A Man for Lyra

by Art de Triomphe

First published

Lyra goes to the beach and finds something quite to her liking.

Lyra is bored with the same routine. That's true even when it comes to her sex life. Fortunately, she has an understanding marefriend who knows that sometimes you just have to go out there and do something (or someone different).

But no one would have expected exactly who (or what) Lyra would end up doing.

Fun in the Sun

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Take a vacation, she said. It'll help, she said.

Lyra grumbled as she strode across the beach, her green and white-striped beach towel floating close by in her golden aura of magic. She looked out over the ocean and sighed, Bonnie had meant well when she had said those things, after all. And it wouldn't do to just mope around on the second day of her vacation when there were plenty of other things to do.

She eventually found a clear spot to put down her towel, not an easy place to find on a hot summer day like this. Laying down upon her spot, she finally allowed herself to enjoy the sun's rays for a minute. If nothing else, it helped her to chuckle at the events leading up to this moment.

Lyra Heartstrings was many things, but being a pony who was afraid to show feelings was not one of them. That being said, it is sometimes difficult to explain to one's significant other that their relationship had fallen into a routine. Of course, she loved Bonnie with every fiber of her being, and Bon Bon reciprocated those affections, but Lyra had to admit, first to herself, then to Bonnie, that they were in a rut.

And not the good kind of rut.

Sure, the passion was still there. In the right mood, the two of them could have sex, make love, and just outright fuck for hours. No, it wasn't the passion that was the problem, it was the execution. Where Lyra was concerned, there were times when a mare just didn't do the trick.

To Lyra's great relief, this didn't offend Bon Bon in the slightest. One of the perks of being open with your partner. Bonnie knew that Lyra was an unapologetic pansexual, and just so happened to have chosen a pony mare as a primary lover. On the other hoof, Bon Bon aligned closer to lesbianism by choice. She could be attracted to a stallion, and had been on a fair number of occasions, but something about them just kept leaving a bad taste in her mouth.

And not in that way.

It didn't take long for Bon Bon to offer up a solution. One that basically went along the lines of, "Go somewhere fun and hook up with somepony." While Lyra was naturally a little skeptical at how fast her marefriend had thought of such a plan, she could not argue that it was a pretty good one.

Finding the "somewhere fun" was easy. Los Pegasus would suit this role nicely. Not only was it a large city populated by ponies of all three races, but it sat on the ocean. And everypony knows that summertime at the beach is a great time and place to find attractive ponies.

And now, less than two weeks after that conversation, here Lyra sat on said beach outside said city, scanning the landscape for any potential fuckbuddies.

For a time, she didn't see anything that tickled her fancy, so to speak. Oh, there were plenty of sexy stallions and mares to be had, but none had generated that spark within her. Of course, impressions based solely on appearance wasn't everything, but if Lyra was going to shack up with somepony on a whim, she had better be physically attracted to them.

As she scanned one side of the horizon for the third time, she heard something that caught her attention. It was a whistle, a low one, the type of whistle stallions make when they see something they like. Lyra followed the sound to a pair of earth stallions who were looking in her general direction. Lyra had to admit that they were pretty hot, relatively well-built, and looked a little younger than her. Lyra's interest ascended as they spoke a word or two to each other before they both changed their initial course. Seeing this, Lyra noted that they were not headed toward her, but to a spot slightly down the beach to her right. Turning her gaze to track their route, she immediately saw what really had the stallions' attentions. A young pegasus mare was laying on a towel of her own, sunbathing. However, the difference between her position and Lyra's was that the pegasus had laid on her back, and had her back legs slightly spread. Lyra, the observant mare she is, immediately noted that this position gave anypony who might pass the young mare an unobstructed view of her pussy, almost like hanging a big sign above your flank that said, "Mount here". The unicorn kept her gaze on the other mare until the stallions reached their destination, and took note of how pleased the pegasus seemed, knowing that her invitation, whether intentional or not, had been answered.

Lyra quickly averted her gaze, and turned it back toward the ocean. The look on her face was reminiscent of the one a pony would make upon drinking sour milk.

Well fuck she thought if I had known it was that easy. Of course, I have standards, unlike that slut. On the other hoof, maybe I'm just upset because I'm old. Am I old?

Fortunately, Lyra's inner musings came to a screeching halt when she moved her gaze back the other direction. For there, strolling along the beach, was a fascinating sight. Tall, lean, bipedal, and hairless.

"A human," Lyra whispered aloud.

Now this was not Lyra's first encounter with the race of sentient bipeds from another dimension. In fact, when a portal had been accidentally opened by Twilight about a year ago, she had met the first one to step across into Equestria.

