The Best. Week. Ever.

by Octavias Melody

First published

A promise to Rarity leads Rainbow Dash to look after Sweetie Belle for a week.

Rarity, desperately in need of some rest and relaxation, accepts an invitation from Princess Cadence for a spa week in the Crystal Empire. Circumstances have forced Rarity to get Rainbow dash to foalsit Sweetie Belle for a week.

Foalcon. Cloppyness with a side of romance as the story develops. Watersports in Chapter 2.

Midnight Indiscretions

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Rarity was in the zone. Orders had been piling up recently, and she’d decided that that she needed a few days of non-stop work to get everything out of the way. Sleep became the bare minimum needed, and coffee became her not-so-secret crutch. Rarity herself was close to exhaustion, but she consoled herself with a promise that, once she’d finished this last dress on her order list, she’d take up Princess Cadence’s offer of a spa week in the Crystal Empire, a thank-you for the headdress Rarity had masterminded during the liberation of the Empire.

Rarity heard the subtle clinking of porcelain against the backdrop of the sewing machine, and the corner of her eye tracked the door to her workshop opening; in came Sweetie Belle, her magic carrying a batch of freshly-brewed coffee. Without even being asked, Sweetie Belle carefully filled the empty cup nearest to her sister, as Rarity toiled away on the last piece of her ensemble.

Several minutes later, the dress was fitted to one of her shop’s mannequins, and the alabaster unicorn took a step back to bask in her work; her now-completed dresses radiated to the world their utter perfection, and Rarity settled on nothing less for her clients. She allowed herself a moment to breathe a private sigh of relief that she had met all of her deadlines, before her mind wandered back to the promise of a lavish week in the Crystal Empire.

As much as Rarity loved her sister, she needed some personal time to herself. This last few weeks had been taxing, and Sweetie Belle had been on the receiving end a few times when the stress had threatened to derail Rarity’s work schedule. Rarity felt guilty that her sister had to see that side of her, and decided that, while she was off enjoying her time in the Crystal Empire, she would make sure that Sweetie Belle would have a week of enjoyment of her own while she was away.

As Rarity got up to walk into the kitchen, she froze, a slight panic running through her spine as she ran through the mental roster of which of her friends were in Ponyville this week.

Twilight Sparkle was out of the question; Princess Celestia had recalled her to Canterlot on urgent diplomatic business, and there was no way that she was going to bother her with that situation unfolding. Fluttershy was assisting Pinkie Pie with a specialist confectionary order for a client in Manehatten, and were out of town for at least the next six days. That just left Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Applejack was busy with farm work most days of the week, and Rarity reasoned that it would be unfair to ask Applejack to put her livelihood on hold to play sitter for her sister.

That just leaves… Rainbow Dash. I can’t believe I’m contemplating this… but I really need the time off to myself.

Rarity made a beeline for the stairs, and approached her sister’s room. After a few firm knocks with a hoof, Sweetie Belle granted permission for her big sister to enter. “Hey, Rarity! How’re the dresses looking?” the foal enquired with a look of pride in her eyes.

“They’re looking fabulous, darling. I wanted to… to apologise to you. You and I both know that those dress orders have been somewhat stressful for me, and I’m sorry that I’ve snapped at you this week. I know that you were only trying to help; I let stress get the better of me, and I’m truly sorry for that.”

Sweetie Belle approached her sister, and gave her a warm hug, as Rarity nuzzled her sister in return, “I love you, Rarity. I’m sorry that I got in the way.”

“Nonsense, it is I who should be sorry. On the subject of stress, your sister needs some… personal time to herself. I’m calling in a favour, and heading to the Crystal Empire for a week. Princess Cadance invited me as a thank-you for that headdress I made for her.”

“The Crystal Empire!?” Sweetie Belle beamed. “We learned about that in school before we left for break. It looks so cool!

“Yes, it does. The sight of seeing it in all its glory is simply divine! I’ll speak to Princess Cadence about having the two of us visit later in the year, if you’d like.”

“So… I can’t go with you for this trip?” the foal pouted.

“Sweetie, I need some time to myself. I love you; you are my sister, after all. But I need time to myself to relax and unwind. But, I promise that you’ll have a good time here in Ponyville while I’m away. I was going to ask Rainbow Dash to look after you for a week… but that order made me lose track of time. I’m sure that Rainbow would have some ideas on what to do for… fun.” Rarity was downright struggling to entertain the possibility that she’d be leaving her sister in the hooves of someone that she, not long ago, would have described as aloof, even reckless.

“Oh, oh, that reminds me!” the small white unicorn butted in, “I learned a new spell from Princess Twilight last week! It’s that spell that unicorns use to walk on clouds.”

“Perfect! You’ll be able to stay in her cloud house… and that means no chance of her damaging anything in my workshop. Be a dear and wait here, I need to go and quickly find Rainbow Dash.... before she makes plans for the week ahead.”

Without further ado, Rarity darted for the front door, and after making sure that she looked fabulous, Rarity stepped outside into the warm evening air. It suddenly dawned on Rarity that pegasi, on the whole, don’t spend a heck of a lot of time at ground level if they can help it. The purple-maned unicorn was forced to think of possible places the cyan pegasus could be spending her evening that didn’t involve aeronautical exploration.

Like a lightning bolt, Rarity was struck by an idea. Running as fast as her hooves could take her, she sped towards Sweet Apple Acres, the sky slowly dimming as the sun made its way over the horizon.

Rarity knew that there were few things in this world that Rainbow Dash couldn’t resist, and one of those was cider. Even if she did have the tendency to over-indulge at times…

It wasn’t long until Rarity came to the main barn, the inside awash with light and the noise of conversation. Being the polite mare that she was, Rarity rapped on the door twice with a hoof. Seconds later, one of Ponyville’s finest agrarians stood before her. “Rarity? Well, ain’t this a surprise! What brings y’ here?” Applejack enquired, her warm curiosity permeating the air around her.

“On the off-chance that she’s actually here, I’d like a few moments with Rainbow Dash.” Rarity said, a hoof subconsciously fluffing up her mane.

The orange earth pony raised an eyebrow, “How’d you know that she’d be in here?”

“Because each year, around this time, you do a little cider-making test to make sure that your apples are of suitable quality… or so you told me once. And as we both know, Rainbow likes her cider… a little too much sometimes, truth be told. I figured that, with you conducting your little annual test, that she might be here.”

“Yeah... she is. Come on in!”

Applejack led the fashionista into the barn, Rainbow Dash sitting on a bale of hay to the right-hand side, not quite believing that Rarity was actually in a barn.... with a dirty floor, no less, “Rainbow, Rarity has somethin’ to discuss wit’ ya. I’ll give y’all some privacy… it’s Apple Bloom’s bedtime, ‘nyway.”

As Applejack trotted back to her house, Rarity made eye contact with the cyan pegasus, “Sorry to intrude on your evening, but I need to… to ask a favour of you.”

