Purrfect Graduation Night

by MetalBrony823

First published

Aaron, a human from another world is attending Canterlot High, but he just graduated, and The Mane 7 (With Twilight now in the group) give him a present. A very sexy present.

An 18 year old handsome and kind guy named Aaron is about to graduate from Canterlot high. And, the same thing for Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and the Equestria girls version of Twilight. Aaron has been a good friend to them and is a good friend to the group. They really want to thank him for being a good friend, even though it isn't goodbye, for they will still hang out often, but still. Then they all have a plan together, and decided to give Aaron a good reward for his gentleness and kindness and him graduating as well.

A Present (Edited)

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It was the last day at Canterlot High School, and every senior was excited to graduate. Of course they will miss the teachers like Ms. Cheerilee, Cranky, Mr. Discord, and more importantly, Principal Celestia, and vice principal Luna, but still, they were all happy to graduate tomorrow. Aaron, a student that just moved to Canterlot high in the beginning of the year, was also excited. He was a rather handsome looking young man who had semi-long hair, of course, many students are very handsome like him, except for Snips and Snails, and the Diamond Dogs. But, despite his beauty and handsome appearance, he was very nice and kind to everyone around him. It was almost lunch time and that meant almost one hour of free time to himself in the school.

"Alright, class." Cheerilee announced. "It was wonderful teaching all of you in my class this year. Yes, we may have our ups and downs, especially from you, Rainbow Dash!" She had a look of irritation at the star athlete, and one of it's saviors from certain doom in the school. Rainbow had a look of nervousness and smiled with slight embarrassment. Nevertheless, Cheerilee calmed down from that and continued "sorry about that, everyone. I'm calm now. Anyway, it was a real pleasure having you all in here, and had real fun together. I will like to say that I will miss all of you." She looked at the sexy rainbow haired athlete. "Yes, even you, Rainbow Dash."

"Thanks, miss Cheerilee." Rainbow said kindly. "And,I would like to say I am sorry for causing you some grief over the year in the class. I... I just prefer to have some fun, you know? Besides, I am one of the awesomest students you can ever have here." She looked around at the other students and worried that she might have made them feel bad. "And you guys are all awesome." She said to all of them. This made them better and not feel left out

"Yes well, I will bid you all good luck on your trip out of high school, everyone. Oh! But first, I have something I want to give to someone that is really a big help to the class, and the school." She looked at Aaron at the corner. "Aaron." The young man looked at Cheerilee with some butterflies in his stomach.

"Me?" He said dumbfounded ad touched at the same time. "Are you really referring to me, miss Cheerilee?"

The teacher smiled. "Of course, Aaron. You have been such a big help to me, the students and the students. Principal Celestia and vice principal Luna said the same thing, and we all thank you for that." Then everyone applauded for him on his great kindness to them.

"Thanks, miss Cheerilee, thanks guys." He said proudly while flushing. "I just care about other people that I want to help the anyway I can."

"Ad that's why we love you, Aaron." Fluttershy stated.

"Yeah, you are really awesome." Rainbow added.

"So, anyway, what... did you want to give me?"

"Come on up on the board, and I will show you."

The handsome youth got more butterflies in himself, but he did what she told him to do, anyway. "So.... what is it?" He asked curiously

Cheerilee smiled and pulled out something from inside her desk. "Principal Celestia and vice principal Luna wanted me to give this to you." What she had was a certificate that looked like... a scholarship to a university.

"A full scholarship to Canterlot university?" Aaron said with excitement. Everyone cheered for his success. "That's so awesome. Thank you so much, miss Cheerilee." Then they both hugged eachother.

"You are welcome. Oh, and don't forget to tell the principal and vice principal thank you as well."

"Don't worry. I won't" then the bell rang, hearing as the sign of Aaron's final lunch in high school in his life. Everyone then went out the door with their stuff and belongings with them. "Well, goodbye, miss Cheerilee." The young man bidder farewell to one of his favorite teachers. "I'll miss you."

"Goodbye, Aaron. I'll miss you too. Good luck" then he went out to lunch. While he was generally kind to everyone. He... has a rather kinky way or life. He thought that his closest friends, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, and Sunset Shimmer were one of the most beautiful women he had ever met. He didn't have any trouble taking to them, but he would always have a feeling of hidden arousal whenever he is with any of them. He was a young man, looking for love. He didn't want to reveal it to them, for he fears that they will fear him as a creepy pervert.

