Sunset in the Park

by seventeen

First published

For Sunset Shimmer, a routine walk home becomes a little less than ordinary when she encounters someone who isn’t exactly her biggest fan.

Sunset Shimmer’s commute home is a walk in the park. Sure - it isn’t exactly one of the city’s most reputable of neighborhoods, but it wasn’t usually too bad…

Trigger warning: nonconsensual sex a lot of it

Set between Rainbow Rocks and Friendship Games

Parks and Wreck

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Sunset Shimmer didn’t notice anything strange.

It was a fairly mundane Thursday night: walking home from her afternoon at the library; taking the shortcut under the tunnel and through the park; kicking the partially deflated ball against miscellaneous walls… Even the weather was mild. Sunset turned up her music to mask the sirens in the distance.

Sunset Shimmer didn’t notice anything strange, so when a sudden chill crept down her spine it caught her off guard. Not for the first time, the girl felt like an outsider in her own skin; she shrugged it off. She rolled her shoulders, trying to loosen muscles stiffened from hours of studying.

It’s too fast, she thought, looking into the last of the waning light for which she was named. Winter’s coming way too soon.

Shaking her head to clear the impending thoughts of another lonely season of holidays, Sunset clutched her jacket around her shoulders tightly to brace for the assault just outside the underpass.

What happened next was not quite so routine.

A slender hand snaked out of the shadows around the corner; it grabbed Sunset's sleeve at the elbow as another shoved between her shoulder blades into an adjacent yard once occupied by the park’s maintenance staff. It was a humble space in its prime with a short chain-link fence wrapping two sides that gave it a charming view of seasonally yellowed grass. Dropping her bookbag, Sunset stumbled forward before whipping around to face her attacker.

Sunset gasped. “Siren.”

The figure, clad in a matte purple sweatshirt and gossamer leggings, pulled back its hood: the ringleader from the recent Musical Showcase fiasco.

“That’s right,” the fellow Equestrian chuckled deviously. “You and I were never properly introduced, isn’t that right, Sunset Shimmer?”

Sunset dumbly shook her head. Nothing good could come of this. She looked to the only doorway, the one she had been thrown through. Right behind the dissonantly-attired girl.

A sculpted brow arched, “I am Adagio Dazzle.”

Adagio reached a deceptively strong hand out to Sunset, as if for a handshake. Sunset stared dumbly. “And you know…” Boots crunched gravel as she shot forward, fingers wrapping around the younger girl’s throat. “I didn’t survive several epochs to be ruined by a useless, insignificant child.”

Sunset tried to surreptitiously look for the two girls who flanked themselves at Adagio’s side, but failed miserably.

“Don’t worry, I came for you alone.” The ageless girl turned, slamming Sunset into the cracked brick. “Still… Humans are so very fragile."

Sunset, uneasy on her feet, was allowed to rest her back on the wall - for all that was worth. Eyes went wide with panic, hands instinctively to her neck, a cry ready on her lips.

Adagio Dazzle leaned in close and exhaled slowly onto the pinned woman’s left earlobe. “Don’t scream.” She punctuated the command with a sure, brisk squeeze.

Sunset could make out the rhythmic footsteps of an elusive jogger as she gagged; Adagio resumed the grip’s teasing pressure and cut off her airway just enough to see spots in the encroaching darkness.

“Do you understand?” The svelte question was most certainly an excuse to dig her nails into Sunset’s trachea, but there was no denying the effectiveness of her tactics.

Desperately not wanting to black out under the hand of someone who clearly meant her harm Sunset complied, nodding as best she could.

A smug look flashed through Adagio’s eyes. The pressure in her fingers released to drum once, twice along Sunset’s bobbing throat, then settled sharply under her captive’s chin.

Air filled Sunset’s lungs as she gasped deeply. Adrenaline pumped in her veins; blood rushed, returning to her paled neck and coloring her cheeks with a heat that sang as much of terror as of relief.

Adagio’s nails dug into her trembling jaw line, making sure to apply force under Sunset’s ear while a thumb pad stroked the opposite side of her face. The younger girl shut her eyes to block out the conflicting stimuli, but to no avail: disorienting pain lanced past her defenses.

“Now what shall we do with you, Miss Shimmer?” Adagio snarled deep, “What to do for the little girl who ruined me?

