Eques Protectors

by Sword Master

First published

A war between the EP and APT for the fate of the creatures of Eques and the humans of Earth.

In the year 2025, the planet of Eques appeared next to the planet of Earth. With Earth under peace by the EGP, they head out to discover a new world, but bring back a horrible fate. In the year 2027 the princess of Equestria came to Earth. But from that brings the fires of doom. From that day on, peace fell and from the ashes rose a terrible enemy, the APT. But in a daring final push by America, the last standing country, to join the planet of Eques with the last of the resistance, comes a new hope. The EP rises from the grave of the EGP to fight back against the APT.
Follow the story of the humans of Earth and creatures of Eques as they work together to create the EP. Follow the life of Captain Marv Capson and his fellow soldiers as they try to fight back against the APT and once again bring peace to this war torn time.
Only one army can survive the war. Will it be the mighty EP, made up of creatures of Eques and humans of Earth who are fighting for peace. Or the destructive APT, humans of Earth looking to rule all using magic as a new weapon. Who will survive and come out on top. Only the future holds that answer.

Chapter One-Before EP (Un-Edited)

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No one knows why the war of Eques happened and what made the EP come into power. But many theorize that the reason was because of our desires for nothing, but power. Every human in history has sought power and those who have found it, usually become the enemy of most of the world. But it seemed that when power comes to people, everyone wants a cut of it. Power will always be the down fall of man and it seems like our fall came to fast.

People may never understand why it happened, but the world was happy that it did happen. I guess I would have to say the main theory given is some kind of Black Hole or dimensional portal or even a worm hole. Even with all these theories, none appear to be true or even get close enough to prove why it happened. In the end, we had an unknown planet appear right next to ours and soon would be the start to the next Great War.


I guess I should start where it all started and that is back before the two planets ever meet. We all know of Earth, but not the Earth I really know. The year is 2025 and the world was now all looking for the next big thing. The world was at peace as the EGP, Earth Government of Peace, was now in control of all seven continents. The world was going through a phase that only help fuel the fire of desire and uprising.

The day was normal in America, expect the world was on edge as threats had come in that the EGP would soon fall and the world will be under the control of terror. Since the EGP was in America, the threat was mostly towards us. The reason was that America was the main superpower of all the countries. It had all the power and technology. It was the most powerful and the reason was so that it could keep the peace as the headquarters of the EGP. The EGP even created an army and that was the only hope to keeping peace. It was sort of like the UN, but more powerful. But in reality , it was the UN.

After years of fighting. The world had decided that the UN wasn't doing anything to stop the fighting. It seemed impossible that the UN could now handle the changes. As years went by, all countries created more and more powerful technology to fight, but America was still first in my areas to get it done. First to create the space cruiser and other weapons. Soon the world was at the peak of WWIII, but a group of people from all countries in the seven continents wanted it to stop. So they came together and using America as the main supporter were able to create the EGP. They stopped the fighting before a third Great War could happen. Then as the dust setled, they tore down UN, but kept the same ideas as the UN, and replaced it with the EGP. But after the war to end all wars, America was still skeptical that the EGP could keep peace. So they split from supporting the EGP, which in turn made the EGP create an army. Though America kept in the affairs of the EGP, they never really supported and were ready at any moment to break apart. They knew that the EGP wasn't the end result, something would come and tear it down and rise from the ashes of its destruction. So America kept its funding towards it, but would be ready to leave and protect boarders at a moments notice.

It was peaceful until a strange occurrence started to happen in space. A time rip started to form in the sky. The rip was so powerful, it could be felt on Earth. The Moon wasn't as effected as much as the Earth was. Satellites and the EGP space station were also effected by the rip. Luckily for the space cruisers, they were either docked at the Moon space docks or on Earth awaiting orders to head into space.

Then suddenly a massive planet that looked exactly like Earth appeared in the sky. It had its own moon and was theorized that it was using our sun. The planet was quickly found to be a strange and explainable theory. As soon as the rip settled, which took nearly three days, the world decided to meet our new neighbors. It was settled that the EGP would visit the planet. The EGP main capital ship departed Earth for the planet. Now Earth waited for the news of what the new planet held upon its surface.

The capital and the council of EGP left to figure out what happened and what was on this new planet. The crew was gone for nearly a week before returning and told all what they had found. The world was full of mythical creatures. They had also been wondering what was on the other planet, but they couldn't make it or even know how to. The EGP knew in time they would transport one race of this new world to ours. Which the inhabitants called Eques. This was the fuel for the major fire that no one knew would burn down peace among humanity.


Two more years before the fire that burn down the EGP came. The year was now 2027 and one of the races finally came to Earth. They were two pony princess from the land of Equestria, which was a country on Eques. They showed us all their power and abilities. We humans quickly accepted what they could do. The EGP took this as a sign of acceptance to work together and keep peace. The princesses were returned to their world and then Earth fell apart. Groups of people across Earth quickly came together after watching the feat of magic, which the princesses showed all of humanity. They also said that magic followed through all of Eques. They all knew that this magic was the key to making the ultimate weapons of mass destruction.They decided to destroy the EGP, which stood in there way and take Eques for themselves. They had the resources to do so and then came the fire. It started when the EGP said that they weren't going to follow through with the deal of friendship between Equestria and Earth. The plan was to make friends with the rest of the countries of Eques, but the EGP was never able to do so.

The reason was that they feared that to many terror cells had seen the magic of Eques. But it was too late and the fuel was soon added and then burn came to fast on Earth. As war broke out between two sides. One side was the EGP and the APT, Anti Peace Terrorists, was the other side and had much better support of humanity. The EGP wasn't able to keep up with the APT and their war that they were waging on the ground of Earth. The space frontier was no better as the APT had more weapons and technology in space frontier also.

After a year of fighting the APT, America had pulled out of the EGP and was left still fighting the APT with pockets of resistance fighters. The EGP soon fell in that year and nothing was left of it. Eques was also lucky that America and resistance fighters were still fighting. America held their land as well as the space front around Eques. The reason was that they had set up stations to allow their ships to dock around the planet. They did it all under the nose of the EGP, because they knew that magic would be the new ultimate weapon. Which would be the end of mankind. Now with much of the fire burnt down, the only thing left was the wasteland of war.


After another year America had finished the ultimate plan to keep magic out of the hands of the APT. The year was 2030 and the space bridge was complete. In that year after the princesses came, America had set up a space bridge. Yet another secret project under the nose of the EGP to make sure that if the EGP fell, Earth had a back up plan to protect magic from falling into enemy hands. Now it was complete, we could send soldiers over to the planet without jeopardizing more American space cruisers. The last twenty known cruisers protected Eques, but they were dire needed of supplies. Because the APT controlled the space front and destroyed any ships that tried to get to resupply our ships. But didn't dare attack our fleet protecting the planet. America was the first to create the space cruiser and make it a war machine of the night sky. So the only way to resupply them is to land them and resupply them. Which was a basic part of the plan.

Now a small team was picked to Equestria, where the other end was, to give an update of what was happening on Earth and hope Equestria would be able to allow us to protect them and build war machines. I was one of the many soldiers who volunteered to head to Equestria and give the info. The space bridge was still an experiment and they didn't know if we would make it. But it was a chance we had to take to make sure we were all free the next day.

My name is Marv Capson. I'm about twenty-two years of age. I have brown hair that was graying in some areas because of the war. I joined when the APT attacked the EGP and when America split to protect their own boarders after the main EGP center fell in New York, which was the site of the old UN building. I am about 6'2'' and have a good amount of muscle from working out, but don't look too ripped. I had on a camo uniform with pretty much everything that a soldier needed. The reason was that there were reports that, APT soldiers had broken through and landed. So we were going in armed and ready for a fight. I have blue eyes with scares crossing over each eye. I had been hit with the repercussions of shrapnel from a grenade. These were just a few visible scares on me, but i had others that were hidden by clothing. I carried a M16, a weapon that stood time, with a grenade launcher attached to it. I also carried a 9mm pistol. I also had a third weapon called a battle rifle, kind of looked a little like the one in the game Halo. I was ready as the team came together. I didn't know any of the soldiers on the team. I had friends, but they all had things to live for and not be a guinea pig for the scientists. I had really nothing left to live for, so it was kind of a death wish for me.

