I spy.... Pinkie Pie?

by Pinkiepie321

First published

What f Pinkie Pie was a trained spy working for Celestia? When a new mission comes, she must keep her identity a secret and still save the day. But can she?

Pinkie Pie, element of laughter,party planner extraordinaire. That's what everypony thinks of her. That she is just Pinkie. Starts singing randomly in the middle of a street? Just being Pinkie. Running around dressed in black? Just being Pinkie.

But what if there was something more to Pinkamena Diane Pie than anypony could ever realize? What if everything Pinkie ever did was just an act to throw people off scent? What if Pinkie Pie worked for Luna and Celestia, a spy.

When Pinkie Pie was two years old, she was taught to read and write. When she was three, she was taught everything there is to know about rocks. When she was four she learned about her destiny, to make others happy. When she was five, her parents showed her how to pick locks, diffuse a bomb and kill a pony with her bare hooves.

Take a back seat Rainbow Dash and Applejack, time for Pinkie Pie to be the badass for a change.

P.W.N.Y's best

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General Lucky Charms watched the figure warily. Crouched down,shaking with fright, the little filly looked vulnerable,too weak for this. It'll be over soon he told himself. His three goons circled her, checking to see for any advantage she would have. From their smug looks, General Charms would guess they found nothing. One of the three horses, Silver Sword, stepped forward. Suddenley, he leaped on top of the foal, crushing the air out of her. At least he would have if the foal was still there.

"What!" Silver Sword said, twisting around this way and that. A loud giggling came from the corner at the other side of the room. Silver Sword motioned for the others to stay where they are. Sticking to the shade he crept up around the figure. With a yell, he leapt into the air, and karate chopped her...... head off? Silver Sword picked it up. A pinata.Two loud thumps came from behind him. Swinging around, he was shocked to find two of his horses on the ground.

One lifted their head and rasped "she's coming." Loud giggling confirmed that. Suddenley the giggling stopped. Wincing in anticaption, Silver turned and was met with a filly dressed in pure black, who was no more than a hoof away from him.

"Surprise!" the pony giggled, before dissapearing. Silver Sword was so busy staring at the spot where she was that he didn't notice the roundhouse kick until too late.

"Pinkamena Diane Pie has knocked out three of P.W.N.Y's [protecting and watching over the nations youth] top agents at four years old. Welcome Agent 4201." Agent 4201 took off her outfit, revealing a pink pony with three balloons as a cutie mark, and a fluffy mane. Maudiline Pie, her older sister galloped up to her.

"Not bad but instead of doing a Mawasi geri [roundhouse kick] you could of have done a Choku Zuki [ a straight punch]" Lilian or her undercover name, Limestone watched in amusement. Igneous and Cloud rushed down the steps straight to their youngest daughter, almost trampling Martha or Marble, in the process.

"Wonderful, just wonderful" Cloud exclaimed. Igneous just beamed with pride. A clomping of hooves told them someone else was coming down.

"Princess Celestia" Igneous nodded his head in greeting.

Pinkamena's eyes widened "dad, you're meant to bow!" she exclaimed, getting down on one hoof. Cloud chuckled.

"No dear, now that your a spy, you don't need to bow unless your in public." explained Cloud "Anyway I think Celestia is going to give you your new identity." Celestia passed Pinkamena a folder.

"Pinkie Pie? Ponyville? But how can I see my family?" Pinkamena's mane deflated.

"Aww don't worry Pinkie Pie" Lilian put extra emphasis on her new name "you can visit us anytime, right" she asked glaring at the princess. The royal guards formed a protective circle around Princess Celestia, even if she really wanted to, Lilian could easily take them all down.

Celestia gulped "o-of course" she confirmed. The Pie's relaxed, as did the guards. The pies come from a long line of spies,assasians and bodyguards. Igeneous had discvoered one day, that under the guise of a rock farmer, he could get away with anything, it was just so boring to suspect, and so that became the Pie families number one cover.


"Bye Pinkie!"

"Vist us once a month!"

"Write to us!"

"Remember everything we taught you!"

"Bye mom, bye dad, bye Maud,Limestone and Marble. See you soon" yelled Pinkie, waving erratically.

