Note for the Night

by Art de Triomphe

First published

Rarity invites her stallion over for the night.

Rarity calls upon her latest beau to assist her during her night off.

Contains: horsecock, light dominance, gagging, sex magic, hornplay

Note for the Night

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8 o'clock this evening. Don't be late, darling. --R

P.S. Don't worry about dressing up.

Shield Script re-read the note that was held up in the steel-blue aura of his magic. He stood in his doorway admiring the perfect cursive script of the writer for a time before turning to make his way into the kitchen. He had three hours before the time specified and, given the context of the note, he should eat something beforehand.

As he dug through what little there was in his refrigerator, his mind could not help but wander onto the image of the mare who had sent him the note which he had found, just like all the others, carefully slid underneath his front door.

R. R for Rarity.

Shield had been curious initially why she always signed her notes with a monogram. It was not as if she had a long name, or even a name with more than one word. But he had long since dropped this internal musing, as it mattered little in the long run, as long as he knew what it meant.

Now that he thought about it, though, the 'R' was always heavily stylized. It was not written in the same manner as a normal letter, or even as a cursive letter, but instead in a fashion which suggested a trademark or brand. Shield looked up from the bottom drawer of his fridge, a bag of salad clutched in his teeth and refrained from smacking himself in the forehead. How had he not realized it before? It not only looked like a trademark, it was her trademark. The same one he had seen on his package during his second visit.

Shield chuckled to himself as he prepared his dinner. To be fair, if not for a coincidence of timing, he may not be in this position at all. His sister's birthday just happen to fall the week after he initially moved to Ponyville from Canterlot. He had come to the smaller town to work as a special assistant to the town's mayor. In fact, in the haste of the move and trying to learn where everything was in the small, but still vibrant, community, he had nearly forgotten entirely. If it wasn't for an energetic mare named Pinkie Pie, it would have slipped his mind. She had surprised him on his second day in his new one-story house, arriving at his door with neither invitation or warning. The initial surprise aside, she was actually quite pleasant, and simply wanted to greet a new pony. However, as Shield and Pinkie were chatting, she mentioned how she knew everypony's birthday. This factoid immediately set off alarms in Shield's head as he remembered on the spot about his sister. Fortunately, Pinkie had been helpful in this matter as well, and quickly suggested that he visit a place called the Carousel Boutique.

Luckily for Shield, Carousel Boutique is quite easy to pick out among the various stone and thatch-roof buildings of Ponyville. When he was finally able to get over there later that same day after work, he felt like the building belonged more in Canterlot than where it sat. Upon stepping through the door and setting off the little bell above it, he noticed that the inside was just as nice to look at as the outside, with various ponequins standing about and a large stage with a triple mirror behind it. However, there was nopony in sight. Eventually, a voice rang from the second floor.

"Be with you in a minute, darling."

Shield could not help but take note of the voice. Not just what the mare upstairs had said, but the way she said it. She had an accent that he couldn't quite place his hoof on, being somewhere between 'Canterlot noble' and 'Manehatten businessmare'. Also, he internally commented on why a pony would use a term of endearment without knowing to whom they were speaking. By the time his musings on that topic were over, he had something new to think about, namely the mare who was now standing before him.

Her coat was pristine white, purer and cleaner than any coat he had seen before, which must have been doubly hard given the nature of the color. Mane and tail were royal purple and styled into large curls, a style which was completely new to him. When he finally got around to looking the mare in her eyes, he found rich orbs of sapphire, not far off from the hue of his own royal blue coat. At the moment, her eyes held a curious look upon them, which snapped Shield back to the present, a weak smile all he could show for whatever it was that the mare found odd.

"May I help you," the mare asked in a manner which told Shield that this wasn't the first time she had asked him.

"Sorry," he apologized, "yes you can help me."

