The Scientific Study of Sex and Size: Moondancer's Kinky Research Project

by Klamnei

First published

Moondancer gets hexed with a spell that makes her grow bigger every time she tries to study.

Moondancer is on the verge of a breakthrough. She's been working on a very important report for a good while now, and she's been on such a roll with it that she hasn't wanted to stop. Okay, so maybe she's been avoiding her friends and ignoring their calls. Maybe she hasn't seen her family and can't actually remember the last time she saw the sun. Maybe her entire wardrobe is dirty and the majority of her house is covered in dust and take-out boxes. Who cares? It's all in the name of PROGRESS!

...except that there is a pony who cares. Twilight Sparkle doesn't want to see her old friend go back to being a shut-in, and as the Princess of Friendship, she feels it's her duty to make sure that doesn't happen. She knows Moondancer will be a tough nut to crack, but it doesn't matter. She'll do whatever she has to in order to make her friend see the light.

Even if that means using some... questionable magic.

Contains: Macro, Growth, Herm, Lactation, Autofellatio, Masturbation, Destruction, Gratuitous Cum, A Rebellious Moondancer Getting Off to Expository Info Dumps

Picture by Daxhie. Used with permission.

Sex On The City

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The Scientific Study of Sex and Size:

Moondancer’s Kinky Research Project

Part 1


I know you’ve been receiving these letters because I’ve gotten confirmation from the postmare. Minuette and the others told me that you’ve been ignoring everypony like you used to, spending all your time holed up in your house working on something. Normally I’d assume that you’re just on a small study binge, but this has been going on for nearly three months. You’ve ignored all attempts at communication, you’ve essentially turned yourself into a hermit, and ponies only see you when you leave your house to go to the library.

I’ve placed a modified Want It-Need It spell on this letter to ensure that you read it. And by the time you get to the end, a second spell will have been placed on you. This one is to give you extra incentive to get out of studyland and into the real world, and the more you try to resist it, the more you’ll find yourself… standing out.

Please go outside, Moondancer. Spend some time with Minuette and the others. Get involved with your community, go see your family, take up a group hobby, ANYTHING that makes you interact with others. Socially starving yourself isn’t going to do you any favors, and it certainly won’t do anything for your happiness.

I’ll come up to Canterlot once I hear you’ve made an actual effort to get out of your shell. We can talk more then.

Your Friend-

Twilight Sparkle

Upon finishing the letter, Moondancer snapped back to her senses and flung the paper away.

“No! Nononononononono!” She immediately lit her horn and tried to stop the spell from activating, but to no avail. With a feeling of horror, she felt a strange power permeating her body, the magic sinking into her skin. She checked herself over for an obvious change - something she could pick up on - but didn’t notice anything immediate.

“Damn it!” Moondancer floated over the arcana books she had in the living room. It was unlikely, but maybe there was a chance she’d be able to find what spell this was in her personal library—

Moondancer stopped herself with a curse. That was the crux of the matter, wasn’t it? She couldn’t very well do that, not without setting Twilight’s stupid spell off. That’d put her in a right state then, and Celestia only knew what kind of nasty surprise was in this little hex.

Moondancer grit her teeth. “Well played, Sparkle…”

Yes, she’d been avoiding everypony lately, but there’d been a good reason. She’d been in the middle of some very important experiments regarding the fluctuation of arcanometric pressures in the Canterlot area, and she was really, really close to making a breakthrough! She didn’t have time for parties and chatting and all that socializing stuff! Not when there was SCIENCE to be done!

Moondancer walked over and picked up the fallen books by hand. It hadn’t been that long since she’d seen Minuette and the others. It couldn’t have been! She’d seen the last time she’d gotten groceries! But then again, she tended to get really focused when she was on a studying binge, and she DID forget to eat a lot of the time, so a little bit of food could last quite a while. It might’ve been a month… or two... or four...

“Urgh!” Moondancer kicked at her coffee table. “Why can’t she just leave me alone?! I don’t want to go gung-ho with friendship like she has! I just want to work on my studies!”

Moondancer crossed her arms, falling onto her couch with a grunt. Her boiling emotions were pulsing behind her eyes like a second heartbeat, and it was on the verge of giving her a headache. This wasn’t fair. In fact it was practically insane! Who did Twilight think she was, putting compulsion spells on letters? And giving her an order like this?! What the hay! She wasn’t a damned Princess, she couldn’t just—

Moondancer facepalmed. Hard.

“Ponyfeathers…” So not only was Twilight essentially giving her a royal decree, but she was probably perfectly within her legal rights to do so, too. Little Miss Pretend-I’m-Not-An-Alicorn was finally showing some moxy and starting to throw her legislative weight around. Moondancer was just tickled pink with this development.

She drummed her fingers as she tried to think of a way out of this predicament. She didn’t want to spend all her time with other ponies, and Twilight trying to force her into it was just making her want to dig her hooves in. Of all the nerve, too! More than anypony else, Twilight should’ve understood what she what was doing and took her side on this!

“I’m not doing it,” Moondancer growled. “I can’t lose this motivation! I’m too close to finishing my research! I just need more time... just a month or so… maybe two to write the thesis…”

Still muttering, Moondancer got up and walked over to her study room. Her house was a wreck of disrepair, and every room but the living room and study was covered in a layer of dust. Assorted take-out boxes littered the floors, books and pieces of paper were scattered about everywhere, and the whole place felt stuffy and stagnant.

And Moondancer herself wasn’t much better. She showered every day out of habit, but her mane was mussy and unkempt, and almost all of her clothes were dirty. The only thing she wore these days being her favorite turtleneck and a pair of plain white panties. She honestly couldn’t remember the last time she’d done laundry, and she’d taken to wrapping herself in a blanket for food deliveries.

Moondancer walked into her study and flipped on the light. It was a veritable labyrinth of notebooks, textbooks, chalkboards, arcane measurement devices, and other tools of magical and academic study. A table in the far corner was the only thing that was cleared off, and even there she’d only opened up a tiny space to write out new notes. Only a single pathway had been opened up through the mess, and it was so worn from pacing that the carpet was starting to wear out.

Moondancer looked around at the mess around her, almost as if she were seeing it for the first time. “This won’t do.” She snapped her fingers, and in a burst of magic, the books were all picked up and stacked neatly off in a corner. The chalkboards were all lifted and stored in the crawlspace by the table, and the arcane devices were put beside the door. She was left with an open space in the middle of the room to do some actual work in, and it was there she made a beeline for.

“I don’t actually need to know what the spell does to dispel it,” Moondancer murmured. “I just need a strong enough array, and I’m smart enough that I can set something like that up without any reference material! Piece of cake.”

She started with the circle that was needed in any array. Of course, there’d been some debate amongst magi (particularly in the last century) over whether circles were truly the most optimal shapes for magical rituals, as any use of corners in an array’s design was suboptimal, and a circle technically might be perceived as a series of infinitesimal corners. There was an argument to be made for this, certainly, but twenty-five years ago, Professor Chaos Theory published a paper on the theoretical existence of space particles beyond the subatomic level. His arguments were backed up with some impressive evidence, and his rhetoric was so fluid that there hadn’t been an effective counterargument since then. Oh sure, there’d been crackpot theories here and there, citing the existence of fourth and fifth-dimensional shapes as the perfect design for magical arrays (the holy grail of geometric arcana, if you will), but if those were to be believed—

An odd tingling interrupted Moondancer’s train of thought.

“Shit!” She realized her body was glowing with magenta light. It’d started off subtle, but the more she’d sank into her academic thoughts, the more it’d built up. Twilight’s magic pulsed within her as it began to work, and despite Moondancer’s frantic attempts to try and stop it, she was completely at its mercy.