When he entered the cafeteria, he saw them on the spot they would usually eat together, and they all smiled, very happy to see him. This Twilight was the one from Crystal Prep academy, and not Equestria, and of course, she had Spike with her, rather unusual to have a dog with a student, but he was a talking dog now and is always by her side. He promptly sat down with them after he bought his food from Granny Smith

"Howdy, Aaron." Said Applejack

"Hey guys." He said to them.

Twilight praised him by saying "congratulations for getting a full scholarship."

"Ah. You're welcome, Twilight."

"And we would like to thank you for being a great help to us this school year." Pinkie added. "Just one more day and we are out of high school! Woo!"

"I concur. It feels so delightful to go above the ranks." Rarity added.

"Aaron is such a good guy, and very kind to us." Fluttershy said, making Aaron blush. "You were a big help for the animal fundraiser last winter, and you did a really great job at helping all those animals."

"Yeah. I do love animals as much as you do, Fluttershy."

"And the time he helped us set up the talent show in autumn." Sunset Shimmer added. "He knows how to make something work."

"I don't know if I would take all the credit." Aaron modestly said "you guys all helped too. You all deserve a fair share of that."

"See, isn't he awesome?" Rainbow said, wrapping her arm around his shoulders. He began tl feel the arousal again and felt his manhood slowly getting hard

"She feels so warm, and nice." He thought. He felt really lucky to be friends with such beautiful girls like them. There were other beautiful girls he knew at the school like Lyra, Bon Bon, and others, but these were his closest friends.

"Are you okay, darling?" Rarity asked

"What do you mean, Rarity?"

"You look like you seen a ghost kind of." Rainbow said, taking her a off of him.

"Oh no no. I'm just fine."

"You sure?" Spike asked.

"Yep. I was just thinking."

"What were you thinking about?" Fluttershy asked curiously

"How we came all this way."

"I know, right." Said Pinkie. "I mean, it felt like we were warped through time through a time machine to the future!"

"Time goes by fast, don't it?" Applejack added

"I agree." Said Fluttershy. "We have been through so much together. The times we had at the fair, the lunches, everything."

"Fluttershy, you know we will still be together, right?" Twilight said.

"I know. But still, we have good memories that will last a lifetime."

"Can't argue with that, Shy." Spike agreed.

Then Flutterhsy accidentally knocked over her water bottle, and went under the table. "Oops. I'll get that." Then Aaron got a glimpse of her beautiful ass, even under a skirt it was perfectly shaped and adorable.

"So beautiful." He thought. Then she went back on the table, and placed her water back.

"You alright, Aaron?" Rainbow asked

"What? What?" The 18 year old was out of his thinking land again and looked at his close friends

"I was thinking again."

"Is there something going on, Aaron?" Sunset asked. "You're acting a little weird."

"I'm not weird." He protested. "I.... I gotta go. I need to tell principal Celestia and Vice principal Luna thank you for the certificate." Then he went off in a hurry. However, he failed to notice that one of his notebooks fell out of his backpack because he forgot to zip it shut before he went off like that.

The group noticed it, and Fluttershy picked it up. "Oh, Aaron." She called "you dropped your notebook." But he didn't hear her.

"What is it?" Asked Sunset

"Probably one of his notes."

"Oh! Let me see!" Then Pinkie Pie swiped it off to look at it

"Pinkie, have you no respect for anyone's privacy?" Rarity scolded.

Then Pinkie noticed something rather shocking on the little book of his. "Uuhhhhhh." Was all she said while looking at some of the pages

"I really think we should give it back to.... him." Then Fluttershy noticed and was rather as shocked as she was.

"Don't leave me hanging, what is it? Then Rainbow joined it, and followed by Rarity and Applejack, Twilight, and Sunset. What was in his book was sketches and nice drawings of beautiful girls naked and other sketches of them in clothing like sexy sleeveless unitards, bikinis, and bunny suits. All of them were speechless, except for Spike, since he is still a little bit too young to understand

"I don't get it." said the dog."

"It's complicated, Spike." Twilight said "You'll understand when you're older."

"O-kay." Spike didn't really understand what was really going on, but he decided to just mind his own business.

"So that's why he was acting a little weird." Rarity said, realizing what was going on with their male friend.

"I had no idea he felt this way. I think he's... just a little shy around girls sometimes." Sunset clarified.

Fluttershy looked deeper in the details of the pages as Pinkie kept turning from one to another. "Oh, I don't know what to think of all of this." she said. "Well, I am pretty sure what he does is perfectly normal. He.... he just needs some love, and besides, these girls are not naked and covered. Am I right? Don't think it's stupid."

