Your Music makes my Heart beat

by Harmony Split

First published

After some ups and downs, Vinyl and Octavia settled in in their apartment. Rehearsals and clubbing went on, as did life. But not everything is fine. What will they do if more than just some rocks try to split their road?

Their relationship didn’t start off on the best of terms. Yet, after some up and downs, the two musical ponies, Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Phillomica, have finally settled down together in Vinyl’s apartment.

Yet, they will soon discover that ‘that’ is the easy part. Admitting their feelings, moving in together, that was only the beginning. Past still haunt both ponies, their differences will still get in the way, and life always has a curveball to throw when you’re least suspecting it.

That’s not to say it’s all bad; after all, with great friends, a good job, doing what you love for a living, and the mare you love sharing your bed, it’s a lot easier to overcome any tricks life may have up its sleeve.

That is, provided they don’t kill each other first.

Attention! This contains some rather heavy clop at some spots.
But fear not, all full clopchapters are marked with (C), all with partly clop with (CP)

Helper: My marefriend, TwiDash
Editors: ForgottenExistance, VitalSpark, the silly Duck.

cover by Spirit Shift and yep, it's a commission^^


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It had been a long week for Vinyl and Octavia, in fact, so long that the word ‘long’ didn’t quite cover it. Despite the demands of their rather busy lives, they’d both tried to spend as much time as possible together. However, too often they found themselves cuddling somewhere in their apartment, just to be reminded by the clock that Vinyl had to be at work or that Octavia’s rehearsals would start soon.

Days passed by, bringing more and more surprises. The second day after the concert, Lyra and Bon Bon had visited them, trying to find out every single detail of their magical night. It didn’t come as a surprise that they had noticed the chariot taking Octavia to her mysterious destination.

Both mares were hesitant to tell their friends the truth, but in the end, they told them everything. From the build up and the awkward kiss that fateful morning, to how the date itself had gone. Knowing how everything started, their friends first thought that it was just a story they’d made up — that everything was just a jest. Vinyl learned something new about her marefriend during that visit; Octavia was a refined mare, who demanded to be treated with respect. That in and of itself wasn’t new; Vinyl already knew that. What she didn’t know was that treating her with respect meant not calling her a liar.

Bon Bon and Lyra left nearly as fast as they came, quickly retreating backwards out the door as Octavia fumed. Vinyl was left on her own to try and calm Tavi down — something she wasn’t quite sure she’d be able to do.

Octavia stormed around the room. “Can you believe those two had the gaul to—”

As a young mare, Vinyl had heard stories about magical kisses that’d wake up the sleeping princesses or even make ponies come back to life. Vinyl tossed caution to the wind and stood in her way. She cut off Octavia’s rant with a wet, sloppy kiss right to her lips.

“W-what was I saying?” Tavi asked.

“Something about us cuddling up on the couch together listening to classical music?”

“Yeah, that,” Tavi said with a blush.

Vinyl grinned. Classical music was definitely not her first choice of good music, or her third, or her tenth for that matter, but Octavia liked it. And when the grey mare jumped up on the couch and gestured for Vinyl to do the same, Vinyl knew she had made the right choice. It was a price she was willing to pay. Especially when Octavia made little cooes of approval as Vinyl used her magic to start the gramophone.

The next day the four of them met for coffee. Octavia, Bon Bon, and Lyra all were apologizing for any unintended offence. Vinyl just chuckled. In truth, she felt like she owed their friends for this, as she had learned a new way to help her marefriend.

What she didn't learn — or at least didn't want to accept — was the fact that it wouldn't always be that easy. Octavia did her best to keep their relationship a secret, even going as far as to not allow Vinyl to be too near her while out in the city. It was something that frustrated the white mare to no end.

Octavia wanted to be near Vinyl: to touch coats, to hold hooves, to laugh, to kiss regardless of where they were, but she knew what that could do to musicians. She had been in the business long enough to know what would happen to those that exhibited ‘uncouth’ behaviour. She was walking a razor’s edge as it was.

Vinyl tried — she tried to be patent, to be understanding, to put herself in Octavia’s horseshoes. But it was unfair in every sense of the word. When the two were alone, she could kiss her, hold her, cuddle up with her. Out in public, Octavia told her to avoid extensive eye contact, as it might lead anypony that saw them to the wrong idea.

Vinyl knew that she had to respect Octavia's wishes. She had fought too long and too hard for the mare to ruin everything now by pushing her into it too quickly. Of course, one mare’s definition of “not too quickly” was the other’s definition of “snail’s pace”.

And it largely went without saying that Vinyl’s capability for tact was doubtful, to say the least. It lead to their first real fight.

Four days into their relationship, Vinyl finally had enough. Those that knew her were amazed that she had lasted as long as she had. More than one day had passed where Vinyl would chew Neon Light’s ear off about how she couldn’t even hold Tavi’s hoof in public without getting an earful.

In the end, it was Bon Bon and Lyra that intervened. They did so on the one side they never thought they would take: Vinyl’s. That shocked Octavia, but nowhere near as much as it shocked Vinyl. They explained that while it was important to keep up her reputation, Vinyl needed to be more important than that to Octavia; that unless Tavi made that clear here and now, their relationship was doomed, and eventually such behaviour would cause her to lose Vinyl altogether.

That seemed to strike a chord in Tavi’s heart. Her eyes darted to both of the other mares, and then to Vinyl. She broke down in tears, apologizing profusely. Bon Bon and Lyra left soon after that, leaving Octavia in good hooves.

The next day saw them both walking side by side to one of Octavia’s special events. She was no longer ashamed of being seen with Vinyl, but, knowing how it had affected her, Vinyl made sure to keep any public displays of affection classy. Somehow, the two had found a balance between what they each wanted.

Of course, it made the questions from Octavia's rehearsal friends that much more awkward. Baritone quickly began to bombard the two with questions, as he really wanted to know how things were going between them. They didn't answer his questions, Octavia switching stories to the ‘good friend’ one since she was living with Vinyl now.

Vinyl shot Tavi a look that said she was all but happy with that reply. However, she didn’t say a word about it; instead she took the front seat to watch the group rehearse. The rehearsal itself went poorly. Vinyl couldn’t help but feel bad as Octavia missed several transitions that she knew she should have easily made.

It was two more days before Baritone caught them on a date at a rather large restaurant in the city. It was a spot Octavia had chosen because no pony in her rehearsal group ate in big, mid-priced restaurants like that one, but of course that day she was unlucky in that regard.

Octavia was the biggest star in their group. While every member of the orchestra contributed to the success of the group, Octavia's name was the one that brought ponies to see them. When she had dodged all his questions and then played that poorly at the last rehearsal, Baritone had been worried — more than worried — and he suspected it was somehow Vinyl’s fault; he knew Vinyl’s past better than most ponies.

His jaw almost hit the floor when he walked up and saw Vinyl levitating up a strawberry for Octavia to enjoy. The mare took it in her mouth and then leaned over and let Vinyl take a bite as well. Their shared treat soon became a kiss, followed by a second, and then a third.

She’s… kissing… like that… in the middle of…

His thoughts played in his head over and over again. His eyes darted around, noting with some relief that the two mares were not being gawked at. However, such behaviour had to be contained! Yes, they may be safe doing things like that there, but if they got too comfortable… he had a bad feeling about what would happen if somepony else found out. He doubted that Octavia had told her father about this, and he bet that Vinyl didn't know him at all.

Walking up to the two with destain written across his face, he cleared his throat and said, “Octavia Philharmonica.”

The grey mare almost jumped out of her grey coat at the sound of his voice. Her eyes widened and she knocked over her glass of water. Vinyl growled as she used her magic to prevent Tavi from getting wet. “B-Baritone, w-what are you doing here?”

“I think the real question is; what are you doing here? Both of you?”

“We were just… I mean, just going for drinks, you know, as friends.”

“Oh, for Celestia’s sake, Tavi… we’re busted! Just tell him the truth,” Vinyl sighed.

Tavi shot Vinyl a look of betrayal as Baritone sighed. “I saw you two sharing strawberries, Octavia. ‘Friends’ don’t do things like that.”

“Best friends?” she asked. The look on Baritone’s face told her he didn’t buy that one bit. Tavi shook her head and cleared her throat, “Fine, you’re right: we’re not just best friends; we’re marefriends.”

“Why didn’t you just say that?” Baritone asked.

The question caught Tavi completely by surprise. So much so that she had to ask, “Come again?”

“I’ve known you both for a long time, and I also know how much you care for her, Octavia. I'm okay with it, but you should watch out for the others.”

“Really?” Octavia asked with wide eyes.

“What do you mean, watch out for? Somepony going to try and start something?” Vinyl asked, pissed.

Baritone looked at Octavia, before sighing. “I'm sorry, but that’s something Octavia has to tell you.”

Vinyl looked at her marefriend. “What does he mean?”

“Vi, trust me when I say that we don't have to worry about that at the moment,” Octavia answered with a smile.

“Um, BS. If somepony’s going to hurt you, I want to know about it now.”

“He can't hurt me because he is not here and not directing my life!” Octavia scowled now, shooting Baritone an ugly glance.

Baritone blushed. “I think I might have said too much.”

“You think?” Octavia asked sarcastically.

“You haven’t said enough!” Vinyl objected. “Who is ‘he’ and where can I find him?!”

“You should go, Baritone.”

The stallion nodded to Octavia, an apologetic look on his face as he turned to leave. It really hadn’t been his intention to stir up those old wounds.

“Tavi,” Vinyl glared.

Octavia sighed, “Vi, there are things that happened, I’m not ready to discuss just yet. Can you respect that?”

“Are you really trying to turn this back around on me?”

“No, I’m not. I’m just asking you to let me tell you when I’m ready, and not to force out painful memories when I’m not.”

Vinyl glared at her, then sighed when she saw a small tear fall from the mare’s face. She knew if she forced it, Tavi would tell her. But it would cause even more tears to fall. She closed her eyes, “Fine. But you’ll tell me one day?”

“Promise,” Octavia smiled.

Somehow, in spite of the awkward conversation, and being busted by one of her colleagues, things actually became more relaxed between the two. So much so that Vinyl quickly found her head laid back on Octavia’s lap. The mare was picking up grapes in her mouth and feeding them to Vinyl. She realized that that might have been too much when a waitress asked them to stop. However, instead of being embarrassed, they both just giggled.

Little did they know what surprises would await them in the future.

A long road before us

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Chapter One: A long road before us

Vinyl groaned and blinked her eyes open. The light shining into her room woke her up, penetrating her eyelids. The weight on her chest was a lot lower than she remembered — right now that weight was pressing on her bladder. Opening her eyes, Vinyl noticed with a smile that Octavia had somehow shifted around and managed to end up the other way around than she’d been when she’d fallen asleep on Vinyl.

The mare felt, in a word, naughty. Her eyes looked down and saw the grey mare’s flank pointed right at her. Vinyl knew she shouldn’t look, that it was inappropriate. But right that second, Celestia herself couldn’t remove her eyes from the rise of that flank, from the cute way her tail moved ever so slightly in her sleep, and even the small glimpses of Tavi’s marehood all but winking at her.

It would be so simple to reach out and touch it, to feel her in the most intimate way possible. The mere thought of it caused Vinyl to want it more, to practically need to do it. The longer she looked, the more she wanted to touch, and the more she wanted to touch, the longer she looked. It was a vicious circle that caused her no small amount of grief, because as much as she wanted to, she’d never take advantage of her marefriend like that.

The day would come when they would know the taste of each other, when they would each have the other squirming and moaning at their actions. Vinyl knew that with all her heart, and she wouldn’t risk it for a cheap thrill now.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on your point of view, Vinyl had a whole other problem to focus on. Her mare was pressing upon her bladder, hard, causing her to need to pee pretty badly. With a look at her marefriend, she decided to let her sleep and try to squirm away — an act that was easier said than done. Every movement of the unicorn caused the grey earth pony to squirm and wiggle in her sleep, upset that her pillow was getting a mind of its own and wanting it to be still like a good pillow should.

After three failed attempts — one in which Vinyl was reminded just how strong an earth pony could be — Vinyl felt like she either had to take drastic action or she was going to be forced to buy a new bed. Powering her horn, she lifted Octavia up, careful to make sure that the mare was not moved from her position. With the direct pressure removed from her bladder, Vinyl could take her time with the next part. She slid herself out of bed and positioned all the pillows she had into a makeshift Vinyl-pillow.

Octavia squirmed a little as she was placed back down. The Vinyl pillows were soft, but they weren’t Vinyl herself. Still, the mare didn’t awaken.

Vinyl kissed her on the forehead and then made doubletime to the restroom.

It was a photo finish, but she made it in time.

As she came back, something she didn't count upon awaited her. A grumbling and slightly worried earth pony. “I thought you left me alone again.” Octavia smiled.

“Hey, that one time was a club emergency!” Vinyl defended herself.

“I know — just trying to get under your coat,” the earth pony replied with a yawn. “Would you mind preparing breakfast today?”

“Of course not. How about your favourite, breakfast in bed?” Vinyl chuckled.

“That sounds nice. But I want to take a shower, so I think breakfast at the table will have to do.”

“What? You don’t want to spend all day cuddled up with each other in bed?”

“Vinyl, careful,” Octavia playfully teased. “You know what happened last time. You were late to work and I ‘over-cuddled’ my rehearsals.”

“Small price to pay,” Vinyl said as she blew Octavia a raspberry and turned to go start breakfast. Tavi chuckled as she watched Vinyl go. Sitting up, she stretched her neck, and was rewarded with a small crack as her bones resettled. She followed her neck with her hooves, feeling better with each and every action.

Tavi rolled out of bed and got to her hooves. She arched her back and stretched one more time before making her way into the bathroom.

“VINYL SCRATCH!” Octavia yelled upon seeing the mess.

Vinyl ducked her head. Okay, maybe it wasn’t a photo finish after all, she thought with a chuckle.

“CLEAN THAT UP,” came the furious shout, and Vinyl sighed before focusing her magic and grabbing the cleaning supplies to head to the bathroom.


“I’m sorry, for the seventh time,” Vinyl grunted from across the table.

Octavia huffed and went to grab the syrup.

“Octavia? Tavi, forgive me?” Vinyl said with a smile.

“How can you—” Tavi stopped when she saw the small cute pouty-face on Vinyl’s muzzle. She sighed, closed her eyes, and chuckled a little.

That action caused Vinyl to smile as well. “You know, when you think about it, it was kinda your fault.”

“My fault? How in the wide, wide world of Equestria could it possibly me by fault?”

“You’re so cute when you're sleeping, I didn’t want to wake you up, so I kinda pushed my luck.”

Tavi’s muzzle went from denial, outrage, flattered, and then to an expression that all but said, ‘wow, you’re an idiot’. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”

“That's always a plus,” Vinyl chuckled, “and if it makes sure that I can keep my super hot and awesome marefriend, it’s really worth it.”

Octavia shook her head and chuckled. “Vinyl, I’d never leave you over something like that.”

“So, you’re saying…”



“The point is, you should have just moved me, or cleaned up after yourself.”

“Noted,” Vinyl said with a grin. “Sorry, just got distracted.”

“So you’ve said. Who knew I could be so distracting?”

“I did,” Vinyl added, causing the grey mare to blush once again.

They finished breakfast in relative silence, each pony stealing odd glances at the other when they could. The few times they’d lock eyes, one would turn away, blushing.

Celestia, dammit! Why do I feel like a filly in school again? Vinyl thought, cursing.

Why am I suddenly so nervous in her presence? Octavia thought, fidgeting on her chair.

“Neon wanted to see me today. We’re going over a few things for my gigs,” Vinyl suddenly spoke up, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

Octavia raised an eyebrow. “I thought you didn’t have any gigs this weekend?”

“Yeah, and I promised you to spend the whole time with you, but he said it was really important,” the unicorn said with a wince.

Octavia glared at her, before speaking. “As long as you promise not to stay out too long and that you won’t agree to any other silly stuff!” She finished her plate. “I know you two want to bring back the ‘old’ DJ Pon3 in your shows. But promise me you won’t overdo it.”

Vinyl pouted. “Hey, my stuff’s not silly!”

Octavia glared at her. “That’s not a promise.”

Vinyl’s pout became a frown. “Fine, I promise,” she mumbled.

“What was that?” Octavia asked.

“I said I promise.”

“Better. And I hope you don’t start making it a habit of missing our plans because of ‘last minute’ alterations.”


“I don’t like it when people cancel on me, Vinyl.”

“It’s just this one time!”

“And the club emergency.”

“Two times.”

“And whatever comes up next.”

“Why you riding my flank about it?” Vinyl asked.

Octavia glared at her. “Because if I can’t trust you to keep your word on the small stuff, how can I trust you to keep it on the big stuff?”

“I-I—” Vinyl shut up.

“It’s a mark of your character, Vinyl. I’ll never force you to promise me anything, but I do expect you to keep the ones you make.”

“Lessons on how to be a refined mare?”

“Lessons on how to be a decent pony,” Octavia snorted. “Vinyl, I don't want you to change, but I want you to adjust to some things I think are important,” Octavia added softly.

“Sorry,” Vinyl said, again, for what felt like the tenth time this morning.

Tavi felt bad about that. “I know your life before we met was… different.” Vinyl snorted at the absurdity of that understatement. “And I’m not expecting you to suddenly be perfect or anything. I need to adjust to you as much as you need to adjust to me. So what do you say, fifty-fifty? We’ll both make changes and meet somewhere in the middle?”

Vinyl looked up at that. “Let’s face facts, it’s going to be more like eighty-twenty. I know I have a lot to improve upon.”

“Why do you think that?”

Vinyl laughed out loud. “Why? Just look at you! You’re a beautiful, absolutely gorgeous, and refined mare. And then look at me.”

“You mean the talented, cute, exotic, and self-confident mare I see before my eyes?”

“You invited another mare over?! Where is she? I’ll kick her flank!” Vinyl said as she playfully got up and looked around for this ‘other’ mare.

Tavi laughed at that. Causing Vinyl to sit back down, chuckling herself.

“I asked you to adjust, not to change,” Tavi said as they settled down. “Would I love you if I wanted you to change?”

The white unicorn actually blushed at that before noticing something strange when she went to take another bite of her breakfast. She bit on an empty fork. Looking down, she smiled as she saw her plate was empty.

“Well, shall I take care of the dishes? You did cook,” Tavi asked.

“Nope, I got it!” Vinyl replied as she took the dishes away from Octavia using her magic.

She’s still a dork, but she’s my dork, Octavia smiled as Vinyl went to clean the dishes.

As Vinyl loaded the wub-washer, Octavia grunted as she realized just what would happen next. Sure as the sun rises, when Vinyl turned on the wub-washer, Octavia started to feel her teeth rattle in her skull.

Part of my adjustment to her, part of my adjustment to her, the refined mare told herself over and over as the wubs seemed to increase in volume.

Her eyes glanced up to Vinyl. Even though it was early in the morning and the very act looked like it’d give a pony a headache, Vinyl was headbanging with her wubs.

She’s still cute when she does that. Even if it gives me a headache every morning.

Octavia got up as a thought occurred to her. She walked over and tapped Vinyl on the shoulder.

The white mare turned and looked at her. “WHAT’S UP, TAVI?”

Octavia gestured for her to turn down the wub-washer.

After a second's hesitation, Vinyl did just that, “What’s up?”

“Well, I was wondering if that thing works with any music?”

“Of course, you just plug it in here,” Vinyl said as she gestured to the outlet leading to a set of sound controls.

“Think we could try some of mine this time?”

Vinyl, taken aback by that, paused for a few seconds. Then she remembered their talk. She smiled. “Sure, Tavi, anything for you.”

Octavia grinned as she went into the other room to retrieve one of her records. Her eyes darted to the line of music. Hmm… the classical works of Bethooves… no, let me see if I can find something that Vinyl might like as well. Her eyes turned to one record in particular. For Octavia, it was more of a guilty pleasure. But she was sure that Vinyl would like it all the same.

“Here you go, Vi, put this one in.”

“Who is it?” Vinyl asked, spinning the black record around in her magical grip, looking for a name.

“Trust me,” Octavia said with a smile. She had left the cover in the other room for a reason. She wanted this to be a surprise.

Vi shrugged and did just that. She put the record on and started up the wub-washer all over again.

Octavia smiled as music started playing. The music that played belonged to a band that took classical songs and took it to just the right amount of techo, not too much to override the classical, but techo enough to make it fit for a nightclub.

“This is epic!” Vinyl shouted over the music.

Tavi just smiled as she walked to the other room. Music, that’s something we’ll always have, she thought before taking a last glance at the unicorn. But I will do everything I can to make this work.

Octavia made her way to the living room, where the daily dosage of mail waited. She had no idea when the unicorn did it, but the mail was always there when she woke up. Looking through the letters, she noticed bills, invitations, and a certain letter she gasped at.

It was a light-blue one, exactly the same colour her father used to send her, and a note was attached to it.

Hey Octavia,

We passed by your old house yesterday, and noticed this letter in the box. It was addressed to you, so we brought it here. You should really give everypony your new address really soon.

Lyra and Bon Bon

Octavia sighed. Giving her father her new address to stay in contact — something that might even prompt him to come visit — wasn’t exactly at the top of her priority list. In fact, she had intended on hiding it as long as possible, but now that this letter was here, she wouldn’t get the chance to avoid it much longer. Growling slightly, she opened the letter.

My dear Octavia,

It’s been a few months since you last wrote your mother and I a letter. We hope that everything is alright with you, and that Baritone is keeping you in a good shape during your rehearsals. If it’s to your pleasure, your mother and I have decided to visit you in the first month of spring, which should be in a month, depending on when this letter arrives, please give us your answer soon.

Your father,

Legretto Melody

“He just left me alone and now he wants to talk with me?” Octavia scowled silently.

“Maybe you should write him back.”

Octavia looked up, shocked to see Vinyl staring at her. More so that she had actually heard her. With the wub-washer blaring in the background, the mare’s trademark headphones over her ears, Vinyl had somehow heard what she had said. “How did you—”

“I can read lips,” Vinyl said.

“Vinyl, I don’t know. He just left me out of the blue so long ago, and he only started to write to me again after I started at the orchestra. He didn’t care for me until I did something he approved of.”

“I know, but everypony deserves a second chance. Just look at us,” Vinyl chuckled.

Octavia had to smile at that. “Yeah, I know. I…” — she frowned — “how did you know that?”

Vinyl gulped. She’d never told Octavia what she knew. Never told her what she had talked with her mother about when she was at death’s door. “I-I assumed it. Well, you never talked about it, so I guessed they moved away or just, like my mother, you know,” the unicorn quickly tried to improvise. The look on Octavia’s face told the mare she wasn’t quite satisfied with that answer. Vinyl shrugged. “Write him back, or don’t — it’s up to you. I’ll be by your side no matter what you decide.”

“I know that, thank you.” Octavia nuzzled her with a smile.

Vinyl smiled as she pecked Tavi on the side of the muzzle, then turned to head to the bathroom. After all, she had to get to the club to work on the set with Neon Lights.

Octavia watched her go, unsure about what she wanted to do, but all the same happy to have Vinyl’s support regardless what she decided.


Vinyl arrived in the club early that day. Which, in and of itself, was strange. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been in a club before nightfall.

“Hey, you made it!” Neon Lights shouted.

“Yeah, but next time you better give me a call earlier. Tavi will eat my mane if you do that again.” Vinyl nudged his shoulder.

“She got you on a ball and chain already, huh?” Neon joked.

“Hey, for that mare, I’d play dog all night if I had to,” Vinyl replied, blushing slightly.

“Sexy. Whom we talking about?” A voice behind them asked.

Vinyl tuned to see Sassaflash walked up to them. The turquoise pegasus had the same smile upon her face she always did when she laid eyes upon Vinyl. However, that smile went away when Sassaflash went in for her kiss, something Vinyl pulled away from, “What’s wrong, Vi, not happy to see me?”

“You know that this isn’t a thing between us anymore, Sassa,” Vinyl answered.

“We’ve known each other forever, Vi, why do you care now?” the pegasus complained.

“Hm, not true. If you count my whole life, I’ve know her much longer than you. But that’s not the topic right now. We still work together, but nothing that goes too far,” Vinyl replied.

Sassaflash turned to Neon. “You dork! You let her get with a mare that doesn’t know the definition of the word fun? What the buck?”

“Hey, it’s not my doing! Some things just happen Sass, can’t help it if my chariot is a mare magnet!” Neon snorted.

“Let me correct myself; you are a big dork!” Sassa pouted.

“Sass, I’m sorry. But this is happening. Can you be okay with it?” Vinyl asked in a very serious tone.

“After everything we did? I know you more intimately than this mare knows her own forehooves. How many times have you two slept together? And no, I don’t mean just in the same bed, don’t squirm away!” Sassaflash stomped a hoof down.

The blush on Vinyl’s face told the truth about that. In terms of her previous relationships, this one was moving at a snail’s pace.

“You haven’t, have you?” Sassaflash said with a laugh.

“Why the buck do you care?” Vinyl growled, “I leave the decision to you. Either we continue to work together and you keep your wings, muzzle, and hooves to yourself. Or we end this right here. Your call.”

“You’ll come back to me, you always do.”

“Don’t hold your breath, and that’s still not an answer.”

Sassaflash scowled, but relented. “Fine, no fun with Vinyl. For now.” She added the last bit under her breath.

“No fun while I’m drunk either,” Vinyl added carefully, knowing Sassa too well to simply let it be. “And you won’t bother Tavi, either!”

The turquoise pegasus growled at that, but nodded her head in submission.

Vinyl gave her a look that all but said ‘I’m watching you’, before turning to Neon, “Alright, let’s get started. I promised Tavi I wouldn’t drag flank today.”

“You’re really whipped, aren't you?”

Vinyl blushed. “What can I say? I think she’s the one.”

Neon laughed as he lead the way to the back room, Vinyl followed behind smiling. Sassaflash was anything but smiling as she followed behind.


“Tavi, I’m home!” Vinyl shouted as she looked up at the clock. She was proud of herself, at the five hour mark she had called it quits, even though they were in the middle of a rather epic recording session.

“I know,” came the call from the living room.

“What are you doing?”

“Writing the letter to my father,” Octavia snorted. “It’s not as easy as I thought.”

Vinyl's eyes took in the pile of wadded up paper overflowing the garbage can. She whistled, impressed that Octavia had put so much work into it, but also somewhat worried that she was making it harder than it needed to be.

The grey earth pony tore up another page and tossed it to the side, “UGH, this—” she paused, feeling a hoof on her back.

“It’s just words, Tavi. I’ve seen you conquer much harder things than this.”

“That’s just it, this is the stallion that practically,” Octavia caught herself before saying any more.

“What, Tavi? I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me.”

Octavia looked into her eyes, hesitating. I have to trust her. She will always be at my side.

“My father is Legretto Melody,” she blurted out.


“My father is Legretto Melody, he basically owns all the business that are classically orientated in Equestria. Some even over the border in the Griffon Empire and other places.” Octavia sighed. “That’s why this is so hard. He won’t accept what I want to write him. He won’t accept you, nor our relationship.”

“You sure about that?” Vinyl asked.

“More than about anything else,” Octavia replied sadly.

“I don’t know, seems like you could give your old stallion the benefit of the doubt, maybe he’ll be happy that you’re happy?”

“Vi! What would you do about a stallion that just leaves his daughter in the dirt when she is barely out of her fillyhood?”

“Me? I’d want to kick him in the nuts next time I saw him. A stallion like that isn’t deserving of the name.”

“This is what my father is! He just left me, left me with nothing but myself, talent and friends!” Octavia suddenly shouted.

“And yet look how you turned out.”

“Vinyl, I—”

“Hey, relax. Screw him, don’t write him back, don’t tell him a single thing.”

“You think I sho—”

“Or, you can write him and shove everything you’ve done in his face, everything you’ve become. Show him what you’ve achieved, what you’ve accomplished in spite of him. It’s your call, Tavi.”

“Vinyl… I—” Octavia paused before suddenly kissing the unicorn, pulling her upon her, pressing their bodies together in a passionate kiss.

When they pulled back, Vinyl actually found herself completely out of breath. The kiss had been so sudden, so amazing, and so surprising. “You’re welcome?” she said unsurely.

“You really are the best,” Octavia said with a smile as she sat back down to write the letter. This time, this time she knew exactly what she wanted to say.

“Any time,” Vinyl said with a smile as she watched the grey mare go back to work. She couldn’t make out what Octavia was writing but the speed and self-assuredness in which she was writing it told her all she needed to know. Her Octavia had found her confidence again.

“What will you write him?”

“The truth, but to a point that he will see the rest for himself in a month. We will show him how happy we are,” Octavia smiled. I just hope that this is a good idea, she added in her mind.

“If he really loves you as your father, he’ll understand and accept it.” Vinyl smiled. “I know that my mother is proud of me and supports us in everything we do.”

“You mean would be?” Octavia corrected slowly.

“Yeah, yeah,” Vinyl quickly added. Maybe I’ll tell her what happened in that snowy night, one of these days, anyway.

Vinyl turned to the gramophone and turned it on. She already knew one of Octavia’s classical records was on it. With the smallest amount of magic, she lowered the needle onto the record and let it play.

The song was soothing, at least to Octavia. To Vinyl, her enjoyment of it came from seeing Tavi visibly relax. It was as she said earlier; a trade, so to speak. Each of them adjusting to the other.

When the grey mare started to hum to the music, Vinyl smiled and made her way to the kitchen to prepare them both dinner. She looked back only once, catching the smallest smile on Octavia’s face. She didn’t care what Sassaflash or others would say. Yes, maybe their relationship ran slowly, but she knew that there would be time for everything.

That kiss showed that it’s always the quiet ones you have to watch out for. Vinyl chuckled.

One heart broken, two glowing

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Chapter Two: One heart broken, two glowing

The next day was a difficult one; for both mares. Octavia tried to convince Vinyl to accompany her to her rehearsals, while Vinyl tried to calm Octavia down enough so that she would finally send the letter to her father. Needless to say, it all added up to more stress than either mare needed.

“Why not, Vi? I thought you love watching me play!” Octavia complained.

“Yeah, you! Not your whole orchestra, Tavi. Besides, I thought you didn’t want to rub us under their muzzles. Don’t you think it’d be a bit suspicious if a DJ suddenly comes and watches a cello player play?”

“You’re just lazy. Keep that up and you’ll get a fat-flank!” Octavia teased, lightly slapping Vinyl’s flank with her hoof. Too late did she realized what she had done.

“Did you… did you just?” Vinyl asked flabbergasted.

“Vi… NO!” Octavia shouted as the unicorn leapt at her, quickly ducking behind the couch.

“Come here!” Vinyl growled. “You started it!”

“Vinyl, no! You know how it ended last time!”

“Yep, we never got up from the couch that day. An awesome day of kisses and cuddles. Can’t wait for the encore!” Vinyl grinned.

“We can’t! Lyra wanted to visit later and I have my rehearsals. We simply can’t,” Octavia cut in, making the unicorn pout with puppy eyes. “You can make that face all day long, Vi, it doesn’t change what we can and can’t do. However, much we might wish otherwise,” she said the last sentence under her breath.

“I heard that! Now come here!” Vinyl smiled. “C’mon, just for a few minutes. Or an hour.”

Octavia raised an eyebrow at that. “Vi, honestly, could you stop after just an hour?”

“Nope, and neither could you.”

“So how about you be good now, and tonight we get some extra cuddle time?”

Vinyl thought about it. I would rather do other things at night, but we agreed to take it slow. “Alright,” she said then. “Sounds like a deal.”

Octavia smiled as she walked up and kissed Vinyl once on the lips. She kept it to just a peck, a small reward for her mare, assuming she behaved herself. “So is there no way I can convince you to come to my practice?”

“Uhh, what about the others?” Vinyl asked. “I’m not going if I have to pretend I don’t know you.”

“Forget the others, I want my marefriend to support me.”

“I don’t know,” Vinyl admitted. “Do I have to behave? No pecks, nothing?”

“Pecks are fine, but no drooling on me.”

“I only did that one time!”

Octavia glared at her.


The grey mare kept up the look.

“Okay, it was more like seven times, but don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it.”

“I never said I didn’t,” Octavia said with a grin as she walked over to pick up her cello case. “The practice is at four, what do you have planned for today?”

“I was thinking about swinging by the club, get some extra work done.”

Octavia paused. “Come again?”

“Yeah, it’s really strange. There are these extra hours in the day, like in the a.m. or something, you can actually go out and do things before four p.m. Who knew?”

“So you promise to be back in time to accompany me to my rehearsals?”

“Consider it a promise!”

“And you’ll behave?”

“Consider it a semi-promise!”


“Hey, you said you’d never force me to promise you anything as long as I keep the ones I do make, remember?”

The grey mare grumbled at that.

Vinyl smiled. “I can’t help it if you’re just that cute.”

Octavia looked up. “You call everything I do cute or hot,” she blushed.

“And Celestia raises the sun, what’s your point?” Vinyl said with a grin.

“Either you are more affected by me than I assumed, or you’re hiding something from me,” the earth pony smiled.

“Would I hide something from you?”



“Vinyl, what are you hiding?”

“Well, let’s say work could be difficult in the future,” the unicorn admitted.


“Because Sassaflash was really starting to tick me off the other day. And every single day since then as well. And mostly, the topic is you.”


“I think she’s jealous of us. And she’s starting to get on my last nerve about it.”

“What’s she doing?” Octavia asked.

“I um… I don’t really want to tell you this.”

“Vinyl, you know you can tell me anything.”

Vinyl looked up. “Tavi, this is one of those things that once said, I can’t take back.”

“Are you cheating on me?” Octavia said, wide-eyed.

“What? No! Don’t even thank that!”

“Then why don’t you tell me about it?”

The unicorn huffed, then sat down on her haunches and wrapped her tail around her hind legs. “I’ll… I’ll tell you, if you really want me to. But once you hear it, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“Tell me about it,” Octavia said, sitting down next to her mare, leaning her head onto her shoulder.

“You know we come from different worlds right? You’re refined, high-class, I’m… the opposite.”


“Well this is true for our relationship too.”

“So? I don’t care who you were with.”

“No, it’s… slightly more complicated than that. My relationships normally move… well...“

“Vinyl… we talked about it…” Octavia started, just to be cut off.

“I know! But Sassaflash is getting on my nerves with it! She thinks about me every day, what I had with her. Something she tells me that we will never ever have!” Vinyl cried out.

“Is it that bad?”

Vinyl nodded. “Every day is full of sexual innuendos, talking about how our first date ended in a wild night in bed, and how I’m kidding myself that… well…”


“That you’d ever want to do something like that with me.”

“Vinyl, look at me,” Octavia said, cupping her lovers muzzle with her hooves. “We talked about this, and I told you why I don’t want to take this step right at the start. It just is my first real relationship, and I want to take it slow and enjoy everything.” She nuzzled Vinyl gently. “Is it so bad to wait a bit for our wonderful, first time?”

“I know, and I want to too, it’s just hard to deal with somepony shoving it in your face every chance they get. I brush off most of it, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say some of it gets under my fur. Like I said, our experiences are… well… different.”

“Tell me, honestly, do you feel like we’re moving too slow?”

Vinyl didn’t want to look at her, she chose a spot on the floor instead.

“Vinyl, look at me, please.”


Octavia moved her head directly into Vinyl’s line of sight. “Please, answer the question.”

“I’ll be honest with you. With how my past used to be, yes, my mind is telling me we move too slow.“ Vinyl sighed. “Every instinct in my body, every cell in my being wants me to throw you to the ground and ravish you to within an inch of you life. Every time we wake up together I just… want you. I want you worse than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life. Our kisses, our cuddling, you have no idea how badly I want to take it to the end. How much I want to feel your touch all over my fur, to touch you in return. Every day it’s been like waking up to a princess’s treasure yet knowing you can’t spend a bit.”

Octavia’s eyes went wide at that confession. She knew that every word was true, she knew it without being told.

“But… my heart says this is the right thing to do. That waiting… I… I…” The tears were falling freely.

Octavia hugged her. She wrapped her hooves around Vinyl and squeezed. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It’s what you wanted, I wanted to make you happy,” Vinyl sobbed.

“Vi… I can’t tell you what that means to me,” Octavia cooed softly into Vinyl’s ear.

“Can… can I suggest something?”

“Of course,” Octavia smiled.

“Could we… could we just try it if we get that far? I’m sure you have the same feelings while cuddling and kissing, being so close together,” Vinyl said softly.

“Vi, I…” Octavia paused.

“If not, it’s also okay. Please just be honest with me,” the unicorn pleaded.

The grey mare looked at the unicorn. She poured her heart out to me. “Well… will you let me take the lead?”

“Yes! Anything and everything you want!”

“And if I say we stop, we stop, no guilt trips or anything.”

“Of course.”

“In that case, very well. Maybe we can try tonight.”

“That would be awesome!” Vinyl cheered. “Oh, Tavi, the time!” Vinyl said as she saw the clock behind her.

Octavia turned around to see the time. “It’s only eleven-thirty.”

“Yeah, I promised neon I’d be at the club now.”

“Well then you’d better get going.” Octavia said with a smile. “Be good and I’ll see you at…”

“Four sharp!” Vinyl replied as she started running out the door.

“No, Vinyl! You will accompany me to the Concert hall so I expect you here half an hour earlier!”

Vinyl paused, turned around, and trotted back to the earth pony. She kissed Octavia dead on the lips, adding extra pressure against the mare that almost caused her to fall back on her haunches. “See you at three-thirty then. Love you, Octavia.”

Octavia smiled, before realizing Vinyl was nearly out of the door. “I love you too!” she quickly shouted after the unicorn, who winked and closed the door behind her.

I just hope I did the right thing. I will take the lead... this is my first time... Oh, Celestia, what have I done?


Vinyl was almost doing a little jig in the street as she approached the club. With her headphones on, a pony could be forgiven for thinking she had just found a phat beat that caused her to dance. They’d be wrong. After admitting that to Octavia, it felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She felt lighter, had more energy, and was more than looking forward to tonight.

Check yourself girl, it may not go all the way.

Who cares, whatever she wants to do, I’m more than okay with.

And if things get hot and heavy, you going to be able to stop yourself if she says stop?

She paused at that. Oh buck me...

You force her to do something, she will leave you.

She can always say stop and we’ll stop.

You know you can’t behave that well. This will end badly!

For her I can!

Just like with Sassaflash, or the others?

Those were just fun.

Fun huh?

I love Octavia dearly! I’ve never loved anypony else like her! This. Will. WORK! Now SHUT UP!

And if it doesn’t, you have no pony to blame but yourself.

I said shut up!”

“Vinyl?” A turquoise pegasus mare asked from ten hooves down the sidewalk.

Vinyl looked up just in time to realize she said that last bit out loud and that Sassaflash was walking up to her. “Oh buck me,” she mumbled to herself.

“In an argument with yourself, or some phat beats?” Sassaflash asked.

“The former, actually,” Vinyl admitted as the two started to walk together to the club.

“Care to share?” The pegasus asked and playfully bumped Vinyl with her flank.

“I thought we agreed on something,” Vinyl glared at her.

“We’re still friends, right?” Sassaflash asked, a little dejected.

“Sorry, I think I’m just not in the mood for any playful stuff.”

“I know what can cheer you up! As soon as we’re at the club, you drink one of your blue specials!” Sassaflash smiled.

“Can’t get drunk, big day ahead of me,” Vinyl stated. Big night too, she thought.

“Big day? You following your lame earth pony somewhere?” The pegasus chuckled.

“That is Octavia to you, and why would you care?” Vinyl snapped.

“Because I can’t wait to see the day you come crawling back,” Sassaflash laughed before stopping. “Oh, I said that out loud, didn’t I?”

Vinyl growled. “Indeed!” she said before shoving the turquoise mare out of her way, stomping fuming to the club.

“Sorry!” Sassaflash called out.

“You’re not and we both know it!” Vinyl shouted back.

That’s true, the pegasus thought with a wicked smile.

“You should tape your muzzle before speaking everything that comes to mind,” Vinyl said with no small amount of venom in her voice. “Otherwise I’ll be glad to lend a hoof with that.”

“Roar, you sound sexy threatening me like that!”

“Sassa, just SHUT UP!”

“Vinyl, I’m just honest. I thought you loved me the most.”

“I. Don’t. Love. You!” Vinyl cried out before realizing she reached the club’s back entrance for employees. She quickly opened it and slammed it closed on Sassaflash’s muzzle.

“Oww, what the fuck, Vi?!” came the muffled cry from the other side.

“What was that?” Neon asked, startling Vinyl as he stood in front of her. “I could hear you two from all the way up here. I gather Sassaflash took it too far again?”

“Totally,” Vinyl scowled.

“You should ignore her if she goes that far. Just work with her and everything will be fine.”

“I don’t think it’ll work that way, Neon.”

“Can’t you just try it?” Neon asked.

“Neon, I fear that I’ll lose Tavi if she keeps this up! And I definitely won’t let it get that far,” Vinyl snorted before making her way to her set and jumping up on the stage.

In the meanwhile, Sassaflash opened the door, massaging her red, glowing muzzle with a hoof. “That hurt!”

Neon glared at her. “You should watch out! If we lose Vinyl again, we might have to close the club!”

“That earth pony isn’t right for her,” the pegasus hissed back.

“You can’t know that,” Neon shook his head sadly.

“Ah, shut your muzzle,” Sassaflash waved a hoof dismissively. “What do you know about love after all?”

“More than you would assume,” he shot back. “Now get to work and leave Vinyl alone.”

“Roger that, Mister Lights, sir!” Sassaflash mocked sarcastically and raised a hoof in salute.

Yeah, do your jokes. If you continue this, you’ll be crying when Vinyl doesn't even want to be your friend anymore, Neon thought bitterly.

Sassaflash whistled a melody as she went to the stage, watching Vinyl fight with the wiring. “You know, I usually do that.”

“No, thanks,” the unicorn just grumbled.

“C’mon, Vi. Let me help you!”

“I don’t need help. Especially not yours!”

“I promise to not bring up that topic again during work!” Sassaflash smiled.

Vinyl looked up, glaring at her. “Why do I have the feeling that you’re lying right now?”

“I don’t know. I’m just trying to be your friend like always,” the pegasus grinned, flashing Vinyl her cutest puppy dog expression.

The unicorn growled, then sighed. “Alright Sassa, do your work.”

“Glad to help my best friend!”

Vinyl watched her closely as she went to work, hoping she would just stay quiet. Honestly, she had considered just cutting the mare off, denying any more friendship to her. But after all those years, she just couldn’t. While it wasn’t love she felt, that turquoise mare was still close to her heart, she was still her friend. For the time being at least.

If you make me choose between Octavia and you, you don’t stand a chance, Sassa.

If the pegasus had any inkling of what Vinyl was thinking about, she didn’t show it. Sassaflash simply continued right along with her job. Her head buried under the turntable connecting the different speakers to the correct set up. That is until she found a pulled wire. “Damn, Scratch, what did you do?”

“What?” Vinyl asked.

“You pulled out three wires. I need to splice them back in for this to work.”

“Well, you’re telling me,” Vinyl rolled her eyes.

“Go to my toolkit and get me a pair of wire splicers and the clamps.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Vinyl said with a roll of her eyes as she made her way across the stage to where Sassaflash kept her tools. It’s your fault anyway, What’d you expect to happen, me to crawl back? Cheat on Tavi? I don’t think so.

She found Sassaflash’s tools easy enough. Her own experience with wires had taught the mare exactly what she’d need. Making her way back to the stage Vinyl levitated the items to the pegasus.

“Thanks,” Sassa said.

“No problem.”

After a moment's pause, Sassaflash asked, “Hey, mind holding this real quick?”

Vinyl looked confused. Sassaflash never needed her help making repairs before. She stuck her head under the station to better see what was going on. “Hold what?”

“Over to the right,” Sassaflash said.

Vinyl moved her front hooves a little to the right. Too late did she realize that by doing so, her hoof was right between Sassaflash’s hind legs, pressing up against her. “Oh, Vinyl, naughty mare.” Sassaflash laughed.

“Sassa!” Vinyl yelled as she pulled back, insulted.

“I didn’t say anything,” she grinned, pulling her head from beneath the station.

“I should just say ‘buck you’ and never work with you again. Not even speak with you!” Vinyl snapped.

The turquoise mare pouted at that. Vinyl just glared at her, not joking around anymore.

“You know there was a time that that wouldn’t have been your hoof.”

“Those times are gone, Sassa. Read my lips, I’m. With. Octavia. And with the way you’ve been acting, I wouldn’t want to be with you again even if that wasn’t the case.”

Sassaflash actually looked hurt at that. “You don’t mean that.”

“Yes, I do,” Vinyl said in a tone that conformed her words.

“I-I… I’m going to get back to work,” the pegasus said with a downcast expression on her muzzle.

“So it takes me telling you the truth to get you to finally stop with that bullshit? Awesome!” Vinyl growled after her.

The mare didn’t say anything, she didn’t comment. She just stuck her head back under the station. Silence.

It was the silence that caused Vinyl to do a double take. She was pissed, of that there was no doubt, but… she didn’t want to hurt Sassaflash. Not like this.


“What?” the mare asked, her voice muffled from being under the station and from what sounded like the beginnings of sniffles.

She’s crying...

“Come back out for a second, I want to tell you something.”

“I think you’ve said everything you wanted to say.”


The pegasus pulled her head out, her eyes were red and her muzzle looked scrunched up.

“Listen, I’m sorry if I hurt you, but please understand me. You weren’t nice the last few days and you even admitted that you did it on purpose! What should I think about that? I told you all those years ago that I really really liked you, but don’t love you. It won’t change, but you could at least understand and be happy for me that I found love. Finally,” Vinyl said gently.

“Tell me, if Octavia fell in love with another mare and wanted to be with her and not you, how would you feel?”

“I…” Vinyl shut her muzzle.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought. I’m sorry if I can’t just be happy for you. I-I… love you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I gotta get these wires connected.”

“That's not the final solution Sassaflash. I would feel bad if this destroys everything we’ve build up over years of friendship. Do you really want to waste it? I don’t, but if you make me chose, it’s Tavi.”

“So you’ve said,” Sassaflash replied. There was something about her tone though. Something that sent shivers down Vinyl’s spine. It wasn’t full of hatred, sorrow, or any other emotions. Rather, it was the lack of emotion. It was as if the mare was completely numb.

“You don’t get to turn this around on me!” Vinyl screamed her frustration. “I told you, I told you a hundred times!”

“Yes, yes you did.”

That tone again.


“Vinyl!” Neon screamed from the other side of the club. “Can I see you over here for a second? NOW.”

“Oh what the buck is wrong now…” the unicorn muttered before going to him, but not before shooting a last glare at Sassaflash. “This is not over.”

The white unicorn stomped off the stage and toward her friend. “What do you want?”

“Office, now.” Neon said.

“You kidding me. Now?” Vinyl asked.

“Just come on, she doesn’t need to hear this,” Neon pleaded silently.

Vinyl huffed, but obeyed. She walked into Neon’s office and took a seat. Neon followed suit, shutting the door behind him with his magic. He then went to his chair and sat down, putting his hooves to his forehead.

“What do you want, Neon?” Vinyl asked venomously.

“I want you to let it go.”

“What?! I didn’t do anything!”

“I know you didn’t.”

“Neon, you don’t know her. If I let it go, she will do something stupid. Do you want that?” Vinyl growled.

He put his hooves on the table between them. “This is the best solution.”

“What? Letting her do stupid things and ruin everything?”

“No,” Neon answered calmly. “I want her to see for herself that she is wrong and can’t change it. All I need you for to do is to be strong.”

“Neon, she’s still my friend, I don't want anything bad to happen to her. If I can just make her see—”

“That’s just it Vi, you’re not going to be able to.” Neon took off his signature sunglasses to look Vinyl in the face.

“Yeah, I can!”

The stallion sighed. “You still believe you and her are going to be friends after this huh?”

“Yes! I’ve known her longer than Spitfire! I just know that we can do it!”

“Then let me ask you. What is different between her and Spitfire?” Neon asked.

“What? What are you trying to do?” Vinyl blinked.

“I just want to tell you why it won’t work with Sassaflash by letting you see the difference between her and Spitfire. Why is it working between the captain and you, but not between you and Sassaflash?” Neon looked at her.

“I-I… I don’t know, what’s the difference between the two?”

“Spitfire doesn’t love you anymore, Sassaflash does.”

“Spitfire likes me!”

“Exactly, she likes you. You’ve both moved on. But you no longer feel that way with her anymore do you?” Vinyl glared, but nodded. “And I bet she doesn’t feel that way about you either.”

“So you want to tell me that I can’t do anything about it? That I should just let Sassaflash rampage until she runs into a wall?!”

“Yes. You can’t make someone not love you. As long as she feels that way for you, you’re going to create the very disaster you’re trying to avoid. Love sick ponies don’t make the best decisions. And only time will cause her to feel any different with you.”

“I’m not giving up!”

“Dammit, Vi! You don’t get to break a pony’s heart and keep everything like it was! You’re smarter than that!”

Vinyl’s muzzle dropped open at that. She slouched back in the chair, numb. “But… she’s my friend.”

“Not anymore, not until she’s over you. Until that happens, she nothing more than a co-worker. Anything you do will only hurt her more, or give her false hope. For better or worse, you’ve made your choice.”

“So I have to treat her as just some mare I work with? You know this will end badly,” Vinyl sighed. “This will end really badly.”

“Not worse than you stomping on her heart.”

“Okay Neon. I’ll follow your advice,” Vinyl said before leaning forward. “But don’t complain if everything comes crashing down!”

Neon watched as Vinyl got up and left. the conversation officially over between them. He took a deep breath, and then another, and then another. Hoping that each one would provide him with some relief. None did. Vinyl, you...

He groaned, not even able to finish that thought. “I need a drink.”


Vinyl found her day was exactly what she had always hoped it wouldn’t be: boring. She had a few more run ins with Sassaflash, but the two hadn’t said a word to each other; not beyond what absolutely had to be said. That alone made her sad. The look on the pegasus’s face, it was…

She didn’t quite know what it was, it was non-Sassaflash though. Neon and Vinyl had a few more conversations, but they were all tarnished by their conversation in his office. It was like an alicorn was standing two hooves from both of them when they spoke but neither was allowed to talk about her or even acknowledge that she was there.

As such, Vinyl found herself doing something she hadn’t done since she was in school: watching the clock. When three fifteen finally ticked on the clock, she was out the door like a filly being released on the final day of school. A “Later Neon!” shout trailing behind her.

Never before had she been more happy to step out into the sun. Normally when she had this experience the sun had just risen and she was hung to the over and heading for bed. This time it was like the sun was a long lost friend greeting her after a terrible day at work.

She couldn’t wait to spend the rest of the day with Octavia.

So it wasn’t surprising that Vinyl cheered internally as soon as her apartment complex came into sight. Quickly, she rushed in and up the stairs, not even caring about the elevator. Every step she took away from the club was like a shot of energy given back to her. As such when she arrived back in the apartment, Vinyl had more energy than she knew what to do with.

She unlocked the door and pushed it open. “Honey, I’m home!” she shouted with a smile.

Octavia walked into the mane room from the back. “Hey, you’re on time!”

“Of course, it is me after all.”

“Exactly why I’m surprised,” Octavia said with a smile.

“Hardy har.”

“So, how was your day?”

“Infinitely better when I saw you again.”

“Flattering, but the truth please. I can see it in your eyes,” Octavia paused. “Sassaflash again?”

“Well… somewhat. Her and Neon actually.”

“What did he do?” Octavia asked, shocked.

“Just made me realize something I hadn’t up until now.”


“When I chose you, I broke her heart.”

“Vinyl, that’s not your fault.”

“Yeah, it is. Please don’t get me wrong, I definitely don’t regret my choice. My times with Sassaflash were fun, but the way I feel with you, I never felt that with her. I was with her but I didn’t love her, not like I love you. This… us, this is what I want, what I’ve always wanted. I was either going to break her heart, or my own. I made my choice, I stand by it, but I can’t deny what I did.”

Octavia wanted to say something, to make her feel better. But she knew that every word laying upon her tongue couldn’t help Vinyl. So instead she surprised her marefriend and pulled her into a tight hug before pressing her muzzle firmly against hers, lips meeting lips in a deep and passionate kiss.

“Wow… what was that for?” Vinyl breathed heavily as they broke.

“Just reminding my marefriend of more positive things,” Octavia smiled gently.

“You did the moment I laid eyes on you.”

“Sappy now, Vinyl?” Octavia asked with a grin as she kept hugging her.

“Truth,” Vinyl said with a smile as she hugged her back.

“We should go now, we’re already a bit late,” the grey mare gently whispered. “I promise that more of this waits for you after my rehearsal.”

“As long as I have you, that’s enough for me,” Vinyl said the words without intending to, they just came out. However, when they did, she knew it was the truth.

“Well, maybe I want more of you?” Octavia asked.

Vinyl’s eyes went wide at that as Octavia pulled back and smiled at her. The grey mare pecked her on the tip of the muzzle and then turned to grab her cello case. “You’re not the only one dreaming about… some things, sometimes,” Octavia smiled gently before opening the door and leaving. Vinyl just stared after her for several seconds, muzzle wide open before realising she was gone and quickly bolting after her marefriend.

When she caught up to her, Vinyl found one odd truth at that moment. It was especially odd considering how she had spent the last four hours. Vinyl found that she couldn’t stop smiling. The mare walked coat to coat with Octavia. Finding that perfect distance that allowed them to feel each other but not come off as crass.

Octavia actually broke that distance a few times. The first when Vinyl took her cello case in her magic to carry for her, and the next two as ways of surprising the unicorn. She went to say something, but every time she saw Vinyl’s smiling face, there just wasn’t a need to say anything. It was as if the moment was already perfect and adding anything to it would simply take away.

As such, when they got to the concert hall, they were both surprised. It was a good twenty minute walk from their apartment to the hall, but to both of them it had felt like the blink of an eye.

“Admit it, you teleported us,” Octavia said teasingly.

Vinyl laughed at that. “Yeah, when your back was turned I got lessons from Princess Celestia herself.”

“Seeing another mare behind my back? I’m shocked!”

“Nah, always just looking at your amazing flank,” Vinyl winked.

Octavia blushed at that, but also felt more than a warm tingling in her belly. She’s making me feel weird, but I love it.

The grey mare led the way inside, walking the back hallways to where they’d set up. Vinyl quickly became lost; however, she knew they were almost there when Octavia asked, “So you’re going to be good?”

“Goodish?” Vinyl said with a smile.

Octavia chuckled. “Close enough.”

Vinyl pecked her on the side of the muzzle before they opened what she’d assumed to be the last set of doors they had to go through.

She was wrong. In front of them were two new doors. One labeled with ‘VIP tribune’ and one with ‘Artists’.