A wave of dizziness struck her. It was followed up by a warm feeling, one that bloomed within her and began spreading through her body, growing hotter and hotter until it made her sweat. Moondancer’s glasses abruptly began to feel tight, pinching the sides of her head and bridge of her nose. Her simple panties became strained against her hips and marehood, and the fabric became stretched and uncomfortable as it sank into her pale flesh. Her turtleneck began to feel so snug that it was practically form-fitting, and she almost felt herself short of breath.

The feeling abruptly bled away, leaving Moondancer a flustered, panting mess. She fell to her knees and closed her eyes, groaning as she took stock of what’d just happened.

“What in the…” She put a hand to her head. Everything felt like it was hazy, making it hard to think straight. “Twilight, what did you do?

Moondancer opened her eyes. Her glasses didn’t fit right for some reason, and she didn’t have the field of clear vision she normally had. Her skin felt like it was crawling, and nothing, not her body, not the room, her magic, none of it felt right at all.

“Ugh.” Moondancer shakily got back to her hooves—

—and that’s when she noticed the change.

She’d been five foot six for years. Puberty had long since come and gone, the end result being an average mare with a normal figure. Moondancer had nothing to speak of in terms of sex appeal, and that was exactly the way she liked it. Her looks were nothing special or exotic. She never dressed up, wore makeup, or any of that. She was just a plain and normal mare, perfect at blending into a crowd.

It’d be decidedly harder to blend in, now.

“No...” Moondancer staggered as she compensated for her new center of gravity. The spell had made her at least six inches taller, along with making her hips wider, her breasts bigger and firmer, her mane and tail fuller and shinier. Her turtleneck was positively straining against her buxom frame, and overall, she was a far cry from somepony who could easily fade into the woodwork.

The fury came in a sudden flash. Moondancer’s face twisted into a vicious snarl, and she stamped her hoof so hard the floorboards shook.

“That BITCH!” Moondancer ripped off her glasses and resumed drawing the array. “So it’s gonna be that way, huh?! Fine! I can draw an array in my sleep! I don’t need to concentrate or go off on tangents about magical theory! I can do this on simple muscle memory alone! FUCK you, Twilight! I’m not playing your stupid little game!”

Moondancer was about done drawing by the time she’d finished her rant. She just had to write out some of the more intricate symbols by hand and then everything would be ready. She floated over a new piece of chalk, then bent over to—


Moondancer’s blood ran cold. She could now feel a draft, one that caressed the tops of her normally-concealed breasts. She looked down with reluctance to confirm, and sure enough, her favorite piece of clothing, already threadbare from years of wear, had finally given up the ghost. The old fraying fabric had split right down the front, becoming a V-neck that exposed the contours of her newly-enlarged bust.

“ERRRRGH!” Moondancer flung her piece of chalk across the room. Without even thinking, she summoned a sewing manual from the pile of books in the corner, tearing it open and flipping through its well-worn pages. Surely a simple fabric-mending spell would do for now, although this was her favorite sweater (damn you, Twilight), and she wasn’t sure how much more strain the thing could take. She’d already fixed it a several times over the years from various incidents, and there was only so many repair jobs one could do on a single article of clothing. She might just have to cave and get a new one made, but that’d require going to a seamstress, and just… ugh.

Moondancer was seriously considering just learning how to sew clothes herself. She already knew the basics and theory of sewing, although there seemed to be some dispute on which method of stitching was best. From what she’d read, it really seemed to depend on the historic era one was looking at—

Moondancer felt tingly again.

“NO!” Before the dizziness could fully hit her, she tore her damaged sweater off and tossed it away. The room spun around her in a distorted jumble, causing her to fall down flat on her cushy rear with a THUMP. It was so very warm all of a sudden, and the feeling in her head was a weird buzzing, similar to being tipsy. She was glowing again with Twilight’s magic, and Moondancer let out a gasp as she suddenly shot up a few more inches.

But it didn’t stop there. She gripped the carpet as six foot three became a mere memory, her whole body spreading outward, her head creeping upward, her vantage point slowly rising higher and higher.

“A-Ah…” Moondancer reached seven feet and kept right on growing. There was a loud SNAP as her panties sailed across the room like a rubber band, leaving her dampening marehood free to kiss the air. Now completely naked, she felt an odd thrill as her thick, supple ass kept expanding across the carpet, gradually taking up more and more of the floorspace, her seven foot-six frame climbing higher still. She had a gorgeous hourglass form now, the softness around her waist and legs redistributed to her pillowy tits, and delicious flanks. Her wide, ample hips were to die for, and even her face lost a bit of its plainness, her chin becoming more pointed, her eyes getting large and bright.

The feeling eased away again, leaving Moondancer blushing and panting. Her marehood was starting to drip onto the floor, and a familiar emptiness was starting to make itself known. Gingerly, she tried to get back up to her hooves, holding onto a bookcase for support as she rose, rose, rose up to her full height. She was now an eight-foot-tall amazon, stunning in beauty, figure, and presence; a picturesque figure that’d make even an alicorn jealous. Her head was starting to get dangerously close to the ceiling, and while a part of her noted it’d certainly be easier to get books off her top shelf like this, the task of going through doorways would certainly be a challenge.

Dimly, Moondancer looked around her seemingly-smaller study, blinking like an owl as she shrugged off the last dregs of magic. What’d she been doing again? It was hard to remember for some reason… oh, yes. She’d been looking for a spell to fix her sweater! Hmph, not much point in that right now. It seemed she wouldn’t be able to do much of anything until this curse was off of her, so unfortunately, that had to be her priority.

“I’m so getting her back for this...” Moondancer quickly finished the more intricate symbols on the array. However, ‘quickly’ was somewhat subjective, as Moondancer’s movements were rather clumsy thanks to her new… endowments. She kept bumping into things as she moved around the study, whether with her hips, her tail, or some other enlarged part of her. And to make matters worse, her breasts had gone from low B’s to at least DD’s. All that extra weight in front of her was seriously messing with her balance, and more than once she had to steady herself with magic, else she risked toppling over and undoing all her work.

Eventually though, Moondancer finished the array. Without hesitation, she stepped inside of it and prepared to activate it, trying to keep her mind blank. Normally she’d be double, even triple-checking everything to make she’d done everything right, but since that wasn’t allowed at the moment, she was being quick and dirty with all of this. So tossing aside her normal habits of observing safety protocol, Moondancer concentrated, chanted out the magic words, and cast the spell.

There was a flash of swirling color. The runes of the array glowed, letting off quiet hums as the magic funneled into them. Curtains of energy rose up that shimmered like the northern lights, and they became so right that Moondancer shut her eyes on reflex. She could feel the counterspell being weaved little by little, her body starting to cool off instead of being plagued by that annoying warmth, and for a moment it seemed it might actually work, but then…


Moondancer found herself frozen in place. Alarmed, she tried to wiggle around or fight, but her entire body was paralyzed. A few seconds later, her body began to glow magenta again, and a thick smoke of the same color rose off her skin to coil around her like a snake. Realizing she’d been played, Moondancer tried to stop the array, but it was fruitless. The counterspell now began changing into something else, something complex and unfamiliar, and the warm sensations returned in full force, gathering particularly strongly in her core.

The magenta smoke hovered in front of Moondancer’s face a few seconds before it formed into a simple, damning word.


