Fluttershy's Fall

by shatterstar

First published

Rainbow Dash encourages Fluttershy to practice flying but gets more than she bargained for! (CLOP)

Rainbow Dash is giving Fluttershy flight lessons. Fluttershy is doing well, then she looks down and falls. Rainbow dash saves her. THEN THEY MAKE WITH THE SWEET SWEET SECKS.

Chapter 1

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The sun shone brightly through a clear blue late-september sky, totally free of clouds save for several thin fluffy wisps. From the ground, they would have seemed to anypony as almost perfectly arranged into lines. In truth, that was exactly what they were.

Up above them, two pegasi floated on the strength of their little magical wings. One, blue with a gorgeously unkempt rainbow mane hovered effortlessly. The other, pale yellow with a long and flowing pink mane, flapped vigorously just to keep aloft.
"I... I don't know if I can do this, Rainbow Dash," said the latter, panting heavily and not daring to look down, "I've come this far... I'm higher up than I've ever been before... Can we please just go down now? I'd like to visit the chipmunks. They're stocking up for winter and..."

"No way!" The first exclaimed loudly with a toss of her mane, and threw in a little loop de loop, an aerial flourish just to show Fluttershy what excellent company she was in.

"You've come up this far," Rainbow Dash continued, "there's no going back down now, it's fly or fall! That's what they always told me in Cloudsdale Flight School."

Fluttershy gulped, looking up into the endless blue above her. She would look anywhere, anywhere but down. Rainbow Dash poked her neck up into Fluttershy's field of view, her face blending seamlessly with the clear sky.

"I believe in you, Fluttershy," she said, her voice crackling with energy and earnestness. "If you fall, and I know you won't... I'll be here to catch you."

Fluttershy didn't know whay she'd followed Rainbow Dash up here in the first place. Any other day, she would have just given some excuse. In the past she had said that the Swallows needed tending, the Beavers were lonely, or the Bees were low on honey. Today, however, Rainbow had caught Fluttershy in a particularly sullen mood, feeling like she had been wandering through life half-asleep. She had always thought her animal friends were all she needed in her secluded garden home. This morning Fluttershy had felt like she wanted something more; and suddenly there was Rainbow Dash, grinning ear to ear in her doorway.

"O-okay..." Futtershy muttered, steeling herself and trying to sound as determined as possible, "Here I go."

Surprising even herself, Fluttershy lurched forward with everything she had, blasting ahead between the two Cirrus lanes Rainbow had painstakingly kicked apart for her. Her eyes were sealed shut at first, but as she sped forth, Fluttershy cracked them open. The sky was moving past her at an alarming rate, and the horizon remained ahead, hazy and ever distant in the afternoon sun.

Celestia be praised, Fluttershy thought, I'm really flying now!

And then she looked down.

Below her, Fluttershy could see Applejack's orchard spread out below her, trees arranged in lines carefully like letters on a page. Down there Applejack's family was laboring dillegently to collect the ripening apples. Smaller than ants, they were invisible to Fluttershy's naked and untrained eye. In the distance, Ponyville and its evirons spread out across an area no larger than her hoof. The tree-houses were peppered with red and yellow, multicolored harbringers of a dying year.

Fluttershy suddenly felt numb, her wings heated and shot with pain like two brands jabbed into her flanks. She closed her eyes once more, started and pushed to get them going again, but her wings didn't seem to be under her control. The ground was now grasping her tightly, Gravity pulling her down with every Newton of its might.

This is it, Fluttershy thought, I can't go any farther.

She opened her eyes. The lanes Rainbow Dash had made for her were now receding into the distance as Fluttershy plunged ever downward to her certain doom. She closed her eyes barely in time to miss a streak of rainbow light passing above her in a blinding view, yet she immediately felt two hooved limbs grasp her tightly from above.

Fluttershy opened her eyes once again. Rainbow Dash's face was determined, focused away from her, every muscle in that one's sleek, athletic body coursed with effort. Fluttershy couldn't look away, her eyes staring straight at Dash's muzzle until her back felt the caress of grass and solid ground.

Fluttershy could feel Rainbow Dash's legs wrapped around her, pinning her to the ground. They were strong and firm, more so than the trunk of any tree, constricting her slightly but it wasn't painful. In Dash's strong grasp, Fluttershy felt secure.

