Mare's Tails - Rolling Thunder

by ArdanBlade

First published

Applejack is alone on the farm, save for a rescued houseguest. Things get a little wild.

The Changeling War is in full swing. When Big Mac takes Apple Bloom and Granny Smith to safety, Applejack finds herself at home alone with an injured stallion she found in the Everfree Forest. With a terrible storm scheduled for the night, things get interesting as the two ponies find themselves together in the hayloft... very interesting...

WARNING: Extremely Mature! This is NOT FOR KIDS!

The story is a possible (though not neccessarily canon) interaction between Applejack and a mysterious nameless pony known only for his work as an assassin during the events of my main fic, 'There is a Season'.

Due to the mature content of the story, I will not tolerate comments concerning the mature sexual nature of this tale (or any of the other Mare's Tails stories) on either my main page or non-Mare's Tails stories. Any comments that break this rule will be deleted at my discretion.

Applejack's Romance

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Rolling Thunder
Applejack's Romance

Applejack looked out through the window of Sweet Apple Acres' barnhouse, watching the gloomy, cloud covered skies roll in at the head of squadrons of pegasus. So much rain had been missed recently that it was starting to kill crops and dry streams, so the weather team was going to be pushing in far more clouds than usual to help make up for the lack of weather.

Rainbow Dash had assured the cowpony that everything was under control, but somehow Applejack didn't quite believe it. There was just too much that could go wrong in a storm for her to buy that line again.

Stepping away from the window, she made a survey of the lonely, quiet kitchen. The oven was dark, Granny Smith's rocker sat empty, and other than a lone candle stretching shadows along the walls, the entire room was devoid of signs that anypony had been here in a while.

Ever since the Changeling War had started, things had gotten darker, more sinister. Worried for their safety, Big Macintosh had insisted that Applebloom and Granny Smith go and spend some time up with their relatives in Trottingham, far away from the dangerous battlefields. He had gone with them to make sure they got there safe, leaving Applejack alone to watch the farm. Well, not quite alone…

A time ago, Applejack had stumbled upon a strange, mottled grey-brown pony in the Everfree Forest. He was a gelding, meaning he had once been a unicorn, but his horn had been shaved down to a flat nub on his forehead. The poor creature had been ravaged by battle, leaving cuts across his body and broken his right foreleg.

Applejack had taken pity on him, but couldn't bring him into Ponyville due to a war edict. Stubbornly refusing to leave him suffering, she brought the wounded pony home, treated his wounds, and left him abed in the spare room. She still didn't know his name, nor where the stranger had come from, yet she couldn't help but feel for him.

Shaking her head, she snorted at her own thoughts. "Yer startin' ta think like Fluttershy. Get a grip on yerself. Ya hardly even know the pony."

The darkness held no answer for her. Feeling unnerved by the quiet, she practically jumped out of her skin when the sound of the first crack of thunder broke across the sky. As the flash dimmed, she found herself huddled against the wall, staring wide eyed at the storm outside.

Rising back to her hooves nervously, the earth pony chided herself. "Aww darnit! Don't be such a pushover, Applejack! It's justa lil ol' storm…"

Another blinding flash cracked overhead, and suddenly Applejack felt the need to find her houseguest. Trotting swiftly upstairs, she stopped, gulping back her fears as she stared down the dark, empty hallway. With a long breath, she tip hooved over to the guest room door, pushing it slowly open.

The room was much as she'd left it, save for one thing… Her mysterious houseguest was gone! Alarmed by his disappearance, Applejack trotted up and down the hall, looking for the missing pony. "He-hello… Uh, ah don' rightly know what ta call ya, but are ya here?"

A flash and a boom answered her! "Gaah! Okay, this is gettin' outta hoof!" She stuttered, hurrying through the barnhouse, her eyes darting at shadows. She felt ready to scream when something caught her eye. The door to the hayloft was slightly ajar…

Creeping forward, she nudged the door open, peering into the gloomy, hay filled room. To her surprise, the big hayloft door to the outside was open, the rainswept night silhouetting the dark shape of a pony.

"There you are…" Applejack said, more relieved than upset. She walked up, her eyes fixed on the strange, grey-brown mottled pony, who was sitting in the hay at the door, watching the rain sweep down in great curtains. "What're ya doin' in here?"

"Beautiful, isn't it?" He asked, turning his hollow grey eyes to her, a lightning flash illuminating the still visible scars that marred his coat. It was all Applejack could do to keep from screaming at the fearsome sight.

