells and their history as the mirror ooze acted as if it were struck upon its surface and froze from contact, while gaining a stony gritty surface. Sparkle jerked away from the spontaneous change still observing everything that happened even though there was a possible danger to the material that might have be a maturing violent nature soon to be released.

It thankfully dismissed the shallow roots of paranoia when an image formed instead from the swirling solid appearence, one that did not seem to make any sense with a closer eye. The unknown magic felt more alive than ever from the warmth radiating from it almost like a CPU reaching its maximum operating temperature in which made use uncomfortable in a confined space like her lab. Then again, it felt like heat was actually moving air coming from the strange phenomenon as if the scene she peered at was real and tangible.

In fact, she started hearing voices speaking in unison, something that spoke in a very feminine tone leading her to bring an ear as close as she felt was necessary.

The unseen entity boomed loudly with such authority it even put Principle Cinch underneath the bar, "Captain Scarab, you have your orders. Seek out the leaders of Equestria, their weapons that are the Element Bearers, and the royalty of the Crystal Empire. Do not fail me, this will be our only chance at getting all the love we could ever need! Contact me once you've secured the assets, and no witnesses... I don't care how long it takes to get into position!"

Someone else spoke up in a raspy hiss as the scenery became clearer by the passing time, "Yes, Queen Chrysalis! For the Hive!"

"Soon everypony will know what it means to taste true defeat at the hooves of the Changelings!!" the woman cackled loudly just before the spell wavered and started to lose its material form.

Twilight managed to catch a glimpse of what she just eves dropped in on, the innards of some kind of cave system lit by luminescent moss scattered about like splattered paint. The center of the cavern towards the left had been claimed by a massive throne room of some twisted design, she coined it as sinister and gnarled by the jagged points that were reminiscent of a fantasy story crown of an evil monarch. A giant creature sat upon the seat whom the maniacal laughter came from, she only had a second to see the lanky black form with long teal hair and a rough equine body. She barely made out wounds of some sort from the holes before the sight popped into a storm of sparks leaving a scorched mark in the wall as if a firework had gone off there. The glittering eruption sucked into the wall before it reached the gym floor in a reverse of time.

Twilight had covered herself when the spell ended and yet she was still fascinated by the whole ordeal, "Just like the portal I fell through when I was being chased!? But this is bad, I didn't make that happen nor should my subconsciousness be able to even do that. This can't be like some healing spell in comparison, maybe... maybe I can only take so much magic and anymore will short circuit the crystal?!" she gasped believing she might have gone over the experiment perimeters she held so dear out of protection, "I just need to find out how to modify the scanner and see if I can discharge excess mana but when can I do that? There are too many students here and I don't even know the capacity it holds? It might even repeat the same spell again, and the last thing I need is to do that in front of them! Oh I wish Yellow gave me those capacitor crystals, I could charge them and replenish their stores so I can keep my cover."

Twilight soon realized she was still among the many and spun around to see the crazy girl no longer around. Figuring she had wandered off in her daze, the gym lights returned to full brightness just as Principle Cinch had made her announcement. She even noticed how the music had stopped and the lights were flipped on, throwing off the festive atmosphere and once more separating the schools like a hot knife through a stick of butter. She noticed how the Crystal Prep students appeared to regret giving into the moment since they were the only ones she could see at the moment, their scowls and disparaging stares to the other side of the gym meant things were back to normal. Normal enough for her to slink back into the crowd of her fellow students and avoid attention easily.

The microphone screeched from feedback as she crouched low to the floor and quietly escaped the bleachers, "Thankfully we're too far into the day now. After the key note they'll send the competitors to the game areas to review each segment for the scoring system. Once that is all done, we go home for the day and tomorrow the games begin. Maybe... no I can use what time I have left to run more tests in the lab before dinner with the others. Great, sounds like a plan." she reluctantly smiled to herself to reassure the doubts of the dangerous energy she held at her fingertips.

Twilight ended up next to Lemon Zest and the others luckily without being seen nor heard. She arrived no second later as Cinch presented the audience of kids for the ending portion of the ceremony and like all other times she asserted the school's record in all competitions. To which drove the two factions apart even more than they already were, a rather desired effect for Twilight so she did not have to worry about the Rainbooms for the rest of the day.

Once the ceremony concluded, students took to their leave seeing as they did not want to be around the other team and effectively ended the little social. While the Shadowbolts were lead off and the Captain escorted to the game areas, Pinkie rejoined the others with the same look as Rarity had which disturbed the girls to the point they were looking for the one Crystal Prep lacky.

"Did someone catch the license plate to the ice cream truck?" she stumbled wearily to Applejack.

"Pinkie, don't worry about Cinch ruining the festivities, I think your party additions were mighty fine in at least bringing both schools into a temporary truce." the farm girl congratulated her while catching the flimsy body as it leaned into her, "Uhhhh... you okay there sugarcube?"

"I can't believe even the C.P. students could be so nice with us? It's like Principle Cinch turned on a switch or something... makes me wonder if we didn't have the games that we could be friends?" Fluttershy said as she joined in.

"I hate that woman, she ruined a perfectly good time where that Indigo Zap and I actually had a friendly dance competition! We were so close to finishing too!" Rainbow fumed and ran a hand through her hair as miffed as possible.

Pinkie nodded in a dazed agreement when Sunset came up to her seeing the strange drained Pinkie Pie that was throwing so many red flags for her, "Hey are you okay there? You look... tired?"

"Everyone was having a greatsy time, my party skills got everyone to stop being so hard on each other, and I even ponied up!" she answered.

"Ya, you sure did!" Shimmer grinned at the remarkable accomplishment of the ceasefire.

"But then after that, I lost it, the fuzzy good feeling of being a magical super hero that floats and swishes and does magic lasers. It just felt like someone poked a hole in the rootbeer barrel... I'm just as fizzled out too." she moped at the lost magic and euphoric joy of making so many happy and good friends if even for a moment.

"What?! Wait you lost YOUR magic too!" Sunset started to look around at the emptying gym only to find half the students were already gone, if there was anyone strange they would have left with the initial crowd.

"Oh no, that makes three of us! Dear oh dear, we really do have someone out there and if they take all our magic does that mean they intend to do something with it?" Rarity questioned fearfully.

"I don't know, that's the problem! I'm not even sure if its the same ones who cursed me either!" Then something tugged at her mind as if it were an invisible hand, "Where's Twilight? Has anyone seen her near Pinkie?" she asked slowly as if expecting the very girl to appear behind her.

Pinkie shrugged, "She was with me the whole time I set everything up, and she was over there by the other doors too!" pointing to the party cannons that had expended their ammunition, "She WAS there!"

"I... I don't want to... I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think she's the one taking our magic away?" Shimmer's face wore the look of horror realized in its entirety.

"Darl'in, ya'll are gonna have to fly that by me one more time." Applejack crossed her arms over her chest.

"Ya, what's she got to do with it, she seems so innocent and afraid... kind of like me?" Shy interjected.

"Hear me out, the buses for C.P. were there by the time Flash found me, she was outside the door the time Rarity lost hers, and now she was within proximity of Pinkie as she ponied up! Unless something is using her as a decoy or by happen chance committing the thefts when she's nearby, I'm going off with the first. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong, but the evidence lies in her being nearby and no one else! She's friends with the Dazzlings for crying out loud! Maybe she's trying to help them reforged new gems or this might be some kind of ploy to get back at us!??!!" a restrained rage simmered beneath her will to keep it from erupting.

"She's got a point? I mean its like someone sabotaging a soccer game by being the ball boy and having control over how much air is in it. Guys get paid to do that in the big leagues just so one team wins." Dash nodded as she sided with the new idea.

"Let's not be hasty now everyone, it's like you said whoever is doing this may be trying to spark a fight with Crystal Prep if we try to confront her. It'll affect the games and we may not get another chance to see her outside them, perhaps that is their aim to throw us off the trail?" Rarity looked questioningly at Shimmer and the others.

"Ah know a good lie when I hear one, if ya give me a moment with her I'm sure something will come up and expose her? Last thing ah want ta see is another siren takeover." she said adjusting her stetson as Pinkie shook her head to clear her thoughts while clinging to the other.

"I think we should give her the benefit of the doubt and just talk to her first. It's not fair unless she's proven guilty before you label her the cause?" the others had to agree with Rarity who had Fluttershy nodding to her caution.

Sunset breathed out a heavy exhale into a long drawn out sigh, rubbing her forehead as she came up with a plan. It would be hard to time it all, but the idea would be to catch her when she was alone by tracking her. The girls room would be the best chance since the rival school would be leaving after they went over the courses. Assuming she would be alone and not trying to strategically keep herself with the other Shadowbolts for a reason as such as relieving herself. They just needed one moment with her and Applejack's lie detector skills would open up the truth, revealing her earlier worries when they first learned she socialized with the beaten sirens.

Canterlot High hallway 4pm

"Sorry for not giving these back sooner. I really liked the music..." Sparkle handed the pink headphones over to Zest who had the same earbuds from earlier pumping more tunes into her head.

"NO WORRIES GIRL!! GLAD YOU LIKED THEM TOO!!" she popped out the audio device and switched with the newly returned gear.

Twilight gave her the thumbs up as the group began to head back to the buses, they'd seen everything they needed to for the game day. Now she was at the home stretch but the device had acted up again, it felt strangely enough bordering as hot onto her chest. If that was anything to go by then she needed to handle it soon before either she was affected physically or some magical incident occurred.

She stuck by Indigo and Sunny Flare, one of whom glared at her without so much of a word though she expected such a reaction from the spoiled girl. It was a reflex towards her person and one which made her question if but a moment that she'd contribute to the team properly. Twilight figured she still doubted that she wasn't going to ruin the Shadowbolts reputation in the relay, Principle Cinch had nominated her for the archery segment and yet she had not been to a range after focusing on magic studies. Seeing as she did not attend the training sessions with the others, the lack of faith in her was strong like the pungent odor of Durian fruit. A mental note was made to fix the issue with a couple spells if she could manage some control over the device, even if it took all of her sleeping hours to do so she wouldn't disappoint her fellows.

"We're going to wreck them so hard, I bet they haven't even practiced as much as us since the games were announced!" Indigo cheered with a fist in the air.

"If my calculations are correct, their current team roster has potential to give a small challenge but nothing else. Given that, even performing with only half our focus we will come out victorious." Sugar Coat's monotone voice sounded behind Sparkle followed by a short hum.

"They looked so determined and hopeful, but I bet they were so DESPERATE to even try to scare our brainy gal here." Sour Sweet draped an arm over Twilight with a firm strong grip.

"Uhhh!! Can you believe that frazzle haired girl, she kept trying to get her nose in like a hungry dog." Sunny scoffed.

"And I was there to put a stop to it, even the Dash person tried to stand up against me. If it wasn't for that western chick, we would have settled it then and there." Zap chuckled as did the other girls in agreement.

"But I wouldn't have wanted to see you get disqualified Indigo, you're the head athlete for the troop. You can always beat her in the games to prove anything?" everyone ceased giggling and looked to Sparkle with raised eyebrows after her statement.

The awkwardness of her comment left only the clacking of their loafers and shoes on the waxed floor of Canterlot High as the group made their way through the campus halls. They were taking the air conditioned route to the buses with Principle Cinch far ahead guiding them, the blast of cool air on their faces as they passed the first double doors was a welcomed relief from the stuffiness of the gym.

"Ya... probably right, if I got ahead of myself like that then we'd be short a key player. Same goes for the rest of you, its gotta be another mind trick of theirs to strike us out so we use subs instead." Indigo turned around and walked backwards, receiving grumbles of agreement as others saw the truth in the possibility.

"Figures they'd do something underhanded like that. Losers!" Flare spat.

While Zest had pretty much avoided the toxic air by remaining occupied with her music, Sour removed herself off the bookworm and returned to her spot in the group by being second up front behind Zap. In five minutes they'd be on their way out and she could handle the issue at stake, solve the strange behavior of the scanner, and see the Dazzlings again with the good news of disarming the guardians the banished so rightfully feared.

'That's right, they'll be leaving after the convention show which is tomorrow. Unless they need me... I may not see them again, I may not even be able to if they force the portal and break it. That also means Yellow might need me to fully drain these protectors instead of minimize their full powers.' she thought to herself as she started to go over the countless scenarios with portal magic that connected universes, from the little information she researched it was a complex system of runic diagrams that needed careful handling.

As she enjoyed the calm shoal of other Crystal Prep students who did not bump into her nor scowl at her perceived nerdiness with her new status as a Shadowbolt, she recalled her promise to Adagio she made. Of how she would go with them if only to see her revenge complete, which at the time she felt compelled in the utmost empathetic sense of the vow. Made in the most harrowing situation life ever threw at her aside from that incident with portal magic after being chased by one of the guardians. Only for the night after did she realize that in committing to Adagio's pack that she would have access to the magical world and test her hopes and dreams without limitation.

An itch inside her ate through the waking hours since then as she could not keep thinking about the pros and cons of her promise, it was a legitimate reason that she'd help the enchanted singers. Not only would she gain an unlimited supply of magic to incorporate into human technology, but she could even be able to rub out the initial mistakes and setbacks. Of the many designs she had spent before bed or playing with Spike, there were several dozen based around energy generation alone she wished to create. With a long list of other machines to help her world for the better she figured the research and creation time would be halved if she started them in Equestria.

As for the girls, her friends, if she guessed what the Dazzling's would first do upon arrival it would be to regain their gems with Yellow, then eventually take on the Equestrian empire. She'd have no rival force that would seek her out like the alien she'd be to them assuming she still had a human body, she still had not quite understood the transformation magic that turned the sirens human. Adagio would likely only need of her if that other version of her came seeking them, then again she still had little experience in singing so what good would she really do?

There was no telling how powerful the Equestrian was since they led the fight that destroyed their pendants in the first place, and she knew only so much attack and offensive spell herself. Of course that was still untested magic and with what had happened thus far seemed to be reactionary or subconscious activation which was not ideal. She'd have to talk to Adagio and hope they might work out some way she'd be able to assist with the novice practical knowledge she had of magic itself. All of that banking on the portal even working and if the schedule was not pushed back for whatever reason.

Then there was the issue about a defense the Empire might enact, if they were as quick as humans were in military matters they might bring to bare a new and refined portal to yet another world not her own. Part of the plan to begin her work would be the promise that Yellow made, how the exiles and the Dazzlings would distract and occupy any attacks or search parties that could track her. Just like Relative Theory when he found himself in safer hands with the United Continents just when Fuhrer Blitzkrieg came to violent power over fifty years ago, she might have their protection but as far as equipment went she'd be on her own. Of course she knew how to craft most of the gear she'd need, with magic supplementing what she couldn't forge herself. There she had contingency plans ranging from hidden cave setups to perhaps derelict buildings forgotten by the ponies.

Before anymore could be considered for the future, the scanner resting against her sternum had lost its heat at the snap of a finger. Replaced with death's chilly touch which prickled her skin as a limb after regaining blood circulation, just needles poking her chest from the contracting blood vessels. Considering she had been sweating a little prior, the temperature drop was not something she was anticipating much less before the bus. She suppressed a yelp and looked around for some place to hide in and see what else was wrong with the device fearing another strange casting beyond her control. Luckily, a girl's restroom to the left came into view which she quickly darted to without drawing attention to herself. Of course, behind the procession of Crystal Prep's student body, the Rainbooms noticed like minks on the prowl and the little rabbit which that wondered away from its family.

No sooner had a space opened between the last of the rival school students and the entrance to the toilet facilities did the group of girls dash in quietly. Applejack leading the way, she forcefully yet subtly pushed in the door without alerting anyone in the hall. Sunset and Dash were the next in fanning out to seal the exit as Fluttershy and Rarity closed the door behind them. Alone with their target of interest, the human Twilight Sparkle they had been trying to talk to stood by the sinks utterly terrorized by their sudden barging in. She held onto her chest as if to hide something which no one caught onto as the girls were more focused on getting her alone, glaring at her for some while others seemed indifferent or sympathetic. Her meek little stance had set off the unicorn of the group, driven on by the similarities that the two Twilight's shared only for disdain to set in with the history the very girl before them already racked up. She trembled like a mouse cornered by cats backing all the way to the restroom tile wall, it made Shimmer feel powerful for once and vindicated to be the curse and not the cursed.

"Umm... hi?" Twilight greeted them nervously as no one even responded at first, their beady little eyes boring through her soul as if dremel drills had been placed about her body.

If it were not for her pendant as ice cold as it were, she'd have beads of sweat dripping down her neck. This was the worst case scenario for her and the device, all that mattered was what they would say next. Had they finally realized what she was doing and were they going to take the scanner away?

"I know your friends or at least an acquaintance of the ones called the Dazzlings. You know the one with curly orange hair tied in the back tends to be full of herself? Or perhaps the angry one with twin ponytails? Not ringing a bell? Maybe the one with the skirt and a blue all around... Twilight Sparkle." Sunset gazed upon her with judging eyes and a growing scowl.

Her physical response betrayed her desire to keep such things hidden when Shimmer seemed to be looking for hints, "I... I don't know what your talking about? Hahahaha..."

"I was there when you had breakfast with them, you were so friendly going so far as to talk about your life and chat the wind darling. I have it all on my phone actually, you realize you've been associating with a rather deplorable lot?" Rarity spoke up as she waved the flat little phone in the air with the very video playing further petrifying Twilight.

"Haven't they told you what those varmints did ta us? To the school and what they would have to the whole wide world!?!" the cow girl gave her a stern look though nothing as serious as Shimmer's venomous glare.

Seeing she had no backup to rely on, what use was it to hid anymore if to only make them angrier. The two sides of the coin had no respite or solace, but of what power did they have with three of them down to human status? What would Adagio do or have her do?

"Those big meanies made us fight each other! Our whole school was their big bowl of awful negative emotions they didn't care how they got it! I don't like fighting friends... I love making new ones and we could have been friends with them if they asked?" Sparkle looked to the party girl who seemed to be less assertive with nearly Adagio frazzled level pink curls.

"They're sirens from another world Twilight, beings who need to sow disharmony and anger to feed and grow stronger. That way they could dominate the world with everyone under the influence of their magic, which they did back in their own world only to be beaten by being sent here as a last resort. They tried to repeat their conquest and we stopped them... what's happened to them that you are finding their presence easy enough to dine with them?" Shimmer felt herself feeling rather high from the adrenaline, "Answer me Twilight!"

"Darl'n, surely you can't be side'n with them? Haven't they told you what they did? What they plan to do?" Applejack asked hoping to get the girl to admit to something that they could use as a warning.

"I can understand if they were hurt and alone, with no one else to turn to. Just as Sunset here felt ashamed after her little... um... incident, Twilight and the rest of us came to her aid and offered friendship just as I'm sure you did for them? Right?" Fluttershy held her hands close to her chest clasped together in anticipation of the answer which would make her right from the beginning.

"Surely they tricked you into believing they were the innocent, shedding crocodile tears and all that!" Dash huffed which finally broke Sparkles stilled tongue from the many insinuations they threw out, they dared to see them in such a narrow view.

"You're WRONG!!" Twilight yelled feeling the bitterness of the speeches they gave.

"NO! You're wrong Twilight! I don't know what they've been planning to do or what they've done themselves, but I've been living a nightmare up until only recently. One I'm sure they had a handle in... And what have they done? Huh? Are they planning on using our magic YOU stole to make new gems?! That's right... you've taken something that is ours but to what end? How did you steal our magic!?" Sunset demanded with a smug sneer, which jostled Applejack and Dash who flanked her who watched how she started acting with conviction.

"Be a dear and just help us stop them from making another big mistake? Surely you can't side with beings who were going to take over our home?" the fashionista pleaded as she lightened up when Shimmer took the reigns of being the bad cop of the group.

"You know NOTHING about them! And yes I am aware of what they did try to do... but I know the reason behind it. I was there for them when all the pain came out..." Sparkle shivered as she shrunk into herself when she envisioned Adagio's magical outburst.

By that admission, the Rainboom's were jarred out of their stance for a moment to where even their look of disdain fell into questioning. Sunset glanced over to her right, Applejack had been ready for her though and gave her a pained look that meant she heard nothing but the truth. They had to know more, there was no mistaking that this had become more complicated than what they were expecting.

Fluttershy edged a few steps closer, seeing something for her initial ideas to be close to the compassion she wished they sought for the sirens. The hurt from the Crystal Prep girl was genuine, like someone who lost their pet or family member.

"So what? They lost their first chance at taking over a world? They lost their voices or something long ago and failed to some totally more awesome band or whatever when they first tried to make others fight so they could feast!?!" Rainbow glared back at her with the resilience she'd been known for.

Twilight sniffled and stood straight up in defiance of the Rainbooms, a fire ignited in her spirit as her very words were tinged with intensity and honesty, "They've suffered since they were kids, they've lost their entire family and were caste out to fend for themselves! They came together and made something out of nothing, with a purpose behind their actions... they're not mindless power hungry beings or creatures who don't have the capability to care about others! Unlike you and the Equestrians..." she spat like a hissing cobra.

Whatever gusto Shimmer possessed cracked and gave to the very words of the one she sought answers from, but they were not the answers she desired. The troubling doubt set in as the meek girl held her own against them, to which she feared the others would soon lose their justification she established. Could she really be wrong about the sirens, perhaps they were truly being used by the shadow group unwittingly? Why did they seem to be the more moral ones than her and the kingdom?

"I know enough about Equestria to see its very similar to our society in their lack of care of the environment and non-equine species. Did you know that sirens exist everywhere in Equis? They are a minority and live in actual harmony with others, they only take what they need to survive and even defend those they use from monsters that could destroy their livelihood! Not only that, but they've held their own against pirates that seek their gems and get no sort of protection from anyone but their own. So as far as I can see, they are in the right and I will be there to help them... because that is what friends do!" her body started to glow as she gradually lifted from the floor from a multicolored aura of energy surrounding her, the rising fog was all too familiar to the Rainbooms and especially from the ones who lost their magic.

The girls backed away seeing some kind of transformation take place. Rarity awed at the spectacle, the huge bulky eye wear lit and burned into stylized frames of raw energy like a high speed video of an incense stick burning away. Large black avian wings with a searing blue vein in the middle spread out like a blossoming flower further scaring the Rainbooms back. The limbs could easily knock the teenagers around if Twilight so wished to do so, but instead she kept them around her like a shield against any advances they might have made. Each feather shone like a carefully groomed raven's wing, under the one light above the transforming human they gained a sinister gleam and a sharpness to their edge.

"I had no friends before them... they accepted me even if they didn't have to. I could feel what they endured... the loss and loneliness. Which is why I AM going to be there to see it all go through and there's nothing you can do about it! Try as you might you're powerless without all of your magic to act as one, and the Shadowbolts will ensure you can't do anything to me either... Ha hahahahaha ha!!!" Twilight laughed like any villain would, tailing it her hair which changed hues to match the darkening tones throughout her physical form.

If the girls had not thought of her as another bad guy yet, this took the cake and ran with it. A rather heartbreaking sight to behold as they pictured their own Twilight upon the fanatical deviant, how far the human version fell from grace even with a very perplexing reason behind it.

Her blouse had started alter itself into the beginnings of a dress that complimented her colors, flashing into existence with a burning flame of magenta from the waist up and to her forearms. Along with a long horn-like protrusion seemingly made from pure energy the same as her eye glasses, it jetted out of her forehead and crackled with mystic powers the likes the Rainbooms were unfamiliar with. Most of them cowered away close to the door as if they wanted to leave, but something slowed their movements like the floor had become tacky.

"Don't do this!? Please, you have no idea what your getting yourself into! I know you want to help them, but what they are about to do won't fix anything... only more lives will suffer like they did! They have to see that! You need to show them because that is how the humans continue their conflicts! You're a smart person... can't you see it?!" Sunset pleaded as she and the others tried to shield their faces from the winds the avatar willed around herself that begun to spread outwards.

"Oh I will, and when I do and they are happily satisfied! I will have all the magic I need to give this world a new era of technological evolution! A new age where war, poverty, and hunger will be a thing of the past. An epoch where there will be no reason for hatred to manifest, and everyone will have all they need to become better. A home where family's remain together and lives are saved by a simple spell." Midnight Sparkle smiled as she reached to her bosom and placed a hand over her heart, the device still obscured by her new wardrobe only halfway manifested.

"Sunset! We've lost her! We can't fight her now, we need ta leave!" she heard the apple farmer call out as her stetson had been smashed into the pull door by the force of the air that sent loose hair in every direction, the screaming wind trying to push them to the ground.

"I'll do you a favor, I'll leave instead. A change is coming, for both our worlds... and for the record..." she paused and stopped affecting the air with her chaotic magic to bring solitude to the room, "I'm on the good side."

A teleportation spell sent the powerful being away and the Rainbooms were alone shaken to the core from what they just witnessed. Their plan to gain more intel over the situation went from impending success to an outright catastrophe that destroyed their chances of resolving the danger before the fire engulfed the forest.

"Anyone going to say that she's batty in the brains or brainwashed by the sirens?" Dash asked as the quiet was broken.

"She... she felt so... so..." Shy began to wipe away the tears in her eyes.

"She was tell'n the truth, spell or no spell. That girl really believes all that and that we're the bad guys. There's no way to get through to her anymore I'm afraid." the words echoed with defeat as Applejack picked up her hat off the floor.

"As marvelous as that dress was starting to look, it appears we have another She-Demon on our hands once more. Without the magic of our group as a whole, we won't be able to save her from the curse she's in. Rather sad I'll admit." Rarity solemnly announced.

Sunset collapsed to her knees, grasping her head as she grimaced at the reality that came to pass and was still coming forth. Discord's reason for being here, the chaos and disharmony born through the Dazzling's, and Twilight's latest part in the unraveling scheme were justifying his statement. This was nothing a simple fix could repair nor impede and another 'her' had formed in the most unlikely of people. The goals she had were the most disturbing part, she was misguided and being toyed with by a mastermind in the dark. With Applejack's seal of truth, then it was likely that the sirens and her were tools being used in the most cruel way possible. What could they do about it?

"We're alone, the portals gone, half our magic is lost, and... we're the evil ones?" she mumbled as the others joined her and did what they could to help.

"I've failed..."

Thai Cottage 6pm

Adagio and company had secured a table at the quaint little modern eatery, wood floors of the suspended building creaked with each step and added a rustic charm to the delicious smelling atmosphere. Although tight and compact, there was enough to still make it bearable to enjoy. The tables were either in the center or by the windows with pull out chairs, or some with booth seats. The foreign owners working at the front tended to customers paying their checks while the humans who also spoke english as a second language engaged seated patrons to take orders or bring food and drink. Adagio seemed to relate them to those who lived south of Cinia, tropical regions with plentiful fruit and the diverse culture consisting of big catfolk, deerfolk, antelopes, and cultured bears. They were delicious to feed on that much she remembered during their travels.

They were awaiting their beverages when Sonata received a message on her phone, "Oh! Hey Twilight says she'll be here in a moment... oh there she is?! Hey!" Sonata waved at the instantaneous manifestation of Twilight in the empty chair of the table.

Though her spawning was not so well received by Aria who fell backwards out of her chair and into the opposite seat of a man about to sip his soup. He soon kissed the broth full heartedly into the small bowl of steaming Wonton Soup. Of course, the water she had been sipping at the same time splashed over herself in the fall and that made the purple Dazzling a tornado of fury and rage. Thankfully Dazzle handled issue by throwing bits at the man and asserting her dominance over the nearly bursting Blaze as she was about to let loose on Twilight. Letting the shock subside her senses detected Equestrian magic flowing off the girl beside her as if she'd been near the Rainbooms merely inches away.

"Sorry for being a little late, oh and apologies for that Aria. Here... let me help you with that." she smiled softly like a giddy schoolgirl.

"Why I outta... wait what?" she gasped as a blink of the eye she sat properly in her chair and her clothing was free of moisture, with the ice still floating in her full cup of water with condensation dripping onto her hand that clutched it. Even the man she banged into had been left speechless with a clean face and full bowl of food unspoiled by his face splashing into it.

Sonata seemingly took it as some kind of a show and clapped her hands to applaud, Adagio picked up the myriad of emotions going through her fellow human Dazzling as if every single one of them were being acted upon and yet housed within the mind. There was a strong sense of negativity coming off her, but so was joy, happiness, love, and something else entirely. Kind of how they could smell all the food at those buffet restaurants that served literally everything.

"Hmm... magic I see, so I take it you did pay our little... friends a visit?" Adagio's magenta eyes looked over her newly inducted member.

A high of some sort existed in Sparkle which made her more jovial and free than she'd normally be, "You bet! They tried to corner me too can you believe it? Worst of all they thought you guys were the enemy and have no clue about what's going to happen. I have magic from three of the guardians and in the correct order of absorption there's Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. I left the scanner at the lab because I didn't want to hurt you guys since its a bit unpredicatble, but as you can see I can teleport with what still resides within me for now!"

"Ohhh you're just the over achiever of us three aren't you? Well I'm very proud of you Twilight, you've rendered our hated foes helpless and if we didn't have the convention tomorrow I'd have come over there myself and rubbed their little faces in it." she grinned soaking in the new developments, "To that I say we celebrate! This place has it all and I intend to taste it all, I'm sure you're very hungry too?"

Sparkle nodded, "I have a form too! When I countered their inquiries with the truth, I gained my wings and my horn too along with a bit of an astral form at least down to my skirt."

Dazzle dropped her elated face, "What truth did you say by chance..."

Realizing how she worded it, Twilight waved her hands to placate the golden matriarch, "I meant I only told them why you're my friends, that we share certain qualities and that your reason for revenge was without question. I didn't tell them what we were doing, and they didn't see the device either. You can rest assured they are frogs in a well Adagio."

Looking relieved to hear the clearer version of that statement, "See to it you watch what you say, you gave me quite the scare there. Now, let us order our food and party! We only have one more day on this forsaken rock before we're back home girls! And one last day till those Rainbooms wished they never stood up to us..." an evil smile spread upon Adagio's pristine features as their waitress appeared.

Twilight and Sonata gave a gleeful squeal of delight, though Aria seemed to feel a bit off put by the human's new behavior. It reminded her of how Adagio had begun to sink from the gemstone, the giddiness and hyperactive state that came with the magic she had put the vocalist on her guard. Unlike her matriarch, a human with magic was a bit more dangerous to them since she barely even knew about it. It reminded her of those videos she use to watch of human battles, accidents with weapon and explosives which brought discomfort around Twilight in her mere presence.

'Great! Well I guess since we did have much of the day to relax, guess we're back on the ball again.' Blaze grumbled under her breathe as the others started to give their meal choices to the awaiting girl.

Ch. 34 Rise of the Dazzlings Part 1

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Ch. 34 Rise of the Dazzlings Part 1

Adagio watched her sirens voraciously inhale the finely made cuisine, the delicious meals with spices, heat, and taste bud euphoric flavors that no one could really blame them for their dining etiquette. By now, moving to their third helping as they gained a few looks from the customers still there and the wait staff, trying to sample enough before their stomachs could take no more. Their leader wanted them to top it off with a cap, the big time was upon them and this particular human food would be unattainable after that if it even existed back home.

Sonata’s taco addiction melted to the Thai cooking, the sweet salty savory curry had her captive as that time they came across a Mexican buffet joint. With the meat cooked just right that it melted in the mouth, she essentially moaned at the richness being spooned into her gullet. She always had a charm about her when the right food tickled that siren’s fancy that amused the other two. Twilight had seemed to put on a different personality since she attained the magic from the Rainbooms. Dazzle sensed peppiness to her as if she had a spring in every movement. It seemed plausible the foreign mana from other beings could be affecting her. The normally subservient girl looked relaxed as much as could possibly be around her pod mates, even with her matriarch studying each bite she took her actions went unabated. Granted, a happy Dazzling was what Adagio aimed for, but the way in which she changed to her current elated mood pulled on a few strings. Something she needed to keep a close tab on just in case, lest they end up with another bad event as with her and the corrupted stone.

As for Aria, the hard to please female had taken to a rather calm and quiet demeanor. Enjoying her third order by the look of her content eyes and the long chews she took before swallowing a chunk of lamb chops she carved off the bone. The hot oil had been claimed by her, it seemed the desire for something to kick it up a notch to match her usual attitude was a given. Just as so, she kept stealing glances at Twilight through the supper. No sign of anger or displeasure as she would give Sonata when she ate messily if the meal was particularly tasty.

As for herself, Adagio ate at her pace and let the mind ease itself into the serenity of the well prepared meat she presented to her unit like her role demanded of. The fulfilling act itself was a natural pleasure for one of the status upon her head, a biological development of sirens who ascended into leadership like a mother would feel tending to her clutch. It was really the fact that they had essentially won now, and all thanks to a little extra help from an unlikely source.

“Hmmmm… gosh this is like so amazing!! It feels like my tongue is dancing, for realzies!” Sonata sighed as she began to lick her plate clean with a zealous effort much to the frowns of the owners and waiters.

“I know right! I never knew about other foods like this, it’s just packed with so much! And the nutritional content is high as well. Nothing at Crystal Prep even comes close to this.” Twilight noted before taking a sip of water as she began to sweat a little from the peppers in the curry, or the still steaming contents that remained.

Dazzle brought her mind upon her newest siren, a human being who at first was to be nothing but a tool using her keen curious mind that sought out new things to study. Yellow could guide and will without her knowing was likely the original reason for her inclusion in this break out of their confinement. A student no less who found magic to be a game changer in her world which they almost sought to take over for themselves. How easy it was to lead her on, and yet as time passed Adagio developed a liking to the little ape.

Despite how they initially treated her, save for Sonata’s eagerness to say whatever was on her mind that happened to break the ice. Twilight Sparkle had been a very lonely creature with a part of her missing since family had left her to her own devices. Strange that because of her brother, when she came to learn of their lives it had gained her empathy or pity. As a lost seal pup that happened upon a fresh colony of sea lions on a rocky shore, she latched on to them to fill the void secured by their might. It became her mission to help them with their problems out of the goodness of her heart something normally to be reviled. Though out of any other time Adagio would have gagged at the mere thought of kindness, recent developments and bits of knowledge new to them made it clear they would have suffered without outside help aside from Yellow Tail.

“Gotta hand it to these cooks, never gonna eat like queens again. Probably going to have to seek some out from abroad after Equestria is ours. Those ponies and their vegetarian ways... ” Aria talked with the last of her pad thai in her mouth.

“Indeed, even raw seafood pales in comparison to prepared and cooked entrées such as these and what else we’ve had. Even the burgers… what are they with that cheese as they call it. Beef?” Adagio twirled her fork in thought.

“Oh I know, its cattle and cow’s milk! They use the same thing in tacos… oh those are so good.” Dusk answered but missed the mark unknowingly.

Twilight coughed a little to draw attention, “Actually, what you ate was ground beef or chuck compressed into a patty from cattle raised for their meat. The byproduct is grilled usually on a heated metal surface just enough to get it cooked for sanitary purposes. They have to in order to avoid bacterial contamination due to the nature of the process. The cheese you ate was likely sharp cheddar or a white cheese possibly with peppers in it. Those particular sandwich cheeses melt perfectly due to their moisture levels, fat content, and how it sets, currently it’s in decline in the country and around the world because of the methods we use to make it and the detrimental effect on the human body over a lifetimes worth of consumption… red meat and dairy that is as well as what it’s done to the environment.” Sparkle smiled hoping they asked for more details.

Aria gave her a rather flat look before skipping a further lecture, “I think the griffons would probably be the best cooks to seek out, they are known for the wide variety in their diets and use of herbs like humans do. I don’t know maybe so much like them if you ask me. Ponies do cheeses I think?” The others agreed with Aria as their waitress appeared again.

“How is everything?” the young woman called Van wearing a black uniform stood at attention with an eager hand ready to take down more orders from their best customers thus far.

Adagio wiped her mouth with the black napkin that once held the silverware and set her fork down, “Quite fine actually thank you Hidden Jasmine, I’d like to order that dessert you call Sticky Rice was it? Here’s the payment.” Adagio placed a stack of bits for the worker to take with a little for a tip.

She ensured to pay for each additional meal least it looked like they were going to steal the food. Not that their voices would not have fixed easily, she was just in a good mood to save their energy for the grand stage.

With wide eyes of astonishment, “Be right back, thankyou so much for coming here!” the woman left after a shallow bow, to which Aria whispered a few things in her wake at the monetary bought adoration.

“I figured after that last helping we should probably wrap it up. I wanted to go to the local karaoke bar just down the street and see how good Twilight can sing? Wouldn’t that be nice?” Sparkle gained a bit of her old self as she blushed at her leaders want to hear her voice.

“I’ve never really sang to be honest, maybe a little to Spike when thunderstorm would pass by. Though I guess nothing ventured nothing gained? Am I right?” she grinned sheepishly as her mind fired up to predict all the scenarios that would happen.

Sonata dropped the porcelain plate free of sauce and edibles as she looked overjoyed, “COOL!! Adagio approved of some tunes I finally finished, we could try them out tonight and see what you think?!” the cerulean siren gleamed at the idea of fun before the big concert soon to come, “It’ll be a great way to!!… end it all off before we leave back home…”

Dusk took a noticeable dip in mood, the whole reason they would be singing to thousands tomorrow would be the return trip with no tickets back to earth. In all likeliness they’d never see Twilight again, her first best friend she ever made that wasn’t a siren would become nothing but a memory. At least to her it felt like she would be losing her mother all over again, as they’d never need to come back or if the option was there when all was said and done.

Adagio sighed to herself as the attempt to liven things up had backfired horribly. Not a good way to be pepped up for some fun singing that didn’t include slaving others to their will. She saw her human react as well, feeling something for the state her fellow had fallen into. Wondering what would possess the girl and what words she’d try to say to fix things drew the others gazes in anticipation. Aria noticed the percolating situation, though she kept quiet as Sparkle shook her head as she pushed her nearly empty dish aside.

“I’ve decided that I’m going to go with you three.” She declared with a bit of shakiness though resolute.

With a cocked eyebrow from Adagio gave her full attention now with a smirk, “Really now? I thought you were going to stay here and complete your global thing with magic to change the world for the better? Or are you afraid of the Rainbooms giving you a bad rap?”

“Ya, to stop wars, poverty, hunger, and all that mumbo jumbo.” Blaze laughed lazily as her eyes stuck to Sparkle waiting for a witty response.

“As a scientist… as an intellectual, I can’t let go of a chance to have unlimited power to really test everything I’ve created thus far. I don’t know what will happen to the portal after everyone goes through it, but Yellow told me that I’ll have to constantly recharge from its magic and I don’t know how much I’ll need to perform all the experiments I need to do before I have anything feasible to gain. Which means it would be the best option if I went along and mastered some aspects with a never ending source. Though there are a few bugs in the plan to work out, I’ll be able to help you guys since my counterpart will likely be on the other side as well right?” the other Dazzlings seemed stunned that she actually would carry out her promise so eagerly and with a well thought out reason.

While Sonata wore a smug grin knowing her new friend would do such a thing, not the same could be said of the others as they had their doubts at first. Surprisingly, they assumed she might have remained behind since her goal was to ultimately pursue her own ends. It was a rather entertaining thing to see that they were wrong about Twilight, in that she could shoulder both desire and loyalty together. Perhaps what Adagio thought was their human bodies had created a kind of visual link to make it more accommodating to aid them like mimics of the Gontha Jungles, things they never wanted to see again after that chance encounter. If they were really in their truest form, scaly hippocampi with large fins and mouths filled with sharp teeth, would Sparkle really help them? Or would she even still keep her vow once on the other side, and then they’d figure it out from there? The emotions she gave off were nothing but the truth to them, no underlying deception hide away as some intestinal parasite. That softened what apprehension Adagio had, the plus side of being a creature who fed off negative emotions; passive empathic ability.

“Wow Sparkle, never thought I’d say this but… your alright.” The admission from Blaze had shocked everyone even more, rarely would she even do such a thing for a living entity that was not a tool or piece of equipment.

“Well, for earning a praise from the praiseless one here, you’ve earned your spot among us without question. Sonata for sure as well as I after that time we will never speak of again, but for the last of us… I hope you’ll have some offensive magic ready for when SHE appears. There’s no telling how powerful that Equestrian is back home.” The golden siren waved her hand around in the air with a bored look, feeling that they’d be able to take on that pony with the Rainbooms out of the picture.

“I’ve studied every category of major magical arts, though I only have a surface skim of the entire spectrum of spells. Currently I have over two hundred different magics at my disposal which are regrettably untested. I do hope to find more elaborate resources to draw from when we get there. If I see myself, I won’t see Twilight Sparkle the Dazzling… I’ll see the Twilight Sparkle who nearly ended your lives by taking away your powers. She and the others are nothing but unintentional murders, like amateur researchers who let a project go awry without knowing the full impact of what would happen in any case. I dislike people very much who don’t know the ramifications of their actions… the unintended side effects can’t be ignored even if it’s for Science!” She balled her fists, giving a stern gaze at her matriarch.

‘She definitely is one of us, no doubt about it. No harmony or friendship drivel those Rainbooms held so dear. This… this cooperation… family… huh? I guess Poseidon’s grace reaches this far doesn’t it?’ Adagio thought as she watched the others give her their wordless approval.

With the thumping of Jasmines shoes on the wood floor, the girls turned their attentions to the arrival of the unique sweet treat. The aroma strange with a placement of four forks for each to use gave the conclusion of serious talk at an end for the day.

Picking up her utensil and being the first to taste with a mild appreciation for the crafted dessert, “I like the way you think, those Equestrians nearly killed us twice now that’s for sure. They won’t know what hit them. If there’s one thing you don’t ever do is anger a siren, we live a very long time.” Adagio began to laugh a little crazily still chewing on the morsel which transitioned into a moaning sugary delight.

After their feast completed, the sirens plus one human exited the restaurant as the staff bid them a hearty farewell and wishes for return. How clueless the humans were, which brought a momentary mirth to Dazzle as she felt their appreciation for their patronage. Eventually, they made it to the business location that had been researched earlier, which thankfully had been only slightly busy for the night. It was the end of the week though it should have been packed on a night as such it seemed everyone was set to save money for the convention if the banners hung on every other street advertised to all.

Entering the establishment, their eyes were greeted with colorful lights and shapes right off the get go from the rather bland exterior of the bar. The check in was a marvelous chest high u-shaped counter with a leopard design along its sleek polished surface. A few decorative plants flanked the two cashier registers tended to by cleanly dressed uniformed women. There was a large board up top, electronic in nature which showed the different rooms for use and rent from those to the open mic area complete with a bar. As anticipated, most areas were not taken and left many options from windowed rooms to those with privacy, and tonight even the golden siren did not want an audience for the fun.

Paying for their room had been an easy affair, the girls walked through the hallway of carnival and loud music from the social area. Guessing that large parties or walk in patrons gravitated towards it, more the merrier, as the saying went.

Once at their door, Sonata jumped first to claim the remote to begin to search through the song list as immense as it was even for the little karaoke bar. Adagio giggled to herself as she caught a glimpse of the several categories of music each with sixty four tracks to them, how many were based off the genres they made during the Coltesseum battle against Starswirl the Bearded. Of course knowing the blue skinned teenager, she could spend the entire night going through every song much to their chagrin. Not that the room was all that amusing to begin with, it possessed little else other than vanilla walls with mocha borders, while the TV and its stand were black with a few neon lights to add some pizzazz. It was understood the nature of the room needed no gimmicks to serve its purpose and overly decorated ones detracted horribly. Though they supposed the soft carpeted floor which let them take off their foot wear was a good choice on the business’s choice. Each of their pairs were set by the door, with Twilight taking Dusk’s since she seemed glued to the screen.

Adagio and Aria sat back to watch with fresh soda cans they bought at the check-in. They wanted it to be a calm night and nothing like a bit of sugar water with its fizziness to ease in the entertainment to be had. Sure their kind of were carnivores, the taste of meat and some vegetables to compliment were acceptable to their stomachs. Yet the human world with its sweets and decadence had won over a new taste bud in them since they started using the bits Yellow gave them. Odd it was the use of sugar and they had no allergic reaction to it either. Perhaps it was lent to their human bodies even with their powers back, they had a larger variety of sustenance to try out and actually partake in. The commodity of the crystallized sweetener rarely used back in Equestria besides sugar cubes. The many flavors were just astounding, but even they knew what happened to ponies that focused on such things, they grew portly.

Setting the cool condensating metal can on the coffee table in the center of the small sound proofed room, Adagio let the two girls by the TV screen have their fun first. Aria and she wanted the extra time to warm up their vocal cords, perfection at the most lest there be no show. Of course the first couple of songs that had been picked out thankfully soon enough, Twilight had bailed out from shyness in her own ability. Even though she supported Sonata when the siren noticed the solo act and attempted to stop and restart. It was a moment of trying for the human, being amongst the best singers in the world quite literally. They could sense the apprehension in wanting to show before them. After a third water break, the eager siren of the three thought of something perfect for casting off the doubt that impeded the humble girl.

“Okay I’m sure you’ll be able to sing this Twilight, you sound like so much like her. For realzies!! I heard it over the internet like a couple weeks ago.” Dusk bounced on the cushioned seat as she set the song on play from her custom menu.

“Umm… let’s just see about it first? I’ll do my best. No more stalling!” Sparkle picked up the mics on a stand and passed one to Sonata just as the timer counted down to zero.

“Just let the music come from the heart, it’s how we make people do what we want besides the spell. Follow my lead and you’ll do fine!” Sonata waved her friend’s worry away as the piano began to play to introduce the song.

A touch of an electronic element herald the words as they began, which reluctantly Twilight took in a deep breath and calmly awaited the moment to start. With the glimmer in Dusk’s eyes of pure unadulterated happiness and the adorable child-like essence, she couldn’t afford to let her down again. They were the Dazzlings, not just some rag tag group assembled to do whatever Yellow needed of them. If she were to be a Dazzling through and through, then she’d need to sing even if they wouldn’t find it appealing. Just one shot and they’d tell her to stop or continue, perhaps she’d even find some joy in it?

Then came the first of the lyrics to the catchy tune…

“I will rise in resistance. Sing the oath of rebellion. And cease-fire on this high wire.” Twilight’s voice tried to find the right pitch to match Sonata’s.

Her shaky hesitation was noticeable, “Head to toe in vanity. When those eyes in the mirror stare back at me. I’m reminded that the ghost of pride is clear to see. Wipe away the weakness. Will you let those scares define you? Or will they adorn you as we carve are way to victory?”

Aria tilted her head as the vocal cords picked up with the spirit gaining confidence, “Doubt is crying out but I refuse to let it drown me. Wearing down my fight till nothing’s left.”

Adagio by then joined her comrade as she leaned forward to watch the performance pick up as it sent goose bumps along her arms and back. Something about the way that voice sounded, it had a far too eerie similarity to that pony version of her to the point the regrettable battle surfaced for a flash chance. It was formidable, though it lacked the enchanted portion it was still in and of itself a golden throat that even Sonata stopped singing when she picked up on it.

“I SAY CRIER. I SAY LIAR. I SAY RISE IN HELL. I stand gazing down at death as they say… WAR!! I’LL WAGE WAR. I HATE WAR. They say fight for peace… but what is that?” the sirens beheld the budding talent of her their fourth member quietly as a good audience would.

“Raise a shield to the bullets. Hold my ground, all I got now. But I’m defeneceless, all but helpless if it gives beneath my feet. I turn from the mirror. That desperate plea. I refuse and can’t believe those eyes belong to me.” Sparkle sang even as her own body began to perk up with alertness and energy as she put all she had into the song, missing the building power in her chest.

“Come on, one more breath. My ravaged voice betrays me mid-shout. Will you never hear those final words I failed to choke out? I tried to survive by putting all my faith in instinct. But now I regret what have I done?” The golden siren looked in awe at Aria who returned the same flabbergasted jaw drop as she, something was coming off of Twilight and it was what they loved and needed themselves since that day at the café when they witnessed the fall of Sunset’s demon rise.

“I SAY CRIER. I SAY LIAR. I SAY RISE IN HELL. I am just about to BURST as they say WAR!! I’LL WAGE WAR. I HATE WAR. There’s no end to this… can’t you see that?” Sonata started to tear up as she held her hands to her mouth to stifle her reaction so as to not interrupt the singer as she peaked.

A lone tear feel from the corner of Twilight’s eyes, “A cowardly façade weaves into my voice. As I call for war, blinded by this far-fetched noble cause. Although I had a choice, I believed the lies. But it’s all a dream, ending when I open my eyes”

“Come on, one more breath. My ravaged voice betrays me mid-shout. Will you never hear those final words I failed to choke out? Tried to survive by putting all my faith in instinct. But now I regret what I’ve done?” she shot up in her seat as a blast of magic from within her expanded outwards in a spectacular glow of lavender energy that the sirens felt as a warm haze, their gems began to soak up what they could of the ambient power.

“I SAY CRIER. I SAY LIAR. I SAY RISE IN HELL. I stand gazing down at death as they say WAR!! I’LL WAGE WAR. I HATE WAR. They say fight for peace… Does it exist?” her loyal fan that was Sonata could barely keep herself contained with the mirth exploding in her, she wanted to hug and squeeze her bestie till her arms grew tired.

“My hand, can you reach it? My cry, can you hear it? Can you, can you tell me, if this dream was worth it? My hand, can you reach it? My cry can you hear it? Can you, can you help me? Wake me up from this nightmare…” the guitar picked up as Sparkle let the song finish before letting the ecstasy of the magical release wear off, to which she gave no hint of even realizing it happened.

It struck her to know she had an audience and seeing as she did not know her own voice nor what it sounded like. She quivered to see what the results were of her real first attempt. Uncertain by the calm that crept through the now silent room with the song concluded, even with the power that welled up within her still lingering in her body did little to quell the beating heart.

Twilight could only think of how the Crystal Prep Shadowbolts use to laugh at her behind her back, she desired to know if the sirens would do the same thing to her since their forte was in singing. An amateur to masters, what hope could she really gain until she turned to look at them in the eyes?

“I… I… I uh… don’t know how I sounded. I’ve never actually tested the character and quality, though I wish I did now… please go easy on me?!” she asked as if anticipating a shove out the door of the room like a losing contestant on those TV shows for the masses.

There was a short wait, agonizing few minutes as the girl struggled to hold back the horror of her best friends judging and teasing like some side show attraction. What she did not expect was the vice like grip of Sonata taking her fiercely and lifting her above the ground as always. Only this time she berated her with admiration and congratulations as she mistakenly thought she became an actual siren.

“Oh My Gosh!! I can’t believe you really are one of us! Ohhhh when we get to Equestria, think of all the new songs we get to do with a fourth member of the band! We’d be the four musketeers like in the TV show I see late at night! With four of us… we could make beautiful MUSIC!!!” to which Sparkle coughed a bit as her rib cage had been constricted rapidly.

Shaking her like a ragdoll, the others regained their character and huffed at the overexcitement of Dusk to assume such a thing was even possible. Even with the chaotic magic the girl had been tainted with, magic simply did not work like that and nor could a pony change their species like a changeling. It was always illusionary magic that came even close to that ability, that and with what little they knew about the way she absorbed mana the tool wasn’t here with them.

Adagio was sure of one thing, she was indeed the human equivalent of the vile fiend who was a part of the group that put them in such a tough spot and stopped their ascendance. She had her voice and the innate talent in music even if she didn’t practice it like the other probably did.

Regardless, they had a secret weapon powerful enough that if she could find a way to use that magic she gave off singing to enhance their own abilities if they had to fight off mages. They’d have the absolute defense and offense for if another Sunset Shimmer appeared at the cusp of victory, especially for the battle zone they’d likely encounter. The magicians of the Arcana were destined to feel their fury, attempting to likely banish to the human world again. Even the princesses would be tested from their combined might once they had the army of adoring fans behind them. Everything was about to change, Twilight just kept giving them more and more to work with as if fate smiled upon them and Poseidon had given them his favor as champions. Perhaps that was it, the all father gave them the opportunity against the sun and moon, to be his avatars to teach a lesson to the pony empire who would destroy his water realms.

“Well girls, I think we’re all in agreement about what we just heard. Twilight how about a song where we all sing together, I’d love to see how well you fit in with someone besides Sonata.” Adagio prompted as Aria and her moved up front and grabbed a mic of their own from the entertainment system.

Sonata seemed confused before she got the message and dropped the girl, handing her the equipment as Adagio searched for the next track to play. The night had gotten interesting enough for Aria to actually start grinning in anticipation, as she too wanted to test their new siren compatriot since Adagio let her in. What better way than how harmonic they could all perform together.

As the night went on, the sirens found they had a reason to like Twilight even more as she had been able to add rather than detract from the group. She could maintain and keep certain octaves and easily use her brainpower to swerve with the lyrics of faster paced songs easily. Not only had that, but having a fourth in the group improved the sound of the others by a compliment. The rule of three gave a pass to the fun they had, something Adagio started plans for the future. Even perhaps enchant her voice just enough to also sow discord and disharmony even by a smidge, hopefully Twilight might know a dark magic spell for that when she dived into what books were over there.

By the end of the night, the girls were outside the bar and taking in the cool dark air under a nearly full moon. Traffic was low for how late it had become, a few people remained by the time the establishment started to close. The tranquility served to welcome the glow between the three sirens and their human ally, her lingering mana from absorbing three wells had finally dissipated with the karaoke night and into the gemstones around the siren’s necks. The Dazzling rubies fed on passively so as not to rip it from her, they were careful not to damage such a valuable asset.

“So, I guess that ends the festivities, Sparkle it’s been quite the pleasure and very much an eye opener. I have many plans for you when we cross over, so be ready to please me as I’m sure you will.” Dazzle gave her the trademark smirk, bringing her right hand up to her chin and running the fingertips along the jaw line before walking away.

“Understood.” She bowed unnecessarily though mainly to hide the blush she sported at the gentle touch.

Sonata then grabbed hold of her for one last hug, “Good luck with those games! Watch out for the Rainbooms, they always have a trick up their sleeve. Besties for life! Besties in another life!!” she said as her arms took the human girl gently unlike the other times her strength was insane.

“Don’t worry Sonata, they won’t get me that easily. You should get going though, don’t want to let Adagio wait.” Sparkle patted her back until the cerulean girl released her.

Waving madly again with a grin nearly ear to ear, she hopped away to Adagio already a few steps away down the sidewalk. Last was Aria who stood grumpy as ever only, when she looked to Twilight it wasn’t in the usual sense. Twilight failed to detect her hard to please attitude, it just seemed to look content and happy strangely enough. With her arms folded over her gothic style sleeveless jacket and the trench coat leather skirt with buckles and straps, she chuckled for no reason at first. She closed her eyes as she looked away, the giggle going into a full blown laughter which caught the girl by utter ambush. Sparkle knew this particular siren was the type to not handle stress and often used blunt tactics to overcome problems. However, she was far from unstable like the other two or in Sonata’s case aloof. To go from the free flowing girl she was during their recreational singing to spontaneous joy actually kind of scared her. Had the initial report over the siren been premature?

Aria ceased the uncontrollable chortle and wiped away the tears caused by the quick diaphragm contractions, where she soon dropped her barrier of façade for the first time in a long while. It seemed like a whole other siren as she acted and behaved like a normal girl sauntering up to the human. Placing her hands on her hips and cocking her posture to one side of her body, a one sided grin giving Twilight the shivers from the unknown about to occur.

“After all this time, a human is what we needed to get this train finally on the right tracks. But even I wouldn’t have thought it possible after all the plans Adagio tried and surprisingly enough failed at every single time. All that fast food and we have finally been able to really eat what we needed, I can’t tell you how insufferable this has all been. Now you go and not only actually want to help us… but you seem to want to care about magical creatures that will bring down a world into their adoring fans and nothing more. What’s wrong with you?” she kept her cheerful attitude even as the question stung hard.

Sparkle had said it many times before, and the Rainbooms were the worst to prove it to so Aria wouldn’t be much of a hurdle. Though by the way she came about, it seemed that there was a purpose behind talking to her like she did. As if she wanted to hear something from her to confirm.

“I know I’ve told everyone else already so I’ll sum it up. I don’t see you as evil, I see evil that has made you and though that’s not always good it seems it’s a must with this Equestria. They’re pursuit of technology has led them to harm the lives of others, and who knows what other creatures they’ve consequently destroyed the lives of because of mishaps and contamination... just like my people have. Adagio would still be with her family, Sonata though would be fending for herself and you… I never did learn about you to say anything. Though I’m sure you’d still be with your family?” she rubbed her left arm nervously as Aria gave a blank look.

“Go on…” the mulberry siren prompted hungry for more.

“What hit me the most was the irresponsibility of the Rainbooms to remove your power and not know what it would do to you! Your situation is similar to one of the countries abroad who’ve been stomped on by a superpower and are trying to chip away at their heels. Though, I really hope Adagio just wants to put enough pressure behind the Equestrians to make them change their ways.” she divulged what she had hoped to occur, “I know she hurts deep down, but she can’t possibly want to trade an eye for an eye. The whole world would go blind!”

Aria laughed again, a jubilation that seemed more of an understanding than to mock, “At least our pod has another brain to think over things, Adagio so likes to go with her emotions far too much. You at least think like a siren should, because really… I don’t know if they will let Adagio get away with what she’s planning. If she really goes and does what she told us, we’ll be removing the sources of food from all around Equestria they need themselves. We’ll be making enemies because pods never share territory or resources and the other matriarchs will want a piece of us too. Considering we don’t have any sirons in our pod yet… it won’t be pretty.” Sparkle sensed bitterness in that last sentence.

“I kind of figured that would be the case, she does deserve her just dues and to prevent the same thing from happening again to others. I feel that is her ultimate goal, unless Yellow Tail was telling the truth.” Sparkle withered under the gaze of the girl with twin ponytails.

“That conspiracy stuff ugh! Never did believe that fool’s story, demons and all that. Either way, I think you’ll be the one to keep her from messing up royally, she’s tartarus bent on getting her way and you’ll be the voice of reason. You’ll make our lives less of a headache. Besides, I like power and adoration as much as the next siren, but having an empires worth is like having Sonata hopped up on sugar or caffeine. Too much noise and work to keep them in line. I’d rather live the life with a city under our thrall and we can bask on a shoreline, getting what we need every now and then while we relax without a trouble in the world…” She commented and stepped closer till they were inches away with a smirk growing.

“I want to help you three, and of course at some point I’ll have to come back here whenever that will be. Haha, I don’t even know what species I’ll be when I cross over. Wouldn’t it be great if I was a unicorn so I can study magic! Or even a siren so I can better help you three?! I wonder if I can change about too? If the scanner can come with me I might be able to mimic those I absorb from and change at will? I wonder what would happen if I became a griffon like Serak?” Twilight’s inquisitive nature went on its usual tangent.

With a whistle to get her attention, “Hey, Twi, keep it together while I’m talkin to you. I actually just wanted to thank you for not treating me like everyone else has in the past. We never… really needed help from anyone before so its been new to have you with us.” The tenseness in her tone alluded to an underlying problem that caused Sparkles mind to jump at the chance to help the third with her troubles.

“I… I am?” the shine from her delight surged out as her last bucket list with the sirens was on the precipice of achieving.

“Ya, Sonata just can’t keep her mouth shut when we try to keep things not obvious and like I said about Adagio. She plans and plans for big stuff that always crash and burn, so when I try to guide us better well… you know the customary way she treats it as a threat to her dominance. Just like my mom use to…” the smirk she had faded and her stance lost its pertness.

Twilight felt they were touching on an important issue so she approached in a low way, “You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to. I’m just here to make…” Twilight wanted to keep her speaking but it seemed she did not need to by the leap that was taken that cut her off.

“The reason I joined Adagio was because my mother never let me do anything, I was this little runt of a hatchling she worried over like an egg during a cyclone. A blasted runt!!” she cursed quietly as anger surged, “That made me a target by every other hatchling to hold it against me like Aria the Runt, Runtling Blaze, Arunt Blaze! No one ever trusted me to do anything, even help sing with the others when my gem came in. Unlike Sonata, they didn’t even let me try out and I was left as some piece of waste for the group to keep up. I hated my mother for that and the others, so when Adagio came… it was easy to leave.” The purple siren seemed to convey sadness in the motion she made against her pod.

“So Adagio offered you a life where you were needed, and you wanted that more than anything.” Sparkle asked.

“It was hard at first till we got Sonata onboard, but it was something I became proud of after our first victories and heavy feasts. I actually did more than my old pod could ever do! And I wanted to rub it in their faces, I wish I did so earlier so I could feel better about what I did… but after Starswirl the lame kicked us out, that chance never came back. For as long as we’ve probably been gone for… they’re probably either dead or moved to new grounds.” Twilight wanted to speak again, but the sorrow of regret in the girl just stole her words, what could she say to that?

“Still, Adagio became as I said she did and Sonata proved to grow more dull in the head as the years went on. This place… it’s been doing something to us and I’m glad we’re going back! The point is, you did not treat me differently, you even asked how each of us were doing and gave a few pointers in those text messages you and idiot over there couldn’t stop doing.” She seemed to fume as Twilight recalled how late they did contact each other which likely woke Aria up with the light from the phone.

“Sorry about that, I wasn’t sure if she was in the bathroom or in the bed.” She twiddled her index fingers together a bit embarrassed.

Though the girl gave her a curious look, one contested in many ways, “No matter how I treated you and Sonata, you still cared about us… like a heck of a difference from my home pod. No matter what, you’re still caring about all this… this revenge stuff!” Blaze pushed as if trying to get the human to admit otherwise.

Sparkle waited as she thought what the implications were to this moment, on one hand she learned about Aria’s reason for being as she was. The other it seemed the mulberry siren was unused to some other being not holding her underdevelopment be a forefront at any conversation, though it wasn’t very apparent she was a runt. A runt of the litter or clutch of hatchlings, she couldn’t fathom what that was like if only to relate her status as an intellectual shut in she had to admit. Her life at Crystal Prep and the school before that, being shoved about and given no line if she made an error, perhaps she did know what it was like?

“Maybe… I know too?” she admitted.

Blaze scoffed and shook her head knowing about her inept social life, “Your always full of surprises you know that? Makes me really regret what we’ll be doing at the convention center tomorrow ya know? If it’s to get home though, I guess there’s no other way. We don’t belong here and I really want our old gems back, these things give me the shakes, and to top it all off… I don’t want to actually die here either. It kind of takes away the tough persona I try to keep up knowing the Rainbooms have or had that power to make us fully human… at anytime they could have found us and stolen this all away! I’m… I’m glad you did what you did.”

Twilight soon found herself embraced by the abrasive siren who sort of put too much into the effort gesture that a couple of pops could be heard from her bones. She eeped at the sensation of cartilage cracking, though she was elated to know that was the source instead of a dislocated joint. A harsh pat on the back and the two girls parted, with Aria giving a very guilty toothy sneer as her way of being embarrassed of the act. She couldn’t stop herself from bringing her finger to Twilight’s forehead and lightly flicking it so as not to actually hurt the human. A little giggle ended any further physical contact, but someone had to say something before she joined the others at the bus stop.

Twilight could tell the others were watching from afar, Adagio’s huge fluffy curls were at a unique angle so she could see and hear better. The same could be said with Sonata who crouched on the bench trying to make herself as small as possible while staring over the black metal arm.

“Hey… just so you know with all your tricks you keep pulling out of your hat and… the talent in your voice.” She paused looking elsewhere as if shy to say what she wanted to speak, “When you mentioned about turning into a siren and all that, not knowing anything…”

Twilight stood in place knowing she was the kind of girl to not take forwardness very well, she waited for the words to come forth and give the message. Otherwise, she’d get snapped at or worse if she tried to assure her that it was okay to talk and touch her shoulder or something, things might have gotten violent.

“Aaargh!! What I wanted to say is…!!!” she nearly shouted as a thick shade of violet spread over her face from the sensitive and very revealing piece of information came out into the blue.

Twilight stumbled back at the brash hesitation, yet she kept a welcoming smile hoping she guessed right as to why she said what she did, “I know what you mean, what you meant to say and thanks. I look forward to our magical adventures in Equestria, all the spells to learn, and I’ll watch your backs every step of the way Aria. It’s what friends do right?!”

Blaze still flustered, she calmed down as the human girl she spoke to took it in stride and did not ridicule her for it. In fact, she responded in exactly the right way she needed her to, and it secured the new honorary siren in her okay list which was few and rare as it was.

“Ya… what friends do. Stay safe out there Twi, those Rainbooms will likely try to pull something and I don’t want to have to come barging in during our show to save your sorry tail. Not that Sonata wouldn’t do as well, leaving Adagio hot headed and raging.” she left waving goodbye, a new thing that felt alien yet welcoming as well.

The night had ended perfectly, their team stronger than ever and both had their battles to face the next day. One she now thought, she couldn’t let her wild side come out again as it did in the restroom. It could be construed as cheating and land C.P. in defeat, she needed the magic from the other Rainbooms to make sure no little secret plan could be made. Even three still could be a thorn in their side, like a variable with too much room for error to make any experiment safe. Though she had plenty of time tomorrow to take, right now she was late to get home. Sleep was necessary to be at peak mental efficiency she’d need to maintain control over the magic.

Considering it was still a barely grasped concept for her, danger lurked from misuse or overconfidence. At least she had the girls to remind her and keep a lid on the powder keg, she now knew all three of them and their little demons. Or as much as they’d let on and enough to secure their trust, perhaps she’d learn the rest in the foreign lands of magic and monsters?

A horn honks just as the bus stop received the screeching breaks of the metro transit. It was the familiar taxi van that belonged to the one and only Serak who activated the electric door opener.

As she neared closer, “Doth thou needeth a carriage?” he joked from inside.

Twilight giggled and took his offer home, it was far safer than waiting for the next bus in her direction or walk the streets this late.

Sunset’s Dorm 8pm

It was getting late in the evening, the games were going to start tomorrow and the other school had a crazy magical demoness who could probably secure the victory for Crystal Prep and no one would be the wisest. She had thrown a retaliatory fit as she couldn’t accept that they were on the losing side of this battle being waged, the words that Sparkle had said to them with such vindication. What had her even more was the possible truth in the history of the sirens, were they really doing everything they had done and doing now all because of the damage ponies of yor had committed? Were they really justified in taking revenge like a fish to water?

Amidst her crisis, Flash had contacted her not long after she arrived at home, the others told him of what happened and he had shown up at her door to help her. With a little convincing and the fact that he had Rose Luck on the phone warning Shimmer if she didn’t take his hand of friendship that she’d be there in a heartbeat to knock some sense in her.

The two sat in silence in her living room, unsure of what could be said as for the last ten minutes Sunset just kept her gaze away from him. In fact, just him being there was more than enough for her to at least feel some sense of ease even if it was tiny. She still wore the same outfit that had been worn throughout the day, not bothering to have gotten into more comfortable wear. Though her boots were at the door with her socks still on as she kicked at the carpeted floor more or less troubled at how to deal with her ex-boyfriend.

As she stewed in the muck that had become her life, Flash did not know what to really say that wouldn’t be condescending even if he said things would get better. This was a new world of magic that he really had no knowledge of with the human Twilight he ran into now having become something akin to Sunset in her demon days. What he might say could very well have no real hold or grasp of the reality that was true. Yet, something deep down boiled to the surface of his hesitation, grabbing at his control to take the helm and do anything for his friend.

Words echoed in the back of his skull, whispers he couldn’t understand beyond what feeling they conveyed unmistakably. Like little gremlins under the bed or rustling limbs of a forest, it was pervasive and unrelenting to get him to move. So he did to both appease his own desire to be helpful and what itched away at his consciousness.

“Sunset… I…” he immediately drew her into a soft embrace with her back to him.

She jumped a little at the sudden grab, recovering quickly and hiding her face. Once a corrupted and powerful demon with immense magic, reformed into good that soon vanquished a marauding band of evil seaponies, and now a worthless girl and former unicorn that couldn’t stop what had just come through like a sonic jet. What worth was she to gain any compassion from her companions if all she did was try to find the culprit of the gem theft and nothing else? Spending much of her time just trying to think through weeks of little sleep, and nearly getting herself killed on the road? What did she really do with herself as this all went south, having forgotten about Twilight when Rarity caught her with the sirens? Not even an attempt to find her and put some bucking sense into that brain of hers. If of course that would have been the right thing to do given the latest history on the Dazzlings.

“Sunny, I know I can’t say anything to reach you… just know that I felt like you did not long ago.” He sighed resting his chin on her waves of red and yellow stripped hair which had the scent of strawberries.

She withdrew into herself even more by bringing her knees towards her chest, “Remember when I said I never wanted to go back from where we came from? I never told you that we did and that was why I vowed that.”

His voice grew very solemn as if it pained him to say what was about to be spoken, his grip on her became more encompassing as if to prepare for it. She noticed every little detail of his addled body language and stopped moving against his help.

“We had to go back and see grandmother, I’ll never say her family nickname ever since she caused mom so much trouble. But she had to get a procedure done on her bad back, it wasn’t treated right and developed an infection. Malpractice insurance and all that…” he felt her turn a little to him yet still avoiding his sight, at least part of her face was visible even with the sign of tears rolling down her right cheek.

A deep breath in and out of Flash was felt along her back from the gentle expansion of his chest, “She was dying and mother was called to her death bed, she wanted me to come along for support and to give final words to her. Since I wasn’t a part of that whole mess, she thought grandmother would want to see me. But when we did arrive… I wasn’t very well received.”

Shimmer had grown interested in his tale, “What did they say?” she turned her head enough to look at his chest mournfully, adjusting so her hair obscured her eyes.

“They said, ‘Why did you bring him here?’ with the most appalled look they could give as if I was a joke for being there. I didn’t act on it, I just let mom do all the talking and I even got to have a peaceful chat with my uncles. At least the ones that were not blood related. Of course, then came our moment to see that woman…”

He sounded tired now, as if the energy of his soul had drained out. Sunset knew sort of where the story was about to go, and she could not help but give a sense of support. Placing a palm on his chest and rubbing in a way one would a sick dog, gently and methodically of the pectoral muscles which were tense.

“Sunset, I… stood before her with the most still face I could manage. I felt nothing for her condition in fact, I felt she deserved it from the start. Leaving this world in a painful way… decaying like what she did to mom’s heart when she disowned her and us. I just smiled and responded when she asked if I had a boyfriend.” He laughed at that, “One of my aunts told me she was delirious from the painkillers in her system, but I was okay with it. Even though mom was happy she’d given permission to rejoin the family, I had nothing but hate. Hate to that woman and to myself for not being able to be human about her passing.” He hissed a little and felt another hand caress his face that soothed what emotional turmoil was left.

“You acted as you felt, that is human enough. You couldn’t come to terms with how she broke the family and left you guys alone. It’s only fair.” She croaked through her voice she hadn’t used since she left the school a few hours ago.

“I’ve hated myself still… she died a few days later and I still felt the same. I hated her till I couldn’t feel anything anymore and went into music and my band to move on as mom did in her own way. I wanted to tell you that so you didn’t do the same thing. I know you regret not being able to stop all this crazy stuff from happening, but you still can do something. Not all the girls lost their magic!” he said to her tightening his hold around her as the way she touched had done wonders.

She looked into his sea blue eyes as she understood what he aimed for, and let a chuckle go at the care he gave her. Undeserving of his attention much less being told a very sensitive piece of history of his family and of his self imposed crime, it was a few minutes that would be memorable to her throughout life. In a way, they shared much in the trials of life even if they were different species from different worlds, fate just seemed to favor them as punching bags.

“I bet if you guys pooled your magic together, maybe you can redistribute it and use what little you have to fight the cursed Twilight… whose not from Equestria.” He paused when he noticed how intently she eyed him.

As if a bucket of ice had been dumped down her pants, the idea made perfect sense. If Twilight could absorb mana, then it was transferrable in some manner that she’d need to find. They might be able to at least destroy the portal if it all went south as a last ditch effort as regrettable as it would be, for the sake of Equestria as the shadow group would most likely be there. At the very least least they could probably damage the siren gemstones again and hinder the mastermind using them should it prove too difficult to harm the statue. The brilliance of Flash had her in pure awe as she took him into a deep fast kiss with her arms around his neck, which when she pulled back and raved on the plan she had thanks to him. Sentry was essentially paralyzed in place by the spontaneity and rapid act of gratitude.

“That’s it then! We still have Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Applejack! I bet they have enough magic to restore ours, just as I’m sure Pinkie did when she wished for me to get well and somehow put a bit of her mana in me, effectively saving me from a severe case of magic withdrawal, “Flash!! I LOVE you!”

She kissed him again before leaping off the couch to do some research and text the girls before they went to sleep. What she didn’t realize was she had given him his first kiss, and he was nothing more than a pile of leaves the wind could blow over and scatter across the yard. She wouldn’t notice him until she sat back down twenty minutes later with a plan in the works and the calls made, he needed to likely be home soon or else his parents would probably have a fit if he stayed over at her place.

Convention Center: The Next Day

The event had been well underway for the early birds, having missed the lines and signed up well in advance. Those smart few had received the first glances at the big Apple and Equine show, featuring the latest goods that made Equestria such a hot place to go. From the finest horses and mustangs of top condition and health well sought after, to the farm produce and the world’s sweetest tasting apples that boasted a high nutritional content. The first floor had been set up as the demo and lecture floor, where businesses coming to see their future racing equines or police mounts and horse enthusiasts talk with the handlers who raised them. Rooms were given to discussions of proper humane and ethical treatment of the big stallions which yielded better quality animals as well as how to run a farm. The second level sported more lecture halls on farming and products from the orchards, talks about agriculture and how it impacted the environment as well as business practices. Farmers who were well versed in taking care of the land spoke of their tried and true methods, which not only saved them money, but benefited many in turn. Of course the third level was the crowning part of the entire convention itself, the Expo where every single item ever made or the best stallions to come out of Equestria were put on show to act as the owners billboard to future customers in and out of the country. Everything was top quality from the biggest squash and the most succulent tomatoes, to the finest hand crafted cider and popular foods Equestria could pump out.

All of this had become the most boring thing Aria and Adagio had ever done, waiting for the performance hour to begin they had arrived early. All this farm related jargon found no purchase in the girls until they came to the few farms which gave out tastes of their best meats. The one thing they got out of the stomaching the incessant talk about corn and apples or horses and pigs.

“Posideon’s trident these humans are obnoxious even more than Sonata about all this crap!” Aria grabbed her face and pulled on the skin as the hands slid down, “Feels like my heads going to explode!”

The head siren nodded absentmindedly, “Yes yes, I’m aware of it too, seems only Sonata can handle this like an alicorn. Of course she is Sonata after all.” Adagio rolled her eyes as the wayward siren lifted up a piglet and rub noses with it, to which she found absolutely disgusting.

Aria managed to spot a clock on the cream colored walls of the huge exhibit hall, “Thankfully we only got half an hour left before the biggest show we’ve ever done starts, just wanna get this over with and leave. I feel filthy being among these… things.” She said as she brushed herself off like she’d been covered in ants.

“Well we can head over now and sit in those chairs, we are first in line anyways so perhaps it would suit us to rehearse a little?” Dazzle suggested as she check her spell binding clothing for the concert for grit.

“PLEASE!! I really need to get away from anything to do with farming!” Aria complained as she made her way to the exiting escalators.

Tolerating the irate girl’s behavior, Adagio took to the petting pens and tapped the cerulean girl’s shoulder. She had brought up a chicken to her chest and calmly petted the feathered bird in her arms, it cooed strangely as if it delighted in the touch. The Rhode Island Red closed her eyes and seemed at peace with the faux human, which drew those nearby to gawk and take pictures at the cute scene. A ponytail blue haired girl in designer clothing holding a placid egg laying bird, some thought this was a model visiting for a photo op.

“Ah’ve never seen betty ever take to someone like that. I reckon she’d leap and claw her way out of some kids arms than stay put, ya’ll gotta be some kinda animal whisperer or sumthin?” the red and white plaid shirted man scratched his teal hair in confusion.

The golden siren broke through the growing crowd of fans, “Yes she has a thing for small creatures, they just seem to love her for some reason. Now, be a dear and put the big bird down, our show’s going to start soon.” Her order was met with reluctance and a frown appeared on Sonata’s face as well as the folks around them.

“Awe… I really wanted to pet the llamas too! Oh well, bye bye miss Betty the Chicken! Miss you!” she gave the farewell to everyone as they departed the room with haste.

“You can have all the chickens you want when we get back to Equestria, but now’s not the time! We need to rehearse and make sure all is perfect.” Words hissed through her clenched teeth as Adagio led the happy go lucky girl down the escalator Aria disappeared to.

Ch. 35 Rise of the Dazzlings Part 2

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Ch. 35 Rise of the Dazzlings Part 2

It took no long journey to arrive at the showroom, having found the staging area in the next exhibit hall of the first level. The Dazzlings had registered themselves and found a corner away from the rabble to begin rehearsing. With a mere sliver of time left before their performance, the sirens took to a little practice and rehearsal. No real effort was needed to warm up, sparring the rest of the time to ensure they all were on the same level with the song list. Primarily it was for Sonata, knowing she had such fun with the animal life that it was possible for her have forgotten a couple things.

Adagio whispered the plan after she was sure the group was one in both voice and mind, huddling their heads in close, “Alright, so we’re the first up which means the spell needs to infect every single body and soul in that room. We’ll only get two shots at this before we have to leave the stage, which means no mess-ups and no errors out there! Double for you Sonata… once they’re eating out of our hands the rest will be a walk along the shore. The first two songs are essentially the hook, the rest are to reel in the negative energy until the tenth song. Got it?”

Aria and her dizty partner nodded, “Ya, we sing and make them ours no big change from the usual.” Her reply had a twinge of annoyance at having to take the debriefing she already thought was understood.

“NO you fool! These songs are not like any other, we have to put our wills into each word and feel the spell itself, you NEED to make them our slaves. If you don’t the spell will fail to reach everyone, and we’ll tank faster than a cargo ship in the western seas.” Dazzle hissed as she realized they never really went over the new magic she made just for this occasion.

Sonata leaned in closer, “So we like…. Make our voices in our heads talk too?”

It did not surprise the others to hear her say that, but they didn’t question it, “No, normally our songs are enough to do the work and we feed so Aria is mostly correct in that respect. But with several thousand heads out there we have to actually put a little of ourselves into it so the enchantment is amplified. Sorry about that, I guess I let myself get wrapped up in the scheme to remember I needed to tell you guys that. It’s nothing different from what we normally do beyond actually doing it. Are you following?” Adagio hoped they’d understand the simple concept.

Aria frowned for a moment, “Okay, so we just sing from the heart. No big deal there we always do that?”

“UGH!! Look, remember how we sang at the Coltesseum? Now remember how we sang before the humans with these new gemstones? See the difference?” their leader rubbed a hand over her face gently so as not to ruin the make-up she applied to ease her frustration.

“Ooooohhhhh, I was wondering why we didn’t do that before?” the cerulean vocalist smiled.

“The reason why we didn’t use it when we came to this world was the lack of MAGIC! We barely had enough to hold onto and sing with, so our voices had to be toned down to use passive magic. That way our gems would not dry up and become useless little trinkets! None of you really noticed did you?" the golden siren sighed having nearly been done talking and almost hoping to wing it, "For as long as we’ve been here we sang watered down music, it just happened naturally. To that I say, remember who you were... who you are as Sirens. Remember the voices we use to have and make it happen on that stage behind us. Tonight is our night, the night our power will know no BOUNDS!!” Adagio's her hands gripped into tight fists, rocking them into the air to hail the point home to her own.

The ruby on her necklace gave a faint glow which somehow connected to the other two, and that had been felt by Aria and Sonata respectively. They glanced down at the stones and cradled them as their eyes investigated, feeling the energy within pour into their bodies as if acting upon Adagio’s command. Strength and unity blanketed their perception as the memories of old flashed before their eyes in clear detail more so than they could do by themselves.

There they were before the throngs of ponies in Canterlot, robed equines chanting their names and calling out for them as they sang against Starswirl with all their effort. The sensation of singing, how their throats vibrated and their mouths moved were experienced down to every single nerve firing off. The pinnacle of siren talent no being could match other than Kelpies, this proved to be the lynch pin for what the girls had pulled before them. A reminder of how long they spent in their banishment to realize how sub par they use to perform at and still did fairly well to small enclosed spaces. Adagio's coaxing had made sense at that point, and the girls grinned in agreement at what needed to be done now.

Dazzle relished as the red aura of their pendants spread to their eyes with a faint illumination lasting for a few minutes, they had awoken from their trance in the state she needed them to be. The wonderful success they’d achieve today would be one for the books, books she’d make sure all of Equestria would read as their adoring fans would know each and every day.

“Good…” she smiled wide as the girls came down from the power.

Luckily, they were in a lonely part of the back stage where no one noticed. Their plan to highjack the entire music scene was simple enough seeing as each band had two songs allotted to them before the next act to come on. The whole reason behind the venue itself amid the convention was the organizer’s attempt to give a boost to the growing music community of Equestria. From folk songs to the latest genres, bands were selected to represent each of them to give the audience a wide selection to hear. A valiant aim to give light to the other high quality goods the growing town could add to its list for entrepreneurs and businesses to see.

“Now, let’s make sure we have everything understood. These…” Adagio brought out the notes she stashed in her handbag, “… are the only songs we’ll be using for this. Are you still with board with what’s going to happen and how your suppose to sing for the spell?”

Aria moved to agree when Sonata received a text message from Twilight in the sound of a bird chirping, “Oh! Got me a little birdie!!”

Quickly believing she knew who Sonata meant, “I do hope our little young siren is doing well… huh? Now that I think of it, she’s no older than a fresh hatchling? Can you believe it? Oh my! The pod is growing so fast!” Adagio gave a half attempt to be serious even if deep down she loved that idea of expansion and they were not eve back home yet.

“She’s not in trouble is she?” Aria asked off the bat with a hint of concern.

Sonata took a moment to go through the words, growing a smile during the process. Whatever was sent was thankfully good news, immediately typing as she gave the report.

“Said that her school was winning the majority of the early game competitions. None of the Rainbooms have made an attempt on her yet, but if they got close the other Crystal Props were on guard. Final relay races are soon to start after the last of the minor games were done.” She answered keeping her eyes glued to the screen, “Oh and she’s planning on taking the last of their magic after the games. As a going away present to the guardians before we leave.” Dusk happily announced feeling as much pride as her leader felt for the human girl.

“Awwww… how precious, our little Twilight is going to make their humiliation even more satisfying. Like that seared Tuna we had a week ago, oh it will be so delicious when we get there…” Adagio’s irises flared red with dark magic from the anticipation of her just retribution.

“Huh… good on her, let’s get this done and done so we can get to her soon. She may have magic and magic draining abilities, but I still have this bad feeling something’s going to happen to her. Anyone else… I don’t know… feel that?” Aria looked to the others who gave off the same vibe.

Sonata sent her latest reply and put the phone down on her lap and looked up, “Ya… its been itching me like a scale parasite since we ate last night.”

“Now that you brought it up, the way she seemed so… different during that? I guess I’ve been worrying too. Although we should trust her to do the correct thing, it’s probably best to see her after we’re done even if it’s still during those games of theirs. I can’t lose any of you, not here… even her.” She gripped her left fist tight till the knuckles were white and shaking.

“Yay! Let’s get strong so we can protect her like she did us!” Sonata’s eagerness gave a happy positive mood to the others as it infected them like a yawn in a crowded room.

“Your right Sonata, okay girls… then it stands as this. We’ll open up with Chrysanthemum which should bring the natives in easily and hook the rest of the audience in. Then we…” Adagio covered the other songs to ensure they drained every soul they could while setting off mild fights.

Aria nodded as half her mind wondered away, wondering why all three of them felt something was wrong and that Twilight might be the reason. She, the quiet brooding one of the bunch, and often the most angered other than Adagio had to bring it up. Surprisingly enough the others knew and felt it too, so what was the feeling? Perhaps an inherent quirk with siren pods where they could read the present and detect subtleties as animals would before an earthquake? Maybe something magical was about to occur, a magical disaster of epic proportions that might consume their fourth member?

She hated thinking that, being sappy and saying what she did the other night. The old days back in Equestria, things were different and she knew it deep down. It all felt wrong in general, though no matter what there was never an attempt to fix things, she just let it go on. Since their time in Neighpon for those few days, and then being sent to the human world of Earth had just made her sour. She used to be a different girl and ready for anything when Adagio had her join the pack. When Sonata came into the scene, she and her never really fought all that much. Of course she did keep her persona which matured into her current one, it never really carried on when it was just them three.

Now it felt as if it begun to waver, crumbling the mask she had worn for so long over the life in a human body. Had they been at this life for so long that the years were eventually going to change after such a time?

‘Ugh!! I hate all this… I hate wasting my time thinking about it… I hate being in this monkey body bag… I hate that we were ever sent here…. I even hate that I’m worried for no reason but to worry!! Why am I worried about her!?!!’ she shouted in her head with her face contorting with the emotions.

Adagio was then concluding her talk, “And then we end it all off with our finale, Forever After Dawn. We sink the show with that and the whole convention will be rioting, falling into nothingness. We’ll have all the power we’ll need and more, just remember we have to leave soon as we’re done or these apes will be beyond our control. I’m expecting the pendants to do more than I want them to since they are tainted and all that.”

‘For the first time I feel like I need to protect… why? It was so easy to shove everything aside that didn’t give us adoration…’ Aria internally fumed more.

“Aria did you listen?” Dazzle asked as she folded the papers back away into her bag.

‘Maybe this is what I get for leaving the pod to soon… none of us were taught all what we needed to know…’

“ARIA!!!” Adagio growled into the siren’s ear.

“AAHHHH… what!?” she hissed rubbing the sore ear.

“Repeat what I just said!” her stare into the mulberry girl sent her flinching.

Canterlot High Game Day

Twilight had just won the last of the first half of the games, the math off against Sunset Shimmer. In the end, it came down to speed and quick calculations she was well known for and awards that decorated that skill she possessed. The Shadowbolts all came up and congratulated her as soon as the principles announced her victory, giving their only good side to their usually hotty attitudes to her. Though that did not bother the young scientist in the slightest as the overall intended conclusion to the games came from her little use of magic to slow down time. The gambit paid off and she had been able to review her final work, to which needed no redoing after all. She still had to check anyways, safety first after all. Twilight leaving the stage with the team as the Rainbooms went up to Shimmer to offer support, even as she gave off a vengeful glare.

“Now Sunset, we won enough games that if we beat them at the relay our win is assured as mah family’s harvest season.” Applejack gave her a very comforting pat on the shoulders.

“Yes deary, though they did trounce us in the beginning, so long as we make every race in first place. Crystal Prep will have its first loss handed to them by the very ones they despise! Now let us be on our way to the changing rooms.” Rarity insisted as she goaded everyone off the stage.

“Ya! After all that practicing we did honing our skills, we’ll be the top icing on the cake this time!” Pinkie hopped with their walk away from the gym.

“Don’t worry Sunset, I’m sure it was just her specific field. As far as you were able to find out, that’s all she was inducted for by Principle Cinch.” The fiery haired girl nodded to Shy as she remembered that the odds of beating her at that game were small from the start.

“Ya don’t you worry girl! They actually think she’ll be worth anything in the games now! I mean can you see how scrawny she is? She’s just like our Twilight when I had her face me in a soccer match, this will be a piece of cake like Pinkie said!” Rainbow laughed as they passed through a set of double doors and made their way to the dressing rooms.

“I know you guys are right, I guess I just got so caught up in the competition I felt like there was some hope at least… but that doesn’t mean I need to dwell on it. Together we’ll overcome her and that demonic form if she dares show it, you all remember the sequence right?” Shimmer’s spirit livened up at the true prospect of the games, to put down a villain gone made with magic.

“You got it sugarcube, once we release her from that vile magic that’s corrupted her why ah’m bett’n she’ll be like our Twilight all want’n to be friends and ditch those sirens and whoever else is out there watch’n.” she looked to the farmgirl and smiled in agreement, the thought of a good reformed human Twilight brought upon heart warming feelings.

Flash soon appeared around the corner of the main hall walking up to them, dressed in his motor bike uniform early. Upon seeing Sunset, he froze in place as the rather upbeat attitude he had left him and he blushed while rubbing the back of his spiky haired scalp. The girls came to a stop to give him playful whistles, seeing as the training did a lot more for everyone than just motor coordination and memory. Of course they just wanted to mess with the poor boy, they all knew something was up with Shimmer and him after Rarity’s gossip during their dirt bike adventures.

“Wow, guess trying to stay on the bull really bulked up your upper body there huh?” Dash wiggled her eyebrows to further embarrass the lad.

Sentry awkwardly laughed not being use to the playfulness suddenly feeling his feet go numb, “Hehehe, if you don’t have some muscle, you can’t steer through the bumps and turns fast enough to not wipe out. RIGHT Sunny?!” looking at her for help.

“Like a bucking bronco sure as rain.” Giggled Applejack as she patted Sunset through a hidden joke only the girls understood..

Pinkie appeared instantaneously behind the boy and poked the few large muscles he had developed, though they were nothing very impressive it was noticeable nonetheless. In fact all the girls had added some thinner frames and more tone in the extremities all due to the food regime and training their coach had them go through. For the male though, it was more of a laugh they needed to get the losses they endured. If he knew that, he made no effort to acknowledge it and simply went with the jokes.

“Sure thing Flash, hey we’ll be gearing up in a moment. Why don’t you meet us at the track and make sure nothing’s been tampered with?” Shimmer suggested as she thumbed to the field outside.

“Ya, of course, if I could just talk… to you for a moment?” he seemed flustered to which she took as a pep talk that needed to be done.

“Of course? Hey I’ll be over there in a moment, go on ahead. Besides we have an hour before the final games anyways.” She insisted to which the others shrugged and headed off, Dash pinching Sentry in the rear which sent him jumping in place; she laughed her head off.

While he heard what sounded like a slap to the back of the head from the cowgirl to Rainbow, the others gave him waves as they left. Leaving just the two for whatever reason he held her up for. Sunset looked to him with a friendly face as she folded her arms over her chest, she felt she knew why he needed her alone. Her little mistake last night, it bore unintended seeds she wished she hadn’t planted.

“So ah… I wanted to thank you again for helping Canterlot High and all. Most of the students respect you, even… if we took a few hits there. But most are still betting we’ll win, they did see how hard you pushed the others in the gym and with Coach Iron in archery. The derby club wasn’t quiet either nor was their tutoring.” He dropped his free hand from the anxious movement and put it on top of the helmet in his other.

She needed to nip this in the bud now before the flower opened, “Look Flash, I think I need to come straight with you on all this. Last night… after you helped me see the positive side to things…” she said looking away a little nervous herself that she might let him down easy, if not for the team’s sake but for Twilight Sparkle in Equestria who she was sure would be happy to see a single bachelor Sentry.

“Sunset wait!? Before you say anything, I wanted to say thanks for listening to me… everything I told you and you kept it a secret. It felt so great to tell someone else about it, Rose just seemed to always be too busy to hear me out and well you know about Twilight. I feel like a whole… new man now. And… after the way you thanked me…” he stepped up to her and put a hand below her chin to lift it up so they could see into each others eyes.

She began to panic by the coming forwardness, “Um um um…. Flash you don’t need to… mmpgh!!” her voice muffled as he brought her into a deep kiss, using his other arm still holding the protective gear to hook behind her back and draw her in.

At first she wanted to push him away, knowing where it was leading to. Yet the words of Rose Luck came back again as they always had when she felt reservations about their growing relationship, how it came back like a weed. Those very words, was it fair to Flash for a Princess of Friendship to hold onto his heart as she lived in another world? One she had duties to protect, leaving her to only come to the human world if it was in danger? Was it fair that she had to forget him or keep the poor boy at arms length just to maintain their arduous relationship afloat knowing that time passed by in uncertainty between the universes connected by the portal?

It all came together with her final answer to those questions, when her arms were held against her chest at the start of the loving embrace. She worked them out and did as he had done, to merge themselves ever closer till the kiss had to naturally break at some point. The feel of their lips together, with baited breath, their bodies nearly petrified as their nerves did what they could to absorb every single tingle of the skin to skin contact. The warmth of their bodies and the stress of the games that had them on the precipice, it was a whole other experience for Sunset she never knew. For Flash, he simply needed love and his time with his ex rekindled that same feeling he had when they first became an item, the need to help her become better. His mission as a friend succeeded in that and it only made him care about her even more along the way. Sharing his inner demons and history, how they both were injured spirits.

