Nightmare or Treat

by MrHouston

First published

A familar little trick or treater ventures to Equestria to find an old friend

(Senketsu Side Story)

It is only a week until Nightmare Night and a little boy is seen wondering through the forest. If you attempted to follow, he would disappear or attack those who approach. A little filly finds Sam and the two soon develop a friendship because of a shared favorite holiday. However Sam's time in Equestria isn't just for a visit. He's looking for someone. A killer who was in the world before him, and he wants to bring the killer back to their world.

Chapter 1: Seven Days

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Nightmare Night. Its a holiday everyone looked forward to for its scares, dressing up, and getting treats. it was a night of pure fun and excitement. It also has its fair share of legends of killers, ghosts, and stories to tell fillies around the fire. To scare them to make sure they wouldn't go in that abandoned castle or not to go to far into the Everfree Forest. All of it was what ponies enjoyed about the holiday. However, the holiday itself wasn't for another week. But decorations were already going up across Ponyville and even up in Canterlot.

Down in Ponyville, a large bronze statue is surrounded by flowers and candy children laid around it. The statue was of a wolf wearing a mask and holding a blade in his right hand. Hoping to sooth the spirit the statue was made for, little kids colored pictures and placed them on top of the candies and flowers. Standing in front of the monument was a little filly. Her braided black mane gleamed under the warm sun and her pink dress flowed in the wind. In her hands was a picture she drew to place on the statue. She gulped. This was her first time doing this and she wanted to know a perfect spot to put the little drawing. Behind her, she heard her mother call to her.

"Nightingale honey. Aren't you gonna put your picture up?"

Nightingale turned and saw her mother giving her a warm expression. The little filly looked hack at the statue with now a look of bravery. With a deep breathe, she walked over to the bronze statue. Its shadow engulfed her as she came closer. Nightingale took one look back to her drawing and placed below the nameplate of the statue. She gave a small grin and giggle and quickly ran back over toward her mother. The two walked away from the monument, sharing smiles along the way.

How long had it been? How long has he been gone now? Last time Apple Bloom counted, two years. Oh how much it felt longer. She couldn't remember how many journal entries she made for him when she was younger. She lost count around fifty. Apple Bloom was just finishing her last chore for the day when she dozed off into space. Thinking about the future mostly. What would her future life would be. Would she meet her special somepony? Would she have children? All of these questions, and no answers. Not yet anyways. The filly heard a knock at her bedroom door and stopped washing the window.

"Come on in!" she called.

The door opened to reveal her two friends since childhood. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Both sporting wind breaker jackets and shorts. Apple Bloom smiled and wiped her forehead of sweat.

"What's up with the gear girls?" she asked.

Sweetie Belle stepped forward.

"Scootaloo's got me training for the Nightmare Night jog-a-thon!" she said bashfully.

"I can see that." Apple Bloom chuckled.

Sweetie Belle then cringed, stretching her leg out. Scootaloo couldn't help but laugh in her throat.

"But she's kind of ramming me harder then she should be." the white unicorn said. Looking at the orange pegasus next to her with a irritated expression.

Scootaloo put her hands behind her head and whistled. Trying to seem innocent. Apple Bloom laughed again. The orange pegasus stopped whistling and looked at Apple Bloom with a grin. She gave her a confused look.

"Sooooo Apple Bloom. Got anything planned for Nightmare Night?"

The teenage filly thought to herself. Nightmare Night wasn't really something she celebrated since she and her friends were kids. It never really came to her mind that much. All she really did for the past two years was just pass out candy to fillies that came to the door. However Scootaloo looked as though she had a more devious plan for the holiday.

"Um...I don't really have anything planned." Apple Bloom replied.

On cue, the orange pegasus grabbed her friend by her shoulder and flew her to the window.

"See that huge tent in the distance?" she asked.

Apple Bloom squinted her eyes to see a large dark purple tent near the edge of the Everfree Forest. Around it were ponies hammering wooden stakes into the ground and setting up booths.

"That's where all the action is!" Scootaloo said. "While the little kids are down here in town getting candy, we'll be up there partying."

That idea seemed fun to Apple Bloom. It would be nice to actually do something this year instead of just sitting at home. Immediately she perked her head up.

"Its a deal!" Apple Bloom said.

It all looked so fun. The decorations was what really caught the eye. The colorful creatures roaming around the little town were fun to watch. Especially seeing the other kids so excided. It was so satisfying to see these ponies celebrate Halloween far more then people. Hell, nobody would be killed this years of their lucky. Amongst the shadows of a tree, a little orange figure wearing a brown sack over his head watched the ponies work.

The little boy giggled, grabbing a dirty sack next to him and turning to walk into the forest. However before he even took a step, he felt something. A strong love for Halloween. The bot turned and saw a little filly with her mom walking out of a store. In her hands was a costume. From the distance he was at, the boy couldn't make out what it was. He tilted his head as he saw the little filly look at his mother with a small smile and the two proceeded in the other direction. The boy shrugged and grabbed his bag. He grunted as he dragged it on the ground. This place seemed nice, but he couldn't let Halloween get in the way of his main objective.

Chapter 2: Visions

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Last night showed no mercy. usually the amount of reports and paperwork was overwhelming to say the least. The noble ponies that came in asking for changes to their properties and or accusing some pony of something redundant. However last night it was like a bomb went off in Canterlot's community. Thousands of letters addressed to Princess Luna, stating they are having horrific nightmares, all of which involve deformed monsters trying to kill them. Then when they wake up, they discover the injuries they received passed on to them in the real world. The whole situation was bizarre and shocking to the princesses. At first, they thought it had to be a resurrected King Sombra wreaking havoc. However that theory was dropped after remembering how Twilight had described how he died. Then, they thought it was another Tantubus attack. Maybe it had grown stronger then ever and now has the power to harm ponies in the real world. Again, it was dismissed. Celestia and Luna were running out of ideas on what could be the cause of the attacks. Now, three ponies have died from the dream attacks and time was running out until the next victim was claimed.