As quick as as striking snake, the smoke flew down and sank into Moondancer’s flesh just above her dripping marehood. Moondancer squeaked and redoubled her efforts to get free, but Twilight’s spell held her fast. Her insides itched and squished as they rearranged themselves, a whole storm of sensations assailing her as nerve endings were created and connected to her brain. The smooth skin above her flower roiled and swelled outward, forming into a veiny, stretchy sack that sank lower and lower until it rested atop her slit like a flap. A pair of orbs then formed inside the sack, each one of them swelling up fat and plump, and she could feel the heavy, virile mass of her package sway with her movements.

“T-Twilight...” Moondancer mustered the strength to look down in time to witness what she feared would happen next. Her nascent stallionhood started out as a small thing, nothing more than a nubby protrusion really, but it quickly gained girth and length, new blood vessels and nerves forming that responded to her arousal.

First an inch long…

then two…







Moondancer’s eyes rolled into the back of her head. She was being assailed by a whole slew of alien feelings, and it was almost enough to make her cum on the spot. Her pussy was leaking nonstop from it all, soaking the underside of her balls and running down her legs. A tiny hole appeared at the tip of her dick that connected up to her newly-formed balls, and with a final twitch her new male genitals were formed, signaling their finish with a spurt of pre.

At last Moondancer was left to stumble free with a loud cry, her arms snapping out and crashing into one of the bookshelves. The walls rattled and shook, causing dozens of books fall off, and Moondancer tripped and fell on her side, causing the floorboards to rumble and groan.

FUCK!” Moondancer started pounding the floor with her fist. “FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!” Angrily, she smacked the fallen books away and sat up, almost seeing red. She couldn’t even REMEMBER the last time she’d been this mad, but by everything sacred, she was going to make Twilight pay! She was going to give her a taste of her own medicine, and she’d break, smash, or DESTROY anyone or anyTHING that got in her way! How the fuck was she going to cast a counterspell NOW?! She’d been finding it hard to think straight as it was; the addition of UNYIELDING RAGE wasn’t exactly doing her any favors!

Relunctantly, Moondancer assessed her brand new penis, taking in its very unlady-like qualities. It was big. It was warm. Its girth was such that she couldn’t wrap her hand around it, and it was so long that the tip grazed her ribcage. Her medial ring was thick and spongy. She could see the veins pulsing in time with her heart, and by Celestia, the alluring scent emanating from the whole thing…

Curious, Moondancer gingerly touched the tip—


—and immediately recoiled from the lance of pleasure. Her pussy winked and ached in response, the cloud of lust gaining strength in her addled mind. A bead of clear, sticky fluid appeared on her head that dripped down her length, and Moondancer found herself licking her lips as she stared at it…

Moondancer bit back a tiny moan. Her gaze was fixated on her eager, twitching rod, and while she should find this all disgusting, she couldn’t help but consider—

don’t you dare go there it is utterly disgusting why would you even think otherwise what the hell is wrong with you GET IT TOGETHER MOONDANCER

Moondancer slapped herself. Her eyes snapped back into focus immediately, the carnal daze lessening somewhat. She tore her eyes away from her… stallionhood… and quickly stood back up. She tried to focus on other things instead, like how her sack was brushing against her pussy, or how her dick kept smacking against her torso, or how the air caressed both organs as they swung around…

…she had to find a cure, fast.

“Okay, fine! I’ll go out!” Moondancer shouted. “If only to go to the freaking hospital! I just… just need something to cover up with…”

But there really wasn’t anything of the sort to be had. All of Moondancer’s clothes were far too small to be of any use, and not even a towel would do much to hide her bobbing pride. She’d have to improvise with what she had on hand, and unfortunately, that wasn’t much.

“Maybe the Notice-Me-Not spell… yeah…” It was an old favorite she liked to use whenever she went to the library, and she knew it by heart. She wouldn’t need think about how to cast it. Perfect.

“I can do this… I can do this.” Moondancer focused, took a deep breath, and cast the familiar spell.

A cold slimy feeling started at the top of her head, almost like an egg had been cracked over her. It rapidly swept down her body, and there was the usual few seconds of her form appearing blurry—


Moondancer’s eyes shrunk to pinpricks. She was struck by sudden wave of nausea, her horn abruptly feeling like it was on fire. The illusion spell warped and shifted around her, conflicting violently with Twilight’s magic. The two spells melded together into some kind of unstable amalgamation, and Moondancer clutched her head as everything became even fuzzier. It was like she was getting drunk on magic, and without any way to stop it, she was helpless to resist the combined energy running amok.

There was an even stronger warmth in her nethers, and Moondancer let out a groan as her penis started growing again. It inched past her rib cage little by little, kissing the bottom of her generous tits and slathering them in streaks of sticky, virile fluid. Her dick continued to lengthen, snugly wedging itself between her cleavage, finally pushing its way through and poking out through the top. It became thicker and hotter as well, to the point that Moondancer would definitely need both hands to stroke it, and she could feel the heat rolling off of it in waves. Precum constantly leaked out, turning her tits into a hot, sticky mess, and the scent of her musk was now twice as alluring.

And that’s to say nothing of what was happening to her balls. Already considerable in size, they now swelled from the size of kiwis... to apples... to grapefruits… and finally to larger than coconuts. Her sack grew as well to house them, and she could feel the heavy orbs sinking ever-lower, brushing against her thighs as they worked to produce liters of fresh, fertile seed. Moondancer could tell that their output was only increasing by the second, and the rising feeling of fullness within them was only serving to turn her on all the more.

“Ohhhhh…” Moondancer began kneading and fondling her large, taut breasts. They were starting to ache for some reason, and a tickling had developed in them, unlike anything she’d felt before. It was like a pressure was building up behind each nipple, and while she wasn’t sure how to relieve it, an unbidden impulse bade her to pinch each teat, and tug. Almost immediately, her hands were drenched in a creamy substance that smelled deliciously sweet, and as she pulled, her fingers became gradually engulfed by titflesh, her breasts swelling larger, and larger…

“I c-can’t…” Moondancer tried to hang on to the last threads of her resolve, but it was a losing battle. Her hands were on autopilot. The spell was overriding her self-control. Her senses were being assailed by constant stimulation, and it was becoming more than she could take. A little voice in her head kept asking why she was holding back, and she was running out of reasons.

“N-No,” Moondancer slurred. “I dunwanna…”

Yes, you do. Admit it.

“Depraved… improper...”

More like normal, silly filly. Everypony has needs.

“Tough it out…” Moondancer’s nostrils flared, taking in her own heavenly scent. “Don’t… need…”

Look at what you’re already doing, girl! You’re just torturing yourself!

“Ugh.” Moondancer couldn’t really help herself there; it just felt too amazing to stop! She hadn’t masturbated in quite a while, and this was the closest thing she’d done in recent memory.

Come on. You’re alone. You’re horny. You’ve been working yourself to the bone. Stop worrying for once, and just have a little ‘you’ time. I’m sure everything will be fine.

Moondancer was silent. She thought about trying to make another excuse, but her resistance was completely gone. She… she wasn’t really sure why she’d been fighting against this so hard.

It felt good, didn’t it?

Yes. Do it.

Why should she not do something that felt good?

Why, indeed? You should do it.

That just wasn’t logical.

And you HATE IT when people behave illogically. That’s why you should DO it.

The argument was a tiny, flimsy crack in her tenacity, but that was all that was needed to bring it all crashing down.

“It’s only… l-logical…”

And in a tiny whisper, the little voice put the final nail in the coffin.

What are you waiting for?

