Crizzy's Pink Brush with Potions and how they may smear

by Ponyess

First published

Queen Chrysalis meets Pinkie Pie, while Pinkamena Diana Pie is meeting Crizzy. Pinkie Pie is prepared, while Crizzy is not. A Pink mare in no threat, or is she? A large Queen of Changelings made herself a threat. Laughter. Potion of potency.

Queen Chrysalis meets Pinkie Pie, while Pinkamena Diana Pie is meeting Crizzy; Pinkie Pie is prepared, while Crizzy clearly is not.

A Pink mare in no threat, or is she? A large Queen of Changelings made herself a threat.

On a road far from the beaten track, Chrysalis is still posing as the Queen she had been hatched to be; but when the pink mare is stepping out of the shadows, something is off. The only hint towards the destiny is a leer and echoes of laughter. Insanity, or the overpowering foretelling of what should not have been possible; until now.

Preparations and Pink Balloons: 1

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Why do I know all these things? It isn’t merely a matter of what I could never forget; these events had never taken place, yet I see them in the light of a vision from the past.

I already have a pink Balloon, as a matter of fact, I have several of them under my bed. Feather of a Phoenix is easy, to me they are a bit a dozen. Hoof of a Deer isn’t a challenge, just more rare. Smooze is a sticky business, but I have more than I need of that too. Scale of the Dragon; that was too easy, when Spike lives next door. A tail hair of a Zebra, Zecora is shedding more than I will ever need.

Typical, these potions require all these strange items for them to actually work.

Where are the funny potions, requiring but a few Everfree herbs with strange to funny names, when you are looking for them?

With the one brave pink balloon in the saddle on my back, I set forth to be at the hidden crossroad as she is in sight.

I step out the door, forsaking the breakfast in order to be, where I need to be when the time is right. For you see! Timing, is everything. Now I intend to be at my post, and just in time to strike her at the first sight. I can not give her the luxury, and I can not afford her the instant of waiting.

The dark Knight is on her way, the Queen known as Chrysalis. A dark mare, the Queen of Changelings.

Stepping forth, and out into the spares light of Princess Luna’s moon with the balloon in hoof; throwing it in a high arched volley in order to hit the intended, ideal spot on the middle of her back.

“Party on, my dear and brave Balloon!” I exclaim, as the arch is already drawn out; the target no longer avoidable.

“If that is intended as a threat on my Royal person, it is the feeblest attempt in memory. If you are intending it as a warm welcoming greeting, it is the stranger out of a shadow; you are indeed the legend no mere Changeling dares to speak!” she proclaimed with mock fear in her voice.

“If I am to attack one such as you, my dear Dark Knight; why is the pink mare not armed with Torches and Pitchforks? There will be a party, in memory of the brave, pink Balloon; rest assured!” I proclaimed.

“Even one such as you should know that the Queen of Changelings is much too strong and powerful for mere Torches and Pitchforks. But then, I know you better than that; you are no mere mare like any regular Earth Ponies. I know you, the mare who spoke to one in my swarm; even knowing who and what she was at the time!” she responded.

“To me, there are very few true surprises. Yet, to you; one is about to hit home!” I pointed out as the balloon made a triumphant, wet splash at the center of her spine.

“Yes, but of course I knew of her and that she was a Changeling, already. Yet, it was fun; I fear she enjoyed it, even through the disappointment of my reactions!” I continued.

“What? What is this?” she wailed; as she feels the pink rubber spreading out over her back, coating her in the pink rubber from my balloon.

“That, my dear Crizzy; is the surprise, as it hit you from behind and with all the power you could never fathom!” I merely responded, in a fit of giggles.

“Of all the lowest trick a Pony could dream up in a thousand years!” she growled, her horn going alight in a flash.

Yet, as the full force of her magic struck out in a feeble attempt to wash her back clean of the remnants of the contents from my balloon, the power merely glanced off and hit empty space behind her.

“What? How could my magic not hit the vail pink rubber you smeared all over my back?” she yelled, in apparent anger.

“That, my dear Crizzy; is the surprise of a shielded potion, naturally it is immune to magic, fire and a few other means of attack. Yet, it should be perfectly harmless; unless you try a few more pointless escapes from what the potion is about to entail!” I explained warmly.

“A shielded Potion? I have heard of no such thing! Besides, how does one such as you learn of how to weave such a powerful brew in the first place?” she exclaimed.

“Good question. Yet, for all good it will do you; the answer isn’t quite that easily forthcoming. You do know of Dragons and Phoenixes, yes?” I prompted, in response.

“The fire-breathing beast, and the immortal bird; of course I know of them. Don’t be silly!” she responded, casting a glance at her back as the rubber now was engulfing almost her entire form.