The afternoon glow of the sun shined through the colorful glass of Celestia and Luna's throne room. Twilight was also there, consulting with her fellow royalties. They had been discussing the situation for nearly two hours and so far none of the three came up with suspects. Twilight scratched her chin and thought about it for a minute. Why didn't they know? This should be a question that should have been answered by now. Seeing as how Equestria has its fair share of villains who would want to destroy or enslave ponies, not much options were left. She thought back and remembered Jason. Twilight remembered four years ago when he killed three of Equestria's villains. Sombra, Chrysalis, and finally Tirek. So those three were out of the question. But that meant the only villains left that could be behind this are-

"Discord." Twilight said to herself.

"Why do you suggest him?" Luna asks.

Twilight signed and turned to the colorful glass panel of her and her friends. The image of them sealing Discord away again brought back memories of when everyone didn't trust him with their lives. She also had no choice but to pick him.

"Because he's the only one that isn't dead. Plus, how do we know of he developed a new kind of dream spell similar to Luna's?"

Celestia and Luna looked at each other for a brief moment before breaking their glares and returning their attention to Twilight. She was right. discord might have found a way to copy the spell but twist it in his own way.

"Very well. Have Fluttershy question Discord about the subject." Celestia said.

Twilight nodded and bowed to her fellow princesses. Celestia and Luna doing so as well. The walk back to the train and long ride back to Ponyville gave Twilight a lot of time to think. All of her instincts would be pointing at discord if he wasn't already reformed, but for the past few years he's been clean. She knew he might angry at the accusation. That was the first thing she thought of when picturing the scene in her head. The thought of Discord flipping out sent a chill down her spine. However in Fluttershy's care, he's mellowed out. Then Twilight thought what Fluttershy might think. She was the one who helped reform Discord. How would she react? Would she be offended that her friend is being accused of something he might be or not doing. Or would she think the same thing? Twilight didn't know, and frantically she didn't want to think about it until it happened.

She arrived back in Ponyville, just as a golden light was coating the sky. Most of the towns ponies were closing shop and going home. The children were running back to their parents after a long day at the schoolhouse. Twilight was met with greetings from ponies around her as she walked back to her castle, escorted by guards. It would be to late to ask Fluttershy now, tomorrow would be a better plan. When entering past the massive doors to her castle, Twilight was greeted by Spike who was crouched on the floor, picking up scrolls that had fallen out of his arms. Twilight smirked and ran toward Spike.

"Need some help there?" she said.

Spike scrambled as he noticed Twilight looking over him. He quickly relaxed. Both of them picked up the scrolls, placing them under Spikes arm. Twilight stood up and placed her hands to her hips, giving her companion a grin.

"I'm guessing we've both had a long day?" she joked.

Twilight expected to have Spike be eye level with her but found herself starring at his chest instead. That's right, Spike had grown profusely over the course of four years. None the less, she didn't pay much attention to it.

"Yeah it has been a long day." he said.

-Thank Celestia his voice hasn't changed too much.- Twilight thought.

Spike and Twilight walked down the main room of the castle. The guards saluting as they passed by.

"So what did the princesses say about the attacks?" Spike asked.

Twilight hesitated to answer.

"We...agreed it might be Discord."

The drake gave Twilight a wide eyed expression with his jaw dropped. Was it that shocking?

"Thiers no way! Discord isn't capable of using dream magic!"

The two of them stopped in the middle of a long hallway. Their voices echoing off the walls.

"I know Spike, but he is the only suspect that isn't dead."

The dragon softened his look of shock upon hearing that. It was true. Discord was the only one left. So it only makes sense he's being accused of this. But it just seem right to Spike. Why turn now? Out of all the times of the year to strike, he choose the week of Nightmare Night? it just didn't make sense.

"I'll follow it for now Twilight, but this whole situation feels like a screws loose."

The alicorn patted her friend on his shoulder and the two carried on down the hallway. Twilight saw at the corner of her eye a book in Spikes collection that caught her attention.

"A Collection of Dark Mysteries?" she said aloud.

Spike chuckled, grabbed the book from the bottom of the stack and placing it on top.

"Yep, I found it deep in the library so I figured I hadn't read it yet. Out of the many you've made me read before by the way."

Twilight gave Spike a cocky smile.

" that why you were snooping back there? I thought you were trying to get ahold of the new Playcolt issue again."

Suddenly, the dragons cheeks burned a furious shade of red. He turned toward Twilight and gave a small growl. However the look Twilight was giving had him shrink back to normal. Twilight giggled and slugged the drake on his arm. Spike gave a laugh of his own. The two approached a pair of large doors which were opened by guards standing on the outside. The room behind the doors was the court of the elements. Spike placed the books on the round table and Twilight sat in her seat.

She grabbed one of the books Spike had brought in and flipped it open, without reading the front cover. Twilight noticed how graphic and dark the book was. She read stories and legends of ancient cults, blood thirsty monsters, and notorious serial killers. It was like reading a encyclopedia of gore. She closed the book and look at the front. Sure enough, it was Spike's book that he found in the back of the library. However that only sparked a question in Twilight. Why was this in the far back of the library? Not to mention this is the first time Twilight has ever heard of, or read, this book. The feel of it was rough, as though it was stitched together. Matter of fact, it did look like the cover was stitched leather.

