It's Not Incest, It's a Threesome!

by dirty little secret

First published

Celestia and Luna have a burning desire for each other, but incest taboos are getting in the way. They need to invite someone else in order to make it a perfectly legitimate threesome ... not incest at all, definitely not.

Celestia and Luna have a burning desire for each other, but incest taboos are getting in the way. They need to invite someone else in order to make it a perfectly legitimate threesome ... not incest at all, definitely not.

Cover art cropped from a work by Strebiskunk.

Nothing wrong with a bit of sharing

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The Garden Formal this year wasn’t quite as good as last year’s. I didn’t tell them that, of course. I told them it was marvelous, and it was. Not as marvelous as last year, but that was no cause for rubbing their faces in it, now was it? I couldn’t expect them to outdo themselves every time, could I?

Still, they could have done better, especially since Princess Celestia herself would be attending this time, an honor she didn’t bestow on just any Garden Formal. Why, I hardly remembered the last time I’d seen her at one.

“Yes, yes. Morning Star, is it?” I smiled warmly at a young mare who made eye contact with me. “How are the children?”

She choked back a giggle – her husband was right beside her after all – and only managed to nod slightly, almost imperceptibly. I chose to interpret that as ‘the children are doing wonderfully, thank you.’ To the best of my knowledge, she’d never told her husband that he was infertile, nor had she told him that their three wonderful foals were all sired by me.

“Lovely, lovely. I wish you many more.” I winked at her, making her blush and hide her face from her husband, who led her away toward the hours d’oeuvre table. From the way Morning Star was still grinning, though, it was obvious he didn’t suspect what had truly happened. He was probably just understandably anxious to distance his beautiful wife from any stallion with a reputation like mine. Couldn’t blame him, not really. In his position I’d do the same.

And so I continued mingling my way through the Garden Formal, complementing the mares on their exquisite gowns and complementing the stallions on their exquisite choice in mares. Fleur would be somewhere on the other side of the party, likely doing much the same … unless of course she’d already found somepony to sneak off with, which was entirely possible. With a svelte body like hers, she needn’t invest too much flirtation time to get what she wanted.

I wished her the best of it, glad we’d long ago decided to have an open relationship. She might find somepony for herself alone, or she might bring somepony – stallion or mare – home with her to share. Not knowing what she’d choose was half the excitement, after all.

I, however, soon had my own intrigues. Princess Celestia – the Princess Celestia – caught my gaze and looked into my eyes for just a moment. Her head twitched imperceptibly toward the garden maze, then she looked steadfastly away and walked into the deep cover of the hedges.

My jaw dropped, and something else nearly dropped as well, but I quickly regained control of myself. I had known Princess Celestia for years … as a friend, and nothing more. And yet, even her friendship was a little shallow, holding me at a distance. I’d gathered the impression that she considered me one of the least offensive of the Canterlot nobles, and thus she tended to seek out my companionship at such events, where I tended to do much of the mingling banter for her. More than once I’d had to put to rest rumors that I was her secret lover. In fact, I’d never touched her for so much as a hoofshake. She merely seemed to keep me around as a sort of social lubricant to ease the awkward silences ponies tended to slip into in her overwhelming presence.

Still, it had been enough to call a friendship, though perhaps I was more of a confidant and sounding board than a friend. Her Highness certainly always seemed to have a certain guarded aspect to her, an inner barrier that held place even in private when she let the outer barriers fall. There were certain things she and I never discussed. But she’d never done something like this before … the cloak-and-dagger invitation to a private chat? Now this was going to be interesting!

I ducked into the maze behind her as soon as I could inconspicuously do so. Only one pony – the Chair of the Weather Commission – noticed me slipping away. He rolled his eyes at me, no doubt assuming I was chasing yet another pony tail.

He would be half right, and justified in assuming it. What else was the point in having a garden soirée next to the hedge maze if it wasn’t for the purpose of providing a place for illicit couples to conceal their little indulgences? During a typical Garden Formal, I would be disappointed if I hadn’t snuck into the maze with at least three different mares and dropped as many rumpled evening gowns on the carefully manicured grass of the maze’s winding passages. I would, of course, help them back into their complicated finery afterward and magically smooth out every crease and wrinkle. I was a gentlecolt, after all.

This was no ordinary Garden Formal, though, and this was no ordinary mare I was following into the maze. Had Princess Celestia finally come to see me as something more? Surely not. Every Canterlot rumor on the subject – and no rumor escaped my ears for long – insisted that the Sun Princess was entirely celibate. Perhaps she had tired of romance after a thousand years of life, tired of outliving her lovers. Perhaps she simply did not have the same needs and urges as mortal ponies. Perhaps it was a simple matter of none of us being good enough for her immeasurably high standards. Regardless, it was a near certainty that no stallion nor mare had accompanied Princess Celestia to her bed in living memory.

