Fate/ Go Day: Infinite Guns

by Inazuma

First published

Once again the Holy Grail Wars have begun, but this time at a new location with new game pieces. And Sunset much to her chagrin is caught up in the middle of it.

All Sunset Shimmer wanted was a peaceful and relaxing vacation back in Equestria, a chance to get in touch with her roots. And all Spike ever wanted was a real adventure, a little respect and to be taken seriously. But as we all know Fate is an annoying little punk who wears a black shirt with the word Jerk on it. Now the two must compete in a potentially deadly game for the Ultimate Prize.

Chapter 1: It begins.

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Sunset Shimmer was many things: a sexy magical unicorn pony that used to be in a sexy human body, genius, Ex-Queen Bitch Bee of Canterlot High, Ex-Super-villain (now reformed), a student of a magical Alicorn Princess (but went rogue) and more importantly a good friend. Yes, Sunset Shimmer was all this and other things but she was no coward. That being said, Sunset couldn't help but feel the tiniest bit of trepidation for what she was about to do. For Sunset Shimmer was about delve into unknown territory using magics not known to pony kind or any other species that she knew of; she was about to attempt the impossible and summon the spirit of a being not native to her homeworld of Anima but one from a different world altogether.

No candles lit the room Sunset was in, but the pale moonlight was more than enough to make out the six-pointed star that she had spent hours meticulously drawing. Wrapping around the star’s sides, almost protectively, were soft, curved lines. They were decorated and entwined with fanciful patterns that brought to mind a painting she once saw at an Art Festival. Once finished she thought back to her encounter with the one called Ruler and remembered the next part of her instructions for the ritual. The next part required a powerful medium for the spell and was told (as she suspected) that fresh blood was the best medium for the spell, but it was possible to substitute with other enchanted materials provided they were potent enough. However Sunset Shimmer always wanted to give her absolute best when doing things especially when it came to magic, so she had no qualms about using the various knives that had been given to her as a gift (from her ex-boyfriend Flash Sentry during one of her birthdays) to cut both her fore-hooves and back-hooves in order to get the necessary blood. Sunset didn't stop there, she also created a potion that consisted of Poison Joke, Heart's Desire, Seeds of Truth, a feather of a Phoenix, and shavings from her own horn but that piece wouldn't be added until later. Sunset levitated a small box from off a table, next came the final and perhaps the most important material for the ritual, the Catalyst. Luckily for Sunset, Ruler had given her the catalyst since there was no real way for Sunset get her hooves on one due to her being from an entirely different world from where the magic of the ritual originated. She opened the box to reveal a knife and what looked like an ancient pistol. Sunset remembered seeing these items before when one of her classes at CHS went on a field trip to a museum. Sunset placed the items in the center and stepped back to admire her work, and it was good. Time for the final part: the Incantation. Sunset lit up her horn and began to chant:

"An age of Iron, Fire, and Change. A foundation of Stone and Lead. Colored is our flag, black are your swords, colored is our enemy, black is your punishment! Thirst for light, thirst for blood. The Devil always rides!"

Sunset drew a new line with each word. Her beaker of potion flourished in the moonlight as she performed the last steps and dripped the last markings into place, not even pausing for a breath,

“Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Repeat five times, and then shatter with every filling! I declare.”

Sunset strained as the flow of her own power into the circle almost overwhelmed her but managed to continue to speak the words.

“My will shall create your body, and your sword shall create my fate! Follow the call of the Holy Grail! If you shall accede to this mind and this reason, then come forth!”

The chanting caused the circle to glow and blasts of wind to swirl around her. Sunset would've felt like she was going to burn alive with all the power flowing through her. However, her experience of transforming on three separate occasions had given her a high tolerance to pain and stress on the physical, mental and magical levels. So what she was currently feeling was nothing.

She raised her hoof, exposing the Command Spells hidden upon it. The symbols lit up an evil red as the final stage of the contract was forged.

“From the Sixth Heaven, clad in the Armor of Darkness, come forth from the ring of conquest! You who brought about a revolution and a 'conceptual revolution of subjecting the old with the new'!”

Elsewhere in Ponyville and in other parts of Equestria, others had finally completed their own summoning ritual. They had used their own special components, and catalysts; and they spoke similar words. They were as ready as they would ever be.