The Average Day

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"Hey Rainbow Dash" Yelled Scootaloo racing up to where The Mane 6 were having a picnic, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle on her tail.

Rainbow Dash was leaning back against a tree. "What's up squirt?" she greeted casually.

"Howdy there Rainbow Dash! We're going for our cutie marks in Karate, and Sweetie Belle here told us you know some" Apple Blooms eyes shone. Rainbow Dash stretched and looked around at the others.

"Okay mhh" RD looked around, considering "ah Pinkie Pie would it be okay if I demonstrated some moves on you?" she asked, pleased with herself. Pinkie Pie wouldn't go all out, like Applejack but wasn't easy to defeat as Rarity,Twilight and Fluttershy.

Twilight saw Pinkie Pie's eyes sparkled with... amusement? Pity?Why? Rainbow Dash was a brown belt, shouldn't Pinkie feel nervous? Just being Pinkie Pie, she put it down.

"First I am going to fight Pinkie, after I win, I will show you what I did." Again, Pinkie Pies eyes sparkled before she bowed her head to Rainbow Dash, who did the same.

The second their heads had bowed, Rainbow Dash's head snapped up and swept Pinkie Pies hooves out from under her.The Mane 6 and The Cutie Mark Crusadors all gasped, expecting to find Pinkie Pie on the ground defeated and defenseless, only to find her on four hooves, calm and collected for a change. Rainbow Dash threw a karate jab near her stomach, the weakest point.

The Mane 6 turned away, afraid that if they saw Pinkie on the ground they would jump in and fight for her. "Wow how is she doing that" Sweetie Belle asked awe in her voice. Applejack turned around and gasped, causing the others to look around as well. Pinkie had blocked Rainbow's attack with apparent ease.Growling, Rainbow tried to do it with the other hoof.

Pinkie Pie smiled. "My turn" she whispered. Catching the other hoof, she used Rainbow Dash's momentum against her, swinging her into the ground, and pressing her hoof onto Rainbow's throat. It was an easy win,and, Rainbow Dash was right, Pinkie Pie wasn't giving it her all.

"H-how did you do that Pinkie Pie" asked Twilight, eyes wide.

Pinkie shrugged "I picked it up here and there, anyways I gotta go and deliver some Cakes for the Cakes" she giggled "hey! They own a cake shop and their names are The Cakes! Has anyone else noticed that?" she called and she sprinted away. The others exchanged looks and continued on with their picnic, while the Cutie Mark Crusadors tried to copy what Pinkie did.

A Message From Maud

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Pinkie Pie was baking cookies in Sugarcube Corner, when Mrs. Cake trotted in, holding the mail "Pinkie, dear, it looks like Maud sent you a rock necklace" she said, holding it out in front of her. Pinkie Pie turned around, smiling, but when she saw the necklace her eyes widened.

"Thank you, I have to um-" her eyes darted quickly to her bedroom "clean my room! yeah!" she yelped racing for the door, like a million dogs were behind her.

"What about the cookies.." Mrs. Cake trailed off, seeing the cookie dough seemed to of have magically cooked itself without going into the oven. Mrs. Cake shrugged and moved on.

Pinkie pie looked at the necklace "blue, red,red,green,blue"she murmured as she moves the rocks from the right to the left. Alot of ponies theorize that spies send messages in necklaces. They did, but not the way everyone is expecting. "Colour coding is so useful" Pinkie Pie giggled to herself. She seemed calm, whatever that message meant, it wasn't anything urgent. "blue,green,green, YELLOW" she screached, looking in horror at the dull yellow stone, the last one. "Princess Celestia needs us, now!" she said to Gummy, her baby alligator "cover for me!" she yelled as she vanished, leaving a very confused looking baby alligator alone in her room.

Princess Luna, Celestia and Cadence were all seated in the throne room. Standing in front of them was the Pie family. "Luna, Cadence, Shining Armour" Princess Celestia said looking at Twilight's brother who was standing beside Cadence "I would like to introduce you to P.W.N.Y's best operatives" she said nodding at the Pie family. All of them had a stealth suit on and a different weapon. Maud had a dark grey stealth suit with a machete. Marble had a light blue suit with a staff strapped on. Limestone had a dark green suit and nun chucks. Cloud had a dark cream suit and a crossbow. Igneous had a steel grey suit and two hunting knives."Why don't you introduce yourselves"suggested Celestia,realizing that none of the other Princess' know them.