So why had she so discreetly led me into the maze?

Such thoughts spun in my head as I strolled through the complicated turns and twists of the maze. I had been here many times and knew my way around as well as any, but even I was confounded by the time I made my fifth turning, not even sure I remembered the way out. There was a magic in this maze, rumored to be older than Celestia herself. Nopony had ever been able to map it, nopony knew what might be hidden inside, and even pegasus ponies couldn’t seem to navigate it successfully. And yet, when one wanted to get out of it, one always found the way out quickly and easily, as if by pure luck.

The evening air was cool and crisp, with birdsong flitting in and out of the impenetrable walls of hedge. So I simply enjoyed the stroll for now. The hedges were trimmed in perfectly straight lines and the short, springy grass underhoof gave off a pleasant fragrance with every step. If Princess Celestia wanted me to find her, I would. I was sure of that. If she had some other purpose in leading me here, I would find that, too. No sense in rushing things.

I had been walking for quite some time – deeper into the maze than I had ever been before – when she finally revealed herself to me. Her gracefully sculpted white body glimmered in the moonlight, and her mane wavered in the dusky breeze, giving off a slight glow, almost too low to perceive. Once again, I privately wondered if I’d subconsciously chosen Fleur because of her resemblance to this magnificence. “Princess,” I whispered.

She smiled at me and began to walk, slowly at first to allow me to come up along beside her.

We ambled along for quite some time, side by side, comfortable in the silence. At least I was comfortable in the silence. Something seemed to be bothering the Princess. I didn’t press her, though. Like finding her in the maze, that would come in due time.

Finally, she gave a deep sigh and stopped walking.

I stopped next to her, still alongside, facing ahead. Looking at her might put too much pressure on the moment.

“Fancy, I have a confession to make.”

Most interesting! I remained quiet, waiting for her.

“I…” She looked at me, then quickly looked away. “Oh, I couldn’t possibly. It’s too embarrassing. I’m sorry I wasted your time.”

“Princess,” I said, letting the word hang in the still air. “You know you can trust me to keep things entirely confidential, my dear. Didn’t you once say I was the only pony you felt you could be truly honest with?”

“I … I did.”


“Well, I’ve been having feelings.”

I smiled slightly. “What sort of feelings?”

“Feelings for somepony in particular.”

“That’s lovely! You know, I cannot stand the thought of you all alone in that high tower of yours.” A devious thought occurred to me. Would I actually get a chance tonight? Was it me she had feelings for? “Who’s the fantastically lucky colt?”

“Mare, actually.”

“Oh.” Well, my chances with her just died. So it goes. Still, I’d love to hear about it. “Don’t tease me now, who is this most fortunate of mares?”

She stood in silence for a long time before answering. It was agonizing. Finally, she answered, “Princess Luna.”

I coughed, my throat catching and my eyes bulging out at the unexpected and completely impossible answer. I knew I should have some quip to return with, some nonchalant remark to make that seem as appropriate as anything I had ever heard, but I’m afraid I failed the Princess in that regard. It took long, awkward minutes before I could finally bring myself to say, “That’s, that’s … um, wonderful, my dear.”

She looked away, cringing. Why had my social skills abandoned me? I should be comforting her! I had to do better.

“Does she … share these feelings?” I hazarded.

“I’m fairly sure she does.”

“Wonderful!” This time it was sincere, and this time she did believe me, smiling back. “Then what’s stopping you?” I asked.

Her smile disappeared as quickly as it came. “We’re sisters for heaven’s sake! Neither of us would dare admit that we hunger for … incestuous relations. I think she would accept me … but could you imagine the outright scandal if she refused? If ponies found out? It could be enough to destabilize a kingdom!”

I doubted ponies would react that badly to it, but I knew there was no convincing a worrying pony that their worries were unfounded. That never worked. Her real concerns were probably of a more personal nature than that anyway. Fear of rejection is a terrible hurdle to overcome. “Ah, I see. It’s terrible, truly terrible that the two of you should have to suffer so. This could go on for thousands of years!”

Princess Celestia’s regal head sagged low, and she moaned very quietly. “I was about to tell her once before,” she whispered, “when…”

“A thousand years ago?” My jaw dropped. “Princess, have you been suffering the pangs of impossible love for a thousand years?”