"I agree with Fluttershy." said Rainbow. "I don't think he's a pervert. He just needs to have some love."

"I personally do not know what to think myself. Well, at least these are descent to say the least. Aaron has been a good friend to us all. Always such a big help to us, the students, and the teachers."

Applejack looked further into the details and said "I know, So I think we want to show him how much we care about him, and thank him for it."

Then Sunset had a smile on her face. "I think i know what we should do, girls."

Then Fluttershy said "I was kind of thinking of the same thing." Sunset kind of looked at her in a weird way. "What? I just know what he needs to feel better. Is that weird of me?"

"No. It's perfect, Fluttershy." Sunset replied. The girls all crowded together and Sunset talked of what they should do for him. Then Fluttershy spoke after her and they all took turns before they were done talking.

"That's a wonderful idea. That would show him how much we love him and how much he means to us." Twilight agreed.

"And a rather.... naughty idea too." Rarity said in a sly smile. Then everyone, minus Spike had a sneaky smile on their faces.

"Oh yes. Aaron will love it for sure." Fluttershy added

"I don't get it." Spike blurted in confusion. "What do you mean by... giving him a good time. The ladies were right on the spot and didn't want to tell him yet, because at this age, he would not be able to handle it so well.

"Well.... it's... what Twilight said, Spike. You'll understand when you're older."

"Can I still come with you guys?"

"Oh yes. You can." Twilight clarified.

Then the girls resumed eating their lunch while the dog went back in Twilight's backpack.

Later in the afternoon, Aaron was at home in his bedroom after he came home from the last day of school. He took off his backpack and realized something was missing. "my sketches." he said. He began to panic and looked through his backpack a couple of times, but there was no sign of if. "Oh no no no no no. What if someone read it?!" Aaron exclaimed. He didn't know what to do now. He could imagine the embarrassment he would face if someone, even one of his closest friends read it. He would be the most embarrassed man alive on this planet. Then out of nowhere without warning, the doorbell rang.

He calmed down and open the door to see Sunset, looking normal and happy to see him as usual. Maybe she and the others haven't noticed his little secret yet.

"Hi Aaron." Said Sunset Shimmer. "I hope I am not visiting you in a bad time. I just thought I would drop by and say hello."

"No no. Of course not. Always happy to see one of my closest friends." He flipped his semi-long black hair.

"Good. I wanted to also give you a free root beer as something nice from me."

Aaron was a little weirded out. "Root beer?" He said "that's.... Weird, but I like it."

Sunset shimmer's smile grew wider. "I knew you would love it, no matter how weird it is.

"Guilty as charged." She handed him a small cup of root beer. "That's it?" He said "well, I guess it will do. Besides, I got my own cans of the, here." He took the whole sip from the cup and gave it back to her, then made a small burp. "Excuse me." Then he felt a little.... Strange "what's.... Going on?" He felt a little groggy and tried his best to fight it, but to no avail. Then, he fell asleep and collapsed on the ground.


Aaron woke up approximately thirty minutes and yawned. "Wakey wakey, Aaron." Fluttershy sang really softly.

"Good, you're awake. We were waiting a long time for you to come back from your dreamland." Said Rainbow

What Aaron saw made his jaw dropped. Fluttershy, Twilight, Rainbow, Pinkie, Sunset, Applejack, and Rarity were wearing really sexy sleeveless unitards that had a tail on the back. The sexy suits were all black in color and they looked really fitting for them. Aaron was speechless and he had the biggest boner he could possibly have in his life. They also had cat ears in their hair, making it more adorable, and long, black gloves that went to their elbows and Twilight had her hair clip off to let her hair down, and Applejack the same thing with their hair. Pinkie Pie had her hair straight, instead of it being all curly, except she doesn't look so glum, and is just the happy Pinkie Pie Aaron and his friends all know in love.

They all laughed seductively at this reaction. "Ooh, it's already hard." Rarity said.

"Ah! I'm naked!" Aaron exclaimed. "Where are my clothes, what's going on here?" He was restrained on some soft board made of mattress and his limbs were all tied to some kind of soft rope with a firm grip. He did not know if he should feel ashamed, embarrassed, happy because of the girls and what was going to happen. or all of the above

"Relax. It's okay." Said Fluttershy softly. She rubbed her hand on the side of his body, making him more aroused. "We just want to say thank you for being a good friend to us, and we wanted to... Give you this as a reward. She giggled again and gently tickled his penis with her fingers.