“You see, Sunset - is it alright if I call you ‘Sunny’? It fits your newfound cheerful, do-good attitude,” the former Dazzling continued without pause: “Sunny, I’ve had a rather abrupt change in pace of late. While I’ve been in this world for several tides, and have partaken in a number of its offerings, there was always a detachment that stems from belonging to another world as well as the detachment of being immortal.”

Sunset looked on with curiosity as she listened to the monologue. While her academic side wanted to hear what someone with so much experience across two wholly separate realms had to say, more pressing issues were at hand. So to speak.

Reaching up to push away the immediate danger, Sunset’s dominant hand was wrenched away by Adagio’s free hand. Her knuckles stung at being forced harshly against the uneven barrier she was leaning on; her shoulder twisted unnaturally. The rest of her body wanted to follow, but the pressure on her neck reasserted itself to hold her steady.

Adagio tutted in faux disappointment. “Anyway, when that second blast of magic broke our pendants, we became very human. Where my body had been a façade before, it is now who I am. Human chemicals. Mortal emotions.”

Letting go of Sunset’s wrist, Adagio’s fingertips trailed down her arm and pushed the cuff of her jacket back a bit.

Sunset shivered at the nervous energy the action produced.

Adagio delicately tucked an errant lock of hair behind Sunset’s lonely ear. She spoke softly, plaintively even, “In the past, I craved only what I wished to crave. Now this body compels me in whatever petty way it chooses. It demands satisfaction. In the past I desired power and adoration. Now I want for baser things.”

Sunset gulped. Unused to being on the other end of psychological warfare, she did not like where any of this was going.

Eyes shining with feverish rage, Adagio smiled. The sorrow dropped from her intonation: “I want revenge, Sunny. I want to take away from you.”

“Look, I don’t know what you want,” Sunset spluttered, “I don’t have anything for you to take.” She licked her lips in anxiousness but her mouth was dry. “All I have in my backpack is school stuff.”

The smile grew. Lowering her voice a few octaves, Adagio replied, “I can think of something.”

A predatory gaze raked over Sunset’s body and the pony in people’s clothing fought the instinct to buck as the implication sunk in. “N-no!” Sunset pushed forward as best she could, “Let me go!” She saw stars when the wall reacquainted with her back.

“You’re not in the best position to be making demands.” Adagio’s expression held steady, pressing her weight into Sunset’s shoulder. “Even if you escape now,” she cooed, “I’ll merely be back for you later. If you’re a good little girl, this might be over soon.” Lifting herself up to free that hand once more, it nearly joined its twin under Sunset’s chin. Instead it dipped below to pop the top button on the vulnerable woman’s leather jacket.

“Who knows, Sunny?” Adagio leaned into an ear and purred, “You might even enjoy it.”

The blush spread from Sunset’s cheeks to her chest so quickly, she was sure Adagio could feel it sear her fingers along the way.

Sunset could deny that Adagio was the slightest bit attractive… but that wouldn’t make it true.

She shook her head briskly to clear these thoughts.

Not being privy to what’s going on in Sunset’s head, Adagio grinned maliciously. “Yes, I rather hope you don’t either.”

Eyes cast down, the girl in the jacket resigned to having her identity torn away. She grimaced at the sound of splitting seams; after all, it’s her favorite second skin.

“Alright, Adagio Dazzle. Do what you have to do.” Dropping the leather coat, the rapture on Adagio’s face became inscrutable. “It’s happening one way or another, right? Let’s get whatever you’ve got planned over with so we can move on with our lives.”

Despite her indifferent affect, Sunset panicked as the words left her. Tracking the clues did little in preparing her for the invasion to come.

Adagio let her hands fall to her sides, as if testing whether Sunset would run.

The girl refused to move a fiber, bent on acceding to the advances; she knew it wouldn’t do to go back on her word: it would only make things worse.

Sunset inhaled sharply at the air striking exposed skin; her shirt raised itself slowly as foreign hands worked their way up her torso. She twitched and shivered from the tickle of cold fingertips.

Clenching teeth to banish the sensations, her breasts betrayed her; the acknowledgement of her nipples hardening in spite of her burning desire to remain impassive and unflappable made her pulse with a discomforting heat.

Not quite sure how far they would be permitted to move, Sunset lets her hands fall to clasp each other atop her head. Her face glowed red at the sensations that gnawed at her.