Sunset took a moment to step back, close her eyes and steadied her beating heart which felt like it was beating four times faster than what was normal. When she opened them she saw that her room had filled with a dark purple mist and crackling electricity. Things were still, so still, and silent like the calm before the storm.

Suddenly a female voice pierced the silence.

It was bold, self-confident, just a bit arrogant and mocking but at same time regal, authoritative and wise.

"Hmph. So are you the one who dares to summon me? Are you the one who thinks they are worthy to be my partner? I ask you who are you?"

She stepped through the mist. She was a human but somehow different from the humans Sunset had lived with. She was tall, had red eyes and was peach-skinned. Her hair was long, lustrous and was a shade of brown it was almost black. She wore a type of military commander's uniform that was black except for the red cape and the golden frontal-piece on her hat that reminded Sunset of the sun with its many rays. But the most prominent thing of all was the sword she held out in front of her.

Sunset was in awe and for a moment didn't know what to say,

"Um well, I'm Sunset Shimmer. I'm a Unicorn Pony. I'm currently on vacation in my home country. My top three hobbies are music, reading, and Capoeira. And some of my skills include magic, science, and alchemy."

The female nodded,

"Very well the pact is now complete. Make no mistake though the Grail labels me as Servant and you Master you do not rule over me. You are not my Master, you are merely my partner. Understand?"

Sunset nodded,

"Okay, but what do I call you?"

The female human went silent for a moment,

"I think for now you may call me Demon Archer." she answered with a malevolent smile.

Demon Archer sat in one of the chairs in the main room of Sunset's house watching Sunset pace about.

"So. Now that you are here we need to develop strategies for defeating the other Masters. But first things first, we need to establish a few rules."

Demon Archer raised a brow, "Oh?"

"Yes. The first rule is you can't kill/maim/torture any of the other Masters without my authorization. You can only target the other Servants."

Demon Archer frowned at this but nodded in assent.

"Well, so far that is the only and most important rule I can think of at the moment. But there will be others in time." Sunset said.

"Very well, I shall abide your rules." Demon Archer replied, "Earlier you said that a Ruler had been summoned as well, tell me what she or he told you about the war."

Sunset nodded, "Fair enough. It all started a few days ago...."

Chapter 2: Alliance: Pt 1. (renamed, rewritten and expanded)

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The dawn of a new day. The start of an old routine.

Such was the life of Spike, Twilight Sparkle’s helper, and friend. But these days he was beginning to feel more like the former than the latter.
Every day was usually the same. Get up early (too early for Spike’s taste), make and eat breakfast, begin chores, have some breaks and eat some more, finish chores, sleep (again, way too early, but this was because Spike got so tired from his chores). Almost every waking day of Spike’s life was like this. Sure, perhaps he’d get longer breaks one day or go to a party another. Maybe sometimes the chores were slightly different, but it all felt the same to him.

In Canterlot, it wasn’t so bad. Sure, he got out a lot less, but Twilight was always around to talk to. Ever since the two arrived in Ponyville, however, Twilight had become a lot more distant from studying and reading. The magic of friendship had simply overwhelmed her. He just felt like an add-on; he contributed but wasn’t really needed to complete the package that was the now seven ponies. In short, he felt replaceable.

Was this his life? Forced to be called a friend...yet serve one unquestionably at the same time? It didn’t make sense anymore. It didn’t feel right. It didn’t feel fair. But Spike soldiered on. He didn’t know what the consequences would be if he rebelled against "the way things are" and he didn’t want to find out. So he kept on walking around in circles.

Spike was starting to become bitter about the fact that Twilight had all the free time in the world and he was stuck here, working. He started to wonder if everyone was forgetting about his existence.

"My life is rotting." Spike muttered to himself.

He stared at the open window, looking at the night-time sky. The stars were as impressive as ever, twinkling in the darkness. However, not even the beautiful sight could hold back the oncoming anger in Spike’s heart. Spike thought he was well-deserved in thinking that Twilight was acting selfishly. He did all the work whilst she played with her friends and go on (albeit sometimes dangerous) adventures. He did all the hard, menial tasks here. Him and him alone. And what did he get out of it? Nothing! Meanwhile, Twilight gets rewarded and becomes an Alicorn Princess with a shiny castle to boot. Which he had to admit was a complete eyesore when he thought about it.

