[C] Demotion

by scribe-feather

First published

After a crushing defeat, Changeling Army General Dox is demoted by Queen Chrysalis. (ABDL, Adult themes)

Shortly after the Canterlot Wedding, fragments of the Changeling Army slink back to their hive to tend to their wounds. In the heat of the moment, Queen Chrysalis strips her loyal general of her army, General Dox, of rank and title.

Anonymous Commission

(Do not continue reading if you do not approve of sissification, diaper usage, or sexual adult situations. If you do not like it or are under legal age, please do not keep reading.)

Chapter 1

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By Scribe Feather

In the gloomier parts of the world, far from the borders of Equestria rests a most formidable lair. Deep inside the ravines of a shadowy crag rests the hive of the Changelings. The various cave systems and enormous cracks in the rock gave the creatures all the space they needed to craft their homes.

Whatever the caves didn’t provide in construction, the insect like changelings adapted using a dark green, resin like material as their main building material. This unusual material, naturally produced by the changelings, gives changeling hives their distinct look. Such maze like construction was enough to keep most curious ponies away from their hive. The hundreds of halls and rooms all glowed with a dim, forbidding shade of green.

For awhile now, the halls of the changeling hive were quiet, lacking the characteristic buzzing that came from hundreds of drones trudging on their duties. With the leadership of their queen, the mass changeling army had long since moved out to pursue the love filled kingdom of Equestria.

Leaving in large hordes, the changlings left their home with Canterlot as their target, ripe with a near endless supply of love that would feed them for generations. The large marriage of a unicorn and alicorn princess was sure to produce ample supplies of the nourishing love they needed.

The plan seemed so brilliant and enticing to the changeling drones. Their beloved queen would take the place of the alicorn princess and wed the unicorn groom for his bountiful supply of love. However, not all plans are guarantees and the hive itself seemed to groan at the changeling’s defeat.

After a great battle, the changelings became scattered across the land, finding themselves far away from Equestria in parts unknown. Some were able to land near their hive, trudging back to their home with shame pulling down their shoulders.

Their beloved queen, Chrysalis seemed to wear the most defeat on her shoulders. The queen seemed furious about the loss with anger boiling just below the surface. She did not say a word to her subjects as she passed them by in the halls of the Changeling Hive and none of them dared say anything in return. She marched straight for the royal throne room with the general of the changeling army.

Life and routine did it’s best to return to normal, as the constant buzzing of changeling wings slowly gathered strength. This droning sound, however, was harshly punctuated by loud crashing from the inner rooms of the hive. Inside the royal throne room goo covered stalagmites were kicked about as the changeling queen bucked out some frustrations.

“We had it!” Queen Chrysalis growled loudly, “we had it and we were so close!” She growled as her horn glowed green. A nearby rock was lifted into the air, flung across the room, and shattered against the hive wall.

The general of her once proud changeling army, Dox stood at attention, head held high and not moving an inch. Even as his queen fumed, the disciplined changeling didn’t budge. The war torn changeling barely even flinched as rocks flew across the room in the queen’s rage. Tiny pebbles clinked off his dark emerald armor.

“The purple unicorn and her...friends were an unforeseen obstacle,” Dox stated with military control.

“And what about the married couple’s love?” Queen Chrysalis sneered, charging up to mere inches away from the smaller changeling. “was THAT an unforeseen obstacle.”

“...No, your highness.”

“And even knowing that, an entire ARMY wasn’t enough to stop them.” Chrysalis now started to pace angrily in front of her throne. “I defeated Princess Celestia, I was more powerful than Princess Celestia!”

“It’s a...great loss for us all, your highness.”

“It was more than a loss. It was a DISASTER!” Another rock flew across the room, “all those years planning, plotting, DECEIVING!” Chrysalis sucked in a heated breath, “and I have you to blame for it.”


“How could I have possibly expected to take over an entire kingdom with such an under disciplined group of changelings!”

“My troops fought valiantly,” Dox replied firmly.

“Then it must have been your leadership,” Chrysalis crudely sneered, “which means you’re clearly not fit for such an esteemed title as general.”

“Just what are you saying, your highness.”

“General Dox,” Chrysalis straightened up and stood regally, “as queen of the changelings and ruler of the hive, I hereby strip you of military rank and suspend your duties as an officer in my army.”

Dox was completely taken back by this. His queen had always been rash and sometimes drastic, but stripping one of her most loyal generals of his rank seemed so unheard of. It took news this shocking to finally break the changeling’s disciplined stare.

“Your highness,” Dox said as calmly as he could manage, “I ask that you reconsider such a radical decision.”