“Aww, but I am so good at it!” I exclaimed.

“Yes, that you are; indeed!” she responded, giggling at my outburst.

“I guess you had better follow me home, where you were going is no more to you!” I instructed her.

“What! What have you done to me?” she whimpered.

“Done? Oh, but of course; I have filled out every last hole in your Changeling body and granted you more affection than you could have been prepared to endure in a long-term relation. See it as a blessing, even under the pink disguise!” I responded, as I lead her back to the village.

“Wait, wait, wait! That is impossible, one can’t simply fill out all the holes in a Changeling’s body; and you should know this, of all Ponies!” she responded.

“With rubber and a sufficient amount of affection, I apparently could. But alas, I will give you the time to explore your body in order to examine the changes; once we get home to Ponyville!” I prompted.

“I fear that is more affection than you could possibly spare; and on one such as myself, nonetheless!” she tried to protest.

“Emotions are not measured in time. Affection will surpass the boundaries of death, but my source of affection isn’t emanating from within the flesh of my body, dear Crizzy!” I explained.

--- --- ---

The Homecoming; Worthy of a Queen: 2

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”Pinkie Pie, are you taking me to the castle?” I inquired.

“For a Royal reception; that would be most appropriate!” she agreed.

“Of course, I am still a Queen; the castle seems as good a place as any!” I pondered.

As I look back, I notice that my body is glistering in a bright pink from the rubber of the balloon she threw on me, before we started out. Yet, my entire head is still black, glistering as if covered by a thick gel.

“Yes, dear Crizzy; you are still a Queen of the Changelings. You may not know the castle, but I know you know our Princess, since you have seen her before!” she prompted.

“If I come as your honoured guest, she will let me in? Even if I guess; there is a chance that she wouldn’t quite recognize me, when I look like this!” I put forth.

“Since I am going to present you as my friend, dear Crizzy; yes, she will invite you into her castle!” she prompted, staring at me with excitement each time she cast a glance my way.

“There is something in the way you are looking at me, which I can’t quite put a hoof on; yet, I think I am going to enjoy it, once I get used to it!” I pointed out.

“I intend to make that a promise, my dear Crizzy!” she proclaimed, with a fierce grin all over her face that seems to radiate well beyond her immediate form.

“I can’t quite believe it, I am just about to set hoof in a Royal castle other than my own!” I prompted, as we are trotting up towards the new crystalline structure of the castle in Ponyville.

“If you have seen one castle, you have seen them all. I know you have seen the castle in Canterlot, so this shouldn’t be all that different!” she teased me.

“That is exactly what I have been worrying about!” I prompted.

“We do in fact invite Changelings to our events; even if we rarely have the chance to make that a High Queen, such as yourself, or to a full-scale Royal wedding, you know!” she responded.

“Of course, this is Ponyville; not Canterlot! All kinds of critters are moving freely among you, Ponyfolk!” I suggested.

“Aside from the Donkeys and the Mules, we have the Cows, the Zebras and the eventual Sea Serpent. Every kind of Pony is getting along well in Ponyville. Lately, we have had a few new Changelings moving in!” she prompted proudly.

As we reach the gate, she is making a highly spirited knock on the door; as firmly as one could have expected from the small mare I have before me.

A moment later, the small dragon named Spike opens the door; stepping aside in order to permit his friend, Pinkie Pie enters with me in tow.

“Greetings, Pinkie Pie; who is your new friend, if I dare asking?” Spike added, as he closed the door behind me.

“Crizzy!” Pinkie Pie merely explained, using her practice of diminutive names she is applying to any Pony she is familiar with.

“Oh! Hiya, Crizzy!” Spike added, as he escorted us to the Royal throne room; where Princess Twilight Sparkle currently was standing.

“This is Spike, the Royal librarian and her Highness’ assistant. You never saw him at the wedding!” Pinkie Pie explained, quietly.

“Interesting style and decor!” I complimented, as I followed our escort to the princess.

“It is the latest in Equestrian Castle design!” Spike explained.

“Right this way; her Highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle is awaiting you, Pinkie and Crizzy!” Spike proclaimed, as he was walking down the last hall towards the Royal throne room in the castle of Friendship.

“Greetings, Pinkie Pie and Crizzy!” Twilight Sparkle responded, as the door swung open under the power of her Royal magic.

“Hiya, Twilight!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“Greetings, Princess Twilight Sparkle!” I responded.

“How are you doing, Crizzy; and what do you think of my new castle?” she inquired.