Aaron then asked curiously "Where's Spike?"

"Oh, he's asleep downstairs, don't worry about him." Twilight clarified. "But that's not important. What's important, is our present." She and everyone else had bedroom eyes.

"I don't understand."

"Well, we noticed your little... Sketches." Applejack clarified.

"Oh god." Aaron said under his breath. He knew something like this would happen and felt more ashamed and embarrassed than ever, because of her best friends reading about it. "I am so sorry if I offended you, just please don't hate me." he begged with red cheeks on his face.

"Oh, sweetie. It's okay." Rarity said "we understand how you feel." She rubbed her hand on the other side of his torso gently

"You guys.... Are not mad at me?" HE began to feel so relieved and a little lucky that he didn't get a hard smack to his face.

"Of course not." Pinkie said. "We understand just what you're going through."

"Right. And we want to help you with that, so we have these sexy unitards to help you be more happy." Rainbow added.

"Let's show him something very sexy, girls." Twilight said.

They agreed and they all danced in sexy ways to make his boner even bigger. Just looking at their beautiful asses while they danced, and he noticed that they unusually moved. "You're tails move?" He asked

"Yep. I found a little trick to do that, by some little spell." Rainbow then showed him her ass while she tickled around his privates with her tail while giggling seductively. The tail felt really nice and soft, and loved the feeling. He gasped and moaned, turns out this might go a little better than expected for him tonight.

"So, who wants to go first to play with him?" Sunset asked.

"I will do it." Rarity volunteered. She showed him her beautiful back and the suit made it more enticing. "You're so cute when you are staring like that, Aaron."

"You.... You look really beautiful."

"Oh, thanks, sweetie." She said. Then she tickled his privates with her fingers and he began to moan. "Ooh, you like that." She kept on giggling seductively as he was enjoying this little move. She rubbed her beautiful body on him and danced around him. The suit felt really nice and soft and warm. Then she slowly sucked his cock in her mouth.

"Oh god!" He exclaimed. She began sucking it slowly while moaning. This was more than Aaron could take. He was in heaven, his dream was realized at last. Then he felt himself about to climax. "Rarity! I'm cumming!"

Then she sucked faster then before and felt a fountain-load of semen squirt in her mouth as Aaron exclaimed in ecstasy.

"Hmmm. That was refreshing. But I am not finished with you yet, my darling." She whispered. She kissed him on his mouth then activated claws from her gloves and licked her lips. She used them to tickle all around his balls and made him laugh from it. He thought the claws would be too sharp for him, but it felt better than he thought it would be. he squirmed around the piece of mattress he was trapped on, which only made Rarity giggle more seductively.

"Rarity. I'm- i'm-"

She knew how he was going to finish his sentence, and tickled a little more faster. Then, she felt semen splash on her face like a large squirt gun. "You are so adorable." then she gave him another kiss. She looked around to let someone else get a chance to fool around with him. "Who wants to go next?"

"Oh, I'll do it." Pinkie stepped in. She did the same thing as Rarity did to him, but this time begin licking his chest slowly. Then he climaxed again. "Did you like that?" She asked him.

"Yeah. I did." He replied catching his breath

In a more seductive voice, she said "Well then, you might like this, cutie." She kissed him all around his face lovingly, and then bent down as she started swirling her tongue around the tip of his manhood, making him moan again. Then without warning, she engulfed the whole shaft slowly.

"Oh god." he gasped. "Oh Pinkie. "That feels so nice. Ah!" After another few long minutes, he was trying to hold himself in a little longer, but the warmth inside her mouth was just too much to bear. It was like a relaxing message for his shaft.

"mmm. Mmm." Pinkie moaned while gently sucking. Then she tickled his balls as icing on the cake. That was where Aaron could stand holding it in no longer.

"Pinkie! I'm cumming!" he exclaimed loudly, squirming again. Then he ejaculated so much in her mouth, some drops were already leaking out, dropping on the floor. Pinkie took it out if her mouth and swallowed every last drop of it.

"Hmm, you taste better than expected." she said, back to her more excited voice.

"My turn." Said Rainbow. She turned around so he can see her beautiful ass then laid on her stomach. She used her feet to slowly rub his manhood, and he moaned once more. Then she used her tail to tickled his penis again, and made sure he would climax faster than before. "Cootchie cootchie coo." She said seductively looking back at his priceless face

"Rainbow. That- that feels so good." Then she came back up and showed him her ass a little more and up just used her tail to tickle him this time. After a little while he exclaimed "Rainbow! Ah!"

