When Two Worlds Collide

by Pinkamena666

First published

Man VS Ponies

The new series from the writer of the Pinkamena Series.
It starts off as a normal day in the life of humans living in Manhattan and the life of ponies in Equestria. Chrysalis and Celestia then engage in a fight which results in a massive magical explosion that sends the entire population of Equestria into our reality. There, the good ponies team up with humans and do every day things... but the evil ponies (Chrysalis, Kyra, and even Pinkamena) plot a way to take over the world. Chrysalis ends up disguising herself as a member of the President's secret service in order to impersonate the man himself (Note: Not Obama. A made-up pres). She then rules the nation without anyone knowing. But when the good ponies figure it out, they do everything in their power to save the world.

Episode 1: "When Two Worlds Collide"

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"When Two Worlds Collide"

It was just a regular Sunday for both humans and ponies.

The front door of a house burst open and a little girl ran in.

"Mommy! Daddy!" she screamed cheerfully. "I got an A!"

A man left the studio room and greeted her in the hall.

"You did?" he asked. "Well, congratulations. I guess we can go to the theme park."

"Yay!" screamed the girl.

A couple blocks down a cop sat in a police car with his partner.

"I can tell today's gonna be a dull day." said the partner.

"Well, sometimes it is dull, Hendricks. But that's considered a good thing."

"I know, I know." said Hendricks, taking a sip of coffee. "But I'd like to actually do something. Stop a robbery. Save a citizen."

"You will. Eventually. But for now, keep your eyes on the people. Make sure you do your job."

"Yes, sir."

Across the city a kid sat at his computer playing video games.

"Yeah!" he yelled. "Take that zombie scum!" He then let out a groan as his player was eaten. "Why, Chris Redfield, why?"

The little people of the world weren't the only ones who were busy. At the White House, President Ward was looking over a document that, if approved, would initiate an attack on a suspected terrorist country.

"Mr. President." said one of his secret service agents. "If I may. We have reasonable intelligence that proves that--"

"I will not initiate an attack on a country without sure evidence." the President interrupted. "Now, I will hold on to this but I want more proof."

The agent nodded his head and left.

The ponies in Equestria were going about their everyday life. Twilight Sparkle was organizing books in the Library. Spike came down the stairs.

"Organizing again?" he asked.

"Of course, Spike." said Twilight. "Can never be too neat."

"I beg to differ." muttered Spike.

Rarity sat in her boutique trying different clothing combinations.

"No. No. No. No. Hmm... No. Definitely not." She let out a gasp of delight. "Yes. Definitely yes."

Pinkamena sat in a chair in her basement reading gory graphic novel.

"Oh, yeah. Tear him limb from limb."

She let out a little giggle as she turned the page.

Fluttershy was out in her yard, tending to her little woodland friends. Her pet bunny, Angel, was hopping along next to her.

Applejack buck-kicked a tree and apples fell into barrels strapped to her waist. She then made her way back to the barn.

Rainbow Dash was out flying. As usual. She was a good 20 miles from Ponyville.

"Whoo-hoo!" she screamed, feeling the wind in her mane.

She tilted backwards and performed a couple backwards somersaults. She then took off full speed in an attempt to perform another Sonic Rainboom. She felt the resistance and knew she was close. Just when she was about to break the sound barrier, an object shot passed her causing her to spin out of control. When she regained her flight capabilities she looked and saw a Changeling smiling at her.

"You!" she yelled.

The Changeling dove down and flew away. Rainbow shot after him. They dip, ducked, and dived as they neared the ground. As they were about to hit, the Changeling pulled up and flew through the trees. Rainbow followed close behind. Just when Rainbow thought she was gonna catch the Changeling, a tree fell in front of her. She had no time to react. The pegasus slammed into the tree and fell to the ground, injured. She looked up and saw the Changeling land in front of her. Just then more Changeling's emerged from the trees as well as their queen.

"Oh, no." said Dash. softly.

"Oh, yes." Chrysalis corrected, laughing. "You fell for my trap perfectly."