Rainbow put down the mug of cider, and squinted her eyes, “What kind of favour?”

Rarity looked around slightly pensively, hoping that Rainbow wouldn’t decline, “I need… for you to look after Sweetie Belle for a week.”

The athletic pegasus swallowed hard, and broke eye contact for a moment, her heart skipping a few beats, “... why me to look after her?”

“Well, um… I can’t ask anyone else. They’re either busy, or out of town. If you need some persuasion, I might have some bits lin-”

Rainbow Dash approached Rarity with a small smile forming, as she touched noses with the unicorn, “Keep your bits… consider it a favour. But I want a favour in return.”

Now it was Rarity’s turn to swallow hard, followed as it was by a hard blush and several steps back, “W-what kind of favour?” she stammered.

“You let me worry about that… I’ll let you know when I think of something.” the pegasus was now visibly grinning at the deliberate unease she was causing to the unicorn in front of her. “Where are you going for a week, anyway?” she enquired.

“It’s, um, to a spa in the Crystal Empire. I’m taking Princess Cadence up on an offer to relax and unwind for a week. I’m heading over to Twilight’s in a bit to send a message via Spike before they leave for Canterlot, and after that, I need to organize a train journey for the morning… could you look after her from tonight?"

“I suppose I could. It’s not like I have anything planned.” Rainbow said nonchalantly, taking a small sip of cider.

“Wonderful… just one more thing, Rainbow… I feel guilty enough as it is for wanting to get away for some personal time… could you make sure that Sweetie Belle has a fun time while I’m away?”

“Sure! I promise to give her the best, most awesome week, ever! I can take her to the same places that I take Scootaloo sometimes. Meet me under my cloudhouse in an hour, and I’ll take her up. I need to get some... tidying... done first.” she said, depositing the now-empty mug on the makeshift table. “I don’t usually get company very often, unless it’s Scootaloo if she’s had a rough day at home. You might want to take Sweetie Belle to Twilight when you send that message, that cloud-walking spell is pretty much mandatory for non-pegasi. I can’t have her falling into the clouds my house is made out of.”

Rarity nodded, “She already learned that spell from Twilight, so you needn’t worry about her falling out of the sky.” Rainbow Dash got up, and made her way outside, the crisp evening winds permeating the feathers on her wings. With practiced skill, Rainbow Dash spread her wings, and skilfully ascended into the twilight sky.

The journey to her cloud house was short, positioned as it was above Ponyville itself. As soon as Rainbow Dash let herself in, she darted to the spare bedroom. Upon opening the door, she surveyed the state that Scootaloo has left the room in the last time she was over; empty snack bags, mis-placed furniture, and…

Rainbow found herself sniffing the air, attempting to find the source of the curious aroma that found it’s way to her nostrils. As she circled aimlessly around the room, she hatched upon the brilliant idea to smell everything in the room. The bookshelf passed with flying colors, as did the armchair. As Rainbow got close to the cloud bed, she immediately got a far stronger whiff of that odour. It wasn’t an unpleasant smell, just… strange.

On a whim, Rainbow took a deep sniff of the cloud that the bed was made of. In a split-second, Rainbow finally put two and two together.

Eww, Scoots, Rainbow Dash thought to herself, as she smacked a hoof to her forehead in silent frustration. At least tell me next time so I can get a fresh cloud in, or something. I can’t let Sweetie Belle sleep on a cloud that smells like clop!

Rainbow reasoned to herself that there was no other alternative - she’d have to share her bed will the filly, albeit it with some extra clouds stuffed into it to make it a double bed. At least this means I can keep an eye on her.

Rainbow spent the next half-hour making sure that her house was tidy enough to have a guest over, the pegasus going as far as checking her cabinets to make sure she had enough food to last the week, and mentally scouring her brain for locations to take Sweetie Belle.

While making some last-minute trips outside to get some fresh clouds, Rainbow Dash found herself catching a glimpse of Cloudsdale floating near the edge of Ponyville. Cloudsdale being so close meant that she could take the filly on a tour of the weather factory, or get her a front row seat at an aerial performance.

After making sure that her bed was comfy enough for her to willingly spend the night on, Rainbow casually peered out of a window to the ground below; Dash then felt slightly uneasy as she caught sight of Rarity tapping a hoof on the ground in mild frustration, while Sweetie Belle entertained herself with some magical cantrips. Without missing a beat, Rainbow ran downstairs and flew at speed out the front door. Catching the two unicorns in her sights, she flew gracefully down to the ground to meet them, already feeling Rarity’s disapproval drilling into her skull.

“Rainbow Dash!” the unicorn practically bellowed, “You should know by now that it is not polite to keep a lady waiting.” Rarity planted a hoof on the ground firmly to punctuate her dissatisfaction.

“I’m sorry… I got kinda carried away cleaning up my house. I’ll take good care of Sweetie Belle for the week, don’t you worry.” said Rainbow, giving Rarity a playful salute with her hoof. “Sweetie Belle, are you ready to go up?”

The foal nodded in acknowledgement, her recently-obtained cutie mark shimmering against the young evening’s moonlight, “Sure am! I applied that could-walking spell before we left, too.”

The cyan pegasus moved forward, and ruffled the foal’s hair with a hoof, “That’s what I like to hear, squirt.” Rainbow Dash flapped her wings slowly, and moved to be above Sweetie Belle. Bracing herself, Sweetie Belle felt Rainbow Dash’s hooves wrap around her tummy, causing her to squirm as she ascended into the air. Rainbow found herself enjoying the warmth of the foal in her grasp, before her attention was needed for a landing.

Rainbow let go of Sweetie Belle less than a metre off the clouds that led up to her front door, and as Rainbow herself came in for a gentle landing, she couldn’t help but laugh as Sweetie Belle used the clouds as a trampoline. Rainbow approached her front door, and as she turned the handle, shouted out to Sweetie Belle, “C’mon squirt, I’ll show you around my cloud house.”

Sweetie Belle raced into the circular reception room, adorned as it was with her medals, trophies and other awards for her flying skills. “This is where I keep my awards. I’d rather they be on display than in a box gathering dust somewhere. What d’ya think of them?”

Sweetie Belle might have been young, but living with Rarity had given her a keen eye for noticing an ego on parade, “They’re, um… nice. I... don’t really have any awards I can put on display.” The foal sat down, and her head lowered.

Rainbow Dash’s brain chose now to kick some sense into the rest of her. You’re a fucking idiot, Dash. You’re supposed to be showing her a good time, not reminding her of her failures!

The pegasus went wide-eyed as the self-realization hit her, and she walked over to Sweetie Belle to give her a cuddle, “... I’m sorry. Normally, my only visitor up here is Scootaloo, and you know how much she looks up to me… I guess I just got used to that.”

“It’s alright… um, is it OK if I get some sleep? We had our tests at school today, and it took a lot out of me.”