"Just hold it in, Aaron." then she tried rubbing his cock with her beautiful round titties. Even in a suit, Aaron loved the way they feel. SHe even licked around the head too, to make sure he would cum more than he did with Pinkie.

"Uhhhh." Aaron moaned."

Rainbow stopped her tongue swirling and giggled "You are a naughty boy, aren't you." she teased seductively.

"Sorry." he said

"Oh it's alright, Aaron. Don't be sorry. We know how much it would make you happy." she replied. Then she resumed swirling her tongue. Aaron clenched his teeth from the pleasure he was enduring. Even an athlete tomboy like Rainbow Dash knows how to pleasure a guy like this. She looked and noticed that he couldn't take holding it any longer for her. she stopped and stood up again. "let it out, Aaron." She cooed. He did what she suggested, but before he could climax some more, she turned around and tickled his privates with her tail again, showing her ass once more. Without warning, he came more semen than the other two made him cum thanks to looking at her ass and the tickling and everything Rainbow did with him. She tasted by licking the tip of the former high school student's tip of the head, then swallowed it. "Did you love it, Aaron? Did I push you too hard?"

"No." he panted. "That was fucking perfect."

Rainbow giggled in a cute laugh again. "Good. Anyone else wanna go next?

"Me next." Applejack said. She pulled him over to a long kiss and wrestled his tongue as they were touching. She rubbed his balls with one hand during the experience. Aaron was starting to enjoy this even more and more. His beautiful best friends, their unitards, and their present.

Applejack hugged him gently and tickled his hindquarters with her tail. "You are such a sweet man, Aaron." Applejack cooed with a sigh.


Then Applejack began sucking his manhood and swirled her tongue around it a couple of times, and he came yet again. "Mm. Very delicious. Good job, Sugarcube." Then she kissed him on his lips. Then another idea came to her. "Wait! I have another thing to play." she said. She gave him a handjob and stroked it up and down slowly, rubbing it. "Do you like this, Sugarcube?"

"I love it!" He exclaimed with ecstasy.

Applejack giggled. "Good. We're all doing this for you. And we love you."

"I love.... you guys.... too. Ah!" He felt Applejack starting to stroke up and down faster than before.

"Please hold in your milk in a little more. Meow." She teased. Oh how the gloves feel nice and soft, and warm to him. "Let's see how long he lasts with me, girls."

"He's all yours, Applejack." Said Sunset with a smirk.

Then without warning, Aaron cam right in her face, and she licked it all off of her. "Hmmm. That tastes so delicious."

"Sorry." Aaron panted. "I tried to hold it in, but... I couldn't. It was too much for me."

"Aww, don't be sorry, Aaron." She said sweetly. "You gave it your best." Then she kissed him on his lips as a reward. Then she hugged him lovingly.

Twilight stepped in after her and began tickling his balls like Rarity did and giggled seductively while doing it. Aaron could never get enough of their adorable laughing in what they were wearing. She turned around and gently coiled the shaft with her tail and rubbed it from side to side, making him moan a little more louder than before. What she did next was rubbing her ass on the lower part of his body to make him more attracted, and he ejaculated from the touching "you taste so good, Aaron."

"Thank.... you. Wait, are you going to do more things to me?"

"Oh yes." She said with a devilish smile. She pulled out a small glass of iced water and said "but first, I think you deserve some nice water."

Aaron had a confusedook on his face and thought it was a little weird. "I can't. I'm tied remember?"

Twilight giggled "I know. I'm going to give it to you." She waited for him to ready his mouth to drink from it, and then he began gulping it down. "Well?"

"That was so refreshing." He replied. "Although... it tastes funny a little." Then he noticed something funny within himself. He felt a sensation around his cock and made it even bigger, with some semen leaking out.

Twilight giggled and tickled his manhood. "Sorry about that." She said. "It had a little bit of Viagra in it. Besides, I wanted to make you even more happy."

"Ooh, very good thinking, Twilight." Fluttershy admired.

"Thanks." She gave him head and slowly sucked his cock, and then tickled his balls like Applejack did with him. Aaron felt more pleasure in him than ever before. "I think he needs to let out some milk now." She sang softly after she stopped. Then she rubbed his manhood until semen squirted on the ground. When she was down, she licked all off like a real cat woukd do.

"You tease." Said Aaron. "Not saying I didn't like that, but-"

"Oh i know. I know you loved it, Aaron. Don't you worry. Okay, Sunset, I guess it's you and then Fluttershy."