“After the circumstances; I am doing quite well, thank you very much my dear Princess. I believe we have met before, at the Royal wedding at Canterlot; I was a very different mare at the time, if I could say so myself. From what little I have seen, I guess I should say that I am impressed!” I responded on the point, incapable of holding back the confession any longer.

“If Crizzy is her diminutive for Queen Chrysalis, then I believe you are quite correct; we did have quite the adventure back in the days, didn’t we? I am not sure as to how to react on your transformation, but you seem to take well to what she did to you. Thank you, Crizzy!” she responded.

“Yes, that was my name, back in the days. Yet, I can never go back to who or what I was back then; not just due to the original defeat, but also thanks to your friend Pinkie Pie and her trickery. If I had not known better, I could have sworn, Discord himself put her up to it, unless he had been there in person. Am I to fear for the lives and well-being of my former subjects, or are they safe from further plight?” I put forth.

“Thank you, Crizzy; I am something of a prankster and trickster from time to time, when I am not planning, throwing, or partaking in parties, or thinking of the parties. On that note, he is an alley of ours; since Fluttershy managed to convince him of the value of friendship, he even has a place at the Grand Galloping Gala, believe it or not!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“With you as my guest, they certainly shouldn’t need to fear from me. However, I can not promise a complete safety or amnesty to all your remaining Changelings; but under certain provisions, I could offer sanctuary to all your followers. Of course, Pinkie Pie will have to pony up all the ingredients for several more potions, just like the one you have endured and suffered, or enjoyed this far, Cryzzy!” she pronounced.

“As your guest, I think I can convince my followers to accept that provision in exchange for sanctuary. I think I dare promise that I could increase my numbers a fair bit under these circumstances as well. When I explain to them, they are going to help you gathering ingredients to the best of their abilities as well!” I put forth.

“With your help in gathering the rest; the critical ingredient will require a special enchantment for my balloons to match, and I may need to ask Discord for help with one item as well!” Pinkie Pie pointed out.

“I am only too happy to help you, by enchanting the balloons for this purpose; even when it does take up some of my time and will be an effort on my part.

“Crizzy, if you think you can convince your followers to accept the offer; I am only too happy to help you out here. Twilly, your efforts will be appreciated, I can assure you as much. Now I just need the next Changeling, in order to get this concluded!” Pinkie Pie prompted.

“If you stand by your word, we may have the first few by the gate in as little as half an hour to an hour. I certainly would love to extend your offer to as many of my followers as you can make room for!” I pointed out with glee.

“Pinkie Pie, if you would please be so kind as to hoof me a few fresh balloons; and I can get the work on the way. In the meantime, please escort our new Guest to her suite; so that I may have the balloons ready at the first opportunity!” Twilight Sparkle declared.

“Right this way, Crizzy!” Pinkie Pie prompted, right after she had been pulling of half a dozen of blue balloons from her flank with a wide grin all over her face.

“Is that where your dreadfully wondrous balloon came from?” I inquired.

“As a matter of fact; this is where all my balloons came from, believe it or not!” she prompted.

--- --- ---

The Queen of Lust: 3

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”Crizzy, welcome to your new home, the suite Twilly promised you!” Pinkie Pie prompted, as she opened the door and followed me in and closed the door behind us.

“Quite nice; even if it isn’t quite the Royal chambers I was used to, as the Queen!” I responded.

“There can only be one Royal chambers in a castle, and all the finer rooms are above ground!” she responded.

“I am no longer the Queen known as Chrysalis, even if I am trotting around in her body. I will just have to get used to the new me and my new home. If you don’t mind, there are a few things I would love to try out while I have you with me!” I pointed out.

“All I need from Chrysalis, is her help in aiding your followers towards a brighter future. I think I know how that feels, even if it may be very different in your particular case. You are not merely growing up to be the mare you were born to be; moving from your parents’ home as you reached the age, you are leaving considerably more behind than I could possibly remember. I could very well imagine, and I think I may enjoy exploring them right here with you as well, Crizzy!” she blurted out in a solid torrent of words.

“Since it is my responsibility, even after everything that has transpired; I am bound to help you with what you are asking of me, for the good of my followers and fellow Changelings out there. Why do I have the impression that you actually do understand this? What I feel from you, is far beyond mere experience; you sympathize with me in a manner not even a Changeling has been capable of before in my highly extended lifetime. Then we have no time to lose, even if I guess we could continue this; after I have managed to guide my first group of followers through the maze!” I expressed in astonishment.

“You are going to be just as grand a Princess, as you were a Queen of your Changelings in the past. I may never have been hatched a Changeling, yet I am still closer to you than any of your Changelings ever could have been. Technically speaking, I am no Queen or Princess; yet I have subjects and followers just as you have, or had. My power doesn’t come from a crown or a title, it is an inherent and integral part of my very essences; I am the element of laughter, which comes with consequences and responsibilities. On that note, please lead the way!” she responded in a new torrent of irresistible and irrefutable words.