Moondancer looked down at her throbbing, leaking penis, only a foot or so away from her face. It was the first time she’d actually seen a real one. Years of lonely nights and sexual frustration now rose to the forefront of her mind, making her gasp and grit her teeth. How many times had she wished for a big, thick, long pole of stallion meat to fill herself with, one that she could ride for hours, and hours, making her scream as it coated her tunnel with spurts of gooey spunk—

Moondancer started hungrily sucking her own dick.

“Mmmrrrrhhhh…” The little touch from before had been amazing, but that was nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing compared to now. Her mouth was tight, soft, and wet, and her slippery tongue ran all along her glans, lapping up as much pre as possible. She couldn’t get down very far because of how massive her tool was, but that was just excuse for her to concentrate more on the head, slurping away at it like a lollipop. Moondancer tightened her lips and started bobbing up and down on what little she could, and the additional stimulation kicked her cum production up a notch, her balls swelling up even further.

Oh my Celestia… Was the only thing going through Moondancer’s head, repeating over and over like skipping record. She ceased milking herself and began pushing her breasts up and down her shaft in a self-boobjob, the combined fluids providing her more than enough lube to service herself. Her jaw stretched a bit more to accommodate her dick, and she pushed hard to get as much of it in her mouth as she could, eventually being rewarded with a few more inches.

Moondancer’s cheeks started to bulge. Her cock was releasing so much it was actually starting to overflow her mouth. Her boobs were lactating faster as well, becoming bigger and firmer, even despite leaking more milk in longer, thicker streams. She started roughly thrusting her dick into her mouth, her strokes becoming uneven and jittery as she reached the point of no return. Her balls were twitching, practically screaming for release, her inner walls spasming with need. She let out one last, high pitched squeal of delight, and with one final yank back to reposition her dick—

“AHHHH!” Moondancer came like a geyser, her tip erupting with such force that her cum became splattered on the ceiling. She could feel her balls clenching with every spurt, the generous loads speedily travelling up her two-foot shaft, exploding outward in a hot, sexy mess. She threw back her head and screamed, and she did, she caught a good amount of salty spooge on her tongue. Her tits continued to spray milk across the room in dual streams, coating the far bookshelf in a layer of dairy, adding to the thorough drenching of the room. It wasn’t long before every last item was soaked in either milk, marecum, or semen, and while in normal circumstances it’d be Moondancer’s worst nightmare, right now it was a dream come true.

Moondancer continued to cum on and on, the seconds marching on as her high dragged out. Her brain was swimming in a cocktail of endorphins and unstable magic, and all semblance of rational thought was out the window. She feverishly kept pleasuring herself while her fluids spread across the ground in a rising flood, an insane amount already produced and still going strong. Her balls and breasts kept churning away for over a minute, painting the entire room white, and she wasn’t sure if it was ever going to end. She wasn’t sure she wanted it to end.

But eventually it did. Moondancer’s dick gave a few weak spurts before petering out, and the flow of breastmilk died down to a mere trickle. She fell back against the bookcase with a SMASH, revelling in the relief as lucidity returned. Blearily, she looked around her ruined study, trying to assess the scope of the damage. From what she could tell, everything was ruined. Months of ceaseless work, down the tubes in the span of a few short minutes.

However, as Moondancer took in the cum and milk-drenched room before her, she started to think maybe, just maybe… the loss wasn’t such a terrible thing.

Maybe I have been spending too much time cooped up in the house.

Maybe there is more to life than books, and academic research.

Maybe I really should put some effort into spending time with friends and family, and not just devote everything to studying.

Maybe… maybe Twilight was right about a change of pace and scenery.

Hmm, maybe…


...but then again...

Moondancer glanced down at her still-raging boner. It hadn’t gone soft at all, and the feeling of relief was fading fast. Her weighty balls took up the majority of her lap now, and her marehood was still aching to be filled. That hazy feeling from before was starting to return, and with it came the sensitivity, the lust, and the selfish desire that’d come with it.

Moondancer suddenly got an idea.

“Y-Yeah… why not...” She had a final moment of deliberation before taking the plunge, the last vestiges of her willpower making one last stand, but they crumbled like dust in the wind. Slowly, she wrapped her trembling hands around her cock, her eyes becoming wild and dilated, and she began to jerk herself off, gentle at first, but picking up the pace upon feeling fresh pre drip down her shaft.

“Nnngh...” Moondancer bit her lip. “Experi… experiment one, t-test subject, self. Male genitalia a-attached to body through unknown spell… school of magic is also u-unknown, but suspected to be—ohfuck—t-trans… transmutation. Full extent of anatomical ch-changes unknown, as well, though can... can confirm testes, epididymis, urethra, and vas d-deferens are fully functional. New nerves register connection to… to the brain, resulting in highly s-sensitive erectile tissue. Possible hormonal ch-changes have also occurred, as have noted slight increase in… in aggression. Female genitals remain intact, although m-mammary glands have begun to profusely lactate… unknown if this shares… shares a correlation with—yessss…

The dizzy feeling from before returned, hotter and stronger than ever. Moondancer began stroking herself harder and rougher, grunting as Twilight’s magic made her go from eight feet flat, to eight foot three, then eight foot six... eight foot ten… nine foot four…

“Haaa…” Moondancer could feel the floorboards cracking under her growing weight. “In… in addition, spell carries with it a component of m-matter creation and… and expansion, likely multiplicative and t-transmutative in origin. Subject has—ah—found these effects to be quite p-pleasurable due to additional stimulation of genitalia, as… as well as increased l-libido, and heightened production of sexual fluids. Further studies w-will need to… to—ohstars…”

She was starting to take up the entire room. Her whole body was glowing brighter and brighter from the gathering energy, and her arousal was just feeding into it all, intensifying the sensations and egging her on. Moondancer let out a hiss of pleasure and kissed her drooling dick, giving it a good long suck before resuming her fevered pumping.

“Original c-caster Twilight Sparkle, alicorn, Princess of F-Friendship and… and Element of M-Magic. Intention was to s-supply incentive for partaking in social—ergh—social interactions. Threshold of spell unknown… likely of highest c-c-caliber… attempts at counterspells f-failed… Inhibitions compromised by possible arcane poisoning, although… personal stamina seems l-linked to spell refresh rate. Undergoing stress t-test now… environmental damage likely…”

Moondancer felt her horn brush against the ceiling. She felt an odd thrill and rolled her shoulders, feeling her massive breasts jiggle and bounce. Her cart-sized balls were filled with swirling energy, making them so warm that eddies of steam rolled off of them. She kept right on growing bigger and bigger, and a moment later, she found that she could touch either side of the room with her fingertips. Not long after she could touch with her palms… then her wrists… her elbows...

“Subject mass exceeding... s-spatial restrictions,” Moondancer grunted. She licked her dick and grew a few more inches, her balls and breasts rumbling with a sudden surge that made them balloon to even more absurd sizes. She broke twenty feet tall with a joyous cry, and the walls and ceiling started to crumble away around her ascending form. “Structural integrity of building compromised… dual sexual climax approaching… require just a little bit more… to a-achieve...”

Moondancer was now very cramped in her little study. The energy in her body kept her wanting more though, and so she pushed all the harder through the supports and insulation of her roof. There was a cacophony of crunching and smashing, her horn poking out through the roof entirely and allowing the daylight to spill in. The falling debris bounced painlessly off her beautiful form, and she started thrusting her hips wildly again, the pressure inside her groin coiling up like a spring.

“More.” Moondancer's voice dripped with lust. “Yes… more! MORE!”