Her horn glowed a bright green as her form changed into Rainbow Dash. She squatted down to be at eye level.

"Now I have what I need to take my revenge." she said in Dash's voice.

"No." whispered Dash.

Fluttershy sat under a tree, admiring the scenery. She was about to head back inside when Rainbow Dash landed in front of her.

"What are you doing here, Rainbow Dash?" she asked.

"What, I can't visit one of my friends?"

"Oh... sure. I didn't mean..."

"It's fine." said Dash.

Fluttershy heard something land behind her. She turned around as a hoof collided with her head, knocking her out. The Changeling took her form.

"Now, take her to her cottage." ordered Dash.

The new Fluttershy nodded and brought the real Fluttershy to her cottage.

Twilight sat on the floor, trying to figure out which category a book should go into. Just then she heard a noise from upstairs.

"Spike?" she asked. "Everything alright?"

Just then Spike came running downstairs.

"Twilight! Twilight!" he yelled frantically.

"What is it?" asked Twilight, standing up and dropping the books. "What's wrong?"

"I'm... I'm..." he said, out of breath.

"You're what?"

"I'm not Spike." he said, eyes flashing green.

Twilight let out a gasp as Spike changed back into Chrysalis, pinning the unicorn to the floor.

"Not you again." said Twilight, struggling to free herself. "Where's Spike?"

"Oh, he's safe." said Chrysalis. "For now."

"What do you want?" asked Twilight.

Chrysalis smiled evilly.

Celestia paced back and forth in the castle hall. A royal guard walked up to her.

"There's a Twilight Sparkle here to see you. Says it's urgent."

"Urgent?" asked Celestia. "Send her in right away."

The royal guard left and moments later Twilight came running down the hall. She stopped in front of Celestia, out of breath.

"Twilight Sparkle." said Celestia. "What's wrong?"

The unicorn stopped breathing hard and grinned. "Nothing. Nothing at all." Her eyes flashed green.

Celestia jumped back. "You!"

"Everypony keeps saying that." said Twilight. "Can they think of nothing better?"

"What do you want?"

"Revenge." said Twilight. "You and your pathetic friends ruined my plans that I've spent YEARS on! And now it's time to pay."

She leaped at Celestia, turning back into Chrysalis in mid-air. She knocked Celestia to her back. The princess kicked Chrysalis off her and backed away, readying her horn.

"You're not strong enough, Chrysalis." said Celestia. "You have no love to feed off of."

"Is that so?" asked the queen, getting to her hooves. "What your love for your friend Twilight Sparkle?"

Celestia let out a gasp. "What have you done with her?"

"Oh, she's safe. For now, anyways." She let out a laugh.

"You'll pay for this!" yelled Celestia, firing a magic stream from her horn.

Chrysalis fired one as well. The two streams collided in the middle and began pushing the other one back a bit.

"Your love for Twilight is strong, Celestia." said Chrysalis. "It's giving me the strength I need."

Celestia struggled to overpower the Changeling queen. Where the streams were colliding grew a bright light. A magic sphere started to grow.

"You should give up, Celestia. No telling what might happen if we keep this up."

"Never. I will not let you win."

"Have it your way."

The magic sphere grew bigger and bigger. The light from the magic shown brightly out the windows and could be seen for miles.

Rarity looked out her window.

"What's going on over there?"

Applejack set the apples down at the barn and looked towards Canterlot.

"Something's wrong." she said aloud.

Big Mac walked up next to her. "Eeyup."

Pinkamena heard commotion coming from outside and she set her book down. She went up the stairs and looked out the front window.

Kyra left her cave and looked over at Canterlot.

"What is that?"

Twilight looked out the window. She couldn't see much due to her being tied up with a magic inhibitor ring on her horn.

The changeling Fluttershy looked out the window and grinned. The real Fluttershy started to awake. She let out a gasp.

"What... What happened?" She looked around and saw the light from Canterlot out her window. "What's the light from?"

Trixie set down her magazine and walked over to a window in her living room.

