A Misuse of Magical Materials

by SaintChoc

First published

Celestia never said her magical linked journals COULDN'T be used for dirty roleplay...

A conversation between Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer through their magical linked journals leads to cross-dimensional dirty roleplaying. No one involved thinks it's a good idea. It is, however, extremely fun.

Features equal representation of pony and EqG human shenanigans. Includes probably just what you'd expect; roleplayed noncon(ish) lesbian pony-on-human sex. And lots of masturbation, roleplayed and otherwise. All comments welcome!

Works entirely on its own. It does, however, fit into the Friendship Orgy continuity, so there's further reading if you like this!

A Misuse of Magical Materials

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Light rainfall dropped onto the roofs of Ponyville, the atmosphere distinctly grey. The town's pathways were mostly bare as the majority of the citizenry took to staying inside, where there was still color and light and dry things.

Twilight Sparkle was no exception, laying on her bed with a book open in front of her. Water tapped against the window as she mumbled indistinctly, trying to retain the information in front of her and sort out her thoughts.

She closed her eyes tight, rubbing her temple with a hoof. "But if that's the coefficient, why are levitation spells so much easier to cast than teleportation spells, assuming similar masses?" she said to an empty room. "Even factoring in distance, it shouldn't… the math isn't adding up. What am I missing?"

Her head dropped forward onto the bed as she stared at nothing in particular. Once she started talking out loud to maintain concentration, she usually found it hard to stop. "I've cast these spells all my life, but every time I start to explore another aspect of the science behind them, I feel like it's a miracle I ever managed to understand them enough to turn a page."

Her hind legs shifted. She pressed her lips together, determined to focus on the pages in front of her.

This was the first week in several months that one of the group's weekly 'get-togethers'—or, as Twilight steadfastly refused to call them, 'Friendship Orgies'—had been outright canceled. Fluttershy and Rainbow wanted some time alone, Pinkie and Rarity had work to catch up on in their respective fields, and Applejack and Twilight agreed a break would be fine.

Now, two days after the canceled date, Twilight was incensed to no end at the fact that she was decidedly not fine. She didn't like feeling like some depraved sex addict, though she knew on some level it was just simple conditioning; a schedule she'd adhered to and now thrown off.

"An internal clock of 'getting off'..." she grumbled to herself. "Dumb. It's dumb!"

Spike would be off at the market getting soaked for another hour, so she planned to use this opportunity to take care of herself—on her own terms. "I'm not about to let some primal urges dictate my life. Almost done with this chapter," she mumbled. She picked her head back up and peeked a page forward, noting she was indeed just about at the end.

"Alright, so… the coefficient contributes to the difficulty of the spell, plus the mass and the distance… 'other factors include mental state, weather, proximity to magical ley lines, the specifications of the unicorn's individual talent (see section 5, chapter 7: The Power of a Cutie Mark)'... yes, I know all this, but are you going to go into how much contribution each factor has? No? Great. Thanks.

"'These charts outline the relationship between some of the more significant factors and how they increase difficulty…'" she trailed off, still lightly mouthing the words. She breathed in heavily after a moment, finding her hoof lightly stroking between her back legs. She pulled it away quickly. "Oh, for—rrr! Two more pages. There's two more pages! Come on, Twilight."

She focused on the charts, quickly finding them subpar, with clashing colors and vaguely-labeled axes, the teleportation chart using a needlessly different scale from the levitation chart. "Did they get some grad student intern to do this? I've seen better charts i-in my… gaaah!" She pulled her hoof from between her back legs again, then planted her face in her bed, staring angrily at the purple silk patterns.

Sighing, she sat up, using her front hooves to support herself, her eyes darting across the paragraphs before her. "'Optimal conditions consist of…' 'no amount of practice will…' 'it's unclear if alicorns receive…'"

She flipped the page, scanning faster, speaking mostly incoherently. "Casting speed will well yes that's self-evident, repeated use will not alright I knew that already, any spell cast directly from a I think I grasp the concept, consider these discussion questions to further ha ha maybe later."