The pony in the dark grey suit stepped forward "Maudlin." Her voice, usually dull and bored in "Maude mode" was now strong and fierce.

The pony in the blue suit nodded in greeting "Martha" she said in a soft voice.

The mare in green blinked twice "Lillian."

The two older ponies, the one in cream and steel stepped forward as one "I am Cloud, this is Igneous" the Mare told them ,nodding at the stallion beside her, who dipped his head in greeting.

"Pinkamena Diane Pie" a voice at the back rang out. A mare dressed in a white stealth suit with pink around the hooves and muzzle. On her back were two samurai swords, as well as a tube, some darts and tiny circular objects.

"Pinkie Pie?" gasped Luna, before turning to Celestia "she's a spy?" Celestia nodded

"All her family is" she confirmed gesturing towards the other agents.

Princess Cadence couldn't believe the changes the party pony had undergone. Her hair was perfectly straight, her eyes, usually jumping from one place to another, were keen and focused.

She walked quickly and calmly, and stopped beside Maud "your late" she hissed at her little sister.

"Actually" Pinkamena murmured back "I think I'm right on time."

Piercing Spear, Shining Armour's second in command scoffed "you gotta be kiddin' me, her?" he pointed his horn at Pinkie Pie "she's as dangerous as a fluffy bunny, as harmless as a cockroach, as weak as a-" he had to stop there.He had been standing on the other side of Cadence's throne, behind the more inexperienced guards . Gasps were heard from the more lower down guards as they saw they're second in command having a Samurai sword held at his throat.

Shining Armour was impressed. Piercing Spear was a fantastic guard, bit arrogant but still a brilliant fighter. He was the only known guard able to hold his own against Shining Armour. One second, the pink mare was at one side of the hall the next, she had gotten past the line of guards without hitting one of them and up in Piercing Spears face. He saw Luna and Cadence exchange looks and knew they were shocked too.

"Pinkie Pie if you would please release Piercing Spear, we can get on to the matter at hand" Celestia stated calmly.Shining Armour blinked and Pinkie was beside Maudlin once again. "The diamond dogs have returned" announced Luna. Pinkamena and Martha's eyes widened. "Four months ago, Pinkie,Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, my old student, Applejack,Fluttershy and Spike infiltrated the area, as they had kidnapped Rarity, their dearest friend. Turns out they didn't need to, Rarity handled herself just fine. Two years prior to that, Martha,Maudlin, Lillian and Pinkamena broke in and took them down. There was a lot more then, then it was now. I have already told Twilight Sparkle and she is planning on telling her friends that she is organizing a infiltration squad consisting of them and Spike once again. Pinkamena, your job is to keep them safe without jeopardizing your cover. If your cover is blown, send a message via rock necklaces and we will come instantly to pick you up, undrstand?" Pinkie Pie nodded. "Good. Your family is here for backup in case something goes wrong. Go back to Ponyville, your friends are probably wondering where you are right now." Nodding Pinkie Pie blinked once and vanished.Soon after, the pie family left as well.

The second they had all left, Luna turned to Celestia "do you trust Pinkie Pie" she asked, concerned.

Celestia nodded "with my life.No one could be as perfect for this job than her." Luna closed her eyes "then tomorrow, they shall set off."

The Journey Begins

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Sure enough, the second Pinkie Pie stepped into her bedroom, Twilight appeared.

"Pinkie Pie!" she said "there you are! I have an important announcement. Meet me at the castle with the rest of the girls!" she turned and galloped out of the room.

"Okie-Dokie-Lokie!" Pinkie Pie called after her before trotting over to her bed. She noticead three hard candies under the duvet. "Oops forgot about those" she giggled, putting them carefully into a small box. She then told The Cakes that Twilight had asked for her, and set off for the castle.

All the others were seated. "Okay girls,now that we're all here, it's time to draw attention to the matters at hoof. The Diamond Dogs are back to their old tricks."