As for her, what could she say other then the background noise in her soul which said she couldn’t be loved for what she’d done. The lives she made miserable and the control she instilled through fear and blackmail, all that lead up to going back home to steal what she thought was hers all along. To find out the opposite and to know how dark a heart could really be. That being trapped in the shell of a She-Demon and having all the dark negative emotions rule while her other side lay terrified in the core. The regret, the pain, and loneliness that all compiled into a defensive wall around her mind that she had to overcome. All the attempts to befriend the school to no avail even after the defeat of the sirens, students still did not want anything to do with her. Yet besides her friends, Flash and Rose came to her aid other than Pinkie Pie, where those three made a difference and changed her mind in her self-imposed punishment she did not truly desire upon herself.

All she really wanted was to lead a normal life, to be touched by friendship and love others took for granted. To forget it all and start brand new, this was Flash’s doing now and she lept at it like a starving man given a cart of bread. With the future uncertain, the act alone was enough for her spirit to soar and the magic within her from the magical transfer felt alive and well. Some of it of course leaking through her mouth as a spark shocked the two of them into finally letting the kiss end.

“Wow!! I… just… wow?!” he felt his lips as they regained feeling.

Sunset looked for an answer to say for the little interruption, putting her own two fingers to the entrance of her mouth. She guessed the magic could arise from other emotional outlets, something she noted down for future reference down the road. Somehow seeming eerily familiar to how Rarity and Pinkie Pie ponied up.

“Sorry about that, guess the magic just comes out... suddenly?” she grinned before the two hugged.

“Good luck out there Sunny.” He told her in a whisper.

“You too Flash, don’t get hurt either.” She wished him well.

“I could say the same, now go get ready. We have ourselves some snobs to beat!” they broke apart, as he jumped away and sprinted down the hallway.

She waved him off blushing and walking aback even as he disappeared through the outside doors. Which not even a second passed before the girls welcomed the moment in their own way. Through the squeals of delight, to the hooping and hollering, and the expected huff from Rarity, the others were very supportive of the two. With a huge group hug, the final games would begin with fresh minds and spirits, to them Crystal Prep would see a new dawn in the games. One brought by the friendship, love, and magic of both that would show a dead resolve and a high school budget couldn’t secure a win all the time.

Convention Center: Music Show

“Now for the first act, The DAZZLINGS!!!!” the announcer called out as the sirens elegantly strode towards the front, the music of their first track beginning.

They wore their looks with as gusto and pride, having selected their dresses from the best the town had to offer. Strutting out softly, Aria had on a rather devious looking leather attire on top of a punk themed undershirt. Decorated with streaks of falling stars and musical notes, a white background which popped the designs where the chest straps of the coat crossed over. The craftsmanship in the coat seemed to be out of some modern futuristic concept where the numerous bands and buckles along the arms and flowing tail end appeared superfluous. The pants mimicked the old Battle of the Bands leggings, white and light violet stripes leading down to very militaristic service boots. Her hair remained the same as a estimate to her ownership of her own body against the blow they suffered from the Rainbooms.

Sonata appeared to be something out of a Japanese idol company poster, cute and adorable in minimalistic attire. A pink beret cap sat upon her head, which she wore her hair straight down without a tie. A cotton denim orchid purple with her old emblem printed into the fabric stretched just to her navel, worn as an accent rather than a functional piece against the cold or wind. The sleeves were rolled up to her biceps, starched and crisp with no sign of a wrinkle. Beneath it, a red shirt with ice blue musical notes speckling the chest portion complimented the jacket to carry on the motif. Just like Aria, she had some part of her wardrobe to honor the battle that nearly ended them, her pink skirt reaching down to her knees. Purpureus plaid colored stockings went up to her thighs, royal blue dress shoes encased her feet shining in the lights from above. All in all, she gained the attention of the crowd as photos started to flicker with flashes and captures.

Between the two, they lost to Adagio’s ensemble which consisted of a spider web design. Their leader, walking out with the music playing ominously with each step she took, wearing varying tones of palatinate purple throughout the fashion line. Her long sleeved shirt composed of laces, fin-like frills at the edges which not only ribboned out from her pendant fixed to the top button but created a corregated like collar that fanned out around her neck. The sleeves themselves matched her old leggings before the battle, see through fabric sporting diamonds and musical notes along the arm. Culminating in more frills along the wrist, truly giving her a semblance of their siren origins with the confidence and strength she emanated. The pants tied all that down with lacings and open slots which revealed shorts of some kind beneath, essentially giving a sight into her pale apple green skin of her legs. Sparkling gem studded boots terminated the look, with their illustrious surface that did not send the stage lights into the audience. Rather they absorbed the light, letting the decorative gemstones around the ankle of the shoes to act as a focal point.

She chose the use of electronic generated sounds and instruments from music she studied to emphasize the guitar and drums that laid out the tone. Already, people were silent and headed the girls as they started the first chorus, camera flashes erupting yet as they marveled at their soon to be gods.

Giving enough time for Aria and Sonata to soothe the thousands and set the spell into action, Adagio began, “You were there to catch me. Like a never ending light. I was so afraid that you gave up all yourself so hastily. Disappearing before me through the haunting night. You held me up so I could weather the flood. Never again to feel you behind me, whispering encouragement warmheartedly.”

They sang together, “Unchained and unbridled, I ran to the pastures prancing to my hearts delight. Till the dark days, the harness and saddle stilled me into my plight!”

Sonata and Aria quickly sang, “Oooahhhoo, Oooahhhoo. Woooahhh Ooooaaaaaa….”

Joining together, “You tried to remove the nature within, with your restrain and control. But in the end, nature came callin and no rider could handle this soul!”

As the music kicks up, back at Canterlot High the last games were underway at the start of the race, Twilight in the forefront. Using her magic to enhance her body coordination, she managed to clear the first half her race with the hay barrel hurdles. Keeping up with Sour Sweet as their competitors Applejack and Fluttershy made their way at nearly the same pace. When they arrived at the mud jump, Sparkle summoned a magnetic spell which allowed her to avoid falling into the pit by attracting the rope to her hands just in time. Allowing Crystal Prep to get to the Archery section first, paying no mind to the Rainbooms as the two Crystal Prep contestants geared up and dashed onto the platform.

Sour sweet sported a very showy entrance and nailed the shot with three arrows spearing the first target, one dead on spot. Twilight not far behind, simply ran without gimmicks mainly to focus on the next spell which would summon the arrow heads at the target she hexed. In her mind, she performed the sequence and cursed the second target left of Sour’s mark, using all her might she pulled on the bow string and nearly made it to optimal length before it released of its own accord. To her luck and dismay, the arrowhead barely stuck to the bull’s eye as it threatened to fall out from the lack of power to embed it into the wooden object.

Just as the Canterlot girls appeared and drew their arrows, the shaft of Twilight’s munition seemed to slough off the metal point and thus removed the only reason for it to fall out completely. The judges gave the drop of the flag and thus began Crystal Prep’s roller derby team a few seconds before their rivals scored their hits. Frowning at their rivals Applejack turned her focus to the job at hand, nailing her target while Fluttershy hesitated before scoring in a strange fashion. Had the arrows behaved as they should have, their targets were anything but the intended destination. If only anyone knew that Discord above in the sky gave a little push in the right direction. Even he wanted to keep the games interesting to say the least.

The Dazzling’s spell had begun to work as they could see the green mist rise from the sea of living bodies. Though there were still a good number going through the lectures and exhibits, they had the numbers they were promised due no large in part to the fact that it had been a tourist event.

“You can’t put me down. You can't make me fall. You can’t put me down. And make me answer your call!” the three sirens said in unison.

“Woooaooohhh Oooaaahh Ooaahhh Ooooo…”

“Taken from my home and made something of myself, honey you can’t harm my pride. Made the front stage and won the hearts of many, only to be sent away by the folly of a white knight!”

“When I came to I was alone in a world I did not understand. Given no choice but to live off scraps of the barren land. Thus I rose to the top of the stand. Only for you to knock me down again!” Adagio roared her heart through each of the words, ensuring the captivation would be binding.

“Oooahhhoo, Oooahhhoo. Woooahhh Ooooaaaaaa….” Aria and Sonata started up the tempo.

As the sirens continued, the games became heated as the Crystal Prep roller girls fell to Rainbow and Pinkie’s energetic enthusiasm. Losing by ten seconds, Sunset and Flash were sent off their last third of the game, knowing the points system in play they had to do a few moves in the leaps that were coming up. Though rather dangerous, their instructor who knew the art of dirt bikes had given them some of his most infamous moves he earned many trophies with. Spending days on end to ensure they knew how to safely handle the landings on small jumps before they moved to the height that would break bones if done wrong.

When the time came, the duo astounded the crowd of students and even the Principles and Deans, starting with small gymnastics at first which gradually worked up to the more daring moves. The large jumps gave them the room to completely dismount the seats and either spin around before landing perfectly or doing handstands on the handlebars without diverting the angle of the bike’s decent. While Crystal Prep seemed gung-ho about just making it to the finish line, which such actions were due to their belief in the lack of talent in their rivals. Sunset and Flash finished with flying colors and skid their bikes to a stop, spewing dirt from the track well into the air. The thunderous applause sprouting in their wake, shouts and cheers from the stands as students of Canterlot were up on their feet at the first ever tie.

The end of the song was near as the Dazzlings let the last part of the spell matrix entrench itself as the negative emotions were then free flowing. The signal that they had their adoration in hand and no one was there to stop them, the sensation was remarkable just like at Canterlot.

“Taken from my home and made something of myself, I let my ambitions become the blindness. Made the front stage and won the hearts of many, only to be sent away by the folly of kindness!”

“When I came to I was not alone in a world I did not understand. Given no choice but to live off scraps of the barren land. Thus I rose to the top of the stand with you. And now here I am gaining all the fame and glory on the grandstand!” the music climaxed as the girls together spoke the last verse to the spell and paved the way for the biggest feast they’d ever know.

The crowd before them, in the ocean of their arguing and verbal fights had all turned to the center stage and cheered on the sirens. Some begged them to sing at their next kid’s birthday party, leaders in businesses who were there for a break from the trade called for their voices at the big opening of their company’s headquarters in Equestria. Many just as well shouted for autographs, begging for more, or simply wanted one of the singers to merely look at them.

The spell Adagio spent weeks perfecting, she could sense it in every heart around them. The green haze being sucked into their gems had a far more drastic effect then the Battle of the Bands, it eclipsed it beyond their fathoming. Though unlike then, they did not flaunt their powers and let the gems take over them, all the dark magic they could convert the energy into, needed to get them home. Adagio ensured the girls wouldn’t let the transformations occur beyond the red glow of their iris. They had many more songs to go through, and so much more to drain till every human was either too tired to think or fell asleep. Thus after bowing, the sirens waited for the next track to start where the musical instruments would kick off the continuity.

Canterlot High had become a frenzy, the score tied by the dirt bike rely and thus put a tie breaker into effect. The chance at breaking the bad record of failure had thrown support towards the Rainbooms from the stands, to the point that the Crystal Prep forces withdrew to lick their wounded pride.

Pinkie and Dash tackled Sunset to the ground giving her congratulations all around as the others soon met up. Applejack joined the dog pile while Rarity and Fluttershy sided with Flash to give him his just dues.

“We totally wiped the floor with them by the way you two sailed through the air! I can’t believe we scored a tie!!” Dash yelled exuberantly.

“Ya you were like all, spin me right round baby right round like a record baby!! Doing all those twists and stand-ups like that!” Pinkie said as she imitated their moves after getting off the human heap.

“Ah told ya we’d do fine! The schools in high spirits and we just gotta beat them in a one on one now! We sent them with their tails between their legs that’s fer sure.” The cowgirl added as she lifted the two up by herself.

“Yes Mr. Flash, the moves you two pulled off I couldn’t have dreamed of doing. So I’m glad nothing happened to you two in all honesty. I’m afraid if I went, I’d have done what those other riders did and just ride through.” Rarity coughed into her hand trying to overcome admitting the truth.

“Oh, we all did super well, and with all the points tallied up we just need to find out what the last game will be?” Shy smiled at everyone.

“That means we should probably get out of these and find the Principles. It’ll probably be something less interactive and more mental if I guess right.” Flash motioned shaking Sunsets hand and then everyone else’s.

“He’s right, come one everyone, we haven’t won yet!” Shimmer grinned as she spurned everyone back to the changing rooms to freshen up.

With the girls in tow and Flash off to the boy’s locker room, Twilight had begun to set her final plan into action. The tie was not anticipated, but worthless to her in the end. She now needed to take the magic from the remaining three and do what needed to be done. If she could, then a simple teleportation spell she never used before could hopefully get her out of the area, and maybe near Serak. The surge of magic from the device had become surprisingly all too difficult to keep under wraps, with it so close to her heart as she kept it hidden under her dress. Like a voice beckoning her to use the mana that desired to be unleashed for its wild nature to explode outward. She withstood the temptation, there was a steady feel of ice spiking back into her body. A feeling she caste aside knowing there was no time to figure it out, Twilight eventually worked out of the group of Crystal Prep students and made her way to the statue where the portal existed.

With all the hum drum and the intermission, she had to have some peace from the team who had berated themselves with demeaning insults as to how they let Canterlot get so far as to tie. All their voices were nothing but snowy static, she had to think of how to get the final objective done. To do it during the event or after, would someone stop her at the cusp of victory as what happened to the Dazzlings?

“Adagio… I know you’re singing your heart out… but if you guys can hear me… I’m about to make history, just not sure of how?” she sighed fretting over the options she had and the negatives to them as she would surely be made a bad person by the Rainbooms.

“You could do Crystal Prep a favor by just making history happen young Mrs. Sparkle.” The prim and proper voice of her principle earned a short lived scowl as her peace was broken.

“Principle Cinch… so glad you could come. I was just wondering how to finish those Canterlot competitors of ours off?” she tried to seem empowered but lacked the care to in her anxiousness.

The blue suited woman huffed, “You’re the star of our school, that big mind of yours surely has victory secured while others were lacking. So I expect you to unleash everything for this final segment of our rather… unforgettable event. Everton has seen some of your project already and they are looking forward to hearing from you if I allow it of course.” The older woman held the old lofty treasure above the student hoping it would snag on her line, the Shadowbolts appeared out of the school coincidentally.

The ploy failed from the start, she did not care anymore about the independent study not with magic at her command and a whole world of it within a day. The fact the principle still thought she had power over Sparkle infuriated the girl, who hated being controlled like that just because she was weak. Why did they all push her around and dangle treats around for complacency and obedience?

Something inside her boiled to the surface as the anger towards the offender became too much to bear, she was so close to the true gold that anything else was worthless. They were worthless, she would bring about a new age for people and all they could think about was some stupid contest that had no real world implications considering the track record of C.P.

The device Twilight held under her archery uniform began to glow as the mana it contained received the call of the soul. The vassal it needed to remain whole and solid was in trouble and duress, thus it cracked the seal of the clam shell design to leak out in a mist. Unbeknownst to her, the magic latched onto the emotions burning in her which tethered the mana in the need to protect her friends. A multi colored aura grew around the young woman as she bit her lip to the sensations blaring in every nerve of her body. It was not a painful experience, but a very strange one even to her that the mind couldn’t comprehend, only act upon.

“You…. All of you are stupid bumbling morons with no care of each other whatsoever!!!” she shouted at the principle who looked taken aback by the outburst as the power around the girl wrapping in a dim flame.

The aura consumed Twilight like a lit torch, ethereal fires wafting from her feet as they rose well above her. The sky began to accumulate with clouds as they swirled around over the school. Attracted to the invisible vortex the mana had created, supercharging the air and seeding the clouds to create a growing storm.

“Just like the governments and politicians squabbling to spend money on donors, to feed the greedy while many suffer the dying nation. When a perfect solution is right there to keep things going for the better, it gets tossed aside for reputation and looks!!” Sparkle cried out as she felt the magic from the scanner begin to change her form again.

Sunset and the others had just finished dressing out of their relay gear into casual attire. Passing by the front doors just as the human Twilight began to ascend off the ground, sparking a quick reaction from the girls as they burst outside to behold the final stage of the magical metamorphosis. Though they were slightly pained to see a version of their Twilight go so wrong, they were equally as ready to fight her with their rehearsed combat plan.

“Even YOU….” The possessed girl turned her head and jabbed a finger to the Rainbooms, “You and your so called friendship magic… Did you EVEN think about what it DOES to those you USE it on?”

Before Sunset could reply, “OF COURSE NOT!!! You just caste your spells and think all will be right with the world… well… your absolutely WRONG!!!!!” Twilight’s voice echoed with a boom as the metamorphosis started the conversion, her blouse turned into a strapless dress with a starry night sky speckled theme and her hair pin emblem over her neck .

Sunset witnessed as Sparkle had been engulfed by a bright white orb of pure light that everyone had to look away from, lightning darted out as the sheer magical event released excess power. A torrent from the mana release spawned a reaction from the overcast sky, bearing nothing but an ominous atmosphere dark enough to nearly call it nighttime if the horizon far off hadn’t shown the effect went only so far. The sunny skies just beyond physical reach, begging those who sought safety to consider hunkering down. Even the girls were stunned into place, barely able to consider getting away from what could be a dangerous situation just as those of Crystal Prep were.

What happened next sent everyone to the floor, the orb pulsed with power erupting outward like a bomb going off, shattering windows of both the school and vehicles passing by. Trucks and cars alike swerved or slammed on their breaks, a few collisions sent everyone’s hands to their ears by the grinding metal and the loud horns of skidding machines. Glass raining down from the top floors of Canterlot High, thankfully missing the Rainbooms and Flash who were far enough away. Glittering shards danced on the concrete and grass lawn, whose playful song of chaos nearly went unnoticed. Two more concussive waves removed all hearing as the air was stilled in a blanket of null, signaling the final step as the shell around the magic infused girl had been sucked into her core.

Curled into a fetal position, Sunset beheld Twilight slowly opening up her body hovering thirty feet into the air in a slow climb. The unfortunate verse version of the Princess of Friendship seemed to spit on the very image, giving Shimmer a taste of what she had to have been like when she was stir crazy mad. Massive black wings the Rainbooms experienced earlier appeared doubled in size as they spanned out. The mana horn and masquerade eye glasses illuminating her lavender face became a focal point that all who looked upon the new being. Her skin though appeared to be darker, complimented by the violet and deep purple hues of the new dress formed by the magic. Magic that swirled around and within the human vessel waiting to be used and not bottled up, their nature demanded it. Just as with Sunset's Demon form, the hair waved upwards in the unfeeling winds as a sneer developed upon the heavenly features of the witch.

A swipe of her arm, the effects that haggard everyone were removed leaving only the dim world. With hearing restored, the ringing they suffered earlier from vanished like a fading cicada singing. It was easy to tell that was the new Twilight's doing, more than likely to continue tossing insults at them as if they were the true villains. However, they did not expect Twilight to committ a vile act upon them as she glared in their direction. Casting a geomancy spell that broke the ground surface with a wall of solid earth, creating a prison from which they couldn’t climb out of. As spooked as they were, they still had the plan to use if only their foe could get into the right position.

To draw out time Shimmer beckoned, “Twilight you have to stop this! You’re only going to hurt others with the way your using magic, I was once like you. I wanted power and I took it through any means necessary. All I got from it was nothing but darkness… it so lonely and it made me scared like I saw another me at the controls doing things I wouldn't do with a clear conscience!”

Her attempt to get through the dark haze around the girl failed, “OH DON’T give me that sad pity story just because YOU tried your hand at it. Unlike you I CAN have all I want, only… to use it for the good of the world… not some petty revenge against your mother…” Sparkle grinned as she saw the face of her foe light up in shock.

“That’s right, when I absorbed your magic it let me see a bit into its owner… and I know enough about you to see why you caused harm you when you got here! Spoiled little whelp!!” Midnight shouted as she opened a portal above them, "She gave you every hint to change and you went off the deep end, sad really. I would have expected you to have still gotten all that power and control if you just... played nice."

The girls all looked up to the new fear which spiked into their very hearts. Looking up into the bottom of a rocky chasm where nasty red serpents with purple crests had instantly taken notice of them, their beady yellow eyes hungered for the snacks as they started snapping down at them. If they went through they’d surely fall to their doom, though none could figure out if they'd go slowly being eaten or painfully on the stony gravel pit. Midnight took great pleasure in slowly fulfilling that fear by casting an antigravity spell below their feet. Once the girls realized what was happening, they were nothing more than pigs to a slaughter house kicking and screaming. Rarity and Flutteryshy being the ones to freak out the most, Applejack and Dash attempted to claw at the ground or grip the walkway to no avail. Flash and Sunset were already going up faster than all the others, though Pinkie seemed to delight in the coming doom as she spun in the air having a grand old time.

Midnight Sparkle seemed absolutely livid and happy at their torment, giving a very girly giggle and flustered shake of her arms held close to her. The delight in the fear was like the sweet delicacy of that sticky rice she shared with the sirens, sending endorphines through every pleasure center in her body. She remembered the pain of Adagio, the sadness of Sonata, and the resentment of Aria and how doing all this would end up helping the girls through their issues. They needed to go back, they had to go back and these guardians would fall before her knowing how foolish their crusade was.

“Ohhh your just so fun to play around with, see how it feels to be in the shoes of others that you caste to hell?!! HOW DOES IT FEEL!!!” Twilight shouted as she canceled the portal spell and anti gravity.

Shimmer landed hard on her bottom, as did the others and Flash who fell face first in a belly flop. By now they knew they had to act fast or the sadistic version of Twilight would end them in a second, she was no She-Demon at all. This new form had brains behind it and one which knew how to torture, going beyond any limits to handle the opposition. Almost the entire group wished Twilight had become a more evil Sunset who had the ridiculous idea of a teenaged zombie army, at least that was easier and safer.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Twilight!! But you’re going over the line and we’ll put a stop to that, everyone form up!!” Shimmer yelled as the girls rushed to her sides and joined hands, each more pissed off at Sparkle than the next.

Midnight Sparkle felt she could use the moment of amusement, knowing their little magical power that remained wouldn’t be able to do a thing to her. So she flipped on her side while still in he air and watched like Discord would, who of course stuffed his mouth with chips and cotton candy dip at the top of the school’s roof overhead with unbridled excitement as the show progressed. Their eyes beheld a glowing power around the Rainbooms, who began to sing some kind of hymn to friendship as the coursing power from all six of them united as one. The beginnings of their pony forms manifesting had Midnight yawn, she guessed what they were about to do and still felt confident she was safe. Like Adagio, she wanted to really go all out and figured a little interjection would help alter this around into her favor.

Using a combination of her own magic and an intrusion spell, she shot a speck of her own magic into the ends of their formation. Zapping Pinkie and Applejack at the flanks and infecting them with her mana, sending the gathering power towards the center of the formation. Even as they rose off the ground, already the spell had begun to do its grim work. The other human girls held on as long as their bodies could go, grimacing in pain as the flow they hosted flushed out to the next in line. Their little phrases dying out with the last of their power until only Sunset remained relatively untouched. Pair by pair, the Rainbooms feel to the earth exhausted by the forceful manipulation that would put them into a deep sleep. Glowing golden with hints of her friend’s auras coloring hers amid it all, Sunset opened her eyes oblivious to what happened to the others.

“And now we will stop you Twilight Sparkle, just as we’ve done before to those who’d…” she stopped when Rarity and Fluttershy dropped their hold of her hands.

Sunset turned all about herself at the unconscious states of the girls, realizing she was the only one left and with all the magic they had in them. The plan went so wrong and she couldn’t figure it out, how could she manage anything against this new She-Demon alone?

“Ah hahahahahahaha!! For all that its worth, I gave you their powers so we can really fight one on one. Now... Adagio sends her regards…” Sparkle hissed as she scowled at the enemy and charged her magic.

A surge from a repulsion spell shot at the still awed Sunset, who curled up just in time as she was hurdled into the exterior of the school. A dusty cloud emerged from the impact which could fit two students standing on the others head, Midnight then charged a magical beam of concentrated light forced into the palms of her hands, focusing it with an amplifying spell which erected a lens made of distorted light ahead of her to increase the damage. Upon casting, the spell created an ear shattering hum, striking the area Sunset should have still been in. To the bystanders watching, they witnessed the spell puncture outside of the school with an exit wound and into the distance till Twilight canceled the casting. It appeared she defeated the only other person who could save them, Principle Cinch backed away slowly while her students continued to gawk at the awesome feat and short lived battle.

“Now… know the end that is near Rainbooms! I want you all to know true despair as we know it!!” she cackled madly again before turning her attention back to the others.

“So… with that out of the way, before I take the residual mana in the atmosphere, I really should deal with you all. After all, you were so supportive over my stay at Crystal Prep with the mocking, the teasing, the sarcasm, oh and let’s not forget all the shoving too! You all lack the proper manners of human etiquette so allow me to show you… how… it’s… done!!” she shouted charging up another spell that would combine antigravity with a torrent spell to spin the humans around in mid air to sicken them as they did her, "All of you except Dean Cadence, Lemon Zest, annnnnd Indigo Zap. You three are excused and I'm sure you know why."

With a free hand she wove a levitation spell and plucked the three females out of the crowd of sheep, "HEY!!?! What tha....!!" Indigo flailed her limbs about feeling the strangeness of being lifted by nothing.

"WOAH?!?" Lemon Zest gasped as she smiled, having listened to some of the most far out music genres she was far from being afraid.

Cadence however reacted as Indigo had, "Twiiiiiliiiight!!? You have to stop alllll thiiiiiis!! Please?!" she begged.

They were placed behind her gently to fill the others contempt and despair, Cadence and Zest landing on their feet while Zap had to land on all four out of panic. The others would know she was more human than they were, down to the last second before their punishment occurred. Yet, before she could act, the rubble of the blast site gave way to the sounds of coughing. The voice of Sunset burst through as she floated out of the crater.

“…. Your… fight is… with me!!” she willed through the debris in her lungs as she fitfully lifted her arms over her head to amass a colorful orb of light.

A righteous grin spread across Sunset's face, seeing Midnight Sparkle look afraid for the first time. Willing her very soul and the magic in her to create the spell that would end this nightmare for good.

"I still... have no idea! What your talking about, but we could have helped! Could have given them aid if they just let us be friends and NOT try to take over the world. You have NO idea what I've been through since they were defeated, and friendship is all I've had to get by. It is YOU who don't understand Twilight!!" the dark magician held her ground against the iron will of her opponent, quickly ascertaining what was going to happen and how she could repel it.

“I have faced day in and day out curses, insomnia, isolation… and defeat. You have no idea the amount of anger I HAVE in me! Twilight Sparkle, you have upset the balance and cannot be allowed to continue on…” she vowed with righteousness staring at the soon to be beaten foe.

The students of Canterlot High finally were allowed close enough to the front doors or any windows they could get to, Principle Celestia and Vice Principle Luna couldn't hold back the tide. Once Sunset appeared to be in control of the situation, the levee gave as all wanted to see Crystal Prep lose in both the Friendship Games and in an ultimate magical battle between two competitors.

“NOW!!! BE CLEANSED!!!” her throat would be hoarse after that, but it needed to drive the point home.

Letting go of the rainbow colored sphere of reforming magic, it contracted into a smaller size before shooting up into the air. Forming the famous light show everyone knew and loved, dumbfounded by the other worldly weapon which saved the day and ended the coming tyranny. The sheer forces of magic she wielded by herself threatened to push her down to the ground, but through determination it was prevented as she had to see the spell go through till the end. Nothing would stop this moment, this fix all be all piece of history that is unless if it was Discord.

His voice echoed in her head as she watched the river of magic shoot towards its target, “Uh uh uuuuuhhhh… I’m so sorry shimmy dear but your little plan was flawed from the start. You see… she’s needed elsewhere and she’s not so evil really. Just look.” He whispered the last two words as she watched in trepidation, her heart sinking by hearing the very spirit break her hopes.

Midnight braced for impact, sending out as many shield spells as she could as twenty turquoise squares manifested in the path of the beam. It appeared at first that the spell worked, shattering each barrier with ease like the broken windows Twilight annihilated moments ago. The splashing of light indicating the broken defenses until Twilight fell into the veil of the magic rainbow to which the Canterlot students then cheered as they saw the victory at hand. Hearing her scream in fear as the witch became nothing but a sliver of cloudy darkness within the rainbow.

Back at the Convention Center, the Dazzlings were taking a water break before their final song when it hit them. A grave feeling that sickened their souls like nothing else, even losing their gems had no sensation like what wracked their bodies. Adagio dropped her glass as it shattered by her boots, Aria inhaled her water and choked out coughs, while Sonata simply screamed doubling over while her beverage spilled into the air.

As the other two were incapacitated Adagio whimpered what she felt it, “My siren… my little siren…” in the softest of tones with wide eyes of deathly fright, feeling the same anguish as the others.

Back at the battlegrounds, “Now watch, as you see that harmony can be a very fickle thing…” Discord laughed himself away leaving Sunset distraught as the spell faded.

The last of the mana expended, the multicolored aurora blinked out of existence to reveal an untouched Midnight Sparkle to everyone's dismay. She too noticed the end and regained her stance, giving a very pissed off look at the lone girl in the air who didn’t know what else to do with the trump card used.

With closed fists, Sparkle emitted her magic outwards in a warding shield she reestablished. Smashing the ground beneath her with the invisible bubble, a crater of smashed soil perfectly concave which the three she saved ran off. Seeing the dark being exerting her might it was clear they could become collateral damage by the evident seething.

“I warned you… and yet you still don’t listen. I guess I’ll have to TEACH you the hard way.” Midnight growled as a more animalistic side of her came out.

Midnight clapped her hands together and pulled them apart to reveal a black hole sparking with power before her. She grinned ear to ear as her next act would be to bring something from Shimmer's worst nightmare, this last act would seal the deal.

“Behold your old friend…” she said as Sunset watched her form disappear behind a thing she couldn’t believe was being brought to life.

Born from the portal Midnight created, a set of gigantic black wings flared outwards large enough to cover half the height of Canterlot High in both directions. A long muscular and armored neck sprouted upwards with a spiny head frilled at the crown, thick stubby legs shot downwards as they impacted the soft ground with silver clawed feet. The chest formed covered by hardened plates over the underbelly and neck, leading up to a long sinister tail. Once fully manifested, the Wyvern landed forward supporting itself with its winged and wickedly long arms, shaking the ground as if an earthquake had just passed through. As its head came to level with Sunset, its mouth filled with glistening pearl fangs widened to its fullest extent before letting lose a thunderous roar of violence.

Sunset tried to cover her ears and back away, but the beast dwarfed her as it did in her dreams. The bestial cry wracked her brain as every bone in her body rattled to the decibels passing through her. Once it let out every ounce of air from its lungs, the lizard reared back onto its hind legs and prepared to leap at her, but as it did she panicked and charged up an offensive beam spell. Firing blindly as her terror consumed any sense of comprehension, likely manifesting due in no part to Midnight to give a more powerful effect for the faux dragon to use.

By the sheer luck of her aim, she managed a shot at Midnight and though she moved quickly, the beam cut the connection between her and the device. Hands grabbed the scanner before it fell, angering the ascended human to send the dragon to do its work before another unfortunate incident could be repeated.

"Go now and take her magic!" Midnight ordered as she cradled the machine.

Undeterred by her spells, the giant fell creature jumped at the girl and lost its corporeal form. Becoming nothing other than thick oily smog as black as outer space that steered itself into the victim. Passing around and through Sunset, tearing the very magic from her as it swirled around and traveled right back to its lord. The device soaked up the three colors of the remaining Rainbooms and held it within seeing as Midnight possessed the other mana wells within herself.

“You see what I mean? Now… perish in your failure, because your humiliation is just only starting. See you around Sunset, Adagio will be so happy to see you very soon. Ha ahahaha haha ha!!!” Midnight laughed before she opened a portal and left the scene.

With her departure, the baneful sky gave way to the purifying sunlight upon the former battle zone, where the watchers from the schools as well as the ruined traffic looked on aghast. Sunset had been left unconscious by the dark magic attack, joining the other Rainbooms on the ground with Flash rushing to her aid. Other Canterlot Students came to from their stupor to give any help possible to their downed heroes. Even though they lost, they all put up a valiant effort they all witnessed and it deserved some amount of respect. Principle Celestia and Luna joined in with the crowd of kids, lifting two of the girls to take into the nurses office. While Sentry held Shimmer in his arms as his voice worked itself to wake her up, the remaining girls were respectfully carried by four students each into the school. Leaving C.P. to their own doings, after the conflict there was nothing left of the Friendship games to be said, after all technically they did just win the tie breaker even if it was not sanctioned.

“Everyone, back to the buses… we’re done here…” Principle Cinch announced with a very shaky voice, gathering the awe struck brains of the teenagers around.

She had to beckon them several more times before the quiet lines were formed and orderly made their way to the vehicles. Some of which were plastered with regret at seeing how close they were to their ends by the nerdy girl who possessed such power to squash them.

"Dean Cadence? Was Twilight about to end everyone but us?" Indigo asked as Zest and her walked up to the adult.

She shook her head and sighed, "I fear whatever has become of her... I can't say she would not have done something regrettable. Since she decided to save the three of us, I can only assume that a part of her was still in some control."

Lemon had long since removed her headphones and wore a solemn look, "Man, she even loved my music too. How could she turn so metal and... go overboard?"

Cadence knew the answer to that, "Because she is a very special kind of girl, one who shouldn't have spent so long at Crystal Prep."

Zap shrugged her shoulders at her fellow student as they failed to understand what she meant. Giving the pardon from a possible horrible way to go, they followed the Dean as she headed off to the buses.

Convention Center: Left Stage

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were recoiling from the strange shattered connection with Twilight. A part of them wanted to leave the stage, but they were not done harvesting the negative energy still remaining. However, it felt imperative to complete their mission and then seek her out if it did not feel so debilitating. Sonata looked the worse for wear as she always wore her emotions on her sleeves, she was a bumbling mess with teary eyes which smeared the makeup of her face. To her, that connection severed in a way that made it felt like Twilight was gone, so her natural reaction was to mourn her first best friend even after she tried texting over twenty messages to no response.

Aria simply smashed her fist into the water table and created a few holes in it, spilling the water container and the cups though no one around could even will themselves to care. She cursed under her breath before picking up a chair and launching it out the hallway door exit, a few entranced people stepped out of the way as the steel seat made a ruckus as it tumbled. Though for Adagio, her mind had been clearer than the others, she wondered what was that connection they all felt. What had happened between them and the girl to elicit such a reaction and alarm? Sirens did not have that ability naturally, even when she lost her family it just tore at her because she knew it happened. Her mind wondered about the possibility of some kind of spell from the gemstones or Yellow Tail himself that might have had something to do with it. Not that she complained since it allowed her to know if her sirens were okay or in danger, but to have it done to them without knowledge thereof was disturbing.

“She HAS to be alright… has to be.” Aria growled kicking another chair into a mangled mess beneath her magical strength.

Dusk simply cried hunched over on the floor, unable to really process what she felt other than that Twilight had been in trouble. The very thought of it overwhelmed her mind into inaction, even though she desired to go to the infamous school and ensure she was alright.

“CALM DOWN you idiots!! Can’t you see this isn’t right! How could we feel some human like her even if I made her a Dazzling in title, in danger or worse?! Think of it, does our kind even have that mental or magical link?” Adagio grabbed Aria by the collar of her coat.

“Let GO of me…” Blaze snapped slapping away her leaders hand.

“Think of it, Sonata! Get up! You told Twilight about losing your father right? You did not even know he was gone or what happened to your mother, surely if they were in trouble what you felt should have happened then too!!!” Dazzle pulled the cerulean girl up to her feet shaking her to awareness.

Sniffling, Sonata seemed to nod as she wiped away the tears, though she still cared about Twilight no less than ever.

“Look how we acted, all because we think she’s in trouble and perhaps she is or was. Something made us act upon that and I don’t believe its natural. Although I’d like the idea of it, it means someone cast a charm to make it happen otherwise. And I believe I know who…” she said coldly.

“That doesn’t mean bull and you know it! Twilight’s one of us and she’s going to help anyways, that doesn’t mean jack to not care!!” Aria fired back.

“No I know that you simpleton! What I mean is we’re being treated like puppets somehow… A matriarch just doesn’t feel that when she looses one of her own… at least I don’t think that’s the case.” She began to doubt herself.

“Whatever happened to us can’t be part of our biology, I should know that more than any of you.” She leered at the others.

“Your forgetting one thing, she’s retaining magic… maybe its forming her own magical self and without that dohicky she uses to absorb stuff like our pendants. Maybe she’s still doing it and… maybe created the link or something?” Blaze retorted albeit a little confused at her own explanation.

Sonata sniffled some more as she joined in, “You mean she’s becoming a wizard? Like taking some of our magic too?”

“But you all felt how she released it last night! That can’t be true can it?!” the girls looked questioningly to each other.

“We don’t know anything outside our own magic to even guess anymore, either that’s true or what I believe is so. Either which there’s a problem, because if she’s developing like that it could very well soak up our magic we’ve gained for the portal. She’ll devour it without even knowing so...” The golden siren sighed seeing no real good to come of her magic seeking, "She's dabbling in things humans have never experienced, so there is no telling what trouble she's getting into."

“Or we could just hope that our singing made a magical bond of some kind… like that friendship thing Sunset went on about?” Dusk calmly stated clearing the black runny mascara off her cheeks.

That very idea struck them girls hard, the one thing that defeated them and they were using it themselves? If it was true, were they somehow infected with that mana from the Rainbooms they absorbed at the Karaoke Bar? Would it affect them in the future and alter their minds? Adagio seemed to be the only one enraptured by the consequences of that idea, while Blaze took it in a different light.

“Our pod is strong because we trust each other heck we've been at this whole game for centuries already! If we form that magic jargon from being friends with her… then… then so be it!” magic was magic even if they were dark magic users themselves.

“Our old pods were not power hungry or wanted to get back at anyone, they just… existed peacefully. Maybe we were too young to know enough about being sirens?” Sonata asked tilting her head at her leader.

Utter quiet took hold of the backstage even as the thousands outside in the exhibit hall were calling out their names and fighting each other for their attention. It was a suggestion that even Adagio took into account, maybe they were too young to develop proper bonds with their families. It would explain why mothers kept an eye on their hatchlings who used magic too fast, otherwise they’d fry their connection to magic itself and be unable to sing with it. Yet for all the options they had to consider, they needed Yellow Tail to confirm her earlier suspicions.

Though as her other two sirens continued to feel like they needed to go off and find Twilight, a burst of light nearby and the person in question appeared before them in her magical avatar state. Having shielded their eyes at first, the portal that popped Twilight into their vicinity quickly shrunk into nothingness. Midnight Sparkle soon collapse onto the ground on her knees before slouching over onto the palms of her hands. The girls witnessed as their fourth member lost her unique form as it dispersed into the air. It left the old ordinary human girl in place groaning as if she were hurt, to which the sirens jumped to her sides like a mother to her child.

Adagio tossed aside her earlier thoughts and let her role as alpha take over, cupping Sparkles face as she brought the girl’s attention to her. It appeared she had used up all her magic, but deep down her body was brimming with it. There was no way to explain how or why she just looked exhausted, but whatever happened to her did take a toll in some way. She wore a strange outfit that probably meant something happened during the games, and it meant they would definitely need to go in hiding after the last song.

“Twilight, speak to me!? Are you okay?! Anything just say anything!!” the golden siren commanded as her magenta eyes tried to lock onto Twilight’s dazed orbs which looked everywhere.

Aria grabbed hold of the girls left arm to lift her up as Sonata patted the girls back, “Frazzle maga chool bus… hehehe…” the human girl’s incoherent speech confused the others.

“What’s wrong with her?!” Blaze looked at her leader with seriousness.

“I can’t sense anything off, but it looks like… she’s undergone something that’s drained some part of her. All I can say is she’ll recover after I do this.” Sonata watched as Adagio put her forehead together with Sparkles.

“Oooaaaooooahhh Oooo Woooaaahoooooo…” she sang softly as her gemstone glowed bright red and released a small waft of magic into Twilight’s body.

“Magic Transference…” Sonata gasped.

“What’s that!?” Blaze looked to the two unfamiliar with the term.

“My mother taught me about it, a last ditch effort to save a hatchling if they ever went too far. However, it usually took a great deal of energy to do… guess we’re all powerful now so that doesn’t matter.” She answered back to which Aria remembered the story behind it when Twilight and her went over their pasts together for the first time.

“There…” Adagio sighed heavily as the girl in her hands began to gain lucidity, “It won’t affect my reserves, and it’ll aid her in a faster recovery. It feels like there are two magical signatures in her that I can’t figure out?”

“That’s strange…” she looked to Blaze who looked worried as well as intrigued.

“Let me see!” Sonata connected her forehead softly with Twilight’s right temple, singing a small song.

Even as the human swayed in place, the little spell did its job and in a moment Sonata’s head whipped up with her eyes wide. She had no idea what she saw, but it made sense to her in some way. Explaining it as it came to mind, she felt that Sparkle existed as two entities for some reason. One was her own soul or magical well that all Equestrians had, the other was something all of its own born from the magic she had taken from others. She was trying to merge herself with the other well or at least keeping it under control, and that somehow taxed her mind not her powers. It must have been her human origins that created the problem, her people were just not exposed to magic, but were capable of it in a way that surprisingly enough they were left with the potential for all sorts of things to go wrong with.

“It’s like… it’s like a wayward soul those ponies back home once told spooky stories about remember? A pony that gets lost in a haunted house or something and a spirit tries to possess them. Either the pony absorbs them first or the spirit takes over completely! Possession I think?!” Dusk stated with the utmost pride in being able to form that explanation.

“Your saying my little siren here is… battling the Rainboom's magic?” Adagio looked taken aback.

Her head snapped to Twilight as she groaned in agreement, “Ugh… its true… it’s all true. After I took… three of their wells… she came out… and… I’ve been trying to keep her under… control.” She said lifting her head to meet Adagio.

“TWILIGHT!!” the girls gently hugged her as they squished their faces into hers, with her leader looking at her with the most motherly gaze she could muster.

“You keep surprising me, you’re going to force me to punish you if you keep making me worry like this.” She pushed aside a few stray curls from her face.

“I’m sorry about that… they tried… to cure me… like they did… you.” She said to which the others pulled away and stared at her in disbelief, “It didn’t do anything to me… oddly enough. So I struck… her down and… well you… you can see.”

Her hands weakly grasped the device off the floor near her left leg and brought it up for the others to see. To their joy, the colors of the remaining three Rainbooms were present in the scanner’s gauge showing it to be full from the three sections. This elicited a joyful squeal from Sonata while the others sighed and asked about its function.

“Let’s just keep it over… there for now. But do tell us how it worked?” Adagio quickly removed it from the weakened grasp and nudged it with her boots across the floor far enough away from them she felt safe.

“Opps… kind of forgot. Um… well… I had planned to sap away their powers after the games. But… Something happened with it, I couldn’t stop the magic from gaining control. So I let it and watched what happened knowing it was only… acting in my favor.” She said grimly as the entire experience seemed to replay through her eyes again.

“What do you mean?” Adagio pressed.

“What I mean is, when I first confronted them and then again today, it felt like the magic I had was not just some energy source I could draw on for use. It felt as if I had something grabbing onto my body and moving it, even my voice was subject to its will. Yet the more I tested the boundaries the more it became evident that it wasn’t against my own desires. Whatever manifested from those magic I drained, it seemed to work in a symbiotic relationship drawing magic from me while… protecting me?” she looked to all three of them with worry and surprise.

“So…. You like got someone inside you?” Sonata asked as she draped her chin over Sparkles right shoulder.

“In a way, yes that’s what I think is the case? Of all the magical tomes and manuscripts I was given there was nothing to elude that this was possible. I guess only Yellow will know, but until then she only comes out when I have the Device with me. So the good thing is this can be postponed until we need my magic.” Aria flicked her in the side of the head drawing a short yelp as she looked for a reason at her.

“That’s for giving us a scare earlier. We sensed something happen, they tried to shatter your… erm… rid you of magic right?” she held her displeased look like she always wore having let the girl’s hand go.

Sparkle rubbed the skin she hit, “I didn’t know they were going to do that honestly? It seems they were able to unify and use all their magic, but I stopped the flow and put it all into Sunset Shimmer. I thought I had her when I slammed her into the school and used a concentrated offensive spell with a focuser to amplify the damage. I was caught by surprise when…” suddenly Adagio put a finger on her lip, quivering in her flesh in a pleasurable way.

“Speaking sweet words will get you everywhere in this pod Twilight. Unfortunately we have a show to conclude, so I’d like to save this exciting detailed story for after we meet with Yellow tonight. Can you do that for me? Please?” her matriarch acted with such seduction that she couldn’t help but blush with a blank mind.

Instead, she nodded in acceptance feeling the soft fingers pull away from her dainty lips and the trio of sirens rise helping her up with them. It was really strange, but the happiness in their eyes was unmistakable. That they really did worry for her when that cure was caste even though it did not affect her or so she thought. She still set aside a note in her mind to look into why their ultimate weapon that defeated Sunset and the Dazzlings on the first go, yet she came out unscathed. Adagio flipped her long curls into perfect order and winked at Sparkle, leading off to the front stage. Aria gently socked the human lightly in the shoulder before leaving her with a grin, the twin pony tails she kept in check with the silver stars swayed behind with each step. Of course, the blue teenager gave her a one armed hug and set off giving a twirl in her step, her own long sleek cerulean whip complimenting its owner.

“Come on girls, we have a show to end.” Dazzle whimsically announced as the crowd went wild upon their appearance through the curtains, the roar of their many voices the equivalent of those sports games she’d seen before as a kid.

Just as she was about to get a better look, the device came to mind and Twilight rushed over to grab it knowing without the equipment little was possible. So she stowed it away in one of the light stands for a strobe, packing it away near the bulb so no one was the wiser. Confident in the spot, Twilight quietly waltzed over and looked between the breaks in the curtain with its red velvet texture. Sure enough, just like the other times she watched them sing, every person within their range of sound had their hands up and were jeering for more.

“Alright Equestria’s Agricultural Convention Expo!! Are you ready for one… Last… SONG!!!” Adagio called to the people who responded with a raucous agreement.

The next song began the to play with the introduction of the musical instruments to the rather upbeat tunes. Aria and Sonata began their first chorus with their beautiful voices that seemed to have a certain kick in them than usual. Adagio began shortly after with the same pop, to which Twilight assumed was the joy in life knowing the Rainbooms were finally defeated.

With the guitar and bass playing up Adagio took to the mic, “Can you hear it? Can you feel it? It’s the sound of victory! It’s the groove by the dazzlingly!”

“Try as you might to put us down. We found friends up above. While we grew stronger to put you into a frown. They came around and dealt you a Crackdown!!” they swayed their hips and perfectly choreographed arm gestures accentuated each piece.

Together they sang with might, “Under our spell you will give us all and more. Love us and adore us while we soak up all the love. Under our spell you will seek each other unlike before. Love us and adore us while our power pour over the reservoir!”

Sonata and Aria lead into the next segment in the way only they could coordinate so that their leader could continue. Twilight smiled as her heart grew at the sight of their success, they never even let the people go beyond a few arguments, stopping short of violence well known in hard metal concerts.

“All I want and more, is to seek the end to have justice. Couldn’t you see the pain lasting ever after, like chains to my body as you remained changeless.” Adagio brought the words calmly out for the next chorus to build up.

While back at Canterlot High, the Rainbooms were unconscious on the beds of Nurse Redhearts office. She of which had already contacted an ambulance for the worst of them, the one being Shimmer herself. Flash and a few other students were in the room, though unlike them he stood by her side on a seat trying as he might to wake her up which she wouldn't do anytime soon.

“I have a dream of my family. To be among them once again. Honor their valiant efforts of loyalty. To save the others who are my kinsmen.” She held her voice out, drawing upon the last word before going full blast.

As one, “Under our spell you will give us all and more. Love us and adore us while we soak up all the hate. Under our spell you will seek each other unlike nevermore. Love us and adore us while our power builds to overtake!!” the musical instruments took it from there as the crowd went wild under their enchantment.

Aria and Sonata added their parts into it weaving carefully so as not to conflict with the rest of the song. Just as the sound of an ambulance in the background speeding by had barely been detectable, Twilight faintly heard with the aid of the curtains she peered through. She did not realize that the Rainbooms unicorn leader was being sent to emergency care from systemic shock. With Flash and Principle Celestia on board as the medics did their best to stabilize her deteriorating state.

The only thing on Twilight's mind was the introduction of a final piece which came in thanks to Yellow’s love of a certain choir the sirens happened to like. Ending Aria and Sonata’s parts to the masculine chorus of men singing as one, which they recorded from a local group with the express purpose of capping their only earth tour with a blast.

People clapped to the finale as the recorded choir herald something familiar to power of the Red Army Choir, echoing the Dazzling’s aim to conquer Equestria. Even the cheers of the audience went deaf to the last words of the raw song, just after which Adagio approached the edge of the stage.

“I want to thank everyone here for being the best crowd we Dazzling’s have ever had! Now go forth and get mad…” the last piece of their concert then sent the people into exactly as she needed them to go, a mild fester their gems took what was left even down to the fumes.

“Your judge and jury, your executioners are inbound… Let the guilty stand forth and beckon their crimes to be compounded. Cause your luck just ran out…” she grinned to the now exhausted throngs of listeners who started to drop to the floor with little left in them to fight each other with.

Thousands of souls were drained of their negativity and there had been a lot, some had been harder to pull than others. Yet Adagio’s new spells were effective down to the glyphs and sigils, even those in the far back had been captured and made slaves to their songs. All evident in their red hot glowing rubies and eyes, which they flashed their domination over to quickly silence. The brimming energy and what seething voices were trying to worm their way into their minds were theirs and they complied. Once backstage, even the staff and the forgotten bands had fallen nearly asleep just as the four reunited and gathered into a group hug. Sonata doing her usual thing and actually lifting all three other girl’s off the ground in a physics defying move.

“All the LOVE for us and the energy has me soooo PUMPED!!!” Dusk laughed as she set the others down who all besides Sparkle had a short lived grumpy face.

“Yes yes, that’s good and all but now we need to get out of here. I still want to make sure Twilight doesn’t have anything wrong with her and that ‘Other’ her she has issues with.” Dazzle announced as they made their way to the exit.

Sparkle nearly made it out before remembering the device, knowing Serak was outside parked and ready to depart she dashed over for the grab and made to the exit. As she readied to embark, a few squad cars rolled by with their wailing alarms blazing to which she guessed were heading to Canterlot after that battle they had. No doubt the energy beam she had caste drew many eyes thinking a war had begun.

As she got in and took the seat Adagio saved for her by patting the cushion with a hand, Serak spoke up in jest, “Well I guess we will be needing your services after all Mrs. Sparkle if the portal is going to be protected by police that is. Maybe you might know a couple of sleep spells? I'd hate to see violence christen our departure and taint your magic theory to the world.”

Taking the seat belt around her and clamping it into the holder, “Sure thing, soon as we clear up a little issue with the magic of course. Nothing serious but I feel Yellow needs to know.”

His eyebrows lifted in curiosity, “Oh? I guess so then, let us be on the way. I’m sure everyone is dying to meet you four, after all you did stop the Arcana dogs in their tracks and possess the power we need.”

“Yes, that we do… we look forward to properly introducing ourselves to your little cabal.” Adagio sarcastically quipped.

“I think you all will find common ground with them, but far be it from me to speak for all the others. Tonight is a party after all, we’ll be able to put a stop to the coming end even if all of Equestria will be upon us. Though if I guess right, you four will be taking much of the heat off us getting that sweet sweet revenge? Isn’t that right love?” he chuckled as the van pulled into traffic and turned left at the next intersection.

“We shall see…” Dazzle sighed as she looked to her girls, feeling content and peaceful for what seemed like a very long time since the last time.

“The chance to leave this dead barren rock will be the best thing to happen to us besides our fourth member. Going to miss the food though.” Aria folded her arms and looked out the window to gaze at the human world for what might be the last time.

“This place was just the worst, save for the Tacos and stuff. And my first bestie! Oh and the time we fed off of an entire convention! And one of us took down the Rainbooms single handedly!!” Sonata bounced in her seat happy as a rooster in the morning.

“Hmmm… ya, we finally won… Equestria here we come.” Dazzle could see it before her very eyes, the vast lands of green and the wild oceans where ponies would soon be marching with them as their songs led the army onward.

As the ride sailed them through the core of the town’s busiest intersections it gave Twilight a moment to think and reflect. Even after telling everyone the why’s, they’d reached a point where it was now herself that needed to be told. Not that there was any convincing needed, just a check off her long list she set out to accomplish since Yellow first assigned her to the Dazzlings. The amazing journey and troubles she had to face to make it all work out, and now the fruits of her labor bore succulent goods.

‘Shiny, I bet you’d be proud that I’m helping our world, and helping these girls return home… I just know Adagio just wants to make change happen in her world too. To stop the Equestrians from abusing their world as we have ours and save lives of other creatures both sentient and non-sentient. Who knows how much pollution has been going on and that the might of the Empire has kept their voices under the rug? Well no more, and I will ensure she gets her justice and that of course she won’t go overboard again. The pain she’s lived through is inexcusable, but without me there just like Aria said it may not go as planned. Somehow, I just know she doesn’t want to take over, it’s just not in her nor is it to fight her own kind as they will likely aim to do once she begins. Shiny…Mom, Dad, Cadence... I’m going over to another world to not only perfect magic for humanity and test my plans. But I’m going to ensure changes are done, changes for the better and my magic will make them see the light. Just like you did when you left, using your brilliant ideas to save lives and improve them. I just… hope I won’t lose control. I really hope Yellow Tail will help me.’

Ch. 36 In the Discord You Know

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Ch. 36 In the Discord You Know

The peaceful drive through the city soon took the group to what appeared to be a resort type area of the town, a place they never been too before. All around the taxi were tall complexes of dedicated hotels, condos, and resorts which had that freshly constructed feel to them. The sidewalks were pristine white, the roads were solid concrete, new trees dotted the grassy areas and medians, as well as clean parking zones of the nearby buildings and restaurants. Neither an oil stain or bits of old spat out gum to tarnish the thoroughfares. Adagio gazed at the wonderment of crisp clean human dwellings, how they never ventured to this area and what the rest of the world had out there since they moved place to place.

Serak spoke up as he noticed the girls were becoming alert and inquisitive, “You know the strangest thing is? When Yellow amassed half of the group, we found it easy to sleep under the same roof together. Saved bits for us and since we were all from the same place, the trust was sorta there anyways.”.

He chuckled, his English accent tickled Twilight and Sonata, “So your saying you all work human lives to pay for living here?!” Adagio asked putting on that confident hard to discern mask to this Equestrian.

Nodding, “Yes, actually since we’ve only recently gotten the rooms, had a few savings accounts that built up over the years. Amazing how the humans are easily tricked with a few illusion spells and forgeries, they never expect it. Now, we have two of the dwellings in our names and thus I expect all to be awaiting us in Yellow's. Don’t worry they won’t bite, unless you get on Infernos bad side.”

“Lovely… with that name sounds like some kind of hot head.” Aria said stoically with an irritated look, another her wasn't a good thing for what little patience she had.

Twilight knew the sirens in particular the two more assertive ones would be the first to coax hostilities with the power they now possessed, “I'm sorry to ask this in such a way? Are there members of your group we should be... careful around?”

The driver nodded and gave a light shrug, “Inferno’s grown tame over the centuries he’s been here, honestly the reason he was exiled is nothing but dust to the winds of time. Of course he and two others use to share the same body… so I guess they managed to control his rather violent tendencies. Really though, he's a pretty good soul unless you pepper his pride… which I warn to not do Mrs. Blaze.”

The siren in question looked at the rear view mirror and noticed how he looked at her as the taxi pulled into a half full lot, “WHAT??!!”

“You know what he means Aria, anyways, I’ll make sure none of the nuts and bolts here say anything to start a fight. It’s the Rainbooms and Equestria that he should turn that energy and power towards. Not us.” The golden siren held her majesty in the air to which even Serak nodded to, she had the reigns well secured there was no question to.

The true meeting between both parties who would shake Equestria with their goals, which at least the sirens felt they would do. Really, Adagio only had a skim of what Yellow Tail had planned, and only up to the portal. Now they'd get some answers to the questions they've been curious of if only to dispel the mistrust in the group. For Sparkle, it would be a chance to gauge her standing with the man who gave her the knowledge of magic itself and see if she could still abide by both parties in peace and union. She still had issues deep down about Equestria and what part she'd play in releasing these prisoners. She banked on the hope they were mistakenly sent to her world or the majority of them on wrong charges. All that was known was word of mouth and not real proof of anything to quell her worry, she only had loyalty to Adagio because she knew of the crime against her kind. Much like the fate of indigenous people high societies trample over even in the present time, a person of her nature would see correction of wrongs.

'At least I know I have some kind of power I can stop anything from really doing any harm. A chance to not only prevent danger to the empire's citizens if either of them go too far, but I can even experiment how to defend with spells and enchantments. With how violent humans are I'm sure I can think of better ways than using a gun to stop violence. Assuming the other solutions to the world's problems won't end the causes.' she pondered while unbuckling her seat belt.

The taxi parked just as the sliding door activated, allowing everyone to disembark into the fresh crisp air of newly fabricated area. Serak stepped before the Dazzlings who still looked in awe and hit the locking mechanism of the company vehicle. His gray skin matched the dark uniform he had to wear, though he did take off the cap with the logo embroidered above the rim. It was a little funny to Twilight to see that out of all of them she had spent the most time with the former griffon, displaying little apprehension unlike Adagio at the moment.

“Alright, well we’ll be taking the elevator up so stay together otherwise you’ll get lost. It's much bigger on the inside.” he noted as the girls followed him along the walkway, which was finely tended to with the patch of grass bordering the structure and its aqua exterior.

“You would have figured it cost an arm and a leg?” Aria whistled as the group walked to the entrance.

“Sonata, hang onto Twilight till we get to the room. Of everyone here you’re the one I’m worried most of losing in here.” Adagio sighed as the memory of when the girl she stared at pitifully had gotten lost in the grocery store a few years back, there was only an aisle separating them before she asked a worker to help her find them.

“Righty Tighty! Hey Bestie!!” she latched onto the lavender girl’s right arm in a childish manner.

Adagio just shook her head as they stepped through the automatic glass doors under the security cameras, into what put their nice hotel to shame. Fresh air conditioned air blasted the group sending a little shiver across their skin. A faint scent of cleaning supplies hinted to the maintenance which fared well to the sensitive noses of the girls unlike the rather abhorrent strong pine their place used daily. The layout was wide and used as practically as possible, even the reception desk had been designed around simplicity without gaudy counters and adverts. Elegance was far from the proper word to give the design, with lighting from ceiling orbs giving little to shadow.

A cream yellow receptionist simply waved at Serak before returning to her work hidden by the high level sign-in area. The bouncy combed back orange bloom of her hair became the only indication someone was on staff. A lone door behind her Twilight figured was the managers office or the security room, and out of sheer coincidence a uniformed man wearing a policing garb answered that guess. This multi condo building had dedicated security, a fine perk that made the area even more appealing.

Arriving at the elevator doors, the four teenagers and Serak boarded into the classical music playing box. A quiet tune played on a very well designed speaker, no blare from peaks in the music as with their little inn. Something Adagio wished she’d researched better before they set up shop there, as this fine establishment was far more akin to the famous singers. Though it did lack an area to have their morning meals, the lack of convenience did set condos back a par.

After the dinging cue signaled they passed the fourth floor, “So I guess I should at least set you up on a few things. Everyone your meeting has of course been sent here just like you, but as it’s understood for various reasons. As Yellow has probably said, because my memory is a bit fuzzy these days, the worst of the worst have expended their magic and fell into mortality if not into dust. Sad yes, but those of us left were really just in the way of our respective kingdoms or Equestria, and those nobles wanted us gone when our powers or talents proved too much for their little views on how life under their rule should be. Twilight…” he looked to the human girl who had Sonata whispering things into her ears.

"He's kinda cute right? Like Yellow?" the blue siren said in a hushed tone.

"What? How do I know that?!" she replied rather flustered at being asked of one’s level of sexual appeal.

"Mrs. Sparkle?" the man asked again as the elevator reached the eight floor.

“UMMM!! Yes?!” she said with a startle and a mild blush across her cheeks.

The faux human former griffon mage just shook his head not wanting to know what the two were originally talking about, “As I’ve said about myself in general, Griffons despise magic because of its power. Thus, because of their fears I was sent here as soon as my Emperor found out even though I only wanted to help my lord and the kingdom. Probably thought I was going to raid their vaults of bits and such... the limey snobs the bunch of them. You’ll find others like me, so do take everyone here with cup of lemonade as the humans say.”

“Or they could also have been like us, seeking world domination for the adoration we truly deserve?” the group looked to Adagio who shrugged innocently, “What? It’s true?”

Serak just shook his head again as the elevator reached the level they needed to be, stepping out and following the Englishman to the right door of the fifteenth level. Pulling out his wallet he extracted the key card and swiped it, letting the mechanism unlock the girls behind him awaited quietly for the next big thing to happen to them.

Sonata tightened her grip on Twilight as she kept her head between the crook of her neck looking like an inquisitive cat tracking a bird. Aria and Adagio flanked them as the golden siren wondered who’d make up Yellow Tail’s group besides a griffon and what sounded like a former hot head fire thing. They were ready if things did not pan out well, but not that they had any other choice but to trust them; after all they supplied thus far.

Walking into the condo, the girls first noticed the soft warm pallet of color the interior sported. Carpet of an oxblood red covered the immediate floor, which led the eyes into the very simple homely hallways. Much like their hotel at least, there was a closet to the left and a few paces down what appeared to be a bathroom of some sort with the door slightly cracked to verify. Further down the large balcony glass window and door let in the light, easily illuminating everything in the late afternoon sunlight. From what Adagio could tell, the bay lights basked the living room revealing a few recliners and a couch from their perspective. A few more doors to the right of the hallway, a doorless corridor opened up as the last part likely leading to the kitchen no doubt.

“Hey ladies and gents! We’re back!?” Serak called out as he walked in, gesturing with his hand for them to follow.

The Dazzlings did not like how it seemed desolate within the residence, no one responding readily meant something happened or they were focusing on another matter. Adagio gave Aria a silent nod to be ready while the other two stayed behind them. As they followed suit, nothing looked out of the ordinary which struck Dazzle as odd being for who these creatures were. No magical items around, no hanging skins or odd instruments with boiling potions, it seemed alien to what they were expecting. The thick door locked behind Twilight and Sonata as Serak called out again but to no answer.

“I don’t like this…” Aria whispered to Adagio.

“I know.” She replied as Serak reached the living room.

“Hey! Where the bloody hell is every…” the man stopped dead in his tracks as his feet began to slip and slid on what appeared to be a damp carpet.

His arms waved and swung around trying to balance himself as well as grasp for support that did not exist. However, with the sirens too far behind him he simply lost his legs under him as they sailed where his head was. With a loud thud, the former griffon smacked his head not on the carpet, but an ice cream Sunday complete with all the fixings. Even with a whipped cream can appearing over his face as it doused him with a white edible mustache. Adagio and Aria were the first to go on reaction, putting their hands on their gems ready to sing. With their guide ambushed as such, there was a mage in the area playing a prank or gearing up to capture them by incapacitation.

“Now don’t you look sweet?! That wonderful twenties look suits you well!” a voice echoed in the room that startled the girls, it had no source as it just seemed to be coming from all over the room.

“Sonata!! Don’t let go of Twilight! Aria with me!!” Adagio ordered as the two paired up back to back.

“Don’t worry sister, we got this.” Sonata giggled as she too placed a hand on her pendant as she readied to protect her fellow podmate.

A scoff came from nowhere, “Oh pishaw, I’m not here to hurt anyone. I’m actually here to say hello to fellow chaos appreciators from the good ole days of Equestria. So why don’t… you take a seat!” the disembodied voice ended as the girls were instantly scooped off their feet and into clear bean bag chairs clear as day and filled with what appeared to be fizzy soda.

The seats moved without any mechanical assistance, yet they sounded like a go cart that honked with the sound of a goose. Frightened by the experience, the sirens and their human gripped for dear life as they were driven around the large living room and into the dining area as if it were some kind of race event. Though once they got a good view of the place, they saw Yellow Tail and his crew sitting down calmly at the long rectangular glass table with seats still left.

Adagio found her pod and she placed before the others with disheveled hair from the impromptu trek, wondering what was going to happen next. With no immediate culprit to be seen, she had a good moment to look at the others in a better view, the same faces from that day in the veiled house. They all gave her varied facial expressions, but most were calm and seemed at peace.

“So I see we have everyone here! Now why don’t we start with the introductions shall we?” a body popped into existence looking like a dark burgundy noodle above the table, Serak appearing out of nowhere in one of the empty seats clean of debris and dessert.

To everyone’s amazement it moved as if it were the source of a body, as pieces of it apparently spawned around the entire room. Each little extremity walking or jumping up to the long twisting thing where maracas shook by no outside force, they joined once within close enough proximity. A sharp clawed lizard foot and a lion’s paw were the first to assemble on the thing, giving some idea as to its form. Next two antler horns cackled like miniature gremlins as they rode the ceiling fan above before landing down onto an invisible head.

“Come on now, this was supposed to be a celebration of sorts! Enjoy yourselves!?” the voice egged trying to keep a rhythm going.

A long red scaly tail with a tuff of white hair at the end performed an old dance move even the sirens knew as the worm. Eventually appearing out from the kitchen to the back right and leaping onto the table, where it then popped into the bottom end of the reddish tube. Music began playing with the instruments in the air, something from the south if Aria was to guess like those Mexican restaurants they went to for Sonata's sake. Above Yellow’s head, two yellow orbs with red irises bounced like rubber balls to the tune before doing three jumps and making a monkey call as they found their place below the mismatched antlers.

“ARIIBA!!!” the voice shouted as the rest of it appeared, completely at a loss for a description as to what it was.

Adagio stared at the creature as it manifested, it was obviously some kind of troublesome deity by the different body parts it was composed of. A goats head with a dragon’s mouth and a white goatee made up the things face as long neck with a stubby black mane attached the expressive face to the main body. An eagle claw made up the other arm while a gazelles hoofed leg appeared as the sibling to the reptile one. Wings appeared on the back of the serpentine beast, just as odd as the rest of the form which seemed to snap its fingers and silence all the commotion.

Awestruck, the girls couldn’t react fast enough as it spoke, “Welcome to Casa De Discordia!! I am your guest, the Lord… Of… CHAOS!!!” lightning erupted outside even though the sky was clear in the evening.

Aria’s hair stood on end and her skin quivered at the title, chaos was good but not if they were the subjects of its teachings. They made chaos and fed off it, so what was a lord of the energy doing at such an important time here with them? Why was there a lord to begin with when siren kind had none to know of?

“Ahhh… I have to hand it to you four, you’ve caused quite a stir.” He blinked out of existence to appear on Twilight's other shoulder mimicking Sonata, “Ohhh the CHAOS you’ve created has just been the bees knees!”, he clapped happily.

As Sparkle eeped at his proximity, the Lord vanished and reappeared on top of Yellow’s crimson hair dancing about while drinking from a cup. Adagio was unable to react fast enough to see what the being was up to, missing him as he showed up behind them and then on the lead collaborator. Her eyes then stuck to the table as she was sure this was all a show before the real trouble started. A being such as him was a danger of the utmost importance, knowing more about this Lord was her priority.

Tossing the cup away as it detonated against the nearest wall into colorful confetti, “Now now, no need to be so reactive Dazzlings. I’m here on a good will trip really?! Unlike the candidacy which will befell this poor country soon enough.”

The deity showed up sitting on the edge of the table looking at the girls, “As you may have guessed, I am from Equis here on a… vacation of sorts thanks to you.” To which he sported an instantaneous Hawaiian shirt with a straw hat and cotton candy in his lion’s paw.

Adagio tried to speak and ask who he was, but she quickly found a huge shrimp tail shoved into her mouth to silence her. One which Aria couldn’t help but laugh at, of course, before she too receive the same treatment and ended up with a juvenile halibut flopping between her lips.

“Ha hahahaha!!! Oh that’s priceless!!!" Discord laughed wildly for a moment, "Anyways, I’m here on good will so no need to feel threatened by me. I’m reformed see?” he pulled out a badge with a wacky depiction of Princess Celestia in the center of the sheriffs gold star which Adagio couldn't help but sneer as best she could, “I was released on good behavior and have befriended Princess Twilight and the former element bearers since then… saving the world from calamity I’d rather watch, but it’s what friends do for each other. Especially if it’s Fluttershy asking” He sighed as the identification vanished and appeared before the others and Yellow Tail.

“Mmmmph!!” Dazzle tried to speak out.

“Yes yes, I know you all hate Equestria which is why I’m here in the first place. I know about your mission Mr. Yellow Tail or… shall I call you Nickel Flame? I’d rather not see those uncouth things come out of their little corner of Tartarus and harm my little Fluttershy, so I’ve been… helping things along so your time frame fits within the real schedule of space and time! Isn’t that lovely? I’m helping!!” the chimeric creature held his forelimbs to his face looking proud at his so called help.

The seafood vanished from the two sirens as they coughed, Twilight and Sonata playing it smart and not saying a thing as the two shared the soda filled bean bag chair beneath them. The cerulean siren embraced protectively around her human friend, wrapping her arms around the girl so she couldn’t be ripped from her grasp. The Lord of Chaos noticed this and scoffed seeing fear still being brought to his presence even as he tried to be as accommodating as possible.

“Tough crowd then… well you can’t please them all! Anyways, my name is Discord, title and yada yada. You know Flame, that little Saandie spell you put on Shimmer really did a number on her. I wonder if that’s what you planned? Either way it was fun to watch her go crazy with little sleep. I can see even the big bug butt here, Empress what’s her face knew what was going on and wanted it to stop. Oh I’m sure Twilight Sparkle the human has some interesting news to share with you too, I believe one of your daughters has been going on a rampage letting every pony know about the changeling threat!” he giggled evilly as a white gloved hand appeared over the human girl and patted her on the head for a moment as it disappeared shortly after.

The older woman Twilight recognized from the museum had kept her cool, if not a twitch of the eye lids which were clasped shut. A feeble attempt to block out the god before them who could easily change that, regardless the effort to remain calm was admirable. Of course Yellow showed no signs of recognizing the development, he simply kept his eyes glued to the Lord of Chaos like a hawk hunting its prey in the sky. Discord seemed to pick up that he wasn’t getting an easy start, and thus he became even peppier to alter that outlook on himself.

“Well, so on and so on, I wanted to stop by and see all of you in person since you’ve been such a great show. I’m glad season two is kicking up in Equestria, you all are going to get one nice ending. I hate to say spoilers, but oh BOY will season three blast even season one out of the ratings!” he summoned clones of himself as they all held thumbs up on recliners of pink clouds while shoveling what appeared to be popcorn into their mouths.

“I’ve been watching each and every one of you since the curse you put on Sunset beckoned to be watched, I got to say you nearly ended that heroine before she could serve her purpose Nickel. Might want to lighten…. Up on the hexes in the future.” Discord transformed his head into a light bulb.

Everyone else remained quiet as if afraid to speak and have the same thing that happened to the sirens occur to them as well. Even as Adagio desired deeply to use their voices to entrance him, she knew that a chaos avatar was beyond their capabilities. Yet the urge to protect her pod was more than enough to register on the Lord’s radar as he grinned to the four and teleported before them.

“Ahhh… and we have our femme fatale, the Adagio Dazzle! My, are you ever rustled in the jimmies. Don’t you worry your pretty bouncy cotton candy hair, I’m really as I say I am.” He laughed pulling a part of her hair away and chewing at it.

“HEY!!?!” she cried out and inspected the missing chunk of her orange yellow locks as it reappeared, like it was never harmed from the get go.

“And the Aria Blaze, once a hot headed hard to please siren of the Oranna Coast all because of a little over attentive mother and harassing kids or pups of your species… whatever you call your youngsters. Now you’re just barely covering up the siren you wish to be… a normal… accepted… Aria… Blaze.” He patted her head as she attempted to bite his eagle’s claw with her teeth.

Ruffling her hair he made a tsk noise to fault her for the misbehavior, moving onto the last two. Both of whom were rather on edge, especially the blue vocalist who looked ready to protect her friend regardless of the danger before her. It made Discord chuckle as he wondered how that would play out in the next chapter for the group. Knowing she was yet to be even as close as vicious as the purple siren, he decided to coil around the girls like a snake and hold them together as he squished his face between them.

“Aren’t you two just adorable?!! Inseparable best friends! Just like me and Fluttershy, except one of you is a fish witch and the other a homo sapien? How marvelously chaotic friendship can get am I right?!” he pinched their cheeks and stretched their skins far before letting them go with a snap.

The girls winced and reacted to the treatment, but Dusk did not let go of Sparkle as Discord vanished and reappeared on the table again. The glass surface sprouting flowers and vines wherever he stepped.

“Now Nickel and friends, the fantastic what was is… eleven? I am looking forward to the magnificent chaos you’re planning on bringing to Equestria. I fear Fluttershy will soon realize I’m not all there and I really don’t want to get into any more trouble anyways. So before I leave…” he summoned a flying chalkboard and pulled out a baseball bat to write with, “You should know that things will go horribly wrong, and there are powerful forces in the human world you don’t even know about. So don’t stay here if you don’t want to find out anymore.”

Yellow looked inquisitively at the deity, unsure if to trust any word from the god or not. Then he was presented with a diagram on a paper scroll that appeared far beyond any age the group could fathom. It had the depiction of an upside down star in a circle. Below it held the form that looked like Grogar, only it possessed a human body with the ram’s head.

“You see, I actually saved Sunset when she first lost her magic from one of the fallen’s minions. They are quite tenacious if I do say so, but my magic is far too complex and wacky for them to work around. They can be very clingy and very powerful if you let them get attached to you. Don’t let them through the portal once you go through, as a fair warning. They’re content to hold for control over this world, but if they get even a wiff of Equestria… well... it’s not chaos I like myself so let that be a lesson.” Discord wagged a finger as he finished writing a silly picture of horned goatman trying to encompass Equis.

“How do we know?” Flame inquired.

Discord popped a bushy white eyebrow, “Simple! Once you pass through, destroy the portal! As long as the connection is severed, then they cannot get through, and if you think the demons under Tartarus are bad… ho ho ho!!! You haven’t lived till you’ve seen the nightmares these ones can make. Ever seen those cheap dime store movies Paranormal Activity? Insidious? V/H/S/?" he offered with a smile and wagging eyebrow only to be met with unassuming looks, "What about the Haunting of Deborah Lynn? Really!!?! No takers? Not even The Possession?!!! Oh come on you uncultured group of… FINE!!” he vanquished with the props and took back his full shape with a huff of annoyance.

“Destroying the portal was our intended objective anyways Lord of Chaos, we don’t wish to be sent back if we should fail. Too many have… gone with the wind.” Yellow sighed.

Though Discord still seemed miffed at the missed examples he banked on, even his powers could detect the linger souls of the long banished, “Quite true, though not all will be missed though, however it is a tad bit sad those mages did end up… finalizing the condemned’s sentences. Regardless, I’m glad you were already on the… box!” he stood upon a cardboard cube as if the solemn fact was never brought up.

“Lord of Chaos, Discord, our aim is to stop the demon race from coming back and nothing more. If your able to see the future, but refuse to say anything of it then I’m going to assume it will be a rough road ahead for us. Though we won’t try to cause Equis problems beyond our intended purpose, if it pleases you we will do some things to… entertain you if it means satisfying your enjoyment? We do not wish for any trouble from someone like you.” Nickel looked to his group who all nodded to some extent.

“Oh please, you don’t need to butter me up!” he summoned a stick of dairy and lathered up as if it were sunscreen, “Your already going to turn Equis up from off its feet and give Celestia a good ole shake down of reality. No need to cater to me specifically…”

Discord appeared before Yellow and looked at him in the eye, “Because I really hate brown nosers…” the warning in that hiss of words of course failed to move the man from his stoic gaze.

“No offense meant Lord of Chaos, you can understand our position can you not? We've been here for a long time, excuse our... way of wording things.” to which the draconnequis simply squinted into the golden irises of the man for a moment longer, then flashing himself at the other end of the room.

The soda bean bag seats vanished with the snap of his taloned fingers, “Yes quite, you lot are going to be a riot for me to really kick back and enjoy a nice vacation of sorts. Because once the magic is all gone, all that will be left is Soul, Dark, Black, and Chaos magic! Of course Celestia won’t know the difference and believe it’ll all be gone. To sulk in the despair of her kingdom as the great tide overcomes them!”

Adagio's bravado collapsed as the god confirmed what she thought was nothing more than a deranged psychopath, “So he was telling the truth!”

“Well I best be off, I think I’ve overstayed my welcome and I believe Fluttershy is calling me with a tray of fresh poison joke tea and crumpets. Ta Ta my little Chaos Makers. Have fuuuunnnnnn….” He snapped himself out of sight as his voice lingered for a few seconds longer.

The voice faded away, with its gritting nature the occupants at the dinner table all finally fell to the table exhausted from what it seemed. The Dazzlings of course had fallen flat on their behinds and thankfully not on their tailbones. Everyone was in some sort of pain, though Yellow seemed to hold it more steady than most. As for the first of the mysterious group to rise was the woman Twilight had spied on, she wobbled her way over and shoved past Adagio and Aria with ease as her very willpower fueled her movement.

Grasping Twilight out of Sonata’s grasp, she held her up and stared into her own eyes with a level of anger even she nearly wet her underwear from. The perfect features of the woman seemed to hide that very maddened side of her as a growl emanated from her lips. A true definition of natural beauty and it led her down a path of utmost horror for her own life.

“What did he mean?” she asked in a not so angelic way.

Sparkle fidgeted in her hold as her clothing tightened on her body while gravity did the rest, “I don’t know what… you mean?!”

Throwing the girl onto the ground, “What that bumbling idiot said, one of my daughters! What has she done to Changeling kind!?!!”

To the human girl, she was at a loss to answer as the term did not register. She had a very agitated being before her and no one trying to help, so she had to ask again.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about! What are Changelings?” Twilight begged as she held an arm up to shield herself.

With a heavy snort of air, “I may not look as my children, on Equis we are glorious creatures who specialize in adaptation and love harvesting… it’s what feeds us like how your siren girlfriends feed on negative emotions. Our sleek black bodies can mimic any form or shape to infiltrate and take what we need to live…”

Besides the blush Twilight sported at the woman's choice of words, she withheld her response for a moment longer. As the Dazzlings noticed the wide eyes bug out completely. It was that portal she saw, Discord must have been there when the device triggered the spell and that thing she saw giving orders to a subordinate?

“Under the benches… the… the scanner must of opened a way over to equestrian to wherever your kind are. I saw someone or something… talking about capturing… the princesses and the element bearers so that… all would know what it was like to fall to changeling kind?” she hesitantly answered before a blur of color resulted in her once again under the woman's ire.

"WHAT!?!!" the older woman shouted in Twilight's face just as Adagio and the others overcame their shock and rose to aid.

Aria and Dazzle's gemstones began to glow brightly, their eyes tinged with a hue of red. By the look of Serak's face, everyone else who could actually notice the devolving scene was either in the process of intervention or taking cover. Yellow had been the only one to avoid reacting as the others, though he loudly sighs as the Lord of Chaos got his lovely wish of nature to unfurl. To his chagrin the first meeting for both sides to actually come together had become something all together more like Tartarus on a serving dish.

With the iron grip of the older woman holding Twilight off the ground, "I... I... I...." she stuttered.

Sonata lept off the floor, her ruby alight with power as the woman soon blinked and found a vice around her right forearm. A blue hand connected to a blue skinned arm which exerted enough pressure she actually felt pain shooting through the limb. That was when her tunnel vision dissipated and the reality of the situation came into focus, two of the sirens ready to fight her and the other held her in place.

"Let... her... Go!" Adagio warned as she readied to use her vocal ability to toss her away.

"I never cared about this whole group and your stupid mission, so I won't have trouble squashing a peon like you!" Blaze growled.

They observed their offender look to everyone and behind her, finding the barrel of the gun aimed right at her pretty little face. The others of her troop had put their distance and gave no hope to assist, how could they against the might of three rather threatened sirens?

By now, Sparkle felt nothing other than terror since she really saw the face of the Aphrodite figure who demanded explanation. She would have told her everything she wanted, but the emotional response was overwhelming and that elicited the dangerous standoff between the two parties. Her vision teared up as panic crept up, even though she saw Sonata's hand on the aggressor's. Someone was about to get hurt and this wasn't how they were suppose to get to Equis, they shouldn't have been fighting. They all were in this together and nothing could or should stop them, not with the guardians out of the way. In her mind, she shouted out her fear that the Dazzlings would lose their chance to go back if the group found their reaction to be hostile even if it was warranted in some way.

'We're too close to be fighting! No more fighting! No.... MORE!' a bubble of magic erupted from the only human in the room and expanded outwards before bursting just slightly past the tall goddess and the girls.

Every part of the body was held stay, as was evident when Adagio's face lost the energy from the gem and exhibited confusion to utter astoundment. Aria seemed to be fighting through the spell while Sonata kept her eyes glued to the offender not even attempting to move. The royal female's eyes betrayed her former angered state, Twilight caught her off guard with her magic probably assuming to the fact that she hadn't told Yellow yet.

A clap in the back of the dining room came from the very man who sat reclined in his seat, "Thank you Mrs. Sparkle. I was hoping we'd avoid destroying this place since we're just a little under a day away from the most important moment in all our lives. One which I ask the rest of you to remember and refrain from going at each other’s throats." he looked to the men and women around him.

The group seemed to appear slightly relaxed, seeing that Yellow had a grasp of some kind over what was happening. If he felt safe, then they had no reason to be nervous, a few fixed themselves up or straightened out their posture to look more dignified. Taking up position behind the man save for the elderly woman who had remained at her seat since the start.

"Empress Pandinus, if you would not start a war here? I understand there is something going on that is important to you, but angering our keys is neither productive nor becoming of you. And you know how possessive I can be over MY gems...." Yellow warned as he crossed his legs and set his hands still on the knees giving the order with a featureless face.

It took only a moment before Sparkle determined that the woman would comply, her eyelids dropped as the fire she had smoldered away. Giving a safer feeling to release the spell over everyone and herself, to her credit she now has an example that everyone bore witness to concerning her problem. Though the undertone of worry how the rouge magic would act if it was allowed to progress even further or even harm those that were threats. Could it lash out with deadly force to even the smallest offenses at her?

'Who... whoever is there, please release the restraints on my friends and the other one? Please?' her mind beckoned, the same bubble seemingly appeared around the five and absorbed back into Twilight as if nothing ever happened.

Aria flailed as she was unprepared for the cancellation, cursing as she fell backwards on her rear and wincing at the sharp pain coming from her tailbone. Her anger defused and she concentrated on what had just happened then, was it the woman or Yellow perhaps even Twilight herself that just stopped the fight from happening? Something held them in place and then just let go, a very dangerous power if the cabal before them had at their fingertips to counter their gemstones. A sure way to stop a siren was to disable their mouths, a great thing that those Rainbooms hadn't even thought to try or Starswirl for that matter.

The golden siren caught herself and steadied her balance, "Okay, let's not do that again. I really hate not moving around like that."

Sonata however kept her grip, letting go only when the fingers around Twilight's uniform opened up and dropped the unfortunate human to the ground. Staggering for a moment before immediately cowering behind Dusk who kept a stern gaze at the creature they finally knew as Pandius and an Empress at that. They had royalty indeed before them, which begged the question as to who the rest were and of what rank they possessed. More so how much power this Empress Pandius had at her fingers if Yellow Tail was the bar to go by.

Sonata stood her ground and splayed her arms outward to prevent any further actions to her friend, which Adagio found rather adorable. Seeing the lesser of her pod actually be useful for a change, and perhaps with her strength from the gem she'd be able to do some kind of defense at a later date. She'd need to explore that part of the cerulean siren, especially when they went back home where the real dangers existed.

"I saw something elongated, black skin that appeared shiny in surface texture with a rather large ratio to the servant they spoke to... a Captain Scarab? I can't say I can pinpoint the voice, however, it sounded as many spoke at once. They sounded rather feminine in nature and... possessed some kind of structure on their forehead I can only equate to a unicorn horn only twisted and jagged. All I saw was the inside of some underground system with a large crafted structure the unidentified female sat on. Or at least that's what I believe I saw." Twilight said to the woman who leered at the two with a guarded expression before examining where Sonata grabbed that left pressure mark visible even then.

Sparkle continued, "The other being I think was pony-like if ponies still resemble the illustrations in your manuscripts Yellow? Black skin as well but covered in some kind of indigo armor... the two of them had what I think were wounds to their extremities save for the head and main body. That's all I know other than what I said before of what I heard. I'm... sorry I don't know anymore." with that the other girls flanked Sparkle and Dusk, giving off a very miffed air about them with their rubies still alight.

Yellow in the back seemed to chuckle, giving a curt yes with a head gesture to the young woman about her query. Even the older woman known as the Lich of the group seemed to give a broken laugh as she looked at the empty mahogany dinner table before her.

Pandius held her head up high, angling her height over the younger bodies to give the air of superiority, "That my dear sounds like my youngest daughter... Chrysalis Imperator. She was always the more spontaneous schemer of my brood... perhaps the only one who had a hard time with the concept of covert feeding." she sighed as if a migraine were coming on, "Without my guidance, she's gone on some kind of power trip... and judging by her appearance she's grown quite well since I was exiled. Seems she's betraying my lessons I gave her on how to be a proper royal, and now... she's leading her own Changelings into an all out war. Likely has been since she ascended past the proto phase."

Twilight could visibly see the sliver of sadness in the woman, a mother of multiple offspring by the feeling that was given off. Whatever kingdom she was host to had probably seen some rough patches up till now. Knowing these beings were likely here for ages, the human reaction of a mother getting to meet her children after so many years, the psychology was never anything to toy with. There was another case she could involve herself in, a problem she could solve and bring peace to. Thus gaining another ally to guard Equis and the innocent should this entire journey prove truly evil.

"It happened today, so there might be time to still help her? I... I know we don't know who we are to each other and perhaps you don't care to know us. However, it sounds like you and your other daughters strove for a peaceful existence with others right? You survived without conflict? Just like the sirens Adagio, Aria, and Sonata came from?" Sparkle asked hoping to hear something good.

"We don't need to dive into others issues, we have enough by ourselves. Come on Twilight, we're only here to do our job, not be some punching bag for luggage." Adagio stood up front and projected her dominance.

The Empress gave a very displeasing glance at the matriarch, but she did nothing. Instead she rubbed her arm and looked out the balcony window as if a memory came back.

"You speak of me as if I'm some lowly peasant... but you have no idea how powerful I really am. Young siren, tread carefully who you speak to, least you know the full might of a Changeling Empress. I've outlived many lives and sired many daughters who lead their own hives around the entirety of Equis. I care not for your reasons or hatred, I aim to go back home and see that my daughters are healthy and going the right path, the Changeling Path." she looked to Yellow Tail behind her, "For giving me the knowledge of my offspring's intentions, I thank you Mrs. Sparkle for what to expect. When I go back... I have a severe punishment to give to my youngest. That also means you'll be getting a sizeable army out of it Yellow Tail, she will lose her hive and forfeit it all to me. As my gratitude for providing such an opportunity, you've yet to disappoint me still to this day young mage."

The crimson haired man bowed curtly still sitting and then smiled at Pandius, and then to all the others who unlike him gave approving looks to the new development. Adagio hissed beneath her breath, armies were now on the board and now they really had to play it nice. Even if the older woman was of royalty, it mattered not if she could still fall to the siren's song if it all came down to it. Seeing the Empress walk to the dinner table and avoid further words with the Dazzlings, the four eased up on their alertness and awaited the next move.

"Now seeing as Lord Discord of Chaos has made himself known when we'd least like it to happen. I believe it is time for a break... for everyone here. The tension left to our air needs to be dispelled and thus I call for a nice homemade dinner. Inferno, Monet, and Oak would you care to help me lighten the atmosphere with the wonderful smells of a freshly prepared meal?"

A light vermilion skinned man with a few scars along parts of his skin stood up, brushing back strands of violet blue spiked hair that lazily had fell into his vision. He did not register anyone else and simply strode around the table and towards the kitchen scoffing as he went to talk to Yellow.

"Finally, you guys always make the food so bland! I keep asking for some heat and you put those measly little peppers instead. Bunch of sods that can't handle some flare to your food." Inferno disappeared behind the wall with Yellow.

Certainly he was no royal if they carried themselves like that, "Mrs. Sparkle and Mrs. Dusk? Would you like to join us, we could always use the extra hands?" Yellow asked.

Sonata's guardian mode flipped like a switch as the idea of food took over her mental facilities, "OHHHHH, come on Twilight! I bet we can get some tacos brewed up with them! And if they have hot sauce.... ahhhh my mouth is watering already. Come on!"

Before Twilight could respond, she was dragged by the hand with the cerulean girl into the kitchen at the behest of Adagio. Surprisingly enough, it was a rather large area for a condo given the dimensions, the floor space, counter top areas, appliances, and cabinets. Seven people could easily fit into the kitchen and move around without bumping into everyone. The layout was rather effective to Sparkle's eyes, the white sterile walls popping the dark bistre drawers and doors sporting silver handles. A porcelain twin basin sink embedded in the reflective cream tiled counter hosted a couple bowls. Sitting with fresh vibrant greens and meat, separated into their own units. Oak was already handling the vegetables, preparing them into what Twilight assumed could be used for cooking or as a salad. Havoc busied himself in the chrome plated tall refrigerator grabbing things while Monet set up the cooking tools nearby.

The siren and human girl stood dead center with Yellow nearby as he cleaned his hands with sanitation wipe by the sink, "Nothing soothes the quarreling spirit better then hot dish served with the freshest ingredients. Mrs. Twilight you can help Old Oak over there, give you the chance to know each other to start things off. Mrs. Sonata, care to help me and Havoc cut and season the meat, I know sirens are carnivores right?"

As giddy as a child given a new toy and a candy bar, Sonata had such a shine her in wide eyes, "Would I!!"

"Sure" Twilight nodded as the others began to focus on the flesh being pulled out of the fridge by Havoc, so she turned to the gentle woman who smelled of fresh rain and myrrh, "How can I be of assistance Mrs. Oak?"

The older livid woman slowly passed her vision to the newcomer, "Hmmm... have you ever used a cutting knife?" she tiled her head as she ceased organizing the types of plants that were in the yellow bowl.

Twilight gave a frank smile of pride, "Well I do work in a laboratory and create all sorts of equipment and tools, I've used miniature soldering kits to lasers, experimented with all sorts of chemicals since middle school, and crafted unique devices to simplify life and ease consumption of resources through longevity and hardiness of the product." she felt pride and smiled at her track record.

The hippie giggled, "Well then I suppose we don't need to worry about you. So here you go, and cut the leaves off the stem on those greens while I handle the denser ones." she pointed to swiss chard, lettuce, and purple kale leaves all stacked neatly on each other.

With the small tomato knife going to work, Oak pointed to a square ceramic vessel for the stems to go. Once she was sure the little human had the gist of everything, her hands worked over the radishes and carrots before the onion was diced. Some other stranger vegetables were at the bottom of the container, exotic looking things that might even be fruit. If Twilight had to guess, this woman was vegetarian of some kind or just had an affinity with plant based foods. With the name Oak and her garden she tended to, perhaps this unique creature was a plant based life form?

Wanting to burst the bubble and learn about these people or creatures looking like people, Sparkle posed the question as she cut away, “So uh… you know my name and probably who I am? Could I get your full name?”

The thick mint green locks jiggled as the woman looked up from her ministrations. She appeared to be quite happy for some reason. Rather the most receptive one she’s met thus far other than Serak, which did give a sense of hope for her future expectations.

“Little one I'd be happy to, I am Old Oak of the Gragermire Forest, protector of the old ways before societies and kingdoms rose to power. I am a Belldensia within Druidry.” nodded as she returned to the items before her.

“Druid? Wow! Just like the druids of my world… or this one?” the connection was to be expected, but it was the Equis equivalent that drew her full attention and what such a being could be and do.

The woman giggled, “In some ways we are the same, and in others we are vastly apart. For the ways we share in common, it is the guardianship of all that is of nature, preserving the culture of the time when all things were at peace. Times such as when machines were not even in the minds of ponies, griffon, or even the minotaurs. An era when all the children of our mother, the caretaker and maker, lived without kingdoms and… loud smoky things.”

Sparkle seemed to get the jist of what the being in human skin eluded to, “I see… we have folks like that and programs at historical sites which do just so. I believe there’s a camp over by the Everfree forest that offers traditional methods of living off the grid?” Twilight tapped her chin as she went about remembering a couple news articles she visited.