Rainbow nodded, “Sure thing. You’re staying with me tonight, Rarity asked me on short notice to look after you, and my spare room wasn’t ready in time. But, my bed is super-comfy. You just lie back, and it feels like you’re flying. C’mon, follow me up, and I’ll show you”

Dash went up the stairs with Sweetie Belle in tow, and parted the clouds that formed a makeshift door. To Sweetie Belle’s surprise, the room was almost bare, save for a bed and minor furnishings, “You don’t keep a lot of stuff in here.”

“It’s a cloud house... besides, I don’t need lots of stuff around me. Does.... Rarity have a lot of stuff?”

Sweetie Belle nodded, “She sure does! She keeps her bedroom door shut most of the time, but when I’ve seen inside, she’s had magazines, books, and other stuff lying on the floor. She’s even got a hoof massager that she keeps handy.”

Dash let her curiosity get the better of her, “A… hoof massager? Like, one you’ve seen her use?”

“I haven’t seen her use it… I snuck into her room once, and I managed to turn it on. It’s long, and purple, and felt really good on my rear hooves.”

“Um… you’re sure it’s a hoof massager?”

“Well, duh. What else could it be?”

Deciding to leave that line of questioning for the evening, Rainbow Dash gave some last minute prods to her recently-improved cloud bed, “Hop in when you’re ready, squirt.” Sweetie Belle duly bounded onto the fluffy set of clouds that Rainbow had skilfully crafted into a bed, and set about jumping on the clouds like they were a trampoline, “I bet I could bounce to the moon from this bed!”

Rainbow chuckled to herself, forgetting how easy Sweetie Belle was to impress. “Feels good, huh? I’m starting to feel a little sleepy, so what d’ya say we get some shut-eye? I’ll take you somewhere fun tomorrow, deal?”

“Really!? Where are we going?”

“I… haven’t got that far yet. I don’t normally do this whole planning thing. If I can get it arranged, would you want to come with me on a tour of the Weather Factory in Cloudsdale? Scootaloo seemed-”

Before Rainbow could finish her sentence, she suddenly found herself with a white unicorn giving her as big a hug as she could muster “Really!? Ohthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!”

Without having to think, Rainbow gave the foal a cuddle, and a pat on the head, “Don’t sweat it. Now, let’s get some sleep. We need to get up early if you want to go, so I can fly us to Cloudsdale with enough time for a proper tour.”

Sweetie Belle was struggling to contain her enthusiasm, but reluctantly lay down on the soft clouds as Rainbow Dash dragged a duvet over her, although the white unicorn was failing to contain a grin as wide as Ghastly Gorge. The athletic pegasus then went over to the side of the bed, and eased herself into the dreamy fluffiness that was her creation.

“Good night, kiddo. See you in the morning”, Rainbow half-yawned, to which Sweetie Belle just nodded, and they both turned over to try and get comfy.

Later on that night, Rainbow found herself awake as she often did during the night. She was a light sleeper, and her friends had regaled her with tales that, in the past, she had been known to bolt upright in bed to the sound of just the wind outside. Dash’s sleep-muddled brain was trying to alert her to… something. Rainbow was trying to make out the sound…

nyeh... nyeh... nyeh… nyeh...”

I’ve heard that sound before, Dash thought to herself. When did I hear that last? Oh, I thought something sounded odd when she last visited, I meant to ask Scoot-

Rainbow’s train of thought came to a screeching halt, and she finally put two and two together; the sound from when Scootaloo last visited, the smell of the bed when she came to prepare it for Sweetie Belle’s visit. Great. Just great. I have a foal clopping in my bed! Not only is my bed going to smell, but I’m not going to get any sleep at this rate…

Rainbow closed her eyes, and planned out how to approach Sweetie Belle about this; after a few seconds of deliberation and weighing the pros and cons, Rainbow decided that the direct approach would be best. Rainbow opened her eyes, and very, very carefully craned her neck around to view the other side of her bed. Sweetie Belle was lying on her side with her back facing the cyan pegasus, and Rainbow could see from Sweetie’s limb movements that a hoof was clearly making some moves down south. The pegasus listened to the frustrated noises coming from the opposite side of the bed, and concluded to herself that Sweetie’s hooves were proving to be ineffective at best at solving her problem.

Rainbow’s thoughts competed in her for attention. You remember yourself at that age? You couldn’t sleep for weeks. You wouldn’t want someone else to go through that. She’s just a foal. If Rarity finds out, she’ll kill you.

To make matters worse, Rainbow suddenly became aware of a dampness on the cloud directly under her. It… has been a while since my last roll in the clouds, Rainbow thought to herself. Helping Sweetie Belle out might not be so bad…

With the superior reflexes of an athlete, the aroused pegasus pulled Sweetie Belle back so that she was once again lying down with her back on the cloud bed, and Rainbow herself now towered above the nervous unicorn. The foal was undeniably startled, but was frozen in place, mostly out of fear that she was about to be punished, and the shame of being caught doing… that.

Rainbow Dash had other ideas; the pegasus kneeled in front of the shivering unicorn, “Relax, squirt, I’m not gonna hurt you. How… long has this been going on?”

“I-It’s, um… been a few weeks. Rarity keeps making me drink this nasty tea, a-and it helps during the day, but I, um… have to do something myself at night when the tingling starts again.”

“Yeah, I had the same problem, only for me, it was in Flight Academy. I had to exhaust myself from training so that I would fall asleep quicker. Looking back… I would have given almost anything to have had somepony lend a helping hoof. Would you, um… like me to help?” said Rainbow, swallowing hard.

Sweetie Belle was almost instant in her nodding, the tingling in her loins now becoming a mild burning sensation. Rainbow wasted no time, and ran a hoof over the unicorn’s swollen labia; the fur was soaking wet, and the concentrated scent of Sweetie Belle wafted up to Dash’s nose as Sweetie Belle’s labia winked at her invitingly. Rainbow followed the scent down, and began to lick at the slickened labial lips of the inexperienced foal; Rainbow had forgotten how good another pony could taste down there, and was being reminded how much she’d missed laying with another mare.

Keeping her eyes trained on the unicorn, Rainbow started to delve her tongue into Sweetie’s sex, lapping up the sweet-tasting nectar being secreted. Dash angled her head and started to lick upwards, causing the foal to arch her back in surprise as Rainbow grazed her clitoris. “Heh. You like that, don’t ya?” Dash coyly smiled at Sweetie Belle, and the unicorn returned the query with a smile and a nod. Rainbow took that as her cue to focus her attention, and began to deftly ravage Sweetie Belle’s clit with her tongue, the pegasus immensely enjoying the sight of the foal’s body dance to the tune her tongue was orchestrating. Rainbow found herself grinding against the clouds, but she remembered her promise to Rarity: give Sweetie Belle the most awesome week, ever. Dash quickened the pace of her tongue, sweeping it across Sweetie’s clit in quick, broad strokes, causing the foal to moan loudly in response.

