Lovely Chaos

by Phoenixfire Productions

First published

Love at first sight, is there a more chaotic thing?

Love at first sight, is there a more chaotic thing?

Of course not! Especially if one of the beings in love is Discord...

His special somepony's heart was broken when she had to reseal him in stone. She vowed never to forget him, and never to ruin her memories of him no matter what anypony said.

But there is one remaint of Discord that she did not expect: his daughter.

His daughter is in danger, as well as the main six. The Shadowbolts are after them, and will stop at nothing to throw Equestria into endless chaos.

A night to remember

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Love is never easy,
It's never what it seems.
Love is never easy,
Yet it glimmers and it gleams.

Love always wins first place.
It's the thing you can't replace...
True Love!
That's why it makes my heart just race
To see your eyes, twinkle, like the stars above!

The happy couple finished their song, looking deep into one another's eyes. Pinkie Pie had absolutly loved the date Discord had took her on. To a lovely clearing in the Everfree Forest with special charms set around it so that no one could interupt their special night.

"Tell me again... I didn't feel this way until you brought me here." Pinkie Pie whispered.

"I knew when I looked into your eyes in the labrynith. So full of happiness at the world despite the chaos I threw it in. I knew I had to win your true heart, no matter what." Discord whispered back. After a moment's thought, he held out his lion paw. A image of Twilight's element of harmony hovered above it.

"I never liked the color of that. My favorite color may be pink, but gray reminds me of my childhood." Pinkie Pie said. Discord would have doubted that she was telling the truth if not for her dress. It had the same design as Rainbow Dash's Gala dress, except instead of the colors of the rainbow it was black. The hem was the same as Rainbow's, except it was covered in black gems of varying sizes. Discord had to admit, the white gave a lovely contrast to the black.

"How about... this?" Discord asked, changing the crown to a small silver tiara with black gems.

"Oh Discord! It's so lovely that it dosen't deserve to be made by magic." Pinkie Pie said. Discord smiled and placed the image atop Pinkie Pie's head.

"Pinkie, would you ever use your element against me?" Discord asked.

"Never! Since this date began I've known that you are my one true love." Pinkie replied.

"But dear, you must. If you don't, then I wouldn't want to even think about what they would do to my darling little screwball." Discord protested.

"I suppose my friends might think you tricked me... it's a reasonable conclusion for someone who dosn't know you. Fine, as long as we get to go to your place." Pinkie said sadly.

Discord smiled before picking up Pinkie Pie bridal style. A portal to the pocket dimension he lived in opened up in front of them, and he stepped through.

Pinkie cried. She cried a seemingly endless river of tears. She had turned her one true love into stone. After everything they did together the night before, she had turned on him. Even though he had asked her to, she would never forgive herself.

"Pinkie, calm down. He deserved it for trying to take over Equestria." Rainbow Dash said.

"But he finally remembered the whipped cream!" Pinkie sobbed.

"Pinkie, we saved Equestria. Isn't that better than all the whipped cream in the world?" Twilight asked. Instead of replying, Pinkie ran towards Sugarcube Corner. To her, a dollop of whipped cream from him ment more than saving countless lives.

"What's with Pinkie? I know the bar is pretty high, but dose anyone else think she's acting weirder than normal?" Rainbow asked.

"It's as if she lost her happiness." Fluttershy said shyly, glancing after her friend.

"Ah wonder why. It ain't like her to cry an' run like that." said Applejack. The five remaining friends stared after Pinkie, wondering what was going on.

Pinkie left Ponyville, claiming that she had parties to plan else where. She refused to say goodbye to her friends. No one could tell where she went. Her friends searched everywhere. From Canterlot to Trottingham to Manehattan, from Vanhoover to Appleosa to the Cystal Empire and back to Ponyville, they left no stone unturned. But for the next eleven months, there was was no sight of her. Finally, a few days after the first anniversary (year) of Discord's inprisonment, they recieved word of a sighting of her in Canter Creek. Excited, they raced there in hopes of finding her. After asking around the town, they found she had been sighted in Canter Creek not long ago, but had left soon after.

