One For The Ages

by ForgottenDreams

First published

Trixie is invited to the Crystal Empire for a private show in honor of the new baby. However what she gets is a bit more fun. Contains: light bondage, tentalces, anal, ect

Trixie thinks that she is preforming a show for the new born princess. However what she is actually getting is a bit more rewarding and a lot more fun

The show Must go on

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Trixie steps off of the train with her suitcase. She looks up at the towering crystal pillars telling her that she was no longer in Equestria. Taking a gulp she walks through the main gates. Marveling at the crystal ponies, and their appearance Trixie begins to feel inadequate. For she has only ever seen them from a distance. Seeing them up close like this she could easily see the vast differences between her, and them.

Normally she wouldn't dare show an once of trepidation before a performance after all she is the great, and powerful Trixie. However this show was going to be different from her previous performances. This time it was a private show, but not just any private show, but a show for the princess of the Crystal Empire herself Princess Cadance. Trixie walks through the bustling streets as crystal ponies celebrate the birth of a new princess in their empire. As she stammers through the crowd she runs muzzle first into a patrolling guard.

"Hay watch where you are going! Don't you know who I am!?" Trixie nubs her nuzzle

"Yes, but only because my sister told me about you Trixie," says the guard.

Trixie looks up her ears fall back. For she had just bumped into Shining Armor. The husband and royal consort to princess Cadance.

"Oh I am so sorry Prince Shining Armor I didn't see you," Trixie makes an awkward bow to Shining in attempt to look apologetic.

"Heh prince Shining Armor no pny has called me that in a while. No worries Trixie we figured you'd get lost with all the hubbub. Follow me I will escort you to the castle," Shining Armor says as he points the way to the castle

"Ah thank you," Trixie picks up her luggage; and follows Shining.

Ponies bow to Shining Armor as he passes by making the proud stallion blush every time they do. They reach the entrance to the castle were two crystal pony guards stand at attention. They salute to Shining Armor as he passes them then return to standing at attention. Trixie marvels at the interior as everything sparkles in vibrant hues.

The magnificence of the palace makes her eyes grow to the size of dinner plates. She feels like an ant compared to a dragon. Taking a gulp she is escorted through the crystalline halls. Familiar laughter could be heard as Trixie passes by a certain door. Peeking inside she sees the mane six huddled around a baby crib.

"This way please," Shining Armor extends his hoof further down the hallway.

"Wait! I thought I was to perform for the baby?" Trixie asks in confusion as she points to the room that she was looking at.

"Maybe another day Trixie. Twily told us how spectacular your shows are. Cadence would like to see it before we think of having you perform for Flurry Heart," Shining smiles as he continues to walk down the hall.

Trixie laughs nervously for she was expecting to perform some kiddie level tricks. Now she has to impress a princess. If she doesn't do well she will not be getting the commission. If she doesn't get this commission she was going to be in serious trouble. For even though she does her best to look fabulous at all times she was actually broke.

She has to make this work! Trixie walks down the hallway behind Shining Armor pondering on just how she was going to make this work. After all there were undoubtedly jesters, and the like in the Crystal empire. She is about to figure something out she walks horn first into Shining Armor's butt.

"Wh..hey! Easy there," Shining rubs his ass where Trixie poked him.

"Huh? Oh I am so sorry I was just lost in thought is all,"

"Lost in thought huh? Listen don't tell Cadance this but she is really easy to please. Just give it your all ok," Shining puts a hoof on Trixie's shoulder as he smiles at her.

"Just give it my best huh?" Trixie smiles back at him nervously.

Shining nods his head, and opens the door to the royal bed chambers. There in all her glory is princess Cadance lying on a massive bed covered in red silk sheets. She is wearing a light see through pink night gown. Cadance smiles at her husband, and Trixie her very presence glows with a beauty that could only belong to the princess of love. Trixie couldn't help but stare at Cadance's eyes as they meet. They were so beautiful she could stare into them for all eternity. Trixie stumbles into the grand room as Shining nudges her forward.

"Well I think you've got things covered from here on out. I am going to return to the festival to make sure things stay smooth," Shining Armor says as he walks over to his wife and places a loving kiss on her lips.

