
by thestargrazer

First published

Twilight Sparkle gets stuck in a diaper, writes journals.

While trying a new spell to help a friend out, the diaper Twilight Sparkle put on as a precaution gets stuck on her. She writes journals to keep track of her progress of removing it.

The story obviously involves diapers, but also contains using said thing in later chapters. If this squicks you, please don't read or comment. Otherwise, I hope you'll enjoy!

I'd like to thank my awesome pre-reader and editor Lysis for all the help he gave me with this.

Day 0

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Day 0

Today, a friend of mine - whose identity will not be disclosed in these journals for her sake - asked me for help with a small inconti inconvenience she has. By her description, she "wets the bed and no conventional cure was able to fix it", and so she turned her attention to magic - and me.

Sadly, I had no magical cure for nocturnal enuresis - but I already had several ideas on how to make one, and so, I gave my word to help. I sent her home with the promise of visiting her as soon as I am finished, and immediately began working.

After hours of calculation and speculation, I got a solution - and a list of possible side effects, most of which had a negligibly small chance of happening, but slight insomnia for two to five days and sudden loss of bladder control inbetween .3 and 2.6 hours stood out at 1.73% and 4.21%, respectively. Those side effects had to be tested - and what pony could have been a better test subject than myself? "The fewer ponies know about this, the better" was my reasoning.

Insomnia is something I am used to, but the latter worried me a little. Just to make sure I would not leave a puddle randomly somewhere in the castle for Spike to clean up, I made up my mind to arrange for protection. Not wanting to get Ra my friend's hopes up for nothing by visiting so soon, I decided to instead borrow some "absorbent underwear" from Pinkie Pie (she makes no secret about her having a stash of diapers in case she has to wear one for a party she plans for foals).

In an attempt to keep my friend's identity a secret from the motormouth party pony, I told her that I needed it for personal reasons, to which she responded by giving me a piece that was twice the size of my head, and whispered "have fun". I have no clue why she whispered that, but the important thing was that now I had a diaper and I wouldn't need an enlargement spell to make it fit.

With the diaper in my saddlebag I returned to my magic-science lab at the castle, struggled for 5.2 minutes with putting the garment on, then gave my newest spell a shot, targeting myself. I wouldn't need the direct effect of it - I have not had nocturnal enuresis since a year before the Nightmare Moon incident - but the side effects would affect me if they actually happened.

After the flash of light faded, I did not notice anything strange, which was good news. I decided to keep the diaper on in case side effect #1 happened, and went back to reading the book I was in when I got interrupted.

2.6 hours went by - actually, almost three - without an accident, so I determined the spell worked without that side effect, and attempted to remove the diaper.

I write attempted, because I failed. I spent the next five hours trying to take it off with my hooves, teeth, magic, a knife, a bigger knife, pleading, ordering... all of which ended up yielding no success. It got rather late by then, and Spike asked why I was shouting "I order you to get off my bum!" at a diaper (for some reason he didn't find the fact I was wearing one odd at all), so I concluded it was time to go to bed and try again after a good night's sleep with a well-rested mind.

I wrote down this journal to be able to track my progress, and will continue to do so until the situation is resolved. I am also denying myself from urinating in the thing, and hope I will not wake up wet in the morning.

Day 1

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Day 1

In the morning, the aching in my bladder and the soft plastic-y noise between my hindlegs reminded me of my predicament. I was glad it remained dry, but that did not last long. As soon as I got up, my bladder contracted and I could feel the absorbent material soak up the urine. 8:07. I was standing in my bedroom, completely unable to stop myself having an accident. It was the most horrifying experience, being completely out of control, but releasing after over seventeen hours brought intense relief. At least I will not be distracted by the pain while I continue figuring out a solution.

I decided to keep eating and drinking to a minimum. As a living organism, I have a metabolism, but lowering the amount of food and water I intake should reduce the amount of times I am forced to use the bathroom... that I carry over my flanks.

After a small breakfast, I once again tried removing the diaper by usual means: hooves, mouth, various sharp objects (I did not dare puncture it in case I end up having to wear it for a long time, as that would have a huge negative impact on its absorbency), magic. That was when I noticed something.