“See you in a bit,” Octavia smiled before opening the second door and closing it behind her, but not without blowing her marefriend a small kiss.

Vinyl giggled and caught it with her hoof before planting it on her muzzle, then she quickly bolted up to the tribunes.

Vinyl followed the hallway up a flight of stairs. She had no idea where she was going, having never been this way before, but was left with the impression that only ‘high class’ ponies ever normally had this sort of access.

That caused her to smile. Knowing that somepony like her was treading over ground normally reserved for the ‘Equestrian elite’. Almost as if her presence in doing it somehow soiled their experience.

She reached the balsita and plopped down uncouthly into the rather plush and comfortable seats that overlooked the stage. “Damn, how do these ponies stay awake?” she asked nopony in particular.

Her worry about it was put on hold, as at that moment she saw seven different ponies starting to bring their equipment out on the stage. The one she really cared about, the grey mare, she was on the right side. Her music stand and cello case were set up in front of her.

She could see also Baritone, who looked surprised as he noticed her and quickly nudged Octavia, saying something to her and pointing at Vinyl. Octavia just shook her head before smiling and waving to Vinyl. The unicorn smirked and waved back.

Vinyl could see Baritone sighing and shaking his head before taking his place in front of the group. Now she could hear him all the way up here.

“Alright, everypony. Seems like we got a visitor today. Since Octavia’s friend wants to watch, let us all do the best we can!” he said and Octavia blushed a bit.

“Whoo hoo!” Vinyl shouted out loud, causing the small red blush on the grey mare’s cheeks to grow. Something noticeable even at the distance she was at.

“Alright, let’s start with the fifth octone of the first cord.”

“Wait… what did he say?” Vinyl whispered.

Then the music started. Well, if one could call it music. Vinyl sat back in the seat, suddenly a little less interested. She kept her eyes on Octavia. Octavia seemed to be focused on her sheet music, her eyes following the notes across the page, her bow running across the strings with all the subtlety of a ballet dancer’s movements.

it was graceful, it was beautiful—in a way. And it was boring.

Vinyl sunk down into the seat. Her eyes stayed on Octavia as long as they could, but she couldn’t stop them from wandering for long.

There was just one problem; there was literally nothing else to look at. The hall was clear, the seats empty. All there was were the ponies on stage and herself.

Vinyl groaned, wondering what time it was. Her eyes darted up and behind her. However, when she saw the clock, her muzzle dropped open.

Four ten?!

Vinyl lay her head back against the seat. “Celestia save me.”

It was then she noticed that the music had come to a stop. Jumping to her hooves she shouted, “WOOT! Go Octavia!”

The grey mare blushed, but beyond that didn’t reply to VInyl’s shouts. The white unicorn was ecstatic at least until she heard Baritone say, “Alright, let’s try it again and then we’ll move onto the fifth cord.”

It’s… not… over...

The unicorn shrank down into the chair.

It’s going to be a long night.

And it was, just not for Vinyl. The unicorn tried, she made her best attempts at it, but she simply couldn’t last the entire time, not three hours, and definitely not with nothing to do. It simply wasn’t in her nature to sit still for three hours listening to music she wouldn’t have been caught dead listening to normally.

As such when Octavia trotted up the stairs and woke her up, she wasn’t even mad. “Vinyl, Vinyl, it’s time to go home.”

“Szzh—hu?” Vinyl said, before realizing what had happened. “Octavia, you were awesome, I was just… uhh... resting my eyes?”

The look Octavia gave her said all that needed to be said about that. “Sorry, Tavi.”

Octavia chuckled. “What matters is that you came here for me, not that you stayed awake the entire time.

Vinyl rubbed the back of her head before smiling. “That’s good to hear.”

“Let’s go home Vinyl. We still have a long day before us,” the cellist smiled, making Vinyl’s heart flutter more than ever before. “And some long overdue cuddling to do.”

“Love you, Tavi.”

“I love you too, Vi.”

First night, pure love (CP)

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Chapter Three: First night, pure love

Vinyl and Octavia walked down the streets of Fillydelphia. Their bodies pressed together, their coats touching. Vinyl was going to comment on how anypony that saw them right now would, without a doubt, only assume one thing about the two. But she bit that back. Right now the moment was simply too right to say something stupid like that and almost ruin it.

After all, you shouldn’t look a gift-pony in the mouth.

“I can’t tell you how much it means to me that you came with,” Octavia said with a smile.

“Umm… sorry I didn’t stay awake.”

“Vi, for the last time, I only care that you even came with me and were there for me. I already knew you would find it boring,” the grey mare giggled.

“That was an amazing seat though.”

“High-class seats for my marefriend.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever had high-class anything in my life, well, other than one thing.”

“Oh, what’s that one thing?” Octavia asked with a grin.

“A high-class marefriend,” Vinyl said, pecking her on the side of the cheek.

“Vinyl,” Octavia said, nuzzling her muzzle against her marefriend’s.

“Yes, my love? the unicorn hummed happily.

“I think it is time for some special time. At home,” Octavia breathed the last two words lovingly.

“Hmm… Can’t wait, but I feel I must correct you on one small little detail.”

“Oh, what’s that?”

“Every second I spend with you is special.”

The grey mare blushed at that. “When did you get so sappy?”

“When I met you,” Vinyl said with a smile.

They continued walking after that. Neither said a word because, well, neither needed to say a word. The time, the moment, the company: it was all already perfect. Luna’s sky was already in full display for the two. The stars shone down upon them, the moonlight lit up the world in a way that simply enhanced it, without being overwhelming. It was, in a word: beautiful.

As they arrived at their apartment and opened the door, Vinyl found herself in a very strange situation. She thought, now that they were about to… take the next step, that she’d be apprehensive, nervous, or at the least, excited. But she wasn’t any of those things. That’s not to say she wasn't looking forward to it; she was. Or that she wasn’t going to enjoy it; she was.

It just felt… right.

Octavia walked in and shut the door behind them. She moved over to the side of the room and lay down her cello case. Then, she moved to the white mare and kissed her. “I-I… I think I now know how you feel.”

Vinyl looked at her strangely. “Huh?”

“What you said earlier, about wanting me, I think I now know a little of that.”

Vinyl raised a hoof and ran it down the side of Octavia’s head, “Bedro—”

Three loud knocks on the door interrupted her.

“If that’s Neon, or even Sassaflash, I’m going to murder somepony tonight,” Vinyl growled before opening the door. “WHAT?!”

Lyra and Bon Bon stepped back, ears flattening and a kind of shocked expression on their faces.

“Umm… are we interrupting something?” Bon Bon said in a subdued voice.


“Vinyl!” Octavia scowled at her marefriend. “Sorry girls, please ignore her and come in.”

“Great. It’s finally ahead and it gets blowed away. Just great,” Vinyl scowled before going to her room, shutting the door loudly behind her.

“We can… come back later?” Lyra asked.

Octavia scowled at the door Vinyl had so rudely shut like that. “No need, WITH THE WAY SOMEPONY’S ACTING IT WOULDN'T HAPPEN NOW ANYWAY,” she all but screamed.

“GREAT, THEN I CAN GO TO BED. ALONE,” came the muffled shout back.

The grey mare shook her head in anger and frustration. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, before opening them and putting on her best smile. “Please, come in and make yourself at home. What can I get you to drink?”

Bon Bon and Lyra just looked at each other. They both knew they’d just interrupted something, but didn't know what yet. Still with a mare like Octavia, if they left it’d just offend her. “Umm… two iced-teas please,” Lyra said as she led her marefriend to the couch.

“Two iced-teas, coming up,” Octavia replied as she made her way to the kitchen.

She quickly prepared the teas, but no matter how much she tried, she couldn’t get Vinyl out of her head and felt sorry. Not just for yelling at Vinyl, but for herself also.. She had been looking forward to the night as well, but now everything was scheduled for another time. With a sigh, she made her way back to the living room, a plate of drinks carried in her hoof.

Lyra levitated the plate to the coffee table and then one drink to both herself and Bon Bon. The mare took it with thanks and started to drink.

“We thought we could come over and talk with you about the week. You know that we want to hear simply everything!” Lyra smiled.

“Shouldn’t I get Vinyl for that?” Octavia asked.

“I don’t know if you can if she’s in that mood,” Bon Bon replied.

“I can try,” the mare smiled and made her way to Vinyl’s room. “Be back in a minute.”

At least I hope so, she thought.

Reaching the room, she tried to open it, but of course it was locked. “Vinyl, open the door!”

No answer.

“Do not think I would believe that you are already sleeping!”

Still no answer, and the mare was about to get angry.

“Open the door or I will!” Octavia growled, banging her forehoof against the door.

“Go away!”


“Why?” came the question, and Octavia stopped. She could clearly hear that it wasn’t Vinyl’s usual voice.

She is crying, Octavia thought, and her heart clenched painfully.

“Vinyl, please open the door. For me,” Octavia pleaded.

Seconds ticked by as nothing happened, then a soft click signaled to the grey mare that the door was now unlocked. She slowly opened it, not surprised to find a sobbing unicorn on her bed.

“Vi, love,” she started, sitting down at her side. “What’s wrong?”

“You know what!” Vinyl answered.

“Why are you crying?”

“Why? Seriously? I open my heart to you, and now that I can finally show you how much I love you in more ways, even that failed! Fate hates me. I’ll… I’ll just stay here,” Vinyl said, her words painful to Octavia.

“Please, Vinyl… I… I never said that it would not happen just because Lyra and Bon Bon visited us. It is just… delayed. Please, come with me and we can try it later,” Octavia whispered softly, followed by a gentle peck on the unicorn’s head.

“But… I mean… that moment was perfect.”

“Yes, but it was perfect because we were together. I want to be by your side still. Don’t you want to be by mine?”


“Then let me wipe those tears off of your wonderful face and we go to the living room were our friends are waiting,” Octavia smiled.

The white unicorn smiled at that as Octavia ran her hoof across her face, wiping her fur clear of the tears she had shed. “You sure we can’t just tell them to leave?”

“What did I say about being nice?”

“I promised I’d be goodish, not good.”

“Then how about we extend that? Promise to be good, and I’ll be good to you later,” Octavia whispered into her ear, trying a sexy voice that… that needed a little more work.

Vinyl stiffened a giggle, but her heart still melted. “Alright, I promise.”

The grey mare got off the bed and offered a hoof to Vinyl. She took it gratefully and got to her hooves. Together, they both walked out of the room and back to their waiting friends.

Bon Bon saw Vinyl and smiled. Lyra followed suit. “Hey, Vinyl, sorry, we didn’t mean to interrupt.

“The best things in life are worth waiting for,” Vinyl said with a smile.

“What brings you two over?” Vinyl asked.

“You two have been dating for over two weeks, we want to hear everything!” Lyra replied.

“There is not much to tell,” Octavia blushed.

“What? No first times, no little secrets you want to share with your best friends?” Bon Bon asked with wide eyes.

“Actually…” Octavia started, just to have Vinyl finish it for her. “We’ve never gone that far yet.”

“I’m impressed by that after everything I’ve heard about you,” Lyra grinned at Vinyl.

The unicorn glared back. “I’ll give her all the time she needs.”

Octavia smiled, just before leaning in and kissing her. Vinyl’s eyes went wide as the kiss deepened and a tongue poked for entrance. She had never expected Octavia to make such a bold move, especially in front of their friends, but she allowed it and soon caressed the invader with her own tongue. Needless to say, she never wanted it to end.

“I love you so much,” Octavia whispered as they broke.

“Mhh, and I love you much more,” Vinyl teasingly purred back.

Bon Bon and Lyra looked at each other, grinning at the two lovestruck mares. They might’ve been slow in their opinion, but that display told them that everything worked just fine between the two very-opposite mares.

“Sooo… everything’s going smoothly?” Lyra grinned.

“Definitely,” Vinyl chuckled while Octavia sported a healthy blush.

Bon Bon stayed quiet until she shrieked. “Oh buck, I KNEW we were interrupting!”

“What?!” Octavia, Vinyl and Lyra asked in unison.

“You two were about to have your first time!”

When she said those words, Octavia looked like she was about to die of embarrassment. Vinyl had a ‘well-duh’ expression on her face, and Lyra’s eyes went wide in astonishment that Bon Bon would just shout out such a thing.

It was Lyra that broke the silence though. “Hey, Bonnie, isn’t it about time for that thing we had today?”


“Yeah, you know, that thing we have in exactly five minutes, hence why you said before we knocked that we had to keep our visit brief.”

“Oh-oh… OHH, that thing, yes, I almost forgot! Thank you, Lyra, we can’t be late to our thing.”

Vinyl and Octavia looked at each other, neither had an idea what was going on now. Vinyl had a slight suspicion, but she kept quiet as the two friends quickly drain their teas and made their way to the door.

“It was nice seeing you both so happily together! See you soon!” Lyra called before the door shut behind them.

“That was… strange.” Octavia muttered, unsure if she had played the role of ‘host’ correctly or not. It was all rather… abrupt.

“Well, they have their thing to get to,” Vinyl said with a grin. There was no doubt about it, at least not to her, there was no thing. Well, there was one.

Vinyl nuzzled into Octavia. “Sorry.”

“Sorry?” Octavia asked.

“That I freaked out earlier. I was just looking forward to everything and… and my mind just shut down as you asked them in,” Vinyl admitted.

“It is not a zero-sum game, my love.”

“Huh?” Vinyl asked.

“Just because we have friends over doesn’t mean I will spend any less time with you.”

“Maybe I just want you all to myself?”

“Well, you will have that too.” At those words, Octavia kissed Vinyl once again. Now that they were alone and she had no qualms about somepony watching, she poured herself into that kiss, hoping that Vinyl would feel a tenth of a tenth of what she felt for her.

Vinyl felt far more than that, and she gave just as much as she received. Their lips pressed against each other and their tongues danced. First in Vinyl’s mouth, and then in Octavia’s. Vinyl had her eyes closed, her entire body was dedicated, lived for this kiss. Octavia felt herself floating on air, almost as if she were weightless. It was like kissing Vinyl simply removed everything from herself that weighed her down.

The kiss was magic.

It took the grey mare a minute to realize something had changed. She opened her eyes to see that at some point in time—she couldn’t say when—Vinyl had broken the kiss. The white mare’s eyes were staring directly into her own. There was a blush on her cheeks and a smile upon her lips as she asked a basic, simple question. “Bedroom?”

The word escaped Octavia’s muzzle before she was even aware she said it. “Bedroom.”

Vinyl’s eyes perked up at the simple word, for her it was a dream coming true. Gently, she continued to kiss Octavia, while guiding her to her bedroom at the same time. She took her time with it, exploring every single spot in her lover's mouth.

Octavia was lost. Everything just felt so right. The touch from Vinyl, her tongue on her mouth, the hoof gently caressing her muzzle. She never wanted it to end. Octavia was only concentrating on Vinyl, not on her surroundings, so she shrieked in surprise as her hooves hit something hard, causing her to fall upon a soft surface. Blinking, she noticed that she was in Vinyl’s bed now.

Vinyl looked over her mare, her lover, the love of her life. She was simply beautiful, sexy, and hot. The mare could already feel a warm itch between her legs, and the blushing grey mare on her bed wasn’t helping. Not that it was a problem she regretted having.

“You look absolutely beautiful. I’m so glad that you’re mine,” she whispered.

Octavia blushed even more at those sweet words. She saw the hungry look in Vinyl’s eyes, the longing, and all the love for her. It made her heart melt. She had no idea what she was doing, but crawled to the middle of the bed and positioned herself on her back, legs still kept shut.

Vinyl smiled at Octavia, before slowly walking to the side and then up the bed. “Don’t be afraid,” she whispered gently. “My promise still stands. If you want me to stop, we stop. But please let me show you how good it can be.”

The grey mare knew she could stop it, that Vinyl told the truth, so she relaxed a bit, allowing Vinyl to crawl up at her side and pepper her neck with soft kisses. Vinyl’s hoof slowly wandered over her chest to her belly, and rubbed it softly, electing a sigh from her lover.

The unicorn continued, until she gently nibbled at Octavia’s ear. ”Do you trust me?”

“Of course I do!”

Vinyl smiled and turned onto her back, her hind legs slightly spread. “Lay on me.”

Octavia hesitated and tried to not look down, but she couldn’t resist. She was greeted with Vinyl’s marehood, the unicorns arousal already clearly visible. With that sight, the grey mare could feel her nethers burn even more. Slowly, she crawled up and laid on her lover, the spot slightly under her belly pressing against Vinyl’s wet folds.

“I’ve waited so long for this,” Vinyl gently whispered, while planting more pecks on Octavia’s muzzle.

Octavia felt soft cooes echo from up her body, through her throat, and out her muzzle at Vinyl’s ministrations. In this position, with her on top, she could feel every muscle of Vinyl’s. The white unicorn was her bed, her entire body resting on the mare she loved. Every time she breathed, Octavia felt her own body rise and fall. The heat coming off the mare was like a warm oven. And the kisses, they were like little pecks of love plastered on her neck.

Vinyl’s hooves started to play across Octavia’s body. She ran them from the middle of the mares grey barrel up to the joints of her front hooves. Taking her time to massage, to rub, and to caress. This was it, the moment she had been waiting for ever since she had first developed feelings for the refined mare, and she wanted to make this perfect.

The earth pony didn’t know what she loved more, the kisses, or the touch. She was just very grateful that, at that moment, she didn’t have to choose. Never before in her life had she ever let somepony touch her like this, to take such liberties with her own body, but now that Vinyl was, she wondered why she hadn’t.

“Vinyl, that feels amazing,” she cooed.

“Tip of the iceberg,” Vinyl replied between little kisses going down Octavia’s neck. She then stuck out her tongue and placed small licks right along the mare’s neck. Vinyl then started to work her way back up, taking her time, going slower and slower with each kiss. She wanted to taste her, to know every part of Octavia as intimately as she could.

This time she didn’t stop when she reached the top of her neck. She kept moving up to the mare’s left ear. Softly blowing in it, she earned herself a few giggles from Octavia before she started to lightly, ever so lightly, nibble on the tip.

Octavia felt herself melt at the sensation of the mare’s teeth lightly caressing her eartip. It was so strange, so unusual, and so good. It was in that action that Octavia felt a heat growing in her loins. She blushed as she realized that this was turning her on.

“You can do whatever you want,” Vinyl whispered into her ear as she pulled back and smiled at Octavia.”

“Vinyl… I… um… I don’t know what to do,” Octavia admitted. She understood now, Vinyl had put her on top so she could take the lead, so she could do whatever she wanted to do without worrying about feeling uncomfortable or unsure. Another point was that, being on top, Vinyl gave her free room to decide if she wanted to stop or pull back. The unicorn did it all for her.

The downside: none of those points helped the fact that she hadn’t a clue what to do.

“Try to copy what I did to you,” Vinyl smiled. “You can also try whatever you want, I’ll tell you what feels good,” the unicorn gave her a small kiss.

Octavia looked unsure, but there was something else there that Vinyl picked up on, there was also a small amount of eagerness as well. The grey mare moved her front hooves to the sides of Vinyl’s barrel and started to press inward. She had never given a massage, but it didn’t exactly take a degree to figure out.

Her hooves found a large muscle group and started to rub. Vinyl closed her eyes and cooed slightly, enjoying the feel of the strong earth pony hooves pressing against her. Those responses caused Octavia to smile as she realized that it was her actions causing Vinyl to express such pleasure.

Octavia kept it up as she started to kiss Vinyl’s lips once more. They were little pecks designed to get the mare in the mood—well, further in the mood. Just as Vinyl had done to her, Octavia started to kiss down the side of Vinyl’s muzzle. It felt strange to her to kiss Vinyl’s coat like this, strange, but good. Vinyl moved her head with Octavia’s ministrations, allowing the mare better access as she went along.

The grey mare followed her lover’s muzzle down to her neck and copied Vinyl, serving small licks and nippings to the tender spots; even electing the smallest moan from the unicorn in the process. The sound was so new to her, but it turned her on even further.

It was that sound she liked the most. The act, it was nothing more than kissing a warm, slightly moving, blanket. While not unpleasurable in its own right, it was the sound that made it worthwhile. She loved the thought that this was causing Vinyl pleasure, and the cooes were the confirmation of it.

Feeling a little bold, and assured by Vinyl’s words from earlier, when she reached the bottom of Vinyl’s neck, she didn’t turn back and head to her muzzle. She moved her body ever so slightly so she could gain better access to the unicorn’s chest.

By doing so, the coat of her belly gently slid across Vinyl’s fold, making the unicorn moan slightly and causing Octavia to pull back, surprised and aroused by the touch she felt more than anything else that moment.

Vinyl looked into her eyes and blushed, causing Octavia to smile and continue her ministrations. Well, if the neck felt good, there is no reason to think it would not also feel good on her chest.

It felt good on her chest too.

Octavia moved back in and continued where she left off. That movement, while not intentional, had caused more of a response than everything else she had done that day combined, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to go there, not yet anyway. No… she wanted to go there, of that there was no doubt in her mind, she was just… scared. Scared of going there right now. Maybe in a bit, let me get more comfortable with this first.

Her kisses started up soon enough. Vinyl watched as the mare continued from the base of her neck and kept working down. She left a little trail of wet fur behind her. Smiling the entire time.

Vinyl lay her head back, enjoying the feelings and actions of the mare. She started to feel herself grow wet between the legs. Every action Octavia made was like throwing coal on a fire. One that was growing in intensity and strength with every passing second.

She resisted—fought against the urge to simply push Octavia’s head down between her hind hooves. Had it been Sassaflash, or even Spitfire, she would have done just that. But she wasn’t those two. This was Octavia, the mare she loved. She glued her hooves to her sides, not trusting herself, in fear she might do something dumb.

Octavia paused when, in her licks and kisses, she found a small numb near the bottom of Vinyl’s barrel. Her teats! I just… I…

“Wow, that feels amazing!” Vinyl said, her muzzle practically hanging open at the feeling of having her nipples kissed like that.

Octavia blinked as she looked up at the mare’s muzzle and then back down to the small little bud poking out from under Vinyl’s fur. The grey mare wasn’t stupid, she knew what teats were for, foals suckled on them for sustenance after they were born. But this… Does it really feel good?

She threw caution into the wind and went back down. Kissing the nipple ever so slightly. Vinyl cooed in pleasure at the action. She licked it and was rewarded with another coo, louder than before. She took it in her muzzle and started to lightly suckle on it, unsure if she was doing it right or not.

Vinyl’s eyes shot open as Octavia gently took one nipple into her mouth, starting to suckle on it. No matter how hard she tried, the unicorn couldn’t stop the moans escaping from her muzzle, making the grey mare perk her ears up at the lovely sound.

She knew she was doing it right and kept her work up. As if on autopilot, she moved her hooves to Vinyl’s flank, gently rubbing over the soft, but also toned coat, eliciting even louder sounds from the unicorn.

Vinyl was in heaven. Never before in her life had such actions felt that incredible. Of course, she had a lot of lovers and sex over the last years, but nothing could compare to this. She had found her mare, the right mare, and it simply felt wonderful. She never wanted another’s touch on her coat.

Octavia found herself enjoying it almost as much as Vinyl was, well, based on the sounds anyway. There was something soothing about what she was doing, natural, instinctual even. I guess everypony is born with the instinctual knowledge of how to do this, she thought.

Her hooves started to move inwards on their own, to lightly knead against Vinyl’s teats. The action was causing the mare's body to respond in kind. Vinyl’s teats started to grow slightly, just slightly more pronounced.

“The other one,” Vinyl managed to say.

Those words snapped Octavia out of her daydream. She had been so enraptured by the action that she had almost forgot the reality of what she was doing. She let go of the nipple, seeing it standing up straight on the mare and VERY pronounced. Her eyes moved to the other side of Vinyl’s coat, spotting the second nipple.

The second nipple went a lot better than the first. There was no uncertainty, no guesswork, nothing of the sort. Octavia already knew what to do so she simply copied her actions from the first over to the second, and was rewarded in kind.

“Oh, that feels amazing.”

Octavia smiled inwardly. She felt good too, better than good. This action, this moment, it was relaxing, natural, but the cooes and words of her love made it all that much better. She could have kept going for hours, would have too if not for a strange smell that started to permeate her nostrils. Opening her eyes she noticed a strange wet spot on her fur, and quickly figured out where the smell was coming from.

She’s… turned on, her marehood is dripping. Octavia’s eyes went wide as she found herself licking her lips. The smell was getting to her too. She wanted to taste that liquid, to know what Vinyl’s juices were like in her mouth. To use her tongue to… “Vinyl?” she asked

“Y-yes, my love?”

“Let us… um… switch for now.”

“Something wrong?” Vinyl asked, worried.

“No, nothing, I just do not wish to rush things.”

“You’re doing fine. Why would you rush anything now?”

“I do not feel… um, safe to go that far yet,” the grey mare blushed.

“It’s okay,” Vinyl smiled, despite her burning nethers. “I told you, you can just stop if you can’t continue.”

“But… but I do want to turn over and feel… you,” Octavia blushed even further, making Vinyl worry her coat would take that color permanently.

“Okay,” Vinyl said, feeling herself fighting the conflicting emotions of disappointment and excitement all at the same time. “Roll over on your side. I’ll take over.”

Octavia did as she was told, nervous about what was to come. She knew she could stop everything completely, but she also wanted to feel Vinyl more, to be hers in every definition.

Vinyl rolled over as well, but she got to her hooves and waited for Octavia to position herself to be comfortable. It was a wait she had a funny feeling could take the rest of her life if she didn’t do something. Octavia looked anything but comfortable. The mare was on her side, just as Vinyl had asked, but she wasn’t relaxed. Not in any definition of the word Vinyl knew anyway.

The unicorn positioned herself ever so. She started with a deep, sensual kiss to Octavia’s mouth as well as a rub across the left side of her head. Octavia responded in kind, moving herself to grant Vinyl better access, to allow herself to feel the mare’s touch and tongue.

When Vinyl pulled back, she smiled at Octavia. “You know, even if we stop now, this night has been one of the best nights of my life.”

“Mine too,” Octavia said with a blush, “but I didn’t say stop.”

Vinyl kissed her again, a small peck for them both to enjoy before she started to move down. The unicorn was experienced. Far, far more so than Octavia was. She put that expertise to use now, although this was still somewhat new territory for her as well. Vinyl was far more used to simply jumping to the good parts.

The unicorn peppered kisses and nippings over her mare’s muzzle, neck and chest, before taking her long, dutiful time on her belly. She had to admit that it was a spot she loved, as it was very ‘touchy’ and could relax Octavia even further.

Confirmation of that relaxation came from several different sources. The first and foremost was that Vinyl could feel the tension practically leaving the grey mare. The second was the cooes and soft moans that Octavia would release. The last was a little more subtle, and she suspected, intentional. Octavia started to physically relax, her back hooves spread ever so slightly apart, her body moved in slight movements that showed she was relaxing, that she was no longer self-conscious about what she was putting on display.

Vinyl put that information to use. She waited for the final signals that Octavia was relaxed, that the mare awaited her gentle touch. The unicorn smiled lovingly as she continued her nipping from Octavia’s belly down to right above her teats, then between them, eliciting a and soft moan from her lover.

The grey mare was in her own world of bliss. She had never expected that it could feel so good, yet, Vinyl’s touch under her belly made her sure that it was more than that. It felt wonderful and she didn’t want her to stop.

With more kisses and nippings, Vinyl made sure that her mare wouldn’t be afraid. Not that she wouldn’t stop if asked, but she simply wanted to show her how good she could make her feel. Quickly looking up, she shared a lovingly gaze with Octavia, before taking care of her left nipple, gently caressing it with her tongue.

Octavia’s muzzle hung open and a load moan escaped her mouth. Her nethers burned upon the sensation of this gently tongue on her teat. “Oh, Celestia, Vinyl, that feels amazing,” she breathed out.

Vinyl loved those sounds, she loved that those sounds were because of her and her only. Smiling, she opened her muzzle and took the teat into her mouth, softly suckling on it and electing even more moans from Octavia.

Oh my Celestia this feels amazing, I cannot even describe it, Octavia thought as her mind was nearly shut off. The only thing she cared for was her beautiful, white unicorn with her muzzle buried under her stomach. She found herself intrigued by the thought what would happen if her mare would just inch a bit more down.

Then Vinyl started to knead Octavia’s teats just as she had done to her. Octavia’s thought vanished in a flood of pleasure. She felt her muzzle fall open and her tongue fall out, very un-Octavia like, but, at that moment, she didn’t care. All that mattered were the feelings, the pleasure, and the soft cooes of enjoyment that were coming from Vinyl as she suckled on the dry well.

Vinyl took a small risk, a small slight risk that would either put an end to this, or drive it up to eleven. As she lay on the bed, perpendicular to the earth pony, suckling on the mare’s left teat, her left hoof started to slowly, ever so slowly, moved down Octavia’s body. Its destination: the engorged folds of Octavia’s slit.

Octavia felt it like a bolt of lightning striking her nethers in all the right ways. Vinyl had done it slowly, carefully. So purposeful had been her actions that when the grey mare felt the unicorn’s hoof run down her marehood, it simply felt right that it should be like that. Almost like anything else would have been an impossibility.

But the sensation of another touching her… there; it was unlike anything else Octavia had ever experienced in her life. She felt something growing, something building up deep in her nethers, a foreign, new feeling. But it was good.

Vinyl smiled as Octavia’s moans grew louder and louder, her hoof moving so gently over the grey mare’s wet folds. She knew she did it right, and the sounds her mare made were the best gift ever. More so, as she felt Octavia tense up and knew what was about to come.

“Oh Celestia, Vinyl, that, oh my…” Octavia shouted out her pleasure.

The only thing Vinyl could do was grin as she felt her lover cum right in her hooves, the wetness on her hoof increasing quickly. Feeling bold, she moved her hoof to her muzzle and licked the liquid of it. It was the sweetest nectar she had ever tasted, and she knew she was already addicted to it.

Octavia slumped down, exhausted, and breathing heavily, her mind still trying to process everything that had happened.

“You taste delicious,” Vinyl moaned as she gave her a lovingly gaze, making Octavia blush slightly.

The unicorn laid down opposite of Octavia. Her previous experience with other mares and Octavia led her to believe that Octavia would take her turn, return the favor, so to speak. However, as she laid down, looking at Octavia, all she could see was the mare she loved, tired and satisfied. She knew that it was enough for the first night, and who was she to force her mare?

Octavia looked to Vinyl, she was unable to move her limbs, it was as if her body was numb, but she wanted to give Vinyl everything back she had received. However, as she groaned and tried to turn, Vinyl put a hoof onto her chest and smiled.

“Tavi, you don’t have to force yourself. This was only the first night of hopefully many to come. If you want to rest, then rest, and we can continue this another night,” she sweetly whispered into Octavia’s ear.

At those words, Octavia did manage to move, she moved her head and buried it into Vinyl’s chest. “First of many good nights?”

“First of the rest of our lives,” Vinyl said back with a smile as she soothingly stroked the grey mare’s back.

“I can’t believe I have you, I don’t deserve you” Octavia chuckled weakly. “I love you so much.”

“Heh, now you know how I feel every day, being at the side of you, a beautiful and refined mare. I love you too, Tavi,” Vinyl smiled.

The two mares held each other as they drifted off into blissful slumber.

Dates and even more Problems (CP)

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Chapter four: Dates and even more Problems

Light penetrated her eyes, making Vinyl stir in her sleep. It was so comfortable, she didn’t want to get up yet; maybe never again. Not with the warm feeling of her marefriend laying on her coat.

It was no use though, some things have to happen regardless of our personal feelings about them.

After several minutes of trying to hide her eyes from the sunlight, Vinyl was forced to give up and blink her eyes open, her gaze immediately fell upon the resting Octavia. It was like a spell cast a smile upon her muzzle with how the grey earth pony laid over her, hooves stretched wide and her head deeply pressed into Vinyl’s chest. Vinyl could die right there and she’d die a happy mare.

Vinyl had no idea how long she laid there, watching Octavia breath peacefully, and she didn’t care either. For her, it could’ve been hours, or even days. But in reality, it was only a few minutes before the grey mare started to stir and slowly opened her eyes.

“Good morning, beautiful,” Vinyl gently said, earning a smile from the mare.

“Good morning to you too,” Octavia replied, slowly crawling up to nuzzle and kiss her marefriend.

Vinyl giggled. “Mhh, now that’s what I call a good morning.”

Octavia just blushed. “Thank you.”


“Last night. Thank you for not pushing me. I… I can’t tell you how much that means to me,” Octavia whispered before leaning in for another kiss.

“For you, anything,” Vinyl smiled as they broke. “I don’t want to rush things and lose you. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, I love you so much.”

The blush on Octavia’s cheeks deepened. “Do you… well… do you think that we could, uhm…”

“Just spill it.” Vinyl chuckled, enjoying the cute expression of her marefriend as she stuttered for words.

Octavia huffed before looking her straight into the eyes, “Do you think we can… continue our journey tonight?” She asked, almost wincing as her voice dripped of unsureness.

Vinyl smiled and gently cupped Octavia’s muzzle with her hooves. “Don’t be scared. Of course we can, we could continue now if you wanted,” Vinyl said playfully before getting serious. “We’ll do whatever you want whenever you want.”

“I love you,” Octavia smiled.

“I love you too, my Tavi,” Vinyl whispered back before pulling her into a long and deep kiss.

The unicorn put every bit of passion she had into the kiss, and Octavia answered in kind. Even making Vinyl blink in surprise as a tongue gently asked for permission. It took Vinyl only a second to respond, allowing the soft, wet appendage to invade her mouth, answering with her own tongue immediately. It was a heated battle, but in the end, Octavia won. Vinyl could’ve outlasted her with experience, but she didn’t want to do anything of the sort.

Octavia cooed softly. For her, the kiss ended way too soon, but she didn’t say anything as their tongues and lips separated.

“With you at my side with a few of those kisses a day, I’m the happiest mare alive,” Vinyl giggled.

“I think we can arrange that,” Octavia replied, blushing again.

“Do you have any appointments today?”

“You should learn my weekly schedule, Vi!” Octavia teased her before giggling. “No, I’m free today.”

“Mhh, so you’re all mine today,” Vinyl purred back.

“So are you.”

“How about I treat you to dinner today?”

“Really?” Octavia asked with wide eyes.

“Sure, Tavi! And I swear it won’t be a bar or club this time,” Vinyl laughed.

Octavia smiled, then blushed once more. “That actually sounds wonderful, but I want to spend more time like this.”

“You know that once we start cuddling time, we won’t make it to our date?”

“That does not sound as bad as I thought it would…”

“Mhh I love that cute and shy, but kinky side on you, Tavi,” Vinyl purred.

“Kinky? I do not have a kinky side,” Octavia protested.

Vinyl just smiled.

“I do NOT have a kinky side! That’s just for… perverted ponies.”

Vinyl’s smile increased even more. “Octavia, all ponies have kinks; that doesn’t mean their perverted. I have mine and, while we may not know yours, yet, you have yours too. Kinks aren’t a bad thing, they’re things you enjoy that others might find strange, they’re part of what makes you unique.”

“Kinks are all about whips and chains!”

“No they’re not, kinks are just things that you like. Like some ponies might really enjoy hooves more than others, some may enjoy sensual licks or even feathers on their coat.”

“That… that doesn’t sound horrible at all,” Octavia admitted.

“Oh? So you have a feather kink, interesting.”

“Vinyl!” Octavia shouted as she pushed the unicorn over to her side. For her part Vinyl just started laughing as Octavia got to her hooves and stood over her. “Kinks huh? I’ll show you kinks!” At that she began tickling the white unicorn’s soft underbelly.

“Ha!” Vinyl laughed and giggled, giving Octavia nothing more than a token resistance to the tickle torture until it got to the point where the earth pony had both her front hooves to either side of Vinyl’s barrel. When that moment was reached, Vinyl sprung up and wrapped her hooves around Octavia, pulling her down for a long passionate kiss.

When they finally broke apart, Octavia was staring down into Vinyl’s ruby eyes. She gazed longingly into the sight hidden from most by the glasses she normally wore. It was as if those eyes were just for her, they were her special present that only she got to see. “So, what are your kinks my love?” Octavia asked, more than a little curious.

Vinyl smiled and reached a hoof up to rub the side of Octavia’s head, she reached up and kissed her once on the lips before saying, “I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you everything, one day, but not today. Let’s wait on that until we’re a little further along in our relationship, okay?”

“Okay,” Octavia said with a grin before her grin scrunched up into a look of gisgust.

“What’s wrong?” Vinyl asked.

“You… we stink.”

Vinyl looked at her strangely before catching a sniff of the room. Octavia had been wrong about one thing. Sure, ‘they’ indeed did stink, but it wasn’t just them, it was the very room that stunk. Or more precisely, the bed, sheets, and them. They all smelled like sex.

She didn’t exactly mind, but for someone like Octavia, she could see the issue.

“Sacrifices of a night of some delicious, hot love,” Vinyl giggled.

“Yeah, well, we need to clean up.”

“The after is never quite as fun as the during,” Vinyl mumbled as Octavia jumped off the bed.

“You get the laundry started and I’ll run us a nice hot bath.”

Vinyl’s ears perked up at that. “Come again?”

“Don’t even start to think about any funny business,” Octavia smiled and swung her tail, letting it gently brush along Vinyl’s coat. “That comes tonight.”

“Yeah, why in all of Equestria would I ever think that.” Vinyl was salivating at the sight of Octavia walking away from her, the bounce in her step, the swing in her tail, and that gorgeous-gorgeous flank.

“Oh, hush and strip the bed already. Those sheets and blankets need to be washed.” Octavia replied as she disappeared into the bathroom.

It wasn’t the first time Vinyl had done the ‘flight of the bumblee’ before to get the sheets changed, although it was the first time she had done it for this reason. Normally it was right before she took a pony to bed, this time it was after so she could join a pony in the tub.

She jumped off the bed and concentrated her magic on the sheets, blankets, and pillows. With a quick effort from her will, the bed was stripped and the offending cloth was fully gathered. She carried them into the laundry room and dumped them into the washing machine. A quick addition of soap later and it was ready to start. Something they’d wait on until after the shower.

She grabbed new linen and carried it into the bedroom. Making the bed proved just as easy; in two minutes flat she had changed out everything and was all but trotting into the bathroom.

Arriving, first thing, her jaw dropped and crashed into the floor. Her mare, her beautiful grey mare was sitting in the tub, her mane laying wet over one side. Vinyl couldn’t think of anything sexier that she’d ever seen.

“Are you going to just stand there and look until I drag your flank into this tub, or are you coming?” Octavia asked teasingly.

“I...I…” Vinyl stuttered, just to shut her muzzle as Octavia cocked her head, blinking her beautiful lavender eyes.

“The view might be good, but living it would be better, no?” Octavia asked.

Okay, that’s pretty good logic right there, Vinyl thought as she trotted to the tub. She looked in as Octavia gestured that she wanted to hold Vinyl, and while personally she’d have preferred to be in the back and hold Octavia, she knew that if that had been the case, there would be a lot of funny business to say the least. Reluctantly she got in front of her mare instead.

The water was hot, near scalding hot. She hissed as she got put one hoof at a time. When she was standing in the tub she sat down on her flank, facing away from Octavia and started to lean back.

Octavia couldn’t take it anymore, she grasped Vinyl by the sides and pulled her all the way down to her. “Ahh, Tavi, that’s hot!”

“I know I am,” Octavia said coolly.

“Who knew the refined mare could act like that?” Vinyl giggled.

“Maybe you opened my eyes?” She blushed back. “Or maybe I did not want to wait any longer to hold you like this?”

To Vinyl, the temperature in the room increased by a few degrees at those last words. She felt herself blush, and then relax into the grey mare’s grip.

Octavia wrapped her hooves around Vinyl’s shoulders, letting them come to rest on her chest as she pulled the mare slightly closer to her. Vinyl rested the back of her head against Octavia’s chest. She looked up and gazed lovingly into Octavia’s eyes.

Octavia kissed the top of Vinyl’s horn, an action that sent electric thrills shooting through the white unicorn mare. An action that went unnoticed by the earth pony.

“This is nice,” Octavia said as she simply laid back and held her mare in a hot bath tub.

“You could say that again, and then one more time after that,” Vinyl replied with a chuckle.

“This is nice. This is nice. This is nice,” Octavia repeated herself over and over, each sentence accompanied by a kiss upon Vinyl’s horn.

“T-Tavi, that’s not a good idea…” Vinyl objected weekly.


“Uhm… remember about my kinks? Please… not my horn,” Vinyl blushed madly.

“Oh it bugs you?”

“‘Bugs’ is not the word I’d use.”

“It—oh, OH.”

“Yeah,” Vinyl said with a sheepish smile.

“It’s sensitive for you?” Octavia asked, torn between learning something new and the fact that she was arousing her partner. Not that the latter was necessarily a bad thing.

“Yeah, they’re kinda sensitive, it’s a unicorn thing.”

“I am sorry then.”

“You don’t have to be. You’re my marefriend after all, and now you know it,” Vinyl chuckled.

Octavia squeezed her tighter in her hooves, but her eyes didn’t turn away from the protruding object at the top of Vinyl’s head. She breathed in deep and exhaled, slowly, from her lips, pursed into a small circle so as to direct her breath across the horn.

Vinyl shivered in her grip, but said nothing, thinking it was just a mistake by the mare.

It was anything but; something that became obvious when Vinyl felt another kiss on the tip of her horn. “Hey, Tavi what are yo—”

“You said I am your marefriend, right?”

“Well, yeah.”

“So let me treat you like one. After last night, I kind of want to repay the favor.”

“You know you don’t owe me for that,” Vinyl replied.

“I know, consider this me doing something fun just for you.”

“Well, can’t argue with that, but, be careful, like I said, it’s sensitive, for good and bad.”

“Noted,” Octavia replied as she lightly kissed her horn again.

Vinyl cooed in pleasure as the actions sent shocks of endorphins running through her brain.

Octavia felt her tense up, she heard her coos of pleasure, and she felt good at known that her actions had caused her marefriend such pleasure. She did it again, and again, growing more bold with each and every lick and touch.

Vinyl found herself in seventh heaven, something that only increased when Octavia’s tongue joined the ministrations of her lips.

“F-Fuck, Tavi… Only weeks ago you were prudish and against me… now this. Am I dreaming?” Vinyl moaned silently.

At those words Octavia squeezed her even tighter and licked fromt the base of Vinyl’s horn all the way to the very tip, causing the mare to squeal in pleasure at her actions. “If you are, I’m right there with you, and I hope we never wake up from it.”

“Ditto,” Vinyl managed between deep breaths. She felt hotter than she had in her life and she knew that it had nothing to do with the hot water they were sitting in.

Octavia blew across Vinyl’s horn, watching in fascination as her saliva trailed across it. She knew that had it been skin and not bone, it would’ve left goosebumps in it’s wake.

“Oh-my-Celestia, that feels amazing!” Vinyl cooed in appreciation. Her hind hooves locked up as she felt a shot of pleasure shoot across her marehood in response.

That was all Octavia needed. At those words she took the tip of the horn in between her lips and started to suckle. She started off with just the tip, getting used to having a strange object in her mouth as she worked it over with her tongue. In terms of taste, it had a coppery taste that was neither good or bad, just strange. But the more she went to work on it, the more she found a secondary flavor that she just couldn’t place.

Vinyl’s eyes rolled back into her head as soon as Octavia’s mouth went around her horn. The mare had no skill, that much was obvious. But the simple fact that it was Octavia made this one of the best experiences in Vinyl’s life.

As Octavia’s muzzle sunk down around the horn, Vinyl’s hoof shot to her clit, something that all but demanded her attention right now.

When Octavia’s muzzle reached the bottom of the horn, Vinyl shouted, “Fuck! Right there, yes!”

At that she felt Vinyl’s body tense up as her orgasm hit, hard. Octavia was also rewarded with that other, strange taste shot into the back of her throat. She didn’t know it, but upon Vinyl’s release, she had shot off a small amount of raw magic.

Octavia found she liked the taste, a lot, but after licking for just a little bit longer, she found there was simply no more to be had. Sighing, she gave up and pulled back off the horn.

Vinyl just lay in her hooves, panting, her own front hoof still buried between her hind legs.

“Did you like that?” Octavia asked.

Vinyl chuckled. “If I had any energy right now, I’d jump on you and return the favor a million times over.”

Octavia was about to protest against such a crude statement, but, she found that the thought excited her more than it offended her. For now, she simply squeezed Vinyl one more time before reaching for the shampoo.

“We should get ourselves… more presentable, don’t you agree? For the rest… there is more time later,” Octavia smiled before winking. “And… about me being a prude and refined mare. Let’s say that my behaviour is… more trained by my father than it is natural behaviour. And I will show you how kinky I can get every single day anew.”

“How is it possible?” Vinyl asked as she glanced up as Octavia started to run more shampoo through her mane.

“How’s what possible?” Octavia asked.

“That I love you even more each day?”

The grey mare chuckled. “I don’t know, Vi. But I feel that we just started our journey.”

Vinyl turned away as Octavia washed her mane for her, the grey mare even cupped water in her hooves to help rinse out some of the mess. However, her expression turned to worry and then anxiety as Octavia went to work on her. Something that did not go unnoticed by the earth pony.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m just… nothing.”

“What is it?” Octavia asked.

“Well, normally at this point in my relationships, I end up doing something to screw it up. I’m just worried I’ll do that here too.”

“Why would you screw it up?”

“I don’t know, because I’m a buck up?”

“Vi, you’re not a buck up.”

“Then… I don’t know.”

“Maybe… maybe because you don’t think you deserve to be happy?”


“Maybe it’s because you feel you do not deserve somepony special?”


“So you try not to hurt them and just hurt yourself instead?”

“I-I guess?”

“But you do hurt them, don't you?”

“You mean…“

Octavia nodded. “You can’t get away from me simply by making yourself feel worse, Vi. If you try I’ll feel just as bad, worse even, that you’re trying to punish yourself. Ask yourself if your actions are truly selfless by punishing just you, if you can just punish yourself. I think you already know the answer.”

“That makes my head hurt.” Vinyl replied.

“Vi, listen. You… you deserve me. All of this. I know that you had a lot of… relationships and I know that your life wasn’t always easy. What I don’t know is what happened after the school in detail. I lost a good friend at that time. You left me without a word. I may not know everything and, by Celestia, I definitely don’t understand everything, but please let me be here for you.”

“You mean it?”

“Of course I do,” Octavia smiled. “And once we’re both ready, we will talk about everything that happened and why we lost each other… why we forgot each other. And maybe we can forgive each other, and, more importantly, ourselves.”

Vinyl said nothing, she merely sat back and contemplated those words. It was a… strange experience for the mare to say the least, something she felt woefully out of her depth doing, but she felt like it was important. Like this was something she needed to do, regardless of how hard it was.

She became so lost in thought that Octavia had time to finish washing her mane as well as her own before patting Vinyl on the side. “Alright, let’s get out of her and dry off.

Vinyl blinked, twice. “Huh?”

“We are clean, Vinyl.”

The white mare was about to pout, or say something along the lines of, ‘we’ve been soaking in a cum filled bath for Celestia knows how long, I doubt clean really qualifies,’ but she bit her tongue. Besides, however nice it had been, the water was actually starting to grow a little cold.

And knowing that Octavia’s coat had been bathed in a tub she had cum in added a certain level of excitement as well.

So, with some reluctance, Vinyl got out of the tub. She reached a hoof down to help Octavia out as well. “So, how long until our date?” Vinyl asked.

“I’m pretty hungry and I don’t want you to cook all the time. How about we eat lunch at a restaurant and call it our date?” Octavia suggested.

“Well, I know that we wanted to do something romantic, but if we go to the club it’s free, and there wouldn’t even be other ponies around, it’d just be you and me, and those setting up for the night of course.”

“Could you play some music, just for me?” Octavia asked.

“Only if you do the same for me at some time,” Vinyl smiled back.

The grey mare blushed slightly. “Vi, every time you are at my rehearsals or concerts, I do exactly that. I play just for you.”

“So that’s like… always?”

“Always,” Octavia replied with a kiss.

Vinyl started to frown. “What’s wrong now?” Octavia asked.

“Now I feel bad about falling asleep again.”

“Not as bad as I feel for most of the time fleeing out of the club at some of your… more heavy sets I think you call them,” Octavia laughed.

Vinyl rubbed her wet coat against Octavia’s as she levitated over towels for them to use. The grey mare smiled and caught hers in her hooves. “Forgive and forget?” Vinyl asked as she started to dry herself off.

“Nothing to forgive, Vinyl. And I don’t want to forget a single moment with you.”

Again, Vinyl found herself smiling like an idiot without a single thing to say. In truth there was simply nothing to say. The moment was, for lack of a better term: perfect. She had the best marefriend in the world in the same bathroom with her. They had just had a rather intimate encounter that had felt better than some full blown sex she’d had in her life, with a wonderful promise that things were only going to get better from here. What more could a mare ask for?

If Octavia felt any differently she gave no sign, the mare simply finished drying herself off, blushing every time her eyes would lock on Vinyl’s, or her horn for that matter. She didn’t know why, but she had enjoyed that act more than she cared to admit. There would definitely be encores of that later.

Together, the two tossed their towels into the basket and walked side by side out the door, out of the house, and to the club. Both were more than content with how things are, although both of their stomachs were growling, reminding them that they were not.

As supposed, the club was completely empty, and Vinyl’s keys opened them every door as they pleased.

“We have to search a bit. I doubt chips and crackers sound good for lunch,” Vinyl giggled after taking a look at the bar.

“Don’t you also serve smaller, warm things?”

“Well, we have fries, some small salads and a wide range of potatoes with different toppings,” Vinyl counted the inventory down.

Octavia smiled “Potatoes and salad?”

“Potatoes and salads it is,” Vinyl chuckled. “In the end I still cook, ha!”

“Oh, we can—”

“It’s fine, I like cooking for the mare I love.”

“Vinyl,” Octavia cooed slightly.

“Why don’t you go look for some music you’d like to go with lunch. I’ll get the food ready.”


“It’s over there,” Vinyl pointed as she walked over to the kitchen.

Octavia smiled as she watched Vinyl walk away. She turned and headed to the DJ booth. It hadn’t been her first time seeing one, but it was going to be her first time behind one.

As she got to the station, she started to look around at all the different records in their spots below the booth. She resisted the temptation to shudder as names like ‘Nicklebuck’, and ‘Stallion Park’ shot by her eyes. It took some searching, it took a lot of searching, but in the end she found one that she liked.

“Find one yet?” A voice asked from across the way.

“Yep, this one,” Octavia replied, holding up the record.

Vinyl smiled as—even from a distance—she took the record in her magic, pulled it out of it’s case, placed it on the turntable, and flipped the necessary switches to get it started.

“Hope you do not mind, it is a bit more my taste then yours,” Octavia said.

“I’ll have to make due with the company,” Vinyl replied as she walked over to a nearby table and started to pull out the chairs to get everything set up.

Octavia grinned as she walked over, the classical overture she had found buried deep behind several uncouth records playing in the background. To her credit Vinyl didn’t even blink an eye at the music. She just kept setting up the table.

By the time Octavia made it over, Vinyl's magic had made short work of the preparations. The unicorn held out a chair for her marefriend, who took it with a kind smile. “For my lady,” Vinyl grinned and kissed her on the top of her head.

“Thank you, good ma’am.”

Vinyl smiled at that as she sat down on the other side of the table, and then did something that surprised Octavia. She got up and dragged her chair closer to the earth pony, making a loud screeching sound as she went.

“Vinyl, what are you doing?”

“I get if I sit across from you I can look you in the eyes, but I’d rather be able to touch you instead,” Vinyl replied, parking her chair right next to Octavia’s before jumping up on to it.

Octavia laughed. “Never change, Vinyl, never change.”

“I would never,” the unicorn giggled back.

“Not even for me?” Octavia pouted.

“Mhh… maybe,” Vinyl smirked. “But only if you asked nicely.”

At that Octavia laughed as she picked up her fork to dig into the wonderfully delicious looking meal prepared by her marefriend. Something that was interrupted when the door open again, a turquoise pegasus and a teal unicorn came walking in.

“Oh, looks like we’re interrupting,” Neon Light said upon seeing the two mares enjoying their lunch together.

“Hey, Neon, hope you don’t mind,” Vinyl said with a smile.

“Pft, help youself, Vi!” Neon said back with a smile.

Of course there was one mare who was doing anything but smiling. “How can you even say that? They… they’re only causing trouble! Not even asking to use the club as their private dinner!”

“Sassa, calm down,” Vinyl growled. “You’re ruining a great day.”

“The buck I am!”

“Alright Sassaflash, let’s go and come back later,” Neon said and tried to grab the pegasus, but she stayed where she was.

“So that’s how it’s going to be? You’re doing it different than with Spitfire and me, huh? Not just fucking her, but also implying you’d love and care for her? You suck!” Sassa shouted.

Octavia blinked, confused and anger building up in her throat. “How dare you to-” she started, but Vinyl cut her off.

“Wanna know something Sassa? NEWSFLASH! I never told you or Spitfire I love you! Spits got that message, YOU didn’t. I’m not going to apologize for my feelings! Now get the buck out before I help you out!” Vinyl scowled, her horn fizzling slightly in anger.

“You’re a fucking cunt, Vinyl!” Sassaflash shouted.

Neon forcefully interjected himself between her and Vinyl. “Alright, Sassa, that’s enough, we’re going now!”

The mare looked up at him in anger, but eventually sighed and left of her own accord. Neon turned back to the two mares. “Sorry to ruin your date.”

“It wasn’t your doing,” Vinyl said with a scowl.

“I’ll talk to her, but maybe not have dates here anymore?” Neon asked.

“Hey, where I bring my mare—”

“Understood, sorry for the trouble we caused,” Octavia interjected.

Neon nodded at her and left to go track down a pissed off pegasus. Vinyl turned to Octavia with a confused look on her face. Octavia just shrugged. “So that is Sassaflash, huh?”


“She’s… nice?”

“Nice? You’re kidding right? Do you remember how she was in the hospital?”

“You mean when Spitfire and she were worried about you?” Octavia cocked her head.

“Yeah.... She never got that I just love her as a good friend, not like she wants it. I don’t have those feelings for her. Or Spitfire,” Vinyl muttered.

“So you were just friends and decided to have sex?”

“Well… Sassa and I started out more with the… physical stuff. But I told her it was just that. We kinda became friends later.”

“I’m guessing she felt more?”

Vinyl put her hooves against her temples. “You could say that again. I didn’t exactly help things along. Whenever I’d feel lonely, she was an easy...”

“Easy… what?”

“Ugh, Octavia my life is not exactly something I’m proud of, do you really want to know?”