“Mmm! Rainbow… please don’t stop!” the foal pleaded, aching for relief from the pressure building up inside her. Dash decided that Sweetie Belle had been pent up for long enough, and began to concentrate her tongue’s assault at the tip of Sweetie’s clit. It wasn’t long before the unicorn was pushed over the edge; Sweetie Belle arched her back as waves of pleasure paralyzed her body, and her mind was plunged into an unfamiliar, but very enjoyable feeling of warmth and contentment. Rainbow felt the full force of Sweetie Belle’s pent-up frustration, and her face was pelted with several squirts of sweet-smelling fluid.

As Rainbow rolled over, she became aware again of the burning itch in her crotch. Dash quickly brought a hoof down to her soaked nethers, and set about vigorously relieving herself of her aching desire to achieve climax, completely oblivious to the exhausted foal lying next to her. Dash was so caught up in her furious ministrations that she was startled when she felt a hoof on hers, and the scent of another pony very close to her nostrils. “Um… mind if I help?” Sweetie Belle said, as she sat down in front of the frustrated pegasus.

Dash quickly nodded in agreement, “Sure, squirt, but on one condition.” Before Sweetie Belle could be left to ponder what that condition might be, Rainbow leaned forward, and delivered it with finesse, as her lips made swift contact with the unicorn’s. Sweetie Belle was caught off guard momentarily, but quickly reciprocated; driven by the sweet-tasting aftermath of Rainbow’s indiscretion, Sweetie Belle wrestled her tongue with Dash, as the pegasus guided one of the unicorn’s hooves to her soaked nethers.

Unsure of what to really do, Sweetie Belle began to clumsily rub Rainbow’s swollen clit with a hoof, causing the pegasus to softly moan into the unicorn’s mouth. Sensing her inexperience, Rainbow began to guide Sweetie Belle’s hoof movements into a circular motion, mimicking her own solo style. After a few seconds, Sweetie Belle was really beginning to hit Rainbow’s sweet spot, causing the pegasus to collapse back onto the bed. Feeling more confident, Sweetie retracted her hoof, and instantly dived between Dash’s legs. The foal began to eagerly lick inside the older mare’s folds, but she knew that she’d hit the mark when her tongue grazed across Rainbow’s clit; the rainbow-maned mare’s body jolted on contact, causing a sharp moan to escape her mouth.

Sweetie Belle’ confidence soared, and she began an all-out assault on Rainbow’s frustration, focusing her tongue on the pegasus’ swollen clitoris. “Ooooh...I’m… I’m close! Don’t you dare stop, you hear me!?” Rainbow bellowed, punctuated either side by shallow, rapid breathing.

Thinking back to an earlier class with Twilight, Sweetie Belle got an idea; her horn lit up, and she used her magic to create a layer of static electricity on her tongue. As her tongue continued its assault, Rainbow’s frustrations and pent-up tension crashed into her like a tidal wave, the pegasus instinctively clutching the foal with her hind legs, inadvertently keeping Sweetie Belle locked in place as her face was pelted with the musky aftermath of Dash’s dry spell. After a few minutes of her body basking in the warm afterglow of post-coital euphoria, Rainbow relaxed; the pegasus found herself wondering when she last felt this good. Before her brain could finish that thought, however, she sank into a restful sleep.

Sweetie Belle looked up, and noticed that Rainbow Dash had drifted off to sleep. Moving carefully to avoid waking her, the unicorn gently pulled the cloud covers over the slumbering pegasus, before scooting under the covers herself. The foal instinctively went to lie on her side, but she instead chose to turn over, and snuggle up close to the now-snoring Rainbow Dash.

Morning Comfort

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Light began to shine through the windows in Rainbow Dash’s bedroom as morning broke over the horizon. The rays of light fell onto the slumbering body of Sweetie Belle, causing her to stir from what felt like her best every night’s sleep.

After a few moments of morning amnesia, the filly caught her bearings; looking around, she realised that Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be found. Throwing off the cloud duvet, she trotted towards the door; as Sweetie Belle moved closer, the foal caught the whiff of a peculiar smell in the air. Whatever it was, it smelled delicious.

Sweetie Belle quickly found her way to what passed for Rainbow Dash’s kitchen; a small recess with a breakfast table. On closer inspection, the it appeared the cyan pegasus was cooking pancakes on a stove-like appliance; Rainbow Dash was paying close attention to a saucepan, as she squeezed something that looked suspiciously like pancake batter onto the hot metal. Underneath the saucepan, a small crystal was outputting a controlled heat to the simmering culinary creation; Rainbow Dash deftly used a spatula with her hooves to flip the pancake over one she judged it to be sufficiently brown on one side.

Rainbow had barely noticed the unicorn walk in and take a seat at the breakfast table, her mind perfectly happy to use the excuse of breakfast to not think about the events of last night. That excuse came to an abrupt end when Rainbow dished up the results of her cooking; the two ponies suddenly found themselves in an uncomfortable silence. Both Sweetie Belle and Rainbow Dash avoided making eye contact, and they barely exchanged words for what seemed like an eternity to them both.

Rainbow was close to screaming internally; she had awoken during the night, and her mind was adamant in its refusal to let her sleep, replaying the events of the night in uncomfortable emotional sobriety. Sweetie Belle, meanwhile, had hardly given what happened a second thought, but it was becoming clear, even to a pony of her youthful years, that something didn’t feel right.

Sweetie Belle finished her stack of pancakes, unashamedly licking the bowl clean of the last drops of syrup, before summing up the courage to break the silence between them.

“Um, Rainbow Dash… is everything OK?” the unicorn enquired, tilting her head to the side.

While Rainbow knew that the silence would end eventually, she was unprepared to offer a coherent response when pressured, “I, um, uh… yeah, I’m, uh, y’know, fine...” she responded, now super-obviously avoiding making eye contact with the concerned filly, looking as she was down at the floor. Sweetie Belle became subconsciously infected with the depressing breakfast overtones, and her jaw sunk to rest on the table’s surface. “I’m sorry if I made you sad, Rainbow Dash…”

The cyan pegasus got off her stool, and approached the foal from the side, motioning for Sweetie Belle to get on her back, “I think it’s time you and I had a talk. I’ve been putting it off all morning.” The unicorn nodded, and Rainbow slowly carried the saddled pony into the living room, depositing her on a comfy cloud sofa.

Rainbow turned away from Sweetie Belle, taking a moment to compose herself. After taking taking a few deep breaths, she turned to face her curious guest. “First off, lemme say that this is not your fault. Rarity left me in charge of you, and I’m supposed to be the responsible one. Last night… I thought back to when I was in flight school. My estrus hit me hard, like, some nights I would be furiously grinding against my bedsheets, ‘cus it would be burning down there.”

The unicorn piped up, “Yeah, it was like a really bad itch. When I use my hooves down there, it goes away for a bit. It… hasn’t itched since last night, though.”