The subject item reacts to magic. As soon as I touched it with telekinesis, it pulled its tapes on tighter. To anti-magic spells, it reacted by vibrating violently. I tested several of them, all with the same result. I need to examine the kind of magic I apparently put into the thing.

Side note: waddling on stairs is much more tiring than normal.

In the lab I set up an identification machine based on one of Starswirl's designs. Aiming the reciever at my hindquarters, the readings went off the charts and the equipment burned up. That amount of magic is several magnitudes stronger than the spell I was casting! How could I mess up this bad?

During lunch, Spike complimented my diaper. I wondered if there was something wrong with him, and if it had something to do with the failed magic I cast on myself. When I inquired an explanation, he just shrugged and told me he thought I was trying to save time by not going to the bathroom. While it is not a bad idea, soiling myself for the sake of reading a book is just ridiculous and gross - although, he did point out one positive aspect of my current predicament.

In the afternoon I tried rebuilding the magic identifier, salvaging as much of the previous as I could. While working, I felt the need to urinate again, and since I was already wet, I decided to just let go. No point in suffering through the same pain as last night. It was surprisingly easy, but reading up a bit on the subject matter, I found that in a cold and wet environment, it is natural to be able to go with less effort. It is still holding up, and by the looks of it, it will continue to do so for at least another day. By then, I will have solved the problem for sure.

I was not able to finish building before I needed to eat again. After a quick dinner I told Spike about the problem I was having and he promised he would assist me in any way he can. After that, he asked if he could head over to Rarity's, and I let him, but made him swear he wouldn't tell anypony about my embarrassing problem. I tried reading a book to relax and clear my head, but my thoughts kept returning to the plastic garment I was wearing - and using for the third time - and so I decided to go to bed early.

Day 2

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Day 2

During my restless sleep I have either wet the diaper again, or the wetness spread. I am inclined to think the latter, as during breakfast I had to relieve myself again. I feel like I am already used to doing that, and it is worrying me. Spike returned some time after I went to bed, because he was around when I ate; I tasked him with cleaning the spiderwebs off the castle's corridors while I returned to the lab.

I finished working on the new identifier, and I made sure to make it able to handle magic much (specifically, if my calculations are correct, approximately 1764.6%) stronger than the first one. And it still was not enough! Now I had to send Spike to Canterlot for supplies to build an even bigger one. I refuse to believe that my spell could have became this potent on its own due to my failure. There has to be some deeper mystery to this diaper.

Before leaving for the train with the bag of bits I gave him, Spike asked if he should ask Princess Celestia or Luna for help, but I refused. Of all ponies in Equestria, they were the two I wanted to hide my current state from the most, right before my parents and brother. I simply cannot let them see me like this.

With newfound enthusiasm, I delved into my books, trying to determine the exact enchantments on the diaper. Obviously there was some sort of material-strengthening to prevent me from pulling the tapes off and to tighten the grip they had on my flanks. I found references to magic effects like that in several books, the most promising being one detailing spells used at mental hospitals: apparently straitjackets used to confine unicorns had similar enchantments. The vibrating reaction to anti-magic was akin to a warning spell used by the Celestial and Lunar guard unicorns, to notify them if somepony tried to nullify their powers. To my dismay, neither had a listed counterspell, so I kept reading with hopes of finding them.

Between two books I grabbed a few bites for lunch. Later on, a growing cramp in my stomach gave me fearsome reminder that these past two days I skipped the other thing a mare does at the toilet, increasing the necessity to find a way to get out of this plastic prison as soon as possible.

I re-read almost every book in my library this evening, skipped dinner, and went to bed at midnight. The cramps got so bad that I had to cast a quick anesthetic spell to alleviate the pain so I could have a chance at resting. Now being six-times wet, the diaper was very heavy and soggy, further lowering my hopes of getting a good night's sleep.

Day 3

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Day 3

I had a terrible, vivid nightmare. I was still stuck in the diaper, and Ponyville was under attack, but the garment adorning my flanks got so huge from repeated wettings that I could not leave my bedroom beacuse I got wedged in the door. The monsters attacking the town eventually found their way into the castle, and approached me. I woke up right as a huge clawed paw struck at my head.