“Yes, I want to know everything, Vinyl.”

“She was an easy lay. Somepony I could jump in the sack with anytime I felt like it. Heck, even now I could probably get her to eat me out during my next show with just a few words.”

Octavia slowly got up and brought a certain distance between her and Vinyl before blinking. “And what about me?”

“You’re the bucking love of my life,” Vinyl replied as she stared up into her eyes. “I feel like I don’t deserve you, that the rest of my life is evidence of that, and I feel worse than I ever have before about what I did. Knowing you, loving you like this, it’s like…”


“Like I think I know how Sassa feels about me.”

“But it’s not the same,” Octavia whispered, closing the gap slowly again.


Octavia waited until her muzzle was barely an inch away from Vinyl’s, “Because I love you back,” she whispered before pressing her lips onto Vinyls.

The unicorn was surprised, but quickly melted into the kiss. It didn’t last nearly as long as she wanted it too.

“Vinyl, you can’t change your past, so neither can I,” Octavia whispered and smiled a sad smile. “We both did things we’re not proud off, but we can at least lead our future toward a better path and enjoy it together.”

“Maybe we should both apologize together so we can build our future on a sturdy foundation?”

“Where’d that come from?” Octavia asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I read something similar on one of the posters in your rehearsal hall,” Vinyl replied.

“Well, I think you might be right.”

“What? No-no-no-no-no, I don’t think MORE contact with Sassaflash is a good idea.”

“I think it is; avoiding her is not fixing the problem. So, together, we should go talk to her.”

“Tavi, I’ve known Sassa long enough. You don’t have a clue what happened between her and Spitfire before they befriend each other.”

“Tell me,” Octavia smiled.

“Well, it’s long time ago. I did a little set for the Wonderbolts on a show, hoping I would get a contract, but nopony ever talked to me. Not until Spitfire came to the club. Celestia, I was smitten at that time, but not by love. It was her attitude and body that… worked like a magnet on me. As she offered me a contract, I was even happier. Well, at least I was.”

“Sassaflash didn’t like it at all?” Octavia suggested.

“Indeed. There were some pretty nasty fights at the club after I slept with Spitfire… Everything went out of order for years before they met a few times and managed peace.“ Vinyl sighed. “It took years, Tavi.”

“We should still talk with her…”

“Please, not now. Let her calm down for a bit and then we arrange something, alright?” Vinyl pleaded.

The doubt on Octavia's muzzle told Vinyl she wasn’t convinced. “Please, we’ll do it, just not now.”

“When?” Octavia asked. “I am serious about this Vinyl. We need to take care of this, for you, for us. You have got to talk with her and apologize.”

“Apologize? Why in the world would I—”

Octavia’s glare could shatter stone. “I think you know the reason why.”

“I don’t think I want to,” Vinyl tried to glare back, but Octavia’s gaze hardened and she sighed. “Alright, we do it in time.”


“We do it as soon as she calms down, but NOT today. Let’s not ruin this more please,” Vinyl winced.

“And I’ll be there to help,” Octavia replied. “And maybe…” she looked down at the table.

“What?” Vinyl asked.

“Maybe you can help me with my issue?”

“Your father?”

“I… I didn’t send the letter…”

“You promised me!” Vinyl pouted.

“I’m sorry, I have it ready to go, I wrote it, it’s just… not mailed.”

“Why not?”

“I just… didn’t have the strength to do it.”

“Well, that’s an easy fix.”


“It’s because you tried to do it alone. Let’s take it to the station and mail it off first thing once we we’re home. Together.”

“Together,” Octavia replied, smiling.


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Chapter five: Memories

Three days later

“Do you think he will take long to write back?” Octavia asked, worryingly.

“I don’t think so. Pretty sure he wants to find out why you live here now,” Vinyl replied without breaking concentration with her set.

“I… I may have cut that part out…”

Vinyl looked up. “Which part?”

Octavia winced. “Maybe the part that I’m living with you?”

“Tavi, we talked about this…” Vinyl sighed.

“We also talked about having to talk with Sassaflash, yet you have said nothing in the past three days!”

“I know Tavi, but we talked about letting her calm down.”

“Three days are more than enough, if you ask me, Vi,” Octavia huffed.

Vinyl stopped and stopped the track on her sets. “I think I’ve known her longer than you have. This will end more than badly if we rush things, now please stop. I don’t want to start a fight with you.”

“We’re not fighting?”

“It’s leading to one…”

“The point is, Vinyl, you have not lived up to your end, so don’t lecture me about living up to my end.”

“Sassaflash has to be handled specially.”

“So does my dad,” Octavia replied.

“What the… WHY do you have to bring that up now? I have no problem with that, the only problem here is your… NEED to talk to Sassaflash. I can’t do that too early because I know how it will end if I do!” Vinyl growled.

“This is about putting our pasts behind us, Vinyl. So we can build our future together!”

“With your way of doing that we can forget everything. If we go to Sassaflash now, it will end in tears, bad words, and maybe even blood. Do you really want that?”

“It can’t be that bad,” Octavia objected.

“IT WILL BE. Now cut it out!” Vinyl replied before starting her track again.

Octavia opened her mouth to give a retort, then abruptly shut it and spun on a hoof. She walked back into the kitchen without saying a single world.

Somehow, that simply made Vinyl feel worse. “The silent treatment? Really?”

Octavia said nothing. She simply disappeared around the bend.

Vinyl huffed and went back to her set. If Tavi wants to play that game I can too. She tried to ignore it, to simply go back to what she was doing. Only for her brain to take up nagging her in her head.

She turned up the wubs to the very limit they had agreed upon for the house, hoping that she could put her worries to the side and simply concentrate on what she enjoyed doing.

It didn’t work, at all.

She's getting under my coat way too fast, Vinyl thought with a groan.

Hesitantly, she made her way out of the practice room and into the kitchen, stopping dead in her tracks as she noticed Octavia leaning onto the counter, tears making their way down her muzzle.

“Tavi…” Vinyl whispered, closing the gap and nuzzling her marefriend’s neck gently. “Listen, this is not about me not wanting to, this is about you. I know what Sassaflash can do, is it so hard to understand that I don’t want to lose you because of this?”

Octavia turned, the smallest hint of a smile upon her lips. “You won’t lose me. Not now and never. That is something I can already tell you. The time since we’re together… It’s just wonderful!”

“Alright,” Vinyl sighed. “Let’s eat something and then we’ll visit her. I just hope she still lives there.”

“Thank you,” Octavia mumbled.

“BUT… If I’m going to do that, you’ve got to write your dad and let him know the truth.”

Octavia wiped her tears and looked up at Vinyl with bloodshot eyes. “I-um…”

“You can do it, Tavi. You know how I know you can?”


“Because I believe in you.”

“I still… I mean, I do not know… how.”

“Maybe because you’re trying to do it alone.”


“I think that’s where we went wrong, we both tried to overcome our issues by ourselves. Let’s write the letter, together. Then we’ll mail it, together.”

Octavia blushed and nodded, before frowning. “He will be mad after reading the first and now getting a second with a whole different story.”

“I’m there for you, don’t worry,” Vinyl smiled and nuzzled her gently.

“That’s exactly what I’m afraid of when he comes here,” Octavia laughed nervously.

“It’ll be alright,” Vinyl said before giggling. “Now get out of the way and let your mare cook!”

“I don’t think so.”


“You cook nearly all the time, now it’s my turn,” the cellist smiled gently

“Can I ask you something, Tavi?”

“You just did.”

“Hardy-har. Do you remember your question from three days ago?” Vinyl asked, nervously scrapping with her hoof on the floor.

Octavia froze and nodded.

“Maybe tonight? You rejected me the last few days, over and over,” Vinyl pouted.

Octavia had to admit, Vinyl was pretty cute when she pouted that, but she had denied any further explorations for a good reason. Okay, maybe punishing Vinyl is not a good reason. Besides, I need it as well so I practically cut my own hoof.

“Alright, we will try it,” she smiled before turning her attention to making a proper dinner while Vinyl turned back to her practice-room, squealing loudly.

Vinyl, you’re lucky you’re cute. Octavia thought with a smile.


“You schure we schould go phere?” Vinyl asked for the third time during dinner.

“For the last time, Vi, yes. And stop talking with your mouth full.”

The unicorn gulped audibly. “I still don’t think this is a good idea, but for you… anything.”

“Call me flattered,” Octavia giggled.

“I hope so, flattered!”

“Back to the matter at hoof. Where does Sassaflash lives?”

“Well, my last information was that she got a small apartment across from the market downtown,” Vinyl mumbled.

Octavia smiled. “Vi, we are just gonna talk with her, nothing more. If she can’t accept it or it goes badly then we just let it be, deal?”

“So when she doesn’t accept it we’ll finally let it be?”

“Vinyl, stop.”

“I’m just saying.”

“Well I’m asking you, please. Stop.”

“Fine,” Vinyl mumbled in an ‘only because you asked me’ sort of way.

“What was that?”


“I thought so,” Octavia smiled.

“You lucky you’re hot!” Vinyl smirked.

“Excuse ME? Not at dinner, Vi!”

“You didn’t say that at my dinner that night…”


“Sorry,” Vinyl laughed. “Your flank is just hot…”

Octavia blushed before frowning. “You’re just teasing me now, aren’t you?”

“I was actually being serious,” Vinyl grinned back.

“Sometimes you’re unbearable, but I think it’s you being unique, which is why I love you so much,” Octavia replied silently, but with a smile upon her muzzle.

“Glad to hear that,” Vinyl winked before continuing to dive into her food.

They continued to eat in silence, a few loving gazes shared between the two mares before Octavia spoke up again, “What do you think will happen?”

“With Sassa or tonight? Because the latter sends my imagination into some very fun places.”

“And the former?”

Vinyl’s smile faded. “Tavi, Sassaflash is a… passionate mare. I’m worried she’ll attack you; physically, I mean.”

“But you’re there to protect me?”

“Yes, and I always will be,” Vinyl smiled again.

“Ponies are reasonable and logical, I am confident that when we explain things—”

“Yeah, no. Not Sassaflash.” Vinyl interrupted.

Octavia glared at her. “Still, we’re going to make the attempt.”

“Fine,” Vinyl mumbled, “but if—when things go bad, you do what I say, okay? No fighting, or arguing, no nothing. I tell you to run, you run.”

“I do not believe it will come to that.”

“Your belief is immaterial. I want your promise on this, Tavi. If it comes to violence, you will listen to me. No hesitation, no questions, no nothing.”

“That bad?”

Vinyl just looked at her.

Octavia matched her stare for stare until she finally had to give in. “Fine, I promise.”

“Thank you.”

“I am sorry for pushing this so hard with you. But I would not be doing it if I did not feel it was important, I do believe we both need to face our pasts in order to have a future together. In fact—”

Vinyl looked at her strangely as the mare went to a nearby table and started to pull out a quill and scroll. “Going to write that letter now?” Vinyl asked.

“We’re going to write the letter now,” Octavia countered as she gestured for Vinyl to join her.

The white unicorn grinned and walked up to Octavia’s side. She sat down and pressed her coat up to the grey mare’s. Octavia cooed into the touch even as she picked up the quill in her mouth and started to write.

Dear father.

I apologize for the last letter. While I do want to see you and mother, I was not fully truthful with you. This is hard for me to write, as I do not know how you will take the news. But, as you will find out when you get here, there is no reason for me to hide it. Father, I’m not living by myself. I met a wonderful mare and we live together. Her name is Vinyl Scratch and she is a DJ.

I must say she has quickly become my whole world. I do not know how I lived my life before her, or why I was so hesitant to tell you about her.

I hope you will come to like her half as much as I love her. Please note, I tell you this not for your approval, but simply because you deserve to know. Regardless of your feelings on it, I will continue this journey with her to the very end. If this is unacceptable to you, I understand. However if you do wish to meet the mare that won your daughter’s heart, we look forward to having you.

And you if do come, there is an old photo book of mom’s. She knows the one. Please bring it with you, there are a lot of images I’d love to show Vinyl.

Your loving Daughter,

Octavia Philharmonica.

Vinyl smiled at the letter, it was exactly the sort of thing she’d say. “You want to sleep on that before you send it?”

Octavia took on more look at the letter and shook her head no. She folded it up and handed it to Vinyl. “No, I would just change my mind. I do want you to send it for me though.”


“Yes, I Worry I might drop it down a drain—maliciously.”

Vinyl chuckled as she took the letter in her magic and said, “Understood, this actually works well for me, I have a few errands to run in town, so I’ll take it out now.”

“Errands? You're leaving me alone again?” Octavia pouted and Vinyl had to resist the urge to cuddle her down like a filly.

“I have to check on something that might shed some light on our past. I just hope that it’s still there…” Vinyl mumbled.

“Oh… okay,” Octavia said, pouting like a filly that didn’t get any ice cream.

Vinyl chuckled. “You can always come with me.”

Octavia sat up and put on her ‘refined mare veneer’ “Well, since you asked, I guess I don’t have anything else to do today.”

Vinyl found herself laughing at that. She was still laughing as the two grabbed their bags and left their apartment together. “Did I tell you today I love you?”

“About four times.”

“Oh shoot, I need to step up my game. Maybe an I love you wub alarm clock…”


“Alright, back to my plan to show you how much I really love you tonight,” Vinyl giggled.

“Vinyl,” Octavia hissed.


“Not out in public!”

“Oh relax, no one cares.”

“Don’t you have any shame?”

“You kidding? I’d shout it from the rooftops if I could.”

“What that you love me?”

“No that I had sex with my marefriend.”


Vinyl responded with a kiss to her cheek. “Relax, I’m just bucking with you. I wouldn’t do something like that for another three or four months.”

“You are incorrigible.”

“Would you want me any other way?” Vinyl asked.

Octavia blushed and grinned. She pushed her own coat that much closer against Vinyl’s. Something that just a week ago, she’d never have even considered doing outside in public. Of course that Octavia was not this Octavia. This Octavia had no such compunction against showing her marefriend how much she loved her. “Never.”

Vinyl pushed herself back against Octavia, enjoying the moment of closeness between them. She wished it could last forever, and not the three seconds it did. But all good things, or so they say anyway. The two walked for a moment in silence after that, not saying a word, not needing to say a word.

However when they reached the post office, Octavia’s demeanor changed slightly. Vinyl looked her over just to make sure she was seeing what she was seeing. Octavia looked, somewhat, scared.

The unicorn took the letter out of her pack. “You okay with this?” she asked.

“Just… do it before I change my mind.”

Should we do it together or should I just do it for her?

“Vinyl, do it. You got five seconds before I rip it into pieces!” The cellist growled.

That answered her question for her. Vinyl walked up the stairs and deposited the letter into the mail drop. The sound of the door closing seemed to echo with a finality. “It’s done,” Vinyl spoke.

She looked back at the grey mare. Octavia looked… relieved. Almost as if by depositing that two ounce letter into the mailbox, she had removed a two ton weight from the mare’s back. Still, she could see some hesitance from Octavia’s face.

“Did… did I do the right thing?” Octavia asked.

Vinyl simply walked down the steps and nuzzled her marefriend muzzle with her own. “You know the answer to that already.”.

“Thank you,” Octavia looked lovingly into her eyes. “For everything.”

“You know there's no need for that,”Vinyl smiled.

“I know Vi, I know,” the grey mare whispered back before kissing Vinyl on her lips, the kiss went deep. She felt herself pressed up against the mare’s lips. Letting the flavor and sensation of Vinyl pushing back cause her to melt, almost as if she was becoming one with her. Like they stopped being two separate ponies and became one, one soul merged from two.

There was a noticeable disappointed in her eyes with Vinyl pulled back, grinning that adorkable grin she’d often wear at the sight of Octavia in pleasure. “I’m glad I could do that for you.”

“I do not think I could have done it without you.”

Vinyl smiled. “You’re stronger than you know, Tavi. I hope one day you’ll see the same mare in the mirror that I do everytime I look at you.”

“I do not believe I will ever see that mare.”

“Then it’s my mission in life to show her to you.”

Octavia blushed as Vinyl nuzzled her one more time. “Now come, let’s go to my safety deposit box.” Vinyl said as she broke contact and started to walk off, forcing Octavia to catch up if she wanted to stay by her marefriend’s side.

She wanted to stay by her marefriend’s side.

“What is in this box anyway?” Octavia asked.

“You want me to spoil the surprise?” Vinyl asked with a smile.

“I'm just curious about it.”

“Well, me too. After all this time I don't exactly remember what exactly was in there, or if it even exists anymore.” Vinyl sighed. “That deposit was from before I lost mom…”

“I doubt that it's gone.” Octavia interjected.

“Not because of the time, but because of Sapphire. After the disaster that one time, she raided everything I had, claiming it as hers to compensate for the damage I caused.”

“You never told me the complete story, Vi,” Octavia nuzzled her.

“In time, in time.”

Octavia smiled and gave her a quick peck. “Take as long as you need, but I do want to hear everything.”

Vinyl frowned at that. “Careful what you wish for, you might regret it.”

Octavia stopped. “Vinyl, I know you have done things in your past that you are not proud of, I’ve already accepted that. But you need to understand that there is nothing you can ever tell me that would make me love you less.”

“You say that—”

“And I mean it.”

Remember that, Tavi. Please remember that. Vinyl thought.

Octavia started walking again, lightly nuzzling Vinyl to show that she was serious. Vinyl cooed into the touch but she didn’t exactly feel it, not the same way as Octavia hoped she did anyway.

“C’mon,” Vinyl said, breaking the silence. “The bank is just two blocks down.”


“Let's go Tavi!”

“VINYL,” Octavia growled, making the mare stop.


“What's wrong?”

Vinyl sighed. “If it still exists and explains a bit, I doubt I'll ever forgive myself for forgetting and leaving you behind.”

“Vinyl, you know there’s nothing to forgive. We were different ponies, living different lives. Whatever you think you have done, I do not hold it against you.”

“Do I even deserve you?” Vinyl chuckled.

“I ask myself the same question.”

Vinyl frowned. “Well thank you.”

“No, not like that,” Octavia laughed. “I mean in asking myself if I deserve you too.”

“Oh,” Vinyl blushed. “Alright, we should go.”

Octavia watched her with a frown, one that turned upside down when Vinyl stopped and gestured for her to join her at her side. With a smile Octavia caught up again and they walked together for the last two blocks.

Vinyl whistled when she saw the old bank and they walked up the stairs. “Never thought I’d be back here.”

“Why’s that?”

“Just… never thought I’d want to.”

“So you want to do this just for me?”

“I’d do anything for you,” Vinyl said, kissing her on the check.

“You mean that, don’t you?”

“Of course.”

Octavia smiled as they walked into the bank. The bank itself was only sparsely occupied, most ponies either at work or going about their business. Vinyl walked right up to one of the tellers, her nervousness only kept in check by the mare at her side.

“Can I help you?” the earth pony asked.

“Yes, I, um… I…”

“She would like to gain access to her safe deposit box,” Octavia said, placing a hoof on her marefriend’s.

“Yeah, that,” Vinyl confirmed.




“Oh, Vinyl Scratch.”

“Vinyl… Vinyl… Vinyl… Oh here it is, Vinyl Scratch. Yes, please follow me.”

“Um… If I might ask, when was the last time it was accessed?”

The mare paused and went back to her computer. “Hmm… it says here it was last accessed nearly ten years ago.”

“That long… that means… she didn’t…”

“It’s still there?” Octavia asked.

“Yes, it’s still all there.” There was a noticeable joy mixed with apprehension in Vinyl’s voice.

Octavia nudge her one before they both followed the teller into the back room. “Wait here, please.”

Vinyl nodded as the mare went back into the safe and out of their sight.

“So we’re about to see what’s in there.” Octavia said, just for conversation.

“I can’t wait,” Vinyl replied nervously as she took a seat at the table.

Octavia jumped up and joined her. “Me neither.”

“What are you doing?” Vinyl asked confused as the cellist joined her on her chair, rubbing her coat along hers as she tried to find a comfortable place on the chair or her marefriend.

“Uhm… Sorry,” Octavia blushed, trying to make her way to an empty chair, but Vinyl stopped her with her magic, the soft aura pulling her slowly back to her.

“No, don’t,” Vinyl smiled sheepishly.

Octavia just smiled in return, but they were both prevented from any further conversation by the return of the bank trailer. “Here you go, Miss Scratch.”


“Vinyl. I just need your signature on this paper and the password you left”

“Password? That was years ago,” Vinyl groaned.

“I can’t give you the key to it without your password, I’m sorry,” the bank trailer smiled. “I’ll leave you alone for a bit to think about it. Maybe you’ll remember.”

“How the hay am I supposed to remember that after all these years?” Vinyl called out, just to be silenced by Octavia’s soft lips pressed on hers.

“Think about it. It has to be something from that time, so let’s focus on it. Was there anything important you would use as a password? Maybe a location, or a name?”

“I don’t know,” Vinyl sighed. “Maybe my mom?”

“What was her name?”

“Emerald Light.”

“We could ask the bank trailer how many letters are in that word or if there are multiple words in it?” Octavia suggested.

“Good idea!” Excuse me, miss? Could you come back in here?”

“My name is Swift Check, Vinyl,” the mare smiled as she came back. “How can I help you?”

“Could you tell me if the password contains multiple words and how many letters there are, Swift?” Vinyl asked.

“One word of six letters,” Swift Check smiled.

Vinyl hummed. “Six letters…”

“I have no ideas for that,” Octavia huffed.

Vinyl tried to think about everything that was important to her all that years ago. The time she had created this deposit was even before the club, before her big carriere. There was one thing important for her at this time. One thing, and she could see it in front of her eyes.

The grey filly stood in front of her, smiling. Her black hair waving behind her as she turned around, but not before looking back.

My name is, well, most ponies call me Melody”

“The password is Melody!” Vinyl nearly screamed out.

Swift Check clapped her hooves. “That’s right,” she exclaimed before pulling out a small key. “Here, now I just need a signature and the box is yours!”

As Vinyl hurriedly signed for the box, Octavia found herself unable to stop smiling. I can not believe that she would use Melody as her password. Vinyl, you never cease to amaze me.

As soon as she had placed her signature, Vinyl quickly put the key in, unlocking and then opening the box. The inside was covered with red silk, with four different objects inside. The first one looked like a big hoof-ring with an emerald on it. The second object was a small, natural gemstone Octavia found curiously familiar. Next to it was a small book, ‘School’ written in big letters on it. The last object was a big album, Octavia figured that it was Vinyl’s old photo album with pictures of her school time and her family.

“Wow… I’d have never guessed that this was in here,” Vinyl whispered as she pulled the hoof-ring out.

“What is it?” Octavia asked.

“That's… that’s my mother’s wedding ring.”

“Don’t unicorns normally got smaller ones for their horns?” Octavia was confused.

“My mom was an old traditionalist. Since my father was a earth pony, my mom decided to keep their rings similar, so she told him to get her a hoof ring and not a horn ring,” Vinyl chuckled.

Octavia smiled. “She sounds like a wonderful mom.”

Vinyl smiled. “She was… she was.”

Octavia smiled as she looked at the photo album. “Maybe we should take it home and look over it there?”

“That’s a good idea. I would rather cuddle with you on the couch while looking over these,” Vinyl grinned. At that she packed up all the items and put them in her back.

“I got some great stories to tell you,” Vinyl whispered

“I can’t wait to hear them,” Octavia replied, smiling.


The door glowed in a magical aura before opening and revealing Octavia and Vinyl, deeply snuggled against each other as Vinyl held a box in her magical grip. They walked in, just to separate; Vinyl heading for the living room and Octavia for the kitchen.

“I’ll get us some tea. What sort would you like, my love?”

“Just normal herbs, please,” Vinyl replied with a smile.

The white unicorn jumped up on the couch and placed the box on a nearby table. She scooted over, fully expecting Octavia to join her when she was done making tea.

The grey unicorn returned with a plate of glasses for the two. She sat them down on the table and smiled at Vinyl, who merely replied by gesturing for Octavia to join her on the couch. An invitation Octavia did not need two of.

Vinyl blushed as she felt Octavia nuzzle into the side of her coat. The two were sitting together, enjoying the warmth coming off one another.

“Now what are you waiting for?” Octavia teased after a while.

Vinyl grumbled, but opened the box, revealing the four items again.

“This looks really familiar, I just don’t know exactly why,” Octavia mumbled, pointing at the natural gemstone.

“I can’t place it either. Maybe the album can tell us more about it?”

“Then pull it out already!”

“That’s what I said with my last coltfriend!”

Octavia glared at her.

“That was a joke, I only had marefriends. Hm, I actually told that to Spitfire once…”

“Sure it was, now seriously, let’s see what’s in the album.”

Vinyl kissed her on the cheek, an action that was both welcome and unwelcome, not in equal measure. She simply smiled at Octavia until the mare could no longer hold the scowl she had for her and returned it.

“That’s what I love to see.”

“You are incorrigible , Vinyl.”

“Only with you,” Vinyl said as she pulled out the album with her magic. Before she opened it though, the mare levitated over their glasses, so barring any bathroom breaks, they wouldn’t have to get up and ruin the moment.

She flipped open the album to a random page.

“Oh, is that?” Octavia gestured.

“My mom, yeah,” Vinyl said as they stared at the picture.

“She… she looks exactly like you. Just her hair is one tone of blue.”

“Did you really thought this is my natural mane color?” Vinyl giggled. “I actually made the dark-blue stripes at the start of my career years ago.”

“That explains why your mane looks unfamiliar in this one,” Octavia smiled, pointing on a picture showing Vinyl as a filly cuddled in some blankets. “Awwww you were sooo cute!”

“And now I’m not?” Vinyl frowned playfully.

“You are! A filly is just… a different cute,” the cellist smiled.

Vinyl opened her muzzle before being able to stop herself. “So you want foals at some point?”

“Uh…” Octavia blushed. “Maybe… but we’re two mares and it’s way too early for that.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right…” Vinyl trailed off.

Octavia caught that. “Vinyl, do you… I mean, think about things like that?”

“Well… to be honest, for a while… But not that seriously before you came into my life,” the unicorn blushed.

“So you would like to, you know, with me?”

“Start a family with you? Yes, I think I would.”

The grey mare looked down at the couch cushions and blushed, deeply. Truly, she hadn’t thought about it before, not really. But now that she knew Vinyl had, and just because they were together, that changed things. A lot.

“Oh, look at this one!” Vinyl shouted, breaking through Octavia’s interpersonal introspection.

Octavia looked back down at the album to see a cute picture of a white little filly with skis sledding down a hill as fast as she could. The grey mare started laughing at the little dimples on the young unicorn filly’s face, and the oh-so-serious expression she had.

“You are adorable!” Octavia cooed.

“I think you mean cool,” Vinyl countered.

“Oh come on, you see those little cheeks, that puffy-red nose, you’re adorable.”

“Stop saying that,” Vinyl moaned. “And my nose was only red because it was cold outside.”

“When did you take up skiing anyway?”

“My mom, she took me out for the first and only time. It was a… unique experience to say the least. But when she saw me make it all the way down the hill by myself, she was so proud of me. I…” Vinyl felt a hoof press against the side of her muzzle, a grey hoof. She looked down to see Octavia wipe a tear away from her eye.

“She meant a lot to you, didn’t she?”

“My mom? Yeah, she was the greatest mare I’ve ever known in my life. I must have went down that hill twenty times that day. All so I could see that smile waiting for me every time I made it. When she saw me achieve something.”

“It meant that much to you?” Octavia asked.

“It was my everything,” Vinyl sniffled, “I’ve only seen it’s like once again in my life.”


“Yeah, every time you smile at me, it… it reminds me of her.”

The cellist blushed before leaning in and kissing Vinyl passionately. Vinyl reacted in kind, but still surprised as Octavia deepened the kiss on her own, pushing her tongue forward. Vinyl welcomed it like a long lost lover as she felt even more tears fall from her face. She didn’t know if they were tears of sadness, or tears of joy, but at that moment, she didn’t care either. This moment, this instance in time; it was, in a word: perfect.

Maybe that’s why I can’t stop crying?

When they broke apart, Octavia didn’t feel a shred of hesitation in her entire body. “Vinyl?”


“Let’s go to the bedroom.”

“Okay,” Vinyl said as she put the largely untouched tea on the table and followed her mare into their bedroom.

No more waiting (C!)

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Chapter six: No more waiting

“Tavi… but…”

“Shh,” Octavia shushed Vinyl as they slowly made their way to the bedroom.

“But the visit, we,” Vinyl tried to start again, just to be shut up with a kiss.

The cellist smiled. “Just shut up and follow me.”

Vinyl grinned. “Mhh, I love that side on you.”

“You will love me more after tonight,” Octavia said with a blush. “No more waiting.”

Those words were exactly what Vinyl had been waiting for. What she wanted to hear, what she needed to hear. And yet… now that they were here, she found herself… scared.

“What’s wrong?” Octavia asked. Vinyl looked up, she hadn’t noticed that she had stopped walking at all.

Vinyl stared into Octavia’s lavender eyes. There was something about those eyes, something that just caused the mare to stop worrying, to stop thinking altogether. As if all she had to do was simply stare into those eyes to make all her problems go away.

Something that proved true yet again.

“Nothing,” Vinyl replied as she nuzzled against Octavia’s coat. It doesn’t matter what happens, I know it’s going to be a perfect night, it’ll be perfect simply because it’ll be with you.

“I thought you would be more excited,” Octavia said.

“Excitement doesn’t even come close to describing how I feel right now, Tavi. But I want to do this right, with you. We have all the time in the world to celebrate us, tonight’s going to be a showing of how much I love you.”

“And how much I love you back,” she smiled lovingly.

Together, the two walked side-by-side, coat-to-coat to Vinyl’s bedroom. It wasn’t a big bed, not by any means, but it was more than sufficient for what they wanted. Octavia jumped up onto it first, followed closely by Vinyl. The grey mare glanced back, just to have her lips attacked by the unicorn. She gave off a small, surprised ‘eep’ but quickly recovered.

It wasn’t long before she realized Vinyl’s true purpose. The mare walked forward, forcing Octavia to fall onto her side. Yet Vinyl never broke their kiss, even as she positioned herself directly over the grey earth pony.

Octavia found herself flat on her back with the love of her life, Vinyl Scratch, standing directly over her. She was open, exposed, but had never felt safer in her entire life.

After an uncountable amount of time, they finally broke their kiss. Octavia was left speechless, Vinyl with a grin upon her face. “You’re the most beautiful mare I’ve ever seen in my life, Tavi. I want to show you, I want to show you everything. Just to put a smile on your muzzle.”

“Wake up next to me each morning and it’ll always be there,” Octavia replied back, that very smile upon her lips.

“I always will. Now and forever,” Vinyl gently whispered, giving a small lick across Octavia’s muzzle.

The grey mare shivered with the contact and bit back a moan. She expected everything, just not for Vinyl to be still so patient. If there was something she knew, it was to trust Vinyl and give her everything she could.

Vinyl read the writing on the wall easy enough, it was beyond obvious. She licked Octavia again, right from the base of her neck up to her muzzle, where she planted a kiss right on the mare’s lips. “Mhh, you taste delicious.”

Octavia found herself falling in love with the mare all over again. Especially when she started to lightly blow over the wet spot she had left on her fur. The sensation sent shivers down her spine and pleasure shooting up to her brain.

The unicorn took her time. She licked a small part of her love’s coat, then blew across it, watching as little goosebumps appeared below her fur. She had to resist—to actively fight against—her urges to simply take Octavia, to get to the fun part like she’d normally do. This… this was something she wanted to savor, something she wanted to remember forever. This is something she wanted Octavia to remember forever.

She worked her way down the grey, nicely maintained coat. Her lips left a trail of kisses along the way, her tongue not leaving an inch untouched as she did so. The unicorn grinned as she found her first target, the mare’s left teat.

Octavia’s eyes shot open as she felt Vinyl’s hot breath right over her teats. They immediately shut again, accompanied with a moan as the unicorn gently licked over the small numb that was starting to stick out of her fur. The sensation was foreign to her. She had never paid them any mind before today, never even thought about them. To her they were something mothers used to nurse their young, not something that could give pleasure.

She was shown the errors of her ways. Vinyl played the small, protruding bud like it was a musical instrument. She licked around the small nipple, she tenderly kissed it, suckled on it, and even—very lightly—pulled on it with her lips. Between each action, she’d let it go and lightly blow on it again.

Octavia let out a very uncivil moan as she felt her body rebel against her brain, but Vinyl wasn’t done yet. She smiled lovingly at her before repeating every single action with her right teat, making Octavia squirm and moan under her ministrations.

The feelings increased when she felt a hoof press against her flank. Vinyl massaged the mare’s lovely cutie mark, pressing against it, squeezing it with the care of a potter working a lump of clay. Octavia didn’t even fight it, there was something… something about Vinyl touching her, touching her somewhere she had never let anyone touch her before that drove her wild. She could feel heat growing in her. It started off as nothing more than a small spark, slightly below her stomach, but it was growing, almost as if it was feeding off everything the mare was doing to her.

Vinyl grinned at a job well done. The grey mare below her had wiggled and squirmed the entire time, yet that only made her that much more dedicated to her actions. She could feel the heat radiating from Octavia, heat that only drove her further along. When she was happy, she let the right teat go and examined her work.

Mare’s had two teats for lactation. Normally, unless the mare was actively feeding her baby, you’d never even see them. A glance to each side of Octavia’s coat showed that both her teats were actively sticking out and very visible.

As if to put the finishing touches on her artwork, Vinyl blew from one teat all the way to the other and back. Octavia moaned in pleasure as her head fell back against the bed. The unicorn grinned and looked down at the main prize: Octavia’s marehood. It wasn’t as wet as she would have liked, but she could still see the smallest shine upon it.

She moved her hoof from working Octavia’s flank to her inner left thigh. She traced a line of kisses down, to the left of her marehood, and the mare’s inner right thigh. She started to lightly lick the mare’s fur, almost as if she were washing her, all the while her hoof rubbed Octavi’s left thigh.

Octavia felt loved, cared for, it was a feeling she never wanted to miss again and she was already sure that she never would with Vinyl at her side. The more the unicorn took care of her coat and flesh, the more she could feel the fire in her growing and her marehood itching, itching for a touch from the mare she loved so much.

The grey mare forced her head up to look down between her legs. It came as no surprise to her to immediately see Vinyl’s ruby eyes staring right back at her. The mare was looking her dead in the eyes as she worked over her thighs, switching periodically between right and left, getting close, ever so close to the spot on her she really wanted Vinyl to touch, but would always pull away from at the last minute.

“V-V-Vinyl, I…” Octavia tried to give voice to her need, to her want, but right now, her refined vocabulary simply failed her. Almost as if she simply didn’t have the words she needed.

“What does my mare want?” Vinyl asked huskily.

“You… I want you! Take me!” Octavia pleaded, glad to speak those words but also a bit shocked by it.

“I would love to, but we have a long night ahead; I should make sure you’re ready,” Vinyl smiled. “Bear with me for a few more moments and we’ll get to the… main prize.” As if to give her a sample of things to come, Vinyl moved further than she had before, and licked right alongside the mare’s labia, enjoying the shutter that seemed to spread throughout Octavia’s body.

“You are teasing me,” Octavia gently moaned. “I’m so getting you back for this!”

“I’m not teasing you,” Vinyl stopped. “I’m merely taking the time with you I usually don’t, but with you… I... I want this to work, to do everything right and hear you moan my name in pleasure.”

“Still, be nice,” Octavia said in a pout. “I… umm…”

Vinyl cocked her head slightly. “What?”

“It’s my first time, you know, really—”

“Wow, that long, huh? Never even touched yourself?” Vinyl asked.




“Then you’re gonna love this,” the unicorn said with a smirk. At that she moved back down. Octavia could feel her breath against her sensitive marehood, every exhale of air from the mare’s nose sent shiver of anticipation and desire flooding through her. Fanning the flames that were even now burning inside of her, threatening to consume her.

Vinyl deeply inhaled her marefriend’s scent, the scent of her pussy. She started at the bottom of her slit and breathed in deep, taking in the scent like it was the finest rose. Even though—in her opinion—it was something much, much better.

When she reached the top of her slit, Vinyl puckered her lips and lightly blew out, right along Octavia’s clitoral hood.

Octavia had no hope of stopping herself from crying out as she felt the most sensitive spot of her most sensitive organ treated so lovingly. It was like jolts of lightning shot to the pleasure center of her brain and a barrel of gasoline was thrown upon the fire now raging inside of her.

Vinyl didn’t give her a chance to recover. She started to kiss the mare’s outter lips. Tasting—for the first time—Octavia’s marehood, her juices. It was a taste she was instantly addicted to, just as she suspected she would be. And she never wanted to live without it again.

Octavia, in the meanwhile moaned, wanting more and more of that touch. Vinyl’s soft appendage was so gentle, yet thoroughly in lapping up her juices, in pleasing her most precious place.

Vinyl licked her tongue along the mare’s innermost lips. She took her time, letting the rough texture of her tongue explore every inch, every hidden spot and crevice the mare had to offer. Her own marehood was all but begging to be touched, yet Vinal fought against the urge to bring her hoof back and start rubbing herself. This wasn’t time for that, that would come later. This was Octavia’s time.

The grey mare squirmed and moaned under Vinyl’s ministrations, and she hadn’t even really started yet. Grinning, she lapped more and more of Octavia’s juices, just before she penetrated her soft folds with her tongue, pushing in her gently.

“Oh, my, Vinyl!” Octavia cried out, bucking her hips slightly. “Don’t stop!”

Vinyl had no intention to stop. Her tongue pressed deeper and deeper just to be greeted with more of her marefriend’s delicious juices. Octavia’s walls fought against this foreign intruder, something that only made Vinyl more motivated. She love the feeling of Octavia’s innermost self, the heat coming off her, and even the squirming the mare would do under her actions.

She reached the end, the deepest her tongue could go inside of the mare, then started to pull it back out. Slowly, ever so slowly, she ran it along the top of the mare’s love canal, letting the rough texture play along the mare’s innermost walls.

Her tongue pulled all the way out and back into her muzzle. It was hot, felt a little squished, and covered in the mare’s delectable juices. She immediately saved the taste, lamenting when it was all gone. Well, fortunately the tap is right here, Vinyl thought with a grin as she stared directly at the grey mare’s winking slit.

She licked out again, and again, running her tongue up the right side of Octavia’s pussy and then the rest. Each lick brought more of the delectable flavor, more of the soft moans that were quickly picking up in volume and tempo, and more of her own enjoyment and pleasing the mare she loved more than any other.

Right at that moment, Vinyl knew she didn’t need a hoof between her legs. She knew she didn’t need a brash pegasus fucking her mindless. Everything she needed was laid beneath her, squirming thanks to her work. And she was about to make sure that it wouldn’t stay at squirming.

“This might feel strange at first, but it’s perfectly safe,” and I do it to myself all the time, she thought the last bit. Vinyl stuck her tongue back in, immediately happy to be back at her favorite place in all of Equestria as she powered her horn and started to stimulate Tavi’s—now protruding—clit.

‘Strange’ didn’t even cover it. Octavia screamed out in equal parts blissful pleasure and shock. She had never experienced anything that came anywhere close to that. She was being eaten out by the mare of her dreams while that very same mare rubbed her clit in her magical aura.

The feeling was simply divine and she couldn’t help but moan happily at the double contact. Her chest felt heavy as if she had sprinted for a few miles, her legs twitching while the feeling down there, right in her pussy, seemed to grow tenfold in time. The fire in her that had started as nothing more than a spark was now a fully fledged forest fire. She felt herself consumed by it, like it was burning her alive from the inside out, and… she wanted it to. She wanted to simply be consumed in a blissful agony.

Vinyl granted her that request.

The fire reached Octavia’s brain, the last bastion of her resistance crumbled in the extreme heat. And in that moment, Octavia forgot how to speak. She forgot how to play the cello, how to walk, how to talk, how to even breathe. All she could do, the only option left to her was to scream.

And scream she did. The grey mare let out a loud scream of pleasure as she was overtaken by an orgasm that rocked her whole world. She felt her back tighten all on it’s own, her head tossed itself back against the pillow and her legs tensed and relaxed without have to be told.

It was like an ocean of water suddenly drowned the fire raging inside of her, providing instant, pleasurable relief to every single cell in her body.

Vinyl road out the waves of pleasure, amazed by the vocal rage of the grey mare but enjoying it all the same. She was treated to a smorgasbord of Octavia’s juices, some of which ended up on her muzzle.

When the main well was tapped, she started to lick her muzzle clean. Enjoying a second taste of the mare as Octavia recovered from her first orgasm that night. First, but not last. Not if Vinyl had anything to say about it anyway.

“Wow,” Octavia whispered after her breathing calmed down. “That was amazing.”

“Mhh, and you haven’t seen anything yet,” Vinyl said with a grin

“What do you mean?”

“I could tell you, but it’d be more fun to show you,” Vinyl said, her eyes all but asking if she could continue.

Octavia nodded and Vinyl jumped up, squealing in surprise as she reached into her closet and pulling out a package. “I always have a full stock,” the unicorn grinned before opening the box and pulling a small, but long object out, its tip slightly rounded.

“What is this?” Octavia asked.

“This, is a vibrator, my dear,” Vinyl grinned.

“A… vibrator… VINYL! You have sex toys?!”

Vinyl didn’t want to laugh at that. She knew that Octavia was being serious, that she really was offended by the fact that, in the same house she lived in, the unicorn kept such things. She just… couldn’t help herself. She laughed.

“Well, duh! Can’t expect me to always use my magic to get me off,” Vinyl rolled her eyes. “And it’s not only sex toys. I got some edible, sexy toppings and such stuff.”

“I can’t believe you wou—”

Vinyl assaulted her with her lips, cutting off the mare with her muzzle pressed against Octavia’s. She held the kiss for ten, fifteen, twenty seconds before pulling back, leaving Octavia breathless. “There’s a whole other world you’ve just started to experience, Tavi. Let me show it to you.”

Octavia couldn’t think, nothing came to mind, simply nothing. Her muzzle opened of its own volition, and she stammered out, “O-o-okay.”

“I promise, just this small one and you tell me how it feels,” Vinyl smiled gently.

“Alright…” Octavia replied hesitantly. “You have more than those I assume?”

Vinyl grinned. “Damn right.”


“Just relax! You’ll love it, just like my tongue,” Vinyl winked.

Octavia somehow doubted that. Vinyl’s tongue had felt amazing, beyond amazing. She had never, never, never known anything that had ever compared to what she had just done, to how good she had felt. Still, she couldn’t help but get excited as Vinyl took the small white cylinder object and licked it, she stuck it in her mouth and pulled it out, slowly, playfully, making sure that it was nice and lubed up.

Vinyl could exactly see it: how her marefriend bit her tongue, how her legs shifted against each other while she could make out new drops of arousal. She wanted it, no matter what her brain said. Her body wanted it, and who was Vinyl to deny her anything?

“Spread your hind legs for me,” Vinyl purred in the sexiest voice she had, making Octavia shudder.

She did as she was told, feeling Vinyl's longing gaze between her hind legs immediately. The unicorn moved oh so slowly towards her, like a predator stalking its prey. Once she was between Octavia’s legs, she gave her thighs a long lick, ending right on her marehood where she licked up some of her newly dripping juices.

“Ohh… Vinyl…”

“I haven’t even started, yet,” Vinyl grinned before placing the vibrator on her marehood, slightly rubbing with it to help Octavia get used to the feeling of its surface.

Octavia closed her eyes and laid her head back. She didn’t want to see, not really. Seeing involved letting herself think, admitting that she was about to be fucked by a sex toy, and that was just something her mind didn’t want to admit. Rather than see, and risk stopping it, she wanted to feel it. She felt Vinyl’s ministrations, she felt the plastic toy start to make it’s way up and down her thigh as Vinyl started to tease her all over again. She felt the toy make its way across her labia, teasing entrance as Vinyl ran it up and down her slit.

It might’ve not been as good as Vinyl’s tongue, but it still left her demanding more. Much more.

And Vinyl gave her more.

Slowly, not to disturb or hurt her, Vinyl placed the tip of the vibrator right at Octavia’s entrance, putting more and more power behind her push so it slowly made it’s way inside. The cellist gasped at the feeling, it felt so foreign but also oh so good.

Soon she wanted more, much more, but Vinyl stayed at a slow pace, letting her enjoy the feeling, getting completely used to it.

Octavia clinched her eyes shut as she felt Vinyl playing with her, as she felt the head of the toy enter her, as she felt her body open itself up to it. Vinyl pushed the toy in and ran the head around her walls, she pressed against Octavia’s sides, letting her feel it, letting her feel every inch of it.

The cellist pleaded with her eyes, whimpered. But Vinyl kept playing with her, teasing her. She wanted so much more, she loved the feeling of being played by Vinyl like an instrument. Her mare could make feel everything good, even a sextoy she usually despied.

Vinyl pulled the head of the toy out, licking it clean before running it along the outside of Octavia’s pussy. She played with her, hitting every inch of her externally before teasing entry all over again. The mare listened to the moans, she listed to the signals Octavia’s body was giving before reinserting the head all over again.

She timed it perfectly. Inserting a full half of the toy at just the right time, the time when Octavia was at her most desperate, most accepting of it. Then, just to increase her pleasure up to eleven, Vinyl flipped the toy on and let it start vibrating.

“AHH!!” Octavia cried out in shock as she felt something she had never felt before. She felt the vibrator switch on, she felt her pussy respond to it, she felt herself driven up the wall in pleasure as the fire inside of her was alight all over again. And she loved it. She loved every vibration, every feeling, every second of it.

Vinyl started to rotate the toy as she pushed it in and out, in and out. Each time she’d push it that further in and pull it out a little less. Her natural instincts would have just seen her start plunging inside of Octavia with reckless abandon, but she wanted the mare to enjoy herself.

Keeping her lust restrained, Vinyl continued to push the toy gently in and out, not going too fast and not too rough. Octavia answered in kind, her moans increasing quickly in volume as her pussy tried to milk the object for all its worth.

Vinyl grinned as the toy became harder to move. She was still grinning as she realized just how close she was to pushing it all the way in. Just an inch away, then a half-inch. The unicorn moved her muzzle closer and closer, smelling Octavia’s juices, then latched her lips around the protruding nub at the top of her slit as she bottomed out the toy.

It was too much for Octavia. The cellist bucked her hips wildly up, her inner walls clamping down upon the toy while Vinyl was greeted with a spurt of juices on the chin. She quickly removed the toy and eagerly pressed her muzzle onto Octavia’s pussy, taking everything she got before licking her clean.

“Vinyl… that was…” Octavia started, just to stop as Vinyl grinned at her, muzzle covered in her juices. Blushing, she had an idea. “Come here,” she added, licking some of her juices from Vinyl’s chin, leaving the unicorn wide eyed in surprise.


“This… this tastes kind of good,” Octavia blushed.

“Really?” Vinyl grinned

“Yes… lay down next to me.”

“Uh, okay,” Vinyl replied before laying next to her marefriend.

It only took a few seconds before Octavia started to lightly kiss her coat, to nip up and down her muzzle and neck, making the unicorn coo in approval. All the while Octavia couldn’t tear her eyes from the horn. The one she knew was all too sensitive and would make her mare cum hard and fast.

After some more kisses, she suddenly shifted upwards, surprising Vinyl as her horn was suddenly exposed to the hot breath of her marefriend, sending chills down her spine.

“Tavi? Whaa-aaaah,” Vinyl’s word turned into a long moan as her marefriend served her a long lick from the base to the very tip of her horn. She loved the feeling of her marefriend’s tongue playing over her horn. She felt the rough texture of the appendage play up every ridge, every inch of the appendage. The feelings were indescribable to her.

Yet, as much as she loved that, she loved Octavia’s body even more. Vinyl wrapped a hoof around Octavia’s barrel, lightly rubbing and massaging up and down her fur, caressing her as she worked the unicorn over.

Octavia grinned as she felt more and more comfortable with her actions. She trailed her tongue to the very tip of the horn and then started to move back down. VInyl replied with cooes of approval and stronger movements of her hoof along Octavia’s coat.

Octavia’s grin became a full on smile as she shifted her hind legs. She moved her left leg over Vinyl and scooted on top of the mare, straddling her while never taking her lips from the horn. Vinyl was more than happy with this more… assertive Octavia. She placed her other hoof upon the grey mare’s flank and started to massage her on both sides. All the while Octavia kept working over her horn, driving her closer and closer to her first release from her marefriend’s activities. Her first of many, she hopped.

Then, just as suddenly as it began, it stopped. Vinyl opened her eyes in questioning, just to see a lavender pair staring right back at her. “Tavi—”

Octavia locked lips with her again, pushing her tongue into the unicorn’s muzzle and fishing around for her opposite. Vinyl played hard to get, for a second or two anyway, then greeted her tongue like a long lost lover sent out to war. They held that kiss for half a minute. Octavia wrapping her hooves around Vinyl’s neck, Vinyl continuing to play with her marefriend’s flank—the best flank in Equestria in her honest to Celestia opinion.

Before she could get more to play, the cellist suddenly moved down, further and further towards her aching marehood. Vinyl followed every movement and Octavia smirked, sticking out her tongue and leaving a trail over Vinyl’s body.

“I love you, Tavi,” Vinyl said as she watched.

Octavia smiled back. “I love you too.”

Vinyl shut her eyes and leaned her head back, just enjoying the feeling of letting Octavia do whatever she wished.

Not that she could ever complain with the result.

As soon as Octavia reached her marehood, she gently licked her labia, teasing Vinyl in a small attempt at payback.

Vinyl’s smile became all consuming on her muzzle, almost as if it threatened to take over her face and become a permanent fixture, much like her sunglasses were. It being you is all the pleasure I ever need. You could never tease me, Tavi.

She was about to be proven wrong. Very wrong.

As soon as her marefriend’s tongue gently switched between her outer and inner labia, Vinyl cooed in approval, expecting the penetration of the appendage any moment. This was the reason why she was so taken aback as Octavia suddenly pulled back and kissed her thighs, not even going near her marehood.

Vinyl had to remind herself about her own thoughts. Octavia was teasing her, and she was proving to be very effective at it, just, in a different way. Vinyl had gone about it by building up to the honey pot, Octavia started there and left her wanting more.

Just like a mare, such a tease, Vinyl thought longingly as she realized just how effective Tavi’s ministrations were on her.

“Taviii,” Vinyl whimpered.

“Yes?” she asked completely innocently.

“Please, Tavi. I want you,” Vinyl continued.

“What was that?”

“Please, fuck me!” Vinyl cried out.

Octavia smiled. Part of her was repulsed by such language, but… given the circumstances, she decided she could forgive such words. “In that case, what kind of marefriend would I be to ignore your pleading?”

Vinyl couldn’t even reply before she felt Octavia’s tongue playing softly with her lower lips, teasing them with soft touches before slightly penetrating her.

Just like before, Octavia found the taste much to her liking. Save for this time there was a lot more of the mare’s juices to lick up. She ran her tongue along Vinyl’s innermost walls. She tasted the mare, exploring her, enjoying her in a way she had never truly done before.

Vinyl enjoyed herself. Sure, Octavia lacked any real skill and her tongue work needed a little practice. But none of that mattered to her, all that did, the only thing she cared about, was that the mare she loved was between her legs. That Octavia Philharmonica was eating her out.

Octavia grew more bold with the time, trusting her tongue faster and deeper into Vinyl, enjoying the taste, the squirming of her marefriend under her, but the most she enjoyed pleasing the mare she loved that much.

Vinyl found her hoof moving of it’s own volition as she started to rub her clit, seeking that extra, faster relief. To her regret Octavia smacked it away with her own. “Tisk, Tisk, Vinyl. It is my turn to play.”

“Ah, fuck me.”

“What do you think I am doing?” Octavia said as she dived back in.

“Teasing me?” Vinyl asked, just to gasp as her mare nipped on her clit.

“Come again?”


“That’s what I thought,” Octavia smiled before continuing to tongue-fuck her mare.

Vinyl found herself biting her tongue. She was enjoying this far to much, but unlike with some other partners, she didn’t want to cuss out. To call out a plethora of obscenities until she was hoarse.

And she didn’t want to start any of that in front of Octavia.

She rushed closer and closer to her edge, in danger of rushing over it at full speed. That Octavia started to switch between trusting her tongue into her sopping-wet pussy and nipping at her clit only made the progress that much faster.

“Yes, I’m so close! Don’t stop!” Vinyl cried out, only encouraging the cellist to make her cum fast.

Octavia enjoyed it much more than she ever thought. She simply couldn’t get enough of her mare, not enough of the tasty flavor all over her tongue and coat. Her last task was to make her mare cum. And oh, she really wanted to make her cum hard.

Copying some of Vinyl’s actions earlier, Octavia stuck her tongue as deep into Vinyl as she could, working her as close to the edge as she could before switching places and sucking her protruding little numb. Hard.

Vinyl cried out, her pussy clamping down on a object that wasn’t even there while greeting her marefriend with spurts of her cum. Octavia didn’t even miss a drop, swallowing down as much she could, which proved to be just barely enough.

It was easily one of the top five—ten orgasms Vinyl had ever had in her life. Vinyl felt Tavi move around the bed, she felt the mare cuddle up to her. Octavia rested her head on Vinyl’s chest, feeling the pure heat coming off of the mare.

It was a good twenty second before Viny felt like it was safe to move again. She raised her left hoof and placed it on Octavia's shoulders, feeling the mare breathe in and out upon her.

“You enjoy that?” Octavia asked the rhetorical question.

Vinyl raised her head and kissed the mare upon the lips, tasting herself in the process as she answered Octavia’s question. “Greatest night ever.”

“Funny,” Octavia said with a smile, “ I was about to say the same thing.”

They lay like that, neither having the slightest inclination to move, not even had Celestia herself popped in for a visit. Vinyl felt herself drifting away, as if she were simply being taken by the ocean. She fought against it as she said, “Tavi?”


“I love you.”

“I love you too. And I’m glad I was able to show you.”

“I’ll show you every night,” Vinyl said with a grin.

“That sounds like a plan,” Octavia whispered, just loud enough for Vinyl to hear.

“Really?” Viny asked.

Octavia just replied by kissing her. “Goodnight, my love.”

Vinyl grinned as she turned off the lights with her magic and wrapped them both up in a sheet. “Night.”

It was indeed a night they’d both remember for the rest of their lives.

Sneaking more Time (CP)

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Chapter seven: Sneaking more Time

Why is it so sticky and slimy here, Octavia thought in her sleep as she turned. Sometimes touching a soft coat, knowing it was Vinyl; but more than once touching really wet, slimy spots. With her eyes closed, her hoof sought out something nicer to touch, something that was normally warm and soft. Alas, it was not to be, every spot she touched was sticky, wet, or slimy.

