Thunders Howl

by Xinrick

First published

Nothing like being a thirty foot tall electric wolf to put things in perspective

"Hi, my names Tina"

"And I'm her brother Tony"

And welcome to our adventure as giant monsters as we explore a new world, fight giant monsters, and all around try to figure out what the hell's going on.

And also get a massive harem

That to.

So this story is immediately mature due to me and Bioquillfiction(thank you again for helping me write stuff), writing gory stuff, and the sex tag is for a whole lot of unmitigated horny

Featured on April 2nd woo!:pinkiegasp:

Mission Start!

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Conventions. No greater place of nerd culture and geeks gathering exists on earth. It's a wonderful place where my brother and I can enjoy the sights and costumed superfans.

My name is Tina. I'm twenty three, and I live with, and hang out with my twin brother Tony. We have a… love hate relationship. When we argue, the neighbors call the cops for disrupting the peace, when we get along, nobody is safe, when we both have an eye on a guy or girl we wanna hit, rules are whoever saw them first gets first dibs. It's a simple relationship. Though taxing when he spends all his time eyeing the girls dressed as Poison Ivy and all the guys dressed as Kratos. I mean, yeah, hot, but still, have some restraint…

"I saw you sneak that pic." Tony said as he caught me right as I pushed the button on my phone.

“You didn’t see anything.” I told him.

"That's why I wear a Go Pro." He said, tapping the small chest mounted camera. "Got a five hundred GB card in there. I'll send ya the good stuff after editing."

“Thanks bro.” I smiled. “Can always count on you to get the goods.”

"Yup. Be it porn, pot or a good one night stand." He laughed.

My brother and I, despite first impressions of being horny nerds, are actually quite intelligent. I can understand any mathematical and chemical formula I study and am quite adept at engineering and building computers.

Tony is a master of the visual and literary arts. Can paint a well made counterfeit pecaso and all those fancy ones, and can code as good as a Ventral.

So what do we use these talents of ours you may ask. Well, I work as a Hotel Maid and Tony works at a Best Buy.

Yeah, despite our skills the lower class american family can't pay for or care about gifted children. Didn't help that we caused a lot of problems. Pranks, corrected the teachers when they were wrong, hacked the schools servers and filled the principal's PC with hentai. Heh, took them a month to clean it all out.

All I know is that the both of us were, to be frank, unusually gifted in a lot of ways, but life has made sure we had proper downsides to balance it out. “So, where do you want to go first? Any of the booths or continue filming the good cosplayers?”

"Hmm… well, we can film more later. I wanna see if they have some retro games for sale here."

“And watch as they're still well over two hundred dollars...looking at you Gameboy Shantae…” I grumbled.

The booths were all the typical convention stuff. Shirts, toys, DVD's. Large glass statue of Zinogre from Monster Hunter… wait what- Holy Crap that looks amazing!

The detail was so… spot on. It was glass but it looked as if every hair and scale was real. "You seeing that too." Tony asked.

“I’m seeing it...and I’m loving it.” I said in awe. “Where did they get such an amazing thunder pupper statue?”

"From the level of detail and the paint, it's all hand made." Tony said. "Probably took at least eight months of work. Not even I can work that well with glass."

We walked up to the booth. The seller was a man dressed in a grey suit with a black tie and a sad faced drama mask across his face. "Greetings, greetings, what brings you two fellows to my stall today?"

“The amazing Zinogre statue.” I answered readily.

"Ah, a fine eye for detail. This handmade beauty was a passion project a friend of mine was working on. It can be yours today." The seller said.

"Well what's it cost?" Tony asked.


“That depends on what kind of ‘entertainment’ you’re looking for.” I said honestly.

"Hehehe. Well you two it's like this, my associates and I are more often than not bored out of our minds, and there is no better entertainment than in betting and the drama that is human life."

"What are you guys, rich billionaires?" Tony asked.

"Close enough." He said simply.

“Right~...” I said, already getting a bad vibe from this guy.

"Now this, this lovely little bobble can be yours free, you just need to do one thing for me to keep it." He said, taking a step to the side. "See down that way?" He motioned to another person, dressed like this guy, but his suit had a gold tie and he wore the smiling mask. "That's my brother. He's already got his cast." Nearby the other guy was a Guy dressed in Monster Hunter cosplay, holding a longsword in his hands talking to him. "Take this." The man said, handing us the statue of Zinogre. "And fight them. Just a single punch."

“Uh...are you sure?” I asked nervously. “Cause...randomly getting into a fist fight doesn’t really seem sure I can’t just suck your dick or something?”

"Ha! No. My child, trust me. Just one punch on that fellow, and it will change your lives forever. So, what do you say?" He asked, holding out a hand to us.

Tony and I gave each other a look. Last time someone offered us a deal handshake we ended up with two hundred cats rescued from animal testing labs. Had no idea that three way with those two hippies would end that way.

“Get a cool statue of a Zinogre by punching a dude...or not because he’s clearly the evil twin?” I pointed out.

"So which of us is the evil twin in this?" Tony asked.

“Him.” I pointed at the shopkeep. “Cause seriously...we haven’t really been violent with others…” I said nervously.

"I'm gonna stop you right there because you forgot about… literally every new year… christmas, basically anything that involves a family reunion…" He started, shaking the masked guy's hand then yanking my arm and forcing a handshake. "Basically, we've done way worse…"

“I’m pretty sure we’re gonna regret this…” I said nervously, not liking how we’re shaking the hand of the ‘sad face’ twin.

I held the statue as we walked over to the cosplayer. "So, head, gut, or back?" Tony asked as he was cracking his knuckles.

I sighed out, before taking a deep breath and rolling my shoulders. “Gut.”

"Sweet." Tony said. We got up to them and… hold the fuck up. That's a chick! Wait… oh no…

"Oh you bitches…" Groaned the busty, black haired blue eyes… sexy… no, no! Bad! Bad Tina! Her name is Sandra. She's been Tony and I's… Nemesis. We've always hated her and she's always hated us.

“ I feel a whole lot less bad about punching you for a cool ass statue.” I said honestly.

"You two can't punch for shit. Seriously, Mable and Dipper in looks, but wussy Dippers physically." She huffed.

“That’s crap and you know it.” I frowned. “When was the last time we fought? Was it the time when you cried like a bitch when I kicked your ass?"

"Pretty sure it was when I left you naked in the college beta house. Heard you still fucked them, quite the whore ain't ya?"

“At least I get some.” I said nonchalantly, having come to terms with my outrageous libido at nineteen. “And what about you? Still waiting for prince charming that’s...still not happened yet?”

"At least I ain't riddled in Stds."

“And neither are we.” I said. “I’m pretty sure you’ve thrown that insult at least three other times where we had clean bills of health.” I frowned. “Even if we’re horny as hell, safe sex is a top priority.”

"Really? Your Pornhub videos show otherwise."

“Do you legitimately get dumber every time we meet?” I asked. “So anyways, hi mister masked man...did we do a bad by shaking your brother’s hand over there?” I asked to the smiling masked man.

"Making deals is just what he does." The smiling mask. "He makes deals, I grant wishes. It's as simple as that."

"... So you two dealt with a masked weirdo too then?" Sandra asked.

“We had to deal with his brother.” I pointed a thumb back at the guy’s stall. “He said to do a thing and we get a really cool Zinogre statue.”

"Huh. This guy said to make a wish and have it come true- ouch!" She yelped, Tony kicking her leg.

"Did my part." Tony said.

“Fair.” I said as I moved over and bitchslapped her. “Originally I didn’t want to just hurt someone random...but for you, I can make an exception for a sweet statue.”

Sandra growled. "You know what, fuck the both of you. God, wish I could fight you two bitches like that damn wolf from the game…"

Ugh… fuck… I haven't been this hungover since college...

“Damn it…” I groaned. “The fuck happened…?” I grumbled, trying to get up and see where I was.

Standing felt… weird. Why can't I stand up on two legs… ugh, my hands feel… off. What's… all that smell? Grass, moss, squirrel… squirrel! How the hell do I know what a squirrel smells like?

“Okay...what is going on?” I grumbled, opening my eyes more to the dangerous light that’s hurting my eyes. “Go away one likes you…” I grumbled, trying to raise my hand over my eyes to keep the blinding light out in some way.

As my eyes adjusted to the light I saw… what, what is that, something… fuzzy on my face?

“What?” I muttered, trying to put a hand on my face...only to see a massive scaly paw enter my vision. “Uh…”

As the last of the hazy left my vision I saw… trees, lots of… is this a forest- Holy fuck a sleeping Zinogre!

Wait… I tried looking myself over- Holy shit am I a Zinogre?!

“ I’m a real life thunder pupper...uh…” I tried to get on my feet. “Uh...oh god...wait, Tony!?” I called out in a panic, not knowing where my twin brother was and scared something bad happened to him.

"Eh, it's Tuesday, you do morning chores today." The other Zinogre said. Yup. Tony.

“Don’t you even start with that.” I frowned as I moved carefully to Tony, trying not to trip over myself in this massive ass body.

As I was trying to shake him awake- oh god again! Damn it Tony put that shit back in… wherever a dog penis goes!

“God damn it Tony, I don’t need to see your stiffy again!” I groaned and putting a paw over my eyes. “Now wake up.”

"Huh? What the- Ah!" He yelped, seeing me. "Real life Zinogre!"

“Look at yourself first.” I huffed. “You’re also a Zinogre Tony.”

He looked himself over, then looked between his legs. "Woah! So, not all bad then."

I rolled my eyes. “So anyways, we’re both Zinogre and we have no idea where the fuck we are...and your first thought is to see if you still had a dick?”

"Just making sure. From here I can see you still have a vagina… and like six extra tits."

“Six extra!?” I looked between my legs to see if that was true and...yes, yes it was. I have eight nipples… damn...

"Our sex organs aside… where the fuck are we and why can I smell ponies? How do I even know what ponies smell like?"

“I smelled squirrels before and I have no idea why we smell ponies.” I said nervously. “All I know is that this is really fucking weird.”

"No kidding. How did we even… creepy mask twins?"

“The smiling mask guy said he makes wishes...and that bitch said she wished to hunt us like monsters…” I frowned. “So...yeah, it’s Creepy mask twins fault.”

"So, if we're Zinogre… fuck… then Sandra has got to be a Monster Hunter…"

“And if she is, then we’re probably going to be seen as monsters by the locals if we’re not careful or fast enough.” I pointed out worriedly.

"And how do we do that given… we are monsters?"

“Well...we’ve been talking normally right?” I asked. “This isn’t some ‘monster speak’ we’re doing right?”

"Fuck if I know. This is… not gonna be fun is it?"

“All depends on how things go.” I said. “Now...I don’t smell any humans so Sophia isn’t here...but the ponies might lead somewhere if it’s a farm.”

"True… I think I smell… apples? Yeah, apples… cows, pigs, corn, carrots, there's got to be a farm nearby."

“So off to find the farm.” I nodded. “Hopefully whoever’s there won’t panic at our...forms...”

"Right, so let's- ouch!" Tony yelped as he tripped over himself, crashing into and breaking a nearby tree. It was here I realized how… large we are. We about reach these tree tops.

“Uh...yeah, we’re pretty big still.” I said nervously. “Nothing like having to relearn how to walk…”

"This is gonna suck…"

So after about… five hours of walking practice Tony and I managed a good pace for this form and found ourselves in a really nice apple orchard. All these trees smelled old but very healthy and the apples smelled amazing. We came across a farm house and saw… is that a pony wearing a hat?

“Why is a pony wearing a cowboy hat?” I whispered to Tony.

"Ten bucks say we're in another world with intelligent animals." Tony stated.

“That’s not the weirdest thing that would happen at the moment considering what we are.” I said honestly.

"So… what do we do now? We approach her and she might freak out. Scratch that, she definitely will. Maybe we just… sit somewhere and… wait?"

“I have no idea…” I sighed out. “I doubt just calling to the pony would work either…” I sighed out, not knowing how to introduce ourselves given we were about as tall as all of these really big apple trees.

“Well, let’s just sit and wait. We don’t want to scare them and honestly if we just wait around it will show we aren’t hostile.”

“Let’s hope that’s the case.” I said honestly. “ long do you think it’ll take before they notice?”

“Can’t be long. We’re fucking massive.” Tony said, looking back over at the pony. “Uh… Hey sis… is it just me, or is that pony walking on two legs… and has… quite the rack on their chest?”

I raised an eyebrow, looking back over at the orange hat wearing pony and… holy fuck she’s a ten! Amazing long legs, large hips, firm ass, large C cup chest and… wow… my furry porn wet dreams are real!

“Holy crap…” I blinked in shock. “She’ fit as hell look at those abs…” I muttered, seeing the farmpony was also buff as hell.

“Sis...your drooling.” Tony pointed out.

“No I’m not.” I lied horribly as I rubbed the drool from my new muzzle.

“Well, in any case they’re all… anthro, so, at least things here aren’t too different. Well, hopefully.”

And so, Tony and I sat. We eyed the lovely filly from afar and after a solid… two hours later she finally spotted us. To say she freaked would be an understatement, but thankfully she, another… red beefcake male one came out… wow the shoulders on him… and the two walked up to us slowly. “Now, ah’ don’t know what ya’ll are but you best get along now. I’d rather not have to get Fluttershy.” The sexy mare said.

“Oh good they talk english.” Tony said.

“What in, y'all can talk?!” The hat wearing mare said in surprise.

“Yes we can.” I nodded. “We’re not here to hurt you, we’re just wondering where we are and the only locals around were you and your farm.”

“Huh. Well, this here is ma’ family farm, Sweet Apple Acres. The town nearby is Ponyville. So… y’all got names?”

“I’m Tony.” Tony said.

“And I’m Tina.” I nodded. “And who are you both if I may ask?”

“A’hm Applejack.” The mare said. “And this here is m’a brother Big Mac.”

“Eyup.” The red beefcake said.

“Neat… so, long story short, we arrived here with no idea how we got here and odds are some psycho lady might be hunting us down.” Tony said.

“Say what now?” Applejack asked.

“It has something to do with two weird masked magical people.” I sighed out. “They turned us into this somehow and the other person might be wanting to hunt us down because she’s a bitch.”

“Uh huh… Well, if it’s magic that don this ta’ ya then maybe magic can fix it? I’mma gonna go get a friend of mine who might be able ta’ fix you… or somethin at least.”

“And is she as drop dead gorgeous as the both of you?” I blurted out, feeling my face turn beat red. “Uh...I’m sorry…” I said nervously.

Applejack turned a shade of red, and despite being red already I saw her brother blush too. “Uh, heh, well you can judge that for yourselves.” Applejack said, taking an awkward leave.

“Heh, pardon my sister, she lacks the proper social graces without some booze in her.” Tony said, blowing Big Mac a kiss. Somehow the stallion got even redder, and slowly walked back to the barn with a face I’ve seen Tony put on a lot of men’s faces… the face of questioning their sexuality. “If we can at least get humanoid looking like them, I’m gonna rutt him.”

“Or he rutts you.” I said, putting a paw on my face again as I took a deep breath. “God, that was so embarrassing…” I groaned.

“Seriously, how is it that a beer or a shot of something harder can give you my swave skills with the lovely sexes, but without you are super dorkey?”

“I don’t know, maybe because people like adorkable ladies?” I countered with a huff. “And you know it’s true.”

“Eh, fair enough. That is how you nailed Stacey Kinders.”

Oh… that lady was so, so, so fine and a wild animal in the sheets. I sighed. Shame she moved to New York… Then again I am subscribed to Victoria’s Secret cause she’s one of the models.

“So anyways...we just wait here for Applejack to get back with whoever she has in mind?”

“Sounds about right…”

Fifteen minutes later, Applejack and her friend came. Her friend was very purple. Sporting a horn on her forehead and large lovely wings on her back and… wow. She was not like Applejack, more slim with smaller hips and small C cups just above a B. Still, she was that special level of adorable sexy you love to see in real life but only ever see in japanese anime. “Hello there, my name is Twilight Sparkle, you two must be Tina and Tony?” She asked.

“Woof.” Tony ‘barked’.

“Oh, uh, didn’t you say they talk?” Twilight asked Applejack.

“They do, they’re just… uh… active.” Applejack said with a blush.

“We’ve come to terms with the fact we’re really horny half the time.” I said sheepishly. “But hi, my name is Tina, and this is Tony.”

“A pleasure.” Tony said.

“Heh, well, thank you for the… bark, but so Applejack tells me you two are here by unknown magics, these forms might not be your originals, and you are possibly being hunted?”

“So...there were two weird masked men, one who makes deals and the other who makes wishes...a bitch the two of us are in a mutual hate relationship wished to hunt us down like the monsters we look like right now.” I explained carefully. “Believe me...I have no idea how or why...all we know is that so far, besides having to relearn how to move in these huge bodies...we have been seeing a lot of ‘pleasant sights’ so far.”

“Huh. Well, I can run a few simple tests… It will only take a few moments.” She said, her horn lighting up and a purple aura covering it and her hand as she waved it around over us. It was about ten minutes or so before she stopped. “Alright then, so far I can tell you both for certain is that there is a unique magic within you both, clearly elemental but there are also other magical matrixes I can’t quite identify.”

“The elemental is probably our Lightning affinity considering what we are.” I said honestly. “But after that...I have no idea where to start on what magic is…”

“Hmm… I can try and force activate one of them, it might hurt though so just let me know if anything feels off.” Twilight said, her horn lighting up as soon that purple aura floated over us. Huh, so far so-


“Fuck that felt… weird…” Tony groaned. “Hey wait, hands! Sorta. Still a win!”

I looked at my own… yeah, hands. We were now… anthro looking Zinogre it seems. Not all that- Oh my fucking god I have eight boobs all along my torso! And they’re massive!

“Holy!” Applejack said, covering her eyes.

“Oh wow! That’s… unexpected, but, also… huh… I’m guessing you’ll need clothes then…” Twilight said, averting her eyes while I felt along my new form. Our legs were still wolf… like, tail, faces but we were now smaller, just a foot or so taller than Twilight and Applejack and yeah some clothes would be nice… now where in the hell am I going to find a bra that can fit these!?

“Does anyone know a good seamstress?” I asked sheepishly. “Also uh...if your wondering why we look like wolves but are scaled like dragons...well the Ziogre species are called ‘Fanged Wyverns’ where they originally come from.”

“So… like dragons but crossbred with wolves?” Twilight asked.

“I’ll go fetch Rarity.” Applejack said, taking her leave.

“Well...kind of I suppose.” I said honestly. “And thank you Applejack.” I called out to the leaving farm mare.

“So then, it seems magic triggered this… transformation to these anthropomorphic forms… I can actually whip up some enchanted bracelets or necklaces that can trigger the magic again, most likely reverting you both back to those feral forms and back and forth as needed.”

“That would be great.” I nodded. “But...then you’d also have to enchant our clothes so they wouldn’t get destroyed due to the transformation right?”

“Hmm… Well, it shouldn’t be too hard if Starlight and I work on them. Between the two of us it should be a piece of cake.”

“Great.” I nodded with a smile. “But...this is certainly going to be different now having eight of these.” I muttered, softly feeling my six new breasts to get a feel for how big they were.

Ho-Holy shit those are sensitive- Is that milk?! How can I be lactating? I am not pregnant!

“ am I lactating?” I was legitimately shocked at this. “I’m not that should be impossible right?”

"Hm… well, I know plenty of mares who lactate all the time and don't have foals, are with foals and heck even I lactate a bit when heat season rolls around. It's kinda not that unusual here. It's unusual for you?"

“Me and my brother here are a completely different race then what we are now, and our race only produce breast milk when we’re pregnant.” I said nervously.

"Well, the females do. While males can it takes hormones our bodies don't produce." Tony stated.

"Hmm, and you said your race now is called a Zinogre, correct? Well what do you know about this race?" Twilight asked.

“Enough to know at least some basic biology and how they fight.” I said honestly. “Like how they have a natural affinity for electricity, and can collect Thunderbugs, which are effectively firefly’s but with electricity, and can attain a super form based on it.” I said honestly. “But about their habits normally, biology and other things? No clue.”

"Hmm. If you two don't mind, I'd like to study you both. Well, you are a whole new species in Equestria and frankly, of you are being possibly hunted then my castle should be safe for you both, and it can fit you two both in this and feral forms."

“We only do experimenting after the first date.” I joked.

"Er, well nothing like that… though if something like that ever does come up I will, with consent, ask to study how your race interacts while mating."

"So, you wanna watch us bone and get boned? Fair enough." Tony said.

“And trust us, we have years of experience.” I said with a sultry grin.

"Eeep…" Twilight said, blushing quite a deep shade of red. Tony and I promptly shared a fist bump- holy hell it's the exact same size in this from with bigger balls!

We waited Awkwardly for Rarity… drool… drool…

She was… amazing. Dummy thick in hips and breasts, tall enough that her thickness made her look bimbo hot and not at all chubby and… so, so bouncy…

"Woof…" Tony and I said in unison as the hot thicc double D mare took our measurements.

"Oh dear, I definitely should have brought more fabric." She said.

"On it!" Applejack said, running off.

“Uh...hi…” I said dumbly to the sexy mare.

"You sure are… comfortable around us… being naked?" Tony asked.

"Well, it's not the first time I've taken measurements for clients while they are all natural. In fact I find it gives more accurate measurements. Though I am going to have to wrap my head around how to build a bra for you Tina. Never had to make one that is fit for a female with… multiple breasts." Rarity said.

“Yeah...I didn’t think I’d have eight…” I said sheepishly.

"Definitely a challenge but one I am up for." It was a few hours before we had something to at least cover up with. Still no bra and no undies, but I've gone without those before and I was in a miniskirt and crop top… several dozen times. Okay so it might be a kink, don't judge.

Twilight's castle was indeed huge and Tony and I were given our own rooms. Finally! Though he is right next door I at least have privacy. Privacy for everything, anything and anyone I wanna do! Hmm… "So, adjusting well?" Twilight asked as she came in. "If the bed is too small I know somepony in town who can help make a custom sized one."

“Considering what we might be doing on those beds…” I looked over my bed again, thinking about if I’ll need a bigger one.

"Heh… well, my student Starlight is questioning your brother at the moment and I'd like to question you about a few-"




"The heck is that?"

I chuckled, knowing that sound all too well. And in three, two, one.

"Yes!" There's the screams of pleasure. Barely a day and Tony already gets laid.

"What is going on over there?" Twilight asked.

“You better make sure she has enough energy for me Tony!” I called out.

"No promises!" Tony yelled back.

"Less talk, more fucking!" Another female voice, most likely Twilight's student Starlight, yelled out.

Twilight turned a deep shade of red. "Oh my… that is, uh… unexpected…"

“Yeah so...ever since we turned eighteen we’ve had a uh…’horny issue’.” I said sheepishly. “But when we became nineteen, we accepted it and started to just have fun honestly.”

"So I… hear." Twilight said as the loud grunts and huffs accompanied the thuds against the wall.

Hmm… I wonder… I looked around, smiling as I spotted the ever recognizable bottle of whiskey on a small shelf near the back of the room. I got up, took a swig, and now time to bed an adorkable sexy royal.

"Hmm… what… where- Ah!" Twilight yelped as she pulled her face out of my tit. That. Was. Fantastic. Everything about this new body of mine sex wise feels like it was cranked to eleven and then broke the dial. After she had her seventh climax she passed out on my tit and even suckled a little in her sleep. It was adorable, sexy… and stirred other feelings in me I am not quite sure I understand. But they were nice feelings so I'm not worried. "When did, how did- Oh stars I remember it all…"

“And it was amazing.” I sighed out happily. “And uh...when you started to suckle on my breasts before you passed out...I uh...felt something completely different than horny…” I said sheepishly.

"I… oh crap I did…" She was a deep shade of red, but to my surprise gave my nipple another suck. I yelped as she popped off. "Huh… I remembered right, vanilla and cream flavored, thick and hearty too…" She said, plopping on the bed next to me. "Well… this was… an unexpected development. Well, I definitely got a… thorough inspection of your… organs, though other more… scientific tests will still be needed."

“Alright, but tonight I get Starlight and you get Tony.” I chuckled. “So, how was it for you?”

"I- well… it was my first time so… it was quite lovely…" Holy crap I fucked a virgin royal! "So… is this actually going to be a normal thing?"

At that moment the door opened. Twilight yelped, using my excess fur to cover up as a pink mare with a two tone mane of purple and neon green. She wore a lose fitting robe and had the tell tale goofy grin of a good night.

“Why hello there.” I nodded. “Want to join the cuddling?”

"Hehehe, I was told to swap with Twilight~" She said.

"S-Starlight are you drunk?!" Twilight asked.

"On afterglow, hehe!" Starlight giggled. "Now unless this is gonna be a three way scoot out please."

“Well, looks like Tony want’s a turn with you.” I said to Twilight. “Don’t worry, he’ll treat you right.”

"I, uh… okay…"

“Good girl.” I said, reaching around and giving her ass another affectionate squeeze.

"Yipe!" She yelped, her wings flying her outta here fast.

Starlight, rather wobbly, walked over and next to me on the bed. "Hehe, so how was my teacher?" She asked, fondling a tit of mine.

“I didn’t know she was a virgin.” I said honestly. “But she was incredible.”

"Hehehe, she reads a lot of sex novels. Her private library has a hidden shelf full of all kinds of kink novels. Ranges from basic passion smut to hard core stuff that takes heavy magic to pull off in real life." She said, cuddling up on my breast. "Heh, so soft. Your brother felt great, and his fluff was just so comfy."

Man how high on afterglow is this-




Ah, I hear Bro and Twilight getting at it now. Good. So far, good start to new lives.

“And now, I’m gonna show you what a woman’s touch can do.” I reached around and squeezed Starlight’s ass happily.

"Heh, good~"

Once all the sex was done and the afterglows worn off Twilight began her tests. Currently she was examining the natural magic Tony and I have as these Zinogres. "Hmm… interesting…" She said, a machine that we were hooked up to spitting out paper she was reading nearby where we sat.

“What’s interesting?” I inquired.

"Well, you both do have strong elemental energies, associated with Lightning as you stated, and various other nature related magics. Plus initial scans of your bodies confirm that even the parts without scales over them would be fireproof like a dragon and incredibly difficult to pierce."

“That sounds about right.” I nodded.

"There's a lot here I can't seem to identify… hang on… this… this… oh stars please let this be wrong…" She said, doing something on the machine and reading what came out. "No, no… oh stars. Uh, one moment you two. Starlight!" Twilight yelled as she teleported away.

"So… should we be worried?" Tony asked.

“I hope to god it’s not bad…” I said worriedly.

"What!!!!" Came Starlight's voice from… somewhere. It was loud. After a while the two came into the room.

"So… after reviewing the data and confirming it with several spells on Starlight and I… I can say without a doubt what your previously unknown nature magic is…"

"And it's…?" Tony asked.

“Only thing I can think of is Dragon magic cause of Stygian Zinogre.” I said, reminding Tony of the black and silver version of a Zinogre which went from Electricity to Dragon element.

"Well, yes dragon magic is there but no… this nature magic is found is actually primordial Life Magic. Basically it's like the building block of all forms of life and magic on Equis, and you two are producing it like, well, like a tree makes air." Twilight said.

“So that’s why we’re constantly horny.” I said honestly.

"So what does that mean exactly?" Tony asked.

"Well, in cases of animals in the wild or even with other sentient races it typically manifest within the body as, well, increased fertility." Starlight stated. "It explains why Tina's body produces milk and why she felt the way she did when Twilight and I fed from the tap, basically your body is the perfect mother and baby maker… able to concieve a child with any male partner regardless of race or even family orientation. I mean hell you and Tony could have a kid or a litter and they'd all be as healthy as Twilight and I… but, that rule also applies to Tony… in being the perfect fatherer of babies, also… regardless of their partners race of family orientation…"

"Wait… so that means…" Tony asked, looking pale.

"Starlight and I are pregnant…" Twilight said. "Every pregnancy testing spell in the book confirmed it…"

"But...I thought you were being careful?" I looked at Tony worriedly.

"I uh… honestly thought us being different species entirely would help…" Tony gulped.

"And even with the protection spells we used, against Primordial Life Magic, useless…" Starlight said.

"On top of that, Tina, spells, condoms, you let… male genitals inside and even a single sperm cell can get in and you will be knocked up. Your body's magic is just… built to be a mother. Which honestly also explains the readings I got when examining your breast milk." Twilight stated.

“And...what’s special about my breast milk?” I asked nervously.

"Well for starters, it has a complete nutrition table." She started. "Protein, calcium, iron, everything. Any Creature of any race could literally survive their whole lives off of nothing but your milk and be healthier than the fittest creature in the world. On top of that it also not only restores one's natural mana but even boosts it for as long as the milk is in your system. Just off what I drank last night and when I woke up my magic reserves were boosted by 300%!"

"To put that into perspective, she's the Princess of Magic." Starlight added.

“Uh...huh…” I started. “We just came here as Zinogre’s, I didn’t expect godlike fertility powers.”

"Godlike is an understatement…"

"So… I'm gonna be a dad, and my sister can end world hunger with her tits… this is… any other news?" Tony asked.

"Well… I'm gonna send a letter to Princess Celestia. Hopefully she can… help us figure out something." Twilight said.

“This…” I shook my head. “When did this get so out of control? We just wanted a cool Zinogre statue…”

Bro and I were sitting in my room, wondering just… what the fuck…

"Psst, ha!" We turned, looking up and… Creepy twins… oh, and they brought friends… Aside from the masked twins there was now a top hat wearing skeleton in a purple and yellow suit, and a woman, her suit was pure black, as was her eyes and hair. The one laughing was the skeleton man. "Man, and here I thought you were joking."

"Now why would I do that?" The frowning faced man stated. "Good to see you both again."

“Oh great, now we have Voodoo Shadow Man from Princess Frog and a Rolling Stones fan to add into this.” I groaned. “So hi, how are you four doing today? We’re currently wondering where everything went wrong…”

"Oh I'd say everything is going perfectly according to plan. We never officially introduced ourselves before. I am Demon. My counterpart here is Genie, and these two are Voodoo and Pain." He motioned to the skeleton man and pale lady. "And you two, well, three, are the heroes in this story."

"Three?" Tony asked.

"The other, the Hunter." Genie stated. "Sandra."

“But she’s a bitch and want’s our heads.” I frowned. “I know we started a fight because you Demon, but she’s been a bitch to us most of our lives.” I stated. “Even if she’s still hot though…” I grumbled, always hating how such a beautiful and talented woman like her was also just a raging asshole.

"Hehehe, child, lemme tell ya a little something about the heart." Voodoo stated, suddenly next to me. "You see, when a strong, powerful woman hates people with all her heart, well, that hate is often just a wall, hiding passion and emotions she's too scared to express for one reason or another." He said, giving his top hat a spin.

“Alright Bwonsamdi.” I rolled my eyes, not questioning how he got so close to me in an instant. “So...what? After several times she tries to actively murder us, we’ll have to take her on a date or something?”

"Please, you think she's doing well?" Voodoo asked. "She's tough, but she actually has her sanity unlike y'all. She's freaking out, and not taking her new reality well."

“We should probably find her at that point…” I said nervously. “She may be a bitch, but it’s better for her to at least be around people she knows in the same situation than by herself.”

"And this is the part where we explain how this works and why we did this." Pain stated. "So, let's get some questions out of the way first. Go on, ask away."

“So why the hell are we part fertility gods?” I asked right out the gate. “I mean, I know back home the both of us have been happy to plow anyone ready and willing and of age, but fertility god stuff? Why?”

"Ah, you see, among the Canine races, and many others, there are special breeds born to each race once in a blue moon. For the females, they are often called Den Mother's, and for the males, Total Alpha's. Typically they'd be born to a race as a means to avoid extinction, but their true ability lies in their power to breed halfbreeds into existence. There have never been any for Zinogres before, and frankly, it seemed funny at the time to make you both as such." Demon stated.

“ what are we supposed to do?” I asked carefully. “Like...what’s this ‘story’ about besides making Tina our girlfriend?”

"The details will become revealed in time, but all you need to know is that I will help if needed." Genie said.

"I will help or harm when wanted." Demon stated.

"I will do whatever I damn well please, for good or bad." Voodoo stated.

"And I will cause the trouble you all will deal with, be it directly or by influencing the world." Pain stated.

"Christ…" I groaned. " we naturally produce enough electricity to go into our 'enraged' state or do we have to find Thunderbugs for it?" I asked, asking a simple enough question that deals with our biology.

"We'll scatter them about here and there, but there are other means to gaining what you need to use your powers." Voodoo said.

"Neat." I nodded. "So...why us?"

"Oh, there is no reason. " Demon started. "You three just talked to us first."

“Cause that makes sense…” I grumbled.

“Is there anyone else like us?” Tony asked, which was a good question. “Cause from the sounds of it, it sounds like the four of you have done this before.”

"So many times, over countless eons. We've been doing this long before your home reality exploded into existence and we will continue for long after the last of your realities stars die and it fades into cosmic ash." Voodoo stated.

"Uh...huh…" I started. "I didn't think we would meet Eternals…"

"That's a word for us." Pain stated. She then gave a sigh. "Well, time to go start and cause trouble. Anymore questions, ask these idiots." And with that Pain was gone in a blink.

"Well little ones, anything else of note to ask?" Genie asked.

"What will we be fighting?" I asked. "Considering this might not be fun times for all."

"Commonly, Monsters, the lesser variations the game your feral forms come from across every title, weapons, items and armor will be available to find and craft as well, but if you're pondering big bad bosses, well those will pop up here and there based on how the inhabitants of this world take to The Monsters, and if Pain desires to tamper in their affairs." Voodoo stated.

"Oh no…" I groaned. " there anything else going on besides all this? Like outside powers and monsters that aren't Monster Hunter related?"

"Hehehe, tons."

"Fuck my life…" Tony growled. He then blinked, realizing he actually growled.

"Nice growl there." I chuckled. "Will we be meeting anyone else in our predicament or is it just us three in this world?"

"Hmm… perhaps. If you wish it." Genie said.

"Desire it." Demon added.

"Or chance it." Voodoo finished. "Now we won't be too far away but we won't be doing the work for ya now ya hear?"

"I guess?" Tony said.

With that, the three vanished.

"Well...shit…" I frowned.

"So… what do we do now?" Tony asked.

"Uh…" I started. "I don't know…" I said nervously. " it by here?"

"... So… looking forward to being an aunt?" He asked, taking a long sigh. "I need a drink."

"We both need a drink…" I sighed out. "Think Applejack has anything good?"

"Dunno. Maybe there's a bar in town we can get some drinks from?"

"Maybe ask Twilight and Starlight?" I suggested. "We need a tour of the town and...possibly more clothes anyways."

“Speaking of those two… are we gonna have to marry them… or at least will I?”

"Most likely...god, we were always so careful…" I sighed out

“I guess given what we are now… yeesh, at least you aren’t pregnant. I’m pretty sure Twilight and Starlight will only have one each, you, if those eight milkers mean anything god knows how many you’d have all at once.” I paled at that thought… I thought about it, had an adorable fantasy of me nursing a litter of ten pups, then shook my head. Yeesh this body really is mama ready...

"Just...I've had adorable fantasies because of this new thing but...I don't know…"

“Luna no!”

“Luna yes!”

Two female voices yelled out from the hallway, snapping me out of the book I was reading, Ten Thousand and Ten uses for Levitation, to hear the sounds of a struggle going on outside the door.

“The hell?” Tony asked, his book, Moonlight Asperations, put aside.

“Luna this is Flurry Heart all over again!” A mature, almost motherly voice spoke with stern authority.

“Any creature capable of knocking up an alicorn is one in a billion Tia! Let me see them!” The other, younger yet somehow wiser sounding voice replied as something seemed to explode. “That was a cheap shot!”

“Should we… do something?” Tony asked me.

Another explosion. “When you calm down I’ll stop casting it!”

"Sounds like one of them is massively horny...and the other has the horny bat." I said honestly. "So we should probably stop them before they get hurt…"

Another explosion. “Stop blowing up my house!” Twilight yelled.

“You sure?” Tony asked.

"Which one of you is horny!?" I called out to the growing fight.

“Me!” The younger voice called out, followed by quite the audible smack. “Ouch!”

"No bonking the horny." I called out whole getting up. "We might as well see who they are."

Opening the doors I spotted… sweet amazonian hotness…

The first was a mare easily reaching my and Tony’s height, figure that was like my own minus six breasts and… lovely lovely eyes, snow white coat and a waving rainbow mane and tale. She was like Twilight, an Alicorn, they were called, and the other, being pressed under the taller white alicorn was a dark blue alicorn with a mane and tale that was like the stars in the night. Her figure was more akin to Applejack’s but taller than her, yet still shorter than the white one. The hallway was… a mess.

“Luna, calm down.” The white alicorn said.

“Celestia, this is the second chance I have at being a mother. I’d already be one if you allowed me a night with Twilight’s brother-”

“He’s married!” Celestia replied.

“So? Cadence is into three ways.” Luna stated, earning another slap from Celestia. “Ouch!”

“Listen...all you had to do was ask.” I started. “The both of us can happily make you a quivering mess.” I said simply. “To the both of you if need be.”

“Told you.” Starlight stated.

“See!” Luna stated.

“Not that I don’t enjoy a willing lady… what the hell is going on here?” Tony asked as he finally exited the room.

“Apparently, Alicorns being a form of demi god can not easily become pregnant. It takes a mate who has primale nature magic, like you both, or my brother surprisingly, to knock up an alicorn. Well, that or another alicorn but there hasn't been a male alicorn… ever really.” Twilight stated.

“On top of that Luna here after her… return from banishment, upon discovering the gender gap ratio has been trying very, very, very hard to install new laws to allow… more public and commonplace breedings.” Celestia said.

“It’s twenty mares to one stallion Tia! That is not a good thing for a species.” Luna retorted.

“Jesus I didn’t think the gender gap would be that bad.” I said worriedly.

“Yes. Tis why when I learned of you both, I nearly flew over here… sadly my sister here tackled me and has been trying to keep me from starting negotiations.” Luna stated.

“Luna, you can’t just go up to a new species, ask them to be breeders for Equestria and expect it to work out.” Celestia replied.

“It worked out two thousand years ago, tis why brothels were even invented.”

“Huh…” I started. “I mean...our whole thing concerning sex has been ‘if your legal and consenting’, but to have it be a job?” I asked with a frown. “That takes the fun out of it and...even if this form is making me think about being a mother...we’re already scared enough that my brother here is gonna be a father…”

“Plus that just sounds wrong.” Starlight said. “I mean, seriously, how did you think it would work out?”

“Well Equestria needs a baby boom or else in a generation or two our population will drop to terrifying levels.” Luna stated.

“So…” I sighed out. “Just right off rip, how badly do you two need it specifically?” I asked. “Let’s just start off with the two beautiful princesses here.”

“Wait what?” Celestia stated.

“I’d very much like to be a mother.” Luna stated. “Have for the last four thousand years.”

“Oh for the… Okay, yes I’d enjoy being a mother but with my work, our work, running the kingdom, it’s not easy to make time for a foal. Or foals. Honestly I have no idea how Cadence and Shining Armor manage it.” Celestia stated.

“Our parents visit often and babysit for Flurry Heart.” Twilight stated.

“Ah, that makes sense…”

“I was gonna say, babysitters exist, plus you can just take a day off, not like the government will collapse if you're not there for a day right?” I asked.

“While the government will not, snooty opportunistic nobles will try something and the last time one slipped by, trade taxes on exports were allowed to increase by twenty percent with our good relations neighbors…” Celestia sighed. “Money grubbing bigots…”

“We can overthrow that if you just-” Luna started.

“We are not bringing back Crown Authority Luna, last time you used that, four hundred nobles were beheaded.”

“Well they were all guilty of crimes!”

“Okay okay hold on a second.” I said to the two. “Let’s take a deep breath, and hear what crimes they committed…”

“Slave trafficking, drug trafficking, illegal brothel keeping, tax evasion, illegal dragon hide trafficking, money counterfeiting, illegal transfiguration, and illegal meat sales.” Luna stated. “Just to name a few.”

“Yes, while they were all monsters you still orphaned over two hundred foals.” Celestia retorted.

“While orphaning two hundred children is were seriously letting all of that happen without some repercussion?”

“Can you maintain the laws of privacy to one's own business and home while suspecting them of crimes with little evidence and not break said law in the investigation?” Celestia asked.

“By asking people?” I asked. “ know, employees, family...literally arresting them under suspicion of doing crimes and then using magic to make sure they're telling the truth?” I asked. “All of which should be under basic investigation laws?”

“You’ve clearly never dealt with wealthy individuals able to buy and lie their way out of an arrest.” Luna stated.

“Well, it’s not all that different than back home sis.” Tony stated.

“Sadly…” I sighed out. “But in this case, Luna has a point...but talking about the criminal justice system isn’t what we’re here for.” I said. “What you two are here for is to feel two professionals deal with all your needs you’ve be-” I stopped myself. “Wait hold on, I just realized...four thousand!?”

”Yes, what of it?” Luna asked. “Did you also miss the part where young Twilight said Alicorns are demigods?”

“Honestly? Didn’t really care considering you three and whoever Cadence is are the only ones with both wings and horns.” I shrugged. “Have to be a certain type of special to be honest...I just didn’t expect agelessness to be apart of it…”

“Back home our myths of demigods tend to have either mortal life spans or...hubris induced accidents.” Tony said sheepishly.

“Well, we were not born demigods, while we were the children of a goddess we were born mortals, with the ability to ascend to demigods, which we did.” Celestia said, Luna finally pushing her off and standing up. “In any case, the same goes for Twilight and Cadence. They were mortals but ascended to alicorns.”

“Yes, and frankly until Flurry Heart we were beginning to think Alicorns might have just been infertal by nature.” Luna stated.

“Well...things are different here…” I muttered. “Alright, so who wants my brother first and who wants me first?” I asked. “Cause...Luna is needy as hell and I can smell it.”

“Is this really happening?” Starlight asked.

“I have no idea.” Twilight replied as Luna rushed into the room, dragging Tony and shutting the doors.

Celestia, sighed, rubbing her temples. “Honestly… So… Twilight tells me you are called a Zinorie?”

“Zinogre, a Fang Wyvern, or in this case, a wolf mixed with a thunder dragon if those exist.” I said honestly.

“Well, Thunder Dragons are rare but do exist. And Twilight tells me you and your brother are walking fertility idols on top of other various magics, correct?”

“So we figured that out due to...the people that sent us here to begin with.” I said honestly. “Apparently, I’m a Den Mother, and my brother is called a ‘Total Alpha’ that might explain why we’re magically this fertile?” I asked nervously.

“Hmm. Surprising. So I take it if he can impregnate any female and you can be impregnated by any male then?”

“Yes, no matter what race or contraceptive.” I sighed out.

“Wow… Look, I have no idea what to do regarding the gender ratio gap, Luna’s idea is insane but somewhat workable and- wait, the people who sent you here?” Celestia asked.

“Yeah so’s a short but...complicated story where it involves beings that existed since...I don’t know how long.” I shook my head.

“Gods most likely. So, it seems… your brother is giving Luna what she’s been wanting.” Celestia said as thuds and moans came from the closed room. “And, what of you?”

“I can make you moan as loud as Luna is right now.” I said simply. “Twilight and Starlight can attest to that.”

She shook her head. “That isn’t what I meant… I mean will you also be… conceiving children? At this rate Luna will be getting her way and frankly all I can ask is if you have plans or not?”

I sighed out. “Honestly...while this body wants me to have children, and I’ve kind of wanted children…” I sighed out. “We didn’t expect to have kids so soon I guess…” I said honestly. “As horny as we normally are...we at least expected to settle down with someone special...and open to three ways.” I shook my head.

“Well, given… events to come, I guess I should inform you that it is legal to marry more than one person in Equestria.” Celestia said. “Quite frankly it’s always been a practice in the kingdom, though these days it’s not seen as often given the… scarcity of males. Most that are adults either don’t have time for families and others are too young to, well, start a herd… or in your case a Pack, or is that offensive?”

I took a deep breath, trying to contain myself. “And just like’ve turned this from ‘possibly bad’ heaven…” I sighed out in pleasure. “ uh...back home, monogamy is the main thing...but you said polygamy is fair game...harems…” I tried my best not to feel weak in the knees.

“Equestria has always had a gender gap of males to females.” Twilight started. “In the past it was manageable, three to one, five to one, but in the last few hundred years that gap just… jumped to how you see it today. While herds do exist not many are able to support such large families financially.”

“Sadly, in the past a herd family could simply farm their needs but as Equestria modernized the issue of jobs and income became hard for any in a herd to manage.” Celestia said. “Plus if one male impregnates four mares, and all give birth and need to raise and care for their foals it won’t be easy depending on their job and even if they all took turns keeping eyes on the newborns one mare caring for four babies is rather hard, even if another helps and the male, it’s a lot of work.”

“Plus some mares back in the old days used to beat, fight and even kill one another and their fellow herd mates foals for terrible reasons.” Starlight added.

“Jesus christ…” I muttered. “Why must you pour the cold water of reality on me when I’m having a moment?”

“Well… historically that was an issue because the males couldn’t make time to please and be with all the mares in the herd or food was running low and… yeah. These days most every mare is bisexual… kinda have to be when so few males around and with that in mind we can just try and figure out the food issue.” Twilight said.

“Magic can only do so much and frankly I don’t trust Discord to try and help there.” Starlight stated.

“So...we can have a harem and everything be okay?” I asked carefully.

“So long as every member involved is at least a little bi and we can solve the issue of sustainable food and such, it can work out in case jobs fall through.”

“Well, yes that would be the best option.” Twilight said.

“Alright.” I nodded. “…” I gulped, feeling my previous friskiness coming back. “The offer still stands Celestia…”

She gave me a look, then smiled and chuckled. “Oh trust me, you don’t want that.” She said simply.

“Is that a challenge?” I asked.

“It’s a fact.” She stated. “How old are you, if I may ask?”

“Twenty three.” I said. “And I’ve slept with all consenting ages and done some pretty weird things.”

“Oh sweet, sweet innocent baby… I am twelve thousand, eight hundred and forty years old, and in that time I’ve slept with all sexes and species save a small handful on Equis… Trust me, you can’t handle what I can give.”

“Bitch…” I started as I grabbed Celestia’s massive hips and picked her up. “I’m wetter than a rainforest, and it’s keeping all my willpower not to both jump you right now and start flooding this hallway.” I said while turning around and carrying her to my bedroom.

As I held onto her rear… I about fell when I felt how… deep my hands sank in there… woah… “Oof! Easy with my butt.”

“This is what you get for threatening me with a good time.” I started. “And good lord...this butt is...amazing.”

"Huh… what just happened?" I heard Starlight ask.

"I have no idea…" Twilight replied.

Ouch… ouch… ouch… ouch…

"I did warn you." Celestia said, wrapped up in sheets that hugged her figure well while I tried to feel anything other than soreness and feel something of my legs. The bed would definitely have to be thrown out and honestly, I'd do this again… after I recover.

"And you continue to doubt my resolve in the ways of horny…" I groaned. "Just...let me recover...than round two…"

She chuckled at that, leaning up against me as she turned to lay on her side. "I'll give you this, your fur and skin, even the scaled parts feel exceptionally soft and smooth, and your milk is really tasty too." She said with a yawn.

"Tired...already?" I asked, but even for me that was rough.

"More for your sake than my own. I have to admit though it has been a while since I've been with anyone. Glad to know I haven't gotten rusty."

"And'll show those masterful skills to my brother if need be…" I chuckled.

After I could move again Luna and Celestia did swap with Tony and I. Now while Celestia has skills, Luna has energy to burn.