Oak went back to her machinations, “Its… much more than that, but we have plenty of time tonight to learn of each other. Though I do know what you mean, I helped someone who works there handle a very... turbulent situation. A very kind and caring young woman she is, I can almost hear her in my heart even now.” she paused as if to recollect, “Okay, well we have a meal to prepare to soften up all that are here. So that our hearts are one and united, let us resume post haste shall we?”

With a good start with this particular member of Yellow's group Twilight felt overjoyed to learn about this person and the fact that she seemed to have helped another human. Tossing a few blood red Chard stems into the stoneware container, a loud clatter came from behind them as Havoc appeared to be losing the idea to put peppers into the oiled pan to season it to Monet. He did not like the resistance, but he seemed to accept having two put into the final moments of the dish. Monet noted that it could be used like garlic and still give him something to feel while not melting the others tongues.

“Ohhh that tasted nice and hot! Havoc you made this spice rub? It tastes like the BEST taco seasoning I’ve ever had!” Sonata shouted with glee as she kept putting a finger in the plastic wrap bundle containing the red seasoning mix to taste again and again.

Yellow piped up, “Inferno she actually can stand your mild mix… astounding isn't it?!”

“What? I told you it wasn’t that hot, its mild for a reason!” the gruff man sounded offended as he walked over to the two and looked at their labor to which Monet gave a thankful sigh.

Though she looked over her shoulder as she went to the fridge to pull a metal can of ale to drink, “Ya if you call putting Paradox in the emergency room for a stomach ulcer. Ya nonce…”

“IT had ONE habenero!! There are plenty of humans around that can handle that and more!” The perturbed Inferno slammed a fist on the counter top near Sonata who continued to dip her finger into the spice rub seemingly unaffected by his irritable nature.

“I once had a ghost pepper hot sauce from this mexican place like in the first ten years we spent here. Now that was hot and spicy. Not sure why they put dead peppers in hot sauce though? Can you eat the dead souls of plants?” Dusk asked innocently enough, gaining a moment of silence before Yellow was sent into a laughing fit which even Inferno couldn’t help but chuckle at her adorable cluelessness.

Sparkle gave a little giggle as well before returning to the leafy greens, nearly halfway done and Oak just then tossing the root veggies into the yellow plastic bowl. Monet had popped open the lift tab of the beverage and set it aside. She went to the largest cabinet to pull a couple more pans for the stove and turning on their burners under them. Oil was soon added while the first pan began to smoke a little as it eagerly awaited the food.

The final coughs of laughter abating, “Tis likes her steaks to be really seasoned, so make sure you stab away so the sauce you’ll be pouring on gets in there. Otherwise… she gets cranky…” Havoc groaned showing Sonata how to stab with the fork in a rough pattern, “Doesn’t need to be turned into ground chuck, just… riddle it. You understand?”

On the two white plastic cutting boards, three decently sized slabs of beef were moderately coated with sprinkles of several spices. Containers of all sorts of colors and sizes sat opened against the wall before them having been used, while the custom rub appeared to be only touched by the girl’s hungry tongue and wet finger tip. Yellow massaged what appeared to be parts of some kind of fowl, those chunks were also coated in seasoning and a few drops from some kind of bottle he produced from his person.

“Okie Dokie! Just stab enough and not into mashed potatoes.” Sonata answered as she stuck her tongue out the left side of her mouth to focus in an attempt to perform the same process the man showed her.

“That onion ready over there Old Oak?!” Monet asked from her side of the kitchen.

Scooping up the now diced white bulb with a tear inducing aroma, “Just finished, which go where?”

As Twilight moved onto the lettuce, “A little in the two large pans and the rest in the hot one, I’m making a sauce.” The sound of sizzling food crackled and spat from the hot oil it touched.

The smell of cooking onions soon filled the room as the eruption of vaporizing moisture and aroma sang the sound of cooking. Twilight felt rather content and at peace as she realized how calmly human these beings were. A big happy family of friends of some sort all who formed a brotherhood out of their shared predicaments. Sonata looked very happy to learn how to cook, to which Sparkle assumed was a rare thing for the Dazzlings to do anything human if it had not pertained to gathering negative energy. They had lived like jungle pythons, feeding as needed and resting away any spare time so Adagio could think of new ways to get their power. How they never truly lived if but to feed that hunger, that need for power only their gems could give. Their need for security with might, like a man who knew a gun could protect his life from those who’d harm him. Fearing and jumping at the shadows, letting the sunny skies outside and society go by with time till he eventually lived nothing but a shell of who he could be.

‘These sirens do need me, they need to be given a shot at living. Once they’ve handled that Empire for the betterment of all, I’ll make Adagio see there is more to life than control and adoration. Even Sonata here could see it…’ she thought to herself as she put the cut up butter lettuce into the heaping pile of the salad bowl.

“Onions ready, Yellow care to add the duck? Havoc and Sonata! Feel free to start adding the steaks on the right side pans.” Monet went through the nearest draws by the stove for the cooking utensils she’d need to flip and move the flesh.

“Das is gut” Yellow chimed as he walked over with his cutting board and set the pale pasty morsels over the then translucent white diamonds, making even more steam and smoke fume.

“There, should be enough now and see how much I put on? Too much and you’ll just burn it, too little and well you get it. Now bring them over so I can place them.” Havoc gestured as they joined the grouping around the cooking area.

In the dining room, Adagio and Aria had isolated themselves at the farthest end of the table. Left alone with the others who were still on edge after the Lord of Chaos made himself known by the flavor of their emotions, they were at a loss for what to do. It should have been a time of meeting everyone to judge them as threats or allies for future cataloging, or possible tools to take down Equestria. Then Adagio would do some digging to and determine who they were in terms of their reason for exile, if they were really dangerous or would draw too much ire from the ponies if they affiliated themselves with them.

Aria however showed no true care for what her leader seemed to be fretting over, she was far more concerned over that chimera who seemed to be a very powerful god of some kind. Could their songs even affect such a mighty dimension hopping entity or just make him laugh?

‘Guess we have to keep him happy, I mean the trouble we'll stir up should be enough for him right?’ The pastel purple skinned teen closed her eyes and gave a scornful face despite knowing the others at their seats would notice.

It had been nearly ten minutes of quiet air between both parties, it became something of an issue to Adagio. They were here and now was the time to utilize these pawns, even if the proceeding events made the waters churn they were not the subject of that. What better way to make things easier to handle than a common enemy?

Adagio looked over to who she figured was the most approachable in a conversation. A rather bulky upper body individual, the sherbert orange skinned man with dark gray hair had a calm air about him as he typed away at his phone like Sonata would do often. He had taken a seat three chairs away from her, where a very bony faced stern looking woman, the quippy business man in his suit, and a red headed bearded squat male filled in the space. On the other side of the table a gauntish looking gentleman wearing a simple casual dress attire and the one known as Serak sat quietly.

Taking a deep breath, the golden siren willed her tendrils away, “Though I wish this could have happened under better… conditions, I believe sitting here doing nothing but waiting for food won’t do us justice. If I might ask, since we’re all in this together and all how about we get to familiarize each other for strategic purposes? Seeing as we have this Lord of Chaos watching us, I think it is safe to assume there will be quite a few characters to contend with together.”

The awkward atmosphere grew thicker, as all the eyes of the others soon locked onto the matriarch of the Dazzling pod. She couldn’t have cared any less, her gem was full and she needed to know about these things before her. They would know who was in control from the get go, they all likely had no magic on them or very little if she assumed right so much as they had to endure upon arrival.

With the magenta eyes locked upon the one she wanted to begin a talk with, the muscle bound male took the hint, “I had expected this to be done while we all ate, but I guess it couldn't hurt to expedite the inevitable.” He gave her a single gaze with his aqua irises before resuming his activity.

“We're all victims of the Equestrians, how can be all be so apprehensive to each other? I mean you all did start with a nice little Veil to lie to us as if we needed to be hand held into this. Now, how about we chat and amend shaky bridges, it's all under the water now right?” Dazzle rested her chin on her interlaced fingers giving a sultry smile.

The muscle man cocked an eyebrow as he put away the flat phone, “Adagio Dazzle, leader of a group of sirens, famed for using their enchanted songs to sow discord and feed off the resulting negative emotions. My lord made it top priority to inform every bull, cow, and calf know of your kind as your powers could easily affect sales and the economy effortlessly. Word spread after that unicorn wizard published a book about your kind, did you know that everyone went on wild hunts for sirens? Looking for prizes for how many they could bag and tag?” his sullen stoic eyes beheld her stifled anger and boiling rage she so desperately kept under the surface.

‘Oh boy did he ever hit the wrong nail with the hammer. Then again, that pisses me off too, curse that Starswirl to Tartarus for all eternity!’ Aria plotted her own revenge now that this piece of information was made known.

Adagio bit her lower lip to control the coming outburst, succeeding just barely seeing how far Starswirl was willing to go against her kind. They never hurt anypony, they just wanted to be adored and loved through the power of their dark magic. Dead ponies and such were not what they would have ever wished for, and they dared to hunt sirens? Innocent peaceful families who strove to keep secretive and out of the lives of others? How low did Equestria go to save its little world of peace and harmony, casting out others out of a grudge?

Swallowing the lump in her throat, “What we did what sirens do, but… no siren should have been put out on wanted notices for cash! We were the cause of a little turmoil and we were punished... Pray tell, do you know if any were ever found? I… I’d like to know.” her energy fluctuated, revealing her desire to know if any others were affected by others than the Arcana they'd hunt down.

“The names Frozen Heart, and the good thing is no, no one ever caught a siren for the reward. Fact was, they were hard to even find or get a bead on last I remember before I was sent here. Even my Lord had spread out the papers the Equestrian nobility gave out, seeing that if his bovinians could amass the riches of hunting the creatures who almost brought Equestria under their control. It would have boosted the economy very well.” Frozen took the moment to rest his thick arms on the table and await further input.

Dazzle appeared to calm down a bit, glad no others were harmed from their wake towards power and fame. Where her hands attempted to form fists of pure hatred for herself and the ponies that dared seek siren kind as if they were timberwolves to be removed.

“Frozen Heart right? I’m glad my own were never caught… this is our battle… they do not deserve the ponies resentment of us… but they struck first blood and I will have justice." the man smirked, to which Adagio kept a stern glare at him for doing so.

Heart scoffed lightly and brought a hand to rub the stubble of his beard, “So, that whole mess you created five hundred years ago… it was true. Not just some witch hunt of the scared onies, you had an aim didn’t you?”

She switched to a sly grin as her disparagement flipped into the good she felt of the coming revolution, “Smart one you are, but yes I had a plan with a purpose. Though I’m not sure what you all are here for, just know the ponies have blood on their hooves and I intend to deal with them. What say you?”

Frozen laughed for a few seconds, “You are something else aren’t you?”

“I can feel the emotions behind those breaths… she speaks the truth. She's been wounded in some way by the Equestrians..." she whiffed the air like a hungry snake, "An injustice of some kind that has taken lives that did not deserve the end they met.” the woman who wore a simple black dress had a very demonic gleam in her eyes as she looked to the Dazzlings studying them.

“Reasons, reasons, we all have them so it means nothing more so long as it opens up a new way forward right?” the businessman stretched and cracked his neck before resuming his still stance.

“If Tis says that then I guess I feel a little more easy talking to them. Well seeing that you want information Adagio Dazzle, I was once the first minotaur to gain magic ability. I use to be able to wield mana like any unicorn pony and help others when in need. My… king thought I could use my magic to acquire wealth through manipulating the markets, a farfetched idea really but it landed me here because he was so paranoid. Maybe he was jealous of what I could do? Wanting notoriety to himself, I can’t say for sure other than the nice continent of silver Honor Guards he sent for me.” Heart remained as still as a boulder, never letting his eyes leave the siren who seemed hungry to know so much more.

Adagio nodded and tilted her head, “Would by chance a convenient group of unicorns be there to exile you here?”

Frozen did not blink, “If your referring to the Arcana then yes.” His affirmation linked two of his compatriots together with his way of being sent here, this Arcana needed more studying before they’d arrive home.

“We all were sent here by those blasted mages, and they’ve all been in someway conveniently nearby as if they were tracking magical affairs of other kingdoms.” The neatly dressed male fixed his tie again the woman next to him sighed at the annoying action.

“Emerath, you’ve already quit your job! You don’t need that body glove of humans anymore so quit messing with that forsaken TIE!!” she shouted and earned a barely registered sign of having heard her.

“So uncouth Mrs. Tis, a scholar such as myself still must look his best. Even after all these years here, human clothing I can never get use to. I’ll be happy to have my traditional garb the gods have deemed worthy.” He responded, as his hands settled down then placed on his thighs at rest.

Aria figured this circus show of idiots mirrored almost a little of her own group, she could find common ground with the woman she now knew as Tis. Reminding herself of the times Sonata couldn’t stop with her obliviousness and say the most ridiculous things. The memories were there from their arrival up till now, how the aloof siren grew ever more annoying as if her mind dumbed down after the first century. However, Emerath seemed to have been a very smart thing or whatever he was, and likely possessed enough intellect to survive the rigors of this world like Adagio. Though that lent to everyone else, and of course Aria let it all go in favor of not caring any further. What use was it to fret over these peons once they were back in Equestria?

“Emerath, Tis? Might I inquire as to you two as well?” Dazzle piped up, seeing another window of opportunity just as the sound of steaks hitting the pan in the kitchen.

“I’ll never get use to being able to consume meat in this body, and yet that wonderful smell… only Old Oak can resist.” Heart looked longingly at the stove just barely in his sight, distracted from the others as it seemed he hadn’t eaten in a while.

“Speak for yourself, I use to be a unicorn and I dabble in a little meat here and there. A finely roasted boar… I’m not sure if I’m hungry or getting nausea. By the old gods I can’t wait to get back!” Emerath’s face had distorted into a rather unpleasing scorn inwardly.

Though she felt her words might have been lost in the rather glorious smells coming in aided by the air conditioning system, Tis sneered at her comrades and looked over to her. Her gray white eyes studied the siren leader as if considering a way to handle the negative energy sucking singer, Adagio did not relent her posture or the air of confidence. Far be it for her to give them any signals that they were anything to be trampled on much less used beyond the agreed deal with Yellow.

“I know about sirens young pup, I am likely the oldest of any being here. Your gusto is admirable to say the least, but don’t push your luck. I’m not someone you want to insult.” Tis said in a tone of warning with her head held high, even the Empress on the other side of the table caught wind and looked away.

“Why is that? Are you something akin to that awful combination of body parts you all were afraid of?” Adagio prodded the bull, wanting to ensure she was no child by heart if those predators she survived through in her youth were anything to go by.

“I vouldn’t make her angry youngster, she’s not like any of us but correct in your assumption.” The man wearing a very casual attire she’d seen older human fathers opt to equip, a simple red collared shirt and kaki pants. Evident he was balding to an extent as a human, a tad chubby with a soft teal skin tone and earth brown hair.

“May I ask who you are kind sir?” she kept one eye on the miffed female as she put her questioning at another of Yellow’s troupe.

He bellowed a laugh, hard enough that the flesh on his bones jiggled slightly as his mustache spread out with his boisterous holler. Whatever was deemed funny had completely missed the girls and they looked to each other confused and needing input. If there was anything wrong with how Adagio appeared before them, it was nothing Aria could discern with her eyes.

“Ha hahaha ha! Oh ve got ourselves live ones here!” Emerath huffed at the man’s loosened restraint they all tried to maintain.

Shrugging and putting her hands down onto the table, “I’m sorry did I miss something?!” feeling indignation thinking she was the one being laughed at.

“Schrodinger likes it when someone shows… purpose in their actions. I’m going to assume...” Emerath started to say before the chuckling oaf slapped the table with one hand and wiped away the tears from his eyes.

“Okay, even I’m more lost at this. It's Sonata level lost.” Aria sat up in her seat as her interest peaked, curiously confused and did not very much appreciate this new show of behavior.

“Names Paradox, Schrodinger Paradox und I absolutely love to see fresh attitudes besides zese dummkopfs. It’s obvious ve don’t share common interests with ze end point, but to be fair it vasn’t likely. I’ve been vatching you since ze day ve all met when you saw through ze veil. Your quite ze card fraulein, you und zat hungry mind ever keen to know ze vorld around.” He leaned onto the table smiling much to Adagio’s frustration, “You act like your surrounded by uberwolves, searching for power to defend yourselves vith. Can I guess zat your… background vasn’t ze pleasant life foals ought to have? If the illustrious und beautiful Tisiphone has eluded to?”

The woman mentioned closed her eyes for a moment and looked back at the siren, sniffing a little as if picking up on ques her bewilderment let off, “I'd rather hear her story first, but revenge for loss is strong with this one. Assuming she can even fulfill that drive and sate her anger without becoming the very ones who wronged her.”

Adagio felt their eyes all upon her, they were digging more than she was trying to do herself. Admirable to get around her, but she supposed living around barely interacting with humans was the downside of her strategy for all the years past. A mistake she'd avoid in the future where she could easily be the one interrogated, easily opened like a book. They were no Sunset Shimmer that was a fact, and it appeared they were also very much older than her with more experience than warranted.

“Ya so what? Those stupid ponies did something to the water her family lived in, killed off an entire pod except for her. Ya we’re considered young compared to our folks, but that doesn’t mean squat when you have the power we can amass!” Aria growled at the three despite the fire in the eyes of Tis who did not like it when someone stood up to her.

“Oh mein gott… zey really did that? My own fellow ponies... an accident it had to be? Right?” Paradox had lost all humor and seemed genuinely horrified at the news.

Adagio would have shouted at her subordinate, but seeing the reaction it received put her back on level ground. Havoc in the kitchen cursed out loud as he seemingly burned himself with splashing hot oil when the meat was turned.

“Twilight said it was probably some kind of coal factory or something, said it happens here all the time and kills rivers and all life around it. Heavy metals or some crap like that.” Tis scowled intensely after hearing Blaze reveal more information about Adagio’s loss.

“Oh dear, looks like someone’s riled up now.” Emerath whistled as he seemed to push his chair a tad away from the female who simmered with what appeared to be outrage.

By now Adagio held her tongue as Tis hissed air through her clenched jaws and barred teeth before calming down again, “I’ve been away for far too long… so much injustice and wrong done and their souls went on to live! I’ll have to scour the world for years to make up the erroneous evil I’ve not been able to punish. As if I did not have enough to find the children of those who vanquished my sisters and I!!” her burning words came with her shooting up off the seat and grabbing the chair which was then flung into the living room thankfully missing anything important. Of course it sailed over the sirens who ducked in time, though they were the only ones worried by her outburst.

Yellow soon poked his head through the entry way of the kitchen to see what the commotion was about, the angry woman had avoided destroying the glass table thankfully. While the others simply acted as if nothing had happened, he could see that the sirens were downright terrified and so were the girls behind him wondering what the noise was about like house cats who heard the vacuum start. Havoc and Monet seemed to ignore the events outside their immediate area, further befuddling the girls.

Ch. 37 Tribulation of Sunset Shimmer

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Ch. 37 Tribulation of Sunset Shimmer

The steady beat of a heart was the first thing Sunset came to realize, everything was black and quiet beyond that fact. The thumping of the organ echoing in her ears, rhythmically and without fail to hit every second. She felt cold at first, numbness over her entire body that had slowly began to lift. Tingling limbs and body dancing as if beneath her flesh she was hallow and full of skip jacks kids use to play with ages ago. Silver stars with spikes and balled tips that composed of her entire innards, and it hurt like nothing else even though she did not move. The countless little bits of metal seemed to dance to the music of the blood being pulsed through her.

Then, she could breath, a gasp at first which had her still in a place of nothingness until but she could take in air even though it felt like she did not need to suck in. The ice cold frigid air filled every little pocket of her lungs, adding to the chorus of very negative sensations that tormented her in the first ten seconds of becoming aware. After the initial intake, her breathing became quick and shallow as panic set in from being unable to know where she was and why the world was harming her. Breathing through her mouth which now became usable, her teeth soon started to dry from the temperature drop as the interior lost its moisture and dried. Nothing else would move yet, but she held hope that this drawn out moment would end in her being able to leave wherever she was.

Thoughts were unclear and hardly even able to form, memories were gone and all she knew was this lonely painful place, 'I need to wake up! I need to wake UP!!'

'I need to wake... wake up...'

The awful feeling of her body being tortured by unknown machinations, yet she could not move.

'... wake up'

'Wake up...'

'... please'


Just as she shouted in her head those words, everything became clear as her eyes opened for the first time in what felt like eternity. As with her first gasp of life giving air, her lids snapped open just the same as if one were just then given birth by their parent. At first, only the blanket of white replaced the void she had been plunged into, this time it was blinding and excruciating in contrast to loneliness and fear. Just nothing but light and more light, permeating through her eyes and into her very skull. The change welcomed eventually by her, as it mean she had faculties available which seemed distant not long ago. Though her limbs were still nonfunctional, perhaps now she could at least figure out what was going on and figure out a way to safety.

Her breathing hiked up with her new eyesight, the blood in her veins on fire as adrenaline peaked. It took a few moments before she could pass through squinting in the brightness around her, eventually it subsided and thus evaluate her environment.

"W... where am... I?" she hazily tried to sit up only to not even feel like she did much than move her head about.

Before anything of value beyond the blindness was determined, she suddenly found herself yanked from the floor she laid on. Like some cruel joke by a god, she felt like a puppet flying through the air under a puppet master, just given enough freedom to know what was happening to her. What made matters worse were the thousands upon thousands of the spiky stars bumbling inside her, flaring up every nerve they could touch and stressing her body beyond its limits. She wanted to scream, she wanted to get away, to end it even if it mean being free from the tartarus she was in.

Nothing worked in her favor however, no voice which stifled the roar her soul needed to let out. No movement and numb legs and arms declared her inability to leave, that singled out and removed her wish to call it quits. Just the air whipping past her as if she were on a plane with an open cockpit, or like the pegasi of Equis going through clouds at high speeds. How she wished she never took that self exile just because she could not have her way. How stupid she felt, the hatred towards her past for the decisions she made that lead her up to this scared moment that she'd likely never forget.

'Please... make it stop...' she felt tears being dragged away fiercely from her eyes as they left them.

A loud scream shouted beyond her own tolerance to withstand as it almost shattered her ear drums, a torrent of many voices crying out as if death were claiming them. Their herald ended her flight which put her in a vertical position still above nothing but the clear abyss. Stopping her very body abruptly and painfully to the point she could even whimper and feel the tears roll down as her body endured the rumbling spikes in every inch of her physical form.

The screams still bounced in her mind, like a rubber ball foals use to throw at a wall and play games with. Even as she could practically hear a feather drop on whatever floor existed if there was one, the voices persisted and haunted her for a little while longer.

Closing her eyes, 'None of this is real... its not real...'

She repeated for a little longer until they went away, leaving her in a shattered state. Shaking even though nothing worked, why had life chosen her to endure so much when she already? Sure she knew deep down something tugged at her after being reformed that a punishment for someone as nasty as her needed to take a decent sentence. However, this was beyond what she expected, oh how she desired to be in another nightmare, to be hunted by the black fell beast once again. Because, at least that thing ended everything in a chase, never drawing out the experience like this had been.

Opening her eyes, she found herself in her dorm room once again. Lights were all turned on, the vents pumping cold air that she could feel even as she hovered in the air above the floor. Nothing was out of place, not even the stack of papers she made and piles upon piles of notebooks filled with everything for Twilight to help find the solution and enemy from. Even the ticking clock in her room faintly registered, it was all there and yet she knew she wasn't at the same type.

"Schrodinger's Cat..." she muttered.

Another blink of her eyes and on the sofa before her, with the back to everything sat a very familiar visage or at least the hair. Purple hair with a streak of hot pink running through it, there was only one person or pony princess with those mane colors.

"Tw... Twilight?!!" she gasped though the person failed to move.

"No... you’re not real... this isn't real." she realized quickly.

"Does it disappoint you? I was hoping this would ease things along." she heard a completely different voice emanate from the Twilight before her a few feet away.

As the masculine tone asked, Shimmer felt paralyzed for a few seconds as her eyes tried to track down the source knowing it wasn't the right source. Of course she was dreaming, so why would anything neither make sense nor try to make it any easier.

"Sunset Shimmer, a creature of magic from another earth? Well within my grasp as well as my sword." it was a man speaking, certainly not the Princess of Friendship.

"W-who are you!?" she stuttered in her immobile state of being.

Twilight's head moved up, jerking quickly and sending her long flowing hair into a subsequent wave downwards.

"I am happy this will only take but a moment, because that is all we have." he said as she tried to track the origins of the speech.

"Who are you!!?" she shouted back as best as she could.

Just then, she witnessed a very unforgettable sight as the Sparkle before her soon started to bend her neck backwards. Popping vertebrae and dislocating others to extend her head all the way to face her eye to eye. It was a sickening thing to see, and yet she could not turn away no matter what. With the final crack, the fake girl smiled and gazed upon her trapped form with amusement.

"I go by many names, but that is not what we must talk about. I am on orders here and my time is very precious, answer my questions and you may yet live through this." it said speaking through Twilight in the grotesque way she bent in.

Sunset wished she could shy away in disgust and revulsion, but she was still locked in place by some unseen force. Her head trapped in place so her eyes would not miss any of the disturbing ways the fake Sparkle moved and contorted. Though soon she disappeared after another blink of the eye lids, and Flash stood before her smiling innocently with no sign of the past Princess ever being around.

"Are you from Equestria too?!" she finally forced through her lips, her voice trembling like a quake wracking her body.


"Then let me go already! We have nothing else to discuss!" she yelled at him, hating the fact that this shape shifter knew who she was friends with and that disturbed her even more. Had she been captured by that group again and have another curse put upon her?

Flash lifted his left arm and grabbed it with the other, letting her fidget trying to figure out what was happening. He hesitated as her intrigue grew as well as her own terror, the pause lasting just enough for the maturation of suspense in its purest form to come to a head. He lifted the sleeve of his jacket to expose the bare skin for her to gaze at the show.

"No… I will say this never more, our time together is very short before your... Magic comes back, you need to know a few things." his chuckled as glyphs and characters of unknown origins began to form along the skin of the forearm.

Shimmer froze as she watched the scars manifest, ghastly imagery scribe onto him like he were a canvas. Something different penetrated her mind with how they seemed to have severe reservations with magic itself, this was no Equestrian that she was sure of. This was something even more powerful than those who stole the gem, the way it held her captive was a dead give away by having full control over her. It let her wake up like she did to prove that point, to let her know who was in charge. Once again, she begged to Celestia as to why she was the center of all of this.

"A magical horse has come here, giving magic of another verse into a new plane. I can tell you that you've attracted the wolves which will be very hungry no doubt. Not that I care of your little short life, something is coming that you need to stop for my Lord.” he said as more marks appeared on his face etched into the skin itself through vile means.

"Where am I!? Am I dead?!" she shouted before some kind of invisible hand gripped her throat just enough to choke a little air from going through.

Sentry held his hands up and positioned them towards her, one outstretched and splayed out while the other pinched the index finger. He smiled in a disturbing way, letting her watch as he pulled the digit back till it snapped and lay out across the back of the palm. The other fingers followed till the maimed hand became to broken to gaze at, so she closed her eyes. His goal achieved to keep her leashed in and listen to him.

'This has to be a dream... this has to be a dream... only a dream... only a dream!!!?!' ever synapse in her brain firing off trying to get out of the captors trap.

"Oh I assure you... this is no dream and your god can't help you." Flash's voice became almost angelic into the point where Shimmer no longer could even visualize him as the boy she knew, "A great battle is coming and it must not spill into this world lest the kingdom be destroyed. My Lord’s promised land, ours to corrupt… ours to kill… to control as we see fit! Not you or those magics your kind wields."

He walked up to her slowly and methodically, "The time will come... when this domain becomes... contested. The weight of the words will hangs in the balance, as there should never be a bridge connecting universes. It affects the order of nature, sharing the fate of one to the other and this little war in your home will be catastrophic!"

She could sense he was right there before her, forcing her eyelids to open to him and no longer was it Flash anymore in form. He was something else twisted into two beings, one she could swear possessed avian features and a haunting left eye that seemed owlish. Behind her, a snarl sent shivers down her spine which could then move, a primal fear commanded by the beast hidden from her sight.

"Your task will be to stop the powers over there from trying to breach into my Lord’s soon to be domain, and I can give you the power and knowledge to stop them.”, he shoved his face up to hers as if trying to see into her soul with eyes black as the darkest bottomless pit, "Just be a good little horse and follow the rider’s commands. You may even come out of this unscathed.”

A loud bang and party noise makers shot out into the realm Sunset was trapped in, her room no longer there. Instead, an all together more crazier insane world had now become of it, a mostly pink mix matched environment that narry a mind could fabricate even if a mental disorder was in play. Mountains in the distance where upside down, the lands pokadotted with checkerboard patterns on grass that transitioned to a wide variety of textures a structures that were a moss of many things. Trees merged into homes, cars with living things as they interacted with the environment. The sky a sea of different colors and weather patterns happening simultaneously to the point Shimmer felt if she had Epilepsy, she'd have had a seizure. Both her and the thing before her couldn't even register much beyond even fifteen percent of the landscape, it was all... Chaos.

Hands clapping signaled the arrival of someone who'd she never would have thought come to her aid. The chimera slid into view on her right side with gloves hovering around him all cheering to nothing, as he smugly joined the two. A snap of his bird claw ended the cacophony and soon appeared a monocle and a top hat onto his face, complete with a big mug with which she'd seen at gas stations for large sodas to go. Discord had said nothing as he drank from the nearly three foot tall drink and sipped away its plastic container, leaving nothing but the beverage which was discarded with a huge explosion.

"I do say the humans sure love their sugar and chemicals, quite chaotic with what it does to their bodies. Nonetheless I'm skipping... off topic." he introduced himself popping into place by teleportation on her right.

The warped Flash took a step back as if the magic off of Discord was a toxic fog, but never gave quarter refusing to step away from her than he deemed necessary. Clues though are what she was about to get and none of this would go without being memorized for her mental library.

"Oh don't be such a hissy and throw a fit there chum. Strange that I manifest into such a destructive thing in the human world, a fallen who sows Discord among man? You see I've been doing a little research myself just like ole' Sunny here, and I must say I never thought that the extremes humans live conveyed into their magical world as well... as buried deep as it is." he snapped his talons again.


Shimmer found everything that was wrong with her had been relinquished, no pain nor constricted movements. Though stiff joints and muscles were a bit of a pain to handle, it was far from what she had been not seconds ago. However, Discord had his tail around her to keep her in his grasp, a gesture she wasn't sure if that was a good thing or bad. On one hand that demonic thing had her and seemed about ready to do something vile, but Discord actually seemed to be the lesser of the two devils from what he did during his reign.

"Let's see...” Discord summoned a small book as he licked a talon and flipped through page after page before making a sound as he found what he needed, “Great Marquis of Hell was it? Andras? Seems you are the demon of thirty legions and sow discord for the summoned who calls upon you. Hmmmm…. Seems like you not only dispatch their foes, but you will them if you can to remove their existence as well. I can’t say you really are my other universe half in the human world, but they are quite the negative creatures so hard to say really?" Discord separated himself in two to demonstrate as his upper half held the equestrian flag, and the tip of his tail manifested the flag of Marquis’ symbol.

Sunset held onto the dragon tail as if it were her life preserver in the sea of evil, "She MUST go and stop the spillover from her world! Or else all will be destroyed by the titans fall." Andras appeared to be on edge ready to burst at this insult to his plans.

"Oh please! Gag me with a spoon and that old cliche is so old it’s covered in dead mushrooms! Sunset’s destiny is preset for her to follow and alter as she deems fit, and nowhere does it involve neither you nor your hot headed Lord of Lies. Besides with me around you can’t do anything to her no matter what power you seem to think you have." Discord looked to her and winked, a flea sized version of himself jumped onto her and worked its way into her ears which she barely felt if the horror around her wasn’t enough.

"Magic… you vex me you worm. So you’d make your own path on chance alone, and refuse my aid which will guarantee victory even if there is a chance of a price? Are you so certain you will save the world before the avatars of the powers shake everything down it their foundation?” Andras reappeared as Twilight Sparkle the human, a strong black wolf walked out from behind her as she petted its obsidian fur coat.

"Yes yes yes, I know already that's why I'm here. Not just to watch the disharmony, but to make sure the balance is maintained. In fact, I've been speeding along a few things to make sure everyone plays their part. And trust me Shim Shim, you don’t ever want to make a deal with these guys, they love to turn around and backstab." The tuft of his tail formed fingers which snapped again and the two were teleported into the air.

Andras grimaced, scowling in a way Sunset never thought her friend could feasibly do and look as malevolent. A sword of blue light formed in her free hand as large as her own body, though it looked like it was purely for show. The black canine growled menacingly with its gold eyes tracking them, if its owner gave the command it surely would have leapt up and attacked. Sunset felt the safest she ever did in the hold of the very being who brought Chaos to Equestria for many years, never wanting to let go.

"You do what you will with your little... darker version of Tartarus. My purpose here is to oversee and protect Equestrians, as my new job entails. However, I will be ensuring that you don't..." he reached to Sunset with his lion's paw and held it to her forehead, bringing out a twisting writhing mass of dark putrid flesh no bigger than a tennis ball, "Harm nor ever gain access to her home, they are under my protection even if you can't sense me. You’re just a little shrimp, following the swarm in the bay while I... I am the true god here and I know how much you hate magic..."

Much to Andras’ chagrin, he was turned immediately into a rather large crustacean that flipped and flopped on the checkerboard floor along with his vile hound. The little black ball trying to reach back to Shimmer had been flicked back at the shrimp below, like some nose pickings tossed by a foal bored at school. In an instant, Discord removed one of his horns and held it like a gun, taking aim and making the firing nose with his mouth. Though comical and lame, the demon below had soon been enveloped in a bubble of light, banished back to whence he came. The smoking horn was soon blown on to cool the hot tip before placed back on his crown.

"Now then Mrs. Shimmer, let's try to avoid that again shall we?" he asked her as they reappeared on a soft grassy knoll near what smelled like a chocolate river lined with soapy banks where ballerina bison drank out of.

Now released from his secure protective grip, she fell onto her rear stunned and shocked beyond reason. It earned a grin from the Lord of Chaos, but even he had his reasons to not draw the moment out too long. So as he sat down beside her, he extended his long neck even more into a long U shape till his head was right at her face, waiting for her to come back from oblivion. Once she did, the movement of her eyes giving it away, he made the most utterly ridiculous face that only a five year old could have thought of. Tongue lolling out, hands appeared by his face and fanned out, goofy eyes swirling in their sockets, and the biggest smile as he laughed hard and loud.

"GAH!!!" she popped off the ground and beheld the spirit questioningly.

"Ahahaha hahahah, you should see the look on your face! Priceless!" his retracted back into a normal position and the disembodied hands vanished.

She rubbed her arms and shoulders after the surprise wore off, but there was no going back to the old life she had. Magic and monsters and stopping them with her friends, and now she had just seen an agent of pure evil that put Tirek, the Nightmare Moon lore, and other villains to shame. Monster wasn't even close to describe the thing that was the Great Marquis of Hell, something as indescribably as it.

Discord noticed the returning feelings that soiled his recent attempts to help the girl, "My dear don't fret, he and his kind can't hurt you. Now scare you they may, and of course that will be all together on your ball court to not accept their gifts and rewards." he formed a basketball in his hands that he dribbled in place before shooting it into a hoop off in the distance, "But nothing he can do can make you do anything, so long as you have magic in you. Which by the way was how he was able to get so close to you, I see you had a little... accident?"

It all came back to her, the statue and how she felt sapped of her mana down to the fumes even, "The portal... what happened?"

"As much as I'd love to say what did happen, even if it was fun to watch, I don't like spoilers. Just rest assured that everything is falling into place and you have your best buddy Discord to watch over you?" he had at first put on a superhero outfit as Wondercord and was about to strike a pose.

His heroic stance had been shaken when he felt Sunset hug him, she even started to cry as she nuzzled her face into the blue spandex costume. With his arms raised above him at the suddenness of her embrace, he giggled lightly seeing how fragile even she could be after all she'd been through.

Through choked sobs she told him, "Thankyou... thankyou... thankyou..." rubbing her face into his noodle length barrel.

It was at that moment he remembered what Fluttershy told him during a particularly special tea time they had where they tried out some Germane recipes and tea. That making more friends other than her would be rewarding in itself. His sweet little pegasus friend and her cursed logic that spoke the truth time and again, he hated how she was always right ever since that day he relinquished his desire for sowing chaos back home. That and her heart was just so big it could fit him in there regardless of who he was, and it seemed that the little lost unicorn did the same as well from what he'd seen. He could sense the genuine honesty in her gratitude, then again who wouldn’t be when they were given the company of such characters this world played host to. Strange how magic in this world really worked, though he supposed that was why the human Twilight Sparkle was set onto the path to becoming who she would be. Indeed, she would lead a revolution of this world and free it from its tethers of misused magic, ridding the old system of its use and giving Humanity its own little version of Equestria where needs were met and good ruled after so much had been given to ruin.

"Well I guess that makes us... friends?" his eye brows popped off his face and formed two fingers ready to snap.

"Thankyou Discord..." she squeezed him one last time as lovingly as she could before a loud snap ended the moment.

After the Friendship Games

Sunset awoke to her dorm room, nothing out of place from the living room to the kitchenette, to the stairs and the bedroom up top. The TV was off and black as much as her mind felt at the moment. Once again, every limb of hers felt chained to something she could not see other than feel, and that caused a great panic as she tested the strict limits. All she could remember was that black dragon and nothingness, just utter nothingness like a black hole which sucked out a piece of her and it hurt like nothing she’d ever felt before. She could remember the spell to fix the human Twilight Sparkle and how it did nothing just as Discord said it would. The sheer blank expression that consumed her as she remained motionless to the retaliation which followed suit, how very afraid she felt that in all her best attempts nothing worked again.


“Why did it not work!?!”

She could remember all of it and how much of a failure she turned out to be yet as always. Even with all the magic they could muster and the corrupted version of Sparkle giving her an advantage, nothing went as planned. Why it did not work she figured was the lack of the Princess of Friendship that was a given in their situation. The conduit of true magic and the master of arts itself, someone who fate gave the resources to be the best of the best. While she a mere unicorn who tried to do what was best and came up short, and now here she was probably dead and in limbo. Sunset remembered touching up on human religions not long ago for hints at possible exiles acting as gods, as complicated as they were they all spoke of the soul in some form or fashion that gods vied for. She, now a human, it all made it very clear that death was something completely different in a world without magic she could feel and tether to.

“Why am I such…. a failure?”

It had been so long since she was in Equestria, but to unicorns and pony alike there always existed a realm the dead went to. Passing on from old life unless they were eaten by a rampaging monster, there use to be a place magical beings went to. She felt hollow and alone without it there to comfort her, the threat of going somewhere else than the field of Elysium. Did she even deserve it after what she did and the pony she was before?

“I… hate myself…”

“… I deserve whatever is coming.”

The air around her shifted as she felt movement nearby, disturbed from her melancholy as her senses guided the alertness onto the source. Her head pivoted around while her body remained frozen in place, the hair on her arms standing on end as another wind caressed her skin. Something was around and did not want to be seen, quickly misplacing her self hatred with an altogether familiar dark feeling. An old friend who plagued her since the cleansing beam of Twilight removed the cursed magic she forced onto herself through the element of magic.

Speaking of the devil, the very girl soon appeared before her after she blinked, looking as the same equestrian version of the being of magic and friendship. Dressed in her original outfit she once encountered when the shadow of greed and desire cloaked Sunset beyond reasoning. Yet this all felt very familiar to the former unicorn like she’d been in this situation before. It hit her as a sucker punch she once gave some poor sap on the streets who stepped on her foot by accident long ago.

“You…” she seethed as anger at the human world demon simply smiled like an innocent child before her.

Something happened to her when the possessed Twilight fired that spell, it wasn’t a normal offensive spell that she was sure of. If her moment with the Lord of Chaos was anything to go by, she lost her magic the first time as she catered to the malevolent being. So the chances were high that she once again lost the mana she was given by the very twisted visage of her fellow pony friend.

“I see you remember me? It has been too long… and no Spirit of Chaos to interfere either.” Twilight gave no hint to discern from as she maintained the happy gaze with glassy eyes.

The construct made to look like Sparkle reached out to touch Sunset’s face, only for a magical barrier to suddenly spark to life and zap the demon, “Marquis Andras was it? Guess I got a following then if you came to me for a second visit even after all, the Lord of Chaos made sure you’d never be able to harm me again.” Sunset grinned at the discomfort etched into its face , studying the hand which sported carbon soot from the burn.

The illusion scowled as if it tasted the bitterness of old milk by the mention of the deity, it growled in an unnatural deep tone. Dispelling the ruse of being the princess herself completely with such uncordial behavior that would make a noble faint, Shimmer delighted in its loss of footing.

“Astute as ever and witty nonetheless…” Twilight turned away and walked to the kitchenette, “Yes we are unable to do anything to you that is true, however, my intention is to only offer once more.”

“You bound me again just to keep pressing on that?! Nothing’s changed and we will stop this without your help!” she shouted with vigor.

The footsteps of Sparkle ended after she reached the fridge, opening it to withdraw something before closing the door. The inner light lasting a brief moment of the machine before it faded into nothing, something inside a container swished around. Twilight was intentionally sloshing it about to make the object present to all even if they were unable to view the action of its acquisition.

“Let me GO!!!” Shimmer shouted as her neck could only turn so far around and yet the whole scene behind her was nearly unobservable.

Through the quiet anticipation, Sparkle made her way over again only she appeared just before Sunset with the blink of an eye as usual. Before Shimmer she held a golden chalice emblazoned with iconography of alien nature and language she did not know. Dark sinister imagery decorated the cup section of the instrument filled with some kind of black liquid as dark as crude oil. A few gems inlaid into eyes or other things in the depictions, gleaming with beauty and perfection upon the precious metal construct.

Twilight stood before her still smiling as if the gesture never left her face, “Things have certainly changed haven’t they since we last met?” She tilted her head with that look which Shimmer desired to punch, “For the benefit of us both, you will listen and heed my words little horse. The enemy of my enemy is my friend as they say?”

The nightmare facade brought a hand to caress Sunset’s face, gentle and careful as an unseen power denied the prior pony the ability to move away. Fingertips just slightly cold tickled the nerves as they swirled upon her right cheek, Twilight moved to just inches from her victim. Breathing in deeply as she spoke in whispers, but as she talked there were many disembodied voices wracking her brain with promises of glory and control. Sweet honeyed words she once lavished, that was before the tiara she stole was placed upon her head by her own hands and the pain of transforming into that She-Demon was realized.

“Dear child… you’ve lost from the start and it will only get worse from here on out. So I over a little help to stop what is coming, to end the faculty that is pushing this all too fruition. I’ve seen it from one of the little worms that came through… and his screams were… delicious.” Twilight pulled back and stepped away from the bewildered girl who had no clue as to who the demon was talking about.

“You’re not making any sense, what great battle and who was this person you hurt!?” her mouth suddenly felt dry and her throat like sand, leading her to cease talking and cough through the imposed sensation by her captor.

Swirling the chalice’s contents around, Sparkle gave a rather unamused look at the trying intelligence it had to work with, “There was a reason why your little pony friend never wrote back. An outside force is keeping its grip on what is to come, because it believes itself to be the true guardians of the holy gate. Ever since they began sending their condemned to our plane, so have their minions to keep an eye on things and how bad they were at that job. How fun it was to hunt those horses, I almost considered it gifts from your world honestly. Till they managed means to protect themselves…”

Sunset grimaced at the notion it made, that many unicorns likely met their ends at the hooves or hands of this beast of pure evil. Yet if she even believed it, anything it even said was most likely tainted lies and devices to get her to do its bidding. If there was one thing she picked up on the mythos of this world, it was to never trust nor form pacts with these fallen or lest you risk everything.

“You realize I have no reason to believe you, everything about you is like a lie told in place of truth. You are all like mazes with no exit, to believe you would trap me in there. Let me go you sick Tartarus roach!” Shimmer hissed as she painfully spoke through the relenting soreness of her mouth.

Andras just shook his head, as the lavender skin of the fake Twilight began to form the same writings Flash had the last time. Like a floating buoy resurfacing, large and small runes glowed with the intensity of molten steel. Sentences could be made out along the arms and legs that were not clothed, even along her face things were inscribed as some kind of tongue of the demons. Though some of the letters Sunset made out to be of the human language she once covered in a class back when she was her old vicious self, not that she even cared about it. The memory whizzed by because of the way it was spoken and how it sounded, a faint bit of intrigue that lasted seconds at best before she went back to plotting how to win the next formal that year.

Sparkle giggled at the face she made trying to guess at the inscriptions she now hosted, but her laughter was far from human. It was deep and masculine, like a minotaur heavy lifter though even deeper than that and it echoed around the air. It had to be Andras’ true form hidden from plain sight as his avatar communicated for him, likely rivaling the size of the wyvern that haunted her.

“We are on the precipice of disaster unlike anything we’ve seen before. My Lord will not part from what is rightfully his, and thus since you no longer have the magic to fight again accept our help and power will be at your very fingertips even this new… thing won’t be able to withstand!” Twilight spoke, normal as if there wasn’t a grotesque being underneath that form.

Gritting her teeth as that was the most she could do, “I don’t CARE!! Let me GO!”

“Such tenacity will only get you killed, but without that protection around you from your god friend I’m willing to bet a few hundred souls you’d be speaking differently before me. You’ll have to fight alone until you realize what is happening, not that sticks and stones will do anything to your enemy. Until you call for me and me alone, I’ll let you go… you have a few new faces just dying to get to you when you awaken. Till we meet again.” Andras grinned as she started to feel movement coming into her arms, legs, and body with the rush of pin prickling sensitivity.

She fell to the carpeted floor trying her hardest to support herself, hands and knees quivering in mute pain, “I’ll be keeping this cold for you…” Twilight waved as the chalice disappeared and she started to walk off into the growing white light.

Before Shimmer could act or say anything, a sudden scream of inhuman origins nearly shattered her ears as she dropped herself to cover the ears. Her sight and hearing overwhelmed by the realm she’d been trapped in, the process of truly waking up slipped over her head. Where she was in the fetal position doing everything she could to stop the pain in her hearing and the pins in her eyes from the intensity of the vanishing dreamscape, a quick inhale popped her eye lids wide. Whiteness still pervaded, but in the form of foam ceiling tiles and a nearby wall.

Tiles meant she was somewhere like a place other than home, perhaps the school or a business. Considering she’d recently come out of the fight with Twilight in her dark form she’d have figured open skies and the grass beneath her to be what she woke up in. However, as her bearings came to she could feel the lack of her normal clothing upon her skin, instead the gentle cool sensation of a thin garb and soft sheets below her. Her dazed eyes looked about, finding machines and a couple chairs to her flanks along with a chrome rail up above in a U-shape. It had a soft aqua curtain halfway attached, moving as if something were tugging at the ripped off section which led to the ground.

‘I feel like that truck really did hit me.’ She muttered to herself painfully rising up in the hospital bed.

Groaning, her hearing came back to crying whimpers just as her eyes fixed upon bodies intertwined on the ground. She instantly discerned Flash Sentry and Principle Celestia, however, policemen were either knocked out around them, locked into submission, or clutching their groin in immense suffering. Celestia had just removed her foot away from in between the man’s legs as she stood up, her usually glorious hair frayed and messed up from the scene. She gave the subdued men a stern glare before blowing a few strands of rogue hair out of her view. Sentry’s arm tightened around the authority figure’s neck just enough to elicit a sputter for air, struggling to stand both of them up.

‘This better not be… it can’t be…’ her arms ached like no tomorrow, but her brain managed to shut off most of their whining as the demon’s words came back to her like a bad commercial tune.

The woman who governed Canterlot High let out her breath before turning to Flash and the other policeman, taking two steps before she was face to face with them. Quick as lightning she slapped the officer hard and the sound was both impressive and cringing, the pain of it could have broken any emotion state for a whole clean slate.

“I do not like being interrupted when I talk, as you can well see of your fellows here. Now as I was saying… you’re not from EPD because I spoke to the head investigator that Sunset would be left alone until she recovered. Having you storm in her demanding to take her down to the station in her state was a very bad choice to make. I hope you all learned your lesson, especially about what I’m capable of. So, who are you and where did you come from?” Celestia crossed her arms over her chest as Flash let some pressure off the throat.

Gagging and choking out air to speak, the look of horror and indignation was evident on the man. It had Sunset mute like a gargoyle statue, none of this all made sense especially seeing such a woman and teenaged boy be able to take down that many people. Whatever happened was fast and brutal, but how Celestia could do such a thing when she was always such a peaceful shining beacon of kindness flabbergasted her to oblivion.

Gulping air, the man soon appeared very nervous at where he was now with no support to rely on. There was no escaping what he needed to do to avoid ending up like the sobbing pile of mess nearby. Anxiety fell to defeat as he loosened his grip around Flash’s arm and gave a bit in his legs. They lost and now to the victor went the spoils, with his conquer lifting an eyebrow as if daring him to make her repeat herself.

“We’re from another world… ordered to watch these jailed… orders to remove a Sunset Shimmer… after defeat against powers of darkness…” his raspy reply wasn’t received very well.

Celestia huffed, “You did not answer my question, who are you?”

“Answer her!” Sentry growled in a rather cute kind of way Sunset found.

“Scholar Arcana Securitas Foraneus!!” the police officer cried out in desperation to lessen the anger of his enemies.

“Who are they? What is this Arcana?” Celestia dropped her arms to her side, her eyes never blinking once as they bore into the man.

“Equestria’s… scho… school of magic! Stewards of Equis…” he grimaced as if to say such information was bile in his mouth.

Sentry punched the man in the ribs and gained a yelp, “Why would Equestria want to take Sunset away? She’s been through a lot and now you guys show up?! Where were you when she needed the help?! Where were you guys when Twilight stopped responding to her and left us to deal with this mess alone? Huh? Can you tell me that!!” a quick squeeze of the choke hold he had earned a messy gag and clenched jaws as if the truth were hurting the officer just thinking about it.

Celestia changed her dour look as the mental state of Sentry tore at her, even with the sense of his questions it seemed the boy had a strong bond with the other worldly girl. A bond which had led him to act in a way that seemed to the principle from the boy she knew and the little band of musicians he led. One of her own students roughing up the suspect as if he were an adult, unabated by youthful ignorance and innocence as he had been hurt by Shimmer’s condition. She continued to study the situation as the person in their grasps answered.

“We’re… we’re just prison guards honest! We’ve been… tracking a few exiles for years and we kept losing them! Once… once we saw the battle, Smart Ticket said we had to secure the package to ensure she… she wasn’t cursed by the new nightmare moon!” the man whimpered and in all honestly he sounded true to his word, a pathetic soul who seemed like he did not even wish to be in the job he occupied.

The principle seemed conflicted as they handled the alien, someone from the portal and who obviously had something to do with all this magical nonsense that endangered her students and the world. Exiles here, she wondered if the origins of Princess Twilight Sparkle had been sending criminals to her home as a penal colony? Not that she knew much of this world of magic or the arts itself, having only seen battles be fought with it and nothing really helpful other than uniting hearts with friendship. She was beginning to have reservations of this place, but as of now they stopped their goons from making off with her student. A quick call from the nurse staff and the security guards here could probably hand them off to the right authorities.

“Flash let him go, they’re broken and we’ve gotten what we need. I’ll go hit the call button and…” the woman sighed as she started off to the big red button to Sunset’s bed on the right, only to lock gazes with the once unconscious girl who nearly died appearing very awake and very much aware.

“And what Principle Celes…” Sentry could only get so much out before he too received his shocking fulfillment at Sunset.

The policeman that was once in the young man’s grip was thrown into the wall just above the one still grasping his groin in solitude of pain. The two friends of Shimmer took slow steps as if they wondered if this wasn’t real, that the adrenaline of the fight still in their blood led to hallucinations. What chances were it that the doctors prognosis was wrong, that she wouldn’t come out of her coma anytime soon from the shock to her system. They had said she was dying spiritually, hanging on by a thread even though her body was physically fine. She had been the worse of the group, hit by that forsaken attack which had ripped out the will to live from what they all assumed.

Celestia hesitantly reached to the spot close enough to the girl before a quivering hand touched the amber yellow hand. It was really true, the heart beat beneath the warm skin as well as the bright clear ice blue irises reacting to them and a head pivoting in confusion.

In a slow fluid motion, Celestia wrapped her arms around the young girl softly so as not to hurt the hospitalized patient. It tickled a bit through the feelings her body received, the heat of the woman’s intimate distance going through the hospital gown, shifting the clothing as the ability to feel and move really became something she appreciated. The scent of wildflowers from Celestia’s colorful hair was a welcomed relaxing feature, seeing as the two rarely met each other in the past and now this close. Sunset really didn’t know what it was like to be within such proximity of her principle, much less found to be cared of by like she were family. Barely a breath could be sensed from her, even as the girl wondered if she could ask her burning questions yet.

Of course they’d be stalled as she caught Flash whose right hand cupped her left cheek ever carefully. He had tears in his eyes as he sniffled from the growing waterworks of his fragile emotional state towards her liveliness. The jacketed free arm went up to brush away the tears as a choking sob escaped his restrained demeanor. Here she was between two people and not a clue as to what was going on, nor how to react to the pile of bodies before her that apparently were Equestrians in disguise. As if finding out who Greed was in those tombs and books she went through days ago was hard enough to comprehend, all of this would end in a taxing day and a hot shower with one of Pinkie’s bear claw pastries and a warm cup of coffee.

‘… Do I really deserve this?’

‘Of course you do my dear, your journey is far from over…’ something that sounded like a microscopic Discord spoke up.

‘Discord?’ her eyes widened at the voice inside her mind.

‘Yes my dear, and I’m quite happy to say you passed the test! Now we’ll see what happens because of it…’ he cackled happily as it faded away leaving her confused at what to do.

Ch. 38 Adagio for Strings Part 1

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Ch. 38 Adagio For Strings Part 1

The food had soon been cooked, seared, simmered, and served before the fifteen who had seated with some extra chairs brought out for the sirens and their human compatriot. It was now that Tis had gotten hold of her anger and simmered down in a slightly broken chair that had once been throttled away. Much to Yellow’s amusement, Sonata found the squeaky noise the furniture now made to be like that of a little mouse peeping out of some corner of the home. Tis seemed to get the reason for her giggling and found her honor was not shamed in that action, thus the wrathful creature abstained from more violence.

With the remaining leftovers placed on serving dishes and positioned at the epicenter of the glass table, there were easy takers for more. It was after all the final dinner before the big shock and return to a world they knew. Adagio kept to herself and monitored the behaviors of the little feast, wondering how long they all knew each other and the amount of time it must have taken to tolerate one another. For her, the oyster had opened its shell and revealed the pearl glistening in all its opalescence.

Chewing into her fork full of food, ‘A very interesting bunch here, far more entertaining than those snot nosed brats at Canterlot High or anywhere else we’ve been. Then again they are Equestrians… humans are boring compared to these ones here, such a temper Tisiphone has almost as if she made herself out to be some kind of vengeful being like me? I'll savor her sob story when the time comes.’

Her inquisitive covert gaze studied the quiet and sober woman, trying to find any noticeable hints as to her origins before she popped the question. Arms which looked to be barely evident to the power and rage she demonstrated earlier, she appeared to be nothing more than a china doll as the human saying went. Her facial features carried a weight of their own like a predator at the top of the chain mixed with womanly allure.

‘She’s no me, but I do have to give her credit where credit is due. A sound tactic to appear like a glass model, only to harbor the ferocity of a Dogan whale underneath that placid calm. Makes me wonder what really exists out there back home that I wouldn’t have come to know about if that didn’t happen to me... to them.’ Dazzle tilted her head and swallowed, mulling over the information of the one called Tis.

Yellow cleared his throat after a few mouthfuls, “So Mrs. Twilight Sparkle, I think we should all be very thankful for your participation in this matter at hand. I believe without you, the two of us…” he set his fork before him and spread his arms wide out, “… would never have seen eye to eye so easily. You’ve outdone yourself in more ways than one, and so thank you.”

“I’m just happy I can be of help, especially after now and the resources you’ve given me freely. All of your contributions will aid in making my home planet a safer place for every human, animal, and plant. Gee! I have so many ideas to test out for clean energy and defensive spells alone?!” the young woman who had been handling her glass of water set it down and pulled out a small notebook merely a few inches in either dimension.

“You see, a flat out genius we were given by fate. Emerath if I ever believed in your gods I’d thank them myself.” Yellow laughed as the elegant man scoffed before resuming his meal.

“Aye then lass, to what do ya plan on mak’n?” the Scottish maintenance worker still in his work cloths asked before stuffing an entire chicken breast into his mouth and chewed it loudly.

The leader of the group egged on, “Indeed, I think I speak for everyone here that we’d like to know more about your plans with magic? After all, unfortunately as you heard and no doubt have been meaning to ask this, where will the magic come from once the portal is gone? Are you still going to help us now that the cat is out of the bag?” his eyes shimmered with a golden sheen for a few seconds, fading to gray.

Frozen Heart looked up with a rather saddened expression as they all had been wanting to know where the human now sat with them. Having absorbed so much magic as of late, but to soon run out of it eventually once the bridge had burned. They all took heed of her compliance and it intrigued them to no ends at how well the human seemed to either not care anymore or valued the sirens she teamed up with since the start. Would she penetrate the time and space barrier sporadically to feed like a mosquito upon Equis and risk causing some kind of catastrophic event? Even the Empress seemed to give a little glance over to the four, and with all the eyes upon Twilight she had to give the answer which had become muddled now.

Twilight gazed over to Adagio as if asking for permission to speak about it, and the golden siren held a moment before nodding. Sonata gently elbowed her with a wink to also give her assurance at the little surprise she had to spill. Though Aria seemed like her old self and shrugged, half lidded eyes and attitude to high heaven which Sparkle quickly took as her little mask while in front of Yellow and his followers. So that was it, admittedly she wasn’t planning on having the gateway removed for her to come back. However, she took it well only because of her powerful capabilities that opened up portals to Equestria, solidifying her confidence she could become a mage of all magics to be practiced and learned. Able to tear through the the wall between universes at will once she honed her abilities. Though still all for the sake of the betterment of humanity, and not to become a tyrant like the rulers of Equestria who allowed ecological disasters to go unpunished; for who knows how long.

With a deep breath she attempted to still her increasing beat of the heart, “It’s alright sir, I had already promised to go with the Dazzlings so I may use the environmental mana there to always be charged up rather than having a battery system here. If the portal was to still be up that is.” She grinned sheepishly, “Adagio made me a Dazzling not long ago and I want to help them bring the rightful justice they deserve. Over the empire that carelessly acts with abandon like the Rainbooms and their reforming spell if that’s what they use.”

A few eyebrows rose from those who thought to see a more broken and in denial husk of a brilliant mind, others waited to hear more. It was Paradox and his little chubby self who looked pleased to see that an intelligence had not been wasted and rather lept at the opportunity as it presented itself. This little human reminded him of his old self before being sent to the human world, good memories of chances and risks before the red robed Arcana puppets came.

“That is a bold move Adagio Dazzle…” Yellow gave her a sideways glance.

“Private reasons only for us to know about, but rest assured my little siren here has what it takes to be one of us in one form or another. She knows where to put her vast curiosity and somehow… pull out of a bottomless pit before it is too late.” She looked at the human with a soft motherly smile, “It was her decision to come along, no magical enchantment, and no songs of our doing in case some of you were wondering and I know you were.” Dazzle then returned her vision to the gathering, strict and stern as she could shut off her own emotions like a light switch.

A few nods were seen, “She’s right, and to add, I used the weeks preceding now to understand and apply the magical arts to enhance and replace the infrastructure of my country and those abroad who suffer. I recently developed the O.W.E.G. design which uses momentum spells to propel a fixed amount of water until the caster ceases which generates clean electrical energy by spinning the turbines without having to dam a river and spend the costs of the maintenance of it. Depending on the size of the final model, jobs can be made anywhere and everywhere, employment easy through training of users and safety for the environment. I also have ideas for a conical weather shield to deter clouds from solar farms to increase productivity and increase the duration of solar exposure. Oh! Oh I also have fuel free vehicles using levitation spell and certain crystal capacitors that allow a vehicle to forgo wheels as traction and instead hover! Portals themselves would remove tons of vehicle traffic off the roads everywhere and employ casters to operate, utilizing many depending on the size of the shipment. After seeing what I can do accidentally, opening a small wormhole would do wonders for global needs to send goods and aid to disaster areas. I thought of creating conduits for heavily used ports and depots, structures to build and maintain beyond operating. I could go into the cost effective ways of using magic to handle waste as well or for space exploration!” Sparkle’s little excited rant ended when a gentle finger paused her lips, Adagio looked a little peeved only to sigh and smile seeing her cease at her command like the good Dazzling she was.

“You have been studying, that is good and you will have no restrictions in Equis to do so. You’ve really thought this through haven’t you?” Yellow inquired as the forks and spoons of everybody stopped moving, all now really focused intently for the answer they were waiting for.

Swallowing a lump in her throat after Adagio removed her digit, “I… I have Yellow sir, after what we’ve all been through since I came to know Adagio, Sonata, and Aria I know I have more than just a calling to science and knowledge of the world as well as magic. And I intend to see through it all while handling everything else, it’s what friends do for each other. Best friends…” she shivered under the many, feeling a tingling of sweat starting to pop out of her pores as she became ever more nervous.

“BESTIES!!” Sonata shouted loudly and tightly hugged the poor girl who yelped at the suddenness of the physical contact, her glasses skewed.

It became hard for Adagio to sense the air of the group of exiles, some were easy to feel as they displayed some modicum joy and excitement. Those like Tis, the short gruff red headed man near Yellow, Havoc, and Monet were the ones she had no feelings that her senses couldn’t taste. This limited information available to her was a bit miffing, a siren could detect any range of emotions even if they were but whispers. To meet such creatures who could either hide or had excellent control over themselves, was a very bad position to be in. The golden siren had been sure these criminals were lacking in magic, but perhaps it was a time to rethink the resources they still had beyond what was needed for the travel fee.

“There you have it everyone, just as I expected of my little gems…” Yellow sounded proud, “Now that we have that cleared up, I believe we must yield our end of the bargin. Adagio? Do you have anything you’d like to ask of us? After all, we are suppose to be working together as one and I can safely say there are no Equestrian saboteurs amidst your number.” His smile came with the insult, though as a fellow leader and her caution towards Twilight she had to regard him with some modicum of respect in that.

“Good we see the same way and think alike, I had you all pegged as well… unstable individuals with the whole demon thing coming to ruin our coming reunion tour.” Adagio admitted and expected a minor upheaval at her choice of words, not that she cared really.

She did acquire negative emotions at the use of unstable, though the flickers of emotional responses were brief, “I can assure you we are any but, though I can understand from our initial meeting that I may have been a bit… overzealous.”

Aria huffed, “Ya, if you call deceiving us, pulling out dead souls with magic, and ranting overzealous then you hit the nail hard.”

“Please excuse her, she’s an idiot. Now I’d like to know more about this threat you all seem to stand against under one flag. I’m sure we don’t have to worry ourselves with our beautiful crowd slaving voices, but if they are dangerous enough that even the God of Chaos deems worrisome then as Matriarch of this pod I’m required to be concerned. Could you perhaps go over where you came across such knowledge of these demons?” Adagio took a sip of her water and held firm for an answer.

Emerath did not take her words easily as he scowled directly at her like a noble before a peasent, “Children the lot of them, do we really have to handle this one Yellow Tail? She seems like the ever scheming ones, and the gods know those kind well… never the good bunch of them when the thick gets thicker.” Tis notably eyed him with disdain yet not giving a response of any kind.

Frozen Heart however voiced his conflicting views at the both of them, “They will be the ones to open the portal or at least ensure it will not be closed off. You should have a better line of respect for them if you wish to go back. However I do agree with him, aside from the human I too feel a bit of the itch to my better judgment. I’d like to see something more tangible with trust here.”

Adagio suppressed the want to scowl, she could finally sense emotions though none were all that well received. Though she was finally happy to have something to hang onto and keep her radar on alert. They were afraid of her pod, they were still unknown and it was a good thing for them too. Which meant they could manipulate if needed, or play it as cool as the arctic waters and let them ride this out.

Yellow took notice as well and gave each of his comrades a quick look over, it appeared as if things were not going the way he wanted. Group inconsistencies, a delicious situation if it wasn’t banking on them all working together for the last push. Negative emotions all around and nothing to feed on, the lead siren was very displeased with the new heading yet as with anything else her mind soaked it all in for further information. She watched Yellow as his eyes glimmered again, like a gold coin being flipped into the air that Havoc seemed to catch. The man with sass licked his chops and settled against his seat, he looked as if he’d seen enough to know what was coming.

“I don’t need to remind anyone at this table what it is that we face, what we are trying to prevent. If anyone here enjoys this dead world and a short human life, by all means depart from this room and be on your way." his venemous tone spoke and for a time he waited to which none moved out of their seats, "I’ve shown you what we will be ending before it begins as some have also stumbled upon, I had hoped you all to be smart enough to realize this. Have you not all come into this fold much like these four girls? Unknown and prying for what scraps of bread to pick up for your own survival and contingency plans? Emerath, you may have an invaluable amount of resources of foreign help to give, as well as your desire to please your gods who see the vile filth as much of a stain to Equestria as the rest of us. Do not let it cloud your judgment.”

Something about the head of the snake once again gave a quiver within Dazzle, just like the first they met. A kind of power within him that was not exercised outright, but flowed from the spirit not quite like the mindless monsters of the forests and oceans. He hid something from view, scraping off just enough for him to use to keep the others in line from the hint of magic she sensed. Magic infused with spiritual energy like negative emotions that tasted colorful and hard to hone on. Adagio could see the group’s dissenters waver under the might of Yellow's aura, not like the domination she used on Aria and Sonata whenever they got out of hand. If she assumed correctly, it was a miasma of some kind that was very subtle, fog that induced fear. Few races could caste such a thing, so what was Yellow Tail to them and Equestria?

“Understood.” The British man conceded and took a sip to withdrawal from the situation.

Frozen nodded and said nothing just as the others, turning the celebratory dinner into a graveyard devoid of liveliness. No one objected any further which meant Yellow was back in control, a rather scary development to the sirens and Twilight.

“Now, with that settled, Adagio I shall answer your curiosity. I suppose that is a valid query and one I should tell you now than later. Where to start....” Yellow soon brought his wine glass to his lips and took a short sip.

“Perhaps as to where you came to believe in these Demons you speak?” she asked in a more precise manner.

He nodded to her as he took a sip from his glass and sat back, “I had once been a unicorn Adept of the Arcana myself back in the good old days, pursuing my thesis at the time of taming the more monstrous creatures through the use of melding so they could see the error of their ways and learn to live harmoniously or at least to the extent of Manticores and Dragons compared to Quarrey Eels and carnivorous plants. I believe… yes, I had gained passage to the western coast of Equestria past the borderline and the guards. I had a pass through the Scholar’s symbol only an Adept could have, I’ll show it to you when we replace your gems, might come in handy. Anyway, a place nearby the abandoned Trading town where ponies once lived until they left after the Unification era.”

Adagio quirked an eyebrow, “You don’t say?”

“Yes, I had chosen as my independent study to search for the proof of my thesis. To track down a notoriously large and aggressive Wyvern to experiment on, and do not worry the process is harmless. Now….” He began to eat into the salad dish, “The Trading town use to be a prime harbor for businesses until the ponies pulled out, once the ships stopped coming so did the lives that use to call it home that were said to be of others like griffons and minotaurs to name a few. It had been a place devastated a few times after a random tsumani struck it periodically over the ages. Said to have been alive since the Iron Age and that is saying a lot.” He gave a snort.

“Neighwesterman sir.” Emerath said as he looked on with disinterest though a tad bit of apprehension edged on his words.

“A yes, Neighwesterman, that was the name… so oddly enough when I gathered a raven and sought the trail of the magnificent creature as it called the decrepit harbor home. A sinkhole opened up underneath me and at that moment I thought I was dead.” He sighed as the memory became a vivid recollection.

Near the end of the Equestrian Reneighssance…

The darkness was thick, sand continued to sift through the many fissures of the rock around. It was a trench of some kind, etched away by underground waterways which receded and gave way to the surface weight. A chamber pot of some design, unique how nature acted behind pony eyes even for earth ponies the land still had its own mind and life magic could not manipulate.

Yellow shook the pain away from hitting a few surfaces of jagged rock on his way down, thankful the trench bottomed out and allowed the sand to filter further down into the landmass. Otherwise as his brain figured, he’d have had a sand burial this day and no one would be there to mourn him. The sands were loud as they were filtered from him, his soft blue coat and sea green mane came visible as his horn became the focal point for a Bright spell. His flashlight shone the new surroundings he had fallen into, a cave network as it were and one he’d need to evacuate soon unless he risked being trapped in the earth.

“What a time to regret not learning levitation spells…” the stallion batted his mind in frustration, he had favored biomancy instead and though it got him so far it had its shortcomings.

His dark chestnut brown eyes gave a look over himself as he rose up with the bruising laughing in his face despite the pain killer spell he tried to use as well. It appeared fortunate he still had his saddle bags with invaluable equipment guarded by a shield spell just for such emergencies. Though the rest of him was worse for wear as the royal blue Adepts robe only one of his station owned began to stain with small cuts along his coat. Nothing a few healing spells couldn’t fix, and a quick test of his skeletal system proved he thankfully had not broken a bone on the way down. The depth of his near death had him curious enough to look up and that he regretted immediately.

Looking up the light of the fading day was barely the size of a carriage, “Guess the luck of the draw or the Princesses saw it fit that I survive. Not sure how I’m going to get out of here now, what was this cave in called again? A swallet?”

Sand still pouring down though they’d soon disappear, Nickle Flame looked back down the only way out of the chamber. No other fissure than ahead which had any number of death sentences for him if he was far down enough. Anything from creatures of the nethers or poisonous gases from nature itself, but he had come so far and to call it quits now would be a fatal mistake. He though how strange another pony in his place would be panicking and likely harming themselves out of fear. Perhaps the thick welt on the back of his head meant that he had a head injury?

“If only Topaz Luster could see me now, she’d be hurling playful insults like no tomorrow....” he said to himself as he began to trot with a slight hitch in his walk to the hopeful exit.

Plenty of Gypsum rock was evident around him and the reason he was down here. The ocean water must have been slowly coming in and out of the ages, probably making a giant sinkhole under the town too. Luckily for him, the waters made the way out easy to negotiate and easy on his hooves, though some hard work was needed to go up and down, squeezing through the smallest gaps. The darkness and claustrophobic trek had yet to still get to him, though a trickle of something warm and wet down the back of his mane reaffirmed the reason. He’d need to reach the surface soon and perform the necessary first aid before infection set in.

“Just my luck I was close to the specimen and I get tossed into a hole… Typical.”

What felt like hours or days, hunger setting in, Nickel did not cease as he hurried along the more he felt he was losing track of time. Not to mention his mana was slowly being drained by the Bright spell he used to see with, he had likely a few more hours before his well was drained. It left him at a disadvantage, which the negative emotions from that were abated by the hope of finding water. If he could locate a submerged section, it meant he had a way out and he could use the last of his mana to create a bubble of air around him. Permitting him to swim out to the ocean most likely and finally escape even if it was a risky chance. That plan in of itself was also a death sentence, then again he had no choice if the water crafted way did not lead upwards somewhere soon.

Twenty minutes passed and still no sign of where he was going, though the lapping of water in the farthest reaches finally spurned hope. It sent the unicorn scholar in a rush to get out, as the air was slowly becoming less and less oxygenated. That had been his mistake and undoing, as the cavern opened up ever gradually with its water smoothed textures. His hooves lost their grip and he slipped and stumbled down a steep decline, crying out as he desperately attempted to both stop himself and avoid knocking his glowing horn into the hard unforgiving stone.

“FOR THE LOVE OF CELESTIA AND LUNA!!!” he yelled as he became little more than a yo yo spinning and hitting the sides every so often.

It was a harrowing moment for the young mage, as a surprise fork in the road soon appeared and he hoped he could push himself to one side lest he split his back in two.

“Come on…. Come one!” he kicked at the nearest vertical face and took the right.

“Please by the Daughter of the Moon let this be a way out!” he said in harsh whisper as he was either heading to more tunnels or into a bottomless pit perhaps one with sharp stalagmites to make his end quick and with less suffering.

He journeyed for another ten minutes, slowly greeted by a green light up ahead which grew and grew till he realized it was a way out. Giving a quick holler of thanks to whatever god saved him from the depths of the nether, he soon slid out like a shot puck and into a brightly lit area. Of course he couldn’t focus on it as he fell and fell still, easily washing out his prior joy of hope as a body of water closed up on him. It was deep thankfully and with an Airburst spell he had saved himself from a painful landing. Using his horn to condense the air before him and released it forward, slamming into the glassy surface of the neon green lit water. The pressure wave was enough to that he all but belly flopped and floundered onto the small island of dry land in the center.

“Sweet Celestia this wasn’t in the plans at all!” he hacked out seawater from his throat he’d unintentionally took in, “Just hope I didn’t fall into a nest of something…”

Letting his eyes leak away the salt that seeped in his frantic splashing, the burning stayed even after he long climbed out drenched to the core smelling of seaweed. Of all his travels this had been his messiest yet, and he’d likely never hear the end of the taunts when came time to return from either the student body or the staff.

“Where am I?” he let himself become aware of where he was at after letting go of his predicament in cleanliness.

His head rose up and gandered at the tremendous little pocket in the soil, completely eroded by water and time by the looks of it. It was as if he were inside a hallow gourd with algae and plants stuck to the walls like a foals first piece of artwork in school. Some gave the source of the light that allowed him to see, the rest were normal by any means to describe as they probably fed off the rock or the light in some kind of mutation that let them survive. Rock up to the top looked as soft and bulbous as Hematite, how strange nature acted upon this place and secluded its little life in the safety of the depths.

A slight shiver escaped Flame as he realized something crawled in his coat and robes, looking down he beheld the wiggling forms of tiny shrimp and fish. They appeared blind and nearly pale to any coloration, but upon further inspection when he carefully plucked them off his person with a little spell. They frantically reacted to being levitated before his muzzle, giving the affirmation that they did perceive some kind of sight.

“Guess the flora gave them just enough to keep some kind of vision? Incredible?!” he noted in his head before returning the creatures back to the water and continuing his investigation.

It became clear where he was as he neared the center of the some seventy foot mound out of the moat of lit water. His hooves crunched on debris and shells as he gained an conflicted look to what appeared to be a broken brick structure just enough for a lone pony to live in. It was odd that such a thing even existed what was likely hundreds of feet below the topsoil, though whatever built it was likely passed onto the next life if the barnacles and dead sea grass along the exterior were clues. Then it started to make sense to Nickel, how the chamber appeared as it did with life. This was definitely constructed and meant to look as such, it had a purpose and he’d only find it if he managed to get inside the masonry.

“This was no ordinary pony hoof built construction, all of this had to be from a unicorn or a team of them. Maybe… ah, I was right then.” His eyes had just barely begun to look around the old rock when the slight remnants of stone stairs came into his inspection, rubble trailed to the water garden which his eyes looked towards the top where what was likely the passageway.

Like a wad of stuck gum, soil and soot had congealed from the exit which meant the way had long since collapse from natural tectonic behavior. With as far as it was it may have sealed over from something up top, but it mattered not the fate of the stairs as the structure begged to be explored. So the young scholar paced around the square building trying to discern traps of any kind if the magic or mechanisms even lasted long enough through the corrosive salt or time. Though that was hoping he was right on the age of the entire thing room and all.

“Well, I can’t sense anything primed or ready and the sea lice have done their work on anything of wood, nothing but rust and more rust.” He did a second glance just to be sure before coming up to a collapsed section the stairs had once been.

He tittered slowly, careful over the broken bricks and mortar to avoid injury or setting something off he wasn’t accustomed to yet. At first it looked dark inside, as if light was absorbed by some blackness even Celestia’s sun couldn’t pierce. Still could be a nest for any kind of nasty evolutionary child of time, so Nickel drew in a deep breath and summoned a mana flare into the structure. It hissed into the air and bounced about like a glass orb, fizzling sparks and an eye searing ice blue illumination. Its tinkling ended as it came to a stop in the dead center of the interior, shadows were caste and the abyss finally relinquished the treasures thrust upon Flame.

“Whoooooaaa….” He gasped softly.

Within the drab stonework appeared to be something vaguely similar to what one would find in a shipwreck to an extent or a left over farm of a rock farm. The few tapestries which were not whittled away by organisms or exposure appeared to be pre-equestrian with the barely visible iconography of the one and only Faust. She was myth at best, but many saw her as the mother of Equestria and nothing more since texts from that far ago had been lost to the past. The dyes that colored the clothed paintings were washed out, a long lost version of Equestrian language scribbled in black or gold trailed up the vertical banners from the shredded bottoms that crustaceans must have eaten. Nickel stepped into the building to get a better look while the flare lasted, it was a sad thing he was not a historian otherwise this would have made his life easy. The textile art appeared to glorify Faust with her being halfway discernible on all of the works, though something akin to fire and arms reached up towards the light of her horn.

“To see such things last this long in such a humid atmosphere… shocking!” he gawked before looking elsewhere for some new discover.

To his left, he missed what appeared to be stacks of carved stone cases all of which opened from their faces. None had locks or any that even existed now, though they had been vacuum sealed as it felt when he tugged away with his magic. Though the defense wouldn’t hold as the cases cracked and released the suction to each one he touched. Gifts from the gods came in the form of perfectly preserved stone tablets that held away from the sands and life. It was at this time Flame counted the stores before him, all in all he had sixteen to go through and a lot of material to read in a hurry lest the tide start to come in and destroy what he opened up just then.

They were interesting to view the runic symbols of lost languages and imagery, all stockpiled neatly and orderly through some kind of system a librarian would love, “Priceless… absolutely priceless historical items, but why were they left here?”

The stallion questioned it again and spun his head around to really see the room itself. He was not prepared to see it all in its full glory, a moment in his life he would remember forever more.

Back to the Dinner Party

“So you essentially stumbled upon some kind dwelling purposefully dug deep to hide things?” Adagio asked as she still gave rope to the story.

“Yes, it turned out to be a grave to some unicorn noble or royal, I found it hard to tell apart the rank without being an anthropologist as their silks and such were long eaten away. Nothing but bone.... I knew a few good ponies at the time that could have needed the treasure trove around the crumbled bed the corpse still laid in.” He answered taking another bite of his food again.

“Go on.” The golden siren waved away.

“Okay, wait, what kind of time frame are we considering all this? I’d like to understand this from a historical perspective to see how ponies lived and evolved through technological and magical means… if that’s okay with you?” Twilight had interjected with a stern need to make sense of everything, though becoming timid when she realized everyone looked at her with questioning gazes.

Yellow laughed a little, “That my little gem is probably good of you to know and for all of us to connect the dots then. I’d have to say my time was of course near the Modern era of ponykind, but the knowledge I had acquired looked to be early Pre Classical Era or late Iron Age. Reason being, I noticed a well carved picture of a unicorn lord surrounded by followers similar to how human hieroglyphics appear. Detailed the rule of the stallion during the Demonic Age, though at the time I could only assume through imagery without some way to interpret the literature. I matched them with human history and I was able to make a rough idea of Equestria's timeline. Largely due in part to the others here, all are from different epochs on Equis so that helped fit the puzzle pieces together.”

Emerath cleared his throat, “Equestria’s Arcana has done a great misdeed by covering up the past before the Windigo Winter and Hearth’s Warming Eve. No pony actually knows about the founding of the old empires and cities, nor Fausts sacrifice to stop the horde of the unclean, all the better to keep the demons from public knowledge and from enticing them to break free sooner.”

“Quite true, I had to burn the runes of each tablet into my skin and fur to preserve them for later, I barely found enough resources to translate much of them after I escaped the tunnels. Only outside sources of Canterlot were able to figure out what I had found, though interpretations varied. It seemed as if the start of the Pre Classical Era was the demon era, where the true Cutie Pox outbreak had actually occurred no matter what anyone else says. Magic was then granted to pony kind to use beyond the smallest tasks, giving unicorns the ability to attack and defend with magic itself as well as possess infinite possibilities in spell crafting. Pegasi could control weather rather that keep aloft in the air beside their bodily proportions to naturally keep them off the ground. The Earth ponies were originally just strong natured and muscular, but they soon could cultivate the land and handle tools they crafted themselves. I can assume all this because the Classical Era followed after the…” he tried to continue before Aria grumbled loudly at being lost to the topic that swayed.

“Layman’s terms people! Some of us are not savvy like you all…” she hissed to no one.

Yellow shrugged at the girl’s butting in, noting his eagerness to talk probably ruined what he had to tell them. Though going by word of mouth could only be trusted so much, he at least looked forward to going back where he had the evidence to speak of. If it meant keeping the sirens in his deck of cards, it would be worth the hassle.

Sunset's Hospital Room

Shimmer had been given a briefing over what happened since she was knocked out cold, the rush to the medical facility by an ambulance, how the doctors thought the numerous symptoms she underwent was catastrophic organ failure, only for her to suddenly come out of it in a self induced coma that thankfully had only lasted eight hours. Of course during the explanation, actual human police officers removed the imposters with one being tended by a nurse for his rather unfortunate condition. All in all, no one was hurt from the magical fight between Twilight and her, no one having seen the girl since. As it turned out Flash and Principle Celestia had remained by her side out of worry that the new She Demon would come after her while she recovered, and how right they were though for another foe.

"Wow... just wow..." Sunset appeared utterly out of it as she fathomed where things had taken a turn for the unbelievable.

"Ya, so it seems folks from your world are here and are acting of some kind of other leadership. I don't know what they would have done to you or if you could have been released, but I'm glad the staff here let us stay." Flash rubbed her right shoulder.

"Investigator Dusty Thumbs has left two nice officers stationed at your door till your better. As much as I would like to stay here, I do still have a school to run and the outcome of the games to determine with Crystal Prep." Celestia wore a solemn pain knowing another incident might occur without her here to protect the young woman, "Flash, can I trust you to be here in my stead? I'll excuse you from any obligations to school and inform your parents where you are at?"

The boy nodded, "Understood, besides after that I don't think I'll want to leave anyways. All this magic stuff going on, with the way you are Sunny there's not enough help in the world right now."

His insistence was charming at the least, and of course the little kiss they shared before the battle recalled the newly built bridge between them. An extra pair of eyes in the room were not a bad decision either, if more of those Arcana henchmen decided to send another squad after her. She had no magic to protect herself and her body as it needed to heal, the great hole in her heart where mana use to flow with the gentleness of a calm stream surfaced just then. The girls and her were as vulnerable as mice in a box trapped with a cat, they were easy to dispatch targets of opportunity. If what she remembered of Twilight were something to haunt her even during a time of peace.

"... Adagio sends her regards."

Celestia could see her student contemplate her life, a troubled and stressed out young girl that did not need to be placed into a corner. Though if fate played its cards right, perhaps there was a silver lining somewhere in these dire times. Internally she thanked whoever watched over humanity for her not being in Principle Cinch's position and having to explain to parents about their missing child after being overcome with magic and wreaking havoc all around.

A quick chortle at the quagmire Canterlot High had become, seeing as she had little time to sleep before tomorrow and the insurance company as well as the board of schools she'd have to call. It was possible try to put Luna in her stead if just to ensure Sunset would be safe to the next day, but the priorities of reconstruction were too high a duty even for Luna. Celestia neared the exit to the hallway, hugging herself as she still tried to wrap her mind around the fate of Twilight and her students. Where her students even safe and could they move on from these magical disturbances if they persisted?

"I bid you a fast and quick recovery Sunset Shimmer, I'll see you at school soon." her motherly smile seemed to smooth the anxiety evident on the girl.

Before she could turn the handle of the thick wooden entrance, it swung before her and at first it was a nurse backing in. Though it appeared she had someone in tow, that or a cart of some kind perhaps a tray of instruments to check up on Shimmer since she awoke?

"Now be very careful, we don't want to cause anymore harm to you than you've already sustained. Your lucky its just your radial nerve and not your back, young bodies are so resilient even at your age." the uniformed registered nurse stepped in, Celestia backing up to let the new arrival in.

"Ms. Caring, I'm almost thirty years old, I'm practically nearing that age where my bones will ache in the cold and I'll need to sleep longer." a strange voice which sounded oddly familiar croaked with a crack in the feminine voice.

A plump lime skinned old woman of the hospital cleared out of the way holding the hand that lead up to an adult woman. One who slowly limped in wearing a plaid long sleeved shirt in an array of blues and red, worn blue jeans showed patches of her bare skin, and black boots with mauve lightening patterns going towards the floor. Celestia stood stock still as her vision grasped the visage of the young woman behind her a few feet away, only older and taller with the same red hair with blonde streaks through it's curls. Though unlike the student, the luscious wavy locks were pulled back into a ponytail which showed off the numerous marks and cuts on the left side of her face. Dried blood and some bruising was evident, emphasized with many stray ends pocking every direction in its frazzled state. She had to be ten years younger than herself, but it was so hard to believe anything could trump the disorder that passed recently until now.

"Mrs. Shimmer I must take this precaution as nerve damage is no laughing matter even if you feel fine. You still have the test to determine the state of the nerve itself, and let us hope its only partially crushed rather than severed." Caring shook her head at her patient's desire to avoid treatment.

With a giggle from the older Sunset, it wasn't long before Celestia and her met each other. For the other party, she winced at the ghastly shock that partook the principle, causing her to stop against the nurse's motion and jerking her. Caring huffed as she glared at her charge, surely a good tongue lashing would rally in the rebellious youth.

"Sunset dear now I know your worried about the hospital bill but you... must...? Honey what's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost?" Caring looked behind her to see Celestia gobsmacked and a miniature version of the woman she was bringing in peaking out from the still broken privacy curtain, followed by a young blue haired boy.

Ch. 39 Adagio for Strings Part 2

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Chapter 39 Adagio For Strings Part 2

“Please excuse Aria once again, she’s more of a straight to the point kind of siren. How about we just stick to the supposed evidence of these beings of tremendous fear?” Adagio looked at Twilight who opened the can of worms of the tangent.

She winced realizing she had been the cause as she did ask about the timeline when it technically didn’t need to be established yet, “Right… sorry.”

“Whatever?” the bored Blaze crossed her arms and rolled her eyes to the behest of her leader.

With the night starting off rather unwell, Yellow decided a summarized perspective would be appropriate, “Perhaps this way I might be able clear everything up, what I’m about to tell you is the culmination of everyone’s lives in Equis before they were sentenced here. So please pay attention.”

Adagio narrowed her gaze in a warning fashion to the girls, ensuring they’d not speak up and muddle the conversation again. Her rebellious subordinate just scrunched her eyebrows downwards, giving her affirmation that she would remain as still as a barnacle. Sonata gave a nervous shrug and patted Twilight on the head, even she knew well when the matriarch was not in a joking kind of mood. As rare as it were to even see that side of her, things were serious at the moment and dawdling was off the options.

“That goes for all of you as well, the quicker we all understand the coming fate of Equis the better we can get on with our lives.” Yellow waited till the rest gave some kind of acknowledgement, “It is believed that ponies were barely magically capable and yet made it to the iron age with the aid of unicorn magic. Being able to arm their herds for protection and establish villages for trade and safety, at some point the wish givers arrived at the start of the pre-Classical era also known in those carved tablets as the Stupendous Era. Though I’d refer to it as the Time of Sin, as around the early onset of the age came the one pony who wished for true magic for ponykind. For whatever reason it was desired, a powerful demon gave the wish a whirl and thus pony magic sky rocketed into fathoms yet unknown.”

Adagio twirled her fork in the air looking at it with minor amusement, “So ponies were essentially boosted, something like Starswirl the Bearded would have been impossible otherwise?”

The yellow skinned man gave a clap of praise, “Yes, that is rather true as after the wish, ponies of all types began slowly with each generation to manifest powerful magics that gave them the edge to prosper and overcome the hostile environments back then. Could you imagine a unicorn barely able to do more than lift a laddel or a spoon much less a few pounds of iron ingots? How about an earth pony only as powerful as the equines of this world? Or a pegasus whose wings were but peacock feathers for attraction and to ward off predators? Perhaps that is why the wish was made, though that history has long forgotten about it.” The man then took a sip from his glass of blood red wine he had served to all but the girls, Pandius had the desire to add to the lecture as she smiled at Twilight specifically.

“My kind, Changeling kind, were there during the time of the Wish Givers. I but a nymph when the wish was granted, so I was lucky enough to be born into the lands of pre-equestria during this critical transition our prey undertook. My mother founded the first hive, and to her the magical beings as the ponies became known for were something all new to feed on as their love became sweeter and more potent with the great wish. Even she had never figured out why some stallion or mare could have wanted such power for their kind…”

The Dazzlings kept silent as Yellow gestured with a sway of the hands to continue on. “With magic came the smarter ones, the tablets told many stories of unicorns who studied new ways to perform their magic while Pegasus kept to the skies and the freedom. Earth ponies of course were able to farm rather than gather and cemented their families in safe zones they guarded with brute force. Though as the three tribes began to ascend and create societies beyond your little settlements, it was said that a few unicorns had awoken to the dream they were all living in. The larger the concentration of ponies the more chaos and discord were spread about, and that began the times of Upheaval. When ponies realized the Wish Givers in sheep’s wool were granting desires to all who sought them, the problems that pervaded infant kingdoms and lordships were soon given a source. Though it would take a few more decades if the material dating was done right of course for the reason to be understood.”

Twilight tapped her chin, “Makes sense… I mean if there is a plague going about it affects the city centers far more than outlying towns and off the grid homesteads. So you’re saying no one noticed what was going on until the festering wound became the symptom?”

Paradox pushed away his empty plate and belched loudly, “Precisely fraulein, ah your connection came from very smart und creative early mages. Zey somehow detected ze negative emotions caused by fighting und madness being absorbed by the Wish Givers.”

“Like you brave lot, those Demons used their dark magic to make certain realities come true to an extent. Like the Jin of this world in those little lamps you rub, but a wish made came at a cost no matter how detailed it was. Ponies found their simple requests turned upon them and their neighbors, all to the Wish Giver’s delight as fighting began. Though they did not seek adoration as you three did, they were biting flies getting their fill of a blood meal before retreating away until another feeding was needed.” Emerath sighed as if he lived through that era himself with a flavor of disgust and pain mixed in his words, “Their existence in pre Equestria did all it was meant to do, as the great wish of magic intended. Soon, they needed not to grant wishes as they just relished in the new world order they sowed the seeds. You can imagine how ponies grew to adapt to their meddlesome interference with their ascension into true magical beings, tyrant lords and despots ruled with gold and power or held onto resources each tribe valued above all else just to survive. You can guess that tribal sectionalism was in effect since then.”

Adagio kept still as she listened to every word as if they were precious bits of her life bargained away at an auction, not even turning to look at Twilight who could not help but react, “That sounds so horrible, but I can see the plausibility in it. I mean ancient times were breeding grounds to myths, lies, and fables to control populations, then throw in actual wish givers to give the upper hand on those who’d play the opportunistic predators. The Battle of Troy is quite an applicable event in humanity to compare to, though I suppose… now’s not a time to go over that. Um… well… desperation becomes the driving force for loyalty and power. This all points some kind of experience these demons have in doing so, did they originate in the lands or where they possibly roaming around from place to place? I believe to understand a foe you have to know where they came from?” Sparkle inquired.

“They had no origins to speak of, just a roving nomadic species that preys on new grassy pastures sort of speak. I believe it is safe to assume they knew what they were doing and how to have gotten around without being noticed.” Serak said as he played with his food in thought.

Yellow chimed in, “Nothing more could be found in those stone tablets I’m afraid, likely any literature or such during those times are rare or lost to time. However I’ll agree on your standpoint Mrs. Sparkle, though that leads down to a whole other topic of discussion we can save for later.”

“I wonder if they could have acted and behaved like any invasive species that occur in my world or… here that is? Like the constrictors in Florida or the lionfish in the southern gulf? If they can give wishes to their benefit, then get rid of competition like sirens or other emotion feeding beings? To perhaps cover their tracks and place the blame on others, and I believe that has been done too many times in this world to count anymore.” Sparkle sighed as the last ten years the global relations were starting to crumble.

