Technicolor Domination

by Pimapifi

First published

After being knocked to the ground (and almost hurt!) by some dumb whore named Rainbow Dash, professional rapist and psychopath Crimson Skies decides that she needs to be taught a lesson—one that involves dark basements and whips.

Commissioned and partly-written by Alcatraz!

WARNING: This fic contains graphic scenes of rape and sexual torture. If those sorts of things don't sit well with you, please, do not read!

Crimson Skies is just a normal stallion, living a normal life. Sure, he spends most of his time kidnapping young mares and raping them in his basement until they beg for mercy—but what stallion wouldn't if they had the chance? He's just doing what everyone else is too scared to do!

After being knocked to the ground (and almost hurt!) by some dumb whore named Rainbow Dash, Crimson decides that she needs to be taught a lesson—one that involves whips, dark basements, and lots and lots of rape.

This fic contains:
Sexual torture (whipping, beating, and so on)
Drugging and kidnapping of mares
Sexual domination
F/F sex
M/F sex
Orgasm denial
Cum drinking

Edited by Alcatraz. Cover art by Dripponi.

Technicolor Domination

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“Hoofies… Sleeping pills… The morning after…” Crimson Skies sorted through his myriad of drugs and pills.

His hoof knocked into a bottle he hadn’t paid mind to, and it confused him slightly until he looked at the label.

Take two with every meal,” Crimson read aloud to nopony in particular. “If symptoms persist, contact a doctor or psychologist.” He blinked his eyes upon reading the last word. “Why do I have these…?” He turned the bottle over to look at the other side of the label. “Anti-psychotic. Prescribed by Doctor Stable, refill as necessary. Oh, now I remember!”

With the realization in mind as to why he had the bottle—and now no longer having any use for it—he nonchalantly tossed it over his shoulder and into a bin across the other end of the room. The bottle bounced off the edge before settling against the bottom.

He went over to three chests lined up against one of the walls. He lifted his left wing and fished out a key from between his feathers and stuck it into the lock of each chest, and unlocked them in turn. Opening the first chest, he came across a sight that would make any sane pony flush with embarrassment and cower if they were in this particular room.

In one corner of the room sat a table. Rather, it looked like an old medical table that pivoted on an axis so the platform could move left and right, and could be tilted down for it to face forward. Directly opposite that was a door set into the corner of the room. There wasn’t a normal corner, it had been chamfered to allow for the door to be fitted.

On the right as Crimson would enter the door, there were three chests, and the wall opposite the chests to the left of the door were rather bare. As he looked to the bare walls, Crimson thought he could do to put up some hooks to hang stuff off of as a decoration of sorts so when his ‘date’ wakes up, they can half expect to know what they’re in for. Aside the table, three chests, and small container of pill bottles, the room was bare.

All of his equipment was in the chests. In the first chest were various sized and shaped faux-phallic constructs. Some were smaller, and some were of the longest length and girth with flared heads. The smaller ones were primarily used for teasing and to get his ‘date’ to open up to allow for bigger toys, and himself.

Closing and locking the first chest after seeing everything in order, Crimson moved onto the second one, making sure he had everything he’d need.

Straps, buckles, gags, and spreader bars lined the trunk. The buckles and straps were used in conjunction to make stronger tie-downs for some of the more stronger mares, and the adjustable spreader bars allowed Crimson to widen either the front or rear legs without having to worry about taking them off and risk getting bucked in the face, while the two red ball and two O-ring gags were used to both stifle noise to a degree, the latter was used to hold open the mouth for ease of access.

Satisfied, he moved onto the third chest; rope. He usually kept several shorter coils and a few longer lengths for different purposes; namely trying hooves together with the shorter versions—or to other things, and the longer lengths were used to tie pegasi wings to their torso, and to tie down his date. Upon opening it, he was greeted with a disappointing sight. There wasn’t even enough rope to tie either the front or rear hooves together!

“Uugghhh…” he groaned. “Just great. Looks like I’ll have to hold off finding some company until I get some more rope.”

Frustrated, Crimson made sure each chest was locked before putting the key back where he got it, and leaving through the basement door. In hindsight, he wasn’t sure why he kept the chests locked as well as the door too. Even though the room was mostly bare save the table and chests and a barred window set high up on the wall, close to the ceiling.

The twelve inch square window had a single wrought iron bar running down the middle. Since moving here, Crimson wondered why that was there. It didn’t serve any purpose, and it had long been obscured by bushes overgrowing on the side of the house. He couldn’t even see out of it. No matter; he didn’t want anypony to see what he was doing.

Before leaving, the pegasus took a hoofie and a sleeping pill from his stash, and used a small mortar and pestle in the kitchen to grind each one up, being careful to put the powder into two smaller baggies, which he firmly tucked between the feathers in the base of his right wing. Usually when he found a date for himself, he’d feign preening (because bumping into ponies at clubs knocks feathers loose and gets them dirty) to take out one or both of the little baggies.

Crimson went and got his saddle bags from his room and a bag of bits to go shopping with, intent on picking up some fresh apples from Applejack’s stall in town, those were always the juiciest. She would take a cart of her freshly picked apples from the farm every day to sell at cost to ponies passing by, then discount the remaining apples as a bulk sale to a shop at the end of the day for resale the next.

Given how nice of a day it was—as it usually is—Crimson elected to walk to town. With Town Hall being the centre of Ponyville, more-or-less, the majority of ponies passed by there. Cart vendors selling their wares knew to set up shop in such an area to achieve maximum revenue for their goods.

He made a full circuit of the hall, keeping an eye out for the apple cart, but he couldn’t see it.

He stopped a passing stallion. “Excuse me, have you seen the apple vendor?”

“Who, Applejack?” the vendor asked. Crimson nodded. “Sorry pal, she left ten minutes ago. Apples sold like wildfire today.”

“Thanks anyway,” Crimson replied, turning to head in the direction of the farm.

Just because a psychopath is just that, it doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy the simple things in life. Evening walks to enjoy the cool, crisp breeze, noon walks to soak up the sun, a mouth-watering apple, the muffled pleas of a tied up mare…

Like any of the other ponies going about their day, he approached the fence and the gate leading up to the massive barn and began to walk up the path. He was greeted half way by a burly red stallion.

“Howdy,” he said upon seeing Crimson.

“Hey there, nice day isn’t it?”

“Eeyup,” was all he said in response before continuing on down the path.

He shrugged off the encounter and walked up the path to the barn door, where he knocked and was greeted by a frail old elderly mare as she swung the top half of the door open.

“Nyes?” Granny Smith asked.

“I was in town earlier, looking for some apples from one of your carts but they were all gone.”

“Well let me just see iffin I got some…” As her sentence progressed, the volume trailed off. She fumbled with a couple baskets. “Applejack!” Granny Smith hollered into the back of the room.

“What!?” came the equally loud reply. Hoofsteps could be heard as the aforementioned mare made her way downstairs.

“We gots a customer wanting some of our delicious apples, ain’t that right, Mr...?”

“Crimson. Crimson Skies. And yeah, I always get them fresh from your cart, but you were gone by the time I got there.”

“Heh, sorry ‘bout that pardner, they sold real darn fast today. Come and I’ll buck you some more, fresh off the trees themselves!”