Spike sometimes entertained the idea of taking "The Long Walk" like in his Magister Dread comics. But no. As he was, it would just end up as a repeat of the last time he thought he could stray out on his own.

Suddenly, a brilliant flash of light streaked across the dark sky. Spike caught sight of it and instinctively knew that it was a shooting star.
Upon seeing this spectacle, Spike’s mind began brewing even more negative thoughts, until only a single sentence spouted from his lips:

“I wish just once I get my own awesome and rewarding adventure where I'm the star and not Twilight.”

Spike grinned to himself as he said the words. It felt good to say something like that out loud.

But then the realization dawned on him: he had made a wish on a shooting star and now it would come true. No, no. Wishes from shooting stars coming true? Pfft, hah! Merely a laughable old mare’s tale...right? Spike tried to assure himself on these thoughts, worry now eliminating the once hateful emotions that were inside him.

He quickly turned away from the window and buried himself in his covers, tightly closing his eyes. If he just slept, he’d forget all about this negativity and the stupid wish. "Tch. Just an old mares tale. Feh." Spike whispered in dark. 'But then so was Nightmare Moon.' a voice inside Spike's head said to him.

The next evening when Spike came home from a rather relaxing luncheon with Octavia and Vinyl Scratch he was surprised to find a yellow-maned, white-haired earth pony mare in a rather simple black dress sitting on one of the couches in the general waiting area of Twilight's castle.

"Um. Can I help you, Miss...?"

The mysterious mare shook her head,

"You may refer to me as Ruler and no. It is not you who can help me, but rather it is I who can help you." Ruler responded in a lovely, unmistakable French accent.

"What do you mean Ms. Ruler?" Spike asked.

"Have you ever felt bored doing the same old thing in life over and over and over and over again? Have you ever felt like your life is rotting?" Ruler questioned.

"Y-yes." Spike was beginning to fell unnerved as Ruler voiced aloud his exact feelings.

"Have you ever wanted to meet a hero and be the star of your own adventure?"

"Yes. More than anything in the world." Spike responded instantly.

"Good. Because that's exactly what you will be if you listen to what I say and follow my instructions to the letter," said Ruler.

Spike nodded earnestly.

"There is a competition of sorts going on soon. Where each competitor summons something called a Servant to do battle with other competitors and their Servants for something called the Holy Grail. Whoever obtains the grail is given the prize of one wish."

Spike gasped.

Ruler continued, "Of course you do have a choice of whether or not you compete. If you decide not to then I shall take my leave. If you do choose to compete then I shall continue. But do be warned this competition is not without danger."

Spike thought for all of five seconds before saying,

"I'm in."

"Excellent. The next step is summoning a Servant," Ruler pulled out a thick book and medium-sized box seemingly from out of nowhere and placed them on the coffee table, "This book contains everything you need to know and this box contains some of the materials you will need to proceed. And now I must go, good luck."

Spike watched the Mare get up and leave for the front door.

A Few Hours Later,

Spike pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. Nope, still awake. He then looked at the mark that had appeared on the scales of his left hand mere seconds into the ritual before turning his attention back to the man (for that's what Spike remembered the males from that other world being called) who introduced himself as Saber before striking a dramatic pose (complete with background that appeared out of nowhere) and remained in that pose waiting for Spike's reaction. Saber was of average height. He had shaggy golden-yellow hair with some of it done in a topknot tied with a long red ribbon, tan skin with a prominent X-shaped scar on his forehead. Saber wore a red scarf, a yellow open mouthed shirt with the sleeves torn off, red armbands, yellow pants with a length of rope used as a belt (though that could be to hold the strange looking sword in place) and shoes that Spike couldn't even identify. All in all, he seemed young in appearance, too old to be a child but too young to be an adult, a teenager.

Spike gathered his wits about him, this was his chance to make a good impression,

"Hiya Saber. I'm Spike, a dragon and the number one assistant to the Princess of Friendship."

'Damn it!' Spike thought.