The griffon faux human swallowed a spoonful of Monet’s onion mushroom sauté, “There’s no telling what the old stomping grounds could have been like, without historical archives to go by that is. Those limey sods were devious I’ll grant that to them, and when they get out they will likely repeat the same strategy to that effect. Once the magic has been reclaimed by the greater demon we believe caste the one wish, no creature that is not an avatar of negative energy such as sirens, changelings, dogothas, and dragons will have the power to stop them. Nations will go to war, and the world will burn without the magical ley lines that were put into place. Wishes will be at an all time premium and suffering will beget more suffering…” a disgusted expression painted upon the gray skinned man who set his plate aside, “More banishments here and there, they may even make a new portal with the old one destroyed by us. Any who stand in their way will be exiled to who knows where just like Tisiphone and her… uhhh… oops?”

That was when a spike of hate came from the violent woman near Adagio. Whose powerful emotional rage surfaced as the sound of a truck backfiring in a crowded street to the siren’s senses. The silverware she held bent and twisted between her fingers and a growl eased out putting the Dazzlings and others on alert. Sonata being the first to bring her gem to glow, the others following suit though whatever they could do against someone like Tis would be an afterthought.

“Are ye daft in the head woman?! We’re at dinner for evan’s sake!” the scottsman slammed a fist into the glass table and cracked it, though it held up form through the abuse with Frozen and Paradox giving a very shocked look at his show of strength.

Yellow gave a perturbed look at the damaged furniture their food rested upon now precariously. The steaming woman demanded attention as a few bent chairs or the table surface were barely even a concern at the moment. Yet again, Tisiphone had lost her calm to the only thing that could, and the innocent instigator had just a pure slip of the tongue on the black list of words to never mention among the group when gathered together. To bring up even the mere mention of her sisters and being exiled again from her work let loose the levied control someone like her could hardly keep up. Considering how little the human world meant to her purpose in life, he was graced with a generally peaceful spirit of vengeance. Though now was beyond that, and it needed to be shut down before something or someone was annihilated.

Taking the situation by the reigns, he stood up and walked around the table seating till he stopped right beside the ticking time bomb. All other eyes tracked his gait when they looked up from the utter trash heap in the center of the room to the sound of his heavy foot falls. The exiles that knew him acted as high school students about to see a fight break out during lunch. Aria’s finger trigger over her pendant wavered once the murmurings of Tis reached her ears, a language she did not know that had a physical manifestation within her body. Nerves started to flare a little, like a burning match touching her randomly across the body. Amidst the sensations starting to flood her system, she took heed of her leader who seemed to feel it as well if not stronger. Possibly from the immediate closeness to the origin, though like Adagio would do she just poised herself to act and wait to see the scene play out.

“Shou… should I use my magic?” Sparkle whispered to Dusk whose entire alertness focused on the present danger before them.

Shaking her head with the single ponytail of blue hues wagging, “No, trust me. We got this.” A blue arm stretched over in front of the human girl before sharing a wordless conversation through eye contact with Aria to the right.

The man waiting patiently by Tis ran a hand through his oxblood hair, the pain in his face like a father dealing with a rebellious child and heeding no caution in the slightest. To Adagio, he seemed calm and collected regardless of a very hazardous situation tempting to explode right there, but then again they really had not known him for who he was and thus surprises were abound. Surprises Dazzle would find out and remember for her later use, everyone was a potential enemy to her pursuit of conquest.

Yellow simply held a firm stance, speaking with a frustrated tone, “We’ve been through this Tisiphone, you promised to abstain from getting too angry with this until we returned home. Where you could go back to what you do as you were made to do!” He said while spreading his arms outward in a move to receive.

“Uh? Sir? Are you going to let her do that thing again? You are aware of the risk of doing this so high off the ground if she knocks you out of the building right?” Serak warned looking back and forth between the two as the air became thick and tense, earning a questioning look from Adagio and Aria.

“Tis! Just let it out right here and now, you’re not going to endanger this co-op!” Yellow pointed to his chest with a thumb, “Serak I know what I’m doing. Besides, I could use the reminder of why we’re trying to leave this barren wasteland! TIS! Do it.”

While the sirens questioningly observed the interaction, they were in for a rather unique insight in the group’s methods of handling each other. With the woman’s strength already shown, Adagio expected a solid hit into the barrel of the dense assertive man. Aria and Twilight were slack jawed by the lengths being taken to subdue one of the groups own, observing intently to see what all Yellow was referring to.

No one could have prepared for the moment which came as quick as a hummingbird zooming through a garden. Tisiphone bunched her arms together and then swung her left hand behind her, sending the crumbled utensil embedding itself into the wall with a muffled ding as it pierced the beam behind the drywall. Moving to stand up, her right hand gently pressed onto the translucent furniture which then shattered as she exerted a little extra strength beyond necessary. Half eaten plates and surplus food were in mid fall with wine glasses and crystal cups of water, the shards making the song of destruction as it rained onto the wood tile below. Most of everyone could only blink and try to sit up as liquids and moist edibles cascaded onto their laps and foot ware.

Just as chaos descended supper for the meeting, that very hand that pushed the damage caused by Magnus past the limit. A fist formed and whipped at the assertive man nearly too quick to see as Sparkle could feel adrenaline course through her blood. Tis’s body twisted in her seat as she made contact where he told her to hit, though in reality she just acted upon her violent tendency and had likely not even heard a word from him. Those not reacting to the mess in the making had front row seats to the vanilla colored knuckles sinking into the olive shirt of Yellow and inched into his body even more before the sheer force of contact started to move him. Without an anchor or support, he rocketed away into the wall behind his own seat at the destroyed table which terminated to the large open view glass windows to the right. By fate’s fortune Tis had missed sending him outside the structure for a good fall onto concrete or a parked vehicle, his body impacted hard enough to imprint his back into the surface of the apple green wall just above a set of drawers. He made no sound even as the crunch of what was hoped to be wood beams creaked loudly the girls had heard rather begrudgingly.

The simply dressed elegant Amazonian woman breathed heavily as she put her all into that throw, through her clenched teeth she hissed in air. Right arm still extended, though it slowly descended as her fury fell away to an empty cry. Magnus seemed to chuckle at the violence, having been quick enough to grab his large crystal stein holding a few swigs sweet red wine he then chugged on the spot. Emerath cowed away from Tis as she recovered, realizing then that he could have been the one she targeted if Yellow had not taken her fury. Paradox shared Adagio’s facial expression of awe, his cheery demeanor was but a memory. Frozen and Monet seemed to overcome the shocking feat of strength to eye their ruined clothing, oddly enough Inferno held his plate of what remained of a steak as he resumed eating once it was secured during the initial clash. Empress Pandius simply stood up and walked away, feeling the sickening wash of negative emotions that left her empathic ability screaming to get away from the loveless atmosphere. Old Oak, however, was the only other one to rise up go to Yellow as soon as his body fell out of the vertical barrier. Where he landed harshly onto his elbows and knees coughing for air as dust from the wall caked the back of his shirt and pants.

‘This is not possible!? How can she be so strong and he be so stupid to take such a hit!?’ Adagio shouted in her head with her free hand which wasn’t already on her pendant groped for Sonata only to reach empty air, ‘Who are these crazies!?’

She looked behind her for a second and already Blaze, Sparkle, and Dusk were out of their seats rearing to defend themselves with whatever means possible. Aria whispered something to the others with a very displeased frown as the trio stepped backwards to the living room right behind Pandius. Though that ravishing woman seemed to keep going and disappear out of sight from where they came into the condo. They left the golden siren to herself so close to the unknown entity, and it made her feel rather proud among the mix of emotions already garbling her mental state that also wanted to throttle them for not giving her any queues to move away. They immediately shored up with the weakest of the pod safely behind their bodies knowing she herself had proven well enough to stand toe to toe with something out of this world. Even if that example marred her personal record of being resolute, it still provided the mistake at the Sushi Bar to be a red moment of how far her powers could go beyond singing. She’d have to congratulate the girls on acting properly in the face of such danger.

Oak dusted Yellow off as she checked for any wounds he possibly suffered, her hands going over his back for signs of anything broken or slivers of debris embedded in the skin. As it seemed Tis however would receive no care or act of friendship for her little outburst, who would want to risk their health anyways? All alone as her power fell away to her heavy huffs, she fell to her knees saying nothing just as no one else did. A few shards of the glass table lay near her, reflecting the suffering she bore as the magic she expended left a void in its place.

Yellow began to shuffle towards the fallen Amazonian, “See… told… ya I could… take…. Take it.” His haggard breath astounded Adagio seeing Oak and him move with extreme care.

A stock photo in a black picture frame fell as the anchor to the damaged wall finally gave out from the rumble caused by the human body being jolted near its placement. The glass cover shattered and added one last ambience to the atmosphere before a tearless sob began to emanate from the hunched over figure of Tis. By then she’d become far too much of a disorder of feelings for any siren to determine if she’d lash out again, Adagio maintained caution when she confirmed that magic was indeed used just then. To that she back stepped away carefully as Yellow and Oak approached Tisiphone, step by step just until Sonata tapped her shoulder.

Whispering in hushed tones the golden siren gave her orders, “Guard up, keep distance from that thing, all brawns.”

“How are we suppose to fight something like her?!” Aria fired back raising her tone nearly to noticeable levels.

“Not sure, however, we book it if she goes on a rampage. We’ll find the portal ourselves and figure it out, Twilight knows where it is anyways.” Adagio jerked her head at the one in question, giving a little grin to the three.

The ruffling of movement by Yellow ended their conversation as he talked again, “No need my… little… gems. Ahhhh… Tell you what… what that was… all about… later.” He held a hand to the site of the attack, looking extremely winded though not badly in much pain as he could still be able to speak further.

Old Oak having acted as his extra leg and arm gave a scornful glare at the squat figure before them in her pitiful state, “We all suffer Tisiphone the Fury, we all want to go back as well and properly mourn those we’ve lost to our confinement. But you’re acting like a foal! Please remember what I’ve always said during our talks, pain is pain yet only you can turn it into suffering.” Those gentle ageless turquoise eyes of the rather mellow lady spoke of a history between the two, possibly the one who helped the lost soul stay in check.

“Let me go Oak… I need to… get through to her...” the injured man stumbled forward as his help did as she was asked.

Taking mental notes of the interaction between the two, Twilight then heard someone behind her speak, ‘Just give the word…’

Her head swiveled about, no one was around her other than the sirens before her and Pandius in the hallway closing a door. The Dazzlings were quiet as she had been, like meerkats watching a beast on the prowl. Without a clue to glue to, Sparkle was ready to shake it off as stress induced paranoia being once again placed in a room with a powerful entity just as she had with Adagio.

‘Tell me you want her chained down to save everyone else… Do you really think that man can contain that thing!?’ it said again echoing in condo that only she seemed to hear.

‘Please stop!?’ Twilight thought to herself, ‘We don’t even know why she’s upset or who she really is. Jumping into action now would be costly especially if she does not relent. Where are you anyways? Who are you?’

For a moment there was no response, Yellow had by then carefully knelt before Tisiphone with Oak remaining close by looking worried as anyone else. It felt painful not being able to do anything or help in disarming the conflict that budded out of nowhere. Though common sense learned after Adagio’s incident made it all to clear of what the proper course of action was to be taken, Sparkle would never repeat that mistake for the rest of her life.

‘Fine…’ the voice said oddly enough close to her own voice.

The others of Yellow’s group who kept their seats then stood up as one and filed out and away from the splash zone. Emerath left for the kitchen with Monet as the rest stood at the opposite wall from their leader save for Havoc who knawed away at the bone for morsels of flesh clinging yet still. Either he was a stubborn Equis denizen or he really had no inkling of what was going on, either traits were logged by Adagio for later contemplation. This group was either stupidly powerful or stupidly idiotic even more so than Sonata on her worst days.

Dazzle gazed on as the interaction played out, Yellow giving it his all to plow through the injury he sustained and suppressing the need to shake his diaphragm, “We all know Tis. We all know why… you have half a day before we leave for home, then you can make up for… for it all. I need you to do… this for me, keep calm and wait till we’re back on that magical world… Can you do this?” his eyes gained a glow like gold coins under the sunlight, a hand on the woman’s bare shoulder.

The hippy woman was next as she crouched down beside Yellow, “Listen child of the all mother, you can feel the pain of your loss… accept it and overcome it. A solution will be soon at hand so do not feel the temptation to act just yet, calm your anger and know a time will come for all of it to be released. Of everyone here, I am most on your side. The balance of any forest or jungle has to have its lone manticore or hydra to control everything else.”

It took thirty minutes to dissolve the situation, but eventually Tis relented and went back to her old self if not a quieter version. The Dazzlings were excused from helping pick up the mess of the table and were told the rest of the meeting would occur in the main room and the discussion would continue on. Taking the offer quickly, the girls quickly took for the cover of the long black leather couch before a large screen that had to be the television. Adagio and Aria took the arms while Sonata and Sparkle were sandwiched in between which all four sat silently in listening to the many grumblings and clatter of cleanup.

While the meal was put away and the living room made spotless, Adagio took the moment to think over the ordeal. As it were, Yellow Tail had a very dangerous wolf in the group who was unstable at best that suffered from a very traumatic event which accompanied their arrival to the human world. One that might equate to Adagio’s own, if in a much lesser way though uplifting her addled mind to see she could at least be a functional pup of disaster unlike a certain someone with a record as it be.

“Well… so much for the great gathering of like minds!” Aria scoffed indignantly as she rested her head on a poised arm, elbow digging into the furniture’s fluffy interior.

“She was like freaking out and such, like for realizies she scared me!” Sonata pouted as she rests her head on Twilight’s shoulder and nuzzled in, she of course did not bat an eyelash at the behavior with her brain on full speed thinking over greek mythology for the use of the word Fury, she knew about them after researching the ancient stones the girls wore.

Feeling the warm breath of her best friend tickling slightly her neck and chin, Sparkle felt a little more at ease with both the issue with Tisiphone and the person she could not see and whom spoke to. It was a comforting act by Sonata, one which further justified her reasoning for joining the sirens on their quest. Human interactions and proximity that were not met with bullying and meanness, skin to skin contact and everything which came with it stabilized the swarm of analyzing thoughts with the scent of blueberries subtly wafting off Sonata’s person. Just like the old days when she unknowingly garnered her classmates despise for being smart or those end of the year tests, and he'd hug her till she felt better.

“Easy girls, we’re not out of the woods just yet. So far we have barely any knowledge on this gang of sorts and I intend on not jumping into the depths without a good pile about them. I’d love to just leave without them, but something tells me my little jump to conclusion means that Yellow probably has the way to activate the portal rather than us just throwing our power into it. A door has to have a key even if they keep referring us as such.” Dazzle sighed as she rubbed her temples to relieve the stress piling up upon her.

“I can’t even believe Yellow could walk after that?! Did you see how far he flew? How is that humanly possible even with a little magic? He said so himself that mana was a fixed asset to them, just enough to use on the portal?” Sparkle asked as she tried to forget the voice from earlier.

Aria waved her hand about, “Probably some kind of creature who can take a hit real well. Doubt they have any magic for defense at this point.”

Sonata’s arms wrapped around Twilight as if she were a stuffed cuddle animal, “She like really needs to cool off, I mean what’s the point of getting so angry over the past right? We did fine and we’re still here?” her innocent outtake held no dents of reality, she seemed to have missed the tragic sense of Tisiphone missing her siblings and what strange duties they performed as a group of Equis as their version of Furies.

“If she’s really a Fury as in the Greek stories from where I learned about your human equivalent… then you have a right to be concerned Adagio. I think we all need to know who Yellow’s allies are before we go to Equestria... we may very well be in a room filled with cyclohexane and a light bulb in the ceiling is broken.” Twilight’s warning put a disturbed her leader as much as Aria’s on a normal day, as if she did not already have her own magic to contend with and the disembodied voice now accompanying the symptom list.

'Its all worth it, it is all worth the trouble even if... there is an undying spirit that punishes evil acts. Because Adagio won't really want to take over her own world and enslave lives... which would draw the attention of the last remaining Fury... right?' she thought with a drained spirit.

Then the voice came back again, 'She's not to be trusted... see what is in front of your very eyes and tell me she is not forgone?'

Ch. 40 Adagio For Strings Part 3

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Chapter 40 Adagio For Strings Part 3

It took a good half an hour to remove most of the incident from being an eyesore, though the topless table legs with black powder coating stood alone. The skeleton surrounded by metal framed cushioned seats left an empty feeling in the dining room, but the use of it would be needed no more after the night passed. The girls could hear and occasionally see the exiles take turns changing cloths from the fiasco earlier with the two bedrooms by the main door, it seemed they still wanted to keep up decor all aside. While much of the minor conversations between all those not participating in the restoration of civility of the room were small and whispers at best, nothing to note as important out of the small talk. Eventually the Dazzlings were soon amidst Yellow’s force as everyone aside from Tisiphone and the Lich found a seat somewhere or simply stood in the living room. Empress Pandius revealed herself just as Yellow took his seat at what Adagio had coined in her mind as the master seat.

A black leather cushioned recliner which she had wished she’d have taken first if the incident with the Fury had not had her mind on edge. As once the tired and abused man plopped into the furniture, the evident coziness tantalized the golden siren like a nice sweet morsel before a beast of the jungle. As much of a shame of a loss as it were, she still managed to maintain her superiority over herself and kept a professional air about her. Creature comforts would come later once Equestria was theirs for the taking, and Canterlot’s palace would become their den of relaxation and pleasure.

Aria watched the Changeling royal strut her way through the odd circle made by everyone else gathering around, giving no hint of care to the sirens themselves and their judgemental stares. The perfection in the woman’s physical features irked Blaze not because she had beauty beyond compare that even she herself was unable to stop from thinking about. It was the pompous attitude royals and nobles shared, the traditional nose in the air and personal bubble no one could touch unless given permission to. It reminded her of how her mother treated her almost as such, a runt who needed to be preserved until she hopefully grew into her own. Worry over any physical activities with the other pups would result in an injury or even singing, her one thing she desperately wanted to prove herself to the pod and it was out of her reach.

Twilight and her were stirred by the upfront action by the very Empress who approached the still coughing Yellow and proceeded to claim his lap as her own private seat. Like the dame who perched herself on the legs of the detective of old thirties era films, though unlike the movies Pandius simply sat affirmatively as if nothing was wrong. Her hands placed on her own soft spring green skirt covered thighs in a regal manner, though calm claimed her facial expression as if waiting for something to start and need of her input. She had changed out of the black suit she wore to dinner, having not expected the incident to sully the fabric. Aside from the fresh skirt, upon her upper torso was a starched long sleeved marigold blouse that accented her glorious blue locks. A low chuckle came from Magnus himself sitting as the short man as he were against the nearest wall away parallel to the sirens. Sporting a white tank top slightly stained by where ever he worked in the past and rugged cargo pants flayed at the edges. He was a hairy little man, unfortunate for the Equis child to be turned into such a fuzzy ape, it made Aria shiver in disgust at their own bodies. In his meaty hand he nursed a metal can with a white body and a gold cap, the thumb opener long since popped. He peered at the corner of his eye to the left where Yellow and Pandius were, still giggling as he shook his head at something.

Emerath had chosen to stand nearby the squat male having removed at least the suit he wore. In favor of the white dress shirt with the stripped red and black tie, his pants looked as if they never were touched by the chaos of glass and food. Adagio wondered about him since day one, showing the signs of perfectionism and acute OCD some humans had. How somepony like him seemed to have the air of a businessman and successfully make it in this world puzzled her. A pony actually adapting very well to this dead world, even if he was a self proclaimed scholar of any sort. She determined he had enough brains to manage and trudge along, tenacious to say the least.

The tall Englishman crossed his arms crossed over his chest as he carried on talking to Monet who pulled out a folding chair from a nearby closet. The shortest of the females in the group, but she was a far cry from Magnus. She appeared to be among those who mimicked the average peasant in the human world, a simple shirt and shorts which mirrored her standoffish nature as it were. Havoc had the other recliner though it was a far cry from the one Yellow used, going by how content the man was it looked to be enough sitting on the other side of Monet. Frozen Heart and his broad shoulders were positioned by the sliding glass door out to the balcony in between both her and Yellow with his supposed mistress. The wall of muscle seemed to find the outside interesting enough seeing as how high they were and the night lights illuminating the endless roads and the expansive town which should be a city by the scenic view. Dazzle could read every twitch, contraction, and relaxation of the powerhouse within him, underneath the simple white hoodie that barely fit and the baggy kaki's. Paradox had chosen to use one of the dining chairs and pull up beside Aria's side of the couch, giving her a silent wave to which she huffed at and did not register much else of him. Having changed into a Hawaiian flora shirt of various colors buttoned up with simple olive green shorts to replace his thoroughly ruined outfit. Oak took a stand in between Magnus and the two awkward looking adults, having been the last one out of the kitchen with freshly washed hands. She had thrown on a long white robe cloth, barely scraping the floor as she walked to her spot.

The puff from the head of the couch over Twilight’s head came from Serak who took the long seat to rest his elbows and weight upon, leaning over the girls and smiling to them reassuringly. Out of everyone present save for Tisiphone and the Lich, he was the one the sirens had some contact with to the point they’d tolerate his brash assumption that he could sit over them. No longer in his company outfit of obsidian suit and hat, the other Englishman simply sported a deep turquoise dress shirt and jeans. To Twilight it felt weird to not see him in such formality, though he still maintained a proper air about him. She felt a little more relaxed around the guy, as did Sonata and Aria a little bit. He had a face and a body of normal people to match, and thankfully he was a calm one. Speaking of which, the last two were nowhere to be seen and the Dazzlings were rather happy about that. Like cats being threatened with a water bottle spray, those members of Yellow’s cabal were far too dangerous for their constitutions.

Serak cleared his throat bringing everyone to attention, “Well sir? Shall we continue with the meeting? I’m sure everyone here wants to know more about the Dazzlings as they do us?”

“Yes, now try not to upset the others as well, while I recover with the help of her highness I’d like to be in one piece before the show starts.” Yellow gave a minor glare of disapproval, coming from how he was the one who set off the woman earlier.

With a nervous chuckle, Serak rubbed his head in shame, “Right… sorry about that, won’t happen again I promise.”

Adagio took that moment to dive in, “Before we do though, I’d like to know more about your little… entourage for the safety of my sirens.”, she peered at Twilight, “Plus one, I don’t like surprises as we’ve been privy to already.”

A loud laugh escaped Magnus who soon let out a deep belch while rocking on his rear, “The lass has ye by the baws Yellow! Don't worry, I ain't biting.”

“Considering ze conditions, she has a fine point Nickel. I believe it is time for ze introductions.” All eyes went to Paradox as he suggested the proper start to their cooperation.

Most nodded to each other save for a few who seemed to not care either way, Adagio took in their mixed reactions like a camera filming. In some way she felt like the dynamics of her own pod were mirrored in the group around them, it gave her an ease to anticipate proper responses.

Schrodinger patted his chest with a few thumps to begin, “I am ze one called Schrodinger Paradox. A once proud und regaled Germane unicorn mage in Scholar Arcana’s Eastern sector. You not need to fear me as I have no reason to act out. On ze contrary, I welcome ze frauleins on our great journey!”

Sonata still cuddling Twilight glanced at the portly man inquisitively, “So like? Why were you sent here then? You had to have done something wrong right?”

“If you call stumbling on ze lost secrets a crime zen I am caught red hoofed… or handed.” He replied waving his right hand to emphasis the point.

“So you learned about the demons and what? Those unicorn mages sought you out?” Adagio’s eyes studied the man who simply shrugged and gave a little mirthful laugh.

“Not quite simple as zat mein fraulein. I was exploring a few portal spells for transporting guards und their gear through a less taxing magic anchor. Zey would be able to rally forces to any village in danger, und zey I mean your highest paying king or queen. Every tribe tried to goad my research to zeir use, but in Germane ve were truly ze first Equestria to exist und zat…” he wiped a few tears from his eyes, “Zat accepted any tribe so long as it empowered ze glorious Germane empire!”

Adagio shifted in her seat, she needed to know more, “You know I think we were on track to visit that place before we were drawn to Canterlot way back then. So… where and what did you learn to get you sent here? Some kind of secret chamber? Or perhaps a hidden cache within a vault?” her seriousness never once abating, she had to connect the Arcana role in the exiles if she were to anticipate them on Equis.

To his credit, Paradox did not take any offense to the way she spoke to him, in fact he absorbed it well, “A young adept disturbed me viel I was testing a certain spell und ze exit point placed ze arrival at a certain Head Deans office. One who deemed my research to be worthless with ze advent of airships to transport ze guards anywhere without ze magics! So I sent ze Adept away und went to look for dirt as the humans say, but I found somezing even more amazing und awful. Zat pony I despised had a book of old with notes upon notes, all pointing to ze evidence of ze coming Demon revival. You can imagine how hesitant I vas?”

Aria scoffed as her eyes rolled, “Ya, really amazed here.”

“It is ze truth! I did dig to ensure vat I saw vas not a breezy tail, getting into a few restricted archives by accident.” He quoted in the air with his fingers, “I found so much information zat I vas caught neck deep in forbidden books never before given to regular ponies. From zhere ze head sorcerer labeled me dangerous for learning black magic which I had nein involvement in. Thus I sit before you.” He settled back into his seat as his story ended.

Yellow coughed with a fist to his mouth to avoid putting spittle upon the Empress as a wave of pain came to pass for a few seconds, “Paradox had just come across the evidence much like what I found in that grave, the Arcana thought that he would spread the demon’s influence by bringing the world into the know. Any wisdom about them helps their escape move along quicker as sentient beings become aware. I believe you said it was a journal of the long departed alicorn Faust was it not?”

With a heavy exhale of breath tinged with sorrow from the former unicorn, “Zat is correct, apparently zey vere a fan of her work as ve all vere. In Germane, her kindness still stands with lasting legacy, it is said she vas ze one who made Lake Königssee. A feat which turned a rocky mountain into our sole source of agriculture, collecting ze water from Watzmann Mountain’s snow melt. Und I only had read ze bookmarked section… Faust's regrets.”

‘So much we must know… so much about magic we can harness for the greater good…’ Twilight's mystery guest said.

Serak patted the older man with an outstretched arm to help him recover himself, no one among the exiles liked to see the gifted mage tread down memory lane and wear such a frown. Aria could feel it, at least those who were in control of themselves that they generally had a very positive view of Paradox. Though they had no fathoming over the stories yet to be told, it was considered that they were hardliners like Adagio. So it intrigued Blaze as the few softened eyes were meant to give confidence back to him.

“We should probably move on, who’d like to go next?” the former griffon returned to his post above the girls, only he settled for standing with his hands in his pants pockets.

As one of the rare who had not shown emotions to the distraught sniffling comrade, he took the immediate route to post up next, “I am Emerath of the Maneland, a country apart from Equestria as it was founded around my lifetime. I too am a unicorn mage, but my studies were not of spell crafting or magic, but around the discovery and study of a precious rare artifact that were popping up along our shores. In a way, I share Yellow Tails happening upon something that could turn the world upside down.”

“Ohhh!! So you um… were a treasure hunter like the woman from Crypt Invader the game I downloaded onto my phone? For realzies it’s sooooo fun to play!” Dusk released her living squeeze doll and gave the most enamored thrilled expression as her new gamer side of her surfaced.

Her sparkling eyes were dashed when the Brit denied any relation of his old work to that of the human’s mindless entertainment outlets with a rather brash retort, “My life’s work was not some well endowed mare fighting for her life to survive pyramids and mazes for treasures I’ll have you know! When the Maneland Bronze Guard were informed of the mysterious appearances of magical items, it was suspected to be lost at sea cargo from the Equestrian migration amassing their homes from whence they came to travel. Clearly their contents were washed ashore by the coastal tide. I was one of the select few trusted to perform the task of recovery, after a couple… incidents.”

“What kind of incidents?” Adagio shifted in her seat trying to mimic the same regal stature of the Empress.

“They were something else they were? Trinkets with symbols crafted out of precious metals, enchantments woven into their surface and stones. I don’t really remember much of the reports, but a few ponies went missing after touching these relics. Being such a highly honed and educated scholar of weaponized magic, I knew how to remove them from the beaches they were deposited on by the tides. To secure and contain for later investigation the likes of I lead.” He said proudly, slight negative emotions that the sirens could taste at the tip of their senses came from the others listening.

Aria sat her cheek on her left hand as it supported the weight on the couch arm, looking ever so bored, “So you have dohickies and coins that may have done something to ponies who touched them? Big deal, my old family always came across them every now and then, you just stayed away.”

Dazzle broke her seated stance and glared angrily at her lesser, talking through clenched teeth with her eyes squinting, “What… did I tell you… Aria?”

As if she spat in his face, the man’s eyes twitched as the young siren tried to explain herself to no avail, “I mean who really messes with things that just happen to start showing up somewhere and not think they were placed there on purpose? They literally had dangerous items appear and collected them! I would be surprised if your Maneland is still even there with a whole trove of dangerous magical items.” She huffed and scrunched into herself miffed at the lack of foresight of Emerath and the kingdom he served.

“Quite the intelligence in this one, did it not strike you Emerath that such items could have truly come from migrating ponies to their new land? Nothing else was ever found, just golden icons with powers integrated into them during the metallurgy?” Monet asked as she sided with the purple twin ponytails.

Taking a hand and wiping his gaunt face to hold off a haggard outburst, “We assumed it was all due to vessels lost at sea, as there was a unicorn settlement not far off to the west. Sailors of Maneland’s fleet reported ships heading one way and that was towards Equestria. None of us were expecting anything more, and I might add that only several of the dozens we pulled out of the sand were classified as Epikíndynos. Our best mages and most aspiring Adepts were unable to scratch the surface of the power houses, even I… failed to find anything initially. Not until an unusual one was discovered, and I somehow activated it during a session with them.” He then fumed as the agitation gave way to memories of the past, which tinged his aura into a neutral convoluted whirlpool of emotions.

Adagio leered at him as if something disturbing came up in her empathic senses, Sonata and Aria followed suit as the chaos within him blossomed into an indeterminable mass of something else. They could in their other sense see a dark orb with a blaring white center, swirling around as a lit torch stick. Never had they ever tasted prey in the past whose mental state exhibited every response imaginable at once. To their senses, emotions were an array of colors as they were palpable with common core colors painting the normal potential states a sentient entity could exist in. Sometimes they were at most four colors during times of excitement or conflict which any living thing might feel, when their lives were at the edge. However, never could it be possible to will or manipulate one to flood their mind with every facet of the soul like Emerath had, it was just unnatural.

“You never did tell us what it was, you always simply said the gods commanded you to be their messenger to Equis until they felt the changing of the magical atmosphere. How they even could tell the demons even existed I still cannot fathom even now.” Monet shook her head as she spoke with a monotone enthusiasm to his then growing grin.

Yellow and Pandius observed with mild intrigue, as did Frozen and the others save for Havoc and Old Oak. The golden siren cautiously used her peripheral vision to identify the group’s behavior and found that even they had secrets between themselves, that only now with a way home were they willing to open up. Of course this rag tag assembly of exiles would, no one gives everything up front for some hope of an escape. She felt rather lowly for believing these criminals to be a highly greased and organized machine, they all acted the part but with Tis and Emerath giving the largest hints. Yellow had a very loose grip on them unlike the way she ruled over her pod, her role as a Matriarch out shined the true alliance of the outcasts. That worried her even more now, as it was an easier challenge to comprehend with something that worked like a sundial.

“Well Emerath… we’re waiting to hear the rest of the story.” Yellow lazily gazed in his direction.

A shiver ran up the otherwise well postured scholar, adding a little to the creepy factor of his fixed smile. His couth air he usually wore around him, the conservative nature faltered to the new person he transitioned into.

A low chuckle escaped him as body language was altered and a different personality erupted as a flashlight in a dark room, “I… can’t really explain it, I lowered my guard for a moment and I touched one of the medallions. A set of six inside a platinum box… nestled on some kind of satin fabric which held a stasis spell to keep them safe from time and corrosion. Oh how lovely they were, pristine and overflowed with so much arcane energy! I was too focused on deciphering the imagery on them to maintain the shield spell… to keep containment immaculate.”

Havoc batted an eye at him, the mention of the word medallions perked him up from his rather lazy slouch in the chair. Sonata noticed him make a slight adjustment in his posture to better hear, his emerald green windows to the soul seemed to have a little jump in life. She wondered why he spurned up as he did, but shrugged as Yellow spoke again.

“You're saying you were possessed? Tainted in some way?” Yellow asked as his attention never left the man.

Waving away the assumption as if it were a bothersome waiter at a restaurant, “No, no, not at all in fact it was merely a device of a sort that amounted to nothing more than a communicator. One which they spoke to me through, and the conversations we had were… enlightening.” he smiled, a genuine expression of happiness that seemed far from who he usually portrayed himself as a stick in the mud. Every concerned able body had Emerath as the center of attention, as if Tisiphone was not enough to last to midnight.

“Their voices were positively angelic, they had so much knowledge that they graciously allowed a sample as a sign of trust. I had to lock the room down, right hilarious... it took the staff long enough to realize what I had done. I pitied the bellends, they’d never understand the secrets the gods had in store of us all. All that they asked was what the world was like and I answered them, but then the enchantment started to break after a few hours into our… one on one. I scanned the items to find their magic was being yanked away like some kind of bloody vacuum to a pile of dust!” He started to giggle as a foal would, the solid educated gentleman no longer seemed evident, "They told me to seek the source... that I would be rewarded if I found and removed the cause! So I took off with medallions and put a stasis spell on them to stop the draining. I left the Maneland, stowed away on a cargo galleon, wound up in the new lands of what was soon to be the official territory of Equestria. The ponies there were still... still floundering to make peace among their ranks with each tribe. Bollocks to them, but it was easy to get by and though it took me a year I eventually located the source of which all magic around me seemed to gently flow into like a small sinkhole in a pond. Even my own magic started to bleed as I got closer to it." by then he was exuberant, livid with his breath skittering like a soldier in the blood lust of battle, something in that little part of his past came full swing as if he were reliving it.

"What was it? What did you find?" Sparkle asked at the edge of her seat as she made as many of her own guesses of the likes to the common mana crystal, to an ancient machine, and the actual demon itself. All so tantalizing to imagine and she was but mere seconds away from hearing the truth.

Magnus had silently rose up, though only those in the circle whose vision could catch him in their peripherals noticed, "A giant steep conical mountain, within its many caverns were the highest quality natural crystals anyone has ever laid eyes on. They were amazing... breathtaking even in all their diverse sizes and colors, but nothing compared to the heart of the mountain itself... the source that was taking away the very connection I had with the gods... Faust's Lone Tear of Sorrow... a boulder sized Opal gemstone!!"

The Empress received him just as the sirens did, she could feel love and admiration somewhere in him. Just as strong as the vile kind Tisiphone covered herself with, like a frosted cake given a spray of hot sauce as garnish. She gave him an indignant stare that was not registered, though it set the stage for her own participation.

He was soon breathing fast and shallow, "So deep inside that mountain... shining like a glittering body of water under a full sun... A small orb of the energies of the universe compacted into that stone... sucking mana without pause... and then... I heard them..." he balled his fists together, "Demons! Taking away my only connection to the gods and their precious knowledge! I wanted to destroy it... send the evil gem away but I couldn't caste a portal spell!!?! Those vile batponies that dwelled there, I never saw them until it was too late and... and they coated me in something that began to nullify my own magic!"

Pandius had had enough of his abnormal behavior, he was starting to exude magic from himself in his emotional disharmony, “You’re not normal, your all wrong deep inside… Your compromised Emerath, Magnus I know you’ve been dying to do it so go ahead.” She jerked her head and soon the squat man who’d managed rise up and position himself behind the Brit without anyone noticing pulled off a turn of events.

"Wait! I have to know more!!" Twilight shouted just as the punishment was dealt out.

The second most muscular individual grabbed the back of the unawares head with his meaty large left hand, stunning the magic scholar for a few seconds into silence before slamming his face into the carpeted floor with a heavy thud. The Dazzlings winced at the act, but Adagio figured if she’d been in the same situation it was a well warranted one with an unknown, hoping she'd not have to go through with it if Twilight's issue went out of hand. Magnus laughed while he dusted off his palms before going back to his spot to sit down once again.

As if the entire moment was a usual thing, “Emerath, we need a clear and conscious mind to tell us what you know. You were not in the clearest of minds, so I apologize for having to allow that, but you should have known a Changeling cannot be fooled by any tricks. You even lost it before the sirens and they are just as attuned to imbalances, we could see it in them when you... changed.” Yellow warned as guilty party looked away nursing his then pounding headache and forming bruise.

Sonata and Aria glanced to each other not knowing how to react, they were appalled by the antics which put the way they treated one another to shame. Watching as the scholar lifted himself painfully off the floor groaning all the while, thankfully no bloody nose or busted teeth evident on the cream colored fabric floor. Twilight assumed the angle of projection lent the forehead to take most of the impact, thus preserving his nose and mouth. Though the treatment had done its intended purpose as Emerath muttered under his breath like the person she was initially acquainted with.

Yellow turned to the girls and gave a half a smile, “Mrs. Sparkle? I think you remember when I said we have little magic to spare, when we thought your magic now was unattainable through any other means? What you just witnessed was a blatant exercise of said mana, to which I warned never to tap into until we arrived on Equis. Less ye turn to dust… Emerath here is a unique kind of unicorn in that what he experienced has had a very detrimental side effect to his mental faculties when they are accosted” the leader sighed begrudgingly using a free hand to rub his forehead, “In truth, we all knew just enough about his run in with the source, but if he spurns a little too deep into it he tends to lose his self control and starts to behave in a unorthodox manner to which we normally stopped before it got out of hand. I only allowed it to go a little further because we had always cut him off just after mentioning the source. Those Thestrals he encountered... new information it seems.”

Adagio felt unsure of what she just watched, though a particular magic was felt and one even she wouldn’t touch herself no matter how desperate life became. She’d be the one to bring it up with Yellow since that particular type of magic was not one to be trifled with so easily without years of practice and a focused soul. Sirens never needed to use anything other than Dark Magic, which fed off the soul rather than mana. Unlike Soul Magic however, what the girls practiced was conveyed through emotions themselves as a medium for their specific kind of spell work. Singing from the heart, their need to be adored and admired gave the catalyst to convert negative emotions into usable mana. The rubies were the epicenter, that absorbed the disharmony and chambered the processing into mana reserves inside the gem.They could store the magic for later use and bleed off it in lieu of their soul, there by giving little and gaining so much more in a safe manner.

That was the true reason that when a siren lost her ruby it was their death sentence. They could still sing and eat negative emotions, but they could not properly convert it into mana to caste their entrancing songs. Their souls were feeding the spells to captivate listeners, and soon enough they'd burn themselves to a painful end. Siren pups were the most at risk of going so early in their immortal lives. Those who did not know when to switch mana wells within them put upon a tax their frail bodies were too weak to withstand. It was often why sirens were so few in population and pods were very territorial, pups had a small chance to make it to adulthood without other factors taken into account.

Black Magic was thought to be an inherently dangerous opposite to Soul Magic, the taint which Emerath briefly smelled rankly of. In her time on Equis, Adagio came to know about the black void of the magical spectrum and those who used it for all sorts of inexplicably horrible acts to draw suffering and pain, which transformed them into things like Liches. Black Magic was in and of itself harmless so long as the caster was as dead as a doll. If not, the single little thread of malice, sorrow, pain, greed, or any of the likes that existed in any living being no matter how pure they seemed became a cancer. The first few spells using the fell power connected with that aspect of the magician, it took only a scant few castings to root into the user. Once the tendrils were established, the magic forever would alter its host to cause more evil and harm. They would lose themselves no matter how hard they tried to resist.

“He’s taken part in Black Magic hasn’t he? Whatever he touched it corrupted him in some way?” the golden siren eyed the still recuperating scholar, she gave the most disgusted look as if a toxic spine shooting porcupine stood before her.

“Black Magic? But I thought…” Sparkle tried to gain answers to questions which sprouted up like a wildfire at the mere mention of the term, only for Dazzle to shush her.

“Those items those ponies recovered and he found the one that contained compressed Black Magic?! Who are those gods he refers to? What do you know about him?” Adagio's hands clenched tightly, heartbeat steadily rose at the emerging threat to her subordinates. She hoped he had a good reason keeping somepony like Emerath in his ranks, as the slightest lapse in guard could let loose a saboteur who’d take the reins and run amok till they burned themselves out.

Empress shook her head as Yellow responded, “Equis has existed for many millennia’s, there were races before ponykind that only the oldest of Dragons could even fathom a guess. To my best assumption, he found something of a long dead civilization and it surprisingly had Black Magic as a power source though without seeing the artifact I can only make an educated guess at this point. The others agree likewise…” He looked over as the former unicorn managed to get onto his rear and plop against the wall holding his head as Monet produced an ice pack for his use, “We are all beyond our expertise to say much else, but he seems to have some fortitude being in this world against using what’s left of his reserves. Sometimes he draws from it when talking about his gods, other times there is nothing to worry. I’m sure you felt it, but that’s all it has been able to do even after a couple tests we ran to prove it. Being in the human world denies the dark seed within him from growing further, but once we go back we’ll have a problem to deal with. Something you don’t need to be concerned about... that is our problem.”

His assurance did lighten the burden she thought was placed upon them, they agreed to clean up their own mess. That would have been a deal breaker if he’d asked them to tie loose ends of theirs, not with her plans set to start once through the portal. Besides, they would have no gems to defend against a possible Lich in progress and they already had one to watch.

“Good to know, Yellow, good to know.” She said while relaxing in her seat with the second circus come and gone.

“Well I guess since this has been more than enough excitement to last the rest of the night, perhaps I can be the one to introduce the others Lord Flame?” Serak proposed still standing behind the couch the girls took over.

Monet with her dead panned expression agreed with a lack luster tone, followed by Frozen, Oak, Magnus, and the rest were all in agreement if not their silence as consent. The head of the snake had longer gaps between the fight with his diaphragm, it seemed he recovered easily enough which was good.

“Great! Okay my famous Dazzlings, and Twilight Sparkle! Here’s a quick brief dossier of everyone without the hassle. You already know my story, Emerath, Frozen Heart over there shared what I endured unfortunately. Though without a magical book of spells, he actually evolved an innate ability of magic which was never heard of in Minotaurs. Unfortunately, his species are much like griffon kind in that they value riches to the extent they mire themselves in businesses and trade down to a letter. Gaining magic as he did, the ruling class felt he would be too dangerous to be allowed to roam about. They jumped the crossbow and called for pony mages to get rid of him as they were too afraid of what powers he had to defend himself if not to destroy.” Serak pointed out.

“That is correct, I just wanted to help my fellow bulls and cows build a better life for themselves. Only to be branded a traitor and a thief by my King…” Heart explained, “The Arcana were there in a relatively short amount of time to banish me even when I begged to be spared and work for Equestria since my own herd did not want me.”

Aria eyed the introductions with a steady stoic gaze as Serak gestured to the hippie, “Old Oak only wanted to protect the land from the encroaching hunger of pony kind and their kingdoms. Unicorns needed their castles and bridges, Earth ponies needed cleared land, and pegasus altered the weather the trees needed in its most natural form. The nobles of the area she resisted change in called for help, as their own warriors and hired help could not put down her revolt. She sought the teachings of the Forest Deer, and embraced nature's bosom after the ever consuming hunger for resources desecrated the lands she'd known as a foal. Arcana mages were called to the fight and here she remains. An earth pony taught in the ways of the Druid to protect not only the land but all living things from the hunger of civilization.”

Dazzle appreciated the effort the pony had gone through, perhaps if more of her were around then her old home might have been saved. Perhaps she could put even more hurt upon those wizards, if they all seemed to be the reason defenses to such disasters were removed. What fate tried to throw at them, they responded with hostilities and that allowed harm to come to non-ponies as it seemed. These Druids seem to value the waters, lands, plants, and animals no matter who they were, something to look into if Equestria had done damage in their absence.

“You know of Empress Pandius, she’s a very loving mother with many children she’s missed for a long time. The beginnings of the Arcana or the likes of which would join their secret magic force against those like us had come across a hive belonging to a daughter of hers, a Queen Changeling. Now she does not like anything being said she hasn’t already about the Changelings so I’ll skip to the end.” He nodded to the Dazzlings as they eyed him in listening, “Perhaps the Wish Givers at the time did not like their puppets being toyed with by love consuming shape shifters? Or it is that exact trait they have that makes them so unique and skilled at infiltration that shuddered them to worry they’d be discovered too soon? No one really knows, just that the hive soon found itself invaded by very powerful unicorns who incapacitated the young Queen while her drones were kept at bay. A mother responds and saves her foal from being exiled by taking the spell for her.”

Pandius remained still and quiet as Serak went over her reason for being on this world, resting her chin upon the blood red hair of Yellow. Adagio felt astonished to here such an act by a parent hit home close to her heart. Like her own, she threw the little pup onto dry land before the water became a deathly grave. A slight wonder of thought put the scene in a different light, a band of ponies coming for the pod as it lay in rest before midday meal. Seeing herself before the equines as they readied to send her away, only to have her family go instead in a blinding flash of magical flare. A mother’s and father’s love driving them to commit to such an act to protect their offspring and future generations. It all conflicted with how she viewed the group, or in the very least the royal she did not like at first; only now to have a sense of respect.

“I hope your children are okay? Empress Pandius ma’am?” Sparkle wore a mournful frown, and in all honesty felt compassion to her situation that made her act as she had done before.

Aria twiddled one of her ponytails around in between her fingers acting out of boredom, “Ponies seemed to be a real problem long before we came along.”

Dusk however appeared to want to cry as she displayed a rather comical sadness, to her and Pandius it was her own way of being empathetic and sad. Reminding her of how her own mother tried to fight Cavatina to keep her in the pod, only to lose and never see each other since. She sniffled and wiped away the salty drops while Sparkle patted her shoulder to offer comfort, shortly being absorbed in a hug the young siren desired to help the stewing grief.

“Yes, well… times were different for each of us. Circumstances and all that you see, but the Empress had given most of her love stores to the entire hive before she took the hit, she’s assured us that as a defense mechanism nothing can overwhelm a hive filled with love from one such as her caste. It would be like Magnus over there as mad and angry as possible while in his unique state. Speaking of which…” he turned to the scottsman who sat idly playing with the then empty beer bottle on the soft white carpeted floor.

“Ey there lassie, pleasure ta meet you!” he swung the dark brown bottle in his hand like an upside down metronome.

With Sonata settling down after hearing that Pandius left a lasting gift to her children, Twilight noticed none of the others were reciprocating introductions. Thus she meekly waved back, grinning awkwardly as she still had a bit of social anxiety with anything even as blunt as hello to those she had no stake in knowing.

Sunset’s Hospital Room

Principle Celestia had left unexpectedly after the fateful meeting, she seemed too dazed to really put a proper response in place. Sunset had wanted to bid her a fond farewell till next time, peering over her bed with the help of Flash. Yet when she poked her head past the damaged privacy screen she beheld a face she dared not see for the sake of her own cover. Though it seemed life was not through with her just yet, having thrown a speedball her way and she missed it spectacularly.

Nurse Caring figured she had gotten the rooms mixed up and left the new arrival in the spare bed of the room. Her older mind attempted to go through procedure, but she seemed content with checking the books which left Shimmer with her human Shimmer version and one that was older. Though battered by some kind of accident, Sunset and the other woman never left their gazes upon one another. It seemed like some sick twisted trick to the true human, but her eyes and ears could not deceive her. The same could be said for the true human, she who was thankfully too old to care anymore and too tired to overreact.

Guarded by a few tall instruments and the plastic screens, Sunset looked to Flash with a concern only few would understand. Even he realized the talk the two had to have, and with him there it was just impossible unless he left.

“Do… do you think you can get me something from the cafeteria? I know you could use a drink too.” She asked hoping he’d take the line.

Flash nodded and rubbed the back of his neck anxiously, “Sure, I need to stretch my legs anyways. Tea sound fine?”

Shimmer nodded and slipped back onto her gurney by herself, “Sounds great, I’ll take whatever they got.”

With a thumbs up, Sentry rose from his spot and made his way out only stopping before the older human Sunset, “Would you like anything? I don’t mind at all if you’re thinking?”

He noticed the nervous eyes of the woman, one which spoke of apprehension set to max level. She really was like Sunset back in her earlier days fearing any connection least it hurt her, though in this case it was a hole other reason. He wondered for a moment what it would be like meeting his equestrian version for the first time, was he a musician or something else? Perhaps they were something all entirely and followed in his father’s footsteps to become a police officer?

“I’m fine thankyou, but… I guess a cup of water would be nice?” human Shimmer proposed as she watched him nod and leave through the thick door.

After he left gently letting himself out, the room fell into a cavern atmosphere where sounds from other rooms echoed in and passing staff could be heard talking to either patients or fellow staff members. No one else would be in the room save for Nurse Caring or Flash, but to anticipate them anytime soon was foolish at best as they had at least half an hour alone to one another. Though they would endure a few more moments of idleness by their stubborn nature, eventually it broke from the Equestrian Sunset Shimmer as she begged the question she needed to know.

“So… ummm… I know we look alike and all, but I have a perfectly good explanation to that.” She tried to ease into the topic hoping to not set off a shock from the older woman on the other side.

For a time one could hear a pin drop and sound loud, barely a sign that the human Shimmer was still there but her breathing. Though it helped little as she still refused to speak, it goaded Sunset to push past her bodily discomforts into the realm of not caring anymore. She had nothing else to fear now that she failed to stop this world’s Twilight from falling to dark powers. Leaving a wound that could not be sealed by labeling the Rainbooms and her like they were the bad guys, using magic as if she were an expert. So a few words with her other verse self was foalsplay now.

She sighed and flopped onto the bed and pillow, “Look, this is all frightening to you I know. Trust me I just came from something like it… only I got by butt handed to me because of it.”

Still nothing came, not even a peep from the human in the other bed as if she stayed still the entire time locking up every muscle as best she could.

“I can probably guess what you’re thinking. No I’m not some long lost twin or clone from the government. If you’ve heard of the Parallel Universe theory or anything about the Multiverse, you’ll find your answer there.” She chuckled to herself as her body became wracked with soreness from all the moving she had done.

Once again, the white foam ceiling tiles above were her only view as it even hurt to move her eyes. Peace and painlessness came through lack of movement, but she could still think like the dickens and mull over everything that transpired. She began to consider how she put off much of her studies into magic in the human world and why the girls were able to pony up like they did. It seemed amusing to find out they were touched by Princess Twilight’s magic through harmony, and they kept a little bit of it in themselves even after she left the first time. Only realizing that in the present, it wasn’t something akin to a unicorn’s mana well which was inherent, the girls had a pocket of magic that thrived with their beings as it seemed. Which was easily ripped away without a second thought and manipulated like clay when they tried to rally up and purify the possessed Sparkle.

“I can’t believe I failed to stop her… she took our magic and… I’m the villain now?” Sunset gave a pump of a chuckle, “I guess Celestia was right… I haven’t learned from my mistakes and I keep setting myself on a goal without looking to where I’m going. No matter how good a deed it is…”

The human Shimmer relented tensing up just enough to turn her head to hear better, “I didn’t even have to go back home… I can always hear her words even in this world. I’m not even aiming to be anyone but myself either and I still failed to save everyone… even the Twilight of this place.”

The babble from her younger doppelganger proved difficult to interpret, the words she used made her seem like she wasn’t from earth. To truly reference the many universes science of the day had been studying in depth, either she herself was crazy right now or all this happening before her was real as day. Then again she could hope this other person was a result of a disorder of the mind. That thought went out the window as the falling afternoon sun, she heard more of the other figment of her imagination prance on about her life which soon painted enough of a picture.

“If I had just gone back… faced up to the Princess then maybe things wouldn’t be so bad you know? I could take all those nights being forced to stay awake because of that Tartarus blasted hex!! Yet I couldn’t force myself to see her and go back home…” Sunset said in defeat.

Now with kindled curiosity, it became a need to know more to see if she was feeding this all to herself or if an actual copy of herself existed there and then. It was worth a shot as it seemed the Nurse registered what they all saw through a confusion of rooms under the same name.

“I’ve been a failure from the start because I began to want what the Princess had. I wanted power and control, I shunned friends and family, caste myself to this universe to start anew and gain what was denied to me… I nearly got my wish and I was stopped, saved in time before my greed got me. She came and gave me a chance, and I used it as best as I could for the sake of others. Yet I still failed, only my closest friends gave a hand out when I fell, those few lifted me up…” Sunset began to sniffle as despair creeped in.

Human Shimmer seemed to take her words with compassion knowing that road in life all too well. As certain in the fact that if she was still thinking all of this up it was a very convincing story her own brain told. It all felt far too obvious for her to put more thought into it and instead go with the flow. Even if she was going crazy, what use was there to battle the condition unless proven otherwise? Surely the hospital staff knew someone in that kind of psychological deconstruction was easy to spot right?

“Even then… the others shunned me out of fear of my past and what I had done to them before. Even when I helped stopped the Dazzlings from taking over the world they still feared me… I can’t ever win can I?” Sunset asked herself out loud.

The Equestrian’s ears perked up as she heard a deeper adult voice like hers speak up, throwing her out of her melancholy like a splash of water from what of Rainbow’s many door pranks.

“The K’uei envies the millipede, the millipede envies the snake, the snake envies the wind, the wind envies the eye and the eye envies the mind.” The human Shimmer said with a slightly crackly voice.

Sunset turned her weary head to the left even though sheets and instruments blocked any line of sight. She still heard her other self talk and that was important enough, they’d remain in the room for a little while longer.

“The K’uei said to the millipede, “I have this one leg that I hop along on, though I make little progress. Now how in the world do you manage to work all those ten thousand legs of yours?” the human continued.

The sound of a doctor barking orders and a gurney being rushed at the highest speed emanated outside the room, someone freshly injured had arrived and were being taken to ICU.

“The millipede said, “You don’t understand. Haven’t you ever watched a man spit? He just gives a hawk and out it comes, some drops as big as pearls, some as fine as mist, raining down in a jumble of countless particles. Now all I do is put in motion the heavenly mechanism in me…. I’m not aware of how things work.” The nearly disembodied voice sounded sad, as if the metaphor or story she spoke of had a deeper meaning meant to be understood.

A growing roar muffled from the building signaled the overpass of a jet liner in the sky. Constructs Sunset never quite grasped the concept of though she was always preoccupied with winning the formals during her initial years in the human realm. All those times she could have been learning about this new world and how shameful she had been to keep her fake coronation as the Princess of the formals.

“The millipede said to the snake, “I have all these legs that I move along on, but I can’t seem to keep up with you who have no legs, How is that?” the sound of creaking metal echoed in the room as the human readjusted herself, a hand going to her face to feel the scabs that formed where the glass of the vehicles window embedded themselves in. Recently they were extracted, leaving fresh blood from the void in the tissue to establish new scar tissue. It felt rough as it was painful, like she had grown scales of a lizard all along her left side of the face. The moment of impact as traffic came to a quick and destructive halt when a blast wave destroyed every glass surface with ease.

For whatever reason, Sunset thought her human version seemed to like talking about off topic things. Surely she expected her to ask about what she spoke of instead of giving riddling talk? What person couldn’t resist asking why a copy of themselves existed and said such things that went against common sense in their modern society?

“The snake said, “it’s just the heavenly mechanism moving me along, how can I change the way I am? What would I do with legs if I had them?” footsteps began to sound off from beyond the curtain barrier closing in on her position.

By then, Sunset forced herself back up begrudgingly even as her muscles cried out in protest, her arms bearing the weight of her upper body. The other Sunset sounded as if she were leaving or coming to her, either which she worried of what outcome would come of it?

“The snake said to the wind, “I move my backbone and ribs and manage to get along, though I still have some kind of body. But now you come whirling up from the North Sea and go whirling off to the South Sea, and you don’t seem to have any body. How is that?” she spoke again as the human neared Sunset ever closer.

“I’m not sure I’m following here? What are you talking about now? Something about a centipede and a snake?” the Equestrian giggled nervously, hoping there was no crazy in her human version as it became obvious she was approaching her bed space.

“The wind said, “It’s true that I whirl up from the North Sea and whirl of to the South Sea. But if you hold up a finger against me you’ve defeated me, and if you trample on me you’ve likewise defeated me. On the other hand I can break down big trees and blow over great houses, this is a talent that I alone have. So I take all the mass of little defeats and make them into a Great Victory. To make a Great Victory only the sage is capable of that.” The human soon appeared before the foot of Sunset’s bed with her piercing blue eyes locked onto her Equestrian opposite.

Sunset gave her a very fearful look of uncertainty, unable to really do much with the condition she was in. Thankfully she sensed no evil intent by her counterpart, though a solid foundation of conviction held in those eyes so very much like hers. She was but a mouse in the eyes of a hunting owl, a wise one who spoke oddities to entrance the little rodent. No doubt there were many questions the older woman had for her, and rightly due they were as in reality Sunset essentially gave her a presence in Equestria. Whatever she did might have affected her human version in a negative way, guesses were all she could make as she awaited the next words from the human being.

“I’m not sure I follow? Who are you quoting?” Sunset begged.

Not even a smug came from her other verse, she acted rather resolute as she replied, “Chuang Tzu… a section from their writings… a long lost great of philosopher who knew life more than anyone else. I brought him up, because you have lived a rather difficult life as it seems. We have plenty of time to relate what I’ve said to who you really are… what you are?”

It was then that Sunset knew that the two were locked in a duel, she could taste it in the very words spoken by her human counterpart. They were not hostile in themselves, but for anyone to be in her position now it was understandable to be out of fear and curiosity. How she wished Discord was nearby to help with some kind of chaos, thus proving her soon to be told tale.

Ch. 41 Adagio For Strings Part 4

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Ch. 41 Adagio For Strings Part 4

Serak began the next in line, “As funny as he can be, he is resourceful nonetheless as the first Earth pony to ever undergo magical enhancement during the warring of the tribes. I’ll be brief so this does not turn into a history lecture, before Equestria was founded the different tribes of ponies kept to themselves with their own high lords, kings, queens, chancellors, whatever have you can name. Before the unification of the tribes they were often territorial and a few skirmishes erupted over land and food. Earth ponies farmed the land to sell food for pegasi weather control and unicorn tools, though as an onset of what would become the Windigo Winter came food production fell. Before ponies were truly desperate and searched for better lands that would become Equestria in my time, those battles had led to the need of better defenses. For which the nobles under Chancellor PuddingHead started to take the conflict into their own hooves, looking to make the perfect stallion that could weather pegasus combat and unicorn battle mages. Though even he has no real memory of the process, they used foreign plants and left over magical items from the time of the Demons for the transformation. Thus, a Berzerker was formed! I need not say more as I’m sure you four know at least the meaning of that term right?” to which Dazzle grinned nearly ear to ear and nodded, much to Aria's bemusement while the other two studied the comical brute.

To Adagio this was one of the real first useful members among Yellow's gang, ‘A mad pony with the kind of power of those accursed beasts of the jungle! Primal and violent, the embodiment of anger itself… would make the perfect frontline defense against anyone who’d resist our songs. Ohhh… I know who we are going to capture first! Brawns combined with my brains, even if Canterlot has a dragon defender, let them see how it stands against a Berzerker!’ she madly laughed in her mind as she calmed her mirth to avoid giving much out to their host.

“Ya know lass, you’re a bit too young for me even if you be centuries old. Keep a walk’n.” he belched and lifted an empty hand shooing away the fluffy haired lead singer as if she were a stray animal.

That earned a giggle at the jab even though it was purely in jest from Blaze. Rather, Adagio subdued the want to send a retaliatory remark and instead forced that same expression Pandius had to deny satisfaction. It was a slight on her part unfortunately, getting too happy over the opportunity to have a decent protective shield until they could acquire freely roaming sirons. Which in reality would be like finding an urchin's quill in the sand.

“Magnus has long since reformed, for the better at least with his temper that rivaled even Tisiphone’s now all but frozen. He did quite a number once, a good sum of bits had to be thrown at the victim to keep it quiet.” Both men chuckled at the colorful history as if it were fresh, “A very strong and durable stallion he is, and a loyal friend just as well. Speaking of which, as a Fury, she too has amazing strength and combat effectiveness as Magnus on his best days. A Fury… whose origins are all lost to the ages past, she exists solely to correct the wrongs on Equis who fall into her jurisdiction of vengeance. One of which I think even you Mrs. Adagio would find some common ground with?” to which the puff of hair moved so that she glared at him with ire.

Sparkle finally amassed her studies of the siren myth and a few other topics she happened upon that just so included Furies, it worried her that no one knew the birth of the spirits. She knew how the human world versions came to be, but if Serak spoke the truth or even the Fury herself could not remember. Then where did she or how did she come to be?

“I know I’m not supposed to distract this conversation, but why does no one know where her kind came from?” to which Serak looked down at her as if he expected her to ask.

He smiled warmly, “Truth of the matter, the Fury herself is far too concerned with her life’s work and purpose to retain much memory of her creation. Since she and her kind once roamed Equis to punish the wrongs, it has been said they were there long before pony kind. Even by Griffon history, they’ve been a chicks bedtime story to keep hatchlings from getting into too much trouble or stealing.”

“Do not worry about her Mrs. Sparkle.” Yellow says as he feels his abdomen idly, “I’m aware of her kind in human mythology as well, though they share the same cause. I’m afraid she and her sisters began far back beyond record keeping if you will. Serak if you’ll continue please?” Twilight deflates at being denied, it made her wonder what other secrets existed in Equis if like humanity there were long begotten.

“Understood sir, so girls, Monet over there is a Gargoyle from a distant kingdom known as Bos’groth. She was of the Family Nemroth and she the next in line for the throne to be wedded to the centaurs who co-ruled along side. Every so hundred years, gargoyles would bear one who could breathe magical fire and lead the kingdom to a golden era. She was the next one, taught by the most capable sisters and court advisors before the kingdom was attacked by terrors from the deep. In a rush to send her to a safe area miles away, they had to use her abilities to complete the portal spell. As one of the abominations unfortunately claimed a few lives of those attempting to caste.”

Schrodinger had since calmed into a placid state and took over with his own expertise in the tale, “Ze spell Zey used required a specific set of runes zat had to be made perfectly with ze right amount of mana channeled into ze portal as it generated. However, zeir mistake zat sent Lady Monet here vas in letting her caste ze spell. Ze fraulein still inexperienced in her powers ehh… juiced up ze spell and altered ze destination. She has been among us ever since.” He gave a weak look of happiness, as he soon dipped down into a void of depression again.

The woman herself made a throaty noise to draw everyone to her, intent on saying her stance to being spoken of. Holding a stern posture, hands on her lap putting even herself on Empress Pandius' level of being in full control of herself. Monet wore the getup of a bland human girl, there was no mistaking her intent in herself as she avoided garbing herself in the robes of royalty she'd been destined for. Neither a hint at a want to even do so, her warm brown gray skin with a deep amber hair projected her down to earth attitude. The piercing naples yellow irises that spoke for her with their hidden wisdom and regrets of life long lived, Twilight could see it all and the heavy weight upon her shoulders.

“I cannot take back what I had done, and that was to leave my land in the state that it rested on without a counter weight to the doom that the line of Vorak would bring. I fear what has become of my kin and the Centaurs without me there, if those Earth Eaters did not bring the kingdom down. The blood of House Vorak was foretold to give rise to a being of terrible power and ambition, an all consuming thirst for the energies beyond. The Family of Nemroth has stood upon the throne to negate the lesser families with selfish intents, and prevent the opportunistic Voraks from ascending. So I bid you a warning Matriarch Adagio Dazzle of the Dazzlings…” the two locked stares as both strong willed females gauged the other for a moment, “What that bloodline was prophesied to birth would swallow the energies of both good and evil, light and dark, harmonious and discordious. May the Winds of Ooghast watch over you and all of us if enough time has passed and the deed has come to fruition. There is no stopping this nightmare.” She looked away thinking to herself as Havoc nearby scoffed bitterly.

The golden siren's eyes beheld the gargoyle in human form, another being she'd never heard of until now. It was becoming increasingly bothersome to know she’d really have to need to work with Yellow Tail after the trip. Beyond the problematic Fury, then Emerath, and currently with Monet’s people it seemed her plans to go without their help and head straight for the prize after being rearmed again were looking far less appetizing. Even with a Berzerker, the titan evil of warning started to hamper what was to be a subtle and growing tidal wave of pony fans who'd aid the sirens in taking over Equestria. Was it a soul sucker, energy feeder, emotion draining, or magical black hole who could easily strip their powers from them for the third likely time? Then remove their hold on whatever pony thralls they amassed at any point in the scheme for conquest? Did she have to put priority over securing loss ends of these lowly creatures of the group just to safely proceed?

As if her second guessing had been picked up like a flopping fish on a pier, Yellow started to speak, “We have contingency plans upon many more to deal with this evil rest assured my little gems, and with an army of Changelings to aid us we’ll have plenty of ways to handle opposition. So cheer up Mrs. Dazzle, we work together and we shall achieve victory. I never let my treasures be harmed nor stolen.” Yellow grinned in a rather reassuring but creepy kind of way, it had little affect on the one he aimed for though it was understandable. Aria simply rolled her eyes and looked off to the ceiling for something else to catch her interest like a spider eating a fly, the two best friends next to her smiled back at the same time.

“Okay okay, all goody goody good stuff aside. Serak I’ll speak of myself, I don’t need no one doing that for me!” annoyingly spoken from the scuffed shirt and work pants wearing Havoc.

The faux griffon put his hands up to supplicate, earning a grunt and a sharp exhale from the vermillion male. His attitude had caught Aria’s radar, she liked those who prided themselves enough to do the deed they were more than qualified to handle. Seeing a little bit of her in him right off the bat, but her inquisitiveness stopped there as they were going to hear who he was and why banishment was necessary if it really ever needed to be.

Though brash and a tinged upset that he would be spoken of by someone else, he did exhibit a lazy show for the group. Where he sat normally into the soft recliner, he changed position to make himself more comfortable and far from the way Monet, Pandius, and Adagio tried to hold themselves up as. He acted like a noble in a way, showing a narcissistic side to himself as if he was far from the need of being amid everyone present. One leg thrown over the left arm of the chair as the other hung limp kicking the soft carpet below, propping his head on an anchored right arm.

“Yo!" he started abruptly, "Names Dominos Infernalis, but you can call me Inferno Havoc the greatest dragon to ever reap the lands of Equis!!” his posture betrayed his attempt to promote such a title, “But now I’m a lazy human worker or for now at least. Being in this cursed flesh bag of a body has left me to be dotage and lazy, without my fires hotter than Tartarus itself. Many a settlements turned to ash by my glorious flames, homes torn asunder by my cyclonic wings… my titanic body crushing all instruments of war turned upon me and nothing ever passed by wonderful blood scales!! My folly for being here… lies in my pursuit of the gem caves under what Emerath discovered to be the base of Canterlot. I saw nothing of Faust's crying stone, but I know of Queen Faust that puny horse with her accursed magic that subdued me in my rampage through her self proclaimed land! Her mindless followers opened up a portal and there she threw me into it and into this shameful form... No one, not even fate will demean me anymore than defeat by a herd of grazers with horns!” he suddenly shot up, appearing very vexed as his bare feet slammed on the carpet with a muffled thump.

The roar in his voice that grew louder towards the end rumbled the dwelling as it rose to impressive volumes till they toned into mellow quiet. Another dragon as it seemed, and his show of bravado captured Adagio as she remembered Yellow hinting at having dragons blood for the spell manipulation of their pendants. She could not help but fathom why such destructive creatures were so heavily used in magic and apart of this cabal of his, such greedy things like the sea serpents that threatened her family and all siren kind. The only good that came of them were those who went after pirates who sought siren gemstones, after all they held treasures in their storage and those flying lizards loved to plunder and add to their horde.

“Havoc has much like Magnus toned down his viscous streak these days, he’s more of a dragon lazing upon his treasure horde with little care other than to eat or in our case earn bits.” Serak chuckled and earned no reaction from the man with violet spiky hair who settled down back into an inactive state as the fury left him like water out of a container.

Twilight turned about to hear as Old Oak closed the introduction by clapping her hands together to bring the group to head. With half lidded eyes and a serene spirit she opened her arms as an invite to her words.

“I am Old Oak of the Gragermire Forest, protector of the old ways for the young and old alike to know what it is like to live freely among all life and to adapt to change. I am but a mere teacher who wanted to guard her students as well as the school of the Caretaker." she humbly said, Twilight squinting a little as she noticed a few micro flower buds start to form in the mint green locks of Oak's hair in patchy areas. Though the sirens were looking over the face, she was far more attuned to small detail and kept switching between the motherly turquoise orbs and the plants.

Aria stared at her with a dead face, “So you like, guard trees and stuff? Guess ponies wanted your land or something?”

Without missing a beat, “Yes and no, I and others like me teach how to live on the land when homes and magic are devoid of influence over one’s life. Magic as it were then was not what it was like eons ago. As Druids have lived for many times lost to memory, we are diverse as we are loving of Equis and the lands of her body. I may not like society, but I do not seek to collapse it, only to teach ponies and others that a forest is not just a resource. It is a network of living entities that feel and prosper like any other sentient being... I tried to teach this lesson and many more to the nobles of the Earth pony tribe. The changing weather and extremes driving them to create more farmlands however... made them too stubborn to listen.” Her story was sounding like another tragedy rather than a crime, to which Adagio recanted of a time when they might have met such a being once before in Cinia before traveling to Neighpon.

Sonata innocently looked happy as if a thought came thrusting through to the forefront, contrasting Oak's soreness for the coming climax of her summarized history. Though none of the girls would fault her for it, it was how her brain worked. Instances came up where they passed by the wilds of uncultivated or undeveloped land when they use to move through town to town, city to city. Each area they went to filled with all new smells and different climates. They had done much walking in their human bodies looking for more sources of negative emotions and magic to boost their powers. Adagio had thankfully at times be lenient, freeing Dusk of her short leash and go frolic whenever they passed by carefully tended parks, unfenced brush or woodlands when a deer or rabbit appeared. She may be a creature of Poseidon's water realm, but something about terra firma and its own type of nature found a spot in her heart. A much fond of area had been dominated by a plant a ranger once said to them was Ceder, a scent that gave her body the tingles and soothed her rambunctious mind. Which Adagio and Aria booth drank in the silence while it lasted.

“So you’re the big cheese of trees and animals? COOL!!! Like for realzies I loooooove the fresh air and the furry things, so much to do like chase birds and smell the Cider trees!” Sonata proclaimed happily even as Aria corrected her with a mumble pronouncing 'Ceder'.

Oak gave a comforting glance to the cerulean siren, “You seem to enjoy what the Gaia of this world has to offer the humans, and for that I’m very pleased with the outcome of my toiling for the last forty years in that endeavor. Of my greatest accomplishments while incarcerated here has come from helping a small human camp survive its unfortunate financial issues, as the one who ran it mentioned. Oddly enough, it was nearby where I was deposited after... after... I..." Oak paused as two vastly different feelings clashed and vied for audience.

Sensing the emotions of the hippie, Adagio tensed up out of the newly conditioned response to when they felt such conflict arise. The other two followed suit, while Sparkle had by then pulled out her notebook that was revealed at dinner to jot down a few notes she felt were important about the woman. She could not have notice the sirens around her with their figurative fins standing on edge if they could manifest their original bodies.

"Perish the thought young pups, Old Oak is the other side of the circle of violence, the yin to Magnus. She will not become violent by any means, she is just still coming... to terms with her capture." the Empress explained to break the short period of solitude that hazed the meeting.

A sniffle escaped the Fushia colored woman as she did her best to avoid becoming to awash with the sensation of regret, "Thankyou Pandius...”.

"Did the ponies do something wrong and you reacted to fix the problem with a nonviolent method?" Twilight asked as she put the eraser end of her pencil up against her lavender lips with an inquisitive look about her.

Oak nodded and took a deep long breath, "There came a time when the earth ponies had become to needy in their consumption of wood for homes and things. Though I and a few other Druids of the North managed to pursade them to plant and use a faster growing tree that satisfied their uses. A few nobles went ahead with a decree to chop down my forest, and desecrate the sacred Yew of one of the most powerful Druid to ever live, Loch Skye. He was a kind Elk in his day and his deeds of good to all species and life are never forgotten within our circles. Yet... on his death bed he wished to ensure the land would never fall to the fires of a dragon or the hunger an axe. He warned all that if the Yew ever fell, the forest would be imbued with his spiritual might and become something that no harvest or inferno could put down. Those who came for the trees were outsiders and knew nothing of the threat... I... was too late to get there with what others I could gather. We... we were only to use brambles and stay their hooves! To stop what dangers they were going to wrought for the land that might harm many..."

Adagio listened intently, a thought floated by as she hung onto word for word. Perhaps if the exile was indeed deposited here well before they were. If the story was going in the direction she could sense in the faux human, then those blood thirsty behemoths and savage runners that tormented her through her young life were once again the sin of ponies? This random question began to simmer her blood and put a mild snarl at the edges of her dainty lips, if indeed she assumed as much then there was even more payback to administer with interest. The things she'd do to the Nobles who descended from the sinners were not for the faint of heart or the ears of mortals like her little human siren surrogate.

"They... were already into the core of the giant elder tree when we approached them within our voices. The last swing of an axe from the team of ponies there, released the light from within the wood that unleashed the promise Skype had enchanted into the Yew. Something powerful went out all around, like a beating heart for a moment... but that was the last I would see of the calm Gragamire Forest I tended to and protected. The very plants all around us began... to change, they mutated into something I found hard to love as I once did. We ran to safety, but the screams of the axe ponies being wrapped in black vines and dragged away in the depths of the woods haunt me to this day." she seemed to despise herself, Aria could taste the negative emotions and almost took a sample if she would not be punished for it later.

Twilight took it all in and remembered a section out of Yellow's red golden book of magic. There was a section in there that covered magic that manipulated plants and conjured spirits to control them as defensive magic, though that section had little to practice it was more of a briefing. She understood the gist of the Ley Lines that empowered the most impressive forests, fertile bogs, and bountiful rain forests of Equis as tales told by someone who taught Yellow in his hay day. Specifically, he even described the being as a moose adorned with moss and flowering vines. Though the most important passages were about a magical viscous forest known to all as the Everfree Forest, an untamable ecosystem that neither expanded nor receded and spanned much of the continent of Equestria. Why it was mentioned were the herbs and resources useful in rituals and potions for powerful spells, but to get them meant possibly loosing ones life to harvest. The angry land of the Everfree hosted strange never before seen creatures, some golems of wood and stone that mimicked their animal origins, while welcoming the more dangerous ones from around Equis like a beacon of safety. Hydras to cockatrices, manticores to vampires and all other sorts of mythological beings that called it home.

"When we reached cleared land... they were waiting for us. They did not hear our pleas, our call for help to appease the enraged spirit that inhabited my forest..." Oak collapsed to her knees, "They called us evil sorcerers and said we were a danger to everypony, they thought we did something to those axe ponies! No matter what we said... pony mages bubbled us in magical shields to stay our hooves. Opening a gateway with a mirror they had with them." rampant horror culminated in the shaken hippie, the flower buds in her hair withered and fell like fine dust out of the pastel green locks.

"Another case where they were waiting? There has to be some kind of coordinated effort going on or possibly entrapment? I know some corrupt police departments around the world do that to innocent law abiding citizens." Twilight mentioned thinking out loud.

"That entrapment pushed my fellow kin to escape before the unknown happened to us, but nothing could break the binds. So they looked to me... I wish I never turned my head. Cozy Moss, Hummingbird Lighting, Honey Sweet, Elegant Stream, and Osage Orange... they... tried to say something. I... I didn't want them to..." she was stopped by Serak who calmly walked to her and comforted the woman as she silently wept, tear drops falling every so often as he cradled her head into him.

The air in the condo felt thick like spring fog lingering so dense you could run into a tree at a walking pace. If Twilight could coin the condition these exiles were in, it was psychological for the scant two who had managed to suppress what was an honestly scary moment in their innocent lives. Emerath was just some pony of knowledge like her, and she might very well end up like him if her circumstances did not change with intervention. That voice in the back of her mind that had actual power to do something. For him however, he seemed to either embrace it, or for the better lack of a term was consumed. Old Oak had to have endured something really traumatizing to the gentle soul and her friends, perhaps a last ditch attempt to escape that went tragically wrong?

"Case in point, although we did not expected her to go that deep. You can see who we are now can you not Adagio Dazzle?" Yellow sighed regrettfully as Serak led the woman out onto the balconey with Frozen Heart opening the glass door, "We are diverse, but each has a supposed crime the Equestrians thought was worth sending here... save for Havoc and he knows why."

The dragon twirled a hand as if signaling to keep going with his words, acting like a dragon would with little concern. Of course, there was one last member who had yet to be discussed and they were the one who Adagio had to know of more than who Yellow had been. The walking source of black necromancy magic, something that had to do horrible things constantly to feed itself of the spectral range beyond negativity. A constantly exploding bomb which the old hag should rightly have been instead of wearing the smug look on her aged face. What kind of leash was on her, or what did transforming into a human do to her if she would not become a corpse? Her pod literally stood before a Gogalanth shark, and it always smelled blood in the water ever hungry no matter how big or small the nearest source of flesh was.

“Hmm... yes I can very well see now who I'm working with and it eases me into trusting you with this whole matter of getting back home. I could feel the animosity towards this Arcana force that seems to have existed for quite some time. We share a common enemy and for that this alliance will work for the time being, but I’d like to know one tiny little spec of information if you so could Yellow Tail?" she batted her eyes at him as her way of maintaining her calm state to what was coming from her mouth once he gave the cue.

He gave Pandius a quick peak as if confused by the question, though she had no answers for him in their wordless chat. Some of the others were rather too slow to pick up on the moment, rather they were still amidst Oak's breakdown and looking at Serak who patted her on the back behind the glass. A breeze whisked the ends of clothing like a flow of water, her bouncy curls jiggled to the right.

"What is it you'd like to know my little gem?" he replied.

Why do you have a LICH among you! Siren and those undead sorcerers are mortal enemies. They kill what we feed on… they’re rotweed to a garden!” Adagio’s jaws were muscled shut, bearing teeth that took away much of her cool level headedness. It was one creature her mother always warned her of that all pups were told were to never go near if they valued life. Tales of pods moving from the richest feeding grounds and safest of havens if the Matriarch or scouts picked up on the sickening aura of the immortal servants of evil.

Yellow took the suddenness with ease and breathed out slowly as he thought of how to word the explanation that would avoid worsening the rather aggressive response to that one exile, “Shallow Willow is her name… she was once a pony who loved her village and the trees around her home. Generations grew up in that little settlement, too many to count just as much as how she loved her life there. She only wanted to protect her village from a unicorn Baron who wanted the land for his own private holdings. What would become whatever gained him more bits, so she resorted to forbidden magic from a witch of the nearby bog from what we know. In the time it took the Baron to amass an eviction guard force and travel to the village, she would develop her inner magic and protect the land her parents and ancestors laid to rest in and those of her friends. This senseless fighting went on for years…”

By now the anger of Dazzle quelled to a simmer when Twilight put a hand on her shoulder trying to calm her down, “Do you know what love can do to people and ponies Mrs. Dazzle?” he asked.

The sirens gave one another looks, Twilight shrugging herself unsure of where their host was trying to mean. With no advances on their part to exploit, that left Adagio to take the question herself as he baited so rightly. As much as she hated Liches without ever having seen one, the handed down phobia was far too important to her to just let go for some spectacle of a past. At least she assumed that they were informing them of to some heroic side of the undead, but all in all these creatures were something that could never be contained once they crossed the threshold. They were a fire of malice and destruction, abusing corpses to continue their warpath of whatever they deemed a threat. Only the mortals could strive to stop them, a darkness that did not create negative emotions to make feeding easier for sirens, they destroyed the sources.

“I know we all here know our own version of what ‘Love’ is, therefore it is circumstantial. For Shallow Willow, her home being taken away by an outsider who would demolish the bountiful lands and graves of many good souls empowered her love beyond reasoning. As that very witch she sought tutelage from gave her one last option to learn of. A powerful spell of immortality that she may figure out a way to remove the Baron himself from power or decimate his forces entirely seeing as time would be her enemy. There was a price for eternal life, and thus the amateur battle mage graduated into a mighty weaver of black magic. She did many horrible, despicable things to the invaders Mrs. Dazzle, all for the birthplace and the lives of those there who saw her as nothing more than a wraith to fear.” He shook his head at the miraculous being who’d since lived a cursed life that only being turned human in this universe had eased much of the pain of the one tracked mind.

Frozen Heart joined in, “They feared her for many reasons, primarily from the unknown even if her blunt actions spoke louder than words. She’d never been able to go back to sleep in her own bed for fear of scaring off all the ponies she knew since she was a foal. Instead, like a owl on the hunt, she waited in the surrounding forest and would meet convoy after convoy of mercenary guards. Driving them away every time till the Baron would have none of it anymore. You can guess who came for her.” He too shared Yellow’s sullen mood, the facts sinking into Adagio’s heart as the monster of sirenkind lost its hardened shell of believability with cracks of second guessing.

“Do not mistake her for a docile mare. Once she goes back, she’ll no doubt return to her old home if it’s even still there. Yellow’s sent her once before to give you one of those rubies right? Empathy goes only so far now, but at least you can see that not all Liches are evil spirits made as such. Though after the fact... well you'll want to keep her an arms length.” Frozen snorted in displeasure at the lengths ponies went when they had power and abused it well to the point resistance took dark turns to fight back.

Sonata nearly shed a tear, “They’re made evil?”

“Can be my dear, can be.” Yellow answered as the last of their members had finally been declassified.

For a long while no one said a thing, everyone just felt content to sit in the noiseless condo with little movement save for Pandius who shifted in her living chair while cozying up to the man. Being so high up, they were far enough away from the rumble of traffic in the night. The smell of the previous dinner still hanging about gently with a slowly degrading presence, but it did a little to help keep the girls in a less excited mood. There was so much in the world for Adagio to comprehend, even if they were all from different ages.

She wondered how well her conquest would be if there were all sorts of dangerous beings out there who could usurp their control once it became known of their accomplishment to be. Would any toes they’d step on come banging down their palace doors with powerful magic their songs were ill equipped to handle? A rampaging dragon with no sirons to fight it if they could even handle such an apex predator like Havoc? Would black magic come and rob them of their spoils by some noble good for nothing, and what of the demons? They were beings to survived and thrived off of mental magic to get the source of their powers, but that only went so far and who it affected. Avatars of greed and corrupted ones were just beyond their level, even with her Twilight's growing magic and ability to suck up ones mana well.

It became quite frank that she’d have to revise her little vendetta against the ponies to have extra guard up for such potential enemies. As the saying went, the bigger they were the harder they fell and the Battle of the Bands was proof. The Matriarch of the Dazzlings would not repeat that mistake again, they knew all too well what it was like to fall in the sand.

She would have to plan everything from the start, which meant they had to rely on Yellow Tail now for protection until the strategy was reconstructed. A loathing act she had to stomach, but it was for the good of the pod. There was no underestimating the situation and the battlefield, no Sunset Shimmer and the humans to sing them into mortality. Adagio had to play the game life gave them so that they would finally be in control, adored by many, and reign for generations where her pups would take over. She’d make her mother proud, bringing the vile ponies to justice and make them serve their crimes under her irresistible voices.

“Umm… sir if I might ask?" Twilight shattered the silence, "Are you and the Empress a… um… couple?” she went for what had been egging her to ask since the meeting continued there.

The query received some rather dubious expressions, as if she had called out the pink elephant in the room. Both royal and mage appeared taken aback, Heart could be heard putting a hand to his face as if something obvious had been realized. Then came Magnus giving a deep guttural chortal rocking back and forth on his rear, slapping his thighs as tears fell from his eyes. The rest were stunned into inaction, unsure of where to go with the scottsman going off as he did.

“Oh that’s rich! That ghoul of a formless insect actually love somepony else than herself!? Ha! You gotta be kidding me lass!” he blasted out another volley of guffaw.

“Did I…” Twilight was taken aback by such a reaction, quickly noticing the coming outburst from Pandius as she whipped her head around to sneer and growl.

"We are simply exchanging services and nothing else!" the illustrious woman nearly roared to the dwarf.

The Dazzlings who thought they could not be surprised by anything else by then were stunted, whatever the two shared had many context to sort through before the real one showed itself. To save face, Aria brought herself to speak up and follow in Twilight's questioning.

"So... you sit on him and what? You heal him and he fondles you?" she gave a dark grin knowing it would spurn the Empress even though it was going against Adagio's orders, it was an opportunity akin to hovering a slice of cake to a human child.

Just as she hoped, the goddess of beauty wore a maddened state which no mortal should ever be capable of. Burning with the heat of a volcano at the indignity given to one of her rank. Eyes widened, mouth snarling in an animalistic manner befitting a savage wolf, her posture setting itself into position to leap at the siren who dared to speak such lowly of her. Aria guessed she might have lost her face if Yellow Tail had not gripped the woman's shoulder and held her close, contrasting her enraged state with a sullen loving embrace that just seemed stupid to the purple siren.

Serak had chosen to come back inside just as Aria remarked, Oak choosing to remain on the porch, "If you must know you Blaze." he emphasized her name to reprimand her after having warned earlier upon arrival, "Empress Pandius has a unique healing ability due much in part to her Changeling race. Yellow provides the love there, and the Empress in turn repairs any damage done onto the giver with a healing spell in a way like how she gave to her daughters hive. She is like you in that magic can be created from so little, I'd be more kind to her as you'll never know when you'd need her help."

Adagio took the perfect moment to slap the back of the girl's head, having stood on the couch, leaned over the two between them, and open handedly swinging. The contact was not too loud, but it was enough to cause a minor sting that shut the siren up as she knew when Adagio did more than grab her to prove a point. Once she became physical, she had no chances left before the wrath of a Matriarch came out and thankfully she'd never had it happen to herself. Only seen in back at her home pod, and it was not a pleasurable experience.

Sonata understandably curled into Twilight as humanly possible, being the most submissive of the three. For all her moments of aloofness, she never garnered Adagio's anger much less spite. She was a good siren if she just made a few mistakes or misunderstood what was said. Even her tiffs with Aria were more sisterly than what Dazzle had just done. Twilight received a nervous forced smile when she asked what was going on, and then a slow shake of the head.

"Well, I believe my body is back up to par. Thank you Empress for the aid, as I'm sure I gave enough love to sustain you till we're back home?" Yellow interrupted as the Changeling royal delicately rose off him to her feet.

She turned to walk away to the kitchen, "Yes young mage, you have my gratitude."

He ganders at the Dazzlings once more, "Thus ends our meeting I do concur! Everyone will stick around for a little while longer if any of you want to talk to them, but remember we wake up at the crack of dawn and make way to the portal. Girls, you'll be sleeping here, we have a spar guest room I fitted with two beds. You'll be under our protection, as of right now we're in a very dangerous phase. Anything can happen." he paused to give them a dead serious glare before grinning with a clap of the hands and rubbing them, "So! I'll be around if you need anything."

To that, the room became alive with chatter and moving bodies, some going to the restrooms while others getting up to see Oak. Leaving Adagio to her next course of action and Twilight to find a way to talk to Yellow Tail about her magic.

Ch. 42 Who Is Midnight Sparkle?

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Ch. 42 Who Is Midnight Sparkle?

Outside Equestria Police Department

It was near midnight as the night shift went into full swing, most of the squad cars were out on the town and surrounding areas for routine patrols to keep the town safe. The giant square structure of the authorities headquarters stood imposing at the eastern section of the center. Street lights caste their golden glow upon the lower sections of the building, the front glowed the brightest with security lights and cameras up above the two double doors of the main entrance. The electronic eyes stared without blinking at anyone who entered their field of vision, red lights indicating they were recording shone like ominous spirits watching from their perch blinking every few seconds. They however did not see what was afar and obvious, or at least the officer watching the monitors hadn't yet noticed.

At the present time, the captured Arcana prison guards who were apprehended had been treated for their injuries, then secured in their jail cells until the scheduled hearing. No identification on them, nothing the true human officers couldn't extract, they were long since processed and left under eye and key. Most humiliated at being subdued by the woman and a teenage boy, fretting over not using defensive spells rather than assume things would go smoothly. A pastel green skinned man with tan hair stood against the bars, vexed that the humans found all of the mana crystals on him and confiscated every item they all had just for such an occasion. They were unicorns without magic, vulnerable like any of the humans and it was degrading to be sunk to such a level in a short time frame. His name was Strict Motive, the leader of the squad that was sent to capture Sunset Shimmer and the one who'd be held responsible for the failure of the mission.

"Stupid monkeys..." Motive mumbled, gaining a lowly look from one of the others in the same cell.

A pearl white man ran a hand through dull gunmetal colored hair, "So we assumed they'd be push overs? Wouldn't be the first time a squad did not luck out. Tartarus we're lucky we haven't been hunted by the forces of this place! Remember what happened to Academia's squad when they got lost in the abandoned mental hospital?" giving a short shake as the reports of their demise was all too vivid in his mind.

"Merry Weather... not now." Strict hissed with a very peeved look about him, he just wanted to fume until their rescue came.

Another joined in, but this one came from three cells down, "Probably didn't help that the woman resembled our Princess Celestia, I think most of us hesitated even touching her much less caste any spells."

Weather chuckled, "Ya... probably true, not like any of us were expecting it. We were given no forewarning of who'd be in that room, so fair's a bet Sappy Pines is right. Her being there screwed up the mission."

One human officer witnessing the conversation held a newspaper to his attention, barely focusing on the strange language the captives were speaking. The Arcana ponies were using a restricted language to hid their words, and it worked well enough. In an already bored state after listening to them, a need to quench a thirst for energy and sweet black gold had the average built man blindly groping for the cup nearby. His coffee mug accidentally tipped it over, spilling overdone dark roast all over the desk and stained a few papers and folders scattered about before the computer. His mild panic to save the documents pertaining to the latest prisoners drew the unicorns attention, because they knew that was no accident. Those grimy little hands had not even tapped the drinking vessel and it just emptied its contents out of happenstance.

"Major Night Watch it is then. Well lads we'll be out of here soon and have our ears shattered by the reprimanding we've earned. Remember this night recruits... you won't forget it." Motive sighed as he removed himself from the bars and stood towards the back of the wall with the others following suit cautiously in all the cells.

Merry slapped himself, "Guess there goes the promotion I was aiming for."

Outside, just as no motor vehicle passed by for twenty straight minutes. On the opposite side of the street to the Police Department stood a trench coated well styled man with a unique hat as garnish, the flat sun cover bent upwards on the left side, flowing downwards on the other side in a lazy decline. A fancy red ribbon tied around the base of the skull cover decorated with a hawks feather pointing upwards striped in vanilla and mocha colors. In black on all articles of clothing from the coat to the dress pants, polished dress shoes adorned the feet as they clacked against the asphalt in their stride to the front doors unabated.

An officer happened to exit the department talking through her handheld microphone clipped to her uniform, barely noticing the approaching figure with a far too busied mind to make heads or tails of him. As she casually thought of the report of a break-in, she simply tipped her hat to the stranger before turning sharply right to her car. She could not have fathomed the intent of the person who easily returned the gesture with a warm smile from his sherbet orange face and a casual wave of greetings from a white gloved hand. No one could have faulted her, she was about to be on her way to a crime in progress. Thus, the first alarm was bypassed, letting the Major free and unmolested to do what he came to do.

He was not a violent pony, nor was excessive force like humans often used ever in his line of work no matter the incident at hand. At this moment alone, he had one priority and that was to snatch and grab the guards taken into custody. Unlike Equestria where security meant using defensive tactics of non-lethal methods or paralysis spells, human guards seemed apt to use their deadly weapons that fired solid metal slugs which could do serious damage with even one finding home. To that, he had a plan to act on and remove the threats to himself and those he had come for.

Going through the thick metal entrance, creaking open to be greeted by the front desk help. A tubby man and a young woman both suited just in case they were called to respond were just finishing a phone call and stacking papers away. A box of sweet pastries sat on the counter next to a flora pot with a plant showing good health of being taken care of, a small card below its base drew the Majors attention as he stopped before the two. It was a 'Goodbye' gift for a retiring sheriff, a human by the name Honest Law with many signatures written on the empty spots of the notification.

"Welcome to Equestria Police Department, state your business and we'll help in any way we can." said the bored front desk help as she set aside the mound of her recent work aside to render aid.

She looked up to the strangely dressed person before them, yet in all her ten years of working in Equestria they'd seen far much worse and weirder to say anything of the attire. The Major gave a friendly happy grin and then proceeded to get straight to the point with his hands at his side and his posture immaculately straight.

With a robust and suave voice, "Several were arrested today for trying to kidnap a hospitalized girl, I'd like to see them if possible." he said with little emotion though his steely eyes locked onto the woman, giving her a bad vibe from his character alone.

"Give me a moment." she held a finger up and soon went to work on the computer and readied to get him out of her face lest she endure anymore of the heeby jeebies shiver being caste upon her spine, "What is your name and your relationship to the arrested?"