“You can by no means claim; that I could even become a Princess, in Equestria? No, you most certainly were not; which I would have known. Are you claiming that your power comes from your element?” I responded, as I listened to the tirade of reason.

“Yes, and you will be a Princess in a matter of days; take my words for it, your subjects are already flocking around you, even if it may take the majority of them hours and days to come to the realization. It isn’t the element all by itself, it is in the intimate knowledge and the deep Friendship I am maintaining!” she prompted.

“From the Ashes, and into the Fire! Then you know me better than even I do!” I suggested.

She had been pointing out the entire layout of the suite, I had been promised. There is a small hall, behind the door she had opened for me and closed behind us, in order to grant me the privacy and intimacy. I have a large room, with table and chairs that look very comfortable to me.

I have a Mares room and a shower, where I can manage all these issues and needs at my own leisure; when I feel the need to. These rooms are certainly large enough, for a Princess or Queen like myself.

She had even shown me the small kitchen, in which I can prepare or heat food for myself; any time I am hungry. There is a small dining room adjacent to my kitchen as well, very convenient; if I have to confess to the point.

What I am most impressed with, is the Royal bed chamber; with a Queen sized bed I can sleep in which no fear or even the slightest of worries, of falling out of or even slipping out of the quilt.

There is a small library and a room in which I could sit and read, or take a few guests in a more private setting. I have a few books, for when ever I feel the urge to read; the seats are even more comfortable looking than the once I had seen, in the larger room.

Most everything goes in the light purple; from the darker crystals the castle had been built out of, to the furniture that all are matching her light purple fur and the colours of her mark. She certainly had become a Princess in her very own right; I will hoof her as much, there is no point in denying it.

“How would you like to help me; warming up the Royal bed, with me?” I incited.

“Since you are offering me, I would love to!” she squealed in delight.

I can’t for my life understand these Ponies, and Pinkie Pie is the Enigma to top them all of. How could she possibly be this energetically enthusiastic character?

“Right this way, my dear Pinkie; I am starting to feel a warm tinging sensation and a delightful wetness!” I pointed out, explaining the situation; as if it had been required in the first place.

“Then I will enjoy warming you up, right along with your bed. Just don’t melt all over me, if you see what I mean!” she pointed out; winking meaningfully at me as she was bouncing up and down, as if she had been the one covered in rubber.

“Melting?” I merely gasped, at her comment.

“Oh yeah, you didn’t realize just how deep my rubber have saturated you? There is an up, and there is a down to your situation as you may notice soon enough!” she explained.

“You don’t mean to say that the rubber has seeped into my body, beyond the holes in my body? There is always one up, and one down; no escaping that, as much as you may like to!” I pointed out.

“If you don’t mind, I can make you feel like an entirely new Pony!” she proclaimed, smiling at me from the top of my new bed.

“You said Pony, and not Mare! While I already do feel like an entirely new mare, from the obvious perspective; there is no drive to feed on Love, as the affection apparently covers my immediate needs on that point!” I pointed out.

“Even when you have the Changeling inside, you are still a Pony all the same. Unless I have misinterpreted your definition of Love as sustenance, I think I can fill you right up. For your other needs, you can enjoy a meal with me or any other Pony any day of the week, and none will be bothered by your presence!” she pointed out, without even touching on the issue of marehood.

“If you are referring to the expression Making Love, I guess that has enough relevance to me; even if I am uncertain as to how much you have changed me internally. Just that your bouncing and squeaking makes me start to feel hot, or even more hot than before!” I pointed out.

I slowly and carefully climbed up, and entered my new bed, feeling insecure but growing excited, and wet.

“If you would just lay back, on your back; and I will get you going!” she incited, and I followed her instruction as if it had been my very own mother’s words, all these many a year ago.

“Okay. Can’t hurt to try something new, not as I am already in too new a situation to know out from in here!” I added, as I looked into her deep blue eyes.

She stopped, dead in the air and floated down towards my belly with her legs spread wide enough to encompass the bulk of me easily enough. I barely felt it as her belly slowly slipped down onto me, where she stopped, facing my rear.

“Hope you will enjoy what you find!” I inquired eagerly.

“I have already found what I am looking for, and I am going to make you enjoy it just as much as I am!” she prompted; as she placed her muzzle right on top of my mound, where my now completely rubbery white orchid is growing under her attention.

“Oh! Ooh, Ooh!” I moaned, as her tongue slowly stroked over the coarse surface of the petals.

