Absolutely Sweet

by TheMyth

First published

A guitarist finds love in the strangest form...

A human finds himself in Equestria after wishing upon a star and he finds a unicorn who sings with a voice of an angel. He later falls in love with her... does she feel the same? Only one way to find out...

This was just something a friend helped me write (HenryAnthonyCourtler on this site)... not looking for any big reviews, just posted this for some fun :)


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Beautiful... that’s the only word I could use to describe her. Her voice brings about absolute euphoria when I hear it. Her very presence lifts my soul to new found happiness. As much as I want to scream out my love for her, my pride keeps me silent. Why is that? It’s nothing to do with confidence, but rather our appearances. More specifically it to do with what species we are apart of. I myself am a human and she is a an equine, or more specifically a pony.

How this happened was nearly a year ago, when my life changed forever. As a vagabond guitarist, I never really belonged anywhere I went to. It seemed that my music was not fully appreciated in today’s society. That is to say, the society of the human race. So as I was travelling on foot, I came across a shooting star. Now I myself never believed in fables where wishing upon anything could come true, but seeing as I was somewhat hoping for change, I did it anyway. I wished to find the place where I belonged. As I thought it was a waste of time though, I found myself engulfed in light. It felt warm and welcoming, though it did not help relieve the fear that was coursing through my body. I wanted to scream, but no audible voice escaped my mouth. My world turned dark and I found myself falling from wherever I was last standing. The abyss continued for what seemed like a millennium, but I was faced with a blinding light.

As I opened my eyes, I began to notice several differences of the environment I was in. The first being that it was day, with the sun beaming down with its warm rays. I also noticed that instead of the desolate field I was walking on, I was in an open field overlooking a town. The last and most disturbing feature was that there weren’t any people down there, but rather ponies who went about their own business like a normal town. I stood up from where I was lying, feeling my nerves sending stinging signals to my limbs, and turned away from the village in hopes of finding a human, any human. I walked for a good few minutes, and that’s when I heard it. A singing voice sending me into pure halcyon. I was so determined to find the siren who sang, forsaking my other objective. I saw a carousel in the distance, and outside I met the owner of the voice. It was yet another pony, a full grown mare if my guess was correct.

I gazed deep into her green eyes that showed anxiety and nervousness. Her hair was a mixture of pink and highlighted with purple streaks. Her whole body was pure white, almost like the snow that fell from the skies in the winter season. Though one thing that made me curious was the symbol on her flank, a large red heart with a mic in the middle. The only word I could utter in the face of such absolute mystery was a meek “Hello” with a single, waving gesture. What shocked me further was her ability to speak my language so fluently with apparent ease. Introducing herself as Sweetie Belle, she asked me for my name and where I came from. What I eventually learned from her was that I was in a land called “Equestria”, ruled by two princess that controlled the rising and setting of the sun and the moon. Though one thing I learned that made me feel isolated was the fact that there were no humans in this world, making me an outcast in a foreign land.

Though even on the first day of arrival, I felt more at peace than I had felt in many years. I was nervous of the ponies at first, fearing for a xenophobic reaction on a mass scale. I couldn’t have been more wrong, as I was crowded by nearly every pony asking me what my origins were, what I did and so on. The one who did most of the questioning was a lilac unicorn mare who called herself, Twilight Sparkle, claiming to be a personal protege of the princess known as Celestia. Almost immediately, I was in the face of a celebration of my arrival which I never received in any town or city I visited. The venue of the celebration was in a library inside a tree, which aroused my curiosity. Sweetie Belle introduced me to her best friends, an architect named Applebloom and a dancer named Scootaloo. She was curious to know of my skills, so I showed her my guitar and played a song for her. I decided on one of my favourite songs...

Just as I finished the song, I noticed that every pony in the room was staring in awe at the song I was playing before a tremendous cheer filled the room I was in. I couldn’t help but smile at the reception I was receiving, but most importantly I would never forget the look on Sweetie Belle’s face when I finished that song. Pure admiration was etched onto her muzzle and her eyes shined in interest. I couldn’t help but look forward to the days that would follow afterwards.

Nearly a year passed since that fated day, and a lot had happened to me and the ponies who became my friends. I actually met and spoke with the princesses who deemed my talent with the guitar admirable with great delight. I was soon asked to be Sweetie Belle’s guitarist and background vocalist, further aiding in the advancement of her once solo career in both studio and live performances. Many felt that what I brought to our act complemented her singing and other musical talents. As the months went by, our fame grew to new heights. I grew very fond of her, to the point of liking her as more than a friend. Though one thing was stopping me from confessing to her. It was the species difference, and the social stigma that would come that could arise if a relationship was formed.