Everypony,including Pinkie Pie, who was actually a good actor, gasped in shock and horror at this. "Those brutes" said Rarity, putting a hoof to her brow "up to their old tricks. And here I thought they had changed!"

"So what ya want us to do about it, sugarcube?" asked Applejack, looking at Twilight for guidance.

"Princess Celestia has asked us to try and stop them, as we have the most experience fighting these kind of things" explained Twilight.

Fluttershy looks up "but what if something goes wrong?" she asks, her voice trembling slightly.

Twilight took out the letter "says here that if we get in trouble backup will come, whatever that means."

Rainbow Dash fist pumped the air "alright! So when we setting off" she did a loop-de-loop in excitement.

Twilight looked at her non existent watch ."In five minutes. Everypony go home and pack, we don't know how long this journey will be. Also" Twilight took out a few slips of paper "this is for your bosses to show that you aren't slacking off."

Pinkie Pie showed The Cakes the note and they were happy to let her go. She hopped into her room, and got out a little athletic bag. It was pink with a balloon on one side. It was actually much bigger on the inside than it was on the outside, a gift from P.W.N.Y.

In seconds she was done. She had packed her stealth suit, her communication rock necklace and some backup weapons as well as the sweets that had been on her bed before. She also brought a packet of balloons, a party blower, a whistle and a party hat, all gifts from P.W.N.Y.

Everyone lined up outside the castle. "Okay girls, you ready for this?" asked Twilight marching in front of them. They all nodded. "Good then let's go. Celestia said that

The First Step

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"Okay girls, Celestia has evidence to point at The Diamond Dogs being on the outskirts of Appleoosa" said Twilight looking at the letter again.

Apple Jack growled "they better not cause any trouble there, or they're getting bucked... in the face... repeatedly."

Rainbow Dash lifted an eyebrow "wow AJ, if I didn't know any better,I would say you were quoting a vine" she smirked.

Twilight cleared her throat "girls the train there is leaving in five minutes, come one!"

Fluttershy's eyes widened "then lets go!"

The train ride was almost three and a half hours long, but they spent that time going over the plan.

"Okay, we have proof that they are settling somewhere near Trouble Shoes used to live. Fluttershy, you and Rarity will cause a distraction. Rarity use your gem finding spell. Lure some of them out. AJ, you, me and Rainbow Dash are going in to stop them. Pinkie Pie your needed as well. We might have to make a lot of noise. Stay outside and make as much noise as you can, got it?"

Pinkie Pie nodded "Okie-Dokie-Lokie" she smiled at Twilight, having no intention of waiting outside. But what could she say. I can take down both Apple Jack and Big Mac in a two against one easily? I can run just as fast an Rainbow Dash? Oh how about, I am a secret agent working for P.W.N.Y, an organisation Celestia runs but never told her faithful student about and I'm top of the class? I know how to kill ponies with my bare hooves in over twenty different ways?Oh yeah, THAT'LL end well.So instead she just nodded.

After going over everything that could go wrong and counteracting that,the had reached Appleoosa. The place had looked the same as it did before the buffalo attacked. Twilight drew a map out of her bag. "Okay this way" she said walking towards the trees. The others looked at each other shrugged and followed her.

After twenty minutes of getting lost [thanks Twilight], they finally reached the old rundown cottage. Trouble Shoes' old cottage was empty,after becoming a clown, he had left and moved into Appleoosa. They searched up and down,looking for secret passageways, anything.

"I give up" said Rainbow Dash throwing her hooves up in defeat "maybe Celestia was wrong maybe she-" Rainbow, who was leaning on a rock fell back as it slid open to reveal a secret tunnel.

"Maybe she is right" said Fluttershy quietly. Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"Okay, Rarity,Fluttershy, distraction. Apple Jack, Rainbow Dash,follow me, Pinkie Pie-" Twilight turned to her pink maned friend

"Twilight,is it okay if I back up a bit?I can't deafen Fluttershy or Rarity and if its to close, they might think somethings up" Pinkie interrupted.

"Good idea" Twilight nodded approvingly,before turning back to the others "you ready? Then LETS GO?"