With great reluctance, she forced her eyes open to look at what she was doing. As she expected, Vinyl was sleeping right next to her. The unicorn was passed out with a smile on her face that no doubt carried over from the last night’s activities.

Octavia saw that the wet spots she had been touching were Vinyl’s side, and her marehood, the latter of which, additionally, felt warm to her touch. Seeing where all the stickiness and sliminess came from, she did not have much of an objection anymore. It was a good amount of her juices as well, after all.

And no doubt that touch had something to do with the smile upon the mare’s face.

The earth pony felt torn. On one hoof she enjoyed that smile, and now that she knew just why she felt so sticky; it didn’t bother her that much anymore. On the other… it was still sticky and slimy, but so was the whole bed. Even she felt that way.

Memories began returning from last night. They were good, if not the best memories she had ever had. She loved the feel of Vinyl’s mouth upon her marehood, of that tongue going to town inside of her. The very thought almost caused her to keep rubbing Vinyl. Almost.

She pulled her hoof back and settled for a kiss instead. And another, and another. She peppered the mare’s muzzle with kisses, causing her to coo in delight as she awoke.

“Mhh, morning Tavi. Can I get that wake up every morning?” Vinyl smiled after a yawn.

I was about to do something better, she thought with a smile. “Sure thing, my love.”

Vinyl yawned again. Something that almost caused Octavia to gag with how bad her morning breath was.

“Oh shush,” Vinyl said with a tease.

“We should really start keeping breath mints by the bed.”

“Oh, why’s that?”

“Because I do not want to miss out on morning cuddle time.”

“You wouldn’t do that anyways,” Vinyl smiled. “At least not anymore, not after last night.”

The grey mare smiled as she pressed her muzzle into Vinyl’s chest. Vinyl cooed a little as she raised a hoof and placed it on the back of Octavia’s head, petting her a little.

“But don’t you think I forgot about everything. Just because we made love last night doesn’t mean that we won’t visit Sassaflash today,” Octavia said. Vinyl groaned.

“Celestia, you just had to ruin the moment, didn’t you?”

“You promised!”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. And I have no intention of going back on that promise. I just…”

“Just what?”

“It’s going to end badly.”

“Yeah, with that kind of attitude it is.”


“No, I am serious about this Vinyl. I know, in my heart, that this is something we’ve got to do, something we need to do. But if you believe it is going to go badly, it will.”

“It’s not because I believe it. It’s simply a fact, in case you don’t remember how Spits and she fought,” Vinyl growled.

“It really can’t be that bad,” Octavia whispered with a kiss.

“Fine,” Vinyl broke away. “You want to go to her? Fine! Let’s go to her. But if she tries anything funny with you, I swear I’m going to hurt her.”

“I do not know if I should be flattered or offended.”

“Both?” Vinyl asked with a smile. “You do have an awesome marefriend willing to fight for you after all.”

“Nice try, but that’s not going to get you out of the gutter,” Octavia growled before gagging slightly. “It’s time for a shower and then for you to brush your teeth.”

“Fine,” Vinyl all but scowled. “I tried to save us the trouble but noooo,” she pouted as she went to stand up.

Octavia had to admit that she was still irresistibly cute, even covered in all their juices and… that smell. Right before Vinyl jumped off the bed, Octavia grabbed her hoof and pulled her back down, right on top of her. The grey mare surprised Vinyl with a kiss directly to the lips.

Needless to say, Vinyl was surprised; for a second or two anyway. She quickly let that go and melted into the kiss, enjoying it far more than she should have given the thoughts running through her head. Somehow, with those lips pressed against her own, she was able to let that go. To just... enjoy the moment.

When Octavia broke the kiss she looked up at her marefriend’s ruby eyes. Lavender and ruby locked together, each staring into the other’s soul.

It was Octavia who broke the silence with, “You are cute when you are all pouty like that.”

Vinyl’s gimince never stood a chance, she started to giggle at those words. “You know, from anypony else I’d never accept being called ‘cute’.”

“Oh, so I’m special, am I?”

“The most special mare in all of Equestria,” Vinyl sad with a grin.

“I guess I would have to be to win your heart.”

“Oh, you are, don’t worry. You even knock the Captain of the Wonderbolts out of the game,” Vinyl chuckled.

Octavia just cuffed her lightly over the head. “Oh shush.”

“Oww, but it’s the truth!”

“I know that, but let’s enjoy our moment without any distractions from talk about… other mares,” Octavia scowled.

“Hey, I hope you’re not jealous. You know you’re the one for me,” Vinyl blinked.

“That’s not what I meant.”

“Then tell me.”

Octavia sighed, then looked directly into those beautiful, ruby eyes. “It is a bit hard for me to see that you are my very first while I’m your…” Octavia stopped and threw her hooves into the air. “I don’t know! Tenth? Fifthiest???”

“Tavi… I don’t fucking care who was there before you. YOU are the first, no doubt, in my heart,” Vinyl replied gently, cupping Octavia’s muzzle before kissing her gently.

“That is unfair,” Octavia growled as the kiss broke.


“Your kisses. They make every argument invalid. This is not fair,” the grey mare pouted.

Vinyl laughed. “Now you know how I feel with our discussions!”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, imagine trying to argue with the cutest mare in all of Equestria and you’ll know half of what I feel.”

Octavia blushed and smiled at that. “I think I have an inkling of what that might be like.”

“Not even half of one,” Vinyl smiled back. “Look, I know we’re from two different… well, worlds, but Tavi?”

“Yes, Vi?”

“You’re the one for me. The only one I ever want to be with again. We’ve been together for such a short time and I already feel like I couldn’t live without you.”

“Again? I cannot remember why I broke up with you,” Octavia giggled before snuggling up Vinyl. “I love you my stupid, cute unicorn.”

“My silly, worrywort earth pony.”

“Careful, you are starting to go sappy on me.”

“Only for you babe, only for you.”



“Better,” Octavia said, grinning. “Now, I think you were about to go into the shower?”

“I found something better to do.”

“What if we share one?” Octavia quickly suggested.

Vinyl’s ears perked up. “That tops my idea by a lot.”

“What was your idea?” Octavia smiled.

“Continuing cuddling in bed.”

“In this bed?”


“This bed, soaked in our fluids and the smell of our love from last night?”


“Shower, now!”

“Aww, you can really ruin the moment,” Vinyl pouted as she rolled off the mare.

Octavia smiled as she was finally able to stand up, swishing her tail slightly around Vinyl’s muzzle. “Only the best for my mare,” she purred.

That made Vinyl smile as she got up and started to follow Octavia. “Don’t get me wrong, playing clean is fun and all, but there’s something to be said about getting a little dirty from time to time.”

“I think you might be too used to dirty.”

“Same could be said about you and clean,” Vinyl said with a grin.

“Well, both can go hoof in hoof. You make us dirty…” Octavia said before raising her tail for the tiniest amount of time. “And I make us clean again…”

Vinyl looked absolutely offended, something that took Octavia completely by surprise. “What? What’d I say?”

“Mare, you’ve already won my heart, what more could you possibly want from me?”

“I want everything, the whole you. And I want it forever,” Octavia smiled.

Vinyl grinned. “That sounds dirty!”

“Oh, you tease!” Octavia gasped in playful shock. “Pull your mind out of the gutter!”

“Can’t with your flank in sight.”

“There’s just no helping you, is there?”

“What can I say? I’m one of a kind.”

That caused Octavia to laugh. “I can attest to that.”

“I don’t know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult.”


Vinyl nuzzled up to her. “I can live with both.”

“So can I,” Octavia cooed back as they crossed the threshold to the bathroom.

Vinyl immediately went to the sink and grabbed her toothbrush. Octavia smiled at that as she examined the bathtub, if one could even call it as such. It was enormous, with a lots of holes inside. Octavia guessed that it was a whirlpool. She always had used the big waterfall shower, so she was more than eager to test out the big tub.

“Mind if we convert the shower?”

Vinyl spit out her brush and grinned. “Not at all,” she said before moving to Octavia’s side and turning some levers, making the whirlpool fill before it started to churning, bubbles shooting towards the surface.

“Oh my…” Octavia breathed out before letting out a loud ‘eep’ as Vinyl tackled her, flying with her into the water.

She gasped and fought her way to the surface of the water. A task made increasingly difficult by the unicorn trying to keep them pressed together. She broke the surface and spat out a mouthful of water. “Vinyl!”

Vinyl broke the surface next, a smile plastered on her muzzle. “Yes, my love?”

“You are incorrigible, you know that?”

“At least it’s something,” Vinyl grinned. “And would you really have me any other way?”

Octavia brushed her wet mane from her face and stared at the pouty muzzle of her marefriend. “I guess not, but some improvements wouldn’t hurt you.”

“You too,” Vinyl grinned. “You mostly just need to pull the stick out of your butt.”

“Some refined behaviour would suite you just fine from time to time,” Octavia huffed.

“Maybe, but then I couldn’t do something like this.”

“Vinyl, what are you doing?!” Octavia asked as Vinyl grasped ahold of the mare and pulled her in closer, parking her flank right on the unicorn’s lap as she kissed her on the neck. Her muzzle quickly worked its way up the side of Octavia’s head until they were kissing again, for real.

Octavia felt herself be used, get pulled around completely on the whim of another. And yet… she enjoyed it. She enjoyed Vinyl taking charge, taking her, forcing her where she wanted her to be. It was strange… liberating, in a way.

So much so she almost didn’t notice the white hoof snaking it’s way between her hind legs, almost.


“Shhh. Let’s just say I want to make you… clean,” Vinyl grinned. “And of course say thank you for last night.”

Octavia wanted to object, she wanted to say no and just taking a relaxing bath, but the lips on her coat and the hoof on her marehood told her that everything was fine. That her life was just perfect like this. “Oh, Vinyl,” she cooed, completely melting into her touch.

“If you think this feels good, you haven’t felt… anything yet,” Vinyl purred, marking her words with added pressure against her marefriend’s marehood.

“Don’t tease,” Octavia whimpered.

Vinyl grinned and nipped at her ear. “What was that?”

“Please, Vinyl, just do it. Don’t tease me!”

“Mhh, as you wish.”

Octavia didn’t have a moment to prepare. As soon as Vinyl spoke those words, she pressed her muzzle against Octavia’s neck, gently biting and licking her while massaging her marehood strongly with her hoof.

“Oh, Oh Vinyl…”

The unicorn grinned as she worked her marefriend over, trying to say thank you for so many things without speaking. It was difficult, but she wanted to give her mare a good time, to show her that she was there for her. “I’m going to be a really, really bad unicorn today,” Vinyl whispered seductively.

“I think you like being a bad mare,” Octavia purred, surprising even herself with how much she was getting into it.

“For you, I’ll be anything you want,” Vinyl replied back. She pushed her hoof even harder, feeling Octavia’s slit starting to open up ever so against her hoof’s movement. She pushed her hoof down, then brought it back up, letting herself grind against her marefriend’s marehood the entire time, seeking to drag out the pleasure as much as she was able.

“Then make it quick,” the grey mare moaned out.

Vinyl actually blinked. “What?”


“Moodkiller. Totally,” Vinyl deadpanned.

“I… I’m sorry,” Octavia folded her ears back and looked pleading at the white unicorn. “I’ll make it up to you, just please finish it.”

Vinyl smiled at her before continuing to take care of her marehood and her neck. “I wasn’t about to stop,” she whispered gently.

“That’s… aahhh… good.”

“I could never really be mad at you. And knowing your sexy body, I’m always in the mood,” Vinyl giggled.

Octavia didn’t answer that. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the dual pleasure of the small licks and nips on her neck combined with the soft strokes of Vinyl’s hoof on her marehood. Her pleasure reached new heights as Vinyl bit down hard, electing a small yelp that soon turned into a long and deep moan from her mouth.

If you enjoyed that, you’ll love this, Vinyl thought with a grin before sucking gently on the spot she bit, building up enough pressure to create a nice and big hickey, all the while making her mare shiver under her.

As Vinyl pushed her hoof harder against her, it was enough to send her over the edge. Octavia cried out in bliss as a spray of her fluids mixed with the water, all the while Vinyl continued to suckle her neck until her orgasm ebbed down.

“Did… did you just give me a hickey?” the grey mare asked as her breath slowly returned.

“Not good?”

Octavia wanted to say yes. To say that she never had her permission. But honestly?

“I don’t give a buck,” Octavia breathed out and then giggled upon Vinyl’s shocked expression. “It’s from you Vi, that’s good enough for me.”

“Mhh, how do you always make me love you that much more?” Vinyl purred gently.

“Just the charms of being yo—” Octavia’s eyes went wide as she felt the hoof press harder, parting her lower lips and grinding her marehood, hard. “Vinyl…”

“Just getting started, let’s crank up the beat,” Vinyl said with a smile as she started to press even harder while increasing her speed.

It felt good, great even, but the beat comment made Octavia a little lost. That is until Vinyl bit down again, hard upon her neck.

Octavia let out a very unladylike scream of pleasure/pain. The dual feelings mixed as the sore spot on her neck sent signals of pain to her brain, only to be confused with the feelings of pure, unadulterated bliss coming from between her legs.

“This is where I love you the most, muzzle-deep in the throes of ecstasy, you know that?” Vinyl whispered into Octavia’s ear after letting go of her neck. She blew softy into the ear, took it by her teeth, and started to nibble on it.

Octavia fought her body’s natural instinct. She had to resist the urge to place her hooves on Vinyl, to push her harder against her needing marehood. The thought that she might even want to do such a thing was abhorrent.

Vinyl didn’t care about the physical and emotional tormal Octavia was in. The mare in her hooves was fighting against her body’s demand to do some uncouth, unladylike behaviour, but even had she known, she wouldn’t have stopped. Heck, she’d have encouraged it. The white unicorn moved her free hoof up and down Octavia’s stomach, providing just a bit extra stimulation to the grey mare’s coat while she increased the speed of her ‘busy’ hoof again.

“Vinyl!” Octavia called out.

“Let yourself go, Tavi. I’m here to catch you, it’s fine, you’ll fall into my hooves.”


Vinyl chuckled. “I would never hurt you. At least not in a way you couldn’t enjoy. Let me lead and you’ll feel even better.”

Octavia’s mind wanted to rebel, to not accept what Vinyl was doing to her. But, a long gaze into those beautiful ruby eyes she loved told her that everything was fine. That she could trust her white unicorn and go all the way with her.

The grey mare closed her eyes, she pushed the thoughts aside and just let Vinyl take the lead. She expected it to be hard, for her thoughts to refuse to leave, for her own body to rebel against the very notion. And yet… it came as natural as breathing.

Later, she’d be somewhat scared by that revolution, but at that moment, it was exactly what she wanted. With her barriers lowered, her own thoughts no longer getting in her way, the pleasure became all-consuming in her mind. Every stroke of Vinyl’s hoof seemed to grow exponentially in pleasure. Every bite, blow, and lick from the mare’s muzzle doubled, then tripled this feeling.

At that moment, at that time, Vinyl could have bitten a portion of her ear off and it would have only caused Octavia to cum that much harder.

Not that the orgasm she did have was somehow sub par, it was easily the best one the mare had ever experienced. Her body tensed up, her back hooves locked up and closed upon the hoof that was now locked between them. And she screamed, she screamed as loud as she could, her voice echoing back on the walls and causing Vinyl’s grin to grow ten-fold as she finally got the noise she had been looking for.

Vinyl could have stopped there. She could have just held her hoof still in place and let the mare in her hooves come down naturally. But she didn’t, she fought through it and forced her hoof to keep moving between the stiffened legs. She kept playing with Octavia’s coat, even moving down and stimulating the nipples on her teats, drawing out Octavia’s orgasm as long as she could.

After what felt like an eternity, but was really only a minute, Octavia’s mind was her own again. The waves of pleasure had subsided and she could start to feel other things again. Like the hoof that was slowly moving, still locked on her marehood, or the little licks and kisses still being placed on her neck. “That was…”

“Amazing?” Vinyl asked.

“Bumping,” Octavia said, smiling.

Octavia doubted that Vinyl’s smile over the use of her colloquialisms could ever get bigger than it was right now.

“We still have a matter at hoof.”

“And that would be?” Vinyl asked.

“Getting clean,” Octavia smiled.


“Do not get pouty on me. We’ve got something to do, remember?”

Vinyl sighed. “Alright, alright. Let’s get clean and start the disaster.”

“What did I say about attitudes, Vinyl?

“Sorry, sorry, let’s get clean and start this awesome event that’s going to go so well! Ouch!”

“You deserve it,” Octavia said after hitting Vinyl in the gut.

Vinyl just grinned as Octavia got up and let the water out of the tub. She was sad to see her go, in her opinion bathing in Octavia’s love juices should be a nightly ritual. Alas, she knew that wasn’t really an option Octavia would go for.

Still she couldn’t help but admire Octavia’s figure as she got out of the tub soaking wet and went over to the shower. Vinyl watched as Octavia turned it on and soaked herself, letting the warm water wash over her mane and down her fur.

Octavia looked over and saw Vinyl gawking at her from the tub. She smiled and wiggled her flank before she even realized what she was doing. “Are you going to make me shower alone?”

Vinyl blinked, twice, before processing what Octavia had said. “No ma’am!”

The earth pony smiled as Vinyl excitedly left the tub and ran over to her. Her own blue mane was already soaked, but still, that just made her more attractive in Octavia’s opinion. The two kissed as soon as she got under the water, sharing each other’s tongues as they did so.

Octavia broke off the kiss and much to Vinyl’s disappointment, reached over for the soap. The unicorn sighed as she realized that Octavia did just want to take a shower,

“We had enough fun for now, do not you agree, dear?” Octavia smiled softly.

“Mhh, I guess you’re right,” Vinyl smiled. “Besides, this was definitely not the last time,” she practically purred the last sentence.

“Not by a long shot,” Octavia said back, smiling.

That smile was worth the world to Vinyl. She took the soap in her magic and started to douse them both in it, taking extra care to rub it into all the ‘right’ spots on her favorite mare in the world.

After a few moments of it, Octavia giggled as she said, “Vinyl, I thought you agreed we had enough fun.”

“With you, enough is never enough,” Vinyl said back, but moved her magic to other areas anyway.

Octavia actually found herself a little sad to feel Vinyl stop, something she went out of her way to try and hide. She had a suspicion that if Vinyl knew, she’d be right back at it, and, honestly, she wouldn’t stop her. The two quickly rinsed off, and after a healthy amount of conditioner, went to dry off.

Without even having to ask, Vinyl grabbed the towel with her magic out of Octavia’s grip, doing her best to lovingly dry her mare off. Octavia cooed softly at the touch Vinyl served her, but it ended way too soon for her liking.

“Wanna return the favor?” Vinyl wiggled her eyebrows.

Octavia scoffed playfully before rubbing the unicorn dry, who seemed extremely ticklish at her hoofjoints. “Stay still, Vinyl! You are not a foal anymore,” she laughed.

“I’d be your foal if you wanted me to,” Vinyl replied.

“Yeah, I love my mare more,” Octavia said through a teeth clinched towel.

“Doesn’t mean we won’t have one someday.”

Octavia nearly dropped her towel, then she remembered their short talk about that topic not long ago. She finished drying off Vinyl before answering. “Vi, it is a bit early for that topic. But I promise you, we will talk about that.”

Vinyl smiled. She had already expected her to freak out or change the topic, but that was something she could look forward too. Maybe she would want a foal with me later?

When they left the bathroom, Octavia purred, “I do not know about you, but I always feel soo much better after a shower.”

“Not me,” Vinyl replied.

“Oh?” Octavia asked.

“Nah, it just washes your sent away, I’d much rather smell like you all day than shower.”

Octavia didn’t reply, she simply started at Vinyl. “What’s wrong?” Vinyl asked.

“I can not decide if that is romantic or gross.”

“I can live with both,” Vinyl giggled.

“As always, Vi,” Octavia rolled her eyes playfully.

The pair made their way into the kitchen for a quick breakfast. Vinyl was all about delaying this clusterfuck for as long as she could, and Octavia wanted to make sure they had done everything right so as to try and make this as successful as they could.

The white unicorn went into the fridge and pulled out a loaf of bread with several different flowers that they both liked. She levitated the items to the table and went back for some apple juice. And then some slices of cheese. She took more and more from the fridge until Octavia stepped up and closed the door.

“I think that’s quite enough for breakfast,” she smiled.

“You can’t blame me for trying to steal time,” Vinyl winced back..

“I know you think it will end badly, but we can’t know one-hundred percent until we we’re there and talked to her. So please, Vi, calm down.”

Vinyl looked into Octavia’s eyes, and then back to the fridge and then back to those lavender eyes. She sighed, loudly, and, in an act of contrition, shut the door. “I wish there was someway I could talk you out of this.”

“Sorry, you can’t.”


“Vinyl, even if it goes badly, I need to know we made the attempt, can’t you give me that at least? For me? Please?”

“If she does what I think, I’ll hurt her, badly,” Vinyl growled and crossed her forehooves.

“I’m a grown mare,” Octavia rolled her eyes.

Vinyl laughed. “Yep, and you’re my mare. So I’m there for you. And after everything Sassa did the last few weeks, I’ll be honored to whoop her lazy, jealous and bitchy flank.”

“She was your friend.”

“Please, ‘buck-buddy’ would be more accurate. She always knew that I didn’t love her and I never will,” Vinyl snorted.

“You want my option?”

“Always,” Vinyl said.

“I think only one of you knew that. I think you used her and now she’s hurt.”

“I told her from day one.”

“So? How many times have I told you something and you not listened?”

“Yeah, but… I… I mean.”

“This is just the same. You are something she wants. The mare she loves. It’s the same as with Captain Spitfire, with the difference that the Captain apparently found somepony that loves her back now,” Octavia smiled gently. “Would you act different if it was the other way around? Or… if it was me who didn’t want to love you?”

“Don’t even joke about that,” Vinyl said with a hurt look in her eyes.

“Sorry, I just wanted to make my point in a way you would understand.”

“I… buck me.”

“Vinyl, try not to use such language, please.”

The white unicorn chuckled, “You did last night you know.”


“Fine, fine. Sorry.”

“Thank you, my love,” Octavia said as she kissed her on the cheek and went to sit down again at the table.

Vinyl watched her with a frown, and then a smile, something that just happened by staring at her regardless if she wanted it or not. She shrugged and joined Octavia at the table. Laying out the bread she made a few sandwiches with her magic.

They ate in silence; Vinyl afraid to say anything lest she upset Octavia and Octavia simply letting the moment be so she didn’t push Vinyl into any rash action.

After cleaning up, the two moved to the living room and headed out of the house together. coat-to-coat.

“So how did you two meet anyway?” Octavia said, hoping to drive the conversation someplace pleasant as to put Vinyl in a good mood.

“Never told you?”

“Tell me again,” Octavia said, smiling.

“Well, I met Sassa at my friend Cloud Kicker’s a really long ago. You wouldn’t believe that I was any different that day. Really brash and arrogant. Damn, I did what I wanted. Anyways, I met Sassaflash there some time after Beauty Brass left me. It was… tough.”

Octavia placed her hoof on hers, nodding encouraging to make her continue.

Vinyl sighed. “She was, interesting. Cloud Kicker gave her tickets to the club I played at that time, so she came to the gig. We talked, and of course she wanted to see my eyes. At that time, I was sure that I was a freak, but she convinced me that it made me unique. She simply loved my eyes. I don’t think I have to tell you what happened after the gig.”

“No, not really,” Octavia coughed.

“It was just supposed to be for fun, a quick rut; but she… grew attached I guess.”

“Did she know it was supposed to be that?”


“You sure about that? Was she as exposed as you?”

Vinyl gulped. “I um… think I was her first.”

Octavia was taken back by that. “So you were her first time, and on the first day you met, you had sex with her? Thinking it was all fun?”

“Tavi, she knew. The time us two met and Neon took me in for his club, I met her again as you know. We talked in the coffeeshop over it, and I told her again that it was never about love. She just nodded and said she wanted it like it was before everything.”

“And you agreed, of course,” Octavia sighed.

“Hey, I’m not the bad guy here.”

“Vinyl, I love you, but you’re kinda dense. She said that because it’s what you wanted to hear. She didn’t want to admit her own feelings because you started off by rejecting them before she ever got a chance to tell you. And she agreed to continue because she got to keep being with you.”

“That’s not true.”

“Is it? Let me ask you this, honestly, even with all the fights you two have been in the last two weeks, if you showed up at her door and said you wanted to rut right then and there, would she?”


“Thought so,” Octavia said. “Vinyl you broke that mare’s heart, and it’s never healed. It’s little wonder she still pines after you.”

Vinyl looked down at the sidewalk. unsure what to say.

“We have to get her a mare or stallion.”


Vinyl grinned. “Well, Spitfire kinda healed from what happened, at least if her last letter is right about that Rainbow Dash. Which means we only gotta find somepony for Sassa!”

“That’s a dumb idea, Vi.”


“You can’t force love. Spitfire found it all by herself. If you force Sassa on somepony now, it will only hurt her more,” Octavia replied, nearly feeling the need to facehoof.

“I still think a good dicking would do that mare wonders.”


“Sorry, sorry,” Vinyl said, half chuckling as they turned down the road that Sassa lived on.

“Which one is hers?” Octavia asked.

“That one,” Vinyl pointed to a building one block down and on the left.

As they headed off in that direction, Octavia kissed her on the cheek. “Thank you for doing this.”

“Part of the deal right? We send the letter to your dad and then we do this.”

“Well, still, thank you for doing this. I know you don’t want to.”

“Tavi, for you, I would jump off of Trottingham tower is you asked me to,” Vinyl chuckled.

“Yeah, no. I want to keep you for a while.”

“A while?”

“You never know,” Octavia teasingly replied.

Vinyl paused and stared at her as Octavia simply kept walking. “You’re evil.”

Octavia laughed at that, “You coming?”

Vinyl blushed and sped up to catch up with her. “Yeah, yeah,” she replied, smiling as they walked up to Sassa’s building.

Vinyl felt a sudden chill move down her coat as they passed into Sassa’s small apartment complex. She didn’t know what would happen, but she knew it was going to be bad. That was one feeling she was certain of.

Worst possible Result

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Chapter Eight: Worst possible Result

“Remind me why we have to do this, again?” Vinyl asked as they stood in front of the apartment complex.

Octavia smiled gently. “Because you promised me.”

“Right,” Vinyl huffed. “Let’s get this over with.”

“It will be all right.”

Vinyl just laughed bitterly. “Yeah, if you say so.” Still, despite her gut telling her to run and take Octavia with her, she followed her in.

Octavia looked over the nameplates besides the buttons before humming. “I can’t find any Sassaflash here.”

“Look at the nameplate with Whirlwind. She never changed it,” Vinyl replied with a shrug.

The grey mare found it on the second floor and pushed the button next to it. Seconds passed by and nothing happened, just before the speaker in the wall cracked.

“Who’s there?”

“Sassa open the door. We need to talk,” Vinyl said.

“Why should I?”

“Because we should talk about this and how we all can still live peacefully together,” Octavia cut in and Vinyl facehoofed.

“You brought her with you? Hell no, Vi!” Sassa growled.

“Please, Sassa. Open the door. It’s just talking, alright,” Vinyl said with a roll of her eyes.

Silence. It stretched over a whole minute before a buzzing sound opened the door.

“Come in.”

Vinyl hesitated, but Octavia quickly pulled her in behind her, leaving her no choice but to face the problem ahead.

Unlike their apartment, Sassa’s had no elevator. Doing everything she could, Vinyl tried to buy time. Much to Octavia’s anger.

“If you don’t stop dragging your hooves, my dear, the only hoof you will feel in bed from now on will be your own,” Octavia glared at her.

Vinyl gulped at that, and doubled her speed. It barely put her at a walking pace, but Octavia figured that it was the best she could hope for, given Vinyl’s reluctance. The two walked side by side, down the hallway and to the stairs. According to the buzzers, Sassaflash lived on the second floor, so they had to go up.

For Vinyl, each step felt like it was the next on the road to Tartarus. Not literally of course, but she just knew each and every hoof they moved closer was a hoof moving toward a shit-storm that was about to take place. She didn’t fret for herself, but for Octavia. If Sassaflash did something, if she attacked her, Vinyl was in no doubt that she’d beat her to an inch of her life.

Vinyl just didn’t know if she’d stop there.

A kiss on her cheek stole her attention. She looked over to see the grey mare that was by her side smiling at her. Vinyl blushed a little as she nuzzled her muzzle against Octavia in a ‘thank you’ gesture.

They moved up the stairs from the first to the second story and exited down the hallway.

“Room two-twelve right?”

“That’s the one,” Vinyl confirmed, doing her best to sound more confident than she felt.

She wanted to say more. To tell her to stop this madness. She was too slow though as her lovely earth pony was already knocking on the door.

It didn’t even take a second before the door was ripped open and a pretty angered Sassaflash stormed forward, muzzle to muzzle with Octavia.

“What the hell do you want, prissy?”

Octavia was taken aback for a second. She took one more as she collected herself before saying, “Sassaflash, we’ve come here to talk to yo—”

“No duh, grey prude, I want to know the hell you want to talk about!”

“Maybe about your childish reactions and that flirtatious behaviour you keep up?” Vinyl cut in.

“Since when was that anything bad with you?” Sassaflash raised a eyebrow.

“You should feel bad about it,” Octavia found her voice back. “She is my marefriend and you will not change anything with this ridiculous and inappropriate behaviour!”

Sassaflash laughed, ”Said the prude.”

“Sassaflash, she wanted to come and talk to you in a friendly manner, not to fight. Can’t you at least respect that?” Vinyl asked, not believing the words that were coming out of her mouth.

Sassaflash blinked, twice. Amazed that the great and mighty Vinyl Scratch had just said something like that. She grinned at Vinyl, a girl that spoke of something very bad. “You know what? You’re right Vinyl. Where were my manners. Please, come in Octavia, Vinyl. Let me get you two something to drink.”

“I told you she’d be reasonable, Vinyl, we just had to ask nicely,” Octavia said with a smile as she walked past Sassaflash.

Every single instinct in Vinyl’s head said things had just gone from bad to worse. But now that Octavia had gone inside, there was no way Vinyl could not follow. As she walked past Sassaflash, she whispered, “You better not be planning anything.”

The first Vinyl noticed when she stepped in, was that Octavia was frozen in the hallway between the bedroom and the bathroom. Why, she noticed soon enough.

“Oh, hey Vinyl. Long time no see,” Cloud Kicker laughed before jumping past Octavia to hug the white unicorn. “Hm, you grew up quite nicely, Sassa wasn’t lying.”

“Told you, Cloudy,” Sassa giggled. “I’m sure Vi would like to say the same about you. After all, it’s been so long since all three of us got together last.”

“Seriously? Your plan was to invite Kicky so you could make me weak?” Vinyl asked, her voice betraying herself.

“So self-centered just like always. The world doesn’t revolve around you Vi. I didn’t even know you were coming, Cloudy just knows a mare that can give her a good time,” Sassaflash said. “Some mares know a good thing when they experience it.”

“And some mares know when to shut up and not try to betray a years-old friendship!” Vinyl spat back. “What we had was not love!”

“Really, so when I had you screaming my name, that was what exactly?”

“You know it was never love or anything like that! It was just… a small fling in the bed from time to time and we both knew it!”

“SHUT UP!” Octavia suddenly yelled. “Both of you!”

Both mares stopped their bickering and turned their head, staring speechless at Octavia and Vinyl’s jaw dropped. “Tavi?”

“We’re not here to fight you, Sassaflash, we’re here to make amends; to show you that what we have is real, and not something that’s going away. We want to be your friend, not your enemy.”

“Well, you know how I like my friends,” Sassa said as she walked up to Octavia.

“Sassa, what are yo—”

Vinyl’s muzzle dropped open when Sassaflash pushed her lips against Octavia’s. The kiss lasted for two whole seconds, two seconds before Octavia’s mind realized what the hell was going on and pulled away in horror.

Sassaflash just looked at her with a disappointed look on her face, “Ehh, four out of ten. You really could do better, Vinyl.”

“What in the wide world of Equestria is wrong with you?” Octavia suddenly asked. “If this is what friendship involves with you, I say no. I’m only Vinyl’s and that’s final!”

Vinyl was still in shock while Cloud Kicker finally found a voice to speak. “What is going on here? I don’t get it anymore.”

“Kicky, you should leave,” Vinyl said. “This may get ugly.”

Cloud looked between Vinyl and a still grinning Sassaflash. “I’ll see you later, Sassa.”

Sassa just grinned. “This is quite comical. So much for not starting a fight, huh?”

Octavia moved between Vinyl and Sassaflash as Cloud kicker left. “Maybe we should start over.”

“Want another kiss?” Sassa asked. “I’m sure I could teach you more.”

“NO!” Octavia and Vinyl both yelled.

“Too personal?” Sassa grinned.

“Sassa. One last chance to talk this out,” Vinyl growled, rubbing her temples. “Otherwise our whole relation ends right now and here.”

“What was that again with not starting a fight? Right now you are about to do just that.”

Octavia blinked and Vinyl could see that she was slowly about to lose her temper, ”Alright you primitive pegasus. We came here to talk this out peacefully. If you can’t stop with this and trying to pull Vinyl into this we will leave immediately,” Octavia said.

“Primitive pegasus?” Sassa blinked. “Did you just insult me?”

“No, I think that was the actual pretty matching description of how she sees you,” Vinyl chuckled.

Vinyl had no idea how long it took. All she noticed was Sassa taking a pretty ugly expression on her muzzle before her wing unfolded and snapped forward.

“What in the-” Octavia was cut off as the wing hit. Straight over her muzzle.

“Tavi!” Vinyl yelled as the grey mare stumbled back, a hoof on her muzzle.

“You two come here. To my place. You insult me, yet you say you want to be my friends. Fuck you. Both of you,” Sassaflash growled.

Things went from bad to worse. In the next second, Vinyl was on the pegasus and smashed her to the ground. “How. Fucking. Dare. You. To. Attack. My. Marefriend. You. FUCK!” Vinyl emphasized every single word.

Her rage made her strong, but that strength came at a price. She didn’t notice when Sassaflash placed her back hoof on her chest and pushed up with all her might. Vinyl was sent flying into the wall from the strong kick.

Vinyl hit the wall hard. She fell to her head in a crumpled mess before getting back to her hooves and powering her horn, ready to take this fight to the next level.

Once again, Octavia jumped between the two. “No!”

The two glared at each other, angrily. Octavia didn’t move out of the way though. “Vinyl, you were right, we should not have come. Let’s go, she is not worth it.”

Vinyl blinked before ceasing her magic and looking at Octavia. “Let’s go eat something. I’m starving.”

She quickly took Octavia’s side and walking towards the door, leaving a stunned pegasus behind. “You can’t just leave!” Sassaflash yelled.

“We can,” Vinyl chuckled. “My mare said so and I obey.”

Octavia looked back once at Sassaflash. “I asked her to come here so we can move on with our lives. As we walk out the door, we put our pasts behind us and move on to a brighter future, together. I am sad that we could not make amends, but at least you see that now, as do we.”

“Fuck you too!” Sassaflash shouted as they walked out the door and shut it behind them.

As they walked down the hallway, Octavia swore that she heard Sassaflash crying.

Pleasantries and Pastries (CP)

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Chapter Nine: Pleasantries and Pastries

It had been hours since they had left Sassaflash’s place and went home, yet Vinyl hadn’t moved from the couch. When they got home, she had flopped down on her back and played with something that looked like a broken lever that somepony had scribbled something upon.


No answer. The unicorn still played with the strange object, flicking it around in her magic, analysing it from every side.

“Vi, I’m sorry,” Octavia mumbled.

“I know you are,” Vinyl snorted. “It’s just a bit late now.”

“I just thought we could talk it out. It was never my plan to have it end like this. I never wanted to ruin your friendship with her,” the grey mare whispered.

Vinyl sighed, “I know it, Tavi. But I warned you. I told you what would likely happen, but you ignored me. We could’ve avoided this whole banter.”

“Banter? Who are you and what did you do to Vinyl?” Octavia raised an eyebrow.

“You’re rubbing off on me.”

Octavia smiled before shifting closer. “Like that?” she asked, purred nearly with a blush and gently cuddled against Vinyl.

“Mhh, I can live with that, no complaints here,” Vinyl smiled.

“Oh, you!” the grey mare complained teasingly before stopping at a soppy lick Vinyl gave her straight over her nose. “Eww, gross!”

“What? Being licked by your marefriend is gross? I’ll give you gross!” Vinyl stated before pulling Octavia into a hug, starting to give her a load of very wet and sloppy licks all over the muzzle, making her giggle uncontrollably—much to her amusement.

“S-stop, please, Vi!” Octavia tried to contain her laughter, but barely managed to.

“Mhhh, nope,” came the teasing reply, but the licks soon turned into soft, small kisses until finally, she pulled her beautiful marefriend closer and lips met, tongues meeting for a delicious and passionately dance.

“Wasn’t it worth this?” Vinyl asked with a smug grin as they broke.


“Maybe? So, I should kick it up a notch? Sure thing babe!” The white unicorn growled before leaning her weight into her marefriend and starting anew with kisses, this time longer and deeper, eliciting soft moans from the grey cellist.

Moments passed and they only broke for the need of air.


“Very much so,” Octavia smiled gently. “Again, I’m sorry that I ruined your relationship with Sassaflash.”

Vinyl sighed before gently nuzzling Octavia’s muzzle. “It’s not your fault, Tavi. She chose that path and didn’t stop. For me it never was a real decision. I already knew I would send her to Tartarus for you.”

“It’s still not easy.”

“It’s not,” Vinyl agreed before flicking the object from before in her magic again.

“Vi, what is this? This looks like one of the levers from your machines,” Octavia said, looking at the strange object.

“It is. From my first pro set I ever had, and at the same time, the first I played with Sassaflash. We put it up so much it broke. Each one of us got a lever with a signature from each other.” Vinyl paused and a single tear made it’s way down her muzzle. “No matter how much I tell myself that she deserves it, it hurts, and I miss her.”

The tear never hit the ground. Before it could drop from her muzzle, Octavia nuzzled her gently, wiping the tear away before planting a soft kiss on the wet spot. “This is normal, you two shared so many memories together, nopony could ever tell you it shouldn’t hurt..”

“I would,” Vinyl sniffled, “love to fill my head with new ones. Ones with just us.,” Vinyl smiled.

“And we will, we will have great memories of just the two of us, doing all sorts of things.”

“Oh really?” Vinyl’s eyebrows going up and down signaled what types of memories she wanted to make.

Octavia just blushed at that. “Yes, those types too. But also memories of us being together, walking through the park, sitting on the beach. Practicing together.”

“Those…” Vinyl was about to say ‘sound boring’ but honestly, they didn’t, something that surprised her as much as it would anypony else. “Sound like fun.”

“They do.” Octavia said, meeting Vinyl smile for smile. But it was hers that fell off first. “Again, I’m sorry for… that.”

“Tavi, shut it. Yes, I may have told you it would happen like that, but it wasn’t your fault. She started it. Again,” Vinyl looked down. “I just don’t know what I should do about the club now. Neon will be pissed.”

“It’ll get you in trouble?”

“I think so. Neon told me to leave her be. If she leaves, we’re doomed. Nopony can do the wiring like Sassaflash.”

Octavia’s ears dropped flat. “I’m sorry!”

“It’s okay,” Vinyl nuzzled her gently. “I’ll talk with Neon tomorrow, maybe we can sort it somehow.”

Octavia’s muzzle turned from Vinyl to the ground. Vinyl sighed and pressed hers against Octavia’s. The white unicorn purred a little, causing Octavia to chuckle a little at the action. When she finally looked up, VInyl pressed her lips against Octavia’s.

It wasn’t a deep kiss, it wasn’t full of lust, desire, or anything like that.It conveyed something more powerful than physical lust. It conveyed a sense of caring.

When Vinyl broke the kiss, Octavia was left speechless. She blushed a little at the white mare. “Listen,” Vinyl started, “her actions are her own. You had good intentions, and a big heart. That she went and made a bitch of herself isn’t your fault.”

“Yeah, but—”

“No buts, this was coming for a while.”

Octavia nodded at that. But there was one thing she couldn’t let go of that easy. “Vinyl… I think she was crying when we left.”

Vinyl went serious at that. “I know, I heard. I think she realized that I was gone.”

“But I mean it’s not like she’s alone, she has Cloudkicker.”

Vinyl laughed a little, and then felt bad at the look Octavia gave her. “Tavi, that was a booty call, that’s it.”

“A booty call?”

“They hooked up for sex. It feels great, so some—like myself—hooked up without any strings attached.”

“Well,” Octavia said, bringing her head back a little in disgust.

“Oh relax, my love. Those days are long over for me. You’re the only flank I want.”

“It is still somehow disgusting to know you had only Celestia knows how many other mares in bed,” Octavia wrinkled her nose.

“Not really that many. Besides, I told you that you are the real first for me. I love you!” Vinyl replied.

“Just to get me into bed,” Octavia said.

When Vinyl heard the words, she was at first taken aback by that. She thought Octavia really felt that way. But before she replied, she saw a mischievous glint in the earth pony’s lavender eyes. At that she smiled. “Yep, totally. Longest ploy yet, but so worth it.”

“Ah ha! I knew it, you just love me for my body!” Octavia replied.

“Well, it is a sexy body,” Vinyl said with a laugh as she crouched down and stuck her flank up in the air.

Octavia saw the pounce position and started backing up. “Vinyl, what are you doing?”

“Getting me some of that flank!” Vinyl said in a purr-growl.

Octavia laughed as she ran to the side, just in time to avoid Vinyl’s jump.

“Stay here! I want that sexy, grey flank of yours!” Vinyl growled and set for a chase.

“You should work for it!” Octavia giggled before running away with a shriek as Vinyl settled for her next pounce.

Octavia saw it coming a mile away, she giggled and made to get away, but went far slower than was necessary. Vinyl pounced on her and they both went tumbling over, only stopping when they hit a wall. Octavia ended up on top, staring down into the ruby eyes of her love. “Why Miss Vinyl. If I didn’t know better I’d say you planned this.”

“Nah, you know I’d much prefer to be on top,” Vinyl said with a laugh.

“Oh really?” Octavia asked with a smile as he ran her hoof through her love’s messy mane. “Too bad your strong marefriend is on top now.”

“Wouldn’t call that bad,” Vinyl grinned knowingly with an eye waggle.

“And why is that?”

“I don’t need my hooves to do anything to you,” Vinyl smirked as her horn glowed and Octavia shrieked as suddenly something gently pinched her right flank.

“Vinyl!” Octavia complained with a smile.

“Hey, if you were your marefriend, you’d pinch your flank too.”

Octavia huffed at that. “I don’t need to be my marefriend. That’s why I have you.”

Vinyl raised her hooves and placed them around Octavia’s neck. “You got that right.”

The two kissed again, and again after that. Lavender eyes met ruby as they never broke eye contact save to blink. However when Vinyl’s hooves start to move their way down Octavia’s side, the mare grinned and pulled herself back and off Vinyl.

“Seriously?” Vinyl asked in disbelief.

Octavia was about to give a joking answer, but as she saw that Vinyl took it seriously, she gently rubbed herself on Vinyl’s coat. “Save this for later.”


The grey mare stopped at that, but finally whispered, “Promise,” her cheeks sporting a healthy blush. “But, in the meantime, I think I’d like something sweet.”

“I thought I was sweet?” Vinyl asked playfully.

Octavia laughed. “The sweetest. But I’m thinking something a bit more… safe to eat in public.”

“I think we’re tapped out, here,” Vinyl said, remembering that she had raided the last of the sweets the other night and earning a momentary frown from Octavia.

“We can go visit Bon Bon in her sweet shop,” Octavia said smiling.

“She’s got a sweet shop?!” Vinyl asked, a grin on her muzzle.

“You’ve never talked to them in all the time they’ve been your neighbours? Shame on you!” Octavia declared playfully. “In that case, let’s go and see if Bon Bon got some sour drops for you.”

“Nah, I like my sweets sweet, just like you,” Vinyl purred.

“Vinyl…” Octavia started before shaking her head. “You are unique. Stay that way, my love.”

“I got no plans on changing myself,” the white unicorn chuckled before jumping to her hooves. “So where is that sweet shop?”

“Downtown, just a few minutes by hoof.”

“First you make me hot and then refuse to give me your hot flank, and now you even make me work for my sweets! I don’t know if I should kiss or slap you,” Vinyl chuckled.

Octavia winked. “I prefer the first one, now move that flank or it’ll get chubby!” She marked the last part of her sentence with a quick slap upon Vinyl’s flank.

Vinyl playfully yelped and started moving quicker. Right to the door. Octavia grinned as she saw Vinyl open the door with her magic and stand to the side, letting her out first.

“Oh, such a kind mare,” Octavia said with a smile.

“Only for my lady,” Vinyl replied back, grinning.

As Octavia walked outside, she couldn't help but glance over in the direction of Sassaflash’s apartment. I was the one that pushed her to go talk to her. She warned me that it would end poorly and I fought against it. I will make things right, somehow…

Her thoughts were interrupted when Vinyl once more used her magic to pinch Octavia’s flank.

“Hey!” She shouted.

“Sorry, it’s just so juicy I had to do it,” Vinyl said, laughing a bit.

“Juicy? Are you calling me fat?” Octavia asked disbelievingly.

“Nah, it’s perfect,” Vinyl replied playfully.

“I thought so,” the grey mare huffed and stuck her nose up high.

“Pppwease! Don’t gimme the prude,” Vinyl laughed, rolling onto the floor.

“Vinyl! Ponies are starting to look. Get up and to my side where you belong!” Octavia hissed.

The white mare stopped quickly and stepped up to her mare, letting her lead to their destination.

Vinyl grinned as she walked coat-to-coat with Octavia. She couldn’t help but remember a time when Octavia refused even this, afraid to be seen together like this in public. And now? Now she had practically demanded it.

Not that she had to. After all, there was no place else Vinyl would rather be.

“Hey, Tavi?” Vinyl said, her voice a lot lower than it had been before.

“Yes?” Octavia asked.

“Don’t blame yourself for Sassa... That’s on me for what I did to her, not you. I’m just happy that she didn’t try and hurt you.”

“Other than kiss me you mean?”

“Yeah… I still owe the tooth pony a few teeth for that one,” Vinyl said with a growl.

“Don’t get too rough Vinyl. She just hit me with her wing and the kiss is not worth getting into trouble with the guards over,” Octavia hummed. “And besides, the kiss was strange. It felt empty and dull, so much different than with you.”

Vinyl looked at her. She had meant a witty retort, but oddly, that did make her feel better in a strange way. “Thanks.”

“Anytime. But for now, let’s get some sweets!” Octavia said.

Vinyl blinked three times before realizing that they were there. “Oh, look at that,” she said with a laugh as she followed Octavia into the shop.

The shop itself didn’t look like much on the outside. It was an unadorned, grey-brick building that had suffered under years of rain and wind. The only noticeable marking on it was a sign in the window that said in big bold letters ‘Bon Bon’s Sweets’.

Yet, when Vinyl walked inside, it was almost like walking into a different world. The inside was white with green trimming, no doubt in recognition of Bon Bon’s marefriend Lyra. The walls looked freshly washed or painted, Vinyl couldn’t place her hoof on which. And the chairs and tables looked much the same. The place looked homely and fun. So much so she was amazed that she hadn’t visited this place sooner.

Before she could comment, a voice rang out. “Vinyl, Octavia, welcome!”

Vinyl’s head snapped forward just in time to see Bon Bon walk around the counter and hug Octavia. “It’s been far too long since you’ve been in here.”

“Yes, well, Vinyl finished off my secret stash.” Octavi said with a laugh.

“Hey, they were tasty! Maybe even better than you,” Vinyl said teasingly.

“Oh please,” Octavia said with a roll of her eyes and a huffed up muzzle.

“Tavi, you know I’m—”

“We both know I’m far more tasty.”

Vinyl and Bon Bon’s jaws dropped at that.

“Well, maybe we should make a stash of you then,” Bon Bon thought loudly.

“A stash of me?” Octavia asked. “What do you mean with that.”

“Nothing at all!” Lyra chimed in as she walked in. “Bonny was just joking.”

Vinyl just raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t sound like nothing.”

“Lyra. Why not let them help?” Bon Bon asked.


“Why not?”

“Because it’s personal!” Lyra scolded before sighing at Bon Bon’s puppy stare. “That’s not going to work, Bonny.”

Octavia smiled as she leaned into Vinyl, much to her surprise, but the unicorn nuzzled her gently as they watched the two mares fight silently in front of them. It was already clear that Lyra would loose as her scowl slowly changed to an undefinable expression.

“I think Octavia cookies would be delicious!” Vinyl chimed in.

“You weren’t asked!” Lyra replied without breaking eye contact with her marefriend.

“Lyra, see? They’re into it.”

“Bonnie, she thinks it’s Octavia ‘shaped’ cookies.”

“Wait, what is it then?” Vinyl asked, suddenly very interested

Lyra’s green coat turned a shade of pink at that.

While her marefriend was blushing uncontrollably, Bon Bon spoke up. “Let’s just say, our special ingredient is personally added by the participant.

Vinyl and Octavia stared at each other, confused. But then, Vinyl’s eyes grew wide as it dawned on her. “Oh yes! We’re taking a batch of Octavia’s cookies!”

“Vinyl?” Octavia asked, confused.

“Tavi, love, you’re going to love this,” Vinyl practically purred into her ear.

“How the heck did she figure this out so quickly?” Lyra asked Bon Bon, her jaw dropping.

“What are you all talking about,” Octavia asked, confused.

“I’ll tell you, only if you promise to do it first,” Vinyl said.

“Vinyl, that is ridiculous, I’m not going to promise to something without knowing what it is first.”

“Tavi, I want this. Please? For me? I’m only asking you to trust me on this, just this one time.” Vinyl peered into Octavia’s lavender eyes, there was a sense of security there, a sense of safety, of longing.

Octavia felt her heart melt, and, even though she was still a little unsure, she closed her eyes and sighed. “Okay, I have a feeling I would not agree if I knew, but this once, I’ll go along.”

“C’mon back,” Bon Bon said with a smile as she opened the door to the back room.

“Wait, we’re really going through with this?” Lyra asked.

“Lyra, dear, you know the customer is always right,” Bon Bon said with a smile.

“At least wait until the shop is closed, damn it!”

Bon Bon smiled at that and walked past the group of ponies to the ‘we’ll be back’ sign. She put the counter to give them forty fives minutes, placed it in the window, and locked the door. “There, should be more than enough time.”

“You’re horrible, you know that?” Lyra asked.

“I know you love it,” Bon Bon said with a sultry smile.

“Celestia help me, I do.”

“So, what now?” Vinyl asked.

“Now, we make love,” Bon Bon grinned.

“Wait, WHAT?!” Octavia asked.

“You promised it,” Vinyl pouted before quickly kissing her. “So roll with it.”

“What do you think the secret ingredient is?” Bon Bon said with a smile.

Octavia looked confused. That is, until a white hoof found it’s way between her hind legs, followed by a wink. “Oh no…” Octavia whispered.

“Oh yes,” Vinyl purred.

“Why do I feel regret and excitement equally?” the grey mare asked with a sigh.

“Because you love Vinyl,” Bon Bon smiled.

Even with the sigh, and the reluctant recognition that she was backed into a corner on this, Octavia looked up at her love. Vinyl was staring right at her, smiling like an idiot. Octavia’s own lips couldn’t help but crack a smile. “I do, Celestia help me I do.”

Vinyl walked up and kissed her. She pressed her lips to Octavia’s, connecting their muzzles. Surprisingly, it was Octavia who parted her mouth and reached out with her tongue. Vinyl was only surprised for a second before she opened her mouth and let in the foreign intruder.

Octavia tasted Vinyl. Her tongue exploring the mare’s mouth before Vinyl’s came to greet her. The two appendages embraced as long lost lovers, an intricate dance playing out in the unicorn’s mouth before Octavia pulled her muzzle away.

Vinyl grinned as she saw a small trail of saliva connecting the two of them before Octavia managed to wipe it away.

“Well, step on up to the table,” Bon Bon said.

They both turned to see that while they had been making out, Bon Bon and Lyra had gotten everything ready. The table was empty with a mixing bowl labeled ‘special’ placed nearby.

“You want me to get on that?” Octavia asked in disbelief.

“How do you think we’ll collect your cum?” Bon Bon asked.


“Yes?” Vinyl asked.

“I thought Vinyl just… you know… gathers it up and…”

Lyra and Bon Bon’s jaws dropped while Vinyl grinned madly. “I think I’m going to turn her into a really really hot sex-driven demon.”

“I think you are on your way with this,” Octavia whispered, blushing heavily.

Vinyl kissed her once and then patted her on the flank. Octavia blushed at that but started moving. She got to the table and gave it a good once over before, reluctantly, getting up on it and laying down on her side. “So, is that all I—”

Before she could say another world, Vinyl ran up and jumped up with her. She kissed her gently along her muzzle, peppering her with assurances. Octavia felt the rest of her resistance break upon the actions of her loving unicorn.

“Oh, Vinyl,” Octavia mumbled as her mare went further down, lovingly caressing her neck.

“Just forget that they’re here,” Vinyl whispered. “We’re at home, on the couch, and I promised you a lovely night.”

She could feel it, that everything was alright. Even as Vinyl’s hoof snuck between her hind legs she stayed calm, let it happen. Vinyl’s gaze promised her that she would be safe and cared for, and Octavia lost herself in those beautiful, ruby eyes she loved so much.

The touch grew harder, gently circling over her labia and electing coo after coo from her. Octavia had no idea how much time passed, all she knew was that her marefriend pressed her coat against her, peppering her neck with kisses while her hoof worked over her marehood. It made her wet, it drove her wild. She felt oh so good.

Vinyl kept going, her hooves running over all the good spots that she loved to touch, both on herself and Octavia. Her nose was full of the sent of the bakery, and of her love. The two combined to a glorious smell that she wished she could bottle up and wear the rest of her life.

As her tongue went to town on Octavia's coat, Lyra chirped in, “Remember, you gotta get her juices in the bowl.”

“Oh, you into it now?” Bon Bon said with a smile.

“Well… that is kinda hot, and remember how many times it took us our first try?” Lyra asked with a smile.

“Well… there could be still plenty to improve,” Bon Bon smiled before turning around and lifting her tail.

Vinyl only got barely an eyeful of it, she was too busy caressing her love. That is, until a loud moan turned up and they turned their eyes to Bon Bon and Lyra.

Somehow, she resisted the urge to look, Vinyl’s eyes stayed glued upon Octavia’s face, even as she opened her eyes at that sound. The two just giggled at each other as Vinyl moved down Octavia’s body and to the good spot.