It did not take long to get to the heart of the matter. Rarity, as Shield learned, was more than happy to help him. There was a minor hiccup when Rarity, upon mutual agreement that a dress would be in marvelous taste, asked for his sister's measurements. Fortunately for Shield and his eidetic memory, he could tell Rarity all of his sister's measurements from her barrel circumference to her croup width. After an hour or so of this, on top of Rarity showing him a drafted design, Shield left with Rarity's promise that he could pick it up in three days.

Three days went by, and Shield returned to the boutique. When he arrived, he noticed that it was just about time for Rarity to close, and was thankful that he was able to get there in time. Unlike his first visit, this time he found Rarity standing right in the main room, but not looking how he was expecting. She was wearing a white dress which was held on by a golden brooch on her breast. Her mane was the same, but Shield could tell that she had put some work into her appearance.

"Hello, darling," Rarity greeted upon seeing him, throwing in a subtle flutter of her eyelashes, "I was worried you weren't going to make it."

"Seems I made it just in time," Shield responded, giving her a second look-over, "Have something planned?"

"Oh not much, just dinner with a tall, strapping stallion," she cooed, turning her head to the side to look at Shield with just one eye.

"Would I happen to know this lucky guy," Shield replied, half in true curiosity, half in playfulness.

"I would assume so, darling," Rarity turned back toward the other unicorn in the room and stepped right up to him, taking in the fact that he stood a head taller than her, "Because the stallion I have in mind is you."

"Well then," Shield calmly said, though his heart was beating a bit faster than before, "I don't see any reason why I can't oblige you."

Shield chuckled in the present at the memories. He didn't really know how everything had moved so quickly. The first date went well, very well in fact. That led to a second, and a third. Each time the two of them were together, there was just something about their interactions which Shield wanted to put a hoof on, but was content with letting events take their course. Every time they were in the same place, they got closer, from Rarity walking right against him on the first date, to kissing and cuddling on the second date. When Rarity proposed that they move their relationship to a more physical level and get sexually intimate, Shield almost had a heart attack. That being said, once they were there, it was magnificent. Shield wasn't ashamed to admit that he had no prior experience in the matter, and Rarity was nothing if not generous and patient in bringing him along.

However, as good as it was going, life soon got in the way. Not that it was a bad thing, necessarily. Rarity had opened a second shop, this one in Canterlot and it had exploded in popularity. Then she was called away to Manehattan on other business. Shield was getting more and more duties in his work as well. There was a period of two weeks where they didn't see one another. That was when the first note arrived at Shield's doorstep. It told him to meet Rarity at the boutique, which he did. Rarity explained that with her crazy schedule, they would have to be more spontaneous, not plan everything out ahead of time, but make whatever time they could have count. She had barely gotten this explanation out of her mouth before said body part was occupied by Shield's own.

Tonight marked the fifth of said notes, and Shield was actually starting to look forward to them. Not because he knew what he was getting, but because of what they meant. In his mind, these notes told him that his lovely mare was thinking about him and wanted to be with him. And what kind of stallion would he be if he refused her? Shield had half a mind to return the favor by slipping Rarity a note of his own sometime. That would surely make her happy.

But, in the here and now, Shield had long finished his dinner and had headed out in the direction of the boutique. It took most of his willpower not to gallop in the necessary direction, but to calmly, if briskly, trot toward his destination. The rest of his will was spent not fantasizing before he got there. A little bit of imagination was good for everypony, but doing so at the moment could cause some things to arise before their time.

Upon arrival, he walked right into the foyer of the boutique. He knew the door would be open, it always was when she was expecting him. And this time around, he didn't have to look very far for her. Rarity was laid out on her chaise lounge, forehooves crossed under head, back hooves crossed in such a way as to both cover herself, but leave her dock provocatively exposed. She was looking directly at the door where Shield was standing, her eyes half-lidded in a way that made Shield want to go and take her right there.

But, as Rarity often reminded him, he was a gentlestallion, and gentlestallions wait for the mare to make the first move. And move, she did.

