The island

by Kauetheadventurer246

First published

It was suppose to be simple. Sneak onto ship, interview the main six and relax on the ship. Getting stranded on a island was not part of the plan.

Hey, my name is Jack Shot-lame name I know- and I work as a reporter for the canterlot high news. Sadly, business was slow and there aren't alot of things that are interesting. I soon discovered that the main seven, a name for seven friends that had saved canterlot mulitiple time and were never interviewed, including a few friends were going to go on a cruise for the first week of summer vacation. I knew that I will finally be respected by getting a interview with them. Of course, not everything goes according to plan. Lets just say that god decided to fuck us over with a storm. This story will be driven by your comments. You will have to vote for certain choices through out the story. Will they all survive or will some die? Their lives are hanging by a rope and you have the power to cut the rope or save it.

Prologue: Breaking into a ship

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Boredom. You never had that feeling like there was absolutely nothing to do and everything else you try to do feels like a waste of time? Well, that is what I am feeling right now. The Canterlot news club was slow these days. The students here never read the Canerlot high news because there was nothing really interesting in them anyways. Everybody are into the celeberties stuff and other shit that is ACTUALLY interesting! The club isn't really all that special, it was big enough to have three printers, some computors to write the newspapers, the club also had enough chairs for about fifteen people. The shades were down making the room look even more depressing. I sometimes see a few of the club members fall asleep in the chairs. I get a few chucles from seeing one or two fall down with the chair sometimes but, even that was getting old. I never actually told much about myself. My name is Jack Shot, I'm freshmen at Canterlot high at the age of 14. I have a tendency of getting into area that will get me in trouble but, I do it so I can get something to do to avoid boredom. People say that I am reckless and that I'm not looking after my own health. I say that I am adventurous and curious. I joined the news club out of boredom. Turns out, I'm pretty good at this. I had found somethings that catch a few eyes. I had manage to interview the principal myself. Sadly, I kinda got into trouble for asking her about if the rumor that she ate tons of cake and also got a slap to the face; That slap fucking stung. I also wore some blue jeans, a red short with a camera and a black question mark on it to show my skills as a reporter but, it was cobered with a gray hoodie. I also have some sneakers but, those aren't important. For my looks I had green eyes, red hair and a small scar on my right cheek. In case you were wondering where I got that, lets just say that I may have been in a few scraps during my reporting job. I was feeling my eyelids feeling heavy as I slowly drifted to sleep.

"Hey dude, can you wake up?", I woke up from the sound of somebody calling me, also was being shaken. I looked at who it was and it was Feather Weight. He was wearing his usual white, fancy buttoned shirt with a red bow tie, blue jeans and brown shoes. his skin is ridiculously white with his brown bowl cut hair and hazel colored eyes. He is also the chief of the Canterlot news. I never really learn much about him but, what I do know is that he was somewhat of a coward and kinda weak-and that's putting it lightly but, he never talked to me unless it was something important.

"Hey Feather Weight, what is it?", I asked him sounding a bit tired. He rubbed the back of he head as if he was trying to find the words.

"Well, it's just that- the principal might be closing down the news club.", If Feather Weight shaking me didn't wake me up, what he just said clearly did. My eyes went wide as I sat up in my chair and look at him as if he had told me he killed someone.

"WHAT!? Bullshit!", I told him showing that I was a bit pissed off that he would say that, "Why the hell is she closing the club!?", He looked down and sigh. He Manage to pull up his face to look at me.

"No, I'm serious. We haven't post any news yet and the principal Celestia have to shut down the club due to the school's budget and plus, who the heck is going to read during summer?", He is right I'll give him that. Summer vacation had started about two days ago and everybody was probably hanging out the beach, going to different states or even doing absolutely nothing. Why bother reading the boring news but, there's got to be a way to stop it.

"Isn't there something we could do? I have been in this club for the whole school year and there is no way in hell I'm letting that bitch close this place down!", Feather Weight only sighed and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry man but, unless we can come up something that will get a lot of people read the news in six days, she will have no choice but, to shut this place down."

"Isn't there anything these people will like to read!?", I asked him, desperately hoping that he got an answer. Thanks to some god up there that he had one.

"Well, nobody interviewed the so called main six yet for some reason.", Oh yeah I heard of them but, mostly from rumors. The kids around here said that they had not only saved the school but, the world not once but, three times! I think they're names were Sunset, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle; a new member and friend of their group.

"You mean those girls that could sprout wings, tails, pony ears and for some reason could blast a skittle blast from their friendship?", I pointed to and made gestures to expand my question. When I finished, I scratched my head in confusing in how those girls could help and then it hit me. I now know how to solve this club.

"THAT'S IT!", I yelled out loud, scaring Feather Weight in the process. I soon grabbed him and shook him back and forth, "The mane six! They are the answer!", He manage to stop me by grabbing me.

"How exactly are the mane six suppose to help us?", I gave him a face that said, 'Are you fucking serious!?', I let go his shoulders and put on a grin.

"Don't you get it? They are fucking famous! They had saved this town more than once and everybody loves them! So, if we could get an interview with them, we could finally have news that everybody wants to read!", Feather Weight didn't seem to be sure about this so, I decided to deliver the final blow, "Everyone wants to know more about the people they love and idolize so, if we could give them what we will soon know about them, they will want to read the papers, am I right?", Feather Weight put his finger and thumb on his chin with his eyes closed as if he was thinking of an answer. After about a minute, he open his eyes and looked at me.

"You may just be right. This could possibly save the club!", I first pumped and yelled yes in my head as he finally figure out how brilliant my plan was,"Except for one thing", And there goes that great moment. He always found something wrong with my plans.

"What is it?", I asked him.