"Say Spike, why did you pick this book?"

The drake turned and saw Twilight holding the book. He grabbed it and looked at the leather cover.

"Y'know I'm not sure myself. I didn't recognize it from the tremendous amount of times we reshelfed the damn place." Spike said in a annoyed tone.

Twilight shot Spike a glare but he turned and whistled to himself. The mare looked back at the book for a second before placing the stitched cover on the table and turning her attention to the other books. However, she soon sees a crimson glow out the corner of his eye and she quickly glances up to see a line of red fire tracing the outer line of the round table. Soon, the whole table if engulfed in red and the books on top burned away. Twilight and Spike watched in horror as shapes of skeletons wearing armor, weapons swinging in the air, and the sound of screaming could be heard. Then, the shapes of ponies being decapitated, hung on ropes, and being tortured appeared in a red mist forming above the table. The ponies were Twilight and her friends. Then, the scene changed to a burly figure with a hammer in its right hand. Blood flowed from the pony he was beating with the hammer. It stood above the pony, breathing heavily and with a blood soaked shirt. The pony it was beating on looked like...

Twilight couldn't take it anymore. She grabbed the book off the table and threw it up in the air. She then blasted it with a magic stream from her horn which caused it to explode. Both her and Spike sat in the chairs next to each other for what seemed like hours. The vision in the mist that was shown had nearly caused Twilight to have an anxiety attack. She was holding her arms and was quivering in her seat. Spike was like statue, remembering the sight of seeing Rarity being hanged was etched into his mind. Then, the door to the chamber creaked open. Stepping inside was Fluttershy who saw Twilight and Spike sitting in silence. She quickly flew over upon seeing their expressions.

"Twilight! Spike! Are you okay?"

They didn't saw anything. Twilight suddenly grabbed Fluttershy and brought her into a tight hug. Fluttershy squeaked from the amount of power Twilight was putting into the hug. Then, she started to sob in her shoulder. The pegasus looked at her friend with an even more worried expression. She then looked up and saw Spike death gripping his own hands and a look of anxiety on his face.

"Please tell me what happened!" Fluttershy cried.

Outside a window for the castle, a little form watched as a teary eyed Twilight talked to Fluttershy. He broke his spying and dropped down from the shoulders of a blood soaked guard with a half eaten lollypop in his neck. Sam pulled his lollypop out and walked through a garden of the castle. He passed by another guard he killed who had her own sword through the center of her chest. He hummed a playful little sound as he made his way out the front door of the castle and toward the Everfree Forest. As his little foot hit the floor before entering the forest, a voice called out from behind him. Making him freeze.

"Hey! Wait for me!"

Chapter 3: Black and White

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Sam didn't know what to do. For the first time since his time being in this strange place, he's been seen. The whole thing surprised him to a shocking amount of extent. He was never caught by any other person than when he deliberately showed himself too. When he did show himself was when the person caught his blood hungry attention. He could feel the darkness from the persons soul and what they might become in the future. Oh how it was wonderful to sense the future slasher being born was such a wonderful thing. However this time around he didn't choose to show himself. The child saw him and approached. He knew the voice behind him was a little girl. The second to actually see him but this time to actually talk to him. In his mind, Sam wanted to disappear right then and there. To never let this child see him again. She didn't need to see him. No, she wasn't ready. On the other hand, he could kill her.

True, that wasn't his style going after kids his own age. But drastic times called for drastic measures. Sam opened his treat bag next to him and pulled out his half eaten pumpkin lollypop. Before he turned around to slash another throat. The child spoke again.

"Um...I saw you the other day I was wondering why your dressed up so early for Nightmare Night?"

That's what Halloween was called in this world? To Sam, it didn't sound fun. It just sounded, well, lame. None the less, Sam felt the spirit of Halloween here and he would be damned if he didn't see it through. Sam signed. He turned around, hiding his lollypop inside his candy bag. The child he was facing had a black mane, golden eyes, and a grey coat. She also wore a little pink dress. A part of her mane covered one of her eyes and she had a nervous look to her. Sam tilted his head. Another pony? Even though this world's Halloween was named different, he enjoyed seeing these walking and talking ponies everywhere. It was like he was in a children's show. Though some of these ponies figures wouldn't really make it to television. The child took a small step back from Sam and she spoke with a soft tone in her voice.

"What's your name?" she asked.

His name? Well that's a new one. But, for some reason, he liked this girl. She was bold enough to come and talk to him even though he looked murderous. She had this sense of kindness around her as well. A kindness he had never felt. Sam then remembered, when did he ever experience joy besides killing people who didn't follow Halloween tradition. He thought about for a little bit longer, might as well. Sam reached inside his bag and pulled out a liquorish wrapped in plastic. He saw the look of the girl in front of him. She was playing with her fingers and was giving Sam a look of interest. With a little care, Sam wrote his name in the dirt. The filly looked down and said it to herself.


The little trick or treater nodded once and the filly gave him a small grin.

"That's a nice name."

Sam nodded. He looked in his hand and saw the liquorish in his hand. He shrugged and pointed his arm out to the filly. She looked at the candy in his hand in confusion.

"You...want me to have that?" she said.

Sam playfully nodded his head. The filly took the liquorish and smiled. Sam couldn't help but feel something inside his chest. Seeing this little filly smile made a weird feeling come to him. A feeling that made his chest feel strange. He signed again. The filly looked up at the stitched smile and button eyes looking at her. It was a strange costume to say the least. However, it made her really nervous just looking at Sam. But since he told her his name, its only fair if she did to.