All the ponies, unicorns, and pegasi in Ponyville, Manehattan, Fillydelphia, Hoofington, Trottingham, and Appleoosa all stood outside and watched the light grow brighter and more massive.

Celestia grunted with effort but the two were equally powerful. Then, suddenly, the magic sphere burst. A magical nuclear explosion erupted from the castle and began expanding. Ponies all across Equestria started to run in the opposite direction. The magic started to spread faster.

Kyra stood outside her cave and watched the magic approach, not really caring.

After a few minutes, the explosion had spread across all of Equestria.

People all around the world ran indoors as a bright light began to grow from the center of Manhattan. It spread all around the world. News reporters reported the incident with great fear and intensity in their voice. Radios and TVs were filled with static and all wireless communications were cut. All air travel was halted and any jets and planes still in the air began their decent. The light soon covered the entire northern hemisphere.

When the light cleared, everything went back to normal. Wireless connections resumed. Radios played music and TVs showed shows. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

Twilight opened her eyes and looked around. Her vision was a little blurry. She looked on the ground and saw a double yellow line.

"What the..."

The sound of a horn broke her concentration and she looked up. She stood up and dove to the side as a semi truck roared passed. Another car horn made her stumble backwards, falling on the sidewalk. She looked around at all the tall buildings, freaking out. She looked back and noticed she was in some kind of picnic area. She quickly ran and hid under one of the tables. She closed her eyes as she felt tears building up.

"Hey, daddy!" said a little girl's voice. "Come look! There's a pony over here!"

Twilight then heard the sound of approaching footsteps as she slowly opened her eyes. A man knelt down beside the table, looking at Twilight.

"Honey?" he asked. "It's purple." He then noticed the horn. "A-and she's got a-a... horn?"

The little girl let out a giggle. "She's a unicorn!"

"I wouldn't have believed it if I wasn't looking at one right now."

He reached out a hand, causing Twilight to scoot away.

"Come on, girl." said the man sweetly. "We won't hurt you."

Twilight looked at his hand and then into his eyes. She had a feeling he was kind. She turned towards him and crawled forward. The man scooted backwards allowing Twilight to emerge from under the table.

"She looks frightened." said the girl.

"Wh-who are you?" asked Twilight, scared.

The man's eyes widened. "Did... Did you just speak?"

Twilight looked down at the ground, not sure what to say. The little girl let out a joyful squeal.

"She can talk!"

"D-don't be silly." said the man. "Animals can't talk." He let out a nervous laugh as Twilight looked up at him. "Can you?" Twilight nodded. "And she can understand what I'm saying. You can understand what I'm saying, right?" Twilight nodded again. "Th-this is huge. We have a purple unicorn that can talk."

"This is so cool." said the girl. "Can we keep her?"

The man looked at her and then back at Twilight. "Well, we can't just leave her here." The man stood up. "Wait here with her. I'll get the car."

The man took off and the girl stayed with Twilight.

"So, what's your name?" asked the girl, reaching out and petting Twilight's mane.

"T... Twilight." she said softly.

"Don't be afraid, Twilight. We won't hurt you."

"What is this place?"

"The city?" asked the girl. "Manhattan."

Twilight looked around. "Th... This isn't Manehattan."

Just then a van pulled up next to the table and the man got out. He went around and opened the back.

"Come on." he urged. "Hurry. Before someone else sees you."

Twilight cautiously followed the little girl to the van and hopped in the back. The man closed the back of the van and helped his daughter into her car seat.

"I hate this stupid thing."

"I know." said the man. "Only one more year in it."

"I can't wait."

"I'm sure you can't."

After he tightened the straps he got in the front and drove the car away from the park.

"So, you've had a fun day." said the man. "You went to the theme park and found a unicorn." He paused. "A purple one."

Twilight laid down in the back, watching buildings go by the window.

"What is this?" she asked.

"What is what?" asked the girl.

"What are we in?"

"We are in a van." answered the man. "It's a form of transportation we humans have to get us from place to place."

"Humans." said Twilight softly.