Little did her friends no that their frantic search would not end in a heartfelt reunion, but a disaster that could effect all of Equestria.

Diane's Delicious

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The five friends waited in Pepper Palace, a family owned resteraunt in Canter Creek. It was crowded, full of ponies laughing and talking. Jalapeno Pepper- the owner's 18-year-old son- was talking to a group of mares. The mares were giggling at everything the handsome stallion said. Sweet Pepper- Jalapeno's twin sister- was acting as sole waitress. Born a minute and fifty seconds before Jalapeno, she was destined to own Pepper Palace.

Sweet shot a glance over her shoulder at her twin. She often scoffed at his carefree antics. She was only his minute and fifty second elder, yet she acted like she was way older.

"Can I help you?" Sweet asked the remaining five of the Main Six. She could tell that they needed some cheering up. They could use some comfort for whatever reason, and Sweet wanted to give it to them.

"Five strawberry cupcakes, please." responded Twilight. Sweet nodded before walking into the kitchen, emerging seconds later with a tray of cupcakes with strawberry icing balanced atop her head. In her hoof she was also holding a tray of cupcakes, the only difference being the blueberry icing on the ones in her hoof. She walked over to her brother and gave him the blueberry cupcakes before returning to the main six's five's table.

"Here. Strawberry cupcakes. Made with Diane's Delicious strawberries. We never order icing from anywhere else since we've first ordered from her." said Sweet.

"Does she live here?" asked Twilight.

"No. Some small farm. She made it so it's not just a farm, it's also a orphanage. The first thing she thinks of when she gets paid is to buy whatever the orphans need. Then she buys stuff for her farm. Then for her and that foal of her's." Sweet explained.

"Do ya think she might know Pinkie?" Applejack asked.

"Does she visit often?" asked Twilight.

"She's gonna get here any minute, then again next Saturday. Every Saturday with a cart full of berries." said Sweet.

"Duh. Dothn't everyone know that? What type of thither talk to thomepony know dothn't know that?" asked a colt who had walked out of the kitchen and over to them.

"Be quiet, snotbrain. I am talking with a paying customer. So if you know what's good for you, then you'll go jump of a cliff and leave the rest of the Pepper family alone, Hot." Sweet snapped down at her other brother. Hot Pepper was 12, an earth pony, and currently wearing braces. His 18, pegasus, and never having to where braces twin siblings had given him a hard time since he was seven.

He had just came home after getting braces, only six then. His mother gave his sister a pet turtle. On the same day, as soon as they got home. Sweet named her new pet Seaweed. Hot Pepper watched while she grew close to Seaweed. A week later, on the night before Hot's seventh birthday, Seaweed died. Her body was found the next morning. Also found the next morning was Hot's cutie mark. A hot pepper with a knife in it. His family understood what had taken place. Hot's special talent was murder. He had murdered Seaweed just because she had belonged to Sweet instead of him. His parents had pushed him to pursue a career as a member of the Royal Guard. Sweet and Jalapeno hated him for murdering Seaweed. For some reason, all three siblings had been born on the same day. So Sweet's thirteenth birthday was spent in tears. Her parents had gotten Sweet and Jalapeno another gift: a falcon fledgling. They named her Seaweed and watched her carefully. Hot got a copy of the Pepper family cookbook.

"You're mean!" Hot snapped.

"That's enough! Hot, you're on waiter duty. Sweet, your free time." A stallion had appeared at the kitchen door. The owner, Green Pepper. The family resemblance was clear between Jalapeno and his dad. They both had light green coats and dark green manes. Sweet's mane had red streaks in it, but otherwise she had the same colors. Hot, however, had a yellow coat and a red mane. Jalapeno used to have red streaks in his mane, but had died them to green so he could erase the only family resemblance to Hot. Their mother Sandy Desert was a tan mare with a brown mane, with only her brown eyes being passed down to the twins.