"My names Nightingale." She said.

Sam tilted his head and Nightingale gave a small giggle. This little filly was strange indeed. Sam then noticed his shadow on the earth growing larger. The sky was becoming darker and a mixture of gold and purple painted the sky. The sun was setting. Nightingale looked at the setting sun and gave a disappointed look on her face.

"I'm sorry but I have to go home now."

She says that like home isn't a fun place to be. Sam can understand, he's used to being out in the woods out on Halloween enjoying the holiday. The filly turned and started walking away from Sam down a hill. The button eyes watching her every step. Well it was an experience Sam wasn't used to but it might seem he'll have to get used to it if he is going to be staying her while looking for his friend. But Halloween was now five days away. He needed to hurry. Sam turned and was about to walk into the forest, but soon heard footsteps running back toward him. He quickly grabbed his lollypop and prepared to slash the throat of anyone running up to him. Big mistake trying to blind shot him. The running steps were closer then ever, Sam swiftly turned around readying his weapon. However he didn't expect to see Nightingale running back to him. She stopped and gave him a warm smile.

"Listen, I know this is short second but I was wondering if...we can be friends."

Sam felt his arm with his lollypop become heavy. It fell faster then humpty dumpty on the kings wall. That question is what really caught him off guard. At first, Sam thought this girl was just annoying. Now, he couldn't help but like her. It was like his mind made a full U turn on his opinion of the filly. Then, he thought of the advantages of it. She could help him look for his friend. With his mind made up, Sam nodded. A jovial squeak came from the filly and the next thing Sam knew, he was in tighter hug that could make a bear jealous. Nightingale released Sam and she started her way back down the hill. Shouting goodbye from afar. Sam raised his little hand and waved. He will definitely will need to get used to being here.

The night had come over the forest. Sam was walking through a dirt road, enjoying the sound of crickets and the light of the moon lighting the road. Suddenly, the boy had a flashback to when he and his friend would walk this path on their usual killing spree. Sam couldn't help but stop in his tracks and watch as the hallucination in front of him played out. The larger from in front of him pulled a blade out from a victims neck and Sam clapped like a child. The larger figure next to him picked him up and placed him on its shoulder. The two then continued on the path, the screams from another victim could be heard as the ghostly figures vanished. Sam was frozen, his fists clenched. Under his mask, Sam was trying not to cry. He might be a blood thirsty killer would enjoyed Halloween, but he was still a little boy. Sam collected himself, he needed something to take his mind off things.

Just then, he felt something. Someone wasn't following tradition like they should. Sam turned his head and saw a house on a small hill with a small lake next to it. Lights were on inside, meaning someone was home and awake. Sam giggled and ran over to the house. He stood outside the window and watched as a weird figure walked past with some sort of accent.

"Fluttershy! Have you seen my robe?"

Chapter 4: Sam vs Discord

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Discord was laying on one of Fluttershy's many couches she had in her house. Speaking of the adorable Pegasus, she was out with Rainbow Dash at some movie. One that didn't really interest the lord of chaos himself. Then again, what movie didn't make Discord happy. He was wearing a baby blue robe with his name gold printed on a breast pocket. In his claw and paw was a book he had recently snatched from Twilight's library, without her knowing of course. When did Discord ever share he took a book from the alicorn's library a number of times. Discord snapped his talon hand and a pair of reading glasses appeared on his face. He flipped the hard cover and with a lick of his finger, flicked the page to the first chapter. Already discord was immersed in the novel. Nothing could possibly distract him from-


With a annoyed groan, Discord looked up from his book and toward the door at the far end of the room. He shouted.

"What ever it is, I don't want to buy it!"

He smiled thinking he won and returned to his book. The first chapter was beautifully written with old style poetry, made by the famous Edgar Allan Pony. Oh how Discord admired his work. He could read it all night lo-


Another sound to interrupt him. Discord blew smoke out of his nose out of frustration. He slammed his book shut and floated toward the door. He looked through the peep hole and saw a shadow of a figure on the other end. Discord rolled his eyes. It must have been early Nightmare Night fillies looking to score candy a mere three days before the actual holiday. Then again it wouldn't have been the first time. Pinkie Pie pulls the same stunt every year. Discord grabbed the door handle and threw open the door. Only to find nobody on the other end. He gave a look of confusion and stuck his head out the door.

"Hello?" he called.

Looking both ways and not seeing anyone, Discord closed the door. Another knock, this time more frantic. He growled, grabbing the handle so hard it could break off. He swung open the door. Again nobody insight. Discord felt his anger leave him and replaced with curiosity. Sure, Pinkie was able to pull a prank like this. She had help from Rainbow Dash after all. However this time it felt different. Pinkie would have jumped at him by now. Discord shrugged, it must be some cheeky teenager trying to be funny. He teleported to the couch and picked up his book. Floating down like a feather onto the couch, Discord resumed reading. Hours seem to past, Discord closed the book and looked at the clock above him. It was nearly midnight. Fluttershy had been gone for over four hours? Must be one long movie. Discord closed the book and placed it on the couch as he lifted himself up and floated toward the other room where his bed was.

As he was about to climb under the covers, another furious knock was at the door. Discord's eyes shot open and he let out a menacing growl. He teleported at the door and swung it open. However his anger faded again as he saw Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash sitting in front of him. Fluttershy looked as though she was about to have a panic attack. Her pink sweater had crimson splatters all over it and on her jeans. Rainbow Dash looked nervous, she had a large red scar going across her arm and stomach. ripping open her wind breaker hoody.

"My goodness! What happened!?" Discord said.