The first thing I noticed after I regained some composure from the bad dream was an odd smell filling my room. The second and third things were some warm lump sticking to my flanks and bottom disgustingly and the fact that my cramps were gone. Even with my sleep deprived brain I quickly pieced the puzzle together, and realized I have defecated in the diaper during the night.

It was gross, but not only that: very unhygienic. I wanted a bath, or at least a shower, so I stepped in the tub and turned on the water. While attempting to clean myself, I ended up getting hot water inside the stupid thing, causing it to swell ridiculously and some of the solid contents to spill out and run down my legs. That gave me an idea. I pushed what was left in me out into the now sodden diaper and kept the hot water running into it. It got clean for sure, but now the absorbent material was filled to its capacity.

I attempted to dry it out with a drying spell, and then with my manedrier - both ended up with the thing striking me with jolts of electricity. That was further proof that this was not my fault, but an elaborate prank. I made a mental note to ask Pinkie Pie about it as soon as I was able to leave the castle. Eventually I gave up trying to dry the garment and just washed my legs and mane. Regardless of the amount of shampoo I used, the obscene smell remained.

I just finished drying my fur when I heard the bell ring. I waddled to the front door and peeked out, to see it was R the friend who asked for my help. She asked if I had her cure, and when I shook my head, she explained that she needed it badly because she was foalsitting three fillies tonight and did not want them to see her in her nighttime diapers. I told her that in fact I could use her help, and she agreed, but upon entering she noticed the stench coming from me and quickly changed her mind.

I felt ashamed and gross. I skipped both breakfast and lunch, working on the designs of the Magic Identifier Mark III, which should be able to make readings of even the strongest of alicorn magic. In the afternoon, hunger overpowered my feelings of disgust and I managed to eat half a sandwich, before noticing my intense need to pee. After these days it became almost normal for me to relieve myself as soon as that feeling arose, so I just went for it, quickly regretting it as I noticed urine running down my hindlegs and forming a puddle around my hooves. Revolted again by my actions, I picked up a mop and cleaned up my "accident".

I spent the afternoon repeating the first days' process, but I did not hold back now. After tugging at the thing with my hooves and teeth, I tried cutting it off, then burning it off, then blasting it off (I nearly destroyed my tail with that, but I just could not care anymore). The damn piece of plastic just hung there, almost as if it was mocking me, unhurt and as white as new (except for the yellow discoloration that now covered it from the tailhole right up to where the tapes were stuck on). At that point I was crying, but then forced myself to stop.

I could not give up that easily. Sure, being stuck in this clingy, gross garment broke my spirit and got dangerously close to breaking my mind as well, but I would not give up. I promised myself, right there and then, that I would solve this or get a diaper rash trying. And so I went back to my blueprints for the MIMIII and kept working on them until I started nodding off. When I was so tired I could not keep my eyes open, I got up, sat in the bath tub while I wet my diaper again so I would not need to mop up this time, then spread a stack of towels in my bed before lying down in it. Spike comes back tomorrow if all goes well, and I can get to work. And I will be one step closer to unlocking this diaper, and its secrets.

Day 4

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Day 4

Surprising myself, I woke up well-rested and energetic today. I thought "Today's the day things finally get fixed!", and that cheered me up instantly. Without a single care, I just released my morning pee into the diaper (after making sure I still had the towels under me). I almost enjoyed how the cold dampness turned into much warmer wetness. I stayed like that for a while, then crawled out of bed with a big smile on my face as the layers of wool soaked up the leaked urine.

I was humming a song to myself as I made breakfast (fried spinach and medium eggs), even made some for Spike for when he would get home. When the urge to go number two hit me, I just squatted right there in the corridor and got it out. The faint smell got renewed, but with such a hopeful state of mind I did not feel bothered by it at all. I thought about cleaning the mess like I did yesterday, but figured it can wait.

I kept checking the door every five minutes to see if Spike arrived yet. Thinking about how I was getting close to finally fixing things I let myself relax for a change.

Side note: that was a bad choice of words.

Side note #2: Do not let Celestia read this. Ever.

Side note #2 fix: Do not let anypony read this. Ever.