Crimson stood back from the door as Applejack opened the latch from the other side and proceeded to walk out, but not before grabbing a basket to catch the apples. The duo silently trotted over to a grove of apple trees. It looked as though only a hoof full of them had been bucked.

“Ah only sell these here fresh ones at the market because they’re fully ripened with ample juice. The slightly older ones go into food and the cider press,” Applejack stated, putting the basket down underneath the tree.

As the farm pony reared her hind legs to buck the tree, Crimson couldn’t help but admire the the shapely thighs and plot as they rippled when they connected to the tree. There was a brief moment where her tail caught just enough air to allow Crimson a glance of what normally lay covered.

He steeled himself, cleared his throat and averted his eyes in time for Applejack to turn back around as the apples fell into the basket.

“How d’ya like them apples?”

“They look delicious.”

“Tell ya what, since you came all the way up here you can have as much as you want for twenty bits.”

“That’s great!” Crimson took out hit bit bag and counted out twenty, then hoofed them over to Applejack.

Applejack took the money and tucked it under her hat for safekeeping. She nodded and turned away—until she noticed Crimson leering at her with glazed-over eyes. “Uh, you alright there pardner?”

“Mmhmm.” Crimson kept staring.

“The apples?” said Applejack, gesturing to the basket of freshly bucked fruit.

Crimson blinked a few times, then exclaimed, “Oh, those apples!”

“Those...? What in the hay is that supposed to mean?”

“Sorry, just was in a bit of a daydream is all.” Crimson grabbed the basket with a wing and hefted it onto his back. He offered Applejack a small nod—images of Applejack bent over a table, moaning, crying out in pleasure as he fucked her raced through his mind—then turned around and walked away. He hoped his tail was long enough to cover his stiffening cock.

It was only noon, and the sun shone down hard on his bare back. He had already finished most of his chores, and the day had only just begun. What to do now? Spend the rest of the day drinking, relaxing? Maybe scout out a new target? There had to be some mare around here worthy of his time—

Look out below!

Crimson’s wings snapped to attention, but it wasn’t enough to save him from the blue blur that slammed into his side and sent him crashing to the dirt below. He shouted out a string of curses as he rolled, colors and feathers flying through his vision. Pain raced through his veins. Every thought was a yelp.

He edged open his eyes. His apples were scattered across the dirt, not a few of them squished and smashed to bits. His basket lay broken a few steps away.

And just a few yards away, dusting off her mane like nothing was wrong: Rainbow Dash.

Crimson could have killed her right there.

He ground his teeth, wincing at the pain that shot through his wings when he tried to stand. That ugly whore! his thoughts screamed. Awful, worthless skank. She could have killed me! He moved his aching wing and scowled. If my wing is sprained, she’s a dead mare.

“Yo!” Rainbow said, trotting over to him. She offered a hoof. “You okay?”

Glancing at her hoof, a million curses jumped up Crimson’s throat—but he swallowed them down and let Rainbow help him up. “Thank you,” he said, managing a smile. “I’m—I’m fine. Just a little shaken up.”

“Coolio. Sorry about the crash.” Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck. “I was gonna try and do, like, a loop-de-loop, but I didn’t see you standing there before I swooped down, and... sorry. Again.”

You dumb bitch.

“It’s no problem at all!” Crimson said, waving a hoof. “Don’t think twice about it.”

Rainbow chuckled and punched Crimson in the shoulder, earning another wince. “I like you, buddy. Most ponies would be threatening to sue me right about now.”

“As they should be,” Applejack said, cantering up to Rainbow with a glare. “Dang it Dash, you can’t just be flying every which way like that! One of these days you’re gonna seriously hurt somepony, and it’s not gonna be so easy to weasel your way out of trouble.”

“Aw, chill out. He’s fine!” Rainbow said, gesturing to the stallion who was currently imagining her strung up in town square for a public rape session. “I didn’t do any real damage.”

“Except to my apples,” Crimson said, allowing the slightest edge to creep into his voice.

“Oh, goodness,” Applejack said, gazing at all the ruined fruit that surrounded them. She held her hat to her chest. “I am mighty sorry about this, Mr. Skies. Here, let me get another basket ready for you. And how does a full refund sound?” She shot Dash a sideways glance. “Maybe courtesy of Lil’ Miss Wonderbolt here?”

Rainbow scowled. “Hey!”

Crimson smiled. “That sounds lovely, my dear. Thank you.” Applejack went off to fetch some more fruit, and Crimson stepped forward to follow her... but stopped when he saw Rainbow staring at him with wide eyes. He snorted. “What?”

“Mr. Skies?” Rainbow said, stretching out the name like it was some sort of alien word. “Like, of the Skies family? Like, related to Windy Skies, the Wonderbolts Rapist?”

Crimson sighed and ran a hoof down his face. “A distant, distant, distant cousin. A regretful stain upon my family’s heritage.”

Nearly every pony in Equestria, and everypony in Cloudsdale knew the tale of Windy Skies. Police and criminals alike spoke of him in hushed tones—remembered how fifteen years back, he managed to lure every female Wonderbolt into a room, knock them all out, tie them up, and proceeded to spend the next week raping every single one. Depending on your view, he was either an absolute monster or a sexual god.

Crimson tended to see him as the latter. But in public...

“And before you ask,” Crimson continued, forcing out the words, “I don’t consider him any sort of kin. I’m glad that he’s rotting in jail where he belongs.”

“Good.” Rainbow nodded and gave Crimson a grin. “Sorry. Again. Just heard the name, and I had to ask.”

“It’s fine.” Crimson closed his eyes and imagined pulling a Windy on Rainbow.

With that, the duo walked ahead to join Applejack in the orchard. The farmfilly was hard at work clearing another tree. Sweat trailed down her neck, her sides, her flanks. Approaching, Crimson watched Applejack swing her tail back-and-forth, back-and-forth, savoring the view he had of her tight flower—

“Hey, AJ!” Rainbow yipped with a laugh. “You better keep that tail down, unless you want the entire world to see that sweet pussy of yours!”

A thick crimson passed over Applejack’s cheeks. “Rainbow!” she said, pressing her tail to her rear. “Hush up!”

For not the first time that day, Crimson imagined beating Rainbow until she begged him for mercy, then forcing his cock down Rainbow’s throat and making her choke on his jizz.

Rainbow sauntered up to Applejack and slapped her ass. “After all, only I’m allowed to see that thing.”

Applejack rolled her eyes and went back to bucking.

Crimson licked his lips. “Are you two a couple?”

The mares turned to face him. Applejack sighed. “Are we...? Yeah, yeah, we are. I’m sorry about Rainbow. Usually she’s not this obnoxious.”

“That’s not what you were saying last night,” Rainbow said, elbowing her mare friend. “Actually, you weren’t saying anything, because you were tongue-deep in my—”

“Rainbow!” Applejack snapped, cheeks flaming. “Not. Now.”

Crimson soon tuned the two mares out. He took a deep breath and imagined Applejack and Rainbow together, their toned bodies gyrating together, sweat and nectar flowing down their legs—but then he saw Rainbow’s smiling face, and the fantasy died.

That mare didn’t deserve to smile like that. Reckless, dangerous, rude—she didn’t deserve to be happy! Crimson dug his hooves into the dirt as a new fantasy began: he imagined Rainbow tied down, beaten with a crop, filled with his seed. He imagined her punished. Defiled. Broken.