Rainbow Dash hurried her sobbing friend inside, nearly body checking Discord as she did. She guided Fluttershy over to a couch and had her sit. The Pegasus placed her hands over her face and began crying softly. Rainbow Dash was breathing heavily and looked as though she was holding back her own tears. Discord looked at the two of them and then his eyes slowly went to the blood on their clothes.

"Rainbow Dash what-"

The blue Pegasus quickly spoke, not letting Discord finish.

"Their was another incident at the theater!" she said.

Discord felt his heart sink. Another killing spree. In only a few weeks?

"Was it another impersonator?" he asked.

The only response he had was a serious of nods from Rainbow Dash. She placed both her hands on top of her head and tried to slow her breathing.

"H-how many?" Discord asked shaking.

Fluttershy sobbed even harder and Discord quickly went over to her. The Pegasus buried her head inside his chest. Rainbow Dash sat on the same couch and looked down at the floor.

"I counted four. I would have been five if weren't for Fluttershy."

Discord looked at Fluttershy. That explains the blood splatter on her sweater and the cut on Rainbow Dash. He didn't want to pry anymore than that. But Rainbow Dash read his mind about the question.

"She took the guys weapon out of his hand and slashed him across the throat."

Fluttershy cried even harder. Death griping Discord's arms.

"It wasn't like she wanted too! She was only trying to save me!" Rainbow Dash shot.

Discord was lost for words. For once in his life, he was genuinely shocked. He tried to calm Fluttershy calm while Rainbow buried her face in her hands. He wanted to change the subject. So he did.

"Say, were you two the ones knocking at the door a few minutes ago?"

The two ponies looked at him in confusion.

"What are you talking about? We just got back."

Discord felt his heart sink even deeper. If it wasn't Rainbow and Fluttershy, then who was it? A sudden knock at the door scared all three of them. Silence filled the room and they waited for another knock. Fluttershy screamed as an even harder knock came to the door. It sounded as though the wood would break at any moment. Discord teleported to the door and swiftly opened it. Nothing. His anger boiled and he let out a shout to the open air.


He slammed the door shut and gave a deep breathe of air. Then, he heard Rainbow speak behind him.


He turned around to see a little child wearing orange suit with a sack over its head with buttons and a stitching for a mouth standing in front of him. In his hand, the boy held a candy bar. Discord gulped and kneeled down to the boy.

"W-well, hello there child! Are you the one who was knocking on our door?"

No response. Instead the boy nodded. Discord looked at Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, both of their terrified faces slowly softened. He then looked back at the boy who still stood motionless.

"Can I ask why?" he said.

Again, no response. Discord raised an eyebrow.

"Are you shy little one?" Discord reached out to the boy with his lion paw.

The little boy swiped his hand in front of Discord and he reeled back with a loud howl of pain. He looked as his paw and saw a red line run across. He looked back toward the child and saw the candy bar he was holding was actually razor. A look of anger came over Discord. He crossed his arms.

"Now what was that for?"

Suddenly, the boy lunged onto Discord's head. The draconoquise grabbed the hand with the razor as it was only a mere few inches from his right eye. Then, the child let out a terrifying screech which rang in Discords ears.

"All right! Enough of you!"

Discord raised his hand to click his fingers so he could teleport the boy off his head but the little one slit his wrist. Discord gave a yelp and swirled around, bumping into the walls, trying to get the child off his head. He started popping in and out all around the house. The sounds of the child grunting with each hit against the walls or floor. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy waited as a short period of silence suddenly made its presence known. They weren't even in the house anymore.

The struggle between the two of them was still going on. Sam swiped Discord countless times with his candy razor but he always blocked it or managed to get in a good punch to the little killers face. Sam was would grunt in frustration from his blade never connecting. Discord grabbed Sam by his shoulders and threw him into a near by tree. He watched and waited for Sam to rise from the ground. He laid there motionless for what felt like hours. Discord slowly walked toward him, bringing his hands up in a blocking position just in case. he flinched as the sack boys head suddenly jolted up slightly and he heard him groan in pain from trying to stand.

"Now then, lets finish this shall we?" Discord said, trying to catch his breathe.

The draconoquise lifted his reptilian foot high above Sam's head but the little killer smiled under his mask. He suddenly sent his knife deep in Discord's foot and he let out a scream of pain. Sam giggled and gave another powerful thrust with his knife into Discord's leg. He kneeled and Sam jumped on top of him. Discord watched as the little monster lifted his knife above his head, about to deliver a finishing blow. He readied his fingers to send the little killer flying but before both them could set both their attacks in motion, a sudden blast of violet energy came in-between the two. The came the powerful voice which shook both Sam and Discord.

"Cease this attack at once!"

Chapter 5: Blood Moon: Part 1

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[The Dream Realm. Forest of Scattered Souls.]

The two had stopped fighting upon hearing the bellowing voice. They looked up to see a black mass of smoke with pitch white eyes gliding toward them from a blood red sky. To Discord, this was unnerving. He had been in this dream scape before in his own mind. It was the Forest of Scattered Souls. A place known to hold the darkest of entities for all of eternity. However, something was different this time. Instead of a normal starry night sky, it was replaced with a horrifying sight of maroon clouds, a red sky, and a black sun. The black mass in was on top of a cliff looking over the two. It gave out a ghostly moan and the mass started to form into figure. Discord and Sam sat and watched as a the form of the princess of the night glided down from the cliff. The little killer had gotten off of Discord and stood on his feet. The draconoquise himself remained laying on the ground in horror.

"I command you stop this senseless encounter at once!" her voice boomed.