I could feel my orchid grow hard and coarse under her delicate care, just as I knew she would be enjoying the slippery nectar I am secreting; all over the petals and all the way into the tunnel of my orchid. There is nothing I could do about how I am reacting, but the sensations distracted me from everything else.

If it is what she had referred to; when she was mentioned the word melting; but there was nothing I could do to prevent myself from doing what came next, as I use my fore-hooves in order to pull her rear in and place my muzzle on the top of her mound, where I could see the petals of her brightly pink orchid. The natural reaction is to lick her, and eat her out to my heart’s content.

In shock and surprise, I realized that the source of Love is much deeper and richer than I had dared hope. Could a single Pony contain this much and rich Love? The rich nectar covering my tongue, as I greedily drink my fill; even if I soon noticed how she was flowing over, as if there was no end to what she had to offer me.

“Oooh, Oooh!” I hear from the other end of my large bead, as she is moaning.

These are not the moans I had been used to hear from Ponies; but they are filling my ears with new-found joy, I never had expected to experience.

Naturally, the next chock wasn’t quite as enjoyable; as I realize I had to pace myself or choke on the thick juices from the mare on top of me.

For the love of ironies, but drowning in Love is even more embarrassing than be spread before the four winds in the manner Cadance and Shining Armour had done to me and my swarm of loyal Changelings.

On realization, I started to use my fore-hooves to distract her; stroking the sides of her body, while at the same time inciting her to a similar action which I soon noticed that she eagerly followed head on.

Only there is no stopping her, as her tongue continues to move all over my stiffening petals and slivering inside the tunnel in order to extract every little drop of my joy in the process. The longer I permitted her to go, the deeper she pulled me in. With every stoke of her tongue; I am stiffer as she teases my sensitivity to new heights of acuteness, I never experienced before.

Shivering and shaking, I soon found myself coming; once, twice, thrice; but there was no end and she knew it. I came harder and faster each time, which apparently only drove her on even further.

I had found the mare morbidly relentless and merciless. There is no reasoning, just as I can’t stop her more than I could stop myself right now. Did I even want to?

Why stop there? I feel warm, hot and an oncoming delirium as she forces me to keep going. Slower and with more sensitivity, I continue to eat her and consume all the Love she could give, consummating the Love she had to offer.

I had thought myself strong, but soon found myself a matched and outmatched in the pink mare before me. I had thought I was resilient and able to endure; yet I am still chanceless in her still eager hooves. How could the mere Earth Pony be such a fierce companion and competition?

Feeling the ever thickening nectar over my tongue and flowing down my throat, just as I knew it is now covering my muzzle and most likely more of my face. Almost as if it was turning into a mask on my face, and turning into a clear and elastic rubber.

In the ecstasy she was offering me, there could be but the one way out and it is in exhaustion and oblivion. I can continue only so far, when she is constantly driving me on ever further. I feel my legs growing weaker, trembling as she stays on top of me and the situation; as if she had been used to a ride such as me.

--- --- ---

A Sense of our Queen: 4

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”Oh, Queen; Thy servants are coming!” I spoke, as I could clearly sense her Highness; Queen Chrysalis calling forth her followers.

“If the Queen is calling for us, she needs us on her current location!” Destiny proclaimed.

"Yes! Now, let us be on our way; we can not permit her to wait any longer than she actually has to!" I declared.

“Her Highness will, be done. We are there!” Flame announced.

With that, we started to move in the direction from which the call had originated, and towards the position she had indicated. Even if both the direction and the location was a bit off of our track, and outside of the originally designated area; we move, where our Queen is directing us when she needs us. There is no questioning her orders.

Our High Queen trusts us; and with that, we place our lives in her caring and capable hooves. There is no other way, our cause of action is clear.

Once the call had gone out, we spent only a few minutes; going over it. The direction is fairly clear, even if it feels as if it is taking us dangerously close to a Pony settlement known as Ponyville; which to top it all off is on the border of the Everfree forest, of all places in Equestria. Yet, if it is where she is needing us; this is where we will go.

Thinking back, there are rumours of who lives in the village. Above all, there is a Twilight Sparkle, and her friends; Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash; aside from Pinkie Pie. Together, these Ponies had destroyed our Queen’s plans.

Speaking of Pinkie Pie, she had been taking the time to actually speak to one of us; even knowing full-well that she was a changeling, which feels a bit puzzling.

Other, newer rumours speak of a Changeling invited to a wedding in this very village. These rumours speak of her actually attending the wedding; and leaving the wedding untouched, even if she had been less than warmly greeted. Even if the ceremony had been for Donkeys, but it had been in Ponyville, and the Changeling had been there.