Truth be told, she didn't like him much. For one, he wasn't very easy on the eyes. To be fair, he was an elderly scientist, according to Twilight, so she shouldn't have been judging. The thing that really bothered her was that he continuously referred to her as a "whorse", which Lyra was sure meant something different where he was from, but there's only so many times a mare can be called that before politely seeing herself out.

But that one unpleasant meeting was behind her. For the moment, she forgot the original reason she came to the beach, and the sounds of over-acted giggling from the pegasus mare. Right now, she had only one goal in mind: to meet the human.

Lyra magically gathered up her towel and did her best to trot and not gallop over to where the human was. At first, she didn't exactly know how she would strike up a conversation, but then it dawned on her. She would initiate conversation via the most innocent means available. She would simply bump into him.

And that is precisely what she did. When she caught up to her target, she simply bumped into his thigh with her flank. Throw in "accidentally" dropping her towel, and voilà, one conversation started.

"Oops," the human said in what Lyra knew was a masculine voice, "sorry about that."

The man naturally looked down, as he was the tallest being around and spotted the green unicorn. Now that Lyra had a better view of him, she could see that he had pale-pinkish skin and a mess of sandy hair on his head. He wore very little, just a piece of black material around his groin area and things on his feet which she didn't know the name of, but figured they provided protection from the hot sand. She also noted that while most of his skin was the pinkish color, some of it, notably most of his forelimbs was a brown shade. In addition, he had a white towel slung around his neck.

"Don't worry about it," Lyra said, returning his look with a smile, "I think I bumped into you."

"No harm, no foul, right," he asked, smiling back.

"Right," Lyra answered before realizing quickly that this conversation was going to be over if she didn't continue it herself, "I'm Lyra."

The unicorn extended her hoof as far up and toward the man as possible. He was about twice her height at the shoulder, after all. No reason for him to bend down when she could reach up.

However, Lyra's smile almost faltered when she saw the man hesitate. But that was quickly resolved when he gave a light chuckle.

"That's it," he asked, sounding more perplexed than his expression would convey, "No, 'Oh shit, a human!' or anything?"

"Nope," Lyra chuckled in reply, "I've met a human before, you're nothing new to me."

"Well that's good. Means less questions."

"Oh, well if you want me to ask you questions, I can think of a few."

"No, no," the man waved his hands in front of him, "I get enough of that at work."

The two shared a laugh.

"So," he continued, this time reaching his hand down as far as he could while still standing straight, "Lyra, was it?"

"Yep," the unicorn put her hoof in his hand, which he proceeded to lightly grasp and shake, "Lyra Heartstrings. And who are you?"

"Dave. Dave Morris."

On the inside, Lyra was filled with glee. She had exchanged pleasantries with a human without incident. However, this left the two of them standing rather awkwardly on the beach. Into this void of silence, Lyra decided to throw out a chance.

"So, hey," the unicorn began anew, "I'd like to hang out with you some more. Were you just leaving, or...?"

"No, actually, I just got here. Just trying to find a spot of beach to claim. Why? Were you leaving?"

"Nope. To be honest, I just came over here as soon as I saw you."

"So the bump was on purpose," Dave asked with a raised brow.

"Hehe," Lyra chuckled nervously while rubbing the back of her head, "Yeah...I couldn't think of a better way to introduce myself."

"Hey, like I said, you could have been one of those ponies that freak out over me. Any introduction that isn't that is welcome."

"Great," Lyra beamed, "So you want to find a spot to lay down? You can probably see more of the beach than I can."

"Fair point," Dave mused as he scanned the beach before finding a section way down that was unoccupied, "Over there," he pointed, beginning to walk in that direction with Lyra keeping pace.


The next hour or so was the most fun Lyra had had thus far on her vacation. It may have been simple, just her and her new friend Dave lying on the beach and talking, but it was still nice. Not to mention they learned a lot about each other. Dave worked with a company that was working on setting up satellite stations all over Equestria, which were going to be used to allow humans to use certain technology, such as their cell phones and computers. Admittedly, a lot of this went right over Lyra's head, but she didn't care. She was just happy that she had met somepony interesting, and he was a human to boot.

But as the two of them laid there and basked in the afternoon sun, the wrinkle of thought which had not bothered Lyra since she had laid eyes on the human began to creep back. The more she looked at Dave, the better-looking he became. Obviously, her sample size was limited, but sometimes a mare just knows what she likes. His flat face was rather handsome, and his hair had some personality. His body was lean, and he seemed decently-built in the arms and legs, which Lyra attributed mostly to his job. She wondered if he could lift her.