Her horn flared as she slammed the book shut and slid it to the far corner of the bed, making a vague attempt to remember the page number. She rolled onto her back, resting one hoof on her stomach as the other one solidly stroked up and down her slit. "Nnnmm…" she moaned, a smile slowly spreading across her face.

She began moving her hoof in circles lightly, the sound growing wetter. She thought back to when she was in the same position a week prior at the latest 'get-together', Pinkie's face planted between her legs, and Rarity standing over her, passionately kissing her.

Her hoof pressed deeper, her back arching in the same way it did that day. She and Rarity moaned into each other's mouths, Rarity receiving pleasure from an enthusiastic Rainbow behind her, Fluttershy off to the side masturbating to the sight of it all…

Bzzzz! Bzzzz!

"What? Why? Why."

Bzzzz! Bzzzz!

Twilight gave an exasperated snort, removing her wet hoof from inside of her. She sat up, awkwardly hovering her hoof above the bed, and resignedly levitated the vibrating book off the end table and towards her.

She shook herself, trying to clear her head. Despite the poor timing, she was always happy to hear from Sunset Shimmer. Glancing at the clock, she noted that Canterlot High would have just ended their school day. She held the book in front of her with her magic and flipped it open to where their last conversation left off, finding one new message.

Hey, Twilight! Got some time to talk?

Twilight gave a dry and pained chuckle. She smiled softly, bringing a quill over from the same end table, hoof still awkwardly hovering. She lay back once more, hovering the book over her as she began to write.

Of course! How've you been?

I'm great! We're all hanging out in the library for a bit before we head home. Your other half is here, too. Really starting to fit in!

Twilight paused for a moment, blinking.

...Flash Sentry? I really wouldn't call hi

Sunset's words began coming through before Twilight was done her own sentence.

What? No, your twin! Other Twilight!

That's—that's not what 'your other half' means!

This is kind of an unfamiliar world as far as terminology goes, but alright, mea culpa. Funny that that's what you leapt to, though.

Oh, don't you start, you

Twilight held the quill in the air for a moment, one eye twitching, unsure of how to continue. More words came forth from Sunset's end before she figured anything out.

Anyway, it's been pretty interesting. As she gets more comfortable, I start to see more and more of your mannerisms. It might not be long before I stop being able to tell you two apart.

Twilight relaxed as the conversation moved into an area she had great interest in. Her hoof, now more sticky than wet, slowly lowered until it rested on her stomach as Twilight got deeper into the conversation.

I know what you mean. It's been incredibly fascinating seeing alternate versions of all of my friends and getting some compelling empirical data on exactly what 'nature versus nurture' means. How amazing is it that we have this opportunity?

Yeah, it's pretty cool. Thank Celestia for making and/or gathering so many fascinating magical thingies.

There was a pause in the message before Sunset wrote the last word. Twilight laughed.

They're some cool thingies, alright. Everything Celestia's given me, I've treasured and kept close. But tell me more about 'other me'. What's she been like?

Well… like you were before moving to Ponyville, I don't think she has a lot of experience with friends, so she still has her moments of defensiveness, or closing herself off. But she's getting better. She barely flinched when Pinkie gave her a hug earlier today! Heh, maybe eventually she'll be comfortable enough to do the same things WE'VE done together. I imagine I'll know what she likes. ;)

Twilight squinted at the page. Despite herself, she was once again made aware of the yearning feeling between her legs.

First of all, remember how we were JUST TALKING about how much we should treasure Celestia's gifts? I think they deserve better than emojicons.

Twilight paused, fairly certain that wasn't the right word. She rolled her eyes, imagining Sunset was probably getting a good laugh at that. She continued, hesitating slightly.

Second of all, don't remind me. It's hard enough having to deal with this week's 'get-together' being canceled. Which I hate. What does it say about me that I can't go a week without missing it?

Hey now. You're just used to it, is all! Don't beat yourself up about it. Or do. ;)

Stop it!