Needless to say when that ended I was surprised to find her nursing off me in afterglow. I began to recognize a pattern here. Wonder what's up with that?

“This is the fourth time someone’s nursed from me in the there something up with that?” I asked Luna.

"Hm?" She asked, popping off my tit and giving me a… mixed emotional feeling about that. Part of me wanted her to keep nursing for maternal emotions, the other, still wanted her to keep nursing but for sexy reasons. "It's just a common thing in Equestria. So many mares often produce milk and so most milk in stores are mare milk." Luna stated. "While we have tasted the milk of other races, most aren't as open to the idea."

“That’s interesting.” I said honestly. “But...the both of you are amazing…”

"Heh, happy to hear it." Luna said, sitting up and stretching. "So, now that the fun and games are out of the way it seems best we work and try and figure out the situation at hand." She said as she began redressing herself.

“Yeah…” I sighed out. “Hate how our libido got in the way to...figuring out what’s going on...again.”

After I was dressed and Tony and Celestia came out of there room. Tony looked better than I did but was wincing as he walked.

Finally we sat with the three alicorns in a large room with some crystal hologram map thing surrounded by six, no, seven thrones. The seventh was really small and next to Twilight's. "Now that the… greetings, are done with we can get down to a few basics." Celestia spoke. "Firstly will be about Tina and Tony's still unknown magics."

“We mostly know that we can use electricity, mostly from Thunderbugs, to make ourselves stronger, faster, and quite literally throw balls of lightning at people, but after that we have no idea what other magic’s are going on here.”

"I can study that in detail here at the castle." Twilight stated. "If a push from magic gained you both these forms then possibly a push more can reveal the rest."

"Alright. Secondly concerns the… arrivals." Celestia said, making Twilight blush but Luna rub her belly happily. "Royal decree states that any who can impregnate a princess can and will marry them… honestly it's the first time it's ever been acted on in this case. And, given the circumstances, my talk with both Tina and Tony… and Luna's begging, It might work out best if this is a… what was it called again?"

"Royal Harem Services." Luna said with a giggle.

"Right… that…" Celestia sighed.

"Dare we ask? I can wager a guess but I gotta hear this from you." Tony said with a laugh.

"Basically while we will be an official herd, you two and your… unique abilities makes you desirable to more than just Equis females. Many races have gender ratio gaps, more manageable that Equestria but still. This basically means that any new… additions have to be…"

"Show genuine love and want more than just money." Luna said bluntly.

"Yes, that… which is why earlier with a heavy heart I wrote about this event to Cadence… stars help us but she'll be the 'head mare's of the herd/harem."

"Wait, what?!" Twilight asked in shock. "What about my brother, you know, her husband?! And Flurry?!"

"Part of the family and legally married to all of us as well." Luna stated bluntly.

Twilight's eye twitched.

“So, let’s get down to numbers.” I said in a serious tone. “How many people will join our harem?”

“Now that’s an important question.” Tony said simply.

"Well, as head mare that will end up being all on Cadence how big or small this herd gets, but her magic and attunement to Love can ensure no one undesirable makes it into our little Family." Luna stated.

“So as...many as we can get?” I asked carefully.

"Up to her really." Celestia sighed. "The next issue is-" There was an awfully loud crash accompanied by many, many screams from outside the building, and lastly, a beastly roar that nearly deafened us. "What in the name of the stars?!"

"Yeah that's not good…" Tony said as he and I got up and over to the doors.

Opening them we nearly yelped as there was… a lot of Great Jaggi running around. I was one run by with… oh god. They're eating the residents!

Tony and I stood in icey cold shock as one grabbed a mare by the neck, snapping the head off the body in a shower of blood that painted it as it's jaws crunched at the skull, and swallowed before it began ripping into the rest of her corpse.

“Uh…” I muttered dumbley. “I...oh god...why are there so many Great Jaggi?”

"This… can't be happening?" Tony asked. There was a blast of light between us, it hit one of the Great Jaggi's and burned the skin to a crisp.

We turned to see Celestia, her soft and calm, motherly features now showed the purity of a righteous fury. "No creature, kills my subjects… and lives!"

A rush of wind zipped passed us, and we saw her body slam into another one, a sickening crack echoed out as the Great Jaggi's body was now forming a perfect I before it split open, showering the streets with its organs.

"It's been a long time since I've seen her this mad." Luna said, walking outside and looking calm compared to her sister currently on the massacre.

“I...uh…” I gulped. “I’m sorry…” I shuddered, fearing that...this all happened because of us.

“I...didn’t expect Celestia to be...that pissed…” Tony said, stunned at this new outcome plus everything else that’s been going on.

"It's to be expected. We are long lived, and have been ruling this kingdom for thousands of years. To Celestia, every citizen is her child, and there are many who would consider her a mother figure." Luna said, watching as Celestia cast several more volleys of magical death at several more of the monsters, turning them to smoking meat and ash. "And you know when you piss off a mother you are in for a beast to attack back."

“I…” I wanted to say, only to hear something that made my blood boil...I heard a child scream in terror. “OH HELL NO!” I snapped as I dashed forward, unknowingly turning into my feral Zinogre form which dwarfed these little bastards, seeing a Great Jaggi about to leap towards a light purple unicorn filly. “You’re not going to hurt my baby!” I roared as I pounced, causing it to look over in my direction, seeing nothing but rage and teeth before I bit down and ripped it’s head off, landing in a spot to protect the little filly as I spat it’s severed head into it’s falling corpse.

The blood tasted… rich. Like an expensive wine rich people only use for cooking. The meat felt… soft and tender, and reminded me of lamb oddly enough. Before my brain could contemplate the flavor more, I took note of the trembling filly before me, her eyes wide and focused only on me as it seems my next action would determine her sense of safety, or continued terror.

I softly laid down, resting my head onto the ground slowly to show I wasn’t here to hurt her, but having some distance between us so she can decide if she wants to step closer to me if she believed I was friendly.

She sat there for a while, looking worried before gulping and wearily scooting closter and finally pat my nose.

Flowers… Muffins… someone else… similar to her own scent… mother… blood…

It was like I could see what was happening right before now for this filly. Flower shopping with her mother, stopping for a treat… then the Jaggi showed up...

“Where’s your mother?” I asked carefully.

"We… got separated… we were at Sugar Cube Corner when…" The filly points off somewhere.

I turned and looked, seeing what once was a nice, pastry designed building now reduced to broken bricks and crushed wood.

“Back you raptor wannabe’s!” I heard someone shout as I saw a Great Jaggi get knowed towards me, the telltale sounds of...a Hunting Horn?

“The hell?” I frowned, looking up to see a...thicc as hell pink pony raise a Hunting Horn, the Metal Bagpipe to be specific, which is effectively just a bagpipe fused with a warhammer as the sounds of it reverberated into the air as she brained the stupid thing. “Nice swing.”

"Thanks!" She cheered. I noticed she had two baby carriers strapped on her, each one holding a small infant about… maybe a year old each? "Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie." She said, swinging and knocking another Jaggi about thirty feet into the air and letting it fall to a loud, bone breaking crash.

“Did you see this little fillies mother?” I asked worriedly, motioning to the unicorn filly.

“Dinky!” I heard someone shout as a grey and...beautiful pegasus flew in and picked up the filly. “Oh thank Celestia you're okay!”

"Mommy!" Dinky cried, hugging the Pegasus tightly.

"There she is!" Pinkie stated.

“Beautiful…” I said with wide eyes.

“Are you the one that saved my daughter?” The pegasus mare asked, her gold colored eyes shining with pure joy at knowing their daughter was safe.

“Ye-yeah...I saved her from a Great Jaggi…” I nodded. “Are you okay?”

“Well...gonna need to buy a new shirt from Rarity.” The cute mare said as she showed her shirt was an absolute mess. “But thanks to Pinkie and that horn of hers, I’m not hurt.”

"Uh, where did she even get that?" Tony asked as he ran up to me, still in the anthro form. "Also, did you call her your child?" He asked me.

"Oh, well my Pinkie Sense went crazy and so in a panic I grabbed little Pound and Pumpkin Cake here and then grabbed this thingy here from my broom closet." Pinkie stated.

"... That just raises more questions…"

“A whole lot of questions, but not right now cause we still have Jaggi’s to deal with.” I said, looking around carefully. “Also...don’t ask right now Tony...I have a lot on my mind…but did you see anymore around here?”

"Celestia seems to have killed the majority."

"DIE!!!!!" Celestia's voice roared out, followed by a large explosion shortly after.

"Possibly all…"

“Uh...huh…” I started. “This...this still shouldn’t be happening…”

"I think I know what our jobs are gonna be when we aren't… being parents…"

“Works for me…” I nodded, not wanting this to happen again.

To be continued...

New world, New Problems part 1

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[POV: Tony]

It was terrible, seeing the dead being pulled from the insides of the Jaggi. It was disturbing just how many… pieces were whole.

When the last of the Jaggi was killed I helped search for survivors and injured. Many were… reasonably scared but this form at least helped them ease up around me.

Ponyville was a town of little over two thousand, but… now it's little over seven hundred. Half of which is in urgent care.

“This can’t be happening…” I muttered. “All just happened out of nowhere…” I clenched my fists, hating whoever the hell just dumped all these Great Jaggi’s into town.

The royal guard is doing a pretty good job of helping clean up and gather the dead to identify. In a morbid way, it's a lot like home when a great tragedy happens.

The hardest part were the… orphans. Among the survivors, there were fifty children with no family to go to, and seven of those fifty are also in the hospital. Needless to say, given what sis turned into, she's been… yeah…

"Are you trying to nurse them or cuddle them?" I asked Tina as she sat with the forty three kids not injured, outside the hospital where the injured seven were being kept.

“Yes.” Tina said honestly. “Cause they need someone, my motherly instincts are kicking in...and they need someone…”

Most were about six to ten, others were two or five, and the youngest… were the twins Pinkie saved… Those two were nursing… and quite happily at that.

“Too much happened in too short a time…” She shook her head. “Looks like this won’t be all fun and games...and if this is what’s happening…” She trailed off, clearly scared that if this town has more than half its population slaughtered out of the blue...what might happen to our future kids...or if we could even protect them.

"It will be okay sis." I told her, taking a seat down next to her. Most of the kids here we're… glum, obviously, but some just tried to sleep against her fur. It looks like it's working. Some were sleeping. "We'll figure this all out. We always do, right?"

“Back home was different…” Tina sighed out bitterly. “But...hopefully we can make a difference right?”

"I'm sure we will. You already proved we can when you killed that Great Jaggi."

"It's not that hard considering we're high tier monsters and hey're literally the first things hunters fight." Tina shrugged.

"True, still though, they were… different from the games. I don't think in game Jaggi ever did this much damage to anything…"

"Or get into towns. Monsters shouldn't have been rushing this far in…" Tina said worriedly.

"Guess this town… and lots of others are gonna need walls or barriers then… if they can break into towns now then without something as a front line of defense it will be a repeat."

"And we most certainly don't want that." Tina nodded in agreement. "Also...we're gonna need to be careful about eating raw food...while delicious...I'd rather it not get out of hand…"

"Raw food?" I asked.

“When I bit off one of the Great Jaggi’s’s blood tasted like fine wine and it tasted like lamb weirdly enough.” Tina said honestly.

"That's… definitely weird. Then again we don't have the same taste buds as we did before so, who knows. Still getting used to this nose. I swear I smelled a flower and could almost see every bee and animal that also went by it. Was… weird…"

“Yeah...all these new senses are just strange considering we’re...well, a combination of wolf and dragon.” Tina agreed.

"I think Celestia said something about Dragons being a thing here… or maybe Twilight? Think there's any large wolf races here?"

“No idea, and to be honest, a world of Pegasi and Unicorns, Dragon’s should be a normal thing.” Tina nodded. “And maybe there’s a canine race here...but right now, we got a town to take care of.”

"True… sheesh, this is not what I was expecting when we ended up here." I said, giving a huge sigh. "And to think it started off so we'll too…"

“Well...we can make it better than this.” Tina suggested. “We’re high tier monsters, we can protect these people, and we’re both smart enough to make things better right?”

"Well, you are a genius, and I'm… well shit, I don't think computers are a thing here… well, I can make whatever you design look nice at least." I laughed.

“Says the guy that could probably advance technology to a massive degree.”

"Yes you were the one building the tech. I just programmed it."

“We’ll figure something out.” Tina said. “Heck, we can even make magical golems cause why not, Golems are cool.”

"Do you know if that's even a thing here?"

“We’re in a world of unicorns, pegasi, and we’re you really want me to answer?” Tina asked.

"Eh. We can ask Twilight and them later. Some on, guess we got work to do and see how bad the damage was from the princesses." I said, standing up. As we walked I stopped, turning and saw her giving the foals piggy back rides. "Really?"

"They need someone, and a giant fluffy dog is better than nothing." Tina said a little defensively.

I rolled my eyes. She’s always had a bit of a motherly side, but this new body of hers cranked that up to an eleven… this is gonna take some getting used to.

When we made it back to the castle, Twilight was… well, she was sitting next to Starlight on the couch. She was crying into a pillow. “What happened?” I asked.

“One of her friends… Rarity… didn’t survive the attack, and another, Rainbow Dash, is in the hospital. Brave as she was to fight them… it cost her.” Luna said.

“Jesus christ…” I muttered. “We...we’re sorry…” I sighed out.

“Rainbow Dash will live, a pegasus without legs can still fly at least…” Celestia sighed. “As for Rarity… Oh, I see she’s here already.” I turned, looking at who Celestia was looking at. A white unicorn filly in a white and pink dress with a two tone lavender mane all in curls. The little filly looked just as terrible as Twilight, but her tears had dried, leaving irritated red eyes. “With her sister gone and… parents still unaccounted for, when will need a place to stay.”

“There...has to be a way to fix any way shape or form…” Tina said bitterly, hating the fact that everything just happened so fast and out of the blue they couldn’t have done anything.

“... I’ll be back.” I said, having a thought as I headed out and made my way to the nearby woods. A few… wolves, I think, saw me and ran off but once I was alone I took a breath. “So you said you’re watching?”

“Always.” The air seemed to shift and distort, and soon Voodoo walked himself out of that distortion that left once he was in front of me. “I expected this out of your sister, didn’t think you cared that much.”

“You attacked my territory.” I growled. “And my sister is tending to the children that lost their family’s.”

“Hey, hey, down boy. I didn’t do that, that’s Pain’s job to cause trouble. And to be honestly, this town lucked out better than other places she sent monsters too. It’s her job to cause the problems, but you are lucky it’s Demon, Genie and I’s jobs to offer assistance… for a price of course.” Voodoo stated, flipping a card out of his coat and to me. On it was a white unicorn mare, rather lovely with a beautiful curled purple mane. “That’s Rarity.”

“How do I get her back?” I asked. “I doubt I can bring the entire town back but...anyone I can save is better than nothing.”

“Correct there young lad. Now, we won’t bring everyone back, no point in the drama if all your problems get fixed like that. You get to bring her and only her back. With me, you have a few options on just how. Keep in mind, once you pick one you have to use the rest before I’ll let you pick them again. No picking the same option twice in a row now.”

“Sounds...simple enough.” I started.

“Now then, for now, you get four choices. Conditions, A Chance Game, Exchange, and Entertainment.” He stated.

“So...what are the rules of each of them?” I asked carefully.

“Conditions is simple, I bring them back but under a condition. Undead, mutated, different gender, partly insane, i’ll leave it up to a roll of the dice to decide what exactly.” He stated.

“Cause of course…” I grumbled. “Chance games? Like blackjack or something?”

“Blackjack, Poker, any of the gambeling games, can even be chess, checkers, or whatever. Fair bit of warning though, you lose, you can’t ever get them back.”

“I hate gambling…” I grumbled, knowing Tina was a lot better at it then me. “Exchange is exactly what it sounds like?”

“A soul for a soul. Bring me a criminal, a mother, father or child, a soul is a soul, they die so she can live. Simple as that.”

“Sounds fair.” I nodded. “And...entertainment?”

“A lot like game of chance but… more physically demanding. Could drop you into a mall filled with a million zombies, make you race across the world in seven days, perform a musical just for shits and giggles, and the rules about losing are the same as with Chance Games, lose and they are lost to you forever.”

“You’re not gonna make this easy on me are you?” I asked bitterly.

“If I did, then where’s the fun in that?” He asked… I swear I could feel him grin. “Take your pick.”

“I’ll...try Entertainment first.” I said carefully.

“Very well, now… what shall I put you through… “

“Can I suggest a thing or is it up to you?” I asked.

“... Hmm, go on?”

“Well, it might be simple but how about I hunt a monster?” I asked. “Either something you know about or a monster from Monster Hunter.”

“Hmm… Fair enough. I have an idea…”

“What’s the idea?” I asked curiously.

“This.” He snapped his… finger bones? Blinking I was now within a different… larger forest. Heh, wow, now I feel small compared to these trees.

I noticed I was back in my feral form, getting used to walking on all fours again real fast. “There are three Barroths here.” I turned around, seeing Voodoo atop a rock, making him at eye level with me. “Kill them all and Rarity’s location will be told to you, and you can go be the hero. Just be warned, those Barroths aren’t the only monsters here… and far, far from the most dangerous ones here.”

“Yes yes, I know that either a Devlijho or a Bazelgeuse can show up.” I rolled my eyes. “Or are you talking about other things?”

"Things your small Alpha butt better learn to hunt, less they hunt you." He laughed, vanishing into thin air.

Oh boy this is gonna-

"Craw!" I looked up, seeing a bird flying just below the tree tops… huh, that's a weird looking- oh it's coming right at me.

“And what the hell is that?” I frowned, preparing to attack it if it was hostile.

As it flew down… is it getting… bigger- Oh shit! I bolted, rushing to the side as it landed and tried to snap at me. It's body was like an eagle, but it's head was like a dragon- snake, it's long neck whipping around and nearly bit my legs. Fuck that thing is twice my size!

“Excuse me, I need to kill Baroth’s, not whatever the hell that was!” I panicked.

I rushed around, managing to claw at it's eye and making it rear back enough for me to run under it. The body here is part bird, but it's also part dragon snake… I hope it doesn't have scales.

I jumped up, shoving my muzzle passed the feathers and finding soft skin… and biting into it. Duck and the strong taste of honey whiskey flooded my mouth. The beast roared, trying to bite at me but I tore it's torso more and bit inside once more, crunching bone and getting drenched in blood. It gave a final roar before collapsing itself into me, and I slipped inside the hole I made, now inside the fresh corpse.

“Okay so...I now know why Tina mentioned being wary of raw food…” I muttered nervously.

I tried to claw my way out, finding it a bit hard to navigate- okay that's the heart… there's the stomach… aww crap… I swallowed, finding a flesh wall and biting into it… damn that…. I swallowed it.

New Prey Identified

What the?! I jumped, seeing words in my vision.

“Okay what the fuck was that?” I asked nervously.

Species: Avian
Race: Hawk Dragon

An evolutionary middle point between the reptilian dragons and the modern avian birds, they nest in high mountain peaks and dense primal forests.

Meat proteins absorbed. Muscle mass increased by .2%

… You… you gotta be kidding me… we get stronger… by EATING?! Raw meat!!

“That seems...kind of busted depending…” I started. “Also I feel like this is a reference to something...but I don’t know…”

With a sigh I ate… and ate… and ate- hey where did the body go? I found myself with just a few bones and no meat anywhere… did I seriously eat that massive thing?!

Proteins Absorbed. Muscle Mass increased by 5%

Bone Calcium Absorbed. Bone Density increased by 3%

Skill Evolution Available? Evolve current skill?

“Excuse me what?” I blinked, looking at what current skill I could evolve.

Skill: Hunter → Skill: Predator

“Uh...sure, why not.” I said honestly. “Hopefully this doesn’t make me into a bad person…”

Skill Evolution Successful.

New Skill: Predator - Gain Skills and Powers of your prey by devouring their whole body.

“Okay, now I know exactly where that comes from.” I said, not expecting to gain this ability from anime’s favorite slime.

With that mess done I headed on off. Have to find those Barroths.

I took a sniff of the air… What would a Barroths even smell like?

“ thing they smell like is mud...and it would be special cause it’s caked onto the thing…” I muttered while sniffing the air, tryinPack! find any mudhole around.

I smell… Water, fish, another Hawk Dragon… Sheep? And… What, is that?

I followed the smell. It was… Faint, but familiar...

“Alright...what’s going on over there?” I wondered as I followed the weird familiar scent.

As I broke through the foliage, I spotted them… Zinogre… Hundreds of them… It's a Pack!

“How and why are there hundreds of them?” I asked in pure shock.

As I stared in awe at this… Amazing sight and noticed as one began walking up to me. Their fur was blue and white with pinkish highlights along their spine and tail. They were… female, I think? They walked right up to me, sniffing me. "You just ate?" She asked. Youza that voice...

“Uh...y-yeah...a hawk dragon tried to make me it’s I made it my lunch.” I said sheepishly.

"Hm. You're not from this pack… and you're an Alpha at that." She said, circling me. "A True Alpha. One of your kind hasn't been born in over a thousand seasons."

“And long since a Den Mother has been born?” I asked carefully, somehow managing to get that out despite my pure shock at hearing how special I am.

"We have them now." She stated. "It's why our pack is so large. So, what pack are you from?"

“Uh...I’m not from any…” I said nervously. “All I have is my sister who...happens to be a Den Mother from what I was told...and how am I an Alpha?” I asked

"Your size for one, and your scent for another. It's rich in testosterone."

… Oddly that makes complete sense...

“Yeah...and what about those five over there? They're even bigger than I am.” I brought up, motioning to the other large ones.

"Those are newly pregnant Den Mother's. We always grow to great sizes while pregnant."

“Uh...huh…” I started. “I totally knew uh, have any of you seen any Barroth’s around here?”

"Most stick to their territory, but a few wandered into the forest recently. Our scouts would know more about where they are." She said, turning back to the pack. "Come. So, what are you called?"

“My names Tony…” I said carefully as I followed after her.

"Tony. Strange name. I am called Magnolia." She said… stop staring under her tail, stop staring under her tail…

As we walked along I noticed I got a lot of looks at me. Eventually we came across a group of Zinogre, each one carrying several Great Jaggi dead across their backs.

“Rat bastards…” I growled towards the Great Jaggi corpses.

"Excuse me." Magnolia said. "This Alpha seeks the Barroths. Do you know where the invaders went?"

Some of them growled. "One rushed off to the beach, the other two ran off to the mountains." The front most one answered.

“God damn it…” I grumbled. “And in which directions would those be in?”

"I can lead the way." Magnolia stated. "The beaches are a popular hunting grounds for fish and crabs, and the like. The mountains will be a longer journey though."

“Sounds fine to me.” I nodded. “It’s gonna take a while just to deal with the Barroth’s though…”

"The beaches are the closest, we can arrive there within a day's travel."

“Cool.” I nodded. “Haven’t had a good run in a while.”

"Follow me then, Tony the Alpha." Magnolia said as she ran ahead. I followed the best I could. Walking and running on all fours are two very different things. I managed to follow close enough behind… never realized how fast Zinogre can run. We ran until the sun began to set and Magnolia had us take shelter in a hollow tree trunk. "We will leave at sunrise and make it to the beaches by mid day."

“Sounds reasonable enough.” I nodded. “But...I have to wonder if these Barroth’s will be different based on their new locations…”

"No idea. Hard to tell, seems the land has begun to change in strange ways." Magnolia said with a sigh.

“How so?” I asked curiously, wondering what could cause the land to change.

"The beasts of darkness appear ever more lately, and the other packs are growing restless."

“Creatures of darkness?” I asked curiously.

"Yes. Unlike beasts like us or our preys, they vary greatly in shape and form, they have unique abilities and powers, and while their bodies can be torn and broken, they have no flesh to devour, and their blood is not red, but silver in looks and turns to steam seconds after spilling. Their scent is that of dread and fear."

“That sounds...scary.” I said nervously.

"Rightfully so." Magnolia stated. "So, tell me, do you have Den Mother's you've mated?"

“No, the only Den Mother I know about is my Sister, and that’s one line neither of us are crossing.” I said honestly, having made that deal with Tina years ago.

"How come?" She asked… rather bluntly...

“Because she’s my sister?” I asked carefully. “Like...literally from the same mother and father sister, mating with someone that close biologically would lead to bad things.”

"Not for Den Mother's. Our biology is built special like that, be us with father's, brothers and our own sons, our offspring will be born healthy. Same goes for True Alpha's like yourself. In fact if you two did mate those pups would definitely be born Den Mother's and True Alpha's and can easily populate and make a large pack in a generation or two."

… wat?

“I’m sorry...I think I have some Hawk Dragon stuck in my ear…” I said carefully, brushing my paw over my two ears. “Your’s perfectly fine to plow my sister?”

"Yes, my own father is also my uncle. Because my mother is a Den Mother I came out fine and not like the inbred. It's how our pack has kept our numbers up for countless generations."

I legit stumbled as I heard that. “Uh...okay...yeah sure that makes total sense…”

"Did you not know this? It is common knowledge told to every Den Mother and True Alpha when they become of breeding age."

“ old is breeding age again? Since uh...I’m from a different region I suppose?” I said nervously, which wasn’t a complete lie.

"Typically after we reach maturity in ten summers."

Zinogre are adults at just ten years old?!

“Uh...huh…” I started. “Right...where we are is a whole lot different then here that’s for sure.”

"Strange. So, have you mated then? You do not smell of a virgin." She can smell that?

“I...didn’t know virgins had a smell.” I started. “And...I have mated...a lot actually…just uh...not with other’s of our kind…”

"Oh, so you are producing half breeds then?"

“From when me and my sister started, weirdly no.” I said. “Until...recently…” I said nervously.

"Not too many Half breeds about. Most tend to breed with their own kind, but Den Mother's and True Alpha's are special like that. Immune to inbreeding, compatible with any race, it's a very unique existence."

“’s’s probably a good thing that those Hunter’s made me pull out…” I said sheepishly. “And...other monsters…”

"What about them?" She asked.

“Let’s just say me and my sister are…’energetic’ when it comes to mating…” I said sheepishly. “And uh...we do it with anyone that’s willing.”

"Oh, is that so?"

Last night, I fucked a Zinogre. It was… great. What I didn't know is that, upon waking up she was now easily twice my size and sporting the boobs my sis has in her anthro form. She was also already rather… large, in the tummy.

“And uh...does this happen every time a Zinogre get’s pregnant?” I asked nervously.

"Just we Den Mother's. Our time pregnant is accelerated compared to the normal females and we carry and birth twice as many pups as them. Normally a Den mother has a litter of ten or so, but given you are a True Alpha it might be more."

“Oh no…” I muttered to myself.

"Here, nurse." She said, pulling me by my scruff and against her… wow that's so soft… "You will need the energy."

“Uh...okay…” I said, softly nursing from her really soft breasts and...this felt both weird and nice, weird because we were both feral Zinogre’s and I was breastfeeding from her, but nice because...well it just felt nice.

I noticed her milk tasted a lot like vanilla ice cream and… caramel. After drinking my fill she nursed off her own teat… hot… no, no, bad Tony.

New Skill Received: Tribal Diet - Nursing from any Zinogre Den Mother's Milk will restore you to full health even at the brink of death and also fully restore MP. This will not however boost physical body attributes as Consuming meat and bones would.

”Fair.” I thought to myself. “Alright, so uh...can you still run and fight or...should I just start running towards the beach now?”

"Our tribe forbids mothers with children from fighting, but I can supply you with air through my milk and with Thunder Bugs." She stated.

“That’s fair, I wouldn’t want you getting hurt anyways.” I said honestly. “And thank you, I’m gonna need it when fighting a Barroth.”

"You can most likely use the beach to your advantage." She told me.

“That is true, if the thing is covered in water half the time I can shock it harder...but that’s if it didn’t magically mutate out of nowhere…”

"Plus the water will wash off the grime and mud it uses as extra armor, exposing the scales."

“We’ve got a plan to take this thing down.” I nodded.

As we headed off having a twice my size Den Mother made travel… interesting. Her size let her push aside larger obstacles with ease… and more often than not she actually carried me by the scruff as we walked.

“I’m supposed to be an Alpha damn it…” I grumbled, currently being carried by the scruff as I practically dangled from her mouth helplessly.

It didn't hurt and honestly I almost fell asleep a few times. Finally though I could smell the salty air and we arrived at the beaches- What in the name of god are those?!

Magnolia put me down. "Hm, guess the Floor Noodles are out hunting."

I mentally hit the breaks at hearing that… Floof… Noodles?

I looked back at the strange creature. They were half giant snake, half… wolf, anthro wolf's at that and actually seemed to wear some form of clothing. Tools even, nets and fishing poles and spears… Floof… Noodles...

“But...why are they called Floof Noodles?” I asked in confusion. “I mean...sure, their half wolf half snakes but...why?”

"Their fur, while soft is also the best natural armor among the intelligent Monsters. Much like us they also can have Den Mothers and True Alphas. And, because they are a naga race can swallow one another whole with their multiple stomaches."

“While that’s great…” I started. “Why the hell are they called Floof Noodles?”

“Because the father of Floof Noodles, a Den Mother Dire Wolf, called us that as a cute little name...and the world said ‘yeah, that’s a great name’.” One of the Floof Noodles said as they passed by.

“Wait, a Den Mother was the father? Excuse me?” I asked in confusion.

“It’s a long story.” The Floof Noodle stopped. “So, what brings you two here? Thought Zinogre packs didn’t come this far to the beach.”

"This True Alpha here wishes to hunt the invading Barroths." Magnolia said.

“It’s over there.” They pointed out towards the eastern side of the beach. “It’s just hanging out, not doing much besides scaring some of the wildlife.”

"Thank you." Magnolia said, giving them a nod as we headed off. "Of the monster races Floof Noodles are some of the more reliant on tools and can craft most anything. Mostly when our pack trades with their tribe it's the hides of our prey for medicine."

“That sounds about right.” I nodded. “So, right now we just have to find the muddy bastard and kick his ass.”

“You have an odd saying for hunting prey.” Magnolia stated.

"It's...hunter lingo I guess…" I said sheepishly, still not sure how to explain I'm originally human.

As we headed down over to the beach we found the Barroth eating a… I wanna say that’s a Megoladon? “There’s the beast.” Magnolia stated.

“Thought they mostly ate bugs…” I couldn’t help but point out. “ least it’s distracted…” I muttered as I carefully moved towards it as it was distracted by eating.

“I shall wait here and give aid as you need it.” Magnolia said, sitting down and I watched in awe as Thunder Bugs began flowing from her coat.

“Beautiful…” I muttered in awe at how pretty it looked, even with the midday sun.

With a deep breath I turned back to the Barroth and ran towards it. I need an edge… Hmm… Wonder what Predator can do with an already dead corpse… I ran under the thing, rushing at the Megalodon body and ripped a chunk out and ate it- Wow they taste like shrimp!

New Ability Registered: Aqua Affinity Rank 1 - Able to breath underwater for five minutes and swim more easily within the water.

”Oh yeah, that’ll certainly help.” I thought to myself. “Alright ugly, time for a fight.” I started as I stomped down and let out a challenging roar.

The beast looked under, spotting me as it roared back and tried to stomp me. I dodged and tried to bite at it, getting a mouth full of mud and clay. Gross gross gross!

I ran to the edge of the beach, paws deep in the sea water as it turned and charged at me. With a rush it jumped in, splashing water and wet sand high into the air. I took the opportunity to get further into the water, some of the Thunder Bugs I felt… woah… that’s… unpleasant.

Natural Ability Unlocked: Thunder Bark - Using stored up Thunder Bugs, howl out powerful bolts of Lightning accompanied by powerful sonic waves dealing stun damage to weaker, smaller prey.

”Fantastic.” I thought to myself. ”Might as well try this now that it’s covered in water…” I thought as I spun around, skidding to a halt as I felt the Thunderbugs start charging up. “Let’s hope this works…” I muttered as I tried using Thunder Bark at the Barroth.

The howl made a small crater around me and the bolt of lighting shot out at the Barroth, scorching part of it’s clay covered hide and breaking it off, revealing a small patch of it’s softer scales. It began it’s usual charge attack, trying to ram into me at high speeds. I moved out of the way just in time to have it charge into the deeper end of the water where it’s mud and clay armor began shedding faster, exposing it’s legs and part of it’s under belly.

“Gotcha.” I growled as I leaped forward and clawed at one of it’s legs.

The scales held some resistance, but managed to break easily enough as I got it bleeding before it shook me off. Before I could get another Thunder Bark off it managed to whack me, sending me back onto the sand. Fuck… That broke something. Come on, I can still move… I felt more thunder bugs flow over and into me… god that feels so creepy….

Warning! Thunder Bug reserves overcharging!! Disburse excess energy to avoid instability!

Oh I know what I’m putting all this extra energy to.

“Good to know.” I growled as I stomped my foot into the ground and roared, discharging as I entered my first enraged form, feeling my fur stand on and scaly spikes spring up all across my back, blue energy radiating off of me as I bolted into the Barroth.

The impact on the Barroth sent it skidding into the deeper water some more, the water adding to the damage and also electrifying any poor fish and fish monsters in the water around it. When it was done, the Barroth’s body stood still as it smoked for a time before collapsing into the water, a large splash sending many dead fish and semi warm water onto the sand. I breathed out a long sigh, feeling the toll of that attack as I had no more Thunder Bugs after that, and winced as whatever I broke began letting itself know… feels like… ribs… three of them… yup… ouch…

I leaned onto the beach, resting a bit and looking up as I saw Magnolia walk over to me. “A lesser male would have never taken a Barroth alone. You truly are a True Alpha, I see I chose well in my mate.” She said, positioning herself so I can nurse off her.

“Yeah...I was told that Barroth’s are some really tough monsters, only the toughest Desert Predators like a Tigrex fight it.” I said honestly, even though Zinogre’s were stronger than Tigrex’s, Barroth’s are still one hell of a monster. “But...three ribs broken is better than a broken leg that’s for sure.” I said, kneeling down and softly nursing from Magnolia’s tit.

As I nursed I felt… my ribs ease and calm down pain wise until it was gone and turned into a numb ache. As I felt better Magnolia began cuddling me as we ate a few of the washed up fishes. “Hm, cooked meat. Not bad, flavor is different though.” She said.

“Cooked food is actually really good when prepared properly.” I said honestly. “Palico’s have proven that time and again.”

"Yes, those odd felines are the only ones who surpass the Floof Noodles in crafting. They trade often."

“They're also adorable.” I pointed out. “And now...let’s not waste the Barroth’s corpse.” I said, standing up and walking over to the Barroth’s electrified corpse. “I’ll make sure not to waste a single bit…” I muttered as I started to devour the Barroth.

As I began eating I saw Magnolia also begin to eat, which makes sense, she is… pregnant… with my pups… just like Twilight, Starlight, Luna and Celestia back on Equis…

New Ability Gained: Charge Rank 1: Charging headfirst at high speeds towards an enemy will knock them down, or incapacitate them if they are weaker than you.

Gathered Armor Tank 1: When rolling around in wet Clay or mud what sticks to your coat will harden into an extra layer of protection from impacts. The larger the layer the more durable and sturdy the protection.

Consumed Proteins digested. Muscle mass gained is 7%.

Consumed Calcium digested. Bone density increased by 4%.

Natural Ability Unlocked: Thunder Bug Generation Rank 1: Thunder Bugs now naturally generate from within you. You generate ten thunder bugs every hour and once you generate a hundred you stop generating them to avoid Overloading.

”Sweet lord that’s amazing.” I thought to myself. “Uh...question, have you ever eaten something and started abilities?” I asked carefully.

"You mean like now with Charge and Gathered Armor?" She asked as I simply nodded. "For Den Mother's and True Alphas, the ability to eat of any prey's body and gain their strength is only possible after their first matting. At least for Den Mother's. True Alphas need only hunt and eat. This is my first time gaining these powers and experiencing it, though they are varied between us."

“Interesting.” I said honestly. “And now after this...a really long run to the mountains…”

"It will be a long while my Alpha." Magnolia said.

“ long before you give birth?” I asked curiously, trying to remember how long she said it would be after all...this.

"Typically with a normal male a Den Mother will birth in four months, but given I mated with you, A true Alpha… I honestly do not know."

“Shit…” I trailed off worriedly.

"And the time to travel to the mountains is still quite a journey in itself." She stated.

“And if you give birth before’s gonna probably take even longer if we don’t just send them back to the pack…” I sighed out.

"Well, there is an… alternative option, but we'd require the assistance of a Floof Noodle, and given the… situation." She sighed. "A Den Mother one best."

“Why’s that?” I inquired, not really knowing much about Floof Noodles at all.

"Well, Floof Noodles are a very unique race. They are part Dire Wolf and part Snake, the Hunters Race refer to them as Naga's. When one of their race has children they are born like our own pups, but being so small they do not produce enough heat to keep themselves warm and their mothers also lack the needed fur to keep them warm like I could. So, they keep them warm by swallowing them."

“Uh...huh…” I started. “So...they have special stomach’s or something?”

She nodded. "Typically, a Floof Noodle has three stomaches. One that is for digestion, and two that are for their infants or injured. One simply acts as a sack that holds young and even objects and spare hunted prey, the third one though is unique. Much like how my milk can heal you as you drink, simply resting in the oils this third stomach produces can heal the near dead in months and it's supposedly extremely sturdy and relaxing. Now, for the Floof Noodle Den Mother, there is more to this."

“Cause Den Mothers are just all sorts of magical.” I said honestly.

"A Floof Noodle Den Mother has a fourth, special stomach they use to birth internally, and feed their young inside until they are old enough to be pulled out by the tongue into the outside world. They can also swallow far more than the normal of their kind can, and can grow to great sizes."

“That’s honestly really cool.” I said honestly.

"So, if we find a Den Mother Floor Noodle who we can integrate into our pack, she can carry both my and your pups safely for this journey."

Yeah that- wait a minute… my harem anime protagonist senses are tingling...

“Yep...I’m gonna add another one to my...quickly growing harem possibly…” I started, even though I felt happy about god do I still feel massively underprepared for fatherhood.

"Come, the Floof Noodle Tribe rests within the Elder Tree by the cove nearby." She said, getting up and leading the way.

“Alright.” I nodded, following after. “ long have Floof Noodles been around?” I asked, not having a single bearing as to where I was specifically I thought that Floof Noodles were more so visitors from another land than natives.

"About… the last eight or so Shifts I believe?"

“And...what’s a shift?” I inquired.

"When the stars change location within the sky."

“ long does that take?” I asked worriedly.

"I think the pack elders told me it was… every million winters I think?"

A… million… years… so Floof Noodles have been along for Eight million years then...

“Jesus fuck…” I muttered pure shock.

"Are you surprised?"

“That’s eight million years...that’s a really long time.” I said honestly.

"They are a fairly new race."

“…” I took a deep breath. “Do you have any idea how incorrect that statement was?”

"Welp we Zinogres have been around for the last sixty three Shifts."

… what and how in the…

“You...just…” I took a deep breath. “Yeah okay, I won’t question it…”

“Is something the matter?” She asked me.

“Just...the amount of time…” I shook my head.

“What about it?”

“It’s nothing…” I sighed out. “Are there any settlements or other monster pack’s towards the mountains we need to worry about?” I asked. ”And maybe add to my harem if things keep progressing how I think it is.” I mentally added to myself.

“Going to the mountains… just one, the Hunters Village. While there are many, this village bares the painted image of a broken Elder Tree. They care not that we also share intelligence on par with them, we are monsters, so we must be slain as far as that village cares. It’s why no monster race with intelligence lives there anymore.”

“That doesn’t sound like a hunter village, that sounds like a poaching village.” I growled. “From where I come from, Hunters follow the Hunter’s Guild rules and regulations about dealing with monsters, those just sound like bastards who’d sooner murder us for fun and parts than anything else.”

“That they do, but thankfully they don’t travel this far out of their territory, plenty of the mindless monsters for them to slaughter.” With that we began making our way to the Floof Noodle Village. We met back up with the group fishing and hunting on the beach and traveled with them.

The village was… nice. It reminded me a lot of Ponyville with houses made from wood or brick and stone, the village surrounded a massive tree that shit high into the sky, higher than I was able to see and some houses were built along and hung from the massive branches above. They even had pull elevators and slides they slithered up and down along to get back and forth. I smelled meat both cooked and raw and saw what was basically civilization, something very different from the Zinogre pack.

“This place...looks nice…” I said softly. “Pretty busy to.”

“Much like us, the Floof Noodles birth in litters, anywhere from ten to thirty.”

I stopped…

“Hol up...ten to thirty?” I asked in shock.

“It’s rare but happens, most often it’s ten to thirteen, but can be more, and it’s a guaranteed thirty for Den Mother Floof Noodles.” Magnolia informed. “Though their Den Mothers are far more rare than Zinogre and much like us, they haven’t had a True Alpha born to them in the last four generations.”

“That’s worrying.” I said honestly. “But hey...I might fix that because I’m too horny for my own good.”

“Perhaps…” She said thoughtfully. It was here that… come to think of it I don’t know much about her aside from her name and she’s a Den Mother… nor the others… crap and I fathered their kids… okay, stop thinking like a one night stand set up, you’re gonna be a father, so know more than just your baby mama’s name. Yeesh, okay… Dating simulator games don’t fail me now.

“ any hobbies besides hunting?” I inquired.

“Gardening.” She said. “I know a little about medicine and often kept small plants that help with pain or indigestion, or parasites.”

“That’s really cool.” I said honestly.

“Aside from that, I know navigation and, of course, mothering. As a Den Mother we are taught how from the time we are about to reach our fifth season.”

“Sounds about right.” I nodded. “What kind of monsters have you fought?”

“Mostly just Great Jaggi’s and various crabs and fish back at the beach. The sea air always felt and smelled nice, so I went often.”

“That’s nice.” I nodded.

"So, of I may ask a question of my own, you mentioned a sister. Where is she exactly?"

"She's back at our...current residence as it were." I said honestly. "A simple apple farming town near its mountain capital."

"Which one?"

It took a lot of effort not to trip over myself there… crap I was hoping it would end there.

"Uh...which one?" I asked carefully. "What apple farm towns do you know?"

"Belvadrada, Approgaliga, Urit, Session Valley," Her list went on… crap.

"Uh...Ponyville?" I asked nervously. "It's far, I had to be teleported here kind of far…"

"Hmm. So you live amongst Equines then?"

“For the time being I suppose.” I said honestly. “That or I might be living there with my sister cause I...uh...knocked up three princesses?”

"I don't get Monarchies."

“Well the people ruling it are four different princesses cause...well apparently kings and queens don’t exist.” I rolled my eyes.

"Elected elder leaders are far simpler." She stated. "It's what most predator races with intelligence use."

“So a democracy at that point?” I inquired.

"Sorta. It acts like a democracy but only the elected elders can choose their replacements and only those who are an elder qualify."

“That sounds fine.” I shrugged.

As we walked I began to wonder where exactly we were going. So far we're passing… a lot of restaurants.

“There’s a whole lot of restaurants.” I commented.

"Their race is based all around consuming, so their culture reflects that. While they can hunt and eat their food raw, for them it's honorable to their prey and gathered food to have it prepared before consumption."

“That’s fair.” I nodded. “And I understand fully.”

"Yes, it's why so many of the friendly Hunter races like having them along. A mobile healer, storage and cook all in one. Most commonly they work with friendly Hunter Tribes as labor for hire, especially when traversing the frozen territories."

"That's really interesting." I said honestly.

"Aside from the Tree Demons we all get along fine. We refer to the Hunter group that hunts even the intelligent as the Tree Demons."

“And those guys are assholes.” I said honestly.

We eventually made it to the massive tree in the… town, is this a town or a city? Either way we made it here and before us sat three really old, greyed yet still lively Floof Noodles dressed in white pancho's and nothing else. "Elders." Magnolia bowed. I copied.

"Rise, young Den Mother." The center one spoke. Her eyes were different compared to the others. While she was still as old if not older than the two at her sides, her eyes were a dark amber color compared to the largely blue, grey and even red eyes I've seen around town.

“Uh...hello elders…” I said nervously, this being the first time I’ve been in front of an authority I didn’t know anything about.

"Hmm, a True Alpha, and a Den Mother…" She took a sniff, her nose aimed at Magnolia. "Your pups. Ten males, thirteen females. All either a Den Mother or True Alpha. Wonderful." She said softly. She could tell that from a sniff?! "What brings you here?"

"We seek an addition to our pack." Magnolia stated. "I am unsure when my pups will be born, and we are journeying far into the mountains near Tree Demon territory. A Den Mother Floof Noddle will be both a welcomed addition to our pack and invaluable in protecting our young."

"Hmm… I see, and what brings you to such a dangerous place while with children?"

“That...would be because of me and a...spectator making a deal.”I said to the elder’s carefully. “And he told me I needed to hunt and kill 3 Barroth’s to bring back one soul for his…’entertainment’.” I said, the last word filled with venom as I still can’t believe to help others I needed to entertain that bastard.

"Ah." The elder said, laughing a little. "So the All Makers are back to their old habits I see?"

Magnolia turned to me. "You made a deal with an All Maker?" She asked in shock.

“Voodoo was the first one to help, he said Genie can’t bring back the dead, Demon wasn’t fast enough, and Pain can go fuck herself.” I stated. “I don’t know who or what these ‘All Makers’ are...but me and my sister already made one deal…” I sighed out.

"Hm." She looked at me, laughing some more before slithering down to me. "Follow me going Alpha." She said, leading the way into a tunnel under this giant tree's roots. "You are no Zinogre, are you?" She asked once we were deep enough into the underground tunnels.

“Me and my sister were originally Human before Demon showed up…” I sighed out. “This also sounds like this isn’t your first time dealing with something like this?”

"The All Makers are… mischievous, trouble makers, but they always ensure a happy ending to their victims when their story ends." She said simply.

“Pain beg’s to differ.” I said honestly. “I mean seriously, who the fuck throws at least twenty great jaggi’s and a bunch of jaggi’s in a normal town and murder’s a majority of the population after a day of us being here?”

"Yes, well not all the All Makers are pleasant, but that is their chosen role. The All Makers vary greatly in shape, powers and ideals, but they created this world and so many like it among the stars. Of course, there is the good, the bad, and most common, the neutral. The Good primarily make and create the worlds as they see fit. The neutral typically observe and add smaller touches here and there. The bad, of course, cause catastrophe and disaster upon the worlds, for a world without danger is a fools wish." The elder said as we arrived in a fair sized chamber lit by lanterns. "All in all, it's a happy ending for their targets for entertainment."

“I suppose when your bored enough…” I sighed out.

"Now then, tell me what it is you seek, and speak truth Alpha, these tunnels are a sacred place for my people. To lie within them is to commit a blasphemous sin."

“Gonna have to be a bit more specific there.” I said honestly, cause the ‘what is it I seek’ is a bit too vague in this context.

"You come from a land far away from here, made a deal with a divine being, and now face fatherhood where worry and doubt fills your heart. And now you and your mate come here, seeking one of my kind to travel and mate with for your pack. I ask you, what do you seek does not seem to be what you want."

I looked at them for a moment...only to sigh out. “Too many things are going on…” I shook my head. “I honestly don’t know where to start…” I shook my head.

“We have time.” The elder said simply.

“I’m only 23 years old...I don’t know what I’m doing…” I sighed out. “Neither does my sister, we just wanted to have fun back home in a convention, get a silly statue from Demon cause why not...I didn’t expect to be a Zinogre...I didn’t expect to have a town I thought was simple and nice to be decimated in no time at all...I didn’t expect to be a father…” I sighed out. “I don’t know if I’ll be a good father, I don’t know if I’ll amount to anything at this point cause right now everything’s going too goddamn fast...I don’t know what to do…” I shook my head. “Everything’s going wrong...and I’m just trying to do something good due to us being here...and that’s not even getting into how many other places have been slaughtered!”