We soon were approached by the General Parker and chief scientist, Dr. Bean. General Parker looked like any other general in this army. Dr. Bean looked like any normal scientist. We stood strong and ready as we faced the space bridge. It looked like a huge circle with wires and cables coming out of it in ever which way. We faced it and some of the soldiers gulped at it. We then turned to General Parker.

"Listen up soldiers, I know you're scared, but never give into that fear. This is the next step to human evolution and innovation. Your mission is simple and that is to keep the APT from claiming magic. And using it to wipe out all resistance on Earth. Then use it to wipe out the peaceful inhabitants of Eques that won't follow into slave hood. This is the mission, find the princesses of Equestria and then tell them of our problem and possible solution. Now head forward into the unknown for the greater good of all." said General Parker as he pointed to the Dr. Bean

He nodded and walked over to a switch. He soon flipped it and the portal started up with a massive amount of sparks. Then a green goo screen appeared in front of us. We were all scared and who wouldn't be.

Shit this is it.

"Well men, you only live once." Said a soldier who then started to run towards the portal and disappeared into the green goo.

We soon all followed the soldier into the unknown. We all ran for the portal. So that at least if we made it, it would mean we could already be on our way to finding the princesses. I was last before Dr. Bean. shut off the machine. Now everyone had to wait for our signal that we made it. This was also the way the portal would be opened if we had to return if the plan wasn't accepted by the princesses.


I felt strange as I ran through the green space bridge. I didn't want to stop, but I could see that I was outside or actually in space. It was amazing to see the night sky, but sad at the same time. Since many EGP cruisers littered the night sky. I also spotted the APT ships watching over Earth, to make sure none of our ships could reach the ones protecting Eques. I now could see I was coming to the planet. I also spotted the American space cruisers orbiting the planet and docked to the station above Eques. I sighed knowing if the princesses didn't agree with our plan, then the ships would have to return to Earth to resupply. Fuel for one of the cruisers could last for light years, since it was a miniature star that powered each cruiser. I only hoped we could achieve our goal because the cruisers were the last line of defense between the APT and Eques. I looked forward as I saw the exit and booked it towards it.

I ran right out of the portal and stopped myself to see it close behind me. I also saw that every soldier that had volunteered had made it. We were ten strong. I then watched as Captain Phillips called over the soldier carrying the radio. We had to give a signal that told everybody back on Earth, 'we made it'. I just went a little forward and saw the most grand and beautiful landscape. It was lush and green. The skies were blue and only a few white fluffy clouds floated in the sky. Hills and trees as far as the eye could see. Birds and other animals roamed around the land as free as they could be. I could tell this world had never seen or hadn't been touched by the effects of war. It was sad that soon it would be ending up like Earth, if America couldn't stop the APT on Earth or if Equestria denied our help. If they didn't accept, they would be unprotected in space and it would let the APT send in their war fleets. I felt a pain in my heart for this world. And I didn't know any of these ponies that inhabited Equestria or the other races that inhabited Eques. But I felt bad if we couldn't stop the war. If we didn't stop it on Earth, it would come here and if we fail here, then the APT would destroy us all.

This is the final battlefield if the APT can't be stopped on Earth, which has already been proven to be impossible. All we can do is hope the princesses will let us help and they can help us. Then we can use them to unite the rest of the countries against the APT. Because this is the final area of the APT war.

I then returned to hear cheering on the other side of the phone, which brought me up in spirit. Because I knew that if the princesses accepted, then the war could be won. Captain Phillips put the phone back and we all looked to see that it was about noon, which was the same on Earth. Thanks to the EGP bringing the princesses, which was still a bad idea, we knew the differences to this world and ours. Plus we got insight of Equestria from the princesses when they came to Earth.

"Men we proceed to find the princesses of this country. We must get the princesses to join and allow us to come over. If we can't then we have lost this war. We will lose everything that we have been fighting for. Second Lieutenant Capson shall negotiate with them since he is the best of all of us. We will protect the outside as he works. If we spot APT, we are to kill on site. Am I understood soldiers." He said as he walked to the front of us.

"Sir, yes sir." We all said in unison as we faced him.

"Damn right I am, now let's go save the world and our people and these creatures of Eques from annihilation." He said as he gestured his hand for us to move out.

"Hooray!" We said in unison as we headed out.


We had been walking for two hours when we spotted the castle on the side of a mountain. We knew that the princesses were monarchies and that meant that they lived inside a castle. We had only hoped we were walking in the right direction, because we had till nightfall before we were to return and the cruisers were returning to Earth. They could make it back to the planet, but America wasn't planning on sending them back out to protect. Since they would be backing up a graveyard.

Another two hours passed and we ate some of our rations while we walked onward towards the castle. We soon reached the town within five hours and we still had plenty of time to spare. We walked through the city and already could tell the ponies were made up of unicorns, well stuck up rich unicorns to be more specific. Now the ponies weren't shocked see to us, the princesses must have told them of us. We also knew all the ponies thanks to the info the princesses gave us before the war. We soon stood in front of the doors that led to the inside of the castle.

"Alright lieutenant, this is your time to shine. You have a lot of friends back home who can say without hesitation you are the best at persuading people or in this case ponies. If you can't get them to join by sunset, then come back out. We must leave at sunset. No pressure soldier." Said Captain Phillips

"Hooray captain." I said

"Hooray." As he headed over to the other soldiers.

I started up the stairs as i heard him tell the others to get into defensive positions. I wish he hadn't put the whole hope of this war one me, but he is right. I didn't make second lieutenant by being scared. I am the best at persuasion. Nothing will hold me back.

I soon reached the doors to the castle and two guards stood watch. They were male earth ponies. They had white coats and blue manes and wore golden Roman armor. They each had a spear held in their hooves. They looked up at me and i easily towered over them. I the bowed to them to show i wasn't a threat.

"I would like to speak with your princesses. It is urgent that we do it now." I said

"What's so urgent?" Asked a guard

"Your very existence as species on this planet." I said

The guards froze up, but calmed down and looked at each other. Then back at me. "Alright follow us. But try anything funny and we will arrest you." Said a guard as they opened the doors and led me down the halls to the princesses.

"No worries, I'm only here to hope for a joint adventure." I said as I followed them to the princesses.


They led me to a large throne room. A red carpet sat in the middle and led up to the throne room chair. The windows were covered in stain glass. Each seemed to show an important event in their history. I then looked for the princesses, but stopped as I saw a few more. Only two princesses came down to Earth, but now there were four. They were talking in a circle when we came into the hall. The guard looked up to me.

"Stay here and I'll let them know that you are here to speak about an urgent matter."

He walked forward and began to talk with the four princesses. I then saw them look at me. I could now clearly see their body types. They were all alicorns, a race that was made up of all three ponies that lived in Equestria. They were also the princesses of the land. The first one I saw was the largest one. She had a white coat and and ethereal mane that followed on its own. I even checked for wind, but nothing. Well magic can do many things that seem impossible. She had a gold jewelry on with a amethyst in the middle, gold crown also had an amethyst in the middle and gold shoes. Her cutie mark was of the sun. Apparently she can control the movement of the sun, again magic. Now a cutie mark was interesting, it was the talent of the pony. Plus no two cutie marks were the same. So a ponies life was governed by an ass mark, well at least humans get a choice in life.