Her lips quivered as she stared at the grassy ground. It almost looked like she was about to cry. Now that would be a thing unheard of! Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria and a Sun Goddess to some … crying? I would not stand for that!

“I may have an idea, Princess.”

She looked up at me, and I could see the wetness in her eyes, held in by her own formidable will … but only barely.

“Are you both flexible as to your gender preferences?”

Princess Celestia’s eyes dried a little as she nodded. “Yes … and I know my sister favored both stallions and mares in her time, consecutively and sometimes even concurrently.”

“Excellent! But I’m afraid my idea is far too outrageous and lewd to be mentioned in the presence of so distinguished a—”

“Out with it,” she commanded.

“Well, suppose that instead of approaching Princess Luna directly, you casually invited her to a threesome with the stallion of your choice? Then there is no harm. After all, there is nothing terribly taboo about two sisters sharing a stallion’s company.”

Princess Celestia gave a shocked harrumph and shook her glimmering mane away from her eyes. “The nerve of this pony! Why, to think that I would …” She paused for a long moment, staring blankly into the distance, the clear night’s magnificent canopy of stars reflecting in her eyes. Slowly, a smile began growing on her face. “Perhaps…”

I looked at her with the swelling pride of a job well done. Princess Celestia had many official advisers, but I liked to think of myself, especially in moments like these, as an unofficial advisor, an advisor for her shockingly scant personal life.

She nodded, grinning wider now than I’d ever seen before – which was still a very subtle grin, of course. There was something sly and playful in it, a side of her I reveled in seeing on the rare occasions she let it show. “Who would the stallion be, though? It would have to be somepony I could trust with anything, someone with whom I feel completely comfortable.”

I could see where she was going with this, and something in me wanted to dance and whoop with delight, but I dared not ruin the moment, and I contained myself to a mere rising of my eyebrows.

“But would Fleur be upset?” she asked.

How could she be perceptive enough to realize I knew what she was getting at, and yet still have no idea about Fleur after all these years? The Princess was an enigma sometimes. “We’ve, ah, we’ve been having what’s known as an ‘open relationship’ ever since her incident in the Wonderbolts locker room.”

“Ah, yes, I heard about that.”

Princess Celestia knew about that? Only too late did I realize she had been asking about Fleur purely out of politeness, never truly in doubt of the answer. I gulped. I’d have to keep my wits about me if I was going to keep up with a mare like Princess Celestia. “You’ve … heard about that?”

“You’ve found yourself a truly wonderful mare, Fancy. Legendary, some might say.”

“She is exceptional.” I grinned. “But the version of that story the rumor mills picked up is nothing compared to what actually happened.”

“Oh, do tell!” She nearly squealed in anticipation. Nearly.

“I’m afraid I have been sworn to secrecy in that regard, Princess. On no account may I tell of what truly happened there.”

Princess Celestia shrugged as if it didn’t concern her, but I could see visions of untold debaucheries dancing behind her eyes. “Ah well, I suppose I wouldn’t be here talking to you tonight if you didn’t know how to keep a secret.”

I gave her my most charming smile.

Voices filtered through the hedges, a stallion and a mare teasing each other and giggling incessantly. The stallion sounded quite a lot like Prince Blueblood, but I didn’t recognize the mare, not from her squeals and titters at least. That royal buffoon must have duped yet another starry-eyed mare out of her evening gown. Had he no shame?

Princess Celestia heard them as well. She looked at me earnestly, a new urgency in her voice, rushing to settle matters before the couple caught up with us. One never knew how close or far away another pony might be in the maze. They could be hours away or mere seconds. “Are you available tonight?”

“For you?” I winked at her. “Of course.”

“Good. I will go speak with my sister. Meet me in my chambers an hour after sunset, tomorrow evening.”

“And if Princess Luna declines?” I looked up at her pointedly.

She stared back blankly for a moment before my meaning dawned on her. “Oh Fancy, you are such a cad!” Turning quickly, she trotted away before Prince Blueblood and his besotted conquest could discover the two of us here.

I didn’t follow. We’d said all that needed to be said, and a great deal more. Instead, I simply enjoyed the magnificent view of her high and taut buttocks as she retreated. I bit my lip slightly, imagining myself getting a much closer view of her.

My fantasies were interrupted by Prince Blueblood blundering in from behind me. He shouted when he saw me. “Fancy Pants! Fancy meeting you out here!”

His mare stumbled in behind him. She reeked of alcohol, and her gown was already hiked up nearly to her withers, crumpled into a wrinkling mess. Her mane was escaping its confining bun on several fronts, and from the way she tottered back and forth, it seemed she would collapse at any moment.