The elder nodded, giving me a thoughtful look before speaking. "I see. You feel overwhelmed by so much happening so fast, and you feel the guilt of failure weigh heavy on your heart. Tell me, what is the name of this town that was harmed? Is it even on this world?"

“The town’s name is Ponyville, and I have no idea if it’s even on this world cause Voodoo sent me here for his entertainment.” I sighed out. “And...I just hope I can be a good father to my...soon to be dozen’s of kids possibly.”

"Hm. There is no town here with that name, but many like you have spoken of it before. Though, I doubt it's even the same town." The elder said with a chuckle. "The All Makers like to remake their favorite worlds with different spins on them often. I believe that one is called Equis if I recall."

“It has, at least as far as I know, Alicorns, Unicorns, Pegasi and Earth Ponies.” I said. “If that helps give any context as to if you know anything about it.”

"Yes. While none of it's resident races have been sent here, the All Makers entertainment has. Like you they agree to a game or a deal, and are sent someplace to complete the task they agreed to, but in my experience that's only part of the reason why. They have more planned for you they didn't tell."

“Cause why not…” I groaned. “Can’t have things be simple..”

"Ah, but you see, it's simpler than you are thinking. You are not a human anymore, you are a Zinogre. A proud, powerful race of Monsters. In the past, most arrived here and learned great deals about not just their powers, but their new forms as well. Hence why you have her up above, a teacher well fitted to guide you into how to be a proper Zinogre. You will take this information, and make it your own, and use it to learn just how to protect those who you care for dearly. This land is your school young Alpha, you must just have the willingness to learn."

“At the moment I’m scared shitless about being a dad.” I started. “Fighting giant monsters, that’s great...but being a dad…”

"Hmm tell me, why does Fatherhood frighten you so? Many in your position would feel pride, helping bring life into the world and expanding their families, there is no greater honor."

“Because what if I’m not good enough?” I asked sadly. “Me and my sister have always been careful not to...cause that with the many, and I do mean many, people we’ve slept with before we became Zinogre’’s not that neither me nor Tina can take’s just…” I trailed off, trying to find the proper words here to show my unease and worry with this besides ‘I might not be good enough’.

"What of your own parents?" She asked me.

I was… surprised to hear that… mom and dad… they were… not terrible, but not the best either thinking back. Last I knew dad's still drinking and mom was still putting her work first.

“They...weren’t bad…” I said honestly. “Mom was busy working and...well dad’s been trying not to drink too much…”

"Hm. They cared but they didn't give you much attention then?" She asked, hitting the nail pretty much on the head. "And this sister of yours, you two share a powerful bond."

"We're twins, we've done basically everything together, and shared most of" I said sheepishly. "We're about as close as you can get without banging each other."

The elder chuckled. "Hm. You both rely heavily on one another, but for now, you are alone. That in itself frightens you to no end doesn't it?"

"We've been separated before…" I started. "But…" I sighed out. "Yeah, I'm worried...she's always got my back, is always nice to be around...and I'm worried she'll get hurt while I'm gone because Pain tried to be a whore again." I frowned.

"You needn't worry about that." The elder said. "Many like you have come and gone between this world and theirs. From what I have heard, time seems to just not pass, even if they remain here for years, they go back, and show back up here and no time has passed for them, or us rather."

“Well...that’s at least a good thing.” I let out a sigh of relief. “At least they won’t get hurt now.”

"To a Den Mother, being a mother is natural to them, but True Alpha's, it's up to them if they wish to teach their young or let them figure it out."

“I want to be a good father though...I just don’t know if I can…” I sighed out.

"Hmm. I see…" She took another sniff at me, getting this confused look before laughing a little. "When you first said partners, I didn't know you enjoyed the company of other males also." She said with a sigh. "The way I see it, you, and your sister, could benefit from role models." She stated simply. "A male you can love and look up to as a fatherly figure for when you need help with your own pups."

“Sounds good to me...only problem is...who?” I asked worriedly.

"That, you will have to find. Maybe here, maybe on Equis. Wherever they are, you will find them. I do, have one final question." She said, looking me right in the eyes. "Do you love the mothers of your children?"

… I… honestly, did not know how to answer. A lifetime of one night stands and occasional booty calling made that a… daydream honestly. I wasn't sure how I felt about her. I respected her, I knew that much, but I still didn't know her like I should.

“Because of my...past experiences that you can magically smell...which is probably in the range of a few hundred men and women…” I sighed out. “I...I don’t know...I don’t know Magnolia, or the other’s I’ve currently bed and...two I accidentally knocked up because I didn’t know about Total Alpha crap...or the two I intentionally knocked up because they both really wanted kids after a thousand years...but I, I will love them, I’ll get to know them better and...try to be someone they can love back...not just some one night stand.”

She smiled, something between sad and hopeful as she placed a hand under me and over where my heart should be. "Your mind says this, determined and willing… but will your heart open up, that is the question I can not answer." She said, taking her hand back as she got up. "Come now, I believe I have just the right Den Mother of my people for you."

To be continued...

New Mother, New Troubles

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[POV: Tina]

“This is...terrible…” I muttered bitterly to myself, even though my instincts were super happy at tending to six of these little anthro pony hurt like absolute hell that these children will never see their parent’s again.

“Where’s your brother?” Twilight asked, her lavender man a bit frazzled but she held a long scroll and a pen as she was writing down everything that needed to be written down.

“He’s probably made a deal with one of the assholes that caused at least try and bring someone back.” I sighed out. “We...I’m so sorry Twilight...if we knew our being here would have caused this…” I teared up, hating the fact that we caused this.

“It’s not your fault…” Twilight sighed out.

“Besides, without you and your brother, a lot more people would have been hurt.” Pinkie told me simply, still cradling Pound and Pumpkin.

“While that’s true…” I sighed out, one of the foals tugging on my ear. “It still sucks…”

"Nothing like this has happened for… centuries. And all across Equestria, similar reports." Celestia sighed as Scrolls appeared around her through magic. "Thankfully it seems the Crystal Empire was unharmed. Their barrier kept the beasts at bay."

“So...what are we gonna do?” I asked carefully. “Cause my brother’s off doing something, I have no idea how to actually properly fight besides what instincts I have...and I don’t know how more…”

"Hmm… I have an idea." Luna spoke up. "We could always call up the Dwarves."

"Maybe… but it's been thousands of years. I don't even know who their current King is." Celestia replied.

“The Dwarves?” I inquired. “There’s dwarves in this world?”

"Yes." Luna spoke up. "A unique race. Something between Goblins and Ponies in appearance, they largely keep to their underground cities with a few walled off surface locations for farming. They are the best crafters in the world. When Equestria still pulled large cargo by hand and harness they already had steam engines. They were fascinated by our magic and we're eager to learn. The king at the time made a deal with us, in exchange for understanding of their technology we give them understanding of magic."

"Fair enough." I nodded. "So where are they now?"

"Their kingdom resides on what is now the Silver Sand Islands. It is quite the flight there, a week long voyage." Celestia stated.

"Crap…" I frowned. "I...I can't leave this place...not with all the kids needing a mother…"

"I can leave for the Islands and see about striking a deal. If these monsters attacked all around Equestria they may have also attacked all along the world. The guard will begin construction on a defensive wall around Ponyville. Send word to the other cities to do the same sister." Luna said.

Celestia nodded as Luna lit her horn up and she vanished in a flash. "With luck we can also get some of the elite guard back in operation." She added.

"Hopefully things start working out…" I sighed out. "Again, I'm so sorry...if only I knew this would have happened…"

"This isn't your fault. It would seem these… beings, who brought you here are at fault." Celestia stated.

"And we can rebuild. Better than before even." Twilight added.

"Really now?" I inquired. "How much better?"

"Well, I have had a few projects in mind by mixing in magic and structure work to allow easier access to things like water, plumbing, safety and defense. I brought it up with Mayor Mare a while ago but it was shelved since it would take a lot of resources and time. Given… current events, I can rebuild Ponyville and implement these upgrades all at once."

"Well that's good." I nodded. "Glad to know at least something's are going to be working out…" I started, softly nuzzling a foal like their mother.

"So are ya going to need help defending the town?" Pinkie asked. I looked over at her. She still had that Horn weapon. Still don't know where or how she got that…

"By the way...where did you get that Hunting Horn?" I inquired Pinkie.

"My broom closet." She replied matter of factly.

"How was it in your broom closet and...also how in the world did you get it to begin with?" I frowned.p

"Oh that? I put it in there after Gypse sent me along on a quest through time and space to… I forget what I did exactly but I know it involved demons, fishing, and the Foundation." She answered with a smile.

"...what?" Was everyone's collective response.

"I...uh…" I started. "What kind of Foundation?"

"I don't know but all I remember is that I am banned from their facilities until the universe explodes and even then I am not allowed passed the main lobby."

"Okay, back up Pinkie…" Twilight spoke up. "Who is… Gypse?"

"Oh she's the same kind of being as Demon and Genie and Voodoo and Pain but only appears to people like me who take advantage of the Matrix we're in."

"Uh…" I started. "Okay…"

"So you have… dealt, with these types of entities?" Celestia asked.

"Yep! Gypse first talked to me about a week after I got my Cutie Mark. She said if anyone in the multiverse ever needed my help she's come back and I'd get to go on cool and super epic adventures! I've met a lot of cool people like Loki, Deadpool, Mew, Catheulu, Berry Allen, The Mask guy, and other neat Multiverse travelers." She replied.

"You have been traveling the multiverse with cosmic beings and never told anyone?!" Twilight asked incredulously.

"You never asked." Pinkie stated simply.

"That's not really something that needs to be asked when its something that huge Pinkie." I pointed out.

"So do you know what kind of being Gypse and these others are?" Celestia asked.

"Oh, yeah. They all have different jobs but they're all mostly called All Makers." Pinkie said. "Apparently they make sure worlds and universes get made properly."

“You’d think they’d also not be absolute douche canoes because of it.” I frowned. “I mean seriously...this much death just to make sure a world get’s made properly?”

"I did say most were called All Makers. Pain, while being the same level of power doesn't count as one since she focuses on death and chaos." Pinkie explained. "I think I got a book explaining it but that's buried in my party planning cave under Sugar Cube Corner."

Twilight suddenly vanished in a bright flash of magic. Half a minute later, she was holding a green hard cover book titled 'The Overseers and You; A Guide Book to Understanding The All Makers, End Bringers, and All In Between.'

"Yeah, that's the book." Pinkie nodded with a smile.

“Well then…” I started. “That’s really convenient…”

Twilight quickly opened the book, and began to read aloud. "If you are reading this book, then the Overseers, or All Makers, as they are commonly referred to, have arrived upon your world or contacted you in some way. If you have not been contacted by an All Maker or they are not at yet present on your planet, please store this book until such a time arrives." She turned the page. "The Overseers, or All Makers, are ancient cosmic entities that work to manipulate and construct entire universes, planets, and life across existence. While there are many, several are of key note. Genie, who will grant the wishes of individuals once, often blessing them with great power and transporting them to other realities where their newfound powers will become of use. Demon, who makes deals and plays tricks on individuals while also causing varying degrees of chaos across the cosmos. Voodoo, often referred to as the God of Fate and Luck, challenges individuals to games of chance or trials for their desires or demands. Lastly, Pain. A Goddess of Chaos and Death… Pain has in the past led the entirety of universes into extermination with an endless spawn of monsters carrying from native to a world to from entirely different dimensions. Pain herself rarely does fight against her victims, only doing so as the final trial of the All Maker's chosen Heroes. Beating Pain grants the Heroes and their Reality the 'Final Prize' while failing to defeat her… results in the death of their new… and home… universe…"

“How the fuck are we supposed to beat someone that just casually murder’s universes?” I asked worriedly.

"... I have no idea…" Twilight said, gulping as she turned the page. "It has been stated many times that the All Maker's actually work for possibly even higher entities, who simply observe the world's they manipulate to create heroes. How and why they pick these heroes is seemingly random, and what they are meant to do should they defeat Pain is still a mystery. That being said, they are not without mercy. Genie and Voodoo often aid the heroes in various ways to help the heroes gain power for the final fight."

“ least we have a fighting chance.” I started. “God...this just got a whole lot more complicated…”

With a nod, Twilight turned the page again. "If you wish to better understand your powers and or species based abilities and facts, simply call for a challenge from one of the All Makers, preferably Voodoo or Genie."

"So this is more or less all a game to them." Celestia said rather grimly.

“Christ…” I groaned. “Well, if they want to make this an RPG…” I frowned. “Genie? I’m calling for a Challenge.” I called out.

"And Pain said that book was stupid." I jumped as to my right was suddenly the smiling drama faced being himself. "She owes Gypse fifty rem."

“Hi there.” I started carefully. “And please don’t do that...I’m already jumpy enough.”

"No promises. So, what are you challenging for?"

“What can I challenge for?” I inquired. “Cause there’s a lot of things that I could challenge for...but can I challenge for people’s lives?”

"Your brother is already doing that, for Rarity. But we won't bring everyone back, just specific individuals." Genie stated. "And you can challenge for anything within reason."

“Hmm…” I hummed a bit. “There’s so many things I can think of…” I started.

"You can only do one at a time kid, and there isn't a time limit."

“Well…” I started, looking at the little foals on my large feral form and I felt a little pang in my heart. “I want to be a good mother.” I told him. “The power to make sure my kids are safe.” I told him.

"I can't give ya what you already have, kid."

"Really?" I asked carefully. "I don't even know how to fight like this, or whatever RPG esc bullshit me and my brother have to go through to shove Pain's head six feet under."

"Heh, allow me to demonstrate." He stated, snapping his fingers as suddenly I whipped around, biting the head of a massive python that was not there before. I bit down hard, tasting it's blood and hearing a satisfying crunch. By the time I realized what I even did I looked down at the foals, most all unaware of the threat I took out… I didn't even… it just… happened. "Den Mother's. Nature's perfect nurturer and protector. When it comes to your children, be them adopted or birthed, very little can overcome a Den Mother."

“Uh...right then.” I took a deep breath. “Okay, that’s...definitely something.”

"There is more, but despite the fact Den Mother's tend to their young from the safety of their nests, you are far stronger than your brother is for the moment, and can only get stronger." Genie explained.

“ do I get stronger?” I asked carefully.

"Well, you are what you are. A predator. Hunt and devour your prey to get stronger, physically. To get power, however, for a Den Mother like you, you'll have to breed first before you can really start growing. Once you have, your potential is limited only by the scope of what you hunt. In other words, once you're a mama, hunt bigger and tougher prey to get stronger faster."

“So...I’m either going to need to eat things...or turn myself into a baby factory?” I asked.

"Both really. A fair middle ground and you'll become stronger in a steady growth."

“Well...I don’t know where to find good thing’s to hunt as well as tend to all my new kids here…” I started.

"Practice and patience. This is a long game we're playing."

“Fine…” I sighed out. “But...I sadly can’t think of much to ‘challenge’ you have anything in mind for me to do?”

"Hmm… I have an idea. Walk with me." Genie said as he began to walk out of the room. Hesitantly I followed them into the hallway. "Tell me, how do you think your brother is getting stronger as we speak?"

“Probably fighting a bunch of stuff.” I shrugged.

"Fighting, and consuming. The ultimate power of an Alpha species of Predators like you two, is to take the abilities of those you hunt upon eating them. However, for a Den Mother, that ability remains dormant until they become pregnant."

“So...just need to find one lucky guy to knock me up I suppose...shouldn’t be too hard.” I snorted, knowing the fact that I slept with all three princesses and one of their protoge’s...I’d say getting a stallion to plow my brains out shouldn’t be too hard.

"Yes, but to fully empower yourself, you need to realize one very important thing." He started. "To a predator race, every other race around you is prey. But keep in mind, there is one taboo amongst the sentient predators. Never consume the flesh of other sentient beings."

“Cause than what would we be besides monsters?” I asked.

"True. So, first, we shall get you accustomed to hunting in your new form. Then, you can select your mate."

“Or mates.” I shrugged. “But let’s get onto hunting.”

"Right then. This way." He said. He led me out of the castle and along the road to the edge of the Everfree forest next door to Ponyville. "This forest houses many a deadly creatures. I can start you off with a simple thing. Hunt and eat a Manticore."

“Aren’t they poisonous though?” I inquired, remembering Manticore’s had scorpion tails. “And isn’t eating a poisonous thing raw a bad thing?”

"Yes but your stomach and liver are more than tough enough to digest it."

“Huh...neat.” I nodded. “Well, at least I know I can drink alcohol without much consequence if I can digest manticore poison easily.”

"Yeah. Anyhow, go find a Manticore. This will help you get used to your new body. Also, you'll have to use your senses to find them. Smell and hearing are your best tools here."

“Alright, it should be simple enough.” I nodded, shifting back into my feral form and heading off into the woods carefully as I sniffed the air, trying to get used to my new sense of smell.

As I walked through the trees, I took in a deep sniff. My brain took in all the scents and my ears took in every sound, no matter how small. Mentally, It felt like I suddenly had a map of all that was around me. Every plant, stone, insect and small creature. It was as if I knew where each one was and what they were doing at this moment.

I breathed out, the mental map leaving… an imprint in my memory. It was overwhelming how… detailed I could remember it.

“Okay...that’s...something.” I shook my head. “Get it together got a manticore to hunt.” I muttered, moving along the forest with purpose, following any manticore scent I could.

As I kept sniffing, listening, I tried to move carefully. I found out quickly that excess noise messes up my not so little mental map. As I walked deeper in I eventually picked up a unique smell. It was a mix of cat, large cat, some kind of bat, and insect… A Manticore. Mentally, I could see this predator was also on the hunt. It was a fair distance ahead of me. As I got closer I could smell from it's tracks and a faint scent of blood that it found its prey. Reaching it, I spotted the monster ripping apart an Aptonoth. I was somewhat surprised to see the dead Monsters but given Pain unleashed monsters all over the place, she must have given them variety.

With it busy I moved slowly. I need to take it out, preferably in one go.

”A well placed strike should kill it instantly, Zinogre’s have shown to destroy solid stone with their claws before…” I thought to myself, remembering how physically powerful they were in the games. ”Just gotta move carefully towards it without it noticing...and then like a Great Sword wielder, smack it as hard as I physically can.”

I readied myself once I was close enough, then leaped, bringing a claw bearing paw down on the monster. It roared as I tore its side… it's insides quickly slipped out and it soon fell over, panting heavily a few times before finally stopping. Okay, okay… now to…

Hesitantly, I opened my maw, biting onto the Manticore's sliced belly and tore flesh from bone. It tasted… like turkey, oddly enough… the flavor was enough to push past the… gore. Once flesh, and bones were gone, I gave a sigh. And a small burp.

Proteins absorbed.
Muscle Mass Increased by 2%
Bone calcium absorbed.
Bone density increased by 1%

I read the words that appeared in my vision… well… okay?

“Uh...sure.” I started carefully. “Still would prefer cooked meat but...either way.” I shrugged. “So...eating stuff makes me physically stronger huh?”

"Yup." I turned, seeing Genie next to me. "And once you have pups, you'll be able to take powers of your prey for yourself." He informed.

“Cool.” I nodded. “Just, never thought I’d plan to get pregnant...even after all the ‘partners’ I’ve had.” I said sheepishly.

"True. Now, Don't forget, you still have that humanoid form." Genie said. With a nod, I shifted into it again. He snapped his fingers and with a Yelp I felt myself clothed. Looking at myself I noticed I was wearing the leather set of armor, modified for my new body. I did like the sexy boob windows it had for each pair.

“And here I was getting used to showing everything off.” I chuckled. “But thanks for the armor.”

"It's special so it will change with your forms. As for weapons and such, well, let's just say I've sent an old friend your way. Instincts and powers can be fine and all but a Hunter, and a Warrier, use powers, skills, and tools."

“An old friend eh?” I inquired. “What special kind of person is this? Cause so far the only person outside you four was the friend Pinkie made...somehow.”

"Gypse, yeah she works with Forth Wall Breakers. Or as we often call them, Glitches. Anyhow, this guy's name is Shopkeeper, and you'll know him when you see him."

“Cool.” I nodded. “Can’t wait to meet this guy...and now for some reason I can’t stop thinking of the merchant from Resident Evil 4…”

"No we sent him to a different place."

Before I could question further, Genie was gone.

“Well...alright…” I muttered, stretching a bit as I started to head back in my feral form. “Well...might as well strut my stuff...maybe Big Mac is single?” I muttered, blushing a bit at remembering the image of the hard working farmer.

As I walked I noticed how well the armor fit from both forms. It shifted without me even thinking and was definitely going to come in handy in the future. As I walked back into town I took a fair look around. I did not spot the husky apple farmer. Actually, I didn't spot many males at all. I took a sniff of the air and… ten… maybe eleven?

“The hell?” I frowned, sniffing the air again just to make sure and also to check if anyone else had a functional dick.

My sniffer gave me the same numbers as before. Eleven males… a hundred and twenty females. Shit Luna and Celestia were not kidding about that gender gap. Maybe if I end up having a bunch of male pupper’s would help out more than just powers wise...

“Well...I’ve always wanted a harem so this will definitely help out.” I chuckled. “Well...if there’s anywhere he would be, let’s go to the apple farm...wherever the hell that is…” I frowned, forgetting that I...have no idea the layout of the town. “Uh...alright, time to find the smell of apples…” I sniffed the air for the apples.

As I was sniffing about for apples, I caught the scent of… chocolate milk? I sniffed again, looking around and blinking as I looked at what was floating above me. It was a chimera of some sort. Long like a snake with goat, bird, deer, bear and other miss matched parts. "So, you're the Hero the All Maker's sent here?" It asked as it floated down in front of me. "Hmm, have to admit it has been a while since I last saw a Den Mother of any species."

“And who are you if I may ask?” I inquired the strange chimera. “And why do you smell like Chocolate Milk?”

"Ah, yes. My name is Discord, Lord of Chaos and that is just my Chaos Magic. That aside, what is your grander purpose here?" He asked, floating just an inch from the ground and circling around me. "Every time one of you All Maker picked Heroes shows up anywhere it's for more than their amusement. That's more an intended bonus."

“Me and my brother just wanted a statue of a Zinogre Demon was handing out then our rival decided to get really pissy at us and wished to ‘hunt us down like the monster’s we want to be’’s not my fault she fucked over our friendship…” I grumbled.

"Hmm…" He hummed as he still floated around me. "So what is it you're doing now?"

“Figuring out my powers from Genie and...well going to find a date.” I shrugged. “Thinking Big Mac cause...well he looked like a respectable, hard working stallion and...also the only stallion I’ve met so far.” I said, at least wanting to meet with someone I’ve flirted with first and then try to make that work before moving onto others.

"Sorry but that McDonald's burger is out of stock." I raised an eyebrow. "He already had a girlfriend. Honestly I thought that reference would make sense to you. Hmm, true a Den Mother's full potential isn't unlocked until after their first pregnancy. And only grows after each other. Ah, that must be why they sent you here as a Den Mother, and I take it your brother is a True Alpha then?"

“It’s also because we’re horny as hell half the time.” I shrugged. “Well...even if harem’s are allowed, you only said he has the one so I’d rather not ruin that.”

"Please, between you two Equestria's gender gap issue basically forever."

“I mean...considering I only smelled eleven men in this town alone…” I frowned.

"Well, eleven and a half but I guess your sniffer can't reach that far." Discord said, giving a boop to my nose.

“And a half?” I tilted my head.

"Oh just a little wish a dear friend of mine wanted and, as the Lord of Chaos, one that was well within my powers to grant. Actually… you might be just what she needs to finally do more than simply play with her new equipment in the bathroom."

“Shy introvert that’s super sexy?” I inquired quickly, taking a wild guess based on previous experiences. “Like...tit’s bigger than my head, an ass that won’t quit...and apparently a dick now?” I asked, thinking about what this super sexy cutie might look like.

"Well, not quite when compared to you. I will admit in the looks department Fluttershy is a solid 7, 8 when she isn't trying to hide behind her mane. As for her newfound member, well it's been a curiosity turn fetish for her for years and once she was open and trusted me enough to ask I happily obliged. I mean I figured at some point one of her friends would discover her not so little secret and one thing would lead to sexy others but this can work just as well."

“Works for me.” I nodded. “So, where is this cutie of a futa?”

"Back this way you horny bitch." Discord said. He didn't say it to be rude, more he said it as a joke… even if it's basically true.

We walked back towards the Everfree and took a small road til we reached a cottage close to the Everfree border with the town. My sniffer smelled lots and lots of animals here. Birds, mice, beavers, turtles and tortoises, hamsters, and a whole lot more.

“Are you sure you're not taking me towards some Disney Princess?” I inquired.

"No, besides Disney doesn't own Hasbro… yet anyway…" The chimera muttered that last part before poofing in a flash of confetti and was gone.

With a sigh I knocked on the door. Opening it was… woah. She had a yellow coat, long silky pink mane and stood just a foot under my height. Her body type was… lovely. Fair sized hips, a thin yet still slightly chubby torso and large knockers big enough to give her an hour glass figure. "Oh, um… who are you?" She spoke with a soft, buttery voice.

"Hi, my name's Tina." I introduced myself politely. ", you are beautiful."

The mare immediately blushed. "Oh, um… thank you, uh… but, um, why are you here Ms Tina?"

"I'm here to be friends and suck your dick." I answered simply. "I'm willing to go on a date first if you want."

"Wait what?!" She yelped, her blush now crimson as she stuttered. "How do you even- Discord told you?!" Somehow, I suddenly found myself pulled inside, up the stairs and Into a bedroom. "What did Discord tell you exactly?" She asked.

"That sooner or later one of your friends would figure it out." I shrugged. "How I knew you were packing was because of this." I gently tapped my nose. " you want to go on a date first or do you want to just go at it?" I asked carefully. "Either or I'm perfectly fine with it."

"I, um… wow you are very forward aren't you?" She asked. "Then again most mares these days are with stallions. Part of why I uh… kept it secret from the others."

"And I respect that." I said softly. "It's your secret, and sorry for being so forward if it's making you uncomfortable."

"It's, well, it's not like I was expecting this at some point. I did ask Discord for it and knew it would come up eventually. Just, guess I wasn't as prepared for when it did as I thought I would."

"The first time is always the most confusing." I said softly. "I'm still offering a date first to get to know each other better before we fuck." I said, knowing that a date first can help make sex a lot better for both parties.

"Well, um… I'd guess I'd like to know why you want to, um… do it? I was expecting this to happen with one of my friends or somepony I know. Not, a, um… giant wolf person."

"Well I'm a den Mother...but I'm not a I was looking around for a mate or mates...and Discord said you were single, adorable, and needed a mate."

"Heh, well he isn't completely wrong… um, Tina, right? What, um, species are you?"

"Zinogre, a lightning wolf." I answered.

"Okay. So, um… before we, uh… do it, how will we, uh… handle the, um… after?"

"That depends on what you mean." I answered carefully. "Like cleanup, dating, or you being a parent?" I asked.

"Um, well, the latter two. I did, uh… oh boy. Okay, so did Discord tell you why I wanted… uh, my new… member?"

"He only said it's a fetish." I answered. "But...what is it y to you?"really to you?” I asked softly.

"Well… that's a bit of a story." The mare stated as she took a seat on the bed. "Um, so, do you know about Equestria's gender gap issue?" I nodded. "Then, does it surprise you that aside from my baby brother and dad, I never saw a colt in school until sixth grade?"

“Yeah...that’s fair.” I nodded. “With my nose, I figured out there’s only eleven stallions in town...which is really concerning.”

"Yeah. It's not surprising that as we grew up, a lot of fillies grew… interested in other fillies, but still, they all wanted a stallion. I… always kept my preference for mares when I grew up, but I also wanted kids and… not too many mares want a two mare only relationship. They're fine with being with another mare, but they'd prefer it to be a herd."

“I understand.” I nodded. “Believe me, I’ve been with plenty of women that exclusively wanted women, but always wished to have children of their own.” I sighed out, having had some experiences where fucking turned into some emotional support cuddles.

"There are spells, potions that can let two mares have foals, but the issue with them is that, since both partners are mares, the foal will always be born a filly. And while it, well, gives a foal and keeps Ponies as a race going, well, it still doesn't solve the… shrinking number of stallions in Equestria. It's why I, well… asked, Discord. Once I knew I could trust him and be, well, serious with me, I explained my thoughts to him and asked for my… member. While genetically I'm still a mare, Discord's magic made it so my… stuff, comes out as, well, male and even leans more towards males while in the womb. It's… odd and unorthodox but, in short, Equestria needs more males and not too many mares are keen on a permanent transformation. This was a fair middle ground."

“Fair enough.” I nodded. “Now I don’t know how Den Mother biology works...but I want to also help out with the concerning problems...and considering I’m a canine I can have a lot of pups.”

"True. Ponies are compatible with just about every species on Equestria… it, um… doesn't seem to… weird to you Tina?"

“I already slept with Celestia, Luna, Twilight and Starlight, so it’s perfectly fine to have you hammer my front porch harder than a jackhammer on concrete.”

"Oh… um… okay… so… how… do we do this? I've read some books but, aside from… hands I… haven't done much with it…"

I smiled, knowing this was going to be a learning experience. For her.

“What did you think?” I asked sweetly to Fluttershy, cuddling up to the adorable mare that gave me a nice cream filling.

“I think…” She breathed, her face a deep crimson red as she held onym the arm I wrapped over her. “I get why so many books with a stallion pov write them as so horny…” She stated.

I smiled, holding this cute mare close as we cuddled.

I woke up with a yawn and feeling… really, really good all things considered. Maybe sex for babies just feels better than normal? With a stretch I placed my arm along my belly. The bloated ball already- Wait, what!?

I shot my head up, looking over my torso which already looked nine months pregnant! I barely saw Fluttershy’s mane under the side of my large belly that was on top of her.

“ in the high hells…” I muttered in pure shock.

“Um, if you’re awake now… mind… moving?” I heard the muffled mare. With as much speed as my now bloated body can muster I got up. I was in my feral form, surprisingly since I was in my Anthro form before. My belly and teats were massive,I can now feel hitting the floor! “Thank you… So, um… is it normal, for your kind to… get that big? So fast?” She asked.

“I don’t know…” I started worriedly. “I...wasn’t told much, I was told how to get stronger to help protect others more than what my natural instincts can do, like my brother wherever the hell he is at the moment...and after that not much.”

“Why yes this is fairly normal.” We both turned around, Fluttershy yelping as she quickly used the… stained sheets to cover up. Discord was next to me, poking the side of my large belly. “Hmm, yes, I’d say… there’s twelve healthy little half breeds in there.”

“Mind giving us an explanation here?” I asked carefully.

“Well it’s like this.” Discord said, poofing in a flash of light and reappearing between us with a pop up story book. “The world your specific breed of Zingore Den Mother, and in the case of your Brother, True Alpha, is ripe with life.” He flipped the page. The little 2-D thunder puppers running along with multiple other monsters, some I recognized, others I don’t. “Now, some have smarts, like your kind, and others don’t.” He flipped the page, showing Thunder puppers hunting some lesser monsters. “And while the packs and dens of the smart races can outnumber and take on the larger beasties, sometimes things still go bad.” He turned the page, showing a Zorah Magdaros crushing countless of Zingore. “So, Den mother’s like yourself developed not just the perfect body for birthing and feeding both infants and even adults, they also evolved the fastest womb incubation periods this side of the multiverse.” He flipped the page, showing a pregnant Zingore with a day night cycle, showing her grow large overnight. “For a normal Zingore on Zinogre relationship, you’d have almost matured them in a month and within another or two, birthed them. But, since Pony DNA is actually easier for you to grow along with the Zingore part, I”d give you… til the end of the month or less.” He said, closing the popup book. As he did, it vanished.

“So...I’m going to be a mother in less than a month?” I asked in shock.

“That’s what I’m betting my money on!” Discord said, snapping his fingers as suddenly I was surrounded by diapers, baby clothes, stuffed animals, and a large crib along the corner. “Oh I wonder if there will be more pony, more Zingore, or maybe some kind of pony Zingore Centaur mix! Oh I can’t wait!” And in another flash, Discord was gone.

“Well...alright.” I started. “So uh...I didn’t think I’d be a mother so soon...what do you think Fluttershy?”

“I think… I might need to widen my doors if you’re going to, um… exit…” Turning, I looked to the doors, then to my own wide frame… well… shit...

“God...this is going to be a massive headache…” I sighed out.

Two months ago, I got knocked up. Willingly but still. A month ago, I gave birth to twelve little half pony, half Zingore pupps. Evelen boys, and one, centaur looking little girl. From oldest to youngest they are Justin, Alex, Nate, Keven, Meadow, Levi, Jack, David, John, Dan, Thomas, and Miles.

Alex, Levi, David and Meadow have largely Fluttershy’s colors, yellow coats and bits of pink while Justin, Nate, Keven, Jack, John, Dan, Thomas and Miles all had mostly my colors with some light yellow underbellies. All of them, save Meadow, had more ponies ears, shorter muzzles, and rougher paws and shorter tails.

Seeing them for the first time… I never felt so… protective of anything. It was like… nothing in the world mattered at all. Nothing but them. I fed them, Thomas sometimes needed to be removed less he pop his own belly, the little glutton. With Starlight, Twilight, Celestia, Luna and Fluttershy’s help, bathes them. Hey, twelve is a lot to bathe alone and I am not licking them clean. Diapers we all took care of when it happened. We had once where all twelve were full... NEVER again…

With a huff I was walking towards the doors of Twilight’s castle. After a.. Remodeling, of Fluttershy’s cottage and a talk between her and the rest here, I made my room here and moved all that baby stuff Discord gave. He showed up every now and then but never stuck around long. It has been two months since Tony went on his… Challenge. Genie told me he is okay, and time between Equestria and where he is flows differently but he will come back when he is done.

I reached the front doors. I haven’t left the puppies since they were born. Maybe I-

I turned and spotted the wall of mares. Four of which were all a month pregnant while Fluttershy, while still looking female, and not pregnant, had that crossed arms look only a father could pull off. Which made sense, she is the father of my pups and if things between her and Pinkie mean anything… Soon Pinkie’s too.

They all looked at me with that same ‘really’ expression they had been giving me when I… chickened out and went back to the pups.

“I didn’t do anything.” I pouted.

“You were about to run back to your ‘den’.” Luna stated. I had been referring to my room as my den lately, since that’s where the pups all were when not… bathing or wherever I was at any moment of the day and night.

“No…” I said slowly, totally not having a ‘shifty eye’ kind of look about myself. “I was just gonna take a...stroll through the Everfree.”

“Then please, the front door is right behind you.” Celestia said with a smirk.

“We can take care of them Tina.” Fluttershy spoke up. “You already fed them, they were bathed last night, and diapers are all fresh and clean. Right now, they’re safe, warm, and sleeping. You can take this chance to finally test out your new powers, and check out that weapons shop that showed up here. You did say Genie sent them here for you but they have had no issues selling to anypony in Ponyville.”

“Don’t remind me. He still keeps selling the Crusaders that armor and swords. The buck even is the Spanish Inquisition?!” Starlight yelled.

“Nobody expects them, so you better be prepared.” I answered simply. “But...I know…” I started. “But I need to see them one last time darn it.” I whined, my ears flat against my skull in sadness.

“You’ve seen them ‘one last time’ eight times this morning.” The clock nearby dinged. “And now it’s the afternoon.” Twilight stated plainly before shifting to supportive. “I know you are a new mother… and well, soon we all will be too…” Twilight said, she, Luna, Celestia and Starlight holding their bellies as well. “But you need to get out and check out how much Ponyville has changed in the last two months. The castle is strong, I’ve enchanted it to the best of my abilities from everything of threat in my libraries.”

“As have we.” Luna said, Celestia nodding.

“And me. I even invented new defensive spells after you’re little… Fly Genocide incident.” She chuckled.

“And all my animal friends that live around here are keeping watch from the outside.” Fluttershy added. “There is probably no safer place in all of Equestria, possibly the world.”

“This Universe actually!” I turned, opening the door as Discord was outside the castle. “You even warded it from me! And I’m the lord of Chaos! Anything that doesn’t make sense I can do! Now that is an impressive feat.”


“But…” I wanted to argue, my maternal instincts screaming at me to do so...but I knew I had to stop this and sighed out. “Alright...alright, I’ll...try and go out and see how everything’s going.”

“Good.” Twilight said as the others all smiled.

“Allow me to help take your mind off the little beasties.” Discord said, grabbing my hand and pulling me outside. The sunlight stung at first but once my eyes adjusted. Woah… “Welcome to Ponyville 2.0!” He declared.

Around the town was now a massive, easy thirty foot tall wall made from metal, cobblestone and concrete all around the town. Towers evenly spaced held ponies armed with… familiar bows, I can guess where they got them. The train station now had an armored tunnel with heavy duty closing doors and the ruined buildings were all rebuilt, some different, some the same. Walking along with Discord floating by, I spotted where I think that place… Sugar Cube Corner used to be, now stood a tall stone slab now stood… filled with names.

“I’m…” I sighed out. “I know I shouldn’t blame myself...but I can’t stop but feel like Pain’s attack and...all the dead are mine and my brother’s fault somehow…”

“Oh don’t fret. Cruel as the All Maker’s… trials, can be, they have always assured me one true thing.” Discord stated. I looked over at them. “Everyone who dies along your journey, everyone good, receives paradise. Anyone bad, well, they just send to the other place where they belonged anyway.”

“Still doesn’t help when they could have lived a long happy life…” I replied simply. “Especially the orphans…”

“Yes, well, sadly not everyone can have the happiest of endings or, in this case, beginnings. But they will most likely all come out of this stronger and better later on. Very few have ever declared war upon the All Makers, of their chosen heroes over things like this. About a… 9/12 choose revenge and hatred over moving on.”

“Damn…” I blinked. “I...didn’t think they’d do that but...well Pain’s kind of a bitch so I can see why…”

“Yes well, most go after the All Makers themselves and yeah… it doesn’t end well for them. Anywho, onwards to the new weapons shop!” Discord said, pulling me along and eventually we arrived at a shop that definitely was out of place. While most of the buildings here were wood, clay and stone with straw roofs, this one was solid metal. What metal I have no idea. Sniffing it, it didn’t smell like any metal I knew. On the wall in a glowing blue sign read simply, ‘Weapons Shop’. The door was also metal.

“Well...a little on the nose with the name there.” I muttered as I tried to open the door to see if the place was open.

The second I touched the door, it slid into the ground with a woosh noise. I took a step inside and looked around.

The inside was… fairly barren. A large, black screen on the back wall was the only thing of note in the room. The ceiling just had some soft glowing blue lights that illuminated the room.

"Hello?" I called out carefully.

The black screen lit up, displaying a line of green text.

‘Please hold still’.

I stood VERY still as suddenly the walls, screen and ceiling all seemed to… phase, change and suddenly… It looked like I was in an armory. Tables and walls filled with weapons from bows, crossbows, swords, everything, even guns! At the table in the back next to what I think is a register was… sleeping… some guy in a red hoodie?

“Uh...hello?” I asked carefully to the sleeping person.

“Hm, where?” They muttered, looking up. They… wore an all red face mask, large yellow lensis where eyes would be were the only things to disrupt the all red mask’s surface. “And, you are?”

“I’m Tina.” I answered. “And who are you?”

“Shopkeeper.” They huffed, raising themselves up. Several audible pops as they stretched. “I sell weapons, armor and upgrades from every dimension. In every dimension.”

“Oh, you're the one that Genie mentioned.” I said honestly. “Sorry for not seeing you in...two months, I had a lot of children to look after.”

“Don’t care.” They stated. “So, what do you want and in what dimension of death?”

“To see what inventory you have.” I answered. “Especially Monster Hunter stuff.”

“Sure. So, what class are you looking at?” He asked.

“Hmm…” I thought for a moment, wondering what my favorite weapon in Monster Hunter was. “I’ll do melee weapons, and do you have a weapon known as a Magnet Spike?” I inquired.

“Yes.” He said, snapping his fingers as suddenly every version from the games was floating around me. Behind him, floated other versions made from… I don’t know what but they just looked powerful.

“Damn…” I muttered, seeing all these special shifting weapons. “Uh...before I grab one of them, how much will this cost or what do I have to do?”

“Well,” He levitated over what appeared to be an Iron Magnet Spike and held it. “This one will cost you… what currency does this world use again? Bits, right. 600 bits or a hundred credits.”

“Hmm…” I frowned. “Shit...I don’t think I have money…”

“You can earn credits by doing jobs.” He said, motioning to the wall behind me. Turning around, next to the door was a smaller screen with various… listings. “Town guards takes on any that get too close but scouts that explore the outside tell about all kinds of things running around between the towns and cities. Some take it upon themselves to deal with it, so I reward them for it with credits. Credits exchange for weapons or whatever.”

“Fair enough.” I nodded. “So would I need a hunter’s license for this stuff?”

“Psst. No. I sold a machine gun to a foal. I, do not care as long as you got the money or credits. And don’t worry, he only killed some pterodactyl looking fucks a few weeks ago with it.”

“Well...while giving a gun to a foal is a terrible idea and I want to slap you so hard because my motherly instincts are screaming it…” I frowned. “But...alright, looks like I’ve got some hunting to do to get a lot of money.”

“Pick a job, go out and handle it, then come back. I’ll know if you did it or not.” They said.

“Fair enough.” I nodded.

I headed over to the Job Board. On a sticky note on the screen read ‘CMC, if you can read this, no more Monster Hunting Cutie Mark attempts’. I chuckled at that, then looked over the options.

Thin out a pack of Great Jaggi… 50 credits per kill. Slay the Gammoth in the Everfree… 200 credits. Slay the Noios flock along the train line between Ponyville and Canterlot… 800 credits?

“Damn.” I frowned. “Also that should be a pretty massive flock of Noios for it to be worth 800…” I frowned.

“I think they said the count of them is… forty in that flock right now.” Shopkeeper stated.

“Yeah, that would be a problem…” I hummed. “How many Great Jaggi are in that pack?”

“Eighty.” Shopkeeper stated bluntly.

“Damn…” I frowned. “Well...might as well take down the Great Jaggi’s, those are simple enough, and I still have a newfound hatred after what they did two months ago.”

“Be back when you’re done.”

With a nod, I headed out, walking through town and finding the main gates and was allowed out. Woah…

I remember a little of how Ponyville looked before the attack. The outside was largely fields save for the Everfree… Now, now there’s so much… vegetation and… creatures. Running past my feet were several small actual jackalopes running through the bushes.

“God’s only been two months, how the shit did this happen?” I asked incredulously.

“Not every creature dropped here was bad, honestly.” I turned, seeing Discord next to me again. “Some, actually, did a lot of good. Nature spirits, fae’s, even a few ‘gods’ to give the monsters and creatures here now a proper environment.”

“Well then.” I said in surprise. “That’s quite a jump...jeez I missed a lot…”

“Well, go get caught up.” The chaos lord motioned to the small trail before me. I shifted into my feral form, and ran down the pathway. As I ran, I felt… oddly, at peace. Something about this… environment felt… welcoming. I quickly smelled blood, and ran towards it. I came to a clearing where someone, dressed in what looked like high tech combat armor, was fighting a Nightcloak Malfestio… and winning.

They rolled, dodging a fly by and shot an arrow into the best side from a modern looking bow. The large owl screeched before flying back up, and began to fly back down at the person. They didn’t move. I was about to run and grab them til they pressed a button on their bow. The arrow they shot into the beast exploded with the equivalent to an exploding car. Part of the beast was blasted into the neary trees, the rest were scattered around as chunks of gore and charred meat along the ground.

“Jesus fuck!” I yelped at seeing the stronger version of a Malfestio explode like that.

The person rapidly drew an arrow, and aimed it at me.

“Whoa whoa whoa hold on!” I said quickly, turning into my anthro form with raised hands. “Not here to fight...uh...who are you?”

They held the arrow drawn for a while, before slowly putting it back. “You’re one of those wolf twins that showed up here two months back.” They said, their voice telling me they were a mare under that helmet and visor. “Finally decided to leave the castle did you?”

“I’ve had to take care of twelve kids.” I answered. “It needed to be that kind of castle to keep my motherly instincts from keeping me near my kids all the time...and even then I was told to get out by several people.”

“So while you were giving birth and your brother fucked off to the stars knows where, ponies like me have been out here in the Wilds dealing with all the crazy shit. Makes sense.”

“I was told my brother went and made a bet with one of the beings that brought us here to bring back someone’s life, with it making him stronger as he figured out how being Zinogre and the species of them are, and for me...well I was literally told that to unlock my special brand of abilities, I needed to be a Mother, as is the term ‘Den Mother’ which I am.” I explained to them.

“And while you two take your time doing that, more and more die.” They replied. “At least Shopkeeper has the tools to even the battlefield for us.”

“Even though he probably wouldn’t have shown up until Genie mentioned something about it.” I rolled my eyes. “But who are you before you start sounding more like a bitch that I don’t have the time or patience for.”

“A mother who lost her son to these Monsters.” I winced. “Monsters, that didn’t show up, until you did. Do I blame you, honestly, no. Do I blame these All Maker Gods? Pain, sure, the rest, no. All I can do now, is kill as many of these shits as I can until I either grow old doing it, or get killed.”

“ least one of us doesn’t blame me and my brother for this.” I sighed out. “Pain is a bitch yes...but please don’t let your entire life be about’ll do more harm than good for everyone, and I should know cause there was an entire family of those...special people back where I’m originally from.” I said, remembering the Ventral crime family and all the bad shit they do on a daily basis.

“Until you have held your child’s mangled corpse in your arms, crying for hours as their body only grew colder and their blood stained your coat… until you have to bury them yourself… until you can’t sleep because the memories haunt you every time you blink… don’t… tell me how to live my life.” She stated, turning as she tossed something onto the ground that.. Seemed to make a portal on the ground. “Shopkeeper tells me you and your brother are going to fight Pain someday.”

“And I plan on tearing her head off if need be.” I growled. “Cause...even though I had my own pups...I still took care of all those orphans…” I said, electricity crackling from my body as I recounted all the days I was there to help the foals cry for their parents, wishing they would come back. “It’’s….” I couldn’t help but transform back into my feral form and tackle a roaming Great Jaggi that was leaping towards the hunter, tearing it apart in my anger. “It’s fucking horrible…”

“Hm. Get in line.” She said. “I asked Shopkeeper once, if I could fight Pain. Before you two could. He stared at me and I could feel him smile under that mask of his. Said if I got strong enough, he’d set something up. I’ve got two months on you.”

“And I’m not gonna let more people die because of me.” I said as I ate the dead Great Jaggi. “Now that I’m an actual mother, I can now do thing’s my brother can...and also part of a plan I had was fixing this massive gender gap in ponies cause damn.”

“I could care less… Just don’t get in my way. If you try and stop me from fighting Pain… Well, you’d make some good coats.” She said, jumping down into that portal. Once she did, it vanished.

“Christ…” I shook my head as I kept eating the Great Jaggi. “I’d...really not like to see how that mare gets turned into an ‘example’...” I muttered bitterly, fearing me and my brother would find Pain with the severed head of the poor mare trying to avenge her son.

Proteins Absorbed: 7% Muscle Growth
Calcium Absorbed: 4% Bone Density increased.

Great Jaggi traits absorbed. Speed and Agility increased by 3%

“ far so good.” I muttered as I sniffed the air to find Great Jaggi. “Also...jeez, two months and fighting against a Deviant?”

With a sigh I took a deep sniff, taking in all the plants and creatures around me. Eventually, I smelled Great Jaggi. Lots of them.

