Pint's Birthday Party - Finale

by Yosh-E-O

First published

The conclusion to the 6th story in the "Fallen Angel" series where Fall learns the joys many non-orphaned children may take for granted

In this concluding section of "Pint's Birthday Party", Fall finds herself overwhelmed with all the positive feelings and emotions that come from friends and family during Pint's, the Pinto Unicorn's, seventh birthday party.

This series is a collaborative effort between Yosh-E-O and Ari Angelcub. All characters, places, and faces belong to Ari Angelcub and are part of a massive world of characters that are a part of the MLP: Friendship is Magic land of Equestria.

Chapter 12 - Pint's Birthday Lunch

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There was total chaos as the children all ran to get their share of Pint’s birthday lunch. Fortunately, enough parents stuck around to herd the children into a line so everyone got their fair share without anyone accidentally getting too close to Blissy’s grill.

As it was his birthday, Pint got served first, along with Fall, Bucky and Candy Cloud. They all were enjoying their meal on one of the many hoof-stitched blankets that Blissy had made and was distributing out to groups so they could comfortably eat outside on Patches’ well-kept lawn.

“Mmmm,” grinned Candy Cloud as she nibbled on some of the grilled oats she had on her plate. “These are so yummy!”
“Have you tried the carrots?” Pint asked proudly. “Nobody grills a carrot like my dad!”
“I know I should wait,” drooled Bucky. “But I just have to eat this soft, cinnamon apple.”

Fall looked at her plate as the others oohed-and-awed over all that was on it. Everything looked so delicious. For so long she had had become accustomed to eating food that looked more like some sort of variation of oatmeal mush. Now she was staring at veggies and fruits that were all so vibrant in color and distinctively fresh. “Is something wrong?” asked Candy Cloud upon noticing her friend had not yet taken a bite of her meal.
“No…,” the little, brown Pegasus replied.
“Don’t know where to start?” asked Bucky with a mouthful of cinnamon apple. “I’d go with the apples. They’re soooooo good!”
Pint took notice of Fall and asked, “Is there something you don’t like?”

Fall didn’t know what to say. So she picked up a carrot and bit into it. The flavor of it practically exploding in her mouth as she couldn’t help but grow a grin as she savored every single second she chewed on it until the time had finally come to swallow.

“So…,” Pint asked nervously. “Do you, uh, like it?”
“Yes!” cheered Fall. “I’ve never tasted something so yummy in my whole life!”
“Did I hear what I thought I just heard?” asked Blissy with a wide smile as he continued to make plates for the children and their parents.
“You sure did, dad!” proclaimed Pint with joy. “Fall loves your cooking just like I do!”

“Yay!” cheered Blissy. “There’s plenty more if she’d like more of anything, too!”

Fall savored every last bite of the lunch Pint’s dad had made. She was even more surprised when Pint’s mom would come by and ask if she wanted more. Nobody ever got ‘more’ at the orphanage. You just got what you got and that was it.

“I hope you’re saving some room for cake,” stated Patches as she brought another plate over for Fall. “My Blissy worked very hard on it and I know Pint would be so happy if you had a piece of his dad’s super sweet, birthday cake.”
“Birthday… cake?” wondered Fall.

“Yeah!” cheered Candy Cloud while licking her lips. “It’s got to be the best part of having a birthday!” “Second best,” added Bucky. “Presents are the absolute best part of a birthday party.”

“I don’t know…,” grinned Pint. “My dad makes a really good cake.”

“What do you think, Fall?” asked candy Cloud. “What’s your favorite part of having a birthday party?”

Fall gasped upon being asked such a question. She was already overwhelmed from all the new things that even going to and being at Pint’s birthday party had shown her. She didn’t comprehend the many acts of kindness, let alone what could possibly be a ‘favorite’.

“Well…,” she said shyly. “I, uh, like it… all?”

“That’s a good answer,” stated Bucky. “It’s all good.”

“And it’s even better with good friends!” cheered Candy Cloud as she went to give Fall a hug.

“That reminds me,” said Pint. “I should go and talk to the rest of the class. I don’t want to seem like I’m picking favorites. Dad says it’s bad to do that.”

Pint excused himself and headed off to talk with the other guests.

“That Blissy,” remarked Bucky. “Always talking about looking out for other pony’s feelings.”

“Other pony’s feelings?” asked Fall.