Next was a pony just a little smaller. She had a dark blue coat and space mane that also moved on its own. She had on a black crown and black necklace with a white crescent moon in the center. She hand on extremely light blue shoes on her feet. Her cutie mark was on a moon and I'll just say this, it looks like someone split ink on her ass. It was a black unlike the rest of her coat. Now as you can guess from her cutie mark, she controls the moon. This planet sure is weird as hell. Now I know that these were the two princesses who came to Earth, but the other two were new to me.

The first was the same height as the mare with the ink butt. She had a pink coat on her. Her mane was three different colors. It was rose, purple and gold streaked. She had also had gold jewelry. A crown with yet another amethyst gem in the middle, but the sides were spiral. She had only a gold necklace on and well gold shoes. How the hell ponies like here and the white one carried them was beyond me. But her cutie mark was of a crystal heart, which i couldn't exactly put where she fit in. But I shrugged it off. i then turned to the last princesses.

She was the smallest of the three princesses. Now she was only a foot or maybe inches from the height of the pink mare. Now she had a lavender coat. Her mane was also streaked, but with only two colors. The mane was sapphire, but with rose and violet streaks. She didn't wear any jewelry, which seemed weird since the others had it on. But jewelry wasn't right for everybody. Any how, I looked to find her cutie mark. It was of a light purple star with white points coming out of it and white surrounding it.

Soon enough the guard came back and pointed for me to proceed forward. I then watched as the two guards exited the room. I then walked forward and removed my helmet to be respectful. Humanity hadn't been in conversation with Equestria after the war broke out. Everything was put towards the war effort and making sure the APT didn't reach Eques and start to harness the magic of the land. So I guess that is why there might be four princesses instead of two. Well this can happen when you lose the ability to talk for so many years.

When I reached them I bowed them. I wanted to make this as easy as possible for me. So starting out rude was not one way to persuade four princesses on a war plan that more or less supports the last of the human resistance to the APT. But it was still also customary to bow to the princesses of the land.

"I am happy to see a human finally come back to Equestria. It has been to long since I have seen one. I have already ordered the guards to give food and refreshment to the rest of you. Plus you will not be seen a threat here. Now we should probably be reintroduced. I am Princess Celestia." She then pointed to the blue mare, "This is my sister Princess Luna." She the pointed her hoof over to the pink alicorn. "This is mine and Luna's niece, Princess Cadance." Then she pointed her hoof to the lavender mare. "This was my student, Princess Twilight Sparkle."

"Hello all of you, my name Marv Capson. I am a second lieutenant for the America army of Earth. I have come here to talk with you of something of importance." I said

"We are all ears thou human. Please tell us what is so important." Said Luna

"Now that may seem hard to hear, but Earth is at war. A war faction calling themselves the APT, Anti Peace Terrorists, have destroyed the EGP. They are on a course to attack Eques and harness the magic in the planet to build ultimate dooms day weapons. I'm afraid that if they achieve this goal, then nothing will be able to stop them." I said

The princesses looked shocked that such a thing was happening and they had no idea. I then saw Celestia start to speak up. "So this is the reason we never heard from you again. This now explains all this gap of time. But how are we still alive if they wish to take the planet."

"The reason is that your planet is protected by our space cruisers. They have kept out all APT ships from landing any soldiers at all. Though with the APT controlling the space front, it means we can't get more space cruisers into frontier." I said

"Then how did you and your people get here?" Asked Celestia

"Well before the EGP fell, America was getting ready for the fall. We built the defense around your planet. We then built a space bridge, which is how we got here, on your planet. After nearly three years of fight, we decided to come here. We activated the space bridge and me and nine other soldiers, who volunteered for this, traveled through it. Then we marched across Equestria to find this place. Then well here we are." I said

"I see, now what is of important that you have traveled here from your world to this one." Said Cadance

"You see the war is now one sided. The APT have taken much of Earth and America plus a few pockets of resistance fighters are all that is left. We are slowly losing the war and all of us know it. So we have come with a plan, but ti requires you to accept it before we can begin it." I said

"Then what is this plan?" Asked Twilight

"This plan needs a little explaining and will be a little long. So I would ask that you keep your questions and comments until the end. The plan is that we join together. Our land is far to destroyed to produce our war machines. Much of America is destroyed and the APT keep shelling it. We are in need of new war machines. Also the space cruisers are in need of supplies. We want you to allow the cruisers to land and resupply. We will only bring down half to resupply. So in a broad view of the plan. We want to move our army over and begin production. We also would like to begin to train our soldiers here because many know that the planet of Eques might be the final battle ground. So in a summery, we want to clearance to land our cruisers to resupply them, begin production of war machines and train soldiers. But there is one other thing, you four must decided before sunset. Because at sunset, the cruisers will leave and never return and me and the soldiers return and never come back. By the time we do, the planet of Eques will be a graveyard." I said

"Thou wants to turn our peaceful land into a battlefield. Then have blood shed cover our land. Tis we don't want." Said Luna

"Calm down sister, for I have seen visions of this. Sadly what Marv says is very much true. I fear that unless we want to see our ponies killed or enslaved, we must accept. Magic must not fall into the wrong hands and for it to be used to kill so many innocent people of Eques and of Earth." Said Celestia

"But aunt, the humans might desire our people to fight against this enemy with those things on his back. They easily look like they can kill us." Said Cadance

"Don't worry Princess Cadance, we don't seek to put any ponies into the battlefield. Now these things on my back are our weapons called guns. But your ponies will be safe from using them since you need hands to use them. Though they are weapons that can kill both man and pony. Now i can't stop nor can higher ups stop your ponies fighting back. This is there home and I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted to fight back. Plus the support will be thanked as we have lost many of our soldiers to this war. Now we will never put any of our ponies in danger. If the APT are to close to a town or village, we will move them out of the way to fight. We make sure they are safe, but those who join the fight, we can't guaranty their safety." I said trying to settle the alicorn princess.

"Celestia, this plan seems to dangerous to Equestria and all pony kind. I believe if we sat down and talked with them, we could find a way to resolve this peacefully." Said Twilight

"Princess Twilight, I wish that were true. If it was, then this war would be over on Earth. The APT are ruthless killers. The EGP tried that to, but each member of the council was slaughtered where they stood in cold blood. Can you guess what might happen to you?" I said trying to get my point to the lavender alicorn.

"I know you are all worried, my vision showed a dying Equestria and our ponies being killed one by one. Fillies and colts being round up with mares and stallions good for breeding. They use us as slaves and breed us like cattle to make more slaves. They kill the fillies and colts that don't have the right stuff. Our future is written in blood. But then a light from a flag with red and white and blue with fifty stars on it. The light returns to Equestria with peace and freedom. I believe that the flag is the one on his uniform." Said Celestia as she pointed to the American flag on my uniform. The others looked at it as I looked down at it.

"This is the American flag and it means freedom." I said as I pointed to the flag.

"Freedom is what we need and we need help to defend our home. We still have no idea how Eques even got here next to Earth. Marv and the Americans are a light of hope in the blood covered darkness." Said Celestia

"How thou we know you won't turn on us in the end?" Asked Luna

Celestia looked at Luna with a scolding, but I waved it off. I wanted to answer this question. "America just wants to bring peace to our world. We just want to see peace for future generations and not under the boot of the APT. We just want freedom and will never turn to the APT."

"It seems to be all true. I believe that the Americans will not turn on us. I believe you also auntie Celestia that they are the only hope of not seeing our people die." Said Cadance

"I'm not too sure about all of this but I can't figure out any other option. If what he says is true, then I believe we need the Americans to battle this new enemy." Said Twilight

"We may not think thou is lying to us, but we fear for our ponies. We must put our ponies first before our fear. Tis is our only and best option." Said Luna

"The we are all in agreement. Marv please tell your generals or whoever runs you, we take your plan. Which means Equestria and America will now fight as two to keep both our people's lives safe and stop the APT from using magic to kill one day. I declare a war treaty." Said Celestia

"Thank you princesses. I will have our president come at once and sign your treaty." I said as I bowed to them.