They both approached closer, and Prince Blueblood laid an unwanted hoof on my shoulder. “What do you say, old chum, feel like double teaming her?” He twitched his eyebrows toward the semi-conscious but still upright mare. “You take the sloppy seconds, of course. Royal privilege.”

He never saw the punch coming. My hoof connected with his loathsome face with a very satisfying thud, and in an instant, Prince Blueblood was on the ground, knocked out cold with a c-shaped hoof mark in his jaw. I would catch hell for it later, I was sure, but Princess Celestia knew me and trusted me. She would listen to my explanation, see reason, and ensure that my punishment wasn’t too onerous.

In the meantime, I had a needy mare to attend to. I wrapped a hoof around her, steadying her and helping her stand. “Come on now, Miss. Let’s get you home safely so you can sleep it off without regretting anything tomorrow morning. Does that sound good? Where are you staying?”

Her reply was too slurred to pick apart into words, but it sounded positive. Step by faltering step, I led her back to Canterlot proper. I had no idea who she was or where she lived, but my accounts would more than cover a safe hotel room for her to stay the night in. The Hitching Post would probably be best, I thought to myself as we made our way out of the maze. That hotel was more famous for illicit liaisons than it was for comfort, safety, or quietness … but I knew the night manager there, Pillow Fluff – an honorable mare, if ever there was one – and I knew she’d see to it that this poor mare made it safely through the night.

By the time I made it back to the Garden Formal, I’d be lucky to have enough remaining time to honestly and honorably persuade even one mare to part with her gown. I might count that as a disappointment, but this was hardly a disappointing night. I’d secured a hot date with Princess Celestia and justifiably punched Prince Blueblood in the face. Tonight was a most excellent night.

* * *

I stood at Princess Celestia’s door, fashionably early and impeccably groomed. I didn’t mind waiting, not at all. With any luck, this would be fully worth every moment I spent waiting on her.

And so … I waited.

I checked my wardrobe, several times. My best dinner jacket was still perfectly pressed and still a charming shade of dark blue. Its buttons still shone gold, the silver ones replaced with little sunburst emblems in honor of the mare I’d be entertaining tonight.

And still I waited. I waited until our agreed time, an hour after sunset, and found myself waiting longer. That wasn’t particularly promising. Perhaps Princess Celestia had lost her nerve and decided to scratch the entire evening, but was too embarrassed to tell me. Perhaps things were going rather better than expected, and she was already enjoying herself with her sister without my assistance. Or perhaps Princess Luna was simply taking more convincing than I thought she would. I hoped that last was the case. It would mean that I still had a chance and that my waiting was not in vain. I did have other options tonight, after all. Fleur had brought home no less than four of her lady friends for a romp, and I had been invited.

I declined, of course. One didn’t stand up the ruler of all Equestria, not even for a night like that. We rescheduled, of course. One also didn’t pass up a night like that if one could.

Finally, finally, the two princesses approached from down the long hallway. I smiled at them, immediately noting that they both lacked their customary royal guards and regalia, looking oddly naked without. They walked close to each other, close enough for their furled wings to brush. It wasn’t something most ponies would read into, but knowing what I did… Yes, this was going well indeed.

When they stopped in front of me, nopony said a word. Who could possibly think of something to say in a situation like this? Me, of course. I’ve never been at a loss for just the right thing to say. “Why, I can hardly tell which of you is the more radiant! Princess Luna—” I bowed deeply “—it’s been too long.”

I snuck a suave glance up at Princess Celestia, and she winked back at me with her right eye, the one Princess Luna on her left wouldn’t be able to see. “It’s wonderful to see you, Fancy.” Her magic opened the door. “Please come inside.”

I did as she asked, of course, and I raised my brows at her choice of phrasing. That adorable trickster in her was showing again.

“I suppose I should make formal introductions,” Princess Celestia said as she closed the door. “Sister, this is Fancy Pants, the stallion who—”

Princess Luna snickered slightly.


“I have made his acquaintance before, actually,” Princess Luna said.

Princess Celestia blinked, then looked back and forth between Princess Luna and myself. She no doubt saw the way the two of us looked at each other, caught the glimmer of amusement in our eyes. “Made his acquaintance?” she probed.

Princess Luna held a demure hoof over her chest. “I shan’t speak of it. It would be unbecoming of a lady.”

Her eyes going wide, Princess Celestia stared at me. “You cad!”

I shrugged and grinned back at her. “Who could refuse an invitation from the lovely and lonely Princess of the Night?”