The grey mare’s lower lips were already starting to get engorged. That alone brought a bigger smile to Vinyl’s face. A smile that turned into a frown when she realized that this was going to be harder than she thought. Not making Octavia cum, that was always a pleasure; rather, she’d have to not drink down the tasty tasty juices afterwards.

No wonder Lyra said they had issues.

“Just think about how wonderful the sweets will be later,” Bon Bon’s voice carried over, followed me a long and loud moan. “Oh, sweet Luna, that’s the spot.”

Vinyl smiled at that and dove in. She had no interest in foreplay today, and by the moans from her love, Octavia agreed completely.

Octavia heard Bon Bon’s moans, smelt chocolates and sweat, and she felt Vinyl’s tongue grind up against her marehood. Each lick sent bolts of lightning through her body and to her brain. The grey mare couldn’t even keep her eyes open, she didn’t want to keep them open. The reality of where she was would only ruin the moment, and she simply wanted to enjoy this for everything it was. It felt, smelt, and sounded too good to let common sense ruin it.

Vinyl enjoyed it as well. More than she could ever describe. The love of her life was under her mercy again; under her skilled tongue that worked her over. She wanted to extend this experience, but at the same time she wanted to make her mare cum quickly, to get her sweets as fast as possible.

While Vinyl was torn between fast and slow, Lyra had no such compulsion. They heard Bon Bon moan, loudly, as Lyra caused her mare to cum. Hard.

Vinyl’s ego was seriously heated now. She had no intention of holding back, no intention to slack considering Lyra managed to make her mare cum so quickly. Vinyl set her goal higher. Fill the small bowl with Octavia’s delicious fluids and making her scream twice as loud.

Octavia’s eyes grew wide as she felt Vinyl increase her ministrations. The mare pushed her tongue in as far as it could go, almost as if she was trying to lick her womb. Vinyl gave her three good licks before she lit her horn and added magic to the mix.

Octavia felt herself spread apart. She felt her pussy open as… something forced itself inside. It wasn’t hard, or rough, or even cold. The magical construct was warm, pushing gently but firmly.

It opened her up, filling a hole in her she hadn’t even been aware she had. She felt her body part to make room, her inner walls touched on every side as the magical construct made itself known. “A-a-a-ah,” Octavia cried out, part in pain, but mostly in pleasure.

“Now we’re playing my music,” Vinyl said with a smile as she kept it up. A small benefit of doing it this was was she was able to watch it all. A view to admire, for sure. However her interests in just watching while using her magic were small to begin with, and dropped to zero when she saw that Octavia’s clit was almost fully engorged.

She didn’t even waste a second more on the view. She latched onto the small protruding nub, suckling it gently and eliciting screamed moans from Octavia. Vinyl concentrated completely on her mare, not noticing that Lyra and Bon Bon looked over her shoulder with smiles on their muzzles.

Octavia in the meanwhile had problems keeping her behaviour intact. She was seconds away from exploding, from asking Vinyl to fuck her, to simply ravage her to within an inch of life. She was close, and she wanted her mare to give her everything. Everything she could bring up.

Vinyl smiled as her grey mare started thrashing under her. Doubling her ministrations, Vinyl tightly sucked on Octavia’s clit while thrusting the magic dildo faster in and out, turning the refined mare’s world upside down.

She just screamed, Octavia screamed as loud as she could. Vinyl tried to behave, but she couldn’t do anything but catch the first spurt of juices in her muzzle before pulling away, catching the rest of it in the bowl. True to her intentions, Octavia came pretty hard, filling the bowl quickly with her delicious juices. Far from completely filled, but more than Lyra and Bon Bon had ever achieved in one go.

The grey mare collapsed back on the table, spent and satisfied in equal measure. She had no idea how full the bowl had gotten, and honestly, didn’t really care. Part of her was yelling at her for doing something so uncouth, and in front of others no less, but at that moment, she told that part to jump off a bridge. She would worry about self-reclamation later, right now she just wanted to enjoy the afterglow of Vinyl’s action.

“Not bad, about half full,” she heard Lyra say.

Vinyl’s chuckles followed suit. “We’ll, we’ll just have to keep going.”

Octavia’s eyes popped open as she felt Vinyl’s mouth reattach itself to her now empty pussy. She cannot be serou—

“V-v-v-v-inyl!” Octavia moaned.

Going to be a fun day, Vinyl thought with a grin. Let’s see how long it takes me to fill the bowl.


Two hours later Vinyl opened the door to her house and guided Octavia inside. The mare still had shaky legs and didn’t quite trust herself to walk straight at the moment.

It had taken them forty five minutes to bake the chocolates, and another fifteen to get home. But the sheer number of times Octavia had screamed on that table, Vinyl couldn’t exactly blame her. Besides, if it were up to the DJ, they’d make that a daily occurrence.

With a grin, and a lot of extra weight, Vinyl helped Octavia to the couch. The mare collapsed onto the soft sofa, her hind legs still bowed apart due to a little more soreness than she was used to.

“How are you feeling?” Vinyl asked.

“Like I’m in heaven, but at the same time it could be Tartarus for all I know. I’m going to murder you, Vi. That was insane,” Octavia shook her head before suddenly smiling. “Thank you.”

Vinyl laughed as she walked into the dining room and put the—rather large—box of chocolates upon the table. “Trust me, it’s my pleasure.” At those words she pulled out the first piece and tried one.

Octavia smiled at that as she relaxed upon the couch, her head resting upon a pillow when suddenly she heard, “These are really good! You want one?”

“Sure,” she said and thankfully smiled as Vinyl levitated one over. They were indeed tasty, but a thought overcame her. A thought she would never had some weeks ago. “Next time, we order Vi specials,” she smiled lovingly at her white unicorn.

Vinyl’s grin at that was brighter than the sun.

A night to remember

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Chapter Ten: A night to remember.

It was warm. Warm and soft. Vinyl snuggled deep into her cushion, enjoying the warmth it radiated and how it soothed her. That is, until she noticed that her cushion purred and moved. Blinking an eye open, Vinyl smiled as she saw that she had used Octavia's side as her cushion, and was deeply snuggled into her soft, grey fur.

She was about to snuggle back, to fall back asleep, as she caught a glance at the clock. Nearly six in the evening, she would be late to work.

“Oh damn!” she mumbled, groggily crawling off the couch.

“Where are you going?” Octavia asked sleepily.

Vinyl turned to give her a peck on her muzzle. “I'm sorry, I nearly forgot about work.”

“You said you had nothing to do!”

“Sorry, but you are kind of distracting,” Vinyl grinned.

“Oh, so this is somehow my fault?” Octavia asked with a grin.

“You’ve seen that flank,” Vinyl replied back.

“Well… it is a beautiful flank.”

“Got that right, but don’t worry, I’ll be back in a few hours, tops.”


“Yeah,” the white mare replied and kissed her again. “I gotta go, I'm already late! You are a far too adorable, purring cushion.”

Before Octavia could realize what she meant, Vinyl bolted away and out of the apartment.


“You’re late,” Neon said as he greeted Vinyl when she rushed inside. “Sit down, we need to have a talk.”

“If you want to talk about Sassa, no. Tavi said we should go and it went wrong, so totally not my fault.”

Neon raised an eyebrow. “So you say it's your marefriend’s fault?”

“No! Of course not! Everything from the beginning on was on Sassa, it’s her fault!” Vinyl said in a growl.

“She told me otherwise, and Cloud Kicker confirmed her story.”

Vinyl's face lost its white coloring. “That sneaky bitch! Where is she?”

“Not here anymore. She quit.”

Vinyl scowled. “Fine. Fuck her. Fuck her and Cloud Kicker too! Who needs them.”

Neon sighed. “Things just got more complicated. I told you that we would be screwed if she quits. Vinyl, bring her back. And I'm not saying this as your friend, but as your boss.”


“Pardon me?”

“I said no,” Vinyl glared. “If I have to choose between my work or Tavi, we both know what I’ll choose. Don't make the mistake and make me leave.”

“This mare really got into your head.”

“You say that like it's a bad thing,” Vinyl chuckled before getting serious again. “I love her, Neon. I love her with all of my heart and nothing that you or Sassaflash do will change that.”

“Vinyl, we can't run this without Sassaflash.”

“And what if I get us a new mare for the wiring?”

Neon chuckled. “If you can manage that before the next big show in four days, I'll promote you to my co-manager.”

“Deal!” Vinyl grinned.

“Alright. Now get your flank out there and prepare everything. Wiring should still be fine, so we're good for today.”

Vinyl snorted,” Alright, Boss. Let's see how this runs without an annoying lovebug in my flank.”

Neon just shook his head as Vinyl made her way outside his office and onto the stage to her set. True to Neon, everything seemed fine and completely set up. A quick test confirmed everything and she was ready to go.

“Like my work?”

Vinyl turned around to see Sassaflash fly up to her set. “What do you want? You quit!”

“Well, I'm giving you the opportunity to get me back. We both know this club is doomed without me here,” Sassa grinned.

“Heh, only in your imagination. We're getting a new mare for the wiring, so buzz off.”

“And if not? I'm giving you one last chance. I’ll come back, but under one condition.”

“That would be?” Vinyl asked.

“You take me back here and now. Leave that snob of an earth mare and come to my party again.”

“You really are mad. But I don’t care what you say, I'm not going to leave Tavi, ever.”

Sassaflash smiled, “We both know that earth pony isn’t enough to satisfy you. Come back to me and you get a world full of fun back.”

“Eh, with that you're wrong,” Vinyl grinned upon the thought what they had done earlier. “Ever combined love-sweets with hard sex? That's exactly what we did, now fuck off, Sassa.”

“You're lying,” the pegasus snorted uneasily.

“I'm not. The sweets were delicious, but Tavi was even more delicious.”

“Fuck you, Vi. The whole club will break down all due to your blindness,” Sassa scowled before turning and leaving. “I hope we never see each other again.”

Vinyl stood there, speechless. She wasn't sure what to say to that, so she just shook her head and continued to plan her set for that night.

She had no idea what the night would bring.


Octavia tried to fall asleep again, but it was to no use. Without Vinyl, she felt uncomfortable and cold. Not even the blanket managed to warm her up.

Am I that struck by her? She asked herself, just to get an immediate, honest answer from her heart that brought a smile to her muzzle. Yes I am.

The last few days had been unusual, crazy even. So much was unusual, completely foreign to her that she should've started to question her sanity, yet she didn't.

These days are some of the best of my life, I can’t believe somepony like Vinyl is showing me pure love. No matter how weird and sexuallly forward it seemed, Octavia had to admit that she was starting to like it.

She trusted and loved her silly, white mare with all of her heart.

Yawning, but still with that smile on her muzzle, Octavia made her way to the kitchen, trying to get herself awake. Vinyl had asked her out the last time, but now was her turn. She knew exactly where the club was and had a surprise formed in her head.

After setting up a can of coffee, the grey mare went to her room and looked at the closet. She had a few wonderful dresses that she barely wore, but there was one in particular that stole her attention.

It was still in its plastic cover, never used. The dress had been a gift from her mother all those years ago. She mused if it would even fit.

The dress was midnight blue and would match the darker streaks of Vinyl's mane. At the same time, it pronounced her grey coat and its lavender trims matched Octavia’s eyes.

In the past she had more than one reason to not wear it. It was too offensive for her liking, showing more of her coat then she'd have liked.

But things had changed, and for Vinyl, she would nearly do anything. Maybe everything, she mused in her mind.

She took the dress from her closet and removed the plastic before setting it on the bed. A few days ago she had started a new chapter of her life. This dress, this date would be the final seal on that part of her life.

I will be Vinyl’s forever, just like she will be mine.

“I hope you don’t want to wear this.”

Octavia turned to see Sassaflash standing in the door, a key in her right wings grip. “What are you doing here?!”

Sassaflash grinned. “I wanted to give Vi the key back. But since you’re here, I guess it’s time for a talk, mudhooves,”

“What did you just called me, you ruffian? Leave the apartment, right this instant!”

“Uh, no.”

“Do you want me to call in the guards?” Octavia asked.

“I got a key, so I didn’t break and enter,” the pegasus defended herself. “Just wanted to talk and make you understand one thing.”

“And what, prey tell, would that be?”

“Vinyl is no pony for love. I had to feel it, Spitfire too. You won’t make a difference. Sooner or later, she’ll throw you away.”

“You just want her back,” Octavia laughed silently. “You know what? I’m not listening to your fool plays. Leave, now. The moment we left your apartment your right to go in and out of this apartment ceased to exist.”

Sassaflash smiled. “Deny it however much you want. She’ll leave you. She’ll drop you like a worthless stone. Just think about it. You are just another quick fling in her bed like countless other mares. Just because you’re such a snobby, high class mare, doesn’t mean that she’ll treat you different. It’s all the same. Sweet whispered words, lovely kisses.”

If there was one pony Octavia ever wanted to hurt, it was that pegasus. Octavia knew she was telling lies, trying to keep her from Vinyl, to make her hate and leave her white unicorn. It was something that would never happen.

“You are such a pathetic mare. Try what you want, I’m not going to leave her.”

“Well, wrong answer. Deal with the consequences,” Sassaflash grinned. “Oh, and I’m keeping the key, you know. Just as a small safety.”

Octavia just stood speechless as the pegasus turned and left, closing the door loudly behind her. She’s not going to ruin this. Making her decision, she turned back to the dress. This will be our night, not hers.


Despite Sassaflash’s appearance, it was a smooth night for the club. Silver Wings had the orders to not let the pegasus in and report to Vinyl if he saw her.

The white mare was doing the set, waving to the crowd on the stage beneath her, pumping her head to the beat. Vinyl found herself back in her element, enjoying the bass, rhythm, and beat of the crowd, music, and club.

Every time she played, every time she was behind her station, Vinyl felt it. She felt the entire thing coursing through her bones. She was the conductor of the greatest, most complicated instrument in the entire world. She was the artist painting her masterpiece, a masterpiece she perfected over the years.

And tonight she was in full swing. The trials and tribulations of before were forgotten, she shut all that out and lost herself in the music, in the beat, in the lights, in everything. Well… almost, there was one thing she didn’t lose, it was the feeling in her heart.

Her heart soared, it floated on wings held up by none other than the love of her life, Octavia. Vinyl felt her entire body floating, her hooves moving on their own, her panting, her show taken to new heights that she had never dared dream of. Heights that she had never even considered possible. And despite all that, she knew it was only the tip of the iceberg to what she could achieve now. Her creativity had achieved a level that blew everything that came before out of the water.

She wasn’t even looking, she was simply acting, letting her hooves move the dials to where they belonged, her magic just found where it was supposed to go, where each of her three hundred controls simply needed to be and when they needed to be there. It came as natural as breathing to the mare.

As she moved, as the controls obeyed her will, it was almost as if VInyl could feel Octavia behind her, as if when she moved a hoof, Octavia move in tandem, guiding her actions. Tears fell from her eyes as the music’s tempo changed at just the right moment to just the right pitch.

The crowd moved along, dancing just when they were supposed to, cheering on cue. But how could they do anything else? They were simply another part of her instrument, and she was a master at work. Tears started falling from her face. They’d never know, but tonight was easily the greatest performance of her life.

And she had Octavia to thank for it. It was as if every action, every beat, every high note was coming from that mare. Octavia was the one lifting her up, Octavia was her muse.

The entire show almost came to a stop when Vinyl opened her eyes. In front of her, as if she simply belonged there, was that very mare. She couldn't believe that it was her Octavia. But that beautiful, grey coat and those lavender eyes she loved so much were enough evidence.

Her mare wore a midnight-blue dress with lavender trims that fit her perfectly. The cut, however, was something Vinyl would've never guessed. In it’s midnight blue, it hugged her sides and flank smoothingly, almost like it was a second skin upon the mare. However it was cut down her hind legs, allowing just the right about to show through as well as a good portion of her flank to be visible.

On a mare like Octavia, it screamed seductress and gave visual proof to the phrase, a mare on the streets, a freak in the sheets.

Only years of instinct stopped Vinyl from shutting down, from the show coming to an end and her doing nothing but ogling her marefriend.

The sight mostly helped her as she grabbed the main trim levers in her magic and pushed them all up at once, making the club shake with her beats. Octavia looked a bit shocked for a second, but that was as fast gone as it appeared. She soon bobbed her head to the beats, hooves shaking to the music Vinyl served her.

For Vinyl it was like a dream come true. Sure, she watched Octavia many times at her rehearsals and even some shows, but there was only a single time the refined mare was in her club.

And that was weeks ago, when she got wasted and thrown out.

All she could do was hope that Silver Wings and Neon wouldn’t recognize her, but those thoughts were quickly shoved away as she watched her marefriend enjoy herself. Vinyl locked eyes on Octavia. The mare winked a wink that would be more appropriate from herself than such a refined mare.

With a smile, Vinyl went back to work. They were in the middle of the refrain and she dove back into it with a furry unrestrained. Save, this time, the rest of the club disappeared, to Vinyl, she was no longer working the crowd, she was working Octavia.

She directed the beat along with Octavia’s hooves, directed it to flow in unison with her mare’s body. The result was something that Vinyl could only describe as an intimate dance. Vinyl played her mare with her music, and her mare responded with her whole body.

It was as if Vinyl’s hooves, her magic, were cords that directly controlled Octavia’s body. She controlled, the bass, the tempo, and in doing so moved her hooves to the left. A small adjustment to the trimble and she moved her to the right.

Had Vinyl had her way, that night would have never ended. In their dance, in watching her mare move, in playing her instrument, making her art, time had no meaning. Everything simply was. But, all things must come to an end and soon it was time to slow it down, to close the club. However, Vinyl had no thoughts of turning everything down. Instead, she grabbed her mare in her magic and lifted her up.

“Hey, everypony. Make some noise for my special mare here, Tavi,” she said into her microphone, pointing at a blushing Octavia.

The crowd cheered. What choice did they have? Octavia supposed she should have been embarrassed, but she wasn’t. It was almost natural, like that was what should have happened. Vinyl had commanded it after all, what choice did they have but to obey? And what choice did she have but to bask in it?

What happened after that was just a blur in their minds. Vinyl drove her beats back up, much to the pleasure of the crowd, and even, if she ever had to admit it, Octavia’s. They stretched the closing time of the club way into the morning before Neon came from his office to shut the power down, telling everypony he had no intention to get in trouble with the guards.

Not a soul lacked a smile. Vinyl’s was by far the biggest. No pony would know, but they had just seen a master at the top of her craft, a true artist at work, and they had all been a part of it. As the ponies walked out of the club, they were all smiling and laughing. Several found a new special sompony, and none could believe how late into the night it was.

Although a plethora of congratulations, thanks, and cheers were directed her way, to Vinyl, they might as well have saved their breath. She heard none of them, she saw none of them. For all she could concentrate on, the only thing that existed in her world, was Octavia, the very mare that had surprised her, that had come to see her, that she had loved.

When there was enough room, Vinyl walked out from behind her DJ station, she bee-lined it straight for Octavia.

“Vinyl, that was—”

Octavia never had a chance in Tartarus of finishing that sentence. Vinyl’s lips pressed against her and she poured herself into the mare’s mouth. Vinyl wanted to give her everything she was, her very soul at that moment, in that one kiss.

Octavia found herself breathless. Her body forgot how to breath through her nose, but it didn’t matter, for, in that one moment, she didn’t need air, water, food, or anything else. Vinyl was all she needed. The mare was giving her everything of substance, everything that mattered in life, and on that she could survive for an entirely.

The club was empty by the time they broke apart. Vinyl pulled her head back, sweat dripping off her brow from the long epic night and even awesomer kiss.


“I love you, Tavi.”

“I love you too, Vi.”

A Spark of Inspiration (CP)

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Chapter Eleven: A Spark of Inspiration

If somepony would've told Vinyl what the night would bring hours ago, she would've called them a liar. Even she couldn't believe what happened, but it was all so sweet and true. The love of her life was staring lovingly into her own ruby eyes, like they wanted to devour every feeling she directed their way.

“Well, I think it's time for us to head home. It's four in the morning and we’ve got a reservation in eight hours,” Octavia smiled.

“Reservation? For what? Food?” Vinyl asked.

“Yes. Just a nice lunch. Us two. Nopony else,” she smiled and Vinyl's heart melted at those lavender eyes.

“Then let's head home,” Vinyl grinned before turning. “Yo, Neon, we're leaving!”

“Alright,” came the call back. “Just don't forget our deal.”

“What deal?” Octavia asked as Vinyl chuckled.

“I promised him to find a new mare for the wiring soon. If I manage before the next big show, I'm going to be a co-manager,” Vinyl shrugged. “I just don't know where to start.”

Octavia hummed. “Why not in the club itself, after or before you start?”

“Thats—” Vinyl stopped and blinked. “Wow, that's actually a pretty good idea.”

“All my ideas are good,” the grey mare huffed back.

Vinyl nuzzled her gently. “I never doubted that, babe.”


“Sorry, my love.”

“That's better,” Octavia smiled.

Both mares walked out of the club and into the chilling breeze of the streets of Trottingham. As if it was the most normal thing in the world they immediately touched coats, sharing their body heat against the cold.

They stayed silent for a bit before the grey mare spoke up again. “Did you ever think about our future? What we want to do together?”

“The future? What you mean, like next weekend?”

“No. What I mean is our life in the future. So, like in the next few years? Anything that comes up in your mind?”

Vinyl giggled, and then started to chuckle as she laughed at that. Something that died in her throat when she saw the offended look Octavia was giving her. Getting the last of it out of her system, Vinyl let out a huge sigh. “Tavi, I can barely picture next week—”

“It’s that hard to imagine being with me?”

“Let me finish, I said I can barely picture next week, because living with you has been like a wonderful dream. I mean, I get to wake up each day in your hooves, or you in mine. I feel like any minute now I’m going to get a bucket of ice water thrown on my head and wake up alone…”

“You’re not alone, Vinyl,” Octavia said.

“I know, but this is just… surreal to me.”

“That’s a big word for you,” Octavia said with a chuckle.

“It is. Tavi, every single day when I look into your beautiful eyes, I ask myself if I even deserve you. Just look at me. I sometimes dream about the first day we met again, here in Trottingham. I was shivering and homeless at your door, not deserving of you,” Vinyl frowned.

“Vinyl… I…”

Vinyl didn’t even let her finish her sentence. “To me, you are like a princess, Tavi. A princess that always seems unreachable, but yet she’s mine. It’s a dream come true. So to answer your question, I don’t know it. I can’t know it. I want to live in the here and now with you; and I plan to make it the best time of your life every time we do something together.”

“Well, if this is a dream, Vinyl Scratch, then we are sharing it. I look at you and I see an… otherworldly mare, you have lived. You have this entire life, this trail of broken hearts, and even still you are just as good as me at what you do. After tonight I would say you are better than me at what you do.”


“That set? I have never heard anything like it. It was easily the best performance I’ve ever seen: classical, or anything else for that matter.”

Vinyl laughed at that, something Octavia did not find amusing. “What is so funny?”

Vinyl looked her way, her smile never leaving her lips.

Octavia still didn’t find the humor, “What is so—”

Vinyl kissed her. Pressing her lips against Octavia’s she silenced the mare the only way she knew how, the only way she ever wanted to silence her.

Octavia was speechless when Vinyl pulled back. The unicorn just smiled a goofy grin. “Tavi, I’ve never played that good before in my life.”


“Never. Not once. Tonight was special, I honestly don’t even remember what I did, it was as if something just told me exactly what to do. Almost as if the music simply existed and all I did was reveal its true nature to the world.”

“What do you mean?”

Vinyl looked over at her and smiled. She was still smiling as she saw a little sparkle in Octavia’s eyes. She doubted anypony else would have seen it. But it triggered a realization in her. “That something, that inspiration, I think I know what it was. It was you.”

“M-me?” Octavia stammered.

“Yes. You were my muse, the light in my life. You are everything to me. I think that made me work even harder than I normally do, bringing me to a whole new level,” Vinyl still smiled, nuzzling her still shocked mare gently.

“I’m not that special-”

“You are,” Vinyl cut her off. “After all, you’re my beautiful princess,” she continued and punctuated her sentence with a quick kiss.

Octavia’s blush became all consuming on her face. She had never heard such praise in her life, not directed at her anyways. And then, here was this mare, this mare she loved more than anything. Telling her that she was her everything, that she was her muse, her princess. And to top it off, it was proven, that set… it had been amazing. Beyond amazing.

“And don’t tell me I getting all mushy here, I know I am,” Vinyl smirked. “And for you, honestly, I’m totally okay with it.”

Octavia truly didn’t have anything to say, not after that. She simply started up into those ruby eyes and moved her head forward, nuzzling into Vinyl’s coat with a purr in her throat.

Vinyl pressed against her, enjoying the warmth, the closeness of being with her. “I mean it too,” she said.

Octavia pulled back with a smile upon her muzzle. “I know.”

“Should we head home?” Vinyl asked.

“Only if I can fall asleep with you holding me.”

“Deal,” Vinyl replied as she pressed her coat against Octavia’s again. The two ponies walked home through the crisp night air of Trottingham. The moon, the stars, the weather, they were all perfect, making the night one of the most memorable of either of their lives. But to Vinyl, she could take or leave the scenery, the thing that made the night perfect was the mare by her side.

Together, they approached their home. Vinyl opened the door with her magic and they walked in together. The two made their way inside, Vinyl shutting and locking the door behind them with her magic. Octavia smiled as she looked down at her dress. “Maybe I should freshen up?”

“No,” Vinyl said. “I want to sleep with you just the way you are.”

“Vinyl?” Octavia asked.

“This… this is a side of you that truly amazes me. Can you leave it on tonight? For me?”

Octavia blushed. “I can, but then I can’t wear it later.”


“I… I wanted to surprise you with it on our date.”

“Oh,” Vinyl smiled. “Don’t worry about that. Magic is good for more than levitating things around,” she tapped her horn and grinned. “I can magically clean it once we woke up.”

“You can really do that?” Octavia asked.

“I can do much more with my magic than you know. Maybe I’ll show you some night,” Vinyl said with a wink.

Octavia’s blush deepened heavily. “I think I can imagine.”

“You won’t have to,” Vinyl replied.

“Love you.”

“Love you too,” Vinyl said back as the two made their way into their bedroom. It was basically Vinyl’s room, but they’ve only ever shared one, leaving the other unused. Vinyl lifted the sheets, letting Octavia get in first.

The grey mare crawled in, careful to not make a mess out of her dress before sighing and inviting Vinyl in with a loving gaze. The unicorn just jumped into the bed, eliciting a small shriek from her mare that soon turned into a giggle in which Vinyl chimed in.

“Never change,” Octavia whispered as she snuggled against the white coat. “I love my silly mare way too much for that.”

Vinyl smiled and nuzzled her on top of her head. “I’m glad to hear that. And Tavi?”


“The sex… You don’t have to change your attitude just because of me. I don’t need a wild nymph in bed, I want you at my side.”

Octavia blushed and Vinyl could see it. “Well… Maybe I like being your bad mare?”

Vinyl chuckled before shutting the lights off. “Sleep well, my bad mare.”


The rays of Celestia’s sun shown through the blinds and into the room. It bathed everything in a luke-warm glow that offered warmth, protection and the promise of a new day. The warmth of the sun kept Equestria from freezing, kept the plants growing, and the ponies thriving. But for the two ponies sleeping in bed, they found it more of an annoyance than anything else.

These two already had protection. After all, they had each other. The warmth from one another provided sufficient body heat. As far as the promise of a new day? It was that moment that they treasured most, they didn’t need a new day.

What they needed and what they got proved to be at odds with each other. Regardless of what they felt, the day was here. The sun’s rays, its warmth, it wasn’t going to go away, no matter how much they wished otherwise.

“I suppose it is time to get up?” Octavia mumbled after laying in bed for far longer than she should have.

“Five more minutes,” Vinyl said back, burying her muzzle into Octavia’s mane and making the whole process that much more difficult, for both of them.

“How late is it?”

Vinyl groaned, but shot a glance at the clock. “Eleven.”

“You know the reservation is at twelve. We really have to get ready,” Octavia patted her head.

“I… don’t… wanna.”

“Vinyl…” Octavia couldn’t help but smile. As she sat up in bed, the white unicorn pawed at her almost like a cat—or a foal reaching for a teddy taken away from it. “Well, I will not force you to go, but I am going, so if you want to be with me, you will just have to tag along.”

Vinyl stopped pawing for her and glared at her instead. Something Octavia chuckled about as she got up and left the bed. “You don’t fight fair,” Vinyl muttered in an almost pouty tone of voice.

“Well, I invited you on this date after all, and I made the reservation. So get that sweet flank of yours up, my love, and start getting ready.”

Vinyl lifted her head as she noticed Octavia was stripping off her dress. “Quicky in the shower?”

“If you can make it in ten minutes, why not,” the grey mare playfully sighed.

Octavia had to laugh at how fast Vinyl tried to untangle from the sheets now. It was an effort that stole her balance, she fell off the bed and landed muzzle first on the ground. “Oww, dammit.”

“I hope you give a better show in the shower.”

“You bet I will,” Vinyl growled before coming to her hooves and chasing her laughing marefriend to the bathroom.

Octavia chuckled as she walked into the bathroom. “And don’t worry, I will not bug you about it again.”

That caused Vinyl to pause. “Come again?”

“Sassaflash, and our pasts; I will leave them be, we can focus only on us and the future, like you wanted.”

“I never wanted to simply cut a line, Tavi. Not at everything. Just Sassaflash. I’m not proud at my past, but it is my past after all. Make a cut to what happened, but not the past itself.”

“That…” Octavia stopped and smiled. “Wow, that was pretty smart. You just surprised me.”

“Hey! I’m smart!”

Octavia blew her a raspberry, something that Vinyl laughed at. “You’re starting to become like me.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

“Never, but I have a much better use for that tongue,” Vinyl replied as she walked past Octavia and into the bathroom, lightly nipping at an ear as she did so.

“Well, if you think we can make it in ten minutes,” Octavia smiled with a light blush.

Vinyl just grinned and swished her tail more seductively. “I can. What about you?”

“We’ve gotta have goals,” Octavia said, smiling as she watched Vinyl sashay herself into the shower.

“Then what are you waiting for?” Vinyl asked. “Come in and show me how fast you can make your mare cum.”

Octavia moved with a purpose. As she cleared the distance, Vinyl turned on the shower and stood under the water, letting her mane get wet and lay on the back of her neck An action that made her look sexy as hell.

She wasn’t alone under the water for long. Octavia quickly joined her, announcing her presence by pressing her lips to Vinyl’s, kissing her as passionately as she could, even going so far as to push her back up against the wall, allowing the DJ to rest her back against the it.

On their back two hooves, the two mares made out, letting their tongues dance between their mouths, wrestling each other for dominance that neither truly wanted. The fun was in the fight, not in the win. When Octavia pulled back, Vinyl’s smile could not physically get any larger. She said, “That’s not going to make me cum you know.”

“Gotta get my mare nice and hot,” Octavia replied before moving down Vinyl’s body. She started with several quick—but no less hot—kisses to Vinyl’s lips. From there she moved down the side of her muzzle, her neck, and even to her chest.

That’s not to say Vinyl simply stood there and took it; far from it. The mare powered her horn and levitated over the body wash that Octavia’s loved so much up. She dumped out a fair amount and started to magically work it through Octavia’s coat, back, and flank. Of course, she paid closest attention to that last one.

Octavia moaned gently as Vinyl levitated it behind her back legs, making sure that those spots were thoroughly cleaned. From her teats to her asscheeks, then finally her marehood. She was gentle, but also forced it against her soft spot, making her moan louder and louder.

The grey mare was encouraged by that. She nearly skipped the white belly and moved straight to the two teats that already started to stick out of the fur. Gently, she licked both, switching back and forth, her ears flickering at the soft sounds that started to come from Vinyl.

Such sultry moans, Octavia thought, smiling. Only a few weeks ago she would have seen such things as uncouth, unladylike, and definitely below her. Now? Now she couldn’t get enough of them. She loved hearing her mare make such noises and she loved the fact that it was her that made her make them. Such things were now a mark of honor, and not something to be hidden from the world.

With her own nethers getting a proper massaging, Octavia stopped playing with Vinyl’s teats. They were fun, but they were not the main enjoyment to be had. She moved lower, at the winking marehood directly between Vinyl’s hind legs.

“Four minutes, my love. Gotta work harder,” Vinyl moaned, increasing her own ministrations.

Octavia felt it, but it wasn’t the wash anymore. It was Vinyl’s pure magic prodding at her entrance, making her legs grow weak. She couldn’t help but moan loudly as the magic penetrated her, reaching places nothing else could. Maybe Vinyl’s tongue, but not as deep.

Vinyl loved the sounds, she loved the smell, she loved how her lover felt. She loved everything about it and was more than encouraged to give anything. Smiling and gently rubbing a hoof through her lover’s mane, she pushed her magic deep, but gently into Octavia, eliciting loud moans against her own marehood.

Octavia stuck out her tongue and started licking. She ran the tip across the outer lips of Vinyl’s marehood, wetting them more than the shower could ever hope to do. From there she moved up and down between the lips, teasing the possibility of entry without actually giving it away. Her eyes were open the entire time, waiting until the little bud of pleasure revealed itself. As soon as it did, she started to tease her tongue across her mare’s clit, playing with it, toying with it.

Vinyl’s moans grew louder, that, plus the slight laxing of her magical teasing told Octavia she was doing a good job. The mare latched her lips onto Vinyl’s lower lips and stuck her tongue out, again, as far as she could, directly into her mare.

Vinyl couldn’t believe that Octavia outmatched her. But she only used her magic, and magic tend to fade upon highly pleasurable peaks or even pain. She couldn’t concentrate anymore, so the magic in Octavia slowly faded. I taught you well.

“Seven minutes over.”

Octavia didn’t answer. Instead, she plunged her tongue deeper into her mare, gently exploring every single spot she could reach, making Vinyl’s moans louder and longer.

The temperature in the shower seemed to increase in a way that had nothing to do with the heat of the water. Octavia pistoned her tongue in and out of the mare faster and faster, enjoying the moaning that was only getting louder.

Vinyl couldn’t use magic anymore, it was simply beyond her at that point. The feeling of the heat, the steam, and her mare going to town between her legs was simply all consuming. She had to fight to stay in her upright postion, even with letting the wall take the brunt of her weight. Her hooves felt weak, her body heavy, and she never felt better in her life.

Octavia’s ears were in a full upright position, she heard each and every moan coming from Vinyl. As such, when they started to become frantic, she could easily guess what would happen next. The grey mare removed her tongue and lips from Vinyl and reattached them to her now engorged clit; suckling on it like a hungry foal on her mother’s teat.

Vinyl couldn’t hold it anymore. She came hard. Her legs gave in as she slowly slid down the wall while Octavia removed her lips from her clit, lapping at her marehood to extend her orgasm and catch every bit of the tasty fluids leaving her mare’s pussy.

The unicorn had no idea how long it lasted. She just enjoyed it. Every contraction and pulse of her body, every feeling of bliss that shot through her spine, all of it. By the time it faded enough for her to regain even some control of her body and she got to open her eyes, Octavia was standing before her with a lovely smile on her muzzle. “That’s ten.”

“Y-y-you’re amazing,” Vinyl muttered.

Octavia offered a hoof, helping Vinyl stand up. She met her mare with a kiss before asking, “What about you?”

“I got to make my mare cum, I will call that a win,” Octavia replied.

“Oh, c’mon!”

“Vinyl, we’ve got half an hour to get ready and walk to the restaurant. If we miss that reservation and our date, I’m going to hit your flank all week long, and not in a good way.”

“Still sounds interesting,” the unicorn pouted, but sighed quickly. “Fine. Let’s get done. But don’t think you’re getting off so easy!”

“Never even thought about it,” Octavia answered with a smile.

Together, they got out of the shower and Vinyl levitated over two towels for them. It quickly devolved into washing each other off, with Vinyl paying a little more attention to Octavia’s flank than was necessary. But rather than complain about it, Octavia let her have her fun while she started to brush her teeth and mane. Although she did have to put a stop to it when she felt Vinyl’s teeth bite into her tooshie.

“You’re no fun,” she replied, but said no more and stopped.

“Alright, Vinyl. Let me dress and we’re good to go,” Octavia smiled.

“Ah, I got something to do real quick. You go get ready, but wait for me!”

“What are you—” Octavia started, but Vinyl already darted to her room and closed the door behind her. Octavia even heard the lock engage. What is she doing? To say the least, it was unusual to even have a closed door in the house, much less a locked one. That alone would have interested Octavia, but for her also to be so secretive about what she was doing? That took it to a whole new level.

Shrugging, and somewhat excited, Octavia went back to her room to change. She didn’t know what Vinyl was up to, but figured she’d find out soon enough. While Vinyl had promised to get her dress from last night cleaned, there really wasn’t time now, so she grabbed a new one from her closet. It wasn’t as revealing as the other one, but certainly elegant. The dress was white with light and dark purple trims, pronouncing her coat and her eyes nicely.

She rounded it out with elegant hoof-wear, earrings and by putting her mane up into a ponytail. Looking herself over in the mirror she couldn’t help but smile, the mare that looked back at her looked radiant, sexy even. Something she had never truly thought of herself being before.

“Wow,” a voice called out from behind her.

Octavia spun around and was greeted by a sight that made her gasp. Vinyl, her Vinyl, the greatest DJ she had ever known—not to mention only—was gasping at her. The white unicorn was dressed in a blue dress with white musical note trimming down the side. She had on hoof-length blue socks with dark blue endings. Around her neck was a purple necklace with a musical note hanging off it, as well as matching earrings. Her mane was nicely combed over, something the mare must have done in her room.

“Wow yourself,” Octavia said as she caught her breath, again.

“Eh,” Vinyl blushed. “Since you’re taking me out to a restaurant, I thought I could dress up a bit.”

Octavia smirked. “A bit? Vi, where did you get that fancy dress?”

“At some snobby party I had to attend some years ago during my career,” she snorted. “But I guess it’s coming to good use now.”

Octavia smiled as she walked up and kissed Vinyl again. “It looks lovely on you.”

“Really? I think it’s a bit… frilly.”

“Frilly can be fun,” Octavia said with a smile.

“Well, I guess if you like it,” Vinyl replied.

Octavia’s grin increased. “Now come, let’s go to the restaurant.”

“Right behind you, my love.”

“I already thought that,” Octavia giggled while Vinyl blushed and followed her.

They left their apartment and hit the streets. Both mares got a lot of looks from every single stallion, but they only had eyes for each other. It was only a short walk and Octavia could find the restaurant in her sleep. It was the same one she always spend dinner at with everypony from her orchestra.

“Ugh, isn’t that a bit fancy?” Vinyl complained at the sight.

“Take it or leave it,” Octavia said and blew her a quick, hidden raspberry before walking up to the entrance.

Vinyl didn’t even had to think twice about it.

Date 2.0

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Chapter Twelve: Date 2.0

Vinyl smiled and followed her grey mare. She kinda liked take-charge Octavia, even if at times it was a pain in her flank. In her previous relationships, Vinyl was always the alpha; the one that decided what they did and when they did it. While listening to another, letting another take the lead was an… adjustment to say the least, that didn’t mean it wasn’t fun, at times anyway.

She followed that flank into the restaurant, smiling as she saw how nicely Octavia looked in this new dress. Sure, it wasn’t to her tastes, like the one she had worn last night had been. That dress had been amazing. This one still carried an aura of… refinement to it that made Octavia look just as lovely. Then again, to Vinyl, Octavia would look nice hairless, so that went without saying.

“Good evening, madams. How can I help you?” the waitress asked them as they walked in. She was a yellow unicorn mare with grey mane, smiling politely at them.

“We should have a reservation under the name Philharmonica,” Octavia replied.

“Ah, I see. One second please.” The yellow unicorn paused to double check her notes. Her eyes started to dart over the paper before finding what she was looking for, with a smile she looked up. “Octavia Philharmonica, always a pleasure to serve you. Table for two, correct?”

“Yes, that is right.”

“Would you follow me to your table, please?” The waitress asked before picking up two menus in her magical grip and taking the lead.

Octavia and Vinyl followed behind her, Vinyl’s eyes kept darting to and fro, taking in the nice atmosphere even through the high-class ponies that decorated the place. “What do you think, Vinyl?” Octavia asked.

“It’s… umm…. nice?”

“Nice?” Octavia asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, I mean it’s… okay I guess, it’s just not my usual style is all,” Vinyl replied.

“Oh,” Octavia said, stopping as she looked around. In truth, in that dress, Octavia thought Vinyl looked great, that she fit right in, but now that Vinyl had said that, Octavia couldn’t help but see how awkward it was for her. She started to not see the mare in the refined dress, but the DJ in a strange, unusual setting. “If you don’t like it, we can… we can go someplace, well, more to your liking?”

“Huh? Tavi, no, I don’t mean we should go someplace else, I just mean this isn’t me is all. Not the sort of place I’d go—”

“Where would you like to go?”

“—without you,” Vinyl finished.


Vinyl smiled as the turned to Tavi. “I’m perfectly happy right by your side, be it in the concert hall, or some fancy restaurant.”

“Vinyl,” Octavia said with a smile as she nuzzled her marefriend affectionately.

“Madams?” The serving pony asked as she turned around.

“Sorry, we’re coming,” Octavia said with a blushing smile.

The yellow unicorn led them to a nice table on the window side with a good view over the restaurant-owned fountain in the middle and outside onto the parks. It was beautiful to say the least. Both mares sat down and the waitress levitated them the menus.

“What can I bring you to drink?”

“Please, bring us your best wine and two glasses of water,” Octavia replied and the waitress moved off with a thank you.

“What’s the water for?” Vinyl asked with a sarcastic smile.

“You think you’re cute, don’t you?” Octavia asked with a grin.

“Bitch, I’m adorable.”

“Vinyl!” Octavia all but shouted. “Language, we’re in a nice place.”

“Okay, fine, sorry,” Vinyl replied back.

After a moment of silence, Octavia broke tension by saying, “Although you are adorable.”

Vinyl smiled, her gaze never leaving the mare in front of her. Even while Octavia read through the menu twice, Vinyl never managed to tear her gaze away from the refined mare that she loved with all her heart. Soon, Octavia noticed this too and raised an eyebrow questioningly at the unicorn.

“Not hungry?” Octavia asked, confused why Vinyl hadn’t even bothered to open her menu, much less pick out something to eat..

“Oh, uhm, yes,” Vinyl blushed before opening her menu.

Hmm… food, food, food, something worth snacking on, well, other than the hot piece of flank in front of me that is. Stop it Vi, she’ll like it more if you behave yourself. Wait? What is this crap‽ Fresccaaa… Fresccaa what? I can’t even read this. It quickly became apparent to the unicorn that whatever language the menu had been written in, it wasn’t Equestrian. The words were practically foreign to her, with only a convoluted explanation of what was in the dishes to go off underneath their names.

Vinyl was left with the horrible option of either picking something at random and facing the consequences of whatever in Tartarus they brought out, or admitting that she hadn’t a clue what she was looking at. In the end, she went with the latter. “Octavia…”

“Hmm?” Octavia placed her own menu down and looked up at the frustrated unicorn. “What’s wrong?”

Vinyl huffed. “I… I can’t read anything in this. I don’t even know what language this is written in.”

“It’s Prench, my love. The waiter and waitress can speak Equestrian, but the menu is in Prench as well as the cooks and the owners only speak it,” Octavia replied smiling.

“Umm… okay, that’s impressive I guess, but how am I supposed to order anything off this? I mean I can barely understand the words that tell me what’s in it underneath, much less the title of the dishes.”

With a blush, Octavia said, “You could ask the waiter, or me?”

Vinyl looked at her questioningly. “Wait, you mean to tell me that you can speak Prench?”

“Well, yes, my mother taught me,” the grey mare said with an embarrassed smile.

“Octavia, that’s amazing,” Vinyl said, blinking. “I can barely speak Equestrian, and I’ve never known somepony that spoke Prench before. How come you never told me?”

“It never came up,” Octavia replied.

Vinyl just gave the menu one last look before putting it down on the table with a huff. She smiled at the simplest solution came to mind, one that fixed all their problems. “Why don’t you just order for me?”

“Trust me that much?” Octavia asked with a smile.

“With my life. Given that, I’d say trusting you with my food is no big deal.”

Octavia chuckled at that as the waitress came back. “Madams, are you ready to order?” She asked, holding up a notepad in her magic with a quill ready to take down their order.

“Of course,” Octavia replied and gave Vinyl a wink. “We both take the Soupe à L’oignon as appetizer, the Blanquette de Veau as main dish and the Gougères as dessert.”

It all sounded like gibberish to Vinyl, but she really wasn’t paying attention to anything else but the mare in front of her. The noise of the restaurant simply ceased to be.

“Excellent choice, ma’am,” the waitress replied, smiled, and collected the menus before leaving again.

“And what the hay did you order? Exactly?” Vinyl asked.

“I thought you said you trust me?” Octavia asked in a faux hurt tone.

Vinyl blew her a raspberry. “You know I do, I’m just curious what I’m going to put in my mouth.

“You didn’t seem to mind last night.”

“Tavi?!” Vinyl said, wided eyed and shocked.

“Too much?” Octavia asked.

Vinyl sat back in her chair, Vinyl sunk back into her chair, amazed and bewildered in equal measure. “I love you so much,” she said after a minute, her smile growing wider.

“I know,” the grey mare replied. “And I love you too.”

Vinyl chuckled at that. More from the fact that the great Octavia Philharmonica had made a sex joke in the middle of a fancy restaurant than anything else. “I’m rubbing off on you in all the right ways.”

“You can say that again.”

“But seriously, what’d you order?”

Octavia smiled. “Oh relax, you’ll see when it comes out. I hope you like it, it’s my favorite.”

Vinyl smirked. “All you’re going to give me, huh?”

“Gotta have some mystery, my love.”

“I guess that’s true,” Vinyl replied, grinning. “So. Not to change the subject but why did she teach you Prench? Your mom, I mean.”

“Well, we went on a lot of…. occasional parties and some other important events. Some of them were more traditional since we lived near the border of Prance at that time. So, she told me I’d have to live up my attitude and learn their language so I wouldn’t sound like a ruffian,” Octavia said, rolling her eyes.

“I think that’s amazing,” Vinyl replied, impressed.

“Not really, it was more work than I care to admit.”

“How so?”

“Did I ever tell you any real details about my family, other than the fact that my dad basically owns the classical music industry?” Octavia asked.

“Uh, just the music bit. I’m sorry, I don’t remember anything more,” Vinyl smiled sheepishly back.

The grey mare sighed and looked out of the window. “My parents… they love me, I know that. But what they really cared about, what they pushed on me was that their small filly was the best; that she played her part. They pushed me to and past my limits, demanding more and more with my age. Vi, do you know any other earth pony that plays a string instrument like I do?”

Vinyl thought about it. In truth she didn’t know any, not really. But now that Octavia said something, she also couldn’t picture any that she had seen either. The thought was both strange and confusing. “No, not really, but I guess that’s because you’re amazing!”

“No, Vi. It’s because string instruments were made for unicorns and pegasi. Earth ponies were never meant to use them. I had to learn over seven years. Seven years, everypony in my family demanded more and more from me.” Octavia paused and looked back to her mare, locking gaze with those ruby eyes she loved so much. “Vinyl, my fillyhood wasn’t as nice as it might sound. Yes, I had everything I ever wanted, but… not what I needed.” Octavia paused for a moment, looking down at the table. “Money doesn’t buy you caring parents and an easy life. They loved me, but they never cared.”

“That… that sounds horrible.”

“It is the past. Now, to your question. It was more work because my mother forced me. Learning Prench was not something I wanted to do. It was something my mother demanded I do so she could keep her good contact with the baroness and other royal ponies around the Prench border,” Octavia said. “And trust me when I say, It is not as wonderful as it sounds.”

“But you can speak two languages,” Vinyl cocked her head to the side. “I mean, that’s rather impressive, and amazing, at least in my book.”


“Come again?”


“Four what?”

“I don’t speak two languages, I speak four.”

“Four?” Vinyl said, floored. “I-I-I-I…”

“You’re cute when you’re flustered,” Octavia said, grinning.

It took Vinyl a moment to find out where the cat ran off to with her tongue. As soon as she found it and put it back in her mouth, she asked the burning question. “What else do you speak? Besides Prench, I mean.”

“Trotsky and Germaneic,” Octavia said with a frown.

“Something wrong?”

“Trotsky is… a weird language. Everything that means something in Equestrian, means something entirely different in Trotsky. It was more than difficult to learn.”

Vinyl had to work to move her mouth. “That’s… that’s… that’s amazing! I don’t supose, I mean, umm… do you think you can you teach me some time?”

“I don’t see why not. You want to learn all three?”

“Why not start with Prench?”

“You don’t want to learn the other two?”

“I don’t even know where those languages come from,” Vinyl smiled sheepishly.

“We should go traveling at some time,” Octavia sighed playfully. “Stalliongrad and Germane would be the first on the list, among Prance.”

“Wherever you go,” Vinyl said.

“That’s where you want to be,” Octavia replied back, grinning.

“Madams, the Soupe à L’oignon,” the unicorn waitress said as she brought up a tray to the table in her magic.

Vinyl looked down at the plate that was in front of her. “So now that it’s here, let me ask again. What is this? Exactly?”

“Classic onion soup with bread and a golden crust,” Octavia replied as she lifted a spoon and took a sip. “Hope you like it.”

Vinyl looked up at her and then back down to the soup, she lifted a spoon and took an experimental sip of the broth. Her eyes lit up, much to Octavia’s amusement.

“I take it you like it?”

Vinyl only hummed as she started to eat her soup. The taste was… different than any soup she ever had before. The onion was the main taste, but not overwhelming, leaving enough place for the garlic and the vegetables on her tastebuds.

Octavia had hoped she would like it, that everything would be perfect. She was much closer to her goal of a perfect date that was long overdue.

“Tell me a bit more.”

“About what?” Octavia asked.

“Where you’ve been. Stalliongrad, Germane, and Prance. Where else?”

“Mhh, let me think,” the grey mare hummed. “Ponyriffe, Griffonia and Mareopolis.”

Vinyl chuckled. “And I guess that was only a small part?”

“Yes. I’ll fill you in on the rest another time. How about we do it tomorrow?”


“Talk about what we did after…”

“You mean after I left you alone that time…” Vinyl said, her voice slightly broken.

Octavia reached a hoof over, placing it on Vinyl’s. “Vinyl, please. We’re together now, that’s what really counts, right? We have each other, so please, don’t think about it as leaving me. You are back.”

Vinyl looked into her eyes, her beautiful lavender eyes, the very eyes that seemed to just make everything… better. She couldn’t do anything but smile. “Thank you.”

“Anything for you, my dear.”

They both continued to eat, the blurring of the porcelain only interrupted by the soft hums and gazes the two shared.

“That was good,” Vinyl explained, as she finished her meal and set down her spoon.

“And it was only the appetizer,” Octavia replied as the waitress came with new plates.

“Blanquette de Veau,” the unicorn waitress said and placed the dishes down.

“And this is what now?” Vinyl asked out of curiosity at the small bowl on the plate filled to the brim with… something she couldn’t quite identify.

“It is a kind of veal ragout, a very traditional Prench meal. I hope you like it.”

“I’m pretty sure that the title of this has more syllables in it than I use in an entire day,” Vinyl said with a laugh. “Besides, veal? Isn’t this more like a griffon dish?”

“It’s to maintain a certain atmosphere,” Octavia replied. “And yes, it is, but it is not real veal. The veal gets replaced by a small tart of vegetables.”

“Doesn’t that, well, kind of betray the name?”

Octavia blinked, not knowing what to say. “That is… kind of right. I don’t know why it still has the name, but it does.”

“Heh, sorry.”

“You are smarter than you think,” Octavia said with a smile.

“Heh. You know all of this so well. Just by it’s name, or did you ever eat it yourself?” Vinyl asked.

“I think in all those years, I have have eaten ever every single Prench meal that exists. Some of them are not so good for the waistline,” she paused with a chuckle. “But they were certainly delicious. Now, we should eat or it will get cold.”

Vinyl grinned. “We’ll go to Prance some day. Promise.” she said before diving into her plate. “Wow, that’s really good.”

“You’re in for a treat. The dessert will be delicious. My greatest weakness!”

“Other than me?” Vinyl asked with a smug grin.

“My only one, besides you,” Octavia said, smirking.

Vinyl grinned. “Prey tell, what is this delicious dessert that seeks to throw me from the top of your throne of weaknesses?” she mockingly asked, her muzzle held high.

The grey mare barely managed to stifle her giggles. “That doesn’t suit you.”


“I could never imagine you as a fancy mare. Even if the dress really looks wonderful on you, my dear,” Octavia smiled.

“Yeah, I couldn’t do that either,” Vinyl said. “Prissy and fancy? No thank you. Give me a fat beat and a lightshow any day of the week.”

“The great Vinyl Scratch, taken out of her element.”

“Hey, we all feel more comfortable in our natural surroundings.”

“I guess that’s true.”

“What’s your natural surrounding?” Vinyl grinned.

Octavia hummed, but the answer was easy. At least in her book. “You.”


“Yes. Am I not your natural surrounding?”

“Babe, you are. More than you’ll ever know,” Vinyl smirked.


“Why don’t you like that petname?”

“I’m not a cheap whore,” Octavia narrowed her eyes.

“Point taken. Although you know I don’t mean it that way”

“I do but still, I’d appreciate it if you did not call me that.”

“Sorry, sorry,” Vinyl said, apologizing.

“You’re forgiven.”

“But seriously, besides the epicness that is me, what would you say your natural surroundings are? The environment you’re the most comfortable in.”

“Hmm… I guess, I’d have to say the performance hall. When I perform, it’s like the rest of the world just doesn’t exist anymore. Like it’s me and the music, and that’s it.”

“I know that feeling, trust me. Although, based on last night, I’d say you missed your calling.”

“What do you mean?”

“The way you were moving last night. You were like a goddess. And that dress, sweet Luna, it was amazing.”

Octavia blushed, but before she could say anymore, the waitress came back.

“The Gougères, madams,” she said before bowing and leaving with a smile.

Octavia giggled. “Cheese puffs,” she explained without even the need to be asked. Vinyl just gave her an ‘are you serious’ face, before smiling at that.

“Your greatest weakness, right?”

“Mhh, yes. A very delicious weakness.”

“More delicious than me?” Vinyl asked, eyes wide.

“Maybe,” Octavia smiled.

“Hey, no fun!”

“Vi, they only have one taste I like. You have all the tastes I absolutely love.

However before they could take a bite, there was a loud rumbling coming from the front door, and they both knew exactly why upon the sight of the turquoise pegasus demanding entry.

“Vinyl! Oi, let me in! Let me in, dammit! That’s MY mare there! VINYL!”

