Amps And Champs

by Midnight Phoenix

First published

You have a crush on the most popular girl in school, and you have been given a once in a lifetime opportunity to get to know her. Do you have what it takes to get her to like you, or will she be another hit-and-run?

She is easily the most popular, most athletic girl in school and you have a crush on her. You stare at her in class, cheer her on at soccer practice, shes won battle of the bands, and yet you know absolutely nothing about her except the fact that she likes music and that you have an acoustic guitar. Lucky for you, an acoustic guitar is all you need to get to know more about her.

WARNING: Mild Language and Brief Strong Sexual Content.

I Know You...

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The bell rings. You make it just in time for school as all the students headed to their homerooms. You're panting as you have just missed the bus and had to run to school, not being able to brush your hair. To avoid humiliation, you put on your hoodie and then make your way to class. The moment you walk into the class, you see her. Taking out her study books and journals. Her beautiful rainbow hair whip pulling you into a trance. You can no longer stare at her as she has taken out her materials and is facing the board, awaiting instruction. "Play it cool." you think, as walk casually towards your seat. You sit in the back of the room so you can stare at her without being noticed. Everything was visible, from her beautiful rainbow hair, right down to her firm butt. Not only can you stare at her, but no one was to notice what you were hiding in your pants. Thoughts were quickly ended as the teacher came in setting down her briefcase on her desk. "Okay, class," she says. "Did you remember to bring your assignments?" Your eyes widen with fear. "Oh, no!" You think as you remember that you left it on your desk at home. As the teacher comes by collecting your assignment, she stops at your desk, noticing it empty. "Wheres your assignment?" she asked.

"Uh..." you respond nervously, "I accidentally left it at home. Can I bring it in tomorrow?" you ask hoping for some good luck.

"Well, I don't know dear, can you?" she said purposely triggering you. "I mean this was worth half your grade, and to see you not to care about it?"

"I have it, it's just at home."

"Well if it's at home, then you don't have it," she said. Walking away from your desk.

"That bitch!" you think. She has always found some way to purposely humiliate you ever since you entered the class. And whats worse, Rainbow Dash would always be a witness. As the bell rang for next period, you immediately rush over to the bathroom to try to fix your hair. You wet it, run your fingers through it, and try to shape it into the spiky type you usually wear. "There, that's better I guess." As you walk out, you open the door and end up bumping into Rainbow Dash. You're both speechless upon staring into each others' gaze. Your face turns red at the embarrassment you were facing. But then again, so does hers. This intrigues you. You cant take much more of this. You immediately think of something to say, but it just embarrasses you more. "Oh, uh... hey. I'm just on way over to second period."

She responded, "I know, I have it with you."

You freeze, "Idiot!" you think. She laughs at your immediate redness.

"Well, I guess I'll see you in class," she said playfully as she gave you a pat on the shoulder.

She walked out of sight swinging her hips. You couldn't help but stare. You immediately notice your pride and panic. "Okay keep calm, just keep calm." you say to yourself as it starts to fade away."Phew, that was close" you think as you breathe in deeply. "Oh shit!" you say as you realize that you only have 30 seconds to get to second period. You make it just in time to class as the bell rang. You take your seat next to Rainbow on the right, and your friend on the left. The teacher then gets started with the class. "Okay, now who here knows the periodic table of elements?"

You raise your hand proudly, as you are probably the only one in class who took science seriously. Or at least you thought you were. Just then, another hand touches the sky. It just so happens to be Rainbow Dash's friend, Twilight Sparkle, the smartest kid in school. At first, you are mad that she had to steal your spotlight, but then you realize that if you are able to beat the smartest kid in school, that you could impress Rainbow Dash to notice you. "That's it? Only two of you know? Well, I guess that's better than nothing." The teacher resumed. "You sir, why don't you come here and show us what you know." The proud feeling immediately fades as stage fright takes over your body. Sure, its only a class, but its a class with Rainbow Dash and the smartest kid in school.

"Uh, can I go after?" you say nervously.

"Sure, then Twilight, why don't you come up here instead?" She gets up and begins to recite all the elements.

"Dude, whats wrong?" your friend asks.

"I cant do it," you reply. "I'm too nervous."

"But you know these elements backward."

"I know but..." you freeze. You have been practicing for an entire year. You know this better than any other kid in school... except for her. But you weren't gonna let this opportunity go to waste.

"...Ununtrium, Ununquadium, Ununpentium." Twilight said finishing the entire table.

"Very nice!" The teacher said impressed. You then get up.

"Not so fast," you say as you get up from your desk. "Whats the atomic mass of Ununpentium?"

"288" she responds. "Whats the mass of carbon?" she said taking you for an idiot.

"12" you respond pissed. "Which element has the mass of 138.9?"

"Lanthanum. Which elements are radioactive?"

"43, 61, 84-89, 93-115." You say smugly.

"Name them," she said returning a smug grin of her own.

You then channel all your anger into your response. You take a deep breath and say them all. "Technetium, Polonium, Astatine, Radon, Francium, Radium, Actinium, Promethium, Neptunium, Plutonium, Americium, Curium, Berkelium, Californium, Einsteinium, Fermium, Mendelevium, Nobelium, Lawrencium, Rutherfordium, Dubnium, Uranium, Seaborgium, Bohrium, Hassium, Meitnerium, Darmstadtium, Roentgenium, Copernicium, Flerovium, Livermorium, Ununtrium, Ununpentium, Ununseptium, and Ununoctium." As you finish, you leave everyone speechless, even Twilight. She is shocked in place, you then ask, "Whats the atomic mass of Hydrogen?"