“And here I thought I knew you completely.” Princess Celestia rolled her eyes melodramatically.

“Well, I could stand to know you a little more completely,” I offered her in consolation.

Princess Luna turned toward her. “Is this your first time with him, sister?”

“It is.”

With a devious smile, Princess Luna stepped closer to her sister. “Well then we shall have to make it memorable! Let us begin with a show for him, to better ensure his arousal.”

Princess Celestia ran a hoof through her own mane and blinked ever so innocently as her sister drew near to her. “A show? I haven’t the slightest…”

Princess Luna kissed her sister slowly and passionately, stroking that alabaster face with a delicately gentle hoof. It was barely more than an extended peck on the lips, but even I could feel the heat and pent-up passion behind it. When their lips separated, the two of them gazed into each other’s eyes. Princess Luna leaned in close and breathed into her sister’s ear, “Just for a show, mind you. Nothing between us, but just for the sake of arousing our guest.”

“Of course,” Princess Celestia whispered back. She then drew her sister in for a much deeper, much more intimate kiss. Each of them gasped against the other as they pulled each other in close, wrapping their hooves around each other’s backs and stroking each other’s manes.

I watched with no small degree of interest as Princess Celestia’s tongue visibly slipped between her sister’s lips, and as Princess Luna’s tongue did the same, the two of them dancing in long-anticipated contact. Princess Luna’s hooves strayed to her sister’s body, and Princess Celestia moaned into her sister’s mouth when they touched her in ways she hadn’t been touched for a millennia.

Princess Celestia willingly fell over backward, gently rolling onto the floor beneath her sister, wrapping her white hooves around Princess Luna and squeezing her tightly as their kiss became more fervent. The sounds of their gasped breaths filled the room, and Princess Celestia’s hooves wandered farther and farther down Princess Luna’s finely curved back. Before long, she was kneading her sister’s firm little buttocks shamelessly.

Their ‘show’ wasn’t without its effects on me as well. Where the room had felt a tad chilly before, I was now feeling an almost uncomfortable warmth around the collar. And, of course, my endowment had slipped free of my sheath, bobbing beneath me and begging to be involved in the action. Naturally, I restrained myself. This was really for Princess Celestia, not me.

But my condition did not go unnoticed. Princess Luna looked up at me. Deprived of her sister’s luscious lips, Princess Celestia moved to nuzzling and kissing the elegant dark blue curves of Princess Luna’s neck. Princess Luna herself, though she gasped at her sister’s efforts, saw me and took pity. “Sister,” she said, “I think perhaps that—” She dropped off into silence as Princess Celestia’s inner thigh found its way between her hind legs. Princess Luna’s starry tail rose high, and for another long moment, there was no sound but the shuddering gasps of the two alicorns.

Princess Luna understandably lost interest in me. Instead, she returned her attentions to her sister, kissing Princess Celestia deeply again and positioning her own leg between her sister’s in a way that made Princess Celestia moan throatily against those lovely lips.

I cleared my throat slightly, hoping to regain a little of their attention … and it was completely ineffective.

Both mares were entirely focused on one another, on a tryst a thousand years in the making. I would be a tad miffed at this, but it was the purpose of this night to begin with, so what right did I have to complain? I was merely an accessory to this, a tool to make what they were doing seem more legitimate. Legitimate to whom, I was no longer certain. Still, I had needs of my own, needs that were growing as I watched them and the scent of aroused mare permeated the room. As inconspicuously as I could, I raised a front hoof below my stomach and touched myself lightly, casually. It could be passed off as an ‘adjustment’, really. Merely seeing to it that…

Of course, that was the moment Princess Celestia broke from her heated kiss, throwing her head back in a fit of passion and looking straight at me, straight at what I was doing. Her eyes widened and my cheeks flushed with the burn of shame.

“Really, Fancy?” Princess Celestia said with a quirk of her eyebrows. “And here I thought you were a gentlecolt.”

Princess Luna followed her sister’s eyes and found me as well. “Do not be so harsh, sister. This is supposed to be a threesome, is it not?”

It was only a flash, quickly hidden, but a burst of fear crossed Princess Celestia’s face. “Yes, yes it is!” she quickly agreed. “Of course it is. It couldn’t possibly be anything else!” She leapt up, throwing Princess Luna off of herself.

Princess Luna righted herself in midair with a deft flap of her great dark wings. She giggled a little when she regained the ground. “No need to sound so defensive, sister. What say you to setting him down on the divan there?”