"Wait, what about the other lands of Eques. They won't have the protection that Equestria has." Said Twilight

"You make a good point. I will have to warn the other nations of this new threat. Marv, since you have been fighting the APT longer than we have known them, what is your point on this matter." Said Celestia

"Well from what little intelligence we have on the APT, we believe they are only heading for Equestria. You showed them magic, which means they will hit Equestria first. Then take the rest of the planet by force if another nation doesn't surrender to them. But Equestria is our first priority. In time I believe they will try to attack the other nations, but we should be better prepared when that time comes." I said

"Thou thinks well, but sister we should send for a council meeting with the other nations." Said Luna

"Yes, but first let's get the humans settled here on Equestria before we start worrying the other nations." Said Celestia

"I would have to agree. If the APT try to attack another nation of Eques, we will send troops to intercept and fight back. Though our first priority is making sure Equestria is safe from the APT." I said

"Yes and now thank you Marv, I wish to see this president tomorrow for the signing." She said

I bowed one last time before I put my helmet back on my head and headed back outside. I had to tell Captain Phillips to tell General Parker that the princesses had accepted the plan. Its time some of the cruisers come down and resupply and continue to protect this world.

I soon pushed the doors open and then saw that the sun was going down. I hadn't even realized how much time had passed while I was talking with the princesses. I now needed to book it before Captain Phillips told Earth that the plan was a fail. I sure didn't want to be the reason that Equestria and all of Eques was destroyed by the APT. So i booked it to find the captain before it was to late.


I was lucky to catch Captain Phillips before he told the general, who he was on the phone with, that the mission was a failure.

"Captain, the princesses have accepted the plan." I said trying to catch my breath

"General cancel that move order to the space fleet. Equestria is on our side. Please tell the president to come at once and start to bring supplies to refresh the cruisers. America is still in this war." Said Captain Phillips

The general was literally screaming his happiness over the phone. The captain then received his orders and then put the phone up and brought all the soldiers close to him.

"Alright men, we have the plan in action. Tomorrow the president will come and sign a war treaty allowing us to enforce our armies here on Equestria and battle on it. We also have half the cruisers coming down to get restocked. I want you five." He pointed to the five soldiers, "you will head to the bridge point and await supplies and then resupply the cruisers as they come down. The rest of us will take shifts patrolling the town and making sure no APT are here. Remember we can kill any APT in sight. Alright men, the next chapter starts here. Let's get to work." Said Captain Phillips.

"Hooray." We said in unison

"Then let's get to work." He said clapping his hands together.

The five soldiers started to pack up and leave the city for the space bridge. Leaving the rest of us to get ready for the night patrols. Captain Phillips and I were still standing next to each other. He placed a hand on my shoulder and looked at me.

"Great job Marv, I think by the end of tomorrow you will be pretty high in this new war." He said

"Thank you sir and I'm finally ready to end this war. So I can finally see peace and the soft glow of the sun on the land. And not see a land of destruction and death when it rises." I said

"Don't we all. Know with this we can have it. You take it easy on patrols tonight, since you were the one that brought hope of ending this war." He said as he walked away.

I sighed as I went to look for a place to stake out and set up camp and eat my dinner. I knew that ahead of me was going to be hard. If we failed here then we have failed everyone and everypony, I guess for this situation here.


It was nine o'clock and I was off shift. I was getting ready to hit hay, when the purple alicorn landed next to me. "Everything alright Princess Twilight."

"Please just Twilight, princess makes me feel much more royal than I am." She said smiling at me.

Now that she was close I was able to look her over. She seemed to be about my age, which was strange since alicorns were immortal. Princess Celestia and Luna had told us that they were immortal and had seen a lot. But Twilight looked quite young, even Cadance did to. But Twilight looked to be more of my age. Well i wasn't going to ask her because you never ask women two questions, there weight and age.

I wonder if ponies and humans have the same life cycle. It would be interesting to find out how long a pony can live for compared to a human. Though are age limit had been extended to 150, thanks to modern medicine. But in this war you were lucky to make it to a hundred.

"Twilight, are you and Cadance immortal like Celestia and Luna?" I asked

"Well Cadance is because she is true blooded alicorn and controls love, which must always be in around. It will be hard on her when my brother passes, since he is mortal. As for me, I will probably live a longer life span than my friends, but I will die at some point in my life. I transcended to alicorn hood, so that means I don't get to be immortal." She said

"I see, now you said Cadance is in control of love. Is that connected to her cutie mark." I said

"Yes, she is the princess of love. She makes sure that love is spread throughout Equestria. While Princess Celestia is the princess of the sun and Luna the princess of the moon. Now I am the princess of friendship. My cutie mark is in magic and it is the reason why I was chosen by Celestia to take the mantel of princess of friendship. But I am not alone since my friends help me out with my duties as a princess." She said

"Well it sounds all interesting, but I think some people will question all the inner workings of this planet. Since many things here easily break all the rules of physics we have on Earth. So I wouldn't be surprised if it takes time for some people to adjust to all of this. Even for me it is a little hard to accept at times. But I guess it is still hard to accept all that the APT have done. I guess we learn to accept all that doesn't make sense." I said

"Every deep Marv, but I have a question for you." Said Twilight

"Well ask away." I said looking at her.

"As we were talking in the throne room, i kept looking up at the scares over your eyes. I wanted to ask about them, but it didn't seem right at the time. Now that the conversation is over, I wanted to ask you how you got them." She said

I looked at her face and then reached a hand up and traced the scared tissue on my face. It went straight over my eyes. I should be blind and the doctors were amazed that I even had my sight. I was luck that day. It seems I have been every lucky, but I was sure my luck would run out one day. I sighed as I closed my eyes and opened them again to look at her face.

"Just another trophy of war. Another mark to show the brutality that war has on the body and mind. I know of a lot of soldiers with wounds much worse than mine. I also have seen soldiers just break under mental stress. This war has taken to many lives and I fear that it won't stop consuming until everything is covered in blood." I said

"I just hope this all works out. I'm still afraid that we will die before we see the end of this." Said Twilight

"Death and fear are always going to be present, Twilight. That is what makes sure that we are living and not imagining life. I have dealt with fear and the thought of death ever since I joined. Or should I say since the day the APT came to power. Everyone fears death, but we all die at some point. I just have to say. That if you overcome that fear, then you can do anything. That even includes going into battle knowing this could be the end." I said

"But why do you and these Americans fight, when you say you're afraid?" Asked Twilight

"I guess it is to give a future to future generations. They shouldn't grow up in a world where there is nothing but death and despair. I want to see my future children run and play without the thought of having to worry about them being in danger. That is why I fight. Now America fights for freedom. And American soldiers fight for there own reasons." I said

Twilight looked at me and I could have sworn I saw a small blush. But was hard to pull out, since her fur hid it well. "You have already thought about having children."

"Yes and that was why I wanted to fight. I have always dreamed of having a family when I was growing up. When the war came, i put that plan on hold. I decided to go and fight. In boot camp they asked us why we fight. The reasons we couldn't giver were, 'for country' or 'the world' or even 'freedom'. That was the moment that told me that I should fight for a family. Where I could i have children and never have to fear for their safety. I don't want my future children to grow up in nothing but control. That is the reason I fight and the reason I will continue to fight." I said

Twilight looked up at me and smiled. It seemed that she liked why I was fighting. But as I looked at her, I was wondering why she was out here. "Twilight, why are you out here?"

It was a beautiful night tonight and even made better with Twilight. The moon light that shined down made her lavender coat much more beautiful. I couldn't explain what it was, but she looked so hot and enticing.. Like I could look past the pony and see another sapient creature. My mind always felt a little off. Like I was never attracted to women nor attracted to men. Though with Twilight, it felt like I was being pulled to her. But I shrugged it off as my war torn mind.