Celestia opened her eyes and saw that Chrysalis was a few feet from her. She looked around and realized that she was on the roof a building. Chrysalis let out a moan and opened her eyes.

"Where are we?" she asked, getting up.

Celestia stood as well and stared at her.

"How should I know?" she snapped. "This is all your fault."

"I told you to back down." said Chrysalis. Celestia let out a growl. "What are you going to do? Attack me?"

"Not until I know just where we are and what the population is like."

"Suit yourself." said Chrysalis, taking off from the roof. "See ya later, Celestia."

Celestia watched her fly away. "Where are you, little sister?"

Kyra opened her eyes. She let out a groan when she realized what she was lying in. She was, in fact, in the sewers. She climbed out onto the sides and shook the murky liquid off her.

"When I find the one responsible for this, I swear I will make them pay."

She continued walking through the sewers until she found a pink mare laying on the side. She slowly got up.

"Well, well, well." said Kyra. "If it isn't Pinkamena Diane Pie."

Pinkamena looked down the path and saw Kyra approaching her.

"You?" she asked. "Where are we?"

Kyra stopped in front of her. "I don't know. But it's definitely not Equestria."

"No kidding." said the pink mare, looking around. "We're clearly underground."

"Really?" asked Kyra sarcastically. "What do you propose we do?"

"Find a way up top for starters." suggested Pinkamena.

Kyra grinned. "Lead the way."

The van pulled into the garage. The garage door closed as the man got out. He went around to the back and opened the car door.

"Welcome to your new home." he said kindly. Twilight cautiously stepped out and followed the man inside. "Wait here." he said. "I need to get my daughter."

Twilight nodded as the man went back into the garage. Twilight looked at the pictures on the wall. They were of the man's family. One of them had him, the girl, and a woman. They looked happy. There was a smaller version sitting framed on a desk. Twilight picked up the picture with her magic and held it close. The man came in with his daughter and stopped.

"You can use... magic?" he asked.

"Um... yeah."

"Awesome!" screamed the girl cheerfully.

"Who's this?" asked Twilight, looking at the picture. "I haven't seen her yet."

The man walked over and took the picture.

"And I doubt you ever will." he said sadly.

"Why?" asked Twilight.

"She's... no longer with us."

"Oh." said Twilight sympathetically. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah. So was I." He took a deep breath. "So... I guess you'll have to sleep in Katie's room seeing as how we have no guest room."

"Yay!" screamed the girl. She went over and gave Twilight a hug. "This'll be so much fun."

Twilight hugged her back. "I'm sure."

Pinkamena and Kyra finally made it out of the sewers.

"Couldn't you have used your dark powers and got us out of there?" asked Pinkamena.

"I don't know this world. My magic doesn't have the same effect here."

"Well, that's just great. We're stuck in some kind of world and we're lost."

Kyra looked around. They were in some kind of field.

"Wherever we are..." said Kyra. "we're on the outskirts."

"How do you know that?"

"Because there's no buildings behind us. Only in front of us. And this filed goes on for miles. You figure it out."

"All right. Fine." said Pinkamena. "Now what?"

"There you are." said a voice.

"What?" asked Kyra.

Chrysalis landed next to them. "I finally found you."

"Chrysalis?" asked Pinkamena. "You're here, too?"

"All of Equestria is here." said the queen. "A result from my battle with Celestia."

"This was your fault?" asked Kyra angrily.

"Calm down. This may not be so bad. I've seen the creatures that inhabit this world. They're fragile and easily broken."

"Sounds like fun." said Pinkamena with a smile.

"So, what's our next move?" asked Kyra. "You don't expect us to just attack without knowing their defenses."

"Of course not." said Chrysalis with a grin. "We will infiltrate their security and rule this world."

"Yeah?" asked Kyra. "You and what army?"

Chrysalis went wide-eyed. "Drat. My army's gone. We have to find them."

"Uh-huh..." said Kyra. "You lost your army?"

"I didn't lose them." said Chrysalis. "I merely misplaced them."

"You misplaced them?" asked Kyra.

"Whatever." snapped Chrysalis. "Let's just go."