You walk out of class as fast as possible trying to avoid Rainbow Dash this time. As you headed onto the campus, you see a stage being set up on the soccer field. "Whats going on?" you ask your friend, staring at the half-built stage.

"You didn't know? There's gonna be another battle of the bands."

"Already? There was one last month."

Well, kids in this school love music, whether it's making it or listening to it, it brings popularity. And that's one thing this school needs, popularity." He started walking back towards the main hall. "Oh, and a bit of a warning, Flash Sentry is looking for you, so I suggest you run." You quickly turn to see him behind a crowd of students. "Uh oh, time to go." You decide to go third period early. But then you stop to see a flyer hanging in the hall that says:

"Attention all music lovers! Would you like to compete in this month's Battle of the Bands? If so, then please ask your homeroom teacher for an approval note. It is vital you have one provided you will need to skip classes for auditions and rehearsal. You may also ask your friends if they would want to be on a team with you to participate as a group or work on any background effects. Be sure to also register with leadership to let us know that you are participating in addition to the teachers note. Announcements will be made guarding the confirmed participants. Hope you join and look forward to this months Battle of the Bands!" *Counts as 5 hours of community service.

"You gonna join?" A familiar voice said next to you. You turn to see that beautiful Rainbow haired girl standing right next to you.

"Uh... maybe, I mean, I'm pretty good with a guitar, but I've never-"

"You play guitar?" she asked with interest.

"Uh, yeah, I mean just to pass the time you know?"

"You should play for me, sometime."

You're frozen. "Did she just ask me to play for her?" Your instincts kick in as you respond with no hesitation. "Yeah sure, totally. I'll see if I cant bring my guitar tomorrow."

"Is it acoustic or electric?"

"Um... acoustic."

"How are you with electric?"

"Well I've never used one but hey, a guitar is a guitar right?"

"In that case, would you like to join my music crew?" You freeze again. "Did she just ask me to rehearse with her? To practice music with the love of my life for eight hours straight?" "Or if you don't want to..."

"Oh, no! Sorry, I was just thinking. Yeah, sure I'll do it."

"Really?" that made her really happy. "Great so we'll both get our passes after school, that way we can get started as soon as possible."

"Yeah, so see in 5th?"

"Yeah bye!" she said running to her next class. Your heart is swimming in joy. You don't know what to think as you watch her run out of sight.

"Ahem!" (Well so much for that.) You turn around to find Flash Sentry standing right behind you. And he was not amused. "Do you happen to know why Twilight is so sad?"

"What makes you think I'd know?" You say returning a smug look.

"Well, she mentioned something about a science battle."

"Oh! Right, yeah. You see, what happened was, the teacher asked us about the periodic table of elements, so me and Twilight started to quiz each other... in front of the class. I must have impressed her when I named all the radioactive elements because when I asked her the next question, she didn't answer."

"Really? That's all?"

"I guess it must be a big deal for her."

"Well if that's all, then I guess there's no need to be mad, just next time you have a science quiz, let her win."

"Will do." You say, barely escaping a thrashing. You nervously make your way to third period and the rest of your classes as the day goes on.

At the end of the day, you go to your homeroom to get the pass that you need to participate in the Battle of the Bands. Your teacher is packing her papers and her laptop in her briefcase. You gently walk over to her being as nice as possible.

"Name one good reason why I should give you that pass. Skipping class is the last thing you need right now."

"Alright, look." You say. "We both know you don't like me, but-"

"Don't like you, what makes you think that?"

"Humiliating me in class, I know you do it on purpose."

"How, dear?"

"Making a big deal out of me not having my work."

"But it is a big deal. That report is worth half your grade."

"I know, but three things. First I already told you I have it. Second, you don't need to over exaggerate. And third, my grade in this class is already good, so a little lateness is affordable right? Come on, please. I need this."

She looks at you and then reaches into her briefcase to bring out a pass sheet given to her by leadership. She then puts your name and her signature. "I'll give you this, promise me you'll bring me that paper tomorrow, and you can go."

"I promise," you say as she gives you the pass sheet. "Thank you." You walk out into the hall to find Rainbow Dash waiting with a smile.

"There you are," she says. "You got it?"

"Just did." You respond. "You?"

"Got it before you did." She said smiling.

"Okay, so what now?"

"We go to your house."

"What?" You say without thinking.

"We need to plan out how we're gonna do the show."

"Oh, right." For a moment a dirty thought crossed your mind the moment she said "house". Once you get there you hear a voice. "Hey!" You immediately turn to see that it's your friend running down the sidewalk.

"Whats up!" you reply.

"So I hear you joined the Battle of the Bands."

"Yeah and we're about to plan out our show so if you don't mind a little privacy-" Rainbow said trying to hurry inside.

"Now hold on there," you say. "He can actually help us with our performance."

"Oh really?" she responds.

"Its true, I make a little extra money by being a DJ, but I can also but on the best light shows you've ever seen, along with screen smoke, sound effects and anything else."