Saber got out of his pose and smiled, "Ah, a dragon. So you truly can speak, I’d thought perhaps the Grail was playing tricks on my mind. Servants are granted knowledge of the time and place where we are summoned, but it was hard to imagine I was truly in a world ruled by talking animals. And I admit I have not encountered many dragons that can talk either. But aren't you a little short for a dragon?”

"I may be young in appearance but I assure you I am quite mature. What about you? Aren't you a little a young to be a legendary hero?" Spike countered.

There was a moment of silence,

"Touche my friend." Saber said and began laughing at the utter ridiculousness of trading banter with a young dragon, Spike soon joined in the laughter.

After the laughter died down Spike asked two very important questions,

"So what can you do Saber and when do we get to fight against the others?"

"Patience my master. I suggest you get some rest before we think about taking on the other masters let alone their Servants." Saber replied.

Spike yawned, "Yeah I suppose you're right."

Spike walked into his room to begin the long process of getting ready for bed. Saber watched Spike in fascination having never before witnessed the nightly rituals of a dragon, and as he did this he couldn't help but think about all the things that would be revealed over the course of exactly one week.

Back at the lair of Sunset Shimmer,

Sunset sat meditating in a corner of her study. Every so often she'd look at her command seals and then to Demon Archer, wondering if there was some kind of relation.

Demon Archer sat Sunset's desk studying. Although Demon Archer said that she and all other Servants had been granted knowledge of the time and place of which they were summoned, Demon Archer claimed that it wasn't enough and that she wanted even more detailed knowledge. Specifically about Equestria's military and terrain.

Sunset Shimmer had been more than willing to provide her partner with the materials she needed to ensure their victory.

As Demon Archer poured over various maps and Atlases making various notes she stopped abruptly, looked up and squinted at the air.

"What? What's the matter?" Sunset asked concerned.

"I....feel a presence. One that seems...very familiar to me. One I haven't felt in an long time." Demon Archer replied. Demon Archer closed her eyes for a minute before opening them again. She turned around gave Sunset a smug look before saying one word,


Sunset Shimmer stared blankly at Demon Archer,

“Saru? That sounds familiar. What is that supposed to mean?” she wondered out loud.

“It means the game has just changed significantly further in our favor.” Demon Archer replied smugly.

“It also means that over the next few days our primary objective will be to reconnoiter as much land as we can in order to maximize my abilities and also to get us a potential ally and maybe more.”

“Ally? As in another Master and Servant?” Sunset asked.

“Indeed.” Demon Archer responded.

Sunset shook her head,“Tch, right. So we walk right on over there, pretty as you please, and then you're going to what? Shake their hands and make an offer? And they'll just drop whatever they're doing and join us because whatever you have to offer sounds way better than their own wants and desires."

Demon Archer's smile didn't falter,

"In so many words, yes. I know it sounds hard to believe but trust me on this."

Sunset raised a brow, "And if they refuse? What then?

"Then the Servant will be destroyed and thereby decreasing our competition," Demon Archer replied simply. "In any case, we have a lot of work to do over the next few days."

Sunset continued to give Demon Archer a look before shrugging, "Fine if you say so. Since I lack a better immediate plan then I'll go along for now. Anyway, I'm going to bed."

Demon Archer watched Sunset leave the room before vanishing into a dark red aura.

"I trust I don't need to remind you to guard me against other Servants and Masters while I sleep. Right." Sunset said as she stared out the window at the stars.

"Do not worry. None shall breach our fortress and live to tell about it." came the disembodied voice of Demon Archer.

Sunset thought about her situation; at first, it seemed so easy and natural to join the Holy Grail War, win it and receive her wish. But now, here in her bed in the stillness of the night, Sunset began to think more thoroughly. Sunset wanted to fight that was true, but at the same time, she knew she had to fight. She couldn’t possibly refuse to fight. If she did nothing, people could die. If she fought, she could die. If she didn’t summon a Servant, she would be helpless if one of the others came after her. If she did summon a Servant, she might be forced to take a life when one of the others came after her. If she didn’t summon a Servant, she would have no way to oppose the agendas of the six other servants if they were something terrible. All those reasons and more weren't at the forefront of her mind when she proceeded with the ritual. But it was much too late now; if there were any problems she would deal with them as they came. Suddenly a more pressing thought struck her: She might be responsible for getting other people killed when she made her Servant fight the other Servants, however, that point seemed moot after she asked Demon Archer not to kill anyone, of which her Servant agreed to. But there were such things as accidents and Cross-fire. Speaking of Cross-fire...