Rarity slid herself of her chaise, making Shield wait as she made her way onto her hooves as slowly as possible. Once on all four hooves, she sauntered over to her target, crossing her hooves over each other as she walked, which made her hips move in a seductive manner. Throw in the swishing action of her tail, and Shield's heart wanted to jump out of his chest.

"I do so love a stallion who is punctual," Rarity purred as she closed the distance between the two ponies, "What am I going to do with you?"

Shield expected her to stop when she was right in front of him, but she didn't. Instead she moved to his right, walking right along his body, pressing her body against his at every point. When she was completely to his side, she whipped her tail up under his muzzle. Shield took a breath in through his nostrils, gaining her scent, and then releasing it with a shudder. It was exactly the reaction Rarity wanted. She continued her path around him, around his backside, where she lightly flicked him with her tail, and back up on his left. Once again, the mare stopped, but this time, he could feel her breath against his neck.

"I know exactly what I want to do. Or, more correctly, what I want you to do to me."

Shield was displaying the patience of a god. But he knew it would all be worth it if he just let Rarity have her fun with him.

Rarity made her way back in front of Shield, but did not face him. Instead, she kept her backside to him and once again raised her tail. She gently coiled her appendage around his neck, making sure that with every breath he had no choice but to inhale more of her scent. Then, she started to walk forward, toward the stairway. Shield offered no resistance, following along behind her on his makeshift tether. With every breath he consumed more of her aroma, and it became quite clear to him that they were both so far into the throes of arousal that there would be no stopping it until they were both satisfied.

When the reached the stairs, Rarity smirked to herself. She had thought up the tail-leash for this moment in particular. She began ascending the stairs, taking each step agonizingly slow. She half-expected Shield to mount her right there, and frankly she wouldn't have cared. But she knew in her mind that if he made it though this last torture that he would never regret it.

Each step felt like an hour in Shield's mind. He was lust-drunk on the smell of Rarity. If he were a lesser stallion, he would have grabbed her by the flanks and speared her on his girth. This was not helped by the fact that in his line of sight, which was semi-forced upon him by her tail, a beautiful ass bounced back and forth with each step. Rarity's sculpted backside tempted and teased him, asking for his touch but at the same time warning him not to. Two glorious orbs of flesh wiggled in his face, as if they were sentient and knew that he wanted to touch, and fondle, and squeeze them, and were laughing in the face of his desire.

Finally the second-floor landing was reached, and Shield calmed down a small bit. The aroma of ever-increasing erotic potency was still heavy in his nostrils, but at least he could focus his eyes elsewhere, if only for a minute. Rarity led him into her bedroom, and was quick to use her magic to move away all the main covers. This might get a little messy, and even in her aroused mind, Rarity still wanted to be as cleanly as possible.

Rarity unhooked her tail from Shield's neck and two steps later had hopped onto the bed. She laid across the bed horizontally, her muzzle slightly over the edge. Shield walked toward her almost on instinct, and looked down on the mare who had so far tonight had given him nothing but torture and a raging erection. That being said, he was far from angry, because he knew that she had him where she wanted him and the real fun was next.

Like a whip, Rarity bounced up on her forehooves, threw them around Shield's neck, and intertwined her hooves in his charcoal gray mane as she pulled him into a sloppy, needy, kiss. At once, their tongues were at play, going between their two maws as if they both belonged in both. Shield leaned into the kiss heavily, breathing hard through his nostrils in an attempt to never have to detach his mouth from his mare. Eventually, however, Rarity had to break, though she did not release her hooves, and looked at Shield with longing and desire.

"Ooh, darling," Rarity cooed, nuzzling any part of Shield she could reach, "I've been a bad filly."

"Is that right," Shield replied, dropping his vocal range somewhat as he believed that was what Rarity wanted, "How so?"

"Every night I have naughty dreams about being mounted by a stallion with a huge cock," she moaned, putting her head in such a place that she could see her stallion's girth as it hung beneath him.

"Is that so," Shield leered as he began running a hoof along Rarity's side and back.