Sweet left, and only a few moments passed before another mare walked in. The main five gasped.

The mare was Shade.

Shady Character

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Shade was a suspected Shadowbolt supporter. The Shadowbolts had been formed during Nightmare Moon's return, and they had quickly begun wreaking chaos. Small villages had fell into their iron grasp. The Royal Guard had tried tracking them down, but the risk of attack was to great in the night, and in the day they simply disappeared. Shade was always a bit weird, and the fact that she had moved into a city occupied by the Shadowbolts made her look suspicious. Shade had claimed that she wanted to help protect the younger residents of the city, but no one had bought. Seeing her in a place where Pinkie was said to be, and Pinkie having disappeared, was not a good sign.

The gray pegasus mare walked over to the main five's table, a smirk on her face.

"I'm not as smart as Twilight, but I know about counting. And colors. And peace. Pinkie's missing, isn't she." Shade didn't ask, she stated.

"Yes, so? Do you know something?" Twilight said calmly.

"No. Eyes to the sky, wave goodbye. For city of dust, it's a must." Shade said in a sing-song voice before flying away, her black mane and tail streaming out behind her. Rainbow rolled her eyes before biting into her cupcake quietly. Rainbow's friends quickly followed, all wishing that Pinkie was there to lighten the mood.

Tumbleweed Triumph

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Shining Armor glared at the treacherous mare in front of him. The mare had a dark green coat and a black mane, perfectly groomed as if she was going to a party instead of waging war on Equestria. Her pitch black armor shone in the moonlight. Her guards, dressed in their Shadowbolts uniform and holding spears, seemed on the verge of laughter.

"Call your troops off." Shining Armor growled at the Shadowbolts in front of him. He didn't really expect her to call them off, not if she was willing to openly betray Equestria.

"I can't." she said calmly, unfazed by the angry captain of the Royal Guard.

"I'm sure you can." he threatened, starting up a blasting spell. The mare took a few uneasy steps back, obviously knowing the damage Shining Armor could inflict. Her guards narrowed their eyes, glaring at Shining Armor's guards whose horns had started to glow as well. Shining wished that his back up would hurry and arrive. Shadowbolts could disappear at a moment's notice, especially if they knew the terrain. And, having scouted out the city of Tumbleweed, they knew how to get around it. With Tumbleweed being the town that made armor for the Royal Guard, it was important to drive out the Shadowbolts.

"No, I really mean I can't. I don't have the authority. We're trained to fight till our last breath, and to only retreat on a councillor's orders. I'm only a junior commander." the mare said quickly. Shining got the feeling that she was telling the truth. She was scared, yet she still stood firm.

"Then find me a councillor." Shining snapped.

"None are here. As Junior Commander Dragonflame of the Shadowbolts, Division 15, my word is second to Senior Commander Red Rose." she said, seeming to regain confidence.

"You're a Commander. So command them." Shining hissed, getting annoyed with the Shadowbolt mare.

"I only get to have my own guards. Not all the benefits that come with being Senior Commander." Dragonflame explained.

"I am getting tired of this. Forfeit, or find someone who can forfeit. Then leave us alone." Shining ordered. To his surprise, the mare just smiled.

"Whatever, sun-lover. All dreams are worth fighting for." Dragonflame said in a sing-song voice. Her guards leapt forward, engaging a fight with Shining's guards. A red pegasus mare with a black mane swept down from a building's roof, a dozen Shadowbolt pegasi behind her. Nine unicorns climbed down after them, and six earth ponies after that. Thankfully, Shining's back up chose the same moment to arrive. The two armies clashed, starting a battle over the city of Tumbleweed.

"Eyes to the sky, wave goodbye. For city of dust, it's a must." a voice hissed in Shining's ear. He whipped around to see Dragonflame smiling at him.

"What do you mean?" asked Shining Armor.

"We came from the sky, and we attacked. This place is called the city of dust, and taking control of it is a must." explained Dragonflame.

"Is this really worth it?" asked Shining. Dragonflame nodded, then leapt into the fray.