“So,” he managed to hear Applejack murmur to Rainbow. Evidently the two of them had patched up their little quarrel, as they both wore long grins. “you staying over tonight or what?”

Rainbow snickered and flipped Applejack’s hat onto her own head. “What do you think, cowgirl? I mean, Big Mac is out of town. We won’t have to keep quiet, y’know?”

“Apple Bloom sleeps right down the hall.”

“Yeah, but it’s not like she’ll know what we’re doing. She’ll probably just think we’re wrestling.”

Crimson’s ears perked up, and a familiar tension filled his bones. This feeling... it was excitement, pleasure, anticipation. It was the thrill of the hunt. He squared his eyes on Rainbow Dash’s awful face. She would do.

“Anyway, I gotta go,” Rainbow said, hopping into the air. She left Applejack with a kiss, then waved to Crimson. “See ya, AJ. See ya, not-Windy.” She flew off.

“See you,” Crimson whispered, holding down a laugh.

“Here you are,” Applejack said, bringing Crimson his new basket. “And sorry again about Dash. She’s just a bit excitable, is all.”

“It’s no problem.” Crimson took his apples, then affixed Applejack with a sly look. “By the by... I’m assuming the answer will be no, but I don’t suppose you have any rope for sale, do you?”

“Rope?” Applejack tapped her chin. “Uh... Well, we do have a lot of rope, but I never really thought about selling it. I suppose we could work something out, though. Why do you need it?”

“Oh, you know...” Crimson forced a smile. “Just need to tie some things down.”

Crimson wasn’t even in the house yet, and already he could hear Rainbow Dash moaning her lover’s name.

“Oh, fucking—AJ!” Rainbow squealed as Crimson floated under her window, his saddlebags bulging with supplies. “Harder! Just shove it... ugh, yes!

It was a few hours past sundown, and the sound of Rainbow’s passion echoed across the fields of Sweet Apple Acres. Crimson felt his rod going stiff—sure, he hated the bitch, but no red-blooded stallion could resist the siren call of two hot mares having sex. He took a deep breath and, making sure to keep as quiet as possible, lifted his eyes to their window.

Inside, Rainbow Dash lay on her stomach, ass high in the air. A thick, black dildo protruded from her asshole. Girlcum spilled down her thighs. And behind her stood Applejack, a long rope in her mouth. Every few moments Applejack would rear back and smack Rainbow’s ass with the rope.

“You like that?” Applejack asked through the rope. She whipped Rainbow again, earning a squeak. “You’re getting off?”

“Oh, yes—ayieee!” Rainbow winced at the whip, but her face was contorted into a lecherous grin. “I’m a naughty, naughty filly!”

It took Crimson a few moments to realize that his hooves were on his cock, which had reached its full length a while ago. “Calm yourself,” he whispered. “There’ll be plenty of time for that later...”

He spent the next several minutes at the window, watching Applejack and Rainbow play. When Applejack finally stopped whipping and slid her tongue into Rainbow’s soaked pussy, it took only a few licks for Rainbow to let out a guttural moan and explode all over her marefriend’s face. Rainbow collapsed onto the bed, wings splayed out beside her.

Applejack ran a hoof through Rainbow’s mane. “Hope you liked that, honeybuns.”

“Honeybuns?” Rainbow asked, chuckling. “Seriously? That’s the pet name you’re going with?”

“What’s wrong with it?”

“Oh, I dunno, smoochie-woochie-kins. What do you think is—aah!” Rainbow yipped as Applejack slapped her ass once more. Rainbow buried her face in the sheets and nodded. “Honeybuns is fine.”

Applejack rolled her eyes, but still smiled and climbed under the covers. “Y’all up for another round?”

“I’d love to, but I think I gotta get to sleep. I gotta go to Cloudsdale tomorrow for this big weather factory meeting... ugh. It’s stupid.” Rainbow hopped off the bed, using a wing to flick some sweat off her forehead. “Tell me again: why do I gotta sleep in Mac’s room? His bed smells like cow.”

“Apple Bloom comes in my room every morning to wake me up,” Applejack explained. “If she comes in here and finds us sleeping together, she’s gonna ask some questions I’m not sure I’m ready to answer.”

“Can’t you just lie to her?”

Applejack raised a brow.

“Oh.” Rainbow snickered. “Right. Well, I’m gonna get something to drink, then head to bed. See you tomorrow?”

Crimson didn’t stick around to hear Applejack’s answer. Wings buzzing like a hummingbird, Crimson sped down to the house’s backdoor. His wings never stopped moving, even after he landed. Instead, he used them to rummage through his bag, looking for a small paper packet... There!

The ceiling above him creaked. Rainbow would be downstairs soon. He crept into the kitchen, grabbed a random glass out of a random cupboard, and filled it with water from the tap.

He heard Rainbow on the stairs.

He ripped open the packet and spilled its white powder into the water.

Rainbow was two rooms over.

He put the glass of drugged water on the counter.

One room over.

He scurried out the backdoor, not bothering to close it behind him.

Once outside, he jumped into the air and hovered above the open doorway. He kept his ears perked; for this plan to work, Rainbow had to take the bait. But he hadn’t had any time to set it up correctly! There was no way she’d just pick up some random glass of water—

“Ooh!” came Rainbow’s voice, followed by the clink of glass against hoof. “Heh, someone must’ve filled this and forgotten to drink it... it’s like they saw me coming!”

Crimson smirked. Case in point: dumb bitch. He zoomed away, up one floor and to the other side of the house, all the way to Big Mac’s window.

Sticking to the bottom of the window sill, he waited for the sound of Rainbow entering and going to sleep. It took about five minutes, but sure enough, Rainbow came by and crawled into bed. By the time he took his first peek into the window, the mare was fast asleep.

Silence was the priority as Crimson slid the window open and crawled inside. The glass of drugged water sat on her nightstand, nearly empty.

Crimson pulled a length of rope out from his saddlebags.

“Some mares deserve to be punished,” he kept whispering to himself as he tied Rainbow’s limp limbs together. “It’s the only way they learn.”

When the clock hit midnight, Rainbow Dash had been asleep in Crimson’s basement for two hours. From the shadows, Crimson watched the pegasus’ chest rise and fall with every steady breath. She lay on a hard mattress, a limb tied to every bedpost. With her hindlegs spread open and her tail slack, Crimson already had full view of her lower lips.

Lying there, silent and calm, Rainbow looked almost peaceful—innocent. Like a virgin.

Of course, Crimson knew she wasn’t. A mare like Rainbow had to be a slut. She had to love being used as a cumrag. Fillies like her always did.

Crimson’s cock was already hard, and every thought begged him to start already, to just leap forward and dominate her while she slept... but he held himself steady. No need to rush. And besides: he wanted to hear her squeal.

When Dash finally opened her eyes, however, she didn’t squeal.

Rather, she just yawned. She stayed still for a moment, just blinking and muttering something to herself, before she tried to move and finally noticed the ropes. Narrowing her eyes, she pulled at them a few times, as if testing them out.

“Uh, Luna?” Rainbow called, still tugging at her binds. “You mind giving me a better dream? Like, one with less rope?”


Crimson stepped out of the shadows, wings flared. “This isn’t a dream, Miss Dash.”