“Why Sunny! No bra?” Adagio exclaimed, scandalized, fingernail flicking against an erect bud. “It’s as if you were waiting for me the same way I was waiting for you.”

Sunset sucked in a long, shallow breath, but otherwise gave no response.

“My, my. A regular blushing virgin,” Adagio, chortling, apparently noticed Sunset’s losing battle. “Go ahead and worry, I don’t intend to be gentle.” Adagio ran her hands freely over her victim’s skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake.

As the touches continued, Sunset’s skin and Adagio’s hands warmed one another and Sunset found herself relaxing into the smooth strokes that led her shirt over her head. A light breeze teased her naked torso but she repressed the urge to shiver. Adagio gave her unmolested nipple a generous lick, further cooling her bare chest; she swallowed a groan.

Sunset’s eyes burst open at the new warmth on her inner thigh. Briefly wondering how long her eyes had been closed, the question left her when she saw Adagio’s hard-set brow perched over eyes sharpened with the glint of determination.

Carefully-trimmed fingernails scratched Sunset through the thin fabric of her panties. Warmth spread to the very end of her extremities and her knees nearly buckled under the new assault. She bit her lip.

Adagio caught her eye and gave a smug half-smile. Gaze steady, a free hand went to the end of Sunny’s skirt, unfurling it entirely to tuck into its own waistband.

Sunset observed a shift in her pupils. The ill-lit area shone with a new clarity she paid no attention to. Whether it was a reaction to fear or arousal, she may never know. Her breath became unsteady as she fought to stay still. Holding on to the last of her dignity proved to be harder than she anticipated as little whimpers eked out her mouth.

Errant fingers found their way past the last defense they had been scraping against. Sunset gasped sharply through gritted teeth, eyes snapping to meet her captor’s. Sunset saw them narrow.

Adagio had been fairly gentle in spite of her declaration. If Sunset were to take the pressure of fabric digging a line into her hip as any indication, she’d assume the older girl meant to make good on the threat.

“I don’t think anyone’s going to be bothering us now, it’s getting dark,” Adagio motioned to the encroaching blackness that descended steadily. “Don’t forget the rule.”

“Rule?” Sunset grunted quietly, feeling her low-cut briefs finally give way to an especially insistent tug.

“Don’t scream.” Raising the silky garment to examine it for the first time, “Sorry about your panties.”

Sunset almost laughed aloud, deigning instead to close her eyes in silence… only to reopen them when she’s thrust into forcefully.

It hurt - badly - but it was a delightful day in Tartarus before she’d let Adagio know that. Regardless of what she thought Adagio was supposed to be privy to, her stomach knotted up and her loins tensed unwittingly.

Stark tenacity relaxed her body, if only to take the sting out. Sunset found herself uncomfortably thankful for the ‘foreplay’ that unconsciously stimulated her as the keen anguish gradually dulled.

Adagio scowled slightly: “Well, isn’t there anything you wanted to say?”

Knowing a challenge when she heard it, the headstrong girl refused to be intimidated. Taking a half-step back for balance - a breath for poise - she smirked. “More.”

Adagio let out a sound and Sunset felt a sharp fullness that undoubtedly stretched her further.

Sunset, dismayed at how sensitive her vagina could still be, almost regretted her antagonization. Almost.

Instead she moaned like she was in heat, guttural and shameless; it was the only logical answer to the provocation. If she was going to be fucked with, she’d be sure to return the favor as best she could.

As if on cue Adagio huffed in frustration. Her thumb began an unrelenting tattoo on the vexatious girl’s clitoris, demanding it to come out. Sunset Shimmer almost smiled.


Dry friction burned as Sunset felt herself being rubbed raw. Relief flooded her as scant moisture from her abused slit seeped toward Adagio’s incessant clawing of her clit.

Much to Sunset’s chagrin, it was good.

She tangled and pulled her own mane in ecstasy, not knowing what else to do with her hands yet not wanting them to wander. Mortified, she realized this action elicited a painful tingling in her scalp that only added to the pleasure. She was losing her mind.

Does she win?

The first orgasm wracked her senses. Sunset found herself unable to keep her eyes open, let alone on Adagio’s. When her legs finally gave out, the coarse surface her weight rest upon scored acutely into her back.

Sunset’s eyes rolled into the back of her head. Wave after wave of sheer rapture burned her every nerve center, free-falling off the precipice into the torrid tempest.