Princess Celestia glanced at the little couch and nodded, so I made my way over to it, walking stiffly for obvious reasons and shedding my clothes as I went. By the time I turned back to them and sat down on it, they were both right in front of me. How had they crossed the room so quickly and soundlessly? Alicorns had many talents I didn’t know about, apparently.

Both of them mewed over my revealed erection appreciatively, and when Princess Celestia lowered her mouth to the tip of it, I discovered another unguessed alicorn talent. The Princess took me into her mouth slowly and gracefully, her lips sliding past inch after inch, gliding smoothly all the way down until they stretched about my base, her warm throat pulsating all around me.

When she rose up and pulled off of my tip with a slight pop, she barely had time to look up into my eyes and wink before Princess Luna took her turn to do the same, showing a talent every bit the equal of her sister’s. I groaned as I felt my length slowly sliding into Princess Luna’s throat, blown away by the skill of these sisters. None of my previous encounters with Princess Luna had involved fellatio, but now that her lips were wrapped around the girth of me, I couldn’t believe what I had been missing out on.

Princess Luna didn’t look up at me when she slid back up to my tip. Instead, she looked to her sister. Her dark blue hooves pulled Princess Celestia’s face closer, and she came willingly. Their lips met in a sloppy wet kiss that rested against my flattened flaring head, licking my tip with every inaccurate flick of their soft red tongues.

Their hooves wandered downward, each of them cradling my eager and heavy balls for a moment, but only as a waypoint to their final destinations. They slipped lower and found each other, almost at the same moment. Each of them gasped and let their lips slide downward along the sides of my shaft as the scent of aroused mare redoubled in the room. I could hear the wet squelches coming as each of them toyed with the other’s nether lips.

I groaned again, both from the stimulation of two royal mouths on my member and from the thought of those soft vulvas, one pale pink and one darkest blue, being softly smushed and tugged by loving sisterly hooves. It was probably only my imagination, but I thought I could even hear their soft flesh winking against each other’s hooves.

Princess Celestia shuddered, and I could see the hairs of her coat standing on end. Her breaths came in little struggling pants, and her lips pulled away from me as her back arched upward.

Not quite so affected – probably because she hadn’t been celibate for a thousand years – Princess Luna didn’t let me suffer for the lack of her sister’s mouth. Without easing her efforts on Princess Celestia in the slightest, she raised her lips to my flared tip and took me into her throat again. This time, she didn’t pull back up. She bobbed her head back and forth, just above the base of my shaft.

I would have orgasmed most uncouthly straight down Princess Luna’s throat, overwhelmed with her skill, had not Princess Celestia succumbed to her sister’s talents a moment before me.

Princess Celestia threw her head back and squealed her passion to the ceiling. She gyrated back and forth, rubbing herself against her sister’s gentle hoof, receiving what she’d been waiting so long for.

Once she slid herself off of me, Princess Luna looked over at her, gazing sultrily into her eyes. “Are you pleased, sister?”

It took a long moment for Princess Celestia to catch her breath, but when she did, she did not answer with words. No, she rose up and flung me off of the divan with her magic. She pressed Princess Luna down onto the couch in my stead with gentle, but implacable hooves, and Princess Luna didn’t resist.

Princess Celestia, the stars of orgasm still glittering in her eyes, knelt in front of her sister, spread Princess Luna’s legs apart, and lowered her head to sip of her sister’s nectar.

I watched for a moment, Princess Luna’s saliva growing cold on my still-engorged length. It warmed my heart to know that Princess Celestia was finally getting a taste of her sister … and it warmed me elsewhere to remember my own taste of it in times past. I knew well the soft, plush flesh of Princess Luna’s bulging nether lips, knew well the tangy taste of the moon flower’s nectar.

Any thoughts of jealousy faded when the experience became evident in Princess Celestia’s obvious arousal. Her tail lifted high and to the side, no doubt without a conscious thought from her. Once it was out of the way, it revealed the pert curves of her buttocks and the delicate smooth shape of her vulva at the apex between her long, graceful legs. As I watched, it winked open, the pale pink lips thrusting outward on their own and showing me the intense flush of reddish pink inside. The inviting inner flesh dribbled its juices heedlessly over her proudly pulsating nub below before they dripped to the floor, wasted.

Given the way she was half-kneeling to better service her sister, her front legs low and her back legs extended, the view was magnificent indeed. And whether she consciously desired it or not, my body could not help but heed the invitation hers was screaming out to me. Such beauty could not be wasted on empty air and the marble floor.

Without a word, I came up to her, lifted my front legs, and mounted Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria. Her body tensed, and she gasped slightly at the feeling of my chest on her rump, but she didn’t leave her position between her sister’s legs for even a moment, and her tail did not lower to bar my entry.