Seriously, though, I do know what you mean. You won't find me judging you. Hey, if you have time, you could always pop through the portal real quick.

Twilight snickered and shook her head, lightly smiling.

Yeah, that's another great way to treat my amazing magical devices with respect. Turn it on for a booty call! No, Spike will probably be back too soon, and I do NOT want to have to explain… anything.

Well, I can think of something quicker.

There was a pause, and then the writing continued.

'My fingers dance across your skin, tracing a path along your stomach. One hand runs through your hair while the other slowly slides between your legs, brushing against your clitoris. Your breath escapes onto my breasts, one of which I o

The writing stopped. Twilight's eyes were wide, and she felt a deep throbbing. She was too stunned to do anything. After a few moments, the writing continued, but on the next page, despite the space still remaining.

Alright, there's too many people walking behind me. I know, I know. Not remotely respectful of Celestia's magic thingies. Hey, we were already talking about sex!

Twilight didn't respond. She flipped back to the previous page, staring at the end of the truncated sentence.

Twilight? I'm sorry. I guess I'm in a weird mood.

Do you want to

Twilight wrote her words slowly, one at a time, not entirely sure what she wanted to say next, surprised at her own actions. She swallowed, her quill hovering off the page. After an uncomfortable silence, a short sentence appeared.

Give me ten minutes.

Sunset closed her book with a snap and tossed it into her bookbag. She began to put her pen in the pocket of her jacket, before stopping herself. "Sorry. This was yours, right, Rarity?" She held the pen out.

"Thank you, darling," Rarity replied, placing the pen in her purse. The group was situated on a couple of couches in the library's reading area, with Sunset a bit off to the side in her own sofa chair. Rainbow lazily thumbed through a sports magazine, while Fluttershy and Pinkie chatted. This universe's Twilight sat at the end of the couch next to Rainbow, studying a textbook, mumbling slightly. Only a few other students remained, going about their business.

Applejack was watching Sunset, a smile on her face. "Well, don't you look suddenly eager to leave."

Sunset stopped her packing for a moment to look back at Applejack. "U-uh, well, you know. Time to go, that's all! Good work today, guys. See you tomorrow."

Rainbow flipped the page, one arm draped over the back of the couch. "Sunset rushing to leave after writing in that book? Pony Twilight's totally coming through that portal." She smirked, eyes still on the magazine. "Have fun you two!" Chuckles came from the other girls. Twilight made no movements, but her mumbling stopped.

Sunset chuckled as well. "She's not coming through the portal, guys." She stood up, slinging her bookbag over her shoulder. "...She doesn't have time for that." She grinned.

"So, what, are you going to…" Pinkie Pie started to say. "...Oooh, she does like writing dirty stuff, doesn't she?" Twilight's cheeks began to turn red.

"I mean, she's dabbled, sure," Sunset replied. "I told you about them, right? They're not bad! Sometimes a little on the wordy side, but—"

"Can we please not talk about my—" Twilight spoke up. She stammered, then shrunk into the couch. The other girls looked towards her, blinking.

"I… was talking about the other Twilight's," Sunset said.

"But that's personal!"

Sunset's book buzzed from within her bag. She ignored it. "Oh! No, it's fine, she's totally cool with it. At least among friends, and I'm sure you all—"

"But I'm not cool with it!" Twilight insisted, avoiding eye contact. "And she's me, s-so… pretty much everything she does is something that I… uh…" She continued to blush furiously.

"Well, that's…" Sunset stood there, her mouth hanging open slightly. "...a very interesting philosophical and moral dilemma. Huh."

"Um… you don't want to keep Twilight waiting, right?" Fluttershy said, herself blushing just slightly. Pinkie put her arm around her, giggling.

"Right! Right. See you guys tomorrow!" Sunset waved, making her way towards the exit, her book continuing to vibrate.

Rainbow watched her leave, then spotted a few students milling behind them, pretending to do other things while they extended an ear towards the couch. She made eye contact with one. "Hey! Poindexter!" Rainbow shouted. "Plug those headphones in before I shove them in there for you." The bespectacled student jumped, then awkwardly pretended to be looking off in the distance before placing his earbuds in and stuffing his nose in a book. The other students also wandered off, innocently whistling.