The walls and ceiling of Moondancer’s house bulged, looking almost comical for a moment, then with a sound like cannonfire…


Moondancer exploded out of her house in a blast of brick and plaster. Pieces of the roof flew every which way in a deafening blast, sending chunks flying across the streets and hitting other buildings. Passing ponies panicked and fled in fear, screaming in surprise and alarm at the sudden commotion.... but not taking note of the giant busty unicorn that’d caused it. Not that that would’ve mattered to Moondancer, mind you. Freedom was hers, now, and with one final squeeze, she went over the edge a second time.

“OHHHHHHHH!” Moondancer came like a firehose, shooting gallons of jizz over fifty feet in the air in long, sizeable spurts. Her breasts sprayed out streams of milk once more, the backdrafts soaking her face with nutritious cream. Her body was glowing brighter and denser than ever, and her balls only swelled larger as each load pumped up her shaft.

And Moondancer only kept growing as she came. With each emission of stallion spunk, her head continued to rise, going from twenty to twenty-one feet in seconds, then twenty-two, twenty-four… twenty-seven… her rate of growth was increasing rapidly, and the rest of her home was quickly crushed by her expanding bulk. It wasn’t long before she was so big that she could see half of Canterlot, and that realization just made her cum even harder, shooting a particularly large wad towards Canterlot Castle.

“So… MUCH!” Moondancer moaned. She stuck a few fingers in her pussy and began pistoning, but they were too small make a difference. She needed something bigger, and she realized that there was something right next to her that’d do nicely. The building next to her had a chimney stack just the right size, so she snapped it off and shoved it up her snatch, howling her approval as it filled her up to the brim. Her tunnel began clenching so hard that she actually crushed the thing, but she didn’t even notice.

“Ahhhhhh...” Moondancer’s tongue lolled out of her mouth. She leaned back and looked up at the sky, reclaiming some self-control for the moment. Her house foundation was drenched in girlcum, and the rest of the block was coated in milk and semen, making it almost look like there’d been a snowstorm around her. Dozens of ponies around had gotten splattered with her juices, and while they were certainly shocked, the odd part was that they didn’t seem to know where it’d all come from. They just looked all around in surprise and awe, completely ignoring the forty-foot mare with a twelve-foot dick.

Moondancer blinked several times. Why… why were none of them noticing her? Wasn’t that the whole point of Twilight’s spell? She was supposed to ‘stand out’ or something, right? One would think this fit that criteria. Of course, this was exactly what she hadn’t wanted, which was why she’d tried using a counterspell, and then the Notice-Me-Not—

“Oh.” Moondancer looked down at her hands, inspecting them from several angles. Just to be sure, she reached down and waved one of them in front of a pony on the street.

He didn’t react at all. He simply looked right past her enormous hand, big as his whole body and so close that he could’ve touched it, instead staring wide-eyed at the ruins of her house.

“What in the name of Celestia?” she heard him shout. “What happened to this house?! Was there some kind of accident? And what the Tartarus is this goop?! It smells like—oh sweet Luna, don’t tell me it’s…”

Moondancer rubbed her chin. It seemed the Notice-Me-Not spell had worked, after all. But why (and how) had it reacted negatively with Twilight’s hex? Perhaps an unforeseen, or unintended side-effect? She couldn’t make much of a guess without knowing the specifics of Twilight’s spell, but the last few attempts she’d tried that, it hadn’t gone very well. It might be worth it to see how far she could push the illusion spell, though, especially if it’d integrated into Twilight’s spell matrix somehow. If the theories on alicorn magic were to be believed, there was an exponential increase in the amount of thaumic aether used that—

The tingling warmth returned in full force.

“Oooooooh…” Moondancer’s eyes regained their drugged look, her head swaying from the wooziness. Her dick stiffened back up almost immediately, and she began slurping away at it while her marehood squeezed the remains of the chimney stack. The ground rumbled as she grew another few feet, then a few more… and another few more, and all the while, her room-sized balls gurgled louder... and louder...

Moondancer couldn’t very well vocalize her studious observations with a mouth full of dick, but that was only a minor setback. She remembered she could still trigger Twilight’s spell with internal monologuing, so as she worked her shaft with horny zeal, she began taking note on her current situation, albeit with less of an academic demeanor.

Experiment two, test subject: self. Notice-Me-Not spell worked, but reacted strangely with Twilight’s spell. Made stallion parts bigger and more productive. Did the same to boobs, although not sure why. Libido and overall levels of sexual stamina are at all-time high, and I’ve found triggering the spell intentionally results in both more potent growth spurts, and bouts of extreme pleasurrrrrrreee…

Moondancer purred as the growth resumed. She swelled to fifty feet and kept going strong, the repeated spikes of arousal causing her to suck even harder. Her jaw slowly widened to fit more of her girth, and soon she found she could deepthroat herself, going steadily further and further down until she was almost to her medial ring. Her body was now starting to rub up against the buildings on either side of her. Her legs had begun to spill out onto the street, and her tail—

“You there! Giant pony!”

Moondancer froze. If she didn’t know better, it’d sounded like whoever had said that had been right in front of her face. That couldn’t very well be, though—she was over fifty feet tall! They’d have to be a pegasus to speak in her ear like that, and any pegasus would be affected by her Notice-Me-Not spell, wouldn’t they? It’s not like a pegasus could counter a spell like that with weather magic. They’d have to be able to cast like a proper unicorn, and unicorns… couldn’t…

Oh, ponyfeathers.

Moondancer opened her eyes. Hovering in front of her was a white alicorn with an ethereal mane and tail. She was wearing a glittering dress of ivory and gold, her downy wings gave off a blazing warmth, and her fluted horn sparked with untold power. She emanated a radiance that made her look like an angel from on high, and currently, she had a heavy blush on her cheeks as she beheld Moondancer’s towering form.

Princess Celestia coughed politely. “If you could stop, um… fellating yourself for a moment, I’d like to talk with you.”

Sex Above, Around, and Below The City

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The Scientific Study of Sex and Size:

Moondancer’s Kinky Research Project

Part 2

Princess Celestia coughed politely. “If you could stop, um… fellating yourself for a moment, I’d like to talk with you.”

Moondancer considered the request. She didn’t really want to, but she also didn’t want to be rude. And besides, when meeting royalty, there was protocol to observe.

Giggling, Moondancer pulled herself off with a wet POP, switching instead to idly stroking herself. “Hello, Princess—mmh—Celestia! I’m Moondancer! S’an honor to meet you… woooow, your wings are prettttyyyy! I like how the feathers wiggle—hee hee! Wiggle... that’s a funnnny word.”

Immediately, Celestia noticed the unfocused look in Moondancer’s eyes, lilting slur in her voice, and how she was teetering back and forth. Pursing her lips, Celestia scanned the massive mare, quickly detecting the magic wreaking havoc on her. Said magic seemed to be caught in a positive feedback loop, but the specifics of what, or how…

Celestia’s eyes went soft. “My dear pony, what’s happened to you?”

Moondancer smiled goofily. “Twilight said I was too mmmmuch of a—mmmyes—shut-in! Can you believe that? Cast this spell on me so I would make some frieeeends… didn’t go quite as planned… h-hey, is your mane actual hair, or is it just sunstuff? I’ve always—unf—always wwwondered about that...”

Celestia did a double-take. “Twilight Sparkle did this to you? Princess Twilight Sparkle? My former student?”

“Yep!” Moondancer held her free hand out in the air, measuring how big it was compared to Celestia. She guessed that the princess could comfortably rest in her palm, maybe even lay spread-eagle if she grew a little bit more. “Wasn’t very nnnnice of her, was it? Heh, you might even say... it was a d-dick move. Joke’s on heeerrrrrr, though! I like the dick! It’s so b-big and hard and warm and yummy… an’ when I tried to get rid of it before, it just made me horrrrrny. I don’t mind sssso much now, though. I’m just I’m gonna study all I want, so she can go sssssoak her head for all I care! I’m g-gonna study and study and study, and I don’t care if I get bigger… and bigger… and bigger...