Then her attention focused on his hands. They felt quite different from hooves. They were softer, with a gentle contour that allowed the fingers the mobility necessary for dexterity. She wondered how they might feel on other parts of her body.

She glanced momentarily at the one piece of clothing he wore. Whatever that material was, she assumed it was waterproof, since he wore it to the beach. But Lyra's mind soon turned to what potentially laid beneath them. She knew enough about human anatomy to know exactly what a man should have right about there. The bigger question to Lyra was why cover it up? Stallions certainly never did at the beach, and it wasn't unusual to see one or two unsheathed swords. It was normal. She wondered what was different about humans. She wondered what it looked like. She wondered what it felt like.

"Lyra," Dave's voice sliced through her self-discussion.

"Huh? What?"

"You OK? You had the thousand-yard stare going."

"What? Oh yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking about something."

"Care to share?"

"Oh, uh," Lyra started, but stopped. Part of her wanted to tell him exactly what she was thinking about. At least she would know right then if there was any possibility at pursuing anything with him. On the other hoof, they had only known each other for about an hour, and she felt like saying something too forward would scare him off.

"It's fine," Dave finished for her, "It's probably none of my business."

"No," Lyra exclaimed a little louder than she meant to, "Actually it is your business, since it involves you."

"OK. What about?"

Lyra faced hurdle number one, "OK, this is gonna sound silly. But I was wondering about your hands. I noticed they were really soft when we met, and I was just wondering how they would feel if say, I don't know, if you ran them over my mane?"

Dave did his best to hold back a chuckle. If he didn't know better, he would say that this unicorn just asked him to pet her.

"Sure," he finally replied, "why not?"

As the two were sort of facing each other on parallel towels, Dave reached over with his right hand and placed it gently on top of Lyra's head. Then he made a smooth, even petting stroke along her mane, across her head and down the part of her neck he could comfortably reach. Then, having reached his arm limit, he re-positioned his hand where he had started and repeated the motion.

For her part, Lyra was loving this new sensation. She had never thought to ask Bonnie to pet her, as Dave was clearly doing, but even if she did, she doubted hooves could hold a candle to hands in this task. The unicorn enjoyed it so much, in fact, that by the third stroke she was instinctively leaning into his hand. Suffice is to say that when the hand went away, Lyra missed it.

"Why'd you stop," Lyra asked, her voice sounding as if she had been getting a massage.

Dave chuckled, "Me thinks the pony likes that a bit too much."

"Only because it feels so good," Lyra replied, closing the distance between them enough so that she could lean over and nose his cheek, nuzzling him.

Lyra had cleared the second hurdle. She had convinced him to touch her, so it was only fair that she touch him back.

"What's that for," Dave asked, not sounding put-off, just curious.

"Nuzzling is a way for ponies who are very friendly to say 'thank you', among other things."

"Very friendly?"

"Mhmm," Lyra hummed, still keeping her muzzle very close to Dave's face, "And I think you know how to make it continue."

Dave thought about it for a second. While it was true that Lyra was moving sort of fast by his standards, in that she was basically giving him a prolonged kiss on the cheek, he decided that he didn't mind. And so, his hand moved back to its previous task, now able to run down the length of her neck.

Lyra sighed and uttered an almost inaudible "thank you" as Dave continued his ministrations. Again, Lyra decided to do something a little bold, scooching her body toward Dave until she was straddling the thin line separating the towels.

Dave noticed this, but said nothing. As it was, he was beginning to like this quite a bit himself. It seemed like such a simple act, but he truly felt he was becoming closer to Lyra, and he was more than OK with that.

The two continued like this for a few good minutes. But all the while, Lyra was trying to keep her brain going and thinking about how she would implement the next part of the plan. If she wasn't careful, Dave was going to pet her to sleep, and she definitely didn't want that. She had to move fast, while they were both enjoying themselves.

"Hey, Dave," Lyra said, raising her head to look her companion somewhat in the eye, "I gotta tell you something."

"Sure," Dave replied, still petting Lyra, "What's up?"

This was Lyra's third hurdle, explaining to Dave how she felt and what she wanted to do, hoping that he would want to do the same.

"I've really enjoyed spending time with you," she began, "Even though it's been a short time, it's been the best part of my vacation."

"Thanks, Lyra," Dave replied, "It's been nice being with you."

"Thanks. Well, you see," Lyra completely closed the distance between them, putting her hoof across his chest, "I know how we can make this even better. And I really want you to help me."

"What did you have in mind?"

Lyra rolled to where her face was right above his. Dave stopped his ministrations and left his hand to rest on the back of her neck.

"Well...I don't know if you're into mares, but..."