Rainbow smirked and went back to her magazine. She elbowed Twilight in the side gently, who whipped around to face her, slightly startled.

"Send me your stuff sometime. I've been running out of reading material," Rainbow said. She made eye contact with Twilight, grinning. Twilight looked back at her, taken aback, but shyly smiled, her cheeks returning to normal color.

. . .

Sunset opened the door to her apartment and briskly walked in, attempting to free her hair from the jacket she had draped over her head. She shook herself off a bit, then removed her wet boots, placing them on the mat. She surveyed her clothes—her standard outfit these days, jeans, light blue dress, and jacket—deciding they weren't wet enough to do anything about. Her place wasn't a disaster area, but it wasn't the picture of upscale living, either. A bit of moisture wasn't going to make it look much worse.

She walked towards the kitchen in her socks, pulling the still-vibrating book out of her bag. She flipped it open, holding it in one hand as she opened her fridge and grabbed a soda.

This is a bad idea.

What if Celestia finds out? I don't

What were you going to do with your breast?

No, don't tell me. This is a bad idea.

'Offer it'? Was that it? That was it, wasn't it?

Where'd you go? Can't you run and write at the same time!?

Look, we shouldn't do this. I'm going to put this book away.

At you at your place yet?

Sunset laughed, taking a swig of grape soda. She put it and the book on the counter, then grabbed a pen off the top of the fridge.

Sorry, Twilight. Too much rain for me to try running and writing.

It's raining there? It's raining here, too. Have we ever taken a look at the weather patterns of both worlds to see if they have any relation?

Huh… I can think of a dozen reasons they shouldn't, but it does seem to match up as far back as I can remember.

The implications of that could be huge. Now I wish I'd been tracking the weather around here recently.

Hold on. I'll bring up my weather app and check the last couple weeks. Hopefully you'll remember at least a little, and that'll be a good starting point.

Sunset took her phone out of her pocket and placed it on the counter, taking it out of sleep mode.

Wait, hold on. Later. Let's do that later.

Sunset looked away from the phone to read Twilight's message, then smacked her forehead, laughing.

Yeah, good point. Alright, how do you want to do this?

Um… how do YOU want to do this?

I don't know! This is all you. You start it off and I'll follow.

Sunset took her assorted items to the TV room and sat down on the couch, placing the book on her lap. Taking another sip before setting her soda on the floor, she waited to see what Twilight would come up with.

Twilight stared at the page, quill hovering. She was on her stomach now, the book propped up at an angle against her pillow.

Her heart was racing. This was exciting. Something new, and above all, creative. She was incredibly eager to get started.

"But… how do you start something like this?" she spoke, softly. "How do you establish the setting? Motivation? Initiation? ...Am I completely overthinking this?"

Lost in thought, she tapped her hoof against the covers, wrinkled as they were from ten minutes of nervous fidgeting. The only thing she knew for certain was that she wanted to do something Sunset wanted, despite what Sunset had told her. She decided to at least put this in the world that Sunset was surely more used to by this point.

After some more thought, she took a deep breath, and put her quill to the page.

I nervously pace the empty room, only one locked door serving as an entryway, and one-way glass slotted into one wall. The room is clean to the point of looking sterile, and devoid of any feeling or warmth. I don't know why they brought me here, and I don't know who's going to come get me. I check my reflection in the window, adjusting my purple skirt and blue buttoned-up shirt, hoping I don't look disheveled to whomever comes through that door.

Twilight took her quill off the page, and stared at what she had written. "...What was that?" she said. "I got all caught up trying to make something interesting for her to flesh out… this isn't how this is supposed to go, is it? Was I supposed to use quote marks? Oh, boy." She covered her face with her hooves.

After a moment, she heard the familiar sound of a gentle, far-away scratching. She opened one eye and peeked at the page, seeing writing begin to come in.