Celestia resisted the urge to facepalm. This could get bad, fast. She continued to scan Moondancer for some clue on what was wrong with the spell, but it’d take time to pick it apart.

“You need to control yourself, Moondancer,” Celestia said. “I know it’s hard, but you have to resist whatever urges you have. This spell is only going to get worse if you don’t.”

Moondancer leaned against one of the buildings behind her, reveling in the way it gradually gave way to her increasing weight. “I knoowwwww, but growing feels so g-good, and my boy parts feel so full! I just wanna cum, Princess Celestia! I c-can’t help it! I gotta… goTTA... GOTTA CUMMMMM...”

Celestia cursed as Moondancer slipped back into delirium. Leave it to Twilight to make a mess as bad as this. Celestia was pretty confident she’d be able to nip this in the bud, but it'd be hard to do alone—


Celestia turned to find that Luna was flying towards her with an alarmed look on her face. It was rather clear that she’d just woken and had hurried here in haste, as she was wearing only a simple night shirt and pajama pants.

Celestia sighed in relief. “Lulu, good. I think I need your help here.”

“I saw the substance that hit the castle! What’s—” Luna stopped and beheld Moondancer with no small amount of awe, watching as the giantess noisily resumed her self-blowjob. “Oh my... erm, well, this is certainly a surprise. Wait, does… does she have a dick? Is she lactating?! How in the—SHE’S STILL GROWING?! What in heaven’s name?!”

“MMMMmmm…” Moondancer hugged her twitching stallionhood while fingering her unattended cunny. Her body glowed again, she shot up past both of them to reach sixty feet in two potent surges.

“We need to figure out the counterspell,” Celestia said in a hurried voice. “The whole city could topple off the mountain at this rate!”

Luna nodded. “Understood.” Her horn flared to life as she scanned Moondancer like Celestia had. “Hmm, quite the mess here, I see. Tricky… well, I would guess that nothing short of an anti-magic zone is going to stop this, Tia. A counterspell will be too finicky, and anything more complicated is going to take too long.”

Celestia pursed her lips. “An anti-magic zone is a gamble. If the casting gets interrupted, we might just end up making her worse.”

Luna shrugged. “Perhaps we could sedate her? See if that stops it?”

“How?” Celestia asked. “She’s got enough magic going haywire inside her already, and it’d a whole truckload of sedatives to put her under. There may not be enough in all of Canterlot!”

Luna lightly punched her own head. “We could knock her out.”

Celestia gave her a flat look. “No.

Luna threw up her hands. Well, it’s either one of those things, or we go get Twilight Sparkle. But that’ll take at least half an hour, and who knows what this situation will be by then? This pony might outgrow the whole mountain!”

Celestia weighed their options for a moment. Which wasn’t easy by the way, what with the smell of cum permeating everything, the buzz of magic pressing in on her, and the constant sucking sounds coming from Moondancer. She didn’t like what Luna was proposing, but she didn’t really have any better ideas.

“Okay, let’s split up,” Celestia finally said. “I’ll get the girl out of the city and try an anti-magic zone on her. You go tell Twilight the situation and bring her here. Regardless of whether or we need her help or not, she still needs to explain herself for this.”

“Agreed,” Luna said. Her body began to dissolve into a sparkling mist. “I shall return shortly. Good luck.”

She sped away in a vaporous cloud, making a beeline towards Ponyville with all possible haste. Celestia turned around and gathered her own magic, her horn glowing a beautiful gold.

“Moondancer!” Celestia called out. “Child, I’m going to move you out of the city, all right? I need you hold still for me.”

It wasn’t clear whether Moondancer actually heard or not, so focused she was on bringing herself to climax as soon as possible. Regardless, though, her efforts weren’t requiring her to move much, so it more or less worked out.

With divine magical strength, Celestia picked Moondancer off the ground as gently as one would lift a newborn. She made sure that Moondancer was high up enough that she would clear the surrounding buildings, then flapped her wings and led the way.

Meanwhile, oblivious to what was going on, Moondancer resumed her internal monologue as she made her way back down to her medial ring.

Preliminary tests show that autofellatio feels really, really, REALLY good! I can’t stop getting myself off, and it only keeps feeling better! I’m currently trying to see how much of my dick I can swallow, personal best is almost half. Throat feels nice and tingly right now, too, which is helpful. Spell might be suppressing gag reflex? Not sure. Also, can’t BELIEVE how good my precum tastes. Books said it wasn’t supposed to have a taste at all... ooh! At medial ring now. Wanna suck it so bad… gonna try now...

Moondancer ran her lips along the edge of her thick, spongy ring. She bobbed a few more times for momentum, and then, jaw creaking, she pushed over it and squeezed it into her mouth. She let out another delighted squeal and put her hands behind her own head, holding herself in place to make sure she kept the sensitive ring in place.

Oooohhyesyesyesyesyes… for any connected undirected graph G with maximum degree delta the chromatic number of G is at most delta unless G is a complete graph or an odd cycle in which case the chromatic number is delta plus one—for every four mutually tangent circles the radii of the circles satisfy a certain quadratic equation—the definite integration of a function is related to its antiderivative and can be reversed by differentiation—the definite integral of a function can be computed by using any one of its infinitely many antiderivatives—the spectrum of a square matrix is bound byyyyyEESSS...

Celestia felt Moondancer getting heavier. She looked back and nearly yelped in surprise, as the space between them was now rapidly dwindling. She realized that Moondancer must be able to trigger the spell just by thinking, most likely about things related to studying, and there wasn’t much she could do to stop that.

“Blast it.” Celestia doubled her pace and sped them both down to the base of Canterlot Mountain. They landed together on the edge of a hilly plain with sparse trees and wetlands, and upon setting Moondancer down, Celestia immediately began preparing the anti-magic zone. She worked as fast as she could, but it was getting harder to keep her footing thanks to the combination of milk, pre, and saliva turning the immediate area into a swampland. In addition, Moondancer’s balls were directly in front of her, and they had to each be the size of a house. The tantalizing, musky aroma emanating from her sack was immensely distracting, but hot and bothered or not, Celestia pressed on.

Moondancer was swiftly approaching one hundred feet tall. She could feel her muscles bulging, her bones lengthening, the earth cracking beneath her spreading rump. Her skin felt warm and shivery, and the little shudders sent vibrations through her thirty foot marecock, making it twitch in her mouth. She could feel her balls starting to tighten again, that roaring fire inside her reaching a fever pitch, and she was so close now that she couldn’t stop now if she tried.

Celestia finished making the array. She stole a glance up, up, up at the colossal Moondancer, whose quickening grunts and gasps indicated a coming storm. Her unseen vagina could probably swallow a train, now. Her titanic breasts were raining down milk all over the place, and the area around them was already starting to flood. She was so big now that Celestia didn’t even come up to her ankles, but that comparison wouldn’t last very long.

Celestia rose back into the air to get a better view. Everything was in place, and the spell was ready to be cast. All she had to do was say the incantation, and provide the necessary power. Easy enough. She waved her hands and began chanting under her breath, the flow of magic increasing steadily around her.

Moondancer was right on the edge. Her loopy mind was still buzzing from the spell’s last activation, and it was probably for this reason that she decided to try a change of pace. Before her dick started to flare, she pulled back, released it from the confines of her throat, and began thrusting her hips into the air while squeezing a breast with one hand while tugging her scrotum with the other. The sudden change gave enough stimulation for her to finish, but more importantly, it also caused her dick swing around all over the place, essentially turning it into a free-aiming cannon.