“Yeah,” said Bucky. “Pint’s dad is really into making sure every pony is happy. If he ever hears Pint and I arguing, he will run in and remind us to think about how we each feel and how good friends don’t hurt anyone’s feelings.”

“…,” thought Fall as she followed Pint’s adventures from group to group of parents and children, each seeming more happy after the birthday boy paid them a visit.

“Everything going alright over here?” asked Bucky’s mom as she and Bucky’s Uncle approached Fall, Bucky, and Candy Cloud.

“You bet!” exclaimed Bucky.

“Never happier,” cooed Candy Cloud as she nuzzled against Fall.

“How about you, little filly?” Bucky’s Uncle asked Fall. “Are you having a good time?”

“Yes,” grinned Fall with wide eyes. “I am.”

“Super!” exclaimed Bucky’s mom. “I think it’s almost time to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Pint before we get into him opening all those presents every pony brought.”

“Mmm,” hummed Candy Cloud while licking her lips. “I love cake.”

“And I know that ‘I’ got Bucky the ‘best’ present,” grinned Bucky.

Fall sighed as she thought on how she had seen all sorts of colorful packages on the table compared to her simple drawing.

“I got him a gift certificate to The Flip and Scoop,” stated Candy Cloud. “Who doesn’t love ice cream and games?”

“That’s nice,” said Bucky. “But mine is so awesome that I don’t want to share it until the little Pinto opens it.”

“What did you get Pint?” the pink Pegasus asked Fall.

“I, uh…,” she mumbled while lowering her head.

“You’ll have to wait and see,” teased Bucky.

“No fair!” pouted the filly with the white mane. “I told you what I got him.”

“I just like surprises,” Bucky teased. “Don’t you, Fall?”

“I…,” she sighed in reply. “Yeah… I guess so.”


“Okay every pony!” proclaimed Pint’s mom. “Who here is ready for cake and ice cream?”

There was a roar of cheers followed by exclamations of “Me!” and “I do!”.

“Be right back!” Pint’s dad called proudly while heading into the house.

Fall didn’t know what to say, or do. What she did know is that things just kept getting better-and-better and that she wished that this day would never come to an end.

Chapter 13 - Seven Tiny Candles

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Poor Fall didn’t know how to handle all that went into the ‘Birthday Cake Ceremony’.
First, Pint’s dad, Blissy, went around handing out ice cream cone shaped, paper hats with yarn strings for every pony to put on top of their heads. Next, the cake was brought out for every pony to see. It had a picture of one of Pint’s favorite Backyard Brawlers on it with the words, “Happy 7th Birthday, Pint” written on it. The cake smelled very sweet and extremely delicious. However, they weren’t allowed to eat it just yet. Instead, they placed seven, tiny candles in it prior to Pint’s dad using his Unicorn magic to light the candles with an ethereal, rainbow fire that made all the children ooh-and-aww at it.

With the candles lit, every pony got really quiet as Pint made his way in front of the cake. It was at this time that Blissy asked if every pony was ready to sing. This got all the children to cheer and begin singing a tune that was hard to make out by Fall due to how no single child sang it at the same volume nor pace as the other kids in attendance.

Once all the singing was complete, Pint took in a deep breath and blew out the tiny, rainbow candles. This caused all the children to cheer as Pint’s mom, Patches, worked to pull out all the candles and place them in a glass of water while Pint’s dad started using his Unicorn magic to cut the cake.


Fall appeared frozen in place as her share of the cake and ice cream was magically placed in front of her.
“Fall?” asked Candy Cloud upon realizing her friend wasn’t rushing to eat the sweet, birthday treats. “Are you okay?”
The tiny, brown Pegasus looked down upon the plate that was before her.
Candy Cloud took a huge bite out of her piece of cake before asking, “Don’t you like cake?”

“I do…,” she replied. “I’m just…”

“Just what?” chewed the pink Pegasus.

“Nothing,” said Fall before taking a small bite out of her cake. She wanted to ask more about everything she just witnessed. However, she was afraid of doing so. The way all the other kids seemed to know exactly what was going on and she didn’t would definitely get ponies asking her questions she didn’t either know the answer to nor want to answer at all. Especially since every pony thought she was younger than Candy Cloud when, in fact, she was probably one of the oldest fillies in attendance.

Pint returned to where Candy Cloud, Fall, and Bucky were sitting. His father levitating his serving of cake and ice cream over so he could enjoy it with his closest friends.