For the first time since that gross incident last morning, I sat down to read a book, completely forgetting what I was going to sit in. Oddly enough, instead of making me gag, it felt strangely... nice. I could compare it to a hot mud bath at the spa, only directing all that heat and sliminess to a mare's most sensitive regions. My first thought obviously was that I was finally going insane, but then I began to wonder. I muttered to myself, "Is it possible that Pinkie meant this when she told me to have fun?" I shifted my weight and the contents of the diaper shifted along, squishing against my inner thighs and what was between them. Alarms began to go off in my head, reminding me of how disgusting and infectous all that mess was, but my body objected to that by sending intense feelings from every nerve ending from that area up along my spine and into my head.

I was dizzy, but a good kind of dizzy. I laid back and driven by some sick curiosity pushed the diaper against myself with a hoof. I could almost see stars from the intensity of the sensation, and I could feel waves of hot and cold rushing through my body. I knew this feeling of course, but to experience it by rubbing such a disgusting thing against my body... then the perverted thoughts continued, and I lit up an anti-magic field around myself, causing the diaper to tremble and vibrate against me. It did not take long until the orgasm kicked in, and I was just lying there in the middle of my library, twitching and gasping, and adding vaginal secretions to the repulsive mixture of matter already residing between the plastic and my fur. The feeling was greater or equal to when a stallion rutted me, but that is irrelevant to this journal.

An hour later, after collecting myself and finally deactivating the anti-magic zone, I decided to clean up the leaks of various colors from the floor. I was half finished when I heard the bell ring. I rushed to the door and screamed "Spike, you're back!" at the top of my lungs, grinning... then noticed the mailmare standing there, confused and scrunching her nose when my odors hit her, one eye on my face and the other on my plastic-clad bottom. She said sorry eleven times before hoofing me the letter she brought, and another seven times after. She then left in a hurry and I felt like an idiot.

appendix #1: Spike's letter

"Dear Twilight,

Sorry but I'm not coming back today. One of the compn campo parts you requested had to be ordered from the Cri Crystal Empire and they can only get it tomorrow morning. Hope you're not too mad at me. I'll bring you some donuts from Joe's to cheer you up. See you tomorrow!


That sure managed to make my happiness and hope sink. Once again I realized how gross I was feeling, and laid down to finally finish the novel I started four days ago, before this whole ordeal began. After reading the last page and eating leftover spinach and eggs for lunch, I returned to the bath tub to take care of a sure-to-happen leak when I peed right through my diaper, then finished the MIMIII blueprints in twenty three minutes. Soon enough boredom kicked in, so I picked up an erotic booklet Rarity gave me on my last birthday, read the first few pages and decided it was even duller than staring at the ceiling. After putting a new anti-magic field around myself, it became a lot more enjoyable, and I ended up spending the remainder of the day like that. Then a small dinner, some necessary urination and defecation squatting in the bathtub, cleaning the mess sticking to my flanks with hot water, and eventually much needed sleep.

Except I could not sleep. Every part of my skin covered by the diaper was starting to itch: I developed a diaper rash. Having no better immediate solution, I once again cast the anesthetic spell to numb the nerves in that region, even if that meant that I would possibly wet, and perhaps even mess while I was sleeping. Replacing the wet towels in my bed with dry ones, I could finally lay down to rest.

Day 5

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Day 5

I give myself credit for making the magic bedwetting cure work. I felt miserable in the morning, and I could feel a new lump of feces right below my tail, but not a drop of urine was to be seen on the towels, at least not until I woke up and soaked them. Two flies found my flanks and hindlegs to be the perfect spot for hanging out. They probably enjoyed the smell I no longer could sense. A few minutes later a third one joined them. I continously swatted them away with my tail, but they were persistent.

I dragged myself down to the kitchen but felt too sick to actually eat anything, so I just drank a cup of tea and called it breakfast. Despite knowing for a fact that Spike would arrive soon, yesterday's enthusiasm was nowhere to be seen. The diaper rash did not only affect my skin, but my mood as well.

Later in the morning I checked and double-checked the MIMIII's blueprints. If Spike managed to get all the components I asked for, it should be sufficient. I began building with whatever scraps I could use, but could not get too far.

For lunch I had a few pieces of toast, then finished the last chapter of Rarity's book, because I was curious if Champagne Casanova would forgive Crystal Vanity cheating on him. To my disappointment, he did and they lived happily everafter. So cliché.