She took off into the air. Kyra and Pinkamena looked at each other. Chrysalis slowly floated back down and landed.

"Right. I forgot. You two can't fly."

"Nope." said Pinkamena.

"Fine then." said Chrysalis. "We walk."

"Fine by me." said Kyra.

"Yeah, I could care less." Pinkamena agreed.

The three began walking towards the city.

Celestia flew in the sky, using the clouds for cover. she spotted a yellow figure on a rooftop and flew down. She landed and realized who it was.


The yellow pegasus was cowering with her hooves over her head. When she heard Celestia's voice she unblocked her face.

"P-P-P-Princess?" she asked.

"Yes." said Celestia sweetly as she trotted up to her. "I'm here."

Fluttershy jumped up and hugged her.

"Thank g-goodness you're h-here."

"It's great to see you, too. Have you seen anypony else?"

"N-no." said Fluttershy. "I was too s-scared to move."

"I understand." said Celestia. "But you're not alone anymore."

Fluttershy looked around. "Where's Princess Luna?"

Celestia let out a sigh. "I haven't found my sister yet. I was looking for her when I found you. I'm glad to see you're okay."

"You think the others are okay?" she asked.

"I hope so." said Celestia. "Knowing Twilight... I'm sure she's fine."

Twilight sat on the floor next to Katie's bed and looked out the window. The little girl got into her bed as her father came in to tuck her in. Twilight watched. After the man was finished saying good night he knelt down next to Twilight.

"Listen, uh..." the man started.


"Right. Twilight. Today's been really weird, and... I just want you to know that if I ever get freaked out by you it's because you're a... well... a talking purple unicorn."

"I understand." said Twilight with a giggle. "Today's been really weird for me, too."

"Where'd you come from?" asked Katie.

Twilight looked at her and then back at the man. They were waiting with great anticipation. Twilight let out a sigh.

"I come from a land called Equestria where ponies, unicorns, and pegasi live."

"Pegasi?" asked the man. "Flying horses?"

"Ponies." Twilight corrected. "And yes."

"Awesome." said Katie.

"So, how'd you get here?" asked the man.

"I'm not really sure. I was at home in the library..."

"Y... You live in the library?" asked the man.

"Yes. I like to read. Anyways, my friend Spike... he's a dragon by the way... comes--"

"Dragon?" asked the man. "You have dragons, too?"

"Yes. Yes we do. But Spike's a baby dragon. He's about my height. Anyways he comes downstairs yelling that something's wrong. I ask him what and he says he isn't really Spike. Then he changes form into the queen of the changelings named Chrysalis."

"Changeling?" asked Katie. "What's that?"

"They're creatures that can take the form of any living thing be it a dragon or a squirrel."

"How can you tell if it's a Changeling?" asked the man.

"The only way is their personality and attitude. They feed off love because they have none of their own. They'll act a little hostile and that's when they've given themselves up."

"Wow." said Katie.

"And one of the two princesses named Celestia, the sun goddess, must have engaged in a confrontation with the Changeling queen. The fight resulted in a massive magical explosion that covered all of Equestria. I have a strong feeling that the entire population is scattered throughout this city. Maybe even the world."

"That's heavy." said the man. "So your friends are somewhere in this city?"

"That's logical given the circumstances." said Twilight.

"Then tomorrow we can go look for them." said the man.

"Really?" asked Twilight and Katie in unison.

"Of course."

Twilight smiled. "Thank you."

The man gave her a pat on the head and got up, leaving the room. Katie rolled over and went to sleep as Twilight looked out the bedroom window.

"Oh, girls. Where are you?"

Chrysalis, Pinkamena, and Kyra arrived at an abandoned warehouse and opened the doors. There, staring back at them, were millions of Changeling eyes.

"There you are, my dears." said Chrysalis. "Mommy's found you."

She let out an evil laugh.


Next Time...

Dash shot through the clouds as the fighter jet followed close behind.

"Target's in my sights." said the pilot. "Target locked."


- Twilight finds one of her friends

- Chrysalis comes up with a plan