I turned, running down towards what must be the pack of them. I arrived in a large plains area, and spotted the Great Jaggi pack swarming at… an elephant? A herd of elephants? Huh.

“Well...might as well start picking them off…” I muttered as I took a deep breath and tried to charge myself up like a normal Zinogre would, knowing it would make me so much faster and stronger to handle plenty of them.

Error! No Thunderbugs Detected.
Acquire Thunderbugs before attempting charging boost.


“Damn it…” I muttered. “Well...might as well make an attempt still…” I muttered as I rushed towards some of the Great Jaggi that were distracted by the Elephants. Even though it wasn’t much, I did indeed feel faster after eating that one Great Jaggi as I slashed my powerful claws against a Great Jaggi’s head before it could notice me.

As I made my presence known, I was careful to try and dodge, but rapidly bit and clawed when I felt one get too close. As I began to worry I suddenly saw two of the things sliced in front of me. Behind them as their bodies fell I spotted Discord, wielding what looked like… Cloud’s Buster Sword… “Need help?” The chaos lord asked as she tail smacked a Jaggi at me.

I caught it in a bone crunching bite, almost splitting it in half.

“Uh...yeah, I really wasn’t entirely thinking this bit through.” I said sheepishly, spinning around and slamming my stone crushing tail against a Jaggi’s head, hearing a resounding crack as I broke it’s neck, killing it instantly as I landed quickly.

Discord and I worked surprisingly well together. The Chaos Lord’s unique body gave them extreme speed and flexibility and my size and strength let us begin to shred through the Jaggis. In what must have been a few hours, we both finally sat in the middle of a Jaggi massacre. “Well, have to admit… Should have worked out more or picked… a less heavy weapon.” Discord said, putting the Buster sword down as his arms suddenly stretched like rope to the ground, even coiling into a pile. “Definitely should have gone with my magic…”

“Fair.” I shrugged as I started to devour the many Great Jaggi corpses to get buffed up. “But you could have used your magic to make it easier to swing the Buster Sword.”

“Normally yes but… Well, after hearing that mare’s story…” Discord started… “Back when they all showed up… I used my magic to keep Fluttershy safe. I knew who brought them and knew it was going to get bad… It’s why I looked for you. Set you up with her. Keeps her safe, but even so, until your brother returns you are just one person. So I… cut a deal with Shopkeeper. Not the same kind as that mare did, but one that would let me help.”

“I understand.” I nodded. “I still hate all the death as is…” I sighed out, eating my third Great Jaggi.

Discord nodded. “I agree.” He said, his arms shrinking back to their normal size. “Even at my height as a tyrant, I never killed anyone. Chaos isn’t all what many think it to be, it’s not all bad and evil. After all, Chaos gives us free will and choice. All Makers might do this and that but not even they can take away the good chaos. Anyway. My deal works like this. I can help you and your brother, get stronger along with you, basically I’m a party member. I sadly, can not use my chaos magic to fight but I can use it to heal and protect. I also just can’t rapidly give you two strength either. No cheating basically. Lastly, I don’t get stronger the same way you two do, I’m stuck on the same system that mare is using… EXP leveling…” He groaned.

“Sounds about right.” I nodded. “Gonna take a lot of grinding...and it’s also going to take me a long time to eat all these stupid thing’s and get the buffs I need.”

“Heh. Well at least you don’t have to worry about getting fat given how your body works.”

“That is a massive plus.” I nodded in agreement.

It took a while, but I eventually managed to eat all eighty Great Jaggi corpses. Thankfully, my belly didn’t reflect it.

Eighty Great Jaggi Devoured.

Proteins Absorbed: Muscle Growth at 560%
New Ability Gained: Super Strength - Your muscles will continue to grow and get stronger without growing larger than your body can handle.

Calcium Absorbed: Bone Density Growth at 320%
New Ability Obtained: Iron Bones - Your bones while still flexible and sturdy, are now as hard as tempered iron.

Great Jaggi Traits Absorbed: Speed and Agility Increased by 240%
New Ability Obtained: Super Speed Rank One - Top Speeds at up to 100 MPH

“Nice.” I said with a smile. “Can’t wait to test all this with all eighty killed, that should be a hefty chunk of change.”

I wanted to test out my new speed, and rapidly- woah!

As I ran everything seemed blurred. Stopping right before I hit a tree. Okay, gonna have to practice with that…

Walking back to town, Discord and I arrived back at Shopkeeper, who gave me a well earned 4,000 credits. “So, what ya gonna buy?” He asked.

“Hmm…” I hummed. “Well, what are the Magnet Spike’s worth?” I started, wanting at least that good weapon first even though I’d probably fight in my Feral Form more often than not.

“Well, basic iron, steel, bone, titanium, and diamond Magnet Spikes are 100, 300, 500, 700, and 1,000 credits. Then we have the special materials ones back here.” He pointed with a thumb to the ones floating behind him.

“Yeah, all the one’s made from monster parts.” I nodded. “Those would be a whole lot more expensive…” I hummed. “But let’s go with the Titanium Magnet Spike first.” I said, choosing the metal bat'leth looking weapon

“Alright then.” Shopkeeper said, handing me the Titanium Magnet Spike. It felt amazing to hold it. “You have 3,300 credits left.”

“ let’s look at armor.” I said. “Cause leather armor is fine and Zinogre hide is durable as hell but I’d rather make sure I can stay safe.”

They snapped their fingers again. All the Magnet Spikes vanished as now, suddenly, there was multiple images of all kinds of armors around me. “Any in particular?”

"What's the best I can afford right now?" I inquired.

“That depends, do you want to spend all your remaining credits or do you want to have some left over?”

"Let's have some left over just in case." I said. "Like...a five hundred credit left over, so what's worth twenty eight hundred?"

“This one should do.” He said, snapping his fingers as a metallic looking set of armor appeared on the table between us. “Adamantium armor, with Dragonhide leather padding and straps for comfort and durability.”

"Hold up...adamantium?" I asked in surprise.

“Yes. That a problem?”

"I'm just surprised that material is so cheap." I started.

“Compared to other metals and armors I have, it’s not as impressive as you are probably thinking.”

“Really?” I asked in shock. “Adamantium isn’t impressive?”

"Not when you compare it to other metals throughout the multiverse."

“Huh…” I started. “Alrighty then.” I nodded. “And will this armor also change with my feral and anthro forms like my leather armor?”


“Cool.” I nodded. “So...mind if I ask question real quick?” I inquired. “What’s with all the masks and hiding your faces specifically? You trying to hide or something or is that just an aesthetic choice?” I inquired, having seen four instances of it and was just curious about why.

"It's honestly just cosmetic."

“So the names also just...are cosmetic?” I asked. “Cause the names seem...a little too on the nose with what you all are, even for All Makers don’t you think?”

"When you live as long as we have, sometimes the straight to the point approach just works the best and has less hassle in the long run."

“Fair enough.” I nodded. “Also if you're bored enough which you seem the most bored out of the the bunch.”

"Not bored, just tired."

“Long day of work or what?” I asked simply. “Or are you just narcoleptic?”

"Bit if both. I did make all these."

“Yeah, that does sound tiring, even if you're some omnipotent god or something.” I shrugged.

"Eh. So, you'll be taking the armor?"

“It’ll definitely be an upgrade that’s for sure.” I nodded. “So I’ll take it.”

With a nod they gave me the armor and subtracted the credits. "So, that all then?"

“Where is my brother exactly?” I inquired. “Cause Genie said he was in another plane and didn’t give much details after that.”

"Oh, yeah. They sent him off to the homeworld of your special variation of Zigore. Or, one of them anyway. We call it Goliath, and it's one of the few worlds where we are worshiped. Not by choice, the people there just did it."

“Fair enough.” I nodded. “At least I know where he is and...probably banging anything with a pulse over there.”

"Last I checked he's already got his own Den Mother knocked up. Got one hell of a journey still. If I remember… time difference between here and there… think it's already been two years for him."

“Damn.” I blinked. “Gonna be one hell of a surprise for him when he get’s back that’s for sure.”

"Probably. So, any more questions?"

I thought for a moment, wondering if there was anything else I had to ask or if I should just head back home to my pups. “Hmm...nah, I think I’m good at the moment.”

"Alright then. Well, later then. Try not to die."

“I’ll do my best.” I said, waving goodbye to Shopkeeper as I exited the building...and then used my new super speed powers to immediately bolt home to cuddle with my many pups.

To be continued...

New world, New Problems part 2

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[POV: Tony]

“So who’s this Den Mother you’re taking me to?” I inquired, following the Elder Floof Noodle carefully.

"Her name is Belle Flower, and she's something of an inventor."

“What kind of inventor?” I asked curiously.

"She dabbles in a little bit of everything from machinery to magic."

“That’s pretty cool.” I nodded. “So uh…since I might as well ask, is she a mad scientist?”

"Mad isn't the word I'd use. She's more… energetic. She is still young but she is so smart and clever, often times she forgets to take caution and has a few times paid the price for it. She is always eager to learn something new, which is often times challenging for her when her nature as a Den Mother meets her intelligence and hunger for knowledge."

"I can imagine how annoying that can be." I said honestly. "But she sounds nice."

"She is, and I feel traveling with you, helping to keep your young with Magnolia safe, maybe have some of her own and such will be good for her. She is a talented being, and travel to the lands far outside our normal territory will do her good."

"Works for me." I nodded. "Wonder what Tina will think of all this?" I chuckled, thinking about how she'd freak at me having kids and two mates already, she'd probably be totally jealous...or rope them into her bedroom for fun as per usual.

The elder led me to a house in the village where various bits and pieces of scrap metal, logs and tools were haphazardly around the entrance and small yard area.

The door was already open and partly coiled around the table, I saw her. Belle Flower. Her coat and scale colors were a far lighter blue compared to any other Floor Noodle or Zinogre I've seen, maybe Aqua blue and her eyes were a deep emerald green.

She was quite large too. Her tail, despite being coiled around the table she worked at still took up most of the floor, and her upper half was… well, like Tina's anthro form, mostly covered by what looked like a jacket, held closed by straps and buttons but there was quite the… window view, showing off all her inner breasts but covering the tits and the rest.

She was working on something at the table, gears, springs and screws were all atop the table and she was putting them all together carefully.

"Wow…" I said out loud on accident.

My accidental wow made her press a bit too hard in surprise, causing a cascade of all the assembled cogs, springs and screws to pop and jump all out of the shell holding them. Belle Flower staired shocked at the mess her work now was, then snarled with rage as she punched the table, breaking it into almost four even prices as her coiled body crushed the rest. "Pain's tooth filled count, damn it!" She roared, tossing the tables remains at us.

The elder dodged this with an almost practiced ease and I ducked low enough to evade it.

Suddenly a very thick, strong snake tail wrapped around my neck and I was face to face with the very angry Floof Noodle Den Mother. "That took a week to assemble properly!" She yelled.

"Belle Flower." The elder said, earning her attention. "Put him down." Despite her clear anger, she dropped me rather readily. "Good. This here is Tony, a True Alpha Zinogre. I have arranged for him to be your traveling companion and mate."

"My what and huh?!" She asked.

"You always wanted to explore the territories far beyond our own, he is heading to the Mountains where the Tree Demons reside. His mate however is heavy with pups, and will require help in caring and keeping them all safe." The elder explained.

Belle Flower looked like she wanted to say something, clearly there was some conflict in her eyes. Soon enough though she just sighed and nodded. "Yes elder…"

"Good. I shall let you both become more acquainted." The elder said, taking her leave.

Now it was just Belle Flower and I, staring at one another in silence.

"I'm really sorry…" I sighed out. "I didn't know all...this took you over a week…" I said, my ears flat against my head.

"A week to assemble, four months to find/make the parts and two to plan and figure out how the damn thing works." She added. "You're really heading into Tree Demons Territory?"

"Yeah...I'd be reasonably pissed too." I nodded. "Also yes cause...I made a deal and I need to Hunt Barroths, and one one of them happens to be past those assholes territory."

"Hmm. Then looks like you can make this up to me." Belle Flower said. "This device was a recreation of one of their common gadgets. They typically enchant their crap to self destruct if the user gets killed so whole parts are few and far between, most of it was bits and pieces I had to find and remake with some guess work and such. Their metal work is also incredible. It took me a long time to craft such small pieces and make them durable enough to use in this thing, yet some how they are capable of producing parts like this in mass amounts much faster than even the cats can manage. Despite their deadly, savage tendencies towards anyone not of their tribe, they are more advanced than any other Hunters tribe I've ever seen."

"Well...good thing I've dabbled in engineering for a few years…" I said carefully, having remembered a cute nerdy guy I was on and off with, and learned a whole lot from that tech genius.

"Really?" Belle asked, clearly skeptical. "A Zinogre dabbling in mechanical machinery?"

"I'm much more than a simple Zinogre." I answered readily.

"Sure. In any case, looks like as well as being a traveling companion I'm also engaged to be a mate in your pack."

"The elder said you were the best suited for...someone like me." I said carefully. "And I want to be the best for you and all my mates."

"Hm, well, at least you sound honest about it. So, when are you planning on heading off for the Tree Demons territory?"

“As soon as the three of us are ready.” I said honestly. “And…with however many pups that are going to be born soon.”

Belle nodded. "A trip that far, hunting and gathering alone won't be able to sustain us well, we'll need specific items for storage and holding food, weapons, armors, ECT."

“Yeah…” I started. “Hmm, sure me and Magnolia could carry a lot of thing’s, but I doubt we could carry everything we need…” I said in thought, thinking about how much crap we’re going to have to pack, gather, and a lot of other things.

"Well need items made by the All Makers to hold all we'll need." Belle said plainly.

“Of course I’d need to ask for another thing from those assholes…” I grumbled.

"Not all the All Makers are like Pain, Demon, Genie and Voodoo." She said, heading for the door. "Come on."

"Really?" I inquired as I followed along. "How many are there?"

"No one really knows." Belle said with a shrug as she lead me out of her house and down the road. "They pop in and out all the time all across the universe. Sometimes they give a name, sometimes not."

"Fair enough." I nodded. "So which one are we meeting if it's not those four?"

"He calls himself Shopkeep, and he sells various wears and items imbued with magic we can not replicate."

"Awesome." I said happily...but then I frowned. "Shit, I don't have any money…"

"I'm sure he will work something out. Shopkeeper is not unreasonable nor is he cruel." She said.

She lead me through town to part of the Elder Tree. In one of the massive roots seemed to be an out of place metallic door. She put a hand to it and it opened upwards with a mechanical woosh.

Inside was… well, it kinda reminded me of a pharmacy store, minus the pharmacy. Oh no wait, there it is, way in the back.

At the counter near the door was a human looking being in a red hoodie apparently sleeping on the counter.

"Right then…" I muttered, shifting to my anthro form just for a better first in person meet. "Hello?"

"Open against my will." He sputtered, looking up and at me. He has a faceless white wood mask. "Oh, you're the other one's brother."

“You’ve met my sister?” I asked, surprised to know this guy’s also met Tina. “How’s she doing?”

"She's a mom now, out hunting monsters and such." He said, yawning.

I bristled at what he said. “W-wait…that means it’s probably been months since I started this!” I said in a slight panic.

"Yes. If it helps it's only been a few months. Being a Den Mother she gave birth way ahead of Celestia, Luna, Twilight and Starlight who are all still pregnant." He said, yawning as he did.

I took a deep breath, putting a hand on my chest as I tried not to freak the fuck out in many different ways at all I missed. “Alright…” I said carefully. “So…what are you selling?”

"Weapons, armor, everything really."

“So how much for a Bag of Holding?” I inquired.

"Depends on what kind you want." He said, snapping his fingers as suddenly the ship around us was all racks and hooks holding various bags, bookbags and luggage bags and all such. "You looking for portability, style, size?"

"Something that can hold items larger than itself and that I can swallow to store easily." Belle said. Well, that was weird to hear.

"I have something." He said, reaching under the counter and pulling up a duffle bag. "This one's got a shrinking spell so it can store away items larger than itself easily and you just need to reach into it and think of the time you want and it will put it within reach. Two thousand rem."

“That’s…just a bag of holding though…” I muttered, confused as to why there needed to be this extra hoop for an ever present magic item. “But uh…so problem is is that I don’t have money…also what’s Rem?”

"It's a multidimensional currency." He said simply. "If you don't got rem you can sell me stuff to equal the value, or do a job and pay it off."

“Well…I’m already on one job, might as well do another incase I’ll need the strength to get past those Tree Demons…” I said carefully.

"Why would it give you strength for that?" Shopkeeper asked.

“Experience, or in case it’s fighting monsters, devouring them and getting stronger from that.” I pointed out. “All depends on the job you have in mind.”

"Yeah, I'm not sending you on a quest to kill something or other. Only reason that's at my shop with your sister is because the town made the shop there a guild too."

“Oh really?” I asked. “Damn…I missed a lot…” I sighed out.

“Meh. In any case, this way.” Shopkeeper said, standing up and leading Belle and I to a back area. All around us were boxes and crates filled with various things from weapons to common place items. And in the middle of it all was a giant hole leading into what I can only assume is a void.

“Uh…the fuck is that?” I asked carefully, pointing to the hole that looked like it might spawn weird demon things.

“A hole.” He said plainly, snapping his fingers as suddenly Belle and I were wearing orange and red vests with our names on them. “Alright, your job is to take all these boxes of stuff, and throw it all into the hole.”

“I feel like there should be a TomSka reference here…” I muttered to myself. “So…why are we throwing all this in the hole?”

Shopkeeper just grabbed a random item from the box, tossing it into the hole. It fell into the endless darkness and after a moment, nothing happened. “Was there a point to this All Maker?” Belle asked.

“No, oh and don’t fall into that hole. You’ll end up in a random dimension and… well yeah that won’t be fun. Or it will be, depends on where you end up.” Shopkeeper shrugged as he walked off.

“Ri~ght…” I said carefully. “Well…not the dumbest job I’ve had…” I said as I went over to a box and tried to pick it up to see how heavy the thing was.

Thankfully it wasn’t that heavy, and I began tossing boxes and pushing crates into the hole. Belle did as well. We did this for maybe two hours before taking a small break.

“Two hours in, and so far we’ve made some good progress.” I said honestly, taking a swig of my water bottle.

“It is strange that this hole leads to seemingly random dimensions. Wonder why All Maker Shopkeeper wants them tossed in?” Belle asked as she drank from her bottle as well.

“Probably either to drop items for people, or it’s a weird garbage chute.” I shrugged. “Probably the item drop for specific people but…who knows.” I shrugged.

“Well, whatever the case I wonder how much longer we have to do this to earn the bag.”

“Either until he get’s back or after eight hours.” I shrugged.

Belle and I worked until the last of the boxes around us was tossed into the hole, and once it was we went back to Shopkeeper, who was selling some stuff to a blue dragoness. We waited for her to leave before walking back up to him. "We finished All Maker Shopkeeper." Belle said.

"Already? That was fast." He said, putting the bag on the table. "Well there you go."

“Thank you.” I nodded while taking the bag. “And it wasn’t really that much to be honest.”

"Well, hopefully next time you have money to use." He said with a shrug as we left.

"I'll go pack my things, I'll meet you and your pregnant mate by the Elders chamber." Belle said as she rushed back to her home.

“Alright.” I nodded while shifting to my feral form and rushing towards the Elder’s place to tell them the good news.

I came around to the Elders chamber and stopped dead in my tracks. Magnolia was no longer rather large in the belly… and she was nursing a lot of tiny little Zinogre pups.

“I…thought we still had time…” I muttered to myself, carefully moving over to my new kids. “So…how many were born?” I asked carefully, hating how I wasn’t here when they were born.

"Twenty one." Magnolia replied. "Thirteen females, eight males."

“Jesus christ…” I muttered to myself in absolute worry. “So uh…twenty one kids…oh no…”

"Something the matter?" She asked me as she carefully moved them around.

“I…didn’t expect that many and…” I said. “I…I don’t know if I can be a good father for…so many…”

"So long as you are not harming them in any way, I don't see how you can be bad."

“There’s…many ways I can harm them without it being physical…” I said sadly. “Whether it’s intentional or not…”

"The fact you worry about doing that proves you will try and won't."

“You say that…” I said carefully. “But…I’ll try my best. So what are there names?”

"I haven't named them yet. Normally Zinogre do not name their young until they begin to speak."

“Fair enough.” I nodded carefully, leaning over and nuzzling Magnolia. “But I found someone that can help us with our kid situation.”

"So their elders gave us a floof noodle Den Mother for our pack, that's wonderful." Magnolia said with a smile and a nod.

“Yep.” I nodded. “She’s nice, hot, and very smart.”

"What's her name?"

“Belle Flower.” I replied. “And she’s currently helping pack for our long adventure.”


"Get off me mud paws!" Penny yelled at her brother.

"Make me!" Matthew said, his slightly muddy paws tackling his sister.

"I'm thirsty." Lily said.

"I gotta pee!" Cried Christine.

"I feel sick…" Groaned Marry.

"I ate a bug." Link said.

Why must whatever divine being out there torture me like this? “Alright enough!” I snapped. “Penny, Matthew, stop fighting, Lily we’ll get you a drink soon, Christine go behind that tree, how sick do you feel Marry, and what kind of bug did you eat Link?” I asked all of them with as much care and authority I could here as a new father.

"No!" Penny and Matthew yelled simultaneously.

"Water please?" Lily asked as she pawed my leg.

Marry barfed.

"It was a beetle." Link said plainly. "it was tasty."

I mentally screamed in agony and I took a deep breath. “Alright.” I said as I walked over in my Anthro form and grabbed my two fighting kids by the scruff of their necks and pulled them away from each other. “That’s enough out of you two, then Lily, the river is right there,” I pointed with Penny towards the river flowing fresh water. “We’re getting you to your mother Marry, and what color was the beetle Link? I know most poison’s don’t affect any of us but still, I’d rather you not get sick as well.” I said, as I looked to see if Marry also threw up blood.

Marry's vomit was clear, save for the chewed grass and some weeds that was in it.

"Light blue." Link said.

A low howl and all the kids turned to Magnolia. "Kids, time to nurse." Without hesitation they all ran over, fighting for a nursing spot and taking turns drinking from their mom.

"Somehow I'm not surprised they listen to her so well." Belle said, carrying various sticks and such for a fire later. "So, survived babysitting?"

I lightly whined in mental pain. “Why must this be so difficult?”

"They're young and full of energy, just be glad you haven't knocked me up otherwise there'd be another twenty to thirty of them making your life insane."

“Yeah…” I sighed out. “I love them all to death but…come on…”

"You'll probably get used to it. Maybe." Belle said with a shrug.

“I hope I get used to it…cause I don’t want to be a bad father…” I sighed out.

"You won't be. You're just a first time parent."

“I’m…still concerned…” I sighed out. “Especially with Penny and Matt fighting…I mean…it might be because they're young but still…”

"You said you have a sibling, you telling me you two never fought over dumb stuff or for no reason?"

I thought about it… and there was a lot we did fight over pointlessly. Both before and after puberty.

“I mean…we did…” I sighed out.

"Heh, let it never be said you don't worry for those pups."

"I know I know…" I sighed out. "They're my pride and joy...but jeez is this difficult."

"Well, it is a change for you. You talked about you and your sister's active sex lives and such so of course being responsible for new life you helped create would be a major change from what you're used to."

"Yeah…" I said carefully, looking over to see all my pups feeding and being happy. "It's...a massive change."

"They'll get older, right now they're just two months old, they'll mellow out as they age."

"Hopefully." I said carefully. "Cause...if they're this energetic their entire lives...hoo boy."

Once the kids all nursed their fills from Magnolia it was back into Belle's… special pocket. I try not to watch cause, well, it's weird and a little freaky watching her literally swallowing the kids while. First few times I was very panicked about it, and while I still get a little panicked every time she does, I know the kids are all alright in there. Her… internal pocket can feed them and they occasionally yell out if they need to use the bathroom or something.

One time she actually shoved Magnolia and I both down in there just to set my mind at ease about it.

I knew it was a fetish back on earth but I didn't quite understand why til then. Doesn't mean I still don't find it weird but I can… enjoy it, when opportunity comes around.

It's actually really neat how long her to tongue actually is. And how strong it is.

Apparently Floof Noodle tongues are as long as their bodies and a little extra, and have their own thin pocket that goes all the way from the bottom of their jaw to their tails base. And she can easily use it to life Magnolia and I up with it from the outside, so pulling us or the kids out of herself with it is child's play for her.

She also does other extremely erotic stuff, both with Magnolia and I, with it that we've come to enjoy since she doesn't want kids just yet. Makes sense given our current litter is big.

Once all the kids were safe with her we headed back out. It has been a two month journey looking for this second monster and already the Tree Demon traps and such were becoming more and more common.

"The Barroths scent is around here somewhere…" I grumbled, disabling another of these bastard traps. One positive was when we started to deal with these I got some new skills, Trap Sense and Deactivate Trap...both of which had to happen because I stumbled on one too many and accidentally disabled one too many.

They all ranged in size, type and structure. I'd hate to admit it, but these Tree Demons were just as creative as they were deadly. It was lucky we haven't run into one yet.

"We'll be officially in the Tree Demons territory soon." Belle said. "Just passed that tree line." She motioned to the extremely tall, nearly as tall as that Elder Tree, bank of trees that reached into the clouds, and behind them the mountains that the Tree Demons claimed as their territory. They too reached wide and high above the clouds, probably even more so than the trees did.

"Damn…" I said in surprise. "An entire elder tree for themselves?"

"These are just the banking trees to their mountains. They have no Elder Tree. Not anymore." Magnolia reminded. "Not long after they emerged from it, they set it on fire."

"Assholes." I growled. "The fuck would they gain from doing that?"

Making it through the tree bank, the air seemed to change. The copper/iron smell of blood new and old was heavy in the air, even a sense of dread and rage seemed to float all around us from inside the tree bank.

There was surprisingly few traps in their territory, but the ones that were here were beyond lethal overkill.

Avoiding them was easy thankfully.

The sound of a primal monster's scream echoed nearby. Curiosity took me as I slowly moved towards it.

I spotted it soon enough, an Anjanath pinned by an oversized bear trap, serrated hooks clamping hard enough that they stick into bone. It roared and howled at the pain.

Soon I spotted them… a Tree Demon.

They looked pretty human enough, save for their little exposed bits of skin, showing their bodies are either made of or cloaked in a black gas or mist. I could barely make out it's eyes, glowing white, unblinking and uncaring.

It looked at the Anjanath for a time before reaching into its cloak and pulling out what looked like, well, a single handed compound crossbow. It loaded a bolt, took aim and fired.

My jaw dropped as that single small bolt pierced the monsters head, exiting the other end and stuck into a nearby tree so deep you could barely see it anymore.

The Anjanath fell limp and dead, and the Tree Demon walked over to the trapped leg, praying the massive trap open with unbelievable ease and resetting it before grabbing the dead beast by the bottom jaw and dragging it back to wherever they came from.

I blinked as I carefully backed away from what I saw. "Oh no…" I muttered in fear, at the mere fact that these things not only have weapons that can kill a Monster in one shot past it's tough hide and bone...but to drag it one handed meant these things were powerful.

"This is why we intelligent ones don't come here." Magnolia said, whimpering a bit. "These traps, they don't even need them."

"Which begs the question of why make them then?" Belle asked.

“For the stupid ones or…to prolong someone’s suffering…” I whispered carefully. “But…those aren’t Hunter’s…they aren’t even people…”

"Whatever they are, we best find this beast and get out of here." Magnolia informed.

I nodded as we back tracked some and I managed to catch a faint scent of the monster we're after.

We stopped by a small pond for a while, the smell was hard to track with all this blood scent in the air.


I turned and jumped instantly, seeing one of the Tree Demons standing a few feet from us, compound Crossbow aimed at us.

I honestly don’t know how fast I was going, but before I knew it I was already driving my claw down onto the Tree Demon, a fit of rage and protection fueling my actions as this bastard dared attack my mates.

In my charge we tumbled, this thing kicking me off and hitting way harder than I expected. It wore different armor than I expected. It was more a cloak made of thick leather, hat to boots and covered all but it's eyes. I growled at it before charging again, the Tree Demon side stepping me and landing a rib breaking elbow punch into me, sending me flying into a nearby tree. "You should never have come here."

It spoke, a warped, echo like voice. It sounded oddly feminine… and… familiar?

“You’re the one that pointed a weapon at me…” I coughed, getting up shakily. “You were trying to attack my mates…but…hold on, who are you?”

"Your voice…" It spoke, slowly taking a step forward. "... Tony?"

“W-wait…hold on…you can’t…” I started, thinking back to all this and looking at her. “S-Sandra?” I asked, taking a careful step back as I thought a fight would break out between us…and honestly I really didn’t want to fight Sandra…not after everything that’s been going on.

"You need to leave." She said. "Now."

“Sandra…” I started. “I…I don’t know if I’ll ever see you again…but I’m so…so sorry…” I said sadly, still having some regret’s as to how my relationship with her ended and how we got into this mess. “But…alright…how do we get out of here?” I asked, thinking she’s already working with those weird monsters and can’t leave.

"Go back from where you came through and don't turn back. Try and avoi-" She stopped, catching a bolt that was an inch to my snout. "Shit they're here. Run!" She said, spin in and tossing the bolt back at the shooter.

“What about you?” I asked worriedly, thanking my minor healing factor I got from devouring enough monster’s around that helped mend my broken ribs. “Thank you regeneration…” I muttered, preparing myself to run as fast as I can.

"I'll live." She replied.

In an instant she raised her arms and blocked some flying kick from the assaulting Tree Demon. This one was… different. His armor was what I expected. Bones and leather that were sturdy but grotesque, no real care in their craftsmanship, you can even see part of where the eye of the beast it was made from would be. Physically they appeared the same, but this one… their eyes were a blood red, and seemed to be bleeding. The scent of blood and sense of dread came off this one like it was emitting it.

Sandra and this other one were fighting, massive trees and rocks being reduced to splinters and gravel at their hits.

“What in the hell…” I muttered as I noticed that she also had a Monster Hunter Long Sword, I don’t know what version of Long Sword…but she didn’t draw it as she fought the damned thing. “Right then…don’t die on me Sandra, cause we have a lot of time to make up…together.” I said as I bolted towards my mates and ready to get the hell out of here.

Once I caught up with them we started running. Belle hitched a ride on Magnolia and we rushed as fast as we could-


A huge tree fell down, blocking our way. Looking, another of those red eyed ones, wearing just as grotesque armor as the other ran from the freshly broken bottom of the tree and rushed at us, claws forged from the bones of fallen monsters adorned it's gauntlets.

I was getting ready to charge up some Thunder Bugs, when suddenly an arrow the size of a stop sign flew in, piercing its side and impaling it to the tree. Despite the seemingly fatal injury it was attempting to pry itself off the arrow.

In another instant, another Tree Demon flew out from somewhere, stomping and exploding the pinned ones head. It's body melting into red goo before evaporating like mist. It then pulled it's arrow back out and fell to the ground before looking at us. It's eyes were white too.

"Shit, and here I thought only the dumb monsters still came here." It said, tossing it's arrow up as suddenly Sandra and that other red eyed one came near.

Sandra grabbed the thrown up arrow, using it like a spear and impaired the other one in the neck. It too melted into red goo before evaporating.

She fell with a thud to the ground. "Missed the head that time Jake. Loosing your eyesight?" Sandra asked the other as she tossed his arrow back to him.

"Nah, just been a while since I got ta shoot a really eager target." The other, Jake, said with a laugh as he put his massive arrow back with the others.

"You… saved us?" Magnolia asked.

"No shit." Jake said.

“So uh…Magnolia, Belle…the sassy sexy lady is Sandra…and I don’t know who Jake is here.” I said carefully.

"Sexy, nah. Not since I got this body. Sassy, yes." Sandra said. "And Jake here is a friend. I owe him my life more times than I care to admit."

“You are sexy, and you know it.” I countered Sandra simply. “But for Jake…my name is Tony and thank you for helping Sandra…I just…hope Sandra hasn’t said too many bad things about me…”

"If she did, I was probably too drunk ta remember." He said.

"Um, so… the Fuck is going on? I thought all Tree Demons wanted we Monster races dead?" Belle asked.

"Not us, just the Red Tree." Sandra said.

"Is there… more than one of your kinds Elder Tree here?" Magnolia asked.

"Yes. There's Jake and I, the Kindling Tree, and then the Red Tree, also known as the Corpse Tree or Bleeding Tree. Pick a name for them but they are the ones who kill and hunt without mercy."

"I can...see why." I said carefully. "They smelled of blood and despair…"

"So, what exactly is going on here?" Belle asked.

"Not safe here. Come on, let's head for camp. Safe there. Mostly for you all anyway." Sandra said as she and Jake began walking. We followed, keeping silent and panicked at any and every noise.

Eventually the smell of… smoke and… charcoal filled the air. Soon, we saw the source.

An Elder Tree, grown into the mountain, burning and making it look almost like a volcano as smoke filled the air at the top. Around the base and along the mountain was… a wall, and houses of brick, metal and steam machines.

"You… did burn your Elder Tree…" Magnolia said with worry.

"I'll explain it all soon." Sandra said.

We arrived at the gates, thick metal that smelled of magic and highly refined smithing. It raised as we got near and once we were all inside, it closed behind us.

Jake walked off to elsewhere and Sandra lead us to a fair sized metal house. She opened the door. "Well, home sweet home." She said. Inside was many weapons, a simple bed, and a small collection of books.

"Well, very monster hunter themed." I said honestly, shifting into my Anthro form just to save some space for Magnolia and Belle.

Once we were All snuggly fit I to Sandra's home, it was time for question.

" long have you been at this?" I asked.

"Ten years. You?" She asked.

"" I asked carefully. "Sure me and Tina got sent to Equestria...but we were only there for a day before Pain killed half of Ponyville."l

"If an All Maker sent her like they did you, then it would make sense." Magnolia said.

"Yeah. Same group that sent him and Tina to… Equestria, sent me here. Ten year difference kinda sucks but I've learned not to question those All Makers. Won't get a straight answer." Sandra said.

"And currently...I'm here on a little game of Voodoo's." I said carefully. "'ve spent ten years here?"

"You think I got strong enough to break a rib on you and smash trees apart and turn stones to gravel In two months?" She asked. "That's not how Hunter Shadows work."

"Hold up what?" I asked worriedly. "You're...not you any more?"

"Can you say you're still you with that body?" She asked in response. "I've long accepted I'm not human anymore, frankly I don't notice it like I used to."

"Hunter Shadows?" Belle asked.

"It's what we are. You all only know us all as the Tree Demons, but our All Maker given race name is Hunter Shadows. Biologically we're nothing more than a type of dark energy in a humanoid form, basically. Mentally though we are all on par with any other sentient creature. Well, most of us are. There's a lot of sub-categories and such but everyone from Kindling Tree is intelligent."

"And these Red Tree ones aren't?" Magnolia asked.

"They are but not in the same way. They learn, adapt and evolve, but they all have an unbridled hatred towards anything not their kind. They only learned tool making, armor and weapons by stealing or watching the Kindling Tree. Thankfully they haven't had luck capturing other sentient races nor our own for hundreds of years, otherwise it would be a different story."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked carefully, feeling like I'm way out of my depth here.

She took a deep breath. "Well, easiest to start from the beginning. Some… ECT long cycles ago, the Kindling Ember's Elder Tree grew as part of this mountain. The first of this, the Hunter Shadows, emerged into the world. Our race is a cross between the worst apocalyptic beings in Pain's arsenal, and the intelligent races all around. Our kind was just always unique that way. Back then we were just called what we are, the Hunter Shadows. One of our unique quirks is an incredible pain threshold. We also can heal in an interesting way." She said, removing her boot and revealing a wood looking prosthetic where her left leg would be. "We can lose limbs and just… pull these special prosthetics out and attach them over the stump and they work like the real thing. Body shots can heal easily. Only way to really kill us quick is headshots but even then." She said, putting her boot back on.

"Incredible." Belle said.

"It's something all Hunter Shadows can do. Anyway, some cycles after this tribe showed up, on the far edges of the mountains, another Elder Tree grew. It was… different. Wrong. It's bark looked like pulsating flesh, branches like tendrils and was covered in crimson eyes. From it's maw at the roots came the Red Tree Hunter Shadows. At first, they weren't as smart as us, but they were extremely violent. U fortunately, the older a Hunter Shadow gets, the stronger we get. And they got stronger as the years passed, smarter too. Crafted weapons, tools, raised them or… took them from the corpses of other hunters and sentient beings. Be them naturally formed or crafted. Then… their 'Elder Tree' birthed Ita."

"Ita?" Magnolia asked. "You mean… they're real?"

"Who?" I asked worriedly. "Cause...they sound very threatening when they're born from a Tree grown in Silent Hill."

"In our legends, Ita was a Zinogre Alpha Male, who one day turned on his own and aided the Tree Demons in hunting and slaughtering us, devouring the flesh of his own to the point his stomach and guts were distorted and grotesquely swollen with their corpses." Magnolia said with a small whimper.

"Not entirely wrong." Sandra said. "In our records, Ita was a Zinogre Alpha Male, and fought with us against the Red Tree. Then, one day, the Red Trees captured him. He was the first ever being to be captured by them. When he showed up next, his fur, his eyes, both their blood red colors. Wielding their weapons and attacking all, save the other Red Tree members. When he was captured, we discovered an ability we did not know about. A Red Tree Hunter Shadow was possessing his corpse." Sandra said.

There was a pause before she continued. "We discovered this can be done with any Hunter Shadow, them… us. So long as the… body, is freshly dead and was of intelligent mind, we are able to… take it over, make it our own. The Kindling Ember's have banished the ritual, but the Red Tree capture and preform it with every intelligent race. It doesn't work with us or non intelligent beings so they just kill them and us when we cross paths."

"Oh...oh no…" I muttered in horror.

Sandra nodded. "The early Kindling Ember's pleaded to the All Makers for aid. One finally answered. They said to combat these demons, we needed stronger weapons, hotter fires to melt stronger metals. They showed us how to do it. And so, we did."

"By setting your Elder Tree on fire?" Magnolia asked.

"The tree itself can't be killed by fire, and having grown inside a mountain, turned it into a natural kiln, and forge. Within it the fires burn hottest to melt the metals we craft our weapons from. Things like steam powered stuff came later but the tree has been burning ever since, still alive and still bringing new Hunter Shadows into the Kindling Ember's since. After that, seeing as the Red Tree was only interested in other sentient beings, our allies at the time were sent back, told to spread word of the deadly… Tree Demons and all that. Later on they set up all those traps to deter any curious enough to try and cross in." Sandra now looked over at me. "Guess Tony wasn't what the generations before planned to keep out."

"Well, you know me." I said. "Jeez...and here I thought fatherhood would be the biggest problem on my mind…"

"Wait what?" Sandra asked.

“Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I’m a father of twenty one healthy pups. And Tina is apparently a mother as well.” I said honestly. “It’s…a bit of a nightmare but it’s worth every moment.” I said, but I felt a small pang in my chest when I said it to Sandra… remembering what’s lost.

"Well, at least they aren't here."

“Technically they aren’t…” I said sheepishly.

"What's technically about it? They-"

"Are in my internal birthing stomach." Belle said.


"I am a Den Mother Floof Noodle, I have an internal birthing 'stomach' that can nurse them that they have been in while we are on the road. Keeps them safe."

Sandra turned and stared at me.

The slap she gave me knocked my head into the wall, and I left a perfect imprint/mold of my face in the metal… owww…

"You brought kids to this warzone you fucking retarded peice of-"

Ow… ow…

"Well, I did not know it was possible for one to get this injured being slapped around by an angry female." Magnolia said.

"I see where she is coming from and I do see her point, though I am not sure if she went overkill or was holding back?" Bell Flower said.

“That’s Sandra for ya…” I grumbled. “She used to be the sweetest woman you ever met…but now…” I sighed out. “And that was before she became…all of this.”

"Well blame the idiot who brings out my bitchiness." Sandra said as she was carrying several large metal plates. "Now I gotta fix the damages your face made to my walls and expand my house for you three plus those twenty kids."

“We were going to leave soon anyways.” I growled. “We’re looking for a Barroth near here then one in the Mountains, so we won’t be dealing with your bitchiness for long.” I said, remembering why we started hating each other.

“Is there…something between you two?” Belle asked. “Cause…it looked like the two of you care about each other…but then immediately go at it like a Bazelgeuse and a Deviljho.”

"I dated this idiot for a while." Sandra said. "And the hell you are!"



The metal plate she threw at me slammed me into the wall and I groaned as the weight pressed on me.

"It's a death sentence to all you intelligent monsters. Assuming the traps don't accidentally catch you the Red Tree will." Sandra continued. "And you will not be taking these two or your twenty one innocent kids out into that hell. Or to learn your stupid."

“Fine, then I’m going and you can go suck on a railroad spike.” I growled, getting up carefully from all the pain.

"Like you're going anywhere, beat up the way you are." She chuckled. "Sit like a good doggy while I work and you might get a biscuit later."

“Fuck this, fuck you, I’m out.” I growled as I started to walk out, ignoring the insane amount of pain I’m in. “Thank you for saving our lives, thank you for letting my mates and kids be here for a while, but I’m done with your bullshit.”

Sandra just stood there, crossing her arms. "You wanna try that again?"

“No.” I growled. “I’m not going to sit down and rest when there’s so many things that can harm my family…I’m not going to do nothing after that…” I said, even as my legs tried to buckle underneath me.

Sandra took a deep breath. "Oh Oscar!"



Thud, thud, thud, thud!

A giant partly metal, partly prosthetic Hunter Shadow came out of nowhere, rushing up to Sandra. He was my height in feral form. "Yes Sandra?" He asked, sounding rather… dim.

Sandra pointed at me. "Look, a sick puppy."

He turned and looked at me. "Yay! I'm gonna be a vet!"

I barely got two feet before it grabbed my tail, pulling me into the most lung collapsing hug ever. I looked to Belle and Magnolia, who both backed up.

"Take care of him, he's very sick." Sandra added, Oscar nodding before walking off with me. Try as I might, I could not escape.

“Get off me!” I barked angrily, struggling to get out of this big guy’s hold. “Every fucking time…”

The next week was….oddly relaxing.

Oscar treated me like a pet but it wasn't as bad as you'd think. At least he let me bathe myself.

Aside from books there wasn't much in terms of entertainment here so I was either reading or napping as my escape attempts usually lead to Oscar… cuddling me. I feel so sorry for all my pets I did tight hugged cuddles with.

"Well, you seem refreshed." Sandra said.

“I still don’t like this…” I grumbled. “This might be nice, but I’m not a pet damn it…”

"This is part of why I broke up with you, you never could just relax when you need it." She said. "Thanks for watching him Oscar."

"You're welcome Sandra." Oscar said as Sandra led me outside.

“Except it wasn’t.” I pointed out to Sandra. “And right now, I definitely can’t relax…I have a family, and I need to get stronger to protect them…I still have absolutely no idea how ten years passed for you and not me or Tina.”

"Don't care, and actually think before acting." She said. "This Barroth you're looking for hasn't been spotted by scouts or recon teams so we need to examine maps and figure out where the fucker is."

“I had its scent before we were attacked. It was faint but it was still enough to go on.” I said carefully. “But…it’s scent is probably long gone from that area.”

"If it's any kind of smart it would be. That's halfway to the Red Tree's… Tree. Saw it once. Still give me nightmares."

“Hey…so remember the Ventrals?” I asked. “That weird crime family back on Earth? Remember how some of them had those weird piercing red eyes? Do you think that has something to do with those Red Tree’s?”

"Well… I mean… Fuck I have no idea." She shrugged.

“It can’t just be coincidence…can it?” I asked nervously. “That amount of bloodlust…” I shivered at remembering that horrid bit.

"No idea. Well, that aside, if you want to survive in this place you best get a teacher."

“A teacher would help...or a whole lot more monsters to devour cause I get stronger with each kill." I said honestly.

"We only got the dumb ones and even those are few and far between. Save the Jaggi, they are all over the place."

"Right…" I said carefully. "But that would help, helps increase my strength and durability, and maybe something else based on something special about them." I said honestly. "How many Great Jaggi's are around?"

"More than there really should be." She said with a shrug. "They're the major source of the town's meat, leather and eggs."

"Oh then that would be fantastic for me." I said honestly. " far I've fought plenty of monsters, including a Barroth and...apparently I'm just really good naturally for some reason."

"Well, before anything we should try and figure out where this Barroth is hiding." Sandra said, leading me to a large section of metal with a painted map of the entire Tree Demons, er, Hunter Shadows territory. The entire mountains and some farther north frozen coast were painted in amazing detail. I could see where this Elder Tree was on the map, and where the Red's Elder Tree is. "Let's see, you said you picked up the scent around here." She pointed at a spot on the map, little over half way towards the Red Trees Elder Tree. "It had to have come from the south, traveling north. Given an All Maker tasked you with hunting it, I doubt they'll let it get killed by the Red Tree, so if it's still going north it should be arriving at the Black Ice coast around here." She motioned to the top of the map. "And unless it can swim it won't be going further than that."

"Well good for me is that I can." I said. "So what's special about the Black Ice coast?"

"The whole coast is frozen over coal. It's what gives the ice the black color. Even the 'sand' on the 'beach' is coal bits and dust. Usually we only go there to gather coal for celebrations, but even then we don't go there often or too far. Whole place gets colder and colder the further north you go. And with all the coal around, fire magic is right out. Last thing we want to set the whole coast on fire. Plus, gets to cold sooner or later everything become brittle and frozen."

“Sounds about right.” I nodded. “Hopefully we get to it before it can get that far cause…well I doubt electricity will be kind in that area.”

"It wont. Not to mention even with your natural fluff you won't handle the extreme colds well either. And before you defend yourself, I've been up there and seen other Frozen Zinogre stuck in the ice walls."

“Shit…” I said carefully. “Well, best thing I can do is eat whatever creatures live there and hope to roll some cold resist.” I said simply.

"Hmm… not much lives up there. Few things that do live in the water. So… you and Tina are parents now?"

“Yeah, I’m a father as I told you, and an All Maker named Shopkeeper told me that Tina is a proud mother…god only knows how much she’s trying to coddle however many kids she had.” I chucklked.

"Hm. And is Magnolia the only mother to your kids or have you fucked the Zinogre into overpopulation?"

“So far…at least on this world I’ve plowed Magnolia once for…half a day.” I said simply. “And on Equestria…I plowed four mares, Starlight who was just horny, Twilight who was interested in knowing how good it felt, and Celestia and Luna because the both of them were desperate for kids cause no other race could give them kids.” I explained.

"Huh. Does make me wonder who Tina hooked up with to knock her up?"

"Yeah, I do have to wonder." I said honestly. "Hopefully it's someone good for her…"

"Well, with the Barroth out of reach for the moment we'll need to figure out a way to keep us from freezing to death when we get up there."

"Well...are there any fire monsters around?" I inquired. "Cause if I can't get cold resistance from monsters near that area, I can kill enough to get cold resist from that." I said. "Or...we can go find Shopkeeper and buy some gear for the cold."

"He doesn't have his store here." Sandra stated. "And in terms of Fire Monsters that might work but if it has you generate heat of any kind you'll set off all the coal."

"Well...If it's only internal than it should be good." I said carefully. "Plus...well the Barroth might be a bitch and use all the frozen coal as armor...which I also can but not as well after eating one of them."

"Hmm… there might be a way for you to gain some cold resistance and use the ice and snow in the area to your advantage." Sandra hummed. "Won't be easy to find though."

"Anything can help." I nodded. "So what are we hunting?"