“Can’t she ever give up?” Vinyl said through a facehoof.

“I do not think so,” Octavia replied with a scowl. “Waitress? We need the bill, please. And could you pack the gougères up for us to go?”

The waitress nodded while eyeing the pegasus that was even now forcing her way into the restaurant to the table. However rather than head straight back for the kitchen, the waitress took a small detour.

Vinyl looked up and glared at Sassaflash as she approached. “You really can’t take ‘no’ for an answer can you?

“What? You’re betraying me; how should I react to it?” Sassaflash asked.

“I’m not betraying you. We’re over, I told you that! Luna, I have no idea how much clearer I can be. We. Are. Done. Get that through your thick skull.” Vinyl growled.

“Madam’s, the bill and your dessert,” the waitress said, placing both on the table.

Vinyl only took a side glance at the bill and her eyes almost popped out of their sockets. She had never seen such a costly meal before in her life. However before she could say anything, Octavia quickly snatched it up and gave the waitress a big pouch that was almost overflowing with bits.

“Vinyl, dear, we can leave.”

“No, you’ll both stay and explain yourself to me!” Sassa screamed.

“Ma’am, leave or we have to call the guards,” the waitress said firmly, but in reply Sassaflash only snorted.

“Yeah, whatever, do it.”

The waitress turned and Vinyl tried to ignore Sassaflash and get to the door, but the pegasus blocked the path. She tried another, just to be blocked again. “Get. Out. Of. My. Way,” Vinyl growled.

“No! You’re mine!”

Octavia paused as she saw something she hadn’t expected to see, there were tears falling down Sassaflash’s eyes.

“Why are you so… persistent about this?” Octavia asked. “You lost her with your actions, yet you continue. Why?”

“I don’t have to tell you anything!” Sassaflash screamed.

Vinyl lost her patience. Concentrating her magic, she grabbed Sassaflash and levitated her up, then flinged her a short distance behind her, clearing her path and dropping Sassaflash unceremoniously onto the floor. “Tavi, we’re leaving.”

“NO!” Sassaflash screamed, right before two beefy unicorn stallions showed up. One was black as night, the other grey.

“Miss, you’re coming with us,” the black one said.

“No, this isn’t over!” Sassa screamed, grabbing the attention of everypony in the restaurant that wasn’t already looking their way.

Octavia watched the mare get taken away, knowing—in her heart—that Sassaflash was right, this wasn’t over. And it wouldn’t be until she finally moved on.

They stepped out of the restaurant, leaving the rampaging mare behind them. Vinyl took a step closer, snuggling against her. “Ugh, that mare. I… I… I don’t even know what to say. She’s batty to say the least.” She turned to Octavia. “Please, don’t let this ruin a great day.”

“I won’t,” Octavia smiled, then hummed as she gently nuzzled against Vinyl. “Where are we going?”

“Well, you took me to a restaurant that you loved, I think it’s only fair for me to take you to a place I Love. And just like me, I think you’ll love it too.”

Octavia looked at her with a smile. It wasn’t one of embarrassment at such words, but of love, pure and simple love. Vinyl smiled back, right before turning away and flagging down a taxi chariot. As the two approached the small taxi, the chariot driver smiling as they climbed in. “Good day ma’ams. Where can I take you?”

“Celestial road, please,” Vinyl said.

“Are you going to tell me anything?” Octavia asked with a kiss.

Vinyl grinned. “Nope, that’d ruin the surprise, and I want to see the look on your face when you see.”

The ride took them up a small hill where some modern buildings stood. Freshly built, not even two years old. The two ponies didn’t say a word to each other. They simply sat side by side, exchanging smiles and even stealing a few pecks from each other.

The area of Trottingham they went to was recently built, its buildings new, its streets freshly paved, and it’s sidewalks clean. The ponies here looked happier. It wasn’t anything obvious, and yet it was too obvious. It was presented in the way they carried themselves, the way they dressed, and the way they smiled at one another. Part of Vinyl wanted to gag, but Octavia seemed to like it, so she resisted the urge.

Vinyl’s plan was to take her to one of the bigger houses. It was one she had known since it was build, and the description made it the perfect end of her date with Octavia.

“You can let us off here,” Vinyl said.

The taxi came to a stop. Vinyl got out first and then helped Octavia out of the chariot. As the unicorn payed the taxi driver, Octavia walked up to their destination. “The Celestial Tower: Enjoy a beautiful view over Trottingham,” Octavia read the sign.

“That description doesn’t do it justice,” VInyl said with a smile as she lead the way inside. Octavia smiled back as she followed Vinyl into the tower and to the elevator.

The unicorn pushed the button for the top floor and gave a small kiss to her mare. “I hope you’ll like it.”

As soon as the elevator opened it’s doors, Octavia gasped. The top of the building was open to the sky with several tables and chairs around a bar. The border of the roof was protected with railings, but it was the view that struck her.

She slowly approached the edge and looked over Trottingham, bathing in the sunlight. The city was alight at this time of day. The buildings were glowing, the streets bathed in what looked like gold. The sight of it stole Octavia’s breath away. It was a sight she knew that she would never forget. Never, just like the lovely sight of her marefriend beside her.

As soon as she could manage to find the words, Octavia said, “Vinyl, this is lovely.”

“Now you know what I feel when I see you,” Vinyl replied and moved in for a kiss, She pressed their lips together, the wetness on her marefriends lips became self evident as they interlocked with one another. Pressure, heat, and moisture becoming one as the two exchanged the love they shared, the passion they had. It wasn’t their longest kiss by any means, but that didn’t make it any less important to the two young lovers. .

The kiss lasted for several moments, but neither of them cared about the time anymore. It was a wonderful date with even better company, and after all, they had a whole city in their hooves.

Desperate Heart (Special)

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Chapter Thirteen: Desperate Heart (Special Character Chapter)

“Miss Sassaflash, staying silent definitely won’t help your case. Why did you cause trouble in the restaurant and attack the staff when they asked you to leave?”

The turquoise pegasus glared at the blue unicorn in the typical golden, royal guard armor, but didn’t say a word.

“Alright. We can’t keep you here, but you are not allowed to enter that restaurant ever again. You will be informed if the owner wants us to charge you for the incident,” the stallion said before standing up and opening the door.

Without a word, Sassaflash stood up and left the guard post. She was outright pissed, but not at Vinyl. Rather, at the snobby earth mare.

She’s tainting my Vinyl. Why else would Vi wear a dress and go to such a fancy restaurant? Sassaflash was sure that Octavia was somehow controlling Vinyl.

Her heart clenched uncomfortably in her chest. Just thinking about Vinyl hurt her. Yet, Vinyl was all she could think about. The white unicorn was simply everything to her. The rope that held her whole life together.

That rope was about to unravel, leaving Sassaflash alone with a lonely and broken life.

She had never learned anything besides music and wiring. It was her life; the life she had chosen for Vinyl all those years ago. She had dedicated herself to the mare she loved more than her own life. The mare that dumped her for a new partner.

Sassaflash sighed, loudly, and then made her way home.

The pegasus mare tried hard to not think about Vinyl, yet the more she tried, the more the white mare came unbidden into her mind. The beautiful white unicorn ruled over her mind, over her dreams, and her body. There was nopony in Equestria, or indeed the world, that understood her like Vinyl did, nopony she loved like she loved Vinyl. And now… now it was all over..

Head hung low, Sassaflash kicked a hoof at a stone sitting by itself. She let her hooves decide which way to take home. That was, until she noticed two familiar voices. Looking up, there were the exact two ponies she didn’t want to see. Another look up also told her what street she was on.

“Oh you gotta be kidding me,” she moaned silently.

Hide and watch, see what they’re doing, her head told her, much to her displeasure. Maybe you’ll see something you can use against them.

That was logic she couldn’t deny. After all, she wanted Vinyl back with all of her heart.

Settling into the shadows, Sassaflash watched the chariot move to the side and she watched both mares getting off. Vinyl quickly paid the driver before joining Octavia, their coats pressed together as they walked up to the apartment complex.

“Today was simply wonderful, Vi,” Octavia said.

“Trust me, this wasn’t all I had planned for us. I just hope you like what comes next,” Vinyl said with a chuckle.

Octavia leaned a bit more into the white unicorn. “I can’t wait for it.”

That was all Sassaflash could hear before they went inside, but she had another idea as the chariot turned and headed back her way. Immediately, she stepped forward and stopped it.

“Can I help you, miss?” The driver asked politely.

Sassaflash grinned and pulled a few bits out of her pouch, giving them the driver. “Yes, you could tell me where those mares went.”

The stallion eyed her suspiciously before sighing and taking the bits. “Alright, it’s not my business why you want to know that so… I picked them up at Celestial road around thirty minutes ago. It’s on the other side of the town, the newly built area.”

“Could you take me there?”

“Of course, miss.”

Sassaflash hopped in and the driver started off. This was outrageous and probably a waste of time, but it wasn’t like she had anything better to do today. She just hoped whatever she found wouldn’t destroy her dreams. She had no intentions of giving up, but there was only so much a heart could take, and she knew it.


“Oh you’ve GOT to be kidding me!” Sassaflash cursed as she inspected the building the driver described to her. The sign in front of it didn’t help her in the slightest.

“The Celestial Tower: Enjoy a beautiful view over Trottingham,” she read and snorted. “Great, any more surprises for me?”

Looking up at the building she sighed, before steadying herself and going in. I’m going to find out everything!

Upstairs, she confirmed her worst fears were true. It was a romantic, beautiful view over Trottingham. She had no need for the imaginary in her head that implied what had happened. Yet, she wanted to be sure.

Sassaflash walked to the bar and smiled at a yellow mare with a straw-colored mane. “Hi, my name is, uh, Swift Write, I’m from the Canterlot News and I would like to ask you some questions.”

The mare looked at her, seemingly nervous. “My name is Fruit Mix, how can I help you?”

“Around an hour ago, there were two mares here. One a white unicorn with a two-coloured blue mane and the other…” Sassaflash bit back an angry curse. “a grey earth pony with black hair. Did you see them by any chance?”

“Oh, the lovely couple? Yes, yes I noticed them,” Fruit Mix answered with a smile. “They were just so cute.”

“Wow, that’s interesting,” Sassaflash forced herself to a fake smile. “Is there anything you could tell me?”

Fruit Mix hummed in thought. “They were really interesting. The unicorn, I think her name was Scratch, ordered a few drinks. Then, a bit later they both were at the railing enjoying the view.”

Sassaflash was disappointed in that answer. “Nothing else?”.

“Oh, let me think. Yes, there was something else!” Fruit exclaimed, her front hooves clapping together. “Scratch showed the other pony something in a small, long case. I couldn’t see what it was, but the grey mare nearly fainted.”

“Could you describe the case to me?”

“It certainly looked like some real expensive jewelry case. It was bordered with silver after all,” Fruit said. “I’m sorry, but I have work to do. I hope I was able to help you.”

Sassaflash grinned. “Yes, thank you Fruit Mix.” And someponies say there aren’t naive ones in our world anymore.

What she heard gave her something to think about. Slowly, she made her way out of the building, her mind more than busy. I doubt it was something to propose her. It’s not enough time, not even Vi would be that straightforward.

Still, it left a weird feeling in her stomach and she couldn't forget it, not even as she called a taxi and leaned back on the way home. Sure, flying would’ve been easier, but she knew herself. With all those thoughts rumouring in her, she was more than likely to hit a wall.

A lengthy case, so it wasn’t a hoofring or a horn ring. The only thing fitting that kind of case for a proposal would be a pegasus feather, but she’s a unicorn. Groaning, she tried to clear her head of the thought and to think clearly. No, it was definitely not a proposal, but surely a gift of some sort.

“This will drive me nuts,” she said, much to to the amusement of the driver.

It wasn’t a long way home. As soon as the chariot let her off, she dashed into her apartment, startling Cloud Kicker. “Sassaflash, what the hay?”

“Cloudy? What in tartarus are you still doing here?”

“I helped you?” Cloud Kicker replied. “I did everything you said… I stayed in your bed.”

“So?” Sassaflash asked.

“You just kick me out?!”

Sassaflash sighed, “We both know Vi is the only mare for me. That’s what we agreed on yesterday, if you remember.”

Cloud Kicker seemed close to her tears, but instead of crying she freaked out. “Oh, so for a fling I’m good enough, but not even as a friend? Maybe I should tell your friends and your boss that I lied for you and what a horrible mare you are!”


“Don’t Cloudy me you cheaty fool! Everything is fine as long you get everything you wants. But oh Celestia, we should all worry if something doesn’t run along with your plans!”

“Cloudy,” Sassa tried again, reaching for the mare.

Cloud Kicker kicked her hoof away. “Buck you, Sassa. Buck you and your sick games. I’ll take my stuff and leave. Go find a bucking psychiatrist to help you!”

The turquoise mare was left speechless as Cloud Kicker took her things. Sassaflash tried to hold her back before leaving, but all she received was a door in her muzzle.

Sighing, she looked into the mirror. Her reflection looked tired. Used. Horrible.

Maybe I do need help?

She shook her head. No, if somepony needed help it was Vinyl. Help to escape from that snobby mare, help to come back to her usual self. And she would be the pony to help her do exactly that.

No matter the cost.


“You want my help to do what?” Neon asked, eyes narrowed.

“I want your help to get Vinyl away from that earth pony. She’s not good for her, she’s destroying her!”

Neon sighed and laid back in his chair before snorting. “No.”

“No what?” Sassaflash asked.

“You don’t want to do this to help Vinyl. You want to do this only for your own good. It’s not right. And about you saying that Octavia isn’t good for her, you’re wrong.”

“How can you say that?” Sassaflash burst out. “She’s wearing dresses, going to fancy restaurants and even acting hesitant and weird lately!”

“No. What I saw today, was the improved Dj Pon3. What I saw, was a mare that started to love her life again. All thanks to a wonderful mare named Octavia.” Neon leaned forward, looking straight into the pegasus’s eyes. “You missed the last show, but she was wonderful, even more than that! She worked harder and better than ever before, all thanks to Octavia. She really rocked the club.”

“I don’t really believe that.”

Neon laughed. “Ask anypony! I saw it, Silver Wings saw it, Berry saw it, everypony. Even Baritone looked over, and he was quite stunned. Especially if you consider that he’s got a classic stick in his flank.”


“Listen. I already told you I don’t believe that you’re doing this for Vinyl, and I know that you know this. Now I’m asking you again. Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to make their lives so miserable?” Neon glared at her. “And don’t you dare try lying to me.”

Sassaflash sloughed down in her chair, but copied the glare. “That stuffy mare is no good for her. She deserves something better, and that’s me. I want her back, Neon. She. Is. Mine.”

“And for that you’re making her life miserable?” Neon shook his head. “She loves Octavia. Let me give you some good advice.” His voice was full of venom now. “If you destroy her life, I’ll find you. And you really don’t want to know what I will do to you then. Now get the buck out of my club.”

The pegasus was left speechless. She wanted to say something, to answer this threat. She found nothing to say. Nothing that would’ve been satisfying at least.

Neon looked up from his papers. “Did I bucking stutter? Get out of her or I’ll get Silver Wings to get you out.”

Sassaflash turned around to retreat from the office and the club as fast as she could. She had no idea where her hooves would take her, but she didn’t care. Tears built up in her eyes as she ran faster than ever.

Why do they all hate me?

They might all hate her and love Octavia. But there was one thing she was sure about. Sassaflash would rescue her Vinyl. She would rescue her from that earth pony’s grasp, no matter the cost.

Making Plans

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Chapter Fourteen: Making Plans

Octavia felt like she was in heaven. There was no other way to describe it.

She laid comfortably on the soft bed, warm, and held by her love. Snuggling back, she elicited a soft purr from Vinyl, raising butterflies in her stomach.

Sadly, she had plans for the day. Sleeping in was no option.

Groaning, she opened her eyes and slowly got up, careful to not wake Vinyl. She cursed under her breath as the unicorn stirred immediately upon losing her source of her warmth.

“Where ya going, Tavi?” she asked sleepily.

“Running some errands, my love. Your kitchen is a mess, and full of junk food. I need a few things for myself, I can’t live on bread and cereal every day,” she chuckled before gently kissing Vinyl on her cheek.

“Can I come with you?”

“Why, yes, certainly,” Octavia replied, surprised before getting up and to the kitchen, “Get ready, I’ll see if I can find something for breakfast.”


The grey mare stopped and rolled her eyes, but it turned quickly into a warm smile, “If that is what you want, of course, Vi.”

Octavia indeed found some bread that still looked good, and a glass of strawberry marmelade that wasn’t entirely empty. She had no problem with finding Vinyl’s cereal. After all, most of the upper cupboards were filled with the unicorn’s favourites.

While preparing everything, something hit her chest multiple times. It wasn’t annoying, but she wasn’t used to it. Yet.

The pendant Vinyl had given her the other day rested cooly against her coat. As she raised it, she smiled while her heart warmed deeply.

The pendant had a chain of silver, as well as the base and outline of the pendant itself. A red ruby, just like Vinyl’s eyes, shimmered in its middle in the shape of Vinyl’s cutie mark.

She had never received such a gift before, and it was so heartwarming, she couldn’t even begin to describe it. Octavia knew it had to be expensive, but she could care less.

The cellist was sure that she would love every gift from Vinyl, no matter how big or costly it was. The only thing she would ever need was the unicorn herself. That she was sure of. She knew that Vinyl was priceless to her.

There was just one thing she was worried about.

Wearing the pendant would show everypony that she and Vinyl were together. At the same time, not wearing the pendant wasn’t even an option to the mare.

Octavia shivered. It was so unlike her. She knew of the consequences, she knew what it could do to their careers, yet she didn’t care. She just hoped Vinyl would feel the same.

Smiling, she shook her head. No, Vinyl definitely feels the same.

Suddenly, something slightly damp wrapped around her barrel, startling her. As she turned her head, she noticed Vinyl clinging on her, her coat still wet in some spots.

“Vinyl! Did you even dry yourself properly?” she asked the unicorn, who was apparently fresh out of the shower.

“Mh, nah!”

“Sometimes you are unbearable, Vinyl,” Octavia sighed playfully.

“Aaand you love me for it!” Vinyl replied before kissing Octavia quickly on her cheek.

At least, that was her plan.

Octavia turned around and met her halfway, her hooves wrapped around Vinyl’s neck, deepening the kiss by a thousand times. She surprised the unicorn, but in a more than positive way.

Breakfast was held in a rather unique fashion after that, not that Octavia complained. Vinyl quickly prepared a sandwich for her while devouring her cereal quickly. Octavia wondered why, but she soon found out.

Vinyl lifted Octavia up to her, deeply snuggled on the small kitchen chair and holding her dearly, while the grey mare enjoyed her meal. It was a simple breakfast by her standards, but in Vinyl’s hooves it was more than excellent.

“Vinyl? Please be a dear and fetch the mail while I take a shower,” Octavia said as she finished.

The unicorn winced at first, but let her go, “Fine, have fun!”

Octavia felt it was the right time to tease Vinyl just a tiny bit, “My dear Vinyl, the shower is only fun if you are inside it with me,” she purred before flicking her tail over Vinyl’s muzzle and making her way into the bathroom.

Vinyl blushed heavily and blinked, but she quickly turned and dashed out of the door to get the mail. She had no idea if she would be able to behave if she waited any longer.

She came back, but took her time by taking the stairs instead of the elevator. There was a lot of commercial mail in her magical grip that quickly found their way into the trash. But there were also two letters. Just looking at the name on the first, light grey letter told her it was for Tavi. And that it was from her family.

“Anything interesting in the mail?” Octavia asked as she emerged from the bathroom, and Vinyl quickly hid the letter under the couch.

“Wow you were fast. Uh. Yes, there is a letter from Spitfire!” Vinyl answered quickly. Too quickly.

“Is there something wrong, Vi?”

Vinyl chuckled awkwardly, “Naaaah, all’s fine, Tavi. Just perfect!”

“Vinyl, what is wrong?”


“Tell me now,” Octavia glared at her.

Vinyl sighed and pulled the letter back up, “It’s from your family, I guess.”

Octavia froze before taking the letter into her hooves, “This is from my father. It’s his mark on the envelope,” She looked up at Vinyl, “Thank you for trying to help me, but I have to face him. Can we read it together?”

She smiled as Vinyl nodded and nuzzled against her muzzle. The unicorn pulled the envelope out of her hooves and opened it.

The letter wasn’t very long, but exactly what she had expected from her father.

Octavia, my daughter,

I cannot explain how disappointed we are. Your mother and I thought you were on vacation, since Toe-Tapper couldn’t reach you at your house for a few days. Now we know what is wrong. You are being impure. This unicorn witch must have cast a spell over you, and we will not watch it without stepping in. You are our daughter, you are better than this.

Expect us over in the next few days,
Your father.

And stay away from that unicorn!

“I had the smallest hope he would understand it,” Octavia said as she dropped the letter, her voice cold and hard.

Vinyl tried to comfort her and snuggled up to the morbid mare, but Octavia kept still until she suddenly picked the letter up. She destroyed the letter, tearing it apart before looking Vinyl straight into the eyes.

“I’m not going to give you up!” she spoke firmly, “I will not stand back and let anything more ruin our life together!”


“I will not leave you! Not now, and not ever!” The cellist’s voice turned into a deep growl.

She was about to continue her rant, but Vinyl silenced her as she leaned in and pressed her lips against Octavia’s. The mare was shut down effectively as her eyes closed and her heart fluttered, all anger leaving her body.

“Thank you, Vi,” she breathed gently and cupped Vinyl’s cheek as they broke.

“Anything for you,” Vinyl replied before lifting a yellow envelope up, “You want to read Spits’ letter with me?”

Octavia nodded and Vinyl opened the envelope, lifting the letter up for better reading.

Hey Vi, and Octavia, if you’re there.

The last few weeks were just amazing. Do you remember what I told you about the new cadet when I had to leave Trottingham? She’s here, and I don’t know how I should describe it.

She is simply wonderful. Yes, such words from me! Her name is Rainbow Dash, and she’s turning my world upside down. At first, I thought she would be just another arrogant filly, but she quickly showed me her potential, and that she can be as hot-headed as me. We just fit, you know?

Damn, Vinyl, I think I have a crush on her! What should I do? I also feel attracted to her in a more primal way, but I don’t know if it’s more, or if I just want to buck her brains out.

Other than that, life went and got quiet here. The shows are on hold while we train the new batch of cadets, so I don’t know when I can come and visit you again. I hope I can at least pull off a few days of vacation.

But I have some rather bad news for you as well. Yesterday, a letter from Sassaflash arrived. I don’t know what this pegasus has in her head lately, but it’s not a brain for sure! You should see the stuff she writes! Remind me to take the letter with me next time I visit you.

Please, both of you, be assured I support you. I’m so happy that you found a mare that makes you happy, Vi. And I can only agree with you, Octavia. I really hope you can teach her some manners!

In the hopes that you and Octavia are well and still as much in love as the first day.


“So she found somepony,” Vinyl smiled, “I’m happy for her, but this won’t be easy.”

Octavia tilted her head, “What do you mean?”

Vinyl sighed, “She’s the Captain and supervisor of the academy, and that mare is her cadet. Imagine the rest.”

“Oh, I understand,” Octavia whispered after a few seconds, but she quickly smiled, “But I’m sure they will make it, just look at us two.”

“There’s still your family,” Vinyl objected, but smiled back, “I hope you stand for us, even if your father stands before you.”

“I will, Vinyl, because I love you with all of my heart.”

“And I love you, too,” Vinyl replied, before leaning in for a long kiss.

They both embraced each other deeply as they slowly reached for the couch, sinking down for it. The kiss deepened, coat rubbing against coat as their muzzles opened slightly, tongues passionately attacking each other.

As much as she wanted to continue, Octavia broke away after what felt like hours, just to meet Vinyl’s muzzle scrunched in a pout.

“You’re cute, but not that cute,” Octavia teased her, “If we continue, we won’t leave this spot for the day, and we really should.”

“Aww,” Vinyl increased her pout, just to get a very wet lick across her nose, “Ugh, hey!”

“Get up. We run all the errands, and then we talk about continuing this,” Octavia winked. “Deal?”

“Deal!” Vinyl said before jumping to her hooves, nearly throwing Octavia to the ground, “Let’s go!”

Octavia smiled at how eager Vinyl suddenly seemed. But of course, by now, she knew how to motivate her marefriend.

“So where do you want to go?” Vinyl asked, snuggling against her grey mare as they stepped out of the apartment complex.

It was a rather cold and fresh day, a soft chill hung in the air indicating that winter didn’t leave all that long ago.

“A few things from the market. You might live of sweets and cereal all day, but I need my salads and vegetables,” Octavia chuckled.

Vinyl frowned, “I just don’t like the fact that we’ll be near her home.”

Octavia gently nuzzled into her side, “I’m here, and I won’t leave you alone.”

“I know that, but thanks.”

“Always,” the cellist smiled as they shared a small kiss.

They both drew more than their fair share attention on the way to the market. One reason was that they walked closer together than usual, white coat touching grey. The second reason was the nuzzles and small kisses they shared now and then. The last reason being the eye-catching pendant Octavia wore. It didn’t take two guesses for anypony looking to see that they were a couple.

Still, neither of the two mares cared. Vinyl didn’t care what others thought or said about them anyways. Octavia didn’t care anymore because of her promise to Vinyl.

She would fight for their love and stand up against everypony that dared to try and break Vinyl apart from her. Even if it was her family or friends, she had the intention to hold onto her promise by any means.

“Are you alright?” Vinyl asked her, gently nuzzling along her muzzle.

“Yes. Just thinking a bit.”


Octavia grinned as she gently nuzzled back, “About how I will buck anypony that tries to bring us apart in the chest.”

Vinyl raised an eyebrow in slight surprise before grinning, “Hey, I really do rub off on you.”

“And I wouldn’t want it any other way,” Octavia sighed, “Vinyl, you made my life livable again. To be honest, I was alone, bitter, disappointed. Everything I did was about my music, about the orchestra, and the rehearsals,” The grey mare stopped and looked directly into Vinyl’s eyes, “And then you came along. At first nothing more than a huge annoyance that I wanted to get rid of as soon as possible, but soon an object of my curiousity. Vinyl Scratch, I love you, and everything you made out of me in this short amount of time.”

“I love you too, Tavi.”

“Even if you can still be annoying and a pain in my shoulders from time to time,” Octavia added playfully.”

“Well, wouldn’t be me otherwise,” the unicorn smirked.

“You really think you are cute.”

Vinyl held a hoof to her chest, “Hey, by now you should know I’m adorable!”

They both reached the market where Octavia bought everything she needed. Normally, she would pull the bags home on her shoulder, but this time she was glad to have Vinyl. Without even saying a word, the unicorn lifted the bags and held them for her marefriend, all the while taking looks around to make sure nothing turquoise and flying got in the way.

It was somehow guaranteed that the peace wouldn’t hold long.


The unicorn looked over her shoulder to see Silver Wings, the club’s main guard rushing towards her, “Vinyl, we’ve got a huge problem!”

“Silver, what’s wrong?”

“Well, Neon wants to talk to you. Now.”

Vinyl shared a look with Octavia who nodded before looking back at Silver, “Alright, let’s go. It can only be something bad if it is that urgent,” They started walking, but for Silver to turn the wrong way, “Where are you going? The club is the other way.”

“We have to catch Baritone first,” Silver replied.

This time it caught Octavia’s attention, “Baritone? Why does he want to talk with him?”

“Because it’s a matter about both of you. Now come on, we’re already late.”


Neon looked up from his desk as they all came in, showing surprise upon seeing Cloud Kicker in the room, “Take a seat, or try to make yourself comfortable. This will be a long talk,” he said without even a friendly welcoming. Once they all settled down, he spoke up again, “I think you all can imagine why you’re here. We’ve got a big problem.”

“Sassaflash,” Cloud Kicker chimed in, “She is on a rampage, and uncontrollable.”

“That’s no newsflash, Kicky,” Vinyl cut her off, “And what are you doing here anyways? You were on Sassa’s side, even lied for her, so what-,” she stopped short as Octavia pecked her cheek, begging her to calm down.

“Cloud Kicker made a mistake, but she already paid for it,” Neon said calmly, “We have to discuss what to do now. I don’t think Sassaflash will simply go on with her life and forget you two.”

“I do not understand why you need me for this,” Baritone coughed.

Neon glared at him, “I need you because you’ve know Octavia for a long time, and since I don’t think that Sassaflash will restrict herself to Vinyl’s direct contacts and surroundings!”

“She won’t stop until you are truly done with Octavia; she cares for nothing other than to get you back,” Cloud Kicker said bitterly.

“And what should we do now?” Vinyl asked.

“We are together in this. Vinyl, I’ll ask you for the last time, just like I did a few days ago. Are you sure about this, do you want to take this further, continue your journey with her?” Neon asked seriously.

Vinyl glared at him before kissing Octavia and gripping the pendant in her magic to show it to everypony in the room, “I am. I won’t leave her, not for anything in the world. There is nothing more important for me than Tavi and I love her with all of my heart! She opened my eyes to the world, made me realize I’m not alone and that I can do anything.”

“Vi-,” Octavia started, tears dwelling up in her eyes, but Vinyl cut her off with a kiss.

The kiss was long and passionate, making her first hesitate in front of the others. However, as it went on, she soon dove in, her heart melting upon the strong feelings that she received from the unicorn. It was like her world was in bliss, that nothing could hurt her as long as her mare was at her side.

“You don’t have to say anything,” Vinyl said as they broke, “I won’t let anything happen to you. You are my treasure, the mare that is worth more than my own life to me. I shall always treat you the best, even if I can be dumb and forward at some time,” Then she surprised everypony by standing up from her place and kneeling down in front of Octavia, “Octavia Philharmonica, may I ask you to go this way together? To stand side by side against everything, in our love?”

“Are you?” Octavia shrieked, the question unspoken.

Vinyl blushed, “That might be a bit early for that, but I meant what I said.”

Octavia hesitated for just a moment before leaning in for another long kiss. Vinyl was her everything, the one holding her up. Her life had another reason to be anymore, other than music and to make her image shine. She had Vinyl and a million reasons for her heart to jump in her chest for that mare.

“I will go this way with you, my love,” She spoke softly as they broke.

“Now that this is settled,” Neon coughed slightly before continuing, “What are we going to do about Sassaflash?”

“Well, we won’t let her into the club anymore,” Silver Wings said with a shrug.

Baritone smiled at Vinyl and Octavia, “And I can also vow that you two are safe in the concert hall, all the time.”

“That leaves our home and Tavi. I can defend myself, but I doubt she will be after me anyways,” Vinyl said before looking sadly at Octavia, “She’ll be after you.”

“I’m just a normal earth pony. I can’t give her more than a good buck to her chest,” Octavia said, much to Vinyl’s amusement.

“I had no idea how you can be,” Baritone chuckled.

“Wait, I’ve got an idea,” Octavia suddenly shouted, “Lyra!”

“What about her?” Vinyl asked hesitantly.

The grey mare squealed before coughing, “She was at Canterlot’s school for gifted unicorns! She knows much about magic, even shields and protection spells. I don’t remember everything, but she told me about it a while ago!”

Vinyl still wasn’t sure what to do with that information, “So?”

“So we ask her to teach you.”


“She will teach you how to protect me,” Octavia nuzzled into her cheek.

“Tavi, I don’t want to crush your dreams, but my magic isn’t that strong. I never learned anything other than the most basic spells, and the rest I taught myself for my work,” Vinyl sighed, but stopped short as she looked into her love's eyes, “But for you, I’ll try it.”

Neon hummed before smiling, “Well, I don’t think we can do more than try our best to support you and keep you safe. After what Cloud Kicker here told me, Sassaflash truly went insane. I don’t know what she’ll try.”

“Vinyl, are you okay if some of our clubs guards check in on you every few hours? Just to make sure,” Silver Wings spoke up.

“As long as it’s not in the middle of the night, we’ve got other business to handle then,” Vinyl grinned.

“Vinyl!” Octavia called out, a furious blush burning on her face as she nudged the unicorn hard.

“Heh, sorry, just speaking the truth,” Vinyl blew her a raspberry.

They all chuckled or laughed at that display before Neon spoke up, “Alright, I think we’re done here if nothing else is up. Vinyl? I see you tomorrow, and don’t forget our deal.”

“Won’t leave ya hanging, Neon. Promised,” Vinyl smiled before nuzzling Octavia, “Let’s go home.”


Vinyl was in the middle of trying a new set as she was tapped on the shoulder. Looking up, she found herself muzzle to muzzle with Octavia.

“Vinyl? Where did you put my salad?”


“Fridge?! Vinyl, it will loose all it’s vitamins by doing that!” Octavia growled before breathing loudly, “Please, my dear, next time let me put away the groceries.”

Vinyl kissed her gently, smiling sheepishly, “Will do. Just wanted to help you, since you looked exhausted after the talk.”

“I am, Vinyl,” the cellist replied before sitting down on the couch, “I don’t know what she will do, but after the talk today, I’m afraid it will be bad.”

Vinyl could see that she was more worried than she was letting on. Standing up, she walking over to settle down next to her mare, “I’ll always be at your side. No matter what. I won’t leave you.”

“I know that,” Octavia smiled, “But you can’t be always here. You have work and other things to do, as do I with my rehearsals and concerts.”

“I will learn those spells from Lyra, and then a part of me will always be with you,” Vinyl said gently, delivering a small peck to Octavia’s muzzle, “When do we ask her, by the way?”

“Tomorrow. Today, let’s just be together.”

“No objection to that,” the unicorn smiled before gently adding pressure against her lover, making her lay on the couch.

Octavia shrieked surprised, “Vinyl, what are you doing? I’m-”

She was stopped shortly as Vinyl laid down on her, delivering gently kisses and nips all over her muzzle and neck. The touches were enough to make her heart flutter and calm her frazzled nerves. She felt protected, cared and loved for.


Vinyl shushed her, gently nipping at her lover's neck before coming up and looking directly into those beautiful, lavender eyes she loved so much, “Don’t say anything. Today and tonight, just let it be us two. No worries, no enemies, nothing. Just our love, our bodies, and our souls to be loved.”

It was those words that made Octavia’s heart flutter, that made her heart melt with desire and her entire body warm up like being on fire.

“Take me,” she whispered gently into Vinyl’s ears.

It was a demand Vinyl couldn’t deny.

Night on Fire (C!!)

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Chapter Fifteen: Night on Fire

Vinyl could only oblige as she layed down and gently kissed along Octavia’s neck. The demand, the love and lust in those words, and the lavender eyes that pierced right through her soul, it left her wanting more, wanting everything.

“C’mere.” Octavia stated, wrapping her forelegs around Vinyl’s neck and pulling her down into an embrace before she had a chance to respond. Vinyl’s lips met hers, their muzzles pressed together, then parted only a moment later. Octavia took control of the kiss. Firmly, yet gently, she pushed her tongue into her lover's mouth, exploring it’s caverns and teasing her tongue with quick passes and licks. The passionate kiss elicited an unprompted moan with Vinyl’s next breath, which only seemed to encourage Octavia to deepen the kiss.

Vinyl let herself go in the moment, resting her body gently atop Octavia’s. She was surprised at how hot she was. Rather, more so at how hot she, herself, had become. Whatever Octavia had done, she had done it right. After a short while Vinyl began to fight back, pushing her own tongue into Octavia’s maw and hooking her forehooves over her shoulders. Octavia showed her approval by nipping at her bottom lip and purring, while giving Vinyl a small, seductive look.

An eternity later however, Vinyl reluctantly broke the embrace. The night was still early, and she wanted this to last longer. Any more of this and they’d be hard pressed to stop themselves. Octavia did look disappointed, but she also understood. Vinyl went forward and gave her a small, yet intense kiss, which she soon leaned in to.

“I’ve got a small surprise for you,” Vinyl purred softly. “How about a quick shower?”

Octavia hesitated at first, but the gaze Vinyl displayed made the offer much more clear. “Sounds lovely.”

“After you, m’lady,” Vinyl bowed with a giggle as she stood up, letting Octavia pass her.

The grey mare rolled her eyes, but joined into the giggle at Vinyl’s antics. Soon, however, she noticed that Vinyl wasn’t following her. She was gone. “Where are you?”

“Just have to grab something! Go ahead!” Came the muffled shout back.

Octavia continued her way into the bathroom and prepared two towels and shampoo for the shower, just to be interrupted by Vinyl gently nipping at her ear, eliciting a surprised eep from her.

“Heh, it’s just me. And you won’t need that shampoo, I’ve got a special one,” Vinyl purred, showing a blank bottle without label to Octavia.

“There is no label.”

“It’s harmless, trust me,” Vinyl said before sauntering past her marefriend, lifting her tail and putting her marehood on display. “Well, you coming or what?”

There was only one invitation needed. Octavia quickly followed Vinyl into the shower, the door closing before she lunged at the unicorn, pressing her against the wall with a deep and passionate kiss.

It was like they wanted to devour each other, lips hungrily searching for more of their love’s flavor, for more to taste and love. Soon their tongues came into play, intertwined and gently caressing each other, electing some muffled moans from both mares. It was a play they could’ve continued forever, but sadly, both were living beings with a need to breath from time to time, so they reluctantly broke after a while.

“Once this is over, you will beg me to continue,” Vinyl growled, her ruby eyes piercing Octavia’s lavender orbs.

Octavia got distracted, giving Vinyl the time she needed to regain ground and push her into the opposite wall. There, she held her mare against the glass, gently nipping along her neck, eliciting silent moans.

They were the sounds she loved, and Vinyl alternated between licks and smaller bites to make her mare unable to resist. All the while, the small labelless flask hovered in the air behind them, waiting to be used, but Vinyl wanted to wait before showing her mare a whole new world.

Octavia squirmed, her breath staggered as she was unable to keep her mind sane. Lust and adrenalin flooded her as Vinyl gently bit down on her neck, leaving a mark on her wonderful, grey fur. Then Vinyl levitated the small flask forward, dropping some of it’s fluid on her neck before rubbing it in with her muzzle.

Vinyl knew her muzzle would be under the same influence of the shower gel as Octavia, but she didn’t cared. Her mare squirmed under her ministrations as she nuzzled her neck, rubbing every single bit of the fluid into the spot. She kept it up until everything was gone

It was time for a test.

Gently, Vinyl blew some air over the spot, immediately getting the reaction she suspected and wanted. Octavia groaned, her eyes fluttering and her knees weakening as the fluid intensified the touch ten times. Then she screamed in bliss as Vinyl bit down again, the feelings nearly overloading her senses.

“Vi-Vinyl, please, not so rough!” She moaned, knowing all too well how sore her neck would be the next day.

“Too late,” Vinyl grinned as she moved up.

Piece by piece, Octavia put a plan together. She had no idea how, but she knew for sure that Vinyl’s muzzle would be as sensitive as her neck. Even if she had no idea what that fluid had done.

Vinyl moaned a curse silently as Octavia leaned in and nibbled on the tip of her muzzle before nuzzling, rubbing along it with more force than usual. Or maybe it just felt stronger thanks to the gel.

No matter what it was, Vinyl found herself all too soon unable to catch a clear thought while Octavia nibbled, nuzzled, licked and bit her muzzle. Vinyl couldn’t wait to find out how it would even feel on her more intimate regions.

Thank Celestia I’ve still got the strapon, she grinned silently, hoping Octavia would play along later. But first…

“I hope the rumors are true,” Vinyl said before pushing Octavia further up the wall, forcing the mare on her hind legs.

“Vinyl, what are you…” Octavia started, before stopping while the unicorn rubbed the fluid into her forehooves. “My hooves are sensitive,” she said, blushing slightly while Vinyl smiled.

Vinyl smiled as she pulled back, “I’m counting on that.”

To her surprise, Octavia stood back on all four hooves before raising one hind leg after another, allowing Vinyl to prepare each with the fluid. Already she could feel her hooves tingling, slightly burning, but in a good way.

She squeaked as it wasn’t the fluid, but suddenly Vinyl’s magic directly, that caressed her hooves, gently rubbing over her sole, hitting every single spot. Shudders ran down her spine as she closed her eyes, bathing in the feeling.

Then it stopped. Octavia opened her eyes, ready to complain, but then they went wide. Vinyl knelt in front of her, starting to trail small kisses down her left foreleg. The leg twitched under Vinyl’s gentle licks and sparse kisses. It seemed like ages until Vinyl reached the end of her hoof.

Octavia shot her a quizzical look, but Vinyl only grinned in response before her tongue lolled out of her mouth. Just before the cellist could ask her what she was up to, Vinyl lifted her hoof and lovingly pressed against the sole.

“Oh, Vinyl,” she moaned quietly as she unconsciously pushed her hoof further against her love’s muzzle. Her hooves were a weakness nopony knew about, nopony besides Vinyl now.

The unicorn seemly enjoyed this weakness, caressed and kissed Octavia’s hoof before taking it especially far and opening her muzzle wide, taking a bit of the hoof in to suckle. At first, the feeling was strange to the refined mare, her mind revolted by the thought. But, she soon melted into the touch.

It was one thing to have her hoof licked and kissed, but this took it to a new level. And Octavia loved it. She loved the suckling from Vinyl, the gentle tuck from time to time at the tip when Vinyl bit gently down, everything.

Vinyl’s ears perked up every time Octavia let loose another moan. She could feel and hear that her mare liked it, that she loved every touch. At first she was a bit scared how Octavia would react to that fetish, but she simply had to try. She loved hooves and wings, but hooves were a special favourite of hers. That Octavia was wingless didn’t bothered her at all. She loved her mare like she was.

“Do you trust me, Tavi?” Vinyl asked softly as she continued to caress the grey hoof in her grip.

“Yes, I trust you with my heart and my life,” Octavia moaned slightly back, her eyes radiating pure love.

Vinyl smiled at that and turned the bottle around, covering every single spot on Octavia’s coat with the fluid. The grey mare shivered, moaning as Vinyl didn’t stop her ministrations once while her magic rubbed in the gel.

Vinyl cooed in approval as every single touch she served to Octavia ended up in another moan, another shiver. It was hot, spiking her arousal to new heights. “I think that might be enough. Shall we dry up and take this fun to the bed again?” She asked huskily.

Octavia wasn’t able to do anything but nod weakly, all of her nerves being overloaded like that. She whimpered as Vinyl rubbed the rest of the fluid in before shutting the shower off. She wanted to complain, to demand that Vinyl would be covered in the wondrous stuff as well, but it seemed Vinyl had already noticed her silent rebellion.

“Sorry, my love, the flask is empty,” Vinyl said before kissing her gently. “But next time, promised. But for today, it’s all about you.”

With that they dried off, Vinyl doing her best to get more moans from Octavia before they returned to the bedroom. Vinyl led her onto the bed, when she noticed a big and strange, purple box laying at the edge of it.

“What’s in there?”

“Fun,” Vinyl giggled back.

Octavia gave her a soft glare, “Vi… What’s in there?”

“Alright, I’ll show you,” Vinyl sighed before opening the box.

Inside were various objects: some flasks, a blindfold, various clothing and even some hoofcuffs. What, however, drew her attention most, were the dildos of different sizes.

“You… you want to use all of these?”

“I don’t want to,” Vinyl corrected her. “I would love to test everything out and give you the night of your dreams, but that’s up to you. You can decide what we do and what not.”

Octavia’s heart warmed at those words and she gently pecked Vinyl’s muzzle before pointing at the small flasks. “What’s inside those?”

“Flavours,” Vinyl blushed.

“Care to explain?”

The unicorn blushed even more, averting her gaze to her side. “You… you know that unicorn horn’s are really sensitive. From last time you may even know that they have some kind of copper taste on them, which varies from unicorn to unicorn. In those flasks are flavours you can put on the horn to make… intimate contact by mouth more pleasurable for the pony giving it.”

Octavia had expected everything, but not this. Curious, she looked over the flasks before smiling and leaning down to grip one in her muzzle to pull it out. “This here.”

“Really? Blueberry?`” Vinyl asked before cocking her head. “You really want to do this?”

“Yes. Even if it is about me, as you said,you deserve some attention as well,” Octavia giggled. “But, I do like the natural taste of your horn, so we won’t use this too much.”

“You... you do?”

“Yes, I love your taste,” Octavia giggled before glaring lovingly. “A lot!”

“I’m really rubbing off on you,” Vinyl chuckled. “You are the love of my life, and while I would never change you, I’m still glad that you turned at least that bit.”

“And I love it. You showed me new ways,” Octavia replied, gently caressing Vinyl’s cheek with a hoof. “You showed me a whole new world, a world at your side, and I love it. I love you.” With that she crawled closer until her lips met Vinyl’s in a passionate kiss.

Their hearts fluttered in unison, bathing in the soft contact of their soulmate, being one in the touch, being there for each other. If they had a chance, they would never break the contact, never cease their ministrations.

Sadly, they still had to breathe.

Panting, they looked lovingly at each other after their break, devouring each other through their eyes. Every single action and reaction, every single gaze radiated love like nothing else could.

“I love you too,” Vinyl said lovingly before nodding to the package. “What would you like to do first?”

Octavia smiled as she looked through the objects. Knowing that Vinyl would insist on pleasing only her, she had a small plan. “You said today is just about me?” She asked and Vinyl nodded. “You want to make me happy, right?” Again, Vinyl nodded and Octavia smiled before continuing. “Well, it would make me happy if you would lay down on your back.”

Vinyl cocked her head, but she obeyed and laid down in the center of the bed, her forehooves tucked to her chest. “And now?”

“Now, you enjoy,” Octavia whispered as she slowly crawled closer. As Vinyl tried to object, she shushed her quickly. “No, you will stay down and let me do my work.”

It shocked Vinyl a bit how Octavia’s behaviour suddenly changed, the voice commanding, forcing her to obey while it send shivers down her spine. On her own, her legs relaxed and Octavia gave a soft purr as she caught a view between Vinyl’s hind legs as soon as her love’s tail relaxed.

“You said tonight is about me, but I want to give you something as well,” she gently whispered before leaning in and planting small and soft kisses on Vinyl’s hoof. “And of course, payback for the shower,” she winked.

Vinyl breathed in deeply as soon as her lover's lips touched her hooves. Of course, they weren’t as sensitive as Octavia’s, but with the right touch, you could make anypony squirm. Vinyl noticed this sooner than she believed, as Octavia extended her tongue to draw small circles on the sole of her hoof.

The roles were suddenly changed and Vinyl was at the mercy of her mare. Where she had pleasured Octavia’s hooves just minutes ago, now it was her turn being pleasured. The cellist copied her movements perfectly, doing everything to Vinyl that she had received.

But of course, she wasn’t done with just that.

As her mare stopped, Vinyl looked up, heavily confused, just to grin as she noticed Octavia looking through the package, fishing out two dildos. One, a smaller shaped, red one perfect for building up; and one bigger, purple one with slight nubs on the outside for the grand finale. She had no idea where the usually refined mare came up with her ideas and that new mind, but she loved it.

Octavia looked back and noticed Vinyl’s gaze and winked before leaning in again, trailing a line of soft licks down her hind leg and to her main prize. She gently lingered around Vinyl’s marehood, teasing her marefriend with gentle licks, never going further or between her labia.

After a few seconds Vinyl was already panting and complaining. “Tavi, teasing is bad!”

“You think so?” Octavia purred back, but decided to play along. “Well, I think you earned your reward,” she continued before serving a long lick directly between Vinyl’s labia, causing the unicorn to moan and her complaining to cease completely.

Octavia continued her ministrations, licking every drop of those sweet fluids up, making sure that her unicorn was ready. Once satisfied, she picked the smaller dildo up and placed it at Vinyls entrance, keeping her good time letting it stay there.

“You are such a teas-AH!,” Vinyl grumbled after a few seconds, just to end with a loud shriek as Octavia nuzzled against the small dildo, pushing it slowly between her labia and inside her folds.

“What did you say, my dear?” Octavia asked gently with a wink, only to receive nothing but a hard huff.

Smiling, she continued, pushing the dildo deeper and deeper. It was nearly completely gone now, and she noticed a small flaw. The dildos Vinyl had were meant to be used with magic, not hooves. She had a slight problem fishing the object out of Vinyl’s pussy again, just to fail. After a few seconds trying she huffed irritated before simply grabbing the end between her teeth and pulling it back, with that action she also nuzzled Vinyl’s clit with her muzzle, electing a rather loud moan.

“Guess I have to do it the hard way,” Octavia said as she came to realize that she would have to use her muzzle to make this work.

Vinyl giggled breathlessly, “As if that’s so bad.”

“Shush you!” Octavia giggled back before pushing the dildo back in, shutting Vinyl quiet except the loud moans and breathing.

The unicorn loved it. She loved everything Octavia was doing to her. If just two or three weeks ago, somepony had told her that would happen, she would’ve told them to stop dreaming. That it would never happen. That Octavia was much too refined and a classical mare, to do something like that.

Yet, she was here. On the bed on her back, legs spread wide while her marefriend fucked her with a dildo. I truly am in paradise, Vinyl chuckled silently.

“What’s so funny?” Octavia asked, pausing her ministrations to look up.

“Nothing,” Vinyl replied. “Just thinking I’m in paradise.”

Octavia smiled at her before continuing. It was harder and harder for Vinyl to concentrate, feeling the pleasure building up. Octavia noticed it as well, the moans getting louder while the breathing came more quickly.

She quickly pulled the small dildo out before grabbing the bigger one in her teeth and bringing it up to Vinyl’s marehood. Her neck already hurt a bit, but she was sure that it was worth it. Vinyl gasped as she gently pushed the fake cock deeper, the nubs on it massaging her innermost walls.

Vinyl knew she wouldn’t last long. The nubs on the dildo scratching her innermost walls along with Octavia’s muzzle that gently spread her labia open when she pushed the dildo further in, her breath gently massaging her clit. Her release came sooner than she expected.

As soon as Vinyl cried out, arching her back, Octavia was ready. Pulling the dildo out as quickly as she could, she latched her muzzle on Vinyl’s marehood, drinking greedily every spurt of marecum she was served. A small part in her brain told her that it was disgusting, that a refined mare would never do such a thing, but she ignored it.

She did it for Vinyl, and that was all that counted. Octavia would gladly do anything for her mare if it brought her joy and happiness.

Vinyl’s orgasm held for a few moments before ebbing down, leaving the mare exhausted on the sheets. “T-that was awesome, Tavi. You are awesome,” she breathed heavily.

“And I’m not done yet,” Octavia smiled as she pointed at the small flask at her hooves.

The unicorn gulped as her marefriend hungrily eyed her horn before crawling over her. But instead of going straight for her horn, she met her muzzle in a kiss. They poured all the passion and love they had into the kiss, so it wasn’t long until their tongues met, caressing and massaging each other gently.

While still kissing Octavia, Vinyl tried to focus her shaking magic and grabbed the flask. She did succeed, but it took her a bit longer than she expected to lift it up and open it before pouring a small amount of the Blueberry flavor on her horn.

As soon as she was done, Octavia hummed, quickly rearranging her gaze before moving further upwards. She served a long, hard lick from the base all up to it’s tip, making Vinyl shiver hard. She shivered even harder upon the next words.

“I want you to take your favourite out and please me while I please you,” Octavia asked with a wink, but still blushed.

To Vinyl, she was more beautiful than ever before, leaning over her, those loving, lavender eyes radiating so much love and care. She never wanted this night to end.

Before she could continue her thoughts, however, she was interrupted by another spike of pleasure coming from her horn as Octavia continued her ministrations, humming slightly as the coppery taste of Vinyl’s horn mixed with the blueberry from the flask.

Vinyl moaned, but she focused on the box and pulled up a long, grey, fake stallionhood, it’s shade the same as Octavia’s coat. She had to admit, she had bought it after moving together with Octavia, even if she had no idea then how it would work in the future.

Octavia took the tip of her horn in her mouth, gently suckling on it and breaking her thoughts again. Looking down, Vinyl noticed the clear invitation. Her mare had spread her legs as far as she could without risking her stability, a faint drop of fluid down her stomach making it more than clear that she demanded her action.

Gently, focusing on her magic, Vinyl brought the dildo up to Octavia’s nethers, gently rubbing it along her labia to collect the fluids and lubricate the dildo completely. Octavia was about to complain about the teasing, but Vinyl quickly pushed between her labia, muffling every response with a loud moan that vibrated through her horn as she gently pushed the dildo in.

It was a lot bigger than anything Octavia had tested with Vinyl before. She felt her inner walls trying to adjust to the intruder, but it was made a lot easier by her arousal. She knew she was extremely wet already, and she also knew that Vinyl had lubricated it well. Octavia knew she could trust Vinyl to go at a slow pace first, so she ceased her thoughts. All that mattered that night were actions, and the wonderful lover at her hooves she shared her love with.

She started lightly bobbing her head up and down Vinyl’s horn, feeling every ridge of her horn as her mouth and tongue caressed them. At the same time, Vinyl sped up, the fake stallionhood gently pushing in and out her marehood, leaving her legs tremble. Every moan she let loose was muffled on Vinyl’s horn, sending shivers through the unicorn.

Soon it was too much and Vinyl lost focus over her magic, not able to do more than let Octavia please her. The pleasure built up again, not taking as long as the last time. Octavia noticed it as well, the horn getting warmer under her ministrations and she knew what it meant. Ignoring it, she increased her speed, making Vinyl scream her name.

“Tavi… oh, Tavi, I’m-I’m!”

Octavia clamped her mouth on Vinyl’s horn as the magical release shot off. She knew it was probably a bad idea, but after it had done nothing bad when she had taken it up her marehood, she thought it couldn’t hurt that way.

Vinyl tried to hold still as her body spasmed, her horn shooting shot after shot of magical energy down Octavia’s throat. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt Octavia with the tip of her horn. She had always been sure that the tip was rounded over the last few weeks, but she still wanted to make sure. Her orgasm kept on far longer than the last one and soon Octavia had to pull off, the last strands vaping into the air like a colourful firework.

“Mhh, copper, blueberry and even a small hint of citrus and other flavors I can’t identify,” Octavia said as she smacked her lips.

“Damn it, Tavi. I’m too exhausted for my last plan,” Vinyl breathed heavily, her eyes closed as she tried to recover her last strength.

“Your last plan?”

“Straps,” Vinyl just said, pointing to the package.

Octavia peered inside to find a set of black straps, perfect to bind around somepony’s hips, and at one end were attachments for something. She pulled them out, along with a rather big, black, fake stallionhood with the matching locks to be attached to the straps.

“I wanted to be more than close to you. Hoped you would trust me enough to do so, but I really feel tired.”

“Hoped? Vi, I do trust you. And who said you have to do anything?” Octavia smiled.

“Uh, huh?”

“Just help me attach it and strap you on,” she giggled upon her own joke and Vinyl suddenly seemed a bit more active.

