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Great story keep up the great work
Thank you
This has attracted my interests, Proceed with the good work.
just to be clear this story has clop or is it just
peoplehorses being horni?10750776
I want to know too?
You know this reminds me of something
Depends on how me and Bio will do things, but for right now it's main characters being horni
Thank you, hopefully it'll be good enough that it won't fall out of your interests.
Same as I said to Techno, it'll depend cause at the moment it's the two just being horni and many others due to...obvious reasons
Yes, you are correct that it is a reference...kind of an accidental one to a good pilot episode
I think you made an oopsie, as I'm fairly certain that it should be "of", not "if", but if I'm wrong you have my permission to slap me.
Zinogre is my favourite monster to hunt
On one hand zinogre on the other i am getting red flags from the description
Dude, the Zinogre is my favorite Monster Hunter creature. It even made its way into one of my stories as well.
I'll see where this goes.
Hey your story got featured:)
No, that was probably an oopsie that we didn't notice
Same here, or at least in my Top Five
Red flags?
hopefully you'll continue to enjoy it with what's to come
hooray indeed
basically were the main protaganist gets all the girls (or guys story pending) and can do no wrong by them. And with this story IN particular I am worried about because its Zinorge and he is a carivore who should be tempted to eat such "easy" prey because he does need a lot of calories to stay healthy
It's nothing like that, trust me, and it won't be a simple 'do no wrong' in this relationship cause...well both main characters are used to either one night stands or 'friends with benefits', not long lasting relationships like girlfriend/boyfriend or wives/husbands
as good as that sounds still a 14 foot long 1 ton thunder pupper and how that will work with a pony (yes Zinogre does weigh one ton)
While that is true, these thunder puppers are special and they won't eat any the people, they'll eat the monsters that are trying to eat their friends, family and innocents though, and whatever other food because Pinkie
I'm not sure what food pinkie pie gives them is any better, and Instincts are still instincts weather or not they need while not completely irrelevant will still tell them that hey their is this injured creature right their that will make for a risk free meal. I do reccomend that you at least touch on the subject in the future
after reading the chapter my fears of them just getting with the princesses and the main six right off the back are comfirmed and I am disapointed. but I do still have hope for the story
That's not really the case to be honest. The only one that actively wanted it was Luna because she wanted kids, this was just a simple fling that...showed there was a lot more to them then just 'their Zinogre's now'
I did not get that at all. Because in their first 2 days of contact with ponies (not including fertility god shinagins) they Banged a lotta ponies
That was actually brought up, a few times in fact, one of them is Tina telling Twilight about it
Due to their weird sex drive, they've mostly had a healthy enough 'one night stand' or 'friends with benefits' type of thing while both being single cause...well they didn't find anyone special yet. And the idea for Herds was Luna's idea because she was horny and really wanted kids
Ok this was fun and will be tracking it. Gave me chuckles
i get that and in the context of the story it makes sense I just wish that it wasn't another one that did that
Should be infertile.
An interesting read. Waiting to see how this goes.
... why do I have the feeling that there is a certain 'panda' you know?
What a chad
After finishing this chapter,i think the porn tag would be a great addition to its tag repertoire
What is this a crossover of?
woop, didn't know that, thank you
Certain panda?
Yeah, he's pretty good at that, and the only reason why I don't have porn here is because...well the way I see that tag is that you use it when the story is literally just porn, this has sex but it's not entirely porn
Monster Hunter with the main protagonists turning into Zinogre's
Fair enough
Sat, not saw. She's not butchering them with a chainsaw.
I don't like the evolution through eating it kinda seems like a cheap way to get stronger rather then actually train. the rest of the chapter was good tho
It's actually a much more common trope than you'd think, like seriously it's stupidly common now that I look it up
Woop, thank you for pointing that out
Just because its common don't mean its good
That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime
Primal Zerg from Starcraft
Cell from Dragon Ball Z
Neraku from Inuyasha.
While I can agree with what you said that common tropes don't necessarily a good thing gotta admit it's use is very popular with the examples above, hell it was believed in real life as well believe it or not
Kirby is temporary
Cell needed 2 very specific androids
I do hope that the humans don't get stupidly powerful because then its no fun to read if anything they face becomes irrelevant. Its one reason why i don't like superman
And yet Supergirl was more interesting to me given that she has the exact same powers... She still got beat the F up a lot in the DC show.
Technically not true for Kirby because he literally holds people in a pocket dimension that's called his stomach
Are you forgetting the part where Cell drinks people to get stronger? How the first time we see him with Piccolo is when he literally drinks someone out of existance and it was horrifying?
i actually did because selective memory
everyone is different but from a story perspective if the hero is to powerful then the stakes always gotta be to high for the hero to fail which makes the whole thing redundant to me, Yes I know its about the journey not the destination, but adding thing like near pointless sex, to keep the readers interested isn't good story telling.
10763405 don't like characters progressing...because?
its not that their progressing its how their progressing
Yet you made it sound like the mere fact their progressing is a bad thing
that was not my intention. I just want the story to succeed and not end up like the two hundred others were the main characters are over powered with all the women because that is were it seems to be heading.
So his new companions will be teleported with him back to Equestria or will they stay in that world?
It would be a good tip for Tony and Tina to share all the Monster hunter information they know, things like: Types of monsters, where monsters usually live, the habits of monsters, how they usually attack, the types of weapons and armor that they usually be built with the materials of the monsters (although without a blacksmith who knows the technique to create said weapons and armor, at least the information will serve to recognize the weapons that are already in equestria, such as the weapon that Pinkie used in the previous chapter) , and the most important talk about the elder dragons.
Ill have to double check with Bio but I'm pretty sure his mates and kids will be joining him back to Equis, and talks will be involved with future stuff
The Superman comments are always cringe and will always be cringe. Every time someone says something like this it exposes the fact that they don't have a clue what they're talking about and are just trying to be trendy. It's ok to not like Superman, but please, have a real reason. Superman gets his ass kicked all the time and the main conflicts of his stories rarely, if ever, just fold under his power.
I get that and belive it or not I have actually read a good bit of his comics and the stories were he beating up someone is and actually ineracting with people like lois, bruis, and even lex luthur to a extent is more entertaing to me then oh no earth is endage and only superman can save us.