Rainbow whipped her head around and shot Crimson a leer. “What? Who are... hey, you’re that Skies colt!”

“Crimson,” he corrected. “I’m surprised you remember me.”

“Yeah, well, my mom always said I had a photographic memory or whatever.” Rainbow squirmed around a bit more. “Hey, can you get me outta here? These ropes are chafing me.”

Crimson raised a brow. “You’re not even going to ask why you’re here? Why you’re tied up?”

“It... it was Discord. Yeah, it’s gotta be.” Rainbow let out a dry, fake-sounding chuckle. “I beat him in poker last week—took like an hour to convince him to stop cheating—and now he’s pranking me to get revenge. Stupid draconequus can’t stand that I’m better than him!”

She kept laughing like that for a moment, but soon the silence wormed its way down her throat and brought her to heel. She took a hard swallow and cast Crimson a wary, sideways glance.

“So, uh,” she began, voice wavering. “You gonna let me go?”

“Discord didn’t bring you here, Ms. Dash.” Crimson snorted. “I did.”

Rainbow’s limbs tensed. She spent a few quiet seconds just staring at Crimson before asking, “Yeah?”

Crimson shot her a wide smile. “Yeah.”

Face paling a bit, Rainbow swallowed. “...Why?”

“What’s my last name, Ms. Dash?”

Any scrap of confidence left on Rainbow’s face turned to dust. She took in a low, gasping breath. “Oh, shit...!” She strained against her binds. “Let me go! Let me go, you creep!”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that.” Crimson trotted up to Rainbow and laid a hoof on her exposed stomach, shocking her into stillness. “I worked very hard to bring you here. You don’t think I’d just let you go without having some fun first, do you?”

“Don’t touch me!” Rainbow snapped, tail thrashing. “Get the fuck away from me!”

Crimson slid his hoof a bit lower, just above her pussy. “Now, where would you like me to work on first?”

Rainbow shouted another few curses—but could only cringe when Crimson pressed his hoof straight into her crotch. Chest heaving, wings flailing in all directions, she raised her head as high as it could go and let out an ugly scream. Her shuddering voice bounced off every corner of the room, filling the space with a tortuous din.

“That’s not going to help you!” Crimson shouted, covering his ears with his wings. He climbed onto the end of the bed. “Magic noise-canceling gems are packed into every brick of this place. You could scream into a megaphone and nopony would hear!”

“Screw you!” Rainbow said. Every breath was a growl. She swung her wings at Crimson, but they didn’t even come close to hitting him. “I’m gonna beat the shit out of you! I’m gonna—”

Crimson ran the tip of his tongue along Rainbow’s tight slit. Rainbow clenched her eyes shut and went silent but for her trembling breaths. Laying down, Crimson kissed her thighs, nibbled at her folds. Even in that cold room, Rainbow tasted of sweat. The hair around her crotch was soft on his lips, and her pussy lips even softer.

He could see Rainbow straining to close her hind legs, doing all she could to snap the ropes and crush his skull. Not that he had anything to worry about; how Applejack could sell yards and yards of such sturdy rope for just a few bits was beyond him. He flicked the tip of his tongue in and out, in and out, relishing in the way she whimpered.

Crimson pressed his tongue flat against Rainbow’s cunt and gave her a long lick, sending a shiver through the mare. Crimson could taste something new on his tongue—something tangy. He pulled away and a thin string of fluid clung to his lips.

“My, my,” Crimson said, licking his lips. “Who would have thought that you’d enjoy this?”

“I’m not enjoying anything,” Rainbow choked out. Her face was bright red. “Get away from me!”

“Are you sure you don’t just want to be raped?” Crimson laughed. “I mean, for a slut like you, getting eaten out by a total stranger must be quite normal...”

Rainbow just gritted her teeth.

Crimson dove back in. Rainbow was slowly opening up for him. He lapped at her engorged clit, then slid his tongue inside as far as it would go. He massaged her insides, circling her walls. Crimson poked and prodded at every bit of flesh he could find, searching and searching until—

“Holy...!” Rainbow sputtered, turning away.

Crimson grinned and dug his tongue into the same spot, earning the same reaction. Nectar flooded his mouth and dribbled down his chin. He wiggled his tongue against Rainbow’s core and felt her pussy wink. Another lick, two, three. He pulled back and sucked on her clit, taking in as much juice as he could.

With a free hoof he played with her asshole, spreading it and watching it close. Rainbow’s girlcum spilled down and coated his hoof.

Rainbow’s breaths were getting shorter, her whimpers louder. But still Crimson drank from her flowing pussy, still he dragged his tongue along her pretty pink snatch.

“Oh, goddess,” Rainbow said, shaking her head. “Stop, stop, stop... I’m gonna, oh fuck, I’m gonna—”

Crimson pulled away and got off the bed.

“Wha...?” Rainbow blinked a few times. A lustful glaze had covered her eyes. She watched Crimson canter over to a box at the other end of the room. “What are you doing?”

“Just grabbing a toy of mine,” Crimson called back. He flipped open the box and dug around for a bit before pulling out a long, black rod with a flat piece of leather at the end: a crop. Holding it tight between his teeth, Crimson retook his place at the end of the bed, standing over Rainbow.

Rainbow gulped. “You—you think I’m scared of that thing?”

“You were about to cum all over my face,” Crimson said, taking the crop with a wing and tapping it against Rainbow’s stomach. “Your Master doesn’t like it when whores think they can just have an orgasm whenever they please.”

“You’re not my ‘master.’”

“Really?” Crimson asked. He swiped a hoof across Rainbow’s flushed pussy, sending her into another spasm. “Not even after how I pleasured you?”

Rainbow glared. “You didn’t do shit.”

Crimson whipped Rainbow across the stomach.

Rainbow let out a screech.

“We really need to work on that mouth of yours,” Crimson said, shaking his head in pity. “It really is a shame that a pretty little slut like you uses such dirty language.”

Tears filled Rainbow’s eyes, but still she glared. “Fuck you!”

Crimson whipped her again in the same spot. The skin was already going pink.

“You will learn your place!” Crimson said, cropping her a few more times. As Rainbow screamed, he moved down, down—until he was lashing a small spot just above her pussy. Nectar still spilled down onto the bed.

“Your Master knows that you like this,” Crimson said, striking her thighs. He loved the way her flesh bounced against his crop. “Don’t deny it!”

Rainbow couldn’t speak past her shrieks. Splotchy patches of red grew across her stomach, her thighs. And yet, through it all her pussy still winked.

“You deserve this,” Crimson said. He whipped both of her cutie marks. “This is why you don’t crash into ponies like me! You stupid, stupid whore.”

It went on like that for a few minutes more before Crimson finally put the crop down. Rainbow went limp. She was heaving, tears running down her cheeks and spit spilling from her lips. She looked like she had just run a marathon—well, run a marathon and been raped.

“Ready for Round Two?” Crimson asked with a grin.

Rainbow didn’t answer.

Crimson sauntered over to the wall and flicked a switch to turn on the lights. Whereas previously the bed had been the only thing visible, now both ponies could survey the dozens of dildos lined up along the walls, the leather bondage suits, the ball gags—and, in the center of the room, a worn wooden desk, right out of a school somewhere. Rainbow gaped at it all.