"M'hm. And every morning I wake up so horny, I have to clop myself silly."

"There's nothing wrong with clopping," Shield reassured, now petting Rarity's mane.

"But it doesn't work," Rarity whined, "I'm always horny. If I found a stallion with a big cock, I would be his little slut, do whatever he wanted me to do, just to be full."

"Oh, really," Shield placed his forehooves on the bed and held himself up, unabashedly pointing his length at Rarity's face, "Would you like to be my little slut?"

"My stars," Rarity exclaimed, panning over his cock with hungry eyes, " you think it will fit?"

"Only one way to find out."

Rarity began to shift on the bed, as if to turn around, but Shield stopped her progress.

"Uh, uh, uh," Shield mock-scolded, "before I stuff your tight plot, you're going to have to put my cock in another hole," Shield moved forward on the bed, moving closer to Rarity's mouth, "You know what to do, right?"

Rarity didn't waste another second, quickly wrapping her lips around her lover's cock. Her mouth was soon full of meat as she bobbed her head on the first couple of inches. Shield moaned as he was serviced by Rarity's excellent sucking skills and began to think of what he could do to get her even hornier. He moved one hoof onto her firm, but bouncy, ass, finally finding the paydirt he so wanted earlier. For awhile, he simply groped her ass as she blew him, pressing a little harder whenever she hit her downstroke.

Then Shield focused on her tail, which was flagging from arousal and got an idea. He took his left hoof, the one that wasn't doing anything, and curled it in her tail, gaining a hoof-hold. Now with a point of leverage, Shield moved his hoof to her back, bringing her tail with it. Doing that lifted her ass slightly off the bed. He then took his other hoof and began tracing around her vulva.

"Mmm, you are a horny filly, aren't you," Shield announced, "You are soaked with want.

Shield pulled his hips back, drawing his cock out of Rarity's mouth.

"If I'm going to rut you properly," Shield said as he continued to tease Rarity's pussy, "I'm going to need to be fully lubricated."

Rarity seemed to get the message, quickly going to work with her tongue on the whole of his girth. Shield moved forward slightly again to accommodate this as he began to spread her vulva with the point of his hoof. This was exactly what Rarity was hoping for, to be at the mercy of her coltfriend and his massive cock. All that teasing she did earlier to rile him up was paying dividends. But that didn't mean she didn't have a part to play.

"Yes, baby," she moaned when his hoof finally hit her clit for the first time this evening, "Right there. Oh, I love being your cock slut!"

Shield answered by moving his hoof away from her pussy, giving her ass a smack on the way out. He also released her tail, though it didn't move very far.

"Take it back in your mouth," Shield ordered, which Rarity quickly obliged. She continued her pace from before, bobbing her head just short of his medial ring. She was so lost in the lust of sucking cock, that she didn't notice when Shield's hoof came to rest on the back of her head, "Good filly, I think you deserve a reward."

With that, Shield bucked his hips, pushing himself into Rarity's throat. Using his hoof for both stabilization and to keep his mare in place, Shield held his cock in her and reveled in the feeling of his medial ring being in her hot mouth. Seeing how far he could push it, he pressed just a little further and felt his flare touch the back of Rarity's throat, making her gag and cough. He immediately pulled all the way out.

"Not bad for your first deep-throat," Shield leered, "Why don't we try it again?"

Rarity tried to relax herself as Shield once again pushed his cock in as far as it would go. She hadn't been prepared for this at the start, but she was getting used to it, and she knew that Shield wouldn't hurt her. So she held her breath as Shield tested how much cock Rarity could take without gagging. Each time she coughed, he pulled all the way out, leaving a trail of saliva in his wake. Then after a few seconds rest, he would push back in. This process repeated five times before Shield brought his hooves down off the bed and looked at Rarity. She was starting to look a bit like a slut, with saliva hanging out of her mouth. Shield was expecting some tears, but either Rarity hadn't worn make-up this evening, which was unlikely, or it was waterproof, as there was no running mascara.