Trixie crosses her hind legs as she looks at Cadance's mouth kissing Shining's. This is not at all how she wanted to be spending her day, but if it means more bits in her purse she will trudge on.

"Have a good time Shining I will join you later in the day ok," Cadance says as she places a hoof on Shining's face.

Shining smiles back at his wife before he heads to the door. As he passes by Trixie he gives her a wink and closes the door behind him.

"What was that about? Well whatever time to put on a show," Trixie thinks to herself.

Trixie adjusts her hat, and smiles as she ignites a blue smoke bomb disappearing in a blink of an eye. Using her magic she closes the curtains and creates an artificial blue spot light in the center of the room. Blue smoke snakes around the floor as Trixie begins to speak from the shadows.

"Greetings fillies and gentle colts of all ages. Welcome to the magnificent spectacle that is the great, and powerful Trrrrrixie. Be prepared to be amazed as you see feats that no pony dares to attempt. Try not to blink as you will miss something of greatness," Using her magic Trixie makes the blue smoke take the many forms of ponies applauding and chanting her name.

Cadance chuckles before joining in the applauding. A lightning bolt is let loose from the shadows above. With a bright flash, and dazzling fireworks Trixie appears in the center of the spotlight, but not in her usual cape, and hat. Rather she was now wearing a black tuxedo, and a golden masquerade mask. Her mane flows down her shoulders like two waterfalls. Trixie smiles into the darkness. She is extremely nervous, but thanks to her lighting trick she can't see the princess only her fake audience. Music begins to play from the shadows changing the mood to one of wonder, and mystery.

Trixie's horn starts to glow as she begins her tricks. A puff of smoke is wrapped in her magic. The smoke swirls within a sphere of blue light. It sparkles and glows many hues as Trixie uses her magic to shape it. With a loud pop the sphere of magic ruptures, and a magnificent bird made of blue flame emerges from the bubble. It flies around the room before it stops right above Trixie, and explodes into tiny shards of glistening shards of light. The crowd ooos at the sight.

Trixie smiles as she grabs a single shard of light with her magic. The shard shimmers, and glimmers within her aura before it transforms into a tongue of flame. The flame grows in size as Trixie wills it to do so. Making the flame snake around her Trixie has it dance around the room.

Changing the form to a galloping earth pony half way through the room. Trixie then has it offer it's hoof to Cadance which she takes. The music changes from one of mystery to a classical waltz. Cadance dances with the flaming pony as the fake crowd hoops and hollers at the dance. Cadance is tossed into the air and a bright flash erupts from the flaming pony Cadance disappears into thin air. The crowd gasps in awe.

Trixie pulls out a wand from her sleeves. Tapping it three times on her mask the tip begins to sparkle with blue light. She waves the wand in the air, and a red rose materializes in her free hoof. The crowd applauses as Trixie smiles. She throws the flower into the air and zapps it with her wand. The rose begins to grow in size until it explodes into regular sized rose petals. At the center was princess cadence in a stunning red dress. She glides down through the air rose petals dance around her as she does. Landing next to Trixie she smiles at the fake crowd. The crowd erupts into applause.

Trixie magically teleports an extravagant box to her side. Cadance steps into the box showing only her face. Several long swords teleport into the air, and all together they skewer the box. The crowd gasps at the sight of the sudden impalement. Trixie pulls out a white handkerchief from her sleeve and begins to twirl it through the air. The crowd holds their fake breath. Then as Trixie spins the handkerchief it changes color, and grows in size. It is now a large black sheet. Trixie throws it over cadence, and the box. With a wave of her hooves she begins to make fake incantations. The black sheet deflates as the box vanishes from underneath. Trixie then pulls on the sheet and several white doves fly from underneath. The crowd ooos as the doves take flight.

Trixie then twists, and turns the sheet into a pink rose. Throwing it behind the crowd to where Cadance was originally sitting. As the fake crowd turn their heads following the rose it is caught by princess Cadance sitting right there as if she had never moved. The crowd erupts to a new level of excitement as Trixie takes a deep bow. Trixie uses her magic to open the curtains and disperse the smoke. Cadance claps happily as the show ends. She was not expecting to be apart of the show. Trixie bows once again to Cadance as she removes her mask.