Discord gulped while Sam sat and looked at Luna. This new pony was a lot more pretty to look at. Her mane looked like the night sky, her eyes were liked sapphires and she had this strange power resonating around her. She wore a black dress with a crescent moon plastered on the side of it. The pretty pony didn't look happy though. Sam's attention strengthened from Luna as she started to speak with a firm tone.

"I knew I felt someone enter the forest. But never would I have guessed it would be you two. Come to spread chaos in the dream world Discord?" Luna said crossing her arms.

The freak of nature monster next to Sam shot, or should he say teleported, to his feet in front of the princess. Pleading his case with her. Sam tilted his head, this creatures emotions turned completely around upon seeing the pretty pony.

"L-luna don't be insane! I didn't want to come here because I wanted to! I was trying to get rid of THIS little monster!" Discord said. Pointing at Sam.

The princess broke her gaze from Discord and softened it as she saw the little orange costume. Luna cold feel the dark power coming off the child. He was powerful in his own way. Though, something felt off about him. If what Discord said is true, she needed to be careful and not let the child ambush her. Luna wasn't so great with little ones, that was her sisters domain. She was the mother figure. Luna took in a breathe and walked over to the little child standing in front of her. She lowered herself down, sitting on her knees. She gave the little one a soft smile.

"Greetings child. My name is Luna, princess of the night. Who might you be?"

The child didn't answer. Instead he used his finger to write his name in the dirt. She gave a smile to the child as he finished writing his name.

"Sam. That's a nice name. Now, can I ask where you came from?"

Behind them, Discord rolled his eyes and gave a annoyed scoff. He felt a chill go up his spine as he felt Luna's eyes connect with his. He gave a nervous laugh and slowly backed away from the princess and child. Luna returned her attention to Sam. She was still waiting for his answer. The, Discord chimed in.

"He doesn't talk."

After shooting another warning glare at the draconoquise, Luna took in his words. Maybe the child was just shy. Luna then got an idea. However, she wasn't so sure how the child would react. She would hate to be his enemy after just one meeting. However, a strange sense of curiosity came over the princess. It felt as though the dark presence around Sam was familiar somehow and she needed to know why. She thought about for a another moment before making her decision.

"Listen Sam, in order for me to know your origin. I need to see into your mind."

Sam's attention was now at full alert. The pretty pony in front of him wanted to know where he was created? He didn't want her to see it. Not anyone was allowed to know more about Sam then just his name. He pulled his candy knife from his back pocket and let out a ear splitting screech as he lunged at Luna. The princess was to slow to react. She saw the small blade coming closer to her neck. Then, a violent stream of crimson flooded Luna's vision. She expected herself to be dead. She snapped open her eyes to see four thin blades through Sam's chest. The little killer dropped his knife and slowly reached down to the blades. Then, the blades pulled themselves back out. Blood spurt from the wound onto Luna's face. Then came, a malicious toned cackle behind Sam.

"Well that was expected eh?"

Luna grabbed onto Sam and held him tight in her arm and she and stood on her hooves. She looked and saw a figure standing in the darkness. He worse a red and green sweater, brown pants, and wearing a black hat. She then saw the blood stained metal claw hanging next to him. Discord rushed over to Luna's side and gave the mysterious person a confused look.

"Why did you save-?"

"No, I didn't save her. Just saving her for myself." the figure said with a happy tone of malice.

Luna gritted her teeth. She held Sam tighter, feeling his slow breathing.

"Who are thou!" she commanded.

The figure walked behind a tree he was next to. Both quickly ran over to see him gone. Both gave confused looks.

"What? Yah never heard of me?" the voice said.

The tow turned and saw the figure standing in the same cliff Luna was on before. His body more lit from the sun. The figures face looked burnt, his teeth a sick yellow color, and his eyes were full of evil and destruction. Luna had seen this monster before. In Jason's memories she recalled seeing this creature. He gave another menacing cackle and sat himself on the cliff.

"I'm surprised that masked fool didn't tell you! Then again, how could he?" he cackled again.

Luna felt her rage building up. She stepped forward and pointed toward the figure.

"Enough nonsense! Answer my question!"

The figure gave her a annoyed glance. Luna felt her bravery slowly fade.

"Your no fun toots. You can call me Freddy." he said proudly.

Luna narrowed her eyes. Then, she felt movement in her arms. Sam raised his arm and placed his little palm next to him. The dark energy around him was far weaker then it was last time. His strength was fading. She shot Freddy a furious glance.

"How could you harm a child you monster!"

Freddy cackled even harder. Luna didn't break her expression but felt a pit in her stomach grow. Freddy stopped his laughing and wiped a tear from his eye. Clearly he thought of her question as hilarious.

"Oh man! If only you knew how much you said was true!" he said with a wide smile.

Discord walked up and Freddy addressed him as well. He pointed a metal claw toward him and gave a nasty yellow smile.

"Oh I know about you Discord. No need for intros." Discord gave Freddy a surprised look. "I don't let a day go by without knowing the wonderful mayhem you used to cause back in your day. Oh how it was wonderful! That was, until you let these ponies get ahold of you." Freddy shot Luna a disapproving glint in his eye.

The princess returned the look. Speaking in a angry tone.

"Discord choose to reform himself. Do not change the subject!" she boomed.

Freddy felt the wind from her royal Canterlot tone and gave a wolf like howl.

"Oh...I love the fiery ones!" he cackled.

Luna had enough. She charged her horn and let out a stream of magic. Freddy grinned and disappeared inside a circle of fire. Luna and Discord looked around everywhere. Freddy was no where to be seen. They then heard his laughter from the darkness of the forest.