The Major answered, "I'm their commanding officer, and I need to see them... now please?"

It gained a pause from the receptionist, she looked to the man again to ask if she misheard. Her words fell to serenity as he rose a hand up which began to glow just as it leveled with her eyes, it was the last thing she saw before succumbing to a trick of the mind spell. Even her fellow officer who had looked over at the worst possible moment fell hostage after curiosity got the better of him, collapsing softly onto the desk still in his roller seat, a coffee cup flipped over in the process and spilling the hot contents that pooled around his bouncy cheeks steaming hot. He commanded her to locate their position and to which she gave with full heart, just three rooms towards the back which thankfully had little resistance to meet. A few doors and the Arcana guards would be found, all seemed to be on an easy track to an accomplished mission were not for a group of five officers showing up through a door on the left side. They were discussing some up coming football game with a neighboring department for the summer holiday a few months off.

The Major looked over, gazing upon the officers who just then started to notice the strange situation concerning him and the help desk as the woman quickly fell asleep at that split second. In one swoop of the hand, he drove the men and women back through the door they came from and slammed the door shut with a wind conjuring. An ice wall was thrown upon the entrance to seal it for the moment until the magic wore off, leaving no trace of the frozen water long after he'd absconded with the guilty. Thus, safe in his stacked deck against deadly humans, he began his sacred duty bestowed upon him by an Arch Mage. Leaving to the right side door to head to the jail cells in a methodical slow pace.

The first door led to an office room, computers and desks dotted the entire area with three humans sitting at their stations typing away. They looked up to see him giving casual glances as they were soon asking why he wondered into the room. A powerful surge erupted from a snap of the fingers, the police were yanked from their seats and glued to the ceiling as they cried out in shock. Their arms were prevented from grabbing their sidearms, magic holding their bodies like concrete statues to no avail of their wills.

The Major continued on and entered a storage room which took an L-shaped bend into the next area. Boxes and shelves held evidence that stored over the years of past and current crimes, two unarmed personnel were tending to cataloguing when they heard the Major arrive. Noticing he shouldn't have been that far into the depths of the station, one of the men went to confront him gently.

"Hey pal, you're not allowed here..." the cop spoke before a yellow aura covered his form, lifted him up, and roughly slammed into the nearest immovable wall.

With their partner knocked out cold, the other staff member scrambled to get away only to meet the same fate. Lifted up into the air and then slammed hard into the floor, just enough to subdue and not kill. Like a rag doll, the human was soon out cold and it left the Major to proceed onwards. One last empty room just before a card swipe controlled door, one of which the Major simply blasted the door off its hinges and set off the alarm.

The heavy steel door panged hard into the room as it came to a rest on the concrete floor with ear shattering noise, giving two jumps before its weight and hardiness stilled its fall. The cell guard looked up dumbfounded as well as nearly partaking in a heart attack at the suddenness of the violent act, unsure of what to make of what he saw as the figure strode in with a face that could kill any mood.

"I am here for my subordinates." the professional elite proclaimed before another spell captured the cop and began to choke him just enough to black out.

The slab of flesh squirmed for a little more within the invisible grasp he could not grab at even if his life demanded it of him. Fingers twisting and clamping at air in vain before he went out like a light bulb at night. The poor helpless man lost awareness and was soon deposited into the seat he once took, with the keys to open the cells levitating towards the Major from a magnetic spell he fired out. Standing astute at the quick and easy triumph over the human guards, the necessary key magically found and soon the incarcerated guards were let free with a few twists in the keyholes here and there.

"Come, we have much to do." the Major announced coldly as he began to walk back through the path he carved himself.

Yellow Tail's Dwelling

People mingled and discussed what was to come and the home they had been forced from in its present state. Adagio could hear the more aggressive ones looking to renew their old habits and go to town with their restored bodies. The level headed were already setting up havens for seclusion if the Equis they'd go to proved to be one similar to the human world, hostile and controlling. It tickled the golden siren to listen in on the planning and operations the mages were concocting, old hide outs that should be stocked with all the things they needed if their stasis spells held still to this day. Most guessed at how long they'd been away judging by their arrival and how time flew. All trivial matters to her, as once she heard a few sharing her little piece of history she once told others of, she immediately began to gain double takes from the members around her as they heard how death came from pony hooves even if it were accidental. Hoping pain would earn a few trusts and allies out of the coincidental issues she had with Equestria and the involvement of the Arcana, she figured little work would be needed to be done on her part. All she needed to do now was socialize and let the pieces fall into place, these were the big wigs with power and usefulness after all.

Thus, Adagio sought out the first one she felt would be easy to know, the man who stood close by the balcony door, "Serak yes? I'm afraid I do not remember much of our first meeting as it were. I was... incapacitated at the time. Could you spare a moment with me?"

The faux human turned to her as he finished speaking to Frozen, "Sure? I'd be happy to help, after all Mrs. Twilight speaks highly of you."

His praise tickled the Matriarch as she grinned, "I was just wondering if you could share a little about yourself, a deep and interesting take on who you are. Maybe what you've done to survive without magic this long?"

The two stood close by Oak still outside and separated by the wall of glass, she seemed to have lightened up a bit by the body language she hosted. Looking off to the sea of glimmering lights and businesses operating well into the early morning hours. Heart posted himself close by to let her in when she was ready, keeping to himself otherwise. Serak appeared a little livid to find another interested in his tales, to him it was a breath of fresh air from the circle of Yellow's. They'd all come to know the other well enough, some secrets still guarded and suspicion never lifted even after all the years that had passed. He figured if the leader of the Dazzlings was this approachable to the data they had on her, then things would go on smoothly and home would be but an act away.

He chuckled, "Well I can see your curious about the magic aspect first and foremost. The reason why I was not mortal after banishment was from a little secret the Arcana failed to notice, contraband!"

Dazzle tilted her head and smiled at his little tactic, smart even under the conditions he had previously explained, "A very clever man... err griffon you are? Please continue."

"I tore a few pages out of the magical tome and packed them at the base of my primary feathers before my people arrested me. At first I did not think even the pages would possess magic nor retain it after removal from the book, but to my surprise when I was sentenced I could! Though it was finite unfortunately, Yellow found me before I could have accidentally expended it all. There is just enough to help with the portal spell Paradox created to force the portal open if it is closed. We're all low on mana as it is sadly." he said a Magnus cracked a joke to Havoc only he knew, though Adagio picked up on that tid bit concerning them in the grand picture.

"Ahhh yes, I've been meaning to ask him how our magic would do such a thing, I guess we really are just the power source then. Interesting..." she noted that little question to ask later, "A griffon you said you were? Back when we were in Equestria we only knew of one griffon settlement. Nothing really to do with that pitiful slum of a kingdom if you ask me, they were greedy birds always asking for a bit for something."

Adagio's spat about Griffonstone did not affect the mage, instead he agreed openly about her words of it, "Yes well that was the Equestrian colony that had little to build on, so they settled on trade and amassed as much bits as they could in the peak of their time. Similar to the Pilgrims of this country if I had anything to relate to them. I heard from Frozen and Paradox that those buzzards became entranced with some kind of chalice of gold, that it actually gave them a society that brought prosperity?! Then they lost it to a roving monster, utter bellends they were! Fall to their own greed and collapse over a trinket of gold! Bah!!" his own tone slapping the chimeras that apparently were nothing more than spinoff of some greater kingdom.

"You know the ponies seem to only think that place was the sole land of griffons, did you know that?" Dazzle inquired.

"Would not surprise me in the least. Pillocks! From what I know that's been in effect for ages by the Arcana itself, even Paradox and Emerath had some knowledge of the second continent of Equis. If you were born in Equestria, you were spoon fed what you needed to know and given a life to live. From where I hail from, the true griffon kingdom of Key'Astra lies on what they would call the Fringe. You'd have to travel there by boat for a few days away from Equestrian soil. The lands use to be rich, vibrant, plentiful until the soil began to fester, nonetheless, it is our homeland for all breeds of griffon. We were the true trading destination where goods came and went from Equestria to all the other kingdoms beyond." proud and happy at the reality he was able to bring to the siren.

"A wonderful place I'm sure, now about your magic. What was that book you sequestered by chance? It seemed to make your own kind fear you out of prejudice did it not?" she asked kindly enough though her reasons were anything but good.

Serak tapped his chin as he took in the past little by little, "If I were to relate anything of it... I'd say it was a similar trinket to what Emerath discovered? It just suddenly appeared when I was out looking for rare mushrooms to sell for my family. When I touched it, it just... bonded to me and any spell within it I could caste to some degree."

Not quite pleased with the answer Adagio pressed on, "So you found a book out in the lands and suddenly became a magician like a unicorn?"

As easy as it was to explain it as such, he had no other choice but to shrug, "Unfortunately yes. Though I do not know of its origins, I can surmise it was the same occurrence with Emerath and his country. Maybe it was brought up by the machinations of the demons or simply dropped by a wayward wizard? Either way, non magic users could caste spells, enchantments, hexes, and all the sorts by having it in their possession. Unlike Emerath however, it had no dominating effect, it simply was a source of magic. I should know, my brother tested that theory out with me."

While Dazzle seemed to fumble with what she was told, Aria had taken the moment to instead remain on the couch and let the others do what they willed and benefit from it. She had no intentions of talking to anyone other than Havoc or Magnus, but then again she cared nothing for them either. At this point it was a waiting game for her and one which she needed her limited patience to bear with. Sonata on the other hand took to the crowd like Adagio, seeking out those she had random questions for and was oddly received rather well. The first exile she darted towards was Havoc, mumbling about his spicy rub to herself that she enjoyed so much of.

Aria's eyes tracked the cerulean siren all the way across the living room to the lounging lizard turned human, it was be a mistake not to with her. Even though Serak said he'd calmed down, listening to his story of himself just painted his person to be yet another ticking time bomb. Emotion would not be his vent, but as a dangerous roving dragon he use to be it would be more like Tisiphone's wrath.

Sonata came to a skipping halt and appeared like an inquisitive child before him, his forest green eyes glimmered as they took in the visitor. He had been told by Yellow Tail to be patient with them, and no misconduct lest he'd be left in the human world. Much to his chagrin of wanting to warn the siren away, he knew any such action would be punishable. Thus, with the only thing left to do, he gave the singer a line to hook herself with like the fish she was.

"I assume your here to chat with me? Like your leader over there?" he huffed like a bored rich CEO being bothered by a homeless child, pointing to her matriarch with a quick jerk of a thumb.

Sonata remained optimistic and still rode the flavor train of his taste in spicy seasonings, "Nah, I really enjoyed that hot salt stuff we put on the meat! For realzies! It was like soooo just perfect! I've only ever had anything like it when we once went south to hunt for more magic."

The lazy dragon gave a quick studious look over the young body, as if trying to see any hint of a lie in her words. With his head resting on a closed fist of his right arm, he hesitated to join in conversation at first. Yet it had been a long time since anyone actually liked what he did, much less when it came too food. In all honesty, he always sought that same feeling of breathing fire, how he missed his glorious flame which could melt any metal weapons, castle walls of stone, and even repel magic thrown at him long ago. He was once on the top of the chain to become the Dragon Lord of the North Marican continent, once heeded as one along the same power as those of the eastern lands. Now, a little horse fish comes along and can stand the heat he even dubbed down just for others to like, it was a long time since anyone could say anything good about his desire to replicate that feel of his fire.

He'd regret the decision for the rest of his life as he righted himself on the large recliner, sitting up properly and then tapping the left arm of the chair for the girl to sit on. She beamed with joy and happiness, taking to the offer with all utmost glee and plopping herself on the given seat.

"So... someone or something actually can take the heat of my tastes? How so does an aquatic relative of a dragon seem to handle even a minuscule amount of what I normally like?" he beckoned the question, his green eyes staring into hers with vigor yet no fear was created by his dominate spirit.

"Ohhh we traveled to many cities after we were dropped into this awful place. Tried all sorts of food, I just liked hot stuff and what came from the southern border. I remember when we passed through farms, hot peppers as far as the eyes could see..." she salivated with a smile, "Adagio had us take a few meals in the area and we had a taste or more. I think it makes food taste like... like its alive with power! The hot, the spicy, the salty, burnt, smokey, goodness you can't find from anything else!"

Havoc snorted with a grin, this being of Equis seemed to actually go to the source, "How interesting? I've only met your kind maybe once during my life back home. So strange to find that you can handle the fire?"

"Ya, my mom and our pod lived in a place where stuff had a bite to it. Literally too! There was this coral we could eat, they called it fire coral because it stung ponies who bumped into it. We could handle the stings like nothing, crunchy yet it tasted like puffer fish. Guess that's where I picked up the taste?" Sonata grinned widely and gained a light chuckle from Inferno.

He chuckled deeply, "I think I actually like you, young siren. Anyone whose mouth and stomach that withstands the burn is okay to me."

An idea popped over Dusk's head, "Hey!? Did you ever try wasabi paste? Neighpon had this stuff made of a root, it burned so much that it hurts your nose, your mouth, and your eyes? Can you believe it?"

The mere mention of the name of that land popped an eyebrow in curiosity, he'd never been out of Marica before. Though all dragons knew about the other lands beyond the oceans around them. A few of those who lived there did venture to his domain, bringing with them what to trade for in other goods. Though the thing she mentioned was not in his memory of what he took by force or tried out of whim.

"Can't say that I have, though I think I'll make that on my to do list upon my return. A long list..." he said, "So tell me little siren, what other hot stuff have you tried in this human realm? Let us see how far your tolerance goes?"

As the two discussed cuisine and sources of culinary hotness, Twilight followed Yellow Tail as he joined Pandius in the kitchen who had served herself a little red wine in a glass. He himself opened up one of the cabinets to look for something in particular for whatever reason she could not ascertain immediately. Sparkle peered from the edge of the doorless entrance into the room, seeing him extract a bottle of capers and licking his lips in anticipation of the snack. Pandius in her sultry form leaned into the kitchen counter, taking slow sips of the oxblood liquid with closed eyes as if she savored every ounce of the alcoholic liquid. Yellow had just pried open the top and went for a drawer to likely pull out a utensil to eat with when he noticed the teenager in his peripheral.

She waved nervously, "Hi? I um... kinda needed to talk to you about my magic is now a good time?" she peeked further out of cover still being ignored by the Empress.

Yellow had paused to listen, then returned to his course of action, "Ahh yes Mrs. Sparkle, I've been meaning to ask about the disarming of the portal guardians? Even Pandius here whose been near them is very curious. Its quite the feat in itself honestly." he extracted a small thin fork perfect for pulling the pickled flower buds out of their glass container.

'You can do this Twilight, after all this is magic... no one will think your crazy. Besides, they seem to be enthusiastic enough to hear me out.' she told herself before she steeled up and spoke.

The crimson haired man enjoyed the first few morsels in his mouth as she began, "Well you see, it was all because of the device and the magic it took in the first half of the games. The 'guardians' as you call them confronted me after they tried to corner me in a bathroom, I... I had some symptoms from the device itself that affected me. That was when they tried to pry information out of me and... uh... something happened." she grinned sheepishly.

Pandius gave no discerning reaction, but her eyes were upon her as a mountain lion eyeing a deer, "What do you mean something happened my dear? Did the magic blow up the restroom or what?" taking another light sip of the red liquid.

Taking a deep breath to quell the jitters trying to quake her speech, "In the shortest explanation possible? I transformed into something that made me feel so... so alive! As if all my inhibitions were absconded and all restrictions to my normal behaviors lifted! I stood my ground and held up for myself for the first time since I can't even remember?! You can't imagine how amazing it felt, when the device unleashed its magic upon me it was a varied spectrum of sensations that left a euphoria inside my mind even though I was angry at them. I left after I made my arguments, but it would not be the last of it. The next day after the Friendship Games ended in a stalemate, it happened again and that was when I found myself before the Rainbooms trying again to reason with me even though their negotiations were far less convincing than they tried to think they were. The changes I endured at first finally completed itself from what I could tell, though I was unfortunately too... err... consumed by the heat of the moment to really take it all in or write any notes. I kind of dislike that I let myself go as I did." The two adults were speechless with parted lips as their jaws went slack, "I may have become a little... sadistic as I held power over them, I'm not sure where that came from... but it felt natural... something I'll look into with a keen eye hopefully with your help. Anyways, they eventually tried to use that cleansing magic that neutralized the Dazzlings on me, so I interfered with their charge up so that only Sunset was the one I would fight. I figured strategically it was sound, I could focus on her and avoid being accosted on all fronts by the girls. You know the saying? Divide and conquer? You've probably heard of the damage to the school too, that was the combat magic in your book Yellow Tail sir. Though I only turned my back on Sunset for a moment before she came too and used the spell I once worried would stripe me of magic. I tried to defend myself that I will promise you, I erected as many Blight Light panels as possible, but it appears nothing can halt that spell... they shattered easily like a bullet through a row of mirrors. I strangely enough came out of the attack unharmed even though I was enveloped in their spell from head to toe, but after the blinding colors faded away I still was empowered by the mana within me can you believe it! It was then that I took the moment to rob her of what magic was left in her... Yellow sir? Why was there some kind of hex placed on her at some point? Because I searched the well from her I first took and used the manifestation that seemed to have once haunted her for days if not weeks to instill fear and apprehension to weaken the target for offensive retaliation?"

She expected an explanation as she worried there was a rouge out there who was also chiseling away at the Rainbooms to get to the portal or whatever their hidden agenda was. Worst yet, if they might harm the sirens as well, from what she read over hexes and curses were powerful and very caustic to the victim. They were so close to leaving and this variable was not acceptable for anyone involved. Though as she fretted and waited with baited breath, Pandius set her wine glass down and walked up to her. The shimmering ocean blue straight hair that reached behind her back caught Twilight's attention just enough to sooth her concerns.

"I remember you... now that I'm of a more calm mood. Back at the museum... I sensed someone nearby and they had the same kind of spiritual aura as you did... that very glow and taste. My, my, the one who broke the guardians is also a snoop of some sort, you knew a little more than you should and yet it was not used against us in any way. How honorable of you. Though I'm curious as to why your red string is missing, I've noticed the absence since you've arrived here. Now I know why." her illustrious voice which put the siren's music on par with hers, tickling the human's morbid curiosity into Changelings as a species.

"Wha... what do you mean a red string?" she asked looking about her for a physical blemish on her person, finding nothing even remotely relevant on her school uniform.

An deep blue colored arm reached out, gently grasping her soft lavender chin and guiding her attention back to the Empress, "You had a red string of which I'm certain was tied to the sirens. Yellow informed me of their nature and how much he's been interested in why you've become such fast friends with them, how they came to accept you so willingly if not out of desperation. But the way you were treated, especially by that blue one..." Pandius gives a look over the man behind her who had the fork frozen between his lips, "So it was true, they had you under their spell at some point when they tested that first gemstone. He did not believe you could escape their songs enthrallment without some form of mental slavery or suggestion, but they probably did not even realize it. A charm of some sort... probably a complication caused by the lingering spirits of the original sirens of this planet."

Taken aback by the Empresses words, "What do you mean enslaved by them? I made conscious decisions that I made alone and by myself! No one made me do what I did for this group or for them. Right?"

The Changeling grinned widely across her face, something about it struck a chord of fear and uncertainty in Sparkle, "You forget what I am little larvae... Changelings know emotions more than any being in existence, it is our specialty. Whether or not you could even realize it, that red string I sensed was unmistakably love and adoration for someone too pure to be normal. It has been severed and I believe from the guardians doing at that. Though... from you it has been broken, but I can see within... a birds nest of the very string tangled in endlessness... a mess which cannot be undone by even the greatest of mages." She paused for a moment and then brought Twilight into a hug, drinking in the love she had within her for the sirens caused by the magic inside, "Its a perfect storm, their spell has latched onto the essences you stole... acting like souls themselves, but they are hollow like a dead tree limb. They adore the sirens now where you do not... I wonder if they're aware of it?"

Sparkle squirmed in extreme uncomfortable sensations, confused and panicking slightly as Yellow set away the pickled good to speak, "Basically Mrs. Sparkle, if I can understand this myself as we're both in the dark about this magic you've amassed. Stealing mana wells has essentially taken the entire magic away from the guardians, they will never get it back unless you return it. While that is good and all, it also means as the Empress has mentioned, the signatures have not decomposed into pure mana within you or the device. Instead, they coalesce into a source of power for you to draw on as they remain whole and recharge at their own rate I believe... but you haven't learned how to truly access that power willingly and sober. Your emotions activate them as a self defense mechanism judging by your experiences you've told us. The siren's spell infected them before you were treated by Sunset, though you stole the others after the fact. That leads me to believe, now this is just a theory, that the first ones you took were far too much of a mess to be cleansed and thus carried the adoration and spread it to the others by now. Your transformation you speak of is your own magic trying to piece together the original owners they came from into one... have you heard voices by chance?"

Pandius casually released her, edging away back to her wine glass to take another sip. Twilight then out of her element of knowledge, nothing could have readied her for the unknown territory she'd been made to realize. Was it really true that she'd become their friends and persisted in the very face of obvious danger because she listened in that first day they sang? Why she was frozen in place in the face of Adagio as she went into a breakdown, where her very life was in danger? All she did made possible because she was under their spell unintentionally? Did Adagio not say they could target their spell?

Her inner voice came back of its own accord, 'She knows not of what she speaks. We just want to help them and learn all the magical arts that exist. Nothing else.' Twilight looking around instinctively.

"Its very possible my little dear that your magic behaved like that because of the enchantment. While you yourself are free, your still trapped because your magic cannot let go of them? I can see it influences your decisions, and how you still find them to be valued friends regardless of whatever sad little history they have. Even now in your fear and anxiousness, your trying to make sense of this, I don't like that flavor myself but its a huge alarm bell to me. Your magic... is it not trying to defend them? Telling you things?" The Empress giggled a little.

"Twilight, have you been hearing voices for a while or recent?" Yellow stepped closer to her, causing her to go into a deeper level of panic.

"I... I... I... I did everything for everyone... I did it for myself and for the greater good... I'm not under a spell... All my choices were mine and mine alone!... I trusted them... trust..." she muttered as the voice came back with a louder echo.

It had become frustrated by the tone it took, freaking out the girl as she couldn't find the source other than within herself, 'Get away from them! We're fine... everything will go according to your plans you made. Fools!'

Yellow knelt before her, his gray eyes shimmering golden once again as he worked up a little power to see for himself, "Are they speaking now?" he asked as softly as his grainy voice could, like a child lost from their parent in a grocery store and a staff member found them.

"Be careful, they are becoming very agitated by the second. It appears we're nearing another incident as it seems, how fair of it to happen amidst a gathering of beings like us isn't it? Again?" Pandius quipped as she walked up to the man's side, amused at the developing problem.

"I'm in control! I've always been in control..."

'Yes you have, I'm just here to help is all'

"NO!! Your just a figment!" she yelled to no one, the others in the other room hearing the commotion and quieting to overhear.

'Don't push me away! I am you as you are me! We are loyal only to ourselves... loyal to the cause to make our brother proud!'

That mention sent her heart to miss a beat, it was an awful feeling to know the voice could name her brother. After all it was just a voice of stress most likely, she would soon leave earth for another universe after all and she'd done her best to suppress the fear and nerve wracking unknown into magic. Into a reality where things were nearing their own apocalypse of their own and she'd be in the middle of it trying to benefit while helping. Had she done what Adagio did herself and push everything she initially worried over down below the surface just to function?

"Twilight? Twilight?!" Yellow calls out, "She's slipping, Pandius can you subdue her? We have to calm her down!"

He turned to the Aphrodite made flesh and blood, she herself quickly lost any fun in the circumstance when a burst of magic erupted from the human girl. It was not in a good fashion either, the sheer wash of mana burnt her emotional senses like a hot cup of tea on the tongue. Fear, a very palpable feeling that was amazingly strong and budding into full bloom at an alarming rate. Changelings needed love and adoration, but negative emotions were a trash heap as to human noses and she had become offended by the negativity spreading out like a wild flame. She snarled and placed a hand on the girl's forehead, a low glow of a dull blue energy blurs into the air around her digits and soaked into Sparkle.

'They're trying to harm us! Let me help us?!'

With eyes squeezed shut, Twilight did not feel the machinations of the royal and instead focused on trying to force cold hard facts into her daze of anxiety. The actions of the past day were enough to shake her resolve to nothing, and now she had nothing to hold up with. Doubt sowed into her every thoughts as the voice kept insisting it was on her side and trying to help.

'They are ATTACKING us you idiot! Let me through!'

"... no..." Twilight whispered before falling to the cool feeling of a mountain stream passing by her as if she were in water.

Yellow caught the girl and cradled her as he lifted the lithe frame up, Pandius had since withdrew her hand and followed him into the living room. All eyes were upon them, but he cared little as the vassal of intense magic he had in his grasp appeared to be handling the power in a very inefficient way. One way which was causing her harm and that would hurt their efforts to go back, the gemstone was cracking.

Aria shot off the couch as she eyed the unconscious Sparkle, Yellow settling her softly on the seat in a resting position. An evident blue magical born horn starting to slowly grow out of the girl's forehead, a faint glow around her dorky glasses started to come too. She looked peaceful and almost a scene of cuteness if the urgent way she was delivered did not offset the thought, Aria soon found her will to speak. Yet as she was about to ask harsh questions, Adagio appeared and looked afraid to touch their new siren addition.

Dazzle had taken three quick steps and then knelt by the unconscious girl, "What happened to her?" she demanded in a low voice as the oozing Equestrian magic permeated her senses.

Not even the tempt to feed could challenge her concern over her subordinate, the noticeable changes occurring were obvious enough. She was not attacked, nay, something was happening to her new Dazzling and something she could not understand. At one moment she chatted with a griffon magician, the next the pod had one of its members out for the count.

Yellow sighed as he gestured to Monet to come closer, "Honestly? I don't know, but from what we do know is that she is dealing with a complex complication with herself and the magic she's taken. Its fighting her for control over her body, an unfortunate symptom of humans taking another mana well as their own if not multiple. I'm afraid we can only help by keeping her from harming herself and others until she gains a foothold or the magic does. Either way, both are loyal to the cause... and you strangely enough?"

Adagio yanked her hands away and snapped her head to the man, a cruel glare cracked to life upon her soft yellow cream face with a red glow around her eyes and pendant. To the horror of the others who stepped away to give space, Yellow did not shy nor react. Monet walked up and gauged the situation, first inspecting Twilight and then Adagio the wild creature who felt pain and sorrow over the wounded.

"Magic doesn't do this... magic is just energy!" she hissed through clenched teeth.

Shaking his head, "For a native Equis denizen yes, but humanity is another card all its own. Perhaps she'd be fine if she had never listened to your first song when you took the initial ruby I provided. Did she not hear you sing before? Perhaps again later on?" he glanced into her angry eyes, they wavered under his gold irises as they reappeared again like a lighthouse in a storm battering the coastline.

"Ya, so what? We thought she wouldn't be under our spell? She didn't act like any of the other monkeys we've slaved to us for that moment. Not like the effect should last after we stop singing right?" Aria huffed with her arms crossed.

"But... she sang with us at the karaoke bar... we sang together... heard her sing." Dusk said from the crowd with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"When?" Yellow inquired as Dazzle lost the inferno in her eyes.

"After she took the first batch of magic from those Rainbooms. Why?" Aria answered confused.

Putting a hand to his forehead he breathed out laboriously, "She's a beginner mage, lacking mental fortitude to handle the effects of stolen magic. When you sang, not only did she fall to your spell completely... but so did the magic within her. It's nothing ordinary either just so you know... everything was ripped out of the guardians. As if you clip a piece of a plant and put the bottom into a cup of water. It will soon root out and become a clone of the parent plant, and thus... Mrs. Sparkle here allowed the mana wells to retain a spirit or... she actually took a bit of the soul of the guardians with the magic itself. This is beyond my expertise honestly, but it is the best we can come up with as of now."

"So she like? Has the Rainbooms inside her head? What does that have to do with our singing?" Sonata pleaded for an answer.

Monet then spoke up, "If she did anything like the Vorak's line of studies, in her carelessness the magic was anything but mere mana itself. She took a part of the soul of the guardians with it, creating personalities inside which your songs infected. The reforming spell she withstood had some kind of effect I can only guess... did you feel anything by chance? Something or anything before you reunited with her earlier today?"

Adagio's eyes widened, as did the other two as if reality slammed into them like a baseball bat at a major league game. That pain that swept over them, the pain that let them know something happened to their newest Dazzling. Then the question came up, for adagio she wondered if by chance they had Twilight under some kind of spell that lasted beyond their performance. It would explain her clingy nature with them and how Sonata took to the girl long after they first met. Coincidental life experiences would only hold a bond for so long, but this human persisted and did everything she could to please them. Had she been a thrall all this time, and now the magic within her fractured beyond belief was also affected? Was it the effect of the spiritual essence of the old sirens? Had those old dusty regrets done them in only now?

Yellow nodded to Monet and the two walked up to the girl nearest to her head, "Your silence says it all. If my theory is correct, she was freed of the bond and you felt it like any pain of mortal flesh. Her magic however, far too scrambled for anything to get through maintained the adoration of the Dazzlings. It has spread to the other wells she drained and they've merged into a whole other entity that's convinced it's there to help Mrs. Sparkle. Acting of its own accord with her approval, forever looking to appease you three. Its even infecting herself again to establish the connection, quite the persistent little virus it is?"

"Sir, a simple Blood Seal should help. She'll need your command to use magic to any degree, but it will subdue the magical outburst and give control back to Twilight. But..." Monet looked with no hint of emotion like a piece of tree bark.

"I'll have to use the last of my blood for this. I'm aware... Mrs. Adagio, I can help her but I'm going to ask for your permission seeing as she is apart of your group as it seems." Yellow asked waiting for an answer.

"How? Why?" her attention aimed at nothing, staring at space like a goldfish in a bowl, "Our songs don't..."

It hit her hard as she remembered the spirits that once dwelled in the stones. They must have left an imprint on the human girl and even with cleansed gems it was a virus of the old essence which would not be so easily removed. Their effect never left those they sang to before that first meeting with Yellow then, what else could explain the connection?

"Adagio!! Listen!" Aria blasted her voice and gained the leaders attention, "Twilight needs our help so let him do what he has to! So help me if something happens to her..."

Seething with barely contained rage, Blaze gained the spotlight with vigor. Sonata had by then came up to Yellow's left side and put a hand on his shoulder with a sad look upon her. Giving her silent consent, the man gave her a passing glance before going back to Adagio still unsure of what was falling apart. Nothing was making sense yet, but if a fire was raging there was no time to think of why it started. It just needed to be stamped out and watered down to prevent an inferno beyond control.

"Do... what you will..."

Inside Twilight's Mind...

"Where am I?"

"I feel... light?"

Twilight slowly opened her eyes from blackness and into a white abyss all around her as her head sluggishly moved around. The thought that she was lucidly dreaming came to mind, but her mind pulsed with pain as if she were dehydrated. In addition, the environment she hovered in was not eye searing in any way, it was just white in color and not in intensity.


"I feel so... empty?"

Her form slowly regained gravity's pull, from a floating prone position she gently moved to stand up. Her dainty loafers tapping onto solid ground that started to manifest into the front of Canterlot High, exploding into debris, structures, vehicles, roads, and then the sky itself. All around her the world overtook the nothingness she first saw, revealing a battleground where Sunset and her had fought, though no soul was around like before. It was all so very quiet that a needle could be heard falling, nothing of the case to indicate there was no one else but her among the devestation.

No sooner had she tried to move about, a rather sinister sounding version of herself erupted in a booming voice in the sky, "We are one."

Steadying herself, "Who said that?" spinning about looking for the thunderous speech.

The area of the school where Sunset had been launched into the building suddenly gave way to the missing supports. The hole that Sunset caved in from being thrown into by her attack crumbled to the ground like falling dirt out of an excavator. Dust and debris kicked up and clouded the area as the ruckus came and went. Twilight shied away, putting her hands up to defend her face from the bouncing chunks and cloud of choking particulates.

"We exist to serve you. To make her happy."

Twilight turned about on spot fervently, afraid of what was going to happen to her in this new world that was definitely not the waking one, "Whose talking?! Please show yourself?!!"

A cackle of a laugh erupted loudly as a blur of dark purple came out of the dark dusty cloud and appeared before her. Quickly taking shape into something that jumbled her resolve beyond her limits, the very amorphous shape was herself, only with drastic changes which made into something she couldn't fathom no matter how long she would have thought.

Spreading her black raven wings as wide as possible, Midnight drifted from the disaster and wafted slowly to her prey, "I'm you as you are me? I'm the magic you've taken and will forever hold for you to use." she held her arms outward ready to embrace her physical counterpart with everything she had to offer.

Sparkle winced, "Are you... loyal to me? Or to Adagio?" she asked fearfully.

The nightmare version of herself tilted her head curiously before floating even closer, "I'm Midnight Sparkle, born from your deepest desires and wills of others who hover over you. I exist for you to use." she smiled in a way that reminded her of how her mother once use to do when she was a little child before Cadence.

Taken aback by the admission, "I never created... I'd never compromise myself like that!"

Midnight laughed again, "I was of no consent, you made me when you took the first two magical essences. Among other things."

Twilight stepped back until she bumped into the statue of Canterlot's mascot, "I just wanted to help everyone and learn magic!"

"Yes... your desires led to my birth. Your leader's song gave me purpose. The catalyst... the attack by those filthy girls that thought we could be brought low by a measly spell to get rid of us." Midnight scowled as she floated around Sparkle, blind to the girls expressions of confusion.

"NO! I am MYSELF!! I did what I did because I wanted it!" she fired away.

Midnight stopped before her only inches away and came close enough that their noses touched just gently, "Exactly! You thought you did! But your wrong... We live for them... for her." their eyes locked on too each other reading everything that was there to examine.

"Who?" Twilight asked as she tried to bounce back from the recoil of the moment.

With a roll of the eyes, "None other than my true birth mother... Adagio Dazzle."

Willing away the confines of enclosed thoughts, Sparkle shook her head as she pieced what she could together of the words thrown at her since she initially talked to Yellow Tail and Pandius. The whirlwind of assumptions and facts were hard to figure anything out of, but the voice of her other self became the glue and immediately gave form to them. It was becoming painstakingly clear as to what was happening and why, with a few gaps from her lack of knowledge in magic itself.

"I must be dreaming... nothing is real..."

She started to hyperventaliate, putting her hands to her temples and holding her head in desperation.


Midnight embraced Twilight, harsh but gentle enough even in her dream form she felt only slightly afraid as she felt the other version of her tend to her in a careful manner. Of course it was the dark magic working into her very spirit to soothe her worries into something tameable.

"None of this makes any sense..." she said with a half a heart.

Midnight spoke softly into her ear, "That beautiful music... it is in us... and we heed its call."


A chuckle escapes Midnight as she pulls away with a soft smile almost like the one Cadence once gave her to calm the young Twilight when she was afraid and sad, "We love them, we adore them, and they give us what we want the most! What else is there to think of?"

Sparkle yelps as she shakes herself from the other Twilight's grip, "I'm myself! No one else!"

She fell to the grassy lawn as Midnight gave a loud evil laugh, "You keep thinking that but it's never going to overcome what is true! Let me help so we can help them. I am your power! Your magic! Magical power she needs to get her revenge on those who wronged her!"

Twilight trembled in place as she attempted to shield herself from the apparition of the twisted version that was Midnight Sparkle, in ghastly clothing looking scary as a lion ready to charge. Yet a light of hope came in a very underestimated method just as she was beset by the very evil thing, a loud growl grew from nothing and into a very rumble which quaked the two entities even as Midnight hovered in the air. Twilight herself looked around unsure of what was happening, thankfully pulling enough breathing room to take a moment to indulge in. Even she could not see where the source came from, something very wrong was intruding other than Midnight into the sanctity of her mind.

Her violet purple eyes looking everywhere for the source of the growl until they beheld a long scaly arm large enough to crush a bus come out of thin air several meeters from their position and slam into the lawn nearby with such density. Twilight bounced into the air impacting the ground hard with a grunt. Another winged limb came out of anything but a body a good forty feet away from the other arm and repeating the same action. Midnight Sparkle appeared fearful of what was coming, unable to do much other than to witness the formation of the intrusion and scowl at it with a glare that could burn through steel.

White eyes appeared in the sky far above the two girls with the intensity of a star, the anchor of an elongated skull they were attached to slowly manifested and spread to paint the picture of an enormous reptilian head with a fanged maw and scales over the skin befitting of a nightmare made manifest. To Twilight, she could have akinned it to a over emphasized bearded dragon crossed with an iguana who stood far taller than the girls by a milestone, large in size and girth as the head soon connected to a long leathery armored neck with wrinkles of the dense skin and scales painted in a caution yellow with stripes of mute moss green and festering orange. A thick heavy scaled chest glowed brightly resulted in the image of the very creature which was deemed a very dangerous beast on Equis and in human mythology that Sparkle knew of. Midnight and her had barely a moment before the beast still taking form in its lower ends and tail began to take in a deep breath as loud as a passing freight train to the ears, taking seconds to inhale as a bright white seeped through the armor of the neck and chest of the monstrocity. Midnight snarled at the thing as Twilight tried to scramble away on her knees and hands. The intruder did not give her respite, not even to Twilight as she innocently attempted to evade. A breath of purifying flame wrapped both the girls vision and cleansed everything. It was a terrible experience to alone even though there was no pain, as the girl screamed in utter fear as the world around her cracked and smoldered back into utter nothingness. She could not help but soon feel a comforting quiet, the licking inferno around her had done much to bring peace to mind. The other her disappeared and thankfully ceased calling to her for action, it was as if she wasn't there anymore.

The loud roar of immolation silenced anything else, pulling Twilight from the dream realm. She was ripped her from subconsciousness until she awoke feeling something cool upon her cheeks like a drying wet spot from Sonata when she surprisingly licked her face jokingly that one time at breakfast at another cafe. Yellow Tail looked over her and Adagio Dazzle as he hovered over her, the golden siren who was holding her left hand with such worry beyond anything she'd seen since that one time in the restroom of a restaurant. The smell of metal entered her nose, oddly enough with a copper or iron hint as she felt the feeling of the sensation of Yellow's calused yet smoothed fingers upon her skin. Her heavy body refusing to move or act, she felt like she had been studying for a week without sleep, where it came back to slap her in the face with the pressure force of a crocodile's jaw strenght. It was then she heard Adagio speak, it was the most soothing thing she'd heard that put her at ease almost instantly.

"Your back..." Adagio whispered with a smile as a lone tear appeared at the edge of her eyes, daring to drop the glistening saline.

Ch. 43 In Who You Trust?

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Ch. 43 In Who You Trust?

Adagio knelt by Twilight as she sluggishly regained her ability to move besides the aching soreness of what just occured, Aria nearby did nothing but keep an eye on the two. Though she was alert to any pain Twilight exhibited and readied to act at any moment, it pained her to see the same girl she opened up to in such a pitiful state. While they hovered around their fallen podmate, Sonata soon joined in leaving Havoc and the others to themselves who soon dispersed seeing as things had gotten far beyond what was expected. She rushed over and knelled by Adagio looking over the human, using a spell with her gem to sense anything wrong. With a shortly held note of her voice, the scanning spell was caste and then revealed the sealed mana well bound by a powerful restrictive force even she couldn't pin point. The good note came in the form of no damage sustained by whatever happened to Sparkle, she was fine as a fiddle and if anything she was just at a loss for energy.

Yellow gave the girls the living room to sleep in after announcing the end of the meeting, his word appeared to be law as the rest simply left the condo for their own quarters. The four Dazzlings took to their accommodations without hesitation, as of that moment Twilight was their world and they needed to be by her till she recovered. Aria took the space that Twilight's body did not occupy as Sonata snuggled up to her best friend as the wide berth of the seat allowed for two bodies to share. Adagio had at first taken the other armrest to sit on with Twilight below her as she caressed lovingly the blue and violet locks, petting until she needed to sleep soon enough on the recliner she'd eyed at the start.

Unlike before, Twilight felt unsure of what to think of the interaction with the sirens and quaked in their proximity. She shivered a little as Sonata cuddled into her right arm and dozed off into sleep, she was back to who she was and that was a socially inept young adult. It all felt as if her very mind awoke from a dream and nothing felt right nor warranted. However, she was far too drained of energy to say or do much else other than lay in place and await sleep for its restful benefit in her surrounding comrades. In the meantime, all her memories came back to before she heard the sirens sing, but after that moment as if a dream that had just broken into a thousand pieces beyond repair. Had she really done what she did for the girls all for the sake of magic and knowledge? Had she forsaken common sense in dealing with Yellow's group and the dangers that came with? Was she really willing to throw her life away and the Everton independent study for such a wild field of science even though she'd witnessed it and used it herself? Had she actually let the magic get so tight of a hold of her that she'd harm fellow Crystal Prep students and staff?

Everything felt foreign and alien to her, as Twilight Sparkle the student at Crystal Prep she felt as if now was the telling point of her future. Amid the gaze and grasp of other worldly creatures who had vile reasons for doing what they did and the danger they posed to her world. Even if they were going to leave to their ancestral home to never come back, she made a promise to help them out of entranced compassion. Could her word be worth anything if it was forced? Was she really caring enough and so desperate for contact with another human being she'd toss out the hazard the girls posed to both worlds?

Questions that only one person or being could answer or help her find them, the one that she first invested her time into this strange and heralding adventure of sorts before the old sirens captivated her and the gems influenced every decision she made hence forward. Yellow Tail...

It would be an excruciating two hours before the excitement of the day inevitably took its toll on the magical singers. Especially Adagio who appeared to want to keep an open eye out on their hosts who were just doors away from them. Ever protective as a mother hawk to her hatchlings, the Matriarch kept watch for as long as she could, watching when the tenants of the condo went in and out of the bathroom before turning in for the night. Observing long past then for any signs of movement until her own eyes grew tired, the golden siren had to have been emotionally exhausted by the convention success and the surprises after that. Sparkle barely cracked her eye lids from time to time to see when the right moment would come, knowing which door Yellow went from her hearing alone. All that had to happen was for all three to fall asleep and maintain it for an hour to safely guarantee her passage of escape.

When the sign that the coast was clear arose, she examined the situation that tethered her to the sofa and how to avoid disturbing the sirens. Sonata had thankfully retracted her arms to herself and slept just to the edge of the seat, she could easily be navigated around if her movements were careful. Aria however had slept at an angle on the other side, her legs were resting upon Sparkles feet by sheer accident. While Adagio was likely only into partial sleep, she'd need to avoid making any noise on the furniture as well as stepping about. Cursing her luck, Twilight angled her arms onto the armrest and headrest while painstakingly slowly inching herself from under Blaze. She could hear her own heart beat as well as the ticking of a mechanical clock in the living room in the back right corner away from the balcony. Little by little, without twitching a digit, she extracted the right foot with success if not with a little sweat from anxiety. Freed from danger, she used it as leverage to even more steadily finish the task and to a sigh of relief Aria did not wake up nor move. Though she was snoring a little, Sparkle took her limbs and spidered her way off the seat missing narrowly Sonata as she shifted further into where she was once lying down. A couple joints popped naturally, to which she froze in an awkward position of almost standing up, her eyes racing to all three sirens hoping none heard it. Adagio however was the only one of true concern.

Studying the yellow cream skin around her eyes, the pastel orange eyebrows as still as a placid lake, and small supple lips for any quiver as an indication she'd registered the sounds. The matriarch had the seat pushed back with the foot rest out, her head lulled to the left side as her dozing and lacked any kind of activity which greatly relaxed the human girl as edgy as she was. For a few more seconds she waited, gaining no response or movement that she'd alerted them. Nerves still jumbled, she breathed in slowly and deeply to calm herself as she covertly tip toed along carpet towards Yellow's room. If her accurate memory served her right, she pinpointed the spot to the door on the first left right after the kitchen. She could not knock or tap however, no noise had to be made or lest she be found out and potential problems of relations could arise. Dismayed at the prospect of just opening the door and invading ones privacy, she considered any other alternatives even though none immediately came to mind. She just had to talk to him, a simple chat and life was making this anything but easy.

'What do I do? Do I just wait here and hope he gets up to use the bathroom? Do I just sneak in and hope he won't be offended or... properly dressed for that matter? Maybe this isn't the right room? What if he can't help me? Ohhh... Twilight what have you gotten yourself into! What about spike! I just remembered Cadence had him... do I go get him? Or do I leave him here? My real and only best friend I've had that didn't sway me with magic or charms... I've spent so little playing with him since this all started.' Sparkle thought as she failed to notice the door opening before her, the locking mechanism clicking and the hinges slightly groaning.

"What do I do?" she whispered in defeat before a hand gently laid upon her shoulder.

The sudden contact sent her hooping up and hands clasping over her own mouth to stifle the yelp. She thankfully did both in unison and kept the quiet stillness of the home, no one the wiser.

Yellow Tail stood still dressed as he was before he retired for the night, a finger held to his lips indicating to her to keep silent before opening his room to her to step in. He knew why she was there she assumed, why would anyone stand at someone's door and not need anything?

Candles were lit in the background, no bed to be seen as the entire bedroom was actually a converted alchemistry lab and one which dwarfed her little setting at Crystal Prep. There was so much to see and inspect, with eyes wide in wonderment and glazed over in pure bliss of technology that she'd soon be using in the other world. Just as in the book about magic and the other in application to technology, there were several tables and many shelves all of which appeared to have been in the process of packing up or destroying. Though there was enough to still give Twilight a glimpse into what it was in its full glory. Ceramic and glass containers, jars, and vessels all used for storing ingredients and potions, as well as for mixing and gathering what a few plastic mesh sifters had dumped in that sat stacked on the floor. A bunsen burner area appeared halfway deconstructed, but signs of an air vent were evident with the hood evidently missing save for a pipe leading through the ceiling on the back wall carefully edited into the building itself by hand as it seemed. Some dust of old materials spotted the wood tiled floor, finger prints to whatever Yellow Tail mixed up in the lab no doubt like carbon soot in her own research room after she finished producing new chemicals and agents for any given project at the time. A little to the right was a distiller and a concentrator for refining watered down liquids stood disarmed of its firing mechanism, but the copper pot and wire were all shining magnificently as if it were new. Propane tanks heavily used sat nearby with the hoses removed to the torches, some looked to be far beyond their time and Sparkle hoped Yellow knew they had lifespans on them. Though all in all, a briefcase sat open not a few feet away from her with a few cloths packed in and some books she'd yet read. Stacks of notes and paper folders were neatly placed and awaiting storage into another luggage case nearby. In her stupor she failed to notice Yellow giggle a bit at her gawking.

"I take it you came here to chat? Or was it to ogle at my laboratory?" he said in a low voice with a little jester like prod.

Twilight blinked and sported a little blush before recollecting herself, "I... I just had something to talk to you about regarding my... um... friendship with the Dazzlings?" she hesitated at first twiddling her fingers anxiously, "Your the only one I talked to before I heard them sing, and well... I guess those old spirits possibly put a spell on me... and there was that moment I sang together with them that one night which most likely rooted themselves into the magic if anything. I'm still grasping the understanding of it actually." she sheepishly grinned before losing to a saddened frown.

"Your problems are mine as well, please let us talk and see if I can be of any help? Take a seat." he lost his mirth to humbleness at the girl's dower mood, gesturing to the stools and office chairs about all waiting for use.

The two seated before the shelves and the floor of containers and jars where scents mingled from their previous and current contents, fragrant herbs to bitter chemicals and more were noticeable. Yellow plopping harshly into the cushioned black roller chair he chose. Taking a deep breath, he awaited for the girl to grab a stool and carrying it over, which allowed him to glance around what was once a busy brewery of potions and spell crafting. Much of the product ready to be taken over, items he knew he'd need right off the bat as there was no telling if things were too far gone of his homeworld. Surprisingly enough, the human world hosted plenty of exotic materials both synthetic and genuine that served their uses and they barely cost him much. Those things he couldn't find in town or a nursery that had no capacity to grow certain herbs and plants he used the human's electronic world carefully. Considering the lab was only a month old, having been moved about constantly from home to home over the years. It was in a decent shape before being taken down for the last time.

Twilight finally took her seat and looked around at the lab with him, if there was anything true in the world it was her love of science and things that could be measured for understanding. Creating from the mystical energy to benefit man had been her driving force that the siren influence rode on the coattails of, the whole reason she came to join the other worldly creature in human skin. She could almost remember it as if it occurred just days ago.


Crystal Prep Academy

Twilight had just finished eating her lunch from the cafeteria and was about to return to the lab. She had a few new books the library received on the latest EM drive being tested for space exploration. They were more of the scientific journals types than textbooks, but they covered the peer review that the technology had passed thankfully for her own interests. The wonderment of the engine was when she crossed paths with Principle Cinch who had someone alongside her as she ranted about where his donations had gone to in the sparsely occupied quiet halls. She should have easily escaped any attention, but it appeared that was not the case, as they mentioned her laboratory and spoke her name clearly.

"And there is our star pupil. Sir Tail? I present to you, the crowning academic achievement that your generous funds have allowed to sprout. Twilight Sparkle if you would my dear please come over?" she ordered more than asked, Sparkle held off a frown out of fearful respect of the Principle and did as told.

She waved nervously as she approached and noticed the classy or well dressed person she was being introduced to. Oddly enough she'd come to find out why he was so presentable since his job was of being the museum staffing, she actually missed the clues due to being socially awkward when forced into talking. Maize hued skin which reminded her of autumn and the dead leaves that fell from the trees as their biology dictated to the season. Swept back hair of carmine and cardinal reds so much like heat of fire from a gas kiln she observed during a ceramics class she attended. It was a necessary use of her time as she wanted to learn to craft unique ceramic clay bodies for use in nuclear waste storage and lining the outsides of oil pipelines to prevent leaks into the environment. His eyes were nearly a silver kind of gray, but they were mainly mute unless the light hit the just right to give them a translucent appearance.

"So fate allows us to meet at last? Mrs. Sparkle is it? I hope my bits have allowed you to win even more of those awards at the expos and get your name out there? You'd bring Equestria greatness in its already climbing status as a tourist destination, supplier of the finest horses, and the best orchards and vineyards around. Adding academic excellence, why... you might just bring the President out here?" he laughed as Cinch agreed with him in nods, "Well I bet you might have wondered where the school gained access to all that equipment you've asked for? You're looking at the one responsible. My name is Yellow Tail. Pleased to meet you." he extended a hand out for her to grab, though she was very shy it only took Cinch's dominant glare to force action.

"Hhhh...hi?" she replied.

Not in the least taken aback, "I know a smart one when I see it and one who doesn't have their head too far in the clouds. I do hope your nurturing this one Mrs. Cinch, they can be very vulnerable at this age." he looked back with a smile though his eyes told something else that made the older woman look anywhere but at him.

"I can promise you! Here at Crystal Prep we respond to any and all bullying with fervor! Why I have selected a dedicated student Overwatch to see to it that if a student is being singled out that they are protected and the troublemakers are dealt with by the school's psychiatrist. Mrs. Sparkle here just has a... tendency to stay in her lab room working throughout the day so she has minimal contact with others, and I'm not one to break her from her important projects that let her speak to those who matter in the big world." she smiled nervously standing at attention as best as she could even though a bead of sweat was beginning to form on her neck.

With a stern nod, "Good, that is very good to hear. Well if its all right with you I'd like to see the lab she's set up, I'm sure she's a bright student and very meticulous in her practice of safety. You do provide a safety officer to her private set up correct?" he let go of the teenagers hand and asked as he stood up straight to adjust his suit.

"Yes of course, the same person who inspects the chemistry labs on the second floor and all our fuel lines to the art department as well. Feel free to see for yourself, Keen Watch has an impeccable record in his line of work as we hire only the best!" Cinch tried to sound proud if she were not afraid of Yellow's inspecting gaze.

"Good, Mrs. Sparkle I hope I wouldn't be intruding, I myself am a historian and I know a little dabbling into science to know of certain things and why great inventions of the past were possible. Could I perhaps see your setup?" he looked back to the girl looking as innocent as Spike when he was hungry.

Twilight tilted her head and wondered what was happening that would detract from her routine she had planned since yesterday. However, finding out that the man in question had been a donor to the academy, with Cinch right by them she couldn't say no. Thus, she nodded and gave her agreement, leading the way and leaving Cinch behind who appeared visibly relieved to see the man leave her space. For Sparkle, she assumed that there were few that the normally composed and proper lady such as herself would bend away from, and those were the sources of income beyond standard funding. It was a sight to see, though a little ominous for herself as now the puck had been passed and she was the one who had to please the donor to avoid losing the fuel for her projects.

Upon arrival she unlocked the door and left it open, inviting the new stranger in to look over everything from her workbench, to the chemistry area, storage shelf locked tightly as it contained dangerous and toxic chemicals, and to the corner of the room where a filing cabinet stood next to a computer desk. A cork board nailed to the wall held all current and coming events she had projects ready for to exhibit, with a few pictures of her family and dog. She felt nervous about letting anyone but Dean Cadence in the room for safety reasons, she just hoped he wasn't someone grabby and picked up what should not be touched. Twilight mentally thanked herself for leave spike at home today, it was by sheer luck she had too much to do to have him wondering about the lab as hyper as he could be.

"I'm happy to see you were worth the investment of bits, I have a grant to drop onto a worthy student and I was looking at you specifically where others failed to capitalize on. Would you be interested?" he asked out of the blue looking around keeping to the spot he stood.

"A grant?" she asked, leading her mind to instantly consider the wider range of tech that would allow her to work on genetic research and among other things she'd only fathomed up till now.

"I actually have a new scientific field for you to study and I've been looking for the best of the best to undertake it. There have been plenty who've we allowed to inspect it, however... they've proven themselves to be insufficient in a creative approach to application. I have an example here in this box." he extracted a black metal square with gold lining the lips and the twist lock that he pulled out from an inner pocket of the suit, "Go ahead and see for yourself."

She was hesitant to receive anything from a stranger, common sense told her to avoid the thing entirely. When he used the plural 'we', it made Twilight consider if this was a secret government project seeking new minds out. Or perhaps this was a firm in need of a fresh perspective, from the research groups she'd read on they were formed sometimes through such means. Complete and utter surprise to the highschool students, college undergraduates, graduates, or your run of the mill basement scientists who was self taught and ran their own at home labs creating something no one else thought of yet. Of course curiosity got the better of her as she reluctantly opened the parcel on the workbench he put it on, within it shone a gemstone that put even the most prismatic Opal to shame. That and the strange glow of light emanating from its shiny surface begging to be touched. She was left speechless as well as confused, there was a warmth coming from the mineral itself which shouldn't even be realistically possible much less the illumination. If it was radioactive it shouldn't even glow, that was the jargon of comic books of the cold war times. Her mind rationalized the show as a spectacle to make the stone appear more than it was, she did not like being toyed with if it were true.

"Do you know what that is?" he asked gingerly smiling to himself as he watched.

Unable to speak as she stared into the shoals of multiple colors swimming inside like sardines of rainbow hues, the core was somehow alive even though it had a solid surface. Nothing she'd ever studied into minerals and rocks ever eluded to such a possibility thus it had to be something else yet what? Perhaps there were iron specks inside, following a spinning magnet underneath coaxing the little show?

He laughed a little, "That my dear... is what is called a capacitor gem. The energies within it that you see are something familiar to what you'd call a Philosopher's Stone, that pulsing heat you feel is the fuel to make anything happen until it is used up like a battery."

Twilight snapped to from her dumbfoundedness, "A Philosophers Stone!!? But that's just a myth, no way it actually exists in the psuedo-science of alchemy! I know I looked into it it on my first term here at C.P.! But... this..." she feels her heart in her throat as her fingers neared the gem getting closer to feeling it for herself.

Yellow grabbed it before her and brought it to her eye level, "Here... let me show you what I mean. You see that glass jar over there? Once you apply the right sigils either in your mind or physically on something solid... aaaannnnnd..." he used his other hand to wave over the stone and swung it to the glass container.

It shook at first before swirling about in place as if it were made of smoke or water, the form changed properties from silica, lime, and soda into a little ball of orange, specifically the citrus fruit itself. The bumpy smooth skin gleamed a little in the light of the afternoon sun filtering into the room, it was such an instantaneous process that she couldn't even begin to see it as a true change from inorganic to organic. Rather abruptly after the transformation finished, she grabbed the item even though it was still very warm from the alteration and inspected it thoroughly. Her eyes scanned every pit and poles from where it connected to the tree and where the flower had been, her nose inhaled the tangy sweet scent, her tongue briefly tasted the zesty skin, and her knuckles tapped the surface with a dull giving thud as the flesh dunted. Her mind told her it was just a glass structure before, but sensations made it clear it was no longer that in its atomic structure.

She looked up at him in a little hint of fury that her world had just shattered of what she knew was fake science and true, going back and forth from him and the sweet fruit as if asking him to cease whatever illusion was messing with her mind. Yet all he did was laugh and pat his chest before setting the gem back into its container, ignoring the hot glare she was giving him in her silence revolt.

"As I said, I have a new field in need of study and your the only one I've seen with the utmost care in spending funds to get the job done rather than waste it. Your driving force to understand and see the world for as it is not believed to be by the masses, your not blinded by concepts of humanity but of knowledge and wisdom only the educated follow. I have so much to offer, but I need you to agree to the position and allow yourself to benefit from this new energy. Think of it Mrs. Sparkle?! Think of all the things you could change for the better?! There is so much more then just this transconfiguration, sciences in the making that are still bound by restrictions and material resources you could solve and bring this world into a golden age for the safety and benefit of all!" he packed away the box and spoke to her with confidence.

She lost her anger and wondered his exact words, knowing she could study and break down the process of which changed the object. To affirm everything to true facts that could be repeated in a variety of other scenarios. If it was really true that what he had yet to show her and more, what person of science wouldn't leap at the opportunity to even just dispel the trickery if it unfortunately was? Then again, the world would be her banquet of projects to undertake and create! They might even be able to go to the stars beyond the moon, colonize and explore what new lay beyond with what this new energy could in theory do as her thoughts already went to work on how to utilize it.

Twilight rushed her thinking, the uncertainty of this man supplying her with bits, then giving such a gift just out of the blue. Of course his story still needed to check out, but if Principle Cinch accepted him she had to have put his record through the grinder for any dangerous flags. One thing that she was happy about having such a Principle, was her intense adherence to the rules and regulations for the safety of the school's record and her reputation first and foremost.

Shaking her head to resolve and dispell lingering reservations, this was a chance of a lifetime to work with a Philosophers Stone just to start with, "I... will take you up on your offer Mr. Tail!" she smiled widely and gave a hand out to shake his.

If words could speak louder than than actions, she would never have known what a world she'd just thrown herself into. The people she'd meet, the choices that were beyond her true consent, and near life threatening dangers to come. Though at the moment, as the two giggled in mirth, none of the future consequences were even anything to think of. Not now with magic right at her finger tips.


Yellow's Room

The little trip down memory lane waded heavily on Twilight, as if she had Adagio in her arms again as she carried her out of the Sushi restaurant by herself. It was that very same person she needed to speak of, hoping against all odds that whatever transpired in this heart to heart that the end would still be happy for all. How uncertain she was of this, her stomach even felt a little nauseous.

"Sir, I... its about the Dazzlings." he could taste the despair in each word as if they were laced in toxin.

"What about them?" he replied simply.

Biting her lower lip, "I'm not sure. I want... now that is, I want to still learn magic and use it, and still push for a better future. The Dazzlings however, I'm... conflicted as to what I feel about helping them. Even though I know more about their history that is." her shoulder slouched a little.

Yellow leaned on his thighs with his elbows and clasped his hands together knowing where she was going with the conversation, "Your afraid to help them aren't you? The damage they seek to deal to Equestria? That to attain the art of magic, if it's worth cavorting along with such dangerous and powerful beings such as them?" he said hitting the nail with a sledgehammer.

"How... how did you know?" the surprise in his guess jarred her.

The candles of the room flickered their soft warm light about them, creating an easy atmosphere to blunted the edge of what bothered the young woman, "My little gem, you are an open book as books of wisdom are to you. You are far too innocent for your own good and I think its apparent." he answered.

"What do I do then? I have to know everything there is about magic, but I don't want to be the cause of Equestria's fall! I may not know much about it, even if they are as bad as my species when it comes to the environment... they don't deserve slavery... no like what the sirens have planned. I do know they don't deserve having the one thing that keeps them alive taken away. Why can't they just handle the carelessness of the ponies like any civil people could? Bring it up to the royal court and get reparations for their loss or something?!" she started to sound desperate.

Yellow hesitated for a moment before bringing himself back up to upright posture, "Loss of life is something that can distort and ruin critical thinking Mrs. Sparkle. I'm all too aware of that myself as you are too to a certain degree. That and the ponies have their own sense of justice and self entitlement as far as I remember."

"I'm not sure I understand?" she cocks an eyebrow in question.

He sighs and rolls his head to pop a few vertebrae letting a few strands of the crimson hair drape over his forehead, "Death by any means is painful not just for the ones enduring it, but for those watching it. Death can mean mortal lives, friendships, or even work as it falls apart to square one. Many cannot handle the results, and if I understand Adagio has much to pay back for what was done to her and you of all people should know in your world what happens to the civilians and what does not to the big wigs that cause the trouble. Bits thrown here, an unfortunate worker thrown under the bus all to save the hide of the company or dealers to continue on. Perhaps though not as dramatic in Equis mind you, but things are different over there. You must understand if a non-pony comes to the crown with a problem the ponies caused especially if a noble has investment in it."

"It's not easy to do that sir!" she protested.

"I expected you not to, your an outsider like we are to this world of humans. It is sad you were a victim in all this, but you've gained insight that might not have happened if you were ill prepared to accept going forward. Now that you do, can you influence the way they operate as the spell was onto you? Perhaps instead of fearing that Adagio will destroy a way of life to sate her revenge, you are close enough to them that you can mitigate that hatred she possesses and let it be guided into something less than the satisfaction of conquering? Remember, they are driven to do so because of that Ley Line they crossed through before it likely disappeared, she has the drive to become powerful and her hatred is the pilot of that confidence. You are a smart girl are you not?! You may not be a people person, Tartarus below, your far from handling social problems that are no equations or spell matrices. The point is, you are needed to stop a great evil from happening, and thus far you've put so much into this venture it would be hard to see you give it all up to regret and fear." he rose from his seat and walked over to the suitcase that was in the process of being packed and began going through it.

"I was once in your position myself... you know." he looked over his shoulder for a second before going back to finding whatever it was as he searching for, "When the Arcana assaulted my lab in Equestria, they caused the greatest change to happen to me and I melded with the Wyvern I told you about at supper. A rather bitter old gal, but we get along very well even if she tends to... cut into things at times. When the spell ended, I was not seen as a pony anymore nor an Arcana mage who suffered an irreversible incident... no! I was the monster they made me out to be even though I did not harm a single pony or other afterwards when I was normal. They labeled me a heretic to harmony by making monsters that would spread and devastate the homeland. I of course had nowhere to go, but the only place that I made contacts with and they were far away." he paused and suddenly found what was hidden.

Twilight had been watching him, looking for the object he busied himself over and saw what it was as he turned back to show her. It was a trinket suspended in a gold chain necklace, holding the tether in one hand and cradling the flat smooth pocket watch like item. He gave it to her as a piece of his past to likely show proof of what was being told to her. She cupped her hands as he laid the precious metal down onto her palms, gently letting the chain collapse onto her fingers.

"Mustok... The only other homeland of ponies dominated and ruled by ponies in conjunction with other species like the moose, the bears, and others of that north snowy region near the spine back mountain range. It is similar to your Russia, only they overcame the strife which made your equivalent into what it is now. A land across a vast ocean teaming with hungry predators away from Equestria's shores. I was once there years before, helped speed a cure for a flu running amok among the foals and cubs when I arrived. Surprisingly enough I only went there looking for new animals to study for my goal to stem the danger of the demons by crafting resistant creatures that could not be fed upon. Creatures that were similar to the Avatars of negative emotions, I was but one of many who worked on the cure but the only outsider to offer help when Equestria did not answer the call for aid. I was seen as Equestria's ambassador who finally arrived in the nick of time, I just went with it to avoid causing an international disaster. I thought they were my true friends too, after the cure was found and began to heal the wounds the illness inflicted upon the citizens. Funny how the Arcana can spoil that too." he sat down with a heavy sigh and began to wring his wrists gently.

Twilight's eyes went over every expertly engraved symbol and patterns surrounding the equine head which dominated the solid gold icon. With inlaid turquoise eyes and a few colorful gemstones no bigger than a crumb of bread neatly organized into an octagon surrounding the center at the very ridge of the edges, "What happened?" she asked as her thumb went over the texture.

"They almost killed me out of fear which I understood... I mean I had the body of a Wyvern at that time who could speak eloquently. I told my story and gave them that very trinket which the Czar himself gifted to me for reward for the cure, there are none like it. I was taken in eventually since it was never heard of that Wyverns could speak nor act so tame. In my return to Mustok, I was told by the Czar that I'd be safe from the Arcana within their iron walls, they'd even aid me in continuing my research as you can imagine not having hooves or stable magic to handle equipment does for working. I explained what I had been doing and why I was now a the creature which towered over them, hesitant to believe me but I made my case. They trusted me to an extent, we had two months before I was tracked down and I had just begun to meld creatures into new hybrids, when... they came. The Czar met the mages and Arch Wizard, claimed I was not here as best as he could fib, they didn't take the bait however." Yellow brought a hand to his face and slid it down from the forehead to his mouth.

"They were threatened with embargo since Mustok has such long winters and tundra, there is little to farm themselves. They instead subsisted off the ores of the mountains to sell for food, you can imagine what happened after that." he looked at the girl as she put her hands and the treasure onto her lap to give her full attention.

"They told on you because they had no other choice?" she answered knowing it was true.

"He stalled for time before the nobles of the court begged him to speak out, and that he did for the sake of his citizens. I lost my only sanctuary and all the work I had done thus far. What test subjects were ready for release I let them free to go with the help of a few unicorns who could open up portals to better areas of the Mustok territory, my assistants burned the rest of our labors before I took off and drew the Arcana away. Though what hurt me the worst were the circle of Mustok mages I befriended, I knew they were only acting for the greater good... they led the tracking party using a couple scales they took from me without my knowledge. Through the blizzard at the time, they happily helped send me to this world as I saw their true colors and disdain for my appearence as a hybrid. Trust my little gem is fragile, but it is also circumstantial." His tone was heavy, creeping into the level of of grieving, "Your predicament is unique but no much a lie than you think it is. The sirens were unaware of what the spirits did to you or their own songs, they really did believe you were there on your own behalf of your own... volition. They are not to fault for how you feel right now."

Sparkle still felt uneasy, yet she had a new perspective from the third party looking at her situation. If she felt hurt about being coined to others benefit by no will of her own, Yellow seemed to have had actual allies turn against him and with eagerness showing its ugly head. If they were in danger of being punished by the Arcana, they went the full way through even after accepting him as an outsider and in his new form. The sirens really did not know what their music did to her, and in the bigger picture what really was wrong when she broke it all down. Sure she could have been hospitalized in Adagio's case, and all in all she did set out to do what was needed of her. Maybe she was overreacting to the whole spell thing? After all, Adagio seemed true to her heart about taking her in. She'd also have Aria and likely Sonata's help in calming Dazzle's plan for Equestria, if she guessed right then other sirens would come out of the dark to stand up to her. Perhaps with a talk or two, she be able to help the siren matriarch deal with the issues she had?

"Look at it from another view Mrs. Sparkle. I'm aware that they are a danger to both worlds, but have you perhaps noticed a collective thought among them? Is it just Adagio who wishes to subdue the ponies? Do the other two not want to follow her path of destruction and revenge?" he asked as his facial expression appeared to droop.

He seemed to be a step ahead of her in bringing out what she knew, "Yes, Aria was the one who hoped I'd keep Dazzle from going overboard. Sonata? Well she's just along for the ride, but I can tell she doesn't want to hurt anyone or control them. She's just trying to live and survive from what I can guess, and Adagio is that source of safety she's willing to follow." she removed her glasses to rub her eyes and groaned at her own lack of intuitiveness.

Yellow took the reaction as a positive sign, she was after all just a young human juvenile still grasping mistakes and intent. Though having to bring up a tender piece of the past certainly was not in the plans. However, it did drive everything home to calm the girl down and really understand the situation they all were in, she may have been played like a puppet but there was no real puppet master.

Twilight sniffled as everything began to fall into place and she felt the part of her which had been helpless, a little amorphous chunk that was magically subdued and suffered beyond her perception, "I... I just want... wanted to help! But I realize now I have no reason to feel bitter about it, it was... wasn't their doing. And I hate that I still feel attached to them still, they opened up to me and treated me so well. I've never gotten that kind of treatment from anyone other than family or Cadence... the way the sirens cared for me was just as good as they had been. I just still... still feel so used you know? I acted with a new sense of confidence and it wasn't even mine to begin with!"

There came the root of what drove the doubt, and it just had to be severed by the root. With the might of repression, Yellow bottled up his plight and affixed himself to help the girl. So he rose from his seat with a coldness in his heart and followed through what he'd seen the humans do so often, recalling the tales that Pandius spoke of in love and friendship. Things that assuaged the gripping negativity in ones heart, in one swoop of an action the emotions were swayed away much like a bash to the head denied sensation to injuries in the extremities. The faux human took two steps forward and embraced Twilight, gently and soft as if holding a hens egg with a stone golems hands. He patted her back and she cried away what felt like the desolation of her spirit finally being realized. How it must have felt to be empowered and only to realize it would not come back again unless she herself developed it from scratch. The doubts of helping the sirens that accumulated over time being exorcised so suddenly. Such a fragile mind she possessed, though for someone like her it was not entirely inexcusable. When Yellow recruited her initially she definitely showed a reclusive behavior, which meant she lacked inner development, latching onto sources of security such as her pet and family if not wisdom in its lonely comfort. This had been a learning experience she’d not soon forget, to always think clearly before appointing blame and letting fear get the better of her. He wondered how she’d do in Equestria?

Unbeknown to the two, as the tender moment came to pass a lone magenta eye stared through the crack in the door to the room. Disappearing swiftly before the hug parted, leaving no sound to give away their presence as the entrance silently shut closed. Twilight would clear herself up of all that was bottled in, all the warning signs she tried to tell herself, the denies she likely would have given, and the abrupt quitting of the mission to Yellow that were as if trains took off from the station but never arrived at their destination. Yellow used a small clean cloth from his pants pocket to give to her, the sorrow wiped away as she regained composure. A wordless sign of gratitude was given to him before she let herself out, he still had to finish cleaning the room out and Twilight was indeed feeling exhausted. Giving a wave to excuse herself, she journeyed back to the couch and found nothing out of place.

Sonata had taken much of where she'd sleep, but it was not an issue for her. After all, the cerulean siren was the most accepting and friendliest one of the bunch, after all she'd been through herself there was little issue to let the ancient singer snuggle up to her. She kind of needed it anyways, she desperately needed to feel among those close to her. Expertly, Sparkle worked her way in, lifting a couple limbs up to fit back under, the warmth of the nearby body was nicely comparable to a cozy blanket. It all felt right with the world as she found a good enough position to let sleep take her. The barely noticable air conditioning flowing cool air into the condo, no noise of traffic being so far up, an excellent place to find rest.

As her eyes closed to begin the process of attaining REM, Twilight was surprised to feel Sonata latch onto her even more than normal and nuzzle her face into the crook of her neck. Throwing her off even more was Aria groaning in her sleep before twisting in her spot on the other arm rest, worming her way on top of Sparkle to use her stomach as a pillow. Thankfully, the girls had removed their hair accessories, otherwise she might have felt the sharp points of the irate vocalists ponytail wraps. Oddly enough Aria mumbled something about troublesome dweebs and ugly lich before falling silent, adding even more body heat to the dog pile of sleeping Dazzlings.

Sparkle blushed at the intimate spacing that put her into the very awkward position, her heart racing like a rat trying to break out of an enclosure. She tried to keep her breathing slow and methodical, lest she wake the two and not get any sleep then. Of course it would take a good twenty minutes to acclimate to her predicament before accepting it considering it was the safest spot to sleep among other magical beings she did not personally know. Spike came to mind when she thought about it, he'd have to come with her as it was only right to do so. That loyal puppy brought her just as much comfort if not more, it was not an option to just dump him into Cadence's lap and hope to see him again if she could use portals like her magic had done prior. His little barks and eagerness to play, she remembered the lessons given to him to make the pooch quiet enough to go to school in secret. He'd be the perfect little assistant on the other side there was no doubt about it.

Thus, Sparkle finally dozed off into dreamland with Aria and Sonata cuddling her, and her canine friend gracing her drifting off with pleasant feelings.

Ch. 44 Tying Up Loose Ends

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Ch. 44 Tying Up Loose Ends

"First Sergeant Quick Silver, get those cages off the train and get the sirens loaded in as calmly as possible. You have half an hour." A Terror Wing officer ordered, his mouth barely visible behind the segmented armor resembling an armored girdled lizard.

This new Terror Wing stood as imposing as wraith, his black armor dull and matte, streaked with a few red stripes along the leg plating indicated his rank, a stallion who possessed seven red lines made him the acting commander with Captain Sabor disposed of. The sweeping spiny protective metal bore runes which dimly glowed in the center of each plate, the kind designed and crafted to offer the most protection against magical and physical attacks. His wings were shielded with such arcane energies as well, tattoos barely visible underneath the thin coat of fur of the appendage as they too had snaking lines of illumination. The stinging rain had set off the runes and glyphs as with all other guards enchanted armor, automatically answering to the assault and canceling out the impacts to the force of a gentle sprinkle. Water had long soaked the commander who had only just arrived, flown in from another quadrant under special orders. It was a grim day for him, but the act was called from the highest order even beyond the Princesses.

"Corporal Azure, tell the Solar Guards nearby they are no longer needed. This storm should have them scampering back to their warm quarters without trouble." he looked to his left at another Terror Wing who saluted and galloped off as he followed the Land Train down its length and away.

The amber eyes of the thestral scanned everywhere else to assess the situation as it developed, the train had been secured twenty minutes ago with the crew incapacitated. His engineers would work the vehicle in the unicorns stead as they were bound and unconscious, shielded by the compartment which housed the gauges and levers of the steam engine glowing with a stoked fire awaiting more fuel to power the machine. The massive land train was a new invention, purchased from two unicorns with an inventive mind and a greedy side to their workings. Normal Equestrian trains either used stallions to pull the heavy load of wood and steel, or a two stallion team of ponies watched and fueled the fire. The L.T. locomotive was ubiquitous in that capacitor gems were the fuel source and generated less of a sound signature and needed less dangerous means to propel the train. Interestingly enough, it was dubbed a motorized vehicle and this was the christening voyage of the newly purchased asset.

More Terror Wings were going about either setting up a perimeter for any of the battle warriors on the beach trying to escape with their lives. Others were making a pathway for the Sirens to make it up the cliff under careful escort. Using their weapons honed beyond the edge of a standard sword, they made quick work of thinning the vegetation that would be piled up and a mana bomb thrown on top to to disintegrate the remains.

"Sir, the loyalists are still down there fighting. None have attempted to flee. All our brothers and sisters under the oath are safe and following the plan. Though we may have a few to watch over." A standard Night Guard approached, his blade sheathed underneath his right wing, "The recovery teams have freed the young, and so far they are cooperating once they were told their mothers were on their way. What do we do about the males?"

Through the eye holes of the sinister looking helmet, "I want two squads to remain here and track them if they live, they are serving their purpose right now. Have those cages tossed into the sea, I don't want evidence left behind. Have those two squads also collect the fallen, gear and all... they deserve a proper burial."

The guard said nothing and saluted, taking leave to talk to the other officers to set about assignments. After the cyclone eventually would die on land, there would be no mark of war for even the most inquisitive foal or treasure seeker to unwittingly find. The weapons would be returned to the armories, dead honored, and only the bits and pieces of that monsters to lead any mind to see that a predator was there feeding and nothing else. It was a mission to clean house, to rid their ranks of the tainted thestrals whom the Arcana had swayed to their favor. For a Terror Wing such as himself, Command Sergeant Major Tough Stride, it had been long time coming act of cleansing since the corrupt magic academy began utilizing their tribe for missions deemed too confidential for normal guards to handle or if it needed muscle.

The elders had watched from their village, gaining intelligence on what happened to the Night Guards who were attached to any Arcana mage. They always asked for the same warriors time and again, which at first was deemed for the reliability of the stallions and mares. Yet it became apparent how friendly those soldiers were becoming with the institution. No one would have guessed, as their combined agenda to stop the age old agents of shadow was both a guise and the reason as perverted as it became. The dawn of light came thirty years ago when the head shaman detected magical binds that were expertly hidden upon the bodies of those thestrals. The kind which affected the mind and made them more apt to work with the Arcana and its goals regardless of the life lost.

The elders were baffled as to why such an unlawful use of magic and influence was needed, thestrals were the guardians of the night, custodians of Princess Luna. Ever faithful servants to Equestria and the handlers of the dirtier deeds to keep the nation safe from anything and everything. The questions rose and were debated, including even the leading houses of untainted warrior clans. Probes were launched, the Arcana was trailed for clues till anti scrying spells and protective wards prohibited any deeper inspection. It became all too clear when missions arose and the warriors attached to a convoy were constantly made to kill unnecessarily for the sake of recovering magical artifacts which were of the Ares Class designation. One such item made itself brutally noticed in Ponyville by a low tier unicorn known as Trixie Lulamoon. Thankfully through quick wits with friends, the Princess of Friendship was able to prevent the tainted item from going further in its destruction. No matter who held or used the artifacts, foals or adults, it was discovered that the thestrals were commanded to eagerly dispatch them or in the few rare cases capture. Innocent blood had been spilled many a times well before and that broke the rules of the Elder Council's bond with Equestria's crown and the Arcana. The edict to watch over and protect it from invading forces or corruption within was never meant to be applied in such a manner. The memories were discovered by the very same shaman who broke the magic on one of the guards that had taken part.

To be harnessed for such an agenda, it sparked a new order and one of which to fix what was stained. It took a great deal of resources and energy for the non-magical thestral shaman to remove the mind altering enchantment without harming the warrior. The amount of lap dogs that were under the Arcana's hoof were far too many and to bring such a thing up to the Princess would spark troubles that the agents of shadow would be all too willing to exploit a jarred defense. Even though it was a bitter pill to swallow, it came to pass when the corrupt institution ordered the Night Guard to capture specimens of hippocampi spotted close to a city. Treating them like lowly timberwolves and harvesting gems and younglings for study. With little knowledge of sirens other than tales, it was against the very rules of engagement and unnecessary harm was authorized for. To affirm the conviction, the Elders had sent ghosts to tail the scouts watching the sirens ever since they were seen. Accurate true facts were quickly expedited via seer crystals, revealing the sirens as not some rampaging hydra or a pack of manticores on the hunt. They had language, social bonds, and did not seek to harm nearby coastal villages to supposedly feed, not like the three who nearly brought Equestria to its knees. Though being so close to a major city was a red flag, it was assumed the storm had forced them close by. To be made into a evil beings that Starswirl the Bearded banished, they did not match the infamous trio and were at that point put under the protection of Steel Vigil and his warriors. If they could make contact and use the cyclone to their advantage, it would be possible to earn their trust and see into the species for more than they appeared. To find out why the Arcana wanted their powers.

In the span of a few hours before the fated execution of the Arcana mission, the message was sent and coded to both the Terror Wing head officer and commander Vigil. They would have to act fast before the forces were amassed, segregating the loyalists to fight to a warrior's death and free them from the chains. Chains brought onto them for the greed of the academy which at that point was seen as harvesting magical items at a high moral cost, and using spells to cover their tracks.

Here now they stood, the Terror Wings, the veterans of warfare and the battle hardened of the tribe and called upon only by the Council and the Crown solely. Minds trained to be swift and calculating, dealing with the worst the world had to offer that no sane pony would ever even fathom such as the dangerous magic of the agents of shadow. The entire tribe came to the conclusion that the Arcana had become a creeping precipice to the nation once innocent lives were snuffed, it began the start of a guerilla style warfare of which the mages would come to find out they had made a huge mistake to go down the path they'd chosen.

With a huff, Stride went about to inspect the guard, checking on their progress under the horrible weather conditions. The cages were just started upon with their metal barred walls being disassembled at their joints, nets and cables re-bundled and stowed away, sentries on watch in the tree tops. Though curiously enough was the sight of the guards handling the little fish that were recently freed from their imprisonment and foalnapping. How close they were likely to being dissected, studied, and observed for their magical abilities while their mothers would probably be killed for their gemstones. As powerful as the tales would speak of them, a live mother and one enraged out of care for their young would make a rampaging Basilisk a better candidate for study.

Not a few trots away, pups were crying for their mothers huddling close to each other still terrified beyond belief, the guards keeping an eye on them were trying their best to disarm that fear. The mares of the unit gathered together and used their wings to shield the stinging rain away and doing an admirable job of using their feminine voices to get a conversation going. It was easy to tell that the stallions were more imposing, even if the mares had signs of battle scars. Their standard armor hid the more gruesome ones, but a few slashes and burn marks could be discerned from a careful eye. All aside, every thestral to even a Terror Wing still possessed within themselves those who they were before the horrors of war were experienced. Unlike ponies, it was a blessing to have strong spirits which could detract from what would traumatize other tribes, it was what made the Night Guard the superior force as well as its weakness. That which led the attention of the Arcana to hire them.

One of the guards with a light gray coat and yellow eyes cooed at a shivering kittens mewling in uncertainty, "Don't you worry little ones, the cavalry's here. Just 'ad to clean up and what not. Sorry if the bad guys roughed ya up a bit."

"Yes, we're not the ones here to harm you, they are gone now. Your mothers are almost here, so keep your chins up and make them proud alright?" another female thestral next to the other guard smiled, giving a quick nuzzle to a confused opal scaled hatchling within her reach.

The little siren had no idea how to react, but even at their age they could sense what was what in terms of emotions. They sensed good intent, unlike how the first thestrals they ever saw were a jumble of negative emotions. No longer than five feet from nose to tail fin, the multi colored hippocampi formed a mass akin to a congregation of eels. Out of instinct they were fearful, and thus they collected themselves into a protective ball where their tails weaved in and out of one another where the more timid and shy were under their stronger sisters. What they could taste coming off the guards who denied the sharp rain from touching their still vulnerable bodies started to crack the anxiety that wracked them since their capture. It appeared as if they were trustworthy, and with the promise of their family coming to get them some relented and held hope for a good ending to the chaotic night.

"Heart Storm, you really know how to get through to foals don't ya?" the guardmare known as Gray Twister said with a toothy grin.

Storm simply nodded, "I have two of my own, I know how scared they can get in situations like this. So little filly, what's your name?" she then looked back at the most courageous of the bunch poking her upper body out of the quivering mass.

With a head tilting to a side, ears ever swiveling and eyes drinking in the warrior before her, Legata took in another scan with her empathic sense. She found only love and compassion in the bat winged pony, with no drop of vile intent to taste. Thus, with a gulp out of anxiety, she decided to talk to the maybe kidnappers since the guard looked just like the ones who spirited them away from their mothers.

"I... I'm Legata Potch, please don't eat us?" she abruptly asked upon noticing the fangs of the thestrals around her.

Twister laughed, "Eh there, you don't have to worry about that. I only eat rabbit! Quite tasty, a little gamey at times but roasted and grilled just cor." the mare licked her lips as she tried to sway the idea of food to keep the dialogue going.

"R..rrrabbit? What is that? Its not a siren of the south seas?" Legata still tried to pry for any reason to be worried.

"Don't mind her she just keeps her mind on food. But, well, rabbit is a small furry little creature that only dwells on land. It eats grass and runs about when chased by foxes. They are not in any way water dwellers, in fact they can die from water if I'm correct? Where was I going with this..." Heart sighed as she tapped her chin with an gauntlet covered hoof.

"Don't worry love, not many of us even eat fish for that matter. Plus we would only go after little things like sardines and tuna or the like. We'd never feast on anything like you." the guard said as mention of those types of fish brought a short lived expression of joy.

"My mom loves tuna... and sardines, but she says we can only have so much of those because too much can make our singing sound dull. I don't know what that means. But I like octopus, crab, shrimp, and urchins!" the hatchling wiggled out of the mass to get closer, clearly intrigued to find some kind of plane the two parties could agree on.

It was then that the mares could really see the prismatic brilliance of the siren young, though the others possessed a semblance of glimmer even in the dark lighting under the overcast sky. Strikes of lighting in the distance shone upon Legata's form, from the scales of her muzzle down to the membrane of the fins she was as much of an opal as any real one. The colors of the spectrum lit up with each blaze of electricity boring down from the heavens, it was an awe to behold and one the mares were quick to bring up.

"My my your quite the beautiful little filly aren't you? I never thought I'd see a living gem in my life!" Heart's eyes gazed on before she smiled again seeing Legata shy under the compliment.

"Aye, she's got uh... the scales that could rival Princess Celestia's coat one on one! Your mother must be proud?" Gray giggled.

"Th... th... thankyou, mom says i'm special because its a rare color. Something about a story? I don't remember what it was about?" she pouted as she felt she displeased the scary looking ponies.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, I'm sure you'll let us know down the road. Your family is coming with us so I'm sure there will be plenty of time to..." Storm's ears picked up on a distant sound, the kind that sounded like something large and heavy smashing into rock.

The little pup jumped in place and dove back into the defensive pile as terrible ear shattering hiss from the gargant in the distance let loose into the air. All the trees swayed in one direction from the serpents cry, before resuming their ruckus shaking in the turbulent winds. Something magical had just happened, the wash of mana was strong like a wave of water rolling over the convoy. The coats of every guard stood on end from the scream and its accompanying sensation, guessing that either it was then very angry or somehow harmed. The resulting panic imbued into the little Legata had caused the mares to frown, seeing that it was pretty much pointless to coax much out of them with the monster nearby. They'd let their mothers soothe them, as they would know themselves that only such a being could rally in the situational feelings for the pups.

As if speaking of the demons themselves, as if on que when the last tree was cleared out of the way came the arrival of heavily guarded sirens half floating through levitation magic while others crawled on their two clawed forelimbs and the motion from their tails. The stallion guards behind Heart and Gray took heed and knew what to expect, thus they spoke up as they gave ample space from the reuniting families.

"Hey we got the VIP's showing up. Best step away, no telling how on edge they may be." Night Guard Shield Tipper warned.

Gray joined them as the two brought their wings back down, "Your mothers are here now, see? We're not the bad guys." Storm gave a wink to the Opal hatchling that had the expression of shock and delight as well as her sisters.

Tipper took the second to grab the mare by her tail and quickly yank her back abruptly and painfully, and she would have scolded him if the rush of air and the feeling of something large did not appear before where she was. A stampeded of anxious and worried female hippocampi stormed straight at the little pups who eroded their protective pack and into the waiting love of their parent. There were sounds of exhilaration, cleaning, and non entrancing tunes from the creatures as each female inspected their offspring for damage to which none of them were. Upon a few of the mothers were uncaptured younglings, the others who were not taken once the enslaved guard ponies began to make the mission harder than expected. These beings of great strife and discord that the great Starswirl the Bearded claimed to be the most dangerous creatures in Equis, demonstrating their capacity to love like any other creature. Three troublesome sirens likely went rouge and acted like the Changelings at the wedding of the Solar Guard Captain and Princess Cadence. Heart spat in her mind on the ancient and beloved academic of magic, xenophobia after one experience and an entire species is put on a hit list. To her she was glad they were there to intervene and see for themselves what the mysterious aquatic singers were really about.

Tough Stride appeared out of thin air to begin contact, knowing if any other thestral had tried they'd likely not make peace initially nor survive like he could. There was a reason that he attained his position after years of service, and that was quick wits and ability. He reached ten feet within the group, knowing they had some kind of organization as he was told. The largest female acted as the matriarch for the brood, she would be the one to speak to. His eyes looked about scanning for that colossal siren, and shortly she would be noticed as she personally checked on each hatchling herself and then spoke a few reassuring words to the mothers who were just livid to be with their fillies again. He waited till it appeared as if she was done doing a round over, he then beckoned over the loud wind still howling around and over their spot.

"As you can see, we had to send our own to die... that beast was not in the plans but it made the task all the easier! I am Tough Stride... Commander of this unit and under orders to protect you. I'm sorry you had to endure this debacle!" his voice carried far enough that each word was understood, yet the return wasn't at all peaceful.

Some of the more stronger sirens set their young behind them with jaws snapping at the empty air, dorsal sails raised in warning gestures, showing off the deeper hue of color to their bodies like the Devil's Flower Mantis of the exotic southern jungles. A protective wall was formed around the younglings, with the smaller mothers inside keeping control over the offspring. Though Stride knew these sirens were still capable of establishing a tolerance and truce, or else they would have sung in an attempt to escape. It was worth the death of Captain Sabor and letting his body drop before them, showing that there were two sides to the Night Guard. He being on the good side that they could trust.

The big siren who possessed mainly a size up from the other only larger specimens dragged herself over to face him without floating over, her intense sea green eyes popping from her prussian blue body in contrast held hate. Their ire was understandable, after what they likely experienced before the storm hit probably stressed them out enough and having this occur made them as friendly as an ursa major.

Her toothy maw with pearly fangs let out an irritated rumble just inches from his armored snout, she sensed his emotional state first, "For as long as I've been the leader of this pod we've never been treated so horribly by ponies or any other race of this world. And I've been around longer than your grandparents and theirs before them have existed. Tell me wretch... how now should you explain all this?!"

Having been through the grinder of the combat more times than he could willingly count, the commander was unphased by the threat before him, "You were targeted by a new threat to the nation I serve, on that has unfortunately forced us to put to rest very valuable warriors who've served the crown to the best of their abilities. They were being controlled by the threat and that very same wanted your powers and gemstones. By the R.O.E. stated by the tribe of the Thestrals and the Elder Council, in doing so it has broken our accord with the crown and the kingdom until we can bring them to justice for their misguided sacred mission. You're the only sirens we've seen in many many years, and I am to bring you to safety until the threat is dealt with."

A heavy snort of air in anger demonstrated her lack of care about the details, "You ponies were always the kind to segregate themselves based upon heritage... you always have hidden disdain that ages so well. We've fed on plenty of ponies... but none like you, bat ponies! You ambush my pod and then turn around expecting us to believe this story to get us to go with you?! Even if you feel nothing right now, what trust is there for me to make? My sirons are down there risking their lives! I'm going to likely lose them, but if they were not there they'd be feasting on your corpse!"

"Ma'am I can assure you that what is coming will make this storm and that beast the least of your troubles. We've spilt our own blood to cleanse the infected, and those that stand here before you are those who'd not want to see obviously peaceful creatures be turned into a science experiment. That is unless you were planning to use your powers over in that city yonder? By which then I am inclined to act in accordance. Perhaps I should see your species truly like the three who were banished from this world for trying to conquer Equestria?" he returned the barb in full tow as it became evident that mentioning the three sirens of yor hit a string in the great matriarch.

Erecting herself to tower over the speck of a pony before her, her dorsal sail at full mast with the snarling of a tiger trapped in a corner, "Don't you ever... EVER speak of those whelps in my presence again... DO... I... MAKE... MYSELF...." she brought her head down again till her eyes met his with a killing intent, "Clear?"

"As soon as you make your intentions clear being so close to a large habitation over there." he pointed with an armored hoof at Seaddle.

She squinted at him, at his courage to face her with no hint of fear or anger in him. She could sense nothing, almost considering the armored thing to be a golem used by the true commander. Yet there was life inside the flesh, just barely any whiffs of existence that escaped the mental control the thestral possesed.

"Our pod would only feed on the first dock we came across." she answered with reserved anger, "Because we've been running from that serpent, for two months we've tried to escape it. Its like a shark hunting a blood trail. Our young were only recently birthed... I can only assume it's sensed easy prey. Our plan was to head up north into colder waters and since there are more ponies in those parts it would also be discouraged... they never dare get close to your kind." a final huff, her dorsal fin giving a little as the weariness the entire family had suppressed finally came back.

"So you did intend to use ponies as a source of food? But not the city then? A quick bite to eat, then head up towards Vanhoover... what then if you attained safety? What then?" Tough asked as his eyes picked out the evident exhaustion in the other sirens.

The matriarch had no patience for the thestral, but she also was losing the adrenaline that empowered her. They were on dry land now with still the beast of the deep eating its way through the ponies they said to have sacrificed for some reason she cared not to understand. If they did attack, there was a slight chance their songs might not be effective and they'd be pushed into desperation to get to open water. Yet even if they did, all that was waiting for them were churning waves and a very angry Hammerhead Morey, a large alpha at that.