“Well, after listening to you for what seemed like hours, I remembered that, while this was happening to me, I would have given nearly anything to have someone help me. And, y’know, I was super horny. I’ve been going through a bit of a dry spell...”

Sweetie Belle scoured over the pegasus with her eyes, “But you always look dry!” The innocence of the foal in front of her elicited a giggle from Rainbow Dash, “Not… quite what I meant. It means that I haven’t done… that with anypony else for a while.”

“Who was the last pony you did it with?” the unicorn enquired.

Rainbow Dash wasn’t prepared for that question, her body instinctively taking a step backward, “I… uh… OK, I will, on one condition; that what you hear in this cloud house, stays in this cloud house. That means that you don’t tell Rarity, or any of your friends about this. Are we clear?”

The foal enthusiastically nodded, and punctuated her acceptance by trailing a hoof across her closed nuzzle like a zipper. Rainbow Dash closed her eyes, and took a deep breath, “It was… Applejack. She and I… share some... interests.

“Like what?” the foal pestered, cocking her head to the side.

“Well… Celestia-dammit, this is hard.” the pegasus said, bringing a hoof to her forehead to massage her temple, “Applejack and I… we… like to, um… pee on each other.”

Rainbow Dash made eye contact with Sweetie Belle, and for a split-second was left wondering to herself if she had actually caused the foal to blow a fuse.

“Rainbow Dash… can I tell you something?” the unicorn said, lowering her eyes to the floor.

Rainbow nodded, and slowly made her way to the cloud sofa. Sitting down next to Sweetie Belle, the pegasus placed a hoof briefly on the filly’s shoulder, “You can tell me anything, squirt. What’s on your mind?”

“Well… I’ve never told anypony this, but once, when we were out crusading, Scootaloo ran off, saying that she’d be back shortly. Apple Bloom went off on her own to chase down the supplies we needed, while I went to check on Scootaloo. I found her in a small clearing, but she hadn’t noticed me… kinda because she had her back to me, and didn’t see me shuffling in the bushes. I got a front-row seat as she... started to pee against a tree. I felt… down there start to tingle as I watched. I started to move my hoof, and I... started to wish it was me instead of the tree. Am I… am I wrong to want to watch that again?” the foal asked the slightly-shocked pegasus.

Rainbow Dash, meanwhile, was wondering if all her Hearth’s Warmings had come at once. The dissenting voice in her head, heard prominently last night, was getting quieter and quieter. Her mind seized the moment before she lost her nerve, “Do you… want to do that?”

“Really!?” the foal exclaimed with barely-restrained enthusiasm. “You’d really do that with me?”

“Sure thing, squirt. What do you wanna do first, exactly?” the pegasus attempted to clarify.

The filly got off the sofa, and very quickly made her way to between the thigh’s of the clearly-aroused pegasus. “Whenever I rub myself, it makes me want to pee. I want to see how long you can hold out for.” Without giving Rainbow a chance to respond, Sweetie Belle immediately dived to Rainbow’s sweet spot, frantically and eagerly lapping at the athlete’s moistened folds. Rainbow herself found herself sinking back into the cloud sofa, the experience so far much more comfortable than on the cloud bed earlier.

The pegasus suddenly squeaked as Sweetie Belle’s tongue found her clitoris, freshly exposed by her nethers winking in arousal. Rainbow’s bladder relaxed briefly, causing Sweetie Belle to be splattered with a spurt of fresh urine. Surprised, but not unwelcomly so, the filly hungrily lapped up the warm, golden liquid. Not finding it unpleasant, Sweetie Belle set about relieving the pegasus of her burden, diving in with renewed vigour to assault Rainbow’s winking clitoral sheath. As the foal’s tongue made contact with the sensitive nub, Rainbow could no longer hide her moaning, and her increased breathing alerted Sweetie Belle to the fact that she was close to climaxing. “Ah, Sweetie Belle… I can’t hold on much longer...!”

Sweetie Belle smiled to herself, and increased her pace, while using a hoof to gently tease and caress the pegasus’ sensitive teats, much like she would do with her own sometimes. Under this renewed assault, Rainbow’s climax finally overtook her, causing most of her muscles to involuntarily spasm and relax. Sweetie Belle, however, was ready, and covered Rainbow’s urethral opening with her mouth while her hoof continued to massage her winking clitoral hood. The foal’s mouth began to fill with warm urine, eagerly swallowing the slightly-salty liquid, as her tongue lapped at the still-quivering flesh in front of her.
Rainbow was finally coming down from her orgasm, and was faced with a mild disbelief. That… was better than Applejack ever managed to do to me.

Not to be outdone, Rainbow pulled Sweetie Belle up onto the sofa, and propped her up against one of the clouds, “Only fair I get a taste of you, right squirt?” Before the foal could enquire, Rainbow parted the filly’s nethers with her tongue, running it hungrily along her pulsing vaginal walls. Feeling mischievous, the pegasus pressed down slightly on Sweetie Belle’s abdomen, causing the foal to squeak at the unusual sensation. Rainbow knew exactly what she was doing, and was swiftly rewarded with a small jet of sweet-tasting urine, freshly warmed by its incubation in the foal’s bladder. The filly’s mind kept going back to what it was like to have Rainbow peeing in her mouth, and found herself becoming increasingly aroused by revisiting that thought. Rainbow switched her tongue’s attention to Sweetie Belle’s now-winking hood, causing yet another small, golden stream of urine to be released from the unicorn’s bladder.

Sweetie Belle, due to her inexperience, was finding it increasingly difficult to hold her bladder against the onslaught of the still-hungry pegasus. The more the foal’s hood winked, the greater the attention given to her by the pegasus until, finally, her muscles could hold out no longer. The filly’s upper muscles tensed up, while her bladder muscles gave way, causing Rainbow to absorb the full force of Sweetie Belle’s golden treasure. Rainbow drank from the warm stream, before giving in to the urge to soak her face in the yellow effluence, a spare hoof beginning to rub her labia at the same time. Satisfied that her muzzle was sufficiently soaked, Rainbow started to drink from the stream again. As her muzzle hungrily swallowed the warm offering, Rainbow’s hoof began to rub at her clitoris, once again exposed by a rapidly-winking hood. As the stream’s pressure diminished, Rainbow increased her rubbing to a rapid pace, driven on by the taboo nature of what she was doing. Rainbow got on her knees in front of the foal, who was still lying on her back, and continued to furiously mash her button in full view of Sweetie Belle. After a very short while, Rainbow stumbled on her second orgasm, and small globs of fluid landed on the panting foal. The pegasus, blinded by lust and fueled by something else she didn’t quite understand, got a little bolder, and decided to evacuate the remaining urine from her bladder.

The cyan pegasus aimed the stream of what was left in reserve at the filly’s still-winking hood, the warm jet of urine extending the orgasm still being felt by Sweetie Belle.

Crashing back down on to the sofa, and still panting from two climaxes in the same morning, Rainbow Dash looked at both herself and the soaking-wet foal, “... fancy a shower, squirt?”