Then Sunset joined in, purring like a cat and licked his face like one, making him laugh softly. Then she licked his chest and then his scrotum and manhood. "I think he's ready to let out some more juice" she said teasingly. She rubbed his shaft up and down until he ejaculated on her face.

"Are you going to do something else?" He asked curiously

"Ah, still hungry, aren't we?" She said teasingly. "Very well." Then she pulled down her suit a little and revealed her nice, round, orange, naked bosoms, making him drool. "You are still hungry, aren't you?" She chuckled. Perhaps Sunset does have some of her evil left in her after all this time.

She rubbed the manhood up and down with her boons like Rainbow did. Unlike her, it was not in her suit that she was doing it. "Oh yes." He said. "Yess!"

Then she drooled on his head to make him more aroused. Without warning, he came right in her face like Rarity and Applejack after she was done drooling on him. Like the other two, she licked it off of her face with her tongue. "Hmmm. You taste even better than the last time." She seductively said. Then she gave him a kiss like the others did when they were through with him.

"Now it's my turn." Said Fluttershy. She stepped in and did something a little more different. She pulled out a large, ticklish looking feather and she stroked his cock with it while giggling.

"Oh yeah, Fluttershy."

"Now, I want you to hold it on and try looking at me and the others okay?"

"Okay." He panted. The tickling went on and on and he felt like climaxing again, but he was holding it in for Fluttershy for her happiness. Then she grabbed the feather with her tail and tickled the manhood again.

"Are you enjoying this, Aaron?" She said seductively while tickling his chin.

"Yes. I love it."

She giggled "good. You're really a good boy. Just hold ot in a little longer, okay?"


The tickling was so much for him to bear, and some semen already leaked out of his shaft against his free will. The other girls saw it and then began to lock the dripping semen off of the floor. He got a glimpse of all their asses in an instant "ooh, aren't you naughty?" Fluttershy teased

"Can I cum yet?"

"Not yet, cutie." She sang softly. Small amounts of semen began to leak out some more as he was ready to let it all out. He didn't know if he could hold it anymore. Then she turned around while she was still tickling him with her tail. "Okay. You can cum now." Then he ejaculated the biggest amount of sperm he can cum. It helped even more by looking at Fluttershy's beautiful ass and body.

"Oh yes" he exclaimed. Aaron felt completely exhausted from all that ecstasy and was mildly sweating while he was breathing heavily.

"I think he's had enough, girls." Applejack said

"I agree. See how happy he is?" Rainbow added

"Did you enjoy this, Aaron?" Said Twilight

"Yeah. I did. I loved it!" The girls laughed at his reaction. "I... I don't think I can keep this up anymore."

"Don't worry." Said Sunset. "We have one more thing to do with you." Then Aaron felt Fluttershy stick an egg vibrator inside himself and turned it on. He felt the ecstasy come back to him in the process. "Let's finish him off together, girls."

"Let's." They all replied seductively. Then they all turned around and used their tails to tickle all over his manhood. It was all too much for him to contain and felt more aroused than ever. He exclaimed in pleasure and then ejaculated the final time, both by the egg, tails tickling him, and looking at their beautiful bodies in sexy unitards.

"Oh god." He said. "That was amazing.

"Here, let me get you loose." Said Pinkie. Then she untied the ropes around his limbs, freeing him. "There you go."

Aaron panted again. "Thanks, Pinkie." He walked slowly from the little torture board he was trapped on, and staggered

"Oh here, let us help you." Said Sunset said. She and the other girls

"Are you okay?" Fluttershy asked

Rainbow added by saying "did we lush you too far?"

"No. I loved it. So, I wanted to know." Aaron catches his breath and asked "what was that about? I'm just curious."

"Well... we saw your sketches and we were going to return it to you, and we noticed that you are such a sweet guy to us." Fluttershy clarified. "We understood how you feel, and we wanted to give you a present for your kindness."

"So we decided to do this for you." Twilight added.

Aaron smiled "wow. Thanks." Was all he replied. "I might as well put my clothes back on, go home then wash up."

"Wait!" They all exclaimed.

"Can you please stay with us for the night? Please?" Sunset begged. She and the others began to meow like cats and caressed him. His boner returned to him and couldn't ask for anything better than this. How can he say no to his closest friends?"

"Well, okay. I suppose I can stay."

Then they all cheered at his decision. Then Aaron felt himself being sexually cuddled by the girls. They took turns showing him their beautiful hindquarters again and sometimes tickled him for fun. Turns out this was a really good present for Aaron on his graduation day after all.