"Well then, by all means, come right in," Rainbow said as you all stepped inside.

You went up to your room and brought papers, pencils, and your laptop. You then go to the corner to pick up your guitar. The moment Rainbow sees it, she gasps.

"Is that a Coltson guitar!?"

"Yeah, why? It's just a guitar." your friend says.

"Just a guitar? A Coltson is top of the line. The best wood, strings, sound, high quality, and expensively rare."

"I see you know your guitars," you say, making her blush.

"Oh no, it's just a really good guitar. That's all."

"Okay, guys." your friend says. "Look at this. I made a three-dimensional version of the stage. Now all you have to do is decide what you want in your performance."

"Hmm, how about lights?" Rainbow asks.

"Lights will be at the top of the stage. What color do you want them?"

"Let's try purple, magenta, and blue."

He then clicked something on the computer that made the lights flash 3 different colors.

"Impressive," you say. "How about smoke?"

"Well, considering the colors you just picked, the only type of smoke that can parallel is light grey or pink. Anything else would look tacky."

"Let's try light grey," Rainbow says.

"Okay, hold on... and done. You have your show all planned out. You need anything else?"

"Uh, no we're good," you say.

"Okay, then I'm out. See ya," he says as he walks out the door. You sit back down and start plucking the strings of your guitar. Rainbow watches you as she spins around in your chair.

"Okay, so we got the effects down, now what about the song?" Rainbow says thinking about a song to write.

"Well..." You freeze. Should you tell her about all the songs that you've been writing about her? You could just write a new one.

"Well, what?"

"Um... I actually have a song already written down."

"Really? Let me see it!"

"I cant," you say. Your face turning bright red.

"Why not?"

"They're about someone."

"Are they specific?"

You then remember you have one song that barely talks about her at all. It's more of a love song to anonymous. You reach into your desk and bring out a folder filled with lyrics. You keep on searching until you find the right one. And then show it to her. "Promise not to laugh?" You ask reassuring her word.

"Yeah, yeah, let me see!"

You hand her the lyrics, your face turning even redder as she reads the lyrics out loud.

I see you walking, then we start talking, I don't know what to think

Your sights the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, and I don't want to blink

I stare at you in class, cheer you on on the grass, but you don't notice me

But I'm not gonna stop, I would much rather drop If I can just get you to see

She stops to look at you. Your face is extremely red. You have just heard your own lyrics being read by your crush. You didn't think that would ever happen. "Wow," she said. "This is impressive. I never knew you had such talent."

"I try to keep it hidden," you say shyly.

"Well, I think this is the perfect song to use."

"Really?" you say in disbelief.

"Sure we just gotta edit it a little."

"Sure, okay." You say pulling up a chair and sitting next to Rainbow Dash.

"So," she says. "I'm thinking about maybe having a rock type rhythm to go along with the lyrics."

"So the lyrics need to fit in with the rhythm," you say while fiddling with your pencil.

"Well, whaddya got?"

"Um." Your face turns red. "I got something. But its a little..."

"Oh come on!" she said giving you her puppy dog eyes.

"It's better if I write it down," you say.

"Well then write it." You get a piece of paper and write down some lines. Your face blushing at how unmanly the lyrics were. You finish and then turn the paper over, giving you some time to escape to your bed. "Oh come on! They cant be that bad!" She picked up the paper and started to read the lyrics aloud. You cover your face with your pillow to try and hide your blushing. She then begins.

That I'll always be here by your side,

You know you can count on me,

Just look deep into my eyes,

You know that I do not lie,

Baby, you make me feel alright,

So if you want to go,

Then maybe let's take a ride,

Deep into the night

As she finishes, she turns to you. You groan loudly as embarrassment fills your body. "Don't feel bad, I really liked it," she said trying to cheer you up.

"I was thinking that could be the main verse, provided we have the right music for the song," you say removing the pillow, showing your extremely red face.

"Sure, okay. Why don't you play a few chords?" You then pick up your guitar and start to play a few strings. An hour passes by before you both realize how late it was. You finish putting together the whole song while Rainbow gets ready to leave.

"And there," you say putting down your pencil. "I think we've got it."

"Cool," she says. "Why don't you play a little bit before I leave?" Your face turns red again. You are about to play your love song for your crush. You pick up your guitar. Your arm is shaking. After playing the first few chords you calm down and start to feel confident. When finishing, you take a deep breath. You look up at her beautiful magenta eyes. Whenever her eyes were big it meant she was impressed, and they were huge. "Wow. That was... well, impressive," she said struggling to get words out of her. You feel good about yourself for a brief second until, "Well I gotta go. See you tomorrow." She left in a hurry. You put your guitar aside and go to sleep. After all, tomorrow is a new day, one you get to spend with Rainbow Dash. You were going to need all the energy you can get to really impress her with your skills. Maybe enough to like you...

Time For Practice...

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The next day, you hear a knocking at your door. It was growing louder by the second. You rush down to see that it is your friend panting heavily. "Hurry... we gotta... practice..." he says still trying to get some air.

"Relax, man." you say. "I'll be right there. Why don't you come in and sit down?"

"Okay." he says wheezing. You go upstairs to put on some new clothes since you didn't change out of the ones from last night. Then, you hear sounds of frustration coming down the street. You look out the window and find that's its Rainbow Dash on her phone.