Determined not to make a foal of herself, she settled down in the hay next to the stranger. Turning her own gaze out at the rainy scene, she couldn't help but wonder. The storm was indeed violent, savagely displaying it's fury as it gloried in the wildness of the night. Despite how frightening it was, sitting here next to this stranger, Applejack could see something she never expected, beauty.

The flashes of light illuminated swirling rain, dancing down through the heavens as the wind sung out a melodious cry in the deep dark of the night. The mare let out a soft sigh, her eyelids half closing as she smiled.

"Yer right, it is beautiful." She answered softly, her fears slowly fading.

"Out on the Lake of Stars, I used to watch the storms. It seems to happen there a lot, and I guess it reminds me of home." The strange pony whispered in reverent reminiscence.

Glancing at her companion, Applejack looked surprised. This was the first time he had mentioned a past, let alone spoke of a home. She decided it was worth coaxing a little more out of the otherwise silent pony. "Sounds lovely." She paused. "So how long've ya been gone?"

"Months, my work has kept me away from home…" He answered, his gaze returning to the spectacle before them. "I miss it."

"Ah'm sure your fam'ly misses you too…" Applejack ventured, and immediately regretted it.

Hurt filled the gelding's eyes. His voice grew bitter with pain. "I don't have a family anymore."

Applejack's heart sank. She didn't want to hurt him, not after all he'd been through. Placing a gentle hoof on his shoulder, she tried to console him. "Ah'm sorry… Ah didn't know."

For several long moments, they sat there in silence, watching the rain fall. Finally Applejack spoke again. "You can be part o' mah family, if it helps."

He looked over at her in surprise, his grey eyes searching hers. Meeting his gaze, Applejack felt as if she could see into his soul. He was so lonely, lost, desperate for love She wanted to give him the world, to undo the pain hidden beneath his quiet exterior.

He must have sensed her feelings, the need growing inside of her heart. Drawing a little closer, he nuzzled her gently, almost passionately. She breathed in softly, returning the gesture. A flash of lightning, a rolling boom of thunder. They were kissing, lips locked hungrily against each other's. Rain whipped about, smattering the two ponies with silver droplets as their bodies pressed closer, forehooves slowly entwining themselves with the other's body.

Their embrace grew stronger, each movement more passionate as their chests touched, dark hair mingling with orange as the mysterious stallion pulled Applejack tight against him, their tongues twisting as they sought to sate their longing.

A thousand questions fluttered through Applejack's mind like leaves driven by the storming winds, yet in the passion of the moment, she chose instead to lose herself in the tender embrace of her lover. Pressing firmly against him, she overbalanced his body, and the pair toppled over in the hay.

Applejack moaned as the stallion kissed slowly down her neck, his tongue leaving a warm, damp trail as he suckled at her soft flesh. Each tender caress sent waves of pleasure flooding through her, eliciting more cooing calls from her throat.

"Aaaah! Oh Celestia! Aaaaaaah!" Applejack cried as she felt his hooves run up between her legs, stroking her moist, tender virgin lips roughly. Arching her back in pure ecstasy, the farm pony cried out in pleasure as the stallion mercilessly rubbed her sensitive inner thighs.

Fighting to catch her breath, Applejack's eyes suddenly squeezed tight as her lover placed his mouth over her part, driving his tongue deep inside of her. Gasps broke through panting breaths as she spread her legs wider, letting him suckle at her juices.

She was still panting as he withdrew his tongue, his dark eyes meeting hers. Sitting herself up, the cowpony grinned mischievously at her companion. "Ah had *pant* no idea *pant pant* ya were such a gentleman. How's about lettin' me return the favor?"

The stallion opened his mouth to answer, but the impatient Applejack wasn't interested in waiting. Lunging forward, she put him on his back, her lips locked to his. She reveled in the strong, snorting breaths that caressed her as he returned the energy of her desire as they tumbled along the loft floor, raindrops making hay cling to their writhing, sweat glistened bodies.

Pulling herself down the stallion's dark, athletic body, she pressed her shoulder against his left thigh, her hoof forcing the right one aside. There, standing like a mast, his erect, throbbing penis stood, a thin white trickle starting at it's end.

"Somepony needs a bit a tendin' to." She whispered playfully, then dragged her tongue up his warm balls, along the big, throbbing stallion shaft. Her companion let out a gasp of pleasure, his eyes squeezing as she teased his dripping head with the tip of her tongue.