“So?” asked Pint eagerly. “How do you like the cake?”

“Delicious!” cried Bucky with a mouthful of ice cream.

“Mmm-hmm!” agreed Candy Cloud while briefly raising her front hooves and fluttering her wings. “So yummy!”

Pint turned his attention to Fall.
“How about you?” he asked with an eager smile.
“It’s…,” she said. “Too good to be true.”

“Oh, yay!” cheered Pint’s dad. “You sure know how to flatter a chef, little filly.”

“…” wondered Fall as her eyes met with Blissy’s. There was such sincerity in his comment that she truly didn’t know how to properly respond. So she decided the best thing to do was take another savory bite out of the cake she had been served and smile towards the Pinto Unicorn.

“Well,” stated Pint’s dad. “I’ve got to go serve all the adults now. You all have fun.”

“Next is presents!” cheered Candy Cloud with a wide smile. “I bet you got lots of Backyard Brawler stuff!”
“Still won’t help you beat me,” Bucky stated with a sly grin.

“You just wait!” boomed Pint. “You think you’re such a ‘high horse’ right now, but I’m going to be the one who takes you down!”

“Yeah, yeah,” replied Bucky smugly. “I’ve heard that before and I’m still the school champ.”

Candy Cloud giggled.
“Aren’t boys so silly with their whole ‘who’s the best’, macho thing?” she asked towards Fall.
“Yeah,” the undersized Pegasus replied. She wished she could say more, but she had more questions now than anything else. She also didn’t want Candy Cloud thinking less of her because she didn’t know all of the things her friend, who seemed to look up to her, already knew.

Chapter 14 - The Present that Isn't

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“Mine’s the best!” argued an Earth Pony.

“No!” proclaimed another Earth Pony. “Mine is the best!”

“I don’t know what you are arguing about,” stated Bucky to the two colts. “Especially when you know my present will be the best.”

Fall watched as children argued over who brought Pint the best birthday present.

“I told you boys were silly,” giggled Candy Cloud while playing with her pig tails. “Every gift is good on your birthday. There is no ‘best’.”

Fall thought for a moment on what she had given as a present. She wondered if it would be enough. What if there was something else she didn’t know about birthdays that would make her appear like a bad friend for not giving Pint something wrapped in a pretty box?

“Are you okay, Fall?” asked Candy. “You haven’t seemed as happy as you usually do.”

“I’m okay,” sighed Fall as she scanned the room for an opportunity to remove her picture from the gift table.

“Maybe you need a nap?” the pink Pegasus suggested. “I’d normally need a nap, but my mom and dad say sugar makes me hyper and not sleepy and, well, we did just have cake and ice cream.”

Fall didn’t respond. She was too fixated on getting that picture back before she messed everything up. So, when the opportunity allowed, the brown Pegasus dashed for it, carefully folded it up, and tucked it under her head band.

“What was all that about?” asked Candy. “You were like one of those ‘Ninja Ponies’ the boys keep talking about in school.”

“Uh…,” gasped Fall. “I, uh, need to make some changes to my, uh, present?”

“Really?” asked Candy. “Like you want to draw a picture on your gift card like I did?”

“Uh…,” thought Fall. “Yeah. That’s it. I want to add a picture to my card gift.
“Ooh!” cooed the pink Pegasus as she snuggled into Fall. “You and I even think alike! I wish we were sisters!”

This was now the second time in a single day Fall had been told that some pony wished she was their sister. This made her smile until she recalled how she had been cooped up in an awful orphanage for as long as she could remember with nobody ever showing any interest in her when they came through looking for a pony to adopt.


Fall watched as Pint opened all his presents. Each one making him smile real wide as he showered the pony who got it for him with ‘Thank yous’.

When all the gifts were opened, all the kids swarmed on Pint with the hopes of him playing with certain ones first. There were also some kids who asked if they could play with the toys he got, or trade him something for a particular gift.


A little bit more time passed before all the guests gradually began to say their goodbyes and head home with their parents.

“I can’t wait for you to start school, Fall!” cheered Candy as she was being walked out by her mom and dad. “Don’t forget to have your parents bring you by my place so our parents can meet each other and we can play together while they do ‘grown-up talk’!”

Fall looked at the scribbled series of numbers and letters that her friend had given her written down on a napkin for her and sighed, “You bet!”


Eventually, the party had pretty much come to a complete end. It was at this time that Pint consulted Bucky on how they needed to get Fall out of there before anyone started to ask questions.