She helped Octavia in readying the strapon before pulling it up her legs so the fake cock rested between her legs, dangling slightly up in the air. Vinyl was about to ask how that should work now as Octavia crawled back upon her, perfectly aligning the strapon with her wet and moist pussy.

“I do the work, you enjoy,” she whispered gently.

“But today should be about you,” Vinyl complained, but was soon stopped as Octavia descended, the big stallionhood disappearing into her marehood among with moans and panted breaths.

Her eyes widened at how quickly Octavia took it, much more as Octavia wasted no time riding her mare, eliciting some soft moans from Vinyl as she strapon pressed down on her, the integrated vibrator going to work on Vinyl’s pussy.

Octavia had to admit she enjoyed herself. The whole night was a pleasant bunch of fireworks, everything tugging on the right place in her, making her coo in delight just at the thought what she and Vinyl could do in the future. She enjoyed being loved by Vinyl. No, she absolutely loved being loved by Vinyl, and she loved to love her back. All the feelings, everything showed up on that intimate display, telling each other that they were meant to be together, that they would never leave each other, stay forever together.

Before she could say anything Vinyl’s head suddenly shot up, catching her muzzle in a fiery kiss. She paused, surprised as Vinyl’s tongue quickly invaded her mouth, battling her own tongue. She was surprised that Vinyl had that much energy left, but was even more surprised as the strapon suddenly jolted deep into her, forcing a loud scream out of her muzzle.

Vinyl pushed her hips up, trying to take her mare to new heights as she served thrust after thrust. It was a bit awkward, and hard, for her to do so, but she was more than determined to serve Octavia a good time.

Both mare’s moans were muffled as they didn’t break their kiss, Vinyl humping faster and faster into Octavia’s pussy, trying to get as deep and as fast as she could. Octavia met her halfway, responding in kind as the strapon quickly took it’s toll on both of them.

Octavia screamed as she came, hard, breaking the kiss and throwing her head back. Her pussy clamped upon the fake stallionhood buried deeply into her, trying to milk it while her own fluids sprayed on Vinyl’s hips.

It was all Vinyl needed for her orgasm. Long and hard, her body spasmed with the highly addictive pleasure, surprising her that she still had the power for it. She was surprised by her actions overall, that she still was able to come up with the energy to pleasure her Tavi, her beautiful mare, but she wanted to make this right.

She wanted to make this the best night ever and she succeeded.

Octavia slumped down, her full weight on Vinyl as she lost her power, breathing hard and staggered as she tried to recover, the fake stallionhood still deeply in her. She didn’t cared about that. What she cared about was the mare under her, the mare she loved more than anything else, even her life.

“I love you so much, Tavi,” Vinyl whispered gently.

Octavia smiled, her energy quickly fading as sleep lulled her in. “I love you too, my wonderful Vi.”

They had no power, no energy anymore to tuck themselves properly in and clean themselves up. Sleep, wonderful sleep, took them as they were, Octavia exhausted on top of Vinyl, the strapon still firmly in her marehood.

The lovely breath and touch of each other was the last they noticed before sleep won over them, promising beautiful dreams after a beautiful night.

Family Lunch

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Chapter Sixteen: Family Lunch

Vinyl groaned. She hurt. Everything hurt. And it just wouldn’t stop.

Cracking an eye open, she was immediately greeted by a black curtain in front of her eyes, and something laying on her, breathing softly. Smiling, she lifted a hoof to cut through the curtain of black hair, chuckling at the sight.

Octavia was still on her, snuggled deeply into her coat and still deeply asleep. And based on the feelings down there, they were still connected.

Vinyl didn’t want to wake her, but everything hurt, and her attempts to use magic faltered. As if that wasn’t enough, some of her memory was missing.

Damn, how hard did we do it last night?

She chuckled silently before bringing her other hoof up, gently stroking her lover’s fur. Octavia was her everything, and more. Vinyl had no idea if she could even live without her anymore, and not just because of the great sex. The two had a connection. A real connection, one that went deeper than anything she had ever known before—ever imagined before

Just being near her wonderful mare set her heart beating harder than she had ever known, making her feel cared for and loved. It was everything she’d ever need in her life, and everything she hadn't even known it was missing. Now… now that she had it, she didn’t know how she had ever lived without it.

“Good morning, my love,” Octavia whispered, making Vinyl freeze. The grey mare giggled a little at Vinyl’s continued touch. “Having fun petting me?” She cooed as she leaned her head into Vinyl’s hoof forcing them to get closer.

“Always,” Vinyl smiled as Octavia lifted her head.

Octavia’s eyes widened as she felt a stinging pain coming from down below. “Ouch, everything hurts. Is… is it still inside?”

“I would have lifted you up, but… heh-heh, my magic is still a bit down,” Vinyl sheepishly replied. She was blushing, but not from embarrassment. It was due to the feelings she had for the mare.

Octavia blushed a bit as she raised her flanks, followed by a quiet moan as the fake stallionhood left her marehood, before she flopped down besides Vinyl. Her face contorted between a mix of pain and relief. “I think we overdid it a bit.”

“Do you regret it?”

Vinyl bit her lip, her face resembling that of a kicked puppy, and it made Octavia regret her words almost immediately upon seeing it. “No, I regret nothing,” she replied, leaning in to nuzzle her love gently. “In fact, I couldn’t be happier. Thank you.”

“No, I have to thank you,” Vinyl smiled. “Although, next time I will make sure that we use the shower gel on you correctly. This time I barely had any fun with it.” She pouted at that.

“Mhh, too cute to ignore,” Octavia said with a smile before kissing her.

It wasn’t as long or passionate as their kisses from last night, but it didn’t have to be. Just with this small kiss, both mares told each other exactly how much they loved one another.

“Soo,” Vinyl started. “What are we doing today?”

Octavia smiled, “Hmm, let me think… Tell me, does breakfast with the mare of your dreams count?”

“Ohh, so much confidence.” Vinyl grinned a sexy grin. “But I think it’s already time for lunch.”

“Then don’t forget to talk to Lyra today.”


“Did we damage your head last night?” Octavia asked playfully. “Lyra. The unicorn that could help you with spells?”

Vinyl scrunched her muzzle. “Hey, just because you literally bucked my brains and magic out through my horn… oh wait…” she stopped, chuckling. “Better not overdo it with that. Alright, I’ll talk to her later.”

“Yes, better stop it before we do something we regret,” Octavia replied with a soft lick upon her muzzle.

“So playful today. But you know I’d never regret anything I do with you.”

“What can I say? I have the perfect teacher. And I kind of like it, also,” the Cellist blushed.

“Ha, I…” Vinyl paused. “Who are you and where is Octavia?”

“Right here, you big goof,” she replied with a boop to Vinyl’s nose. “I’m still me, but I like the way I adjusted to you.”

Vinyl sighed. “I hope you really like it, because I’d hate it if you just did it for me.”

Octavia raised her muzzle, almost thoughtful, as if she were about to drop a bombshell. It made Vinyl’s muzzle break into a frown before Octavia grinned and said, “I really like it, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

They shared a nuzzle before Vinyl groaned, slowly getting to her hooves. “I gotta take a quick shower before making breakfast.”

“You said lunch.”

“Yeah, lunch. You really bucked my brain last night,” Vinyl chuckled before making her way to the bathroom.

Octavia caught herself looking at her lover’s flank when VInyl got up and left her room. Yes, just weeks ago her own behaviour would’ve shocked her. But not now. Not anymore. She loved it, she felt free, and with Vinyl she had everything she’d ever need again. Well, except her music maybe.

Flopping her head back onto the cushion, she hummed. Everything Vinyl had done would've normally shocked her, but It didn’t. She loved Vinyl’s touch, the… the uncouth art to her. To put it simply, she loved everything about her. Her unicorn had shown her new ways to live, ways to enjoy life completely. Ways she had never imagined before.

The buzzing of the doorbell interrupted her thoughts. Octavia grumbled as she rolled off the bed and walked to the hall and up to the intercom in the wall.

“Yes, who is this?” She asked after she pressed the button for the connection.

“Let us in, young lady, right now!” An all too familiar voice grumbled back, making her back up against the wall.

“F-father?” She croaked.

“Yes, now let us in!”

Octavia panicked. Instead of pressing the button for the door, she darted as quickly as she could to the bathroom. “Vi, oh my celestia, Vi! My parents are here!”

“What? You let them in?”

“Uh… no?”

“Alright, I’m nearly done, then you can shower. Let them in, I’ll take care of it.”

“Vinyl, no matter what they’ve done, I don’t want you to hurt them,” Octavia replied, her voice somewhat fearful.

“I won’t.” Vinyl said as she opened the door, stepping out before levitating a towel to her. “Press the buzzer, I’ll take over while you shower. Don’t worry about it, trust me.”

Octavia looked into her eyes. She immediately knew that Vinyl only mean well, and that she wouldn’t do something stupid. She knew it, even if she had no idea how. “Alright. Besides, I should really take a shower to be presentable before my father.”

Vinyl grinned before flicking on her shades. “Everything will be fine, you’ll see!”

They shared a brief kiss before Vinyl left the bathroom and quickly went to the main hall to press the buzzer. “Fifth floor, apartment forty-three!” She yelled into the intercom before making her way to the kitchen. She had promised her marefriend lunch after all.

Shortly after getting to work in the kitchen and levitating out several plates, there was a sharp knock on the door. Or rather more like a single bang. Sighing, Vinyl got to the door and opened it. She was a bit shocked upon the sight.

She had suspected that both of Octavia’s parents would be earth ponies, but only her mother was. Her father was a big unicorn stallion with a charcoal coat and grey mane, his eyes were a piercing fiery blue. His cutie mark was a blue note, one that was not too different from Vinyl’s own.

What shocked her the most was Octavia’s mother. Somepony could’ve fooled her telling her she was her twin. Maybe a bit taller, but that was it. Except for her light purple eyes and the blue notepaper cutie mark on her flank, she looked exactly like Octavia.

“Where is Octavia?” The stallion barked instead of a greeting before trying to push aside Vinyl and barge into the apartment.

“Hey,” Vinyl growled, standing where she was. “You are entering my apartment now, so don’t be rude and wipe your hooves. The living room is this way.”

“Do you know who you are speaking to? My name is Legretto Melody, you should bow before me and be pleased that such an elite as I am is visiting what you call home.”

Vinyl shut the door on his muzzle, turned around, and went back to the kitchen. It wasn’t more than two seconds later before she heard a very loud, very angry knock at the door. It was so powerful she was half surprised the door didn’t break in two.

Smiling, the white unicorn turned back around and opened the door with her magic. Legretto Melody was fuming, but in spite of that, it took all Vinyl’s willpower not to laugh at the redness around his nose. “Hell, you must be Octavia’s parents. If you want to come in and wait for her to get out of the shower, you can wait for her in the living room, but do wipe your hooves first.”

Legretto looked ready to shout at her, but before he could mutter a single word, Vinyl kept going. “However, if you’re just looking to throw your weight around, and act like you’re Celestia’s gift to Equestria, you can go back to where you came from. Because I’ve not the time or the energy to deal with stuck-up ponies. Your choice.”

She already expected Legretto to go on a new rant, but at least Octavia’s mother seemed to have some sense in her. “My dear, we agreed to talk with Octavia. No screaming around, no bad words. You promised.” The grey mare turned to Vinyl. “That sounds lovely, Vinyl is it?” Vinyl nodded. “Vinyl, we’d be happy to wait for our daughter in the living room.”

“Alright. Can I bring you anything to drink?” Vinyl asked.

“Glass of tea would be lovely, and please, call me Valeria,” she said as she wiped her hooves on the welcome mat. “Dear, don’t forget to wipe your hooves.”

Legretto grunted, but, amusingly, did whip his hooves. I like her already, Vinyl thought with a smile as she lead them both to the living room. Unsurprisingly, Legretto grunted at the thought of having to sit on such furniture, almost like his ‘royal derrière’ was above such things. But Valeria simply took a seat, nice and proper like Vinyl had suspected she would. The white unicorn grinned to herself again before moving into the kitchen to get some tea ready.

While she was curious about Octavia’s parents, she tried to let her focus rest on the food. For Octavia, she had made some spaghetti with her favourite pesto. Something, she knew the cellist loved. She just hoped her parents wouldn’t ruin it.

“Do you have any wine?” Legretto barked. “Not that I would suspect a kid like you have some.”

Vinyl wanted to lash out at him, but sighed. She had promised it to her mare after all. “Well, much to your surprise, I do have some. Left cabinet in the living room, the second door. Suit yourself, if you find something for your royal tongue.

Legretto was to set on a new remark, but Valeria settled her hoof on his back, so he just grumbled before going to the cabinet and open it. “A two hundred years old bottle of Griffonian wine? Filly, where did you get that?”

“Contacts,” Vinyl replied as she tasted if the spaghetti was al dente, doing her best to stifle her giggles.

“As if an unknown filly like you has contacts,” Legretto muttered silently.

“I contact your daughter all night,” Vinyl mumbled softly, grinning at that small, petty victory.

“What was that, dear?” Octavia’s mother asked.

“Nothing, just talked to myself while cooking the food.”

“What are you cooking?” Valeria asked in a pleasant tone that said she really didn’t hear what Vinyl had said.

“Spaghetti with pesto di prezzemolo.”

“That’s Octavia’s favourite, if I recall correctly.”

Vinyl laughed. “That’s exactly why I’m cooking it.”

Valeria wanted to continue further, but a harsh glare from Legretto quickly tied her tongue. Curious about the sudden silence, Vinyl walked around and looked over to the two of them. Legretto was glaring around the room, as if judging the room itself. Valeria simply sat quietly, almost as if she was trying to disconnect herself from the situation, as if she were forcing herself to keep her ‘image’ and not really enjoying the moment. Vinyl had seen that look too many times in Octavia, and that fact that she was now seeing it again in what was basically her older twin, well, it didn’t exactly sit well with the DJ. “Hey, Valeria, mind giving me a hoof in here?”

“I would mind,” Legretto said with a glare.

“I wasn’t asking you, and you are still in my apartment,” Vinyl glared at Legretto. “Besides, I’ll need some help making the food… presentable, to someone of your refined tastes.”

Vinyl grinned as she saw that her strategy had paid off. Legretto nodded to his wife and off she went, almost like it was expected of her to simply obey him. That sent a shiver of discontent down Vinyl’s spine, but she held back from speaking about it; for now.

“What can I do to help, dear?” Valeria asked with a kind smile. Whether or not it was forced, Vinyl couldn’t say. She suspected that Valeria was more than skilled at forcing it over the years.

“Could you make sure that the pesto is right? I would like it to be perfect for Tavi!”

“Tavi?” Valeria asked confused before her voice went down to a whisper. “You really love my daughter, don’t you?”

“With all of my heart,” Vinyl whispered back.

Valeria nodded before she went to the pot with the pesto, speaking louder. “This looks good, but it needs to be a bit more... refined.”

Vinyl wanted to reply, but at the same time she heard a gasp from the living room. “Father!”

“My dear daughter. Tell me, is this hole the sign of how far you’ve sunken? Where is your bowtie? And why is your mane not kept?” Legretto asked. “I taught you better than this. Your appearance is the first thing anypony notices about you.”

“Oh dear,” Valeria mumbled as she walked around the corner and back to the living room.

“I-I,” Octavia started to mumble. “I don’t-”

“You don’t what?” Legretto barked.

“She doesn't have to dress up in our home. There is no need for her to do anything in our home,” Vinyl gritted her teeth. “You better watch how you speak to my mare in our home or I’ll gladly show you the quick way out!”

It was what seemed to snap Octavia out of her daze and she quickly darted to Vinyl’s side. Vinyl gave her a nuzzle, much to Legretto’s disgust.

“How can you even dare to touch my daughter? You are a filthy filly, nothing more!”

Vinyl was to reply something, but Octavia surprised her. “Don’t talk to her like that! You both stopped being my parents years ago by leaving me behind! Vinyl cares for me and she is the best thing that’s happened to me ever since!”

Legretto looked like he has been just slapped. Sputtering, he grew redder and redder until he burst. “Come right here, now! Without me, you would be NOTHING!”

“No,” Vinyl said, stepping between the two. “You’re wrong. With you she’d be nothing. She is everything without you. Much more than she would be with you. If you simply want to offend my mare here, go. Go and never come back.” Vinyl’s glare of contempt was visible even through her glasses.

“You can’t talk to me like this, you incompetent musician!”

Vinyl flicked her glasses up with her magic, glaring at Legretto with her ruby eyes, making him take a step backwards. “I can talk to you like I want in our home. Octavia lives with me and it’s staying that way, no matter what you say. Behave and you can stay. Any more out of you, however, and I swear to Luna, despite my promise to your daughter, I will throw you out of the bucking window.”

“Octavia. Come to my side. If you stay with this filly, I will disown you. You won’t have a job anymore!” Legretto tried his best.

“I’ve got enough bits to finance any concert your daughter wants to give,” Vinyl said before looking at Octavia, noticing with delight that she had the pendant on again. “Look at this. This is a sight of true admiration and love I have for your daughter. I would do anything and everything for her!”

Valeria looked at the pendant, nearly choking on her breath, “Is that a... dragon ruby?”

“Yes, it is,” Vinyl replied while Octavia looked down, suddenly noticing how expensive the gift really was.

“They are some of the rarest gems in all known Equestria and world. How did you get this? How can you even afford this?” Octavia asked bluntly.

“I can afford it. And it wasn’t hard to find since it was for you,” Vinyl smiled sheepishly.

Legretto didn’t seem impressed, “Octavia, one more chance.”

Octavia looked up from the ruby to her father, and then to Vinyl. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to make do living with my mare then, won't I, father?”

Legretto looked taken aback by that. “I… I… I—”

“You’ve made an ass out of yourself, dear, that’s what you’ve done.”

Everypony in the room paused and turned to Valeria. The mare was glaring at her husband, almost as if years of barriers had just fallen in her mind and she was just now beginning to wake up. “You broke your promise to me, to Vinyl, and threw your weight around. So I’ll say it again, you’ve made an ass out of yourself.”


“Legretto,” Valeria replied with all the demeanor one might expect from a high class pony at court.

“You’re my wife!”

“And that’s my daughter you so casually dismissed. Wake up Legretto, she’s happy. She’s happy, she’s content, and found a mare that cares for her, deeply, in a way that you never had.”

“You can’t talk to me like that!” Legretto winced.

“You keep repeating yourself, my dear,” Valeria said. “Now it’s my turn to say something. You will either behave, sit down, and enjoy the time with our daughter. Or you risk that we lose her forever since you, in your wisest of all decisions, threatened to disown her.”

Vinyl smiled, before loud clacking from the kitchen demanded her attention. “Damn Luna, the food!” She yelled before quickly going back to the kitchen. “Legretto, do I have to set you a dish, or are you fine making your way out of the window?”

“I… I will stay.”

“What was that?”

Legretto coughed before replying louder, ”I said I’ll stay.”

Octavia didn’t know what to think. Thinking and her parted ways as soon as she had walked out of the bathroom and saw her father’s disapproving gaze. Somehow Legretto had been cowtowed into doing exactly what her marefriend had wanted; a first in the time she had known him. Her mind couldn’t process this turn of events, much less the fact that both she, and her mother had stood up to him. She was left standing there, staring at her parents, speechless.

That ended when she felt a peck on her cheek. “Wanna come help me set the table?” Vinyl asked as she walked from Octavia and to the dining room table.

“Sure,” Octavia replied as she turned around and stared at Vinyl.

Vinyl, you are amazing to me.

Legretto glared at both mares, his mind fuming. He couldn’t believe this, couldn’t believe that her daughter was a fillyfooler and had taken such a ruffian as her marefriend. Yet, he couldn’t say anything anymore.

“What did you cook?” Octavia asked as she set the table with Vinyl.

“Something you’ll love,” Vinyl replied, grinning.

Octavia grinned at that as she carried a few more plates and cups to the table. Her mother came over and helped her out, setting them around the table at different spots in a manner she knew would make Legretto at least somewhat happy. They had pushed him into a corner, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t to be at least somewhat respected.

“You chose well,” Valeria said under her breath.

Octavia looked up, shocked. “What?”

Valeria smiled and nodded at Vinyl, who was still busy with the spaghetti in the kitchen, although she could tell it was about done. “I must say, I am impressed. I think she also impressed your father too.”

Octavia laughed, then stopped when she realized that her mom wasn’t joking. “You… you… you are serious?”

“Indeed I am,” Valeria giggled silently. “Octavia, I can see that she makes you happy, and by the looks of how she defends and cares for you, you make her happy as well. That gift alone, I can’t even begin to count how many bits she spent on you.”

“Give me a clue at least, I doubt Vinyl would tell me.”

“Well, the last and only dragon ruby I’ve seen in an auction in Canterlot was a bit smaller and got sold for over a thousand bits, my dear.”

Octavia’s jaw dropped and she nearly lost the plate in her grip as well. “A thousand bits and it was smaller?” She looked down to the pendant resting cooly on her chest. “I don’t really care if she gifts me something expensive as long as it is from her, but this is still…” she stopped, a tear coming to her eye. “And she is doing this just for me.”

Valeria smiled at that. “We go to great lengths for the ones we love.”

Octavia looked up, confused. “What do yo—”

There was sorrow in Valeria’s expression at that. “Octavia, I—”

“Food’s ready!” Vinyl shouted as she levitated in several steaming hot bowls of food to the dining room.

“Hmpf, at least she’s able to levitate, so maybe not totally useless,” Legretto grumbled silently, but Octavia still heard it.

“She can do far more than that, I can vouch for it,” she glared silently at him.

“Heh-heh, maybe not today, if you remember, my love,” Vinyl smiled sheepishly. “Still sore.”

“We better not discuss this at the table, Vi,” Octavia blushed.

Legretto laughed. “I would love to hear what crippled you enough to not being able to do more than levitating!”

Octavia was about to stop Vinyl, but then she decided against it and rather than feeling ashamed, she found she was rather… fond of last night.

“Well, I’m crippled thanks to your daughter’s amazing tongue work and riding skills,” Vinyl said bluntly, winking to Octavia.

“Oh, dear,” Valeria said as she looked surprised between her daughter and Vinyl, all the while Legretto was outright shocked.

“What did you two do?” He growled before turning directly to Octavia. “What did you do? Touch this filthy piece of garbage?”

It was enough, even for Octavia. She loved Vinyl with all her heart, and loved what she did to her, what they were doing. It was enough to make her stand more than directly against her father. “I’ll have you know, even if it is none of your concern. We made sweet love last night, and it wasn’t the only time. It left us so sore, I was barely able to walk and she pretty much spent all of her magic.”

If there was even possible, Legretto got even more red than a ripe tomato. He was fuming, searching for something to say, for something to get his daughter away from that white mare. He found nothing but a glass in his grip. “You disgusting little—” he stopped suddenly to flick the glass towards Vinyl with his magic.

Just as suddenly, his daughter in the line of fire.

The last thing Legretto noticed was the glass shattering against Octavia’s head before Vinyl leaped at him, turning his world in different shades as her magic hit him.

Regrets, Truths, and Surprises

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Chapter Seventeen: Regrets, Truths, and Surprises

“Ouch,” Octavia groaned, her eyes still closed as a sudden pain throbbing through her head disturbed her.

She heard noise around her: a loud and content beep to her left, soft snoring to her right. When she opened her eyes, she had expected to be in bed, with Vinyl at her side, but it wasn’t like that at all.

Instead she was greeted by blank walls and the beep of an electrocardiogram to her side. She was definitely in a hospital. Gently lifting her head, she saw the identity of the pony laying next to her. It was her mother sleeping at the side of her bed, not Vinyl as she hoped.

She sighed as parts of what happened came back. Lifting a hoof to her head, she noticed that it was heavily bandaged near her temple.

“What… what happened,” she mumbled, but it was still loud enough to wake Valeria.

“You’re awake? That’s good,” Valeria smiled before letting go of a small yawn. “We were so worried about you.”

“What happened? Where is Father? Where is Vi?”

Valeria chuckled before her expression turned serious. “One question at a time, my dear. For your father, he is also in the hospital, just in another room. Your marefriend is currently at the guard station in town.” Seeing that ‘that’ explanation wasn’t enough, Valeria sighed before continuing. “You stepped in Legretto’s way as he attacked Vinyl. The glass hit you near your temple, knocking you out. As soon as the glass hit you and you went down, Vinyl lost it and attacked him. She broke a few of his bones and cracked his horn.”

Octavia’s eyes went wide and she laid her head back down, groaning. “She broke her promise to me, but she also tried to defend me. And you said she is at the guard's station?”

“Yes, your neighbours called for the guards after a while,” Valeria nodded. “I think their names were Lyra and Bon Bon. Both were utterly concerned for both of you.”

“Didn’t the guards listen to you or Vinyl? That f- Legretto attacked her, hitting me?”

“They didn’t listen anymore as soon as Legretto told them who he was. They just cuffed Vinyl and took her with them,” Valeria said with a wince.

Octavia groaned and closed her eyes. It was nearly too much to comprehend, to process. Everything could be ruined thanks to that day. “How late is it?”

Valeria glanced over to the window. “If I had to guess, around late eve. You slept for several hours. Thank Celestia the glass missed your temple. The doctors said from the power of the impact you could’ve been dead.” The last words were barely sobbed as Valeria pressed her head onto the bed. “I’m sorry for everything that happened.”

“It’s not your fault,” Octavia sighed. “It was always father suppressing you.”

“That… that is not true.”

“What do you mean?”

“I was the reason we left Trottingham and you behind,” Valeria whimpered.

Octavia just blinked. “What?!”

“Do you remember it? Your father… he wanted to take you with us to Manehatten and then Fillydelphia. I knew what it would mean for you. You would leave the Orchestra and be under his hooves. He even wanted to take you into his own company,” Valeria stocked. “I just couldn’t bear it. So I talked to him. Telling him you would be forced to shine brighter, like a star, if we left you alone. That you would have to fight for your living and would make him proud with it.”

“He took it, I guess,” Octavia replied sourly.

“He did. As soon as he saw a bright future for you as his famous little daughter in leaving you behind, he quickly agreed and prepared everything. And, as you know, just a month later, we left,” Valeria ended, tears in her eyes again.

“I was just a filly!” Octavia roared up. “You left me with nothing but a few bits for the first few days and a house! If it wasn’t for Baritone, I would be dead!”

“I asked Baritone to look out for you and he gladly agreed,” Valeria cut in. “Anything was better than the fate that would’ve befell you under Legretto’s hooves.”

“And why now? Why did you decide now to stand against him? To stand for me and Vinyl?”

“Because your marefriend opened my eyes. She showed no fear,“ Valeria smiled a bit before sighing. “Something I learned to show every single day. But what amazed me the most was how quickly she stepped up for you. She would do anything for you. Everypony—even a blind one—could see how much she loves you.”

Octavia smiled at the thought of Vinyl before she lost it again. “And you asked Toe-Tapper to spy on me.”

“No. Your father asked him to write every few months to tell us how you managed. Then, when he reported you weren’t at home anymore a few weeks ago, Legretto really took it hard.”

Octavia spat. “Oh, did he feared his precious daughter wouldn’t be famous enough to bring him some money?”

Valeria didn’t say anything to it, but her expression told her daughter everything. Minutes passed in silence, before Octavia came back to her worry about Vinyl.

“What about Vi? You said she’s at the guard’s station?”

Valeria winced. “Well, in prison would be a better word for it…”

“You have to be joking…”

“She’s not, but you don’t have to worry anymore,” a third voice mixed in, making Octavia and her mother perk up.

“Spitfire!” Octavia smiled as the yellow pegasus walked through the door. “What are you doing here?”

Spitfire snorted. “Trying to save Vi from years in prison.”

“You have interesting friends, Octavia,” Valeria noted, but said nothing more.

“Well, if not for your husband, I wouldn’t have to be here and leaving my mare alone at the academy along the other recruits,” Spitfire glared at her before turning back to Octavia. “I talked to the Captain of the guards, and he agreed to let Vinyl free after she answered a few more questions.”

“Thank Celestia,” Octavia mumbled before her ears perked up. “Wait, your Mare? So does that mean this Rainbow Dash and you are together?”

“I would call it more ‘friends with benefits’ at this point,” Spitfire’s cheeks were burning a bright crimson, something quite noticeable against her yellow coat. She quickly coughed, ”Vinyl should be out in a bit, just watch that she doesn’t do anything stupid again.”

“Are you going back again?” Octavia asked.

“I have to,” Spitfire chuckled before stepping close, reaching over the bed to hug Octavia. “I will visit both of you, that’s a promise.”

“We would love to have you and your marefriend with us.”

Spitfire blushed again, “I wouldn’t get too far ahead of yourself with that. I don’t even know if she likes me more than...” she paused, trying to find the right words. “More than just physically, you know?”

It was Octavia’s turn to sport a small blush, but she nodded. “I think I understand. I hope we will see you again soon, Spitfire.”

The yellow pegasus winked before leaving the room. Octavia noticed that she never really talked to Valeria, as if she was somehow at fault as well for what happened. The grey mare winced. To some degree, her mother was one of the reasons everything had happened, even if she only had good intentions in her mind.

“She loves you both dearly,” Valeria said.


“As a friend, I mean. She is going out of her way for you. Just like your neighbors.”

Octavia paused to consider that. She thought about how much Spitfire had been there for them, even how much Lyra and Bon Bon had. A smile crossed her lips as she realized that her mom was right. But that alone wasn’t the true realization. That realization came from the fact that she now knew, in her heart, just how much her friends meant to her, and how much she meant to them.

“I really do have great friends,” she said with a smile.

“This turned out better than I had hoped,” Valeria sighed. “With everything your father tried to do over the years, I feared he would drop everything and force you to work for his company, just like he did with me.”

“What do you mean?”

“Octavia, my cutie mark is not a pen, not a phone and not a pot of coffee. My destiny is not to be his secretary, my destiny is to write music. To create music,” Valeria replied sadly.

“But then why did you… I mean… why?”

Valeria looked up at her daughter sadly. There was real pain there, real regret. But with it, the strangest thing: a small, infinitesimal spark of love, joy. It was so small that a pony could look at her muzzle for a thousand times a thousand years, and be forgiven for never seeing it. But now that Octavia had seen it, she couldn’t not see it. It was as obvious to her as the sun in the sky.

“You did it for me?”

Before Valeria could even nod, a voice called out from down the hall. “What do you mean she’s up?! How come you didn’t tell me?!”

Even with the sense of pain, loss, and melancholy in the room, Octavia couldn’t help but crack a smile upon hearing that voice. Valeria too. “Your marefriend, she is a rambunctious one.”

“You do not know the half of it,” Octavia said back with a smile.

“You chose well,” Valeria replied.

The sound of clopping hooves on the hospital floor told Octavia her next words would be her last before Vinyl stormed in. “That is where you are wrong, mom. I did not choose to fall in love with her, I just did; and it was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

“Octavia!” Vinyl shouted as she ran into the room and jumped up on the bed, paying no heed what-so-ever to any injuries that she might cause by doing do. Based on the tears in her eyes, it was a miracle she could even see at all.

Valeria watched as her daughter was reunited with the love of her life. She mumbled her next words, so low that not a single pony in the room heard it. “Trust me, daughter, I understand better than you could ever imagine.”

“Tavi,” Vinyl said, kissing her mare. “Tavi,” she mumbled again,” followed by more and more kisses until she paused. “How are you?”

“I would be better if you got off of my stomach,” Octavia replied, giggling.

“Oh, sorry!” Vinyl quickly stepped to the side, but stayed on the bed, cuddling up to the cellist. “Can you forgive me? I just freaked out after he hit you.”

“You promised me you would not do anything stupid,” Octavia said in a pout, before smiling and kissing Vinyl gently. “But you defended me when I got hurt, so I guess I can let it slide. For now.”

Vinyl smiled sheepishly. “I’ll make it up to you.”

They both stared into each other's eyes, every motion and gaze radiating pure love. They gently closed distance again, that is, until a loud cough disturbed them.

“Could you please do that later?” Valeria asked, her cheeks reddened.

“Oh,” both mares quickly blinked, pulled back from their thoughts.

“Well, what now?” Octavia asked. “After this, I doubt Legretto will leave us in peace.”

“Please, he comes near you again and I’ll—”

“You won’t do anything at all. Spitfire said you should cause no more trouble. And yes, ‘no trouble’ means no trouble, not even a little,” Octavia glared.

“Not even a little—”


“Just a small—”

“NO!” Octavia shouted, then blushed at the sudden outcry.

“Alright, alright. But what then?”

Valeria sighed. “Well, Octavia is legally an adult so Legretto can’t force her to come home with us. That being said, he can use his influence against you.”

“What do you mean?” Vinyl asked.

“What she means, is that Legretto bought the whole concert hall just moments ago and fired the entire orchestra, including all building’s staff.”

All three mares turned to the door to see Baritone stand in it, obviously furious.

“He closed the hall! Said he would simply tear it down and build something new for his company!” Baritone spat.

“He can’t do that!” Vinyl shouted.

“He can,” Valeria said. “He can and it seems he has.”

“But, it’s, I’ll…”

“Vinyl, please,” Octavia placed a hoof on her coat. “It’ll be okay.”

“What do you mean okay! You can’t play at the—”

Octavia silenced Vinyl with a kiss before saying, “Because as long as I have you, it was worth it.”

Vinyl smiled at that before being interrupted by Baritone. “That’s great for you, but what about the rest of us! We all got fired because of your lover’s spat with your dad!”

“I am sorry, Baritone,” Octavia said as she looked down at the sheets on the bed. “I did not expect this to happen.”

“When it rains it pours huh?” Vinyl asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, when we went to talk to Sassaflash it ended in a fight too, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised history repeated itself.”

“That is… surprising to hear from you,” Octavia said.

Vinyl chuckled. “What can I say? As much as I’m rubbing off on you, the same could be said the other way around.”

“Are you saying I actually managed to teach you some manners?”

“Don’t stake your hopes too high, Tavi.”

Octavia pouted, before her expression clenched. “My head hurts.”

“The doctors said you should rest. Vinyl, Baritone, you can come back later,” Valeria shushed them out of the door, but couldn’t stop Vinyl from kissing her daughter one last time with a promise to be back later.

“What are we going to do now?” Baritone asked as they made their way out of the hospital.

“I’m going to kick his flank!” Vinyl growled.

“You know what she said, there has to be another way.”

“Yeah, it involved my hoof pressed up against—”

“You promised. You really going to break your word to Octavia?”

Vinyl paused. “That’s not fighting fair,” she said after a minute.

Baritone smiled at that. “I think the saying is that everything is fair in love and war. Now, if you would excuse me, I have to find a new place for my orchestra.”

There was a pregnant pause before Vinyl suddenly asked, “What if I do it?”

“Do what?”

“Find you guys a new place to play at.”

“How would you even do that? I doubt that anyone… no offense, please, would allow us to play with you being our… advertisement to them. And even if you did manage to find one, the places that could house us? Well, they’re on the rather expensive side of several million bits,” Baritone smiled slightly.

Vinyl glared at him, “I can do it!”

Sighing, the stallion stopped. “Alright. I’ll give you one week to manage something. If you do succeed, I will take everything negative back that I ever said about you. If you fail… don’t come to rehearsals or concerts again. Ever.”

“You know I like seeing Tavi play.”

“That’s the price,” Baritone said. “If I wait one week for you to maybe succeed, I could lose any chances I may have and the orchestra might fall apart. If I were you, I would go to the City Hall and start searching.”

“Alright, I’ll do it. But you’ll see that I can make it happen. For Tavi, I can do anything.”

Baritone could only shake his head as the white mare gallopped away, leaving him in her dust.


“What do you mean there’s nopony searching for an orchestra, or anypony to make music at all for their place?” Vinyl asked.

“That there is nopony searching at the moment, miss,” the stallion behind the counter replied, already bored with conversation.

Vinyl growled. “Damn it. Are there any places being sold that could house an orchestra? Or even just a hall?”

“One moment please,” the stallion muttered before taking up a folder, looking through it. “We only have two places that would fit for your, rather lacking, description. The first is the old Trottingham Theatre, but it is rather old and falling apart. The next would be the old orchestra hall in the eastern city, but it is still in use and rather expensive.”

“How much?”

The stallion looked at her before sighing. “While I doubt you can afford any of it, fine. The old orchestra hall is on auction for a minimum entry of one million bits. The Trottingham Theatre is on sale by its old owner, currently for two hundred and eighty-eight thousand bits.” He stopped, suppressing an amused snicker. “But even if you could afford the theatre, it’d probably cost a few hundred thousand bits to get it renovated and safe again.”

Vinyl chewed on her lower lips, before her eyes went wide. “Damn, that’s a whole lot of bits.”

“Right. If you don’t want to buy any of those objects, please excuse me now,” the stallion grumbled before closing the counter’s blinds .


“You need what?!” Neon asked.

“I need four hundred thousand bits from you,” Vinyl replied bluntly.

Neon tried to calm down from his almost heart attack. “Sure, let me go to my ‘Celestia’s fund for dumb ideas’ and pull out those bits. Four hundred thousand you say? Heck, that’s nothing, I’ll write you a check for twice that amount. Yeah, I got that lying around. Hang on I’ll pull it out of my flank.”

Vinyl just gave him an ‘are you done’ look.

Neon’s false smile went away when he finally accepted that this wasn’t a joke, Vinyl was really asking him for that amount. But just to be sure, he asked, “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

“Yep,” Vinyl replied. Her tone was no-nonsense. Which in and of itself was unusual for her.

He sighed. “Let’s say I got the bits. Why should I give them to you?”

“Because I need them for Tavi. I screwed up. And because you won’t have to pay me anything for the next two years if you do it,” Vinyl replied.

“Two years?” Neon asked. “That would save me… giving or take some bits, a hundred thousand more than you’re asking me for. Why would you do that?”

“Because it’s for Tavi.”

He chuckled at that. “Damn, I knew you liked her, but… this much?”

“She’s… she’s my everything, Neon.”

“This is for real, right? Not a fling, not something you’ll get bored of and move on?”

“Neon. Do you remember the check you gave me for the last big party? The one hundred thousand bits?” Vinyl asked.

“It was nothing. You nearly made me rich that day,” Neon chuckled.

“That money is gone.”


“It’s gone. I bought her a pendant with a dragon ruby,” Vinyl smiled sheepishly.

“A dragon ruby? Are you out of your mind?!” Neon screeched.

“No, quite the contrary,” Vinyl chuckled. “I love her, Neon. If she agrees, I would even marry her someday.”

“That you know a word like ‘contrary’ is enough proof for me,” Neon laughed before getting serious again. “Alright. Two years no payment. Oh, and you got only two days left to find me the new pony for the wiring!”

“Dang, with the guards and hospital, I nearly forgot,” Vinyl sighed before grinning. “Alright, I can do it.”

“What do you need the bits for, by the way? If you don’t mind me asking?”

“I’m going to buy and renovate the old Trottingham Theatre so Octavia and her orchestra can play there since her father fired them,” Vinyl said with a smile.

What?!” Neon asked, for what felt like the hundredth time that day. “Alright, noted, don’t ask anymore questions,” he quickly added, taking up his check-book. “Four hundred thousand bits. Take care of it and please don’t just sink it into a pool of bottomless love.”

Vinyl looked at the check. So many bits, just for one mare. Was Tavi worth it? Was she worth every trouble she could have with that? She had no idea what running such a building would mean. Was it all worth it?”

Yes, Vinyl answered herself, smiling. Tavi is worth every single bit in this world. She is worth everything.

Past and Future in our Hooves

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Chapter Eighteen: Past and Future in our Hooves

Vinyl whistled happily on her way home. In her magical grip was a roll of parchment, on her back, a sack full of bits. She knew Octavia needed her rest and she wasn’t done anyways, so she decided to go home. The theatre wasn’t ready anyways and she wanted everything to be perfect for her mare.

I did it, Vinyl grinned. Now I just need somepony to renovate the building.

She was pretty sure that that couldn’t be too hard to find. After all, she knew there were a few companies specializing in building and restoration. The only thing left on her mind was if the rest of her bits were enough.

“If it's not enough, I have to find a new way. I can’t let Tavi down,” Vinyl said to herself. “I’m not going to let her down!”

Easier said than done. Neon surely won’t lend you more bits.

“Shut up, brain, I know what I’m doing,” Vinyl growled silently.

That would be the first time ever.

Vinyl chose to ignore her inner voice, not wanting to look like an insane mare to anypony around her. Still, she knew the voice was somewhat right. The stallion at the city hall told her it would cost several hundred thousand bits if she was unlucky, yet she didn’t think much of it.

Without knowing, and deep in her thoughts, she reached the apartment complex. She blinked before sighing and entering, taking the elevator to her floor and her apartment. She blinked again at the sight of the grey mare dusting around.

“Tavi, your home already!?”

“I’m sorry, dear, but Octavia has to stay in the hospital,” Valeria chuckled sadly. “But I thank you for still mistaking me with my daughter, even at my age.”

Vinyl cocked her head. “You don’t look old.”

Valeria’s chuckling turning into full size laughter. “Oh Vinyl, I’m far, far older than you think. How old do you think is Octavia?”

“Uhm. Twenty?”

“She is twenty-six, and I had her in my twenties. Now think.”

Vinyl’s jaw dropped. “You’re over forty? No way!”

“Yes, way,” Valeria sighed. “But once your life goes on for that long you don’t feel the age anymore. I stopped really celebrating my birthday when I got forty.”

“Oh. Well, maybe it is time to celebrate with your family again.”

Valeria smiled and shook her head. “Maybe. What do you got there?” she asked then, pointing at the scroll still in Vinyl’s grip.

“Look for yourself,” Vinyl grinned and levitated the scroll on a table near the mare.

It took some time, but as the seconds passed, Valeria’s eyes grew wider and wider. “You really did this? For Octavia?” Before Vinyl could answer Valeria rushed to her and hugged her, nearly crushing Vinyl. “Thank you.”

“Too. Tight,” Vinyl sputtered out and Valeria quickly let go while the white mare sported a blush. “Tavi is my everything, I would go to Tartarus and back for her. There is just one problem with the building.”

“And that would be?”

“It’s not safe and has to be renovated,” Vinyl sighed and took the parchment back in her magical grip before continuing. “I should find somepony that can turn it into a gem, but I barely have a hundred thousand bits left.”

Valeria looked at Vinyl and saw that it meant everything to her, that she wanted to do it no matter the costs. Smiling, she remembered the time when she first met her husband. They weren’t that much different. “Let me tell you something,” she started, her mind already settled. “Give me the parchment and let me take care of everything. You take those bits to the bank and save a bit for you and my daughter.”

“But… I can’t accept this! The renovation could cost several hundred thousand bits. It’s too much!” Vinyl complained.

“Shush! You helped me, and especially my daughter. Accept it as a small thank you,” Valeria smiled.

“Rather a big thank you…”

“Give me the parchment, Vinyl.”

“Octavia will kill me.”

Valeria chuckled. “No, she won’t, because we will both say that it was you and you alone.”


“Vinyl, accept it. I won’t give you any other choice,” Valeria smiled. “Now be a dear and give me the parchment.”

Vinyl growled for a while before sighing and levitating the parchment to Valeria. “Alright. Now what?”

“You let me take care of everything. I’ll tell you once it is done.” Valeria paused before looking Vinyl straight into the eyes. “I trust that you’ll look after Octavia while I’m busy doing this.”

“I will.”

Valeria smiled as she took the parchment into her mouth and walked out of the apartment, leaving a stunned and thoughtful Vinyl behind her.


Octavia blinked her eyes slowly open, letting loose a small yawn. As soon as she took in her surroundings, she knew something was very wrong. She was on a grey leather couch; the very same couch she had in her old house.

But she wasn’t in her old house anymore, was she? She was in the hospital with her mother and Vinyl at her side.

The grey mare hit her head slightly with her hoof. Besides a quick, sharp pain, nothing changed. It was still her old living room with the grey couch. Before she could start to think everything over, a loud knock from the hallway startled her.

Before she could see what was wrong, the knocking came again, this time much louder. “Octavia, what are you doing that is taking so long?! We are going to be late!”

This is way too familiar…

“For Celestia’s sake, Octavia, please get out here!”

She slowly made her way to the hallway. This was very familiar. It was just months ago, but she still could see it clearly. Just that, at that time, she was in her bathroom, not on the couch in the living room.

There was another loud knock and this time she heard the sound of the poor wood from the door being nearly smashed she remembered so well.

“Octavia, where are you? Is everything alright?” Toe-Tapper’s voice sounded more concerned now, which she remembered as well.

Nearing the door, she carefully asked, “Toe-Tapper, is that really you?”

“Please, open the door, Octavia! We’re going to be late!”

That’s not exactly how I remember it.

Quickly grabbing her Cello from a stand she opened the door to reveal Toe-Tapper with a very worried expression. “There you are! Let’s go, we’re late!”

The quiet walk was exactly the same from her memories. They walked quickly without much words, reaching the Concert Hall in a matter of minutes.

Wait. There is no Concert Hall anymore. Father bought it… What is going on?!

Octavia was starting to panic slightly, but still followed Toe-Tapper into the building, right into Baritone’s arms.

“What took you so long?” he asked annoyed. “Toe-Tapper, you were supposed to get her over an hour ago!”

Feeling the urge to step in Octavia sighed, “Please stop it, Baritone. It is not his fault, it is mine.”

“Well, how could I be mad with you, Octavia?” Baritone suddenly smiled. “Now hurry up, on the stage!”

Octavia was scared. Everything went like somepony had decided to rewind the tape in her head and play her biggest fear over again. At that time of the past she wasn’t ever about to admit it, but she feared the moment that could come after the concert.

Her fear reached its apex as they bowed in front of the publicum, the piece at its end. She had no intention of going home, but she still silently packed her cello up as Baritone went to her side.

“I’ve known you for six years, Octavia. I have seen you playing, crying and thinking. Every time you play, you concentrate on your cello and you become fully focused on it. This time it… it was different.”

“Huh?” she asked, a bit surprised.

“You smiled. At one point you even cried while playing! Something’s bothering you Octavia, isn’t it? Whatever it is, it must be quite a big deal.”

Octavia hesitated before smiling sadly. “I better go home. I don’t feel so well, Baritone. Have a nice evening.”

She practically runned out of the concert hall, trying to avoid everypony on her way. Outside, she stopped and as the first flake hit her nose, she shivered.

Oh no, please no, she silently begged, but continued her way.

Her heart beat a mile per hour as she walked the way home she took over a hundred times in her life, familiar with every street. As soon as she was near the small alley she remembered so well, she heard it. The quick, laboured breathing that was barely hearable.

Her heart stopped as she followed the sound, walking into the alley. She noticed everything, Vinyl completely covered by the snow while just the blue of her mane poked through it.

She couldn’t think anymore. Vinyl was so cold. The love of her life, freezing to death. She didn’t want to think anymore as her vision blurred. “No, Vinyl, no! Please, don’t go! SOMEPONY HELP ME!”

Everything was silent as the breathing slowed, more and more until she couldn’t hear anything anymore. Poking and embracing her mare, she tried to wake her up, but to no use. Her tears flowed freely as she snuggled into her mare, feeling the heartbeat growing slower, frantic even as if her heart wanted to continue, then nothing anymore.

“Vinyl… no, please no. Don’t leave me, I love you!” Octavia sobbed as the snow covered her and her world turned black. “No…”


Vinyl was lost in her thoughts on her way to the hospital. After deposing the bits at the bank, only one thought left her without peace. She was worried about Octavia and their future. It was more than clear that Legretto wouldn’t leave them alone. And now that Valeria was on their side he would only grow worse.

Why can’t life be easy for once?

It was a question she had no answer for. Ever since her birth, life threw rocks into her way, trying to stop her one way or another. School, her mother, her career. Everything gone until she met Octavia.

Tavi, she smiled. She turned everything around. Giving her a chance, a place to live even if she was unbearable at first. She gave her love; more than she ever hoped to get.

Now everything seemed to reset to start with Octavia’s father coming into their lives. Vinyl knew that he would do more than just throwing rocks in their way, and she also knew he had the bits to back everything up.

The question is, how can I protect us from him? I doubt that Valeria can do much against him.

Her thoughts wouldn’t leave her alone until she reached the hospital, going up to Octavia’s room. What she found there, shocked her and stopped her heart.

Octavia was squirming in her bed, hooves thrashing around and her eyes fluttering.

“No, please, don’t go. I need you,” she mumbled in her sleep, her expression full of pain.

What is she dreaming? Vinyl asked herself as she walked closer. Her answer came soon.

“Vinyl, don’t go! You can’t leave me here! Don’t die, please!” Octavia suddenly sobbed, tears making their way down her muzzle.

Vinyl didn’t waste any time. She went to her side and shook her, “Tavi, wake up! You’re dreaming!”

Octavia trembled more and more in her grip until her eyes shot open. “What?! Vinyl! You’re alive!” she cried, hugging the unicorn to her with all her might. “I thought you left me,” she sobbed.

“I would never leave you, Tavi,” Vinyl calmly said, nuzzling her marefriend. “You just had a bad dream, that’s all.”

“Oh Vinyl, it was all like those months ago. You in the alley… I found you, but this time you died in my hooves!” Octavia cried, clinging on Vinyl.

“I’m here,” cooed Vinyl, “I won’t leave you, you are my everything, after all.”

“Please, never go,” Octavia whispered as she slowly broke away from the embrace. “I can’t live without you anymore.”

Vinyl chuckled. “As long as I live, I will never leave you, and give you all the love I have.”

“So poetic, who are you and what did you do to Vinyl?” Octavia asked with a faint smile.

“As I said, as much as I’m rubbing off on you, you’re rubbing off on me too.”

“You should still never change.”

“As you wish, my lady,” Vinyl replied before leaning in for a kiss. One Octavia was all too happy to lean in.

Octavia poured every single emotion, every drop of love she had into the kiss, making Vinyl coo slightly. Before the unicorn could react, her tongue pushed forward, teasing Vinyl’s that soon replied with a gentle care.

They had no idea how long the kiss took, maybe it was an eternity, but still too short for both mares. Octavia smiled before looking around the room and blinking confused.

“Where did my mom go?”

“She had to take care of a few things, she will be back later,” Vinyl smiled, guilt creeping over her. “But I maybe found a place where you and the orchestra can play.”

“Really?” Octavia asked. “That would be wonderful! You truly are the best!” she said before leaning in for another kiss. “What would I do without you?” she asked after they broke again.

“You would still play at the concert hall, just without a distraction like me,” Vinyl said.



“Don’t think that of you,” Octavia growled. “You are a wonderful mare. Yes. You have flaws, but so do I and so does everypony! Before you, I never had a life. I didn’t go out much, stayed in my home, drank tea and coffee and did nothing but go to the rehearsals and plays. You changed it, you gave me a life,” she stopped to kiss a tear from Vinyl’s muzzle away. “You gave me a life full of hope, love. Thanks to you, I feel cared for!”

Vinyl had no idea what to say, so simply hugged Octavia closer again. “Thank you, Tavi. You are my beautiful star in this cruel world.”

Life might have plans. And life might not be easy. But both mares knew that as long as they had each other, everything would be possible. And no matter what life would throw at them, they would shield and love each other until death decided to take them from this world.

For the Family (Special)

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Chapter Nineteen: For the Family (Special Character Chapter)

Valeria smiled as she left the apartment, the parchment still in her mouth. She knew exactly what to do and she hoped that she could repay her daughter for some of the pain she had gone through by helping her marefriend. Even if Octavia wouldn't know that she had participated in this, it would be worth every single bit in the end.

Her first stop lead her to the city hall. There was no architect marked in the texts to the theater, but she figured that city hall had kept records of it. Valeria wanted to involve somepony that knew how that architect had worked, and for that she needed a name. Out of experience she knew that if she had the right pony do the renovations, the theater would shine just like it did in the past, maybe even brighter.

Quickly, she reached city hall and walked in, straight to a counter where a bored stallion sat. Valeria dropped the parchment on his desk and smiled as she asked, “Excuse me, sir? My name is Valeria, and I would like to know the name of the architect of this building. There is nothing noted in here.”

The stallion, still with the same expression, took the scroll and looked over it. “Ah, the theater that crazy mare bought. If you ask me, it's a waste of time and bits,” he murmured. “But I'll go to the archives and take a look, see if we have it on file.” With that, he left, slowly walking through a door.

He looks like Legretto's secretary; completely bored after doing the same thing for years, Valeria thought.

She waited patiently for a few minutes before the stallion came back with a pretty old looking folder, thoroughly chewed on by time. He set it down and opened it, making Valeria gasp at the date. The theater was over 800 years old, which made it almost as old as Celestia’s castle.

“Um… Is there a chance that someone is left who knew the architect or part of his design after so many years?” She asked the stallion.

He grunted. “The chances are pretty much nill, Well…” he paused as he examined the records a second time, just to make sure that he had read it right. “Actually there is a pony that knew him. The stallion that built the theater was Quick Nail, his main residence was Canterlot. And he build it on permit of... Princess Celestia herself. But I seriously doubt the princess will have time to help you.”

“Is there any harm in asking?” Valeria cocked her head. “Anyways, thank you very much,” she added before taking the parchment back.

“Hmpf, good luck, you’re gonna need it.”


“You want to go where?!” Vinyl asked, eyes wide.

“I have to go to Canterlot to ask the only pony that knew the architect for advice,” Valeria replied. “You want it to be the best theater in the world for Octavia, don't you?”

“Of course!”

“Then I have to do this. Will you accompany me to the hospital? I have to talk to Legretto and to Octavia, if she is awake.”

“Yeah, just don't expect me to come with you to your husband,” Vinyl said, growling.

Valeria chuckled. “I think we have had enough violence for the time being.”

They silently exited the apartment and started walking, just as Valeria caught up, a random thought occurred to her. “Are you going to marry my daughter someday?”

Vinyl gasped and almost tripped over her own hooves. She blushed and averted her gaze, trying to avoid Valeria’s. “I… umm… what do you ask for?”

“Just being nosey,” Valeria said with a smile at how flustered Vinyl had become to such a simple question. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”

Gulping, Vinyl said, “I thought about it, yeah.”

“I won’t lie, I always wanted grandfoals, but I guess as long as you make her happy, it's enough for me,” Valeria sighed playfully.

“There would be a way.”

“Pardon me?”

As answer, Vinyl tapped her horn. “Unicorn, remember? There are… certain spells that allow mares to get a foal.”

Valeria smiled knowingly. “You’ve researched the matter?” She pulled upon all her experience not to let her grin give away just what she thought of that little tidbit.

“We discussed it a while ago, together. About… foals I mean,” Vinyl replied and then stood up a little straighter. “I… I like the thought of a little filly that looks like Octavia running through our home. Or maybe a mixture of us both? I couldn’t help but go to the library one day and researched the matter. I just have to learn the spell and we're good.”