She reared up and galloped into the tunnel, Rainbow and Apple Jack at her tail.


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Twilight,Rainbow and Apple Jack were walking down the tunnel.

"So any idea what we're gonna find in 'ere?" Apple Jack asked Twilight

She shook her head "it could be anything really but if we work together then everything will be-"

"Is that an iron wall" interrupted Rainbow Dash, stopping in her tracks.Sure enough, a shiny grey metal wall cut through the cave.

"Who built this?" wondered Twilight

"The diamond dogs?" suggested Rainbow, albeit doubtfully

Twilight shook her head "No. The Diamond Dogs are nowhere near smart enough to build this. Something else is going on. Something much MUCH bigger than I thought. And I, for one, intend to find out what it is" Twilight's horn glowed and , with a flash, they were on the other side of the wall. A split second later, and alarm went off.

"What is that?!" Apple Jack looked frantically in both directions. Just then, hatches opened out of nowhere and hordes of Diamond Dogs appeared out of nowhere.

"Ponies come with us" said one of them in a high pitched voice.

"Uh.. How about.. no?" suggested Rainbow Dash crouching low.

"Ponies come with us peacefully or" The Dog with the high pitched voice glanced behind at the other dogs, then back at the ponies. The threat was obvious.

"Bring it on, meat bag!" declared Rainbow, still in her crouch. Apple Jack raised both her front hooves in a fierce way, while Twilight just blinked.

"Wait what" she asked looking between Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack. The lead dog snarled and threw himself at Rainbow Dash.

At first everything was doing okay. Apple Jack bucked them, Rainbow smashed their faces together and Twilight used energy beams and her telekinesis to stun them. But more and more came, and soon Apple Jack,Rainbow Dash and Twilight were forced back into a corner.The last thing Twilight saw was The Diamond Dogs closing in on here, before the world went black.

Meanwhile Pinkie Pie had set her party cannon to go off in exactly three minutes and twenty eight seconds. It was easy to get past Rarity and Fluttershy, they were so focused on creating a distraction, they didn't even notice a mare dressed in white slip past them. Pinkie however noticed a lot of things. The other P.W.N.Y agents hidden behind rocks or just laying down, all ready to lay down their lives for P.W.N.Y's best operative and her dearest friends. Each of them had some sort of communication device, The Pie Families had rock necklaces similar to the device Pinkie was wearing, some were wearing badges and some where wearing hair pieces.

Pinkie soon came to the iron wall. Twilight had teleported her,Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash in and the wall was impenetrable, over two meters thick and reached eight miles deep. There was no way a pegasi or an earth pony could get in there,unless they started digging. But instead of doing that, Pinkie took out the party hat. She twisted the babble around five times then pressed it against the wall. Two giant hooks came out from either side of the hat. A slight whirring sound came from it and a hole, five times bigger than the circle inside the cone, that was just big enough for Pinkie cut through the wall.Pinkie Pie smiled at the hat fondly before putting it in her bag. "That one was a personal favorite of mine" she said aloud.

The second Pinkie stepped in, the alarms went off. She sighed, and got out her box of sweets and took out a silver one. Slowly, she twisted off the wrapper, threw it on the ground and closed her eyes. A loud BOOM! Followed. All cameras in a five mile radius had been destroyed. Pinkie Pie noticed five, almost invisible latches on the wall. She also noticed what looked like dog fur and, finally drag marks. Piecing together what had happened,Pinkie sighed,yet again. So they set off the alarm, got into a fight, lost and were taken hostage. Pinkie shook her head "amateurs" she muttered.

The tunnel led to stairs going down. Realizing she was in plain sight, Pinkie jumped across the cavern and onto a hidden ledge on the other side of the cavern. Wow those training sessions really paid off, thought Pinkie, pulling herself up easily onto the ledge.

Looking down,Pinkie winced. Apple Jack, Rainbow Dash and Twilight were all tied down in cages. Twilight had some kind of rubber on her horn that seemed to stop her from using her magic, while Rainbow Dash wings were tied down.

"Hey" said Rainbow Dash, struggling against the bonds "let us go!"
"Yo heard her, you mangy muts!" Growled Apple Jack "Let us go!"