Though it pained me everyday that I withheld those feeling in me. Though today would be the anniversary of my arrival. I decided to visit her house, which was the carousel, to confess to her. As I neared the entrance of her home, I could feel my stomach writhing as if thousands of butterflies were fighting to get out. I then knocked on the door, expecting to see Sweetie Belle’s face. But instead, I ran into her older sister, Rarity.

“Why, good day darling! How may I help you?” she asked me in her posh accent, gesturing to enter the building.

“Is Sweetie Belle home? I need to speak to her”, I asked her, my hands slightly shaking nervously.

“Oh she’s upstairs, I’m sure she will be thrilled to see you”, she replied with a wink, motioning me to head upstairs with a flick of her head.

“Thank you”.

I went up the stairs, each step I took feeling as nerve wracking as receiving judgement for a crime committed. A crime of silence, for not confessing my feelings to the mare who captured my heart. A crime of passion. I stood in front of the door that lead to her room, which was slightly ajar. I heard a humming coming from the room, and saw her lying on her bed. If it weren’t for her lying on her stomach, she would have noticed my presence. She levitated an album in front of her, using her magic. The album contained photos of her and I, from the very first day to our latest concert. I couldn’t help but smile at the memories that we shared, and the many more that would come. As I took a step forward, the wooden floor beneath my feet growled out a loud creak which alerted her to my presence. She turned her head to where I stood, letting out a faint gasp as she closed the album and hid it from my eyes. She was blushing profoundly, but seemed happy that I was there.

“Hey there! How are you?” she asked me, hugging me as I came closer and sat on her bed.

“I’m good, thanks!” I answered her, smiling at her whilst she blushed more, “That album you were holding, what photos were in it?” I asked her slyly, watching as she shuffled her hooves together.

“Um... well... photos of... us” she answered me, not daring to look at me as her face turned red as a tomato’s. I was staring at her for a while before she turned back to me, “So, um... what are you doing here?” she asked me

“Well, Sweetie Belle... there’s something I need to tell you” I spoke, my voice shaking slightly.

“What is it?” she asked me, leaning forward as she grew curious to what I had to say.

“Well... you see” I began to speak, but I found it incredibly difficult to form a proper sentence, “The truth is...”

“Yes?” she asked me eagerly, softly smiling at me. She leaned in further as I tried to speak, but I started sweating bullets as her muzzle was mere centimeters away from my face. I swear even to this day I could have smelled the fragrance of her body.

“I...” she was staring at me with half-closed eyes as stopped just by my face. Though something came over me and I jolted upwards, surprising her as she flew back, “I gotta go!” I yelled out as I ran out of the room and the building. I knew for sure I had left her dejected with my sudden departure.

“Fuck!” I yelled out, as I slammed a fist into the table I was sitting at just outside the Sugarcube Corner. I was snacking on a cupcake, in the hopes of numbing the anger that was running rampant in me. I cursed my cowardice nature, as I not only ruined my chance for confession, but I may as well have slapped her in the face with that departure. I started huffing tiredly as I started to feel saddened by what had just happened, wishing for an answer to the problem I was facing. My wish seemed to true, yet in the strangest form.

“Hey there!” I suddenly heard a voice at my side, as I jumped slightly. Pinkie Pie sat at my side looking as happy as if she always had a birthday everyday, “Why you look like Mr Downy Pants? You should be Mr Happy Dappy!” she told me, bouncing around the place trying to make me smile.

“I’m not in the mood now Pinkie,” I replied to her dully, still staring at my unfinished cupcake.

“Aww! Why not?” she asked me, performing her infamous ‘Puppy Eyes’ on me, “Just tell Aunt Pinkie what the problem is”.

“First of all, I’m a year older than you” I told her as she stared at me with those eyes that was my weakness, “Sigh... it’s just Sweetie Belle... I have a—”

“Oh I know! You love her don’t you!?” she interrupted me, her face beaming in excitement, “I could see it everywhere that you liked her more than a friend,” she said whilst giggling uncontrollably, “And I know she loves you too!” she said as I was chewing on my cupcake which I choked on after what she revealed.

“Pardon?!” I asked her, “How do you know that Pinkie?!” I asked her, as my pupils shrank at the revelation made.