“That is extremely interesting. I never knew that was even possible,” Valeria said while humming to herself.

“The spell is pretty new, only a few years old. Before it, the only ones capable to… do such things were alicorns. And I doubt that any of the princesses would cast a spell on me just to have foals with Tavi.”

“Don't underestimate the generosity of our princesses,” Valeria replied. “They are far more like we are than we think. They are ponies, we just tend to forget about that.”

“Well, I still doubt they would've done it with what the spell does...”

“What does it do?”

Vinyl blushed heavily. “You don't want to know, really.”

Valeria winked. “Vinyl, I might be an old mare but I definitely got one or another experience that would do more than just make you blush.”

That in fact made Vinyl's cheeks even more aflame before she sighed. “It gives you a stallionhood for one time use,” she said, barely audible.

Valeria grinned, much to Vinyl's surprise. “Now that is interesting. I don't need Legretto, you say?”

“Uh...” Vinyl said, seemingly not knowing what to say.

Valeria just replied smugly. “I do play for both sides.”

Vinyl just stared at her before her eyes went wide. “Oh. OH! Did you ever… you know?”

“Being ravaged to an inch of my life by another mare?” Valeria asked softly and Vinyl nodded. “Plenty of times, my dear Vinyl,” Valeria said before smiling again. “And you?”

“I’ve made many mistakes in my life,” Vinyl winced. “The biggest, however, was to sleep with my best friends and others on various occasions. Only mares, never stallions. Still, before I met Tavi it was the only life I knew and it nearly destroyed me. Your daughter… she is the most wonderful mare I’ve ever met. Yes, sometimes she is a stick in her flank, but I guess she got that from her father, since you seem nice.” Vinyl stopped herself. “Even if she said you forced her to learn all those languages and proper behaviour.

“Yes, I did to protect her from my husband.” Valeria cut in. “Legretto always told her that her first impression counts, nothing else.”

“Not really true, but anyways. She gave me a new life, and love. For the first time since I could remember, I was head over in love. And then...” Vinyl blushed before coughing. “Our first night was like it was also the first time ever for me. Your daughter made me a better mare.”

“Sounds like you two really found each other,” Valeria winked. “I know that Octavia is likewise fascinated by you, I can see it in her eyes. You make my little girl happy, very happy indeed.”

“I'm glad that I can make a mare like her happy,” Vinyl chuckled.

“If I were just twenty years younger,” Valeria sighed playfully with a wink towards Vinyl, making the unicorn blush.

“Valeria, if you don't mind, why the change now? After what I've heard from Tavi, you’ve been under Legretto’s hooves for years. Now… I don’t know, I can’t picture a pony like you letting anypony step over her.”

Valeria's smile vanished in a sly second. “I had to hide myself, Vinyl. When I was at Legretto's side, that wasn't me. My cutie mark isn't a pen or something that says my destany is to be my husband's secretary. No, Vinyl. My destiny is to write and create music, something Legretto never allowed me to do, but it’s something I plan on taking back, to relive my passion, from now on.”

“Why don't you stay here?” Vinyl blurted out.

“Pardon me?” Valeria blinked.

“Stay here. We’ve got a spare bedroom, Octavia is near you and...” Vinyl stopped, blushing a bit. “You could work for me, in the theater. You could do what you’re meant to do, what your destiny is. Given, I can't offer you a fortune like Legretto, but you would,” she stocked again before smiling. “You would be here with your family.”

Valeria opened her muzzle to say something, but quickly shut it again. She had no idea what to say. This mare had only known her for a day, less than a day, and she’s already welcomed her into her home, her family. A family she wanted to have with Octavia, and she… she invited her in. “Do… do you mean it?”

“Of course, I'm sure Tavi would agree.”

“I don't know if I can simply go. Legretto will be furious,” Valeria tried to avoid Vinyl's gaze, sighing, but the unicorn didn't let go.

“I thought you decided to finally do what you're meant to do? I doubt that he will allow this, so why not leave him?”

Valeria hesitated, tears slowly forming in her eye as she tried to explain it. “Vinyl, even after everything he’s done… I don’t chose to, but I do still love him. It sounds irrational and totally stupid, but I still love Legretto, even if it is more his past self I love, a self where he was caring, loving, and kind. A stallion that any mare would be lucky to have...”

“I… I think I know what you mean. My friend,” Vinyl stocked, coughing. “My former friend, Sassaflash. I hurt her, used her, everything. Yet, she still loves me. So I guess I know what you mean.”

“I will think about it, but please give me some time. It's not an easy decision to make,” Valeria whispered before sighing. “But it sounds like a lovely idea.”

The rest of the way walked in silence and they quickly reached the hospital. Casting only a sideway glance, the nurse at the desk nodded to them and they moved onwards to Octavia’s room.

“She’s still asleep,” Valeria smiled as they opened the door. “There is no need to wake her, would you stay here while I talk with Legretto?”

“Good luck with that,” Vinyl snorted silently before sitting down the chair next to Octavia.

Valeria smiled as she left the room. Her departure was noticed, but not observed as Vinyl only had eyes for Octavia anymore. It was a smile that soon vanished as the door was shut and she walked towards her husband’s room. The way seemed to her like a thousand miles, her hooves simply carrying her without her notice until she stood in front of the room. Already, she could hear Legretto’s voice.

“I don’t care what you have to do! I want you to make sure that her life is destroyed. I don’t care, just do it!,” Legretto’s muffled voice growled before going silent again.

An emotion she hadn’t known in quite some time overcame Valeria: burning anger. She couldn’t describe it as anything else. Knowing that he had talked about Vinyl, she opened the door and stomped to her husband. “And just what are you planning to do to her!?” She demanded furiously.

Legretto blinked before his expression hardened. “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

“Don’t give me that! You are trying to hurt Vinyl, I heard it!”

“Don’t be silly, Valeria,” Legretto snorted, waving his hoof.

The daggers Valeria shot out through her eyes would have killed most stallions thrice over. Legretto wasn’t most stallion though, he took it as a personal attack. “Don’t you dare look at me like that.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, maybe I should just copy the look you’ve given me for the past ten years,” Valeria said as she turned up her nose at him, as if to say he was a pile of excrement that should best be avoided.


She lowered her nose and glared at him. He was angry, very angry, and it was no directed right at her. Somehow, Valeria didn’t care. At this time, at this moment, he wasn’t a multimillionaire stallion with the power to destroy anypony he wished, he was but a broken pony laying in bed, trying desperately to cling onto the last shred of dignity he had.

“You know what? I’m done with this. Do what you want, send your dumb employees after me, I don’t care! Just so you know, I’m moving out and don’t even think that I’m coming to work in the future;” Valeria spat and turned.

“You wrenched mare! I will destroy you and everypony you have ever loved! No matter where you go, you can’t hide! I will find you, and that dumb unicorn; I will destroy you!” Legretto shouted after her before the door muffled his screams.

Valeria leaned against the door and dropped to her haunches, breathing hard. That was not how she had imagined it. Hard and loud, yes, but not like this. She had acted without thinking, but somehow, she knew it was the right decision.

She just hoped she could live with it.


The train ride to Canterlot was quiet, but not for Valeria. Her mind screamed, questioning her sanity about what she had done. Valeria had to admit that she acted in anger, not thinking what consequences it might hold.

Legretto haunted her in her thoughts, along with his stallions that would no doubt trying to destroy her life now. Not only that, she had placed Vinyl and Octavia in even more danger. Something that would increase tenfold if she moved in to them.

But isn’t that what you want? To live with Octavia, bury old times and start new with your daughter?

Yeah, but you just painted an even bigger target on your daughter’s back you dummy. You’ve seen what he does to ponies he hates, and you just made yourself into one, and then made it it easy for him to strike at everypony all at once.

Oh sweet Celestia, what have I done?

You stood up for yourself, that’s what you did! He’s an awful stallion, husband, and a bad fuck.

Despite herself, Valeria couldn’t help but smile at that.

But I… I…

You you what?

I still love him!

You don’t, and you know it. You just use it as an excuse to justify being with someone that bad for you for this long.

But, he gave me Octavia…

Diamonds are found in the dirt, but you shouldn’t wallow in the mud after picking them up.

He’s going to hurt her…

He always did. Now you can change it. You can help your daughter and your marefriend. You can repay Octavia for years of pain and loneliness.

“Excuse me, Miss, we’re in Canterlot.”

Valeria looked up in shock at what the pony said. She looked around, seeing an empty cabin and a train worker standing over here. Somehow, she had gotten so lost in thought she hadn’t even known they had arrived. “Umm, yes, thank you. Sorry…”

“No problem miss. But if I may ask, is everything okay?”

“Fine, I’m just here to see the princesses.”

“Oh, well you better hurry then. They end the day court in ten minutes, after that you’ll have to wait to get an audience with them until tomorrow.”

“Oh no!” Valeria said as she got up and started to gallop out of the train.

“It’s right up main street, Miss!”

The grey mare took off at a full gallop as soon as she was able, running right past a group of ponies. Her actions startled a yellow pegasus so badly she jumped to the side and hid in some nearby bushes.

“Oh, wow! Did you see that? That mare was all like whoosh, and ‘Shy was all like eep! And she was all like—”

“Yes, Pinkie, we saw.”

Valeria kept running, she felt bad about startling them so, but simply didn’t have time to apologize at the moment. If she saw them again she promised herself she’d go out of her way to make it up to them. But not right now.

Her hooves carried her down the street and straight to the castle gates. Her momentum enough to made her speed through the gates and past a few surprised guards, that didn’t even had the chance to ask her what she wanted. All she cared about was to reach the court in time.

Several guards eyed her suspiciously but none bared path, though they were tempted. Princess Celestia long ago handed sticked orders down how they were to behave and that a desperate pony was not an enemy. However, whereas the guards didn’t stop her, as an earth pony running for her life was hardly a threat, the large set of double doors to the throne room did.

Valeria paused, panting and sweating at the entrance to this. She was tired, exhausted, her mane was a mess, and her lungs were desperate for air. In a word, she was everything that Legretto despised, everything he had insisted that she not be. If she went in now, her first impression on the Princesses of Equestria would be of a middle age mare that didn’t care about her looks, that didn’t worry about the impression she left upon the most important ponies in all the land.

Somehow, that felt right. She smiled and pushed the door open with a hoof.

Inside the throne room two royal guards posted on either side of the door stood up a little straighter, one of them called out, “Princess Celestia, it seems you have one more visitor.”

When Valeria looked at the other end of the room, she cringed a little. Celestia appeared to be on the way out the door. She looked tired, but happy. Conveying the presence of a ruler that had exhausted herself after a long day’s work, but in a good way, in a way that all but said she took pride in what she did, even if it was time for a nice deserving break.

“Oh?” Celestia said as she looked back behind her. She saw who the guard was talking about, the grey earth pony that looked like she’d fit in with the high-class nobles if only she hadn’t just ran all the way from who knows where.

To top it all off, it was a pony she recognized too.

“Miss Philharmonica, I didn’t expected you in Canterlot before the next Gala,” Princess Celestia said in surprise. What do I honor your visit?”

“Princess, I’m not my daughter, but I thank you for mistaken this old mare for a youngling,” Valeria bowed.

Celestia chuckled a little as she walked back to her throne while waving Valeria closer with a wing. “I know who you are, Valeria Melody. Forgive this old mare her joke.”

“Wait, you… you know me?”

“Of course. You’re daughter is my future go-to for any event I hold,” Celestia said teasingly. “And you two look so much alike that I couldn’t help but remember form the first time I laid eyes on you together. What was it… fifteen years ago? She was just a filly at the time.”

Valeria was speechless. “You… you honor me, Princess.”

“Nonsense, the honor is mine. But my dear, what brings you to me in such a state? Did something happen?”

Valeria had to draw upon all the experience she had over the years not to gasp in shock. She had seen Celestia before, even talked to her, but she had never expected this sort of greeting, never expected to be remembered. Even as the wife of a noble, she wasn’t that important. Their conversations had been nothing but platitudes.

It took everything she had not to break down in tears. Something she couldn’t stop in the end.

“Did I say something wrong?” Celestia asked, but Valeria shook her head.

“It’s all because of me. I try to help my family, but I doomed them. My husband is not… he is not my husband anymore. Too much has happened,” Valeria sobbed.

Celestia walked forward and wrapped the crying mare in her hooves. She held her tightly, as a mother would hold her foal. “Shhh, it’ll be okay, tell me everything.”

Valeria found herself incapable of talking, she just cried into Celestia’s chest. For the first time since her own mother had held her she felt safe, warm, and loved. It was as if she were reliving her foal hood all over again.

White wings wrapped around her and in a flash of magic, they were someplace entirely different. The shock of being teleported caused her to look around. The room they were in was smaller, but no less grand for being so. It was a room designed for comfort, the comfort of the most important pony in Equestria, Celestia herself.

“We’re… we’re in your room?” Valeria asked.

“I figured you might be more comfortable here.” Celestia said as Valeria pulled away.

“This isn’t right, I shouldn’t have bothered you with—”

“Nonsense. You’re one of my subjects and I want you to tell me everything.”

“Princess, I…”

“Don’t make me make it an order.” Celestia said with a sly smile.

Valeria looked at her in shock, and then smiled when she realized it was just a joke. “Princess…”

“Please, let me know how I can help.”

“But don’t you… I mean, I’m just…”

“Just one of my subjects, and I care for all my little ponies equally. That includes you, Valeria,” the princess said as she wiped away a tear from the grey mare’s eyes.

“Princess…” Valeria started before sighing. “Twenty-six years ago, my daughter Octavia was born. Everything was fine, but it was only the beginning of something bad. My hus- Legretto, told me she would have to quickly learn to be a good mare and worth his name. We sent her to an residential school and we… we teached her to be a noble, to always be better. That was our first mistake. We pushed her, and Legretto… he made my live horrible. My destiny is to create music, but Legretto held me as his secretary, his personal slave. I feared for my daughter, so I made Legretto abandon her, leaving her behind in Trottingham. She found a nice mare to live with but… but Legretto found out and he tried to force her to come back. Now I did something terrible and put my daughter and her Marefriend as a high target,” Valeria rambled until she had to breath. “Oh, what have I done?” she cried out at last.

As Valeria had told her story, Celestia listening intently and took in every word. She was tired, that much was obvious, but that didn’t stop her from taking in every single nuance, from picturing it in her mind. “Your husband, Legretto, he’s done this sort of thing before?”

“Ex, but… yes. I’ve seen it first hand.”

“Ex husband?” Celestia asked, more for clarification than anything else.

“Um, yes, princess. I’m done, i don’t care what happens, I can’t go back to that… stallion, I can’t sacrifice myself to protect my daughter from him, I did that for years and it failed, he still finds ways to hurt her.”

“He’s… hurt her?”

“Not physically, not before he threw the cup at her marefriend and hit her on accident anyway. He’s more… subtle than that.”

“I see,” Celestia said as she looked down at the bed for a moment, as though lost in thought. Then, suddenly, she levitated over a book from the wall and started to open it, as though looking for something in particular.

“Princess?” Valeria asked after a long moment of silence filled only by the flipping of pages.

When Celestia spoke again, there was a small change in her tone. It was noticeable in only that it was different. What it meant was anybody's guess. “Valeria, it seems to me your husband has really good advisers working for him, well, good in the sense that they know how to let him do what he wants.”

“Princess?” Valeria asked, confused.

Celestia placed the book down, spun it around in front of her, and grinned a little. “He used his daughter against you, so that you’d stay with him. Because if you left, he’d lose half of everything. His company, his fortune, and his employees. But it seems like this event caused him to make a small mistake, he let his anger overpower his reason.”

Valeria’s eyes went wide as she read the page over and over again. Celestia was right, the law was clear on that subject. As his wife, she was entitled to half of everything he had, half of what they had. To top it off, divorces in Equestria were rare, very rare, as such they—especially noble divorces—were overseen by the princesses themselves. Celestia would be acting moderator for it.

“I… this… I…”

“Excellent!” Celestia said and clapped her hooves. “I have the needed paper sent to you by the end of tomorrow.”

“Thank you,” Valeria bowed deeply “Thank you sooo much.”

“It’s my pleasure, Valeria,” Celestia said with a smile. “I’m just sorry you didn’t come to me sooner. I put these laws in place for this very reason, and while they prevent most cases, nothing will prevent everything.”

“Thank you, thank you.” Valeria started to cry again. Save this time, it wasn’t because her world was crashing down, but because it finally stopped. And to top it all off, this was a game changer. She knew that Legetto wouldn’t be able to intimidate Celestia, that his money couldn’t buy this pony off, no matter how much he might wish it. He had truly dug his own grave.

“Anytime,” Celestia’s words were like a boon that healed her heart. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”

Valeria paused, she had been so caught up in her issues she had almost forgot the other reason she had come here. Pulling out a scroll out of her saddlebags, holding it to Celestia who took it in her magical grip. “But I was usually coming here for this. You know the stallion who built it, I think.”

Celestia opened it and examined the plans. What she did next surprised Valeria, which was saying something in a day full of surprises, she chuckled. “I do indeed, he was an old friend of mine. Are you planning on restoring it?”

“Not me, your highness.”

“Please, call me Celestia.”

“Celestia,” Valeria said with a blush. “My daughter’s friend. Well, her marefriend. She wants to fix it up so that Octavia can play there.”

Celestia’s smile grew ten fold. “I think that’s a marvelous idea. In fact, I know just the pony that might be able to help. My own personal architect, and Quick Nail’s great-great-great-great grandfoal, though he doesn’t know it. ”

“Princess?” Valeria asked, confused.

“I do expect two tickets to their first showing though. If that’s not to much to ask,” Celestia replied with a wink.

“Of course not, princess. She’d… we’d be honored to have you.”

Tears fell freely from Valeria’s face, and she couldn’t bring herself to care if they ever stopped. Today had officially gone better than she could have ever dreamed, and she knew that it was just the start of something amazing.

What I've waited for

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Chapter Twenty: What I’ve waited for

For the second time that day, Octavia awoke. She still didn't feel well, but there was something nearby that made everything better. Right in front of her eyes was the peaceful expression of Vinyl, her face only inches away. She was snoring, but Octavia couldn't care less. The love of her life was with her, protecting her, and caring for her.

Octavia closed the short gap and laid a small kiss on Vinyl's muzzle, but still enough to wake her up. Blinking her eyes open, Vinyl's sleepy eyes quickly focused on Octavia and she smiled. “Good morning, beautiful.”

“Good morning to you too,” Octavia said, giggling and gently nuzzling her unicorn.

“Valeria still not here?” Vinyl asked, raising her head a bit to look around.

“I don't think so. Maybe she is with father. Why are you asking?”

Vinyl frowned. “Because I don't trust Legretto.”

Octavia blinked. “You really like my mother?” Then she frowned. “It's not because we look like twins, right?”

“No,” Vinyl panicked. “She's just cool! I swear, you’re the only one for me and— Why are you laughing?”

“Because it was a joke!” Octavia snickered.

“Funny,” Vinyl deadpanned before continuing. “I'm concerned because she stuck her muzzle out to help us and Legretto won't like it. And we’ve both seen what he can do when angered.”

“You’re right. Maybe mother can come live with us?”

“I kind of... already asked her that.”

Octavia raised an eyebrow. “And what did she say?”

“That she needs time. That even if I couldn't understand it, she still loves Legretto.”

Octavia snorted. “After everything he did to her? To us? I can't believe it.”

“So... you’re okay with it?”

“Mother still loving him?”

“No, her moving in?”

“Oh. Yes. Why would I not be?”

Vinyl rolled her eyes. “Because of your past? I know I should’ve asked you first, but I just wanted to help her and then-”

Octavia gently nuzzled her before drawing her into a kiss. It was a short one, but it stopped Vinyl's rambling. As they broke, she smiled softly. “Vi, you do not have to defend this decision with me. Everything is fine and if mother decides to stay with us, I can live with it.”

“You say that as if she is a criminal you can only accept.”

“I have not forgiven her yet.”

“I never said you had to, not right away anyway. But, Tavi, she is your mom. You only get one of those. Do you really want to stay mad at her forever?”

Octavia thought about that for a while, long enough for an uncomfortable silence to fall upon the room. At last she asked, “Then what should I do?”

“Well, you could start with simply being nice to her. If she accepts my offer and moves in with us, you two could start to spend some time together. If she won't accept, you could visit her from time to time. I'm sure that in time you two will be good with each other again. It was always Legretto who was the idiot, not your mom.”

“That… that was surprisingly deep coming from you, Vinyl.”

“Glad I can still surprise you from time to time,” Vinyl replied dryly, her tone telling Octavia everything she thought of that comment. .

“I'm sorry,” Octavia quickly replied, followed by a kiss. “You know I don't mean it in a bad way.”

“I'm wondering what the doctors will say if they storm in to check up on you and find me by your side in bed,” Vinyl grinned.

“I don’t really care.”


Octavia smiled. “Having you close by makes me feel better. You make me feel better; and is that not why I am here? So, like I said, I do not care if they see us or not.”

Vinyl smiled as she cuddled up once again. “I love you.”

“And I love you too.”


Valeria lost track of time as she ran to the train station. The princess herself had gone out of her way to make sure she’d get on her train. Here, she should meet Celestia's personal architect. She just hoped he was nice and could help.

Lost in her own mind, she thought back to Octavia and Vinyl, hoping that Legretto wouldn't try anything stupid while she was gone. Yet, she couldn’t shake the feeling that Legretto would make them pay once he found out she was no longer there.


Valeria jerked up, her mind coming to an abrupt halt. She had expected everything, but not this. A young pegasus mare with blue coat, yellow mane, and fresh cerulean eyes was hopping towards her, six guards in her tow. She stopped in front of Valeria, smiling. “Are you Valeria Melody? The princess asked me to renovate your theater and make it the best in the world!”

“Actually, it’s the theater of my daughter's marefriend. I'm just trying to help,” Valeria answered with a smile before raising an eyebrow. “Celestia mentioned you were a stallion, not as a mare.”

“My grandfather is sick, so I’m doing this job,” the mare replied.

“So you know the works of Quick Nail?”

The mare's eyes went wide. “I simply love his work!” She gasped before stopping and holding a foreleg up. “How rude of me, my name is High Build.”

Valeria raised her own hoof and shook it, “It's nice to meet you. But we’ll have to save more formal introductions for later, the train leaves in ten minutes.”

High Build sighed, “The princess couldn't decide how many guards she would need to send, so she sent three unicorn and pegasus guards. I don't know why, but she said you would need them. Oh before I forget, I should give you this!” She quickly added and reached into her saddlebags with a wing, pulling a scroll out that sported the seal of Princess Celestia.

However, Valeria wasn't looking at the scroll. “Your wings are really long, that’s unusual.”

“Oh?” High Build extended her wings, showing them off before folding them again. “They were always bigger than the others, and they’re stronger! You can't imagine how much of a help their size is if I have to carry materials for the construction sites. Also they’re good for what my name implements. I build Canterlot and Cloudsdale towers, the highest buildings in Equestria!”

“That sounds impressive!” Valeria said. “You’ll have to show me some of the buildings you’ve built later.”

High Build blushed. “Well, really, I mostly just planned them.”

Valeria gave her a smile before finally noting the scroll and unrolling it. The content wasn’t much of a surprise.

Miss Melody,

Attached to this scroll is a permit you have to give to your husband. Once he takes it, he will be arrested by my guards and brought to Canterlot. I will send you details for the date of the council for the divorce. I expect it to cause a scandal, but I don’t doubt that you’ll make it through just fine.

Have the strength to stand up and continue your own path.


Princess Celestia

Valeria resisted the urge to open the attached permit. She would simply wait until Legretto opened it, already looking forward to see his face.

“Miss Melody? Is there something funny?” High Build asked as—with its final two passengers onboard—the train started to move.

Valeria wasn’t sure when she started to smile, but as soon as High Build said those words, she realized she was. The earth pony rolled up the letter and stuck it in her pack. “Hours ago I felt like my whole life just came crashing down. Now, with this one letter, I have a feeling that everything is going to be just fine.”

“I’m confused…”

“It’s a long story,” Valeria said with a sigh.

“Well, we got a long train ride. I’d love to hear it.”

Valeria cocked her head ever so slightly as she stared at the mare directly in front of her. There had been something… naive about her from her first impression, like she was trying too hard to be friendly, but with another look, Valeria realized that High Build wasn’t trying at all, she simply was that friendly, that nice. It was… refreshing in a way. “Sure, it’ll pass the time. It all started back when…”


“And that’s the summary of my life, including the last few hours since I arrived in Trottingham,” Valeria said, sighing.

High Build’s ears twitched as she looked down. “You have to be really strong to live through that for all that time. I’d love to get my hooves on that unicorn and teach him a lesson.”

“Why would you do that?” Valeria perked up.

“Love is something you have to earn. You can’t force or demand it. Everypony that can’t see or understand that isn't worthy of the feeling,” High Build said with a growl, something that caused Valeria to jump a bit back, since it was the total opposite to the cheerful mare she just met hours ago.

“You seem so young and yet you understand this better than most others.”

High Build scrunched her muzzle. “I’m twenty-nine, and yes, I do. A few years ago I was almost married myself. My… marefriend was my everything. But then she found out about some weird religious group and did some pretty nasty stuff.” She sighed before continuing. “I tried everything to keep her from doing the wrong thing, but she wouldn’t listen. Seeing her hurt other ponies… my feelings for her faded with time. She wouldn’t accept it.”

Before Valeria could ask, High Build lifted her right foreleg and held it to the side, offering sight of a long scar from the foreleg over her chest. “Oh, my…” Valeria whispered.

“Since she couldn’t get my love for free anymore, she tried to force it. This is the result of that,” High’s voice was low and full of venom. “I had enough. Finally, I took my stand against her and went to the guards. I’ve never seen her since then. So I know pretty much what you’ve been through.”

“How can you still be so happy with that?”

“Because it’s the past and I learned that not everypony is like her,” High Build smiled. “Sure, it hurt, it hurt worse than any pain I’ve ever known before or since, but…”

“But?” Valeria asked when the silence grew unbarable.

“But it was worth it. Don’t look at me like that, I loved her, and she me. For a time anyway. I still remember the good memories, the good times with her. How we’d lay in bed for hours when we didn’t have to work, just holding each other. I can still feel her heart beating against my fur. I still remember the butterflies I used to get when she’d kiss me, or whisper sweet nothings in my ear.”

“But… doesn’t that make it worse? Make the hurt worse I mean?”

“It did, for a time. But I stopped looking at it like that. It’s like Princess Celestia told me. She said that the reason the hurt was so painful was because our love was so strong. And that I shouldn’t look at love as the price of hurt, but at hurt as the price of love.”

“I… Um… what does that mean?” Valeria asked, she wasn’t used to being confused like that, but that statement confused her beyond belief.

The smile on High Build’s muzzle was back, it was the smile of a mare whose wisdom defined her age. “It means that such pain only comes from such love. That we risk our hearts because the joy is worth it. Not the other way around.”

“I… I don’t understand.”

“You will, one day you will,” High Build said with a smile as the train started to come to a stop.

“You are wise beyond your tears. I could be your mother and I still understand barely any of that,” Valeria mumbled.

“Time will teach you, more than you could ever want to know,” High Build said back as she got up to collect her belongings. “You already experienced the pain of such love. The wisdom will follow soon.”

Valeria shook her head. There was no time to think about it. She had something to deliver and then work to do. “I first have to go to my husband and… give him the letter. Afterwards you will meet Vinyl, the marefriend of my daughter who bought the theater.”

The train came to a stop and the two mares stepped onto the platform, followed by their silent company of guards.

“Lead the way,” High Build said with a smile.

“It’s not far,” Valeria replied as she moved on. “Sadly I don’t have wings to make this faster.”

“Don’t worry! I may be a pegasus, but I kinda like to walk a bit. Especially with company this nice..”

Valeria blushed a bit, but quickly walked forward, trying to keep her gaze from the young mare.

Stop reading into it. You are just nice company, she scolded herself silently.

The truth was, Valeria had loved talking with the young pegasus. She was quite intelligent and wise for her age, not to mention very pretty. Her personality was interesting and Valeria found herself getting slightly attached to the pegasus.

However when her gaze lingered a little longer than she meant, Valeria was busted as High Build’s eyes locked upon her own. The older mare blushed and faced forward, her pace noticeably increased as she lead the way to the hospital for the eight ponies.

Keep it together, you could be her mother! Valeria sighed innerly.

They walked in silence, only the noise of the street and city keeping it from being awkward.

As they ascended the stairs of the hospital, for the first time one of the guards spoke up. “Miss? I think it is better if we go first. Which room is your husband in?”

“Room eighty-nine,” Valeria replied as the stallions hurried past her. “I can't wait to see what will happen,” she added, smiling.

“Doesn't it hurt?” High Build asked.

“Why should it? I'm free, and more importantly, so is Octavia.”

“Think about what I said. Maybe you'll see very soon,” High Build said before growing silent again.

They entered the hospital a few seconds after the guards, Valeria was not surprised to already hear some muffled screaming waving down the stairs.

“Let's get this over with,” she said, sighing. Talking about it had been one thing, now that she could hear him, that was something else.

Truth to be told, the closer they came to Legretto's room, the louder the voices became. To a point the crashing was loud and clear.

“What are you doing? Keep your hooves of me, filthy military pack!” Legretto screamed.

“You… married him?” High Build asked.

“He was sweet… once anyway,” Valeria replied as she walked closer to the room. The two saw the door suddenly flung open and two pegasus mares come running out. They were both ducking several instruments that were being tossed at them.

“Really?” High asked in disbelief.

“Maybe not…” Valeria said.

“You might want to give him a minute,” One of the nurses said as she saw the two approach.

Valeria paused, a grin upon her muzzle. “I don’t think so, I’ve waited my whole life to see this, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

High smiled at her as the mare’s demeanor changed. As if somepony flipped a switch, Valeria put on the persona she had worn her whole adult life, the persona thrust upon her by Legretto. She leisurely strolled into her ex-husband’s room.

Inside she saw the unicorn being pinned to the bed by the guards, a restraining ring placed upon his horn.

“What is the meaning of this! I’ll have your flanks for this!” Legretto screamed.

“The meaning of this, dear husband, is that you’re going to jail,” Valeria said in a high-class tone that was normally reserved for dealing with the ‘help’ when they got out of line.

Legretto paused in his struggles as he turned to look up at his wife. “Valeria?”

Valeria stared down her nose at him. She looked at him like he was dirt, extriment that needed to be wiped off her hooves. “And, my dear husband, I don’t believe Princess Celestia will look kindly upon you for threatening her personal guards.”

She could literally see his eyes growing wide as they darted to the royal guard’s crests. There was no doubt in her mind that this was the first time he really took them in. They may have been from the princess herself, but they weren’t noble, so he wouldn’t have noticed until they put him in their custody.

With a smile earned from years of abuse, Valeria reached back into her pack and pulled out the princess’s letter. One of the unicorn guards used his magic to open the letter and present it to Legretto. “By order of Princess Celestia, you’re being taken into custody and brought to Canterlot immediately, preceding our divorce, of course.”

If there was a better sentence ever spoken, Valeria couldn’t say, but that one qualified in her book. “And per divorce law, I’ll be taking half of everything, including our company, and money.”


“I can, and I did. And don’t think you can buy your way out of this one, dear. Celestia herself will oversee the divorce proceedings. You’ll be lucky to get half, and I promise you this, you’ll never lay a hoof on our daughter again. Not a hoof or a bit of your filthy money.”

On the list of things Legretto had expected, that never even crossed his mind. The stallion was left so stunned that he didn’t even register the unicorns lifting him up and taking him out of the room. It wasn’t until Valeria was almost out of sight that his mind finally clicked on what had happened. “No, you can’t do this to me! Valeria! Don’t you love me?!”

“You don’t know the meaning of the word,” Valeria spit as he was dragged out of her sight. She watched, her nose up and disgust plain until she could no longer hear his screaming and cursing. When it was gone, she added, “And neither did I… Thank you, Vinyl, thank you for showing me what I’ve been missing all this time. What love really means.”

“You seemed to enjoy that,” High Build said from behind Valeria.

The sound was so unexpected that the old mare almost jumped out of her fur. She quickly spun around and blushed. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“Sure,” High said, teasingly. “For what it’s worth, I think you always did know love.”

Valeria didn’t reply, she simply looked at her questioningly.

“Yeah, I’d say you did, you loved Octavia.”

Valeria blushed, not due to any embarrassment, but due to her missing something so obvious. “Yeah, I think you’re right.”

“Shall we go see her?”

“There’s nothing else in the world I’d rather do right now,” Valeria said, smiling as she led the way to her daughter’s room.

“She sounds like a great mare.”

“One of the best. But do remember, she is taken,” Valeria replied with a playful chuckle.

“Oh, I have my eyes set on someone a little older anyway,” High Build said in all seriousness.

Valeria stopped chuckling, and the blush came back, albit for an entirely different reason.

That was a tad soon, but I really don’t have the right to say anything, do I? Valeria chuckled silently.

Everything will be just fine

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Chapter Twenty-One: Everything will be just fine

“Let’s see if Octavia is awake,” Valeria said before knocking silently and opening the door to the room where the grey mare was resting.

Valeria stepped in, only to freeze as soon as she crossed the threshold. A cute squeak left her muzzle at the sight before her. High Build followed her and found Valeria smiling at the bed.

Vinyl laid on the bed next to Octavia. Her head was buried into the grey mare’s soft chest fur, while Octavia’s muzzle was in Vinyl’s blue mane. Both mares had their hooves wrapped around each other, a peaceful smile on their muzzles. It was quite an adorable view.

“Aww, how cute,” High Build squealed silently.

“Yes, yes they are,” Valeria said back, smiling. “I’m glad Octavia found her. She might not fit Legretto’s standards, but I can tell that my daughter found somepony special.

High Build coughed. “Standards are boring. What shall we do now?”

“No matter how much I hate myself for it, we do have work to do,” Valeria whispered before moving to Vinyl’s side, gently poking her with a hoof. “Vinyl… Vinyl, it’s time to wake up.”

The unicorn groaned, her tail flicked up almost as if she were trying to chase an annoying fly away. “Ten more minutes, Tavi,” she groaned before snuggling back into the soft chest of her marefriend.

“Vinyl, wake up. Dessert is ready,” Valeria basically purred into Vinyl’s ear, followed by a soft blow of air.

“Dessert?!” Vinyl jerked her head up, much to Valeria and High Build’s amusement. Both mares snickered, High Build nearly fell onto the floor from trying to hold her laughter in. “Hey, not funny,” Vinyl pouted as she carefully retracted herself from Octavia. She kissed the grey mare’s muzzle before crawling off the bed. “What’s up?”

“Vinyl, this is High Build. She will be helping us with the restoration of the theater.”

“Really? That’s awesome!” Vinyl chimed before wincing and quickly checking if she had waken Octavia up. “Sorry,” she whispered into her marefriend’s ear.

Thankfully, the grey mare was still deeply asleep, even if the smile from her muzzle had vanished when her source of warmth escaped her grip. A single hoof reached out as if to catch the warmth back and Vinyl couldn’t hold herself in, kissing the sole of said hoof.

“You’re very affectionate towards her, I never expected that,” Valeria said before turning to the door. “Let’s talk more in the cafe, it would be a shame to wake her up.”

Vinyl just nodded. “Everything changed because of her,” she replied before following both mares out of the room and downstairs. “Did you visit him?”

Valeria stopped and looked deeply into Vinyl’s eyes. Vinyl looked ashamed to mention it, until Valeria’s seriousness was replaced with something unexpected: a smile. “Yes. And more than that. The times I stood under his hooves are over.”

“No bucking way!”

“Shhh!” The nearby nurses practically hissed the gesture.

“Sorry, sorry.”

Valeria had to hold back a laugh. “Yes bucking way,” she said, smiling. “I overheard him planning to hurt you two, and I ended it right then and there.”

“Wait… he was planning what?”

“Oh, she’s a fighter,” High Build said with a chuckle.

Vinyl didn’t even notice her, the white unicorn’s eyes were glued on Valeria. “What was he planning to do?” She growled the words.

“Relax, valiant knight, he’s in jail now.”

“Wait… what!?”


“Oh, shush yourselves! What happened?!”

“I’ll tell you about in the coffee shop,” Valeria replied, giggling a little as she started to walk away with a high-end sway on her hips.

“Celestia, I love that mare,” High Build said as she watched—diligently—Valeria’s hips and the sway of her tail.

“Wait, you and…”

High Build laughed. “It’s amazing what can happen in an afternoon, huh? Come, we’ll tell you all about it.” At that the pegasus flapped her wings and cleared the distance to catch up to Valeria.

Vinyl was left with no choice but to run after them. “This better be one damn good story,” she mumbled, more to herself than anypony in particular..


“Wow…. just wow.”

“She’s cute when she’s speechless,” Valeria said, laughing.

“And we just told her that we love to flirt with each other. Maybe we should’ve spiced it up?” High Build snickered. “Add in some hot mil-”

“STOP!” Vinyl said, her cheeks red. “I don’t need to hear that from you two!”

“Why not?” Valeria asked.

“It’s weird.”

“More weird than knowing you buck my own daughter senseless every now and then?” Valeria asked smugly.

“Uh, yes?”

High Build and Valeria shared a knowing gaze before bursting out in laughter. “You’re almost as bad as we are,” Valeria managed to say between pressed breaths from her laughing.

“Am not!”

High Build grinned, ”Admit it!”


“Sore loser.”

Vinyl growled. “Hey!”

“Let’s give her a show she’ll never forget. I bet she’s still inexperienced,” High Build snickered.

“Mh, I’ll bet,” Valeria replied, her gaze resting on Vinyl. “It has been a long time, but I still know how to play the game.”

“Okay, stop it, I give up! I give up!” Vinyl squealed.

“But it was about to get interesting!” High Build whined.

“Interesting for you two, maybe,” Vinyl growled back, only to receive a small nudge from Valeria. “You’re evil!”

Valeria just chuckled at that as she turned to High Build. However the wind was taken out of her sails when Vinyl stated, “At least now I know where Tavi gets it from.”

Valeria looked back wide eyed just to see Vinyl snickering with a smirk upon her face.

“Maybe she’s not so inexperienced,” High Build said, laughing.

“Oh you can bet on that,” Vinyl replied, the grin never leaving her face. “Although if you’re anything like what I can look forward to, I’m going to need to sharpen my skills.”

Valeria’s face grew dead serious. “Did you really just make a sex joke about my daughter? To me?”

Vinyl grinned, she held the grin for an admirably long time until it crumbled under Valeria’s withering scowl. The unicorn looked down, guiltily, “Sorry, I di—”

“Gotcha,” Valeria said, breaking her glare and into a fit of laughter.

“Oh Celestia! She just played you!” High Build all but shouted, joining Valeria in her laughter.

“What?! Just WHAT?” Vinyl shrieked before huffing and overtaking Valeria, nose held high.

“It was just a joke, Vinyl.”

“A rather bad one.”

“It was still funny,”

“It was NOT funny,” Vinyl scowled from down the stairs. “I seriously thought I just fucked up with the mother of my fiance!”

“Wait, what?” Valeria asked dumbfounded.

Vinyl blushed. “Well, soon…”

“How soon?” High Build grinned.

“As soon as the theater is done,” Vinyl smiled.

“And you planned to tell me that when?” Valeria frowned at Vinyl.

“Soon?” Vinyl tried with a big, goofy smile.

“Somepony just got herself a new stepdaughter,” High build said, snickering.

Valeria’s gaze went from Vinyl to High Build. She took a second before speaking, trying to figure out just what to say to this sudden, new development. “First the Princess, and now this. This truly is the second greatest day of my life.”

Vinyl looked confused at that, “Wait… does that mean, you’re okay with me asking her to marry me?”

“I would rather know what the best day of her life was,” High Build cut in.

Valeria ignored her. Her gaze stayed upon the table, and then, slowly, with care, it raised up to Vinyl. She looked upon the unicorn with a smile only a mother could give. It carried her pride, her approval, and her love all without saying a word. “Vinyl, I’d be honored to have you part of my family.”

“You mean it?” Vinyl said, smiling back.

“Of course, silly filly. You make my Octavia happy, that alone is enough for me to like you. But the fact that you’re such a big influence on her, and myself, well, as far as I’m concerned you’re already part of my family. This just makes it official.”

“Thank you, that means more to me than I can ever say.”

“But if you ever break her heart, you’ll see a new side of me, one that would make Legretto wet himself in fear.”

“Understood,” Vinyl said and hesitated before adding, “Mom.”

“I like that,” Valeria said.

“That’s all well and good, but what’s number one?” High Build said, unable to keep it in.

“Well, the birth of my little filly, of course,” Valeria smiled sweetly.

“Oh,” High Build replied, looking smartly.

Vinyl and Valeria chuckled at that.

“Well, if you two are done ganging up on me, we should get going to the theater.”

“I thought we were going to talk in the cafe,” Valeria added confused.

“I guess we can,” High replied, grumbling.

“What’s wrong, can dish it out but not take it?” Vinyl asked in a teasing tone.

“Oh I can take it!” High Build replied.

“I’ll be the judge of that,” Valeria said under her breath, soft enough where no pony could hear her, or so she thought.

Her thought was proven wrong when Vinyl and High Build both stared at her in total disbelief. Well, Vinyl was in disbelief, High Build simply blushed.

“Anyways,” High Build coughed before continuing. “I’ve got all the original plans with me. They were old and unsigned, but the princess still had them. We should go over them and decide what we’ll keep and just renovate, or what we’ll discard and rebuild from scrap.”

“That sounds like a lot of work,” Vinyl mumbled.

High Build only smirked. “It’s actually pretty fun! If you lend me free hoof, I can even try and add your personal style, or both yours and Octavia’s.”

“Wait, this can have a touch of us?” Vinyl said in disbelief.

“Of course,” High Build replied, smirking. “From what Valeria told me Octavia’s more of a classy orchestra-type, where you favor more of the modern-techno.”

“And you can mix both?” Valeria asked very surprised.

“I’m not just any architect,” High Build replied. “I’m the youngest architect the princess ever hired. Speaks for my talents, no?”

“How old are you, High Build?” Valeria asked curiously.

High Build stuck her tongue out. “You never ask a lady about her age, especially not if you have plans, my dear Valeria.”

Valeria blushed furiously and opened her mouth a few times, but said nothing and closed it again.

“I think I like you,” Vinyl said, laughing.

“That makes two of us,” Valeria replied. “And yes, I meant for you both to hear that.”

At that, the other two mares started to chuckled at each other. Vinyl used her magic to clear off the table as High started to pull several blueprints out of her bag. She rolled it out and overlaid the existing blueprint with a transparent cover. She pulled out a marker and started to scribble over the transparent cover. “Oh, I already have plans, see if we add a second orchestra pit for your turntable here, we can—” She stopped as Vinyl started at her. “What?”

“Um… that’s not what it looks like anymore.” Vinyl said sheepishly.

“But this is the blueprint, no?” High asked, double checking to make sure she grabbed the right one. “Yeah, it says so right here.”

“You should come see, It’s not quite… up to code…”

“Up to code?”

“I think that’s Vinyl’s way of saying it’s been a little rundown since it was built,” Valeria added, trying to help.

“Well, let's go see it in person then; it can’t be that bad,” High Build said, chipperly.

“Okay, don’t get your hopes up though,” Vinyl replied, her tone contrary to her normal expression.

“What?” High asked as Vinyl cleaned the table and put the scrolls back in High’s bag.

“You’ll see.”


“This… this… this can’t be right,” High said, wide eyed and in total shock as she looked at the state of disrepair the theater was in. “This was the work of the great Quick Nail, how could this have happened?”

“It’s not that bad, is it?” Valeria asked. “I mean… sure, it could be a little better, but…” Trying to be helpful, Valeria raised a hoof to wipe the weeds off one of the alicorn statues in the end of the isle, only for it to crumble to pieces under her touch. “Oh…”

“This is a travesty, I don’t even know where to began,” High Build replied. “How could they let such a magnificent piece of work go to waste like this? I… I… I—”

“Looks like you get to start over,” Vinyl said, smiling.

“Start over?” High looked up in shock at the notion. “You don’t just start over on a ‘Quick Nail’ work! You can’t just rebuild a masterpiece like this! You—”

“You’re right, you can’t. You get to design your own.”

High Build opened her mouth to speak, only for nothing to come out. She shut it. Opened one more time—just to be sure—and when she had the same result, she shut it once more.

“I think that’s why Celestia sent you. Don’t you Valeria?” Vinyl said.

Valeria looked from Vinyl to High Build and then back to Vinyl. When the unicorn winked at her, she nodded in understanding. “Makes sense. She probably knew that this wouldn’t be repairable after all this time, and figured she needed a pony that could make her own mark. Somepony that could take the old, and make it into something new.”

“Hmm, nice parallel there,” Vinyl said with a sexy grin as she looked at her soon to be mother-in-law’s flank.

“Girl’s, that’s a nice thought and all, but I can’t… I mean, I don’t… I…”

“You’re the right mare for the job if I’ve ever seen one,” Valeria said.

“I’d say so,” Vinyl agreed.

“Seems like Celestia knew what she was doing to me,” Valeria added.

“Eeyep,” Vinyl chuckled. With that she pulled out the transparent cover from High’s bag and laid it out in front of her. “So show us what you can do when you’re working with a clean slate. Don’t tell me you don’t already have five different thoughts floating around that head of yours.”

High Build looked from the blank, transparent cover in front of her to Vinyl, and lastly to Valeria. The grey earth pony was staring at her with a look that all but said she believed in her, and that—plus a levitating marker directly in front of her—caused High to smile. “Well, now that you ask, with a blank slate we can…”

Valeria and Vinyl smiled as they watched the pegasus to go work. She spoke a mile a minute, even with the marker in her mouth, and scribbles all over the transparent cover. It took a while, but soon her vision was fully displayed for the two mares, and when it was done, neither of them could stop smiling.

“How… how long will it take to build?” Vinyl asked in awe. Only Octavia walking nearby could have pulled her eyes away from the masterpiece that was drawn upon the mat.

“About six months, three if I send a letter to Celestia and have her pull some strings.”

“Can we really do this?” Vinyl asked.


“Doing all this? Having Celestia pull strings,” Vinyl said before turning to Valeria. “Having you pay. I still don’t feel comfortable with it.”

“And I told you that there is no way around it,” Valeria said with a smile. “Besides, I just came into my ex-husband’s fortune, remember?”

“Well, yeah, but I mean, those are your bits…”

“Consider it the start of a life-long apology I owe my daughter. If it takes every bit I have, I want the day the love of her life proposed to her to be the most memorable of her life. And I’d consider them all well spent.”

Vinyl blushed at that. “Thanks.”

“Just wait to see what I’ll do for the actual wedding,” Valeria said, laughing.

“Is it normal that I’m a bit nervous about that?”

“Sure,” High Build snickered before taking a look back at the plans. “I don’t know how much your ex-husband had in bits, but we will need a lot. I want to redo the gem statues, and they will be expensive. Maybe the princess can help with that.”

Valeria cut in, “I can’t ask that. You’re already kind of working for us for free.”

“Well, I can accept other payment,” High Build winked, causing Valeria to blush.

Vinyl coughed. “All nice and fine, but we sure can’t do this alone. We need workers, a lot of workers.”

“Not an issue,” High said as she reached into her bag and pulled out a notepad, “Celestia gave me this list of local builders, some of the best too. I was actually surprise she gave me so many… names…”

“Ha, she did know,” Valeria said, laughing.

“You know what… You’re right,” High mumbled.

Vinyl smiled. “So this shouldn’t be a problem. We’ve got everything we need to make this the best theater in the world. The only problem I have is imagining actually playing here. I’m not exactly the classical kind of mare, you know.”

High Build chuckled. “That’s easy. We can adjust the acoustics of the hall so it’ll fit the classical play nicely, but we can also hide some speakers so it will be also nice for your modern… what was it called again?”

“I’m a DJ,” Vinyl deadpanned.

“Ah, yes, that,” the pegasus waves a hoof dismissively. “I have no real taste in that sort of music, but everypony is just doing what they love.”

“You should’ve seen Tavi at my first performance after my comeback. I think I nearly blasted her out of her fancy dress.”

“I… can imagine,” Valeria smirked, causing Vinyl’s cheeks to heat up once more.

“What?! No! I didn’t mean it like that!” Vinyl groaned.

“I’m sure you didn’t,” Valeria replied before breaking out in hard guffaws along with High Build.

You two are horrible, just horrible,“ Vinyl huffed back.

“Don't be such a grumpy-cat,” High smirked.

“I'm not,” Vinyl glared. “Just because I'm-”

“VINYL SCRATCH. You are a dead mare!”

“What in the...” they all started together before Vinyl shrieked upon seeing a fuming Neon Lights stomping to them.

“Finally found you! Why the buck did you leave me hanging?” Neon asked, growling as he stopped barely an inch from Vinyl away.

“What? I never did!”

“The replacement for Sassaflash?” Neon asked and Vinyl's eyes widened in horror. “You promised to find one for me today. So what now?”

Valeria cut in. “Hold it there, Mister Lights. Vinyl was occupied with her marefriend being in the hospital, so she couldn't possible do anything she had on her list. And I would appreciate if you could stop venting your anger toward her,” she glared.

“Who are you?!”

“That, is Octavia's mother,” Vinyl replied.

“And what the hay does got she to do with this here?!”

“Neon, watch out what you say. She's helping me and Tavi. Now, as for your question. I'm getting you the damn replacement, just not now! I’ve got other things on my mind,” Vinyl said.

“The show is in one week! You’ve better have plans!” Neon shook his head. “Now come with me, we have to prepare for tonight.”

“Really? I have things to do here!” Vinyl whined.

Valeria smiled. “Go. We’ll do everything we can to make this place perfect.”

“And I’ll give you the blueprint first before starting anything!” High added. “I just need something before you go!”

“And what is that?”

“A sketch of your flank.”

“A sketch of what?!” Vinyl asked with wide eyes.

“Oops,” High giggled. “I need to sketch your cutie mark, so I can implement it without looking at your flank all the time.


“Favourite colours?”

“Blue and grey,” Vinyl answered confused before grinning. “Wait, scratch that. Grey and Blue!”

“Why did I know something like this was coming?” Valeria joked with rolling eyes.

“Oh, shush!” Vinyl replied, blushing.

“Can we go now?” Neon asked with a groan.

“Alright, alright,” High said, laughing before quickly grabbing a parchment and a piece of coal from her bag. “This should only take a minute.”

Neon and Vinyl glared at each other while there was no sound except the scratching of the coal over the parchment. After what seemed like forever, but was really less than a minute, High was finally done. But she did it in her own way.

Vinyl shrieked as her flank was slapped with a wing and a bright grinning High Build sung, “Done!”

“I'm not sharing!” Valeria suddenly growled, causing Vinyl and High Build both to blink. “What? Not a good joke?”

Vinyl was the first that lost her composure and landed on the floor, laughing, with High only a second later.

Valeria just huffed. “Vinyl, you say I’m worse than you, yet you are here now, rolling on the floor laughing at me.”

“Yeah, yeah, fine.”

“Can we go now?” Neon asked again, rolling his eyes.

“Sure, we can go,” Vinyl shrugged before surprising Valeria by stepping up and hugging her. “I trust that you two will do everything to make this place a blast! And that you’ll have an answer for us soon.”

“Promised,” Valeria replied, smiling as they broke, and Vinyl quickly scattered after Neon who quickly left.

“An answer to what?”

“Vinyl asked me if I would like to live with her and Octavia. I haven’t said anything about it yet.”

“Well, sounds like a good idea to me,” High shrugged before looking back at the prints. “I think I have a great idea. Something to implement Octavia and Vinyl’s full potential into the design of this.” The pegasus quickly went into the air and performed a quick roll. “This will be so cool!”

Valeria chuckled before getting as close as she could to High and looking at the prints as well. “I have the feeling, that this will be a new start for all of us.”


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She was alone. And it wasn’t even her fault.

Sassaflash groaned and closed her eyes as she lay in her bed, thoughts circling in her head.

“That stupid Octavia,” she spat. “Why can’t she just leave us alone? All I want is Vinyl.”

For the past few days, everything had gone downhill. From the day in the restaurant to just two hours ago.

“Stupid Neon Lights. I just want my job back and he says he doesn’t need me anymore and that Vinyl found a good replacement. Ha! She’ll never find anypony as good as I am,” she said silently to herself, not sure who she was trying to convince.


“What?” she snapped to the voice at the door and opened her eyes, just to find Cloud Kicker standing there.

“Can we talk?”

“Why?” Sassaflash asked.

Cloud Kicker sighed. “Because you’re not acting like yourself lately.”

“What do you want, Cloud?”

“Did you ever think about this?” You’re not thinking straight anymore,” came the soft reply as Cloud Kicker walked towards the bed. “All you think about is Vinyl and how to get her back. It’s not going to work.”

“And why is that?” Sassaflash glared at her.

“I’ve seen the look in her eyes, how Vinyl looks at this Octavia. It’s the same look you have. Don’t kill yourself on a hopeless task, Sassa.”

“It’s not hopeless.”

“Not?” Cloud Kicker snorted before her voice raised. “You lost your job, got kicked out of a restaurant, been held by the royal guards, and you want to tell me that it’s not hopeless? Have you lost the rest of your mind?!”

Sassaflash just turned her head, staying silent.

“Argh, fine! Do what you want! Die for Vinyl, but I’m not helping you. Here’s the mail from your box, bye.”

The turquoise mare didn’t even look to see if Cloud Kicker was really gone. She just waited or a few minutes in silence before growling and struggling to her hooves. On her small nightstand was indeed a stack of letters. Going over them she found various rejections to jobs she had applied for, but she was more focused on the bright green envelope at the bottom of the stack.

There were only two things written on it. First, her name. And on the backside a quick plead to open it, signed by ‘a friend’. No stamp, nothing.

Not knowing what else to do, she opened the letter and began to read.

Miss Sassaflash,

Thank you for reading this letter and trusting that I am indeed a friend.
Let me get straight to the point. We both have the same problem, and we want it to be solved.
You may know a certain Vinyl Scratch, a white unicorn with unique blue mane. She has just recently taken a liking to a mare that I want back at my side, Octavia Philharmonica.
I have the resources and you the will to get what we want.
If you are interested, please meet one of my most trusted employees today at sunset in the park opposite the marketplace.

A friend

Sassaflash raised an eyebrow. This stallion or mare had some good contacts if they knew her and Vinyl. She just wondered what Octavia had to do with this, but she would find out.

She knew what she had to do.

“Nearly sunset. If it brings Vinyl back, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do,” Sassaflash said, grinning before laughing loudly. “I told you it’s not over, Vi.”

This is not the end.