The door swings into the room, and I enter, wearing nothing but an official military-esque cap atop my red-and-yellow hair.

Twilight blinked, as more words continued to come forth. "That seems… fast…"

Once I'm clear of the door's path, I close it with my magic, and stand at attention, all four hooves on the ground. I survey you, looking you up and down with a stern expression.

Twilight rolled onto her side in the throes of laughter. "Alright! Interspecies it is!" She sat back up, ready to respond, but Sunset continued.

Revealing a clipboard, I glance at it before speaking. "Ms… Sparkle, is it? Is that your best choice in attire for this sort of meeting? With Equestria just having opened its borders, I should hope you wouldn't take the immigration process lightly."

Twilight had a wide grin on her face. "Oh, you are nailing this." The process of improvising a story was thrilling her.

I stammer for a moment, and then swallow. "I'm… I'm sorry. I don't have a lot… I was h-hoping to start a better life in Equestria." I hold my hands behind me, trying to look apologetic and submissive, backing up against the wall.

I continue my stern gaze. "Very well." I leave the clipboard by the door, and begin to walk towards you. "As I'm sure you read in the informational pamphlet, the first stage of the process…" my horn begins to light up with magic, and you feel a tug.

"Here we go," Twilight spoke, and watched the last of the message come through.

"...is the physical examination." My horn brightens, and your shirt flies open, one button flying into the corner of the room.

Not much in the way of subtlety and nuance, but Twilight had no complaints. She bit her lip, and she tucked her hoof under her stomach and back between her hinds legs. She gasped softly as she began to stroke herself.

I tense, but I was indeed made aware of this. I look down, my purple bra exposed, and begin to slide my shirt off.

"Take off your boots next. They're abhorrent."

Twilight laughed. More than once, she had Sunset had theorized about how exactly the portal chose something for her to wear, and neither of them ever had flattering things to say about the boots.

I drop my shirt on the ground, and start unlacing my boots carefully, trying not to take the remarks about my great-grandmother's heirlooms personally. I take them off and set them aside, along with my socks, and stand barefoot, beginning to move for my skirt.

The next message took an extra moment to appear. Twilight liked to think Sunset was laughing at her turning the boots gag back on her.

My eyes travel up and down your frame as you continue. I make no movements, show no emotion.

I undo my skirt and let it fall to the ground, now in only my underwear, all dark purple. The pamphlet didn't quite go into detail, so I look to you, trying to ascertain if this is enough.

Twilight needed to use her imagination a bit harder to remember the sensations she felt when undressing as a human, but it was worth it. She pressed into herself harder, rubbing deeper. "Hhaahh... mmnn..." Fleetingly, she had concerns that this story was heading for dark places, but dismissed them. She often liked it bit more intense when it had been a while, and Sunset was normally at that level to begin with.

With an unfaltering gaze, I speak. "Continue."

Twilight rubbed faster, rhythmic squishing ringing out.

Trying to contain my nervousness, I reach behind me with both hands to unhook my bra, and then slide off the shoulder straps. I let it fall, attempting to keep my breasts covered with my arms, subtly.

My eyes linger on what I can see of your breasts, and then travel to your eyes. I wait, expectantly, starting to grow impatient.

Twilight flipped onto her back, hovering the book and quill above her as she did earlier. Spreading her hind legs in the air, her hoof moved even faster across her folds, her breathing deep.

I slip my fingers between my thigh and my panties, and pull them down, letting them drop as well. Determined not to show weakness, I stand tall, my arms at my side, fully exposed.

Sunset's face carried a grin, interrupted frequently as she pursed her lips. This was more fun than she had been expecting.

She leaned back for a moment, closing her eyes, picturing the scene. Once she'd gotten into it, the time spent imagining the endless possibilities were almost more erotic than the actual words that went on paper.

After thinking a bit longer, her pen went back to the page.

My gaze falls upon your sex, laid bare, right at my eye level. I begin to approach, focus unwavering, then meet your gaze as I stop just in front of you. Eyes locked, I press my head forward and run my tongue up your labia, pressing just below the surface.