Humming a tune, Crimson untied both of Rainbow’s hind legs. The mare showed no reaction, made no move to resist. That is, until he untied one of her forelegs. She swung her leg up and grabbed Crimson’s neck.

“I’m gonna kill you,” she hissed, tightening her grip.

Crimson smacked his hoof across Rainbow’s muzzle, beating her away. “Of course you are,” he said as Rainbow writhed. He untied her other foreleg and ignored her attempts to pummel him. Her fatigued and drug-addled limbs felt like wads of paper against his side as he lifted her off the bed and carried her across the room.

He threw Rainbow onto the desk stomach first, knocking the wind out of her. Before Rainbow could catch her breath and roll away, he grabbed a spreader bar that sat nearby and shackled her hind legs not only apart, but to the desk as well. With another length of rope her tied her forelegs to the other side of the desk. Within a few moments, she had become a trussed-up turkey.

And it didn’t hurt that sweet, hot juices still dripped down her thighs.

“Comfortable?” Crimson asked. He grabbed the crop again.

“What... what did you do to me?” Rainbow asked, voice shaking. “You asshole, you—”

Crimson whipped her flanks. As she convulsed, he leaned in close and whispered in her ear, “What did I tell you to call me?”

Rainbow took a hard swallow. She opened her lips, but it took her a few moments to spit out, “Master.”

“Good.” Crimson dug his hoof into her tender pussy. “Keep it up and I might let you go. Or, even better: I might let you cum!”

Rainbow closed her eyes and nodded. “Yes, Master.”

Crimson ducked down and lapped up the juices flowing from her cunt. He allowed her a few more licks, just enough to put her back on the edge—then leapt up and whipped her again, right across the asshole. She yelped and tried to flinch away, but her binds were too tight.

Once across each thigh, each cutie mark. Crimson could only marvel at how Rainbow’s supple asscheeks bent under his touch, each ripple moving faster and faster. Every few moments, just when it seemed like Rainbow was getting used to the pain, he would give her another quick lick. She tasted as delicious as ever.

“Stop!” Rainbow said. “Master, please, just... just...”

“Whip you harder?” Crimson finished. He struck a heavy blow to her ass. “Or maybe you’d like me to let you cum?”

Rainbow nodded, a shrill squeak escaping her lips with every hit.

Crimson paused in his cropping. Breathing hard, he said, “Maybe if you ask nicely, I’ll allow it.”

A quiet moment passed. Rainbow, voice cracking, craned her neck to look back at him. “Master,” she said. “Can you please, y’know... do it?

“Do what?” Crimson grabbed Rainbow’s tail in his mouth and gave it a hard tug, earning a high pitched squeal from the blue mare as more of her juices dripped onto the floor under her. “Use your big girl words, my dirty little mare!”

"C’mon, Master, I’m begging you: make me cum,” Rainbow said. “I can't stand this anymore!” Rainbow Dash looked back her captor with pleading eyes.

All Crimson offered was a simper. "I’ll think about it. Maybe if you sounded a bit nicer..."

Rainbow held her grimace for a second more—before it grew into a horrendous, twisted grin. "Master,” Rainbow said through gritted teeth, “may this dirty little mare have her sweet release? She loves it when you hit her, and when you beat her, and when you rape her like the awful fucking monster you—”

Crimson whipped Rainbow straight across the pussy.

Rainbow let out a cracking shriek, tears flying from her face as she threw her head into the air.

“Bad slut!” Crimson yipped, whipping her even harder. “Bad! Bad!”

“Master!” Rainbow cried. Her pussy burned under the touch of Crimson’s crop. “Oh, goddess, stop! Stop!”

One whip. Two. Five. Over and over, again and again, beating Rainbow’s tender cunt to a pulp, until—

Rainbow let out a forceful groan. Then, just as Crimson pressed the crop hard against her pussy, she came. Her girlcum spurted out against his weapon and spilled to the floor. Her wings stuck straight up. She panted and heaved as the orgasm rushed through her, and just moaned when Crimson leaned forward to clean her with his tongue.

“I didn’t tell you that you could cum,” Crimson spat, wiping his lips. “But... but I suppose there wasn’t much more fun to be had in whipping you anyway.”

Rainbow gulped down air. “Let me go,” she breathed. “Master, let me go.”

Crimson grabbed one of the many dildos that sat lined up against the wall. This one was as long and thick as his foreleg, and was covered in ridges and tiny bumps.

“Let you go?” he asked, lubricating the dildo with Rainbow’s own juices. “But we’re just getting started.”

Before Rainbow could even make a sound of protest, Crimson lifted her tail and stuck the dildo deep into her ass. She screamed as he pushed it in, twisting and turning to make it fit. He only got about five inches in before Rainbow’s tight ass wouldn’t take anymore.

He stepped away and examined his work. Rainbow Dash looked absolutely gorgeous, covered in sweat and welts, writhing on the desk with a thick chunk of pink plastic sticking out of her anus.

“Get some sleep,” Crimson said. He flicked a switch on the dildo and it began to vibrate in Rainbow’s ass, only making her shudder. He walked away. “You’ll need it!”

When Crimson returned two hours later, Rainbow was still awake—barely. She made no movement, no twitch, not even as the vibrator kept working inside of her. Her tongue hung limp from her mouth, and her eyelids drooped.

“Wakey-wakey,” Crimson said, slapping a good against her cheek. “It’s time for breakfast.”

“Take it out,” Rainbow whispered. She tried to move, but just cringed. “Master, please, take that thing out.”

“After you eat.”

Crimson grabbed the doggy dish off his back and held it up to Rainbow’s mouth. It was filled with a milky white liquid.

“This...” Rainbow’s eyes snapped wide. “This is—”

“My jizz, yes.” Crimson pushed it closer to her mouth. “Drink up. All of it.” When Rainbow didn’t make any move, Crimson scowled. “Your Master is being extremely generous to offer you this, you know. Not many fillies get this chance. You should count yourself lucky that I don’t just ram my cock down your stupid throat!”

Rainbow flinched, then nodded. “Yes, Master.” She stuck out her tongue and dipped it into the creamy pool. She took in a hesitant mouthful, eyes clenched shut, as if trying to decide whether she could gulp it down quickly or try and stall. Of course, stalling would never work; Crimson could shove his jizz into her face all day. So he just watched as Rainbow lapped up her meal, just like a worthless animal.

“So,” Crimson began, smiling. “How long have you been dating that whore you call a marefriend?”

Rainbow tensed against her binds. “Shut the fuck—!” she started, but one glance at Crimson’s steely glare made her shrink. She took a deep breath. “Three months. Master.

“Three months... hm. Quite a while.” Crimson chuckled. “I can only imagine how many times you’ve cheated on her already. Sluts like you are never loyal.”

Rainbow just kept drinking, her face bright red. She swept her tongue along the sides of the doggy dish, slurping up every glob of hot jizz. Crimson pushed her meal closer to her mouth with every lick, until the dish was pressed tight against Rainbow’s muzzle and she had to sputter for breath.

Crimson waited until Rainbow had only a few puddles of cum left before asking, “Do you love her?”

Rainbow narrowed her eyes. “Excuse me?”

Calm painted Crimson’s face. “Do you love Applejack?”

Rainbow blushed and looked away. “Yeah, I guess. Yeah. What’s it to you?” She paused. “Master?”

