The Cherry Dragon

by scribe-feather

First published

The dancer Hotcakes entertains a crowd with his routine (ABDL, Adult Themes)

Hotcakes is a regular dancer at an aptly named "Gentlecolt's Club" in Canterlot called the Cherry Dragon. The club entertains a number of guests with their dazzling shows and sometimes lewdish routines.

Hotcakes plans on showcasing one of the crowds favorite routines for tonight's "Girls' Night". One can only imagine why a diapered stallion was such a popular item at the club on nights like this.

(Do not continue reading if you do not approve of diaper usage or diaper lover themes. If you do not like it or are under legal age, please do not keep reading.)

Chapter 1

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The Cherry Dragon
By Scribe Feather

When the sun set on the city of Canterlot, many ponies craved entertainment or nourishment. A large number of locations around the city were devoted exclusively to this crowd, providing night time services well into the early hours of the morning. Restaurants open till five in the morning, dance clubs booming their speakers well into the night, and private clubs all accommodated this wave of ponies.

The Cherry Dragon was a nightlife hotspot for those who wanted to mix things up. An aptly named “Gentlecolt’s Club”, The Cherry Dragon was best known for it’s colorful dancers consisting equally of stallions and mares. Each one had various routines that accommodated a number of vices and taboos that the crowd might have.

Some routines were simply shows of skill, intricate acts that were practiced on over and over again to ensure the best final result. While others were erotic shows of pleasure, teasing full crowds with seductive dances. During the club’s nightly hours, the more lewdish acts became more prominent.

Tonight in particular, the roster of dancers was populated by the more “eye catching” ponies the Cherry Dragon could provide. Among these ponies of varying skills and specialties was a particular apricot colored stallion.

Hotcakes was a stallion proud of his job. Every night he would have a screaming audience to dance for and the money he generated certainly made it all worthwhile. He was best known for his lewdish routines that the mares went crazy for. Under various personas, the stallion would play out little scenes centered around specific kinks and fetishes. He really knew how to work a crowd.

Backstage, the stallion prepared, both mentally and physically for his turn on the stage. He prepared in the main dressing, gathering a costume together for the night.

The dressing room backstage of the Cherry Dragon provided everything that an entertainer might need. Clothing racks filled to the brim with a wide variety of costumes hugged the far wall, giving entertainers many options to pick from. A few vanities with lit up mirrors lined the left most wall to provide the dancers ample opportunities to check themselves in.

For tonight, Hotcakes was slipping on a large, thick diaper. The bulbous padding pushed his legs apart as he gave the area a very generous amount of baby powder. He was just taping up the final tapes around the diaper’s waist when two stallions came into the room.

The two stallions, fellow dancers and entertains of the club, didn’t seem at all phased by the diapered stallion who stood before them. They simply blinked at the sight as Hotcakes blinked back.

“The Baby Powder routine again?” One of the stallions finally said. “What is this, like the fifth night in a row,”

“The crowd seems to like it,” Hotcakes replied, adjusting the diaper’s leg gatherers.

“It’s Girl’s Night tonight,” the other stallion said, “you’re gonna have hundreds of screaming mares clawing at you.”

“Psh, nothing I can’t handle,” Hotcakes shrugged off, slipping on a suit of guard armor. The guard costume was made of a lightweight plastic, certainly much different from the original source, but perfect for a pony who would be moving around a lot. The feathery light plastic was painted and stylized to look like the real thing from a distance.

“Cakes,” A new voice chimed in as a brown stallion peeked his head into the room. “You’re up in five. You ready?”

“Almost,” Hotcakes replied as he reached for a royal guard helmet, slipping it on over his orange hair. And with that, the apricot colored stallion waddled his way towards the stage.

The front part of the club provided its guests with everything they might need for an entertaining night. A large, dark wooden bar provides drinks and small plates of bar food to the thirsty patrons. The main floor was dotted with round tables, each comfortably fitting four around them. Cushy, round booths lined the edges of the club, providing more secluded areas for ponies to sit. Everything was kept under dim, red hued light to not spoil the romantic mood.

Dominating the center of the club was a long catwalk that stretched all the way from the stage to the center of the main floor. The end of the catwalk was populated by a single silver pole that attached itself to the ceiling for optimal stability.

The house lights started to fade, signalling that the show was about to start. Large groups of mares all began to crowd around the stage, eagerly awaiting what was to come. Many of them chattered with their friends, sipping fancy drinks they carried with them from the bar. Everypony was ready for the show.

Some music began to play over the speakers, announcing the beginning of the show. “Alright ladies! Straight from the Canterlot nursery! He’s gotten all dressed up JUST for you!” The announcer called over the cheering as the large stage curtains slowly pulled aside. ”Give it up for Baby Powder!”

The cheering intensified as the spot light flashed on. Bass heavy dance music began playing overhead as Hotcakes began his routine.

Dancing with each step he made, the pegasus strutted his way down the catwalk. He wiggled his diapered rump between steps, shooting a few winks and naughty grins over the crowd as he came in closer. He slowed down around the single, silver pole that stood in the middle of the round stage.