"Brava, brava, bellissimo encore, encore," Cadance claps her hooves in utter delight.

"Wh...what, but," Trixie looks at princess Cadance completely dumbfounded.

"What is it?" Cadance looks at Trixie with pouty lips.

Trixie gulps at the realization that doesn't have anything left that would impress a princess. She tries to worm her way out of an encore.

"Well it's just that if I show anything else it wouldn't be special later, and the great, and powerful Trrrrrixie doesn't like to repeat a performance of such great magnitudes as this one," Trixie quivers her lips hoping that the princess would buy such an obvious lie.

"Oh, well if that's the case do you mind showing me how to do some of the simpler tricks? It would be nice surprise for Shining," Cadance looks Trixie right in the eyes. Trixie feels blood rushing to her cheeks as she is forced to look princess Cadance in those beautiful eyes of hers.

"Is this for entertainment, or is it for something a bit" Trixie couldn't believe she just said that to the bucking princess of love!

"Hehehe maybe," chuckles Cadance as she saunters over to Trixie.

Trixie's entire face is now bright red. "Oh, well...I...guess I can show you some simple illusions," Trixie couldn't believe this is happening! Just what kind of enchantress is she looking at that! Is she losing her inhibitions? Trixie stares into Cadance's brilliant eyes they were so inviting.

Cadance stops mere inches away from Trixie's muzzle and whispers into Trixie's ear. "Lets get started then shall we?"

Trixie gulps as she takes some rope out of her suitcase. She shows her how to tie a knot, and how to bind a pony show that they couldn't move.

"Do it like this so it looks like they aren't able to move, but actually all they have to do is pull this part here, and the knot will undo itself. See?" Trixie ties Cadance up so that she can feel what Trixie is talking about.

"Hmmn. I think so. Do you mind if I try it on you?" Cadance asks as she pulls the knot loose, and grabs the rope within her own magical aura.

"...wait just a moment," Trixie says as cadence does a completely different knot so that Trixie really was hog tied.

Trixie tries to use her magic to teleport out of the rope, but stops charging the spell as she looks back into Cadance's eyes. Those God damn mesmerizing eyes! Cadance moves in closer to Trixie, and nuzzles her cheek.

"Do you mind if we try something a bit" Cadance nibbles Trixie's earlobe.

Trixie can feel heat radiate throughout her body. She normally wasn't into mares, but there was something about Cadance that makes Trixie want to be with her.

"What about your husband? Won't he get mad if he finds out that know?" Trixie tries to get her body to calm down as Cadance continues to nuzzle her cheek.

"Oh, don't worry about my Shining he is the only stallion for me. Besides it was his idea to get some outside help. Between taking care of Flurry Heart, and our royal duties we don't have time together anymore. Naturally we sought help from a crystal pony to relieve my desires, but were unsuccessful. Twilight spoke highly of your abilities to entertain. So won't please help the princess of love in her time of need?" Cadance places her soft petal like lips onto Trixie's. Trixie tries to resist but Cadance's lips were Soo soft.

Trixie begins to loosen up her mouth to let the inviting tongue in. Cadance rolls her tongue around Trixie's. Their tongues playfully dance around each other's exploring every texture in their mouths. Cadance hits sweet spots within Trixie's mouth that she didn't even knew that she had. Her eyes flutter and roll back as she enjoys the ride. Cadance breaks the passionate kiss a stream of saliva breaks between them.

" Mmmmh. Blueberry, and is that vanilla?" Cadance puts her hoof up to her mouth as she ponders the flavors that she is tasting. Trixie pants heavily as she looks up to Cadance.

Cadance starts to slowly walk around Trixie admiring the blue mare's slender curves. Taking the tip of one of her wings Cadance lightly traces her curves making Trixie laugh.

"Hehe...ssstop...that tickles!" Trixie thrashes around in the ropes trying to get away from the feathers. A burst of magic erupts from Trixie's horn teleporting her out of the ropes Cadance pouts her lips, and gives her puppy eyes.

"Do you think that this something that I the great and powerful Trrrrrixie would just agree to!? What's in it for me?" Trixie huffs as she crosses her hind legs.