"Not hunting, mining." She said, to clarify, she lead me to a building that looked to be pumping water into barrels for people. She opened the side, revealing the inside was some machine with several special cut and fit glowing gemstones hooked up to it. "See the gemstones? They're rich in endless elemental energy. Water, fire, wind, dirt, and yes, ice too. They're all kinds, found deep in the ground."

"Elemental Gems?" I asked in surprise. "Jeez, where's a Moogle for Synthesis when you need one?" I joked about Kingdom Hearts.

"Sadly not here." Sandra added before closing the side up again. "Hunter Shadows can't absorb them to utilize their energies but we can craft weapons and machines with them. The hard part will be finding some Ice Gems for you to absorb."

"Fair enough." I nodded. "Plus...might as well also make myself a weapon or two, cause depending on the area I can't really fight in my feral form." I pointed out.

"True. That will be easy though, so long as you have the raw materials the blacksmiths will make you what you want."

“Cool.” I nodded. “Well, let’s get to mining.”

"Hold it hound dog, you can't just pick up a pick axe and start mining a hole in the mountain. You gotta talk to the Mine Supervisor first."

“True, gotta ask the head miner before just diving in.” I nodded.

"Yeah. Come on, let's go talk to her."

Sandra lead me to the other side of this mountain based village, where I saw the mine. Not too big but industrial as mine carts and others all moved in and out.

The Mine Supervisor was a Hunter Shadow dressed in similar attire to Sandra… actually, looking around almost all of them wore the same thing. The only difference with this one was the words Mine Supervisor were sewn In her hat.

"Looking for work Sandra?" She asked.

"Not this time Cat. This guy is tough." Sandra said, pointing a thumb at me.

The Supervisor, Cat, looked at me. "A Zinogre? And intelligent?! The Fuck is he doing here?! We put up traps and shit to keep them out!"

"I know."

"Is he… like Oscar?"

"Sadly no…"

“I’m hunting something specifically targeted by an All Maker, and it’s within this area, and most likely moving over to the Black Ice Coast.” I answered. “Also, no, I’m not, and rude for assuming that.”

"Well no other smart beings come here willingly so…" Cat started.

"Tony's Intelligence aside, he needs a shift to try and mine up some elemental gems. Ice mainly." Sandra said.

Cat seemed to think for a while. "Mines aren't built for someone of his size."

I shifted into my Anthro form. “This better?”

"Still too big." She said. "Maybe… hmm…"

"What- wait, don't tell me you're thinking of that idea again?" Sandra asked.

"Well, with his help we could get it done." Cat said.

“Normally people give me a warning before doing experimental stuff.” I said honestly. “And Sandra here should know that more than anyone here.”

“It was a one time thing, and don’t you dare bring it up again.” Sandra snapped at me.

“You’re the one that wanted it to begin with, I was happy to do it until it got…weird.” I said carefully.

"Wait, you two? When and at that how, Hunter Shadows don't have-" Cat started until Sandra flicked a finger at her forehead. "Ouch!"

"It was a long time ago, and yeah, thanks for that reminder Cat."

Hunter Shadows don't have...

“Hold up…what?” I asked worriedly. “You…don’t have…hold up how and why?”

Both were silent for a while before Sandra finally spoke up. "Hunter Shadows are incapable of… breeding. Our bodies as is are made of dark energies and magic. It's part of why that Ritual exists, or so says one of the All Makers. When it's done and we… obtain a body, it becomes ours, so we can… breed, live, grow old… die."

"Yeah, but Kindling Ember outlawed the ritual long ago for us." Cat brought up. "Cause the dead has to be formerly sentient. It was… wrong, to use the body of another's loved one. Besides, our Elder Tree pops a new one of us as is like, six, ten times a month so, not worried about population."

“Jesus…” I said, looking at Sandra carefully. “No wonder…” I muttered to myself, as I shook my head. “It was a long time ago Cat…some happy days, some not happy days…but it’s too late for a lot of reasons.”

"Okaaaay…" She said. "Well, in any case the idea is one we've all been debating for a while. Basically, as I said, the Elder Tree keeps our population growing so, we need to expand."

“So you need me to help kill things, build things, or gather things?” I asked. “Cause I’m actually pretty good at least two of the three of those things.”

"We have the materials, the weapons and such, the problem is we need… an ambassador." Cat said.

"Like us the Red Tree keeps bringing new ones into the world of their tribe, but faster." Sandra said, sounding a bit upset. "For every one we kill of them, there's ten more replacing them a week. For all we fight them, keep them focused on us, eventually they'll decide to try and leave their territory. You all arriving here, leaving your scents all over everything… they'll put two and two together and realize to get the prey they want, they'll need to leave far beyond this territory, and we won't be able to stop each one. So, we need a boarder… checkpoint. A place we can keep an eye on the edges of this place, and maybe even trade with the other races."

"Yeah. It's why all those traps were so far outside our territory to make all you smart ones keep as far away as physically possible. Seriously, you must have been walking through them all for a month to reach here." Cat added.

“I obtained Trap Sense and Deactivate Trap as a result of getting hit by a few of the minor traps.” I said carefully. “And it was all exclusively me getting hit by the traps cause I’d be fucked if I had my mates get hurt because of it.”

"Oh you brought others here too. Great." Cat huffed. "Well this is your chance. Get you and your mates asses out of here and back somewhere safe and you can some back with hopefully some traders cause I am tired of Jaggi meat."

“Not until I find that damned Barroth and eat the entire thing bones and all.” I said simply. “Only problem is the bastard’s probably a Glacial Barroth at this point…and adapted to the Coal Ice…that’s not gonna be fun to deal with…”

"Ah, so that's why you want the Ice Gems. Well, it's either this or wait for the next open shift in the mine."

“And how soon is the next open shift?” I asked curiously.

She reached into her cloak, pulling out a leather notebook. "Well, assuming no one dies, six months."

“So about that Ambassador talk?” I asked swiftly, not really into waiting six fucking months to find one god damn gem stone.

"Easy. You rush back to the closest other sentient species village, with your family, get the people there to send, even just a small trading merchant or their own ambassador, bring them here and leave your family in the safety of fucking away from here, and I can hand you ten Ice Gems upon your return to the newly built checkpoint."

“I will be needing to bring someone along with me to prove my statements.” I pointed out. “I may be an Alpha, but people won’t just believe my words without some good evidence.”

Cat simply looked at Sandra.

"... I hate you…" Sandra said.

"Do it and the Monofilament ore you've been requesting will be paid in full." Cat countered.

"... Still hate you but fine…"

“Come on, it won’t be as bad as last time I tried introducing you to a group of people.” I said honestly. “It went so well too…”

"They were also big haters of my dad, I was just lucky you didn't say my last name so I just had to sit and listen to them call him crap for three hours." She added.

“Again, I honestly didn’t know…” I sighed out. “I even bought you that expensive Ace Body Pillow as an apology.”

"True, but you also took the… detachable attachment that kinda was the whole point of that pillow."

“It was poorly made anyways.” I said defensively. “I would not let you have something half assed when it was supposed to be a serious apology.” I said readily.

I noticed out of the corner of my eye Cat looking at the both of us like she was trying to figure out some weird secret of the universe.

"And yet when I stopped by your house it was hot glued to the crotch of a life sized sticker of Roy Mustang you two put on a body mirror!"

“I had to test it out, and I wasn’t going to ruin your new body pillow.” I countered. “Plus…honestly it’s hard to choose between those two and you know it.”

"And… wait, if you were… then… why was it in Tina's room when I saw it?"

I raised a hand…then put it to my chin as I tried to remember. “Actually…yeah why did Tina have it in her room? Cause I put the…oh for fuck sakes sis…” I groaned angrily, rubbing my temples.

"Wait, does that mean you two… shared a… okay that's gross even for you two and I've seen you two do some freaky stuff."

“She probably stole it thinking something completely different, that was not my fault.” I shook my head quickly. “Would explain why you said it was also completely clean afterwards…”

"If this is about… sex, if this Tina is also a Zinogre I don't see the issue, Zinogre, especially True Alpha's and Den Mother's always breed with those of close blood." Cat said.

Sandra looked at her, then back at me. "You… oh sweet God of something up above please tell me Tina's kids aren't also yours!"

“Fuck no!” I said quickly. “She fucked someone after I got here, Shopkeeper didn’t say who but she must have found someone special. Believe me, fucking Tina is not something I’m even remotely thinking about.” I explained.

"Says the man who took TRIPLETS to the same bedroom for sex all together! Twice!"

“They all consented and there was nothing involving the three of them together. I was the only one to pleasure them like that.” I said carefully. “Also…bucket list demanded it.” I said carefully.

“Okay seriously…” Cat started, staring at the both of us intently. “Besides the Alpha being horny as shit…how did you two break up cause it sounded like you were a happy couple…if very horny.”

“It’s…a long story that neither of us really want to talk about.” I sighed out.

"Well, if anything at least I can make sure your kids don't grow up into humping rabbits like you." Sandra said flatly. She then looked over at Cat. "And you better have the Monofilament in my house when we get back."

"It will be. Next to his Ice Gems." Cat said simply.

“I’m pretty sure Magnolia is enough to keep their horny under control.” I said honestly. “Seriously…love em to death but being a first time parent…it’s the most stressful thing…” I sighed out.

"So, when do we leave then?"

“Well, when we’re all ready to head out and…also to see if there’s any closer towns cause I doubt you want to walk all the way to the Floof Noodle town.”

"The closest town outside this territory is the Grimalkin village. It's two weeks east from the border to here." Cat said.

“That’s a lot closer, cool.” I nodded. “Well, let’s tell Magnolia and Belle and get set for the travel.” I nodded.

"Alright. Come on then."

“Onwards to meeting new people.”

To be continued...

Slow Times, Growing Goals

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A week had passed since I first began going out to hunt monsters regularly. Discord has been a big help in watching my back. He's still using Greatswords, much to his regret when he was picking weapons but he's been making due.

I have been getting plenty stronger too. Having slain and devoured many beasts. Mantacores, a Hydra, Timber Wolves… did not enjoy that one but their abilities are neat, and I finally got some Thunder Bugs too!

"So that Giant Mole is around here somewhere…" Discord muttered as we walked through the massive tunnel that our target monster had made. This beast, while not too dangerous, was causing a lot of sinkholes and pits to pop up all over the place and make travel difficult.

“We’re getting closer thankfully.” I brought up, thankful that my nose could tell where it was specifically in it’s many tunnels filled with it’s scent.

"Good. Hm, I wonder if it's made a nest in a Gemstone deposit. Would be a great boon for the town. On top of use as a secondary currency Gems are perfect for enchanting or other fun stuff."

“Cool.” I nodded. “If…Tony comes back with Rarity’s soul, she might get a kick out of all the gems from what I was told about her.” I said, still hating myself for not knowing Pain would do this even after all these months.

"Oh yes, that mare and her gems." Discord shrugged. "She used them in her clothing designs, making them eye-catching and such. But of a waste to me personally but she found them so she does what she will with them. Funny how she had the perfect special talent for gemstone mining yet her career was fashion."

“Well, maybe her special talent isn’t just gemstone mining?” I suggested.

Discord shrugged. "Meh. Never asked." We soon came across a large opening, even with some enhanced night vision it was too dark in here to see much. We pulled out some flashlights, yes, Fantasy world with flashlights, and looked around… holy crap.

All around us was a forest. A forest underground and out of the light where upside down trees hung from the ceiling, stalagmites rose from the floor to meet the trees, and various subterranean creatures jumped through the strange trees. "Wow, this is… amazing." Discord said.

“Yeah…” I muttered in awe. “How…an underground forest? How the hell is this possible?”

We walked through it, looking around in awe as we saw it was its own world entirely here. Some of these trees had fruit hanging. Reaching up and picking one off I sniffed it, not smelling any toxins or poison. With a shrug I bit into it.

It was really tough, like biting into a raw potato, had a little juice in it and seemed to taste like a mix of almond and walnuts.

“Huh…weird almond and walnut mixture.” I said. “Tough as hell though.”

"Makes sense. Even if it's growing from a tree it's still underground. Roots and such are usually rather tough." Discord said.

We made it to the end of this underground forest when we spotted it. The Giant Mole was trying to dig through some strange looking deposit of rock or something and was having trouble doing so.

We used the fact it was distracted to our advantage and rushed in. Discord hacking it's great and when it spun around I rushed in, using my claws to dig into its hide and then bit into its skull, the crack I received told me I broke its skull open and killed it.

I then began the task of eating it.

Giant Mole devoured.

New Ability Integrated.

Tunneler Rank 1: This ability allows you faster, better digging abilities and easier breaking of less dense rocks and ore deposits.

“That’ll help out a lot.” I said happily. “So…wonder what it was trying to dig into.”

I touched the metal, feeling it was…. Really tough. I tried to see if my new Ability could help and gave a swipe at it-



My claws broke on contact, leaving my fingers bleeding and really, really hurt!

“Ooooowwwww!” I whined, holding my hand and lightly jumping up and down at how much this really fucking hurt.

"How did that happen?" Discord asked, using his magic and healing me. Thankfully it grew my claws back too. Still felt sore though…

“Whatever that metal is made out of, it’s really fucking strong.” I said, lightly wagging my hand at the soreness. “Do you know what that is?”

Discord looked the metal over, squinting as he poked it. Then he looked at his side. "Strange…" He said, poking it again. He then picked up a small rock, walked some feet from the ore and threw the rock at it. "Ouch!" He yelped, rubbing a spot on his neck. "Well, I don't think that it's tough, I think it actually reflects the damage done to it onto the attacker?"

“Vibranium?” I suggested, looking over the metal again to see if it looked like the metal from Marvel

"Doubt it, that metal absorbs the energy itself then releases it, this actually takes the damage and attacks itself and throws it back at the attacker. Plus Vibranium glows a light blue color when in raw ore form."

“True…” I frowned. “So…what in the world is this stuff?”

"No idea. Whatever it is, I can't detect magic from it either. Probably something the All Makers would know. Should probably ask for some books or something to make identifying this crap easier."

"Yeah…" I nodded in agreement. "We should head back to Shopkeep, we finished our job, and found something new."

With a nod, Discord and I made our way back to Ponyville. More over the last week was the once simple country town more and more starting to look like a hunters camp right out of the Monster Hunter games.

Walking into Shopkeeper's store we received the credits for the job and began asking some questions.

"So we found a strange metal that hurt us when we hit it, do you know anything about it?" I ed.inquired.

"Mirror Realm Metal." Shopkeeper answered.

“Mirror Realm Metal?” I blinked. “How the hell is that here?”

"It happens. The Mirror Realm is one of many dimensions that exist in the same physical space but not on the same frequency of existence. Sometimes they accidentally pop into another universe and get stranded."

"Hmm." I hummed. "Well, how much for a book that could help us on our travels?"

"For the collection of them it will be ninety thousand credits. Alternatively an Info bot that can do the same and then some will run you just two thousand credits."

“I’ll take the info bot cause…I actually have the money for that.”

"Any specific style you'd like the bot to be in?"

“Well…what style’s are there?” I inquired, honestly having thought I would have just gotten a Navi esc robot immediately for some reason.

"Any style within the multiverse. If you can think of a robot then it can come in that style."

"Neat." I nodded, thinking hard on what kinda robo assistant I wanted. "Which one do I want?" I hummed, trying to think of what I could get that either won't annoy the piss out of me or, depending on the kind, I won't try to bed with on a regular basis. "Well…even though it might be annoying, let's go with the old classic Navi."

"Sure." Shopkeeper said as he reached under the desk and placed a box on it. I opened it. Sitting inside was what looked like a small floating, glowing ball of blue light with wings.

I was amazed how much it actually looked like the fairy. The ball flew up and around me for a time. "New owner Registered. Greetings Tina." The ball spoke, sounding nothing like Navi, a more deep and matured female voice. "I am Firecracker. Your personal information and storage bot."

"Nice to meet you Firecracker." I nodded. "And…wow that voice…"

"This unit comes with standard Multiverse information based on current and past events as well as 10 trillion Yottabytes of storage for personal belongings."

"Holy hell…" I said in awe. "That…is a lot of storage."

"It is a standard storage size." Firecracker answered.

After a bit I left that place and was heading home. It amazed me how fast the pups were maturing. Despite being half pony they all still aged quickly. They were already crawling, could hear, eyes were wide open and they loved to crawl around all over the place.

"Look at em go…" I cooed happily at all my adorable pups crawling around.

It was always adorable to watch them crawl around like hyper little things. The nursery/playroom was full of toys, but the kids largely ignored them, favoring getting lost and tangled in blankets and wrestling with one another in a literal dog pile as a means of self entertainment.

Once they saw me they all rushed over to me. I kneeled down and fed each one before burping and checking their diapers before putting them all in the crib for a nap.

With that done I met with Fluttershy, who was making dinner. "Have a productive day?" She asked.

"Yep." I nodded. "How was your day hun?"

"Good. Now that the girls all know about my… member. Pinkie really wants to see it. Though I doubt that's all she wants to do. Rainbow makes jokes and such all the time but I get the feeling she's in the same boat as Pinkie… AJ thinks it's weird but if I'm okay with it she won't bring it up. Twilight thought it was biologically fascinating. Luna plans on… riding me like a wild bull after she had her baby, and Celestia just gave an invitation a wink so… I have had an interesting day."

I chuckled.

Twilight, Celestia and Luna were back in Canterlot for a bit to meet with the Dwarf Ambassadors. Pinkie kinda lives with us given the Cake Twins are here but she also mostly goes out and looks for new and exotic foods to make pastries with. Applejack and her family have largely gone unchanged given all the developments, though AJ now sports one amazing looking shotgun. Rainbow… the cyan Pegasus recovered from her lost legs quickly, actually seeming almost unphased by the disability. Given she's always flying I guess it was just like losing weight for her…

Still, she oftentimes can be seen with a rifle on her back flying around the town's wall to keep an eye out for anything getting too close.

"I'm…still glad that some people are taking this well…" I sighed, still believing I'm at least partly to blame for Pains antics.

"Just about everyone has been adjusting. I hear the Dragons find this all to be especially fun. Their lands are barren volcanic coastal beaches and valleys so some… alternative food sources, have been welcome by them."

"Good for them." I nodded.

"So, what did you do?" Fluttershy asked as she served me. I was surprised she was willing to cook meat, given Ponies don't eat meat, but she does prepare meals for her predatory animal friends so she didn't mind. She placed before me two whole chickens. One roasted and the other barbecue. She herself has steamed potatoes with butter, sour cream and fried onions.

"Killed a giant mole that was causing a lot of trade to be rough, found an underground forest, tried a tunnel fruit, and then found Mirror Metal." I explained.

"Oh, an Underground forest?"

“Yep.” I nodded. “It was really cool and pretty, and the tough fruit tasted like walnuts and almonds.”

"Oh, that sounds lovely." Fluttershy said with a nod. "What are your plans for tomorrow then? More of the same?"

“Well…either do some more hunting, taking care of our children…or something.” I shrugged. “Not sure really…and honestly, I miss Tony…”

"I am upset I didn't get to meet them before they left for that trial thing."

“Yeah…” I sighed. “I mean…he would have made you about as pregnant as you made me while also taking it up the ass with just as much vigor…but he’d be ecstatic to be an uncle.”

"Oh my… it is weird I find that attractive?" Fluttershy asked with a blush.

“Which part?” I inquired. “Cause Tony is as much of a horndog as me, so not sure if your into being stuffed better than a thanksgiving turkey, or having him get the stuffing?”

"The… latter…" She admitted.

“Fair.” I shrugged.

After dinner I showered, and… surprisingly it's not that hard washing all this fluff. Once that was done I began to mess around with some… custom toys of mine. Being a Den Mother means any sex at all regardless of how it's finished means I get knocked up. And apparently there is still a small chance even if I'm with another girl I can still get knocked up. So my casual sex life has sadly gone out the window.

The next morning I was feeding the pups, changing diapers and letting them get to playing when Celestia, Luna and Twilight came back.

Along with them were two dwarves… Celestia was right. They did look a bit like Pony Goblins. Though their eyes were far more… pony.

"Hello again Tina." Celestia said as she and the group entered. "This here is Matter Breaker and Space Paradox. They are going to be Ponyville's personal blacksmiths and will work with Shopkeeper to some degree."

"It's nice to meet you two." I nodded.

"So you're the new Den Mother Zinogre in this dimension." The slightly fatter, and taller Dwarf, Matter Breaker, said as they looked me up. "Well, Haven't seen one of your type before."

"She's bit on the small side for a Den Mother." The other, Space Paradox said. She, at least she sounds… kinda like a she, said.

"I mean, I just became a mother and just started eating so…I have plenty of room to grow." I pointed out.

"I was hoping to see if you'd take them to see Shopkeeper."

"Sure." I nodded. "Hopefully he'd at least…maybe not look completely bored due to it."

"Nah, that's just how All Maker Shopkeeper is. Now if he gets excited. Be afraid. Be VERY afraid." Space Paradox said, leaving me with some concerning questions as the three of us headed out.

“Uh…why should I be…very afraid if he gets excited?” I asked nervously.

"Cause it means he wants to get involved. And when Shopkeeper gets involved… well, let's just say it gets rather chaotic from there…"

“Right then…” I said nervously. “Really hope he doesn’t get…excited here, Pain is…well a pain enough as is.”

"In any case, it will be nice to see them again." Matter Breaker said with a shrug.

I blinked. “Again? You’ve met them once?”

"Yes. He does have a location in the Dwarves Kingdom. We don't buy his weapons, but the schematics and blueprints for them. We prefer making things ourselves."

“Fair enough.” I nodded. “So do you know how to mine Mirror World metal?”

"Oh yeah, several methods."

“Cool, cause I didn’t know what it was and…well, shattered my claw’s on accident from clawing at it.”

"Heh, yeah that will happen. Unless you're strong enough to tank your own attacks. Then you might have broken some of the ore off." Paradox said.

We quickly arrived at Shopkeeper's place. "Oh, it's you two…" Shopkeeper said with a yawn. "Bit far away from your hole in the ground."

"A pleasure as always All Maker." Breaker said as he and Paradox gave a bow.

“So, I brought these two here to help out Ponyville start…either fortifying against whatever nonsense Pain plan’s on throwing at us next, or starting to expand thing’s so others can use this place as a safe haven.”

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night." Shopkeeper shrugged.

I rolled my eyes at that. “So, where do you want to start with your work?” I asked the two dwarves curiously.

"We should first start with finding good ore. That Mirror ore you talked about would make a perfect gate. Any attack it suffers will be reflected on whatever attacks it." Paradox said.

“Alright, and also it’s near an underground forest, so there’s also that.” I mentioned.

"Nah, just show us the ore."

With that we headed off. It was thankfully an uneventful trip and the method they mined the ore in was… unexpected. First they set up a lot of lanterns, then they brought up a giant mirror and had it face the ore deposit. Once that was all set up they began hitting the mirror with pickaxes… and somehow the ore was breaking off in prices and chunks.

“Uh…what?” I blinked. “That…shouldn’t work the way I’m thinking it does.”

"When it comes to the All Makers, the Multiverse and all that, there are things you don't question less you want to give yourself a brain hemorrhage."

"I…can tell…" I sighed out. "So, how long have you been…doing this kind of stuff?"

"Four hundred and thirty two years." Breaker said.

"Damn, that's a pretty long time." I said in a bit of surprise.

"Well a dwarfs lifespan is roughly thousand years."

"Right then." I nodded. "Any questions you have for me or should I let you two do your thing?"

"Nothing really." Breaker said.

It was a few hours before they got the last of the mirror ore and once it was all collected we went back to town where they quickly began setting up a forge.

With them busy I headed off to find something to do.

I was out in the wilds and spotted the biggest snake I have ever seen!

It was long, it's body about as thick as my torso and coiled in a pile on itself sleeping.

"Uh…wow, that's a big snek…" I said in surprise. "Hey Firecracker…what's that?" I inquired my Navi esc robobuddy.

The little fairy robot flew out from… somewhere in my fluffy back and looked at the snake. "It appears to be a fully reptilian Lamia." They answered.

"Huh…didn't expect to see one of those here…" I hummed.

"They appear to be digesting a meal, resting as the best means of recovering spent energy."

"Are they sapient or feral?" I inquired. "Cause…well this is my first time seeing a lamia…"

"Brain scans indicate they are feral, but contain the genetic prerequisites needed to develop intelligence."

"Well…that sounds interesting…" I hummed. "How so?"

"Genetically her brain contains the genetics needed to advance her mental capacities to that of intelligence. A special genetic or magical formula can activate the dormant genes within their biology."

“Well…wonder if it’s possible to make that a reality here and get myself a naga helper?”

"It is entirely possible assuming you have the required Technology and or magic skills."

“Cool.” I nodded. “Wonder if Discord could do that?” I hummed.

"Possibly, chaos magic users are capable of much but her personality and mentality will be completely random as a result. If you were to bestow them with intelligence, you could choose their personality and mentality among other factors."

“Ah, also it’s a she? Neat.” I nodded. “Now…how to capture the snek without waking her up?”

"Multiple spells exist that can take her, making her a form of tamed beast, pet, or familiar. Technological alternatives also exist as a means of capturing feral beasts to tame them in various ways."

“Neat.” I nodded. “Alright…so time to capture this thing…"

"This unit is capable of purchasing supplies from Shopkeeper. Access to your account and credits/currency balance is available."

“Alright, so let’s buy us a lamia trap.” I nodded.

"Current Credits Balance. 22,640 credits. Currency Balance. Zero. Basic tamer trap is 400 rem or 700 credits."

“I don’t think I heard of Rem before…but let’s by the tamer trap.”

"Transaction complete." Firecracker said as suddenly, in a small flash of blue appeared a strange collar looking item. "Tamers Collar. To use, place around the beast's neck."

“Sounds simple enough.” I nodded, taking the collar and starting to sneak up on the sleeping snake.

I couldn't see its head, meaning it's likely in the coiled up body. With a sigh I managed to lift and climb between it's coiled up body and quickly saw it's top half. It was… different. Their upper half looked humanoid, but was covered in scales. Their head, arms, all of it was covered in small thin scales. The whole of their body was a dark green with spots of black here and there. They were heavily asleep. Wasting no time I opened the collar clasp and quickly put it on the lamia's neck, clasping it shut. Their eyes opened once I did and they seemed to glow. First blue, then green, then lastly gold before they reverted back to the normal, yellow reptilian eyes that just looked back at me almost expectantly.

“Hi there.” I said, lightly patting the lamia’s head.

They looked at me kinda blankly.

“I’m taking you home, and I’m gonna make you a smart snek.”

Again, she gave me a blank look and I crawled out from her coiled body as she uncoiled herself.

“Follow me.” I said, leading the lamia back to town cause it being so quiet and giving me that blank stare made me feel a little uncomfortable.

It followed me silently, and once we got home it just slithered around my bedroom.

"Interesting…" Twilight said, already looking the lamia over with a notebook and various other instruments. "To study one of all the new species of animals and creatures on Equestria alive and in person! How did you get them so tame?"

“The collar.” I pointed to it. “Currently it’s Feral so…I don’t fully feel bad, but I came to you to see if you could help give it intelligence, since Firecracker here said that they have the genetics to gain all the wonders of sapience.”

"Really? That's incredible." Twilight said.

"She seems calm." Fluttershy said, also looking the lamia over. "A bit confused but overall healthy too."

"Can you understand them like your animal friends Fluttershy?"

"Yes. She says she's not mad about being tamed but is upset she had to move so soon after eating."

“Sorry about that.” I said sheepishly. "Didn’t want to assume a few thing’s…and yeah sorry for making you move after eating and sleeping.”

"She says it's fine but wants to know where to burrow to make a new nest for herself." Fluttershy said.

"Say, you said she doesn't have intelligence. So what separates how Fluttershy understands them and the other animals compared to us?" Twilight asked.

“Well…and this is just me guessing, is that there’s a difference between sentience and sapience, sentient is baseline everything a living creature would have, but to most nobody know’s how an animal mind’s work or full on body language…unlike Fluttershy here.” I gently patted her shoulder. “Sapience is what we’re doing right now, able to do all the wonderful things we can do due to higher brain functions or some other such nonsense if that makes sense.”

"That would make sense, but how do you translate and talk to them Fluttershy?" Twilight asked.

"Well, it's like… understanding intention. I don't actually hear them speaking, more like, I can feel what they mean." Fluttershy said.

"Empathic translation into verbal language. Incredible. And it's the reverse when you ask them for something or speak to them?"

"Basically. I think my special talent does it automatically." Fluttershy said.

"Right, the passive magical effects of cutie marks often manifesting in various ways. Yours manifested into the ability to understand the empathic meaning of underdeveloped creatures and translate them into understandable languages. It makes sense that the passive cutie mark magic would do the same backwards to allow perfect two way communication."

“That sounds very interesting.” I nodded.

"So, how will you be giving her our level of intelligence and such Tina?" Twilight asked.

“Well, either through magical means, or technological means.” I said honestly. “I came to you because of magic and…I’d probably have to go to Shopkeep for the scientific part.”

"I have no idea how to do that. We can't even understand how Cutie Mark Magic works. All I do know is that it's a powerful form of passive magic. Giving our level of intelligence on a creature like your lamia here is… it's never been done."

“Shopkeep it is.” I said honestly. “I shall be back, while I let you help our new lamia friend here get comfortable and a new home.”

With that, I got up and left. Rushing back to Shopkeeper. When I arrived he was sleeping at the counter, as usual.

“Yo, I got a purchase to make.” I said. “I’m gonna give a feral being sapience, you got anything for it?”

He didn't wake up.

"Yo." I gently nudged the shopkeeper. "Need some help."

Still nothing.

“Oh come on…” I grumbled. “Alright…Firecracker, can you help me find any item’s that can help me get that Lamia sapience here?”

"A level ten bio laboratory fabrication machine. And at minimum, 4,521,302,632 chemical combinations and ingredients to develop the injection." The small robot said.

“Which I will never have enough money for…fuck…” I sighed.

I began contemplating what to do… then it hit me… Voodoo…

“Doubt he would just appear if I called his name…” I frowned. “But mind seeing if you can call Voodoo for me? Gonna need to talk to him given sleeps mcgee here won’t wake up.”

"Boo." I jumped, seeing the skeleton man behind me shuffling a deck of cards. "All you really need to do is call. To say my name."

“I mean…I guess.” I said sheepishly. “I didn’t know if you were busy with either someone else, watching over Tony or…something else.”

"A good dealer has time for all his clients when they call. If I ever am not available, means I'm on vacation."

“Fair enough.” I nodded. “So I need some help getting a lamia some sapience cause I don’t know how to, either magically or technologically, and he’s out like a light.”

"Yes, when Shopkeeper sleeps, not much can wake him. Well, sounds to me like you need an Intelligence Injection." He said, taking a card out of his neck. With a flick of his bone fingers, the card changed into a metallic syringe with a small glass window showing a clear liquid inside.

“She has the genetics for it and…well I suppose that’ll help out a lot.” I said. “So…what do I need to do?”

"Well, normally folks like you don't get these so easily." He said, another flick and the syringe was back to being a card he shuffled back into the deck. "Doing this will set you on a path to power you know?"

“Uh…how?” I asked. “Giving something sapience when it…already had the chance to doesn’t really sound like ‘the first step to new power’.”

"You give a caveman fire, he will think of you as a God. Give an animal free thought, will, understanding and the ability to Truly begin to learn and understand the world around them, you are a god. Or, a Progenitor in our eyes. Step below that, like a sibling to demi-gods."

“Uh…huh…” I blinked. “So…that’s new.”

"If you wanna fight Pain this is a Prerequisite."

“Fine…” I sighed. “Alright so…what do I need to do for this to happen?”

"You're a mother now, having birthed life, and this little event is much the same. So you'll have to know the other side of the coin "

“So…I need to be a father now or something?” I inquired.

"You need to end a life."

“Oh come on.” I whined. “Why do I suddenly need to commit a murder?”

"If you want a chance at fighting Pain, you need to be willing to become a Monster yourself. Simple fact of life, Evil exists. And sometimes there is no redemption for those who dive so far down into that darkness."

I gulped. “So…who do I need to kill?” I asked timidly.

"That's the fun part. You can't know until you meet them."

“What wondrous help I’m getting…” I rolled my eyes. “Vagueness because I want to make a lamia sapient…”

"Because you want to fight Pain." Voodoo said. "Can't expect to fight evil without understanding it."

“You make it sound like I have to kill an innocent all of a sudden…not some deranged madman.”

"Maybe. Maybe not." Voodoo shrugged. "Very few people ever ask to die, but when it comes none of them ever have a choice.”

"Wonderful…" I grumbled. "So…in a random spot, at aat a random time, I might have to maul someone to death so I can give basic human intelligence to a lamia…"

"Power comes at a price, and that price is the loss of your own innocence."

“Fine…” I sighed. “This is gonna suck a lot…”

To be continued...

A new home, and Old Pains

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I lifted my tail, seeing Link was chewing my tail mindlessly.

"Link, what are you doing?" I huffed.



I had to pry him off my tail. Out of all my Kids… Link I worry about…


Fuck that's my hand!

"Link enough!" I snapped. "I am not a teething toy!"


Owe! Owe! Owe! Owe! Owe! Owe! OWE! That's my nose!!

Magnolia picked Link off me by my scruff and put him down next to her. He then flopped on his side like a rag doll. She chuckled.

"Link sure is a special one isn't he?" She asked me.

"I can tank a hit from a charging Barroth fine…but this kid's jaw is strong." I grumbled, rubbing my nose at how hard he bit.

"He will be a fine hunter one day with a strong maw like that." She said.

Link was now licking the dirt.

"Stop licking dirt please." I groaned, gently picking him up to stop the pup from licking dirt. "I have…no idea why he's…like this…"

"He is a child. He will one day grow to be a fine Alpha. With his oddities will come a unique perspective on the world." Magnolia said as a fly flew by. Link snapped his mouth. Catching and eating it.

"Nice bite." I smiled, patting Link's head in praise.


My hand! Again!

Magnolia took Link from me, putting him in her back and he began digging into her fur. She chuckled. "So, when are we heading out for this trip?"

"As soon as everyone's ready." I wagged my hand in pain. "Seriously, why does he only bite me?"

"Perhaps it is his attempt at challenging you." Magnolia said with a smirk, Link now buried in the fur along her back. "Most young pups often challenge their father or siblings for hierarchy rights to be the alpha of the family. All that basically means is that should they beat you in a battle they will get to choose decisions for the family as a whole. Who does what and that."

I blinked. "So remember when I've said I don't want to be a bad parent?" I frowned. "That kinda involves me abusing my kid due to…that."

"It's something all young males go through. Trust me, when he gets older he will challenge you and you are well within your rights to harm him. Most don't ever try to challenge again."

I sighed. "I still don't like how I'll have to throw him against a tree every time he gets nippy…"

"I don't think it will be as bad of a problem as you think."

"I hope you're right…" I sighed.

I decided to check on the other kids while I'm here. They were born on the road and spent the majority of that time… Inside Belle so this has so far been the longest they've been outside her.

Next was Peter- awh crap…

I found Peter taking a bath… in the toilet.

“Peter, the toilet is not a bath!” I said quickly, trying to get the pup out of the toilet. “That is not a bath, that is a bad place to bathe.”

"Why?" He asked me as I pulled him out of the toilet.

"Toilets are for…relieving yourself, not for bathing." I answered carefully.

"Why? There's bushes or you can just dig a hole? Or find a tree?"

You know, I always figured whenever I did have kids, they'd be like me and sexually active and that would be my main concern, not if my kids were growing up wild and uneducated…

"That's what happens when you're in the wild, not when you're in a civilized area." I answered.

"What's the difference?"

“There are so many differences between Nature and Civilization.” I answered.


“This is going to be a conversation for all of you, cause I’d rather not explain it twice.” I sighed. “First Link is being bite happy, now you think bathing where people relieve themselves is good…” I grumbled to myself.

"So where do I bathe?"

“In here.” I answered, showing the big bathtub and shower.

"Oh. That's what that's for? I thought miss Sandra just used that to pretend to be in the rain."

I actually chuckled at that.

“Nope.” I shook my head. “And your thought on that is adorable.” I gently patted my sons head.

I put Peter down and went back to looking around. I found One of my daughters, Cassidy, chewing on a book.

“No, books are not for chewing Cassidy.” I said, gently grabbing her by the scruff of her neck, seeing her jaw immediately loosen up and pulling the book out. “Book’s are for reading…which I will have to teach you how to read with your siblings…”

"But it smells like meat. Funny meat, but meat." She replied.

I looked at the book, which was Ironically titled 'Meat' and seemed to be made out of leather.

“It’s made out of Leather, which is tanned animal hide.” I answered.

"So meat?"

“No,” I shook my head. “This is purely just the skin of an animal turned into a durable material to use for things that aren’t food related.”

"Awh…" She sighed, seeming to accept that answer.

I put her down and looked at the book. The spine and cornered were damaged but it seemed alright. I was curious on why it was just titled 'Meat' and opened to a random page.

-Skin peeled back revealing the tissue below the skin. The victim screamed in agony as their tormentor snipped and sliced the peeled-

I forgot Sandra was a horror nut…

“Alright…you’re not allowed to read this.” I said, closing the book and putting it away.

"I can't read." Cassidy said.

Right… thank God…

I looked around and found Poppy somehow atop a bookshelf and staring at me.

“And how did you get up there Poppy?” I inquired.

"Climbed." She said simply.

“Really like climbing huh?” I asked, checking the bookshelf to see if it was stable enough for the pupper.

"No." She said.

The bookshelf seemed really sturdy.

“Then why did you climb up there?” I asked, thankful for the sturdy bookshelf and how they won’t fall over.

"That." She pointed over at the other side of the room. Turning- what in the over loving abomination of nature?!

Before me was an eight legged, six eyed spider-deer hybrid thing sitting in a doggy bed. It looked at me.

It also wore a collar, and it's name was apparently Bambi…

“Sandra!” I called out to the lady. “What in god’s name did you do to poor Bambi!?”

"What are you talking about?" The former human now Hunter Shadow asked as the came into the room.

I motioned to the Bambi Spider hybrid. “Was losing their mother not good enough? Did you need to make them a spider hybrid as well?”

"First off, Fuck you, secondly, that's my pet, Bambi. He's naturally like that." Those things exist in the wild?! "Found him wandering alone a few years back and adopted him."

“Alright…” I sighed. “So…you literally found Spider-Bambi…Spider-Bambi, does whatever a Spider Deer can…” I muttered in song, not sure why but I couldn’t help myself with making that Spider-Man theme joke.

"Har har." She groaned. "He's harmless. Only eats plants and he can make webs but it's an escape method to rapidly escape predators by climbing tall trees or structures."

“That’s fair.” I nodded. “It’s alright Poppy, it’s harmless.” I said to my child softly. “But…now I have to wonder, does it have venom?”

"No. It's not a hunter or even a carnivore I just told you he only eats vegetables."

“It could have still had that as a defense mechanism, like the webs.” I answered. “But alright, it is harmless…just surprising to see and probably an arachnophobes nightmare.”

"Trust me, there are worse spider halfbreeds around here. Anyway, I have a few things to get done in town. Your options are come with me or stay here in which if you do I'd like if you try to not to have your kids make a mess of the place."

“I am trying to, cause so far, Peter thought the Toilet was a good place to bathe…and Cassidy accidentally nommed on one of your horror books.” I sighed. “Being a first time parent is…really rough.”

"I can see. And which book?"

“Leatherbound, had the title ‘Meat’ on it and…had some very descriptive thing on it.”

"Oh, yeah. It's a book about a detective hunting a serial killer and gets captured by them and tormented and tortured."

“I could tell…” I shuddered. “Listen, while I do enjoy a good scare sometimes, and I respect your love of Horror…isn’t that going a little far?” I asked nervously.

"You should not read 'Walk into Hell' or 'Truth of Nature' then."

“And I won’t.” I said honestly. “Especially when all I can think of for ‘Truth of Nature’ is Raiden going through a jungle of absolute horror’s while ‘Rules of Nature’ is playing in the background…don’t know why though.”

"Meh. Anyway, so, coming or staying?"

“Would have to ask Magnolia to keep these rabble rousers in check if I leave…” I said, thinking if I should tag along cause knowing this area more, and also Hunter society, would at least be a good thing.

"You got two minutes to decide."

“Right…and since Magnolia can’t fit in here…” I muttered, being torn between taking care of my kids but also wanting to see more of this town and try and be better to protect them all. “I’ll be with my kids…need to be a good dad and also make sure your house doesn’t somehow burn to the ground.”

"It's all metal so, if you pull that off I'll actually be impressed." Sandra said before leaving.

Once she was gone I gave one more look over to Bambi. He blinked at me and that made me shiver.

The next child of mine I found was Stanley. He was digging through the kitchen trash.

“Oi! What are you doing digging through the trash?” I huffed.

Stanley walked out of the trash backwards with a large bone. He then began to chew on it

“Ah.” I shook my head. “Stanley, we don’t take thing’s out of the trash alright?” I told him, getting a broom and dustpan and cleaning up the mess.

"But mom says don't waste food." He countered as he was chewing on it.

“For the Shadow Hunter’s, this isn’t wasting food.” I said. “Cause Shadow Hunter’s bodies can’t really…eat bones like we can.”

"More for us." He said, managing to pick up the bone in his mouth and walking out. Likely going to share it with Magnolia or siblings.

I sighed, finishing up the cleaning real quick with the mess and heading off to make sure my other kids are okay. “Well, so far things are…going okay…”

I walked around but stopped as I spotted Abby sleeping in a cast iron skillet on the floor.

"Adorable…" I muttered, gently picking up Abby so she doesn't wake up and quietly putting the skillet into the sink to get washed.

I put her on the couch where Anthony had made a pillow fort.

"I see you have made your fort." I chuckled. "Happy with it Anthony?"

"It's my cave." Anthony corrected.

"A nice pillow cave." I said, seeing the pup pop his head out of the 'cave' and it just made it more adorable.

I moved on and spotted Christine, Blossom, Kaitlyn, and Dianna all play fighting In a pile in the corner.

"Hey, how are you all doing?" I asked my four daughters.

"I'm winning!" Blossom declared. Only to be pulled to the ground by her three other sisters.

I chuckled at the immediate take down. "Just don't get too rough alright?"

I quickly looked around and spotted Penny. She was chewing on a stick.

"Hey Penny." I said, looking at the stick they were currently chewing on.

"Hi." She said, muffled by the stick in her maw.

"Just chewing on a normal stick?" I inquired, hoping it was just a normal stick.

"Yup." She replied.

"Alright." I nodded, gently petting my daughter's head.

I went out to the backyard and found my last few kids, Jenny, Agatha, Marry, Brittiany, Matthew, Gabriel, Gladiolus, and Hyacinthis. Magnolia named the last two. All eight of them were digging holes in the hard, rocky dirt.

"Having fun there kids?" I called out to the many kids.

"Yes!" They all replied as they kept digging.

“Just digging or are you looking for something?” I called out.

"I thought I smelled something." Gabriel said. "I found this." He reached back into his hole, pulling out a small bottle cap. "And everyone else wanted to find things too."

“That’s good Gabriel.” I nodded, gently taking the bottle cap and dusting it off a bit to see if it was anything special or if it was just a normal ass bottle cap.

It looked rusty, nothing special about it really. I left it next to his hole and went outside. I know Magnolia is in the makeshift room/garage and Belle should be on the front patio… there she is.

I spotted my Floof Noodle mate curled up on the patio, a book in her hands and cup of water on the nearby table.

“Howdy.” I said to Belle. “How you doing?”

"Fine. Just relaxing before we need to make the next trip." She said.

“That’s good.” I nodded. “Learn anything from the Shadow Hunter’s while we’ve been here?”

"Yeah. This book is all about their traps and gadgets. It's been filling in a lot of blanks I've had."

“That’s good to know.” I nodded. “Glad to see your learning a lot of important things…while I’ve been bit by Link, had to stop Peter from bathing in a toilet, and learned that Spider-Deer’s exist in the wild…”

"Yes. So, any plans for the moment?"

“Not really, just making sure all the kids are okay, not destroying anything in Sandra’s house…just being a father I suppose.” I shrugged.

"That's good. Stressed?"

“A bit yeah.” I admitted. “Trying to juggle twenty one kids is…a bit tough, especially when one of them is possibly going to be thrown into a tree if he doesn’t stop biting me.”

"Want some stress relief?"

“Like you would not believe.” I sighed. “But uh…wouldn’t you get…immediately pregnant if we did this fully?” I asked, cause while I would kill for a bj right now, I wasn’t sure if she wanted to go straight to fucking like rabbits.

"Yes, and I frankly don't want children until we're somewhere safe and far, far, far from these Red Tree Shadow Hunters, but I can relieve your stress in the other ways I know you like~"

“Thank you Belle.” I sighed. “You have no idea how hard it is to keep a raging sex drive like mine in check sometimes…”

"Given how often I have done this since I was made one of your mates I have a fairly good idea."

I was thankful there were blinds on the patio and managed to keep silent while Belle worked her magic.

When it was done I felt much more relaxed and Belle had me in her tail coiled up right around me.

"So, any idea what to do after this beast is dealt with?" She asked, drinking her water to probably… wash down, anything left over.

I thought that over for a while. Well, I need to get rid of all those monsters to get back to Equestria but I also just can't leave Sandra behind. Let alone the Red Tree Shadow Hunters. They don't die easily and one wrong move and one of them will be wearing my skin.

“My original deal with Voodoo still stands…I’ll try to ask if…if all of you can come with me…but I also need to help deal with those Red Tree bastards…” I sighed out.

"I figured you would say that." She sighed.

“Yeah…I want to be a good person and help out ya know?” I said, truly wanting to help these people from those damned monsters.

"And have lots of sex." She added with a chuckle. "Honestly I believe if you actually pull off bringing the red trees to extinction you'll probably get offers and requests from every intelligent species of being on the planet to mate with you."

"Please…don't tempt my Harem fetish…" I said sheepishly. "Plus…maybe this'll at least help…make some amends…"

"Amends for what?"

I shook my head. "It's nothing super important at the moment…as long as Sandra doesn't try to be a bitch again…" I frowned.

"She is rather rude for being one you formerly mated with."

"It's…complicated…" I sighed. "I doubt we'll ever talk it out…" I grumbled, still hating that entire fucking event. "And it sucks more how…we clicked again when we're not at each other's throats…"

"It sounds like she was once very important to you."

"She was…a fairytale between me, her, and my sister…we couldn't have been happier…"

"But, something happened?"

"Yeah…something bad…a misunderstanding, the entire event of a month…it's…" I sighed. "It's very rough to talk about…"

"Sounds like relationships from your home are more complicated than here."

"A lot more complicated…" I sighed. "Things sadly can't be simple…and right now…we may never patch it up due to…outside circumstances…"

"Seems so. At least she seems to have done well for herself and made a life here."

"Yeah…" I sighed. "Ten years…we were literally sent to this realm at the same time…"

"Well, same realm, different realities I guess." Belle shrugged. "All Makers, Time… consistency, best not to question that mess. Anyway, don't you think you should make a proper den somewhere the kids can be raised safely?"

"I really should…but I don't know a good spot…hell, I barely know this reality's layout…"

"Why not settle in the cat village we will be arriving at? It's not too far from the main territories or here."

"That could work…" I nodded. "Though I do have to wonder if the Palico's will be cool with me living there?"

"You'd have to ask their elders. No tribes will reject you for wanting to make a home in their territory but it is considered abnormal."

"That's fair." I nodded. "Hopefully my kids won't cause too much problems for them if we do settle down."

"I imagine after an adjustment they will become quite popular." Belle said with a small laugh.

Travel to the Palico village and their Elder Tree. They were reasonably weary of Sandra, but once we explained things to the elders and offered up the potential for trade and such they were definitely interested. While they are weary of Sandra and the others of her tribe, they at least know they are allies while the Red Trees are the enemy.