Celestia was hovering in midair, aglow with power and about to utter the final word of the anti-magic zone. She funneled the considerable magic into the array...

...until she found herself staring down Moondancer’s rumbling urethra.



The mighty torrent of jizz hit Celestia like a battering ram. She was sent flying deep, deep into the wetlands, allowing the raw magic to go unheeded. The lines of the array became bright as the sun before blinking erratically, losing all cohesion and siphoning their power into the nearest available target…

…who was cumming harder than she ever had in her life.

Moondancer’s cries of ecstasy became louder, rising in pitch as the unrefined energy mixed with the conglomeration inside her. Her pleasure skyrocketed to new heights instantly, turning her arousal from a lusty fire, to an all-consuming inferno. Her body glowed magenta once more, the growy warmth stronger than ever, and she embraced it with an eager howl.


The growth came in waves. It started off small, the first few spurts only making her shoot up about a dozen feet each. Those waves quickly got stronger, though, building strength like a rising tide, and it wasn’t long before she was growing in spurts of twenty, thirty, then fifty feet.

“More, more, more…”

She became two hundred feet tall in less than a minute, then four hundred in half that. Seven hundred was barely even a milestone, and one thousand was much the same.


It was only when at fifteen hundred feet tall that her growth slowed down. And all the while, her orgasm continued, her genitals getting bigger with the rest of her, her fluids sailing out so far that they drenched the mountains on the valley’s opposite side. Thousands upon thousands of gallons of cum burst from her dick like an airborne river, and heavy globs of spooge fell to the ground in a downpour, painting the plains with her seed. Moondancer’s breasts added to the output to make it a triple-blast of sex, and through it all the torrent of liquid only increased, her balls and breasts bloating ever-larger.

Meanwhile, a little over a mile away…

Celestia rose out of a sticky crater. Her eyes were ablaze with a mixture of fury and shame, her anger making temperature around her rise so high, the cum literally vaporized off her body. She glowered at the titanic mare a short way away, mentally kicking herself for making such a foolish mistake, but now she also had to think of a way to adapt to the situation.

“And now she’s half the size of the mountain,” Celestia grumbled, finally giving in to the urge to facepalm. “Sun above, this isn’t good. I can’t risk trying something like that again, not while she’s so unpredictable. I guess I’ll just do damage control until Luna gets back with Twilight…”

Celestia cast a quick spell to shield herself from the deluge of Moondancer fluids, then flew back towards her as fast as she could.

Meanwhile, said mare in question had just grown to two thousand feet tall. Her balls receded a bit as they finished emptying their contents, and clarity returned to Moondancer’s eyes as she ceased her constant moans. She now looked all around while gasping for breath, trying to figure out where exactly she was.

“What… happened…” She wiped the cum off her face and examined her surroundings. There was little to nothing she recognized in the immediate area, all she knew was that she wasn’t in her house. A green and brown carpet stretched out before her that had an impressive amount of detail (or at least she thought it did, she couldn’t see very well without her glasses) but it also looked like she was outdoors… weird. She also seemed to be sitting up against a large fake boulder of some kind, and she could tell it was fake because it was starting to crumble from her just leaning against it.

“W-Where… where even am I…” Moondancer could barely think straight. About the only things she knew for sure was that she had a dick that came up to her chin, a ballsack that spilled over her lap, boobs twice the size of her head, and a very sore throat. There was cum everywhere, like a layer of gooey, newfallen snow, and there some kind of power inside her, both unstable and complex. The longer she concentrated on it, the stronger it seemed to become, and for some reason, she wanted to say that it was the reason why her head felt so strange. She also remembered that Twilight was the responsible for all of this, but considering how amazing she felt at the moment, that didn’t really anger her.

Moondancer looked down at her still-swaying penis, moving back and forth like a pendulum. Idly, she licked her lips and wondered how good it tasted… but before she could get a taste, a shift in the boulder made her come to. She tore her eyes away and struggled to her hooves, her mammoth breasts jiggling around, and her immense ballsack making her bowlegged. She could actually feel the milk and the cum sloshing inside each of them, and the sensation was oddly empowering…

“Whoa…” Moondancer steadied herself. The ground didn’t feel, sturdy either. It got stable again around her ankles, though, so it was manageable, at the very least. She blearily examined her surroundings and thought for a moment, trying to decide on what she should do.

“What... was I even doing?” Moondancer muttered. The previous hour was a blank. She felt like there was something important she was (or wasn’t) supposed to be resisting, but she couldn’t remember what it was. Her head felt like it was filled with molasses, and with her eyes barely able to focus, she had no chance of thinking straight. Nothing felt right, but at the same time, everything felt right, and she was torn between sinking back into senselessness, or trying to stay afloat.

Moondancer glanced back at the fake rock behind her. It was strange how weak it was; it practically gave away at her touch! It felt almost soft, like cork, and as her throbbing horsecock waved in the wind, she couldn’t help but think how good it would feel to—

A fresh spike of arousal hit her like a freight train.

“Ohhhhhh~” Moondancer stopped trying to remember, and instead eyed the mountain with fiery desire. She poked it a few times to make sure, and it gave way to her touch each time. It felt soft, sturdy, and deep, almost if it were made for fucking, and all it was missing was a hole to ram her mighty cock into.

Moondancer took a few steps back and widened her stance. The ground quaked and rumbled with every step, but she didn’t notice, or care. She used her telekinesis to carve out a proper hole, then took her colossal marecock in both hands and squeezed it a few times, priming it for another performance. Within seconds it was leaking drops of pre again (each ‘drop’ hundreds of gallons), falling to plummet one thousand feet to the ground below. She moved it down a bit to line up with the hold she’d just made, and then slowly, she pushed into the mountain base.

“Snnnkkkkt…” Moondancer bit her lip. The soft stone gave way to her stallionhood as though it were butter. She pushed a little harder and sank more of her tool into the mountain, reveling at how tight and snug it felt. Pre squirted around the edges of the hole that merely served to further lube her tool, making the rock face resemble a slick, sticky waterfall.

Moondancer’s tongue hung out of her mouth as her eyes crossed. “So goooooood… X equals... p-plus or mmmminus the square root of B s-squared minus the prrrroduct of A and C times four... and then all d-divided by the product of... A times two—the Battle of Ponysburg wwwwas March 18th 1463... G-General Starfire ambushed Commander Swwwwiftwing’s forces and prevented the P-Ponysburg from… getting new supplies—the Everfree C-Conservation Act wwwwas passed by a mmmajority vote of seventeen toooo—-oohhhhhhh…”

The hole was starting to feel tighter. Moondancer kept thrusting at a solid pace as she resumed growing, expanding the breach more and more to fit her girth, creating a fissure that travelled its way up the mountain. Her horn was now the same height as Canterlot itself, followed swiftly by her forehead… her eyes… her mouth… her neck…

Celestia got back just in time to see Moondancer start fucking the mountain, her humping motions setting off a full-on earthquake that shook both the immediate area, and the precariously perched Canterlot. The latter was especially alarming, as while city’s foundations were strong, they wouldn’t hold out against the spreading cracks in the rock. Realizing that her priority was the city and its citizens, she altered her flight route and flew past Moondancer, opting instead to reinforce Canterlot’s supports with her magic.

“Oh, no you don’t,” she snarled. “I’ve already lost one castle to a mare not in control of herself. I’m NOT losing another!”