“Oh silly! She told me at a tea party last week” she answered with a tone that screamed ‘as a matter of fact’, “Hehe, she even asked me for an album to keep all the photos of you two. Isn’t that just cute?!” she asked me, as she was bouncing around the table that I was sitting at.

“But... aren’t you surprised that I like her and she likes me?” I asked her, curious to see her reaction, “I mean, I’m not even a pony... I’m another species from another world... and I—”

“Be still! Pinkamina speaks!” she shouted at me, her hair suddenly straightening out and her expression completely void of any happiness, “It doesn’t matter what kind creature you are, the only thing that should matter is the feeling of love! Nopony should be ashamed of being in love with somepony else just because he or she isn’t a pony. The only thing that matters is love in the end,” she finished her lecture with a deep stare that penetrated my eyes.

I sat there and went through her words in my mind. It all made so much sense in the end. It was through her short speech that she really drilled the point in. The only thing that mattered was the feeling we both shared. I facepalmed myself as I realized how stupid I was in the end.

“Now answer me this! Do you love her?” she asked me quietly.

“I do,” I answer her meekly.

“Do you love her?” she asked more clearly.

“I do,” I answered her straightly.

“DO YOU LOVE HER?!” she yelled at me.

“YES I DO!!” I answered her with a roaring boom coming from the back of my throat, that made every pony turn their head to me. I slumped back into my chair embarrassedly. I always hated awkward moments like these.

“Well then, what are you waiting for silly?!” Pinkie asked me, as she was bouncing around me once again, her hair returning to its bouncy curls. “Go get your mare!” she pointed in the direction of the carousel.

“Yes ma’am!” I saluted after swallowing my cupcake whole, running to Sweetie Belle’s home.

It seemed that fate was on my side, as I saw Sweetie Belle exiting the carousel with a saddlebag on her back, “Sweetie Belle!” I yelled out loud, hoping she would hear me. She did hear me, as she turned her head in surprise and looking in my direction. When she spotted me, she looked away for a moment before looking at me as I stood right in front of her. She looked at up at my eye level, before looking down as though to suppress tears, “Sweetie Belle, I’m sorry I ran out like that” I told her as I was breathing heavily from running.

“It’s... it’s ok” she said, sniffing a bit on her words.

“No it’s not!” I shouted, which made her look up in surprise at my sudden outburst, “I need to tell you how I truly feel about you Sweetie Belle” I said to her, as her eyes started to turn moist with each passing second, “The truth is Sweetie Belle...”

“Yes?” she asked me, as she held back the river of tears that was looked as though they were about burst forth from a dam.

“I love you” I told her, as she hitched a breath, “I’ve loved you since the moment I first heard your voice. You’re voice is the most beautiful voice I have every heard in my life, and it will always be the most beautiful to me. When I saw you for the first time, I couldn’t stop thinking of you. Yet my damnable shyness kept me from telling you how I truly felt. I just wanted you to know how I truly felt about you” I finished explaining to her, her eyes releasing the tears that she so desperately tried to hold back. I felt horrible for making her cry, as I thought her answer would be negative.

Her answer was not in the form of words but in the form of a gesture, as she stood on her hind legs, wrapping her forelegs around me and connecting her lips with mine. I instinctively held onto her, further deepening the embrace. As we parted our lips from each other, she smiled at me as her eyes shined with happiness, “I love you too!” she said as she kissed me once again.

Though after we kissed, we heard a cheer coming from behind us. We both turned and saw all our friends cheering us on, “You two look so cutesy wootsy together!” Pinkie shouted, releasing confetti from her hooves.

“Who asked you to watch Pinkie!?” I playfully shouted at her, as we all laughed at her antics.

“This calls for a party!!!” she yelled out loud, running towards to the Sugarcube Corner to prepare for another celebration. As our friends left, it was just me and Sweetie Belle standing there alone. We both looked at each other before we initiated another embrace. Afterwards, she and I followed the others to our destination.

The party was far beyond all expectations that I had. Pinkie had introduced Sweetie Belle and myself as the “Singing Couple”, along with a three meter cake to go with it. As the party came to a close late into the night, I bid all my friends goodnight after they all gave me their blessings for the relationship. I decided to take Sweetie Belle back home to her place, not daring to let her walk alone that night. I was walking at her side, though we didn’t look at the road before us. We were looking into each others eyes with admiration and wanting. She decided to move closer to my side, touching my torso with her body. I decided to rest my arm on her, and hold her soft figure. We reached the door of her house, as she opened it and stood by the door’s entrance, “Well, goodnight Sweetie,” I told her as I leaned in to kiss her, “Hope you have sweet dreams”

“You too, but...” she said to me whilst blushing, “I was wondering, if you could... maybe... you know... if you want”

“What is it Sweetie?” I asked her, curious to know what she wanted from me.