“Oh, nothing.” Crimson took the doggy dish away and threw it across the room. “Just thinking about how nice it would be to have her here, strung up alongside you.”

“What?” Rainbow went pale. “No, no! Leave her alone!”

“We’ll see. But before that...” Crimson ran a hoof along Rainbow’s cheek, then trailed it down her neck and across her barrel. He walked around to her other side, dragging his hoof over her sensitive teats and across her pussy once more. Rainbow cringed as Crimson lifted her tail.

With the slightest of grunts, Crimson grabbed hold of the dildo in Rainbow’s ass and tore it out. Rainbow’s anus had become a gaping hole, and in the few seconds after he took it out, Crimson could stare straight into his little slut’s ass. A sigh of relief flew from Rainbow’s lips, only to disappear when Crimson pressed himself against her backside.

“I’ve been waiting for this for awhile,” Crimson said.

“For what?” Rainbow asked, ears going flat. “What are you gonna—ah!”

Crimson touched the head of his cock to Rainbow’s tight folds. A small bead of precum already glistened at his tip, and Rainbow’s vulva glistened as Crimson spread the precum around, dragging his cock up and down her crotch. Her soft flesh felt like silk on his meat—his dick had been aching before from the time it took to fill the doggy dish, but this was enough to get him horny all over again.

It only took a few moments of stroking, running his dick along her marehood, for her to open up. He gripped her asscheeks tight and slipped his tip in. Her warm pussy pulsed against him, just egging him on.

“Master,” Rainbow said. Her own juices had already returned. “Please, stop.”

“You drank every last drop,” Crimson said. He spread her open wider with his hooves and slid his cock against her clit. “You must really love being a cum dumpster, huh?”

Rainbow whimpered.

Crimson snatched her tail between his teeth and gave it a yank. “Well?!”

“Yes!” Rainbow spat, tears forming. “Yes, I love being a cum dumpster, a slut, whatever! Let go!”

Crimson waited a few seconds before letting go. He returned to her pussy, sticking his cock inside of her for the first time. He went in inch-by-inch, deeper with every thrust.

He bit his lip; every sensible part of him knew that this was a moment to be savored, to relish in. He had conquered the loudest bitch in Ponyville, reduced her to nothing but a worthless cum rag. And yet, with every wink of Rainbow’s cunt against his rod, the fantasies grew—fantasies of throwing Rainbow into a cage for the rest of her life, only opening it when it was time for her to be used again. He would listen to her cry, listen to her sob, only to silence her by tying a gag around her mouth and raping her.

Wouldn’t that be wonderful?

“Wonderful,” Crimson muttered, eyes glazed over. “Wonderful, wonderful...”

Rainbow looked back at him. “What?”

Crimson shoved his entire length inside Rainbow.

The mare let out a squeak as Crimson’s thick meat stretched her open. Her warm walls swallowed his cock and tightened against it. Crimson had to hold back a groan when he pulled out. He could feel every inch, every small detail of Rainbow’s pussy against him.

He kept that pace for a while; in and out, in and out, taking his time and basking in Rainbow Dash’s terror, her despair—her arousal. Tears spilled down her cheeks, but nectar spilled over his cock, mixing with his precum.

The sweet scent of Rainbow’s sex set off something in Crimson’s brain. Rainbow had just given a sniffle when he tightened his grip on her ass and shifted into overdrive.

Crimson worked with a fury, plunging his cock as deep into Rainbow as it would go. His balls slapped against her wet thighs, and with every thrust he pushed her into the desk.

“Agh!” Rainbow sputtered. Her breaths had gone shallow, shaky. “Master, that fucking hurts!”

“No swearing!” Crimson yipped, pounding a hoof into her still-red backside. He laughed as she flinched. “Have you ever taken a cock as big as mine, slut?”

Rainbow shook her head, eyes clenched shut. “No, Master.”

“That’s what I thought.” Crimson moved his hips in a circle, grinding his dick against her pussy. “I bet that marefriend of yours is gonna love it, too!”

Rainbow growled. “Leave Applejack alone!”

“No, I think I’ll take her, too,” Crimson said. He took heaving breaths as the pleasure ramped up. Rainbow’s pussy was sopping wet now, and juices dripped to the floor like rain. “I think you’ll both be my sex slaves. How good is she at sucking dick, do you think?”

“Shut up!”

Crimson beat a hoof against her side again and fucked her harder. Crimson slammed Rainbow against the desk with his cock. Faster, faster he went. The end was near.

“I’m gonna rape you both!” Crimson roared. Spittle coated his lips. “Two worthless lesbian bitches—taking cock is all you’re good for!”

“Fuck yooooooh!” Rainbow screamed.

Crimson let out a shuddering moan, and his cock stiffened inside of Rainbow. A thick rope of jizz spurted from his cock, straight into her womb. He could barely hear her curses and squeals as he flooded her with his cum. He left his cock inside for the first two shots of jizz, but before he could run out of seed to spread, he pulled out and rested his dick on the top of her ass. Long strands of semen splattered across her back, her wings, even her hair. Crimson painted her back white.

Rainbow moaned and exploded in turn. Waves of pussy juice mixed with his jizz, and in seconds an ocean of juices spilled from her cunt and onto the floor below.

Both ponies went limp. Rainbow collapsed on top of the desk, her jizz-covered wings splayed to either side. Crimson fell forwards and leaned against Rainbow’s ass for balance. They both breathed in unison, gasping in heavy gulps of air.

“Now,” Crimson said, stroking one of Rainbow’s burning welts, “wasn’t that lovely?”

“Screw off,” Rainbow said. “Master.

Crimson giggled and tightened his grip on her wounds. “Feisty. Hope you can keep that up when your marefriend is being strapped down and beaten next to you.”

“You’re fucking lying,” Rainbow seethed. “As soon as AJ goes missing, our friends are gonna know something’s up. They’re gonna come after you, and they’re gonna kill you. They’re probably on their way already!”

Crimson gave a snort and prepared to leave—but before he could take a step, an idea popped into his mind. A long smirk crossed his face.

“You think so?” Crimson asked. “You really think they care about some filthy lesbian bimbos? You really think they’d waste their time trying to save you?”

Rainbow scowled. “Yeah. I do.”

“Funny, considering you’ve been here for two days already, and no one’s come.”

“Two...?” Rainbow furrowed her brows. “What? That’s not true! I’ve only been here for, like, a few hours!”

“Time flies when you’re locked in a sex chamber,” Crimson sang. “And how long do you think you were knocked out for?”

Rainbow gulped. “You’re lying.”

“Whatever you say.” Crimson walked over to a small sink on the other end of the room, grabbing the jizz-laced doggy dish on the way over. He filled up the dish with water, then returned to lay it below Rainbow’s head.

Whereas before Crimson had been lifting the semen-dish to her muzzle, now Rainbow could only just barely reach the water. The tip of her tongue skated frantically over the water’s surface, only able to capture a few drops at once.

“Enjoy!” Crimson called, leaving Rainbow to slake her thirst.

Crimson took his time before returning. After all, even the horniest of stallions needed some time to rest. While Rainbow languished in the basement, Crimson washed up and headed out. He made a stop at the bakery, the flower shop. A trip to the local apothecary allowed him to stock up on what drugs and potion supplies he was missing. He was in no rush—after all, Rainbow Dash was supposed to be out of town anyway, scheduled for a meeting in Cloudsdale. No one would come looking for at least a few days.