Pinkie Pie winced. Your just making it harder for yourselves, she thought. She sat back on her haunches. Things just got bad to a whole lot worse, thought Pinkie looking down on her captive friends

Hostage Situation

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Twilight hadn't noticed the figure on the ledge, nor had Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash, but she was sure help was going to come soon. "Don't worry" she attempted to reassure the fuming Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack ."Once Fluttershy and Rarity discover we've been gone to long, they'll go in to find out whats wrong. Remember Rarities taken down those Diamond Dogs before. They'll be fine.."
Twilight voice trailed off as two Diamond Dogs came in, carrying the limp forms of Rarity and Fluttershy. "Or not" finished Apple Jack looking miserable. They too where thrown into the cage and tied down like them.A few seconds later they woke up and surveyed the situation with wide eyes
The taller dog bared his teeth at them. "Where is the other pony?" he asked in a deep voice.
The Mane 6 exchanged looks "who?" asked Fluttershy, tilting her head.
The dog that knocked out Apple Jack, Twilight and Rainbow glared. "Don't even try to pretend you don't know her. We know a pink pony came here with you."
Rainbow Dash's eyes widened "Pinkie Pie!" she gasped, struggling against the bonds that held her wings down.
The fat one smirked "so you do know her mmh? Well in that case I think we should send her a little... gift."
Rarity narrowed her eyes "you brutes!" she yelped "you leave her out of this. She is as harmless as a filly."
The tallest dog turned to three guard dogs and nodded at them. Without another word, the guards turned and ran out of the strange, white, clinical room.

Pinkie Pie quietly groaned. This just gets worse and worse, she thought to herself. She put her hoof to her necklace, took it off and took off the last rock on one end,before twisting the heart shaped rock in the middle. "Maud" she whispered.
"Whats wrong, Pinkamena?" a tinny voice came from the heart.
"Code Filly.I repeat. Code Filly."
Pinkie heard Maud suck in her breath. "That bad, huh?"
Pinkie shook her head "You have NO idea." She gave Maud a brief description of what had happened and described the alarm.
"Okay I'll give the others a briefing but there might be hundreds of rooms like this. It might take hours, so try to get your friends out as soon as possible, okay? Bye." And with that the voice stopped.
Pinkamena rummaged through her satchel , trying to find something that would help. The balloons! Pinkamena took a deep breath and blew into the balloon.Once it was full, Pinkamena tied it up and added a piece of string that was attached to a crossbow. She aimed and fired at the very top of the cage. For some reason the cage had a handle on the top and the rope swung round and round it. Perfect shot, smiled Pinkamena.
Slowly, the cage began to rise, thanks to the specially made balloon. The Mane 6 looked around in alarm as they began to lift off the ground. Their alarm turned to shock when they saw a strange figure in white and pink. "W-who are you?" whispered Fluttershy to the mysterious figure.
"Are you a ninja?" asked Rainbow Dash eyeing the weapons. The cage was one side steel bars the other pure steel walls. So when the pony walked forward, she vanished from view.
Pinkamena got out her party blower took a deep breath in, and blew into it as hard as she could. The metal cage began to crack. With a solid buck, she was in. Since every piece of metal in a ten meter radius shattered, she was able to get them out of their restraints and onto solid ground.
"Thank you" Twilight said bowing her head.
"How did you do that?" asked Rainbow curiously. Pinkie said nothing.
"Well whatever ya did, thank ya very much" Apple Jack took off her hat.
"I hope you don't mind" apologized Fluttershy "but our friend Pinkie Pie is in trouble so we need to go help her." The other nodded and galloped for the exit, only to be stopped by a hoard of Diamond Dogs.

"Uh.. we may need a little help here" Rainbow Dash admitted, scratching the back of her head. The ninja pony rolled her eyes and took out her samurai sword. She made quick work of the dogs.

Soon it was only the three leader dogs left. Seeing how easily the ninja pony took out their guards, they began to back away towards the exit.With a quick burst of speed, they were gone. "Shoot, now we'll never catch em'" Apple Jack said, brows furrowed. Unbeknownst to any of them, Pinkamena, acting quickly had got out her tube and her three pellets, which were really tracking devices, and managed to snag the leaders. Now P.W.N.Y would be able to find them and find out what they were hoping to accomplish.