Afternoon Delights

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Rainbow Dash guided Sweetie Belle toward the bathroom suite upstairs in the pegasus’ cloud house, the ammonia of the aftermath of the couple’s earlier escapades beginning to diffuse through the air.

Rainbow kept several rain clouds primed for her bathroom, replacing them every week for freshness. Rainbow’s rent payments for her cloud house also included arrangements for weekly pickups of used clouds; these would then be transported to the Cloudsdale Reprocessing Facility to be recycled by ponies who probably wished they were getting paid more.

None of that particularly mattered to the cyan pegasus as she set about dousing the filly in her cloud tub with warm water, heated rather conveniently by passing the water stream from one of Rainbow’s reserve rain clouds over a fire crystal. After making sure the water supply was set up correctly, Rainbow Dash tossed Sweetie Belle a bar of soap before joining her in the tub.

Rainbow immediately immersed her head in the mildly soapy water, and began to enjoy the feeling of warm water completely permeating her fur. Nature inevitably led her to remove her head from the water, before coming to rest against the one of the sides of her square-shaped cloud tub, propping her head up against the edge. She allowed her eyes to close, and pushed every worry she had to the back of her mind… for all of what felt like a matter of seconds, until she felt the wet unicorn scoot up against her for a bathtime snuggle. Rainbow extended her forehooves around Sweetie Belle more out of reflex than any conscious decision; the two ponies lay in the tub for several minutes, letting the soapy water free them of their accumulated grime.

Sweetie Belle was the first to stir from her thoughts, nuzzling Rainbow’s chin affectionately, “Rainbow… do you love me?”

The question caught the drowsy pegasus by surprise, and her mind shifted into full throttle to think of a suitable response, “I, um… that’s a really intense question you got there, squirt.”

The foal responded back, “Well, when Miss Cheerilee talked about sex in class, she mentioned it happens when two ponies love each other. Soooo… do you love me, Rainbow Dash?” the unicorn persisted.

There was no escape for Rainbow Dash, and the squirming pegasus was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. “See… the thing is… sex isn’t just about love, squirt. I mean, don’t get me wrong… sex is fun. I’ve had more fun with you than I can remember in a long time, and that includes the roll in the clouds I had with Thunderlane last month. I know that Rarity has these big ideas about marriage and romance and all that sappy crap, and I kinda see why it might have rubbed off on you… but I’m not into that.”

Rainbow Dash exhaled hard, and tried to navigate her way through the awkward conversation as best she could, “Besides, you know we can’t have… that sort of relationship. Your sister would literally kill me! So would Spitfire if she found out, and that’s a spit roasting I’m not into.”

That particular reference didn’t even phase Sweetie Belle, her disappointed eyes now looking up at Rainbow, “Well… if we could… would you?”

Rainbow Dash looked up at the cloud ceiling of her bathroom and silently pleaded for something to take her away from this situation, “You’re... asking if I would go out with you if nothing bad would happen to me?” The foal nodded in agreement with the pegasus’ assessment of her question. “I… I guess. I mean, we already have things in common. I wonder what else we both like?”

The pegasus shifted herself in the tub, and eyed Sweetie Belle curiously, “I was thinking… you mentioned spying on Scootaloo once… do you like watching other ponies?”

The unicorn blushed profusely, not at all expecting the question put to her; all she could do was nod meekly, subconsciously bringing a hoof down to idly tease her own folds at the thought. Rainbow was watching intently, a wry smile making its way across her muzzle, “See, that got me thinking. Scootaloo was over two nights ago, and judging by how that cloud in the guest room smells… she’s going through what you are. She didn’t come to me, so she’s probably embarrassed… sooooo, wanna help me help her get over that?”

Sweetie Belle meanwhile couldn’t believe what she was hearing, but nonetheless nodded in approval. While she didn’t want to admit this to Rainbow, her mind had been occupied with Scootaloo before she’d been discovered, and her left hoof began to tremble in anticipation of potentially realising that particular fantasy.

“However, I do still want to take you on that tour… so, how about we go on the tour, and then we tap up Scootaloo on the way back. Does that sound OK?”

The foal nodded once more, and the two enjoyed the now-lukewarm water for a few minutes more before Rainbow slowly withdrew her soaking form, Sweetie Belle making no effort to hide her peeking gaze in the direction of the elder pegasus as Rainbow reached for a towel. “Don’t think I don’t see you checkin’ me out, squirt.” the pegasus teased, a subtle wink conveying to the foal that Rainbow didn’t disapprove of her wandering gaze.

Rainbow gently lifted the unicorn out of the tub, and set about drying her off with a spare towel. It was then that Sweetie Belle uttered something that caught Rainbow off-guard. “You know… I kinda miss this.”

Rainbow sat down next to Sweetie Belle, making sure to soak up all the errant water that she could from the unicorn’s fur with the towel at hoof, “Miss what, squirt?”

“I, um… I miss someone not doing stuff like this with me anymore. When I was younger, my sister or mom would be the one to help me get out of the bath. We’d sit, and talk, and… and we don’t do that anymore. Do… do you think we could do this more often? I kinda like it...” The unicorn trailed off, and looked down at the floor. Rainbow took the opportunity to wrap the foal’s towel around Sweetie Belle herself, and pull her into a hug, “Let’s… see how this goes first. Don’t take too long drying off, I still need to fly us to Cloudsdale with in time for a tour slot.”


There was no greater freedom for Rainbow Dash being in the skies. Sweetie Belle, however, found herself bound to Rainbow Dash with a harness, and was beginning to dislike not being in control of her own motion. However, even she, being a unicorn, couldn’t help but be in sheer awe at watching the ground pass by below her through her goggles, the constantly moving air around her punctuated by Rainbow’s wingbeats. Distracted as she was by the world moving around her, Rainbow kept her eyes trained on Cloudsdale’s runway. As she was carrying a passenger, Rainbow Dash came in for a hover landing. After making eye contact with a Sentinel Pony, Rainbow was directed to a patch of soft cloud. Rainbow slowly lowered herself down, and made contact with the cloud using her rear hooves, before bringing her forehooves down in a soft landing.

“Get ready, squirt, I’m releasing the harness.” Rainbow cautioned. Sweetie Belle answered in the affirmative, and the unicorn steadied her legs. Rainbow then used a hoof to release the marshmallow unicorn from the grip of the harness, Sweetie Belle then helping the cyan pegasus to load the harness into the saddlebags attached to Rainbow Dash.

Sweetie Belle had never been to Cloudsdale before, and was in awe of Equestria’s self-styled, “Jewel of the Sky”, with cloud buildings as far as her eyes could see. Rainbow guided the star-struck foal along with one of her wings, pointing out various landmarks to her as they both went in the direction of the weather factory. It wasn’t long until they’d reached their destination, Rainbow flashing her Weather Controller Reserves pass at the checkpoint to secure entry.