Adagio was relentless in her swipes, in her thrusts. She held the incoherent playmate up, unwilling to let Sunny slump too far.

Knees bent too little for comfort and too far for support, Sunset’s muscles screamed for reprieve. The heat emanating from her loins destabilized her already-eroding willpower.

“S-stop.” Adagio showed no signs of heeding the call. Eyelids fluttering feebly, Sunset forced herself to look at her. “Adagio, stop…”

Instead of removing her hands, Adagio redoubled her efforts, smiling madly all the while.

Sunset bit back tears as resolve failed her entirely. “Please.”

“You’re such a foal, Sunny.” Adagio’s face split into a toothy grin as she leered at the helpless body fluttering beneath her own. “This is what I wanted in the first place.”

The hand that braced Sunset let go suddenly and she fell; following her down, Adagio never missed a beat. The fractured concrete broke her fall but couldn’t save her skull from crashing back into the brick once more. It remained drooped.

Freed from their previous task, Sunset’s hips involuntarily surged forward to meet Adagio. Blackness swam into view as her eyes rolled up into her head all over again. Through the thinnest sliver of vision, she would see rather than feel as Adagio pulled away ever so slightly.

“Such a good girl, you didn’t scream even one time.” The condescension sparked something in the limp body. “It’s honestly a shame that you’re so good; there was not a chance for me to punish you.”

This something bubbled in Sunset’s veins as she watched Adagio bent over her. Mocking with her words, her posture, her very nearness.

Shooting her right hand out as quickly as possible without sacrificing accuracy, Sunset seized Adagio Dazzle by the throat. A fleeting delight flickered across her face before her elation morphed into a wry mask of disinterest.

Sunset slowly untucked her chin from her collarbone. Her eyes widened to half-lids, chastely savoring the quiet panic in her prey’s startled expression, she murmured, “You should’ve stopped when I said ‘please’.”

Were she in a more analytical mood, Sunset would have considered the rumbling words were substantially lower than her usual register. Suffice to say she wasn’t in that mood.

Adagio seemed to regain her senses, her gaze caustic. “Oh spare me, what’s a so-called hero like you going to do? You might have thought you were hot stuff in the past, and you might have even been interesting then, now you’re nothing but a saccharine little doormat.”

Her earlier mirthless laughs came back with a vengeance and left Sunset chuckling aloud.

Though she probably tried to hide it, Adagio flinched. Perceivably.

“You know, Adagio,” she started in an innocent inflection long perfected via character rehearsal, “I really didn’t appreciate how you and your sisters ganged up on me that day in the hallway.” Sunset stood, hand never straying from the warm jugular beating wildly in her palm. “After I went to all that trouble to show you crazy kids around campus and play nice.”

Sunset made a face… whether it was a smirk or a sneer, she couldn’t tell.

“I try so hard to make a name for myself as a goody-goody - with no satisfaction or payoff, mind you - and you and yours waltz in to throw my past in my face, threatening those that should have been mine alone to threaten.”

The crux between Sunset’s thumb and forefinger yanked Adagio off the ground. Unbalanced, she was forced to backpedal to keep the pressure on her windpipe to a minimum. Unfortunately, her back found the wall Sunset Shimmer’s had been so familiar with mere moments ago.

Her eyes widened as Sunset’s hand intertwined with one of her own.

Sunset forced a calm smile, then guided the hand sodden with her personal fluids to her mouth. Her lips quirked in earnest at Adagio’s surprise. When the taste hit her tongue, she swirled it around and between the digits.

The predator grinned outright at the emergence of Adagio’s light blush. Releasing the hand from her grip, Sunset slid the tips of her fingers down the surface she was previously forced to sag against.

She tried not to wince when she found what she searched for. Pressing her fingers together, the tackiness of the liquid supported her hypothesis.

Sunset raised her hand and - “Say ‘Ahh!’” - unceremoniously shoved her sticky fingers into Adagio’s unsuspecting mouth. “Is the sweetness in my blood?” She definitely smirked, sure that some of her other juices were likewise imparted.

Adagio’s face scrunched up just long enough to convey her intentions. She bit down.

Sunset giggled, retracting; she had been ready for it. Still: her knuckles had been grazed and it wasn’t pleasant. In the same motion, her hand snapped back and delivered a swift slap to the face. If Adagio weren’t being held in position, she probably would have fallen.