She looked to the ground and let out a loud sigh, “I was wondering if you could spend the night with me” she said.

“Um, sure... I guess?” I told her. She suddenly beamed a bright smile at me, before motioning for me to go inside. Now at this point, I thought I would just sleep on the couch or in a spare bedroom, but something deep inside told me that was not how this night was going to end.

As we entered her room, she locked the door and turned to me with half dropped eyelids. Her eyes shined at me with wanting desire, “You know, I’ve never been attracted to a stallion before,” she said, slowly making her way to me and standing on her hind legs with her forelegs wrapped around my neck, “Not until I met you”

“Um, Sweetie... I’m not a stallion,” I said to her, wrapping my arms around her body and bringing her in closer, “I’m just a hu—”. She then placed her lips onto mine, and slowly intensified the kiss before letting go to speak.

“I know you’re not a pony,” she stated to me as she leaned her head against mine, “But ever since I met you, I have always had this feeling in my heart and my soul,” she said to me, “You know, the night before you came I wished upon a star to find a true love,” she admitted to me, “I just didn’t know it was to be you, but I couldn’t have been happier to have met you on that day. When you played that song of yours, I knew that I was in love with you. Though I was just too shy to admit how I truly felt, but when you confessed to me I was so relieved to know that—” before she could finish, I interrupted her with a kiss.

“Sweetie Belle, I love you,” I told her with my soft voice, “And nothing will change that. I also wished upon a star a night before I came here. I wished for a place that I belonged. And I have found that place, right here,” I told her as I placed my hand where her heart was, which beated so fast it was humming. I heard her sniffling and felt tears fall onto my hand. I looked up to her eyes and saw her smiling with tears streaming from her eyes.

“I love you too,” she spoke, as she closed her eyes and leaned in for another passionate kiss. I opened my eyes slightly to see her horn glowing, and she noticed this too and released her lips from mine. She blushed profoundly at this and turned away from me as though she was hiding something.

“Sweetie, what’s wrong?,” I asked her, wondering what it meant for a unicorn’s horn to glow like that, “Does it have something to do with the horn?”

“It’s just... when a unicorn’s horn glows like this,” she pointed her hoof to her horn which glowed even more, “It happens when a unicorn gets.... well you know”

“Aroused?” I asked her as I tried to finished her sentence. She nodded and turned away from me again.

“I’m sorry, it’s just you are the first to make me feel this way,” she told me whilst her head was turned away from me.

At this moment I was both amazed and honoured by this. She was the first woman in my life to find me attractive to the point where it became sexual. Nay, she was the only mare to find me so. Yet she was also beautiful to me. So beautiful that I also had thoughts of lust running through me at times when we were alone. Though my shyness blocked me from telling her this, but now nothing was stopping me at this point. I smiled and with determination I turned her to face me.

“Sweetie, there is nothing to be ashamed about,” I told her as I looked deep into her eyes, “Cause I also feel this way for you too.”

“Really?,” she asked me as she looked back with eagerness in her eyes, “It’s just, I don’t know if it’s possible for a human and a pony to—”

“How can we know that unless we try?,” I asked her, feeling just as curious over the topic, “Maybe we could...”

She looked at me with wanting and used her magic to place me on her bed. She walked up to me and flopped onto my body, “What took you so long?,” she asked me rhetorically, “Let’s do this”

“I want you too Sweetie, but are you sure you are ready for this?” I asked her..

She giggled and pecked me softly on the cheek, “I haven’t been more sure of anything in my life. Please, I need you” she pleaded to me, with her eyes becoming slightly moist.

“Sweetie I am yours forever, “ I told her, with her grinning seductively at my reply, “so let’s begin,” I told her, as she let out a squeal in excitement. I placed my lips on hers, before moving upwards to her horn and licking it slowly from base to tip. I heard a slight whimper from her and I released her horn, “Should I stop Sweetie?” I asked her, concerned that I did something wrong. From what I learned about unicorns is that their horns are on the most sensitive parts of their anatomy.