"Well you see, I couldn't sleep with the thought of death. I was hopping my brother would comfort me, but I realized I'm not a filly any more. I'm just afraid of what the future holds for me and my friends here on Eques and right here in Equestria." She said as she looked at me with tear filled eyes.

"The future is always being told and no matter what happens, we always are able to write the future. I know it may be scary right know, but it will stop being scary as the end approaches. So even if you're scared, you shouldn't feel bad. Fear is like what I said, it is just a way to know we are still alive. Now if you're that scared, you can stay out here with me." I said as I opened my arms to her.

She started to cry and moved into my hug. She grabbed me tight and cried away. I knew that she was more than scared, she was terrified of the future. I guess knowing that in the end, you will either die or living as a sex slave. I guess it could make you fear any future to come. I decided to ran my hand through her mane to calm her down. I ran my hand through her mane and was surprised at its feeling. It felt like pure silk and not like normal hair. It was nice and smooth to the touch instead of chorus and rough. After a while of crying to broke the hug and wiped the last of her tears. She then smiled at me. I returned it to cheer up her spirits.

"Thank you Marv for being such a great friend." She said

"No problem Twilight, you were need of someone to comfort you. Well I guess that was me." I said chuckling to myself a little.

She laughed a little to, but then spotted my one sleeping bag. "I guess I can sleep on the ground."

"Nonsense Twilight, even with fur you should be warm and comfortable. I don't mind if we share. I was going to stay up a little longer any way." I said

"Well won't it be cramped." She said with a slight hint of blush.

"Nah, I never liked small sleeping bags. So I bought a larger sleeping bag. So there is plenty of space for you and me. Now you get comfy. I'll be close by and don't be afraid to ask me anything. I'm here to protect you and all of Equestria." I said

She smiled and got into the sleeping bag. She soon made herself comfortable and then looked at me. She smiled and spoke a few final words. "Thank you." She then curled into the bag and closed her eyes. I then watched as she feel asleep. I sighed as i turned back to the city.

I watched as lights in buildings slowly went off. I knew that all the rich snob unicorns were heading to bed. I saw the lights of soldiers as they made there patrol routes. I was done for the night and felt sleep want to take me. I stretched and yawned as I blinked a few times to get my vision normal. I then got into the sleeping bag. Twilight then turned and laid her head on my chest. I didn't mind it, since it probably helped. But as I began to feel sleeps effect, I couldn't resist letting my mind wonder to something.

Why would I look at Twilight like that? It makes no sense to me. I have been around plenty of women and then i'm around a pony and things change. I don't understand where even though thoughts about Twilight were coming from. Well I guess maybe I'm just trying to get used to all of this. Well I guess I should get some sleep. Tomorrow is a big day in both human and pony history. I guess I'll figure out The Twilight thing later. I just hope this all works out. Because I have a bad feeling this is the end for one side.

I sighed as I closed my eyes and let dream world take me. I had a lot on my mind, but I decided to push it all off to a later date. Right now I was more concerned with the war treaty and getting ready for the new year of war. So i would let the future come at me, i had no idea what lay ahead for me, but I hope it was nice. I just hope it all really worked out, since this was the last ditch effort of all resistance to the APT.

Chapter Two-EP (Un-Edited)

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The days are long as you listen to the screams of the dead as they are shot full of bullet holes. We can never get those sounds to thoughts out of your head. You will forever live with those thoughts. As much as the thoughts of knowing that you have killed. The screams of death are what still keep you up at night. It will always be the thing that keeps you up. It will destroy what emotions you have left. In the end, war will leave us with our bodies, but our minds will be broken. War can change anybody.

I myself have been affected, in a totally different time. I lost my parents right in front of my eyes. This was before the APT came to power. But Mexico was at war with the EGP over border problems with America. My parents were in the convoy, I was with them. We were escaping Mexico because of the war.

The convoy was leaving Mexico to escape the Mexican soldiers. My family was one of the families escaping. But we had no support because the EGP was fighting the Mexican soldiers with support from America, who brought it up to the EGP. We had a nice off road jeep. Because of it, my father decided not to follow the convoy. We were all alone in Mexico. I sat in the back with my body close to the floor. The reason was that the doors were bullet proof and it protected me from being seen. We soon were about to cross, when we were stopped by Mexican soldiers. They were patrolling the borders between America and Mexico for people trying to escape. They came up to us and my father made a gesture for me to stay down and not show myself. I got as low as I could on the floor of the jeep. Then the soldiers came forward.

They spoke nothing but Spanish. My father was very fluent in it. The reason we were down was because of my parents. We were only going to stay a few months in Mexico. My parents were scientists and were working on helping Mexico. They had jobs with the EGP. We were only down for two months of the six, when the war began. My parents were worried Americans and people of EGP would be targeted by the Mexican soldiers. So we packed up and left.

"Get out of your car. Turn it off and go over there." Said a Mexican soldier in fluent English

I heard the car go off and doors open and close in the front. I looked up even though I was told not to. I saw my parents walk to the middle of the area. They then stood there for a little while. I couldn't hear anything because they were to far away from me. I watched as my parents put their hands on their heads. I then saw a soldier point to two more soldiers. Then in a few seconds, I could hear the sounds of gun fire. I watched my parents scream as the bullets killed them. I couldn't hear the screams, but I could see them screaming. I saw them fall dead on the ground and blood started to pool around them. Then the same soldier gestured to the car. I ducked as bullets started to wiz around me. I started to cry in fear as I wanted it to end.

I had no idea when the attack stopped. But it was night when a small patrol of American soldiers found me. They had found me crying on the floor of the car. They knew I had witnessed my parent's death and nearly died myself. They took me out and I could see them putting my parents in body bags. They put me into a Humvee. The soldier sat next to me as the vehicle left the area. That was the day my life life changed. I was ten when I lost them and the year was 2018. Many think this was the beginning of the end for the EGP and the beginning of the APT.

I was returned home and put in the care of my grandparents. They then put me into therapy. But it never helped me gain back my childhood. Throughout the rest of my life, the only thing that was on my was the death of my parents. It wasn't until I joined the army and learned what I should be fighting for, did I coop with the pain of losing my parents. I wanted to make sure no one else felt that pain. I may have said that it helped me, but in reality the image of their death was truly etched in my mind. It made me more cautious about things that were happening around me. Only the future would hold if I ever could find something to replace that image.


I let the light of morning shine on my face. I slowly opened my eyes and used my hand to wipe the remaining sleep out of them. I then felt something move on my chest. I could see it was Twilight. She was sleeping peacefully on my chest. Her body would make a few twitches here and there but nothing really big. I then smiled that I was able to help out. I just laid my head down and looked at the beautiful blue sky. It was so clear, not even a cloud in sight. I could even see Earth it was so clear.

It looks so beautiful from here, but that is just an illusion of what the surface of Earth really looks like.

I just watched the sky and hoped that the president would come and sign the treaty. So that we could begin the long process of bringing over soldiers, supplies and equipment. Then I saw clouds start to appear one by one, which wasn't odd since pegasi controlled the weather. I then saw a Pegasus leap from cloud to cloud. It seemed to be trying to get a good spying condition. I just raised my head as Twilight moved her head gently on my chest. I then started to smell something smoky and nasty.

That smell can only come from one person and item. Both of which aren't here at this time. Unless he was part of the squad that was coming here to make sure the way for the president was safe. He is never going to let this one go or that Pegasus that has been watching us.

"Looks like i leave you alone and I find you sleeping with a girl." Said a masculine voice

I got up enough to not disturb Twilight, since it felt like she needed the sleep. I then saw exactly who I thought it was. His name is John 'Gama' Crus. He was one of my friends I made while I was in boot camp. He stood 5'10'', which was good for him. Since he was sniper expert. He had black hair with shades of brown in it. No one really knows why his hair is that way, but I theorize that his graying is browning. He has sea green eyes. He is pretty ripped, but that was because of his training in CQC, Close Quarter Combat. In his mouth was a cigarette, as usual. He smoked them, but it wasn't going to kill him. Since these ones wouldn't give a person lung cancer plus weren't addictive. You always know when Gama, the name e call him, is around. He usually carried a pack an lighter. He smoked to help him. He did it because he had seen his kids get killed by the APT.