“You and I are just ordinary girls here, there’s no way out for you.” Sunset jostled Adagio into making eye contact. “And if you scream, I’ll break your neck right here and find your sisters.”

There was no small satisfaction in Adagio’s wide, astonished eyes.

“Let me know if you understand.” Without pausing for a reply, Sunset leaned in to share their first kiss.

At first, it was unrequited. Sunset was somewhat relieved to feel the lips hers laid upon press back tentatively; for a couple long moments she worried she would have to turn her threat to a promise. A nibble on Adagio’s full bottom lip later, they parted.

“That was my first time in this world,” Sunset intimated, her forehead leaning on Adagio’s in an almost-tender gesture, “but since you showed me how… I hope you’ll allow me to return the favor.”

Snaking her left hand up the front of Adagio’s hoodie, Sunset discovered a distinct lack of shirt. She luxuriated in the supple flesh. “I’ll let you keep this on. Believe me, it’s chilly out here without the extra layers.”

For not finding a top, there was the thick annoyance of a snug bra. Sunset Shimmer did not personally care for the alien accoutrement; they were far too human for her tastes… That being the case, she had extremely limited experience in removing the garment. She refused to be discouraged.

Her arm wrapped tightly around Adagio’s quivering waist and joined their bodies together. Sunset averted focus away from her fumbling with the triple clasp (Overkill) to the ardent battle of lips and tongues and teeth.

Adagio didn’t bite her again.

The last hook popped free. Satisfied with her work, she kissed Adagio with a heightened sense of conquest.

Sunset’s tongue forced its way to the back of Adagio’s mouth; unable to lick her uvula, it ran its tip along her palate.

Sunset swallowed the siren’s scream, exacerbating it with a punitive tweak to her nipple. Pliant bosom in her grasp, pushing away one-handed was harder than she anticipated.

Fingers declined to release Adagio; they gently caressed her front and created a severe juxtaposition with a downward jerk. Adagio fell to her knees with a start, her yelp echoing briefly in the abandoned yard.

“And there’s no need to strain yourself,” Sunset said, a twisted simper. She paused when Adagio - who looks so much better on all fours - made an effort to get up. She leveled herself with the genuflecting figure and cooed in a hurt tone, “You’re right, Miss Dazzle.”

Adagio gulped slowly, then Sunset unwrapped herself from her neck. The back of Sunset’s knuckles affectionately stroked her cheek, coming to a rest beneath her chin.

“I’ve become too considerate. Rather forgettable, isn’t it?” Sunset’s thumb glided up her face and back toward her ear - Adagio cast her eyes down and then closed them - twirling her hair slightly before pulling away.

A flick unbuttoned her little purple shorts. A sure hand wedged between skin and sheer nylon lace, tickled through her well-groomed hair, and found an impressive lust.

Sunset cleared her throat to resume speaking, but a crack in her voice betrayed her surprise, “Is there anything you wanted to say?”

“They’re not my sisters.”

The words were measured and careful and though she never looked up Sunset heard the unease in her wavering lilt.

Refusing to let the subject change distract her, Sunset steeled herself to the role. “Do I look like I care?” She punctuated her rhetoric by swirling her index, then her middle finger in the juices they were steeped in, decidedly not breaching the dam.

When satisfied with the saturation of fluids on her weapon of choice - and with Adagio’s labored breaths - Sunset stilled her fingers. Adagio released a delicate mewl of annoyance.

The simple note was a symphony to the senses.

Sunset was not about to be caught off tempo. Walking her fingers, she used Adagio’s clit as her strings; Adagio’s chest her fretboard. Sunset pushed Adagio to lay back on the base of the brick wall.

The moans flowed more and more readily with each pad’s pass across the bundle of nerves. Sunset patiently increased the speed of her strumming, basking in the new deluge of yowls.

Sunset watched with rapt interest as Adagio’s hips began to rock back and forth. They froze suddenly; Sunset glowered and picked up her rhythm.

Adagio twitched, shuddered, and finally, her hips resumed bucking with fervor. Her hands groped blindly, clawing at whatever they touched. They cinched around Sunset’s wrist.

Forearm burning from exertion, Sunset racked her brain for recourse. None allayed her alarm.

Unexpectedly, Adagio neither pulled her hand away nor tried to fight. Instead, she held Sunset in place and ground her core on the flittering digits.