Twenty seven minutes later, I heard the front door open. I flew down as fast as I could to see Spike balancing at least a dozen carboard boxes in his arms. I levitated the packages off him and charged in to hug him. He hugged back, then made a disapproving sound when he noticed my strong odor and took a few steps back. He told me he was glad I could finally solve my problem with the help of the parts he brought, then blocking his nose with his claws ran off to his room.

That reminded me that I have not yet cleaned my diaper out like I did before when it was messy, but figured it could wait. I had a more important thing to do, besides, I already had a rash (forcing me to constantly numb the nerves in that area so it would not itch so bad); so I just gathered the materials Spike brought and waddled into my lab to build. I lost track of time, only noticing that I have wet again when the diaper became much warmer, but not realizing the amount of damage I caused until Spike came in - he actually brought donuts, pink frosting and lots of sprinkles, just how I like them - and asked why I was standing in a puddle. Without waiting for my response, he went and got the mop and the bucket and cleaned it up. I thanked him gratefully while I continued working. It was late at night (10:43) when I finished, but I could not wait any longer.

Turning the reciever dish towards my abused hindquarters, I switched the machine on and waited. It took thirty four seconds until the first charts began flowing out of the printer, indicating an even higher amount of magic than I anticipated. But MIMIII did not fail me. In one minute and fifty eight seconds, the reading was finished and I had my nose buried in the graphs and charts. Not only does the diaper contain magic far greater than any pony's but it also shows traces of chaos magic. And the only pony capable of using that kind of power is: Discord. The realization hit me like a kick in the guts. Of course it would be Discord to pull a prank like this on me!

Speaking of a kick in the guts, that was also when I noticed that sometime in the previous few minutes I have defecated again, and I did not even feel anything due to the sedative spells. I turned them off, and the itching immediately returned, along with the feeling of hot sliminess. I sat down to scratch the itch and ended up masturbating again. Too tuckered out to care, I am crashing into bed as soon as I finish these last few lines. I can confront Discord tomorrow.

Day 6

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Day 6

I woke up with determination to finally fix all this. After once again drenching the towels while warming up my diaper, I got out of bed and woke Spike up. He was disgruntled for having to wake up so soon, and theatrically disgusted by my smell, but after explaining last night's discovery in as few words as possible and asking him to go get Discord for me, he was off to do so.

Too excited to think, I was just pacing in the main hall waiting for their return, which happened a mere fifteen minutes later. Upon seeing Discord, I became furious. I shouted at him for pulling such a mean and disgusting prank on me, and told him to fix it right away. He gave me an innocent look and told me it was not a prank, and that he could prove it. His proof was in his pocket: he pulled Pinkie Pie out from it, who confirmed it not being a prank. She in fact asked Discord to make diapers like this for her, and she gave me one of these because she thought I would want to have as much fun with it as she does.

Disregarding the rather... interesting fact that one of my closest friends apparently found this sort of thing fun, too, Pinkie's assumption that I would want to soil myself repeatedly seemed an unusually large leap of logic, even for her. Doing my best to restrain the curiosity I felt sure was in my voice, I asked her to explain further.

She said, and I quote; "Well, everypony in the know knows I know things about padding other ponies don't know because they don't want to know, and I figured you knew 'cause you said you needed one for personal reasons and nopony ever comes out and asks for a diaper like that unless they know. So I thought you knew I knew, and what else could I do but give you the best diaper I had? I just wanted you to have fun!"

I wanted to tell her that despite the rough start I had lots of fun, but I could not. Not with Discord hovering right there.

Pinkie proceeded to explain that my 'fun' could not be cut short by either of them, not even Discord - the only way a diaper like this would come off was a "maternal figure" changing me out of it. When I asked if it had to be my actual mom, they said "either that, or somepony you see as a mother," and Discord added "so like, Celestia maybe?" To my question of why did Pinkie not tell me about that particular detail, she said she had been so happy I was interested in diapers too that she had gone and completely forgotten to tell me and said she was sorry so many times I eventually had to ask her to stop apologizing. Again, I felt bad not telling the whole truth, but there would be plenty of time for that later in a more private setting.