The next few months we're interesting. I was allowed to live in the territory with my family, given a large cave as my family den and Sandra used some tools to make it more accommodating for me.

For one, a real bed. Big enough for Magnolia, Belle and I to sleep on with space. A makeshift fridge and freezer carved into the walls and given heavy bolted metal doors. Made with those fancy Elemental Gems.

Lights using a different kind of those elemental gems, and, what is honestly the best part, Plumbing!

Toilet, hot and cold water, heating and cooling all thanks to those gems.

"The wonders of industry." I said happily, as during those many months I had to explain to all my kids about the important things.

The best part, the Palico village had a school.

"Well, you did find a good Den for us." Belle said as she, Magnolia and I were in the 'livingroom'. No TV but lots of bookshelves, a good collection so far and floor beds to lay on.

"It is odd but comfortable." Magnolia said.

"Yep." I smiled. "Only the best for all of you."

We all sat onto the floor beds and I laid back in relaxation. A safe place for my family, kids are in school, Sandra is out and managing some of the trade. It was all going great.

I was suddenly pulled onto my back by Magnolia and Belle who kept me pinned while both half laid on top of me.

"Uh…" I started. "While I enjoy sudden cuddles…why sudden cuddles?"

"Well, we now have a safe and proper Den. Of which you are the alpha." Magnolia said.

"And we are your mates." Belle added, giving me a smirk I know all too well. "And I did say I wanted my kids when we had a safe place for them."

"And I would very much like my second litter." Magnolia said.

"Well…we have plenty of time." I said happily. "And I am really pent up." I growled happily.

For the first time in months I had actual, satisfying, classic sex.

It felt better than I was expecting. Better than the first time I was with Magnolia and, well, Belle was a different field entirely. For one, I'm a bit big for her. But, Floof Noodle biology, that same that lets her stretch to house and swallow her own kind, Magnolia, the kids and I all at once and still have room, also applies to down there so… it was fantastic~

By the time I woke up with the two in our bedroom Magnolia was the size she was last time after our night of fun and Belle, well, she didn't look different at first til I realized her many lovely breasts had grown some, a certain white and tasty liquid leaking out of some and her lower half from the top of her snake half to down about… six feet was definitely more round that it was before.

I forget she's a Floof Noodle Den Mother.

I laid back down between the two. Pride and satisfaction slowly was gnawed away by worry…

Magnolia had twenty one the first time… we have twenty one already! She might have more this time and who knows how many Belle will have! Actually, will they be babies or eggs?

"Uh…Belle?" I asked the floof noodle nervously.

"Hmm?" She asked, well, hummed in her tired, sleepy and satisfied state.

"Do you…lay eggs or give birth normally?" I asked.

"Floof Noodles give live births…" She mumbled.

"Alright…" I said. "So uh…I'm concerned because…I now probably tripled our kids…" I said nervously, not thinking about how much I stuffed my lovely ladies.

"Probably…" She mumbled.

"Am I the only one worried about this?"

"Yes…" She yawned.

I sighed. "Fine…but it was still great…" I nuzzled my two mates affectionately.

"Just give us some rest before you want to go again…" Magnolia said through her own yawn.

… Again?!

"You…two want to go again?" I asked, honestly shocked at how eager they were to go again even though they looked like they were about to pass out.

"Well, you're our mate and Alpha. As the resident Den Mother's we're duty bound to engage in mating with you whenever you see fit." Magnolia said.

"Yeah. You didn't know that? Once the Elder gave me to you I'm duty bound to conceive, birth and raise the babies here in the den." Belle added.

Wait what? Okay I know I'm missing something here…

“Uh…hold up what?” I asked. “I am…definitely missing something here…”

"What would that be?" Magnolia asked, she and Belle turning around to face me. Still both half asleep but more awake.

“Well, first of all…I didn’t know that you were basically honor bound to be a baby factory whenever I see fit…” I frowned. “That…sounds weird and kinda bad if you think about it…”

"It's the role of a Den Mother." Belle said. "We can breed many young into the world and with those same young safely breed more of our species into the world. Because of our high rate of birth however each tribe has special rules for their different Den Mother's."

"Back in the Pack there are only ever twenty actively breeding Den Mother's at a time." Magnolia brought up. "Once one reaches her elder years a new one is selected and brought to the Den to breed the next generation and so on til she retires. The males who get to breed are often those who hunt the most or largest prey, or those who win the Alpha trials. A tournament where every of age male participate for the right to carry on their blood. Any male and non breeding female caught, well, breeding are sent elsewhere to begin their own tribe and Den elsewhere."

"More or less the same back home for me too." Belle said. "Difference being back home for me, while I wasn't allowed to breed unless selected or given away, like with you, I could choose to raise and adopt one of the newborns myself."

I blinked at that…not believing a word I was hearing. “O-oh…alright…” I said. “That’s….quite a thing to have explained to me…”

I let them get back to sleep… and headed out. I was a good distance from the village and into the woods… I need answers.

“Can any of you All Makers hear me?” I called out.

"I'm always listening Tony." I turned, seeing Voodoo leaning against a tree. "And watching. Heh, save that little Adult segment. Skipped ahead." He chuckled.

“So…you know why I want answers to…all of this?” I asked nervously.

"Perhaps. If you'd care to elaborate the question." He said. A deck of cards appearing in his skeletal fingers that he began shuffling.

“The entire…Den Mother thing.” I shook my head. “I understand that this is a different world…and somehow incest has absolutely no reprecussions…but what the fuck?”

"It's a simple thing really, and the Incest thing only applies to Den Mother's or True Alphas like yourself." He stated, shuffling his cards before pulling one out and tossing it to me. I grabbed it, looking at the printed image.

It was of earth, and the number 7.6 billion was written over it.

"Every planet has a population limit, kid." Voodoo started. "Den Mother's no matter the species exist as a means of preventing extinction by having one entity fully capable of large, safe birthing numbers and the physical ability to feed, care for and raise them as well as regrow a population. However that skill also is their biggest flaw. Overpopulation, a rate that took humans two thousand years and counting to reach, True Alphas and Den Mother's can reach in less than a few hundred."

“Oh…uh…alright.” I said in shock and a mild bit of horror. “That’s…good to know…”

"It might not be fair to them, but on a world where true safety comes in your tribes and packs and villages with all these crazy monsters around, keeping a steady population is key to avoid many problems it causes down the road. A lesson we told their ancestors back when we built this world."

“So…it’s more of a defense mechanism than anything?” I inquired.

"A precaution. They can choose to ignore our warnings, many have in the past and rule their own little kingdoms elsewhere upon this planet's soil but we don't bother trying to change their minds."

“Fair enough.” I nodded. “Even with a gun pointed at their heads with those Red Eyed pricks skulking around…still gotta think your ‘king of the world’...”

"Ah yes. Those things. Heh, I remember when they were still being created. Such a unique creature."

“They smell of bloodlust and murder.” I frowned. “And…well, there’s nothing saying that I can’t at least make an attempt to burn down their tree.”

"You need a special fire to ensure that actually burns down pup. Otherwise it will be a more fleshy version of your friend Sandra's tree."

“Right then.” I nodded. “No idea where to get that special fire…and doubt I’ll ever get it considering what I’m here to actually do.”

"You can. It just won't be… easy, and comes at a high price." Voodoo said, shuffling his cards again.

“And because I don’t know when to not answer a question, what is the price to it?” I asked, knowing that burning down a tree that spawns those bastards wouldn’t be easy, but having the ‘high price’ thing there was important to me.

"Life, and death." Voodoo said, throwing another card at me. This one had an image of a candle shaped… just like me. Me from before… "Every living thing across the dimensions has a means of measuring one's life left to live. The flames on these special candles burn with your own life forces. Once it's out, you die. Their flames though, can catch onto and burn away the raw fountain of life force Elder Trees produce. It would be like dropping a lit match into a well of petroleum."

“Uh…yeah…that’s certainly a thing that can do it…” I said, slightly uncomfortable at that thought.

"Just keep in mind, if you do use a candle to do this, whoever's candle you use, once that tree is burned to ashes, they will also die."

“Yeah…I know…” I sighed. “This…got a lot heavier than I thought…”

"Taking down the red trees is one thing, taking out their Elder Tree is a whole other task entirely. But I imagine you will make your choice at some point down the line."

“Yeah.” I nodded. “Gonna have to decide on that…even if my harem fetish says ‘first burn the elder tree, then the bitches’...but those assholes can be threatening my family when I’m not around and I seriously don’t like that.” I said

"An understandable worry. While I'm here and talking I imagine there are more questions you have in mind?"

“How’s Tina and everyone else back home?” I asked worriedly. “I was told from Shopkeep that it’s been…a very long time over there where as I’ve barely been doing anything here.”

"She's fine. Just as much a warrior over her kids as you are."

“Glad she’s doing alright.” I nodded. “Where the hell are these Barroth’s? Cause the one I was hunting somehow stumbled into Red Eye territory and now is heading towards frozen coal beach?”

"They head where they want. They aren't really like normal Barroths, each one will test and strengthen you more and more." Voodoo answered.

“And I presume you made sure the Red Eyes couldn’t get to it?” I inquired.

"That is correct. Most other predator species here will ignore them passively, the Blood Hunters especially."

Blood Hunters? That must be the actual name of the Red Trees. Like how Sandra's called a Hunter Shadow.

“Blood Hunter’s is a lot better name than Red Tree’s or Red Eyes that’s for sure.” I nodded. “But…why did you turn Sandra into a Hunter Shadow?”

"I didn't. That was someone else's job. See, as you can imagine there is a fundamental difference between Hunter Shadows, Blood Hunters, and their third sibling The Survivors. Hunter Shadows have souls, Blood Hunters lack souls or much intelligence, and Survivors might lack souls but have the capacity to grow one and have intelligence. Now tell me, where do you think the Souls of Hunter Shadows come from?"

“The…Elder Tree?” I guessed, not really sure considering I still barely know jack shit about those people. “Cause I doubt it’s just ‘Elder Tree makes their physical body, then someone else comes in and sprinkles soul dust on them and there ya go’.”

"Hmm, half right. The Elder Tree does make their bodies but when one is brought into the world from it they are given a soul that comes from elsewhere. Of course not just any soul will do, the souls in question have to have a specific affinity to be compatible with the new body."

“And…Sandra just fit right in with becoming a Hunter Shadow…” I sighed.

"Well, the qualifications for a soul has to be one of someone capable of handling extreme physical and mental stress and punishment. Strong willed and refusal to accept a role as a punching bag. It fits to give them bodies that match their souls. Such dark, tormented souls finally get the power they deserve."

“Wow…thanks for just…digging in the knife there my guy…” I muttered bitterly, thinking Sandra’s current form was my fault for…all that.

"I don't carry knives, just cards, truths and deals."

“I know but still.” I frowned. “I felt called out…and I still regret it…” I shook my head. “Anyways, besides me feeling bad for…past decisions, how big is this world anyway?”

"About as big as your old home solar systems Jupiter."

Wow! Okay, uh… probably shouldn't question the… Gravity thing. I'll just accept that these bodies are probably built for it… or magic, whichever.

“Uh…right…the size of Jupiter…” I muttered. “That’s pretty big and filled with god knows what at this point…”

"I'm well aware of what's on this planet yes." Voodoo said.

“And I’m not…as I’m still trying to figure out the rules of this world and all that nonsense…” I sighed.

"If you want to know more about this world and what lives upon it why not find a Bestiary and a Foliage Profile Book?" Voodoo asked, shuffling his cards again.

“That…would be a good thing yes.” I nodded. “Just need to find wherever there sold…” I said, thinking the Palico’s could sell those two books.

"I'd also get some weapons and some custom armor built for yourself. Your sister did and they've been helping her out quite well."

Huh… weapons and armor huh? That definitely could work.

“I suppose another stop to Shopkeep would be a good thing.” I nodded. “But…again, I don’t have money…” I frowned, really annoyed about the lack of money situation.

"You could always gather raw materials to sell or barter with him. He'll buy pretty much anything." Voodoo offered.

“Well…yeah that would work.” I nodded. “Just need to actually find reasonable raw materials, doubt he’ll just take anything random I find…”

Voodoo shrugged. "Once saw him buy a rotting corpses. He ain't picky."

I blinked. “Uh…right then.” I nodded. “Good to know…”

With that bit of information I left, Voodoo vanishing the second I turned around.

Before I start hunting for shit to eat or sell, first… I think I need to talk with Sandra.

It didn't take long for me to find her. She was at her house sorting through some boxes of materials she was promised for the job. "Hey Tony." She waved. "The new Den to you and your mates liking?"

“Yeah, it is very much to our liking.” I nodded. “How’ve you been doing?”

"Making sure I got everything I need for a project I've had in mind for a while." She replied. "Some of the Red Trees are tanks so I'm hoping to get a Monofilament compound crossbow made."

"That's fair." I nodded. "I was actually planning on getting armor and a weapon myself…just need to get enough materials to sell to Shopkeep."

"You could have them made here too. Just work for the metals you want and bring them to the forge. Will probably take a while but eh, it's an option."

That could also be an option, yeah. I'll save that for the later option. I took a deep breath and sighed… come on, actually talk to her about it…

"I'm…." I sighed. "I'm sorry…" I managed to say.

"Sorry for…?" She asked. "If it's about the yard that's fine." She said as she stood back up and turned to me.

"No, not the yard, that's just a lot of puppys doing puppy things." I shook my head. "It's…it's about us…" I said, struggling to try and actually talk about this.

"Oh… you're still… upset about that?" She asked.

"Why wouldn't I be!?" I snapped. "I'm sorry that that whole thing ruined our relationship for fucking years, all three of us at each other's throats everytime we see each other….I'm sorry that I still care, even after all this bullshit…" I shook my head. "But you've had ten years…you probably don't care anymore…" I shook my head, thinking she had all the time on the world to not care anymore.

"I do, I just… guess I have had time for it to… heal." She said, taking a seat on a nearby stool. "Ten years of hunting, fighting and kill or be killed basically reorganized my priorities… I guess I forget that for you it's still really fresh…" She sighed.

I sighed, shifting to my feral form to sit and continue.

"As fresh as the day it happened…" I sighed. "I'm sorry…I'm so sorry…" I teared up, even if it's not as simple as a 'blame game', it still felt mostly my fault.

"I… I know that we all had some blame in it. Me especially all things considered." Sandra said with a huff. "Do you remember when we met? The masked costume party where you and Tina were looking for a hookup? I was dressed in that fancy metal mask that looked old and expensive?" I nodded. "Well, I lied. It was old and expensive."

I raised a brow. She said it was a cheap costume mask from some second hand store.

"And…where did you get it?" I asked carefully.

"Well… stole it from my dad." She answered. "I never told you two about my family, and for good reason." Sandra sighed. "I'm the illegitimate daughter of a very wealthy family back on earth Tony. They own shares and stocks in hundreds of companies from media to pharmaceuticals." She explained. "And I was born when my dad decided to fuck his barely legal mistress without a condom."

"Jesus Christ…" I muttered. "That's fucking awful…"

She shrugged. "I didn't learn it until I was older. Apparently pops died when I was nine. Seventy four and passed from a heart attack in his sleep. Mom worked as a professional mistress meaning she was basically a prostitute for the one percent. When dad died his oldest son took over both the shares, money and mom as his new mistress. Didn't care I was his half sister, few times I met him he loved taunting that to me. Legally I had no real rights to the company or shares but could sue and mom kept a few secrets about my old man that earned her and me a steady income of keep quiet money. When mom passed I was thirteen and my half brother actually took me in. I didn't know why until I found out he… wanted me. Was grooming me, manipulating me… he didn't care about our relation, just that I had inherited my mom's looks."

My rage was palpable at that point. "That…" I growled. "Did…did you say anything to us about this dog shit? Even vague mentions to it?"

"By the time I met you two, it was memory. Memories I tried to forget in beer, light drug use and sex but memories. All you need to know is that a clever ploy and getting in bed with his wife before he ever got me into bed got me my own monthly hush money and as far away from him as possible. That mask was just a few things I took with me that formerly belonged to our old man. Figured if I needed to I'd sell it." Sandra shrugged.

Well, that explains how she owned her own house at least.

"Well…that explains the money…" I said honestly. "Still hate your brother though."

"Don't worry about it. His now ex wife left him with half his money, and some genital reconstruction surgery I hear went well but left down there looking ugly as hell." Sandra said. "Anyway, the day we met I won't lie, I almost broke things off before it even began. I mean, twins who are openly talking about their sex lives or sharing partners? I will admit red flags were raised given my past experiences but I still went along when I heard how you two talked to each other. Yeah you were perverts and open about it but you didn't act like, well, he did and you two left privacy in that relationship. I was confused and fascinated by your dynamic."

"We knew what we wanted, and set boundaries… one of the few things our parents taught us, respect your partner, respect boundaries, and respect privacy." I answered readily. "Or…just teaching us respect in a less preachy way." I chuckled.

"Heh. Well at least your parents taught you stuff. All I learned from dad is 'Money buys you everything' and all Mom taught me was to use sex as a weapon. I just never told you it because, well, I never wanted to be looked at as damaged or wrong."

"How could we look at you like that when we thought you were perfect?" I asked simply.

"That's because I only showed you two what I wanted you to see. Of all the things I regret, never letting you two really know the whole of me is one of them."

I sighed. "I know…" I shook my head. "Just know…I've never stopped loving you Sandra…neither did Tina, even if…all that happened…" I said, hating how I'm still being vague about it all but…it was still painful.

"I know… it's why I left." She admitted, making me look up at her. "You two deserved better than me. You have Magnolia and Belle, your kids, whoever you were with and knocked up in Equestria, Tina and whoever knocked her up. You got that harem you two always wanted to be able to share."

I huffed, changing to my Anthro form and picking her up bridal style. "Alright you, we're having an emergency date, and be glad we're with the Palico's, cause they know how to make cake." I said, walking off to find a bakery here.

"You don't have to carry me." She said, managing to jump herself out of my arms. "And besides, we aren't dating, and you already got two hot baby mamma's. Well, that I know anyway."

"I have to, that's why I said 'emergency', and also you're not yourself when you haven't had some comfort cake, seriously when was the last time you had a slice?" I asked with a huff.

"Ten years."

"And that's ten years too long." I said, gently taking Sandra's hand. "Just humor me alright? Please?"

"Do you even have money to pay for it?"

… Crap!

"Don't worry about that." I said quickly. "I'll think of something to solve my ever growing annoyance of 'im flat broke'..." I frowned. "This isn't the first time I've had to make shit up cause I forgot my wallet…"

"I remember. Still can't believe you stole those turkey legs when we went to Disney Land."

"They were overpriced and you know it." I said in playful defensiveness.

It was a while before we found an Bakery once we arrived back at the Palico village. Once we found one I managed to work out a… rather painful payment method with the baker. Turns out Zinogre teeth grow back…

And so an hour and three teeth of mine later I got Sandra that cake. It was a simple cake with some fruits and vanilla icing.

"I'm actually impressed they managed to pull three of your teeth out." Sandra said as we walked towards my den. The cake was in a box in her arms and I was rubbing my sore jaw… muzzle.

"Anything for you Sandra…" I said, even if I was still in massive pain. "Just glad to know my teeth can grow back and…are valuable…"

"Well Zinogre teeth can bite/saw through most flesh, scales and bone so, yeah they would be valuable."

"Fair…" I mumbled. "But at least got you that cake."

"You did. Thanks for that." Sandra said as we arrived at the entrance of my den. "Well, you best get back inside. I imagine your mates and kids will be happy to see you."

“You can come inside…honestly, Belle and Magnolia have been asking me about how important you are to me…” I said.

"Heh, that's sweet but I need to get back home and get that new weapon made. Plus a whole lot of other projects we finally get to do now that relationships with the other intelligent species are reforming."

I sighed, knowing she was right and there’s a lot of shit still left to do. “Alright…I know we’re both really busy but…I’m still willing to try again…”

"Heh. That's nice but, it can't happen Tony. One, I'm genderless in this body, and second the only way for me to get a body is that ritual, and that means someone has to die for me to live again and… I don't want to live if it means someone else dies." She said. "I'll see you around Tony." She added before heading off back to her village.

I sighed. I went back inside my Den and curled up next to my mates. It might not be what I hoped for… but it's better than where we were before.

To be continued...

Fluff with Pink

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“Another day, another grind…” I muttered, devouring a small pack of Great Baggi’s, a cold cousin to the Great Jaggi’s that used Sleep Toxin’s in their spit to knock out their prey, but a combination of Discord somehow being immune to it and me being a Mother that doesn’t understand what sleep means, they were all easy to take down. “Yeah, I’ll totally know who to murder to start this godhood quest…ugh!” I grumbled, finishing up my meal of seven Great Baggi’s.

[Seven Great Baggi’s Devoured

Protein Absorbed: Muscle Density increase by 200%

Calcium Absorbed: Bone Density Increased by 100%

Special attribute
Sleep Resistance level 1
New Gland acquired: Able to produce Sleep inducing chemicals from your own saliva that can be formed into a ball.]

“Cool.” I said with a smile.

“So, any thought on how you’ll complete Voodoo’s task?” Discord asked.

“Nope.” I shook my head. “With the vague ‘I’ll know who I need to kill when I see them’ being extremely vague, I’m just gonna hang out in the meantime, taking care of my kids and doing hunts.”

“Right. Well if that’s the case then shall we head back and take a rest or look for more jobs?”

“We can go back and rest.” I said honestly. “I want to check on my kids…and hopefully get some clue as to this vague person.”

With that we rushed back home, and once there I entered the nursery where my pups were playing with toys and one another in play fights and tug of war.

“Hey kids.” I said with a giant smile, already feeling my heart swell at how adorable all my pups are being.

Immediately all my pups rushed over to me. I kneeled down and picked one up-

“Ma!” I heard.

I looked down. “Who…who said that?” I asked, taking a shaky breath as I started to tear up at my pup’s first words.

Looking around I was wondering which of my- “Ma!” I saw Jack, my blue and pink striped baby boy speak like a bark.

I couldn’t help but smile, as I picked up Jack. “That’s right Jack, I’m your Ma…” I said, so proud and unbelievably happy to hear this.

I hugged Jack so happily as he licked my cheek, barking out little ‘Ma’s’ every now and then.

I gave them all a feeding, checked and changed those who needed it and put them all for naps as I walked back out, seeing Pinkie Pie feeding the cakes twins. “Oh, Hey Tina.” Pinkie said with a smirk.

“Hey Pinkie.” I said with a warm smile. "How you doing?"

“I’m okay. Almost reached the goal to rebuild Sugar Cube Corner. A few more jobs and the place will be good as new.”

“That’s good to hear…and for me, Jack said his first word! He said Ma!” I said, and sure was I being a little too enthusiastic about it? Yes, so sue me I’m happy.

“Oh that’s so great! They’re starting to say their first words.”

“Yep…and honestly I am…unreasonably happy about it and I don’t know why.” I said honestly.

“Your first children just spoke their first words, of course it’s a treasurable moment.”

“Yeah…it really is.” I said with a warm smile. “I’m…so happy…I never really thought about being a mother to be honest…”

“Most people don’t… I know Mrs. Cake sure didn’t.” Pinkie said, picking the twins up. “The twins were a complete surprise when they came around.”

“Mind if I ask…” I sighed. “What were the Cakes like? And…uh…mind if I ask about the uh…” I pointed to the wing’s and horn for the little Cakes, remembering being told they were both earth ponies so I’m a little confused. “I don’t know much about genetics and…sorry for any implications…”

“Oh, heh, well to start, both Mrs. Cake and Mr. Cake had Pegasus and Unicorn in their family lineage and genetics. Now, they’re several generations back but there, and when the twins here came around it was a one in a thousand chance fluke those old genes developed. Thus, Pumpkin is a Unicorn and Pound is a Pegasus. But the Cakes were nice ponies. When I first came to Ponyville they took me in and gave me a job.”

“Alright, thank you.” I sighed thankfully at hearing the first bit about genetics working like that. “And that’s good to hear…again, I’m really sorry…even if it might have happened anyway for whatever reason…I still feel very responsible for…this happening…”

Pinkie sighed, hugging the twins. “I keep thinking what would the Cakes do, and, honestly, I think it’s best if once I make enough to rebuild Sugar Cube Corner I stay doing that and try and raise them with some sense of normalcy. I know I’ll never replace the Cakes, and they… will get older, never remembering or knowing their birth parents, but I’ll share all my memories of their parents with them, and give them all my love and hope it at least can feel close to their parent’s love.”

I gently put a hand on Pinkie’s shoulder. “I…don’t know how hard it really is…but I’m here for ya Pinkie. If you need any help, I’m your gal.”

“Thanks. I know I can count on you and the others for help when I need it.” Pinkie said with a smile.

“And I’m sure there’ll be many things, like rebuilding Sugar Cube Corner, doing a delivery job as a side while I’m doing monster hunting.”

“Maybe. So, what are you doing exactly? Twilight said something about making your pet snake thing intelligent?”

“Yeah, Voodoo said something about my quest to ‘deal with someone’, and that I’ll know exactly who the moment I see them.” I answered, my own frisky parts of my brain still trying to figure out some silly innuendo to let the sexy pink mare know I’m willing to plow her if she needs the relief in some vague or innuendo style to not sound creepy.

"Sounds odd. So, what should we make for dinner?"

“Hmm, not sure.” I hummed. “Gonna have to look at what we have, cause while I’m always on the menu we need some variety.”

"Well aside from a lot of frozen monster meat we also have some new veggies and such I haven't seen before."

“Oh? What kinda veggies did you find?”

"A giant zucchini, some weird corn-carrot mix plant, a purple pepper that's really sweet and spicy at the same time, and an orange cabbage that has a lemon like taste to it."

“Well, those are indeed weird.” I nodded.

"Could probably make an interesting soup with them."

“Yeah, that sounds good.” I nodded. “Time to make us some soup.”

The next hour and a half Pinkie and I cooked our jumbo pot full of soup. Twi, Celestia and Luna were all up in Canterlot again and all getting a long well in their pregnancies. Starlight is off in the Crystal Empire visiting a friend and Fluttershy was visiting her parents in Cloudsdale. So it was just Pinkie and I for now.

After dinner and the leftovers we're out away I went and checked on the kids. Still asleep and thankfully no diapers needed changing.

With that I decided to sleep.

I was walking through some mountains, the cold air hit my skin and froze my bones, but I kept on. I was climbing it for… something.

Determination and focus was all that was on my mind. I needed it to keep this climb going less I fall off the mountain side.

With grit teeth and a huff I reached the summit where I came across the ruins of a small town or village. The cold had preserved the buildings but the winds and time kept them falling apart. Slowly, but soon stone and wood will fade away into rubble.

It used to be so lovely here.

I walked up and through the ruins. Corpses frozen in the cold preserved and never rotting eyed me as I walked. As if judging me for still being alive. Their pale lifeless eyes scorning and belittling me. Hating me.

I didn't blame them.

When I finally came across a cave what little strength I had left I hurried in, taking a rest as I began to light a fire.

This cave was my home now. Ever cold but not freezing, a humble shelter atop a mountain with the dead.

It felt like forever ago when the Monsters appeared, freezing the air and little land there was to this barren place. We were rebuilding. We were finally getting it right. It wasn't fair.

It wasn't fair.

It wasn't fair.

It wasn't fair!

My fist hit dirt and I tried not to cry. Even with the fire, the cold in the air would freeze the tears to my face. I don't need that now…

Why did this happen?

With a sigh I pulled out what little food I managed to find. Griffin scones. Gilda's bakery did so well…

I remember the smell of them fresh from the oven.

With a sigh I bit into the stale, half frozen pastry. It at least had decent flavor still.

"My offer still stands." I looked up, seeing the pale, corpse like being leaning against the other side of the cave, across my fire.

"I've told you no." I repeated.

"You'll die here without my help." She reminded.

"Maybe I should die… I should have…"

"Now now, would your poor friend Gilda want that? Or that little spitfire Gabby?"

"Doesn't matter… they're dead." I spat.

"Ah, but that orphan Gallus lives."

"At least I know he's happy far away from here. Gruff, Gilda, Gabby, Gula, Gark, Gus… this place isn't his home. Wasn't before, now it's just a sad memory."

"Then why don't you leave?"

"Because… it still is my home. I saw what it was and finally saw what it was becoming."

"I can help you bring it back."

"Sure, and all it's gonna cost is my soul right?"

"Among other things." The corpse chuckled. "Normally, I'd go after far more… opportunistic types, but you, well, I can see you're capable of anything so long as it's to achieve your goals. So why not help me with mine? You help me and I help you. Simple as that."

"Why have me do your dirty work? Don't you got someone else for crap like that?"

"I prefer a native, especially when it's not directly my project." She explained. "Makes things so much more interesting. So much more fun and prolonged."

"And if I help you what happens to me?"

"You'll be one of my servants. Bound to me and my work for so many years or more depending on factors."


"How much you enjoy the work. Why you took the job and things like that."

"... How long would I have to work for you?"

"Hmm, well your motivations and drive, reasons and such… let's say ten years. But, should you fail or die on the job, I will add ten more."

"Wouldn't dying mean… right, you'll own my soul and just bring me back…"

"Bingo little bird, but I can bring back all the lost Griffins, and if you finish your ten years, or more, you'll be returned to live with them as a normal mortal Griffin."

"So… don't Fuck up, don't die, last ten years… and I'll be doing what?"

"Spreading my monsters across the land, and killing any up and coming Hunters. Maybe some light recruitment should someone look worth the effort."

"... Fine. Deal."

"Pleasure to have you in service Greta."

I yawned as I woke up, having the weirdest dream about raisins and disco.

I stretched, several joints popping and once they all were done popping I checked on the nursery, my pups were asleep but starting to stir.

I smiled, gently moving over to the slowly stirring puppers and ready to start the day for them all. “Morning my wonderful pups.” I said softly and sweetly, never gonna get tired of waking up to all my wonderful pups.

Before I feed any of them I changed the diapers, cleaned them up, got fresh ones on them all and fed them. Once they're full I burp them and put them all in their playpen.

With the pups taken care of I went to get myself some breakfast and found Pinkie was up already too, making eggs, pancakes, and hash browns.

“Morning Pinkie.” I said with a yawn. “Breakfast smells delicious.”

"It's almost ready. Take a seat and I'll serve." She said.

I took a seat and picked up the paper. Things have been going well it seems.

"Well, so far things are going well." I said honestly.

I flipped through the paper, Pinkie giving me a mug and my food before grabbing hers and sitting across from me. "So, I was wondering… are we a herd or?"

“I believe it’s the pony version of a harem right? A polyamorous relationship and all that?” I inquired. “Cause if so, then I would love to be in one cause…that is both a bit of a dream and…fetish of mine…”

"Oh, cool! But um, I'm thinking Harem and Herd have slightly different meanings than what you're thinking." Pinkie said as she took a bite of some hash browns.

“Well, what are the differences?” I inquired. “What’s special about Herds?”

"Well, for a Herd, it's a mix of context and situations. See, in old ponish, the word for Family used to be what we now call Herd. Herd basically means your family, so saying your part of a herd doesn't mean you're part of it as say, you and Fluttershy would be, it could refer to being a close friend, sibling or child born to or adopted to the herd, or just really close friends with the members of it. It's a mix of meaning and context. Herds often have a form of hierarchy to them too."

“Ah…Harem is more of a ‘Lover’ kind of situation.” I said sheepishly. “More so a Polyamorous relationship if that makes sense, multiple consenting parties in the same romantic, or sexual, relationship…I suppose ‘Harem’ is just a broader term now instead of it being a house or secluded house specifically for women.” I shrugged.

"While it's common to start a herd with romantic intentions with one another, majority have a couple or two in them, there can be multiple relationships independent from one another within the herd as a whole. It's not just a group of ponies who enjoys each other in sex and such. Some herds are made up entirely of Asexual ponies who stuck together for company and as a means of starting a family."

“Right…Harem for me is the romantic side of things, and Herd is just a community.” I said simply. “Which is fine.” I shrugged, though that did dash a bit of my dream of a harem but different cultures and really should have thought about if they still worked with how ‘feral’ ponies and the like worked.

"Besides, with how you described your Harem, wouldn't that also make you and your brother romantically involved? He is the dad of Twilight's, Celestia's, Luna's and Starlight's foals."

That made me shudder.

“Ugh…I remember being told that, due to the kind of Zinogre I am, a Den Mother, Incest doesn’t mean anything but…that’s one boundary we will never cross. Sure, we’ve shared sexual partners and…the one person we were romantically involved with…” I winced at the memory, shaking my head bitterly.

"Well, in any case, herds are how things work here and I think it would be better for you two as well."

We finished our meals, I checked, fed, burped and cleaned my babies one more time and let them back to playing. Today Applejack was going to babysit them for me and once she arrived I was off to Shopkeep and was looking through jobs.

Hmm. No, too far… no, too many days away. Damn it, not much here…

“Damn it…” I grumbled. “Nothing here today, everything’s too far or would take too long…” I scratched my head, trying to think of what I can do, cause even with my super speed this would take too long.

I sighed, picking up a simple low payout quest. Just gathering some herbs.

I headed outside the walls, armor and weapon equipped and began looking for the herbs.

Maybe I can hunt and sell what I catch? Would be better than this.

“Well…maybe it could work?” I hummed, deciding to do just that as I thought of Monster Hunter logic. “Gathering Herbs and Material’s could get me some money or points at the shop…” I hummed.

I gathered the herbs I was looking for for the job and began looking around for something to hunt to sell. Hmm, maybe something with a lot of hide and meat. That would sell the best.

“Hmm, what kind of animal or beast could I find?” I hummed, sniffing the air for anything desirable.

I wandered around, seeing mostly small fry and such. Hm. Well, definitely something big… something I can also drag back to town easily enough.

"Well, got something." I muttered, heading off to find that sudden big thing, readying my Magnetic Spike.

As I ran towards the scent I came across a pack of Arzuros. I smirked. Perfect.

"Alright, let's get to bear hunting." I muttered, grabbing my gravity gun and firing a bullet at one of the blue bear monsters, seeing it connect and putting a positive charge on it. "Let's go!" I said, using my Magnet Spike to launch me forward at high speeds as I shifted into my feral form and practically body slammed that one specially.

They put up a fight in futile effort as the whole pack was dealt with in less than an hour.

Hauling the pack of twelve was tricky, but I managed.

"So, twelve Arzuros corpses… that's two hundred thousand credits." Shopkeep said.

“Holy shit…” I blinked in awe. “That’s…a lot of money…”

"Eh. These are fairly valuable. Hide makes good armor and leather. Meat sells well and the bones make for good ore."

"Yeah, that is good." I nodded. "Oh, and I also finished the quest." I said, putting the herb’s and the quest paper down. “So looks like I might need to think about whether I should just devour a monster to get all the benefits or just pawn it off for a lot of money.’

"Eh. Your choice."

“That’s fair.” I nodded. “So, mind if I ask if you have any rumors on who I should be dealing with for Voodoo’s side quest or is it still ‘you’ll figure it out’?”


"Cause of course not…" I grumbled. "Why can't things ever be simple…" I shook my head bitterly.

"Cause then there'd be no challenge, growth or struggles for you to endure and mature and grow as a person."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, cause being told something so vague it'll pretty much never happen is a great way to do all those things…" I said, knowing I was being a bit snippy with it but it's a thing that's bugging me and having absolutely nothing to go on just makes it overall pointless.

"It's not my department so why are you complaining to me?"

I sighed. “Cause you might know something considering your the Shopkeep and also the one people go to to turn in their quests?”

"Yeah, but monsters and enemies aren't my department. That would be Pain."

“And that’s someone I’m very concerned with meeting considering she’s the one that’s causing half the planet to get murdered…”

"Yup. So, gonna spend anything?"

“Might as well see what I can get with all the money I have.” I said, wanting to browse through some stuff.

There was Monster Hunter weapons, some armors, potions, hmm… maybe… oh, they do have baby stuff. Pop up books, toys, more diapers, yes, what the… Milker… hmm… now do I buy that or no…

“How much is the Milker?” I inquired.

"A thousand credits."

I hummed, but decided to just go with it. “Mind if I buy the Milker?”

"Sold." I got the Milker, some more diapers, clothes and toys for the kids, and some frozen pizzas cause not cooking tonight.

I got home and checked up on the kids. All were asleep, AJ reading a book in the nursery chair. "Howdy Tina." She greeted me.

“Hey AJ.” I said quietly. “How you doing? And I hope the kids weren’t too rowdy for ya.”

"I'm fine, and the little ones were alright. I read them a few stories and they tuckered out shortly after."

“Glad they weren’t being tough.” I nodded. “But found a good way to make money if Quest’s aren’t cooperating.”

"Sounds good. Well, I best head back to the farm now. See ya around then Tina." AJ said with a wave as she left.

I waved her goodbye and went to check on the pups. They all were sleeping soundly. With a nod I placed their supplies nearby and brought out the Milker.

I blushed as I looked at the big machine. There was a suction cup for each nipple on me and it held twenty gallons before needing to be emptied…

Well… this is gonna be… different.

“Never thought I’d be doing this…” I muttered, gently starting to put the suction cups on my breasts. “Maybe I could sell this as well?” I muttered, making sure it was fully connected onto my breasts before turning it on.

I yelped as it began to work, the suction pulling milk out of me harder than the pups ever drank… or past bed mates…

Crap why is it turning me on?!

Fuck it where are my toys!?

Okay, well we have milk… forever, and that thing leaves my tits a little sore but… in a good way.

With all the… bottled milk, after my shower and… changing my bedsheets I tried bottle feeding the pups.

They all acted like I insulted them. Weaning them to soft food later is gonna be fun…

Once I fed them all, burped and changed those who needed it I put them all into their playpen and went to start those frozen pizzas.

"So glad pizza exists here…" I sighed. "Sadly losing gods gift of pepperoni but I can make due…"

I put the first two in and went to grab a book. Let's see… Ins and Outs of Classical Trumpets? Potions and Spellcasting; Beginners Guide. Checklist 101?

I chuckled. Really Twilight?

"Silly silly book worm." I chuckled. "Jeez, does she have a book for everything?"

I picked the Checklist 101, finding it funny.

When I pulled it, I heard a 'click' and the bookshelf swung open, revealing three bookshelves in a small box, and behind the swung open Bookshelf was another bookshelf.

Hidden mini library? Okay, let's see…

Oh… oh… oh if these titles are right….

I found Twilight's porn stash!

"Oh Twilight~, I didn't think you'd be into some of this." I giggled, already looking over many of the titles to see what kinda fetishes she has.

Let's see… uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh…. Uh… huh… woah… damn Twilight you're a real closeted pervert. I'm not sure how much of this is even possible with magic… but I am willing to find out~

Oh that's new.

I spent some time reading a pure smut book til the first batch of pizzas were ready. I bookmarked my place and went to the kitchen.

"Hey Tina." Pinkie said as she walked into the house.

“Hey Pinkie.” I said with a smile. “How you doing?”

"Good. I finally got all the money together to have Sugar Cube Corner rebuilt and the property in my name and everything." Pinkie said with a smile.

“That’s great to hear!” I said happily, genuinely glad to hear Pinkie got everything settled. “Glad to know that everything’s squared away with that.”

"I know, I was expecting it to take much longer, but turns out with the renovations to the town the property dropped in value so I was able to pay for it and the reconstruction cost."

”Awesome.” I nodded. “I was about to ask if you needed some money help cause I still have well over a hundred grand extra worth of credits I can turn into bits if need be.”

"I'll be fine. While they rebuild it I can save up and have a hefty savings to stock up on ingredients for the bakery and have some in reserve in case. But, I guess if it's alright with you and Twilight the Twins and I keep living here?"

“Sure, you can stay as long as you need.” I nodded. “And I’m sure Twilight would be okay with it to.”

"Well, I just figure… ya know, a herd would be better for the twins and… as much as it will make me happy to see Sugar Cube Corner back and restored to how it used to be, but I know it won't be the same. And I don't think I could handle being there at night, just the twins and I."

I gently put a hand on her shoulder. “You’re not alone Pinkie…we’re here for ya. Trust me…as someone that can never go back to her original home and…has had something happen that feels world shattering, being with friend’s and those you care about is the best thing at the moment.”

"Thanks Tina… I'll make something nice for you after dinner, alright?"

“Thank you.” I nodded. “I wanted to be lazy today and just have some frozen pizza, but thank you for the wonderful cooking.”

We ate our frozen dinners and Pinkie got to baking.

I sat in the nursery, the kids all sleeping as I continued reading one of Twilight's dirty smut books.

I got halfway through when Pinkie came in, a plate of large fluffy looking cookies in tow. "Here you go." She said with a smile.

The smell was amazing. I was glad I learned I'm not allergic to chocolate.

“Oh chocolate, how I’ve missed you.” I sighed, grabbing one of the fluffy cookies and biting into it.

It was extremely soft, almost more akin to a freshly baked donut rather than a cookie. The chocolate chips melted into goo instantly as I chewed.

This was heaven.

“Oh-ho-ho~ my god…” I moaned in pure bliss.

"Glad you like it." Pinkie said with a smirk. She took one for herself and drank from a cup of milk.

I eyed her cup… uh… is that…

“Uh…” I gulped down the baked good that was almost as good as sex. “Where…did you get that cup?” I asked nervously.

"The fridge. There was gallons of milk in there and I used some to make the cookies." She said.

I eyed the other cookies… I mean, I know my breast milk tastes good. Luna, Celestia, Twilight and Starlight have all said as much but… huh…


“Alright…so you just used…and are drinking, my Breast Milk…” I brought up carefully. “And the fact I think it’s kinky…well, I’m not surprised by that fact.”

"I figured. I saw your new milker earlier." I blushed. "Mind if I use it for the bakery when we open?"

“I mean…I was planning on trying to sell some of it cause I make…gallons…” I said sheepishly. “But sure, if my breast milk can make sweets like that? Ho boy.”

"Great! I… don't suppose you'd let me sample the product right from the tap sometime~?"

“We can do it right now if you want.” I answered with a cheeky grin. “Mommy’s always ready~.” I said seductively, oh so loving the fact that I can say that and it be a hundred percent true.

I woke up happily cuddling the pink mare in my arms. Honestly I needed that and cuddling is just so… nice.

Pinkie woke up too, giving me a kiss. "Morning~"

“Morning~.” I yawned but smiled happily. “This is nice…and I really needed that…”

"Same. I needed something to help me relax. After yesterday I figured I earned some of the more adult fun~" Pinkie said, giving me another kiss. "I have to admit, I wish my coat was as soft as your fur."

“I kinda blame me being a Den Mother for how soft and fluffy I am.” I chuckled. “And if you ever need some ‘adult partying’, I’m your gal.”

"Well, I wouldn't mind if I got to stay here and use you as a bigger than me body pillow."

“Always up for it, cause cuddles are always nice.” I said with a giant smile. “Also…you have no idea how much I needed this…”

"I figured. You aren't exactly quiet when using your toys at night." Pinkie said with a chuckle, making me blush.

“S-sorry…” I said sheepishly. “My libido is very…rough sometimes, and it especially sucks that I’m guaranteed to get pregnant every time I sleep with a guy…” I sighed.

“What about with other girls?"

“I…don’t know…” I said carefully. “Being a Den Mother is…weird. And while I am very happy to be able to eat some plump peaches…something in the back of my head makes me think that there’s this small chance of getting pregnant even with a woman.” I sighed.

"Maybe ask Shopkeeper? Cause, if so… neat, But I'm gonna be a papa!"

“I don’t think so, cause I’m not in my feral form and…I don’t have a baby bump, and while that would be nice,” I nuzzled the pink mare. “Well…are you ready to be a papa?”

"I'm already raising Pound and Pumpkin and when Flutters gets back I want her to put a baby in me so, why not? Big family!"

“Well…that is true.” I said honestly. “And yes, I’m also going to get Flutters to put another litter in me…toys are fine, but I need actual dick…”

"So, should we get up and check the kids or wanna see if we can get another roll in before they wake up?"

“My motherly instincts say no…but my horny and loins say we need another roll in.” I said, very mad at both my instincts waging war in my head.

Pinkie happily kissed me again before planting kissing down my neck, torso, and…

I felt better this morning than I have in a while.

Once my morning roll in the sheets with Pinkie ended I went to tend to the babies immediately. Changing, cleaning, feeding them all and giving every single one a kiss on the head before putting them in their play pen while I went to get Breakfast.

Pinkie was feeding the twins their soft foods, plates of left over pizza and cookies. "Well, with me no longer needing to go out and hunt and such and the repairs and rebuilding is gonna take a few months, looks like I can stick around here and look after your pups and the twins."

"Which that's good." I nodded. "Though I still have to look for quests and stuff like that, and also any rumors for this mystical person that I have to fight." I rolled my eyes. "So gonna have to get stronger for all that."

"Alright, and I'll be here." Pinkie said. "Just remember, I'm looking forward to when you come back until you get a baby bump from me~"

I gulped, smiling dumbly as I ate my breakfast, kissed Pinkie goodbye and rushed to Shopkeepers.

I felt… nice. A bit fluttery… kinda reminds me of…

I stopped in my tracks, putting a hand on my chest as I remembered…

"We're fucking done you god damn liars!"

"No…it's not like that…" I muttered, growling as I shook my head. "God damn it…why don't you believe us?" I shook my head as I ran towards Shopkeep’s place, hoping me doing this can…help me ignore the pained and betrayed look that haunts me.

I entered the shop and saw Shopkeep playing on a Switch.

“Sup.” I said to Shopkeep. “How ya doing?”

"Board as usual." They shrugged.

“And…what would make you not bored?” I asked carefully.

"Don't ask questions you don't want answers to." He replied.

“Right…” I said carefully. “So, any new quests or jobs?”

"Yup." He pointed to the job board. I turned and looked and- Holy crap!

Yesterday there were so few now there's hundreds!?

“The fuck happened here?” I asked in mild panic.

"More monsters. More jobs." Shopkeep said.

“Well…that’s fair.” I nodded. “Just need something to do to…get my mind off of things…”

I went up to the board. Most of these were simple kill and reduce population missions… I can do this, sell the bodies, oh and here's a retrieval mission. Train lost a cargo box rushing through and they want someone to retrieve it. Alrighty then. This and the bodies of the monsters I can sell will get me more credits… yeah, this will be very profitable.

“This is gonna be one hell of a payday…and one hell of a boost in power…” I muttered, knowing I can at least devour a bit of what I kill depending on how big the pack of monsters are.

To be continued...


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I woke up to the scent of my mates both sleeping almost on top of me. I smiled, my massive inner pervert beyond thrilled two busty furry ladies are mine to enjoy.

Meanwhile the part of me that's a decent humans being hates that they now wish to fulfill the Den Mother duty and… breed. Probably forever.

Ugh… the choice is so obvious but fuuuuck! Sometimes I hate being such a fucking pervert.

I pulled myself out from them and headed to the kitchen. In a house with this many mouths, food in bulk is a must, even if the pups are still nursing they're also growing their teeth so that won't last long.

“The duality of my life…” I sighed, getting breakfast ready for my mates. “Happy for the horny…but there’s more to life than horny…”

I began cooking some eggs, wishing there was coffee here. If there was I haven't found any yet.

Once the meals were done I gave Magnolia and Belle their breakfasts, said morning to all my kids then headed out to find work. Much as I want to hunt that target down still, I need to work on my relationship with Sandra more. I… I know I can't build what we had before up, and so can she and Tina.

“I…just wish there was a way I can fix this…” I muttered bitterly.

“I thought I could trust you…”

I shook my head. “No…none of that…” I muttered. “Work first, then…trying to fix things.”