The cyan pegasus attempted to locate a tour guide, being mostly sure that they would be inside. As her eyes scanned the facility, she spotted Sweetie Belle entering what looked like a utility room. This feels like I’m taking my mother shopping, and going after her when she’s seen something shiny.

Rainbow cautiously approached the room; peering inside, the room appeared to be bathed only in the eerie orange dim of emergency lights and the soft hum of cloud-dryers. “Sweetie Belle… are you in here? I think I know where we can find a tour gui-”. Rainbow was cut off by the door slamming behind her, Sweetie Belle eyeing her mischievously, “You asked me what else I liked… how about this?”

Sweetie Belle brought her lips up to Rainbow’s, and the flustered mare found herself locking lips with the hungry foal in front of her. “I don’t suppose I should ask how you found this one out?” she enquired, before diving back into the foal’s welcoming mouth.

Coming up for air, Sweetie Belle breaks the kiss momentarily, “Rumble, behind the school equipment shed. I remember her calling out to try and find us… and then I started rubbing myself, part of me hoping she’d catch us.” The curious unicorn gasped when she felt a stray hoof caress her petals, “I believe you, squirt, you’re wetter down there than a raincloud.” Rainbow uttered, before once more connecting with the unicorn’s lips for another passionate embrace, as her hoof slowly caressed her winking clitoris.

As they both became lost in the moment, reality saw fit to douse them with a metaphorical bucket of water, as a stallion, the janitor as Rainbow recognised, opened the door. Sweetie Belle kept her eyes locked on to Rainbow Dash, while Rainbow Dash and the janitor made uncomfortable eye contact. After what felt like an eternity, the janitor slowly backed out, and closed the door behind him. Rainbow felt a cold chill down her spine, and felt her vaginal muscles twitch in anticipation of what she was about to ask, “Sweetie Belle… I’ve kinda got an itch down there... you know what to do.”

The white unicorn wasted no time, and immediately positioned herself under the horny pegasus. Rainbow then lowered herself down, and gave Sweetie Belle’s mouth the access it needed. A small gasp escaped Rainbow Dash as the eager foal immediately got to work, worming her tongue into the pegasus’ folds.

Rainbow hated to admit it, but the thrill of being caught was more of a turn on than she’d given it credit for, Sweetie Belle’s teasing ministrations sending a chill up her spine. Rainbow was almost wishing that someone else would come in, that they might bear witness to the depraved act of an underage unicorn almost cheek-deep in pegasus pussy. Rainbow Dash was just about to entertain one of her favourite fantasies involving Thunderline when her thoughts were interrupted by the sudden flick of Sweetie Belle’s tongue against her clitoris, causing a high-pitched moan to escape Rainbow’s throat. “Fuck… keep doing that, squirt!” pleaded the pegasus, eager to release her pent-up tension.

Sweetie Belle, meanwhile, was very much enjoying being under the horny mare; Rainbow’s juices flowed freely into the foal’s mouth as Sweetie Belle began flicking her tongue against her partner’s clitoris. The unicorn knew that she was hitting the right notes when she felt the pegasus’ front hooves begin to shake. “Unf… oh, my…. fuck, Celestia, I’m… I’m gonna…”

Rainbow Dash wasn’t able to finish her sentence, her orgasm completely derailing her train of thought. She tensed up, and slumped forward, enjoying the waves of euphoria crash over her, their intensity still being driven by the hungry foal beneath her, Sweetie Belle’s tongue still running circles around Rainbow’s winking nub. Rainbow was in no position to say no to the free cleaning service that the unicorn was now performing, as Sweetie Belle began licking all over the pegasus’ twitching folds while the elder mare bathed in the warm afterglow of an intense orgasm.

It was some minutes before Rainbow Dash could muster the stamina to rise to her hooves, as she turned to face Sweetie Belle, the unicorn displaying a somewhat disappointed look on her face, “Um… what about me?”

Rainbow ruffled Sweetie Belle’s hair with a hoof, and brought up her chin to look into her eyes, “That, squirt, was for having somepony see us. We might have to forget the tour, and pray that pony won’t report us. Come on, let’s get out of here.”

Rainbow Dash opened the door to the main room, and felt relieved that ponies continued to not bat an eyelid at two ponies emerging after some minutes from a room without another exit. The pegasus motioned to Sweetie Belle to follow her; they soon found themselves outside, and Sweetie Belle was distracted, watching the incoming Pegasus ponies arrive. Rainbow, meanwhile, had just spotted a pegasus coming directly towards them. A pegasus wearing a Wonderbolts uniform. Judging from the white muzzle, Rainbow guessed that it was Soarin’, one of her fellow team-mates.

Her suspicions proved correct when the pegasus landed, and Rainbow got a good look at his physique, one that she had imagined to herself plenty of times.

“Rainbow Dash, you have been summoned to the Cloudsdale Regional Flyer’s Office. You will accompany me at once. You may bring you… companion with you.”

The look on Rainbow’s face contorted, and cycled through panic, shock, incredulation, and fear, “Why? Who wants to see me?”

“Spitfire. I suggest you follow me, Dash. I wouldn’t want to piss her off any more than you’ve already done today.”

Dash gulped, and motioned for Sweetie Belle to climb on her back, before following Soarin’ into the denser parts of Cloudsdale. Rainbow’s mind was filled with one word, and one word only.


Twilight Tribulations

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Soarin’ had delivered Rainbow Dash and her unicorn entouragé to Spitfire as ordered, and the stallion now stood at the back of the room while Spitfire got the measure of the two ponies in her office. Once Spitfire was satisfied, she walked between them, and addressed the curious stallion, “Good work, Soarin’. You can take the afternoon off; report for duty as usual in the morning. Dismissed.”

Soarin’ seemed positively delighted, and after saluting, darted out of the room without even closing the door behind him. Spitfire sighed, and closed the door herself, taking particular care to properly engage the locking mechanism. Rainbow heard the click of the lock engaging, but was far more engaged in working out precisely how fucked she was.

On immediate reflection, it didn’t look good; Rainbow knew that that stallion got a good look at the shenanigans that were going on, and that it wasn’t hard to see that Rainbow had a foal chin-deep in her pleasure box. She was already resigned to losing her place in the Wonderbolts, and she’d deal with whatever the tabloid press printed in Canterlot when the time came.

Spitfire, meanwhile, nudged her two firefly lanterns in the room, before slowly closing the blinds behind her desk. The lack of sunlight finally gave the fireflies their chance to shine, literally, and the room was bathed in a soft orange glow.

Taking a seat, Spitfire took visual aim at Rainbow Dash before firing the first verbal volley, “Is there something that you want to tell me, newbie? Before you’re given a dishonourable discharge?”

Rainbow Dash gulped, trying to hold back tears forming in her eyes. The dejected pegasus couldn’t maintain eye contact with her commanding officer, and only offered a head shake in response to the question put to her.