"Come on!" she says disappointed as she texts her friend. "You gotta be kidding me." she starts to make her way to your door you quickly rush down to greet her. In your excitement, you forgot to realize you were still in your tank top. You answer the door and greet her with a smile. She however is stunned at your muscles. Shes never seen your arms as you always wear your sweater to school. "Uh, h...hey." she said.

"Hey, I'm almost ready. Wanna come in?" you ask politely.

"Uh... sure." She sat down on your couch as you headed upstairs. She was moving her legs everywhere as anxiety started to fill her body. Your friend laid down on the couch paralleled to the one she was sitting on. You came down in your dark blue jeans and black leather jacket. You put gel in your hair to keep it from going crazy. Your designer shirt and shoes were driving her wild. You looked really attractive, and it was turning her on.

"Oh! Almost forgot!" you run upstairs to get your guitar and your assignment needed for your end of the deal.

"Why are you bringing your guitar?" All the instruments we need are at school." you friend asks.

"Well, you never know when you may need it." you respond.

"Alright then, lets go!" Rainbow said jumping from the couch and out the door. Her face blushed at the sight of you.

"The bus is coming." your friend warned.

"No, lets walk." Rainbow said quickly. She was still hyped and the last thing she needed was to sit down.

"Come on, a little walking never hurt anyone." you say.

"Tell that to my feet. I already ran 10 blocks to your house. You walk, I'll take the bus." your friend flags the driver to stop. You and Rainbow keep walking.

"So, besides me and my friend, is anyone else joining this crew?" She doesn't respond. Your worried maybe you said something wrong. "Rainbow?"


"You okay?"

"Yeah, don't worry. Three others are joining." she said obviously lying.

"Okay." You say ending the conversation.

You make it to school 10 minutes late, but were able to turn in your paper on time. You then meet up with your friend in the auditorium. Each student had been assigned a different section to plan out their ideas. Your friend had already set up the computers and instrument panel.

"Where the hell did you get an instrument panel!?" You yell in disbelief.

"Calm down! If you must know, I have an uncle who owns a music shop. I went there yesterday to rent this. And I also got two of these." He said pulling out two guitars from a rack. One was bright red while the other was bright green with wavy type patterns. "I believe these are your favorites."

"Whoa, are those Rocksmith!?" Rainbow says excitingly.


"Aw man, It's my dream to own one."

"What is Rocksmith?" You ask.

"Made by Coltson, only way better. Coltson is good for acoustics, but for electric guitars, choose Rocksmith."

"Man, you really know your guitars." you respond to Rainbow.

"So, you gonna practice?" your friend asks.

"Maybe just a little. We don't want anyone stealing our ideas." you say picking up the green guitar. You place the strap snugly over your shoulder and grab your pick.

"This is what we've got so far." Rainbow said. "Hey, you mind playing him what we got?"

A mixed wave of fear and embarrassment hits your body as you are paralyzed in place. You are now being forced to play your anonymous love song in front of the half the school. "Y-yeah, I... I can do it." you take a seat on the edge of the stage as your pride was starting to get bigger again. You take a deep breath as the first drop of nervous sweat starts to slowly run down your face. Your first finger presses against the D string while the other two press on the G and B. You then start to play. The moment you strum the first few chords of your guitar, your stage fright starts to fade away. The room darkens. There is no one else around. Just you and your guitar. Chords and lyrics run through your mind as if you were reading them on a screen. As you pass through the first and second verse, you feel that a short guitar solo is appropriate. You finish on the D chord. The room becomes bright again and you can see everyone gathered around you giving you applause. Rainbow Dash giving you her smug grin. Your 15 minutes of fame were up and it was back to the real world.

"So, what did I tell you? Pretty good right?" Rainbow said to your friend, still smug.

"Good? No. It was fucking awesome! I can't believe you have such skill man!" Your friend said giving you a high five.

"You passed the time by pretending to do work. But really, you were working on another song. The final bell rang and everyone went home. The auditorium was completely empty except for you, your friend, and Rainbow who was sitting in the corner listening to her MP3 player.

"Hey!" your friend tells Rainbow Dash. "We gonna do this?"

"Yeah, sure." She gets up and grabs a guitar. You hide the lyrics in your pocket and grab the other one.

"So, play through the whole song and lets see what we got."

"You ready?" she turns to you.

"As I'll ever be." You start off with the lead, she steps in with chorus. You both start playing in harmony. As she starts reading your lyrics you start to get hard again. "Ugh! Curse her sweet beautiful voice!" you think, your face turning red. You cant get into your special guitar mode while she sings so beautiful. You needed complete concentration.

"Deep into the night." she finishes the second main verse. Finally, she stops. "Solo time!" you think. You miss your queue, but that doesn't stop you from coming in on the next chance. You wait to align with the rhythm and then let loose. You stick to high chords for more power. You are unstoppable as your flow has been unleashed for everyone to see. Too bad the room was empty. You finish your solo 2 minutes later and Rainbow comes right back with the main verse. As the song wraps up, you tred the high notes once more for a better ending and finish with your guitar wailing like a siren. As her voice echoed in the speakers along the wall, you see your friend jumping up and down with excitement.