“We’ll be right back!” called out Pint as he walked alongside Fall in what was an obviously oversized jacket that had the words ‘Backyard Brawlers Master Brawler’ written on the back. “We promised to walk Fall halfway home!”

“Okay, sweetie!” called out his father with a wave. “Don’t be out too long!”

“Oh!” announced Bucky. “I’ll meet you guys back at home! I got a room to clean, after all!”

“I bet,” stated his mom, Bright Skies, to those parents who were still there. “Since when does your child ever want to actually hurry home to clean their room?”

“That’s a good question,” replied his Uncle, Touchdown. “But you never know.”

Chapter 15 - One Last Gift

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The wind had begun to pick up speed as grey clouds formed in the skies. It was as if every step Pint, Bucky, and Fall took towards the orphanage the drearier the world around them became.

“I’m so glad you could come to my party, Fall,” stated the now seven year old Pinto. “Did you have fun?”

“Yes,” replied Fall in a bittersweet tone. “I wish it could never end.”

Pint felt his heart sink as he quickly understood why Fall didn’t seem as happy as he had hoped she’d be.

“I wish we didn’t have to take you back to that horrible place, too,” he said somberly.

“Hey!” suggested Bucky. “It’s not like they pay any attention to Fall at the orphanage. Why don’t we just bring her home with us?”

“You can’t,” stated Fall while lowering her head. “They may not miss me now, but evening chores are coming up and that’s when I get recognized for doing all the work Ms. Powder Puff and the others don’t want to do.”

“There’s got to be a way we can keep you out of that horrible place!” cried Pint.

“The only way out,” stated Fall with a sigh. “Is to get adopted.”

Bucky and Pint looked at each other.

“Do you think your parents could adopt Fall?” asked Bucky with a grin. “I’m sure there’s room on that ‘Wall of Love’ in your home for her.”

Pint didn’t know how to answer. He really would love it if his parents would want to adopt Fall. However, he had already told them so many lies about her that he feared that telling the truth would not only result in them saying ‘No’, but also get himself grounded for all the times he was untruthful to them about what he had really been doing.

“It’s okay,” said Fall amidst the silence. “After today, I don’t know if I could fit into a normal family.”

“Wha-why do you say that?” asked Pint as he felt a rush of guilt wash over him.

“Because,” the small, brown Pegasus replied while lowering her head. “I didn’t understand a single thing about what to do at a birthday party.”

“You seemed perfect to me,” stated Bucky.

“No,” she continued. “Every colt and filly knew what to bring, say, and do. I’m going to be going on eight years old and I didn’t have a clue as to what the right and wrong things were to do.”

“Is that why you took away your gift to Pint?” asked Bucky.

Fall froze in place. The cold wind causing her to shiver as her pig tails waved gently behind her.

“You did have a gift for me?” asked Pint.

“…,” sighed Fall as she felt tears starting to well up in her eyes.

“It was a good one!” proclaimed Bucky.

“Can I see it?” Pint asked eagerly.

Fall said nothing as she removed the folded up picture she had tucked beneath her headband.

“Is that it?” asked Pint with a smile.

“I’m sorry,” sobbed the little, brown Pegasus as she turned to face her friends. “It’s not even in a pretty wrapped box.”

“Huh?” wondered Pint. “What do you mean?”

“Every pony else’s gifts were in really pretty, wrapped boxes, or cards. Mine…”

The wind whistled as it picked up more speed. Fall’s pig tails now blowing a wildly as they were moved by each gust.

“Oh, Fall,” assured Bucky as he positioned himself to block the wind from hitting the undersized filly. “It’s not about the packaging, but the thoughtfulness behind a gift.”

“Bucky’s right,” stated Pint. “So, can I please see your present?”

With closed eyes, Fall extended the folded piece of paper towards Pint.

“Ooh!” awed Pint as he worked to unfold the entire thing. He then gasped with joy upon seeing the picture of himself and Bucky playing with Fall. “This is wonderful! Thanks, Fall!”

“Really?” she asked nervously. “You…, really like it?”

“I love it!” cheered Pint while rushing to give her a hug. “I’m going to put this on my bedroom wall so I can see it every day!”

“You are?” asked Fall as a smile began to form on her face.

“Most definitely!” proclaimed Pint. “It’s, hooves down, the best present I got for my birthday?”

“But…,” gasped Bucky. “I thought my present was the best?”