"I'm sorry but it appears I must be going now. Poor ol' Sam will die and soon all of your world will be next!" Freddy gave a loud cackle before his voice vanished into the forest.

Luna refused to let that happen. She laid Sam on the ground, his blood soaking his costume and Luna's dress. She didn't know healing magic nor did Discord. Luna would have to send Sam and Discord out of the dream world before Sam dies in his sleep. With a magic engulfing the three, Luna teleported them from the world. They were expecting to be back home. But only darkness was what the spell transported them too. Sam was gone, leaving only Luna and Discord.

"Okay I'll bite. Where are we?" Discord said to himself.

Luna attempted to use her spell again. However she didn't even feel a spark. Come to think of it, she couldn't feel any magic in in her body at all! It was like she was sapped of it but no tragic affects. Discord tried to use his magic as well but only found himself snapping his fingers repeatedly. Then, came the voices.

"Is it ready yet?"

"If you mean HIM then not yet."

"You know for a damn fact I'm not calling this thing human!"

Luna and Discord waited for something to show itself. But the voices still continued.

"Do you have the book?"

"Yeah, here."

Suddenly, a flash of light blinded Luna and Discord for only a few seconds before it stopped and the two saw a candle lit room with two shapes of figures surrounding a white pentagram with a orange suited sack boy in the middle of it. One of the figures held a demonic looking book in his hands.

"If this works...we'll go down in history!"

"As what exactly?"

"As the people who created a more superior Halloween legend then those other killers. Voorhees, Kruger, Chucky, hell even that freak from Texas. All of them are gonna get blown out the water!"

Luna puzzled herself. These beings knew about Jason and Freddy? Who were the ones know as Chucky and the one from Texas? What is Texas anyways? To many questions, and not enough answers Luna concluded. For now, she needed to listen.

"Fine then. But if this flies south, its your head. Then again it is gonna be your head."

"Oh shut up and bring me the dagger!"

One of the figures handed the other a dagger. Both said an indescribable phrase to both Luna and Discord and the pentagram ignited in a fiery blaze. The one with the dagger raised it above his head and with a powerful thrust, sent the dagger down in a tiny circle below the doll. Then, the doll twitched violently and its wool body formed to flesh and bone. But the creature that replaced the doll resembled a skin covered skeleton. The little monster blinked its pitch black eyes and let out a adorable yawn.

"Oh my god it worked! The necronamican spell worked!"

"Oh! What do we call him?"

The one figure hummed to himself.

"Ah I got it! We'll can him Sam!"

"Really? That's the best you could do?"

"Hey dumbass if you got anything better I'll be glad to hear it!"

Luna and Discord listened and watched as the two bickered with each other for minutes before the tiny monster in the circle stood up and saw the two. Then, it gave a evil grin toward the two. It then let out a scream and leaped toward the two figures. Their screaming and the sound of flesh being ripped was all Luna could stomach. She closed her eyes and clenched her fists. Waiting for the screams to stop.

Chapter 6: Blood Moon: Part 2

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The screams had stopped. The sound of flesh being ripped had quiet down. And Luna had stopped herself from quietly sobbing. She couldn't bare watch Sam slaughter the two. True, their intentions were pure evil but they did not deserve what they got. She slowly opened her eyes, seeing the window had disappeared. She turned to face Discord but found him with a terrified expression on his face. For the first time since his imprisonment, Discord looked genuinely scared to move. Luna wanted to walk toward him, to see if he didn't lose his mind. He watched the deaths. Normally Discord would have enjoyed destruction and chaos, however he looked incredibly scarred from what he watched. Luna slowly walked over to him, reaching her hand out to his shoulder. Upon making contact, Discord flinched and shot a look next to him. Luna didn't say anything. How could she?

Without another moment to process what had just been seen, a bright light shined from the dark. Blinding both Discord and Luna. The draconoquise slowly uncovered his eyes, trying to see what was making the light. He saw what looked like a slit in the darkness. Like a knife cutting through bread. The slit stopped separating the darkness and morphed into a shining doorframe. A voice then came from the light.

"Discord. You are not needed for now."

Discord didn't have time to react before he felt as though he was fading from the realm. He looked down to see his body was fading into thin air. He looked behind him to see Luna gazing at his disappearing form. No words were said, only the deeply shocked saddened look of Luna was all Discord saw as his vision filled with the dark and his body disappeared. Luna scrambled to her hooves and glided over to where he stood. But he was already gone.

"No!" she barked.

The voice from the light then came back again. This time more softer in tone.

"Luna...its been so long my dear."

The princess looked up and saw the form of a pony wearing a white robe walking toward her. His pitch white beard and mane blending with the light almost perfectly. The grey of his coat shining as of it were a crystal. Luna sat on her legs, looking up at the godly figure. Her expression changing to one of mixed feelings. Sadness, anger, and confusion fueled her mind. Each attacking the other. The godly figure kneeled down and put his hand on Luna's cheek. Her gave her a smile she had not seen since she was child. Luna couldn't help but break down as she recognized him at first realization.

"Star Swirl!"

Sam woke up in the middle of a field in the Everfree Forest. He looked down to see his wounds had been healed but his candy car knife was gone. He stood up as he saw the moon. Bright and big in the sky. Surrounded by twinkling stars. Was he back home? Was he on Earth again? all just a dream? Sam sat up and noticed he was only mere feet were he saw Pony Ville for the first time. Curious, he ran over and saw the little village just down the hill. Nope, he wasn't home. Instead he was celebrating Halloween with these ponies this year. He saw their decorations all lit up. The child and adults dressed in costume. Games, candy, and even ghost story telling was going on. Every one was actually following the holiday. Sam couldn't sense anyone not celebrating. This was a first.