"Well, I heard that the mane six are going to go on a cruise with Twilight her brother and sister in-law for about a week. How are we going to interveiw them if they are going to be away for awhile?", I was already heading towards the door as I grabbed my backpack and put some stuff in my bag. He noticed me walking away and asked me where I was going. I simply turn my head and looked at him with a grin.

"I have a boat to catch.", I walked out of the room like a cool guy but, I reentered the room to ask him a question, "Where is the port.

After Feather Weight gave me the directions to the port, I head towards the port. It wasn't really easy getting in though due to the fact that there were some guards around the ports. I took a while but, I manage to sneak past them and reached a random dock while hiding behind some crates. Luck appeared to be on my side because when I peaked over the creates and seven girls heading this way. A few of them were in bathing suits but, the rest was wearing light clothing for the summer. I didn't know too much about the, except for one certain girl,"How did I not knew that she was apart of the main six?"

I saw one of them looking at me so, I doves behind the creates in hopes that she didn't get a clear shot and past it on as if she just imagined it. I took another peak and just noticed the ship, "How the hell did I not notice that?", I quietly asked myself. The cruise ship seemed to be 100 meters in length and 80 meters in height. It looks just like an actually cruise ship. I shook my head and tried to focus on my mission and notice a man with white skin and blue hair was talking to what seems to be a captain in his 40s. I notice some of the shipmates were loading up some crates onto the ship. It seemed that if I want to get on the ship, I will had to go inside one of these crates and get carried inside. I did not know how nobody saw me quickly ran towards the other crates but, I wasn't going to question it. I choosed a random crate and opened it. Why were the crate not shut close, I do not know.So, I hopped in the crate and regretted it. The stuff in the crates were not comfortable but, luckly there was a small hole to let me see inside the crate. There was some random stuff that I didn't really care about except for a couple of food bars. I highly doubted that they were going to miss a couple of food bars.

*Gained 6 food bars(Quick snacks for those on the go. Restore 20 HP and 20 energy)

After stuffing the food bars inside my bag I laid back and waited for them to put me down. I soon felt the crate being let down gently. I knew that meant I got in. I was going to get out but, I knew that it was probably best to wait when noone is around. Turns out that when you have nothing to do, it tends to leave you sleeping being the only option but, I tried to resist it. Soon my eyes started to get heavy. Sneaking through the port and getting here took a lot out of me so, I guessed that a quick shut eye would do me good.

I felt a bright light shine on my face as I open my eyes. It was too bright for my taste as I tried to cover my eyes with my right hand as my left was on a camera that I brought along. I saw was a blurry black silhouette with it's hand on the crate's lid. I was still a bit groggy so, I couldn't tell who it was.

"Hey, will ya close the lid please?", I asked the silhouette but, it grabbed by my hoodie instead and pulled me up roughly. My eyes started to adjust to the light and What I saw a man who was wearing a Hawaiian shirt with white skin, blue hair and blue eyes...Uh-oh.

"Who are you?", He asked me in a strict voice. I looked behind him and saw three girls behind him in bikinis. This was the exact guy who was talking to the captain of the ship and I just got caught from him. Great move sleeping in the crate huh? The stranger pulled me so close that I was face to face with him. I can see that he was pretty ticked off finding a stowaway on the ship,"Why are you here!?", he asked me sounding like he will snap my neck if I don't answer yet. I looked over saw the same girls from before but, this time I had a better sight of them. The girl with the purple skin was Twilight Sparkle, the smartest girl in Canterlot high. She had her purple hair in a bun and was wearing a simple purple blouse and her glasses. The girl with the light blue skin next to her was Raibow dash. She had rainbow colored hair and was wearing a blue two piece bikini and she looked pretty pissed. I would feel the same in her shoes. The last one was non other than Pinkie Pie. She was wearing a very thin pink two piece bikini that left a lot her pink skin exposed. She had this ginormous grin on her face when she saw me. I turned my head back to the guy in front of me. I could tell him the complete truth of why I am here but, that might make the girls and him mad or I could tell a lie so that I could avoid suspicion but, it could make things even worse. I could even tell him some of the truth but, not everything but, they might get suspicious? What should I tell him? Before I could say anything, I was one second looking at a pissed off man and the next second I saw nothing but, Pinkie's smile.

"JACKY! I didn't know that you were to come with us?", Pinkie soon let out a gasp and hugged me even tighter, "Did you hide so that you could surprise me!? I LOVE SURPRISES,", Pinkie ended up hugging me even tighter and it was getting a little hard to breath.

"Pinkie...can't...breath", I tried to tell Pinkie that she was chocking me but, I think the fact my face was truning blue got her to let go. When she did, I took deep breaths to catch my breath. Soon, someone spoked up.

"Wait a minute.", It turned out to be Rainbow that said something, "Pinkie, how do you know this guy?", Rainbow asked Pinkie as she looked quite confused about this as well as the others except me.

"Oh that's easy dashie.", Pinkie put me in a side hug this time, "He's my younger brother!".

"WHAT!?", Everybody yelled out at this. I swear that could have gotten me deaf. Twilight seem to got over the shock as she was the first to talk.

"Pinkie, why didn't you tell us you had a brother?"

"That's because he is actually a OC created by the author that is currenly writing this story on fimfiction", Pinkie explained as if it was obvious and will NOT break the fourth wall in this story.

"Okay author, I won't!", Pinkie gave a salute to the sky for some reason. I decided to just stick to one simple explanation. She's pinkie, that's all and it seems the other understand this way. However, My presence of being inside a crate was not forgotten.

"Then why was he in this crate?", The man pointed to the crate in question. Everybody focused their sight on me, including Pinkie. I had gave a audible gulp as sweat started to drip off my skin.

"So, why were you here Jacky?", Pinkie asked me. It's now or never