When all that was settled, I sent them both home. I needed a moment to think about things.

I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. I had to either call my mom or Princess Celestia to help me out of this predicament. Neither seemed like a good choice, so I asked Spike what I should do. He explained that mom actually saw me in diapers looking probably worse than this when I was a foal, but she would ask all sorts of indiscreet questions about how I got into such a state in the first place. The Princess on the other hoof only saw me twice in nighttime pullups, but she would definitely be more understanding and less intrusive than mom. He had valid points, and just from these few pros and cons I would choose Princess Celestia. But what would she think of me? It was what worried me the most. Spike comforted me by saying that she would realize it was not really my choice, or fault, that I ended up like this, and that seemed to get me make up my mind.

Appendix #2: Letter to the Princess

"Dear Princess Celestia,

I am writing to you from a situation I have accidentally found myself in. According to my sources, you are the only pony who can help me. I will explain in person on your arrival, which I hope can come through sooner than later. Please tell as few ponies as possible.

Forever your faithful student,

Princess Twilight Sparkle

p.s. For your own sake, bring a gas mask or a nose clip. Spike"

I only learned about the post script after the message was sent and scolded Spike for adding it, but he defended himself saying we would not want to destroy the royal nostrils and I was inclined to agree. And so, we waited.

But not for long. Soon enough - an hour and six minutes later, during which I was forced to relieve myself again in the bathtub - she arrived, accompanied by two royal guards and nopony else. I was waiting in my room and saw them from the window, while Spike went to greet them. Anxiety rose and my heart was pounding loud enough that I could not even hear her hoofsteps on the corridor as she approached.

She knocked gently on the door and I waddled there to let her in. I did not dare look her in the eyes, but I could feel her gaze taking my image in: smelly, unwashed, wearing a diaper so soaked it hung down to my knees.

I felt miserable. I wanted to cry. I might have been crying, actually, right until she gently touched my chin and made me look up. She was smiling, and it was the most gentle, caring smile I have ever saw on her. I tried to say something, but my throat was throbbing. She needed no words. She rustled my already messy mane and told me everything was going to be fine. She was here now.

After instructing the guards to stay behind, she walked with me to the bathroom and eased me into the tub. Like she had done it a hundred times before, she pulled the tapes off with a short flick of golden magic, skillfully rolled the diaper up into a giant white ball, and put it in the trash.

I believe she cast a spell on the trash can, but I cannot be sure. All I know for sure is that as she did it, much of the rank smell in the bathroom lifted. I felt a cool breeze on my rashy skin for the first time in that terrible week.

I began thanking her, was on the verge of saying she could leave so I could give myself a proper shower - but she clucked her tongue at me and turned the water on herself. It came out warm, at the perfect temperature. She washed off the remnants still clinging to my fur, then shampooed the area once, then twice. The shampoo didn't sting my rashes. I tried to tell her this was too much, but she told me I had asked for her help, asked her to clean me up, and so that was exactly what she was doing. Then she asked me to turn around so she could wash the lather off.

I told myself I was going to be honest, so I will be honest. I enjoyed being washed, and the fact it was Celestia washing me made it all the better. Ever since I was little she has been my teacher, my mentor, and now looking back, I cannot help but see her as my second mother. Why did I never see her in this light before? This thought deserves further study.

As it is, by the time the bath came to an end, I found myself wondering just what made her so good at this sort of thing, washing other ponies. From the way she handled me, the gentleness, the practiced motions, I might as well have been a foal in her care. Perhaps this too deserves further study.

While drying my fur with a towel, she playfully asked if I needed a clean diaper and I could not help but blush. Despite how torturing the first half of my week felt, after all I went through, I almost said yes right there and then. Instead I managed to just laugh nervously. I hope I did not give myself away too easily.

She asked if there was anything else I needed, but I was so lost in thought I barely even registered the question. After my "no, thank you," she smiled and gave me a warm hug. Before she left, she made me promise to call her sooner if I end up in something like this again. Then off she went, leaving me with a lot of questions to ponder.

For the first time in many days, I went to sleep without towels in my bed and crinkling between my flanks. I could hardly believe this whole ordeal was finally over - but I also could not believe how much I was anticipating doing it again.