Work for a beast of my size was thankfully easy to come by. Dig a big hole, move huge boulders, help chop down and move lumber.

Thanks to my size and strengths It wasn't too hard to complete everything.

Eventually though I finished my jobs, got my various pays and now needed to figure out what to help Sandra with.

“She probably has…something’s I can help with…” I muttered, trying to think of stuff. “I can help hunt for stuff with her…help dig in the mine to find her something special…”

I mulled the thoughts over in my head and tried to think of something… Sandra… what would she want the most…

Then it hit me. She said we can't be in a relationship because as she is, she doesn't have a body, but what if I can get her a body that didn't come from someone dying.

Shopkeeper sells and buys anything… he might actually sell empty bodies!

“I am a goddamn genius.” I muttered with a growing smile, rushing off to find Shopkeep’s Shop and see how much it would cost to get her a good body.

I found the entrance and almost broke the door down as I came in, finding Shopkeep at the desk as usual, sitting with a tablet in hand.

"Hey." He said without looking over at me.

"How much does it cost to buy a blank body for a Shadow Hunter?" I asked.

"Depends on species, gender and other such features."


"Uh…what features we talking about?"

"Well, for starters will their body be small, tall, big, basically a Den Mother, single or multi gendered, will said gender organs function?"

"Oh…" I blinked. "Right…well…this is for Sandra…so…" I did some thinking, trying to come up with the best outcome here.

Okay so knowing her she'd definitely want something… sexy.

"Alright…so how about a hermaphrodite Nargacuga, that's…like the both of us, where we can shift between feral and anthro at will…and…might as well make her a Den Mother cause Den Mother's are sexy as hell."

"Okay, keeping all that in mind the price comes out to…" Shopkeep put his tablet down and pulled out a sheet of paper from his hoodie pocket. "50,000 rem."

I groaned at that number. "Ugh…I don't have the money…" I grumbled. "Got any jobs to pay for it?"

"Probably. What can you do?"

"Well, I can do a lot of things, got anything specific for me?" I inquired, cause all of my flings I've learned quite a bit of stuff

"Let's see…" They hummed, flipping the paper over and looking along some text It didn't have before. "I've got some Cargo stuff… some Population stuff… some beta testing stuff."

"Beta testing?" I inquired.

"Some things the others want to test before making them a part of a world or reality."

"Well…what do you all have planned?"

"Mostly some plants, a few new animals and monsters, and one new sentient species. I'm actually surprised you didn't ask about the Population one."

"Well, what about the population?" I asked. "And also, Beta Testing stuff always sounds interesting."

"Well, that depends on if you want to increase or decrease a population."

"Well…" I said carefully. "What needs killed?" I asked, drawing a line at breeding for money

"Well one of the earth planets was overrun by zombies. Last human died like, five years ago so someone has to go down there and kill all the zombies."

"That I can do." I nodded. "What kinda zombies we talking about?"

"Take the T-Virus, mix in some Green Flue and a dash of Cordyceps fungus."

I actually gulped… no wonder that earth died out… alone those are all fucking nightmares…

"Right…that's not gonna be fun but sure, let's go with that."

"Alright. You can slaughter the infected remaining population and then eat a few if you want, special monsters you're special breed can eat gives equally special abilities. And well after That I guess you can have the planet to."

“An entire planet to myself?” I asked in surprise. “Isn’t that a little…much for me? Also…good to know that I can eat the zombies and be fine and not get sick of turned.”

"The worst thing you might experience is gas. Maybe some diarrhea. And, well typically we glass the planet, turn back time on the sun and let something else grow there or just forget about it so, eh. Besides, this earth seems similar enough to your old one. Might find a few creature comforts."

“Eh, that’s fair.” I nodded. “Alright, let’s get going to zombieland.”

I roared as I slammed my claw into one of the normal zombies, before leaping over and devouring a Tyrant. The fact they used to be human didn't bother me as much as I thought. They tasted weird.

I sighed as I looked around. I landed somewhere in Ohio, and I've barely cleared out this town. Crap… at this rate I'll be here for years…

Well, at least Shopkeep said that time back in that other world won't pass either.

“Hopefully I get some buffs for eating these stupid things…it’s gross…” I grumbled, eating the rest of the Tyrant bones and all.

Surprisingly, most of the buildings are all still really well intact. Apparently this apocalypse ended humanity in less than two years. Feels weird, it does look so much like my earth, save a few differences.

“Honestly surprised it only took 2 years, you’d think people would have lasted longer…” I hummed.

With this place mostly cleared out I decided to look around, see if anything was useful or looked fun. Hmm… I did pass a game stop a while ago?

“Well…Shopkeep did say this place was basically mine…but how the hell am I going to carry all of it?” I frowned. “Well…might as well check it out anyways…” I muttered. Heading off to the Gamestop just to see what year it really was.

I arrived at the store ruins, oddly untouched but dusty and only a little messy. Hmm… looks like it was twenty twenty five. So, four years ahead of my old world… hm… wow, games here look to have an extra rating. E, T, M, and P. P? Weird, no box art on any of the P rated games?

Alternate realities are weird.

“I mean…is it for Porn? Cause if it’s that then the Adult rating exists…” I frowned, not sure what they mean here…but yeah this is weird.

I managed to pull the storage drawers open and a quick look- Holy crap… yeah, yeah Pnis for porn and… woah… the disc art is… very, very erotic…

I'll just put these away for later…

Let's see what else is here… Pokemon, Call of Duty, so far normal- Dark Souls 4? Okay that's new.

“Thought they would have been done with Dark Souls…” I hummed, having seen other Soul’s like games cause Dark Soul’s is a good game but still. “Gonna have to test this out…”

There were several that I know didn't exist back before in my home earth. I grabbed a backpack and filled it before walking off.

Let's see, clothes, auto shop, gun store, oh, adult toys. Well, my old collection is probably long gone… wonder if they'll have something I can genuinely use? I am like… three times my old human size…

“Gonna be a bitch to find everything for my size…” I sighed. “Closest guy was either Big Macintosh or some of the other monsters…” I shook my head.

I decided to look anyways, upset I didn't find anything I could use and moved on. I found a mattress store and gathered as many as I could and made a makeshift bed for myself. This is gonna be a long trip… but worth it. For Sandra.

I yawned, walking along the roads somewhere in what was once China. It's been… ugh, I don't know how long but I've been here for years. My feral form has actually gotten larger, and I've gotten so sick of the taste of the infected.

Still, I walk through the roads and places, looking for the remaining lingering infected. Can't be many left. I've been around about every road, through every building, and across every sea at least three times.

I sniffed the air, using my heightened senses to try and find any stragglers that I didn’t find yet.

I wasn't having luck… come on, where-

I caught the scent. Grinning as I headed towards the source. It was in an old school. I shifted to my anthro form, more easily slipping through doorways and eventually find my target. They looked like a child, bits of the fungus part of the infection replaced hair and patches of skin and they seemed to be… drawing?

I looked at the infected girl, seeing papers, crayons, pencils, and many bottles of water and bags of candy and chips. Both full and empty.

Is this one… intelligent?

“Uh…hello?” I asked.

They looked over at me, their eyes a bright blue with slit eyelids. It tilted it's head at me, then looked back to the papers and began to draw. I walked closer, seeing the sketches were of trees, the streets. Oldest showed them full of infected. Newest showed them empty.

The detail was impressive.

“You’re really good at drawing.” I said honestly…though I was slightly concerned that they were drawing of people that disappeared because of me.

They kept on sketching, stopping to eat some chips and went back to it… this is… new. None of the other infected I saw and… killed, did this.

"Huh. Looks like it mutated." I turned, seeing Shopkeeper next to me.

“So…what? Is this a new sapient being?” I inquired. “I never noticed this before…”

"Hmm, yes and no. Looks like the Cordyceps and T-Virus strands mixed and altered the brain. As a result the signals being sent mimic those the original host did. I guess you can say they copied the kids brain and began mimicking how it worked down to signals being sent, but clearly most memories were lost in the conversion. That was probably the Green Flu's fault there, given that one normally deteriorates the higher brain functions."

“So while the T-Virus and Cordyceps have been trying to copy the brain entirely, the Green Flu took out any higher brain function before it could create…fully sapient zombies?”

"More or less. The Green Flu deteriorates the higher brain function, accelerating adrenaline and aggression but being a virus it can't manipulate the host into self care, such as drinking water, sleep and eating regularly. T-Virus removes those needs and rapidly mutates the body over time. Cordyceps hits the brain and manipulates the host as well as growing those fungal plates along the body as a form of defense against the elements for the host body. Together in this strand this world dubbed the Doom Virus, they actively created superior, highly infectious and long lasting zombie type, but because of how the Cordyceps and Green Flu destroyed higher brain functions, the T-Virus part couldn't mutate the brain in time to activate and mutate higher brain function mutations… until now." Shopkeep said, kneeling next to the infected girl and looking at her. "Ah. I see… She already had higher brain function deterioration prior to infection. The Green Flu and Cordyceps weren't able to change anything so that left the T-Virus to mutate what was there, giving her the brain functionality of a normal child rather than what I imagine she was borderline brain dead back before."

“Well, that is an…interesting set of circumstances for this little girl.” I said honestly. “So, I suppose given enough time she can actually grow smarter or is she stuck like this?”

"In time, I suppose. She's an unexpected product of this worlds apocalypse. It all depends on how the world and those who remain here treat her. If you want to care for her, I can alter her slightly to make her no longer infectious and she'll be her own life form all together. Age, speak."

“Well…it would be wrong to just…leave her like this alone.” I said honestly, not wanting to just abandon an innocent child.

"Alright then." He said, putting a hand over the girl. There was a glow then it faded. Suddenly a anthropomorphic Nargacuga body… woah… that… is… hot. It's like Magnolia's body, but with added… down below stuff… that's also very perfect for what I've been missing lately.

I love Magnolia and Belle but sometimes I want to be on the receiving end for a change.

“Absolutely amazing.” I said with a warm smile. “Thanks Shopkeep…Sandra is going to flip when she see’s this.” I said warmly. “Oh…but what’s this ritual I’ve heard about with Shadow Hunters?”

"What about it?"

“How does it work and…Sandra said that it takes a life to do it…”

"For starters, a living body, which you have here." He motioned to the new body on the ground at my feet. "Two, the Hunter Shadow needs to carve the body open without killing them. Once they've done that they need to slice along their body, bleed into the new body, then gut and tear their old body apart piece by piece until what's left melts into the new body. Then the new body will begin to heal and once it has, the Hunter Shadow will have successfully possessed and assimilated into the new living body."

“What satanic ritualistic bullshit is that?” I asked in horror.

"The kind that puts a soul that is basically housed by physical darkness into a body."

“Oh…” I muttered. “Well…that’s gonna be a thing…”

"Yeah. Welp, have fun. This planet is yours now to and here." Shopkeeper tossed me an orb that looked like the earth. "Eat that and you'll be able to open portals to this world and wherever you are/where at the time."

“Awesome.” I said, grabbing the orb and eating it quickly, thinking having the ability to open portals would be awesome.

It was crunchy, and almost immediately as I swallowed it was like my brain had the spell and magic needed for the portals to open stabbed into my brain. Ouch… but, cool!

“Now I’m…quite literally thinking of Portals.” I said with a smile. “But…mostly planetary portals…” I said, pretty sure I can’t do some portal shenanigans to do something I kinda wanted to test.

"That spell will only take you between this planet and wherever you were before."

“Alright.” I nodded. “So off to home I go…and how long has it been since I started this?”

"Six seconds. And in case you were wondering you've been here for sixty years."

I blinked. “Holy shit…” I muttered. “I…I don’t feel any older…and I didn’t feel lonely…”

"Zigore True Alpha Dire Wolves have a life span of about a thousand years. Same with Den Mothers. Standard species variants are four to six hundred years."

“Ah…that’s a long life…” I said honestly. “Long enough to try and be a good dad and husband…that’s good.”

"And that's also why Den Mothers and True Alpha's are typically born once every six hundred years or so."

“Yeah, that makes sense.” I nodded. “Don’t want too many True Alpha’s or Den Mother’s running around.”

"Welp, have fun. Once you open that first portal, time between this world and the one you were at will sync up to match so, later."

“Later.” I said, opening up the portal and hoping that sixty years wouldn’t suddenly slap into me back home.

I arrived back outside my cave, nodding as it looked like no time at all had hit me. I then dragged Sandra's new body out and pulled it over my shoulder. Alright, time to go find me that woman, get her into this body… and maybe enjoy it myself~

"ARE YOU FUCKING NUTS!?" Sandra yelled at seeing the body.

“Do you really need me to answer that?” I asked. “I quite literally purged a zombie apocalypse world by myself to get you a body that you wouldn’t have to kill to get…I spent sixty years with the thought of being with you again, the right all the wrong’s that’s been made…so I guess I just answered you but eh.”

"Tony I… you… why?"

“I spent sixty years…I went through everything that we went through, before and after the incident…” I said, staring her in the eyes. “You are perfect Sandra, I love you, I love everything about you, you are, and always will be, my one true love…even if this new and crazy world finally gives me and Tina the harems we always wanted…we’d be remiss if it didn’t involve you, the one lady we were willing to lay down everything for.”

"Why? After everything that happened before… why?"

“Because it was the biggest mistake of mine and Tina’s lives…” I sighed. “We…we always regretted…we…” I teared up. “We could have been a family…we could have had it all…we were about to propose, we were about to have a child! We were…everything was going to be fine…but no…we just had to open our goddamn mouths…” I shook my head bitterly. “We thought you were still in the bathroom, we just…we just joked a bit, it wasn’t…it wasn’t supposed to…” I fell to my knees as I remembered what happened after that…”It’s all my fault…” I finally broke down…so many years to think this over, so much time to point out every flaw with what I said, every waking moment I had mulling over how I could have done something and…it all just meant nothing with how I fucked it up.

"I… I wanted that too… but hearing you two say that I just…" Sandra sighed, taking a seat on the ground across from me. "I was looking forward to having your baby Tony… even after you and Tina explained… losing my baby just… I couldn't handle it anymore…"

“When…when we heard that…we…” I shuddered, trying to at least contain some of the waterworks so I can talk properly. “It…was the worst thing we could ever hear…we…we didn’t know what to do…believe it or not, I…almost went through with a permanent vasectomy because of it…” I chuckled. “Yeah, ruining the best day ever with an out of context joke, then…then the fight we caused killed our baby…I almost threw it all away, cause if one mistake of mine could not only ruin our love but…kill our child…then why should I ever have another chance at it?”

"Heh… won't lie, hearing you and Tina are parents now… it did hurt. But, this body I have now can't have kids… and… I'm scared. I don't want to lose one again…"

“Honestly…I’m still scared to death over being a father, hell, when I did it with Magnolia the first time…I thought it was just another casual thing without babies…which that was a rude awakening when I also learned that I, as a True Alpha, always get women pregnant…but we…we can work this out Sandra.” I said, gently taking her hand and lightly squeezing it. “We won’t make the same mistakes again, we’re much older than we were before, wiser…and we’re finally…finally working through the problems…”

"I… I guess we can try. Won't lie… I have missed having a physical body… and that body looks so fucking hot- wait is that a dick?!"

“Yes, cause not only would it be better than a strap on for you…I…” I blushed a bit. “I haven’t been on the receiving end in a long time…and while being on top is always fun, being on the bottom is great too.” I pouted.

Sandra burst out laughing. "You always did enjoy that…" She sighed. "Tell you what, I'll accept this body, and being in your harem again, on one condition."

“Anything.” I said readily.

"After I'm done stuffing your butt, you knock me up." She said. "Then, I knock up your mates, Tina, and you. I know the All Makers can make you a Den Mother, and every so often you turn into a Den Mother again and be my personal bitch."

I blushed hard… mainly because that tone she was using was her dirty talk tone…

“And then me and Tina get to stuff you and make you our plaything every so often as well, cause I’m sure Tina would just love getting you knocked up as well.”

"Hm, she would, no doubt." Sandra said. "Alright, that can work… so, you wanna give me some privacy to get into this body? The ritual is… not pretty."

“Yes, Shopkeep told me and that is some serious Occult sacrificial bullshit right there.” I said honestly, getting up. “I’ll give you some privacy, hopefully this works out and…we can finally be together again.”

"Right. This should take maybe two hours so… I guess go try and do some prep work for… you know~"

I grinned, nodding as I rushed out. Finally!

To be continued...

Tina's Confession

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Over the following weeks I was living my best life. Twilight, Celestia, Luna, Starlight and Flutters were there. I'm pregnant again… did not wait to pounce on my fem-stud Pegasus.

Since I'm pregnant now I mostly spend my time with my already born babies, or with my loves on dates or in bed-

"Lying bastards!"

-I'm living the life. I'm happy. I'm satisfied and-

"I hate you!"

-I can only be better if Tony was back already. He probably has every female on where he is knocked up-

"Get away from me!"

-Probably gonna need a whole continent for those babies.

I walked into Shopkeeper's store. I was hoping for some creature comforts from home-

"Oh no way you play that game to?!"

-Something to help pass the time til my next birth…

"You look like shit." Shopkeeper said, playing a PSP of all things at his usual behind the counter shair. He didn't even look over at me.

“I’m pregnant again, so why wouldn’t I?” I asked. “Also wow, the PSP has games?”

"Because a Den Mother is biologically incapable of the usual negatives associated with carrying. So, what's eating that perverted head of yours?"

“Nothing much.” I said, feigning ignorance even as I tried to ignore the constant bombardment of memories. “I came here to buy some stuff.”

"That's a duh but you know lying to us is pointless right?"

“I’m not lying.” I said quickly. “I’m just a bit stressed with being a mother and being pregnant again.”

"Normally I wouldn't care but I know what this is all about. Same thing Tony was going crazy over in his trial dimension. That Sandra girl."

Hearing that name broke the damn.

“No!” I snapped, even though I was already crying as I tried to keep what semblance of self control. “No…Sandra…it was an accident…” I sobbed, falling to the ground as I shuddered in sorrow.

"Yeesh… gonna be awkward as hell when you meet back up with her."

“How would you know?” I growled. “She’s probably either having the time of her life being away from us forever or…just being super pissed that she’s even near Tony at the moment…”

"Actually she's currently filling his ass with her own load from her new body."

I blinked…”WHAT!?!” I roared.

"Long story short she and him met in the world, bickered and fought, eventually made up,.forgave one another and are starting over by Tony willingly becoming her bitch. Considering her new body is a hermaphrodite Den Mother he's in for some fun."

I…I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, not a single fucking bit of it. “You’re lying…you’re just telling me this to spite me…”

Shopkeeper tapped his counter. A holographic video of Tony getting pegged by a large futa Nargacuga den mother chick-

Holy crap!... Hot!

Wait that's Sandra?!

“How!?” I asked incredulously, feeling my heart crack as I saw Sandra with Tony again…just being together…even if my heart had a twinge of jealousy because I wanted to get plowed that hard…ugh! Hormones and my own feelings getting mixed up sucks.

"You three were taken that day by Genie and Demon. You two became Zinogre, she became what is known as a Hunter Shadow. A high class of monster with intelligence and such. She saved Tony from being killed by their less than friendly cousins the Hunter Shadow Psychopaths. She helped him out and he tried and managed to make amends, even got a body from me she could make her own. Hence their passionate ass pounding there." Shopkeeper said, tapping his desk and the image was gone.

I….I was still speechless. “But…what…I thought…” I muttered, hearing all this and just…remembering everything that was involved…all the fight’s…that day…”Never mind…” I shook my head and started to leave. “This was a waste of time…”

"How so?"

“I came here to get some random creature comfort, but no, you just have to throw Sandra in my face out of nowhere and act all innocent while I’m trying not to have a mental breakdown here.”

"Thought you'd feel happy she's forgiven you and made up with Tony, she plans on talking with you when Tony gets to return to Equis. Does that not make you happy?"

“How do I know your not lying to spite me?” I growled. “Just saying all this good shit to make me feel better just before some bad shit magically happens?”

"Why would I lie? I gain no benefits from it. Even if I did, lies are the only currency I don't accept. I wouldn't sell you a lie."

“Just…shut up…” I growled, trying to recompose myself…it all has to be a lie…I…it can’t be that simple…I tried so many times to get back…

“You fucked it all up! Why would I go back to you!?”

I tried so hard…”Whatever…” I said weakly, trying to head home again.

"Hm…I'm not supposed to do this…" Shopkeeper said, making me stop as suddenly I was… in front of some door, a house built into a cave?

“Wha?” I asked in confusion. “What’s with the door?”

"I'll be back soon girls just got to-" The voice of my brother spoke from inside. The door opened and I saw Tony's face. "Holy- Tina?!"

“T-Tony? What the hell is going on?” I asked in confusion.

"How the heck are you here?! You're supposed to be on Equis, I haven't even gotten to my next target yet." Tony said, then gave me a hug. "Awh man it's good to see you again though! Oh, get in here and ah!"

Tony was suddenly covered in a bunch of small Zinogre pups.

“I see you were just as busy as me…” I said with a weak smile, putting a hand on my pregnant belly. “And they're all adorable.”

"Yeah, my kids are a handful. With their moms still asleep from last night they're making me the target of their play."

“I understand that feeling.” I chuckled. “This is my second batch of kids in me believe it or not.”

"Magnolia is carrying our second while Lilly has our first still. So, what brings you here?" Tony asked as we moved to the large couch that easily sat us both. Tony still covered in his own kids.

“Oh you know, trying to buy some creature comforts from Shopkeep and he tries to spite my emotions…” I said sadly.

"That sounds… out of character for him. What he say?"

“That I look like shit, and that, magically, you and Sandra fixed everything and was getting your ass pounded by her in a new Den Mother Nargacuga body…” I said honestly. “I mean…come on…we’ve tried…I’ve tried so many times to try and fix it…”

Tony was quiet for a while… "Uh… he wasn't lying… also that amazing ass pounding she gave the girls and I was two days ago…"

“Alright Tony, you can quit joking.” I said with a strained smile. “Please…it’s been years since…it all happened…it was broken forever and she made sure I knew it at every turn.”

"... She's been her for years Tina." Tony said. "The regular near death battles against the Psychopaths helped her realize… she actually tried to fight me on wanting her back. Wanted me to just be happy with Magnolia and Lily… I couldn't let it go. And I found out why when we talked she was so bitter over what happened and when it all went wrong…"

Tony then told me everything. About Sandra's life before meeting us, what happened after the fallout and… how her life here has been, stuck in a body where she can't feel, taste, breath, not even a face of her own.

How he got her back, her conditions, and an in depth description of the skill she has with a real cock compared to her strap on days.

“A-again…you…you can stop now…” I said weakly, shaking slightly as I tried to keep myself composed again cause I am not wanting to break down crying again.

"Nothing I said was a lie or joke Tina." Tony stated with a flat tone. "She's… changed a lot, being here."

“Again…please…stop….” I said weakly, struggling to not break down or to just slap him.

“I said it’s over! How many times do I need to tell you that you dumb bitch!?”

"... Tina?" I froze. Slowly I turned around, spotting the large Nargacuga Den Mother in a humanoid form. The same one I saw in the image Shopkeeper showed me with Tony… and that voice… "You're actually here…" It felt like time stood still, then suddenly, Sandra grabbed me, squeezing tight as she cried into my chest. "I'm so, so sorry!"

God damn it…I immediately wrapped my arms around her and started to bawl my eyes out. “I’m so sorry Sandra…” I sobbed, the only reason why I didn’t collapse in a heap was because of how surprisingly strong she was.

We cried into each other for a while, maybe an hour or more. Shopkeeper was telling the truth. So was Tony…

"So…" Sandra said, wiping some wetness from her eyes. "How'd you get here?"

“Shopkeep…” I sniffled, trying to wipe away the waterfalls I called tears away. “He…said I looked like shit and brought you up…”

"Must have known I was on your mind… All Makers and their stupid basically all knowing BS…" She chuckled. "I… know, I said a lot of horrible things back then… being sent here and losing my humanity and nearly dying repeatedly really puts your life into perspective on what was really important to you…"

“Y-yeah…I can imagine…” I agreed. “And while you two were busy doing…god know’s what, I’ve mostly been doing minor monster hunting and being a mother…”

"Heh. Tina and Tony, a mom and a dad… it only took being turned into another species and a whole new dimension to finally have that happen." Sandra said with a chuckle. "As per my conditions with Tony when I finally said yes to getting back together, tonight he can fill me up. I got him and his wives real good the other day."

"I'm amazed I'm not pregnant." Tony laughed.

“Lucky.” I chuckled. “Though Fluttershy hasn’t been a slouch in bed for me honestly…I really hope we can…we can finally work this out…I…I thought it was impossible after so many tries…”

"I was being a stubborn bitch…" Sandra sighed. "You two were the first people I trusted so much I… nevermind. That was the past. A past I think we all would forget for the most part. This is us now. New world new us, more literal than expected but anyway, how long are you gonna be here?"

"No idea…but as long as I'm with you, I'll be happy." I said readily with a smile.

"Well, if you have some time, mind if I spend it with Tina, Tony?" Sandra asked.

"Not at all." Tony said. "We can reschedule our session later."

With that, I left with Sandra outside for a date. It was fun, simple and ended with me getting introduced to her new equipment. I haven't felt this happy in… years.

I was in the world Tony was in for two days. In those two days I was with Sandra for most of it. I met Tony's wives, did some hunting and all in all… had fun.

By the time I got back to Equis I was back in Shopkeeper's store.

"Happy?" He asked.

"Immensely." I said with a warm smile. "I…haven't felt that happy in years."

"You're welcome. And as far as time in Equis is concerned it's only been a few seconds. So, what was this about creature comforts?"

"Just anything to alleviate some boredom." I said honestly.

"Do you have any preferences?"

"Got a Nintendo Switch?" I inquired.

"Yes." He said, showing me several on the table. Some were the basic ones. Some were the switch lite. Some looked the same but oddly they didn't have a card slot… or charging slot?

"What's up with these ones?" I inquired, pointing to the different ones.

"These two. Are made where I'm from. They come preloaded with all the Switch Library, Gameboy Library, NES, SNES, Sega, basically all the Nintendo owned games for switch and below. The joy con ones even has the Wii and Wii U libraries in them from across twelve different universes. They also don't need recharging thanks to the electronium batteries."

Holy crap these things are a gamers wet dream.

"They also have a Rom-Hack Store and of course the usual store for new releases you can purchase."

"How much?" I asked quickly.

"Fifteen hundred credits for the one with the doc, twelve hundred credits for the lite."

"I'll take both." I said, knowing damn well I had enough for both.

I paid for both and received them in their boxes. Happy with that I went back home. The pups were all still asleep and with everyone else busy I opened the one with a doc and booted it up. After the set up I was met by the usual Switch home menu, only the apps for Each Nintendo console, Switch and prior, was available for me to select here. Okay, so many choices… what to start with?

"Well…can't go wrong with…wait it got a remaster?" I gasped and smiled, booting up Metroid Prime Remastered. "Oh this is gonna be fun."

I laid on the bed playing for some time before stopping to feed and change the pups. I put them in their play pen and sat in the adjacent chair and continued playing.

"Hey Tina." Flutters said as she entered the room. "You look… better." She said, giving me a smile.

"Hey Fluttershy, and yes…I am much better." I said with a warm smile, getting up and hugging my wonderful pegasus.

"Oh, that's good." She said, hugging me back. "So, what was going on before?"

"W-well…" I sighed. "Your gonna need to sit down…it's a long story…" I shook my head. "But it…now, thankfully has a happy ending."

With a nod, Fluttershy and I took a seat and I told her everything Tony told me, Sandra, all that, but also what happened now that we made up.

"So does that mean Sandra also put a few kids in you?" Fluttershy asked.

I paused. I mean, I am early in my new pregnancy still so… maybe… if yes I am gonna like them just as much as my other kids regardless.

"Most likely." I said honestly. "So…from the top, me, Tony and Sandra were pretty much in a fairy tale love story, everything couldn't have gone more perfect for us…but…then the incident…" I trailed off, even if we were beyond it, and things were being patched up…it still hurt like hell to think about. "It was the night we were supposed to propose to her…she was pregnant with Tony's kid…but I just…made some dumb joke…I barely remember it but…it caused so much pain…" I shuddered.

"I guess the joke made her relive some bad memories." Flutters said.

Given how she grew up… probably…

"Yeah…and so…after our fight…a rift formed…I tried for months to try and talk it out, just….something…she wouldn't have any of it besides some minor small talk here and there…but then…then came her miscarriage…" I said sadly. "And…that was the worst thing that could have happened…I…I tried on and off for years…I…I tried…" I teared up again. "I…I took it pretty hard…more than Tony did…" I shook my head. "I…I wanted a chance to fix it, I wanted to do something…but she was too stubborn…and…all we did was fight and fight, no matter how much I tried…"

Fluttershy gave me a kiss. "It's okay, it all worked out. It took a while, but you all are together again."

"Yeah…two days where her and Tony are…two long days where…I felt like a piece of my heart finally came back." I said with a smile. "But I still love you and the rest of the herd dearly." I added quickly, worried all this talk might have made her think otherwise.

"I know. You're just really happy to have her back in your life again."

"Yep…and I'm extra happy that…we can have kids together." I said, gently placing a hand on my even bigger baby bump.

To be continued...

Cold, but not Alone

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I pushed the tree over and it fell with a creaking thud as it hit the ground. Lumber work is the easiest work I've gotten in the past… damn. Has it really been three years?

In the last three years I've fathered… sixty kids from Magnolia, forty nine from Belle, and fifty two with Sandra.

And mothered thirty five from Belle… that was only two times so far and… new kink unlocked…

At this rate Zingore and Nargacuga and Floof Noodles are gonna be the dominant three species…

Should consider getting some other girls of different species to keep it even…

"While this is a wonderful life…I really need to get back on track here…" I muttered to myself, remembering why I'm here and it not being some therapeutic get away.

I pulled the logs to the pile and with that done I went back to my den. Home was packed. Home was noisy. Home was a mess. I'm always happy to go back.

“I’m back!” I called out, and when I heard the resounding thunderous rush of all my kids about to barrel into me…it just made my heart swell with pride and utter joy.

My back on the other hand…

"Kids, off your father. Yes that includes the thirty of you he mothered." Magnolia said, the flood of pups jumping off me and running back down the halls like a hive of bees or ants.

I shook the bits of dirt they always get on me when they do that off.

I cracked my back and shuddered. “Ugh, while I love being with all my kids…it does not do good things to my back.”

"Oh Alpha, you need that back too." Magnolia chuckled. "If not for worth then to keep us large with pups~" She said, giving me a lick across the snout.

I chuckled… not wrong… she and Belle already are pregnant again. Belle from me. Magnolia from Sandra this time.

“Still can’t believe how much thing’s changed here…” I chuckled with a warm smile.

"They'll only continue to change over the years."

I chuckled, giving her an affectionate lick in return. Honestly, this world has been good to me. I'm a father, reunited with Sandra, so. Many. Kids. Somedays I even forget I used to be human… and I don't miss it.

“I’m so glad I got to be here…” I said with a warm smile…though I wasn’t sure how it’ll all go if I finish this. “But…soon I’m gonna have to head off and finish what I was meant to do here…”

"Right, the Barroths." Magnolia said with a nod. "When will you be leaving for this hunt?"

I sighed. “Not sure, it should be soon…I’ve also been slacking on me just trying to get stronger…” I said, cause even if I was told that being a True Alpha made me stronger based on how many kids I fathered…I needed to remember that a lot of my power came from devouring pretty much anything and everything to gain it’s power.

"Then I hope you return from this hunt stronger my Alpha."

“I’m sure I will.” I said readily. “There’s gonna be a lot of travel time between here and wherever the hell all the Barroth’s are…all kind’s of monsters and plants to eat and gain their powers…all new places to see…heh, reminds me of this manga called ‘Toriko’...” I shook my head at remembering that silly manga.

"What is a Manga?"

“It’s a kind of picture book in the simplest terms I can think of.” I said honestly. “Just a hell of a lot more detailed than some of the picture books Sandra has.”

"Picture Book?"

I sighed. “Never mind, just me talking about stuff from my old world…”

"Ah. Understood Alpha." She nodded. "Shall we enjoy some time together before you take your leave to hunt your prey?"

“Of course.” I said with a smile. “Gotta spend as much time as I have with you all before I go off on a long ass adventure…”

So for the next few days I spent my time with my wives and kids. With so many kids it's sometimes tricky to remember names but the kids think it's funny.

Eventually I began the hike north to the ice mountains. According to Sandra this was a month-long trip one way. So, aside from the cold I also need to keep a lookout for the Psychopath Hunters.

Gonna be lonely going here alone…

“Never thought I’d be alone this time…this isn’t going to be fun…”

I sighed as I walked through the many trees and foliage.

The days passed in a dull blur, the coldness of the north began sinking on a week into this hike. Even with all my fuzz and eating some cold resistant animals, it's so… so cold.

Trees, plants and animals started becoming less and less. Soon it was just the ice, snow and my frost frozen self walking through this… shit. I think even my bones are shivering.

“Need…t-to find…ice animals…” I stuttered weakly, trying to keep myself going as I thought if I devoured anything that’s accustomed to this stupid cold I’ll gain some cold resist.

My paws went numb, my legs following… shit. Hard to see… have to…

Hmmm…. Huh? I felt… warm? I opened my eyes, seeing I was in… a cave? A large fire burned in the center of this large chamber. I didn't smell burning wood or gas… what's this fire burning off then?

I tried to move but couldn't. Looking down all my limbs were bandaged thickly.

“Uh…hello?” I called out carefully.

Thud. Thud. Thud.


Heavy footsteps nearly shook the earth as whatever was here with me got closer… soon I saw the shadow silhouette in the chamber entrance. They came into view of the fire-

Oh… my…

She was twice my size, blue skin bipedal and very clearly female with one large brown eye in the center of her face above her nose and mouth. A cyclopes?

“Uh…hi there.” I said carefully to the very sexy female.

She walked over, took a seat next to me then dropped a huge chunk of fresh meat in front of me. "Eat." She said flatly.

I nodded as I started to eat the huge chunk of meat, hoping I could gain some much needed energy from this.

Unfortunately, nothing popped up, but it felt great to have a full stomach.

I looked over at the large blue skinned cyclopes lady. She had hair as white as the snow outside and seemed to be looking at the fire.

“Hi there…” I said carefully. “Who are you?”

"... My name?" She asked, looking a bit confused. She seemed to think for a while. "My name… is… Sole."

“It’s nice to meet you Sole, my names Tony.” I said politely. “And…thank you for saving my life.”

"You were the first thing I've seen alive here in four hundred years." She said.

“Really?” I asked in surprise. “There…aren’t any ice monsters here? That’s surprising…”

She shook her head. "My people hunted all the monsters in this area into extinction many millennia ago."

“Oh…that’s…that’s not good at all.” I said carefully. “And…let me guess…your the last of your kind?” I asked, as I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case given they literally genocided an entire biome.

She nodded. "There was a sickness, it spread like the snow in a heavy fall. I was just a child, kept isolated in the farms. Years passed before I left it, and found myself surrounded by empty caves and the corpses of my people."

“Oh…that…that is awful…” I muttered in horror.

"I spent ten years burying them all. And for the last four hundred years, tended to the plants and animals. Eventually, the animals all died out too. That meat was the last of my Mammoth's flesh. All there is to eat now are potatoes, bitter root and rock moss." She sighed.

“R-right…” I said carefully. “I’m…I’m sorry for your loss Sole.”

"What brings you here? Your limbs nearly broke off bringing you here they were so frostbitten."

“I’m hunting a Barroth that came here, I didn’t expect this place to be this cold that it would freeze me like this…and I expected at least one ice monster that to get some cold resist.”

"Sorry for the inconvenience." She said. "Hmm… a Barroths you say?" She mulled that over. "I have noticed an oddity, an ice hill that seems to be walking on it's own."

“Shit, the bastard must have mutated into an Ice Barroth…” I sighed. “How big was this ‘hill’?”

"Big." She said simply.

“Crap…” I sighed, “Well…it’s gonna be a hell of a fight to kill it and then devour it.”

"Not while you're still recovering." She said simply.

“And…how long do you think I’ll be recovering?” I asked carefully.

"Given the damage, perhaps a few months at the longest." She said. "The frostbite was bad. You're lucky your limbs are even savable."

“Crap…” I sighed. “Well…a few months shouldn’t be…too bad…”

"Will be since you really shouldn't move. Maybe if I position you right it won't take much of a toll?" She said… huh?

“Uh…are you going to do what I think you’re going to do?” I asked carefully.

"You are a True Alpha. Pregnancy would be guaranteed and as the last of my species, finding a compatible mate is top priority. When a True Alpha male walks into my backyard near death and unable to move for some time. It seems like the perfect opportunity to keep my species from ending with me."

“Kinda wish I had use of my hips…” I chuckled. “But…is it still down there and working?”

"Yes, and don't worry I can do the physical work for you while you recover." She said, standing up and then began digging into the rock ground and forming a bit of a smooth dip she then gently slid me into and moved me onto my back. Ouch. Pins, needles, soreness… oh… "Do you have mates already Alpha?"

“Y-yes…I have three mates…they’re all in a town far south from here and safe.”

"Traveling here from the warm south must have left you lonely for quite some time." She said, crawling over me. She is… way bigger than I realized. "Until you can move, I'll be gentle."

I learned something that day. Many things actually. Sole is a Frozen Cyclopes. She is immune to the cold outside…. Unfortunately her insides are also… not warm, but ice cold so… that was a whole new sensation…

Second. Frozen Cyclopes are beasts. She left me feeling like I needed a breather.

Third, I can also just gain some immunities to cold, like her's, through blood. I was thankful for that because it made the sex, and there was so much sex, more enjoyable and less… like I had it stuck in an ice cold Fleshlight.

Fourth, Frozen Cyclopes lay eggs… that threw me for a loop.

Fifth. A single female Frozen Cyclopes can lay over a hundred eggs a day…

Lastly, Frozen Cyclopes milk, while not as good as Magnolias or Bells or Sandra's, since they are Den Mothers and Sole isn't, still taste great. And with a hint of strawberry in the aftertaste.

Eventually my limbs healed up enough to where I could move them and had the bandages taken off. Oh man it feels good to stan- thud.

Okay… slight atrophy… figures…

"Are you okay my Alpha?" Sole asked me.

“I’m good…just some mild muscle atrophy…I just need to exercise a lot…”

"I suppose this means you can work your legs out for a change then~" She said. Since she had been doing all the work during our… her legs and thighs and core have gotten even more… wow… I've actually seen her crush rocks between them…

“Well…yes, that is true, plus how I have to bench press the…hundreds of kids we have…” I said sheepishly.

"Heh, we actually have little over a thousand eggs as of last week my Alpha~"


“Oh~ no…” I muttered in horror. “That’s…that’s a lot…”

"I think we need more. After all, better safe than sorry." Sole said with a chuckle.

“I mean, while I’m up for that…just dealing with a hundred of the kids I have back home was sometimes annoying.” I said nervously. “But…what about all the food they’ll need?”

"Oh, don't worry. Frozen Cyclopes once we hatch age to maturity in just a few hours. As for food we only need to eat once a day, the farm currently has enough for the old population of my people before the plague, which was forty thousand, seven hundred and ten."

… No wonder it took her ten years to bury them all…

"Plus once they grow up you'll want to ensure they also grow the population." Wait what?! "Frozen Cyclopes are all female after all."

“Now…incest is one of the few boundries I have…” I said nervously, even though I was told countless times ‘incest doesn’t matter’...then there was the stupidly sexy time when I watched Sandra fuck Tina…ugh, why must this new world try and break such a simple line?

"But every male brought into the tribe always breeds with everyone." Say what? "My people are always born female, so a compatible male is brought in when the last one passes and continues aiding to the population of our people. They are treated as if a god in flesh and mate with everyone, including the new young they helped bring into the tribe."

That's… wow… also how big has this tribe gotten before?! And why do they need to be this big?! And… age so fast?

“Uh…mind if I ask why does it need to be so big and…age so fast?”

"We Frozen Cyclopes are one of the only races capable of surviving the harsh cold outside our caves. The All Makers created us to be a guardian of this area, keeping foolish adventurers or lost explorers from dying to the environment, but also we build and dig these tunnels far and deep, gaining resources and bringing settlements to the harsh environment."

“Huh…alright then.” I nodded. “Good to know.”

"So, will you be working your legs out now Alpha~"

I sighed, pushing myself up and for the first time in two months got on top of Sole… feels weird being smaller than her like this but… not complaining…

Ugh… water…

"Here you go Alpha." Deb said, putting a cup of water to my lips as I drank. Deb was my… I'm not sure but she was the fifth to hatch and… the first I…

Well, Sole wasn't kidding about the being treated like a god in flesh. When they hatched by days end they were all already adults. They are apparently born with knowledge from both parents so no need to teach them anything…

After a week I caved… they didn't make it easy… they're all so…. Hot… and they know things about me, from me, all my kinks…

I finished my drink and sat up, feeling Milly, Daisy and Karla starting to brush my fur as a plate of Baked Potatoes and a cup of Frozen Cyclopes milk was placed before me.

I'd be lying if I said this wasn't a fantasy of mine… but I definitely wasn't expecting it like this…

"Good morning Alpha." Sole said, taking a seat next to me. "The farm expansion is going smoothly, the new broods of eggs have just reached three thousand and today's girls are waiting for you in the Bathing Springs."

“Thanks.” I nodded, stretching out a bit. “Never thought this would have been going on when I got here…”

"The scouts have also been tracking the Ice Barroths you came here to hunt." Sole added. "They have discovered it has already absorbed enough ice and frozen coal to form an armor coating that's easily a quarter mile thick."


“Ich, that is not something I wanted to hear…” I grumbled. “I don’t know if I’m strong enough to break through all that…”

"The new mining team is already digging for ores for the new blacksmiths to help craft you tools and armor to both aid in the fight and better deal with the cold more. I know our blood gives you some immunity but aside from eating one of us- No Daisy," Sole said, looking over at the grumbling Frozen Cyclops. "You won't have total immunity."

“I’ll probably be gaining strength and immunity just by either eating parts of it or it’s ice armor…shit’s probably gotten some of it’s DNA in it if it’s survived this long with a half a mile thick sheet of armor.”

"We do have the mining team on the lookout for any ore eating subterranean monsters. Back in the old tribe they were quite the nuisance."

“Thank you.” I nodded. “Anything that can help make this ordeal easier is appreciated.”

"Well, best eat your breakfast quick and hurry to the Bathing Springs. The girls there have been eager for their turn almost since their hatching."

Yeesh… treated like royalty and expected to fuck everyone… not that I really mind. All this sex and kids and… sex and more kids, I have definitely noticed I've gotten extremely stronger in the five months I've been here…

Wish Sandra, Belle and Magnolia were here and all my kids… I miss them.

I sighed as I ate my breakfast. “I miss everyone back home…”

I went about my day, slept with fifty to a hundred ladies, ate some more meals, a few more rounds with anyone who wanted to that was near, which they were, honestly.

I went back to my room where-

"Mike what the fuck?!" Sandra yelled, giving me a whack upside the head… wait what?! "You left to hunt a Barroths not fuck a species out of extinction!"

“Alright, so a few things, one, when the fuck did you get here? And two…this,” I motioned. “Isn’t technically my fault…considering I needed a few months to recover from almost freezing to death.”

"... Well I guess that's a decent excuse but… how? Also they brought us." She motioned to some of the Frozen Cyclopes ladies who were part of the mining team. "They literally came up from the ground in the cave and said the 'Alpha Tony, Saviour of the Frozen Cyclopes’ and some other stuff that basically told me you were fucking a lot of pussy over the last few months…"

I sighed. “Alright, so when I woke up after passing out from frostbite, Sole rescued me and helped me recover…then she mentioned how her entire race was killed by a disease running rampant after literally genociding this entire biome…she was the only one left and…well, I got at least some ice resistance from this.” I said sheepishly.

"A disease? Huh… probably was being carried by their last male… still, I know you could fuck for hours but I didn't think you'd be capable of fucking an entire species back into existence… especially since all but that one are your daughters…"

“I know…I really didn’t want to break the one boundary I had but…when all my kids are born with mine and Sole’s knowledge and…well…” I motioned to one of the Cyclops. “They’re really hot…”

"I can see that… damn even I'm getting aroused…" Sandra huffed. "what makes it worse is the fact Sandra, Belle and I have birthed sons that every one of these Cyclopes ladies are over the moon that more than one male is here, plus the daughters we have already, Belle and Magnolia seem happy here…" She rubbed her temples. "Something tells me once they realize I also have a dick… shit Tony… we are not leaving this place anytime soon are we?"

“Considering I need to hunt down a barroth that is huge in size with a half a mile thick armor made of Ice and frozen coal…yeah…’

"And on top of our Cyclopes daughters we might end up fucking our other daughters, grandkids, and any such while here…" She sighed. "This went from Harem protagonist to Hentai protectionist…"

“Yeah…this is getting a little out of hand and I am perfectly fine with that.”

"Already fell into the "why bother fighting it" thing huh? Well, move over cause I'm joining and honestly I'm betting you'd like to be in the receiving end after all this."

“It would be nice…” I moved over and hugged Sandra. “It’s been months but…it was honestly stupidly lonely…”

"Heh, welp we're here now. So… guess we just wait with you and see how this new set up and pack adjust to multiple males and the new Zingore and Floof Noodles residents…"

Ugh… ouch… oof…

"Sorry," One of the… Floof Noodle girls said as she got off me.

I was surrounded by Zingore, male and females, Floof Noodles, male and female, Frozen Cyclopes, who are all female, and I was super sore from that orgy…

Hard to believe we've been here for thirty years…

The new tribe was, more or less, blossoming. Granted everyone has a sex addiction but I blame myself and Sandra since neither of us have much self control and the ones that were raised knew nothing else and the Cyclopes are born knowing the things the parents know…

I walked myself to the Bathing Springs and sunk into the warm water and felt someone get on top of me. I looked up and saw Sole on top of me. "Good Morning Alpha Prime."

Since there are way more males, I was named Alpha Prime, Sandra is Alpha beta, and all the males are simply known as Males.

“Hey Sole.” I said with a smile. “How you doing?”

"My latest clutch of eggs is forty, and the mining teams have found a large deposit of Mana Steel, the Hunting Parties managed to capture many animals we will be breeding for meat, and the Zingore and Floof Noodle and Cyclopes milking teams are producing plenty of milk, cheese, butter, food production is far above current needs. The Tribe Pack is thriving."

“Yeah…again, time just seems to just…fly by out of nowhere…” I sighed, still shocked it’s been thirty years.

"Well, good news, the new knights and such are nearly finished with their training, the Barroths is making their way back near the caves entrance, and the armor and tools are near all finished. Soon you can hunt the beast you came here for and then we can begin searching for the remaining two once this one is dead."

"Awesome." I nodded. "Can't wait to finally get onto hunting again."

"The Tribe is as your beck and call Alpha Prime." Sole said, giving me a kiss I returned.

“Thanks Sole.” I smiled. “This is gonna be exciting to finally be off fighting some giant monsters after a long time.”

I gave her some attention before finishing my wash and heading to the cafeteria. Yes the population has grown so much we need a cafeteria for everyone.

I got my food and took a seat next to Sandra who looked as tired as I did. She was also looking rather large from her latest pregnancy.

“Thirty years…” I sighed. “How you holding up?”

"Ya know, never in my life did I think I'd be giving birth to my own grandkids multiple times… let alone impregnating them." She said, chugging her drink. "I mean, I know they're born healthy, they all are. Perks of this weird Den Mother biology but still, is it weird that despite how wrong it feels it makes it more enjoyable?" She asked me. "Maybe I'm just losing my mind…"

“Taboo things weirdly feel better…but I think we’ve both been losing our marbles…I mean, remember I literally spent decades on a zombie world to get you your new body.”

