Vinyl's Tentacle Fantasy

by errant

First published

Vinyl Scratch purchases an amulet that lets her live out her tentacle fantasy

Vinyl Scratch purchases an amulet that lets her live out her tentacle fantasy.

Gratuitous, plotless clop for its own sake.

Contains: Tentacles, Consensual

Chapter 1

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Vinyl held the small . . . amulet, she supposed it was called, in a faint field of telekinesis. She peered at it quizzically, investigating it from all sides. It just looked like an ordinary necklace with a small sapphire set into the middle. It wouldn’t draw anypony’s attention to itself; it was simply too unassuming. Still, the stallion she had bought it from had assured her that it would help fulfill her desires.

His instructions had been simple. All she needed to do to activate it was to charge it up with a little bit of magic. She was no arcane expert, but even she could manage that much. She kept peering at it, looking at the small reflection of herself in the deep blue of the precious stone. Was it safe? The stallion had assured her it was. It didn’t look dangerous. But did that mean anything? He hadn’t really told her what it did and she had bought it mostly on an impulse. And because it was cheap.

She shrugged. How dangerous could something so small be, anyway? It didn’t radiate danger or send shivers up her spine. Hay, she didn’t even know if it did anything. He could have been a conpony, for all she knew.

She frowned at the thought of having been ripped off. It hadn’t been much, but it was the principle of the thing. Now she was going to have to try it out, just to be sure. Carefully, her horn lit up and she let a thin tendril of her magic flow into the necklace.

For a heartbeat or two, nothing happened. She slumped, already cursing sleazy ponies who sold lame fakes to gullible mares. Then, a second later, it flared to brightly luminescent life and filled the small room with a blinding light.

She reared back, screwing her eyes against the searing brightness. It faded as quickly as it came, and she cautiously opened her eyes again.

Her jaw dropped. She was no longer alone in the room. She shared it with a half-dozen . . . things. They made her think of snakes with the way they slithered and wriggled from side to side. These were very different, though. Several were as thick as her hooves, ending in flared tips that resembled a stallion’s member. Their long, undulating bodies had bulbous protrusions set at even intervals along them. A couple looked like they ended in suction cups. All of them terminated in a single, thick trunk that seemed to sprout from the necklace that was now lying on the floor.

Vinyl didn’t move. In fact, she was rooted to the spot. “No way,” she whispered to herself.” The things held her transfixed, but they made no move towards her. She took a cautious step forward. “These can’t be real, can they?” She took another step forward. There was no response. “Am I dreaming again?” Now she was almost directly in front of them, close enough to touch.

She had to know. She reached out a hoof and touched the nearest wavering tentacle. It was soft and squishy, a little bit like jello. It was warm, too. That seemed to get its attention. It swiveled to hover directly in front of her face, as if curious about her.

Vinyl was trembling now. It was real. It had to be. The stallion had told her the truth. This was her fantasy come to life before her. It could be real. This might be her only chance to ever experience this. She couldn’t possibly pass it up.

She stretched out her neck and gently laid her lips on it, a soft peck against its surface. It didn’t really taste like anything, but she seemed to have gotten its attention. Something warm drifted across her inner thighs.
She shivered with anticipation. She stepped even closer, practically pressing up against the mass of warm, writhing appendages. This time she opened her mouth, taking the very tip of the one that she had kissed inside.
It was almost hesitant. She coaxed it in like she would a shy stallion, wrapping her tongue gently around its mass and massaging it with her lips. Slowly, it worked its way further inside and Vinyl closed her eyes as she concentrated on fellating the thing that had arisen literally from her dreams.

It seemed to become a little more confident after a few seconds. It wriggled around, exploring every moist, dark corner of her mouth. Its slimy texture let it slide easily and without resistance, and it was warm like holding a mouthful of hot tea.

She did what seemed obvious. She sucked in, unsure if it could actually feel or receive pleasure from this. But she knew that she could, so she gave it her best shot.

It made the next move. Something brushed against the base of her tail, lightly teasing. Suddenly, Vinyl remembered that she had several more areas that could be given attention and that there were several more tentacles that needed to occupy themselves.

She felt one twine loosely around her hind leg, working its way with purposeful slowness towards the most intimate areas of her body. It slipped through the soft hairs of her tail, lightly prodding at her slit. The touches were soft, explorative. Vinyl moaned softly past the mass seated in her throat. It was more intent on teasing her than anything else, it seemed.

Its shaft passed past her entrance, along her nethers, splitting her lips and rubbing against her clit. The back-and-forth motion made her want to scream out with a hybrid of desire and frustration, but all that came out was a gentle moan.

The tentacle in her mouth suddenly decided to become more active, too. It wriggled and slid past her lips, pushing its way forward with enough force to slip down her throat. Caught by surprise, Vinyl threw her head back to help it along.