Spitfire rose from her seat, and casually took up a position between Rainbow and her desk before continuing the lecture, “Ponies accepted into our ranks are expected to follow certain standards and traditions. That goes for you, me, Soarin’, all of us. What was your first mistake, newbie? Answer me.”

Rainbow Dash wearily lifted her head up, and finally found the presence of mind for words to leave her mouth, “... letting myself get eaten out by a foal.”

Spitfire rolled her eyes, “No, newbie. Your first mistake was getting caught.”

Rainbow Dash’s ears pricked up, and she finally found the courage to make eye contact with her superior, “.... ma’am?”

“Dash”, Spitfire began, “we’re an aerial acrobatics team. Beyond the raw talent needed to keep up with each other, we only have one other concern. Image. You showed extremely poor judgment in that utility room. If that had got out, the entire team’s image would be ruined, not to mention yours. Do you have any idea what the steps I had to take to make sure that he wouldn’t spill the beans?”

Dash’s brain was fumbling for answers, but she could only manage another shake of her head. Spitfire, meanwhile, wasn’t done yet, “I’ll tell you, newbie. I had to give him some of the best head that he’s ever had.” The yellow-maned pegasus stomped a hoof on the floor to punctuate her frustration, “Me, the head of the fucking Wonderbolts, asking the fucking janitor, what I could do to him to leave your name out of the shit! Do you have any fucking idea how humiliating it was for me to beg him to not go public with this?”

Rainbow gulped once again, out of sheer anxiousness for never having seen her commanding officer this pissed off before. Spitfire continued her expletive-laden tirade, “To make matters worse, I’m in my fucking heat cycle, and he virtually pleaded to rut me. I had to settle with giving him anal. I had to fucking bend over, and let him shove his cock up my ass. You’re going to pay me back for that experience in fucking spades.”

Dash raised an eyebrow, and looked at Spitfire, then over at Sweetie Belle, and then looked at Spitfire again, “Wait, you’re…”

“I’m what, into fillies? Well, I’m not against it. I’m more into colts myself; last year, I bedded this absolute stud, the young son of one of the reserves. I didn’t exactly intend for it to happen, but it kinda just did… which is what I assume happened with you two. But, I’m in the mood to get my rocks off, and right now, I’ll take anything. But, before we begin, I need you to do something.”

Spitfire retreated behind her desk, and using her teeth, deftly extracted three vials of liquid, and placed them on the desk. Using a hoof, she flung one of them at Rainbow Dash. “Drink it, newbie, if you expect to walk out of here without being demoted back to cadet.”

Rainbow Dash hated being blackmailed, but accepted that, in this circumstance, she needed to swallow her pride, in addition to whatever else was being dished up by Spitfire. The domineering instructor had disrobed entirely from her uniform, and was lightly gulping down one of the other two concoctions on the desk. Rainbow followed suit, and swallowed the bitter-tasting liquid in her vial.

Sweetie Belle was the first to notice the changes to Rainbow Dash. The foal saw that the cyan pegasus was getting taller, although her body still kept the same athletic proportions she was well-known for. Her eyes were drawn next to her undercarriage, and the curious unicorn couldn’t help but notice that there was a new bulge resting between her rear legs.

Rainbow, meanwhile, wasn’t sure that what she was feeling was good or bad, “Um, Spitfire…” Rainbow began, but upon hearing herself, she immediately brought a hoof to her mouth. Spitfire spared the pegasus before her from the confusion that was swimming lengths in her mind, “That potion I gave you was a gender flipper. Congratulations! For the next, oh, several hours, you’re a stallion. Speaking of gender flipping…”

Spitfire emerged from behind the desk, and both Rainbow Dash and Sweetie Belle had no trouble seeing that she was sporting an erection, “I took a slightly different potion that doesn’t just mess with my base gender, it just gives me some additional equipment. The potion I gave you, on the other hand Dash, makes you a full stallion, and as your unicorn friend can no doubt confirm, your other bits are currently emm aye ayy.”

The fiery-maned pegasus walked up behind the startled cyan pegasus, and placed a hoof on her flank, “Kneel for me. Now.” Rainbow knew better than to resist what was basically an order from her commanding officer, and she acquiesced to Spitfire’s will, laying as she did on the floor. Spitfire lifted up Rainbow’s tail, exposing his tightly-puckered chocolate starfish to his hungry commander. Getting into position, Spitfire gently ran the head of her new penis up and down Dash’s tailhole, ensuring that it would at least have some lubrication, before finalising her position for insertion. The clearly-horny aerial veteran leaned forward to whisper into her subordinate’s ear, “Just remember, this is going to hurt you more than it hurts me.”

As if to punctuate that thought, Spitfire immediately thrusted forward, feeling the confines of Dash’s intestines rudely embracing her sensitive member, grunts of protest futilely leaving Rainbow’s throat. As Spitfire got bolder, Rainbow Dash’s resistance evaporated, and after several thrusts, Spitfire hilted herself on her newest recruit. Spitfire couldn’t help but hear the soft moans coming from the now-male pegasus beneath her every time she thrusted forward, but was far more concerned with the feelings of warmth around her newest appendage.

Having got as comfortable as she was getting, Spitfire began to rapidly quicken her pace, Dash’s anal mucus providing just enough lubrication for the horny pegasus to not need to slow down her thrusts. Rainbow Dash wasn’t quite sure this was actually happening; his mind was undergoing a complex series of mental gymnastics to prove that was happening wasn’t really happening. That desperate mental exercise was disrupted by a sudden flood of warmth inside him, as his ears tuned themselves to recognise that the deep grunts he could hear, in fact, belonged to the mare behind him. Spitfire’s grunts turned into exhausted moans as Rainbow came to the realisation that his commanding officer had just dumped a load in him, further reflexively hilting herself inside him.

For a few moments, Spitfire seemed to settle into what might be considered more normal behaviour, nuzzling up as she did against the shocked pegasus beneath her, enjoying the smell that permeated his fur.

Those post-coital moments were interrupted by Spitfire snapping herself back to reality, re-adjusting her spectacles in the process, as she raised herself from the humiliated Rainbow Dash, her cum-stained appendage still spilling her seed onto the carpeted floor as it flopped out of Dash’s pulsating ponut.

Getting back behind her desk, Spitfire eyed up the defeated-looking Rainbow Dash, “Get up, Newbie. I want you to think long and hard about what happened here today. I don’t want to hear any more stories from the public about your… indiscretions. Understood?”

Rainbow Dash could only nod weakly, her mind in too much shock to even get upset over the ordeal that just transpired. On receipt of her nod, Spitfire motioned to her to leave, “Dismissed, then. I believe you know the way out.”

Choosing the closest, least-guarded exit, Rainbow signalled Sweetie Belle to climb on his back, setting his sights on his cloud house. With a less-than-graceful wing deployment, Rainbow once again took to the skies, and started to make her way back to her sanctuary… although Rainbow admitted privately to herself that, right now, the ground looked like a mighty tempting thing to dive toward.