In haste, we are trying our best to follow the main roads, the larger once in particular. If our Queen had called out, she needs us there and as soon as we could manage. At least it is how we interpret her call.

At least; we are a small group, large enough to move with at least a semblance of confidence. I feel a measure of confidence in staying with the group, at least I am not alone. Should we pick up any stray Changelings idly walking aimlessly along the countryside? Well, why not? Safety in numbers, and if it doesn’t slow us down too much; I guess I would have to condone it.

There is of course another thing going for us, we can hide in plain sight; playing the role of a small group of Ponies is no challenge. In the guise of Ponies, we managed to get close to the destination with no problem. Just as had been predicted.

As luck had it, we are approaching the castle where our Queen is currently located from the back, just making a fairly short detour in order to reach the entrance.

As I see the castle, I feel a change in her presence; something odd and peculiar, but I can’t put a hoof on exactly what it is. Yet, there is the sense of her being happy, relieved about us finally coming on her command, even if there had never been a sense of dread on her part. At first I guess we had simply assumed we were too far out of distance to pick up on the nuances, and that she would have been keeping certain items on a need to know basis. Queen Chrysalis is our Queen, and one does not question her openly.

A castle is a castle, as they say. This is not the Royal castle of Canterlot, and it certainly isn’t the Crystal castle of the Crystal Empire; there is no imperial feel to it, just as it isn’t nearly as old as any of the castles I had seen. Had I been to the village of Ponyville before, I guess I may have recognized the semblance of the old library; the Golden Oak library they had before the conflict with Lord Tirek who proved such a menace it had interrupted the flow of magic throughout the entire realm.

What I have before me has the feel of Crystal and a strange, powerful magic I am not particularly familiar with, while there is a living spirit, not too dissimilar to that of a tree. Aside from the Queen, I have a sense of Joy from within the structure. Maybe I should have known? That is the very Element of Laughter herself. The one Pony who actually dared, or chanced to speak to one of us; even during the siege and invasion of the Royal castle of Canterlot, during the wedding of Princess Cadance and Captain Shining Armour. And just for a smile and to see if she could impersonate that one pink mare. Why? As if she had seen other impersonations of herself in the past? Yet, Pinkie Pie had not been scared or impressed. She had laughed and yawned at the effort and accomplishment.

Of course, there are tales about this one pink mare; some of which should never be repeated or spread in public.

There is a slight hint of a sound, just an instant before a pink balloon hit my back squarely; which is what caused the splash of contained contents flowing over my back, spreading outwards as if by volition and not merely following the law of gravity. This thick mass spread out as if alive, and not merely a vial concoction contained within a balloon casually thrown out by an immature prankster.

Before I knew it, the potion and rubber had covered my body and encased me entirely; while it was filling out every last hole in my body and filling me with a strange, new sensation.

Looking back, I may not be the only target for this attack. The challenge of not resenting her; for what originally came out as a mean spirited prank on my person, soon filed me up with a warm sensation. Who ever had heard of a sentient and empathic substance?

Once the process initiated by the balloon hitting my back had been concluded, I look like a Pony with a shiny and glistering coat of rubbery fur; while my head still remain a clean and pure black.

What I failed to notice and realize, is that the change is permanent; due to the fact that the potion is immune to any magic I could produce. At this time, I had already managed to trot up to the front of the castle; finding myself knocking on the door.

--- --- ---

Meeting Destiny and Followers: 5

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”I hear a knock on the door, Twilight. I had better go and open, they are expecting me!” I exclaimed, prompted by a thumping of a hoof on the door.

“Certainly, you can’t make your subjects waiting more than the etiquette demands out of you; something I have been forced to learn as a Princess!” Twilight Sparkle responded, with a small giggle to her voice.

“Thank you, Princess Twilight; I still have my dignity and a reputation to uphold. I can’t gallop around like a little filly who has no responsibility in the world!” I put forth, as I trotted towards the door in a strictly measured gate.

In the end, I am thankful for the remainder, not to gallop up at full speed; or I would have been facing the effects from the changes, face first and been bothered by and scared off the noises my hooves are making as I move on the hard and shiny, crystal floor of her new castle in Ponyville.

As I finally reached the door, I slowed down and stopped a few steps short; before I take the final steps and open the large crystal gate.

“Welcome, my dear subjects!” I exclaimed; as I saw the black faces before me outside of the castle, in which I currently stand.

“Greetings, and thank you; my Queen!” the first one exclaimed; who seems to be the inofficial leader of their small herd of rubber covered Ponies.

“Greetings, my dear Queen!” the others echoed, as their leader followed me into the castle; as I took a step to the right and thus permitted them entrance.

I hear a giggle from the balcony over the door, and soon realize that Pinkie Pie is standing there with the last surviving balloon resting on the floor.