He gave the pole a few rubs with his diapered rump. The slippery plastic shell of the diaper crinkled loudly against the metal, effortlessly sliding up and down it’s smooth face. Every gyration he made against the metal pole made the crowd cheer even more.

“Baby Powder is an eager foal dreaming to become Captain of the Royal Guard!” the announcer read out. “He really hopes he’ll one day be trained as a guard, but not until he finishes potty training first!”

Every other gyration or so, a coin would be thrown onto stage, clattering loudly at Hotcakes’s feet. Undeterred by the crowd’s eagerness, he continued with his routine.

Overstating his movements, the stallion now reached down to grab a baby bottle of water that waited for him beside the base of the pole. The bottle was overly exaggerated in it’s features, dressed up in bright, eye catching stars that showed up well on the stage. The rubber nipple was only there for show, covering up a normal sized hole that allowed the drinker to drink the container without any foalish suckling.

Continuing his dance, Hotcakes tipped the bottle over and began gulping down the cool water. The water not only cooled him down, but prepped his body for his routine next step. The crowd awed as he drank down the water while childishly waggling his diapered rump at the cheering fans. Even something as innocent as bottle feeding was turned into a seductive and enticing dance for the crowd’s enjoyment.

He finished off the bottle in no time, letting the empty container drop to the floor with a hollow plastic clink. He let out a satisfied sigh, beaming under the bright stage lights.

It only took a few minutes for the water to really work it’s way through his body. Before long his bladder was aching, begging for release. He responded in kind by resting a hoof on his diapered crotch, acquiring an exaggerated look of urgency on his face. He then started to dance around like a toddler who really needed to pee.

“How ‘bout it, ladies?” the announcer overhead called out. “Do you think he should do it?”

“Soak it! Soak it! Soak it!” The crowd chanted.

Hotcakes teased his fans some more with a little more potty dancing, trying oh so hard not to have an accident. He faked an exaggerated look of desperation as his bladder became fuller.

Finally he stopped his dance, standing still as his eyes grew wide. In seconds his trained bladder loudly sprayed into his diaper. The crowd responded immediately with cheers and applause as the padding soaked up the yellow liquid. He remained frozen in place as a bladder’s worth of urine warmed the inside of his thirsty diaper. He could hardly move a muscle as the warmth enveloped his body, bringing sweet relief to his bladder.

Once his diaper was well used and swollen from his public fill up, Hotcakes plopped down onto the stage with a padded twap. He acquired an unknowing expression on his face as he pretended to just now discover his swollen diaper. He gave it a couple quisitive pokes and wiggled about on his rump in response. More awes and cheers could be heard from the crowd.

After a brief pause on the floor, Hotcakes pulled himself up back to his feet. He handled the task with exuberant, childlike movements, heavily exaggerated for the cheering audience. He wobbled every now and then, seemingly losing his balance a couple times as he stood back up. The diaper sloshed noisily between his legs, causing him to bow out his legs to cope with the sheer bulk of it all.

Hotcakes continued his routine, hardly faltered by the heavy diaper. He did a few more butt wags to the crowd, hugged the pole a couple more times, and even teased the crowd some more by sucking on his hoof a couple times.

Bits and dollar bills came flying onto the stage at that point. Hotcakes could have sworn some of them were purposely aiming for his diaper. The lucky few that managed to reach the soggy padding bluntly bapped against its swollen face before rolling to the ground.

“Alright ladies, I’m afraid some naughty foal’s gonna need a diaper change!” The announcer called out, signaling Hotcakes’s exit. “Give it up for Baby Powder!”

The diapered stallion gave the crowd a few, innocent waves before turning back to the catwalk. He waddled away as the audience continued to cheer loudly, applauding a wonderful performance.

Backstage, the loud cheers faded quickly. Soon Hotcakes was in the silent rooms that made up the area behind the stage, enjoying the silence of it all. He wiped some sweat off his brow, letting out a quick huff of air. His diaper sloshed as he waddled into the dressing room.

When he returned, the two stallions from before were already in the midst of getting their own act together. The two dressed up in identical construction worker outfits, costumes cut scandalously around the midsection.

"You look like you had fun," one of the stallions smirked, nothing the yellow diaper that loudly sloshed between Hotcakes's thighs.

"I had to. What the audience wants, the audience gets," Hotcakes commented as he waddled to a corner of the dressing room. A plain looking duffle bag waited for him, containing all the necessary supplies for changing his diaper.

The other two stallions turned back to their own duties as Hotcakes laid himself on the ground. The diaper tapes ripped loudly as he removed the soggy garment and quickly began wiping the area clean with moist wipes. He smiled proudly as he wrapped up the old diaper into a tight ball. The heavy thing was certainly a sight to behold. He really filled it up! He smirked before pulling a new diaper out from the packaging, slipping it under his butt.

As he powdered the area and pulled the new diaper up between his legs, one of the other stallions chimed in. "Why ya putting on another diaper?"

Hotcakes shrugged as he adjusted the diaper before taping it up, "ya know, in case I have any private shows or somethin' tonight."

"You think somepony's really gonna want to hire you to dance for them in a soggy diaper?"

Hotcakes shrugged again, this time letting a little grin slip through, "what the audience wants, the audience gets."