Applejack had never tasted the salty, warm tang of cum before. The flavor of the stallion's juices seemed to drive the mare wild, and she started suckling the end of his penis passionately. He groaned, rolling his head to one side as she started to suck harder, taking his throbbing organ in her mouth.

The stallion gritted his teeth, snorting more and more loudly as Applejack bobbed her head, suckling faster and faster, delighting in the wild love making as the storm raged outside. Suddenly her lover let out a shout, his thick, sticky load flooding into her throat. Surprised, the earth pony pulled her head free, allowing the flood of cum to geyser up onto her face, a thick dollop dangling by a loch of her blond hair.

Wiping a hoof across her face, the lusty earth pony licked the thick white cream from around her mouth, swallowing the gooey load. "Well that was fun," she chuckled with a sexy grin, "so whaddaya say we get to the real hoedown? I always wan'ed ta try some real apple buckin'."

"Turn over…" He whispered aggressively, eyeing the cowpony's slender curves with a lusty grin. "…and I'll give you a ride to remember!"

"Gettin' forceful with me? Ah like that in a colt!" Applejack replied, stretching out her body and rolling over slowly so he could admire her shapely body. Scooting up her hind legs under herself, she swished her tail temptingly, exposing her tender plot.

The gelding wasted no time mounting the love hungry mare, pulling his strong lean chest slowly up her back as he mounted her. Applejack could feel every throbbing inch of the colt's cock dragging under her legs as he slid it over her begging lips.

"Ahhh, put it in already! You're gonna drive me up the wall!" She moaned, feeling his shaft tease her restless pussy. In response, the stallion shoved out his hind legs, driving the thick shaft deep into the virgin pony's vagina.

"AAAAAAAAAAGH!" Applejack cried in delighted pain as tears welled up at the edges of her eyes. She hadn't expected it to hurt quite so much!

"Are you alright?" He asked, his grey muzzle nudging over her shoulder.

"Ah'm fine!" Applejack replied, trying to put on a brave face. "Now're ya gonna sit still back there or buck me!?"

Gritting his teeth, the lean body lurched again, sending another painful wave of pleasure racing through her. The Apple felt stars explode in her head, drowning out the wailing wind and wet slapping of damp balls against her plot. Unable to keep quiet against the steadily more pleasing pounding, she moaned into the night, her cries mingling with the passionate snorts of her mate.

The lovemaking ponies soon lost track of time, with only the rolling booms of thunder to mark it's passage. The furious motions of their passion finally reached a crescendo, ripping ecstatic cries from their throats as orgasms dropped the two ponies in a heap on the hay.

Panting as she laid there, Applejack managed the energy to dismount from the emptied, yet still erect organ. She rolled herself into the exhausted stallion's hooves, locking her lips to his before losing herself to weary sleep.

* * *

Morning came, and bright rays of sunlight glimmered across the apple trees, splashing the sleeping lovers with warm light. Applejack squinted one eye open, shielding her gaze from the sun's smile with her hoof. Glancing up at the grey-brown stallion, she noticed his eyes were open, though he remained still.

"Good mornin'." The earth pony whispered, staring lovingly up at him. She still didn't know his name, she thought with a smile.

"Good morning." He replied, his tone soft but cold.

"Is somethin' wrong?" She asked, worry creeping into her voice.

He looked down at her, his smoky eyes sad. "Applejack… last night… I shouldn't have done that."

Applejack's heart twisted in her chest. "You're not ashamed o' me, are ya?"

"No, it's nothing like that… I just…" He paused, searching for the right words. "You are the most wonderful filly I've ever met. I want you to know that."

"C'mon, tell me what's wrong." Applejack put a hoof on his cheek, stroking it lovingly.

"Listen, you… you deserve better than me! I could get you hurt, or killed! Yo-" She cut him off, placing her hoof over his mouth. Smiling slowly, the earth pony shook her head.

"Don't worry about me… Ah'm a big girl. Ah can look out for mahself. If you got somethin' ta say, ya don't need to be afraid of what I think. I'll love you anyways,"

The worry and fear within the gelding broke away, leaving the beginnings of a smile. "I have something to tell you…"

* * *

Many things changed for Applejack that day, things she'd never imagined before that passionate night. In many ways, she was a different pony. A little wiser, a little more understanding, and of course, from then on she loved to sit in the hayloft and watch storms go by...