“Are you there, Pinkie Pie?” I exclaimed, knowing there could be none other.

“Yes, Crizzy!” she responded, and looked down at me; as the last of my local followers had stepped inside.

“Thank you, Pinkie Pie!” I responded.

“If you think any more of your subjects are coming; I will have to resupply my stock of balloons, prepared for what you need!” she pointed out.

“Good thinking!” I merely nodded, as I closed the door behind me and followed the now pink Ponies in through the halls to the large hall intended for larger gatherings.

I couldn’t miss the details, hinting towards them falling victims to the same balloons that had hit me earlier, the effects unmistakable and characteristic enough.

“I take it you met my new friends, Pinkie Pie!” I observed, as I was trotting along the hall to the intended destination.

They all nodded quietly.

“If you are referring to the pink mare on the balcony, just now? I fear she is the one from the incident at the castle of Canterlot. Aside from that; she is well known to legendary, even if you ignore the fact that she is a Pony!” a former Changeling murmured quietly.

“She knows too much. She doesn’t know enough. She knows you better than even your vaunted mother, the Queen mother!” another subject expressed, in a rather worried and confused voice; incapable of making sense of the paradox contained, within her very own statement.

“Yes, she is Pinkie Pie; the first Pony to openly speak to one of us in living memory. Knowing her friends is embedded in her element, and it is what makes her such a strong and powerful Pony. She isn’t merely one of the legendary six; who encased Discord the Draconiquus in stone, and sent Lord Tirek back to Tartarus. She has strengths and powers we need; not to mention, love enough to feed an entire Hive of Changelings!” I pondered in response.

“Word has it, she loves every Pony; and just for a smile. If she is the one coating us in that strange glistering substance, we owe her more than any one Pony could imagine. No one Pony could grant even one of us enough Love to maintain you for a prolonged period of time!” their leader prompted.

“Yet, she has supplied each and every one of us with compassion enough to last us a lifetime. I look, and imagine I feel like a Pony again. It is almost as if she actually lifted the curse that forces us to rely on the Ponies for our very survival. They may still recognize us, but they will not need to fear us now!” I concluded.

“Of course; it is completely impossible, not to recognize any one of us; the way we look now, with the glistering coating all over us. So long as it is sustaining me; I wouldn’t change it, by any means. I like how it makes me feel, and the effects I experience right now. Did anyone of you try to change or use magic, after she hit us with her balloons?” a Changeling pointed out.

“She seemingly replaced the black carapace with her pink rubber, and made us identify with her Friends. I may not have tried to change; but from experience, the coating is entirely immune to magic as far as I know. I doubt it would change anything, if you tried to change; while it may be an idea to explore that particular possibility, just to know the consequences!” I declared.

“When you put it like that, my Queen; I can’t seem to even remember that spell any more. If it is still possible, we will have to rediscover the spell; or device new spells to the effect, if it is at all possible!” the leader whispered, as if she did not want to hear what her words hinted towards.

“That would confirm my initial impression, such as I just expressed it; if the rubber has fused to us, we can no longer change, since the coating is immune to the magic used in order to enact the change in the first place. This means we are forced to invent spells that can be indirect enough to affect us in the traditional manner, as opposed to the direct control the old spell had upon us. The question is just how many of our spells still are available to us; but for now, this is a very low to no priority. Our first priority is to explore how the changes in our current situation is affecting us, and if it has any serious complications on our part!” I pointed out.

“So long as I am not distracted by the hunger, or need for Love in the traditional manner; I can work as well as any Pony. If my body only require the same sustenance and care as any regular Pony. Who am I to complain?” a Changeling pondered.

“There is another matter at hoof; one we need to address as soon as possible, I need to assign you new Names you will be known by among all the Ponies around us, from now on!” I declared.

They nodded vigorously, in traditional affirmation; without suggesting a name for themselves.

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An Episode and a Night Shared: 6

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Making Love sounds like a worth while idea to me; and if it by any chance would be supplementing me, I am certain our Queen wouldn’t deny us; even in our current situation and her present state!” I responded.

“I have never tried it before, but once the concept hit me; it sounds like a very interesting proposal, to me!” she responded.

“The reason behind it may be found in the nature of our very bodies, covered with the black chitin carapace as it was, how could you feel the physical touch and stimulation, in that case? With the much softer outer skin of rubber, I can at least imagine I would feel the touch, and be able to enjoy it!” I confirmed, nodding eagerly and vigorously.