“Don’t worry, this isn’t the end for you, my dear Dox. Not by a long shot,” Chrysalis started, “if I can’t have a disciplined army, then I’ll just have to have something else.” She leaned in close to the smaller changeling, staring deep into his eyes with both boiling anger and hidden seduction.

The two stared at each other for a moment or two. Neither of them dared break away first. Chrysalis’s eyes still burned with the crushing defeat fresh in her mind. Dox, despite the shocking discharge, tried his hardest to keep himself calm, staring up at his queen with years of discipline allowing him to keep it together.

Chrysalis finally broke away, “follow me.” She walked off to a connecting hallway out of the throne room. Bound by loyalty, Dox reluctantly followed behind.

The queen led Dox down the twisting halls of the changeling hive. It would take a pony years to map out such an intricate network of tunnels and rooms. But all changelings navigated the complex cave system with ease.

After some walking, Chrysalis finally stopped at a rather plain door. If it wasn’t for the natural navigation system all changelings had, this door would blend in with the other hundred doors that dotted the twisting hallways.

“Ah, here we are,” the queen proclaimed as her magic turned the door’s handle.

Dox was forced into the dark room by a push of his queen’s magic. His eye struggled to make out anything in the very dim light, only able to use the light from outside to see faint shapes in the distance.

Suddenly the lights were switched on, illuminating the room in warm light. Dox now found himself standing in the middle of a nursery, but everything was enlarged to accommodate larger ponies. In the very center of the rounded room stood a bright pink crib made of smooth wood that greatly contrasted the eroding walls that made up the hive. The room was painted with bright pastel colors with smooth shades of pinks and blues and void of any holes that naturally grew in changeling architecture. Around the room stood well built foalish furnishings ranging from a changing table to a rocking chair. For a room Dox had never seen before, it was rather well equipped.

“I’ll finally be able to use this room,” Queen Chrysalis mused, “I just needed to wait for the perfect subject to come around.”

Dox blinked, “I...don’t understand, my Queen.”

“You mean it’s not that obvious?” Chrysalis raised an eyebrow, “you’ve been demoted. This is your post now.” She walked deep into the room, trotting over to the changing table. “Until further notice you shall have the rank of diaper sissy. You will be diapered, fed, and watched over from now on.”

Dox was stunned, baffled, and confused all at the same time. He was taken back by his queen’s choice in punishment, but in his loyalty he had very little room to argue.

“A-as you wish...my queen,” the changeling reluctantly bowed his head a tiny bit, not all too pleased with this punishment.

Chrysalis deviously grinned. “Good,” she stated, “first thing’s first, our new sissy will be needing a diaper.” Her hoof pointed down at the changing table’s padded top. Dox obediently complied, head held low and his ears droop down against his head.

Unable to go against orders, Dox hesitantly climbed up onto the padded changing table. He laid on his back, slipping a tiny bit as his body made contact with the pink foam padding. Above him hung Chrysalis’s grin and the pastel colored nursery ceiling.

Queen Chrysalis paused to take it all in. Her eyes scanned the other changeling, enjoying every little detail of her new sissy. She relished in the tense and cautious expression on Dox’s face. She adored the shallow, unsure breathing as his chest raised and lowered slightly. “I’m going to enjoy having somepony to pamper,” she remarked with an impish smile, “I can see this arrangement working out nicely for me.”

A thick diaper came floating out of nowhere, gently lowering itself in front of Dox’s face as if to tease him. The thick, padded rectangle closely resembled a foal’s diaper, but enlarged to accommodate larger waistlines. Most of it’s powder pink colored face was dotted with girly flower prints.

The diaper moved about as if it had life of it’s own as Chrysalis’s magical green aura glowed around it. It opened up slowly, revealing a soft and absorbent inner shell. Dox’s legs were lifted up into the air for a moment or two as the pillowy diaper slipped under his rump and taped itself around his tail. It then proceeded to pull itself up between his legs and taped on snuggling around his waist.

“Looking better already,” Chrysalis grinned as she gave the front of Dox’s diaper a light pat. The crinkling, pink diaper clashed with his black body, further embarrassing the disciplined changeling. “I know what will go just PERFECTLY with that diaper.”

Chrysalis walked off, leaving Dox to wallow in his embarrassment for a brief moment or two. The thickness of the diaper was enough to shake even the disciplined general loose from his foundations. Such a pillowy soft garment forced his legs apart with its bulk, preventing him from closing his legs in an attempt at hiding his shame.

Before he knew it Chrysalis was back and already slipping him into a blur of pink. He could hardly blink before he was thrown into an envelope of layered pink fabrics. Now he was in a dress.