As she wrote, Sunset used her other hand to unzip the front of her jeans, then slid her hand inside, underneath her panties. She began moving her hand slowly, tracing her slit with her fingers.

Twilight took a moment to answer. Sunset thought she'd like that.

I gasp in surprise, but at the same time, a small moan escapes me. I make no movements.

I turn, and begin to circle back towards the center of the room. "As you are likely aware, Ms. Sparkle, as it was in the pamphlet… we are able to use our sole discretion in terms of how we see fit to assess you.

Sunset wriggled slightly, trying to move her jeans and panties further down her body without disrupting her writing. Her fingers began to move in circles across her folds.

Begin masturbating. Now."

"Ohh, yes. Mmnnh…"

Her book and quill trembled slightly in the air as Twilight grew closer. Only her practice and natural affinity for magic kept her writing legible at this point.

"I—I…" My voice trembles, and I steal a glance at the one-way glass. My hand slowly moves towards my genitals, but I stop, clenching my hand.

My horn flares once more, and you feel a pressure on your ankles as they're pulled forward. "NOW, Ms. Sparkle!"

"Oh, yes, don't you dare let me weasel out of this—haaahhh!" Her back arched as the book and quill grew more erratic, slowly moving farther away from her.

I fall to the ground hard, my breasts bouncing briefly from the impact. My legs are bent at the knees and spread apart, giving you full view. I lean against the wall, shaking slightly.

"I am not going to ask you again."

I move one hand to the ground between my legs, and then slide my fingers back to my sex. I stroke the surface for a moment, then group two fingers and insert them, slowly moving them in circles inside me.

Sunset was just about mimicking the motion, repeatedly inserting two fingers, deeper and deeper. "Oh, don't stop here." Her book was laid on top of her partly-off jeans like a hammock. She found herself sorely missing her magic.

Despite the situation, I begin to moan—softly, at first, but the volume rises. My head tilts back, and my free hand travels to my breast, squeezin

Sunset stopped her hand as transparent spots developed on the page; a few of them decently-sized, and numerous smaller ones. She sat confused, watching as the spots spread slightly. No more words were coming from Twilight's end. Sunset's pen hesitantly went to the page.

Um… Twilight? Did you spill someth

The realization hit her. She dropped her pen and covered her mouth, a long gasp emitting from her. Then she laughed with incredible volume, still covering her mouth. She struggled to keep her book on her convulsing legs, then picked up the pen again.



Sunset laughed harder, nearly falling on her side on the couch.



Tears rolled down Sunset's face as she finally fell over, finding it hard to breathe, the book and pen tumbling to the floor.

She struggled to sit back up, finding herself restricted by the jeans trapping her legs together. Her laughter dying off, she shimmied them off fully, along with her socks. The air hit her bare legs, and she smiled, slowly getting back in the mood. One hand slid down her thigh and lightly grazed her wet sex as she picked up the book and pen with the other, placing the book on her lap once more.

Well, now I gotta start over. You better have something good for me.

Fine, but I'm moving to the next page.

Sunset smirked. She turned the page, then burst out laughing again.



Sunset laughed harder, and then saw writing begin to appear on the backside of the next page. She snickered and placed the book beside her on the couch, allowing her to spread her legs wide, and turned the page.

My head tilts back, and my free hand travels to my breast, squeezing it gently. My eyes switch back between you and the glass, ever-wondering if there's anyone on the other side. A part of me hopes there is—as ashamed as it makes me, my voyeuristic tendencies are all that are getting me through this.

Sunset's hand was lightly traveling in circles over her sex once again, though she paused as Twilight's last message ended.

Twilight waited impatiently for a new message from Sunset, wanting to take her mind off of her embarrassment. Her cheeks were only just starting to return to normal color.

The book was back to being propped up against her pillow now, though she herself was curled up on her side in front of it. Her lower half was resting on a towel—too little too late, perhaps, but it was at least catching any remaining trickles.

Finally, a new message began to appear.