A slight lean forward, and my tip eagerly found its way between the finely sculpted roundness of her legs and kissed her nether lips. They were warm, no more than warm, hot, and still slick all over from Princess Luna’s touch. Her next wink enveloped me, almost drawing me in, and I was all too ready to let it.

How many times had I snuck well-concealed glances under Princess Celestia’s tail? How often had I fantasized about the soft pink flesh there, even while making love to my own wife? And now here I was, feeling my tip moving into her. I gasped, and – losing my self control for a moment – thrust forward mightily. All of my endowment sank swiftly into her, into the Princess. She yelped into Princess Luna’s nethers, but made no other protest as her body eagerly accommodated the new mass of flesh inside her, pulsing around me with waves of heat, pressure, and gushing wetness.

It was everything I had ever dreamed of, and even with as many mares as I’d become familiar with over the years, she was something special. Was it the way her firm, toned buttocks felt against my thighs? The tickle of her winking clitoris against the rim of my sheath? Or perhaps simply the way her hot inner flesh softly pressed itself against me on all sides? It was difficult to tell, but I did know, from that very first thrust, that I had never taken a mare quite like this one.

Of course, the first thrust wasn’t the only thrust, as tempted as I might have been to release myself on the spot. Regaining my self-control, I made slow, passionate love to the Princess of the Sun.

Each deep but gentle press of my hips let me feel every single contour of her inner walls. In response to each, she let herself rock forward, attending to Princess Luna’s needs even more vigorously. It didn’t take long for these efforts to have an effect on the dark alicorn.

Princess Luna’s breath came more and more desperately every time I pressed her sister’s face into her. She clutched Princess Celestia’s head in her hooves, holding that delicate white muzzle in place as well as she could. Her frequent moans grew and grew until they merged into one climactic shriek that had Princess Luna smashing her hips up into Princess Celestia’s face with savage strength.

Princess Celestia didn’t seem to mind though. She hummed contentedly through it all, even as her sister’s juices cascaded across her muzzle.

Once Princess Luna finally relaxed, she grabbed her sister by the shoulders and pulled her up on top of herself. The two of them reclined on the divan, belly to belly, and slowly moved in for a delicate, passionate kiss. Princess Luna did not shy away in the slightest from the mess she’d made on her sister’s face. She almost seemed to revel in it.

When she had pulled Princess Celestia to herself, though, that had pulled the Princess away from me, leaving me to slide off of her and out of her, once again left alone in the cold. Treatment like that could frustrate a lesser stallion, but I reminded myself once again who this night was truly for.

I needn’t have worried, though. Princess Luna broke the kiss for a moment and craned her neck around her sister’s sleek body. “I shall not be denied my own taste of your gifts, Fancy Pants. I remember them well, and I would be amiss if I did not avail myself. Come to me.”

Smiling, I did as commanded, moving forward to once again mount Princess Celestia’s back, but this time I angled lower. It didn’t take much of an adjustment. The two mares were nearly pressing their vulvas against each other. My tip easily found Princess Luna’s dampened treasure, slipping into her without fanfare or theatrics, aided by both her sister’s saliva lingering on her and her sister’s feminine juices lingering on me, as well as her own moist contributions.

As similar as the sisters were in build, stature, and age, there could be no mistaking the difference between them as I slid gently into the younger of the two. Princess Luna was a lovely mare, and enticingly soft after the orgasm her sister had given her, but without the desperately clutching heat, the intense fire of Princess Celestia. Instead, Princess Luna was calm, relaxing in an intoxicatingly pleasant way, like slipping into a warm lavender bath, or like dipping one’s hooves into the still-warm waves of a tropical beach after sunset.

It was just as I remembered. Princess Luna did not rush things, she did not fiercely rush her way to orgasm. Instead, she let things flow as they would, accepting her climax as it came to her and enjoying every moment to the fullest along the way. She was a dream, and a mare that no few stallions would give anything to claim. And her gentle warmth was swaddling every inch of my shaft I could get inside her.

As Princess Celestia kissed her again, Princess Luna peeked around her sister’s mane and looked me in the eyes. It was no erotic gaze or sultry stare. She looked at me with a profound contentment, with a twinkle of special knowledge just between the two of us hidden inside. Goddess, she was beautiful.

Of course, she didn’t hold my eyes long. Instead, she turned her attention to the mare of the hour, Princess Celestia. Even as Princess Luna rocked gently under my thrusts, the two of them kissed and whispered secret words of adoration to each other. I may have been the one having sex with Princess Luna at the moment, but it was Princess Celestia who was making love to her.