The dress was made of the brightest of pinks, looking like more of a costume then an actual dress. The ruffles around the crotch only brought more attention to the thick diaper that bulged underneath. To even look at the diaper, however, Dox had to pull back a thick layer of stiff tulle that belled around his waist.

“Don’t we look adorable,” Chrysalis said, awwing at the thickly pampered, pink changeling. “The battlefield is much too exciting and complicated for my little princess. From now on you will be part of my royal guard. And THIS will be your new uniform.” Chrysalis eyed her new prize at every angle. “And maybe, who knows, one day you’ll earn back that General rank you love so much.”

Before Dox could reflect on all these new changes for long his body began to glow green. In one smooth action he was lifted up into the air as if broadcasting his newly diapered state.

With a gentle flick of her head, Chrysalis levitated Dox over to a nearby high chair. Painted bright pink, the high chair stood apart from the rest of the plain looking kitchen furnishings. As he floated there, Dox watched as Chrysalis pulled the tray off it’s metal rails, opening up the chair for the smaller changeling to sit.

Dox was rather crudely placed onto the hard wood chair. His thick diaper did it’s best to break his fall, absorbing some of the impact. He had only seconds before the tray was slipped back into place, locking him underneath.

Chrysalis went about the task slowly and deliberately. She took her time slowly retrieving containers of baby food as well as a large bottle of milk. All the while Dox was trapped where he sat, unable to move. His queen returned shortly after, gracefully placing the glass jars of food and baby bottle on the tray before him.

The first jar was opened up with a light glow of Chrysalis’s magic, causing the cap to come off with an audible pop. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll eat every last bite of this,” she firmly said, levitating a spoon down into the goopy food.

Spoonful by spoonful, Dox accepted each glob that was shoveled into his mouth. The food lacked any sort of texture and it’s thick viscosity almost made the changeling gag. There were no obvious flavors to speak of. It was a distasteful experience, one that he wanted over as soon as possible. He did his best to force himself through the task, hoping it would just end soon.

Then came the bottle which was coarsely shoved into Dox’s mouth. Not wanting to upset his queen, he began sucking on it. The cool liquid was a welcomed sight after so many mouthfuls of the foal food. However what it lacked in offensive taste it made up for in embarrassment as Dox was forced to tilt his head upwards to suck down the drink.

As he suckled down the cool milk, Chrysalis pulled the high chair tray off it’s trails once more. This exposed Dox’s thickly diapered crotch, further fueling his queen’s devilish sex drive.

“Now then,” Chrysalis plainly stated, magically lifting up the front part of Dox’s dress, “be a good little princess and wet your diaper for me.”

The bottle’s rubber nipple popped out of Dox’s mouth as he exclaimed a shocked and startled, “what!?”

“Don’t worry too much about it. Take your time,” Chrysalis grinned impishly, “eventually you’ll need to go to the bathroom and eventually you will use your diapers.” She looked to the diapered changeling with a firm and powerful gaze, “I can wait...”

Dox fell silent as his mind switched to focusing on his full bladder. He was determined to hold it in. His thighs twisted tightly, holding back the inevitable. There was still a rather large amount of milk left in the bottle and he knew very well Chrysalis expected him to finish it. As the aches in his bladder grew, he hastily tried to suck down the cold milk. Each gulp caused the pain in his bladder to grow.

The devious Chrysalis waited patiently quickly picking up on Dox’s obvious signs of distress. “There’s no use fighting it. This is only the beginning.” She stood there in silence as Dox slowly lost his fight against his aching bladder.

After only a half hour of holding it back, a loud hissing signaled Dox losing the battle as his body finally broke under the pressure. The thirsty padding of the diaper quickly soaked up the urine the moment it sprayed out of the changeling. He cringed at the unnerving sensation, forced to compete with feelings of relief and failure.

His body drooped in shame as he worked out the last of the milk with no hesitation. He could feel his diaper swelling up between his legs. Chrysalis rather enjoyed the sight.

“That’s a start,” Chrysalis’s voice broke through Dox’s thoughts. “But you’re going to have to use it MUCH more then that before I change you.”

Dox opened his mouth to respond, but he was never given the chance. His body suddenly started to glow green again before being thrusted up out of the chair. His warm diaper sagged grossly between his legs, advertising his shame. The dress only seemed to amplify his embarrassing situation.

With a gentle whip of her horn, Chrysalis floated Dox to the nearby crib. The smaller changeling was plopped rather crudely onto the springy mattress with his queen following close behind.

The sudden drop left Dox in a rather compromising position. His face buried into the soft, pink blankets that populated the inside of the crib. This left his dress and diapered rump plenty of room to spring upwards, sticking in the air like an embarrassing beacon of pink. If he even thought about moving, Chrysalis was there with her magic to make sure he didn’t ruin the perfect pose.