"Now," Shield resumed character, "I think you know what I want next."

Rarity moved herself onto the bed properly, using her forehoof to wipe away the saliva that was left over. She placed her head on one of her many pillows and stood up on her back hooves, presenting her perfect plot to her stallion. Shield climbed up onto the bed relatively slowly. He wanted Rarity to think about the the rutting she was about to receive. When he was good and ready, Shield brought himself up behind Rarity and bent over her, his front hooves on either side, and his mouth right next to her ear.

"A-Am I a naughty filly," Rarity asked, looking with one eye up to her lover.

"You are a naughty filly," Shield concurred as he lined himself up, "but a good slut."

Shield bucked forward immediately hilting himself fully in Rarity's depths. Under normal circumstances, Shield wouldn't have done that, but he knew Rarity could take his length, and he felt it fit with the roleplay.

Rarity let out a loud moan upon first contact. This was what she had been waiting for. She hadn't been entirely playing when she said she had been dreaming about a big cock. But that big cock belonged to Shield and she doubted that any stallion could match her stallion on that level. Shield's flare was past her cervix and in her womb. In this position, his medial ring ran over her clit on every thrust. It was heavenly.

The two of them went at it as if they hadn't seen each other in a year. Shield thrusted powerfully, slamming his cock into his mare with both speed and strength, accented by a grunt every so often. Rarity was on Cloud Nine, allowing all sorts of noises she otherwise would never make to escape her mouth. Various moans, yelps, nickers, and whinnies were released every time Shield filled her completely. This all framed by the delightfully erotic sound of Shield's thighs meeting Rarity's ass.

Rarity was hurtling toward a climax. She had been teased, and now she was being pleased and she wanted it to drag on forever. But she knew that wouldn't be the case as she climbed the peak faster than she could ever remember doing before.

"S-Shield, d-darling...I-I'm gonna....gonna..."

"C'mon baby," Shield whispered into her ear, surprisingly coherent for being just as sex-drunk, "Cum for me, baby. Pleasure my cock with your pussy."

"Yes d-darling...Ah...AHHH!"

The dam burst inside Rarity's loins, flooding both her pussy, and Shield's cock with juices. Her eyes rolled up into her skull as she tried to maintain some level of awareness. This was particularly difficult since Shield did not let up in his rutting, thrusting inside her just as relentlessly, as if her pussy wasn't squeezing down on his girth. Through the fog of orgasm, Rarity felt something else. Shield was really flaring now and she could feel his cock expand as his own peak was about to be hit.

"Where...does my slut...want her reward," Shield grunted out as he fought against nature until Rarity could answer.

"In-inside," Rarity gasped, "fill my womb with your seed."

With the OK given, Shield ceased holding back and did exactly what Rarity asked of him. Rivers of cum flowed out of his engorged dick, a week of pent-up essence filling Rarity's wanting, untouched womb. When he was finally spent, Shield half-collapsed to Rarity's right side and, without Shield keeping her up, Rarity flopped onto the same side. It ended up where Shield was on his back, with Rarity's head in the crook of his neck and her body against his.

"Th-That...was...incredible, darling," Rarity gasped, nuzzling into her coltfriend's neck, "We should roleplay more often."

"Um...Rarity," Shield began, not quite sure how Rarity would react, but he had to give it a try, "I'm not done."

Rarity opened her eyes in surprise and looked down his barrel. She looked at his cock, which was covered in sex juices, and noticed that it was still inexplicably hard.

"Gracious, darling," Rarity gasped in shock, "what have you been taking?"

"Nothing," he replied with a chuckle, "I haven't stimulated myself since we were last together. I thought that one load was everything I had. Guess not."

"Guess not indeed," Rarity purred, actually quite impressed that he was able and willing to go another round, though there was one problem, "But I need a break, darling. I'm not sure I can give you the stimulation you need."