I leaned back, distancing myself from the two lovers and instead looking down at what I was doing. Before me was a view no stallion in the history of Equestria could ever have hoped to see. Princess Celestia’s white legs spread wide just over Princess Luna’s, their vulvas rubbing together slightly as my shaft disappeared and pulled back out of Princess Luna’s underneath. Princess Celestia’s tail was still curled high, displaying her gorgeous curves to me and letting me see as each wink of her nether lips dripped slick juices down onto my vein-covered flesh so they could be thrust up into Princess Luna’s waiting depths.

How could I restrain myself with a view like that? I could feel myself building to my fullest, the familiar tingling pressure as my testes churned and prepared to empty themselves for her.

Princess Luna leaned up and whispered into her sister’s ear. Unlike their earlier whispers, though, this one was loud enough for me to hear. “I can feel him, sister. I can feel his flare swelling deep inside me.”

Princess Celestia whimpered slightly.

“Do you remember what you told him earlier?” Princess Luna asked. “You said to him, ‘Please come inside.’”

Princess Celestia’s breath became more labored, her winking under the tail more fevered.

Looking straight up at me, Princess Luna smiled slightly. “Give to her what she requested, good stud. We demand it.”

Normally, I was far too much of a gentlecolt to give the gift of new life to a mare unless I was sure she wanted it. But this time was hardly normal. How could I refuse a royal command? I slipped myself out of Princess Luna’s serene pleasure, and in the same stroke I pressed my wide-flared tip into Princess Celestia’s inferno of desire. Her delicate mound stretched wide to accommodate the enormous girth of my flare, but once I was inside her, she clutched at me all the more desperately.

I barely managed to hold onto myself as I first reached her innermost heat. When she hastened my second thrust by pushing herself backward onto me, I could hold back no longer. Princess Celestia looked back at me, her eyes wide and almost fearful.

There was no way I could go through with it. I began to pull back out of her, ready to spill my seed where it would do the least offense … but then I felt the cool tingle of Princess Luna’s magic on my overwrought testes. Her squeezing was gentle, but implacable, holding me firmly in place as she prepared to juice the heavy orbs into her sister.

Nothing could stop it now, so I slid in deeply and gripped Princess Celestia’s warm hips. There was no going back now.

Pressed in to the hilt, throbbing as deep inside Princess Celestia as I possibly could, I finally felt the sweet rush of release. I could feel it, the wave of liquid passion the flowed down the length of me and into Princess Celestia’s womb. The moment it splashed inside her, the worried look in her eyes melted into a muted awe and a sense of intimate carnal knowledge that could only come as the most intimate of connections were made between two ponies.

I gave her gush after hot gush of my essence as she looked into my eyes and I looked into hers. More than mere fluids passed between the Princess and me. This was the relief of passions long withheld, for both of us. Goddess, I came into her like I’d never done before nor since. In that one gloriously eternal moment, it seemed it would never end, that my reserves would never run dry, and my passion could keep pulsing into her for all time.

Of course, it did end, as all such moments do. When I slowly and reverently pulled my length out of her, a deluge of white followed my tip as it flopped free. And where else would it go, but onto – and in all likelihood into – Princess Luna’s waiting entrance just below?

From the sly smile Princess Luna granted me, I didn’t think she would mind.

We stayed that way for a long, hazily pleasurable moment as my erection subsided back into my sheath and the gooey mess bridging the gap between the two sisters dribbled its way down across Princess Luna’s curves and onto the divan, perhaps at the risk of ruining the no doubt priceless furnishing.

It was only after a pleasant rest that we moved, though. We disentangled ourselves from each other and stood all at the same time, as if on cue, somehow all three of us knowing when without needing to say nor ask.

Princess Celestia flicked her long horn toward her bed. “It is very late for me, I’m afraid. Would you two care to join me?”

Wincing, Princess Luna glanced at the door. “There are things I must—”

“Just until I fall asleep?”

Princess Luna was silent for a moment, but then she smiled. “I would love to, sister.”

When all three of us climbed into Princess Celestia’s pleasantly oversized bed, I was not surprised to see that the two sisters cuddled close to each other and paid no mind to the stallion sharing the bed with them. It was nothing. Any chill that might have seeped into my heart from their ignoring me was staved away when I noticed that Princess Celestia had fallen soundly asleep. And yet, from over her graceful white neck, Princess Luna’s awake and alert eyes still glittered back at me.

Looking back into those beautiful eyes, I let myself drift off to sleep with a smile on my face.