“Don’t move,” Chrysalis teased as her magic kept Dox’s head pinned to the mattress. “I want to take in the sights.” The naughty changeling slinked in close to the urine soaked diaper, lowering her head mere inches away from Dox’s diapered rump. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this. To have an obedient little diaper sissy to pamper.” She grinned before running her tongue along the swollen diaper’s length. “So many nights spent fantasizing about somepony in that crib, just like you are now,” she continued to tease, a hoof pressed firmly into the yellow diaper.

Dox could only weakly struggle against his magical bindings. With his face full of pink bedsheets and cushions, he had to rely on his other senses to tell him what was going on. His body shivered with each move Chrysalis made towards his diaper.

“Your diaper’s so wet!” Chrysalis moaned, leaning in closer to the changeling’s body. A pacifier floated into the scene, expertly popping into Dox’s mouth. “But don’t worry about that. Just suck on your pacifier, my little diaper wetter.”

Dox did not hesitate and started sucking the pacifier the moment he was instructed. At this point it was unclear to the changeling what his queen had planned. Being thrown into a diaper and made to wear a dress had already thrown him through a loop. It was almost like he didn’t know his queen at all.

Chrysalis’s horn glowed once more for a few seconds before fading back to normal. A thick, black cock grew from between Chrysalis’s legs, stiffening to it’s full, hard length. She sensually licked her lips, her body burning with arousal. The extra limb only seemed to amplify this desire as the urge to mount her newest sissy became strong.

The size of Chrysalis’s cock could only be seen in the corner of Dox’s eyes as his body tensed up for the unknown. Most of his queen was obscured behind layers of pink fabric as his dress was pushed upwards. Nothing covered his diaper though, exposing it in it’s full yellow shame.

Pushing the soggy diaper aside gave Chrysalis’s freshly spawned member a clear vantage point to Dox’s inviting tailhole. She grinned impishly as she moved in closer. The tip of her member teased the tailhole, sending a whole surge of sensations that were new for both Dox and her. So many new feelings rushed over Chrysalis, encouraging her to push further.

Dox was not as well off as his queen. The changeling could only lay there, bracing himself for what was still to come. He tried his hardest not to flinch, not to grunt, or show any reaction towards the invasive practice.

Inch by inch, Chrysalis’s erect member slipped into Dox’s warm tailhole. Every square inch of her cock tingled with excitement as she steadily thrusted herself into him. She emitted low moans as she started to slip into a rhythm.

Dox cringe as he felt the firm cock slip in and out of his tail hole. The pain came in waves as his queen got into an aroused pattern. The thrusts became faster and then faster still.

Chrysalis moaned lowly as she pumped faster into Dox’s tail hole. Pent up arousal came back to her in giant shock waves, practically pushing her over the edge by themselves.

In no time at all Chrysalis’s breathing became shallow and her cock began to twitch. Spurts of sticky cum sprayed into Dox’s tailhole, filling him up with the gooey substance.

Queen Chrysalis let out a satisfied sigh before slowly pulling her member out of Dox’s sore tail hole. A trail of cum dribbled off as she moved away from the diapered changeling. The diaper was simply readjusted and pulled back over Dox’s rump. Chrysalis smiled as she even took the time to pull the layers of his dress back over parts of the diaper.

“Ah,” Chrysalis said satisfied, “it’s convenient to have a willing diaper sissy to hump whenever the need arises. I can get use to this.” She used her magic to lift the crib gate up, locking it in place with a metallic click. “Now best get some shut eye. I want my diaper sissy nice and awake for his first day in his new post. I’m sure the other guards will just LOVE seeing your new uniform.”

With that teasing done, Chrysalis trotted out of the room with her head held high. She gave her sissy one last glance. She smiled as the smaller changeling laid in his crib, slightly curled up from her advances. He laid there so still, dressed so brightly in his pink dress.

Queen Chrysalis sighed with sexual satisfaction. “Goodnight, my little princess,” she said with a smile.

Dox whimpered quietly in a loose fetal position. “G-goodnight, your highness,” her whined back. A hoof lowered itself down to his diapered rump that nursed a stinging tail hole underneath.

Chrysalis grinned at the curled up changeling. “Do try not to leak,” she teased. She didn’t wait for a response and instead shut the door behind her.

The nursery was suddenly cloaked in darkness, leaving Dox with only his thoughts. The once proud changeling general laid in the crib quivering. He desperately tried to hold on to what self control he could find. However the thought of being in diapers for an undetermined amount of time made a pit in his stomach grow. Thinking about it was too painful for Dox so he did his best to grab what shut eye he could manage.

He was stuck like this. Demoted to Chrysalis’s diaper sissy.