Deciding it would be best she spilled the shrimp, "Do what sirens do of course... find a suitable village or port and sing a little. Harvest what energy we need to survive... then live off the food of the ocean. I don't know what you think we do, but we cannot subsist on negative emotions alone and I can sense you know this already? You know more than you let on?"

The commander shook his metal plated helmeted head, "I know enough before I head into any fray, I have my sources and I know very well what creatures exist in Equis here and abroad. I won't tell you why, but all this..." he pointed to the land train, "Is for your own good, there is a race of vile things who feed like you do. They don't like to share either. So if you don't want to become the Arcana's play things anytime soon and want to help stop the worst enemy to ever exist on our world... I suggest you find trust in me at least. These soldiers follow my word to the letter, and I promise my life to you that no harm will ever befall you or your pod."

Still she could not sense anything in the thestral, nothing that could help them get out of the predicament fate placed them in. He spoke with conviction, there was truth in the danger he spoke of the Arcana wanting their powers for their study. That had downright disgusted the matriarch, after all the times siren kind prevented an encroachment of all manner of oceanic predators and deep sea terrors, their own blood given for the preservation of a food source. Though ponies knew little of it, it was a thankless job that their kind had to upkeep. Now she felt dirty for even doing such a good deed, even if it was to keep their supply of energy up and survive in the unforgiving sea. A sensation that wouldn't wash off in even the angry waters not far off, but that was given question now as to the strangeness of the request by these ponies before her. They wanted to help them from the oncoming danger or so it was perceived, her pod also had to look forward to that Hammerhead Morey which would likely tail them all the way up the coast. Neither of the options were favorable, one being hunted as the other put them on dry land out of their element.

There as one thing she had to know then and there, "What about my mate... their mates that are out there trying to drive away that unending hunger? What will happen to them? Left to die? Podless to wonder and hope to find other sirens trying to establish their own?" her fiery stare bore down as she expected the right words to come from his muzzle.

"I already have two squads of my finest to watch over them when we leave. I have a way to communicate with those guards, and they can try to reason with them. If they choose to join you, they will have a constant connection to you until you are reunited at the sanctuary. However, if they kill my warriors... they'll have no second chance. That is the best I can offer now please give me your decision now because I'm sure there are Arcana scouts who could happen upon us and that is a problem I cannot allow to happen." he answered sternly returning her venomous gaze back at her.

Taking a deep breath, the matriarch looked back inquisitively at the other mothers, they were ready to fight to the death to protect the pups. If they could fight how long would they last, if they sustained injury would they be tempting the Morey to seek them out even longer than what they thought it would shadow? The young hatchlings were easy targets for the swords and spears, crossbows and other weapons the ponies around them sported like trophies. They were obviously much like her sirons, whose horns and spines showing off the damage they could do if given the chance. Her admission to feeding even just a little had put a stain upon their image to the commander, he had justification for genocide then and there and likely could make it happen with the primary defense down on the beach a half mile trek away. She was in a pocket, like an octopus between jagged rocks with only its beak and arms to do any hope of damage. The answer became very obvious soon enough and although it pained her to say the very words, they were in too much danger to say no.

They had the next generation of sirens of her brood coming into their own, they had to be protected since the protection being offered sounded temporary. With a belingered expression, "I accept, I... Matriarch Zaffre Stretta... daughter of Poseidon... will take your offer of protective guard from this threat you speak of. However, I want my sirons brought to me in one piece, you need only tell them this..." she looked in agony as if to say the very words were a crime to tell another race, "En mitfir oust oghanfir Poseidónas"

Stride nodded, "I am to be assured they will not attack my forces then?"

The Matriarch turned to her pod, in mid turn she stopped and grinned, "It should, and they may just believe those communication things you spoke of. But I cannot control them, it is the best I can do."

Knowing the operation was risky in itself he bit the bullet, "Fine, at least we're on the same page for now. When you are able to board the compartments, we set off in forty minutes, if... you have the concept of time that is. Once you're on, the train will begin to move. When it stops, a guard similar to me will knock six times on the door, no more no less, you can open the door from the inside and you'll be in the safest location in Equestria. You'll be provided food and shelter, anything else you'll need will be taken into account. Now go... tend to your own as I will myself." Tough turned about and proceeded to finish inspecting the guards.

With the nuisance out of the way, Stretta groaned inwardly as she came to face her subordinates that shared mixed receptions over the trusting of the ponies. Yet, her word was law as any matriarch's was, they'd have long talk on the ride to the supposed safe area in hopes their mates would join them later on. Dragging her hulking form in the swivel and pulling herself over to her own, she noticed the opal pup who'd become the star of her pod to any others out in the world. The little one seemed to be waving at one of the pony females in armor, almost like a friendly wave with a wide smile dripping with joy. Whatever happened during their separation would be a task to undertake later, but it would seem as if not all ponies were as they seemed. The mare was already trotting away still waving a winged limb to the youngling. It was then that Zaffre prayed to the father of the water realm to keep watch over her pack, for this new venture felt as if it would be their very end.

Ch. 45 Peace Be Onto You Sunset Shimmer

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Ch. 44 Peace Be Onto You Sunset Shimmer

Sunset's Hospital Room

Though she still tried to process some kind of philosophical teaching into a palpable tale to come away with a hint of wisdom, Sunset had no success as she inquisitively looked at this world's version. It was obvious her human version was much like her in the desire to know more and understand what could be fathomed of the greater outer world that was existence. Strange as it were she had a liking towards that kind of genre, she never would have coined herself seeking that the interpretive teachings of old sages. As perplexing as it were to Celestia's own lectures of pony harmony and friendship, then again there were no other kingdoms she could recall that might have birthed such a story.

Those days long past, how she still hated having been such a spoiled brat of a foal, throwing away so much potential all for her ego. She probably would have been Twilight's mentor if she'd humbled herself and even sought to help the needy. Looking at where all that mindset had gotten her, it began to make a little sense in the reason why her human self favored such riddling tales.

Shimmer stood still just a foot away from the ruined privacy curtain seemingly still cautious of a doppelganger in a younger form in the same room as she. If it were not for the wounds she sustained, Sunset figured she'd looked not half bad for an adult woman. It made her think of the life she still had to live, Twilight would probably be there at her funeral even if she reached one hundred years of age as humans barely ever made that far in life, without surprisingly enough probably barely aged. That thought alone was enough to jar her, one of the aspects of ascending to the crown was not only the power that came with it, but the right and gift to live without aging or dying because of it. It would be the day that she'd say goodbye to the Princess of Friendship who'd likely still be the teenaged girl only barely entering her twenties, her imagination going wild for a moment considering the ways she'd interact with on her deathbed. Her regrets and shame she'd spew out just so her soul would rest without geists, assuming the possessed human Sparkle and the Dazzlings did not do something to Equestria in the meantime.

It all came to a halt when Shimmer spoke up as she edged closer to the bed, "You know, I should be totally freaking out that I'm seeing a double, and one whose younger at that too. Yet all I feel is... wonder. Wondering how you exist and why? Who were you before you came here... like me?" the scar tissue from the glass shards that slammed into her tanned skin were visible in full detail making Sunset wince for a moment seeing facial movement obviously pointing it out.

She looked away despondent on her gurney bed, "I'm from another world, came here... to escape what was entirely my fault to begin with and I went about ruining the lives of others for an ego trip of a lifetime." she said plainly with a defeated tone.

Shimmer heeded the girls words and related them to what she heard earlier, but it still did not entirely make sense. So she took the hook and went for a dive, it was all she could do to grasp the situation. Besides, if she hurt herself more than the nurse diagnosed in the accident, this would be a fun tale to tell her friends later on.

"Another world you say? Huh... Well after all I've seen I'd have to say I'm not surprised really. Just... seeing in my head how that is possible. Tell me, who were you before you became me? I want to hear the truth." Shimmer replied as her fingers tapped on her arms nervously.

Sunset still refused to make eye contact and opted to look at the soft turquoise sheets over her body, "I'm a pony, have you seen the news papers about like... two incidents with rainbow colored lights illuminating the skies with a column of the same spectrum for a brief moment around Canterlot High?! That was me being reformed from demonhood, and the second I helped stop a group of sirens from controlling everyone... not that anyone cared." she huffed with annoyance as she assumed her human version lived in the town and bore witness to the life changing events.

"So that's what those stories were about? I thought they were an excerpt from the Onion News honestly? I take it all that was because of the world you came from? Causing a mess in my world?" the adult inquired as she took a cautious step closer to the bed, scanning every feature of the young woman for any sign of lying.

"Yes, I was a student to the crown back home, a very powerful alicorn who rules Equestria. She took me under her wing when I showed great aptitude for magic. I later abused that hope and trust she placed upon me to attempt to assert myself to power through will and want. Then, I affixed myself to studying, throwing away potential friendships and making a mockery of myself to others. I eventually focused on a mysterious mirror she would never let me see or understand, so I became angered when she flat out rejected every time I asked about it. She took away the mirror and so I hunted it down, she tried to stop me but I jumped through. When I arrived... I sought out the closest familiar thing to leadership I could find knowing nothing of this world or the humans here. Leading me to attend Canterlot High and dominate the school's student body to win their social events as crowned princess of whatever festival or dance was happening. Later, I soon met my equal, another student of the crown who bested me even when I had magic at my very fingertips, I had become the thing I let myself rot into. No amount of power beat the magic of friendship she formed with others, so I fell from the peak and returned to my old self feeling lower than the deepest part of Tartarus." to which she hesitated when Shimmer intervened to speak.

"You mean hell?" she asked.

Sunset gave her a flat look of displeasure, "Ya... whatever you call the kingdom or prison of the darkest of souls. They took me in when I repented for my actions... attaining such strength was the most painful experience I ever felt and from then on I knew I would never do such a thing ever again. I've been trying to live a peaceful life since, helping others to make amends with little return. The rest... well... It's been a bug hunt to find out whose been behind all the recent suspicious activity, then everything just went downhill for a time. It picked up just recently... great times with everyone to get ready for the games... She took everything from me when all we... we tried to do was help and save the world..." Sunset sighed as she closed her eyes still conflicted by Twilight's conviction over their reforming spell.

Shimmer could have just settled for any other kind of normal story, but what was told to her took the cake. Royalty, magic, a corrupt drive to life were not the dice she'd have rolled herself much less seen it in her own person. It pushed her to ask questions, the kind to see more into who this other version of herself was and if she wasn't so injured.

"What put you here? Specifically, because you look like you've been put through a press and had all your joy squeezed out of ya?" she asked folding her arms over her chest with a nervous smile.

Sunset moaned in frustration at having to remember a painful part of her life, "That other evil force I helped stopped, the sirens? Well, they were up to something after we took away their source of power and yet I couldn't find any reason to pin the aftermath on them. Some kind of lone cult or something is out there pulling the strings, left me with a curse that I couldn't sleep for weeks, haunted me during waking daylight, and made me nearly bit the dust mindlessly walking into traffic!" she growled.

She sat up in her bed even though every part of her body that moved screamed in dulled pain, "I worked myself to the bone to find the culprits who took the siren gem and received retaliation! Tried to be friends with the defeated, but they had their powers back and scoffed at us... They took this world's version of a very close friend of mine and used her against us. We tried to corner them and coax them to our side, but they were too far gone to listen just like I was before I put on the crown... Met them again and fought at Canterlot, from what I'm guessing your a casualty of that, the transformation of another She-Demon... I'm sure you saw the battle didn't you?" she glared at the older woman more angry at the result of that conflict than her persistence.

Shimmer was taken aback as she finally had the last puzzle piece in place, when the blast exploded her car windows and windshield. She careened into another vehicle, and by that time she felt the sting of glass shards in her face and neck. The car stopped shaking, the eruption of other vehicular accidents spreading around she managed to crack an eye open to a light source nearby. It took a minute or so to come to focus, as the impact and slamming airbags made her head woozy. Someone hovered in the air over by what looked like a school. Talking though her hearing barely made it through the ringing in her ears, because of the way the airbag felt as if it busted her left eardrum from deployment. Needless to say, she was so shaken that her current state felt as if she'd taken a quarter bottle of tequila into her system, little made sense until the medics arrived on scene with the colorful lights of the ambulance. Though what wisps of memory she could remember, they were of lights and yelling amid destruction. People were running away from the major traffic accident or stood in awe at the sight.

Huffing at the ordeal as she pushed it away from her thoughts, "I get it, you tried to make up for what you did wrong and the return was not all to your liking. At least you had a chance to try at it..." Shimmer remembered the mistakes she herself made that had no second chances unlike this pony in human skin, though for her she was the victim in all of it.

Sunset struggled to respond calmly only to fail when she felt offended by the statement, "WHAT chance was it! The entire school hated me! They feared me like I was still my old self? No matter how nice I was and offered to help them. Saving the world once might I add! When everything started to go south I devoted myself to figuring out the thief who snatched a powerful artifact from the princess who shouldn't have even been bothering with it in the first place! Since then, my whole second chance at life has had Twilight never responding back which could have prevented this whole debacle that hurt you! I wouldn't have had insomnia for the last three weeks, and I certainly wouldn't have had a Tartarus freak'n dragon chasing me throughout Canterlot High and used to rip away all the magic we had!" she cried out with such fire in her eyes, hot liquid drops fell from her teary eyes as she let go of the restrained opinion she had of her circumstance.

The yelling did not affect Shimmer, instead being reminded of what she constantly attempted to leave behind unintentionally, and what a tongue lashing she had to give, "Pain is pain no matter what form it takes, at least this is all temporary. Unlike myself I was born into a family whose parents were practically dull in the head and did not take care of me. I lived homeless most of my life with little time ever spent in the home that I should have been raised in! You think you had it bad with insomnia?! Try making something of yourself with only you to make it happen! Going to school, learning while hungry all the time! Then... finding a boyfriend who helps you through college until he leaves you at the drop of the coin and your homeless again with bills to pay for school and relying on friends for a place to sleep. Even after the wilderness trips I took with him he still wanted more than I could give! The next boyfriend was a former drug addict as I'd come to find out later with night terrors who'd beat me at night if we slept together! Do you know what it's like to wake up with fists flying everywhere and at you?! What a second chance I wish I could have had and been picked up by a 'Celestia' to take me as a student? I'd have done everything I could have to be as humble as a Buddhist monk!" venom in its purest state coated every letter of her words as she bore down onto her doppelganger, taking a step closer each time she emphasized a point.

"I walk to school every day because I don't have a car for the last five years for several miles, and I'm almost close to graduating! Through sun, rain, snow, and floods I get to class regardless in hopes I can get away from this town and make a better life elsewhere. Working as many jobs as I have to in order to pay for my semesters, rent, food, and supplies. So you had a tiff with the queen or king?! Nothing an apology wouldn't fix. You don't have a family who won't turn a new leaf or change back time! I've had to smoke to deal with the utter horse dung I'm constantly given. I don't know about any dragon, but having your night terror's baby mama find out your with him and nearly get into a fist fight with her out of the blue! That my little darling is a true DRAGON!!" Shimmer was breathing in at a rapid pace as her adrenaline spiked, if she were any louder the other rooms nearby would have hit the call button to send a nurse.

Sunset lost her own anger, taking in the other life before her endured for a lot longer than she had to take with the current evil group. By far it was a life even she found the hex dragon and the battle with Twilight to be far better option as she at least slept in the school gymnasium as cover and had somewhat of a safe home. Though she'd never been with a stallion before, and she'd never heard of night terrors. The lack of parents though had been an all too familiar similarity, but to live homeless much of her youth was deplorable at best as ponies were blessed with some kind of foundation in life even she. It caused her lips to seal shut as she awaited more to be said, as then the fury of the spirit transferred over to the human woman with gusto.

Shimmer hissed as she lost her composure, trying to rally it in when the figment of her imagination spurned it into full high heat, "Who cares if you're afraid of your surrogate mother! Unless you've lived on the streets and still attended school, enduring all the little demeaning things that came with it! Going to friends to simply take a shower and working all the oddest jobs to pay for everything?! You... YOU have nothing to regret more than I have! I've even... even..."

Sunset hesitated to even move as the human woman said something that froze her blood, "... even... tried to take my own... life."

The admission of such a forbidden act was not uncommon in the human realm, but extremely rare in Equis for any species unless they were warriors in battle who gave their lives for the war. That was when she made the connection, how she fought for so long, aided by Pinkie Pie, Flash, and Rose to achieve what she set out to do. Yet to resort to such an idea to cope with her life, it was too much to accept and thus Sunset couldn't feel any anger from then on out. She was far too appalled by the statement, that some other dimension she came close to death by her own hooves or hands to relieve the pain.

"Ha... ha... ha.... my deepest darkest secret... and I'm telling it to a complete stranger that makes me second guess my sanity. Another me? Seriously as if I'm looking at a way to redo my life for the better." Shimmer sighed as she stepped back against the nearest wall and leaned into it confused and shaken.

From there, a good thirty minutes worth of silence separated the two females as they clamped their lips and avoided responding further. One relived the previous pain of life, another regretted even speaking her ordeal even if pain was pain in itself neither demeaning in each others case. Though it would not last long, as anger always gives after some point in time, never going beyond a duration of age unless it evolved into a grudge. Shimmer the human brushed a part of her dangling locks from her vision, she'd long since grown use to the unfortunate life bestowed upon her as if it were preordained. Reluctantly, she picked up their heart to heart again with a different approach to avoid going back to the horrible topic of self loathing.

"I saw police taking a few cops out of this room before I came in. Mind telling me what that was about? Not often you see cops arresting their own." Shimmer said coldly, looking away to the door as if something interesting was occurring out of Sunset's sight.

Sunset hesitated at first, believing the woman to be far beyond rational thought to carry on and that she too didn't want to bring up any old history again. After all she'd been through, now she couldn't even care to hold resentment at been up showed and put into her place once again.

"Hard to say really? They could be from any organization of your world who'd want magic for themselves or they could be pawns of the group I've been trying to identify. Principle Celestia and Flash dealt with them, but that's all I know." she answered and laid back down feeling he pain once again take hold of her muscles.

Shimmer sighed with a furrowed brow, "Explains the cops outside and why they gave me a funny look. Though why they didn't stop me guess training only goes so far huh?" she sneered at the door.

The moment took a bit before the pony Sunset registered the little quip, it seemed her human version did not particularly like authority or their apparent competence. Just like she use to be, able to snap at those higher in the chain of command whether it was civilian or royal. She'd half expected her to speak to Celestia just like she use to if not on purpose, but just the way she acted.

Flash Sentry soon arrived with two beverages in hand, knocking first before entering and let in by the security detail who closed the door behind him, "Man I guess the cops really are watching over you Sunset?" he quipped before giving a water to the human Shimmer and then going over to the bed to the former pony with tea in tow.

The boy acted carefully, ensuring he did not spill any of the hot steamy liquid before even thinking about what he got for himself. Delivering the sustenance, Sentry gave his girlfriend a very warm smile and helped her drink little by little. It was a touching scene to say the least, one Shimmer watched with a lazy eye. It was an enjoyable break from the dank atmosphere that once permeated the room, so she asked into as it seemed appropriate.

"You two an item or something?" Shimmer said swirling about the contents of her cup as the sound of spitting erupted from her other worldly self.

It caught the two off guard just as Sentry took a seat, leading him to plop harder than he expected to and hit his tailbone slightly. Shimmer noticed as he awkwardly held his cup of tea and use the other hand to assuage the pain away. He let out a little whimper and squeezed his eyes shut, it looked like a hammer just tapped his rear. Sunset of course nearly dropped her cup of steamy liquid onto herself and the bed, eyes locked in place as it hit her that Flash and her had not yet officially claimed to be a couple yet. That one kiss they shared in the halls the girls saw was the only open call, however even that still ambiguous and not rooted in her psyche. She could only guess that they were indeed an item since then with a reignited friendship, trust, dangers around every corner, and they were closer than ever all because he still saw a nicer side during the darkest years.

Grinning, "Or am I wrong? Because you two seem to be awfully close there?"

Sunset swallowed to calm her nerves, "I... guess you could say that? I ended up here shortly after um..." Sunset blushed and looked away from her human version.

Shimmer leaned into the wall and crossed her arms, a habit of hers when something interesting came along. Then the bruise on that very arm made her wince and she ceased trying to strike a pose. A landscaping timber post crashed through the drivers side window and thankfully lost enough speed to not break anything. Though the welt would be one to remember that she was certain now.

"For all it's worth, with all the craziness you described and this other world you came from. You're not... half bad honestly. Everyone has the capacity of intent. People aren't good or bad, they just do good or bad things.Your only hope in this life is to know which is which and be content with that. I've come to realize that long after many mistakes were made and I believed that I was at fault." Shimmer sighed as she gently rubbed the sore arm, "Get back up from this stank you think your in, so what you got bucked off the horse? Get back up and try again or stay on the ground, it's just like riding a horse?!"

Trying to end her little lecture after sensing an unease in the girl unfortunately correlated to the origins of the younger verse of herself. Yet what became a poking possibility that she insulted the equine in human skin, quickly melted away as Sunset who appeared shocked at first by the horse analogy suddenly burst out in strained laughing. It sounded as if she really needed to let everything loose in a positive manner, bottling up the reality after she awoke and this now was hearty in itself. Shimmer joined in as she felt the creeping contagious mirth, then again for her she nearly bit the dust if that garden nursery truck had not tilted just at the right angle that the landscaping timber hadn't dipped enough to miss her head. She had to chuckle, sure enough both the unintended slip of the tongue and their heralding experiences encouraged it.

Flash was lost at the moment, still tending to the dull ache while trying to figure out why the two girls were so livid. He looked to both of them as their ruckus spontaneous jubilation eventually subsided. Sunset's bellows subsided, the lingering happiness to express a part of herself left a sense of hope that she could continue even with the odds stacked against her in some way or form. Here was her other self not freaking out, and even going so far as to keep a conversation voluntarily. She'd not have blamed her if this all instead devolved into a chaotic incident and she was hauled off to some hidden lab to study her. Nothing of the sort even sprouted, if it was thanks to the fight or not the two were on the same plane of existence and knew the other could be trusted.

Shimmer stopped to a giggle, allowing Sunset to make a personal vow, "You're right, I'll keep being persistent and help others when a problem arises. No matter if they turn me down or look at me in fear of who I use to be. I'll even try to go back home and confront my fear..." then the fact of the matter butted its ugly head, "... if I ever get the chance that is."

The older woman let the last coughs of exuberation fade away, somehow her other self realized the dire and obstruction barring further immediate action, "What do you mean... if you ever get the chance?" she said as she wiped away a tear from earlier as her wide smile shrank to a meager grin.

"The portal back home... Twilight must have taken the magic as well as mine at the start of the games or even before I'm not sure. But when I went to it to try and go through... it was just a regular dumb old statue. She has my magic now and I'm not even familiar with the art of portal spells to try and fix it. The girls are also drained that I'm sure... I'm... I'm actually stranded in this world unless..." Sunset appeared to dive into melancholy as fast as the laughing fit had come.

"Unless what?" Shimmer asked as she stood still.

"As far as I know, the Dazzlings and Twilight are helping some kind of group get through to Equestria and I've not found much on my end except something called Greed. We don't have anymore magic to combat them even if we found them ripping a portal to Equestria, and trust me... the police and the army won't be able to stop them. If Twilight is a pawn, I can only imagine who the leader is and how much power they have. So I've put some thought into it... and I can only see myself trying to fight them by following them through whatever gateway they plan on creating. That's the only reason they would have stolen that gemstone in the first place and the Dazzlings likely serving whoever they are. It will likely be a one way trip for me. And I won't find a way back here... with my friends. The portal was damaged and further use may destroy it... collapsing the only bridge to both our worlds." Sunset gave a grim frown to Flash as he heard her plan for the first time.

"You... you're not serious are you?" he asked as the truth of her awaiting decision felt like his heart tore at him once again just as the time he came to terms with his feelings for the Princess Twilight.

"Afraid so... someone has to stop them and the hex that was put on me actually said some things I'm still unsure of. That some other force in Equestria is preventing any knowledge from getting through. It does explain why Twilight may have never responded to my calls for help... somepony is interfering for whatever reason. They even told me of where to look for the right book to make all this of any sense!" the young woman hesitated to say more as her body revolted in bodily pain from sitting up for so long.

The older woman thought in depth, considering what little she actually understood of this other universe of herself. Considering she was in no position to actually give any useful advice, it was nearly impossible to think of a right response that would benefit the troubled teenager. Even with her personal record...

'My life?'

'She's about to make a choice like I did...'

'To determine if she'll live through my mistakes or fly above them?'

"Sunset you really think that's going to fix everything? You don't have magic! How are you so sure it'll be returned when you go back home?!" Sentry protested as he feared another love of his life would be taken away from him.

Sunset shook her head, "I don't know that's the problem, it's a chance I'm willing to take to save my homeworld Flash. I don't even know whose pulling the strings, but if they've gone this far using Twilight and the sirens then they have got to be packing major resources to get them on board as well as evil intent or so I think? What they intend to do when they return... I can't... I won't let them go without me on their tail harassing them. The least I can do is figure out their plan and warn the Princesses!" her face bore that of concern and justification that no amount of reconsideration would falter.

'Just like back then...'

The young man wanted to object further, yet he knew Sunset wouldn't give when she held onto an idea. He also understood she did it for her home and he'd do the same for his if put into the same situation, but it wasn't something he'd agree to regardless. Yet, if his parents were in trouble in another country, he'd do anything in the world to help them. Such was the bittersweetness of life for him, a truth he'd have to accept just as he did with his Twilight Sparkle, no matter how much he disdained it down to his soul.

"I have no means of tracking them down though, so they might just leave tomorrow or a month from now. There's no telling what's about to happen even if I'm willing to take the dive." she laid back down in renewed submission, her striped sunny hair puffing out from under her.

She felt a gentle touch on her left hand, looking at the corner of her eyes she saw Sentry battling how he wanted to speak against her decision. Though what could he do to stop her other than spout excuses, they both had a sense of obligation with her and magic and him and his band career. Tough decisions were to be made to progress further even if it were not in the right path they originally set out to accomplish, but they had endured enough to be mature about this whole event unfolding. Strange how magical battles and doomsday events often made one act appropriately when life teetered on the very edge of the end. Perhaps he was also just exhausted from the concern over her well being for the last few hours while she was out, it was difficult to determine what was what. Her future was set in stone even if the base was wobbly, the right thing to do was there right before her even if it would hurt others in doing so.

"Ever since I was reformed... I've dealt with nothing but adversity. Trying to remake myself in the eyes of the other students, help the school out when I can to make amends with the staff, help avoid evil magical beings from taking over the world when they may not be so evil. I get hexed trying to figure things out and get haunted every night, then have my magic taken away not once but twice! Now I'm powerless to do anything and only hope for the right outcome with what I intend to set right..." Sunset closed her eyes to keep back the feeling of sorrow overcome her like someone placing a blanket over a dead corpse.

"If... if it makes you happy and it's really the right thing... to do then... go ahead and do it Sunny." Sentry sighed as he tightened his gentle grip on her hand, though he avoided any eye contact himself.

Silence soon reigned, leaving Shimmer standing in the room to finally make up her mind. If it could help herself, this other parallel version then what cost would mean anything to either of the two if it were to ease what did appear to be right? So she chugged what water was left in her plastic cup before she crushed it in her hands.

With a steeled gaze she began as her blue eyes glued onto the girl on the gurney, "Let's just agree for just this moment that I understand all about this magic and who haw. I need you to look at what I believe is something we share in common if it's anything like that show about the Doctor and timelines is about. Around your age I made a choice, one that followed me since I made it and drastically altered what was offered to me. When I look at you... I see that major turning point in my life that I made a huge mistake. If this is truly real across all the parallel universes, then it is my duty to help another me succeed even if the chances are that you'll be in some seriously deep horse manure later on. You get me?"

Sunset looked up from her little misery in curiosity, "When I graduated high school I had the chance to go and live with my boyfriend or throw myself into learning how to make a pathway for myself that I could stand on without anyone else to back me up. Guess which one I chose?"

The two teenagers paused in a response just to glance at the other before drumming up any decision. Sunset remembered the rant her other self went on, the two boyfriends she put up with and the later with the night terrors. Though she somewhat was interested to hear this little tangent of hers that somehow correlation with her own future.

"I left with him, moved away to another city where we'd try to carve out a life doing a few jobs at one time, me working in retail. He trying to become a musician. We even went hiking in the mountains of Colorado, which was probably the height of our relationship and the peak of bits I ever would have again. That life felt so good and real... and then there came the walls. He wanted to live the holistic life and save the environment, did not want kids or anything of the such. I was anything of the sort, though I did like the whole save the world idea even if it restricted our food choices. We butted heads so many times just dealing with our daily lives that I couldn't take it anymore, he became too restrictive. So we broke up and I did what I could to still have a place to sleep... a roof to have over my head. After trying for a few months to make it in the city I gave up and moved back home. I had no family to help me and my only sister was out of the state with her perfect little life. I made a few friends and managed to make it through the turmoil, but at the cost of those years just toiling away to make enough bits. I found myself moving from place to place and meeting all these cool sorts of people, developing my own musical talent with an electric guitar and my own voice. So I earned the bits to keep a place under my palm with the help of another man... the one I spoke of." Shimmer gazed angrily at the floor, Sunset being the only other one to know what she was talking about.

"We constantly fought over the house I found and signed the lease even if he hated it. It was a decision I made that felt good you know? I liked the neighborhood and it was close enough to the university to not be a burden to attend. So I worked enough to attend classes to get a degree in Fine Arts... I was on my way from that house I called my home to move to a rented house with my friends to get away from him. When that ball of light exploded and sent the road into one major accident. My parents couldn't care less about me, my sister is too far to do anything, and I'm single... can you see where I'm going with this Sunny?" the human asked as she forced her vision to partake into the doppelganger.

Flash had let the comment slide, his mind already a mess with everything thus far and every action he made to not upset the real human Sunset Shimmer standing not a few feet away from them. However, Sunset knew what was being poked, her human half was insinuating something and it was the correlation they shared. She was the future if she herself decided to stay, even somehow she tossed away any sense of loyalty to home and stayed as every source of trouble in her life disappeared quite literally. Though issues would arise, she'd still have the girls, Flash, and Rose to help her deal with leaving the evil to Princess Twilight. That was a crime she couldn't let happen however, not if her life depended on it. Perhaps what her human version had chosen in life wouldn't be the same as her potential journey, but the correlation was hard to negate. This Shimmer did not have a mentor like Celestia to give an edge in life, instead she ventured out of high school and into the real world with a mate and the end result was not well on both occasions.

"I may be the real Sunset Shimmer here, but I've gone down the path which I thought was the better life. I've chosen the decisions in which have destroyed my dreams and aspirations for a meager work and toil for something small. I'm not saying that this gentleman here would end up anything like the... man I clung to. But from what everything's happened to me... go through with it. Go back home and face your troubles head on! Don't become... like... me." Shimmer looked away, despondent to anything the other verse of herself showed.

Sunset chewed on support of her human self, was it really worth trusting an exact copy of in a dimensional standpoint? Different life and woes that affected that specific being in a vastly different environment, one who did not know anything about magic and was as helpless as a mule in Equestria. She had not expected to see her human half so soon in life, much less understanding the parallel universe or string theory in such an intimate fashion. Here she basically decided to go back home in any way possible, with Flash and this woman backing her up in their own unique ways. What kind of life awaited her in the future? What was Equestria like now and would the Princess really accept her begging of forgiveness like Twilight said she'd do? The great threat that was still vastly unknown to her and Equestria came first and foremost, there was no doubt there that her own life came second to it. If she truly wanted to prove herself to everyone that she was different than the pony she once was, this would be a sacrificial move on her part to validate that. Even if it seemed too extreme to undertake.

Noticing the young appearing to be dead set on returning home, Shimmer whispered just low enough to herself, "Peace be onto you..."

Adagio's Dream

How many times had she dreamed of waking up from a nap in her mothers protective body? How many times did she relish in the experience to once again hear and feel her own mother as things use to be, in the puny little hatchling form that was her innocence? To every time realize what was coming and try to haplessly warn her of the coming end? To hear that gruesome traumatic sound and feel the sound wave pass by, like an evil god laughing at her as if it found the torment amusing? Seeing her father again, even if he was barely visible to her before her parents whisked her away into the water. The cold and unforgiving chill of the deep ocean, where her breath suddenly ceased up and the thought of death by choking always following suite.

That was the old Adagio, before she found out the truth to the dreams and how they were reactionary to stress. Her mother put just a sliver of her magic into the hatchling before giving her a chance at life, to give her something to remember. Hopefully use to make it in the world where the odds would be that she'd likely never made it to adulthood. Her mother had attempted to give a sanctuary for when that time came and yet she overcame the odds. Instead, she adapted to grow up in the hostile environment of the wilderness and toughened up, being chased by predators many times her size and each sporting various ugly ways to be killed and devoured such a pup as herself. It affected the way the magic worked to soothe her, and in her agony of remorse for not going with the pod she cast upon herself a reminder of the changing point that altered her once placid life. That reminder glued her focus onto one thing only, and that was to make the ponies pay for what they had done. For the lives of her kin, she'd punish them a million times over and what better way than to have all enthralled to do her bidding to where even their children's children would serve siren kind until time ended.

As they said in the human world, an eye for an eye makes the world go blind. For her, she'd never harm a pony not if she could help it, too much time had pass for the perpetrators to still be alive. No, she'd make them work to establish a new order for pony kind with her pod at the head, they'd do what she wanted and exist as sources of negative emotions. They would be like the cattle to the humans, if humans could drink in the fear and anger of the caged bovines.

Having fell into deep sleep, Adagio now dreamed of her home and those long gone frolicking among the waves of the placid crystal clear waters of the shore. She dreamed of them in their later stages of age where no one had died and the other hatchlings like her lived well into adulthood with their mothers and fathers. From that every hungry siren hatchling like herself just as old as she practicing with the others, to the old Matriarch watching from the beach with her mate. The sun was out and not a cloud in the sky, it was picturesque and beautiful to behold and that was how she knew she was dreaming. No birds cawing their ruckus laughter, only the music of the ocean and nothing else to disturb the peaceful scene. A sense of pride nonetheless washed over Dazzle as her mother sat on her belly alongside her overlooking from a rocky outcropping, this would be the world she'd strive to make. Those ponies would live like them if they had to, assuming she'd find out how her pod died. That was the second item on her vengeance list to mark off, even if she had to pry into the minds of the so called Arcana.

The two golden adults watched and observe the others enjoying the day as if the fateful moment never came to pass and the assembly lived past that day. It was a strange sensation to experience, she an adult next to her mother having a shared experience together. Adagio could swear to Poseidon that she finally understood what being a fully grown siren meant right at that moment, no human experience, no Starswirl the Bearded, no nothing. Once she entered the dream, the most critical questions came to mind even as she went sight seeing. Answers that only her mother could hopefully provide and in full detail so that she could move one with.

Grabbing the seconds passing by, Adagio took the initiative and dove straight in as she was unsure of how long she had, "Mom? Can I ask you a question?"

The older siren still slightly larger than herself nodded and gave her a sideways glance, "My little Dazzle, of course you can... that is why I am here."

Adagio searched for the first question and bit down on it hard, "Are you proud of me?"

There was an admittedly long silence, just the ambient noise of the pod and the ocean playing out in the background, "There is nothing you can do to make me regret feeling proud of you... you've lived for so long and... here we are talking again?! It is an accomplishment in itself." a motherly warmth hazed the very air about the older mother, beaming with pride that frustrated Dazzle a little.

"Okay? Let me rephrase that... I'll be returning home soon. We will set out to conquer Equestria and the ponies first... " she paused to bit her lip, "We will bring justice to those ponies who poisoned our waters, the realm of the all mighty father! But... I just... wanted to know if you'd still be proud of me when I do that?"

The smile never left that soft muzzle, and it did no wonders for the young matriarch for what she had questioned ever since they first lost their gems, "If bringing your pain to rest will sooth my little Dazzle's mind and let you live in peace. Then I would be very proud of my siren as I always would have." nuzzling her daughter as she finished speaking.

The golden siren quivered at the sensation, even though it was a dream it felt all to real and lucid. Begrudgingly, she waited for the coddling to even go so far as to bite down on her tongue just to keep from the very idea of going into her younger form just to lay in love. It was a growing weakness since the dream started, the anxiety of going back home to really return and restart what she'd long set out to do. The fires of vengeance were as hot as a the flames of Tartarus and no mere mortal would stand in her way of getting what had been planned for since they first failed. The ponies would suffer, they would know what happens when you anger a siren whose voice none could resist. Yet, under all that torrential inferno that had conflagrated within her fractured heart had a hidden fragment that did not truly bold well with the great scheme. That sliver like a splinter of wood that found a spot of skin underneath the scales and embedded itself in, and she could not remove it herself alone.

"Mom! I'm serious! Please listen, you and the others deserve justice from thieves and murderers who cloak themselves in the guise of harmony and friendship! Hypocrites!" Dazzle hissed at the titles the Equestrians held high like the griffons did to that golden relic, "But... I've been thinking..."

Her mother's dorsal fin twitched a little, then she herself turning to curl around the slightly smaller young adult. Comparing the two, Adagio was still ages below either of her parents since sirens were immortal until eaten by a great beast of the abyss or killed by starvation. Even if she was as old as she was now, it was unavoidable of what came next that sent the Dazzling into a stupor. The fervor which gripped her irked cooled from a boil to a simmer, her mind buzzing out as the larger adult encompassed like a python of the jungles and she trapped inside its dense coils. Her mothers powerful forelegs gently gripped her into a hug, using her long serpent tongue to lap at her daughters head a few times to ease her daughters jumbled mind. The sensation was mind blowing as it was comforting, hard to believe she was asleep and not with her flesh and blood mother. It was not an unusual thing for a parent to still dote over their offspring well after they were of age, sirens were a tightly nit social group and to maintain the bonds which facilitated the right harmony in group singing sessions. They often engaged in social grooming, maintaining each others scales where one alone might miss a spot where a parasite lingered or a patch of unshed skin wafted in the breeze at the edges. Beyond that, it was an experience which was as pleasurable as a fine meal or a surplus of negative emotions, an evolutionary quirk that benefited pods greatly.

Drunk on familial love, Adagio let her head rest against her mothers vast chest and glimmering gem just barely able to speak, "When... we... when we lost our gems..." she nuzzled deeper into the sleek smooth armored belly scales warmth, "I... tried to get them back... but... I found out we lost them for good. So I just gave up. And for a moment... I actually thought of a life where... all I had lived for no longer mattered. I... I felt empty and... new."

Sensing the despair her mother acted upon it continued cleaning her little Dazzle from her head to the crest of her back. Hitting all the right spots where the nerves were easily accessible, aiming to keep her pup from becoming far too lost in her depression.

"I was powerless mom! I couldn't... we couldn't do anything to go back and so I took my anger on that human world. Sure they were easier to control, more negative than the ponies. But what sense did it make to rule over a world that didn't take you and the others away from me! I actually felt... admittedly free when those... rainbooms removed our powers." she curled her head in shame, "I began to think of what we might do with ourselves in this new world and third chance we were given to live... even if it we would die soon. No eternal hunger to sing and feed, we could decide to make something of ourselves beyond singing... NOT that I wanted to stop! We just... lost our voices and we had no options left." she shivered as her vision lost its focus under the ministrations of the grooming.

"That lasted only a moment... and we got new gems! We could be ourselves again if we followed this guy this... monster who once use to be a unicorn. It's his eyes mom... those gray eyes that shine like golden bits whenever he's performing magic or something of the sort. Since then... I've only felt power like that of the alicorns and even that was a passing glance at those two sisters when we were last in Canterlot." Adagio mulled over that memory and for a few seconds she wondered about why those two were not informed of their presence by that bearded old fool, "I've resumed my mission of which he and his followers will help with so long as we help them. I'm unsure of what to think of them, they're quite the... strange bunch of crabs. Without the gems we were able to have anything of our lives to do with as we pleased, little else to really do... and... I was kind of tired of trying again and again." she was confused, letting the restrained second thoughts she'd had since they were free both of their own free will and by being thrown into another universe.

The parental siren stopped, letting out a slow exhale and bent her neck till she completely hugged her daughter with as much contact as possible, "Do not fret my shining star. Your safe here. I'm here for you so that you can prevail in your dreams. No matter what you do I will never feel nor be shamed by any of your choices. You've overcame the odds and survived! That alone is worthy of the Equestrians praise and adoration of you. Make sure they know that. The last daughter of Nessuna Cosa's pod."

What little comfort those words gave fell to Adagio's consistent questioning of her own actions, "MOM! I'm serious about this!" she regained some mental awareness, "I don't know if even going back after so long means anything! Having our gems back is great and all, but we slugged through centuries of barely feeding off the humans enough to keep our powers from dying out! After all that hard work and to have it taken away by measly little humans and... we would have died if it... weren't for Yellow... Tail." the memory came back full on as she remembered what he said they did for them. Immortals who turned to dust once their power was sapped away.

"My little Dazzle... I know of what he did and how he helped you. I wanted you to get it off your chest so you would see the light. I know you are hurting... I'd give my life to Poseidon just to make sure you lived a good life. But you must realize... that I'd be proud of you no matter what you did because you are... my little Dazzle." her mother squeezed her tighter.

"I... I..." she stuttered realizing that even with her brains she faulted and lingered on old facts, the human world was a danger to them as was any ferocious predator. Once their power was gone they were on death row. They had to have some kind of gem to use and feed through, it was the curse of her kind and it suddenly instilled her with fortitude over all the doubt that was breeding within her soul. Human or pony, a siren sang for power and life itself, what they did with it was their own decision. Adagio saw her purpose as nothing to feel distant about anymore, they were alive and Equestria would be theirs for the taking. She'd use Yellow's oppurtunity to remake their home, indeed where ponies would be the minority and they on top.

"No matter what you choose to do, I will always be here for you. My little Dazzle..." sea birds appeared out of the blue from the mangrooves, flying above them to the sea.

"Then I will make you proud mom..."

The world went black, all sensations were severed which destroyed the dream that was under her full enjoyment. No longer could she feel the delicate hold of her parent, no warmth of the sun, no sounds of the water or the others except for the low grumble of static the human televisions made when broken. Ringing of the ears dominated her sense of hearing as her mind awoke from slumber, accompanied by the painful light of day removing the abyssal world of her sight for a colorful realm. Immediately, Adagio took to stretching in the recliner she slept in, popping a few joints in the process as she moaned in delight almost melodically. Her arms rose above her and her back arched, muscles tensed until they could take no more. Quickly, her back and deltoids felt the sharp pain of over exertion in their semi dormant state. Dazzle released her body to flop back into the comfortable seat as her fluffy curls of hair cushioned her fall. The little cover sheet Yellow gave them kept her warm in the cool air of the condo, the marvels of perfect air conditioning machines meant they were neither too warm or too cold.

Smelling the air, a slight essence of food was picked up that her assessment realized was the savory scent of eggs, meat, and something sweet. In addition, a tangy air mixed in with what she knew was the tall tell tale of coffee being brewed which forced her sandman covered eyes to pry themselves open.

'What is that?'

Her magenta eyes traced around through slight blurriness, where there before her were her sirens and human ally oddly enough packed together undisturbed like a can of sardines. All thoughts soon focused on Aria, the lovable and easily annoyed one who was then and there cozied up onto Twilight as was Sonata. If she had not just woken up, a grin and a chuckle would have escaped her lips at such a sight so instead she grinned. Of course that power grabber would do such a thing, she was always apt to seek a heat source even when they were in Equestria. That siren gravitated to anything warm even if she fell to sleep far from either Dusk or her, she never failed to end up wrapped around or nestled into either of the two and never recalling the act of doing so when confronted.

Silently she judged the trio as her ears detected sounds coming from the kitchen in the back. With a body still warming up to move, Adagio took a slow coming too and alert. One of the exiles likely up and at it making food for themselves as it was obviously morning. Conflicted with that and enjoying the harmony her Dazzlings were experiencing, well before things would vastly change the level of comfort amid each other which any Matriarch would be absolutely livid for.

Pandius the Changeling Empress appeared from the right hallway out of a room, her regal appearance ever on spot as the woman headed to the kitchen fully dressed in an elegant casual look that befitted her personality. Adagio gave a sneer though it was not noticed by the other party, the smug royal was not something she wished to have seen as she awoke to the start of a very important day. Their fated return to Equis, in tow of other exiles who possessed strange and unique powers all to themselves which she anticipated just as much chaos as their dinner and further meeting.

"I can't even have a regular morning without worrying over what will happen next can I?" she mumbled to herself as she stirred out of her seat to use the restroom.

Ch. 46 A Surprise Deal

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Ch. 46 A Surprise Deal

Outside the High Rise Condo 6 A.M. The Day of Return

Inside Cadence's car parked outside one of the several high rise condominiums, Lemon Zest and Indigo sat awaiting for the next move, it took them a long while to locate the right route to the suspect location of Twilight. Though it was likely due in part to the awaiting terror of what her current state was in, if she would be that flying nightmare who could have done serious harm to the other students. Possessing unnatural powers no human should even have, which what she demonstrated there was no telling if they were still on her good side or if she could even have one. With the Dean leading the search party, the girls had a smudge of confidence and a sense of safety since the woman knew Twilight personally. She'd be the buffer and they'd act as support to bring back the C.P. student from what appeared to be a luxury home in the new tourist area that just opened up not a couple months ago. What she was doing in a place like this was all the cause for more questions and thoughts of others involved with her ascendance.

Lemon sat in the back seat jamming to music primarily to keep her calm and focused, her head did not bob nor sway or any part of her body for that matter. All she could do was recall that moment she was plucked off the ground and moved into the untouchables zone, while it was cool and fun to an extent the meaning of it was not comforting at all. Indigo in the passenger side seat had also remained tight lipped as she wondered why Sparkle even had such powers. Finding peace of mind in how they could destroy any and all competitors using her powers which would be natural and not some booster against rules and regs. Though it was something far out and dangerous, her aggressive nature in sports could not help but fathom endless streaks of victories that Crystal Prep could undertake with such a student. All the trophies and medals, the recognition and valor, the scholarships and grants awarded to the team by their frontliner had appeared for a time as the golden chalice of her infant sports career. Such wonders of course were short lived as she too experienced the demented being that had sprouted from Sparkle after that ball of light. The same one who attacked Sunset Shimmer after she tried some kind of magical mumbo jumbo and failed utterly, and how deeply she paid for it too.

"Well this is it? I guess?" Cadence sighed as they looked at the fifteen story complex crisp and clean looking, rising so high they couldn't even see it very well without craning their necks out the window and pulling their heads as far back as possible.

"So what? We just gonna storm in and ask for Twilight?" Zap asked bluntly as she fiddled with the goggles on her head.

The Dean searched through her purse and extracted her phone to open the search app, which shortly clarified that their target was indeed in that building before them, "Yes and no, Twilight's in a different situation right now and we have to be supportive of her. She's a danger to everyone and only we are close enough to help her. Indigo... I've read your dossier from Cinch's files, your very competitive in the sports field, always striving for a victory and yet you forget your teammates easily. I've even taken the liberty to oversee your leadership and quite frankly... it worries me."

Zap huffed at the sudden insult, "And I've carried everyone in the Shadowbolts to victories! So I get too much into the game?! Not like it hurts anyone." she crossed her arms over her chest and looked away pouting.

"Exactly why I'm mentioning it, you do sacrifice your team as pawns to attain wins, but that is not why I called you to help get Twilight back. I want you to look deep down and see why she spared you from certain harm aside from all that. Look at it and then look at me in the eye and tell me what you believe the reason was, what part of you or what you did caused her to befriend you?" the older woman's gaze shattered the bravado of the sports girl as easy as a hammer through glass, though she maintained a perturbed look about her.

As much as she wanted to brush away the notion, the terror that Twilight became herald a new mindset within herself. Someone who could squash her like a bug and there she was trying to capitalize on her. She did agree to help find and rescue Sparkle, but was she really the right person for the job? Why did she even bother with the ball in her court and not just pass it to someone else?

Indigo jumbled over the few reasons she figured as to why she was chosen to forgo the punishment of the flying girl with powers, but all she could bring up was that moment on the bus. Sure they met one another in the hallways, usually Twilight bumping into her through the crowded hallway in its mingling traffic lanes. She cared little if someone hit her, she was strong and determined so much so that few things bothered her. So it was an easy task to see that the probably reason she was given a second chance at life was how she received the girl when she asked her about the games on the bus. Her words of that she was cool in her book, and that somehow gave a confidence booster or something.

Indigo denied the Dean eye contact, "I asked her about the games coming up and if we were going to win... she complimented me and said I was the best player who'd push us forward. So I basically said she was cool and let her go to her seat. Guess no one really... gave her praise in any way."

Zest had been listening and watching, the volume of her headset low enough to permit outside noise. She watched as the two interacted, and it brought about how she and Twilight likely formed some smidgen of a bond. The Dean looked at her too, asking the same question with the intent to follow through some kind of mental fortifying revelation.

"Lemon? How do you think she chose you to be spared?"

Zest set her headphones around her neck, "We both liked the same kind of music I guess? She used me to keep the pink one at bay when they tried to ask her questions and Zap jumped in to protect her. Not much else I can think of, but few really like what I like so I gave her my headphones for a bit and she gave them back. Not like we're exactly besties or something?"

Cadence looked at the wheel of the car and rubbed her chin with her right hand, "Was she really that much of a recluse that such simple actions she took as a sign of friendship?!"

The two girls recoiled at the mention of such small pleasantries being taken as more than what they were, given a little light into who Twilight was before she had powers of a god. It did not occur to either of them to think of another soul outside their tiny world, but the pause gave them time to consider the events concerning the bookworm. From what their Dean hinted at, it appeared that Sparkle was truly a brainiac as most coined such students. Those with little social experience and she imprinted on the both of them for their lack of abrasive attitude unlike that of Sour and Flare or the acuteness of Sugarcoat. Sure those girls were hard to stand for more than a few hours at a time, but no one really cared or took heed to any seriousness of their banter. Even Indigo could shoulder Sugar's intelligence that spoke out loud when it really should have been an inside voice in her head. Zest of course let her tunes zone her out from the rest, eventually gaining a sort of flag which no one bothered her as what seemed to have happened to Twilight and her studies.

Cadence looked to the two in hopes they'd give some answers, but all she received were shrugs from Zap and a lost perplexed gaze from Zest, to which she sighed, "If I'd known her habits and contact with the rest of the student body was so detrimental to her growth I'd have done more about it. Look... I need you two to see what we are up against and why I need you to be friends to her and I mean genuine!"

Sensing the seriousness both students vigorously nodded, "Good, now that you understand I'm sure I don't need to reiterate the danger she is in and is to the world. We are going to go find her, I will initiate the conversation, and then I want you two to be nice and try to keep her calm. Do whatever you have to do so she doesn't get angry. Once we have her back, I'm taking her to a hospital to be looked at and she will need friends to help. I have to stress this... if we don't then the power you saw that she used against Sunset could easily destroy the town. Indigo? If you want to see this as a competition be my guest, be the best hero you can be and save lives. No one will ever claim that title from you. Zest?!"

The lime haired girl hesitated to put her headphones back on, "Ya?"

"I know you listen to that music as a coping mechanism. I know about your past record and that those only became apart of your person only shortly after you were enrolled into Crystal Prep. You cannot hide that away from me Zest. So I want you to try and see Twilight as you in your first year, your music is her pursuit of knowledge. You and her are so much similar than you think, so use that to bond with her. I'm only asking that much of you." the Dean's eyes were heavy with dogged concern, she knew about Lemon's little secret.

Swallowing out of nervousness, the rocker girl gave a short and quick nod to affirm she'd conform. She'd forgotten that the councilor had jotted down all that she had told her that one time, it made her angry that others knew but at least they were adults who'd never callously expel it to the others. Though Indigo she'd need not worry, that sports girl wouldn't dare bother with such trivial gossip.

"Now... let's head out, follow me and stay near." Cadence ordered as she began to exit the car.

They simply needed to talk to the front desk and show a picture of the girl they were trying to find, using her title and papers as a Dean at C.P. to get the receptionist to talk. It was easy to find the location of Twilight after that, and from there they took the elevator up. The short trip was long and painfully sweat prone from anxiety, as the last the trio remembered was Midnight Sparkle going ham on everyone and Sunset. They wondered each if they still had her pardon or if she would send them out the nearest window since the level they'd head to was the top upper one. A long drop to earth...

Yellow's Condo

The girls had awoken to the clanging noises of breakfast in progress, Dazzle had left to the bathroom first to clean up. Leaving the tired sirens and Sparkle to realize where they were and had been sleeping together. Thankfully, no one else noticed their groaning awakening to their benefit, to which at least Aria would breath a sigh of relief later on in the day.

On the black couch, the easily goaded siren came too as she felt something warm and soft beneath her right cheek with arms locked around what felt like a squishy thing that pulsed. Sonata had acted like an affectionate cat and nuzzled deeply within the crook of Sparkle's neck as she rose from deep sleep. The sun's rays were beaming down onto her back to give a nice warming sensation upon the clothed skin, leading to her to cuddle even deeper into the pleasant sensation of the morning. Snaking her arms around the girls head which unintentionally awoke the human through the movement.

Blaze used her right arm to hoist herself up as she rubbed with the other on her eyes to clear them of the drowsiness. She was never a morning person, a hated act to wake up even if it was eleven in the morning. The heaviness of her own body caused her to flop back down onto whatever cushion she'd slept on previously and it earned a strange noise which came with movement of the pillow.

Twilight stirred abruptly if not painfully as she felt her diaphragm feel sore from a sudden impact, it jarred her awareness like an old man responding to kids messing up his front lawn playing football. Her neck felt sore from sleeping on the armrest of the sofa, but then again she'd never slept on anything but a bed before so it was anticipated after all. Groggily, she opened her eyes and calmly noticed she was embraced by Sonata and her blue flesh, with the purple and teal head of hair of Aria resting on where she was forced to come about. Her brain had yet to snap open as she marveled at the scene before her, nothing of last night even made it past the fog of the morning with the golden rays of the sunrise were piercing like steel spears through the air.

The soft cushions below them made it all too easy to remain as smooth as peanut butter in an untouched jar, allowing Twilight to even smile as she basked in the glow of being appreciated and wanted as well as coughing slightly. Feeling the sleepy Aria curl herself into her, Dusk's head try to nudge itself deeper into the warmth of her body. She'd never experienced such intimate contact before, yet it felt so right down to the letter. It was a piece of perfect life she'd never felt since she was a child in the arms of her brother and her attentive parents, those days they'd wake up together and enjoy breakfast with mom and dad and play all kinds of games like find the theory of relativity in a pile of books first with no titles to go by. Those days her brother would even teach her some of the things he'd learn and quiz her after two hours of brisk studying. Even when her Father came back from his weeks on end stays at the observatory with new data on star clusters and new planets he helped find, more information for her to absorb with public knowledge.

It took the intervening of Dazzle to get the three up to par as Twilight heard the bathroom door swing open, "Alright everyone, today's the day! No lingering on the couch like a pile of newborn hatchlings! Up and at t'em!" the golden matriarch ordered with gusto as she passed by the couch and shook each body rough enough to rile up.

Sonata's arms had worked around Twilight's neck, then squeezed well beyond the ability to breath to the point that soon enough she choked the poor girl with her iron grip. Unintentionally setting about the struggle for life itself and striking fear into her living pillow. The human kicked for air and the desperate movement forced Blaze to move back into sitting a position, to which Twilight accidentally kicked her a few times as her windpipe closed off.

"HEY! Knock it off!" Aria growled, then noticing a blue hue taking on the lavender girl's face, with a huff Aria slapped Sonata on the rear hard enough to wake even the dead, "Wake UP dunderhead you almost killed Sparkle!"

Immediately, the vice grip released which was followed by a loud 'oof' and a dim thud from Dusk falling off the couch as she turned over to sit up from the sting. Adagio had watched the antics and slapped her forehead in embarrassment, "You two never cease to amaze me... now get up and wash up. Bathroom's down the hall first door to the right. Yellow has labeled care bags for us, so shower and brush your teeth... today's the day after all and I want all my Dazzlings clean and fresh for our debut in Equestria." she said as she motioned a shooing gesture to Blaze who just grumbled under her breath and left to be the next one up.

"Wha... wha happened?" Sonata asked still dazed and sleep stricken.

Twilight coughed and gulped down air, her own mind having trouble functioning after such a way to start the day. All her brain knew was that it was suffocating and it demanded oxygen to function. Rolling into the sofa onto her side she went about assessing what just happened and where she was, panic had begun to overcome her and Dazzle sensed it all too easily.

"I can't leave you three alone for ten minutes can I?" she sighed before walking over to the armrest side closest to the human girl.

There she proceeded to gently place her hands upon the purple haired head and sing a short tune much like a mother's lullaby, with her gem barely glowing from the exercise of her magic. It had the desired effect as Sparkle returned to normal and able to breath normally, letting go of her throat and stopping a hand from pounding her chest as a final act to get air in properly. Adagio could see tears of relief come forth, which mean she'd need to have a talk with Dusk about her strength and their fourth member. Unlike Aria or her, Twilight could very well meet an early grave at the rate Sonata was going with her affectionate tendencies. Especially when they returned to Equestria, their siren forms might just crush Twilight by accident and with how clingy Sonata could be it would mean a little work on her end to prevent that.

Speaking of which, the siren in question looked clueless at her leader and then to the back of Twilight who was in the middle of regaining composure, "Look Sonata, you need to be extra careful with Twilight here. The little dear simply is not a real siren and cannot bare our powers like the rest of us. Please try to refrain from crushing her?" her magenta stare kept on the culprit till that flash in the eyes indicated an understanding.

What concluded that moment was a very apologetic Dusk to the girl, an endless torrent of meaningful regret poured forth. Though while they handled themselves, Adagio moved to the kitchen to see who was there and producing the enticing scent of the next morning meal. Striding across the carpet till she met the tile of the dining room with bare feet, and then into the cooking area she beheld the scene of Yellow Tail plating the freshly cooked eggs, bacon, and some kind of pancake all the while with Pandius clinging to his back like a troublesome schoolgirl giddy over something or another. The golden siren cared little for the interactions of the two, coughing into a hand to gain attention.

"Thanks... for letting us sleep here. I'm guessing that's for the others? Or are we included in this?" she asked plainly with a dead panned look of uninterest.

Of course, before her was the rather illustrious Empress hugging the back of the former mage as she spoke sweet nothings, to which she couldn't bother to understand. From what she could recall, her kind were love eaters like how a siren fed on negative emotions. Though whatever game she played to feed herself was not on her radar, so there she stood at the somewhat surprised and placid reaction of the two who froze on the spot upon hearing her speak. The Changeling released Yellow and walked to the other counter to lean into, appearing perturbed at being disturbed by the young matriarch.

"My little gem if I could have given you four my room I would have, but sadly it was converted into something else rather unsafe for you. I do hope you slept well? The food is just about ready and it'll be just us in this space. The others will feed themselves in their own house. Monet and Paradox will be joining in, unfortunately Serak had to take care of something last night so he'll be coming back by the time we leave. Would you mind helping me place the plates?" she noticed how he smiled, sensing jubilation that likely was due to the portal event this day.

Shrugging, "Sure, it is the least we can do. The girls are washing up first so they will be with us momentarily." Adagio walked over and began carrying a few plates in her arms as careful as a mother handled several toddlers, the steaming array of rather pleasant smelling food her human stomach started to crave.

Once she disappeared into the dining room Pandius spoke up, "I'm really going home again..."

"We all are, everyone is just as ecstatic as you to go back." he answered as he delicately grasped several cups of coffee and water by their handles.

"We've all been gone for several ages now, do you think my daughters will remember me? Love me like her sirens do to her?" the royal asked tipping her head to Adagio who carefully placed the plates on the then wooden plank tabletop of the once glass covered surface.

"There was a saying of this world, if there is a solution then there is no need to worry. If there is no solution then worrying is meaningless." Yellow quipped as he walked out of the kitchen, "Just focus on making everything fall into place and paradise will await you."

With ten small coffee cups in his fingers, Yellow went to deposit the drinks at the center of the table for everyone to grab their desired beverage. Knowing not all enjoyed coffee or water with the first moments of the starting day, Pandius allowed him to leave her presence to deliver the liquid vassals. Ever since she was told they had a way back, she had been counting the days to this single point of time when it was truly possible. Beneath her facade of superiority, was a mother worried over her children out in the world of her home universe dealing with all kinds of dangers and threats. How many survived till now was her largest concern, one she intended to immediately inspect once the world of magic was under her hooves. Though her utmost worry was in her youngest daughter Chrysalis, the most forward and aggressive of her brood who'd deface their race with what she was planning. The sooner she was back, the sooner she could punish the rouge queen and set her straight and hopefully return to her the hive she'd grown after a suitable length of punishment.

After the last two cleaned up, as fresh and presentable as possible, the table already had Yellow Tail, Pandius, Paradox, and Monet seated and shooting the breeze over what was to happen soon. Though it became obvious it was a rehearsal, each going over their parts and contingencies if things went south. Adagio had already been seated with them by the time Sonata as the last one arrived to her seat, as usually next to Sparkle though with evident reservations that held her impulsiveness in check. With everyone seated, the eating commenced in a silent air about the group, enough that if a fork was dropped on the floor it would resound like a car horn.

Luckily, the serenity was not to last as Sparkle took to asking other questions she had, she nearly cleared her plate when she spoke up, "Um... Yellow Tail sir? I'd like to clear a few things up with you if that is okay?" adjusting her glasses out of anxiousness.

The man at the far end of the table had just finished taking a sip of his still hot cup of black gold when he nodded to respond. Letting the caffeinated water slide down his throat delicately so as to enjoy the flavor, he awaited the inquisitiveness of the young woman. Paradox still working on his plate, Monet and him had finished without attempting at second servings, and the Empress sat with a cup of water near Yellow contempt with remaining disengaged and seemingly aloof.

"How about we start with the first one, how exactly will the portal be created using the siren's powers?" she somehow created a notepad and pen from her person and eagerly gave her full attention, just in the same way the girls around her had. This was the moment they'd been waiting for, the plan, the juicy guts, the cream filling that provided the sole reason either parties worked together for besides revenge.

"To be precise my little gems, we expect the portal to of course not be opened just for our convenience, we also anticipate some kind of defense on the other side. Rather than being simpletons and jumping straight into Arcana hooves or who knows what kind of defense matrix of void stones could be scattered around the chamber the exit is in. Paradox has been working with me to create a forced entryway using an overcharge spell, it will immediately lock onto any large source of magic and activate the way through a cascade event. He will use what little magic he has to caste the spell, and from there you three will give your entire magic to the vacuum. If my calculations are correct then the sirens will have just a little extra power to spare, so we will have some breathing room if there are complications. Serak informed me about the police presence that might still be there today, so the process may be drawn out. Twilight, here is where I needed you to learn magic..." Yellow gazed at the busied student whose pencil flew at incredible speeds to capture each and every word.

She stopped and looked up, "What about that... other thing inside me? It's not caused me any problems since whatever happened... last... night..." staring off into the vacant corner of the dining room as her brow furrowed, "What did happen to me?"

Dazzle huffed, "Yes, that I would like to know what that whole blood seal is about. Monet right? So you're in control of her magic then? She'll be useless if you two are separated, and if this Arcana is so crafty and widespread what of it then?"

To which Yellow held a finger up to speak, "That is another gift I have for you to help both of you succeed when we are indeed separated at times. Her majesty has informed me of the bond you four still share, perhaps even stronger now that everything has been laid to bare on the table. She needs you as much as you need her, so I will pass over the control over to you. I've kept samples of my blood just for this occasion and this human world has technologies well beyond Equestria's own even with her magic. After we are down here we will perform the transfer of control, and the rune will move onto your body Mrs. Dazzle. You will oversee her ascent into magic and become the woman she's destined to be. I can of course trust that you will have her best interests at heart?" his steel gray eyes seemed almost transparent in the morning sun, innocently eyeing her though she knew there was a cold analyzing eye upon her.

'What does he take me for?' she thought to herself.

She set down her mug and faced him full on, "I've lost, I've endured, I've escaped, I've survived... my mistakes I will admit I made have come to an end and before you is the true leader of this pack with no regrets of what must be done. As a matriarch, it is my duty to oversee the prosperity and safety of all those who follow me and it was not until we were brought down so low, and at my farthest dive to the depths of the ocean did I feel the crushing uncertainty that was within me." pausing to look at the coffee cup before her, the dark liquid swirling with the movement of her hand, "Thoughts that affected my better judgement... and not some ley line influence. I was made to see it thanks to a certain someone here..."

Sparkle's note taking had since stopped as she wondered where the ancient being was going with her long answer. More so she was increasingly concerned with the look Adagio gave her, no hint of feeling or emotion in that face as if the siren were lost to deep thought and happened to keep her empty vision in her direction. So the girl did the only thing she could do and missed the clue that had been voiced openly, Twilight grinned nervously and looked to the others for help. Aria had taken to propping her head on a hand as she zoned out while passively eating, not the first one to ask for assistance. Sonata on the other side of her was clueless in the ongoings of the conversation, and once the two noticed the trepidation the other had all she could do was shrug with several slices of bacon dangling from her stuffed maw.

Slightly annoyed she had no help, a short gulp and Twilight pointed a finger at herself hoping to non-verbally ask the burning question. She felt very uncomfortable under the seeming scrutiny even though she had no fear to be feared of, it was just an old trigger reaction formed from years of attending mandatory schooling with others of her age group. Whenever other students stared at her it usually was accompanied by ridicule or a prank of some kind, they always knew how to single her out for being smart.

Dazzle sensed the mixed emotions in her fourth Dazzling and snapped too, she had been reliving that time that changed her perspective. A moment she'd never forget of how she lost her senses and even as she terrorized that restroom, Sparkle had been there and did not run away. Of course the whole debacle of last night put a damper on the good feelings towards that memory.

"I have no reason to retard or inhibit her goals and dreams in life, and I hope we can find a way around this problem she has that needs the seal while we are over there. Even if I have to enslave the finest mages Equestria has to offer, so to answer your question the answer is of the utmost yes. So do I need to do any special dance or ritual to further prove my honesty? If not I hope you don't find my abilities in question again." though she seethed in those final words of declaration, she still wore that mask of refinement just as well as Pandius could and it intrigued the royal.

"She's telling the truth... I can taste the resolve. Hmmm...." the Empress hummed as she brought a few fingers to lightly tap on the rim of her glass cup, to which the others picked up the hint and waited to hear more.

"That sound means you have something to bring up? Well? I'm waiting." Adagio tempted before finishing the caffeine.

A creepy grin spread across that pristine seductive face any human man would throw his life away for, the kind of perfect genetic combinations that made goddesses fall frail to. If it were not so immaculate in the chilly feeling it exuded that cowed Twilight. Truth be told, the Changeling actually had no qualms for the young siren to hear, instead she had a bit of flattery in which to probe for more details. So she twisted in the seat and presented herself in the high manner she usually gave.

"Our kind, the both of ours, we are quite similar in a way, aside sucking out some form of emotion or other for life itself. I find that rather dandy really. You'd make an excellent Queen if the gods had not wrangled such a cause for you to follow. Do tell me Matriarch of the Dazzling pack? Was it the second run in with near death that straightened you out, or was it that temper tantrum you had that broke your hands as you went into a fit. Only for little Mrs. Sparkle over there to comfort you... how long were you holding all that in poor dear, and really it was the fault of the gems after all that there can be no denying. From what I was told the sirens of this world were rather... drull to say the least." that soft as whipped cream tone, a hand brushing back the deep blue oceanic locks as she remained as stoic and pleasant before the group.

Yellow sighed, "Please not now, of all the times your majesty?"

"No! I have to hear her answer, she's cleaned up her act that I can sense. Where it will guide her I cannot tell, but what may give me an..."

She was interrupted by Adagio as she lightly pushed the porcelain cup across the table, half lidded eyes hiding the energetic response that came, "As one leader to another, I know what it is that you are doing. And I am surprised you were even there to see it, how you did I can only fathom. To be clear with all of you... I had that a long time coming and I had help. There should be nothing else to say of the matter, even if you seem fixated on my capability to lead."

Pandius sneered, "What I was about to finish saying before I was rudely interrupted... was that what would give me an insight into... her future as an ally to the Changeling race. You can never have enough, not with the game of politics and economies which you will undoubtedly be thrusted into once you've assumed power. Have you not thought of it my dear little fish? Or were the delusions of grandeur and simplicity too much for you to even consider beyond placing yourselves on the throne to be loved by all the ponies against their will?" she said causing Dazzle's eyes to squint with a twitch.

"I have been around long before the ponies even knew what to do with themselves besides form herds and feed on grass. I was there when the greater dragons once ruled the lands before they waged their own civil war and brought themselves to lowly hoarders and pillagers. I was there when the greatest empire fell to its own hubris... and do you know why and how?" she asked, earning spiteful glares from both Aria and her leader, no one else even touched their plates as the mood became heated.

Biting her tongue to keep her anger quelled, "Please do inform my weak inexperience oh great Empress?!" she feigned submission and fealty.

Pandius did not take the sarcasm well, the flooding dam behind her regal focus wanted to give and wash over the grub before her in righteous punishment. How she wanted to suck the love out of the hippocampi dry, what impudence of the siren to treat such a being as herself. Another part of her mental faculties stepped in and did its proper job, harnessing in the years upon years of frustration and worry of her kin that threatened to use Adagio as a stress relief. The furnace of rage blew its flame out, cooling her spirit back into a corralling mood to be covered by layers of limiters she devised long ago during the Eckorac's Imperium. Those rotten descendants of the feline rulers of Anugypt, she favored far more the jackals and their lordship as they could give far more love than the cats. Those mangy fur bags loved only themselves and cared little for others, they never let anyone rule over them as it was always the other way around.

Her silver eyes seemed to flicker with magic of some kind, "I learned to never trust anyone, that friendship and kindness were for the weak if you wanted to live a long time. I became Empress only because I followed that edict, and I observed the other Queens fall to the concepts of the blissful ignorant. While their broods were discovered and exterminated or driven to starvation... I hid and lived off the fringes where we would be less apt to be uncovered. The way any interaction outside of feeding worked was to establish a give and give relationship. My drones gained access to new feeding grounds unmolested by the petty guards of the time, and those who gave us the right intelligence we gave back in what they treasured the most. We recognized traps and treated them in kind, fittest of the fittest that is life." Pandius smiled as she saw the realization strike the siren matriarch like a slap to the face, "You are not like others who sour deals, you act for the solidarity and survival much like I have strived to do myself. What you aim to do would give new feeding grounds to the hive in Equestria as it seems so evident they are hungry with how my daughter is trying to take it down herself. You are no Queen Changeling and I don't see you being able to handle a country adequately to keep your food source happy and alive for that matter."

If one could hear a tiny shard of diamond fall on a metal plate, it would have been like loud and echoing in the stillness that had been bought by the insinuation. Everyone finally figured out what Pandius had been beating around the bush for, and now the puck was on its way to Adagio Dazzle.

"You'd be a timberwolf who hunts cattle, if that herd is dying of hunger and restless of sleep that is. I've seen it tried so many times before by other creatures similar to us, never has one even come close to succeeding. You could barely handle a group of guardians made up of humans and an equestrian, how do you expect to rule over the ponies? Do you just expect them to adore you and toil on? Do you even believe for a second that the two alicorns that are supposed ruling the land to bend to your songs? Mighty Alicorns?! You have got to be dreaming to think your kind can harness those avatars of the universe!" a very sinister grin destroyed the attractive natural goodness of the Changeling, it was clear where she was getting at.

"Why do you think hiding in the shadows and taking emotions has been the way of both our races? Because with power comes competition and the standing regime is usually the far more powerful and established. The Alicorns are a unique breed themselves... possessing powers that are said to move the world by their very whim... and puny little insects like us cannot hope to tame them. So why am I ruining this day of importance you ask?" the Dazzlings all suddenly gazed at each other in a collective hope for someone to know.

Standing up from her seat, the royal walked over to Yellow's seat and stood behind him. Her arms curled around his shoulders as she wore a cheshire cats trademark expression, showing off the fanged teeth far too sharp for any normal human to possess. Fingers swaying over the simple shirt he wore which clung to his frame, though he himself looked unamused at being put into the discussion.

Adagio only seethed, reluctantly waiting for the answer they all had to hear, "I offer you a deal of partnership because I do not see failure in you Matriarch Dazzle. Your reign will need trusted overseers to make sure the fields stay bountiful for your future pack to grow and stay seated, my daughters sire the perfect Changelings who will do what you ask of them. And I know you are about to ask why? Why is in the reason we need to feed as well, where you cause the ponies strife and conflict, they still admire and love you once under your spell. That love can indefinitely feed Chrysalis' hive for generations to come, with that said we can add to your force to weaken the alicorns resolve when their love is sucked away and your songs send them from clarity, charging head on into the fray and fight like a beaten manticore. To fight those demigods... you have to chip away at their armor until you find the skin, and like a biting fly you suck away the blood and deliver the disease. And trust me... you do not want an Alicorn among your crowds of fans, because they can come back and awaken from any stupor put onto them. They're tough little things..."

Relaxing her gritted teeth Adagio fired away, "After all that you're simply asking to join forces to rule over what is rightfully mine?"

Shaking her head, causing that mesmerizing blue hair to twinkle to any source of light, "Not to rule, to help YOU rule. We do not want power, it is not the Changeling way. Times change, civilizations fall, and my dear? Your time will not last forever either, but while the getting's good I want my children to prosper from it and ready for the next age of Equis and when love will be scare again. You have your country to do as you see fit, we simply make sure it is still there after the first year under your lordship. We help you bring down the royalty in charge to open the gates of power for you to take the reigns. Nothing more... nothing less. Give and give, no friendship, no buddy buddy... just... a... job."

"A partnership? Really? After all that hot stuff and smearing us you really think we'd..." Aria growled as she riled from her seat only for Dazzle to stop her.


The purple skinned singer nearly nashed her teeth together as she fumed and crossed her arms over her chest indignant, "Another test to see how thick skinned or rather... thin you are, and you passed Matriarch Dazzle. Now, your answer if you please? Here before everyone so that I may have witness." Pandius grinned before it left her features.

Twilight panicked and looked for support from Yellow who noticed and simply shrugged, "This is beyond my own position, I do apologize but when she wants something she gets it. I'm just grateful its always for the betterment of the mission."

"But? But its concerning your home!? How can you be fine with all this?" Sparkle blurted out and earned a questioning eye from Adagio, to which Sonata could feel without looking herself and did what she could to stop the girl.

With a tired sigh, "Welcome to the world powers game Mrs. Sparkle. Just like how your world operates, nothing is ever short and sweet. Honestly, I'm fine either way as my loyalty to Equestria was broken when the Arcana tossed me into this world, with the Princess' blessing nonetheless. Please let them finish and we can put this matter away." he dismissed her objection and sat back against his seat continuing to watch the scene conclude.

Adagio made a note to deal with her little second Aria behavior before she became an issue, but there was still the matter of the Empress and her little deal. She knew little about the other than what was told, then again what worth was there to trust any word of any exile. They could still be pulling their legs and only need them to get through, a point in time she'd be fully on alert for the signs they'd be left behind or sacrificed. With little time to decide, Dazzle quickly mapped out her original plan and included the obvious facts to their reign and the problems once they got their conquest attained. True, they would have to worry about maintaining the ponies lives, otherwise what else would there be left if their society crumbled and the cattle became sick and weak. Ruling anything other than a pod would be a new trip to take, surely even she could handle it. Then again, they would be defending the land if even they were able to wreak havoc across the world during their first tour and only a single old mage figured out their powers to stop them. The ponies would be sheep even if they had guards among them, only the sirens could protect where ponies wouldn't. Though the other issue was the lack of sirons or thereof in Equis if what the former Minotaur said was true, sirens had retreated after the performance at Canterlot and the hunt issued for the enchantresses. They'd be on land and far from the oceans, it would be a dash through a swarm of squid to find a roaming male and if they were even suitable for her needs. There was where the Changeling had her by the tail fin, she could however prolong their goal to seek out a stronger pod to amass but that was time she didn't want to take.

Even with Twilight and her powers, she was not cured of her ailment and that made her useless at best if her full power was unleashed. Her vengeance would not be denied, and with no other possible option that denied the Empress' offer she had to at least join forces for the time being. She'd learn about them over time and see how dangerous of a spot she would put them in, words and slander were nothing to the greater game to weave through. This would not be the first time she'd be put into such a situation, and the fact that the royal knew as much as they did about them meant they both had equally hidden assets and powers no one else knew. Trump cards for when this new alliance faltered and threatened her ascendance, the love eaters wouldn't know what hit them. The two could definitely conga in this elaborate dance being staged far before they even got to the portal, one she'd be ready for.

Straightening herself out, Dazzle smiled as genuine as she could and gave Pandius a shake down, "Fine, I agree to this for as long as it lasts. I may be out to ensure the ponies do not continue to kill others out of their expansionism and whatever, I'm also aware that I do not desire to become a bureaucrat as the humans put it. If your kind can help where I need it and not try to stab us in the back, then you are welcomed in my new kingdom. We will not be competing for food, but you will be like the cleaning wrasse along the reefs to us. Now if you are happy, I believe we are passed the hour where Yellow gives over the rune." she concluded her agreement by dabbing her mouth with a napkin and started to leave the table.

While others including the Exiles could breath again in peace, it was briefly cut short with a last addition, "Oh, and if you do betray me and break our deal... Empress or not... little stands in the way of a very angry Matriarch. Let that stay with your every thought concerning us. Ta ta for now!"

The Empress watched the golden one walk out the balcony for fresh air, once the glass sliding door closed she harrumphed and stormed off. The other girls could hear her closing the door to a room, and then the sounds of the other exiles rising to clean up. Aria had watched the royal leave and then palmed her forehead in aggravation at the additional baggage they now had tailing them. Twilight quickly jotted down some strategies and plans to deal with government and the inclusion of the love devourers, potential safe locks if she even let Adagio get that far into her plans. Sonata of course just looked worried and had no one to talk to, so she pouted and picked up her plate as the other two remained seated busy with themselves. The morning had started off so great, and already the gears of the machine were starting to spin for an unaware Equestria.

Ch. 47 No Turning Back

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Ch. 47 No Turning Back

After all had been said and done, Yellow Tail had taken to set up a little work station on a coffee table which an array of goods were setup for the ritual. Monet stood back to monitor the progress as her knowledge in magic such as what was about to be performed was invaluable. Paradox and Pandius had left to see to the others, final preparations needed to be completed within the hour if they were to stay on schedule. This left the Dazzlings to await Yellow's finishing touches, observing with varying degrees of interest at the organization of some kind of instrument, a glass vile of red substance, a few scrolls of parchment with equish written in ink, and a lone sapphire stone beaming with mana. Adagio understood the basics of what each item likely meant, she had some dabbling in a few items commonly used by magicians and unicorns of higher levels. It paid to learn a few things during her travels after she escaped the wilderness, before having met Aria or Sonata she was a lone siren with nothing to know of her kind or how the world was suppose to work. She had needed solid food before her gem came into its own and crested her third chest plate, before she grew into a fully fledged siren and no family to welcome her big day.

Strange enough, Dazzle recalled having found out the hard life of escaping the jaws of creatures that hungered for flesh relinquished when she finally reached pony society and their protective bastions. They had found her an odd spectacle to behold in the outer towns, she was outgoing and eager to prove her worth after enduring months of getting through the loss of her pod. She was at a point in her life where anything that could tear her mind away from the trauma was welcomed with open arms. It was a breath of fresh air at the time, no pony knew who she was and her tiny demeanor meant she was no larger than a stallion. Some figured she was aquatic in nature, they seemed to take pity on her and offer what help they could especially mares of motherly nature. Especially with the marks and tears along her scales and fins from her harrowing journey, those thankfully healed over time till they existed no longer.

Those regrettable memories of trying out different jobs and usually succeeding well enough to earn bits to feed herself. Being accustomed to the jungle and coastal life, she had no need to pay for rooming for a roof over her head. She relished in the outdoors and her previous experiences taught her to be trained to detect threats trying to sneak up on her. A lone Timberwolf was the most she had to worry about in the lands of Equestria. Of course that lead to a few incidents when foals tried to use her as a rite of passage in their little gangs. Being the oddest creature in the village she first landed in she was seen as the horse fish to boop on the nose without being eaten alive. Those years before her fragile shattered mental state eventually repaired itself and she sought out others like herself.

Pondering that short trip down memory lane, it was shameful to have found the ponies to be tolerable to live with much less work for. A part of her life she suddenly forced back into its place hidden behind barrier upon barrier as if it were an escaped convict. Yellow had appeared finished with the layout and took possession of the tool to which she imagined would place the control upon her own body. A single silver tube with a pointed tip like those fancy pens humans used for the snaky letters, a back end that he twisted open and laid the cap on the canvas covered table.

Twilight figured then was a good time as any to ask, "Sir? What exactly is wrong with me? Why did I need a blood seal of that caliber? Am I dangerous?"

Her tone carried such a child-like apprehension that he took care to not rile up, he had waited for this to come up ever since last night, "I believe I've said this before, I may have been former Arcana but my studies were in melding and biology concerning magic capable creatures. All I can do is make an educated guess my little gem, what books I have and wisdom I know are topical as you've read in my book. Those other manuscripts were things I shoved into my under scales before I was sent here. They are restrictive... at least I know enough of melding to draw assumptions likely on par with your situation. Mrs. Sparkle? You are indeed dangerous enough that we have to do this, I know it may feel like you'll have a shackle on you at all times but it will be for the better. The magic you stole needs to be broken down and assimilated, and we don't have the option here." he answered her as he opened the vial and began to pour a little into the tube held in the other hand.

Twilight nodded and sighed, "Is there still a way I can fix it? My research means nothing if I cannot use magic! What good am I to anyone?!"

Monet never took her steely eyes off of the makeshift alchemy table to ensure all was perfect, yet she answered the girl truthfully with a cold explanation, "Biologically you humans are unique and far beyond any knowledge the Equestrians have on non-equine species, that may be so. Your condition is not unknown as there are plenty of kingdoms who have no magic and have had magicians appear sporadically every few hundred years. You'd likely have to go to Emerath's land for any real source of help that the Arcana does not have a full grasp of, it is an autonomous territory to the northwest, it has final the verdict over anything that happens in its borders. Oddly enough, he even mentioned how the institute simply offers classes to become Adepts, where from there to progress one would have to go to Equestria itself. Assuming it is still there with all those wild artifacts washing upon their shores, I'd suggest you make swift tracks into their guardianship. You should find freedom from this foreign entity that has possessed your mana well."

That brought a momentary sense of relief, though to Adagio it meant added time to the plan. Her immediate reaction to the news did not go unnoticed, and it moved the event onwards to the ritual that had to be performed. A simple transfer of control and nothing more with a few spoken words and a catalyst to complete the act that the sapphire fulfilled. With a gesture of the hand, Yellow invited Adagio to the seat Monet brought over before the setup as he sat on the couch the girls once slept on. Though a fragment of reluctance still remained, Adagio dominated it with her hardened spirit considering the act of become a master as an act that was necessary for the good of the pack. She made herself comfortable as Yellow lifted up the written papers and spread them out with the ink side facing up, then took hold of the silver tube.

"Well I believe we've reached the point of no return, much against anyone's will unfortunately. Let us be done here so we can truly move to the real objective shall we? I'm going to initiate the transfer, once it has begun I will then write the control symbol unto your body Mrs. Dazzle. Please choose where you want it to be placed as it will be the spot you have to touch and speak the access code to unlock Mrs. Twilight's magical ability. After that, the spell binding will commence and until such a time come that she no longer needs the seal you shall be her caretaker. You will literally hold her life in your hands once we are on Equis, every manner of danger she will be frail against. I will ask you this last time... are you sure this is what you want?" he asked with sincerity, ensuring the golden siren knew what was on the line.

Closing her eyes to calm herself, the golden siren decided to humor him and behave as she thought he'd expect of her to. She crossed her arms over her chest and gave an appearance of deep thought. Last night was all she needed to establish a firm stand to the choices was to make over the course of her conquest. There was no going back on her promise to her mother, to her family that went back into Poseidon's welcoming arms. She'd find a way to to help Twilight in her own unique way crest her gem, the first new member to the pack and oddly enough would count as the newest pup under the Dazzle name.

Looking at Yellow dead on, "I am sure, begin the process."

"Right then." he nodded.

The mage began to speak Equish which sounded like some strange language with a mixture of French and Chinese somehow mingling perfectly together as if they were a spoken earth language. Sparkle observed as she stood beside Adagio on her left and on the right of the exile leader interpreting what was being said, Monet had guided her to that spot and had her knelt down. As he reached the third page of the five in total spread outwards on the alchemy station, the written letters began to light up and glimmer like any light show held in a night club. For five minutes he recited what was presumably on the parchment with eyes shut closed to focus indicating he had memorized them within a few hours. The mana surrounding him was as clear as day to the sirens as his aura became visible with subtle flames of red and yellow licking around the body.

Once he reached the final portion of the spell, the papers began to float of their own accord into the very air between the Matriarch and Yellow Tail. She watched with great trepidation and wondered if any danger would come of the odd phenomenon, thankfully she never had to lift a finger as they soon burst into flames. The papyrus material became ash, a thick small cloud of their charred remnants swirled between them in an idle fashion going nowhere and everywhere at the same time. Resembling the eye of a hurricane moving in an unseen wind, it was a spectacle to behold though Aria had the least interest in the display as usual.

With the miniature storm above the two, he gestured to give her hands to him as she did not decide on where she wanted the rune placement. Tapping the top of his right palm with a finger and then a 'give here' motion, Adagio slowly offered her left hand. The sensation was an odd one to let anyone else other than her Dazzlings to ever touch her, on the rare occasion some male or female human who found her attractive and wanted tell her how much they adored her voice. Of course they in turn were punished for their crime and fed upon gingerly, left to fight some random person where ever the incident had happened. This, however, had magic involved, a very dense powerful magic which left her skin prickling with warmth as his larger mitts cradled hers in one hand and the other began to draw with what she realized was a writing tool containing a blood serum. Monet then took over speaking, reciting some kind of ancient language even she was oblivious to.

As the dialect filled the room with the only noise other than the bits of ash ruffling in the air like soft tissue paper, Yellow started to draw with the tool to which became all too immediate. The icy cold metal pen tip made contact and the life fluid poured forth at a controlled rate, she both visually and physically could feel the sudden change to a blaring hotness starting to burn as if a light acid had come out of the instrument. Her fingers curled and twitched at the sharp pain boring into her nerves, the skin however did not redden nor show signs of the acute sensation she perceived as harming her. Wincing with a hiss more animal than human, she almost let her gemstone activate if it were not for the sudden golden flash of Yellow's usual gray irises intently starring at the forming inscription. Biting her tongue, Adagio withdrew any want to disturb the act in progress as he had a full circle drawn that took over most of the top of the hand. The blood drawing then started to create crosses and large I's with divergent half squares and short lines in certain locations of the main runes. Four in total were made of the two main shapes and still wet as fresh rain as they glistened from the outside sunlight still working in even though the sun neared its apex of the day.

Four diamonds were made in the empty areas between the symbols, which were then connected by a large cross with lines closest to the ends and fading towards the center. It did not appear to be as if he used much of the life sustaining fluid, looking at the viewing port in the metallic tube it was mostly empty. Still in pain and wanting to yank her arm back towards her to remove the source of ailment, the ash in the air gently flowed down in a spiral pattern and rained down onto the red lines that had marked her soft yellow flesh. None of the bare skin around it received even a smidgen of black dust as the magic controlled by Monet ensured none of the incinerated spell missed its mark. What was once a deep crimson rune then became charcoal colored where the diagram sudden vanished into the skin as water soaking into a paper towel. The heat had spread into the very appendage and worked its way up the arm causing a bit of panic until it reached her chest, from there the sensation existed no longer.

Monet had completed her part and went silent, Yellow had sat still and eyed the whole progress till it ended for any complications. It seemed as though it all went as splendidly well as hoped for, with the golden siren showing no rejection of the magic or the blood magic. It came down to how Adagio handled the effect and then testing it before they arrived at the portal location. So he waited for the right moment and gave her time to adapt, packing up few remaining items as Dazzle breathed in heavily as the command control anchored into her very network of magic.

"Yo?! Adagio, ya alright?" Aria asked with concern.

"Ya, you... you look like you've seen a ghost?" Sonata followed.

Twilight had been taking notes in the meantime and had been applying her knowledge of sealing spells to what she observed, letting the others speak for her.

Dazzle's voice cracked a little, "I'm... I'm fine..." she replied looking her arm all over to see if something would erupt from her skin or if it would shrivel up and petrify as her mind went to a world over in paranoia.

"You've felt the pain yes? Worry not, it is how it is with using such a rare item in magic, the burn is the binding that can never be undone until the soul of the user recites the release key. Or the magic words if your more inclined for a simple term of it, you may even feel a little stronger from here on out though not by much. Now whenever you're ready I want you to go over some of the lines you need to memorize in order to free any portion of Twilight Sparkle's magic at any given moment. Come find me when you are ready." the muted colored woman walked away with Yellow who needed to store the pieces away.

Adagio watched her walk away with predatory eyes, and once she disappeared came with the realization of what was now in her control. Looking to the human girl in question who still wrote whatever she thought of, she temporarily became a shining beacon of power and a weapon in her mind. Dazzle couldn't help herself as she imagined all the scenarios that the power of Twilight played host to, the power to stop the Rainbooms when they alone couldn't put them down at full strength. However, that battle had went down, the troublesome friendship brigade had lost the war and no longer had their magic, it would never regenerate. With that, the matriarch envisioned the Arcana falling to their combined might in supplication as Twilight Dazzling Sparkle tore their mana from their puny bodies, countered every offensive spell that could be conceived of, and remaining impervious to their little magic of love and togetherness. Those alicorn princesses would be no problem with the allied resources of her pack, the Empress of the Changelings, and the exiles. Such thoughts obscured the past agony of the runes, though the gentle shaking of Sonata could not be ignored and her joyful bliss yanked away as she came back to reality.

"ADAGIO!" the loud yell startled her.

"What?!" she fired back.

Aria huffed, "We've been asking what happened. Are you still yourself?"

"Twilight said you'd be fine, but your acting a little weird." Dusk removed her hand and gave the most innocent puppy eyes she was infamous for.

With a long exhale and a short rub of her temples, "I said I'm fine. I just need to finish this thing and we can be off. Stay here while I talk to Monet, don't MOVE." her eyes gleamed with a hint of red, which she then swished her head back and forth as if a dizziness poked up, "Go have something from the fridge or play with your phones, I'll be right back."

As their leader vanished from sight Aria was the first to speak, "Ooookkaaay? That didn't seem normal."

"I kinda lost everything after the cool drawing on Adagio's hand? You think I could get a tattoo too?" Dusk gandered at her own appendage to which Blaze groaned from the low witted comrade of hers.

Twilight was about to speak when the doorbell rang, with her finger pointed into the air to help aid her next words instead it sat still as the three wondered of the noise. It occurred twice and no one was answering, not a single peep from the other closed rooms which left the girls one little option. Aria glanced to the girls and used her body language to displayed that she would not be the one to answer the door. The second one was Dusk who tilted her head with no clue if they were to be allowed or not to welcome anyone, her raspberry eyes gazing at every other direction only peaking to Twilight when the bell cried out once more.

"I... guess I should answer the door?" Sparkle asked and received nothing but quiet air, and so she rolled her eyes and made her way over.

Her bare feet were softly cushioned in each step on the carpeted floor, keeping her movement covert as she finally reached within hands distance of the door knob. Still no one had come out of their respective quarters and that was their silent consent to her doing what she would do. With that Twilight opened the door slowly as she peered through the initial space she allowed and low and behold there stood outside Dean Cadence, Indigo Zap, and Lemon Zest. The later of the two were looking a little odd and hiding partially behind the former babysitter of her youth, of all things she'd have expected this was the last thing to have been thought of. How they had found her was a question she'd find answers to, but more or less would be if she wanted to tell them what was going on and if they'd try to stop her. Letting her mind go everywhere, the young girl missed her chance to jump at the three and solidify her footing which allowed Cadence to dig in first. Of course, a little memory snaked in of the battle with Sunset as if flashed before her eyes, the things the voice did on her behalf.

"Hey?! Twilight? We were just around the area and noticed you happened to be nearby, just wanted to see how you were and all right girls?" the woman chuckled nervously as she grinned to appeared modest and happy to see the girl in question.

Indigo nodded, "Ya, I was hoping we could schedule some team practice with you this next week? Maybe go catch a sports flick at the movies or something?"