I walk towards you once more, slowly. My eyes travel back and forth between your breasts and your penetrated sex, my breathing audible. I glance at the glass, and use my magic to activate a previously unseen button at the base. A metal panel slides up, covering it. I turn back to you, only inches away.

The hand at my breast remains still, while the one pressing inside me slows. I look back at you, unsure of your intentions.

Twilight raised one of her hind legs, biting her lip. "What do you have for me, Sunset…"

With a sudden movement, I move forward, rearing up on my hind legs and slamming one of my front hooves into the wall behind you. I look down at you, my other front hoof slowly moving downwards. I lean down and whisper in your ear, "Ohh, I've missed you, Twilight." My soft hoof strokes your occupied hand, looking for space.

Twilight's eyes widened. "Well! That's a twist!"

"Oh, Sunset, I'm so glad you're okay," I say, my eyes nearly watering. "We'll be together soon. We're almost there." I remove both my hands, placing them on the floor at my sides.

"I'm so sorry I had to… for them…" I interrupt myself, and press in, my lips wrapping around yours. My hoof rubs up and down your slit, then moves in circles.

I kiss back hungrily, and moan loudly at your familiar touch "Mmmphh! Oh, yes…" I pull away just slightly. "You don't have to apologize… you know I enjoyed it," I say, reassuringly, putting on a devilish grin. I throw my head back, another loud moan escaping me.

My mouth travels to your breasts, and I take one in my mouth, my tongue dancing around your erect nipple. My hoof presses harder.

Twilight's own hoof was already moving quickly once again. A complete turnaround from the expectations she had a few moments ago, but more than serviceable.

"S-Sunset, yes! Right there—mmnnhaAAAaaahh!" One of my hand travels to the back of your head, getting tangled in your mane, tossing your cap aside. I grab hold, needing something to grip.

I switch to your other breast, suckling and teasing, and my hoof grows faster. I push it inwards slightly, taking care not to hurt you.

"Ohh, yes!" My other hand smacks the ground, my breathing intense, but I take a moment to gain enough control over myself to speak somewhat normally. "Sunset…"

Sunset's fingers delved deeper and deeper into herself, utterly wrapped up in the 'story,' if it could be called that. Between each message she wrote, she dropped her pen and attempted to get at a breast, despite the dress and bra still covering her upper body. Right now, of course, it was her turn.

I pull my mouth away from your breast, and look you in the eyes, my hoof slowing. "What is it, Twilight?"

Sunset laid her pen down and reached into the back of her dress, fumbling to unhook her bra with one hand still engaged. Finally, with a snap, she managed it, and her hand instantly went down the front of her dress, sliding under the bra to squeeze one of her breasts. She looked back at the book, her mouth open slightly from her escaping breath, a message already half-written.

"It's… it's been so long. Please, I… I need to taste you."

Sunset grinned. "I was wondering when 'I' was gonna get some." She managed to yank the bra from beneath her dress entirely and tossed it across the room.

Taken aback for a moment, I smile warmly, my own eyes getting misty. I remove my hoof from you and turn around, revealing my soaking wet sex. I lean down, my flank and tail raised in the air, giving myself to you wholly.

I slide my hands under your stomach and pull your legs back towards me. My tongue slides into you immediately and eagerly, longing for the taste I've missed so long. My hands travel over your flank, running through your coat, grasping you, pulling you in tighter. I moan, simply from the taste.

"H-hhaah!" Sunset leaned back into the couch, one hand a blur, the other deeply massaging her breast. It had been a long time since she'd experienced what her fictional counterpart was experiencing—obviously not from a human—and the callback to those sensations was resonating with her more than she was expecting. She struggled to summon the will to free her hand up to answer back.

"Twilight, yes! Oh, right there!" I cry out into the air, lowering myself even further, wanting to soak in every ounce of pleasure.

My tongue presses in deeper, and one hand travels around your leg, reaching for your clitoris from beneath, gently teasing it. My other hand finds my own sex, and I resume masturbating, my moans growing louder.