“No please! Don’t stop! I want more!” she told me, as I proceeded to continue licking and sucking tightly on her horn. Suddenly, a crisp taste entered my mouth, as her magic took a thick liquid form. It tasted like strawberry jam, which was my favourite. I decided to consume it all, and kissed her again, letting her taste the remaining essence in my mouth, “Oh my! That’s... tasty,” she said, blushing slightly at what she said. I just smiled before I moved downwards and reached her large teats, suckling and pulling them in rhythm to her cooing and moaning. I started rubbing and pinching them in conjunction, enjoying hearing Sweetie becoming even more aroused; losing her breath with each of my actions. I resumed licking and suckling them, feeling delight from the divine taste to it. Biting down on one made her scream in ecstasy before whimpering slightly. I looked up to her and saw some tears forming.

“So sorry,” I told her as I immediately came closer to her, “Are you ok?”

“I’m fine,” she said as she leaned in for a kiss, “Please...continue” she pleaded to me. I gave off a mock salute and went lower with my tongue trailblazing to its destination.

I finally reached her opening folds, which were soaking wet from all the stimulation I did. I decided to rub it gently, putting my index and middle fingers inside of her. This proved to be extremely pleasurable for her, as she screamed in pure ecstasy. I decided then to lick the opening and place my tongue in further, which resulted in my head being wrapped by her hind legs not letting go until the end. As I continued, I could hear her becoming short of breath and felt her body shaking slightly. She finally let out a long moan as she released her juices on my face, and she gazed at me with her loving eyes. I went towards her and gave her another passionate kiss, as she held onto me with all her might. When our lips parted, she gave off a giggle as she drew my head closer to hers, “It’s your turn now”, she said, using her magic to flip me onto my back whilst she lay on me.

She gave me another kiss, before moving onto my chest and licking it slowly to savour the taste. It was my turn to feel out of breath, as she continued with her ‘pleasure crusade’. When she reached my jeans, she used her mouth to unzip it and pulled it all the way off to reveal another layer of clothing. She pulled down on my boxers, revealing my fully erect member. She starred in awe at it for a moment, before using her hoof to gently massage its length. I was starting to lose my breath as I was lost in absolute pleasure to her touch. Sweetie decided then to place my member inside her mouth and using her tongue to add to the pleasure. I was trying my best to hold it in as long as I could, as she was continuing to taste me. I let out a groan as I finally released in her mouth. She lifted her head to meet mine and I could see the trail of semen leaving her mouth. Licking the last of it off her face, Sweetie Belle smiled at me seductively, “Hmmm, delicious” she said in low, husky tone, before I flipped onto her back.

I positioned my member before her opening, with both of us looking at it. I then looked at her, and as she looked into my eyes she smiled and nodded at what I was about to do. I pushed my member deep inside of her opening, as she let out a slight yelp at the new feeling. As I went deeper I was stopped momentarily by a blockage that broke once I decided to go onwards. I heard her scream out and I could see a small trial of blood leaving her opening, and I knew then that she gave me her most precious gift of all...her virginity. I saw her eyes becoming moist and a few tears escaping from her eyes that made me worry for her, “Are you alright, Sweetie?” I asked her, as I thought to get my member out of her.

“I’m fine, just please continue... I want you!” she pleaded to me, wrapping her front hooves around my neck and bringing me in closer. I nodded and obliged to her request, as I went in deeper inside of her and going backwards before going inwards again. Her whole body became limp from the pleasure, with my continuous thrusting. She held onto me and gave me a kiss as we continued mating with each other. I was close to climaxing but I refused to until I knew she was satisfied in the end. So I decided to speed up my thrusting, which had marvelous results. She moaned and held me on tighter as I felt her body becoming hotter around me, “I’m gonna— I’m gon—” she said as I felt liquid being released from her opening, “Release it in me!” she told me, as I fasten my pace with those words.

I screamed out her name as I released all my seed inside of her, holding onto her everything I had. A light enveloped us as I saw her horn glowing. I found myself in a plane of pure white, finding Sweetie Belle standing in front of me. I then walked towards her as she did the same and held her in embrace. I could feel the two of us becoming one, and our hearts molding into one. I found myself back in her bed with her lying by my side. As we both panted, she rested her head against my neck as she wrapped her front hoof around me torso, “I love you so much” she whispered to me, with her eyes closed and falling asleep.

“I love you too Sweetie Belle” I told her softly, kissing her on her forehead and stroking her soft mane. I could see the stars outside her window, and thought back to that fateful day nearly a year ago. I was grateful that I wished upon a star that day, as I found the one thing I have seeked in my life. Love. I don’t know what the future will hold from now on, but all I knew was this...I never want to let go of the mare that captured my heart that fateful day last year...