"Ha-ha! Woo! Yes! That was incredible! Man songs like this, really get you pumped up. Keep watch while I go to the restroom?"

"Sure." Rainbow says putting her guitar on the rack.

"Wow." you say. "You were really good."

"Yeah right."

"No, really you've got a good voice"

"Thanks, and you're really good with that solo."

"I swear I've never done anything like that before."

"Yeah right. You know, you have really proved wrong."

"How so?" you say looking a bit offended.

"Well, I thought you'd be the type of person that would be too scared to really let loose and have fun. Turns out I was wrong."

"Oh." you say looking modest. Suddenly, you get a feeling you've never felt before. A feeling in your heart that takes control of your head. Without knowing, "Hey, can I show you something?"


You start leading her outside the auditorium to the soccer field. You grab your guitar, only its not you that's doing this. Its almost like you're being brainwashed. You sit on the bleachers with her by your side. You put your guitar on your lap and get ready to play. You pull out your sheet when suddenly, you now know what you are about to do. "Its all you, Casinova." an almost taunting thought enters your brain as it leaves you stranded. You take a deep breath and realize that what you do now can either pull you closer to her or pull you apart from each other. You unfold the sheet that only had chords, but the lyrics you needed to know were in your head. You start with the E.

"This is the girl that I see every day,

I'm always so nervous, I don't know what to say,

But when you started to walk my way,

You said "Hi" and I said "Hey",

And now I'm paralyzed, paralyzed, I'm frozen in place,

Oh yeah, I've been taken by surprise by your pretty face,

And whenever I feel sad I turn and look at you,

'Cause its your smile or whatever you do, that makes me feel like,

Sunshine and Rainbows after a day of rain all night,

You're so beautiful, you make me feel alright,

I can't believe I ever had a doubt in my mind,

That love I would ever find, That love I would ever find,

I always watched you get all the fame,

And I've always thought that you thought I was lame,

But now, I know, And I've never told anyone before,

But here I go, You make me feel like,

Sunshine and Rainbows after a day of rain all night,

You're so beautiful, You make me feel alright,

I can't believe I ever had a doubt in my mind,

That love I would ever find, That love I would ever find,

(Guitar Solo 1)

I know now more than I ever did before,

I'm just thankful that you are my friend,

Girl you always leave me wanting more,

And I wish that It'd never end,

(Guitar Solo 2)

'Cause you got me feeling like,

Sunshine and Rainbows after a day of rain all night,

You're so beautiful, You make me feel alright,

I can't believe I ever had a doubt in my mind,

That love I would ever find, That love I would ever find.

As you finish your song, your immasculine open-hearted song, you lay your guitar in front of you. You look at Rainbow with your eyes opened as wide as possible. Your face turning red with the goosebumps on your arm due to the erection and lovey-dovey song combined. You see her cheeks blush lightly, her mouth lay slightly open. The light of the night reflected off her silky smooth hair like a calm lake. You could see the moon in her eyes and the quivering lip as she sat completely frozen. She closed her mouth and brought her eyes immediately down towards your pants. This completely took you by surprise as your brains thoughts battled each other for what should be done. Instead, you became frozen with red cheeks and a nervous look. She smiled back up at you with a grin, she knew what you were trying to hide.

"I...uh, I can-" you try to excuse your way out of this situation before you are cut off by her soft two fingers on your mouth.

"Shh," she says as she removed her hand and slowly leaned in. Your heart takes over your body as you lean in to meet her two soft lips greeting you with open arms. Your heart pounding at the anticipation of your very first kiss with the most beautiful girl in school. More and more blood rushed to your pants as your heart beat faster and faster. Your emotions for Rainbow were too strong as you sped up the pace and greeted her early. Your action took her by surprise as she gave out a soft moan. Her arms were on your legs and started to run up your body until they met your shoulders. She wrapped her arms around your neck pulling you tighter, closer. Your tongue begged for entrance as it ran across the bottom of her lip. She tilted her head a little and opened her mouth letting your tongue rush in to play with hers. Her arms started to loosen up as her hands chose a new destination. She ran her hand up your shirt and felt your strong pecs. She wasn't the only one who was athletic. Your hands ran up her side feeling her figure. She moaned at this and took the kiss deeper. She leaned towards you, your lips pressing harder than your hand in a door. You brought your hands down to he backside, where you've always dreamed of putting them. You squeezed her cheeks once and triggered a loud moan. It was almost like pressing a button on a toy. Things started to get even better. She removed her hand from underneath your shirt and started heading down. She kept going until you felt a warm touch on the top of your pants. She explored the new territory and found the perfect area to settle. Things were going good, until...


You both broke from the kiss and realized that you left the auditorium completely abandoned. You ran back as fast as possible and found broken colored wood at the entrance of the auditorium. Broken strings and cables scattered next to the busted amp. The water needed for the smoke machine was spilled and completely fried the extension cords. At first sight, it was a clear sabotage. "Where were you!?" your friend yelled angrily at you. You felt bad enough that the instruments were destroyed, but his yelling made you feel worse. "Do you know how much this is gonna cost!? My uncle's gonna kill me! You know I cant believe you cant even keep an eye on things while I'm gone. Can't I trust you for anything?"

"Look, I'm sorry."

"Yeah, me too." you and Rainbow said.

"Sorry is not gonna fix $7,000 worth of damages!"