My flank starts thrusting back towards you by instinct, wanting all you have to give me and more. "Keep doing that. It's—it's perfect. You're so perfect, Twilight."

Trying to avoid getting smashed against the wall, I slide to the side, guiding you with me as I lie on my back. My legs remain spread, and I continue to masturbate, more intently than ever. My breasts rock back and forth from your thrusting.

Sunset felt herself growing close, and decided it was about time to wrap it up—though of course she'd prod first.

I reposition with you, my front legs propping me up as I thrust my flank down into your face. "Twilight, I'm so close! You're—AAAahh! I'm almost…"

My moaning grows louder and more high-pitched, and my fingers move faster and faster. I cry out, evidence of my orgasm striking your chest.

"Oh, yes, yes—yyeeEESSSSSssss!" With her breast gripped tightly, Sunset climaxed. Her toes clenched as waves of pleasure bounced all throughout her body, and she gave her breast another squeeze with each one. Her other hand was still buried inside of her.

After a supremely satisfied sigh, she picked up the book once more.

As your pleasure splashes on to me, I release as well, screaming into the air with my climax. My hooves clench as waves of pleasure bounce all throughout my body.

Sunset smirked. "They say to write what you know…" she said quietly. She placed the book down, then leaned back, her arms at her side, a soft smile on her face as she caught her breath.

Twilight's suspended leg was trembling as her stroking intensified, and she mouthed the final words of Sunset's message. She thought back to what she'd experienced of Sunset's climaxes, and was sent over the edge, climaxing for a second time—this time, making sure the book was nowhere near. All four of her hooves shook, and then she lay curled up, a wide smile on her face.

After a moment, she moved her quill to reply, but was beaten to it.


Yes! That was so much more fun than I expected!

I mean, the story wasn't fantastic. Blame me for that, obviously. I've never been one for the subtle buildups. I made it an extremely sexual immigration department.

Twilight laughed. She hopped off the bed to magically gather up the sheets, still responding to Sunset.

Yes, I liked how you couldn't let whoever was behind that glass see us having sex, but forcing me to masturbate is apparently standard protocol that no one would bat an eye at.

Yeah. I guess I just wanted to tone it down a bit? Take it to happier places? Even if it did kinda contradict most of what you were writing. I wasn't sure how okay you were.

I would have been fine, I think. But I appreciate you looking out for me! I'm sure we'll figure this out as we go.

Oh, sounds like you're looking to make this a regular thing, huh?

Are you saying you don't want to? Think of the incredibly over-sexual worlds we could weave together!

Sunset had the book back on the counter, now in lounge pants and a loose t-shirt, finishing off her flat grape soda. She snickered at Twilight's latest message.

I dunno. I mean, we didn't even wrap that one up.

Hmm… I'm going to say we cuddled, and then you fast-tracked my immigration paperwork and we ran off together to...


Works for me! Nothing will stop our forbidden, interspecies love.

Sunset laughed. Her phone buzzed, and she picked it up, finding a text from her world's Twilight, containing a link. She pressed it.

...Huh. My Twilight just texted all her dirty stories to me... and Rainbow, apparently.

Your Twilight writes dirty stories? ...That makes sense.

I guess she's growing more comfortable with us after all!


Oh, another text. "This was a bad idea. Don't open that."


"Are they dumb? You'll tell me if they're dumb, right?"


"No, don't tell me. Don't read them."


"What if Principal Celestia finds out?"

Alright, alright. Don't you say it.

Sunset grinned and tossed her soda can into the recycling bin next to the fridge.

I need to go find something more relaxing to do. Talk to you later?

Yes! Talk to you later!

Sunset shut the book and left it on the counter. She moved to the couch and collapsed, turning on the television. She tried to zone out, but she found herself looking back at her phone, still on the counter.

She stood up and snatched it off the counter before moving back to the couch. She fiddled around, biting her lip slightly.

"...Yeah, I've pretty much read all these already." She tossed the phone to the other end of the couch.

"...Later, though." She smirked, browsing through the channels.