Celestia turned. Swooping in was Luna, followed closely behind by a somewhat-clumsily flying Twilight Sparkle. Their faces were grim as they closed with the elder princess.

“Luna!” Celestia said. “Quick! Help me strengthen the rock before the whole mountain gives way!”

Luna immediately obeyed, adding her magic to Celestia’s efforts. Twilight, meanwhile, merely stared over at her gigantic growing friend, now so big that they were smaller than fleas to her.


“Twilight Sparkle!” Celestia yelled. “Explain yourself! How could you—”

“I didn’t do this!” Twilight said with wide eyes. “I haven’t sent any letters to Moondancer in months! And I’d never cast such a dangerous spell without the proper failsafes, let alone without their consent! You taught me better than that!”

“Tis true, Tia,” Luna said. “I found no falsehood when I searched her mind. She is innocent.”

Celestia furrowed her brow. “Then who—”

“MMMRRRRRGGHHHH…” Moondancer boomed, the mountain trembling from her voice alone. “YESSSSS... BIGGERRRRRR...”

“Perhaps we can figure out the true culprit later?” Luna suggested dryly. “When we don’t have more pressing matters to attend to?”

Celestia’s reply was faint and distant. “A-Agreed...”

“Okay,” Twilight meeped.

Celestia resumed focus on her task. “Can you can stop her, Twilight?”

Twilight gulped and tried to keep the tremor out of her voice. “The magic inside her is one of the m-most disharmonious things I’ve ever felt! If my friends and I use the power we gained from the Tree of Harmony, we sh-should be able to restore her to normal.”

Celestia relaxed a bit. “And you brought your friends with you, I hope?”

Twilight nodded. “They’re just waiting on my signal.”

“Then waste no more time,” Celestia said. “Go! Luna and I will keep the city safe.”

“Got it!” Twilight sped away on lavender wings.

Meanwhile, Moondancer had just finished growing another thousand feet, and was working on a repeat performance. Now over a half a mile tall, enough of her cock was inside the mountain that her milk-laden breasts were smooshed against the cliff-face, leaving wet, soaking indentations in the ancient rock. She’d be fully hilted in her new cocksleeve, soon, and once that happened, she could get to work on filling it up until it burst.

“AnD tHen I’m gONna KeeEEep cUmMIng,” Moondancer madly slurred. “CumMInG aNd g-gROwiNG... gRowINg And cUmiiiiiNG… nEVeR sToppPpP… feeLS tOOOooO GOOoooOoOoOOOd…”

She pushed a little bit harder, burrowing three-quarters of her marecock inside. She drooled and gave another thrust, and upon doing so, she felt an odd buzzing on the underside of her glans. Said buzzing travelled all the way up her shaft until it tickled the inside of her balls, making them twitch and spasm. Her boy parts felt strange for a few seconds, before suddenly, they started to REALLY grow, faster and larger than they ever had before!

“AHHHHHH!” Moondancer lost all control and started humping the mountain like a rabbit in heat. Her balls sagged all the way to the ground with a mighty CRASH, creating a shockwave and dust cloud that travelled out for miles. She buried her dick all the way in the rock and began pistoning in and out, utterly mad with lust. The navy blue sparkle of Luna’s spell quickly fizzled against the impossible force of Moondancer’s hips, fresh cracks spiderwebbing their way throughout the mountain.

“Agh!” Luna winced. “Tia! I think she’s broken into the Crystal Caverns! The wild magic there is pouring into her!”

Celestia gave it everything she had. “Twilight! HURRY!”

Fortunately, Twilight had just gotten to her friends. Together, they activated their Rainbow Power and shifted forms, their natural magics amplified exponentially by the energy of harmony. They rose up together in a pillar of prismatic light, their ardent radiance almost matching that of the sun. Moondancer wasn’t exactly a difficult target to hit by this point, so they didn’t bother with getting any closer than they were, staying at a safe, cum-free range.

Moondancer’s dick was now larger than the rest of her body. Her balls weren’t much farther behind, and entire lake's worth of cum churned inside each one, just begging to be released. She broke the four-thousand-foot mark with ease and kept growing faster, finding that she could look down at the mountain, now, and a couple hundred feet later, she saw that cracks were starting to form opposite from where she was thrusting. She watched as her dick broke entirely through the mountain with an explosive spray of rock and pre, and when that happened, she felt the pressure inside her cock reach a fourth fever pitch.

Moondancer pulled back her hips one final time, celebrating that relief was nigh.

BZANG! Twilight and her friends fired their harmonic blast. It travelled towards Moondancer in a scintillating surge, swift, straight, and true.

“YES!” Moondancer shoved her dick through the hole and came, sending a mile-long blast of cum sailing far off into the horizon—


And her world went dark.


Some Time Later-

“You did well, Twilight,” Celestia said from atop her throne in Canterlot Castle. “You always do. Once again, Equestria owes you and your friends a great debt.”

“Indeed,” Luna said from a throne of her own, just beside her sister’s. “At this rate, we’re going to run out of windows to put the stained glass depictions of your victories.”

Twilight’s cheeks turned a faint pink. “Erm, with all due respect, can we actually not do the stained glass thing for this one? I’d rather history not remember Moondancer as a giant rampaging futanari that used Canterlot Mountain as a fleshlight.”

Luna chuckled. “Perhaps we’ll just keep this whole incident under wraps, then. Thanks to that illusion spell she tried to cast, the cause of the tremors was never discovered by anypony. Perhaps we’ll just eliminate the evidence, and pretend this whole thing never happened.”

Celestia somehow managed to keep a straight face. “Speaking of Moondancer, you’ll be pleased to know that she’s going to be fine. Her house and belongings are in the process of being restored, and she’ll be informed of what happened when she wakes up. It’s quite likely she also will wish to pretend this never happened, so we will offer her a memory spell after the briefing.”

Twilight nodded her thanks. “It’s a shame we couldn’t recover the letter she received. I would’ve liked to examine it.”

Both Celestia and Luna nodded.

“Have you any idea who might have sent it to her?” Luna asked. “The magical signature of the original spell was warped beyond any ability to track. The postmare confirmed that it did indeed come from Ponyville, but they had picked it up from an overnight mailbox.”

Sadly, Twilight shook her head. “To my knowledge, Moondancer doesn’t know anypony in Ponyville besides me, Spike, and Lyra—an old friend of ours. We’ve already ruled me out, Spike doesn’t know any pony magic, and that spell was too advanced for Lyra.”

Celestia drummed her fingers. “Which means that somepony else was trying to frame you. Likely, somepony with a grudge.”

Twilight stood up tall and straight. “My friends and I will take them on. It doesn’t matter what they try, or how. So long as we have each other, they’ll fail.”

“Well, they’ll have a particularly hard time using deception from now on,” Luna said, snickering. “The dreaming mind sees all things, and now that I’ve an idea what to look for...”

Celestia sighed and looked out at the setting sun. “Yes, well… whoever they are, I sincerely hope that this was enough for them. I’d rather they didn’t try to strike again.”


In the Badlands...

“Keep shoveling!” Queen Chrysalis shouted at her drones. “We need to get them out!”

The swarm of changelings before her moved back and forth in a feverish frenzy. They used tools, rocks, magic, and anything else they could to try and clear away the rapidly-hardening mass of goo from the entrances of their homes. The hive mind informed her that similar operations were ongoing at four other hives, at the moment, and while they’d been making good progress, it’d still be quite a while before everyling was evacuated.

Chrysalis kicked at the ground, splashing musky Moondancer cum all over the nearest drones. “What a mess. That’s the last time I use a spell like that…