Now the name Gama actually came from boot camp. John liked to play around with chemicals. He also did it because he wanted to create a more powerful bullet. Plus a better scope for him to use. But the name didn't come up until our first mission. He had created a experiment batch of bullets that were covered in a chemical agent that worked like gamma radiation. Well everybody thought he was crazy. But as the battle waged on, his bullets were the reason we won. They ripped through all matter and there was no cover that could protect APT. Though he had bought a better scope. In the end, he had won the battle for us. From that day on he was nicknamed Gama. He soon dropped the name of John and took Gama. The bullets were named Gamma Shots. His bullets were now used by small task force teams when they attacked APT bases.

"Haha Gama, she is only with me because she was afraid. So I let her stay with me last night." I said

"I'm sure that is true, but i have to contradict with the mare. The way she is holding you could tell a whole different story. I bet people would love to hear that one." He said blowing out his smoke.

Twilight moved a little at Gama's words. She seemed to hold me a little tighter, like I was going to leave her. I wasn't sure if Gama was right or if she just wanted to get a better grip on my chest, since she was using it as a pillow. But either way, I wasn't amused by his comments, but as I looked to the sky. The Pegasus seemed to be amused by his comment.

"It seems your spectator liked what i just said." He said smirked at me.

"Shut the fuck up, Gama." I said as I got up, which woke up Twilight.

She yawned as she slowly rubbed the sleep out her eyes. She then yawned again and smacked her lips together. It was actually kind of cute. She then looked around like she had no idea what was up. She then looked to the cloud that had the laughing Pegasus on it. Then down to Gama. She then turned to me.

"What's up?" She asked yawning

"Well first sorry for waking you, but I had to deal with someone." I said as i went over to my backpack.

"No problem, I had to get up anyway. So who are you?" She said stretching out.

"You can call me Gama. I'm a friend of Marv." He said

"I sometimes regret that."I said

I was in my backpack looking for a clean shirt for the day. If Gama was here then the president wasn't far behind. I wasn't going to where a shirt I slept in last night, when the president came. But as I working on that and Twilight was talking with Gama. I then heard a squeal of enjoyment. I took off my shirt as I found a new one. I then turned to see Twilight hugging five other mares. They all then turned to me. They all had slight blushes on their muzzles. I may have not been ripe, but I did have a nice chest and six pack. But i could also see they were staring at my two scars on my chest. They were both from a single tank shell. One went up my entire chest and a smaller one branched from that. Again lady luck was looking out for me that day. I slipped the shirt on to make them stop since I already felt Gama smirking at me.

I then looked to the other mares. The first I looked on was a unicorn. She had a white coat that seemed well kept. It almost made her look like she bleached herself. Her mane was purple and curled in a nice fashion. Even her tail was curled and fro creatures with no hands, I had no idea how long she put in to make those curls. She seemed to be upper class, but didn't seem like the type that lived here. Her cutie mark was of three diamonds.

The next was a Pegasus. She had a cyan blue coat. I could see it was a little moist from water vapor. I then figured she was the Pegasus that was watching from the clouds. She had a literal rainbow mane. I already felt like this world was one you found in a child's coloring book. But anyway, her cutie mark was of a cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt coming out of it.

My eyes then turned to yet another Pegasus. She already gave off this timid and shy nature. Not something you want when in war. Her coat was a butter yellow color. She had an extremely long pink mane. I could see she could easily hide her face behind. I wasn't even sure if it was real or extended. I looked to see her wings weren't as muscular as the cyan mare's wings. It was like she could fly, but preferred to walk. I then spotted her cutie mark of three butterflies.

Next was an extremely strong earth pony mare. Why I say that is because her hinds were quite muscular. Even her whole body seemed strong, like she had been working on a farm. Her coat was an orange color. Her mane was blond that was tied down with green ties. She also had on a weathered Stetson. She had three apples for her cutie mark.

Last was a every hyper earth pony. She also pretty much completely pink. Her coat and mane were the same damn color. Expect her mane was like cotton candy. She also was bouncing up and down like she couldn't stand still at all. Though i already could feel this girl was going to be hyper crazy. Not that it was bad, but soldiers sure didn't like hyper crazy in a war were attacks could happen at any second. But as she bounced, I could see her cutie mark was three of balloons.

Man, three of each cutie marks seem to be the norm here. Well at least you know what your job in life is going to be. Weather you like it or not. But at least they know.

"Gama, who are these mares." I asked

He looked back at me and shrugged his shoulders. He removed his cigarette and blow out the smoke and put it back in his mouth. Even though they were better than the old versions, they still smelt nasty. Plus Gama wouldn't have picked up ponies and brought them with him.

"So Twilight, who are these mares?" I asked

"Oh these are my friends. Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie." She said pointing to the each of the mares.

"Well nice to meet you, I'm Marv Capson and this here is Gama. Were American humans from Earth." I said

"So what all of you doing down here?" I asked as I got my uniform ready.

"Twilight invited us partner." Said Applejack in a southern accent

"I brought them down to show them to you and as well as Gama. I also thought that they should be here for the treaty signing. They are my friends and help me be a princess." Said Twilight

So these were the mares Twilight was talking about.

"I think I saw a little more than that." Said Dash snickering

Twilight began to blush and I turned to him and gave him a look that said, 'don't even fucking think about it.' I then turned back to getting ready.

"Dash you spied on Twilight, how so uncouth." said Rarity

"Please, the way Twilight was holding Marv, I would think she was getting ready to find something with him." Said Dash laughing

I started to feel a little flustered at that statement. I quickly calmed myself down and then turned as I placed my 9mm into its holster. Twilight was trying also to control her own blush. I then looked at Gama as he smirked at me.

"I think I like these ponies." He said

I just sighed as i pinched the bridge of my nose. I really sometimes wondered how in the depths of hell I ever became his friend, but remembered that it was from a mission that we had to work close together. I guess you have to make friends in this army or you will die out there on the battlefield.

"Please Dash, nothing like that is going on between us. I just stayed with him because I was afraid of what the future held with this war treaty being signed today." Said Twilight

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Pinkie Pie in a single breath. I and Gama just looked at each other. We both were now confused at the pink mare. But shrugged it off.

"War is coming to your peaceful world. The time has finally come to bring Eques and Earth together to fight back against the APT. Though all ponies will know that by the end of today. I just can't wait for the response when we turn your world into another battlefield." Said Gama as he removed his cigarette onto the ground and stopped it out.

The ponies just stopped and looked at Gama. They then looked to Twilight for some truth to the statement that Gama had just said. She sighed as she began to speak up. "It is true. Yesterday, I and the princesses decided to allow a war treaty. Humans will be coming over here and setting up bases and camps. They believe that an enemy known as the APT will soon be coming here to take the magic of Eques. So to protect the planet, we had decided to let them come into Equestria. The time of peace for Equestria is over."

"But why." Said Dash

"We have lost to much on Earth. If we stay on Earth and continue to fight, we will lose the fight. There is no doubt in my mind. This is going to be the last stand for peace against the APT." I said looking out at the city

"That's if we can win." Said Gama under his breath.

"But besides the point, we will proudly protect your homes and not let the APT destroy you. I can promise that." I said

"Don't make promises you know you can't keep." Murmured Gama

I looked at him, I knew he thought this war was already over. But many people still believe that we had a winning chance. I was one of those people. I just sighed and decided to change the subject. "So why you here Gama?"