"Well," Rainbow began with some pointless encouragement, looking down at Fluttershy as they landed, "That was-"

Fluttershy didn't allow her friend to finish. Reaching up with her own hooves, Fluttershy grasped Rainbow Dash's gorgeous spectral mane, pulling that one down towards her. Fluttershy wrapped her mouth around Dash's, still open midsentence. Her tongue carressed Dash's, wrapping around it and exploring the warm and wet depths of Dash's mouth. Her legs kicked upward, surprising Dash with their strength, and with a quick flick and twist of Fluttershy's spine, she had reversed Dash's hold. Now Fluttershy was on top, her vulva grinding against Rainbow Dash's as her tongue slithered gently acros Dash's.
"MMPH," Rainbow gurgled, as Fluttershy removed her tongue as she continued to grind against Dash. "Fluttershy! What are you... OH CELESTIA!!" Fluttershy began licking her tongue against Dash's neck, feeling every hair of Dash's mane and coat as well as every sinew beneath. Fluttershy stared down at Rainbow Dash. There were no words for what she was feeling, what she wanted. Without warning she leapt up and pinned Rainbow Dash's lower half beneath her forelegs, closing her eyes and lapping at Dash's sky-blue vulva.

"AAAAaaahhhhhhhh!" Rainbow pushed her hips upward with a start as Fluttershy caressed her clit and labia with her long pink tongue. It was almost like a fight, but though Fluttershy's wings were tired, her arms were srong enough to keep Rainbow Dash mostly still as that one squirmed in fits of pleasure. Fluttershy could taste the wetness of Dash's arousal oozing forth as she submitted to Fluttershy's sensual assault, that one moving down and thrusting her tongue into Dash's vagina, maneuvering it up against her G-spot.

"Oh, Fluttershy, you... Ahh! You're gonna make me come..." Rainbow Dash could barely get out a word of protest, even if she had wanted to, as Fluttershy's tongue undulated deep inside her. Rainbow Dash thought back to all the times she had tried to encourage Fluttershy, all of those quiet moments and coy glances, the quiet but wholehearted cheers which that one made as Dash had trained for every contest and benchmark...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Waves of hot pleasure radiating out from her sex, Dash bucked and arched her back as she screamed in orgasm. Fluttershy's flowing pink mane carressed Rainbow Dash's thighs as she kissed up and down Dash's belly, then up that one's thighs, then back down into Dash's vulva causing another wave of pleasure to course through her body.

Finally, Rainbow Dash looked down at Fluttershy's face. That sheepish half-smile was gone. Fluttershy stared into Rainbow Dash's eyes with a look of complete seriousness and total determination.

"Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash said as Fluttershy loomed above her, her voice still quivering in the throes of orgasm. "I never knew that you-"

"Shut up, Rainbow Dash." She had never heard Fluttershy's voice laden with such certainty. The formerly timid pegasus rolled over off of Dash and pulled Dash's face toward her own.

"Shut your fucking mouth and eat me out."

Rainbow Dash grinned, feeling she had no choice but to assent. She leaned in to kiss Fluttershy as she maneuvered on top of that once-timid pegasus. Fluttershy licked her lips in anticipation, looking up into the lattice of leaves as Rainbow Dash kissed slowly down her torso and belly until she reached Fluttershy's vulva.

It was true, Fluttershy was a complete and total virgin, never having so much as touched herself before this autumn afternooon. Until that moment, where Rainbow Dash had saved her during her fall, Fluttershy had never even realized what she had needed. Now it was all hers. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy's bodies were united in complete mutual bliss. In the trees the birds were singing and mammals were twittering in perfect harmony.

Rainbow Dash rolled her tongue up, down, and around Fluttershy's moist clitoris. She was the more experienced, it was true, but that only served to make the experience more than Fluttershy had ever dreamed of.

"OH YES!" Fluttershy cried out as Dash caressed her pussy with a deft and skillful tongue. Dash's forelegs wrapped around Fluttershy's hindlegs, pinning them at her sides with a firm and gentle strength. Fluttershy's entire boddy shuddered in bliss as Rainbow Dash moved her muzzle down and inserted her tongue into Fluttershy's quivering vagina.

Fluttershy looked down at Rainbow 's Face, relaxed and yet fraught with concentration as that one massaged Fluttershy deep inside, where nothing and no-one had been before. Fluttershy felt something slip deep within, as Dash's tongue maneuvered around her g-spot. Something had left her, gone into Rainbow, and she knew that she would never be the same. A tsunami of pleasure rocked Fluttershy as she screamed in orgasm.

After what seemed like only a minute, or maybe Eternity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash lay side by side in the browning grass. Once again their tongues caressed one another, bodies united in complete and total bliss, hides glistening with sweat in the sun that peeked through the leaves of Applejack's apple trees. Up above the two newfound lovers, apples swelled a ripe red-green in the early autumn sun.

"Uh, am Ah interruptin' somethin'?" came a familiar drawl.

The two ponies looked over, and there was Applejack; face twisted in puzzlement beneath her ten-gallon hat.
Caressing one another with their hooves as two newfound lovers, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash simply laughed in response. Overhead, the two lanes of cloud slowly drifted together and blurred into one.