Shield smirked. He already had an idea in his mind. Wasn't sure if it would work, but like before, he had to take a shot.

"Why don't you use this," he said cockily with a lick of her horn.

"Now who's the naughty pony," Rarity cheekily replied.

"I guess I am," Shield countered, "But didn't I give the naughty filly what she wanted?"

Normally, Rarity would say that that is not how sex works, particularly since he had already cum once. However, on this occasion, Rarity admitted to herself that while she had been well and properly rutted, it didn't mean that more pleasure couldn't be had.

Rarity's horn lit up in it's sapphire blue aura. It was certainly not a strong, robust, magic field, but for this, a delicate touch would do just fine. Shield laid his head back and groaned as he felt the sensation of his cock being held in magic. This was not the first time they had done this, though before it was foreplay. Shield chuckled to himself at that thought, considering this was technically foreplay, just for round two. Rarity for her part, scooted a little higher, resting her head on the same pillow as Shield and sighing happily as Shield brought his right hoof under and around her barrel.

Shield took deep, calming breaths as the warm, relaxing sensation of Rarity's aura surrounded his entire shaft. She even had the strength to pick it up off of his body so that his length was floating in her magic, making it more pleasurable. Shield could feel himself regaining what little he had lost in length and girth after the first round and wondered how long Rarity would go before she let him back in.

On that note, he took measure of his marefriend's position. She had been sort of against him to start this cool-down period, but since then had shifted. Now her head was beside his, and her back hooves, instead of draped over him, were now spread open again. In what little light there was, he could see her pussy glistening and the nub of her clit sticking out above it all. He took a glance at Rarity's face. Her eyes were closed gently, though she was still awake since her magic was still going. With a twinkle in this eye and a smirk on his muzzle, Shield lit his own horn.

Rarity popped open her eyes and moaned sensually at the new feeling she was experiencing. Immediately, she looked down to her loins and saw a metallic blue aura gently gracing her vulva. For a moment, the designer in her noted how well that particular shade of blue went with the dark color of her pussy. But then she came to her senses and looked to her left to see her coltfriend with his horn alight and a smug grin of satisfaction.

"You little devil," she scolded, though it wasn't much of a scold since she moaned right afterwards.

"Tell me you don't like it," Shield smirked as he added a little more strength to his magic, focusing it at that second on her clit before moving away.

"You...devil," Rarity attempted to repeat as she was losing herself to the pleasure.

"I love it when I find something you like," Shield whispered in her ear before nibbling it gently. He already knew her ears were weak spots, now he was just playing for fun.

If Rarity wanted to argue anymore, she wasn't capable of doing so. She once again fell into a menage of moans and other lustful noises as Shield ran his magic at various points, and at various strengths, across her flower. Eventually, her own magic petered out as she could not concentrate on the task it had.

Shield didn't even notice the lack of magic on his length. Between the view of Rarity's pussy and the noises coming out of said unicorn's mouth, he was hard and virile once more. But there was one more thing he wanted to do before getting to his own needs. He moved his head, laying his muzzle across Rarity's jawline. She saw this and made a move to go in for a kiss. But Shield moved away at the last second and instead planted his lips somewhere else: her horn.

Rarity shivered at the contact with her magical appendage, "D-Don't do that," she warned, "you'll make a mess of me."

Shield simply smiled before planting another kiss on his target, "Good."

Now he went at it with gusto, using primarily his tongue to feel around Rarity's horn. He paid special attention to the grooves, as he theorized that that was the best spot. Given the sounds that were being made, he chalked that up as being right.

On top of this, he refocused his magic, moving it all up to her clit and using as much pressure as he dared. This gave Rarity a mini-orgasm as pleasure surged up her spine and made her horn spark for a split-second.

"You like that, don't you," Shield asked, fully aware of the answer.

"Yes darling," Rarity breathed.

It was then that Shield noticed that Rarity was sliding her left hoof down her body toward her pussy. Shield quickly grabbed it with his own left hoof and made sure that her right was hooked by his right.