"Well same as you, but on a different scale. I'm with a team that is making sure the way is safe for madam president. We sure don't want the president being hit. She is the last of our leaders to survive this war." He said

He was right, America was still using a president. Even when the EGP controlled, we still had a president. When the APT came to power, our other leaders were at the EGP headquarters when it was attacked. We lost them and only had our president. Our president at the time was the first lady president. She was supposed to go into hiding, but she wanted to stand with her people. It was the reason we were able to take back our borders. She never disappeared into hiding. She wanted to stand with her people and fight.

"Well I would like to stand around and talk, but I got to make sure the city is safe. See you around Marv." He said as he walked back into the city.

"See you after the signing Gama. Now ladies we have a few princesses to warn about the coming of our president. Plus i think you should all get ready." I said

"Darling, did he say a lady president. Wait what is a president?" Said Rarity

"Well America is a democracy, so we elect our leaders. The president right now is the main elected leader in this time of war. She is on her third term in office. People want her to led them through this time of struggle. And yes a lady runs all of America. As I see it, women can do as much as men. Our madam president sure has proven that." I said

"Amazing to think you humans use a completely different style of leadership than ponies. Oh I have so many questions to ask you Marv about humans." She said smiling

"Well keep them until after the treaty signing." I said

We walked into the castle and split up. I was heading to see Celestia, since Luna and Cadance were getting ready. I had to warn Celestia that our president was on her way. I wanted this to go as smoothly and as calmly as it could. Since the princesses of Equestria were pretty much signing their land away to us. But this was a benefit for both sides. We are able to protect the ponies and rebuild our war machine, plus get supplies to the people of Earth. Maybe this was the turning point of the war for us all.

This is it and with this, the real war will begin.


It was one o'clock when ponies from all areas came to see us and the treaty signing. Which I had learned hadn't happened in a long time. While we waited, I learned that Twilight and her friends were the protectors of Equestria. They protected friendship, but in the beginning with the Elements of Harmony. Now with some kind of Rainbowfied power. I learned Cadance and Shining Armor, Twilight's brother, were the co-rulers of the Crystal Empire. We met as we were standing around. He had a white coat and two toned blue mane. His hooves were also blue. He was wearing purple Roman armor because he was still the captain of the guard. He was a unicorn, which Twilight was originally. His cutie mark was of a shield with a purple star in the middle and three white stars over it. He was also over protective of his little sister. I also learned Twilight had a castle in the town of Ponyville. I also learned of a creature called a Draconequus, who was called Discord. He was right now in Ponyville working on something. He was also the lord of chaos, which wasn't something you want in an army.

When two o'clock came around the princesses and the other mares stepped out to get changed. In thirty minutes, they all came out in dresses that looked great on each one. I was especially drawn to Twilight and her friends, though I kept quiet since Twilight's brother was overprotective. He had spent some time cleaning and shining his armor. I was the one out of sorts here as I looked at all the guards. I had my American uniform and with the ponies because I was to make sure they were safe. The president had her own guards to protect her, not mentioning other support around. Plus I was armed with my guns. I had to be ready to fight back against any APT that came to attack.

We walked out to the balcony, the guards were making sure the ponies didn't get to close to the castle. I could see soldiers were patrolling and knew that their weapons were locked and loaded and they also weren't on safety mode. I could see snipers at the ready if they had to protect the president. I looked to see Gama was set up and had his eye piece for his sniper, which covered his right eye. After boot camp, he had developed an eye scope for better combat with is sniper. It gave him a 100% better shot. He carried a L96 bolt action sniper rifle. He was more of an automatic sniper rifler. Though he could use any sniper rifle.

I then heard the doors open and two military soldiers carrying M16s came in first followed by madam president. She was quite old, maybe in her sixties, but looked in her thirties. She wore a suit with an American flag pin on her suit. She stood at 5'7''. She had hair gray hair from running the country in a desperate unwinnable war. She had a D-cup chest on her, thought many never paid attention to that. People looked more at her statue. She was a proud American and people saw that as the reason why we should continue to fight. Soon she came forward and the soldiers stopped and turned around.

You probably wondering why I'm not on side of America and humans. Well the answers, if I haven't explained it already, is that I was the one who brought Celestia the idea for our people to come together to fight against this common enemy. I was also ordered to protect the princess from the APT, if they were here in Equestria. The president bowed to the princesses and then the president shook each of their hooves.

"Now Princess Celestia, we have come to you for help against our common enemy, the APT. We also come to ask for help with building and supplying our army." Said the president

"Yes that is true and it is finally nice to meet the leader of the American soldiers. I have to say it is a proud day when women can lead a nation." Said Celestia

"Oh thank you and the name's Amanda Marky, President Marky to the American people." She said

"Thank you and you already know who I am and my sister, but others are Cadance and Twilight Sparkle. Princess of love and princess of friendship. Twilight and her friends are also the protectors of Equestria. Twilight's friends are Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Cadance and her husband, Shining Armor who is the captain of the guard here, are the co-rulers of the Crystal Empire." Said Celestia as she pointed out everypony she was talking about.

"Nice to meet you all and now Celestia, down to business. We would like to use Equestria as a military base to prepare for the war with the APT, which I fear is coming here soon." Said Marky

The crowd of ponies were now shouting in retaliation and revolt of turning their land into a battlefield. The guards were doing their best to hold them back. I could see that many of the soldiers looked ready to gun down any pony that crossed the line

"Princess Celestia, I must warn you. That if your ponies cross that line, they will be shot with no after thought. The president is important to us and is heavily protected than past presidents." I said

She nodded and turned to her ponies. "Calm my little ponies, for this is the only way to keep our freedom and existence as a species. If we don't then our way of life as we know will fall. And this world will become a world of death and destruction. But with the help of the Americans, we can stand to see another day here on Eques." She said

The ponies quieted down and Celestia turned towards Shining. She nodded her head at him. He returned it and used his magic to pull out the treaty from a box with him. The treaty was titled,

War Treaty

Man and Pony for Peace

I could see that it was written with the thought of peace. The president nodded her head to a soldier. He pulled out a small box. As he was going for it, the pony guards went into action followed by the guards guarding the president. Celestia put her hoof up which signaled the guards to stand down, which made the guards of the president to do the same. The box was opened to revel two standard ball point pens. Celestia used her magic to take one and the president took the other. They looked at the treaty floating in Shining's magic. Then at the bottom line, they signed the treaty.

Princess Celestia of Equestria /Amanda Marky, President of America

The signing was done and the two shook each other's hand and hoof. Now it was time to rejoice and the soldiers did. The ponies followed in later as the words of their princess settled into their heads. "Time of a new age has begun, as humans and ponies now work together. So we can end this war and bring peace to both our worlds. Now Marv stand before me."

"Yes princess, how can I help you?" I asked as I stood tall and proud.

"Please make sure all ponies here and soldiers, more importantly, get a copy of the treaty. Now please right to it." Said Celestia

"Yes Princess Celestia." I said as I saluted to her and left, but not before stopping as I was given help

"Could you all also help, I and Princess Celestia would like to talk alone for a while." Said Marky to the others.

"Sure thing madam president." Said Cadance

After they all joined me, we left the area. I had no idea what the princess and madam president wanted to talk about. But anything from this point on was the good for all of humanity and pony kind.

-Princess Celestia-

We were walking in the Canterlot royal gardens. The guards were a mix of royal and soldiers. They kept away from I and the president to allow us to talk in private, but were close enough to protect us if they had to.

"Are you sure that this will go the way you see it." Said Marky

"I'm sure of it, but it will take time to figure out if it is possible." I said

"I know my people won'y be too happy about being test subjects." She said

"No that won't work with the hope of peace. We can only hope that 'he' falls in love with one of my ponies." I said

"What we require must be obtained through sex. I don't know if 'he' will have sex with a pony or even a pony having sex with 'him'."

"Actually doesn't seem that far away. I believe once people look past the animal, they will see another sapient creature. We are really no different than humans. It will take time and we have some to spare. So the idea of ours species mating isn't a crazy idea."