"Fair… you'd think I'd have gotten really loose with all the sex and birthing but oddly, not that I'm complaining, the old holes are still firm and tight. If that's also Den Mother biology at work, I am glad you got me this body."

“Trust me, I thought that my fun stick would have given up on me several times, but it’s always raring to go so if that’s also a True Alpha thing…then awesome.” I chuckled.

"Yeah…" She yawned. "So, how was the orgy you went to last night?"

“It was great…but I was a little sore afterwards.” I said honestly.

"I'd expect so. That was what? Forty people?"

“Yeah…forty people orgy.” I admitted. “It was really nice.”

"Heh. Yeah I bet. Is it me or did we just make a sex cult?"

“I mean…I mostly blame how the Frost Cyclops race works…” I sighed.

"I guess. I mean, how else could living with a race of beings that are only born female and age to maturity in a day and carry the memories of the previous generation that is also immune to any genetic inbreeding side effects go?"

“I mean…yeah…” I said honestly. “This new world is so weird…”

"Good thing we're perverts with high libidos, many kinks and enough degenerate wills to enjoy it." She said, taking some bites out of her meal. "Though I know for a fact the ones with the Vore kinks come from you."

“It’s still weird, but Floof Noodles do weird things with the Vore fetish.” I said sheepishly.

"Save that one Cyclopes girl that really wants you to eat her… seriously that girl is either gonna do something stupid or actually have it happen out of pity… I mean sure, inside a Floof Noodle stomach, vag or balls are an extremely cozy, kinky and interesting experience. Especially if you're banging while there but I'm not looking to be digested…"

“Yeah…I know she might like Vore a lot but…I’m really concerned she legit want’s to be devoured…this isn’t some ‘become one with god’ kinda thing cause that’s both weird and greatly concerning…”

"I think she does… well, if you go through with it at least you can gain that total immunity thing from the cold topside."

“I mean…true but…” I sighed. “I don’t want to literally eat family and…it’ll kill them…”

"I know, and you eat multiple loads of family a night." Sandra said, giving a chuckle at her own joke. It got a smirk out of me. "Difference here is those ones are all microscopic and this one is full sized."

“Yeah…I’ll have to ask Sole cause…seriously it’s getting concerning…”

"Well, whatever happens you should probably talk with her. I mean sure I know you've banged her, I've banged her, many people have banged her but she specifically wants you to eat her so… should probably ask her why."

“Yeah…” I sighed. “Just…never thought someone would actually want to be eaten…”

"Well, eaten and digested." Sandra shrugged.

I ate my food then headed off to find that Cyclopes… where are you Daisy?

I walked through the various tunnels and chambers but managed to find her in her own Chamber. "Alpha Prime!" She yelped. "Have you, uh, come to breed me again?"

“Well, I have a more important question to ask.” I said. “Why do you want me to actually eat you?”

"I uh…" She muttered, blushing as she looked down. "I know your powers. Our blood have given you increased immunity to the cold but it is still not on par with our own. I know for you to inherit all our abilities, you need to devour one of us… and I'm willing to offer myself. Partly to aid you in what you need to do to hunt the Barroth, and also because I… want to never be apart from you…"

I sighed, walking over and sitting down next to her. “We got time…” I said, my tone conveying that I’d like her to explain more just to explain what she meant.

"From the moment I hatched I knew you, your life and all that… but even though I was with you, all our children and surrounded by sisters… I always felt lonely. Except when I'm around you… I don't want to feel like this… I figure, if you ate me, you can not only gain the abilities you need to take on the Barroth, but I can also not feel alone anymore…"

“That’s…” I blinked. “Wow…that’s…rather heavy Daisy…” I said slowly. “I…I didn’t want to cause…well, I didn’t want to kill family…family means a lot to me…and if I devour you…then I’d lose you, my daughter forever…even if you’re apart of me, I’d miss being with you like this.”

"Would I be gone?" She asked, looking over at me. "The prey you devour are mindless and primal. I'm intelligent, and willing. How do you know I wouldn't be with you even if you eat my body?"

I raised a hand to answer…but then I lowered it and got a concerned look. “Uh…crap I don’t know…and I don’t know how to call in someone that might know that answer…”

"What about Magnolia?"

She might know… maybe? Ugh this is new territory and if I end up also going on a Vore journey this is gonna be the All Makers making me go through all my kinks and see if I actually enjoy it… actually, that might be accurate…

“Uh…maybe? And also, if this is some secret journey for me to experience every fetish on the planet I’m gonna be a bit annoyed…”

I got up and went to find Magnolia where I know she's going to be.

The nursery.

This section of the caves was new and where all the Floofs and Zingore mothers would care for and nurse their latest young.

Magnolia was here a lot.

I found my OG baby mamma tending to some pups. "Hello Alpha." She greeted me.

“Hello Magnolia…so…I’ve got a heavy question to ask.” I said nervously. “What happens if I were to…devour an intelligent being?”

"Well that depends, are they willing or unwilling?"

“Daisy is very willing.” I said honestly. “She said that…she never wanted to leave my side ever again so she…wanted to be devoured by me so she’d be with me forever…”

"Ah. Then so long as you can eat her whole you can digest her body, gain her abilities and absorb her soul as well." Magnolia said. "While look at as a bit taboo in some groups, there are benefits to this way of eating prey. An intelligent willing prey that offers themselves to another will have their soul bound to their chosen devourer. This means while her body is gone her soul will remain with you, as will her mind and personality reside within you. This is known to multiply magical and physical abilities up to ten times the typical potency."

“So…she will still be with me even if I devour her?” I asked. “Cause that was the…most concerning thing about this…cause I didn’t want to lose Daisy forever just because of…this.”

"While she won't have a physical body anymore she will still be alive with you, and should she decide she wishes to have a body again she can be reborn through a ritual and, of course, someone willing to rebirth her."

"Huh…that's good to know." I said honestly. "So…besides feeling massively uncomfortable about eating my own daughter…it's okay as long as she's willing?"

“Socially some people will frown upon it but as long as she is willing, or anyone for that matter, it’s not considered cannibalism or against any laws. Some of the more advanced species even write contracts stating the act was willing. But yes, so long as she wishes for it then it’s fine. Though she will be residing within the back of your mind upon her body’s digestion.”

“Alright…so I can still talk to Daisy and be with her…” I said. “That’s…that’s what I wanted to know the most, cause I was scared that I’d…lose her forever…”

“She can speak with you, physically she can feel everything you do, all your experiences will he hers, and once she has been merged body and soul into you that first night her memories and experiences will be yours. You will feel her emotions, memories, all of it from her eyes. It’s said to be an extremely intense experience.”

“Alright.” I nodded. “So…just gotta…eat Daisy…oh boy…”

I walked back to Daisy’s room and began to… well… this is… different. She was bigger than me too so… oh… boy… Even in my feral form she is still much bigger.

“I’m ready Alpha Prime!” She said, a huge grin as she sat on her knees in front of me… Right… so… just have to…

I sighed. “Alright…just gotta do it all in one go…” I muttered as I tried to eat her whole, which given that I can’t unhinge my jaw like Floof Noodles…

The first thing I noticed was the… well, her taste… I’m not describing it…

It took a few hours. But with some gravity, pushing, various angles and a lot of hard work I was now stuck on the floor as my now distorted and enlarged stomach had Daisy’s outline pressing against me… this feels so weird… damn it fetishes now is not the time to be feeling… Sometimes I hate my kinks…

In true porn fashion I let out a loud belch, then began to feel very sleepy… and passed out…

I was dreaming while out. At first I wasn’t but then I was… I saw the world, coming out of that egg, knowing things, and immediately, I felt a sense of extreme… aloneness. Around me were the others all hatching and the ones already grown up helping us but I felt… isolated… I don’t know why.

Eventually, my body grew to maturity and by the third day I met my Alpha, mate, and father. He was happy being around them… I didn’t feel so lonely… we spent an hour with him rutting me, then in a happy daze I left to wait to lay my eggs.

While I was and the high of my first time came down I felt it again… the aching pit… the feeling I was… not among people, despite the eggs I pushed, the children who I watched hatch, The pit felt… It hurts. Like a hole that was growing, and everything that fell in didi nothing to fill it.

Nothing did… nothing but my Alpha. Every time I was around or with my Alpha, I felt that hole was gone. That coldness, ironic given my species, replaced by warmth and a sense of belonging.

My Alpha is a Zingore True Alpha… He needs to fight an Ice Barroth, but while our blood is helping him gain immunity, it is not true immunity like my own…

Maybe I can help him, and maybe even stay with him… if he eats me…

The first time I asked him he gave me a look. A strange and almost… disgusted look, and he did not do it, but he did leave me with fourteen more eggs.

Time went by, more males from other, none Frozen Cyclopes mates of Alpha’s came to the tribe and unlike us, they grew up over several years into maturity, Some were Zingore, some were bats, some were Floof Noodles, and the male, all eventually began doing as Alpha Prime, and began breeding amongst the tribe. A few I even was with, but none felt the same as Alpha. The strange Female with male genitals, Alpha Beta, also spent time with me, but she didn’t make me feel whole.

The pitt feels so deep… I stay in my room often. Around others or alone, both feel the same to me. At least in my room, no one can see when I cry. I hate others seeing me cry. I feel… wrong, for feeling this way… I don’t want it… Alpha has so many mates, everyone in the tribe… Time with them is often shorter now. Less often…

More and more I spent time in my room, crying into a pillow and wishing I wasn’t alone even when others are around. Why can’t I be like the others? Why can’t I be around Alpha all the time? Even if they did eat me and I was to die, I would be more useful, giving them my immunity to the cold, and then I wouldn’t feel alone. I wouldn’t feel anything…

“Daisy?” I looked up, seeing Alpha come into my room.

I woke up with a slight daze but… I felt that… Daisy’s life… that… my god… She felt that way for years?

“I’m…I’m so sorry Daisy…” I muttered sadly. “Why…didn’t you say anything sooner?”

I didn’t get a response. Not right away but soon I did. “I… couldn’t. The words just… I couldn’t force them out…”

“I’m your father and mate…I didn’t want to eat you because I cared about you and didn’t want to lose you.” I mentally told her.

“... I just didn’t want to feel alone anymore… if that meant feeling nothing anymore… I would have been okay with that…” She replied. “But, I don’t feel alone anymore… I can feel you, Alpha I feel what you’re feeling, your fuzzy fur, your heartbeat, your breathing, your tail! I don’t feel alone now that I'm part of you!” She declared, her tone beyond happy.

“Well…at least you're happy now Daisy, and I’m glad that you're happy.”

Well… that happened, not to- oof!


I looked up, seeing the ceiling above me… that’s weird… I didn’t reach the ceiling before… Eating Daisy not only gave me her abilities… but also added her height to my own… I’m as tall as a Frozen Cyclops now! In feral form!

“Oh…that’s neat.” I said, changing into my anthro form so I could fit into the room without bonking my head everywhere.

Thankfully my anthro form was now exactly at Frozen Cyclops height. Okay, this is gonna take some getting used to.

“Alright…just gotta get used to…having eaten my daughter and getting all her powers…” I said carefully.

Oh boy… this better not become a thing…

“Just…get used to this first…then deal with the Barroth that’s skulking around this place…”

I spent the next few days… adjusting. The new size is nice, I definitely feel stronger and tearing out the total cold immunity skill was great, as I barely felt anything of the cold outside save the wind and snow hitting against me.

I was faster, stronger, and having Daisy in the back of my mind was kinda nice. While the fact she sees, feels and even hears my thoughts means privacy is non-existent, she doesn't make it that awkward and usually keeps to the back of my mind unless I ask her something or she asks something.

I went out to find the Barroth when the scouts said it was just a few miles from the cave entrance.

I wasted no time in running after the thing. At first all I could see was the snow and ice hills, then I saw it move. It was like it was wearing armor frozen to parts of it's body… which, it was. I saw the chunks of coal in the ice and wasting no time shot off some Thunder Bugs. The first few strikes broke off enough ice to expose the coal. The next ones sent it aflame and in the small space it blew and melted some more chunks of the ice platting.

The Barroth roared in annoyance and turned to stomp me. Despite my new size I was still far smaller than it and dodged it's hulking frame easily.

A perk of the Frozen Cyclopes is that they are natural tunnelers. Through rock, ice and even more they can tear through it with their small yet powerful nails.

And Daisy gave me those nails that were imbued into my claws.

I latched onto one of the holes I blew into it's ice covered leg. Wet and still smoking coal was all around and I wasted no time clawing and digging until I broke through ice, hit flesh, and felt blood spray onto me.

The Barroth roared again and I kept going, tearing it's flesh apart and when I hit bone I went up the limb, ripping and eating flesh until I was in the cavernous torso. It was hot and humid with little air but I clawed through everything. Every organ, blood vessel, artery. Eventually I was in the lungs and near the heart. The wind in here from it's breathing was difficult to deal with but the harder it breathed the deeper I dug my claws I to the flesh of it's lung.

I lunged, tearing a new hole through the lung and fell towards the heart. I opened my maw, biting onto the tough muscle and gnawed, pulled, and tore.

The blood nearly washed me away as the Barroths body began to topple over and collapse. Soon I was swimming in the red liquid and with my prey dead I dug and ate through the flesh between it's ribs.

I ran into ice again and tunneled through that and emerged blood soaked but victorious.

It took a little over thirty years and literally eating one of my own kids whole… but I killed this Barroth. Finally…

I laughed. This felt… amazing.

“Amazing!” I laughed happily, finishing devouring this rat bastard and obtaining it’s power and new skills from such a huge monster.

With my head held high I went back to the cave for a good bath and to celebrate. Finally, progress after a three decade long pause.

To be continued...

Reality Check

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After another cycle, I gave birth to…a lot…got another twelve kids from Fluttershy and…fifteen from Sandra…I…became a mother to Sandra’s kids…me and Sandra have kids after…after so long… “I…still can’t believe I have Sandra’s kids…a dream come true…”

"I can't believe you can have kids from two different fathers and it be two full sized litters." Shy said.

“That’s also surprising…but it’s an amazing surprise.” I said with a warm smile, seeing my pony, Zinogre, Nargacuga and Centaur children all playing and being adorable together. “This…is the best feeling ever.”

"You said that when I used that specially made vibrator on you also." I blushed. "And the enchanted choker that choked you but didn't suffocate you." I blushed harder. "And that one time when Luna came for a visit and you learned how large an object you could insert was." I blushed harder and sunk Into my chair some. "Then there was the whole thing with Twilight and Starlight when they learned you could also-"

I covered Shy's mouth. Normally I'm not shy to talk about my sexual acts and lewd depravities… but even if my oldest kids are ten and these here are five now… still near some kids and I thank God sometimes they don't hear what I say when they're playing…

“Listen, any other time I would love to explain in vivid detail in public then grab the nearest willing participant…but kids are around.” I said quickly and nervously.

"That didn't stop you from the quickie with Pinkie in the kitchen at breakfast."

I was now a very red Zingore. Red from embarrassment… also damn it I thought we were sneaky…

“I could have sworn we were sneaky about it…” I grumbled.

"You almost were, but the… distinct smell of strawberry jelly from you I noticed was a bit stronger down south…" I was now a cherry red Zingore… "Plus the empty jar in the trash confirmed it too given it was partly covered in… fluids and milk."

"I swore I covered it with other less…noticeable things…"

"Visually, yes, but when you can still smell the sex that was cleaned up and radiating out of the trashcan… the look of it is less convincing…"

Shit… knew I should have sprayed the air freshener…

"Sheesh, making rookie mistakes here."

"Considering how many children we have… I'm amazed you find time to have sex at all."

"My libido is stupidly strong." I answered readily.

"Clearly. So, when are you gonna pick up missions again?"

I sighed. I've been meaning to but… I don't wanna leave the kids…

"I'm in the conundrum again…" I sighed. "I want to do missions…but the kids…"

"The youngest are all gonna start school soon." Flutters stated. "That will be eight hours you can be away from them and know they'll be safe."

"True…maybe it's because I'm a Den Mother that I'm so…protective of them and…why I keep wanting a full belly…"

"Considering Den Mothers usually remain in the Dens that's probably accurate." Shy nodded. "I got a book from Shopkeeper about it. It's a powerful instinct that more developed modern world Den Mother species have to deal with."

"Ugh…and combine that with my naturally high libido…Uber horny…"

“According to the book that kind of sensations usually only happen around puberty for Den Mothers. Usually after their first litter it fades and the Den Mother then chooses when they and their mates have another litter. Course then again the book doesn’t mention anything about a Den Mother being a sex addict.”

Yeah… that checks… Then again that is about ‘modern’ Den Mothers… back in Tony’s world, well I wouldn’t call his mates feral… tribal? Primitive? They were more okay with the whole… endless sex thing. Different worlds, different cultures I guess?

“Yeah…that makes sense.” I nodded. “I met some Den Mothers in Tony’s world…they looked a lot more…Tribal I suppose.”

“Wonder how things have been going for your brother since you were there? Given the time differences, a lot must have changed I imagine.”

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure he’s finally getting his butt in gear and finishing up his quest…which I should start doing as well, don’t want to lag behind when it comes to strength.”

With that in mind I still had to wait til all the kids were in school. Once they were, I picked up my gear and went over to Shopkeeper’s place. He was doing something on a tablet. Reading I guess. “Hey.” He said, not looking at me but giving me a nod.

"Sup." I nodded. "Got any jobs for me? Gotta get strong like Tony probably is right now."

“Well if that’s the route you want, that's gonna take some more years, probably a reverse harem and sleeping with your own children when they’re old enough.”

I blushed and nearly fell over… the fuck has Tony been doing?!

“And then ya know, eat one of your kids whole.”

"Excuse you!?" I yelped. "First, the fuck has Tony been doing, and two why the fuck would I eat one of my own kids…and three, why would I fuck my kids?"

“Long story short he went to the frozen north territories, met the last of the natives to that land, helped her repopulate. Learned that they all breed with one male per said male’s lifetime, they’re all born female, and the daughter he ate had some serious loneliness and mental issues. She’s not dead, by eating her whole he absorbed both her natural immunity to the cold and her soul so she’s living as a voice in his head and no longer lonely now. Also Tony has been doing a lot… of people.”

"I know he's horny as shit but…what the fuck…" I frowned.

“You do realize you aren’t that far off either right? Three litters, well, two in ten years for tribal Den Mothers is actually very little. Kinda amazed you’re even here right now.”

"Kids are at school so I have time." I said. "But…is breeding really what'll make me strong?"

“It’s part of it. Depending on your mates you can inherit traits from them through your children. Takes a lot of… pregnancies though. Unless you take supplements and other aids.”

… that’s a thing- Of course it’s a thing…

"I mean…yes, I always wanted a reverse harem…" I sighed. "Hooray for dating again…"

“I also sell mates.”


"Excuse you!?" I yelped again at this surprise. "Isn't that illegal and bad?"

"Says the one pulling out their wallet."

"That's not the point." I countered quickly.

"Look when it comes to the multiverse and my own home reality there are various rules against slavery. But this isn't that. They're called Synthetic Beings. Created from cells or other means they all are built to be anything from people to sex toys, though those ones aren't fertile but you need that, so I can have you use this old thing." He said, snapping his fingers as there was suddenly like… a huge… touch screen… thing before me. The words 'Build A Lover' displayed on the screen.

"Uh…did someone want a Build A Bear but got horny?" I asked, motioning to the name.

"No, that was all intentional…" Shopkeeper sighed. "It can make them any gender, mix of genders, species, it's all customizable for you as well as their personality, likes, dislikes, down to the sizes, kinks and fetishes. You can even have it make a male or herm version of you."

I blinked…"I've been given too much power…" I said slowly.

"I'm gonna limit you to… five." Shopkeeper said. "Might as well also throw this in." He said, putting several pill bottles on the table.

"And what are the pills?" I asked, already trying to look through what species there are.

"This one turns you into a hermaphrodite because I already know what you're making over there. It's permanent so just take one pill. This one makes it so your body will have the maximum amount of infants for your species. This one makes the resulting children birth and age rapidly. This one is a vitamin and meal supplement because you're gonna need it and this last one is a genetic rewriter. You can actually take these and have a litter of whole different species of intelligent lifeform children. Kids are still genetically yours of course."

"Huh…" I said. "That's pretty cool…boy is this gonna be fun for me."

"I also recommend you buy some Nanny bots or synthetic beings as well. They can nurse and help you tend to the… literal explosion of children you're about to experience. Oh and here." He placed another bottle of pills on the table. "Since your mate Fluttershy is worried about the equine population being messed up, this one increases the odds of a male birth."

"Right, thank you." I nodded. "Damn there are a lot of races in here…"

"Well this is based on the old multiverse races and such. There's actually way less variety than there is but I don't bother updating the thing."

"I don't know why, this is amazing, and the inventor is a genius." I said.

"... Shit…" Shopkeeper said.

"What?" I asked. "Did the inventor decide to come out of retirement or something?"

"Yes because you just said that." Shopkeeper said, standing up and walking towards the back door. "I'm gonna leave before she shows up. When she gets like this it's a bit much for me these days."

He left, closing the back door behind him.

… I feel like I might have fucked up?

"Um…" I started. "Right…so, back to me being horny…" I said, before picking the five I want, which the species I chose, which all of them were Hermaphrodites because I like myself big titties and jiggly asses just as much as cock, but so far I have a Brachydios, Bowsette, a Silver scaled Dragon, a short stack Renamon, and lastly…I decided to do a Bat Zinogre…Floof Noodle? "Floof Noodle? Who came up with that adorable name?"

As I was working on… finer details, I thought for a moment I heard something… like a thud or a boom in the distance?

The whole building then began to shake and suddenly the front door blasted open. I spun around ready to attack… only to be greeted by a female… thing. She had ethereal wings that glowed a bright green. Her skin was an almost pale white, her eyes an amber color with the whites being black. Her hair was also green with white stripes that went behind her ears and she wore a flowing light wedding dress. Nothing fancy or huge but more… simple and easy to move in.

“Finally someone gets it!” She said, having both arms up and hands pointing at me with all fingers up and a huge grin on her face… uh…

"Uh…hi there ma'am…and thank you? I mean…it's Build A Bear for the desperate, lonely and horny." I said honestly. "So who are you and why am I suddenly scared for my hips?"

“Oh you can call me Babe. And I am the one who made that.” She said, floating over next to the machine. “I’m honestly amazed to see it’s still working. I made this thing so long ago.”

"Well…it's great that you made this." I said honestly. "So uh…is Shopkeep gonna be okay?"

“Oh he’s gonna be fine. Everyone just tends to run and flee when I get around to these machines and why I made them and all the… possibilities they allow.” She chuckled. “I’ve been told I can be a bit much but I’m not mad. We’ve both changed a lot over the years. But at the end of the day Shopkeeper is still my husband and I love them. But they still can not say no to me, my precious unwilling enabler~”

"Right…" I said sheepishly. "Well, I'm glad to meet you Babe, cause this is a wonderful machine…I was mostly worried when I heard explosions from the door."

“Oh that was just me entering the atmosphere and punching through several thousand dimensions to get here.” She chuckled. “I kinda forgot to warp here I was just so excited when someone said it was a good machine. So, what is a sexy lady like yourself looking to use my beautiful Lover Maker for?”

"Because I need a harem to make myself stronger through lots of baby making, I want a Harem because I have always wanted a Harem…and I want a Harem because it's my fetish."

Babe looked at me, then gave me a hug. “Oh finally, someone who is willingly wanting a harem!” She cheered, letting me go. “So, details. What are you into, men, women, herms, both, everything, interspecies, mixed races, what is my girl into?”

"A lot of what you said was redundant, but I am a bisexual whore yes." I nodded. "I know my preferences, and I'm not going to be kinkshamed, and I'm especially not going to be treated like garbage just because I like pussy and cock." I growled.

“Oh girl, we don’t kink shame here… unless it’s pedophilia. Then it’s a murder.” Babe said. “In any case, likes all kinds. Now does the lovely lady also enjoy giving as much as she enjoys taking?”

"I've never had a doc before, but I saw Sandra use it and having a ball doing it." I said honestly. "So I'll be enjoying that pill to give me a dick."

“Oh sweetie, you don’t need a pill.” She said, snapping her fingers.

I felt a sudden… new feeling I’ve never felt before. Something there that wasn’t plus some weight. I looked down and saw my pants were quite… stretched… Oh hell yes!

"Oh I am going to have so much fun with this monster." I purred happily. "Tony would have a blast meeting you Babe, he's my twin brother and is just as horny and harem thirsty as me."

“Oh I might have to pay him a visit later. Until then, how many did you set the machine there to make?”

"Shopkeep kept me at a limit of five just to be safe, and gave me a few pills to make sure I didn't accidentally breed out other races…and a few important things."

Babe seemed to think about that, and sighed. “I suppose that’s fair. Plus despite you being a Den Mother you are Mortal. Only so much you can handle. Oh well, in any case once this is all done for you, call me.” Babe said, handing me a flip phone. Huh… haven’t seen one of these in years. “Once you and your brother are done with your adventure I might have a place for you two that I know you perverts will enjoy~”

"Oh I'm sure it'll be amazing." I said with a smile. "Now…just also need to buy a lot of Nanny bots…cause I'm going to become the world's greatest bakery, getting bred and giving bred." I chuckled.

“Oh that’s easy.” Babe said, snapping her fingers again. “There. Fifty nanny bots all in your room, all equipped with some fun features for when they aren’t taking care of children and all fully capable of raising, teaching, nursing and tending to the children. I went with a Centaur model since those ones are popular amongst large harem or polyamory and polygamy groups.”

"Awesome." I said with a smile. "Now…how much will this cost me? Cause while I am super excited to have a best friend based on my libido and saying your Build A Lover is amazing…or sis you just create things and not take from the Shop?"

“I just make them. I usually don’t mess around in the mortal worlds for… several reasons but right now I just could not resist. It’s so hard to find a mortal with the same endless sex drive and perverse desires as me!”

"Well, ever had twins with your libido saunter up to you before?" I asked with a horny grin.

"Don't!" I heard someone shout in panic. "She will destroy your hips!"

"Not a big fan of pain but awesome."

“Well, some pain can be fun~”

"Never said I wasn't a fan, just not a big fan." I admitted with a smile. "We are going to be amazing friends Babe."

“Oh when you two are done with your little mission I can promise we will be much more than just friends~” She purred, suddenly in front of me and pulled me in and kissed me.

Now I’ve kissed lots of people. I’ve kissed people I love deeply and felt sparks and all that.

Kissing Babe felt like I was kissing all the warmth of the sun. Like the universe zoned out everything but them and every hair on my body went and stood. Among other things. I felt a sense of lust and passion from those lips I didn’t know possible and my eyes rolled into the back of my head as my tongue savored the taste of her own.

When she broke it I felt dizzy, light headed and somewhere between buzzed and high. Babe chuckled, gave me a wink then was gone.

What… a… woman!

“Oh good she’s gone.” Shopkeeper said, walking back out from wherever he was and sat at his desk again. “She kiss you?”

"What…a woman…" I sighed romantically, sitting down with a giant smile. "Babe is…wow…"

“She is the All Maker of Romance, Romantic Relationships and Sexual Desire.” Shopkeeper shrugged. “Not surprised a kiss from her made you stain your pants.”

I immediately looked down… oh… wow that’s… that’s a lot… like way more than I expected… from both… wow…

"Yeah…uh…I need to change and…uh…probably be prepared for the super horny later on." I shuddered. "Your wife is…damn…wait…uh, I am so sorry…" I said quickly, not wanting to cross our line of 'don't mess up married couples'.

“Relax. One thing you’re gonna learn about my Family, and given her interest with you and now your brother, you will learn we are all largely very open. We have groups and couples and all that, our family is honestly made up of a mix of all powerful entities in polyamorous, monogamous, polygamy, and all kinds of romantic and non romantic relationship types all coexisting. Trust me, she has always been like that. Actually she’s the reason the Family is the way it is.”

"Awesome." I said honestly. "We just don't like ruining relationships, ya know?"

“That won’t be a major issue. So long as all members are willing and agree, there’s rarely issues amongst the Family regarding these issues. Common sense and all that stuff.”

"Consent is the key to any and all relationships." I said honestly.

“Yeah. In any case, your new ready order Lovers are gonna be done soon.”

"Awesome, then a whole lot of fucking." I chuckled. "But…still need to take a few jobs…while being a mother is amazing, can't stand idle when there's hunts to go on and get stronger through devouring monsters."

“You really want to get stronger fast?”

"I…want to get strong, because I'm scared Pain will throw something big and dangerous…Fatalis comes to mind with what she could throw, nothing like saying a Black Dragon capable of destroying an entire ancient civilization designed to kill Elder Dragons by itself to give some perspective…"

“Hmm… true, she does seem to have it out for this reality.” Shopkeeper said.

“Don’t know why…and I’m scared that Ponyville is the only place that’s a civilization still…”

"Plain's job is to clear out excessive realities to make room for new ones. Believe it or not but this reality exists as Infinity, but it's infinity within a finite space. There's only so much space unfortunately."

"I…understand…" I sighed. "So just…cutting away the chaff to get to what should stick around."

"Well, there's a few things that can factor into the removal of a universe. The amount of life within the universe, the age, any pre existing conflicts and or events that would end in the mass of loss of life. And of course, progress."

"Fair enough." I nodded. "Lots to factor in…so why's this place on the chopping block if Demon and Genie brought us here?"

"Ironically, because you two came here."

"I fucking knew it…" I growled.

"See, this reality wasn't made with a True Alpha or a Den Mother in mind. The rate at which you can reproduce, your children, in the end you and your children will overpopulate the planet in less than two hundred years. You need a world more like where Tony is. Massive, full of danger and opportunity, and has various population control methods."

"Well…thanks for telling me that me and Tony basically condemned a planet for someone else's amusement…" I sighed. "So…what are we supposed to do?"

“Well, the best of your options would be to gather all the remaining survivors of the planets population into a single area. Like here in Ponyville or up in Canterlot. Once you have by the time Tony comes back from his trip you can evacuate them all to the world he was at. The added population won’t be an issue given the way that planet works, let alone that dimension.”

Evacuate the planet… That’s… can that even be done? How many people are left here?

"Uh…how many people are there left on this world?" I inquired. "It's…also probably going to take a long time to travel across this entire planet, even with Discords help."

“Not really. Pain’s champion has already slaughtered and killed off much of the planet’s remaining population.”

"And…what would her champion be?" I asked, cause while Monster Hunter did have many world ending monsters, best to know which one…

“The last Griffon on Equis. Greta. When the monsters showed she lost everything. Not to the beasts but to the weather changes. Griffinstone was turned into a frozen hellscape. Flash frozen the whole population. She only survived because she was down the mountain gathering herbs.”

"How the hell does an entire country flash freeze out of fucking nowhere?" I asked in shock and horror.

“Quite easily actually.” Shopkeep said. “And boy does Greta hate you and Tony. I mean she hates Pain too but she hates you two more.”

"Yes yes, cause it's all our fault Genie and Demon were cunts and whisked us away for their entertainment at the expense of billions of lives."

“Well in any case, your search radius is much smaller now because except for a Zebra fortress and Minotaur Fortress, the only other places with intelligent life here are here in Ponyville and up there in Canterlot.”

“Well…shit…” I sighed. “Better head out to both those Fortress’s before their taken down…however the fuck long that’ll take.”

“Soon.” Shopkeeper yawned.

"Soon as in they'll blow up soon or soon I'll be able to get there?" I asked. "Cause it's a race against time here…"

“Soon as in they’ll be approaching the Zebra fortress in the next few hours.”

"Shit! I need to get there now!" I said in a panic.

“Sure.” He shrugged, snapping his fingers. The door then went back on the frame and the bell rang. “There you go.”

"Im…probably gonna regret this if I'm not fast enough." I said quickly, running out the door to try and get the people to safety before it was too late for them.

I emerged from the door surrounded by many confused looking Zebra’s. I could hear some large bells going off. Alarms, I realized.

"Fuck…" I muttered, though I was glad I was in my anthro form and not my beast form. "Not sure if it's because of me or the Griffin but…need to work quickly…"

I ran towards the walls. I could smell the blood of beasts and… death… I managed to jump the wall and…

I saw the griffoness. She walked with a basic set of hunter’s leather armor, and wielded no weapon… but looking at her sent my every instinct on edge. Her wings were larger, her feathers crimson and crystalized.

She stood a good distance from me now. “You’re Tina, aren’t you?”

"And…what if I am?" I asked carefully.

“I’ve been waiting for you to show up. Where the fuck have you been?” She said, almost snarling at the end. “I’ve slaughtered six million, four hundred and eighty thousand, seven hundred and nine lives in the last ten years.” She said, taking a step forward. “Where. Were. You?”

"Not knowing you existed until five minutes ago for starters." I answered. "Seriously, I didn't know any of this happened cause I was…very busy doing things…"

“You mean whoring around?” She chuckled. “Pain told me all about you and your himbo brother. You two are supposed to be this world’s heroes? No wonder so many are dead. You two aren’t heroes. Just two sluts with more libido than brains.”

"Yeah yeah," I rolled my eyes and did a 'get on with it' motion with my hand. "I get it, me and my brother existing here against our wills gave Pain free reign to do as she pleased, I was already told that I was right, I don't have time for me to get into an emotional breakdown about it at the moment."

Greta smirked, chuckling soon turned to a full on laughing fit. “Gods… you are pathetic.” She said, walking towards me. I stood still. My body wanted to move but I forced myself to stay… When she was in front of me, I flinched, closing my eyes and I heard the sound of stone being blasted and broken. I opened my eyes, and saw she walked past me and busted a hole in the wall.

"First, Shopkeep is a fucking liar…" I growled as I bolted past Greta to get people out of here before she slaughters everyone again.

I was trying to grab or guide people-

The zebra male before me suddenly burst in an explosion of blood. Their chest and ribs pulled apart from the inside as a pair of crimson hands pulled themselves out of their torso. The creature that crawled out looked to be made of dripping blood and bare skinless flesh. It growled before running off, chasing more Zebra’s.

I fell back, seeing more of these things bursting from Zebra’s as I spotted Greta standing back by the hole, her wings glowing with a crimson aura. What the fuck?!

"Oh…" I muttered. "Well…that is some bullshit…"

I was at a loss. Fear grasped me and… and I couldn’t move…

“Neat trick huh?” Greta said as she walked up next to me. “I target parasites and tumors in their body and force a rapid mutation. Works wonders when there aren’t many doctors in an area.”

I…I looked at her…I was…how could I…


My mind raced to…seeing one of my children suffering this fate…being hunted and killed…my baby…

I felt something in my mind snap as the next thing I felt was blood, bone and flesh in my teeth before devouring it in a single bite. "You…will not hurt my family!" I roared, feeling lightning arc across my entire body as I became enraged.

Greta still stood where she was. Her arm just above her elbow and below her shoulder was gone. She didn’t flinch, just turned her head to look back at me. “That’s gonna give you indigestion.” She said, bone and muscles and skin beginning to regrow back from where I chomped it off. “Besides, Pain already told me as long as you stay in Ponyville, that town and Canterlot get to survive, and once I wipe out the Minotaur Fortress, you and those two places get warped to Tony’s planet.”

“We didn’t want this…” I shook my head bitterly. “All because Demon and Genie thought it would be funny…then Pain decided to be a whore…” I growled, not having known literally any of this as I was more invested in my own children, because I was a Den Mother, or at least getting out into the world through the mission’s one section at a time instead of going on year long journeys

“You think you’re the only one who fails? You aren’t. You think your dreams and wants are special? They aren’t. In the end, you two were picked on random chance. Not everyone is fit to be a hero. In the end though, you at least make a decent mother.” Greta said as her arm finished regenerating. She flexed and moved it some. “Feathers are gonna take a while to regrow. Go home Tina. Accept your failure and live, or die here and orphan your children. Either way, my job ends soon.”

“I didn’t expect to be a hero…fuck, I didn’t expect any of this shit to happen! I mean, monster’s show up because Pain is the ‘Mother of Monsters’? Yeah, sure that makes sense…but how the fuck does an entire continent flash freeze in an instant? That’s just a dick move at that point…”

“I know. I was there.” Greta said. “Go home Tina. You’ll be with your brother in no time, and you can raise your kids and fuck all the people you want for the rest of your perverse life.”

My head fell down… I… I started crying.

“This…is the second fucking time me doing nothing has costed too much…” I growled, wishing I could be only pissed, angry and with some drive to save the people…but…I was told I’m a Den Mother, I’m here to have kids…and my strength is based on that from what everyone else told me…but nope…all I get is shat on…”I…I didn’t know…I mean, how the fuck was I supposed to?”

“Ask.” Greta said simply. “Shopkeeper was right there, you had every opportunity to ask about the rest of the world.”

“If I did that then I would have wanted to rush out and try to stop you or something else…and left my kids for god knows how long.” I shook my head, hating feeling this powerless again.

“Such a dilemma. Damned if you do, Damned if you don’t. Goodbye Tina.” Greta said. It was then I realized… there was no noise… just… the wind and some fires… “We won’t be meeting again.”

With that, she walked off… leaving me amongst the dead…

To be continued...

Reality Check's Out

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Today was one of my off days. I was in the nursery looking over my… many…many…many kids. I don’t get to do this much what with Barroth hunting and training and helping to slaughter the Hunter Psychopaths.

Granted my time here mostly consisted of the kids chewing on my nose or legs or ears and climbing over and jumping on me. A literal puppy pile on the daddy. This lasted anywhere from two to five hours… Still fun, even if I’m reduced to jungle gym equipment.

“All of you are just adorable.” I chuckled, nuzzling some of my kids as they played and bounded around.

My reply was a bite to the side of my muzzle. At this point my pain threshold is so high I barely feel it. I just chuckled as I pushed myself up. Some of the pups fell off and others all clung on and slid off. I yawned as I stretched, only to blink as I spotted a playing card floating in front of me.

“Hello…what are you doing here?” I frowned, gently taking the card into my hand and looking it over.

The card flashed and I was elsewhere. It looked almost like a small casino, a single poker table where I was sitting at, my kids no longer attached to me, and across the table sat Voodoo shuffling a deck, my card floating from my fingers back into his deck. “Glad you could make it.” Voodoo said.

“Hi Voodoo, what’s up?” I inquired.

“Things have… changed, in regards to the plan.” He said. His usual tone was less his suave charismatic self and more serious and… upset.

I straightened my back and took a deep breath. “What happened?” I asked. “Is it something back home or did something magically happen to the last Barroth I’m hunting?”

“Both actually.” Voodoo answered, which made me blink at hearing that. “Long story short, something changed back on Equis, so Pain had to… put the planet onto her… workload.” Voodoo said. “And your last Barroth, was eaten by an Elder Dragon. Unexpected actually.”

“Alright…so we have a possibly super charged Barroth that’s…been eaten by an Elder Dragon…what’s the Elder Dragon and why did Pain decide to attack Equis?” I inquired,.

“That planet, as well as that whole dimension can’t really handle the… population abilities of a Den Mother. And the dragon is an Amatsu.”

“Shi~t…” I groaned, remembering that the Amatsu is sometimes called ‘Heaven’s Catastrophe’. “Alright…so how…fucked over is Equis?”

“All cities save for Canterlot, Ponyville and the Minotaur Kingdom have been slain. So the population is less than fifty thousand across the planet. That includes animal/monster life.”

I was…speechless…I stuttered as I tried to think of what to say. “How!?” I asked incredulously, at least managing to say that as I tried to wrap my head around the amount of murder that happened.

“Pain’s agent was efficient, and your sister was occupied being a mother to many children. Not as many as you but many.” He shrugged. “So, she and the Canterlot and Ponyville cities will be arriving here sooner or later as part of a deal I made with Pain. Once this has started, there is no stopping.”

“And…there’s no stopping this agent even if Tina does some miracle training?” I asked worriedly.

“If she tries, she dies. And If Pain’s agent kills her, I can’t do anything about reviving her.”

“So…we’re fucked no matter what…” I put my palms over my eyes and leaned back, taking a deep breath. “God damn it…I knew I needed to hurry up…”

“Nothing you can do about it. Just kill this dragon, bring Rarity back at least, and prepare for when your sister and the spared arrive.” Voodoo said with a sigh. “I should have expected this. It was a mistake turning you two into a True Alpha and a Den Mother. That’s what I get for trying to be funny and feed your sex addictions.”

“I mean, it was Demon and Genie that did it originally…and I mean, if we weren’t going to be like that base I’m pretty sure our sex addiction would have magically made us like that anyways.” I sighed. “And yes, it is an addiction, but we do know and have kept it in our pants for long periods of time.”

“You have fathered literally over a thousand children in the few years you have been on this planet Tony. You fell off then got run over by the wagon. Well, at least this planet can handle you two. That’s part of why the Psychopaths are there.”

“So…I can’t burn down that tree…I just have to hope for the best they don’t do something outlandish…”

“They are… for worlds like yours, they are a means of population control. Sometimes they do go out of control in their slaughter, but with their counter, the Hunter Shadows helping you out, they can keep your numbers under control and you can keep them in line. Sounds cruel and sadistic, but it’s that, or end up on Pain’s chore list.”

“Right…” I said slowly. “Crap…alright…so just have to kill an Elder Dragon that just killed a ‘Chosen Monster’ and ate it…that thing probably gained a lot of power and I’m not liking that…”

“Yes, but once you do that will be all. Rarity will be back and you can just prepare for the others arrival. I am sorry things ended up this way.”

“It’s…it’s outside of our control, and I don’t like it but…it’s sadly outside of our control at this point.” I sighed. “Really wish we could have known this sooner or…at all, but we’ve been really busy…”

“I know. Well, at least this is your last Barroth anyway.”

“That is now an Elder Dragon…” I groaned. “And considering it’s an Elder Dragon that kicked out my race from their natural habitat…ugh…this isn’t good.”

"Bright side, once it's done, it's done. No more need for adventures or anything of that nature. Unless you want to, that is."

"Depends on if I can still be with my family or if I'd be dooming another part of the universe because of my existence here." I said honestly.

"This world, this universe was crafted with your species in mind. While you two are definitely more… proactive than most, there is no risks here like there are on Equis and it's universe."

I sighed. "Well…this world is big enough for plenty of adventures…" I said carefully.

"We've located the Elder Dragon Alpha." One of my mates informed as she walked into the room.

"Yeah…" I said, seeing the massive hurricane like clouds rolling in. "I could tell it's getting close, where would it be in that mess of a hurricane?"

"Center I'd imagine." She said. “Even amongst a volley of them there must be an eye in that storm."

“Hmm, true.” I said. “It all depends on how far away the eye is…cause if it’s as strong as I think it will be because it ate that special Barroth…it’s not going to be pretty.”

"Do you have a plan, Alpha?"

“Just got to get stronger so I can face it…” I sighed. “Other than that, not really sure cause it could be a hell of a lot stronger because it’s now my new target…”

I could hunt as many of the stronger beasts I can find, get stronger by devouring them and fight it on hopefully even power levels, but with this storm it's making growing, would that be an option? Do I have the time?

“Crap…” I sighed, not sure if I even have time to do this, cause I know that the more I fight, even if it’s just me surviving I can get way stronger…but there’s no guarantee that I would come back here if I tried to fight Amatsu.

"Perhaps… an Alternative is in order?" I looked up. I saw like… a silhouette of a Zingore wolf sitting right in front of me. The bizarre silhouette looked both real and not, and looking directly at them made my head hurt. "I am happy to offer my services." It's voice spoke with a distorted, almost glitched sounding tone.

“And…who the hell are you?” I asked, gripping my head as it just hurt looking at this…thing. “And what services?”

"Safety, for this planet, power, to you. Time you need, all you will ever need."

“Uh…huh…so who the hell are you and why should I listen?” I asked carefully.

"I am Echo. And I am here to offer you help. You will never defeat this drake without more time. I can send you somewhere where time means very little, and death is but an annoyance. All the while, this planet and those upon it shall remain frozen, kept locked in the moment in time should you agree. To them, by the time you return to them, not even a millisecond would have passed."

“Uh…huh…” I said slowly, and while every fiber of my being would telling me not to…I couldn’t help it. “Did you offer this to Tina?”

"I will. I expect her to readily accept. It won't bring back the slain, but it will spare those still alive. As well as Equis as a whole. Do you accept?" They asked, raising a hand out to me.

“I mean…” I said slowly. “I…suppose this wouldn’t hurt…” I said carefully, as I raised my hand to take his.

“Don’t you fucking dare!” I heard Voodoo shout quickly, seeing the skeleton doctor literally have purple flames in his eyes at how pissed he was.

"Ah, the Gambler." Echo chuckled.

"It's alright Voodoo." Behind Voodoo I saw a new person. They were a human, maybe mid to late twenties man wearing a very loose fitting hoodie, baggy shorts. They had long jet black hair and a light tan skin tone.

"D-G?" Voodoo asked.

"That is my servant. This has all been authorized. Not my fault the puppy there is in a corner." D-G smirked. It sent every instinct of mine into flight mode. "And he'll gain all the power he needs on the other side."

“Uh…am I missing something here? Cause I’m now really scared…” I said worriedly, as I saw Voodoo’s flames dim a bit and pull the front of his top hat down to cover his face.

“Sadly, this is outside my control…fourth one so far…” Voodoo shook his head.

"Now then, care to seal the deal?" Echo asked me, still holding their hand out.

I looked at Voodoo, who just shrugged at this point. “Well…I suppose so…” I said carefully, gently taking hold of his hand and shaking it.

Tina POV

Sulking in my room was all I felt I was good for. Kids were all asleep, and I was here… after that mess at the Zebra village… all that's left is the Minotaur Kingdom… for too short a time.

Greta is strong. Her powers are insane and I don't have the time to get stronger before she gets there… I failed… I failed everyone and I was blissfully unaware for so long…

I teared up and just curled into myself, hating how I was so lost in all this that I forgot that I was literally on a world getting fucked over… “Dammit…if only I knew sooner…”

"Ignorance is bliss, as they say." I yelped, getting to my feet and… It was a silhouette of a Zingore wolf, sitting next to my bed. Looking at them felt wrong. Unnatural and they spoke in a distorted, glitchy voice. "But once learned the pain will last forever."

“Who the hell are you and how the hell did you get here?”

"I am Echo and I am here to offer you the chance to get stronger. Better. Your brother already accepted my offer and is off on his way to grow in strength all while his world remains frozen in time. And I'm doing this sanctioned now which is nice."

“Sanctioned? Like…you did this before without permission or something?”

"Basically." They shrugged. "But here are the perks. You get sent to a world where death is an annoyance, time has little meaning, power of gods and higher is obtainable, and this planet and all still living upon it will become frozen in time. They will never know you vanished and will be kept safe and sound."

“Uh…huh…” I said carefully. “And what about Genie and Demon’s game in this world? Wouldn’t they be upset, or would Pain be upset she’s not allowed to nuke this reality?”

"They have been notified, and either way, the alternative is this planet is slain and the few that were going to be spared move to an alien dimension and planet."

“Hmm…well…I suppose it…could be fine…” I said slowly. “But…how long will it take for me to come back? Cause even though it would barely be a millisecond here it would be like…dozens of years where I’m at…” I said, not wanting to lose my family.

"That all depends on you really." Echo said. "But when you are ready and find this world again, everything will be as you had left it."

“Alright…thank you.” I nodded. “And I believe Tony’s already done this?”

"Yes, as I said earlier he is well on his way. Now then, seal the deal?" They asked, holding a hand out to me.

I nodded, gently taking his hand. “Hopefully this’ll go well…”

The end...?