Not that Crimson intended on keeping her for that long. Sex-fueled fantasies of caging her up as a slave were one thing, but in reality, he knew that he would grow bored of her with time. He’d release her soon.

As soon as he finished his work.

“Your Master is home!” Crimson chirped, tromping down the stairs to the sex dungeon. He slipped into the room and cast Rainbow a grin. “How are you, my little slut?”

Rainbow was crying.

That just made Crimson even giddier. Chuckling, he trotted over and touched her wet face. “Oh, what’s wrong? Miss my cock?”

“Master,” Rainbow said through a choking sob. She smelled of semen and piss, and trembled with every breath. “Please let me go. Please.

Crimson rolled his eyes. “Not this ‘freedom’ nonsense again.”

“Please!” Rainbow flailed against her binds. “I’m sorry for crashing into you, or calling you names, or whatever I did! I’m sorry! I’ll pay you back, I’ll give you all my trophies, my medals, my house, anything! Just let me go!”

“Hm.” Crimson tapped his chin. “I have always wanted to live in a cloud house...”

“It’s great, I swear!” Rainbow stammered out. “I’ll give you the deed and everything! I’ll even, like, build it even bigger if you want!”

Crimson laughed. “That’s awfully generous of you, Miss Dash.”

Rainbow nodded. “So you’ll take my house and let me go?”

“Heh.” Crimson leaned into Rainbow’s ear and smiled. “No.”

“N... No?” Rainbow shook. “Why?”

“I’d rather own a slave than a house,” Crimson said, shrugging. “And besides: a dumb whore like you is a threat to public safety! So I think I’ll keep you for a while. Or, at least, until the day comes that you choke to death on my cock. Then I’ll just have to get Applejack to pick up the slack, I suppose.”

Rainbow started to give another furious shout—but before she could get out two words, the tears started rolling again and a mournful wail flew from her throat. She let her head fall limp and wept, sputtering and hiccuping.

Crimson stroked her mane. “Oh, don’t cry, my little slut. It’ll be okay. You’ll learn to enjoy being locked in a basement and beaten for the rest of your life.”

For a few moments, Rainbow’s sobs were the only sound in the room. Crimson grinned at the way her mane shook with every heave, the way she sniveled like a filly. It had taken almost a day and a lot of rope, but Crimson had finally done it: he had broken Rainbow Dash.

Every part of Crimson was ready to just sit back and watch Rainbow cry—every part except for one. Standing there, Crimson’s cock already twitched, already begged for release.

Time to give up the ruse, Crimson thought with a sigh.

“Slut,” Crimson said in a soft voice. He touched Rainbow’s chin and pulled her head up, forcing her to look him in the eyes. He offered her a calm smile. “It’s alright—you can stop crying. I’ve changed my mind.”

“You...” Rainbow whimpered. “You what?”

“I’ve changed my mind.” Crimson kissed Rainbow’s forehead. “I’m going to let you go.”

At once, Rainbow’s entire body seemed to perk up. A tiny laugh trickled from her lips. Within seconds it had exploded into a great guffaw as she pulled at her binds, shaking with relief. Tears still poured from her eyes, running down her dirty face and into her mouth. “Thank you!” she blubbered. “Oh, fuck—thank you, Celestia, thank you—”

“On one condition.”

Rainbow’s eyes snapped open. She grimaced. “What is it?”

Crimson chuckled.

Rainbow just watched with wide eyes as Crimson circled her and unlocked her binds. Crimson freed Rainbow’s forelegs, and then her hindlegs—then, grunting, shoved her off the desk and to the concrete floor. Rainbow landed with a thump, limbs splaying in all directions.

It took Rainbow a moment to regain control of her limbs. She scrambled up onto her trembling hooves and limped a few steps away before falling again. The ropes and spreading bars had left deep red marks on all her legs. Jizz stains covered her crotch and back. She rolled onto her side and gazed at Crimson.

In turn, Crimson sat down and spread his legs wide, presenting his semi-hard stallionhood to Rainbow.

He nodded. “Suck my dick.”

Rainbow barely managed to stand. “I... I could run away right now,” she said, darting a glance at the door. “I could escape and get help and fuck you over. I could.”

“But you won’t,” Crimson said.

“Why not, asshole?”

“Because you want me to let you go,” Crimson said. “Because you want to be safe. Because you want Applejack to be safe.”

Rainbow muttered a curse. She hung her head and spent a moment just staring at the floor, studying the dirt. Her legs were tensed to run, her wings to fly. But just as Crimson thought she was going to make a break for it, thought that his threats hadn’t worked—she sniffled and met his gaze.

“Okay,” she said. “I’ll do it.”

“You’ll do what?” Crimson asked with a smirk.

Rainbow’s eyes were bloodshot. “I’ll suck my Master’s cock.”

Crimson spread his legs wider and waggled his meat around a bit. Rainbow approached him with tiny, hobbling steps. She kept her lips tight as she laid down in front of him. The heat of her breath on his balls felt like a massage.

“You should be happy,” Crimson said as Rainbow struggled to open her mouth. “At least I’m not raping you anymore.”

“What the fuck...?” Rainbow growled. “Of course this is rape, asshole!”

“You had the chance to run, and you chose to stay.”

“If I didn’t, you were gonna fuck me to death!”

“You still said yes,” Crimson said. Before Rainbow could yip back another retort, Crimson tapped his penis. “I’m waiting, slut.”

Rainbow’s cheeks burned. Taking a long breath, Rainbow moved a bit closer and stared at the brown, mottled rod that hung before her.

She stuck out her tongue and touched it to the tip of his dick, only to flinch away at the taste. She steeled herself and moved back in. She lapped at his slit, cringing with every twitch but sending wave after wave on tingling pleasure through Crimson’s bones. For a few minutes, she barely let his meat touch her tongue, and it was all Crimson could do not to beat her into submission right there.

“Go deeper,” he spat.

Rainbow recoiled, but followed the order. For the first time, she wrapped her soft lips around him. Inch by inch she filled her mouth with his cock, letting its flat head press into the side of her mouth and bulge her cheeks out. Her tongue had nowhere to run; it jumped around inside her mouth, swirling around his penis. Crimson shuddered as he felt Rainbow tracing his veins with the tip of her tongue. Already he was spilling globs of precum into her mouth, coating her throat with his musk.

Without an order she bobbed her head, sliding her lips along his shaft like it were a popsicle. His member glistened with her hot spit.

“Don’t,” he gasped, wings fidgeting, “forget the balls.”

A popping sound echoed through the basement when Rainbow opened her mouth. Rivers of saliva poured across the tip of Crimson’s cock, and when Rainbow pulled it out of her mouth a thick strand of clear liquid connecting that tip to Rainbow’s tongue.

Silent, Rainbow bowed her head. She wasted no time going to work on Crimson’s nuts, dragging her tongue across his dark brown sack. They gave in to her touch, moving in whatever direction she pushed them. Crimson allowed himself a groan when Rainbow kissed his balls, sucking on them and licking them and fitting them in her mouth.