"But..." Dave egged on.

"But," Lyra continued, putting her nose against Dave's, "I really want to have sex with you."

Lyra's muzzle pressed forward as she kissed Dave. Dave was understandably surprised at first, but soon pushed back, using his hand to keep her head still as the two of them found the best way for their different mouths to connect. Their lips melded together until they were forced to come up for air.

"OK," Lyra asked.

Dave took a moment to lick his lips before responding, "OK."

Two sets of lips quickly set upon each other with renewed gusto. This act of intimacy lasted longer than the first, and was both more passionate and more fulfilling.

On the second break, Dave decided to speak, "So, uh...do you want to go to your hotel, or..."

He was cut off by a kiss, "No, that's too far," Lyra said, "Ugh, if this beach was empty I'd...

Lyra's eyes grew slightly as she came up with an idea, "Ooh, I know where we can go," she breathed sensually before rolling away from Dave and back to her feet, "Follow me, lover colt."

Dave watched Lyra in confusion for a moment as the unicorn began to slowly walk toward the water, intentionally swaying her hips with each step. It not take long for Dave to figure out what Lyra had in mind, and it made him very excited. He popped up to his feet as quick as he could and followed the mare.

Lyra made it to the water first, of course. She waded in until her legs were completely submerged, but nothing else. Then she turned her head, glancing over her right shoulder, to give Dave the best set of "come hither" eyes she could manage. For added allure, she flashed a seductive smirk. Then, for the pièce de résistance, she glided her tail slightly to the right, revealing her tight pussy slit, topped by a protruding, tight ponut. Dave would not consider himself an expert on pony anatomy, but all males know what it means when a female presents herself like that.

It didn't take long for Lyra to get to a depth where she could no longer stand comfortably. Dave, however, had no such qualms, walking through the water until he reached the unicorn. When he caught up, the water level was right underneath his nipples.

He turned Lyra to face him, "So, how do we do this?"

Lyra smiled, "Simple," she wrapped her forehooves around his neck, "You're a big, strong, man. Why don't you hold me against your body and take the lead?"

Dave wasted little time. He reached his hands out of the water and onto Lyra's curvy flanks. With one move, he submerged her back half and pressed her against his chest and, more importantly, his groin. Lyra smiled as she could immediately feel a bulge pushing against her slit, the two only separated by that silly item of clothing.

For a time, though, Lyra didn't care about that, as Dave began to squeeze her flanks and move his hands all over her ass. At the same time, he grinded his hardening cock against her, making Lyra give off little coos and whimpers of pleasure.

"You know, Lyra," Dave said huskily as he turned his back to the beach, "I really like being in control during sex. You're so small and light, it makes me harder knowing I can manhandle you."

"Oh really," Lyra purred into his ear. She hardly had to act since she was used to Bon Bon taking the reins in bed, anyway, "Well then, will you please fuck this little mare silly?"

Dave didn't respond with words, but with actions. He hoisted Lyra by her rump just a bit, then held her there with one hand while the other pulled his Speedo down just far enough to where his cock and balls were in open water. With that complete, he returned Lyra to her original position.

The unicorn felt the difference immediately. With that pesky garment gone, she could truly feel her new lover's cock. Naturally, she made a few observations as he slid his dick along her folds. His flare was almost nonexistent, and he didn't seem to have a medial ring. He wasn't quite as wide as your average stallion, but he made up for that by being slightly longer.

"You ready," he growled into her ear before giving it a nip.

"Ooh baby," Lyra cooed, "Please fuck me with your big cock."

Dave wordlessly replied, adjusting himself slightly and pushing his cock into Lyra all at once. Lyra bit her bottom lip to hold back the small scream she wanted to unleash.

He was relentless as he held onto her ass, thrusting in and out of her pussy at an impressive rate. Lyra was loving every second of it. Not only was she being fucked hard by a human, but the combination of cock length and the position they were doing it in allowed him to reach places inside her that she could only dream about before.

"Oh, Lyra baby," Dave grunted, "your fucking pussy is so fucking tight."

"Yeah baby," Lyra replied, "fuck me hard."

Dave didn't need to be told. He was loving his first feel of mare pussy. It was hotter and tighter than any woman he had been with. And the best part was, judging from the sounds she was making and the work she was putting in trying not to make too much noise, Lyra seemed to be enjoying this just as much as he was.

Lyra was faring little better in this department. Her first time with a human felt so good. His cock was kissing her womb with every thrust, not to mention that every time he filled her to the hilt, there was a pleasurable pressure applied to her clit. And with the rate that Dave was fucking her, she knew she wouldn't last much longer.