“If you view the rubber as skin, as opposed to the exoskeleton we had before; it feels as if she opened up a door to an entirely new realm to us, where we are free and capable to enjoy our lives in entirely new ways we could never even imagine before! I doubt it changes anything; swapping the old black for a new pink. While I guess the Ponies could get a new view on who and what we are; when we are no longer these black bugs they saw in us before, much thanks to that incident in Canterlot!” she pondered.

“Since we agree on trying it out, we could as well commit to it and enjoy ourselves now!” I prompted eagerly, in an excited voice.

“There is no decree either way, so if it goes wrong; all we will suffer is the direct consequences of the pain from the mistake, while we will enjoy all the rewards now; before there is one!” she responded, lucking up in a more shy and seductive manner.

“How do we start? I can’t say that I have any experience!” I pondered.

She just stepped up to me and stretched her neck, pressing her muzzle up to mine in an experimental and impromptu kiss. It felt strange and unaccustomed, but something pushed me forwards and I responded in kind.

Once the surprise no longer was lingering over me, it dawned upon me that it is enjoyable to kiss. There is something to it; beyond the mere intimacy and closeness, something I couldn’t put a hoof to, at least not yet.

I feel the warmth of her smooth, moist lips; just as I imagine she enjoys the feel of mine. One thing leads to the next and images are flashing before me as my mind is playing tricks on me. Or, are they not mere tricks at all?

Does she feel the same warm and fuzzy feeling, and the same warmth I feel? Could I ask? I just did not want to interrupt and break the spell in the process. She is bound to feel the same way, or she wouldn’t continue and maintain the kiss.

From the intimate kiss, it apparently wasn’t more than a few steps to the bed where I found myself on top of her with my muzzle buried in her orchid. The only natural thing came the next instant as I lapped up the thick and juicy nectar. As I did, the realization dawned upon me, knowing full well that she was doing the same to me.

Should I have been shocked, as I feel her tongue slowly moving over the petals, eagerly teasing me in the process of lapping up the juices as they flow. Naturally, the juicier I get, the more eagerly she is lapping them up, and the more excited I grow.

As I lap up her nectar, I soon realize exactly what it is, even as I struggle believing what I have before me. I feel a fuzzy warmth as I go, while I absorb the love she is making. Is she feeling the same, or is she growing cold? No, that couldn’t be, or she would have grown rigid and dry.

Bit by bit, the warm and fuzzy feelings are taking over me. I can’t stop myself, as I drink my fill. Why should I? I can’t even grasp the concept as I feel the warm haze spreading outwards with every drop of the nectar flowing down my throat.

If you knew that love is a bit intoxicating on a Changeling, once she is close to having her fill, but we are rarely aware of this when we are reaching the point. In part, due to the fact that you rarely do have your fill in the first place. You merely have enough to still the conscious hunger. Now on the other hoof, I had basically reached that level even before I had started to feed. Before I even kissed the other Changeling before me.

Love doesn’t fill my stomach, like regular food would have, it saturates my body and sustain my very soul. I feel alive and content. Just that I had reached that level by default, while the rubber coating me contains me and my body in a curious and currently unexplained manner.

The longer I keep going, and the more I excite her, the thicker the juices grow as they flow ever more freely as I eat her. The thicker her nectar becomes, the stronger the urge grows within me. It grows harder and harder to resist it. Just as the fuzzy and warm feeling takes me over. Bit by bit, I lose myself in her as I keep going.

I feel my body grow warm as if I am a doll of solid rubber; while I am less than aware of it. Movements growing slower, while I keep caressing her rump and flanks with my fore hooves. I am steadying myself with my hind quarters around her chest.

Had it already gone an hour, or was it mere minutes or days? The time had simply slipped my mind and escaped me entirely. Exhausted I am panting heavily at this point, merely hearing her breath in tune with my very own as if we had truly been one single solid body.

As I wake up, the room is a fuzzy blur before me, while the mare I had been eating is comfortably beside me. For a moment; I don’t know who of us is by the wall, and who is not. Yet I find myself closer to the floor. Apparently we had moved apart unconsciously after we had concluded our love making. At least, the concept is holding itself together to me.

I am feeling stiff, as if the body had turned into rubber and cooled down to be fully solid after I had gathered myself by the side of the mare beside me.

As embarrassing as it may seem, we need to report the conclusion to our Queen, to Chrysalis. Crizzy needs to know, in order for her to wisely direct us all to what she thinks is best of her hive, and for us all. I am still a Changeling mare, no matter what.

“I am feeling hot. Do I have a fever, or is the room hot as a furnace?” she exclaimed in confused fervour, close to a panic.

“Thanks, I guess that would explain something. We need to find Crizzy, and fast!” I responded, with more urgency than I had intended.

“About the making of Love?” she inquired, looking affectionately at me as she spoke.

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