"Pinkie Pie!" Fluttershy said suddenly. "She won't be able to defend herself against those dogs if they target her. Can you please-" Fluttershy turned to ask the pony for help, but she was gone.
"Where'd she go?" asked Rainbow Dash,looking from side to side. "I wanted her to show me how she did those amazing moves."
Twilight held up a hoof "it does not matter now. Our friends is danger, and that's all that matters." They all nodded and raced for the exit.

Pinkamena rounded a corner to end up face to face with two guards. Not hesitating, she grabbed her whistle and blew a small, sharp note into it. The dogs instantly fell to the ground, writhing in agony, clutching their ears. One of them managed to gather himself pretty quickly and lunged at her. Pinkamena unwrapped a dark grey sweet and threw it on the ground. The second it touched a solid surface, thick waves of smoke appeared. When it cleared, Pinkamena was gone.

In seconds, she was outside and was rugby tackled by Lillian,Maudline and Martha squeezing her into a hug so tight she thought her ribs were broken. "Hey guys" gasped Pinkamena, squeezing out of the bone crushing display of love.

"Are they?" asked Martha, head cocked to her side. Pinkamena nodded.

"Yep they're gone" P.W.N.Y agents groaned "but I managed to put a tracking chip on each of the leaders. They're not getting away this time" Pinkamena announced. All of her sisters cheered.

"But first, my friends are coming. If the see me without a scratch, they'll wonder what happened. So" Pinkie brushed up against a cactus, causing a few,none to deep scratches "this should help as well as this." She took out the last sweet, one with a blue wrapper.

Lillian's eyes widened "are you sure about that?" she whispered gesturing towards the sweet.

Pinkie nodded "its the only way.Now scatter, before they come!" she made a shooing notion to them and they scattered.

The Mane 6 galloped out in to open, screaming Pinkie name. They started searching everywhere for their pink friend. " Found her" called Apple Jack, pointing a a pink body on the sandy surface.

They gathered around her. "Twilight, is she okay?" asked Fluttershy, eyes round with worry. Twilight did a quick once over then nodded.

"Just some scratches. She must of bonked her head and knocked herself unconscious somehow. Hang on" Twilight horn began to glow and she released the effects of the blue wrapped sleeping drug had on Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie blinked warily into the air"w-who is it?" she mumbled, voice groggy with sleep.

"It's us Pinkie Pie. It seems you were knocked out against those dogs, are you okay?" asked Fluttershy. Pinkie Pie blinked for a second then nodded. She tried to get up, but failed, landing on her stomach.

"Don't worry Pinkie, I'll lift you" said Twilight gently. Ten minutes later, Pinkie Pie was asleep on the train, happy with the knowledge that P.W.N.Y would be able to stop The Diamond Dogs if they started up their old tricks again, when she jumped up "what happened to you guys?" she questioned.

Rainbow Dash looked up "you wont believe it, Pinkie!" she exclaimed, telling Pinkie Pie everything. "I wonder who that pony was?" Rainbow finished with a sigh.

Twilight shook her head "perhaps we'll never know. I asked the princess Celestia about her but she says she doesn't know who she is either.It's confusing.But there's not much I can do about it."

Apple Jack grinned "Twilight? Okay with not knowing something? What has the world come to?"she exclaimed. Th Mane Six, including Twilight, all laughed.

Pinkie Pie was happy. She had exterminated the problem without her friends catching wind of her double life. Here's to a successful mission! she thought, taking a slice of cake from absolutely nowhere, and may the next one be just a fun!


Piercing Spier bowed at Celestia,Luna and Cadences hooves. "Agent 4201 has succeed in her mission,she took out all the Diamond Dogs, and though the leaders got away, she placed tracking chips on each of them and her friends don't have a clue."

Cadence and Luna's jaws dropped. Celestia turned smugly to them "told you Pinkie Pie was capable" she stated.

Luna got over her shock and smiled "and may her next one be just as exceptional."