You and Rainbow are both stunned. Did he just say, $7,000? "Did you just say $7,000?"

"Yes, I did. And until you can find out who did this, hes holding us responsible."

"Wait, but what about the battle of the bands?" Rainbow asked. That question might have hit a nerve.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but in case I didn't make myself clear, lemme say it again. We owe $7,000! The instruments are all but fucked up, and we don't know who did this! So I'm to interrupt your little fantasy, but I'd like to welcome you to reality. And the reality is, this whole thing is fucked! If you and you're stupid little dream hadn't gotten into my life, I'd be fine! All this is your fucking fault!" Your friend exploded in rage, maybe a little too much. Rainbow looked at him, then at you, and then left in tears. Your feelings for Rainbow kick in and your first reaction is to smack the hell out of your friend. Then you chase after her.

"Rainbow! Wait!" you run after her in the parking lot. "Hey, you okay?"

"No, he's right. This is all my fault. If I hadn't tried to accomplish some stupid dream, we wouldn't owe $7,000 to his uncle."

"Listen, it's not your fault. Look come back inside, we can work this out."

"No! Okay? I'm done. I'm done with this stupid dream. It's over. Goodbye, I'll see you tomorrow." she walked away still crying at the hurtful words he said. You decide to pack up and go home. Battle of the bands is in 3 days, and you're not letting her give up on her dream. You gather all the money you can and get something done. You were going to make sure that everything went exactly as planned. Or else...

And The Winner Is...

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Three days have passed by and the friendship that was once held between the three of you was hanging by a very thin thread. However, in spite of the strong between tension your friend and Rainbow Dash, that didn't stop you from doing everything you could to bring this bond back together. The money that you've saved up has been put towards this, and it wasn't going to go to waste. You're at Rainbow Dash's house with your friend practically being forced to come. She opened the door with a bored look, and seeing your friend made her angry.

"What are you doing here?" she said rudely.

"My friend has something he has to say." you grab him firmly by his arm as he tried to escape. He sighed annoyed at what he had to do.

"I'm sorry for what I said to you the night of the incident. I should have been more calm and forgiving. I hope that you can forgive me."

Rainbow gave him a sarcastic look. "Whatever, sure." she said with her arms crossed.

You step in to quickly bury the subject and fix the broken friendship. "Hey, Rainbow, listen. I know how much this means to you. And ever since that night, I've been trying hard to get this back on track. But I cant do it without you, both of you." That definitely brought them closer. Now, they both disagree with what you say.

"What? You're insane! How are we gonna do this when everything we need is smashed to pieces?" Rainbow yelled.

"Yeah, not to mention the fact that neither of us has had much practice, and the battle is tonight!" your friend said.

"Would you relax?" you say calm. "I got this all planned out."

"Oh really?" Rainbow says doubtfully. You walk into her living room and put down your guitar case. When you open it, the looks on both of their said it all. You unzip the bag completely. "Feast your eyes on this!" you say opening your bag and revealing a golden stringed, newly refurbished, silver pegged, acoustic electric guitar. Rainbow's jaw dropped as the glare from the sun reflected on the pegs. "This is what we can use."

"Okay, I like your determination, but first, let me say everything you are forgetting. First off, we need at least two guitars, 1 lead, 1 chorus. We also need bass, drums, amps, and mics. Tell me, where will we get this on such short notice?" your friend said reasonably. You knew that he was right. You were really getting ahead of yourself.

"Okay, lemme think." you say taking a deep breath. "We didn't register for school instruments so that's out. What about the others who are joining? They have instruments right?"

Rainbow froze. She had forgotten about her little white lie. "Um, yeah... about that... no one else is joining."

"What?" You say in disbelief. "If no one else was joining, then how were you planning to do this?"

"I don't know, isn't there a program on your computer that can create artificial instruments?"

"Of course there-" your brain finally snaps. "That's it!" you think. "Rainbow you're a genius!" you say taking her by surprise with a kiss. "Sorry." you say embarrassed at what you just did.

"No, its... so anyway, how are we doing this again?" She said stunned.

"So, we can set up the program to play the instruments needed on right key for the song. Once hooked up with the panel, it will play through the speakers."

"Okay, how long will that take?" she asked.

You stop to realize the situation. "Too long." you say looking disappointed.

"Um, hello? Super techno awesome computer genius here." your friend replied. "I can get it done in two hours, but where can we get the amp?"

"I can get one. I know a guy." Rainbow says.

"Okay, looks like we got it all planned out. So we gonna do this?" You say putting your hand in a circle.

"I'm not doing that." your friend said.

"Why not?" Rainbow put her hand in right on top of yours. "It proves we're a team."

"Come on." you say persuading him.

"Fine." He put his hand in the circle and you all lifted them high.

"Okay, so, Rainbow get the amp and meet us at school. We'll bring the panel and computer."

"Okay." she said.

You all left the house in a hurry, battle of the bands was in 10 hours, and you were running out of time. You make it to school barely on time and and don't hesitate to get set up in the auditorium. Along the way you see the stage set up on the soccer field and all the bleachers facing the stage, almost like a concert hall. Tents and tables being set up for drinks and snacks. Since the auditorium was used for rehearsals, it had to be held outside. You make it to the auditorium and reclaim your practice spot. "Okay, set up the panel!" you say frantically. You and your friend set up everything at light speed. The only thing left to do was make the chorus.