"Now where were you going," Shield asked rhetorically.

"'t...bad," Rarity gasped, barely able to form coherent thought while being pleasured on two fronts.

"It's not," Shield calmly replied, "But you shouldn't do it when you have a stallion who can take care of it for you."

Despite what that may imply, Shield did not reach his own hoof down to rub her out. Instead, he strengthened his magic a little bit more and increased his movements on her horn. Rarity was now squealing on every exhale, having gone from sex-drunk to sex-blind. Shield, being the gracious stallion that he is, decided to push her off the edge.

"That's right, baby," he whispered in her ear, giving it a nibble between each thought, "You like that. I'm not going stop until you cum. I could tease you with this all night if I wanted to. But I'd rather make you orgasm like you never have before. C'mon, I know you're close. Your face is completely red. Make me know I did a good job."

His dirty talk finished, Shield went back for one more lick of her horn. When he flicked the top, Rarity was flung over the edge. She screamed long and loud, but that wasn't what Shield was focused on. No, he was focused on her pussy, which, as he continued to play his magic on her clit, was squirting out long, high arcs of mare honey. Rarity's hips bucked with each squirt, and soon her screams were synced up to it as well. Nearer to Shield, Rarity's horn began sparking again, ending in a small blast of magic coming from the top which dissipated upon impact with the headboard. After about a minute of orgasm, Shield let go of his magic and watched Rarity try to come back to the land of the living. However, that didn't take as long as Shield thought, for soon Rarity had flipped over and laid on top of him, panting like a madmare.

"If you don't...rut me...right now," Rarity warned, "I might...cause you...harm."

Shield smiled, not frightened in the least, actually excited that he could bring Rarity to this level of sexual bliss and desire. Like a flash, he was back behind her, in the same position they had been in before, and thrusting his thick cock into Rarity's wet, hot, slick, slimy, absolutely perfect pussy. By this point, neither of them could expound, or even process, a coherent thought, so lost were they in cyclone of sex, lust, desire, need, and want. Shield had given up being funny, now just constantly nibbling on his lover's ear. Rarity had given up holding anything back, as she not only let loose any noise she wanted, but she fully let herself go, pushing her ass back into Shield's thrusts.

Rarity climaxed again, but neither of them seemed to notice as they didn't stop or slow down, continuing to fuck like the continued existence of their species depended on it. The only thing they did notice was that Shield was building toward his final climax. This only made them rut harder and faster, one desperate for release, the other desperate to be filled.

"In..Inside," Shield quickly asked, trying to maintain some semblance of the gentlestallion he started as.

Rarity didn't answer with words, but instead with actions, pushing herself back against Shield with more gusto, not even caring if they were timed or not, just to feel his length slide in and out of her.

Shield's finish was not as spectacular, nor did it produce as much, as his first, but it was still utterly enjoyable. Rarity gave out a few more yelps of pleasure with each throb of Shield's cock. Shield just shuddered and concentrated on staying upright until he was finished.

As with the first time, the two spent unicorns collapsed onto the bed. However, this time Rarity ended up facing toward her lover. Out of instinct, she cuddled up against him. Neither had the energy to say or do anything more for a few minutes. Rarity didn't even care that her pussy was actively leaking onto the bed.

"R-Rarity," Shield finally uttered, looking down to the unicorn mare nestled into his chest.

"Mhm," Rarity tiredly responded, rolling her eyes up to look at her stallion and make sure he knew she was listening.

"I...I love you, Rarity," Shield sighed and gave her a kiss on the forehead, "I...should have told you that...a...a long time ago."

"That's...quite alright, darling," Rarity replied, returning her head to Shield's chest, where she could feel his heart beating about 100 times a minute, "I'm guilty of the same thing. I love you, Shield Script."

The two unicorn lovers snuggled closer together in the bed. And they could rest assured that the next morning, as well as many mornings in the future would be better with the other beside them.