"Yes it seems that way, but we can't force force love with 'him' and your ponies. It must be neutral to gain what we need to win this war."

"That is true and using Cadance's powers could unsettle our agreement to help each other. I guess in the end, we must let love run its course. And if we are lucky, then 'he' will sex with one of my ponies. Then we can move forward with the plan, but for now we should let things play out."

"True to that answer Celestia, but I have a question. Do you really think 'he' is the one who can do it and be able to survive it?"

"'His' mind shows that he has thought of the idea and is capable of accepting the fact they are ponies, but still love them. I have no idea if it is possible. 'His' mind is also capable of surviving our experiments. I believe 'he' is both our species savior."

"Great and you will not try to push love on 'him'. If 'he' gets wind of what we are doing, then 'he' will retaliate against it. It must happen naturally, but a little push here and there wouldn't hurt. I will send you 'his' file and you will send me any info on the project's status."

"Yes I will and when the time is right, I will have Cadance check to make sure 'he' is fully in love with any of the mares 'he' picks to mate with. I will also send over files of the mares 'he' picks to be with, so we can both be educated on this matter. I will also send any results to you if they start to come up."

"Strange to think this would be considered evil for trying to force love on someone. Then using that to further research it to make weapons to end this war. I feel wrong in doing it, but it must be done if this war is to come to an end without that many dead on your planet. So how many do you think 'he' will have when 'he' will be able to handle the experiments?"

"I feel like 'he' could have a harem by the end. That is around twenty to twenty-five mares. When 'he' loves them and they love 'him', to the point to where 'he' will die for them or vice versa, then we shall finish Project: Final Countdown."

"Until that day, we shall have to fight the best we can. A page of history will write us down as the two leaders pulling a bunny out of the reaches of the galaxy and hoping it will end the war. If this goes right, then this will go down in history as the biggest project very done in history."

"Do we really have a choice with the APT becoming a major threat?"

"No we don't have a choice. In the end, only one side win. The APT or us. Until the day I'm judged by my creator, I shall keep this project going."

Agreed Marky and now this talk was about ideas for a team name." I said

"Agreed and until the day it is needed, we won't say a word and keep this to us. Even if we win the war without the project, we must take this info to our graves. Yours being the rest of existence. But I hope you will lose the memories of it." She said

"Yes and may we have a successful war." I said

We shook hand and hoof and left the gardens with a secret that would stay with us forever. The guards followed close behind as they watched over us as we headed out.

-Marv Capson-

I was handing out the treaty to soldiers and ponies I saw. Now ponies weren't supposed to memorize the rules, but soldiers were to. I already passed out all of mine, when I say my friends looking over the treaty. I joined them and looked over Gama's shoulder to basically see the rules. They were basic, but important to making sure this partnership doesn't fall apart.

- If APT in area of a town or village, the residents of a town or village will be escorted out. Soldiers will stay behind to fight. Residents will only stay if not enough time to evacuate them out

- Ponies are allowed to join into the army

- Soldiers are not allowed to assault or force authority over ponies

- The military leader of each area is the leader of the troops

- The princesses are the major leaders

- Soldiers with records may not stay in Equestria, but minor ones will be subject to examination. Also records of all soldiers, pony and human, will be checked frequently and at random times.

- If found guilty of anything major, then you will be deported to Earth or killed, only or severe crimes.

- Murder will result in death, to be judged by the princesses

- Soldiers are to follow the town or village main elected leader and the princesses of the land.

- Soldiers must memorize all rules and able to recite them at command

It was a good amount of rules. Each meant something greater than what was written on the treaty. I already knew some soldiers would feel like they are giving up their rights, but not really when this also led to some nice perks.

- Family of a soldier can move to Equestria

- You shall fight on Eques and not on Earth

- New life and better pay

"I would fight for those perks in a second." Said Gama

"I think any soldier would, but it seems that every town or village that agrees to house soldiers will have to have a commander." I said

"Well if you become a commander, you get to build a house on the town or village's land and live in it. I fear that every soldier will be after that perk. They would do anything not to sleep in bunks we are going to have to bring in. Though a war family does get a house to live in. So soldiers with family could live in that house instead of the bunks." He said

"True buddy, very true." I said

We then turned when we heard the voice of the commander speak up. "Ten hut, madam president and Princess Celestia."

We all moved and saluted the two and then we heard the voice of the commander again, "At ease soldiers."

"I see your talks have ended auntie." Said Cadance

"Yes Cadance, I and President Marky have decided on a few things. The first is that Canterlot and Ponyville will be the first two bases. We will work on the other towns and villages to set up bases. We have also named Marv as Captain Marv of Ponyville and Gama as Captain Gama of Canterlot. Last is that we couldn't decide on a name for our army." Said Celestia

I and Gama were surprised to be the captains of the first two bases. I decided to speak for me and Gama. "We thank you both, princess and madam president. It is an honor to be the first two captains of this new joint army. Plus I think I have a name for our army."

"Than shoot away Captain Marv." Said Marky

"I believe we should be called the EP, Eques Protectors. It is a name for our combined armies. It also shows that we defend this whole planet from the APT. Soon in time we will be a completely combined planet fighting against the APT. So the name is to show our combined strength and that no one race is more important than the other." I said

"I agree and starting today, we shall be called the EP. Welcome to the EP all soldiers of America." Said Celestia

The soldiers cheered and so did the ponies. Even I cheered as we were now close to ending this terrible war with the APT.


We cheered until the sun was starting to set, well actually the higher ups had a feast to celebrate the treaty. Then soon after, the president saw what time it was and said her goodbyes. She would come back in a few months to check on the bases and the progress on getting all of Eques to help with the war. She left and so did her guards. She said that would start to send supplies through the space bridge to Ponyville for me to start construction. Then send new recruits and experienced soldiers to fight for me. I said my good nights as I head outside to my camping site. I declined a room in the castle, since I liked being outside. Twilight even joined me again. I showed her all my weapons and told her I would show her how they worked when we arrived in Ponyville. She asked if she could stay again, just for one more night. I said that it was ok and we both drifted off to sleep with the hope of a new beginning for this war.

-President Marky-

I descended the white house in an elevator that led to my secret war room. It stopped when it hit the bottom of the floor. I walked forward and activated a large computer monitor. Eight screens, nine but one was out because Celestia didn't have the tech yet, appeared and none of the faces could be seen. Since they were darken to keep the identity a secret.

"Report." Said a face with a deep voice

"Our war treaty is in place and we are ready to begin the long process of Project: Final Countdown." I said

"Then Celestia was on board and will do her part and keep this secret." Said a face with a lighter voice.

"She is and will do her part. But we must wait for 'him' to make the first moves. When 'he' has found all the mares that connect to 'him', then we shall begin the next step." I said

"Then Project: Final Countdown is perfectly in line. Now we play the waiting game. This is the only way to stop this war and we all know it. Report once the first sight of magic is seen in 'him'. Until then we must keep silent." Said a face with a more calm and all knowing voice.

"Understood and we are now the EP." I said

"Excellent, now may we fight the good fight until the project is perfected." Said the same face as before.

The faces then disappeared and I turned off his monitor and went over to the hollow board to start the process of sending Celestia 'his' file and data on 'him'. Though she would only get it once the Canterlot base was up and running. I also started to look over the project and sent a copy to Celestia. I then shut off the hollow board and walked back to the elevator. I got in and pushed the button to have it return me to the main floor.

I just hope were doing what is right for the greater good of all.

The elevator stopped and I got off. It soon disappeared behind the wall and I walked to my room to sleep. I wanted to try to forget what I, Celestia and the Council of EP were planning to do. I knew this was the only way to end this war and save thousands or even millions of lives. Though it will always feel like we are stooping as low as the APT. But it was either this or hope for victory against an enemy highly advanced war machine. Only the future would tell if this gamble would bring an end to the war or be our down fall.