"Don't worry, I'm working on it. Do you have a chords sheet?" he asks. You pull out the sheet and hand it to him. You then leave to the field to look for Rainbow Dash. An hour passes and still, nothing. You head back inside to see how hes doing. To your surprise, hes already finished. You then see Rainbow come in with the amp.

"I got it!" she said proudly. Everything was going ahead of planned. You helped set up the amp and hooked it up with the panel. You then hooked up your guitar and played a few chords. It worked perfectly. In all the excitement, you hadn't been paying attention to the time. There was only ten minutes until the last bell rang. When it did, everything had to be transferred to outside for the performance. You started to unhook everything and move it outside. It seemed like a whole lotta work, but it would soon be worth it.

It was 5:30 and the battle started at six. Everything was ready. The music was ready, the instruments were ready, all that was needed was the mic which Rainbow went to get. Your friend was somewhere on campus meeting someone. You didn't know who. You decide to look at his computer and see the music layout he made. You unplug the aux cable and put in your earbuds. The moment you press play, you realize something. This is the wrong song. You look at the paper you gave him and find out that it is the one that you played for Rainbow Dash the night of the sabotage. Your heart sinks, you don't want to cancel, and you cant make the new layout in time without your friend who is M.I.A. Rainbow comes with the mic and notices you worried.

"What happened?"

"Nothing." you decide not to tell her about what happened and pray for a miracle instead. Its 6:10. The seats quickly started to fill up with students. You go backstage with all the other performers and wait for it to start. You had your guitar on watch while you tried to make the new layout. But its no use. Principal Celestia stepped out onto the well lit stage and gave an intro.

"Welcome students, to battle of the bands!" The entire field roared with cheers and applause. "Today, 37 groups of students will be presenting for you today. In the end, the judges will cast their vote based on the amount of applause the performer gets. Have fun and may the best band win!" she left the stage, with the first group right after her. An hour and a half passed by and still no sign of your friend. The 36th performance was Adagio Dazzle and her BFF, Trixie. A mischievous pair that definitely could not be trusted. Before heading on stage, they decided to taunt you a little.

"Well, nice to see you two here after what happened." Trixie said mockingly.

"How did you know?" Rainbow asked suspiciously.

"Word gets out quick you know." said Adagio. "Especially words like you and him making out on the bleachers." she said pointing at you giving a wicked smile.

You both blush. They knew about what happened, but how could they? The entire school was empty, or was it? They headed out on stage along with three other performers and started to play a song that sounded extremely familiar. It definitely caught your attention. Rainbow Dash was in shock. You were ready to beat them down. "They did it." you say quietly. Rainbow looks at you not hearing what you said.


"They did it! It was them! The sabotage was them! They must have gotten the lyrics from my computer."

"What do we do now? We cant just give up."

"I don't know, maybe-" you realize something. "No."

"What?" she said interested.

"Remember the song I played for you that night?"

"Yeah? What about it?"

"How fast can you learn the lyrics?"

"I cant sing that!" she yelled.

"Why not?" you ask disappointed.

"The lyrics are not for me, they're aimed at a girl. You have to sing it."

"Me? You must be crazy." you say nervously.

"Come on, whats the matter?"

"Whats the matter is I have stage fright!" you admit your deepest secret to her in shame. "I cant do this alone."

She looked at you in empathy. She once had stage fright too. She looked deep into your eyes and gave you a soft kiss. Your nervousness slowly fades away as your eyes meet hers.

"Listen, I believe that you are capable of overcoming this yourself. Just go out there and imagine yourself performing for me, and only me." she said in a seductive tone. When your song finished playing, you grabbed your guitar and headed out onto the stage. Rainbow got to the side of the stage and plugged in the auxiliary cable. You plugged in your guitar cable into the amp and stood behind the curtains, nervous. Waiting for them to open felt like forever. Suddenly, they pull open faster than expected. You're petrified as you stare at the audience in front of you. You take a deep breath and imagine the audience completely empty. The only person there was Rainbow Dash. You place your hand on the chord, giving the order to start the music. As it plays, you can feel the energy coursing through your veins causing sudden anxiety. You keep calm as you play the intro and start to sing the lyrics. Instead of blushing like you normally would, you're calm. You have successfully gotten into your flow. Now nothing can stop you. Its you and the music. As you get to the first solo, you do a pick slide and slide your pick between the strings from the 18th fret to the 2nd. You stick to the high notes for better sound and more energy. You finish with a slight echo before cutting it off and doing your short 3rd verse acapella. You finish with one more solo and a slide, letting it echo as the song ended right on time. You pant heavily at the energy that you felt throughout your performance. Slowly, everything comes back and the sudden audience sitting right in front of you nearly takes you by surprise. You are surrounded by cheers and applause. Alongside the stage, Rainbow Dash was clapping and jumping with excitement. Celestia comes back out on stage to determine the winner.

"The judges have made their decisions and it is official. Here is our first finalist." she presented you to the audience. "Our last finalist is Adagio." She walked onto the stage with a smug look. It all came down to this, the audience votes. Each audience made the same amount of noise for you and Adagio, so the judges had to decide. The first vote went to Adagio. The second vote went to you. The excitement inside you was about to explode. You anticipated the arrival of the third vote. But the judge decided to give the last vote to Adagio. You groaned in defeat. There was a mixture of cheers and boos. You were about to walk off stage when...