Crimson gripped the floor. His thoughts spun past in nonsensical blurs. Pleasure spiked through his dick with every touch. Just a few more licks and he was gonna—

“Ow!” Rainbow cried as Crimson grabbed her by the mane and pulled her back up. “What the fuck are you—”

Crimson slapped Rainbow across the face. “Swallow!” he shouted.

Rainbow reeled. “Wha—”

Panting, Crimson shoved Rainbow's head back down, right onto his cock. He forced his meat past her teeth, past her mouth, straight to the back of her mouth. He pushed until he could feel his dick sliding down the back of Rainbow’s throat, warm and slick.

Rainbow let out a few muted gags as Crimson pushed and pulled on her head, forcing himself deeper and deeper down her throat. The mare convulsed and flailed, beating her hooves limply at Crimson’s stomach. But he didn’t let go—he just went deeper, thrusting until his full length was inside and down Rainbow’s throat, until he felt her lips on his balls.

He exploded.

Crimson groaned as a surge of jizz flooded Rainbow’s throat. By this point the mare was screaming, trying to get away. Crimson didn’t notice—he kept his cock as deep as it would go, jerking around against the sides of Rainbow’s tight throat. He shot his seed straight down her gullet, one blast, two, three, until Rainbow got enough leverage to throw herself backwards. Crimson kept holding onto her mane, tearing out locks of rainbow-colored hair when she jumped away.

Rainbow crashed onto her side and broke into a heaving fit, coughing up puddles of jizz and spit. Tears rushed from her eyes once again.

The orgasm passed through Crimson slowly, cum spilling from his dick even after Rainbow got away. He mumbled a few sharp curses, then rubbed his cock to eke out those last few pangs of pleasure.

A few moments passed, with nothing but the sound of Rainbow’s gagging to fill the void.

Crimson took heavy breaths. “You didn’t swallow.”

Rainbow writhed on the floor.

Jumping to his hooves, Crimson fetched the crop from the other side of the room. He galloped back and brought it down hard on Rainbow’s ass, making her scream.

“You didn’t! Fucking! Swallow!” Crimson said, whipping Rainbow with every word. He grabbed her and rolled her over onto her back, then used his wings to spread her legs wide. He cropped her pussy, earning an even fiercer blood-curdling wail from the filthy mare. “You worthless cum dumpster!”

“I’m sorry!” Rainbow screeched, trying and failing to cover her nethers. “Please, don’t kill me!”

Crimson kept whipping her crotch until the skin burned brighter than Crimson’s fur. When a few minutes had passed and Rainbow had stopped screaming—her voice had become nothing but a raspy, broken gasp—Crimson threw the crop to the side and sighed.

“We’re done!” he sang.

Rainbow sobbed and clenched her hind legs together.

Crimson walked away to fill the doggy dish with water again, slipped a packet of white powder into it, then dropped it next to Rainbow’s head. The mare dove in, slurping up the liquid like it was honey.

“You’re going to go to sleep now,” Crimson said, running his hoof across Rainbow’s welts. “And when you wake up, you’ll be back home, safe and sound.” He tightened his grip on her wounds, making her gasp. “But remember this: if you tell anypony—anypony—about me or about what happened here, we’ll be seeing each other again. And next time, I won’t be so merciful.”

Rainbow’s eyelids sagged, but stayed open long enough to see Crimson grab her by the throat and growl, “I can do anything that I want to you! I captured you once; you think I can’t do it again, you dumb whore?”

One last whispering whimper floated from Rainbow’s lips. Crimson let go of her neck and she went limp on the floor.

Within a few moments, Rainbow fell unconscious.

Crimson grabbed his rope.

It was dark out when Rainbow woke up, buried in a pile of hay. She spat and sputtered, flailing her limbs in every direction until she tumbled out of the pile and onto a dirt floor. The cold night air felt like a balm on her still-burning skin, her exhausted limbs.

Groaning, she lifted her head—only to come face-to-face with a mare she feared she would never see again.

“Rainbow!” Applejack cried, standing at the entrance to the barn. She threw down both of the buckets she carried and sprinted over to the pegasus, who still couldn’t stand. Applejack looked her up and down. “What in the blue blazes happened to you? You look rougher than a bull after the rodeo!”

Rainbow coughed. “What day is it? How long was I gone?”

“I dunno. Fifteen, twenty hours, I reckon?” Applejack raised a brow. “Weren’t you supposed to be in Cloudsdale for some meeting?”

“Yeah, I was.” Rainbow let Applejack help her off the ground. “Fuck...”

“Are you gonna tell me what happened?” Applejack asked. “Or why you’re in the barn?”

Rainbow looked into Applejack’s worried eyes and tried not to flinch away. She could only imagine how she looked—beaten, bruised, probably covered in cum stains. How was Applejack not freaking out already? Rainbow glanced back at her own body...

...Only to find herself completely unscathed. Her coat, save for a few pieces of hay, had been scrubbed completely clean. The bloody welts all over her backside were gone, covered up with some sort of thin paint-like makeup. Her wounds still stung, but nopony would know they were there.

Except for her. And except for him.

A choking wail caught in Rainbow’s throat, and she nearly collapsed again. Applejack caught her and held her tight. “Sugarcube!” she said. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Rainbow said, wiping her eyes. She took a raspy breath. “I slipped in some cider before I went to bed. I must have wandered out here and passed out...”

That got a hesitant chuckle out of Applejack. “Jeez. You must have chugged that stuff down!”

“Yeah, well...” Rainbow leaned into her touch. “Your cider is freakin’ awesome.”

“You got that right.” Applejack kissed Rainbow’s cheek. “How you feeling? You hungry?”

At the word, Rainbow’s stomach roared. She just nodded.

Applejack grinned. “Come on, then! I’m sure Granny Smith won’t mind making a few more apple fritters.”

Applejack walked away, and Rainbow follower close after, limping from the burning in her crotch. Every part of her ached—but when she looked at Applejack, all she could feel were tears welling in her eyes.

“AJ?” Rainbow choked out.

Applejack didn’t turn. “Yeah, Honeybuns?”

“You... You know that I love you, right?”

That stopped Applejack in her tracks. She turned around and cast Rainbow a sideways glance. “Huh?”

“I love you, AJ.” Rainbow clenched her teeth and eyes shut, and nuzzled Applejack’s neck. “Really. I do.”

“Oh,” Applejack stammered, cheeks going pink. She giggled and returned the nuzzle. “I love you too, Dash.”

Rainbow buried her wet face into Applejack’s neck. For the first time in what had seemed like weeks, she felt safe.

Crimson Skies leered at a picture of Rainbow’s unconscious body. He kept one hoof wrapped around his cock, jacking off to the memory of his last score. What a dumb bitch she was, he thought, jizzing onto Rainbow’s photographed face.

He cleaned the picture and himself, then put it to one side, along with all the other pictures of mares he had captured over the years.

He would have to buy more rope soon, along with some pills, some more sleeping powder... he had used quite a bit of equipment on Rainbow. Had he remembered to give her the Morning After pill, he wondered? He’d find out in a few months in any case. He knew that Rainbow’s having a baby that looked like him would probably cause some suspicion—but it wasn’t like anyone would believe a word that slut said anyway.

Crimson locked up his box of supplies and smiled.

“Now,” he said, licking his lips. “Just what would it take to kidnap that Applejack filly...?”