Sunset blushed hotly at the feeling of Adagio’s vaginal opening nudging at her fingertips. The knowledge of how ridiculous that was infuriated her.

“Beg me.” The command came so unbidden it shocked her. She recovered quickly, “If you want me inside you so bad, then beg me for it.” Slowing her movements for emphasis, she continued: “I can wait.”

Adagio’s eyebrow knit together, as if considering her options. She tried to pull Sunset in closer, but Sunset levered her hand against Adagio’s own breastbone, keeping the distance between their bodies constant. She tried to slide herself onto the wiggling appendages, but they danced around the target.

A particularly loud whine signalled her submission. “I beg you.”

Sunset hummed for show, “I think you can do better.” She watched Adagio bloody her own lip in single-minded defiance. Lack of response spurred her fingers into a tactical retreat. “And here I thought you wanted me to be bad.”

“No!” Adagio squealed; her face contorted; her surrender absolute. “Please, Sunset Shimmer, please fuck me. I can’t take it anymore.”

“Okay.” She grinned with power. “I think I can help.” Sunset complied. Revelled in the feeling of Adagio’s tight slit stretching to accommodate her one modest finger.

“Anyway,” Sunset breathed into the hair beside her ear. She pulled her finger all the way out of Adagio and smiled at the breathless groan it elicited. “I hope you’ll remember me.”

She paired her index and middle fingers back together and pushed them both into Adagio, whose features smoothed prettily in a wanton howl. Sunset’s own vagina throbbed in jealousy at how effortlessly she was able to pump her fingers in and out of enemy territory.

She wanted it to hurt.

Sunset plunged a third finger into the roiling heat; her attempts for friction were fruitless in contempt of the slickness impeding her desire.

The force threw Adagio off balance. Sunset, too engaged in the activity, forgot she had been holding Adagio in place by the tit.


Adagio dropped to the side with a brittle thwack. She did not appear to be aware of the languid “ouch” that tumbled out amidst groans, but that didn’t stop Sunset from snickering under her breath.

Lip curled in a cocky half-grin and with as much care as one hand could muster, Sunset arranged the yielding creature flat on her back, dogged in pursuing the onslaught of her cunt.

However, the new angle challenged her leverage. Her pistoning hand ceased, lingering as deeply in Adagio’s sopping pussy as the length of her fingers allowed. Sunset’s thumb sat squarely - at least that was the hope - on her unprotected clitoris.

A temporary handle established, Sunset lifted the anxious hips. Peeling the shorts from Adagio’s body led Sunset to the revelation that what she’d presumed were leggings were actually suspender-less stockings. Fingers wiggled a sarcastic ‘thanks’ for Adagio’s assistance in the endeavor.

Adagio swiveled on agile fingers, moving in time an intricate choreography. She lurched forward when Sunset hooked a coarse niche inside her.

Settled comfortably between tremoring knees, Sunset worried this new area covetously - I gotta find this spot sometime… - polishing the defenseless jewel tucked beneath her thumb.

“Oh fuck,” Adagio cried, a look of pure agony on her pretty face, “oh yes!”

Sunset put a hand to Adagio’s pubic bone, restricting savage bucking to a docile convulsion. Her fingers flexed on the clammy skin she restrained.

Surely enough, Adagio emitted heat. She fumbled about, tugging fabric away from her heaving chest. Once revealed, her breasts glistened in the sparse light.

Sunset, resisting the urge to nip at the proffered teats, giggled cheekily at the sight of Adagio’s clothes bunched up under her own armpits, slick with sweat, undulating deliriously beneath her.

Shrieks became too loud for Sunset’s comfort: it wouldn’t be the first time for dubious activity in the area. She pulled Adagio by the scruff into the crook of her neck, and hissed, “Bite me.”

Obediently, teeth sank and the sounds muffled. Sunset’s shoulder tingled with vibration and pain, her own jaws clamped down to resist crying out.

“Come for me.”

As asked, Sunset’s fingers were squeezed tightly. Her bones ached from the crushing ripple of muscle; her clavicle blazed with raw fury as powerful jaws tensed. Wrapped around my finger, she thought with vindication, savoring the quietude of the evening.

Adagio’s body went stock-still for a moment and sagged.

“Good girl,” Sunset purred, fixed in place.

Adagio made a move as if she wanted to curl up and lie on her side. That was not permitted. Sunset swung her left leg over Adagio’s right, straddling it at an oblique angle. The ground cut into her knee.