Zest had less of a hard time and sounded less forced to speak as she brought up her phone and looked up few bands for the girl to see, "I got some other cool stuff for you to listen! We can spend some time at my house and check out the rad artists?" she gave a genuine smile as best she could, but having been reminded as to why she held onto music as she did stamped down on being overly enthusiastic.

The sudden approach had disarmed Twilight, like she had seen a car crash before her and people were injured lying on the ground or hanging out of windows. Out of the blue they had appeared at the doorstep of Yellow's home and her mind tried to make sense of the meeting, Serak had driven them so far away that it seemed unlikely that this was a chance meeting. Then again, she couldn't just assume she'd know what their true purpose being by the condos was, plenty of Crystal Prep students came from wealthy parents and likely some were in the area and spotted her, that was if anyone really knew her. Zest and Zap probably told the Dean and she took it upon herself to see her after what happened at Canterlot High, perhaps on their way home they saw her in Serak's cab and reported on her. None of it mattered now, she had a new world to go to and Spike to retrieve soon on top of keeping an eye on Adagio. Here she had no magic to accidentally get out of hand so these three were safe by any matter in concern.

"Why are you here?" she squinted as if she were trying to see into their minds and thoughts.

Cadence knew her former charge well, there would be no simple mind games to get around the situation. Dropping the act at the first sign of the loss of their original story she plotted out, she opted to shoot straight to the point as a caring surrogate older sister as she was.

"I could never pull the wool over your eyes could I?" she sighed with a tired smile, "Look Twilight, you mean a lot to me like family... actually family as in a little sister. After what happened at the school... I... I wanted to make sure you were alright? You really scared a lot of us, and... I can't blame you after what I've come to learn now. I've failed you Twilight, and whatever is happening to you I will do everything in my power to help you. Even Zest and Zap here want to help, you're not alone with how cold Crystal Prep can be."

Twilight could sense that Cadence hinted at the fight, but comparing her to the other two students lead her to believe something else was amiss. So with a confidence in that her magic was in control, she gingerly quelled the worries of the others. If she could paint herself now as she was, perhaps they'd not bring the police into this, after all she was in a strangers home with three other girls so the situation was fishy to outsiders. The best bet would be to not make this into something that it wasn't and damper the coming trip.

"No need to worry Cadence! I'm fine now, I have someone who has... provided the necessary service to keep what happened at Canterlot High from occurring again. They are a very qualified individual, a doctor I might add!" she swung a arm before her in a jovial manner to emphasize the point as did her awkward grin.

"So you're like, not going to go all super powerful again?" Zap blurted out, "What?" she asked defensively after Cadence shot her an eye.

Zest gave a grunt of minor irritation to Indigo before taking her headphones and passing them onto Sparkle, "No one's really liked my choice in music before, you're kinda the only one whose given it a chance. You can have these if you'd like? I saved my all time hits to the memory card."

Sparkle received the offer as if it were a hot piece of iron glowing fresh from the furnace. She remembered the unwarranted application onto her ears and then forcing herself to to endure the racket at the opening ceremony to avoid the Rainbooms. Much of the noise was unintelligible, the german bands of course were not that bad as the other tracks as they had words to hear and some she knew. However, her ears were ringing for some time after she escaped the rocker girl, it felt like a small child followed her with a flute playing a high pitch note for hours. Though as it were she had to see the greater picture as she did with the sirens, with Lemon's admission to how others took to the static that made a mockery of fine classical music from Bach and Pachelbel. There were problems the girls likely dealt with on a regular basis at the school and hid it well, which popped a thought as to how bad others also had it in their lives when they appeared perfect and happy.

"I really do need to get back inside, I'm uh... receiving a grant from the Museum downtown to help with my latest research project for a new energy source! I'd love to listen to your... rock'in stuff Lemon, but I might be gone for a while and I don't want to tear you away from what you love the most. Zap? I wouldn't be able to do anymore horrible things to others anymore, I have help now. I... ah..." she started to stutter and felt a hand grasp her shoulder behind her.

"Whose at the door? Some door to door salesman?" Aria chuckled as she came into view.

Cadence instantly recognized the face and hairstyle as it gobsmacked her like a brick to the head, those pictures that Principle Celestia sent to Crystal Prep after a debacle at the Battle of the Bands event. She was one of the three who caused major problems at her campus and sent an email to the staff warning them about the group called the Dazzlings, which every educational facility received. Their crimes were not listed, but they were labeled as red students who caused the student body to fight and argue. At best they were troublemakers and inciters that had to be watched at all times, even though they had not been seen in a couple months. Seeing Twilight apparently friends with one of them, it had her heart beating as the sister figure in her came out.

"Why are you here with her? You do know who she is right?" to which Aria scowled and rolled her eyes being reminded of their reputation.

"Ya? What's it too ya? She's part of our band now, last I checked there's no crime to that." the siren squeezed a little harder on Twilight's shoulder without noticing causing her to wince.

The other two had no clue at to what was going on, Zest having retracted her listening device after she had felt well of heart to hear such kind words. She had received the headset as a gift from her grandmother up north, and honestly it was probably a frugal decision to just give them away even for a moment. A little happiness had sprouted for a few seconds to feel kindness from another C.P. student, but the arrival of the rather punk gothic looking girl had corked it back into the bottle.

"I know about what you and your friends did at Canterlot Highschool, you were labeled by the principle there as trouble kids as much as I hate to use that word. Twilight. I'm going to insist you come with me please, it's not safe for you here alone with other people you don't know. I mean honestly Twilight what did I always teach you when I babysat you?!" Cadence went on to lecture the girl who shied away defensively, but not much was allowed when Blaze took the insult as an offensive blow to her person.

"Yo back off! She's safer with us than any of you." she spat loudly.

"Huh?! Excuse me? Look I may not know you personally, but I do know what happened at Canterlot High that you've managed to abscond without consequences. Twilight Sparkle has and will always be my charge to look after, and being at someone's condo after what happened? To just suddenly appear here through some magical event that I cannot believe I even saw! I cannot allow this to stay, go grab your things and come out, your parents would throttle me if I let you stay here any longer. Not only that, but I would have to risk my job Twilight?!" the soft facade she held onto had crumbled away and even the students behind her were at a loss of what was happening.

"I uh... I... er... ah..." Sparkle cowed and sank deeper behind the door frame which allowed Aria to stand between the two, she soon felt the embrace of Sonata who balanced her back on her feet.

"Look miss walking valentines day billboard! She's staying here with us. She's under Adagio's care with us, and coming home as one of us! Now get going or else." the purple siren seethed at the older woman who was not at all taken the resistence lying down.

Zap stood up first against the irate girl with gusto, "What's with the attitude grumps? Like seriously ever heard of abduction? Girls being taken to someone else's house, or for that matter a rich condo this far up by herself even with you? Stories like that don't end well and I won't let her be put into harms way. The captain of the team never lets their teammates get into harms way!" the waved back spiky haired girl crossed her arms and posed against Blaze with just as much vigor as she, an immovable object against an unstoppable force.

"Twilight please? Come with me so we can sort all this out, if they're not as bad as they've been made to be then I promise to give them a chance and even offer them enrollment at Crystal Prep just for you? I can't let you stay here, can't you see that?" Cadence ignored the two girls who fought a staring battle as she craned her neck enough to see Sonata back up Sparkle in a way that she appeared more than just an acquaintance.

By now the arguing had attracted attention and the first to arrive had become the pivotal moment that kept anyone from calling the police, especially since the condo was not the only one on the fifteenth level. Out strode from the closest bedroom came a blue dressed woman with a skirt and a blouse topped with a suit much how Cadence wore. A strangle symbol adorned the left pocket above her bosom that resembled the Dean's own, to who had gasped and stepped back from the advancing fourth party. The trio moved away from the doorway, Aria having seen the reaction of those outside happily let the interaction unravel itself as she backed away enjoying the negative emotions taking hold of them.

All three stood in awe bewildering the two sirens and Twilight, "Ms. Jade Vine?!" the Crystal Prep students and the Dean yelped in surprise.

"My my my, causing such a disturbance on private property Dean Cadence, why such a commotion? We are trying to go over everything with young Mrs. Sparkle here for the new grant thanks in part to the generosity of the Equestrian Museum of Science and History. Are you trying to sever our most gracious benefactors? And what is with those two here anyways, they should not be off campus grounds much less not at their own homes? Did you go through the necessary paperwork to just drag them around with you?" the tall vanilla skinned professor with jade hair flowing past her shoulders and ending in luscious vine-like curls asked with such a sugary tone it beckoned to be answered regardless of the circumstance.

No one spoke up for the first minute, letting the staff member of C.P. to give inquisitive looks and ganders at the three. Zap had dropped the tough girl stance while Zest seemed confused herself just as Cadence seemed to cower a tad before the veteran tenured professor of theater. Her dropping in had thrown Cadence for a loop as the story Twilight told her began to become truthful, but more or less Professor Vine had a huge hold on the staff for leading the way for one of Crystal Preps most famous departments that led to its popularity up until Twilight's genius. Under her keen watch and tutelage the school pumped out the most talented dancers, actors, performance artists, and young directors in the nation. Whatever she did right had gained enough respect for a certain control over the school's future and no one fought her about any of it. The good thing was she never had time nor care of school politics, often leaving Principle Cinch and her alone in that area to which she was glad until she poked her head into things. She'd made her power known when major budget changes came and went, that was the only time she voiced her warnings over even touching the theater department's funding. Politics at best were her game when she felt like it attacked her work and students, which suited her profession and education as theater was a warzone in itself if one knew how to play the part.

"Well I see there must have been some misunderstanding here? Might I clear anything up before some poor resident thinks we're being attacked or worse believes your words and has the authorities here to turn a peaceful meeting into a police scene of investigation? My wouldn't we lose other donors to our school if this is how we treat them?" she announced with her rather stern but calm voice.

Cadence tried to summon up some kind of words to form a sentence, but all she could do was appear like a fish out of water. Perhaps it was embarrassment or maybe the stunning reality she'd yet make sense of, how did Twilight end up in a very important meeting after vanishing as that monstrous demigod who ruined parts of Canterlot High? Was that all a momentary lapse of insanity from the games or was there something else going on she couldn't see?

Zap knew the woman well, she had to take a few classes mandatory for the first two years at C.P., and she knew the rigors of training of both physical and mental. Her aptitude towards sports however helped make the class go smoothly and without issues, it was after all a more artsy version of every sport combined into one. Lemon however had opted for the more technical aspects in Jade's classes, having a love of music and sound equipment she played her part well as a studio hand in training. Luck would have it that Professor Vine did not lapse on the reality of the show business, not all were dancer or actors after all.

"Please excuse us girls, I need to have a chat with the Dean. Please tell Sir Yellow that I will be back in a moment." the woman winked back at the Dazzlings and let her eyes flash back to their biological color for just a few seconds, to which the girls finally realized it was Pandius in disguise.

As the door closed, Aria scowled at the vanishing image of Cadence before huffing loudly and walking back into the living room. Sonata gingerly patted her best friend on the back and gave a friendly face to calm the addled nerves she could not only taste, but literally feel just by supporting her from falling to the ground. She shook like the end of a rattlesnakes tail, unprepared for what had happened and the possible likelihood that she would have been ripped away from going to Equestria with them if it were not for the Changeling. Beyond the gentle pat, Sonata knew little of what else to do and simply guided her back to the sofa with a little coaxing without words. It seemed the physical contact was all that was needed to budge the fearful girl whose mind ran a thousand thoughts pertaining to the chance meeting. Earning a free hug to still the pounding adrenaline fueled heart of hers as the two listened to Blaze curse and complain about the intruders.

Monet's Room

"Are you sure I don't need to go out there? That sounded like that had to do with Twilight?" Adagio asked as she kept an ear to the thick wood door trying to hear anything else.

The former gargoyle had her back to the irked siren, too busy with locating the keys that Dazzle needed to memorize and recite when needed. She had to go through a small textbook that appeared to have originated in the human world from its prestigious black hardback with bleached white pages much unlike the elaborate ones Equestrians often used. She flipped through a few pages in the center and found what she was looking for, notes upon notes of formulated spells, charms, curses, hexes, and all things her race knew at the time and in full detail. Monet had used her imprisonment on the human realm to take every single memory she had of home and make a historical keepsake for if she ever had issues with memory. An idea sprouted when upon the thirtieth year of banishment it seemed as if she'd might lose herself just to assimilate among the homo sapiens. Fortunately after several centuries that potentiality never came to pass and her mind was as ever pristine and clear, but it did help to have a reference either way. The turning point came from her meeting with Yellow and joining forces with him after the promise to return back to Equis, at least she would be prepared now and not repeat the same mistakes.

"Whatever is going on your focus is on what I have for you, let this be a lesson in ruling as I know a thing or two myself." she droned at a dull tone before turning around with the right page flipped into view.

Dazzle groaned and stepped away to confront that statement, "What could you possibly know anything about ruling? You did not even come close to the throne before that accident. I've been looking after my pack for longer than you've been in Equis!"

Undeterred and emotionless, "The next queen is trained thoroughly from birth, we're given lessons throughout our young lives to hone our attention to every little detail to any choice made and when to let others handle rising issues. When you are charged with preventing a power hungry house with a prophecy to bring a monster into the world... you don't take chances. I suggest you stand before me so I can instruct you on how to use the seal. I will not repeat myself again."

The golden siren could not detect any sort of anger or even a taste of feeling coming from the skin walker. Frustrating as it were she reluctantly did as was told and took position once the front door had closed and silence took a foot hold within the condo aside from the foot falls of her sirens. She was then shown the various words to speak and the proper act to follow in order to release the seal at any specific degree. She'd be able to allow Sparkle to do as much magic as a stage performing unicorn to a sand crafter Monet's people were famous for and the equivalent of a high ranking mage of the Arcana. She was warned to never fully release the seal until Twilight was freed from the ailment to her magic or else the mana that still persisted in its own form might still try to surface. They reviewed the spell several times before Monet felt that Adagio was ready, and all that was left was to peer review the subject for her own records.

As the singer looked over the subtle tattoo on her hand that made itself known by her whim, "You are ready, but only by the standard defined by quick wits. Tell me Matriarch Dazzle, as I'd like to know before everything becomes unpredictable. How much would you sacrifice for your own?" Monet asked as she filed away the book back into a small bag, "Would you go to the depths for those three you lord over when Tartarus comes to Equis, or are you the type to stand over the ashes and restart anew as the rest fall to the soil now that you have such dangerous magic at your beak and call?"

Peering up, Adagio glared at the gargoyle and frowned, "You all are really nosy did you know that? I hate repeating myself.".

"Speak if you want or you can leave, but this is a word from one ruler to another. Are you not one as well?" Monet threw the pouch off the bed and onto the floor with a thud heavy from clothing and other personal effects crammed into the sack.

Frustrated, "I believe I've made that all too clear by staying with the other two idiots for as long as I have. We were starving for negative emotions for years! If I really were capable of tossing them to the sharks I would have done so long ago. I did not, so that should answer your question. As for Twilight... any Matriarch worth her shells would never treat a member like her anything less than a friend. We have our goals and we will see them through together."

Seeing it for herself, Monet picked up on the small clues to the truth being told through body language and speech. Her dull gray eyes scanned over the siren for a few seconds before she made her way out the door. Opening it just ajar, the bickering words of Aria filtered in as she did her usual thing and ranted about what had happened moments ago.

"I'm glad to hear that, you truly have potential young Matriarch even with the assets you have at your disposal now. Back home... they weeded out the ambitious and weak willed who gave off the air of control and tactful creativity. The future Queen needed to be dominate, she needed to be inventive, she had to be willing to sell her soul away to prevent the end times that would only happen with the slip of caution. You are indeed not one of them... you act because you are hurt, and that makes you even more dangerous. But you do not let that affect you just yet? Still... some room to grow indeed." Monet had paused before leaving the room in a neutral unowned state, Adagio simply standing in place unsure of to scream back or ask what was meant.

Standing in the face of such blatant words, a few calming breathing exercises dulled the heat of her temper. She did not need to prove the creature wrong by acting out, instead remaining as she was had become the high road. None of these exiles knew her true experience to heart and nor would they, it was as simple as that. She did admit to herself that the human world and lack of communing with her kind and other Matriarchs did dull her options and knowledge, much of what she was had been the product of survival. A fish out of water and it had lungs, a metaphor which then made sense of Monet's commentary just then and that stunned Adagio to her core. So when she answered the gargoyle princess there really was no lie in her reply. She would have to grow more and faster upon their return, things never worked out as they had on paper or in her scheming. Perhaps that was why they failed so many times before the band competition and everything after which until Yellow came into the picture.

The rush to get results had become a path that their new gems gave them, what losing their original stones that stagnated them had done to alter their futures. Like a cold gust of wind from the arctic north, it was then that Adagio Dazzle had realized she let herself regret again and this time without her mother there in spirit to help. From one royal to another, what was she to do now that the game had changed for her? They simply couldn't just rush in with that army just yet and be outwitted by the powerful princesses and their unicorn lackeys, her ambitious ideas were drawn back into scrutiny for her to hammer out and she had only a couple hours left to do so.

"Poseidon help me..."

Ch. 48 Amassing of Forces: The Fight to Return Part I

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Ch. 48 Amassing of Forces: The Fight to Return Part I

Condo Hallway

"So you see, I orchestrated this meeting as Sir Yellow has been under the weather as of late from having worked with the newest exhibit that recently opened. The poor man stressed himself out, but here he is willing to give the school and Twilight such prestige it’s hard to consider ruining this moment. Is there really any reason you came here demanding and acting as you were? Or shall I ensure that Principle Cinch knows of your behavior with a donor? You know how she covets them." Jade put her two hands on her hips and gave the look of a mother scolding their child.

Dean Cadence had bowed her head, hearing the theater professor talk so dominantly she couldn’t help but wonder where it all had gone south. How had Twilight gone from what she was, through a portal, and suddenly in the safe hands of a benefactor had her thoughts running everywhere just as much as the fear of Jade spreading any news of what she'd nearly done. Cinch would have none of it and likely her job could be on the line or least she’d have ammunition in the next budget session to come. Of course explaining things to the district board would be a very hard time nonetheless without the lingering threat of Cinch or Vine.

"Well child? You may be the Dean, but I have been at C.P. for many more years than you've been out of the crib." Vine trained her eyes on the younger woman who stood up and met her gaze.

Zap bent to her left to whisper to Zest next to her, "Man! And I thought Cinch was the one in charge?"

Lemon simply nodded slightly, sensing Indigo resuming her straight forward posture as they too were lost to what was right and what was confusing. She who listened to tunes nearly every day all day had found the sudden reveal of the professor to be too much of a coincidence. They had all seen that nightmarish version of their fellow student and there was no way she could have gone from that to a prized student once again overnight. Never one for comic books or junk TV, Lemon was on the ball with the obvious and the realistic which allowed her to keep good scores in her classes. Hence why she never lost those headphones in class, no teacher found the need to order them off her ears as she was at least a good AB student.

"I apologize for my behavior, I meant only for the health and safety of our student Twilight Sparkle. There... there was an incident the other day and she's a part of it, Principle Cinch and I were there along with the rest of the student body and the staff of Canterlot High as well as Crystal Prep... and perhaps the huge traffic pile up that occurred from it as well. The police are looking for her and I wanted to find her first, she needs all the help she can get with what happened. Professor Vine, please I only acted out of the circumstances presented before us, it all happened too fast for anyone to do something. You have to believe me!?" Cadence pleaded earnestly, though Vine seemed to not feel any compassion over the story and simply shook her head in disbelief.

"If I must add, young Sparkle was delivered here by taxi cab with Adagio Dazzle and her friends, she showed no signs of injury or otherwise and we proceeded to go over the grant itself shortly after we convened. She was given her own temporary housing for the night leaving her and the three girls by themselves under my supervision. Sir Yellow will also be donating to the school for use by the Theater department and I had to be here for the dinner. As far as I know there was no catastrophe that involved this student in question, but if the police are looking for her they can have her when she's done here. I will personally escort her to the department and help in any way I can. In fact, we even had one of the town's councilmen present during the grant for a photo op to showcase Equestria's booming educational wonders. I'm sure we will have no issues with the police in any respect." the elegant woman announced and placed a gentle palm on the Dean's shoulder to comfort her as she withdrew her stern attitude.

Cadence seemed to wavier slightly, again she was left dumbstruck without a way to respond other than to submit and be on her way before she dug the hole any deeper, "If she is in your hands then I will take my leave, I'll report to Principle Cinch about the news. I'm sure... she'll be happy to receive the good news. Girls? Let's go..."

"Take care Dean Cadence. Have a safe ride, I'll be sure not to mention this to anyone!" Jade called out as Cadence and tow disappeared around the hallway corner down way towards the elevator, the two students looking for answers to questions they wished they could have voiced. Of course before they vanished, Indigo gave a long inquisitive glance at the woman as if trying to see something that wasn’t there.

The short trip down had been Cadence calling the principle to inform her of the development and the attempt to bring Sparkle back. Of course the latter of which was received rather as an offense by the sounds of the arguing, it seemed as if Twilight left a fearful mark on the Principle whose iron mask had been shaken by the demoness. It left Indigo and Zest to talk to each other, both seeing inconsistencies that were as obvious as Sparkle amid the popular kid’s lunch table.

Whispering low enough to the rocker girl with her headset off, "So she blasts her way against Sunset, vanishes through some light thing, then suddenly takes a cab to this place and has dinner with a reward? All this stinks to high noon like the football teams dirty laundry hamper after the season's over." The remark of course had Zest roll her eyes at the disgusting simile.

Clipping her seatbelt on, "Ya, I think the Dean has the right idea, we need to get Twilight away from that place or at least whoever is in that room. I wouldn't be surprised if they were the ones who gave her those freaky powers in the first place. Besides, Professor Vine's never been one to leave the school other than to her home in the years I've been at C.P. What about you?" Lemon barely spoke loud enough for the noise of the mechanized transportation shaft and Cadence's conversation to allow detection.

Indigo nodded, "Same here, she's either training a class or at home relaxing to those old timey records, dusty records even you wouldn't like. We gotta convince the Dean to stay on Spark's tail, I bet there’s a cult or something involved trying to raise a hell spawn or something. After what she became, maybe they're trying to possess her body with a demon to bring about a world apocalypse!" the excitement in the sports addict was palpable and nearly caught the attention of the only adult in the metal coffin they descended in.

Lemon tapped her arm, "When we get to the car, we tell her everything and hope she'll side with us. All of this just feels wrong, and my gut has never been wrong."

With a thumbs up from Indigo the motion passed, and so the three would eventually reach the bottom floor and make their way out. A new plan waited to sprout from the ruins of the old, but they would have to act quick as everything in motion did not give them time to relax and burn any moment. Though what they missed the barnside of a shot was Serak exiting his cab with a cup of coffee and a package from a local restaurant as he hummed his way inside. Passing by the three with a curt nod and pleasant smile, a clue swept by them and the point in time was lost. The former griffon made his way up to Yellow's flat only to be received by Pandius in a strange form, one which meant there had been trouble prior to his arrival.

"Hello, so kind of you to join us? Do come in would you?" she flickered her eyelashes at him in a playful manner.

Sighing and taking a brief sip of his caffeine, "Madam? Yellow's the only one you can feed off of. Now... did I miss anything important?"

Taking the resistance as if it were a feather on her shoulder, "By all means go on inside, we just had a small... visitation issue for little Sparkle that I handled well. We should have no troubles from anyone now on, so go ahead and quench your insatiable appetite for the human sandwich shops you can't get enough of. The trip departs within the hour." she ran a hand across his smooth shaved face as she left to her room again, swaying her hips all the while though only earning ire from the griffon mage who had never found humans attractive in the slight.

Having lived with the royal for so long, he had gotten use to her antics and found it easy to keep off her hit list. Yet the news of the issue concerning the human girl was a bit of a bother, hopefully it was nothing with how close they were to the sum event. Problems for the future Serak to worry about as his stomach demanded one last parting gift of the prison world, how he became a habitual eater at the select gourmet sandwich shops nearby were a loss to him ever since they moved into the condos. His legs carried him to the living room where the Dazzlings sat together, to which he greeted as he guided his pathway to the dining room.

"Morning! Hope you all slept well. Can't believe it’s finally here right? Cor! Home... just a few clicks of the clock away and good ole magic right at the talons. Hmmmmm..." he lavished the thought as he set the bag down and sipped again from the covered Styrofoam cup.

Adagio ignored him as she went on explaining the new ability she had for Twilight's magic to the other sirens, leaving Sparkle herself to carry out her needed mission. She swiftly left the black leather sofa and walked up to Serak who had unpacked the portable lunch in a wrapper with a slice of a deli pickle and napkins for cleanup. The instant smell of fish became evident, he had gotten a tuna meal loaded with hot peppers and olives minus the chips and soda. As he worked to make it available to his salivating maw, she tapped his back and awaited him to look at her as soon as he took one huge mouthful.

"Can I ask you a favor? It's important to me, and I don’t know if I’ll ever forgive myself if I did not carry it out." she held her hands behind her back and awaited his response appearing as innocent as possible to which as true as it were she had little exertion to do so.

Raising an eyebrow, "Uh? Sure? What is it you'd like, not a piece of my food right?" he chuckled at the jest even though he was the only one laughing.

Sparkle looked about as she forced the words from her mouth in hopes she'd get to fulfill the objective deemed as the utmost importance, "I have a puppy I've had for a year now and he means the world to me, I want to bring him with me but he's at my house. Can you take me there so I can bring him with me? He's valuable to my mental well being as well as morale, I can't just leave him here and expect him to be okay with it."

Her eyes were a shocker, in the way that they glimmered with tears that were not enough to shed. They spoke volumes to the man who had his mind set on eating, only to then feel a touch of sympathy poke through his need to consume the warm morsel in his hands. With what would likely be the final human meal he'd taste that his taste buds would savor for as long as he’d live. The succulent flavor that plain bread and meat of his kingdom lacked in its simplicity of diet, flavor was often a high bit to pay and the basics were the most affordable. Thus, Serak contemplated the time they had left and figured a short drive would not hamper the portal cascade. So he mulled over the idea, letting the chewed conglomeration of tastes explode all over his tongue and send his mind to euphoria.

Crunching down on the spear of pickle to the salty dill flavored delight, "Sure love, not far from here anyways so there's no harm in doing so. Let me just finish this first and we'll be off. I'll let Yellow know."

With astoundment and overflowing happiness, Twilight gave a half bow in earnest, "Thankyou! It means a lot to me, he's my number one assistant after all."

With a thumbs up from the man, Sparkle left back to the couch where the others awaited to hear about what happened that drew her away from them. As they discussed, Serak took the drink and meal over to the room where his lord had finished packing. A curt knock on the wood door came with a beckon to enter, inside was a nearly clean area with refuse and old equipment stacked neatly in one corner with unused containers. Yellow himself stood at the center with two cases filled and clammed shut for travel appearing stuffed to the brim with whatever was inside. He had his back turned to the doorway as he stared at the former laboratory now broken down into a ready to furnish bedroom that still needed some renovation either way.

"My lord, Twilight requires some private things from her dwelling a ways away. Mind if I drive her over to reclaim them and meet you at the portal location?" he asked.

A wave of the hand was all he saw as any sign of life, "Be on site by two o'clock then, no later no sooner. Guard her with your life."

Use to his straight forwardness after the years of being under his wing, Serak lightly slammed a fist to his chest to acknowledge and left right back out. Knowing that Yellow was preparing for the trip in his own way, he was in no condition nor position to interrupt any further of his lord's methods. Just as he had to have a final bread encased meaty meal to ease his shaky nerves of going back to his kingdom he felt was still there after so long, everyone else would be buffering the anxiety. They may have been labeled as criminals by the Equestrian secret military, but it did not make them villains without a heart or soul which couldn't bond to a new life. Truth be told even he had grown fond of human life through its trying times from the pre-industrial age to the present with nuclear weapons and space exploration all for their exploits. It came down to the little things, the places, and people were the easiest to fit into and soon enough love like any new home. Of course the dark storm looming over their homeworld was more than enough to pry themselves off what they'd anchored to like barnacles for the many cycles spent in prison. It was a new segment of their lives that was not to be ignored, and for Serak he was partial to seeing how Equis had come along. As well as to see if it was still there with the spirit of chaos now free to do as he pleased.

Closing the door quietly, he took another bite of his lunch and made his way to the Dazzlings where upon he took the closest seat to finish the portable meal. The four would chat for a time until the Twilight had to leave, awaiting her driver to conclude his final act of entertaining the human sensations of his body. Though not without Adagio holding Sparkle for a moment to speak to her in front of the others.

Clearing her throat, "We were supposed to test your seal before everything started to move. But I can sense you need to do whatever it is you have to do, just remember you won't have your magic if someone tries to catch you. So be on your guard until we regroup again.” The golden siren turned to the taxi driver with a sudden altered glaze that harbored restrained malice, “Serak I hope you will defend her as we would, or so help me you'll learn why no one ever makes a siren hold a grudge!" she growled a little, leading him to grin nervously as the room started to get a little warmer.

Straightening the tie of his uniform anxiously, "I wouldn't dream of it, besides that I'd also fail my lord and earning two vengeful beings is not on my to do list. I'm no bellend. If you’re ready Mrs. Sparkle I believe we are on schedule!" he said with a chipper tune and began to leave in a bit of a rush to get away from the viper pit.

Twilight followed him with her eyes before speaking to the girls, "I just have to get Spike and say goodbye to my parents, I can't leave them like this and Spike's my number one assistant. If I'm going to another world I'll need him with me... even if I'm not human anymore if my hypothesis with the mirror is correct. My parents too, they deserve a farewell even if it will be a lie... it's for the greater good right?" her initial hopeful tone fell into questioning uncertainty to which had been detected like a sweet note of negativity.

Sonata leapt at the chance to provide help of some kind, "At least you'll still have folks to go back to? Right?"

"Ya, folks you care about." Blaze quipped with a lack of luster though she meant well.

While their words were of little consolation, Adagio huffed lightly before waiting for the right moment to say something. Sparkle had been too quick for her and she was yet to be too dominate to stop the girl from feeding into her worries.

"Yes, time should move faster in the E-Universe compared to the H-Universe. I may even only be gone a month or two, so I've created a story to tell them that I've gotten into a prestigious university and that I will be back after I spend a shadow semester there. I don't think there will be any issues from it, assuming everything goes according to the plan. Of course with the portal to be destroyed, I'd have to hope my magic will still be able to tear open portals to both worlds and I can return that way? Or what if I don't find the solution and that voice is still there for the rest of my life and I can't use magic without hurting someone?! I might even have to give up magic all together! Oh no.... no I'd lose everything I've worked for up till now!" she gasped at the realization that the many inventions that night after night she created for testing would be useless as would be the future that she sought to repair.

Sonata desired to ice over what her bestie exuded from her very aura, but the fear of making things worse stifled any attempt further. Aria wanted to slap her lightly to jar her out of it only to notice Adagio stand up and walk to Sparkle to be in her face. The temptation to take a bite out of the wreck she was becoming had been high for the sirens, an easy feeding their gems wanted to partake in if only the willpower had not suppressed them. It took the Matriarch’s fair custard yellow skinned hands to stop the jumbling mess before her and to prevent Aria from doing what she was inclined to do naturally. As Twilight's anxiety kicked in and she gripped her head in vain to stop torrent of imagined failures that could happen along the way to learning magic and helping the Dazzlings. Adagio wrapped her arms around the frail girl and brought her close into her chest. Being slightly taller than her it was easy to exert her status as well as her size and harness the freaked out girl easily, her heart beat became the world around them as it pulsed at a rhythmic pace.

The lavender girl soon lost all that buzzed through her skull, close physical contact from others always did that to her. Just like how her brother used to quell her crying after a bad day at school or when Cadence took over that role when the middle school years arrived. She genuinely was the kind of person who did not like being touched, skin to skin contact was comfortable only from family and even then it was still an act that affected her. If she could acquaint it with anything, the way a mother cat lifts their kitten by the tuft of their neck. She remembered the research of how the reflex reaction in the kitten caused them to go limp yet curl into itself to allow proper movement by the transporting mother. Back when she nearly gotten a cat instead of a dog as a companion, she read up on both species and learned as much as she could for caring and maintenance of such animals. Now it seemed funny how that knowledge was applicable to this point in time, she may have been no furry animal yet the comparison was somewhat close.

Adagio’s breath graced her skin as she spoke, "I want you to focus on going to see your family. I want you to bring your little puppy with you. Think only of them and nothing else, let me do the worrying as that is why I am here. You helped me... now I'm helping you." Adagio told her softly almost as if it were bordering on motherly.

Sensing the dissolved dower mood, she squeezed her human Dazzling lightly and let her go to head on out. Though she only aided in soothing the turmoil that plagued Twilight, the rest was up to her to figure out and hopefully her words would do their job. After all, she was the second smartest one of the pod even if she was still an ape.

"I...I uh… thank you, I'll be sure to do so." Sparkle portrayed her gratitude awkwardly before waving to them all as she started to follow Serak. Sonata waving both her arms in the air and Aria giving her half a grin with that tough girl look of hers.

Once the door closed and locked, Adagio sighed and flopped down onto the sofa leaving the rest to their own privy. At this point, all they had to do now was give their magic to the spell Paradox would soon caste and then cross time and space. With no enemies to fight or be wary of they were now at ease while the fourth member closed off loose ends.

"I hope she'll be okay." Dusk muttered unbeknownst to her that not a few minutes later as her friend embarked on the taxi cab that they'd be followed close behind by a third party.

Aria checked her fingernails out of habit, "She's a tough one, gotta give her credit when the whale carcass explodes she's definitely got an umbrella for it."

Adagio let her head relax into the cushions and let her body go limp, "No Rainbooms means she's got nothing to worry about, the Changeling took care of those meddlesome three so I doubt they'll attempt anything with that leverage she has. I heard a little of it in Monet's room."

The cerulean siren still held reservations as if something in the back of her head scratched at the attempt to feel okay with not going with the girl. She hated not offering the option to accompany, but it only came after Sparkle was perhaps halfway down the hi-rise. She could call her and ask, but the gears of the machine were grinding and she'd only get in the way as it felt. It was not on her daily duties to make Adagio angry anyways, so she would bear with it for the rest of the time that was left. Though it did not remove her ability to simple text like usual to the girl, like she always did six times a day sending funny photos or asking silly questions that popped into her skull throughout the day. At least she had that to know that Sparkle was in good health by responding back.

Serak and Twilight arrived at the taxi cab sparkling clean from the early morning drive which came with a car wash, the Equis denizen still preferred to keep his mechanical carriage in top condition. The black painted parts of the chassis shone like the shell of a tiger beetle, the yellow portions almost as blinding as the sun in radiance. As the two embarked and began to drive off, not several spots away Cadence held a firm grip on the steering wheel while chewing her bottom lip. Her eyes tracked the target vehicle through the mirrors while the words of the two students were jostling the iron hold of Professor Jade off the woman's back. Once they were set to head back to the Prepatory school, they went on a tiff about how the theater teacher seemed off her game and rather abruptly acted for another student not out of the will of her department.

"So ya get it now? The grant is for Twilight, but somehow the museum of Science and History is going to give more money for her classes?! Really?" Zap exclaimed.

"It makes about as much sense if only he were donating the funding to the science department as well. Why Professor Jade is there mediating that deal seems too fishy. I mean she has hooks everywhere apparently, but this steps beyond her normal spiel." Lemon gave her an affixed eye, with her music off she meant everything being explained was serious.

Cadence groaned at the doubt forming, she'd been so afraid of the older woman to even think. How she missed the obvious details were her own fault, and now she was given a choice as to believe the girls or trust the order in place that made everything easy to avoid pitfalls. With Twilight and her powers, her inner protective sister role started to assert itself knowing that the young woman needed help after all that had occurred. That sweet bookish little girl she use to take care of had been hurting for some time now, and she failed to offer help when it was needed. Of course was of no one’s particular fault when one beat the facts into place, life just became busier and busier to the point where she had a job to uphold. Deep down, Cadence had wished that Twilight had begun to bloom into her own and gain self confidence, not the other way around and isolate herself to her studies. She’d never let herself live it down to miss this opportunity to guide the young scientist to the safety of welcoming arms and friendship she hoped the two behind her would at least give a chance. Crystal Prep was full of bravado which only hid the problems the school’s psychologist dealt with on a good daily basis.

This was it, the moment she realized there were enough issues that something had to budge at the school. There were things that would begin with Twilight and end somewhere later on with reforms and revelations in the school staffing to the Board of Education, so she shook her head and took a deep breath.

"Seriously! There goes Twilight now to who knows where?! We have to follow them and see where she's going! Now before it's too late!" Indigo pleaded as their window of opportunity started to vanish down the main road to the town.

The Dean had already turned on the ignition, the stick just needed to come off of parked and her answer would be clear. Cadence felt empowered by the coming changes she’d try to bring for the good of the school and mostly for little Sparkle. Even as the hounds of regret and apprehension were barking in the recesses of her mind, her love for her former charge was far more stronger than her reputation and employment.

"Dean Cadence... you can blame it on me if this doesn't go well. Just say I forced you follow her because I made up a stupid story that she got kidnapped or something." Lemon proposed with her headset on her laps and her eyes stuck to the ones peering at her through the rear view mirror from the back seat.

"And if I do that you will need a good story then... I suggest you make one up and fill me in as we go." to which the car instantly lurched forward, forcing the students to bend and then snap back up as the brakes were hit.

Before even Indigo could say anything the car swerved sharply to the right and began to pull out into the light traffic, Cadence wore a rather unwomanely scowl at what she was about to do. There was no way getting around this, someone she cared about was being hidden from her and there was a much bigger picture at stake. She just hoped that wherever they were taking Twilight had cameras and easy access for the police to get through if she called them in. Grant or no grant, nothing would justify this strangeness at all and her questions would get answered.

"Alright!! Back in action!" Zap fist pumped the air as she noticed the yellow cab ten cars ahead.

Twilight's House twenty minutes later…

The lavender girl stood before the front door having rung the doorbell, she stood alone and with her pack and school uniform she’d had on since yesterday. Her mind was ablaze with potential scenarios for how things would follow through and ways to avoid a disaster. All she needed to do was simply explain things to her parents and they'd likely buy it, she never lied before and her book smarts always had her going places to showcase her latest work. Yet the unknown was her enemy, it always was and would be in the future since she had to deal with living entities and not equations. Variables at best were anything breathing and possessing a beating heart, though at least Serak was by the road waiting for her so she had him as a last ditch backup plan. He even told her he’d keep the taxi running just in case everything went south.

The sound of chirping birds filled the front yard, a large wide open area with a couple ornamental pear trees offering shade and a wonderful smelling floral scent in the air. The grass was always neatly trimmed by a gardening company of a father and son her family knew, they were always the kindest folks who helped out those who needed money. The sidewalks were always edged perfectly even by her own standards of proportion from concrete to yard surface. The cedar planked fence which blocked off sight to the neighbors on their flanks were somewhat aged and had a lining of a small hedgerow carefully trimmed into square forms. She always admired the son who could keep the shape so well aligned without a laser alignment bar, his eye just seemed to have a natural tendency for perfection and she admired that every day or when she could leaving the house. The landscaping complimented the two story home with a light gray blue exterior and dark olive green shingles, white framed windows and a nice redwood front door to piece it all together.

She would miss this place for who knew how long she’d be gone, how much different Equis would be and dangerous as well. This place would still be her home no matter what, that she was sure of as her brain burned every sensation into memory for good keeping at a later use.

The locking mechanism turned and popped, and no sooner had she been worrying over the reception of the fake news did the very blue skinned man answer the door. Her father, an astrologist by profession as well as a loving father who did all he could to give her every known bit of wisdom in the circle that he had joined in on which shared the latest discoveries long before the media had gotten hold of it. New planets, new stars, new galaxies amid the data and photographs from different readings were her favorite reasons for seeing him. It quenched her hunger for knowledge like a much needed meal and she always relished in those moments. Night Light stood there in his sweater vest and kaki pants holding a cup of fresh coffee as the steam wafted into the afternoon breeze. Always the coffee drinker, at every hour of the day she remembered it was his life blood being the night owl that he was and that he’d likely only now just woke up.

"Twilight?!” he nearly sputtered a choke with the black liquid in his throat, “Where have you been? We got a call from Canterlot High saying that you disappeared and the police needed to see you. In fact, there is a detective here talking to your mother about some kind of incident at that school?" he turned his head to look behind him as if to see for any eavesdroppers, "There are cops here, what happened?" he whispered as he bent down as if curiosity had gotten the better of him, though knowing his bright little star never knew how to get into trouble as what had been brought to their doorstep.

The reminder of who her father usually was in times such as these had came to her like a fan during a heat wave blowing dry ice cooled air onto her face. She had been so anxious to tell them the coverup and all those nights studying the books on magic that she'd forgotten how much of a 'Need to know Joe' he was and rarely acted on the initial information given to him. Whenever she had problems at school, Night Light seemed to know how to play the curious cat treading on ice begging for information from other sources. This was a much needed quirk for her and hopefully she'd be able to talk to them with less stress upon her. A little thing he picked up from his occupation when something new was discovered, the network of other astrologists had a good habit of asking all the others to check the data and coordinates to verify new findings.

Looking at him dead in the eye and quivering for a few seconds as the truth fell to his trustworthy spirit, the beans were, "Dad? I have magic..." she breathed in deeply and braced herself, "I can perform magic in a way that is akin to the folk tales and things of dreams. I drained the magic from Canterlot High... the place that's been on the news twice now for strange lights and images in the sky? You remember that right? A group of girls had magic themselves and I took it to help a bunch of exiles go back home for mostly being wrongfully sent to our world. We've been a prison world also can you believe that?! I got into a fight with one of the magic wielders, I let my magic mutate in a sense, and then blasted their leader through the school before taking all the magic for myself... now I'm here... I'm telling the truth."

She suddenly regretted having the blood seal in place as this would have been a perfect moment to show him what she was talking about. The spike of frustration at having no viable data to prove herself began to simmer under the hawkish gaze trying to understand the short summary she gave him. His coffee arm dipped a little, he even stepped out and gently closed the door behind him before taking a kneel to look his little star eye to eye.

‘Please believe me… please… please… I’m not lying!’ she thought loudly.

The arrival of a little cardinal swooping before the two as it acted to protect its territory from another bird frightened the mentally occupied young woman who tumbled back. The shock of the red blur sent her falling onto her rump which tossed out the medallion device as it clattered on the walkway, popping open to reveal the gemstone inside as it flickered with a little magic. Her father of course realized too late and went to help her when Twilight’s instinctive reaction was to shield herself from the long gone red avian. She may have not had access to her mana, but she knew how to use ambient magic and the device gave it to her in the form of a translucent barrier that her dad collided into.

Though it was gentle, Night Light spilled his coffee as the cup clanked off the shimmering shell, the caffeine running down like it were on glass. He felt his nose for anything damaged, and only after that did he realize what occurred in just a flash of a few seconds. His little star was encased in something that was not there a blink of an eye ago, standing stock after recollecting himself this new development threw him for a loop even after the barrier fell.

Twilight sat on the ground as she too opened her eyes and brought her arms down just as the shield spell died away. At the time she had not realized the scanner had given her the capability to perform the spell, so all in all she was in her father’s position in kind.

Yellow's Condo

All was quiet on the lonely front high up in the air, the original occupants had left to confirm with the other exiles which left the sirens to themselves. The mild hum of the air ducts which sent in cooled air into the clean carpet smelling living room offered a peaceful moment before the big event. A low flying jet liner flew by as the sound of its roaring air wake barely pierced the condo’s vanilla white walls. A few of the hanging pictures which were left long after the place had been taken rattled from the aerial vehicle’s passing, even the new wood surface to the glass dining table jittered. They were on the precipice of their lives, making the silence an even more jubilating mood for Adagio to think over everything that became mere pawns and pieces in the great game before her.

Sonata had kept herself busy texting the human Dazzling, which freed the patience of Aria and Adagio who eagerly enjoyed the peace so long as their thoughts were clear. Unfortunately that would not be the case with the twin pig tailed singer, something had her anxious and usually that was a bad sign.

Having sat on the left side of the sofa with Adagio in the center and the ditzy one on the other end, Blaze noticed a creeping sensation in her skin the likes which came at the edge of failure. As with much of her glorious leader's previously failed plans to the Battle of the Bands that she willingly kept quiet over because of the equestrian magic and its tantalizing draw. She could not be blinded by anything now as they were free of supposed threats, but she still felt in danger which never lied to her sense of being. A little nice quirk of her home pod in that the pack had a fore sense which often predicted trouble before it neared. Deciding it would be best to bring it up, Aria studied the lead siren to make sure she was not interrupting the great thought process which brought them so much success over their stay in the magicless world.

Noticing a bored and uninterested expression she took the chance, "So, what do ya think about them? The criminals and loonies?"

Adagio did not seem to even twitch a muscle as she responded with a plain tone staring at the other wide of the room, "I don't trust them, but if they have the goods then we will need their assets once we return. That Rainboom Twilight Sparkle had strong magic, strong enough to infuse the humans of this world with it which places her on a high rung. If she came back during the process she could easily resurrected the losers in our little battle and our gems may be at risk before the spell is caste. Then again… if she doesn’t appear we will still need their protection until our replacements are brought back. There is no telling how long it will take, we’ve just been given nothing but promises and no time frames.”

Sonata giggled to herself as her phone received a message as Aria continued, "You think their sad little stories are even true? Yellow seemed to recruit them just so easily, but they're glass cannons more than anything. Like that wraith woman… Pitiful..." she twirled a strand of teal hair in her fingers absentmindedly.

Dazzle scoffed, "Words are just words until proven otherwise, which means whatever they want us to believe we will make them think we believe until the last moment. If they plan on using us for their own ends, they will regret it!" hissing at the end.

"How's the leash? Think they might have snuck something into it to use against us?" Aria asked as she peered at the hand which had the seal even though it was visibly nonexistent, "If I were them I'd have placed a beacon or somethin."

The golden siren silently responded by looking at the affected appendage, slowly and meticulously turning it every which way as if looking for a blemish to scorn. She had given it some thought, but out of care for Twilight and the scheme for control there was no other way around things. There was no telling if even the power to unleash Sparkle's magic wasn't without dangers, but she figured she'd cross that bridge when they arrived at it. There were too many variables and only so much to go on for trust, in essence they had to trust the prisoners for the time being even if it all seemed too good to be true.

"Whether or not he put something in this binding rune... he had control over her and not us. I cannot allow someone else to have that kind of magic over one of my Dazzlings. For now just remain alert for anything they might let slip of the lips, or if I should act differently in some way. Do what you can and find out how to stop it, this involves magic and even if I'm unable to sense it I'm sure you two can. With Twilight learning magic as it is, try and get her to learn about blood seals using dragon’s blood before confronting me. Use your voices to slave mages if you have to and use them to fix me. That is all I have to say on this." Adagio closed her eyes as her hand went back to her lap, feeling the mounting worry over the many pieces she had to keep track of lest the plan fail again.

Sonata had overheard and the chuckles ceased at the seriousness of the air around them. Not even the silly conversation and emotes Twilight and her were sharing could make the realization any better. Having not thought of it herself, her leader may have just unintentionally given her own free choice away for the sake of the human among them. The thought occurred to her that if Adagio had truly cared for her bestie, or was she just ace in the hole to be used as seen fit. Her being her, Sonata simply enjoyed being around Twilight as they too did not have the same rough relationship as she shares with the other sirens. Even if she possessed some kind of amazing, powerful, and cursed magic it mattered not to her not in the slightest. It bothered her and would continue from then on out, was Sparkle really valued as a Dazzling?

A dark cloud formed over her head as a sense of regret, she had woken up in the middle of the night and the girl was not there next to her. She felt cold, alone, and driven to find out where her buddy had gone, as it was evident that she had not gone to the restroom nor to the outside balcony. Her curiosity and caring motives had forced Dusk to track the human down to Yellow's room, and there she witnessed what had transpired which would stain her soul like that hot sauce years ago in the southern states which ruined her performance dress; the anger from Adagio was mighty.

It overwhelmed her mind at how Twilight seemed to really feel throughout their entire time from the start. She was under a spell and they were to blame for blocking out any resistance, which meant to her that they could not have become friends most likely. That sense of hurt jumbled around her, they were at fault for basically forcing Twilight to join them through and through. She had wanted to back off and say no at times, how that must of felt had to have been agony like a siren unable to sing. The hurt needed to be fixed as soon as possible, there would be no telling what would happen to their relationship as a whole if she harbored resentment towards them.

As quickly as she could, Sonata located the small pouch that was removed from Twilight's belt after she'd been laid down and given the seal. Knowing a little of what was used to gain magic, she searched for the medallion thing lodged under a couple notebooks and a phone before she could open it up. A tear drop shaped gem laid in the mechanism, but she had no idea how it worked as it did not react to her own magic as was explained. She understood that anyone could use it or so she thought, turning it around and finding the latch to the internals Sonata popped it open without waking the others. Inside there was one thing loose and unconnected which she quickly corrected, not knowing a single thing about it she hoped she was making it work so she could give some of her power to Sparkle.

A dull glow emanated from the gemstone of the under facing anterior, before she could look at it herself she could feel her pendant activate on its own. In the span of a few seconds the young siren had a portion of her power drained away from her stone, she acted quick enough to disconnect what she messed with and stop the extraction once the process begun to affect her physically. It had burned through the act like a hot probe pushing into her heart and felt extreme relief when the machine was stopped. Though before any relishing could be taken in, she heard the sound of footsteps coming from the exile's room during of which she fumbled and slipped trying to return everything back to normal. Whatever she did she hoped she had done correctly for what was quickly planned as, to give her powers to the strangle circular mana vacuum and hope that would be her reparations on behalf of the sirens. How much she'd given was unknown, but she did feel a little heavy like a child sat on her shoulders. It was easy enough to make it as if she never woke up and return to the sofa like she never left it.

"Guess we're riding the currents to where ever the rip tide takes us, huh?" Aria sighed in defeat.

Adagio breathed in slowly, "Times have changed, we can't keep doing what we use to do. Just like this world’s politics... there is more out there that we cannot ignore. Poseidon help us..." she closed her eyes for a moment of silence, her prayer sent out to the father of all creatures born of the water realm.

Canterlot High Front Entrance

By now, the Dazzlings and the Exiles had arrived a block away from the portal location as they sat in their vehicles. As expected, there were police on the scene still evaluating the damage of the other day which to them was amazingly unexplainable even by the very testimonies of the students present during the magical battle. Foolish monkeys that were flabbergasted at the destruction which looked more like a war zone than anything never even once thought to see if they were being watched by the very perpetrators who allowed it to happen.

The sirens had taken to riding with Yellow and Paradox, while the others had their own mode of transportation and Twilight nearby in Serak's cabbie. With the entire crew together all that was left was to put a sleep spell on the human authorities to which would be the first test of Adagio's seal control. She had been briefed again of what to do, now all that needed to be done was to act.

The gentle flow of cooled air from the vehicles air conditioning brushed past the golden matriarch as the car lurched in movement, "Once I stop, be prepared to release twenty percent of her limiter. She's been told which spell to use so all you need to do is say the right words. Are you ready?" Yellow asked as they passed through the intersection and made a left turn to pull along the parking zone for afterschool drop off and pick up.

Adagio's heart had sped up a little as she prepared to exercise the new right she had been given, feeling a strange tingle at the ends of her limbs from the anticipation. They were about to go back home just being a couple hundred feet away from the portal and the excitement was almost overwhelming enough to bypass her mental barriers that maintained her ego. She just stared forward out the front windshield as the moment came, as if she was looking down the ravenous maw of those Boar Crocs that could swallow a carriage easily in one bite.

"Adagio?" he asked again having placed the car in park and turned in his seat to look directly at her.

Realizing she was being addressed she shook her head, "Right!" she quickly answered and began to recite the spell while holding her hand in the air before her.

Paradox nodded to his lord and began to remove the papers from his satchel pack as the incantation was spoken, they would have little time to perform the necessary magic before more humans arrived to stop them. No blood would be spilled even so, they would ensure of that even if it required the sacrifice of which Yellow had prepared for just in case. With hope however, they would not have to resort to that measure and progress forward least they become no better than the Arcana. They just had to hope the seal did its work and kept the other danger among them from escaping.

Serak in the meantime had driven behind Yellow's vehicle and followed closely up to the sidewalk of the former battleground. Parking in place he checked his phone as he had received the green light, now marked the coming moment they had all been waiting for so long. Clever as ever, he had the sacred magical papyrus sheets on his person should he need to help, though with Twilight the item should not be needed of.

Turning in his seat as well to address the young woman, "Your magic is about to be activated. Do you remember the spell to put those police officers to sleep lov?"

Having immediately looked over her person and then the device she had in her backpack, she hesitated to answer right away until she felt the sensation she was all too familiar with and the whispers.

"Yes I think so? I remember the runes for a knockout spell... yes... I remember now I'm sure of it. How will I know I can use it though?" she looked to him feeling helpless and nervous as a small puppy like the one currently panting up at her from the very pack itself.

Serak appeared as if knowing how it felt to be on the spot before extending a hand to pat her on the head, he wore no gloves this time and his suit still as pristine and wrinkle-free as ever, "The magic will tell you when it has reached its restriction, just learn to feel it when it stops flowing. Like rising out of the water of a hot bath or a cool lake in the summer time?"

He barely ruffled her bun and bangs, but it did help a little to slow the shakiness and nausea attempting to form. This would be her real first test at offensive magic, used only against unaware foes or the dim witted. The spell itself simply activated a part of the brain which commenced sleep, with an effect lasting up to four hours. It was a low tier spell which unlike its more powerful version for true combat magic that could remove memories and mainly used for infiltration. She had her work cut out for her nonetheless as the range of affect needed to be large and fast. If she judged the distance from the farthest officers to create a diameter of the investigation in progress, it would take a good part of her mana reserves with her being so ill tuned. Those books all mentioned starting off with simpler spells and charms, to work the so called 'magic muscles' or the network within the user to adjust to input and output. They still had no idea what was wrong with her magic to begin with so she could not help but feel she may be a different case altogether and defied the standard laws and mechanisms of the art.

Serak left his seat to open her door for her, holding his hand out to help her disembark. Spike barked once and then whined to see his owner leave once again, but as soon as she stood up on the side of the road she bent back in to scratch the back of his green furry little ears.

"Don't worry little guy, I'm just going to do something real quick. We're not separating ever again... I promise you." she smiled at him just as he leaned into his master’s warm palm, the thin coat of fur silky soft to her touch.

She could hear the wagging of his tail beating the inside of the backpack, indicating his state of mirth. He still had much to grow up into, and if the breeder they got him from was true to their word he would become a very large Great Dane. At least now she’d be able to see him grow up, alongside her and the sirens to which she hoped he liked them. Things would get troublesome if he was the kind of dog to not be a people person, as he really only knew her and her parents for the most part. Thinking on it, the little puppy would be getting some good out of her universe hopping trip and see more than just her room or the lab.

“Be quiet for me okay?” she whispered before leaving the panting dog who seemed rejuvenated by the loving care.

Serak closed the door just enough to not scare the animal, “I’ll be right here watching over him, once those officers are down you can grab everything and take it to the portal site.”

Sparkle nodded her head, “Okay, well… let’s do this then?” she chuckled nervously as the two paced to the main walkway to the school’s front entrance.

There spread about on the front lawn where devastation still remained evident. Ten policemen and women were scattered about taking photos or talking to repair crews inspecting the damage to the school. All in all, the spell would need to cover at best one hundred feet in a perfect wave of magic, but that made her question where the magic was to perform. She waited for some kind of physical sensation of any kind or even some kind of aura to flicker visibly, but she felt nothing like what Serak said was suppose to occur.

As it turned out, Adagio had been trying to get the seal to loosen up but it was a type of magic she was unaccustomed too. She managed to repeat the line perfectly in sync with her mana on the eighth try, though by which then Twilight had been spotted just standing out in the open when a cop recognized her.

“How in the world am I supposed to make this work? She could very well be in trouble because of this malarkey of a seal!” Adagio fumed.

“Until it glows, it means you are not putting your heart into the spell. The blood seal will only react on intent, just like a dragon guarding its hoard of gold so use that metaphor and apply.” Yellow told her as Paradox seemed a little unsure of the plan to use Twilight in her state.

It took the matriarch to realize what he meant by the notion, so she reconfigured her emotions to adapt and tried again. The same runes were spoken and the magic of her gem impressed upon the seal which finally reacted. Her soft yellow hand bore the black lines of the drawn symbols and iconography, the spell loosened the grip on Twilight’s mana well to let it pour a little out. The accomplishment was received well enough as Aria fist pumped the air and Sonata quietly chewed on her fingernails nervously.

Outside before the school, “Hey, ma’am I’m going to need you to stay where you are okay?” the policeman nearby cautiously asked her to do with one hand on his radio and another on his belt of gear and accessories.

So far he’d been the only one to notice, but the use of his communication device gave the others the call to alarm. Twilight could hear him speak of her as a missing person and a person of interest, to which three more officers walked casually to join him and attain the young woman into custody.

“Okay… you can release the seal now… anytime Adagio?!” she muttered to herself under her breath as she began to quiver in vulnerability.

The officers were already calling for her to remain calm and that all they wanted to do was talk, of course by then another portion of the school collapsed from the unstable section she scarred with that magical blast. The loud ruckus stopped them in their tracks as they looked behind them to the sounds of people running and yelling.

‘… feel… feel… feel..’ a voice echoed in her thoughts.

A bright orange mobile crane had backed away with the two contractors in the basket shielding themselves from the debris and dust cascading below. The blaring beeping of the backing alarm sounding out among the clashing of concrete crumbling, it spooked Twilight as she saw the destructive potential of her powers and was somewhat comforted by the blood seal. She really hoped the anomaly that she was would not overwhelm the bindings in place.

“Go help Jerrymore and Petunia, I’ll handle the girl!” one teal skinned officer said as the group of officers broke apart, one man staying behind to handle her capture.

A slow creeping icy chill became evident rising from the depths of her heart as he cautiously approached her, but she was too afraid to move much. The sensation too ponderous to be truly realized and soon enough the cop was just several steps away from her, one hand on a pair of handcuffs and the other held out for her to grab onto. Here she was suppose to put them down for a few hours and now she had nothing to act with and the potential of being taken in. The plan was falling apart and she was the cornerstone to the entire scheme, a scheme she had great stakes in for her own value.

“Look, we just want answers is all? You will not be harmed, we’re the good guys. It’s such a silly story the kids spun up, but your one of the ones who was there. Just come on down to the station with me, we can have your parents there during the questioning if you want?” his honeyed words meant little to her, the objective had to be completed or else worse would befall them.

‘… feel… feel… feel…’ she could hear the voice ever more clearly.

Serak who stood by the cab appearing as if inspecting the tires kept a lone eye on the scene, “Come on! What are you doing?!” he whispered.

If he had to he’d intervene, Yellow was strict about doing such a thing unless it was absolutely necessary. The use of what magic he had interwoven into the tomb’s pages were weak and were a single use pistol if anything, and there was no telling if they’d regain their mana in this world even if they were returned to that book.

The officer nearly reached the girl, wearing a very kind smile that was as fake as a lie from a kid with chocolate smears along their lips from a missing cookie, ‘… feel… feel… feel…’ the voice kept saying like a broken record to which Sparkles addled nerves could take no more.

“It’s not working!” Adagio yelled back at the leader of the prisoners who took the brunt words like a boulder to a storm.

Suddenly, Aria and Sonata witnessed the seal glow red hot as Adagio doubled over gripping the wrist of the hand. She seized as if wracked with pain unimaginable and hissed through her teeth to breath as her jaw clenched shut. The fluffy orange hair flowed over her and hid her facial features that displayed pain and agony to which only Yellow knew what was going on.

“The limiter… it’s being fought against!?” he asked himself.

“Possible that the controller must be magically powerful to hold onto the untamed beast?” Paradox questioned.

Yellow turned from the man back to the siren, “Put all your willpower into it, and tell her how much she can use even if she is not here with us. The spell is very interactive, but it needs power to bolster any action.”

Adagio could literally feel what he meant as her mana started to leak away from her, so she poured more into the ritual to gain control again. Something was battling her and it was not the machinations of the exiles, it felt and seemed like the spell itself needed more power. Whether this was a trap or not became irrelevant as something eerie formed before her trying vision. It was Sparkle only altered to an extent that she appeared hostile in nature and very self confident in her power. This vision flickered in and out before Dazzle as it tried to rise through the void only to be pulled back down by glowing red vines. That monstrous version of her little Dazzling was disturbing enough, but the act of exerting her will upon it and putting more power into the seal seemed to affect it and send it further away from her vision.

A chill within Twilight blossomed into the same sensation she felt back when before the Rainbooms trapped her in the girl’s restroom. Unable to bare the accosting nerves flaring up beyond tolerable levels, the girl clenched her jaw tightly with her arms went up to shield her face as something within her met an unmovable wall letting only a little light pour through. As if then that had caused her to feel the refreshing cool amorphous body of liquid like a jump into a swimming pool, then and there the magic finally achieved twenty percent needed to act on.

Like a well oiled machine, Twilight quickly enacted what she had to try the spell and hoped for the best with what little cognitive ability she still possessed not tethered to her current state. In her mind she visualized the runes and symbols for the knockout spell, bursting her arms out from protecting her face and released the magic at point blank range. The highly charged spell hit with unexpected force as the officer was projected from his feet and lifted off the ground by the rolling wave of ethereal energy, no one heard a thing as there was no sound. The rest of the humans in the vicinity were slammed by the spell, but those farther away had been spared the brunt of the wash. Only Twilight could see or at least feel the magic go out like water that had broken a levee by seeing every person before her fall to the ground in a deep slumber. Though once the spell had finished, she soon found herself instantly exhausted and woozy which lead to her feet barely being able to keep her up. Blood rushed to her head, her own body feeling light and feather weight which was some kind of high if she guessed right.

‘Wow… that was… amazing!’ she thought as she finally lost her bearings and fell backwards.

As her vision went black with muted glittering colors on the voided canvas, something soft had caught her before she met the concrete pathway underneath her. Of course she could barely even think of anything much less see, her own skin only registered dull sensory input as her brain tried to reset itself. She started laughing, a little at first like Sonata tickling her which caused short giggles. Chuckles soon developed as she failed to form any kind of an idea or action other than the abdominal contractions and shallow short breathing spasms. All of the sudden they became boisterous bellows of influenced joy escaping her just as the feel of hands and arms came around her body as if to support her upwards.

Rising out of the water she soon regained vision albeit with spots from the rush of blood, she could see the blue sky with little condensation balled into formless bodies of vapor. Her laughing started to give as the need to breath properly set in out of need, what occurred next faintly surprised her out of the moment. She still had no inkling of what was going on with her, even though she should have felt afraid and terrified at being out of control of her own flesh. The colorful heads phased into her affected sight, a purple and teal striped pony tail wearing girl, a sky blue pulled back haired one, and behind above or behind her was the fluffy poofed hairstyle of another with variations of yellow and orange.

Like a bugged computer having a hard restart, the situation came back with clarity as the sirens had caught her and now huddled around the laying form of their human ally and Dazzling. Aria showed both worry and irritation worming over her face that seemed so out of place other than that night she opened up to her about herself. Sonata on the right appeared to be forcing a couple tears back from falling as she grinned at her, but why she seemed to be either sad or very happy was something Twilight could not connect at the moment. Then there was Adagio above her, those magenta eyes gazing longingly into her own as her mother once did when she had lost her at a book store. It happened during her childhood as an attempt to distract her from missing Shining Armor as much as she did, and the store itself was the largest one in town. That was when the stroking of thumbs along her cheeks were apparent and a little disconcerting, if only for a passing moment before seeing the matriarch’s face coming ever closer to hers.

Twilight froze in place as Adagio touched her forehead to hers for a few seconds, holding in place as she said nothing and did nothing. The long curly bangs titillating the lavender skin as they graced the flesh like a feather wand, warmth connected and shared between them before Adagio pulled away. It felt as if the entire world was Adagio just for a few mere seconds, but then it happened that the genius girl regained all of her mental faculties and blared back into full life that was Twilight Sparkle.

Not even thinking for a second of why she was about to say what came from her lips, “Thanks for catching me.” Sparkle gave her gratitude to the three hovering over her after such an experience.

Ch. 49 Amassing of Forces: The Fight to Return Part II

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Ch. 49 Amassing of Forces: The Fight to Return Part II

Sunset’s Hospital Room

“So you should probably find a way out of this place without the police on your tail if you really need to make the train back home… sort of speak.” Shimmer the human noted as she made her way back to her gurney bed.

Of course there were still two officers posted on watch and more at the entrances, and in her condition Sunset would have no way of getting a doctor’s leave. She had no family in this world and Principle Celestia would likely settle on the nurse’s order to remain even if she told her the whole story. Perhaps that was her failing once again, by not taking up Celestia’s open door offer after that frightening moment the nightmare had chased her through the school. Chalking up another for the score board, Sunset had little other choices to turn to other than escape like a convict breaking out of prison. Flash might help if he could do much of anything, but the staff had her clothing and she’d risk leaving in either just the hospital gown or some of Flash’s attire. Choppy at best, Sunset knew there needed to be some way out and then she’d figure out how to stop Twilight and whoever she was helping besides the sirens. Of course now she needed to think of how to return, if whatever means they were using to travel would be enough for her to exploit?

“I don’t have any magic, the portal is ruined, and if I do get to them how will I be able to go through if I could? They sure as Tartarus won’t let me just stroll on in with them!?” She mourned the next hurdle at progress as her body reminded her that she was still dealing with magical withdrawal.

“Sometimes you don’t have to think, at times you just need to act.” Shimmer who had laid down on the somewhat soft bed said.

Flash frowned, “Ya and acting on impulse is such a good way to go about this.” The hint of sarcasm peppered his words at his already questioning support.

Shimmer scoffed as she had enough experience above both of them, “Kid? Once you’re my age then we’ll discuss life choices, but she’s on borrowed time as it is. I suggest using it before she loses the chance, then regrets everything the rest of her life.” Shimmer replied as she sighed into the comfort of a restful lay down.

Sunset did not want anymore fighting, so she reached over and touched the hand he had on his knee to break the mounting displeasure, “Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll make something happen soon, can I count on you to help me? Right?” even through the mild pain of movement she still smiled at him.

Both were tired and exhausted, he himself from staying up through the night he had to admit his patience could be better. Just like those back to back band practice sessions with the guys before a show at the rodeo shack on open mic night, he couldn’t play properly if they over exerted themselves. That led to Flash sporting a sheepish grin of embarrassment and took to cleansing his attitude with a good friend in need, his girlfriend as it were.

Blushing a bit, Sentry turned his hand over and held hers firmly, “You can count…”

A sudden rumble rocked through the hospital as the lights flickered went out, the machines around them died out and quaked, the sound of traffic outside the door became none existent. Instinctively, Flash rose to his feet and hunched over Sunset unsure if something was collapsing or had crashed into the hospital. Equestria was nowhere near any fault lines so an earthquake should be impossible to experience. They were on the fifth story, meaning for something to shake the building as big as it was, danger was not far from anyone’s fears.

Outside the viewing window that let in fresh sunlight into the room, something blacked out the sunlight as it passed downwards like a large bird. The two barely had a chance to realize it when it vanished as quickly as it appeared as their heads whipped around to the disturbance. For Sunset it was an all too familiar sensation that made her herald the fear of the nightmare still cursing her, the hex forever haunting until she either died from exhaustion or finally finishing its hunt. Any moment she expected to see another blur of shadows pass by before the beast punched through the glass pane with its spiked head and toothy snout to sniff her. A massive maw that would fill the room and ruin everything until it secured her between those pearly fangs to devour her once and for all. That primal fear all ponies had when chased by a predator, that locking paranoia and crippling anxiety which rescind them into a reactionary frozen state.

Seconds passed and nothing came of the moment, Shimmer had become a blur as she ran up to the window itself. Quickly lifting up the blinds and looking everywhere and then down to the ground just as another rumble came and went along with the dulled sound of gnashing metal. Sunset heard her human verse say something in amazement, to which Sentry answered with questions of his own. For a moment though, the former unicorn could only curl into herself tighter as she let the terror grip her even as the boy remained with her.

“Lady!? Come on what’s happening out there!” Flash raised his voice with the third time asking.

The older woman gasped as she craned and twisted her neck to get any kind of view, “That… that was helicopter… and it crashed from what I’m assuming was… the top of the roof?!” as debris rained down sporadically so that nixed any chance of opening the window to see better.

The lights returned to normal as did the hospital equipment, a few had alarms going off from the sudden deactivation. Blaring lights and loud noises thankfully were only a momentary event, but it was evident that the police outside were immediately rushing away through all that. Shimmer knew it meant that the incident was dire enough to tear them from their station which would help her other worldly self escape. Though no one noticed immediately as the reality kicked in, why had the aerial vehicle collide into the facility?

“What the heck is going on!?” Flash released the injured girl carefully to run to the same window for a look himself.

The suspense overrode any fear, at this point the curse was far from reality thankfully though in its place was a surmounting problem far more worse than it, “Oh… my… god…” he gasped.

The very astounding reaction by the human verse of Sunset could lead only to one thing and that was not good for anyone, “Do you see that?! Look!! There goes another! Right into that building over there! I think that was a mini mall?”

“There had to have been a hundred people there…”

Now she was just growing impatient, “What… what’s going on?”

“Dear god… those are the… what do they call them? Black Hawk helicopters?! The military is here or is that the police force?! Those had people in them too!” Shimmer gawked at the rising smoke trails as fires caught on from the likely ruptured fuel tanks of the crash just below, thick oily plume started to obscure the viewing port only partially as the breeze outside pushed it to the left.

“Look over there! That’s Canterlot High!! Oh no… that’s… that’s no light show either…” Flash’s words dripped with horror as Sunset tried to understand the little she was given and no response to her dire inquiry.

She stuttered a little as adrenaline coursed through her veins, “Guys! Ple…please tell me what’s… what’s happening!? Flash!”

Her human verse tore away reluctantly from the developing chaos, “You said you had to stop some kind of group of bad guys right? Well… looks like they’ve begun their little plan alright.” She thumbed at the outside world almost casually.

The gravity of it all hit her like a plank of wood as all she strove for till she fell to the possessed Twilight came crashing down. The destruction and denial of magic to whatever master the sirens served had finally shown the magnitude evil intent could be waged with. This was why she suffered, why she missed out on studying the Rainbooms magical manifestation, and proved to her that she was not going hard enough in her research. A battle was being fought likely against the authorities or luckily in fighting between the sirens and the one who lead them around, but that was a stroke of fortune if that were the case.

This was the whole reason she kept at it trying to solve the mystery of the missing gemstone, to stop the ones who had it from doing just this and harming the world. She lapsed in her duty to protect this world from evil and this time she was in no position to even confront them now. Her mangled guilt led to a train which sunk her heart and spirit as indicated by the heart rate monitor nearby, how much failure was she going to commit before this all proved to her that she was set up to be a dead end mare who should have never been Celestia’s protégé at all. How many lives could have gone unharmed if she remained another pony surviving in Canterlot and let Twilight do what she was destined to do?

“There’s no way you’re going into that, no, no way you’ll even survive that once they see you. HEY!” the woman next to him grabbed his arm and twisted him around to face her dead in the eye.

“You see this…?” She pointed to her face, “A lot more people will get this and worse if you two don’t do something about it! My world, our world is not a prison for dangerous magical monsters or whatever! We’re bad enough by ourselves! Look, the cops left I think so now is your chance to get her out of here and find a way to stop any more fighting going on out there. And YA! I know she can’t do squat to stop them, but that doesn’t mean she’s defenseless. Maybe… maybe there’s some kind of way to power her up? I don’t know… something has too, but that out there can’t be a better option!” she released him aggressively before reeling from the injuries she too sustained in the collision.

Letting herself get too excited had harshly reminded her of the state she was still in, that of which Flash could tell she was not joking at all with any of her words. Magic was amazing to see battle the evil ones who rose up in Canterlot High as often as they did, however it had far more potential to desolate if given the chance. As much as he hated to let Sunset go off into that, there were indeed other people out there who’d be in harm’s way. As evident as it were by the falling copters and their crews, used by vile monsters that should not have possessed magic at all if he understood right were on the loose. The things Sunset had explained to him on occasion were hard to wrap his head around, but he never doubted anything she said having been victim to the dark forces himself.

Still he hesitated to act, Sunset had injuries caused by the nasty work his world’s Twilight put her through. If only there were some kind of magic around she could get a hold of, however, this universe was devoid of it so that was out of the question. Least they sit and do nothing, it was at least best to attempt anyways to try before throwing in the towel right?

Sunset waved at his face to bring him back to the real world, “Flash, I… we have to check on the others first. Before we go to the portal. Do you think you can help me go to them?” she asked as the tatters of fear were flaking off her only just then.

“Ya, sure thing… I’ll see if a… where Principle Celestia knows where they are. She said she was going to cancel school today by what the police said to do.” He took out his phone and searched the contact information the principle gave him in case anything happened while she was gone.

“Not what I had in mind but it’s a start.” Shimmer sighed as she pressed her back against the wall behind her coming back from the surge of discomfort.

Sunset frowned at her human self, “They too had magic, I have to see if Twilight really did take away their mana as well. I’m worried about them and I won’t leave without making sure they’re okay!” she affirmed with a stern tone.

With a raised eyebrow, “You mean humans have magic too? How?! That’s… explain.” She essentially ordered rather than ask.

Flash appeared defensive and wanted to calm the woman down, but just as he was going to the call picked up on the other end with Celestia. He would have held the call if Sunset hadn’t gestured for him by patting the bedside so he could complete his task at hand, a hint to still his protective nature. With a mild grunt he reluctantly did as coaxed and took his place by her side as the former unicorn slowly and cautiously used him for support to leave the bed. All the while he traded questions with their principle and allocated the Rainbooms who were at a local clinic not far from the hospital and close to the portal where a battle was being fought.

Sunset winced at the aching soreness in her limbs, “I’m afraid I don’t know enough, I dedicated much of my time trying to figure out who wanted that siren stone. The nightmares that wouldn’t cease kind of made sure I didn’t try either. However, what little I know of magic and humans I can only point to Empathy as the contributing factor to developing mana wells. That and the girls specifically were the human versions of their element bearers in Equestria so it’s probably just isolated to them only. Destiny and all that…” she placed a bare foot on the cold tile floor and gritted her teeth at the icy chill.

“Malarky! Okay I can understand your parallel self sharing powers I guess…” Shimmer looked to the ground in thought for a few seconds, “But they are full blooded human beings, that means anyone else should be able to develop magic. A slotted fate does not isolate the opportunity? That should mean you have some way of absorbing magic too right?! They had none just like you are now and somehow they had it anyways?!”

Sunset hefted her guilt ridden spirit as it felt painful to keep speaking of what she should have been able to have done, “It was one of my failures… I focused too much on stopping what is apparently happening outside currently to not build up some kind of way of stopping it. We’d need Princess Twilight to figure it out and even then she had trouble finding a counter spell to fight the sirens back at the battle of the bands! I’d need a couple weeks to locate anything to help us now. So if we’re done here I need to get to them and hope they’re fine, I don’t know what the other Twilight might have done to them and I’m the only one who might be able to help if they’re suffering!” Sunset grimaced in Sentry’s arms as they began to walk to the exit, both desired to leave her human world self sooner than later.

Only the quiet hum of the air ducts feeding hospital air into the room dominate the tense atmosphere. The two teenagers trundling to the door cut through it like a knife through butter with each step, reminding the older woman being left behind that her outburst may have been a little much. She looked from the edges of her eyes as Flash was extremely careful with her other verse self that had been a unicorn of all things. She could see how thoughtful he was in his actions towards the definitive alien before them and yet he still loved her regardless. A pang of pain in her heart brought back her own love life and past right to bare, when all she knew of the world was what it was of science and measurement to philosophy and religion. Making it by with the dregs of part time jobs to pay for school, handling the drama of other students, and now a warzone with magic erupted not far from her with the helicopter tossed right at their feet to boot.

If life had taught her anything, it was to never let chances pass her by and to avoid being bogged by routine and comfort. There were friends she could have turned to, options to let go for others, and pursue what she wanted in life. The cosmos just so happened to place a multiverse spanning conflict with a bow on top and a candy on the pillow of the hotel of chance. She needed to help this doppelganger from another plane, where she was a horse and had ethereal energies at her whim. A whole other world was about to receive an evil dictator and their minions if there were any and only she could do something about it. Banged up and scarred with bruises and possible whiplash, there was only one thing she could provide and get out of her funk of fortune.

“None of you can drive, but I know how to hot wire any car, truck, or bike. Follow me to the parking garage, I’ll get you to your friends and then some.” She said as she avoided their confused gazes while she passed by them to lead the way.

Flash shook his head as soon as she exited through the door to the room, “Are we seriously going to trust her?”

“What choice do we have?” Sunset sighed in resignation and prompted him to continue helping her walk.

Canterlot High Front Entrance

With the police force subdued, the exiles made their way to where Twilight had dubbed as the portal site. Emerath and Paradox were the first to make contact and confirm the initial findings, feeling over the concrete statue and picking up the electrical static like energy all too familiar with Equestrian magic fizzle upon touch. With bright eyes and giddiness the two mages expressed their jubilation like foals at their birthday party, fawning over the little scraps of magic seeping through the inactive portal anchor. Of course to everyone else they just appeared weird and strange, Monet and Yellow seeming to shrug to the others who most of which were guessing at the behavior of the two.

“Ahhhh this is gud! Ve ave a vay home! Now!! On to vork!” Paradox announced and set about the papers and the bag of gems he pulled from his coat.

Emerath sighed in relief as if he were soon to reunite with long lost parents, “I can finally hear them again… it has been too long…” a smile so wide it nearly touched ear to ear on his chiseled features.

“Ack! Mein friend! Come help me set up?” the other mage beckoned as he held the purple felt sac no bigger than a hacky sac.

Old Oak stood off a few feet from their workings, she too seemed antsy to an extent if not worried to the bone about something. Which when Twilight noticed it seemed rather odd as the Changeling Empress would have been the prime candidate to express such feelings since she did have family to locate. With how Oak acted when she spoke of her past, perhaps there was more to her than what was spoken. After being lifted off the ground and looked over several times by Adagio. She was given the clear bill of health and no sooner had that been given did the sirens seemed locked in their own self hatred. Seeing the way home so close to their earlier rampage and missing such an eyesore consumed their thoughts for the moment. Twilight took the moment to let her curiosity get the better of her and investigate the lone exile to see if she could study them.

Her light footsteps across the well manicured grass went undetected to the druid, which until she stood on her right side did her presence make itself known, “Child… can I help you?”

The elegant and friendly tone gave a welcoming opening even she couldn’t feel nervous to respond, “You… you look like you are having some kind of mental dilemma, and I… wanted to see if I could be of any help?” she stuttered.

The hippie seemed to grin if not out of reaction, tearing her view away from the portal site and away from Sparkle’s intensive study, “What a choice to make, if I am to return with but a quake?”

“I’m sorry?”

“Do you remember when I spoke about the human camp I came across?” she softly replied.

Sparkle nodded if just to herself, “Yes.”

“Then the story of my banishment? The two are connected… my fellow druids and I still help others to this day and protect the lands of the wild… even if I am the only one to still draw breath.” She bemoaned.

Sensing the seriousness of the effected exile Twilight hardened up and let her eagerness to learn about Equis and its potential ways flow onwards to continue, “Please, if it hurts… I hear it helps to talk to others about it. I… I kinda know that myself.”

Old Oak sniffled a little with a hand going to her face, it sounded as if she held the door against the flood of tears that attempted to crash through. Having had experience with Adagio, Sparkle touched the Druid on the shoulder where her skin laid exposed from the short sleeved shirt she had. The effect was immediate as she hoped for, for the exile seemed to recompose herself and clasp both hands together upon her collar bone as if cradling a bird’s egg.

“Little human…” Oak starred into the blue cloudless sky, “Those others I mentioned… my kin of the forest… what happened to them…”

In the background, Sparkle could hear Aria and Sonata fighting over something insipid, “There is a kind of magic used by Druids as a last attempt to save a swathe of land from decay and disease when normal rituals and practices cannot halt nor reverse. A kind of soul magic I think you know? We can… sacrifice ourselves in order to become a Heart of the Maker or at least a fragment. It was developed by a long forgotten sage from another corner of Equis during a bought of famine across the world over. Druids do not keep books or if rarely we ever do have records they are far and few to speak of.”

Twilight had a light bulb moment, “Just like ours… only practiced rituals and events ever made it to modern day life and even now there are still some trying to bring it back with the way human pollution and destruction seems to be ruining any planetary recovery.”

“Indeed true, now, we give our lives to become these fragments of pure magic which when placed in a sickly piece of land it is instantly cured and given a second chance at life. To stop a spread of malignant disease before it turns a region into a desert, it is our gift to the trees and animals that live there when no more can be done. My friends… they saw no other chance of escape and they… wanted to protect me…” Oak sighed as the fight to stop the sadness from overwhelming her calm mindset became almost unwinnable.

Twilight held her tongue, she wanted to know more about her people and this strange new power they had which she wondered if there was a way to utilize without giving a life for. Ecosystem restoration projections came to mind and flowered with potential for oil spill stricken beaches and wild fire ravaged lands.

“When they… became fragments of the heart… their bubbles popped and their shards came to me… swimming in my jail like little minnows in a pond. I do not believe they knew what was going to happen to us, what the Arcana was doing… they probably thought that we were going to be blasted with magic and beaten into the soil. Instead… I was sent here… with the shards which manifested into geodes the same color as their coats. I spent months in this world before I tried to bury my friends in the nearby forest. That way they could live out their lives doing what the magic was intended to do. Little did I know that a young woman would happen across their resting place and use their magic to stop her camp from becoming… a human relaxation place.” Oak looked irked as her face became visible, she starring at the portal as the memories came.

Sparkle knew the same story played out countless times on earth, consumerism and luxury often destroying nature for a moment’s peace and often more times than not going out of business. She removed her hand off the Druid as she felt that the history coming on would be best at an arm’s length away with the emotion behind it.

“When I went to pay my respects, I found the shards gone… so I traced their magic all the way to the woman who was fighting the owner of the land… Richie Rich or something, I did not like the way he spoke when I happened across one of their talks. So I waited for the right time to see her, I proved who I was and the geodes responded to me as I hoped they would. We came to an understanding after a night of private conversation… and I gave her my aid to find a way to prevent the sacking of her camp and the forest. I located an old burial ground of the natives who once lived in the area hundreds of years ago, let us say that once the tribe was alerted to the discovery… Richie Rich lost his leverage after that.” To which Oak seemed to let a chuckle escape her morbid mood.

“So you saved the camp? Camp Everfree if I’m correct?” Sparkle asked.

The Druid nodded, “With her camp saved for many lifetimes from big business, she did not need the power of the shards. So we had a day to ourselves to learn of each other before we’d part ways… she reminded me a lot of myself. Everything she did was environmentally friendly, she loved nature and the camp her parents gave to her brother and her. In a way… I felt a kindred spirit connection with that Gloriosa Daisy.”

A brief silence went between the two, though it was a pleasant kind of quiet considering the mental state of the exile had became stable and oddly content. Twilight noticed five colorful glass like fragments she brought into view in the palm of her hands, extracting them from a sack tied to her belt on her hip. Varying several colors of the spectrum, Twilight wondered what kind of magic was that powerful to turn a living being into pure mana. The fact that anyone could use them easily was a bit of a danger, but that made it an easier concept to work with for her own plans later on. She hoped those shards remained on Oak for a long time to come, as they seemed to be her anchor to reality as they were her friends in truth even if they were shells of their former selves.

“I need to check up on the others, will you be okay?” Sparkle asked.

The Druid giggled as she hugged the important artifacts close to her heart, “Yes, I believe I will be… thank you little human. It… it really feels good to talk to others about things. I guess when you know the others for as long as I have, you need someone new?”

The two parted with goodbyes, the sirens and Twilight soon inevitably gathered together once the human integrated herself back into the group. As one, they approached the statue and for the singers they still felt the sting of self agitation at having missed it when they first came to Canterlot High and not assumed that the magic came from a source nearby. They too could feel the mana even as scant as it were, how easily they would have still had their original gems if they had noticed the portal and avoided that fated contest. Their pursuit of power and besting the Rainbooms threw chaff into their radar and numbed any of the magic from the gateway, something Adagio vowed to never let happen again.

Though aside it all, Adagio could not stop grinning at the taste of the return journey and how close they were. There was little of anything to stop them now and she had Equis at her forelimbs ready for the taking with just the jump through a hole in time and space. With her Dazzlings veterans of the human world and Twilight Sparkle containing unimaginable magic, her vengeance was but a step away. She refrained from going too close to the mages and their machinations, and remained with Sonata to keep the girl balanced as Twilight felt the resurgence of her mana coming back from the knock out spell like a rush of blood to the head

Yellow Tail had taken to organizing the other banished into guard positions just in case things took too long, leading the way with Monet, Serak, and Pandius that would be his eyes and ears. With the scene set up for the arrival of more police, it lent him to a moment of peaceful introspection over his little gems and the human. Patting Monet on the shoulder to send her off he caught the glimpse of Sparkle gazing over at the quick grouping that was dispersing. The sirens seemed to be lost in their banter as well, which could only mean one thing he’d soon expect.

“Well at least we can forget this whole mess and be done with it.” Aria bemoaned.

“Like Tartarus we do! Can you truly believe we missed this huge source of magic and not sensed it!?” Dazzle fumed as she crossed her arms over her bosom and tapped her booted foot.

Sonata had a dead stare at the portal site since Adagio began her rant, no one could really discern any thoughts or ideas going through her head with the ambiguous expression.

“The point is we missed something so flipping obvious for as long as we did and that means it can happen again! We need to figure out a way to be more attuned to our surroundings if we’re going to be back home. Unlike this dead rock, magic will be everywhere and the eye sore around us could easily be another pony wizard who’d lock us up or worse send us back here and no way of returning! UGHHH!!” Adagio slapped her forehead and rolled it in the palm of the hand trying to calm down.

“That means I’m assigning you to be the eyes and nose for me that way I can plan without worry, Twilight will be busy enough with her magic and Sonata…” the golden skinned siren eyed the still oblivious member of the pack, “… will be Sonata. That means I do not want any lip from you on this got it?”

Aria had been seconds away from groaning, but the fire in her leader’s eyes were enough to stay that action, “Ya, whatever.” She rolled her eyes and gave a thumbs up.

Squinting at her most troublesome pod mate, she sensed nothing out of her that would have meant future issues would come of it. Blaze knew her place and would carry out her new role or so she’d hope, that left her to work out the details with her newest member of the group. What would ever happen to them when they crossed over would be a bridge they’d cross when they got to it, even if they’d have to lug a pony around with them. A pony that was thankfully all human and just reskinned like they were in this place, Twilight would gain no ire from them no matter how bad things got. She’d have her powers and they’d have their voices, so long as they were not separated they could help each other out. The glory to be had would take time however, they had yet to even apply Sparkle to the plans as she would essentially needed to be watched over for the first few months from what Adagio assumed.

Dazzle sauntered up to the lavender girl calmly, “Twilight? I’ve been meaning to go over our first few days through, as a matter of fact have you felt anything weird since you used performed magic? Is it trying to control you again?”

Sparkle seemed to understand the concern, “I… did hear a voice echoing, but it was just to activate the magic if I guess right? Whatever amount you let me use seems to be fine so far, if my calculations are correct I should be able to use most basic magical attacks and defense wards without problems. However they won’t be much if we have to fight anything more than a common unicorn.”

“Then you are aware, that’s good… I want you to promise me you’ll stay in between the three of us at all times when we jump. Your world does not have the likes of hydras or manticores, and I won’t allow you to use much of your power until we can cure you. There’s no telling who we’ll have to rely on if anyone for that matter.” Adagio rubbed her chin with an index finger as she pondered away about the restoration of their gems and that trip to Yellow’s store house or vault.

Twilight knew attaining a mastery in the arts would not be as easy as her projects on her homeworld, books and machines were simple and straight forward. The handicap she earned was a learning curve that she saw as beneficial in a sense, to ensure she knew how dangerous magic was if anyone just took the reins. People were turbulent in their wants and desires, she’d need to find a way to protect humanity from itself when she inevitably brought it into the public. The new found energy which could manipulate and alter the laws of nature and physics, the world was full of very bad people who’d exploit that over others at the snap of the finger.

She waited for the head siren to finish her thoughts and look back at her, “I promise I will do everything I can to stay out of trouble. I certainly don’t want to end up as something’s lunch before my magic can be purified. I just hope we can find a way, with nothing in the books about my condition I’m worried we’ll run into the Arcana just to find someone knowledgeable enough to assist.”

Paradox and Emerath signaled loudly that the spell was set to start, in a minute or so the Dazzlings magic would be given and the gateway would be manipulated and forced to do their bidding. Everyone looked at the hollering mages as they almost danced to the sparking magic from the setup around the statue of the school’s mascot. Adagio noticed four corners of stacked paper sheets likely hosting the spell work, with eight sections comprised of colorful gemstones which leaked mana into the concrete sculpture. If she knew her pony magic well enough even to this day, the act was akin to starting a fire with a sparking stone to fuel the kindling.

She grinned and let go of the details that hampered the joyous occasion of returning home, this was the act to permit it and she could feel the calling hunger. Everyone had stepped away from the scene as light waved off the papers while disintegrating them in the process, ash like sprites flowed forth from their source and into the portal anchor like insects to a flood light. The stones were giving their all to help the process and would soon be drained in moments, which came accompanied by the heralding of the mages to the sirens to do their crucial part.

“Frauleins!! It is time!” the hefty man said with glee as he nearly two stepped in place to some kind of weird dance of happiness, “Summon your powers and give to ze spell!”

Emerath had been a bit more composed himself, with a big toothy smile he gestured to the statue, “Feed your powers into the spell and it will handle the rest. Simple as that.”

“And so it begins… finally!” Aria huffed as the spectacular process of freedom made her a little anxious.

Dusk had somewhat came back to reality and found her eyes hunting for someone in question before Dazzle snapped her fingers to get her attention, “Sonata ready your pendant, we do this as one. We still have to be careful with these.”

Nodding, “Sure thing.” She meekly replied as the girls exposed their precious source of magic, glimmering under the sunlight were the rubies escaping the confines of the modern theatrical dresses they still had from the convention.

“Remember those notes we used back at the café? Before I saw the pillar of Equestrian magic? Same one, give everything to that spell and don’t hold back. We’re not dying in this wasteland!” Adagio proclaimed, their united voice beginning the transfer process in an almost angelic way.

Twilight watched from behind, stepping away so as to avoid interfering if her magic decided to become unstable. Yet she could not help but feel a tingling tickle along her skin by just listening to the song. Some kind of invisible force bathed the area in what she assumed was pure raw unadulterated mana, and with her being attuned to magic it made sense. Yet that was not the end of it, the sirens before her began to rise from the ground as their bodies began to darken in a veil of shadows. Drifting slowly off the grass and walkway the trio maintained their act with their rubies glowing bright red the likes of a police car’s alarm lights. That very blood colored illumination flowed from the girls and into the air like a smoke trail being sucked into a fan. That very vacuum of course was the glowing equine statue, the golden aura tinged crimson ever slowly as the magic mixed with the siren’s magic. The activation of the gateway sparked to life in a subtle orb that appeared to originate from within the concrete structure, bubbling out and consuming the anchor in a swirling chrome orb. It reflected every surrounding, every surface, unconscious body, as well as the exiles like a mirror. The glass sphere ate every amount of magic the sirens had to give and thankfully the process was painless as well as oddly not completely draining.

At the height of the tune, the true Dazzlings manifested the same strange fin-like constructs from their backs with their hairstyles growing outward and long as with the Battle of the Bands. Sparkle observed the physical changes as they came forth, something she remembered from the books Yellow gave her which explained them. They were added mass to accommodate the use of their magic even if it was just to release it all. Their current bodies could not handle the flux alone and needed more space to convey the flow. Hence why they grew more hair and formed wings which if one looked hard enough they possessed veins and bony spines. They were transparent and delicate, spectacularly soft if one might attempt to touch them. It added an otherworldly aspect to the singers that Sparkle could not help feel honored to witness such a moment, one she hoped she could allow others of her race experience. The power to alter reality into a heavenly paradise, the end of the cycle of war and poverty, of sickness and hunger.