"Hmmm. good question. What could the great and powerful Trixie do with an indentured princess of an entire kingdom at her disposal? After all it's not like you need money or status like you said you are the great and powerful Trixie. Besides it looks like you are not into mares, or is there another reason for the wetness coming from your flower?" Cadance chuckles as she points to Trixie's legs.

Trixie's eyes grow wide. Cadance was right she was getting more and more aroused by the second. Trixie couldn't help but to think of doing Cadance for she was so beautiful, and inviting. She didn't want to disappoint her, but at the same time this seems so fast for her. An idea pops into her head making Trixie unclench her legs, and smile towards her lust filled spectator.

Trixie moves into Cadance, and rubs her body against hers. Whispering into the princess's ear.

"Oh, so it is that kind of encore that you truly wanted? Very well my princess but it will cost you greatly to gaze upon Trixie's most secretive show. Are you willing to except the consequences of your actions?"

Cadance coos at the feeling of Trixie's warm breath on her ear.

" Yes take me into the depths of your depravity,"

With a flash of magic the room once again grows dark as the curtains fall, but this time the magical lighting is a soft red. Cadance finds herself tied to her bed. Looking into the shadows she sees Trixie walking ever soo slowly towards her. Using her magic Trixie turns her scent into a pink mist that quickly fills the room. Cadance takes in a deep inhale of the mist as it passes over her. The scent is sweet with a slight bitterness to it making Cadance nearly lose it right then and there.

Tendrils take shape and begin to slither their way all over her body. Some wrap themselves around her nipples while others wrap around her wings, and horn. A single tendril of dainty size snakes its way to her sex, and slowly begins to tease, and tantalize her most sensitive spots.

Trixie makes her way to the bed where she crawls in between Cadance's legs; and stops at her plump pink lips. Taking a deep breath Trixie begins to slowly blow a small stream of air onto the flower. The tendril discharges a wave of magical energy into Cadance's flower making her legs spasm.

huff, huff, huff "Where did you learn to do that!?" Cadance pants heavily as the wave of energy continues to excite her sex.

"A magician never reveals her tricks," Trixie smiles as she stops her blowing.

Looking up at cadence Trixie opens up her mouth; and sticks out her tongue. With a deliberatly slow pace she licks the length of the flower. Every time she touches the tendril with her tongue it changes it's discharge from an electrical one to one of intense heat. Cadance arcs her back as the sudden change forces her wings to flare out. As they do the tendrils that are wrapped around them let loose a wave of cold energy. Forcing them to retract; her entire body begins to spasm as it is unable to release it's pent up excitement.

Every time she tries to flare her wings from the heat burning deep within her loins the chilling cold would force them back. Cadance's eyes roll back in her head as all of the sensations course through her body. Just as her torment began it ended she looks down to Trixie. Her muzzle is soaked with juices and a smirk crosses Trixie's mouth as she shallows. No longer being enticed by their master the tendril slowly begin to return to their natural state of teasing.

"Wh...why did you stop?" cadence asks between breaths.

Trixie glows her horn and changes the tiny tendril into a large pulsating cock. Making cadence moan out in pleasure.

"Because a magician keeps her audience guessing all the way to the end,"

The thick cock pumps into her at a steady rhythm as Trixie begins to kiss her inner thighs slowly making her way up to Cadance's milky breasts. Trixie takes one of the nipples into her mouth, and begins to gently suck on it. As she does the tendrils that are wrapped around her boobs begin to squeeze, and massage them as if they were thousands of gentle kisses, and soft hooves touching her. She tries not to flare her wings, but couldn't help it! They flare to their fullest length.

Cadance was expecting to feel the icy chill, but to her astonishment she didn't. The tendrils didn't send an icy chill throughout her body, but instead they increased the pleasure by mimicking those that wrapped around her breasts. Now no longer restricted to the edge of pleasure Cadance moans out her approval. Trixie looks up at her, and smiles. She stops her suckling, and gently bites the nipple that was in her mouth.

As she bites down the tendrils that were wrapped around Cadance's boobs, and wings send out powerful shockwaves of electricity. Cadance gasps at the sudden change of pleasure. she is about to cum! Seeing this Trixie lets go of her nipple entirely, and just sits there upright looking at Cadance's pleading face.

"Why won't you let me cum?" Cadance was nearly to the point of tears.