"Oh, Dave," Lyra whispered in a high-pitched voice, a sign of how much she was holding back, "I'm gonna cum on your cock."

Dave didn't slow down. He wanted Lyra to cum just as much as she did.

"That's what I like to hear. And I'm not even close yet."

"Oh, yes, I'm so close...so close....mmmm..."

Lyra cut off what might have been a loud orgasm by kissing the man in front of her. As soon as their lips connected, she went off, flooding his cock with her juices and creating a cock-milker out of her pussy. Dave held his cock balls-deep inside her, making sure he felt everything from her orgasm.

Eventually, Lyra's peak subsided, but she was not allowed to hit the post-coital valley. As soon as he was physically capable, Dave returned to pounding her pussy deep and fast. All Lyra could do was tighten her grip on his neck and hang on for the ride. Not to say that was a bad thing. It was kind of what she wanted out of him, a big, strong, virile male to give her a break from the norm. And fucking a human in public in the ocean was about as far from the norm as you could get.

At the conclusion of this train of thought, Lyra began to get her second wind, only to find that her second wind was already halfway to orgasm. She honestly couldn't be surprised. Dave's cock was like a gift from Celestia purely intended to bring her to her 'male-induced orgasm' quota for the year in one day. And considering that she was nearing her second and he hadn't even slowed down, she might be right.

"Fuck, Lyra," Dave groaned, now starting to show the signs of a peak, "You feel so good. You gonna have another orgasm?"

"You keep fucking me like this I will," Lyra replied, getting in a lick of his neck which she found pleasantly salty.

"Good. Ah, fuck I wanna cum so badly."

"Oh please don't beat me to it," Lyra moaned, now nuzzling his face, "If I cum first, yours will feel so much better, I promise."

"Yeah," Dave asked, "Shit, Lyra, can I cum inside? Can I fill your pussy?"

"Oh yes, Dave. Yes! Yes! Just a little more! Ahhhh!"

Lyra's second orgasm hit less like a flood and more like a waterfall, crashing through her system and seemingly taking most of her energy with her. She could feel her pussy pulsing around Dave's cock, and her lover's dick pulsing back.

"God damn, Lyra, that feels so good. I'm...gonna...cum....AH!"

Dave's finish spilled over like a tidal wave over a levee. His balls-deep cock pulsed and throbbed deep inside Lyra's core. She could feel his entire load filling her womb with warm cream, sending a warm pleasure wave through her loins which resulted in her getting just enough energy back to kiss her human lover as he continued to throb inside her.

The lovers rode out their combined highs for almost a minute. Even when they were finished, Dave's cock did not shrink immediately. Instead, he remained deep in her pussy, reveling in the contrast between the warm mare juices on his cock and the slightly cooler water flowing around his balls.

Eventually though, the two resigned to the inevitable post-coitus fatigue. After adjusting his Speedo properly, Dave carried Lyra back to shore.

As the two were drying off, more thoughts came to Lyra's mind. Most of them were in retrospect of what just happened, but one was about the here and now. If he had been some random stallion, she wouldn't have had to worry. They would part here and probably never see each other again.

However, what she had just experienced had been too good to just do once. Oh no, she planned on seconds, and thirds, and fourths, not just while she was here in town, but maybe even beyond that. But to do that, she needed to address the elephant on the shore.

"Wow, Dave," she began with praise, figuring that would make the next part easier, "I think that was the best I've ever had with a male."

"Heh. Implying that you've had better times with females?"

"Well, if I said otherwise, my marefriend might be a bit upset."

"Marefriend? As in, girlfriend?"

"Same basic idea," Lyra chuckled, but then saw a rather judgmental look from Dave, "Are you upset?"

"Did you just cheat on your marefriend with me?"

"No! No, no, no. She knows I'm here."

"On vacation."

"She wanted me to go. She wanted me to get some dick."

Lyra said this so straight-faced that Dave couldn't help but laugh, "So your marefriend sent you here to get laid?"

"Sort of. It's complicated."

"So you planned the whole meet-a-guy-get-laid thing?"

"Well, didn't really plan it. But it worked out pretty well, right?"

Dave smirked, got down on his knees in front of Lyra, and cupped the side of her face, "You know what I think?

Lyra shook her head.

"I think you've been a very naughty girl. And naughty girls should be punished."

The way he said this made Lyra's ear flick in fear, but flanks quiver in delight.

"And-and how should I be punished," Lyra asked, unsure of what he could possibly have in mind.

"Hmm," Dave mused, tilting his head to look over the curve of her body, but specifically her backside, "How about I take you out to dinner and I fuck that sweet pussy again?"

Lyra's eyes lit up.