The carmine aura died away from the sirens as well as their spontaneous changes recede into nothingness. Their song began to end gently like a caress upon the ears. They had not fallen to the ground abruptly so much as they descended back to ground level at the same speed as they’d risen. The last of their magic disappeared into the spell and left the girls as they were from the start. The act ceased and their ended on a soft note, their hands coming down from their dull gemstones. Not even a cricket chirped from the front lawn, it seemed even nature and the traffic in the background gave the mystically enchanted females their closing moment.

Adagio opened her eyes as she breathed deeply in, the other two following suit as the empty void of their gems became apparent. There was still a little wisp of magic still left in them, to which the sirens let go of their air in relief. The banished were all gathering around the gateway all in awe or stricken with jubilation and adoration mixed as one. Home was but a few steps through and the sirens were transfixed over it as much as the others.

“We’re finally going back…” Dazzle whispered as she felt her eyes watered

Aria lightly giggled to herself, “If only those losers could see us now.” She hinted at the defeated Rainbooms far away from them to do anything as much as slap them.

The girls formed a huddle which soon turned into a group therapy session as they embraced each other. Ecstatic beyond words they simply just wanted to express, after all they had to take this was finally the end of it and the start of something entirely new.

“I’ll miss the tacos here…” Dusk mumbled as they collectively embraced each other.

“You would you idiot.” Blaze giggled as she gently tapped the cerulean siren’s right cheek with a knuckled fist, barely even making skin contact.

The hardships of their punishment by the actions of Starswirl the Bearded had engendered hatred and a drive to feast upon the humans for power they could no longer attain. Like grazers feeding on a slowly growing pasture which would grow no longer than two inches. They had spent next to a good three hundred years on earth following Adagio and her countless schemes which never bore fruit, though it did alter the course of human history on several monumental moments. All the failures and time spent in the magicless realm had dulled their sharp teeth into almost threatless mediocrity until Canterlot High. Adagio had chosen to pursue the true magic she sensed and let themselves become drunk on power, never once questioning where the Equestrian magic had originated from at any point in time. Their spear tip was scrapped on rough stone to get some kind of edge, and an edge which shattered when the interlopers and Sunset put a stop to their advance. The pack fallen to its hubris, they had ran away and nearly died if it were not for the actions of the exiles. They desperately tried to cling to hope following the Equestrian and Sunset, only to be left with nothing of use at the café. Life died for them at that moment before a sliver of renewal came out of the blue with none other than a fresh siren stone. With it came a bargain with a fresh sample to taste with, their spirits were relit with revenge as it became the bonfire of passion. Their new stones were far more powerful than their old ones, which only served to widen their ravenous aspirations. They would hit a few bumps in the road and hammer out personal issues, but it all thankfully lead up to the golden gates. Their homeworld brimming with magic and true prey was only moment away from them, and a little care package would be joining them as well. Poseidon seemed to grace them in their leave, to that the sirens muttered a thank you to the all father of the oceans.

Twilight took note of her friends as they seemed completely overwhelmed as much as the banished behind them. She could only guess this was just like how she felt when her brother finally reappeared back when Principle Cinch called her in to have her participate in the Friendship Games. The overwhelming sense of rapture after almost more than seven years of communication silence with the young man was almost too much for her to bare. She could remember it very well as she stood there before the forming gateway to Equis that Paradox and Emerath had already swarmed and started to speak to it.

Principle Cinch’s Office several weeks ago….

Twilight had been caught with Spike by Dean Cadence as she ran through a brilliant moment with learning about momentum magic for a perpetually spinning turbine for energy generation. Thankfully she knew about the little puppy and only warned her not to have him out in the open for fear of Cinch finding out. However, that was not the reason she pulled her out of her lab as it seemed Twilight was needed for some reason once again. She remembered that the older woman did hint at another visitation, but for what other than to help verify candidates for the games against Canterlot High was beyond her perception. The magical tomes that Yellow Tail provided were enough to keep her occupied nearly twenty four seven, developing ideas along the way with each spell, ward, or charm.

The time of guessing ended once they reached the fated entryway, the elaborate dark wood door opened up by itself into the barely lighted office. The one bulb shone brightly over Cinch’s desk whose chair suddenly swiveled around with the one in question. Twilight cautiously strode in with the sound of Cadence behind her joining in as the door shut soon after.

“Ahhh if it isn’t my prized student, I have to say the funding that Sir Yellow Tail has given us will go nicely to train our students in the tri relay race. It seems that Principle Celestia was willing to take on the idea of a motor bike challenge, so I’ve used the funds to send our best and athletic to a race track who gladly gives classes to anyone willing to learn. That said, I’m sure you are wondering why you are here?” she asked as her hands clasped together.

Twilight stood before her now out of her element and notions of grandeur she felt naked and alone, “I… I’m not sure? Do you need help filling a spot in the roster? I’m… sure I can find someone who’d suit the position you need?” she stuttered nervously.

Cinch gave no indication she cared for her discomfort as she simply shook her head, “As you can imagine the Friendship Games are very important to the school’s reputation! We have won every event since it was fostered by Canterlot High with my predecessor Principle Platinum who had graciously retired. I have ensured that each of the Games received our best and brightest to honor her and the school’s established expectations it has over the student body.” She rose from her large office chair and strode around the desk to the right side where a large globe of the earth stood on a moving fixture.

“It doesn't matter whether or not Crystal Prep wins or loses. The important thing is we are expected to win because Crystal Prep has a reputation. And it is that reputation, my reputation, that is responsible for everything we have here as well as you receiving those opportunities to acquire funds for school use my dear. As with any of our most valuable students we cater to them and let their talents soar to the skies, isn’t that right Alumni Armor?” at the mere mention of the name had the young girl spinning in her spot and trying to see through the darker area of the room by the door she came through.

Sure enough as her eyes adjusted from the oddly lit office there came forth her brother wearing his old Crystal Prep commemorative sweater vest over a dress shirt. He appeared much older than she remembered him, but those unique facial features and proportions, the hair style, those sky blue eyes and pearl skin affirmed to her that he was indeed her long missed brother. Throwing everything aside as well as Principle Cinch’s little speech, Twilight ran over and quite frankly threw herself into him. He was a little more muscled, perhaps from the years he spent wherever he went and working on the heavy lifting himself. He always did that for her, whenever a book was too high on the shelf or she needed to get a stack of them from her room back to their father’s study.

She breathed in deeply hoping this was no dream of false of mind, that this was indeed her brother. He still used the same soap she remembered, it was a tinge masculine while possessing a hint of lilac. One of her favorite floral scents, one their mother grew in the backyard during her off time and the kind which calmed her down when she stressed too much about tests in school. She’d even gone into the research of essential oils and their immediate effect on the body after sensory nerves picked up on them. While all that was fascinating, Principle Cinch coughed into her hand to break the reunion apart before they even said any words.

Blushing red she composed herself and shied her eyes away, “S... sorry Principe Cinch, I just haven’t seen my brother in so long.”

“Yes, quite obvious, and I’m sure you two want to catch up. So I’ll just skip to the reason you’re here, I need you to join the Friendship Games Shadow Bolts team and use your brilliant mind to best Canterlot High and leave them choking on our collective dust! For you see, the past quarter has seen a tremendous rise in student grades, attendance, and even participation in the entire curriculum and advanced classes for college bound students! Where this sudden resurgence of success has originated from only means one thing… they must be stomped like the insects they are and be reminded of which school is the better. No strange events or light shows could move students as common as those ones who attend there would ever be motivated to such lengths in a record amount of time. Something has them empowered… but that remains to be seen. So… Twilight will you be joining us?” she had walked over to the siblings and stood stock before the girl, her fuchsia eyes not so much as glaring as they were anticipating a specific answer from her and prepared a response.

Still elated at the presence of her brother, it felt as if a bombshell had been dropped on her joyous time, “You… want me on the team?”

“Yes, there appears to be a very unique student there by the name of Sunset Shimmer whose speculated to be running the so called revolution at that school. She’ll need someone to stifle that mind of hers and I cannot think of a better genius than you. Of course, if you don’t want to help Crystal Prep win again, I can remove your application to the Everton I.S. program? I can even take back the school property you have in your lab as well, after all what use is a brilliant student if they do not contribute to the school from which they subsist off?” her claim of threat was as true as any chemical reaction involving a potent acid, she really was going to use the school card on her.

She could hear Cadence sigh quietly and feel her brother place a gentle hand on his sister’s shoulder, “We’ve always won, Crystal Prep holds the record of most victories in all categories all thanks to the generous donations and prestige over the years since its founding. Come on Twily, I’ve known you for so long there’s no way C.P. would lose with you heading the brains of the team?” he joined in and sided with the conniving woman, throwing the girl into a deeper loop of uncertainty.

As she hesitated to give an answer, besides her brothers return she felt a calming warmth develop within her as she remembered Sonata and then the declaration from Adagio. She had access to magic now and she was a Dazzling, if she were the Twilight Sparkle from before Yellow Tail approached her. She would have crumbled with the fear of being thrown into something she was ill prepared for. She had no experience in physical activity unless she counted surviving Sonata’s bear hugs or hauling Adagio out of the restaurant. Hopefully she could gain some spells to benefit her in the contest even if it had her running or diving into something, as she was not the best coordinated person unlike Shining Armor. The acts to follow and events to win would be approachable now, and the confidence in her new assets and allies would serve as her support. If everything worked out as she expected the puzzle pieces to do so, she’d have magical abilities that would allow her to move beyond Crystal Prep without its recommendations. Cinch would be like a child with their candy taken away from them, crying at the loss of something they should have appreciated more.

Something inside her popped and exercised itself which would later become the voice and the magic within her that had a mind of its own, ‘If she thinks I’m just some push over to use like a show hound she’s got another thing coming! I’ll play her little game, and she won’t see it coming.’

Letting go of her reservations due to shock and awe, “I’ll do it.” she gave her firm answer.

“Good… that is good. Well then, since we see eye to eye on this matter then I believe you should devote the rest of the time we have before the games to prepare. I’m actually glad that you’re willing to go through with this, the spirit in you is what has fueled many of our Alumni to become great movers and shakers of this nation and abroad. Do keep that in mind?” she smiled and turned back to her desk to lift up a manila folder, “Oh and here are the game events for you, the rest of the Shadow Bolts have received theirs. I’ll trust you’ll handle yourself accordingly in preparation?”

Sparkle gave a confident grin at Armor who showed a little upset in his siblings character, “I’ll be more than ready Principle Cinch.” She went up to grab the folder as it was given to her.

Portal to Equestria in front of Canterlot High

Twilight removed herself from her memories as the mages by the portal were in full swing to bring it into operation. By then the others were in a protective circle around the seven foot tall chrome ball whose aura disappeared and just seemed like a giant ball sitting in place.

She heard Emerath speak as he guided Yellow over, “Schrodinger is performing the necessary rites to gain control over the new anchor locations, in five minutes we should be able to send the first of us through. You and Inferno of course will have to be last, you’ll need to go through the original anchor point to destroy it. Should be easy just by stepping through it.”

The crimson haired man appeared to agree and Sparkle listened on intently, “Perfect, splendid!! Everyone!? Just in a few moments we will begin our return! You know the drill, don’t get caught, and use the amulets I gave you to communicate with me if you need help. We’ll have a long road ahead of us after all and this mere step is nothing short of a walk in the park! Paradox will handle the rest from here on out. Good luck and be safe!”

His address to the others was received with a mix of reactions varying from clapping hands to roars of righteousness such as Magnus and Havoc. Plenty of them needed to get back as others were just hoping their homes were still there after all the time that had passed. Of course the Lich who hid her face under a sun hat seemed as always impassive to any emotion, even under the festive air about her she seemed unmoved.

Adagio and the girls separated from their hugging and moved to join the Exiles, she had to know their number in which they’d go through in the subsequent order that was issued. As much as she wanted to be the first ones to take the plunge, portal magic worked in dangerous ways if it was not treated with respect that much she knew. Sonata however separated from them and rushed over to Twilight who had only then started to walk towards the gateway, she seemed eager to talk as she came before the human girl.

“Um? Do you need anything?” Sparkle inquired as she kept looking between the siren and the gathering Exiles with anticipation.

Sporting a sheepish stall in her reason for getting in the girl’s way she tapped her fingers together nervously. It was enough for her to get into position, but whatever it was she needed to say was almost painful to speak.

“I wanted to thank you for being my very first friend. I also wanted to say I’m… sorry about what happened to you after the pendants sorta kinda did take over your mind and all. I promise that if we had known we would have stopped it, I would have stopped it! For realzies, we had no idea these old stones did what they did.” She seemed deflated and hurt as she went on, “I mean I guess it would be like holding a spell over me before a whole buffet of tacos and… and I would never want to eat them. BUT I’d deep down want to eat each and every one of those delicious shelled meat things with greens and cheese! I’d feel like I was dying inside a little each day I couldn’t will myself to eat one. So I can imagine what… it must have felt?”

Sparkle by then had detached herself from the portal event and focused on the siren who poured her heart out in honest. However, it was Sonata after all and she was the most transparent of the three with Aria second and Adagio third. If she was apologizing as strongly as she were just then, she’d have to hear her out and see where it was all going. It was still a bit of a painful thought to come back to, even if she had Yellow help her work through it.

Her world’s sirens were something else, they made her put herself in danger and go through with scary moments she’d have otherwise left alone. Not the Dazzlings, they were not that insidious to enslave her as she came to realize through those private moments with each of them. Even though she felt violated up until she was cured by Sunset, one of whom she’d have to give her a slice a gratitude for doing her such a service. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were not the ones who forced her to go along with everything, they were just there and did what they had to do to feed. Though, Dusk’s apology did patch up the tenderness, lending Twilight to smile at the other worldly being she’d come to know as a friend.

She placed a hand on the blue girl’s arm, “Thanks, that means a lot to me. But I’m aware that… you three were not the ones who took away my choice to say no and in hindsight? I’m… kind of glad for that as well. If I had not gone through such lengths to help you girls when you needed it the most, we’d likely had never even gotten to this point in time. I guess what I mean to say is that… those gems gave me confidence even if it slaved me. I have magic now… even if it needs work. I’m going to another world where I can continue my research and come back with all kinds of ways to better the world… my world. You guys are my friends, my first real friends since my brother or Cadence.”

Of course the admission of removal of guilt had put the widest smile and teary eyes on Dusk anyone had ever seen, and shortly she once again lifted the human in a bear hug.

“Oooooh!! You do forgive us! I’m so happy!!” the little moment ruined as Sparkle found it hard to breath as if a constricting snake had wrapped around her in a deathly grip.

Her rabble had thankfully attracted Adagio’s hearing who looked to the scene, “Stop breaking Twilight and get over here!!”

“YA! Come on dunce! We gotta get going!” Blaze yelled with a bit of irritation at the antics of their lesser.

The two eventually joined the circle of Exiles as they awaited Paradox to give the go ahead, Twilight coughing a little as her body had a mild soreness from the excited siren. Serak had returned her backpack with the puppy inside once she recovered well enough of her breath. Leaving just as Twilight exposed the purple green furred dog to Sonata and introduced the two. Everyone else stood in silence as they waited with baited air, watching the older mage wave his hands over the metallic surface as the spell finally started to take shape.

The portal lost its reflective chrome feature in a brilliant wave of ripples along its once sleek smooth surface. The effect lasted only seconds, leaving a new surface that appeared to be looking directly into Equestria from the sky. Mana started to flow out from the gate, invigorating the banished alike as if inhaling fresh mountain air on a cold spring day. Ponies were flying in the distance or trotting on pathways from village to village, there were plenty of trees and grassy plains which seemed almost alien to take in. The scenery was what took most by surprise, the age of which their homeworld had grown into became almost a moment of utter appall as Paradox waved the scene to change like it were an spyglass over a map. There were almost human-like cities with large bridges of modern architecture, boats and fancy airships decorated the city hubs like flies around a corpse over the pony lands. Then came Canterlot standing impossibly pristine and mighty, thrice the size it was back in their time they were sent away. The length of time that they were gone had lent Equis to evolve into almost human level era minus the pursuit of huge smoke choking industry that at least Old Oak seemed happy with.

A mix of reactions had also occupied everyone’s attention to the soft sounds of footsteps on the lawn around them. So drawn to their world like a dragon eyeing a cache of treasure, no one saw the coming attack that laid them low except Twilight who was for the most part distracted as Spike kept licking her face as she tried to gaze in wonderment at the other world. She managed to turn around just soon enough to only be grazed by the incoming white orb floating in mid air which was meant for her spine. Yet the electrically charged sphere still shocked her just as the others, but her magic which had recuperated lent her a bit of resistance.

All around her the exiles and the sirens were sent to the ground convulsing in agony as the very magical attack had shocked their nerves like a stun gun by invisible offenders. Even the might of Magnus, Havoc, and the Lich were incapacitated, knees and feet held them all into submission as cloaked figures weighed on their bodies.

Twilight had dropped her backpack and spike with it in her fall, feeling a stony joint pressing into her gut with another stun spell primed and readily hovering over her face to keep her placid. There was nothing she could think to do that would not result in a full on shock, so she waited and appeared to be unable to move. Their attackers would reveal themselves and leave an opening for her to exploit, but she’d leave the fighting to the others. She may be resourceful but she was not a violent person inherently nor by choice. These were magic wielders as well, likely too strong for her to best even their weakest members.

Her hope for the window of opportunity came with the manifestation of a gray robed figure that strode by her feet as they went around the circle of bodies. She could see black leather boots with gold embroidery, but the rest was obscured by the clothing draped over their frame. Just a piece of their chin and mouth was all that was available to the naked eye and her captor would not let her head move to get anymore of a look.

A man spoke out loud, masculine yet similar to how Monet’s tone often went, “Prisoners of Equestria! Criminals! Dangerous creatures of ancient Equis! Cease and desist this breakout attempt and your punishment will be given trial! Do not give cause to order aggressive tactics. This is the Arcana Securitatem Sub Warden, and you will comply!”

No one moved a single muscle as they all more so widened their eyes at the revelation, Arcana was right within hands reach and there they were captured once again. Most of the aggressive exiles peaked on the siren’s radar, their jailers had graciously sent a punching bag for them to have a nice send off with only they were stunned into shackles by waiting spells threatening to hurt them even more. Their otherwise calm auras had taken on a nice green glow signaling Adagio that their negative emotions were the strongest they’d get before they acted upon them much like she would if she ever saw Starswirl ever again.

Yellow spoke with his face mushed with a shoe pressing his face into the grass, “Now now, there’s no need to get all wrilled up? Sub Warden was it? I’d like to extend a temporary olive branch if not to stop this from resulting in rather… unnecessary bodily harm to good sir?” Yellow offered even though he himself glowed almost red to the Dazzlings as much as Pandius or Emerath had, “Please, let us talk this out shall we?”

“The likes of you deserve no quarter, you are the prisoner leading this escape are you not? You’ve been the hardest to keep watch over, and I can only assume those cases over there contain weapons to be used against the Crown and their subjects? Answer me!” the warden commanded.

Above the exiles their guards holding their metaphorical guns suddenly appeared just as the Warden did. Whatever spell they used to conceal themselves had finally worn out, showing off the same kind of gray robed figures with rather ugly grins and sneers as they held power over long forgotten enemies to harmony. They were almost sadistic in the satisfaction of holding them all hostage, something the sirens could taste the sweetness of far better than any sugary treat in the human world.

“Well yes I am the one. How can I help you good Warden?” Yellow answered.

“Under Provision five leaders of the escape are to be detained and questioned, if found guilty of conspiracy to break out of confinement and back into Equestria. Prisoners involved shall be sentenced to isolated confinement in a tesseract. All of you shall be stripped of your powers and released after the portal has been secured. Tampering with the portal also allows me to use Provision five’s recent addendum to secure a harness of void stones to the guilty which will be permanent once the portal has been repaired. You have done something to it and the use of the mirror has recently been rendered unusable. Seeing this… thing before me means you have altered the way through… you will fix it” the Warden pointed to the big man who breathed heavily under the guard’s weight, his throat slightly being cut off if he moved in any manner.

“Yes… yes it is I! But I cannot undo it, ze spell I mean. I created it vith a deadman’s switch so if I leave ze proximity, if my magic vanishes zen ze portal goes with it permanently on this side.” Which earned an extra nudge of pressure from the guard sitting on him.

“Crafty I will comment on that, your punishment will be held off for now. Can the spell be completed and keep the portal intact? Watch your words carefully, as this point on you are all stepping on broken glass.” The Warden warned standing menacingly waiting for the answer to come, a snap of the fingers had the subordinate over the mage lighten his hold.

Coughing up a bit of phlegm, “Vell yes… I suppose, nein ve all have to go. It is tailored to us, if you send your guards instead ze spell vill not end. It only goes to Equestria now, it will collapse and destroy ze anchor here if ze magic expires!” a few grunts of disapproval came from the cloaked figures.

“This complicates matters… Irons! I need you to…” the Warden began to issue an order when shouting erupted from all around them, tires screeching to a halt, and doors sliding open as well as slamming shut.

By this time the actions of the Exiles had drawn the attention of the authorities over the missing responses of the officers still knocked out on the ground. People were sporadically recording and streaming the scene since they started the process with the portal as well. They had human guards swarming their position with armor and weapons, sporting F.B.I. in white letters on dark fabric who began shouting at the equestrians. Giant armored cars had disembarked police and swat teams on the scene, black vehicles with shiny chassis had formed a barricade between the crime scene and the public in the distance. Heads turned as four helicopters zoomed overhead in a circling pattern, dark gray aerial vehicles with more police in them sporting rifles aimed directly at the Warden and his guards.

A megaphone shook the flabbergasted prison guards, “This is the F.B.I.!! Release the hostages and step away!! We have you surrounded… hands up where we can see them!!” said the bald agent from behind an armored SUV.

The Warden took in their new situation, they had enough mana to hold off the humans but not enough if the prisoners revolted and escaped their binds. As it were he had no reason to believe they’d receive additional backup if the exile was indeed telling the truth. He also feared what would happen to anyone using the portal to get through after being tampered with, horrible accidents were proven to occur by the department of portal science.

Quick witted, he chose to handle the humans to lesson the opportunity of the criminals from getting an upper hand, “Teal Team! Down those airships. Ice spells only. Red Team! Shields!” He spoke out loud as more guards came into existence by his side with gemstones in hand glowing an ice blue with coursing power.

“Yes sir!”


The pilots of the Black Hawk helicopters who had maintained their steady swirl around the school took heed of the many alarms and shuddering convulsions of the craft they were belted into. The dials and gauges were flying everywhere as the primary rotor essentially slowed to a stop as frost sealed the mechanical instrument in place and froze the fluids. The other men in the troop compartment gripped onto anything close by as the aircraft violently quaked into a dive. Though they had tethers to the roof of the copter, they were taken off guard by the plummeting drop that befell all the transports.

The command car hidden by the swat trucks received panicked calls of alarm they had not expected to ever hear.

“Command! We’re losing altitude!? Primary engine is gone! This is one two we are going into a controlled dive!”

“Command this is one four we’ve lost the primary engine and we’re going down!!”

“This is one one, we’ve taken some kind of hit!! No smoke or anything! We’re going to crash! Aiming for a park in the west five clicks from your position!!”

“Overwatch!!! This is one three we’re going down on top of a hospital! I can’t steer away! Send help!..... Brace!!”

Dazzle could hear the minute changes in the way the flying machines sounded, they altered in a way which would mean they were injured in some fashion. They were decelerating and falling if she knew sound as well as any siren did, and she guessed it was all due to the ponies. The human guards around them took heed and were hard to steel themselves to the loss of assets, fear gripped their hearts as negativity sprouted into a whole new branch of flavor even with her face pressed unceremoniously into the pavement of the walkway.

“One last time! Get down on the ground or you will receive a warning shot!” the loud speaker commanded to no avail as the situation just grew dark.

“On the ground!!”

“Get down now!!!”

“Off the hostages now!!”

The well armed police shouted everywhere and each direction, guns ready to take lives at the pull of a trigger in the barbaric method of control humanity was famed for. It would do her a great satisfaction if the Arcana dogs fowled their encounter and errored enough to receive death’s sweet embrace. For Adagio, they were no better than Starswirl the Bearded in their remorse, she knew how they felt and were getting kicks out of treating them as such. All except the Warden who seemed to hide his state too well, he was an unknown and she hated those types of personalities. She watched as the ride went on and further into Tartarus.

The Warden clenched his fists and finally frowned before Yellow Tail and Inferno, “Execute three forty two!!”

“Sir yes Sir!!” the guards all answered as one.

Those who held the exiles under their power delivered another shock spell before dismounting off their charges. Guard ponies in human form soon turned their wanton violent behavior to attack the humans, erecting durable magical barriers upon their own bodies as additional protection while more offensive spells were taking shape in their mitts to be sent forth. No sooner had they did so did the officers fire their first volley out of fear of the charging crazy cultists, the first finger pulled the trigger to a shotgun which snowballed the situation as the other men and women in uniform did as such. The bangs of gunfire peppered the very air with such a chorus of ear shattering pain and rank gun powder that the shields couldn’t protect from. Loud tangs against the magical barriers resounded even more raucously than the firing process as they echoed off the hard colorful bubbles.

In a brief flash in her vision, Adagio saw her mother between her and the human guard moving forward at a steady pace as they continued to fire at the flame, water, air, and mana casting Arcana. Perhaps it was the overload of her senses, the sheer volume of negative energy causing their pendants to soak up the ambient source of food passively. Maybe it was her predatory nature which wanted to go into fight mode as the violence reached a fever pitch with the battle underway and smoke rising in the distance where the helicopters had crashed?

Her mother just stood in her full glory in the same siren form as she appeared in her dreams, smiling at her lovingly as if she were proud of her first song. The elder appeared like a phantom as humans ran through her ghostly body, there she was as joyous as she could ever imagine to be. She spoke to her with no real discernible voice other than her lips and mouth moving past all the chorus of destruction and chaos. But Adagio knew what was being said and it emboldened her from that and the restoring energy.

‘I’m proud of you my little Dazzle.’

Ch. 50 Farewell

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Ch. 50 Farewell

Roadblock after roadblock Shimmer drove the stolen truck past police barricades and black vehicle barriers trying to get to the girls who were sent to a clinic near the school. As it appeared to be the case, the authorities had several streets sealed off and they were running out of road to drive. Undaunted, Sunset sat in the middle with Flash holding onto her with the erratic way the older woman was driving. She desperately had slowed down and sped up whenever they got to close to the police cars and made a dash to the next street.

Surprisingly the back of the cab had a bag of clothing, and thankfully enough to chose from. Of course in their rush Sunset had to remove the hospital gown and switch into semi comfortable attire, and being only in her undergarments Sentry had to shield his eyes. If not out of respect for the teenager, he was also afraid of looking like a pervert to her human verse of his world. He thankfully did not end up in the kind of situations in the movies where something would go bad and the male character would end up being blamed and slapped at least once. The drive was easy after they were set to go, but the ride was something else.

“Can we not get a break today?!” Shimmer yelled to the road as she once again backed up and back traced their route.

Sentry held the seatbelt that secured his girlfriend a little forward as it had bitten into her sore body, “What if we just stop and make it on foot!” he grunted.

“Because they’ll see us going in, it’s a lockdown because of that fight going on at the school. Either way we won’t be able to make it to the others or the battle in time!” Sunset chewed a fingernail anxiously, they couldn’t find any available option to exploit as the truck lurched in a turn through an intersection.

The girls had no luck being reachable on their phones, so Sunset could not even say goodbye to them even at a distance, “I either let the Dazzlings go through just to see the girls once the police clear out… or I take to the portal on foot like you mentioned.”

Shimmer had weaved through a few cars before pulling the vehicle over to the front of a barbershop where people were leaving in a hurry. A best guess was they were trying to see why there were so many cop cars passing by earlier and the gunfire that erupted in the distance. It was the same scene everywhere else which was why there were blockades in the way. After hearing the other choice to take, the older woman made the choice for her doppelganger as she turned off the engine and stung a glare at the teens.

“Face the facts, you’re not going to see your friends before you leave. You either waste time trying… or you go through the alley ways and reach that warzone out there. Heck I can hear it from here!” the woman punched the steering wheel hard and instantly winced to the pain, and in truth they could hear the pops of guns going off with the windows rolled up.

“I just… I wanted to say thank you to them for being the few friends I had… I wanted to say goodbye.” Her mood dipped into near depressed tones as she admitted to Sentry, “You and Rose were the only others who really engaged with me, but I feel like I never really spent much time with the girls besides Pinkie Pie. Heck if it wasn’t for her during my darker times with the curse I’d probably be in a mental hospital by now.” Flash patted her on the back as he too remembered that portion of time and that walk they had to her dorm.

Shimmer’s pained hand dimmed to a mild sting and dull thumping as more people passed in front of the truck, “Then get your fat behind up and let’s go! That fight can end any minute now and you won’t get to go back home. Come on, let’s go!” she hefted the large door open and jumped down from the high seat of the elevated four by four.

The two teenagers were confused as she exited, trialing her all the way over to the other side of their door and opening it. A hand gesturing them to come out as she urgently coaxed them out. Of course they were unmoved and still unable to comprehend the serious nature she was in. Sunset did not actually want to leg it over, she had a spike of fear of seeing what was warring at Canterlot High.

“I’m not kidding! Do I look like I’m joking? If I have one chance to make a difference in my life… even if it’s not my own but another me then I’m taking the chance! If I have to piggy back you onwards I will.” She glared at her Equestrian self as she stepped aside for them to leave the vehicle.

“You’re really crazy aren’t you?!” Flash called her out, “Look I was only onboard on this if we saw the others and hopefully they would try to convince her to not go. Now you’re really putting her in danger! Sunset you can’t do this!? Please?”

His plea however were not taken as well as he hoped with the cat out of the bag, Sunset seemed not only to be battling the idea her human verse offered but took his admission as an offense. She knew he only was acting out of care for her well being and she was not in the best of condition to speak of. Though the ambient battle sounds did soften her initial reply to his comment knowing it would be no picnic once they got to the campus. In the end, he acted way out of line as he tried to undermine her plan after he vowed to side with her, he really did love her if a bit misguided or possessive.

“LOOK!! Whatever I choose to do is my choice and no one else’s! Flash… I know you care and maybe too much too soon… because I will be gone for a time just like Princess Twilight. But…” she gently caressed his face with a hand, “I will come back, I may want to work things out with Princess Celestia and save my world from destruction, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to stay? I will come back because… because being human and being with all of you has been the best time of my life I’ve ever felt!” she grabbed his chin and steadied his face to her gaze as she went on.

“Flash I love you as much as I love the girls, we’ve gone through so much together and we know each other better than anyone else! But my home needs me! If your parents were in trouble you’d act as soon as you’d hear about it. So give me some faith… just like your mother.” Bringing up his family’s history seemed to hit it home with him and thankfully quickly enough as Shimmer was growing impatient.

“Ya, you’re not her caretaker after all. We girls are tougher than you think!” she noted as she tapped her shoe and earned a short glare from Sunset.

“Please… help me get to the portal so we can find a way to stop others from getting hurt! I can’t live with myself if I let that happen.” She cupped his cheeks with both hands and brought her forehead close to his, easing his stressful state with a sigh.

The pause lasted a good minute before he in earnest gave up trying to stop her, he knew her old self and how it still carried on in her reformed personality to the present day. She was the type of person with a drive to do something and complete it, never backing down even if she doubted herself. That Queen Wasp personality had left a mark on her, whenever someone said no she’d find a way to confront it like an angry wasp if she saw a legitimate reason. She would face danger, indeed that he would never ignore, but this was important to her and who was he to stand in the way of it? He could still stay by her side even if they had to wade through magical attacks and more demonic entities, with a garnish of human weapons in the mix.

“I’m going to hate myself for this in the morning…” he unbuckled the two of them and stepped out first, handing a hand out for her to take as she looked at him dumbfounded.

“You mean it?” she whispered with watering eyes from happiness.

“When have you ever taken back your word to do something?” he chuckled darkly at the humor.

Shimmer nodded, “Ya, sooner we leave the better too.”

Canterlot High Front Lawn

The entire world had become embroiled in chaos, one of which there seemed to be no true harm coming to the prison guards in the beginning. Where a dragon rampaging through a pony town might trap and crush a family, or the wars being constantly fought in the human world in some far off country. This meeting of technology and magic was the equivalent of a one sided schoolyard tussle as Arcana mages managed to close the gap between them and the police undeterred.

Something Discord took the moment to pop in and watch from a safe way away, using binoculars to see the happenings and feeding theatre snacks into his gullet. He took delight in the mayhem being wrought, and of course he did whistle at the over the top antics that took out the airships. The little twist at the end was like fine icing on an ice cream cake before it flew away like ash in the wind. He found the Arcana a little fascinating, those ponies had a fine leader among them if they went to such active lengths even against the humans hardware.

He chuckled after they crash landed, one of which spurned adorable little Sunset onto the right path. Of course she lost the ability of the book he’d given her when they first met, something he’d have to rectify otherwise in due time she’d not live to see her old mentor again or play her part. Pulling out a rather large grandfather clock from a portal to his left, Discord observed the time as a loud bell rung as an alarm to the next hour having passed.

“The final play of the first act… my my my how time flies.” He chuckled as the wooden case filled with brass gears sprouted wings and began to flap away.

Down in the field of battle, Arcana barriers stood resilient and unblemished as unicorn guards handled the spells with careful regulation of mana. No slug or bullet could penetrate the magic which began to pile up on the ground deformed from meeting an unmovable surface. There had been two hundred feet originally between the guards and the human authorities, in the span of half a minute the distance was hands length away. Police who had held the line were at a loss as to how to handle what appeared to be nearly invisible deflecting shields staying the hostages from rescue and keeping the incoming crazed people from being put down. Volleys were fired and yet none found home, they sparked at best or ricocheted into the air. Though what prompted officers to begin moving forward were the appearance of liquid water, fireballs, and many other nearly delusional conjurings that took shape in the dangerous cultists hands. With impending weapons of supernatural powers manifesting menacingly, the more audacious police figured closing the distance would hopefully crack whatever was protecting them.

Officer Huckleberry witnessed the unbelievable happen as he went to reload his weapon, trying to shove another cartridge into the bottom slot of the shotgun. Water snaked from three of the closing suspects like vipers striking at a mouse, splashing upon officers Golden Spirit and Copper Penny. No sooner had that happened did the fluid begin to freeze upon their bodies, in seconds they were unable to move their limbs and thankfully they were just incapacitated and not encapsulated as their frightened cries indicated. Huckleberry backed away and knocked into fully armored SWAT officer, one who grunted and pushed him away just in time to coincidently save him from an incoming flat slab of dirt that the other man received. He and five others were flipped over onto their backs from the impact, of which their armor and face shields guarded the worst from injuring them but the kinetic energy still rattled their brains in their skulls. Huckleberry snapped to the downed men who were all moaning on the pavement dazed and confused.

From then on the battle went into a steady pace in favor of the Arcana, going through the anterior wall of human guards with ease and forcing them into inaction. As for the exiles and Twilight, things were looking to change very soon. The last stun attack had rendered many of them unable to do much but squirm from their wrecked nervous system. Even the likes of Magnus and Inferno were unable to do much but curse under their breath as they failed many a times to get up. With the Warden nearby, they wouldn’t have gotten far either from what Adagio guessed. She looked around and grinned at the sight of her Dazzlings showing movement when they in all rights shouldn’t have, she wasn’t alone. Twilight however must have done something cunning, the stun spell was meant for adult bodies with magical potential. Nonetheless, she was overjoyed that they were still in the game when even the infamous criminals of Equestria were helpless.

‘Just need to figure out how to handle this… no doubt the Warden has protection he’s keeping hidden. So we can’t just sing or jump him now, maybe if we bait him?’ Adagio thought carefully with what resources she had available.

The golden siren stayed on the ground as she moved her head to the girls. Sonata had her strength to bank on and likely all of them for that matter, yet she knew how to put her own powers to such use. Aria and she were out of the question which left Sparkle, she was too weak to combat a mage like the Warden. At twenty percent of her limiter she’d only use basic magic, nothing beneficial to her until she gazed at the exiles that were in pain in more ways than one.

It took a few moments before she realized that Twilight likely knew restoration magic and that could easily recover the brawlers of the group. The fighting began to sound further and further away as the Arcana guards worked their path through the police, she had seconds to enact the plan which would free up Havoc and Magnus. Once they went toe to toe with the Warden, her sirens could capture the brainless stallions around him and double their fighting force. Using the enemies own power source she’d buy them time to get the ride home moving.

“Twilight! Can you move?!” she whispered over to the girl on her back.

The lavender skinned teenager had wide eyes as if she too realized they were able to move like her, “I think I can? Why?”

“Can you caste a healing spell?” she asked with a few takes at the guards who were thankfully busy watching their comrades do the dirty work.

Sparkle shook her head, “I believe so? You’re not hurt are you?”

“I’m fine, but I need you to bring the rouge dragon and the berserker back into the fight. We need them to keep the Warden at bay while we capture some of his guards. Can you do that?” she hoped to Poseidon she’d hear only yes, a no would turn the tables back into inaction or dangerous risk.

Lifting a hand to rub her forehead, “I… I think so? Um… let me locate the proper spell for this, I have do something first give me a moment?” She replied and went into a trance of some kind that caused the matriarch to have a twitching muscle in her right eye.

“Well hurry up! And you better not be sleeping either!” Dazzle growled as she gripped a handful of grass and squeezed hard for whatever stupid reason the girl just zoned out.

While she waited, the rest of the battle drove onwards to the flanks of the school where the rest of the police and federal agents were being pushed back or taken down. Like a scythe to wheat, magical containment spells reaped through the ranks while nothing seemed to stop the advancing Arcana. Without aerial support to at least distract them, the humans fell away or those that could. Mud solidified feet and bodies to the ground, water froze whatever it touched, flames blinded eyesight, and air currents practically lifted the armored cops into the air several feet to be sailed into various directions. Screams and cries of help went unanswered as others still shouted in vain as their only means of defense was a fruitless.

With the humans falling in retreat, Adagio grimaced as she sensed everything was slipping from her grip. They were on the precipice of failure and she had only Twilight to rely on, how she could have wished all this happened before their gems lost most of their power. At least then she could have used her latest ability of the sonic blast, the same one she used to disable the Rainbooms and destroy that restroom at the restaurant. Currently, their gems were barely fifteen percent with the violence fueling their recharge, it seemed humanity fighting for their lives offered far more potent negativity than whatever they harbored naturally.

Then suddenly, her cream yellow ears picked up the voice of the very one she needed the most, “Found it! Sorry it took so long I had to locate the specific healing spell for recovery. Did you know the offensive magic the guards used has to be specifically removed or else it...” her happily little short lecture died once she noticed the scowl upon Dazzle, “Casting now!” Sparkle closed her eyes and reopened with a haze of mana glowing around her.

“Curatio fortitudo propago!!” the medical spell was spoken and acted as she did with the knock out spell, only this time there was no wave of mana but a single stream gently flowing from Sparkle’s chest.

The spell did as it was needed, silently it sought out the targets which Twilight imagined in the process of casting. Havoc and Magnus both froze in place as they received the relief and cessation of over stimulated muscles and nerves, leaving their bodies to move with ease again. Like cold water splashed upon them, their sober state was not left to squander and they took no heed to the source of the aid. All that they knew then was that they were free of pain and their limbs could actually move to their widest range and contract perfectly. Havoc chuckled manically as he cracked his fingers by flexing them, immediately afterwards launching up to a standing position with the spryness of a young dragon. Magnus had simply rolled over and groaned, rising to his feet cursing in some foreign language like a grumpy old man.

The Warden had been too occupied with the work of his guards in the distance to see Inferno made a mad dash into him, the surprise assault had both crack into each other and bounce on the grass. The lesser ponies were left aghast as they realized the prisoners were overcoming the stun spells. Adagio took that action to stand up herself and call forth her Dazzlings, with the leader being dealt with they could do some serious work and get the portal into working action again.

“Aria, Sonata!! On me!!” Dazzle ordered as she began the hum the most basic of sultry tunes she picked up several decades ago.

The two struggled to pick themselves up, though they slugged through and joined in the tune before the lyrics began. They did as what came natural to them when any Matriarch spoke such a declaration, they followed note for note even as they observed the sudden resuscitation of two of the exiles. They would have been speechless, seeing the extreme violence of Inferno impacting the Sub Warden which would have made them look away if it were not for the morbid curiosity. To see the foe who’d keep them in the human world indefinitely suffer their just reward.

The Dazzling’s voices went into auto pilot as they witnessed every swing of the dragon’s fists into the Arcana henchman’s face like the impact of a hammer. Aria could not help but grin as she sang the first words, seeing the physical violence being carried out in such a brutal fashion made her feel warm inside oddly enough. Something she found not only artistic in its execution, but something of a marvel as primal rage glowed neon green in her vision off of Havoc feeding her gem. Through their combined voices she heard every impact of fist to flesh, bone meeting bone, the slapping of skin against each other in rapid succession. She may not have been the one to deliver the attacks, but it was enough for her to savor the exile duking out the very revenge of being struck by an ambush. She could only imagine the might dragon back home, wreaking utter destruction as he once preached the other day. If this was his human form at its highest rage potential, her mind wondered for a short time his true body as it worked the same upon a pony town. All she could think of was how metal it was.

Sonata had her eyes locked onto Twilight in the mean time, scanning for any harm upon her friend and fellow Dazzling that thankfully none was evident. She barely paid any heed to the two men in front of her beyond a single glance. Joyous that Sparkle was safe for the time being, she sallied up and focused on their music.

The two teams of guards surrounding the Sub Warden were still frozen in place as they witnessed the beating, and only too late to realize the Dazzlings’s enchanted voices working their magic on them. The last thought of any freedom they’d have were those of utter terror before their entire world became nothing but pleasure from the siren’s song. Their pupils shrank as the spell enchanted them into complete obedience, just like the horses they were and human handlers guiding them through a riding session. Adagio lavished in the little piece of Tartarus Canterlot High had become, it was a shame the Rainbooms were not anywhere nearby to witness any of it. She would have loved to have seen their faces as they returned to conquer the real prize and left their school in ruins.

The choir of chaos complimented their music as Adagio began the implementation of their new fans, their adoration powerful and lip smackingly enjoyable. Weaponizing their spell in this manner was something she should have done long ago, and now came the manner of which all of Equestria would fall to their glory. Adagio started with the first phrase, ordering their pawns to their bidding.

“Why don’t you relax and follow our voice…” Adagio began.

The guards dropped their arms to their sides as their whole being gave complete attention from heart to soul to the sirens.

“All we want to do is go home, but you have given us no choice…”

Her Dazzlings maintained the vocal tunes as she continued, their prey would be going nowhere due to the strength of the gemstones. Something about the extinct human world sirens made them far more potent, there was no telling how many people perished from those poor souls.

“Give us your bodies and minds, and seek out foes that would harm us…”

The men clapped their boots together and saluted, even as Havoc continued his relentless fury upon their leader.

“Feel love, break our chains, make them nervous and release us…”

Grins grew upon the enslaved guards as they turned to attack their own, hands glowing with spells working into their casting forms. All the while, negative emotions sprouting from their bodies as if a dam had burst, the green mist fed the sirens with a quick shot to enhance their magic.

“… because The Dazzlings are back!” which Adagio cackled madly as the siren’s eyes began to glow red, empowering their captured pawns into a dash to their new targets and surprising them with magic straight into their flabbergasted faces.

No sooner had their song finished did Havoc receive a bright flash of light from the Sub Warden, forcing his hands to his blinded sight. He let out a shout of excruciating pain which drew the Dazzlings to ne on one fight. The Warden seemed to be recovering as his face rapidly healed with the robe which once obscured his features fully revealed who was underneath. Adagio and Twilight studied the facial structure as they memorized their foe, it was a man with sea green skin with a rather pointed face and chin. Bordering on a gaunt body type, he had white hair trimmed into nearly scraggly military cut which fit his station and told a story of how often he probably used the portal to report to his superiors. Amber eyes stood out and glared intently at the incapacitated dragon on top of him. His face had contorted into an even more enraged state which led to an offensive spell he weaved into his palms.

The appendages thrusted upwards to Inferno’s chest and held pause, “For that you will not have an appeal to your multiple life sentences! Off me Ravenger of Akhal-Teke!!”

A burst of air sailed the exile thirty feet away, landing hard on the grassy lawn with a bounce. Loud grunts and moans came from the affected prisoner as he tried to make the pain in his eyes fade away. He missed Monet and Pandius by inches as his body had rolled to a stop with the painful landing. The Warden thought himself free of trouble as he shakily rose to his feet, his ire turning to the sirens who were the others to come out of their stunned condition. He readied to incapacitate them with an ice wave as it charged in his wickedly curled fingers.

“And YOU three… the Head Warden will want to see you personally… you shouldn’t be standing and that’s a problem.” He seethed through his teeth as his eyes glowed a hot white from the mana being put into the coming attack.

Twilight instinctively froze in place in panic as the girls before her fanned out, she watched them shake a finger at the enemy in a playful manner.

“Ohhh come good sir, we’re just musicians that’s all. We can’t even lift a finger to hurt you… buuuut he might.” Dazzle motioned as did the other two to the Warden’s blind side, smirking wildly as if something comically entertaining were about to befell him.

Twilight watched the approaching Berserker as his squat form seemed to stride proudly to the officer and proceed to send a mighty thick fist straight into his face. The impact was loud and rather disturbing to hear, Sparkle could hear the abrupt movement of certain joints afflicted by the act and the spell dissipating with a sizzle as the mana left the Sub Warden’s hands. He stumbled to his left before catching another hit to his right kidney, the meaty fist sending a ripple through the robe which spun the Arcana member in place before falling back to the ground. Magnus seemed to be delighted and downright maddened as a craze overtook him.

“Aye laddie, I’ve been around a looooot longer than ye. And I have a nice stack of penitence to work on ya, so just sit still and let me ‘ave a go at ye!” to which the designer fighter resumed what Havoc had begun and only this time with far more force behind each throw.

The savage scene forced Twilight to look away and thankfully to a much nicer view, one where Paradox and Emerath were already sitting up on their legs as they fought through the stunning magic. She took that as a means to get away from danger and immediately applied what mana she amassed into healing them. The effect was drastically quick as they breathed easier and started to stand up, a little groggy but none the worse for wear.

“Danke fraulein… I must continue ze spell now. Stand back.” He staggered back to the gateway which still showed the vision of Canterlot Palace, “Ve must go through now before zey stop us!” he slammed his hands onto the surface of the portal as if it were solid and moved his hands to the right, spinning the image into something like that of a heavily forested area.

Emerath had come back in full and dusted himself off, “Sorrow? If you’ll so please go through?” he looked over to the decrepit woman who appeared unaffected in any way.

“If she’s a Lich… does that mean she wasn’t hurt by the guards like you guys were?” Sparkle asked inquisitively as she watched the exile methodically head to the sphere.

The mage checked for tears in his pants as he replied, “Possible? Little stops their kind, but if she were to have actually done anything we’d all likely be very dead right now. Best be thankful she played possum and all that.” Emerath stepped away from the one in question as they slowly proceeded in front of him on their way.

Twilight was about to ask Sorrow of her powers when she noticed the slightly toothy grin of the hunchbacked female that looked specifically at her. Missing teeth and empty portions of her gums greeted her, with the sun hat catching a gust of wind and flying off her head. Her lips mouthed a few words before the very body phased and stretched as the portal took her in. It was a fast act in itself before nothing stood there but empty space, mental notes complied in Twilight’s mind as she started to wonder how it would feel to go through this method of transportation and the possibilities of utilizing it, unlike the portal she accidently created.

“She’s through! Change to Monets!” Emerath shouted as he went to collect the gray skinned woman, Sparkle shaking away her awe and helping the next in line with her restoration spell.


As the prisoners were starting the process of exodus, Adagio had taken to observing the Sub Warden as he desperately tried to shield himself from the engineered warrior. She knew at some point Magnus would lose the edge over the mage and be repulsed in the same manner, it was likely the Warden was prepared for anything and probably couldn’t even feel the attacking knuckles. He was just simply stalling from the blunt impacts to do any thinking, magic could only do so much and he likely wasn’t a top tier unicorn either.

“Girls? Remember that sonic blast we treated the Rainbooms to before Sunset ruined everything?” Adagio asked her cohorts.

“Ya?” Dusk acknowledged.

“What about it? Blaze nodded.

“If he so much as sits up… we put him back down with our highest octave.” She grinned widely in sadistic pleasure.

In full agreement, the sirens positioned themselves as Magnus was eventually tossed away, they knew the note to sing and readied their throats. It would do them great pleasure to send the Sub Warden packing, but seconds turned into moments as Magnus happily and laudably enjoyed remaining dominant over his arch enemy.

Still ready for the predicted moment, they overhead the assailant gloat over the victim, “Ah’m!... Made… For… Bruise’n!”

Magnus shouted and took a flicker of a blink of an eye to send both fists down onto the Warden like sledgehammers. Easily, he pushed his head a little into the soil beneath, but they did not impact the flesh as it remained untouched which the detail did not go unnoticed by anyone. Thinking quickly, the Berserker hefted himself off and grabbed the legs of his foe to which he began to spin in place. It was an easy act to do as the Arcana officer began flying through centripetal force until he could rise no more. The two became a blur as Magnus reached top speed and soon released his quarry that was then launched into the air and well over the SWAT vehicles onto solid asphalt. The distance was marked by the thrower who called out the goal as if it were some football world cup.

“GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAALLLLLL!!!” Magnus yelled triumphantly before proceeding to vomit the contents of his stomach in hurling convulsions onto the grassy lawn.

“Ohhh gross!!” Aria said in revulsion.

“One down… at least.” Adagio sighed as she looked away.

Sonata had taken to find Twilight with the threat banished for the time being, catching Monet who passed onto Equis in what appeared to be a very arid and dry landscape of red dirt. Twilight had been mere feet heading to the hippie who was then lifting herself onto her elbows in a grimace. She never heard the scampering of Dusk as she scooped up the unfortunate healer.

“You’re safe!!” she cried out as her tight grip locked the human girl in her arms.

Sparkle huffed in slight pain as she once again found herself in a bear hug she could not even fathom how to get out of willingly. Of course this lent the two of them and the others to be dulled to the sound of grass being disturbed all around them. Under close scrutiny, one could see the lawn had approaching figures who wore the same cloaking spell as the guards as they came up behind the evacuating criminals. Even Adagio could not sense the invisible threat, she was too thrilled to see the Arcana agent treated like a rag doll to let her natural born attributes warn her.

One which thankfully failed to occur as bolts of lightning shot from veiled positions, peeling off the guises of the intruders who were about to stun the exiles once again. Zipping through the air, the electrical archs struck their intended targets from multiple sources, sending the bodies into quivering messes that collapsed soon after. Both sides dispelled their cloaks into robed Arcana guards, though what stopped Adagio from enslaving the ones who saved them from being struck down similarly appeared to have their negativity being drained away. They were not the ones feeding off their emotions.

“What in the grace of Poseidon was that all about?!” her startled eyes swept about at the inactive guards until she caught the sight of an approaching human girl who hummed a sweet lofty tune.

“I didn’t sing to them and the others are over there fighting!” Aria flicked a thumb to their fans embroiled in battle well a ways away, she too just then catching the approaching figure oddly dressed in Twilight’s school uniform.

Sonata shrugged when her matriarch gazed at her next, with no plausible responses it stumped the head siren as to why seemingly enthralled ponies were even there. Had the Arcana been compromised by a rouge element? Or was there something else afoot she couldn’t grasp at just yet? She’d get her answers from whoever was singing, and if they were foe she’d show them how a true singer performs.

The guards before the girls slammed a closed fist to their chests before bowing quickly. Then, as soon as the perplexing display was done they departed off to the battles, so weird was the occurrence that even Yellow’s group in the back had stopped to see it for themselves. Adagio wanted to say something but she couldn’t help but sense a familiar power coming off of the approaching bystander. She was hesitant to react too soon as whoever this was may have just put on a show to appear as help, and then when her guard was down they’d strike. It made sense to her as she would have done the same thing if faced with a force she could not handle, subterfuge through a Trojan horse. She awaited the new arrival now just steps away from them, to whose feminine voice stopped humming when she ceased her sultry walk.

Indeed she appeared to be from whatever school Twilight had attended of which Adagio couldn’t recall on the spot. She could sense the two knew each other as well to some degree as Twilight mumbled under her breath still in the iron grip of Sonata.

“Cold Forecast? What is she doing here? Was that magic she used?” Sparkle gasped through her strained diaphragm as she took in every inch of the Crystal Prep student for any odd signs that this was a trick. However she was rewarded with nothing tangible and even a frown of agitation as both girls remembered how they knew each other, a certain accident in the hallways.

Her long mild opal green hair reaching her waist swayed side to side in her gait, a little curve in the strands gave a blush of majesty. The vexation in those brilliant heliotrope irises swayed off of Twilight and fastened onto Adagio with a snap, as it would seem she had a greater interest in interacting with the golden siren. A smirk materialized upon the fair turquoise face glowing with the kind of warmth one would see in a reunion of some kind. It was a tad off putting to Adagio, she held her ground and returned with blank expression so as to let the one known as Cold Forecast make her mistakes.

Sonata took heed of the developing scene and dropped Sparkle carefully before she tried to understand what was going on. Tilting her head she noticed how the twinkle in the new arrival’s eyes set something off as a kind of scent in her personal aura triggered an all too familiar marker. She could pick up siren magic from the young human, but that was only possible if she were also a siren? It did explain the save they received that without they’d be on the ground once again.

“Who the red tide are you?!” Adagio had her magenta eyes stuck onto the girl before them, demanding an answer that would hopefully lead to a quick end.

“You really don’t remember me? Seriously?” Forecast scoffed with a grin as she caught Aria detecting her magic with a bright eyed surprise popping on the Dazzling.

“Who are you is what I asked.” She bluntly replied denying any side talk from her end.

Cold gave a light laugh, “Oh come on, you should remember me easily!? Your mother always managed to get you to the feast every day before I could get my fill of my favorite… and you always took most of the octopus!” she growled a little, yet not once dropping her mirth.

That little admission took some time before it clicked in, the slow gears in the powerful siren moved after she only then picked up the clues her pack had already identified. It came with the recalled of that dream she always had and finally conquered. When she saw her mother was trying to get her to wake up to eat before an Oratoria was about to devour most of the pile of food brought in by the adults for their daily meal. It then blew up spectacularly in Dazzle’s brain that another siren actually lived in the same backwater world she had for so long and only now had they made contact.

“Ora… Oratoria!?!” Adagio gasped.

With a roll of the eyes, “Ya! And I’ve been looking everywhere for you since you tried to take over the pony kingdom. I had to get myself exiled just to follow you, you know!? I mean it wasn’t hard getting that Starswirl alone and all, but after that… ha…” she swayed her head back in forth in regret of the life she lead after the fact, “Doesn’t matter anymore I guess. After all we still are Cappella’s pack… the last sirens to survive that is.” she answered as if offended that Adagio was so slow to remember her.

“Whose Oratoria?” Aria questioned squinting hard as if trying to see why she was so familiar to Adagio.

“Oratoria… how? How did you….?” Dazzle gasped again.

Instead of an answer, the turquoise human instead walked up to her until she was just a breath away. In clear eye sight of Twilight, Sonata, and Aria did she envelop the golden siren in a hug to which the recipient had no words for and simply received it. She simply attached herself painlessly to the matriarch and remained still as if the act itself was life sustaining. Adagio seemed paralyzed at the admittance of who the person was, though no one else knew what the name meant or who Oratoria was. There was a quick spark between the two as their once harmonious magical fields of her home pod clicked together in a euphoric haze of placidity in the zone of chaos. For sirens to sing in harmony, they had to work hard with new members to sync together otherwise their musical enchantments were off key and clashed with each other. It would take months to practice as one and be able to feed off their prey for life giving power. Yet when it happened, they were as close as close could be besides physically, Matriarchs often called it a Choir Frequency. No family of sirens were alike to another who lived on another coast or across the world, each had a subtle adjustment to the ears to detect. To feel the sensation once more was a very sobering moment and one that proved to her that this girl was no threat hiding away in plain sight.

Magnus had by then recovered from his spinning toss and wiped his mouth clean of spittle with a swipe of a burly arm. He appeared content if not a little woozy from the performance. His eyes traced up from the soiled ground before him up to the touching scene which gained a loud giggle from his strained gullet. A guttural bellow which was soon stifled as the threat of nausea never left him spiked and threatened to overtake his composure once again. For his outburst, it earned him a deathly glare from Adagio and a glower from Oratoria for ruining the fateful meeting of orphaned sirens.

“Jis give… me a mom… moment… ugh….” He plopped down on the ground with a heavy thud with a large hand holding his trunk of a barrel rubbing gently to soothe the rebellion organ.

It was not too short of a time before the questions came forth like a swarm of angry hornets, most in particular was from Aria herself. With the blue green human still warmly embracing Adagio, she came up to the two with her arms crossed over her chest with a tang of irritation as if she wanted to rip the girl away.

“Mind explaining?” she darted the words like barbed harpoons.

“Adagio? I didn’t know you had a kid? Like for realzies when did you even find the time? We’ve like been together the entire stay in this worst place ever?” Sonata nonchalantly blurted out an insinuation that she’d have ever considered breeding with any of the monkeys of the prison world they were sentenced to, and it might have earned a quick reprimand if the new comer hadn’t let go of her, grabbing her hands together with a giggle. Oratoria seemed unfazed by their guesses, to her they mattered not until they were formally introduced and she could bask in the warmth of kin.

“Another siren? But that doesn’t seem plausible? Surely a lost packmate should have located another much sooner than this? Wait? How did she even make it here? Oh… so many questions!” Twilight muttered under her breath as she straightened her glasses and quietly observed.

Adagio decided to handle one query at a time, “First of all I wouldn’t be caught dead kissing any of these apes let along going that far! Sonata!” she bared her teeth in an aggressive manner for a quick glance at the cerulean siren, “Secondly, no she’s not mine but a… survivor like me… Her names Oratoria the Ravenous or so we use to call her back home because she always was the first to get the pickings the adults brought for our daily meal. You had to rush over in hopes she didn’t stuff her gullet with something you might have wanted.” Adagio’s commentary earned her a sour look from her supposed family, “But she’s also one of the best singers in the group because she was so hungry. She sprouted her gem first before anyone else… lucky her and that’s probably why you lived through it… in which case you need to tell me exactly how you survived what happened back then. And now!” she placed her hands on Oratoria’s shoulders firmly gripping them as she gave no hint at joking around.

Sparkle studied the new siren as she too wondered what tale had to be told, not that she was suspicious in any way but the new data would add to her growing library on sirens. To see a whole knew member of the species egged her on to find out more, to hear those factual words come from Oratoria would be a heaven sent plethora of knowledge. That and how did she end up at Crystal Prep and not try to take over her world single handedly if she was such a survivor?

Unfortunately before the girl could speak, the groan of metal and gears shuttered any thoughts as everyone peered to where the Sub Warden had landed. To Twilight’s horror huge black trucks hovered in the air several feet above the street, police cars joined in as well as their red and blue LED lights continued cycling like rave sticks being swung around. In the center of the antigravity spell was the Warden who strode underneath the mechanical carriages and past the still recovering police officers. His features depicted a very unwelcoming rage upon his dirtied face, he had no patience left and it was a very unpredictable foe they now faced.

“Perhaps another time then…” Oratoria quivered as the sirens gathered together at the rather perturbed man who stomped his way over.

The Sub Warden grimaced, “The Tessaract for all of you!! I wanted to go the safe route, but you have pushed my level of empathy! Bow down to the crown now and I will perhaps consider a lighter sentence!” he commanded with great authority in his tone.

Yellow had by then rose up on his own after cracking a vile filled with his blood and pouring it upon the top of his head. The effect had cured him of the stun spell and managed to allow him some dignity when addressing the advancing Warden, “Honestly… we could have worked this out. I guess it has come to this then…” he began to waltz over and hold him off for as long as possible.

The angry stoic look upon the Arcana agent attempted to burn a hole through Yellow with righteousness, “Silence prisoner! I will deal with you personally. For the rest of you, assume the position and prepare for judgment!” to which the sirens began to amass together in preparation for an attack, even Oratoria was taken in while Sparkle was left on the outside understandably.

No sooner had the Warden reached thirty feet away from the girls had Inferno leapt over them and collided into the officer with the force of a pickup truck. His eyes were still squinted in reflex to the lingering pain from the flash spell, though he possessed enough vision to coordinate the retaliatory attack on the spot. The Warden fell to the assailment once again as the beating started anew, and his personal barrier still holding through the ferocity like a godly intervention.

“Well, I guess that’s that?” the Oratoria quipped as the dragon in human skin vented on the resilient Warden. She rose an eyebrow oblivious to who Adagio had involved herself with and contented herself to enjoying the violence which all their pendants happily absorbed.

Adagio spun in place and marched her way to the portal behind them as she was quite done feeding and wanted to leave this world. Her Dazzlings followed in silent tow without warning Twilight or Oratoria, too taken by all the new happenings. Her lush orange curls swung with the momentum and pendulumed in her graceful leave, her boots clacked onto the walkway leading to the gateway. She wore an air of control over the tenseness in her mood, something inside her couldn’t comprehend the fact that one of her family still lived and she was no longer alone. On top of that, with their return close at hand, danger was trying to blemish it right at the climax of their performance and she feared being stuck in this world more than the Sub Warden and his lackies. So long as they stepped past the point of no return, she’d be able to work on all the latest developments in her life and the future of the pack. It became all too pressing and vital that she put the future of her pod in first place.

“Twilight, help the others and get them to the portal! The faster this goes the quicker we can leave this mess. Sonata, Aria… we will provide the others with protection, any of those dimwits try attacking the anyone and we will sing them into oblivion. Use the Maiden’s Song, it will be quicker and easier with the subliminal effect it has. We’ll go through the portal once our turn has come so long as the brutes can handle the good Warden of course?” her tone held barely monotonous, even as focused as she was there was no way of stopping every little emotion from peaking through her web of self control.

She pointed a hand at the nearest exile still recovering for Sparkle to tend to, and the human nodded vigorously before jogging away. With a snap of the fingers, her sirens organized themselves as Oratoria kept asking her to stop and answer her own questions she practically begged for. Though her words shattered on the floor after hitting a deaf ear, the turquoise girl huffed in frustration as she reluctantly kept a distance behind the trio and figured she’d likely have to wait a little more longer till she’d get some alone time with the matriarch.

No sooner had Twilight’s magic gone to work helping the griffon mage was Emerath calling out for the next one up, “Tisiphone. We couldn’t locate the area you wish to be dropped off, but we found the region it lies in… I hope that is okay with you?”

He had aided the fury himself in her pitiful state to hurry the process and dragged her over as her body struggled to even move. The giant bubble depicted a rather gloomy looking setting of rotten trees, nearly barren land, and a stormy sky appearing to set about dropping one hefty downpour. If it was her home it certainly suited her nature, but then again no one truly knew much about her as she always said she sought out the evil in the world. A home to her might of even been a cave where personal belongings were stashed, all that the portal exit could explain was nothing more than guessing.

She gave a snarl as her strong sinewy arms flexed and stretched in anticipation of the journey, “I have so much work to do… so much work… Let me through!!” she shook herself free of him as she arrived to the gateway and gave no hesitation as she launched through unafraid.

The surface of the orb rippled from use, and no sooner had she vanished through did the Germane mage already began to seek out the newest drop off point. Emerath’s voice was a little hard to hear as Paradox put his magic into the spell again and swerved the ethereal eye all over Equis for the land of the Great Griffon Kingdom. Yet after two jumps the spell was beginning to use up the magic the sirens had given it, a problem he suspected would occur with such a forced tear and manipulations of the universe. It was primarily caused by the extended disuse from the Warden and his guards stalling their window of opportunity. The rise of the complication only pushed the tubby man to make an error and set the next destination at the wrong kingdom with the sound of broken glass shattering abruptly and drawing him from the portal in shock.

Inferno had once again been thrown off his prey and this time into the front entrance of the school. The Warden had such power and they were expecting no less of the Arcana to keep them in this desolate universe. Emerath had taken the stop as the moment to act even though Schrodinger had only halted to see if the enemy was going to attack them with no one hindering his zealousness. He was unsure of what the sirens were attempting to do by standing between him and the only thing that could end their escape. The distraction would be costly for one such as Serak who was next up after Twilight bid him farewell with his ailment removed. The former cabbie made a rough shuffle over as Twilight went to the next person in need as her methodology dictated. She knew nothing about the queue, but she was very astute to know who could help in a fight first after the clattering Havoc made in his second repulse. She panicked in her spell work, though thankfully it was a simple five rune system she could caste without messing up at any point. All that did happen however was that she stumbled the first few times trying to initiate the healing.

With him restored, Emerath assisted in guiding him forward until they were at the orb where something similar to the mountains of his clan had called Condor’s Reach appeared through the looking glass. Shaken by the fast recovery he failed to see the discrepancies that would have made him protest going through.

“I believe it is here my friend that we must part ways? You and Paradox were the only two I could really stomach you know? Ha… mages stick together right?” the taller Englishman joked, “He’s on the other side, but I’m sure he’d wish you the best.”

Serak chuckled dryly as the Warden behind them grunted to his knees, “It’s a pitty about all of this?”

With a pat on the back and a strong sincere expression in his smile, Emerath and him had history together with Serak being the student and the elder his mentor for a few years. Being in human skin it seemed easy for the two who’d otherwise have not seen eye to eye very easily. At least back then, the two species usually coexisted with borders between each other and merchants being the middle salesman.

“I’ll see you again ole chap. We all will.” The two clasped hands as the Warden unleashed magical whips from underneath the long sleeves on his arms, cracking like lightning with a few simple swings onto the ground.

Emerath nodded and let the griffon go, jumping through just as the others had. The disturbance had alerted the mage at the helm who realized what just happened because of his lapse of attention, “Oh mein gott! Don’t tell me he stepped through?!”

His fellow associate peered out from the edge of the spherical gateway with a confused and questioning gaze, “Was this not his stop?”


Another crack of the whips caused both of the men to jump a little and turn to the approaching devil of their freedom. If they knew their offensive magic as well as they did, those whips were not to strike down a foe as they were more of instant binding spells with whoever they struck. Arcana peace keepers and escorts used them to subdue problem citizens, and how perfect it seemed that they still used such means at incapacitating as the very spell was nearly impossible to remove unless the caster spoke the counter spell.

“Get me another one! We have no time, he vill ave to deal vith his location!” Schrodinger ordered.

“Twilight! My dear can you please revive Frozen Heart?! Quickly please, we are on a time frame as it is?” he giggled nervously as the almighty danger made a b-line for the portal.

Sparkle had since treated Old Oak when she heard the call, she wordlessly accepted the issue and hurried off. Sonata eyed her friend as she disappeared behind her to the left of the portal. She had her own job to carry out by Adagio’s word and she herself could be the shield that allowed Twilight to go on safely. It steeled her courage in the face of the intimidating Warden making a stride towards them with glowing blue vines held in his hands. She had not only her own to protect, but a very good friend she’s see to going back home with and enjoying whatever the future had in store for them.

Adagio sized up their quarry, poised to attack with ranged magic that had many conclusions should those mana ropes make contact with skin. She knew that her sonic blast would be useful in keeping him away, but the question came in the form of what manner did the Warden possess to overcome it?

“Okay girls, let’s show this hack what it means to fight a siren. Oratoria? Just… stand back and see what I’ve been doing with myself after all this time.” She quickly glanced to her kin as she positioned herself further behind them trying to perceive the fight about to start.

“All this talk and no fighting yet? Come ON!! Let’s do this already!” Aria sneered as she glowered at the Warden.

“You’re always ready to fight Aria!” Dusk commented as she really poised herself for the battle, controlling humans was one thing but a magical fight was another.

“Enough you two! On my count begin and build up from there… feel it within you that locked up potential… everything you have hated… everything you’ve wanted since we were sent to this wasteland! Let that power strengthen your voice until it becomes like what we threw at the Rainbooms to their feet. All we need to do is hold for time. We keep him at bay and then we cross over. Done and done!” she grinned as she envisioned success at their very fingers, the Warden only just close enough to start striking if he so chose.

As the exiles continued to send more through, the Warden protested heartily, “By Princess Celestia!! I command you to stop and BOW down to ME!! I will not break my oath! But you are making it harder to resist!” he hissed as he played with the whip in his right hand.

The sirens steadied themselves in preparation for the coming assault, already her subordinates were starting the first humming tune. They had begun their vocalization to which to defend themselves with and they just needed Adagio to carry out the final strand of the octave. It would herald the offensive magic she hoped would do something to the adversary that even the fists and testosterone of the other banished could not hope to harm with.

“I have been in this position for eight years! And the likes of you pitiful whelps will not damage my record… You WILL succumb!” he let loose a crack of the mana ropes once more before priming up to start cuffing the wayward scum, though his intimidation tactic failed to do anything as it was suppose to do.

The sustained note by the sirens culminated in a beautiful high note, one of which mirrored the same one that befell the Princess of Friendship and her followers when they tried to outclass them. Using the negative energy they absorbed from the battle between the guards and police, the magic that converted from it lent them a decent amount of power equating to the Battle of the Bands. Adagio began to infuse their combined voices into a funneled pitch unlike their first attempt. Instead, she utilized how she had bottled up her anger, her rage, all that regret she harbored and concentrated it into a vocalization which could shatter stone as well as tile floor and a ceiling duct. That little magical muscle within her, a little tinge in her being that beget that power; she flexed it.

The act itself affected the output of the entire pod, by Adagio’s sheer will she created a pocket around the group and created a small exit point for which their sonic blast poured through with immense pressure into one single direction.

That focal point being right at the Sub Warden as he lifted his arms only to suddenly be slammed with a sound and air wall almost as solid as rock. As the Dazzlings held the note, the warden was forced off his very feet and ejected away well back to the road, with nasty collision into a tall black boxy armored vehicle going so far as to dent the metal and held in place. Bullet proof glass cracked and spider webbed from the power of sound, the machine itself lifted off the right side wheels and held off the ground a few inches from the savagery. Only when the sirens ran out of power did the militarized police van fall back from its own weight and dump the Warden unceremoniously to the ground down for the count.

Everywhere else around them those officers still able to fight had left the combat zone. Arcana prison guards were embroiled in friendly fire as siren controlled pawns kept the free from engaging or helping the Warden. Even the Dazzlings had the wind knocked out of them as Adagio soon found out that the attack affected similarly as Twilight casting her knockout spell. It was a major drain to their stores and with what was left could barely affect even a fly if they tried again. When their song ended they collapsed to their knees with sudden fatigue, Aria and Sonata using even their hands to keep them from meeting the concrete beneath them. As for their leader, she fell backwards as most of her power was sucked nearly clean with her being the catalyst for the offensive.

For a second, she let a thought go through her head of how Twilight had performed her first willing spell and did the same thing. She had a little new found respect for the human girl, it was a rare thing to just ball up ones mana well and squeeze it out into one single expulsion. Of course it left her body flaring with sensitivity along every nerve in her body and lights in her vision dotted in an attempt to obscure her vision as if she had a dozen camera flashes pop in front of her all at once. She could hear her loyal sirens moaning at the agony of it, but at least she was for the most part unable to say much as she endured everything with a satisfactory grin. A minor headache formed just as Oratoria appeared in her sight which looked to the clear blue sky up above. It was barely into the mid noon time of the day, well long before evening came so there was enough light to still keep all visible. The turquoise girl was attempting to say something but nothing came of it, just a dull drone which soon gave way to a ringing which grew into the same annoying pitch as Soanta’s little phone often sang whenever she received a text from Twilight.

Speaking of which, the very girl came into her view and she was not the least bit happy. Both Oratoria and her were just as distraught with the new siren starting to snap at the human girl for even touching Adagio much less being so close. The shock of the sonic blast had thankfully removed Dazzle’s ability to be irritated and aggravated by such childish bickering, honestly she felt too old to be handling these situations with how much the other two often butted heads. Without anger to stifle their conflict, Adagio let her body recover while she could enjoy the bliss as she was sure the Warden was not going to get up from that little move she pulled out of the conch shell.

“She’s MY family! MY pack… you’re just a measly little ape who she’s found useful! So just… just dilly dally along out of here! You’re no longer needed as I am here.” Oratoria gladly proclaimed of herself.

Twilight persisted as she kept trying to heal Adagio, “I’m just trying to help her! Let me do what she told me to do!”

Every time her hands went to apply the spell over Dazzle, they were swiped away by the newcomer in a very aggressive manner. She would continue another four times until she would give up to the constant slapping of the hands and fume as she kneeled to Adagio’s right side. Oratoria seemed pleased at getting her way until a slightly teary eyed Sparkle managed to let her concern for the sirens push her in the heat of the moment and shove the overly protective hippocampus in human skin who waved her hands to her sides trying to balance only to fall onto her back. Only able to see her swaying arms before she fell, Adagio felt herself chuckle slightly before the warm feeling of regenerative magic filled her being like a warm soup on a winters day.

“I told you I’m just following orders, and if you have a problem with that then you better take it up with Adagio!” Twilight’s voice finally sounded audible, with the negative energy slowly being absorbed by the hungry gems near her.

With a grunt, “You monkey’s always thrust yourselves into others business…”

“Ya? Well… perhaps… perhaps it IS my business to help sirens like you! I know enough to HELP you so let me do this and stop interfering!” Twilight’s words stung like a bee’s sting into the other teenager who was at a loss of words.

By then of course Adagio managed to find the ability to speak as if a haze was lifted off of her, much to her chagrin. She was forced to settle the fighting between her new Dazzling and this remaining kin who survived through the purge by the ponies. Using her elbows to prop her up, she lifted herself high enough to interfere with the two with a snarl at having to even move. Her clenched eyelids were a calling sign to stop, but Oratoria did not pick up the hint as well as Twilight had. Instead she fired insult after insult to the human that would have put Sonata into a fury.

Adagio breathed in deeply as she heard the last of the jealous remarks, “I am… trying… to… Get… Back… UP!!!” she shouted loudly that the two girls sealed their lips tightly.

The golden siren steadily if not with a quake managed to prop herself up as the other two worked far ahead of her by one step. Her tired eyes looked about her surroundings, besides any siren or adoptive human, exiles in their quantity were nearly nill except for the mages and the two dragons as they were. All in all there were four and two of which were calling out to them with waving hands and beckoning them to go through next after Old Oak disappeared into the sphere.

“Leg it already! We don’t have enough time!” Emerath all but yelled at the top of his lungs to the four girls.

Yellow and Havoc had joined the two mages, both of which were a worse for wear from the Warden’s treatment. The window of opportunity was at hand and all the Dazzlings had to do was simply move their legs, the act itself was exhausting in their state as if they’d run a marathon and were about to pass the finish lane. The three were barely making it to their feet as it were, with Oratoria and Sparkle doing what they could to lend support for their weakened state. Shuffling at a snail’s pace they arrived before the portal and stood before the orb twice as tall as them, only now had it returned to its original state of mirroring chrome. Feeling as if they had out swam a blue marlin and only then had they just tuckered it out enough to finally gorge upon the succulent fish, it all felt too real and a trick. Up until then they had nothing but losses to count under their scoreboard, their attempts to gain the upper hand through devious methods many and victories seldom until now.

Adagio looked within herself to see it all flash before her as if this was about to end her being as it were, and in some sense it was a bit of a death and rebirth. They had technically died after their gems were first destroyed, resurrection graced them with foreign other worldly stones with lives not their own who use to use them. Those very old lives had since plagued them and in truth, Adagio wondered if they were tainted by those crippled and crazed spirits that remained in the rubies before they were purified. Maybe she just had the chance to mourn and the act itself released the parasites off her scales?

The mounting emotional torrent attempting to build in her was recognized once again, just as Yellow Tail’s words echoed in her head. She wanted to think, desired to have closure at this moment instinctually to make their return all the more better. This was her flaw that would hurt them, giving the enemy more time to jump between them and Equestria and sever the lifeline. Even through Twilight’s healing powers, Adagio was still low on energy and the area was lacking in ambient negative emotions. In fact, they could hear the guards off in the distance and it did not sound good since that attack of hers likely shattered the hold on those that they enslaved. The slavery this world’s siren stones had over the humans she would miss if Yellow’s words were at all true.

The very man approached them and wore the dust and debris of being tossed around, some grass clippings stuck to his once clean suit, “It is time my little gems. We’ve run into a problem and we cannot deposit everyone at their chosen locations. Schrodinger has used up too much magic and the portal will only sustain the exit at the original location it had for our passing in the next ten minutes. You five…. wait a moment… who are you?” his gray eyes flickered a golden sheen like a glass surface reflecting the sun on a bright day for a second.

Aria put a hand to the girls mouth to stop what she anticipated would be a long babble about herself, “She’s a siren, got herself thrown in here to find Adagio. She’s also a survivor. Nothing else to know now… Can we GO!!” her frustration and exhaustion stipulated.

Yellow appeared to object, after all he hated new changes to the planning yet with the sirens defending the supposed fellow exile he had little to object. Breathing out to wash the muck the fresh face had thrown onto him, he waved a hand to the portal for the girls to go through.

“Do we just… step through?” Sparkle asked as she remembered the fall through her first portal and hoped the ground was not far.

Sonata giggled a little before her physical state hampered it, “He’s not going to just drop us hundreds and hundreds of feet in mid air silly!” to which Sparkle shivered at the memory recall.

“She is right, you’ll be going after Emerath and Paradox who will handle any threats with a barrier spell, well… mainly Emerath. However, once you do go through I want you to follow them and get out of that place wherever it is. As you can see… the gate is reflective so we have no idea where we’re going to end up. When Havoc and I step through there will be… utter destruction and I don’t want you four and you there to be harmed.” He still eyed Oratoria with a second guess as if something only he could pick up resounded as a red flag, if only they were not so strapped for time he’d have acted.

Adagio strained a gaze at him, “You said our gems would be destroyed going through… you promised us Equestrian siren gems… if you have been lying?”

He held a hand up to stop her, “Perish the thought my little gem. I have met one of your kind before and I know the legend. When you meet the real me, just don’t run. Now…” he grinned with a twinkle in his eye before someone called out to the group off in the distance.

Adagio and company knew that feminine voice all too well, that insidious being who only now was no longer worth even bothering with. Dazzle knew that they took too long and fate was winding up a pitch to shatter their way home, she’d have none of it not if it was going to interfere with them again. Looking behind their backs, in the corners of their eyes was Sunset Shimmer, the little boy toy of the other Twilight Sparkle, and an oddly older Sunset Shimmer which sped up the hearts of the girls and earned a groan of irritation from Yellow. They had nonchalantly jogged past the Warden and the knocked out officers as they aimed to confront the exiles, the evident breathless interlopers meant they had likely ran their way over. With no sense of magic among any of them, they appeared to be defenseless but Yellow knew to never find even a Timberwolf pup to be lacking much less the very one he had meddled with.

Sunset stopped forty feet away catching her breath and choking a little. She’d barely even recovered from the extraction of her magic much less even able to perform physical exercise. Adrenaline had carried her over after her human counterpart had given her a ride through the back ways, but that human could only help so much as Flash arrived just in time to catch her before she fell to her knees. The oddest scene of old enemies reuniting as it were with both fatigued in magic and might, calamity all around them again. Even if they resulted in a slap fight, they’d likely barely able to even sting the flesh of their respective cheeks. Adagio sensed this was going to be a war of words and one to delay them.

“You know what? I had much I wanted to do to you and the Rainbooms. I was going to gloat over you just before we left…” she seethed, “Unfortunately we are in a hurry and letting you watch us return to Equis will be my parting gift instead Sunset Shimmer! My new Dazzling here, My Twilight Sparkle, did more than I would have safely done to you. Rest assure that Equestria and beyond will fall to our songs and you could do nothing about it or stop it! Farewell…” She tried to manically laugh if only to feel too tired half way to care anymore.

Twilight glared at the former Equestrian unsure if she should do something or say anything. She barely knew the girl and taking their magic was likely better than anything she could do and thus kept her mouth shut. Of course her curiosity turned to the exact copy of the guardian standing in the back close to the Warden, one of whom appeared to be moving slightly. Torn between trying to figure out what the explanation was behind the doubles and looking for signs of resurgence in the enemy. Sparkle was lost to the rest of the conversation as it carried on.

With Flash’s support, “I wan… I wanted to… I need to know something! Adagio Dazzle!?” she yelled trying to halt the sirens in their footsteps.

“Now’s not the time for private conversations with a guardian who cannot fight back. We’re going to lose the magic sustaining the gate, go my gems! I will watch your backs.” Yellow stepped in between the two, firm in his voice as deep as it went in tone.

“ADAGIO!! Please…” the girl pleaded once more to no effect.

Twilight started to feel a little guilty at how the former guardian had simply been asking for a little share of words. She was harmless or so she thought, no magic and no means to destroy the portal all she could theoretically do was delay them. Sparkle noticed Aria chuckle darkly with a mighty smirk as she lavished in their former enemy’s pitiful state. Adagio and Sonata were far from caring as it seemed as the four moved on. Deep down, she wondered about what kind of world she was going to if their protectors were so easy to feel sympathy for. She was free from the old siren’s song, perhaps she’d see things differently when they arrived?

Beside the ravages of the earlier battle, Shimmer leaned against a police car wincing in pain as her injuries rose up to say hello again. Too involved in the sensations hurting her, she failed to notice the Arcana agent in her blind spot rising up as his tattered robe fell to ribbons. His full body out in the open for all to see and the result put a frightening ghastly face on the exiles remaining which took Sunset for a spin.

Hunched over at first, his torso slowly assumed the proper posture showcasing a simple dust tan dress shirt sans any tie and pot marked with tears. Glowing gold Equestrian runes decorated the clothing as they appeared to host an array of protective wards which likely saved his life time and time again against the retaliation of the banished. Those brightly scribed glyphs were nothing compared to the source of his magic which were from the gauntlets adorning his forearms and thighs like armor plates. They played host to an array of gemstones of all sorts of reds, blues, yellows, and greens which varied in their own illumination.

Twilight could see some were broken or fractured which meant they lost their power or were useless to the mage. Though he had plenty else to rely upon if she counted quickly and precisely, the battle was not yet over and they needed to leave quickly if they did not want to witness his third coming. The maroon kaki dress pants were slightly ripped at the ends and his footwear had surprisingly been forced off his own feet from the siren’s vocal attack. Stepping towards them on broken glass, dropped munitions, spent shell casings, and the occasional limb of a downed cop he heeded no pain of any sort to the detrius of war.

Shimmer inevitably caught wind of someone walking by her and when she went to look, she was more amazed than horrified at the threat before her. Knowing absolutely nothing about magic, her eyes glued to the gem studded armaments in their damaged condition. They glowed like party lights as they were summoned to the users will, priming up for a magical buildup.

“Cooooollll….” She whispered as the Warden began to lift his arms up and with it the ground began to tremble and crack the ground alongside him just as he stepped on school grounds.

Anything not glued to the terrain or heavy enough to be bothered started to rattle. Sunset up ahead had finally taken the hint to see what it was that had everyone’s attention as when the Dazzlings and their masters turned to her and she had hoped they’d hear her out. She instead beheld horror in them, the kind of unbelievable revelation which had nothing to do with her. Far too late to act as the agent of the hated department tore the earth at his flanks using some kind of geomancy. Massive shards of earth rose up into a wall as thick as a queen bed into the air like hands of a god separating what he focused on containing from escaping. They began to surge forward at an alarming rate, the ground churned from the artificial earthquake the spell created. Flash held onto her and kept her on the concrete pathway as the madness around them avoided the actual pathway itself, which seemed to be the safest spot they tried to keep their balance on.

In a split second, Sentry took notice of something bubbling on the nearest earthy wall to the left, like something was tunneling through the rock and dirt. Particles fell off the little bulge prompting him stare at it a little while longer until it was too late. Sunset otherwise was too busy to see the incoming pillar of soil like a sucker punch that it was. She had been too taken by the other magical being who seemed to be fighting the mysterious cabal.

Then, before the hit came there was absolute silence in the world as no quake, no seismic shivering, even the spell which was barely just past them and still heading towards the Dazzlings had lost sound. She however felt the firm hold of Flash as he pulled her down in a strangely slow fashion, her own limbs couldn’t even respond fast enough as she tried to turn her head to the boy. Even blinking couldn’t occur in the span of two seconds, that was when she knew something was happening and the end result was not going to be good at all.

Her world stopped, her body stopped, only her eyesight seemed to feel as if it perceived movement. She could feel Flash breath into her right ear, it tickled yet this was far from any moment to be laughing at. Her heartbeat thumped so slowly, but it hit like a deep drum echoing in her head.

“I always get my way…” a very deep heavy and dark voice originated from the teenager holding her, “I will always be with you…”

That one voice she knew exactly what it was and who had just spoken then, once it finished everything resumed the normal passing of time. In the process of pulling her down, Flash had been forced to take the Warden’s secondary spell meant for the equestrian. The pylon of solid soil slammed Sentry into the other side of the entrapment with enough force to knock him out as well as encase him in a capsule of hardened rock. He had let Sunset go in the process, having experienced a possession of some sort which left him dazed and confused prior to magical attack. Now she was utterly open to any harm, collapsed onto the concrete ground unable to do anything as she stewed in the dread of what was worse than black magic that had latched onto her, worried for Flash who was fastened to the barrier, and the escaping sirens.

No sooner had he been sealed into place did the two parallel walls of clay and rock finally reach past the portal and into Canterlot High. Fortunately having missed any officers who Twilight had put to sleep, the school had thankfully been built upon a thick and hardy foundation. Saving it from absolute destruction as the two lines of erupting ground only carved into the exterior, shattering windows and breaking the outer surface in a way like a finger being dragged through foamy meringue pie. The Warden did only superficial structural damage, and Yellow breathed easily as the school was far from collapsing on them. The second spell was still working through the long ridges as indicated by snaking cracks after they done their deed to Flash in the front.

“Quickly! Go now!” Emerath cried out as he vanished into the chrome sphere.

“Hurry!” Paradox joined soon after and left the human world with abandon.

Twilight who held one of Adagio’s arms over her neck started to nudge her, “Come on! We can’t stay!”

Aria essentially shoved Oratoria into the sphere with little care as she sensed the siren about to say something insipid, “I don’t want to stay for this either! Later dweeb!!” she shouted at Sunset and hopped through the still rippling surface of unknown.

Adagio growled as she followed Twilight and Sonata in, taking a gasp of air as she felt the icy chill upon her skin as the gateway began to send her home. Just as Sparkle let the new experience fill her mind with book worthy data, out of the corner of her eyes she saw and heard Dean Cadence shouting for her.

“TWILIGHT!!” she managed to yell out of breath and sweating as she and two other fellow C.P. students appeared from the innards of Canterlot High’s front doors. They were nonexistent from Havoc’s earlier collision in them, he having extracted himself and joined Yellow.

“CAAaaa….” The girl managed before gateway sucked her in, drawing out the last vowel in an eerie howl as it was distorted by the tear between universes.

Out of pure instinct, the young woman made a dash to the giant reflective metal sphere only for Indigo and Zest to halt her. They grabbed her sleeves as they were understandably freaked out, just as they had been when Twilight was going to do untold harm to the rest of the student body after the games. Consumed by her care for her former charge she ripped her sleeves away from their grasps with tears in her eyes as they began to butt out.

“She NEEDS me! I’m sorry I dragged you two into this… I wasn’t expecting all this to happen. Get to safety! Get inside… I have to go get her.” She sniffled and took a leap into the portal.

“Dude…” Zap’s jaw went slack.

“That’s metal!” Lemon dropped her headset on the ground.

Sunset was left to watch as everything fell to pieces by seeing the boy that she finally let herself love harmed in such a way. All the while she lost the chance to catch the sirens who would do Celestia knew what to her home. To add salt to the wound, mud had begun to seep from the walls and began to slowly cover her as she felt the cool liquid touch her exposed skin below the knee length denim shorts she took. In disgust and terror she desperately tried to brush off the accumulating magically infused muck, but all she really did was spread it around her even as she tried to get to her feet.

“No! No not like this!” she cried, “I have to get back home! I can’t be left here!!” her tears dropped as she desperately fought the encroaching trap.

Behind her she could hear the two men left of the cabal she’d been searching for, they were arguing about going through. Though the one seemingly in charge kept saying they had to wait, a taunting sliver of hope to Sunset as the mud constricted her lower half like earthen serpents tightening about her.

It felt like this was her end of the line, being caught in a fight she didn’t understand. What else was there to hope for anymore, with the sirens and those possibly evil villains going to bring about a Discord era level of disharmony and chaos? What was Discord even trying to do for her if it all lead up to this?

She could feel wetness streaming down her face as the world fell to despair, the sludge having worked past her waist and encasing her in a cocoon. One free hand still in vain trying to keep her head free of the creeping capture, her shivering body full of adrenaline a teeth chattering vibration made this conclusion to her life all the more painful to bare.

“I’m sorry everyone…”

Her neck soon gripped by the magic infused earth, she looked to the sunny sky up above.

“I’m sorry Princess Celestia…”

Then came a loud metallic bang and a grunt, in that instant her prison fell away like dust as the moisture evaporated into nothing. Sunset blinked away the tears with her free hands rising into her vision showing herself she was indeed free. Past her appendages down to the road where the attacker had stood beheld a miraculous scene. Instead of the deranged bad guy, her human verse stood there with a rifle in her hands and the man on the ground knocked out. The older woman held the barrel and shroud portion of the weapon in her grasp and appeared to have used the stock and body as a blunt weapon. How she was able to accomplish that was beyond Sunset, but she was huffing as if she put all her might into the act as the weapon soon fell out of her grip.

“You can tell… her yourself! Now go!!” Shimmer yelled as she pointed aggressively to the portal just as the two men noticed what had happened to the Warden.

Sunset’s inner pony responded to the opportunity to leave the Tartarus stricken battle zone in a flight reflex. One last chance, those words echoed in her head as she scrambled awkwardly into as haphazard sprint. Still assailed by her condition she stumbled several times even before reaching Yellow or Havoc who’d begun to set up a defensive body wall to keep her away. She gave everything to abandon as she sought to duck and dive between their legs and hope she’d just roll into the portal. Her breath ragged and worn to the point it hurt just as the rest of her body, her spirit handled the rest as it numbed her senses to all but the escape home or so she hoped it was her own doing. Her clothing started to chaff her as they were from the truck they stole out of the hospital parking garage, she was wearing a too tight and too loose a mismatching outfit. The burn only served to squeeze her body for all it was worth of endorphins just to make the final push as perfect as possible.

A bittersweet moment came when her left ankle bent to the side and she slipped up, her mind was gone as she fell into the sidewalk just a few steps away from the men. Accompanying her body’s failure at coordinating had a lone prison guard who vaulted over the wall of earth intent with a last ditch attempt at staying at the last two prisoners. Sunset’s folly had fortunately saved her from being in the way of the new aggressor, who conveniently appeared to aid by relocating one of the escapees. A bright beam of magic poured out of his hands and slammed into Yellow hard enough to move him out of Sunset’s roll.

She acted on a split second decision to not pay any attention and gunned for the portal after she recovered. Her hands extended she embraced the sweet satisfaction of barely making it out in time. As her legs disappeared through the gateway, Shimmer hovering over the comatose Sub Warden chuckled morosely. In some other universe there was her younger self making the best decision in her life with so few chips to even use on the table. She would not make the same mistakes as she had and lead a better life, risking everything to aid this other self was worth the danger and it seemed even fun to do. She breathed out and plopped down on the ground tired and ready to call it a day by following the magical being before her and sleeping.

“Good luck girl.” She whispered, “Be the better me…” she collapsed into a controlled fall and let her body shut down as adrenaline finally used up had emptied her of energy.

Yellow’s left arm sizzled from the heat based spell, impacting the concrete beneath and howling as the prison guard scored a lucky shot. Havoc had quickly gripped him by the throat in mid air, saving the meld mage from receiving further trouble. The hapless Arcana lacky was soon thrusted into the nearby earthy partition and knocked out accordingly.

“THEY’VE had enough time to vacate! I'm going through! They live or die is their own fate!!” Inferno shouted as the portal started to undulate as the last of the magic was fading away.

He kicked the guard away like a soccer ball and leapt through which Yellow scrambled up to stand, “No you fool! Tartarus curse you if you hurt them!!!”

The final exile disappeared through the collapsing gate, and with him the massive ingress imploded. Quietly, it sucked in various parts of itself, maintaining an amorphous state as it shrunk down a size with each passing second. Like a magnetized ferro fluid reacting to a magnetic field, with no one to witness the implosion it eventually compacted into a tiny metal ball no bigger than a penny. No one thankfully nearby, the magical force that remained detonated as the energy of the universe released from the hole in reality to seal up the wound and make everything right again.

Then… the there was nothing…