Trixie just smiles at her " The show isn't over. We don't want you to leave before the grand finale,"

Cadance lets out a loud moan as the tendrils around her breast, and wings transform into feathers tickling her. She was going to lose her mind if this kept up. Between the thick cock steadily pounding her, and now the feathers tickling her she isn't going to last. Trixie lets out a small chuckle as she once again crawls her way up Cadance's splendid body.

Now finally at eye level. Trixie looks into Cadance's eyes; and breaths into Cadance's nostrils so that she can smell her own scent. Between the smell of milk, and that of her juices Cadance nearly loses her mind. Cadance stretches out her neck to kiss Trixie. Trixie lowers herself, and reciprocates the longing kiss. Their tongues lap at each other playfully teasing each other. As Cadance enjoys the kiss Trixie breaks it. Cadance lets out a small whimper of longing as she wanted to continue the kiss.

However Trixie just smiles as she moves to the side, and crawls just a little higher. A gasp comes from Cadance as Trixie licks her horn all the way to the tip. Once she reaches the tip Trixie wraps her lips around it, and begins to bob her head up, and down. Trixie reaches half way down Cadance's horn which was as deep as she could take it. The tendril that was wrapped around her horn sends streams of lightning to the other ones.

Cadance was now truly moaning as the pace at which the cock that was pounding her was increasing it's rate, and the feathers turn into tongues. With a loud scream Cadance's eyes roll back her wings flare to a painful extent, and she cums hard all over the phantasmal cock. Her breathing begins to slow as she lets out a sigh of relief.

"Th...that was amazing," Cadance says as she calms down from the orgasm.

Trixie slowly pulls Cadance's horn out of her mouth.

"But madam the show isn't over that was only the build up next comes the grand finale," Trixie chuckles.

"W..wait what!?" Cadance asks as Trixie's horn begins to glow vigorously.

The tendril that was wrapped around her horn transforms into a mirror image of Trixie slowly deep throating her horn all the way down to the base, and the other ones begin to resume their previous pace. Trixie makes her way back down to Cadance's flower. Using her magic Trixie takes what is left of the surrounding mist; and transforms it.

Cadance's eyes grow wide as the mist turns into a large pink double sided dildo. Trixie smiles wide as the cock shaped tendril removes itself from Cadance's pussy. She puts the tip up against Cadance's entrance, and slides it in with no effort. Cadance lets out a moan as the dildo hilts against her. It was much larger than Shining's cock! Trixie removes the bindings around Cadance's hind legs and places them on her shoulders. Lining the other side of the dildo Trixie forces it into herself slamming Cadance as she hilts it.

With her ass now off of the bed the phantom cock finds itself a new place as it begins to press against Cadance's puckered asshole. She gasps as it slowly crawls it's way deep within her ass. The cock stops at each rim within her before continuing it's penetration. Before long it hilts, and begins to slowly pull itself out. Then back in it descends even though the second time is easier the cock keeps it's agonizingly slow pace.

As it is settles into its rhythm Trixie begins to pound her at her own slow pace. Every time Trixie pulls out; the cock in Cadance's ass would hilt, and as it pulls out Trixie would slam the dildo all the way in. Trixie keeps her pace making sure that she keeps Cadance right on the edge without ever going over.

Soon enough though she feels her own body begin to swell with pressure. Drawing it close to the end Trixie increases the pace of both her pounding, and that of her magic. All that can be heard is the fast groans of pleasure coming from Cadance as she is taken on the ride of her life. Both mares soon scream in pleasure as they climax at the same time.

Her body now spent Trixie is no longer able to maintain the spell, and the pink mist dissipates. Trixie collapses on top of Cadance her breathing extremely heavy. With all the released sexual tension that was building up inside of her. Trixie no longer feels afraid of the princess of love. What she does feel though is that of bliss; she could see why she was the princess of love or should I say of sex.

"Well I hope I impressed you with my performance princess," Trixie chuckles as she tries to get up only to fall right back down on Cadance.

"Oh, you certainly did. What would you say to being my personal performer here at the palace? I could always have use for someone of your caliber," Cadance says as she takes a deep inhale.

Trixie laughs at the thought "The magnificent Trixie at your service,"