"Not so fast! She cheated!" Rainbow walked on stage furious.

"How so?" Celestia asked.

"She sabotaged our instruments and stole our song!"

"No way! Thats a lie!" Adagio said defensively.

"This is a very serious accusation, do you have proof?"

"I do!" you look to the middle of the aisle and see that it is your friend holding a dark blue flashdrive. "And I'm about to show everyone the truth." He walked on stage and plugged in the drive into his computer that was conveniently hooked up to the projector.The footage played as everyone watched Adagio and Trixie sneak in to the auditorium and sabotage the instruments.

"This is truly shocking." Celestia said. "Sabotage is a criminal offense. You must pay for damages done to the instruments. And because of what was seen here today, you have been disqualified." Adagio left the stage in a fit as the audience booed her.

"I guess this can only mean one thing." you say.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome your new Battle of the Bands champion!" Celestia pointed you to everyone as the entire place exploded in applause.

"Congratulations." Rainbow said. "You know we should go and celebrate." she whispered in your ear.

"Sure." you say. "Let me just get changed."

"Alright, I'll come with you."

You both manage to escape from the crowd and go home. As you open the door, she takes a seat on your couch. "I'll be down soon." you say. You head upstairs to change your outfit. As you are in the middle of changing shirts, Rainbow came in and caught a glimpse of your abs.

"Rainbow! Do you mind knocking? I said I'll be there soon." She then approached you.

"Actually, change of plans. I'd rather prefer to be here, with you." She put her arms around your neck and brought you down for a kiss. You both slowly leaned in. Your lips met each other causing a sudden jump in your heartbeat. As if almost being told by telepathy, you both twisted your heads opposite of each other and let your tongues in to each other's mouth. Her soft moans started to give you an erection. You tongues both played with each other cause your emotions to set free. You decided to take it further until you realized that the door was still open. You break the kiss to close the door. Once the door is shut, you turn back around to find that she was starting to take off her top. First she took off her jacket, followed by her shirt, then tank top. She gave you a nervous smile as she started to take off her bra. You grabbed the side of your pants and took short scattered breaths as you were finding out that shit just real. She reached back to untie her bra as you stood there anticipating the moment. Slowly, it fell down to the floor leaving her medium-sized breasts exposed. You both blushed at each other. She walked towards you to give you another kiss, her nipples pressing against your chest. One hand wrapped around the back of your neck while the other one traveled down into your pants. Your beating faster and faster. You groaned in pleasure as her fingers started to play around with your cock. She tried to put both hands down but couldn't when you picked her off her feet and shoved her on your bed. She turned the tables as she became the one on top. Her hands held your cheeks as she kissed you in a more passionate way. She paused and stood laying above your legs. She saw the gigantic lump in your boxers and blushed. She slowly pulled them down enough until it popped out directly at her. She then placed her hands around the base and began to suck the first half. She started bobbing her head shoving more and more cock into her mouth. Your legs started to move all over the place and groans of extreme pleasure escaped our mouth at a more frequent rate. You could feel her tongue circling your shaft getting you more and more closer to ejaculation. She took a break and slid back up to kiss you. She still laid low enough for it to rub against her body. She sat up once more and brought your hands up to her breasts to touch them. They fit perfectly in your hands. You decided to try technique and you rubbed them with your hands in a circular motion. This caused her to moan a lot more. She grabbed your wrists and started guiding them throughout her body. She eventually decided to take things even further.

"Do you mind making me a bit more comfortable?" she asked playfully.

You paused. Did she just say what you think she said? You put her into position as you started to pull down her jeans and panties revealing her cute butt and the one thing you've only dreamed of seeing. She bent her legs upward and spread them for you to do what she wanted you to do. As you got into position, she stopped you.

"Not so fast." she said. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a condom. "Best to be safe." she said.

After she put the condom on you, you slowly inserted yourself inside of her. The tightness of her pussy almost massaging your shaft. Your breaths were mixed with shudders, chills, and pleasure. Everything she did, no matter how big or small, was attractive. From her laugh, to her cute little blush, to her sexy moans, would turn you on. You were on the top, therefore you had the advantage. You laid down on her body and began to suck on her breasts. You circled your tongue around the nipples as it triggered several moans.

"Ugh! Don't... Don't stop..." she said in her sexual trance. You kissed her once more as you thrusted faster and faster inside her. A sudden tiny scream came from her as you thrusted. You could hear her panting. Just then, as you were thrusting, you feel something warm at the tip of your shaft. You look at Rainbow and find her blushing. This proves her guilty as charged. You resumed to admiring her figure. Your tongues both played with each other as she held you tighter, closer to her. Suddenly, you feel an urge that you can't stop. You release yourself inside her. A loud groan escaped you as your face turned red. After the waves have calmed, you are both left panting and blushing. You can't help but stare into each other's eyes. You both smiled at the awkward silence. Your love for her, actual love, is the best feeling you've ever felt in your life, and you didn't want it to end. Before her eyes closed, you take her hand and hold it firmly. You looked deep into her eyes and told her three simple words, "I love you."