Pint smiled as he got out of the oversized Backyard Brawlers coat his yellow Pegasus pal had gotten him.

“How’s about I say that it’s a tie for best present?” he asked while draping one side of the coat over Fall and the other over himself.

Bucky smiled upon seeing how adorable Pint and Fall looked underneath the coat that had been turned into a sort of canopy.

“How can I argue with that?” he asked.

The wind blew again with even more intensity. This got the young ponies to look up and see that the skies were growing even darker.

“We should get going before the storm gets here,” stated Bucky.

Fall and Pint stood close to each other while holding the coat. Both felt much warmer and were happy to be so close.

“Right,” said Pint. “Let’s go.”

Chapter 16 - Love

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Snow had begun to mix in with the increasingly strengthening wind by the time Fall, Pint, and Bucky had reached the fenced-in border of the orphanage. Fall and Pint were now both riding atop the taller, yellow Pegasus, who had used his wings to help insulate the pair as they snuggled themselves with the coat the undersized Pinto had gotten from his friend for his birthday.

“The Weather Mare wasn’t kidding when she said the Pegasi had a chilly night planned for today,” stated Bucky while he turned away from an incoming gust of flurry-filled wind.

“Pint,” Fall said softly. “I don’t want to go back. I want to stay with you.”

“I want you to stay with me too,” he replied while pulling the coat more tightly between Fall and himself.

“Hey!” barked Bucky. “My ears are right above you two and I’d like to think I’m a part of this team, too.”

“I’m sorry,” said Fall.

“Don’t worry about it,” stated the colt as his amber-colored mane blew about and collected some stray flurries. “You little guys have to stick together.”

There was a short silence as the wind continued to blow an ever increasing amount of snow around.

“I hate to say it,” pouted Bucky. “But we got to get home, Pint. Our parents are going to start worrying if we are out in this weather much longer.”

Pint sighed as he watched Fall’s face grow a look of dread.

“I promise,” he said with as much positivity as he could muster. “We’re going to find a way to get you out of there for good.”

Fall closed her eyes and rubbed her face into Bucky’s fur.

“I know,” she said. “It just… well… it’s so hard to go back after seeing how much happiness is out there that I’m not a part of.”

There was another pause with only the wind and clanging of the fence to fill the void.

“You get to go home to loving families,” sobbed Fall. “I get to go and be teased and bullied by Rawhide, his friends, and those mean adults who see me as nothing more than some pony to do all the chores.”

“Fall…,”pouted Pint as he felt his heart break. “I’m… so… so sorry.”

“It’s not your fault,” she sobbed. “I just want out. I want out to be loved like you and Bucky are loved. I want out so I can be with Candy Cloud and playfully prance in a grassy meadow. I just want… to be free.”

“And you will be,” stated Bucky. “When Pint makes a promise he always keeps it. And, as his best friend, I am here to make sure you will soon get out of that horrible place.”

A quick gust of snow-filled wind blew as Fall nudged Pint to get off Bucky’s back. Pint wasn’t expecting this and found himself flopped on the ground with his Backyard Brawlers coat falling on top of him.

“Okay,” said Fall with all the courage she had. “Can you get me over there, Bucky?”

The yellow Pegasus took a few steps back and spread his wings.

“Remember,” he said. “We ‘will’ get you out of there.”

Pint had just gotten out from under his coat in time to see Bucky jump the fence, drop Fall off, and begin his dash to get back over to the other side.

“Fall!” cried Pint as he rushed towards the fence.

“Please,” whimpered Fall while she put her tiny, brown hoof so it could meet Pint’s hoof. “Go home, be safe, and come back soon.”

“I will,” Pint replied as he felt tears welling up in his eyes.

“I’ve got to go,” she said as she began to cry. “I love you.”

Pint stood heartbroken as he watched Fall dart towards the front door and slip in along with a shivering colt.

“D’aww,” said Bucky while rubbing his friend’s back with his hoof. “Some pony has a girlfriend.”

“I…,” said Pint. “I don’t think she meant it that way.”

“Whatever, lover boy,” teased Bucky as he knelt down for his friend to climb on his back. “I can see you blushing.”

“I’m just cold!” snapped Pint.

The pair left the orphanage and got back to their respective homes just before the storm had made it too dark to safely be outside. Both ponies’ minds filling with thoughts on how they could find a way to free their friend from the vile confines of the dreadful orphanage.