He looked down and saw a Nightingale, with her back turned to him, sitting on a hill just below him. How did he know it was her? He could tell because he remembered it was the same hill they met on. He noticed she wasn't wearing a costume either. Instead she only held a little trick or treat bag. Sam cocked his head at her and walked toward her. He only saw the corner of her eye and saw the sadness. She was alone this Halloween. Sam tapped her on the shoulder and Nightingale quickly turned to see her new friend. His smiling mask looking down at her. She smiled slightly and turned to face him.

"Hi Sam. Where have you been for the past few days?"

A few days? That's how long he was in that dream scape with the pretty pony, freak of nature, and that bastard Kruger. Oh how Sam hated that guy. Sam shrugged toward Nightingale, earning a giggle from her. However her smile died the second she finished.

"Guess your wondering why I'm by myself huh?" she said.

Sam didn't say anything. He only plopped down next to her on the grass.

"Mom had to work late...again. I understand why she needs to but at times it gets lonely, especially on Nightmare Night." Sam was looking at her the entire time. Taking in the information. "Besides you, I don't really have any friends. Me and mom just moved her a week ago. Some time to move isn't it?"

Sam shook his head and Nightingale took at as a agreement.

"Glad to see you think the same."

They sat there for what seemed like minutes. When in reality it was only one when Sam jumped up and pointed to the center of the town. Nightingale squinted to see the statue of Jason Voorhees in front of the mayors office.

"You want to go there?" she asked. Earning a series of nods from Sam.

Nightingale smiled, fixing her dress and wrapping her candy bag around her hand. The two walked to the center of town. Sam, earning some scared and amazed looks from other ponies, walked a little faster than his acquaintance. He had wanted to see that statue for while. Ever since he came to this town. They arrived at the statue. Bending their necks to just to see Jason's mask.

"Do you know about Jason?" she asked him.

Sam nodded. He then grabbed his orange suit and pulled it out slightly. He reached down and pulled out a little drawing of him and Jason. It was of him sitting on the masked killers shoulder walking in a grassy field. Of course it looked like a child drew it. Nightingale smiled.

"That's a nice drawing. Is that dream you had?"

Sam shacked his head. He pointed and himself, and then at Jason, and then back at the picture. Nightingale stood there confused. Sam felt his head dip. Looks like he has to show her. He put his picture back in his suit and leaped onto the statue. Climbing it like a monkey. He then sat himself on the statues shoulder, replicating the scene in the drawing. Then, the realization hit Nightingale.

"Did you know him?" she said with wide eyes.

Sam nodded, earning a wide smile that could rival Pinkie Pie.

"That's amazing! What was he like?" she asked like fan girl.

If Sam could speak he would tell all about his friend. How strong, blood thirsty he was, a total psychopath! But in a more kid friendly way of course. He then remembered the day he vanished. How he was never seen again. If only Jason could see how his home Crystal Lake had gone down under since his disappearance. Teenagers and new campers took it over. Burying the tragic of the place so everyone could forget about him. All Sam could do he climb down from the statue and give a small nod. Nightingale picked up about the body language. Her ears dropped and her smile faded.

"Oh...I'm sorry." she said.

Sam raised his hand and shook it. His way to saying not to worry. Then, a ground rumbling bell toll could be heard from a clock tower from the other side of town. Nightingale turned and saw the streets were nearly empty of other ponies.

"Looks like its midnight. Nightmare Night is over." she said disappointed.

She looked and saw her friend hadn't moved. She was still curious as to who was behind the sack head.

"Since its over, can I see under your mask now?"

Sam looked to the ground and gave out a deep breathe. He thought to himself. What would have Jason done in this situation? Sam had seen his face plenty of times. And Jason had seen his as well. Its what they did because...they were friends. Sam shot his head straight up. He knew it was right. This filly was his friend. It was only fair. Even of she runs away screaming, at least Jason would have been proud to see he made a new one. Sam undid his masks stitches and slowly pulled it off, only revealing his alien like head and pitch black eyes. He was stopped when Nightingale spoke up.

"That's enough! I can guess what the rest looks like." she said with a warm smile.

Sam quickly put his sack head back on, tightening the laces.

"I have to go home now. I hope we see each again real soon!" she said happily. She then wrapped Sam up in a little hug and ran off.

The little killer watched as Nightingale ran away toward home. She the turned and waved goodbye to him. Sam retuned the gesture but with less as her. It was true, it was time to go. However he would be not seeing her anymore. For this wasn't his home. Sam took one last look at the statue of his friend. And then looked down to the plague on the base. He found him. After so long.

Jason Voorhees

Gone but not forgotten

Luna was in a state of pure confusion. Her old friend. Her father figure. Her and her sisters mentor. Was standing right in front of her. Questions filled the alicorn's mind. She was pacing back and forth, biting her index finger. Star Swirl the Bearded meanwhile, was watching her with look of happiness. As if this whole situation was planned! Then, the idea then hit Luna like a runaway boulder.

"Did...did you plan this?" she asked.

Star Swirl replied with a click of his fingers. A wide rift in the darkness then appeared. Showing the events of the past five years with Jason.

"It seems the spell worked proficiently." he said.

Luna's mind really did soar after what her mentor said.

"Spell!? What spell!?"

The old pony ignored her and continued scrolling through the memories. He Jason's fight with Sombra, Chrysalis, and finally Tirek. His smile deepening.

"Vanquished formidable foes as well!" he said.

Luna watched as Star Swirl snapped his fingers again and turned to face her.

"I think its about time I told you of a spell I worked on when I was alive."