She’d been deepthroated before, but this was ridiculous. It kept worming its way down; Vinyl could feel it sliding down her throat like she had swallowed something warm and slightly pulsating. She swallowed repeatedly, helping inch after inch work its way down.

It never seemed to end, and Vinyl started to wonder just how far it intended to go. It was a little late to start hesitating now, though, so she simply submitted and let it happen. Its length tickled her insides and warmed her up slightly, like the pleasant glow of hot chocolate on a cold winter’s day.

There had to be several feet inside of her already. With a start, she realized that could feel it wriggling in her stomach. Oh my Celestia, this really is a dream come true. This is perfect. The gentle writhing was like a lover’s caress, warm and relaxing. She sighed in absolute contentment as her muscles simply let go, refusing to hold her any longer.

Her legs turned to spaghetti and her eyes flew open as she realized that she was simply going to fall to the floor, unable to hold herself upright. She unconsciously went taut, bracing against a fall. A few seconds passed, though, and she was still upright. It took her a second to figure out why; some of the remaining tentacles had wrapped around her shoulders and around her haunches, holding her safely up. She relaxed again as she was carefully lowered to the ground. She was gently laid on her side and she moaned deeply as the appendages wrapped around her squeezed, like a warm and squishy hug.

She felt her tail be lifted, pulled to the side. Her slick nethers felt cold when exposed to the air, but that didn’t last long. One of the tendrils set to work caressing her folds, lightly touching her as it rubbed its head all over her slit. “Oh, Celestia, yes . . .” she moaned past the thick mass in her throat. “Right there, right there . . .”

Its touch sent little flares of electricity into her, passing through her outer lips before crawling up her spine. She began to ache with a desire to be filled; her inside was hollow, yearning for something to occupy it and give it purpose. She spread her legs, putting her dripping wet folds on proud display, hoping that the teasing appendages would get the hint.

They didn’t seem to have any trouble figuring what she wanted. One daring tentacle took the initiative and slipped inside her, its squishy texture molding exactly to match her tunnel. Vinyl spasmed, back arching off the ground, as she was overcome with the feeling of being completely and deliciously full. Its mutable texture meant that it occupied her fully, leaving no part of her inner walls untouched; a feat no stallion could ever match. If her mouth and throat weren’t equally full, she’d be screaming with joy. Instead, she settled for letting out a long stream of muffled moans of approval.

As if in response, the member that had just slid inside her damp, warm crevice began a slow thrusting motion. It wriggled backwards until only the smallest portion of its tip remained inside her before reversing course to enter her fully again. With each withdrawal it left her empty and aching and each time it returned it gave her what she craved, only to take it away again.

Vinyl lost herself in the rhythm, surrendering to the cycle of emptiness and fullness. Her mind blanked and her world narrowed until nothing remained except the thrusting. With each motion, fiery pressure built up inside her, gradually growing from blissful warmth to an inferno that threatened to consume her.

Vaguely, she was aware that she was being rolled onto her back. The constant onslaught against her marehood didn’t give her much time to contemplate the fact, though. A few more thrusts had her trembling on the edge of release and a few more after that sent her hurtling over it. She convulsed, her inner walls apparently trying to hold the pleasure in and force it out of her at the same time. The pressure that had built inside of her core found its release, forcing its way out of her in great rivulets of lubrication that left her muscles trembling and her heart pounding in its wake.

Finally, the appendage slithered completely out of her. She panted, trying to draw enough air past the one still enjoying her throat. Weakly, she raised her head to see the limb that had just ravished her, hovering quizzically between her legs. She smiled at it as best she could before letting her head drop, content to enjoy the feeling of having been emptied of lust and desire.

She raised a shaking hoof to her throat, feeling the long, sinuous shaft filling it all the way to her stomach. It wriggled slightly at her touch, tickling her insides and making her snort through her nose. Nevertheless, she continued to stroke lightly along the protrusion, hoping it would enjoy the sensation the same way a stallion would.

It apparently did enjoy it. After several moments of affection she felt a number of lumps pass through the appendage, past her throat and down into her stomach. Seconds later delightful warmth spread through her belly, accompanied by a number of distinct “plopping” sensations. Shortly after it retracted, pulling itself out of her mouth and throat.

She coughed and sputtered, rubbing her throat and wishing she had a cup of water close to hoof. “Alright, guys,” she said once she had use of her voice again. “It’s been fun, but this filly is all worn out.” She studied them, hovering placidly around her with no apparent cares or concerns. “Now, where the hay is the off button on this thing?” She facehoofed as the obvious solution hit her. “Duh, the amulet.” She picked up the lightly glowing necklace in her aura before siphoning out the small amount of magic she had invested it with. As soon as she did so, the tentacles simply dispersed into nothingness, leaving no trace behind. With a smile, she slipped it over her head. “Best fifty bits I ever spent,” she remarked to herself.