"Hey, Demon Archer?"


"What happens if there are witnesses to our fights?".

"Usually the first, fundamental and for most purposes, the only rule of the Grail War is absolute secrecy. I assume Ruler told you, but in the case she did not I will make it very plain: It is the duty of every Master and Servant to silence any witnesses to our battles.” Demon Archer responded.

Sunset’s whole body had gone cold. “Silence? Do you mean…?”



“This isn’t up for debate. It is the Grail War’s only iron-clad law, so much so that it even includes participants. Even a Master who intentionally or negligently endangers the secrecy of the War will be targeted and crushed without mercy by every other team. I know I agreed not to kill any non-Servants but do not presume that the other Servants will do the same. Or for that matter, that the Ruler will let any observers go free. I imagine that maintaining the secrecy of these proceedings is one of her main functions since there is no one else to enforce that rule in this world. Either way, the solution is simple. Ensure that there are no witnesses. Whether you have to lie, alter memories with your spells or knock someone unconscious, keep their eyes away from things they mustn’t see. That’s the only certain way.”

Sunset cursed.

"Wait you said 'usually' is there something else?", Sunset demanded.

"I said usually because the circumstances may be different. Your world is different from mine, magic permeates the air, so maybe the rules might be slightly different too. But don't count on it, best to do what I said than to take chances on this matter. For both our sakes."

"Crap. Well if that's the case then I guess I have no choice." Sunset muttered as she closed her eyes and began to formulate a plan.

Spike awoke with a start.

"Whew. What a strange dream. I dreamt that I entered a War and summoned a human called a Servant to fight for me." Spike wiped away sweat from his brow.

"That was no dream." came a voice.

"W-who's there?" said Spike.

"It's me, Saber. You did indeed entered a War and summoned a Servant. I assumed my Spirit form in order to stop consuming Mana while you rested and regained your strength." Saber said.

"Oh." and suddenly the events of the past few days came rushing back to him. "Oh, Celestia what am I going to do now? What was I thinking? I can't do this alone, not to mention how on in the world am I supposed to keep this from Twilight and the others?!" Spike said while beginning to panic.

"Slow down Master and take a deep breath."

Spike slowly inhaled then exhaled.

"Now why don't you eat something first. I often find eating a good meal helps with thinking."

Spike grateful for the distraction nodded in agreement and began preparing breakfast for both him and Saber. While he was doing that Saber focused inwardly and found that his Noble Phantasm was going smoothly.

'Hmm, it seems this realm's natural Magic is speeding up my Noble Phantasm significantly but it's still not enough. I'll need to wait a bit longer.' Saber thought to himself. 'In the meantime, I'll need to be extra cautious when fighting.'

"Saber, Breakfast is ready. Wait, do Servants even eat regular food?" Spike asked.

"We can but we don't have to. Generally speaking, a Servant's nourishment comes from the Magical Energy supplied by the Master and the Grail itself." Saber answered.

"Oh. Well, come eat if you want."

"I'd be delighted to. Thank you." Saber returned to his corporeal form and joined Spike for breakfast during which Saber told the dragon more about his abilities and how to properly use them.

"It will take some time but soon enough I will much stronger than I am right now." Saber concluded


"Yes. I...Master, a Servant is approaching. It is slow but certainly is coming here. shall I remain in my physical form?"

"Um no, disappear. We don't know what they are really coming here or just passing through but be ready just the same." Spike said.

Moments passed and there came a knock at the main door.

"Saber do you still sense the Servant?" Spike whispered.

"Yes. What will you do?"

"Answer the door. Be ready to fight but not until I give the word or you sense an attack." Spike replied.


Spike got up from his seat and walked to the front door. Even though it took only a minute, it felt like an eternity. Spike's heart was pounding like a jackhammer. He reached the door, slowly turned the knob and opened it. Spike closed his eyes and waited to be struck down.

But nothing happened.

Spike opened both eyes and looked. There standing in the doorway with a smile on her face was none other than Sunset Shimmer.

"Hi, Spike. Long time no see."