Sunset sat back to balance her own weight on the defeated siren’s thigh, then draped forward and bore down on her other leg: spreading her wide open, gathering up some orgasmic fluids from the source.

Sunset Shimmer intended to break Adagio Dazzle. She stroked the presently-submissive woman’s oversensitive clit mercilessly.

Hours and hours of guitar practice trained her fingers in speed and stamina. She watched Adagio struggle to pull away, to close her legs, and noted with satisfaction it was in vain: she was too well laid out.

Adagio shakily tried to prop herself up on her elbows, evidently in the throes of another heady orgasm, when an elbow lodged firmly on her sternum.

Sunset leaned onto her left arm to keep her position and anchor the wrestling girl to the ground. Unable to keep her hold on it, Adagio’s leg snapped to its counterpart. She squeezed her knees together, but did not have the strength to slow Sunset’s attentions. The girl, though slender, fought valiantly through the climaxes.

Perhaps Sunset truly underestimated her.

Nevertheless, tenacity and enthusiasm drained from Adagio; a pool of liquid defeat soaked her thighs.

“Get off,” a paltry whimper. “Stop. Please stop…”

This call went foreseeably unheeded.

Adagio’s cries for pity tapered off into disjoint whispers before they petered out. Her body appeared spent, and numb to any more stimulation.

Sunset pushed herself up using Adagio’s pubis for support, coaxing yet another whine from the prone woman.

Collecting her clothes in an effort to make herself decent for the journey home, Sunset spotted her shirt being nuzzled in a sea of orange curls. None-too-gently prying it away, she looked for her jacket.

Sunset and her mild disdain found it splayed out in the dirt and grit underfoot, having taken the brunt of Adagio’s sexual high. Her own body was so thoroughly exhausted that despite Adagio’s light frame, it was no simple task to lift her.

Despondent eyes examined the grimy, drenched tatters of her favorite possession.

Slipping on her relatively clean shirt, she covertly used the material to wipe away a stray tear before popping her head out. She adjusted her skirt, pulling the hem down a little further than it regularly sat.

Ready to walk away, she ventured a glimpse at her rival. Her gratification faltered as shame got the best of her - A little late, don’t you think? - and Sunset realized she couldn’t just leave Adagio a quivering, half-naked mess for the night to find.

Marginally disappointed with herself and the sudden arrival of her stupid morals, she wordlessly smoothed out Adagio’s sweatshirt.

A pang struck Sunset, reminding of her recent loss. Her eyes narrowed with indignation.

Slipping Adagio’s ruined panties from her high-heeled ankles, Sunset muttered, “You don’t get to wear these home if I don’t.” They quickly disappeared into her jacket’s inner breast pocket, its button clicking shut for safe-keeping. “Besides, you owed me a pair.”

Sunset gently unfurled the long sex-socks, doing her best to secure them at the top of Adagio’s trembling legs. Pleased with her work, she set about retrieving the shorts she’d carelessly flung off into the maintenance lot and pushing the article into their proper place.

Standing to take in what she had done in terms of redressing the listless girl - the state of her apparel and of her condition, Sunset blinked away the last vestiges of the villain she herself once was.

Does it ever really die? She didn’t care to think about it. She had to get home: she still had school tomorrow.

Another ‘one last look’ back at Adagio made Sunset pause again. On an impulse, she rifled through her backpack for a permanent marker. She bent down and pulled back Adagio’s sleeve. She scrawled something across the unmoving forearm, patted it dry, and re-covered it.

Unable to fathom her own intentions, and too late to undo the damage she’d done, Sunset Shimmer chalked it up to pure insanity. She slung the leather over her shoulder, backpack in hand, and turned away.

“Call me sometime, Dagi.”

Sunset Shimmer walked the halls of Canterlot High School. Every step she took sent a twinge to her tummy; she was very much sick to her stomach. Thankfully it was Friday, and she had the whole weekend to relax.

One last hurdle: lunch with her friends. Rainbow Dash didn’t have her homework done; Rarity asked about Sunset’s new jacket; Pinkie Pie said something crazy.

It was not unlike every other day.

Until RD had to point out a set of wicked teeth marks poking out from Sunset’s collar then jokingly said something. Worse that her facetious statement was startlingly close to the truth.

Absentmindedly, Sunset shrugged.

“I didn’t notice anything strange.”